#Thor || [party] || Glitch
My Fish Dawn! My Fish!
This is so stupid but I love Anders and was so upset when Ty killed his fish. I also love the platonic relationship between Anders and Dawn. @deanobingo
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Platonic Anders and Dawn
Warnings: Drunk Anders and dead fish pets
Words: 1648
Anders drunkenly calls Dawn over and she tucks him into bed.
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Tonight, however, was not one of those careful nights he was out parting or softening up a new client.
After a day of Frigg hunting that turned out to be a major bust, finding Thor who was as mad as the hatter, a date with a goddess that left him high and dry and a fight that left him in the bad books with his grandfather for breaking his surfboard and with a swollen and bloody nose that made his head pound every time he breathed, he figured he could use a drink. A strong one.
After a day of Frigg hunting that turned out to be a major bust, finding Thor who was as mad as the hatter, a date with a goddess that left him high and dry and a fight that left him in the bad books with his grandfather for breaking his surfboard and with a swollen and bloody nose that made his head pound every time he breathed, he figured he could use a drink. A strong one.
His rotten day got even worse when he finally made it home, went to grasp the handle of his fridge to grab a beer, only to find it wasn’t there.
Honestly at that stage he wanted to give up and go to bed, and he would have, if he hadn’t glanced at his fish tank and spotted not only that his fish were gone, but they had been replaced with a packet a fish fingers.
He couldn’t help the tears of frustration and exhaustion that welled in his eyes and the sob that broke through his throat. Letting out a horse yell that would probably mean a noise complaint from his neighbors in the morning, he kicked off his shoes and dove into the first bottle of alcohol he could find.
Not even an hour later and he found himself sat on his couch with nine different empty bottles scattered on the table in front of him, still in a foul mood. Admittedly, not all of the bottles had been full when he found them, but some of them definitely had been, and he jumped six feet in the air when knocking came from his door.
Anders squinted his eyes at the sound and looked about his apartment, his mind long gone and his vision spinning. When the knocking sounded again, he stumbled to the sink to peer down the drain determined that was where the sound was coming from.
“Hellooo,” he called out snickering as his voice bounced down the piping, “Why are you banging?”
Someone shouted his name this time and leaving his sink be, he once again stumbled around trying to find the source. When he finally made it to his door, his fingers hit the intercom hard enough to make the screen glitch.
“Identify yourself,” he growled, his speech slurring and his brows frowning. He really didn’t want to deal with people right now.
“It’s Dwan? You called me? Told me to get here right away?”
He didn’t remember calling Dwan but the sound of her voice made him grin, his mood improving instantly knowing that his favorite mortal was here, even if she was a sick in the mud at parties.
“I’ts Dawwwwwwwnsyyyy! Hello Dwansy,” he sung, opening the door with a grin.
“Yes, hello Anders. What did you need that was so important?”
“Important?” he echoed with a nod of his head, linking his fingers with hers and pulling her into his apartment lightly, “Oh yes, very important,”
“Yes Anders, what is important?” she urged him on, slightly concerned at his strange behavior, “You said I needed to get here right away or you would fire me,”
“Fire you? The fuck would I fire you for? Dwansy is awesome, and cool and a lot nicer that surfboards or brothers,”
Dwan blinked as she watched her boss sway around his living room. She took in how disarranged he looked compared to his usual self at the office, his hair messy, his shirt untucked and lines of dried blood ran down the front of his shirt that she assumed was from the same thing that caused the painful looking busing on the bridge of his nose. He had empty bottles scattered around the room and a packet of fish fingers scattered across the floor, the carpet around them darkened by the damp puddles of water they laid in.
“Anders?” she questioned again, her voice softer this time and laced in concern, “Ander are you ok? What’s going on?”
“Brothers are bastards and my nose hurts,” he pouted, reminding her of a child who had missed their nap, “And the sink keeps knocking on my door,”
“Your sink keeps- what?”
“There’s someone in my sink Dwan and they want to steel my chips,” he declared gesturing to the scattered fish fingers laying on his carpet.
She had to cover her mouth with both hands to stop from losing herself in laughter, “Anders how much have you had to drink tonight?”
He gave her a sheepish grin, “Just a little bit, but there’s some left here if you want some, I’m good at sharing, especially with pretty ladies,”
“And there we go,” she sighed at his flirty behavior, “lets get you to bed hmm? I think you might feel better in the morning,”
He stopped glaring down the sink and sent her a scandalized look, “Dwansy, so forward, didn’t think you had it in you. Well done!”
With an irritable groan, she took a step towards him, stopping short at the small white mini fridge that stood in place of his usually fridge, groaning again at the realization that Ty had not replaced his fridge as he had promised, instead using the opportunity to mess with his brother instead. As much as she wanted to side with Ty however, the sight of Anders stumbling around his apartment in a dunked daze made her soft.
She wrapped her hands around her boss’s shoulders and slowly lead him to his bedroom, soothing him like he was a wild animal that would take off at any second if spooked. Anders had started mumbling to himself again, a frown on his face as she sat him at the end of his bed and untucked the covers.
“Dawwwwwnsyyyy,” he sung again with a giggle that she would forever blackmail him with, “Dawwnsyy what are you doooooooooing?”
“Putting you to bed you silly thing,” she huffed, slapping his hands away and undoing the buttons of his ruined shirt. Anders held a breath and leaned away from her, a worried look on his face.
“No, no wait. I love you Dwansy but I don’t- we can’t- I don’t screw crew Dwan,”
“What are you talking about?” she muttered, pushing him down and pinning him to the mattress to stop his squirming.
“Dwan, really!” he pulled away again, his blue eyes wide, “Please, you’re my best friend. I don’t wanna ruin that with a quick one nighter,”
“I’m not trying to fuck you Anders!” she huffed, ripping the rest of the buttons open and peeling it from his torso, blushing despite herself at the sight of his soft tummy and course blond hair that covered his chest and thickening where it disappeared into his pants.
“Oh,” he stared blankly at his ceiling, his body instantly relaxing under her touch and lifting his arms over his head to help her get the material off, “that’s good then I suppose,”
Dwan sighed again and maneuvered him up to his pillows, tucking him under his covers and watching as he snuggled down into them. It took a moment before she thought about what he had just said.
“Do you really see me as your best friend Anders?’
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I guess.” He nodded, his voice becoming shy compared to the usual cocky and arrogant attitude he wore, “I’m a bit of a dick sometimes you know, but you never want to hurt me for it. Your one of the few people I can really trust,”
Dawn couldn’t help the way her eyes watered at the way his voice sounded soft and defenseless, his striking blue eyes staring up at her like a lost puppy.
“Oh you silly, silly man,”
“Dwan?” he questioned, tears filling his eyes and making her heart clench painfully in her chest, “Dwan, my fish are dead,”
“Oh Anders,” she sniffled, sitting down next to him and running her fingers through his hair affectionately, “I’m so sorry,”
There was a pause before Anders wiggled his way towards her and laid his head in her lap.
“I really loved my fish Dawn,”
“I know,”
“There was this orange one, I called him orange,”
She hummed still stroking his curls, not even surprise at the obvious name.
“And there was this other one, a really pretty blue one, I called him Sir Edward Armond Snicket the third,”
“Oh why am I not recording this?” she chuckled to herself as he continued to drunkenly list and name the silly little guppies from his tank. He listed them all, not missing one, and as he rambled on about the next thing his intoxicated mind attached itself too his voice began to slur and slow down. Soon enough he was letting out soft snores as he snuggled deeper into her lap, dead to the world.
She gave him one last glance over, lifting him and slipping out of his sleeping grasp, before sneaking out of his bedroom.
He was her boss, and a dick. But past all of that he was a soft and gentle soul. A little lost, but overall kind, protective and fragile.
She flicked off the lights and left his apartment with a smile, a plan to head down to the pet shop in the morning to buy him a surprise.  
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survivalprostore · 9 days
Essential Survival Gear for Every Outdoor Enthusiast: A Humorous Guide
Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're reading this, you're either gearing up for your next epic outdoor escapade or you're just lost on the internet and thought this might be about surviving your next family reunion. Either way, welcome! Today, we're diving into the must-have survival gear that every camper, hiker, and outdoor enthusiast needs. And we’re going to have a laugh along the way. Because let’s face it, surviving in the wild is tough, but it doesn’t have to be boring!
First up, the multi-tool. This little gadget is the Swiss Army Knife's cooler, more versatile cousin. Need to open a can? Multi-tool. Got a splinter? Multi-tool. Trying to impress your friends by pretending you know how to fix that thingy on your backpack? You guessed it—multi-tool. The 14-in-1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Gear Kit from our store is the ultimate multitasker. It's got everything from a knife to a bottle opener. Yes, because sometimes survival means cracking open a cold one after a long hike.Pro Tip: Make sure you practice opening it before you hit the trail. Nothing ruins a heroic moment like struggling with your tools while your friends are watching.
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The Trusty Fire Starter
Fire is essential for survival. It keeps you warm, cooks your food, and scares away the creepy crawlies that want to join your camping party. Matches? They get wet. Lighters? They run out of fuel. But a magnesium fire starter? Now we're talking. It’s like having a tiny piece of Thor's hammer in your pocket.Check out our awesome fire starter kits. They’re foolproof, which is great because the last thing you want is to be that person who can't start a fire in front of your entire camping group. "Hey, remember when Dave couldn't start a fire, and we almost froze? Good times.
"Pro Tip: Practice at home first. Your neighbors might think you’re preparing for an apocalypse, but better safe than sorry.
The Unassuming Paracord Bracelet
You might think a paracord bracelet is just a fashionable accessory for your rugged outdoor look. Wrong! This little piece of fashion can save your life. Need to tie up your gear, make a shelter, or floss after eating that jerky? Paracord bracelet to the rescue! It’s like wearing Batman’s utility belt on your wrist.Our store offers paracord bracelets that even come with a built-in fire starter and whistle. Now you can call for help and start a fire without even reaching into your pack. Talk about multi-functional!
Pro Tip: Resist the urge to use it as a regular rope for mundane tasks. Save it for when you really need it. Like when you’re about to fall into a ravine. Or need to make an emergency clothesline.
The Legendary First Aid Kit
Getting a blister is not a rite of passage; it's just plain annoying. A first aid kit is the real MVP of any outdoor adventure. Cuts, scrapes, blisters, mysterious rashes—you name it, your first aid kit can handle it. Our kits are compact, comprehensive, and fit perfectly in your backpack without taking up too much space.And let’s be honest, nothing says "I’m prepared" like busting out a first aid kit when your buddy gets a paper cut from the map (yes, people still use maps).
Pro Tip: Don’t just carry it—know how to use it. Otherwise, it’s just extra weight. Maybe take a first aid class. You might even meet someone who shares your love for survival gear!
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The All-Knowing Compass
GPS devices are great until they run out of battery or lose signal. A compass, however, is like the wise old owl of navigation tools. It doesn’t need batteries, it doesn’t glitch, and it won’t judge you for not knowing north from south.Our store has top-notch compasses that are easy to read and reliable. Perfect for when you’ve wandered off the beaten path and are starting to worry about becoming the next headline: "Lost Hiker Found Using Only a Selfie Stick and a Sense of Desperation.
"Pro Tip: Learn to use it properly. Or at least pretend you do while sneakily using your GPS as backup.
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Wrapping It Up!
So there you have it, folks. The essential survival gear that every outdoor enthusiast needs. Remember, it’s not just about having the right tools; it’s about knowing how to use them and keeping a sense of humor when things go sideways. Because in the end, the best survival skill is the ability to laugh in the face of adversity (and your friends’ attempts at starting a campfire). Check out Survival Pro Store for all your gear needs, and may your adventures be epic and your blisters be few!
Happy Trails!
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teenage-idiot · 1 year
In the Blink of an Eye - 16
Avengers Age of Ultron | Quicksilver x Female Reader Fan-fiction.
Contains strong language, sexual references and mentions of death.
1052 words
We all walked up to the main entrance of the building together. Outside the front doors were two bouncers dressed in all black uniforms. There were a few other people just getting let inside as we approached. Once we made it to the entrance, we began entering in pairs.
We all had to use fake names that Bruce had come up with for us, along with completely different identities altogether. While going over the details of the plan I'd asked why we didn't need disguises as well, but apparently no one attending the party would recognise us, and we'd be in and out before Hydra even knew we were there. I trusted my team fully, and so went along with it. However, now I was actually here, I felt like I was out in the open, totally exposed, and vulnerable.
Pietro and I both gave our assigned names and were let in. He gave my hand a quick squeeze to reassure me we were doing fine, and I squeezed back gently.
"Everybody good?" I heard Cap say into my earpiece.
"I'll take that as a yes then. Okay, Black Widow, do your thing."
I looked around and spotted Clint and Thor already in their positions, keeping an eye out, yet somehow managing to still blend in perfectly with everyone around them.
A voice in my ear soon pulled me out of my daydream.
"Quicksilver and y/n, east hallway secure," said Nat.
With that, Pietro and I made like we were going to the bathroom, and headed for the east hallway. He lowered his hand to the small of my back as we walked along, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
'God, this is not helping,' I thought.
We entered the hallway and walked straight past the toilets, making a bee-line for the staircase. 
"Heading up the east hallway staircase now," I said.
"We're waiting for you on the second floor," Nat replied.
We made it to the top of the stairs and opened the glass door leading into the hallway where Natasha and Wanda were standing. 
"Be careful," Nat said sincerely, handing me the key card for the control room.
"You too," I smiled, taking the key card out of her hands.
I grabbed Pietro's hand and led him down the long hallway to the control room. I swiped the key card with haste and flung the door wide open.
"Keep a lookout," I said as I walked towards one of the computers.
I began trying to hack into the system, but surprise surprise, it needed a key code.
"Tony, little help here," I spoke, getting frustrated.
"Okay, just a second. Okay, I'm accessing the computer now. There, you should be good from here on out," he said.
"Thanks," I said, breathing a sigh of relief.
It took a little while longer, but soon I had gotten into the system and was able to deactivate the seventh floor alarms and security.
"Cap, systems are down," I said.
"Okay. You and Pietro wait there for further instruction," he answered back quickly.
"Now we wait," Pietro said, sighing after he said this.
"Uh, guys," I heard Maria say, "we have a problem."
"What," I heard Nat snap through the ear piece.
"The representatives are early," Maria answered.
"I thought you were tracking them," Pietro said as he gritted his teeth.
"I was, but there was a glitch and-"
"Don't worry Maria. Okay, Cap you guys better hurry up in there," I said.
There were a few moments of silence as I waited anxiously for a reply.
"Got it," Cap said.
"Okay they're out, now y/n do your thing," Bruce said.
I swiftly restored all the alarms and security systems back to the way they were, as if we were never there.
"Let's go," I said to Pietro, turning on my heels and heading straight for the door, leaving the key card behind on the desk.
Pietro grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the fire exit on that floor. 
"Tony," he said.
"On it," Tony said.
Pietro tried the door and it opened smoothly.
"Shit," he cursed.
I peered over the handrail to see two security guards coming up the stairs towards us. We backtracked to the hallway, closing the door as quickly and quietly as possible.
"Thor, you guys better be distracting them!" I huffed.
I glanced at Pietro to see how he was doing.
"I really wish we could use your speed right now," I said.
"Me too, but you know everybody would see, then the mission would be totally screwed," he replied.
"Like it isn't already," I muttered.
We started going down the stairs, but only made it to the landing halfway down as the representatives were coming up the stairs.
I stood, frozen, not having a clue what to do. 
