#and the classes are open so it's fine XD
coralinnii · 11 months
❋Keeping your scrunchie for you❋
Who would keep your scrunchie for you, and would even do your hair feat: Ace ⭑ Sebek ⭑ Azul ⭑ Jack genre: fluff, humor note: reader has hair that uses scrunchies, reader has hair for long hair hairstyles, established relationships, no pronouns used,
I know it's been a while but I have been meaning to write. I just have what I'm calling Silver Syndrome where I fall asleep at any given moment and lose track of time ^_^' whoops
This is sorta self-indulgent since I’m also guilty of always forgetting my hair ties at my friend’s place and when I need one, they would come to me with their arm filled with them xD. Since then, we would always have spares on each other in case any of us need them. 
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Getting him to keep it
At first he was gonna tease you. What? Do you feel the need to lay claim on him that you want to leave something of yours on him for all to see? You know there’s more than a hair tie you can leave on him- 
Oh, you’re just forgetful and you want to have a spare on him if you need one? You guys are practically attached to the hip so there’s logic to it, to you anyway. 
He's so gonna fight you on it. It’s one thing to ask him to keep spare some small hair ties on him, heck if you let him use them on occasion he wouldn’t mind at all. But it was those poofy, colorful scrunchies that he can’t even hide underneath his jacket sleeve. 
But he loses this fight with you (he always does when it comes to you) and ends up with a cutesy hair tie that contrasts heavily against his black school jacket. He had to fight the embarrassed flush every time he got teased, especially by his upperclassmen like Cater and Floyd. 
Don’t let his loud complaining fool you, though. Despite all the teases, he still keeps your scrunchie out in the open when he could have easily stuffed it in his pocket. He secretly likes fidgeting with it during class, partly since it’s really soft and partly that it reminds him of you. He thinks a lot about how pretty you look when you have your hair up. 
Would he tie your hair?
Yes, but he wasn't great at it. At first, he can do a simple ponytail but that’s all he really knows about hairstyles. I mean, he only ever ties his bangs back so he’s not the most creative in the hair department. 
Have some patience with him as he sometimes messes up and gets your hair tangled. He’s a fast learner so he’ll get the hang of it. 
Once he’s used to it, he’ll start experimenting with your hair by giving you goofy hairdos like a unicorn horn on your head. He once tried to make round cartoon-like “ears” with your hair for giggles. But he always offers to brush your hair back to normal each and every time. 
Actually, Ace likes to mess with your hair a lot more often now because this gives him a chance to brush your hair. He enjoys the intimacy of the activity, like you two are in your own little world with no one to disturb you. He can spend hours just running his fingers through your hair while you chat about anything and everything. 
“Hey, stop moving around so much! Don’t go complaining to me if this new hairdo turns out bad”
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Getting him to keep it
Definitely gonna fight you on this. He argued that you should be responsible enough to remember to keep spares on you at all times. It’s your own fault for being so forgetful about your own things. Plus, it goes against his dress code and he can’t bear to ruin Malleus’ reputation just because his loyal knight has a bright puffy scrunchie on his wrist.
You decided it’s fine if he can’t do it but it did bum you out a bit. Imagining the serious Sebek with your bright scrunchie on his wrist would be the cutest thing to see but you didn’t want to push it if it caused this much arguing. 
But Sebek noticed your declining mood and started to have conflicted thoughts because of it. Would it really make you that happy to see him with that tacky thing on his arm? 
The next day, Sebek came up to you and wordlessly raised his arm towards you. Confused, you asked the green-haired freshman what’s wrong. 
“...I shall allow it” 
Apparently, Sebek couldn’t get your sad face out of his head all day yesterday, ruining his mood and causing him to stress out with worry. Lost as to what to do, he did what he tends to do in these situations, and asked Lilia for advice. The older fae chuckled at poor Sebek and assured him that a trivial piece of fabric would hardly ruin Malleus’ image so he is free to decide what he wants to do. 
And Sebek wants to make you happy. 
“Give me your cursed scrunchie, human”
Would he tie your hair?
Again, he’s going to fight you on this. He claims he has better things to do but really he’s just terrible with styling hair and was scared if you didn’t like his work. Unless you want your hair gelled up like his, he doesn’t know what else he can really do with hair in general. 
Still, you encouraged him to try and with you boosting his courage, he started trying simple hairstyles like braids and ponytails. He was a little clumsy but always up to improve himself. He soon became more confident and would even offer to tie your hair up during P.E classes or club activities. 
He especially likes trying out hairstyles that are trendy with his fae kind, like braiding flowers into your hair. The people of Briar Valley are more traditional with their appearance and more extravagant hairstyles are typically reserved for special occasions like parties…or weddings. 
The way Sebek’s cheeks burned when he couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful your hair might look for your wedding…with him as your husband-to-be. Your hair would be absolutely ethereal no matter the style, considering that it’s you-what was he thinking?! 
Best not to bring up his bright face or he’ll start yelling out of sheer embarrassment. 
“...Well, is this to your liking? It is?...I see… What?! I was not worried, don’t be absurd!” 
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Getting him to keep it
For the right price, sure. 
I’m joking (kinda) but honestly Azul wouldn’t mind it since it wasn’t that big of a request. I firmly believe that he has more than enough pockets with his dorm uniform. 
Anyone who would even try to tease him about it would just be asking for humiliation as Azul would respond swiftly with some backhanded comments. 
“Embarrassing, you say? Well, I suppose having a lover that relies on me so would seem tiresome to some people. However, I'm afraid I'm just so smitten with my adorable lover who just trust me so. Sighhh, woe is me” 
This octoman would play the “no b*tches?” card. Such poor, unfortunate souls
But one day you needed a hair tie and you asked Azul if he still had your spare. The merman then pulled out a scrunchie you didn't recognize from his pocket
“Azul Ashengrotto…whose scrunchie is this?!” 
Before you start to panic, Azul quickly explained that he came across this scrunchie at a store in the town near the campus. 
“I thought this would look good on you, so I bought it in hopes it suits your taste” 
Even though Azul tried to sound casual, there was a cute flush coloring his cheeks that he was trying to hide behind his gloved hand. He knew you had enough hair ties and you could always buy more yourself. But, he just couldn't stop himself.
That scrunchie was now your new favorite accessory.
Would he tie your hair?
Contrary to the previous boys, Azul has a better sense of style due to his entrepreneurial nature and his dedicated interest to keep up with the most marketable trends. 
I also believe that since Azul is a mommy’s boy, he paid close attention to his mother’s hair styling routine. However, he realizes that it won’t exactly be the same considering you both are not in the ocean and he himself is adjusting to life with dry hair. 
But he won’t be stopped by his inexperience. He would research the best hairstyles for your hair type and what would amplify your natural features. Every chance to do your hair was a chance to improve his skills. Get real comfortable because you’ll be his guinea pig for hours. At least you’ll be a beautiful guinea pig by the end of it. 
At first Azul had some insecurities about keeping you for so long, surely you would be bored being with him for so long and having him practice with your hair, especially when you wouldn't really gain much from it other than a mess on your head most of the time. 
Please reassure him that you love these intimate moments with him and you trust him wholeheartedly with your hair. 
“I’ve heard stories that speak of mermaids that used to lure humans with their beautiful hair. I thought it foolish to be so easily charmed…but seeing yours, I suppose there’s some truth to that.”
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Getting him to keep it
Grumbled about it at first but will keep it for you. Any exasperation was mostly just you asking him because of your tendency to forget them than anything else. Despite his grumpy look, Jack wasn’t going to fight you on something as trivial as holding some hair ties for you. Would question you what’s so great about scrunchies, though (they’re adorable, ok?!)
All he asked was that it’s a scrunchie that doesn’t get in the way of his daily routine, and if you could pick one that would be a bit water resistant or dark in color since he’s worried that he would get it dirty during his work-out routine or spelldrive practice at Savanaclaw. 
He honestly doesn’t understand why anyone would make fun of him for holding a scrunchie for you. He's whipped because you trust him with your stuff? This man just can’t relate to loser behavior. 
Even if he's not a fan of scrunchies, he’s still incredibly careful with your hair tie, making sure that it’s either tucked safely under his sleeve or mindful to avoid accidentally snagging the fabric on something. 
If he just recently got the scrunchie from you, he can still smell the scent of your shampoo on it as it starts mixing with his own scent. Don’t tell him but some of his dormmates can see his tail slightly wagging when he glimpses down to his wrist every now and again where your hair tie is.
Would he tie your hair?
He’ll fight more on this. You guys are in an academy, you should be able to tie your own hair. Don’t be lazy, he stated. 
But watch him later try to excuse his actions when he suddenly pulls your hair back with your scrunchie during lunch, just so your hair doesn’t get in your face as you ate. You honestly forgot he still had your scrunchie and Jack was getting frustrated watching your hair constantly falling forward every time you tried to reach your food. 
Since Jack has younger siblings, he has some experience with tying someone’s hair despite having fairly short hair himself. It’s nothing too fancy but he’s pretty good with some basic hairstyles
He’s really gentle with your hair, occasionally pausing to gauge your expression to ensure you’re not in pain. Sometimes you have to be careful or you might just fall asleep with how Jack’s large hands softly handle your hair like it was silk.
“This should keep your hair out of your face. Huh, how do you look? Don’t ask stupid questions…you already know you always look good…No, forget I said anything!”
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igotanidea · 3 months
Lesson one - Xbox and helmet
(Dick Grayson x reader)
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Summary/request: Dick teaching reader how to drive (or how to not drive XD )
“Oh come on! You let Kori drive your car!”
“That’s not the word I would use since she stole-“
„tomayto, tomahto!”
„Do not Y/N me! She did drive your car!”
“Well sorry to break it to you sunshine but-“
“Do not say that!”
“Kori actually knows how to drive”
“Richard John Grayson!!”
“What?! It’s true! She can!”
“And I’m your girlfriend!”
“So what, that’s an argument for everything now?”
She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, turning back to him. If the most important argument of being in a relationship did not work on him, Y/N was more than ready to give him cold shoulder, quiet days and ignorance just to get her way. Maybe it wasn’t mature but this method proved to be effective in the past, cause her beloved Dickie could not go without her hugs and kisses for more then couple hours.
“Come on, sunshine, do not get all moody. You know I hate it when you’re mad at me…” he whispered moving closer and wrapping arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her hair and neck, planting a little kiss on her cheek.
“I’m not mad at you…” she muttered leaning on his chest, enjoying the comfort his embrace brought her. “I’m mad at myself…..” her exasperated sigh was quite a surprise given the fact she was not so open lately.
“At yourself? Why?” Dick spun her around in his arms, brushing a lock of hair from her forehead, observing her with the intensity that was supposed to read her mind.  
“Cause I’m way behind….”
“Way behind? I don’t—Oh….” The realization dawned on him.
“Yeah… exactly….”
“Sunshine, there’s nothing wrong with-“
“Guilt, intrusive thoughts, frustration, fear-“
“What?” he frowned in confusion of the nouns coming out her mouth, not making any sense.
“That’s everything that’s wrong with not getting a driver’s license in time.”
“And terrorizing your boyfriend to drive his arm and leg expensive porsche. I’d rather have you on the passenger seat where you're able to give me that little kisses of yours while driving”. he grinned and she rolled her eyes. “Ok, you know, how about we take it down a notch. There’s no need to go fast and furious on the first lesson. We can use that old ford for now, how about that?”
“You kidding me now? It’s not even about me, but I can’t imagine you getting inside the car that’s lower than S class.”
“Yeah, see how much sacrifice I make for you?”
It was almost impossible to focus on the gears and pedals and steering wheel and all the rules and road signs, while having Dick on the passenger seat.
Generally speaking, in any other circumstances, it wouldn’t even be funny, rather pressuring, but seeing him barely fitting in the little space, with knees right below his chin, folded in a way only an acrobat could, but one that definitely wasn’t comfortable….?
And dangerously distracting.
Which became obviously obvious to both of them when Y/N almost took a wrong turn and hit the highroad.
“NO!” Dick yelled lunging at the steering wheel miraculously saving them from a dumb death under the wheels of a truck, but not from the loud sound of horn and lavatorial gesture send their way. “Y/N! What the-? Don’t close your eyes, you’re the driver for God’s sake! Y/N!”
“Sorry!” she squealed letting go off the wheel completely losing her cool.
“If I’m dying I want to go down in some spectacular way not in a car accident!”
“I’m sorry!” she squealed again. “Not my fault you’re a bad instructor!”
Dick perked up his ears, send her a terrifyingly teasing smirk and made a few sharp turns and twist, in a absolutely not-showing off way, getting them back to the parking lot where they started lesson one.
Falling back on his seat with a self-satisfaction expression, brushing one hand over the other, waiting for her reaction.
He didn’t expect the silence.
“Y/N…?” with a  few more acrobatic twist he turned to look at her face.
“I’m fine—” she stuttered, despite the pale face and widened eyes that actually brought some guilt into him.
“Hey…” he squeezed her hand in a reassuring gesture “I think your first lesson turned to be quite successful. We both survived.”
“Thanks to your instincts, not my skills.”
“Well-“ Dick searched for the right words “at least you know that as long as I’m with you, you can always feel safe. Which obviously makes me the best instructor you could ever wish for, right?” he pecked her lips quickly before leaving the car, circling it and opening the door for her, offering a hand like a real gentleman.”
“What are you doing, Dick?” Y/N unfastened her seatbelt putting both feet on the ground “I can leave this diabolical invention by myself.”
“Sure. But imagine- after having done your license – pulling out in a fancy car at one of Bruce’s party, dressed in an expensive, exclusive dress, all eyes on you as your handsome boyfriend escort you to the door. I’m only giving you a foretaste of the feeling.”
“On the empty parking lot in a shabby ten year old ford?!”
