#and i just can't get the 15 year old who didn't ask for any of this out of my head
goodoldfashionednerd · 7 months
Elias Mannix is such a tragic character, when you think about it. He was doomed from the start. Either he accepts to go with the time loop and
a) has a shitty childhood (shitty to the point of not thinking anyone ever loved him and to the point of accepting to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives to feel that love he was promised)
b) has to go through with the killing of hundreds of thousands of people! And I know future!Elias doesn't really show any remorse about it, but it has to fuck up a person. Especially when his decision was made pretty spontaneously in the moment, without really thinking about the consequences (I personally think that he wouldn't have done it if he had taken the time to breath, calm down and think about it). And especially knowing most of these people didn't just die at the time of the explosion, but had to suffer a slow and painful death, that Elias probably heard about/saw pictures of on TV. We don't see him as a young adult, but those years must have been tough.
c) has to make sure his childhood is shitty so that he can keep existing, and become his own abuser!!
His only other option is to not do any of that, choose to not make the bomb explode, to do the right thing, and what does he get for that? Nothing! He stops existing!! And it's not just as if he dies, he will never have existed, no one will know he ever existed, no one will remember him! Can you imagine that??
His own life is dependant on a cycle of abuse and death he created himself and it's SO. SAD.
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dalliancekay · 3 months
Aziraphale does NOT need to suffer MORE
Can't believe I have to say this. TW: grief, mourning, death (sorry) I have, since falling into the fandom 6 months ago to escape real life, seen many takes on how Aziraphale needs to suffer in S3 to match Crowley's suffering. Mainly as the counterpart to the moment Crowley thinks he lost Aziraphale as he's looking for him desperately in the burning bookshop.
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Then drinks, we suppose, to dull his pain, waiting for the Armageddon. Also, the way Crowley suffers at the bandstand argument, the 'I Forgive You' moments, which many people find utterly devastating and incredibly heartless from Aziraphale. Not to mention when he doesn't react in the 'right way' to Crowley's confession in the Final 15. And then on top of that, 'abandons' Crowley. Oh and also for, and I quote: "The smug and entitled way Aziraphale went around in S2 assuming Crowley would love and follow him everywhere." And for all this pain that Crowley endured for him, Aziraphale should suffer in S3, to I assume, even out the scores. Some people want to see him lose it, show his emotions, to cry or beg or otherwise show how much he misses Crowley and how very sorry he is for what he's done.
Now for the TW grief content I motioned above. You can skip to the next sentence in bold.
WE ALL SUFFER DIFFERENTLY I was on holiday late September last year, visiting my mum, stepfather and my two younger brothers. We went to a cousin's wedding. It was great. The day after, as I was hanging out reading a book my mum got a call. The kind of call every mother fears. My youngest brother (he was 27) died in an accident. We needed to speak to police and the coroner. She cried and cried. She's still crying. She asks questions. She gets no answers. I did not cry. I talked to the police. I googled a funeral home. I bought my brother his last set of clothes. He lived in a hoodie and torn black jeans. Mum wanted a suit. But he died in the one he bought for the wedding. I texted a lot of people. I bought snacks for the many friends who came to the funeral and wanted to speak to us after. My grief feels like a vice. I am not sad. I do not appear sad. Contrary to what people expect. But I am ANGRY. I am furious. But nobody can see this. I am not fine and I wish no one would ever* ask how I was again. TW/Personal content over. Since I was small (because I am weird like that) I genuinely wondered if, finding myself in danger, I could scream like people in films do. I don't think I could. I cope with hard situations, fear and stress and anxiety by shutting down, sometimes by retreating too, by furiously trying to find a way out. And I think Aziraphale does the same. And that's why I love him so much. And why I feel get him and understand that people sometimes can't tell how much he's actually feeling. I also express love the way Aziraphale does - by organising things for people I love, inviting them places, making plans. When Crowley said you call me for three things (and it's basically any old reason) I felt SO SEEN. This is what I would do with a friend who I know is feeling unmoored, sad, stuck. I'd text them with any old thing. I'd never actually say I love you, how can I help though, I would try to get them to talk, meet me, go somewhere. Aziraphale does not express emotions the same way as Crowley.
But his emotions are valid nonetheless. He is worried for Crowley from around 3 minutes into their acquaintanceship. And he NEVER stops worrying.
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And are we quite sure he has never lost Crowley?
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How many times did Aziraphale's heart freeze in horror when he realised Hell has taken Crowley and he had no idea if he'll ever come back and what is happening to him?
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How did Aziraphale spent the night after vanquishing the demons and starting a war? He had no idea where Crowley was. He was probably sick with worry that Hell just took him away. We didn't see him drink, but surely, the worry must have been overwhelming. The wait for what will happen.
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ALL his worries over the Arrangement. Was he worried for himself? Do we really think that?
Crowley thought he lost Aziraphale in S1, yes, we saw that. And what happened to the angel then?
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He got blown into atoms which I bet wasn't pleasant and when he arrives in Heaven he limps. Why is he hurt? Why is he quickly pretending he isn't? Why is he always hiding how he feels? Also, he immediately deserts, wants no part in the Holy War and quickly finds an extremely unconventional way to get back. It's not a grand gesture, he doesn't deliberate, doesn't worry that he will Fall (although surely that must have been what he thought), there's no pomp around it, he thinks it and then does it. No hesitation.
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Is this coming from an angel who just can't leave Heaven behind and longs to be a part of it? Who loves to follow rules? And let's not forget in those moments Aziraphale thought Crowley was most likely gone. That he probably left for Alpha Centauri. Last he heard from him he was told he was talking to an old friend and had no time for him. Why we NEVER talk about how that might have felt for Aziraphale?
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Things are not as simple as Aziraphale has been supressing his emotions and lying to himself about how he feels and he should get over it and become free. That's not how this works. He was suppressing his emotions OUT OF LOVE. His main goal was always to keep Crowley safe. They simply couldn't run away or hoodwink Heaven and Hell. They had nowhere to go. They had no hope and yet they kept loving each other. That's courage. I know we all grew up with Romeo and Juliet and Heathcliff and Cathy and we FORGOT that those were CAUTIONARY tales. And this is not what Aziraphale wants for them. He would never allow himself to go so fast he would hurt Crowley. He feels guilty enough for agreeing to the Arrangement and for meeting Crowley at all when he knows they can be discovered and punished at any point. And Crowley knows it and RESPECTS it. He does not tolerate Aziraphale's decision to not go on a date and to hell with circumstances. He understands Aziraphale's reasoning and he respects Aziraphale's decision. Don't forget, they have NO POWER. They can't change Heaven and Hell. They can't stop believing in God and work on their religious trauma. Their Heaven and Hell are real places with real power and they BELONG to them. Aziraphale's trauma and his personality are deeply intertwined and he'd probably never be the kind of person who is open in showing their grief or stress. He will learn to be more open, I' sure. With his love especially, we see him reaching for and touching his demon in S2. Openly being with him, looking at him without guarding himself. They got a little bit of freedom for themselves despite ALL odds. So. Just because Aziraphale is not crying and screaming and I dunno, tearing his hair out or whatever some people would have him do, does not mean he isn't overflowing with pain, fear, uncertainty, doubts, worries, and so much anxiety that if he let it all out, half of the solar system would turn to ashes.
Aziraphale does not need to suffer in S3 to level out Crowley's suffering. They are, unfortunately, equal in their pain as they are in love. If there is one thing Crowley would never abide, it'd be this take from the fandom. * One more note on grief: (obviously from my personal experience) As initiated by @anthony-crowleys-left-nut in a comment
It's not that I mind to know people care and worry etc, but asking how I am can only end in me lying (fine, thank you) and both of us knowing it's not really true and feeling awkward or not lying (I feel like shit, mostly cos I can't sleep and think the world is a stupid unfair place) and both of us feeling awkward anyway. Does that make sense? I wish I could tell friends/colleagues to ask what I've been up to or something similar instead. What I've been reading (um, AO3, but I'll make something up), watching, do I want to go see some spring flowers bloom (I do).
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
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❥ pairing: valentines jason todd x f!reader
❥ summary: this is your first valentine's day with jason after well he died and came back, he needs everything to be perfect for you to make for all the lost time.
❥ warnings: bit of angst, mentions of abuse/torture, tons of fluff & smut, unapproving dad Bruce Wayne
❥ wc: 4.3k
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"Jason stop it, c'mon Bruce is going to catch us" you squealed, while your boyfriend pressed kisses all over your neck. "I don't want you to get banned from seeing me again, especially with Valentine's upcoming!"
Jason groaned and lifted his head up from your hickey-stained neck. "Even if Bruce does ban me, there's no way in hell I'm missing our first Valentine's," Jason says, laying his head on your chest. The two of you comfortably lay in your bed, cuddling while your parents were asleep a couple doors down.
You'd grown up with Jason, you'd always known him as a troublesome kid but that didn't stop you from developing a crush on the guy. You never thought of saying anything until you learned he'd gotten adopted after his dad kinda just disappeared.
For weeks you'd missed him, you missed how dumb antics, you missed the way he was always following you around and you missed his dumb smile. God, you loved that cheesy grin he always gave you..
Until one day he appeared on your doorstep, telling you that Bruce, his new dad was finally allowing him to visit his old friends. You thought he'd forgotten you but it was far from it and you knew then and there you definitely had a thing for Jason Todd.
It still took a while for either of you to confess your feelings. You thought you would crack first but Jason did instead when he learned that some guy from your school had a crush on you. He didn't mean for it to come out but he was just so jealous, "Why go out with him when you have me huh? I'd make a much better boyfriend. Just go out with me"
He wasn't wrong because he did, a week later you were on the best date of your life. Jason took you to this amazing amusement park that was happening in the middle of Gotham City. The whole night was spent on games and junk food, and Jason Todd got his kiss on the cheek that wasn't from Barbara.
Over time your relationship developed into something more, you couldn't help but spend more and more time with him. He eventually asked you to be his girlfriend and you've been his ever since.
"Well, I don't want to risk it okay? You need to get home before Bruce notices, don't you guys have patrol tonight"
"Okay fine, fine but first, I have something for you princess"
You watch as Jason pulls out what looks to be a ring box. "Woah, wash slow your roll buster, we are only 15 you can't freaking propose!" you whisper scream, praying that your shock wouldn't wake up your parents.
"Princess calm down, it's just a promise ring," Jason said rolling his eyes as if this was normal. "I wanted to give it to you before our date tomorrow, so you'll already be wearing it"
Jason sat up a bit and cleared his throat while he looked at you nervously, "I'm not sure if I've made this clear but…I love you y/n. Like really love you and you're the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. So I got this promise ring, it's like a sign of me promising myself to you if that makes any sense"
"You love me?"