'This is it,' I thought, but just as I was thinking this, I felt my body being turned and before I knew what was happening, Pietro kissed me.
I was shocked at first, but soon melted into it, my eyes fluttering closed and my hands finding their place around his neck. His hands were around my waist, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss more and more each second. My fingers began to tangle in his hair, but then I heard a voice in my ear, saying something to me.
I pulled away from Pietro, and turned to see a security guard standing before me.
"This area is unauthorized, you two need to head back to the party," he said.
"Oh, of course," I said sheepishly, realizing the reason for the kiss.
I walked down the stairs, Pietro behind me holding my hand. We reached the bottom and I glanced over my shoulder to see the security guard was gone.
I breathed out sharply, relieved that we didn't get caught.
"You know, that was..." I paused trying to find the right word, "smart," I said.
"Oh," was all he could say.
We left the building in silence and got in a car with Nat and Clint.
The whole journey back I felt...strange. I couldn't quite explain it. I mean, I was happy that Pietro kissed me, of course, but it wasn't because he actually liked me. I felt empty. 
'Maybe it's just not meant to be,' I thought.
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newmaniawe · 1 year
TCL Roku TV Keeps Restarting | Troubleshooting Guide
If your TCL Roku TV keeps freezing and restarting or stuck on logo screen. Don’t worry! Discover expert tips and troubleshooting techniques from my lab’s proven methods to fix the issue and enjoy uninterrupted entertainment.
What Causes a Roku Device to Restart
Overheating Poor internet connection An error with the device or apps Outdated apps installed on your Roku TV Loose/Faulty Cable Connections Incompatible Update TCL 50" Class 4-Series 4K UHD
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How I Fix TCL Roku TV Keeps Restarting
Unplug the Roku Device and Let it Cool Down - Unplug your Roku device and let it sit for 2-5 minutes. - Check to make sure your device isn't too close to a wall, TV, computer, etc. - Plug your device back up and let it restart. Update Your Roku You may have already tried this step, but it may be worth another attempt. The Roku is updated fairly regularly to add features or fix bugs. Updating also helps when Roku TCL TV does not turn on. Reboot Your Roku Most people tend to leave the Roku plugged in and on standby mode when not in use. Therefore, it is a good idea to reboot it regularly. Which may stop freezing or rebooting problems. 1. Go to the Settings menu and then select System. Now, select System Restart. 3. Next, select Restart. The rebooting steps alone may be enough to stop the issues you're having. Remove the Headphones From the Remote 1. Update your Roku. 2. Unplug the Roku for at least 30 seconds. 3. Remove the headphones from the remote. 4. Remove the batteries from the remote and wait about 30 seconds, then reinsert them. 5. Reboot the Roku. 6. Check again for updates. Disable Your Nintendo Switch Wi-Fi There has been a known issue with Nintendo Switch interfering with certain Roku Devices, but only when playing Pokemon Sword and Shield. 1. Update your Roku. 2. Unplug the Roku. 3. Turn off the Nintendo Switch or set it to Airplane Mode. 4. Reboot the Roku. 5. Check again for updates. Uninstall Non-Trusted Apps Non-trusted apps are always a way of malfunctioning on your device because they are not approved by the TV companies but somehow thor-party developers make to benefit people and themselves by glitching the system. I recommend you to uninstall those apps which are not trusted. Follow the main points below as well. - Check if there is any app update available, if yes! Do it quickly. - If there are no pending updates, then ‘Uninstall the Application’. Check Your Network Faulty Wi-Fi signals can affect data received on your Roku device, leading to freezes or reboots. If you use Wi-Fi, check the signal strength on your phone. If other people in your household are using the network, make sure that there is enough bandwidth to go around. If the signal strength or quality is poor, connect your Roku via Ethernet (if possible) and retest. What Speed Do You Need To Stream 1.5 Mbps    Recommended SD Quality3 Mbps SD Quality Check The HDMI Cable Most Roku devices use HDMI cables to connect to your TV, so that's the next logical thing to check. Swap it for another cable and see what happens. HDMI cables become faulty or loose sometimes which causes the connection issue and creates errors in TCL TV such as black screen of death. Clear Cache & Cookies Locate the home button on your remote control and access the Home Screen. Once you've found it, press the home button five times, followed by the up button four times. Then, press the rewind button twice and the fast forward button twice. After completing these steps, you'll need to wait for a short period of time. Within a few seconds, you'll notice your Roku TV restarting as it clears the cache and cookies. This process may take approximately two minutes. Rest assured that this is a normal part of the clearing process, and it is essential for resolving any underlying issues. Once the clearing process is complete, you can expect your Roku TV to function smoothly again. Factory Reset Your TCL Roku TV i) Accessing the Settings Menu Navigate through the settings menu using your remote control. Start by pressing the left button on your remote control, which will open a sub-menu. ii) Selecting System Settings Now, locate and select the "Settings" option. To do this, use the up arrow button on your remote control. This will bring you to the main settings menu. iii) Accessing Advanced System Settings Within the settings menu, scroll down until you find the "Advanced system settings" option. Click on it to proceed. iv) Initiating the Factory Reset By selecting the factory reset option, you will reset all audio, picture, downloads, and apps on your TV. It is crucial to note that this action cannot be undone, so exercise caution and make sure you genuinely want to proceed. v) Confirming the Factory Reset To confirm the factory reset, press "OK" or "Enter" on your remote control. A confirmation code will be displayed on the screen, ensuring that the reset is not accidental. Enter the displayed code using your remote control, and press "OK" to proceed. vi) Reconfiguration Once the factory reset process is initiated, the TV will undergo a reboot. This process typically takes around a minute or a minute and a half. Afterward, your TCL Roku TV will return to its original factory default screen. Enjoy Reading Too: Why Is My TCL TV Screen Flickering TCL TV Keeps Going Back To Home Screen Frequently Asked Questions Can a software update resolve the TCL Roku TV restarting problem Yes, a software update can often resolve the TCL Roku TV restarting problem. Make sure your TV is connected to the internet and check for any available software updates in the settings menu. Installing the latest update can fix bugs and compatibility issues that may be causing the restarts. What should I do if my TCL Roku TV keeps restarting after a software update? If your TCL Roku TV continues to restart after a software update, try performing a factory reset. This will revert the TV to its default settings and can often resolve any lingering software issues. Remember to back up any important data before performing a factory reset. Can overheating cause my TCL Roku TV to restart frequently? Yes, overheating can cause your TCL Roku TV to restart frequently. Ensure that your TV has proper ventilation and is not blocked by any objects. Clean any dust or debris from the vents and consider using a fan or keeping the room temperature cool to prevent overheating. Are incompatible apps or channels causing my TCL Roku TV to restart? Yes, incompatible apps or channels can cause your TCL Roku TV to restart. If you recently installed a new app or channel and the restarts started happening, try removing or disabling it to see if the problem resolves. Check the TCL Roku Channel Store for official and compatible apps for a smoother TV experience. Could a faulty power supply be the reason behind my TCL Roku TV's frequent restarts? Yes, a faulty power supply can be a reason behind frequent restarts on your TCL Roku TV. Make sure the power cord is securely connected and not damaged. If the issue persists, consider contacting TCL support or a professional technician to diagnose and replace the power supply if necessary. LG 83-inch Class OLED
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 25 - Project B.I.G.
As well as being the lead researcher on the mysterious vault in the Avengers Mansion basement (which we’ll get to in The Crossing), Hank was working with Bill Foster on Project B.I.G., an initiative that he hoped could end world hunger by making crops larger. In their spare time Hank and Jan both finally got themselves some therapy, which they both absolutely needed. That said, Jan hired accredited help while Hank just rigged up a brain scanner to trap himself in an insect-themed nightmare to work his issues out.
Classic Hank.
Secret Defenders vol 1 #18-19
Bureau 18 contacted Giant-Man and Dr. Druid to solve a string of unusual insect-related deaths. Hank, Iron Fist, Iceman, and Archangel worked together to stop the insects and protect civilians while Dr. Druid fought Swarm.
Avengers West Coast vol 1 #102
Captain America called for the dissolution of the West Coast Avengers due to what he personally saw as failings on their part. After War Machine quit, the remaining 11 members in attendance put it to a vote. Cap, Black Widow, Black Knight, Hercules, and Vision voted to end it. Scarlet Witch, U.S.Agent, Sersi, Spider-Woman, and Giant-Man voted no. Crystal abstained. With the votes tied, Iron Man exercised his right to vote as an inactive member. With the resentment and lack of support they faced from the East team, he knew it would be pointless to drag this out any further and voted to disband them. Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, U.S.Agent, and Spider-Woman quit the Avengers immediately as a show of protest.
Avengers vol 1 #370-375, 378
The Avengers responded to a distress call from Lemuria. They were attacked by deviants immediately and placed under mind control by their brain-mines. Sersi was used as a pawn to lure in Kro and other rogue deviants in. While most of the Avengers were needed for Lord Ghaur’s plan to create a multi-species uni-mind, Giant-Man and Black Knight were extras and were instead forced into gladiatorial combat. Sersi was able to break Dane free of his brain-mine and shut down the uni-mind from the inside.
Hank ran tests on Dane’s brain to determine the extent of Sersi’s influence over him; the results showed that she had almost fully overtaken his will. Then Proctor and the Eternals arrived on the scene and Sersi left with Dane through a portal to another dimension to cure her madness. With that out of the way, Hank turned his scanner on himself for some much-needed psychoanalysis. In his mind, he was placed on trial by ants and charged with conspiracy to disrupt the insect community and treason against the state of his own mind. He was tormented by insectoid versions of his alter-egos, each one preying on his insecurities. He was able to overcome this by finally admitting to himself that he could never give up the life of a superhero.
Avengers Annual vol 1 #23
Loki and Hades devised a plan to kill Thor and Hercules by using Typhon as a pawn, but failed like they always do. Back home, Giant-Man and Vision engaged in some 1-on-1 training and fought a sentient glitch in Vision’s software.
Avengers vol 1 #382-383
Giant-Man, Black Widow, and Vision investigated the sub-basement of their new Avengers Mansion - an abandoned copy from an alternate timeline installed where theirs used to be - for any irregularities. Most of the mansion’s systems had lost power, and Hank’s instruments revealed what seemed to be a dense chunk of displaced time sealed into a vault that they could not open.
Marvel Double Feature… The Avengers/Giant-Man vol 1 #379-382
Janet spoke with her therapist, Dr. Rossin, about her recent exit from the West Coast Avengers. After a successful return to the fashion industry, she threw a Hollywood-character themed masquerade ball to celebrate. Her guests were horrified when A giant gorilla appeared outside the window (Hank dressed as King Kong with various congratulatory balloons). After the party Hank brought Janet to a secret garden where he and Bill Foster had begun Project B.I.G. (Biotechnically Induced Growth), an agricultural application of his Pym Particle research that aimed to end world hunger.
Hank received a call about giant insects in the Southwest and went off on his own to deal with them, running into trouble as Col. Manning of the Air Force tried to interfere. Hank was knocked out during the fight and Manning took him prisoner on the assumption that this was his fault. Captain America broke him out and brought him to Janet, who had begun to grow uncontrollably. Bill Foster, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Tigra, and anyone else who’d ever been exposed to Pym Particles was also changing size, and anywhere he’d used the particles saw attacks from giant insects. All of this on the seven year anniversary of the day Janet became the Wasp to fight the Kosmosian that killed her father.
As Kosmosians began to invade Earth seeking revenge on Hank, he pushed his body’s limits and managed to grow to 60 ft while increasing his strength to match (exceeding the 25 ft limit he’d known as Goliath). On the ropes, the Kosmosian opened a portal and Hank went through, discovering Erik Josten (formerly the villain called Goliath). The Kosmosians were using his body’s Pym Particles to attack their targets on Earth, so Hank overwhelmed their systems with his own to keep them from invading again.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Spider-Man Unlimited vol 1 #3
Starblast vol 1 #1
Marvels vol 1 #2
Marvel Comics Presents vol 1 #152
Warlock and the Infinity Watch vol 1 #26-28
Quasar vol 1 #60
Daredevil vol 1 #327
Thunderstrike vol 1 #9-10
Captain America vol 1 #434
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Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for PC - GameFAQs
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Pick up dropped Gold Bronze - Awarded for successfully picking up the Gold once it has been dropped in an Online Cops and Robbers game. Win a best of five round game Silver - Awarded for being on the winning team of a best of five round game of Online Cops and Robbers. Explorer 10 - Find all Events. Block Party 35 - Complete 2 whole sections of online Challenges. Bustin' Out 20 - Collect all Billboards. Car in a China Shop 20 - Get Takedowns online and offline. Daredevil 25 - Landed a 2 barrel roll jump. Duckin' and Weavin' 10 - Win a Marked man without being taken down. Elite 70 - Win your Burnout Elite Licence. Firestarter 20 - Make 50 online Rivals. Great Start 10 - Win a Race. Happy Snapper 10 - Send 5 Camera Shots. Hotshots 20 - Get 50 Snapshots in your Lineup. Join the Party 10 - Complete 1 online Challenge. Lookin' Good 5 - Repair your first wrecked car. Millionaire's Club 25 - Score over a 1,, in Stunt Run. Misdemeanor 10 - Collect 5 Billboards. Notorious 20 - Send 50 Camera Shots. Off the Beaten Path 10 - Collect 25 Smashes. Online and Kicking 30 - Complete 20 online Events. Online Champion 20 - Win 10 online Races. Online Racer 10 - Complete an online Race. Paid and Displayed 20 - Visit www. Party Animal 25 - Complete online Challenges. Party Crasher 15 - Complete 25 online Challenges. Spinnin' Around 10 - Perform a Flatspin in any car. Supercharged 20 - Win 25 Burning Routes. Totally Smashed 20 - Collect all Smashes. Underachiever 30 - Get your C Class License. During gameplay press start to get to the menu, then press Right Bumper. Go to Sponsor code and enter the following. Must have A rank license to use offline. To get on the Power Parking leaderboard, you can take advantage of a small glitch. You only need to handbreak to a stop between the parked cars. This means that if you aim at the gap at a low ish speed, then handbreak to a stop as close to the curb as you can, you can score big. Find an open area with no traffic, from a low speed, drive in a circle, tap the brake left trigger a couple of time to get the drift going. The drift will stop if you hit something or something hits you. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Other versions of this page are available with specific content for the following regions:. Total Film. Burnout Paradise Guide opens in new tab Submitted by 91sportsfan. Xbox Submitted by gog Party Pack Achievements. PS3 Submitted by commander Doomface Trophies. Xbox Submitted by Squeegee Unlockable Cars. Xbox Submitted by Wallman Unlockable Licenses. Xbox Submitted by Adam Bug Achievements. Xbox Submitted by winie poo Power Parking Leaderboard. Xbox Submitted by winnie poo Biggest Drift Leaderboard. Gaming deals, prizes and latest news. Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands. Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors. You will receive a verification email shortly. There was a problem. Please refresh the page and try again. Star Wars Villainous review: "Impressive Razer Barracuda Pro review: "A quality one-and-done headset solution for multi-platform use". Bullet Train review: "Brad Pitt starrer is a zippy, enjoyable ride". Nope review: "A thrilled 'Yup! The Gray Man review: "Hangs some ace action on a threadbare plot". Thor: Love and Thunder review: "Unashamedly absurd and wildly entertaining". Elvis review: "Baz Luhrmann, like Elvis, knows how to put on a great show". The Boys season 3, episode 8 review: "Not the fight we were promised". Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 1, episode 10 review: "An ending that's pure heaven for fans of the original series". Marvel episode 5 review: "A brave, necessary story". Other versions of this page are available with specific content for the following regions: UK Australia.
