#and now he's done for
For the AU request...Kakashi/Iruka and Akatsuki! Kakashi???
Also congrats on the follower count, that's amazing 🥳🎉💕
This took me a lot longer to finish than I thought it would, so I'm sorry for that, but here we go! I focused a bit more on their love affair here because I thought it would be fun <3 <3 <3
Akatsuki Kakashi AU (KakaIru)
Iruka’s Life
Becoming an Academy Sensei is the best decision Iruka has ever made in his life. The work can be hard and the students get out of hand on a regular basis, but it’s a lot more fulfilling than being a field shinobi. He feels like he’s making a real difference.
None of this changes the fact that Iruka can’t get his mind off of that last mission. The bodies of his two teammates haunt him, but they’re not nearly as bad as the voice in his ear.
Hatake Kakashi is a man Iruka hears a lot about. Whether he’s asking questions or just overhearing gossip, there’s always something that catches his ear.
Tales of the ruthless murderer. The man who had once used his skills to protect Konoha, but has since turned his back on his village and begun murdering the shinobi he once called allies.
Some of the stories terrify Iruka, largely because they bring back memories to what Kakashi had done to his teammates. How he’d taken their lives without hesitation or remorse.
Other stories intrigue Iruka. The stories are said in whispered tones when the speaker is certain there’s no one listening in. They tell of a man who lost so much. Who kept giving to the village not just in effort and blood, but in friends. 
They whisper of the man Kakashi once was. The shinobi lost his father at the young age of five, a pain that Iruka himself can understand. They tell of the boy who failed to save his first teammate, killed his second teammate for the good of the village, and lost his Sensei in the Kyubbi’s attack.
Iruka never hears enough of these stories. Either someone shushes the person telling them, or the world around him becomes too loud for him to hear. It always feels like something is missing. As if there’s information that the people of Konoha don’t know or refuse to say.
At first, Iruka doesn’t know who to turn to. If he asks the wrong questions he could get into trouble, but there’s a voice in the back of his head begging him to ask. To search out the answers he so desperately needs to understand the man who killed his teammates but chose to leave him alive. 
Then one day he happens to be passing one of the training fields and spots Maito Gai doing his daily work out and it hits him. If there’s anyone in the village who would be willing to provide him with answers, it’s Gai. 
Iruka gathers up his courage, takes a deep breath, and heads straight for Gai. 
He doesn’t even need to ask. As soon as Gai spots him he smiles and says “You’re here about him, aren’t you?” and they both know who it is Gai’s talking about. So, Iruka just nods his head, a little ashamed that he has been called out so easily.
Gai’s not like the others, though. He holds no judgement towards Iruka for seeking out answers. If anything, he understands Iruka better than anyone else. His feelings for Kakashi may be platonic, but they’re not less powerful. 
When he speaks of Kakashi, Iruka can hear love in his voice. A fondness of the man that he had once called ‘Rival’, and a sorrow that drips into his voice whenever he’s forced to remember what has become of that man.
Iruka asks all of the questions running through his mind, and Gai answers as best as he can. They’re not always the most helpful answers, and Gai certainly doesn’t hold all of them, but it’s enough to give Iruka a better understanding of the man who simply won’t leave his mind. 
The thing Iruka knows above all else is that he cannot allow anyone else to know his interest in Kakashi. There are so many people in the village who hate him, and for good reason. Iruka’s not even sure why he’s so obsessed with a man he has only met once.
All he knows is that he can’t get his mind off of Hatake, and that fact cannot be discovered by anyone. So, he gets good at lying. To the people around him and to himself.
Pretending that he doesn’t daydream of that intoxicating smile, or those confident, strong hands.
There’s one good thing that Iruka gets out of all this. Gai.
The two of them have always gotten along well enough, but having something new to bond over brings them closer. Pretty soon Iruka finds himself spending more and more time with Gai. They don’t always talk about Kakashi, but even if they do it doesn’t ruin their cheerful mood.
Iruka gets to hear all sorts of stories about the man from his best friend. Stories that no one else tells because they have either chosen to forget them or they never had access to them.
