#a lot of stuff would've gone over my head back then (says the person who watched Bleach as a kid)
pierswife · 1 year
Older sibling lore unlocked: just found out my older sister also likes Trigun
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Saturday Fandom :) Wanted to post links to the last few I know they came over the holidays in case anyone missed them. The master list has also been updated. 4x22 , 5x01, 5x02
We’ve reached our yearning era and I’m here for it. This one may not have a ton but it’s just enough that at we were all dying for more. I was so excited to be an era where very aware of their feelings but couldn’t be together yet. Good stuff. Let us proceed shall we?
5x03-Dye Hard
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We jump one month into the future. Because Lucy has gone to UC school. So our couple has been apart for some time at this point. Making that longing extra intense. Lucy arrives home to a surprise party of sorts. She's just returning home from UC school. Tamara and Chris welcome her back with mustaches. I love how excited she is Lucy is back. Always take some cute hugs with them. She tells Lucy the she has to head to school but wants to hear all about it tonight. I love them so much.
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Leaves us just the clown and Lucy. Bleh. She asks him how he’s doing? Says he’s doing ok. Typing is still hard but he’s glad to be back at work. Was going crazy on the couch. Tells her there’s something else that’s been helping him more. An online group trying to hunt Rosalind. Kinda like the one she was apart of for Aaron’s case back in 4x16. Lucy doesn’t look excited about this idea. He says they contacted him few weeks ago. They call themselves Dye Hards.
Hence the name of the episode. That their research is actually impressive. They compile all their credible tips in an encrypted document. Called the ‘mother doc.’ Lucy’s face is screaming how much she hates all this. But instead of reading her like he should he presses her further. Because it’s Chris…never respects any boundaries she’s putting up but sure man keep going. Force her to read about the one person who sets her PTSD off like no other.
Just so you can have some peace of mind…grumble….Dislike him so very much. Lucy tells him how not healthy this is. (It really isn’t…) That she’s just a patrol officer. He whines about how the task force is ignoring him. Of course they are ya putz. It's why he’s dragging her into this. I hate this very much. Lucy gives in and says she’ll give his doc a look. That good ole guilt driving her decisions about him some more. Smh.
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Roll call starts out with Grey congratulating Lucy. She successfully passed UC school. Telling everyone that is no small feat. Look at Tim ever the proud husband. That look alone says everything you need to know about her crushing it. The soft looks in his eyes. That soft gaze he only reserves for her. *sigh* Oh pining era you are lovely.
Lucy trying to contain her emotions about all of it. Grey calling her out and congratulating her. Tim looking at her like she hung the moon and stars. Couldn’t be more telling if he tried. She can’t even look at him. Just messes with her thermos. Lucy not really knowing how to react to the attention. Especially Tim’s…She just nods and hopes they move on.
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Aaron and Lucy come out of roll call together. Lucy is congratulating him on making P2. Lucy also commends him on being a good aide for Tim. Aaron is very aware of Tim and Lucy. Maybe not everything but enough to offer stepping back. Then asks Lucy if Tim said he’s doing a good job? Lucy says no…that she made that last part up LMAO
Reminds me of 1x02 when Wrigley did the same to her. Thinking she got praise from Tim early on. Only to be crushed by the fact that he hadn't...Yeah you gotta really earn that Tim Bradford praise Aaron lol His reaction to that fake news is hilarious. Lucy can't lie and has to let him know no such praise has happened. Sorry my man.
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Lucy follows it up with he hasn’t replaced him yet LOL I mean that’s a lot coming from Tim. If he wasn't happy he would've traded him away like baseball card. Lucy adding on 'So he’s…happy.' As happy as one could be without his person by his side sure. This next bit it sticks in her throat a bit as she says it.
Telling him he should stick with him. Obviously killing her to be to be apart from him. To pass up taking being his aide once again. But she wants to keep the distance up. For the same reasons as 5x02. Hurts too much to be around him when she can’t be with him. The pining era is so good for these moments. Aaron asks if she’s sure? Because she doesn't seem sure...
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Only they could have such immense chemistry with an intense stare. One that is across the room from each other BTW. The longing is palpable af. Angsty goodness right here. Also those are some smoldering bedroom eyes for Lucy. My god idk how she could function after him looking at her that way. Would make me hot under the collar good god. That man wants her back in his shop. But we know that isn’t happening anytime soon.
So much pining and tension with just one look good lord. His stare does end up affecting her. Her breath hitches a little when they make eye contact. She stammers a little in her advice to Aaron. I love how they find each other those across a room. That magnetic pull only they understand. It’s automatic no matter what’s going on. Lucy rambling on about needing some quiet time anyways..You know for her next steps in her career...
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More like Tim thinking time. Let’s be real. I love how the entire time she’s just staring at Tim. Spending most of their conversation just staring right back. Even when he’s looked down. She misses him so much. That is very evident in this moment. When she finally breaks off her longing she notices Aaron looking at his phone ha Not even paying attention to her anymore. Making a sassy comment that he hasn't even heard a word she's said. He apologizes and says he has to deal with something personal.
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We start out with Tim and Aaron. Tim feeling extra surly after seeing Lucy. Much worse getting to be that close and not really getting to see her. So Aaron is on thin ice when Tim sees him buried in his phone. He apologizes and says he’s having person problem. Tim saying this is a ‘personal life free zone.’ Ha! Not since Lucy Chen entered your life it isn’t…
Aaron tells him it could derail his career. Tim sighs and that little bit of Lucy’s influence comes out. He asks him what it is? Aaron going on about a dating site. Using a thirst trap LOL Tim’s reaction is too damn funny. ‘I wish I didn’t…’ Look at our softie helping Aaron with his problem.
He goes on to tell Tim he was cat-fished and now the dude is blackmailing him. Tim is confused saying he thought the pic didn’t show anything? We find out this guy has photoshopped something worse. He shows it to Tim and I’m dying. ‘Could’ve been worse…At least he was generous. LMAO Oh Timothy I love you so.
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We catch Lucy riding solo. She sees a homeless man go into an abandoned building. Calls it in saying she going to go look for squatters. She calls back in after she’s finds nothing. Saying she is Code 4. That is before she notices a freezer open with wallets in it. The man she followed in traps her in the old walk in freezer. Thankfully it’s out of commission. Unfortunately it blocks her radio signal. Leaving her trapped there with no one to tell she is….You can tell she wants to shout a whole lot of expletives above ha
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Aaron gets contacted by his catfish. He wants a PS5 and delivered to his apt. Tim is so funny in this scene. Saying oh good he’s a dumbass LOL Giving up his location and needing something they can obtain on the way. Aaron doesn’t want to give in but Tim makes a good point about the photo. It’ll be in police evidence and he doesn’t want that ha. Aaron says good thing he has a gamer connection in K-Town. Tim shaking his head not shocked in the least about this. Of course he does...
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Poor Lucy tries once again to get ahold of dispatch but to no avail. She has to try and talk her anxiety down. I would be doing the same thing to try and relax. Telling herself that at some point there will be a welfare check. (Well Tim will for sure…) She can’t do anything until that point. So she pulls out her phone and starts reading that mother doc the clown sent. Lucy is too funny as she reads these messages.
I love her talking to the smiley face on the freezer LOL She is so adorable I cannot stand it. Then she stumbles upon someone making sense. As she reads it aloud something clicks in her brain. A saying Rosalind told Nolan a long time ago. The 5 star meal comment. Lucy starts to get restless again. Jumps up and starts banging on the door for help again.
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They show up to the address and it’s a teenager..he just wanted a PS5. I love how stern and authoritative Tim is with this kid. Saying bad behavior doesn’t get rewarded. Mmm no it doesn’t. Idk why that does it for me with Tim but it does. It’s yum tum city and I am a resident. They get the kid to delete the photo and take down the profile. He says they suck when Tim takes the PS5. Cracks me up he keeps it for himself. I love this man so very much haha
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We return to the shop and Tim’s Lucy radar is going off. Aaron’s going on about the kid still but Tim’s mind is elsewhere. He has Lucy on his brain. Has that panicked look he reserves only for her going on. He asks Aaron the last time he heard Chen on the radio? He replies he can’t remember…maybe like hour or two ago? Let me start with I adore him waiting to hear her voice on the radio. Then noticing he hasn't in awhile.
How he keeps track of not hearing from her in some time. Tim knows she’s solo today. You know that man was subconsciously keeping track of her in the back of his mind. Some serious married vibes here my love. This definitely doesn’t line up with the 'moving on’ you were talking bout in 5x02. When Aaron says least 2 hours worried Tim arrives. He’s freaking out something has happened to her.
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I’m sure he’s also thinking if she was riding with him this wouldn’t be happening. But she isn’t…Tim contacts dispatch about her. They say it’s been over two hours. Angry/protective Tim also joins the party. Welcome sir nice to see you. Telling dispatch they’re gonna talk about that later. Phew lord. You know that man is going to destroy dispatch over this. Hell is going to rain down on them for not keeping track of her. For now he just wants her location to check on her. Needs to get his worried husband portion to settle first.
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Once they’ve arrived he calls out her name a couple times. Lucy finally hears him and bangs on the door. Then comes a DELICIOUS shot of his arms/forearms. My god it’s like they’re trying to make me a puddle. The definition in his arms as he pulls that door free.* fans self* god that man is in shape. Mmm Legit drooling as he pulls on that door. Forearm porn AND biceps shot. I’m a happy girl. Like hot damn that is a thirst trap of a shot above.
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He gets the door to finally pop open. Also nice thigh/bootie shot of him as well. I'm not mad about it. Asking her how she is? So very worried about her. Unfortunately Lucy is not in the frame of mind to receive it. Just tells him she has a lead on Rosalind. Not the response he was expecting…He asks 'What?' anyways. She tells them about the message boards Chris has been on. Filled with arm chair detectives. Tim asks her if they found her? She says no she thinks one of them is her.
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The Feds get brought in cause Chris’s dumbass has been talking to her. Feeding her stuff about him and the investigation going on. Because well it's Chris. Can’t read Lucy when she’s being obvious af so why would he notice this? Lucy is sweet and tells him he didn’t know. I on the other hand am like dumbass LOL He asks if he should set up a meet. Yes Chris, she’s a highly intelligent psychopath she wouldn’t see through that at all…
Garza saying Cyber crimes is now involved. They’re going to try and track her through her IP address if possible. Chris is feeling like the dummy he is. He leaves the meeting upset. I’m a bad person enjoying this lmao I mean Tim would’ve been Lucy’s real target but he was in Vegas with her. She knows that’s her fierce protector. So he was the next I was gonna say best thing but that’s not true. But closest thing that would rattle her.
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Tim and Aaron arrive at the station and there is posters everywhere. Everyone is laughing. Of course Smitty has them and is glowing over it. I mean Tim did pick Nolan over him for union president. So of course he is enjoying this. It's of Tim photoshopped naked with a cupcake covering him up OMG. Tim is seeing red. I don’t blame him. Just when they thought their catfish was over he pulls this. Clearly pissed at Tim for taking the PS5 and lecturing him.
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They arrive at Pavi’s house with the felony papers. Tim saying he can file these today. Or he could use his skills for good. James needs someone to teach computer literacy at the center. That if is does this twice a week he’ll shred them. Otherwise he has 18 months to file these. He’s a little snot and throws Tim’s words about electronics back at him. Tim says he’s lucky Aaron believes in second chances. His mom calls him and he says to text him the details. I love Tim leaving Aaron hanging for his fist bump LMFAO. He does tell him they did good though so that’s something. Aaron has to fist bump himself ha.
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Lucy gets to join the task force with the FBI. They’re headed to Seattle where the IP was traced. Lucy looks like an absolute bad ass in OP gear. A determined look on her face. They make it inside and find two bodies…sadly the homeowners. Psycho worked out of their house and just left their bodies there as she did. She is a one sick cookie. Lucy sees her message written in blood on the wall. She is long gone.
Not a ton in this one but what we did get was real good. Plus I always enjoy Tim/Aaron time they have a good dynamic. Fun to watch them together.
Side notes-non Chenford
Intro of Celina Juarez. I wasn’t sure about her at first but ended up adoring her. Just like Aaron. Good job writers haha
Did love Tim tearing Nolan a new one about Celina bad stop. Was sexy af. Maybe shouldn’t have been a turn on but it was LOL
Thank you as always to you lovely readers. Wouldn’t be here without your likes/comments and reblogs ❤️ see you in 5x04 :)
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chierafied · 6 months
The Mighty, Fallen
For September's @jilychallenge2023 | Theme: Back to School
Prompt: One of them signs up for Quidditch /Potions Club (or some other subject), only because the other one runs it (but they're not interested in them like that... of course not) - shenanigans ensue. 
Location: Filch’s office 
Read on AO3
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Cheek pressed to the palm of her hand, Lily sat across the train compartment and stared at James Potter. He was talking with Remus, that stupid, crooked grin of his frequently flashing. The Head Boy pin gleamed at the front of his robes, defying both the odds and her sanity. Absentmindedly, Lily toyed with her own pin as her stare turned into a glower.  
This whole Head Student thing was as unexpected development as it was unwelcome. Well, not her part of it – frankly, Lily would've been disappointed if she hadn’t got the position. But even in her wildest imagination she hadn’t seen Potter snagging the pin that mirrored hers. And while in hindsight she could see why and how Potter fit in the role, even believed he would do well... This was the last thing she needed.  
They already were in the same year, the same House and shared most of their classes. While Lily still couldn’t quite call Potter her friend, they also shared most of their friend group. For two former not-quite-enemies and current not-quite-friends, they shared an awful lot together and spent way too much time in each other’s company. And now there was this new tether binding them together.   
Bloody inconvenient, Lily thought, scoffing as for a few fleeting seconds her and Potter’s eyes met from across the train compartment. Inconvenient to have to share her Head Student duties with him this year. Inconvenient to have her heart give a stupid little skip when during their brief eye connection, Potter’s stupid crooked grin flickered at her.   
Yes, Lily Evans was in trouble. And already dreading what her final year at Hogwarts would hold.  
Marlene McKinnon's eyes were huge and imploring as they stared unwaveringly at her. "Please?"  
Lily stamped down the urge to roll her eyes and chose to pointedly ponder at the textbook open in her lap. "No."  
"I know that you're super busy because it's the final year and our classes and teachers have gone mental and you have your Head Girl stuff, too... But honestly, I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't desperate," Marlene babbled, wringing her hands.  
Lily knew that engaging with Marlene's madness was a mistake, but curiosity got the better of her.  "Why are you desperate? I'm sure if you asked around, you'd have a line of eager third years begging you to give them a chance."  
"Probably," Marlene agreed, grimacing. "And half of them would volunteer just to get close to Potter or Black."  
"Only half?" Lily quipped, unable to contain her eye roll this time.  
"The thing is, no one could do it as well as you could. You're freakishly organised and pretty much the only person in Hogwarts who could keep Potter in check."  
"A-ha. And the true motive is clear at last."  
"He's brilliant but a menace." Marlene pouted.  
"I've been saying that for years," Lily muttered at her textbook.  
"And your wisdom is true and proven," Marlene replied.  
"Cute, but your flattery won’t work on me, Marls. I spend way too much time with Potter as is."  
Entirely too much, yet it never seemed like enough. This idiotic yearning was burning away Lily's slipping sanity. Even when there was no Potter in sight, he was always looming too close to comfort in her mind. Her thoughts strayed to him too easily, pouncing at every chance like errant rabid kittens.   
It was annoying. Impossible. Ridiculous. Inevitable.  
Lily glowered at her textbook, feeling the doom circle ever closer to her teetering heart.  
“You can deal with Potter, he’ll bend over backwards for you,” Marlene insisted. “Please, Lily! I’m begging you. I’ll get down on my knees right now if you need me to, but please. Do this for me.”  
Lily’s poor heart toppled over. “Fine.” She sighed. “I’ll do it.”  
But she wouldn’t do it for Marlene, not completely, anyway. She’d do it, because she just couldn’t stay away.  
Lily was pretty sure this whole thing had been a colossal mistake. It had to be the best mistake of her life, but still a mistake. She was in over her head, soaking up James Potter’s presence like a thirsty sponge. The more she saw of him the more dire and desperate the situation grew. And she was seeing a lot of him, more than perhaps ever before, which before now she hadn’t even thought possible.   
She saw glimpses of that brilliant brain of his when he presented his strategies during the pre-practice sessions. She saw him build up the team, bringing out the best of everyone and it amazed her. She saw him out on the Quidditch field during their practice and couldn’t help but admire his phenomenal flying and athleticism and leadership skills in action. It was criminal that so much talent had been crammed into one bloke. No wonder that her poor, struggling heart had hoisted the white flag, even after years of animosity.   
But Lily’s favourite moments were the ones after the practice. When James always appeared tired but cheerful, his stupid grin lighting up the room. And whenever he changed out of his Quidditch robes and just stood there, unabashedly shirtless and towelling his sweat-kissed mess of hair Lily had a hard time averting her eyes and keeping down the heat threatening to climb to her cheeks.  
And that was why, right now, she was stealing greedy glances of him while holding a towel and a water bottle out for Marlene.  
“Thanks, Lily, you’re the best,” Marlene said, grabbing both.  
“Thanks for noticing. How’s your shoulder?” she asked, feeling only a tiny prick of disappointment as she turned her full attention to Marlene.  
Marlene kneaded her shoulder with a grimace. “It’s still a little sore.”  
“Want me to give it another pass?” Lily held up her wand.  
“Nah. Thanks, but it’s not as bad as that. I’m just gonna take it easy for a bit.”  
“Good.” Lily glanced around. “Anyone else still need water or anything else?”  
“Over here, manager Evans!”  
Lily’s eyebrows shot up and she turned towards Black. The good thing was, he was standing right next to James so Lily could openly stare.  
“Yeah?” she asked as she made her way over to them, hoping she didn’t sound as eager as she felt.  
“It’s nothing, really,” James said, rubbing the back of his head.  
Lily valiantly did not track the movement of his biceps. Not even a little bit.  
“I think he sprained his wrist in that last tackle,” Black deadpanned.  
“It was a spectacular one. Let’s have a look.”  
James shrugged and held out his right hand. Lily fought to keep her face blank as she encircled his wrist, her fingertips resting against his warm skin, feeling the thrum of his steady pulse. She examined the wrist, alternatively studying it and his face and saw the tightening around his mouth and the furrow on his brow.  