“Precisely. You need to anchor in that image to help you motivate. We’ll build from it. I promise to help you, ok?”
“Cause you want to keep an eye on me or the other road traffic participants?”
“It would be a bit embarrassing if I had to detain my own girlfriend for a road offence, wouldn’t it?”
“You’re not a police officer!”
“I’m a detective, it’s pretty much the same, besides if I see someone drive in a zigzag pattern, raising some suspicions about the driver's condition –“ Dick shrugged innocently pulling her to her feet and holding close to his chest “it’s my civilian duty to prevent any harm from happening.”
“Civilian duty?”
“Yeah, that’s why on your second lesson we’ll be doing theory rather than practice. I’ll even buy that fancy expensive Xbox F1 simulator I had my eyes on for a while….” His eyes became a little blurry and voice drifted off “but it’s all just for learning purposes. All for you. Not for me, I’m selfless!”
“Of course you are Dickie.” She chuckled “absolutely selfless “but if you’re investing in my knowledge in the form a console game, I’ll invest in your safety and purchase a helmet just for you.”
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tmntxthings · 2 years
HII! Hru? Great I hope :)) can you write about everyone having a sleepover and it’s rlly late and everyone’s asleep except reader, then it splits into how the brothers would individually react to reader crawling next to them and sleeping back to back bc reader doesn’t wanna bother them but also wants to be close, if it’s not too much could you also include April? If not that’s perfectly fine! ^^
Tysm for your time! Have a great day/night!
Next to You
author’s notes: hiiii, im doing fabulous classes were canceled last minute for thanksgiving XD i hope you enjoy & ty for requesting <3
warnings: fluff c: that’s it, oh & unedited
You opened your eyes, trying to hold back a sigh. You could tell from the deep breathing and slight snoring around you that everyone else was fast asleep. What surprised you the most was that Donnie and Leo of all people were asleep. They usually were insomniacs like you.. but you guessed it was a good thing that they had finally managed to get some shut eye. You on the other hand were still struggling.
You tried to distract your brain with events of today. The sleepover had started off with a bunch of competitions in the arcade. DDR being the main event, and probably what led to everyone being so tired. After that Mikey had ordered everyone pizza. Then the movie marathon started and didn’t stop until everyone was yawning. Instead of going to their respective rooms, the turtles all decided to continue the slumber party in the projector room. A big pile of blankets and pillows were placed in the middle and slowly but surely everyone settled down for the night.
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Quietly you sat up, rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the dark room. Looking around, you found Raph not too far away and silently made your way to where he slept. You had a pillow and a blanket in your arms and as quietly as possible you placed them next to the red turtle.
You then laid next to Raph, scooting until you felt the hard curves of his spiky shell. You finally allowed yourself to sigh, feeling slightly better now that you were next to his calming presence. Maybe ten minutes later you fell into a light sleep. Sometime later though Raph turned over in his sleep and you were awoken to him throwing an arm over your stomach and pulling you to his chest.
You were so tired that you couldn’t find it in yourself to get flustered as you snuggled your head into his plastron. He was so warm! His snores were just deep rumbles that were lulling you to sleep. It didn’t take long for you to finally slip into a deep slumber. Raph of course woke up at the crack of dawn. Stretching and opening his eyes to find you, looking absolutely adorable pressed into his plastron. Thankfully no one else was awake to tease him about how dark green his cheeks turned. He allowed himself to rub his face into your hair atop your head before slowly getting up. Though he made sure to put a big red pillow as his replacement for you to cuddle into.
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Minutes went by and still you were unable to fall asleep. It was starting to get on your last nerve and with frustrated tears in your eyes you quickly got up from your spot. Dragging along your blanket and carrying your pillow as you found Leo wasn’t that far away. You quickly made your bed next to his, and laid down right beside him.
Sniffling slightly as you scooted backwards until you felt his smooth shell against your back. Leo turned around immediately, groaning slightly as he was a light sleeper. Your hand went you to cover your mouth hoping you hadn’t just woke him up. “You okay?” He mumbled behind you. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, regretting having come over and ruined what little sleep he got. “Its okay, what’s wrong?” He said as he pressed his face into your hair, an arm going around your middle. “Can’t sleep,” you sighed. He hummed and moved back slightly to start playing with your hair.
You lasted maybe 5 minutes before your body relaxed and the tension in your shoulders left you. Sleep overtook you and Leo held in a chuckle, moving to snuggle his face into your hair again as he went back to sleep too. Unlike Raph, Leo was not a morning person, so the two of you would definitely be woken up by the rest of the group, hovering over the two of you. Taking embarrassing photos and cooing over how cute the two of you were.
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You were staring up at the lair ceiling when a glow of a phone screen could be seen in your peripheral. You knew who it was immediately and you hurriedly grabbed your things before plopping down behind the purple turtle. He didn’t say anything as you got comfortable, you got as close as you dared. There was a few centimeters between his soft shell and your back. “Need something?” Donnie spoke up after a few moments.
You shook your head and then realized you needed to say something. “No” you replied and that was it. Your eyelids were starting to blink slower and slower as you noticed the glow of his phone power off. You listened as he shuffled and got comfortable again. Then out of nowhere, you felt him scoot back those last few centimeters, his shell grazing your back. Your eyes widened, sleep evading you. It was just such a shock! “Dee?” you whispered and he mumbled a reply. “Goodnight,” you said changing your mind about bringing it up. “G’night,” you barely heard him say.
Unlike Leo, Donnie woke up at a decent hour. He sat up, listening to Raph’s feet pad away. He groaned and stretched and looked over to you with a fond expression. Then he was up, heading for the kitchen to make his morning coffee.
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You rolled over, staring at Mikey’s shell. He was fast asleep, the outline of his body going up and down as he breathed in and out deeply. You smiled, wishing you could pass out as easily as he could. You rolled one more time, your back firmly against his smooth shell.
You could feel his rhythmic breathing and you found that it was comforting enough for you to finally start feeling tired. You might’ve fallen asleep if Mikey didn’t start kicking all of the sudden. His feet bumping into yours and the rustling up the blanket. You shot up, startled by the sudden movement and your movement in turn scared Mikey, as he too shot up into a sitting position. “Y/n?” He croaked, his voice cracking from having slept so deeply. “Yeah?” You whispered as the two of you looked at each other groggily, the fear immediately leaving as you both realized it was just the other.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked patting the spot next to him for you to move even closer. You were about to say that you almost had, but you kept it to yourself as you nodded and moved closer. His arms going around you to hold you tightly for a few seconds before loosening. “My world famous cuddles will put you fast asleep,” he said lowly, almost falling into sleep himself. “Go to sleep silly,” you chided, looking up to see him trying to keep his eyes open. “You first,” and you shook with silent laughter, if only it was that easy. But as his hand went up and down your arm soothingly you were out like a light. “Sweet dreams Y/n” Mikey sighed as he passed out right after you.
Mikey was also an early riser, though not as much as Raph. Mikey woke up before Donnie though. He was happy to see you still sound asleep in his arms. And he stealthily removed himself from you, ninja mode style, as to not wake you. He had to start on breakfast!
Bonus! April
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You really didn’t want to bother April, but you didn’t think you were going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon. You rolled over until your back met hers. “mmm.. Y/n?” She murmured groggily. “Sorry April,” you squeaked, not realizing you would wake her up that easily. “Its cool, but you okay?” She asked, her voice started to wake as she pulled the covers higher. “Just tired, yet I can’t sleep.” You confided and April nodded to herself.
She knew Donnie and Leo suffered from the same thing. Though she wondered if Dee ever got sleepy! Of course he did but he sure didn’t act like it! “Wanna try talking about nothing for a while?” April offered, her eyes were closed, but her mind awake and she’d talk to you throughout the night if that’s what you needed. “You’re the best,” you smiled and unbeknownst to you April’s face broke into a wide grin, “Yeah well, that’s what friends are for.”
The two of you talked about earlier today, plans in the future, college, her interests and hopes in journalism. You found that your voice became softer, and you started just humming in response instead of saying real words. “Goodnight Y/n” April whispered as she hadn’t gotten a response from you after a good couple of seconds. You hummed again and April smiled to herself as she slipped back into dream land.
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flashbangstars · 1 year
I loved your ‘NCT Dream as your roommate’ so much! The scenarios really suit them. For some reason I really wanna see a continuation/part 2 of it of what it would be like if they were your roommate and caught feelings for you or some type of them confessing thing that they caught feelings for you by being your roommate XD
first of all thank you!! I really do appreciate it :)))))
Nct Dream as your roommates P2 (finding out they have feelings for you edition)
it all happened one day when you guys were doing laundry together
you pulled a sweatshirt of his out your laundry bag and when he asked why you had it, you responded with "I don't know, I think you left it in my room plus it smells good"
he in that moment actually giggled like a little school girl
but as soon as he registered he did it, he literally ran from the laundry room saying he had a last minute assignment he forgot for class. like clothes still on the ground
for the first time he closed his door and locked himself and literally paced back and forth now because he was realizing that HE LIKES YOU>??
but now it was weird because beforehand he wasn't weird with you, but NOW how is he supposed to face you?? he can't just be in the same room as you????
he now for the last couple days has been avoiding you, but also you are acutely aware of it because usually he is in your bubble 24/7
so when you knock on his door saturday night and hear him actually scream in his room you kinda scream too
and then you both are screaming and he opens the door and then you're screaming at each other it's a whole ordeal
when you both like come too you are now hysterically laughing at each other
he kinda stop and stares at you and just plainly says "I really like you" and just smiled
and you stared back and simply leaned in and he pulled you towards him pulling you into his room
and you both finished all the laundry the next day including his sheets
he already knew he felt some sort of feelings towards you and it was troubling but he hid it pretty well
if he could keep up the room mate besties facade for the entirety of the lease you both held he would be fine
but now it was getting so fucking scary, like like like like you spend so much time in his room, and like around him, he severely underestimated this situation
he would still hoard your hair products so you would have to come into his room and he cherishes the time, even if half of it is you bitching at him for taking your things, it's an endearing bitching
he is a bit repulsed by the way he is almost obsessed with you, but he still manages to wake up every morning at 6 am (the time you wake up everyday) and will make you both coffee and come sit in your bed while you're at your vanity and will listen to your sleepy voice talk about the things you have planned for the day and keep track of when you say you are coming home
the straw that breaks the camel's back is when you come in one morning bitching at him and he turns around to you bitching at him
but bitching at him, only in a towel like 7 inches from your face it's like you know the inner struggle he was going through because of you
so he did what any logical man would, he kissed you, and i mean it effectively stopped your bitching, but now you were also kissing him back and like what the fuck does he do after this
when you started wearing his sweatshirts as a house hoodie he kinda only slightly went insane.
he went even more insane when jaemin texted him asking if the he had finally made a move on you since you were wearing his sweatshirt to your 9am chemical engineering lecture.
what did he mean make a move/??
.... was he that obvious.....
what the hell why didn't anyone say anything, WHAT THE FUCK
when you were away during the day he went into your room and found literally 6 of his sweatshirts neatly folded on the edge of your desk that you didn't use
He swiftly excited and had the ignore the butterflies that were fucking rampant in his stomach
when you came home that night and brought home food for the both of you two he felt so babygirl, like tucking his hair behind his ear n shit
the desks you two have, facing each other was proving to be so fucking detrimental to his mental health, he can't peering over his screen to watch you work, and you are too oblivious to the world to notice it so he can deadass do it for 10-15 minutes
Accidentally, he might've actually been making it too obvious, because one day when he walked into the kitchen shirtless and you looked at him over your coffee cup face red and went "you know you aren't super subtle, and I do think you're hot if you're wondering"
he almost passed out, like had to grab to counter type shit
and when you passed him and went "you know we can talk about this, I'll be in your room" and his knees actually buckled trying to run there
since he moved in he doesn't really leave you alone, and nothing really changed. like he still follows you everywhere
he thinks he started noticing it around the time that you had become immune to his constant clinginess
when you were sitting at your desk and he draped himself across your back and wrapped his arms around you, you didn't flinch, it was like a part of him died a little bit, but then it also made him want to push you a little bit more
so he started getting in bed with you and the morning when you were still there, and not stealing all of the covers, and wrapping himself around you before your alarm went off again signal you actually had to be up
surprisingly you went along with it, sometimes even tangling a ankle with his or flopping over onto him to turn the alarm off
you've both spend an alarming amount of time together that your entire friend group had a running bet of how long it will take for you two to get together
one evening when you had made dinner for you both and handed him his plate, he leaned over and kissed you on the cheek saying "thank you baby"
and that's when he got you, your face flushing and the tips of your ears bright red, turning away to the sink
you turned around arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed "NOW WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" spaghetti plate now long forgotten on the counter behind you
"and you couldn't have just told me?? I like you too dumbass, no need to fucking pounce on me in the kitchen
"what.. what do you mean you like me too"
He really enjoyed the silence that came with your relationship, you both knew each other's schedules like the back of your hand
he sometimes will wait outside your door when he's bored to see if you are too
he prides himself on the fact that he knows a ungodly amount about you, ; your coffee order, your favorite convenience store snacks and the tampons you like from target
until he realized that's a little weird.... especially since you are just his roommate until he realized that it may be because he sees you as more than just his roommate
the coffee cups that you would put his name and the heart over the I (that you usually do, but he likes to think that he is special)
but now when you guys do silent work in the apartment he starts to slowly move closer to you
tuesday it was him in his room and you in the living room
wednesday he was in the kitchen and you the living room
thursday he was in the living room on the floor and you on the couch
friday he was on the couch on the opposite end and you the other
and on saturday his head was in your lap on the couch while you were reading and he was reading
and he realized then, that he was terribly infatuated with you
but since you seemed to not care about the infatuation, he leaned into it.
