#Okay so I actually gather my thoughts faster than I thought
kylelovskii · 2 days
Can you do Iida x femReader that is a femme fatale, and is very competitive with him? Like academic rivals but with tension. Not smut but not fluff either ❤️
omg yes this is so good
i love iida he’s my little office siren
i hope it’s okay, but i used femme fatale as the readers quirk :3
this is kinda short, so lmk if you wanna continue this plot! ^_^
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“alright, here are your tests..”
aizawa moped around the classroom, handing people papers and either saying ‘good job’ or ‘do better next time’. you already knew what he was going to say to you.
“outstanding job,” he said, then dropped the paper in front of you. an A+ in bright red stared you directly in the eyes. you smiled proud and leaned over the boy’s shoulder in front of you.
aizawa placed the paper on his desk: an A-. “you almost surpassed (y/n), but not quite. you’ll get there, though, iida.”
you and iida had been rivals ever since you began attending UA high. whether it be with your quirks or your grades, you were always competing.
you had a pretty strong quirk, strong like iida’s, called femme fatale. you were able to give someone a strong attraction towards you, then leading them to their defeat. the catch, however, was that you had to make some sort of intimate contact with them. whether it be holding hands, hugging, kissing, or a gentle caress of the waist. it had to be something romantic, and it only worked when you wanted it to. also, this doesn’t just work on people, it works on any living thing, which is why it’s so strong.
“almost? cmon, iida, thought you were better than that, sweetheart?” you teased, caressing his his face with your hand.
“you’re being incredibly inappropriate, and i want you to sit back down right now,” iida demanded, putting a firm hand on his desk. you chuckled, slowly leaning away and sitting back in your seat. “oh, of course, sir. im so sorry, sir.”
now, you didn’t know this, but iida secretly loved the attention you gave him. he loved the teasing, the insults, all the attention you gave him whether it be negative or positive. you were just so beautiful, he couldn’t help but feel a small attraction towards you.
since you didn’t know this, you also couldn’t know this, so that’s why he always, desperately, tried to one up you.
as class went on, he felt your eyes on him. it felt like they were burning holes in his back, which caused him to nervously bounce is leg.
did you somehow know about his infatuation with you?
did you know that he thrives off your attention?
did you know that he really didn’t care that you were better than him, he still wanted to hear you call him sir or class rep?
his leg just bounced faster. steam started emitting from his calf. of course, the steam was coming from his engine. it seemed like the bouncing was just revving up his leg.
unfortunately, everyone in class noticed but him, but before you could tease him about it, the bell rang for lunch. he abruptly stood up, gathered his things, waited for midoriya and ochacko, then immediately left the room.
you chuckled to yourself as he sped away. not to make fun of him, but you actually found it cute. thank god he didn’t know that though.
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yoohyeon · 8 months
Hi ! sorry for the anonyme question , i'm just.. a little shy. I was wondering what was the story you are writting? If of course it's a story ! But of course if you don't wanna talk about it that fine ! Just saying hi and have a great day ! :)
First of all anon don’t be sorry for being shy ! I’m really shy myself and never dare to reblog things hahaha
I write a lot of things, but I’m sure the one you’re curious about must be Alter ! It’s the only one I really talk about hahaha
So Alter is a Book I’m writing ! Mind you when I say book it may never be actually a book I just use that word to differentiate the fact that it’s a more serious project which I would love to publish yes, but It probably won’t happen hahaha I suck at describing things I’ll do my best without spoiling anything if I ever show you guys cause if it dosen’t get publish I’ll at least show you 😌
Alter is the Story of Olivia and Rosalie, two sisters who after a tragic event, found themselves at a school for supernatural beings such as Vampire, fairies, wizards and more. Teenager goes to that school to learn about their history and how to control their powers and fit in with humans ! They will have to learn about their past and how to deal with their new powers while some other things happen behind the scene which their friends and them will have to help protect their school !
I made these bad bad canvas cover for fun here I’m gonna show you fkdbdj :
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I’ve been stuck on the same chapter for so long cause I have to make some research and reread some part and I hate reading what I read and my mood as been low so I can’t find myself to do it 😭 I hope I’ll be able to go back to it soon I miss my babies so much 💕
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katsu28 · 2 months
for you i'd wait forever
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader
summary: bradley breaks things off with you before a deployment because he doesn't want you to worry about him (4.2k)
warnings: some swearing, bradley's commitment issues, happy ending i promise!
a/n: okay so from what i gathered from my googling is that tapping out is typically for new military graduates (i think?) but this idea was so cute so pls forgive the inaccuracies i have no idea what i'm doing at all <3 and also pls forgive me for the utter lack of writing since the beginning of the year, these last few months have been brutal (creatively and otherwise) but i am hopefully back!!! xx
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Bradley thought he knew the tolls of being in the Navy. It was tough on not only him, but the people in his life. For the most part, he’d always put his career first. His life had always been on a set track, and although there were plenty of setbacks, he forged ahead until he got where he was today. 
And then he met you. Fell in love with you. Finally knew what it meant to have someone in his corner who was just his. Who knew him for him only, not as Goose’s kid, or Mav’s protege.
For the first time in his life, he could actually see himself spending the rest of it with you. Marriage, house, kids, grandkids—the whole shebang.
That was his first mistake. The more he thought about what life could look like with you, the more he thought about what your life could look like without him. What would happen if something happened to him and he didn’t make it back from this next mission coming up in a few weeks. 
He thought about his mom and how she lost his dad—her husband. The man she thought she’d be spending the rest of her life with. 
Bradley’s thoughts grew quite grim after that. Countless what if’s and thinking about every possible outcome and he eventually made up his mind. He had to break up with you. 
He didn’t want to. Not by a long shot. You were probably the best thing that ever happened to him in his thirty plus years of life. But deep down, he knew that it was the right thing to do. He was about to leave for six, seven months, with little to no contact with anyone who wasn’t Navy. That would definitely take a toll on your relationship. You’d never been through something like this before, and there really was no way to prepare you for what it would be like. 
You would worry about him every single hour of every single day, he knew that for a fact. Bradley barely remembered what it was like when his dad was away because he was so young, but he did remember how worried his mom was all the time.
Looking back, he understood now. He didn’t want that for you. The worry would hold you back from other things you wanted to do in life, things that brought you joy and gave you purpose. 
With the mission creeping up on him faster than he would’ve liked, he knew he had to do it sooner rather than later. 
That was how Bradley found himself on your doorstep right now, pushing down his guilt by telling himself over and over that breaking up with you was in your best interest. He hadn’t called beforehand to tell you he was coming by, so when you answered the door and beamed brighter than the stars when your eyes landed on him, he almost wanted to chicken out. 
“Hi!” You exclaimed, immediately pulling him into a warm hug. His arms closed around you out of instinct, thumb rubbing over the sliver of exposed skin at your waist, nose nudging its way against your neck the way he always did when you embraced him. 
He inhaled the scent of the lotion you loved to use, that flowery one that sometimes made him sneeze. You always said you’d buy a different one the next time you went to the store, but you always forgot. He didn’t mind it at all though. A small bout of allergies was nothing compared to the inevitable smattering of apology kisses you pressed to his face when you realized you’d forgotten. 
Fuck, this was going to be way harder than he thought. 
Your hands made their way up his biceps to cup his cheeks, eyes darting around his face. “What’re you doing here? Oh my god, did we have something planned? I’m so—” 
“No.” He gave his head a shake, offering you a smile. “No, we didn’t have anything planned. I just…wanted to see you. To talk to you.” 
“Come in, come in, I was just about to start dinner,” You hummed, escaping his embrace with an arm hooked through his to tug him over the threshold. “Trying a new recipe I found the other day, not sure if it’ll turn out good or end up being a shitshow, but—well, you can help me be the judge of that, I guess!” 
“Is it okay if we talk first?” 
If you were confused, you didn’t show it, just changed direction seamlessly, making your way to the couch instead of the kitchen. You sat down, patting the cushion next to you for him to settle on and he did, rubbing his clammy palms against his thighs. 
“Is everything okay?” 
Everything was far from okay, he wanted to say. Instead he inhaled a deep breath before his next words. 
“I wanted to tell you I’m shipping out in a few weeks.” 
Your face fell a little, but you nodded thoughtfully. “Okay. What do we do? Is there anything you can tell me? Like, what’s the best way to get in touch with you, when’s the best time, that kind of stuff? Or is sending letters better? Sorry, I feel like I’m asking a lot of questions. I don’t—I’ve never really done anything like this before, so—” 
“I think we should break up.” He blurted. 
You hesitated before answering, blinking at him like you’d somehow heard him wrong. “What?” 
“It’s hard having someone overseas for a long time, even more so when it’s a partner. It was really hard on my mom, and hard for me having to watch her worry like that for months, and I—I don’t want that for you.” He said quietly, not daring to meet your eyes until he gave his poor excuse for an explanation on why he was doing the one thing he swore he wouldn’t do to you. 
The moment he’d realized he’d fallen in love with you, he’d promised himself he would never abandon you, never break your heart or your trust, and here he was, doing that exact thing. It was tearing him apart inside. 
“I don’t want you to have to go through all that, so it’s just better if we—that we break up now. Before I go.” 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m sorry. It’s for the best.” 
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice broke just after the last word, swallowed up by a hitched inhale of a breath that had his resolve wavering just the slightest bit. He could barely look you in the eyes the whole time, and now…he didn’t think he could stand the sadness and hurt flooding every single one of your beautiful features. 
“All the worrying and the uncertainty of not knowing what’s happening, I don’t—it wouldn’t be fair to you. I care about you too much to put you through all of that.” 
You were silent for the longest time, eyes glued to the floor as you processed the information. He thought you were about to start crying with the way your brow creased, but when you finally looked back up at him, your gaze had hardened. “Did these last six months mean nothing to you? You’re just gonna throw everything away because what—you don’t think I can handle it?” 
They meant everything to me, he wanted to say. You mean everything to me. 
If he was really being honest with himself, it was him who couldn’t handle it. Still, he forged on, thinking it best to just rip off the bandaid. He could live with being the asshole if it meant sparing you from the terrible experience of him being god knows how many miles away for months. 
“I’m sorry. I wish you nothing but happiness, Y/N. You deserve better than anything I could ever give you.” 
“You wish me nothing but happiness?” You chuckled humorlessly, shaking your head. Bradley’s eyes tracked you across the room as you paced back and forth, guilt ridden expression on full display. All he wanted to do was take all of it back; to kiss you senseless and tell you everything was going to work out, but he couldn’t. He’d burned the bridge, cut the rope. Broke your heart. He felt like the biggest asshole in the world. He probably was. “Screw you, Bradley. I mean it.”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was all he could say. 
“Get the fuck out of my house.” 
“Y/N, I—” 
You rushed at him, pushing, shoving, sending him stumbling step by step towards the front door until he almost crashed into it had he not managed to pull it open a split second before you shoved him outside. He’d never forget the look of betrayal in your eyes right before you slammed the door in his face. 
Bradley forced his feet to take him back to his car, then to drive away before he could have a chance to even try and make things better. He’d most likely end up making things much, much worse. Though he didn’t think it could get any worse with the way he was feeling about himself right now. You were angry at him, and you had every right to be. 
But had he lingered at your door only moments after, he would’ve heard the thump against the wood that was you sliding down to the floor and the sob that escaped your mouth. 
All because of him. 
Bradley was happy to finally be coming back home after ages away, but then he realized it—he didn’t have anyone to tap him out this time. His mind jumped to you first, but there was no chance in hell you’d be there for him. You’d probably moved on months ago. Forgotten about him. And with Mav away on another deployment, he really had no one. 
His chest ached the longer he stood at attention, jaw clenched tighter than he meant it to be as he watched the rest of his squad get tapped out by their loved ones. Coyote’s parents, Fanboy’s sisters, Hangman’s nieces and nephews, Phoenix’s girlfriend. They were all emotional reunions, and Bradley was happy for them, he really was. But it sucked being the one with nobody there for him. 
He wasn’t expecting the soft tap on his arm when it came. He thought it was a mistake at first; someone else’s family bumping into him accidentally, so he didn’t move. But when the hand didn’t leave its place wrapped loosely around his bicep, Bradley knew it really was for him. He turned around, squinting against the blinding sunlight to see who’d come for him. 
“Hi.” You said softly, hand dropping back down to your side. He couldn’t help but let himself take you in, eyes drinking in every single achingly familiar detail of you until you shifted nervously under his intense gaze. You looked so beautiful he almost felt dizzy, just like he remembered but at the same time somehow even better. 
“You came.” He said, disbelieving. He could still hardly believe you were actually here. 
“I promised you I would.” 
“But that—that was before…everything happened. Why are you—what’re you doing here?” The last thing he wanted to sound like was ungrateful, because he was quite literally the opposite, but his mind just couldn’t wrap around the fact that despite him breaking your heart seven months ago, you still remembered what you’d promised him in the very beginning of your relationship. 
“What does it mean to tap someone out?” You asked quietly, tracing a finger along the planes of Bradley’s bare chest. Your legs were tangled under the covers, both of you still basking in the aftermath of getting reacquainted with each other again after Bradley had been out of town attending a weeklong training exercise. 
His skin was still damp with sweat, but you didn’t mind one bit, too busy exploring the expanse of muscle shifting under his bronzed skin again. “In military terms, I mean.” 
He chuckled, hiding a content smile into the hair at the crown of your head. “That’s a weird question.” 
“Humor me, Bradshaw.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Bradley stroked a rough palm down the smooth skin of your arm, taking a few beats to come up with an answer that would make sense. “Tapping out is a super long standing tradition in pretty much all military units, I think. It comes at the end of a mission, when we’ve come back to base.” 
His arm repositioned itself under your head as he scooted closer to the warmth radiating from your body, nose nuzzling deeper against you just so he could engrain the smell of your lingering fruity scented shampoo into his memory forever. 
How you still smelled so good even after your…physical activities just before this was beyond him, but he loved it. 
“An aviator’s loved ones are usually the ones to do it. Friends, family, those kinds of people. When you tap out your aviator, literally you’re releasing them from formation. But I guess it’s kind of a gesture that means…you’re home.” 
Your wandering fingers stilled against his skin, lingering right above his heart. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Go for it.” 
“Who usually taps you out?” 
Bradley remained silent. It was an innocent question, he knew that. He’d told you a little bit about his parents, and you were just curious. Still, it sent a pang of sadness through his chest whenever he thought about what it would’ve been like if they were still around today. 
He cleared his throat, sniffing once. “Usually Mav. Or sometimes one of my squad’s family. If no one can, I just gotta wait til everyone else is done.” 
“I wanna do it.”
“I’m gonna be there next time you come back from a mission. To tap you out.” 
“I appreciate it, honey, I do. But you don’t need to.” 
“I want to.” You said firmly, pulling away from him to prop yourself up on your elbow and look him in the eye. You looked damn serious too. He raised a quizzical brow. “You said that to tap someone out means to tell them they’re home. I want to be the one to tell you you’re home. Here. With me.” 
Bradley opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then snapped shut when no words came out. He really was at a loss for words. No one had ever done that before. Sure, Mav’s offer was always a good one to fall back on, but Bradley had never had someone he cared about as much as he did about you telling him they were going to be there for him. 
The next best thing he could think of instead of saying anything at all was to kiss you. So he did. 
He pushed himself up towards you, sliding a hand around the nape of your neck and pressing his lips against yours. Not bruisingly hard, but enough to let you know he was all in. The other hand curled around your shoulder, splaying across your back to bring you back in closer to him, until your chests were flush and you could feel his heartbeat thundering under your palm.
He was home. You were his home. 
“I told you I’d be here to tap you out, and I meant it.” You said simply, holding his gaze. “I keep my promises, Bradshaw. Even after the way you left things.” 
Red hot guilt crept its way through his chest like vines, bringing all the memories of the last time you saw each other right back up to the surface, even after how hard he’d tried to shove them all down. If there was one thing he regretted in life, it was how he left you that night. He didn’t think he’d ever forgive himself for that one. 
“I don’t even know what to say, Y/N, I—” 
“Then let me say something.” You blurted, wringing your hands. Bradley nodded instantly, still too dumbfounded to reply. “I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to say to you today for months. I don’t even know if I should.” 
“You should.” He encouraged, nodding quickly. He’d always wanted you to be able to speak your mind with him. “Don’t hold back. Let me hear it.” 
“Okay. Okay, well first of all, you’re an asshole, Bradley.” 
He nodded again. He deserved at least that much. “I am. Absolute asshole, I know.” 
“But I never stopped loving you. Even though I was angry and sad and confused as fuck as to why you would do that to me, I still loved you. And eventually, I realized that it wasn’t anything I did wrong. You were scared. Of losing me, of me losing you. So you decided it was your responsibility to pull the ripcord before you crashed and burned.” Bradley winced slightly at the comparison and you grimaced at your own poor choice in words. “I—sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“It’s okay. You’re right. You didn’t deserve that.” 
“You said you didn’t want me to worry while you were gone, well, I did that anyways.” You chuckled, like you were remembering a fond memory instead of the constant state of anxiety you’d been in. “But instead of worrying that the man I love might not make it home, I was terrified that if you didn’t come home, I’d spend my whole life replaying our last conversation in my head. Wondering if there was something I could’ve said or done so you wouldn’t have given up on us so easily.” 
