well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
'Given' Volume 9 Promotional Character Descriptions
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"Everything will be all right. Come on" (Violin) Ugetsu Murata Birthday: June 6 Zodiac: Gemini Blood type: O Height: 175cm - Loved by music Genius violinist - A person whose smile confuses people (?) - Unexpectedly appears in places all over the world
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"Im glad I got to see Mafuyu's face" (Guitar) Ritsuka Uenoyama Birthday: August 1 Zodiac: Leo Blood type: B Height: 175cm - Has guitar skills far from high school students - Although strong, is gentle at heart - Tends to be handled around by Mafuyu
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"I want to play music with you, I want to sing for the rest of my life" (Guitar & Vocals) Mafuyu Sato Birthday: February 28 Zodiac: Pisces Blood type: AB Height: 173cm - Unique vocalist with a singing voice that sticks and never falters - Does things in own pace - Never not seizing
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"Keep making good music, enough to take it back from me" (Bassist & Vocalist) Hiiragi Kashima Birthday: May 8 Zodiac: Taurus Blood type: A Height: 175cm - Flower-like person which fascinates people - Different type of vocalist compared to Mafuyu - Cheerful character x2
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"Let me stay by your side until I die" (Drummer) Shizusumi Yagi Birthday: November 22 Zodiac: Sagittarius Blood type: B Height: 180cm - Hiiragi's band member - Has intense feelings for Hiiragi
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
Enough about right person wrong time wrong person right time what about the right person right time but just a really bad hand played by fate
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
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tears in my eyes i love them
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 10 months
don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but i just noticed that the first chord of yoorugakeru is the first chord ueno played for mafuyu when he tuned his guitar in the first ep!
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The small beans
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GIVEN - Episode 7: Tumbling Dice
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As of early October, I’ve officially been involved in Given for a year!
I’ve loved making this blog and sharing my thoughts and posts with you all. I know it’s not a big fandom, but I love the sense of community and seeing the same people’s posts or seeing them interact with my stuff regularly. It feels like I have all these friends, but there was no…hm. Like, I have all these new friends, but instead of a personal life based connection, we all just share in the same story and hobbies. It feels like friendships made of choices, rather than just by chance.
Sometimes it feels like the years get tougher as they go by, but this blog and this show has been a real highlight in my life. It has always felt like I’ve got all these words and thoughts in my head and no place to get it all out, but being here makes me feel heard in a really unique way I haven’t experienced before. I’ve had blogs before, of course. But being here is just…nice.
Anyway, I’m not quite sure how this got so long. But I really love all of you guys. You’re all cool human beings, and I hope things are going well for you, or that they will be eventually. I’m sorry i’m not around as much as I would like to be, not that it would make much of a difference? I don’t know how many of you know me, and not just a stray post. But I’d like to change that. I’d like to be a presence, and maybe be a friend if that’s what you’d like.
Perhaps i’m feeling emotional tonight. It’s the anniversary sentiments, I believe. But I meant everything I said, even if it’s very gush-y and sounds like I wrote it while…not sober. I promise I am-it’s all the water sign in me. Lol. :)
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Thoughts on Given railing metaphor
Ok, so at first I thought this metaphor was significant on its own, like it held symbolic meaning just for Hiiragi and only in that moment.
But then I reread Hiiragi mix_3 in volume 6 (last picture).
And yes, it is built for him and it still revolves around his way of thinking since even in the other scene it’s him explaining things based on his thoughts and his take of what happened with Yuki, BUT it resonates beyond Hiiragi’s personal experience.
I think visually the railing presents a lot of similarities with the line Yuki supposedly crossed.
Hiiragi used to follow Yuki blindly because of his admiration for him, he wanted to understand his personality, his view on life, his talent… but in end he couldn’t. When he asked Uenoyama to complete his song he said that to that day he had yet to understand him.
When forced to analyze his feelings for Shizusumi deeper, the railing metaphor appears.
At first Hiiragi was just a reckless kid and Shizusumi was there with him as always, Shizu always followed him like a shadow and for some time Hiiragi barely realized. But then around the same time Yuki committed suicide, Hiiragi climbed on it again on impulse, he was alone and wanted to walk along that line between ordinary and extraordinary and he lost sight of what he was doing for a moment because of that bright light that in a way resembles the one toward which Yuki walked in that previous panel, he’s immersed in darkness but there’s a light in front of him. And right at that moment Shizu pulled him back.
Hiiragi wanted what Yuki had but in actuality he had something Yuki missed because, for how much he and Mafuyu loved each other, after their fight their relationship had not grounded him enough to stop him from killing himself.
