#Scary Saturday Night Sleepover
princessbrunette · 2 months
can u do those outfit asks again!! i love seeing all the girly clothes!!
would you do like a week of kitty!reader's outfits iykwim? like sunday cozy monday like work
cozy, work attire, birthday party, at the beach, on the boat, w jj.. idk i need more of her wardrobe
what outfit would kitty!reader and bunny!reader be most likely to share? LIKE OMG matching outfits if kitty and bunny were friends for partying and stuff
a week of kittys outfits ♡
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kitty works a bartending / serving shift at the run down grill & bar. it’s a shitty shift and the customers are annoying and pervy but jj is working the same shift as a line cook so he occasionally pops out the kitchen to entertain her and cheer her up.
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a day on the boat with the pogues talking about their upcoming excursion. the hat belongs to jj, and it doesn’t go with her outfit so kitty doesn’t want to wear it — but she’s starting to get agitated from being overheated so jj forces her to.
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the pogues + kitty head off, getting caught up in the usual crazy dramatics, police chase, and dangerous escapades. kitty offers to hold jj’s gun in her girly little tote bag and he thinks that’s adorable, even letting her take a cute little selfie with it on her digital camera in the twinkie whilst the others scold him for letting her mess with it. running around in a denim mini skirt isn’t the most practical but jj isn’t complaining about the view.
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debrief and wind down at the chateau to discuss their new discoveries. kitty is honestly just there for the vibes, not even sure why she’s involved but likes to be around jj as much as possible. mostly, she sits and reads and perks up when someone summons her.
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party time! they decide it’s best to keep a low profile and act like young people for once, forgetting their troubles for one night. however, it’s one of those rare parties where both pogues and kooks attend — meaning tensions are already pretty high, especially as rafe cameron does a full body turn to watch kitty reader walk past him, totally oblivious to his existence as she looks for the drinks table. jj however sees everything, and stares the kook down until john b yanks him away.
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kitty works a short but hungover day shift at the bar before getting picked up by jj and taken back to her place. they have their usual saturday sleepover, and aside from copious amounts of sex, smoking and napping — kitty forces him into the usual girly activities like making cute little blood vials and reading his tarot. usual kitty things.
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kitty runs errands with jj and end up at the chateau, hanging out, napping away the sunday scaries and eating pizza. the batman shirt was jj’s but its since been turned into a crop top.
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nicestgirlonline · 1 year
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
Summary: You and Bucky decide to keep your new relationship a secret with somewhat disastrous results…
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: Here’s my entry for @the-slumberparty week 2 challenge blast from the past! I don’t really have an old WIPs, I was trying to jumpstart my writing again with this sleepover. So here’s a little sequel to dumb dumb, since you guys really really seemed to like that one! Hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcome! <3 
part 1
That Valentine's Day was possibly the best night of Bucky’s life. He had finally gotten to express everything he had been feeling for you. Friday night bled into Saturday morning, neither of you getting much sleep. The months of yearning and pining all finally erupted into passion, lust and love.
Saturday morning quickly became Saturday afternoon, with lots of pillow talk, telling each other little secrets about yourselves, sharing childhood stories. A simple Postmates order and quick text to Steve meant no one to bother you, and no reason for you to leave his bed. 
Saturday night, or what Bucky was calling round two became Sunday morning and that brought about a little thing called the Sunday Scaries.  
Amidst the bliss and happiness there was a lingering thought that kept bothering you. The two of you lounged in his bed, enjoying each other's quiet company, the moonlight of the early morning making the room glow blue. 
You bit your lip. Time to rip the bandaid off. Real life was going to be starting too soon again. 
“Bucky I’ve been thinking…about us.”  
“Really? Me too.” He started to pepper your face with kisses. “I’ve been thinking about all the ways I can have fun with my girlfriend.” You giggled as he started to tickle your sides. You wiggled your way out of his grasp. You propped yourself up on your forearms and did your best to put on your serious face. Which was very hard when Bucky was being so cute. 
“I mean it! I’ve been thinking, maybe we should keep this private? For a while?” You tried your best to keep your voice soft, the face Bucky made broke your heart, which was what you were afraid of. He looked extremely scared. 
“What’s wrong, what’d I do? Was girlfriend too soon? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, ” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close against him. 
“No, no, you’re my boyfriend now.” You assured him. You took his face in your hands and he leaned into your palm in relief.  “I am really excited to be with you but we do work together. And there’s HR and office gossip and I don’t want that to affect us when we are still figuring out us. I guess I’ve never really thought about the power imbalance between us.” 
Bucky nodded albeit a bit reluctantly.  He untangled his arms around you so you were both lying on your side looking at each other. 
“I mean…I understand. You know I don’t really think of myself as a big superhero or something, but it is a ‘power imbalance’. Does it…bother you?” He asked scratching his face to avoid eye contact. You sat up, suddenly very confused. 
“What are you talking about, I’m the scientist who’s studying you? I’m the one abusing my authority here. It's all very unethical!” You exclaimed. 
“I don’t feel taken advantage of here, Doll. If anything, people are going to think I’m taking advantage of you.” Bucky chuckled. 
“I’m a bit older than you. I’m sort of famous for not so great reasons. I’m also literally more powerful than you?” He held up his left arm as if to show you proof. You dismissed it with a hand wave. 
“You don’t know that you’re more famous than me. I’ve been published in many academic journals.” You pointed out. Bucky shook his head. Gosh he liked you so much. He couldn’t even believe this was really happening to him half the time.  
“There were weeks of press coverage for my trial.”  You just rolled your eyes at that. Bucky was always so afraid that everyone saw him as a villain, but you’d never once felt any sort of danger from this sweet man. 
“Well, agree to disagree. But I still think maybe for the first two months we should just keep it quiet. So we don’t have to worry about anyone but each other. Just lowkey.” He pressed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“Yeah. You’re right, you’re totally right. We will keep things low key.” 
“Hey Steve, uhhh we’ve got a problem.” Bucky rushed into the breakfast room, thankful that Steve was the only one there. Steve queried his eyebrow at his panic stricken best friend. 
“What’s up Buck?” He asked. Bucky, seemingly slightly out of breath grabbed the side of the cabinets, he closed his eyes to try and get his 
“So you know how I told you about…on Valentines Day…and then we…so the weekend was…” He waved his hand to emphasis his pauses and Steve nodded along.  
“Of course,  I’m happy for you two, Bucky!” He said brightly, of course this must be some sort of post confession bliss the two of them were in making his friend act so strange.
“Well that's just the thing. Did you…tell anybody else about it?” He asked, his voice a bit strangled and his tone grim. 
“Uhhh was I not supposed to?” Steve asked, his face falling immediately. 
“Can you answer my question?”
“I told Sam about it. The two of you have been dancing around it for so long that we’re all just a little excited for you.” Steve started to explain but he could practically see the fury radiating off of Bucky in waves. His signature death stare was fixed on him. 
“Look, I really appreciate the um, support for my relationship. But here’s the thing, she doesn’t want anyone to know we’re dating.” He ground out, his teeth still clenched. “So we are going to be low. key.” 
“Look who it is. We were about to put out a missing person alert .” Natasha had slunk her way into the breakfast room, her voice dripping with self satisfied condescension.  “Getting provisions for the love nest?”
“God damn it, you told her too?”  He cried out. She shrugged, innocently looking away. Bucky grabbed his head, he was going to throttle Steve. 
“Oh come on, Y/N loves Nat. I figured she already knew.” Steve held his hands up in surrender, the captain certainly hadn't thought this was how his morning was going to go. Bucky turned his attention back to the super spy who was a bit too pleased with the unfolding drama. 
“Nat, did you tell anyone about this?” 
“Please, I’m a spy. I don’t just go around giving out important gossip with nothing to gain.”
“That doesn’t really answer my question, Romanoff!” He snapped back. 
“I’m still a bit confused why she doesn’t want anybody to know? Is that a modern dating thing, not telling people you’re dating?” Steve asked. It didn’t make much sense to him, what exactly did she think was going to happen if people found out? 
“She just doesn’t want the gossip and the pressure of everyone knowing about us to color the beginning of our relationship.” Bucky explained but his tone belated his true feelings. He absolutely did not want to keep this a secret. “So I told her I wasn’t going to tell anybody but I forgot I already told the biggest blabbermouth on the team.”  He quickly turned back to anger at his teammates. 
“I’m not the biggest blabbermouth…hm crap wait I forgot, Clint knows too.” Steve closed his eyes, wincing, ready for the smack upside the head he sorely deserved. 
“Loose lips sink ships asshole! ” Bucky was exasperated. 
“I didn’t know this was top secret information!” Steve countered. 
Nat stayed at the breakfast bar watching the two super soldiers argue, it was amusing but she had her limits. She had to intervene before Bucky had an aneurysm. 
“It's not so bad, we can do damage control. Tell Sam and Clint to keep quiet about it.” Nat said before taking a sip of her coffee. “And Wanda.”
“AND WANDA--” Steve looped an arm around Bucky’s waist before he could lunge at Natasha. 
Bucky Barnes: Hello Sam,  I am texting to inform you that Y/N and I are NOT DATING and please disbelieve the rumors to the contrary. Yours, Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson: please learn to text like a normal person
Sam Wilson: You know I saw you making out with her in the elevator on Friday right? 
Bucky Barnes is typing…
Bucky Barnes: Sam, please disregard my previous message and meet me in the training gym on level 5 ASAP. Yours, Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson: You don't have to sign your name I know it's you 
Sam Wilson: forget it
Sam Wilson: yeah I’ll be there
X Something wasn’t quite right. Your love life had never been better, Bucky was an amazing boyfriend, it was all you could do to not spend all of your time with him. The two of you would meet up after work hours and spend blissful hours back in Bucky’s apartment. But the rest of your work life, well it was starting to feel like people were avoiding you. 
Like the other day at lunch, you were sitting across from Bucky which wasn’t too unusual, you had been friends before you were seeing each other. The very tips of your shoes were touching, a special little secret way of holding hands. The two of you were discussing movies that were coming out, a totally neutral non flirty conversation. But then Steve walked in, looked at you then immediately spun on his heel and walked away. You furrowed your brow. That was a bit weird.
Or when you had bumped into Bucky at the gym on level 5. It had actually been a happy coincidence, you decided to do some yoga as you sorely needed to stretch your body out after being hunched over a microscope all day.  Bucky had been working out with Sam, Bucky lifting weights with Sam on the treadmill. You waved to the two of them and made your way over to say hi and Sam without saying a word jumped off the treadmill and started to jog out of the gym. 
Even Nat, which hurt the most, flaked on the movie night you’d wanted to have in the TV room. Then it was the domino effect, Steve dropped out then  Wanda and Vis dropped out too and soon it was just You and Bucky. 
“Oh nooo. What are we gonna do, watch the movie by ourselves? Just the two of us?” Bucky whispered in your ear as you were pouring popcorn into a large bowl. He grabbed you by the hips and waggled his eyebrows at you. You let out a little sigh and snatched the bowl before heading to the TV room.  You weren’t in the mood to flirt with him. The tv room was ready for what you had thought would be a big group. The lights were already dimmed and there were plenty of blankets and pillows around. 
You and Bucky settled next to each other on the couch. He grabbed a big fuzzy blue blanket and draped it over the two of your legs. He gave your leg a little squeeze beneath the blanket and winked. You just let out a sigh and grabbed the remote to fire up the Roku. Bucky frowned, this was certainly not what he thought their movie night would be like!
