#all your boop are belong to me
~LE GASP!~ An Evil Boop?! REVENGE!!! REVEEENGEEE!! *boop* <3
I love it when my fellow Tumblrinas understand the assignment!
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
ex-boyfriend toji, who's constantly being pestered by megumi about you. you're not his biological mum, but the boy's formed an attachment to you and craves your affection and warmth. you're the closest thing he's ever had to a mother, having been in his life since he was 3, and he loves you like one too. his dad is all hard and muscles and frowny, and you're all soft and sweet and always smiling at him. it's no wonder his dad couldn't keep you, he thinks.
you never raise your voice at him, feed him the best home-cooked meals, and even help him with his homework (he doesn't actually need help, he just likes the way you let him sit on your lap whilst you're on the floor and wrap your arms around him, struggling to figure out what long division is). even after you and his dad break up you never once held it against him (like other exes had) and you never stopped visiting him.
you're hands down the best (ex) girlfriend toji's ever brought home. you actually made an effort to get closer to megumi and get to know him more often. always looking for fun little things to take him to. whether it's a petting zoo, aquarium, or a normal zoo zoo.
you learnt quickly how much he loved animals and never failed to surprise him with a new plushie. one could never have too many plushies, you said to him once, booping his nose and pulling out a cute turtle from behind your back.
(when he finally moved into the dorms in first year, he had about 3 boxes alone, full of stuffed animals. he didn't have it in his heart to pick and choose which ones to take with him, so he brought all of them. you laughed at first when you saw the flood of plushies on his dorm floor when helping him move, but megumi gave you a small smile, repeating your words from almost a decade earlier.)
mini follow-up/context
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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cherubfae · 3 months
carrying you to bed || hazbin/helluva x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Charlie, Angel Dust, Husk, Loona, & Blitzø
tags: gn!reader, established relationship, fluff
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He lets out a deep sigh, staring down at you with slow blinks. "My love, surely that can't be comfortable for you" He has warned you time and time again not to spread yourself too thin with your tasks. Alastor appreciates how much of a good work ethic you have, but what is it worth if you don't have the strength to walk to your room? He picks you up as gently as he can, melding into shadow as he pops into your room. Carefully laying you down, Alastor will cover you up and with a gentle pat on your head before he takes his leave. Perhaps, next time he'll be tempted to rest beside you.
No wonder you hadn't answered him when he called your name. Here you were, fast asleep on his deep red chaise lounge using your folded arms as pillows. Lucifer picks you up bridal-style half-wishing you were awake so that you could see how strong he is! Another time, he thinks. Your rest is much more important than his ego (for now). "Sleep well, honey." He grins, wiggling beneath the sheets like an inch warm, his eyes sparkling with admiration. Placing a kiss to your head, Lucifer is quick to fall asleep.
Honestly, she really does try her best not to squeal at the sight of you. You've been working insanely hard for the hotel-- it's no wonder you're so pooped out! She's careful with wiggling one arm beneath your back and hooking the other beneath your knees. She'll carry you to whichever room is closest: yours or hers. Maybe she'll be able to convince you to move into her suite soon. "Oh my gosh, aren't you just the cutest, honey?? I love you so much!"
Angel Dust
"Awww, sweets! Lookit ya! All tuckered out." He cooed in a hushed whisper, lightly booping your nose. His grin widens when it crinkles upwards. His middle set of arms pick you up, preferring to use his gloved ones to stroke back your hair softly. Leaning his cheek against your forehead, Angel carries you off to his room where an excited Fat Nuggets happily circles the bed in preparation for a lovely nap with his two favorite people.
Putting away the final glass beneath the bar's counter, his yellow eyes drift to your sleeping form at the end of the bar. You'd insisted on waiting for him to finish but all that work promoting the hotel on foot, searching for any sinners ready to be redeemed was a hard task. Husk fought back a smile. "You really do care about this stuff, dont'cha?" He asks despite knowing you won't answer. "Let's get ya to bed." Husk stretches his wings with a sigh before they fall slack. He lifts you into his arms and makes the trek up the stairs.
He'll bitch and groan about it, but he also won't let anyone else touch you when you're sleeping. Blitz will make some claims about how the person trying to touch you probably has cooties or a viral infection or something. Not happening. He's quick to scoop you up into his arms, eyes narrowed slightly, before scampering off to his room with you. "No, you don't get to fuckin' touch them with your gross unwashed hands, Moxxie-- yeah, that's right I saw you! We are living in post-Covid times, mister! Ack, no, leave 'em! I'll carry them just fine thank you!"
|| please don't repost, reuse, or edit my works in any way! I do not give permission. Tumblr is the only site where I post. All characters belong to their rightful owner and the story belongs to me © CHERUBFAE 2024 ||
She smirks when she sees you. You look so sweet and cute, curled up into a ball. But that position can't be good on your spine, nor sleeping on Blitz's sad depression sofa. Loona bends down to lift you into her arms, pushing open her bedroom with her elbow and closing it shut with her foot. A nap with you sounded perfect. "You sure do look cute when you're tired, babe." She nuzzles your cheek with her nose.
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rvp32 · 9 months
The Games We Play: A Tale of Lust
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TW: Litle BDSM, edging, overstimulation, spanking, Fingering
The morning didn't kick off on the best foot; your coffee maker chose today to call it quits, depriving you of that one blessed potion that tethers your sanity and prevents you from going all rogue. But hey, the day took a turn into interesting territory when you found yourself trapped in the corner store.
Picture this: a young woman wrapped up like a mystery package from head to toe, was in full-blown panic mode, tearing her surroundings apart in search of her elusive wallet. And what's the big deal, you might ask? She was in a race against the clock, not wanting to miss a date with destiny, also known as a crucial meeting.
No need for Shakespearean monologues here. You stroll over to the cashier, cool as a cucumber, and flash your card. The cashier does her beep-boop thing, wrapping up the transaction with a flourish. Meanwhile, your attention shifts to the enigmatic woman in distress. Your lips don't even need to flex those vocal cords to convey your message, "Miss, let me cover this tab."
With a nod that could put a ballerina to shame, you collect your goods and graciously extend the bag with her belongings. It's like an unspoken understanding, a scene right out of a modern fairy tale.
Exiting the store, you're just about to slide into your trusty vehicle when a voice, as sweet as honey and warm as a summer breeze, pierces the air, "Thank you!!" It's her, the masked damsel in this retail distress. In response, your lips curl up in a smile that’s more contagious than a chuckle.
A courteous nod on your part, a grateful chirp on hers, and you’re on your way, ready to chase down whatever adventure the day's got planned for you. Just as you’re about to speed off to your meeting.
The office had that early morning hush, a quiet anticipation hanging in the air as folks trickled in, not quite ready to dive into the grind just yet. You found your way to your designated corner room, plopped your stuff down, and decided to indulge in a quick social media scroll.
Just as you were lost in their world, a voice, as familiar as your heartbeat, cut through the calm. It was none other than Roh Jisun, not just a colleague, but one of your closest pals and your trusty secretary.
She raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "Who got you smiling like an idiot, don't tell me you finally got yourself a girlfriend."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Good morning to you too, Ji. You know me, I don't do the girlfriend thing. Just enjoying some highlights from the football games," you replied, setting your phone aside. "So what's on the agenda today?"
"Well, lucky for you, there isn't much on the schedule today," Jisun replied, wisely steering clear of your notoriously dry love life. "Just a meeting with an idol for a brand endorsement and some documents to review."
Your eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! That means I can head home early today. Let me know when they arrive; I'll dive into some reference material so I don't sound like a complete idiot."
Jisun chuckled at your candidness and made her exit.
With files spread across your desk, you delved into the world of this idol selected by the marketing wizards. She was no ordinary star; she was the crème de la crème, one of the hottest idols of the current generation. Since your knowledge about idols was about as deep as a puddle, the files laid it all out for you - background info, detailed analysis, the works.
As you neared the end of the file, the section with photos, you were hit with a punch of awe. To say she was pretty was like calling a sunset 'nice.' She looked like an angel who had graced Earth, but there was an undeniable fragility about her. The images had you entranced, lost in admiration.
A polite knock at your door brought you back to reality. "Sir, the folks from Starship Entertainment are here to discuss the brand endorsement deal," Jisun reported in her professional tone. "Should I let them in?"
"Please, do," you nodded.
One by one, three individuals entered the room. And then, as if fate had a wicked sense of humor, she walked in. The same woman you'd crossed paths with at the convenience store, only now she was without her mask and hat.
"Oh, what a coincidence," you remarked, extending your hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Miss Wonyoung."
Her eyes sparkled with surprise and gratitude. "It truly is! I can't believe the chances. Again, thank you so much for helping me out." Her smile could light up a city.
"Please, have a seat."
The negotiations flowed seamlessly, and everything fell into place. The deal was set, and a date was locked in for the commercial shoot. "I'm looking forward to working with you. Thanks for your cooperation. Here's to this reaching the heights we're hoping for."
As they left, you settled back in your chair. But a mere moment later, there was a knock on your door, followed by Wonyoung's head peeping in.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Miss Wonyoung?" you inquired, curious about her return.
"I want to thank you for helping me out today, so please let me treat you to dinner," Wonyoung offered.
"Alright, just let me know when and where to pick you up," you replied, raising an eyebrow at the surprise on Wonyoung's face. "That was easier than I expected. Can I get your phone number? You know, to text you the details."
A sly smirk played on your lips as you motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated for a moment before approaching, maintaining eye contact without saying a word.
"You know, Miss Wonyoung, I need your phone to input my number, unless you've got a photographic memory," you teased, causing a blush to creep up on her cheeks. She fumbled for her phone in her handbag, and you deftly entered your number. Handing her phone back to her, you remarked, "It's a bad habit to stare at someone, Miss Wonyoung."
"I'm really sorry, I didn't realize I was staring. I'll text you the details. See you then," Wonyoung practically bolted out of your office.
Shortly after, Jisun walked in, her voice carrying a hint of sternness. "What was all that about? What did you say to make that angel run away?"
"Calm down, Ji. I just teased her a little. She wanted to thank me for helping her," you replied casually, not missing a beat as you continued to read the documents.
"You'll never change. Why does she want to thank you?" Jisun inquired, curious about the situation.
So you recounted the whole story about your chance encounter with Wonyoung. Jisun burst into laughter and commented, "Wow, it truly is an incredible coincidence."
You returned to your documents, but something else was occupying your thoughts, or rather, someone. Regardless of what the papers said, your mind kept drifting back to the interaction with Wonyoung. Her subtle nervous movements, the way she blushed at your teasing, and the pure excitement in her eyes when you agreed to her proposition—it all danced in your thoughts, like an enchanting melody that refused to fade.
After a few painstaking hours of wading through and approving a mountain of documents, you'd finally conquered the pile Jisun had left on your desk. Packing up your laptop, you decided it was high time to replace that dearly departed coffee machine. Strolling through the store, your gaze was momentarily captivated by a Pepsi ad featuring none other than Wonyoung's larger-than-life cut-out. You couldn't help but admire her beauty for a few seconds before shaking off the distraction and making your way to the appliances section.
With a new coffee machine in tow, you headed back home. It only took a couple of minutes to set up the shiny new addition to your kitchen. Eager to wash away the day's toil and dust, you headed for the shower. There, amidst the soothing cascade of water, your thoughts inevitably drifted back to Wonyoung and the unexpected events of the day.
The cold shower did wonders to invigorate both your mind and body. Afterward, you settled onto the couch and noticed a message from an unknown number. It was Wonyoung, inquiring if you would be free tomorrow evening. You quickly replied, confirming your availability.
Within moments, another message popped up, this time with a reservation at a well-established restaurant. You didn't argue with her choice and appreciated her initiative. With the dinner plans set, you wandered into the kitchen to prepare your meal for the day. Tonight, it was a simple yet delicious dish: rose pasta with grilled chicken thighs on the side.
Having savored your homemade dinner, you retreated to your cozy corner, book in hand. The words on the pages wove a soothing lullaby, and before you knew it, you had surrendered to the embrace of sleep, calling it a day.