“You think that was easy for me? Sweetheart, walking away from you was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my whole life.” 
“Sure seemed pretty easy.” You scoffed lightly, only a tad spiteful. A low blow, you realized, when Bradley stiffened for a split second, but you held steady. 
“It wasn’t.” His reply was immediate and firm as could be, but somehow, that didn’t make you feel any better. “You have to understand, breaking things off was the last thing I wanted to do. But I couldn’t—I thought that if I didn’t, you’d wait for me.” 
“I would’ve waited, Bradley! I did wait for you! For you, I'd wait forever because I love you, but you didn’t even give me that choice. You made the decision on your own instead of talking to me about it. That was what hurt the most.”  
“I’m sorry.” Bradley said quietly, reaching out to take your hand. His fingers laced through yours almost tentatively, feeling so familiar but so foreign at the same time. There was a point in your life where you never thought that concept would apply to Bradley. “I never should’ve left like that, I wish I could take it all back.” 
“I think I understand now why you did it. I understand that fear that comes with the experience of losing a loved one like that. But Bradley, you’re not responsible for my feelings. And I don’t care how scared you get, I’m not going anywhere. From now on, we work things out together, no matter what you think is best.” 
“From now on? Does that mean…?” 
“You’re my home, Bradley Bradshaw.”
Bradley took your face in his hands and he kissed you, long and hard, pouring every ounce of pent up feelings he’d been bottling up for the past seven months into it. Pain, fear, love, hope—all of it. You were never one to believe in such emotion being able to convey itself through a simple physical action, but now you could honestly say you understood it. 
Your hands spread across the broadness of his back, fingers pressing into the crisp starch of his uniform like you were afraid of letting him go , even though he was home and everything was okay now. Losing him the first time made you angry. You didn’t even want to imagine possibly losing him a second time. 
He drew back, only far enough to press his lips to your forehead, hands still holding you close as could be. “Thank you for coming.”
“I don’t make a habit of breaking my promises.” 
“C’mon, I wanna introduce you to the squad.” He said softly, lacing his fingers through yours. The way he all but bounded over to the group of aviators a little ways away was almost boyish, as was the excitement in his voice when he approached them. “Hey everyone, there’s someone I want you to meet.” Bradley announced, sliding a hand around to the small of your back. 
Everyone’s eyes turned on you, conversations petering to a gradual stop as they looked between you and Bradley. You shifted nervously, suddenly feeling unsure with all the attention on you, but Bradley’s thumb rubbed along your skin, soothing you just a bit. “This is Y/N. My girlfriend.” 
The tall blond reacted the quickest, snapping loudly before aiming a finger in your direction, along with a shiny smile. “Wait, I know you! You’re the one in that photo Rooster keeps tucked in his helmet. Lemme tell you, he looked at that picture every damn day, it was like—” 
Bradley let out a very forced laugh, aiming a not-so-subtle daggered glare at the other man. “Okay, Hangman! That’s okay, I really don’t think—” 
“You’re a real saint, taking this one back. If I ever pulled the shit he did, my car would’ve been keyed to all hell when I came home.” Hangman chuckled, giving his head a shake. 
“Hangman. Shut. Up.” 
“Don’t tell me to shut up, you shut up!” 
“You’re the only one talking!” 
“Alright, alright, you’re both grown men here,” The dark haired woman sighed, turning towards you. “At least, I hope so.” 
You chuckled at that, casting a glance over at Bradley to find him already looking back at you, the back and forth with Hangman already long forgotten given the way he was smiling at you, like you were the force that made the world go round. Taking you in under his arm, he dotted a kiss to your hairline as your fingers came up to intertwine with his again, watching you interact with his squad like you’d known them for years. 
It was everything he ever wanted. And now that he had it, he’d never be dumb enough to let it go again. 
His mind drifted back to his parents’ fate— how they never got to live out their life together. How there was no guarantee about anything when it came to Bradley’s own fate with you.
And sure, it was scary to be so uncertain about the future, but you’d both climb that hill together when the time came. For now, Bradley could let himself be content. This second chance at a life with you wasn’t one he was planning on taking lightly, not by a long shot. 
“Let’s get off this damn carrier and hit the town! Drinks at the Hard Deck, last one there buys the first round!” Hangman’s drawling voice drew Bradley out of his thoughts, just in time to let the words sink in.
You, on the other hand, stifled a giggle at the sight of seeing a group of full grown adults scatter as fast as Bradley’s friends did. Watching Hangman nearly shove Coyote to the ground upon seeing their cars were parked next to each other was something you’d never not get a kick out of. 
But Bradley, he didn’t seem as worried about it all. In fact, he walked leisurely with your hand firmly in his, swinging both of them between the two of you as you made your way to your own car. 
“Aren’t you worried you’ll be the last one there?” 
“I’ll buy the round, I don’t care.” He shrugged. “I wanna spend some time with my girl.” 
“Your girl.” You hummed, giving his hand a squeeze. “Gotta say, I’ve missed hearing that.” 
“I’ve missed saying it. We’ve got a lot to catch up on, honey. Starting with, do you or do you not have a voodoo doll made in my image that you stabbed with pins when I was away because I broke your heart?” 
You scoffed, letting out a not so attractive snort. “Bradley, I mean this in the most respectful way possible—what the hell are you talking about? Where would you even get that idea?”
“I—uh, I had a dream about it? A few weeks into deployment.” He admitted sheepishly, cheeks burning red in embarrassment. You pressed your lips together, trying not to laugh. “You don’t, right?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You replied, giving his chest a firm pat. You didn’t have a voodoo doll of him, of course, but playing along was worth it just to see Bradley squirm. 
“Wait, wait, wait, but you didn’t say no.” 
“I didn’t.” 
“So you do?” 
“I didn’t say that either. But if you’re not sure, I’d watch yourself the next couple weeks.” 
His brows furrowed in confusion and a bit of fear as he watched you walk away from him with some bounce to your step. “I…really don’t like the sound of that. Hang on, get back here. Explain, please!” 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
"Here comes trouble."
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Getting back to the 'Shit He Said' series because I've been missing it and you've said some truly wonderful shit recently.
This one is pure fantasy. I'm fully just indulging myself and I'm okay with that. I've thought about this way too much.
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Semi-public, vaginal fingering, dom Bucky, sub reader, power imbalance, degradation, choking, penetration, creampie, this is bound to be so unhygienic irl but I can enjoy the thought leave me alone 😩
Summary: You manage to find some time for a quickie with the CEO
For some extra vibes: “Out Of My Mind” by The Killers
Minors, do not interact
Heat meets you the second the door opens but you only feel the true intensity of it when you’ve stepped inside and closed the door behind you.
Everything is hot.  Stiflingly, oppressively hot.  Even the glass panel of the door is warm under your touch.  Between the humidity and the ambient lighting, your eyes struggle to focus.  Taking a seat inside seems like a good idea.  Sit down before you fall down.  
It’s impossible to get a deep, satisfying breath.  The air feels so heavy, water droplets forming on your bare skin, clinging to your eyelashes and dripping from the ceiling onto your hair.  As the seconds pass, you feel your body begin to adjust.  Your breathing starts to regulate, albeit faster than usual.  You succumb to the weight in the air, taking a seat on the wet bench to the left of the door.  You close your eyes for a few moments in an attempt to shield them from the heat, breathing in the fresh scent of eucalyptus essential oil.
“Here comes trouble.”  Fuck.  You hoped this might happen but you hadn’t fully let yourself believe it was actually a possibility.  Your eyelids flutter open again, looking in the direction of the voice but you don’t need to see the silhouette of the person sitting at the back of the room to know who had spoken.
“Hello, you.”  He speaks again, low and soft and this time you’re more focused on ensuring you’re alone.  A quick scan of the room and it’s empty, save the two of you.
“I didn’t think you’d be down here!”  You feign innocence.  It’s a lie.  You knew he would.
He’s always been wonderfully talented at seeing right through you.
“I mentioned earlier that I might go try out the steam room.”  He’s right; he did.  These work trips get awfully long sometimes and it’s hard to keep your head in it without giving yourself a break.  In fact, you’re surprised more of your colleagues aren’t down here taking some time to themselves.
“Might.  I had no way of knowing you actually would.”  You’re not wrong.  Nor is he.  It’s an elaborate dance around the fact that you’re both now exactly where you want to be.
God, he’s gorgeous.  His usually soft, fluffy hair has drooped under the weight of the steam, curling a little.  Droplets of water roll slowly down his bare chest, meeting at the waistband of his swimwear but the condensation gathering on his body makes his skin look slick and kissable.  Your thoughts wander, daydreaming about how you’d love nothing more than to trail your tongue down his chest in the wake of those droplets until you’re able to sink to your knees in front of him and find a better use for your mouth.
“Stop thinking.  Get over here.”  He perhaps doesn’t mean to sound as sharp as he does but with time being of the essence, he’s not wrong to be demanding.  Anyone could walk in any time now so you might as well use the time you have wisely.
You’re so eager it’s difficult to slow yourself down.  Within seconds, you’ve moved to the bench at the back, beside Bucky and his lips are on yours before you even realise it.  They’re soft and plump, his mouth tasting faintly of the coffee you saw him drinking earlier. His tongue rolls gently against your own and you feel yourself moan against his lips more than you hear it.
Your heart is speeding up, thumping in your chest and with your elevated body temperature, it feels like it’s pounding against your ribs.
Once you start touching him, it’s impossible to stop.  His chest is wet against yours, your bodies pressed together and your hands wandering with an urgency that would have you thinking you’ve never touched him before.  You’re desperate and the humidity does nothing to help you both think coherently.  You aren’t thinking about what might happen if someone walks in.  You aren’t thinking about the fact that if they did, they’d catch you and the CEO all over each other.  You certainly aren’t thinking of any of the consequences that would follow.
“Fuck, you’re desperate.”  He rumbles out a low groan against your lips, his fingers pulling the bottoms of your bikini to one side to let his fingertips graze your soft folds.  You’re soaking wet but it’s very distinctly nothing to do with the fact you’re currently in a steam room.  The slickness of your arousal is unmistakable, not to mention the all too evident desperation in the way you roll your hips into his touch, silently begging for more. “You could take me right now.”  His fingers tease your entrance, testing the resistance from your body and it’s delightful to feel him slipping into you so smoothly.
“You’re filthy, you know that?  Getting fucked in a steam room knowing anyone could walk in and see you.  Anyone could see what a slut you are for me.”  His ‘for me’ hits you hard because this is only for him.  You wouldn’t do this with anyone else.  You wouldn’t ask anyone else to do the depraved things you ask him to do.  All of the darkest, filthiest thoughts you have are about the man who’s now got you seated in his lap, your back to his chest with your swimwear tugged to the side so he can tease your cunt with his throbbing length, rather than his fingers.
“Beg me for it.”  Confidence drips from his tone and he’s got every right to be this confident.  You’ve never wanted sex as often as you have since you met him.  Your sex drive goes through the roof when he’s around, a testament to how comfortable and confident he makes you feel.  He makes you feel desired and God, you want to be desired.
The head of his dick strokes the softest part of your body, teasing from your entrance to your clit and back again.  You have no doubt he’s smearing his precum over your cunt, claiming you.  The thought alone makes your walls flutter.
“Please fuck me.  Hurry up, Bucky, please.”  You sound pathetic and it only makes you wetter.  Only he gets you like this.  There’s not a hope in hell you’d beg anyone else for anything at all.  Anything you need, you can do for yourself.  Except this.  He’s let you feel safe and able to live out your wildest fantasies and that’s not something you’d experience with just anyone.
You feel him hum, kissing your shoulders, lowering you down onto his tip and stopping after the head has just slipped inside you.
The first glide into your body always leaves you breathless but this isn’t it.  He isn’t fully inside you yet and he’s stopped already.  “Just the tip, sweetheart.  That’s all you’re getting.  Unless you act like the little slut I know you want to be.”  He kisses down your neck, as far down your spine as the angle allows him to reach before licking back up and the shiver it sends through your body feels like a cold electric current.
“You’re delicious.  Go on, be a good whore for me.  Take what you need.”  You don’t need to be told twice, lowering yourself to take the rest of his length.  He glides into you beautifully, sliding into the wet, inviting heat between your legs.
“Oh God, that’s it.  Stupid girl.  Acting like you’re just a hole for me to fuck.  Maybe you are?”  He knows that will get to you.  You’re more than that.
Your head shakes, your hips rolling mindlessly, your body enjoying his presence inside you of it’s own accord.  “I- I’m not just a hole.”  You argue, trying to stifle your own moan at the feeling of him rubbing against the soft little sweet spot inside you.
“You’re not.  I know you’re not.  But for now, sweetheart, that’s all I want you to be.  You’re just a pretty little hole and I’m going to make you cum like it’s all you’re good for.”  You didn’t expect the punch to your chest that his kindness delivers but it’s appreciated all the same.
His hand cradles your throat, applying just a nice amount of pleasure.  The humidity was already dizzying but Bucky’s grip on your neck adds another dimension.
“God, the way you gripped me when I put my hand on your neck.  Pretty little pussy just doesn’t want me to pull out.”  He’s rutting into you, groaning against your shoulder but he still can’t drown out the obscene sounds of wet skin on wet skin.
“Feels perfect.”  You feel your eyes rolling back in your head, barely able to string more words together than that.  
“No sweetheart, you feel perfect.  Fuckin’ made for me.  Pretty little stupid fuck toy.”  His free hand squeezes and massages your breasts in turn, giving each of them the attention they deserve while he fucks himself into you.  “You’re dripping.  Fuck, you were made for this.”
You grip the wrist of the hand that’s massaging your breasts, trailing it down your body to settle between your legs.  “Can’t even tell me what you want, can you?  Can’t manage the words anymore.  Did my cock make you that stupid already?”
You nod and it only makes him chuckle, rubbing your clit almost entirely out of sympathy.  
Deep breaths don’t help.  The steam feels like it’s catching in the back of your throat with every breath but it only heightens the pleasure.
“I want you to cum.  Now.  I want to fuck you full while your cunt is trying to milk every drop from me.  You got that?”  
“Faster.”  You plead, right on the edge of slipping into an unbearably intense orgasm.  Bucky obliges, rubbing your clit faster, tightening his grip on your neck just a little and it sends you spiralling, your walls clamping around him so tight, it coaxes him to spill his release into your body.
You hardly notice his climax until the crest of your own subsides.  “Such a perfect cunt.  Fuck, I can’t stop.”  His forehead rests on your damp shoulder, panting and groaning as he fills your body with ropes of cum.  It’s messy and rushed but it’s an overwhelming ecstasy and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
When he’s entirely spent, he lets his hand fall from your throat but that does nothing to help you take a deep breath.  Water drips rhythmically from the ceiling onto the bench beside you both while your bodies separate and you allow yourselves a few seconds to enjoy being together.
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baby-yongbok · 8 months
4:26 am
Best friend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: You love your boyfriend Minho, but lately your best friend has been on your mind.
Warnings: Cheating, Chan is a tiny bit manipulative, Car Sex? (That should be all, sorry if I missed anything!)
A/N: This might might, be the last of Chan's birthday posts. I have one more that I prepared awhile ago but I might save it. Who knows lol. I hope that you enjoy! I'm trying to start writing again and it's been hard so I'm sorry if this is a bit rough 😅
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 “Tell me again why we're parked in an abandoned parking lot at 4:26 am.” Chan asks quizzically. I sighed, running my hands over my face. 
“I needed someone to vent to.” My gaze stays fixed on my lap, I don’t know if I can look at him, I don’t know what I’ll do when his eyes meet mine. He’s my best friend and I know I can tell him anything, hell, he picked up the phone in the middle of the night and came running to me. So I know that I can trust him but right now the thought of looking him in the eye with these thoughts running through my head is dizzying.
“Well I'm here, start when you want.” He leans forward, crossing his arms and resting them on top of the steering wheel. I run my hands through my hair as I try to gather my thoughts.
“Okay so, uh, Minho came home early tonight and he surprised me with this really cute home date and ya know… we had sex and it was good, really it was, but I just don’t feel… I haven’t been feeling…” My heart is beating a mile a minute, Chan and I are extremely close and we talk about our sex lives all the time but this time it’s different. 
“Unsatisfied?” Chan asks with an eyebrow raised. I nod my head, thankful that he finished the sentence for me. Talking about Minho behind his back feels so wrong but I suppose it’s not as wrong as what I plan to confess next.
“Yeah, unsatisfied and I've been… thinking of someone else.” I swallow hard as I play with the zipper of my hoodie, desperate to pay attention to anything but the look on Chan’s face. I know him, I know that he’s looking at me with semi wide interested eyes and he’s waiting for me to look back at him but I just can’t. 
“Who do you think about?” If I were in a hospital right now the nurses would go crazy because I am almost certain that my heart stopped, exploded even. I knew that he’d ask me that question but hearing it actually come out of his mouth sets off a whole new type of panic. Should I tell him the truth? I’m in a relationship, a beautiful and loving one at that, I shouldn’t go around confessing these things. But on the other hand, the thought of my fantasy coming true is too inviting to ignore. It’s now or never and I choose now.