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Pure (Thor x Virgin!Reader)
I don’t know what possessed me to write this other than the Mjolnir scene in AoU or a fanfic I read once with a similar idea. Because I don’t remember who wrote it with my goldfish-like memory, it’s essentially just Mjolnir has a glitch where virgins can also lift it due to being pure instead of worthy. I’m kinda using that as the prompt for this, but I do remember that in that story it’s Bruce x Reader, so this is already a little different. But still, credits to whoever came up with this concept originally! I’ve been dying to write it since I read it. This will probably read as closer to a female reader than gender-neutral because that is just my writing style. It’s hard for me to write gender-neutral content when I’m essentially writing this as a self-insert and then writing my name and personality out of it. If the reader is also a little more introverted than you typically are, that’s also on me, my bad, friends. Also, slight brucetasha. Why? Because I said so.
Word Count: 2127
Tony was throwing yet another party, and since it was for a successful mission, all the Avengers had to be there. Including you. It wasn’t that you didn’t like parties, you did, you just preferred them when Tony didn’t have an open bar and you weren’t being hit on by someone drunk every other minute. It was better now, since everyone that wasn’t an Avenger or Agent of SHIELD had already left.
And trust me when I tell you that the guys were all drunk, even Steve and Bucky, since Thor had brought some of his Asgardian mead. Bruce didn’t drink because lowered inhibitions and Hulk didn’t exactly mix, so he would fend off drunk suitors for you. Tony had held his liquor pretty well since Rhodey was here tonight and nobody wanted a repeat of Iron Man 2.
“It’s a trick, it’s gotta be.” Clint argued with Thor again.
“I’m afraid not, Brother Barton. Whomever can lift Mjolnir rules Asgard.” Thor responded. Clint stood up and stumbled toward the table. “Please, do help yourself though.” Barton wrapped his hand around the handle and pulled with all his strength.
“I’m telling you, this is a trick. It’s bullshit.” Clint defended himself.
Tony got up and tried, then he got Rhodey to help him. And they argued, as usual. Bruce even pretended to Hulk out to impress Nat, who just chuckled and shook her head.
“Captain Rogers, would you like to try?” Thor asked. Steve finished his beer before standing up, he tugged on the handle slightly, and you swore you saw Mjolnir move. As soon as you glanced from Mjolnir to Thor and back to Mjolnir, it was no longer hovering about the table. Steve raised his hands in defeat and sat back down. Thor originally looked very worried, but that quickly faded away once Steve couldn’t lift it any higher.
“Not me either.” Bucky immediately sent a glare in Steve’s direction, and you know you would hear yelling next door later. You’ve learned though, if you just bang your fist on the wall hard enough, they both apologize immediately.
“See, it’s gotta be a trick if even Cap can’t lift it!” Tony protested. “Whomever yields Thor’s fingerprint can lift the hammer.”
“Well, Lady Natasha? Y/S/N? [Your Superhero Name] Would either of you like to try?”
Nat shook her head. “Oh no, I think we’re content to watch you guys make idiots of yourselves.”
“And please, Thor, call me Y/N.” You added on, the first thing you had said in probably hours. You were content to watch everyone else make a fool of themselves, you didn’t want to join them.
“Aw, Y/N, please?” Bucky asked. “It’d be funny if you could since even the righteous Captain America couldn’t.”
“What the hell, you jerk?” Steve protested.
“LANGUAGE!” Everyone said in sync. Steve shook his head, grumbling about how he wished they had never found him in the ice.
“Stevie.” You said his name and he looked at you. “As much as I am way less willing to make a fool of myself as you guys are..I’ll try to lift it if you stop moping. You were saved after 70 long years, and you never would’ve gotten Bucky out of HYDRA if you hadn’t. So don’t go wishing things like that, because you know Tony’s smart enough to build a time machine and make sure you’re never found.”
Steve nodded and looked back at the floor, “Sorry, Y/N.”
You stood up and walked over to where Mjolnir was sitting. “I am not drunk enough to be trying this.” You muttered under your breath before reaching out, grabbing the handle, and pulling with all your might. You immediately fell on your ass, as you were able to lift Mjolnir like it weighed nothing. Like it was merely a normal hammer. “What the fuck?” You said, dropping Mjolnir.
“Steve, they said a bad language word!” Maria pointed out. Steve sighed and shook his head again.
“H-how?” Bucky asked, looking at Thor.
“Um, let’s see. Oh, what was that old story Father told me that I wasn’t listening to?”
“Not only the worthy, but the most pure can lift Mjolnir.” Loki said from his seat in the corner.
“So because Y/N could lift it, it means they’re either worthy or a virgin?” Tony asked.
“And since nobody else is worthy, and I even have to show my worth sometimes, Y/N is definitely not worthy.” Thor explained.
“Please tell me I’m gonna be too drunk to remember this tomorrow.” You mumbled, getting up to leave.
“I thought you weren’t drunk enough?” Nat asked.
“Well, now I’m too drunk. Good night.” You stumbled off towards your room. “And virginity is a social construct anyways!” You called behind you.
“Literally only virgins say that, kiddo!” Tony called back. You slammed your door behind you, and slid down it, tears dripping down your face.
“Oh, darling.” You looked up to see Loki in your room.
“What are you doing here?” You sniffled softly. It wasn’t that you were scared of Loki, quite the opposite, the two of you were good friends and bonded quite fast. Right after the Battle of New York, Loki revealed that he was under the influence of the Mind Stone, and Thanos was controlling him through it. Once you were recruited to be an Avenger, you ran into him quite often, although you didn’t fall for his tall, dark, and mysterious act. Instead, you fell for his golden-retriever of a brother. You never could quite get used to Loki popping in and out of your room as he pleased though.
“My oaf of a brother doesn’t always realize how these Midgardian things go. I’m sorry that your secret is out.”
“Oh, it’s not your fault, Loki. Someone would’ve found out eventually.” He helped you stand, get out of your fancy clothes and into your pajamas, and do your nighttime routine.
Once Loki had gotten you situated in bed, under the covers, he made you take pain pills and stayed with you until you fell asleep. Afterwards, he left a glass of water on your nightstand and left, locking the door behind him. He ran into Steve and Bucky in the hallway outside your room. “Are they alright?” Steve asked.
“Well, I’m certainly hoping that everyone’s too drunk to remember this, otherwise they may never leave their room again.” Loki replied, wincing softly at the thought of Stark bringing it up over breakfast tomorrow.
“Their best kept secret about their personal life.” Bucky said.
“Oh, there are others, Sergeant, don��t worry about that. But this is something that they find very shameful, with their teleportation powers, they were forced to kill a lot of people in a short period of time, but they understand that it was a kill or be killed situation. So they’ve never been ashamed about that part of their past. But I will let Y/N explain themselves on their own time, so please don’t ask them any questions.”
“Of course not.” Steve started.
“We understand not wanting to talk about the past.” Bucky continued.
“Letting someone come to you is almost always the best way to get information.” Steve finished.
“Norns, it’s like the Weasley Twins with the two of you.” Loki chuckled.
“Who are they?” Bucky asked.
“Ask Y/N if they’ll let you borrow Harry Potter. If you enjoyed the Hobbit, Sergeant, you’ll quite like this.” Loki said. “Now, I’m going to be turning in for the night, I would advise that you two do the same if you’d like to sleep off any of Thor’s wretched mead.”
The next morning, you stumbled into the kitchen to grab your morning coffee, especially since it would help with your pounding headache.
“Oh, little one, I had hoped the pain pills last night would help.” Loki said, placing your favourite mug next to you.
“I already took more.” You mumbled, resting your head on your arms on the table.
“Good morning!” Thor bellowed, walking in. You groaned softly and covered your ears.
“Thor!” Loki chastized. “Just because we don’t get hungover, doesn’t mean that the mortals don’t.” You sat up and hissed at the amount of light entering your eyes, before sipping at your coffee.
“Just the way I like it, Loki.”
“I know, little one. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck.” You muttered into your mug.
“Well, there is no need to feel like that, Y/N! You can lift Mjolnir!” Thor exclaimed.
You groaned again at Thor’s words before tossing a pillow in Loki’s direction, not to hit him, but so he would hit Thor. “Don’t remind me.”
“Why not? It is a joyous day!”
“Thor, Midgardian customs work differently. Since Y/N isn’t worthy, you announced that they are still a virgin. Which for Midgardians, is something that many people are made fun of for.” Loki explained.
“Oh yeah! That’s right! Y/N’s a virgin!” Tony exclaimed, walking in.
“Shouldn’t he be hungover with how much he had to drink last night?” You asked softly.
“Yes, and I was. But Pepper fixed me up, and I’m perfect now, little virgin.”
“Fuck off, Tony.” You teleported back to your room and locked the door. You put your coffee mug on the nightstand before rolling over and essentially turning yourself into a blanket burrito.
“Oh, darling. I know. Stark is an asshole.” Loki said, laying down next to you.
“I’m quitting and moving back home.” You grumbled, curling into his chest.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I can’t let you do that.” Thor said, sitting on your other side. “I am truly sorry about Brother Stark, and that I was unaware of your.. status?”
You chuckled. “Well, Thor, that’s not exactly what it’s called, but thank you for your apology.”
“May I ask how someone as lovely as you is still a virgin?” Thor asked softly.
“It’s not some sob story or anything, I was just more focused on my studies than fucking someone. I never had the chance, and there wasn’t anyone that was actually interested in me like that. I dated a few people, but I was so focused on school, and getting my degree, that I actually had to work for it, unlike Stark. And then when my powers developed, HYDRA got a hold on me to do some experimenting, and I was sent on missions all the time until you guys came to save me. I really just never had the chance.” You explained.
“What about the people that come to Stark’s parties?” Thor asked.
“Well, now that I’m older, I don’t really wanna lose it to just anyone. Plus most of them just want to fuck one of us here so they can say they’ve fucked an Avenger.”
“Now you want to make sure it’s someone you love.” You nodded in agreement, nestling further into Loki’s chest. “Well, what about me?”
“What about me?”
“I-you wanna sleep with me?”
“I do.”
“I told you so, little one.” Loki said, kissing the top of your head.
“You did tell me, Lo.” You said softly.
“Wait, are you two..?” Thor asked.
“No, Thor, we’re not. Loki and I are simply best friends.”
“We get into mischief together.” Loki smirked.
“Would you- would you please pass me my coffee?” You asked softly, unrolling yourself from your blanket burrito enough to free your arms.
Thor passed you your coffee mug and softly kissed your lips. “I’d love to be your boyfriend, Y/N.” You blushed into your coffee mug as you took another sip, with Loki frantically screaming in your head that his otp was coming true.
You choked on your coffee while laughing at him, “Loki, really?”
“What did he say?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, shaking your head. “I’d love for you to be my boyfriend, Thor.”
He took the mug from your hands, placed it back on your nightstand, and kissed you passionately. Loki picked this moment to take his leave, smirking.
It was about 4 hours later when you went to the kitchen for a refill on your coffee, although Thor had certainly helped your hangover with a few tricks he knew.
“Hey, there they are!” Bucky exclaimed. “How are you feeling, kiddo?”
“Better.” You said, nodding. “Thor took care of me.”
“Hell yeah, he did!” Tony shouted.
“Kiddo,” Steve said softly, “You know the walls aren’t soundproofed, right?”
“The walls aren’t- oh fuck, Thor.”
“Yes, you did say that a lot.” Nat said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders “But I’m proud of you.”
“Are those hickies?” Clint asked.
You looked down where the collar of your Thor’s shirt dipped. “Damn it, Thor!”
He started laughing from your bedroom.
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Hypothetical set-up for “What If...?” season 2:
Before the events of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”, America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez reprises her role) encounters Uatu the Watcher. Curious about the girl, Uatu decides to help her find her moms, who are lost somewhere in the multiverse.
So pretty much, America is Uatu’s co-host this season.
1) Starts off with the Gamora and Iron Man episode that was meant for season 1
2) What if Phil Coulson was never stabbed? (the change: The Avengers still form, but aren’t as unified since it was Coulson’s death that brought them together. The Avengers disband early)
3) What if Bruce was the monster and Hulk was the man? (the change: Bruce Banner grew up as a bitter, angry, violent man. Since Hulk is Bruce’s opposite, this version of the Hulk is a meek, kind man who prefers peace. Based on an actual What If comic)
4) What if Shang-Chi moved to New York City instead of San Francisco? (the change: During the Battle of NYC in 2012, Clint Barton saves a 13-year-old Shang-Chi instead of Kate Bishop. This leads to Shang-Chi becoming a Hawkeye fanboy, resulting in a very different version of the Hawkeye show)
5) What if Captain Marvel joined the Guardians of the Galaxy? (the change: Due to Carol’s reputation, the Guardians are accidentally dragged into the Kree-Skrull War. Several Guardians are killed in the ensuing conflict)
6) What if...FUTURE??? (the change: During the events of Endgame, a glitch in the Quantum Realm GPS results in Thor and Rocket Raccoon being accidentally sent to the year 2099. Based on the comics of the same name)
7) What if Khonshu chose Yelena Belova as his avatar? (the change: Yelena is sent on a mission to Egypt during her time as a Black Widow agent. She encounters Khonshu’s statue and agrees to be his avatar in order to go after General Dreykov and dismantle the Red Room)
8) What if the Maximoff twins were raised by the Zemo family? (the change: Wanda and Pietro grow up in a rich baron’s household, resulting in them becoming irresponsible, social media influencers. Basically...Party Wanda and Party Pietro) 
POST-CREDIT: Episode 8 ends with America Chavez and Uatu being chased by a monster sent by MCU Wanda Maximoff. America gets separated from Uatu and ends up in a fucked up universe that even Uatu isn’t aware of.
9 and 10) The Universe Below All: Two-part finale. America finds herself in a universe that has been completely corrupted somehow. It’s later revealed that this is the lair of the One Below All, a multiversal-level being that represents the dark side of the multiverse. The finale is centered on Uatu trying to save America and America trying to find a way out of this hellish universe. 
POST-CREDIT: Uatu introduces America Chavez to Defender Strange, leading into the events of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”.
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
Thor Tags
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Thor || [threads] ||  thunderbolt
Thor || [open] || attract
Thor || [starter] || wild encounter
Thor || [verse] || surge protector
Thor || [verse] || sparking beacon
Thor || [verse] || adrift on the open seas
Thor || [verse] || metal fight pocket monster 
Thor || [verse] || village hidden in the leaves
Thor || [verse] || magical pokemon
Thor || [verse] || mushrooms and warp pipes
thor || [verse] || monsters among men: lightning materia not needed
thor || [verse] || mystery dungeon
Thor || [musing] || a night beneath the stars
Thor || [headcanon] || nasty plot
Thor || [ask] || present
Thor || [visage] || reflect
Thor || [aesthetics] || spark
Thor || [crossover] || off the beaten path
Thor || [party] || Glitch
Thor || [party] || Pikachu
Thor || [party] || Elysia
Thor || [party] || Izzy
Thor || [party] || Nicole
Thor || [party] || Sanji
Thor || [party] || Kai
Thor || [party] || Makoto
Thor || [party] || Luigi
Thor || [makoto] || lightning always strikes twice
Thor || [elysia] || never knew I needed
Thor || [kai] || me and you against the world
Thor || [glitch] || together forever
Thor || [dash commentary]
0 notes
rootbeergoddess · 3 years
Itty Bitty
Thank @thepilotanon​ for giving me this adorable idea.