"Yes, I love you y/n and you don't have to say it back okay? We're young, I have years to come to hear you say it"
You were silent as he slipped the ring on your finger. You could tell from the moment he opened the box it wasn't cheap but you couldn't complain he bought it for you. Because he loved you. And you wanted to say it back but you were scared, scared to fully accept that you loved him.
Jason didn't care if you said it back or not because, in his eyes, you were the only one who accepted him. He looked at you sweetly and gave you a soft smile before getting out of your bed and heading towards your window. Now was the time to say it, to tell him you loved him but you just couldn't m
"I'll see you tomorrow okay sweetheart? I'll pick you up at 7" He says climbing out the window with one of his cheesy grins.
At the age of 15, you'd never be happier to be young and stupidly in love with Jason Todd. Ever since he moved in with Bruce, the two of you didn't get to see each other a lot, and that caused tension between him and Bruce. Jason believed he deserved a later curfew so he could visit you but Bruce was against it, he didn't think it was safe.
Tonight Jason snuck out to see you, the two of you had Valentine's Day plans and wanted to confirm them and we'll spend time with you. You were his world, you were one of the biggest reasons he became Robin. You were the one he wanted to protect no matter what and you knew that.
What you didn't know was this would be the last time you'd ever see Jason at least until you saw his casket. The two of you never celebrated your first Valentine's and you never got to tell Jason how much he meant to you. You never got to tell him how stupid he was for sneaking out, how much you didn't deserve this wrong, and that you did love him back.
7 years later
Everything had to be perfect.
Currently, it was February 14th and Jason had woken up with what was probably the worst news he could've gotten over a phone call.
Dear Mr.Todd, we're sorry to bother you on such a busy day but your reservation at Gotham Restaurant has been canceled due to a surge of higher-paying customers. We can reschedule your reservation for free at any time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
"You're kidding me right!" Jason yelled, banging his fist against the wall. Out of a day, it had to snow today huh? Your first Valentine's since the two of you got back together. The first Valentine's since he died. Jason had never been able to give you the Valentines you deserved and when the two of you got back together, he immediately started planning.
"No Sir, we are very sorry for this inconvenience and we can try and get you another reservation elsewhere but-"
"Nowhere else is going to have any free spot and even ignoring that my girlfriend wants to go the Gotham Restaurant not anywhere else"
Well, that is what you had told him when he asked what restaurant would you like to go to that you hadn't been to yet. This wasn't how today was supposed to go. Jason had the whole day planned out. What should've been waking up in his followed by breakfast in bed, shopping, lunch, more shopping, dinner at your favorite place, a movie, dessert at your favorite ice cream shop, and ending with hopefully some cuddling if you didn't mind was now all ruined.
Jason had needed today to be perfect especially after you got over the fact that your dead boyfriend was not only alive but also vililangte who was formerly a crime lord. The fact you still wanted to be with him after all this time bewildered him this led him to believe he was probably on thin ice with you so today had to be perfect.
Since it was already Valentine's Day he knew no other restaurant would have any space for a reservation so that meant he'd probably have to cook the two of you dinner. Jason had quite the stocked fridge so he didn't see it as a bad idea but he knew you'd be disappointed for sure.
His entire relationship was riding on today being perfect and it was already failing. While Jason tried to get dressed he quickly noticed that it was already passed 8 o'clock. He was late, He said he'd make you breakfast in bed at 8 which made him late. Could today get any worse?
And it did when you told him you wouldn't eat breakfast with him because your boss really needed you at work for a couple of hours and he had already been on his way to your apartment. "I'll be back early enough for us to go shopping, and go to the restaurant. mkay? I guess we'll have to miss the movie" you said through the phone while simultaneously getting dressed for work. "Can't wait to go the Gotham Restaurant, can't believe you got us a reservation babe."
"Yeah about that…" Jason couldn't do this, he couldn't tell you that actually, you guys weren't getting dinner anywhere and that he was going to cook at home. You sounded so excited and so happy and he didn't want to be the reason that went away. "You'll love it alright. I'll pick you up from work around 6 for your shopping spree and then we'll get dinner"
"Jay I don't need to go shopping, dinner is enough really-"
"I want to take you shopping okay? I have enough saved up to spoil you and that's what I plan to do sweetheart"
Your heart hummed at the word sweetheart. It had been so long since Jason had called you that. It felt surreal because at times he didn't feel like Jason, well not like your Jason. The Jason who kissed you like his life depended on it, the Jason who was obsessed with holding your hand, the Jason who told you he loved you.
When Bruce called you and told you Jason was alive you didn't believe him. Jason was dead, you were at the funeral just like everyone else and knew how he died. A small part of you blame Bruce, this wouldn't have happened to Dick and even if it did he would've found him. Bruce tried telling you a couple more times but you ignored him. Your boyfriend, no your Jason was dead. The next time you hear about it was from Dick because Jason was out for blood. Joker's if we had to be specific.
You didn't want to believe him but Dick had loved Jason like they were biological brothers and you knew he wouldn't lie. He warned you that Jason was different and that I should be wary of him.
You took his advice and made sure not to walk home alone and tried not to go out at night but one day you had a rough day at work and you decided to visit Jason's grave. You left red dahlias on his tombstone and sat down next to it. You started talking to it about how your boss yelled at you and called you incompetent. "You would have called him an asshole for that if you were here," You told him how much you missed him. You knew he was alive but it felt so much easier talking to the tombstone because it felt like he was really there.
You did this consistently for about 2 months, you had caught on that someone was watching you. It was Dick because when you did actually see the figure they were much taller than Dick and they stayed hidden, Dick wouldn't have a reason to do that. It made sense to alert Dick but you didn't because you knew who it was and you weren't ready to face him.
Eventually, you heard from Dick that Jason had changed and that maybe you should talk to him but you still needed time. That didn't stop Jason from approaching you at your apartment. You were startled because your little high school boyfriend was suddenly 6 feet and over 200 pounds. He was practically all muscle and you were kinda scared. That didn't stop you from crying in his arms.
It took a while for the two of you to adjust to being in each other's lives especially when you never stopped having feelings for him. When you admitted that to him, he asked for a second chance. That he'd be yours even if you weren't his. So you let him be yours.
"Okayyy, I'll see you at 6 hun," you said just as you cut off the call.
Jason paces around his bedroom trying to figure out how the hell he was going to get the reservation back.
The two of you arrive at the mall, and you wait while Jason parks his motorcycle. It was shocking how there were barely any cars in the lot. Jason assumed that maybe people were just busy cause of Valentine's. You were so excited to go in that you ran over to the doors to get inside except you couldn't.
Closed for Construction, the sign read.
Jason didn't think today could get worse but it did. "No no no! This wasn't supposed to be Damn it!" He said angrily. He had even called the building, they were supposed to be opened. Construction wasn't for another 2 weeks, it was just his luck that they decided to start early. "Jason it's fine, I told you I don't need to go shopping. It was very thoughtful of you though to want to spoil me but you're already getting me dinner at the best restaurant in the city"
"There is no dinner! Our reservation got fucking and canceled and…Today is ruined y/n. Let me just take you home."
"Jason why didn't you tell me, I can promise you today is not ruined. Jay, are you even listening to me?"
Jason was hardly processing your words though because all he could think was losing you. You would dump him and he would go back to hating himself and his very existence. Would life go back to being a reminder that he died? He was tortured endlessly until he was finally out of his misery. No matter how hard the Joker tried to convince him that you hated him he wouldn't believe him. The part of you wearing his promise ring is what kept him going. What got him through the beating. What made it easier to look at the scars.
What left did he have if he wasn't able to love you. He was yours, he didn't know how to love others and he didn't want to because he would always love you. When he was watching you he realized that even though it had been 7 years you were still the same.
Still had the pretty smile and that contagious laugh, still had a knack for books and enjoyed it. You were still his, at least he believed so. And the one thing you asked him, he couldn't deliver. You messed up your first Valentine's and now he was going to mess up this one too.
"Jay for fucks sake, would you look at me!!"
Jason wasn't sure if it was that cursing that made him snap out of his spiral or maybe it was the fact that you were holding his hands. It had only been 2 weeks since he reintroduced himself into your life, and had been avoiding affection. He knew it was cause he was so big now and you were a bit scared. But right now you weren't. You were holding your hands with his. You were looking at him with what looked like pain and so much regret but you were smiling at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Just shut up okay? And listen to what I have to say"
After you had finally managed to calm him down you knew you needed to tell d him how you had felt. "When I lost you, I regretted so much Jay but what I regretted most was not telling you that I loved you and it hurt. It hurt knowing Joker had you and that you were in pain but what hurt more was that you were really gone."
You paused and slowed your breath a bit.
"I know it seems like you owe me something like you need to make up for lost time or show me you're worth love but I already know that Jay. I've been yours since we were kids, m'kay? "
"But I do owe you, I owe you the goddamn world if possible"
"For what Jay?"
"Accepting me again I know I'm different than I'm used to be. I'm more shut out and I know I definitely look different. There is so much you accepted just cause I love you"
You groaned annoyingly and raised your hand up and shook it in his face, "Have you even noticed that I'm still wearing this promise ring? The one you gave me?"
Jason had, you wondered why you still wore it. It was so tiny and was probably uncomfortable. It was a tiny gold band, he had paid Selina for that had a diamond on it. To others, it clearly looked like it could be an engagement ring and you still wore it because you still, did being to someone whether was dead or alive. People tried to convince you to move on and take off the ring but you didn't listen.
"You still have it..."
"Mhmm, believe me now?"
"How about we get dinner to go at some random place, come to my place and we'll eat and cuddle while watching some movies"
"You're okay with just that?"
"I'm okay with anything as long as I'm doing it with you Jay, that's the whole point"
Jason smiled and held you in his arms, "can't believe you're still all mine"
"C'mon let's go to the movie theater and see what they've got"
And that's exactly what you did.
The two of you were cozied up on your bed, with a bunch of food. Jason bought himself chili dogs and got you pancakes to make up for breakfast. Who knew pancakes tasted better at night?
Jason also bought 2 tubs of Ice Cream to substitute as dessert. You may not be eating at that fancy restaurant but you were still having the time of your life.
"I swear you hated chili dogs when I was alive?!"
"I always liked them I just never wanted to admit it else that would've been the only food we'd ever eat"
While the TV played in the background you looked over at Jason who looked the happiest he'd been all day. There he was, your Jason. He was there, under all those scars he was still there. Jason noticed you were staring you looked over at you, and leaned in to place a soft kiss on your lips. "I've missed the taste of your lips" he whispered quietly
He kissed you again and this time you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. "I've missed you, Jay," you said in response. Jason didn't hands on his way to your hips and he pulled you closer, right onto his lap. You still hadn't adjusted to Jason being so big, so when your hands found your way to his muscles you were surprised to feel him groan while you felt him up a bit.