“Well, it depends on the day. It could be Hyunjin, Seungmin, but… I mostly think of you. I guess it’s because of our connection or some shit like that, I don't know” My nerves got to me half way through my confession, shit, he must think I’m fucking with him. The silence around us lasted far too long for my liking, causing me to look over at the man in the driver's seat. His eyebrows were slightly raised and there was a red tint to the tips of his ears but other than that he seemed completely cool and collected. 
“Okay, uh, you think about me in what way? Like, do you daydream about me and kind of dissociate from Minho or do you pretend that he's me?” His brows knit together briefly before relaxing again. He shifts in his seat, leaning back completely and bringing his crossed arms to rest over his chest. He’s clearly trying not to show the effect that my confession has on him.
“I imagine that he's you, that his hands are yours and that you’re the one fucking me, it's better when I pretend.” I look back down at my lap as a deep blush creeps onto my cheeks. 
“Do you come faster? More intensely?” My head jolts up quickly and my eye’s find his immediately, the look of disbelief written all over my features makes Chan grin. He chuckles a bit and that's when I realize that he's messing with me. I sigh dramatically, relaxing into my seat before flashing my middle finger in his direction.
“Fuck you, don’t taunt me.” He smiles wider, looking down at his lap.
“I just want to know for my own personal records.” He licks his lips before looking back up at me  “It's fun hearing what I do to you.” 
At this point I’m sure that my brown skin is as red as a rose. Why did he have to look at me like that? Is he trying to ruin me? 
“I called you because I need to vent.” I remind him as I turn to look out of the passenger window, anything to avoid his gaze for a second. 
“Sorry sorry, continue.” I clear my throat and unzip my hoodie just a bit, is it getting hot in here? Why does his car suddenly feel so small?
“He falls asleep after sex all the time, I mean how could I blame him? Three rounds every night for four or five days a week is a lot on top of working and all of the other stuff that he does in a day. But no matter how many times we do it I’m still not satisfied afterwards, I watch porn and use my vibrator on the bathroom floor, every time.”
“Did you do that tonight?” His eyebrows knit together in curiosity, I open my mouth to try to answer him but when I look back in his direction I get distracted by the sight of his strong arms. He leaned back in his seat a bit more than he was a minute ago, his fingers intertwined and tucked behind his head giving me the perfect view of his biceps and everything that matches it. 
“No, I called you instead. I just needed to talk to someone. I feel like I'm going crazy, I keep wanting more and more sex. This can’t be normal.” Chan chuckles lightly and I can’t help but to roll my eyes. Is he even taking this seriously?
“Well either you're a sex addict or you aren't satisfied because you want someone else. In this case that person would be me.” He moves his hands from behind his head and rests them in his lap lazily.
“So, what? I fuck you and it goes away? If anything I'll keep wanting it.” I scoff, shaking my head in an attempt to erase the thoughts.
“You'll never know unless you try.” My eyes meet his quickly, I open my mouth to reply but no words make sense in my head. Is he serious? He’s messing with me… right? 
“I couldn't cheat on… I can't.” 
“Haven't you already though? Thinking of another man inside of you while he is? Imagining that you're with me.. your best friend. If he were thinking of someone else while he fucked you would you call that cheating?”  I turn away from him as if I'm physically trying to run away from his words. This is all too much to handle. The man that I can’t stop thinking about is basically offering himself to me. But I can’t do that to Minho, he’s been nothing but good to me for all of these years, he’s loving and attractive and he shares all of my values… but so does Chan and right now my best friend has one up on my boyfriend when it comes to intimacy. Is this really worth it? Is sex really worth potentially ruining my relationship to start a new one with Chan?
“I'm single, Y/n, if I screw you no one will care. But you, you're in a relationship. If we fuck you'll either feel guilty and confess everything to him or you'll feel so amazing that you'll call me at 4 am every night, The choice is yours.” Silence surrounds us and it almost feels heavy on my skin. What should I do next? I could tell him to take me home or I could get in the backseat and let him fuck me until I’m satisfied. I glance over at Chan to find that he’s already looking at me, his relaxed gaze is raking over my frame slowly but that’s not what did it. It was the way he licked his lips as his eyes met mine, like he could already taste me. Like he already had me. 
“Fuck it.” I blurt out, making up my mind all at once. It’s like every system in my brain shut off at once. I'm not really even thinking anymore, every move is now driven by desire. “Let me see your dick.”
 I maintain eye contact so that he knows that I’m serious. A smirk plays upon his lips and his eyebrows raise instantly.
“That escalated quickly.” He chuckles and I try my best to hide my giddy grin, Am I really doing this? Maybe I can take it back?
“Show me.” Chan takes a deep breath, hooking his thumbs into the waistline of his sweats before giving me a glance. I can tell what he’s trying to say with his eyes, he’s asking me if I’m sure about this and to be honest that answer is no, I’m anything but sure. All I know is that part of me is desperate to see if he really has this effect on me or if it’s all in my head. I nod to him and without another word he lowers the hem of his gray sweatpants and his cock springs up, resting against his clothed stomach.
Fuck what I said before, I don’t want to take it back. The mere sight of his dick, makes my mouth water. It takes every ounce of control that I have in my body not to lean forward and take him in my mouth. I want to taste him, to feel him, to use him.
“No underwear?” I tease with a smile and he shrugs.
“You said it was an emergency, I rushed over to you. Threw on the first thing I could find.”
“Mm maybe that's a sign.” He furrows his brows slightly as he watches me with curious eyes. I unzipped my hoodie completely, revealing the lingerie that I had put on for Minho tonight and never changed out of. 
“Fuck.” Chan says in a breathy sigh, bringing his hand up to his cock.
“Is it still cheating if I don't touch you?” I slip off my silk sleep shorts and turn my body towards Chan so that my back is against the passenger door. I open my legs to give him a full view of my cunt, reaching down to spread my arousal over my folds. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, babygirl” His tone is a bit deeper than before, the soft and playful tone replaced with a deep and husky one. He holds his hand out towards me and I nearly moan at the words that follow.
“Get it wet for me?” A low hum vibrates from my throat as I lean forward, pursing my lips and spitting into his palm. He coos at me, a quiet ‘good girl’ leaving his lips as he watches me. His eyes don’t leave mine as he takes his hand back and spreads my spit over his leaking tip mixing my saliva with his pre-cum. Slowly, his eyes trail down my body until they fix on my dripping pussy. He slowly starts to stroke himself, exhaling heavily when he rubs over his tip.
“Play with yourself for me, yeah?” At this point the only thing going through my head is Chan. He’s all I can remember, all that I want, all that I need. I feel drunk off of the sight of him sitting across from me, cheeks flushed and his long fingers wrapped around his hard cock. How could I possibly want to do anything but please this man?
I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly through parted lips, my eyes stay trained on him as I slowly trail my hand from my neck to my stomach. I watch his expression as he grows a bit impatient from my teasing, his dark gaze warning me to give him what he asked for. 
“Does it look like I want you to tease me, baby?” The tone of his voice sends chills down my spine, his words are breathy and challenging and it makes me hungry for more. What would he do to me if I kept teasing? How would he punish me? 
“Why would I give you what you want right away?” I run my fingers along my inner thighs, smiling at him as his gaze drops from my eyes to my core, watching my hand carefully. “That would be boring.”
“Touch yourself or I'll do it for you.” A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine him getting impatient with me and taking control, using his long fingers to fuck me. Why do I feel drunk off of that thought? It hasn’t even happened and yet I feel like I’m on cloud 9. 
“Fuck.” I hiss as I run my fingers between my folds brushing against my clit and circling it. Chan strokes himself a bit faster as he watches me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. 
“Put a finger inside.” He looks up from my cunt and my eyes follow his meeting for a second. My pussy clenches around nothing, desperate for something, anything, him. “Pretend that it’s me” 
He nearly sounds like he’s pleading me to do it, like he’s desperate to see how I fuck myself. Desperate to see what the thought of him does to me. I nod, slowly obeying his command and slipping my middle finger deep into my cunt.
“Oh fuck.” My back arches up off of the passenger door once I start fucking myself, increasing the pace gradually as I start to become desperate for more. I pressed the palm of my hand against my clit, trying to add as much stimulation as possible. He watches in awe as my hips buck into my hand a bit. 
“Add another.” I quickly obey his command, adding my ring finger inside, eliciting a groan of pleasure to fall from my parted lips. I try my best to keep my eyes open, I want to watch him, I need to watch him. His strokes are much faster now, small grunts and sighs leaving his parted lips, his head thrown back in ecstasy. I take in the way that his jaw clenched as he builds himself closer to the edge, his right leg slightly bouncing, it's a masterpiece that I wish I could become a part of. 
“Chan.” His name passes my lips in a breathy moan and he looks over at me as he strokes the head of his dick, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at the sensation. “I need you so badly.” 
“Your choice.” He groans out as he throws his head back again squeezing his eyes shut. “ Better make up your mind, I’m so close, babygirl.” 
I sigh heavily as I try my best to fight the urge to climb over and ride him until I pass out. I focus on my own pleasure again, Imagining that it’s Chan rubbing tight circles on my clit while his long fingers reach spots that I didn’t even know existed. I imagine that it’s him bringing me closer and closer to the edge, I wish it was him. The wet sounds of Chan stroking his cock mix with my moans as we both draw closer to the edge. I watch his hand as he pleasures himself, I wonder if he’s imagining that, that’s me. I wonder if he feels that same way. Does he touch himself to the thought of me at night? Thinking of all of the times that we were play fighting and his fingers grazed my bare skin, all of the tight hugs that we shared, my chest pressed up against him. Does he think about me?
“Shit, oh my god” I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back at the thought of him wanting me just as much as I want him, maybe even more.
“Fucking cum for me, babygirl.”  Chan groans “I'm so fucking close for you.”
Those words alone throw me over the edge, one of my fantasies is coming true right in front of my eyes.
“Oh my- I'm gonna..” Before I could get another word out my orgasm rushed over me, breathtaking and mind fogging.  I clamped my legs shut and arched my back off of the car door. My moans filled the space around us but I couldn’t hear them, the pleasure was deafening. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” My name fell off of his tongue in a sweet moan and my pussy clenched at the sound of it, sending another wave of euphoria through me. “Oh shit, I'm cumming.” 
He squeezes his eyes shut, his strokes becoming shorter but still just as fast. A rush of adrenaline hit me and suddenly my vision changed. I felt like a rabid animal who was desperate for food. Suddenly, I forgot about everything that was looming over my head. All of my thoughts about Minho and saving our relationship were gone. All that I could think of was pleasure and I was absolutely driven by it, so much so that after the first stream of cum came leaking from Chan’s tip I leaned forward, getting on my knees in the passenger seat and running my tongue up his length. He moved his hand quickly, clearly surprised by my sudden confidence. I licked up to the head of his cock and then took the rest of his length down my throat. His seed spilled into my mouth in warm and delicious spurts, painting my throat with his sticky arousal. Every bit of him tasted like heaven and in this moment I swear that I would do anything that anybody asks as long as I get to stay here. As long as I get to feel him. 
“Y/n” His hand lightly lays on the back of my head, stroking my hair slightly. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” I bob my head a couple of times, milking his arousal from him until I’m sure that I’ve got every last drop. Once he’s come down from his high I sit up, releasing his cock from my mouth with a faint ‘pop’ and licking my lips. I sit back into my seat, settling in a bit while we watch each other. Chan’s chest is rising and falling heavily and there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, once he seem to have composed himself a little the tiniest chuckle falls from his lips as he begins to tuck himself back into his sweatpants
“Do you think that fulfilled your lust for me?” 
“Not even close.”
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lbxbx · 3 months
Cockpit 11 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, major toxic behavior, mentions of abuse
taglist: @wecanpretendit | @whoisbts | @yoonjinsrkive | @my-current-mood-is | @joonzseoulmate | @parkinglot-nights | @missbangtangirl | @m00njinnie | @mantaecrolss | @busanbby-jjk | @bangtanxmegan | @nochelunaxx | @certified-lana-del-rey-lover
A/N: Disclaimer babes i'm not majored in law but i have searched to have a background on the actual thing to try include actual right details and pls let me know if i missed something, ps this may include typos because of my keyboard it's going insane and driving me nuts :)
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“Ew, so you practically baby sit his son the entire flight?” Even when it’s just a video call, you could clearly see the cringe on Taehyung’s voice. You had just arrived to your place a couple hours ago, Namjoon drove you to your place and went home so he could finally be prepared for the hearing that’s actually going to be tomorrow.
You were on your nerves the entire time, your appetite is long gone for almost the past week, your nausea is creeping back on you and you find your hands to be shaking occasionally even when there was little to no effort done that day.
Namjoon was nervous too but he was masking it pretty well to try and make it easier for you even when it should be the opposite. You were genuinely worried about the outcome, what if they go through trial? What if the entire divorce is cancelled? It can’t happen, you find yourself near panicking when this thought crawls into your head so you shake it off immediately before you dive into over thinking, and you don’t really need that right now.
“Yeah, I did.” You roll your eyes. “But it wasn’t that bad.”
“He’s still a kid.” He shrugs, “And how was he? Was he nice?”
“He was okay.” You were folding your laundry, “Are you coming over tomorrow?”
Your friends were kind enough to gather at your place during the hearing tomorrow just to keep your mind off of it, and since all of you enjoy Jungkook’s noodles, he offered that he would make a big pot for you all to have for lunch tomorrow.
And it was sweet of Hoseok that he actually called you earlier and told you that he can’t be there for tomorrow’s lunch, and he was “Work” to do, and he’ll be back right after. He just did it to reassure you and promised you that it’s going to be okay.
“Yeah, I’m coming over alone though.” He finally parks his car and gets into his building, “And your girlfriend?”
“She went over to her parents to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday, I’m on my own.” He unlocks his place and gets inside, “I’m home now, I’ll see you tomorrow chief, okay?”
“Mhm, see you.” You wave your hand and hang up, you throw your phone down and just lay down on your couch, your head faces the ceiling and you start thinking.
What if Namjoon gets the divorce? What happens after that? That’s the question you never asked yourself. You’re convinced that there’s something between you two, but it’s still not labeled nor official.
What happens after the hearing regarding you two?
You roll your eyes at yourself, you just gave yourself an extra thing to over think about when your thoughts are already crammed inside your head.
You want tomorrow night to come faster than ever, you missed sleeping without having to struggle before or even without having nightmares.
Your phone buzzes a message and you sigh before you grab it, thinking it was probably one of your friends  but it’s Namjoon who texted you a picture of his suit hung  up in his closet.
“do you think it’ll look good?”
“tie or no tie?”
“off to get myself a divorce tomorrow hahaha.”
A little breath escapes your nose when you chuckle softly at his message, your fingers hover over the screen to type back.
“I guess no tie.”
“how can you joke about this I’m scared.”
And only seconds after he Facetime’s you a video call and you answer him right away, he’s in his bed smoking a cigarette and having a drink, “I know I don’t have to ask you why because I already know.”
“What if—“
He interrupts. “Hey, no what if’s. I know everything is going to be okay, I’m well prepared and I trust Hobi, don’t you?”
“I do, I just don’t trust her.” You shrug. He takes a sip of his drink and shakes his head. “Just so you know, regarding the outcome, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I would still choose you.”
It does reassure you a little, but still you don’t want anything to be in the way between you two, and you know his wife tried to set him up so many times, what if she actually figured something out without you two knowing?
“Y/N.” He laughs. “Stop over thinking, I’m the one going through the divorce not you.”
“Alright. I’m not going to call you nor text you anything tomorrow, I’ll get the news eventually.” Your stomach drops just by the thought of it, he nods. “I’m sure you will, I just called Jay.”
“Poor little thing.” You pout, he takes a drag from his cigarette and puffs away the smoke. “Apparently he likes you.”
“I like him too.” You can’t help but smile, even when you’re a little surprised on the inside, children don’t usually like you. “Is he having fun at his grandparents?”
“Oh yeah, he enjoys being around his cousins, he’s used to staying there.” He turns off his cigarette, “Oh, Hobi is calling, can I call you back later?”
“Mhm, I’ll chat with you later.” You blow him a kiss and he blows one back before saying goodbye and hanging up.
Of course you hardly fall asleep that night, you did see it coming so you weren’t that surprised. You woke up with sore shoulders and a headache that didn’t go away even after having your morning coffee. You decided to give it some time before taking a pill.
As for him, Namjoon had a good night sleep, only his was full of nightmares, and of course he kept twisting and turning before he did manage to fall asleep, his morning was a little similar to yours, only he washed up and got dressed, he bathed in his own cologne and finally got on the road after texting you.
“Good morning :*”
“you were right”
“no tie looks way better”
“have a nice day beautiful <;3”
The clock is ticking and the hearing is a little over an hour away and he can feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest, there was little to no traffic luckily and Namjoon is the type of guy that considers the tiniest thing to be a sign that his day will go well or not, and no traffic could probably be a sign.
He makes it to Hoseok’s office in no time and walks inside, of course Hoseok was already there hours ago finishing the last couple of things and finishing the documents that he may possibly need.
“Good morning Hobi.”
