#and certainly not something I want to randomly share with the world
I'm talking abt vrisker or whatever their user is clearly tagging their post... as being violent intrusive thoughts. And ur attacking them for it.
saying "I want to cause a victim of my abuse to have a psychotic break for speaking out about what I did to them" publicly is not an "intrusive thought" and pretending it is only serves to further hurt those with ocd and actual violent intrusive thought
then again, you prats have never cared about actual disordered people so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
Countless nights
Malleus x gn!reader
i felt like writing something super cute and lovey dovey and basic after listening to can't help falling in love by elvis presley so here we are lol😌🩷
this is nothing revolutionary that hasn't been done before just so much fluff you'll throw up a furball (made of fictional fluff) by the end
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There are many a night which he spends thinking of you.
Lilia had told him about it, a long long time ago. How your chest would tighten, how your face would become warm, how your heart would flutter when gazing at the person you're in love with. But he never imagined that it could feel this amazing, this freeing, this beautiful.
There are many moments he thinks of on these nights...
You run up behind him, yelling the silly little nickname he's grown to love hearing fall from your lips.
He turns around, grinning at the sound of your voice. Truly, you are a sight for sore eyes. Your little furry companion is with you, too, dozing off in your arms.
"It's so nice to see you in the hallways for once." you realise that you mostly see him in front of your dorm when he randomly shows up. Because of that, you kinda forgot that he's also a student at the school and takes classes as well.
"Likewise. It's always a pleasure to see you." He didn't say anything presumptious, so why are you making that excited face all of a sudden? Now he feels giddy.
A silence falls between you.
"Ahaha... Um... I actually have no idea what to talk about... I kinda just ran to you after seeing you..." you admitted awkwardly.
That is... very comforting to hear. All you need is the sight of him to want to be by his side. The warm feeling spreading across his body is very welcome.
He wants to hear you say that sentence over and over, but greed is not a good quality to bear, so he'll settle with hearing it only once.
"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind listening to me talk? Do you happen to be partial to gargoyles?" He takes the opportunity to talk about the passion no one seems to share with him. He's fully expecting you to say no and change the topic, and he wouldn't blame you at all in some regard. He's well aware most humans don't take interest in something as specific as gargoyles.
"I never really thought much about them before. But sure, tell me about it." you actually look really interested, waiting for him to start.
He smiles.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Did you hear about that new ice cream place that opened in town recently?"
When you asked him if he could spare 2 hours of his day just for the two of you yesterday, he was certainly not expecting you to open with this.
"Lilia told me you like ice cream, and I was pretty curious about the taste myself." you wonder to yourself if there's any funny flavours you wouldn't find in the human world. If so, you're definitely trying them out.
"So, uhhh... wanna go try it with me?"
You don't even realise how happy you've just made him. He has to hold back the wide smile that threatens to spread across his face.
"Hahaha, you're so strange... Though I certainly wouldn't mind." You seriously just want to... hang out with him? What a pleasant surprise, indeed. It makes his heart beat with excitement.
"Let's go!" you start running down the hill to get to town, excited to share ice cream with him.
"Aw man, it's almost impossible to choose." you're contemplating between three different flavours at the moment.
"Shall I choose for you, then?" Malleus suggests. He already picked the flavour he wants and is waiting for you to make your choice. Not that he's annoyed by that. The longer you take, the more minutes he can spend by your side. How greedy of him.
"Go ahead." you sigh defeatedly. You're truly thankful he can put an end to the awkward situation of you just staring between 3 different flavours for like, 2 whole minutes now. You're creating a line behind you, no doubt.
"You should get the strawberry flavour." Malleus recalled a story of Lilia's in which he told him that strawberries are a symbol of love in a country he visited. He feels a bit cheeky, sneaking a subtle hint in like this.
"Uh, sure! I'll have one scoop of strawberry!" you raised an eyebrow slightly at his satisfied smile. Why is he smiling now, of all times?
If he's happy, you're happy, you suppose.
The two of you decided to walk around town while eating the ice cream. It was a nice change of scenery.
You were telling Malleus about a funny potionology mishap you had with Grim and Ace today when someone bumped into you, making you lose grip of the ice cream.
It fell splat on the ground, making it no longer edible.
"Oh come on..." you looked down at the wasted ice cream sadly. It was really good, too.
"I can return it to its original form, do not worry." Malleus suggested, already about to do it when you gently grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened slightly and a strange tightness enveloped his chest.
"No need. Just hanging out with you is enough. Enjoy the ice cream for the both of us." you're really fine with just watching him. He seems very happy when eating ice cream, which you can't get enough of.
"...If you wish." he felt his whole being warming up at your sweet words.
Oh, he just can't help falling in love with you.
"Child of man. What is the meaning of this?" his expression darkens when he sees your fingers wrapped in bandages.
"Of wha- Oh, you mean my bandages? It's, uhhh, a bit embarrasing. And also a suprise." you hid your hands behind your back, not wanting him to worry about them too much.
"Tell me." he looked quite scary in this moment, almost like he was ready to kill. Is he really that worried over it? It kinda makes you feel giddy.
"It'll ruin the surprise, I'm just saying." you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. His terrifying gaze didn't falter however, so you gave up.
"Roses are really important symbols in Briar valley, so I've heard. So I kinda wanted to give you a hand-picked rose boquet for your birthday tommorow, but I was dumb and didn't use gloves to de-thorn the roses. So that's why my hands look like this." you still felt a little bad ruining the surprise, but giving Malleus peace of mind is much more important.
"Oh... So it was that, I see." Malleus still witheld a somewhat cold, scary expression. He can't stand to see you hurt, in any way. And knowing it was all for him makes him feel even worse.
Still... you wanted to make him happy so much that you willingly hurt yourself to see it happen. Warmth rushes to his face at the thought of you handing the boquet to him. That's quite a common way of confessing love among humans, is it not?
He can't wait for his birthday all of a sudden.
On these nights, he just can't help falling in love with you.
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rippersz · 9 months
𝖠𝗌𝗍𝗋𝖺 𝖨𝗇𝖼𝗅𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗍, 𝖲𝖾𝖽 𝖭𝗈𝗇 𝖮𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗀𝖺𝗇𝗍
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SEQUEL TO: Que Sera, Sera
(An OC/Named Reader x Larissa Weems) (Bittersweet; Hurt/comfort; Good ending)
Title Translation: The stars incline us, they do not bind us.
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“I need to tell you something.”
“You need to tell me a lot of things.”
They were in a ‘school-owned van’ according to Larissa. She was driving, probably leading Odette to Hell, or maybe the Underworld, or even(if she was lucky), to California. Or New York.
Oh the thought of that was bittersweet. New York… New York… Somehow, Larissa managed to bruise her favorite memory. Making it hard to touch- to think of. Although maybe it was her own fault. If she weren’t so emotional, so easily attached, so much this and that, then… well. Then maybe it wouldn’t hurt so bad. Maybe she could have separated the woman from the memory. Maybe if she were a bit more dramatic, and wanted to make her companion hurt, she’d mention her old hopes and dreams right then and there. While she had Larissa trapped. She’d tell her how she used to wish upon each star in the sky, pleading that one day she’d be able to see New York with someone by her side. With Larissa by her side. Experiencing Times Square in the early morning; walking around Central Park until their feet hurt; stopping by an expensive bar to share a shot before losing themselves in the oily heaven of a fast food restaurant. They could’ve seen a movie. Or a show of some sort. They could have gone on a holiday - to see fireworks. They could have lounged in a well air-conditioned hotel room, watching TV and sharing stories. They could’ve seen the stars. The water. The lights from afar. They could have witnessed the world while sitting beside the one person they met so unceremoniously. So randomly. So… fatefully.
“I know,” Larissa’s voice cut into her thinking.
She held back a scowl. Since Odette agreed to hear her out, the two of them had calmed down. The tears were long gone, but that only made room for tension and suspense. Odette wasn’t sure what she’d hear and Larissa wasn’t sure what she’d say. Sorry wouldn’t be enough. Both of them knew that.
“…Well, are you gonna explain now or later?” She grumbled. Her arms had been crossed since the very moment she sat down, sending the world a message that read: Odette is very unhappy! But really the only one who needed to know that was sitting at her side, a center console being the only thing separating them.
Larissa held back a sigh.
“I’d prefer that you have all of my attention. Is that alright with you?” Her voice was soft, restrained; revealing the fact that she was trying oh so hard not to be placating. And mean. And desperate. Really, all she wanted to do was grovel - to dispel Odette of her negative emotions… but she knew it would come in time. And she knew she’d understand. Somehow. Someway.
And of course she was well aware of just how terribly their sweet bridge burned… just how charred and unrecognizable it was… just how broken. Fixing it would be hard. Piecing it back together… holding Odette’s fragile heart in her hands… It was an honor to have the heart in person, but it certainly made her task more daunting. Having to look into the beauty of her hazel eyes, having to spill the last bits of her life out on a platter - just to serve to the woman she gave up. Even though, at the time, she knew she’d regret it. And she was right. Regret it, she did. Regret it, she did.
The rest of the ride was quiet. Words died on their tongues; false starts were thrown to the ground. Odette was pretty sure Larissa was thinking hard about what she was going to say - and Larissa was pretty sure Odette was thinking hard about if she’d cry or not. There was a time, when they were still in the thick of their friendship, where Odette didn’t like crying. She was rather obstinate back then - always set in her ways, always eager to explain her opinion, always desperate to be heard; it was amusing at the time. Amusing and comforting. Familiar. Intimate. Old. And gone. Long gone. Carried by the wind, whisked away into the past, lost to the passage of everything. Destroyed by actions and events both in and out of her control. Decimated by Fate.
Always by Fate.
Cruel, unforgiving, horrid Fate…
…Loving, precious, beautiful Fate.
Fate that pulled them together, brought them to the same sea, and then pushed them apart, sending them to different lands. Only to have the tides take them right back to where they started. Floating in each other’s orbits. The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, destined- constantly- to smash into each other - to collide in a cosmic event that tore the universe in two. To meet beneath the setting sun, fated to say hello and goodbye. Hello and goodbye. Hello and goodbye.
Hello, Odette’s eyes read- warm and glimmering and welcoming and brilliant.
Goodbye, Larissa’s gaze responded- cool and detached and secretive, hiding hiding hiding all she felt.
Every emotion. Every bit of her soul. Allowing Odette to claw at her chambers and open her up a bit more, giving her permission to pull laughs and stories and memories. Letting her break through Larissa’s walls…… only to shove her out again. Violently. Pushing her off the edge of the abyss. And never looking back.
Or always looking back - depending on how one viewed it. Her dreams, for example, featuring getting another letter from Odette and finally sending one back; or her everyday desires, how cluttered her mind was with all of their words. Their thoughts. Feelings. Maybe her quiet longing meant she reminisced constantly. Or perhaps it was just a testament to her pathetic behavior. Always the coward, wasn’t she? Nevermore’s brave headmistress, equipped to take care of business matters and student issues; strong enough to lead a school with her gloved hands.
But not strong enough to send a letter. Just one. Pre-written, too. Enveloped, as well. But never sent.
God, how pathetic could a woman get?
“Please, come in,” Larissa spoke softly as she unlocked the door to her office and stood aside, welcoming Odette with a stiff body and pounding heart.
Naturally, the smaller woman was hesitant. Hesitant and angry. Ticked off. Pissed.
