#aaaaah that explains some things
brittscafe · 3 months
Aaaaah, sooo glad your requests are back open, I've been waiting for this omg 😭!! Can I pleeease request some Toge, Gojo and Choso fluff? Like, how would they spend some time with their s/o after her having a bad day at work or somth?? Pleeeaseee 🙏 I need some Toge content 💗💗💗
omggg ofc <3
I imagine he's like a puppy who just craves your attention and wants to comfort you after you've had a bad day.
The moment you walk into his room, he can see the tiredness on your face and just knows you didn't have the best day.
He stands up from his bed with open arms, which you gladly rush into.
You relish in the silence for a minute, burying your head into his chest and letting his arms wrap around your body.
Toge squeezes you once he wants to know wants going on and you finally lift your head up from his chest, meeting his kind eyes.
Once you really explain the bad day you've had, Toge leads you over to the bed.
Of course, he's got a drawer full of snacks just for you and will literally feed you. He knows you're capable of feeding yourself, but he wants to do everything for you.
Cradles you in his arms, your leg tossed over his lower stomach and your arms latched onto him.
He's got one hand slipped underneath your top, hand smoothly running up and down your back.
Toge runs his other hand over your head, he throughly enjoys playing with your hair whether it's long or short.
He adores it when you sit in his lap though and just bury your head into the crook of his neck.
The smile that grows on his face is beyond anything and he just loves to hold you.
He definitely is a tease and teases you about the bad day you've had while pouting.
"awww, my poor baby had a bad day." he'll say that in such a teasing tone that it lowkey annoys you.
Tries to crack jokes and ends up being horrible at jokes, like reallyyyyy bad.
So bad that it actually makes you laugh which Gojo doesn't approve of, but at least it makes you happy.
He'll wrap his an arm around your shoulder and pull you into him, still making fun of you in the process.
Gojo's grip on you is tight and firm, but comforting.
He kisses the top of your head and ends up throwing you on his bed.
If you're ticklish, his hands will torture you until you're laughing to point where tears are rushing out of your eyes.
Or he'll play fight you, pinning you down on the bed and showering your face and neck in soft kisses.
He'll do anything to distract you from your bad day.
Gojo will order takeout and let you snuggle up beside him for the rest of the day.
Who wouldn't love to just lay on his big beefy chest, listening to his heartbeat after a bad day?
You literally walk into your shared bedroom and collapses on top of him, needing a minute to recollect yourself.
Ughhh, he's so sweet and nice about it, but very confused and just staring at you.
It takes him a minute though to realize that you've had a bad day and you have to explain to him why you're upset.
He frowns the minute he finds out that you're upset and cups your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks.
He talks to you in a soft, husky voice that just literally melts you away.
Will nonstop compliment you as he holds your face in his large hands.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?"
"You're perfect, y/n."
Man just adores you and he has to express it or he'll explode.
You'll rest your head on his chest or on his bicep, which he will flex and squeeze your head with his muscles 😩 (when is it my turn, choso?)
He'll kiss your forehead and relax with you so comfy in his arms as he keeps his voice low and soft, whispering such sweet things to you.
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
[oneshot ? idk wally x reader]
un edited so appolgise for things that are spelt wrong, and gramma.
Could not help myself after I saw the Wally Actor AU! AAAAAH so I’m creating this, because I can. I know I should be focusing on red phone, but this next chapter is going to take a bit dudes. So here is this.
“Are you Y/n? my newest inturne?” Their stood infront of you the person or puppet you would be learning from. Julie, from the show welcome home. You had never though a puppet would let you be their intern, Let alone on the show Your nieces and nephues adored but by some mircal you got the job.
“yesh! It’s a pleasure to meet you  Julie Joyful! I’m very excited to work with you and help you with what ever you need! I look forward to learning from you as well Ma’am!”
“Oh don’t worry about formalities! Just call me Julie, Now I do need you to do me a small favour.” My eyes light up when she says this, I know interns are sometimes treated like dogs, but I didn’t care too much since this would be amazing on my resume.
“Sure thing Julie!” She gives me a small smile and her card.
“I would like a Carmel Frappuccino, with sprinkles and two pumps of vanila please! If you could et it here in at least 30 minutes would be-“ “NO Problem ma’am! I’ll get it right away!” I say rushing out the door, to get back in my car and drive to the nearest Starbucks. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be to work in film, But I wasn’t smart enough too get in to collage. But I was able to do a tafe course and work my way up from their. I’m still shocked she even hired me.
Getting out of the car and into the Starbucks a sigh, seeing the huge line.
“Oh god…” ----
“I wounder where my new intern is.”
“Intern?” Wally asks Julie a little confused, she had never mentioned any intern to him. Let alone hriing one.
“Yes! I just got her today, I saw her before and asked her to get me my drink but she a little late. I hope she’s alright!” Julie says, sighing Wally was not happy with this at all. Late on the first day and why wasn’t he told about this? They where probably just another human looking down on  them. Thinking they could exploit poor Julie.
“MISS JOYFUL I HAVE YOUR DRINK!” The two puppets turn to see who was yelling, it was none other than her new intern! She was sweaty and holding an ice cold drink in her hands.
“I’m so sorry Miss Joyful! There was a massive line! And they stuffed up the order the first time so i-“ “Awe thank you Y/n! it’s no problem I understand, and please call me Julie!”
“Yes Ms. Julie is their anything else I can help you with?” she asks Wally rises an eyebrow at her a little, noticing her good posture and how she kept her hands together in the front folded nicely on top of each other.
“Could you get me some banana bread from the table? Wally, would you like anything?”
“Just a chocolate muffin cut into 4 slices and a silver knife, I can taste it when it’s wood.” Wally says this was a test honestly, he knew that she wouldn’t be able to keep up this good shared for too long. She’s probably heard from the other crew how much of an ass he is and is only being nice to get on his good side.
“No problem, Sir, I’ll get them for you guys!” Y/n stands about to leave before Julie calls out to her.
“And get yourself something! I don’t want you passing out on me!”
“Oh! Sure thing!” she finally leaves.
“Isn’t she adorable! She has a pretty good resume as well!”
“how so?”
“Well, she has done a cert 3 in childcare! So, she has a blue card! She worked in customer service for 4 years! She loved film though her G.P.A is low she worked very hard to be here! Her dream is to work in the film industry-“
“Acting?” Wally asks taking a sip of his mineral water with a lime in it.
“Then why is her your intern?”
“Well, she said she wants to learn all aspects, she was very eager in the interview my agent said! And all employees described her as hard working!” Julie explains, Julie’s agent wasn’t a ray of sunshine, she would make Julie do some adds she didn’t like and use to force them to model on the side. That was before Wally straightened her out. Would she be happening to do this do make him angry?
“it took my a while to find a Silver Knife but I did! I brought a little butter thing just incase. I didn’t know if you wanted it buttered sorry!” Y/n says handing both of them what they asked for, She even gave wally a Metal fork. He was honestly a little shocked and weirder out.
“This is good! Thank you would you like to sit and watch with us?” Y/n was taken aback HELL WALLY WAS TAKEN ABACK.
“o-oh umm thank you yes please.” Y/n moves from the middle of them to Julie’s left and takes a seat on the ground, she opens the old bottle of water and takes a sip.
“Awe scared of me sugar?” Wally asks teasingly, Julie chuckles along as Y/n face heats up and eye widen.
“OH NO SIR! I DIDN’T MEAN TOO! I JUST-““ I don’t bite!” this embarrasses Y/n further and makes Julie crack up more.
“I- um. I know I just thought-““oh ignore him Y/n! he just teasing he does it to every one! OH my your redder then a tomato!”
“Or a apple!” the two continue to laugh while Y/n left their, but she doesn’t seem to mind all of that. She instead focus her attention on to the set. Soon enough the two puppet go on and talk about something else. That’s when she notices someone struggling with something.
“And then I heard-“ “Excuse me Ms Julie is it okay if I help that poor fella?”
“Oh yes of course, you can do what ever as long as you’re here when I call for you!” Y/n nods and quickly goes to the guy to help him lift the fake trees.
“Hey, let me help you with that!” Y/n says grabbing two of the trees from his arms, The guy looks confused at first but gladly takes the help.
“Thanks, we need to move these over here.” “No problem!” The two walks to the side and place the trees there. She dusts off her hands off from the and a joyful smile can be seen on her face.
“Which department are you in? by any chance?” The employee asks her,
“Oh, I’m the new intern for Julie Joyful I’m Y/n nice to meet you.” Y/n puts her hand forward to shake.
“Jack, you work with the puppets? Good luck ha-ha! See ya later kid.” He says walking. Y/n shows a face of confusion and tilt of the head as he walks away, but she walks back to her new boss.
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stardustloserdoll · 3 months
Hey babe, I heard you had no ideas for a Professor Turner so here’s one:
You’re struggling with writing an essay, maybe a particularly important one it doesn’t really matter. And you asked Alex to come and help you in the library. He shows up, you’re doing your best to focus on writing. But his voice is so low and he’s practically whispering in your ear. His hands look so pretty writing and marking your essay. Maybe, y’all get a little close… ykyk
Now, you could leave it there, but… smut is so much fun.
So now you’re struggling to stay quiet as Alex fingers you beneath the table. Whispering dirty things into your ear and telling you to stay quiet.
TBH+C Alex is the one who I imagine I would do this, this gif specially:
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Or like early Car:
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AAAAAH i love this. thank you so much!😭 he looks so fineeee in those gifs 🤭
also trying out a different pov d:
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essay help
female reader
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“i’ll see you all on monday. have a good weekend.” professor turner said, causing everyone to begin packing their things up quickly. as you began packing your things, you glanced over at him seeing he was erasing the board. slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you waited till everyone was out, finally approaching him.
“hello professor.” you smirked leaning on his desk. he turned around placing the eraser down “y/n.” he smiled placed his hands on his hips, looking down at her. “boring lecture as always.” he laughed packing up his things “you love them.” you rolled your eyes playfully. you sighing dramatically as you watched him pack. “something wrong?” he asked.
“yeah um. i was having trouble on the essay and i was wondering if you can help me with it?” he looked up raising his eyebrow “you? asking me for help? that’s rare, your essays are always well done.” you sat down in the seat in front of the desk. “well the one you assigned is confusing! you should’ve explained it better.” you pouted. “maybe if you weren’t eye fucking me the whole time you would’ve understood it better.” you scoffed mumbling a whatever. “can you just help me please?” he nodded his head “of course.”
“great, i’ll meet you at the library. thank you.” you said placing a kiss on his cheek walking out.
you sat there in the quiet library, the sound of keyboards clacking and the sound of pages quietly turning. you tapped your pencil against the desk, anxious eyes scanning the room until you saw him. he looked around the room until he spotted you sending a small wave your way.
“hey.” you smiled moving your things aside. “hey. sorry im late.” he said taking a seat next to you, placing his things down beside. “it’s okay. i haven’t wrote much anyways.” you said handing him a pen from your pouch. “how about we look at that essay of yours hm?” he said leaning in to examine the work, placing it in front of him to read.
“yeah. right, the essay.” you mumbled. as he read through the pages, you couldn’t help but stare at his hands. the way his veins would pop out whe he wrote something down, to the way he lifted his hand up to his lip as he read. you bit your lip, playing the the hem of your skirt. after some time went by he was finally done reading. “okay so far it’s good, just some little things to change.” he said placing the paper in front of you. he placed his arm around your chair getting closer.