“What’s wrong Bambi? You seem down.” He asked, concerned. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his body. You let him cuddle you, resting your head on his chest 
“It just feels like all of our friends are avoiding me. I mean I thought we were friends. Co-workers I guess, you know I’m not great at reading people.” You sighed and buried your face in his chest. Had you grown more annoying these past few weeks ? He grabbed your chin and tilted your head up so you were looking up at him. 
“Honey, you’re great at reading people, don’t let your insecurity tell you otherwise. I’m not really a people person anyway so I was excited that it was going to be just us. Nobody’s avoiding you I promise. Want to just reschedule this night?” He offered. 
You shook your head. Rescheduling wouldn’t make you feel any better. Besides it was nice to be able to spend time with Bucky out in the open like this.  You still felt like your friends were all acting weird, but you trusted Bucky enough that you decided to let it go. 
“Well since it’s just you and me, we still have to watch The Princess Bride.” You relaxed into the couch, already pulling it up on the screen. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
You were working away in the lab, it was a little past lunch time but you simply couldn’t stop in the middle of your project. You could push yourself just a little bit and finish this in time to actually leave at a normal time tonight. You had a date tonight. You smiled to yourself. A secret date.
You were deep in the process, so much so that you didn’t even notice the secret date, arriving hours early in the lab. He gave your sides a squeeze making you yelp. You spun around to see your smirking boyfriend. 
“Bucky! Um, what are you doing here!” you asked, trying not to sound too excited. 
“I'm here to help you out with those samples you had requested from me.” He projected his voice around the lab. But it was for the benefit of no one, you were the only two there. You smiled, happily playing along. 
“Oh right! Those samples I requested.” 
“Those spit samples.” He grabbed the back of your head and crushed his lips to yours in a sloppy wet kiss. You slapped his chest as you pulled away from him giggling.
“Ew! Bucky, that's so gross, why would you say it like that!” But you couldn’t stop giggling. He smiled, clearly feeding off the laughter. 
“You’re the one who wants us to have this clandestine affair, I’m just trying to keep up appearances.” 
“"Why are you even here? You’re a little early.”
“It's my lunch break and I wanted to say hi and give you a kiss.” He took  one of your hands in his. You reached out and grabbed his vibranium hand as well so you were holding both. It made his heart flutter, how unperturbed by his arm you were. When he was with you it was like he was just a normal guy.
“Hi.” He murmured, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“Hi.” you breathed back. This time when your lips met it was sweet and soft. He slowly moved his lips against yours, you opened your mouth just slightly enough that his tongue could slip inside and ---
“So I’m pretty sure the Erskine notes were in here.” It was Bruce! Bucky felt a sudden rush of fear. Bruce wasn’t one of the inner circle who would just pretend not to notice their closeness. They could actually get caught!  
You quickly as hard as you could pushed Bucky away and he clamored backwards. You wiped your mouth, hoping somehow that would disguise yourself. Bruce poked his head in.
“Just looking for the Erskine notes. Uh, everything ok in here?” He took stock of each of you, freshly shoved apart. 
“Yeah, just leaving!” Bucky cried as he raced out of the lab. 
“I’m indifferent to him leaving! I’ll go grab the notes for you Dr. Banner!” You raced to the file cabinet not looking at anything but the ground. 
Bruce cocked his head at the strange interaction he just encountered. 
“Good morning Bucky!” You greeted cheerfully as he entered the breakfast room in the morning, Steve and Sam in tow. “Morning Steve! Morning Sam!” You quickly added as they filed in. As not to raise suspicion. 
“I get a good morning? Wow. Don’t I feel special.” Sam said with a smirk. 
“I say good morning to everyone. I’m just a morning person like that. How are you doing Sam? I feel like you’ve been so busy, I barely even see you these days.” You asked, trying to sound casual. You still felt like everyone was acting so weird around you. 
“Oh you know, mission after mission. None of them were in Hawaii either, it's all been Nepal, Siberia, whatever frozen wasteland they can dump me in.” He sat down next to you. You nodded along as he continued talking about his missions, eager to connect with your friend again. 
“Good morning troops. Ah and good morning Beaker. Didn’t think I’d see you this early on a Monday.” Tony Stark, sunglasses still on, his closes wrinkled like he’d just come in off a jet. It had been awhile since he was on at the Compound.  
You hoped you weren’t blushing at the comment. Bucky had talked you into another Sunday night sleepover, you were trying to be subtle about it but you were a morning person, it didn't make sense to pretend to show up later.
‘I didn’t think I’d see you at all Mr. Stark. It's been awhile, since you’ve hunkered down with us mole people in the lab.” You always had a professional but good natured relationship with Tony. He was your boss after all, which is why you found it a little weird to call him Tony. 
Tony let out a chuckle and started to make science small talk, about the lab and the projects you’d been working on. 
Bucky and Tony were not great friends. They had buried the hatchet, sure, but it wasn’t like the two drank beer and watched the game together. Cordial coworkers are best. 
Except Bucky didn't feel very cordial with Tony right now. Considering he had taken the only open seat next to you. He gruffly sat down at the table next to them with his coffee. 
You wanted to invite Bucky to come sit with you, or go over to his table, but that would probably be a bit too much for just friends. You peered over Tony’s shoulder to your grumpy boyfriend darkly having breakfast. You tried not to make it too obvious and still listen to his anecdote about building a mini laser. 
The two of your eyes would catch more often than not. Quickly turning back to whatever they were doing. Tony picked up on this immediately, he looked over his shoulder
“What do you keep looking at?” He spun around to look directly at Bucky who was frozen in place.  “What’s going on here? Are you two fucking or something?”
It was like everything happened all at once.
“Tony -- out of line.” “Uh HR?” “No no no you misunderstand.” “Which one of you told Tony?”
Everyone burst into action, all speaking over each other.  Wait what? You swung your head from pleading with Tony to your secret boyfriend.  The three soldiers froze. Sam took a deep breath. 
“I’ve had enough of this! Nobody told Tony. You two idiots are just so obvious that anyone could see it.” Sam said. As soon as he did Steve let out a huge sigh of relief, his shoulders rolling forward like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.  
“I won’t have this, no way, not on my watch. Y/N. My beloved employee. With Mancurian Candidate? Under my nose, in my own lab?” Tony said indignantly,  putting his hand over his heart as if he was scandalized. 
“Tony! That’s really not very funny. You shouldn’t call him that.” You said your face a hard frown. and Bucky felt his heart burst with happiness. But then your gaze turned to him and he felt your icy stare.
“I--I can explain. You see I had actually texted Steve before we decided to be lowkey. It was before so really if you think about it. I didn’t do anything wrong. And Steve and his big mouth told a few people. But it’s just the people in this room. And Nat. And Clint. And Wanda. But that’s all.”  Bucky tried to explain to you as best he could. His eyes were pleading, he felt weak in the knees. You remained silent, your arms crossed. 
“Yikes, you’re in troooouble.” Tony taunted. 
“So basically everyone! Everyone I see on a daily basis. I can’t believe this. So they’ve all known the whole time?” You looked at Sam and Steve who both sheepishly nodded. You turned back to Bucky, you let out a shaky breath. People knew, and nothing bad had happened. Your friends had actually gone out of their way so you two could have some privacy.  “Well I guess there's no point in keeping this up then.”
“I'm having breakfast with my boyfriend now, so if you don’t mind gentlemen.” You grabbed your breakfast bowl and moved your chair so you were sitting next to Bucky. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your lap. 
“Ugh, I'm nauseous you two are so fucking cute. Guess that’s my cue.  Come on, Commandos, take a hint.” Tony got up signaling to the other two who also rushed out of the room, more than happy to get out of the tense atmosphere. Once you were completely alone, you finally spoke. 
“I can’t believe everyone knows. Why didn’t you just tell me?” 
 Bucky let out a deep sigh. 
“I mean I kept it a secret from some people. Tony being one of them. I just…I wanted to give you what you wanted. But I mean to be completely honest I did want to tell everyone. I’m all in.”  
“I’m all in too!” You cried clutching his hand and kissing his knuckles. “That's why I wanted to try and slow things down so I couldn’t mess anything up. Now it just all seems so silly. I tried so hard to be sneaky too!” 
He took his hand off yours and gave your thigh a squeeze. 
“I mean…we can still sneak around sometimes. If you want. ” He had a playful glint in his eyes. “I mean, I had plans, Doll, a lot of plans. I was fully prepared to take you on every inch of that lab table.” 
“Sergeant Barnes! ” You gasped. “I think we may be a bit too loud for that level of sneakiness.” He took your chin in his hand and rubbed his thumb down your lip.
“I’m sure we can find a way to keep you quiet.”
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maccreadysbaby · 6 months
A Hundred Ways to Become a Wayne
batfamily + oc insert
tw: none
wanna read more? here’s the table of contents!
want to read the first fic in the hundred days series so you understand what’s going on here? here it is!
*deep inhale* ah, yes, the smell of approaching chaos
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part thirteen
He envied the way Asten could fall right back asleep after everything he’d been through. He was all curled up under Bentley’s gray comforter, his black and blue hair sticking out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the dark sheets. 
Asten had been eerily quiet since the car ride. Bentley didn’t blame him, not at all. Bruce didn’t try to make him talk: he only asked him a few things, like if he needed anything to eat, or his preferred sleeping arrangement. Everything offered was quickly declined and he made it clear he just wanted to go to bed.
Neither he nor Bentley changed their clothes, they just crawled up into his bed and laid there, with one lamp on, in silence.
And that’s exactly what Bentley was still doing. Asten had fallen asleep long ago — the sun was probably going to come up in an hour or two. Maybe Bentley would’ve been able to rest if his sleep schedule wasn’t so screwed up.
He’d been sitting up against the headboard, mindlessly playing games on his phone, listening to Asten’s even breathing. There wasn’t much left for him to do but sit there and swim in his own thoughts, which had been a strange mix of what would happen if the Secret Keeper found them, wondering if he upset Dick by leaving the hospital bed, what would’ve happened if Tim hadn’t been able to get to Asten fast enough, and a slew of other mildly unpleasant things regarding their current situation.
His first ever sleepover had been brought about by a horror-movie-level supervillain chasing a kid he’d known for five days around downtown Gotham. Given what his life had held so far, he should’ve expected something like that.
Bruce had poked his head in once, and Bentley just sort of waved at him. They exchanged a few texts afterwards, but it had been a while since then, and Bentley hoped he went back down with Dick. Dick deserved having his dad down there with him.
When the clock struck 4:33am, and the after-patrol bedroom doors had been closed for a while, Asten stirred, humming incoherently.
Bentley glanced over at him, watching him shift around until he pulled the comforter up and over his head.
He mumbled almost incoherently in Portuguese, running all his words together. “Não… não. Por favor, não leve minha mãe embora. Por favor, não a leve embora.”
“Asten?” Bentley questioned, shifting slightly to face him.
“Não. Por favor. Não a tire de mim. Eu não quero ficar sozinho…”
Bentley reached over and tapped at the wiggling blankets. “Asten.”
A few seconds later, Asten’s head popped out, hair a mess, and he blinked. “Huh?”
“You were talking,” Bentley replied quietly. Asten cringed, so Bentley added: “Not in English.”
“What time is it?”
He glanced over at his glowing clock. “Four-thirty-four.”
“Ugh,” Asten grumbled, tugging the comforter back over his head. “You haven’t been able to sleep?”
“No,” Bentley replied. “I slept for a while after school.”