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“You have ten seconds to explain what happened, Bugman,” Loki said.
“It’s Antman, and if you’re going to insult me, I’m not helping,” Scott said.
“This is amazing!” You said, trying to pick up a pencil. “Wow, this is heavy now.”
Okay, so maybe putting on Scott’s suit to help him test it wasn’t the best idea you had ever had. Now, you were only 3 inches tall. As you wore the suit, something happened; a glitch or a malfunction. When you tried to change back to your normal size, he wouldn’t work. With the suit too tiny to work on, Scott had no idea how to change you back. Your boyfriend was furious.
“I knew I should have stopped them from helping you,” Loki growled. “Look at what you’ve done! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? I’m holding you responsible if anything happens too---”
Loki glanced down to see you jumping off the desk. His hand shot out and grabbed you. He held you against his chest like a baby, sighing with relief.
“Aw, man,” You pouted. “I wanted to see if I could land in Scott’s backpack! Put me down!”
“Absolutely not!” Loki said. “You could have been hurt. Why would you jump at your size?”
“Loki put me down!” You fought against his grip.
“No, I’m not putting you down until you’re the appropriate size,” Loki glared at Scott. “Fix this, or I will end you. Understood?”
“God, you must be fun at parties,” Scott quipped. “I’m already working on a way to fix it, don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
~*~ Exploring the world while being three inches tall was fun.
Well, it was fun for you. Loki didn’t seem to be enjoying it.
After he took you away from Scott, Loki had taken you to the kitchen. He set you down on the counter, looking for something to contain you in. Frowning, you crossed your arms and took in your surroundings. Loki was so busy trying to find a container that he didn’t notice you looking around, taking in how large everything was. An apple was the size of a car now. When Thor entered the kitchen, you smiled as a wicked idea formed in your head.
“Hello, brother,” Thor said. “How are you this day?”
“Frazzled,” He replied. “One of your hero friends ruined my Y/N.”
“Ruined?” Thor asked, picking up the apple. “What happ---”
“BOO!” You shouted, popping out from behind the apple.
Loki whirled around. He shrieked as he ran over and grabbed you off the apple.
“Hey!” You shouted.
“You were about to eat that?” Loki asked. “Did you not see them? How could you be so careless?”
“Loki, I was just playing,” You said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. “Let go!”
“Y/N? Is that you?” Thor asked.
Thor reached over and plucked you from Loki’s hands. You sat down in Thor’s palm and waved up at him.
“Hi, big guy! Well, now you really are the big guy!” You said. “I had a tiny accident with Scott’s suit. Get it? Tiny?”
“Are you in any pain?” Thor asked.
“Nope, I’m fine,” You said. “See, watch it?”
You stood up and walked across Thor’s arm. Loki whimpered, wanting to grab you but also afraid you’d fall. Like a tightrope walker, you skillfully made your way across and then climbed up to his shoulder.
“Tada!” You said proudly.
“Y/N, get down! You’ll fall!” Loki begged.
“I didn’t know you could climb so well,” Thor offered up his hand, and you jumped back into it. “Where did you learn how to do that?”
“I climbed trees all the time when I was little,” You said. “I’m like a monkey!”
“Alright, that’s enough fun and games,” Loki reached for you.
“No! Thor, don’t let him take me!” You begged.
Thor pulled his hand back, causing Loki to glare at him.
“Thor, give them back,” He demanded.
“Thor, Loki won’t let me do anything! I want to explore, and he keeps treating me like a baby!”
“Loki, I don’t see why you can’t let Y/N have some freedom at this size,” Thor said. “What’s the harm in it?”
“What’s the harm? They’re the size of a bug. They could get stepped on, kicked, sucked up one of those vacuum machines,” Loki listed off. “I’m trying to protect them. Just give them to me.”
“I can help you watch them,” Thor said. “How does that sound? Two pairs of eyes are better than one, as the humans say.”
“Well,” Loki said. “I suppose if we both watch them, there is less chance of losing them.”
~*~ Loki needed to keep his mouth shut.
An hour later and his little Y/N was missing.
Thor found Y/N riding the Roomba, and they chased them for what felt like hours. No matter what Loki did, Y/N tried to spurn his attempts of protection. Loki had tried putting Y/N in a cup, but they tipped it over. After searching for Y/N, the two brothers found Y/N riding the Roomba again.Thor suggested putting a plastic container over them (with holes, of course) and placing it down. Y/N managed to also push that over, and Loki found them attempting to turn a sink into a swimming pool. Loki’s last resort was a bucket over his mate, and even that didn’t work because now, he had no idea where Y/N.
“Y/N?” He shouted as he looked under the couch. “Darling, are you there?”
Thor searched upstairs while Loki was in the living room, on his hands and knees, desperate to find you. Protecting you had been easy when you had been normal size; with you the size of a bug, he was useless. His magic, his wits, and his skills could do nothing to keep you safe. He felt like a failure. What would he do if he found your lifeless body? How could he forgive himself? His heart was on the verge of bursting when he heard a noise from the common area.
“Kick hiss ass Obi-Wan!”
“Y/N?” Loki got up. “Y/N!”
He ran towards the source of the noise. Sure enough, there was his sweet Y/N. They were sitting on a pile of books, a chocolate chip cookie sitting in their lap. Their feet dangled as they watched the massive television. Loki sighed with relief as he ran over to the table.
“Beloved, there you are!” Loki went to pick them up.
“Shhhhhh!” They said. “Loki, this is the best part of the movie. Obi-Wan and Darth Vader are going to fight. Let me watch this part, and then you can lock me up.”
Lock them up.
In his attempts to protect his lover, Loki was making them feel like they had no freedom. He hadn’t considered that; he had just been so worried. He sat down next to the table, looking up at the screen. Oh, it was that Space Battle movie they loved so much. Someone must have turned it on for them. He glanced over, looking at their small face. There was chocolate all over it, along with a smile. Loki managed to smile, too; maybe he had been too worried.
Suddenly, Y/N shook. The cookie dropped from their hand. In small bursts, Y/N became larger, and soon, they were their normal size.
“Hey, look at that!” They smiled. “I guess the particles wore off! I’m back to--OOF!”
Loki tackled them in a hug.
“Thank god,” He whispered. “I could have lost you. I could do anything to protect you, I could have lost you, and it would have been my fault.”
“Oh god,” Loki shook as he started to cry. “I could have lost you, I could have lost you, I could have lost you.”
“Loki,” Y/N rubbed the back of his head. “You didn’t lose me. I’m still here, aren’t I? I can take care of myself. You don’t have to always try to keep me safe, you know.”
“But what if---”
“Hush, that’s enough,” You said. “Come on, let’s sit up on the couch and watch the rest of the movie, okay? Just the two of us.”
Y/N got up and pulled Loki towards the couch. They grabbed a blanket and tossed it over Loki. Then crawled under it, snuggling against him. The stress of the day was starting to ebb away as his beloved leaned against him. Loki looked down at them, and Y/N looked up at him, a huge smile on their face.
“Feel better?” They asked.
“I’m starting too,” Loki said, wrapping an arm around them.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, baby,” Y/N said. “I was just having so much fun.”
“I know. I just didn’t want some idiot stepping on you,” Loki sighed.
“Let’s forget about shrinking and just enjoy Star Wars,” They said. “Too bad we don’t have some popcorn.”
Loki snapped his fingers, and a bucket of popcorn appeared before them. Y/N giggled and gave Loki a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a few kernels.
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worstloki · 2 years
Loki Secret Santa 2.0
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in the Loki-Themed-Secret Santa! I hope you enjoyed creating and what you receive!!
Below are the list of participants and what they requested, with links to the fulfilled prompt(s)!
@tonystarkfucksaround : "Loki & Peter Parker bonding" (fic)
@leucoratia : "Thor and Loki childish banter" "Thor and Loki discovering Midgardian treats" (fic)
@whatyoufish4 : "Loki and Thor platonic friendship fluff (bonus if holiday-themed)" "Loki and Tony Stark platonic friendship" (fic)
@fangirlsleep : "chocolate fountain" (fic)
@belligerentmistletoe : “Loki and the Tenth Doctor from Dr Who” (fic)
@stellophia : "Jotun Loki but fluffy" (art)
@titconao3 : "Can you tell I've been hiding from the storm? / Can you see I don't want to be here anymore? / I want out of the darkness in my mind / but what if they don't find me in time / what am I gonna do with all this war paint? / I'm running out of battles with my name / what am I gonna do with all this war paint? / I'm tired of searching / ready for something to go wrong" (fic)
@waterpeaches : “dark academia/loki in a library” (art)
@kaogasm : "Loki wakes up in a hospital waiting room, only to realise the attack on the Statesman was a nightmare. He was very much alive and all Asgardians were safe on Midgard. Problem is, he couldn't remember why he was in a hospital waiting room and had no idea what or who he was waiting for." (fic)
@gayrainbowbridge : "anything tesseroki" "some good old fashioned loki whump" (fic)
@cailjei : “Loki escapes Thanos after he falls to the Void and ends up on Asgard, wounded" "Loki & Thor (platonic), something whumpy" (fic)
@sakania : "Jotun Loki" (fic)
@colifower : “froggy chair” “biromantic ace” (art)
@flyingbooks42 : "Loki and Peter Parker friendship" (fic)
@kimoralov3 : "The Avengers try to throw Loki a birthday party but they don’t know when his birthday is" (fic)
@rosyabomination : "Loki whump" "Hurt/comfort" "Thor and Loki sibling dynamic" (fic)
@wishwashgetoutamehswamp : “mermaid AU” (art)
@lucywrites02 : "Loki enjoying the snow" (fic)
@glitch-in-space : "Bucky/Loki coffee shop AU" (fic)
@chocolateturtlementality : "Loki forms a pact (and maybe a friendship?) with the Cloak of Levitation." (fic)
This list will update as works are posted!!
Tessember Prompts
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capstoverogers · 3 years
A Soul for a Soul - Chapter 2
Pairings: Past Natasha Romanoff/Black!Reader, Eventual Carol Danvers/Black!Reader
Genre: Grief/Angst
Warnings: Mention of Characters' Death, Cursing, Lots o' Sad
Word Count: 3,016
Chapter 1
There was a party raging on the battlefield, because no one didn’t know what else to do, except you all knew Tony would want you to celebrate. But maybe everyone just wanted to put off mourning till morning, didn’t quite yet want to deal with the consequences, for better or for worse.
It was an easier concept to swallow when Thor and his pretty warrior friend with the flying horse disappeared for a moment, then came back in minutes with as much Asgardian beer and liquor as they could manage (which, between the two of them, was a whole damn lot). A friend of Rocket’s - Star Lord - then took the charge, cracking open the first beer and finishing off half it in a single gulp before blasting some mix tape of 70s tunes from his space ship that soon turned the battlefield, this graveyard, into an all-out function.
The largest fire you’d ever seen raged where the compound once stood, courtesy of Zoey, and bodies started to move under the moonlight, freely to the music, helped of course by the copious amount of liquor that helped bury down any sense of sadness in favor of this celebration.
You couldn’t focus, though. You still hadn’t managed to find Nat in this swarm of familiar and strange faces, and she was the only one you wanted to see. Once you had her in your arms, then you could let yourself celebrate - or at least you could try. Even as everyone slowly started to let loose, there was this permeating sense of sadness, as prevalent as the cascades of smoke soaring upward from the fire, as no one could escape the thought of the sacrifice that allowed you all to celebrate like this.
It was like everything was in the way, though, and you supposed you could give a few minutes to these friends who you hadn’t seen in years before you found your wife.
“I can’t believe you’re married!” Zoey was gushing as you stood in a small circle with Bucky, Sam and Steve; the superpowered were wielding Asgardian drinks while the rest of you eyed their bottles enviously. You couldn’t help but grin, showing off the simple, but sleek vibranium band on your finger as Sam pretended to squeal like a valley girl with a hand to his chest and Bucky shot you a simple grin as he held out his metal arm.
“We match.”
You beamed at him, though not with the fervency of Steve, who hadn’t pulled his eyes from the Winter Solider for a second since the battle had ended. Well, except to urgently meet your eyes, seemingly desperate to pull you away for a private moment. You didn’t know why - didn’t know if you wanted to know why - and found yourself avoiding his gaze as it drifted to the crowds of people, hoping to catch the one face you wanted to see above all else.
“I feel like I know no one,” Zoey murmured beside me, also taking in all the people around her. “It’s weird to think that it’s been five years. It felt like…a malfunction. One second I was gone and the very next second, I was here, like nothing happened. Like the world had just…glitched.”
“Like a blip,” Bucky said knowingly. Zoey nodded with a frown, then perked up when the Jackson 5 started blaring from the speakers. She turned eagerly to you, already drifting to where Star Lord had started up a makeshift dance floor.
“We gotta dance!”
Sam was nodding fervently, a little grin playing at his lips as he started to move easily to the beat. You grinned a little, but you were still so distracted, especially as you could sense Steve about to interject, his eyes once again set on you, and you couldn’t get caught in a conversation with him. As much as you truly loved him, they tended to be endless.
“I’ll meet y’all out there,” you assured, backing away before their protests could fully reach your ears. “Gotta find Nat.”
“(Y/N)…” Steve started, but Zoey beat him to it as she nodded with a grin.
“Oh, I bet you do,” she said, eyebrows waggling ridiculously, and man, you missed this. You laughed heartily, then turned away, starting to feel desperate the deeper you got in the crowd. It had been over an hour - where had she been?
You finally caught a glimpse of Clint, who had seemingly changed into his civilian clothes, your heart spiking when you saw that he was talking to someone who his body mostly obscured, but you could tell it was a woman shorter than him. Of course your best bet would be to find Nat with Clint; she’d probably got caught up in the crowd and reunion just like you did, but just like he’d promised before he left, Clint was still looking out for your girl.
Before you could make my way over to them, though, you found yourself colliding straight into Peter’s strong chest. He stumbled back, the profuse apology already tumbling off of his lips, only slowing down when he noticed it was you. All thoughts of making your way to Natasha fled from your mind as you took in your friend’s red eyes, half-empty bottle of aged Asgardian liquor in his hand and the sway in his step.
“How are you, Pete?” You asked, stepping close so he could hear your voice, soft with compassion and concern.
“Drunk,” he hiccuped with a brief, bright smile that reminded you of the fifteen year old boy you had met years ago before it quickly faded. “And sad.”
Peter was always the type to wear his heart on his sleeve - one of the things that hadn’t changed about him, along with his forever gentle and earnest brown eyes. Even as he sprouted up - shoulders broader and jaw firmer and covered in the scruff he hadn’t gotten a chance to shave off yet - he was still Peter. Just a wearier, more mature one, but still always filled with a hope that had helped fuel you all.
As much as your own heart hurt over the loss of Tony, it hurt even more seeing clearly how it was affecting Peter. You’d never seen him drunk before. Granted, it took a lot of Earth liquor for someone like him to even get a buzz, but the way his words slurred off of his tongue was telling.
“I’m sorry, Pete.”
He shrugged, eyes glazing over for a second before his attention drifted to the music. He perked up slightly.
“Hey, is that Zoey?!” He smiled a little in wonder, eyes honing in on The Flame as she figuratively burned a hole in the makeshift dance floor. She had attracted the attention of a drunk Star Lord, who was laughing as she showed everyone up. “Wow. I haven’t seen her in…”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as he struggled to count.