“Why didn’t you tell me you work at Nevermore?” Odette growled, storming into the office and approaching the desk before she whirled around and faced Larissa with a glare.
The tone of her voice- the accusation, the implication, the veiled disgust- had Larissa flinching; her heart nearly spazzing out in macabre surprise. And as if sling-shotted into defense, the principal let the door close harshly behind her while she straightened her back and fixed her shoulders and lifted her head, eyes ablaze with disbelief and rage.
“I suggest you fix your tone immediately,” she spat, “I don’t take kindly to any amount of disrespect aimed toward me, my students, or my line of work, Odette. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care how long it’s been. Do I make myself clear?” Larissa’s expression was twisted into one of fury. Her hands were clenched into fists, her chest was heaving, her eyes were wide. Wide wide wide, staring at Odette as if she could barely recognize her. As if she were a stranger. As if all of their letters, their words, their love? would turn to ash should Odette dare to speak out against outcasts- should she dare to speak out against her family.
But she wouldn’t. Of course she wouldn’t. Odette was still the same woman she was in their letters. She was still respectful, still full of humor, still willing to listen listen listen and learn learn learn and love love love. She was just hurt. Torn apart in some ways. Picked at by Larissa’s clumsy hands, ripped at by her nails, pushed to the ground and stomped on… and not on purpose. She didn’t mean to hurt her, of course. She didn’t mean to break Odette’s heart. She didn’t mean to turn her life around. She didn’t mean to mean so much.
But she did. Whatever she intended to be didn’t matter because she did. She did mean the world. And she did hurt her old friend. And that old friend did come back to her. She’d always come back to her. She’d always want her. Odette knew that. But Larissa… well the fire that sparked within her eyes spoke to some uncertainty. To some mistrust. She never told her much about her job - she never told her much about herself. White lies were easily crafted through pen and ink. Avoiding questions could be a skill perfected. Memories, stories, conversations were different from sharing personal information. Working at Nevermore, for example, was serious and private… and risky. There was a chance that if she had mentioned it in the past, she wouldn’t have ever received a response from Odette at all. And that would have been the end of it. But since she kept it close to her heart, since she referred to her own unconventional looks in the vaguest sense possible, she had perhaps saved herself from a heartbreak far more bitter than the one she actually experienced.
Nevertheless - Odette’s annoyed expression fell instantaneously.
“No no no,” she began, swift and hurried and surprisingly soft, oddly reminiscent of their letters, as she tried to rectify her mistake. “No no that’s not what I- I didn’t mean it like that,” her hands pinwheeled, “I just meant- well usually working at Nevermore Academy would call for some mention, wouldn’t it? How could you just- I dunno- how could you just keep that from someone, Larissa?” It was clear that she was trying to tread the line carefully. Not step too far to one side and not fall onto the other; wishing that perhaps they’d just stayed in the middle of the street after all. Seclusion seemed far too intimate.
She’d spent all that time not knowing Larissa’s face and loving her anyway. How on Earth was she supposed to be normal in her company after finally seeing her? How could the Gods place someone like that in her path?
How could she possibly love her even more?
“I was uncertain. I didn’t know if you’d be very receptive or… kind.” Larissa’s response was measured but hesitant- like she finally realized just how silly she sounded.
“Kind?” Odette slipped her bag off of her shoulder and placed it on the wooden desk she leaned on - right before crossing her arms and shooting her old friend a look. “What do you mean kind? Was I ever unkind? Was I mean?” Hazel eyes rolled within her head. “Just say what you really want to say, Larissa. Stop beating around the fuckin’ bush.” It hurt her to be so assertive, to be so rude, but she was aching. And desperate to forgive.
Oddly enough, the no nonsense tone seemed to sober up the principal quite quickly, leaving her to take a deep breath and nod as she edged further into the room. It was her office, she could do what she wanted… but Odette was there. And for some reason, things were different when Odette was there. Things felt less like her own as she felt less secure. Because everything was her fault. And guilt was eating her alive. And Odette looked so damn beautiful even when she was upset.
“Okay.” Larissa finally decided, throwing her heart to the wolves. “Okay.” An elegant hand went out and gestured toward the couch near the fireplace as she glanced away from Odette’s withering expression. “Will you please take a seat and make yourself comfortable? I can make some tea or-”
“I’m okay, thanks,” she was cut off.
The sharp tone had Larissa deflating, heart panging with guilt as she hid her instinctive desire to pout. Kindness was not something she deserved, no, but Odette did not have to make it so difficult. She did not have to make the entire process, explanation and apology and all, so grating and awkward. Or maybe she did. Larissa wouldn’t know. Larissa never had to listen to the reasons why her old pen pal, her old friend, suddenly stopped responding to her. Larissa never had to experience the pain of abandonment like that and Larissa never had to stumble upon said old friend and wonder if she was even worth pursuing anymore. No, she never had to do what Odette did.
But she did have to make it right.
So she nodded, reached into her purse, and fished out a key.
“Then if you’ll give me a moment, I’ll be with you. There’s something I have to fetch first,” and without waiting for a response, Larissa ducked out of the room and walked into the hall - leaving Odette alone with her thoughts.
The exit was very abrupt, but Odette’s more optimistic tendencies told her to be patient with Larissa and allow her to collect herself. If she didn’t deem the explanation enough, then she’d simply walk out. She’d simply walk out, close the door behind her, find her way back to the Academy entrance, and book an Uber or something to get her back to the cabin. It would hurt, she knew. It would really really hurt. But it would be necessary. Some people are not supposed to know each other for life; some people are better left separated. They mixed like salt and sugar in their letters - unable to tell each other apart as Odette’s sass rubbed off on Larissa and Larissa’s vocabulary rubbed off on Odette. The age-old study of transferred traits between individuals in frequented close environments was only proven within their friendship. But being face to face was entirely different. Larissa was gorgeous, first of all. Such long legs and porcelain skin and perfect snowy hair and refreshing floral perfume and red lips and blue eyes and velvety rich English tone. So lovely. So out of Odette’s league…
Letting out a relenting sigh, black sneakers took her over to the couch Larissa had gestured to. She suddenly felt so drained. Like the entire mess of bumping into her old friend had just gripped her vitality in both hands and tugged it away from her. If Larissa felt the same, it didn’t show. Though then again, Odette had a feeling that she didn’t let many things show in the first place. Emotion was weakness in an authoritative position - especially when the one feeling emotions was a woman. A beautiful woman. A beautiful woman who probably ran her school with much prestige and pride. Because that’s just the type of soul she was; Odette could remember that with fondness. The woman’s determination. Her success in everything she put her mind to. It was admirable. It had Odette looking around, taking in the dazzling decor of the office she sat in - feeling some sort of warmth coil within the corners of her soul. It was only a moment later, after she admired the mirrors on the ceiling and the walls and the golden details and high-backed leather rolling chair behind the long mahogany desk, when she realized that it was pride. She was full of it. Pride. Pride for Larissa and only Larissa.
Good memories of the other woman’s childhood were few and far between. Life had been difficult for her; being cast into her brother’s shadow, being outed by a trusted girl that she kissed one too many times, forced to remain in second place during her school days as her roommate took gold every. single. time. Her life had been frustrating. Maddening. The paper did very little to muffle the hurt in Larissa’s heart - Odette could feel the scorn and sadness even from California.
But in that moment, soaking up the lavish office Larissa found herself spending most of her days in, Odette could feel nothing but pride and relief. Larissa deserved to have her job. She broke her heart, yes, but she still deserved the world. And in her own way, she had it. Odette could not give her anything more. Except maybe acceptance. Except maybe understanding. But that was a thin rope she’d be walking on - balancing carefully - desperate not to ruin everything but understanding that she was allowed to be upset. Just because Larissa showed remorse didn’t mean anything.
Or it meant everything.
“I apologize for the wait-,” speak of the angel, “-I just felt it was necessary to pull this out first.” Larissa huffed as she walked through the office door. She seemed a bit out of breath while shrugging out of her coat and getting herself finally situated. And ever the curious soul, Odette turned to peer over the back of the couch with wide hazel eyes.
The ‘this’ Larissa was referring to was a box. Held in those strong hands, bare of gloves and delightfully elegant and long, was a box. It was small and dark with a golden locking clasp and metal detailing along the edges. It seemed mid-evil. Important. And Larissa held it tightly, still taking care not to scuff it or damage it as she sauntered over to the couch and took a seat on the opposite side. Odette watched intently as Larissa’s hands moved to cradle the box, keeping it close to her body like it was a precious child. The rest of her was a large contrast to her soft touch - she was sharp; all tensed shoulders, straight back, and grave features. It was clear just how uncomfortable she was. The clench of her jaw and line between her fair brows said enough. But despite that, and despite the way she perched herself on the edge of the couch, clearly not willing to settle into comfort just yet, Larissa still took a deep breath and cleared her throat. Then fixed her gaze onto Odette - who had yet to look away. It was hard not to stare. She’d never had that problem before, but with Larissa… well. Everything seemed to be different with Larissa. Including apologies.
“The last letter you sent me was on October 28th of last year. 2024…”
Odette watched silently as Larissa took a deep breath and began unclasping the pretty metal lock on the box.
“…that was after a very troubling time in my life…”
Porcelain hands curled into the depths, collecting its contents - all of which were hidden from Odette’s wanting eyes.
“…a time in which I was unable to respond.”
Her blood ran cold. She didn’t even let Larissa continue before her mouth was falling open.
“Why.” It wasn’t phrased as a question. It was phrased as a demand. Why. Why why why. What happened. Who hurt Larissa. Goddammit- she knew it! She knew something happened! She knew her friend wasn’t safe. She knew-
“I was stabbed. With a syringe of nightshade,” Larissa’s eyes snapped up and Odette felt her heart crack in two at the sight of the barely restrained agony in that midnight blue gaze. “And I fell into a coma… so I couldn’t respond.”
Odette didn’t know what to say. All she could do was frown. And blink. And try to push down the full-body ache that ran right alongside the tears fighting for control behind her eyelids. Well- well of course Larissa couldn’t respond. She- god she could have died! She nearly did! If Odette were in her shoes, their correspondence would have been the last thing on her mind. If Odette were in her shoes, healing and survival would be key. If Odette were in her shoes, she- well… she wouldn’t know because she wasn’t. And since she wasn’t, all she could do was swallow her tongue and allow her old friend to continue speaking.
“But, even so,” Larissa sighed, “I recovered. And still didn’t reach out.” Her hands were fidgeting behind the lid of the box while her eyes searched Odette’s, wading through the hazel warmth, trying to find purchase there. “And for that… I have never been more sorry.”
The hands moved. The lid closed. Something was placed in between them, resting on the soft cushions of the couch, delicate and familiar. All of them colored differently. All of them with a unique wax seal. All of them written to the same woman. All of them opened politely; all of them sliced clean across the top with a dull blade - leaving the seals untouched. Leaving the words unbothered. Still preserved in their sentimental beauty. Forever dedicated to Larissa Weems.
Even while she rested in Limbo, dancing within the grey space between life and death. Unknowingly fighting for her life while Odette cried into her pillow every night and tried not to think too hard about why the woman she loved just suddenly up and left her.