Asten’s voice was muffled under the blanket. “Guess I was really lucky your sleep schedules botched, huh?”
Bentley glanced over at the Asten-shaped lump in the blankets.
“You would’ve been okay,” He tried.
“You and I both know I would’ve been dead,” Asten replied, pulling the blankets off of his head. (Which made his hair even messier.) “It might be scary to think about, Whittaker, but you answering that phone probably saved my life. For real.”
Bentley said nothing. Most of him wanted to disregard that, to say that surely Asten would’ve been fine, but there was a small part of him that knew he was probably right.
“And I realize I’m staying at your house within like, a week of meeting you, and that’s kinda weird.” He continued, bringing the blanket back over his head. “So, sorry.”
“It’s not that weird,” He stated simply, fiddling with the edge of the blanket. “I mean, you’re my friend, aren’t you?”
Asten let out a huff of a laugh. “I’d like to think so. I knocked out a bully for you and you kept me from getting murdered, I’d say that surpasses the acquaintance category.”
Bentley shrugged. “I guess I’m just not the best at telling who likes me and who doesn’t.”
A moment of silence passed, and Bentley’s mind lingered on Damian.
“I guess you never really know. People can be fake right up until they’re not,”
Considering that Damian could’ve been fake-liking him the whole time didn’t make Bentley feel any better.
“So, ginger, I’m sleeping next to you and hardly know anything about you,” Asten stated, sitting up slightly against the headboard and pulling the blanket off his head again. “You’re not from Crime Alley or Bristol, you don’t sound like either of those. Where are you from?”
Bentley took in a breath, and let it out. “Drew.”
“That’s the city next to Bludhaven, isn’t it?” He questioned.
“I think so,” Bentley stated, trying to remember all the aerial maps he’d seen on the Batcomputer.
“I’m from São Paulo, a city in Brazil,” Asten explained, pulling his knees up sort of like Bentley usually did.
Bentley shifted against the headboard. “Why did you move here?”
Asten quieted.
“My, uh… parents died a couple years ago. In a car crash,” He said, speaking softer than he had been. “I don’t have any family in Brazil, grandparents or anything. My only relative was my dad’s brother, who lives here. So that’s who I went to.”
Bentley cringed, watching the way Asten’s eyes lingered on his own hands. He really did suck at talking to people, didn’t he?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad,” He muttered, bringing his knees up, too.
“Hey, no sweat, kid.” Asten reached over and bumped him on the shoulder, quickly ridding his face of any undue emotion. “I’m fine. How’d you end up in Bruce Wayne’s house, anyway?”
Bentley quickly weeded through all the things he couldn’t tell Asten, which was basically everything. What was he supposed to say?
“My dad… got arrested… last December,” Is what he settled on. “And my mom died when I was a baby. My dad knew Bruce.”
“Oh,” Was what Asten replied. And then he snorted. “We are some little pity-fest, aren’t we?”
The word pity didn’t make Bentley feel any better, either. But he forced a little smile on nonetheless.
“Why are you in my classes when you’re older than me?” Bentley questioned, desperately trying to change the subject.
“I was homeschooled in Brazil, so credits and stuff were different when I moved here,” Asten explained, shifting so his position was mirroring Bentley’s. “You were homeschooled, weren’t you?”
Did anything his father did count as homeschooling? Bentley wasn’t dumb by any means, and he knew the basics of math and stuff. 
“Uh, yeah,” He replied. Technically he was, right?
Had he been lying to Asten this whole time? He couldn’t exactly tell him his dad was using him to destroy Batman, and he didn’t really think it was a societal norm to tell the first person you meet that you were abused and neglected for your whole life.
This whole double-life thing was hard. Of course, this wasn’t as hard as when he was trying to do his father’s work, but it was still hard.
“You seem like a homeschool kid,” Asten said with a smirk.
Bentley quirked his brow. “How?”
“Y’know, you just… have that way about you that lets me know you haven’t interacted with many people. It’s not a bad thing,” He insisted. “You’re similar to Nico, and he was homeschooled for a while, too.”
Bentley nodded slightly. (At least Asten thought he was homeschooled and not purposefully kept from outside contact by his abuser.)
“We can’t tell him about any of this Secret Keeper stuff, by the way. Nico. He’ll die on the spot,” Asten said, running a hand through his messy hair. 
“Okay,” Is all Bentley replied. With the reactions he’d seen from Nico so far (nearly crying over riding the bus, having an asthma attack over riding the bus, crying in the janitors closet when he wasn’t even the one afraid…) he really wouldn’t doubt it.
A few moments of silence passed. “Hey, Bentley?”
He looked up at Asten, brown eyes meeting green. “Yeah?”
“Have you really not seen her since your dream?” 
Bentley shook his head, pulling the blanket further onto his lap. “No, I haven’t. Not even when we went to pick you up.”
“I don’t think she’s alone,”
Bentley pinched his brows together, glancing over at Asten, who was staring off, deep in thought.
“What do you mean?”
Asten looked up at him, then down. “She was branded. Behind her left ear. I saw it in my dream — A symbol that looked like a weird A.”
Bentley sat up straighter. “Whats branded?”
“It’s, like… where you form metal in a certain symbol, then heat it up and burn the symbol onto someone’s skin. Like a mark that they belong to someone else,” He explained. “Luckily it’s not a common thing.”
Bentley squirmed a little in his spot, thinking about being branded by red-hot metal. “You… think she has a boss?”
Asten shrugged. “It’s just a thought. People don’t usually just brand themselves. Unless they’re trying to trick you and she knows I saw it, in that case, I don’t know.”
Another tense silence passed, but the way the gears were turning in each of their heads was nearly audible.
“You said in the car, you wanted your face to be the last thing she ever saw,” Bentley started, glancing up at him. “Would you actually go after her?”
Asten’s eyes lingered on his for a few moments, and something like a storm glimmered in the back of his green eyes. Similar to at school, but not so prominent. “If she’s going to make our lives miserable, then the least I can do is make her’s a hellscape in return. Why?”
Bentley glanced at his bedroom door, thinking of the family beyond.
“Because I…” Want to be good enough for them.
“… Want to help you.”
Asten searched his face for a moment, raising an eyebrow.
“We’ll have to beat the police,” He suggested.
Bentley shrugged. “And Batman.”
Asten smirked lightly. “You think we can do it?”
I’ve been trained into a deceptive weapon and living with the greatest detectives in the world, he wanted to reply.
“I think we need a plan,” Was what he said instead.
dedicated to @sassenashsworld 💚
tag list! (If you want me to remove or add you, ask in comments!)
@fleur-alise @sarcopterygiian @cademygod
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 months
you were supposed to live across the street
we were supposed to see each other behind our mothers legs as shy children
i was supposed to run to your house in my converse and ring your doorbell with a birthday invitation in hand and cheeks warm with embarrassment
we were supposed to be awkward and blink into friendship
we were supposed to have sleepovers until middle school and suddenly the idea wasn’t the same because maybe i started to think you were cute after the friday night basketball game
we were supposed to send knowing looks across the hall because not even the distance and separate friend groups could unravel our history
we were supposed to not make sense to any of our friends while our parents watched endeared, already knowing what’s to come
we were supposed to date other people in high school and meet on the trampoline after the break ups
we were supposed to eat ice cream and talk until we ran out of tears—mostly me. you only cried over julianna tate, but those tears looked nothing like the ones i saw when your golden retriever passed away two weeks after your 17th birthday. that was the first time i held your hand and had a hard time letting ago
we were supposed to have those quiet moments that held so much weight when we didn’t know what else to say besides the scary truth: we knew why the relationships with other people weren’t working. so we stayed silent
we were supposed to mess it up one more time at senior prom, but our mothers still planned pictures in the driveway before our dates showed up
we were supposed to have those 5, 10, 15 minutes of absolute sense because of course this is how it’s meant to be. of course we’re standing in your driveway and i rest my head on your shoulder when the camera battery dies. we wait alone and watch the sun continue to set, displaying the prettiest shades behind trees
i was supposed to have a fight with my date in the middle of my favorite song and tell him to go fuck himself before looking for you
you were supposed to watch the whole exchange from the table with the biggest bowl of punch anyone had ever seen while your date kissed the captain of the soccer team
we were supposed to leave together then and end up at a fast food drive thru and then park in the lot by the beach with the windows down and my heels on the back seat. i wore your jacket because spilling any of my chocolate milkshake on my dress would be tragic
you were supposed to roll your sleeves up nonchalantly and hum the chorus of my favorite song, replacing the memory of that stupid fight with absolute ease to my delight
i was supposed to admire you and let the last thought slip into a car so quiet the words couldn’t be explained as anything else
you were supposed to laugh about our teenaged stupidity and say something about your mother always being right because she called it that morning in the kitchen making breakfast
i was supposed to feel my heart burst and place my hand over my chest because ohmygod this is it
you were supposed to look over then with your kind eyes and tell me you’ve loved me all this time.
we were supposed to kiss in the car. kiss long enough for me to crave strawberry milkshakes every saturday. kiss long enough for me to envision our future behind closed eyes. kiss long enough to realize the places you’ve been waiting to touch me, the sounds you’ve been waiting to hear.
we were supposed to fall asleep in your car but we stayed up all night talking instead, piecing it all together and laughing over every pivot made out of fear
we were supposed to end up at colleges in the same city, live in the dorms freshman year and find a cheap place in between to share by the following fall
we were supposed to break up for three weeks junior year
i was supposed to spiral during those 21 days and question everything
you were supposed to call me and be mad that i didn’t call first, complain lightheartedly that it was always you
i was supposed to tell you we can’t do that ever again because it hurts too much
i was supposed to be scared because my whole life fell apart for 21 days
we were supposed to graduate and travel all june and july. my rich aunt who lives in europe gave you her grandmother’s ring, knowing i’ve loved it longer than i’ve loved you—known you—had you
we were supposed to live together for three years and figure out what the hell life is after landing professional jobs and realizing adulthood is everything and nothing
i wasn’t supposed to come home and see the ring on the table
you had it all planned out
you weren’t supposed to propose in the kitchen, but the sun flooded the window and painted your skin so perfectly it told me to fall in love again like i needed the direction
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liaaacantwrite · 2 years
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Chapter One: Edge of Seventeen
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Series)
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Summary: After the events of last year, all (Y/N) Hopper can do is hope for a bit of normal. But having an adopted sister with superpowers, a gaggle of 13 year olds to tend to, and a new boy in town, things are bound to get stranger.
part two! part three!
(A/N: reader is hopper’s daughter but as a mixed person, i’m just pretending that his ex wife was hispanic, and that sarah was just mixed, too. also, i tried to use y/n as little as possible, but i still used it a few times. sorry!)
“You better be in there, or you’re grounded.” Hopper stood on the other side of her bedroom door. He always decided to be particularly annoying at 6:30 in the morning, and he loved to bring up the fact that she had snuck out literally one time 2 years prior.
“Jesus, Dad, you’re so annoying!” She buried her face into her pillow and flipped him off through the door when she heard him let out a low chuckle, after which he approached Eleven’s door next.
“You up? It’s time for breakfast.” He sounded muffled, but (Y/N) could clearly hear the difference in tone.
It was strange, and she felt guilty to even suggest this, but ever since El had moved in, Hopper seemed to be finding more and more faults within his own daughter. Nothing too serious, but he teased more and acted like she wasn’t nearly 18, for god’s sake. Lately, he had become a helicopter parent, and it was especially embarrassing when he would insist on driving her places with his big police car.
