#ah it’s not their fault i don’t pass but it still hurt very suddenly
southstand · 3 months
was walking down the street today and someone wanted to collect donations for something and they addressed me with a “hi girl!” and i wanted to crawl into a hole and die :-(
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 32: Union (18+)
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**Minors do not interact
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**Have fun, sluts 💙
Tagging: @seradyn​
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Caelan wasn’t sure which one of them started it, and it didn’t matter whose fault it was. By the time Ardyn and her arrived back at the Via, there was no question as to where the night was heading. She couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Her fingers wanted to remain entangled in Ardyn’s hair for as long as possible, feeling through the red strands and listening to the pleasing noises that escaped past his mouth when the pads of her thumbs would press gently into his scalp. He was beautiful. Always had been in her eyes.
Caelan didn’t know how long they had been making out. Gentle kisses and playful pecks were now becoming more hungry with each passing minute. She could practically feel the tension that was radiating within Ardyn. How his hands trembled while he held her face to keep her steady. The way he sighed every so often against her mouth, moving his lips to the crook of her neck with gentle swipes of his tongue only to brush his nose against hers and return to claim her mouth again. The strained groans that left him, especially when Caelan felt bold enough to tug on his bottom lip before meeting her tongue with his own, was beginning to feel like torture. The restraint Ardyn held for her had a shiver go up Caelan’s spine causing her to let out a tense moan against his lips.
“Ardyn,” Caelan broke the contact, wetting her lips as she pulled away to get a better look at his eyes. She swallowed, seeing how his pupils were blown out and dark.
“Did I hurt you?” Ardyn’s concern was prominent. Whatever lust he was feeling at the time temporarily fell away as he glanced over Caelan. He was very much aroused, but was more than prepared to put an end to it. Ardyn’s right hand that had begun to tiptoe down her back slowly retreated, not wanting to incite the wrath of her still-healing wounds.
“No, no, you didn’t.” Caelan was quick to say shaking her head, offering a smile. She was elated when Ardyn returned the gesture and nodded.
“Good. The last thing I want is to harm you. Lest you lose your strength.” Ardyn commented. He let out a deep breath as he inclined forward. His forehead pressed to Caelan’s while giving a slight nuzzle. Eyes closed, he shuddered. A dull ache began to spread near his groin. He could feel his pants getting tight causing him to adjust on the couch, moving a bit away from Caelan so he could get comfortable. He doubted the rearrangement would last. Not with how he felt gravitated towards her.
The action didn’t go unnoticed by Caelan, and neither did seeing the outline of his erection when he moved. Her eyes briefly widened. She couldn’t help but look then forced herself to meet his gaze. Caelan was met with a smirk from Ardyn, and her face heated up so dangerously high she thought she’d catch fire.
“My eyes are up here sweet girl,” Ardyn teased. Giving a playful chortle when Caelan hit the side of his shoulder for calling her out. He felt the blush on his face deepen, haven’t been stared at by a woman in this manner for several lifetimes.
“I’m sorry--look, I couldn’t just--Ah, forget it!” Caelan shook her head, not having the energy to defend herself. There were no valid excuses on her end, curiosity got the better of her.
“Oh, I’m not offended,” Ardyn teased as he moved toward her. He lifted Caelan’s chin, peering down at her while he smiled. He furrowed his brows, feeling a pain of guilt flood him suddenly as he searched her eyes.
“I should be the one apologizing. I tried to be subtle. I don’t intend to take things further, for your sake.”
“I--” Calean hesitated. She watched as Ardyn pulled away as worry etched on his face. Caelan could tell he was second-guessing himself, and even her earlier words that she had been fine. She could feel her pulse thudding more, uncertain of how to make her desires towards him known. There was an amount of embarrassment, holding her at bay, not used to asking for something extremely intimate. She had only been with one other person sexually, and the experience was rather quick and nothing like the bond her and Ardyn had.
“Ardyn, I don’t you to hold back. We can go further if you want. I know I’m still recovering, but I want you.” Caelan felt her face burn as the words left her. He held a wary smile now, appearing cautious.
“I can’t lie that I desire you Cahl,” Ardyn murmured. His heart was pounding deeper in his chest, almost as if it wanted to leap out from his ribcage and straight to her own.
“I scarcely doubt I can hide the physical need any more than I’ve attempted,” Ardyn muttered, shortly the two of them laughed at the situation before he quieted. His head was swimming with thoughts; contemplating if he should be so forward with her, on the other hand, untamed vivid imagery would creep in. Caelan’s writhing naked body underneath him continuously invaded Ardyn’s mind, distracting him from finishing what he wanted to convey.
“Are you afraid you’ll hurt me?” Caelan asked, breaking up the chaos in his head.
“Yes, if you must know. It’s not merely regarding my daemonic nature,” Ardyn spoke honestly. He swallowed. “I may be as I am, but at the end of the day I’m a man and you haven’t the faintest idea of what I’ve wanted to do to you. That frightens me so.”
Caelan didn’t think she could blush any harder than now. Her skin was littered with goosebumps hearing how sultry Ardyn sounded when he confessed. Her legs tensed up, thighs rubbing together subconsciously for a moment before she reached out and caressed the side of his face. The scratch of his stubble glided against her palm and he leaned into her touch.
“You don’t scare me,” Caelan murmured.
“I suppose I fear enough for us both,” Ardyn remarked. Closing his eyes as he placed a free hand on top of hers, keeping her fingertips against his face. The warmth of her hand kept him at bay as it was becoming unbearable to deny himself of her. He could see the lust Caelan had felt towards him was only growing. There were only so many excuses Ardyn could whip out before he too would succumb.
“Can we try?” Caelan asked.
“Beg pardon?” Ardyn tilted his head, playing dumb purposefully.
“Can we try to anyway?” Caelan reiterated, hoping she didn’t sound too demanding of him. Her eyes searched his as she observed his caution.
“I’m uncertain how long I can please you. I’m very much out of practice. In more ways than one.” Ardyn said with a faint smirk, trying to cover for his embarrassment at the admission and to try in vain to turn her down. It had been over 2,000 years since he had lain with anybody. He was certain that his prowess wouldn’t be up to par with what Caelan deserved. The thought alone caused some of the strain in his pants to tamper down.
“That makes two of us,” Caelan chuckled. She could feel herself easing more into the conversation, not feeling as ashamed. “I don’t have expectations.”
“Cahl, I don’t know if--” Ardyn faltered.
“Please,” Caelan leaned close to him, kissing the outer shell of his ear. The faint moan that left him had her smile. It took a lot of willpower herself not to pounce. Not when he was muttering sweet nothings into the crook of her neck while she bit down on his earlobe.
“Cahl,” Ardyn sighed deeply, not able to stop himself anymore. He pulled her flush to his chest, his nose once again brushing upon hers as he breathed in her scent. Caelan still lingered of the sylleblossom perfume she had sampled at the marquet within Insomnia before they went to the concert. The honey smell tempted him further on as he pressed a chaste kiss to her mouth.
“I need to hear your consent. If anything--” He was cut off by Caelan kissing him.
“Ardyn, look at me,” Caelan whispered, watching as his dark amber eyes gravitated towards her own.
“Yes, sweet one?” He murmured.
“I consent.” She was almost whining in her breath, causing the hairs on the back of Ardyn’s neck to stand. “I trust you, but do you trust me?”
“You have no idea how much I do.” It was the last words Ardyn allowed himself to utter before their mouths met together once again in a fevered kiss. There were only the two souls on Eos as far as Caelan and Ardyn were concerned, and their bodies called out to each other.
Ardyn’s hands instinctively grabbed Caelan by the hips, pulling her into his lap while their kissing became sloppy. His thumbs dug into her flesh before his hands slid under the material of her shirt, snaking up Caelan’s sides and feeling the soft texture of her skin. He loved feeling the contrast between her scars and hide. How her tokens of battle complimented her body. His arousal only grew when he got excited at the prospect of seeing her in full.
Ardyn’s tongue thrust past his lips and against Caelan’s. The way her moaning echoed through his mouth had Ardyn groan out in pleasure. He enjoyed the feeling of her taking his breath for her own. The sensation grew more intense while her fingers pushed through his hair, her lips not giving him respite. He could already feel bruising beginning to take hold of his bottom lip because of her heavy need.
A growl left Ardyn’s mouth when he felt Caelan grind against him on impulse. The pleasure from the brief contact had him clawing at her skin, minding her wounds as he impulsively thrust back several times. When Caelan whimpered out loud, Ardyn broke the kiss. His labored breath fell upon her face as he stared at her with half lidded eyes. His hands retreated away, coming to the hem of her shirt and he grinned.
“May I see you?” He asked, his voice heavy as he waited. The enthusiastic nod Caelan gave as she lifted her arms up had Ardyn chuckle while he rolled up Caelan’s shirt, soon over her shoulders, past her head, and off her body. He chuckled darkly at how she tossed it away soon after, not caring in the slightest where it ended up.
Caelan felt her bravery begin to falter when Ardyn’s eyes scanned over her chest. His fingertips traced over scars and other little imperfections he found on her skin, making sure to avoid her breasts for the time being. Nonetheless, Caelan caught him admiring the flesh causing her to turn her head away out of embarrassment. She felt his right hand clasp the side of her left cheek, forcing her to look at him. She smiled faintly when Ardyn shook his head at her.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of, Cahl. Do you any idea how much of a treat it is to see you like this?” His voice was calm and seductive to her. Caelan couldn’t help but smile big. That’s when she felt Ardyn lean forward, pressing light kisses to her throat. His tongue slid across her collarbone. Teeth nipping here and there. The small jolts of pain mixed with pleasure had Caelan in a mess. Her breathing became labored, enjoying the heat of his breath against her skin and how his stubble scratched across her. She rewarded him with her fingers gripping the strands of his red wine-colored hair, massaging the sides of his scalp while he continued.
“F-feels good,” Caelan gasped out loud when she felt the familiar slick of his tongue on her left nipple. He suckled and bit, occasionally nuzzling his face against her chest. His left hand supported the small of her back while the right kneaded and massaged the other breast. Caelan whimpered, trying not to cry out as he kissed across her chest and performed the same treatment on the other, not daring to ignore any inch of her.
Caelan had no idea how long Ardyn went at alternating between breasts and leaving bites on her upper body in his wake, but it felt like an eternity. His grunts and moans encouraged her to grind further against him. She trembled and gasped at the growing pressure she felt between her legs. He couldn’t get any harder than he was, and at the rate she was going, Caelan felt the coil wanting to snap. She couldn’t fathom how good Ardyn felt, and he hadn’t even come close to being inside of her.
“Hold onto me,” Ardyn hissed, his tone demanding and torrid. His hands supported Caelan’s bottom while he rose up from the couch. He smirked at hearing Caelan whimper, having lost the friction she had acquainted herself with. Ardyn could feel the pressure of her legs against his waist, wrapping around him while her hands sought to secure themselves around his neck and shoulders.
Ardyn carried her to the bedroom, moaning out loud from her suckling on his throat before he gently sat her down at the foot of the mattress.  He had half a mind to toss her playfully after she teasingly bit under his jaw, but relented. Too enraptured to make a move that would undo all they had worked toward.
The pleading look in Caelan’s gaze hypnotized Ardyn as he removed his boots and socks. He watched her with a smile as Caelan shimmied out of her pants and tossed them.  He took a step closer after using his feet to shove the material away. Caelan’s hands were on the hem of his pants, working at his belt while he began to cradle her face with his right hand. The other absentmindedly played with her hair while Ardyn’s gaze traveled over her features.
In the ember glow of the room, Caelan looked beyond beautiful in his eyes.  He so badly wanted to lean down and capture her mouth with another kiss, only to be stopped as she palmed over his crotch, giving a squeeze here and there to his erection through his pants. The way the lower half of his body quivered from her touch had Ardyn embarrassed while he hissed and moaned aloud a pained whine. His pants needed to come off, and he hoped Caelan had the mercy to make it happen soon.
The snarls that left Ardyn from her gesture had Caelan brimming with excitement. She smiled proudly, pulling off the belt and letting it slip away. It landed with a clang to the ground that either of them ignored and she started to pull the waistband down along with his underwear. She watched Ardyn’s feet leave his clothes, and then her gaze fell upon his freed cock. Her breath barely touched the flesh, causing it to twitch. A soft laugh escaped her as her eyes looked up at Ardyn.
“This is my doing?” She asked innocently. Though the question was more out of shock. She felt her stomach churning in knots at how sizeable he was. His pants had hidden quite a bit more than she anticipated.
“Afraid so.” Ardyn sighed in defeat with a huff and a slight grin. Now blushing he closed his eyes and looked away. He now understood why she felt so self-conscious earlier. Almost as if he was having sex for the first time again. Being seen in this manner felt new. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was becoming too much for Caelan and if he needed to give space.
“There’s no need for you to--” Ardyn stammered, his eyes shutting tightly as he felt Caelan’s mouth envelop him. Her tongue flattened, licking on the underside as she bobbed her head slowly. Her movements were deliberately leisured. The rumbling of her moans against the shaft caused Ardyn to make inhuman noises while he sucked in a deep breath and tried not to let the waves of satisfaction devour him. His hands fisted in her hair, gripping tight as it took whatever amount of willpower he had left not to thrust his hips.
Ardyn was a near whimpering mess as Caelan took her time tasting and feeling him. Her right hand occasionally pulled and tugged at the skin of his cock while she tended to the head. She felt her own body beginning to unravel, and the yearning to feel him inside of her grew. After some time, she let out a gasp as Ardyn pulled her away, forcing her to look up. There was a predatory look in his amber eyes as he growled.
“That’s quite enough,” He said rigidly. His body tremored and he stepped back and pulled off his shirt. His chest was now just as exposed as everything else. Both of them were naked as they drank in each other. Though Ardyn did tilt his head to the side and he smirked, noticing Caelan still hand one article of clothing left. He approached the bed and knelt down so he was at her waist, both his hands grabbing the hem of her underwear and pulling them down in one fell swoop before discarding them.
“Ardyn--” Caelan’s breath hitched, and she nervously gripped at his shoulders, knowing full well what he intended to do to her. Though her body was screaming for some form of touch, she felt unsettled at him returning the favor. Her legs parted though at his hands coaxing her to ease like they had a mind of their own. She started whimpering at feeling his lips kissing her inner thigh. Her hands reached down to pull him up.
“Ardyn, I never--no one’s done that,” Caelan admitted with a swallow. There was a morose expression on his face as he tilted his head up.
“Have you never been pleased in this fashion?”
Caelan nodded to his question. She hoped her body language would be enough of an answer. She let out a soft moan, feeling Ardyn plant an apologetic kiss to her thigh.
“Trust me,” Ardyn murmured, looking up at Caelan. His eyes searching hers as he witnessed her hesitance.
“You asked me to trust you. It would be impolite to not return the favor. I got you.” His words reminded her of what she had stated before they began. Seeing him in between her legs as he was stirred something primal inside herself.
“Alright,” She breathed out. “Just--”
Swallowing, Caelan nodded and her gaze turned towards the ceiling to distract herself. She couldn’t finish her sentence. Ardyn had brought her legs over his shoulders, scooting her further down and then a sharp gasp left Caelan’s lungs when she felt his mouth upon her. Panting she couldn’t help but raise her hips, only to feel Ardyn use one arm to gently pin her back down while the other caressed her inner thigh. The movements of his tongue against her folds and flesh were relaxed, keeping a steady tempo. The feel of his breath and nose alongside his tongue had her shaking. Her eyes shut to offer reprieve. It didn’t take long for Caelan to notice Ardyn only switched things up when she was close to release. For someone that hadn’t been intimate in thousands of years, he sure knew what he was doing. It scared her how precise he was with her body, like he was reading her mind of where she wanted him to go.
Ardyn didn’t let up for quite some time. The noises that left Caelan were sinful to his ears. He felt himself throb every few minutes when her voice made a certain sound and pitch that had him going crazy. He knew himself well to know he could easily get Caelan to come several times over with his mouth, but having not been with someone in so long, he was feeling selfish. He wanted to feel her when she came, that her body would surrender to his.
As much as Ardyn wanted to stay put and enjoy tasting her, he knew it would ne next to impossible. Ardyn wasn’t sure if it was his instincts, confidence, or memory, but the urge to take Caelan right then and there without warning grew strong. His arms tensed around her body, hands pressing more needily into her flesh while he continued to tease and suck. For Caelan’s sake he remained and kept the agonizing rhythm going. Promising himself he would only push things further if she asked.
“Ardyn--” Caelan called out. She could feel his warm breath against her clit and he groaned, amused at how needy and confident she had become.
“Tell me what you need.”  
Damn him. Caelan thought to herself. She already felt self-conscious at how loud she was being. She had no doubt he could get her to come this way, but it wouldn’t sate the feeling she had of wanting to feel him. His ministrations were too much.
“Please, please…I want you to stop. I want you inside. Please.” It felt awkward saying that aloud, but he did obey and it wasn’t long before he was holding her, guiding Caelan’s body more onto the bed as he followed. His arms were now caged around her head, soft kisses pressed to her forehead, cheeks, then her lips. Her scent was all over him. She kissed his mouth, not caring in the slightest as they drew out their kiss for a time. Caelan let out a deep breath, closing her eyes while she focused on the weight of his body on top of hers. Never in a million years did she anticipate they’d be doing this. The reality of the situation had Caelan second guess, not because she didn’t desire him, but her previous experience ran rampant. The mind could forget, but the body kept the score. Especially with how uncomfortable it had been.
“Cahl,” Ardyn breathed. He could easily sense her reluctance.
“I want you .”  
Caelan looked right into his eyes then, knowing there were two meanings to his words. He acknowledged her alone. No one else. There was no deceit in his tone. Ardyn’s amber colored pupils gazed down at her like she was the only living thing in the world, and he had to cherish it. His features softened further as Caelan’s hands cupped his face, fingers caressing the rough and smooth texture of his skin. A small laugh escaped Caelan. Ardyn looked like he could easily fall asleep as he was and be satisfied. He truly had no idea how much she loved him.
There was a moment of silence between the two as they looked upon one another. Anxiety and excitement both trespassed their faces, only to be replaced by smiles and admiring glances. It grew uncomfortable after a while, Ardyn was the first to make a pleading face before Caelan nodded for him to continue.
Caelan closed her eyes, feeling Ardyn move a strand of hair from her face before he pressed one last kiss to her forehead. His right arm snuck down her body, lifting her hips to align himself. The whole time he kept his eyes on her while he thrust forward. The initial stretch had hurt her. Caelan wrapped her arms over Ardyn’s shoulders, trying to steady herself while she gasped into his neck. She started to grow self-conscious, knowing she was aroused enough but her body seemed to be battling with her on letting him be inside. The gentle pecks Ardyn suddenly applied to her neck were reassuring as her breaths calmed.
Ardyn drew in several sharp breaths, keeping himself still. There were no words that could describe how good it felt to be a part of her. His arm that had been holding her hips began to quake, the muscles straining to keep Caelan afloat. He was careful to lower her back to the mattress, giving another thrust to ensure he wouldn’t leave her body. Relief and ease began to take hold, and as soon as Ardyn felt her hands caressing his body, fingertips traveling down his back, he began to move. There was nothing on his mind other than Caelan, and a primal euphoria that radiated one message, that he belonged here with her.
Caelan was in utter bliss while her body adjusted and instinct took hold. Every inch of her body felt like it had been caressed and mended. She’d occasionally lean forward, kissing the junction between Ardyn’s shoulders and neck. The mused groans that escaped him had her toes curl. Her eyes fluttered quite often, senses overwhelmed by the stimulation and trying to focus on how full she felt from him.
Ardyn didn’t give her any chance to find amity during their love making. His mouth was always on her neck, or her face. The flesh more than bruised by his bites. His hands tangled in her hair, fingertips pressing into her scalp as he drew out long rolling thrusts. He’d murmur against her earlobe sweet nothings, some words ancient that hadn’t rolled off his tongue in centuries.
When Caelan came for the first time, her entire body felt like it had fallen off a cliff. Her abdomen somersaulting into oblivion, yelling aloud as she found solace on Ardyn’s mouth. She clung to him as the waves rippled through, endearments leaving her like prayers as she parted for breath. The sudden weakness after the fact took Caelan by surprise, and she took comfort in Ardyn holding her close and allowing her hips to thrust against him while he stilled for her.