But she didn’t leave her. Not willingly, at least. Not with her permission. No, her life was nearly stolen from her body - ripped from beneath her hands by a wicked person that Odette wished she could meet so she could deck them in the fucking face. But she couldn’t, because that time was long gone and Larissa had already made her recovery and the other person was probably (hopefully) dead. So to put it simply, she was ultimately, a bit too late. And she couldn’t rewind and go back and tell her old self to send more letters for when Larissa woke up. She couldn’t go back and say “She’s hurt. Give her time.”
…But maybe it was good that she couldn’t. Maybe it was good that she couldn’t say a word. Because even when Larissa did have her time back… she didn’t say a word. She was probably recovering psychologically, but she didn’t say a word. No “Hey Odette, I’m alright. Here’s my number so I can text you while I recover from my coma.” No “Odette, I miss you. I got very hurt but I’m okay now. How are you?” No “I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you thank you for loving me and missing me back.” Not a bloody word.
Odette felt the tears spill over before she could stop them. Her eyes were stinging, her hands were shaking, her lower lip was quivering and she hated getting emotional but when she looked up into Larissa’s eyes, seeing the surprise and the horror and the guilt guilt guilt…… well she couldn’t suck the sadness back in. The tears were already down to her chin - and her mouth was already moving before she could stop it.
“I’m sorry.” It was hoarse- whispered- choked out into the tense silence of the office air. “I’m so so sorry, La-rissa,” her voice crack was embarrassing but she ignored it, choosing instead to watch the way the older woman’s expression turned into one of utter grief.
“No. No no no Odette you should not be apologizing,” and she shuffled closer, moving the box and the letters onto the table so she could grasp Odette’s forearms and hold them gently in her clammy hands. “Do you hear me, Odette? Absolutely not. No apologies. You did nothing wrong. I-” Larissa swallowed, eyes wide with urgent understanding and the intense need to comfort. “-I am sorry I didn’t say anything sooner. I am sorry I didn’t respond. I was just- I was-” but she couldn’t say it. Her lips pressed together, firm in a hard line, and her brow furrowed; like the words teetered on the edge of her tongue but her teeth were thick iron bars, keeping them from spilling out.
Odette frowned, heart aching terribly as she moved to brush away her tears. With a sniff, she asked, “You were what? What were you Larissa?”
And the woman’s shoulders drooped. A sigh left her lips. Her eyelids fluttered, weighed by the implications behind her words.
“I- I was… frightened,” her hands moved away from Odette and went tangling themselves together in her lap. “I didn’t know if you’d- if I sent another letter, if you’d realize that our correspondence was not what you wanted after all. I mean the letter you sent originally wasn’t even addressed to me, so why would you want to… why would you want to dive back into something you finally escaped?” And Larissa’s tone grew so soft, mumbled beneath her breath, that Odette had to strain to hear. “I was scared that you’d realize you didn’t know me. And wouldn’t want to be- wouldn’t want to talk with me… anymore.”
Odette blinked.
Then blinked again.
“Are you an idiot?”
Honestly she didn’t mean to say it. It was one of those moments where something lingered in the back of the mind and you told yourself not to say it but you got so caught up in not trying to say it that you just said it anyway. And it was quite comical really; in her sad dramatic haze, Odette looked at her old friend with a queer expression and a tilt of her head. It had Larissa’s eyes widening- the tears falling down her cheeks but no longer sparked by sadness; they fell just to fall.
“Excuse me?” Her lips parted in shock. Odette wanted to kiss them.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to- god-,” she sniffled and wiped away the rest of her tears before fixing Larissa with a sheepish smile. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, it’s just… well… I’m not really sure how you could think that. I’m not the- the type. To regret, I mean. And certainly not the type to regret you. I mean you’re so- you’re just so- ya know.” Odette’s hands rolled over and over in the air, utterly desperate to get her point across in one big huff.
But Larissa had absolutely no clue what the fuck she was talking about.
“You’re just so amazing!” Larissa flinched at the outburst as the younger woman stared with wide watery hazel eyes. “Amazing! And smart! And so eloquent- and I’m just so lucky I was ever able to be your friend in the first place! And I even- I-” she looked down, glancing at the letters on the coffee table with fondness, “I kept your letters too.” She smiled. “All of them. I mean they’re hidden away now, to avoid any sadness ya know but- they’re still there. They’re still there. They always have been…”
“…And like honestly, that should come as no surprise! Your writing is lovely, really and- and you’re lovely! You’re-” she took a deep breath, her shoulders heaving with the strength of it, “perfect…”
“Alright that’s not-”
“So beautiful, too-”
“Oh- thank you, but-”
“And funny and creative-”
“Yes, thank you Odette-”
“And sparkly! Strong! Sophisticated and intelligent; god Larissa you don’t even know. I’ve been hooked ever since that first letter. And then the second? Girl, I was gone. Just absolutely-” Odette pressed a few fingertips to her head, at an angle, before theatrically throwing her hand away, “-gone. Totally out of this world type of gone. And I’m so happy you wanted to be my friend after that- I’m so- I’m so lucky that you didn’t think I was too nerdy or annoying or rambly or- or anything but myself! And- and-”
“Odette!” Larissa shouted, surging forward to wrap her hands around the other woman’s biceps.
“And I think I’m in love with you!”
Pale hands slipped away from shapely arms.
“No-” Odette’s face fell, her expression slowly replaced with one of sheer undisturbed terror. “No no no-” She began shaking her head. Back and forth and back and forth. “No no no no- that wasn’t supposed to come out- not now. Not here-”
Larissa was frozen. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with-
“Nono no no no oh god Larissa I’m sorry- I’m so sorry I didn’t mean- God I’m just, I’m just fucking this all up! Please ignore me. Please don’t even-”
Larissa watched distantly as Odette’s chest rose and fell with a heaviness, expanding and compressing and falling flat as she hyperventilated. So panicked, she was. So uncertain. Even though she finally- finally- told Larissa all she had been wanting to hear for so long.
I think I’m in love with you.
A smile crept across red lips.
“-I promise I’m not a creep, I promise the reason why I was writing to you did not just rely on the fact that I love you. Actually, just forget I said that! Forget I admitted anything because it’s- it’s not true and-”
“I think I love you too.”
“-and whatever I’m saying is just spilling out for no reason because I’m nervous I’m seeing you again and- and-……. What?” Odette gaped, eyebrows shooting up to the heavens.
Larissa found it endearing. A warm blush ran to her cheeks.
“I said,” came her stuttered breath, “that I think I love you too.” And with that, a slender palm was running along the curve of Odette’s soft jaw and beckoning her closer. It was slow, it was loving, it led her into heaven as Larissa’s blue gaze melted and her red lips parted - so beautiful - so wanting of Odette’s affection.
“What- is happening right now…” the redhead murmured, eyes wide as their lips brushed together oh so softly-
“Do you want me to stop?” Larissa spoke, hesitant and in need of reassurance.
Odette blinked, glancing from one blue eye to the next before she cleared her throat and placed a palm on Larissa’s shoulder. It kept her in place while she leaned back.
“No just- just pause. I have to show you something first too. Is that okay? Just like two seconds, don’t even move.” Then she was popping up from the couch and going over to the desk, immediately bending to rifle through her purse for something.
Larissa watched her hurried movements with keen eyes, feeling the thump of her heart in her ears. She was planning on kissing Odette senseless, but clearly the other woman had different plans. What she possibly could have stopped her for was beyond Larissa’s comprehension, leaving her frazzled and on edge until the redhead went ‘Yes! Got it.’ and came dashing back to her side. There was a soft smile on her face when she wiggled closer, pressing their thighs together before depositing something in Larissa’s lap.
“Read it… it’s important.”
Larissa glanced into the hazel eyes of her companion. Only warmth existed there. No betrayal. No contempt. Nothing but love and acceptance and a soft swirl of melancholy. There was no reason not to trust her. There was no reason not to open the letter in her lap.
So she did just that- and squinted as she read the unfamiliar handwriting.
I’ll start with saying that it hurts that you’ve found someone else, but I’m also really happy for you. It’s like a weird mix of feelings. You know what I mean. Anyway, she sounds great. Like really great. Don’t be sorry for going into detail; you have every right to do so. Maybe, in future though if we keep talking, don’t mention her so much? You used to talk about me that way too once upon a time, but it was also different. Like now it feels more… real. Probably because I’m not the one on the receiving end (of your romantic love at least), so it’s not the same. But that’s okay! That’s okay. You deserve all the good feelings, Dottie. You deserve all the good love. This ‘L’ person sounds cool. A little too formal for me, but cool. I hope she treats you better than I did. And if it just so happens that she drops your heart, tell me - cuz I’ll always wanna pick up the pieces. Glad you’re doing okay.
Talk next time, Mirabelle’
As if sensing that she finished, Odette’s voice came in a soft whisper. “She wrote back somewhere around mid-March. I didn’t um… I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. I didn’t wanna stop talking. So I just sort of responded and set her down gently and said look… I’ve found someone else. And I really cherish this person… and because of that, I can’t let them go.” A pale hand snuck around Larissa’s wrist; it was warm while running up to her palm and slowly interlocking their fingers. “And you uh- you did drop my heart,” Larissa grimaced at the reminder, “But I didn’t wanna reach out to her. Cuz like, at that point, the little pieces had little L’s written all over them and someone with an M name just can’t put something like that back together…… ya know? Am I making sense?”
Larissa turned to look at the redhead, giving her a soft look as she started speaking again.
“Cuz like if I’m not, just tell me. I know it’s really weird I didn’t say anything. But I didn’t wanna lose you and maybe I was scared too that you’d realize you didn’t want this anymore and- I- I dunno. Like you’d come to your senses as well and-”
“For such a beautiful writer, you ramble off track quite often. Did you know that?” Larissa interrupted, not unkindly but instead with a playful little smile on her red lips.
The sound of that low voice had Odette pausing. A rosy blush grew across her face.
“Yeah I- it’s a habit. Sorry…”
“I didn’t say that for an apology,” Larissa shook her head, turning to give all of her attention to the woman next to her. “I said it because I find it fascinating. I find you fascinating. Utterly so.”
And there wasn’t even a hint of dishonesty in her warm expression. Odette could hardly believe it. Her? Fascinating? When Larissa was so… Larissa? Goodness. Well. She shot her companion a shaky smile before giving her a lazy shrug.
“I mean I’m not- ya know. Crazy cool or anything.”
“You are to me,” Larissa offered, amusement lacing her tone as she slowly leaned forward. “To me, you’re cooler than ice.”
Odette let out a little scoff of a laugh, looking over the other woman’s features with love. Oh those blue eyes… endless… and that strong nose… divine… and those red lips… plush… getting closer…closer… so close…
“Just kiss me already,” Odette breathed, her arms sliding up around Larissa’s neck, lazily draping over her shoulders. “Please.”
“Well since you asked so nicely~”
───※ ·❆· ※───
I don't like this so much but I hope it's alright. Tell me what you think? And do let me know if you'd like to see more Odette. Love you much! - Rip x
(P.S. I know Que Sera, Sera is spanish/italian and this is latin. I know.)