"Sweetheart, if you keep this up I'm going to do something you might regret"
"I didn't regret my first time with you, I'm not going to regret it now babe"
He groaned again this time grinding his hips upwards against yours. Jason swiftly switches your position, putting you underneath him. His kisses quickly became more eager while his hips rutted into you, "Baby, I don't have any-"
"Don't need it, got on the pill a couple years back" you said softly, gripping his shirt. "I promise I want this, so let's get these out for he was please?"
Your pleas were enough for Jason to take off your dress, you'd worn a red satin dress. He'd always liked you in red, especially when it was just for him. Jason had on a tux except he replaced the jacket with his favorite leather one. Regardless, he still looked so good, as he always did.
His leather jacket was already on your bedroom floor, you tried to undress him but he stopped you. "The scars…I don't want to scare you again"
"You won't, I promise. I'll even kiss them, they're a part of you Jay and you're mine" you say tugging on his shirt. With a sigh, he silently takes off his shirt. You raise your hand to touch him but stop and make sure it is okay. He doesn't verbally answer but he gives you a nod. You trace his scars with your finger but one sticks out the most, his neck scar.
You move your face closer to his neck, and kiss his scar, "You're still as beautiful as ever, you're still my Jason" you say while you pull away from his neck. Before you can even read his reaction, Jason kisses you again, rough and with more of a need. Jason had told you he'd met other people but in the end, he could ever think of you. You were the only person who made it just for him.
You'd had your own set of boyfriends which all seemed to end up the same, they'd get too close and you'd dump them. You couldn't imagine loving anybody the way you loved Jason. Jason's body pressed against yours with his hand on your back, pushing you into him. Your hands made your way to his pants, tugging at the waistband. "Patient baby, I'll take em off for you"
The sound of a belt hit your floor but you didn't care, you kept kissing him like your life depended on it. You didn't fully remember when Jason took off your underwear but you remember him, "Jay when did get so..."
"big?" he finished for you with a chuckle, "Yeah, there's a lot you're going to have to get used to with me" His tip pressed at your cunt, earning a disapproving groan for you. You didn't like how slow he was going, you knew he was doing it because he didn't want to hurt you but you weren't 15 anymore you could take it.
You wrap one leg around his waist pushing against his back. Jason liked the way you squirmed underneath him, practically begging for him to fuck you. After a couple minutes, he gave in and sunk his cock right into you. Your nails dug into his back, feeling the stretch of his cock inside you. You felt so embarrared you came on his cock from just him entering"
"Did you just-"
"Shut up please"
Jason looked down at you, his cheeks flushed red, while he was breathing very quickly
"Jay why aren't you moving"
"Can't baby"
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I mean if I move, I'm going to cum on the spot sweetheart so please bare with me" he groaned out, trying to adjust to your warm cunt hugging his cock. Slowly he began to move, using one hand to grip the sheets in hopes he wouldn't blow his load too quickly. His other hand was on his hip, trying to steady your body. Your hands were on his face, caressing his cheeks. Whenever he blushed it was so obvious, you used to tease him all about it even though you loved it.
He down to capture your lips again, allowing your arms to find themselves around his neck. Each thrust was messier than the last, getting rougher after each second. Sex now was so much more different than when the two of you were teens. Jason did things you didn't even know he could do. Once he'd found your g-stop he began to abuse it, earning a chocked moan from you every time. He was studying what you liked, what made you feel good and you loved him.
He let go of the sheets and placed both hands on your hips, giving you even tougher thrusts and even biting on your neck. Your entire body was on fire, you were overwhelmed notnonkynfrom his size but the feeling of Jason's body pressing into yours. You couldn't feel so good.
You always knew Jason was a bitter, also long as he didn't draw too much blood you were alright with it. A soft moan left your mouth as you came again, cum running down your thighs while Jason continued to fuck you. Jason thought about overstimming, making you beg for him to stop because you'd feel too good.
"Didn't know my girl was into biting" He said, while lifting up one of your legs to push deeper into you. You'd cum for tbr second time but he needed you cum one last time at least before he came. The rough slaps of skin and moans filled the room. Making it hard for you to not cum again on the spot. You felt so good you couldn't even complain that he was teasing you "Fuck you're really sensitive sweetheart"
You hid your face in the crook of his neck while his hips pounded into yours. Your legs shook while you whispered in his ear, "If you don't stop m'gonna cum again, Jay pleaseeeee"
He didn't stop though, instead, you came another two times. Makes a mess of cock. "Such a good girl f'me, just let me fill you up and we'll be done. I promise sweetheart" He gripped your hips tightly before releasing inside you. The two of you exchanged a couple more kisses while you both rode out your orgasms.
You whimpered while he pulled out of you, missing his warmth already. He watched as his cum poured out of you, dripping on the sheets. You laid back on the bed, while he hovered over you for a brief moment.
Once he laid down next to you and though he was panting he pulled your body onto his lap. You rested your head on his chest just as he used to do to you. That reminded you, there was something you needed to say, "Jay can I say something I've been holding in for a long time, yeah?"
"Mhmm, what is it, sweetheart?"
"Jason Peter Todd, I love you"
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❥ a/n: happy valentine's to all my lovelies!! i hope everyone enjoys this fic and also has a nice valentines day, whether it's with someone or by themselves.
❥ taglist: @meowkn, @kazzattack, @woodenanemone, @yourlocalcringydaydreamer , @orchidsangel, @millyhelp
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC Prompt: Green Lights
(This might go from a prompt to another oneshot thing but we'll see how it goes)
Bruce has no idea about Danny's powers when he gets the call about his cousins in Amity Park. Jack Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jazz Fenton, a couple of High Schoolers, and a high school teacher were killed. All that's left is his 14 year old cousins and while it's a long shot given how many other kids he already has they're reaching out on the off chance that he wants the kid.
If he doesn't the Mayor of Amity Park has offered to adopt him, but from what he can hear over the phone, the kid isn't happy with this.
"No! You can't send me with Masters! I can't go to Masters! Please, y-you can't!"
Bruce didn't hesitate. "I'll take him in, it'll be no problem what so ever."
When he meets Danny he learns he's 15, the age Jason was when he died and close in age to the rest of his kids but he hardly looks 14. He's thin, scared, and scarred. Danny seems hesitant to talk to any of the kids and the kids are torn. Damian is pissed to say the least.
No matter how badly Damian treats him or acts towards him Danny doesn't react. When somebody apologizes for Damian's actions Danny just gives the quiet reply of; "Believe me when I say nothing Damian does is anything compared to what I would have experienced if other interested parties had gotten their hands on me."
This raises flags.
One of many.
Danny has scars. They learn this when Danny pulls off one of his hoodies and his shirt pulls up to show the amount of scars. He's got more scars than most of them - if not all of them. Burns, cuts, electrocution scars and countless others. When they ask Danny about them he just shoves back on his hoodie as fast as possible and runs to his room.
He doesn't come out until the next day and even then he's distant.
Every room Danny enters gets cold - they blame this on the tension in the air given Danny is the only one who doesn't know their secret.
Danny's teeth are weirdly shop - they blame this on bad dentists.
Danny has scars - given what Bruce heard about 'Vlad Masters' over the phone he fears it was abuse from either Masters or Danny's parents (in a way, he's not wrong).
Danny has nightmares - they blame it on the accident that took his family and friends (they're not fully wrong)
But then people in the family notice that Danny's eyes glow in the dark. It's not the fact that they're glowing that bothers them, it's the fact that they're glowing Lazarus Pit's Green.
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fanficsdumpomg · 6 months
Brozone NSFW Headcannons (Fem!Reader) (Male!Reader for Floyd)
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John Dory:
*Okay, John Dory during his band days probably didn't have much experience because he was so focused on making Brozone perfect, probably a couple flings here and there.
*John Dory now is like a sad little pet who hasn't been touched in 15+ years. I mean c'mon people man spent the last decade and a half alone in the wilderness with only his pet armadillo. Man's going to be pathetic and whiney.
*John Dory gives me total switch vibes, can go from dom to sub in an instant when he bottoms out
"Fuuucckk....baby...please touch me... kiss me.. just do something, don't torture me.."
*Noisy, noisy, and whiny old man. Whines during foreplay and whines during sex
*John strikes me as a total ass and thigh man, he loves to constantly have his hand on one of those two things. Out on a dinner date? The hand is on your upper thigh. At a party? The hand is on your ass. Basically, anywhere y'all go no matter if it's public or private he will be feeling you up.
*Please, please sit on his face; the man wants you to crush him while he eats you out.
*And speaking of ass, John Dory loves to give you those surprise spanks during the day. For the life of him, he cannot keep his hands off of you and y'all usually end up in a play tackle fight which ends in him manhandling you more.
*John Dory also strikes me as the type to love marking you up and you marking him up. Hickies, yes! Scratches on his back, double yes! Wants to feel you and have you feel him the next day.
*Fav positions: Face-off, 69, Downward doggy and Standing Missionary.
*John Dory's turn-ons? Kissing him all over his face, challenging him (bringing out his competitive side), and playing with his hair. Honestly, you could breathe on this man, and he would be ready, he just loves you so much!
*John Dory's other Kink's/Fetishes include, A scent kink (receiving and giving), outdoor/public sex, praise kink (please tell him he's a good boy), overstimulation and voyeurism (likes to watch you touch yourself).
John Dory's cock is definitely above average, his normal size is around 5.5 inches and when hard it is 6 inches. John probably had better grooming habits during his brozone era but post brozone does not groom down there so it is hairy.
Bruce: (Spruce)
*Bruce during the Band days was probably a serious womanizer/fuckboy
*Gives me soft Dom vibes, specifically daddy dom vibes.
*Bruce is a big tease, loves to tease you during sex and during your guy's day to day too.
*"Don’t work too hard, baby. I want you to have plenty of energy for me later."
*Kind of a perv too, asks you to get something from a low cabinet and when you bend over, he loves to press his bulge against you.
*"That's right,Baby Girl; cum on Daddy's cock!"
*Bruce is a big man himself, so he loves chubbier people. Loves having more to touch and feel during your more intimate and affectionate times.
*Bruce has a serious breeding kink, wants to have as many children as possible with you and recreate the family he lost when brozone disbanded. if you can't have kids for any reason, that's fine; he's still going to cum inside you every chance he gets.
*Bruce loves his partners chest, total tits man. Loves to come up behind you during the day and grope you teasingly to get you turned on. Also loves to play with your chest during, sex; it's a big part of his foreplay. Loves to pinch, bite and mark up your chest.
*Total Munch Vibes ✨, I mean have you seen the man eat? He’ll eat you out so good.