James might have insisted that it was nothing, but he was in pain.  
“It probably is a sprain,” Lily agreed, still cradling James’ wrist in her hand. “Nothing too bad, but I’ll take care of it.”  
Sirius Black clapped her on the shoulder. “Good. I’m gonna go hit the shower. I’ll leave him in your excellent care, team manager.”  
“Yeah yeah, off with you, Black.”  
Sirius grinned and left. In the quiet after him, Lily realised that the changing rooms were empty. It was just her and James.  
Lily cleared her throat and pulled out her wand.   
“This might sting a bit,” she warned James, avoiding his eyes. She flicked her wand and started to hum the familiar healing incantation under her breath. She’d got a lot of practice in it since Marlene had persuaded to become the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s manager. With smooth, decisive moves she wove her wand above his wrist in a figure eight pattern until the incantation came to an end.  
Reluctantly, she let go of James’ wrist and slid her wand into the pocket of her robes.  
James turned his wrist a few times, then grinned. “It feels as good as new. Thanks, Lily.”  
She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You’re welcome.”  
She snuck a glance and found him still smiling at her. His hazel eyes were warm, their corners crinkled so adorably it hurt.   
Lily licked her lips and instantly something between them shifted. Sparked. His gaze was steady on hers, the warmth of his eyes darkening into something she hadn’t seen before. It stole her breath and made the pit of her stomach jitter.   
It wasn’t until his knuckle brushed against her temple that Lily realised she was leaning towards him, her lips parted.  
Shit. Shit. Shit.  
Lily jerked back as if she’d been scalded.   
“Good practice, take care.”   
With that awkward goodbye, Lily hurried away. She ignored him calling after her, her heart in her throat and humiliation burning on the back of her neck.  
It was over. He'd found her out.  
Lily checked her watch again, wondering what was taking Remus so long. Or Filch, for that matter. She just needed the keys so she could go do the evening rounds and Filch’s office was giving her the creeps. Lily scowled at the chains hanging on the wall. The faster she was out of there, the better.  
The scrape of the door had her turning and her brief relief soon swerved into horror.  
It had been a Herculean task, but she’d been able to steer clear of James Potter since the incident after the Quidditch practice. Four days of hiding out in the dormitory as much as she could. But now there he was, leaning against the doorjamb as if he belonged there, in the doorway of Filch’s office.  
“What are you doing here?” Lily asked, her head reeling and stomach roiling.  
“Covering for Remus,” James said, crossing his arms over his chest. “He can’t make it tonight, so you’re stuck with me.”  
Lily bit her lip, hugging herself. Her emotions were all tangled up now. Anticipation itched her fingertips while her shoulders slumped in relief even as dread bubbled in her throat, drowning all her words. She stared at him, helpless and terrified of the feelings she was no longer able to mask.  
His eyes were steady on hers, unusually serious. His voice was quiet, which made it all the more compelling. “You’ve been avoiding me.”  
The words wrenched out a sigh of defeat from Lily and she dropped her gaze. “Yes,” she managed to squeeze past the tightening of her throat.  
“You know why,” Lily ground out.  
The silence was her answer, ringing loud in the distance between them.  
Then, after a while, James spoke again. “Because of what happened after the Quidditch practice?”  
Another beat of silence stretched before there was a soft sigh.  
“I’m sorry.”  
Lily flinched, her head snapping up. Incredulous, she studied his face. “What are you sorry for?”  
He was frowning at the floor, his arms crossed over his chest. “I thought there was a moment, but clearly, it’s just made you uncomfortable around me and I don’t want that. Please forgive me.”  
Pain edged with guilt twisted in her chest and Lily closed her eyes. She had to do it after all. Force out the truth she hadn’t been fully ready to admit out loud yet, even to herself. And she had to do it now, because she didn’t want him to feel hurt over misinterpreting her actions. Which just went to show how far she had fallen.  
“You did not — you aren’t making me uncomfortable, James. You have nothing to apologise for.”  
James’ eyebrows rose. “Are you sure?”  
“Yes. I’m uncomfortable because of you, but it’s all on me.” Her heart was crawling up her trachea, pushing out the emotions she’d been holding inside for so long now. “I sodding fancy you, all right?”  
He stared at her, lost for words and cheeks tinging with pink. Lily could feel her cheeks heat from a blush of her own and groaned, covering her face with her hands.  
“You heard me.”  
Lily startled when warm, calloused fingers wrapped around her wrists and gently pulled her hands aside. James was still blushing, but his expression was solemn, his gaze earnest and steady on hers, his thumb resting on her racing pulse.  
“I love you, Lily Evans. I have for a while now.”  
Tears prickled in Lily’s eyes and her hands trembled in his steadfast grip. His admission left her undone, the last of her resistance crumbled. She chose acceptance and let the love flood in.  
James' hands slid down her arms and sides, settling on her waist. Lily clutched at the front of his robes, dizzied by the strength of her own emotions.   
“I’m going to kiss you now.”  
And he did, making good of his promise, his firm lips settling on hers, stealing her breath and her heart. The kiss spun into the next and then the next, long and brief, teasing and sincere, slow and hungry, but each of them sweeter than the last. Lily couldn’t get enough of him, and James was holding her so close it almost hurt.  
It was the perfect first kiss, Lily decided later, smiling at the canopy of her four-poster bed. Even Filch, returning to his office and catching them in the act to his apparent disgust hadn't soured the memory or diminished the warm glow suffusing her. Lily lay in the darkness of her dorm, reliving every precious second of it, alight with happiness.  
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(Thoughts on the finale below! NOT spoiler-free!)
What a fantastic finish cap to a fantastic show. You may have seen me complain about the endings to the other arcs before, but you won't see me complaining about this one. We wrapped up just about every loose thread (no pun intended), and those left dangling seem to be saved for the afterparty.
Notable highlights:
THE ISABELLE AND IAN SIBLING MOMENT... I was so happy multiple people drew it; I want to animatic it. I cheered so fuckin loud, tbh. Ian IS the shitty older brother, and Isabelle is his darling twin sister who will keep him in line, and together they will murder their Uncle Hunterpalm <3
(I am specifically referring to him comforting and teasing her while she cried into his shoulder but ALSO, what is more sibling-coded than planning how to commit a murder and hide the body together?)
Unexpectedly delightful dynamic between Cadmus and Hutch. This whole time, Cadmus has been the only party member who really HATES Hutch with a vitriol, and the animosity with Cadmus trying to steal a buff from him (albeit while saving his life) was just so good. And then Hutch using his overclass to full-restore Cadmus (WHO FINALLY GOT TO NOT DIE DURING A FIGHT) and offering to help get revenge on Vice afterwards? Really good stuff.
(And like, we NEEDED that confirmation that Vice was gonna get his just desserts. I would've thrown hands if we didn't.)
Lots of good polycule bits. "If you were hitting on me, you're gonna have to get in line. There's forms and stuff." I fucking love these science freaks.
THE GROUP HUG... even though Florence was not technically a part of it, I'm pretending she was.
On the note of Roob being gone for so long—much as I also wanted them to get back, tbh? I think it provided an EXCELLENT excuse for (non-combat-planning) roleplay. Some of the best moments likely wouldn't have happened if Roob hadn't dipped.
God bless Craigor for INSISTING they all go out and get ice cream. In my head, Craigor's vital role in the found family is that he keeps everyone sane by forcing them to indulge in small pleasures like dairy queen.
Cadmus removing Florence's stitch for her was such a good casual moment of intimacy. It's like letting someone do your makeup for you, only in a more brutal and fucked-up scenario because it's RSR. Nobody fucking look at me I love their friendship and will talk about it for ages
I actually like how Isabelle's "dry anger" finally broke into crying. It feels more in-character that she's been trying to act tough and uncaring this whole time, but really, she's just overwhelmed. I also like how it's more obvious now when she's being possessed by Venutia. HUGE "the souls of the innocent" "a bagel!" energy.
On that note: there's a moment I've always loved where Isabelle uses a Beam of Unreality and deletes several rock fans, and Connor says to Cadmus "stick with me here: there might be something more dangerous to your health here than the goddamn rock and rollers," to which Cadmus (who didn't see the beam) replies "who, Isabelle? she wouldn't hurt a fly!"
What I'm saying is, I want that moment to happen again but now with both Isabelle and Cadmus having the knowledge that she IS a monster. But they both choose to keep quiet about it. That's Cadmus's work daughter, he is not losing ANOTHER person in his life—
Carol/Carmen in general was a really great antagonist. Sympathetic in nature, simple motivations that make sense to her character, and still a massive bitch who needs to be stopped. I don't have any brainrot over her but I felt the need to acknowledge her since, y'know, the whole series kinda hinged on her.
Congrats to that one person for getting their rat canonized
in conclusion,
RSR good
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non-neutoniangender · 5 months
Well the train is started and so I guess I'm watching episode 35.
McAdverbot .... Sam this one is good, but you can't rap lol
Top table has a new member..... :/ I'm not sure putting Fearne next to Chetney was a good idea...
Oh I hadn't realized that they lost their note-taker
10k gold 👀 Thats a lot.
I gotta say, I love portable holes as a extraplanar storage option, because they require organizing, like you can just chuck shit into a bag of holding with very little care but with a hole, its just a easy to carry, very large box.
(Also its really funny how the starting storage options are worse in each subsequent campaign, bag of holding -> haversack -> portable hole)
Treshi got involved in stuff he didn't quite fully understand huh... Interesting that he is in some ways happy to be pulled out of it.
I love the question of "Is Laudna undead"
"I'm tired of leaving people behind" ....I should've finished EXU
Its really interesting that they players have to ask "is this above board or does your character know this" with regards to Delilah. The whole situation is very interesting
The whole "take notes about the briarwoods" is a really funny bit. I really like how big this world has gotten that character knowledge is much bigger than player knowledge in ways that doesn't happen in a typical campaign.
Sam....... the flask...... its way too on point, but its also such an odd callback to c2.
"at this point we're friends" found family my beloved!
I need to be normal about Matt playing his wife's character.....
I'm not being normal about Matt playing The voice of the Tempest
aaaaaaaaaaaaa voice actors are good at their jobs
"That is the best use of wood I've ever heard of" Chetney 🤣 I love how much everyone is essentially fangirling over keyleth, to be fair, she is a very cool level 20 character....
Oh this was back in the ✨Enhance✨ era of the internet
"Wow that was a big waste" "Ok Jester" What a great comeback. (you poopin?)
"Sweet little metal boy" good LORDY
Poor Ashton with character development. They're going soft. He's not happy about it
SAM MADE A SPELL!??!?!?!?!?! Share Dream?!? thats so fucking cool
Also I love the casts reactions to that.
Chetney just accidentally yelling
Since Travis loves a good d6, he should play a wizard!
Finally googled the meaning of Pyrrhic.... a good title choice.
I really appreciate that Matt is continually correcting people on Xandis' pronouns, I don't appreciate the cast continually forgetting.
.....oh my god. Will is gone because the resurrection didn't work....
Thats so much worse, I hadn't thought about that....
God I had almost forgot there was a city on the moon. Moon's haunted
I really love the idea of ashton, I love how dunamancy is now a central part of the world
Anyway, these mind sequences are very cool, I love them.
How does Matt even come up with, or plan these things?!?? I can't even imagine
"There is strength, but there is pain. There is pain but there is strength" good God!! Matt, that is so cool.
Oh my god Ashton..... poor kid.
I... I love this story though. Ashton. And the chronic pain is..... wow
It's really interesting to watch them try to figure out dunamancy from zero knowledge and just random stuff.
Perhaps not definitely, but I bet Matt's description of the inside of Ashton's head with stars and possibilities would've been different if the person had seen inside a beacon before.
"Do any of us know who we are?" asking the right questions
Delilah is dying with Laudna........ good God.
Man these players created some fucked up characters.
The moment of realization that the wisdom save was against Keyleth's scry lmao.
Keyleth!!!!!! I love her!!!
I love how she's like, buckle up fuckers, you're coming with me on a trip to whitestone.
Anyway, that episode was amazing and the ending was perfect, I cannot wait to find time to watch the next one!!!!!
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 11
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,672
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
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Like an animal returning from hibernation, you've become considerably more energetic as the winter begins drawing to a close. The idea of warmer weather, even if just a small improvement from what you've been seeing, has made the idea of leaving the apartment far less bothersome, therefore much to Bucky's joy, you've finally agreed to visit Old Town with him.
Going to the historical neighborhood in Bucharest has been on your roommate's mind for a while now. He had first been informed of its existence while helping your elderly neighbor, Rosetta, bring groceries up to her apartment as he normally does every Monday. She made the designation sound so interesting and given Bucky's wonder, you happily agreed to go sometime.
Of course, that was a week or two before the first snowfall. Now, you love Bucky with all your heart- enough to remember him in a completely new life even - but enough to trek through mounds of freezing snow just to see some old buildings? If you wanted to look at something old and beautiful, you'd just stare at him all day; no risk of hyperthermia needed!
Honestly, you would've toughened up and gone for the hike if it made Bucky happy, but perhaps taking pity upon you, he decided to bless you with a compromise to wait for warmer weather. Seeing that the streets are no longer buried in slippery snow or splashy slush, it's a perfect time to make good on that deal.
Armed with an oversized coat, hat, scarf, and mittens, you're fully equipped for the chill which still holds a tight grasp over the air unfortunately. Even Bucky wears several layers of clothing topped with his own coat, although it isn't that much compared to what everyone else is wearing. Then again, the man's built like a brick wall; you doubt much wind gets passed those muscles.
"So, what's on the itinerary today, Barnes? I'm assuming you've got the whole day planned for us, right?" Despite your mouth being covered by your scarf, your breath is visible in the air for each spoken word and Jack Frost is already nipping at your nose.
While this trip had been his idea, Bucky didn't expect to be in charge of plans since you've normally got that part covered yourself, so hiding his panic, he suggests quickly," let's just walk around, 'look at some of the buildings and see if anything interests us along the way."
"Fine by me!" Fortunately for him, you hold no objections, continuing to cheerfully skip along his side.
Bucky tilts his head, holding a thought on the tip of his tongue for a moment before finally daring to speak it,"...can we also check out some of those souvenir shops Rosetta suggested?"
You mock a pout, embracing his arm in yours and giving it a playful tug," oh, I don't know. She said they have a lot of old stuff in there. I would hate for anyone to try stealing you away from me now."
He rolls his eyes," I'm sure you won't have to worry about that."
"Hopefully not or else there'll be a fight! But just to be sure~!"
Bucky stops when you suddenly jump in front of him, holding out your mittened hand high into the air near his face. All the while you wear an impish grin that peeks out from behind your scarf, one that promises only mischief yet that familiar glossy shine in your eyes promises something else entirely; something much softer and genuine.
"Hold my hand."
"Hold...your hand?" For a split second, he almost obeys without another thought. His right hand reaches out as if attached to a magnet being pulled towards yours, however it hesitates midair once he gains control of his senses again.
"Your hearing hasn't gone out yet, that's good," you smirk, blowing air from your nose," yes, I want you to hold my hand."
'Damn, why does he always have to make such simple things so difficult?'
"Because my hand is cold, I don't want you to get lost out here, and I just want to hold your hand. It's been a while anyways," far too long.
Bucky glances at your hand which makes a childish grabby motion, hopeful he'll take the bait for once, but instead, he walks right past you, his hands remaining stuffed inside his pockets as they have been since leaving the apartment.
Frowning, you let your hand fall back to your side in disappointment, yet you would've accepted this defeat without voiced complaint if not for Bucky's hand suddenly clenching yours before beginning to tug you along behind him.
It's a delicate grip, one you can't realistically call a grip at all given how easily you could just slip your hand away, although you know him well enough to understand what it means: the poor thing's afraid of somehow harming you.
Sneaking a curious glance at his face, you notice the hint of red brushing his cheeks which he fruitlessly attempts to hide by the shadow of his tilted hat...Cute.
Walking on your own, you nestle yourself against his arm while taking no shame in your shining smile nor his shy embarrassment as he does nothing to stop you...Adorable.
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Old churches, modern museums, and a much needed café break; that's been your day so far. Oh, and the hand holding. That's been wonderful, too. Since the moment Bucky took your hand in his, he's been cursed to hold it for the remainder of the day which has kept both your hand and heart pleasantly warm throughout such an otherwise cold afternoon.
"This has been fun. Excellent choice for a Friday date, Barnes," you praise, taking another sip of your beloved drink. You've had him order the same, offended that he's never tried it before. Trusting you with his life, he complied, although he hasn't commended much on whether he actually enjoys it or not.
Bucky flinches while fidgeting with his own warm porcelain mug. Date...That simple four-lettered word sticks in his head more than he'd care to admit. He almost corrects you, but decides against it in favor of just busying himself by studying the passersby from the café window you both sit next to.
Unfortunately, Bucky isn't as smooth as he thinks and you definitely notice his discomfort. Guilt eats at you, begging you to apologize and insist this is just a friendly date, however feeling that the discussion would only confirm any awkwardness, you comment on something else instead.
"Getting worn out from all this socialization?"
"No-" Bucky presses his lips into a thin line before changing his answer,"...a bit. I just..."
"It's fine. We can finish up here and get back to the apartment," you lean back into your chair with crossed arms," you know, I'm proud of you. You've managed to let loose and be yourself within a public space. That's a big step in the right direction."
His lip twitches upwards at your compliment, although he's hesitant to actually accept it, soon lowering his head with a frown,"...this feels wrong."
You barely hear his whispered words and answer back just as quietly," what does?"
"Being out here with you, having a good time when I...I don't think I-"
"-James Buchanan Barnes," you're quick to lean forward, reaching towards him without actually touching. Instead, you keep your hand near his where it can at least gain his attention," you have every right to enjoy life. It's gonna feel weird and wrong at first, and it might for a while, but that's a part of the healing process, too. You just have to do your best to set aside those negative thoughts and trust in your own happiness.
"You've been having fun today, right? We went to the museum and looked at the art, we checked out the Stavropoleos Monastery which was cool, and you even got to buy stuff at your souvenir shops...What did you get anyways, you never showed me?"
"Nothin' special," Bucky states, tapping his metal finger against the mug with a 'clink'.
"Alright then, keep your secrets," you rest your chin on your hand with a wicked grin as you admire his handsome features. If only this was a romantic date, then you'd have every excuse to decorate his cheeks and lips with dozens of butterfly kisses.