“You’re here early.” Hoseok looks at the watch on his wrist. “Good morning,  how are you feeling?”
Namjoon  plops down on the couch in front of Hoseok’s disk with sigh escaping his lips. “I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t nervous. I want things to go well.”
“You’re in safe hands, don’t  worry.” Hoseok walks towards the coffee machine beside his disk. “Coffee?”
“Sure, yeah.” Namjoon takes out his pack of cigarettes. “Can I?”
“Sure.” Hoseok cracks the window open before he makes two cups of coffee and sits in front of Namjoon to have a smoke as well, “Her lawyer called, and they think they have something in their hand but they don’t.”
“What if they found something else we don’t know of?” Namjoon leans his elbows on his thighs. “I’m worried.”
Hoseok take a puff of his smoke before crossing his legs. “Is that what you’re worried about? Or the entire thing generally?”
Namjoon takes out a cigarette and lights it up. “The entire thing, I’m worried over Y/N, what if the outcome doesn’t come in our benefit?”
“Then you still don’t know who your lawyer is.” Hoseok grins, “Don’t worry about Y/N, no matter what the outcome is, she’s going to be okay.”
Namjoon opens his mouth and he’s so close to saying it out loud to Hoseok, but he’s a little hesitant.
Of course he’s not unsure about the way he feels about you, he’s just hesitant on how he’s going to share the fact itself. He wants you to be the one to hear it first, but he feels the need to reassure Hoseok, since he’s really protective over you. “Hobi I…”
It looks like it’s coming out earlier than expected.
“Hmm?” Hoseok’s gut feeling was never wrong, and he kind of knows what’s about to be said.
“I… I know this happened quickly, but the past four months are the happiest I’ve been in my life.” His thoughts are racing through his head when he speaks again. “I’m getting the divorce mainly because I want her instead.”
“I feel like I wasted the past thirty years of my life being with someone I cannot stand and will not stand no matter how hard I tried.” He shrugs his shoulders, slowly getting relieved at the fact that he’s spilling what’s been kept inside his heart as he never shared it with anyone. “I’ll choose Y/N over anyone anytime.”
Hoseok turns off his cigarette and crosses his arms. “But you just said it, it’s been only three months, aren’t you worried that you’d change your mind? Or probably the way you feel may change.”
He scratches his head and looks into Hoseok’s eyes. “I liked her in the beginning, you know the way you like any girl at the bar, and I was totally unfair to her when I hid everything and wasn’t completely honest with her, and deep inside I thought that I might actually lose her if I told her the truth. And when she found out I was a little relieved even when I was the bad guy.”
Hoseok is a smart man and due to being in his field for so long, he can easily tell if someone was being honest or not, Namjoon does seem genuine to him, the man gave up his marriage just to be with you, and he wouldn’t do that if he never felt anything for you.
“And when I saw her on that plane to Ilsan, I knew it was a sign that I shouldn’t let her go this time, and I can’t risk losing her again.” Namjoon puts off his cigarette and shrugs. “She makes me happy.”
“What’s your next step Joon?” Hoseok asks. “After the divorce.”
A smile creeps on Namjoon’s face when he crosses his arms. “I want her to be my girlfriend, I want everyone to know about her, I want to show her off.”
Hoseok was always your wingman back when you two were young, he would go around and ask guys you liked how they felt about you just so he can tell you later, and as much as he wanted to tell you every single thing about the conversation that just happened, he won’t.
“I actually think it’s very brave of you to decide and go through a relationship again when you’re working your way out of one.” Hoseok shrugs. “No offense, I’m telling you this as your friend.”
“None taken. I know, and you can’t believe how bad this experience was, and I can’t wait to be over with it, I thought I’d be traumatized by women for life, but Y/N  is different on so many levels, and to be honest I did compare them both so many times, but she can never live up to Y/N.” Namjoon scoffs.
“Well.” Hoseok puts his  hands on his own knees for support before getting up and looks at the time on his wrist. “As long as you two are happy, but for now we need to go.”
“Jungkook please don’t make it spicy.” Taehyung hovers behind Jungkook who’s standing in front of the stove and opening up the noodles packets.
“No put all the spice in and please pass on the seaweed, it makes me want to puke.” You stand next to Jungkook and watch him work, before he rolls his eyes and turns off the heat. “Okay, you two, either shut up or leave the kitchen.”
“Y/N? Did you order something for delivery?” Seokjin calls your name from the living room and you rush outside to open the door.
You ordered birthday cake for Namjoon, of course you didn’t forget, and since all of you are gathering at your place, you were going to celebrate it.
“Birthday cake?” Seokjin unsurely asks. “What if—“
“Hey, there no what if anymore, no matter what the outcome is, we’re going to celebrate his birthday. If he did get the divorce then there’s two reasons to celebrate, and if he didn’t, then we’ll celebrate it to make him feel better.”
“You’re totally in love with him aren’t you.” Jimin gets up to look at the cake. You roll your eyes and close the box to put the cake in the fridge. “You know sometimes I regret not having girl friends and choosing you guys instead.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jimin carelessly shrugs, “Jungkook hurry up we’re hungry.”
“You need to relax.” Seokjin tucks your hair behind your ear. “You’re acting all paranoid, the hearing already started and I know there’s nothing I could say to make this easier for you, but trust me it will be fine.”
You take a long sigh and take a seat in the living room. “I know, but his wife knows what she’s doing and that’s what I’m worried about.”
“Don’t you trust Hobi?” He asks. “He’s like, the number one divorce lawyer in Seoul.”
“Speaking of which.” Yoongi walks out of the bathroom to join you in the living room. “Did Namjoon pay Hoseok?”
“Yes.” Jungkook walks out of the kitchen with the large pot of noodles in his hands, using the sleeves of his top to protect him from the heat. “Hobi hyung told me.”
“Why wouldn’t he?” You shrug your shoulders. “Hobi’s doing his job after all.”
“But he’s our friend now.” Seokjin grabs a pair of chopsticks and you immediately object. “I know he is, but you have to put business aside, Hobi is an excellent lawyer and he deserves to be paid even if it was me getting the divorce.”
The entire room goes silent as they start scooping noodles into their plates and devouring the food, you still don’t have the appetite so you barely put one ladleful in your plate and force yourself to finish it.
Your phone buzzes a text and you rush to take it out of your pocket, it’s a text from Hoseok.
“Oh my god.” Your stomach drops. “They’re on their way here.”
“File number 3501CR. Mr. Kim versus Mrs Lee.”
“I am here for Mrs. Lee.” Her lawyer speaks, and Hoseok speaks right after. “And I am here for Mr. Kim Namjoon.”
“Mr. Jung, glad to see you.” The judge gets up on his feet to handshake Hoseok, he was pretty popular and loved, people enjoyed his company so much and most lawyers want to be taught and trained under him.
“Glad to see you too sir.” Hoseok shakes his hand back. Namjoon’s pounding heart still hasn’t calmed down but oh well, the judge knows Hoseok so this may serve his benefit.
“Alright, you can go ahead.” The judge orders and both lawyers hand over their files, Namjoon’s anxiety increases when he sees her file thicker than his, do they have something new?
“I’m here to speak for my client, Mister Kim, who filed a divorce 11 months and 23 days ago, he gave his testimony to the previous attorney who handed me over this case.” Hoseok flips through the file. “Sir the testimony is attached in pages 4 through 24.”
“Mhm.” The judge flips through the papers, taking his time to read some of the highlighted points that Hoseok worked on.
Namjoon’s testimony was taken long ago, he included everything about his fucked up marriage, he mentioned that he didn’t get his rights as a husband, and the mental stress she puts him and his son  through, how downhill Jay’s health deteriorates with every arguments, even included medical reports, the last one being signed by you, when you found out that Namjoon was married.
“Your honor, Kim Jaehyuk is their son, also known as Jay in the passport copies.” Hoseok flips through the papers. “3 Years old, with a medical history of seizures, occurring on the attached dates, clipped to that are picture of the hospital trips taken by mister Kim’s dash cam, and below that are his medical reports.”
“What are mister Kim’s conditions to this divorce?” The judge asks as he flips through the papers.
“Full custody of Kim Jaehyuk, and no asset distribution.” Hoseok answers right away even when Namjoon doesn’t mind neither.
If she did get the custody of Jay he will be able to see him every now and then, and for the assets even when she wasn’t worth it, he was willing to give anything away to get rid of her.
“What do you do for a living mister Kim?” The judge asks and Namjoon clears his throat and answers. “I’m an aircraft pilot sir.”
“How long have you been an aircraft pilot?” He asks and Namjoon tilts his head. “Almost 6 years.”
“Sir I have included his portfolio the page after, clipped behind it is a laboratory test that rules off any drug addiction or biological disease that may disable him. And on the next page is a written psychological evaluation written by a specialist, that clearly shows that mr. Kim may be suffering from recurrent panic attacks that occurred only in the past three years, meaning the years he was married to Mrs Lee.”
Namjoon feels himself about to have one of those from the excessive pounding in his chest, he even finds himself hyper ventilating that his own watch notifies him to log in a work out.
“Mhm.” This time the judge takes his time to read the entire paper, giving Namjoon a couple glances here and there.
And even when he’s really on the verge of panicking, he was doing a very good job hiding it,  they could barely tell by his body language and the way he sits. Only when he takes a sip of water or anything, his hands were shaking like crazy.
“Anything else?” The judge asks minutes after. “One last thing sir, the last two pages are bank statements of both mr. Kim and his spouse.”
“Alright, thank you mr. Jung. You did great.” And Hoseok nods before closing the file in front of him, her lawyer finally opens the thick file that’s been concerning Namjoon.
He even turns to look at Hoseok and their eyes meet, Hosok gives him a reassuring nod and sits back to listen to what they have. This is the part Namjoon has been dreading the most.
The judge looks at her lawyer and nods. “Go ahead.”
Namjoon pulls his chair closer to Hoseok’s to see the file that they have a copy of. “Between page 4 and 38 are Mrs. Lee’s testimony sir.”
“Mhm.” The judge also takes his time to read, Namjoon does the same and dives into the papers to scan the entire thing.
The testimony was taken only a couple  weeks ago and it seems like she didn’t include all the details or she probably purposely skipped some, and of course a huge part of it Namjoon could easily deny that it happened. “Mrs. Lee, I take it clearly that you’re accusing Mr. Kim to be abusive and obsessive and alcoholic.”
“Yes your honor.” The lawyer speaks, which makes the judge abruptly flip through the papers and the lawyer immediately speaks. “Sir if you open page 41 you can see that there’s a sealed medical report written by an emergency resident to prove that my client was in fact a victim of abuse.”
The judge rips the sealed envelope that has your signature on it which makes Hoseok stifle a grin, and what’s coming up Namjoon didn’t expect at all.
“Mr. Jung?” The judge passes the paper to Hoseok and he grabs it in his hand,  eyeing it carefully.
It was rigged, and this wasn’t the report you wrote even  when you had your signature on it. The report clearly said that she was presented to the ER with bruises on her upper torso and her back, a cut wound on her forehead and a broken toe.
Namjoon is about to lose his mind, none of this is true and she knows that. Their eyes meet and she immediately looks away and crosses her arms. Zero signs of regret on her face.
“Do you have anything to say?” The judge asks Hoseok, and he nods. “Sure,” He digs into his suit case and takes out a paper to hand it to the judge. “Sir this is data is confidential but she visited the hospital using Mr. Kim’s health insurance, so we were allowed full access to their files, and this is the original report, written by the same doctor on the same hospital, and if you put it side by side for comparison, it’s printed on the same date and time.”
“Agreed.” The judge nods his head and puts both papers aside. “And sir regarding alcoholism, I already presented laboratory tests and Mr. Kim is a social drinker.”
The judge looks at her lawyer and signals him to continue. “On pages 44 and 45 are a witness’ testimony of Mr. Kim seen in a wine cellar with a female aged between 25 and 32, and on the next page is a written report of a video tape that if you allow me to show you.”
“Of course.” The judge agrees and the lawyer turns his iPad towards him to show him the clip of CCTV that  they planned for.
Namjoon can clearly see the video tape and he squints his eyes to see the box of the Legos being put on the floor in the end of the aisle, it was you, and god it shatters his heart that you witnessed something that was meaningless.
“Mr. Jung? I guess you can’t deny a video tape.” The judge grabs his pen and starts writing, Hoseok laughs and shrugs his shoulders. “Watch me do it sir, I’m surprised you still don’t know me.” And the judge laughs too.
Hoseok digs into his suitcase again and takes out a bunch of papers. “Sir this is an order placed by an IP address located in Seoul, which is Mr. Kim’s apartment, the date of this order is in July 28th. And the next paper is Mr. Kim’s flight schedule that week, that clearly shows that he was out of town when this order was placed. And the paper after that is the delivery receipt showing that this package arrived a day prior to the video on the CCTV.”
The judge wasn’t surprised that Hoseok was good at his job, he knew when and how to represent anything that defends his own clients. And the judge was also shocked on how everything was manipulated, showing that Namjoon was set up.
“What are Mrs. Lee’s conditions to this divorce?” The lawyer asks and this is where Hoseok’s heart drops, if they don’t agree on each other’s conditions then the divorce will be transferred to trial and it will take much longer with no guaranteed end.
Namjoon is aware that they have to settle on something, so he grabs a pencil to write down on a small paper to show Hoseok. “I’ve been compromising my entire life and I wouldn’t mind doing it now.”
And Hoseok nods, but still he will try his best to make them agree to Namjoon’s conditions.
“Partial custody slash co parenting, and a 50/50 assets distribution.” The lawyer shrugs his shoulders.
Hoseok speaks without consulting Namjoon. “Partial custody is agreed, assets distribution 80/20.”
Her and her lawyer go through a debate quietly, giving Hoseok the time to glance at Namjoon, he nods his head and whispers. “She’s not getting more than 20.”
“70/30.” The lawyer speaks and Hoseok objects immediately. “No more than 80/20,”
“We need time to negotiate sir.” Her lawyer turns towards the judge to which he agrees immediately. “Mr. Jung please understand that my client is sharing custody, she needs the assets for their son.”
“If she needs the money for the shared custody let my client have it full then.” Hoseok shrugs. “Or zero assets and he’ll give his son the money he needs, it’s either one of those options or 80/20.”
“Mr. Kim, I want you to know that—“
“Sir please, I’m here for Mr. Kim, and if you need anything I’m the one you should talk to, this is what Mr. Kim wants and I was assigned to speak for him.” Hoseok interrupts mainly because he knows Namjoon will give them what they want, but he always made sure that his clients got their desired ends with the least amount of damage.
“75/25 last call.” Her lawyer makes one last offer, Hoseok turns to Namjoon to seek for an answer.
“5 percent is worth like 9 thousand dollars.” Hoseok whispers. “It’s your call.”
“I’ll give her the 25 percent on the spot, but what about the custody?”
“Shared custody, but since it’s her choice she gets to decide what days you can have Jay.” Hoseok puts his pin down. “Let’s settle?”
“Yes.” Namjoon nods, his heart racing more than ever, Hoseok turns to face the lawyer and judge and speaks up. “Agreed.”
“Mr. Kim do you have any debts?” The judge takes out the divorce papers and gets to writing, “No sir.” Namjoon answers right away.
“Mrs. Lee and Mr. Kim, you have agreed on 75/25 assets distribution with shared custody, but the court will decide based on  your profiles and your financial status in order to accept your agreement, is that understood?”
“Yes your honor.” Namjoon and his minutes away to become ex spouse answer at the same time.
“Mr. Kim you have two apartments, on located in Seoul and the other is located in Ilasn am I correct?” The judge asks again and Namjoon agrees.
“Sir if you check the last page on our file, you can see that we hired a real estate agent to evaluate the cost of both apartments.” Her lawyer speaks which makes Namjoon scoff, she’s clearly after his money and he can’t understand why he didn’t realize that before?
Hoseok rushes to open the file to check out the actual price of both properties, opens up his calculator and starts adding and subtracting numbers that are surprisingly big, he grabs out a paper and writes down for Namjoon to read. “25 percent is approximately worth the place in Ilsan and a little over the price of the other car.”
And Namjoon grabs the pen and writes down. “Ok. Let her have the car and the place.”
“Your honor.” Hoseok clears his throat. “I would like to inform you that 25 percent of Mr. Kim’s assets is worth the place in Ilsan and a little under the price of the car she’s driving, Mr. Kim wants to make an offer for Mrs. Lee to have the property and it’s kind of him to offer her the car without paying him what’s left of the car’s price on the market today.”
“What do you say?” The judge looks at her lawyer, who’s already discussing the offer with her.
Namjoon starts thinking months after, Jay will have to fly twice a week to be with his parents, which makes him want to consider a new flight schedule to be able to take him there. He already visits Ilsan repeatedly so it shouldn’t be a problem.
“We agree sir.”
“Alright then, we’re over for today. And in an hour we’ll hopefully have an answer for you.” The judge collects the papers and stands up on his feet. “It was nice to see you again Mr. Jung.” He shakes Hoseok’s hand and leaves the meeting room.
“How are you feeling?” Hoseok rubs Namjoon’s shoulder and he nods. “I can be better.”