*Bruce is a mix between quiet and loud, definitely a moaner though. Mixes between moans and groans during sex
*Fav Positions: Pretzel dip, spooning, reclined butterfly and mating press.
*Loves when you touch his hair between running your fingers through it, pulling it or stylizing him; the man will be putty in your arms.
*Another one of Bruce's turn ons include strategically placed kisses. Kissing him on the back of his neck, ear or wrist will make the man go feral and pounce you in an instant.
Bruce's other Kinks/Fetishes include Edging (likes to make you work for it), Food Play (Man loves to eat, and what better way to combine his two favorite things) and Overstimulation (likes to give you as many orgasms as possible after edging you for a period of time).
*I head cannon that Bruce is the smallest of his bros but the thickest. Standing at a 4.8 with a thick head. Has good grooming habits and shaves down there when he can.
*Clay in mind is a strict dom. Because he had to be the "fun one" during brozone he likes having control over his personal life now.
*Clay strikes me as an ass man, when you're a brat loves to spank/paddle you as a punishment.
*"Excuse me? Do I have to take you over my knee to show you how to behave, little girl?"
*Since I head cannon that he’s an ass man, he would probably love anal
*As much as he pretends that he hates when you act out, secretly he loves when you're a brat; loves having that feeling of control over you and giving out your punishments.
*Super quiet during sex, does not make any noise.
*You work with clay doing administrative duties. Clay loves to put a vibrator inside you and deny your orgasm until you finish paperwork. He also sits you on his lap while you work and whispers teasing remarks and gropes you while you work. You'll be a crying, pathetic mess during but the reward is so sweet.
*While Clay is a strict dom, he's not a mean dom; if you follow his rules and are a good girl you will get rewarded by getting the most mind-blowing orgasms.
*"You're already that wet? God you're pathetic."
*Big degrader, loves to watch you cry from his mean words.
*Loves to Give and Receive Oral. Big head pusher when you give him oral and a big tease when he gives you oral.
*Clay's turn ons also include Light touches (Brushing up against him in public and private), Kissing (Those slow kisses that turn passionate and rough), and playing with his hair.
*Clay's Kinks include Bondage (Loves to tie you up/immobilize you during sex), Roleplaying, Gagging (Will Gag you if you get too mouthy or loud), and Edging (controls when and how you will get your orgasms)
*Clay is a grower, 4.5 flaccid and 5 inches hard. Definitely nicely groomed and shaved weekly.
*Floyd is the sensitive one of the group so I imagine he's a switch sub leaning.
*Big whiney crybaby, will cry for you to touch him and will cry during sex.
"*Gasp*, Please... don't stop"
*Floyd loves all of his partner, but his favorite part would his partners hands touching, groping and manhandling him.
*Loves to be bitten, wants to feel like he belongs so biting and marking him up to show that he's yours is a given.
*Loves to be tied up/restrained in any way possible. Tying his arms up, tying his legs together is 100% okay in his book. Also loves some sensory deprivation when being tied up.
*Even if he is doming you, you're still in some sort of control albeit riding him or being a power bottom.
*When doming he loves to be sensual; praise you, kiss you and touch you all over.
*"You...feel..so..good" You...are so...pretty, I'm so lucky to have you"
* Floyds also likes to be praised when he subs, wants to know how much you love every part of him.
*Prefers to give oral rather than receive it.
*Fav Positions: The Bicycle, Missionary and The Hot Seat
*Floyd's turn ons also include, playing with his hair (please pull his hair, he will be putty in your hands), when you lightly and teasingly touch him on the back of his neck, and when you lovingly gaze at him for long periods of time.
*Floyd’s other kinks include Melolagnia (loves listening to you sing and loves to perform duets with you.), and piercings (this is the emo in him but he totally finds piercings hot)
*Floyd is def a shower, he remains at 5 inches flaccid and hard. Probably the cleanest and best groomer of all his brothers.
*Branch is a total Dom, goes from Soft Dom ✨ to Rough Dom.
*Possessive Sex is a must with this man, he has been alone for so long and when the two of you get together he gets insanely possessive/jealous all the time.
“You’re Mine….” “No one else can have you…”
*Honestly gives me Soft!Yandere Vibes and Trolls 1 Branch probably considered locking you up in his bunker so you’d be safe from the world.
*Loves to mark you up! Bite marks, hickies and scratch marks will go anywhere and everywhere on your body. Wants everyone to know who you belong too
“Branch loves every part of his partner which ties into his marking kink. Will touch, grope, spank and bite every part of you.
“Branch loves to praise be praised, praise him during the day on his building skills or on his intelligence and the man will go feral for you.
*Prefers to give oral, he doesn’t mind receiving he just like seeing you shiver and moan while he eats you out.
*When praising you, Branch loves to tell you how smart/pretty/good you are.
*”So pretty…I love you so much…you’re so good for me…”.
*Big Man-handler, will throw you around during sex like you way nothing.
*He loves to be in control during sex. Will control pace, tempo and speed.
*Loves to restrain you during sex, tying up your arms, legs, etc. Likes to see you at his mercy.
*Branch’s turn ons include, seeing his partner making intelligent decisions, soft kisses in passing and spending quality time together (you could’ve hung out with your friend but you choose to spend time with him? Mans in love)
*Fav Positions: Seated Scissors, Cowgirl and Reverse Cowgirl and the Lazy man.
*Branch would also have a smidge of breeding kink, he’s looking to recreate that family connection he lost when brozone disbanded, also that would cement the idea that you are his forever. If you can’t have kids that’s okay, you can adopt and he still likes to play out the fantasy in his mind and comes inside you during sex.
*Loves having his ears nibbled on, guaranteed way to instantly turn him on.
*Just like his favorite bro, branch is into Melolagnia. Loves hearing your voice and gets majorly turned on after singing with you; it’s like and adrenaline rush for him.
*I head cannon Branch is the biggest and thickest out of all the brothers. Dude is a grower with a 5.5 inch flaccid and a 6.5 inch hard. Has a thick base that hits you in all the right places ✨. Branch has good grooming habits but does not shave.
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 months
(another unfinished post i found on the way to glasgow - that was the longest train ride in my life - I'm sorry in advance)
When Ice finally passes away, at the age of 73, in his sleep, Bradley moves Mav into their house the same day.
He gets the call in the morning, while trying to simultaneously cook Jake's breakfast and try to make their daughter put on a rain jacket. It's not Mav, but someone from the hospital. Jake doesn't know this — Bradley's face twitches only for a second and then he's back to the nagging, relaxing tone and telling their daughter it's raining and it won't stop. Jake only finds out when he comes back home from the school drop-off and Mav is already there on their couch. Jake doesn't even get the full explanation until that night, just a quick, "Ice passed away overnight."
There's only their three youngest living with them at the time — their 18-year-old daughter who attends UC San Diego, and their 15-year-old son who is still in high school, and their 7-year-old daughter — so Mav takes one of the vacant bedrooms.
The first few nights, Bradley sleeps in the same bed with him. Neither of them looks like they get much sleep. They don't really eat, either, just drink coffee and nibble on the crackers.
The kids start coming back home, and their oldest helps Jake arrange most of the things for the funeral, at least for the first few days. Mav is... numb, not really there, and Jake understands — he would, too, if he woke up one day and his husband died in his sleep next to him. Bradley is silent, mostly, the way he usually rambles to fill out the silence, the way he hums, the way he sings at any given time when there are no words spoken, it's all gone and Jake doesn't know how to fill out the silence either, how to ask, how to make it better without asking.
Bradley doesn't cry, or at least not the way he knows Mav does — he can see Mav's red eyes every morning — but there's something empty in his gaze, in the way his eyes follow Mav and in the way he melts whenever Mav is around, always close, always brushing against him. Mav spaces out a lot, doesn't talk much, doesn't—well, doesn't do much. Every time he tries to help with something, paperwork, the funeral arrangements, the hospital bills, even just sorting out the kids' school leave or Jake's own work leave, he fumbles a bit, not really able to focus on anything for long, and it's like his mind is completely scrambled. Jake doesn't know how to help him — doesn't know if they even can.
The kids, well, did not take it well, as expected. The oldest two try to be brave and help Jake with everything, keep the house going, but their youngest daughter doesn't really understand why her pops isn't back, the middle kids don't understand why now — Ice was in remission, in good health, would go hiking with them once a month, play with them in the backyard, talking about plans for the future with them, nothing that would tell them to expect their pops passing away. Mav and Ice had taken care of all of them for years, while Jake and Bradley were still deployable, and helping out as much as they could. Ice was a huge part of their lives, since the very beginning.
Bradley is certainly not doing any better but one couldn't be able to tell if they didn't know him well enough. He's always been more for packing his feelings into a tight neat box, compartmentalizing until there is too much and it all overflows in some explosive way. His focus is mostly on Mav and the kids, trusting Jake to take care of anything he can't.
Jake can't even ask him how he's doing until the night before the funeral.
Mav tells Bradley he wants to be alone that night and Bradley lands in their bedroom.
He acts normal — checks the kids are in bed, checks on Mav, prepares stuff for breakfast in the morning, has a shower. Only when he sits down in their bed, their dress blues, cleaned and pressed sitting on the hangers hooked up on their wardrobe, right in front of him—only then he freezes, a blank stare still on the uniforms.
Jake sits down next to him on the bed. "Talk to me, Bradley."
"I knew it was going to happen at some point, I just," "I just thought we would have a few more years."
Bradley sleeps curled up on his chest — he sleeps the whole night, soundlessly, and Jake is almost settled.
Almost. Mav is a couple doors down, alone.
Ice's been—had been retired many years now, but he had been high enough in the ranks that the Navy still insists on making a military funeral. Jake tried to take away as much of the flashy bullshit as possible, but there are still things leftover — the sailors with the flag, the flyover. But there's no one who wasn't close with the family at the ceremony, there's no speeches, and no one tries to hand either Mav or Bradley a flag.
The wake has an even smaller amount of people, all packed in their house — Mav hasn't been at his own house since — and thanks to Slider, mostly, and his 'the bastard wouldn't want us to mope around', it's less sad and quiet.
Mav eats two slices of cake, which is the most Jake's seen him eat since, and even laughs at some stories about Ice people are exchanging.
Ice had a good life. A big family. A big happy family that loved him.
But life goes on without him. Jake goes back to work first, then the kids have to go back to school, then Bradley has to back to work. After a couple of days alone at their house, Mav starts bringing up moving back to his own house.
He's not really doing great. He's still quiet, still spaces out more often than not, still forgets himself sometimes, still freezes whenever he tries to say something and the we he uses is one person short. He's—lifeless, for a lack of better word, and seems like he's noticing it now that Bradley isn't with him most of the waking hours.