spending more time with you when you were home, and also kinda borderline stalking you while you were on campus
after three weeks of borderline stalking you, he asked you out on a date while you both were working, and you took your eyes off your computer screen squinted, and then replied yes with a nod and went back to working
when he had told you that he liked your room better because of the decorations, you started coming in and putting up decorations onto his walls and putting little trinkets on his shelves
and one day as you were putting up posters he caught himself smiling like a idiot watching you struggle with the hammer
Him watching you organize the little things on the desk and wiping down the surfaces
one of his love language is gift giving so he started picking up little things and gifts he would find when he was out to bring to you and leave in front of your room like a weirdly rich crow
you literally stopped telling him things you like because he wouldn't stop just buying them for you
you settled for him just buying your coffee in the mornings from the shop below the apartment
he makes up the volume for the both of you so now he likes to brag about your achievements to others as if they are his own because he doesn't think you do enough bragging
He now makes it a mission to involve himself in your business, he makes sure you tell him about your day once you get home and will help you with the laundry now just so he can spend time with you
he loves grandiose measures so he decided that the way he was gonna tell you he liked you was going to be the same
he had cooked your favorite food and had bought wine for you both and even brought out the good plates for it
when you got home you dropped all of your things in the entryway and lowkey cried a little
and he panicked because like TEARS?
but he did end the dinner with a girlfriend so he wasn't complaining
He had just recently been getting use to your presence and actually liked it
he didn't care that sometimes you left empty coffee cups at the shared desk you have
he didn't mind that sometimes you walked into the bathroom while he was showering to get ready
and he really didn't mind that you would come into his room to keep him company when he was working on homework
he didn't really ever have a ton of friends who were girls so it was new to one going to living with one and he is glad it happened to be you
he now waits for you to come home and will act like he was just watching tv coincidentally at the same time you come home... everyday..
you and him get coffee every wednesday between your classes and catch up on whatever you haven't talked about in the apartment
and then he will pick you up from your afternoon class and walk home together from class
he knows he really likes you, he is so so so so aware of it, like so painfully aware
he knows it when he will specifically buy the la croix you like (yeah fucking la croix) when he is at the store and he doesn't even drink it
so he tells you the way any logical man would
he sends you a text while you are in your math lecture, did you drop your phone when you read it? yes.
you have your read receipts and when you read the text and didn't respond he almost passed out
and then when you showed up to the cafe on wednesday after you math lecture he almost shit his pants when you sat down and asked if you two were dating now
i really love when yall send asks because it literally gives me ideas, pls send some more im so damn bored
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intothecometverse · 3 months
in honor of february ending, here's what i manifested this month!
🐬 this one time i was practicing a bit later than usual and i was like FUCK ION WANNA EAT DINNER AND THEN GO TO ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL WITHIN HALF AN HOUR THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME and then i got an email for the rehearsal schedule and i got at least half an hour more than usual until i had to come. funny enough i was thinking to myself like plz don't make me come until later plz plz plz plz plz plz and then i got the email for the rehearsal schedule so yippe
🐬 going on to that i had to fucking take a shit and ended up arriving to the rehearsal room ON THE DOT (which is late for orchestra standards 💔) but luckily there were still ppl waiting outside while the conductor was dealing with the basses and cellos only (which was the reason why ppl who weren't basses and cellows didn't have to come until half an hour later) so i wasn't late woo! and on my walk there (i was speed walking lol) i was affirming to myself i'm not gonna be late im not gonna be late there are still gon' be ppl waiting outside then boom that happened??? like im god hello??
🐬 having dinner + getting to go on a mini walk with my goth sp (i asked them and they said yes)
🐬 also manifesting conversations with my goth sp just by thinking about experiencing it seconds beforehand
🐬 oh ja and i also manifested being released early from orchestra rehearsals thru just thinking abt it seconds before too 😭😭
🐬 manifested seeing another sp during my regular day activities (their dorm room is around the corner from mine so we see each other a lot xD) like whenever i think abt them boom they pop up 😭. manifesting interactions next 𓆩♡𓆪
🐬 (me personally i think this was my most putting-my-foot-down manifesting moment) i overate one time and felt like throwing up, like i was feeling ALL the symptoms i usually do before i throw up so i was like "I'm not gonna throw up im not gonna throw up, remember who's in control. I AM in control, nothing else! the 3d will conform, because i said so, IT'S GOING TO CONFORM, NOW" and then i felt fine, just like that :D
🐬 not needing to get out of bed and take a piss one night when i was rly tired (affirmed "i don't need to piss" until i fell asleep 😭)
🐬 my room being opened one night when i got locked out at like 1/2 am
🐬 my grade in jazz history being raised from a D to a B- (and hopefully an A by the end of the quarter)
🐬 also i have all As in all my other classes
🐬 getting to have a fun hangout before February ended lol
🐬 having friends my age who live in dorms near me xD
🐬 my eczema getting healed without special ointment or anything
🐬 birf control (technically manifested it way back in December bc that was when i got a confirmed appointment but wtv. i got the implant this month so xD)
🐬 clearer skin
🐬 i have super long hair and the ends didn't dry out (technically this is like a continuous manifestation but i just wanted to mention it. basically I've been affirming "the ends of my hair is immune to split ends and drying out as it gets longer" and it worked!)
🐬 being better at trumpet :D (i told my trumpet teacher how much i practiced during one lesson, and continued to play during our lesson even when i surpassed my usual amount of time playing during an average day and he said I've gotten stronger due to playing for so long yet still sounding relatively fresh. and recently I've kept playing for longer amounts of time during the day and I've still been fine so yippe
what i'm looking for manifesting-wise in march:
🦞 shifting lmao
🦞 being successful in my job
🦞 being successful in all areas of life actually
🦞 getting to hang out with both sps + them getting along as friends so we could be a whole trio :3
🦞 my sps texting me first along with me texting them first (like yk how they say it should be like a 50/50 thing with who starts the convos and shit)
🦞 supernatural shit like powers, wings, horns, and like those king sombra kinda smoky eyes
hope this inspired you, and remember, anything is possible, and u are loved!
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Second Chances (Johnny Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Requested ages ago by @awesomemikaus:  a request from johhny. where is he talking to miguel about life, girls and when he asks him if he loves someone, someone special, johhny answers yes, he fell in love with the reader since high school, they got married but then everything went wrong, bc johhny is johhny Maybe she was cheated on by Robby's mom. I know you have made a request where the reader is larusso, but I would like the reader to be too, just because I love drama, angsty. and they meet again at the scene where johhny goes to daniel's house. thank you 
Author's Note: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK A WHILE BUT I FINALLY MANAGED TO FINISH IT AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!! I also went with a different direction to this story, I made reader Amanda's sister XD
Warnings: infidelity, mention of drinking, Johnny giving Miguel a beer, past drunk Johnny, language
Main Master List Cobra Kai Master List
Word Count: 1.4k
“Hey Sensei?” Miguel walks into the small office of the dojo where Johnny sits, popping open a Coors Banquet. “Can I talk to you?” Johnny takes a swig before swallowing his sip and moving to the front of his desk, propping himself on the edge.
“Yeah, of course. What’s wrong, Diaz?”
“So you know the girl I’ve been talking to?” Johnny nods his head, “well, I want to ask her out, but I don’t know what she’d say, let alone what to say if she rejects me,” Miguel slumps in the old office chair as Johnny walks to his fridge, pulling out a beer for Miguel, who looks at it in question.
“Don’t be a pussy. Drink,” Johnny orders, bringing his own drink to his lips. “Listen, Diaz, don’t let a girl slip away because you weren’t manly enough. With babes, you’ve got to show dominance and assertiveness, because if you don’t, they don’t pay attention to you,” he states as Miguel waits for him to continue. “Don’t cheat too. Chicks hate that.”
“Well yeah…” Miguel hesitates, looking at the bottle before taking a sip and grimacing at the taste. “Everyone hates cheating,” Johnny raises his bottle in agreement.
“If you do cheat, some girls beat your ass so badly and then leave you in a ditch,” Miguel spits out his drink in shock.
“Sensei?” Johnny chuckles.
“I was dating a girl before, married her somehow, and we were happy, but a drunken one night stand ended our whole relationship.” “What happened?”
“I slept with someone else, she found out, dented my car and kicked me out on my ass. I was so piss drunk that I couldn’t do anything. Woke up the next morning and everything was gone. She was gone.” Johnny’s face falls slightly as he thinks back to all the times you and him were together. 
After he lost the All Valley Tournament to Daniel and had lost Ali to Daniel, no one had really wanted to go out with him, let alone hang with him. He found himself lost and lonely, until you showed up. Through the summer of his senior year and into his college years, you and him formed a relationship, eventually starting to date his sophomore year of college. Although he dropped out of college, you continued on with your education and it wasn’t until your graduation where he dropped to his knee and asked you to be his. 
Of course you were questioning his proposal. You loved Johnny, you really did but what could he offer you that somebody better couldn’t? However, the love outweighed the needs and so you and him got married and it was nice for a while, except when you would come home from late nights only to find him passed out with a beer in his hands. It didn’t take you long to find out that he was messing around with a new girl, Shannon and ended up getting her pregnant, so with what little dignity you have left, you threw his ass out and moved states and he hasn’t heard from you since. “Sensei,” Miguel’s voice snaps Johnny out of his thoughts as he looks over the teen. “Are you ok?” Johnny tosses the empty bottle of beer in the trash and picks up his coat before heading out the door. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Class is dismissed today. I have some business to take up with LaRusso. You alright gettin’ home by yourself?” Miguel nods as he follows Johnny out of the dojo, the latter locking the door behind him. “Good, because some assholes last night torched my car and I’m gonna get payback.”
Commotion outside your window stirs you from a nap. Stretching out your limbs, you look over to the clock and note that it’s almost dinner time and judging by the smell wafting through the house, Amanda is cooking something good, however, it’s not the food that has your attention. It’s Daniel and Amanda’s yelling followed by another person. “What’s going on?” You ask out loud to nobody as you slip out of the bed and fix yourself before making your way down the stairs, trying to see who’s causing all the commotion. Amanda and Daniel are standing in the doorway, their frames blocking the intruder’s but you did manage to get a glimpse of moppy blonde hair. 
Spotting Anthony, you quickly pull the younger LaRusso to the side. “What the hell is going on out there?” Anthony doesn’t bother looking up from his gameboy to meet your gaze.
“I don’t know. Some douchebag out there is saying Uncle Louie burnt his car. He’s trynna get dad to fight him.”
“Fight him?”
“Some bullshit about karate.”
“Watch your language young man,” you pinch his arm but let him go, trying to see who’s causing the trouble, however deep down you feel like you know who it is. Rounding the corner, your heart drops as your stomach lurches forward. In the courtyard stands no other than the man who broke your heart all those years ago. 
“How about we resolve this over dinner?” Amanda suggests, the three unaware of your presence. 
“I could eat.” “No!” You shout out before you could really think about what you’re saying, alerting the trio to your presence. “He’s not allowed to eat here.”
Johnny squints against the sun trying to make out the silhouette, but your voice is unmistakable. “(Y/N)?” Amanda and Daniel look at each other before looking between you and Johnny.
“You two know each other?”
“Wish I didn’t.”
“That was harsh,” Johnny snides back, stepping into the house as Daniel eyes Johnny warily and Amanda eyes you. 
“Ok what the hell is going on here?” Amanda questions as you let out a sigh, trying to relax your body. 
“Johnny and I were marri”
“Are married.”
“Were married until he cheated on me.” Johnny hangs his head in shame as you struggle to push back the tears that are resurfacing. 
“Look I know I made a mistake, but you didn’t have to damage my car and then literally kick me out,” Johnny steps toward you as Amanda pulls Daniel to her side, not wanting either of them to get into the argument. 
“That’s all you care about? The fact that I kicked you out and damaged your car?”
“Yeah! It was my ride!” Johnny yells back, extending his arms as you put up a stone wall around your heart because despite you being angry at him for cheating on you, you still love him more than you would care to admit. 
“Why don’t you stop bitchin’ and let’s eat,” Anthony comments, earning a slap at the back of his head from Daniel while you roll your eyes as Johnny stares at the kid. 
“Asshole sure has a mouth for a 5 year old.”
“I’m not five!”
“Ok look, everyone just calm down, (Y/N), would it be ok if Johnny joined for dinner?” Johnny fiddles with his fingers in anxiousness as he waits for your response. He won’t tell anybody but the prospect of having a conversation with you after all those years excites him. He knows he fucked up and even though he’s glad he has Robby - despite the kid wanting nothing to do with him - he regrets every other moment he spent with Shannon.
“Whatever,” you reluctantly agree as you take a seat at the table, Johnny sitting the opposite of you. “Don’t think I’m over what happened.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to. I would, however, like it if you could maybe give me a chance to explain?” His blue eyes silently beg you as you twirl the knife between your fingers. Finding love after what happened hadn’t been easy and despite his tendencies you do love him. 
“Can we discuss it after this? In private?” Johnny looks at Daniel who clenches his jaw, irritated that his former enemy is in his house, having dinner with his family and is married to his sister in law while Amanda sets down the plates of food.
“Yeah. That sounds good.” 
“Now that that’s settled, how about we eat?” Amanda breaks the awkward tension as you give her a small smile, picking up your fork and eyeing Johnny, who meets your gaze.
“Yeah, sounds good to me,” you comment with a smile as Johnny smiles back and you think to yourself, maybe this time will be different. 
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie @11thstreetvigilante
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pinksmonkey · 9 months
Update on my anti-Byler bestie
Here's the post if you missed it.
First of all, thank you to everyone who shared their favourite Byler evidence, it made me very happy and it was funny sharing it with my friend.
