#Thor || [verse] || adrift on the open seas
bxtonpxss · 7 months
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@xamassed asked: stop squirming! i'm losing my grip on you! ( thor & sanji )
“No way! Lemme go!”
How could Sanji be so cruel? He thought they were friends! And after everything they’ve been through! He’d been bamboozled! Tricked! Deceived! Sanji, the main member of the crew he put his trust in the most, the one who fed him food scraps from time to time when he did a good job after helping out in the kitchen. Thing like that, ya know?
Thor couldn’t believe it! He grunts and huffs while squirming in the chef’s hold. The blond’s arm was tight like a band around his middle and no matter how hard he bunny kicked, clawed, and pushed, the chef would not let go. His heart raced like a herd of Ponyta in his chest, his fur was fluffing up, and his eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks as the taller carried him above the deck of Sunny.
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“C-Cmon Sanji quit playin’ around and let me go!” He protests, voice rising in pitch. He begins squirming even harder when he notices they already passed the library. Now what was it exactly that got Thor so worked up for him to be causing such a fuss you ask? 
It was his least favorite time.
Bath time.
He didn’t even smell that bad… 
Ok maybe he smelled a little, but it’s nothing a little self-grooming couldn’t fix! Sanji was talking crazy! He most certainly did not need a bath.
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bxtonpxss · 7 months
stop squirming! i'm losing my grip on you! ( thor & sanji )
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“No way! Lemme go!”
How could Sanji be so cruel? He thought they were friends! And after everything they’ve been through! He’d been bamboozled! Tricked! Deceived! Sanji, the main member of the crew he put his trust in the most, the one who fed him food scraps from time to time when he did a good job after helping out in the kitchen. Thing like that, ya know?
Thor couldn’t believe it! He grunts and huffs while squirming in the chef’s hold. The blond’s arm was tight like a band around his middle and no matter how hard he bunny kicked, clawed, and pushed, the chef would not let go. His heart raced like a herd of Ponyta in his chest, his fur was fluffing up, and his eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks as the taller carried him above the deck of Sunny.
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“C-Cmon Sanji quit playin’ around and let me go!” He protests, voice rising in pitch. He begins squirming even harder when he notices they already passed the library. Now what was it exactly that got Thor so worked up for him to be causing such a fuss you ask? 
It was his least favorite time.
Bath time.
He didn’t even smell that bad… 
Ok maybe he smelled a little, but it’s nothing a little self-grooming couldn’t fix! Sanji was talking crazy! He most certainly did not need a bath.
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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* wordless prompts
@xmenageriie asked: dream ( sanji to thor )
dream – muse a comforts muse b after a nightmare
                                                   - + - + -
Thor wakes up with a start. His body jerks against the floor and his cheeks unintentionally let loose a few sparks, his eyes snap open and he quickly sits up. If he were to take a glance beneath him, he’d notice the area where his face had been pressed against the floor of the ship now bore a dark scorch mark, more than likely from being startled awake. 
Heart pounding rapidly against his chest, the Raichu breathes quickly as he glances around in the dark room, body trembling as his eyes hone in on the chef's prone form. When he notices the other’s soft breathing and the expanding of his chest, the electric type relaxes a little, although the trembling doesn’t stop. Sanji was ok, everything was fine, it was only a nightmare.
And yet...
The mouse quickly rises to his hind feet, shortening the distance between him and the chef, jostling the male awake as he jumps up onto the blond’s bed. Normally Thor slept on the floor in the boy’s room, not too far from Sanji’s bed. The cook had asked him about it once and offered up a spot for him to curl up with him, but Thor declined as he found it more comfortable on the floor, not to mention he was used to sleeping on dirt, grass, leaves or stone.
The cook, now sitting up in his bunk, begins to grumble at the rodent for waking him, but immediately notices the tenseness beneath his fingertips when Thor wriggles his way up under his arms. He hears Sanji asking if he’s ok, his ears twitching at the question. Was he ok? No, he didn’t really feel okay right now. He says nothing at first, instead he presses himself more firmly into the blond’s side, smushing his cheek into his stomach.
After a beat of silence Thor finally lifts his head and gazes up at his friend with scared eyes.
“I.. I-- I had a bad dream,” he says softly, then he continues, voice coming out in a low shaky tone. “Y-You were hurt and everyone was gone and I tried to save you but then you--” the words get caught in his throat and he stops himself from saying more, just thinking about it makes the rodent visibly shake. He’s trembling.