Ardyn let out a startled and gratifying sigh at how her body gripped him. The fluttering waves making it hard to stay afloat. She felt so good. Everything from the way she smelled, to her long drawn out moans, to how she kneaded at the flesh of his back had Ardyn enraptured. The bliss was almost too much to bear and he whimpered.
Ardyn knew what it felt like to be corrupted body and soul by the starscourge and the daemons that festered in the deepest pits of his brain, but he had long forgotten how forsakenly good it felt to be bonded with someone so intimately. He could’ve had his pound of flesh and then some when he was working with Niflheim, and he counted his blessings he had been too engrossed in vengeance to care for such things. Nothing could have prepared him for the experience he shared with Caelan.
The warmth of Caelan’s body edged Ardyn onward as time passed. Long into their coupling she had released more than once because of the undemanding rhythm he set. He wanted to prolong this as much as possible. Finding it difficult to fathom not having his body joined to hers when he’d reach the end of his passions. Ardyn couldn’t stop smiling as his eyes shut tight, feeling her arms, nails and mouth latch onto whatever she could grab when he had her on the precipice before giving in to him again and again.
Ardyn gifted an onslaught of kisses pressed to Caelan’s throat and she cried out, sloppy pecks given to her mouth as it took every ounce of self control not to meet his end. He absolutely refused to give in, feeling an animal impulse to ensure she’d never lay with anyone but him ever again by pleasuring her until it hurt. The way her body had gripped him though was becoming too much. Ardyn needed to get one more from her. Just one, and he’d be satisfied to let go.
Caelan felt feverish. Her body sweating from head to toe, unable to grasp how much time had come and gone much less herself. Her eyes slowly opened, seeing the mischievous look in Ardyn’s predatory gaze while she felt one of his fingers tease around her clit while he slowly thrusted. Her head shook against the pillow, body trembling in protest at the oversensitivity. He merely chuckled at her pain.  Alas Ardyn was skilled enough with his hands that Caelan felt her body going through the motions, climbing atop a steep cliff and reaching yet another climax, her words and moans incoherent. This time, not alone.
Ardyn growled as he felt the pulsing begin. Wave after wave of pleasure consuming the lower half of his body as he hissed against Caelan’s open mouth while she attempted to catch her breath. The sudden increase of sensation had him a mess as he let out a drawn out moan, feeling Caelan’s hips weakly thrusting back against him while he came. His movements became sloppy, weak as he tried in vain to continue. His body had enough. As his rough climax ran its course, he examined Caelan. Ardyn swallowed nervously, watching her chest heave and hearing her breath become ragged. As logic slowly began to return to him, Ardyn feared he had pushed her too hard.
“Cahl,” He croaked, smiling as he caught her eyes on him. There was no pain in her features. He laughed tiredly as she grinned at him.
“Cahl,” He said again, pressing a tired kiss to her forehead.
“Cahl,” A longing peck to her cheek.
“Cahl,” One gentle kiss to her lips.
“I’m alright, Ardyn.” Caelan managed to murmur sweetly until she felt too tired to move.
His nose brushed against hers before he allowed himself to lower. His head nestled above her breasts while he lied down on top of her. The left side of his face against her skin while catching his breath. His body shook, feeling her weak hands mold into his hair, grasping and massaging. The soft press of her mouth to his head had him shutting his eyes, arms enveloping around her tight. He could easily fall asleep like this, knowing she was safe with him. That he hadn’t harmed her.
Ardyn didn’t want to let go of her. Not ever. Even if he had to kill the king, or anyone that tried to take her away. Spilling blood was worth it to him.
In his silence, Ardyn felt his eyes water. He couldn’t lose Caelan like how he lost Aera. No, he wouldn’t allow a single hair of hers to be touched. And that’s when Ardyn knew he had to confront Noctis alone despite their plans, despite knowing he would be going back on his word to Caelan earlier in the night. Breaking yet another promise. The thought of her being snatched away was unbearable and overruled any misgivings. Ardyn hoped that she would find it in her heart to forgive. He knew he loved her too much to hold any grudge.
The thought left him as they held each other. The only noise echoing against his ear was the sound of Caelan’s heart thundering away. He would never grow tired of it, much like he would never grow tired of hearing her tired praises to him.
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austajunk · 2 years
85 with komanami?
Teasing, orgasm denial, smothering, and femdom under the cut!
“Why are you being so gentle with me? I like it when you’re rough.”
It was true. Chiaki was being so gentle and delicate with him that Nagito couldn’t help but to presume something was wrong. The flowery kisses were very sweet and he did enjoy them to some extent, but he would be lying if he didn’t dream of all the ways Chiaki could bat him around like a cat with her toy. He wanted to be her favorite game to play, to occupy all of her time, to be in her hands to mold until he came over and over again whilst praising her.
“Hm…?” Chiaki blinked, raising her head. Her breasts hung close to his face and he resisted the urge to bite at her nipples and tease her. To earn some ire from her so he could punish her.
“Ah… I get it,” Nagito whispered with a small, cheeky grin. “I’ve been so boring. This is all my fault. I’ve been so good that I haven’t frustrated you and kept you engaged with me. That hurts, you know?” His fingers raised to catch her nipples, giving them a rough pinch. He savored the way she whimpered and shuddered in his grasp.
That little pout that he adored spread across Chiaki’s lips. “That’s not very nice,” she said, straddling his chest. Her knees locked at his sides as her hands caught his. “Why must you be so irritating?”
“Because I want you to be the Ultimate I know you are, Nanami-san…” Nagito’s mossy green eyes twinkled generously. “I want you to take control of me…I deserve to be controlled by you…”
Nagito ignored her snide behavior and cupped her full breasts. “I dream every day about being smothered by these. Your breasts make me want to work harder so that I pass out while I massage you.”
“Komaeda…” Chiaki’s eyes narrowed, a tint of pink rising to her cheeks. Nagito had to wonder. Was she getting more aroused the more he taunted her? The more he begged to be taken advantage of? Did she feel that undeniable twitch in her pussy? Did she ever finger herself to the thought of pinning him down and playing with his body like her own personal video game?
“Then I want to be on all fours and beg! I want to beg for you to smother me with your pussy next…Ah… is that too graphic? I can’t help myself…”
His fingers sank into Chiaki’s hips. “I’m hopeless without you, Nanami-san. When I don’t fantasize about Hinata-kun, I think about you. I want to be used… I want to be smothered…”
“Geez…” Chiaki huffed. Her soft eyes were watching every move of his skinny frame, drinking in his gallant gestures as he described being taken advantage of. “You really talk too much…”
Before Nagito could playfully jab back at her, her silky palms had cupped around his cock, teasing his shaft. He shuddered, arching his back until she squeezed him suddenly. The air left his lungs and he felt that pleasurable twitch continue in his loins.
“You’re throbbing hard for me, Komaeda… have you been holding it in for me?” She gave the skin of his balls a light pinch, drawing a small yelp from his throat. “Your balls are so full too. That’s… really pathetic…”
Nagito’s smile twisted. His eyes blurred with tears from the small jolts of pain. Yes… this is what he wanted.
“No touching m-myself… I’m yours… to play with…ha…”
Chiaki’s face was expressionless, unamused. With her delicate hands, she maneuvered his cock around to her liking, not caring if her movements were unpleasant. “Komaeda, your cock cream is oozing out early…” Her thumb dug into his cock’s slit, right into the salty excess drooling from the tip.
Nagito hissed in discomfort but nodded with that lewd smirk still on his face. “Pl…Please… I want to…”
“Me first.”
Without warning, Chiaki sat on his face and sighed pleasantly, placing her hands on his knees. He buried his tongue in between her folds, licking her gratefully like a needy dog looking for more attention and praise.
“Hmph… so slow…” Chiaki yawned, scooting back. She ground her pussy against his nose, letting him work to bury his tongue deeper inside of her. “Oh… you’re hungry…Ah-! Like that… yes! Lick there… I like it—!”
Chiaki had refused to move much for the rest of the session, insisting on smothering him completely. Nagito gripped her thighs, longing to touch himself and find release. But deep down, he knew that he was in pure bliss serving someone colder and demanding on top of him…
Oh, how he loved to be played around and denied…
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dislyteacolyte · 2 years
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The streets were littered with broken bricks and tiles, and from time to time groans emanated from people. Two women dressed as medical personnel hurriedly walked through the rubble.
Lauren: The damage to the city was severe! I wonder how bad the situation is with the injured… Ye Sehua: The Miramon that attacked the area had been driven away, and the residents were evacuated to shelters. Ye Sehua: But there were still injured people stranded. Our mission is to help them as much as we can. Lauren: Having suffered through such a brutal attack, they must be frightened. Lauren: As an resper, I’ll do whatever I can to help. Little Girl: Ooo… Lauren: Suhua, do you hear that? I can hear a child’s cry from that direction…
Suddenly, a shadow flashed out and rushed towards Ye Suhua.
Lauren: Watch out! Ye Sehua: Is it Miramon?! Tsk, looks like we’ll have to fight! Lauren: Wait, Suhua! He’s not a Miramon!
Lauren stops Ye Suhua, who was readying for a fight. The attacker in front of them turned out to just be an ordinary civilian.
He looked at the two of them warily, and angrily waved the dagger in his hand.
Male: Get away, you monsters!! Stay away from us! Ye Sehua: Sir, calm down, please! Lauren: We are Espers and we are here to help. Male: Help? What rubbish are you spouting now? Male: You are all monsters! You destroyed my home! Ye Sehua: …It’s heartbreaking that you lost your home, but the Union will try to compensate you. Ye Sehua: Please calm down. You could hurt yourself or others… Male: You guys did this! It was all your fault*
*actual text
Ye Sehua: We… Ye Sehua: Lauren, what are you looking at?
Ye Sehua looked at Lauren, who was staring nervously behind the angry man. A small shadow was hiding behind the man.
Ye Sehua: Is that… a child? Lauren: Little girl, are you hurt? Luna: Dad, it hurts… Lauren: Don’t worry. I can treat you… Male: What are you doing-- Stay away from my daughter!
The man stood in front of Lauren waving his dagger. Lauren spread her hands and approached him without any defense.
Ye Sehua: Lauren, watch out! Lauren: Sir, please trust us. We do have powers beyond normal people. Lauren: But we share the same purpose with you-- to protect the innocent people around us.
A burst of Energy erupted out from her palm, and gradually enveloped the man. The man waved his dagger wildly as he struggled, but then suddenly, his eyes widened.
Male: What happened? Is my wound… healed? Lauren: That’s my power, the power of healing. Lauren: Please let us pass. We won’t cause any trouble. We just want to help her. Male: … Luna: Dad… Male: Fine. But only you alone can approach Luna. Male: I will keep an eye on your partner. If you try anything funny, I will attack her.
Lauren looked at Ye Sehua, who responded with a warm smile.
Ye Sehua: Don’t worry about me. Go and treat her. I’ll be okay.
Lauren walked past the man and moved directly toward the girl.
Lauren: You’re hurt pretty badly. It must’ve been painful, right? Come, lean on me. It’ll feel better. Lauren: Don’t be afraid. You’ll recover soon. Luna: Ah… It hurts..
The healing aura envelops the girl and caused* her to groan. The man clenched the dagger in his hand.
*actual text
Male: What’s going on? What are you doing? Lauren: I’m using my Esper powers to accelerate the healing of her wound. It may feel a little uncomfortable. But I won’t hurt her. Lauren: I totally understand. I’m a doctor. Trust me, I will take good care of your daughter.
As time passed by, the girl’s wound gradually healed. She stretched her hands out to the man.
Luna: Dad! Male: Luna! Th-Thank you! Thank you both! And, I’m very sorry… Lauren: It’s all right. Your reaction was normal when faced such* a disaster. You’re a great father.
*actual text
Lauren: Please use the main road to leave. My colleague is on the other side, and she will assist you.
After sending the wounded father and daughter away, Lauren breathed a long sigh of relief.
Lauren: Whew. Fortunately, everything went well. Let’s find other wounded people. Lauren: What’s wrong, Suhua? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face? Ye Sehua: It’s nothing. It’s just that I realized your warmth towards others is a great power. Ye Sehua: You even managed to persuade such a stubborn father. I still have many things to learn. Lauren: He’s just an anxious father. I can understand how he felt. Lauren: Maybe being aware of that fact is more important than the power of healing. Lauren: --Everyone needs to be more empathetic in critical situations.
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pokegalla · 2 years
I Care About You
Ah yes can’t forget about Pokémon! Gender neutral reader. Enjoy!
“Has anyone seen (Y/N)?” Professor Laveton asked around.
Everyone shook their heads and continued on their daily lives. Laveton groaned worriedly as he grows more anxious. Adaman who came to visit the place noticed the professor in his perturbed state.
“Professor? What is the matter…?” Adaman asked.
“(Y/N) HAS GONE MISSING AGAIN,” The Professor shouted, “They keep going out to Obsidian Fieldlands but they are late! They’re usually back by now to join Rei and me for some Mochi….but it’s getting later by the minute and still no signs of their return!”
“I see….that is odd. Do not worry! I will go search for them,” Adaman said.
“You will? Thank you! Last I heard, they were heading to Obsidian Falls,” The Professor said.
Adaman nodded and began to head off towards Obsidian Fieldlands. The journey was pretty intense with all the ghost Pokémon up and about causing mischief to wandering travelers. Oh how Adaman wished he could use the Poké flute better….riding on Wrydeer would be a better trip then on foot….finally after a strenuous journey of avoiding hostile Pokémon and walking all the way across the land, he made it to Obsidian Falls. He looked around to see if he could catch a glimpse of the Galaxy member and….
He could hear laughter coming from the very top of the waterfall. He trudged up the slope and finally found (Y/N), flying near the waterfall with their Togekiss. Adaman watched, laughing to himself as the Galaxy member cheered their Togekiss and laughed excitedly when the Pokémon did incredible flying stunts. When they landed, they noticed Adaman as he waved at them. But….he looked so worn out. Before (Y/N) could ask, Adaman suddenly went slump. Luckily (Y/N) caught him.
“Adaman?! What’s wrong?! Are you ok,”
(Y/N) asked while struggling to set him down, “….is he asleep? Jeez I thought he was hurt! Tenshi can you help me get him to the nearest camp site?”
The Togekiss nodded proudly twirling before helping their trainer pick the clan leader up.
Adaman sat up abruptly, looking around to see he was in a tent. It was still dark too….how could he pass out like that?! Especially in the wild! And (Y/N)….he then remembered his initial mission: Finding
(Y/N) and bringing them home. He groaned realizing that he passed out in front of them.
“Real smooth Adaman….what kind of a leader passes out like that?” Adaman said to himself. And he did it right in front of the hero of Hisui, making him even more embarrassed. “I must look weak to them….”
“Weak to who?” Adaman looked up to see (Y/N), carrying some tea and some snacks.
“Great. Now they heard me talking to myself. Now they’re gonna think I’m crazy,” Adaman thought. (Y/N) stared at him, but said nothing as they passed him the tea and snacks for him.
“May I ask why you were out there,” They asked once Adaman finished.
Adaman scratched the back of his head, “The Professor was getting worried about you so I said I would get you back. Pffft he’s gonna get mad at you once he learns you were late cause you were playing with Togekiss again.” He had a joking tone but (Y/N) looked dead serious.
“….so this is my fault….,” They said quietly.
Adaman looked confused, “Huh? No this isn’t your fault….I’d blame my awful flute skills. I couldn’t use Wrydeer sooooo I just hiked.”
“You over exerted yourself just to go looking for me. If I had just told the Professor that I might stay too long, you wouldn’t need to do all this. I got scared when you passed out….,” (Y/N) admitted.
Adaman was surprised but he smiled. He sat up and hugged (Y/N), making them gasp slightly.
“I went looking for you because as a clan member, it is my duty to ensure others are safe….and as someone close to me, it is my duty to care for you. I don’t mind traveling far just to make sure you’re ok,” Adaman said backing away to look them straight in the eyes, “And besides having you take care of me is a lovely reward. It makes me happy to see you care just as much about me as I care for you….”
(Y/N) blushed, “Of course I do. Just….please don’t do this again. I’ll teach you how to play the flute as long as you don’t try and over exert yourself again….”
Adaman smiled and kissed their forehead, “It’s a date then.”
Rei and Laveton high five each other in the background.
Mai sighed, “Finally….let’s celebrate the new couple!”
“Yeah!” Rei exclaimed.
Laveton wiped a tear, “I’m so proud….”
Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Adaman were blushing in the tent after overhearing them. But they end up laughing and cuddling together.
211 notes · View notes
todoscript · 3 years
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SEQUEL TO  “don’t forget it”
SYNOPSIS: One week after accidentally blowing you off on your date, Bakugou Katsuki seeks your forgiveness.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
genre: fluff, very little angst
word count: 5.4k+
warnings: none really accept maybe a character sustaining an injury
author’s note: hellooooo this is a very very very late part 2 of my don’t forget it drabble that many people asked for! i hope this lived up to your expectations and was worth the wait!
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Since the events that led you to leave Bakugou’s room in a fit of bitterness after attempting to penetrate that thick head of his, he hadn’t been able to speak to you for a week.
It goes without saying he did his best to chase you down the hallway from his room and toward the elevator the moment he realized his faults. But at the stink eye you shot him through the minimizing slit of the elevator doors sliding into place, he knew he had no right to reconcile with you after pulling a stunt like that. Nor did he think you’d want to spare him any more words to begin with. It was clear you were done arguing with him.
“C’mon man, it’s probably best to let her cool down before you try to make up with her,” was the advice Kirishima offered when Bakugou returned to his room, disgruntled as he heavily fell back into his seat next to the desk. He did the bare minimum to acknowledge his friend’s words with a grunt before resuming tutoring the redhead, his method of teaching suddenly harsher than how it began thanks to his soured mood. He lapsed the day away by pounding Kirishima with problems upon problems against that hard noggin of his, both literally and figuratively.
At the very least, Kirishima earned himself a passing grade on their exam as a result of his hard work and their rigorous tutoring sessions. But what followed Bakugou’s and your relationship was still undetermined.
Days later and you were relentless in giving him the cold shoulder.
Bakugou was met with nothing but empty glances and blatant disinterest whenever he crossed your path. It felt like the wall you slotted between him grew another layer at each encounter, your defenses so impenetrable, it could give Kirishima’s quirk a run for its money. He couldn’t so much as utter a word in your direction without you effectively dodging every possible interaction in favor of joining another conversation nearby.
At first, Bakugou shrugged it off, calling your “childish attitude” unwarranted for something he thought was incredibly trivial. In his eyes, it was just an ordinary date at some run-of-the-mill restaurant he just happened to suggest to you because he took a liking to their spicy food. Not like it was some fancy dinner reservation serving caviar on dry toast beside a pretty, city night skyline. To him, it was nothing special.
However, as the week continued to roll by, it became clear to him how much he hurt you due to his selfishness. In a hangout with the Bakusquad, he learned that you apparently told Mina, along with the rest of the girls, everything during one of your girls’ nights. Which included the events prior to your heated argument in Bakugou’s dorm. And Mina, being just as peeved as you were at how Bakugou stood you up that day, had to let the blond know of the damage he’d done.
“I swear, Bakugou Katsuki, I know you can be an asshole sometimes—”
“Make that all the time,” Sero quietly adds in the middle of Mina’s rant while he lounges backward on Kaminari’s bed. If it wasn’t for his current dilemma, Bakugou would have elbowed him in the back of the head.
“—but this is crossing the line!” she finishes. Her arms are thrown exaggeratedly over her chest. The amber surrounded by the black scleras of her eyes points a beady look at the ash-blond crisscrossed on the floor between Kirishima and Kaminari.
“Poor girl sat there for hours waiting for you, only to find out she got blown off because you couldn’t even properly check your reminders!” She paces back and forth in the room, feet excessively stepping across the floor as she’s engulfed by the emotions she feels for her friend. “What’s worse? She comes back and finds out you’ve been doing your own thing with Kirishima the whole time!”
“Hey! It’s not like we were playing around! We were actually having a very serious study grind, thank you very much,” the redhead immediately clarifies. Though his explanation doesn’t alleviate Bakugou’s case in the slightest, who pounds his palms against the surface of the table they’ve gathered around.