Now, unfortunately my friend cannot be convinced. I'm autistic and have trouble understanding people's intentions and feelings, so I can't tell if he's being fully serious, half serious, or completely unserious, but to me it seems most like half serious. He's strongly in denial and won't really give me a reason as to why, he just says, "No, not happening."
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So there's no getting to him, he believes without a doubt that Byler isn't happening (and said he'll start a riot if it does happen, but Idk if he was serious). And he says he's going to find evidence, but his only proof so far has been, "Nooooo." XD
So I've been dealing with that. It's kind of frustrating because I feel like he's not really listening to anything I'm saying, he just denies everything. And I understand sort of because he actually bet me $50 Byler won't happen in season 5 (I didn't bet anything, he just gets to keep the money if he's right). So he doesn't want to admit defeat to that, which is fair, but it was a stupid bet to make in the first place since he didn't have all the information (the proof for Byler).
Additionally, at lunch today we were talking to a girl who's also in our anxiety support class, and I was talking about Byler stuff (Mike's official playlist songs, the way he looks at Will, their flirty scenes in season 4, Mike using the "we're friends" trope, etc.). She agreed with my friend that Byler isn't a thing and said Mike is so straight.
I can argue with them as much as I want but it gets really frustrating and even kind of annoying that they just don't understand all the evidence. I'm just venting here, so absolutely no hate towards people who don't believe Byler is canon, but as someone who cares so deeply about it, it can make me kind of emotional trying to argue that I'm not delusional.
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In the end we agreed to disagree, which is fine and valid and I respect that. But with my friend, it's kind of a big deal, because to me Byler is a big deal. I admit I'm obsessed, Byler has been my biggest special interest since I watched season 4 and found out it was a thing. I can't really help it, I'm just so passionate about it and it gets stuck in my mind. You could say I'm hopelessly devoted to Byler, one of my friends online has even said they think it's unhealthy, but how can something that brings me so much joy be wrong?
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Ok this has devolved significantly, but what I'm trying to say in this whole rant/vent thing is that yes, I'm very invested in the relationship between fictional characters, because it's important to me. Representation matters, and even though I'm not a gay man, I still love seeing other groups be represented, especially in a show this popular, with a story this deep. The beauty of Byler's story transcends everything.
So it's frustrating trying to argue for something I care so much about. Byler makes me happy, it motivates me, it inspires me. I'm not going to apologize for loving the things I love and being passionate about my interests. Of course I try to be open minded, respect different opinions, and listen to other points of view. If my friend actually had evidence against Byler, I would listen and respond as constructively and respectfully as I can.
Basically, shipping Byler is valid, and not shipping or even being anti-Byler is valid (unless it's just for homophobic reasons, homophobia is not valid). But I love Byler and it does kind of hurt to have something I care about be adamantly denied and torn apart. And you know, as I'm writing this I'm actually empathizing with Milevens. This doesn't just go for Byler, it goes for all ships (as long as they're not messed up obviously), people should be able to enjoy what they enjoy without others trying to tell them why they're wrong.
There's nothing wrong with analyzing Mileven, talking about why it's unhealthy or not going to be endgame, etc. But that should stay in the proper places, we don't need to constantly remind Milevens that they're ship isn't going to end up together. Just let them be happy, and I'd expect them to do the same for us.
Idk how this turned into talking about Milevens and respecting different ships, but it did somehow. Anyway, back to the point, my friend may be wrong about what will happen in season 5, but his beliefs on it are still valid. I just wish we could talk about it in a way that doesn't make me feel bad about shipping Byler and believing it's endgame. Does that make sense?
This isn't that serious or anything, and take everything I said here as just a random vent/rant, I'm just getting out all my thoughts and feelings, because I need to after all the arguing with people today.
If Byler doesn't happen, I'll be sad, but I know I won't be alone because I have my fellow Bylers, my Byler family and community here. We can all be sad together, and support each other. When I feel bad about something, I like to remember this quote:
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That's how I feel about Byler not being endgame.
But on a lighter note, I'm pretty sure Byler will end up together, it just makes sense. So yeah, feel free to share any of your thoughts and feelings about this, I'd love to hear them. :)
I just needed to share some Byler positivity at the end because I'm tired of being surrounded by Byler negativity in my class.
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Byler rights forever. 🏳️‍🌈
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 months
Komi Can't Communicate au? Where Yata is Komi Shoko and Saruhiko is Tadano HitoHito? (Well, semi-Tadano, not completely since they have two different personalities, but I think you understand what I mean)
Fushimi is literally the absolute worst person to help someone else make 100 friends though XD Maybe what Yata really wants though is to just make one really good friend — sure, he’d like to have a whole bunch of friends that he could run around and have fun with, but if even just one guy could be his friend that would be enough. Say in this case Yata’s communication disorder issue is that initially at least he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he just blurted out everything he felt. Initially this got him a lot of friends among other kids who admired Yata for being so tough and talking back to bullies, but then when his mom gets remarried and he switches schools it becomes a handicap. People start bullying and shunning him and it gets so bad that Yata becomes afraid to even open his mouth, always worried that he’ll say the wrong thing and everyone will start to ostracize him again.
His parents switch him to another school for high school and Yata thinks maybe this won’t be too bad, since no one knows him here. He still can’t really talk though, just sitting in silence while other kids ignore him. I feel like Yata would be kinda overlooked in this case, just that short kid with nothing special about him, and instead people in class are all gossiping about this other quiet kid with a pretty face. Except when people talk to Fushimi he responds to them with acid remarks and tongue clicks and Yata secretly thinks that it’s kinda cool isn’t it, the way Fushimi doesn’t care what other people think.
One day the class needs two people to stay behind to clean, Yata is chosen because he can’t speak up to say no. The class also chooses Fushimi, laughing all ‘you don’t mind staying late right.’ Fushimi clicks his tongue and the rest of the class leaves, Yata’s there all nervous because he doesn’t know what to do. He’s frustrated but he can’t say anything so he just starts cleaning, which is when he hears another tongue click. Fushimi says he doesn’t care about idiots, but if it upsets Yata so much he should have said so. Yata laughs nervously and tries to say that it’s fine but his voice won’t come out. Fushimi looks at him for a moment and then gets up and walks to the chalkboard. He says staying quiet in front of others is stupid, if Yata wants to yell he should yell, and if he can’t yell then write it at least. Yata stares at him blankly and Fushimi says he doesn’t want to be stuck cleaning with a guy who just gives up in front of others, so write what you can’t say. Otherwise Yata can clean quietly after all and Fushimi will go home, because why should he work with a shorty who can’t even muster an argument.
Yata feels this sudden burst of anger and imagine him grabbing the chalk and writing ‘I’M NOT A SHORTY’ on the board in big messy letters. Fushimi scoffs all yes you are and suddenly it’s like the floodgates have opened, Yata writing about how angry he is and how annoying Fushimi is and if you’re so smart why didn’t you stand up when they made you clean, why do we have to listen to those guys, next time Yata will just skip cleaning and see how they like that. He throws the chalk down in frustration but then looks up when he hears someone else writing, Fushimi with a slight smirk as he writes ‘yeah, worthless guys like that are annoying, when they make other people do all the work just because we aren’t all uselessly friendly.’ Yata laughs at that and writes ‘you’re a weird guy,’ Fushimi responds with his own ‘so are you.’ Suddenly they’re both writing all over the board, complaints about school and their classmates and everything. Yata finds himself smiling widely for the first time in a long time as he writes ‘hey, you’re really cool!’, and he thinks maybe he saw Fushimi give the smallest smile reading it.
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barlowstreet · 2 months
I am so fucking proud of you! May I ask how your group project ended up going?
Thank you!!!
Honestly yeah I have tea, let's spill.
Under a cut for long math drama because WOW that a whole thing
Alright, so for anyone who missed it, the group project assignment was fairly simple. It was literally just pick an article about mathematical modeling (he suggested using covid 19 as a topic), read it, present our findings to our class. Four people in my group, 10 minute long at most presentation, could have all probably be done in 30 minutes, right? We started this March 20th and it was due April 10th, today.
I picked the article, sent it to my group partners, they were like "yeah sure that works". I set up a word document through office 365 which we all have access to through our school that we could all just put our notes in and I put my part in March 20th. And then I took a whole bunch of cold medication because that was when I was sick.
Then no one did anything. I emailed them again reminding them, hey, we do gotta do this April 5th. The one girl did hers that day. The guy in my group did his April 7th. I also made a powerpoint at that point because I was like "I am not just talking to the camera here, I need a prop". (I get camera shy and do a lot better if I have props.)
The other girl in my group? The last email I got from her was never. She never replied to a single one of my emails. We talked in class once in a breakout room, where I said "I will email you all, I have no voice and am very sick and it's probably easier to just use email" and she was like, "Yeah, sounds good." So to be clear, she knew I was going to email her.
I get to class today and the guy in my group is not there. Okay, sure, fine, one of us can read his part. GirlA messages me in the zoom chat and is like "did GirlB ever send you anything?" and I have to be like, "No. I have a slide with just her name on it, do we want to just be petty and pause on it for a moment when we get there?" and she was like "Yeah tbh she didn't reply to any of our emails and do any work, what else do we do".
(Meanwhile we were talking about grades and GirlB asks the instructor why he never gave her a time slot to do one of our quizzes. It was a take home quiz. He said that SEVERAL times in class but I suspect she isn't actually there a decent amount, she just opens the zoom link and does other things. But our classes are recorded. Watch the recording at least?)
And then GirlB messages me. At 7:25pm. And says, "I sent you my notes."
My class, I will tell anyone who doesn't know, is 6:30pm to 9:30pm. We were in class. Other people were presenting, and I'm frantically adding things to the powerpoint presentation that I made. AND she somehow didn't actually change the online version of the powerpoint (because I enabled editing for that too) so she had to send it to me.
And she sent it as a PDF.
Anyways, me and GirlA sounded like we knew what we were talking about. I fake being good at speaking well and she made a good joke that made her seem a little more relaxed. I will say that the other girl did send me a couple of diagrams which made things look nice, but she really struggled with presenting it and sounded very awkward.
Oh and the guy showed up literally in the middle of our presentation, which, you know, I'll take since I didn't have to present his part.
We sorta could tell that GirlB handed in a bunch of assignments technically late and her grade was probably Not Good so honestly the fact that we all got 100% on the presentation probably did her a lot of good.
And I swear to god, most of it is because people are impressed by powerpoint. GirlA, when we were gossiping, she thanked me for doing "all that work" on the powerpoint when, like, it took me 10 minutes because I downloaded a vaguely math-y looking powerpoint theme XD So, life lesson, a good looking powerpoint presentation will take you a long way.
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famina · 1 year
School (tummy) Rumbles 02
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For the 1 year anniversary of Irakus's introduction I made the sequel of his fanfic ! (I don't know if I'll do that for the others. Maybe if I remember XD) Let's see how the little vamp boy is doing ! (Psst...it's not good...)
TRIGGER WARNING for hunger, pain.
Life has a way of passing you by. Quite a bit of time has passed since you promised your classmate Irakus to help him with his…nutrition problems… But you still haven’t found a solution for him. You haven’t been lazing about tho. You somehow got very busy a little after that incident with friends, family, school work and other things. The next semester has also begun and you are no longer in any classes with the vampire boy which makes the matter seem less urgent. Actually, you haven spoken to Irakus in a long time. For all you know, he already found a way to feed himself.
And now that exams are starting you have absolutely no brain space to think about him. You worked to hard to let all your efforts go to waste now ! Okay, maybe you could’ve worked a little harder during the year but hey ! You can’t change the past ! You’ll just have to work extra hard now !
You have started to hear a few thing about your vampire friend tho, and not good news. Well you did hear one good thing. Apparently he found a friend ! That Timothy Langlais guy in Fine Arts ! You don’t know much about the guy other than he’s a bit weird and seems to have many troubles at home, but he seems nice enough. As for Irakus himself, people say he’s not doing so well. He sleeps a lot during class and he falls unconscious in PE. They also say that he looks sickly but tries to hide it with his usual smile. You conclude that he did not find blood to eat after all. This does worry you. And so, you decide to go see him.
On a free period, you find him in an empty classroom. He seemed to have fallen asleep and no one bothered to wake him up. As you enter you keep your distance. He is still a blood sucking monster who has not eaten in a while.
“I-Irakus ?” You call out to him. His body twitches and he slowly rises his head.
“O-Oh ! (Y/N) ! What a nice surprise. It’s been ages, how have you been ?” He yawns and gives you a sleepy smile.
“I”ve been good….what about you ?”
“M-me ?! Oh….” He seems to ponder the question “I….I should be off to my next class…please excuse me…” He stands up with some difficulty. After a few steps he trips slightly and you rush over to catch him.
“Woh ! Hey ?! Are You okay ?” You are now genuinely worried.
“Yes. Yes. I beg your pardon. I’m simply exhausted by all those school examinations…haha..” He tries to reassure you. But you are not convince and give him a sad look.
“Oh. Please do not look so sadden (Y/N). I am perfectly fine. I assure you…Now, please excuse me..” He stands back up and makes his way out of the classroom leaving you all alone with you thoughts.
You should get to your class too. You don’t have time for this and he said himself that he was fine. You repeat those words in your head as you go on with you day.
Alright ! You are now done with all of your tests ! You only have one paper to hand in and you’re free to celebrate your summer vacation ! You station yourself at the school computer in one of the remote classes to be in peace and start working. You’ve decide to not go home until that work is done and sent, so you write and you write. And you research, and research. And re-read yourself and re-read. Aaaaand DONE ! Wouh ! You send it to you teacher and you breath a sigh of relief. You look at the time, 10:52 PM, you still have a few minutes before school closes for the night so you let your tired eyes shut for a second as you lay your head on the desk. After what feels like a few minutes of blissful slumber you open your eyes. The screen of the computer has gone to sleep, weird ? You shake your mouse to wake it up and then you see the time, 2:34 AM . . . WHAT ?!