He hears about all of the competitions that Kakashi and Gai had in their childhood, the days they would spend sitting side by side watching the sunset just enjoying each other’s company. He even hears about the things that haunt his memories.
That smile was so soft and kind but full of sadness. Gai talks about it a lot with a fondness in his voice, and he’s always smiling a little bit brighter just thinking of the friend he has lost.
His laughter. A sound Iruka hasn’t heard much of, but which sounds absolutely intoxicating when Gai tells him about it. Iruka thinks if he ever had the chance to hear that laugh, he might just melt in his spot. 
The kindness. Gai always tells him about Kakashi’s kindness with a sad look in his eyes, but that sadness never stops him from telling the best stories of days long since gone, and Iruka can’t help but listen. Clinging to every word Gai says.
Sometimes Iruka wonders if he could ever meet the man Gai missed so much. The kind, dorky friend that Gai still missed. Is that man still around, or has Hatake buried him under grief and anger? If they were to meet again, would Iruka ever hear that laugh that Gai speaks so fondly of?
He’d never admit it out loud, but sometimes he hopes he has the opportunity to meet Kakashi again. If only because he wants to know if it’s possible the man Gai misses so much is still there.
Kakashi’s Life
Where Iruka feels as though he has to hide his interest in Kakashi, no such restrictions exist for Kakashi.
His job in the Akatsuki is different from the others. Instead of chasing after Jinchuriki, he focuses on gathering intel about the five great shinobi villages and wrecking as much havoc as possible to cover the other's tracks.
He’s also the only Akatsuki member who doesn’t have a partner. Pein tried to give him one a few times but it never worked out. Kakashi simply refused to do teamwork with people whom he didn’t care about and who he couldn’t trust to watch his back.
Because of this Kakashi spends most of his time alone. Tobi and Pein check in on him once in a while, but mostly he gets missions, carries them out, and then sends the intel to Pein before relaxing and enjoying some quiet before the next mission arrives.
Sometimes Tobi shows up to taunt him about his ‘crush’ but Kakashi usually chases him off with harsh words and a reminder to keep focused on his job instead of bothering him. It never stops the man from appearing at his side randomly, but Kakashi never gives him the answers he’s digging for.
Whatever he’s feeling for Konoha Shinobi is between him and the universe. Tobi doesn’t need to hear about it no matter how many times he begs Kakashi to tell him. 
Pein has also made comments about the ‘Konoha Shinobi who seems to be distracting you’ but unlike Tobi, he doesn’t push. All he ever has to say is a reminder for Kakashi to keep focused on their goals, and a new mission to keep his mind occupied. 
This leaves him with a lot of time on his own, and while he does try to occupy his mind with books most of the time it’s not always successful.
Before meeting Iruka, Kakashi didn’t think too much. Sometimes he’d dwell on all of the people he lost and the friends he left behind in Konoha. Particularly he’d mourn over the fact that he’d left Gai, the only living friend he had left, behind in a village that would sooner see him dead than recognize his talent. 
After, though, Kakashi finds it almost impossible to think of anything other than Iruka. The way he’d stood there in defiance of him, even when he’d murdered his teammates in cold blood. How he’d stood there staring at Kakashi with fear in his eyes, but also kindness. 
Kakashi scoffs at himself for thinking it, but no matter how often he tells himself he was seeing things he simply can’t forget it.
There was kindness in those eyes and it intrigues him. This leaves him with questions about the man who would dare to look at a monster in such a way.
Kakashi does everything he can to forget Iruka.
He takes more missions. Dives straight into the nuclear option and tries to do increasingly difficult jobs that he hopes will lead to his death. It never does though.
For two years he throws himself into his work. Sometimes it works for the Akatsuki, and sometimes it's just fighting he decides to pick against nobody shinobi's he sees passing by while he's trying to relax.
It's always for the same reason. To get Iruka off of his mind. To convince himself that he doesn't deserve to think of someone like Iruka.
How could a monster ever be loved by someone so soft? How can a Nukenin expect to be thought about by someone so loyal to his village?
He always succeeds, though, and in the end, he's left feeling a little emptier and thinking even more of the man he meet over two years ago.