"That is our home," Mav tells them. "I can't abandon it forever, I'd be abandoning him, too, if I—"
Jake—Jake gets it. He doesn't like it, but he gets it.
Bradley's been fielding off any suggestions of Mav moving out but he's pretty sure that soon Mav is going to pack his stuff and up and leave without asking for permission.
"If he wants to move back home, we can't exactly hold him here. against his will."
"Jake," Bradley says. "I feel like—if we let Mav go back there alone, he's going to die of a broken heart and I won't have either of them anymore."
"I know it's selfish," he interrupts, "but I can't lose him, too. Not now."
Jake can't make Mav stay with them — so he finds the best solution he can and instead, they all move in with Mav. Hell with it, he's going to try to get everyone to live their lives to the end. They'd done it before, Mav, Ice, Bradley, Jake and their two kids under one roof, when their oldest two were their only two kids.
The two of them and two of their youngest; two of their kids move into their house so they don't have to sell it.
Mav lives on. They try to occupy his mind by throwing their youngest at him — ask him to take her to school, pick her up from school, take her to her gymnastics class, do her homework with her, teach her how to play piano. The other kids pick up on it, too, and their high schoolers would wrap Mav into doing math workbooks with them, or ask him to drive them to their friends' house, and the kids that have moved out ask Mav to go to lunch together or call him to ask him things about car and house repairs that don't exist.
Mav gets brighter every day. Never as bright as before, but no longer so numb.
Their daughter ends up never moving out and so do they.
They all get older but Mav holds up pretty well. He does break his hip when trying to wash the windows, had a limp and terrible back ache ever since, had to stop driving because he can't see shit, had to stop piloting even sooner, and his memory is also shit, but Jake is pretty sure his cholesterol is lower than his own and he has better blood pressure than Bradley. Bradley and Mav are the ones cooking after all, Jake is the one eating all the tasty but not healthiest food, and Mav's life revolves around spoiling his cute great-grandkids and Bradley's is filled with the constant stress of managing Navy's top flying school.
For his ninetieth birthday, Mav flies a fighter jet as a passenger, the oldest person to ever do that — his youngest granddaughter is the one to take him up in the air, a junior grade lieutenant herself. They have a birthday party held at their house, Mav falls asleep in the armchair, Bradley makes fun of him and promptly falls asleep on the couch, too. Jake loves them both so much and still kind of can't believe he has this — house full of grown-up kids and grandkids of his own, his graying husband of over thirty years, his father-in-law coming to an age he wanted to see his mother at.
They're cleaning up, their two daughters who still don't have kids and didn't need to go home helping, and Mav tells them he's going to get some fresh air on their veranda. "I've got a terrible headache," is all he says.
Half an hour passes, they've packed all the clean and dirty dishes, and Bradley huffs to himself. "He fell asleep on the bench again, didn't he," and goes outside.
Bradley shouts for him in less than a minute. The ambulance is there in eight. Within the half-hour and a CT scan in the hospital, the neurologist tells them Mav is too far gone to survive the day. Within six hours, every single person from their family has come to say goodbye. When they pass the seven hours mark, Jake stands up from the plastic chair behind Bradley — he's not about to tell Bradley he should rest, but he's been holding Mav's hand since the minute they admitted Mav to the ward and hasn't eaten or drunk anything all day. He tells him he'll go grab them a coffee and bagels and gets a little nod and a smile.
Jake comes back twenty minutes later and Bradley doesn't even look up from where he's gripping Mav's hand.
"Can you get the nurse for me?"
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
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“Age doesn’t matter.” 1
Dad!Bakugou x FBabysitter!Sensei!Reader
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The day that Katsuki married her, most of his friends kept advising him it was not a good idea, she was a walking red flag, and she only loves him for his wealth since being the second-ranked hero he is and holding his own agency, money isn't a problem to him.
Until he got her pregnant. After giving birth to his son, recuperating, and finally moving on her own again, she left him without any notice, not any letter. He just got home and frantically made his way to his wailing child in his crib. Katsuki immediately picked him up and made his way to the kitchen preparing his child a bottle for his formulated milk. As soon as he felt the milk was lukewarm, he tap the nipple of the bottle on his child’s lips and saw how his son starts sucking it.
That made Katsuki leave work for a month until he was able to ask for help. With the help of Mitsuki and Masaru, they took care of their grandchild in daylight, and when Katsuki got off from work, he would pick up his child and take care of him by the night. Even though his mom insisted to take care of her grandchild full-time, Katsuki declined and said that he wanted to take care of his own blood as much as he can.
Years passed and his now 7 years old son adores him very much. He saw how his father beat up the villain and save people. It makes him want to be a hero like him. Every time Katsuki would come and pick him up from his grandparents, he would reenact the moves Katsuki did making Katsuki smirk.
“Alright brat. Stop with that and pick up your stuff. Let's head in.” Katsuki said parking his car in his garage as he opens the door for his son to get off.
“You look so cool! And you went kick! And then bam!” the kid said as he went and pick up his things from the back seat.
“I know I am. Now let's go inside.” Katsuki said locking the car door and going inside their home.
Once they both settled, Katsuki changed from his work clothing to his normal clothing and starts preparing their dinner. “Oi. Don't forget to work on your assignment!” he yelled, receiving awe in response that made him chuckle.
Katsuki watched his son drag down his school bag making his way to the living room where the center table is.
“I heard from your teacher you’re doing well,” Katsuki said as he chopped the ingredients.
“I need to be good so that I can be strong like you!” his son said making Katsuki smirk.
“You think I’m strong?” Katsuki looked at his son who was working on his homework by himself.
Katsuki took his time watching his son count his fingers before saying aha as if finding out the answer. When Katsuki continued his chopping, little did he know his son suddenly went quiet and stopped writing. He stared blankly at his unfinished homework before speaking up.
“Dad,” he called out softly.
“What?” Katsuki replied thinking that he might need his assistance with his homework.
“Why don't I have a mom?”
His question made him halt his chopping. He knows the answer to his question and yet he was hesitating to say it. He's too young to know that his mom suddenly left them when he was still a baby.
“I saw my classmates being picked up my their mom.” His son added.
“I could pick you up after school.” Katsuki glancing at him.
“I hate being left alone at school when Grandma can't pick me up.. Sometimes, Ms. Y/n would take me out with her and eat in a cafe.”
This he didn't know. “What?”
“Sometimes grandma and grandpa can't pick me up because they have a lot of clothes to make so I'm always left alone at school with Ms. Y/n”
Why doesn’t his mom tell him this?
“How long do you usually wait for them to pick you up?” Katsuki was pissed.
“It gets dark outside. Ms. Y/n would take me to her home and would cook for me! She's a great cook, dad!”
Katsuki will make sure he’ll discuss this with his parents.
“Sometimes, Ms. Y/n is like a momma to me! She take care of me. She wipes the dirt off my knees whenever I tripped. She has a small apartment though. But it's very clean!” Katsuki stared at his son as he rambles about his teacher. “And, and, Ms. Y/n has a healing quirk! It's very cool whenever I watch her heal someone, her hands are glowing! Although if it heals, she’ll get a wound out of nowhere..”
Katsuki is now interested. He has this eagerness to meet this teacher his son is talking about. He's been too busy being a hero to the point he relies on his parents to drop his son at school. But after what he heard, this is the first time he’ll drop his son to school.
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i-m-art-ix · 1 month
Ninjago headcanons just FSM family
(Sorry for my English but it is not my native language)
Lloyd discovered one day that if he just calls Wu uncle he can get out of any trouble (because Wu adores his nephew), which he often uses to his advantage, for example, when he was still a child, he would often approach Wu and ask for various things, and if Wu did not agree, he would simply say "Okay, Uncle Wu" in the saddest voice he could, which made Wu immediately change his mind and agree. As Lloyd got older he stopped using it as much but still does it sometimes. Best of all, everyone is aware of this except Wu himself, so if the ninja want to do something and know that Wu won't agree, they send Lloyd to "convince" Wu.
FSM was a teenage parent, I'm mean in season 15 it was said that when he came to ninjago he was still a child and as we know hybrids age differently so I'm sure when he created Wu and Garmadon (I don't give a damn that this man had a woman, I just don't see it) he was still a teenager and mentally he could have been about 18-20 years old.
I'm sure FSM tried to be a good parent but didn't know what to do, apart from the fact that he was still a teenager at the time, this man never had any idea what a healthy family should look like, he literally was a child soldier and had to choose between dragons and Oni and I suspect that neither the dragons or the Oni were not very nice to him and they probably didn't have much affection for him. And unfortunately it was visible, but he loved his sons (and he certainly loves his grandson).
So screw the canon, Wu never loved Misako, he didn't like her at first (because he claimed she was stealing his brother because Garmadon only talked about her), later he started liking her and then they became good friends.
So when I said that Wu doesn't love Misako, I mean that Wu is gay, no really look at the teenage version of him, he can't be straight.
I am sure that Wu was the creator of many fashion trends, considering that back then there was not much fashion and Wu had the power to create, he had to create many clothes that no one had ever seen before. Many of these clothes were very sexy and revealed a lot of things.
Due to the way Wu dressed, many men stared at him and flirted with him, which of course neither Garmadon or their father not liked, that's why they never sent Wu to the city alone, someone always went with him and whenever a man tried to hit on him he got a death glare from Garmadon or FSM (which must have been terrifying, as if God himself wants to kill you because you thought in a erotic way about his son and also Garmadon who is the essence of destruction and intends to rip out your organs for looking at his younger brother).
FSM loves his grandson, the guy literally gave him his golden power without a second thought and even let him choose between life and death, he must adore Lloyd.