───※ ·❆· ※───
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cloudlessly-light · 5 months
you should do something where like Emily may be left a book on the counter and aaron opens it up and reads a little bit of it and it’s pure smut and he gets like super turned on
A/N: Happy first day of the new year to all of you wonderful people! I hope you enjoy this little filth, I might not be able to write much in the coming weeks but I wanted to get this one out here to start the year off right with our favorite idiots in lust (and love) <3
Title: Tell me your favorite  Summary: Aaron doesn’t think much of it when he randomly picks up Emily’s book one day. What he reads, he certainly enjoys and he wants more.   Word Count: 2,6k Rating:  Explicit Warnings: Smut, oral sex, dirty talk, choking (quickly)
Emily had always loved to read. Ever since learning how to put the letters together to read the words in her colorful books she had loved storytelling and getting lost in other worlds. It was a love that would last a lifetime, starting as a young child in her bedroom reading about princesses and fairytales. As she got older she found herself lost in science fiction and strong heroines. Countless nights being spent imagining that she was in another realm or battling for what was right. It was her way to escape.
Then one day she randomly found the term erotica, and as a curious 19-year-old who hadn’t really seen the appeal of sex since losing her virginity way too young, she bought a book and read it in her dorm room.
She was instantly intrigued, and even though she still loved her female heroes and science fiction or even the occasional thriller, her collection of erotica also expanded. Even as she grew up, became older experienced what sex could really be like, and the thrills of it, she still loved to get lost in the fantasy of what was written on the pages.
It’s not something she hides, but she also doesn’t bring it up and when she moves in with Aaron he doesn’t seem to think much of the books he’s placing on their bookshelf in their new home. Most of them aren’t very telling, and even though she’s not ashamed of her books, she’s secretly happy that he can be looking at the cover of one of the filthiest books she owns and he doesn’t realize. It was something just for her, and even though she wouldn’t care much if he knew, she had never really shared that part of herself with anyone before.
“We’re going to need another bookshelf soon.” Aaron teases when she gets home one day, two new books added to her collection.
“I’ve been waiting for these for months.” She smiles and places one on a shelf and the other hand still in her hand as she makes her way towards their bedroom to be put on her bedside table.
“What is it about?” He grabs the book and inspects the cover that’s black, showing what looks like curtain ropes tied together. “This seems… dark.”
Emily bites the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking, that particular book a particularly kinky one that delves into BDSM dynamics.
“It can be.” She says and takes the book back and then loops her arms around his neck. She smiles when his warm hand immediately moves under the hem of her shirt to press her against him.
“Don’t you get enough of this at work, sweetheart?” His nose nuzzles hers and she shakes her head.
“Not that kind of dark.”
“Can you read it to me?” He mumbles against her lips and she hums, the sound content and low.
“Maybe some other time.” She kisses him, enjoys the way his familiar body feels against her for a moment as she gets lost in him. It’s not until they hear Jack’s bedroom door opening that she pulls away, knowing that the 8-year-old was most likely in search of food.
She doesn’t start her new book that night, too occupied by Aaron as he wrings pleasure from her body until they’re both exhausted.
A couple of weeks go by and they’ve finally gotten back from a case when she decides to start reading her new book. Aaron was going to come home late and Jack was at Jessica’s for the weekend. The thing with Emily was once she started reading, she sometimes had trouble stopping unless she was interrupted.
That’s how Aaron finds her asleep with the book on her chest, and he smiles at the sight. He often teased her about her almost complete oblivion to the outside world when she read, but in truth he loved that she could get so immersed in something.
He’s unsurprised to find her sitting at the kitchen island reading her book as she’s drinking her coffee the following morning. He takes a moment to simply look at her, how her dark eyes move over the sentences, her lips slightly pursed. But there’s something else, a slight blush on her cheeks, a look that was familiar to him, usually caused by him. And he’s even more intrigued than he had been before. He had always wondered about her books, but never really thought to read them. Until just then.
“Morning sweetheart.” He says, voice still rough from sleep and she finally notices him.
“Good morning,” She accepts the kiss he presses against her bare shoulder as he comes to stand behind her and she puts her book down on the counter. “when did you get home last night?” She turns her head to catch his lips in a gentle kiss.
“Late, but I finished everything I needed so we have the whole weekend for ourselves.” He laughs when she lights up. It was rare that they got two whole days just the two of them, and they both treasured them. “So I was thinking we’ll go to the store, I’ll cook tonight, maybe we can finally watch that new show Penelope raved about?”
“Ugh that sounds perfect honey.” She slides off the stool effortlessly. “I’ll shower and then we can go.”
“There’s no rush, we got all day.” He cups her cheek and when she kisses his palm he smiles at the simple gesture. “Go, I’ll make breakfast.”
He watches as she leaves, eyes moving over her body in only a tank top and shorts and he feels that familiar pull in his gut. But he ignored it, they’d have the rest of the day to enjoy each other. Instead he moves to the fridge, grabs eggs and butter and a few vegetables and then turns back to the counter to grab a knife from the drawer. That’s when he sees the book, and without thinking he picks it up.
He almost drops the milk as he reads a couple of sentences. The descriptions were sensual, full of dirty words as he skimmed over what could only be described as erotica. He knew that these kinds of books existed, but he had never imagined it was what Emily liked to read. Half a page down and he was turned on, that pull in his stomach by now intense as his mind pictured what he was reading, his body responding to it.
He doesn’t think as he starts to make his way through the house, tearing his shirt off on the way towards their bedroom. The sound of running water makes him go into the bathroom and he kicks his sweats off and the book lands on the sink.
“Honey, what are-” Emily is cut off by his lips against hers, his body pressing her into the cold tile and she gasps.
“So you like to read huh?” He whispers and for a moment she’s confused. Her eyes move over his face and then looks behind him to see the book on the sink and she feels her cheeks heat with embarrassment.
“Yeah, sometimes.” She feels his intense stare on her, then his fingers move under her chin to make her look at him.
“Don’t be ashamed.” His voice was graveled, his hard shaft pressing against her hip. “I like it too.” Without warning he pulls her out of the shower, ignoring that their wet bodies make a mess as he continues until she’s on the bed.
He’s quick to join her, his body covering hers as he pins her hands above her head and her legs spread for him to lay against her.
“Are all of them that kinky?” He mumbles between open-mouthed kisses against her neck, his teeth grazing over her fluttering pulse.
“No, I read everything.” She breathes, her head falling back against the bed as he bites gently on her shoulder. The vibration of his hum makes her shiver and she tries to free her hands, but his hold is too strong. “It can be romance, it can be kinky, it can be anything in between.”
Aaron grins, something feral as he moves up to watch her before kissing her, his tongue delving into her mouth to taste her soft moan.
“Tomorrow you’re going to read one of your favorites to me.” He says lowly when they break apart. When she nods he feels another rush of want tingling down his spine and he starts to move down her body. He presses kisses and light bites down her body, doesn’t stop until he’s kneeling on the floor and with strong arms he pulls her to the edge of the bed.
“Baby.” She gasps when he sucks on her thigh, maddeningly close to where she needs him. She feels his lips curl into a smile against her other thigh, his stubble rough against her soft skin and she whimpers. When he licks through her unexpectedly she moans, eyes closing as her hand finds its way to his hair to grasp at.
He groans at the taste of her, his tongue pushing inside of her before he licks over her clit. He had always loved the taste of her, could spend hours between her legs if she allowed it. Today was no different. He sucked lazily on her clit and when her hips pushed against his mouth he pressed two fingers inside of her.
“Fuck, so good.” She whispered as her fingers tightened slightly in his hair. His fingers curled and her hips buckled in response and when she looked down her breathing hitched at the way his eyes were blown black by lust.
Aaron flattened his tongue over her clit, massaged the little bud and he felt her slick walls tighten in response. He knew her body, could read her better than anybody and when her chest started to heave and her heel dug into his back he was quick to press his forearm over her hips to keep her still. Just like he knew, her hips rocked into him, her moans getting breather and louder, his name rolling of her tongue repeatedly. His fingers press against her spot and she mewls, her thighs trembling slightly as they close in around his head, keeping him in place as she gets closer to the edge.
“Don’t stop, fuck Aaron do not stop.” She mumbles desperately and then he flicks her clit quickly, and she comes so hard she forgets to breathe. Her body spasms as he continues, his tongue insistent on her clit, fingers sure as they continue to move and curl inside of her. He doesn’t stop until she’s panting and jerking away from his touch with a breathless laugh.
“How do you always taste so good?” His voice is low as he moves to hover above her, his lips and chin shiny from her and his tongue swipes over his bottom lip to chase the taste of her. When she kisses him, he’s quick to push his tongue against hers, knowing that she always loved the mix of them on his tongue.
She moans softly as he lays between her legs, his cock hard and hot and leaking and she sneaks her hand in between them. When she wraps her hand around him, he gasps and jerks against her touch.
“What do you want?” She asks, dark eyes wide as she swipes her tongue over the tip of him, only to spread his precum into his skin.
“Stay just like this.” He all but growls, his hand heavy against her sternum as he pushes her back as he gets on his knees between legs. “Eyes on me, sweetheart.” He smirks when her eyes move from where they watched the heavy weight of him on her pelvis. She licked her bottom lip as she stared up at him.
When he pushed inside of her it was slow and deep and the groan that left him sent goosebumps across her body. Her eyes fluttered closed when his hips pressed against hers and Aaron squeezed her hip warningly.
“Don’t tell me you can’t remember one simple rule?” He slowly bent down, his hand coming to wrap around her throat and she gasped. “Considering the filth you read I’m surprised you can’t seem to listen.” He whispered against her face as he continued to grasp her throat, but he didn’t squeeze. When Emily’s hips jerked in a wordless warning for him to start moving, his head fell to the side slightly and he smirked.
“You’re so impatient baby.” His voice was condescending and her hips rocked harder against him with a whine.
“Aaron, move.” She tried, her voice needy in a way she only got with him and the ego boost went straight to his cock. He squeezed around her throat in response and she whimpered.
“What do you say?” He grinned when she groaned in frustration and he let go of his hold, only to move his hand between their bodies and gently circle her clit. It had the desired effect and Emily moaned, her eyes closing and lips parting.
“Please.” She breathed and he chuckled lowly. He started to move, slowly thrusting in and out of her and she smiled at the feeling.
“Eyes on me, don’t make me tell you again.” He muttered and when she opened her eyes he groaned at the hazy look reflected in them. His hands were firm around her hips as they found a rhythm. It was long pushes of his hips, their sounds of pleasure mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin. He groaned as she clenched around him, her slick making him shiny as he looked down where they connected.
“You’re so wet sweetheart.” He whispered and she whined in response. Her eyes were still on him, heavy lidded and dark and Aaron was sure she had never looked sexier. She was gripping the sheets, the flush on her skin moving down to her chest.
“You’re going to make me come again.” She mumbled and he laid down again, catching her lips in a breathless kiss as he continued to thrust against her, his movements getting more frantic.
“Look at me when you come.” He grunted, his eyes locked on hers as she started to tense against him. When she came, it was with a broken moan and he felt her clench around him as her nails dug into his skin, leaving angry red lines that he knew would sting later.
She gasped, her legs tight around his hips as he continued to move, clearly chasing his own release. Through panting breaths she whispered against his ear.
“When I read I always picture you and me, on nights when we’re apart I touch myself as I read and I think of you, of how good you make me feel.”
“Fuck baby.” He growled, his face buried against her neck, his breathing heavy.
“I have since before we got together, ever since we met, I fantasized about you.” She clenched around him and he tensed as the pleasure built. It wasn’t long before his groans got louder, his body getting heavier against her as she continued to whisper against his ear. When he came he bit down on her shoulder as his hips jerked against hers, his orgasm making his whole body quiver and Emily gasped at the heat of his release inside of her.