Unable to get Iruka off of his mind, Kakashi decides to take a direct approach to his issue. The next time Pein wants some information on Konoha he opts for stealth instead of the direct approach.
Donning his Sukea disguise, which he has used many times over the years in multiple villages, he heads into Konoha.
It doesn’t take him long to find that familiar face, though he struggles to see so many other faces he knows. He’s only thankful that Gai is gone on a mission during his visit because after all these years he’s not really sure how he’d handle seeing his friend's face again.
Once he finds Iruka though, everyone else ceases to matter. 
Deep inside the village, in the academy field surrounded by kids, stands the man who has plagued his mind for months. The only Konoha shinobi he has allowed to walk away from an encounter with him.
Umino Iruka.
He found his name quickly enough in the village’s files and vanished just before the third Hokage arrived. His file is small, and there are no big impressive feats he has accomplished, yet Kakashi finds himself even more intrigued by the man.
With a name and more information, Kakashi heads out to accomplish his next goal. Approaching Iruka. 
Sukea is a great disguise. With a quick explanation of his history as a photographer, and a little bit of flirting, Kakashi wiggles his way into the academy area to explore and take some pictures ‘for a local newspaper coming out 
Once he’s in, it’s easy enough to get to Iruka. He’s right in the field teaching his Taijutsu. Immediately Kakashi can see that the man is in his element. 
During their last encounter, Iruka had been unsure of himself. He’d paused and faltered at all the wrong times, allowing Kakashi to get what he needed without having to kill him. There were of course some sharp words, but that was the first thing that had drawn Kakashi to him.
Here, with students surrounding him, Iruka looks happy.
For a second Kakashi allows himself to get lost in Iruka’s face. To forget about his job, who he is, and everything he had done, for just a few precious moments as he watches Iruka guide his students through the steps.
He almost regrets leaving the village. If he had stayed, he might have met Iruka under better circumstances. Been able to actually have a life with him.
Those thoughts are quickly expelled from his mind. Kakashi has made his decisions and he’s not particularly sorry about them. He has regrets, but he’ll never feel bad for leaving a corrupt system behind. A system that would set him up for failure, and his friend up for an early death, and then turn around and blame it all on him.
Iruka may be stunning to look at, but he’s not worth returning to the system that cost Tenzo his life. 
So Kakashi will have to make do with what he can have.
Putting on his best act, he approaches Iruka as Sukea the photographer. A harmless man with no ulterior motives.
The two of them hit it off immediately, though Kakashi can sense that Iruka’s on edge. The way he glances around them as if searching for someone.
Part of him wishes it was him Iruka was looking for, but he shoves that thought away quickly. Not only does Iruka have no reason to search for the man who killed his teammates, but Kakashi isn’t worth his attention. All he is is a murderer and he has come to accept that he’ll live a lonely life because of that.
That doesn’t stop him from letting Sukea have a little fun though. There’s flirting, compliments, and an offer to pay for lunch (which Kakashi can only do because he makes a habit of taking spare Ryo off of shinobi he has killed. They’re not using it.)
Kakashi thought he was coming to Konoha to get Iruka out of his systems. Have a little fun, explore a tiny bit, and be done with it.
He was so very wrong.
Hanging out with Iruka only makes his desire to be around him worse. Where he only had his imagination before, he now has genuine information about the man that feeds into every single one of his daydreams.
The only downside is having to see Gemma and some of the other people he would have once called friends. Hearing them laugh and cheer with Iruka as if any of them have the right. It leaves him burning with rage, knowing that all of them get to be here having fun while so many others are gone. 
It’s unfair. He hates it, but there’s nothing he can do but chock back his anger and play the innocent photographer.
There will be a day when Konoha faces justice for everything it has done. Not just the elders and Lord third, but all of the shinobi who called Kakashi a monster while ignoring the deep corruption in their own village.
Now is not that day and they’re not who Kakashi came here for, so he ignores them. Focuses his energy on Iruka instead.
It doesn’t take much convincing to get Iruka away from them, which surprised him a little but he’s not going to question it. 
With the suggestion of catching the sunset for a perfect picture, the two of them head out.
It’s only when they’re far away from each other’s that Kakashi finally relaxes, and as soon as he does Iruka turns to him and invites him over to his house. Something that he was not expecting at all.