Before the events of Season 1, when Lloyd was expelled from school and wandered the streets, FSM was his guardian angel. He made sure Lloyd didn't hurt himself, and when he did something to himself, he simply accelerated his regeneration with his divine powers, when Lloyd had nothing to eat, he directed him to places where food could be easily obtained. In episode 1 of season 1, when Lloyd gets to the tomb, he falls over perfectly to avoid being hypnotized and the leader of the snakes hypnotized himself, it not way that this kid failed perfectly, I'm actually sure that his grandfather helped him
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leclerc-s · 26 days
suffering since forever
series masterlist
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natalia ruiz praying for all of you because at least i like my third wheel
arthur leclerc that's because joris has been stuck with you two since before you were couple
fernando alonso you can say it, since before they were sleeping together.
carlos sainz it's not like joris has a choice.
lewis hamilton and the rest of you do?
max jones-verstappen we don't. we do it subconsciously.
daphne jones-ricciardo like that makes it any better max.
rhys jones i bet it hurt when jorris got that wag of the year trophy and you didn't.
natalia ruiz who let the child speak?
isabella perez she says that because she's hurt.
natalia ruiz i'm not hurt by the 12 year old.
rhys jones I'M 15!!
lance stroll yet you act like you're 12
rhys jones i know your ass isn't talking esteban ocon anyone ever tell you that you're scary? rhys jones never to my face.
zoya torres joris doesn't deserve this heat. let's talk about freya's 3rd wheeling habit.
freya vettel shut your trap torres.
alex albon days like this make me glad that george and carmen love to go on double dates so we don't get stuck with any of you.
george russell and that's because i don't want to get stuck with them.
dulce perez fuck you guys we're delights.
pato o'ward i can't believe i ever thought you people were cool.
daniel jones-ricciardo WE'RE COOL!!
pato o'ward the only cool thing about you is your wife.
penelope trevino REAL!!
gael perez i think pato almost shit his pants when he learned daphne was in this group chat.
daniel jones-ricciardo *jones-ricciardo!!
pato o'ward i couldn't care less bitchiardo! i will forever pray for your downfall so i can marry your wife instead.
isabella perez he's so real for that. HURRY UP RICCIARDO THE REST OF US ARE WAITING!!
daniel jones-ricciardo if i ever die let if be known that one of you bitches was behind my death.
daphne jones-ricciardo you people are unbelievable.
natalia ruiz i'll be first in line. i've been waiting for his downfall for the longest time.
daniel jones-ricciardo
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this is all your fault.
whatever it is you think i did i swear it was arthur.
charles what did you do?
nothing! what’s wrong amour?
i have a baby screaming for 'unca jo' bring him back now.
ma cherie, i wish i could but i have a race.
okay? send joris and you stay in china.
we only need unca jo, notre petite étoile doesn't need her papa. (our little star)
i know that was a joke but it still hurt. don't tell me that!
you still have a few years left until she's a teenager.
ne pouvons-nous pas avoir cette conversation? je ne suis pas prêt pour ça (can we not have this conversation? i'm not ready for that)
seriously charles ask joris to call me, even zoya's music isn't helping.
i'll tell him to call. just come to china.
i will hop on the first flight to china, do not joke about that.
max said he's sending the jet to pick you up.
god bless sophie for her son.
not jos?
never that man.
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natalia_ruiz posted new stories
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unseen photo of baby jewel and her 'unca jo' 📸 - zoya because my fiancé and daughter have been stolen by his best friend. and another unseen photo but this time it's pre-baby jewel, joris has been a third wheel since day 1!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this one is a more wholesome one but it's still got it's sense of humor. can you tell i'm still watching greys?
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
MC: *is a 20-year-old student when they teleported in Twisted Wonderland*
MC: Headmage, can't I really be a 2nd-year or a 3rd-year student?
Crowley: You possess no magical powers.
MC: Aww... Okay. But can I sit in classes?
Crowley: No—
MC: I'll take care of this brat. *holding Grim*
Grim: I'm not a brat!
MC: Shh, shh. You want to be admitted here, right? Behave. You're a good cat.
Grim: Mhrrmmm!
Crowley: Hmm... Is there anything else you could offer?
MC: I'll do your errands. Just give us food, shelter, and access to school facilities. *smiles*
Crowley: *nods* I'll allow that. And since you have to take care of this magical beast, I have to put you in with the first years, but you're free to take classes with 2nd-years and 3rd-years.
MC: Thank you, headmage!
Crowley: *smiles*
Ace: Senpai! Senpai! Grim is causing some trouble again!
MC: Oh? Where?
Grim: I hate studying! *while blowing some fire everywhere*
MC: You didn't even get to sit for 15 minutes. *throws a book at him*
Grim: Mrak!
MC: *goes to get him from the floor* *pets him* How are you going to be the best mage if you hate studying? There's no easy access in the world.
Grim: Are you really going to lecture me after you hit me with a book?
MC: I didn't hit you that hard. *kisses his forehead*
Ace: I'm sure Grim's liking that, hehe.
Grim: Mrrm! Shut up!
Deuce: Uh, senpai? Would you be free this afternoon? I think the headmage wants to ask you something.
Vil: Headmage, are we not going to start?
Crowley: Let's wait for now. I'm sure they'll arrive.
Azul: How can you be so sure? Mr. Draconia has never attended any of the housewarden meetings.
Riddle: And Idia-senpai always sends his robot.
Kalim: But Headmage asked MC to bring them, right?
Leona: *scoffs* What can that herbivore d—
MC: *kicks the door open* *has Idia and Malleus on both side of their shoulders*
MC: Sorry for being late, headmage! These two were so tough to get!
Leona: ...
Grim: *sitting on their head* We had to drag them out from their dorms! Mryah!
Malleus: Will you put us down?
Idia: How can a human be this strong...
Crowley: Thank you, MC. But uh... How could you carry them like that?
MC: *sets them down* Muscles. *carefree laugh*
Vil, Riddle, Azul, Kalim, and Leona: ...
Crowley: *laughs* I see. Now that all the housewardens are here, we can start our meeting. And MC, you should stay as well. Grim, you can leave now.
Grim: What?! No! I'm not going anywhere without my henchhuman!
MC: He'll be throwing tantrums if he doesn't see me. *laughs*
Grim: Mrah! No!
MC: Hush, hush. Who's the good cat? *starts petting him*
Grim: *half-hearted groan of protest*
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rxmqnova · 4 months
Say that request are open so I have one for Scarlett x sister!reader
Reader is Scarlett younger sister maybe we are around 15-17. We used to be really close to Scarlett when we were younger but don’t see her anymore because she’s always busy with work. So one day she promised us she would take us out but completely forgets about it and she doesn’t realize into the next few days that she forgot she had plans with us and comes over to her parents house to try and make it up to us.
Idk if this makes any sense….
Forgotten sleepover
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Y/N: 15 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Humming her favorite song Y/N's finishing up her make-up, so she could go out with her older sister tonight.
Scarlett and Y/N used to be very close. Y/N used to tell her sister everything, she used to sleep over at her house nearly every weekend, though over the last few years they seem to have grown apart.
It's been a really long time since Scarlett had time for her little sister. It's not that she wouldn't want to, because she would want nothing more, but she's been working really hard on her own skin care line, The Outset. And if she's not at The Outset office, she's on set.
Y/N's been begging her older sister to make some time for her and it finally happened. It's Friday and the two are going out for dinner and then Y/N's even sleeping over at Scarlett's house just like the old times which she's super excited about.
Last few touches and Y/N's ready to go. She takes her bag and rushes downstairs to put on her shoes as Scarlett should be here in any minute.
Minutes after minutes pass though and Y/N's still waiting, thinking whether she should call her sister or not. Scarlett promised to spend time with her, so she surely needs to be here soon.
Meanwhile Scarlett shuts the door of her house, a sigh of relief escaping her lips after another stressful day at work. The blonde can't wait to have dinner, take a shower and go to bed. So that's exactly what she does, completely forgetting about the sleepover she promised to have with her little sister.
After nearly 2 hours of waiting Y/N gives up, tears filling her eyes while she's rushing back to her bedroom. She was so excited to finally see her sister and to spend some time with her and Scarlett just doesn't come.
The weekend flies by fast and it's Monday now. Scarlett still hasn't realized anything, though she's quite confused as why isn't her sister answering her calls and messages.
The blonde sighs after calling her little sister for what feels like a 100th time this morning. Right now she's home and about to drive to The Outset office.
She opens the calender on her phone to check what she needs to do today, her eyes widening when she spots what she had planned for last Friday's evening.
She needs to go to work though, so that's what she does and her entire day gets filled with thinking how could she make up last Friday to her baby sister.
When Scarlett finally leaves the office, instead of back home she drives to her parents' house, hoping Y/N would be home and she could make it up to her somehow.
She immediately heads upstairs, knowing her sister is most likely to be in her bedroom. And after knocking and opening the door, she finds her little sister sitting on her bed and scrolling on her phone.
"Mom, I'm really not hungry right now" Y/N says without looking who's at the door, making Scarlett let out a chuckle which makes Y/N look up. "What are you doing here? Don't you have some super important work to do?"
"Don't be like that, Y/N" Scarlett sighs, walking over to her sister's bed and taking a seat next to her.
"I was waiting for you 2 hours. I was so excited and you didn't even let me know you wouldn't come" Y/N crosses her arms over her chest, looking at her older sister.
"I'm sorry, I had a really stressful day and I just-"
"As always" Y/N scoffs. "You never have time for me anymore. I just want to spend some time with my sister. Am I asking too much?"
"Honey, I'm really, really sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you" Scarlett places her hand on her younger sister's knee, giving it a rub, though Y/N just rolls her eyes in response.
"Don't promise me anything when you can't fulfill the promise, Scarlett. I don't want to be disappointed again" Y/N says, her arms still crossed as she's looking at her sister.
"… Okay, fine. Pack your things. We're leaving" Scarlett orders, Y/N furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Come on, we'll have the sleepover"
"Scarlett, I have school in the morning. I-"
"I will drive you to school on my way to the office. You'll probably be there a bit sooner, but whatever. So? Are you coming or not?" Scarlett raises an eyebrow, watching her sister's still confused face impression and waiting for an answer.
"I- Y-yeah, I-I'm coming"
"Good. I'll talk to mom about it and wait for you downstairs" Receiving a nod, Scarlett makes her way downstairs while Y/N's rushing around her room to pack everything.
"I didn't really have time for cooking, so pizza for dinner?" Scarlett asks, closing the door of her house as the two just stepped inside.
"Sounds good" Y/N smiles, suddenly dropping her bag on the floor and practically jumping into her sister's arms, holding her tightly and never wanting to let go of her again.
Scarlett looks at her sister confused before shaking it off and wrapping her arms around the younger girl, a smile forming on her face.
"I missed you so much" Y/N mumbles out, still holding her sister tightly.
"I missed you too, sweetheart. I'm really sorry about last Friday, Y/N/N. I'll try to work on my schedule, so you and I could hang out more. Would you like that?" Scarlett asks, placing her hand on Y/N's cheek and rubbing it with her thumb.
"That would be awesome… Only if it's not too much of a trouble for you though" Scarlett can't help but smile on her sister's words, pulling Y/N in for another tight hug and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I love you so much, Y/N/N" Scarlett smiles, pressing another kiss to the younger one's forehead.