“Jesus Christ Em.” He panted, feeling blissed out as he slowly rolled off her. “I should have read one of those books sooner.”
She laughed, sweaty and sated and easily curled into him. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t told him about the books, but she knew now that she would enjoy watching his reaction to every single one.
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quinloki · 1 year
If the Kink Ask thing is still open can I get 1.Threesome (and if the third being a male or a female would change their rating) 2.Humiliation and 3.Body worship (receiving) with Crocodile, Kid, and Katakuri?
Oh You may, you very well may indeed ^_^
This should be relatively easy too cause I've got pretty solid head canons for these three =D <3
Let's go by... hm... Kink on this one.
Crocodile - I dunno - I made brief mention of this in the Double Penetration ask with Crocodile. It's a mix of possessiveness and also a mix of not trusting many people to see him vulnerable like that. There's one or two people he'd be okay with at most, and he wouldn't be terribly motivated to bring it up or admit to any possibilities. Every delicious sound and squirm you make is for him, but if you need to be stuffed he'll build/buy/create whatever can bring you that satisfaction.
Eustass - With other Kid Pirates - FUCK Yes. Outside of the - rather not. The Kid pirates are, to me, very close knit and also very physically close. They've been each others comfort and support and defense against an unbelievably cruel and useless world and they certainly take pleasure in one another emotionally and physically. Being a consummate kinkster, punk and quintessential dom Eustass is here for whatever boundaries/suggestions you have. He'll try most everything more than once, and for sure him and the crew have had sex with islanders when in port, but once the lines of more defined relationships start to form up it's a little different.
Life on the ship has a natural inclination to polycules, which would take 5 miles of string and half the length of the Red Line to map out properly. The crew keeps it all sorted, but gender wouldn't change anything amongst crew mates. Outside of the crew Eustass would have a preference that whoever it was, was at least a professional. Otherwise it's just too complicated and he doesn't care to deal with it.
Katakuri - Rather Not - Katakuri isn't keen on being seen in any manner of vulnerability in general. I can see him being a sweet and understanding partner to his spouse, and hey, if Big Mom had pushed a second spouse onto him, then who is he to argue with her? But outside of something like that I can't see him being game for it. Despite his sweet disposition, I do think he's fairly possessive on top of it. He might share his donuts with you, but he's not likely to share his donuts or you with anyone else.
Crocodile - Sure - If that's what you want, he's fully capable of obliging. Crocodile has verbally decimated people for years, while he wouldn't turn his venomous tongue on you without severely good reason, he's happy to provide such a service to you if you so desire. It's not something that he would suggest or offer up himself - maybe dabbling in it a little during a punishment session, but once you ask for it, he'll provide it.
And the massive amount of aftercare that will be required once he's done.
If your bend of Humiliation includes an audience, it's one of the few times he's willing to "share" you. But he won't allow anyone else to join in - to console you or otherwise.
Eustass - Yes - Eustass' brand of humiliation is physical and verbal, can easily involve a crowd - strangers even - if it's a hot button for you, he'll press it randomly and often. Heaven help you if he realizes it turns you on before you tell him. He loves to see his partner squirm, specifically loves being the cause of it. Your only saving grace is that he'll respect any safe words and boundaries, and his aftercare game is on point.
Katakuri - I guess - Karakuri plays the big bad meanie almost constantly, so it's not on the top of his list to direct that farce in your direction. If you beg him, he'll acquiesce at least a few times. His advanced observation haki lets him calmly and precisely decimate you verbally and/or physically with relative ease.
But don't expect enthusiasm. Katakuri doesn't really like being the big bad.
Body Worship:
Crocodile - Yes - Ah sweet little desert flower, if you want to worship his body he won't stop you. The sweet little kisses and soft warm licks feel good, and even if you don't do that well, he's still sure to reward your effort. Practice makes perfect, and you'll figure out the best ways and places with time. He's not going to help you, watching you worship him is a pleasure, there's no need to rush it. You'll learn everything eventually, and until then not a single kiss or touch will be wasted or unappreciated.
And his appreciation of you is as vast as the desert itself.
Eustass - FUCK Yes - I mean, he already knows he's a god, so don't let him stop you. Look, look, you need to do this in a way without calling it worship. Alright? For your own sanity. DO NOT TELL THIS COCKY BASTARD THAT YOU'RE worshiping HIM. Just like, tell him you want him to lay back and let you appreciate him. Explore him. Lavish him with kisses and such. The word worship should not leave your lips.
Even without the qualifier he's all in for it. Eustass will happily revel in the pleasure of it. Maybe not for too long - once he's calmed down, or relaxed enough, or gotten riled up enough, he's going to move you both into something more physical, and far more rough. He'll appreciate the worship, but he get pleasure from your squirms and sounds more.
Katakuri - Oh god you don't even know - Poor Kata has body issues galore, on top of the stresses of being the big bad older brother. Lavishing praise and attention on his body will probably cause him to error out a few times before he adjusts to it. He won't even know what to say the first time you suggest it, or he'll freeze up if you begin to show your appreciation in the heat of the moment. He was just happy to know you weren't afraid of him, and now you're lavishing him in attention and pleasure.
Cuddling had probably been the highlight of his week the first time you snuggled up with him. But it's adorable how much his face flushes straight to his ears, and how his body twitches and shifts under the soft pleasure.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
I basically day dream this soooo this could be any genshin character that you want…
So this is how it goes, one of the genshin men, xiao in my imagine, were transported first to our world and get to meet the reader first. Then a few years after that, the other genshin men arrive in our world.
And the funny part is that Childe immediately started to propose on the spot
Childe: Please marry me! I’ve been waiting for ages to be with you.
Reader: … I already have children.
Childe: Don’t worry I’m good with kids. I’ll make sure to be a great fa-
Reader: I’m also married.
Childe: … who is this man? *he says calmly as he prepares who’s hydro blades*
Then reader called out to Xiao and xiao appear carrying their kids. Ya know those baby carriers you strapped on your torso. Yeah imagine xiao with that, while holding hands with the other kid.
Childe and Xiao basically have a stare off. If it weren’t for the children on Xiao, Childe would have lunge on him already.
The other men are too stun to speak because of Childe’s shamelessly then Reader’s reveal about having a family with Xiao.
Altho regardless of who got to reader first if it isn’t Childe he would demand a death match.
Idk I just randomly thought of this. Sorry for rambling. It was a cute idea that I wanted to share.
lol i would imagine this with zhongli who was reverse isekai'd to our world. our children better take his genes i mean look at this beautiful, beautiful man
childe does seem like the type to challenge your s/o for your hand in marriage - i mean this man was willing to potentially sink a whole city to the ocean... but i'd like to hope that when he sees you so happy with your partner, he would slowly back off...
cute concept!! i'm glad you're daydreaming about things that make you happy, and thank you for sharing with us about it!! in turn, lemme share a daydream of mine <3
whenever i feel like i'm touch starved and want to hug someone but can't because of circumstances, i'd hug my plushies before going to bed and imagine something like this:
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cuddles with xiao! he's probably shorter than you so he would be the little spoon. but even if he's taller than you - still, be the big spoon. he might scoff and say things like 'adepti do not need sleep'. well, ignore him. as soon as your arms wrap around him and pull him flush against your body, he wouldn't make any effort to push you away even if he certainly could.
nuzzle his neck. kiss the top of his head. relax and regulate your breathing calmly, maybe hum a calming song if you're into that, and wait.
xiao will slowly relax. the frown between his eyebrows disappears. the downturn of his lips smoothening out into a neutral line bordering on an upward curve. the blush on his cheeks washes out. if you're brave enough, don't be afraid to tuck his head into your chest - he loves hearing your heartbeat. unknowingly, his own heart syncs with yours, along with his breathing.
when you drift to sleep, he might follow - and if you're lucky, he might even join you in your dreams, where you can continue to cuddle in a field of flowers <3
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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ornii · 1 year
My Better Bitter Half, Part 8
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“As I expected, now stop pussyfooting, and get ready because we’re going to make Bianca’s Dream into a nightmare. I’ll go prep black kitten.” (Y/n) says to his sister, who stands before him in the skin tight black suit, fuming with rage, “I will make every last moment of your life absolutely painful.” She says with venom and he nods “as expected.” He said and walks off, eventually (Y/n) reaches a small clearing that perfectly looks over the lake. He calls in via Walkie-Talkie.
“Alright, Addams 2 to Addams A.” He said, “All Cards Are set. Ready for takeover.” He said and kneels down, readying a bow an arrow, he listens calmly to Weems speaking a ways away.
“I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years.
Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges. Let the Poe Cup begin!”
He hears a gunshot ring out and he watches them row, the four teams including his sister rowing away. He watches as they creep closer to the island to get the flag, suddenly the Boat Xavier rows begin to sink. And another topples over and it seems that some foul play was at hand, (Y/n) rose up with his bow and took aim.
“The final two teams are the Gold Bugs...and the Black Cats.” He says. He aims and prepares the arrow tip to Pierce the boat, not hurt anyone of course, he begins to trail off. And let the arrow loose, and it flies, and if by the grace of god or the Devil himself. It ricochets off of the boat, it hits multiple Metal objects and then hits a rock near the oily waters, which somehow sets the oily water on fire, creating a ring of fire around Bianca’s boat and halting them in their tracks. Which gets the Black Cats the win, which somehow was him. Absolutely stunned by this, he shrugs and accepts it,
The winning ceremony began as (Y/n) caught up to Enid who was talking his head off, whilst Wednesday just stares as Weems gives another speech,
“The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those Congratulations to Ophelia Hall!
As a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years.
The trophy was given and celebrating was afoot. Unfortunately Wednesday was not the social spider her brother was and retreated to a secluded corner of the building, (Y/n) peered down the hall to see her.
“Wednesday? What are you doing down here?”
“Hiding. People keep randomly smiling at me, it's unsettling.” She said and (Y/n) chuckles.
“They’re smiling because they’re proud of you,
You took down Bianca Barclay. Try to enjoy it sister, it’s not often you take down a high scho monarch. And smile a little, Oh, come on, it won't kill you.”
“You know it will.” Wednesday responds, (Y/n) thinks for a moment.
“Well, I suppose, okay what would you like to do to celebrate?” He asks, and Wednesday thinks, and walks off and (Y/n) follows.
“Nevermore continues to be an enigma. A place where the questions far outweigh the answers. But sometimes... the answer is staring you right in the face. Don't worry, Edgar Allan. I see your sanctimonious smirk. But I will get the last laugh.” Night falls and the twins stand before the Edgar Allen Poe statue.
“Ah, a Statue?” He asks.
“Yes, i came across something most interesting, you see Edgar had a penchant for riddles. And this might be his cleverest yet. Because it's not a single riddle. Rather, each line is its own separate one. "The opposite of moon."
“Sun” (y/n) replies:
"A world between ours."
"Two months before June."
"A self-seeding flower."
"One more than one."
"Its leaves weep to the ground."
“Ah, a Willow.”
"It melts in the sun."
"It’s beginning and end never found."
“A Circle.”
"Every rule has one."
"The answer will give a sharp cracking sound." Wednesday ends, and (Y/n) rubs his chin.