The two of them don’t even make it in the front door before Iruka starts tearing at Sukea’s clothing, muttering something about needing to get someone off of his mind. Kakashi doesn’t need too many guesses to figure out who this person is that’s plaguing Iruka’s mind.
It seems the Acadamy Sensei is hooked on him after one meeting. A feeling that Kakashi knows all too well since he risked sneaking into Konoha to find him. 
The two of them quickly fall into bed together, but before they get too far Kakashi pulls back and tells Iruka he needs to let him in on a secret. See, murder is fine with Kakashi. Konoha trained him to be a murderer after all, but he’d rather Iruka know what he’s getting himself into.
So, dropping his voice back to normal he leans in close and whispers into Iruka’s ear words that he knows Iruka will associate with ‘Hatake Kakashi’.
‘I like you’
They’re not words that only he has ever said, but he knows they’re the right ones to let Iruka know who he is, and its words.
As soon as Iruka hears those words he stops. His hands press against Kakashi’s chest, fingers curling into the green jacket he’s wearing. 
Kakashi asks if he wants him to leave because he’s certainly not going to stick around to be captured and a chunin isn’t going to be able to stop him, but Iruka doesn’t answer.
Taking that as a hint, Kakashi begins to extract himself from Iruka’s grasp. Before he can though, those fingers curl even tighter into his jacket and pull him forward.
He’s not sure what to expect, but Oruka’s lips against his in a hot, passionate kiss is certainly not it. 
After that, there’s no more hesitation. Kakashi happily falls into bed with Iruka and lives out every fantasy he has been silently daydreaming about for months. 
After a passionate night together Kakashi makes a quick get away and leaves the village before anyone realizes he was ever there. With that night he figures everything is done. He has gotten his fill of Iruka, and explored all of the thoughts and ideas swimming around in his mind. He’s done.
He’s so very wrong.
Not even two days later and Kakashi’s already thinking of Iruka again. His mind is drawn to him like a magnet, always pulling him back. Returning to Konoha is too dangerous, so Kakashi sits back and waits for his opportunity. The perfect chance to swoop in and claim his prize.
Iruka, meanwhile, is having even more difficulties getting Kakashi off of his mind. He’s able to do his job and keep his friendships, but it feels like he’s thinking of the rogue ninja even more than he already was which should be impossible.
He knows he shouldn’t want to see Kakashi again. He should want nothing to do with the man who murders Konoha shinobi without worry or hesitation, but he can’t help it.
There’s something about him that draws Iruka to him. Whether it’s a sense of danger he wants to explore, or that kind heart that Gai still speaks about in hushed tones whenever they’re hanging out, he’s not quite sure.
Whatever it is, Iruka’s desperate for answers.
Iruka tries everything he can to forget Kakashi, including sleeping with other people. He doesn’t limit himself on who he sleeps with, his only hope is that being with someone else will help him get his mind off of Kakashi.
It doesn’t work
No matter who Iruka falls into bed with, what position he’s in or how much he’s genuinely enjoying himself, he can’t help but think about Kakashi.
Kakashi’s skilled hands explore his body. Playing with his nips while he speaks right into his ear. That mouth on his neck left bruises that everyone will see the next day. Claiming Iruka as his.
He becomes accustomed to biting something, anything. It’s the only way he can think of to keep himself from moaning out Kakashi’s name.
Daydreams are the worst though. When Iruka’s alone with just his mind and maybe a toy or two. When there’s no one with him to hear the name he wants to call out when he’s cumming. That’s when he has the most fun.
His favourite thing to think of is Kakashi’s hands. How they’d pin him to the bed, or hold him tight against his body. Rough, worn hands run all over his body, playing with him while he moans and begs to be fucked. 
Meanwhile, Kakashi’s off somewhere occupying himself with only his hands and his imagination. If that imagination happens to produce an image of a very naked and eager Iruka in front of him, he’s not complaining.
If Iruka’s daydreams are overwhelming, Kakashi’s are destroying him. With little else to keep his attention some days, Kakashi finds himself thinking about all of the things he could do to Iruka.