“Are you coming to eat?” Eleven knocked softly, her words deliberate and well practiced during her time alone.
“Yeah, just let me piss first.” It was fun to teach El the things Hopper wouldn’t, like swear words and pop culture. She always giggled when learning about things she knew Hopper would disapprove of.
“Real good example for El, huh?” He stood against the wall as she opened the door.
She just rolled her eyes, stepping past him and to the bathroom.
Looking in the mirror for a moment, she noticed the bags under her eyes. After the events of last year, she had frequent nightmares. Men in suits coming to take Eleven away, demogorgons chasing her through the woods, Jonathan and Nancy taking Barb’s place. They came every night and terrorized what little sleep she got, dominating her subconscious with ferocity. It was getting harder now that it had been around a year, and it probably didn’t help that she spent most of her free time with the Byers, witnessing Will’s recovery first hand.
She pissed and washed her hands, opting to brush her teeth after she ate.
“I am confused. What is Halloween?” El turned to her sister of less than a year as soon as she walked into the main area of the cabin. The little superhero pointed at the television and an ad for a horror movie marathon on Halloween Night played softly.
“It’s a holiday! Kids dress up in costumes and get candy from neighbors, and teenagers usually just watch scary movies and go to parties.”
“No parties.” Hopper walked to the little dining table and placed 3 plates of eggs and bacon.
It was like he had a vendetta against the other kids her age in Hawkins. His deep disdain for the kids Steve used to hang around made sense, but he really only liked Jonathan and sometimes Nancy at this point. Maybe Steve, if he wasn’t being too annoying that day. It was pretty frustrating that the only person she could hang out with and get no complaints from her dad was constantly busy, either with some job he was doing or obsessing after Nancy. But, she couldn’t complain. She was pretty sure that whenever she started liking someone, she would be pretty annoying about it, too.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, Dad. Also, I was wondering if I could sleepover at Robin’s on Saturday?”
Robin was the best friend (Y/N) could ever ask for. After meeting at work, the animal shelter, they instantly hit it off. It didn’t matter that Robin was a year younger, or that she didn’t know about the Upside Down. She was a good friend, who actually cared about her, and genuinely wanted what was best for the both of them. Even Hopper had to admit that.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I can give you some money for pizza if you want.” He smiled gently, glancing over at his daughters.
He truly did love them. After Sarah, when his wife left, he completely expected (Y/N) to follow her mother. But she didn’t. She chose her dad, and he felt so lucky that she wanted to be with him. He’d watched her grow from just a little baby to the beautiful young woman she was becoming, and honestly, he couldn’t be more proud, even if he did want her to stay a child a little longer. And Eleven? God, did he feel bad for her. He had overheard some of the late night talks his daughters had in the small cabin, heard the horror stories of Hawkins Lab. How a 13 year old girl had still managed to come out of a childhood like that and still be so kind? It baffled him, but he was grateful anyway. Sure, he couldn’t take her to the movies like he wanted to, and sure, he couldn’t have a picture of her in his office. But he was just grateful to have saved her in the woods before something truly awful could happen to her. And most of all, he was grateful that they got along and actually cared about each other.
“Come eat your breakfast, we’re leaving in 20 minutes.”
As she walked the hallways of Hawkins High she fiddled with the pendant of her matching necklace that she had bought for herself and Eleven. It was a little blue flower pendant on a silver chain, and they both wore it every single day. Once, Eleven thought she had lost it during her shower, but since she never left the cabin, it was pretty easy to find.
“Hey, I was looking for you!” Robin bounced up and linked their arms together.
“My dad said Saturday’s cool. I just want to be back by noon on Sunday.” She couldn’t tell Robin, but she had been promising El that they would have a Star Wars marathon, as it was something Mike liked, and honestly, (Y/N) enjoyed them, too.
“That’s fine. My mom got some weird foot scrub thing that’s supposed to take all the dead skin off. Did you know the white flaky shit on your heels is dead skin?! I thought it was like, cellulite for your foot. Maybe I’m crazy, though. Also, she has a coupon for Family Video if you wanna rent a movie. A Nightmare On Elm Street just came out, and there’s Johnny Depp for you and Heather Langenkamp for me. Although, you probably like Heather, too. Oh, and—” Robin rambled, but it was totally endearing. Usually she just talked until she tired herself out or something interrupted her.
“Hey!” Steve saddled up beside (Y/N), paying Robin no mind. “Did you hear that there’s a new kid?”
Honestly, she hadn’t. She usually had her walkman playing as she walked around, but today she forgot it. Still, with Robin in her ear, she had missed the gossip.
“Yeah? Where are they from?”
“California, I think. Name’s Billy or something. He pulled up in this loud ass Camaro and scared the shit out of Eleanor Nichols.” Steve ran his hand through his hair and slung an arm around his friend.
They had become a bit close last year when all of the shit with the lab had calmed down. Steve was a really nice person to talk to since she didn’t want to bother Jonathan now that his brother was back. He was totally different than what she had expected, but she still felt a little guilty liking him so much when she knew he was with the girl Jonathan wanted.
“Wonder why he would come here of all places.” She mused to herself, waving at both Robin and Steve as she walked into her class. Steve and Robin didn’t even look at each other as they both walked in different directions.
Jonathan slid into the seat next to her at lunch, a routine they always followed. They handed each other half their sandwich, a PB&J for a turkey and cheese. It was something they had done since they were kids, and they didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
“My mom is wondering when you’re gonna come by again.”
“Oh, whenever! I’ve just been a little busy with El, she’s been really clingy. Not that I mind, obviously. I just always feel guilty leaving her alone so long that I really only do my own shit on the weekends when Hopper’s home.”
“No, that makes sense. I hate dropping Will off at school, I just wish I could go with him.” Jonathan ate his chips, passing the bag to her.
“You wanna be in middle school again?” She laughed and took a handful.
“Fuck, no. I’m done with swirlies.”
Unfortunately, both her and Jonathan dealt with a lot of bullying in middle school. Why did kids think it was funny that someone’s parents were divorced? And holy shit, when they found out her sister had died, she had a huge target on her back.
“Hear about the new kid?” Jonathan scribbled in his notebook, some english assignment he didn’t do last night.
“That’s all anyone’s talking about. I haven’t seen him, though.”
“The girl behind me in third period called him ‘pure sex’. What does that even mean?”
As if the universe was listening to him, Billy Hargrove pushed through the double doors separating the hall and the cafeteria, a black leather jacket and blue denim jeans adorning his body. With an AC/DC graphic t-shirt, one dangly silver earring, a cigarette, and pure confidence, he strolled past the staring masses and sat alone at a table. He winked at Holly Peterson, a preacher’s daughter, to which she gasped and turned back around.
“That’s what it means, Byers. That guy has totally had a threesome.”
“No, you physically can’t tell me he hasn’t.”
“My point, exactly.”
Robin was constantly late, and it was pretty much her only flaw. She mostly forgot about time, and only remembered when she was already late. Luckily, the animal shelter was about a 10 minute walk away from the high school, so they could run and just change into their uniforms at work.
It was actually a pretty decent job. Feeding the cats and dogs, taking the dogs on walks, petting the cats, changing the litter boxes, cleaning the kennels, petting the dogs, helping with adoptions, and manning the front desk. The best part, however, was seeing how happy the animals got when the girls walked into their section. Even the meanest, grumpiest animals just needed a little love and understanding. And, honestly, something awful probably had to have happened for them to turn out that way, so (Y/N) approached every situation with empathy and a limitless well of understanding.
The best dog in the entire kennel was named Yosemite, and he was a little rottweiler. He was found in an abandoned trailer, starving and cold, but he was taken to the shelter where (Y/N) had worked tirelessly to bring him back up to a healthy weight. Honestly, Yosemite was her passion project. She had been begging Hopper to let her adopt him, stating that a dog would be good protection for Eleven, and honestly, Hopper was coming around.
Honestly, Hopper was running late. Although he usually picked up his daughter after every shift, he was nowhere to be found at by 7:30, 45 minutes after her shift had ended.
Robin had offered to stay, but (Y/N) insisted her dad was on the way and would flip when he arrived and she wasn’t there. So Robin left, and she waited.
“Thanks, Dad. I’d totally love to walk home after sunset in October. Nah, I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m an attractive teenage girl alone at night with no way to defend myself.” She pulled herself together and began her walk home, about 10 miles. “I’ll get there in two motherfucking months!”
She didn’t even care about how hungry she was, how exhausted. Pure anger fueled her walk, annoyance at her dad. She really hoped he had a good excuse, like some police emergency. If she found out he was just at home sleeping she was going to go apeshit.
She had actually made it about 2 miles (45 minutes later) when a recognizable white ford pickup sped by, splashing her with a freezing roadside puddle.
“FUCK!” She screamed, completely drenched and furious. She knew that truck. It belonged to Jackson Mulroney, the baseball captain. He was a shitty guy who had been arrested once by Hopper for sexual assault, eventually getting the charges dropped by his daddy’s lawyer. He was gross, and he most likely did it on purpose.
She sat down on the muddy ground, not caring at this point. She cried, like truly ugly cried. She was freezing and hungry and still had around 3 more hours of walking to do, depending on how long she stayed there. Cars whizzed past, and she hoped they didn’t recognize her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to keep walking.
Some time later, a blue Camaro slowly stopped next to where she rested. The passenger side window rolled down.
“You alright?” A deep voice spoke, their face obstructed by the darkness of the evening.
“Need a ride?”
She stood, knowing far too much about serial killer tactics from Hopper to trust this stranger so easily.
“No, I don’t think so.” She turned and kept walking, adrenaline pushing her along.
“Well, how far have you got to go?” He drove alongside her.
“None of your business.”
A passing car’s headlights illuminated the person inside.
It was Billy Hargrove.
“Look, I can’t just let you walk god knows how far, soaking wet when it’s 45 degrees outside. Get in the car.”
“I’m muddy and going to get your seats wet.”
He rummaged around in the backseat, eventually finding a towel and laying it across the passenger seat.
“I really don’t know why you have a towel back there.” She opened the door and could practically hear Hopper screaming at her to not get in the car, but it was his fault she was out here anyway.
“Nah, you don’t.”
She slid into the seat, the heated air a welcome sensory change. “Oh, shit. It’s so warm in here.”
“Yeah. I hate the cold.” He shook his head and turned the volume of his radio down.
“You’re from California, right? Left up here, by the way.”
“So, you’ve heard of me?” He smiled as he turned left.
“Everyone has. I’m (Y/N) Hopper.”
He repeated her name as if he was committing it to memory.
“Can I ask why you’re soaking wet? It hasn’t rained since this morning.”
“Because my dad never picked me up from work and after I just decided to walk, Jackson fucking Mulroney drive by at 85 miles per hour through a puddle.”
“Damn. I know all about shitty dads.”
“He’s not shitty. But he’s the chief of police,” a good fact to mention just in case he was a serial killer after all, “so he’s just always really busy. Turn right here.” She was pissed at her dad, sure, but she was adamant that he was still a good father.
“Oh.” Billy wasn’t sure what to say.
“I’m just gonna rant to you for a minute. Is that okay?”
“Go right ahead, Princess.”
She felt heat rise to her cheeks ever so slightly and nodded.
“He’s usually there early, so there better be a good fucking excuse for this. I mean, I started walking at 7:30, and now it’s…” she checked Billy’s watch, her own needing a new battery after getting soaked, “8:37!”