"Nothing," you mumbled.
Something else you've noticed about this Bucky is his easily flustered nature which is very different from the Bucky you once knew. Back in those days, he took every compliment right to his head, adding it to his already steep ego and responding quickly with his silver tongue. It was nearly impossible for you to get the man to blush, but the same couldn't be said about him with you. He always had some flirty reply prepared, well aware of the effect his charm had over you and damn, did he use it to his advantage.
Now, Bucky behaves in a way Hollie never thought possible. While he does admittedly have his smooth moments, he's rather shy and reluctant. You now have no problem drawing that blush from him and can even make him completely tongue tied if you feel evil enough. You don't mind this change, actually. It's cute seeing him so flustered...Maybe that's why 1940s Bucky always teased you so much.
While you're lost in thought, present Bucky shifts in his seat, grabbing the small paper bag hung on its back before placing it on the table. This movement snaps you out of it, your eyes dropping to the object then rising to him in wordless question. He bashfully nods towards the bag which gives you the hint.
As he hides his worry behind the mug he brings to his lips, you peek inside the paper barrier, not seeing anything too well through the shadow, thus you opt for reaching inside. Snatching something, you pull it out carefully to examine it further.
In your hand rests a beautiful Romanian bead bracelet like the very ones you had been observing in a souvenir shop earlier during this trip. Some had plain colors while others had designs with many triangles, but your favorite contained flowers. In particular, you enjoyed the contrast of a white bracelet with red and blue flowers and green stems; the very bracelet you currently hold now.
"That was the one you liked, right?" Bucky's hopeful towards this question, his eyes watching your every movement intensely as you run your fingers over the tiny beads.
"Yeah...I really liked this one, but how did you-?" From what you remember, Bucky had been across the shop searching the book section. You hadn't even been looking at the bracelets long, only a minute or two before going to wait outside of him, so when did he...?
"-I noticed you at the bracelets and even the owner mentioned how much you seemed to like that one, so I figured I'd get it- you know, as a small 'thank you' gift for helping me out so much..." he smiles slightly, glancing at the bracelet in memory. He knows you don't usually focus on yourself much, instead keeping an eye out for him, thus he wanted to do something special to show you his utmost appreciation.
Raising his attention from the bracelet to your face, Bucky frowns immediately, shame and panic filling him at the sight of your tears," w-was I not right? I can get you a different one if you want or-or should I have-?"
"-No, no," you're quick to wipe your sleeve under your eyes, giving a sniff before smiling his way brightly," I love it! Thank you so much, Bucky. It's perfect."
He isn't too convinced, voicing as much," you're sure?"
"I'm sure. It's just..." biting your lip, you move the beads with your thumb in thought. The bracelet truly is beautiful, but it means so much more coming from him," no one's gotten me a gift like this in a while. I'm touched."
Bucky stares at you for a second before carefully asking,"...not even your fiancé?"
You flinch, but shake your head and clear away another tear," well, it's not really his fault. He's been...busy, you could say...but maybe I should tell him about this, huh? Let him know he's got competition and better shape up real soon before you steal me away from him, hmm?"
At this, Bucky rolls his eyes," no, don't tell him that. I don't wanna start a fight."
"Fine, for your sake, I won't say a word," you laugh heartily, pinning the bracelet around your wrist finally and holding it out to get a good look at it in the sun,"...thank you, Bucky. I'll treasure this forever."
He smiles, creating a mental photo of the way your eyes glimmer happily in this moment," you're welcome."
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"So, how was it?"
"Today was nice. We went to Old Town for the afternoon and had a lot of fun. Bucky was able to let loose, I had him teach me some Romanian words I immediately forgot, and then we ordered take out for dinner," you list off the events of your day while raising your hand towards the ceiling and staring at your bracelet with a gleeful smile. By the way you've been coddling the jewelry, one might think Bucky had proposed to you again with it.
"And then~?"
"’Then’ what?"
"The sex! How was the sex? I need details."
You feel your face flare, sitting up quickly from the bed with a growl," Natasha, what the hell makes you think we had sex?!"
"Oh, I don't know…You're currently living with a hot guy who you used to be engaged to in your past life, you're so in love with him that you retrained all your memories from said past life just to remember him-"
"-We think that's the reason anyways-"
"-Aaaand you seemed really excited to call me tonight. With all things considered, you really can not blame me for thinking you just got laid!”
"Well, I didn't," you run a hand over your face with a shake of your head. Thank goodness Bucky went to pick up the take out. While you normally have your conversations with Natasha in private so that you can stress all your secret worries to her, apparently you also need to keep him from overhearing this topic, too.
"Really? What's his problem? I figured he'd literally jump at the chance after he found out you're his Hollie?"
"Probably because he still doesn't know that part yet."
"...Oh..." Natasha's silent for a moment," you mean you still haven't told him? (Y/n), how long do you plan to wait exactly? I mean, I understand why you didn't say anything out of the gates, but the two of you have been together for a while now. Don't you think it's about time he learned the truth?"
"It's just not that easy, Nat," you sigh. Deep down, you do feel wrong for not saying anything. It kills you everyday to not be able to have Bucky see you as Hollie. Your relationship - and undying love for him - would be so much easier to manage then, but there's too many ways a reveal could go south.
"Assuming that Bucky would even believe me is a stretch to begin with and even if he does, there’s several issues that could present themselves. For one, I’m only Hollie through memory. What if (Y/n) being Hollie creeps him out so much that he wants nothing to do with either of us - me - whatever?!”
“Or he could see past that little detail and love you for who you are on the inside.”
“Okay, sure, but what about his unresolved guilt towards Hollie? I mean, we’re not talking about him just mourning her death the way anyone else would. As far as he's concerned, he's the one who killed her. No matter what I try to say to convince him otherwise, he blames himself for it and it destroys him inside. What if that guilt remains and he ends up pushing me away with some fucked up reasoning that it’s to ‘protect me’?”
“By telling him you’re Hollie, you’d be telling him as her that you forgive him,” Natasha speaks slowly to not get tripped over all the pronouns,” maybe he’d be more willing to forgive himself then.”
"Yeah…but this is Bucky we're talking about. I don't think he'd move on that easily regardless of whether it's Hollie or (Y/n) telling him to. He’s got catholic-style guilt, Nat!”
“That serious, huh?”
Now it's Natasha who sighs,"...listen, I understand why you’re scared. I know how scary it can be trusting people with your past especially when they’re someone whose judgment means so much to you, however I also know that the truth will come out eventually. The risk only grows the closer you are to someone and the more you try to keep things hidden. At one point or another, the truth might be exposed and the more you wait to do it yourself, the more you risk it being at a bad time in the worst way.
“Just look at how I found out. We were already on edge with everything that happened then you began acting weird…For a second there, I was worried you were either a double agent or plain insane. In the end, I believed you, but not everyone is going to be as understanding as your super cool best friend.”
You chuckle softly, practically able to see Natasha’s smirk, too.
“Now, I don’t know a single thing about Barnes other than those times he tried killing me, so I’m probably not the greatest judge of this, but based on everything Steve and you have said, it sounds like he really loves you - uh, Hollie that is. Think about how you felt finding out he was still alive? Don’t you think he’d be just as relieved to know his fiancée’s gotten a second chance at life, too?
“Even when talking about (Y/n), Bucky clearly trusts you. Take it from me, there’s no way an assassin would go on a date and hold hands with someone they don’t trust with their life; that’s worth something, isn’t it? He’d be more willing to listen to whatever you have to say, all you gotta do is think of something only Hollie and him would know - something he still remembers about her - and use it to convince him. You managed to convince me as a total stranger to Hollie, so I’d imagine it would be easier to accomplish with someone who truly knew her. He’d be able to confirm for a fact that you’re telling the truth since he knows it himself.
“I’m not going to sugarcoat things. Everything that you mentioned before can happen. He might be really creeped out. He might push you away to protect you. Truthful, you gotta admit, it’s a little-”
“-Weird knowing someone’s practically two different people at once?” You finish with a roll of your eyes," yeah, I've realized that…and I’ve long expected that part. My main concern is just not hurting Bucky. I want him to believe me and, even if he doesn’t want to be together in this life, I want him to move on from Hollie. I want him to know it’s okay to go be happy without either of us…Ultimately, I just want him to have closure…”
You take in a shakily breath, pulling at the bracelet around your wrist. It kills you inside to see Bucky’s guilt and not truly be able to stop it. When he first broke down that day, admitting he remembered Hollie and her death by his hands, you wanted nothing more than to jump at him and kiss away his tears, telling him over and over again how much Hollie loves him, how much you love him…but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that.
“I’m tied to Hollie. Through me, she can finally tell Bucky everything’s going to be okay - that she doesn’t blame him for what happened…Maybe it won’t help him, maybe it will, but at the end of the day, he’ll at least hear it and that’s the greatest push I can offer…He deserves it so, yes, I am going to tell him eventually. Now just isn’t the right time; not while he’s still trying to find his footing. I can’t be the reason his life gets more confusing and chaotic than it already is. I just…We need a little more time.”
Natasha must’ve realized it by now. Yeah, you’re concerned over Bucky’s feelings and you’ve listed every worry you have regarding them, however deep down, this isn’t only about him. You’re scared. Despite every night that you’ve told yourself you’d be okay with him leaving you- with him hating you-, deep down, you fear such an outcome. You don’t want to lose him. You don’t want to feel his hate…So you’re delaying the inevitable until you magically find the strength to face it.
“...Can you just make me a promise?”
“To tell him? Yeah, I-”
“-No, not just to tell Barnes. I want you to eventually tell Steve and Tony, too. I think it’s safe to say Barnes isn’t the only one needing closure over Hollie. Steve went into the ice then woke up decades later with no one and Tony was a child who tragedy lost his only aunt. Don’t you think they deserve answers just as much as Barnes?
“They might not accept it, but if they do, they’ll be able to know they still have a piece of her around…You know, I can’t do much regarding lover boy, but I can always vouch for you to Rogers and Stark; punch them over the heads if they give you too much trouble.”
You chuckle softly, giving her question some thought. Steve and you were close friends in the past and Tony was practically attached to your hip whenever around. Even in this lifetime, you’re close to both of them and you’ve observed their own remaining sorrow over Hollie. They both mourn her, Steve disappearing on his own during any anniversary related to her while Tony still keeps her last present to him on his desk, avoiding any mention of her otherwise. They deserve to know how close she’s truly been to them this whole time…
“I’ll tell them, too. I promise.”
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cangelgifs · 1 year
How would you fix Cordelia's story? Would you still have her as the main baddie in S4 (but without the Connor BS)? Would she be a part of Wolfram and Hart?
Okay so there are lots of ways that I'd fix Cordelia's story. I mean lots. I have a whole bunch of AUs swimming around my head at any given point in time. Don't let JW or whoever fool you by saying they didn't have anywhere for Cordelia's story to go in s4 other than her being evil because there are many ways it could've gone instead. Yes, Cordelia totally could've still been the main baddie but in a morally gray way (which if handled well could've been so cool) and not possessed and without any of the grossness but also that's not the only way it could've been done. Honestly anything that keeps Cordy a) alive, b) in character, and c) not violated is a win in my book.
I have lots of fix-its for various points in the show (Connor doesn't get kidnapped, Cordy isn't possessed, incorporating CC's pregnancy into s4 way better than JW did, Cordy wakes up in s5, and so on), as do many of the other members of this blog and the cangel discord. But my personal favorite fix for s4 would be to get rid of everything after "The House Always Wins" including the amnesia plot. (Though, side note, I do think that plotline could be utilized in a really cute way by having Cordy fall in love with Angel all over again and be used to poke fun at the ridiculousness of this universe in general). I just think having Cordelia come back to Earth after being a Higher Power and making her plotline about her having to readjust could've been so interesting. Especially because as a Higher Power she saw so much bad happening in the world that having her come back and grapple with the fact that she can't save everyone could be so interesting and complex.
Also instead of the Beast, Angelus, the Beast Master/Jordy/Jasmine and whoever else was the antagonist for s4, I would make the big bad the Powers That Be. There are so many instances in the show that point to the PTB not being completely good or all that and I really think it was a huge miss to not delve into that idea more. ATS is a very morally gray show at times and making the PTB the bad guys could've really played into that more as well as further emphasizing the idea that "if nothing we do matters than all that matters is what we do". And Cordy previously being a Higher Power and readjusting to Earth and already having her ideals challenged could run parallel to this plot. I honestly think that Cordelia got kicked out of the Higher Plane in "The House Always Wins" because she helped Angel so really she could be such a key element to the gang finding out that the PTB isn't completely good and to their fight against the PTB. Plus finding out that the forces they've been fighting against aren't completely what they thought would affect everyone in Angel Investigations in such interesting ways, I just love the potential. It'd make for such an interesting s4, we really could've had it all.
One last thing but I'll try to keep it brief cause I don't want this to get too long but personally I don't think Cordelia would've joined Wolfram & Hart unless there was a very good reason. It just goes against so much of who she became and I think a big reason why everyone did join is because they were so lost when it came to what they were fighting for so unless Cordy was in that position, I don't see her joining. (whatisyourchildhoodtrauma actually inspired a cool AU where Cordy comes back in s5 and starts her own agency and some other stuff happens. But that's a post/ask for a different time.)
Also shameless plug but we actually have a fic ideas page on this blog with a bunch of different concepts, prompts, AUs that you or anyone else are welcome to write for. Or feel free to submit more!
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #101
(taken january 12th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
What was the last thing you pinky swore on? I don't remember, but I'm sure it was with Girt. He likes to do it when he knows I'm having a hard time believing something like me not being ugly to him and stuff because he knows I take them very seriously.
About how old was the last person that hit on you? He's 29.
Do you believe in abortion? The fact that it's not an international right is infuriating, and as long as it does exist, you could NEVER convince me sexism doesn't exist. You know goddamn well if a white man could get pregnant, he'd have it right at his disposal in a snap.
What’s your favourite kind of poptart? I like the hot fudge sundae ones.
Pepsi vs. Coke? Coke, for sure. I actually don't like Pepsi. There is absolutely a difference.
What`s a movie / book / TV show / band / whatever you highly recommend? Movie: I remember Coco hit me very deeply emotionally with its deep concentration on family. Book: my VERY confident answer is Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's written in a very unorthodox style, but it is INCREDIBLE. TV show: Extraordinary Attorney Woo; it teaches you a lot about acceptance and keeping an open mind. Band: Maybe, uh... I'm not entirely sure here because music I think is massively taste-based and a lot of bands I like have lyrics that not everyone is going to enjoy. I think it's way harder to see a band as "universally good" than the other categories.
Are you anticipating or dreading anything? Yeah, more dental work. I'm very much not looking forward to my wisdom teeth removal... I'm also anticipating therapy, but in a good way. I start next month.
What is something other people say you're good at but you think you're not? Dealing with kids.
Who taught you to tie your shoelaces? I actually understood my dad's method better than Mom's, so I memorized his way first, but because Mom used the more accepted way that was also more secure, she continued to teach and insist upon her way, which is what I do indeed use.
What`s your favourite picture of yourself as a child? I have no idea.
What was the last bug you saw? Most likely a fly? I do know a fly came into our car the other day.
What is the scariest thing you`ve ever gone through? Being so mentally unstable and delusional that I VERY much believe I could've been qualified as insane. That breakup nearly fucking killed me.
Who's your favourite character from The Simpsons? Or do you hate that show? I'm not into that show.
Do you like pudding? I like chocolate pudding.
Which is worse: stale chips or flat soda? Stale chips. I just like soda too much to mind it much when it's flat. It's not preferable, but I can handle it.
Do you like raviolis? I hate them, the texture inside is unbearable to me, and I don't like the taste much anyway.
What wild animal would you love to have as a pet? I would never just snag a wild animal from the wild, to preface, but I VERY much want to rescue and foster an opossum one day.
What’s the most creepy experience you’ve ever had? When I was home alone and going to bed very late at night, Teddy became VERY upset over something he'd clearly seen or heard or just in some other way sensed at the foot of our bed. He kept whipping his head up to stare there and bark, and deeply. I felt so, so incredibly uneasy and even tried to force his head to lay back down, but he fought against me and refused to look away. I eventually forced myself out of bed, which took so much willpower because of how scared I was, and called my mom (and keep in mind this was like, past midnight, everyone would've been asleep but I was THAT freaked out). She ended up calling our neighbor and she stayed the rest of the night at our place. This experience was one of the I wanna say two I've been through that I absolutely feel was paranormal, like my dog was WAY too upset to be staring at something and barking like that with such dedication.
Have you seen the movie 2012? What’s your opinion on it? I did see it and I think I thought it was okay?
Do you want to do something to make a difference in the world? YES, even if it's a subtle contribution. Having SOME stepping stone positive effect on the world is honestly extremely important to me.
What’s your thoughts on poverty? Poverty is one of the most heartbreaking things in the world, especially when fucking billionaires and shit exist and are perfectly capable of helping SO much.
What’s your favourite berry? Strawberries.
If you believe in reincarnation, what animal would you want to become? I personally don't believe in reincarnation, but if it was a thing and I could choose, let's see... I want to say a meerkat, but their lives are so, so risky and dangerous, and besides, ME living life in a hot desert is unimaginable. I think maybe I'd be a lioness; they're beautiful and majestic as hell and very powerful, plus I favor social species.
How many pillows are there on your bed? Four; two each for myself and Girt.
Would you ever have a bird as a pet? Not realistically, no.
Do you know someone who’s been cremated? I don't think I know a person who has been, but three former dogs we've had were cremated.
Do you have memories from preschool? Yes, quite a lot. One thing I remember is I tended to talk too much during naptime, lmao.
Has anybody in real life ever asked you your sexuality? Yeah, doctors and stuff.
Do you like the name Carmen? Yeah.
What band do you never get tired of listening to? It's kinda absurd how much I can listen to Rammstein and not get tired of them lmfao.
What condiments do you put on your burgers? Ketchup and mustard, always. I also don't mind if there's a little bit of mayo.
Is there a band logo you would get tattooed on yourself? I don't think so.
Are you a fan of Hollywood Undead? I do like a good number of their songs.
What’s for dinner tonight? Mom is making burgers.
Any birthdays coming up? Mine and my youngest niece's.
Do you fool people on April Fool’s Day? No.