How he’d sink his teeth into tender, undamaged skin and lay his mark on the man for all to see. 
He really loves thinking of the way Iruka might beg for him. Plead for him to show some mercy and fuck him after being teased for far too long. 
None of those daydreams live up to reality.
The first time Kakashi lays his hands on Iruka he feels like he’s on fire. He’s desperately grabbing at Iruka as the two of them fumble to tear each other’s clothing off. Neither of them cares if some of that clothing doesn’t survive to see tomorrow.
Iruka thinks it will be hard and fast. It would make sense since they’re in the middle of the academy and Kakashi is a nukenin who would be targeted as soon as anyone saw him in the village but once again Kakashi surprises him. He takes his time, enjoying every inch of Iruka’s body that he can get his mouth on. 
His tongue traces over Iruka’s thighs, tasting his skin as he lays against his desk panting. 
Then, without any warning, Kakashi slips his mouth over his cock and starts sucking. Irukams hands fly into his hair, gripping at long silver strands and tugging each time he inches further down on his cock. 
Iruka’s not sure how, but before he knows it Kakashi has deep-throated him. His nose is buried in Iruka’s groin and there isn’t a single coherent word leaving the academy sensei’s mouth anymore. He’s gone and he’s not sure he ever wants to come back.
Kakashi doesn’t let him cum down his throat unfortunately, which is a bit disappointing because Iruka was so damn close when he pulled back, but his disappointment quickly washes away when Kakashi asks for a bottle of lube.
He’ll never admit it, but Iruka has been carrying around a bottle for about a week in his weapon’s pouch. It seemed like a stupid idea when he first put it there, but now he’s glad he thought of it. As he points down to the pouch lying by Kakashi’s feet, he sees a smirk tugging across the man’s lips. A look that would send anyone else running for their lives, but which made Iruka’s cock twitch with excitement. 
Iruka has been with a few people before. Mostly friends, but sometimes the odd civilian who’s the company he chose to keep for a single night. None of them compare to Kakashi.
Everything he does is calculated and slow.
He takes his time and has Iruka on edge from beginning to end, teasing him. Playing with him like a toy.
Iruka’s certain he would hate it with anyone else, but with Kakashi, it feels amazing.
By the time Kakashi’s cumming, Iruka’s overstimulated and desperate for release. He can feel Kakashi’s mouth on his neck, sharp teeth dragging across his skin and sinking into his shoulder when he finally cums.
It’s only when he’s done and has pulled out that Kakashi releases his grip on Iruka’s arms and gives him a sharp, firm order.
‘Jerk yourself off’
Iruka doesn’t pause to think about the order. Reaching down, he wraps a hand around his cock and starts stroking. Already ready to burst, he knows it won’t take long for him to cum.
It takes even less time than he thinks. 
When Kakashi leans in close and attaches his mouth to his neck, sucking on the already tender skin, Iruka knows he’s done for.
He spills between them, decorating his chest with his release while Kakashi closes the distance between them and gently rocks his hips. Within seconds Iruka sees white and he’s pretty sure he has died and gone to paradise.
If this was how Kakashi killed everyone, he’s certain no one would be calling him a monster.
By the time he comes to, Kakashi’s gone. The only evidence of his presence was Iruka’s cum drying on his chest and a single piece of paper laying on his windowsill. A letter from his late-night lover.
It’s the only time the two are together like this. Kakashi never makes a second visit and Iruka’s left with little more than a memory to live off of. Sometimes he’ll clutch that letter in his hand while jerking himself off late at night, desperately clinging to those sweet tender moments he had shared with a killer.
The worst part, in Iruka’s mind, is he would gladly do it all again.
If he had to fight Kakashi to protect Naruto and his village he will, but at the same time if he has the option of falling into bed with the Nukenin he will do so without hesitation.
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kiryuing · 1 month
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26K notes · View notes
ibtisams · 6 months
Since October 7th, Joe Biden, who is currently trying to get a lawsuit dismissed that says he is responsible for the genocide of Palestinians, has:
Vetoed the UN resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Asked Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells for Israel's Merkava tanks for use in its offensive against Hamas in Gaza
Sent $14.5 billion in military aid to Israel
Met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said to him "I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist."