“Maybe there was a problem at the station.” Seeing this girl he didn’t really know so frustrated was weird for Billy. He wasn’t used to people opening up so easily, being so transparent with their thoughts and feelings, let alone swearing about it. Billy was used to girls being coy, playing the long game. He really liked her frankness and honesty.
“I fucking hope so. Shit, I don’t mean I want there to be a problem.” She bit her lip as she briefly considered that there were more Upside Down related problems.
“He could have at least arranged for someone to pick you up, though.”
“I didn’t even consider that!”
Billy chucked at her outrage and kept driving. She really did have a long ass way to walk.
“You can let me out here. My house is like, actually in the woods, so I’m fine.” She started to unbuckle and Billy shook his head.
“How far into the woods?”
“Like a 4 minute drive, it’s fine.” She started to open the door, but he stretched across the center console and shut it for her.
“I’m not about to let you get eaten by a bear or some shit.” He pulled into a little side road and she led the way.
“Thank you, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it.”
She got the impression that Billy was someone who really cared about his reputation. His perfectly styled hair, the flashy car, the really good cologne. She would have felt embarrassed about being muddy in such an attractive boy’s car, but she was so tired at this point that she couldn’t bring herself to care. She could agonize over it later.
“I’ll make it up to you somehow. Need a lunch buddy?”
“A lunch buddy?” He laughed, like actually laughed. He hadn’t heard that term since second grade.
“Yeah, me and my friend Jonathan sit near the bathrooms. Sometimes we sit outside in the spring. You can join us if you want to.”
“You know, I might take you up on that. That annoying chick Carrie or something will not leave me alone.”
“Carol? Yeah, she sucks ass. She started a rumor in middle school that I was a cult leader. Can you imagine a 12 year old sacrificing virgins?”
They were approaching the cabin and Hopper’s van wasn’t outside. Eleven had been alone way longer than usual.
“This your castle, Princess?”
“The one and only. Thanks, Billy. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Table near the bathrooms. Got it.” He flashed a charming grin, very practiced and perfected. She tried not to swoon as she walked up to the steps.
She knocked in the specific pattern El knew as Billy peeled off. His engine was extremely loud.
“Late.” Eleven called from her bedroom.
“Yeah, Dad never picked me up. A friend had to drive me home.” Were they friends? Not really, but it just seemed like a lot to explain to the young teenager.
“Hopper is not home?” She stepped out of her room and into the main area.
“No. Did you eat yet?”
“Why are you so dirty?”
“I got splashed. Let me change and I’ll make some macaroni and cheese.” She walked past Eleven and into her bedroom.
Where the fuck was Hopper?
The next day, gossip around Hawkins High was that Billy Hargrove had beat up Jackson Mulroney. Jackson had gone home with two black eyes, a split lip, and a broken nose. When asked why, Billy just shrugged and said, “Fucker should drive carefully.” The irony wasn’t lost on him.
“I’m serious, I haven’t seen someone that injured since I fucked up Steve in the alleyway.” Jonathan laughed to himself in the cafeteria at the table near the bathrooms.
“Which you got arrested for, so don’t try to act all cool.”
“Still fucked him up.” It was a point of pride for Jonathan, something he knew he had over the boy Nancy seemed to like so much.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. She absolutely planned on asking Billy about it when he sat down. Was this over last night? Jackson obviously deserved it, but she couldn’t believe Billy would do something like that for a near stranger. She was almost certain something else must have happened between them.
“Shut up and eat your sandwich.”
Seemingly appearing out of nowhere, Billy sauntered over to the pair. He had been given detention, but didn’t mind much. It wasn’t like that was new for him.
“Hello, Princess. You’re Jonathan?” He sized up the boy sitting with his new friend.
“Hey, man. Yeah.” Jonathan nodded and stuck out his hand for Billy to shake. It was firm, not particularly aggressive or friendly.
“Sit! We were actually just talking about you.” Billy raised his eyebrows, again admiring her candor. “Heard about your little scuffle with Jackson.” She took a really big bite of the turkey and cheese.
“Did you? Well, I’m pretty sure you know why.”
Jonathan glanced between the two. She had mentioned that they would have a guest at lunch but she didn’t mention that it would be Billy. She had also mentioned that someone had driven her home after Hopper didn’t show, and Jonathan connected the dots.
“Jackson splashed you?” He was pretty mad.
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Clearly, Billy handled it for me.” She gave him a small smile and slid him her apple and chips. “Where’s your lunch?”
He didn’t have one. Neil and Susan didn’t grocery shop, they just brought home shitty fast food or let Max and Billy fend for themselves. He’d had too many cans of chili this week, usually just eating dinner anyway.
“Forgot it. Thanks.” He was secretly extremely grateful and couldn’t believe he’d found the one nice person in Hawkins, Indiana.
“We share food all the time. I have a banana if you want it.” Jonathan offered, holding it out for Billy.
“Sure. Thanks.” Two nice people.
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strawberryfairi · 5 months
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“I loved you then…back when I knew you”
Synopsis: 💎 When your old high school best friend, and admittedly, first love randomly shows up at your door one morning after a bit over ten years apart, your memories of him that you once locked away comes flooding back. Are you open to hearing him out after all this time? (In other words…will you take your man back or nah?)
♕Pairings: Kazutora X Black Fem Reader 🤎 (ANYONE CAN READ)🛑Content: 18+ Eventual smut, Some grief, Some angst ~Crossposted On: Wattpad ONLY ~Updating WEEKLY
w.c. 3.3k💠 Released Jan 10, 2024
Previous | Next Chapter Chapters Masterlist
Halloween time had come around pretty fast. All kinds of friend groups both guys and girls in your class were already discussing what they should do together for the holiday. Today's a Saturday night, and you were having a sleepover with the girls Asuka and Yumi in order to plan what to do this Halloween. You all were gathered in your living room, each having their own blanket as y'all huddled together on one big air mattress.
"We should go to one of those haunted houses! You know, the ones where they can grab you and things! It makes it more realistic and scary." Yumi suggested, rather randomly.
"Girl, what?!" You looked at her like she grew three more heads.
"It'll be fun! And think...you could ask Kazutora to come too! It can be like a da-
"I am not asking Kazutora on a date, Yumi." You deadpanned.
For the past few weeks of October, ever since Asuka witnessed the interaction between you and Kazutora after he fought Osanai, they've been trying to set you two up since, allegedly, 'you guys need to just date already'.
"You should! Something needs to happen with you guys! I'm beyond tired of this slow burn, idiotic nonsense." Yumi grumbled.
"Not slow burn!" You laughed out loud.
"Yeah! All of Japan knows you guys like each other at this point! I mean, what is the issue?!" She ranted, throwing her hands in the air, only making you laugh more.
"The only issue here is that y'all want us to be more than friends! We really are just-
"I swear, if you say you guys are just close friends one more time, I'm gonna shave your eyebrows off." She glared.
"Yumiiiii!" Your jaw dropped.
"Don't Yumi me! Asuka, back me up here!" She obnoxiously patted Asuka's shoulder, disturbing her 'sleep'.
Asuka opened her eyes, lazily turning her head towards you.
"It's true, the slow burn needs to stop. Hashtag stop the slow burn." She mumbled tiredly, nodding her head slowly.
"Y'all are ridiculous, you hear me?" You chuckled, "Besides, if I ask Kazutora that'll make it one guy with three other girls. It's not an even ratio." You shrugged nonchalantly.
"You gotta be freaking kidding me. Obviously we'll be inviting other guys too." Yumi facepalmed.
"Oh, so you're finally gonna talk to Harada-kun and ask him to go to this haunted house with you? As a date, since that's the type of time y'all wanna be on." You question sassily, giving Yumi all types of neck.
"I-...you know what? Yes I will. But not before you ask Kazutora out first!" She smirked, a challenging tone in her voice.
"Ok, fine! I'll call him right now; facetime him even." You shot back.
Asuka shook her head, knowing the two of you were gonna fold eventually like y'all always do.
"Do it then! I dare you!"
You grabbed your phone aggressively from the floor next to the air mattress, pursing your lips as the realization finally hit you that you were about to ask Kazutora out. Your heart started racing, thumb hovering over his name.
"Is there perhaps...some hesitation I'm seeing?" Yumi teased, snickering evilly.
"Ain't no hesitation." You rolled your eyes, getting a tiny burst of ego-driven confidence from her words, facetiming him. As your phone rang you looked up at the two of them shook. They both had the same expression, shocked that you were actually doing it. Asuka was even fully sitting up and awake at this point. After a few more seconds, Kazutora finally answered. He had a dim lamp turned on in his room, laying in bed on his back with the camera facing him. He looked so so good, and his shirt was off!
Keep it together...
"Hey Kitty." He greeted. His voice sounded much lower than usual, and a bit raspy since it was really late in the night. It was almost one in the morning so it made sense. Yumi and Asuka slapped a hand over their mouths, attempting to muffle their whispered screams as both of them swatted and slapped at your legs excitedly. "Stop stop!" You mouthed instantly, feeling your heart about to pound out of your chest.
"Hey...did I wake you up?" You asked softly, trying not to sound as nervous as you felt.
"Nah, not really. What's up?" He brushed a hand through his hair lazily, a pretty luxurious looking sight in your opinion.
"Umm.." You trailed off, forcing your body to regain the courage you previously had while bickering with Yumi. The girls both gave you thumbs up for support and reassurance, helping you a little bit. There's no need to be nervous. You're just asking to hang out with a friend, you don't need to say it's a date. Yeah, just treat it like hanging out!
"Me and the girls are all planning to do a group trip to this haunted house or whatever on Halloween. Would you wanna go too?" You asked shyly, avoiding looking down at him out of embarrassment. Whew, you did it! That's all that matters.
"You of all people wanna go to a haunted house?" He chuckled lightly, trying to mess with you.
"Aye, it wasn't my idea! But for real though, you wanna come? Yumi was saying a bigger group will make it more fun; and maybe less scary-I don't know." You shrugged.
"On Halloween? Yeah, I'll go. You're not gonna cry all over me are you?" He smirked.
"Watch it be you screaming and cryin', lookin' like a fool. You better not jump at a single thing, Mr. Gang Division Captain!"
"It's third division captain not gang division captain." He grinned, shaking his head at you.
"Same thing." You chuckled.
Yumi and Asuka were so proud of you, both of them watching you like overjoyed moms. They both whipped out their own phones, texting each other about how this'll be the perfect set up for you two to finally steer things in a more romantic direction.
Halloween Saturday 8PM
Asuka, Yumi, and you were able to form a big group for the day. Miyazaki, Hanako, and Hayashi all joined and brought along a date (unfortunately, Yumi's date got sick and couldn't make it). Kazutora also brought along a friend, some guy named Hanma, so the grand total of participants is ten. All of you met up together near the entrance of the theme park, Fuji Q Highland. It seemed everyone had the same idea of coming here this year. So many high school and even college aged folks were out here, all bringing along their significant others or coming as a group as you all were.
You had spent almost all evening into night yesterday doing your hair for today. Wanting to do a cute perm rod set, you carefully get to work on your hair as soon as you got home so that your hair would be dry by tomorrow afternoon.
Perm rod sets is one of your favorite hairstyles, as it always gives you the cutest, fluffiest look. Your hair is pretty long, stopping at nearly mid back when blow dried or straightened out. Yumi and Asuka also got their hair done after school, going straight to the hair salon for wig installs. You had helped them pick out wig styles and colors that would suit them best.