The day seemed to fly by, yet the thought of Wonyoung lingered in your mind like an intoxicating poison. Numerous scenarios involving her had taken root in your thoughts, and it was fair to say that most of them were far from what people might expect. What you realized was that your attraction to Wonyoung wasn't of the romantic variety. It was something deeper, something about the way she seemed fragile and innocent that piqued your interest and stirred a side of you that rarely saw the light of day. 
 As the day drew to a close, it was finally time to pick up Wonyoung. Arriving at her house, you sent her a quick text to let her know you'd arrived. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Wonyoung in a stunning black off-the-shoulder dress.
"Good evening, Miss Wonyoung," you greeted with a warm smile, holding the car door open for her. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Good evening," she replied with a soft smile. "You're quite dashing yourself, Mr. CEO." With a final exchange of smiles, you closed the door and headed to the driver's seat. 
"How was your day? I hope it wasn't too tiring," you asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you as you drove.
"It was relaxing, honestly," Wonyoung replied with a smile that lit up the car. "It was my first day off in a while, so I finally got some good rest."
"That sounds wonderful. I apologize for monopolizing your precious free time then. I hope I can keep you entertained," you quipped, trying to tease her a bit.
Wonyoung's blush deepened, but she met your gaze with sincerity. "No, not at all. You seem like a very interesting person, and I would love to spend time with you."
Her direct response caught you off guard, and you found yourself momentarily at a loss for words. "That's very kind of you," you finally managed to reply, a genuine smile gracing your lips. "I look forward to getting to know you better as well. Maybe we can be friends."
You noticed a subtle change in Wonyoung's demeanor, her smile fading ever so slightly after your last comment, but you decided not to dwell on it. "What do you like to do during your free time, Miss Wonyoung?" you inquired, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction.
"Please call me Wonyoung, you don't need to be so formal with me," she replied with a warm smile. "I love to read, hike, and watch shows," she added, her gaze wandering around the interior of the car.
"Alright, Wonyoung," you said with a playful twinkle in your eye. "Reading, hiking, and shows, huh? Sounds like you've got a nice mix of hobbies. Any recent favorites?"
She leaned back in her seat, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Well, I just finished a gripping mystery novel that had me up all night. And as for hiking, there's this trail I love near my place. It's so serene and peaceful."
You nodded, genuinely intrigued. "A mystery lover, huh? Any recommendations? I might need some new reads."
Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Oh, definitely! I'll text you a list. And speaking of recommendations, any favorite shows or movies on your end?"
You chuckled, realizing you might be in for some teasing. "Well, lately I've been into documentaries a lot more than shows.."
She raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly smile. "I guess I was wrong about you being interesting."
You both shared a laugh, and the car seemed to hum with a newfound camaraderie. As the evening unfolded, you discovered more about each other's quirks, interests, and shared laughter. The chemistry between you was undeniable, with a hint of flirting and teasing that only added to the intrigue of your blossoming relationship.
The drive seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, even though it had been nearly half an hour. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and you found yourself thoroughly enjoying Wonyoung's company. Arriving at the restaurant, you helped her out of the car. However, as you made your way toward the entrance, she stumbled, and instinctively, you reached out to prevent her from falling.
In that brief, heart-stopping moment, your eyes locked, and the air between you thickened with an undeniable tension. It was as if an electric current passed between you, and before you knew it, she leaned in, and your lips met in a kiss that felt heavenly, charged with a depth of feeling that took you both by surprise.
Her lips tasted divine, and as you pulled her closer, your mind wandered to places that were vastly different from the sweetness of the moment. Desires and tastes that diverged from the mainstream public swirled in your thoughts, and it shook you to your core. You pushed her away, breaking the kiss abruptly.
Wonyoung's shock was evident in her doe-like eyes, now brimming with tears. "Wonyoung, we shouldn't do this," you stammered, your voice strained with difficulty. "I'm not the right person for you. You deserve someone better. I'm not the person you think I am."
Deep down, you yearned for more, to ravish those heavenly lips and her enchanting body. But you knew, for both your sakes, this path was fraught with complications you didn’t want to put her through because it would destroy her innocence.
"Wait, are you gay? I'm so sorry; I should have been more careful. Please forget this ha—" Wonyoung began, but you cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "No, I'm not gay," you replied. "It's just that I have certain... something else. Let's just get dinner, and I'll show you what I mean afterward," you said, hoping to evade the topic.
Walking towards the restaurant, with Wonyoung following closely, her curiosity got the better of her, and she pestered you with questions. "Tell me what it is. It can't be that bad, I'm pretty open-minded. Please tell me; I'm so curious!"
You shot her a stern glare that left her looking shocked, but she quickly pushed back. "That glare isn't going to shut me up. So tell me what it is, and I'll shut up."
Before you could respond, the waitress arrived to take your order. You ordered for both of you without giving Wonyoung a chance to continue her line of questioning. As she filled the water glasses, you placed one in front of Wonyoung and instructed, "Drink it." She did so without protest.
"If you aren't going to tell me, at least let me guess, and you just say yes or no," Wonyoung suggested, her curiosity undiminished.
Wonyoung's questions came one after another, each one prying into the mysterious aspect of your life. You responded with straightforward "yes" or "no" answers, hoping to keep the conversation from delving too deep.
"Are you a criminal?" she inquired.
"Does it have something to do with your sexuality?"
"Do you have any medical issues?" Her gaze traveled in an unexpected direction.
"What? No, I'm perfectly healthy!" you retorted, feeling a bit flustered.
"Is it something related to your preferences in bed?" she ventured.
This time, you simply nodded.
Her response was unexpected, a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Oh, spicy. Are you perhaps into BDSM and power dynamics?"
Although you didn't verbalize a confirmation, your expression said it all. You were taken aback by how quickly she pieced it together.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I got it so fast," she exclaimed. However, her lack of further comment left you in an awkward silence, uncertain about how she truly felt about your revelation. It seemed she either felt uncomfortable discussing it or maybe had her own reasons for not pursuing the topic further.
Before you could say anything more, the food arrived, and you decided not to probe any further, not wanting to spoil the mood any further.
As the meal continued, you couldn't help but notice that Wonyoung wasn't eating properly. Her playful approach to her food caught your attention. "Wonyoung, eat properly. Don't play with your food," you advised, trying to maintain some semblance of decorum in the restaurant.
Wonyoung responded with a mischievous smirk. "What if I don't want to?" she teased, her words carrying a hint of suggestion. "Are you going to punish me for being a bad girl, Daddy?"
Her remark left you momentarily flustered and choking on the food, a rush of thoughts and desires flooding your mind. You quickly regained your composure, though, and tried to steer the conversation back to safer territory. "Let's just enjoy our meal," you suggested, hoping to quell the tension that had unexpectedly arisen.
The rest of the dinner passed in silence, the earlier tension still lingering in the air. Wonyoung had insisted on paying the bill as a gesture of thanks, but you had already settled it before she could reach for her wallet.
"I was supposed to treat you as a thank you!" she protested.
You brushed off her protests with a gentle smile. "Consider it my way of saying thank you for entertaining me."
The two of you left the restaurant, and Wonyoung followed closely as you made your way back to the car. The silence continued, hanging heavily between you. Then, out of the blue, Wonyoung broke it with words you never expected to hear from her pretty lips.
"I want to experience how you control others. How you will fuck me and make me beg"
The shock of her words hit you like a jolt of electricity, causing you to slam on the brakes and bring the car to a sudden stop at the side of the empty road.
Locking eyes with Wonyoung, you delivered your words with a firm and almost grave tone. "No, you don't," you asserted. "The things I do aren't like what you watch in movies. And even if you were serious about this, I don't believe your fragile body could handle it. Pretty things can be easily broken if not taken care of. What I do doesn't show much care for you; it would push both your mind and body to the limit."
Your words were a serious cautionary note, aimed at changing her thoughts and preventing her from a path that held potential danger and discomfort.
Wonyoung's smirk persisted, and a playful tone danced in her voice. "'I'm not as fragile as you think I am. Moreover, I don't believe you have what it takes to break me, Daddy,'" she quipped, her words filled with a hint of teasing. "On a more serious note, I honestly think you're all talk. There's no way you can actually make someone beg."
Wonyoung's taunting and challenging tone persisted as you continued the drive. She seemed entirely unshaken by the gravity of the topic, and her curiosity was piqued.
"So, Mr. CEO," she continued, her voice laced with playful skepticism, "are you saying you can make someone beg for your control? You must have some secret weapon or technique, right?"
Your eyes remained fixed on the road, and you responded, your tone still cautious. "It's not about a secret weapon or technique, Wonyoung. It's about understanding boundaries, trust, and consent. It's not something to be taken lightly."
Wonyoung, however, seemed determined to push your buttons further. "Boundaries, trust, and consent? Those sound so boring and safe. Where's the excitement in that?"
You let out a sigh, recognizing that she was testing your resolve. "There's a difference between excitement and recklessness. What I do, or rather, what I've explored in the past, is not a game. It's a realm that requires responsibility and understanding, especially when it comes to the well-being of all parties involved."
Wonyoung leaned back in her seat, a challenging glint in her eye. "I still don't buy it, Mr. CEO. You'll have to prove it to me."
Wonyoung's taunting continued unabated, and it was clear that she was enjoying pushing your boundaries. She leaned closer, her tone dripping with mischief. "Come on, Mr. CEO, don't be so serious. Show me what you've got. Make me beg or are you going to be a coward and run away?"
Your grip on the steering wheel tightened as you felt the tension in the car reach a boiling point. You had tried to warn her, to convey the gravity of what she was asking, but she seemed intent on testing you.
Finally, unable to contain your frustration any longer, you slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden halt by the side of the road. Without thinking, your hands found their way to Wonyoung's throat, fingers pressing firmly against her delicate skin. The shock in her eyes mirrored your own as you choked out the words, "You have no idea what you're asking for, Wonyoung." She releases a small moan.
The moment hung in the air, charged with a dangerous energy, and you realized that you had crossed a line you couldn't uncross. Wonyoung's playful taunts had ignited something within you, a darkness you had long kept in check. 
Your responsibilities, your reputation, and everything else faded into insignificance as you drove to your house, your mind consumed by a primal desire. Once you stepped inside, there was no turning back. You pulled Wonyoung with you, and in the dimly lit hallway, you pinned her forcefully against the wall.
Your hand gripped her throat, and the other held her wrists firmly above her head. The room seemed to close in around you both as you whispered into her ears, your voice laced with a warning and a final chance for her to bail out. "Is this what you wanted, Wonyoung? This is your last chance. After this, there's no turning back."
The intensity in your eyes burned as you awaited her response, the gravity of the moment weighing heavily on both of you.  
“Yes, This is what I wanted, for you to restrain me and have your way with me,” Wonyoung says, her eyes filled with determination, to experience what it feels like to let someone have complete control over what happens to your body.
You immediately kiss her, the kiss unlike last time was harsh, filled with lust. Both your tongues exploring each other's mouths. Sliding a knee in between her legs causes her to moan into the kiss. 
Wonyoung grinds on your thighs, enjoying the friction. You let go of her throat and hands, now exploring her body but ending up on her ass, squeezing it and feeling her stiffen up with the contact. 
Breaking away from the kiss you pull Wonyoung toward the room that you kept locked away from everyone. Wonyoung followed obediently. Once the door is open you push Wonyoung into the room and she falls onto the bed. 
“Take off your clothes,” It wasn’t a request but a command that Wonyoung obeyed. Watching her remove her dress was like watching a movie unfold, it slowly got better. Now she was in her bra and panties. 
“Kneel,” After Wonyoung's obedient response, you left the room momentarily to get changed. The air was heavy with anticipation, and every moment seemed to stretch. 
You returned to the room, your presence felt as you stood behind Wonyoung. Your fingers began to braid her long and silky hair, a soothing and intimate gesture that contrasted with the intensity of the situation.