"I love you too, Scarly"
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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bberry005 · 12 days
omega being a normal teenager headcanons from someone who has a sister that's that age (not all of these things are based on that fact but it felt necessary to include):
"ugh do i HAAAAVEEE TO?" in the most annoying voice known to mankind (yes, she does have to and no, this voice does not work on any of her brothers they just find it annoying)
"i suck at this thing" [proceeds to be the best at that thing]
pretends like her shirts were "always that cropped" and "no i didn't cut it" and "no i didn't roll it either it was always like this"
gets in fights with mox, deke, and stak and when they reach physical fight territory she just flexes and it turns out she's stronger than them and they run away screaming
rolls her eyes in response to approximately 68% of conversations
asks emerie for advice and ignores it, but then asks phee for the same advice and listens to it
"no hunter, THIS is the girl who annoys me and THIS is the girl who's my friend and THIS is the girl who-" (the people who she likes and are annoyed with seemingly change each week)
goes through many different haircare routines faster than you can keep track of them because she can't find one she likes
her hair gets darker as she gets older until it's the same color as emerie's so starting when she's like sixteen she starting dyeing it blonde and the first time she does it it fails and looks so bad and she insists she cannot go to school (is there school on pabu? there is now!) the next day and she's crying about it and hunter, crosshair, and wrecker do not know what to do about it and they have to call phee to figure out what to do
regularly scams people at dejarik just for funsies. her favorite victims are former clone troopers and also phee (aside: in the rebellion, she beat lando calrissian at sabbac after she found out his cheating scheme and instead of pointing it out she just also cheated)
i know omega has been through a lot and because of that it's easy to think she'll be more mature than your average teenage girl but like...part of that healing is her being normal and even the most mature 15-18 year olds you meet have cried over a bad haircut before
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
This morning, 15 minutes after the break in fighting was supposed to begin, Hamas fired two rocket barrages into southern Israel. This is what we mean when we say that Hamas has broken every ceasefire ever. The only reason why this didn't lead to the hostage deal falling apart, is because Israel chose to "contain" Hamas' violent rocket attack. But remember this when we explain why we can't accept Hamas' existence anymore.
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Israel confirmed that the 13 hostages being released have arrived in Egypt, and there are already Israelis there, taking care of them. IDK when we'll get their names, and images of them safe back in Israel, but as you can imagine, everyone here is holding its breath for that. Still, their well being comes first, they're being taken to a hospital first, to see their families, and only then (and based on whatever they prefer) will there be anything more public. There will not be interviews, however, 'coz something they say might risk the other groups of hostages meant to be released in the upcoming days.
Hamas is also releasing some of the Thai nationals they've kidnapped (I heard 12 of the 23 taken hostage), which are being let go of unconditionally. Before anyone tries to make out this shows Hamas is humane, I'll just point out that Hamas terrorists murdered at least 33 Thais on Oct 7.
Some of my fave commentators recently on what's going on here since Hamas' massacre aren't Jewish, or even Israeli. Here's a few of their tweets:
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Regarding the last one, I just wanna say that most Israelis will continue to trust most Arabs. That's just how we have always lived, despite the on going terror attacks. The day after Oct 7, I mentioned that I went to my hospital treatment. The guard there is an Arab guy. He carries a gun. I couldn't help but think about it. And then I did what I always do, I thanked him for his work (being a guard is difficult), and wished him a good day. He smiled big and wished me the same. He's lovely. What Hamas did on Oct 7 is not his fault. But the mistrust of survivors, and some of those who care about them, is also very human and understandable, as much as I'll continue to call on everyone not to generalize about Arabs, or any group.
Especially when some of Hamas' victims are themselves Arabs. Here's a young Israeli Muslim Bedouin woman, who has been speaking up on behalf of her friend, 17 years old Aisha al Ziadna, who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7.
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A Sky News reporter was particularly shameful the other day. She tried to use Israel's willingness to release 3 convicted terrorist per just 1 innocent civilian hostage to vilify Israel. Here's the reply she got:
Just a reminder, once again, that when you listen to western media, which is supposed to be objective, these are often their info sources on this conflict:
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Speaking of lack of objectivity, an Israeli newspaper found out that the International Criminal Court has appointed a Danish lawyer to investigate the Israel-Hamas war, and it's a man (I'm not sure I'm transcribing his name from Hebrew correctly, but it should be something like Andreas Laursen) who has worked in the past for a Palestinian "human rights organization" which has been outlawed in 2021 for having ties to terrorist organizations, who was involved in 2018 in trying to make the case that Israel had committed war crimes, who has lived in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, and who is married to a Palestinian woman. This Israeli newspaper has contacted the ICC, asking why the person appointed to this investigation isn't someone who would at least appear to be unbiased. The answer was (I'm translating from the Hebrew article): "We maintain confidentiality about anything that pertains to specific subjects that are related to our employees. Every personal decision made by the head prosecutor fits the policy and relevant procedures that oversee the court's human resources matters."
Because there are still people denying the Hamas rapes:
I've spoken before about Liel, and how long it took to identify her body, but this tweet kind of broke me all over again.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: By Chance
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In which Jungkook, simply by chance, meets the soulmate he didn't even believe existed.
Tags/Warnings: Soulmate AU, Idol!Jungkook, angst, fluff
Length: short
Additional Content: Short 1
'Jeon Jungkook, the Idol without a Soulmate...'
'Fans suspect to have found Jungkooks soulmate, company responds...'
'The truth about BTS' Jungkooks soulmate-curse...'
Every article seems to be the same these days.
It's true that a lot of people call his soulmate bond a curse, and he himself sometimes believes it is as well. Because he's not only unable to see color until he looks into his soulmate's eyes, he also has a mark on his wrist, suspected by specialists to be a bond. A red line reaching out for his future partner and lover. It's essentially like a thin blood vessel that sits so high under the skin it appears bright red, and it develops in teens at around 15 years old.
The only issue?
His line looks more like scribbles. It's scrambled, chaotic, broken, doesn't reach anywhere. Research and multiple doctor's visits had only given him the most dire answer there could be.
A broken bond.
His soulmate had passed away before he'd ever gotten to meet them.
For a long time, It hurt. Knowing the only one who could love you fully wasn't alive.
He tried to maybe move on, but falling in love with a person that's not your soulmate is nowadays almost impossible. It's just not the same, and it's always stressful and bound to end in bad blood. It's been seen numerous times before, from celebrities and 'normal' people as well.
Jungkook has simply accepted it.
There's no use in crying over what he can't change, so he rather throws himself into his work and deals with it by distraction rather than daydreaming. He'd done that enough as a kid.
Fans always dream of being his soulmate, and he can understand that. He himself yearns for a partner just as much, so if his existence can give them a bit of a soothing feel, then he's happy to provide it. They won't ever have to deal with watching him find someone that's not them, after all. So he just calls himself everyone's soulmate.
It's him until they find their own.
It's dark tonight, windy, snow still on the streets, making everything a bit slippery, dangerous. He wonders how many people must've fallen at this point. He hopes no one had been seriously injured yet.
Just as he thinks that, something is heard in front of him, and he can only helplessly watch as a short girl slips and crashes onto the concrete, bag of groceries spilling out. "Oh God, are you alright?" He asks eagerly, forgetting for a moment that he shouldn't be seen out as an Idol, rather occupied with trying to attend to you, who's still shaking on the ground, holding your knee. Your black and slightly sheer tights had clearly ripped, stripes of broken fabric already decorating up to your thigh and down your shin. "Hey, let's get all that back into the bag yeah? Did you hurt yourself?" He wonders, because you're clearly crying.
Or are you? Because that sounds suspiciously like laughter.
"Oh my God!" You clearly laugh out now, head thrown back, cat-shaped earrings dangling freely as you cringe with closed eyes for a second. "What a waste of eggs." You giggle, looking at the few broken eggs already spilled out.
"A few are still okay. Is your knee alright? Anything broken?" He asks, a but relieved that you're not in too much pain it seems.
"Yeah yeah, just scratched. AND I can throw those out." You huff, pulling on the broken fabric now before letting it snap back against your skin. Your hands are bloody, just a bit, but it doesn't seem to bother you. "Thanks. God how embarrassing, I hope it's caught on CCTV at least so someone's got a good laugh out of that." You grin, slowly getting up to brush your clothes off of any dust and dirt.
He smiles to himself, putting all your things back into the paper bag- but it's ripped. There's no way you can carry all that on your own. "Uhm.." he says, showing the broken brown paper to you, and you whine bitterly.
"Oh come on!" You complain, crouching down next to him. "Maybe.. ugh I don't know. God I was looking forward to eating that shitty lasagna." You mumble bitterly, probably contemplating what to leave behind.
"I could help you carry some stuff?" He asks, and you look at him for a second.
"Really?" You grin, and he looks oddly frozen now. "You- huh?" Now you notice it too. Then your gaze falls down to the ground. To the orange light from the streetlamp. The green of the bell pepper, and the red packaging of the lasagna.
That's color.
"Holy shit." You gasp out, before you hear Jungkooks quiet voice.
"Thats.. not possible." He almost whispers. "My soulmate is dead." He murmurs more or less to himself.
"I-what? No, I'm clearly alive! Okay a bit scratched up but hey, damaged goods are still okay?" You joke, but he seems genuinely confused. He shows you his wrist, his oddly shaped bonding line, and you compare it to yours.
It's tiny. Barely there. Just a single, short line.
"Oh, I think I get it now." You say.
"Huh?" He wonders, looking at you. His heart is beating out of his chest.
"I had an accident when I was younger, around 11 or 12. They had to resuscitate me four times. I was basically dead for like, I don't know, really." You explain. "Maybe that fucked up your bond? I'm really clumsy, sorry." You laugh, and suddenly, he laughs too. Because One look at you, and he knows.
Not just because of the colors-
But because he would've fallen in love with your smile anyway.
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multifanhoe99 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 15- Vampire
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Pairings: Vampire!Yuta x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Pet names (love, darling), biting, blood drinking, mentions of character death, mention of suicide, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of pain, main character death technically.
=Let me know if I missed any.=
18+ MDNI
No one ever said that being a vampire's mate was going to be glamorous but, with him it was. Yuta made every day feel like a whole new adventure. You weren't expecting it to happen either it just did. In fact, when you first met him you had hated him. You thought that he was pompous and arrogant, which in your defence, was the act he and the rest of the NCT clan were putting on to keep people away. You would have stayed away too but, Yuta was drawn to you from the moment you met. Back then you were so annoyed that he wouldn't leave you alone but now, you wished he never had to leave your side.
Yuta was actually very sweet and he'd never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. The two of you have now been together for years. He was so drawn to you because you were his mate. The reincarnation of someone he had thought he lost centuries ago. He was so happy to have found you again. You were happy to have found the most loving and supportive partner in Yuta. As the years go by though you can't help the feeling of wanting him to turn you. You knew it was a sensitive subject for him because the change was a painful experience and he never wanted to see you in pain. He was also worried that you would not like the life of living as a vampire. What if you hated it so much that you decide to end your immortal life and then he has to wait centuries again for you to reincarnate. Which, in all fairness, is exactly what happened last time.