“Relax, the hard part is over. It’s going to go just as planned, and we’ll go celebrate back home.” Hoseok winks at Namjoon and grabs out his phone to text you.
“Hey chief”
“We’re on our way home”
“Tell Jungkook to save us some noodles we’re starving :(”
Hoseok knows he sent the message way too early just to tease you and keep you tip toeing, he knows you won’t call or ask, so once he sees the read receipts turn blue he puts his phone back in his pocket. “You wanna go out for a smoke?”
“Yeah.” Namjoon gets up on his feet and leaves the meeting room, the aura was suffocating specially when he senses that he’s being looked at the entire time by her.
Her gaze never left him, deep down in her mind she’s still digging deep, she’s one hundred percent sure that he’s seeing someone else, but she can’t prove anything. And what’s killing her the most is that even when they’re getting a divorce around the same table, she still had a dash of hope that the entire thing will be cancelled.
Both her concrete evidences were rigged and she kind of saw it coming, her father warned her repeatedly that his lawyer was one of the best in the republic.
For a second a thought crosses through her mind and she recalls when she visited the emergency room with her father, she clearly remembers you when you agreed to help them with the rigged report, which when her lawyer found out told them that none of what you said was true, so when he opened the envelope he knew exactly why you lied.
And to be frank, the lawyer her family hired was the cheapest in the market since they’re already broke, so he rigged papers to try and win the case. And speaking of lawyers, another thought crosses her mind, why is Namjoon this close to his lawyer?
Her thoughts are racing back to back, is it possible that you and Namjoon know each other? But oh well, it’s too late for that now.
“Did you see their faked medical report?” Hoseok blows out the smoke. “I was so close to laughing.”
“Did you know they were going to manipulate it?” Namjoon leans against the bench and turns off the cigarette he just finished. Hoseok nods right away. “Yeah, I already told Y/N to give me a copy earlier this week, but gosh I wish I told it to the judge before they did.”
“You did great anyway, I’m really impressed, your job suits you like a glove.” Namjoon laughs and Hoseok nods. “I know, but yours was really easy since their lawyer was stupid enough to rig confidential papers.”
“Isn’t that illegal? Shouldn’t he be punished or something?” Namjoon asks out of curiosity. Hoseok blows the last puff of smoke and turns off his cigarette. “Everyone rigs papers in this field, it’s quite fucked up actually. Let’s go to the car and put some cologne on before going back up.”
They rush to their cars and to spray cologne so they could mask away the smell of cigarettes before heading back upstairs to the meeting room.
She’s still there with her lawyer with her arms crossed. Hoseok pulls a chair to sit down and nudges Namjoon. “How did you even marry her?”
Namjoon stifles a laugh and elbows Hoseok before whispering back. “Well, I’m here today because I regret that.”
The judge knocks on the door and enters the meeting room with one single paper in his hand, and considering Hoseok has been in this field for a while know, he knows what this paper means.
“Mr. Kim. Mrs. Lee. The court has made a decision.”
You’re in your bathroom vomiting the noodles you forced yourself to eat, it has been over an hour since Hoseok’s message and they’re still not here yet. And Hoseok’s text message with the sad emoji was the trigger you needed for the vomiting parade to start.
“It’s okay.” Yoongi rubs your back and tugs your hair away from your face. “I’ve never seen you this paranoid, you need to give yourself a break.”
“I wish I can, I’m sleep deprived and I haven’t eaten something properly for the past week.”  You stand in front of the bathroom sink and wash your face. “I don’t even know why I’m this nervous, I’m not the one who’s going through the actual divorce.”
“I think it’s because you have something for Joon.” He shrugs, “And you probably haven’t realized that yet.”
“You’re right, I’m still unsure how I feel, maybe that’s why I’m anticipating the entire divorce thing to see how I actually  feel about him.” You open the bathroom door and take a look at the living room, Seokjin and Jungkook are using your game console to play Just dance, and both of them look like actual idiots dancing.
“I wish I could be this careless.” You sigh, Yoongi rubs your shoulders and pulls you into the living room to watch the dumb and dumber dance.
“Are you feeling better?” Taehyung asks. “Do you want me to make you noodles? You’re probably hungry now.”
“No I’m good.” You unscrew your bottle of water and take a sip, He scoots closer to you and wraps his arm around you. “Just so you know, I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“What do you mean?” You pout and he chuckles and pinches your cheek. “I’m used to seeing the strong Y/N who never let anything effect her. You’re a smart successful woman who knows how to handle everything and control her feelings.”
“I’m still human after all. I’m allowed to break character when I’m going through something like this.” You lean your head against his chest. “I hate going through this much stress and sometimes I regret voluntarily going through this.”
“But it’s going to be worth it at the end, I know it.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “You should know it too.”
You hear the door code being clicked and your stomach drops, your face even grows pale and you break into cold sweat, the guys even hear the code being clicked and they pause the game. Your eyes are close to popping out of their socket and your body refuses to function, you can’t get up on your feet since they’re too week so your body lags and decides to stay on the couch.
Yoongi and Jimin get up on their feet and Jungkook and Seokjin who were already dancing are gazing towards the door.
“I’m telling you, I had my blinker on but she still honking behind me, and I ended up flipping her because she was a terrible drier.” Namjoon laughs and high fives Hoseok when they enter the place. “No way, I flipped her off too. But she did get a speeding ticket after, did you see her?” Hoseok laughs back and puts his suit case down on the ottoman near the door.
“Yeah, and she saw us driving past her too.” Namjoon looks towards the living room to see everyone on their feet except you and Taehyung, “What’s up guys?” Hoseok takes off his suit jacket and throws it onto the couch. Complete silence is the answer he gets as everyone is anticipating the answer.
They were all worried equally but hid it from you so well. After all, Namjoon is their friend now and they do care about him and want the best for him.
“You tell us.” Yoongi speaks. “What’s the outcome.”
“O-oh.” Hoseok scratches the back of his head.
You feel your heartbeat an inch away from stopping and you even hold your breath, not only the sad emoji concerns you now, also Hoseok’s reaction was the end of you. You feel each heartbeat taking away a breath from you that you’re slowly starting to get dizzy.
“What?” Jimin’s shoulders sulk in disappointment, Jungkook puts the gaming console down on the coffee table and walks towards Namjoon, “It’s okay hyung, even if didn’t get it today, you will have it eventually.”
“What are you talking about?” Namjoon looks at the youngest, and Jungkook blinks in confusion. “The divorce.”
“But I got the divorce.”  Namjoon’s smile creeps on his face and Hoseok yells right after. “He got it!”
They all cheer excitedly and get up to congratulate Namjoon and Hoseok but you’re still in your spot on the couch, your face fell in your palms when he heard he got it and you’re too overwhelmed to do any reaction. This divorce drained you, but you’re more than happy that it’s over.
Namjoon hugs back Jimin and Jungkook and takes off his suit jacket, his eyes on you when you’re still curled up on the couch with your face in your hands before approaching you and going down on his knees in front of the couch. “Don’t I get a congratulations hug or what?”
You held back the tears of relief and take your hands off of your face and lean in to hug him, burying your face in his neck and wrapping your arms tightly around him. “It’s okay, everything is okay now.” He whispers for only you two to hear and kisses you on the cheek. “I’m so sorry for making you go through this, but believe me I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
“How did it go?” You pull back from the hug, he leans his forehead against yours. “It went great, and now I can finally take you out on proper dates and show you off.”
“Aren’t you going to kiss her or what?” Jungkook plops down beside you on the couch and you roll your eyes. “With you in the room? I’m not so sure.”
“I heard you two fucking before do you think kissing her would matter?” The younger crosses his arms and Jimin plops next to him. “You heard them too? I thought it was only me.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes when Jimin starts imitating you. “Oooh Namjoon, please, don’t stop. Oooh Namjoon you’re so big. But are you though?” He even looks down at Namjoon’s pants, you grab the pillow on the couch next to you and hit Jimin with it repeatedly. “I’m so sorry, I know they’re weird.”
“But you do sound like that though.” Namjoon laughs which makes you hit him with the pillow too.
“Jungkook, go make us something to eat.” Hoseok finally sits down, you nod your head. “Yeah please, I’m hungry too.”
“You didn’t eat yet?” Namjoon tugs your hair off of your face and Jimin answers him. “She did but she ended up vomiting it.”
Namjoon’s heat melts and he pulls you in for a hug again and smothers you with little kisses all over your cheek. “I’m so sorry.”
You hug him back and get up on your feet. “Let’s go get you changed.” You pull him into your bedroom and close the door. “Tell me everything.”
“You know, I’ve never been this happy on a birthday before.” He unbuttons his shirt and takes a seat onto your bed. “Come here.”
You walk towards him and you’re about to sit beside him but he pulls you to sit onto his legs. “Hey, we’ll do anything you want later, but please tell me what happened first.”
He fumbles with the collar of your sweatshirt and gazes down onto your lips before looking onto your eyes. “I gave her the house in Ilsan and her car, and we’re sharing custody of Jay, the judge decided that he’ll stay in Seoul for two weeks and then go to Ilsan for the other two weeks and be with his mother.”
“She doesn’t deserve shit, she had no idea what she had in her hand and she completely lost you.” You scratch the back of his head, he grins and shrugs one shoulder. “Well now I got you.”
You nod your head slowly. “Hmm, you practically didn’t ask me to be your girlfriend yet so I’m guessing you still didn’t get me.”
“Yet?” He laughs and nuzzles his nose against yours before teasing you. “Well, I’m starting to wonder what being single feels like.”
“Oh yeah?” You whisper and hover your lips over his before pulling back. “I don’t think you’ll like it that much.”
“And why is that?” He runs his hands on your thighs, you put your hands over his and get back up on your feet. “Because you won’t get to spend your nights with someone as sexy and as beautiful as I am.”
“Fuck, you’re absolutely right.” He stands up and pulls you in for one single kiss on your lips. “But hey, in my defense, I want it to be special so you’re going to have to be patient.”
“Maybe someone else will beat you to it.” You pull back and grab him out something to wear. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
His and his ex wife’s family are going crazy in Ilsan, his father fired hers and took everything away from him in a blink of an eye, and all the projects he was working on and that were funded by the Kim’s are on hold and are being handled legally by someone professional.
Mr. Kim was kind enough to not ask for the money they stole back, and he was kind enough to finish her sibling education since some of them considered him like a father or like an uncle.
Her father was going hysterical and he started losing his mind, the projects and the big plans he was working on evaporated in the air in seconds, and of course they’re forcing their daughter to sell the house and the car that she got from the divorce just to be able to fund and cover one of the smallest projects he’s been working on.
But still, it would cover it for less than a year, after that there’s nothing he can do about it.
Namjoon’s family made plans to go visit their son the next day and congratulate him since he’s the one who exposed the other family even when it wasn’t on purpose. And they were going to offer their help on transporting Jay to Seoul and back so he wouldn’t have to take a day off from his job.
Meanwhile you were getting ready to go stay at Namjoon’s for the night, since he insisted and you were never there before, so you agreed and got ready before going there.
The moment you get inside the house, you thought you were going to feel bittersweet about it and about the fact that you were one of the reasons of this divorce. This house once had a housewife and she’s no longer here.
But it’s the exact opposite. Victory tastes so sweet and you don’t feel half bad for her, she’s the villain in his story and she doesn’t even deserve the end she got, she deserves worse.
You see Jay’s scattered toys here and there and something inside you feels greedy, you feel the need to let her know that you’re going to replace her, and that her loss no longer matters.
You feel the need to show her that he’s way happier with someone else, you feel the need to show her that you’re in her house, on her bed.
You throw your top off when you actually feel your body heat up, it’s either you getting horny or your body acting up on the greediness you feel.
“Do you want me to show you around?” Namjoon’s eyes hover down to your tits that still have his love bites on it from two nights ago. “Fuck you’re making it hard for me to focus.”
“Sure, show me around.” You put your top on the couch beside you and walk further inside the house, he gives you a little house tour, showing you the two furnished room that they used to sleep separately in, and both of them are familiar.
One you saw behind him as you video called him for hours. And the other one was the one you saw in your nightmares, similar to every exact detail which makes the hair on your body erect. It was so weird and scary somehow.
“Are you okay?” He stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you in closer. “Yeah, I’m alright, I love your place.”
“You do?” He whispers, burying his face into your neck to inhale your scent, secretly wishing for you to leave your own scent in his place to replace the old one. Any place that has your scent is like a home to him.
“Mhm.” You giggle when he reaches his hand inside your bra and squeeze onto one of your tits. “Your hands are cold.”
“They are?” He nibbles onto your ear. “Aren’t you tired? Do you want me to give you a massage?”
“Stop, last time your massage ended with a cream pie Joonie, that was cute and shit but we need to be a little more careful.” You laugh and he mirrors your laugh and whispers. “I’ll cum in your mouth this time, or on that beautiful face, what do you say?”
Your panties soak in milliseconds at his words, you let out a hitched breath and clear your throat, you need to say something but he left you speechless. And who are you to actually say no?
“Debatable.” You manage to say and he chuckles before pulling back. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Wine, or whiskey, your call.” You shrug one shoulder, he presses a kiss onto your shoulder. “How about a couple shots of tequila?”
“You’re totally trying to get me into bed.” You walk out of the bedroom to the kitchen and he follows you. “Me? Of course not.” He feigns innocence and opens the cupboard to grab out the drink and two shot glasses to pour out a couple of shots.
“Here’s to being single again.” You tease him and he rolls his eyes before clinking his shot glass with yours and drinking it in one go and so do you.
“You know I don’t think it could use another shot.” You throw down your shot glass and without thinking, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips against his, he immediately kisses back and hugs you into his arms tightly, your tongue already invading his mouth, he carries you up and you wrap your legs around his torso, he walks towards the master bedroom and it seems like he’s on the same page as you are.
He puts you down on her bed and it feels exactly like your nightmare only with different details, he leans towards you and presses his lips against yours, his hand already crawling inside your jeans and panties to rub your pulsating clit in circular motion.
You hum against his lips and move your hand down to palm his cock through his pants, it’s already rock hard which makes you a little less embarrassed that you’re already wet yourself.
“Fuck.” You gasp and your head falls back when he slides in two fingers inside you, he moves down to your neck and chest to print several wet kisses and sucking on other spots to print even more purple hickeys onto your skin.
His fingers slam against your spot as he thrusting them up and down, the tightness in your stomach increases and he feels your cunt clenching around his fingers and he whispers. “You’re gonna cum aren’t you?”
“Mmm, fuck. Yes.” Your hand sits on his shoulder, his lips land against yours again and he shoves in another finger which stops you from kissing back right away. “I’m gonna cum.” You speak with your lips still on his mouth, he curls his fingers against your spot and right when you’re about to cum.
You feel a set of eyes on you.
Your heart drops and suddenly you feel yourself about to lose your consciousness, a silhouette standing right near the bedroom door behind him. Your fight or flight works and you close your legs onto his hands and hold his wrist tightly. “Namjoon stop.”
“Are you okay?” He looks into your eyes and sees that you’re staring somewhere near the bedroom door, he snaps his head to look behind him.
And holy fuck it’s her.
Standing right there near the bedroom door and it’s the same facial expressions you saw in your nightmare.
Even when they’re divorced, she looks lonely and hurt and empty. And of course, betrayed.
 This time not a single inch of regret do you feel, this time it tastes sweet, it tastes like pure victory.
And what you wanted happened right away, you wanted her to see that she’s replaced, and that Namjoon couldn’t care less about her loss, and most importantly..
You wanted her to see you on her own bed, in Namjoon’s arms.
Namjoon’s hand slides out of your pants and he helps you get up onto your feet, totally not ashamed himself, he grabs your hand and walks you out of her bedroom and sit in his.
He takes one last glance at his ex wife and barely hides the disgust he feels towards her. “Take all your stuff. And maybe you should consider knocking next time since you no longer live here.”
You’re all ears anticipating what she would answer but she doesn’t, he walks into his bedroom and slams the door shut on purpose before walking towards you and yanking his shirt off. “Now where were we?”
You knew the man was freaky, but was he freaky enough to have sex with you with his wife in the room next door? He actually is.
And it’s even more arousing to you, you grab him into your arms and press your lips against his, raising your knee up slowly and gently to rub it against his clothed boner, his hand slides into your panties again and this time he slams his three fingers inside you without a warning which makes you hold him tighter into your hands and moan off of the top of your lungs. “Holy fuck.”
The two of you were enjoying the actual thing, and enjoying the fact that she’s in the room next to you.
“Cum for me.” He bites onto your earlobe and curls his fingers against your spot, slamming against it repeatedly, you’re usually talkative in bed but the stimulation got your voice a couple octaves higher.
“Don’t stop.” You breathlessly moan and throw your head back, he licks a long valley from your neck to your chest and proceeds to use his other hand to grab one of your tits out of your bra.
And of course she can hear everything, her attention was drawn away when she saw you topless, and she couldn’t help but to notice the purple kisses onto your breasts. Meaning that you and Namjoon had already done this before and this is not his first night with you.
But she still didn’t have the chance to look you in the face and recall your features.
She walks towards the bed and smells the bed sheets, it’s the exact same smell she picked up from the hospital, and the exact same smell that was on Namjoon’s clothes that night.