Publicly said that he saw the Israeli beheaded babies and then had to take it back since it was debunked
Approved a $320 million 320 for precision-guided bomb equipment for Israel
Defended the raid of Al Shifa hospital where thousands of injured and displaced civilians were sheltering
Said he had no reason to believe the Palestinian death toll was correct because he believed the source was unreliable despite the Health Ministry being recognized as a valid source
Said Hamas’ attack on Israel was like fifteen 9/11s
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hinamie · 1 month
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spins him around trying to understand the pink mop he calls hair
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awildes · 2 months
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Jumped on the trend and painted my favorite townies! Krobus is such a little sweet thing I love him 🤧
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To the people saying "Jason wouldn't have jumped into tartarus for Piper, like Percy did for Annabeth" as a way to demean him. Jason, plunged into the sky from the grand canyon to catch Piper in the first few pages of the lost hero without even knowing who she was, and without the knowledge that he could fly. so he basically jumped to his death attempting to catch her. In the first few pages of his journey, he didn't mind dying to save Piper, and ironically, that's also what he did in the last few pages of his journey. Y'all just be making the most out of pocket claims abt jason fr
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arinmoss · 3 months
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Doodled Sebastian and Elliott yesterday while i waited for the update :3
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swannsways · 4 months
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favorite Angus Tully's quotes, The Holdovers (2023) dir. Alexander Payne
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kidovna · 2 months
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manifested mileven at the snowball in 2016, so now I’m manifesting byler at senior prom🪻🌻
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Bernard: i lied. i don’t like sex. put your clothes back on babe and watch my power point presentation about What The Fuck Is Going On Between Batman And Twoface
Tim: …
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dunkinbublin · 3 months
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i got some interest on how i drew vector before so i thought it be cool to post some dedicated notes on him
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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Katya / Goncharov
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flamingpudding · 14 days
Triple Identity Crisis
Danny had a problem. If it was a big one, he couldn't tell yet but he was partially sure Clockwork was at fault for this. Or at least he wanted to blame his ghostly godparent who most likely just wanted to cause some chaos for entertainment with the pretext of helping Danny. Which was a very likely reason for why Danny had a problem right now.
As it was the former Fenton now Fenton-Wayne boy was pacing his room in the Manor trying to think what is next step should be, because as it was his 'new' family –Did new still apply if he was living with them for a little more than a year now? – knew him under three different Identities now. And to top it all off they were not aware that the three identities were all pretty much connected as one.
For one. His family, knew him as Danny, the space obsessed kid, who became a meta because of his ectobiology science obsessed parents and his teenager recklessness. A kid that was actually a genius if you gave him enough time for school and could make you anything out of a ancients be damed toaster. That was the Danny they mainly knew. The Kid they took in, let in on the family business and then chose, to the happiness of Alfred and dismay of some of his 'new' siblings, normal life over vigilante life.
Then they knew Phantom. A dead ghost hero that was helping the Justice League and Young Justice to help them deal with the aftermath of the huge fallout caused by the GIW, Guys in White or rather Ghost Investigation Ward. And while Danny didn't know he had apparently worked with nearly his entire family and that time he knew it now. Which was awkward because he had pretty much pestered one of his elder brothers about his condition until Red Hood, aka Jason, let Phantom help him. Ancient, things might get awkward if that secret is lifted. He had done a lot of things Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Robin had scowled him for. Thankfully they only thought of him as a dead teen hero and didn't know what a Halfa was. So they didn't make the connection, and he had yet to meet Signal, aka Duke as Phantom.
Now came the third identity, which totally did not happen by his choice. After all officially he hadn't accepted the throne yet and would only get it once he was dead dead not half dead. To bad ancient texts don't care about formalities. So when trouble hit the fan really hard the Justice League Dark had the bright Idea of getting some other worldly help. Which in other words was summoning the Ghost King. Oh boy, was it fun to learn that way that Danny could get summoned against his will. Clockwork did not give him that warning when he told him about the future of his afterlife. But best of all? Oh he doesn't get summoned as Phantom which would have made things maybe a bit easier, oh no. Life wasn't easy. He got someone's in some as a super weird black-green mass of a formless eltrich body with sharp teeth, claws and glowing green eyes with no pupils or irises. Hell Danny even scared himself when he saw his own reflection in a window and he didn't have a single idea how to change his form.