As you worked on her hair, you explained the dynamics of what was to come. "This is how it's going to go," you began, your voice firm yet reassuring. "You do everything I tell you to. If you do well, then I will reward you, and if you don't, you get punished. It's simple, isn't it?"
Wonyoung nodded, her trust in you evident. But you had one more important thing to convey. "One more thing," you added, your voice softening with genuine concern. "If at any point you think you can't handle something, say the color red. Everything that we're doing will stop immediately, and I will make sure you are fine. Your safety and well-being are my top priority."
With these words, you set the boundaries and the rules, ensuring that this journey would be a consensual and mutually satisfying experience for both of you. 
With a gentle kiss on Wonyoung's neck, you left her in a state of heightened anticipation, a mix of confusion and excitement swirling within her. She could hear your movements but couldn't predict what would come next.
When you returned, it was with a blindfold in your hand. Placing it delicately over her eyes, you obscured her vision, taking away her ability to see. The loss of sight heightened her other senses, making her acutely aware of every sound, touch, and sensation. It also added an element of unpredictability, deepening the intrigue and excitement of what was to come in this shared exploration.
In the dimly lit room, a tremor of excitement ran through you. Here, within these four walls, everything was under your control. It was an opportunity to satisfy a desire that had remained hidden from the world, a longing that had been kept secret. The urge to witness vulnerability, to see tears, and to have someone willingly surrender themselves to your complete mercy had always been there, lurking beneath the surface.
With every breath, every whispered command, and every touch, you were stepping into the territory you had long kept locked away. 
With a firm but controlled grip on the newly braided hair, you pulled Wonyoung up and whispered into her ear, your voice dripping with stern intent. "I'm going to make you regret every single word you said during the car ride, Princess."
Wonyoung shivered in response, the weight of your words sinking in, a mixture of anticipation and fear coursing through her.  
Wonyoung yelped in surprise as you pushed her onto the bed, and her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. She had entered a realm of unknown sensations and desires, and the anticipation of what would happen next was palpable.
The sound of your footsteps drew her attention, and she turned her head in your direction. As you joined her on the silk, a hard slap landed on her cute butt.*Yelp* It was a sharp, stinging sensation that sent a jolt of electricity through her, awakening new sensations and desires that she had only begun to explore. 
Slowly unclasping her bra, you squeeze her ass and give it a couple of spanks. Wonyoung is now whimpering. “Spank yourself, Princess, it better be hard, I want to see your handprint on that cute ass of yours,” Leaving Wonyoung by herself, you grab a pair of leather handcuffs. 
Your tone shifted from stern to gentle as you cooed comforting words to Wonyoung. "That's enough," you murmured soothingly. "You did such a good job, princess, such a good girl."
With a reassuring touch, you grabbed both of her hands and cuffed them, ensuring they were secured firmly, making it clear that she wouldn't be able to escape from your grasp. 
You introduced a new element to the unfolding scene, a game that would both challenge and please. With a commanding tone, you explained the rules to Wonyoung. "Now let's play a game," you began, your voice unwavering. "For every slap, you will count and apologize for being a brat."
Wonyoung nodded in compliance, but you demanded more. "Use your words, princess. You are a human, after all, aren't you?"
With a submissive "Yes, sir," she complied.
The first slap landed firmly, and Wonyoung counted, "1, I'm sorry for being a brat." You repeated the action, the impact slightly harder, and she continued, "2, I'm sorry for being a brat." The third strike came down, causing her to gasp with a mix of pain and arousal. "Ah!! 3, I'm sorry for being a brat."
Satisfied that she had apologized sufficiently, you reached for a glass of ice on the bedside table. Taking an ice cube, you placed it on the sensitive area where she had been struck. The sudden coldness against her heated skin made her gasp and squirm, but you held her firmly in place, introducing a thrilling contrast of sensations to the experience.
With a practiced ease, you flipped Wonyoung's petite body around, exposing her erect nipples and toned midriff. The anticipation in the room was palpable as you continued to explore the depths of desire between you.
Grabbing another ice cube, you placed it delicately on her left nipple, the sudden coldness on the sensitive spot causing Wonyoung to instinctively bring her hands down from above her head. But you were swift, catching her hands and placing them back where they belonged.
Taking the ice cube into your mouth, you traced a tantalizing path around her left mound, ensuring no part of her was left without attention. You moved to her right nipple, repeating the same maddeningly slow and sensual exploration while simultaneously pinching and playing with the other one.
Wonyoung's voice filled the room, a chorus of pleasure and desire escaping her lips as her body squirmed uncontrollably. Her legs rubbed together in a desperate attempt to find some relief from the various sensations that were overwhelming her senses, aching for release and satisfaction.
You continued your teasing exploration, trailing the ice cube slowly toward Wonyoung's belly button, relishing in the way her back curved from the heightened sensitivity. The room was filled with an electrifying tension, desire mounting with every passing moment.
Finally, you removed the one piece of clothing that was drenched, a clear indication of how excited Wonyoung had become. The ice cube hovered just above the spot that begged for the most attention. A simple act of blowing air on her very wet core caused Wonyoung to moan in desperation.
"Please," she managed to say, her mind clouded to the point where forming a coherent sentence was a challenge.
But you weren't ready to make it easy for her. "Please what, Princess?" you teased, relishing in her vulnerability.
Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she brought her hands down to cover it as she stammered, "Please touch me there."
You continued to push her boundaries, enjoying the game of control and surrender that had enveloped you both, as you whispered, "You have to be more specific, Princess. I've been touching you the entire time."
Wonyoung's initial response was mumbled and unclear, but when you demanded she speak louder, she screamed, "I want you to touch my pussy, please. I need it!"
Granting her request, you gently played with the swollen nub, eliciting a sharp reaction as her toes curled with the newfound sensation. After some tender foreplay, you decided to take it further, inserting one finger into her. Wonyoung's moans grew louder, her arousal undeniable.
Using your free hand to continue playing with her sensitive nub, you slowly pumped your finger in and out, savoring every sound and reaction she made.
But Wonyoung's desire burned fiercely, and she begged for more. "More, please. I need more," she pleaded, her voice dripping with need. "Please put one more finger or eat me out, please!"
You couldn't resist teasing her a bit more. "Such a needy slut," you taunted, delivering a slap to her pussy that made her scream. "Only good girls get to make demands."
Desperate and on the edge, Wonyoung responded fervently, "I'm your good girl, Daddy. Please give me more. I need it so badly."
With a sense of control that heightened the intensity of the moment, you decided to edge Wonyoung, not once, but four times. Each time, you brought her right to the precipice of release and then denied her the ultimate satisfaction. It was an exquisite torture that pushed her desire to its limits.
The first time you edged her, her moans filled the room as you skillfully brought her to the brink, only to stop just when she thought she couldn't take it any longer. "Please," she begged, her voice filled with desperation. "Please, Daddy, let me come. I need it so much."
But you were relentless, and the second time you edged her was even more intense. Wonyoung's body quivered as she teetered on the edge of release, her pleas growing more urgent. "Please, please, I can't take it anymore. Please, let me come. I'll do anything."
The third time you edged her, her cries of frustration and longing filled the room. "Daddy, please," she whimpered, her body trembling with need. "I'll be a good girl, I promise. Just let me come."
But you denied her once again, pushing her to the limits of desire. The fourth time you edged her, Wonyoung was a writhing, desperate mess. "Please, Daddy," she sobbed, her voice cracking with need. "I need it so badly. Please, please, let me come. I'll do anything you want."
With your words of encouragement, you leaned down and moved closer to Wonyoung's ear, your breath hot against her skin. "Go ahead," you whispered sensually, "show me how much you needed it, show me what a slut you are!"
Nibbling on her ear, you continued your passionate ministrations, pushing her closer to the edge. Wonyoung finally let go, surrendering to the pleasure she had begged for and needed so desperately. Her back arched, her body trembled, and a stream of liquid gushed out, staining the perfect silk sheets beneath her. 
Without giving her much time to recover, you immediately take out your cock and position yourself in front of her freshly used pussy. As you slowly move in, wonyoung’s body reacts to your cock by screaming and tightening around it. She was very tight, almost like this was her first time. 
“Wait, slow down, please. I am so sensitive, Daddy, please! Wait!” Wonyoung pleads and you agree. Once she nods signaling that she is ready you continue till you bottom out. 
“Oh God, you are filling me up so well” Wonyoung manages to say in between moans.
“Princess, can I start moving now?” You ask because you can no longer hold back. Wonyoung makes eye contact with you through the mirror across from the bed and says “Yes, Daddy”
With her permission you begin pounding like there is no tomorrow, Wonyoung responds with nothing but moans and occasional screams when you hit her sweet spot. Her moans are like melodies you will never get tired of hearing. Playing with her clit as you pound her push her over the edge as she orgasms again, “Fuck! Daddy!” Wonyoung screams. 
Even though Wonyoung had reached her orgasm you continued to pound her tight pussy. “Please, please, too much, Daddy!” The overstimulation frying up nerves in her brain and sending her to a mental state she never knew she could possibly achieve. 
Wonyoung brings her hands to stop you from moving but you grab them, her eyes rolled back and back arched as you continue pounding. “DADDY NOOO!” 
“This is your punishment, baby, who said you could cum? This is your punishment!” You grunt as you put more force into the thrusts Every thrust sends waves of pleasure through Wonyoung’s body. 
“AGH, GOD!!” Wonyoung screams she starts to mumble things that you can no longer understand, you continue to chase after your orgasm. 
“Where do you want me to cum, Princess?” You ask as you reach closer to your peak. 
“I-inside, Daddy” Wonyoung manages to say in between her loud moans. 
“Fuck baby, Daddy is going to cum in your tight pussy,” You grunt,
“Yes, Daddy fill me up, I need to feel that warm cum in my pussy please!” finally Wonyoung manages to form a coherent sentence. With her explicit consent, you unload the biggest load of your life in Wonyoung’s pussy. 
“Fuck, Princess that felt so good, You were such a good girl, my lovely princess,” you say after you envelop her in a hug and place a kiss on her forehead. 
“Yes it was, I never knew pleasure could be so intense!” Wonyoung said as you pet her hair. Silence fell in the room but Wonyoung said “This is just the beginning right?”
Realizing how insatiable Wonyoung is and how good the sex is, you reply “ Yes, Princess. From today onwards you belong to me, you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy, I love the way you touched me. I need your touch, it's intoxicating and addicting” Wonyoung says as she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck. 
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lxvvie · 2 months
Freely Using Ghost, A Tale of Two Brats edition:
Being bored and wanting to love up on someone, Simon specifically. Cornering him, using his chain as leverage to pull his face closer, your big bear of a man expecting some fuck and suck, only for you to kiss the side of his mouth, tell him what a good boy he is, boop his nose, and leave. Well, what the fuck?
Simon wanting to kiss you, wanting to feel your lips against his, wanting to shove his tongue down your throat but you keep laughing. Or pecking his lips when he really wants to deepen it. Fuck, you even blew into his mouth once and giggled like a madman when he glared. But he sees the mischievous glint in your eyes. Sees the challenge in them. Fuck it.
Sexually Frustrated Simon being a grumpy grape because he should've been balls and/or tongue deep in your cunt yesterday but you keep. fuckin'. teasing. him. Simon trying his best to keep his composure but the voice messages you keep sending of you fucking yourself, moaning his name, and fuckin' telling him all the things you'd do to him are taking its toll. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
Surprising Ghost with a blowjob but it's really so you can put the really cute cockring you purchased while he was away right where it belongs. And Simon wants to spontaneously combust. 😘
Playing with Simon's dick absentmindedly while watching TV. Looking up and Simon's dark eyes boring into yours. Because you're playing with his dick. His very hard, leaking dick. You put your finger in your mouth, tasting some of his precum. Your eyes never leave Simon's and deep breaths, mate. He's trying to keep calm even though he wants to facefuck you. You wink and go back to watching TV, a job well done, and if Simon could fuckin' disappear into the couch, he would. Bloody fuckin' tease.