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But only for a moment, barely even a second really, because Sanji’s suddenly there. Warm and encompassing. Gathering the mouse into his arms, crushing him against his frame as he rests his chin atop the battle monster’s head in the space between his ears, fingers gently stroking down his back. Thor finds himself slowly calming down, his body slowly stops its shaking, short arms lifting to wrap around as much of his friend as he could. As Sanji whispers words of comfort, that it was nothing more than a bad dream and no one was really hurt, he buries his face into the male’s shoulder deeply inhaling his scent.
He smelled clean obviously, but underneath the funny smelling soaps he liked to use, a familiar scent was there. Salt water and smoke. It was this smell that grounded him, bringing him back to the present. Reminding him that Sanji was here, that he was safe, that everything was okay. Just like the cook said, it was only a dream.
They stay like this for a bit, hugging tightly before Sanji suggests they try and get some sleep as he had to be up early tomorrow in order to make everyone breakfast. Thor gives a nod and lets his friend settle back underneath his covers before he wriggles his way up under the blond’s arm, head and front paws resting on his chest.
Thor is eventually lulled back to sleep by the sound of Sanji’s heart thumping rhythmically in his ears and the slow strokes of his hand running down his back.
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This time, he didn’t dream.
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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@puiiet​ said:  ❛ time goes by on its own without a single apology . ❜
The scent of sea water is strong, thick and salty, surrounding him on all sides and filling the stout rodent’s lungs with every breath he takes, the burn that once sharply stung his sensitive nostrils now dulled. Settled on his haunches with his front paws resting on his knees, the electric type’s upper body is leaned slightly forward allowing him to peer over the wooden pier beneath them. He stares quietly at his watery reflection for a moment, shakes out his fur, then turns his head up slightly to look at his companion. Long pointed ears twitching at the man’s words. 
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It’s funny, even with his added height, he was perched atop one of the wooden poles that helped keep the dock above the surface of the water, Corazon still towered over him. He hums thoughtfully before nodding in agreement.
“It’s… really easy to let time get away from you. Do you-- Is there something you missed that you regret?”
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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text post sentence starters
@quiixote​ asked:  “I may act like I’m clueless – but I actually know what’s going on at all times.”
“Hmm...” Thor gives the male a thoughtful look, arms moving to cross over his chest. He says he’s only acting, but how could he be sure? What with the big feathery looking think slung over his shoulders and those were marks on his face, the rodent couldn’t help but think the man looked about as silly as he ‘acted’.
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“Really? You have a funny looking face and you’re always so silly.” The mouse lets out a chuckle as he offers up some words of reassurance in case the man felt like he had something to prove. “It's ok if you’re a strong idiot, I don’t judge!”
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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Send me 'squish squish' for my muses reaction to yours coming over and squishing their cheeks.
@xmenageriie​ said:  squish squish ( sanji to thor )
“If there’s something missing in the kitchen, I promise it wasn’t me who ate it this time!” That’s the first thing that escapes the rodent when he see’s the cook approaching him with an odd expression on his face. From his perch on the railing near the base of the stairs Thor finds himself confused, unsure of Sanji’s intentions as the blond gets closer.
“Hey... is everything ok--owh.”
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Suddenly his face is being smushed together, eyes slipping shut while yellowed cheeks were being gently prodded and rubbed in a familiar way he recalls telling the blond was most comfortable for him. Thor keeps still for the most part, though his tail has a mind of its own, swishing behind him a bit more quickly than its usual lazy pace at the touches to his face.
The Raichu could be quite finicky when it came to having his cheeks randomly rubbed, but since it was Sanji, someone he deeply trusted, it was different. A familiar warmth spreads through the mouse as he slowly opens his eyes and stares up at the grinning blond, nothing but fondness shimmering in his big round eyes. 
Happy. He was truly happy when  they shared moments like this.
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
@xmenageriie​ from || [HERE]
So, Sanji smoked these things and wasn’t eating them. His eyes widen at the newfound information, large ears perking and flicking when the blond mentioned that cigarettes were bad for the both of them. He nods and tenses a bit, leaping up onto the counter top so he could move closer to the chef and press himself against his slouching frame and proceed to rub his head up and down the male’s arm.