How can it be ! Wasn’t it 10PM a minute ago ! You’ve must slept longer than you’ve thought ! And how come the guardian didn’t kick you out ?! Does he not go to all the classes ? What a slacker ! You gather your things and make your way to the exit, when you notice a light in the hallway ? Who could that be ? A janitor. No, wait..it’s 2AM, no janitor should be here. A thief then ?! No…the light is not coming from any place with valuables. It’s coming from… The gyms showers ?
You decide to investigate. With caution, you approach the showers and you now notice that you can also hear running water ! Someone is taking a shower in your school at 2 AM ! What’s going on??? As you are just about to enter the room, the water stops ! And wet foot steps can be heard coming towards you. Unsure if you should scream, run or get ready to attack you stand there as the footsteps get closer and closer and..You scream ! And he screams ! You didn’t not know what you’d find there but you somehow didn’t think it’ll be this !
A drenched Irakus without a single piece of clothing is screaming at you in total chock. He finally gets a towel to put around his waist and start forming sentences.
“W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE (Y/N) !!!???” He’s red as cherry.
You both breath and calm down.
“I-…” Irakus begins “If you’ll excuse me a minute” To those words, he returns to the showers and closes the doors. When he opens them back you see he is in a classy pijama.
“Uuuh..” You look at him with a hundred questions in your eyes.
Embarrassed and unsure, Irakus clears his throat and makes a gesture towards the upper floor. “Could you please follow me, (YN) ?”
You follow him to a remote classroom you’ve never been where the desks have been arranged in a weird way and a few personal items can be found lying around.
“H-Hmmm…W-welcome to my humble abode…haha…ha..” He opens his arms in a comical grand gesture to humor the situation.
“I-Irakus..Are you…living here ?”
“ahahaha…” He tried to laugh away the embarrassment. “It IS my current accommodation b-but it is really not as bad as you’d first think ! I have access to a shower, heating and electricity !”
“Y-yeah but…” You look around at his living quarters, they consist of a single pillow under some desks, a suitcase with a few clothes and items and a motivational poster on the wall where you can read “2006 IS OUR YEAR ! LET’S DO IT !” You can’t help but give a troubled expression. “Why are the desks arranged like that ?” You question.
“Oh ! I was hm…trying to reproduce my coffin…hehe…”
“I…..see….” You don’t really know what to say. Irkaus starts to become nervous.
“S-so…what brought you to school so late (Y/N) ?”
“Uh ! Just a last work I had to send in. And then I think the lack of sleep caught up to me and I feel asleep in the computer room.”
“I see. And could you hand in your work on time ?” He seems genuinely interested.
“Oh ! Yeah ! I did !”
“Ha ! Congratulation (Y/N)!” He gives you a warm sincere smile.
“Ah..thanks Irakus.” You can’t help but smile back. “But it’s VERY late now. I should get go-“ Irakus suddenly fells face first on the ground “H-HAN ?!” You rush towards him to help him out. “H-Hey ! Irakus !? What happen !?”
“I-…I’m very sorry, (Y/N).” He weakly turns his head towards you. “That was…very rude of me…haha..”
Your demeanor becomes grave. “I heard it’s been happening to you in PE class too.”
“Ah…Yes it has…” He avoids your gaze.
“……..Irakus…..please tell me…..” You take a deep breath and let it out “…Did you have anything to eat recently ?!”
The vampire boy is shocked by your words. He puts his head down and you begin to see his frails shoulders tremble. “N…no…” His voice cracks a bit “I did not….not since we’ve spoken…not since an eternity !...”  He is clearly in pain.
“W-Wait…you mean you haven’t had anything since that time you asked in the locker rooms ?!!!” The vampire nods shyly. “BUT THAT WAS MONTHS AGO!!”
“Y-yes…Believe me I am well aware.” He gives you the saddest of smile.
“B-but…How come you’re stomach isn’t growling like before then ?”
“I am unsure…” He looks at his sunken inn tummy. “It has stop rumbling a month or two ago….Although It does not mean I am not in pain right now…haha…” He gently caresses his belly.
You feel terrible for him. “How long….How long has it been since you last ate, Irakus ?”
He stops rubbing his stomachs and looks in the distance “………………A year now….”
Your hearts drop. A year ?! a full YEAR !? 365 days ?!! “H-HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD !??”
“I told you, didn’t I ? It takes a lot to kill me.” He gives you another sad smile.
It’s true. He isn’t human. You need to remember that. But right now, he looks so helpless. Another question pops into your mind “……Why….why didn’t you tell me..??!”
Irakus stops smiling. “Well….You had already voiced your refusal…I did not…want to bother you further with the matter…..”
You start feeling awful. Sure you didn’t want your blood sucked out of you, but you could’ve help ! Or at least, you could’ve tried to help.
Irakus tenses up and clutches his mid-section as his expression turns to one of extreme pain. You can’t hear his stomach but it’s clear that his hunger has gotten tremendously worst. You ponder a second, but you don’t need to. You’ve made up your mind.
“Huh ?” The hungry boy looks at you with incomprehension.
“Okay….you can have my blood.”
The eyes of the vampire widens, his lips tremble slightly and so do his hands. “R….r…..really ?!”
You take another deep breath. “Yes. You said you wouldn’t kill me, right ?”
“O-Of course not !! I-I would never ! I-I….” Irakus becomes all twitchy and nervous and excited. He then stops and gives out very sofltly : “……thank you….”
You laugh a bit. “You’re welcome.” You sit down properly and try to get mentally ready. “So.” You begin “How does it….I mean…What should I…??”
“Oh ! Right !” Irakus moves his face inches from yours. “First I shall spellbind you, It will make the process more pleasant.”
“O…..kay…” You are still very unsure. You do know he’s a good guy, but you are kinda putting your life in his hands. He notices your discomfort.
“(Y/N)…Are you really sure ?...It is still time to refuse if you…” Irakus looks to the ground. A second ago he was full of excitement and here he is worrying about your well being. You close your eyes for a second, breath in and open them back up.
“Yes. I am. Go for it”
“Alright.” Irakus red eyes lock onto yours. In an instant, they are all you can see. The world around becomes blurry as you feel yourself getting weak and dreary. But it doesn’t alarm you. In fact you feel…nice…As if nothing in the world can bother you in this moment. You enjoy this feeling of tranquility for a few seconds and suddenly, a sharp pain pierces your neck ! And yet, you’re not frightened. The pain…actually feels good. Like a cold refreshing shock running through out your body. The pain is not long either. Soon you feel a warmth in all inches of your being. And you feel the pulsation of your heart beat throughout your body. Has it always been so loud ? Each pulsation is met with a suction sensation on your neck. The sensation is enthralling, between each beat, you crave it’s return. But slowly, you feel your whole consciousness dim and you fall in a calm trance. After a while, you realize you are lying on the ground. You get back up as you slowly regain your senses.
Irakus is in front of you, breathing heavily. He looks better, a little more…alive ? You touch your neck in the place where you felt the pain. You can only feel two little scabs that seems to already have healed.
“I-I healed up the punctuation for you.” The young vampire explains shyly. “I_I….I did not hurt you, did I ?! He asks with worry.
You think back for a second. “No…Well…You did. But it wasn’t…painful ? I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Oh. Well if you are not hurt, that’s all that matters.” He poses and seems tense for a moment. Then he bows he’s head very low. “Thank you so much (Y/N) !! I…I could not bear it any longer !!!”
“O-Oh ! Well, yeah…you’re welcome…So, how are you feeling now ?!”
“I feel amazing ! So full and content !! I have not feel so good in ages !!!” He is visibly ecstatic ! You are happy for him.
“Well I’m glad yo-…Wow…” You tried to walk but felt dizzy for a moment and almost fell down.
“Ah ! (Y/N) ! Oh dear, this most be cause by your blood lost…I am so sorry…Mh…..There’s a vending machine not far ! I’ll go get you something to replenish your strength ! I-I won’t be long ! Please wait here !”
He dashes out of the classroom before you have he time to protest. He seems much more energetic now which reassures you. Irakus comes back with about 10 different kinds of snacks. You laugh and say you only needed one or two. He decides that he’ll keep the resto for a friends of his. You eat some oatmeal cookie and feel a bit better. Your vampire friend next to you is agitated.
“I-I was sure I didn’t take much….I must’ve gotten to greedy..I am so sorry..”
“It’s okay.” You reassure him. “I don’t feel bad or anything, and the cookie helped. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” He smiles. But now that things have settle down, a question pops into your mind.
“So…what are you going to do now ?”
“Huh ??”
“I…don’t think I can do this for your EVERY time your hungry…I think you should really find a solution to not feel so bad all the time.” His features become serious.
“I…..I know….But now that my energy is replenish I’ll have much more brain power to think of a long term solution !!” He seems very optimistic, so you leave it at that for now.
“How long till you’ll get hungry again you think ?”
“Usually it takes about a day or two. But I have become much more accustomed to hunger now. So I believe I would be fine for about 2 weeks.”
“I see. Well...I hope you can find  something before then.”
“I do to ! Haha “
The sun is beginning to rise now. You decide to wait for the first bus of day and Irakus offers you to walk you to the station and see you off. You talk a bit while you wait. You asks him what are his plans for the summer break. Is he going to squat in the school all summer ? He seems to not have given it much thought until now. You conclude that his hunger must’ve overtook all his thoughts for a while now. The bus finally comes and you get to go home to your warm bed at last. As you sit down, you see a vibrant Irakus full of eagerness and gratitude enthusiastically waving his hand to you. What a guy.
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ryttu3k · 6 months
Planning out my BG3 Sascha run and whoops looks like we're doing another 'bad' run. I'm sure it'll be fine!
Using the aasimar mod for that tasty Angel of Caine dynamic 8D
Old(tm). Highest stats are INT and CHA, classed as a draconic bloodline sorcerer/wizard (bloodline is gold/fire, mostly putting levels in wizard). Can't be selected in-game but they're the grandchild of Kereska, dragon god of magic.
So yes a half-deity dragon angel with fire powers I know they're OP I know but also have you seen Sascha canonically.
Trauma in their backstory, because ofc. When they were young, they fell under the control of another aasimar, Symeon, child of Tyr, who in turn served Michael, who claimed to be the avatar of Sune. Symeon was charming and manipulative, and Sascha, then calling themself Myca, fell pretty quickly under his influence. It wasn't a great time.
Had a sweet romance with Ilias, child of Silvanus. Ilias died during the Spellplague. Myca changed their name to Sascha and. Hardened themself off somewhat.
Present day, a powerful sorcerer/wizard who regularly looks in on places like Blackstaff Academy, using illusion magic to hide their wings and stuff.
Secret! Netherese! Cultist!
Has a fascination with illithid technology. It's so visceral. Why is the damn ship crashing why can't they examine the meat crimes more :-\
Immediately takes charge with their OP charisma. General play vibes are like, pragmatic and not very sentimental, but does try to take care of their coterie.
Mostly fascinated with Gale, another powerful and ambitious mage with a connection to Netherese magic. Definitely encourages him to seek out his sorcerer side (he'll end up multiclassing Storm Sorcery) and, uh, the Crown but also with an eye to maybe? using it themself?
Wary about the Dream Visitor. Does not like having their mind fucked with. On the other hand, very open to using illithid powers, although by the time they get the astral-touched tadpole they're already too negative about the Emperor to agree.
Major decisions, act 1: We are straight-out skipping the druids/tiefling/goblin conflict! (Or, well, AFAIK you can't avoid the fight at the gate, but otherwise they're going to do that, trade with Arron, talk to whatshisname who had the run-in with the githyanki, then go "yeah this isn't my business" and leave.) Won't be recruiting Wyll, Karlach, or Halsin, and the tieflings are fucked, I'm sorry everyone ;_; Might end up entering the Goblin Camp just for more info on this True Soul/Absolute business, but staying steadfastedly Not Involved, then heading on to the Mountain Pass and the creche. Obviously that'll go poorly, although Sascha is still going to be like, yeah, the one in the Prism is shifty, sure, I'll kill them. So that'll put a dampener on any potential relationship!
Act 2: I am… actually not sure how to navigate the Shadow-Cursed Lands here, without getting the lyre from either Minthara or Nere, or attacking the convoy. Hm. Might just have to do a straight shot for Moonrise. AFAIK Minthara can be rescued here and Sascha is just "yeah fine why not". Largely skipping the Last Light, so no Jaheira, and, later, no Minsc, so final team will be Sascha, Gale, Astarion, Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and Minthara. Does the Gauntlet for Shadowheart's sake, but will encourage her not to kill their fellow aasimar, so at least someone is getting a good end XD;; Okay they don't seem to like many other aasimar so, uh, sorry Aylin. Otherwise, makes themself at home at Moonrise and wreaks havoc while they're not looking while in the process of Learning Everything. And, uh, the Shadow Curse is not getting lifted, although tbh I think that was a given since I'm pretty sure Halsin dies if you don't get involved with the Grove-Goblin conflict ;_;
Act 3: Learning about the Emperor - they fuckin' knew it -_- When they meet Raphael later, doesn't agree to the deal, but does plan to steal the hammer instead. They want that crown for their bae, okay.
Character arcs: Gale - go for the crown, babe, I'll hold your flower. Shadowheart - she's already turned from Shar, let's just complete the process. Encourages her to let her parents go. Okay maybe she will go Dark Justiciar :| Astarion - …tragically I think they'd encourage Ascension I'm so sorry Astarion bby. Sascha is just, "Get revenge! Fuckin' eat him!" Lae'zel - reject Vlaakith, free Orpheus - although that's in part to spite the Emperor tbh. Don't know what's happening with Minthara, I guess we'll find out!