“Look. I fucking get it, Ashido. I screwed up, okay?! Now what the fuck do you want me to do about it?!” he exclaims, anger overpowering his voice, but it does little to deter Mina.
“Fix it, obviously!” she quips back with equal fierceness, leaning in eye level with Bakugou.
“And how do you propose I do that, Raccoon Eyes? Hah?” Repositioning his elbow to rest on the table, he leans his cheek against his hand. “Y/n won’t even let me within five fucking feet in front of her and you still expect me ‘fix this’?”
Despite the situation weighing heavily on his shoulders, no immediate answer is bestowed upon him. That is, except the obnoxiously loud crinkle of a chip bag popping open next to Bakugou that cleaves into the scene like a record scratch. As if unable to read the mood in his own room, Kaminari fishes a chip to throw in his mouth, stirring the awkward silence into tension.
“Wow, Bakugou. I know you’re bad with girls and all, but you really messed up this time,” he remarks. His voice is slightly muffled as he munches his chips, continuing to wrinkle the bag for more. It incites a vein to swell on Bakugou’s forehead. He amasses all the willpower within him not to blast the bag of chips to ash, and the boy alongside it.
“If you dunce faces are just gonna sit here and throw salt in my wound then I’m outta here.”
“No, wait!” Kirishima catches Bakugou’s wrist before he fully lifts himself off the floor. “Come on, Bakugou, I’m sure we can think of something! We just need to put our heads together! Right, guys?” he assures. Finding it hard to deny his friend’s hardened conviction, Bakugou gives Kirishima the benefit of the doubt, albeit with slumped shoulders and a tentative raise of his brow as he slowly sits back down.
“Right! Everyone, let’s get some brainstorming done!” Mina yells encouragingly.
The atmosphere of Kaminari’s room is consumed by moderately thoughtful silence for the next ensuing minutes. A few hums pass, followed by an exchange of contemplative looks as four of the five rack their heads together to uncover a solution. The one in need of help only hunches in his seat, waiting with mild disinterest.
“Oh hey, don’t we have hero training with All Might tomorrow?” Sero is the first to comment, scooting to the edge of the blond’s bed.
“Yeah. So?”
“He said we were going to work on group exercises this time around. You know, teamwork and stuff,” he explains further.
At that, Mina snaps her fingers, the work of a brilliant idea flickering in her head. “Sero, that’s it! Tomorrow, during training, we’ll just form a group together with Y/n! After all, she’ll have to talk to Bakugou if you two are on the same team!” She claps her hands in front of her, her enthusiasm rippling through her body and shown energetically with each raise of her voice. “Then, while the rest of us ‘split up’ to cover more ground, that will be your chance to make everything better with Y/n! It’s genius!”
“You missed one fucking crucial detail, Pinky,” Bakugou gruffs. “That will only work if Y/n doesn’t join another group. The moment she sees I’m on yours, she’s not even going to hesitate making a u-turn.”
“Worry not~ I’ll just text all the girls except Y/n about the plan later and ask them to help sort everyone out!” She solves the problem with relative ease—quick as a click of her phone lighting up and finger sliding open to her messages.
“Uh, another thing though.” Kirishima raises his hand to spare his concern. “All Might says we’ll be splitting into groups of five at most, but there’s already five of us here.”
There’s a brief moment of deadpanning until Mina speaks casually. “Oh, that’s right. Kaminari. Take one for the team and make sure to join another group, ‘kay?” She settles without batting a lash.
Kaminari almost chokes on a mouthful of chips. “H-Huh?! What?! Why me?!!” he sputters.
“Because you’ve been eating chips this entire time and haven’t contributed to anything.”
“Hey, I offered the room, didn’t I?!” He tries justifying but is inevitably rejected by Mina’s wagging finger.
“Ah-ah, no complaints! Besides, it’s only one day of training. If we want this dilemma between Bakugou and Y/n fixed then we all have to play our part, got it?” Mina finalizes with a firm point of her finger nearly grazing the tip of the blond’s nose as he leans back to avoid it, eyebrows scrunched in discontent at the role he’s been reduced to.
“Alllllright!” Kirishima springs from his seat with outstretched arms and tightened fists. “Operation: Get Y/n to Forgive Explosion Boy is underway!”
“Dude, that’s a terrible name!” Sero laughs but rises from the bed to join the redhead’s cheer alongside Mina, the group already in high spirits.
Despite rolling his eyes at their swell of confidence, Bakugou does not object to the state of things. As crazy as it sounds, one could almost decipher the cusp of a grin pulling the seams of his lips as a possible sign he’s actually all for this extravagant little plan. Quite a first for Bakugou, but then again, there’s not much else he can do in this situation except rely on his pack of chumps.
Meanwhile, Kaminari grumbles something beneath the salty grit between his teeth.
“Alright, can you all get out of my room now?”
The scowl etched on your face carries a strong air of disdain that dampens the mood around your teammates considerably. Well, no one should be surprised. With Bakugou standing across from you, staring into the void of your expression, it’s to be expected that you wouldn’t be happy with this outcome.
No, “unhappy” doesn’t quite do your circumstance justice. You are beyond livid.
You feel your eyebrow twitch as you try quivering your lips to form a tinge of a smile. Unfortunately, all that quickly falls apart when you suddenly recall the disaster of last week, triggered by an accidental glance at Bakugou’s mug.
Trying to simmer down, you release a mental sigh amidst the turmoil boiling inside you.
Okay, maybe you’re over-exaggerating. Maybe you’re still just a bit too bitter for your own good and letting your emotions get to you. But in a class of twenty or some students, how did you end up in a group with the one person you were actively trying to avoid?
The moment All Might gave everyone the go-ahead to form their teams for today’s training exercise, you swiftly made a beeline toward two particular star students. Midoriya and Todoroki.
It was simple really. Your experiences throughout the school year told you Bakugou planned on staying away from his rivals when it came to teamwork, regardless of whether you’re there or not. He’s a competitive ass whose goal is to beat anyone he deems a threat in his climb to be the number one hero. It’s only logical you partner with people he adamantly dislikes to evade him.
Yet it seems fate has other plans for you today. By the time you found yourself pacing over to the two students you had in mind, they’d already gone and picked their own group members, forming teams before you could even ask.
Your nose wrinkles like you’ve taken a whiff of something rancid. Or, to be more specific, something fishy. Hooking an arm around Mina’s elbow, you drag the pink-haired girl off to a corner somewhere while tilting your head back at the three other boys.
“Ex. Cuse. Us.” Your words sound as stiff as cardboard. It comes out in practically a hiss when your eyes cross Bakugou. Once you’re positive you’re out of earshot, you whip your head at Mina.
“Mina, what the hell? When you dragged me over here to form a group with you you didn’t tell me he’d be there,” you groan. Childish and petty as you may sound, you just couldn’t fathom the idea of confronting the boy so soon.
Mina holds her hands out, ready to rationalize the whole ordeal. “C’mon Y/n, this is actually an advantage for us! With us four plus you on our team, we’re sure to knock the rest of the other guys out during training today! I mean we showed pretty good teamwork together at the sports festival, didn’t we?”
Steadying your gaze, you hold a finger below your chin as you slowly buy into the explanation. The reasoning is there. It’s hard to argue against a case like that, fully aware that being on the same team as explosion boy will easily snag good results for you and your party. ‘Cause as much of an arrogant jerk as he is, you have to admit Bakugou Katsuki knows his way around hero action like the back of his grenade gauntlets.
“Besides it’s not like you could avoid him for the entire school year. I mean, you two are in the same class. It was only a matter of time before you had to—”
“I know, Mina,” you interject, not wanting the rest of her sentence about the inevitable fall to your ear. “I just… Agh, you know what I mean!” You ruffle your hands through your hair in confliction, unsure how to piece your thoughts together.
Tilting your head over Mina’s shoulder, you sneak a glimpse at Bakugou, watching him as he’s cast to the side with the others. He’s fending himself from Kirishima and Sero’s combined jokes, that usual look on his face sending glares at the two and yelling something you could almost pick up on if you honed your ears a bit more. Surprisingly, when his eyes meet yours for a split second, he stands there looking nonchalant again. Both of you immediately avert your gazes.
Mina pats your shoulder, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. “I know, I know, but after this, I’m sure you can go back to ignoring his ass. After all, it’s just one training exercise, right?” she says. As her words deliver some relief to your ill-timed situation, you give in with a sigh.
Unbeknownst to you, turning your back to Mina and striding toward the rest of your teammates again, you miss the small glint in her yellow eyes, along with the subtle gestures she aims at the three boys, waving her pointed thumbs over your head secretively.
“So I take it you’re on the team with us, Y/n?” Sero asks when the two of you return. You nod in reply and the boy flashes his pearly whites in a wide grin that Kirishima mirrors. He nudges Bakugou at his sides which you subtly catch in the far corner of your eye.
You raise a brow suspiciously at their fidgeting, wondering why having you on their team warrants such enthusiasm, but you’re thankful for their energy at least. Someone has to lift the atmosphere for this not to be a complete drag and Bakugou surely isn’t going to be the mood maker of the group.
The blond scoffs. “Yeah, well, if you dumbasses are going to form a team with me, you’ll follow under my leadership, got it?”
The three readily agree. Though you roll your eyes, you don’t challenge his position, considering no one else is that much up to the task as he is. You’ll simply have to deal with the fact that you’re forced to tread through the day under his leadership. So with no objections, the five of you walk back to the class, gathering around the entrance of today’s battlefield.
Jumping into the activity, All Might goes about explaining today’s lesson to the four sets of teams—consisting of a group exercise to heighten teamwork. The name of the game? Capture the flag.
In short, each team will be split off into different sections of the labyrinth where their assigned flag is stationed. The objective is to not only protect your flag from being stolen but also try and steal an opposing team’s flag from their base and escort it safely to your home field. Nice and simple.
Not long after All Might’s explanation, the gate to the training grounds opens and you all scatter off into your teams, navigating through the twists of the maze to locate your flags. Once your group situated themselves onto your home base, you assemble in a huddle to devise a strategy before the game starts.
“So what’s the plan?” Kirishima asks, eyes darting around his teammates until they rest on Bakugou—the team leader. The ash-blond crosses his arms, a confident sneer plastered on his face as he’s already thought of his plan of action the moment All Might announced the mission.
“Easy. I’m going straight to the front-lines to swipe one of those dumbasses’ flags. You lot are gonna stay here and guard ours until I come back.” He delivers the strategy in a matter-of-fact tone that you quickly don’t take a liking to. Your fist curls in irritation.
“What kind of a plan is that?” you question audaciously, your voice louder than you intended. “So you’re just going to do all the work while we sit around and wait for you?”
Bakugou grits his teeth, leaning further into the huddle to direct his senseless logic. “Look, it’s the fastest and most surefire way to snag our victory without sacrificing anyone,” he says. Playing over his words again, he finds it surprising he even chooses to offer his reasoning. Because if it were anyone other than you he was arguing with, he’s certain he’d leave it at that.
Knowing the current tension between you was a result of his misjudgment, it feels only right for Bakugou to make an effort in communication. He ignores the antsy expressions belonging to the others who signal from behind you to follow along with their original plan.
You don’t seem to catch the hint, nor do you buy into his ridiculous strategy. “Oh, so you’re that confident you won’t get taken out by the other team then?” you quip. As a result, Bakugou’s brows tighten at your noncompliance.
“I know how to take care of myself. You of all people should realize by now that no other nerd in this whole damn class can outmatch me.”
“And what about an ambush? How do you know they simply won’t anticipate your strategy and see you coming?” You fire another counterargument and the boy purses his lips, beginning to find this quarrel spiraling into a headache rather than a step in the direction of reconciliation.
While Sero and Kirishima stand there, shifting their heads back and forth throughout the fiery exchange, Mina speedily reacts. The gears of that cunning mind of hers click into place again.
“You know what, Y/n’s right. Why don’t you two go together then?” she proposes boldly. Her suggestion catches you by complete surprise. You veer in her direction with an incredulous look blown in your eyes.
Before you can open your mouth to protest, the two boys standing beside her immediately back her up.
“Hm, Mina has a point. The chances of you falling into a trap wouldn’t be much if you two work together,” Sero remarks.
Kirishima follows, “Yeah, you guys can watch each other’s backs while going to collect the flag! It’s safer to go in a pair than by yourselves I’d say.”
The three seem adamant about the idea, sharing equally content expressions, and with all that said, you find it hard to dig yourself out of this situation. In a way, you practically volunteered yourself after questioning Bakugou’s plan and doubting his abilities. The group only feels it’s right you come along as his support since you clearly must be worried about his well-being.
Pushing your objections down your throat, you reluctantly agree to tag along with the blond. What you find exceptionally shocking is how Bakugou doesn’t oppose these new conditions. Given his hard-headed temperament, you thought he would’ve scoffed and turned his back at being paired without notice, but no such things were happening here.
“Tch, whatever. Let’s get going then,” is all he gives, starting in the direction into the urban area of the training course.
You trail behind him. “Coming, Boom-Boy…” you mutter the last bit but don’t suppress the urge to let your words be known. Bakugou turns his head and gives you a look akin to an uptight six-year-old you just offended at your local playground. You shrug in response, a corner of your lip pinched upward. He doesn’t pick a fight over the nickname, but his eyebrows remain fiercely slanted, and coupled with his heavy steps and the excessive swinging of his gauntlet-clad arms, it tells you of his emotional constipation plain as day.
The journey toward the other teams’ flags is cloaked in strained silence and the physical gap between you two does not encourage any of you to speak up. At this point, both of your levels of annoyance for each other have mellowed out. Now it just feels... awkward—strange. You don’t see his expression, nor does he see yours. It feels like you’re being left in the dark, having only the back of Bakugou’s head to stare at the entirety of the way, and though you supposedly have his back, Bakugou feels precarious in this state as he trudges along at the front, not daring to turn his head to cross your eyes.
The ambiance is reminiscent of the ancient Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice. Where Bakugou walks through the depths of the underworld, seeking you out in hopes you’d join his side once again. If he turns around now and spills his thoughts to you too soon, he fears that your forgiveness would be whisked away, thoroughly beyond his reach, and replaced with your promises of retribution.
That was the eloquent version of the situation anyway. To put it bluntly, Bakugou was just impatient as hell to say something to you. The silence suffocates him to the point where the words are nearly about to be squeezed out of his throat, but he bites his lip to snuff out the urges.
The more he keeps them in, the more fidgety he becomes, hands itchy and mouth trembling with grit between his teeth. The idea of not letting his voice be heard was something Bakugou detested. Mainly because it was already such a challenge to even keep his mouth shut, given his fiery attitude and lack of patience.
Man, what the hell am I hesitating for? he asks himself, that outspoken side of him spurring him on.
Ah, screw the uncertainty, he thinks. If he doesn’t say anything now, then he won’t get to say anything ever.
Bakugou stops in his tracks, turning his head. Here goes nothing,
“Hey, Y/n, I–”
Words collide into each other, jumbled and incoherent, which take you two by surprise as you meet each other’s furrowed gazes. It’s quiet as you both piece your way through this, eyes trained like you haven’t seen each other in months when the reality is that a week of bitterness has somehow made you act like strangers. The bewildered look crossing his features is foreign to you; you’ve never quite seen Bakugou as taken aback as he is now.
“You first,” you grant before Bakugou could mix up your words again. Even being given permission, the blond still isn’t sure what to say, his thoughts lost on him the moment his voice clashed with yours. He takes a deep breath, calming his senses and steadying his mind for what he wants to convey.
“Look, Y/n, I don’t know how to put this as nicely as I can,” he begins, tone consistent yet wary, assessing your expression, “but I know I fucked up and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you there all by yourself. I shouldn’t… have blown you off like that and forgotten about you.” He delivers this bluntly—honestly—as open as a boy of his nature can muster with arms spread out, willingly exposing him to his faults and your reprisals.
Looking at you, he finds your eyes are cast to the floor, assuming to be reflecting on his words carefully. After some deliberation, you come across the vermillion in his eyes.
“Frankly, I haven’t entirely forgiven you just yet. But I will say that despite how I’ve been acting, I’m not as mad at you as you think,” is what you give, and Bakugou would be lying to himself if he didn’t achieve relief at your statement. He mentally releases a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding throughout the exchange. However, you aren’t done yet.
“I just want you to understand what moments like those mean to me. It’s during that time where I can share my feelings and learn more about you—understand who you are,” you say. Bakugou latches onto every word. “And it goes both ways, you know. It’s hard to want to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t make an effort to make time for you.” It’s obvious you aim that comment at him as Bakugou’s eyes soften slightly hearing it. His calloused, glove-clad hands wrap into his palms. Man, he really was a jerk.
“Still… I know you’re making an effort to be sincere and that you’re genuinely sorry for what happened, especially considering how the others seem to have set this whole conversation up, right?” Bakugou winces over the Bakusquad’s ploy coming to light and makes a note not to follow along next time unless those dummies can scrape up a more elaborate plan.
Despite that, he presses on, “So, what does this mean?” A smile settles on the curve of your lips, sensing his impatience as his voice hastens you along.
“Well…” you begin, speech drawn out in anticipation as you step toward him to where Bakugou follows your movements. That is until he catches a few shadowy figures shifting around atop the small building behind you. Before you can open your mouth to continue, his instincts flare to life.
“Hey, look out!” he exclaims, already acting on his warnings by lunging forward to push you out of the way. Your breaths draw back into your lungs, your body thrust abruptly into the opposite direction. Landing on your butt, you wince at both the shock and the pain, but your whines desist when you witness Bakugou taking a force to the head as a result of coming to your aid.
“Katsuki!” you yell, immediately getting off the ground to rush to his side, but he can’t find it in himself to respond. Afflicted with a substantial blow to the crown of his head, his whole being throbs and his vision spins.
Fuck, is Y/n, okay? is the first thing on his mind, ignoring the liquid trickling down his forehead. His question is answered upon turning his head to meet your anxious expression—your eyes wide and lips quivering as they move to say words he can’t exactly make out beneath the pounding sensations consuming his mind. As he feels a set of arms wrap around him, he tries discerning his surroundings to form a reply, but can only capture bits and pieces.
“—tsuki! ...old… n!”
“...god—! I’m so dead!”
A sputter of words tangling together is the last he hears before his vision fades to black.
The next time Bakugou awakes, his eyes slowly sever open to come face-to-face with a blurry white ceiling. The lights assault his vision as his senses take time to adjust, unraveling the environment to realize he’s laying on a bed—a hospital bed to be precise.
He attempts lifting himself but is met with retaliation in the form of his pulsating head which he immediately flinches at. His hand goes to rub his scalp to soothe the ache and he finds bandages wrapped tightly around him. “What the hell happened?” The last he remembers is traversing the urban area with you for the capture the flag mission before finally confronting the subject that had been plaguing your minds for a week now. After that, he caught sight of some object descending toward you and before he had even realized it, his feet had moved on their own. Next thing he knows, he’s waking up in the nurse’s office with a headache from hell.
Wait, what about you? Were you okay? Surely, he had to have pushed you out of the way in time, right?
His head moves quicker than it should’ve, revealing the other hospital bed in the room to be unoccupied, vacant. He sighs and his relief is further bolstered by the door to the nurse’s room opening to unveil you unharmed with only your heavy look of concern troubling him.
“Katsuki, oh thank god, you’re okay!” you say, quickly pacing over to his side with a glass of water in hand. You leave it at his bedside, sitting before him. Gauging your appearance up and down, Bakugou tries making out even the smallest details.
“You aren’t hurt?”
You’re appalled he would ask this despite clearly being the one patched up in a hospital bed right now, and likely sporting some serious head trauma.
“Of course I am, you’re the one that lunged forward to protect me,” you tell him. Bakugou looks down at his lap, figuring that was what happened, but hearing it from you comforted him more than he thought. However, his comfort is wretched from him by the intense pressure persisting in his skull. Seeing him in pain, you urge him to lay down and rest.
“How the hell did I end up here anyway?”
You fidget with your fingers, hesitating on answering. At that, the blond lifts a brow, suspicious.
“Mineta… accidentally dropped a rock on your head.”
“...You gotta be joking, right?”
Bakugou leers hard, finding the reason he was out of commission to be a damn pebble hitting his head a detriment to his pride. And because of Mineta of all fucking people. Still, if he hadn’t acted as quickly as he did, you would’ve been the one to meet his fate instead, and he weighed this outcome to better than the former.