“Snap.. Twice.” He says, and the twins do it on unison, snap twice. Mechanisms change and shift inside the statue, suddenly it begins to move back and reveal a flight of stairs.
“Wow, as diligent as ever dear sister. You first.” He says and Wednesday heads in first without much reservation and (Y/n) follows. They enter a library full of books, books that look exactly like the ones she was looking for.
“Hm, books, just like the one Rowan had..”
“Then we’ve found our origin.” Wednesday says. The twins catch the eye of a photo being taken, of their mother. They stare at it together.
“Secret societies. Hidden libraries. Our mother staring at us in a judgmental way. These are all things I should expect. But the minute I inch towards the truth...” (y/n) thinks, from the corner of his eye his sister is bagged and dragged away. He turns around and someone whispers into his ear.
His legs suddenly fell weak and he collapses down, he rolls on his back and looks up to his eyes closing not by his choice, and dark shadows surround him. And it all fades to black.
“Luckily, I'm not afraid of the dark.”
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
If the character asks are still going- Ryoma please? :3
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@jolliestlolli DOUBLE THE RYOMA HEADCANONS !!!!!!
headcanon a (realistic):
hands are literally always in his pockets. he is constantly wearing leather jackets or hoodies, lots of long sleeves and LOTS of pockets. genuinely kind of unsure what to do with his hands if he's wearing something without them. i like to imagine ryoma hardly ever uses his hands to talk, and he's a very stoic storyteller. maybe the occasional "drag" of his "cigarette" but never many gestures!
such a dry texter. it is soooo hard to keep up a phone conversation with him and he's honestly not even trying to get you to stop talking to him he just texts how he speaks and uses zero punctuation LMAO
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious):
you cant jumpscare this guy LMFAO. his classmates try to prank him by scaring him once he turns the corner but he just continues to walk past them like nothing happened. genuinely awful sense of urgency because he just doesn't scare that easily. like he's able to look up at something obviously dangerous and go "oh i should probably start running now" but he doesnt have that same adrenaline that the others have yknow??
postgame is most certainly a huge uphill battle for him in terms of finding hobbies, but i like to think he is definitely still active! he tries getting into some kind of routine which means a lot of morning jogs in areas that aren't super populated lol. when he musters up the energy i reckon he goes marathon running! i also don't think he listens to music lol. i think he just straight up runs
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends):
i think deep down ryoma is a very scared kid and he definitely knows that about himself. even if he wanted to start having hope again, he is too terrified of having that hope crushed all over again. this is a kid that literally CAN NOT withstand another heartbreak of that magnitude again, and the only way to preserve that is to avoid being happy. i also just think he was an extremely paranoid person during his time running from the mafia, meaning a lot of his old habits have seriously stuck with him. he sleeps with a knife under his pillow, makes sure there's something next to his door and window that will make noise in case somebody enters during the night, etc.
postgame ryoma is extremely dehydrated like that guy does not drink water. can not get over the feeling of water in his lungs and always looks like he's taking a shot of the worlds hardest liquor whenever he does take a drink of something. he has GOD awful headaches because of this
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it):
not a technology guy but extremely good at candy crush for some reason. the only time anybody ever sees him on his phone is when he is playing that game it's kind of ridiculous
his resume is INSANE he's pulled SO many odd jobs out of his ass while he was on the run trying to make money. one of his classmates is like "hey does anybody know if i should get this tooth checked out" and ryomas like "let me check i was a dentals assistant for two weeks" and the classmates like "?????HUH??????". he isn't one to share about his past in great detail AT ALL but sometimes he just randomly drops a piece of lore about him out of the blue that makes you rethink everything
headcanon ask game!!!
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eiswolfzero · 29 days
Possible twist to explain how infection got into world in the first place:
One of the ponies...is secretly a traitor and is purposefully doing this. They maybe went through the mirror portal or did something and got into context with Gen 1. They see how the world is simpler, more peaceful...or something that drew them to that. They spoke to the Gen 1 ponies and somehow....they agree to fuse together and so created a virus that changes ponies into their Gen 1 forms...so they can live in that happier first Gen paradise.
and if you wanna make it more intresting and add new phases....after a while of being one and then a while of being the other (like after sometime of twilight being her alt...) the memories slowly start to warm and fuse together to create a sorta harmony where they turn into a complete fusion of the two so they can both do their normal life but also have the peace of the Gen 1....like maybe they can talk to their alts in their minds.
Because if Celestia fully becomes her alt...how tf can she move the sun? Luna can't (I think, she didn't seem like she could). If the sun doesn't move, the world is done for. Sooo imagine if inside Celestia's mind (as an example) she talks to her alt and they make a compromise....two minds share a body...fusion...they work together. Make it so they can drink tea all the time AND still move the sun.
Sorry if this is too crazy. Got more ideas as o typed and had to keep ball rolling. Sorry if it's too much...I know it probably clashes with your original idea....so think of it as a funny alternate universe thing or just something to randomly think about for a laugh or idk lol!
Those are really wild ideas! Certainly something to think about for fun! (don't be sorry! I've done my part thinking up the G1 infection, if you want to take it further, be my guest haha!)
It would certainly add something sinister, the infection being on purpose, rather being on accident via Spike.
Makes one wonder how that talk and harmony between G1 and Original pony would go, since the G1 ponies would be the invading once, demanding space and mind and body. Couldn't have been easy!!
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September MC & OCs of the Month - Special Edition: Skylar Barnett-Lyons
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Help us in welcoming September's MCs and OCs of the month! That's right, plural! Most months, CFWC highlights one randomly selected MC or OC from our Meet My MC / OC List. (More info here.) But this month, we're doing something different.
In August, @lilyoffandoms hosted a Writers Appreciation Month, and we announced the September Writer of the Month would be selected from its participants. But all participants agreed - Lily deserved the honor! Still, we wanted to do something nice for the eleven writers who elected to participate to help uplift other writers in the fandom. So, this month, each of the eleven participants will have one of their MCs or OCs highlighted.
We will introduce each MC / OC individually, and once all eleven have been highlighted, a masterlist for the month will be created. We hope you enjoy getting to know all about them!
The eleventh, and last, but certainly not least OC of the Month is @aallotarenunelma 's Skylar Barnett-Lyons!
Learn more about Skylar below...
In your words, tell us what you like most about your OC.
What I love about Skylar is his complexity. He has so many layers it's impossible to keep a count of them all. People who understand him can be counted on one single hand, and rarer are those who totally get him.
I love how he can be so open and talkative but also so quiet and reserved.
I love how witty and playful he is and how flirty he can be. It counterbalances his kind and overall gentle nature. He's loyal and genuine but also still trying to figure himself out. He mainly struggles with his identity. He's an androgynous person but partially relates to his androgyny. I love to see how he learns how to navigate through this.
Do you feel your OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
Skylar is on the non-binary spectrum, as he currently defines himself as demiandrogyne. He has also stated that he is greyromantic and bidemisexual, meaning he is on the aromantic and asexual spectrums.
I belong to these 3 spectrums as well, so while we don't have the exact same experiences, he is relatable to me.
Like me, he is an artist through and through. He's complex like I wrote above but more than I already am. He is still in the process of figuring himself out and it's a great struggle, whereas I don't have this issue.
He's witty, shy, friendly and playful like me, as well as open-minded, kind-hearted and straightforward.
We don't share the same aesthetics and style, I don't drink coffee, I like oranges and he is British-American - I'm neither.
What is most important to your OC? What is their motivation in life?
What is most important to Skylar is to be able to be himself. It's always hard when someone knows themself but much harder when they don't.
He wants to know who he is, so that he can truly be happy. He carries some sadness in his heart because of his identity struggles. The pressure of society is only increasing his struggles of knowing who he is. He doesn't always know what to do with himself and if there's a true purpose in his life.
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
His biggest pet peeves are:
- Discrimination. More than angering him, it makes him really sad because this pressing on his struggles. Any form of discrimination is unbearable.
- Violence. Any forms of violence and abuse.
- Hypocrisy. He's too straightforward and genuine to understand this, thus accepting it.
If your OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
If he could, Skylar would change that society that defines standards and discriminates and hurts people who don't fit into the mould created and forced upon them.
What is your OC’s favorite quote or song?
One Night by Technicolour reminds him of all the road trips he went on with his family, Saini and her mom every summer.
A quote he loves: "An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your OC?
Since Immortal Desires book 1 hasn't talked about MC's life before moving to Crimson Beech, I wanted my MC, Saini (they/them), to have someone very special back where they grew up.
A best childhood friend was perfect and just like that, Skylar appeared and I've been learning to get to know him since then.
He revealed himself to be more complex than I thought he would be and telling his story has been a delight since day one.
I hope you will get to know him by reading my series Vampire Heart and that you will love him as much as I do, which is a ton because he's precious.
Learn more about Skylar here!
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say I really enjoy your fics. May I request a gn reader and Bill S. Preston Esquire fluff fic please? Just reader having a bad day and Bill just being the awesome, sweet guy he is. Thank you in advance.
Thank you so much! I enjoyed writing this!
There For You
Bill S Preston Esquire x Reader
TW: cursing
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Everything seemed to be falling apart ever since you woke up and got ready for school. It felt like the world was out to get you or karma that has been building up for years and was finally unleashed upon you this particular day when you had a writing assignment due for one of your more tedious classes on your schedule. 
Firstly, you couldn’t find your backpack, your car wouldn’t start and your parents couldn’t be bothered with taking you to school. They insisted that they couldn’t afford to be late to their business meeting and walked out the door without another word towards you. After reaching the closest bus stop, you completely missed it when you saw the bus turn the corner and disappear down the street without you on it. When checking your watch, the next bus wouldn’t be able to arrive until the middle of your first period class. Therefore, you had to walk thirty minutes on foot towards school. 
Sweating and completely exhausted from walking such a long way, your mood was completely ruined and you couldn’t afford any more mishaps. You were even more upset that you arrived at school when the second bell for first period rang, leaving you unable to visit Bill until your fourth period class. 
What a shitshow. 
Bill may be a little dumb, but he’s certainly not stupid. He could tell that something has been bothering you since you walked into your first shared class together. When Bill wasn’t able to find you at your locker before the first period bell rang, he was worried that something happened to you. When you couldn’t come to school, you always called him to let him know you were okay. So seeing you walk into fourth period and barely give him a smile, his worry for you only grew. 
He tried getting your attention throughout class, however you only shrugged him off with a small smile and ‘later Bill, okay?’ He could only sit there and pout a little while looking out the window. Could he have done something wrong? Everything seemed fine last night when you both talked on the phone throughout the night so he couldn't pinpoint what on earth happened between them and now. 
After the bell rang, you got out of your seat and started walking out of class without another word. Everyday, you both would walk out of class together with your fingers laced. Bill quickly followed after you, a furrow on his brow as he caught up with you.
“Hey, babe wait up!” 
You paused, not bothering to turn towards him which only made him frown more. He quickly grabbed your shoulder and tried to turn you towards him which you refused to do which intensified his worry.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, grabbing your other shoulder and placing himself in front of you. Suddenly, he could feel the slight shakiness from your shoulders vibrating underneath his fingertips. “What’s wrong?”
“S-Sorry hun, I just-” You couldn’t even look at him as you tried wiping away tears that continued streaming down your face, “I didn’t want you seeing me cry.”
Bill could feel his heart breaking hearing the small sniffles escape you and quickly pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He began rubbing your shoulders and down your back in an effort to calm you down. 