She’s a little slow to process the fact that it could be you, but she just needs to take one look to recognize you.
“Oh my god. Joon please-“
She hears through the thin walls, but she decides on ignoring and opening the closet to start packing her stuff. Right when she hears her phone ringing from the living room, she walks out the bedroom and Namjoon does too.
He’s on his way to grab you a bottle of water when their eyes met, she takes one glance inside the bedroom to see you laid down on the bed.
And it takes her a little over two seconds to finally recognize that it’s you.
“I knew you were seeing someone.” She looks at Namjoon in the eyes. “She’s the woman you abandoned your son for, isn’t she?”
“This doesn’t concern you.” He closes the door to his bedroom, but you immediately get up and press your ear against the door.
“She was the doctor who helped Jay, and she was the one that got you the medical report.” She nodded. “Now it all makes sense.”
You knew she knew all along, women know and feel everything going around them.
“I’m not going to argue because this doesn’t concern you.” Namjoon repeats, you open his closet and grab out one of his tops before opening the door.
You look her in the eye with your chest heaving dramatically.
This was something you were anticipating long time ago, you wanted her to know everything. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
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love-lilly02 · 3 months
The Challenge pt. 5
Authors Note: this one is gonna make yall mad, i already know it. Also i think i'm gonna have to create a schedule of posting on weekends as apperently all my ideas for this story hit on fridays.
Chapter warnings:
minor character death, mentions of suicide
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“You can’t do that!!”
“I can and I will.” Laswell said, closing the file. “She’s on a solo Op and that’s final.”
The boys all rolled their eyes, sighing heavily. 
“Let one of us go, Las. We can’t just let her walk into the lions den-“
“Price, that’s enough. She has her assignment, you have yours.” 
“But we don’t have an assignment.” Price stressed. 
Another round of complaints. 
You had left the room long ago, departing as soon as you had received your mission. A solo op, just an intel gathering. Get in, get the information, get out. 
Get out of one of the most heavily guarded buildings in all of Russia. 
What could go wrong?
“Okay, I’ll be the one to say it.” Kyle stepped up, leaning forward in his chair. “I don’t trust that she’ll be able to get out of this place. Even with her level of skill, that’s something no one’s been able to pull off without dying.”
“If you’re worried about her, you can say that you know.” Laswell said simply, raising an eyebrow. 
The whole room went quiet. 
“Alright, look. I don’t know what’s going on between you four and her, but get it under control. I had enough of it when you lot-“ she points to Ghost and Price-“ wanted those two-“ She points at soap and Gaz- “to join your… whatever this is. I’m not dealing with four children mooning over my best asset.”
“We are not moonin’-“ Ghost protested at the same time Price said “I thought I was your best asset?”
Laswell just rolled her eyes. 
“I’ll put you boys on cam duty. How’s that?”
“It’s enough.” All the boys agreed.
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You could feel their eyes on you as you adjusted your weapons for the fiftieth time. The suit they had you in was very different from the gear you normally wore, instead of cargo pants and a vest you had on a completely black bodysuit with a matching hood and shoes. Various knives and fewer guns than you would like were hidden among your body, and you kept anxiously touching them to be sure they were actually there. 
You looked like the Black Widow from the Avengers. As far as you could tell, the boys thought so too, with the way they kept sizing you up. 
You weren’t entirely sure if you liked that fact or not. 
You knew exactly why they had chosen you instead of Ghost or Kyle for this mission- you were a lot quieter. They could think quickly and kill faster, but at the end of the day you moved around quieter, left much less noticeable tracks than they did. 
This stupid challenge supported that idea. 
“Keep touching ‘em and they’re gonna rust, lass.” Soap called over the comms, and you shot him a glare. For the sake of the mission- and your life- you had decided to temporarily cast aside your feelings for their last behavior, allowing them to talk to you again. Some people, like Gaz and Price, understood you would need space after what happened. Ghost and Soap, however, did not get the memo. 
“She’s allowed to touch ‘em, Johnny. They’re her knives. ‘Sides, I don’t suppose knives can rust by just touching ‘em anywho.” 
“Awh yea they can! I’ve seen it ‘appen me self.” 
“Drop it,” Price warned.
Both boys responded with a simple, “Sorry captain,” and the helicopter was silent again. 
“Okay. One more time, what are you doing?” Price couldn’t help but be nervous as your drop zone crept closer and closer. 
“I get dropped off and enter through a side window, go through some rooms and get to the main center to put the information on the computer with a red chip into a flash drive. 
Price nodded and ran his hand along his beard, a nervous habit you noticed he developed. 
“Okay, good. The boys and I will tell you where to go and when it’s safe over comms, and-“
“Price. I’ve heard the debrief over fifteen times now. I got it.” You said, doing one more quick pat down to make sure all your knives were in order. “I trust you. Now you need to trust me.”
“Drop zone approaching!” The pilot called, and they all watched as the plane opened to reveal the darkness of the night. 
“Wish me luck,” You said, pulling the hood over your head. 
“Luck,” they all chorused back weakly. 
And you jumped out of the plane. 
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Anxiety coursed through Ghosts veins as he watched you jump. A while after, thirty seconds as planned, you deployed a parachute, barely visible in the night. It was dangerous to have a black parachute in the dark but it was a risk they needed to take. 
There was complete radio silence the entire time you landed. That was another rule, unless you were receiving directions or telling them something important you were to be radio silent at all times. To “make sure no one hears or picks up anything,” as Laswell said. 
Ghost thought it was a load of bullshit. 
Simon agreed. 
Truth be told, he worried for you. Both of him did. This was something he wouldn’t be able to pull off, not even with years of training for it. And they were sending you in with less than a few hours notice?
A suicide mission. 
He hadn’t asked, if this was what you wanted to do. He didn’t ask if you were okay with risking your life, possibly dying, for the “greater good.” He honestly wanted you to disagree, he wanted you to protest, say they were stupid for sending you on this mission.
But you had just listened quietly and took the file. 
“At the drop zone, headed to the entrance.” Your messages were short and to the point, and he could see the others relax at your words. 
“Right, stay on standby,” Ghost said, loading up the cameras. 
“Copy.” Then silence. 
Once he got the feed loaded he quickly scanned the cameras for you, his eyes flicking back and fourth. 
“There,” Kyle said, pointing to one screen. You were kneeling behind a bunch of crates, watching the entrance carefully. 
“Okay. Move left, there’s a side entrance, you might have to pick a lock or two.” 
“Copy,” and you moved towards the door. They watched as you crawled, seemingly gliding across the concrete floor. Once you reached the door, it took a total of three seconds for you to slip inside. 
“Door’s are locked. What’s the next move?”
“Shit, that was locked?” Soap asked, even though his comms were off. 
“Suppose so. Two desks down to your right.” 
And so it continued. They gave you directions and watched as you absolutely flew though the levels of the building. Till finally, you were where you needed to be. 
“Okay, transferring the information.” It shouldn’t take that long, Ghost told himself. He watched as you stayed crouched behind a wall, nervously tapping on your thigh as the transfer commenced. 
“Done!” They could all head the relief in your voice, even if you tried to hide it. You put the computer back where it belonged, tucking the flash drive in your pocket. 
“Good job, now head out the way you came, it’s-“  Ghost stopped short when he saw two men walk into the room. They were soldiers for the enemy team, the Russian flags in the middle of their vests displaying that. To your credit, you heard the voices and stayed pointedly in place.  
The two of them spoke in gruff Russian to each other, monitoring the room carefully. They were going a bit too slow, getting a bit too close for Ghost’s liking. And, based on the way Kyle was gripping his shoulder, for him too. 
They kept snooping, till finally one of them jumped out into your hiding spot. 
It was absolute chaos after that. 
You stabbed the one who found you, using his body as a shield when the other started shooting. You fired your own shots and landed one with rough time to drop the guy you were holding and run out of the room. 
By this point, multiple alarms had been tripped, and you abandoned all sense of decorum, flying down steps quickly. 
“Get the fuck out of there!” Ghost yelled over comms. 
Apparently that didn’t warrant a response. 
The cameras he was using to track you were being taken over, and he was quickly loosing visuals. 
“Mirage, do you copy?” 
“Mirage, what is your position.”
“Damnit Y/N, answer me!”
But he was met with silence. 
And for the first time since Las Almas, Ghost felt truly afraid.
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For what it was worth, you had heard Ghost yelling over comms. And you had wanted to respond to him, but the current circumstances made that harder than you would have liked. 
There were soldiers shooting at you almost constantly, and maybe about two or three snipers on other buildings. And you had about five more stories to get down, not to mention an entire parking lot- which was swarming with soldiers, you checked- and somehow get back on the evac vehicle alive. 
One step at a time. 
Having cleared two floors already, you burst through a nearby office, breathing out a small sigh of relief when no one occupies it. Over the comms you hear a voice saying something, but it’s Price now instead of Ghost. 
“Mirage, there’s a supply drop headed your way, what’s your location?” He doesn’t sound as worried, and you can’t help but wonder where Ghost went. 
“I’m hidden in an office, sir. If there was a drop there would be no way for me to reach it without being ambushed.” 
You’re met with silence for a moment, before Price comes back into your ear. 
“Copy that, just get to the parking lot in one piece. We’ll take it from there.”
You just roll your eyes. As if that wasn’t your plan to begin with. 
The stairs seem endless as you run, down flight after flight after flight. You seriously considered taking the elevator but decided against it- they were Russian, not stupid. Once you make it to the room you entered the building through you’re throughly disappointed to find it’s occupied by a few armed guards. Nothing you couldn’t handle, so long as you went out quietly. 
Carefully, you made your way behind the first one, pulling one of the longer knives out of your thigh holster. In your other hand, you slip a throwing knife, crouching silently. 
It takes a good few minutes before you’re able to make a move, throwing the knife in the eye of the guard at the door before you stab the one in front of you in the neck. The other two load their guns, but you’re faster, flinging two more throwing knives across the room into their heads. You allow yourself the time to collect your knives and slip out of the door, just in time to hear more gaurds enter behind you. 
Close calls that just keep getting closer. 
You’re able to see the parking lot now. And as you expected, it’s absolutely swamped with enemies. There were small cracks in the defenses, however, just small enough for you to slip through if you were careful. 
You stuck to the shadow of the trees, figuring darkness was your best cover. Carefully, you picked your way through the ranks of men receiving instruction, having to duck to hide behind cars multiple times. Finally, you were close enough to make a break for it and just test your luck. 
And that dammed supply drop just had to show up. 
Immediately, it set off widespread panic, and in the chaos one of the soldiers stumbled over to your hiding spot. Before you understood what was going on you were being hoisted up by multiple soldiers and brought into the center of a light, surrounded by angry Russians who were yelling at you in one of the few languages you couldn’t understand. 
Finally, one man walked up to you and said simply, “Where is the band of coonies you work for?” He looked kind of familiar, with almost a dad bod and dark eyes to match.
“Don’t respond, that’s our target.” Price insisted, and as if he could hear him, the target looked up to your ear. 
“American.” He spat out the word like a curse, and looked at you with an even nastier scowl. “A shame, you are very pretty.” He said something in Russian, and the men all raised their guns and pointed them at you. 
“Wait!” You shouted, and to your surprise, the target stopped. He turned to you slowly, and raised an eyebrow, signaling for you to continue. Carefully, you moved your hand to where the flash drive hid, pulling it out. It glinted red in the bright spotlights, and the target stopped dead in his tracks. 
“What is that?” He asked, stalking closer to you. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You teased further. God you had a bad habit of teasing men. Maybe it’s what got you into these situations. 
“Give it to me,” He said, practically running at you. 
“Mirage, whatever you’re about to do, don’t. Do it.” Price was yelling, and you could hear the chaos of the helicopter behind you. 
“Listen to me, American girl. I will give you one chance to give me that flash drive. And maybe we will let you out alive.” The target stopped a good distance away from you, holding out his hand. You just smiled. 
With a flick of your wrist, the flash drive was replaced with a pin. “Over my dead body.”
And a grenade went off- right where you were standing.
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Authors Note: this is completely random but i've decided to open my inbox for requests, not just COD but across all fandoms, and i'm doing a bit of blog reorganizing so i'll get to them fairly quickly (tonight that is)
also don't hate me lol the next chapter will be out next week if all goes well
My Masterlist
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: this is literally just a little something i thought of upon seeinf this pic of Lizzo recording Harry lmao
SUMMARY: The moment Harry wins another Grammy.
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“And the Grammy goes to…” Trevor Noah starts the big announcement as he opens the envelope and the whole room goes eerily quiet.
You have your eyes glued to the stage, you’ve forgotten about how uncomfortable your dress feels around your chest (note to yourself, corsets only look good, but they are straight from hell when you actually wear them). You’re holding your breath while both of your hands are gripping Harry’s underneath the table and his hold is just as tight, his palms sweating as you all wait for the winner’s name to be dropped.
You allow yourself to peek at him and you see his blank stare, but you know there’s a whole tornado behind it, his mind is probably racing faster than ever and you almost miss how he is anxiously kicking the foot of his chair as the silent moments tick by.
When you look back at the stage you see Trevor opening the envelope, but instead of saying what’s inside, he looks behind, as if he was searching for someone and when he steps over to the adorable old lady in the line behind him, you already know.
Harry won.
He won another Grammy. 
“Har-Harry Styles!” the lady screams and you jump to your feet, unable to control your excitement any longer.
“Oh my God! Yes! Yes!” you scream and jump around, like a deranged football fan after her team just won. Everyone around is cheering and clapping and you look at Harry who has his face buried in his hands, his shoulders gently shaking.
“Baby, you won! I’m so proud of you!” You practically jump on top of him and he finally lifts his head, all his happiness reflecting from his eyes as he jumps to his feet and gathers you in his arms, squeezing you so tight that air gets knocked out of your lungs, but it’s okay, because you want to feel it all, you want to feel his pride and happiness in the moment he deserved so much. 
“You did it, H! I’m so so so proud of you!” you bounce in his arms before he pulls back and his lips land on yours, probably for the first time ever at an event like this. There are thousands of people around you, but in that moment it’s just you and him, sharing this magical experience he earned.
When he lets go of you to accept more congratulations you keep jumping and clapping with your hands up in the air, screaming in happiness and then you spot Lizzo behind you, her phone in her hand as she records your reaction.
“He won! My man won another Grammy!” you scream into the camera, making her laugh before it’s her turn to hug the winner himself. You’re out of breath by the time Harry heads up to the stage and you have to fix your dress so you don’t flash on national TV.
“Oh my God, this is amazing,” Lizzo laughs next to you and peeking over her shoulder you see that she is watching the video back, you’re acting like you just lost your mind while Harry is just hugging everyone one after the other.
“Don’t you dare post that anywhere,” you warn her, but you already know from the look in her eyes that she won’t gatekeep this one.
“Oh babygirl, your birthday is coming up, right?” She laughs like a maniac as you gape at her, pretending to be shocked, but before you could say a word Harry’s voice is heard coming from the speakers. 
He starts his totally random acceptance speech, rambling on about how thankful he is and how much this means to me, his gaze keeps flickering down at the award in his hands and you’ll never forget that smile that’s etched onto his face in that moment.
“...so, thank you so much and, erm…” he looks up, eyes swiping over the crowd before landing on you as he continues.” I wouldn’t be here without you.”
It seemed like he was addressing it to mostly his fans, but from the way his eyes were piercing into yours, you knew that it was meant only for you.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Oooo omg what about a Carmy x fem!reader where he hears commotions coming from right outside of the restaurant, and he goes out there to see some guys harassing a girl, he chases them off and brings her inside? Maybe the restaurant had just closed, but he (obviously) makes an exception and takes care of her? Gets her some water and makes her some food? All in all just making sure that she’s okay🥺 Anyways, Y/n showing up the next day to the restaurant to thank him (like imagine her showing up and being like, can I please speak to the head chef? Richie nearly making a scene lol until Carmen comes out and is like “shut it!”😂). Anyways, he makes her food on the house and asks her on a date?
I love this smm SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG.
The bear masterlist
Warnings r in the request!
On the house
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You were simply walking down the street, when suddenly you heard a few whistles behind you, along with a few feet on the concrete.
You didn’t look back, pulling your bag closer and hoping the men would go away. You walked faster and so did they.
“Heyyyy, we know you heard us!” One said, suddenly grabbing your shoulder. You swallowed and turned back away from them, when they grabbed you roughly this time, and shoved you against the glass windows.
You looked at the three of them, and started to pull out a pocket knife when one of them grabbed your arm, and the other holding a gun to you suddenly.
You whimpered as they put the gun on your temple, the broken street light and empty streets were not helping you.
You had nothing to do but agree to do whatever, submit to them. Either that or you…
You stayed quiet, and they started to laugh at how you were scared. They began to drag you when Carmen walked out the door, running a hand through his hair and then looking at the scene in front of him.
He stopped and he saw you, with tears in your eyes, clearly being dragged against your will. The cigarette hung out his mouth, he then threw it onto the ground as he ran up to them.
“Hey, assholes!!” He shouted, they all turned to Carmen.
“What? You gotta problem?” One asked him, walking close to him. The other pinning you against the fence.