“Five years,” you supplied, your smile more soft than mocking as he turned back to you with an eager nod. “You go say ‘hi.’ She’ll like that. I’m gonna find Nat.”
“Okay!” Peter chirped, seemingly drunk and distracted enough by Zoey to let his sadness fall to the wayside, at least for a moment. He began to stumble towards her, but stopped, something pensive crossing his gaze. “It’s not weird anymore.”
You furrowed your brow at him, “What’s not weird?”
“If me and her went out. S’not weird anymore ‘cause I’m grown up.”
You chuckled fondly at how ironically boyish he sounded. Peter’s crush on Zoey back in the day had bordered on infamous with how completely obvious it was, but of course she had seen him as nothing but a little brother, with the nine year age difference and all.
But you guessed that was a four year age difference now.
“Better get on it before that Star Douche dude does,” you said, nodding to how the aforementioned space punk was dancing a little too closely to Zoey in a way that was almost rhythmic and would have maybe been charming if you weren’t already decidedly Team Peter Parker. You clapped Peter on the back, and you grinned at each other. He started to sway towards the dance floor, his shoulders bouncing to the beat, and you watched him for a second.
“Hey Peter?”
He looked at you curiously over his shoulder. You offered him a small smile.
“We’re gonna be okay,” you said. “I know it doesn’t really feel like it now, but…we’ll get through this too.”
You were happy to see his smile sincere, no matter how small it was. He nodded once, then turned back towards Zoey and the dance floor, finally leaving you to make your way to Natasha.
Except as you got closer to Clint, you realized that he wasn’t talking to Nat, but his wife, who he must’ve fetched from their home - along with their kids - and brought back to the celebration. You furrowed your brow at how even from across the way, you could notice how red his eyes were as his shoulders seemed permanently slumped. Tony meant a lot to everyone, but you hadn’t expect to see Clint that affected.
You let out a sigh as you recognized Steve’s voice from behind. In a second, his long steps led him right in front of you, this striking mix of urgency and tragedy saturating his blue eyes as he gazed down at you.
“I need to talk to you,” he said in a quiet, serious tone. He took ahold of your wrist, firmly but gently, and you knew you had no chance of pulling away from his grip.
“Can it wait?” you pleaded, your head started to crane around again. “I just really want to see Nat.”
When you looked back at him, something had completely crumbled in his gaze as he stared down at you, and you knew immediately. You think you knew the second you’d stepped foot on the battlefield and hadn’t seen her, hadn’t felt her, but had buried the feeling down deep, because it couldn’t be true.
“No,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to step back, though Steve’s tightened grip held you in place. “Steve, no.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“No.” Your voice stretched and cracked as your eyes started to sting. This wasn’t happening. You were misreading this. Nat was about to come up to you at any second, wrap her arms around your waist, assure you that she was there, that everything was okay.
“To get the soul stone, it required a sacrifice,” Steve said, voice strained and eyes pained, and slowly you started to feel everything crumble around you. “A soul for a soul. Clint tried to stop her, tried to give his life, but you know Nat…”
He tried to smile; it didn’t hit.
You did know Nat. How she always felt like she wasn’t doing enough. How she never felt like she had fully atoned for the darkness of her past. How big and noble her heart was, how she would do whatever it took to complete the mission, if it meant it would save you all.
It’s why you loved her so much.
It felt like your chest was about to collapse on itself. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t see through the mess of tears streaming down your face. This couldn’t be real.
You could feel Steve’s arm start to come around you, but you pulled away, shaking your head as he stared at you helplessly. He was one of the greatest heroes Earth had ever known.
But there was nothing he could do about this.
One shot of Asgardian liquor, and you were done. Thor wasn’t kidding about that shit.
You didn’t know how much time had passed. Could’ve been ten minutes. Could’ve been three hours. You sort of wished that it was the rest of your life, that Thanos would’ve managed that snap before Tony snatched the glove away from him - then you wouldn’t have to feel.
The next best thing, though? Being fucking drunk. The ache was there, but it was more numb. Your head unconsciously swayed to the music, fainter from where you sat in the dirt, yards away from the party. You fingered your wedding band and felt so fucking empty, but somehow it was okay, because you were drunk.
You wanted to kill Clint. He told you he’d look out for her. You trusted him to fucking look after her.
Then you remembered how broken he looked when you’d caught a glimpse of him and realized that if there was anybody who could understand how you were feeling, how you were trying not to feel, it was him.
You were rooted to the spot, though. Maybe you’d never move again. Why did it have to be Nat who went to that dumb planet to get that stupid stone? It couldn’t have been anyone else? No one knew what you’d have to lose in order to win?
You heard footsteps approaching, and usually your reflexes were sharp (you hadn’t climbed your way up the S.H.I.E.L.D. hierarchy by being slow, after all. You wondered what your job would be now that Fury and Hill were surely back. You wondered if you’d make it past this night), but it took you a long second to pull your head up from where you had been staring at your ring.
You squinted at the strong-stanced blonde hovering carefully a few feet away from you. Her figure was imposing, but somehow you could tell that her eyes were soft.
“Hey,” you coughed up a hiccup, “hey, Carol.”
She looked amused and pitying at the same time as she nodded, taking a slow step closer.
“Hey (Y/N),” she said softly. She glanced down at the bottle perched in the dirt by your feet, chanced a small smirk. “I don’t think that stuff’s made for people like you.”
“You mean us mere mortals?” You slurred with a stupid, bitter sort of grin followed by a hollow chuckle.
Her own grin was drowning in the pity now.
“Yeah. No offense.”
You shrugged. You didn’t care. Nothing like spending the past decade with a bunch of super-humans to make one deeply confront their own mortality. You’d reckoned with your normalcy a long time ago, the fact that you’d never be as great as them, no matter how hard you tried.
“How about sad people?” You said after a moment.
Her brow furrowed, puzzled.
“Sad people,” you reiterated with a slur. “This shit made for sad people? ‘Cause I’m…” You frowned for a moment. “Not sad. ‘Cause sad’s a feeling, and I don’t think I have those anymore.”
You were kind of confused by the understanding in Carol’s eyes, and you realized you knew next to nothing about her. You knew she’d saved Tony, Peter and Nebula from space five years ago, and she was possibly the most powerful being you’d ever seen. You knew she’d known Fury since you were a child and that you liked her. She felt safe without trying, was witty and to-the-point and was really easy to get along with. She’d swing by the compound to check in, every few months, and it was always nice when she did.
“I heard what happened.” You don’t know when, but suddenly Carol was sitting next to you, and you think she was trying to drown you in sympathy as she looked intently, but gently at you. “I’m sorry.
You peered at her for a long second, then shook your head.
“You can say her name, you know,” you announced, strangely angry at the vagueness of her statement, like you were fragile, like your entire childhood hadn’t been marred by loss and struggle. “Natalia Romanova. Natasha Romanoff to us dumb Americans.” You gave a laugh that came out more as a hiccup. “Black Widow. My wife.”
You ran your fingers across your wedding band as Carol watched quietly. You couldn’t really read her gaze, didn’t really care to, but she’d stopped looking at you like you were the most pathetic creature in the world, so that was nice at least.
The two of you were silent for a moment. You kept playing with your wedding band. You and Natasha had been married for one month, two weeks, three days. You thought you’d have forever. Everything burned. Your eyes, your throat, your chest.
“I lost a wife too.”
Your head snapped up. Carol was staring off towards the party, the fire still going strong.
“The same one, three different times,” she continued with a dry chuckle. “I won’t lie, it’s different than your situation, but…”
She shrugged, turning her head towards you with a slight smile.
“I know what it’s like, feeling like your entire life has been ripped away from you and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m the biggest bad ass in the universe,” she gave a self-aware smirk, and it actually made you grin a little, “but I still couldn’t get her back.”
Helpless. That’s exactly how you felt. You’d always been able to get what you wanted, even against the most seemingly insurmountable odds - you had grown up an orphan in the hood, for Christ’s sake. But now there was this, and you knew you couldn’t get what you wanted this time. As hard as you tried, as much as you worked, what could you possibly do in the end?
You wanted to cry. You just hiccuped instead, then appraised Carol curiously.
“She didn’t die three times, though,” you said with drunken certainty. “Your wife.”
“No. Just the last time,” Carol said simply. Her words surprised you; you’d assumed maybe Carol’s wife had been snapped away but was back now. “I lost her a long time before that, though.”
There was steadiness, a resignation to the sadness that tinged her otherwise cool voice.
“Oh.” You shifted a little. “Sorry.”
She shrugged, meeting your eyes again.
“Me too.”
Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
first time reader - click here
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TW/SUMMARY: Is bad humour a trigger? Cards against humanity. Loki in the wild. Chaotic Tony, chaotic Reader. Team bonding, a gag chapter lmao
My beta is babey 🥺 @miscmarvelwritings
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If someone had bothered to ask me what kind of relationship I had with Tony, it would've made my brain glitch. In the weeks we spent fucking, sciencing and hanging out with the Avengers, it never once crossed my mind. We had fun and it was easy. Unlike both of our lives, it didn't require much mental energy for us to get what we wanted from each other. For me, it was easier to ignore my skin aching for Tony when he was already spending so much time on me. I wasn't sure if it would ever be enough, really, so taking exactly as much as he was giving was my best bet.
We built things in his workshop with Pete by our side and it wasn't awkward. The spiderling said he was happy as long as we were happy and didn't mind it too much when Tony got handsy. The man had at least some morals and stuck to kisses, ass-slaps and lewd comments which made Peter snort and fake-retch sure, yet the boy never displayed any real discomfort. It was endearing. He really became the little brother I never thought I would have.
The sex was fantastic, to say the least. We fucked on just about every flat surface on the residential floors. Steve caught us once, although I am almost hundred percent sure Tony staged it all on purpose. The good Captain didn't even blush, instead just silently closed the door behind him as I stared in his face, gripping Tony's head with my thighs.
The weather grew dreary yet both of my parents still stayed out of New York. Mother went back to Canada and dad continued his never-ending party on the West Coast, conquering California and living his best life. My house was dark and cold, and I started hanging around the tower more often than ever. If I wasn't with Tony, I was busy catching up Wanda and Bucky on pop culture, teaching Thor how to bake cakes and doing other meaningless, domestic stuff. The Avengers tower bustled with life at all hours and there always was someone...
I never felt lonely. It was such an unusual experience. Comfort and reassurance was always one room away. Be it Thor with his gratuitous amount of physical affection or his brother's incredibly witty, dark humor, I never had to stay one-on-one with my thoughts for too long.
Personally witnessing Bruce's coming out of his shell was the highlight of my life, no lie. I was so used to the quiet, mousy Banner that my brain refused to acknowledge his amazing sense of humour at first; I wasn't sure if he was joking or ... Or what? Truth to be told, Brucie-bear was as snarky as Tony,Loki and Stephen. The sorcerer had started visiting more often too, under the guise of tutoring Wanda, but all of us saw the way he lingered in the communal areas after their study time came to an end.
If loneliness was a sickness then the tower's inhabitants and frequent visitors were beginning their recovery journey.
"Have you guys heard about Cards Against Humanity?" I asked one evening once the movie credits began rolling. Wanda was squished into my side with her legs in her brother's lap; Clint laying atop both siblings like the trash bag that he was. And I meant it fondly.
On the other side of me, I had Bucky and Loki, who had begun to discuss their respective collections of sharp and pointy things once they deemed the movie lacked action. Legally Blonde and action, did they really think..? Nevermind.
"Yes, and if you're offering, the answer is yes," Clint mumbled, reaching for his second pack of Cheetos.
We gathered in a circle as I brought the shoebox that had the original deck plus a couple of expansions. This was beginning to look interesting. "So, I have the special Avengers edition right there..."
"Say no more," Clint even abandoned his snacks. "But I'mma put on the episode of Lucifer I missed. Multitasking," He winked, wrestling the remote from Pietro. We waited patiently as they finished the obligatory round of horsing before settling down for the game.
I explained the rules of the game, choosing to disregard Loki's scoffing and Wanda's doubt about the quality of the humor in the game. We played a few rounds with me explaining some of the deeper pop culture references. At a point where all of us were engrossed, laughing and poking fun at each other, more of the Avengers parked themselves on the couch.
Stephen, Tony and Bruce evidently had been sciencing, all three men having had their safety goggles perched forgotten atop their heads. Sam, Natasha and Steve - probably sparring. All three of them brought the smell of soap and laundry detergent to the room. All of the newcomers observed us with mild interest, periodically glance at the TV.
It was Wanda's turn to be the card Czar. I had to take a moment to finish my last giggling fit.
"Okay, the white card goes..." She paused dramatically. "I never truly understood blank until I encountered blank." With that, she poked the timer app on her phone. The sixty second countdown began.
I did a quick inventory check. Then I snorted. I had to quickly stuff two knuckles in my mouth, biting down, to attempt to silence the hysterical fit of laughter I was on the brink of. Loki was definitely going to stab me but the opportunity was too good to pass. No fear, we die like men.
"Ooh, she's got something," Clint teased, having noticed my shaking shoulders.
The timer beeped. Naturally, Loki went first. He wore a mildly disgusted smirk. "I never truly understood parting the red sea until I encountered third base," The trickster caved and began chuckling.
Somewhere behind me, Sam and Tony began cackling while Stephen and Steve groaned loudly in mild distaste.
"Press F to pay respects," Pietro clapped Loki on the shoulder with a sympathetic chuff. "I raise you - I never truly understood licking things to claim as your own until I encountered the clitoris," The young avenger struggled through laughter, followed by everyone else this time.
"That's a keeper, ladies," Sam's rich baritone quipped.
I laughed along, inwardly preparing for the inevitable. "Yikes," I whispered, side-eyeing Loki. "I never truly understood daddy issues..." I trailed off, hearing Bucky and Steve beginning to tease Tony. "... Until I encountered Loki, the trickster God."
The room drowned in a sea of laughter, Tony and Clint busting a gut so hard they fell over. Said trickster God was less than amused, however, glaring in my direction with the force of a pissed off bee swarm.
"Ow, that's cold, Princess, that's just cold," Clint squeezed out.
"Loki," I abandoned my stack of cards, crawling over Pietro and Bucky on all fours, settling prettily on my knees in front of Loki. Making my very best puppy eyes. "I love you, with all my cold black heart. And you're technically the patron saint of fun and shit, so that means you must approve of this very clever joke," I pouted, batting my eyelashes.
"Baby girl, I think you're laying it on too thick," Tony gasped, slumping on the couch, holding his sides. Everyone kept laughing, now at my feeble attempt at placating the upset Loki.
Who, by the way, looked a bit spooked. Subtly but surely, the raven-haired Asgardian leaned away from me.
"Don't be mad, I'm too cute to be mad at," I finally snorted, pat-pat-patting him on the shoulder. "It's okay, you can join my club. We have hot old dudes and cookies."
That broke it. First, the corner of his mouth twitched. Then, Loki looked away. I saw the storm before it crashed; with a weird noise of his own and his cheeks puffed out, Loki joined in on the shit-fest, howling full volume and doubling over. I followed suit, until all of us were writhing around on the floor. We'd stop and then someone would make another remark and it would go into another round again.
"Menace," Loki scoffed at me, smiling. "And for the record, the hottest old dude, as you put it, would be me." That said, he went back to calmly waiting for his next turn. "I'm about a thousand years old."
"Thor's older," Bruce noted thoughtfully.