Then you explain how the teachers had temporarily intervened to bring his unconscious body to the nurse’s, where the old lady went about tending to his injury. Said she did her job and all he needed was to rest and let her quirk take fuller effect within that time.
“So did we win the game?” He switches the topic to today’s mission of capture the flag that was cut short on his end.
You shake your head, but at least grant him the benefit of knowing Mineta’s team ended up placing last. At that, his eyelids shut and he crosses his arms behind his bandaged head. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t my intention to win anyway.”
You give him a look. “...Liar.”
Bakugou cracks an eye open at you. “Hah? What do you mean I’m a fucking liar?”
“I know you, Katsuki. I dated you, after all. And the Katsuki that I dated is an arrogant, competitive jerk who thinks of being the best above all else.” Bakugou scrunches his nose, wondering what you’re implying through your... overly frank descriptions. “Still… he’s sweet and caring at times… and reliable when he needs to be,” you continue, tone softening that draws Bakugou in, “And the kind of guy I want to give a second chance to.”
Absorbing your words, Bakugou blinks. “S-Seriously?” He doesn’t mean to stutter, but the offer catches him off-guard. He replays what you just said. That’s what he heard, right? A second chance?
You giggle at how uncharacteristically astonished he sounds. “Yes, seriously.”
“Does that mean you forgive me for what happened last week?”
You hum between pursed lips in playful contemplation. “Well, maybe you can redeem yourself by going on another date with me then?”
Hearing your proposal, a wide grin arcs his lips, edging into a smirk.
“That’s it? Well, I can definitely fucking do that,” he states, confidence rejuvenating his body at the new, hopeful chance before him.
“Oh, just one more thing though,” you suddenly add.
“We are not going to that Chinese Restaurant again.”
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hellototty · 3 years
Head cannon/Scenario #1
(Prompt sent in by bunniesugarie, prompt being: wanting to surprise boyfriend with kiss but accidently kissing one of the other NEETs instead)
(Y/n) just won big at Pachinko and so being a good partner they decided to share the money with their pervert boyfriend, Osomatsu
When they got there they had knocked on the door three times but seeing as no one responded they decided to just go in
When (Y/n) entered they decided to head to the living room, half because they felt their boyfriend would be too distracted reading his p*rnos to answer the door and half because they wanted to sneak kiss him
When they came into the room they saw that the Matsuno's got a new green sofa and they also saw their "boyfriend" sitting on it with his face looking down
Suddenly however he looked up upon hearing them entering the room and that was when they decided to strike
And so they kissed their "boyfriend"
They heard a voice from behind them and immediately recognized it as being Osomatsu’s
But wait if Oso is behind them then who's...?
They immediately pulled away and noticed that they had accidently kissed Choromatsu, and that Choromatsu was surprisingly redder that the pine on their boyfriend's sweater
"Ah, sorry Choro-ppi. Shoulda noticed the lack of cowlicks."
However he was too shocked to answer back
Osomatsu went up to his brother and put his arm around his brother neck
"Yeah, but it's okay that you didn't notice, (Y/n). Anyway I gotta go make Fappymatsu into Fappydeadtsu."
And with that he carried Choro out of the room.
(Y/n) had started to take guitar lessons from their “cool” boyfriend, Karamatsu
And so they walked up to their door and knocked on it five times
On the fifth knock (Y/n) decided to enter by themself and came to the thought that maybe he was waiting on the roof to serenade them when they came but simply didn't see them
Well they simply couldn't have this; I mean he already did a lot for them, they felt
So instead (Y/n) decided to go to the roof and surprise him instead
When they got to the roof as they expected they saw their “boyfriend” sitting there
Yet going to the roof maybe wasn't their smartest plan, as due to their fear of heights they started to stager around
And that's when they accidently fell on him in turn smashing their lips together
'Well not exactly the way I wanted to surprise him but I guess this works.' (Y/n) thought actually being half right as they certainly did surprise their gray and blue clad boyfriend
They heard the distinctive deep voice of their boyfriend behind them, and with that they immediately pounced off of the brother they accidently kissed, very cat like
However that wasn't the only thing that was very cat like as the guy they kissed turned out to be Jyushimatsu who had his trademark cat eyes
"My little Jyushimatsu, what were you and MY belle Karamatsu darling doing?"
He asked with a bit of a possessive voice, before sighing
"No, that came out wrong, just (Y/n) what were you doing on the roof, if you missed me then that's okay, just don't do something reckless, okay my Karamatsu bunny, I just don't want you to be hurt. And bruzzah, we'll talk about this later."
(Y/n) had just bought tickets to Nyaa-Chans newest concert, and while they were alright on the singer they knew Hashimoto was a particular favourite of their otaku boyfriend, Choromatsu
They just arrived after the purchase of said tickets, '6000 yen just for some tickets?! If only Choro-ppi's interests were less expensive!'
They knocked on the door of their house four times, before deciding to just enter and get swarmed by the brothers
However when they entered, there was nothing of the sort
This somewhat relieved (Y/n) as at least they wouldn't have to deal with their tomfoolery like usual
And so they decided to head to their bedroom/personal living room and wait there for them to come back
However when they did go there instead of a bare room like they expected, they did actually see that one of the boys was still home
(Y/n) assumed that it would've been their boyfriend as he wasn't the most sociable and they knew that he had just recently bought a new issue of OPM, so he may have decided to stay home to read that instead
And (Y/n) really liked seeing his adorable embarrassed blushing face so what better way to be privy to that look than surprise kiss him?
So they did just that but they must have been too distracted by kissing their "boyfriend" to notice the loud bang of two doors opening, one being the house door, and the other being the bedroom door
"Jeez, what an asshole! He really lit my ass hair on- (Y/n)-Chan?"
(Y/n)'s ears immediately picked up on the annoyed but cute voice of their boyfriend coming from behind them and so they shot up like a rocket and looked rather bashful and ashamed of their mistake
"Ichimatsu… anyway wanna go to the pub, (Y/n)-Chan? Akatsuka knows I could do with a drink."
This immediately brightened their mood and soon after they went out of the house to go to the aforementioned pub, while Ichimatsu passed out from excessive blood loss
'I miss Ichinyah!' (Y/n) thought whining, as they had not seen their boyfriend since Monday (provided Monday was yesterday)
(Y/n) was on their usual walk when they looked to the left of their and saw an alley way
Now in the alley way, they saw someone with a bowl haircut and a hoodie on feeding some adorable little stray cats
However, the alley was much too dark to pick up on anything else apart from that
So with those distinctive clues they decided that it must have been their anti-social boyfriend, Ichimatsu
'Ichinyah? Ichinyah!' They thought as they ran up to their "boyfriend", loomed over him, and planted a kiss on his lips
They heard Ichimatsu's dreary voice from behind them say, causing them to turn around and say happily, "Yes?"
However immediately after that they realized that if Ichimatsu was behind them then who did they just kiss?!
"Karamatsu?" They said looking at the man's face and immediately noticing the shades that only he would wear in a dark alley
"Akatsuka-damnit, Shittymatsu! First you steal cats from me and now this?!"
Ichimatsu shouted more than peeved off, and this was (Y/n) knew they had to say something before this escalated like it usually does
"Wait it was my fault! I accidently kissed Kara-Kun!" (Y/n) said and Ichimatsu's face immediately softened
"Oh… Well, what were you even doing here? I thought you preferred dogs." Ichimatsu asked with a raised eyebrow
"Ichinyah, just cause I prefer dogs doesn't mean that I don't like cats, I mean that's like me saying that just cause I prefer you as my boyfriend means that I don't like your brothers as friends." This caused Ichimatsu to blush as he was happy to know you preferred him over his brothers
(Y/n) decided to take their dog out for a walk and decided to go to the park, as they hoped they would be able to run (most likely literally) into their happy-go-lucky boyfriend, Jyushimatsu
After taking a walk around the park maybe six times, they decided to go find a bench to sit down, when to their surprise and joy they saw their "boyfriend"
'Huh, weird that he isn't wearing his usual training gear but maybe he decided to go to the park for some other reason.' (Y/n) thought but they was certain it must've been Jyushi as they never knew any of the other brothers to enjoy the park
And so they went to walk over to him but last minute decided that a fun way to say hi to him was to surprise him with a kiss
And so before they sat down next to him they closed their eyes, puckered their lips, and went in for the smooch
They heard a voice from behind their shout as it came closer and closer, they knew that voice to be Jyushi's, but if that was Jyushi then…
"Huh, Totty? (Y/n)-Chan why did you just kiss Todomatsu? Well… I guess it's okay cause we do look similar from behind! Especially when we're wearing the same colour!"
(Y/n) was really happy that due to the adorable naivety of their boyfriend he just saw it as a mistake which, in fairness, it was
"Ah, Kiiro don't jump on him I thought I told you about this."
(Y/n) was currently in a Sanrio shop as they had a love of all things cute just like their devious boyfriend, Todomatsu
That was when they passed by the Hello Kitty section and saw a boy who looked exactly like their boyfriend
And so (Y/n) walked over to him and decided to wait until he turned around to around to surprise him with a kiss
Now, they figured that this wouldn't be a problem as Totty was never the type to mind PDA, in fact he enjoyed it and was happy to have a person as attractive as them show publicly display their love
Well let's just say today was different…
Anyway, as their "boyfriend" turned around they smashed their lips together
They heard Totty's catty voice from behind and with hearing that they immediately pulled away from the person they just kissed, and saw it to be Osomatsu
"Oso? I'm sorry about that."
(Y/n) apologized while Osomatsu's face became smug and flirty
"Oh please, if you can do that again it would make my day."
He said causing the youngest to shoot a death glare at the oldest
"Hehe, you're soooo funny Nii-San anyway, what are you even doing here?"
He asked with a scowl and raised eyebrow, well that was before (Y/n) turned to face him and his face immediately went to his usual expression
On the other hand Oso was nervous about explaining the reason why he was their in the first place
"Uh… Well, I guess there's no point hiding it, I'm a huge fan of Hello Kitty."
However instead of the deriving laughter he expected he instead got a smile from (Y/n) and a shrug from Totty
(Whelp, there you are my first ever scenario thing, I tried to make (Y/n) as gender neutral as I possibly could, and I would again like to thank bunniesugarie for sending the prompt in, but I would also like to thank you for reading it, well until next time feel free to request away, and Imma start working on memes)
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rexx-lapis · 3 years
His favorite little farmer// Bull!hybrid Shigaraki x Reader
-> You work as a care keeper in a farm specializing in caws and bulls hybrids. You love all of them but you just can’t help but caring a little bit more for your little Tomura, who in your eyes look so helpless. What you don’t know is that you’re not the only one having not so professional thoughts. So what happened when your favorite hybrid tells you he wants a mate.
Tags: Lot of smut and it’s intense. Bull hybrid Shigaraki. Mention of mating, of knotting. Anal, milking, prostate stimulation, use of toys, sub Shigaraki. Lot of cum. Dacryphylia. Jealous reader and possessive Tomura. Lot of fluff, they just love each other very much. Reader is gender neutral.
I’ve red @hanji-is-life post on bull Bakugou and Deku and I just got a huge brain rot :((
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Shigaraki could spend hours just looking at you. From his stable, he loved watching you work, you were so pretty. You were working so hard in the farm, always carrying something and taking good care of the cows. He loved you so much, and that meant a lot because you were the only farm keeper that he allowed to get close to him. None of the others could approach him without getting nasty bites and all. Every bull had their favorite keeper. Bakugou, Kirishima and even Midoriya had their favorite but in the end they all took turn to take care of the bulls. But not you. You were his one and only. No one was mad at him for that, not even you. They all understood. He wasn’t like the others, as he arrived in the farm in a pitiful shape. He was deadly skinny, hurt, and traumatized, unable to let a human near him. Mistreatments towards hybrid were current even more in farms. But farms like he was right now was the proof that it was possible to met good people. You had been the one to take care of him when he arrived, you fed him, washed him, made sure he wasn’t cold. You even slept in the stale next to him to make sure he was okay during the night. Slowly he had warm up to you, as he was becoming a bit more healthy every day. He was still not the biggest bull of the farm but he looked so much better. All because you took care of him. And you were so understanding, taking his defense and never pressuring him into having interaction with others. The only person he needed was you anyway.
“Hi Tomu, how are you today?
-I’m fine... And you?
-I am doing great! The weather is perfect today!”
He smiled slightly, so happy you were here with him.
“Do you want to go outside for a bit? I’ll clean your stable as you go outside.
-Can’t I just stay here with you?
-Tomu, you need to go outside a bit.”
But he really wanted to stay with you. He knew you needed space to work and that he’ll be able to see you soon but he couldn’t help it.
“If you’re nice after you’re time outside I’ll groom you!”
He finally nodded, excited to come back so you can take care of him. You lead him to the outside field, choosing one that was empty, knowing he preferred to be alone. You waved at him goodbye, your hand brushing his shoulder. His ears fluttered and he blushed slightly. He watched you go back inside, noticing how your hips sway from right to left. He couldn’t take his eyes away from your ass until you disappeared behind a wall.
“So you gonna do something about that little farmer or?”
He turned around seeing Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima, in the field next to his. He looked at the wood barrier that separated them from him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-Oh so she isn’t yours? You’re not interested?
-I didn’t say that”, he said firmly.
Of course you were his.
“Bakugou is right Shigaraki, look it worked out for us! I have no idea how, but somehow it worked out.
-It’s literally so easy for you, she is basically caring about you all the time.
Yeah! She is your personal keeper!”
He couldn’t deny the fact that he wanted you. So bad it sometimes kept him awake at night. Even more when he was seeing how the others all had their little mate for themselves. He was even more jealous when the rut season was coming in and that they all had their personal keeper to take care of it. That was maybe because they all were part of the breeder program. Maybe if he agreed to it, you would let him breed you. Just thinking about made him excited.
“You know how some of us had to battled to get them to let us claim them like that. Bakugou literally had to fight.
-It’s true, they had to put you in an isolated stable just because of it.
-He was in time out. Just like a little kid.
Do you want to die?”
Shigaraki stopped listening. But they were right. He needed to act up.
“Oi Tomu! Ready to go back ?” He turned toward your voice, to see you wave at him. He ran toward you, ready to go back.
“Guys, do y’all want to go back inside ?
-No thanks Y/n!
-Ok, be nice then”
You walked in front of him, and he realized how much you were swinging your hips. Maybe he was just noticing it now? Or maybe you were doing it on purpose? What if you were gonna go into heat soon?! No, humans did not have heat. Not that he knew about. He came back to a clean stable, a lot of food, and he even saw a few treats that were not supposed to be here.
“Shhh, don’t say anything. I don’t need to be accused of doing favoritism.”
He chuckled, getting ready for the grooming session. He couldn’t wait. And god he did not regret anything. Your gentle fingers were playing in his fur, detangling everything, you even braided the hair on his head , taking them away from his face. It felt so good. You applied the cream he needed for his skin condition around his eyes, smiling proudly. Your dropped to your knees in front of him suddenly, your face inches of his crotch. You were just checking his hooves, but fuck, he could feel himself get hard. It didn’t help that you started touching his thighs, squeezing them amazed.
“You become so strong Tomu, look at you”
Yeah he had become strong, for you, so you could be proud of him and proud to be his mate.
-I would like to become a breeder.”
You stopped your movement, staying silent.
-Y-eah sorry. Hm of course you can. It’s normal. You need a mate after all.”
Ah. There has been a misunderstanding.
“I have to go. I’ll let you know when we’ll start the program okay?”
You almost ran out of the stable, leaving him alone and sad. Fuck, why didn’t he simply told you he needed you. He didn’t need a mate, he needed you to be his mate. He felt like breaking the door and running after you. Maybe he should have followed Bakugou’s method and just tell you right up that he needed to knot you. No definitely no... He really hoped he didn’t made you sad, or that you were mad at him. It would kill him.
Your heart was clenching in your chest. What was even that pain? Why did you felt like someone had stabbed you. It was stupid, you knew that day would come. It was selfish of you to react like this. It was in his nature, he needed a mate. You already had blocked him enough. You still cried under the shower this same night. The next day you found yourself talking with your colleagues about it. Most of the bull who were used for reproduction, didn’t have any contacts with the cows. They often were violent and cows were too precious for this. But the softer ones had the chance to chose a mate and actually have a physical relationship with them. That would probably be the case for Shigaraki you thought. You needed to ask him what he thought of it. You arrived at his stable, surprised not to see him look at you. He was always up at this hour normally. You called his name, but he didn’t answer. Worried you opened his stable, just to find him laying down on the hay.
“Tomura is everything okay?”
You looked around, noticing he had not eat any of the thing you had gave him yesterday. Worried you kneeled next to him, touching his shoulder gently. He did not react, but you still heated a little noise. A sob.
“Tomu, love, tell me what’s wrong, please I’m so worried...”
He turned around a bit and you could see he had cried, his pretty red eyes puffy. You even noticed how his neck and under eyes seemed to be red, like he scratched it.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I made you sad.
-No, Tomu, you didn’t. What are you talking about.
-Yesterday. You left upset with me. I hate it. I can’t live with you being upset.
-I was not upset baby. It’s all my fault. I was selfish by reacting like this. But it’s totally normal to want a mate. Tomu, baby, you don’t have to care about me.
-But I don’t want a cow, I want you.
He sat down, looking at you in the eyes.
“If I told you I wanted to be a part of the program it just because I wanted you to help me. Like the others are doing. I don’t want to breed anyone. Just you.”
Your heart was going to explode. He wanted you, you thought. You heart was swelling from happiness.
“Y/n, don’t cry please” he cried out panicking.
“No baby it’s fine. I’m just happy. Fuck, I would love to help you.”
He took you in his arms, almost tackling you to the ground. All you could hear was little “don’t cry” coming from him.
You ended up leaving him alone, as you still made sure he was eating correctly. He suddenly seemed way more relaxed, even though you could see a deep blush on his cheeks. His little ears were fluttering and his tail was moving from right to left excitedly. You busied yourself all day, not seeing Shigaraki much. Bakugo and Midoriya had break into a fight and you and an other helper had to take them away from each other. Midoriya told you that his rut was going to come soon and that he couldn’t stand when Bakugou came too close from one of your colleagues. The worst was that Bakugou had no interest in them, he had his own favorite keeper, he just liked to mess with Deku. You decided that those two won’t be having any contacts until their rut had passed. You reassured Deku that his s/o was fine and that they’ll come see him soon. You put him in a stable far away from the others, where he would be in a calm environment. You finally finished your day way later than usual. You were exhausted and felt like you needed a thousand showers. But you still decided to go and see how Shigaraki was doing before going to sleep. When you arrived he was already looking for you, his eyes shining as he saw you getting closer.
“Oi Y/n! You look tired .... What happened
- We had to separate Midoriya and Bakugou earlier, they are going into rut. So I had a lot of work. It was a long day.”
You saw him look at you with more attention, his eyebrows knitted tightly. He looked a bit mad when he approached his head from you, his little nose pressed against your neck, you jolt in surprise when you felt the metal of his septum piercing against your neck.
“You smell like him....
-Like who?
-Well I worked with him so...
-I don’t like it. Normally you smell more like me...”
He never acted territorial toward you before. Maybe it was because of your new arrangement. You would need to talk to him about it, even if you new it was probably useless. None of the other bulls had been reasonable till now. You doubted he would be an exception. You finally left him, promising him to take a shower as soon as you were home and to come back the day after smelling all clean. You’ve never been that happy to leave in the house near the farm. A bunch of other keepers had decided to leave here together as it was cheaper and so close from work. You took a shower like promised and ate something before going to bed. Before going to sleep, you decided to do a bit of research. You knew how breeding worked. You had to supervise the thing a few time which had mortified you at first. Now you learned how to get detached and let the hybrids do their things while you were working somewhere else. But the “milking” part of the process kinda made you worried. You never had that much intimacy with an hybrid. You knew some of your colleagues had and that they even went further than just the milking. There was nothing wrong with that. It was actually pretty common between hybrids and humans. But you were a shy person, in that area at least. Thinking about just touching Shigaraki like that made a wave of arousal travel through your body. You didn’t know if you were supposed to feel like this. Maybe he wasn’t asking for this. He just wanted you to do this as a professional. And you were here, thinking about it as if you were talking about your boyfriend. After re reading the method a few time, the last thing you wanted was to hurt him in some way, you went to sleep, head full of a certain hybrid.