Did you eat anything for breakfast? Yeah, I had cereal.
Have you ever had food poisoning? No.
Have you ever been smacked by your parents? Mom, yes. Not in the face, but. I don't ever remember Dad spanking my sisters or myself, but I do know Mom threatened his life if he hit Ashley as a child this one time soooo that's probably why.
Have you ever been called a slut, hoe, skank, whore? Only by friends that didn't ACTUALLY mean it.
Have you ever been on a plane before? Yeah, to and back from Ohio and Illinois. MAYBE one more location or so, but I don't think so.
What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home? Illinois.
What is one of the saddest novels you’ve ever read in your lifetime? Johnny Got His Gun, The Giver, and Old Yeller come to mind quickly. There are definitely loads more that have made me cry, especially those I've had to read in school.
When do you feel the most confident? Never.
What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? Probably red foxes. You don't see them much here at all, and I've only seen one alive.
What’s the funniest TV show you’ve ever seen? I fucking love That '70s Show, its humor style just hits for me.
What’s your love language? Words of affirmation and quality time.
Do you still enjoy blowing bubbles? It's not something I'll do on my own time, but I do love blowing bubbles for my niece Emerson since she's too young to really know exactly how you need to do it to get a lot. On I wanna say Christmas she made me blow bubbles until there was no more liquid in the tube to make anymore, and she just had a blast laughing and trying to pop them all. It was absolutely adorable. I think I remember Oakley (their chocolate lab) playing a bit too, or maybe it was the cat.
Have you ever took a picture of your shadow? Maybe as a child, but not that I remember.
Have you ever waxed your legs? No. My hair is just so thick and long that that sounds absolutely fucking excruciating. I mean damn, getting my upper lip waxed when I was a teenager sucked enough.
Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? No, that sounds like a fucking awful idea. They're going to think it's cool and not understand how socially unacceptable it is and get in trouble a hell of a lot.
Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? Yes; this was a major problem when I actually shaved my legs. I made literal scars as if I was legitimately slashed on both my shins from this. Had the scars for years, and hell, maybe they're still there, I just can't tell unshaven.
Have you ever had your food stolen by a bird? No.
Have you ever had a parasite before? JKASL;DKFJALK;WJEAL;NWDFOQ NO NO NO NO NO I WOULD RATHER DIE. I've had ticks briefly on me before, but of course they were promptly removed. Never anything internal, thank the fucking lord.
Have you ever put your pets in a kennel for a while? I don't believe we've ever had to do this...
Can you compose sentences in any other language than your own? Simple ones in German.
If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Ehhhh maybe Kiara. I always liked her character and I mean, being a fucking lion in Africa tho with a rad lion bf.
If someone says god has spoken to them & meant it, do you believe them? Absolutely not, I'd be concerned for them.
Do you find neon bright colors annoying? No, I actually like neon colors. Now of course there are instances where they're not aesthetically suiting and bother your eyes, but.
What was the last contest you were in? Uh... I can't say I'm sure.
Who gives you inspiration? My boyfriend, more than anyone. But there are others, too.
Is there really no such thing of a stupid question? Oh no, stupid questions are very real, but only in the sense of when they're asked with completely ingenuine curiosity, like when the person knows they're being insensitive and deliberately trying to irritate/in any way hurt somebody. But if someone is asking ANYTHING with the genuine pursuit of wanting to understand something, no, "real" stupid questions aren't a thing imo.
How many barbie dolls did you own? I'm quite sure I didn't own any personally as a child; instead, if I was playing with my sister, we'd just use hers.
What feeling do you have the most difficult in expressing? I wanna say maybe envy.
If you had the power to shapeshift, what would you turn into first? Why? TOTALLY a meerkat, just for the sake of being a meerkat, lol.
Does any particular season make you happier than others? Why/why not? AUTUMN! It's just perfect to me, and all the colorful foliage just hardcore sells it for me. I REALLY want to visit a place with less evergreens to get the real, deep experience of all the leaves changing. (:
Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Yeah, like with blankets. I went through a phase where I liked building them and pretending I was a meerkat hiding in a burrow, lmao.
What was your GPA in high school? I don't remember exactly, other than it was above 4.0.
Have you ever had to put up with a really annoying child? Ha ha oh jeez, I still feel REALLY bad about this, but I nearly went insane one night when my half-sister Misty was here with her kids and husband; her youngest daughter Aria was for some reason really attached to me and would NOT give me personal time alone when I desperately needed it with all the extra people in the house, and I know with absolute certainty you could eventually see how irritated I was because she pointed out I looked mad or something similar. She wouldn't leave me alone until I literally texted my mom from my room basically begging her to lure this child out of my room, lmao. I still feel bad about it, like this is the only time I've met Misty's kids (and one - almost two - is a teenager) and I really hated feeling so overwhelmed and aggravated the ONLY time I've gotten to see them.
0 notes
tiaetherealness · 2 years
Pretty tame, SFW, 17+ this time, people being thirsty for Kirishima,
Kirishima is so attractive and he doesn't see it.
Not only did he grew over 6ft and gained muscles that can compare to Enji Todoroki, he stayed true to his sweet, gentlemanly self. His sweet toothy smile is still present on his face whenever he observes his friends or be with the people that just gets him. A tower of a protector that is unbreakable. And everyone sees it. Everyone sees how a great catch he is physically and personally.
Whenever he walks into the shared dorm after his workout, a hush falls over the room. Obvious to the many stares that traces the sweet dripping from his abs, he grabs a water bottle from the fridge and chugs it. Here, we see everyone staring unabashedly, watching the water droplets spill over his lips and race down his neck where veins are bulging out.
They trace the line of his jaw, the flex of his muscle of the arm that's gripping the near empty bottle. Watch as a few strands of his hair fall away from his bun and frame his sweaty face.
When he finish, he tosses the bottle in the trash and walks out of sight, presumably to the elevator going up to his room.
Immediately, everyone starts talking about his physique. How much bigger hes gotten in the past couple of weeks. How they tried to make a move on him but he stayed a gentleman, not going too far in their advances.
But one day, the dorm notices how nicely dressed the red-head is. He's wearing a black silk button up with the first few buttons open and rolled up his arms, dark pants, and wearing something other than crocs. Kirishima's hair is pulled back into a ponytail, showing off his tattoo that trails up his neck, peaking from his shirt collar.
"Where are you going, hot stuff?" Mina ask, saying what everyone else is thinking.
Eijioru blinks his red eyes, and suddenly his face breaks out in a grin. "I'm going on a date! Haven't seen my baby in a while."
In everyones mind that word date and baby plays on repeat. Eijirou is not single???
"You never mentioned you were dating someone!" Denki yells out.
The red head gave him a puzzled looked. "Uh, dude....I mentioned it before."
"I think we would've remembered if you told us." Sero replied in place of Denki who is slowly looking betrayed.
Kirishima frowns, but his face changed when he came to a realization. "I remember now! I told you guys when we were playing truth or dare during the midterm party but you guys were drunk out of your minds!"
Before anyone could get a word in, the red head looks at his phone and texts back with a smile in his face. "Sorry guys, my date is outside. I'll catch you later!"
As soon as the door click shut, the whole group rushed to the window to catch a glimpse of Kirishima's date. With a lot of cursing and shoving, everyone watches with wide eyes as Eijirou gives you a hug and kiss.
They see how both you and Eijirou is glowing. No wonder the red-head wasn't accepting their advances, hes already happy with who hes with. They watch with rapt attention as he grabbed your hand and walked further and further away from the dorms until he was long gone.
Slowly, they returned to their seats and picked up conversation again.
"So...those were your dorm mates watching us in the window?"
"And they were the ones hitting on you for months?"
".....How did they take the news of you being off the market?"
"Shock mostly, even though I did tell them I was dating someone."
It was silent for a couple of seconds before you answered with a smug grin. "Atleast now they know whose choking on your dick every night."
"Not sorry."
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eternal-armin · 2 years
art of war.
after an argument with you, jinx injures herself. to protect your job, you help patch her up; her questions preceding at first drove the rift between you deeper. but life is surprising. reader: neutral. enemies to lovers because i love this. cw: crude insults, swears, light mentions of injury/bleeding, slight distress, light bullying on both sides.
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music blasted from jinx's player. you nodded and mouthed along to it, looking over the fruits of her labor, which covered her work desk. all of it looked pretty promising. as much as you would hate to say it to her face, you were excited to see what use she would assign to them in the jobs to come.
you carefully picked up one of the butterfly-like mini-bombs she had, examining it with the cautious touch of an angel. it was very pretty, you could freely admit.
"what the hell are you doing in my space, brat?"
you sighed deeply. fun was over. "if i'm your strategist, which i am, i deserve to know what we're working with." keeping the gold form in your hand, you leaned back against the desk, resting your free hand against it. "is it such a crime to admire the work of the great jinx?" the words were praise, but your tone was pure sarcasm.
"oh, go screw, [y/n]. i actually plan on working right now, and i can't do that with you stinkin' up my sacred space. if y'could just get the fuck out, that would be great." jinx gave you a bright smile, matching your sarcasm. immediately it fell back into a slight frown, specifically when she spied what you were holding.
"you little bitch," she hissed, snatching the firelight right out of your hands. "don't so much as lay a finger on any of my other stuff, okay? i'm sick of you messing with my shit!"
"then maybe put a lock on your door, smartass!" you shouted right back, unafraid of her threats. perhaps you were the only person in the lanes who showed no fear at her petrifying gaze, even when it was glaring daggers right into your soul. just as she was right now. you knew how deeply it aggravated her to have next to no effect on you. maybe that's how silco knew to get you for the job, rather than any other zaunite or piltie who passed through this place.
"maybe you shouldn't keep breaking into my room! who does a girl need to kill for some damn privacy!" jinx exclaimed, pushing you away and sitting down in her chair. she turned to face you, chin resting on her fist.
her annoyed expression, that little pout, it gave you life.
"you won't kill me," you began, a little grin steadily growing on your lips. "you can't. without me, you wouldn't be half as successful as you've been. without me, you would've gone hogwash-haywire on the world and been killed fifteen times over from your own impulsivity and stupidity! you're dense, but you know that i mean a hell of a lot to this fuckin' cause."
she just got angrier and angrier as you kept talking, her grip on the poor false firelight getting tighter and tighter in her fist.
"you won't fucking kill me," you echoed, leaning toward her just a bit to emphasize your point. the sick anger in jinx's expression, you swore, made the room grow a degree warmer.
"how badly i want to," she hissed. the firelight was crushed in her hand, jagged shards piercing the skin. she cursed in slight pain, breaking the little staring contest you had going.
"can't say i didn't see that coming," you mumbled, standing back straight. you pushed yourself off the desk, taking a few steps away.
"oh, i should've expected this! of course you'd just tell me off and leave when i get hurt. class act, brat!" jinx shouted, her voice cracking every other word from the sharp pain in her hand. carefully, she opened it, looking at the ruined and crushed form, and the shards of it peeking out of her skin, the border reddening.
the click of your tongue returned to her before you did. onto the desk, you tossed a first-aid kit, staring her right in her eyes with a slightly tilted head. "i know i'm a class act. that's why i'm on payroll."
you gave her a smile, which she returned with a scowl. you grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand toward you, tilting it slightly left and right till you could see it properly.
"ow- for fuck's sake, work on your bedside manner."
"mm, better than stapling them shut, wouldn't you say?" you cooed right back, picking up a pair of tweezers from the kit, carefully removing each bit of metal jammed in her hand. whatever you took out, you placed back on the table, making a mental note to toss it all out once you finished.
"i'd rather that than be sucked up to by someone like you," she responded curtly, stifling groans of pain with almost every move you made.
"i'm only doing this for the simple reason that silco would have my head if i didn't." well, what she said was almost half true. try as you might, you just couldn't help being a smartass to her. even though a part of you did yearn for some sense of casual kinship with her- maybe you admired her work a little too much- you would rather go for the immediate satisfaction of pissing her off.
"judging by how many times you've messed shit up, brat, it's the only reason he'd ever have your head. it's bullshit. nepotism."
"you're one to talk about nepotism, sweetheart."
"fuck off."
"oh, i gladly will. leave you with half the shit still stuck in your hand, let it get infected because you don't know how to sterilize a fucking wound? i would fucking love that. now that i have your permission?" you leaned forward again, not-so-patiently awaiting for her admittance that she could do it on her own.
jinx dropped the eye contact after a few seconds.
"there it is. not a fan of admitting you like my help, are ya?" you giggled quietly to yourself. she was about to say something, you could see it out of the corner of your eye. "shut up, silly. i might hurt you." you mimicked her rather poorly.
gently tilting her hand back and forth again, you checked for any small shards. her small hisses of pain made you feel a tiny bit bad.
"okay. you're free of shards." you let go of her hand, setting down the tweezers and searching for some gauze. you handed it to her. "press that on the wounds for a little. i'll prepare some bandages." your words were almost tender. jinx narrowed her eyes at you, but did as you said. she raised a brow slightly in surprise. your caution and precision- which she decidedly did not have- paid off. the only pain was the ache of bleeding.
"hold out your hand," you asked. she did so, keeping the gauze in her opposite hand. you cracked the tiniest ghost of a smile, starting to roll a bandage around her hand. "tell me if it's too tight, hm?" you glanced up at her. eventually she met your gaze, still with that suspicious expression, nodding slightly.
you hummed along to the music, letting your head nod slightly. your shoulders did too, but your hands were steady and still as ever. content with the coverage, you double-checked her hand, turning it over and everything, cutting and tucking the end of the bandage in. "there. keep tabs on your impulsiveness next time, will you?" you asked, repacking the kit.
"that seemed pretty practiced," jinx noted in a slightly sing-song voice, completely ignoring your sarcastic remark.
you paused, knitting your brows together just slightly, before returning to what you were doing.
"any reason for that, brat?"
snapping the first-aid kit shut, you stood up, looking at her with a scowl. "if i have to respect your privacy, you're damn well respecting mine." the juxtaposition between the civility and the distaste in your voice was powerful, even jinx was slightly taken aback.
"it's just a question, toots." she giggled a bit through her words, standing up.
you sighed, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. you placed your free hand on your hip. "i'm 'practiced' because i used to take care of people. i was just a kid patchin' people up. my mom used to work as a nurse across the bridge. i picked it up from her." you explained as curtly and without detail as you possible could. both because you didn't want her to know, and you didn't want to remember. "it's how i know so much about piltover and the ins and outs of people down here. happy?"
jinx had the vaguest expression of surprise. "your mom was a piltie?"
"of-fucking-course that would be your reaction. she fought on our side, y'know! she died for us! and now you're disrespecting her like this?! who the fuck gave you the right to judge people, huh?!" you saw the tears fill your eyes, turning them glassy. you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. it didn't really work. without even taking a final glance at her expression, you rubbed your eyes, making your way back to the door.
"hey. hey! i didn't mean it like that, damnit!" jinx's voice was caught between sincerity and anger. beyond your sniffles you could hear her heavy boots following fast behind you.
"fuck me," you mumbled, shaking your head. her hand grabbed your wrist, tightly, stopping you in your tracks. "i swear to fucking god, jinx, let me go right now before i throw you off this place by your praids," your words were filled with pure venom, turning back to face her. her expression was perplexing, and completely unreadable.
jinx narrowed her eyes slightly, examining your expression. your tear-stained cheeks, your angry eyes, your knit brows. your lips trembling, even when you tried to press them still. "i'm sorry."
your eyes widened slightly. "s-sorry?"
"yes." jinx glanced away, sighing out her nose. she seemed rather annoyed, you guessed at herself. "i am sorry for how that came across. i know- i know what it's like. kind of."
"great. i'm glad. are you gonna let me go now?"
"like fuck i will." she snapped back, mostly out of habit.
"oh, nice. nice."
"shut up, for once. i hate seeing ya cry, toots, so for once, be quiet!" jinx shouted through gritted teeth. "i'm sorry for how that came off! i just- can't say stuff right sometimes! i know how it feels and it feels like shit!" her grip tightened on your wrist slightly. "thank you for patching me up. thanking you for being our strategist. and thank you for finally obeying me." a smile twitched at her lips, the last bit added slightly humorously.
admittedly, you smiled a little yourself. "you're welcome. i mean, it's... really nothing." your voice was so soft, it really surprised jinx, even though it didn't show.
"so y'didn't just do it to keep your head?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.
you shrugged. "no." maybe she knew that you were more honest when heavily emotional. the art of the process of elimination.
jinx's smile grew a little. her eyes were filled with curiosity, and she wanted to ask all her questions at once. "then why, toots?"
you hesitated. your reddened eyes drifted to the jagged walls of the cavern. "i respect you. don't really act like it, i know."
"aww, [y/nnn]!" jinx exclaimed, pulling you by your wrist into a hug.
"j-jinx, let me go!" you tried to pull out of the embrace, but her arms were tight around you. your cheeks flushed red, and after a moment, you gave in. with a heaved sigh, you returned the hug.
"i love ya too, sweets!"
"i-i never said i loved you...!"
jinx laughed softly. it tickled your skin. "y'wanted to, didn't you?" she purred, swaying you both side to side slightly. "i'm not dumb, cutiepie."
"you are grotesque."
"so's your dad," she giggled. "get fucked."
you burst out in laughter, burying your head in her shoulder.
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herherteartear · 3 years
blanket kick
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précis— Peter's not the suave man he would hope to be in front of his crush. instead, he's a blushing mess that haunts his memories and causes him to take out his frustrations on his blanket. luckily, you prefer cherry cheeks over smooth lines any day.
pairing— Peter Parker x enhanced!maximoff!reader
a/n— this is my first standalone written story and my first time writing for marvel! i hope you guys enjoy thisss<3 i'm also open to creating drabbles to continue this if anyone's interested????! pls enjoy and pls comment and let me know ur thoughts!!!