Endgame: Once they have the stones, have Orpheus turn illithid. Ultimately, destroy the Netherbrain, then encourage Gale to get the crown and become a god. For the epilogue, become a god alongside him. This won't go badly at all!
On the plus side, if I'm doing God!Gale romance here, I might be able to skip one of the several Astarion runs I have planned, and just do the "they actually do make each other better this time" run?
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nihyunluvskookie · 1 year
“I want to fall deeper in your love Changkyun”
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“Changkyun one shot”
Pairing: Im Changkyun x female reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: There’s none because it’s birthday fluff
Word count: 1.6K
Author’s note: This is a birthday fluff, I was supposed to post this on his birthday but I got since, so couldn't post. So here it is~ hope you like this, because this idea suddenly occurred to me when I was in class lmaoo xD and it’s almost 3 am, so I couldn't do the proof read so sorry for the mistakes T.T
happy reading:)
“This question goes like this” I looked at the whole class. “Anyone got questions?” he got up from his seat as well, “No questions?” everyone shook their heads, “good”
I was about to solve another question, my phone started ringing. “Excuse me” I took my phone. “This is kind of urgent” he nodded, and since he was standing so close to me, I didn’t had to tell him anything more, “carry on with the next problem” he nodded.
I went out of the class and picked up the call, “are you done with your part already?”
I was so thankful to my other friends, because I know everyone is so busy with their thesis but we all found time to do this, I know it’s very important and special for me. I’m so happy everyone decided to give this a go.
“Then come fast, to the place we decided, we need your help and since he would be busy with students right now, so it’s a win-win situation.”
“Okay, coming.” I smiled and hung up, I didn’t tell Changkyun about it and left the classroom.
I entered the classroom and locked the door. “Hazel, come here” I walked towards Mimosa, “help me these balloons and flower petals”
“Okay” I helped her with the balloons, I saw Lau setting up the balloons, he looked at me and smiled.
“I’m so excited!!” I looked at Lina, “for his birthday surprise?” I looked at her surprised, “NO”
“I’m excited for you” I turned my head to take a better view of her face, because I couldn’t understand her, “stop trying to fool us Hazel” I wondered what did I do?
“What did I do?”
“We all know about you and Changkyun” there’s no way anyone would know beside Minhyuk, because he is my bestfriend and my secret keeper.
“You know what Lina?”
“Hazel…. we know how good friends you are and how much you wanted to surprise him” thank…god for this.
“Okay” once me and Mimosa were done with the balloons, we helped Lau to set them up. Soon after that we were done with petals as well.
“We are nothing Lina, stop it, and let’s get over this decorations as soon as possible”
“Okay captain, and Minhyuk is coming soon with the cake” I nodded at her words
I heard a knock and I was sure it was Minhyuk, I knew Changkyun won’t come until he’s done with class and I call him here. So, I went to open the door.
“Am I late?” I smiled as soon I saw Minhyuk, “No, you’re not” he gave me a quick hug lifting the cake box so that it doesn’t get ruined or anything. “Hope you’re doing okay” he whispered to me and I nodded, “a little nervous I guess?”
“It’s fine” and he gave me a tight hug and then smiled at me. “let’s go and complete setting everything up” I nodded and he locked the door. “Hazel hold this for a minute” he gave me the cake box, “I’ve something, I kept it outside, let me bring it” I was confused but I nodded at his words anyway. “Okay”
He went outside, and I kept the cake on the table, and then we completed the decorations and the happy birthday balloons were set perfectly. I heard the door open and close again, I turned to look at Minhyuk, he was holding a bouquet full of red roses, I was surprised.
He leaned towards my ears and said, “give it to him later. He’ll be happy.” this whole thing went unnoticed by everyone, “a bouquet?” I turned to look at Mimosa, “yes, I brought it just now. It’s his birthday afterall, he would be so happy and here, me and Hazel are the seniors so, I guess getting a bouquet on his birthday would make him feel nice and happy”
“This is for you”
“I agree” Lau said and all of us smiled.
Minhyuk checked everything first and said everything’s perfect. “Is it time already?” Lina asked me, I looked at my wristwatch, and nodded. “let me call him” everyone nodded.
I dialled his number and after three rings he picked up the call; before he could speak I spoke “Is the class over?”
“Yes, it is. Why didn’t you comeback? And is your work done?”
“Kind of yes, but can you come to room no. 208? Right now?”
“Yes, please?”
“He is coming guys, switch off the lights and pull the curtain to make the room dark!!” everyone started doing it, Minhyuk came near me and said, “I’m keeping this bouquet at the back so that only you can give it to me and you look perfect today so don’t be nervous.” I nodded at his words and he went to keep the bouquet hidden at the back. After he came back to me, he side hugged me and kissed my hair, “you can do this”
“No need to say please, I’m coming.”
“Okay” And I hung up
We heard the door open, “Hazel? are you there? And why is this room so dark?”
“Hazel?” he called my name once again, I know everyone was probably smiling and trying to hold back their laughter. He switched on the lights and we all shouted in unison, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANGKYUN”
He looked surprised, and the look he had on his face was so precious, like no one could give me the peace and happiness I got when I saw his priceless reaction. I love him so much.
“Oh god, what is this? And thank you so much.” We walked towards him and everyone gave him hugs and wished him one by one.
I was left, I didn’t hug him but I did wish him. I could say he was expecting me to go and hug him but I didn’t. I didn’t want to ruin the main event which I decided for him.
After wishing, we took him to the table so that he could blow the candles and cut the cake, he looked happy. After setting the candles, I lit them up.
“Make a wish” he closed his eyes for a second, then he looked at me before blowing the candles.
After cake cutting, everyone had fun, and he got gifts. Everything went like the way a surprise birthday should go like.
“You know it was Hazel’s idea, this whole planning, we just helped.” I looked at Mimosa for exposing me. I saw Minhyuk, going to the back and brining the bouquet, and none of them noticed him, keeping it on the other side of the table.
“You all helped me, don’t give me the credit like that” I was embarrassed because he was staring at me, watching each move and movement. “Okay, guys, wanted to tell you that Andrea Ma’am called four of us because of our thesis so let’s go” Minyuk grabbed everyone and winked at me.
“But Hazel-”
“Sometimes I really don’t like the fact that we need to take tutorial classes and do thesis as Ph.D students and we need to clean at least half of this place” Lau looked at me, “don’t worry I’ll do it”
“We will join you once we are done with Andrea ma’am okay?” Minhyuk gave me a look, he knows how to handle these situations so well.
It was just me and him inside the room, standing infront of eachother.
“Now let’s go or we will be late” Minhyuk dragged everyone out of the room and closed the door.
“Happy Birthday” I finally looked at him and said. I felt better. I was about to and bring the bouquet to give it to me, but he walked towards me and trapped me, in between his arms. His hands were reasting on the table and my heartbeat went crazy, the closeness between us was slowly making me nervous.
“No gifts for me, no hugs for me?” his voice was deeper than usual and I was losing my mind over him again. I tried pushing him back; so that I could focus on what I want to do and breath normally, he took a step back, and I went towards the other side of the table where Minhyuk kept the bouquet. I picked it up and looked back at him, the table was the only thing keeping us apart.
“I’m disappointed…”
“Yes” and gave him the bouquet. He looked confused, “Yes?”
I took a deep breath, I knew how tough it was to admit it infront of a boy whom I like, whom I want to be my first in everything. “The answer is yes” he looked amazed, I could tell it from his look. I gave him the answer of his confession he made a week ago, I wanted to give him a birthday gift.
He walked towards me and lifted me up, holding my waist, “Tell me you’re serious” I smiled at him, “It’s a yes Changkyun. I want you to be my first. I am saying yes to you. I want you to be mine”
He let me down on the floor, “And this your birthday gift” I kissed him on his cheeks quickly.
He accepted the bouquet from me, and pulled me by my waist, “you’ve no idea how much I waited for you everyday and every second.” I put my arms around his neck, “same” he smiled at me.
“You’re amazing and thankyou for giving me the best gift on my birthday” he smiled, he should know his smiles do something to me and I forget to breath. He leaned towards me slowly, “can I?” he was looking at me with the eyes full of love.
I didn’t give an answer but kissed him instead. He pulled me closer and kissed me back. After few seconds, he said, “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.” in between kisses and kissed me again.
“I want to fall deeper in your love Changkyun” he pulled apart and kissed me on my forehead.
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tamayosclinic · 2 years
How are you? Do you have any plans for summer? :D
Could I request childhood friends to lovers SFW (and maaaybe NSFW) headcanons with Kyoujurou? I'm a sucker for this trope, but there's lack of it in kny fandom (or I just can't search properly lol), so I went "LET'S FREAKING GOOO", when saw that your requests are open. xD Preferably female reader, but GN is also fine!
Kyojuro x F!Reader childhood friends to lovers HCs
Warning(s): Includes NSFW HCs
Author's Note(s): I might go on an out of town family trip towards the end of the summer, but since my sister and I are taking summer classes, the planning is complicated. Aside from that, this turned out longer than I expected so sorry for the short NSFW section was short. Enjoy.
Word Count: 604
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Your mother was friends with Kyojuro’s mother, Ruka. When you first met him, you instantly clicked. Kyojuro had been training from the moment he learned to walk, but he started veering away from it to hang out with you. 
Shinjuro thought you were a bad influence but kept his opinion to himself thanks to Ruka telling him to let Kyojuro enjoy his childhood. When Ruka got sick and died after having Senjuro, he became more focused on his training than being a kid. 
Kyojuro was glad that you remained friends with him. If you want, he would even teach you about breath styles and demons, though he made you promise that you would only use it in self-defense rather than become a demon slayer. 
You watched as he completed his job milestones, from passing the final selection to reaching Kinoe rank. Then came Mitsuri Kanroji. Her relationship with Kyojuro was strictly mentor/student, but you could not help the twist in your heart when you thought of them being alone while on duty. You deserve an award for not letting it show during your interactions with Mitsuri. 
When you received news from Kyojuro’s crow that he got promoted to Hashira, you and Senjuro got to work preparing a celebration at your house—because Shinjuro would shut it down if you held it at his house.
You became acquainted with the other Hashira through Kyojuro. That twisting feeling in your heart re-emerged when you watched him interact with Shinobu, who was flirty with him—whether unintentional or not, you could not tell, but it didn’t matter. You wanted to butt in and drag Kyojuro away but held back since it was your first time meeting the Hashira. 
You held some resentment, so you vented about it to your mom when you returned home, and she said the magic words that sent you down the rabbit hole, “you’re jealous (Y/n). You must have a little crush on your friend.” 
You tried your best to deny it, but you failed. You began noticing subtle things you would do when around Kyojuro. Longing stares, your heart leaped when you heard his loud voice, hearty laugh, and the desire to feel his warmth. Still, you are good at keeping things to yourself. Kyojuro is a Hashira, and you’re a regular citizen. You were sure he would go for someone within the corps who could handle themselves. 
Those thoughts didn’t last long, thanks to Senjuro outing Kyojuro’s habit of practicing a confession loudly in his sleep. You confessed your feelings to Kyojuro when he returned from a mission. 
Dates, gift-giving, nights slept cuddling, and sweet moments that follow his return from mission become the norm. 
You are Kyojuro’s priority during intimacy. His cock is thick, so he makes sure you are wet enough and adjust when he slips in. 
Your first few times together are pure vanilla as you both learn what gets the other going, then you establish your likes and dislikes through experimenting. 
I think we all agree that Kyojuro has a breeding kink and lots of stamina. If you’re down, he’d like to beat his best record each time. Praise kink and getting his hair pulled are also his favorites. Impact play is also on the table if you ask for it. 
Semi-public sex occasionally happens because the man is insatiable. However, if his fellow Hashiras are likely to catch you in the act, he’d rather wait until you are at least a mile away. He cums anywhere except your face. You have the face of a goddess, and he finds it treasonous to soil it with his seed. 
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hekates-corner · 6 months
The Apothecary Diaries | WN Translation | Arc 9 - Chapter 1
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Hey there! Whether you found this on your own, or if you might've been redirected by a later chapter: Welcome.
For a number of reasons I ended up here. I play the wine-aunt that tells all that happens in the WN chapters, post light novel 9.
You can find a revised introduction in the Masterlist.
I relay everything from the chapters, to the best of my abilities, so be warned that all the spoilers are down below. If you'd like to get spoiled, but less? My dm's/asks are open!
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Chapter 1
We re-enter the story with an explanation of it being spring - yet even in the carriage, the heat is more unbearable than in the capital at the hottest of times.. so, those that weren't in a carriage were suffering extra.
Like Chue said, as soon as they arrive they're summoned to be split into groups. One of the medical officers then explains that they'll split into three groups/groups of three before being stationed in the buildings. The confusion begins here, as they expected the groups from the ships to stay how they were.
Now it goes over to the middle ranks and Tianyu would end up with MaoMao and the quack. MaoMao agrees that she also thought he was/should be with Li/Lee.
We then get a whole paragraph about how the last name is so common that usually the people with it will just go by their first name - Lihaku is one such example.
As we already know, Tianyu/Tenyuu messed up a few times with a high ranking official that came to the medical room on the boat.bThe doctor that splits them into groups says that he can return to his original group.. if he behaves and Maomao takes silent note that the palast her and the quack are in has lower class people in it so despite them attending to more, it seemed easier.
The quack(?) then goes on to say that Tianyu should be fine with them, given that while he's bad at giving out meds, he's outstanding when it comes to surgery. Maomao mutters to herself "look at the quack.." but idk if anyone overhears it. At that point the quack's self doubt kicks in and he fidgets as he questions aloud if he can even teach Tianyu anything.
Tianyu says it's nice to meet the quack, then/while patting Maomao on the shoulder. Maomao responds with the usual “I look forward to working with you.”. She's already in front of the quack but the latter goes red in the face and shy and hides behind her xD Tianyu goes about the usual as well (calls the quack ojisan aka old man/uncle as well xD) and the quack can only shyly give back a “Ehm.. it's nice to meet you.”