Shigaraki slept way better than the night before, but he was still annoyed about the smell situation. Maybe he should start senting you. After all you were his. He knew he was starting to get into his rut too. Soon every bull around here would be in the same situation. It was spring so it was expected. But this time he would spend it with you and fuck he couldn’t help but be happy about it. He woke a bit early so he would clean his stable, he didn’t want to make it look messy for when you’ll come. He knew it was ridiculous but he couldn’t help it. He even cleaned himself, making sure nothing was caught in his fur. He felt suddenly so hot, he couldn’t wait for you to come. Maybe it was the general tension in the air. Knowing that there was other bull in rut around here. It made him crazy. Why couldn’t you just hurry? Maybe you weren’t even gonna do anything today. What if he got his hopes up and you weren’t planning on doing anything today? He looked at how hard he was becoming, kinda embarrassed.
“Hey Tomu!”
He jumped at the sound of your voice. You looked so pretty today. You looked pretty every day but he couldn’t point his finger on what made you look so beautiful today. Maybe it was the way you styled your hair, the makeup you wore when you usually didn’t.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. Didn’t you hear me come your way?” You chuckled.
He had to have you, he thought.
“So Tomu, I wanted to ask you when you wanted to start the breeding program. Bakugou and Midoriya are already in rut, normally yours start soon after, doesn’t it?
-It’s starting I think...”
His voice was quiet and you could see the blush on his cheeks and how he seemed more tense than usual.
“Oh okay... I’m gonna take your temperature and I’ll see from there.”
You placed the little tube on his tongue, waiting a minute before looking back. Yeah he was definitely entering his rut.
“ Ok Tomu, I’m gonna get ready and I’ll be back. We should wait till you’re completely in heat to start. Do you need me to explain how the procedure work?”
You were speaking so much words and he wasn’t even listening to them. He could only concentrate on your face, watching your lips move. He took a deep breath and he could smell you. So strong. You smelled so good.
“Don’t leave now, fuck, I need you”
You seemed conflicted for a bit.
“Ok I’ll be back in a minute, I swear it’ll be quick but I need to get something”
You didn’t let him answer as you were already leaving. He was gonna die if you didn’t come back quickly. None of his rut had been that hard on him before. It generally was longer than it was intense and it took a all day to settle down. But today his entire body was on fire and he was already so hard. You ran as fast as you could toward the office. You had let everything you needed there. You never grabbed a bag so fast, the other hybrids were looking at you weirdly when they saw you running through the farm. You came back to Tomura’s stable finding him on his knees, his cock in his hand .
“Y/n... fuck please”
He looked so gorgeous. His cock was an angry red, leaking precum like crazy. You dropped to your knees, next to him trying to comfort him a bit. You needed to get him in position so you could prep him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to move. He couldn’t stop pumping his length, not being able to cum.
“Ok I need you to get on your knees baby, you can do this for me?”
He whined but still did what you told him. He was arching his back, his cute little ears were flat against his hair. His tail was swiping in the air almost hitting you. You took the bottle of lube, squirting some on your gloved hands. He was too far gone to see anything at this point but you still wanted him to know what was going to happen. You lubbed the the upper part of what looked like a suction cup, making sure the milking tool won’t hurt him. You touch his shoulder making him look at you. You almost moan when you saw his red cheeks, teary eyes, drool almost dripping out of his mouth.
“I’m gonna put this on you baby, are you ready?
-No I want you. Not that please Y/n!
-This first, I promise I’m gonna touch you, I’ll make you feel really good.”
He didn’t say anything, you were already grabbing him in your hand. He was so heavy, throbbing against your palm. Fuck he would feel so good inside you. You stroked him a few times not being able to resist seeing him cry and buck his hips in your hand. You placed the lubbed part against his tip, his eyes falling on your hand.
“What is it?” He asked his voice quiet.
“It will help you... stay stimulated...It’s the same process we used for the cows”
It indeed looked the devices that were used to milk the cows. You pushed it down his length, watching it get swallowed. You watched Tomura, watching his eyes rolled in his head, tongue out of his mouth. Fuck you wish that was you. You wish you were the one making him feel this good.
“Ok baby, now I’m gonna touch you ok?
-Yes more !”
He threw his ass in the air, his hooves hitting the ground hard. You touched his fur, silky against your palm. Your hand caress the curve of his ass, gently spreading his cheeks.
-W- why are you touching me there?
He didn’t had the time to answer before you push one finger inside. He gasped, throwing his head back.
« Y/n ! F-fuck »
You forgot everything when you saw him starting to rock his hips,your finger getting deeper inside him. You slowly put another finger in, his flesh already so tender you did not met any resistance. You crooked you fingers inside, your finger tips digging into his flesh’ hitting his sweet spot hard. He screamed, arching his back cumming so hard it made his entire body shake. He kept cumming as you didn’t stop moving your fingers.
« More! Please more! »
You added a new finger, the third one stretching him wide.
« Fuck, Tomura, you came so hard you’re so good. Your little hole is swallowing my fingers »
He moaned, clenching more and you looked at the tube seeing more and more cum dripping inside.
«  I’m gonna milk you hard love, you’re so pretty like this fuck »
The words were just coming out of your mouth shamelessly at this point. You knew it was not professional, but you couldn’t help it. He was driving you crazy, his pretty face was flushed, his eyes full of tears, lips bitten red and all wet with drool.
« I can’t stop! It feels too good, can’t stop- »
His voice was broken, and he was trusting his hips, making harder and harder for you to hold him down.
« I want to be inside you, please Y/n! Please! I want to cum inside- »
You wanted that to, so bad, but you knew you couldn’t right now.
« A little more love »
He was shaking from all his limbs. Your fingers started to get tired from all this, but with a final twist of your wrist, you pressed three fingers hard against his flesh, making him collapsed from pleasure.
« Too much, it hurts, please »
He was shaking on the ground, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. You stopped the movement with your fingers. You let him go of the equipment, finally freeing his cock. You looked at the machine, impressed by the amount of cum.
« Tomu are you okay? »
He nodded slowly, smiling as he felt your hand on his hair.
“It still feels good...
-I didn’t hurt you right?
You took him in you arms, laying in the hay with him, murmuring in his ear how much you loved him. He looked so vulnerable right now, but here he was, his face pressed against your chest, breathing calmly. You kissed the top of his head, smiling as well.
“I love you, my mate” he said, pressing his lips against his neck.
“I love you too.”
You looked down at him, seeing his eyes closed, his breathing study. You needed to take the material back and to start cleaning, but you felt so good right now. Maybe it could wait a little bit more.
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qtsickchiq · 3 years
with Ken Ryuuguji
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To lose someone he love is to tear his world apart. Losing someone is like losing hope of having a sane life, when he’s standing at the edge of sanity. It is like walking up to the stairs to his bedroom in the dark and thinking that there is one more stair than there is. His foots falls down, through the air, and there’s a sickly moment of dark surprise as he try and readjust the way he thought of things. He tries to pull himself together but the cuts stay fresh forever.
“It has been 12 years….”
“It is alright, Draken. You can cry I’m right here. Always here for you.” You whisper, taking a seat beside him.
“It has been 12 years since Emma’s death.” Draken swallows the lump in his throat, looking up at the night sky.
“I know.”
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You met Ryuguji Ken during your middle school years. It was the first day on your new school when you accidentally bumped into the tall blonde man who was walking at the hallway with his short friend.
“Watch out where you’re going.”
“I’m sorry.” You whine as you rub the back of your neck nervously, eyebrows pulled together in a clear show of apology.
“It’s fine. Are you alright though?” He asked concern in his eyes as he stared at you.
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You still remember the moment as if it was yesterday. Ever since that day, you would greet him every time you bump into him, giving him a smile and a wave. It didn’t take long for you to start hanging out with him and Mikey. You stay friend with him throughout the years. Honestly, you have been in love with him ever since you met him but a thought of confessing to him never crossed your mind. He loves Emma and Emma loves him. Draken only see you as his friend and not more than that. You respect that hence the reason you push away the thought of confessing your feeling to him.
You were there with him after Emma’s funeral, comforting him and letting him your shoulders to cry on. When Mikey left him, you were there to pick him up and snap him out of his dissociation. You’ve always been with him throughout these years. Draken always show his smile and his strong personality when he’s with his friends. But you could see past that, you could see a lot of pain behind his eyes, and notice the brokenness in his smile. You have seen him crying countless time and you don’t mind it. He has no one left and he needs you. It’s too hard for him to bear the pain of losing someone he love. You would accompany him to visit Emma’s grave anytime he needs. Whenever he needs a shoulder to cry on, with only one call away and you’re already there with him.
Draken has tried to do so many things in order for him to move on with life. He has met several women in his life and numerous one night stands but it seems like all of them doesn’t work very well with him. You tried your best to be there for him when he needs you. You would stop by his bike shop to pass him lunches. You are so used to accidentally interrupted Draken with his make out sessions with any random woman at the bike shop.
“Hey Draken, I got your favouri- HEY what the hell?” You quickly turn away closing your eyes with both of your hands. Your face turns bright red from seeing the scene before you.
“Ah Y/n, Just put them on the table there.” He smirks, waving his hand to the woman earlier signing her to leave, while readjusting his collar. You only able nod and smile to the woman as you see her leaving the shop in a hurry. That must be awkward as hell.
It breaks your heart too. No matter how hard you tried to be strong for him, you’re human too and human has feelings. You wish for him to open up to you and give you a chance to be yours. But you quickly push your thoughts away. Who are you again? Yes, you’re his friend. You don’t want to make him uncomfortable with you. You can’t bear losing him in your life. He’s your best friend. Draken has always been there with you from graduating school and to where you are standing now. You can’t imagine a day without seeing him. It’s better this way right? Right?
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You are snuggling under your comforter with your hands busy pressing the buttons on the controller of your video game. Suddenly, you phone start ringing. You glance to the device next to you to see who the caller is only to see it was Inui. ‘It must be something related to Draken’ you thought to yourself.
Your brows are knitted upwards in the centre, concern written all over your face as you press the answer button, “Hello?”
“Hey Y/n, Draken is drunk. He keeps on mentioning your name. Sorry but would you mind coming over here and pick him up?” You could hear the loud music booming from the other line. You waste no time as you hurriedly slips on your jacket and ran towards the bar they are having drinks at.
“Oh y/n~ my… hic… my favourite person…is here.” Draken grin widely when he sees you running towards him with Chifuyu and Mitsuya holding him side by side. You catch him in your arms before he stumbles forward.
“I’m so sorry about this.” You bow your head to the men in front of you.
“Please don’t bother about this. We were the one who insisted him to drink tonight.” Mitsuya chuckles as he helps you to drag Draken away from the bar.
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The moment he blinks your eyes he’s already in your bedroom. A frown on his lips and brows furrowed. “Y/n, what happened?” He sat up in the bed and look around, with his hand rubbing his head to ease the throbbing in his temples
“You passed out so the boys have to drag you here.” You passed him a glass of water. “You look horrible.” Only worry remains on your face. You reach up a hand to caress his face.
He took a sip of the drink. He let out a heavy sigh. “I see Emma.” He mumbles rubbing his forehead. Your eyes are wide open. “I thought you were Emma.”
Your heart reacts before your brain can fully process his words. You almost feel your heart drop. You can feel your eyes are filling with tears, your lower lip trembles. God, give me strength to bear this. I’m human too. You pray to yourself.
Draken flinch when he saw you tearing up, “Shit- what’s wrong y/n?”
“Why is it always her?” You mumble under your breath, your fist tighten around your dress.
Draken turn his head to face you. He raises a brow, trying to catch the things you were saying. “What are you talking about?” He stops, eyes wide staring at you.
“Draken, have you ever thought of me in your heart?” You whimpered, tears start rolling down on your cheeks. Fuck what am I saying?
“What the-” his sentence is being cut off when you suddenly push you lips to his.
You took a deep breath as you hold his face in your hands. “I love you Draken, I love you so much.”
“Wait- I can’t.” His troubled gaze came back to your face.
“Emma is gone. You deserve happiness too. Why are you doing this to yourself?” You brush your knuckle under the redness of his swollen eyes. “Please look at me too. Let me be in your heart too.” You pulled him closer in your arms, burying your face in his chest. “All I want to be is somebody to you.”
Draken gently push you away. “I’m sorry.” He gets up from you bed heading straight the door without even glancing back to you. The moment he leaves, you stare blankly at the wall. You began to cry, you sob muffled as you leaned forward against your arms, hugging your knees. “Why did I do that?” you murmur to yourself. Draken let out a heavy sigh as he plops down in front of your house door. “Shit” he curses while ruffling his hair, hands slightly trembling. He loves you too, but he can’t do that fearing that he’ll lose you too. He had enough. Everyone he ever loved ended up hurt or dead.
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How many days has it been now since he last saw you? He lost count already. He sighs as he put down the wrench he’s holding and staring straight at the bike in front him. You haven’t come to see him at all since that day, he missed you. Of course, there’s no way you would come and see him now. He hurts you.
A voice greets him from behind, “Hey.” He turns his head to see Mitsuya standing there.
“Oh Mitsuya, what’s up man?” He gets up from his position, wiping the dirt on his hands with a towel.
“I was talking to you just now but it seems like you’re busy in your own thought.” Mitsuya give a curious stare at him, brows knitted together before a grin emerged on his face
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t hear you earlier.” Draken shrugs, running his fingers through his hair.
“It’s fine, anyway are you okay? Inui told me that you have been staring a lot lately.” His brows creased in worry. He pulls one of the chairs at the workshop as he sits crossing his legs facing Draken.
Draken takes a seat beside the lilac hair man. Letting out a heavy sigh as he continues telling Mitsuya the whole shits that has been going through his mind. Mitsuya is focusing himself with the whole story, sometimes his lips part open from the story. “And she has been ignoring me now. It’s my fault anyway.”
A scowl appeared on Mitsuya’s face, “You mean that all these years she-”
“Yeah.” Draken bows his head, staring down. It was as if his head was heavier than usual.
Mitsuya places a hand on his shoulder, “She love you deeply man.” He raises a brow, clicking his tongue. “Man, I have to tell you this. You deserve happiness too.” Draken lifts up his head, his gaze met Mitsuya’s. “I believe Emma thought the same way too.” Mitsuya grins as he continues, “It’s never too late.”
Draken tried calling your number but only your voicemails greet him. “Shit y/n I’m so sorry, please pick up the phone, I need to talk to you.” He sighs wishing that you would hear his voicemails. It’s fine if you hate him, but he needs one more chance to tell you everything, just one more chance. After that, he’s fine if you decided to leave him. It’s his fault anyway. He can’t help but to pace back and forth, biting his lips. He wastes no time as he grabs his motorcycle keys.  
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You are walking down from the train station, on your way home from your office. You sigh as you check your phone looking at the amount of missed calls and voicemails coming from him. It has been days since you last saw him. You missed him too, but you were too ashamed to show yourself in front of him after what you’ve done. You accidentally confessed to him out of nowhere and what even worse is, you forced your kiss to him. AAAAAAA you scream to yourself as you slaps both of your cheeks hard making the other people at the station staring at you with a confuse look. There is a mother pulling her daughter closer to avoid you. You rubs you red cheeks as you huff your cheeks and lips forming a pout. You can’t face him now. “I would rather dig my own grave rather than seeing him now.” You mumble to yourself.
“Found you.” You have never ever turned you head as quickly as this time. You can hear a snap from your neck. Ouch.  There he is landing his back on his bike behind you with a smirk on his face. God, why are you doing this to me? Am I not being nice in my life? Is this the punishment I deserve after what I’ve done?
Your brows knitted together, “How- how did you-” You point your finger to him, trembling as he walks towards you with hands in both of his pockets.
“I can hear your screaming from there. Why are you acting like you are seeing a ghost?”
You quickly turn your body and decided to run for your life, with your heels? Yes with your freaking heels. But before you are able to sprint away from him, you can feel his big hand holding you waist gently pulling you closer to him.
“I’m so sorry! I’m sorry, please let me go!” You scream, trying to push away his grip from you.
A deep furrow ran across his forehead, gaze trailing down to you. “What the fuck are you saying?” He is damn confused now.
You place your suitcase on top of your face, in hoping to shield your bright red face from his stares. “I didn’t mean to say that. Please forget everything I’ve said before.”
“What- I’m glad you said that.” He lets out chuckles as he pushes away your suitcase from your face. He rubs your red cheeks gently, “I’m sorry for hurting you before.” You narrowed your brows at him. He pulls your face gently to his, “It’s not like I hate you anything. It’s just that I feel like I don’t deserve anyone in my life.” He sighs. “I love you too, but I still think of Emma sometimes and I’m sorry.”
“I’ll wait for you. You don’t have to feel sorry. Take as long time you need.” He freezes. You took a deep breath. “I mean after all I’ve been waiting for years already.” You whisper as you look down at your feet while twiddling with your own fingers. He arched a brown in amusement and let out giggles as he stares at you.
“I know and I’m sorry.” You can feel his fingers sliding down to your hair, gently tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ears. “But, you’re indeed special to me and I can’t bear to lose someone in my life again. You have been a wonderful girl to me ever since the time that I have known you.” He continued as his intense gaze fixed on you. The you he now loves, the you who is always there for him and the you he promises himself to protect. “You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” You can feel the tears start to fall down on your warm cheeks. His arm is sneaking around you waist gently to hold you closer to him “That’s my reply to your confession that night.” His lips slowly curving up into a smile as his warm lips brushed your forehead, peppering it with kisses.
“I love you, Draken.” You began to cry, you sob muffled in his chest.
“I know.”
“But, I love- I love you so much.”
He lands his forehead to yours and gently wipes away your tears with his fingers. “I know. I love you too.”
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yours truly @qtsickchiq​​
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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willwriteforhugs · 3 years
i wish i’d never met you- choi jongho
boyfriend! jongho x reader - one shot!
word count: 1.8k
genre: angst, pain
synopsis:  your idol boyfriend finds out that you’ve been getting hate for dating him, and you’ve been hiding it this whole time. this doesn’t sit well with him...
warnings: death threats, arguing and yelling, cursing
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a/n: this hurt so much to write i’m sorry
so i feel i should put a sort of disclaimer- this fic involves the mc receiving some pretty serious threats and hate content, and i just want to say: this sort of behavior is absolutely not okay in real life, or even fiction. i wrote this as a way to express my anger towards fans who act in this way- sending hate and threats to people you don’t know is horrible and completely fucked up. i just don’t want anyone to misunderstand and think i’m condoning this behavior. it’s very destructive, and unfortunately very real.
on a lighter note, i do hope you all appreciate this fic. it was hard but incredibly entertaining to create. thank you for reading <33
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your keys jingled as you struggled to fit your house key into the lock. stupid lock. you jiggled it harder, finally hearing the telltale click. your apartment complex had never gotten around to replacing it, though they said they would.
you sighed as you entered your home. it had been a long day, but you were looking forward to tonight. your boyfriend, jongho, finally had a night off. he'd been so busy lately... of course, you knew this was just how it was. dating an idol was a lot of work, and one of the downsides was the lack of one-on-one time. but jongho was supposed to join you at your small condo in only a few hours. so you kept your head up.
your relationship with ateez's beloved maknae had gone public recently. dispatch had caught you. you can still see the headline: "ateez's jongho spotted out with female office worker- to be or not to be?" jongho had been furious, apologizing profusely. you'd told him it was alright, though. after all, you weren't an idol. this couldn't possibly turn into much of a scandal. you will admit that you had been nervous about the public knowing- but it had been two weeks already, and not much had happened. (well, there was one exception, but you had convinced yourself it wasn't a big deal.)
you had picked up the mail on your way into the building, and you now set it on the counter, ready to filter through it.
you spent the next few minutes sorting the mail into piles. bills. ads. more bills.
then, a letter. your address was scrawled in pencil on the envelope, and there was no return address. you flipped it over, dread beginning to claw up your throat. you peeled the envelope open and pulled out the single sheet within. your hands trembled as you read what was typed:
"bitch. i told you to kill yourself. don't make me do it first. you can't just traipse around dating idols, you fucking whore. who do you think you are? you should be scared, knowing i have your address. kill yourself already. i shouldn't have to ask."
your breath came in shallow gasps. your heart threatened to pound out of your chest. this was the fourth letter you'd received. frantically, you shoved the letter back into it's sleeve, then sank to the ground.
the letters were the exception. you didn't know who was sending them. all you knew is that it was scaring you. you prayed it was a hoax. in fact, you'd been convinced that the first one was. but this was the fourth, and you were no longer thinking this was a joke.
suddenly, your cell phone rang, scaring you so hard you jumped. you stood up and left the room to go get your cell. and for a blissful few hours, the letter was forgotten.