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there are many ways to describe Peter Parker, but none could ever wholly capture the true essence of the boy
besides the obvious stuff,, his intelligence , his insanely good looks , his teenage awkwardness,,
it was a hard feat to string along words to describe the way he carries himself , the way he is with others , the way his heart loves with the same ability a sponge soaks up water and soap
Peter's had crushes before
perhaps more than he'd like to admit
(can't blame the boy, who gave Ty Lee the right be that cute!?)
but when he sees her, his heart begins to swell and suddenly, he forgets how to breathe..
or how to think... talk. y'know normal human stuff
in all honesty, Peter has tried his absolute hardest to block out their first meeting from his memories
he doesn't regret meeting her, of course not! never would he even repent that embarrassingly wonderful day
he only wishes it would've gone a little differently
let's set the scene, shall we?
the sun was shining brightly, the sky was a Carolina blue, the clouds were the prettiest porcelain color, rimmed with lace
Peter was riding in an awfully silent car that Happy was driving to the airport. despite being terrified of what's to come,, the fight Mr. Stark had recruited him for,, the boy was thoroughly enjoying this adventure.
the car came to a stop, which did little for Peter's nerves. he gathered his courage before stepping out, eyes squinting at the brightness of the yellow sun. once his eyes adjusted, they landed on the prettiest head of hair he had ever seen
(although he did think the same for Hermione Granger)
Peter had never been on a plane before that day. but even then, his sparkling eyes stayed trained on her,, completely ignoring the brilliant private jet behind her
"oh? Happy, i thought it was just us?" her voice made Peter's ears burn. he swallowed thickly. you blinked at Peter, curious but also intrigued , you smiled.
to which Peter choked. on air. your eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"a-are you okay?"
"god, kid, get ahold of yourself."
"i-i'm okay! it's– i'm– i'm fine!" Peter quickly stuttered out.
"well, Yn, this is– uh,, what's your name again?" Happy turned towards the boy who's cheeks were now redder than a firetruck.
"oh! i'm Peter– Peter Parker. it's nice to meet you- not that i don't know you. well i don't, y'know not personally. but like from the news.. not that i believe the news! they're awful to you, but i mean i guess i do sometimes– but never about what they say about you–"
"i'm Yn Maximoff. it's nice to meet you too, Peter." you cut him off before Happy strangled the cute boy. you had an amused smile
he was cute
finally getting on the plane, Peter had hoped he would be able to sit far away from you and wallow in his embarrassment,
maybe sneak a glance or two.. imagine a couple of scenarios where he wasn't a doofus,
but that's not quite what happened.
after witnessing just how much the new kids was able to ramble,, Happy was not about to spend a whole ass plane ride remotely close to him
so he took it upon himself to make the kiddies sit together.. much to Peter's dismay.
like!!? did Happy not see how Peter crashed and burned in font of you?!
you, on the other hand,, had the opposite reaction.
being the youngest avenger, you don't get to be around people your age too much,, which isn't something you're complaining about!!
you totally made the decision to be an avenger and you happily welcomed the consequences..
that didn't mean you didn't get lonely at times. especially now with the accords and the team breaking up., things got a whole lot more lonely
your sister, Wanda, had made her choice to leave the compound. you completely understood why, but a part of you had hoped she would've taken you with her
although, staying at the compound did ensure your safety.
it was a weird time for the avenger's , it felt wrong for you to say some of your teammates were criminals
it left a sour taste in your mouth
you glanced from the window seat to see Peter nervously wringing his fingers. you frowned.
"are you okay?" you asked, gently. Peter's eyes widened and his heart jumped to his throat. he wanted to say something, something cool or aloof, something that would make up for his ranting earlier
"i've never been on a plane before." Peter squeaked out. he dropped his shoulders, rolling his eyes at himself. that was the highest pitch he had ever heard his voice. you took in his clearly anxious posture.
"lets switch seats? maybe looking out the window will help you." you stated. before Peter could quickly shake his head, because how rude would it be of him to take your seat?, you were already stood up.
"oh god!" Peter breathed. he quickly shifted over to the seat you once occupied. he wanted to put up more of a fight, but the way you were swaying due to the turbulence, made his palms sweat in fear for your safety.
"you, like, swing from buildings and stuff, right?" you asked. he turned to you with a nod. "are you afraid of heights? or do you just not like planes?"
oh god. oh. no. you thought– you thought he was scared of being on the plane. Peter wanted to shrink in a hole and hide. you probably thought he was such a baby! that he could handle swinging from hundreds of feet in the air, but a plane is where he drew the line?
but what else is he supposed to say? 'oh, no! it's not the plane I'm scared of. it's just your beautiful smile and the way you smell like cocoa that gets me sweating'
that was so wrong in so many ways.
"um, no, no. i'm okay, just– just a little nervous, is all." Peter tried to force out a chuckle. but it come out more like a cough. you mouth formed an 'o.'
"ohh, okay." you paused before your eyes lit up. "how about we play a game? to distract you?"
"o– okay.."
"can you talk with spiders?" Peter lifted his eyes from looking at his hands hovering above yours,; he let out a much more relaxed laugh than earlier.
you took advantage of his distraction to swiftly bring your palm from underneath his and slap the top of Peter's hand. he jumped.
"ouch!" he playfully pouted. you eyes glanced down at his lips. you giggled nervously. your hand went to hover over his, him now being the one to do the slapping. "of course i can't talk to spiders! i– i feel like i should probably be able to shape-shift into a spider in order for that to happen, y'know?"
you nodded thoughtfully. "that's true.. you didn't hear this from me, but i heard there's an Ant-Man going around." Peter looked at you with wide eyes.
"no way! that's crazy! does he like turn into an ant?" you bumped his hand with yours in order to get his attention back to the game. his hand burned at the feeling
"i don't know-" you said in a singsong tone. "it's just what's being said around the compound." you quickly slid your hands to avoid Peter's attack. he huffed.
"how are you so good at this?" he knitted his eyebrows to focus on how to attack quickly without hurting you.
"it's a game i used to play with my brother and sister." you answered. Peter finally took his chance to slap your hands, to which you squealed excitedly as you had tried to move in time. Peter and you fell into a fit of giggles.
you both leaned against your seats, still facing each other. your hands fell on top of Peter's.
the brown haired boy quickly slid his hand out from under yours, not because he didn't enjoy the contact, but because he was worried you'd feel how clammy his hands were
you frowned slightly at the loss of contact.
"a– are we really fighting your sister?" Peter wondered out loud, without a second thought.
you shifted uncomfortably. Peter quickly noticed; his heart sped up and he mentally scolded himself for being so inconsiderate.
"not because i think she's evil! i mean,, i know that's what the news says.. but they also think Spider-Man's like thirty. and i'm not thirty! its just everything's crazy right now.. with the accords., i can't even imagine how you're feeling! probably terrible.. oh, g od wait, not terrible, i'm s–"
you had been watching with an endearing look in your eye. you had come to find that you enjoy watching Peter ramble.
his eyes would become unsettled and shaky, his body would begin to become more and more animated, but his voice
gosh, his voice was something you wanted to listen to for the rest of your life
but you could tell he was getting more and more skittish. so you put him out of his misery
"terrible probably wouldn't be my go-to word, it's up there though.. at least i got to meet you." you smiled softly.
Peter's eyes ran over your soft features. night had fallen, so the windows of the plan displayed an almost picturesque display of the moon and stars. the light hue of color the moon provided painted your face in a way that clouded Peter's thoughts.
with your comment of being grateful to have met him, Peter wasn't in control of his mouth for much longer.
"so pretty." he breathed. both of you guys froze.
Peter's face quickly morphed from love-sick to mortified. you blushed violently.
deciding you didn't want Peter to fall into another rant-like apology (because if you got to listen to him talk for that long in this setting, you might just drop the 'L' word) , you said,
"let's watch a movie?"
the two of you sat, shoulder to shoulder, watching Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, but being too hyper aware of their thighs pressed together and brushing hands to actually pay attention
upon arrival, both teenagers walked off the plane, sleep deprived , but with thumping hearts and dazed grins.
Peter threw himself on his hotel bed that night,, hiding under the covers
his thoughts replayed your interaction over and over (and over and over) in his head
the boy shoved his head, face first, into the stiff hotel pillow and let out a muffled groan
Peter flipped himself over, stared at the ceiling, before remembering his spouts of unnecessarily long explanations
he thrashed his body, kicking his poor blanket in frustration but most of all, out of embarrassment
he calmed himself down once his memories refreshed themselves over your gentle giggles and how soft your hands were
Peter fell asleep with cherry red cheeks and a blissful grin.
because despite those small mess ups, despite the futile way he beat his covers in humiliation, Peter treasures that day like no other.
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Secret Voight Season 3 Part 3 (J. Halstead)
Summary: Its been a year and a few months since Olive showed up announcing that she was pregnant with Justin's kid. You were working on a case that involved Justin. Is Justin back doing the same old things or is it something else?
Words: 3.9k
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N: Guys, I appreciate the love and support yall are giving me again with this series but please dont keep asking me over and over again if I'm continuing it. I think there will be at least one more part in season 3 and there will be one more chapter for s3. There also maybe be one more chapter that will be special. Idk yet. Well see.
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You were smiling at your nephew in his high chair while wearing a birthday hat. It was Daniel's first birthday. You, your dad, Olive and Justin were all singing happy birthday to him as Daniel was just looking around and babbling. "Happy birthday, kiddo. Come on, blow out that candle. Ready? One, two..."
Your dad had put the cake on the food tray as Justin walked closer to his son and they both helped Daniel blow out the candle. "Good job,"
You looked from Daniel and then to Olive. "I can't believe he's a year old already,"
Voight nodded and went to grabbed a present. "Ooh, wait. Time for presents. This one is from me,"
Justin reaches over the table and grabbed the bag and opened it up. He pulled out a toy horse that he seemed to recognize. "All these years you kept this?"
"Your mom did. She kept all your baby stuff upstairs in the attic, just, you know, hoping one day she could pass it along,"
Olive puts her hand Justin's back. "Hank, it's perfect,"
"Yeah. Thanks, Pop. I wish Mom was here too,"
You got up from your seat and walked around to where your brother was and placed your hand on his shoulder. "I didn't know Camille but from what I've been told of her. She would be so proud of you,"
It had been an hour or so after you were done with giving Daniel his gifts. Justin and Voight were in the living room catching up. You and Olive were still in the kitchen with Daniel cleaning up. "So when are you and Jay getting married?"
Justin and Olive got married about six months ago and ever since then everyone has been up yours and Jay's ass over it too. Or well besides Voight. Voight told you over and over 'to take it slow'. You chuckled as you had a secret but it wasn't an engagement. Jay didn't even know about this either. "Whenever he proposes, I guess,"
"I'm sure, it'll be soon,"
You shrugged. "I'm just going with the tides. In this line of work, its difficult to worry about things like that,"
She nodded. "You guys did move in together right?"
"Yeah, a couple of weeks ago,"
"With two bedrooms right?"
You cocked an eye at her. "Yeah? Why?"
"Just asking. How's it going?"
"It's going good. It's a lot easy on the both of us since Jay would take me to work,"
Voight walked into the kitchen with Justin. "Sorry to break the girl chat up but we got a case. Team is already there,"
You walked over to where Daniel was and kissed him on the top of his head. "Goodnight my sweet boy,"
You and Voight drive to the scene separate but arrived at the same time. You saw Kevin and Antonio were waiting for us at the police line which they lifted up when we walked up to it. "Hey, Serge. We got one dead female found in the trunk,"
Antonio looked at his notepad. "A park district employee was closing the gates. He was about to have the car towed when he noticed blood on the rear of the car and called the police,"
You and the others walked up the car, Jay was already there at the car holding up the trunk. "Victim's hands and feet are tied with barbed wire. Throat's cut. Fingernails are gone, too. I'm guessing she fought back against the assailant. He knew there'd be DNA, so he yanked them off,"
"Cartel hit?"
"Or Russians. They've been known to use barbed wire too,"
You got a ping on your phone and looked at it. "Car's registered to the victim. Her name's Melissa Wilds. She's 26 years old. We got an address,"
"All right, call Ruzek and Olinsky. Tell them to go over there and do a knock-and-talk,"
It was the next day and you didn't have much to go on as of yet. Al and Ruzek knocked at the address but no one answered. Her neighbor came by and they found out she had a daughter. You were sitting at you desk while talking about the case. "Melissa Wilds. Her husband was an Army private killed in a training exercise last year at Fort Bragg, along with three others when their chopper went down,"
Antonio took it from there. "She had an associate’s from Roosevelt and worked as a paralegal for the law firm Sawyer & Sawyer,"
Antonio was still in the outs with you. Yeah, its been a year but you still didn't trust him enough to let him back into your life. Jay, on the other hand, just didn't care because no one was gonna tell him what he can or can't do. Ruzek swung around in his chair to look at Antonio. "Yeah, I've seen those commercials. They're just high-profile ambulance chasers,"
"Bigger than that. They do seven-figure class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies or schools with asbestos,"
Jay was looking into Melissa's background and to see if she got any priors. "Except for a few parking tickets, Melissa has zero priors. She's a working, widowed mom, so the more I'm digging here, I can't see any reason why she'd be associated with cartels or any Russians,"
Voight walk to where he was standing in front of everyone. "Well listen. This girl was tortured with barbed wire. That means the killer either wanted something from her, or it was personal. So I want to know where she was before we found her, who she was with- if she was seeing someone new,"
Your phone of your desk rang while Voight was saying what he was saying. "Voight,"
"Roger Simpson is down here. Says he is Melissa's father,"
You pulled the phone away from your mouth and looked up at Voight. "Hey,"
"Roger Simpson, Melissa's father, is downstairs,"
Voight looked over at Al. "Al?"
"We should start drawing straws,"
It had been about an hour since Al met with Roger and he said that Melissa was acting strange the past few months and that she was asking him to watch Tigan more and more which was no problem but it was hard cause he lived two hours away. He had asked her if something was wrong but she wouldn't tell him. You were engrossed with your digging that you didn't hear Jay walking up to you until he tapped on your desk. You looked away from your computer and up at him. "Hey handsome,"
He slightly smiled before dropping it. That concerned you. "What's wrong?"
"We got Melissa's phone records,"
"Follow me,"
Jay started to walk towards Voight's office and you got up from your desk and followed him. "Hey, we got, uh, Melissa Wild's phone records,"
Voight looked at you confused and you just shrugged as you walked into his office. "Okay?"
Jay closed the door and hand a copy to you and Voight. He kept one for himself as well. "She and Justin, um-- they knew each other. Looks like there's maybe 20 phone calls and twice as many texts between the two of them last month. The last phone call she made was a half hour before time of death,"
Voight picked up his personal phone from his desk and started dialing Justin. "He said he was in town to help a friend. Maybe it was her,"
You walked up to Voight's desk. "Where is Justin now?"
"He should be at home with Olive and Daniel,"
Jay looked from you to your dad. "Did he ever mention this girl to you, to either of you?"
"Don't you think I would've mentioned it if he did? Straight to voicemail,"
You and Voight rush to his house and see that Olive is there with Daniel but no Justin and he looks worried. "Where's Justin?"
"He left over an hour ago,"
"Have you tried calling him?"
"He's not answering. I texted him too. Hank, I'm worried,"
"We'll find him,"
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Al. "I need you to track the GPS on Justin's car now,"
It took about ten minutes to find the location of Justin car which was parked on the side of the road. You and Voight both jumped out of the car and speed walked to the car. You looked into the car and didn't see anything. You walked around to the trunk where Voight was already opening it up. "Oh, my God,"
You find Justin the same way you found Melissa. Bound with barbed wire. "Justin. He's got a pulse!"
You pulled out your walkie. "Lincoln 5021, emergency. I repeat, emergency,"
Voight was trying to see if he had anymore injuries. "Oh, my God, he's been shot!"
You pushed the button on your walkie again. "I need an ambulance at my current location. We have a gunshot wound victim,"
You and Voight ran into Med with Justin and the paramedics when Maggie came into view. "We have incoming. You're with me. Talk to me,"
"It's my son!"
The paramedic started talking to Maggie. "GSW to the neck. GCS 3, tubed in the ambo. Pupils fixed and dilated. Sinus tachy on the monitor. He was bound in the trunk of a car,"
Maggie pointed into a room and started directing them. "Rotate. Get ready to transfer. Three, two, one--transfer,"
Sharon came up to Voight and started to pull Voight away. " Hank, let's step outside,"
"Is he breathing?"
"I need a CT head. Someone call neurosurgery!"
"Is he still breathing?"
"Checking right now, Hank,"
"Come on, let them do their job,"
Voight had called Antonio and told him what happened and the next thing you knew he had brought Olive and Daniel to the ER. Voight didn't look to pleased at Antonio.
Voight looked at you. "GET everyone back to 21,"
You had texted everyone in the unit that if they were at 21st to get there. You couldn't call them because you knew if you called them you'd break down. You stood outside the door of 21st for a few minutes before walking into the precinct and then up the stairs to Intelligence. Jay saw you and walked up to you and pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear. "It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay,"
You let him hold you for a few minutes before you pushed him away. Antonio looked at everyone in the unit before speaking. "Everybody needs to hold on real tight, and you all know what I mean. If at any point you're not comfortable with something, you come tell me,"
You were all looked at Antonio when Antonio stopped talking when he looked at something. You all turned around and saw Voight standing there with a duffel bag in hand. He throws in on Jay's desk and throw out money. "I want you to put word out to all your C.I.'s. That's 90,000 for any information on who did this to Melissa Wilds and my son,"
Kevin slowly got up and walked towards Voight. "Hey, we got this, Serge. Think you should go to the hospital?"
Voight nodded but didn't say anything for a good minute. "All right, let me be clear. I don't need condolences. I need commitment from each of you. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to find who did this. Anybody not comfortable with that should take the next couple of days off,"
You nodded and walked towards the detail board. While holding back tears, you looked at everyone. "So, turns out Justin went through basic training with Peter Wilds
at Fort Campbell before Peter got shipped to Fort Bragg. That's how they knew each other. They stayed close friends. Melissa started reaching out to Justin about four weeks ago.
"Still doesn't tell us how they were mutual targets,"
Jay who is now sitting on his desk, talked next. "Maybe there's a nexus with her job- the law firm,"
"Check it out,"
Voight had started to leave but you had grabbed him and stopped him. "Hey. You have a grandson now, okay? That is counting on you. Just remember that,"
Voight looked at you for a few seconds before nodding.
You were going out of your mind in the car when you and Jay were driving to the law firm. Jay placed a hand on your knee and squeezed it. "It's gonna be okay. Justin is going to wake up and everything will be fine,"
You looked at him and smiled. You appreciated the thought but that's not the biggest thing on your mind. You were worried about what your dad is doing.