Let it be known that Danny acted then on purpose like he didn't know a single person in that room he had been summoned in right out of his bed and that he wasn't staring at his adoptive father like he needed help who interpreted his stare as the ghost king sizing him up. And Danny knows this because Dick had a good laugh about that at the dinner table with the rest of his siblings.
Now a smart person would probably come clean to his family and explain to them the three identities they knew him under and how they are connected.
To bad Danny wasn't 'smart' when it came to things like that. No in his panic and newfound awkwardness of the situation of what he had done on separate occasions with his identity as Phantom AND Ghost King, he decided to keep acting like he didn't knew them personally like the truely does. Really how hard could that be? Besides he liked the way his family treated him now. He didn't want to get treated differently because he was half dead, or a Ghost King. He liked that his family was treating him as plain old Danny who had an obsession with space and was their quirkily little brother with powers.
So that gave him even more incentive to keep the act up. Even if it was hard at times, especially if he got summoned out of nowhere. It would be easier if he could get a hang of the duplication power. He even had played with the thought of getting one of his ghost rogues to help but his family was perceptive. Maybe not perceptive enough to realise that all three identities were one and the same person but they would notice if Danny acted just slightly different or if Phantom was more of then usually. But somehow he still managed to keep it up.
But it was the hard way that he learned, Danny was bad at doing the 'talking' and realized that maybe Jazz was right and he was going to slip up one day causing huge misunderstandings like right now.
He stared down at Batman and Nightwing in his Ghost King form. Red Hood had his guns pulled on him, Wonder Woman and Superman looked like they where going to try to pull back Batman any second now while Nightwing, maybe at first was going to try to calm down the bat but Danny was pretty sure the eldest bat kid was now fiercely glaring at him too. He was also pretty sure the only reason he didn't see Red Robin or Robin threaten him too was because their super friends were somehow holding them back. For their own or his safety he doesn't know at the moment.
Because apparently the Bats did not fear fighting otherworldly beings to protect one of their own.
"What did you just say about Danny Fentons death?!" Batman grunted out and Danny just knew his adoptive father was glaring at him. Ancients Danny cursed his brain to mouth filter right now. As he had the collective hero scene before him staring at his Ghost King form. Would this be a good or bad moment to come completely clean or maybe he should find some kind of philosophical bullshit of 'All things death belong to him'....
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mh2o29 · 2 months
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tfw you have to call your girlfriend's house to talk to her girlfriend (who is also your boyfriends girlfriend) so you can get your boyfriend released from jail...
(click for better quality PLEASE I beg you)
under the tab are other versions of the drawing so click if you wanna see him with no shirt on .....wait what who said that.....
yall i don't even know how to explain this one i was possessed and controlled by the urge to draw stu macher all pretty and posed like this,,,, so i like when men are pretty SUE ME
credits to @atitanbitch for the idea to include Sid and Tatum in the little bubble and @powderedbleach for reminding me about THE ROBEEEE OH and ofc @harleykeenervarient for sending me the photo reference I used in the first place yall rock <3
included below are alternate versions of this drawing that I was having some fun with mwuahaha that includes no shirt, no shirt plus some ~shweed~ and also ofc trans version bc cmon
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alright thats all for now.... thats my cue to slink back into the void until I return with another art drop BYEEEEEE
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Damian has been partnered up with Daniel in their Home Ec final.
And Daniel...is putting no effort at all into cooking.
Damian keeps trying to convince him to help, but Daniel keeps wriggling his way out of the responsibility.
Damian ends up having to handle the Turkey! Unacceptable! He does not condone the death of animals for food unless it is for survival! This part must be handled by Daniel.
He shoves the turkey in Daniels' hands.
There's a soft green glow.
He hears Daniel whisper a horrified "oh shit no".
And the very dead turkey that they were supposed to be cooking comes to life.
It is very, very angry.
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sorry guys they finally showed me peak fiction . Its called “phantom of the paradise”
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