- - - 
you were in the bathroom reapplying makeup when you heard him come in. 
“jongho-yah!” you called. “i’m back here!”
a moment later, your boyfriend rounded the corner, looking beautiful as ever. his dark hair was in a fluffy, wavy style today, and he was barefaced. you smiled as he came in, wrapping his arms around you from the back.
“y/n-ah.” he mumbled, his face buried in your hair.
you turned your head, hoping for a kiss. “hello.”
he responded by pressing his warm lips to yours. he ended the kiss quickly, pulling away to look you in the eyes. when you didn’t say anything, he did it again, this time lingering. he parted your lips with his own, and let his tongue brush the inside of your mouth.
this time you were the one who pulled away. “woah there, tiger.”
his face flushed. “i’m sorry, i just missed you.”
“i missed you too.”
he smiled and the two of you exited the bathroom, heading back out to the main room. 
“are you hungry?” he asked, suggesting buying take-out.
you told him not yet. for a few minutes, the two of you made idle conversation, considering how you were going to spend the evening. 
out of the blue, you were overcome with a sudden chill. you shivered, running your hands over your bare arms. “hold on, babe. let me grab a sweatshirt.”
you slipped into your bedroom, seeking out your favorite black hoodie. (stolen from jongho, of course.)
when you emerged from your room, you saw your boyfriend standing at the kitchen counter, mindlessly thumbing through your mail.
your mail.
the letter.
you gasped, rushing to where he was standing. your sudden movement startled him, and he stepped back. frantically, you snatched the envelope off of the surface of the counter. 
jongho raised his eyebrows. “what was that?”
“nothing.” you answered too quickly, and his brow furrowed. 
“baby, are you okay? where is the letter from?”
“it’s not important.” you snapped, reaching to shove it in the trash. before you could get it in, though, jongho had slipped the letter from your hand.
“jongho!” you yelped. “wait, please-”
but it was too late. he had gotten the letter out, and his eyes were already scanning the page.
a beat passed, the room filling with thick, insufferable silence.
then, finally, he spoke. his voice was low. 
“what the fuck is this?”
you squeaked, reaching for the letter again. jongho spun around, grabbing your wrist midair. 
“y/n-ah! what the hell is this?!” his voice had risen.
tears threatened to spill over your cheeks. “it’s nothing, nothing! it’s just a joke, i promise-” 
he cut you off. “y/n-ah.” your boyfriend’s voice broke. “is this the first?”
your vision blurred.
what were you supposed to say? that it wasn’t? that the letter was only the most recent, but you’d never told him? how do you tell the man you love that you’d been lying to him? 
“y/n.” you’d never heard jongho speak with so much emotion. “how. many.”
your voice cracked as you responded. “this is the fourth.”
jongho’s face splintered. “the fourth?” he whispered, his voice foggy. his eyes were unfocused. a beat passed, then; “why wouldn’t you tell me?”
your knees threatened to buckle. you didn’t want him to know for so many reasons. because you loved him. because he loved you. because you didn’t want him to worry. because you didn’t want to get him in trouble. because you didn’t- 
“what the hell is wrong with you? why wouldn’t you tell me?”
in that moment, you swore you felt your heart crack.
the room was once again filled with a suffocating silence, strangling you as he turned his thoughts over.
finally, he spoke, the realization having hit him.
“you didn’t want me to worry. to blame myself.”
somehow, even though the sentences themselves seemed kind, your boyfriend’s tone practically dripped in venom. you looked back up at him, vision blurry, but he plowed on.
“y/n, that’s not how relationships work. why would you hide this? why would you put your health, your happiness-” he stuttered, having a hard time voicing his emotions. “your fucking safety! your life, goddammit! why would you rather risk that than worry me?!”
something in his voice began to anger you, and you snapped back at him, surprising the both of you.
“because, jongho! because i fucking KNEW-” you slam your finger into his chest. “i knew you’d blame yourself, just like you are right now!”
“i blame myself because it’s my fault!”
“how?!” your voice rose to meet his. “how the hell is this your fault?”
“because it’s me! i’m the issue here!” he seethed. “if you were dating any normal guy, this wouldn’t happen. “but no. i was the one who fell in love with you, and now you carry around a weight you never asked for.”
you inhaled sharply, responding before you could even fully absorb his words. “but i chose you, too! i love you, and i’m willing to carry that weight, i always have been!”
“but that’s not the point! the point is that in the end, this!-” he gestured angrily to the letter. “this is because of me. and i hate it. because you know damn well who those come from. they come from crazy fucking people who don’t want to see you with me.”
you sighed, indignant and angry. “i don’t see why it has to be your problem! that is my fucking name on the letter, not yours.”
“but you wouldn’t be getting shit like that in the first place if it weren’t for me!” a beat passed and suddenly his whole body seemed to deflate. “it’s my own fucking fault for loving you.”
you couldn’t possibly think of how to respond.
“you... you get so much shit for being with me, and you know it won’t stop. i’ve made your life so much harder than it has to be.”
you opened your mouth to protest, but your boyfriend plows on.
“if only i wasn’t part of the equation- this would be unthinkable then.”
you felt ravaged. like you were dangling on the edge of a cliff, barely holding on. once, jongho had been your support. your rock. now- now you felt the air beneath your feet, sending chills through you as your heart hung by a thread. 
“god.” he put his face in his hands. “god, sometimes i just wish i’d never met you.”
the thread snapped. you let go of the cliff.
you fell.
you inhaled as the brutal words hit you. they entered like a smooth knife, only to be jerked and twisted in your gut. you took a step back, silent tears streaming down your face.
jongho instantly realized his mistake, his face paling. “y/n...” his voice was almost a whisper as he neared tears himself.  “you know i didn’t mean it like that,” he took a hold of your wrist, and you jerked it back.
“no.” you managed. your voice was scratchy and hoarse. “no. you did.” 
you couldn’t look him in the eyes. turning away, you stumbled towards your front door. without stopping to think- to think that it was already late, to think that you were leaving your own apartment- you shoved on your shoes and left. you didn’t even take your cell phone.
- - - 
back in the kitchen, jongho’s knees buckled, and he sank to the ground. a moment passed. then he put his head in his hands, and for the first time in ages, he sobbed- letting the world swallow him and his feelings whole.
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
The OM! Boys + doing body shots with you
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This ended up WAYYYY longer than I intended (basically a fic bullet pointed), but OH WELL. It was fun to do! Thanks for the suggestion, anon.
w/fem MC
To be fair--this is all Solomon’s fault
Well, not entirely. Mammon and Asmo had been the two to convince the group of demons, humans, and angel (singular) to go out drinking.
(Barbatos had offered to give Luke a baking lesson that night, so it proved to be the perfect opportunity--making it far easier to convince Simeon to come along).
The drunken shenanigans can all be blamed on Mammon and Asmo.
But Solomon is the one who brings up the possibility of doing a body shot.
With you.
And because you’re already tipsy, and in the mood to have fun, you say why not.
This is how you end up laid out on the bar counter--holding a lime in between your lips as Solomon rolls up the hem of your tank top and grabs a bottle of tequila.
It’s not until the sorcerer is already leaning down to do the shot that the demon brothers notice the scene.
However, they’re so stunned by what they’re witnessing that all they can do is watch--their eyes following Solomon as he licks a small patch of salt above your navel, sucks the alcohol from your belly-button, and then moves up to take the lime from between your lips--a devilish grin on his face as he does so.
The brothers are unsure if they should be mad, or turned on, but one things for sure--
“Me next!”
Mammon bounds forward, his face red. From alcohol, embarrassment, or both you’re unsure.
Blinking, you turn your head to the side, and realize that all of the sudden, you have a line of demons waiting to get their turn at a body shot.
“Oh my god,” you throw an arm across your face, feeling a little warmer than before. You had not anticipated this outcome, and now you’re a little flustered.
You laugh. “You all seriously want to do a body shot??”
You pointedly look towards Satan, Levi, and Lucifer--in disbelief to see them crowded around you. After all, they hardly seem the type and yet--
“If you’re offering, we’re drinking,” Satan responds, brushing his hair away from his forehead. His eyes flash excitedly--playful grin on his face--and you’re suddenly wondering if allowing Solomon to use you for a body shot was the right decision.
Solomon is one thing, but 7 hot demon brothers whom you’re quite fond of getting up close and personal with you?? You may actually combust.
“You know what--,” you sit up and snatch the bottle of tequila from Solomon’s hand, taking a long swig. The alcohol burns your throat, but it feels heavenly--washing away your current nerves.
Now determined, you lay back down on the bar and hand the bottle back to Solomon. “Pour a shot, wizard boy.”
He laughs, but nonetheless accepts his role as drink pourer--once again filling your navel with alcohol as Mammon steps up to you.
His tongue darts out to lick his lips as he stares at you, and you grin.
“W-What?? Me?? Nervous??” He scoffs and huffs, and denies your question--only shutting up when Solomon sprinkles a bit of salt on your torso. Now, the set up is complete.
Coughing, Mammon takes a deep breath (mentally prepping himself, how adorable), and then leans down. His tongue drags against your skin--lips suctioning against your belly button, and then his face hovers above yours. He hesitates in taking the lime, so you press upward--your lips briefly touching as you attempt to transfer him the slice of fruit.
Mammon immediately freezes, and you half expect him to jump away in shock. Instead, his eyes darken and his hands lift to grip your head--likely to pull you in and fully kiss you. However, just as his fingers skim your cheeks, he’s suddenly yanked away--the lime being pulled from between your lips.
“H-Hey!” Mammon protests, but Beelzebub has already stepped into the batters box, and any of the second oldest demon’s complaints go unheard.
It’s clear by the look in Beels’ eyes that he’s very excited for this (and honestly, you’re already aware of his oral fixation, so it doesn’t surprise you).
As Solomon pours yet another shot, Beel takes the liberty of grabbing the salt. Rather than keeping it in one area, he sprinkles the crystals in a long line across your torso.
“Okay?” he asks, gently placing a new slice of lime between your lips. You nod, your heart fluttering a little. You can tell that he’s hungry.
With your permission, Beel tilts downward and flattens his tongue against your abdomen. He works slowly--and you’re almost certain that he’s determined to taste you along with the salt.
“Mm!” you squeal when you feel his canines scrape against your skin--teeth threatening to sink in.
“Beel,” Belphie sighs from somewhere nearby, and the Avatar of Gluttony giggles.
“Sorry, couldn’t help it.”
He finally moves to drink (what’s remaining) of the shot from your navel, and then leans over you--taking the lime from between your lips. He pulls back with a satisfied smile--his cheeks a little pink, and you try and convince your heart that it needs to stop beating so damn fast.
“Me next~,” Asmo hums, stepping up. Once again, Solomon pours a shot. Asmo grabs the salt, but unlike the others, opts to put it below your navel--taking the liberty to inch your pants down in order to do so.
You shoot him a warning look, and he feigns hurt.
“What? I only moved them a little!” He pouts, and you sigh, waving your hand. He takes that as the go ahead, and giggles happily.
Leaning down, he presses a hand to your hip and then drags his tongue across your skin. Quickly after, he takes the shot--his fingers dragging up the damp skin of your stomach to rest against your waist as he moves to meet your lips.
Asmo is purposefully slow in retrieving the lime--giving your naked waist a little squeeze before he finally retreats, humming to himself merrily.
You take a second to breathe--just now realizing what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into--when Belphegor steps up beside you.
There’s a playful glint in his eye.
“I want to do mine a different way,” he says, reaching for your wrist. He helps you sit up--your legs swigging to dangle off the front of the bar, and you blink at him in confusion.
“Give me a shot in a glass,” Belphie comments offhandedly to Solomon. As the sorcerer complies, the Avatar of Sloth takes a dash of salt, and rubs it near your collarbone.
Before you get a chance to ask what he’s planning, he lifts a lime slice to your lips. You take it, still watching in confusion as Belphie grabs the tequila filled shot glass from Solomon.
Smiling cheekily, he motions to your chest and then the shot glass.
“Would you mind...?” he trails off, making a squishing motion with his free hand, and you feel your face heat up.
“Really,” he responds, grin widening, and you huff, but nonetheless raise your hands--pressing your tits together around the shot glass once Belphie has placed it.
Mammon instantly is throwing a fuss in the background, complaining about how “I DIDN’T KNOW WE COULD DO IT THAT WAY!”
“Then use your brain a little, dumbass,” Belphie responds with a snort, and then leans in laps his tongue against your skin. Once again, you resist the urge to shiver--the skin near your neck far more sensitive then that your stomach (and you’re almost positive that Belphie is aware of this).
A moment later, Belphie wraps his lips around the shot glass and jerks his head back--his hand lifting to pull the glass from his mouth. Once his mouth his free, he leans in steals the lime from between your lips.
“Thanks,” he comments happily. You rolls your eyes at him, but pause when the next brother steps up.
Levi already looks like he’s morphing into a tomato as he stares at you (or, more specifically, your chest). There’s a mixture of excitement and embarrassment in his eyes, and you decide to help him out a little.
“Here,” you say, sprinkling a little salt on your collar bone, and then grabbing the shot from Solomon. You pass it along to Levi, flashing him a reassuring smile as you press your breasts together slightly.
“Will you place it?”
Levi nods whilst licking his lips, and does as asked. Soon enough, you’re ready for him to begin. It takes him a second to work up the courage, but he ultimately leans in--tongue licking against your skin in a quick swipe that has you jumping at the sensitivity.
If Levi notices, it doesn’t stop him. He briskly secures his mouth around the shot glass and leans back--his body shivering uncomfortably as the alcohol burns his throat. Releasing a pained breath, he hesitates a moment before leaning in and snatching the lime from your lips.
“Wow, never thought I’d see the day,” Belphie comments from somewhere in the background, and you’re sure if Levi could get any redder, he would.
“Yo,” Satan greets with a delighted smile as he steps up to your side. You laugh, rolling your eyes a little.
“C’mon, let’s get this over with so I can rinse all of this sticky liquor off of me.”
“Don’t sound so excited,” he comments sarcastically, which makes you giggle. Soon enough, another lime is between your lips, with more salt sprinkled against your skin.
“Ah, I didn’t even ask if you wanted it this way,” you realize, mumbling around the fruit slice. Satan’s eyes sparkle--watching your chest a little too closely as you press your tits around freshly filled shot glass.
“Oh this is perfectly alright with me.”
You debate kicking him, but don’t get the chance. Satan has already leaned down--his tongue flattening against your skin. You gasp when he nips at the previously salt-covered flesh, but the sound only makes Satan laugh.
Not going to push his luck, he’s quick to down the shot and take the lime from your lips--still all smiles as he turns away.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this,” you comment to Lucifer as he steps up--last in line. Mirth dances in his crimson eyes.
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
“When in hell, do as hellboy does,” you respond. Huh, maybe that swig from earlier is finally getting to you?
Lucifer chuckles, taking the refilled shot glass from Solomon. Per normal, you press your chest around the glass--opening your mouth as well when Lucifer grabs a slice of lime.
Rather than place some salt against your collarbone, Lucifer rubs it just below your jaw. Your eyes widen, because did this bastard really just purposely rub salt against one of the most sensitive spots on your neck?--but you’re helpless to stop him.
The Avatar of Pride leans in--cocking his head to the side as his mouth presses against your throat. Almost immediately your body writhes--goosebumps rising on your skin as he slowly laps the salt from your neck.
You feel him chuckle against your flesh, and you seriously debate kicking him where it hurts. Luckily, he doesn’t linger much longer.
Lucifer moves to take the shot from between your breasts--tugging it out with his mouth, but using his gloved hand to grip the glass as he drinks it.
“Delicious,” he whispers just before taking the lime from between your lips, and this time you do reach out--punching him in the arm. Lucifer only laughs, knowing that he likely deserves it.
“Simeon, do you want to try?” Solomon asks over his shoulder, looking at the angel as Lucifer steps away.
Simeon is already red in the face, his eyes darting to the side nervously at the idea.
“I’m afraid if I indulge, and Micheal every finds out, then I’ll never live this down...”
“Lets just do a shot together then!” you comment, overhearing. You flash Simeon a good natured smile, and at the compromise, he smiles as well.
“I would love that.”
Solomon (apparently now a bartender), pours you both a shot. To make it a little more interesting, you hold your arm up, and the angel gets what you’re going for.
The two of you clink your glasses together before locking your elbows and throwing it back. Simeon downs the liquor without issue, and honestly you’re amazed. For someone who won’t do a body shot, it’s obvious he isn’t unfamiliar to having done shots before.
Well, that’s finally over, you think to yourself, leaning back against the bar, but all of the sudden an all-too-familiar voice rings out as the door to the bar bursts open.
“I thought I heard you all in here!” Diavolo comments, making his way inside. “It sure sounds like you’re all having fun! What are you up to?”
“We did body shots off Y/N,” Solomon comments before the demon brothers can think of anything to say aside from the truth.
The demon prince pauses for half a second (and everyone worries that they’ll be scolded for their actions), before he laughs once more.
“Sounds fun! I would like to join in, if it’s alright!”
“Sir, I don’t--,” Lucifer begins wearily, but you interrupt. A horribly amazing idea pops into your head.
“Can I do a body shot off of you, Lord Diavolo?”
As everyone in the room gawks at you, the demon prince nods his head.
“Sure! I don’t see why not!”
Less than a minute later, Lord Diavolo himself is leaned back on the bar--perfectly sculpted abs revealed to your eyes as he unfolds his shirt and displays his navel.
You take the liberty of preparing the shot and salt, and Diavolo places the lime between his own lips.
You seriously cannot believe that this actually fucking happening.
“Ready?” he mumbles around the fruit, and you nod--leaning in. You lick the salt from his abs, quickly slurp up the shot, and then retrieve the lime from between his teeth.
“An interesting human drinking tradition!” he remarks while sitting himself up, and you reach for your glass of water, knowing that this moment will inflate your ego for the rest of your life.
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ackasamii--archive · 3 years
just as he wanted
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summary: with love comes sacrifice
pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: angst
note: so this is a repost of my one shot from other blog i impulsively deleted so i hope you enjoy this!!
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When was the last time she laughed? A full wholehearted laugh from the core.
Ah, it was in her small New York apartment located in the quiet part of Brooklyn. It was rare to catch a quiet moment in New York, but home was the place Y/n always went. And this time, she brought a friend who was in dire need of it. Someone who carried the world on his shoulders quite often, someone who needed a day or two to relax for once.
With a grin on her face, Y/n handed the last of the dumplings to Steve, who sat comfortably on her worn couch that she had brought at least two or three years ago. The couch had seen better days, the green color was faded, some tears here and there, but she couldn’t find herself to complain. After all, it had many nights of long and thoughtful conversations from five years ago, and she couldn’t bring herself to give that up. If her memory were to vanish at an older age, what else could remind her of the time spent with Captain Steve Rogers?
Steve stared at the two dumplings left and shook his head, “Take them, I’ve had enough of those for one night.” He smiled and let a short chuckle escape his lips, but lately, she’s started to notice how his smile never reached his eyes. Which is why she persisted he have the last of the two dumplings. He looked Y/n in the eyes and assured, “Really, I’m fine.”
Y/n sighed at his stubbornness but let it go as she set the box down on the coffee table and settled down next to him, leaving just enough space between them. She couldn’t help but stare at the man before her with an adoring smile while he was lost in his own wandering thoughts. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
He blinked and turned to stare back at her, “What are you thinking about?”
“I asked first.”
Her heart fluttered once another smile broke out onto his lips. Steve leaned forward, clasping his hands together and sighed. “Honestly…” Y/n scooted closer to hear him better, their shoulders nearly touching. “What my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t been on that plane.”