Jay pulled up to the law firm and you put everything about your dad and Justin in the back of your mind and put all your focus on the case itself. You walked up to Melissa's boss' office. "Melissa used to be a great employee. Never complained about the hours
or working weekends. But there was definitely something off with her these past few weeks,"
You shifted on your other foot. "How do you mean?"
"Her demeanor. Melissa was always outgoing always had a smile on her face, even after losing her husband, Peter. But lately she'd become withdrawn..distant. To be honest, that's when I started to get suspicious,"
Jay didn't look away from her boss. "Suspicious of what, exactly?"
Her boss didn't answer for a minute thinking about what to say. She held up a finger to signal that she needed a minute. She got up from her desk, shut her office door and then sit back down. "We worked a class action suit last year. Several dozen plaintiffs were awarded mesothelioma cancer pay-outs, all over a million dollars each. three of the plaintiffs were robbed in home invasions, some of them badly injured,"
"Was Melissa the only one with access to this information?"
Her boss shook her head. "Well, no. But the way she was acting, and now what's happened to her, it can't be a coincidence,"
As you were leaving the office, Jay called the unit and told them what Melissa's boss, you got in his truck and he got in his truck after he finished the call. You were driving to the precinct when you got a call telling you to meet the team at a location they think Ginger is at and to suit up. Apparently while you were out, the team had learned the suspect's name. You were also texted a picture of him.
Jay parked a little ways down the street and you guys suited up and walked the rest of the way to meet up with the team. Voight saw you and as soon as you got next to him, he started talking. "This one we don't announce. We hit it and we hit it hard,"
You all nodded. Jay grabbed the battering ram and hit the door. Antonio was in first, Al and Ruzek was next, then you, Voight and Jay. You could hear a woman screaming. You saw three males trying to get up and run. You pointed a gun at one of them. "Don't move!"
Jay pointed the gun at the other. "Right there!"
Voight goes past you to point a gun at the three suspect.. "I'll blow your head off! Let me see your hands. Don't move,"
Antonio looked at the girl. "You, get your clothes. Get out of here,"
When everyone was under control you finally looked up at the three suspect and saw that it was Ginger. " You got a warrant?"
"Melissa Wilds,"
"Never heard of her,"
Voight didn't say anything for a minute then didn't take his eye of him but address the team. "The stove. Cover the door,"
Al and Antonio grabbed Ginger and pulled him over to the store as he turned on the store. "Wait a minute,"
"Justin Voight is my son. You shoot him and wrap him in barb wire?"
"No, man, that wasn't me. It was all Kevin!"
"Kevin who?"
"Kevin Bingham, a guy I work with sometimes. He...he used to bang
that girl Melissa when they were younger, started forcing her to give up info on who was getting big pay-outs from her law firm,"
"Yeah, and you did the home invasions.
"I just do the safes, man. He handles the people, then we split it down the middle,"
"Why did he kill her and shoot my son?"
"Melissa wanted out. But Kevin wouldn't let her, so she went to Justin for help. wanted me to meet him at that social club to broker a deal for her safety for five grand. I told him, leave it alone. He had no idea who he was messing with. Kevin knew Melissa was gonna rat him out, so he called Justin to meet to tie up loose ends!"
"Where's Kevin now?"
"I don't know. I swear! He only calls me when there's a job!"
Voight grabbed Ginger's head and forces it down on the hot burner so he could burn his cheek. Ginger screamed out in pain and you looked away in disgust.
Antonio came up to Voight and tried to pull him off of him. "Voight, we can do this at the district!"
Voight shrugged. "We're fine right here. Relax. Relax. Where's Kevin now?"
"Hiding cause he knows you're after him. I swear to God, that's all I know,"
It's been about two or so hours since you talked to Ginger. You had finally found some information on Bingham. You printed off a picture of Bingham and what you found on him. You also made copies for the team. "Kevin Bingham. He's been racking up felonies since he was 18, armed robbery, assault, battery, burglary. Five years ago he got popped for attempted murder. A guy spilled his drink at a bar, so Bingham stabbed him 16 time,"
Antonio looked up from the sheet. "Yeah, and he got out of jail three months ago,"
Al who was leaning up against the file cabinet talked next. "Melissa's father said she and Bingham dated six years ago back in high school and after her husband died, he started coming around again,"
Jay pointed at the photo that was sent over. "So these were sent over, all of these are from recent home invasions where the victims were tied up with barbed wire,"
Kevin looked at the phone. "That is definitely something he picked up in prison,"
Ruzek comes into the room with a paper in his hand. "So Bingham's parole officer said he stopped showing up-- violated him, but he's got no LKA. Yeah, so we've been running an extensive check on all his known associates, including those off his prison visiting list. All right, this is Dillon James. visited him all the way up until his parole, putting money into his canteen account. He's got priors for methamphetamine and a thing for stealing UPS trucks and selling the stolen goods,"
Voight turned and looked at him. "Where is he?"
"We got a possible house in Rogers Park,"
Voight nodded. "Let's roll out and suit up. Oh, Antonio. You stay here. Just call us if you get anything,"
You hit the house and found his brother but all his brother told you was that Bingham came by last night and took some cash and guns that he was holding for them. He only told him that he needed to get out of town until something blew over.
*Justin was moved to ICU and Sharon will call in an hour with an update*
Dillion: I ain't--I ain't seen him *point the gun at him* All right, he was here! He came by last night. He was picking up some cash I was holding for him and some guns. He also gets a call from Antonio saying Sharon called and told him that Justin came out of surgery and that
You were in the unit for an hour or so when Voight gets a call and goes into his office and he was in there for a few minutes before he comes back out. "I got an address on Bingham. I want everyone rolling there now. First two to arrive, breach. This guy's on the run could be leaving any minute. Let's go,"
You didn’t ride with Jay or anyone else. You rode by yourself so you could have some time by yourself just to think about everything that was happened. You heard your phone go off and you looked down and saw that it was Jay. "Hey, I'm two minutes out,"
"Bingham's not here. No one's here. Not for a while,"
"Is Voight there?"
"Not yet,"
That's when it hit you that Voight sent you to a bogus location and that whoever he was on the phone with, found Bingham and he was at the Silos.
You heard Jay on the line calling for you but you dropped your phone in the seat and as soon as you could turned around. You drove as fast of you could to get to the Silos before your dad could do anything stupid. You drove up and saw that Kevin was digging a hole. You got out of the car and Kevin started talking to you. "Oh, thank God. Thank God. This guy tried to kill me. I didn't do anything,"
You walked up closer to your dad. "Don't do this. Think of your grandson,"
"Get back in your car, Y/N,"
"Do not throw it all away over him,"
"Get back in your car,"
"Dad, please. Justin is still alive and he wouldn't want justice like this,"
"Get out of here,"
You looked at your dad to Kevin and then back to your dad and knew you couldn't get your dad to think straight. You slowly backed up and got in your car and left. You were halfway down the road when you finally heard the gun go off.
You didn't even go the unit after, you went straight to the hospital and you saw Sharon coming out ready to go home. She saw you. "He is in room 12. Say that I allowed it. Talk to him, he can hear you,"
You nodded and said a silent thank you. She placed a hand on your shoulder for a second before removing it. You walked up to the room and no one bothered you. You took a deep breath before opening the door. You opened the door and saw your brother in the hospital unconscious and Olive sitting next to him. She looked at you. "I'll give you two some time together," You walked to the chair and sat down. You finally let go of all the emotion you've been holding on too since you found Justin. You reached out to grab your brother's hand. You sat there and cry until you couldn't let anything else out. When you were finally done crying, you sat there in quiet thinking of what to say. "I don't know if you can hear me, Sharon says that you can. Do you remember when we first met after dad transferred me into Intelligence. We didn't like each other at well. We hated each other at first. Bickered all the time. Yes, we always had bad times but we also had god times and I want...I need more good times with you. I need you to be in my life..."
You trailed off with what you were about to say because you haven’t said it out loud. "Your niece or nephew is gonna need their uncle,"
You put your head on the side of his bed and just sat in quiet once more. "I'm gonna make them my partner in crime,"
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Folklore [song series]
my tears ricochet
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff; Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
[warnings: death, and funeral]
word count: 4829
[a/n: sorry for such a long wait. I've been busy. I thought once I was done for the semester I would have a lot more time to work on my stories, but if anything my summer break has been more hectic. Just because I haven't been posting, doesn't mean I haven't been working on them. Just know that I am working on the new chapters for this and for TKWBA, just need a bit of patience from you all. Also thank-you for the continue love and support on all my work]
Series Masterlist
Tag list info here [if you want to be tagged please read this]
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Age: 21
Year: Sep. 2015
Location: Brooklyn, NY & Stanford, CA
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Elizabeth was sat at her desk doing her homework. She was anxiously waiting for Steve's call about the baby arriving. He had called her two hours prior to let her know that Natasha had gone into labor, and they were at the hospital. Steve told her that he'd call her as soon as he heard the news. She tried her hardest to focus on her homework, but she found herself constantly checking her phone for any updates.
Suddenly her phone started going off. She instantly picked it up and answered the call.
"Is the baby here?" She immediately asked.
"Liz," Steve choked out.
"Steve, what's wrong?" She could hear the distress in his voice.
"Natasha, she," he tried to say but the words got caught in his throat, and she could hear the soft cries.
"Steve, breathe," she tries to calm him down the best she could without actually physically being with him.
Elizabeth was simultaneously trying to keep herself calm, and not rush into any assumptions.
"She died," he said after calming himself down enough to tell her what happened.
"She died?"
"I guess there were complications, he tells her, still unsure of what exactly happened.
Steve hadn't thought to ask further into what exactly happened when Bucky's mom called to tell him the devastating news. He couldn't wrap his head around what she was telling him. He just never imagined that this would be the outcome of his best friend welcoming his first child into the world.
Steve clears his throat trying to force the lump back down.
"I'm catching the next flight out to New York," he tells Elizabeth, "I just gotta be there for Bucky."
"Yeah, of course," she says, completely understanding.
"I know you can't exactly fly out now, without letting your professors know, so as soon as I find out all the funeral," his throat catches at the word, he takes a small breath, "all the funeral information I'll let you know."
"Okay that works," she agrees.
"Okay. I haven't to pack real quick and get to the airport within the next hour," he tells her.
"Okay, I'll let you go."
"Wait, Steve," she calls out before he could hang up.
"I love you," she says with a shaky voice.
"I love you too, so much," he says, "I'll text you when I board the plane."
After one final goodbye, Steve hangs up the phone.
The flight seemed like Steve's longest one he's ever been on. As soon as he landed he quickly grabbed his carry on, the only thing aside from his backpack that he brought with him. Elizabeth had messaged him letting him know that she could bring more of his stuff once she flies out.
Steve made his way out of the airport to find his mom waiting for him by her car. He quickly made his way towards her and wrapping his arms around her.
On the drive to Bucky's apartment Steve sent Liz a text letting her know he landed. He then called Bucky's mom to let her know he was on the way.
"Thank-you for coming out Steve," Winnie thanks him, "The baby is just about to get discharged, we should be at the apartment before you get there."
"Of course, I'll see you guys soon," he says hanging up the phone.
Steve then sends a quick email to his boss and professors explains his absence and why he'll most likely be gone for a couple of weeks.
An hour later Steve's mom was stopping outside of Bucky's building.
"Let them know I'm here if they need anything," his mom tells him before he exists the car, "I'll come back at noon with lunch for everyone."
"Thanks Mom," he says leaning over to kiss her cheek.
Steve exists the car leaving his bags with his mom. He takes one final breath before walking to the front doors. Steve presses the call button for Bucky's apartment and was immediately buzzed in.
As soon as he reaches Bucky's door, he knocks quietly. The door opens and he's welcomed by Rebecca. He takes in the sullen face on the teenage girl.
"Hey Bec," he says.
"Hi," she quietly says, as they hug each other in the door way.
When they pull apart she steps aside letting him inside.
"It's just my parents and I here. Bucky didn't want to deal with a lot of people right now," she explains to Steve.
"Steve," he hears from his left, Keith, Bucky's stepdad makes his way out of the small kitchenette over to him, and embracing him, "Thank-you so much for coming. We know you're a very busy person."
Before Steve could respond Bucky's mom Winnie walks into the living room.
"Oh Steve," she immediately wraps her arms around him.
"Thank-you so much for coming on such a short notice," she says. Steve could hear the shakiness in her voice. He could tell she was trying to keep it together. No doubt the last 12 hours being the most stressful and emotional she's ever been.
"There's no need to thank me. This is where I need to be," he tells them.
"Let us at least pay you back for the flight," Keith says.
"No, don't worry about that," Steve waves him off, "I had a lot of miles that needed to be used."
"Well, thank-you again," Keith nods his head, understanding where Steve was coming from.
"You can go on ahead Steve. Bucky is waiting for you in the nursery," Winnie tells him, giving him an assuring nod, he nods back making his way towards the nursery.
The short walk seemed like it was much longer. Steve has never felt so nervous in his life. When he approaches the closed door, he softly knocks on it.
"Come in," Bucky calls from inside.
Steve walks in, closing the door behind him. He's immediately greeted by Bucky sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, feeding his newborn daughter.
"Hey," Steve softly says, not sure what to say.
"Hey," Bucky greeted Steve with a sad smile.
It had been 12 hours later and it still didn't feel real to Bucky. The hospital had even offered the chance for him and Poppy to stay a couple of days, but all Bucky wanted to do was to go home and get away from the hospital. But now being back in the apartment without Natasha was surreal. He was trying his best to keep it all in, at least while the baby is awake and needs him.
He was determined in being the one that cared for her, even when his mom offered to take care of her for a few hours while he gets some rest. He assured her that he needed to do this. He had to do it alone, because he knew that soon enough it would just be him and Poppy.
Bucky was very grateful when he heard Steve was flying out. He felt like Steve was the only one he could really talk to about everything going on.
Steve was still standing by the door, just watching his best friend be a dad for the first time. He had no idea what to say in this kind of situation. The words were caught in his throat the moment he actually saw Bucky.
"Thanks for coming," Bucky says breaking the silence. Steve immediately looks away from the baby to meet Bucky's eyes.
"You would've done the same thing," Steve says, "And like I've said before, I'll always be here for you."
"I don't care how far, I'll always be on that first flight to you," Steve continues, he glances down at the now sleepy baby, "You're my brother Buck."
There was a moment of silence between the young men. Both understanding what the other one means with such few words.
Steve watched as Bucky gently placed the sleepy baby on his shoulder to burp her.
"It suits you," Steve quietly remarks.
"What?" Bucky looked up at him confused.
"Fatherhood, it suits you," Steve says again, stepping closer to his friend.
"You think?" Bucky looks back down at the now sleeping baby.
"Yeah. I know it's only been less than a day, but you look natural. Make it look easy."
"Thanks," Bucky smiled, getting up for the he chair and walking over to the crib to gently place Poppy in.
Steve walked over, standing next to Bucky, watching the little one sleep peacefully.
"What's her name?" Steve whispered, realizing that he hadn't found out what the name of the baby was.
"Poppy James Barnes," Bucky proudly says.
"That's cute," Steve commented, he placed his right hand on Bucky's left shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
Bucky looked over at Steve and they both nodded their heads in agreement, before falling into an embrace.
"I am so sorry," Steve quietly says.
"It happened so quick, she barely even got to see the baby," Bucky quietly cried into Steve's shoulder, "I never even thought of this would be the outcome. I never imagined I'd be coming home solo with the baby."
Steve tightened his embrace on Bucky, just listening to his friend.
"I don't know how I'm going to do this Steve. I don't know how I'm going to raise her without her mom. I'm trying to keep it together to not worry my mom, but fuck Steve, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared I'll screw this all up. I'm scared I'll screw her up.
"I'm so scared Steve," Bucky cries.
"It's okay to be scared," Steve tries his best to comfort Bucky, "I'd be more concerned if you weren't scared. This is entirely new territory for you. You're raising a child, a child who unfortunately no longer has her mother. That alone is a fucking terrifying thing to go through.
"It's not going to be easy. There's no point in lying to you, and saying it will. You and I both that won't be the truth. But if there's anyone I know who could do this, it's you Buck. You're the strongest person I know. Whatever has happened before this doesn't matter. The only thing that matters now is that little girl. And I know damn well you're going to give her the best life she will ever have," Steve pulls away from Bucky and holds onto his shoulders.
"And you're not alone in this. You have a lot of people who care about you, and now Poppy. You will never be alone. You'll always have someone to call, someone to help you. You're crazy to think we would ever leave you to do this alone. We're here, and we're not going anywhere. You and Poppy will never have to be alone. She might not have her mom, but she's got you, and I know damn well you won't ever let her wonder what being without one parent truly feels like.
"You've got this Buck," Steve assures him, "And we're here every step of the way."
"Thanks Steve," Bucky sniffles, wiping the tears away.
"No need to thank me," Steve smiles, "Now why don't you go take a nap. Get some rest. We're here if Poppy wakes up."
"Yeah I could use some sleep," Bucky yawns, his adrenaline from the last 12 hours fading away.
Steve walks Bucky to his bedroom and watches as he gets into his bed, and quickly falls asleep. He quietly closes the door behind him, with the baby monitor in one hand checking to make sure Poppy is still asleep.
He walks back into the living room, placing the monitor by the tv for everyone to see and hear.
"They're both asleep," Steve announces to the room.
"Oh thank goodness," Winnie sighs, "James hasn't taken a moment to rest since everything happened."
"Knowing Bucky, we'll probably have to be forcing him to rest for the next couple of weeks," Steve says.
"I just got off of the phone with Natasha's father," Keith said walking back inside the apartment.
"What did he say?" Winnie asked.
"He said that the funeral is all up to us," Keith sighs, "Something about how Natasha made her own path with getting pregnant, and that once she left she was no longer his responsibility."
"He really said that?" Winnie asked mortified.
"I'm afraid so," Keith sighed, "I tried reasoning with him saying we would handle everything financially and he can come to the funeral but he said no."
"What kind of father doesn't show up to his own daughter's funeral," Winnie shakes her head in complete disbelief.
"Explains why Natasha was the way she was," Rebecca whispered, so that only Steve could hear her.
He reluctantly agrees.
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Two weeks later
Elizabeth was helping Steve with his tie in his childhood bedroom. She had flown in yesterday for today's funeral services. Elizabeth had gotten in late last night, so she still hasn't seen Bucky or Poppy yet. She was a let to get a week off of work and her professors gave her an extension on her assignments when she explained to them what happened.