I think it's the quack who then proceeds to say that while the location might change, the job of a doctor remains the same. Checking patients, that's it. If something happens, everyone has their subordinates and to contact them.
Maomao internally remarks that the person talking is an easygoing one - an understanding/easy to understand boss. She'd assumed they only picked people who could react flexibly despite a location change, but now she questions if they really have the atmosphere of people working in the field.
Tianyu then asks if they should move, he’s carrying his luggage and we get the info that the place where Maomao and the quack are meant to stay is Gyokuens villa. There’s mention of another major house that also appears to belong to Gyokuen (pls note that translators really struggle with the char names) and notes on how it shows how strong his power is that two of the three houses/palasts are his. The public office and main residence are even next to each other, with the annex being about a five minute walk away.
It then jumps to Maomao being in a room in the main residence. It’s a fancy one, a guest room that they decided to repurpose as medical room - in her eyes a tasteful room.
The palast is in the center of the town, yet it’s not as noisy as expected. Maomao mentions internally how it must be due to the size of it, as well as the walls and trees that block out the noise.
Outside of Maomao, the quack and Tianyu, there’s a messenger as well - the four were guided to their place by a local.
At long last, the quack says how it’s all exciting - “if his beard was still intact it would be swaying and dancing”. Despite being timid, the commotion of the town seems to get to him now.
Tianyu remains suspicious - while he does look around, it appears almost as if he’s judging it all instead of enjoying what he sees. Maomao ends up thinking to herself that he’s hard to grasp/understand.
The next paragraph is tougher to crack but the gist I got is that Maomao admits internally that she doesn’t know what he’s thinking. She can tell he has the personality type that would latch onto things he finds interesting and could imagine what his behavior would be like then but she can’t figure out what his interest is/could be.
There’s a “Hello?” coming from the door, Tianyu tilts his head and just as Maomao wonders what’s going on, she sees a familiar face. The other person seems to be of the same recognition impact mode.
“Long time no see” - Of course, it’s Rikuson.. who comes in, bowing respectfully. The tactician's former Lieutenant.
He’s still a good looking man, but he’s more tan than before (don’t shoot the messenger, it’s Maomaos mind and I can’t control it). His tan likely comes from the strong sunshine in the city. There are two people with him that appear to be holding documents.
Maomao & Tianyu reply with the same “long time no see” and Rikuson gives a “it’s been a while” back - the only one that gave a “who’s that” look was… the quack, of course.
Maomao wonders if Tianyu knows Rikuson.. and then kinda answers her own question by adding more filler. Tianyu is a medic student, but was already serving before her. The doctor's station is close to the military one, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they knew one another.
Maomao then glances at Tianyu, who despite saying hello doesn’t appear interested. The quack doesn’t know Rikuson so he’s shy as ever - given that they can’t just ignore him, Maomao admits defeat to the fact she has to do the talking.
She tells Rikuson that the quack is the head doctor/medical officer and she’s there to help him out and Rikusons like “head doctor?” while tilting his head as he looks at the quack.
Maomao, in her head, tries to remember the quacks name but it’s like.. not her forte. She almost forgot it again but then recalls it’s something along the lines of Guen.. and starts with a “Gu….” but just as she’s about to say it Tianyu steps up/in.
He says that the man is famous and Rikuson will understand if he says as little as that the man is a senior medical officer who’s been in the inner/rear palace for a long time. This whole thing goes back to the quack being a fake-out for Luomen/Maomaos adopted dad. Maomao was about to blow their cover but Rikuson takes the bait and is like “Oh, that guy” and kinda slaps one hand into the other.
For a moment Maomao’s confused, but then she understands what Tianyus intentions are and internally recalls that the quack is her old man's stand-in.
The next bit is another tougher one but I think it basically mentions mistreatment and that if Tianyu had the same idea as her then it would be better for Guen to be thought of as her old man rather than himself - ‘cause eunuch and all that.
Plus, she thinks that there’s no way Rikuson doesn’t know about the strategists uncle, Luomen, so Tianyus suggestive way of speaking making it clear that there’s only one medical officer in the inner/rear palace was fortunate.
Don’t ask me what that next line is supposed to be, however I look it up it’s her thinking that she doesn’t know where her eyes or ears are - I think it’s trying to say she’s confused or getting brain fog or something but like… I’m trying.
We then get a reminder that while this city is in the same country, it can be called foreign land. The two attendants Rikuson has with him are both from this town - so one has to be careful of what to say and what not to say.
Maomao then notices something, it could be Rikusons dirty clothes that we’ll come back to next chapter, but in short she ends up having nothing to say, while Tianyu doesn’t seem to have more to say either so she’s like “Rikuson-san seems busy, I’m sorry for taking up your time” aka a friendly just leave already.
Rikuson doesn’t take the bait and instead explains that he just returned from an outdoor trip. He also shares that he gets depressed if he stays in his office all the time, so every now and then he’ll go out.
Despite smiling, there was mud caked on the hem of his clothes - dried mud, though originally dark brown aka the fertile kind. Maomao wonders if he was out in the fields (throwback to locust/grasshopper mania).
We then get, you guessed it, more filler. It’s a dry city, with no puddles by the roadsides. Even if there were, it would likely be of a more whitish, nutritious color. The only place where fertile black mud would be found would be in irrigated fields. In that case, he would be on his way back from somewhere far and it would be better to think he’s not there by chance but that he purposefully came back when Maomao and the others arrived from Li/the capital.
Maomao (?) gives him a short “See you then. Your old boss will notice you if you talk too much”. It didn’t seem like Rikuson had more to say for now, but he was likely busy as well.. and Tianyu chuckles as he realizes who “the former boss” is.
While there are many things to think about, Maomao recalls the words of one of the doctors: Doctors just do a doctors work. And Apothecaries..? Well, they just do an apothecary's work.
| Chapter 2 & Masterlist
If you'd like to get notified when a new chapter drops, I'm open to sending a dm or tagging you - just let me know!
(please note that there are content differences between the web novel and light novel. I'm using the web novel, which isn't as polished as far as I've heard and doesn't have as much extra content)
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emoprincey · 1 year
Becoming Brothers chapter 2 - School and Scheming
Chapter 1 | This is chapter 2! 
Fic summary:  Everyone knew Roman and Remus were twins – at least, that was what they told anyone who’d listen. In fact, the only people who knew they weren’t related at all were Roman and Remus themselves, and of course their single dads, Logan and Virgil. But when the boys realise their dads are falling for each other, they might have a chance to become real brothers, if only the grown-ups would stop being so oblivious. It looks like some matchmaking is in order…
Relationships: Platonic/familial Creativitwins, romantic analogical. 
Also posted on my ao3: stormofstarlight 
Word count: 4019 
Taglist for this fic: @iclaimedtobethebetterbard @star-crossed-shipper @theblackcatscratchpost 
Author’s note: Hello again! It’s been exactly a year since I posted the first chapter of this fic, which wasn’t planned at all. This is kind of a beast of a chapter so it took a while, but I’m really happy with how it turned out XD 
“Dad, you can let go. I’ll be fine!” Remus insisted, trying to pull away from Virgil, who’d pulled him into a hug just as they got out of the car in the high school car park.
Virgil sighed, and gave him one last squeeze before he pulled away. “I know,” he said softly. “I know you will, really. Have fun, okay? High school is big, and it might seem scary, but I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Remus said, craning his neck to look around. He’d been here on the open day last year, but the school looked so different when it was full of people milling about. Most of them were bigger than him, and he could see groups of boys jostling each other, and gaggles of girls with identical haircuts and far more makeup than the rules on the website said was allowed. And now he was going to be one of them. In a black blazer and tie identical to everyone else, he was a high school kid now. And that wasn’t scary. At all.
The knot in his chest relaxed a little when he saw a familiar blue car pull into a nearby spot in the busy car park.
“Roman!” Remus called, waving when he saw Roman get out of one of the doors in the back.
“Remus!” Roman called back, dashing over to him with his backpack still hanging off one shoulder. He looked smart in his new blazer, and Logan must have done his hair this morning because his light brown locks were styled into a neat quiff. He probably looked smarter than Remus did with an untucked shirt – because even though Virgil had told him to tuck it in this morning he’d found that uncomfortable – and hair that got messed up the second the wind touched it.
“We’re in high school now!” Roman exclaimed, as if Remus didn’t already know that. “I can’t wait to start! I’m going to be in all the school plays, and I’m going to do guitar lessons – because they have those here – and maybe trumpet as well, and piano, and-”
“And before you do any of that, you need to go to assembly,” Logan cut in, with a fond smile. “You don’t want to be late on your first day, do you?”
He bent down to adjust Roman’s tie as he spoke, though Remus thought it already looked perfectly neat.
“Remember, you’re, getting the number fifteen bus home. The number will be on the front,” Virgil reminded the two of them, “and you’re both going to Logan’s house.”
“I know,” Remus said. “You’ve only told me fifty times today.”
“Just want to make sure you know,” Virgil chuckled, wrapping one arm around Remus’ shoulder in a little side hug, which Remus didn’t mind so much because it was just starting to sink in that he was going to be in a new place without his dad all day.
“You both have your water bottles, don’t you?” Logan asked, and the boys nodded. “Remember to actually drink from them, it’s a big day and you’ll need to stay hydrated.”
“I feel like we’re in class already,” Remus whispered to Roman, who giggled.
Logan furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance, but Virgil elbowed him playfully and he seemed to relax.  
“You’ll never win against them,” Virgil said, with a small laugh.
“They are quite the double act,” Logan admitted. “Anyway, you two really should get to assembly now, I’ll see you both when I finish work.”
He patted Roman on the shoulder, kind of stiff and formal like he always was, but Roman surged forward and wrapped him in a tight hug.
“See you later, Dad,” Roman mumbled into the front of Logan’s shirt.
“Yes, I’ll… I’ll see you later, Roman.” Logan’s eyes glistened a little, and he wrapped his arms around Roman as well.
Virgil pulled Remus close again, and Remus didn’t try to pull away this time.
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” Virgil said quietly.  
“I know,” Remus said thickly, because he did. No matter what his teachers had said at parent’s evening in primary school, or how long it took Remus to do his homework, or how many times he said the wrong thing in the wrong situation, Virgil always made sure to tell Remus how proud he was of him, and how well he was doing by just being himself.
“Have a good day, kid,” Virgil said, and he ruffled Remus’ hair one final time, then tutted at how he’d messed it up and tried to smooth it down again.
For a moment, Remus considered asking Virgil not to make him go. Maybe if he begged enough, he’d be able to stay home instead of going to a school full of loud kids who would probably make fun of him, and teachers who would say he didn’t try hard enough. But he knew Virgil had work. He’d stick it out, just for one day. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as he was expecting.
So instead, he gave his dad the bravest smile he could, and nodded before he walked off with Roman.
“Remus, tuck your shirt in!” Virgil called after him.
Remus sighed – he’d been so close to getting away with it – but he did as he was told before he and Roman joined the busy crowd of people entering the building. The crowd was a lot bigger than Remus was used to. Even Roman looked a little apprehensive, and Roman always said he wasn’t scared of anything. Remus squeezed Roman’s hand as they walked through the doors, and Roman squeezed back.
The assembly hall wasn’t hard to find – it was just inside the main doors, and Remus had sat in there for a talk on the open day, so he remembered the way. It was already packed when they got there, and the first few rows of benches in front of the stage were already filled. Remus didn’t mind, though – he didn’t like sitting near the front anyway, because the teachers would always see him fidgeting and tell him off. He immediately made for the cool tiered seating at the back, but a teacher blocked his path and ushered him and Roman towards the fourth row back of benches.
“So, what are we going to do?” Remus asked Roman once they sat down. The hall was slowly filling with buzzing chatter as more students entered behind them.
“About our dads?”
Remus nodded.
“Well, we need to figure out how to set them up,” Roman said. “We can draw up a plan in the treehouse after school.”
Remus opened his mouth to say something else, but a teacher shushed him as a woman walked onto the stage. He recognised her as the headmistress from the pictures all over the website and the speech she’d given at the open day. She was definitely breaking the make-up rules, with bright red lipstick that matched her polka-dot blouse, but the rules never seemed to apply to teachers.
Remus tried to whisper to Roman throughout the assembly, but he kept getting looks from the teachers stood at the side of the hall. After a while, even Roman started to look annoyed with him, because the teachers probably thought he was being disruptive too, so Remus was quiet after that.
At the end of assembly, the headmistress called each student’s name, and directed them to a form tutor. Remus and Roman were both in 7C, and were pointed over to a smiley man called Dr Picani. Remus hadn’t thought that doctors could be teachers too, but Virgil had worked two jobs in the past, so he supposed it made sense.
Dr Picani made a show of counting the students’ heads before he led them down the corridor. The assembly hall was attached to what Remus vaguely remembered as the humanities building, and their form room was on the second floor. The walls were covered in brightly coloured displays, and graphics with cartoon characters – a few of which Remus recognised. He didn’t really understand what much of the writing in the displays meant, but there were a few diagrams of brains, which Remus thought were pretty cool. There was even a model brain on Dr Picani’s desk, cut open to show sections inside highlighted with different colours.
“This is a psychology classroom,” Dr Picani explained, when one of the students asked. “None of you will be able to take psychology until GSCE, but I do teach some history classes as well, so some of you might still have me as a teacher!”
Remus grabbed a seat at the front of the classroom right next to Roman – mostly so he could get a better look at the model brain, but also because Dr Picani actually seemed alright.
Dr Picani handed out the timetables, and Remus was relieved to see that his history teacher was listed as Dr E Picani.
“Hey, we have mostly the same classes,” Roman said, leaning over to compare his timetable to Remus’.