For Asuka, you choose a cute 1B/30 ombre balayage body wave wig, and for Yumi you picked out a sixteen inch middle part black wavy hair wig with neon green roots. It gave very much Billie Eilish, a look that Yumi is really into right now.
Yumi loves short hair styles, and more far out colors so it was perfect for her. They decided to go for wigs because they liked the idea of being able to change up their hair whenever they want, a mindset they acquired from you.
Your outfit for today was an all black, long sleeved jumpsuit with white air forces and gold jewelry for accessories. A Nike wind breaker with all kinds of countries flags on it was your jacket, though you were really using it as a way to kind of step up your look. You had it draped off of your shoulders cutely and about two thirds of the way zipped. You also carried a sparkly mini black backpack, opting for that instead of a purse for an amusement park setting. Kazutora's outfit funnily matched the style you chose too. Black cargo pants with a white top and an olive green bomber jacket with accents of red.
The whole day was going so well so far. Even though Yumi's date wasn't able to come, she was hitting it off pretty well with Kazutora's friend Hanma that he brought along. He was tall and seemed to love thrill seeking, taking Yumi along to do all kinds of crazy stuff together.
Due to that, it landed on Asuka to play the role of wingwoman for you, even though they both had bickered back and forth yesterday about who would be chosen to do it. She won anyways. The whole point of this was solely to get you and Kazutora closer, the bonus was that they'd be able to have fun and bring someone too. So Asuka stayed by you with her date.
Now it was around time for the haunted house walkthrough. Everyone met up near the entrance of the theme park where the line was starting to grow. As you all gathered and got in line, you heard people talking excitedly and mostly nervously about what was going to happen inside.
"I hear they're splitting large groups up!"
You overheard someone say to their own group of friends. It was all guys, six of them. Your once cheerful and excited expression fell instantly.
"Aye Yumi. Didn't you say the bigger the group the better for the haunted house?" You inquired, your expression not matching your voice at all. "Yeah! That's what I heard." She nodded.
"Well how come I just heard someone talkin' bout they're splitting people up?" You tilted your head to the side.
"What? You scared about that or somethin'?"Hanma teased, smirking devilishly.
"It's not about being scared! It's about bein' black! Black folk don't split up! That's white people type shit!" You exclaimed. Everyone laughed.
"Don't you know in horror movies when groups split up they always die?" Miyazaki added, looking towards Hanma.
"It's fine if we split up, we're an even number." Kazutora assured you with a light chuckle, placing his arm over your shoulder. Yumi and Asuka both smirked at each other.
"Naaaaaah! That's the exact type of mindset that gets you killed in horror movies." You shook your head.
Your two friends held a telepathic conversation with each other, tuning out of what the rest of you were talking about.
Asuka: We need to utilize this whole group splitting thing.
Yumi: I lied, by the way. I knew they split groups into four already. Four'll be perfect.
Asuka: You dirty devil! Ok, who's gonna go with who?
Yumi: So there's ten of us. Miyazaki and Hayashi are obviously gonna go in together since they don't have dates. And then Hanako and her date can be with them. I can stay with Hanma and Kazutora. That'll make four. And then you and your date can have some alone time.
The two girls snickered in hush tones, coming to an agreement about their plan. You all made it towards the front, actors were out scaring people in the line to set the creepy mood. Eerie music played from speakers, and the sounds of distant screams filled the air. Your group was split in the way Asuka and Yumi planned, leaving you with Hanma, Kazutora, and Yumi.
The entrance into the haunted labyrinth was pitch black, freaking both you and Yumi out instantly.
"Guys, I can't see not a thing! I don't know about this." You murmured softly. Suddenly, Yumi bumped into you from the right, making you jump. "AAAAAAH!" You screamed, making her scream right along with you. The both of you grabbed onto the guys, you wrapping your arms around Kazutora's arm while Yumi gripped Hanma's jacket from the back. "Girl! What are you doing?! You can't be playin' around like that!" You scolded out into the air since you couldn't even see her.
"I'm sorry, I lost my balance for a second!" She quivered in a meek voice.
"It hasn't even been five minutes and you guys are already freakin' the fuck out." Hanma shook his head.
"Shut up!" You both said at the same time.
Suddenly, a hissing sound of steam came from behind you all. This time you made Kazutora jump too due to the way you pulled on him. The sound of someone laughing maniacally to themselves filled the air. You and Yumi both squealed. There was no light, no signs, no nothing. Just noises and you two girls making each other jump by constantly bumping into one another.
Finally you guys made a right turn, then stopped as it lead to a long corridor. The dimmest of lights showed the way. Blood splatters scattered the dirty floor, and the ambient eerie music was long gone, leaving it completely silent...like dead silent. "Wai-wait a minute y'all...." You said anxiously, not liking the looks of the hallway. Something wasn't feeling right. Yumi and Hanma continued on forward, lowkey leaving y'all behind. "Come on." Kazutora urged quietly, starting to cautiously walk forward. You let out an uncomfortable hum.
An abrupt and loud triple banging sound like metal against metal coming from behind scared you all at the same time. Then, the sound of heavy boots also running from behind was all it took to have y'all scrambling out of there like back in the day Looney Tunes characters.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Yumi let out the longest and loudest scream you've ever heard, practically floating down the hallway since she could barely keep up with Hanma's long strides. You went from holding onto Kazutora's arm to just holding hands as he lead you through the corridor. Your heart was pumping fast, a wild mix of fear and slight excitement coursing through you.
"AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The person from behind laughed, only fueling your legs to move faster. The hallway felt like an eternity to run through. Finally as you reached the end y'all all scrambled into a small room.
"I can't...y'all, I can't." You huffed, no longer able to maintain speaking in Japanese. This damn haunted hospital, labyrinth-whatever the hell don' knocked the Japanese outta you! You noticed that Yumi had herself snuggled up close into Hanma's side, his right arm wrapped around her by her shoulders keeping her tight next to him.
"Oop..." You whispered to yourself, keeping a mental note of what was possibly going on between them. You weren't really with them during the day so you hadn't seen anything with them until now. You lowkey shipped it so far, their height difference was so adorable. You all proceeded forward after catching your breath. It was another dark room, nearly pitch black with hospital furniture all over the place.
"Oh Jesus!" You hollered, squeezing Kazutora's hand subconsciously as the sound of a desk scraping against the floor startled you.
"My bad." Hanma snickered. He had allegedly 'bumped' into one of the desks causing it to move and make that creepy ass noise.
He definitely did that on purpose...
As your group exited the room, you entered a short hallway that lead to multiple flights of uneven steps, all spiraling so you couldn't see what was ahead. It was so dark though it didn't matter, you wouldn't be able to see regardless. Old looking posters of skull charts and spinal chords adorned the walls, torn and tinted a faint brownish yellow.
The boys helped you both make your way up the stairs, you almost fell about four times before reaching the end. Now there was another room, much larger than the last, with clear hospital curtains at the entrance.
"I don't like the looks of this one..." Yumi whined. Neither did you to be honest. It looked like a surgical room. It was still completely quiet, nothing but the mixed sound of whimpers and breathing coming from the four of you, mainly you and Yumi. A few whitish blue shaded lights helped light the way for you all, showcasing what was all over the room. You were exactly right, there was surgical equipment laid out on tables, some of them bloody. Bodies covered by light blue drapes laid on two tables.
Walking straight you came to an opening.
"Oh my gosh y'all, it's multiple ways we can go." You mutter in a defeated, fearful tone. It lead to a hall, truly like a hospital, leading to the right or left, nothing straight except for a front desk looking area. To the right had more curtains some fully closed and some open while the left was just pitch black. "Which way should we goooo?" Hanma asked in a fake spooky tone. He was having a little too much fun up in here.
"Clearly not the pitch black ass way." You shot back sassily, pulling on Kazutora's hand to take the lead in front of Yumi and Hanma. Yumi agreed with you, nodding her head frantically. "Yeah, the light is always safer." She murmured.
"Nah nah! Let's go the dark way!" Kazutora beamed, pulling you back. He sounded so excited, just like Hanma.
"Let's do what?!" You looked at him like he just grew two more sets of eyes.
"Heehee, that's the spirit! C'mon." Hanma grinned, leading Yumi into the literal darkness. You frowned, huddling up close to Kazutora, using your free hand to grip onto his bomber jacket while the other still held his hand. You walked down the dark hall, entering some room that would eventually lead to another right or left way split like the previous one.
Suddenly, out of everywhere you've been this spot was different. There were sounds, lots of subtle but clean cut sounds that freaked you the hell out. Clanging, squeaking, shuffling, all those quiet yet eerie noises surrounded the four of you. Then, a bit ahead of you to the left, was a figure. Someone in a wheel chair, just barely moving towards y'all.
"What the fuck is goin' on?" You asked aggressively. When you were scared you lowkey got aggressive, it was just a thing for you, your own personal coping mechanism. Everyone stopped moving, Hanma made spooky "Oooo" sounds. In a much slower pace, y'all continued on, keeping your eyes on whoever or whatever was in the wheelchair.
"You better not do anything stupid! This guy's tall and he'll beat your ass! His friend will too!" Yumi shouted anxiously, her voice cracking here and there as she spoke. "Right! They both got mad hands!" You said back with a self-assuring nod. The boys both chuckled pridefully at the two of you. Out of nowhere, the sensation of something warm, damp, and furry dragged across your ankle in the area where your jumpsuit ended, a little bit of skin making contact with whatever was touching you.
"It's a rat!" You screamed, jumping backwards, letting go of Kazutora in the process. This made everyone jump in response. The person in the wheelchair took it as the perfect opportunity and quickly hopped to their feet. They screamed loudly, tilting their head side to side as if analyzing you, only making you scream again.
You all scattered, trying to get away from the creepy person all blood stained in that nasty looking hospital gown. Yumi, Hanma, and Kazutora all ran down the hall and to the right, while you were forced by the way the 'patient' chased you to go to the room to the left. Frantically you swatted in front of you, making sure not to bump into anything while you continued running. You kept going until you felt like you weren't being chased anymore.
Looking side to side and ahead of you seeing absolutely nothing but black petrified you. Wherever you were was completely silent like before, not a single sound except your soft panting.
"Yu-Yumi...?" You called out barely above a whisper. There was nothing in response.
"Yumi?!" You whisper-yelled a bit more forcefully, starting to get more worried as there was still no response.
"K? ....Kazutora?!" You paused, waiting to maybe hear one of them answer. "Oh my fuckin' god..." You murmur, the realization finally sinking in that you were indeed by yourself currently in this labyrinth. Your hands raised to your chest, clinching onto your thin gold chain necklace you had on. Not feeling comfortable standing still you decided to walk forward. Maybe you'll find them somewhere on the way out?
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bearcreekhq · 19 days
Tumblr media
Full Name → Roxana Juliana Santiago
Age → 30
Birthday → October 31st, 1993
Order & Type → solo OC
Gender & Pronouns → cis woman, she/her
Sexuality → bisexual
Occupation → unemployed
(tw: drug mention) Ever since Roxana was young enough to understand she knew her family was broken. Her father, rarely home, would spend late nights at the office or traveling all over central America on business trips. Her mother, left with two small children, did what she could to give them the ideal childhood. There were toys, games (video and board), DVDs, sleepovers, etc. Everything that would make any child happy. Except Roxana wanted, more than anything, her father to be around more. More than the random days when he’d try to make up for lost time by cooking Sunday breakfasts, complete with a box of donuts from their neighborhood shop, or spontaneous Disney trips. Yet, when her parents sat her and her sister down one morning and dropped the divorce bomb Roxana couldn’t help but feel hatred brew towards both of her parents. She blamed them for not trying, which she regretted years later once her mother revealed it was due to her father’s infidelity. That divorce splintered her family and Roxana headed down a path of teenage angst and self destruction, uncaring about grades, appearance, and even who she spent most of her time with. Once high school came around Roxana was nearly arrested but the police officer who popped her for possession had a serious heart-to-heart talk to her, while she waited for her mother to pick her up, about where her life’s heading if she doesn’t straighten out. Instead of arresting her he allowed her to return home and in that moment Roxana decided it was time to turn her life around.