"I still can't believe Natasha's dad isn't going," she says as she straightens out Steve's tie.
"Bucky's mom is still holding out hope that he shows up," Steve says.
"What does Bucky think of it all?" Elizabeth asks.
"He's not worrying about it," Steve explains, looking over himself in the mirror, "His only concern right now is Poppy and only Poppy. If Nat's dad shows up then he does. But as of now Bucky has made the decision that he will not be in Poppy's life. Not until he proves himself."
"That's very mature," she says grabbing her purse.
"This Buck is like a whole new one you've never seen before. Fatherhood has made him a thousand times more grown up these last couple of weeks."
"That's good."
"Ready to go?" Steve asked her, grabbing the keys to his mom's car.
"Yup," Elizabeth says following Steve out.
Bucky had asked Steve to pick him and Poppy up, and Steve had of course agreed.
They arrived to Bucky's apartment in fifteen minutes. Walking up to Bucky's door they could hear a lot of commotion coming from inside. Steve used the key Bucky gave him to let himself and Elizabeth in.
As soon as they walked in they were greeted by the sounds of a baby crying.
"Buck?" Steve called out.
"We're in here," he calls from the nursery.
They go to the nursery to find Bucky looking frazzled while trying to change Poppy's diaper.
"I'm so sorry. I'm running so behind," Bucky tells them, glancing over his shoulder quickly,
"Poppy didn't sleep well last night. And nothing I've tried has been working."
"It's okay Buck, just take your time," Steve calmly says.
"I still need to shower, shave, and get dressed," Bucky rambles, "She's going to need another change of clothes because she spat all over herself, and my mom only bought this one outfit for today."
"Hey Bucky, calm down," Elizabeth calmly spoke up, placing her hand on his back, "Take a breath."
Bucky felt the warmth and comfort from Liz's touch. He listens to what she says and takes a deep breath.
"Okay good," she says, "now you go get ready. Steve and I got this."
"Okay," he nods his head, handing the baby over to Elizabeth, "thank-you."
"Of course," she softly smiles at him, "now go get ready."
Bucky quickly makes his way out of the room and into his own to get ready.
Elizabeth looks down at the small baby in her arms. She could see so much of Bucky in the baby with hints of Natasha. It was a little strange for her to be holding Bucky's baby and it not being her baby as well. Not that she ever wanted to get back together with Bucky, because she didn't. There was just a little voice in her head, that of her teenage self, saying how it was supposed to be them, doing this together.
She quickly shut the voice down.
Elizabeth was incredibly sympathetic of Bucky's situation. All she wanted to do was be there for him, as a friend. She wanted Bucky to succeed as a father, and she would do what she could to make that happen.
Steve silently watched Elizabeth watching Poppy. He couldn't really read her expression. He hates to admit it to himself, especially with everything going on, but he was slightly worried about how Liz would react to all of this. He had faith in their relationship, of course he trusted her immensely. But he still couldn't help but feel like she might decide to leave him for Bucky. Elizabeth turned around to see Steve looking at her with a distant look in his eyes.
"You good?" She gently asked, breaking him from his self-destructive thoughts.
"Yeah. You?"
"Yeah," she nods her head, handing the baby over to him, "I'm going to try and find her a new outfit.
"Okay," Steve says sitting down with the baby.
"I love you," Liz quietly says to Steve, knowing what could possibly going through his mind, if hers was also wandering.
"I love you," Steve replies back, finding himself relaxing at just hearing those three words, any doubt slipping away.
30 minutes later Bucky was ready to go. He walked out to the living room where he found Steve and Elizabeth sitting with each other holding the baby. He paused for a moment taking in the scene in front of him. He felt a sense of warmth and low flow through him as his closest friends admire his daughter. In that moment he knew he had made the right decision in what he would tell them next.
Steve glanced up to see Bucky leaning against the frame of the hallway.
"Ready?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, but I actually wanted to ask you two something before we go," Bucky says walking over and sitting on a chair next to the couch.
"Sure, what's up?" Steve leans forward, leaning on his knees, giving Bucky his full attention.
Elizabeth tears her eyes away from Poppy to also give Bucky her full attention. She smiles at him, letting him know he could continue on.
"I first and foremost just want to thank you Steve, for what probably is the hundredth time," Bucky says, "I know you have a lot going on with work and school. So I really appreciate everything you've done for me and for Poppy. And you too Elizabeth, I know you're incredibly busy especially with law school prep. And with everything that's happened between-"
"Don't," she stopped him, "What's past is past."
"Well anyways, thank-you," Bucky says, "Now here comes what I wanted to ask you two. There's no other two people I wouldn't trust more with Poppy. So I wanted to ask if you would be her godparents?"
"Really?" Elizabeth asked taken back by Bucky's request.
"Yes," he nods his head, "There's no one else I wouldn't trust with her if anything happens. It'll help me sleep better knowing she'll have two people who'll love her like I would. Two people who have so much love between them, that I know will always be together."
Both Steve and Elizabeth were taken back by Bucky's last statement. They knew Bucky had accepted their relationship, but to actually have him not only say it out loud but to practically give them his blessing, it meant the world to the couple.
Steve and Elizabeth both share a look with tears glistening in their eyes. Elizabeth nods her head.
Steve turns back to Bucky, "We'd be honored to be Poppy's godparents."
Elizabeth and Steve stood up to hug Bucky. All filled with a wide range of emotions. Bucky felt a huge sense of comfort after asking Liz and Steve to be Poppy's godparents. He knew he made the right decision, and he knew he could now sleep better at night knowing his daughter would be taken care of. And by two people he knows can love her the way he does.
After what happened with Natasha, Bucky just wanted to make sure Poppy would be taken care of. If she couldn't have her parents, then she would have the closest thing to having parents. And Bucky knows Steve and Elizabeth would be amazing parents.
That alone allowed him to be at peace for whatever may happen.
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Arriving to the funeral location Bucky felt his nerves start to spike. He sat in the backseat looking out the window at the familiar faces walking into the chapel.
"You okay?" Elizabeth asked turning in her seat, after Steve parked the car.
"I don't know if I can do this," he mutters, glancing towards the sleeping baby in the car seat next to him.
"We'll be right next to you along the entire way," Liz calmly says.
"If you feel too overwhelmed we'll leave whenever you want," Steve tells him, "We won't stay if you absolutely can't handle it. No one will hold it against you."
"Okay," Bucky takes a deep breath.
"Stay here, I'll get the stroller out," Steve says, getting out of the car.
"No one is expecting you to be brave, Buck," Elizabeth says, "You're allowed to be vulnerable. You're allowed to show emotions."
He nods his head, taking in what she's telling him.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small necklace. Clutching onto it as if his life depended on it.
Elizabeth catches the small 'N' on it, realizing that that was the necklace Natasha wore everyday since she was 13.
Bucky takes one final deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"Okay, I'm ready," he tells her.
"Okay, let's do this."
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Bucky was grateful that they arrived only minutes before the service started. Everyone was already seated in the pews.
He slowly walked down the aisle pushing the stroller, Steve and Elizabeth walking right behind him.
Bucky tried his best to avoid any eye contact with everyone. He couldn't bare to look at the pity in their eyes.
He caught sight of his family siting in the second row. He also noticed a man sitting alone in the first row.
He instantly knew who it was.
Once Bucky reached the first row, the man made to movement to greet Bucky.
Bucky cleared his throat, "Mr. Romanoff."
The older man looked over at Bucky, then at the stroller.
"James," he stiffly said, turning his attention back to the front.
Bucky awkwardly sat down placing the stroller next to his legs, away from Natasha's father, while Steve and Elizabeth sat next to Bucky.
The service was going smoothly up until the priest announced that Natasha's father would be making a speech, catching everyone off guard.
Bucky looked at the older man as he walked up to the stand. He turned around to face his mom, "Did you know this?" he whispered.
"No I didn't," she shook her head.
Right as Mr. Romanoff was about to start speaking, Poppy began to cry. Bucky quickly went to get her out of the stroller, while Steve quickly went to grab a bottle to help him out.
As soon as the baby calmed down Mr. Romanoff began to speak.
"First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for coming," he begins, "I really appreciate it. Natasha would be eternally grateful for all of you."
Bucky started to get annoyed by the beginning of Mr. Romanoff's speech. As if the man didn't turn down the invitation for the last two weeks. Now he's trying to act like the perfect father, as if he didn't kick her out and cut off his pregnant daughter.
"Natasha was a kind hearted person. Only wanting the best for those closest to her. She was the most selfless person you would have ever met," he continued on with his speech.
Elizabeth couldn't help but be confused by Mr. Romanoff's speech. She hated thinking ill of the dead, but that man had no idea who his daughter truly was.
"Natasha was so smart, earning her way into Yale. She was only months away from graduating. I was so incredibly proud of her. If only we would've gotten the opportunity to watch her walk across the stage.
"Other than leaving an everlasting impression on all of us, she also left behind a part of her. Her last moments on Earth was spent bringing in another Romanoff," he says.
Bucky's head snapped up to Mr. Romanoff, then towards Steve.
"Romanoff?" Bucky whispered, "This man has the fucking nerve."
"Ignore him," Steve whispered back, trying to calm Bucky down, "He's just saying all of this to make himself look good."
"Natasha brought her daughter into the world," Mr. Romanoff continued, forcing fake tears to fall, "I remember being by her side as she was in labor."
Bucky clenched his jaw, forcing himself not to call Mr. Romanoff out on his lies.
"As she was dying," Mr. Romanoff paused for dramatic effect, "Her only request was to name her daughter after her."
Steve paled his hand on Bucky's shoulder, trying his best to calm him down. It was too late, Bucky was already placing Poppy in Steve's arms.
"What a fucking lie," Bucky stood up shouting at Mr. Romanoff, causing everyone to gasp.
"James," Mr. Romanoff said through gritted teeth, as a warning.
"How could you just lie to all these people?" Bucky shouted, "How could you lie as if you didn't disown Natasha months prior when she told you she was pregnant. Or when my parents kept inviting you to the funeral, you kept saying no and how Natasha's decisions led to their death. How dare you say you were in the delivery room. As if you didn't have her number blocked.  My mom and I were there when things took a horrible turn. We were there when the doctor walked out and told us Natasha didn't make it. Not you! Us!
"Then you go on to make some shitty story about Nat's last words. Which is completely false. Natasha never wanted to name the baby after herself, you'd actually know that if you were actually present in her life. But you weren't. And you sure as hell will never be a part of your granddaughter's life."
Bucky turned to Steve and Liz, "Let's go."
They nodded their heads and helped put Poppy in the stroller. They followed Bucky as he walked out of the chapel.
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After leaving the funeral services, Steve was able to calm Bucky down. Winnie had called Elizabeth to let her know that the burial services the next day were officially going to be private. Liz agreed that that'd be best for everyone involved. Especially with what happened during the funeral services.
The burial service was only attended by Bucky, and his family, along with Elizabeth and Steve.
Everything went along smoothly. Everyone giving Bucky the safe space to grieve.
After the burial, everyone gave Bucky a few moments alone at the grave site so he can say his final goodbyes.
"Hey Nat," he pauses taking a deep breath, "these last two weeks haven't been the easiest. But boy have they been amazing. I may be more exhausted than I've ever been, but boy is she worth it.
"She may only be two weeks but I can already tell she's going to be the most amazing person ever," he softly cries, "You would've loved her so much. But like I promised back at the hospital, she'll never not know who her mother was. I will always make sure she knows who you were. Always."
"Goodbye Natasha," he whispered, before walking away to join his family waiting.
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Age: 26
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Year: 2020
"Daddy, what's this?" Poppy calls out to her father from his bedroom.
"What's what petal?" He asked walking into the room, finding her surrounded by boxes, as they prep for their move uptown.
"This," she holds up the small necklace with the 'N'.
Bucky kept that necklace in a small box in his nightstand. He kept it at the bottom of his nightstand for safe keepings. Planning on one day to give it to his daughter. He always planned to wait until she was 16, but he figures now is as good as ever.
"That was your mommy Natasha's," he said walking over to her, and sitting next to her on his bed, "She got it when she was 13, and wore it every day up until when she died."
"It's pretty," she says admiring it in her hands.
"It is isn't it," he smiles at his little girl, "It's now yours."
He grabs the necklace from her little hands. He unclasps it, then gently moves her dirty blonde hair to the side. He places the necklace around her neck, and clasps it shut.
"Thank-you daddy," she smiles brightly at her father, admiring the necklace that now lay on her chest.
Bucky smiled at his daughter, watching as she kept admiring the necklace. It was a little big on her, but he knew she would grow into it.
"Anything for you baby," he kisses the top of her head, "Anything."
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TW: Suicide
OKAY SO- I wanted to talk about Mafuyu and Yuki’s relationship and why it ended the way it did. I should preface this by saying that the majority of this, although somewhat supported by canon, is my own personal headcanon and speculation. I’ve been surrounded by a lot of people who I believe Yuki to be similar to, but I am not 100% accurate or well versed and this is mostly just from what I’ve gotten from those situations. Also, a lot of questionable grammar-I type like I speak, which doesn't translate well haha.
So I want to chunk this into 3 big pieces because I enjoy organizing things: Yuki’s childhood, how that affected his personality as a young adult, and how both of these lead to his eventual death.
Starting off with his childhood:
This one is heavy speculation (as most of this is-but this bit is particularly so) since there isn’t much canon to support this-or provide a lot of insight. But, what little we do know is that 1) Yuki’s father wasn’t present in his life-probably even before Mafuyu’s father had been jailed-and that, 2) Yuki and his father shared the same bull-headedness (?) and pride that Saeko believes led to his death.
I personally believe that Yuki’s father was someone who might have struggled with some sort of mental illness, as well as has had a problem with alcohol abuse. I also imagine that he probably disappeared or passed-either due to some sort of alcohol-related problem or suicide.
Saeko, from how she is characterized in the story, seems to be a very strong-willed and assertive person. In the aftermath of Yuki’s death, she's relatively composed and seems to have almost expected this to happen, although maybe not in the specific way it did. [Ex: When she tells Mafuyu that Yuki was always the type of person to die in a chicken race (a competition of pride, of sorts, that usually ends badly) and when she mentions him being similar to his father in that sense.]
In the flashbacks in the anime, when Mafuyu tells Yuki that his father beats him when he talks, Yuki’s response of ‘You know, a real father doesn’t do that.’ doesn’t sound like something a small child’s first response would be. It’s a bit of a reach-but considering that, as well as how prompt the response from his mother seemed to be (when Mafuyu’s father was jailed-not much time seems to have passed, and since both of their mothers are present, I've always assumed that Yuki's mother found out through her son and acted accordingly.),- it would make sense that Yuki might have some prior experience with this. Especially if his mother had gone through something similar-she probably would’ve warned him very strongly against the ideal his father had set, making Yuki want to be very far from that.
Speaking of which-I assume that Yuki probably had a very rough-if short-lived-relationship with his father when he was around. Given the stuff above, his father was probably someone who was emotionally volatile and tended to lose control when upset. If he had an alcohol problem, he might’ve caused a financial strain that fell onto Saeko as well.
Since his father was out of the picture and Saeko herself wasn't around as much as Yuki might've needed, it would have made him both very independent from his parents and adults in general, while also heavily reliant on Mafuyu (Hiiragi quotes both Mafuyu and Yuki to have been latchkey kids who found comfort in each other), both of which twist into the situation he found himself in later in life.
Leading into his teen years:
Yuki, as a young adult, is very independent-he works multiple jobs to pay for the expenses of being in a band, makes a point to avoid drinking, and is very affectionate towards Mafuyu. I'm not too sure about the reasoning behind why the four friends chose the high schools they did, but if Yuki's mother didn't directly influence that decision it's likely it was a choice made in direct relation to their band.
There's also very little interference from any adults in Yuki's life-namely, his mother. As someone who was probably very busy working as a single mother to support the two of them, her mentality was just to support him monetarily and let Mafuyu provide the emotional support in her place.
I think she also assumed her attempts wouldn't have been well received-most people noted how close Yuki and Mafuyu were and seemed to always assume that they had each other handled and that nobody had to worry about either of them because of it. In every way, it was simply easier to show Yuki she cared by not interfering and letting him hold the reigns of his own life.
A big indicator of this idea for me what when Saeko talked about how Yuki ordered his own ramen, the type he liked. It's a small thing, but it started me to read because it highlighted the amount of input his mother had on his life; which was very little. I don't know if he even used her money or chose to use the extra from his jobs to pay for it, but either way, it sort of put their relationship into perspective.
The impact it had:
Yuki probably had a lot of resentment towards his father, or, at the very least, a desire to turn out different. And oftentimes when a person is very strongly trying to avoid turning out like someone, they ignore or avoid acknowledging the similarities, rather than accepting and working on them to properly change. Without a strong parental/adult figure in his life, he wouldn't have considered insight beyond his own experiences. He's characterized to be moody and domineering, and Mafuyu is too soft-spoken to have brought up most issues until it reached its boiling point.
I believe Yuki might have had Borderline Personality Disorder to a mild extent. Some symptoms of BPD are mood swings, impulsivity, impaired social relationships, and a distorted self-image. They usually have thoughts of suicide or self-harming tendencies. When they feel insecure in relationships, in which they’re usually very, very invested, they tend to lash out or do rash things to keep them close.
Based on my relationships with the borderline people in my life, I've noticed that they usually bounce between having great confidence in themselves, to being incredibly insecure. It's hard to explain specifically, but they walk a fine line of being insecure and also maintaining a painfully strong ego, which makes them react very strongly when provoked, intentionally or not. Yuki and Mafuyu have a different type of relationship than I do with those people in my life which, for the two of them, means that Mafuyu probably had to provide lots of emotional support for Yuki, while also under the mild threat of Yuki coming to harm by his own actions.
Being with someone with these tendencies who is also unaware of them is very draining, especially for someone as mild and soft-spoken as Mafuyu is. Yuki tended to lead their relationship and was probably very noticeable when upset-and for someone who might not be used to speaking up or someone who has low self-confidence, it is difficult to bring up things. It doesn't feel safe if you don't know exactly how it would be received. Especially if they are the person you are closest to, it can be anxiety-inducing to try and bring up problems that don't seem to be incredibly important or unavoidable.