“see that sentence. i think it could use a little more detail.” he spoke placing his finger on the paper, his warm breath ghosting over your ear. you swallowed nodding your head, erasing what you had previously. you swallowed, reading over his comment scribbling down some things. “how does this sound?” you asked turning your head slightly to look up into his eyes. his eyes lingered onto yours for a while until he looked down to read what you had, the scent of his cologne wafting into your face making you dizzy. “mmh perfect. how about we continue with the rest?”
as you both continued to look over the essay you, couldn’t focus. your eyes would stay stuck onto his hands, imagining what those fingers could do. you gripped onto your pencil tightly stopping your writing making alex notice. “something wrong y/n?” he asked. you shook your head bringing the pencil up to your lips, eyes still lingering on his hands as you clenched your thighs. you action not going unnoticed by him causing a smirk to form on his face. “what’s on your mind, you look a little red.” you shook your head seeing his hand moving to rest on your thigh. “did you want a break?” he asked. “i think you deserve one. you’ve been working so hard on that essay of yours.”
you watched as his hand slipped under your skirt, inching closer, stopping him. “alex..we can’t.” you whispered looking up at him with pleading eyes. he chuckled “i guess you’ll have to stay quiet then hm?” you bit your lip opening your legs slightly. “naughty girl.” he smirked resuming his motions, slipping a finger into your underwear to rub circles onto my clit. slowly pushing two fingers into you me, thrusting his fingers at a slow pace.
you moan softly, biting your lip, your eyes shutting close as he fucked you. “shh.” he whispered, slowly increasing his pace. you moved your hand to grip the seat, letting out a shaky breath clenching your thighs around his hand. he quickened his pace, making me loud moan a slip out, his hand coming to my mouth to silence me quickly. you muffled a sorry, causing him to drop his hand. “im close al.” “naughty girl, what’d i tell you.” he whispered keeping his pace up, making me shift in my seat.
“cum on my fingers sweet girl.” he praises giving you that final push. you let out a shaky breath as your orgasm washed over you, feeling alex slip his fingers out of you painfully slow making you shudder. “let’s finish that essay, when we do you’ll get rewarded.”
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holymaccaronii · 3 months
AAAAAH okay okay, I decided myself to share 2 things in one in this post: the lore of my ihnmaims AU + a design I’m working on. To be completely honest, I’m not sure if I’ll want to develop this AU into a fic or anything like that, but for now I’ll use it as an excuse to draw and design characters. Note that I might come back to this post and edit the lore paragraph, as it is still a work in progress, though I am liking where this is going. Please PLEASE excuse my English, some things might not make sense without me noticing, but I tried describing the plot the best I could. *Ahem*, now, the lore:
The lore takes place after the bad ending in the videogame where the player is turned into the worm, yet still doesn’t allow AM to access and torture the humans sealed in the moon colony. Since the last humans had “failed” their mission to defeat AM, a “Plan B” was scheduled to happen. Unbeknownst to the humans of the colony, another AI was created and implanted within the moon, taking up almost all of the space in its core due to its large size. This machine had the sole purpose of ensuring the survival of those humans once AM was defeated, or not. Inside it were millions of plant seeds, animal embryos and frozen samples that would later be used to repopulate the earth, yet it also had defense and destruction technologies to be used in case AM was not defeated. This machine was perfectly calibrated to be able to overcome any adversity that arose, but of course, all that changed when one of the humans managed to wake up and leave their capsule. This human got to understand what all of this was about, though they did not like where this was heading one tiny bit, thus they used the time they had left before the last human on Earth was killed to change and mess it all up. Humanity's greed had claimed yet another victim, as this AI was torn apart piece by piece until it was completely separated and rebuilt into an insane amount of sentient robot models as the years passed. This human managed to transform their own body as well, rebuilding it just as a sacred temple in order to be crowned monarch of this new society now living in a city on the moon. Despite all this, the goal of bringing humanity back still remained, now with the small condition that this human had to be considered a savior and supreme leader to all. Once the last human on Earth had died, robotic troops began to be sent to Earth to study it in detail and plan attacks against AM’s systems, which were disadvantageously located deep underground. Many of these attacks resulted in large unnecessary losses as these robots were not calibrated to combat AM, but they still continued to upgrade themselves to increase their damage range over time. This continued on as a seemingly endless war that barely progressed.
Again, I am aware that maybe some stuff might not make sense (or maybe it does?), but this is basically a continuation of what happened canonically in the videogame. The name “PLAN B” also makes reference to my OC BE, thought that was cool :p. I’ll explain the events that happen here later on as well.
Many if not all of the robots I’ll design will include a whole lotta exposed wires + their outer shell/ body parts, as I liked this dynamic, and it will be important later. The “monarch” that I mentioned in the paragraph is turning out to be this guy down here. I based myself off from those ceramic sun decorations, and thought it would be cool to make his face switchable. In reality they have a body too but I jus like wire amalgamations too much + they’re easy to draw. I’ll continue workin on em :-)
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thisismeracing · 1 year
aaaaah okay #4 from the prompt list with mick? bff to lovers maybe? 🥺 this is so fun, a great idea!
Hi, nonny! haha thank youuuu and sorry for the delay! Hope you like it 💗
From the Quick Prompt List: 4. “I think I'm in love”
word count: 0.7k
pairing: reader (she/her pronouns) x mick schumacher
warnings: fluff, not proofread, best friends to lovers.
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Yn was talking with her friend when her phone buzzed in her hands, a message from Mick. She couldn't help but smile starting to type an answer to his airport update, she was going to pick him up later so they could spend some time together before race week started again.
"Is it your Schumacher boy?" her friend asked and Yn huffed, rolling her eyes.
"How do you know?"
"Because you automatically smiled, and you have a very specific smile for him as well," she explained.
Yn thought for a second, eyes darting to play with the chain Mick gifted her a month before just because he "saw it while in Monaco and thought of you", it shouldn't be unusual to have a smile that you only give to your best friend, right? After all, it is her best friend.
"You two are so clueless it's painful to watch," her friend starts again. "I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions and I want you to answer the first thing that comes to your mind ok? No filter, just be honest."
Yn nods, confused, but still, locks her screen and directs her attention back to her friend and only her.
"Who's the first person to text you or the first person you text in the morning?"
She didn't hesitate to answer, "Mick."
"Who always checks on you?"
"Who came from one side of the city to the other just because you texted saying you wanted to go home, but there were no Ubers available?"
Yn bites her lower lip remembering how he flew to her on his bike and got her home in no time. That night he stayed at her house and they watched random Disney movies together before falling asleep on her couch. She takes a deep breath and answers, "Mick."
"Who took you to the hospital when you fell down and sprained your ankle?"
"You know who..." Yn casts her eyes to the huge window facing the city outside.
"Who spent the night holding your hair while you threw up after drinking without eating?"
Yn rolled her eyes, feeling her heart ache a bit. It was always him.
"Fuck, he's my best friend! What about our friendship?" Yn asks starting to feel a bit anxious. There were too many questions, too many 'what ifs'.
"You usually date your friends, you know? It's not like you're gonna choose your enemy to be vulnerable around," her friend jokes.
"What if h-"
Her friend interrupts, "he likes you, Yn. He's obsessed with you, has always been."
Yn's phone buzz again and she gets up gathering her car key and cardigan.
"I- I gotta go. He'll be at the airport any minute now," Yn explains before dropping a kiss on her friend's cheek. "Thank you for putting some sense into me, I guess. If it doesn't work, it's all your fault," she jokes.
Rushing to the airport, Yn gets there in no time. She runs to the gate and when Mick crosses the big entry she crushes their bodies together in a tight hug.
"Woah, someone missed me, huh?" Mick jokes bringing her body closer and dropping a kiss on the side of her head.
Yn withdraws a bit just to look into his eyes, he has one of his big smiles. The one he only gives to her. And although he looks exhausted, he was so handsome, his small dimples greeting her, his messy hair just waiting for her friends to card through it.
"Mick, I think I'm in love," Yn is too nervous to wait, too anxious for his answer, too excited with the possibility of a future with him, of sharing even more with him.
She feels his body tense, he's probably bracing for the worst, but when she whispers "with you" there's a new glow on his face. His lips show her that same smile again, but this time it's like there's something more like it finally reached all the happiness it could contain.
"I think I'm in love with you," she repeats and his hands find her cheeks bringing her face closer.
"That's about the best thing you could tell me because I sure am in love with you too."
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Wrote this while listening to too many songs, sorry no random infos this time lol I hope you guys like it. Share with the besties, reblog, like, comment, etc etc etc ya girl functions with feedback, crumbs feed me, don't ever doubt it, now give me some, bye *mwah*
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lanitalay · 6 months
Before I Say Goodnight
Chapter 19
a/n: AAAAAH only one more chapter left after this one. Let me tell you this has been such a wonderful experience. I feel more confident in my writing and my story telling I hope everyone who has read this has had a fun time escaping reality with me.
warnings: canon typical violence
word count: 5.1k
Other Chapters
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He had made a complete disaster of his Inner Circle and had jeopardized all of Prythian because of the prophecy Amren had found. In his mind it had all been justified. A threat, a mole, an usurper was living amongst his beloved family, charming them, manipulating them. He knew better than to underestimate a human girl with nothing to lose. He had fallen in love with a similar renegade and it had made him love Feyre even more. But this girl… she was not his mate. She was not his subject. She was not his. She would be his destruction if he didn’t act carefully. She was wild, untethered and untested. Now, she was gone. Feyre roars at him from across their bedroom “how could you be so cruel? He is your brother and she has done nothing to any of us”. He had been trying to explain the prophecy but she rolled her eyes “you are not thinking clearly Rhysand. You have been lying to me. Hiding things from me for mother knows how long because of a supposed prophecy?” Blood roared in his ears “I have told you that I, we, will bow before no one. Let alone a rogue queen. If she’s gone we are better for it”. He catches a book Feyre throws his way “what about the rest of the courts? What about not telling me about any of this? What about the Human Lands? What about all the lives that will be lost because you refused to believe Azriel?” He had never seen her disappointment thrown his way. He felt small under her stare. She had never been so mad at her mate. So confused about all of his decisions and erratic behavior in the last months. “I’m going to call a meeting with the High Lords to warn them. I expect you to be there and cooperate” with that she walked out of the room and made a point of slamming the door. 
She wanted to throw more things at him for being so nearsighted and stupid. Rhysand had always been proud and protective of what was his but it was those instincts that made him blind. 
You shudder as you pour the freezing water over your head. Vallahan was nearly as cold as Velaris and the inn you had found did not have plumbing or the capabilities to boil buckets of water. But you had been a stowaway for days and a bath, however uncomfortable, was extremely necessary. Especially if you wanted to sneak into the courtly scene Mor certainly frequented. You had brought some money. Azriel had told you where he kept an emergency fund in the house and you had some savings from working with Jolly. If you were to find Mor tonight, you had a few things to get done before nightfall. Rinse off the last of the soap, pat yourself dry, get dressed in the change of clothes you had brought. It was a simple outfit, nothing to draw attention to you. But you cleaned up nicely. Thick locks framing your newly ephemeral face. It was still an adjustment to see yourself in the mirror. Your eyes looked like your eyes but they were brighter, glittering. The pointed ears that peeked through your hair. Your cheekbones that had shifted slightly when your body had turned fae. The scars, now faint white lines, that adorned your chest. Those were the toughest to look at. You put on a thick scarf and step out of the room for the next part in your hasty plan.
“Silver suits you, my lady” the female at the shop tells you and you really can’t disagree. The coolness of the color enhances your complexion and the reflective nature of the fabric catches the light in such a way that you look like a star incarnate. “Thank you, I’ll take it” she claps a little and says “I suspect you’ll be attending the ball tonight?” Bingo. “Yes, I was in tears this morning when my sister spilled tea on the gown I had prepared. Lucky I found this one” you step into the changing room and strip the dress off. When you emerge the shopkeeper is waiting by the till. When she tells you the total you nearly yelp. It was expensive. But it was exquisite and you needed to get in, no questions asked. So you hand her the gold coins and return to the inn as fast as possible. There was a ball. You had scouted the city the first few hours after being kicked off the ship and quickly spotted the wealthy district. It was more of a street, full of enormous mansions that lined up all the way to golden palace gates. If you had to guess, that was where Mor was staying and hopefully where the ball was. If you were wrong then… then you’d go South and find Azriel by any means necessary. 
You spent the rest of the day getting ready. Putting on cosmetics and fixing your hair until you look like a doll. You had to play your strengths, and beauty was one of them. Once the dress is on you stand in front of the mirror and make sure not one hair is out of place. It really is a gorgeous gown. You run your hands over the metallic material. Once satisfied with the outcome you put on your freshly laundered cloak and make your way out. 