“Yeah, actually. So get the fuck out of here.”
“What are you gonna do about it?”
He sighed and pulled out a gun, the gun that Richie had told him to use if he was gonna stay late every night. He pointed it into the air and fired it.
“Go.” He said, nodding his head. The men quickly scattered back when they saw others gathering around, and Carmen put the gun back so it was hidden.
He looked to you, and he went over to you. You backed up a bit and he put his hands up.
“It’s alright. You’re fine. I’m not gonna hurt you, just uh…. You okay? They didn’t touch or anything?”
You shook your head and he nodded. “Okay. You wanna uh… I actually own the place right there, if you wanna just… chill out for a bit. I just closed up but-“
“Please.” You squeaked out, voice higher than you thought. Your anxiety was high, and your arms and legs shaking, feeling like jelly.
You didn’t know what you were doing, what if he was gonna do the same thing like they did? He didn’t seem like it though, he just saved you.
He nodded and started to walk, looking back and seeing you walking behind him slowly.
He unlocked held the door open for you, and he told you he’d be back, going into the back for a moment while you sat down. He sat down across from you.
“So…” he started, hoping to start a conversation. You were looking down at the floor and now looked up at him when he spoke. He handed you some water.
“Thank you.” You said quietly, still shaken up but smiling ever so slightly at the man. He smiled back.
“Of course, of course.” He nodded and stayed silent for a little bit after. “So uh… what are you doing walking this late at night?”
“My cars broken and then my phone died, so I had to walk home.” You said, and took a sip of the water.
“Oh. That sucks. Uh…if you want I could give you a ride… ” He said.
“No. I’m fine. It’s fine.” You said quickly, waving the idea off.
“No, seriously, it’s nothing.” He said.
“Are you sure..?”
“Of course. It’s fine, it’s fine.”
You smiled at him again “Thank you. So much.”
“Yeah. It’s nothing.”
“Hey, what can I get for you?” A man at the counter said, looking at you.
“I’m looking for Carmen.” You said softly, the man started to grin, the smile reaching his ears.
“Cousin! Gotta girl here for you!” He shouted.
“What the fuck are you talking abo-“ he started, and stopped when he looked at you.
Richie smirked and pat his back. “Looks like your finally getting some, bro.”
“Shut up.” He shoved his hand off of him, and rolled his eyes.
“Hey. Gotta minute?” You asked with a small smile.
“Umm.. yeah, just give me a few minutes. Could you go out back? Behind the wooden fence.”
“Yeah. Sure.” You said, and he quickly went back into the kitchen.
You waited and sat down, on your phone. He came out with a plate, handing it to you along with a fork.
“Oh- you didn’t have to-“
“On the house.” He said, sitting next to you. “Eat.” He said, nodding to the plate.
You did so, and you looked up at him, with wide eyes. He laughed at your reaction.
“That’s.. fucking amazing.” You pointed to it with the fork, and he smiled.
“So, how are you?” He asked.
“I’m fine.. still a little… shaken up. But my cars fixed.” You said with a small shrug.
“That’s good. Good.” He said, sniffing.
“How about you? You know a lot about me, I only know your name.”
“Not much to know.”
You laughed quietly and ate some more.
“I was wondering.. you’re really… beautiful, and I know that we just met, but I wanna know more about you.” He looked at you now.
“You asking me on a date?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Can I give you my number?”
“Yeah.” You opened your phone and he gave you his number.
“I gotta go.” He checked his phone, and stood up. “I’ll call you.”
“Alright. Bye, Carmen.”
“Call me Carmy.” He said, walking backwards.
“Why Carmy?”
He shrugged and smiled, tripping over a rock slightly and regaining his balance quickly, you laughing at him and walking back.
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findafight · 2 years
Ohhh fic where Steve and Robin and Dustin and Erica all casually make funny little haha jokes with each other about getting tortured/almost caught by the Russians under Starcourt because they all have that shared trauma and had many a long late night calls reassuring each other they're alive and playing dnd together and fulfilling lifetime supply of icecream obligations.
They do this because sure the rest of the party knew there were Russians under Starcourt but everything they went through in that basement was sorta...forgotten in the aftermath of literal flesh monster. And with Hopper dead and the Byers moving, there's so much happening that whatever happened to Steve's face (lost another fight...) and why he and Robin went from mildly antagonistic co-workers to codependent goobers who couldn't go literally a day without seeing the other or what made Dustin always ask if Erica was going to come for party hang outs are all sort of brushed under the rug. Not a big deal, really. Bigger things happening after everything.
And they cope together and scoops troop is a weird little section of the party no one but them really understands. Robin and Steve are attached at the hip and to a lesser extent so are Erica and Dustin (but they'll never admit it), and they all have mini gatherings together.
So, the casual mentioning of starcourt and specifically what went down with the Russians is commonplace for them. (Erica is quick to remind them she saved their asses, and are they so lame they need her help again? but she smiles and Steve and Robin just laugh and give her a big hug.) And somehow, they forget that not everyone really knows what went down before July 4th 1985.
And I want them to do it in front of everyone. I want them to have their stupid "this was so fucked up but we're alive and we got through it so now we have to laugh or we may never stop crying about it" banter at a big "we saved the world again!" Barbecue. I want the rest of the folks there to go silent and them not to notice.
I want someone to mention Steve not getting a black eye this time, congrats! and Robin going "the only reason why I didn't get one last time was because the Russians said-"
And Steve, who is lying with his head in her lap, reaches up to gently cup her cheek and says in a terrible Russian accent "don't worry, we will not ruin your pretty face!" (everyone is quiet around them, they do not notice)
She laughs. "And punched me in the gut a few more times. I peed blood for like, three days."
Steve goes "ewwww" only to be pinched by robin.
"you peed blood too, dingus. You got it worse than me and my pretty face."
He giggles and opens his hand up for a high five "pissing blood buddies, hell yeah!" And shifts in her lap. "But they bruised my pretty face. Rude."
"aww. It's okay, Stevie, your face is still so pretty. Prettiest boy in Hawkins."
"thanks Robin."
"at least Dustin and Erica got us out before they started ripping out fingernails." She shudders.
"or used the bonesaw"
"mmm. Unfortunately not before we got funky truth serum drugs though."
He leans up, looking at the two "y'all couldn't have been a bit faster?" But he's smiling, teasing. A well worn joke.
Dustin and Erica respond simultaneously with "I'm missing bones, Steve, what do you want from me?" And "I was ten and my legs were short as shit. Beggars can't be choosers." Respectively.
It is at this point an Actual Grown Up butts in.
"what. What do you mean ripping out fingernails?"
Robin and Steve look towards Joyce, who asked.
"like. To interrogate us? Because we just kept saying we worked for scoops even with the truth serum."
"because they thought we had to be superspies to get into their creepy lair and not a bunch of kids."
Hopper jumps in "wait. You were tortured by them?"
Robin and Steve give him eerily similar looks that express how obvious the answer to that is.
"yeah, duh."
"I don't go looking to get brain damage every year, you know."
Hoppers eye twitches. "Why didn't you say anything?"
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topazy · 4 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood
Chapter: 3.04
You hand the crying newborn to Carl so that he can take her to Hershel to check over. Although she appears healthy enough, she will need to be fed soon. You look over to your brother, who is still in a state of shock.
“She won’t survive unless we get a formula.”
“Nope, not her. Not her.” Daryl picks his crossbow up off the ground and says, “I’m going on a run. Lily, have you still got that list?”
You nod, then kiss Jace on the head before following Daryl. You didn’t want to leave your son or nephew, but this supply run was essential. Glenn and Maggie agreed to join too, which allowed you to cover more ground faster.
Daryl waves Beth over and nods his head in Carl's direction. “The kid just lost his mom, and his dad ain’t doing so hot.”
“I’ll look out for him.”
Daryl looks over to Axel and Oscar, the two remaining prisoners. “You two get the fence. Too many pile up; we have ourselves a problem. Glenn, Maggie, vámonos.”
After sitting still for so long, your brother suddenly grabs the ax lying on the ground and storms to the doorway leading to where Lori’s body is. “Rick! Rick! Don’t go in there!”
“Come on, we’re going to lose the light,” Daryl says with urgency.
You're rubbing your hands over your face while going over to the car, Daryl says. “I think it would be better if you stayed here. Hershel is still recovering, and Rick’s clearly not coping. The kids are going to need an adult to be in charge while we are gone.”
You take a deep breath and try to push away the guilt you felt for not going. You always felt as if you weren’t doing enough to protect your son or contribute to the group. Pulling the list from your pocket, you hand it to Daryl and say, “Okay, be safe.”
“Do you think they will be back soon?” Glenn asks, pacing back and forth.
Since Daryl could only fit another person on his motorcycle, Maggie went on the supply run with him, and Glenn stayed with you. You were actually thankful Glenn stayed behind; your brother kept disappearing, and with Hershel attempting to get through to Rick, you needed the help.
“They will be back soon.”
“Man, Maggie was so upset with what happened to Lori, I should have gone in her place.”
Your heart drops at the mention of her name, and you think back to your life before the apocalypse. You remember how happy Rick was when he proudly announced Lori was pregnant? It was only roughly thirteen years ago, but it feels like a different lifetime.
Glenn catches the look on your face and says, “Aw, shit, sorry.”
You lift your gaze from the pieces of paper in front of you and say, “It’s fine. Besides, me and you are going on the next supply run.”
“Yeah,” he says, sitting across from you. “What is it you’re doing?”
Glenn tries to reach over and take the paper from you, but you gently swat his hand away. “Don’t; I’m not finished yet. I need to write this down before I lose my trail of thought.”
With Lori dead, T-dog attacked by walkers, and Carol missing, presumably dead, staying on top of different tasks became more important than ever, and with both babies fairly settled, this was your opportunity to try and figure it out. When you've finished writing, you slide the paper over to Glenn, his eyes widening as he skims through it. “This is… I’m a little scared at how much we still have to do. I mean, until this morning, I thought we were safe.”
“I know.”
Although grim, you needed to burn the dead, excluding your own people, who would be buried. You’d need to clear the remaining prison cells, gather more poles to reinforce the fences against the constant pressure of walkers. To try and lower the chances of infection spreading, you would need to wipe down every surface with boiling water every day, from the bathrooms to the cells you slept in. Your group was already rationing food and ammo, but other supplies, such as soap and flashlights, would need to be as well.
“Bet you think I’m crazy for writing this down,” you say lightly.
“No, I think you’re organized. Do you think we should have a family meeting?”
“We could try, but I don’t think everyone is ready for it.” In truth, you already had a few concerns you were hesitant to share, but now you don't. “I think we should find a way to blackout the windows in our cellblock; we will look like a lighthouse during the night to anyone going by.”
“Yeah, a beacon for walkers.”
“Not just the dead, but also the living as well.”
Behind you, various fast-paced footsteps echo within hallways, along with wig-muttered voices. Daryl enters the room first and takes the screaming baby from your nephews, while Maggie quickly makes up the formula.
You smiled watching Daryl feed the newborn. She was so soft and gentle with children.
Later, once you made sure Jace and your niece were safe, you quietly put on your shoes and jacket so you could take over from Maggie, who was on watch outside. Beth was still awake and mending more of her father's trousers, so you knew she would keep an eye on them.
“Thank you,” you say.
Stepping outside, you are immediately hit with the smell of decay. You look around and see that the yard is in shambles, with blood, guts, and rotten bodies sprawled out. A problem that would be best dealt with during the day. The air is thick with dust, and there is an occasional drip of water from a leaking pipe. As you move further towards the watchtower, you notice a figure leaning against the wall outside it.
“You’re not Maggie.”
Daryl spits out whatever he’s chewing. “Nope, I let her go early. I got you something.”
He tosses a dead possum at you. You catch and, in a feigned high-pitched posh voice, say, “For me? Why you shouldn’t have.”
Daryl laughs, sits on the ground, and places his blade beside him. “There's no point in you learning how to hunt if you can’t skin what you catch or pull its guts out.”
“I’m supposed to watch next,” you point out.
“We can keep watch from here.”
The thought of skinning any animal turned your stomach, but he was right. And this was the best way to learn. Before sitting down beside him, you scan the area. You say nothing while Daryl explains and demonstrates what he’s doing, but when he cuts the animal open, your lower limp begins to tremble. You do your best to try and hide your emotions, but he could see right through your act.
Daryl attempts to sound unconcerned when he asks, “How are you holding up anyway?”
“I’m fine.”
He cocks his head to the side and says, “No, you’re not.”
You open your mouth to say something, but only a sob comes out. Shaking, you dig your hands into your hair and take a few deep breaths. “I can’t stop thinking about Carl. His face when he saw Sophia come out of the barn... he’s just a little boy.” With the back of your hand, you wipe away fallen tears. “He shot Shane. After he turned, Carl shot him in the head, and now he’s done the same with his mom. I want to keep him safe. but I’m terrified that I can’t protect him or Jace.”
“Listen to me.”
You look up at Daryl, hearing the seriousness in his voice.
“You are a great mom; I’ve seen you risk your life not only to save Jace but others as well. Nothing is going to happen to those boys, or little ass kicker.” When you lower your gaze, he cups your face so that you look directly at him. “You Grimes are strong, stubborn as hell, but strong. Carl will get through it with you and Rick watching over him.”
You press your forehead against his and say, “Thank you.”
Closing your eyes, you relish in the small moment of comfort feeling Daryl rub a circle on your cheek with the pad of his thumb before pressing his lips against yours.
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xenazaria · 2 months
When the Preeminent was finally submerged, something... Strange... Happened. All of the remaining ghosts collapsed to the floor at the same time. Every single one of them. Lloyd watched, confused as Morro fell.
He should probably... Do something? Right?
He walked over to the ghost, cautiously.
He instinctively reached out to roll Morro over, but his hand faded through the ghost's body.
Luckily- or unluckily, depending on how you looked at it- the ghost stirred after only a few awkward moments of stillness.
Morro rolled over, blinking and confused. Lloyd's green eyes met Morro's brown for only a second before jerking away, searching for anywhere else to look other than the eyes of his-
Morro's eyes were green.
Why are they brown now?
"Where... Am I?" The ghost asked slowly.
"You are in Stixx, Morro. You know, the place where you literally released a giant tentacle monster and then tried to curse the entire realm? That place?"
Lloyd looked back at Morro. The ghost looked like you had just told him his grandma died and then killed his puppy.
"You... Do remember doing that, right?"
Morro shook his head no.
"Do you remember possessing me? Breaking into Cloud Kingdom? Stealing the armour?"
"I don't- Cloud Kingdom? What? Why would i-"
Lloyd almost didn't have time to react as Nya started throwing water blasts at the ghost. Almost. He jumped in front of her, getting absolutely drenched in water but not letting any past him.
"Nya stop! I'm fine! I don't think he's a threat right now."
Nya paused at his words "The bi- JERK- that jerk fricking kidnapped you, Lloyd! How could you say he's not a threat?!"
"He doesn't even remember who I am, Nya! I don't think he remembers anything from after he died!"
"Okay, um... Thanks for like... Saving me or whatever that was, but can I PLEASE have some more fucking context about... Whatever is going on here? Why is Blondie wearing that? And who are you? I thought Maya was the master of water."
"SEE?! He doesn't even know where we are. And if you look, his eyes are BROWN now."
Nya let the ball of water that she was preparing fall to the floor. "What?"
"My eyes have always been brown, Blondie. Unless they haven't? This doesn't look like those caves. Or the cursed realm. Where did you say we are again?"
"Stixx. You escaped the cursed realm, kidnapped Lloyd, and freed the preeminent. Do you seriously not remember that?"
"Freed the who? That giant octopus wanna-be? Gross, why would I do that? That thing's ugly as fuck. Also you never answered my question about Maya."
The two ninja just stared at Morro in shock, before looking at each other.
"Okay, so... Chances of... That... Being some sort of mind control?" Nya asked.
"Pretty high. My scan, along with interviews from the other remaining spirits, suggest that none of them remember anything after arriving in the cursed realm the first time." Came a voice from behind, speaking as hesitantly as a nindroid could.
"Okay... So... What now?"
"I say we gather the remaining ghosts and... I don't know, put them in a deep stone cell until we figure out what to do next. Zane, do you think you could get the others started on that? But have W- have Sensei come to us. I think he will want to talk to a certain... Someone."
"I am right here, green bean. How long was I fucking gone? Is that actually the green gi, or is it just some copy? I died, so clearly it wasn't supposed to be me... Was I gone long enough for Wu to find the real green ninja? How long did it take for him to replace me?"
Before Lloyd could answer, Morro froze.
"Morro?" Asked the old man, standing at the entrance of the alley.
"Umm... Hi... Dad... It's been a while, hasn't it? Or... Not that long if these two were telling the truth... Did I really... Do all that?"
Wu ran to the ghost faster than he had ever seen his uncle run before.
"Morro... Is it- is it really you?"
"Were you expecting someone else?" Morro joked nervously.
"When you- At the tea shop, I had hoped that- That wasn't you right? Please tell me that wasn't really you."
"What tea shop? The last thing I remember is showing up in some ugly ass green ribcage and yelling at some bitch, and the next thing I know I'm here."
"Language," Nya said. "There are children in the room- er- alley."