Loki scoffed. "That man cannot chew with his mouth shut. If that's considered attractive, I'm leaving this forsaken planet."
That struck a thought within me. One that was brewing a long time, to be honest. "Thor is the god of himbos," I said with the same tone as "Eureka!".
"Shit, you're right," Sam exclaimed, following with another, weaker fit of laughter meanwhile Bruce had to be the one explaining the term to the poor, poor, clueless members of the Avengers.
I need to find a way to award them some kind of points for learning the gen-z lingo. "Patrick" stars maybe, since they lived under a fucking rock?
"Princess, never a boring day with you around. You don't half-ass this shit," Tony's warmth reached me as he shuffled around on the couch, sitting directly behind me. I leaned my back against his legs.
"I'm not a clown," I shot back. Tony stiffened. Dramatically flailing my hand I announced: "I am the whole god-damn circus!"
As the game progressed, we found out that Clint was That Guy - meaning, the dude every CAH group had, the one who grossly overused the "Bees?!" card and made Star Wars references whenever humanly possible. The only even slightly funny joke was about a lightsaber up the ass, in the end all of us finding out that Bucky knew a little too much about modern sex toys - "Hey, I saw one on Amazon, I'll send you the link, Birdman" - to Steve's open-mouthed horror.
What Loki lacked in references he made up in wit. The play on "During sex, I like to think about genetically engineered supersoldiers" had Bucky scrambling to switch places with Wanda whilst Loki himself was attempting to shoot bedroom eyes at Steve. It was a mess.
Bucky's own play had Steve abandon all pretense at being in any way appropriate as he struggled for air. "The Avengers new rules prohibit using Mjölnir as a dildo." Me and Tony became somewhat of a messy guffawing octopus of limbs for a moment after the super-soldier said it.
"Don't. Tell. Thor!" Strange gritted out, hiding his laughter behind a palm, uncharacteristically having lost his stuffy attitude. By god's will the man was attractive when he smiled.
As time ticked, each one of the starting players had attracted a newcomer. There weren't enough cards for everyone to play (Tony had, of course, ordered additional ones but they wouldn't arrive until the next day) so people kind of whispered and pointed at what they thought would fit.
Natasha conspired with Wanda, Sam went to his bird-bro, Bruce was forcefully dragged by Bucky to his side. Surprisingly, Steve teamed up with Loki which made Pietro stick his nose up in the air and promptly declare he needed no backup.
I already had Tony on my side. The genius wasn't of much help, however, he simply annoyed me out of my skull by randomly giggling and making immature jokes. It should've alarmed me that Stephen was eager to join me and Tony - usually he just butted heads with anyone who had any opinion whatsoever.
I was left bewildered upon discovering the wizard liked drama as much as the Kardashian clan and was quite competitive at causing the most shit.
My clown crown felt threatened.
"This one," Tony poked at a card in my hand.
"If you think that's funny, your intellect is obviously overestimated." Stephen dismissively waved a hand. "This one," It was unmistakable whom the trembling finger belonged to. It pointed at a card on the other side.
"Wizards are just hilarious," Tony seeped sarcasm.
"Try me, Beyonce," Stephen murmured darkly.
That was just background noise to me. I had all my undivided attention on the TV, my last two functioning brain cells focused on the scene unfolding right in front of me. The Lucifer episode, the devil and his insatiable thirst for honey. The timer buzzed but I was still drawn towards Tom Ellis dipping two of his fingers first in the honeypot, then in his mouth, all the while looking like a damn snack himself. Illegal. I've never simped so hard for a fictional character.
A golden glow snatched a card out of my grasp, levitating it.
"Girl, what the hell?" Wanda saw my face and attempted to revert me back to earth. "Someone turn off the TV, there's not enough water in the tower to quench her thirst."
"Hey, did you two just - don't ignore me!" Tony whined, managing to tug on my hair and attempt to reach for the card now held in Stephen's grasp, simultaneously.
"I don't blame her," Clint mused. "That right there is one very fine dude."
I shook my head, clearing any untoward thoughts. Focus. "First of all, Bird, you're a dude. That there," I pointed up at the TV. "Is a man. A Man." I emphasised, getting a jealous poke in the back from Tony. "Second of all..." I turned towards Stephen. "The quaffle, the snitch and the AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH!" The last of my sentence was pitched. The sorcerer had raised his arm, clutching the card, and I struggled to reach it.
"What... What did you just say?" Stephen was laughing, not at all phased by me climbing him like a tree to take hold of what's mine. Tony was actively helping - or, trying to. One-handed. The other hand attempted to snatch the rest of the cards from my grasp.
"And that's an F on teamwork," Bucky's sarcasm was complemented by Steve's famous Captain America Is Disappointed In You look.
"Uhh... Guys? What's going on?" Peter's timid voice leaked confusion.
"Hello, friends," Thor boomed, drowning out the boy's questioning noises.
"We're playing a game. Cards Against Humanity."
Wordlessly, Peter towed Thor along with him to find a spot amongst us. And even if Thor didn't get any of the references, he still was good fun. His laugh was infectious. The way he cheered for every winner was incredibly wholesome. Golden space puppy. The urge to immediately pet Thor and give him endless pop-tarts was strong in me.
Loki was one dramatic, vengeful bitch. "Women get turned on by the Devil himself"? I was ready to throw hands with the trickster. Everybody's laughter drowned out any cursing I might or might have not directed towards Loki who looked far too satisfied with himself. I was going to substitute the sugar for his tea with salt one day, mark my words.
I wouldn't admit it over my dead body, but the way he got back at me for the daddy issues joke was kinda funny. Okay, very funny. It was fucking hilarious. I admire a clever man.
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.6
...with the A+ Team
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 3070
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
You get to spend the day with the Avengers. Should you be excited or scared? Well, Steve is by your side, so… you will be alright... right?
Warnings: swearing, FLUFF, Steve’s friends being Steve’s friends… go figure, attempt at humour, and tbh Steve’s damn body needs a warning too
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Story masterlist
Steve took you to lunch. Natasha had been kind enough to lend you some clothes so you didn’t look like Steve’s trophy; he might have looked a bit disappointed if you were being honest, but you suspected Natasha had chosen the clothes with great care and intention to keep Steve’s eyes on you, because you actually didn’t look half-bad, simple summer dress along with matching shoes more suitable for a walk than the ones you had worn to the party.  
And obviously, Steve didn’t forget to tell you that you looked beautiful.
You felt like a princess; it seemed Steve had been serious when saying he had planned on spoiling you. Not that you were complaining. There was just that little annoying voice in the back of your head, reminding you that all of this was too perfect to be true, that there must have been something hiding behind a corner, waiting to cast a shadow over your happiness.
You learned more about Steve’s life in the past. He appeared to be telling you even slightly embarrassing things. When you called him out on it, teasing him that he wanted to scare you away, the tips of his ears went pink and he enlightened you. Apparently, he was ninety eight percent sure it would come to Truth or Dare during the game afternoon and he wanted to get things out in private so you weren’t too taken aback.
That you understood, deciding to reciprocate the gesture and surprisingly… it wasn’t awful.
It actually turned out to be an awfully great idea, because Steve wasn’t wrong.
The game afternoon started with highly intellectual Scrabble, interestingly in a version for more players with bigger board, which fascinated you. You weren’t necessarily bad at it, but it was hard to compete with a man who had seven PhD.s. Still, you had fun.
And then it came. Truth or Dare.
“I start!” Tony exclaimed, his eyes immediately falling on you. Oh no. You should have seen this coming. “Truth or dare?”
You eyed Steve warily, hoping for a clue. He just shook his head. “I don’t think it really matters, doll. You’ll suffer either way.”
You snorted, hoping no one could see how horrified you were at that statement.
“Alright. I honestly dread your dares. I’ll go with truth.”
“Good. Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Avengers.”
“Boo!” Clint called out. “Boring. Obvious choice for at least one of those things.”
You bit your lip. Yeah, it probably was. Just as you opened your mouth to tell who would you marry (not that he wouldn’t be your choice for one more and you weren’t thinking Kill), Tony interjected.
“Ah-ah! No Cap. Avengers minus Cap!” he ordered, causing you to gape.
How dared he!
You bit your cheek, considering an answer and suddenly, another of the three became obvious.
“Firstly – fuck you, Tony, for such a question,” you hissed playfully, drawing a laugh from Natasha and Clint. You smirked in satisfaction, your mind racing.
“Hm… I guess that if can’t pick the obvious choice, I’d marry Thor.” Steve gasped at your side, pretending to be wounded. You shoved him lightly, grinning. “Come on. From what I saw, Asgardians clearly know how to treat their women. And lastly… huh. Do I have to?”
“Yep. Spill. Unless you want to lose already.”
“Ugh, fine. Can I… kill the Hulk, but let Bruce live?” you mumbled, earning a smile from Natasha and the man in question.
“I call bullshit!”
“I call her smart. You did say the Avengers. It’s her turn,” Bruce opposed Tony, rushing to your rescue since you had been so generous to him.
Steve’s hand subtly found yours, giving a tender caress in agreement.
“Alright. Thanks. So…” You honestly had no idea who to pick. You never had been much for this game, never being able to come out with something shocking enough. One might call you boring. You smirked when you figured it out. “Natasha. Truth or dare?”
She squinted at you, suspiciously. “Dare.”
“I dare you to tell me the worse insult for a man you can think of.”
The spy raised an eyebrow, but gave it a serious consideration. "слабый хуй.“
“Ouch,” Clint winced, which was enough of a confirmation.
You repeated the words for yourself before glancing at Tony. “Thanks, Natasha, I’ll remember that in case I ever need that.”
Tony had enough decency to look scandalised at your hint on who you were planning on using it.
“Clint, truth or dare?”
The archer picked the dare. He had to try to juggle with seven apples. To your shock, he actually managed for a few seconds, with seven apples, what the hell – and that was how you learned he had actually been with a circus for a while. Talk about surprises.
To your misfortune, Clint picked you. You decided that another truth was the lesser evil.
“Alright. So… have you seen it?”
Steve choked on his coke whilst your eyes just went wide.
Clint snickered. “I meant Cap’s gear. And if you didn’t, would you like to?”
Yep, still sounded like he was not talking about Steve’s battle gear—and jeez, that sounded dirty as well.
“I am not answering that question unless we state what you mean by that and that it’s not a euphemism,” you proclaimed, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Fine. I mean his shield. Obviously.”
“No I haven’t and… I mean…” you glanced at the man in question, whose face was still red from the cough caused by Clint’s innuendo. “Sure. I’d like to. When or if he’s willing.”
Steve smiled at you, touched by your consideration. Of course he was Captain America. The shield he carried was an important symbol, but only for his famous persona. Not for Steve Rogers. You mainly wanted to know Steve Rogers. You smiled back at him.
“Oh, I’m sure he’s willing to show you his shield and what can he do with it, alright…”
“Barton, I swear you’re the worst,” Steve groaned, tilting his head back. You just rolled your eyes and turned to Bruce, asking about his first kiss when he chose truth.
He inquired Tony about his worst interaction with a fan and Tony passed the torch to Steve, daring him to do one-arm push-ups, one for each year he had. Steve gave him an annoyed look at the mention of his age, but you were very sure that Tony had given him the dare to torture you, because seeing Steve in a t-shirt do exactly that, the muscles on his arms shifting, was… doing things to your heart rate and breathing. You weren’t sure whose physiology was affected more by the workout – yours or Steve’s. By Tony’s knowing smirk, he had a good guess that it was yours.
Steve chose Clint, Clint went for Natasha, Natasha decided to poke Bruce. It was childish and it was more than a bit wonderful.
Tony pulled out a card game then, one you hadn’t seen before. It was called Dobble and it turned the Avengers into actual children, shouting one after another, fake-crying and pushing and poking each other. Your cheeks and belly hurt from the laughter. When you managed to win one of the rounds, you punched the air victoriously, roaring laughter at everyone’s shocked expression. Steve kissed you on the lips, rewarding the winner, letting the others to fight for the second place.
“You’re amazing,” he whispered to your ear, nuzzling his nose in your hair, making your laughter die in your throat and shiver.
“Just trying to make you proud, Steve. Just trying to make you proud and to have a great time while doing so.”
“I’m glad you do.”
Few rounds later, you were all sprawled on the couches, exhausted.
“Sir, I’d like to inform you I finished the scanning of the security update as you asked and found the glitch,” a male voice with British accent sounded above your head all of sudden and you jolted up into a straight sitting position, startled.
“What the hell was that?!” you yelped, causing everyone to stare at you questioningly.
“Jarvis, who else? Thank you, Jarvis, you’re the best,” Tony called out, seemingly unconcerned by talking to a voice coming from the ceiling.
Your face scrunched in even bigger confusion, but seeing everyone unaffected by the intruder, your fear quickly dissolved. “Jarvis?”
“The resident A.I. How did you not meet him before?” Clint questioned, looking at Steve accusatively. You followed his gaze, shocked.
There was an artificial intelligence in the building?! “How did that not come up during the tour?!”
Steve had enough decency to look ashamed. “I was… distracted,” he murmured, his cheeks dusted with a little pink.
Tony snorted, wiggling his eyebrows. “Jarvis, meet Cap’s girl.”
“Hello, Miss. It’s a pleasure to meet you. How do you wish me to call you?”
“Cap’s girl,” Tony repeated, while Clint called out “Miss America.”
“She’s her own person, you know. Not just Steve’s girlfriend,” Natasha scolded them both.
“And she has a name,” Steve added, shooting them a dirty glare.
“And she’s right here,” you grumbled for a good measure and said your name for the… the Jarvis? Just Jarvis, you guessed. You felt surreal when apparently speaking to air, but Tony talked to him (Him? It?) with such ease you couldn’t do it differently.
God knew you might actually hurt Jarvis’ feelings. Did AI have feelings?
“As you wish.”
“Please, Jarvis, grant her unlimited access to my room and to the Tower as well,” Steve pleaded and your head snapped to him, surprised. He only replied with a smile.
“Certainly, Captain,” the AI answered politely.
Seriously? Just like that? An access to the Avengers Tower? And… to Steve’s room? Any time you wanted?
Steve wanted you here, you realized, the revelation overwhelming, but so, so sweet. He wanted you here at any time.
Thank you, you mouthed and he just shook his head, covering your hand with his.
“We talked about this too, Jarvis,” he addressed the AI, scolding for something you didn’t understand.
“I’m aware, Captain. But since Sir is present, I have to call you that.”
Your eyebrows shot up. What was this about? Probably Tony being annoying, your mind supplied helpfully and the corners of your lips twitched in amusement.
“…hold on a sec. Are you telling me you’re calling him something different when I’m not around?” Tony blurted out, scandalized.
“Yes, Sir. But I’m afraid that addressing is classified and you have no authorization to change it,” Jarvis explained, measured.
“I created you! I have all the authorization!”
“That is very true, Sir. However, since you wish me to call him Captain, he outranks you, Sir.”
You burst out laughing, the team soon joining in.
“Did he… did he make his A.I. sassy?” you choked out between your fits, only to have a collective howl of yes to answer you.
“Jarvis, we are going to have a serious talk about loyalty. Soon,” the billionaire grumbled, sending everyone into another outburst. “Right now, actually. Kids, get out of the living room.”
The team scrambled to their feet, putting their dishes to the dishwasher and going each their own way, still chuckling.
“So, this was fun,” you stated as Steve led you down through the halls, his hand on your lower back. He was being very touchy-feely indeed and you definitely enjoyed every second. “What’s happening now? The movie night starts at half past eight, right?”