Not wanting to fuck but wanting to suck. And leave hickeys. And so you do, on just about every expanse of Simon's body, especially his thighs. You touched and kissed and sucked on EVERY BLOODY PLACE EXCEPT HIS COCK. FUCK!
Simon finally snaps and you're on the receiving end of a series of sexually frustrated texts from Simon because fuck you. fuck you so fuckin much you drive him crazy fuck he can't stop thinking about you and your cunt and stoping fucking teasing him and just fucking FUCK him fUCK. You only text back, "lmao ❤️ ". Oh, fuck you.
Simon getting you back. By being the big spoon this time. So you can feel him press against your ass. Deliberately. "Don't you want to switch and be the little spoon, Si?" "Make me." Well, shit. He got you there. Payback's a 6'4", grumpy asshole, ain't it?
Simon finally being balls deep inside you, fucking out what seems like an eternity's worth of frustration in his body. Simon fucking you, hands intertwined with yours, lips pressed against his own, and he makes you cum multiple times over. Simon fucking you dumb—FINALLY—until you make him ruin his orgasm. shit—"Can't let you get off that easy, Si-bear! ❤️" Bloody fuckin' hell. You'll be the death of him. But all's fair in war and cunt and cock, luv.
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lunarmoves · 1 year
you don't think you'll ever get over how tall the daycare attendant is.
it's a bit intimidating at times, you think. all seven-foot-something of metal and silicon that tends to loom rather ominously over your own figure from time to time. you're not sure why they were made that tall, but you figure it has something to do with being able to see kids easier around the daycare. or maybe fazbear entertainment just likes making freakishly tall robots. who knows.
the first time it really strikes you how much of a height advantage they have over you is during the daytime hours of the daycare. some poor kid had gotten their toy thrown up onto the playground structure and it was stuck on the outside, nestled between two bars that you definitely can't reach from the ground nor from the inside of the structure.
you look down at said kid holding onto your leg after you'd scolded the other two who were the culprits of such an act and let out a small sigh. you don't like climbing, not particularly, but you guess you're going to have to suck it up for now. if only so the poor kid can stop making that teary-eyed expression at you.
you pat the kid on the head and take the few steps to the playground so you can grab onto one of the bars and pull yourself up. but before you can even attempt to shimmy your way farther up, a bright and certainly loud figure comes swooping in from behind you.
"heellooo friends! that's awfully dangerous to be doing here!" sun exclaims as he grabs you easily on the sides and lifts you from the playground to set you back on the floor. you blink up at him and watch as he extends a long arm (seriously, his arms are way out of proportion compared to the rest of his body) up to the toy and easily grabs it from its stuck position.
"i believe this belongs to you?" he asks the sniveling kid standing next to you, and they immediately brighten once their toy is back in their hands. sun gives them a little hair ruffle. "don't go losing it again, now! we don't want to get any boo-boos climbing where we shouldn't be, right?"
"mmh!" the kid nods, then wipes their snotty little nose on their sleeve and runs off to show their retrieved toy to their friends. sun's head turns 180 degrees to watch them scamper off, and then he's turning back around to face you with a wagging finger.
"friend! you know you can always ask me for help, yes?" he chides you in a way that makes you feel a bit embarrassed, but you only roll your eyes in good nature.
"c'mon sun, i'd thought you were busy with the others!" you frown, and the sight makes sun reach out a large hand so he can smush your cheeks together until your lips are puffed out like a fish's.
"i'm never too busy to help you, silly!" he says as you bat his hand away and rub at your cheeks. "all you have to do is ask!"
"i had it handled," you murmur, looking anywhere but at him. with the way sun is looming over you, slightly bent at the torso, you're covered in his shadow. it makes you feel small.
"climbing the outside of the playground does not set a good example for the children!" sun says, and his words make it seem like he's scolding you, though his tone is light and airy. "no, no, no, friend! we don't want you to get hurt, do we?"
"i get it already," you reply, stepping back slightly so you can look at him better without having to crane your head back. sun's head tilts slightly to the side, but he doesn't comment. "i'm not a kid, you know. a fall from that height won't hurt me." okay, yeah, maybe your pride's just a bit wounded at needing someone taller to do a simple task for you. sue you.
"it can if you fall right on your head!" sun gasps dramatically, bringing his hands up to his fixed smile. "no, better to be safe than sorry, okay?" he reaches down to boop you right on the nose. you wrinkle it at him then concede with a large sigh that's more for show than anything. this was a dumb semi-argument anyways.
"okay, i'll ask you for help next time," you relent, and it makes sun spring up, his rays spinning happily around his faceplate.
"wonderful!" he chirps, then reaches a lanky arm down to grab your wrist. "now, come! it's almost naptime!" you get practically dragged over to the sleeping mats, sun's long stride making you do an awkward jog to keep up.
you've long come to realize that sun tends to use his height to help you with different things. whether it may be cleaning parts of the playground equipment that you can't reach, or helping you stack things on shelves that were way above your arm's length. he just wants to be of good use, you suppose, no matter how teeny tiny it makes you feel.
you can't say the same for moon.
for where sun may inadvertently make you feel small, moon does it on purpose.
"moon, c'mon!" you groan, standing before him in the dark daycare after hours as he dangles your phone just out of reach over your head. you raise your arms up half-heartedly and try to snatch at it, but he pulls it up farther away from you when you do. "give it back."
moon snickers, white eyes upturned into crescent moons of delight. "no."
"moon," you say sternly, as though you have any power of authority over him (you don't). "please."
"no texting on the job," moon replies, even though you know that he knows you were literally just checking the time. you give him an exasperated look.
"moon. phone. now."
"no." then, as though to taunt you even further, he bends down to pinch your nose. "shorty."
you give him a glare and bat his hand away so you can rub at your poor nose. both him and sun liked to squish and squeeze you, you've noticed. "moon!"
he says your name back at you in the same tone you just used. it just makes you huff.
"if you don't give me back my phone, you'll regret it," you say ominously, mustering all the darkness you have in your body to make your scowl as scary as possible. moon just giggles. you don't think you're successful. he probably thinks you look like a wet cat.
"yeah?" it's obviously an invitation. he wants to see what you can possibly do. your mind's practically in overdrive trying to think of something on the spot. and you do come up with something. unfortunately.
there's a moment where all you do is stare at him. his head rotates curiously to the side. and then you launch yourself at him, hands gripping at his torso so you can claw your way up his body like you're some kind of small animal (to him, you probably are).
moon freezes for the slightest of seconds, and it gives you ample opportunity to shimmy your way up so that you can grip at his thin shoulders and pull yourself farther up. then he's leaning backwards slightly, his arm raising higher above his head to prevent you from reaching your phone.
"give!" you demand as you hook your feet around his body like he's a sliding pole and use one of his shoulders to keep yourself balanced as you extend your arm as far as it can go.
"cheating! cheater!" he barks out in response, and his voice is a bit muffled from where it's nearly against your stomach, but you don't care.
"not cheating! give me back my phone!"
it's a few moments more of this kind of struggling until you finally just end up yanking his nightcap over his face in a temporary distraction. it works, too. at least long enough for you to yank his arm down, grab your phone, and then leap off of him. you stumble a little when you hit the ground and spin around with a triumphant look as you notice moon has lifted his cap high enough so you can see the lower half of his eyes.
"ha!" you gloat, pocketing your phone right away so he can't snatch it out of your hands again. "you asked for it!"
moon simply stares at you. and just when you're starting to think that maybe he locked up or something, his mischievous smile returns with a vengeance as he bends low and raises his arms like he's about to grab you.
uh oh. you know that look. you don't even hesitate as you spin around on your heel and immediately make a run for it.
and well... as moon chases after you through the plex, his long shadow constantly overlapping your own, you figure that you'll just have to get used to being constantly swamped by the significantly taller animatronics. it isn't the worst thing, at least, but it will certainly take some time.
even if moon's an ass about it.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Nest | Part 4
A Steddie A/B/O ficlet
Eddie hadn’t skimped on ‘personal’ items. His bags were full to the brim, not of things for him to wear, but of other people’s clothes. Other people’s things.
He had sweatshirts, he had shirts, he had an old pair of jeans, some hoodies, he had pillowcases and extra blankets to throw over the scentless nest building ones provided.
He was prepared to fill his nest with comforting scents. Yet there wasn’t a single alpha scent among them.
Steve felt… comfortable there. He wasn’t intruding on anyone’s rightful place, the alpha in him felt like it belonged in that spot when Eddie finally decided he’d had enough of layering hoodies and shirts generously donated by his bandmates and friends and settled himself back next to Steve, laying in that spot where he’d just taken a momentary break, hands tired.
So it was kind of a surprise when Eddie came out, after a moments silence, with “I’m missing something.” Like it wasn’t that big of a deal if he didn’t have it, but it wasn’t there, so he needed to make it known.
“I can have one of the staff call your emergency contact if you want, see if they can get it for you?” Robin would still be at the front desk, she wouldn’t mind.
“N-no… no i—I don’t think Wayne would be able to get what I need. It’s… dumb. It’s dumb, I don’t need it, it’s okay.” Steve shifted so he was on his side, elbow propping his face up as he looked down at the omega.
So, he was pretty. He was very pretty. He was a goddamn pretty omega at that angle, how had Steve just never noticed before?
Had he really been that blind in high school?
“Eddie… whatever it is, it’s not dumb, think of it like this… pregnant omegas will ask for the weirdest shit to eat, like… the weirdest combination of foods, apparently my mother? She always asked for Celery covered in Nutella, and tuna with beef pâté on this fancy herb bread my Nonna bakes” the expression, yeah Eddie was very cute. Too cute actually. “I mention this, because it’s important to cater to those weird requests, cause that’s your body basically asking for whatever nutrients comes from those things. That’s your body saying I need something that’s in those things, combine them for quicker consumption. It’s the same sort of concept, you’re in pre-heat, that little omega part of your brain is asking for something it needs, it’ll be stressed without it making this whole thing less effective. So what is it?”
Steve had done his training, he'd spent hours, weeks, months, years of his life learning this shit so he could be better, so he could help people like Eddie.
So he could be there for someone who needed him, because so few had needed him while growing up.
So he could tell that Eddie was obviously conflicted. Brows furrowed, his bottom lip captured between his teeth worrying at the plush skin reddening it and— okay stop focusing on his lips, Steve.
“You won’t judge me?” God could those eyes get any prettier? Any bigger? Any shinier?  
Steve just about managed to catch the little whine at the back of his throat, caught it before it escaped, critical hit right there. He needed to get himself under control. “Eddie…”
“You were such a judgy bitch in high school, Steve! You cant blame me for being hesitant now.”
“Okay. I’ll give you that.” He was judgemental. He and Robin had spent many hours judging people from the reception desk, never the Omegas but definitely random staff members or people who brought their family members in, those who were fair game basically “I can be judgemental, you’re right, it’s in my nature, but never here, you’re safe here, I swear.”
“So like… a customer service smile?”
Steve grinned, all teeth, eyes shining with amusement in a way that made Eddie feel good, it gave him fuzzies.
“Exactly like a customer service smile, only with you—” Steve had the audacity to boop his nose just to watch the adorable little scrunch it garnered. Eddie couldn’t even be mad, his whole being just kind of tingled at the minimal contact. An alpha touched him. He wanted more. Steve was right next to him, close enough to curl into, that broad chest of his close enough to burrow into and snooze for a while. “I mean it.”
So he did just that. He rolled inwards. Decided Steve’s chest was exactly where he wanted to be and if Steve let him, which he did, the alpha merely letting out a soft, surprised sound, before wrapping an arm around Eddie’s body to hold him there, Eddie would stay. Comfortable. Practically purring in contentment.
He had the best alpha in his nest. He was going to enjoy it dammit!
“I’ve… never had anything of an alpha’s in my nest” he finally admitted into the soft fabric of Steve’s shirt. It made sense. He’d never had an alpha in his life, of course he wouldn’t have had anything of an alpha’s in his nest. “I was just—I just thought that maybe… it’s stupid but—maybe you’d give me something?”
It must have been the right thing to say, because the sweetest smell of cinnamon buns, toasted marshmallows, and the most delightful rumble of a sound seemed to just burst from Steve’s whole being.