A few months later, after high school, Roxana moved from Sugar Land, Texas to Philadelphia. On her own. It was scary. At first. The only reason it crossed her radar was because she placed her finger on a random spot on a US map and it landed there. Leaving her mother and sister was easier than Roxana expected and her relationship with her father was long severed after he remarried and started a new life with another family. Once there, her savings kept her afloat while she looked for employment. She was a waitress at a greasy spoon for a couple months, then a dog walker for a year. That job paid exceptionally well but it didn’t afford her benefits. A telecommunications job wound up providing those very benefits she lacked but the job itself soured her demeanor to the point she only rotted away on her couch as soon as she got home. Roxana eventually found a receptionist position at a dentist’s office which renewed her zeal for life and she was able to actually make friendships and spend her free time exploring the city she moved to years before. 
As little as Roxana has to do with her family, one thing she picked up was her mother’s weekly lottery ticket habit. She started with a random ticket here and there, a sporadic scratcher if she happened to be at the gas station. After a few months in Philadelphia she started to play every Saturday. She never won anything but the thrill of watching the numbers pop up on the screen was a little highlight of her night. Roxana knew the likelihood of winning was minuscule but she continued to play. That is until two years ago when she nearly collapsed from shock when not one, not two, but all of her numbers flashed on the screen. She's played for close to 12 years! It wasn’t until she went through the process to collect her winnings when she learnt of the difference between Texas and Pennsylvania: that she has to disclose her winnings due to open records laws. Something she wasn’t aware of and not at all comfortable with. Yet, that didn’t deter her from moving forward with securing those funds. It didn’t take long for word to get out, and to reach not just her mom but her father as well back in Texas. Calls, voicemails, DMs in all her social media accounts, you name it. People crawled out of the woodwork with a number of sob stories and pleas for help. Roxana isn’t a heartless woman but she also doesn’t want to be guilt tripped to provide financial help to people who never talked to her. Or the family who she intentionally distanced herself from. It reached a point where she sought out legal representation to protect herself from the insanity. 
It all grew to be too much for Roxana and she abandoned all of her social media accounts, changed her phone number and moved away from Philadelphia to a small city about an hour away. Upon looking at her you wouldn’t guess she’s a multi-millionaire as she drives a small 2018 sedan, wears the same clothes she’s owned since forever, and lives in a modest bungalow near the city center. Roxana has never been a showy woman, though she might occasionally splurge if it’s something she really wants such as a vacation to the Maldives, jewelry, or little pamper sessions for her puppy. Bearcreek afforded her an escape from the chaos her lottery winning threw at her and even though she’s relatively new there she feels that if, and when, people find out why she escaped Philadelphia it won’t turn into a feeding frenzy. Not as long as her family doesn’t find where she moved to.
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-we are having a sleepover
-I say I need to go to the bathroom
- you hear a noise outside your bedroom window
-you decide to get up and check what it is
-you are searching the backyard and finally arrive at the outside of your bedroom window
-you peek inside your bedroom window
-it is me
-I am inside
-you wonder why and rush back to your room
-in doing so you look back outside your bedroom window
-there I am
-I am now outside
-you signal to me to stay where I am
-I signal a thumbs up
-you run back outside and see me standing at your bedroom window
-you converse with me about what I was doing and why I kept disappearing and you tell me that you are incredibly tired of my silly antics and outrageous shenanigans
-I apologise
-we both go inside and enjoy a night of laughter and companionship
-you wake up the next morning
-I am already gone
-you call me
-I say my mum already picked me up
-you say “ok when are you free next”
-I say I’m free on Saturday
-you say ok I’ll see you then, do you want me to come to yours this time
-I say sure
-Saturday comes
-I am exited
- you arrive
- we are having fun
-you say you need to go to the bathroom
-I hear a sound at the window
-I look outside and it is you
-you are outside
-I notice these antics, as my own were similar in nature.
-I note that I deserve this
-I retrieve you from outside
-we again have a very heartfelt night of laughing and enjoying eachothers company
Thank you for reading my story. I am self aware enough to realise that it was not in fact scary. I think I am just too wholesome and dateable to want to scare someone. (I am 6,4” by the way)
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ive decied every day imma do my top headcannons for a st character todya/tomorrow (im going a roadtrip tomorrow) is my sweet child el
el hcs
jonathan taught her how to use a camera and she was SUPER excited and used up all his film. She just took pictures of kinda random stuff her desk some trees joyce max ect. afterward jonathan helped her develop them and help her hang them up in her room she was so proud
el and hopper still watch a movie every friday night and they buy a bunch of candy to make up for s2 halloween
the party loves horror movies but el doesnt really like them so she always sits next to max who comforts her and jokes around to make things less scary
joyce is teaching her how to bake and she always brings her new baked good to sleepovers.
el sometimes gets lonely in her room at night and her a will we have sleepovers and stay up late talking together.
she has a crush on max fight me on that
after everything settled down she asked joyce to take her shopping and buys more of her style. she still wears alot of hand me downs from will and jonathan but she also had her own style and wardrobe.
el and will end up rebuilding the diorama together after everything even mr fibly
nancy gave el her old jewelry box and el loves all the jewelry and wear everything with all her outifts even if they dont go it make her feel pretty and fancy
she loves perfume and sprays is all over he room she always smells nice but sometimes she uses to much and it hurts wills nose (he never says anything)
will learned how to braid her for her and when she is stressed he braids her hair to calm her down
she also love watching will paint they spend alot of time together just doing their own thing in harmony
she loves dustins cat
her favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry
favorite weather is hot and sunny pool weather summer weather
tell me who i should do sunday or saturday night :) <3
(again im on a road trip tomorrow)
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spacefinch · 9 months
MSB character headcanons: Dorothy Ann
Huge Star Trek fan. Her favorite series are TOS and Voyager, and her favorite character is Captain Janeway.
Has a pet Maine Coon cat named Teddy. She named him that because he’s big and fluffy, like a teddy bear.
Is always torn between just enjoying a sci-fi film and getting annoyed with the scientific inaccuracies. She is usually able to let it slide, since she’s been on some wild adventures as a student in Ms. Frizzle’s class.
Cannot for the life of herself remember any good jokes. Carlos keeps trying to teach her some jokes, but D.A. has trouble memorizing them. Facts and figures are much easier.
The one time D.A. does crack a joke on screen (“We’re on the ‘erode’ to ruin” in Rocks and Rolls), it’s the first time she’s ever done so without having to consult a book. And of course, Carlos is very proud of her.
By day: serious science student. By night: writes fanfiction on AO3. She goes by the username “stellar-falcon.”
Doesn’t want anybody to know she writes fanfiction. Unfortunately, it’s becoming harder and harder. The whole class loves stellar-falcon’s Star Trek fics and they keep up with their stories almost religiously.
Also has a pet parrot named Dinah. Dinah is older than D.A. herself!
She’s from a fairly well-off family.
100% autistic. Loves infodumping to anyone who will listen. Never goes anywhere without her book bag, which I’m pretty sure is her comfort item.
On her friendship with Carlos: (I ship the 2 of them btw)
Right off the bat, the two of them were rivals. Sure, they were also friends, but boy, were they competitive.
For the longest time, only Phoebe knows D.A. has a crush on Carlos.
Said crush developed very gradually. D.A. and Carlos tend to bicker a lot, but after a while, they find they actually enjoy each other’s company.
One thing they have in common is that they both like birds. Unfortunately, Phoebe knows this, and keeps trying to set them up for bird-watching dates.
Phoebe: Hey, D.A., are you free this weekend? I’m going birding at Walkerville Swamp.
D.A.: Sure, I’d love to go! I’ll get some great observations for my bird journal.
Phoebe: Great! See you on Saturday!
Phoebe, a few minutes later: Hey! Carlos! Do you want to go bird-watching with me on Saturday?
Carlos: That sounds fun, but I’m kind of busy. (Lying)
Phoebe: ….
Carlos: Fine, I’ll come. But both my siblings are coming.
Phoebe, thinking: hmmm. That complicates things.
The next Saturday:
Everyone: Arrives at the swamp, but separately.
Phoebe: D.A.! You made it just in time! There’s a whole bunch of cool birds here!
D.A. : Whoa, cool!
The two of them: *nerding out about birds and other swamp wildlife*
Meanwhile: *Carlos and his two siblings (Mikey and Maria) are looking for birds as well*
Phoebe, seeing them: Hey, glad you could make it! We found a big flock of black-necked stilts here!
Carlos: This, I have to see! … Oh, wow!
Carlos, D.A., and Phoebe: *nerding out about birds*
Phoebe: *sneaks away, leading Mikey and Maria with her*
D.A., not noticing at first: *talking about swamp birds* Isn’t that cool, Phoebe? Phoebe? Where are you?
Carlos: Huh. I don’t see her, either. She must have wandered off. *notices that his siblings are also gone* WAIT A MINUTE!
D.A.: Did Phoebe just—
Carlos: *sigh* Yep.
D.A.: I’ll get her for this!
They still laugh about the “black-necked stilt incident” long after it occurs.
More notes:
Runs a science-themed blog on Tumblr. Completely separate from her fanfiction account. She didn’t make a sideblog for her fanfiction. She made an entirely different account.
Enjoys having “girls night” with Phoebe, Keesha, and Wanda. What this means is watching movies, playing card games, trying on clothes, etc…
There’s also a fair amount of scary storytelling that goes on during the girls’ sleepovers.
Usually D.A. hosts the sleepovers, since her house is the biggest and has the comfiest guest spaces.
Everyone is still trying to solve the mystery of who stellar-falcon really is. Mikey has a pretty good guess, but surely it can’t be D.A.? Surely it’s someone else who’s writing these really good Star Trek stories….
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bibuddie · 1 year
advice, please! I'm in love with my best friend (yeah, like Buck and Eddie) except it's more dramatic because we're both queer (she's a lesbian and I'm not sure what I am except I like girls and some guys). ANYWAYS we've been best friends since 2015/2016? And like I said I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her? And I think she might like me back? She's always been the more outgoing one out of us and a couple of times while we've been drunk she's fondled my boobs and like kissed me? But when we're sober she acts like she doesn't remember doing it? And she always is the first to say I love you and like??? We do "Date nights" (which is supposedly platonic but yeah). Every time we go out to try and pick up girls or go on dates she's always clinging to my arm or scaring girls off and I'm so confused.
Every time I try to get over her (like I downloaded bumble and had a date set up with a great guy, I was really excited about it!) she finds something wrong with them or she has an emergency and I'm desperately needed.
like??????? Am I reading the signs right here? She doesn't want me to date anyone else???
But every time I try to bring up how I feel she changes the subject or acts uncomfortable??