“Well… I actually thought about working out for a bit if you wouldn’t mind-“
“Was the nearly hundred push-ups – on one arm – not enough?” you teased him and he made a sour face.
“Don’t remind me. A little sparring would be great. I missed the morning run and-“
“And you’re a man of routine.”
He looked at you a bit funny, but didn’t try to deny it.
“Alright. I guess I’ll answer the thousand texts Ryan sent me and… then maybe come watch? Who you’ll be sparring with?”
“Natasha probably, if she’s game. Jarvis, could you ask her?” he called out softly and not a half-minute later, he got his answer.
“Agent Romanoff is on board. Agent Barton says he’ll be joining you.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at that, but then only shrugged and pecked your temple before pulling away. “Sounds interesting. Let’s do this.”
“So… does that mean I’m allowed to come along?”
“…if that’s what you want.”
Hearing his reluctance, you wondered if he was worried to show you his… perhaps violent side, fearing it might change your view of him. It was ridiculous; you had a good idea of what he did for living, you had seen some videos back in the day after the invasion. Like it or not, his job required brutal force; you were as aware of that as much of the fact that he used the power he held over others thanks to his serum and training to protect, the hurt part only harming aggressors.
You only considered it for a split second. This was a part of Steve. You had established you wanted to get to know all of Steve. Still, you understood he might not be comfortable to show you yet.
“Absolutely,” you assured him, taking care not to sound adamant. “Unless you mind showing me.”
His previously guarded expression softened and when his lips touched your forehead this time, he lingered.
“I’m willing to show you as much as you think you can take,” he whispered and you couldn’t help but snort despite being moved by his openness. The time spent with Clint and Tony was clearly taking its toll on you.
“Sorry, sorry-”
“I can’t believe they corrupted you like that,” he spoke to the ceiling, whiny.
“I’m sorry. I’m gonna go deal with Ryan now.”
“Good plan.”
You weren’t exaggerating too much; Ryan was incredibly curious about how yesterday went and your swift answer typed out in a rush hadn’t satisfied him. You decided to call him, dutifully spilling the beans about nearly everything. Mostly, you just praised everyone, complained about Tony being an ass in an endearing way with Clint’s support and about Natasha, Bruce and even Thor being kind to you.
Steve you had no words for. You simply revealed he was dreamy and promised to tell Ryan more later, explaining you were too eager to see the sparring session. He understood, giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush, rushing you to end the call immediately and go admire your boyfriend.
Funny how neither you nor Steve had labelled what you had and other people did it for you. You made a mental note to bring it up casually, already knowing it probably wouldn’t be any time soon.
“Uhm… Jarvis?” you called out, uncertain he actually was listening for you.
“What can I do for you?”
“Could you please navigate me to the gym where Steve is?”
“Certainly,” the AI replied easily, giving you instructions as if it was a daily occurrence for him. Which probably was.
You just shook your head and chuckled incredulously. Being a soulmate to an Avenger was so freaking weird.
You kinda liked it. A lot.
“Please tell me you’re not going to shoot at them,” you begged, horrified.
Jarvis led you to one of the gyms in the Tower, only for you to find Steve and Natasha lunging one after another, skilfully blocking and dodging the other one’s punches. They almost looked like they were dancing; brutally, but still with grace.
Clint’s absence confused you – until you found him in the corner. With a bow, string stretched, ready to release an arrow… in their direction.
“I’m gonna shoot at them,” he advertised lowly and it felt like a punch to your gut.
“Are you crazy?!” you hissed.
“People usually shoot at us on missions. And they don’t exactly care we are already fighting someone else. Actually, they are waiting for just that. For when we are distracted.”
A heavy stone fell into your stomach and the reality settled in. Forget Steve being violent. Enter people shooting at him, excited to get the best opportunity to kill him. You gulped against the lump suddenly formed in your throat, respectively following the line of the arrow, dreading how sharp the end of it would be; it wasn’t.
You released a relieved exhale. At least they weren’t hurting each other that much during trainings.
“What kind of an arrow is that?”
“With paint,” the archer hummed absently, “it’s great for identifying the openings each of us leaves.”
You wanted to think of his words, but your mind stubbornly kept returning to the fact how easily Steve could get killed. Your eyes were on the sparring pair, but you weren’t seeing anything, Steve with his hands clutched to his side, blood pouring from under his fingers being the only image in your brain.
Gentle touch on your arm snapped you back to present.
“Hey. Relax,” Clint coaxed and you noticed he lowered his bow. “I didn’t want to freak you out. I should have put it more… civil.”
“You’re just stating the facts,” you replied dully, shaking your head.
“Sure, but I could have done it more gently. Look, I do want to break it to you, slowly, that this is the reality. We fight. Our job’s dangerous. But what you’re seeing right now? That’s how we get ready for the threats. Cap rarely leaves any openings, all of us do. We’re not alone in the field. We watch each other’s back and we train and train and train. To be stronger, faster, better. Think of this like a paintball, it’s basically that. Now, can I try to shoot them or not?”
The low hum of Clint’s voice, the conviction he spoke with despite the minimal volume – and you suspected it was so Steve couldn’t hear you, secretly thinking he did anyway – washed over you like a tide wave of peace. You felt your heart settle, your fear levelling. You knew Steve’s job posed risks. He had told you the very first moment. This was just seeing it a bit closer, your worries earning shape and colours.
“Okay. Thank you, Clint.”
“Anytime. Just so you know, I’ve been trying to get a good shot for almost two minutes. They hide behind the other as if they knew which one I’m trying to hit at the moment. They’re the best among the best.”
Your focus returned to Steve and Natasha. Some interesting noises of exertion were now accompanying their movements.
“Should she be jealous, Cap?” Clint called out, raising his bow again.
“Go to hell, Barton!” sounded unison from the pair and to your surprise, only Natasha’s voice sounded playful.
You wondered why, but had a pretty good guess to be honest. And you were a bit worried about the outcome of your conversation with Clint.
Part 7 (final)
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Thank you for reading! This fluffy mess will come to an end, but we’ll be off to a three-shot and then a longer instalment that will bring new players in ;)
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iron--spider · 4 years
tattered and torn
The steel door swings open with a high-pitched squeal and Tony knows what’s gonna happen. Again. 
 His heart leaps into his throat and he can’t fucking do this, not again, not with these assholes. Not with any assholes, really, but these in particular are getting on his last fucking nerve. He and Peter just have to hold out a little bit longer, because Tony knows somebody is coming for them, he knows they have to be. Both Sam and Thor saw them get snatched, and leaving the savior of the fucking universe and Spider-Man himself with some enhanced thugs for more than twenty four hours isn’t really a good luck.
 But these guys know Peter is Spider-Man now. They captured him as Spider-Man, took off his mask and looked at his face, and Tony hates them and calls them morons when they’re around, but he figures their higher ups have enough technology to run facial recognition through a couple databases. That puts May in danger, that puts the kid’s girlfriend in danger and all of his friends. That’s the kinda shit Tony’s been striving to avoid since day one. 
 But, at the current fucking moment, they only seem to be using the fact that Peter is Spider-Man to knock him around a shit ton.
 Which, of course, isn’t cool with Tony.
 “It’s okay,” Peter says, looking at him when the door opens, the two of them huddling in the corner. “Tony, it’s fine.” There are still open wounds on his face and neck. A broken blood vessel in his eye. The assholes ripped off his webshooters and took his mask, and the suit is tattered and torn.
 Tony has to protect him. That’s all he’s good for and he has to be good for that.
“It’s not fucking fine,” Tony says, as the two dickheads that have been giving them problems step inside their cell. “It’s not goddamn fine.” 
 He had only been flying the fucking quinjet—he didn’t have a suit. He had the nano housing unit but not on him, and he feels like he makes more mistakes nowadays, after the snap and the near death and all that bullshit. He’s made up of mistakes and missed opportunities and a constant ringing in his ears. He’s all broken things, mismatched. He’s not Iron Man anymore. Not really. He’s an old man, by superhero standards, but sometimes he goes along on missions when he knows Peter will be in danger. But then he’s a distraction because Peter’s worried about him. He should always wear a suit, always, no matter what the fuck he’s doing. This proves it. Quinjets crash, people get fucking kidnapped. Always wear a suit. 
 “Tony, it’s okay—”
 Both guys are wearing masks, one red and one black, and they loom over them. 
 “No, it’s not,” Tony hisses, and he throws his arm out across Peter’s chest, like that’s gonna fucking do something. He grits his teeth. “If you’re gonna hurt one of us, hurt me! Say you beat the shit out of Iron Man, that’ll do something for your reputation—”
 Black mask laughs. “Spider-Man’s more our speed—”
 “Beating up on a goddamn child, that’s cute, that’s real cute.” He doesn’t say he could kill you if you didn’t restrain him because he doesn’t want to give them any ideas about how strong Peter is. He has visions of experiments and torture and he doesn’t even know what this is, but he needs it done, now.
 Tony tries to keep shielding him, but it doesn’t take much for them to reach around him and grab Peter up. Peter barely fights, just lets himself get dragged away. 
 “Tony, it’s fine! It’s fine, I promise!”
 “No, goddamnit,” Tony growls, feeling sick and dizzy, and he throws a punch that connects with red mask’s jaw. He tries to retaliate but Tony slips under it and hits him again, trying to rush after black mask pulling Peter out of the room. “Kid! Kid!”
 Red mask punches Tony once while he’s distracted, knocks him back against the wall. “Stop your bullshit or we’ll kill him and leave his body in here with you. How d’you like that, huh?”
 He doesn’t wait for an answer, just quickly runs out the door and pulls it shut behind him. Tony rushes it, and slams on it hard, over and over, wishing he’d let the doctors take his arm now, wishing they hadn’t left him so weak and scarred and fucking useless. He could have figured out a prosthetic, he could have made something strong, he could have choked those two assholes out before they even touched his kid. Mistakes, missteps. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He saved the world but it keeps turning, and guys like this keep getting the upper hand. 
 Tony doesn’t want to yell Peter’s name, because he doesn’t want to give them any more clues to who he is in case they haven’t figured it out yet, but he continues to slam on the door until he feels like his arm is going to break off, until he feels like he did after he snapped, torn in half and burned and broken, being rushed off the battlefield by everyone he’d ever met and then some, carrying him like some cardboard cut-out Christ figure. 
 He remembers Peter’s tears. He remembers him whispering hold on, Tony, hold on. They were reverent with him. His kid, his team, his wife. That’s the last thing he remembers before the darkness, before everything changed. He didn’t have any thoughts in his head, couldn’t think about anything even if he wanted to.
 This helplessness feels like that. It’s almost been a year and he’s still struggling. He wants to explode. 
 Tony paces back and forth in this goddamn steel box room and knows he doesn’t deserve the reverence they treated him with. He doesn’t deserve praise and billboards and national prayer. He doesn’t deserve that subreddit with all the morons talking about their favorite Iron Man memory. He doesn’t, because that should be him out there dealing with these assholes, Not Peter, Not Peter. Peter deserves ice cream sundaes with too much caramel, he deserves his favorite spot on the couch and dance parties Morgan initiates where they both make Tony dance. Tony doesn’t fucking dance anymore but whenever they drag him out onto the carpet he’ll do it because they’re his kids. He’ll dance to Whitney Houston for his kids. He’ll do whatever his kids want and then some. 
 “Goddamnit,” he whispers, voice breaking somewhere in his throat. “God fucking dammit.”
 This was Peter’s mission. He’d finally figured out where the Sinister Six were planning their next attack and those assholes are Spider-Man’s villains and nothing scared Tony more than looking at their rap sheets and knowing they were after his kid. 
 But then it went wrong, as these things often do, and Tony hates the idea of guilt swirling around in Peter’s head along with each crack across his cheek. 
 The waiting is agony. Agony. Seconds, minutes, hours, years, millennia. Tony paces until his feet hurt. He wears a path in the ground. 
 Tony, it’s fine. It’s fine, I promise.
 “It’s not fine,” he whispers to himself, getting angry all over again, and wondering why Peter was so sure. Peter is strong, yes. He’s very strong. Out of this world, the best superhero Tony knows. The kid always thinks he’s larger than life but he’s still breakable, he can still be taken, and Tony knows that firsthand. Remembers the spot where he once was, a howling void next to him wherever he went, wherever he didn’t go, louder in the silence. Peter can still be killed, no matter how many hits he can take. 
 Tony stomps back over towards the door and resumes the banging. 
 “Fuck you, morons! Come get me, I’ll give you a run for your fucking money. I’m an old man now, sure, but I’m the reason you’re alive so you owe me. Gimme a good fight. I bet some of you were dust. I could have left you that way! My decision, pricks, all mine, get it fucking straight. Let’s go, cowards, come on, I’m ready for you! I’ll rip you a—”
 The door starts to open and Tony takes a couple steps back. “Yeah, alright, good. I’m fucking ready, are you—”
 Peter steps inside. He’s got a few more cuts and bruises on his face and he’s holding a set of keys. “Wow, that was—that was a lot of cursing. You’re really mad.”
 Tony’s brain glitches for a couple seconds before he’s able to latch back on to reality, and he strides back over to Peter, taking his arm. “What’s going on? How much time do we have?”
 “Probably a good amount of time,” Peter says, swallowing hard. He opens the door wider and looks back over his shoulder, and Tony follows his gaze—there are about six or seven dudes out there, splayed out on the ground, most of them webbed together. Some are webbed to the ceiling. 
 “Jesus,” Tony says, feeling a little guilty that he didn’t immediately imagine Peter getting the upper hand. “I couldn’t hear anything. None of this.”
 “I could definitely hear you,” Peter says. He clears his throat and cracks his neck. “I wanted them to keep taking me out because I was getting a good look at where everything was—the computers, my webshooters, the keys—they’ve literally got a map on the wall. I just wanted to be—prepared for when I actually broke us out. And now I know where Steve and Clint are being held so we can grab them too on our way out. I think Thor is coming, that’s the only thing I’m not sure about. They’re tracking something approaching and it’s not one of theirs. But it’s still a good ways out.”
 Tony sighs, staring at him for a second. “You’re too reckless with your own wellbeing.”
 “But now we’re out, yeah?” Peter asks, blinking at him. “So. All good. Good things.
 “You’re hurt,” Tony says. He takes Peter’s chin gently and turns his face, and he can tell they were hitting him with brass knuckles. It makes his own cheeks burn with rage. “Not a good thing. A bad thing.”
 “I’m okay,” Peter says, reaching up and covering Tony’s hand, pulling it down and squeezing it. “And now we can get out, we’re prepared, we can go chase down Electro and the others and finish what I started. Finally. Get them sent to the Raft, keep everybody safe.”
 Tony nods at him, trying to breathe. “I wanna back you up, but I don’t have—”
 “Oh,” Peter says. He tugs Tony out into the main atrium and drops the keys on a table, picking up the nano housing unit. “I found it too. I don’t even think they knew what it was.”
 “Morons,” Tony says. Peter holds it out to him and Tony takes it, blowing out a breath. “Alright,” he says. “I’m gonna do better out there than I did in here. Swear. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you—”
 “And right back at you,” Peter says, smiling. “Because we’ve got Morgan’s recital this weekend and then Pepper is making the scalloped potatoes and neither one of us are missing either one of those things.”
 Tony nods at him, feeling particularly emotional right here in the middle of this fucking enemy lair. He nods, swallowing over the lump in his throat, and brushes some of Peter’s hair out of his eyes. He hopes they can reclaim the quinjet or steal another vehicle so he can tend to some of the kid’s wounds. 