Silently, Bill glanced around the hallway, noticing that you were both randomly hugging in the middle of it and noticed some of the students watching. Slowly, in order not to startle you, he pulled away slightly in order to look at you. He cupped your cheek, wiping away your tears and giving a small smile.
“Come on, babe.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and walking with you down the hallway. He pulled you towards an empty classroom and shut the door behind the both of you. 
You gave him a small smile in gratitude and sniffled, wiping the rest of your tears away and calming down after being in a private space with your boyfriend. “Thank you.” You said, wrapping your arms around him and gripping him tightly. 
“Course babe,” Bill smiled and hugged you in return. “Ted and I used to come here to ditch Mr. Ryan’s class.” He gave you a small squeeze and pulled away slightly, gripping your hand in his. 
“You scared me…what happened? Why are you sad?” He asked, walking backwards to lean against the closed door and giving you his full attention. He cared about you so much and whatever problems you had were his problems too. 
You sighed and shook your head, “I had such a horrible day…everything was going wrong and I guess I finally cracked.” You squeezed his hand which he instantly returned. “I didn’t want to burden you.”
Bill’s brows furrowed in confusion, “But…aren’t you supposed to tell me about them? That’s what boyfriends do?”
You laughed a little, “Where’d you get that impression?” You joked, watching him as he shuffled in his place. 
“I read a magazine that told me that's what boyfriends are supposed to do to have a good relationship…” Bill could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment. “Like…I love you babe, so you can always come to me when something’s bothering you.”
You could feel your heart melt from his genuine expression as he watched your reaction. To think that he read through magazines with relationship advice was very endearing and incredibly sweet. 
You cupped his face and gave him a kiss, which Bill happily returned. He pulled you against him while wrapping his arms around your waist, lacing his fingers together and squeezing you tight. 
You pulled away, hands still holding him while he looked at you in adoration. 
“I love you too baby, thank you so much.” You said, giving him another kiss before pulling away to speak again, “I promise I'll come to you for anything.”
He smiled, happy that you were feeling better and finally giving him your gorgeous smile.
“Good, cause I’m always here. Forever and ever babe.”
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mihai-florescu · 6 months
UNDEAD Highschool Host Club with our beautiful beatuiful cast of hosts:
Destruction Road; the clumsy-ish biker badboy with a soft side about himself that he tries to conceal but fails and he's also quite the dreamer
Gate of the Abyss; the brooding mysterious hottie who will captivate you with the elegant charms so well needed in a host. Might even have a little bit of a sadistic side about him.
Immoral World and Nightless World; they're identical twins who's acts complement each other. Immoral World is charming and elegantly refined in his ways to make you believe you're the center of his affections, while Nightless world might be a little less elegant and refined and a tad more agressive but most certainly not less charming. They both seem to posess an inherent scaryness the kind of which that humans strangely seem to find very attractive.
Perfectly-Imperfect; the name speaks for itself. Initially he didn't want to be here but felt he had to obliege out of some debt (he is somewhat of a pushover but that is, to a some extent, part of the charm). His character arc revolves around learning how to stand up for himself instead of letting people trample over him and accepting his imperfections as part of himself of which he needn't be ashamed of.
U.S.A; he want's to be american so bad he dresses like they did in the old hollywood movies from the 50s and is always seen with some american-esque beverage in his hand. He can be seen randomly sprinkling american english slang terms into his vocabulary, something which people seem to find very endearing. He is a surfer and his favourite musician is Elvis Presley. (Could also be an exchange student but that bit is optional. Personally I prefer the earnest appreciation for the US' cultual output in a way that could mirror the way western weeaboos would like to be japanese so badly a) funnier and b) more endearing and interesting)
And last but certainly not least! The leader of the host club: Valentine Eve's Nightmare! He's like if Rei Sakuma during the War Era really was just Like That. If all of Reis coolness and charms were condensed into one person. This man exhudes Unbelievable levels of charm. Time flies when you look in his eyes and your wallet will magically empty to spend just a few more seconds with this enticing individual yet instead of feeling dejected and disappointed in yourself afterwards you feel fulfilled instead and can't anticipate your next visit enough. he's like a drug I know this approaches levels of parody but it's really giving that energy reading the lyrics.
I was thinking of a way to include death game holic in this concept too because,,, interesting concept right but it didn't seem to fit into a host club setting. Honey Milk To Taste was also a runner up opponent but I feel like he'd fit better into the butler café from across the street (Works well as an optional eighth member route though).
Sometimes there are ideas in my head that aren't even all that bad and enstars should do this for the next april fools event,,,i think maybe,,,
Could you draw the Undead Songs Host Club please this is too good... Why are enstars song ocs not a thing already actually. I know i said it before but your mind is really wonderful. Im genuinely going to think about these guys all night, trying to decide who my favorite is rn... I think Perfectly Imperfect, and I'd also definitely want to talk to USA. If you make more please share
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acourtofthought · 2 years
It seems the Feysand Bonus Chapter is often overlooked in favor of the Azriel Bonus Chapter but there are still some very important points that don't get mentioned enough.
"Or what she'd said about her lingering trauma"
I feel like too much is made of Elain having hobbies and friends in the Night Court. I don't doubt she's trying to make the best of things but we're told right there that regardless of how it looks to the outside world, Elain is still struggling. Things are not quite so happy and perfect for her and that means when we get to her book, she's going to have more to overcome than which Male she'll end up with. There are some who feel Elain already has a great relationship with her sisters, has all the friends she'll need, hobbies, is completely over Graysen and is learning to become a spy through the wraiths and Az, and that's all apparently happened in someone else's book. To me that sounds like any possible trauma that could remain has been magicked away and her biggest internal battle will be her "forbidden" romance (which I don't find very forbidden at all).
"and while I might never run to Elain first with problems or for advice, we had a peaceful, amicable understanding. I found her to be a pleasant companion. I wonder if she'd resent that judgment, I certainly would."
It reminds me of another scene in SF. Feyre told Elain about the pregnancy only because Elain guessed. Feyre chose to share information with Nesta regarding the gender. Yes, she did it because Elain already knew about the baby but Elain didn't know because Feyre wanted to share the news, she found out by default. Just like Elain wasn't part of the ICs meeting when discussing the Trove, she showed up on her own to offer help. I think she overheard their conversation based on my theory that Elain is an Owl Shifter (they have excellent hearing) but regardless, no one seemed that concerned with including her in what was an important conversation. This all goes along with the fact that Feyre as well as others don't consider Elain their equal in a lot of ways. They like her but she's just part of the background. As long as she's safe & appears happy, they don't really seek her out.
"I didn't dare mention that if she had been wearing the enchanted gloves Lucien had gotten her last Solstice, nothing would have pierced them at all."
This seems like a flashing Neon Sign. We have Feyre talking about how a "stubborn rosebush" (Elain is often represented by roses and she's been extremely stubborn in getting to know Lucien) got the better of her and SJM just randomly decides to include this in order to remind us of a gift that Elain's Mate gave her nearly a year ago and how things would have turned out differently for Elain had she been willing to embrace that gift (cough, cough, Lucien).
"Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other." "Agreed," Rhys drawled.
Nesta finally got the help she needed in SF. A lot of that came from the work she did on herself, but also Gwyn, Emerie, Cassian, and whether you agree with their methods or not, Feyre and Rhys. No they weren't perfect in how they dealt with everything but I can't fault them for that when even Nesta didn't know what Nesta needed. The point is they wanted to help her and they did the best they knew how even if readers feel they made mistakes along the way.
What I thought was interesting is that in SF, Nesta's "rehab" came in the form of staying with and training with Cassian considering this conversation between Rhys and Cassian in the Novella:
“What about you?” I asked, pulling away after a moment. “Are you … happy?” Shadows darkened his hazel eyes. “I’m getting there.” A halfhearted answer. I’d HAVE TO WORK ON THAT, too. Perhaps there were THREADS TO BE PULLED, WOVEN TOGETHER.
There are a lot of phrases SJM uses for endgame couples, "something calmed", "something restless settled," a "spark" in their blood, soul or chest but what I found that seems exclusive to the Archeron sisters (unless I missed something somewhere) is their bonds are described as "threads".
Feysand: But there was a … thread,” I said. “A tether. (Feyre explaining her death to the Bone Carver. At this point she thinks the thread is the bargain between she and Rhys but Rhys later explains it was their Mating Bond - "In my desperation, I clung to that bond. Not the bargain—the bargain was nothing, the bargain was like a cobweb. But I grabbed that bond between us and I tugged ).
Nessian: The golden threads shimmered and sang.
He’d beheld the truth in her eyes on Solstice, when the mating bond had been like so much gold thread between their souls,
Elucien: “There’s a bond—it’s a real thread,” he said, more to himself than us.
In ACOMAF, Feyre notes seeing galaxies in Rhys's eyes and we also have him thinking of how he needs to "pull threads" and "weave them together" for his brother. At the end of SF, we have Cassian and Nesta together.
Fate seems to have chosen three sisters during a time when there are some major things happening in Prythian and its not a stretch to say that Feyre, Nesta, and Elain were meant to be a Key in whatever upcoming battles they'll all face. Amren suggests as much in ACOSF. Fate also chose Mates for them and while not every bond is a love match, if Fate was somehow involved in everything that's happened so far than I think the sisters accepting their Fates and Mates are key to fulfilling whatever destiny was laid out for them. While they are strong individually, they seem even more so with their Mate by their side. It seems Rhys was up to his usual behind the scenes antics with Nessian and now that they've "helped one sister" it would be time to help the next. It does make me wonder if Rhys will find a way to encourage another close proximity situation between Elain and Lucien.
Choice is always important but in an epic story, so is making the choice to accept and fulfill your Destiny.
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yandere-sins · 2 years
My dear author,
I have been constantly imagining this… what if WE had a significant other back then?
Like imagine this man having to hear me aggressively being all like:
“(Gf name)….I….I miss you. This fucking stupid overgrown shark literally won’t let me go!” In my sleep.
This man would have to live with me being a whole simp for her while he’s like:
Humans can have same gender mates? How would that even work? No matter! I’m better than whoever she’s blabbing about! (Narcissistic triumph)
Eh, honestly I didn’t read much about same-sex relationships in the shark world so idk if he would have an idea about that, but I mean except for the description in the sex scene, the reader can be either, so I think Atreo would not question his mates choice in partner.
It only matters to him that he has them now and they are his, and whoever is up there can screw themselves because TOUGH LUCK but his darling is unreachable for them now. They belong to Atreo now once and for all, and he’s not giving them up. Never. (He does get a little jealous if the darling talks about them though. Maybe a little unhinged if they don’t stop and frustrate him, so they’ll learn it’s better to shut up.)
The asks got a bit out of hand so I compiled them under the cut! I would be really awesome if you could not use so many spaces between your sentences, it takes up a lot of space and while I love chatting, I don’t want to clutter for the people that are just on my blog for the stories. So thanks in advance! ^^’
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Well, his curiosity comes from concern, right? If his darling is TOO quiet it can’t be good either, and Atreo needs to make sure they are at least a little lively. So even if that shows in them grumbling and turning around on the bed, pouting, he’ll be satisfied. Atreo will also always use the chances he gets to remind his mate how much better they have it with him and how little they need when he’s by their side (even though they are probably dying from boredom lol). But hey, he’ll throw in some unwelcome cuddles if they need someone to change their mood xD
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Well, like any yandere: See Target -> Fixate on Target -> Claim Target. It’s also that the human probably taste pretty good since they are not some old, worn sailor. So that’s probably a reason to keep them aaaaaall to himself and then he just fell in love with them as they turned out an absolutely adorable, nonviable (in the ocean) creature in his care.