The Alpha was pleased. His Alpha. His. Steve was his now. No returns.
Steve squeezed him. Squished him into his chest in a hug. His Alpha was damn near euphoric, it was the right thing to say, right thing to do, and it got him a wonderful hug too. God, Steve had such perfect arms. Perfect chest too, Eddie just wanted to bury his face between those pectorals and stay there.
Which was good because Steve didn’t seem to be keen on letting him go. Good.
“Anything” Steve answered him, tilting his head down to press his face into all those fluffy curls and just breathe. The Omega in his arms crooning softly in delight “I’d give you anything, Eddie… anything you want, it’s yours.”
Steve. He wanted Steve. It felt like such a good time to ask too. Anything, Steve said anything, and Eddie was an opportunistic little shit when he wanted to be, he could ask for anything and Steve would give it to him. Was this what it felt like to be wanted by an alpha? To feel his whole body alight with warmth? It wasn’t even sexual, he just… he felt good.
An immense amount of pleasure that had nothing to do with sex, it was just… like he’d found his spot and didn’t have to leave it. Home. He’d found home.
“Then… can I have you?”
Part 6
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pleasinghellfire · 1 year
Time After Time
summary: you just wanted to go to prom with Eddie
word count: 1.4k
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“Are you excited for prom?” Robin asked, bumping your hip as you made your way to the cafeteria.
“Oh yes! I got the perfect dress a couple of weeks ago!” You smiled brightly. You were nearly bouncing over how passionate you were for the annual end of the year celebration.
“Did Eddie even ask you yet?” Nancy questioned as she held open the door so you and Robin could walk into the loud lunchroom. Hawkins was rowdy as ever as prom was just around the corner. Everyone was ready for school to end and summer to begin.
“Yeah, ummm…he hasn’t.” You hesitated as the girls looked back at you with shock.
“What?” Nancy shouted.
“He is such a dingus!” Robin shook her head, turning and walking towards your normal table with determination. Nancy started to follow.
“Wait! Wait, please!” You pleaded, reaching out for Nancy’s arm holding her back. “He hasn’t asked me yet but I’m sure he will. Prom is only next week. There's still time.”
“Okay but if he doesn’t ask you soon you can’t get upset if I whack him on his big head.” Robin wrapped her arm around you as you two walked step by step towards the table with the rest of the gang.
“Robin!” Dustin called out. “Please come tell Jeff that he is wrong and three musketeers is the best candy!”
You laughed as you quickly gave Eddie a peck of his cheek and sat in the empty chair to his left. He was in an intense conversation with Gareth over his campaign for Hellfire.
A string of balloons lifted up to the ceiling while two football players stood on top of the table holding out a sign saying “PROM?”
“Yes!” The cheerleader cried out as she jumped into her date’s arms. The filled room roared in applause and praise.
“Oh come on!” Eddie gagged.
“What Munson?” Mike joked. “Disgusted by prom?”
“Quite literally actually.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, his face still scrunched up in disgust at the prom goers basking in their cheers.
“Is prom not metal enough for you Eddie?” Nancy challenged.
“Prom is stupid.” Eddie laughed. Nancy and Robin watched as your shoulders dropped in defeat, slowly losing the hope of ever going to prom with Eddie. The rest of the gang gave each other a shared glance, knowing how much you wanted to go to the dance with your boyfriend.
“Prom is just forced conformity, that’s what’s killing the kids. I’m just ready to run like hell out of here. I’d lose my mind dancing with people who call me a freak for enjoying a fantasy game.”
“Well everyone deserves to enjoy prom at least once.”
“Yeah, well not me Sinclair.” Eddie shrugged off, taking a bite of his food.
You pushed back your chair, gathered all your books for your next class and exited the room. You left your friends behind as they all collectively threw their belongings at the metal head.
“Jesus Christ! What the hell?” Eddie shouted.
“You’re such a dumbass Munson!”
It was the night of prom and you were home in your pjs. Eddie never got around to asking you, which hurt your feelings. You sort of gave Eddie the cold shoulder since his little confession at lunch last week and he hasn’t yet figured out why. You still laughed as your friends harassed him everyday, throwing things at his head or calling him names. You loved Eddie but damn, he could be an idiot sometimes. You understood why Eddie didn’t care for prom but that didn’t mean that you didn’t want to show off your hot boyfriend to everyone at Hawkins. You longed for the night to get all dolled up in your pretty dress you knew Eddie would love and dance the night away with him, saying goodbye to Hawkins High forever.
You laid in bed, turning the page in the book you were barely paying attention to when you heard a loud knock on your door. You looked out of your window to see Nancy and Robin waving at you from below.
You rushed downstairs and opened the door to them. They were each holding their dresses in their arms as Nancy pushed past you into your home.
“What are you two doing here? You should be on your way to the dance right now?”
“Yeah, and you should be getting your butt back up to your room to get that amazing dress on and come with us!” Nancy exclaimed, trying to push you back towards the stairs.
“What? Wait!” You laughed. “What about Ed-”
“Ah! No! Nope! Nope!” Robin covered your mouth snickering. “We are not saying that dingus’ name. We are going to prom, just us girls and we are going to have fun. Okay?”
You looked between your two wonderful friends and let out a chuckle, “Okay!”
“Okay! Now hurry up, get dressed! We’re going to prom!”
You laughed and ran upstairs to get changed.
By the time the three of you made it to Hawkins, the dance was already in commence. Quickly making your way to the middle of the gymnasium floor to catch up on all the missed moments of fun. Losing track of the time, you made your way off the dancefloor, getting a drink from the refreshments table and headed to sit on the extended bleachers for a break.
Soon the ambiance of the atmosphere slowed down, the lights dimming down as the dj merged the upbeat song into “Time After Time” by Cyndi Laupner. You sadly took a sip from your beverage looking away from the couples swaying to the beginning song. You wished Eddie was here.
Looking down, you caught sight of the familiar scuffed up white high top Reeboks that stop ahead of you.
“Sorry I’m late sweetheart.” You looked up to see Eddie. He had his curly hair pulled back into a low bun at the nape of his neck. His usual Hellfire Club shirt was swapped out for a white button down. You were surprised to see he owned a pair of pants without rips or tears.
“Can I please have the honor of a dance, my lady?” Eddie bowed his head down, extending his hand out to you. You smiled as you accepted his offer.
He led you to the center of the gym, turning around and placing his hands on your waist. You raised your hands to place them around his neck. Eddie pulled you in close, rocking back and forth to the beat.
flashbacks, warm nights almost left behind
“I didn’t think you would ever come. How did you know I was here?” You whispered.
“Henderson told me. For a kid, he has wicked arm strength, little shit.” You laughed as he rubbed the back of his head, letting out a little whine in pain.
sometimes you picture me, i’m walking too far ahead
“I’m sorry.” Eddie apologized, brushing back a strand of your hair. “I should have asked you to prom properly. I’m a terrible boyfriend. I mean look at you, you’re the most metal I’ve ever seen.” Eddie shook his head, pulling back to take in your dark black lace dress.
secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beats out of time
“You’re not a terrible boyfriend, Eds. I mean look at us, look at you! We’re dancing at prom!” You smiled softly at him.
if you’re lost you can look and you will find me
“I feel like I’m losing my mind dancing with the prettiest girl in all of Hawkins High.” Eddie mumbled, looking down at you with love.
if you fall, i will catch you, i will be waiting
“I’m so proud of you baby. You didn’t run away this time. It’s finally your year. Never change Munson.”
Eddie pulled you in, closing the distance and placing his lips on yours.
time after time
time after time
time after time…
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justlemmeadoreyou · 2 months
words: >500 i guess!
warnings: cuteness, fluff!
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Y/N whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead.
Harry let out a low, rumbly groan, emerald eyes fluttering open slowly. "Mmm…mornin' darlin'," he rasped, a sleepy smile tugging at his lips.
"I made your favorite for breakfast," she said with a grin, carefully placing the tray laden with french toast, berries, coffee, and a rose over his lap.
"You're an angel," Harry said reverently, gazing at her with pure adoration. He reached up to cradle her jaw, pulling Y/N in for a soft, lingering kiss infused with so much love. "Didn't know what I did to deserve you."
Y/N giggled lightly, her cheeks flushing at his ardent words. "Well, you love me just by existing, and that's more than enough."
"Such a smooth-talker in the morning, aren't you?" he teased with that crooked smirk she loved so much.
"Only for you, my love." She booped his adorably scrunched nose before settling against his side under the covers. "Now eat up before it gets cold."
Harry hummed happily, digging into the fluffy french toast without hesitation. He closed his eyes in utter bliss with each bite, soft moans of appreciation rumbling from his chest.
"Y/N, this is incredible, darling," he said around a mouthful, pulling her close and dotting sweet kisses to her cheek. "I love you to the moon and back."
"And I love you endlessly," she replied with a radiant smile, nestling against his warm, sleep-rumpled body.
For long minutes they cuddled close in bed, trading soft caresses, affection-laced words, and adoring gazes between bites. Peaceful moments like this together were their favorite.
Eventually Harry set the tray aside before rolling over to blanket Y/N's body with his own. He nuzzled his face into her neck, peppering kisses along her sensitive skin.
"Stay in bed with me all morning, love?" he rumbled in that gravelly, sinful tone straight from her fantasies.
Y/N shivered lightly, tangling her fingers through his wild bedhead. "Like you even have to ask," she whispered huskily against his lips before capturing them in a scorching kiss.
They instantly surrendered themselves to lazy, languid lovemaking - all unhurried worship and keening devotions of everlasting love. Afterward, with blissful smiles curving their lips, the sated lovers cuddled close and drifted back into tranquil slumber tangled in each other's embrace.
"I love you…my everything," Harry murmured thickly before succumbing to sleep once more with his heart's other half tucked securely in his arms where she belonged.
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 3 months
Yandere Link reactions to Darling wearing their clothing?
I'm only my favorite dorks. I would put wind in here but he's a kid. and besides you're too big to even fit so..... ehhhhhhh
Also, there is slight NSFW on twilights part
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Depends on what are you wearing?
My boy has so many clothes that even Barbie can't even keep up with. but let me tell you he will get so happy.
yeah... let's go with that.
But if you two wear matching outfits up to heaven he goes. He likes to see his god(dess) in his clothes. He likes smelling them after because it smells like you and him. He will wear your clothes no matter how small because he likes your smell.
(I think he has a smell kink don't come after me!)
He just won't let you out of the house if you wear his Vai outfit
he can only see that. only he can see you dressed like that
"Hey, y/n I got us some matching shirts! I thought you would like it!"
AWWWWWWW you are so cute!
I like to think Sky's lover would be smaller than him.
He likes it when you wear his shirt. he likes that it hangs off of you slightly.
It shows everyone that you belong to him.
He would go feral if you two had matching outfits. but like those goofy ones.
Like you wear the 'I'm with stupid' and he is the 'I'm stupid'
You know that kind of stupid shirts.
He really likes it.
Or if you wear his old knight uniform in his Hyrule. Feral I tell you.
"Hey! I found this while going through my old room! I thought you would like it!"
So... Since this takes place after his adventure
You're fucked. No like literally
It's in a wolf's nature to... scent themselves. They also lick and boop noses when they like something. But you're now covered in his scent.
and he's Feral.
like when alone he'll drag you to an alley and nuzzle into you. Taking in your scent.
Wolves scent each other when they are mates (I didn't know this until I looked it up) so you putting on his clothes and getting his scent all over you while you putting it on his clothes, Pretty much is telling his wolf side that you want to be mates.
"You smell so sweet... nice to know you like me that much y/n"
Four is small
How do you fit? I don't know.
I like to think he wears baggy things.
So when you wear them he really likes it.
Another loser who likes matching with you.
kinda of a mix between Sky and Wild with the matching stuff. Really likes goofy shirts and silly pants but when it comes to big things like parties or victories you two will go shopping and get you two matching suits or dresses.
I like to think four wears your clothes whenever you're not around. Just to feel your warmth.