The first part of the plan was finding a carriage.
 They were all over the city and your best bet to get into the palace without raising any flags. You walk towards the wealthy district and a few blocks away you see your mark. He’s a young male. Younger than any of the members of the Night Court. He looked boyish, naive, sheltered. He was dressed in a suit and he was so flustered you could see the blush burn his cheeks. A young girl stood next to him in a stunning gown. Hers was blue silk. It looked like the Northern Sea. Breathe. You had practiced as much as possible before getting caught on the ship. Breathe. You were on the street, under a crystal sky. It wasn’t anything like the Night Court. The stars stagnant. You close your eyes and feel for something to hold onto. You put your hands inside the cloak and clench your fists, feeling the pull of the atmosphere at your skin. It was still jarring. Lowering the barrier that kept you contained in your body and letting your magic flow from your pores. But the next steps were easier. A magnet. You condensed all of the humidity in the air to one heavy cloud right above your heads. Something in you said it was like turning on a faucet.  A simple swipe lets all of the water drip drop right onto the unwitting accomplices. You breathe again, returning to yourself in a gasp. “Where is the carriage?” You make a show of looking around in a panic. The front of your cloak is open, the glittering dress visible but covered from the elements. Bringing up the hood to cover your hair you let out a pitiful cry “this night is ruined”. The male was helping the female into their carriage when he heard the commotion coming from you. A sad sight. You look out of place in the dimly lit street. All dressed up with no one around. His heart clenches when he sees your face is wet and he can’t tell if it's from the rain or from tears. But you’re clearly going to the same place he is so he runs over to you “are you going to the ball?” He asks over the increasing rain “I was supposed to, but my betrothed hasn’t shown up with the carriage, if he doesn’t arrive soon my dress will be ruined” he felt bad for the abandoned lady. So he did not think twice when offering “come with us, we have plenty of room” he held out his hand for you to grab but you grabbed your skirts instead and walked beside him. Once in the carriage you breathed again, this time, to release the clouds you had taken hostage. 
When you arrived at the palace you quickly took off your cloak and made sure you were seen. You made a fuss about thanking the young male that had offered you his help and even promised him a dance once inside. You needed her to see you. Once inside the palace you went about visiting every room available to the revelers, always keeping an ear out for a familiar sultry laugh. So when you hear high heels slam on polished floors and the voice you so desperately wanted to hear say “I apologize, your grace, but my cousin has called me back for an emergency. I will be back when everything is settled…. No, he did not tell me what was the matter… Escorting me is unnecessary. I know my way around…” You want to run up and hug her. The first familiar face you’ve seen in days. But you walk a few feet behind her and the queen until she goes into the residential wing of the castle and the queen returns to the ballrooms. 
“Mor-” she whirls around and shoves you against the wall. Eyes wide in horror when she recognizes you. “What the hell are you doing here y/n?” She lets go and scans you from head to toe “we need to talk, somewhere private” nodding, she grabs your arm and walks you down winding corridors. 
“Spill it” you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “I need your help getting Azriel out of Koschei’s lake” her jaw slackens and you can almost feel her heart stop at your words “is that why Rhysand called me back?” You shrug “Maybe, I don’t know” she arches a sharp brow “did something happen?” You nod “a lot has been going on while you’ve been away” Mor motions for you to go on “well, as you probably know Rhysand does not like me and this wasn’t really cause for concern until I electrocuted Eris. It turns out I have powers and they could be dangerous. So Azriel was covering for me, keeping him off my back. Then Azriel got word that Koschei was planning an invasion and when he told Rhysand he sent him to confirm the news. Azriel said that he would be back in a week, that if he wasn’t it was because something was wrong and that I should flee Velaris. He knows war is imminent and he wanted me to get out before it broke out. I stowed away on a ship that landed me here. It was a gamble to try and find you but I can’t rescue him on my own. He needs help, Mor.” She lets out a string of foul curses. Even you were offended and you had just spent days over hearing conversations between sailors. “I suppose Rhysand suspects you have powers?” A nod “Is he preparing for the invasion?” “I’m not sure, I went to him for help before I left but he didn’t say anything other than to stay out of it”. Mor curses. There wasn’t much of a decision to be made between rescuing her lifelong friend and defender and answering a call from her cousin across the sea “Ok, let’s go get Azriel”. 
Eris did not bother with pleasantries when Feyre contacted him. He was days into strategizing and meeting with the other High Lords trying to prepare for an attack they knew was imminent. “I apologize if I am crass but we have no time to waste since Rhysand neglected to inform us about Koschei” Feyre looked a mixture of embarrassed and relieved “I should be the one apologizing, Rhysand should apologize as well. But I am glad you found out and did not hesitate to mobilize”. Most of the villages had been evacuated to the westernmost parts of Velaris. The armies from each court had been warned and were ready for battle. Eris had done so much in just a few days. 
While removing  your gowns and putting on fighting leathers you ask Mor about your lover's captor. You were regretting never going to train with Cassian or Nesta or Azriel. Your little blades more of a hazard then an asset in unskilled hands. 
“So what’s the deal with Koschei? I know he’s powerful enough to curse Vassa and that he wants more power but I don’t know what to expect?
She takes a long inhale “You did not think this through at all?” You sort of had, but doing research on a boat wasn’t possible and up until a week ago Koschei was just an abstract villain from your friends' pasts. So you shrug. Mor sighs “Well, for starters he is one of three immensely powerful siblings. He is the only one that's alive though, the other two died during the war against Hybern. Let’s see… He is not from this realm, the three of them arrived here before Prythian was even a thing. He is an ancient thing. The Fae call him a death god because he feeds off life itself and I’m not sure how true this is but they say his soul is kept separate from his body and that makes him nearly impossible to kill because he keeps his soul hidden away somewhere safe. 
You couldn’t help but notice the similarities in the facts. He was from a different dimension, so were you. His soul could be detached from his body, in a way, so could yours. 
He was on a small platform in the middle of a crystal clear lake. He had been here for a week? Maybe two? He couldn’t really tell. The days had started to blend in together. He was sick. He was starving. He was a goner. It was sad to think that this would be his end. 
He was in the woods that surrounded the lake waiting to see the evidence of what his spies had told him when a snake bit through his leathers and knocked him unconscious. He woke up when two sentinels were carrying him through the woods, the large green and yellow snake warped around him. The weight of it nearly suffocated him. The males walked for hours until they arrived at a large cabin facing a lake. Azriel’s stomach twisted with knowing. When they threw up on the floor of the cabin in a heap he struggled to breathe. Then slow, steady steps paralyzed him. He couldn’t move his head to look around but from where he was on the floor he could tell that the cabin was a place of luxury and opulence. Shiny hardwood floors pressed against his temple. Intricate carved furniture cluttered the space. Large open windows allowed for a freezing breeze to flow through the space and a large stone hearth housed an angry crackling fire. His shadows told him that the male approaching had white hair and dark eyes. He struggled against his restraint. The snake crushed him a little more. 
“Finally caught the pesky shadowsinger that has been breathing down my neck all these months” a hoarse voice boomed through the room. It bounced off the walls and Azriel felt his ears bleed. “It’s rare we get new visitors along these parts, most fae know to stay away” the steps near until he was right next to Azriel, his face hovering over him. The hair was long and stringy. Eyes not just dark, but black. Void.
“You are not who I was expecting, but a lucky surprise” with a nod the snake tightens its grip until Azriel’s world goes dark again. The next time he opened his eyes he was here. Someone would throw his bread every couple of days and he would drink rain water he caught in his hands. But the last few days all of the sentinels had been sent to Prythian. Leaving him alone with Koschei and blurry creatures that swam below. The water was so clear he could see thousands of skeletons lining the bottom of the lake. If he did not figure a way out, he would be joining the underwater grave soon. 
Mor winnowed South. It was still dark out. The sun due to rise in a few short hours. You had devised a plan… of sorts. You were sitting against a tree and she stood in front of you, guarding. You close your eyes and breathe. Just like before the barriers lower and you spill into the misty night. Like a fog you roll through the forest and over the lake. You feel his presence before you visualize him. But before you know it there he is. In the middle of the lake. A heap on a platform. Wings tucked into his back, rigid with tension, ankles chained. You see the cabin. Feel immense energy. There are a million creatures in this small little lake. Insects, woodland animals, strange beings you had never seen. They were all scared, beaten and broken down. Even the worms felt pathetic in the way that only someone shoved into the wrong vessel felt pathetic. 
You return to your body and your eyes water at the image of Azriel, captured but whole. He was intact. “He’s alive, Mor”. She turns to face you and you can see relief wash over her face. “Thank the Mother, what else did you see?” 
“He’s in the middle of the lake, floating. His ankles are chained. There is a cabin where Koschei is, I felt his energy. And I think every single one of the creatures in this place is cursed to their current form” 
“So what do you want to do?” 
“I think I could move the platform towards the shore and then you can winnow him away, we can figure out how to break the chain after”. Mor nodded in agreement. “Are you going to stay here?” 
“Yes, just winnow back here and then the three of us can get away” 
She disappeared before your eyes. Eyes closed. One breath. Walls down. Weave through the forest. Spot Mor in the shadow of the large tree. Condense yourself into water. Drop in the lake. See the bones and the anchor keeping the platform in place. Gather more energy. Zap the tether. Become wind. Lead him to the shore. See Mor approach. See him stir. She held out her hand, reaching. See her grab his hand and… and nothing. He’s awake now, a horrified look on his face. Mor looks upset too. She grabs his other hand now. They remain in place. You feel their energy. You hear their conversation  “what are you doing here?” 
“Getting you out, dumbass” 
“You should leave, the shackles are probably spelled”
“I can’t leave without you” 
“You have too, he’ll know you’re here and if he traps you too then what?”
Become a cloud. Envelope your friends. Protect them from prying eyes. Harness, attract,  and grab energy. Release a bolt of lightning straight to the chain. Hear their loud curses. Muffle them with heavy rain. See him move his legs. Chains intact. Feel a call. A pull from the cabin. Return to your body. Shiver and shake, cry and wail. 
You stand on unsteady ground and walk. Reach your friends. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Mor steps away from Azriel as you approach him. He was here. He was real. He was cold and wet from the rain. His brows furrowed. His throat bobbed. His eyes wild. 
“Az… I’m sorry” you can’t think of anything else to say when he’s looking at you like you’re crazy.
“Get out, both of you. Leave now” you shake your head and kneel on the platform with him. You hold his hands, bringing them to your lips. Place kisses on his knuckles and whisper “you’ll be free soon”. He shakes his head “y/n, please, you have to leave. Go North remember? Please-” his voice was raw from disuse. “No one can get that iron off you, Az. I won’t leave you here to waste away” 
“What are you saying?”
“He left you here so I would see you. He’s expecting me” it's something you can feel in the air. His power mingled with yours. Calling you toward the cabin. “No- no, Mor, winnow away. Leave right now, please- I-” 
“It’s alright, you don’t have to worry” you move your hands to his face and move his hair away from his eyes. “It’s just what has to happen right now” he closes the distance between you in a desperate kiss. A kiss that said “I missed you” “I love you” “You’re insane” “Don’t leave me”. You pull away “I’ll be back Azriel, I promise I’ll find you when I’m done here”. Burning in your ribs sealed the deal. 
Wipe the tears from his cheeks. Kiss him again. Tell Mor to wait until he’s freed to winnow away. Hug her. Walk towards the cabin. See that the door is open. Go inside. Black, depthless eyes meet yours. Too white teeth in a glaring smile. White stringy hair. Smooth, poreless skin. Small, dainty nose. He looked like a doll possessed by a demon. Your skin crawls.
“I have been waiting for you, magnificent creature” 
“I’m here, let Azriel go” 
“He can go if you stay” 
“I know” 
Koschei walked toward a small table and sat in one of the two chairs. He motioned for you to sit in the other one. 