Just like that Hiiragi seems to finally understand Yuki. He understands the feeling that drove him in life and music, it wasn’t something OUT of the ordinary, it was simple, it wasn’t special because it was different, it was special because it was pure, genuine and relatable in a way - and here I think it’s important to notice Hiiragi first says Uenoyama’s name and then corrects himself, because Uenoyama is in love with Mafuyu too and the feeling is still the same (while right at the beginning he says he was a little annoyed with him because he was able to enter that world that once belonged to Yuki and Mafuyu alone) -, he did not have to go that far to connect with Yuki.
Even the music he made was different from Yuki’s and he felt like he couldn’t compare, that’s probably one of the reasons why he wanted to finish it, to understand him better. He also said thanks to music he could keep Shizusumi with him a little longer. They were always together and he wanted it to stay that way but he didn’t realize they completed each other just as perfectly. He didn’t realize they could be special too.
In a way I think Hiiragi realized something more than just the depth of his feelings for Shizusumi. He could be like Yuki, he was like him and maybe one day he could have crossed that line too but he realized he didn’t need for things to be extraordinary, he didn’t need to cross it to be special, he already had what he was looking for and it was enough.
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So there is one thing that has been bugging me about Given.
When we're introduced to Mafuyu, we see that he is ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS about anything related to music. Even till as far as what a band is...
Which is something I find weird since his ex-boyfriend Yuki was the lead singer of a band...
Like, how does that make sense!? I'm sure if your significant other is involved in music, you'll develop some basic idea of how it works right?
Or does Mafuyu's initial clueless, reveal something much more toxic about his relationship with Yuki than meets the eye?
That is a really good question! I think Kizu actually exaggerated that part of the story to make a key point.
Notice how all the music songwriting, compositional, lyrics process at the start of the manga was all done ALONE?
What this shows is that the characters, when they are still figuring out what to truly express, its a space of vulnerability they don't want others to see. Kizu was exaggerating the lack of Mafuyu's involvement in music in his MafuYuki relationship, in my opinion, is to emphasize just how much emotional distance Yuki actually was placing between himself and Mafuyu.
He loved Mafuyu so much, but in his process of "self-expression" through music, where things might not be perfectly expressed, he couldn't bare the thought of Mafuyu seeing that imperfect, vulnerable part of him. So he hid the music part of himself from Mafuyu. And that all ties into the FACADE that Yuki was upholding for Mafuyu and everyone around him.
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But notice how different Ue is.
The moment Ue played that chord, EVERYTHING CHANGED for Mafuyu. He was thinking, "WOW someone (subconsciously that looks so cute), literally fixed my strings in two seconds then played music in front of me!"
Ue taught Mafuyu so thoughtfully and genuinely complimented Mafuyu on his progress but also critiqued Mafuyu when the music was not up to par. Ue's NEVER been a facade kind of guy. That why Mafuyu was so excited about learning music. He's never been 'given' this level of honesty before!
Ue through teaching and rehearsing Mafuyu, realised that creating music didn’t have to be a SOLO process! This largely contrasted the start of the manga where we see Ue composing mostly on his own as nicely pointed out by you @cherilyn-rose in your post that Ue composed most of Fuyu no Hanashi by himself.
Leading up to the CAC, Ue was INVOLVING Mafuyu in his own "self-expression process" of SONGWRITING AND COMPOSITION.
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What this tells me is that in that CAC arc, Ue was emotionally ready to commit to the relationship, vulnerability, imperfections and all.
But Mafuyu currently isn't, writing lyrics is still a SOLO thing for him.
And all this created a sense of disconnection for Ue and now Ue unfortunately resorted back to SOLO songwriting in order to reach Mafuyu through the Yuki-Ueno song. (WHICH THEN UNFORTUNATELY PROPELLED A SENSE OF DISCONNECTION FOR MAFUYU ALL OF WHICH BUILT UP TO THE AGONY THAT IS CHAPTER 43 T_T)
It's only once we see both Mafuyu and Ue composing the music AND writing lyrics together, that's when we will know that BOTH PARTIES are finally ready to emotionally commit to the relationship.
Kizu I believe exaggerated Mafuyu's lack of musical knowledge to highlight the contrast between the MafuYuki relationship and Mafuyama relationship and just how much more open Ue is with Mafuyu! I hope that answers your question!
If you like what you read, all I post is basically Given analysis content! Give my blog a follow to be notified of new posts! #metapotato
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mafuyuki official art that emotionally destroys me compilation
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happy birthday to my bby yuki yoshida <3 luv u bby boy
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