"Sorry... I just missed you... Don't leave me. Please. I like your warmth more then I like the smell of your clothes"
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short-honey-badger · 7 months
Phantom Pain part 5
The Fishing Incident
First off! I am so so sorry it's been so long. I've got in a bit of a slump and struggled to get anything out. So I really hope you all enjoy this next part! Mostly fluff and some kissing!
@writingmysanity @foggyturtleknightangel @kenkenmaaa
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Shanks ends up buying you one of the better fishing rods in the market, one strong and flexible enough to take the challenge of some of the bigger fish that make the Grand Line their home. He'd watched with a fond look as you gushed over the different reels, lines, and luers, and reminded you several times that price was not an issue. You left the market happy and excited to try your new gear, and that was all that mattered to Shanks.
The Yonko had expected you to run off right after the two of you had finished shopping, but instead you lingered outside the market and waited for him to pick out a couple of bottles of saki and rum. He could feel your nerves again and gave you a reassuring smile in return.
"Do you wanna come fishing with me?" You blurt out suddenly, and Shanks is already nodding his head before you can even finish your sentence. He'd do anything you wanted to do. However, the question also has guilt welling up inside of him. You furrow your brow at him, confused on why he would feel that way.
"I'd love to, Baby," Shanks tells you and then shakes his right side, causing the empty sleeve there to flop around, "But it's kinda hard to do with one arm."
You blink up at him, frown scrunching your face. Damn. Shanks makes a good point as much as you would rather not admit. You shuffle your feet before ultimately shrugging and aiming a shy smile up at your soul mate.
"You can just come sit with me, though, right?" You suggest softly. You don't really want to be alone, not when you could spend this down time with your soulmate. The longer you stay, the more you think that may you do belong with him, made to be by his side.
Shanks looks delighted, face softening into a gentle expression full of fondness. His side of the bond pulses like an exploding star, and you flush at the tsunami of feelings you feel from him. The Yonko snickers at your red face and then boops your nose, a new favorite thing of his to do.
"I wouldn't want to spend my time any other way, Seastar," he teases, and you roll your eyes at him with a huff before turning away. You shouldn't have expected anything less from him.
Eventually, the two of you find a nice secluded spot on the beach quite a ways down from the pier and small town. It's quiet and peaceful here, and you take the chance to dig your toes into the sand and just breathe in the salty air. You feel Shanks step behind you and tense for half a second when his arm wraps around your waist, but relax and let yourself lean against his strong chest. You feel safe and secure in knowing that nothing could ever harm you when your soul mate holds you so closely.
Shanks buries his face in your hair and breathes in, humming in joy when he feels you slump against him. He never wants to let you go and wonders how he had ever gone through so much of his life without you by his side. He kisses your hair, arm tightening around your waist as he scatters more kisses along the top of your head and then to your cheeks and brow when he gently turns you around.
You flush at the attention and then grab his loose shirt to tug him down for a real kiss. Shanks laughs against your lips, and you retaliate by nipping his bottom lip hard enough to hurt. He grunts and slips his hand into your hair so that he can better control the kiss, tongue sweeping into your mouth to plunder like a true pirate.
You break the passionate exchange with a gulp of air, and Shanks snickers again at your lack of stamina. His hand loosens in your hair and instead begins to stroke it lightly, "Thought you were supposed to be fishing?" He teases lightly.
You scoff at him, "It's not my fault you decided to distract me," You say with a smirk and the redhead looks at you with big puppy eyes, as if he had done no wrong. You raise your brow at him, not believing his puppy act for a second.
"Okayyy, fine," one of the most powerful men in the Grand Line whines, and you wonder how this became your life.
Shanks leaves and settles on a flat rock that also held your fishing equipment and his booze. He cracks open his bottle of saki and takes a deep swig before setting it aside. He expects you to grab your pole, but instead, you drop to your knees a couple of feet away from where the damp sand ends and begin to dig.
He furrows his brow at you from his seat, "What are you doing?" He asks curiously. Even before he lost his arm, Shanks hadn't been the biggest fan of fishing, so he was a little lost.
You laugh at him, and his heart seizes in his chest when you look up at him with a big grin. He can see where some sand is sticking to your face, and it just endears him more to you.
"Sometimes it takes a while for a fish to bite, and I just don't want to hold my pole for that long," you explain and then stand and dust yourself off when you deep your hole good enough, "Hence the hole."
You pick your way across the sand and settle on the rock beside Shanks. Your pole is soon lured up with a good sinker and a big chunk of bait attached to the hook. Shanks watches as you heft the pole and then walk almost chest deep into the ocean. He tenses at how far you go, but you look confident in what you are doing, so Shanks stays seated.
You cast your line as far as you can throw before wading back to shore and carefully lowering your pole into the hole. You come back to the rock and collect the small jar of shells you had made up earlier just for this purpose. You feel Shanks watching and deciding to explain to him, "I'll wrap my line around the jar. That way, when a fish hooks, I'll be able to hear it."
The Yonko makes a Huh sound and looks vaguely impressed with your small set you now have at the shore, "Well. Would you look at that? You made fishing even lazier," he teases when you sit beside him. Shanks gets shoved in the shoulder for that one, and he allows himself to be moved by your weak push.
"Shut up, I've got to save my strength for when I'm reeling it in," You inform him smartly and Shanks just laughs again and tugs you close so that you lean against his chest, he drops a kiss to your brow.
"You do have some noodle arms, Sweetheart," Shanks says, and you scoff in indignation. Here he is with only one arm, picking on you for being weak.
"Says you," you tease back and gesture at the empty sleeve that flops against his side.
Shanks promptly grabs you with his arm and lifts with ease, plopping you into his lap with a shit eating grin. His hand grips your hip to keep you from squirming away, and he leans in close enough that his hair tickles your nose, "What was that, Baby?" He murmured softly and your shiver at the feel of his breath against your ear.
You clutch at his shirt, feeling a bit off center being in his lap. This was new, but you weren't about to let your dark thoughts get the better of you, not when Shanks looked at you as if you were the only thing on the planet. His thumb strokes the skin of your waist, and you vaguely wonder when your shirt had ridden up enough to expose skin.
Shanks can't help himself anymore. He can feel your warring feelings, feel how much you want him, and how scared you still are of any kind of affection. You've worked hard for Shanks, and he loves you for it. He leans in and kisses you, lips soft for only a second before Shanks devours you, and you happily let him.
The two of you lose yourself within one another, lips smacking and teeth nipping. Heat pools in your lower stomach, and Shanks grips your hip hard enough that it may bruise, but you don't care. You don't want Shanks to stop kissing you.
That is until an annoying rattle startles you away from Shanks. You jerk your head and look, eyes bugging when you see your pole bending and the jar of shells shaking like crazy. You scramble off of his lap, untangling the jar and tossing it to the sand before you grab the pole and jerk it.
You grunt when you are yanked forward, feet kicking up sand as you struggle with the weight of the monster fish on your line. You are tugged forward again, and a yelp leaves your mouth when you almost eat sea water this time.
"Shanks!" You screech and grab the reel, cranking it twice as you fight against the fish, "Help me hold it!"
Shanks is there in a flash, back pressing against yours and hand gripping the pole as he helps you hold it steady. It's a fight even with his help, but the two of you eventually stand victorious over the wriggling fish. It's huge, long and silver with a mouth full of teeth.
"That...that is a big fish," you pant out, but you are grinning so wide that it hurts your face. You are proud of your catch.
Shanks matches your grin, feeling your elation over the bond. He slides close to you again, leaning down to kiss the top of your head, "Guess I can fish with you after all?" He comments and will forever treasure the delighted laugh and kiss that he receives.
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year2000electronics · 4 months
Welcome to the Brotherhood
just a little blurb about how i think shimmer entered the brotherhood au village :]
(brotherhood au belongs to @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache , shimmer belongs to me)
Shimmer wouldn’t exactly call herself a “globe-trotter”. Sure, she had been near a lot of the different troll kingdoms, but each of them had their own complex cultures that she never really felt herself committing to all that hard. She wasn’t stingy about any of their music, no, it was just that… Even if she had lost the ability to sing her music properly, she was still a Pop Troll, deep down. The music she loved got stuck in your head, tunes with a catchy chorus and a consistent beat that wasn’t too focused on beeps and boops or country twang. 
Her time spent just barely mingling with all the other Troll tribes had at least gotten her enough engineering know-how that she was able to make her autotuning choker work. That made her feel a little less like she was totally broken and alone, but… Even then, she could tell she longed desperately for a place she could call “home”. She had fled Pop Village in shame many years ago, so she was always reluctant to come back, but… 
…There were people she missed there. 
Maybe, just maybe, if she came back and shamefully admitted that she knew nobody could ever love her like this, especially not after running off, John and the others might throw her some pity and let her hang out with them as friends again. 
Of course, the only problem with that is when she asked around, every troll who’d ventured to the Troll Tree said that the place had been abandoned for years. So where were they, then?
“I think maybe a cave somewhere?” One of her bounty hunter friends had guessed. “But there are a lot of caves out there. Don’t quote me on that.”
Nobody ever needed to bother the Pop Trolls. Very few even wanted to, considering they were the ones who were notorious for overpowering other peoples’ music. With the hint of just “a cave”, Shimmer would be spending a lot of time searching. But… What other choice did she have? The heart wants what it wants- and right now, what it wanted was home. 
Of course, on the day she finally found that cave, well… Things didn’t exactly go how she expected. 
Shimmer hadn’t even gotten that far into the cave when she felt something brush against her leg- a tripwire of some sort. Caught off guard, she yelped, falling flat on her face and right into a net. The sound of it all sent ripples through the rocky area, as a gaggle of trolls immediately rushed over to her area. They all looked… incredibly unhappy to see her. Some of them were fraught with fear, others alight with anger. Each tried to question her at once. 
“Who are you? What are you doing here?!”
“She’s come to hurt the village!”
“She’s gonna sell us out to the Bergens!!”
“Did one of the outcasts call her??”
“Wha- no!” Shimmer grunted, trying to claw her way out of the net. “I’m not doing ANY of that! I’m literally FROM here!”
“You say that, but you didn’t know where all our tripwires were? Yeah. right,” One of the trolls scoffed.
“These weren’t HERE before!” Shimmer groaned in frustration. “Will you people just- LISTEN?!”
“Why should we listen to you?” Another fired back. “You’re a stranger!”
Shimmer’s eye twitched as this chicanery continued. She didn’t remember the village being THIS cagey… What had HAPPENED when she was gone? No matter what she said to them, they’d push back twice as hard, and it soon felt like she was going to be stuck in this net for good. However, something started to happen- she saw the crowd beginning to shift slowly, parting reverently as if to let someone in. She squinted, trying to get a good look at the newcomer. 
Walking with a poised sense of patience, the man took careful yet confident steps, leading with his chest. He wore a set of eye-catchingly red garments, the scarf that wrapped around him and trailed down his arms resembling the wings of an angel more than anything. And his face… Oh, that face…
Was that… her ex??
“Everyone, settle down, settle down-” John Dory urged, trying to calm down the small group of trolls that had gathered with a frown. “What’s going on here?”
“It’s an outsider, John Dory!” One of the trolls cried in a panic. “She was trying to enter the village! What do we do with her?!” 
John’s gaze steeled as he stepped closer to the net, trying to get a good look. “Show me.”
He was met with no resistance, and Shimmer’s heart nearly stopped as he set eyes on her. This man was… far different than the boy she once knew. He spoke like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and the way he stared- his eyes were precise, like needles of sheer determination that pierced anyone they bored into. It made Shimmer go radio-silent as his eyes finally registered her. But then… his icy gaze began to change. His brows softened as his eyes met hers, and his pupils dilated. He stepped closer, almost as if he couldn’t believe she was real. His face got dangerously close to the net, as she leaned onto the edge of it, staring back at him with bated breath. 
“Shimmer…?” He asked softly, reaching out a hand to try and grasp the net, only to seemingly back off out of nervousness. 