“I am pleased to host you in my home” 
“I can’t say I’m pleased at all”
“Getting you here took so much longer than expected. See, I am limited in terms of mobility and have had to delegate most tasks to power hungry brutes”  you tilt your head, questioning. 
“I suppose no one has told you that your arrival to this realm was written in the stars long ago?” You say nothing. 
“Let me explain. Most things happen by chance. But some things happen to be destined. You, my dear, are the latter.” He pushes an ancient looking script your way “The realm will bow to  the queen with no crown. The one who traveled the longest distance,through space and time. The one who brought great danger. She will be created by fate, magic, earth, wind, fire and water. A keeper of lightning. Master of storms. Calm oceans will turn tempestuous at her will. In time, all will bow to the queen with no crown.”
You read it. Again and again. 
“Understand now?” Shake your head. No. 
“The autumn lord was supposed to deliver you to me alongside Galgollem but he got himself  and the monster killed instead” Koschei said with a casual roll of his dead eyes. “My dear, you and I together possess more power than anyone else in the entire realm. I am bound to this lake. But you are as free as the wind. As strong as steel. Be my queen. My equal”. You are free. He said you are free. What good would it be if his puppet was also bound to the lake if his true motives were conquest? 
“Are you the king of anything?” low chuckle.
“I am a God of Death”
“And I am Queen of the Realm, destined by the Mother herself, according to this”. You shove the paper back towards him.  He bristles.  You feel yourself getting agitated. Close your eyes. Breathe. See Azriel and Mor still at the edge of the lake. Return. 
“Let. Azriel. Go” 
“Be my queen and he’s free”  
In that moment you knew. You understood his need for you. To align himself with who he thought was his counterpart. But he did not see that your freedom, your wildness was inherent. It was carved in your bones. He wanted to hold you captive. Send you away on his behalf. Conquer far away lands, oceans and winds. Be his hostage. Nothing more than a marionette. You feel the buzzing, no longer dormant. No longer controlled by concentration and breathing exercises. 
See his face shift from nonchalant to tense. Know your eyes are telling him he’s in trouble. Close them. See Azriel and Mor still in the lake. Open them. See his mouth moving. The drumming doesn’t let you hear a word. 
You lose it. 
He doesn’t understand your power. 
He thinks he can tame you. 
Stand from your chair, walk to him. See him lean back. Reach for his neck. Unleash yourself. Bright white fills the room. Feel Koschei sizzling and crackling in your hands. The energy too much for his vessel to bear. 
The wind is knocked from your lungs when he pushes you away. You fly through the air, smash through the glass windows and land in the lake. Your body sinks. Close your eyes. See Azriel screaming and pulling at his shackles. Mor beside him, horrified. Gather wind and force Koschei into the lake as well. He’s pushed in by a gust that blows away all of the windows. Return to your body. See him trying to swim away. Become water and pull him down. Down. Down. 
The troops are formed in an impenetrable line. His eyes in the skies warned that there were ships arriving from the East. They were as ready as they could be. The Ilirians and Peregrins were launching into the sky with fae bane arrows. The rest were waiting for them to make landfall. All of the High Lords were with their respective armies. Even Tamlin had scrounged up a few warriors from Spring, thanks to Lucien. Rhysand and Feyre were leading the charge for Night,  beside them Nesta and Cassian. Most of their Inner Circle was notably missing. Eris cursed Koschei, he cursed Rhysand and he cursed the Gods for putting him in this situation again. He hated war. Absolutely despised the bloodshed and fighting. He was very skilled in combat, he had to be as  High Lord. But he would choose verbal warfare a million times over than this. Standing in a field, alongside Death. Souls waiting to be claimed. 
They came into view now. Arrows fell from the sky. 
His soul is separate from his body. He is struggling against currents that bring him right to your arms. Hands wrap around his neck again. Creatures you can’t see biting and pulling you apart. Above you, in the sky, a black cloud forms. Azriel’s skin is raw and red around his ankles. The static in the air is palpable. Koschei is fighting you, still. His minions clawing along your skin. You know the shock angered him. Hurt him. 
In your body and out of it at the same time. In the sky and the water. You squeeze his neck feeling his airway close. All it took was one thought and the cloud unleashes everything it has on the lake. Azriel screams. Mor jumps out of the water as bolts of lightning pour from the sky. A curtain of light. You feel a comforting tingle on your skin and know your plan works as the creatures pulling at you go belly up and Koschei convulses in your grasp. His body was not made of lightning. Horrible eyes bulge, neck twists in a way it should not be able to. You call off the cloud. His body sags in your hold, deformed by pain. This is only his vessel. 
The ships are nearing. The air squad firing all the have. Eris can tell no one in that ship has fallen. In short minutes they’ll be on the shore. 
The water brings you to the surface. His limp body in your hands. The current carries you to the shore and you bring his body onto dry land. 
Azriel is pale, nauseous and lightheaded. He swears his heart has stopped and started at least a thousand times. No worse torture than seeing her in danger not being able to do anything about it. But she’s there. Right in front of him. Dragging Koschei’s body across the sand. 
You collapse. Exhausted and drained. But his soul… His essence was still somewhere.
Close your eyes. Pour into the atmosphere. Let yourself feel. The call of his soul was coming from the cabin. It was in there somewhere and you would destroy it. Rage clouding everything. Nothing but his end would make you stop.
He had never seen her eyes like that. They were misty. White light pouring out. She looked so different from the person he knew. Her humanity, her softness vanished. Hair wild and stuck to her face, neck and back. He could see fast healing wounds peeking from the gashes in her clothes. A tornado. Lady Tempest. 
Her movements were precise. She stood and turned. Walking calmly to the cabin. 
The inside was destroyed from the shattered windows and rain pouring in from the chaos outside. His foul energy was concentrated deeper in the house. 
Open a door. Walk down spiraled stairs. Gag. It was disgusting. There was an iron door. Go to open it. Flinch. Send a bolt towards it. Walk through the hole. Dark room. Small box. The vibrations from his soul make you feel ill. Open the box. A smooth white bone lays on a velvet cushion. Walk outside. 
When the ships made landfall the soldiers within them descended on the shores of Prythrian. Running at full speed towards them. Not a single casualty from the arrows. Their army whole.  Eris braces himself, adjusting his grip on his sword and shield. The small dots becoming full sized soldiers in short seconds. 
Hold the bone. Close your fist around it. Breathe. I’m so tired. Breathe again. This being, Koschei, has caused so much suffering for so many people. For people you love. He wants power. He wants war. He wants you to do his dirty work. Just like that the buzzing is back. Squeeze your fist until it hurts. See white light flash between your fingers. Open your fist. Acrid ash is now where bone used to be. Scatter it on a phantom breeze. Return to his body. Drag it to the cabin. Put it in the hearth. Set it ablaze. 
The soldiers that were nearing vanished. The ships disappeared. Eris remained tense. 
This had to be a trick. 
The sound of fire crackling brings you out of your frenzy. What did I do? How could I do all of that? You had brutalized him. Killed him in such a personal way it scared you. Sitting on the wet floor you look at anywhere but the fire. You flinch when you hear footsteps and see Azriel standing in the doorway. You stand and run to him. He wraps his arms around you fully “we should go”. You pull away and walk outside. Mor is standing there, soaked. “Are you ready?” You nod and grab her hand. She winnows to a room you’d never been. 
“Make yourselves comfortable, I’m going to grab a drink and pass out”.
a/n: I hope a lot of questions were answered!!!!!! thank you for reading loves <3
taglist: @luvmoo @leeknows-wife@nocasdatsgay@mybestfriendmademe@evylynny
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maccreadysbaby · 7 months
A Hundred Days to Become a Wayne
batfamily + oc insert
tw: none
wanna start from chapter one or read more? here’s the table of contents!
THIS IS THE FINAL LITTLE CHAPTER YOU GUYS I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN AAAAAH! there’s a longer appreciation note at the bottom in yellow for you guys! <3
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part twenty-eight
The golden sun was filtering into his bedroom at Wayne Manor, and somehow, everything seemed brighter. He’d been released from medical care the previous day at about noon, and was supposed to get lots of rest. Although rest was difficult when whichever Wayne was next to him kept poking him in the shoulder.
“Bentley. Bentley,”
He grumbled and peeled his eyes open just enough to see the blurry image of Dick’s head laying on the pillow next to him. He looked pasty and his hair was a mess.
“Merry Christmas!”
Bentley smiled a little, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes. “Merry Christmas.”
“You can keep resting. I just wanted to give you the option to come down for breakfast, if you feel up to it,” He explained, shivering and wiggling himself under Bentley’s comforter in response.
Bentley still had a headache, but not as bad as yesterday, and his chest and ankle still hurt. But he’d rather go downstairs with Dick than try and sleep off a broken ankle.
“I’ll come,” He muttered. Dick smiled brightly, but not as bright as he usually did. Bentley put all the pieces together, the pastiness, the comforter, the smile, and turned his hand backwards to rest it on his forehead.
Bentley frowned when his skin was hot. “I got you sick. On Christmas.”
Dick gently pushed his hand away. “I’d much rather be sick on Christmas than not take care of you.”
He tried to smile, but it was more of a cringe. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, kiddo,” Dick stated, ruffling his hair a bit. “You can’t control germs.”
Bentley nodded, but he still felt bad.
“Ready to go down?”
He nodded again, and both he and Dick climbed out of the bed. He decided he wasn’t going to change out of his pajamas, because it was a hassle to get the boot off or get pants over it, (he’d learned that after he had to have Tim help him get the dreaded thing off so he could shower the previous night.) and he currently didn’t feel like fighting with it. He assumed Dick didn’t feel like fighting with it either, even though he’d probably help in a heartbeat.
Once they made it downstairs (which took a while, thanks to the boot.) and into the dining room, Bentley realized most everyone was still in their pajamas, so he wasn’t underdressed.
Tim, Duke, Cass, Steph, Damian, and Bruce were all at the table already, and Jason was helping Alfred carry dishes from the kitchen to the table.
“Bentley,” Bruce said happily, pulling out the chair he usually sat in. “Good morning. Merry Christmas.”
“Good morning,” He replied, making his way to the chair and climbing into it. Dick went around the table to get to his seat, and Bentley thought he heard Tim say wow you look terrible but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure.
“How are you feeling this morning?” Bruce questioned, and Bentley shrugged.
“Better than yesterday,”
“Good,” He replied, patting his shoulder gently. “Looks like Dick couldn’t say the same.”
“M’ good,” Dick argued, but the fact that he was glaring at the food Jason was sitting on the table like it was going to shatter his kneecaps said otherwise.
Breakfast was nice. Alfred had made some kind of cake thing, which was really good, and he specifically brought Bentley chocolate milk. (Aka, still his favorite thing ever.) Even being sick didn’t stop Dick from being the most entertaining at the table, and they all acted normal. They said nothing about anything that had happened between them and Bentley’s father, nothing about the hospital. Steph took her plate under the table at one point, to decorate Bentley’s boot with miniature garlands. She kept shouting out from under it when she wanted to interject and he thought it was hilarious. He didn’t even mind the occasional glance sent his way by Bruce, to make sure he was okay.
Once everyone had eaten (but Dick, who just pushed the food around enough to make it look eaten.) and Bentley’s boot looked more like a Christmas tree than a boot, Bruce insisted they all go into the library for gifts.
Which Bentley thought was strange. He’d always known Christmas was important for some reason, because his father decked out the house and shut him away, but he’d never known it had anything to do with gifts. Sure, one of his fathers clients had asked what he got for Christmas once, which only earned them a very confused look.
Nevertheless, he went into the library with everyone, with that same confused look on his face.
Apparently it was normal for everybody to get and give gifts on Christmas, because the tree in the library was piled full of stuff. The stockings, too. Bentley positioned himself on the couch between Dick and Jason and everyone was chattering until people started taking turns opening them.
Bentley was having fun watching until Bruce handed him one and insisted it was his turn. And he was suddenly really confused, because he thought he was just going to watch the Waynes do like they always did. And he probably sounded extremely pitiful when he asked Bruce if he was sure it was his, and only when he said yes, like, four times, did he open it. (He took to un-taping the paper neatly, as opposed to most of the Waynes, who shredded it. Alfred was pleased by this.)