You knew that this was what you wanted though. You wanted this life with him forever despite having to go through immense pain to do it. Every now and then you would ask him and beg him to turn you and every time he would refuse. You think you were starting to wear him down though. Finally, on the night of your anniversary, you brought up a great point that had him genuinely considering it.
"Yuta," you said, "I know you are worried, especially after the last time but, I want this. I want forever with you and, if you don't turn me at some point I will just grow old and die anyway." He had not thought that far ahead. He was so focused on keeping you from harm and if he was being honest he was trying to keep himself from the heartbreak. Nothing hurts more than losing your mate not even death. He thought he was going to be alone for the rest of his life the pain was so bad that he considered ending himself as well that is, until he met you. He couldn't do it again not when fate gave him a second chance. He never stopped to think about your humanity. He somehow forgot that eventually you would grow old and die anyway. He couldn't have that either. So, he decided that he would finally grant your request. He would turn you and if what happened last time happened again he would not be far to join you in whatever afterlife awaits vampires but, at least he would not have to deal with the pain of losing his mate again.
Luckily, your anniversary was the perfect time to go through with this plan. He had a romantic dinner planned and dessert by the fireplace in his room. You wore the most beautiful dress and he couldn't help but hope that everything went well tonight so that he could spend moments like this with you for the rest of forever.
"My love," Yuta said getting your attention, "I thought about what you said earlier. You're right and I realized that I was so focused on one negative outcome that I didn't think about what would happen if I didn't turn you. I think I am ready and I figured tonight was the perfect night to give you what you've been asking for."
"Really? Are you sure? I would understand if you need more time," you said.
"I am sure. I can't wait another moment to start my forever with you," he said. He leaned in to kiss you. The kiss started off gentle and sweet then, quickly it became more heated. Tongues exploring each other hands roaming. One of his hands on your breast and the other up your dress to knead your ass. You had moved to straddle hip both hands in his hair as your hips ground down into his. He breaks away from your mouth to leave hot kisses down the side of your neck. He then stands able to carry you to the bed as if you weigh nothing. He lays you down and climbs over you.
"Let me help you out of this darling," he says while pulling your dress up and over your head to get you out of it. He groans at the sight of you. No matter how many times he sees you naked he still has to admire every bit of you like it was the first time lest he forget. You knew it'd be a good idea to forego wearing underwear tonight and you were right because tonight Yuta was not going to be a patient lover. So much so that he practically tore his own clothes off at the sight of you.
"Let me just make sure you're properly ready for me my love," he said leaning down to attach his mouth to your folds. Yuta was always good with his tongue but, he was especially good tonight. He was like a man starved and honestly, you are pretty sure he was. You had your hands in his hair gripping tightly when he did something you especially liked.
"Ah, yes," you moaned, "Keep doing that my love and I will cum." At your words, he doubled down his efforts. He wanted to please you now so that you could cum again when he was inside you. The best way to turn your mate is when you cum together. It is not the way it has to be done, technically you just have to drink his blood but, it was always better if you fed from each other while at the height of your peaks. Plus, it distracts slightly from the excruciating pain that follows. It did not take long for him to have you throwing your head back and pulling his hair as you came. The sounds of your moans were music to his ears. When you finally returned to reality he shifted you again so that he was now sitting propped up against the pillows and you were straddling him once again.
"Ride me, my love," he begs, "It'll be easier this way for the both of us." He didn't have to tell you twice. You reached down for his hard cock and lined it up with your entrance. It was soaked with the combination of your cum and his saliva. You sat and eased him in but, you were so wet it was not much of a struggle to get him inside of you quickly. You both moaned as the last few inches slid in and he was perfectly sheathed inside of you. When you were ready you started moving. Bouncing on top of him as fast as you could go. It felt amazing but, apparently, it was not fast enough for Yuta who soon disrupted your rhythm with his own. His superhuman speed was a blessing though. It was feeling so good and you were getting close again. Then he started to slow down.
Before you could complain he said, "Are you ready? We'll cum together and when we do I will bite you and you will need to drink my blood too. I am warning you now the pain afterward when the change starts is unbearable. It will feel like all your blood has turned into molten lava, then you won't be able to breathe, finally, your heart will stop and when you wake up you will feel like you've just been in the desert for months without water."
You appreciated the warning and knew it wouldn't be easy but you were willing to take that chance. You replied, "I am ready."
With your confirmation, he continued his pace from before. One of his hands reached down to play with your clit and the other went up to his own neck to make a long cut on the side for you to feed from him. He was so very close and with all the stimulation so were you.
"On the count of three," Yuta said, "One....two....three...cum for me darling that's it." You both latched onto each other's necks. He bit into yours and that had you coming undone. He came less than a second later the taste of your blood threw him over the edge. You weren't expecting his blood to taste so sweet. After a few seconds you released one another's neck and he laid you down to make you as comfortable as possible.
"I will be right here with you every step of the way, my love," he said, "When you awake, we can officially begin forever together." He kept true to his word. He never left your side throughout the whole experience. When you finally awoke, he was still right there beside you.
"Shall we get dressed and get something to drink darling," he asks.
"Please," you said still managing to smile through the hunger.
A/N: Holy cow! I don't know about y'all but, this was so hot to me. I have a vampire thing though so it's probably mostly that but, it could also be because it is specifically vampire!Yuta and I am all for it. Let it be known though that if a lovely anon didn't request this I was absolutely going to write Vampire!Hongjoong because yes. So, if you wanna see that let me know and I will absolutely write that up.
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guccifrog · 4 months
bittersweet tragedy
chapter 1
(inspired by the movie a silent voice)
Matt sturniolo × f!reader
warnings: angst/swearing/bullying/deaf fem reader
do not copy/steal/translate my work!!
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"(bittersweet tragedy-melanie martinez)"
01:23 ━━━━●───── 03:43
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
Back then, if we could have heard each others voices, everything would have been so much better.
But the wind didn't carry our words, and the snow didn't record our footsteps. All that was left were the memories of what could have been, frozen in time like the ice that covered everything else.
We continued our separate lives, never truly knowing what the other was thinking or feeling. Sometimes, in the silence of the night, I would wonder if she ever thought of me at all.
The sky was covered in a heavy blanket of clouds, threatening to unleash its fury at any moment. The grasses seemed to have a party with the wind, dancing in their own rhythm, as screams and laughter echoed through the air. 
A group of middle schoolers was gathered around a small clearing, laughing and shouting as they played a game of tag.
The wind picked up, sending leaves and twigs flying through the air. A particularly strong gust caused a nearby tree to sway violently, its branches scratching against the sky, a 15-year-old girl sat down under the tree, watching the group play tag. She looked a bit bored as if she had seen all this before. 
she sighed, looking back to her lap her eyes scanning the pages of her book. The wind picked up even more, rustling the leaves around her and causing her hair to whip around her face. She pushed it back out of her eyes and went back to her book, lost in the words it contained.
Suddenly, a particularly strong gust of wind blew through the clearing, sending the book flying out of the girl's hands. Startled, she jumped to her feet, her heart racing as she watched the book tumble through the air. With a groan, she dashed after it, her legs carrying her quickly across the grass. 
As she neared the group of middle schoolers, she noticed a hand reaching out and grabbing the book just before it fell to the ground. A boy around her age stood there, a mischievous grin on his face. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he teased, holding the book above his head.
The girl's eyes widened as she realized who the boy was. He was in her class, but she didn't really know him. His name was Matt, and he was sort of popular in her school.
Matt continued to tease her, "Come on, you can have it back. I just wanted to see what you were reading that was so important." He smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling. She hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to trust him or not.
She reached out, trying to grab the book from him. her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Matt just laughed, stepping back and holding the book further away from her. "you can't have everything your own way, you know," he teased, grinning.
The girl felt her heart race faster. She wasn't sure if she should try to take the book from him or just walk away. As she hesitated, a flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed by a deafening crack of thunder.
The wind howled even louder, sending leaves and twigs swirling through the air. The group of middle schoolers playing tag nearby barely seemed to notice the storm brewing around them.
Matt glanced at the dark clouds gathering above, a slight frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He didn't want to get caught in the rain, but he wasn't about to let her have the book just yet. "Looks like the weather's turning," he said, his voice barely above the roar of the wind. "Maybe I should head back."
She narrowed her eyes at him, she just wanted her book back. Matt suddenly turned to look at her frowning his eyebrow" What's that" he asked making her look at him in confusion.
He quickly reached his free hand to her ear, pulling out a device from it. "Oh," he muttered amused as he studied the hearing aids in his hands.
The boy looked up at her smirking" Want these back ?" He asked teasingly " Oh wait forgot you can't hear my bad" he added before extending his arm to hand her the hearing aids, the girl smiled softly but as soon as she reached out her hand to grab the aids she let out a gasp and her smile dropped as the boy's hand opened and the hearing aids fell to the floor, without hesitation Matt stomped on the hearing aids with a grin on his face. "Now what are you going to do huh?" he asked with a smirk.
Panic rose within the girl as she watched the boy destroy the only thing that made her feel normal like all the other kids. She couldn't believe he would do something so cruel.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened. The wind howled even louder, making it difficult for her to think clearly.
She glanced around, hoping someone would step in and help her, but the group of middle schoolers playing nearby seemed oblivious to the situation.
Matt continued to taunt her, "What are you going to do now, huh? You can't even hear me anymore!" He let out a laugh before turning to leave, disappearing into the crowd of children. 
The girl felt helpless and alone, her heart breaking as she knelt down to inspect the remains of her hearing aids. 
She could hardly believe that someone could be so cruel.
How could I be so cruel? She was so pure, so innocent, and yet I was constantly ruining her, just because I couldn't figure out my own feelings.
Every time I tried to explain how much she meant to me, I ended up making things worse. It was like opening a wound and pouring salt into it. I hated myself for it, but I couldn't seem to stop.
taglist ☆@mattestrella @chrisfavoritepepsi @sunsetsturniolos @littlebookworm803 @sturniozo @sturniolooooo @athaliahxoxo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ev3rgreenxtrees @nonamegirlxsturniolo @crybabycat1 @mooniethesimp31 @ducksturniolo @ifilwtmfc @pepsiimaxx @sleepysturnss @lustfulslxt @ilovemattsworld @hrt-attack @flowerxbunnie @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @secret-sturniolo @that-general-simp @swangelss @familynotfandom @fuckshitslover @styles-sturniolo @lvr-111 @opheliaofficial07 @kiarastromboli @hearts4chriss @braindead4l @sturniolosreads @mattsturnzzz09 @itssophiasstuff @mayhem-72 @b2cute @buckys-celestes @4iriss @graceciesiels22 @urmom2bitch @junnniiieee07
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