Shimmer had to say something, she knew it. Something, ANYTHING, just to break the growing tension between them, the watching eyes as they both continued to stare at each other like frightened deer. 
“...You’ve changed,” She whispered.
“I know,” He replied, brows furrowing slightly. He kept his cool, though, leaning forward slightly as he gave a glance at her own apparel. Her hair was in a sloppy ponytail, and she had given up on making herself look presentable, wearing a signature baggy sweater. “...So have you.” 
John turned to the crowd, tilting his head in Shimmer’s direction. “What are you all waiting for? Cut her down! She’s one of us- we sang together back when I was in BroZone!” 
The villagers leapt into action, clamoring about how they didn’t realize she knew the village savior and how that tie was very important to the village hierarchy or something. One of them went at it with a butterfly knife, cutting her free as she fell to the ground with a THUD. Dusting herself off, she looked up, only to see John extending a hand to her. She took it, letting the shorter troll lift her up. Once she stood up, though, the two of them continued to lock eyes, unable to tear away from each others’ gazes.
“Why’d you come back, Shimmer?” He asked. He tried to keep the question hovering in neutral territory, but there was a strong negative mix of emotions bleeding into his voice. Pain, shame, loss… 
“...No other place felt right,” She admitted, pressing her forehead against the net. “Please, John- I don’t know why this place has changed so much, or why you look so… different… but- I’m lost. In every damn sense of the word. I don’t know who I am anymore.” The words stung to admit. 
“I… I just thought maybe… Some old friends might… be able to help an old hag out,” She finished, trailing off. Her cheeks grew hot, her mouth stung. The onlooking villagers just made the entire ordeal so much harder. She broke eye contact with John, staring at the ground as if she was a child about to be punished. 
John swallowed hard, wringing a hand around his scarf. He seemed deep in thought on what to do, glancing around at the others. 
“Well-” He began to speak, combing his hair back. “We don’t usually… do this. But- so long as you promise you can be trusted, follow all the rules here, all that… Then I’m sure we can find a spot here for you.”
Shimmer let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding. 
“...Thanks, JD. I… I owe you one,” She said, cracking a wobbly smile.
“Of course,” He replied, stuffing down any feelings that may have risen up because of her, and defaulting right back to a serene smile, clasping his hands together. “Welcome to the village of the Brotherhood, Shimmer.”
Their eyes met one more time. Shimmer immediately got what he was trying to say by revealing the name of the village to her- Brotherhood. The BroZone boys she once knew had grown into men, with, apparently, a grandiose amount of social status. In essence, he had just told her some vital info: First, to expect a lot of changes from the village she once knew, and second… that he made the rules around the village, so she should really watch out for him.
No problem.
She could do that.
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railingsofsorrow · 6 months
dance with me
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: who would have thought that a glass of water could make you sway in your feet in more ways than one.
pairing: s.reid x f!reader
w.c: 1.9K
warnings/content: exes that are still in love with each other trope; heartbreak!!; I'm a willifer stan, if you can tell; jack and henry being besties; pinky promises; dancing with an ex lover; I promise you heartache ™; mentions of alcohol and being drunk; ex partners walking down memory lane (longing); angst <3; poorly edited because I'm sleepy.
a/n: this is part of a short series that started with this one shot and someone asked me to do a part 2 but I ended up writing another stand-alone that may or may not connect with the first one.
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jj was one of the most beautiful brides you had ever seen. her dress fit her perfectly, it seemed to have been made especially for her, even though it belonged to her mother.
will looked at her as if she was the sky holding all of the stars. no one else was around as they danced, just the two of them, you could see it in their eyes.
you were kind of drunk on their love, from afar. and, of course, you might be a little inebriated because of the few champagne glasses you've had since the party started. in your defense, it was all penelope's fault, she offered you the first glass. your will to loosen up did the rest.
you almost fell down on your butt from the way henry pulled at your dress. you didn't blame him, he's been excited all night and he had to let it all out as much as he wanted. he yanked you closer to the spot he and jack were playing on the grass of the rossi household.
“uncle spencer told us the secret of his magic trick.” jack explained as you stared at the cards laid out in front of them. “but we can't remember it.”
a chuckled escaped your lips.
“and that's exactly why he told you.”
henry pouted, his blonde strands falling from behind his ear. giving him a soft smile, you brushed them back, booping his nose as he giggled in response.
“i know why you brought me here and I'm sorry to say that I have no idea how uncle spencer does his magic tricks.” you lament as they both protest in defeat. “he never told me. but I swear if he ever does, you'll be the first to know, okay?”
“promise?” jack hotchner raised his pinky and henry made sure to imitate him eagerly.
you nodded, intertwining your own pinky with theirs. “i promise.” you whispered, kissing both of their small cheeks before standing up. penelope and derek had approached your little group and you took advantage of that to walk inside the house and fetch a cup of water. your vision was starting to get a little blurry and that was the indication you had to know that your alcohol consumption was officially over for the night.
someone else seemed to share your train of thought.
“appreciating art?”
spencer was concentrated analysing one of the art pieces in the mansion's hallway. he didn't act startled at your presence, which meant he already felt you approaching beforehand. you stared down at your heels, wondering if they were too loud.
“it's an interesting painting,” you looked up as he said it. his eyes settled on you. “do you know this one?”
“a street scene.” you responded, shifting on your feet. your feet were starting to hurt. you can't remember for how long you have been on those heels. “can't remember the artist though.”
“paul fischer,” spencer promptly said. “it was painted in 1902. he was also known as copenhagen's painter because of how much he represented his homeland on his paintings.”
you let out a slow hum, walking past him to reach the kitchen. “over a century ago.”
“109 years ago.” he chuckled as you chugged down an entire glass of water and filled it up again. “thirsty?”
you lifted a finger, a silent request to wait. spencer leaned on the kitchen counter, observing you with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“i think I may have...” you exhaled, “drank too much.”
spencer mumbled something that you weren't able to hear, but you didn't need to. you approached him slowly, also leaning on the countertop, the marble cold against your palms. narrowing your eyes at him, you said. “don't even say it.”
he had the decency to act bewildered though his lips betrayed him with a quirk on the edges. “say what?”
“you were teasing me just now.”
“i was not.” spencer raised a brow, sending a giddy smile your way. “i was simply stating that you can get carried away at parties.”
“i had two glasses.” you pouted, “maybe four.” you admitted, a half-assed lie. you had no idea how many you have had during the night. just that they were working really fast in your system.
the two of you stayed there. speaking in low voices, rather discreetly, as the party happened outside. the house was quiet but you could make out some loud voices from the open window.
your ears picked up a soft melody, and the voices quietened down. you figured it was the moment for some slow dancing.
“dance with me.”
you'd think you were the one who said that, given your state of mind a few minutes ago. spencer looked handsome in a suit, it was almost out of character for him, you never saw him without one of his sweater vests. you don't deny he's an attractive man. everything about him is attractive, not only the physical aspects but they did him justice alright.
those were the things you noticed when you were dating. and those are still the things you notice as you are exes. you wonder if there is anything you don't notice about spencer.
you froze at his outstretched hand.
oh, he said that.
is he inviting me to dance?
“me?” his grin made you blush. and to think you had been sober just now.
“yes.” he wriggled his fingers. “dance with me?” the tone of his voice carried a tinge of uncertainty.
your body responded before your mouth could. as your hand intertwined with his, the feeling of returning somewhere you had longed for so long squeezed your chest.
with your chin resting against his shoulder and the warmth of his touch enveloping your waist, the music didn't reach the kitchen anymore. you couldn't hear anything else but your heartbeat.
“you don't even like dancing.” you joked, letting him lead your swaying as you tried not to step on his feet.
his answer was closing the gap between the two of you, your bodies flush against each other. you didn't hesitate before laying your cheek on his shoulder. your fingers intertwined behind his neck, grazing against his uncovered skin.
it felt so familiar and normal that none of you flinched away. as if it was how it was supposed to be.
“i like it when I'm with you.” he said, breath tickling the side of your neck.
“the boys...” you drawled out, a smile stretching on your lips absentmindedly. “they asked me how you did your magic tricks. one of them, actually. the one with the cards.” his chuckled made his body shake a little.
“did they? but I told them.”
“you know kids don't learn it the first time. that's why you told them.”
“i can't just reveal my magic tricks like that, can I?” you pulled back a little to make sure he saw you glare at him. his grin didn't let you scowl much longer though.
shaking your head at him in faux disappointment was the worst thing you could have possibly done at that moment. spencer knew that quirk of lips as he knew his own brain and he recognized that tilt of head because of all the times you did that, it only meant one thing: you were about to tease him.
that was his weakness. your lazy smile along with your fluttering eyelashes. basically, your whole charming persona. you. you were his weakness. spencer has admitted that since he knew he was in love with you.
it used to overwhelm him to be this close to somebody, the warmth of two bodies colliding felt too much of a torture for him. until you came along and showed him what safety felt like.
he felt safe when your fingertips grazed the nape of his neck. when you laid your head on his shoulder and when you softly mumbled the song playing outside right by his ear.
you're right here and he's missing you.
isn't that crazy?
“that used to be my favourite song.” you said, caressing the spot behind his earlobe. his eyes were shut as his feet followed the slow rhythm of the melody.
he hummed, “it was all that you listened to for an entire month.” your laugh brought joy to him as he looked down at you. happiness looked good on you.
“yes.” you shrugged, touching his jaw gently. “but you enjoyed it.”
“i did.” he confessed. “it's calm. soothing.” like your voice. I never get tired of it.
he brushed a strand behind your ear. “is it not your favourite song anymore?”
and just like that, the light in your eyes dimmed. it might have been imperceptible if he wasn't that close. too close.
do people ever feel so comfortable around ex partners as he is with you right now? dancing to a song you used to sing it for him?
“it hurts to listen to it.” your voice cracked at the end of the sentence and you rested your head on his shoulder as if you were attempting to avoid his gaze. it physically painted him when you did that. “reminds me of you.”
he thought about apologising. he thought about asking why does it remind you of me and why would it hurt. but spencer was aware of the answer to both questions. he knew why you couldn't listen to it without memories swarming into your brain like a storm. he knew how hard it was and how much it absolutely crushed you that your favourite song reminded you of an ex lover. of him.
he chose to stay silent.
at the same time he wanted to spare you any emotional pain, he wanted to hear if you were hurting as much as he was. how unfair was that? loving you and having you in his arms but not being able to be with you like he wanted to?
was it hard for you too? did it make you want to take back the words you said just like he wanted to take back everything he had said? did it destroy you wholeheartedly?
spencer doesn't know for how long you stayed there at rossi's kitchen, swaying to a song that no longer played. at some point, you retracted your hand from his neck, lowering slightly to take off your high heels, immediately releasing a breath of relief.
and your touch lingered like a ghost. his soul was void. vulnerable and lonely. once again.
emily walked in the kitchen and you two acted as a couple that had been caught doing something wrong. you had been talking — dancing for just a previous moment — there wasn't anything wrong with that, was it?
spencer felt out of it all of a sudden. at one moment, he knows how to act around you, he feels as if he can touch you and hold you like he never missed his chance. and then, a second later, you're walking away and he's not stopping you from leaving.
“it's still my favourite song.”
and it was his, too.
a/n: the dancing part was definitely not inspired by mitski's song my love mine all mine.
source: the painting mentioned
taglist: @lilyviolets
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20nugs · 10 months
I love your writing so much! Can you do one with Chris where the reader just gets back from a long vacation, and Chris is super clingy and won’t leave her alone, so eventually she snaps at him then feels bad and you can end it however you want. It’s kinda complicated I hope this makes sense 😭
Irritated (Chris Sturniolo x fem!reader)
summary: request!
cw: kissing(😼), irritation, uh I think that's it lol
a/n: can you tell I like calling people goofs in my fics? I do it irl all the time
"Chris!" I call out tiredly. "I'm back!" It's currently four in the morning, and I shove my luggage in through the door and to the side, shutting and locking the door behind me. Chris is most definitely awake, he said he would be when I came back. I'm proven right when suddenly I'm barreled into.