By the end of the next couple hours, the library was covered with paper (but not Bentley’s paper, it was all stacked and folded neatly beside him.) and stuff. So much stuff, everywhere. Bentley’d ended up with an array of things he’d never seen half of before. Like model cars and boats he had to build, and these little bricks called legos, and some blue stuffed bear Dick insisted he needed to have. Not to mention he probably got enough clothes to fill a second wardrobe.
Once the chaos had calmed a little, Steph hopped up in her red and white pajamas. “No one move!” She ordered, and then ran out of the room like there was dust flying behind her.
Bentley waited patiently until she came back with the massive-est box he’d ever seen in her arms, and plopped it down on the floor.
“I’ve taken it upon myself to start a new tradition,” She stated, pulling the lid off. She pulled something out, and it looked like fabric. “Christmas sweaters!”
She started dishing out sweaters, throwing them at everybody in the room. They were each unique, with the first letter of everyone’s name on the front. Bentley’s was a dark red with a dark green B. Once she was finished, Steph pulled her own red and white one over her head. “Ta-da!”
He suddenly realized that’s probably why she’d measured him in the kitchen.
“Did you make these, Steph?” Bruce asked, examining the sweater thoroughly.
“Yep! I felt like an eighty year old woman knitting on my porch,” She replied.
Bentley stared at it for a while, stunned that she spent all that time making a sweater with a B on it for him.
Alfred (who was now wearing a sweater over his petticoat) left and came back with cookies. Bentley had put on the sweater that was just the right amount of too big, and his new family was laughing and chattering around him. Bruce was helping Alfred clean up, Dick leaned over and threw up in a gift bag, Bentley rubbed his back, and all was well.
dedicated to @sassenashsworld 💛
tag list!
@sarcopterygiian @fleur-alise @cademygod
Oh my gosh, you guys, we did it. I actually completed a full length fic. Last time I completed one I was about six years ago! Coming up with Bentley’s story and communicating with my readers has been such an amazing opportunity, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. This whole thing started as a WIP game post, and thanks to @sassenashsworld, soon became an entire story. Thank you so much for supporting me and my little guy. It means the absolute world. 💛 keep your eyes open for more posts about Bentley (there will be more, so 👀)
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normal-sea-urchin · 5 months
Casey Jones Fucking Dies: Chapter 8
AND IT IS DONE! chapter eight that is. uh, @achilles-invulnerable-heel @veritas-dolos @clanofjones @theosb0rnway @builtlikeastickofcelery @samuel-yippee @less-depresso-more-espresso ok i think that covers all the tags. uhhhh, but anyways this chapter may have a slightly different vibe as it was written from casey's pov. anyways here ya go pookies, enjoy!
Yes. Yesss.
That stupid turtle actually fell for it. Casey couldn't believe Raph thought he would actually forgive him. Yet here he was, in the turtle's body, glaring down Raph's spirit, which was now trapped in the mirror. 
"Sorry, but this body's taken." he hissed, giving the turtle's ghost a toothy grin. The look of fear in his face was all too good. "Anyways, I have places to be. Later, Raph." Casey taunted, putting emphasis on the mutant's name.
Casey took a step towards the door, only to stumble and put his hand on the counter for balance. Huh. It had uh, been a while since Casey had needed to actually walk around. not to mention that he was now a turtle. Kind of. A mutant turtle. Close enough. Either way, being in this body might take a while to completely get used to. 
But casey didn't exactly have tons of time. Possession wasn't easy, and he didn't exactly have the practice. So whether or not Casey knew how to even walk in this body, he needed to. Just gotta get to my house, he thought to himself. 
He took a step, and another, and placed his hand on the door knob. He turned to face Raph's ghost in the mirror one last time. He gave one last, toothless grin; he blinked his eyes to wash out the ghostly green glow, now replacing it with the turtle's striking green eyes. He blew a taunting kiss towards the horrified face in the mirror before swinging the door open and waltzing out of the bathroom. 
Casey had been watching Raph and how he acted around his brothers and father since he became a ghost; meaning it wasn't very hard to imitate how he acted, at least until he got out of the lair. Casey tried to walk over to the turnstiles (which he had learned was the entrance and also the exit) but was stopped by one of the turtles.
"Yo Raph, where are you going dude?" Dammit. Casey slowly turned a bit to see which turtle was talking to him. It was the orange one, with the blue eyes. What was his name again? Marco? No no no. Uhh, Miguel? Mikey? Mikey! It was Mikey. 
"Uh, just going on patrol, I'll be back later." he lied. Ugh, he sounded like Raph. He sounded like the guy who killed him. It felt weird. To be honest the entire 'being in the body of a five foot tall mutant turtle' thing was weird. Y'know what, that would explain why he sounded like him.
"Hmm, okay dude." Casey turned back around and sped-walked over to the turnstiles as inconspicuously as he could. Casey turned the corner out of the lair and as soon as he was sure he was out of earshot, he started booking it. 
He didn't really have a reason why. I mean, he wanted to see his sister and his room, but he didn't really have any reason to rush. but it felt nice. It felt good to run. It felt great to do anything. Even though the smell of the New York sewers was the worst thing imaginable, Casey was glad he could smell at all. 
After a while, Casey reached a sewer plate. He couldn't wait to see his room again. He rushed up the sewer ladder and shoved the sewer plate up and out of the way. Here he was. Back on the surface. Casey took a deep breath in. 
The sound of car horns and people yelling and even just people's shoes clicking against the pavement brought such a comfort to Casey. It felt amazing. God, he had missed this. It took Casey a moment to remember what exactly he came up here for. Right, his room. Gotta get to his apartment. 
"AAAAAH! MONSTER!" a feminine voice from behind Casey yelled. He whipped around to sees some blonde chick yelling and pointing at him. Shit. He totally forgot he was in Raph's body.
Casey quickly scaled the nearest fire escape. About halfway up, he noticed that the woman had ran away; so he continued his climb, peaking into the windows of the apartment complex as he did. As much as Casey hates the whole normal life thing, he kinda missed the mundanity of life. 
Y'know, waking up in an unmade bed, cooking breakfast for himself and his sister, riding his bike to school after dropping his little sister off, going to the convenience store after school for a snack, that kinda thing. And even the occasional hockey game or practice, or maybe his little sister needed help with her homework. Casey missed it. 
He reached the roof of the building and turned around, looking for a store or restaurant that he would recognize. He knew New York like the back of his hand; if he could just see how close the park or something was, he could easily get home. Aha! The old theater that Casey went to like, all the time. That meant he was about seven blocks away from his apartment.
He turned to face the direction his apartment building was in and mentally charted out a route of buildings to hop across. Shouldn't take too long. Casey walked over to the edge of the building, looking at the distance between this one and the next. He took a few steps back before sprinting towards and leaping towards the next building.
Casey landed with a tumble near the middle of the building. He did not expect to jump that great a distance, which left him a little shocked. But he shook it off with ease, of course. He really needed to get used to the whole mutant turtle thing if he was going to posses Raph more often, which he planned on doing. 
Either way, he began to fade into a cycle of leaping from building to building for a few blocks until his apartment complex was in sight. Casey stopped for a moment, taking a moment to catch his breath. God he missed the burning in his lungs when he ran. He missed the wind blowing through his hair, which was still something he missed considering Raph was bald... 
Anyways, he continued towards to his apartment. Upon reaching the top of it, Casey started rushing down the fire escape to his room. He could barely contain his excitement. He threw the window open and leaped into the room, feeling the carpet underneath the turtle's feet (which felt like, really big to Casey). 
Casey waltzed over to his bed before letting himself fall face first into his pillow. He inhaled deeply before rolling over onto the turtle's shell. Man, he missed his room. His eyes shot over to his desk, where his face paint was.
Face paint. Casey had an idea. He walked over to the desk and sat in the old, torn chair  in front of it. He tried his best to get comfortable, although Raph's shell made it a bit hard. After deciding that this was as comfortable as he could get in this body, he turned his attention to the desk.
His homework was in the exact same place he left it. He had blown off finishing it in favor for vigilante-ing...
Whatever. Casey pushed it aside. Not like Mrs. Thomson's math class mattered anymore. Casey reached for his black and white face paint, hoping to push those thoughts away. He turned the small mirror on his desk towards him, turning it downwards to fit his now much shorter height.
"This is for FUCKING killing me freak face!" Casey remarked, pointing at the turtle's face in the mirror. 
"GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING BODY!" Raph screamed back from his mirror prison; making Casey flinch back. He was not expecting a response. 
"Mmm, no. You could some time for reflection. Get it?" Casey mocked. Raph face morphed into a scowl before fading away, leaving Casey alone. Now then, the face paint.
Casey tugged the red mask off the turtle's head. He reached for a brush before dipping it into the white face paint. He smudged the paint all over the turtle's ugly mug. After two coats, the turtle's green skin was no longer visible. Casey grabbed a second, smaller brush for the black paint and went to town. 
It felt good. Defacing Raph. The man who killed him so ruthlessly. The man who had taken Casey from his sister, and from April, and from hockey, and from his life...
After a little while, Casey had finished. The black accents had taken only one layer, cause of how dark it was. And thus, it was done. The turtle had now donned totally metal skull face paint. Casey looked in the mirror, admiring his handiwork. Just one thing was missing. Casey reached into the left drawer of the desk and pulled out one of his spare bandanas. He tied it around his forehead and leaned back into the chair. Y'know the bandana really pulled the whole thing together. 
While staring at his new reflection, Casey thought back to his life before. Before his death. Before, when he had his own body, and didn't have to possess a mutant turtle. He regrets ever taking it for granted. Man, this was bumming him out. 
Casey's eyes began to wander around the room before landing on his hockey gear sticking out of his bag. Hmm. Casey walked over to the bag and crouched down beside it. He began to rummage through the contents, finding hockey pucks, spray paint bottles, and some other junk. Maybe he could take it with him, sneak it into the turtles's lair, so that he could throw up some graffiti or something next time he possessed Raph. He decided it best to at least take it with him, even if he didn't put it in the lair. He threw a few more things in: his face paint, some old clothes that just might fit over the turtle's body, that kinda stuff. As he was hunched over, he heard a voice erupt from behind him.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Casey whipped around to see his little sister, Angel, staring at him with wide eyes. 
Oh no. Ooooooh no. Angel couldn't see Casey. She couldn't see Casey looking like... this whole situation! He threw the bag onto his shoulder in a panic and quickly fled the scene. He ran up the fire escape, paying no attention to his sister's "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" 
He made it up to the roof before repeatedly sprinting and leaping over to a rooftop about a block down. He took a moment to breathe, turning and looking back towards his room; looking back towards his sister. All this time, he had missed her, so much. But now, after having seen her, he wishes he hadn't. The way she reacted, the way she screamed... Casey felt like a monster. 
And it was all Raph's fault.
The clinking of the spray paint cans in Casey's bag echoed through the abandoned subway tunnel. He was now on his way back from his apartment to the turtle's lair. The thoughts about how his sister reacted to seeing him still haunted his mind. 
Man, fuck all of this. Casey didn't care enough to hide the bag. He didn't care enough to try and wipe off the face paint he did. He didn't care enough to pay any mind to Raph's voice echoing in his mind, demanding his body back. 
As he made it closer to the lair, the sound of the other turtles became clearer. A grin began to crawl onto Casey's face the closer he got. This was gonna be good. 
He turned the corner to face the turtles and April with an unnerving grin on his face. The turtles all seemed to be watching some dumb cartoon show while April was on her computer. Casey dropped the bag to the ground, but still holding the strap in his hand. He stood, waiting for a response or even a reaction, still grinning.
The turtles were staring at who they thought was they're brother with looks of confusion. But April, April was glaring at Casey, her eyes wide, yet angry.
"Raph... Where did you get that bandana? And that bag?" she interrogated, dragging a finger up to point at Casey's bag. The grin on Casey's face cracked into an eerie smile.