“You will do for this term at least,” Dr Picani told him, sitting down at his desk. “You’ll be in your form groups for all your classes, then after Christmas you might get split up into sets.”
Remus privately hoped that wouldn’t happen, but before he could voice that thought his attention was once again captured by the model brain. “If you’re a doctor, do you cut open people’s brains?” he asked.
He heard Roman make a grossed out noise beside him, but Dr Picani just chuckled.
“No, I’m not a surgeon. I have my Doctorate in psychology; I’m more interested in what people are thinking than how their brains physically work,” he said.
“I’d like to be a brain doctor when I grow up,” Remus declared.
Since form time had taken place during first period, their first actual lesson of the day was English. The school seemed difficult to navigate, but fortunately their English class was on the same floor as their form room.
Remus knew the teacher would be strict as soon as he saw her. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a tight bun, grey streaks in uniform lines as if even they had been placed there purposely. She surveyed the class from behind glasses that balanced halfway down her nose, her stony expression not shifting at all until a boy pulled out a chair from one of the desks.
“Ah-ah!” She called, her voice icy. “I don’t know how things worked at your primary schools, but in my classroom, we have a seating plan.”
And that was when Remus knew for certain that this class would be his worst nightmare.
The teacher picked up a sheet of paper from her desk, and began assigning students to their seats. The tables were set out in neat rows, with only room for two people at each desk. Remus hoped he’d get a seat next to Roman, but the teacher was clearly assigning the seating in alphabetical order, and their surnames were nowhere near each other in the register. It also meant that Remus’ name was one of the first ones to be called.
“Remus Blake; Remy Chen.” The teacher pointed to the desk right in front of hers.
That was just Remus’ luck. He had a sneaking suspicion that this teacher wouldn’t turn out to be as nice as Dr Picani.
“Miss, can’t I sit next to Roman?” Remus piped up hopefully. “We’re twins.”
The teacher pursed her lips, giving Remus a disapproving look. “That’s Ms Driscoll, to you. And surely if you’re twins, you’ll see enough of each other at home. It’ll be good for you to socialise with other people.”
“But we don’t live together!” Remus objected.
“I see,” Ms Driscoll pushed her glasses up her nose. “Mr Blake, are you and Mr Sanders over here really twins?”
Remus shrank back a little under her gaze. Nobody had ever called him Mr Blake – that title was for his dad. “Not yet...” he mumbled. “But we will be soon!”
Ms Driscoll laughed shortly, but she didn’t really sound amused. “Mr Blake, take your seat. You can stay behind at break for lying.”
Remus huffed as he sat down. Of course he’d gotten in trouble on his first day, and he’d really tried to behave himself.
The boy Ms Driscoll had reprimanded at the start of class – who must be Remy – sat down next to him.
“Is he really going to be your brother?” Remy whispered, leaning over to Remus with a curious expression.
“Yeah! We’re going to make our dads get married,” Remus answered proudly.
“That’s so cool!” Remy said, opening his backpack to take out a pencil case patterned with sunglasses. “I have a baby sister, but she mostly sleeps and cries. It would be cool to have a twin.”
“It will be,” Remus assured him.
“Mr Blake, Mr Chen,” Ms Driscoll snapped. “Did I give you permission to talk?”
Remus sucked in a breath. That was one of the questions teachers asked that he’d get into more trouble for answering out loud, so he shook his head.
Ms Driscoll nodded firmly. “Be quiet, both of you. Or you’ll be staying behind at lunch as well.”
Once Ms Driscoll had turned away from them again, Remy rolled his eyes towards Remus, and Remus suppressed a smirk at that.
The lesson dragged on, with Ms Driscoll scolding Remus every time he fidgeted. Roman ended up on the other side of the classroom, near the back, and when Remus turned around to meet his eyes Ms Driscoll tapped on his desk as if she was trying to draw his attention back to his worksheet.
His detention was just as boring as the lesson, perhaps even more so because he couldn’t listen to his classmates working, and all of Ms Driscoll’s attention was on him because he was the only one in the room. 
Remus hoped he’d be able to scheme with Roman later in the day, but the class after break was a double lesson of biology, which ended up being just as interesting as Remus hoped, and he it was all he wanted to talk about at lunch. And after lunch they had another assembly.
By the time they got on the bus after school, Remus was exhausted. He’d taken the bus before with Virgil, but he’d never used a bus pass. The driver showed him where to scan it, and he managed to get a seat near the back with Roman.
The whole way back, he watched for their stop, even though he knew it was about twenty minutes away.
Roman’s house had a neatly mowed lawn and a dark blue garage door. They walked down the empty driveway to the front door, and Roman got out his key. He’d been proud when he told Remus that he’d gotten his own key to the house, because Logan wouldn’t be back until half past four and Roman would need to let himself and Remus in. That meant they’d be alone for an hour, but it was better than Remus going back to his flat by himself and waiting for Virgil to get home. Virgil usually finished work at seven, but he’d switched around his shifts so he could take Remus to school this morning, and he wouldn’t be done until after eight.
When Roman opened the door, the two of them dumped their bags by the sofa and headed out to the treehouse in the back garden. This treehouse had been their favourite hangout spot since they were kids. It almost felt like they had their own house, away from the grown-ups, where they could make their own rules. It even had proper windows and a door with a latch, which opened onto the small fenced balcony that the sturdy wooden ladder led to.
“Race you!” Remus called as soon as he entered the back garden, already taking off across the lawn.
“No fair, you had a head-start!” Roman whined as he chased after him, though they both knew that Remus was the fastest out of the two of them anyway.
Remus stuck his tongue out, then he climbed the ladder and hauled himself onto the balcony, with Roman just behind him.
The walls inside the treehouse were covered in drawings that the two of them had done over the years, from indecipherable crayon scribbles to more recent pencil drawings of castles and dragons. The chalkboard was still filled with plans for one of their stories – which they’d been struggling with, because Roman wanted the main character, a prince, to go on a daring quest and save his kingdom, while Remus thought it should be taken over by dragons.
As soon as they were inside, Roman made straight for the toybox, shaped and decorated to look like a treasure chest. “We can’t write about this on the chalkboard, Dad would definitely see it,” he said as he pulled out a stack of notebooks. After a moment of consideration, he selected a thick book with a pretty marbled rainbow cover, which the two of them had been saving to write something special in.
Remus pulled his green chair out from the small table in the middle of the room, and reached for the box of pens in the middle.
“You do the writing, I’m no good at it,” he said, shoving a few gel pens in Roman’s direction.
Roman pulled a face at that, but he took the glittery pens anyway and uncapped a red one, securing the lid neatly on the back end of the pen. “Now, we need a plan to make them realise they like each other. I think we should get them to go on a date.”
Remus wrinkled his forehead. “Wait, don’t people need to realise they like each other before they go on a date?”
“Not if we’re clever about it,” Roman said, with a conspiratorial smile. “Trust me, I saw this on Disney Channel. We just need to get them to go somewhere that people go on dates, leave them alone, and boom! They’re on a date!”
“Huh,” Remus said, watching as Roman scribbled something down in the notebook.
“Now, we just need date ideas,” Roman said.
“Ooh, how’s about a haunted house?” Remus suggested immediately. “Dad likes haunted houses, and it’s Halloween soon.”
“Not for a date.” Roman wrinkled his nose. “Dates have to be somewhere romantic... like a restaurant, or a ball!”
“Where are we going to find a ball around here?” Remus asked.
Roman chewed on the end of the pen for a second. “Maybe we’ll leave that one for later,” he said, making a note of it in the book.
They spent a while jotting down more ideas in the notebook, until they heard the sound of the back door opening.
“Boys? Are you out here?” Logan called from the garden.
Roman shot up from his seat and raced out of the treehouse, Remus following quickly behind him.
“Dad!” Roman grinned, launching himself at Logan and wrapping his arms around his waist in a hug.
“Did you have a good day at school?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, but our English teacher is horrible,” Roman complained. “She wouldn’t let us sit together, and she’s given us homework already, even though we’ve only had one lesson!”
“Have you done the homework?” Logan asked.
Roman paused. “No...”
Logan sighed. “Go into the dining room and work on it while I make dinner. You too, Remus,” he said, then he led them into the house.
“I can’t believe you told him, now we have to do homework!” Remus grumbled, but he was glad Roman hadn’t let slip about his detention. There was no way Logan would keep that a secret from Virgil, and Remus really didn’t want Virgil to have to worry about him getting in trouble on his first day of school.
Roman was done with the homework in no time, since it was mostly things they’d learnt in year six, but Remus struggled with some of it. He hadn’t quite gotten the material when they’d covered it last year.
“How are you boys getting on?” Logan asked after about half an hour, coming out of the kitchen wearing a plain blue apron, with a tea towel slung over his shoulder that he seemed to have forgotten about.
“Done!” Roman announced proudly.
Remus hummed. “I’m stuck on question five.”
Logan came over to take a look at his worksheet, and Remus angled it towards him.
“I don’t get the difference between a simile and a metaphor. They’re both saying a thing is something it isn’t, aren’t they?” Remus asked.
Logan considered that for a moment, then he sat down next to Remus. “I suppose they are, but try to think of it this way...”
By the time Logan had explained that and a few other questions Remus couldn’t get the hang of, the lasagne was ready, but Remus felt like he understood a lot better.
Roman and Remus put their schoolwork away, and set the table while Logan got the lasagne out of the oven. Remus noticed that when he dished it up he left one portion to the side.
By the time Virgil arrived, it was almost nine o’clock. Remus tackled him with a hug as soon as he got through the door.
“Hey, kid,” Virgil said tiredly, and he squeezed Remus tightly. “Thanks so much for looking after him,” he said to Logan.
As Remus pulled away, he saw Logan smile. “Don’t worry about it. He was no bother at all, I even got him to do his homework,” he said, sounding mildly pleased with himself.
Virgil pulled a face. “What kind of teacher gives you homework on the first day of school?”
“That’s what I said!” Roman exclaimed, and Virgil ruffled his hair.
“Anyway, sorry to dash off so soon, but I need to get Remus home before bedtime, and get some tea,” Virgil said.
“Ah, I thought you might be hungry, so I left a portion of lasagne for you,” Logan said.
“What?” Virgil blinked, looking at Logan with something between surprise and awe. “Lo, you didn’t have to do that.”
Logan shrugged. “It was no trouble. The recipe serves four anyway, I’ll go and warm it up for you,” he said, and disappeared into the kitchen.
Virgil continued watching the doorway Logan had gone through, a distant look and a small smile on his face, until Remus tugged on his hand.
“Dad, I need to tell you about my day,” he said. Well, he’d tell Virgil almost everything. He didn’t want the detention brigning up.
They relocated to the sofa, so Remus and Roman could tell Virgil all about the big school. After a few minutes, Logan came through with a plate of lasagne which he passed to Virgil to balance on his knee. Virgil gave him a big grin, and he kept smiling when he looked down at his lasagne and Logan went to sit down himself.
Remus knew Logan didn’t usually let anyone eat meals in the living room, but maybe he’d seen how tired Virgil was and decided to make an exception.
“This is really good,” Virgil said through a mouthful of lasagne. “Thanks so much, Lo.”
Logan smiled, but he raised an eyebrow. “Virgil, table manners.”
“I’m not sat at a table. Checkmate,” Virgil smirked, but he didn’t talk with food in his mouth for the rest of the evening.
When it was finally time for them to leave, Remus gave Roman a big hug.
“See you tomorrow,” he said.
Virgil and Logan were standing a bit awkwardly by the door when Virgil cleared his throat.
“Thanks again. Um, you know, for dinner,” he said, rubbing his arm.
“I told you, it was no trouble,” Logan said. He patted Virgil’s arm and nodded.
Virgil nodded back, and put an arm around Remus. “Right then kid, let’s go.”
For the whole drive back to their flat, Remus thought about how nice it would be to never have to leave Roman for the evening.
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ex-textura · 9 months
If it's ok to ask about your boy -- What is Ciaran's class and how does he feel about it (ie. is he just operating on instinct/muscle memory or is he drawn to something about it?). And what was his reaction to Sceleritas Fell?
Oh, friend, it is always okay to ask about my boys. I literally cannot stop myself from talking about them.
Ciaran is 1 Rogue/4 Open Hand Monk, currently. His first level was rogue and is absolutely his muscle memory kicking in. His body knows the shadows and where to stick a blade for the bloodiest kill. The monk levels are his reaction to that and a representation of his drive to find some peace in the turmoil in his mind and silence the evil voice. He gravitates toward blunt weapons now, too, in an attempt to limit the blood and keep the lust at bay. It's not working, mind... and he's recently taken up a longsword but he has reservations about it.
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(but I mean look at this sword it's so gorgeous and it's finesse how could I not. I love Phalar Aluve a whole lot)
He's only met Sceleritas Fel once so far and he completely thought that it was a nightmare and then a hallucination until he woke up with the cloak under his head. Now he's not so sure (a lot of the time nothing feels real to him so it's all still up in the air to be honest). He didn't take that meeting well, though. He denied everything, he blamed Fel for his actions, he screamed at him to leave. There was nothing cool, calm or collected about him in that moment and now he dreads sleep every night for fear he'll 'sleep walk' again, or the horrible monstrous butler will return. He hasn't told anyone about Sceleritas Fel yet, either. It's the only secret he's knowingly kept from the group to date. The things he said to him... he doesn't know how to explain it to anyone else and he's not sure he can even speak them aloud. So he sits on it, stays awake as long as he can and makes excuses for the exhaustion (it's the memory loss, it's the tadpole, just a headache i'll be fine, etc etc.)
I hope I answered your questions somewhere in my rambling! Thank you for asking!
Please always feel free to send me asks or even dms about my characters I love talking about them and could do it all day long. I'm thriving rn XD
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