With a thoughtful look, Y/n shrugged, “A lot different, man. I mean if you weren’t on the plane, I wouldn’t know that one story Bucky told me about you and a trash can lid.”
Steve laughed lightly, his muscles flexing slightly with every movement he made, and then his blue eyes met hers.
“Peggy and I, we…” Steve stopped short, looking down at his hands and hadn’t noticed the frown now on her lips. Or the fact that her heart sank at the mention of his old flame. He looked back at Y/n, who quickly made her frown disappear as he asked, “Have I ever told you about the time we met?”
She shook her head but remained silent, letting him continue. Something ugly within her tickled her heart as he passionately talked about that woman. That woman she would possibly never be able to compete with. Eventually, she had to come to this conclusion one way or another without avoiding it. As the spark in his eyes grew brighter and brighter, she knew that his heart still sat in the palms of that woman’s hands.
It hurt her to no end. It hurt her that she wasn’t good enough for him, it hurt her that he may never see her the same way he saw Peggy Carter. Perhaps she was nothing like her, but at times, she wished she could be. But could she blame the woman? No. It was Y/n that just couldn’t compete or even be compared to such a brilliant and strong woman.
Steve told her time when he first got his shield. And how Peggy shot at him. The scenario was so entertaining, that Y/N couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Laughing at that point in time would’ve been so foreign, but not between the two. It was almost natural, as if they were old friends. Which was exactly what Y/n knew he saw her as.
Now, Y/n had no idea why this memory came to mind. Maybe she needed one semi-happy moment to lift her fallen spirits while cladded in black. It was the black clothes. She wanted to change out of them quickly and that’s what she was about to do right after Tony’s funeral. After paying her respects, Y/n was ready to return back to her small apartment alone and possibly take in everything that has happened.
But no.
She stood stiff in front of the time machine transporter or whatever the hell Banner called it, with Steve on her right. Somehow, she didn’t know how, Y/n had gotten wind that Steve was going to travel back and return all the stones. Alone. Normally, she would protest to such a horrid plan only because she was worried about his safety. But this time, she was in too much shock to even utter one word. She wandered how Bucky or even Sam was okay with this. Or why she wasn’t told about this. Maybe because of this very reason, Y/n would try and stop him, and then it would be her fault that time would be screwed up.
So, that’s why she stood silent and stiff to the side while Steve was giving Bucky a hug as if he won’t be coming back. Y/n hoped Steve wouldn’t be that stupid to try something. Finally, he had turned to her, Y/n tried relaxing her shoulders and sending him an encouraging smile, but he could see right through her façade and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’ll be fine, stop worrying.”
She shrugged with a defeated look on her face, “Can’t help it.” Impulsiveness was strong today. Y/n pulled him into a hug and buried her face into his shoulder. Her hold was tight as if he was disappear in mere seconds. After a few seconds, she finally let him go and mumbled a, “sorry.”
He only chuckled as he walked towards the platform. What if he doesn’t come back, those thoughts kept nagging at the back of her mind and her mouth suddenly became dry as she wondered if this was her chance just to say it. It three words she’s been ready to say ever since he first came over to her apartment. If she tells him before he leaves, maybe he’ll come back, maybe there would be something more than just friends..
Her moment would pass if she didn’t say anything now. She doesn’t hear Banner count down as she nears the platform, blurting, “Steve—”
But she was a second too late.
His figure was nowhere to be seen and Y/n fiddled with her fingers anxiously. ‘No, I will tell him,’ she assures herself, ‘when he comes back I will tell him.’
Y/n closed her eyes and quietly counted down to five along with Banner. Her heart pounded against her chest excitedly as she got to three. Her fingers became shaky and clammy as she reached four.
She opened her eyes at five.
Only, he wasn’t there.
It was like there was no breath in her lungs and her heart had fallen out of her mouth. With wide eyes, she whipped around to face Banner who was frantically looking at the tech set up before him.
“What happened? Where is he?” Her questions came out rushed and frantic while she looked from the platform and to Banner. After receiving no answers from the green giant, her voice became strain as she shouts, “Bruce, where is he?!”
“I don’t know!” Banner said with his eyes still focused on the contraption.
She was too late. The realization dawned on her as she stared at where Steve once stood. What if he was stuck somewhere, please don’t be stuck somewhere. Y/n’s heart was beating so fast, she was pretty sure it could run a marathon right now. Where the hell was he?
In the corner of her eye, her state of panic shifted as she spotted Sam walking away from the scene and Bucky standing further away. She watched the two, wandering why they weren’t showing the appropriate reaction to this situation. But Y/n kept watching, Sam walked past Bucky and towards an occupied bench. She doesn’t remember seeing that bench, overlooking the lake. Was that always there or did she never pay any mind to it before now?
Y/n trudged to Bucky’s side, she studied his face and the scene ahead of her. Sam was speaking to the figure on the bench, the tension soon shifted, and it finally dawned on her. Her mouth hung open as she watched the two. How…? Time travel was quite the complicated topic for her and in this moment she couldn’t understand what the hell had happened.
“Is that…?” She wanted to be sure, but the answer was already settled deep within her.
Bucky only nodded in response, not once his eyes had wavered from the two. From the back, she could definitely feel that it wasn’t the same Steve. Which meant…
He went back for her.
She should’ve realized it sooner and stopped him. But she was too late. Y/n was too late because she was a coward to say anything then and all the other times where she had the opportunity. This was what she got for being so fearful of rejection. Her eyes welled but she willed herself not to cry, she couldn’t and won’t cry. It was her fault for missing her opportunity.
A few minutes pass as Sam comes back with the shield in his hand. But Y/n’s remained on the figure on the bench. Seconds pass and Bucky isn’t by her side anymore, only her, slowly moving towards the bench in curiosity and caution.  Maybe she should’ve prepared herself for what she would find, or maybe she shouldn’t have approached him. No matter, she was already next to the bench looking at an older version of Steve Rogers.
There were always jokes about Steve acting like such an old man. But now, he was right there. Sitting on the wooden bench with a relaxed smile on his face, his blue eyes facing the ocean. After hesitating back and forth with herself, Y/n sat down at the end of the bench to stare at the view with him, only she caught sight of a silver object around one of his fingers. The same ugly thing bubbled within her as she glared at the ring until his hands shifted and she finally looked at him.
Actually looked at him.
Steve was smiling. No, it wasn’t forced. It wasn’t a simple smile. This was his happiness. She could see it in his eyes as they lit up. In all her life, she had never seen someone so at peace and happy. So blissfully happy.
The brutal truth hit her in the face right then and there. She had been selfish. Y/n had wanted Steve to stay and be with her so they could both live a happy life. But that was not what he wanted. He was taken from his time and forced into this new one without having the normal life that he desired and deserved. She wanted him to stay somewhere he wasn’t meant to be. Now she understood the saying, the truth hurts. Maybe she knew the truth already and just denied it.
Y/n knew there was no way of stopping him. Why would she stop him from gaining his happiness? What kind of person would that make her?
“You kids didn’t get into too much trouble, did you?” She teased lightly, trying to smile.
There, his chuckle was throaty but warm. “You’ll never know.”
An amused smile curved onto her lips.
Then she was back. Back on that couch, during that night, next to Steve who had trailed off in his story telling and deep into his sinking thoughts. She noticed how much he did that whenever they talked about either Peggy or the forties. Her envious heart blinked back tears as she looked away from him bitterly, her jaw clenching and unclenching as she glared at the box of dumplings.
Maybe she should eat them.
Only she didn’t make a move for the box, she turned to stare back at his side profile, still in adoration. She couldn’t help herself. But it hurt that he would stare at her the same way.
“Do you still love her?”
His eyes twinkled as he stared back at her. There was no answer but you knew and he knew. It was unspoken, but they knew.
A tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at the older man in content. She sighed and wiped the rogue tear away from her cheek and turned her gaze to the view before them. He doesn’t return her feelings, this was her first love, and she knew now that love meant sacrifice, thanks to Tony. Maybe the best way to love Steve Rogers…
Was to let him go.
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fallasleepscenarios · 3 years
𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽 [bakugo x reader]
type: one shot, angst, fluff pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader (gender not specified) summary: (Y/N) and Bakugo have not established their relationship, leaving (Y/N) to question their whole "friends with benefits" thing. And it all goes down to what happens when they attend Kirishima's party. rating: R for implication of sexual act word count: 2.4k disclaimer: I do not own any of the mha characters and all of them are written as if they are of age also posted on my wattpad one shots book
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
"You're so silly. Get your butt here."
Bakugo shrugs and pouts angrily but eventually lets his body fall on me and weighing me down on the couch as I try to lift him off me. I laugh at his silliness, knowing that this is the best way someone like him can show affection. He lets his guard down so rarely after all, doesn't even want to show softness, ever. Only with me he does. He can be mellow, can't express it in words easily though.
"Tsk, I don't want to go to the stupid party with all the stupid bastards", he growls while finally making himself comfortable without hurting me.
"You promised! Besides, everyone's waiting for you", I run my fingers through his hair, "You know how much Kirishima has been waiting to see you!" I could tell by his look at this was somehow enough for him to accept attending the party with me. All his UA classmates would be there.
"Whatever! I have to train." In a swift move he gets up and leaves the room, like he always does.
"Bakugo--! Wait!" he stops without turning to look at me. "D-Do you wanna spend the night?" I gulped.
"I have to train", he says and leaves.
And at times like these, I ask myself, what the hell am I really doing. Having a crush on Bakugo Katsuki? That's far enough. Establishing a relationship with him? That's so far beyond the line of sanity. More times than not, I question myself for any signs of emotional masochism, because this really doesn't feel like a mutual feeling. Yes, he can be soft and sweet, would never admit it, though. Yes, somehow, he does like me in a sexual way, at least, or maybe considers me as a way to relieve stress? The past three months and a half have been so exciting, and I've been.. happy. But..
This really isn't enough for me. If only I could do anything to make him say what's in his mind, 'cause his actions really really don't match with his words. And then again, well, whatever, never mind, it could all be way worse for me..
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
On the day of the party, Bakugo was supposed to pick me up at 8 and head over to Kirishima's together, since I've never been to his place before. I put extra effort on picking an outfit I like and felt pretty cute and confident in it. At 7:45 I was already by the door, tying my shoes and receiving a text message by Uraraka-chan.
[19:45] From: Uraraka-chan<3 I can't wait for tonight! Deku-kun will also be there, haven't seen him in two weeks! Don't be late Y/N :D
I smiled at myself and happiness overflew in me. Don't want to jinx it but tonight sounds ideal; Bakugo agreed to come, I'm going to see everyone, even Midoriya found time off his strict training schedule, and Uraraka-chan is very happy, as well, I am glad.
But as I waited for Bakugo, the clock turned 8. And then 5 minutes after 8. And then a quarter past 8.
Normally, that's acceptable, since when one is late, they probably have informed you beforehand. Or at least, an apology is waiting for you at their arrival. Oh, but when Bakugo arrived..
"What took you so long?!!" My mood, the outfit I wore that I liked, the excitement, all had disappeared.
"SO WHAT, I had training to do! Deku has been training all week!", he snapped back at me and frowned. "Let's go damn it!"
"You're unbelievable-! That's how you treat me?!" This time, I was not going to take it.
"Tsk, you don't understand"
"At least you could have told me you were at practice..! Not arrive, what, a quarter to 9 and not even apologizing for keeping me waiting?!"
"YOU attacked me right when I arrived, when I would I apologize?!"
I refrained from saying anything else. I didn't want to completely ruin my mood for the party.
"Okay, stop." I let out a sigh. "Let's go. I really want to enjoy the party. I even wore that outfit that it took me so long to come up with, I really wanna enjoy it.." I closed and locked the door behind us and Bakugo just stared at me.
The road to Kirishima's was quiet. I caught a few glimpses of Bakugo walking by me and leading the way. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything at all. We passed by the river, it was beautiful and I so wanted to comment on the cherry blossoms showing as the path alongside it.
I tried not to overthink about this but it was bothering me, that Bakugo didn't even consider my feelings. He stood me up. This definitely isn't what you expect of your partner to do. Details like this, how he never calls me just to talk to me, he never texts me "good morning" or "good night" like my friends' significant others do, how we've never really agreed to have a proper date but always meet up at home, eat inside and are secretive, I don't like that. I think I am the only one in this relationship.
Heck, there is no real relationship. Friends with benefits, after all.
"(Y/N)! Bakugo-kun! You've arrived at last!" Uraraka-chan was the first one to greet us by the door.
"I'm sorry we're late, I asked Bakugo to pick me up since he lives so close-by, but he was training and couldn't leave early", I felt my cheeks flush up. Everyone's attention was on us and I didn't like it. "Besides, Kirishima-kun! Thanks for having us!"
Thankfully, I quickly felt comfortable and no one talked about how they've been waiting for us. We had a fun time, joking around, eating cakes that Sato baked and listening to what everyone's been up to on their vacation. I was able to forget about Bakugo's attitude, but every time I looked at him, it all came back to me, so I tried to avoid him as much. But still, I was able to catch glimpses of him, noticing that he never looked at me too. I am better than this.
I got up to pout myself some water and when I came back I noticed that Deku had joined Uraraka and they were cheerfully engaging in conversation by themselves, so I decided I wouldn't go back to Uraraka and third wheel them. Instead I decided to get some fresh air and went outside. The cold wind felt so nice on my face but I could tell I'd soon be cold enough to return inside.
"Y/N!", I didn't even hear Kirishima opening the balcony's door.
"Kirishima-kun, are you having fun?"
"For sure! I'm glad you could bring Bakugo with you. Wasn't really sure he'd come, since he's been eager to train as much as he can during the vacation time, but maybe having to accompany you made him responsible to come" Kirishima smiled and he'd never looked so innocent to me before.
"Ah, I just guess he came for you Kirishima-kun. You're his best friend after all."
We laughed and I suddenly felt really soft and comfortable talking about Bakugo with him.
"Kirishima-kun, you're great.. I wish I had a relationship with someone like you!"
And then I realized what I just said. Kirishima turned red and I no longer felt cold outside.
"Y/N, I-I don't think I like you like t-that.."
"Ah! No, it's okay, I don't think I do either.."
What am I saying, I know I like Bakugo.
I know he said he didn't like me but the vibe sure felt weird and tense and somehow comfortable. I could so simply say things like these with Kirishima and it did feel awkward but it was okay, we could sit in silence. And it was easier to stay outside now.
But then he called out my name, and I couldn't read his face. He surely thought that I might like him now. I noticed Bakugo was arguing with Iida-kun by the door, when Kirishima raised his hand to cup my cheek and-
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.
Why am I not pulling back? Maybe he wants to find out if he'd feel something.. maybe I do as well. Bakugo wouldn't even care anyways. He wouldn't be the least jealous if he saw us.
"Yes", I whispered back and closed my eyes only to feel his soft lips on mine.
It lasted a few seconds but I knew for sure that this wasn't what I felt when I kissed Bakugo. Kirishima was now smiling softly as me and I knew we were on the same page. And this will be between us and nothing will be affected. Except that something caught his attention and he gasped ; I turned to see who else other than Bakugo staring at us.
He looked mad, but doesn't he almost always?
Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with regret towards him.
He wasn't supposed to get jealous, he has no right to!
"Ah, Bakugo saw us maybe", Kirishima shrugged, "He probably thinks we're stupid hahah"
I chuckled, not to make my uncomfortableness look so obvious and we headed back inside, since Bakugo had also disappeared from the entrance.
The rest of the night I felt so out of place and it was hard not to show, but I had to. Spent it mostly chatting with the girls and playing cards and board games.
But soon enough, it was time to go.
Midoriya had already left and so had some of the others that aren't late nighters, and I felt tired from all the tension of the day. I was glad that I had some fun though.
"I'm off, everyone!" I greeted them and put on my shoes and coat.
"I'm going to. Have to train early tomorrow"
I froze. Bakugo was also leaving and this could only mean he wanted to confront me.
I waited for him to be greeted by everyone as well. It was inevitable, we'd go the same way anyways.
But Bakugo didn't say anything. He started pacing fast and it was kind of hard to keep up.
When we reached the cherry blossoms, Bakugo stopped.
"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?!"
He was indeed jealous!
"What does it matter to you even!". Tears were forming in my eyes, I felt so guilty! But it wasn't entirely my fault!
"TO ME? That you're stupid?"
"What does it matter to you??! It didn't even matter to me!"
Bakugo turned around but he wasn't looking at me.
"..I.. don't know... I was curious.. "
"Tsk, 'curious', what even..!"
"I was, okay?! Kirishima was being so nice to me..."
"And you had to be stupid?!"
"STOP it! Okay? This, this is why I did that. Because I can no longer pretend that you care about me! You made that clear today!"
"I don't go around doing things a scumbag would do!"
Bakugo was starting to redden up, he had become really angry..
"BUT YOU DO!" I shouted, glad that we were the only ones on the street. "You do, when you're late and don't inform me, you do when you're embarrassed and secretive of me, you do when you never really tell me what's on your mind"
"You.." he frowned. "And YOU GO AND DO THAT"
"YES because MAYBE, MAYBE HE would actually LIKE me!"
He seemed to be taken aback. And I was properly crying. And I felt the cold wind against my face and hands. It was too bad we're ruining the effect of the beautiful cherry blossoms.
"Stupid.. STUPID STUPID STUPID", he was now pulling his hair in anger.
"Bakugo, stop! What are you doing!" I rushed out and grabbed him by his shoulders forcing him to look at me. And I felt guilty and sad to see him this angry but this had to mean something.
He looked away, avoiding my gaze at all costs.
"I should be asking you why are you being like this now..", I said softly. "It.. hurts to think about this, but did it feel like you were losing towards Kirishima?"
No answer.
"I'm sorry anyways, I am too tired to argue anymore and I'm sorry I kissed him. I.. didn't think it'd make you angry"
"Tsk, what are you apologizing for, loser.."
Bakugo's voice was soft and quiet..!
"I should be the one saying sorry. I FAILED don't you understand? I didn't make my feelings clear to you"
"All this time, I've been failing to this, I don't no a thing about romance"
"And you never even said anything, either! You just went along when I first kissed you!"
I had nothing to say. Suddenly, everything seemed so meaningless, because he was opening up to me.
"No, shut up, you listen to me now. It drives me crazy cause I can't concentrate and think about you all the time! I LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS"
This can't be for real. I've always wanted him to open up but I never..
"Can you.. say that again?", I was too startled.
"Weren't you listening?!"
"No, I was, it's just that I liked hearing you say that.."
I'd forgotten I'd been holding him weirdly and suddenly felt conscious about being so close to him, when I've been closer to him so many times before, but not like this.
"Tsk, I like you stupid ass, stupid", he frowned jokingly and it was his turn to wrap his arms around me. "I like your stupid stupid ass."
My cheeks have probably never flushed as this much before.
"I like you"
He kept repeating and I felt like I could faint.
"And I promise, I won't ignore my feelings anymore and I won't be USELESS!"
I backed away to look at him.
"Bakugo,.. does this mean, we're really together?"
And Bakugo blushed!
"Yeh" he simply said.
I couldn't help but smile and the cherry blossoms were beautiful around us.
Then, Bakugo tightened his grip on my waist and brought me closer. He kissed my cheek and looked at me again. And I couldn't decide over staring at his eyes or kissing him that moment.
But I couldn't bring myself to stop, I leaned forwards and felt his soft pouty lips against mine, his warmth transmitting to my skin. And we didn't pull back for a few moments.
"Do you want to stay over, Bakugo?"
And he nodded excitedly as we walked home together.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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twsty-lav · 3 years
valentines day but like mega late and also angst oopsie <333
Prompt: uhhh s/o(s) get slipped a love potion for someone else and neither of you know dun dun dun credit to @twst-tea​ <333 
self indulgent so i wrote it for my faves (trey, rook, floyd)! 
it’s meant to be read as an entire fic but you can also scroll down to your faves too and pretend the other clowns are not clowning in the background. hope u enjoy smooches u
anyways enjoy this absolute piece of tragedy in five parts
tw: angst angst angst also probably a panic attack or smth somewhere just sayin
The end isn't anything world-breaking, really. Actually, it's all rather casual. Yuu doesn't know which way they'd prefer it; it didn't matter what they wanted, anyways. 
It was always going to be the same. 