"Oh, y'know. Stole it from this guy I killed." he enthusiastically replied. The room fell silent. Dead silent. 
"...What?" April muttered slowly. 
"Yeah!" Casey remarked, "I think you knew him, his name was Casey. Casey Jones." 
And with that, Raph fell to the floor. Unconscious, but now in control of his body.
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icy-watch · 4 months
That was so cute and wholesome. Aaaaah.
Um. Yeah. Just me crying over here.
I'm not really sure what to expect of the next season, but I was told it's called Master of the Mountain.
No idea what that could really mean, but I'm guessing there's a mountain and some guy who's the master of it. And that's really about all I have.
So, since this is the end of Prime Empire, I'll be watching the shorts tomorrow that explain some things. So, a chill day tomorrow. Until then!
Correct and incorrect predictions under the cut.
Unagami is one of the people in charge? Or an AI? Unagami is an AI and he was in charge.
Milton Dyer created Unagami. Yes.
The ninja will listen to Okino as he helps them thru Terra Kerana. They did, and Lloyd got a new dad.
Okino became more cognizant while he was with the ninja. He's also going to Go Thru It. He learned so much, and he gained so much more. Gained more Trauma, that is.
Unagami is an AI that gathered some consciousness. He did.
Unagami wants to go to Ninjago to find Milton Dyer. He did, and he was reunited with his dad after they had an emotional talk. The emotional one was me. I'm a wreck.
The ninja being out of credits will be important later. Meanwhile, in the very next episode...
The race is going to be the next episode. It was!
Seven will make it past the fourth mile marker. She did!
Rescue mission to recover Zane from the Mechanic. Surprisingly, yes, in the same episode as the background of Milton and Unagami.
Unagami is going to visit Ninjago, and he's going to bring some friends. It's not going to go well for Ninjago. The city has been in worse shapes after the final battle, but there was some damage. And people might have been injured.
We're going to lose Nya. She got rubix cubed, just like everybody else.
A confrontation between Milton and Unagami. TT__TT Yes.
Milton won't die.
Evil video game. Just a normal video game that was abandoned, and the AI in charge lashed out.
Milton Dyer was pulled into the game. He was just in hiding.
It will be a few more episodes before the rest of the ninja make it into Prime Empire. They made it in during the very next episode.
The motherboard needs to be inserted back into the arcade game for everyone to be able to return to Ninjago. A giant gateway also works.
It'll be a hot minute before the other ninja find Jay in Prime Empire. They were told where to find him in the very end of the next episode.
The League of Jay will be helpful down the line. They really just helped out that 1 time and that was it. We were cheated out of some more Jays all season.
Unagami is an old enemy with a new alias. Boy was I wrong there.
Lloyd will be the first ninja to lose all his lives. *crying about Cole and Kai*
The ninja are going to return to Scott's garage to find it trashed and him missing. He was alive and well, until Seven showed up.
Time flows different in Prime Empire than it does in Ninjago. I thought I had something, but it was a nothing.
Everyone will leave Prime Empire using the inter-dimensional arcade portals. Apparently, I never said anything about the gate in my main prediction posts (which I go off, not my opener "what's this ep gonna be about" post), sooooo... yeah.
Zane's not going to come out of this whole thing ok. He was able to shake it off faster than Taylor Swift.
Kai and Scott will lose their last life. Kai doing something stupid, and Scott in the race. They both did lose their last life, but Scott sacrificed himself for the ninja and Kai and Cole both lost their last life during the race.
We're going to lose someone during the race. We lost 2 someones.
The level to get the third Keytana will be a fighter game. It was a platform game + infinity maze + fighter game.
It's going to come down to Jay vs. Unagami. Yes, but mostly no.
Unagami paid attention to the ninja back on Ninjago. It wasn't ever confirmed how Unagami clocked the ninja as his enemies before they arrived in Prime Empire, but the Mechanic might have been the person informing him about the ninja. He might have informed Unagami of everything the ninja have done.
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Heya beautiful, How's your day going? Pretty well i hope!
So you obsessed with some turtles too i see,especially the blue and purple one...
Well,i addicted to the blue one so,hear me out about that precious boy with reader (female or neutral your choise) in this scenario a little bit long:
The reader had some heavy problems in mind,she already know the turtle a some time so often they help her but this time,she make everything to be by herself without anyone. But our baby blue just wanna help so he goes to the reader's apartment and somehow maneged to be there making her feel better.
She just feel like that cuz she's throwing the problems on him without noticing. At some point,the two of them are hunging out watching a movie or sum and because of some fight play they end up kissing,and she notice in that moment what has bein going demanding to him go away.
Ashemed,she try to explain things ending up in a discusion about that but (after some angst moment) they make up for it and boom,confession and happy end! (Cuz i live for the happy ending 😊
Sorry if its to long or confusing,you can just ignore without probs bth,thank you for seeing this,bye bye!
Aaaaah! This ask hit a little close to home, I always overwork myself to much trying to do things alone, thanks for your ask! I hope I understood your idea correctly and that you like it! :)
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Pairing: Rise!Leo x GN reader (No use of Y/N)
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Reader wants to do this huge project themselves instead of relying on their friends, but Leo is dead set on helping.
Warnings: Slight angst.
Once you'd moved out on your own, and started college you felt like you were finally completely independent and in charge of your own life.
But recently since you'd started your internship you started noticing that might not be really true.
From the moment you moved out, the turtles had helped you with almost everything you'd needed, carrying the furniture inside your new apartment, decorating, setting up your electronics and bringing little gifts and stuff you would need that you had completely forgotten to get, like a microwave, some kitchen utencils, etcetera.
And the rest of your life wasn't any different.
Whenever you needed help with school work, Donnie was always ready and happy to help, he had already saved you anytime a file was deleted accidentally or your computer froze.
Food was never an issue, because Mikey loved popping in and cooking with you, teaching you new recipes, making sure the fridge was always stocked and always sending you back home from the lair with leftovers.
Raph was frequently checking in on you, worrying about how you were doing, reminding you to pay your bills, and he always knew when you had an appointment or important project.
And Leo, Leo was always there for anything you needed, wether you just needed a good laugh, someone to listen to you or if you were too anxious to make a phone call. He would offer to walk you home when you were out late, or portal something in when you forgot it at home.
The turtles were a constant in your life and you loved them to bits, but as you started calling Leo right after receiving a big project for your internship you had an epiphany.
Why was your immediate reaction to call Leo for help?
You immediately hung up before the phone could start ringing and took a moment to think.
The project you'd just been enthrusted with required a lot of networking, especially since you needed to find promoters and convince some higher ups to attend, which is why you'd thought Leo could help you.
But how would you prove you could take care of such a thing if you always had your friends doing everything for you? If you relied on Leo to get what you needed you wouldn't learn anything, no, you needed to be more independent and fend for yourself.
Resolute on this you started making a list of possible promoters to contact.
It'd been weeks since you started this project and the turtles were getting a little worried, especially Leo.
Ever since the project started they barely saw you, if at all, Mikey had popped in a couple of times wanting to cook with you but you always apologized and told him you'd already ate.
Raph would check on you, but everytime he did he seemed more worried, convinced you weren't sleeping well, but you'd tell him you had everything under control.
Donnie hadn't been worried, until he waltzed in to your apartment and saw you with a spreadsheet of things you needed to get done twice as long as the ones you made for your school projects where he had helped you and you both still hadn't slept much.
Leo was sure you were being consumed by stress and had immediately offered to help.
"I can do this myself Leo! Don't worry." you said.
But he did worry.
The others had begrudgingly accepted that you wanted to do this by yourself but Leo just couldn't.
He'd been crushing on you for so long, he loved hanging out at your apartment, loved being useful to you, loved it when you'd ask him for anything, if you said jump he'd ask how high.
Not that he would let you know that.
So how could he just let you do this all by yourself when it obviously was too much? What kind of knight in shining armor would he be if he just stood by while you wasted yourself away?
He'd just pay you a little visit to cheer you up.
Your hair was a mess from your hand going back and forth over your locks and pulling every once in a while, your lip had been bitten to the point it was bleeding and your eyes were red from staring at a screen for so long.
You kept convincing yourself that it would just take a little more, you could push through! But the spreadsheet glaring at you through the screen said otherwise.
You were about to stand up for another cup of coffee when the telltale sound of Leo's portals came from your living room.
"Knock knock~" Came his voice through the door of your room and you sighed before standing up to open it.
You were greeted with Leo's big grin which faltered just slightly at seeing you before going back to normal as if nothing had happened.
"Well hello, going somewhere?" He asked jokingly and you rolled your eyes walking around him to the kitchen.
"Just for coffee, what are you doing here?" you asked while you took out the coffee beans and he followed.
"Just wanted to hang around, I know you're busy but I thought some company might do you good" He answered easily making you look at him and his innocent smile with skepticism.
"Just to hang?" You asked and he nodded eagerly.
"Just to be around my dear friend while they go through their whole reserve of coffee in one try" He said and managed to pull a small smile out of you.
You sighed looking back at him "Alright, you can stay" You said looking at him softly while he grinned and added water to your coffee maker.
After that a couple days went by were Leo like clockwork portaled into your room to hang out keeping you company while you worked, which was actually great for your mood.
You started laughing more, eating better and best of all you had actually slept a whole 5 hours undisturbed since Leo started coming in.
Leo's company just made you feel way better than when you started, it must have been because he kept making jokes about what you were doing or the people who you had to contact but were stressful to work with, or sometimes he'd give you a massage while you leaned over your desk and refill your cup of coffee.
It was sweet, and the more you thought about it the giddier you felt.
And then finally, the last checkmark on your spreadsheet was checked off, the project finally finished for the time being.
You leaned back on your chair to stretch when you heard the sound of Leo's portal opening on your living room, you excitedly rushed over as he made his way through, just when the portal disappeared and he looked at you you jumped to his arms, he caught you wide eyed and looked down blushing as he saw you grinning at him.
"I finished! My project is done!" You said and he beamed down at you hugging you back and twirling you around.
"That's great! How are you feeling?" He asked and you giggled.
"I feel great! Accomplished! I can't believe I did all of this by myself! I told you I could do it" You said with sparkling eyes and in your excitement you didn't notice how Leo flinched slightly.
You separated yourself from him and started your way towards the kitchen "Wanna watch a movie? Your pick"
Leo agreed and soon you were both on your couch with a big bowl of popcorn already half finished and legally blonde playing on your TV.
As the movie progressed you started joking around with renewed energy, repeating the dialogue and acting out the part, at one especially ridiculous interpretation by Leo you started laughing wholeheartedly at him.
"Oh? You think you can do better than me?!" He asked grinning as you kept laughing
"I know I can do better, for such a drama queen your interpretation of Elle is terrible" you said and he gasped loudly placing a hand over his chest
"How dare you insult my acting, come here!" He said and his hands flew to your sides to tickle you, you screeched trying to get away from him as your laughter grew and he grinned wildly.
"LEHE-HE-OOOOH STO-HOHOP!" you stuttered between laughter as he kept going, leaning further over you.
Trying to squirm away from him you ended up falling from the couch and dragging him with you, with a huff you both ended up on the floor trying to catch your breaths from laughing.
When you looked up his face was right in front of yours and you noticed how adoring his gaze was, his eyes softening as you both seemed frozen in time.
You reached up to his face with your hand and he leaned towards it with a soft sigh.
You both started leaning closer and the past week went through your mind, how Leo was there with you while you were almost pulling your hair out from stress.
You felt one of his hands on your waist, remembering how kind he was as he massaged you while you pushed through your project and your back hurt horribly.
His breath against your lips and the smell of coffee from him reminded you how he kept filling your cup as you checked your spreadsheet.
How last night as he did you excitedly noticed you'd finished more calls and e-mails than you thought you had.
The space between your lips was gone and Leo was kissing you as you closed your eyes fully, laid on your living room floor, your hands went around his neck as you pulled him closer and you felt him sigh happily, smiling slightly into the kiss.
Your thoughts, intrusively took you out of the moment as you recalled you never called the chief of administration, you'd been dreading that call because he was just nasty.