Also female sharks are mean and tough (but humans are cute and soft and have less options to choose and pick when they are immobilized underwater). And Atreo is only the 3rd best singer. Life’s tough when all you’re good for is hunting and fucking and then there are two other sharks that lure in all the females with their singing. He could have his share, certainly, just because he has proven himself as the strongest male. Buuuut he might not be the first choice for everyone either.
That said, he probably has a lot of kids from previous matings, but now he’s way too occupied with his darling to think of anyone else, no worries ^^
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Well, you take a merman, use a great white shark as a reference, and then just slap the colors on him. Most notably are the black eyes like sharks have, I think I did say he also has grey hair, but I’d need to reread my own story and I’d rather not lol. Grey tail, pretty long, proportions of an 8′‘ human. Patches of scaly skin. The rest, tbh, is up to readers.
As for the dicks, male sharks actually always have them out as far as I know, they have two claspers. The “being able to pull them inside into something like a bag” is a real-life concept turned fantasy as much as I know. I’ve seen it countless of times for Naga, Merman, Drider, etc. I think it’s just a way to make them appear more “decent” for not always having their dicks out if it’s just normal scenarios. I do know that the monster from the movie The Shape of Water also has it.
However, the cocks do come out when he gets randomly aroused (either though his mate, a female in heat, a successful and exciting hunt,...) but the merfolk aren’t like... prudish. For them it can also make for a good sight, inviting them to lay with a male if he’s packing well. And if they are not interested, they’ll let him know and once the excitement disappears, so do the dicks. But he wouldn’t cover them up no, he’s not ashamed of his benefits lol.
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muggles and carols | one-shot.
Requested: Christmas Caroling and Hot Chocolate with Neville, Magic Shenanigans! (American muggle gn!reader please if u can :3)
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x gn!reader
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Your family was annoyed. Everyone had suggested a warm place to go for Christmas break but it was your turn to choose. You picked England. England was cold and covered in snow. Your brother wanted the Bahamas— most of the family agreed. But it was your turn and you were insistent on England. In the end, it wasn’t an awful trip. Your siblings were having fun and your parents were enjoying their time. However, no one wanted to go caroling. They all thought it was too cold and it was a bit weird to carol in a place where they knew absolutely no one. Throwing on your scarf, you left the house.
“Nan, are you expecting anyone?” Neville asked after hearing a knock on the door.
His grandmother shook her head. Well, Neville knew he wasn’t expecting anyone. Maybe Seamus or Dean decided to surprise him. He opened the door to see… you? Well, you certainly weren’t anyone he knew; and, you seemed too young to know his grandmother. Neville was sure that you just said something but was distracted by the accent— it didn’t sound like you were from here.
“Huh?” He asked as you looked at him expectantly.
“I said I’m here to spread Christmas cheer! If you want, feel free to slam the door in my face if songs aren’t your thing.”
“Oh, that’s… are you out here alone?”
You shrugged. “My siblings think they’re too cool for Christmas carols now… do you want to carol?”
“Why not? You seem my age and I’m assuming you’re not a Ted Bundy.”
“He’s a serial killer, don’t worry about it.”
Neville wasn’t sure how this strange person who seemed his age roped him into Christmas caroling. Yet, he was telling his grandmother bye as he walked out the door. If you went to Hogwarts, Neville was sure that you would be in gryffindor. He had a blast with you. That was back when he was eleven.
Now he wasn’t some bumbling first year. He was a sixth year. A lot of shit had happened since then. He almost died saving Harry and Sirius at the Department of Mysteries. Voldemort got away only to have a bunch of Aurors tracking him down with high hopes that they would get him before Neville became a seventh year.
He had written you all about it. It was supposed to be a secret, the wizarding world. But young Neville spilled the beans after you two promised to be penpals. He saw no harm in it. You were an American muggle. No one had to know. And no one did… until Seamus saw the letter.
“I don’t think they exist,” Dean said as they all ate breakfast.
There were a few days left until winter break. You were coming back to England to see your friend. This time you were coming alone. No one else shared your sentiments about going back to England for Christmas. However, your parents had said that you and your siblings were old enough to spend a little time alone. You guys celebrated Christmas early and then took separate mini vacations.
Neville shoved his friend. “They do!”
“They do what?”
Everyone turned to look at the voice. Neville’s jaw dropped open. He left his breakfast to run over and hug you. You giggled as he pulled away.
“First, that little house elf that helped me was adorable. Second, I really thought this was an abandoned castle until the elf did their magic thing.”
“How are you here?”
“We get out earlier than you do. Your grandma picked me up.”
“Nan? But still, you’re here. At Hogwarts.”
You nodded. “Funny story, I’m a squib.”
“No but your government isn’t allowed to randomly ask my government about its wizard citizens. So let’s just pray I don’t ever get court martialed. Are you going to introduce me to your friends?”
No one really believed that Neville was telling the truth at first. But you were real and you were hugged up on him. Neville poured you a hot chocolate.
“Okay, so you exist.” Dean acknowledged.
You chuckled and pecked Neville’s cheek. “I do in fact exist. So, Nev, where are we caroling this year?”
“Harry’s godfather lives really close to Nan and I.”
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davidlcki · 2 years
Babes it’s me again hihi 🫶🏻
This randomly hit me when I saw your profile pic lol I love it: being friends with Bruce but secretly being a villain and him going all soft for you, not wanting it to be true but knowing all along. Smth like “stop this. I know you’re not like this” 😫
all along
pairing: pattinson bruce wayne/ reader
warnings: mild cursing, movie typical violence, bruce in pain. (i think that’s it!!)
words: 1,297
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you had known bruce for a long time. long before he was batman and long before you became who you were today. although you two became very good friends, the two of you went very different routes. you were an orphan just like bruce, but you didn’t exactly have money. you lived in the orphanage until it lost its funding, then proceeding to live out most of your teenage years on the streets, which were very rough on you. since then you’ve been angry at the world, it never treated you with kindness, and you swore you’d get revenge on those who deserved it. that’s when you met bruce, and alfred decided to take you in, letting you live in the mansion alongside them. you were there for the creation of batman, but you didn’t agree with how bruce went about things. you didn’t let him know this of course, but you thought those thugs and criminals out there deserved nothing less than death. so, you trained yourself, going out on your own and ending the bastards yourself.
one night in particular, you came home after a night out. it must have been 3 am as you crept through the mansion doors, nearly jumping out of your skin as you’re met with bruce standing before you. as you came into the light, bruce’s stern features softened at the sight of you. he was planning on asking you about his suspicions, but it was now the last thing on his mind. you were covered in blood, and your face and body were littered with bruises.
“Y/N?” bruce’s voice was soft, worried.
“i uh, what are you doing up bruce?” you ask, tilting your head away as he walks up to you carefully. you were lucky you had tucked your suit away into your bag before coming in. now you stood in a white cropped tank top and workout leggings. he brought his hands up to your arms before leaning his face in close to yours, examining the damage.
“what the hell happened.” bruce carefully brushes your hair back before deciding to pull you off to the kitchen where he could clean you up a little.
“got in a bad bar fight. i’m alright bruce, you should see the other girl” you lie, giving a little laugh. bruce looked at you blankly, he saw right through you, but decided to keep quiet and instead tend to your wounds.
“i really wish you’d be more careful. i care about you, a lot, Y/N” bruce stops and looks dead at you. you felt your stomach twist at the genuineness in his words. his eyes were soft, and pleading as he looked into your weirdly cold ones. had your eyes always looked like this?
you didn’t know what to say, so instead you pulled him by the shoulders to your lips. his kisses were desperate, his body engulfing yours as your hands find his hair. bruce was making noises that could make you go weak, noises you most certainly have never heard from him before. suddenly, you pull away from his lips. bruce gives you a look of ‘did i do something wrong?’ as he catches his breath, his eyes half lidded.
“i don’t need you to worry about me, bruce. i can handle myself. i promise.” you were almost begging the man. you knew he had an idea of what was going on, and you also knew he wouldn’t be able to leave something like this alone. instead of responding, bruce seems to tug you impossibly closer by your hips, reconnecting his lips with yours. how long would this moment of bliss last before things went to shit?
not even a week had gone by. probably 5 days since the two of you shared that kiss. on this night, you had found a very well known criminal in gotham. upon capturing him, you decided to drag him to the top of a deserted building, where you could end his life. before you could speak a single word to the now terrified criminal, you heard a voice.
“Y/N” bruce’s rough voice rung out into the night air of gotham. quickly, you turn around, freezing as you stare at him. from the pained look in his eyes, you could tell he knew for a long time.
“bruce. just go. this isn’t any of your business.” you look up at him as he walks over to you slowly, the frown on his face growing as his suspicions were confirmed. you were the villain he had known you were. you look away, it suddenly felt like your heart was being squeezed. it was much easier to do this when you thought bruce had been more clueless. bruce’s hand finds your chin, gently pulling you to look at him.
“stop this. i know you’re not like this.” bruce sounded desperate as he spoke from his heart. he didn’t want to have to go against you. slowly, you snake your hands up his chest and to his face to cradle his cheeks. you stand on your tippy toes, smashing your lips against his. he kisses back without hesitation, and when you pulled away he tried to lean forward for more, before finally getting the hint and pulling back with a shaky breath.
“go. please.” you plead with bruce, but you knew he couldn’t. not with the way his eyes were flickering between you and the criminal who was half conscious on the floor. he gives you that look, and you knew things were going to be different. with an inhale, you sweep his legs out from under him. he was quick to get back up before you could pounce on him, grabbing your shoulders and pressing you harshly against the wall. a shocked noise that you could only describe as a moan leaves you lips, followed by a laugh. it’s all you could do, laugh at the situation before you. it began to rain, and you could feel his shaky breath fanning over your face as he looked down at you. you could tell he didn’t want to do this. unfortunately, that was his weakness. using all your might, you push off the wall and send a kick to his chest that sends him landing on his back. before he could get up this time you were on top of him, your knee pressing down to his neck. he gasps, hands grabbing your leg, but he dosent fight back. if you wanted to, bruce would let you kill him. he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Y/N, plea..se don…don’t do this. you’re… bet…ter than this” bruce’s voice was strained as he pleaded with you in between gasps for air. his grip on your thigh tightens, but you don’t budge.
“this city was never good to me. never good to us. these pieces of shit on the street, hell, even the politicians, no NOT deserve life. they deserve to feel what i, and so many others have felt. i died a long time ago, bruce, and i plan on returning the favor. i’m sorry, but i don’t plan on stopping. i love you, so please, PLEASE stay out of my way.” you didn’t notice the tears that were rolling down your red cheeks as you released your knee from his neck and turned to leave the building, leaving the criminal for bruce to take.
bruce gasps and blinks away the black spots that were beginning to form in his eyes from the lack of air. he closes his eyes tightly as he hears you leave, and he became aware of the tears in his eyes. or was it the rain? he loved you, and he had never been so truly conflicted in his entire life. where would he go from here?
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