1. trey clover
"I'm sorry," Trey says one day, sitting in front of them at the cafeteria. They had thought that was odd, honestly. He had always preferred sitting side by side, "I don't think we can be together anymore."
Yuu pauses. Chews the rest of their sandwich. Swallows, and asks, "Why?" 
"I just... Fell out of love." He mumbles, sounding vaguely uncomfortable. Next to them, they see a student look over with wide, curious eyes. Smart move, They think, Doing it in a crowd so I can't pick a fight. He knew them well, didn't he? They always hated being in the spotlight.
Well, it's not like they would have made much of a fuss in the first place. "Okay then," Yuu agrees, feeling a muscle in their wrist twitch, "Let's break up." And he looks so relieved at the clean cut that they can't even feel bad for themselves. 
Actually, they can't feel anything at all. 
"I'll swing by after class to take anything I left at your place," They say around a spoonful of stew, and that's that. They don't exchange any other words, which was fine. They were never the talkative type during lunch. Yuu’s neatness and efficiency in consuming food was well known for being Riddle-approved. They sit for a minute afterwards, at a loss of what to do. 
... What did people usually do after breaking up with someone? Their fingers played restlessly with the edge of the table, pressing splinters into their thumb. It sinks a thin line of white into their flesh--not deep enough to hurt, but enough to leave a drop of blood. Should I just wait for him to finish eating..? They glanced up. That didn't seem right. It's not like they had ever done this before.
"... Well, I'm gonna go to the library." Yuu announces with a shrug, picking off the slice of skin with their nails. They don't wait for a reply.
They don’t get one, anyways.
2. floyd leech
Floyd is not as kind as Trey. That is a fact. 
They couldn't have forgotten that, surely? It's what they signed up for, after months of coaxing and a dogged back-and-forth chase. Floyd was Floyd, after all--and Yuu had thought they were warranted a bit of caution. Few things could keep his attention for long; how did they know that this wasn't just a passing fancy? Chewed up and spit out like his takoyaki fillings, which changed from one moment to the next. A challenge, not love. 
But they had forgotten a part of him back then too, hadn't they? He was never predictable. He wore them down. Day after day, time after time. Actually, Yuu's pretty sure Azul and Jade were surprised as well, watching him stay on track for so long.
The point--The point was that Yuu forgot. Therefore, it was not unlikely for them to forget this time around too. 
Floyd could be so cruel.
"Let's break up," He says as soon as he sees them.  It's direct and to the point, sharp like the way his teeth nicked their lips. "I don't like you anymore."
His voice seems to thunder through the suddenly-too-quiet classroom; Yuu can feel the eyes crawling up the back of their head, sinking its claws through their shoulders and into their lungs, gripping, twisting, squeezing. Jade must be watching too--They walked to this class together, didn't they?
Silence. Time seems to stretch like a rubber tube, squishing their guts into meaty links of sausage; each breath scrapes their ribs clean. Their fingertips are trembling and their spine is sweaty-hot and their palms are needles and their jaw creaks and crumples into rust. 
Yuu blinks.
"Okay," they agree; their voice sounds distant to their ears, calm and lazy in the current. They go back to rummaging in their bag, "Can you give back the good eraser I lent you yesterday?" 
It's tossed carelessly on their desk. They pick it up with their left hand.
Not that it matters. Their right thumb is fine when they check inside the bag, despite the indent. They hadn't, Yuu supposed, been gripping the point hard enough to puncture into the nail bed. It left an inkstain, though. 
Stupid. So very, very stupid.
3. rook hunt
Rook, they supposed, followed the typical model of a breakup the best. Out of consideration? Perhaps. If they were inclined to be cynical, they might pin it on his sense of dramatics instead.
... It seems like lately, there's been a lot for them to be cynical about. 
That's why it's not really a surprise when Rook calls them out for a 'talk' on their way to Heartslabyul, whisking them away to some private place into the woods, all prepped and prettied. He even makes sure to declare that there was nobody else around, as if that would ease the news to them. They're pretty sure he's even memorized a script, if his more-flowery-than-usual language is anything to go by. It's of little use, honestly. His gentle voice soon fades into a high-pitched whine, scraping at the inside of their skull like sandpaper on fast-forward. For a moment, all they can think of is how sleepy they are.
The leaves on the ground smell like mulch. A beetle crawls across a branch over Rook's shoulder. A strand of hair tickles their nose, and they resist the urge to sneeze. There's nobody else around.
"... and as much as it pains me to say such things, I hope you understand..." Did they flush the toilet this morning? They're pretty sure they did--they’re not the type to forget something like that.
--Out of the corner of their eye, Rook falls silent with a look of remorse, letting them know to tune back in. Yuu wades through a bucket of sand to nod their head, calm and slow; they close their eyes when it burrows into the sides of their throat like a maggot. 
When they open them again, the forest seems dark. They are alone.
 "Ah," Yuu says, breath carefully even, voice painfully hoarse, "Finally." Any longer and they would have chewed a hole through their cheek, thin as it was. "Finally," They said again, for no reason in particular. Only a bird bothers to answer; the silence swells their up like a balloon. It stretches their skin until it splits in red-raw streaks, shiny with watery leaks. Any more and they's sure they'll pop--
Gently, they crouches down, curling into a ball. Their teeth sink delicately into the flesh of their wrist, pressing down. They spend a few minutes counting the incisors on their arm, watching them swell and fade. White from pressure, red from anger, pink and puffy with shame. Again.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. 
Nobody says a word.
4. yuu
They make their way to Heartslabyul. All of their stuff is already neatly set up outside the door, out of sight from anyone who wasn’t looking. There’s not much, honestly. Trey isn’t there; consideration or indifference, they're not sure. He could be both, after all. Ace and Deuce look at them in pity; Yuu doesn’t look at them at all. 
Yuu visits Octavinelle. They pick up their stuff. They forgot how much of a hoarder Floyd was. He hands them a gift before they go. It’s a scarf. They remember vaguely that they knit it for him over Christmas. They had to sidestep Jade on the way, passing by him on the way to the right room. His knowing smile, his what-did-you-think-would-happen, of course he’d get bored of you, they can’t-- Yuu hides in the bathroom until he leaves.
They don't bother stopping by Pomefiore. Rook probably had their stuff delivered to their dorm. He was nice like that. He knew it was hard for them to stand out. Beauty in effort, he always said, but it didn’t seem as if he’d make them suffer any more humiliation. Or maybe he didn’t believe they had the strength. Yuu wasn’t very good at this sort of thing, after all.
He would be right, honestly.
They're back in their room. When did they open the front door? They toss the bags into a corner somewhere before kicking off their shoes and lying down on the bed. 
They don't bother getting up.
5. aftermath
Someone comes knocking. Yuu doesn't bother getting up. 
They talk about some sort of conspiracy. Yuu doesn't bother getting up. 
They find the culprit. 
... Yuu doesn’t bother getting up. 
… Floyd breaks into their room, Trey and Rook and a whole bunch of others in tow. 
Yuu gets up. 
“Don’t worry about it,” They say with a yawn, calm and slow, “It wasn’t your fault, right? Really, it’s no big deal.” And the way they protest makes their laugh. “No, seriously! I don’t mind at all,” they say awkwardly, waving away their words. 
It was true. They didn’t mind it. Not at all.
“Uh, I have to catch up on my schoolwork. I’m super late for a few projects. Do you mind if I kick you out?”
“... Ah, sorry. I don’t really care that much about the whole mess. It’s fine like this, honestly! I hope we can still be friends, though. See you.” 
They close the door in their faces, and lie back down. 
None of it really mattered, anyways.
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novelist-becca · 3 years
Mama's here
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda
Summary: Luz and Eda have a rough night after Lilith and Gwendolyn leave.
After Lilith and her mother left, things were…uneventful to say the least. Almost.
Eda was tired. Luz was tired. Everyone was tired. To put it simply, the events of that day were finally catching up.
True to her word, Eda flopped onto the couch immediately.
Luz had come back inside, noticed her, and approached cautiously. After...everything, the girl wasn’t sure if Eda wanted to talk. But Luz wanted to say something nonetheless. The guilt was practically gnawing at her chest. For the time being, she settled on sitting on the floor against the couch, next to Eda’s head.
“Eda?” Luz started. The witch turned her head to her in response, her eyes tired. It hurt all the more for Luz to look at her mentor like this. “I know you’re tired, but...can I say something?”
“Hm?” Eda hummed in response. Luz took this as a signal to continue.
“I’m sorry. About everything tonight.” Luz said.
“Kid, it's fine.”
“No, it's not. I shouldn't have gotten involved. I only wanted to help you, but- I think I made things worse by listening to your mom.” Luz explained. Eda was looking at her. That meant that she was at least listening. “I thought that if I helped her cure you, the rift between you and her would be mended.” Luz almost mentioned that it felt like fixing the rift between her and her own mother, but holds her tongue. This isn’t about her.
Eda sits up in her spot on the couch, facing Luz. “Luz, it’s- it’s okay.”
But Luz continued, needing to get this across to her mentor. “But I’m the one who set up the apple blood signs. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t have fallen into Gwen’s traps, which almost got you killed! I swear, I tried to stop her, Eda. I had no idea she would do all that stuff! Heck, I-I had an elixir ready for you- I was ready to bail! But...it was the last second. You turned into the beast again, and it’s my fault.” She finished with a sigh. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve trusted your judgement. You have every right to be mad at me.”
Eda glanced to the side, choosing her words carefully. It was clear that what happened weighed heavily on the kid, as would anything else. Luz, the selfless soul she was, was only trying to help her.
“Luz, I'm not mad. It’s okay. I get it.” The witch says, touching Luz’s shoulder. “You had no idea my mom would hide the elixirs. You didn’t know she would get that extreme. If anything, I should’ve told you more about her sooner. I could already tell her ‘cures’ were bullshit anyway after a few years. It’s not on you.”
Luz looked at her with unsure eyes. “But I still played a part in what happened. You turned into the owl beast because I was too desperate to know a way back to the human realm. And...now I know that Gwen fell for a stupid scam because she was desperate to help her daughter.” Memories come back to Luz of people in the human world just like Gwen, except they were less willing to change when presented with facts.
Eda squeezed the girl’s shoulder, smiling softly. “Hey. Did you forget what happened tonight? Mom finally got it into her head that I don’t want a cure. She’s willing to give the elixirs a chance, and-” The witch’s smile faltered and she looked down as she remembered. “She’s going to make things right with Lily. I-I know it.”
Seeing the sadness in Eda’s eyes, Luz takes her mentor’s hand in her own. “I’m sorry about Lilith too, Eda. I can’t imagine how much it hurt for her to leave. She’s your sister, and she was only here for a few weeks.” Luz knows Eda and her sister were close, and despite everything that happened between them all, Luz has to admit she is starting to miss her too.
“And now she’s gone.” Added Eda, who squeezed the girl’s hand.
“Don't worry, I'm sure she misses you too. And King and I are still here for you, Eda.” Luz reminds her. “Remember?”
Eda smiles again. Why did the kid have to be so good? “I know, kid.” she wants to make sure to remember that and also return the favor moving forward. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being so sweet.” Eda says fondly with a yawn. She places a hand on Luz’s head, stroking her hair gently. “Honestly, what did I do to deserve you...?”
A light blush spread over Luz’s cheeks as she leaned into the touch. “Dunno, just got lucky I guess…”
About a minute passed before Luz was close to dozing off on her mentor’s lap. Seeing this, Eda finally decided it was time to settle in for the night. Titan knows both of them need it.
“Well-” Eda clicked her tongue, gently shaking the kid’s shoulder. “I think it’s time we both get to bed, dontcha think?”
Luz slowly stood up from her spot on the floor, rubbing her eyes. “You’re right…” she yawned.
Eda stood up as well, stretching out her back. Remind me to not fall asleep sitting up again.
“Sooo, if you need me, Luz, I’ll be in my nest-”
Suddenly, Luz had grabbed Eda’s arm. “A-Actually, umm…” The girl tried to choose the right words, because she didn’t know if she could sleep alone tonight, not after today. She couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Can...may I sleep with you in the nest tonight? I don’t wanna be alone.” Luz asks sheepishly, closing her eyes, not wanting to see Eda’s reaction. To her surprise, Eda has a small smile on her face.
“‘Course you can, kiddo.” Eda says, patting the kid’s shoulder in reassurance. She almost asks why, but a part of her feels that she already knows the answer, and that the kid would rather not say. Besides, the witch could use some company other than King tonight.
The girl sighs in relief, her body relaxing. “Thanks Eda.”
“Aight then, you go change, and uh, I’ll be up in my room.”
And if Eda noticed how Luz held her hand as they both went upstairs, she didn’t say.
By the time Luz had changed in her room, Eda was already lying down in her nest, still in her dress since she was too tired to get into her own pajamas. She was on the verge of falling asleep, until Luz had appeared in the doorway in her pajamas holding a large pillow and her sleeping bag. She looked unsure of herself until Eda sat up and nodded her head, gesturing for Luz to come in.
The kid eagerly walked over to the nest, already trying to scramble inside, albeit very clumsily. Eda snorted at the adorableness of it all, but reached out.
“Hey hey, slow down there, kid. Let me help you with that.” Eda tried, keeping her voice soft so she doesn't wake King.
Luz shook her head. “Nooo, I'm fine. I can do it. The walls of the nest aren't that high…” Her words were slurred. She obviously was already getting tired, the grip on her stuff weakening. But the witch wouldn't give up.
“Luz, really. You're tired and you're carrying a huge pillow plus a sleeping bag. You could easily trip.” Eda insisted, reaching a hand out. “And trust me, you don't wanna pass out on the floor.”
“I'm fiiiine.” Luz yawned.
The witch rolled her eyes at the stubbornness and took the pillow, placing it in the nest along with the sleeping bag, surprising Luz, but she didn't protest.
Said human girl was about to climb in when two bony hands grabbed her arms and yanked her up and inside with a surprised ‘oh!’
“C’mon kiddo, get in here.” Eda said, releasing her and allowing the kid to get comfortable while adjusting her position herself. Now they were both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“Hey…” Luz yawned again.
“Hey.” Eda whispered tiredly. Next to her, Luz was all tucked inside her sleeping bag, one hand hesitantly sticking out, as if reaching out to her. Eda didn’t know why, but she stuck her hand out, close enough to Luz’s.
The events of the day were, to say the least, exhausting. From Gwendolyn visiting, to the old woman making things worse, to Lilith getting more and more stressed by her presence leading to the curse affecting her, to both sisters transforming, to Lilith leaving after weeks of living there.
But as usual, it all worked out okay in the end.
“Well...sleep well, Eda.” Luz murmured, and within a minute, she was asleep.
“You too, kiddo.”
Eda bolted up in her nest, shaking and breathing heavily. She looked around frantically, making sure she was truly safe.
So it was one of those nights tonight.
Eda had that dream again. The one where things had gone...differently during the bridge duel. The witch suppressed a sob and hid her face in her hands as the horrible images replayed in her head.
Luz was thrown over the side of the bridge, like usual, except...Eda couldn’t catch her. Luz had, to her mentor’s horror, been impaled by the spikes, screaming out in pain as she bled out while Eda was helpless to watch the poor girl die while she herself had succumbed to the curse.
There was nothing she could do.
The witch took some deep breaths, trying to remind herself that it wasn’t real, that her kid - Luz was fine, she was safe, they were all safe and -
Next to her, Eda heard the sounds of rustling of fabric and soft crying. It was Luz. And she was tangled up inside her sleeping bag, tossing and turning. Her face was scrunched up in discomfort, and she seemed to be fighting something only she could see.
“Luz?” Eda called out softly, taking Luz’s shoulder and shaking it. The writhing girl had tears coming down her cheeks, and started kicking out. “Luz?!” she said, alarm creeping into her voice. “Hey, wake u-”
Suddenly, Luz stirred awake, eyes wide with fear. She tried to sit up, but was trapped by her zipped up sleep cocoon, making her begin to panic and breathe heavily. The girl didn’t know what was going on, but whatever was binding her down, she wanted out.
The sight of it made Eda’s heart crack. So she quickly unzipped the damn thing, freeing the panicking kid. She helped Luz into a comfortable sitting position, curling an arm around her shaking body.
“Luz, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. You're safe. I’m here,” Eda says, pulling Luz close as the girl snuggled closer in return, burying her face in her chest. “Easy there.”
“I-” Luz choked out as she clung tight to the back of the witch’s dress. “I-I can’t- Mamí -”
Eda held her tighter and tried to ignore the feeling that came with what Luz just said. “Shh, shhh, mama’s here, you’re safe, kid,” She repeated, combing a hand through the girl’s hair over and over. “Jus-just breathe, okay? I got you.” She could feel her own throat tightening, and the tears began to form at the corner of her eyes. Whether she was comforting herself or Luz, she didn’t know. Luz needed her.
“I got you…”
As Eda cradled and rocked Luz in her arms, she felt the way her human shook with sobs, and it broke her heart. She knew what it was like to wake up scared and alone, and she;ll be damned if her kid went through the same. All she could do was hold Luz close and tight like her own child and try to help her.
At the same time, Eda was just glad Luz was alive. She wouldn’t forgive herself if anything had happened to her. The child -- her child at this point --, although scared and crying, was enough to reassure her that she was safe. That they were both safe.
Shit, kid, I wish I knew how to make this all go away.
“Eda…?” A small, scratchy voice squeaked.
Eda looks down at the girl, pulling away only a little bit, keeping her arms wrapped protectively around her. “Hey, kiddo.” she says softly. Luz looks back up at her with tired, glossy eyes. “You okay?” She asks, even though it is a stupid question. Of course she isn’t okay.
“Mmh.” Luz responds. “I don’t know…”
“That’s okay,” Eda says, adjusting Luz so that her head is resting on the witch’s shoulder.
A small smile forms on Luz’s face. “You’re alive.”
Eda nods. “That’s right.” So are you.
“I’m glad…” Luz murmurs. Then her eyes widen. “The dream - it was the bridge again, I-I was on the…a-and you were…” She squeezes her eyes shut and burrows close to the witch, going in for another hug. “I’m sorry.”
Eda’s breath hitches and she returns the embrace easily, because for Titan's sake, she needs one too.
“Oh, Luz, it’s okay…” Eda rests her cheek on top of Luz’s head, holding her tight once more as she tries to hold back tears. “I'm here.”
“I know it’s just a dream, but I was so scared. It could've been real.”
“I know, but it's over. We’re all okay, thanks to you.” Eda reassures, continuing to stroke her hair.
“Thank you…” Luz clings tighter. “'m sorry for waking you up.”
Eda pulls back to look her in the eyes. “Don't apologize, Luz. In fact…I had the same nightmare.”
“Really?” Luz gasps softly.
Eda nods. “Mm-hm. When I woke up, I really thought you were…” she stops there, not needing to elaborate further. “But I know you're still alive and well.”
Because I really don't know what I’d do if I lost you.
The witch cups Luz’s cheek, and Luz leans into the touch.
“I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.” Luz says, resting her head on the witch’s chest.
“You won't, you won't. I’m not going anywhere.” Eda promises.
After a while, Eda looked down to see Luz starting to drift off.
“You ready to try to go back to sleep, kiddo?” She asks. But Luz opens her eyes and shakes her head.
“I dunno, Eda…”
Eda grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Luz, draping the top part over her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right here, and I won’t let ‘em get to you. Okay?”
As Luz was laid down in the nest, a warm feeling sprouted in her chest. The way Eda’s been treating her lately has been soft, kind, and… god, Eda was just being so good to her.
And it reminded her of her mother.
She didn’t know how to feel about that. But it was nice.
“You’re a lot like her, Eda.” Luz says to the witch.
“My mom. You take care of me...”
Eda looks away at that, not sure of what to say. She still wasn’t used to the idea of being a mother, especially after the fiasco that was her own mom’s visit, and yet taking care of Luz and King came naturally to her. She won’t admit it, but she likes the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives her.
“Well, I’m glad I get to take care of you,” She says simply. And it’s true.
Eda settles down next to Luz. “Now, let’s get some shut-eye, yeah?” She says, kissing Luz’s forehead.
Luz snuggles closer to Eda tucking her head under her chin, letting the older witch wrap an arm around her swaddled body.
“Good night, mamá…” Luz mutters.
The last thing she remembers before drifting off was a warm feeling of safety.
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