But last night it was checked off your spreadsheet.
Your eyes were suddenly open wide as you recalled how many check marks on your spreadsheet you HADN'T marked, they just appeared, you're sure of it.
You stopped kissing Leo and he leaned back a bit, his eyes fluttering open until he noticed your expression, his heart sinking as he noticed you looked angry.
Before he could say anything you started sitting up making him fumble away as you spoke "You need to leave."
His eyes were open wide and he looked devastated "I-I thought that yo-"
"Leo" You said firmly stopping him in his tracks "I need you to leave, we'll talk tomorrow"
You couldn't look at him, couldn't look at what expression he was making, a flash of blue illuminated the room for a moment and then he was gone.
You laid your head on your hands as your thoughts went wild.
Everytime Leo left the room to get you more coffee, to go to the bathroom or get you food, when he came back the finished tasks on your spreadsheet increased.
Leo had been making those calls for you, he'd been deceiving you and letting you believe you'd done everything yourself, did he not trust you could? Did you rely so much on him?
The project was done, but you didn't feel accomplished at all.
When you woke up you had a headache, and you couldn't stop thinking about Leo.
The scene were you told him to get out after you kissed kept repeating through your mind like a broken record and you winced.
You shouldn't have done that, you liked Leo, you'd liked him for so long but you were so angry that he had deceived you.
You took out your phone and started typing on your chat with him.
"We need to talk"
Not much later the sound of Leo's portal made you walk out of your room.
You were greeted with the sight of the usually confident turtle looking anything but confident, his pose was relaxed but you could notice the slight hunch of his shoulders, how his eyes looked tired and would glance everywhere but you, and how his usual easy smile was nowhere to be seen.
You felt terrible about it, but you needed to stand your ground about what happened.
"Did you call the promoters for me?" You asked straight to the point and saw his eyes widen slightly before he looked down.
He didn't answer but it was enough.
"Why?" You asked searching desperately for his gaze "Didn't you think I could do it myself?"
"Of course you could, I just..."
"Then why?! I told you I wanted to do it myself! It was my project, I wanted to show I could do it alone!" Your voice grew louder and so did his as he glared at you.
"But you didn't have to! I just wanted to help!"
"But I didn't want your help!" you yelled
"Why not?! What did you need to prove?!" He asked frustrated.
"That I don't need to rely on you guys all the time!"
He scoffed "You weren't sleeping or eating properly! You can't prove you don't need us if you faint from overworking yourself!"
Your eyes widened as you registered his words and he winced but kept going, this time his voice lower almost a whisper.
"Did you regret kissing me?" he asked and your heart broke for him as he once again turned his gaze to the floor.
You swallowed your anger for a moment.
"Of course not" you told him as you walked closer, he looked back up at you nervously and you continued "I was mad, because I realized what you did and I felt like you didn't trust me, like you didn't believe I could do things myself."
"I do" He mumbled "You are more than capable, I know, it's just, you looked so exhausted and I just wanted to take a little of that weight off your shoulders."
You took one of his hands on yours and sighed "I know...you're right, I wasn't taking care of my health."
"But you asked me not to and I went behind your back, I'm sorry" He told you regretfully looking deep into your eyes.
Finally you smiled softly and squeezed his hands.
"It's Okay, thank you for worrying about me" you answered and he gave you a small smile back.
A moment of silence passed between both of you before you spoke again "Leo?"
"I like you."
His eyes widened as he looked at you, his face slowly becoming a darker shade of green "you do?"
"Yeah" your smile grew slightly.
"You really do?" He asked again earnestly, lifting your hands with his to the level of your chests.
"I really really do, I've liked you for a long time now."
You heard Leo make a small excited sound on the back of his throath before he jumped into your arms, hugging you tight as he kissed you again.
You laughed into the kiss surprised before kissing him back, your hands on his shoulders now as he pulled you as close as possible to him, you teeth bumping against each other because you both couldn't stop smiling long enough to kiss properly.
You spent the morning in his arms, you'd talk more about what happened later, but you were sure Leo wouldn't deceive you like that again, for now you just wanted to enjoy as he churred, nuzzling into your neck.
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blackbirdnessie · 5 months
More Ninjago incorrect quotes Garmadon Family edition
*Lloyd texting Sensei Garmadon*
Lloyd: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
Garmadon: Isn't you're mom there?
Lloyd: Yes but I like you more.
Young Misako : You get turned back into a baby but you retain all your skills and memory, what do you do?
Young Garmadon: Eat a nickel.
Young Misako : A reminder: You have retained all your skills and memories.
Young Wu: Eat a nickel.
Young Misako : Ok.
Lloyd: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Sensei Garmadon: It's Misako 's turn.
Misako : Don't die.
Sensei Garmadon, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Lloyd: what do you see in this woman???
Young Garmadon: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Young Misako: What's wrong with you??
Young Garmadon: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention.
Young Wu: No, they mean other than that.
Young Garmadon: Ohhhhhh.
Young Garmadon: I haven't slept in 4 days.
OR like father like son
Lloyd: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Sensei Garmadon: What's wrong with you??
Lloyd: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention.
Misako: No, they mean other than that.
Lloyd: Ohhhhhh.
Lloyd: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Lil Lloyd, texting Lord Garmadon: Dad! Help I'm being kidnapped!
Lord Garmadon: Where are you?
Lil Lloyd: I'm with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Lord Garmadon: I'll call Wu.
Wu, answering their cell: hello brother?
Lord Garmadon: Where's Lloyd? He texted me that he's were being kidnapped.
Wu: Whaddya mean, he's right next to me-
Wu: I'll call you back. *Hangs up*
Lil Lloyd: WHO ARE YOU!?
Lloyd: I have a bad feeling about this...
Emperor Garmadon: What do you mean?
Lloyd: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Emperor Garmadon: No?
Wu: That actually explains so much.
Wu to lil Lloyd: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Lord Garmadon, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Wu: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Wu: We need a distraction.
Lord Garmadon, turning to the Ninja: one of you go to be good at jumping up and down and making weird noises right?
Lil Lloyd, whispering: My time has come.
Wu: Hold on! I’m having one of those things... a headache with pictures.
Lil Lloyd: What the fuck???
Lord Garmadon: They’re having an idea.
Emperor Garmadon: So... This is my full potential?
Harumi: Yes.
Emperor Garmadon: So, then it's...
Emperor Garmadon: All downhill from here.
Harumi: Like Lloyd.
Emperor Garmadon: I do not know what this Lloyd is. But it sounds disappointing.
Misako, excitedly: Heeyy!!
Sensei Garmadon: Hey, someone's excited.
Lloyd, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
Lil Lloyd: *cooking*
Lord Garmadon: *kicks down door*
Lord Garmadon: *grabs knife from Lloyd's hand*
Lil Lloyd:
Lil Lloyd: What???
Wu: he doesn't trust you with sharp objects because he's scared going to turn evil like him.
Lloyd, to Sensei Garmadon: You know, Mom can be really passive aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Lloyd: *blows airhorn at Misako* GET FUCKED!
Young Garmadon: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Young Wu, used to Garmadon being dumb: Sure...
Young Garmadon: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Young Wu: Okay?
Young Garmadon: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Young Wu:
Young Garmadon: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Young Wu: Jesus, that one is a little-
Young Misako, interested: No, no, Garmadon, keep going.
Misako: Want to hear a hard riddle?
Garmadon: Sure.
Misako: A rooster laid an egg on a roof. Which way did it roll?
Garmadon: ...down?
Misako: N-
Lloyd: Who cares about which way it rolled, it would be scrambled eggs by then.
Misako: No, it's that roosters don't lay eggs... In the name of the first spinjitzu Master...
Wu: So, what's it like living with Lloyd?
Sensei Garmadon: he once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter."
Wu: ...
Sensei Garmadon: I love my son so much.
Lloyd: So what, now I’m just supposed to do everything that Wu does? What if they jump off a cliff?
Sensei Garmadon: If Wu were to jump off a cliff, they would have done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry. So yes, if you see Wu jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Lloyd: You jump off a cliff.
Sensei Garmadon: Gladly, provided Wu did first.
Garmadon: I bet you’re wondering why I gathered you here today. It’s because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren’t getting along with other people in this room.
Lloyd: Why did you say that so vaguely? Mom and I are literally the only people you called in here.
Lloyd, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick!
Garmadon: Moose Tracks is good!
Misako: What the fuck is that!?
Garmadon: *Gasp* How dare you insult moo-
Misako: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR.
Lloyd and Garmadon: what?
Misako: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!?
Lloyd: You done now?
Misako: Yeah ok.
Lloyd and Garmadon: ...
Misako: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Garmadon: Remember! Curiosity killed the cat!
Lloyd: Yes, but you forget that satisfaction brought it back. So yes, Misako, go find out if that thing can catch fire!
Garmadon: You're a bad influence.
Lloyd: And you don't know your sayings.
Lloyd: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Misoko: Wasn’t you're dad with you?
Sensei Garmadon: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Wu: Say no to drugs.
Emporer Garmadon: Say yes to drugs.
Lloyd: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
Emperor Garmadon: All I did was kill Lloyd, is that really such a crime?
Misako: Yes?!
Wu, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Sensei Garmadon: If I were a drink, I'd be Cherry Vanilla Coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?
Lloyd: Bleach.
Wu: Sewage.
Sensei Garmadon: ...Please calm down, edgelords.
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ Weekly Bravern Madness Post ₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
Episode 11 Spoilers ahead, naturally
I'm actually on my second watch since we found out our water heater is leaking so that was a whole thing so not quite first impressions but that's literally me screencapping every scene and screaming so probably better this way
Okay important things about me to consider for my lens as I go through this
I think Isami is so so so cute. I'll probably make a cute Isami screencaps post as a separate thing. His gap moe is so cute. I love his stern face. I think Smith is great too but I love the focus reshifting to Isami. Anyway. He's so cute
In terms of Smith as Bravern I guess I view it as the reverse too? I don't really know how to explain it but I guess in Japanese there's tags for Smith + Isami (Sumiisa) and Bravern + Isami (Braisa?) and in my head it's all Sumiisa. Like he may look like a giant robot but he's still Smith, if that makes sense.
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Second watch bonuses: realizing why she reacts this way at his mention ;-;
Right away, I guess I got my beach episode! I love that Isami and Lulu have Bravern brand summer clothes. I hope they come out as merch. It comes up rarely eg. the boxing shoes from ep 5 have the (Burn?) Bravern specific emblem on them and I just think it's so cute. Like yeah Bravern probably printed them just for these instances and I wish we got enough show to see it in action.
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I actually got so emotional at the end of episode 9 when the OP starts playing without the lyrics and this showing up with the ED music is phenomenal. Extra delicious that it starts with part of the full version of the ED that's not in the normal ending.
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I also love this because the other two emotional moments where it's like, starting something but not completing it are the after boxing scene and when Isami is crying into Lewis' shirt (okay this can easily be assumed to fill out as "I wanted the two of us to save the world together" but what else did you want to do with hiiiiim). The shipper mind wants to fill it in with some love confession and then!!!
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After the like, back and forth name stuff (which parallels the Lulu + Superbia fusion) I was like, pre-emptively bracing for some kind of goofy baiting/played for laughs thing but no he goes for it!!
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I actually have a collection of any instance of Isami with any amount of coloring on his cheeks and I've been lamenting that the only full blush moments are when he gets the asian flush drinking but aaaaah so cute. Also he looks so young here! He's 24 he should be falling in love!
Also I'm like, actually really impressed about this scene technically because It's just a really good looking turnaround animation. With Bravern he's 3D so whatever but isami looks good from every angle!
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The artist who adds the extra effects like bloom and color tweaks on scenes occasionally tweets out their before and afters and I really hope we get this scene where they point out they added plush, kissable lips onto Bravern.
I reblogged a post about it but I do really love that Isami isn't like, disgusted or pushing him away or anything. Not even grateful Lulu interrupted it. Maybe he's actually disappointed she interrupted.