“I won’t, promise.” He hoped he’d be able to convey not only his regret for making the other worry, but also his reassurance that he wouldn’t go against his word and try to eat another cigarette again. He also wanted to comfort the chef and help ease some of his worries. It really did bum him out when Sanji was even just the tiniest bit upset. After a few moments of some firm head nuzzles, the electric type’s mouth flattens into a thin line.
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“If you know its dumb, why do you do it?”  He suddenly asks, staring at the partially chewed up stick Sanji had picked back up to show him. His eyes narrow on it curiously, just how could something so tiny be so bad any ways? “What’s so bad about them?”
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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@puiiet​ asked: "You know... for how small you look, you weigh more than a ten-year-old kid." He had been letting the other hitch a ride on his shoulders, ones that were now becoming sore from the weight. Dense. He would describe Thor as dense in terms of a physical sense. "How old are you anyways?"
Eh? Was he trying to say he was too heavy or something? Thor’s eyes narrow slightly before he shifts around on his perch, the claws of his hind feet briefly dig into the marine’s coat as he debates hopping off Corazon's shoulder. Only to then not do that, because he was actually quite comfortable, but maybe soon he’ll move to his other shoulder, if only to distribute the strain a bit more.
“I weigh more than a kid?” The rodent repeats blinking a few times then he lets out a snicker of amusement, left paw patting reassuringly at the shoulder he was currently perched on.
“Maybe your arms are just weak.” Corazon was such a tall man, taller than most humans he’s ever seen really. He hadn’t been aware that humans could get this tall and yet here he sat on the shoulder of a male that was loads taller than the average person. “You might be tall like a tree, but you’re pretty thin like a twig.” He lets out another chuckle at his own comparison before sobering up.
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“How old?” That question threw the mouse for a loop, being a wild Pokémon the concept of time and age was something he couldn’t really put his paw on. “Uh, I dunno, I’m the final stage in my evolutionary line, I haven’t been a Pichu for a long time now…” he offers with a bit of confusion in his tone. “If that’s what you mean.”
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
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@xmenageriie​ asked: “ if you don’t take your butt back to bed , i will carry you there myself . ” ( Sanji to Thor )
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Thor freezes at the sound of Sanji’s voice, paw hovering just inches away from the kitchen door. Eyes widening, he whirls around in shock upon seeing the other on the ship's deck. When the heck did Sanji even leave the room? Was something wrong with his ears? They flicker a bit on his head, he hadn’t even heard the blond open his door let alone move around the ship! He moves his previously hovering paw to the back of his head, smiling lightly as he tries to play off the fact that he was out sneaking around to begin with.
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“Awh you don’t hafta do that-- I was just... takin’ a walk around! I couldn’t sleep.” A lie, Thor was totally trying to sneak some leftover snacks from dinner. He woke up to a rumbling in his belly and hoped to ease his hunger pangs with a snack from the kitchen, but the chu also knew how particular a certain chef was when it came to late-night escapades through his kitchen, especially when a certain rubber captain was involved. Hence why he was sneaking around. He just didn’t think he’d get caught so quickly.
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
Thor Tags
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Thor || [threads] ||  thunderbolt
Thor || [open] || attract
Thor || [starter] || wild encounter
Thor || [verse] || surge protector
Thor || [verse] || sparking beacon
Thor || [verse] || adrift on the open seas
Thor || [verse] || metal fight pocket monster 
Thor || [verse] || village hidden in the leaves
Thor || [verse] || magical pokemon
Thor || [verse] || mushrooms and warp pipes
thor || [verse] || monsters among men: lightning materia not needed
thor || [verse] || mystery dungeon
Thor || [musing] || a night beneath the stars
Thor || [headcanon] || nasty plot
Thor || [ask] || present
Thor || [visage] || reflect
Thor || [aesthetics] || spark
Thor || [crossover] || off the beaten path
Thor || [party] || Glitch
Thor || [party] || Pikachu
Thor || [party] || Elysia
Thor || [party] || Izzy
Thor || [party] || Nicole
Thor || [party] || Sanji
Thor || [party] || Kai
Thor || [party] || Makoto
Thor || [party] || Luigi
Thor || [makoto] || lightning always strikes twice
Thor || [elysia] || never knew I needed
Thor || [kai] || me and you against the world
Thor || [glitch] || together forever
Thor || [dash commentary]
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