Help me, please? Im confused
okay i actually feel like i can offer some pretty decent advice on this!! i've also been in love with my best friend. so. yeah.
first of all, from what you've told me it doesn't seem like you're reading the situation wrong at all!! it definitely seems like (at least to me) that she has feelings for you. from being the one in her position, i think that potentially, she doesn't know what to do. because if i'm being completely honest, at least in my experience, once you cross that line it's very difficult to walk that back. i think she's acting uncomfortable etc because she's trying to figure things out for herself maybe.
all i can say in situations like this is that honesty and open communication is your best friend. just tell her how you feel, straight up. and i'm not going to pretend it isn't terrifying because god knows i know how scary that is, but i promise you, no matter how things turn out you will thank yourself for being honest. and if you wanna chat anymore at all, my inbox is always open <333
sleepover saturday
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xiaojuun · 2 years
happy saturday sleepover ask game night eri~~~ 📚 + 🌹 (but the friendship version <3) ?
hi wings :D i hope you're having a lovely, restful weekend!
📚 books and movies you associate with fall? for books ... textbooks BDGJHB but it's true because fall IS back to school season for us US americans ... also the great gatsby though. as for movies definitely halloween movies/scary movies! i usually watch the iconic disney channel original halloweentown lol
🌹 what would your ideal fall (friendship!) date look like? i think i have 2 versions of this answer ... the 'my friends came to visit me in the mountains' ver is we go for a lovely morning hike to enjoy the foliage, bake pumpkin bread or cookies, watch the sunset while drinking ciders, and have a warm delicious dinner before we hang out in our pajamas and catch up! the 'i went to visit my friends in the city' ver is walking to get morning coffees, stopping at the farmers market for apple goods, and meeting a group for happy hour that becomes dinner that becomes a bonfire at someone's backyard <3
fall themed asks!
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evilromero · 2 years
top 3 scary movies, top 3 recipes, top 3 comedy shows?!
agahsjjs i’m not a scary movie person but i’m TRYING and three i want to see are midsommar, last night in soho and and scream !!
top three recipes are this cookie recipe, this soup recipe and any kind of chicken/broccoli/beans stir fry with honey garlic and soy
comedy shows i LOVE: superstore, parks & rec, and i’ve nearly finished a rewatch of friends (even if some of the jokes haven’t aged… well)
sleepover saturday :))
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ffpodcast · 3 years
Scary Saturday Night Sleepover
Movie Recommendation—Ready or Not
Did anyone else watch Scary Saturday Night Sleepover on Discovery Kids? We did, and while those shows are gone, we want to carry on the tradition. Every Saturday night, we’ll post a horror-related recommendation for you: a movie, a book, or some other super spooky piece of media.
This week we're recommending Ready or Not, a 2019 matrimonial horror comedy that does not get talked about nearly as much as it should. The film follows Grace, who has just married into the wealthy Le Domas family. The family made their fortune in games, so it's family tradition that anyone who marries into the family plays a game on their wedding night. What Grace doesn't know is just how high the stakes of this game are.
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For a horror comedy this one is pretty gore-filled, so true slasher fans will not be disappointed. But there's lots to draw in non-horror fans as well. The idea is unique and the script is tight. The costume and set design are phenomenal, and really add to the movie. And Grace fills the role of final girl beautifully, with a perseverance that will make you say to yourself "I definitely would have given up at this point".
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sehunluyeol · 6 years
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padf00ts-l0ver · 2 years
(chapter one)
A/N- Ah! The new modified chapter of Betty Becker is now finally here! Will probably make more edits because i’m too indecisive but for now- it’s fine.. ENJOY<3
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“So what are we watching?” Tara was over at your house tonight, her Mother out of town on business, so you two planned on pizza and a movie night which was just starting to kick off right about now. Snacks all laid out over the couch, warm blankets over both of you.
“I have no idea..” you replied, eyes stuck on the screen of your TV, you’d seen mostly everything on Netflix and scrolling through all the same columns of movies wasn’t very amusing.
“Scary movie? Romantic comedy? .. High school musical?” Tara loved the high school musical movies, she’d always attempt to put one on whenever any of your friends had a movie night, but a lot of the time they were quickly switched over, you had to laugh.
“Tara babe,” a smile decorating your face, “we’re not watching people sing away their feelings tonight” amused, you scrolled down to the thriller movie genre.
“I don’t know what you have against them,” she looked over at you, “Zac Efron is a god, nothing beats the soundtrack of those movies, literally nothing”
You chuckled, “okay, what about.. American Physco? Patrick Bateman?” Both you and Tara had watched it multiple times, but you were definitely not complaining, Christian Bale is forever iconic in this movie.
“We literally watched this last Saturday” her lips pulled in a thin smile, head tilted, still waiting for you to cave and show Troy Bolton on the screen.
“So?” you said rhetorically, pressing play and hearing her groan playfully.
Your parents agreed to getting you and Tara pizza for dinner, but when they called the worker told them that delivery would take at least an hour, so they just drove up to get it instead. Your house was further out from the main town, so it took about 15 minutes to drive there, and another 15 back, depending on the traffic in town, you’d have no problem with it closer to your house though, given how secluded it was.
You were getting hungry, despite all the little snacks you had set out, and by the audible rumbling of Tara’s stomach, you knew she was too.
You let the movie run, it was only just starting anyway, “Hey, do you want me to make us some popcorn?” you asked her.
“Yeah sure, that’d be great” she smiled, “d’you want some help?” she asked, ‘she was always kind’, you thought.
“Uhh.. no- but you can keep me company” you smiled at her, she returned it.
The popcorn was now in the microwave and had about 2 minutes left until it was all done, so you began to get some bowls out the cupboards.
“Hey, do you remember if Amber was doing anything tonight?” you asked over your shoulder,
“Uh- no, I don’t think she said anything,” Tara said, eyebrows pinched together, trying to think of just what your friends plans were tonight, but coming up with nothing, shrugging her shoulders.
“D’you wanna text her? See if she can come around? It’ll be like old times, the big sleepovers we used to have together in like- 6th grade.” You laughed slightly at the memory of you all, 3 small 12 year old’s building life size forts in your trampoline to sleep in for the night, or attempt to sleep in.. you never made it past an hour before hurrying back inside.
That was one of the last better times you could remember of the three of you, before everything started going to shit.
“Betty- the three of us had a sleepover like 2 weeks ago? Stop trying to be nostalgic right now” she teased.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket, your eyes darted toward the sound, “who is it?”
“Speak of the devil..” she looked up at you from across the bench, your eyebrows raised in questioning, though you had a pretty good idea of who it was. “Amber.” She told you, you made an ‘ah’ sound in response.
“Tell her to come over!” you urged, waiting to see this pan out, Amber was always hard to get, even when it came down to hanging out with her friends after school. “I would, but my phone’s dead, I’ll charge it later.”
She did, typing out ‘you should come over here, Betty and I are waiting on pizza and popcorn, movie night ;)’ pressing send and waiting for those three lines to show up..
You leant over the counter slightly, lifting one of the knives in their block, not taking it out fully, just looking at it, passing time.
Tara’s phone buzzed, ‘you’re gonna have to do better than that’
‘we’re watching American Physco’, which got a quick reply of ‘SOLD’ and a follow up, ‘I’ll leave in a minute x’
But just then, a loud RING of a telephone caught your attention, startled you dropped the knife back into it’s place. You glanced at Tara, who also had been caught off guard by the loud noise and walked to the landline, in the living room. Since the living area and kitchen was an open floorplan with no doors blocking the two areas, it was only a few steps you had to walk until the ringing stopped.
“Hello?” you answered, head tilting to the side, looking over at your friend, who stared at you questioningly, not knowing who was on the other end.
“Hello.. who is this?” you smiled slightly, a small laugh caught in your throat, here we go.
“Well, shouldn’t you know who you’re talking to? You were the one who called me..”
Tara signalled your attention across the room, still wondering who was on the phone, you took the phone away from your ear, pressing the speaker button, allowing her to hear as well.
“I suppose you’re right, huh?” they said, voice deep, supposedly unrecognisable.
“I suppose I am” smile still present, a teasing tone to your voice.
They laughed on the other end, “I was actually looking for Leslie, Leslie Becker.” Your Mother.
“Ah, well I can assure you that I am no Leslie, who’s asking for her?” you walked back over to the kitchen, where Tara was waiting for you, standing next to her.
“I am.” They answered.
“Well obviously” you giggled, “But who are you exactly?”
“You can tell her Charlie called..” they said, sounding all too friendly, Tara had her eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, never hearing your Mom mentioning a ‘Charlie’ before, neither had you. “I’m from her group, she’ll know who I am.”
“From her group, huh?” your lips puckered in thought, “I don’t think I’ve heard anything about this- group” eyes looking down at the cell phone.
“Oh, you would have” … “trust me.”
“Hm.” You only hummed in response, eyes now finding Tara’s, she reached down and covered the speaker of the phone for a moment.
“They sound kinda sketchy? Don’t you think?” she whispered to you.
“Mm- I don’t know, maybe I just haven’t been listening when my Mom’s been talking about that group?” you smiled reassuringly at her, her eyes still concerned, but alas she let her hand off the speaker.
“I’ll let her know you called.” You said, raising you hand to hang up, until-
“wait!” they said.. “she talks about you, y’know.”
“well, what does she say?” Tara looked down at her phone again, beginning to type a message to Amber, ‘some weirdo calling on Betty’s landline, think it’s her Mom’s secret boyfriend or something lol’
“She tells me about your love of scary movies..” the voice said.
“I do really like scary movies” you replied, a small smile etching onto your face, amused with how this call was going.
“Hm, what’s your favourite scary movie?” They asked you.
Tara’s phone vibrated signalling another message, ‘Haha good luck with that one, LMK how it goes ’
“Well, I mean you’ve gotta love the originals right? Stab would have to be my personal favourite, very 90’s.” you played along, Tara made an almost inaudible sigh of disappointment, not wanting the person on the other line to know she was there, but needing to remind you of her disliking toward those movies.
“Stab, huh?” they seemed curious now, “wouldn’t that be a little scary? Considering you live in the town that all those murders started in?”
“That makes it all the better don’t you think? All those other movies, you know they’re fake.. but with these ones, you know that people really lived it, y’know?” you said.
“That’s true.. do you remember the beginning?” they asked, before stopping, “That’s a silly question, of course you- of all people would remember the opening scene to Stab, right?” your eyes shot to Tara’s, hers started back at you, looking unsettled at the message behind their comment…
“What are you talking about?” tongue moving to the side of your cheek, eyebrows furrowed.
“You know what I’m talking about” they replied, a light tone to their voice, playful almost. “It was your Aunt who started the whole franchise, isn’t that amazing?”
“I have a fantastic memory, would you like me to remind you?” they questioned, rhetorically, because after just a moment and before you could reply they said- “It started off with Casey Becker, home alone, she answers the wrong number and starts unknowingly talking to the killer, who makes her play a game..” it was eerily quiet for a moment, all that was heard was yours and Tara’s breathing.
“Would you like to play a game.. Betty?”
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! You jumped. Startled by the sound of the microwave going off, signalling the popcorn was ready to be taken out, you let out a breath and noticed Tara do the same.
“Fuck you. You’re weird.” You hung up the phone, “Hey, I think I’m just gonna go lock the doors, y’know- just in case..” you told Tara, chuckling reluctantly, trying to lighten the atmosphere, leaving the kitchen.
She nodded, opening her phone again messaging Amber ‘it was some physco, about to lock the doors.’
Getting an almost immediate reply, ‘WFT?? U 2 OK?’
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