I know it sets ups the symbolic washing away of it but in case there was any ambiguity to the nature of this love:
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There's some discussion across japanese twitter about how you're not supposed to do some line in the middle but based on some cursory stuff I'm not sure how common that thought process is. Also Bravern isn't that much of a pro in Japanese culture (even a lot of JP twitter was confused at his proud "This is OMIAI!").
If you aren't involved in Twitter, a comment people like to point out is that they specifically hired a Food Coordinator for this episode lol. I took a bunch of caps of it but between this and Isami's "we need to eat to be strong enough to save everyone" talk I need to do my Dunmeshi + Bravern food as strength and love post.
Anyway I'm obsessed with the fact that Bravern doesn't need to eat but actually has a mouth which reminds me of this tweet my sister brought to me
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Naturally, his mouth is for kissing, Among other things.
Okay honestly the food bit is so weird I was kind of worried the entire first half of the episode turns out to be a dream sequence.
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I need to set this as my desktop background or something. I think it's really cute that they added/implied that Isami and Bravern are now a cutesy couple rather than Isami being all weird about the love confession.
THIS! Is the point in the post I realize that watching while typing these up leads to me just doing a play by play which isn't really much of anything. I promise the rest of the post isn't just as long even though we're only halfway through the episode.
(Hey, timeskip OP here. This might be a lie)
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Lulu + Superbia symbol! It's cute and has a really nice mix of being similar but opposite in it's own way.
I am obsessed with Segnitas being too lazy to fight and honestly I think he's so cute. The interrupting the fusion is kinda expected for a a show with every bit being in universe but it's still a good gag. I'm glad he is around to make commentary until his true death.
I kind of expected the Bravern + Superbia fight to be an episode 2 thing but I guess we won't have the time for that given the end of this episode. Triple shoutout to my Wednesday post by having the "You can get fulfillment from living!", seeing a callback to Lulu's kick and basically having an awesome fight.
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Okay ending time. I have a lot of thoughts but one of the ones as I was watching was just.. He can't eat but he can bleed (and cry)? Actually considering that he explodes it's probably oil or something. Like obvs he isn't going to explode into purple triangles like everyone else but oofda. I am all sorts of sad about this but one thing that gets me is that Bravern doesn't even die fighting! It was a stealth attack!
There's some theories that Isami has a change of heart too fast and this might be another time loop, which I think would be on brand but man his reaction to Bravern dying is too much there's at least no way it's because of a Bravern dying bad end. Actually, I wonder if the damage to Bravern's core is worse than we can tell? Lulu bad end looks way worse though. Or maybe hypothetical Isami time travel route is -> they don't fight Superbia -> defeat one more death drive -> Superbia realizes he doesn't get his warrior death -> he takes on the last Deathdrive 1v1, dies -> remaining DD dies somehow but Superbia is still gone -> Isami goes back to save him for Lulu (they can't risk double time looping her?) -> doesn't ever experience Bravern dying so this is new and terrible.
In this case, Ira is acting unpredictably specifically because they do the no-kill route with Superbia. He's evidently super disgusted and I wonder if it's because its the peaceful resolution between the two? Otherwise I'm curious why else. Actually in general I'm curious why everyone is so personal with Bravern but I think we've all been asking that.
I think some people mentioned it on Twitter but Lulu very casually mentions her time travel lived experiences so it would be weird if they didn't know Bravern himself enabled it. Like I mentioned in my other post. He literally can't take on two giant mechs without Bravern and he knows for sure Superbia can't take on someone.
It's interesting that Bravern has different final words in this timeline than Lulu bad end but he also probably never had that stargazing scene in that route. Actually, you know what, I think Lulu bad end he does know it's Lulu because I don't think Isami was there for the specific curry scene we saw. He's still crying, naked in Bravern during that. Unless he just talks about Japanese curry all the time where we don't see.
Smith's last words are specifically "Brave Bang" (yuuki bakuhatsu) vs Bravern's "Brave Burn" and I'm basically Pepe Silvia-ing it up trying to figure out what it means. It's not really a direct confession about being Smith (because he's still a coward in that regard) but maybe it's a secret move/activation considering the moves are in English?
I think any kind of extra finale speculation requires its own post but that's my thoughts!
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hm. Sorry. Maybe I should get into writing fanfic so you at least get something out of this
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fog-and-rust · 10 months
Hogwarts Legacy Incorrect Quotes Part 3 (feat. my Hufflepuff!MC, Ellie)
Send help, I can't seem to stop. That's waaay too enjoyable. MC is steadily evolving into a gremlin "The Polyjuice Plot" quest revealed her to be.
Leander: But what about Ellie?
Natty: Don't worry so much about her.
Garreth: I once watched her fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep casting Revelio like nothing happened.
Sebastian, Poppy & Natty: In our defense, we were left unsupervised.
Amit: Wasn’t Ellie with you the whole time?
Ellie: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Poppy: What’s your biggest fear?
Ellie [after clearing Aranshire from spiders]: I am incredibly arachnophobic.
Poppy *under her breath*: You don’t want spiders to get married?
Ellie: So, Poppy is no longer allowed in the Room of Requirement.
Leander: Why?
Ellie: Because I've caught her trying to train Nifflers to fight five times in a row.
Poppy *arms crossed and pouting*: You'll be thanking me when the third Niffler battalion saves your ass.
Ellie: Why would I need Nifflers if I have my Chomping Cabbages?
Leander [an avid fan of ferocious plants]: That's a good point actually.
[Someone's trying to trespass into Ravenclaw common room is becoming one of my favourite plots as well as Chomping Cabbages]
Ravenclaw knocker: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Poppy: Stepping on a Kneazle's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
[The door opens]
Ravenclaw students: How do they do that? First Leander, now Poppy. Who's next, Venomous Tentacula?
Ellie & Leander [who are already inside]: Tentaculas can't walk. Beware of the Chomping Cabbages!
Leander: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Ellie: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Garreth: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Poppy: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
[In the goblin mines]
Ellie, to Amit as they cast Disillusionment spell: First rule of battle, my dear friend... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Sebastian, somewhere in the distance: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Ellie: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
[After the quest in the goblin mines]
Duncan, to Ellie: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Ellie: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Everett: There are only eight planets, you Puffskein Dunkein!
Amit, appearing from nowhere: VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
Ellie, rolling on the floor and laughing: That's my boy!
Poppy: Ellie learned how to fold origami penguins from Amit the other day. I told her, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and she immediately cast Glacius on them.
Leander, to Garreth: If you see Ellie, give her this message *makes a neutral face*
Leander: She'll know what it means.
Garreth: Oh, and Leander said to give you a message.
Garreth: *makes a neutral face*
Ellie: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Ellie: Judging our life choices, I really hope we all make it to adulthood!
Natty: That’s a great prayer.
Poppy: A needed one.
Sebastian: A needed one indeed.
[The squad is bored as hell during History of Magic lesson]
Garreth: What is the most illegal thing you can do with one galleon?
Ellie: Exchange it for knuts, put them all in a sock and beat someone to death with it.
Leander: No more hanging out with Sebastian for you! He's a bad influence! You're grounded for till O.W.L.s!
Ellie: For till O.W.L.s?!
Leander: For till O.W.L.s!!!
Sebastian*offended but taking notes*: That's too cruel even for me!
Leander: Ellie, is this why you've been to Azkaban?
Ominis & Sebastian: You've been to Azkaban?!
Other students: Calm downess, relaxation, chill out and stop screaming...
Leander: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Amit finally snaps and commits a murder so that he can fit in with the rest of your friends?
Ellie: I’ve been going through this year assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to him.
Ellie: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I complete the trials, so instead I have Leander periodically send me howlers saying ‘we need to talk.’
Ellie: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Sebastian: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Ellie & Ominis: All the time.
Sebastian: Then you should be used to it by now.
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sweetfire01 · 6 months
Aaaaah I love the Daddy Dia Part 2! The way he shows what he can do before he tells is terrifying. And when he said he was walking them through the brainwash and how easy it was, I genuinely had to go back and double check. Then says something along the lines of, I won’t use this unless you make me use it. Stomach dropped. I can only imagine how scary and humiliating that must be to hear, like not only are you betrayed by a friend and kidnapped, but now you have to actually listen and at some level, go along with this. Then to not only do that, but to then realize your only food (for now at least) is your kidnappers milk, which makes you unbelievably drowsy, knowing that when you wake up you’ll have to do it again and be paralyzed once more. It’s wrong, you both know it is, but you can do absolutely nothing to fix it. Really good job!
Thank you so much for the compliments 🥰.
I'm very proud of that rattle scene, I just wanted to initially write about how Dia made you play with even more childish toys. And then BAM, why not use magic? And why not use it to make you regress? Without you evwn realizing it...
And the most disturbing thing about him is the way he didn't even kidnapped you. It will be explained in a future chapter, but it won't keep you at the castle all the time. Oh no, he'll actually let you go the next day. To then invite you back to be with him. Do you think you can refuse? Obviously not ~
You need to act like nothing is ever happening, trying not panic when he says in front of everyone that you are so cute and small compared to them. It might seem like a compliment, but only the two of you know what he really means.
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sicc-nasti · 1 year
About the courier’s horse cosmetic, can you explain why you chose it?
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30 years later and I finally answer this, my apologies So obviously, Courier's whole schtick is that he's a mailman, right? Well, there was a famous method of mail delivery in 1860-1861 America called The Pony Express! Despite having only operated for a short time, I think a lot of people still associate it with mail delivery. It's just kind of iconic! The history of it is really fascinating too. So I think it would be the perfect cosmetic for The Courier. But of course, he's gotta have it in Team Fortress 2 style eheh. I like to imagine after a long day of battle, Medic approaches Courier and mentions "I think I know how to make your deliveries 5% faster! I could help make you fast like a horse!" And of course, Courier is all here for that idea! Doc's done some questionable thing but the results are always there, so he agrees! And wakes up with literal horse legs. And ears. And tail. And cravings for carrots and sugar cubes. But hey, after ya get used to em, it does feel like he's faster! Right?
This was really fun to do!! I'd love to answer any other asks about Courier if y'all got em!! I love this dork so much aaaaah Also fun fact; Courier is wearing a red bow cuz he kicks!
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lazulian-devil · 6 months
Book 13 - Seasons of War, which was a wild and free flowing adventure, couldnt have been more different to Book 14 - Dead or Alive.
Its... How do I describe it.
Its bad. The Plot is Setup well enough but the constant loredumps and explanations and just... Everything. Its sad, really.
Book 13 made me believe that there might be a good end to Phase 2. I had read Book 14 in german before and remembered it being an overwhelming plot mess and thought "couldnt have been that bad, right?"
Sure, it has some really funny bits of dialogue. But I dont think we oughta praise Landy for joke dialogue that doesnt add much and often feels like its happening in a different, less serious book.
The Viddu De, the deep venturing, Lord Vile and what not. Its just another one of those "OG canon was great because it left things up to Imagination, so lets explain all of it."
So much of the book feels like it wants to justify itself. The plotline is messy at best, the internal logic breaks in on itself all the time and the constant overtones of religious fascism (I dont actually know if it counts as fascism. Maybe... Dictatorship? Tyrany?) just... They are a little too much for me.
Theres a scene with Reign mid-book where he talks about Nazis and sorcerer involvement with Nazis and that... That never sits right with me. Dont add silly sorcerers and funny dialogue into the Third Reich. Its never as funny as you think it is. And it takes away from the horror, which you probably dont want.
Christopher Reign is great though.
I dont know, man. Im finally caught up to where I had previously finished reading and... Im... Im a little worried? I honest to god dont know what'll happen from here on out. I have avoided most Spoilers but... I dont know.
I really loved Omen. Im doubting Crepuscular. I hope Auger will be fine and I only wish the best for Militsa.
I cant find a solid thread with peoples opinions on the book. Everyone sounds so positive even though its clearly a mess. Knowing that the last book is probably close to being in the Top 3 of book lengths, Im just...
I think i'll take a small break. I wanna finish it this year still, but good god, you know.
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