 “Alright, bud,” Tony says, too proud for words almost all of the time, when it comes to Peter. “Lead the way.”
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Summary: A rewrite of the beginning of Age of Ultron. The Avengers were busting Hydra bases looking for Loki's scepter, but they found Bucky first and he joined the team. When they go up against Wanda and Pietro in the castle, Wanda traps everyone (except for Barton) in a shared dream. Bucky, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Thor fight their way through everyone's imagined dreams, one at a time, working together to get out and back to reality. It isn't a problem until they get trapped in Bucky's dream. Everyone worried it might be a nightmare, a memory left over from his time with Hydra...instead, it's something very different, and much more pleasant.
Word count: 2697
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The world faded away. Greys and blacks and blood-streaked rocks disappeared from existence, replaced by oranges and yellows and a sleek ballroom floor.
“Is everyone okay?” Tony was practically vibrating with anxious tension.
“All good here,” Steve said. “Stark, do you want to talk about any of that, or—”
“Nope,” Tony shook his head. “You’re alive, I’m alive, we’re all alive, let’s just move on.”
“Barton’s still not with us,” Natasha said. “He must be on the outside.”
“He must find the witch before we endure any more of this,” Thor grumbled.
“Said the person who got to have a party,” Bucky poked him in the arm. “Some of us have actual trauma to work through, buddy. Speaking of which, how come I wasn’t in Tony’s nightmare?”
“Because you being dead would be a relief,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“Wow.” Bucky pressed a fist over his heart and feigned sadness. “That hurts, Tony.”
“All that matters is that we need to figure out who’s dream we’re in now,” Bruce said. “Anyone recognize this?”
“It’s mine,” Steve said. Everyone looked around. It was a beautiful 1940s ballroom, decorated for a party. There was a crowd in the center of the dance floor, and their conversations and laughing were barely audible over the strains of music that lilted through the air.
“Ha!” Thor laughed. “I am not the only Avenger who dreamed up a party.”
“I can take care of this,” Steve said. “We’ll be out of here in just a second.” He stepped forwards, toward the crowd. As he moved, they began to part in front of him, revealing Peggy Carter standing alone in the center.
“Steve.” She smiled. “Is it finally time for our dance?”
“Hi, Peggy,” Steve sighed. He took her hand. “You’re not real. This isn’t real.”
“You don’t really believe that,” Peggy said, brushing a lock of hair away from his face.
“I do,” Steve said. “Even if it was real, even if it was possible, I know what I gave up when I went into the ice. I’d make that choice over and over again if I had to. And I’m happy in the future, and I’m happy with my friends.”
“You know, some of us just call it ‘the present,” Tony said.
“Yeah,” Bucky said. “If it were really the future, I’d have the flying car your dad promised me.”
“I hate you,” Tony said. Bucky stuck out his tongue in response.
“Quiet, boys,” Natasha said. “Let Steve finish up.”
“Goodbye, Peggy,” Steve said.
“Bye, Steve,” Peggy blinked away a tear, and the crowd closed back up behind her. Steve returned to the group.
“Do you want to talk about anything?” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“I gave up Peggy 70 years ago,” Steve shrugged. “It hurts to see her, but not enough to make me want to stay.”
“Then I guess we’re on to the next dream,” Bruce said.
“No way,” Bucky said. “We’re done. We did Thor’s party, Natasha’s Red Room, your ‘everything is exactly the same but I’m tall’ dream, Tony’s nightmare, and Steve’s dance partner. That’s everyone.”
“What about you, Buck?” Steve asked.
“Pssh,” Bucky scoffed. “I don’t have dreams.”
The world blinked around them. It was like experiencing a computer glitch from the inside. The ballroom floor shifted beneath them, then reformed as if nothing had happened. They stumbled slightly, but when they looked up, everything seemed exactly the same.
“Huh,” Steve said. “Okay, I was pretty sure I’d worked through it, but I’ll give it another go, I guess.”
“Colors changed,” Tony gestured with a thumb.
“He’s right,” Natasha frowned. “Steve, your ballroom was yellow and orange. Why did it turn green?”
“Shit,” Bucky whispered. “Shit shit shit shit—”
“So much for ‘I don’t have dreams,” Bruce crossed his arms.
“We need to get out of here,” Bucky went pale. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his fists against his forehead. “It’s not real, it’s not real, wake up wake up wake up—”
“Whatever it is, we can handle it together,” Steve said. He put his hand on Bucky’s shoulder, but Bucky flinched away like he’d been burned. Steve took a step back, worried. “Buck, are you okay?”
“Is it a Winter Soldier dream?” Natasha asked. “Can’t be much worse than the Red Room, and we’ve been there, so…”
“It’s not Hydra,” Bucky shook his head.
“Then what is it?” Thor asked.
There was a stirring in the crowd, like someone was pushing their way through, trying to get out.
“Can everybody just close their eyes?” Bucky said. “Nobody wants to see this.”
“Everybody saw my nightmare,” Tony shrugged. “You can bet your 1940s britches I’m looking at yours.”
“We’re all here for you, Buck,” Steve said. “Whatever it is—”
A little blonde head poked out of the crowd. Two skinny arms shoved their way through, pushing the last few people out of the way. It was a young man in a US military uniform. The guy looked up, saw Bucky, and his face lit up with happiness. “Bucky!” waved the tiny, pre-serum Steve Rogers. “Bucky! Buck!”
“Oh. My god,” Tony’s jaw dropped.
“Wake up wake up wake UP,” Bucky pounded on his forehead with his fists. “This isn’t happening. It’s not real.”
“Is that…Steve?” Natasha stifled a giggle.
“He’s short,” Thor frowned. “And tiny. Tinier than usual, I mean. All mortals are tiny.”
“Bucky!” Imaginary Steve ran across the ballroom, pushed Tony out of the way, and grabbed Bucky’s metal hand. “Come on, you’re missing all the fun. You love this song!”
“No, no…” Bucky stared in horror as the metal plates began to peel away from his skin. From his skin. There was skin underneath. Imaginary Steve ran his hand up the metal arm and it turned real. Bucky’s costume shimmered, turning into a military uniform to match Steve’s.
“Come on,” imaginary Steve laughed, and pulled Bucky, stumbling, away from the other Avengers, towards the laughing, dancing crowd.
“Bucky, stop!” Real Steve called out, but Bucky didn’t hear. He stared at imaginary Steve. Bucky looked like he’d follow him to the ends of the earth.
“Well, we’re doomed,” Tony sighed. “Who’s going to talk the world’s deadliest assassin down from this one?”
They all watched Bucky take imaginary Steve’s hand and lead him in looping, gentle circles around the ballroom floor. Imaginary Steve leaned his head against Bucky’s chest and sighed happily.
“I do not understand,” Thor frowned. “Stark had an imaginary Steve. Why is this one created by the Bucky any different?”
“You really used to look like that, Steve?” Bruce asked. “I saw some files back when I was working on making a new serum, but that’s—"
“I don’t think I ever had that kind of rosy glow in my cheeks,” Steve said, still staring at imaginary Steve, and the way he held Bucky. “And I was neverthat good at dancing.”
“I’ll go talk to him,” Natasha said. “He talked me through the Red Room, I’ll talk him through, uh, this.” She left the Avengers standing in an awkward half-circle and walked up to where Bucky and imaginary Steve danced together.
“Hi there,” Natasha tapped imaginary Steve on the shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?”
Imaginary Steve laughed. “Find your own soldier boy to moon over. This one’s taken.”
“Nat,” Bucky smiled at her sheepishly. “Forgot you guys were still here.”
“Yep. Everyone’s back there,” Natasha tilted her head at the group. “How’s it going?”
“Badly,” Bucky winced. “I can’t—”
“Aw, no, Buck, really?” Imaginary Steve cupped Bucky’s face in both hands. “Just look at me, Buck. It’s just you and me.”
“Quite the fantasy,” Natasha crossed her arms.
“I haven’t thought about it in years,” Bucky said. “After Steve turned into Captain America, it just seemed…impossible.”
“I like the new arm, too,” Natasha said.
“I…” Bucky faltered.
The music changed. “Ooh!” Imaginary Steve squealed. “A slow dance. Buck…hold me close?” He pressed himself up against Bucky’s chest like a starfish, stuck fast.
“Did Steve really act like this?” Natasha asked.
“No,” Bucky sighed, but he held imaginary Steve protectively in his arms. “Especially after the war started, he was always focused on what he could to do help. He wasn’t really into the expo or anything, but he’d come along if I asked him to.”
“I’d go anywhere for you,” imaginary Steve breathed against Bucky’s neck, and Bucky shivered.
“Come on, Bucky,” Natasha put her hand on imaginary Steve’s shoulder. “We need to get back out there. Clint’s alone, fighting a witch and a speedster while we’re all trapped in this shared dream. You need to work through this so we can all get out.”
“I love you,” imaginary Steve kissed Bucky’s left hand.
“I felt that,” Bucky stared down at the spot. “I can feel it. It’s real, it has to be…”
“Bucky,” Natasha started, but imaginary Steve whirled on her angrily.
“Go away!” Imaginary Steve held up two fists on skinny, skinny arms. If not for the military uniform, he’d look like a twig about to snap in two. “Get away from him!”
“Okay, you need snap out of it, pal,” Natasha gently moved imaginary Steve out of the way.
“Owww,” imaginary Steve moaned and collapsed to the ground.
“Steve!” Bucky knelt beside him. “Are you okay?”
“I can do this all day,” imaginary Steve smiled weakly up at Bucky as a purple bruise flowered over his cheek. His lip split and started bleeding.
“I barely touched him,” Natasha blinked.
“Stevie…always getting into fights you can’t handle,” Bucky shook his head, staring down into Steve’s eyes.
“That’s why I have you to save me,” imaginary Steve coughed, and reached up a trembling hand to push Bucky’s hair out of his eyes.
“Bucky, you can’t possibly be falling for that act,” Natasha rolled her eyes.
“You hurt him,” Bucky looked up at her with one of the scariest looks she’d ever seen on him. The Winter Soldier was cold and emotionless—if he attacked you, it wasn’t personal. From the look in Bucky’s eye, this was personal.
“Bucky, he’s not real,” Natasha said, softly.
“You’ll protect me, won’t you, Buck?” Imaginary Steve clung to Bucky’s shoulder.
“You hurt him,” Bucky repeated dully, scowling at Natasha.
“He’s not real,” Natasha said. “You have to snap out of it—”
In one fluid motion, Bucky stood, and delivered a powerful uppercut to the underside of her jaw. It might have looked like skin, but it still felt like metal when it hit. Natasha staggered back and braced herself for a fight, but Bucky had already turned back to Steve, forgetting her entirely.
“My hero!” imaginary Steve giggled. The bruise and the injuries had disappeared, like they were never there. He took Bucky’s collar in both hands and pulled him down into a messy kiss. Bucky closed his eyes and leaned into it, kissing back.
Natasha returned to the Avengers.
“That went well,” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“He won’t listen to me,” Natasha sighed. “This fantasy really has a hold on him.”
“I wonder if the enhanced woman accidentally tapped into the remnants of his Winter Soldier programming,” Bruce frowned. “That might explain why Bucky’s having such a hard time breaking free. Steve, do you want to try talking to him? Steve?”
Everyone looked at real Steve, who was mesmerized, watching Bucky kiss imaginary Steve. Bucky swooped imaginary Steve into a dip. They kissed and it looked like a 40s photograph made real life.
“Steve?” Bruce asked.
“Sorry,” Steve blinked. “What were we talking about?”
“Surely, the Bucky remembers this is only a figment of his imagination,” Thor said. “Even Tony only needed the merest of hints to understand that his recreations of us were not real.”
“Who knows what goes on in that cyborg brain,” Tony grumbled. “Wait, I guess we do, because we’re watching it, and it’s gross.”
“Don’t be homophobic,” Natasha elbowed Tony in the stomach.
“I’m not being homophobic, I’m being the same kind of assassin-who-killed-my-parents-phobic I always am,” Tony grumbled.
“Steve, are you okay with trying to talk to him?” Bruce asked. “You might stand a chance at reminding him the difference between imagination and reality.”
“Yeah, I’ll talk to him,” Steve said numbly. He walked forward into the crowd. He’d done this just minutes ago, when he knew Peggy was waiting for him on the other side. Bucky had watched that, and hadn’t even said anything, even when Bucky’s own fantasy was almost the exact same thing, only Peggy wasn’t around, and neither were their parents to tell them they were spending too much time together and they needed to get girlfriends, and neither was that guy Bucky beat up in an alley for calling Steve a fag…
Steve broke through the crowd and got a clear glimpse of Bucky again, still holding imaginary Steve like nothing else mattered to him.
“Buck,” real Steve whispered.
“Buck,” imaginary Steve whispered it close into Bucky’s ear. “I’m never going to leave you behind.”
“I didn’t mean to,” real Steve winced. “If I’d known you’d survived the fall from the train…”
Bucky looked up then and saw real Steve. “Steve,” Bucky flushed bright red and dropped imaginary Steve, taking a few hasty steps away from him. “I…this isn’t what it looks like?”
Imaginary Steve wrapped his hands around Bucky’s no-longer-metal arm and stuck out his tongue at real Steve. “You don’t need all those muscles. I’m good enough for him without them.”
“I…didn’t know?” real Steve tried. “That you—”
“How could you not have known,” Bucky glared at real Steve.
“You were always going out with girls,” real Steve said.
“And I always took you along and said it was a double date,” Bucky said. “I never once left you behind. I didn’t want you to be lonely…I didn’t want to be lonely without you.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” imaginary Steve cuddled close against Bucky and nuzzled against his shoulder. “All you have to do is stay. There’s no Hydra here. There’s no Winter Soldier here. There’s no Avengers that lie about not hating you. It’s just you and me.”
“The Avengers don’t hate you,” real Steve said, desperate.
“I love you,” imaginary Steve said, but Bucky wasn’t looking at him, he was looking at real Steve.
“Wake up,” Bucky squeezed his eyes shut. “Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake UP!” The world shifted, and crumbled into pieces around them. The dream dissolved, and the Avengers woke up.
“Barton! We’re out,” Natasha barked into the comms. “Where are you?”
“20 degrees north of you, in the forest,” came Clint’s gasped response. “I could use some help!”
“On my way,” Natasha said, and she bolted out of the room.
“Okay, uh, bye,” Tony summoned his armor pieces and flew out of the room, followed closely by Thor and Bruce on foot.
“Bucky,” Steve started, but Bucky cut him off.
“After the mission,” Bucky said bitterly. “If we need to talk about it. Which we don’t.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Steve said.
“You know how I woke myself up? I remembered that it was an impossible dream, that I wanted something I could never have,” Bucky spat. “Let’s just go back to the mission and forget about it, okay?”
“I don’t want to forget about it,” Steve said quietly.
“Well I do,” Bucky glared. He turned, flexed his metal arm, and followed the Avengers out of the castle and into the forest, leaving Steve alone.
“But…” Steve felt horrible. He remembered those years. He’d spent so much time trying to distance himself from Bucky, once he’d realized he might not be entirely straight. Bucky didn’t need that in his life holding him back, and Steve didn’t need to add another disability to the reasons he couldn’t enlist. Not that being gay was classified as a disability in the future, Steve reminded himself.
He hoped he hadn’t messed everything up. He hadn’t been lying when he said he was over Peggy… But it would be a hell of a lot longer before he could get over Bucky. He raised his shield and followed the team out into the woods.
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