"You're back!" Chris shouts, his arms wrapping around me, squeezing me into a hug before giving me a much needed kiss. I sigh softly and kiss his soft lips back with the same intensity. After a month with no physical touch, I can't help but press him impossibly closer to me, relishing in the way his body fits perfectly against my own. We stumble back for a moment from how forcefully embrace. We both giggle and Chris trails kisses down my jaw, tickling me. I finally pull him off of me with a exhausted sigh.
"I guess I should clean this up," I say, gesturing towards the mess my luggage made when one of my suitcases bust open with how carelessly I tossed it to the side.
"I missed you too, doofus," I smile, booping his nose with my finger, "but I need to clean, the walk way is blocked." I seperate from him and begin picking up my clothes, putting them back into my suitcase. I scowl, annoyed, when they pop back out again. "What the fuck," I mutter, shoving them back inside. Chris still clings to me, and as sweet as it is, he's in my way. "Chris honey, I need you to move for a second," I tell him. He doesn't budge, and he's still in the way of properly shutting my suitcase. "Chris."
A grunt is heard from Chris, and I hold back a sigh. "C'mon, Chris," I say, irritated. "Move, please." He doesn't move. "Chris I'm serious."
Chris still doesn't move, and the suitcase won't close. "Chris!" I snap, irritated and tired. "Get off of me!" I shrug him off of me and continue organizing my suitcase. Finally I get the large amount of my belongings to fit in my suitcase and put it with my others. I turn back around to face Chris but he's gone. I immediately furrow my brow with confusion. "Chris?" I call out, looking around the living room before heading up the stairs.
I enter the hallway and check his brother's rooms, only to see them asleep already with no sign of Chris. I finally make it to mine and Chris's room, the biggest and farthest out of all the rooms. I knock on the door gently, and then open it, to see Chris asleep on our bed, holding my pillow against him in the same way he cuddles me. I feel guilt weigh heavy on my chest, knowing all he wanted to do was to hold me.
I enter the room and quietly close my door behind me, stripping off my sweatshirt so I'm wearing sweatpants and a tank top. I pull back the covers and slide in the spot that my pillow is, throwing it to the side. His arms subconsciously tighten around me, and I squeeze him back, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
I watch as Chris slowly opens his eyes, and just stares at me, as if in a haze. "I'm sorry Chris," I mumble, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I was irritated is all. I shouldn't have snapped at you." I watch as Chris's face breaks into a smile before he practically squeezes the life out of me in a hug. "Chris!" I grunt, trying to laugh but also trying to breathe. Chris finally let's me go and before I can even take a breath he kisses me.
I laugh as he breaks the kiss to let me breathe. "Sorry," he says, breathlessly. "I just love you so much." I drop my head on his shoulder as I laugh, the look on his face getting to me.
"You're all flustered," I say, lifting my head again. I smile at him and brush some of his bangs out of his red face, kissing his cheek. "I love you too, goofball."
a/n: SOOO it's late and it's a school night BUT what did yall think😍 am I good😍 can you tell I like using "sweetheart"😍
chris RAHH🧎‍♀️
i love writing yall I just need more time in the day cuz now I'm in school and I don't get out until 3:40pm...😭 as always you can send in requests and suggestions if you want, and im always open to constructive criticism! I love yall
ALSO: if you see an error, TELL ME😭
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vera-deville · 1 year
Happily Ever After...Soon Enough, Anyways
05/31/2023 - 06/09/2023
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Reader
Word Count: 964
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
Tags: @rose-the-witch1, @pyroxeene, @moldy-cheeto
In which Malleus and Y/N are in the midst of planning their wedding and shenanigans arise.
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"Do we really have to do a full wedding? Can't we just elope?" Malleus Draconia asked his future wife.
"And where exactly did you learn about elopements?" A teasing voice called out from the room next door. A figure peaked her head through the doorway, amused by the utter exasperation littered in her beloved's voice.
"Lilia told me that some humans have a practice where they just skip all the actual wedding formalities. Apparently it is quite popular these days." Malleus said, fingers tracing the edges of his tea cup. "It'll be just us, and of course, my grandmother to officiate our marriage. Oh, and we can invite just Lilia as our one guest. We won't have to worry about pleasing the nobles, or the elders, or any one else."
Y/N felt that for her sake, Malleus didn't mention not wanting to deal with her self-proclaimed father, Crowley, and much less her actual adoptive father Crewel and her old friend, Vil Schoenheit. She could understand why Malleus simply wished to forgo any and all tradition and skip right to the part where they vow to be the ones for each other, forever and always (not that they hadn't already vowed that).
Setting down her own cup of tea, Y/N studied Malleus' features. Nothing much had really changed from their time in NRC, except his eyes seemed almost...older now. Perhaps it was the maturity of graduating school and becoming the king of an entire realm. Or perhaps it was because planning a wedding was simply too much work for him.
"But Darling, I thought that you were rather excited about planning a wedding with me?" Y/N asked.
"That was until you dragged Schoenheit into helping Dear." Chided the old (but young) fae. Y/N almost laughed, seeing the barely-there pout forming on his face.
"I didn't drag him into helping Mal, he did that himself."
"But you could have stopped him, I thought that we were doing just fine on our own."
"But you can't deny that he has an extremely good eye for these kinds of things. And this was something he genuinely wanted to do for me. Isn't that nice of him?"
"Not when he takes up all your time and runs me down with far too many choices, which, might I add, all look the same."
Ah. So that's what's got him so grumpy in the morning midday. Chuckling to herself, Y/N made her way to Malleus, sitting on his lap, and snaking her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that she could press a chaste kiss to the side of his cheek.
"Let's just run away together." Malleus suggested, eyes practically glowing at the idea.
"But what about the cake? And all the people who are coming to see us? And all the decorations we've already placed orders for?" Y/N asked. "And what about-" a peck to the forehead silenced her.
Looking up at the horned fae, Y/N asked in a gentle whisper, "Do you remember what you told me when you proposed to me?"
"How could I forget, my Beloved?" Malleus smiled as he remembered.
"Yes, oh my god, yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Y/N exclaimed, with her hands over her mouth. Malleus slid the ring (which he'd safeguarded in his hoarde) around Y/N's finger. He brought up her hand, admiring the shiny stone that now adorned it, and delicately kissed her knuckles.
Laughing in joy, Y/N threw her arms around Malleus, as he picked her up and spun her around, with the wind dancing along with them. "I'm going to need a much cheaper ring so that I can use it every day. This ring belongs in a safety deposit box." Joked Y/N.
"What's a safety deposit box?" Malleus asked, head tilted to the side.
"You didn't even know what a safety deposit box was back then~" Y/N teased, booping Malleus' nose. A breathy chuckle escaped Malleus's lips. Truth be told, it just seemed like an over-glorified dragon's hoarde, but Malleus didn't think to tell Y/N that just yet.
"If you really want to turn this into a elopement, I won't stop you. What matters most to me is what you want." Y/N said.
Malleus could feel his heart swell at how thoughtful his significant other was. He truly lucked out with this one. At that moment, a familiar tune began ringing. Y/N sprung up (much to Malleus' dismay) to attend to her phone.
He watched her eyes light up when she read the caller's ID. So definitely not Schoenheit or Leona for that matter. Maybe it was Ace and Deuce. He hadn't seen them in a while. Were they still up to their usual shenanigans from their time in school? Or maybe the caller is...
"WHAT!?" Y/N screamed with all her might. Malleus whipped his head to study her features. What could have possibly gotten her as angry as she was in a matter of seconds? The fae walked over to his beloved, keen on comforting her when the next words that came out of her mouth stopped him in his track.
"Please tell me someone has the rings?" Y/N begged, pinching her forehead. Malleus listened in on the conversation, trying to gain more information about the now (possibly) missing rings. In the mean time, Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, before cutting her call. Before the King of the Valley of Thorns could question his future wife about the news she'd received, said person slowly turned her head to him, now very much seething.
"I'm going to murder Grim." Y/N promised.
It seemed that Ace and Deuce (and Grim apparently) still hadn't let go of their shenanigans...
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Author's Note: Oh my goodness do I not like this fic. I started writing this fanfic feeling so confident about my idea and everything, but then as I was writing it, I just couldn't find myself in the usual headspace I'm in when I write my usual (and better) fics.
This is the first work for the @briarvalleyarchives that I've written. I missed the first month's prompt, and nearly missed this month's prompt (weddings) if it weren't for the lovely @pyroxeene giving us some more time to finish writing.
I honestly really liked the concept I had in mind when I started writing this fic (although it turned out very different), so I may very well end up rewriting this in the future!
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saruman-the-silly · 8 months
Life ain't fun without a little flame
tags: sodo x gn!reader, some mild swearing! friends to lovers yay, two idiots in love more like, fluffy
You had been hired as a stage manager for Ghost, which meant you were checking that everything was going smoothly before the gigs. When you first started, the ghouls had been a bit hesitant about you. After all, you were human and usually most humans didn't take the whole "Satanic church with literal ghouls from hell" lightly.
All the hesitation disappeared soon though, when after sound check, you had approached Sodo and begun making small talk.
"Hi! I'm the new stage manager here and just wanted to say, E-string is a bit flat, thought you'd wanna know." He scoffed, and grabbed his tuner. Turns out, you were right. Sodo shook his head, and looked at you. "What do you want?"
"Oh, nothing really, just wanted to chat and maybe get to know you guys a bit. It's gonna be a long tour so, yeah!"
Sodo, being Sodo, thought you were being weird but quickly realized you were actually pretty fun company. He enjoyed your odd sense of humour, because he also had a weird sense of humour.
Sodo was definitely not the one to chat about with stage crew, and Swiss was gaping at the interaction with his mouth open, before Rain pulled him away.
"Did you see that?? He fucking SMILED AND LAUGHED WITH THEM?" Swiss grinned at Rain. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS-"
"SHH, yeah I know, Sodo hasn't really laughed in like a decade but shut it now or he'll hear you and bite your arm off!" Rain slapped Swiss' shoulder.
Swiss was, of course, right as always and everyone else except you and Sodo noticed it over time. Sodo wasn't really much of a talker, but with you beside him? You had conversations that lasted many hours, only stopping at midnight when one of you fell asleep. One time, you had been talking till very late at night, and you had fallen asleep against Sodo's shoulder.
When he noticed, he smiled and gently carried you to your room. Of course, Swiss saw you and now would not stop pestering Sodo about it.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW will you Swiss, I do not want to hear it-" Sodo crashed into the ghouls den, Swiss following right after him.
"Tell who what?" Your voice rang out, stopping both Swiss and Sodo abruptly.
"Uhhhhhhh-" They both stood there, with their mouths open.
"Sodomostdefinitelyhasacrushonyoubuthe'stoodumbtosayitoutloudokayBYE-" Swiss ran out the room, just barely avoiding the ball of fire Sodo aimed at his head. Sodo cursed to himself, and tried looking anywhere but where you stood.
"You- You have a crush on.. me?" You whispered.
"Stupid Swiss, always sticking his nose in stuff where it doesn't belong- okay, yeah might as well get it out now, I do have a crush on you okay? I'll get over it in like a few weeks, it is not going to disrupt our friendship-" You gently grabbed his hand, and Sodo looked at your smiling face.
"I never thought someone as cool as you are would like me back honestly," You grinned and squeezed his hand. Sodo scoffed:
"What do you mean by that, you are literally the coolest person I know you idiot," Sodo booped you on the nose. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, embracing him tightly. The moment was calm and peaceful, until-
"NOW KISS YOU IDIOTS-" was followed by some more screaming from Swiss, Sodo's fireball had finally hit its target. You giggled at the sight of Swiss running away with his helmet on fire, while Sodo grinned.
He gently brought your lips to his, capturing them in a gentle kiss. After a moment you pulled away, only to hear Swiss screaming at Rain and Rain trying to put out the fire. You both cracked up, and soon you were both rolling on the floor with laughter.
this has been rotting away in my drafts for like months now, but I finished it ayy go me
as always, thanks for reading <3
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