So, long story short-Yuki was closed off to receiving any kind of proper advice or criticism that would've saved him. Another symptom of BPD, as mentioned before, is suicidal ideation. So, if all these things are combined, it's a lot easier to see how he, surrounded by only his thoughts and ideas, would make the choice to take his own life when provoked.
It wasn't specifically that Mafuyu had caused his death, but more that he just sent him over the edge he had been teetering on for a long while. He was like his father in the sense that they had the same flaws that just came from different places. Yuki's pride came from the flip side of his insecurities and his own early independence, and his mental health issues as a whole are probably hereditary. The specificities of his death, where Yuki drinks after avoiding alcohol for his entire life, feels like he failed in his effort to avoid being like his father. He was different as a person but in the end, their flaws aligned and brought them to their end in parallels to each other.
Calling back to what his mom said-it doesn't feel unexpected. It is shocking, but not a surprise. Yuki was fiercely independent and wanted to learn and do new things, all on his own-including his own death and whatever follows after.
[I wrote this a while back and didn’t really like how most of it was speculation and hard to prove-but decided to post it anyway because I spent too much time on it lol.
Like I said before, most of this is just my head canons, but I hope it made sense! Feel free to add on with your stuff/arguments/headcanons :)]
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
Meant to be | Choi San 🖤
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Warnings : Cursing, violence, mention of rape.
Words count : 2.2 k
Previous 《 Prologue
Chapter 1
My cheeks are burning from the salty tears escaping my eyes. A tightening feeling in my chest growing by the minute. The sobs keep escaping me, making my body move uncontrollably. Chocking from the sharp inhales and shaking from the cold temperature. This moment, forever will be imprinted in my mind. Those images I wish I could forget, unfortunately will hunt me till my last breath.
I suppose it's what most people feel too when they lose their parents. I wanted to deny it, but I saw their bodies. They were cold, bruised, bloody and no longer held any signs of life.
The last time a saw them, I didn't bother much to say goodbye to them. Only telling them to enjoy their little vacation in the woods. I was more exited about being alone then making them know how much I loved them. Now it's too late, I'll never be able to see their faces again, hear their voices, feel their arms around me when I need them the most.
I woke up to my cellphone ringing this morning, answering grumpily, thinking it was my mom who disturbed me from my sleep. It was actually the cops telling me to come to the hospital, but I wish it would've been her instead. I wish she could annoy me every morning now, but it's over. She isn't here anymore and neither is my dad.
I'm in my room, at this moment, crying my heart out. I ran out of the hospital immediately after seeing their corpses. They wanted me to identifie them, but I left with people screaming for me to comeback. I guess they probably know from my reaction, that it was indeed my mom and dad.
People keep calling me on my phone, but I don't answer. I'm laying on the floor, looking at the ceiling, waiting for my sadness to subside. I know that won't happen anytime soon, but it's the only way for me to calm down. Being surrounded by people telling me how sorry they are for my loss. A bunch of fake assholes making me feel even worse about the situation definitely won't make anything better.
Slowly my eyes get heavy, I try to fight the exhaustion but fail miserably. I fall asleep on the cold floor of my room, my window open and the sound of rain filling my ears. All of this crying definitely used up a lot of my energy.
The car crash, I wasn't there and I have no idea of what happened. But I see it, something is in the middle of the road and dad just told mom a joke. They're laughing.. until they hit that thing, an animal maybe. It goes right through the window and kill my dad instantly, but as for my mom. The car rolls off the road and fall down a small cliff. Mom's still alive, she's in pain, blood everywhere, she's crying for her husband to open his eyes and answer her. She keeps screaming that she can't feel him anymore? His presence? Her breathing is getting worse the more she panics. Suddenly the door on her side opens and something stabs her in the chest, putting a end to her desperate cries. Blood is streaming down her chin, her eyes looking directly through mine while she takes her last breath.
I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I frantically search for a sign of light, I reach around with my hands. My eyes are open wide and my breath shaky, until my fingers brush against an object. I stop every movement, slowly gripping it and letting a breath of relieve when I realise it's my phone.
I turn it on to see a ton of messages and missed calls. One standing out, my aunts name, my mom's sister. I never talked to her, but mom insisted on giving me her number. I look around my room and stand up to look outside the window, only to notice that it's night time. The reason of the darkness and freezing temperature. I close it and turn the lights on in my room. Then I sit on the corner of my bed and hesitate a few minutes while looking at the screen in front of me. My fingers finaly press on call. A few rings later, Aunt Kath's voice is heard. "Y/N! Y/N is it you?"
"Yes it's me.. why did you cal-" I'm cut off by a loud sob. My eyes widen in confusion, but I soon remember that my mom, her sister is no longer a part of this world. I sigh and wait for her to stop crying on the other side of the line. "S-sweetie- where are you? Are you safe? You're not alone ar-"
"Kath, my parents just died. I'm obviously not partying right now, but I'm okay.. I guess.." She stays silent for the next few seconds, my blunt answer probably wasn't expected, but it's understandable. "Sweetheart-I uhh.. you have no one to stay with right? So.. your mom made me your godmother, i-in case anything happened to her.. will you come live w-with me, here in Korea?"
It takes some time to process what just came out of her mouth, my eyebrows are furrowed. Many feelings are fighting to take control of my body, but the one that wins is frustration. "W-what?.."
"She told me to take care of you if she wasn't there anymore... It was just a precaution, but I guess it really happened." She says with a small voice, trying not to upset me further. Judging from my lack of response, she can tell I'm not that excited about this new information. "I asked you, but it ins't really a choice that you have. It's an obligation, you can't stay alone out ther-"
I hang up, not wanting to listen even for one more second. I need some time to think about it. She's right, I don't have much of a choice. I turned seventeen not too long ago and I don't have any family member here. At least none that I know of. I sigh defeated, once again pressing on my godmother's contact.
She picks up not even a second later, as if she knew I was gonna call her back. She doesn't say a word, waiting for me to start talking. I clear my throat after freeing my lower lip from my teeth. "How will I get there? How about my clothes and everything else in the house? My parents' funera-"
"I'll take care of everything you don't have to worry, just bring the necessary and I'll transfer some money on your account so you can pay for your plane ticket. As for the ride to my house, my boyfriend will pick you up" She spend a whole hour explaining to me how everything will go and I agree after hesitating for a while. If my mom gave Kath the role of godmother, she must trust her. So I will trust her too, anyways I don't really have a reason not to. She's been nice till now and she'll even welcome me in her house, she's taking me in. "Thank you Kath, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done if I was all alone."
Days later
I prepared all my stuff, ready to fly to Korea. It took me a while to accept, but eventually I warmed up to it. It's an opportunity for me, to start over. A new life full of adventure, new environment and culture. I want to explore the world so why not start there.
Unfortunately though, I had to say goodbye to all my friends. We cried and spend the last few days together. We promised to text each other everyday and not to forget about one another. Sad thing is, my friends aren't the only ones I need to leave behind. It's hard to leave the place I grew up in, my house, my neighbourhood, my city, everything.
In a few hours, everything I ever knew will all be in the past. Only the memories will stay, the rest, all gone. So the day my parents died, I didn't only lose them, but my life too. The life they gave me. Now, I have to make a new one, by myself.
Landing in Korea
The flight was boring and quite annoying, I didn't know what to do. A baby cried for what felt like years and a couple had an argument at some point. Then the person next to me started to snore so loudly I thought the plane was crashing. I'm glad to finaly be on the ground, the loud voices of people speaking indistinctly seeming to sooth me from what I went through previously.
I sit on one of the chairs in the airport waiting for James, my godmother's boyfriend. He'll drive me to their house, apparently Kath arranged a room for me already. She doesn't have any kid, so she's looking forward to having me over.
"Y/N!!" I jump from the chair almost falling on my ass. I luckily manage to stay on my two feet and not make a fool of myself. Upon hearing a chuckle, I turn around and see an old looking dude smirking at me, maybe in his late forties. "Umm.. Hi can I help you?"
"James, I came to pick you up remember?" He asks while pointing at himself. I'm still unsure, he's looking at me weirdly. I can feel an odd vibe from him. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but I push it aside and nod before following him.
We enter his rusty jeep, the doors creaking when moving. Despite the outside looking a bit ugly, the inside is clean. The only negative point would be the smell, cigarette and..alcohol? Paying a bit more attention to the smell though, it doesn't only come from the jeep. The man next to me is even worst, it seems that he might shower rarely. Subtly, I bring my sweater paws to my nose, looking outside to distract myself.
"So, Y/N! How you holding up?" His loud and deep raspy voice makes me jump for the second time. I turn a bit a towards him not to be impolite and think before answering him. "I guess it's a bit easier then I expected. I didn't think that I'd feel any better, but after a few days it prove me wrong. But I feel bad, to already move on.."
He hums next to me, nodding his head lazily. I wait for him to add something, but the car is filled with silence. I'm relieved he doesn't speak further, not really being in the mood to have a whole conversation, especially with someone I don't know. So, slowly I turn back around towards the window. My mind drifting to the events that happened in just a few weeks, everything is so fucked up. Fortunately, Kath and James decided to help me.
About an hour past since we came out of the airport. We just entered a forrest, James informed me that it'll take a while still. He insisted that I should go to sleep and when I'll wake up, we'll be home. I ponder for some time, but eventually agree. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep due to not being able to get much sleep in the plane.
I wake up when the car come to an halt, a man's voice coming from next to me. Curses escaping his mouth, confused I open my eyes. The events from the previous hours coming back to me, tears threatening to escape my eyes. My body shaking slightly from fear, uncontrollably.
The ride was a lot longer then what James had told me it would be and I slept, only to be woken up by a hand covering my mouth. Horrible things happened in that car and it wasn't a nightmare, no mather how much I wish it was one. He said he would tell Kath it took us some time because of the traffic and the airport. Then he threatened to kill me if I open my mouth.
I can't let him see me crying, I don't want him to have another reason to hurt me. Despite being terrified and completely drained from energy, I swallow the bill in my throat and wipe the tears from my eyes. While I'm breaking down, next to me James is whistling and turning the car off. Announcing with a loud scream to Kath that we arrived.
"Omg! Y/N! Sweetie you really are here." Kath comes out of the house shouting happily, her arms open, waiting for me to give her a hug. I rush to open the door, but a hand grabs my arm. His nails dig in my skin and I whimper, both from fear and pain. "Remember. You talk, you die."
He puts my bag in my hand, pretending to be helping me. Finally I escape the horrible vehicle and run into my godmother's arms with a heavy heart. The second she engulfs me in her warmth, sobs spill from deep within me. She cries with me but not for the same reason. She cries because she lost her sister and now I'm here. I, cry because I've lost my parents, I lost my house, my friends. Because I've been raped less then an hour ago. Because I feel completely broken and hopeless. The new life I wanted for myself, only starts with even more problems then I had before.
Next 》 Chapter 2
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Ranboo lore from 'Making it feel like home | DreamSMP' - An Extensive Recap
This is a compilation of everything you need to know from Ranboo's stream, prepared by yours truly! It skips over the revival part, since that's been already covered by other people. Enjoy!
Basic summary:
- Once Ranboo, Phil, Eret and Tubbo are back from their mission to get the totems, they all part ways
- Ranboo tells Phil that he'll go to another woodland mansion and get even more
- Upon learning that it's harder than he thought, Ranboo decides to bring Enderchest back from the panic room instead
- On his way he stops by the crater, remarking how he's always been right
- He says that he can't trust Fundy and opens the memory book for the first time this stream. Fundy is in the 'STAY AWAY' section
- He says that he trusts Enderchest a lot
- Soon after Ranboo enters the panic room Dream's voice shows up
- Dream tells Ranboo that he's part of him, and that there's two sides to Ranboo. Dream keeps convincing Ranboo that he was the one to blow up the Community House
- Eventually, Dream tells Ranboo to mine part of the wall. It reveals a hidden chest with two pieces of TNT in it
- Dream tells Ranboo that he also helped Dream with the TNT to blow up L'manberg, and that Ranboo handed Dream his memory book. He tells him to try and remember why
- After Dream's voice leaves Ranboo freaks out, trying to remember. He accepts Dream's words as true, checking the chest
- The screen goes dark and an enderman noise sounds. Soon, an image with Dream's smiley face and Ranboo's crown appears
Here's some more detailed info, split into parts.
Memory book:
There are no changes made to the memory book on stream. Ranboo shows what's inside the book once, and we can see that Page 2 is different. It looks like this:
Conversation with Dream:
Here's a transcript I made of the last part in the panic room (note that I'm not a professional, so it probably contains mistakes). Dream talks like this and Ranboo talks like this.
Transcipt begins at 03:42:40 and ends at 03:51:53
"Y-you're back?"
"Well, I mean, I never left"
"What do you mean you never left?"
"Well, I mean, I'm in your head, I'm here all the time"
"How long have you been in my head?"
"I mean, forever, I'm just you"
"But... that- that doesn't make any sense though, because why- why now, all of a sudden? Did you just, randomly appear?"
"Well... I mean, you're looking at your book, you're looking at a smile, you're thinking about Dream..."
"You think about Dream a lot"
"Yeah, I do, because he's the reason why everything is going wrong. He's the reason why there's conflict on this server"
"Mmm... do you really believe that?"
"I mean, yeah. He- if- if it wasn't for Dream everyone- there really wouldn't be that much- like there wouldn't really be one power that everyone would go against"
"Well, what are some of the bad things that Dream has done?"
"I mean, well you- you- or Dream, fights against Tommy and Tubbo all the time, starts wars, blew up L'manberg, the Community House..."
"Well, you blew up the Community House, but Dream- Dream blew up L'manberg but Techno did too, and so did Philza, and you're not complaining about them"
"Well... but the thing is they wouldn't have need- L'manberg wouldn't need to exist if you didn't... you didn't do that, and I didn't blow up the Community House, I know that I didn't do that. Cause there's no way, there's no way that I could've... done that, cause you know that I'm not that type of person"
"Yeah, I know- I know you're not that type of person, but- but you- you did do it. I mean, I'm- I- it's... your memory is just poor"
"But- but, my memory is- my memory is interesting, I remember big stuff, I would've remembered if I blew up the House, I mean-"
"Well, you- you do remember, this is- this is you"
"But- no- y-yeah, but... How? How come you remember stuff that I don't?"
"Well, I think it's- it's complicated"
"Yeah, definitely is"
"Your brain is a funny place"
"I mean, there's- I see two sides of you"
"No, no, there's no- there- no- I'm- no. You're just- you're just what happens whenever I- whenever I just like panic- this is the panic room, and I've only, I've only talked to you here. So it's obvious that you're not- you're not- it must be- it has to be just something with my past, on why this is happening, there's no way that- you have any reason to be here. But I don't- I don't like- I don't like you here! I'm gonna be honest, really-"
"Well, I'm- I- I'm here all the time, it's just you never open your mind to me unless you're in the panic room. You don't let me talk unless you're in the panic room. You don't listen to me. Even if I scream, you don't listen. Unless you're in this room."
"But I don't- I don't- I don't wanna talk to you. You- you tell me things that you- that you- apparently I did, but I don't- I don't think that I  did those things, I mean- what else have I done, Dream? Because... apparently there's more. There must be more if there is an entire, just-"
"Well, I mean, you helped- you helped Dream with the TNT that he used to blow up L'manberg. You helped Dream blow up the Community House. You helped Techno, you know- survive L'manberg. And he blew up L'manberg as well. And these are some of the things that you're blaming on Dream"
"So I've been... I've been helping Dream?"
"Yeah, you've helped Dream all of the time!"
"No, no, nnnono! I- there's no way that I've been help- Why would I help Dream?"
"You tell me"
"I- Dream is the reason why there's conflict, Dream is the reason why my friends aren't able to just be happy, why would I be helping him this entire time?"
"That's- that's something you should ask yourself"
"I- But- I mean, I am asking myself, if you're- if you're part of me, then I am asking myself right now!"
"You're asking the wrong part of yourself"
"Mine the wall"
"Mine the wall? What do you mean mine the wall?"
"Just mine the wall"
"Okay... What is this? What is it? What is this? I-"
"Open it"
"No, no, this is- this ca- no! There's no way that I helped with this! My friends aren't able to be happy, because of- because of Dream, there's no way that I've helped him!"
"You're friends with everybody. You're the one who said you don't want to pick a side"
"Yeah, but- I mean, there's a difference between just- not being on Dream's side- not- I can- I can be on Dream's side without helping him blow up things"
"I mean- you didn't help him, you did it yourself"
"Wait, so you're saying that I did these things- just solo?"
"Well, no. You did the Community House solo."
"But- but why would I just randomly do that? Cause I mean- obviously, I must've been- if I did that, then I'd be working with Dream, because... there's no way that I would just do that on my own"
"I'm sure you had your reasons, but... you don't remember them now. I mean, how did- how did Dream get your- get your memory book?"
"I don't know. I- I can't remember why"
"I can tell you why. It's cause you handed it to him."
"Why would I do that...? I- I wouldn't do that, but- Why would I give him the book to my own demise? Cause... they all see me as a traitor now. They're always gonna see me- even though they know that- even though if they say that they don't see me as a traitor, they're gonna remember. They're gonna remember that I'm a traitor- why would I give him the book that makes everyone turn against me?"
"You just have to try and remember why. You have to think. You have to remember. Just remember. Remember. Remember. Remember."
"Can't- I can't remember. I can't, I- I don't know how to remember, I don't- I don't- and he's gone again. And he's gone again. I've really betrayed everyone. There's no way that I could've done all of that. I've betrayed people more than I think. I can't remember. I can't, I- come on! Think! Think! Please! Just think, just think! No, okay- well- No, that was just- that was- that wasn't rea- That wasn't real- No, that wasn't- that- It couldn't be real, it couldn't be real. No, I didn't- I didn't do that! Come on, think! Think! Think! Please! Please just think, just think! Come on, please, please! Think! Why can't you think? Why can't you think right now?! Please!"
The ending:
Once Ranboo stops talking there's an enderman noise. After a while 'Fallen Down' from Undertale's OST starts playing and keeps playing until the stream ends.
Then this image appears and covers the entire screen. It flickers and animates, wavering slightly. After a bit text saying 'Thanks for watching :)' is placed under it.
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In the last 15 seconds Ranboo comes back and says that he'll see the audience in the stream tomorrow. Then it ends.
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