"Okay, well I don't know how long I was gone, but last I checked I was 14, so does it really fucking matter if I swear around children?"
That seemed to cause everyone in the alley to pause.
"You were 14?"
"You're telling me I got kidnapped by a child who is YOUNGER THAN ME?!"
"But... You left the monastery only 3 months before your 15'th birthday... How long were you out there before..."
"As far as I'm concerned, the last time I saw you was when I walked down those stairs a month and a half ago."
"Morro... That was 40 YEARS ago... You left the monastery 40 years ago."
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lyney-s-bitch · 1 year
I need the filthiest smut with kazuha- reader having her first time with him, and I just know under that pretty face hides a big corruption kink and since he knows his way around words some dirty talk too PLEASE
so many hoes for Kazuha here LMAO
I hope this does your request justice, it might not be as filthy as you might’ve wanted but I tried to keep it realistic as a first time!!
anyways, please enjoy~
Kazuha x virgin fem s/o (nsfw)
• Kaedehara Kazuha is a man that knows many people, and even more people know him
• you’ve probably heard of him long before your first encounter, his own reputation and that of his clan preceding him
• but you had never cared much for such things, taking note of them but refusing to believe rumors until you’ve verified them with your own two eyes
• and this lone samurai was barely anything like the rumors had suggested: his stature rather small, his voice calm and soft like a spring breeze
• only the rumors of his immense talent and strength had not been off the mark, his every move invoking awe and admiration, in and outside of combat
• I can’t see him being interested in one-night stands or fwb, this man is the type to settle for nothing less than what he truly believes to be his soulmate
• despite seeming and actually being old-fashioned in some ways, he wouldn’t turn you down if you weren’t a virgin anymore
• he cannot change what lies in the past and would never judge you for it either, what happened before you’ve known him is none of his business (not in every way but you get my point)
• but when you tell him that you are in fact still a virgin, he would lie if he said it didn’t make a difference
• not in the way that he’d resent you if you weren’t, but I just know the thought of being each other’s first and last has an immense appeal to him
• needless to say, this gentle samurai is the king of consent
• he keeps making sure you’re okay with everything he does, taking his sweet time prepping you in every way he can think of and only going all the way when you yourself specifically request it
• he may be inexperienced, but he’s a fast learner due to his sharp observation skills, picking up on your every reaction and memorizing what movements, amounts of pressure and pace please you the most
• and when it actually comes down to it? he’ll be so drunk on the noises you make in combination with your facial expressions, it gives him an immense kick to know that he’s the only one to ever see you like this
• he feels slight guilt for feeling that way, knowing you’re currently in pain from getting stretched out by him
• it takes all of his willpower to not bust right then and there because he gets lost in the moment and the foreign feeling of being inside the love of his life, but pleasing you is his top priority and he’d be damned if he were to finish first and leave you unsatisfied
• he’ll stay still until you adjust to his girth and give him the okay to go deeper, and even then he won’t take his eyes off of your face to keep checking for any signs of discomfort or uncertainty
• but if you urge him to keep going, he’ll give you a small chuckle, one of his hands finding its way up to your cheek to gently wipe away a single tear gathered in the outer corner of your eye with his thumb
• "So pretty and so eager to get ruined by me… my beautiful angel…" he whispers in adoration, his voice trailing off towards the end
• once the pain in your core subsides, he can feel your tight walls slightly relax around him, allowing him to fully bottom out inside of you
• mans feels like he’s in heaven.
• he’s traveled around and seen a lot, but this?? he can’t possibly imagine a better feeling
• he’ll give a gentle, tentative roll of his hips, moaning softly at the feeling and his cock twitching as you do the same
• he’ll set a slow pace, fearful of cumming too quickly if he were to go any faster, he wants this to last as long as possible (the first time he can relate to Raiden’s dream of unchanging eternity LOL)
• it feels good for you as well and you’re definitely enjoying yourself, but it’s not quite enough to bring you close to the edge
• he picks up on that quickly, adjusting himself to be able to rub your clit with his skilled fingers in tandem with his slow thrusts
• he’ll experiment a bit until you tense up and briefly clench around him, signifying that he’s found your sweet spot
• the needy noises you make as he keeps hitting it repeatedly are music to his ears, he could swear it’s the sweetest melody he’s ever heard
• and knowing he’s the only one to ever hear it, past or future? to see you like this? slowly falling apart just for him? he for once feels like the luckiest man alive
• of course he knows the answer, yet he can’t resist asking "Tell me my love, does it feel good?"
• you yourself are way too overwhelmed by all these sensations and emotions to give a coherent answer, but that makes it all the better for Kazuha
• I want to say he’ll last insanely long, but he is just a man and this being his first time as well, I don’t think that’s the case
• however, this will by far not be the last time of the two of you having sex, so don’t worry, his stamina will keep building up over time
• but no matter how soon he cums, he will always make it up to you and will not rest until you’ve cum for him at least twice, repeatedly apologizing for not lasting all the way
• as if you’d mind lol, seeing this man lose himself inside of you while moaning your name is pure bliss in itself
• and oh does he make sure to have you lose yourself too
• Kazuha loves eating you out, and he will always do it like it’s his last meal, taking his time savoring and appreciating you
• he literally can’t get enough of you and tends to send you into overstimulation
• he can’t help it, he just loves when your quivering thighs squeeze crush his head, he loves the way your voice breaks as you try to tell him it’s too much, the way your eyes roll back as variations of his name he’s never heard before fall from your parted lips
• long story short: your first time with him will not be flawless but still perfect, and it no doubt leaves you needy for more
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
Alrighty babes! This came about due to requests for a sequel, and I just had to dive into it 😊❤️
Additionally, I've got this suggestion that I believe could be enjoyable for a potential part three - what's your take on that? 😉
Warnings; 18+ Smut; oral (f recieving); protected sex (p in v);
Word count: 3.4K
・✶ 。゚
Swing my heart across the line (⚡️) [Intern x Willy]
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“I don’t think you’ll finish tonight’s work like that,” he cocked an eyebrow, causing you to slightly gasp for air as embarrassment showed on your cheeks, and you offered him an excusing nod before returning to your task. 
And as Brad left the doorway, William couldn’t help but let out a laugh, earning you to do the same, as he came to place a gentle kiss on your neck.
 “Come over to my place?” he timidly asked, making you turn your head just a little to flash him a smile and nod before he then left the locker room. Both of you still adorning wide grins and satisfied smiles. 
Simply put, you couldn't finish your work fast enough tonight.
You'd kissed William Nylander, and he'd kissed you back. And more importantly he was into in you.
Your heart raced faster than William during the final seconds of the game, and your pulse pounded, as if it might burst from your chest. Your palms turned sweaty, and staying calm became a challenge.
So, you gathered your belongings rather quickly and headed determined toward the exit of the arena.
"Where do you think you're going?" Brad's voice echoed behind you, causing you to stop and freeze momentarily at his words.
Slowly, you turned to face him, meeting his serious expression.
"I'm done with my work and leaving," you replied timidly.
"I know, and you're free to go home," Brad said, stepping a bit closer, concern flickering in his eyes. "Just… be careful, okay... these hockey guys might seem all charming and fun, but they can be risky for young girls like you."
His words sounded genuine, prompting you to take them seriously, considering his advice. But you also had a feeling that William was different. At least when it came to you.
Though, deep down, you knew that's probably what every young woman might reassure herself when dealing with an attractive, overly charming man. Yet, recalling all the times you'd spent together, exchanging playful banter and flirty remarks, he had never been forceful or pushy with you.
William had always been mindful and considerate, making sure never to overstep any boundaries - a surprising trait for a hockey player, you thought considering Brad’s words. He’d respected the line that separated your professional lives and never made you feel uncomfortable.
"I'll be cautious," you replied quietly, offering a friendly smile to the manager in front of you.
"Not just that, y/n - remember, your career could be at stake if this gets out, and even though it might not seem like it now, he's not worth jeopardising it for."
His expression held a stern warning, speaking volumes beyond his words, as his raised eyebrows scolded you maturely.
“So you won’t tell anyone?”
“I won’t tell.”
Then with a gentle nod, you continued on your way out. However, Brad's words still softly lingered in your mind during your ride on the TTC, headed to William's place.
Now, you hadn't actually been to his condo before; you'd only heard about it in conversations with the guys. However, he had given you his address once. While coming back from the road with the team, he’d offered you a lift home, politely you’d declining, as you shared your address, but he mentioned it wasn't an issue due to his location. However, to you the distance between your places seemed too far, so you persisted, and eventually, he dropped the idea.
Well, until the next chance presented itself, of course.
Rising from your seat, you began on your journey to William's apartment building. And as expected, it was one of those towering structures with an impressive lobby. Pressing the 28th-floor button, you lightly chuckled, briefly imagining his condo as the typical bachelor pad.
"Hey," William greeted you with a broad smirk upon opening the front door after buzzing you in.
"Hi," you greeted softly. Stepping into his condo, a sudden wave of nervousness washed over you, as you came to realise precisely what you had walked into. You were at William Nylander's place, having kissed in the locker room, possibly on the verge of letting things progress further. You were aware you were crossing a line. As an intern at MLSE, getting involved with a hockey player wasn't supposed to be on your agenda, and it was probably even mentioned in your contract.
"You really made me wait, huh?" William interrupted your thoughts as he closed the door behind you.
"Yeah, well, didn't want to make it too easy for you," you chuckled with cheeky wink, removing your coat and shoes, as you followed William into the living room. "Besides, Brad held me up for a moment, giving me a good heart-to-heart talk…" you shared softly, feeling uncertain about disclosing this to him but choosing to do so.
"What about?" William chuckled, casually leaning on the back of his large couch.
"Well… he wanted to warn me about you..." you spoke softly, exploring his spacious flat with your eyes.
The place had floor-to-ceiling windows, a sizeable TV positioned in front of an expansive, comfortable couch that could easily accommodate most of the team. The interior radiated a Classic Nordic Scandinavian Style, featuring Ikea furniture mixed with several family photos, a blend of classic and modern art, and various boyish figurines.
Surprisingly, it was quite tidy.
"Wait, Brad warned you about me?"
"Actually, he warned me about all hockey players... and how this could potentially harm my career – which he's kind of right about..." you spoke a bit nervously, fiddling with your hands as you looked at the Swede.
"So, is that how you think of me?"
"I'm not entirely sure – I haven't made up my mind about you yet," you flashed him a sweet smile.
"Hmm," he responded, briefly glancing down before meeting your gaze again. “you know y/n… if you're not comfortable being here, I get it. I'm not going to pressure you into anything, I just…" William paused, softly pressing his lips together. "I just really like you, and I know it might sound like something any hockey player would say just to get laid, but… I don't know… I just do."
Your eyes locked onto his as you heard his little heartfelt confession, responding with a sweet smile.
"I like you too, Willy," you spoke softly, taking a step closer as he leaned against the couch.
"I thought you hadn't made up your mind about me…" he chuckled playfully as you now stood within arm's reach, sharing the space between you.
"I haven't... but for now, I do think I like you a lot. Besides, hockey players aren’t the only ones who need to have some fun once in a while," you teased with a mischievous grin, standing so close that you could feel his warm breath, your legs between his.
William couldn't help but be amused by your comment, as he then gently placed his hands on your hips and drew you closer.
"Alright, just let me know if you want to stop," he spoke softly, leaning in slowly, bringing his lips closer to yours, finally connecting them in a tender kiss.
But there was no way you wanted this to end.
His lips felt incredible once again, and his gentle touch on your hips urged you closer into his broad chest. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you savoured the magical sensation of his touch, leaning further into the kiss.
His lips moved tenderly against yours, his tongue softly requesting entry, and you willingly welcomed it. Your mouths entwined, tongues swirling in a passionate dance, merging warmth and mixing saliva in the heat of the moment.
The intense kiss left you both breathless, and as amazing as it felt, you needed to pull back for air.
Gasping for breath, you both separated, foreheads meeting in a tender moment before breaking the comfortable silence.
"So, you want to show me your bedroom?" you smirked, looking up at him.
“Never thought you’d ask,” William nodded gently, before towering over you. His hands slid down your lower back, beneath your buttocks, swiftly lifting you into his arms, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist as he then carried you past the kitchen and into his spacious bedroom.
From what you could glimpse, the bedroom had a more masculine, bachelor-like style, not that you cared since your focus was on the man carrying you. Then gently, he placed you onto the bed, lying on your back, and started planting soft kisses along your jawline.
You could slowly feel all rational thoughts about the potential wrongness of the situation were slowly fading away, overridden by the distraction of his kisses, as each touch of William's lips erased any lingering concerns you might have had.
The slowly, William withdrew, moving back onto his knees and heels, taking a moment to gaze at you.
You looked incredibly beautiful to him. Though, he knew he probably shouldn't proceed with this, considering you were an intern, and he felt a sense of responsibility being the older one between you. But he found himself unable to resist.
After months of sharing laughter and banter nearly every day, he yearned to feel your touch.
With his eyes fixed on you, he then pulled his hoodie over his head, revealing his toned torso once again, causing your breath to hitch. Sure, you'd seen him shirtless before, but this time it felt different. It felt good, yet different.
"Are you still sure about this?" William asked softly, and you simply responded with a gentle nod.
He then delicately guided you to sit, and with smooth movements, his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt, feeling the softness of your skin as he effortlessly removed your shirt, revealing your exquisite, alluring bra.
And as William stood up slowly, his gaze still locked with yours, he lowered his sweatpants, revealing his boxers with his partially aroused member slightly tucked away.
Then, with a sweet smirk gracing your lips, enjoying the sight before you, you leaned back and began undoing your jeans, starting to wiggle them off. And with a light chuckle, William joined in, gently assisting you by pulling your jeans further down and off completely.
But then he paused again, his eyes tracing the contours of your figure, taking in the provocative lingerie that barely covered anything, almost as if he wanted to imprint the moment in his memory in case it didn't happen again.
"Alright, Willy?" you asked softly, chuckling lightly.
"Absolutely, you're just so gorgeous,” he smirked, kneeling between your legs, hovering over you, and placing another kiss on your lips. However, this time, it was far more passionate and intense. Almost forceful. 
His tongue delved into your mouth, pressing you down onto the mattress as your hands found his hair, gently pulling his blonde locks.
The tension built as both of you got more impatient and wanted more. William's body gave off heat, and you couldn't help but press against him, feeling the bugle in his boxers against your inner thigh, making you more eager, while the chain around his neck lightly brushed your skin.
And just as you were about to break the heated kiss to catch your breath, William took charge. He paused, taking a deep breath before moving his lips downwards, softly kissing between your breasts, kissing every inch of skin he came across.
His hands explored your body, gently massaging both your breasts as he continued southward with his mouth.
Then, as he got close to your core, he deftly slid his fingers under the edge of your delicate knickers, smoothly pulling them down, letting a gentle breeze touch your warmth.
Soft breaths came out as William expertly removed your lingerie and positioned himself, holding your thighs before his lips met your heated area.
"Willy," you whispered, as if giving him the consent he silently asked for.
He then traced up your folds with his wet tongue, earning another moan from, while your arms reached up to grab the pillowcase on either side of your head. And William dug in deep. His tongue exploring every little bit of your sensitive area, tasting your sweet juices as he sucked on your most sensitive spot, making you lean back, closing your eyes in pleasure.
“Shit,” you gasped, feeling the pleasure growing.
And William couldn’t help but smirk into your cunt as he kept going, his only aim to bring you to the edge. And when suddenly, he felt you arching your back, gently pushing your hips towards him as you moaned loudly, he knew you were letting your climax wash over you.
“Fuck Willy.”
Satisfied with the outcome, William pulled back, a smug look on his face as he looked at the effect he’d had on you. Slowly you then opened your eyes, your mind clearing as you propped yourself up on your elbows, gazing lustfully at the man between your legs. 
"Always had a hunch you were good at that," you playfully remarked.
"If you liked that, you're in for a surprise with what else I can do," he retorted with a smirk, promising something intriguing.
Then stepping off the bed, William discarded his last piece of clothing, freeing his notably excited member before returning to where you were still put. An as you sat up, you swiftly unhooked your bra, setting your two pert breasts free as well, causing him to seductively  lick his lips at the vision of your tits. 
But just as William was about to resume his previous position, you halted him.
"I want to ride you,” you smirked up at him, knowing full well he wouldn't refuse. So, he slowly knelt over and reclined on his back, a smirk still playing on his lips.
"In the top drawer," he pointed out, before you reached over, retrieved the small package, gently opening it, and positioning it onto his stiff shaft.
Once fully sheathed, you gentle came to straddle him. At first, you teasingly rubbed his cock between your lips, lightly coating the latex with your own juices. However, William grew impatient, his hands gripping onto your hips, guiding for more.
"No teasing, baby,” he exhaled. And with a light chuckle, you then aligned his cock's tip with your entrance and carefully pushed yourself down onto him, allowing him to fill you completely, causing audible gasps to escape your lips as you sank down entirely.
“Shit, you feel so good,” he groaned deeply.
Slowly, you began rocking your hips, directed by William's hands, letting his length smoothly glide in and out of you, as your hands braced on his chest. Each movement brought his member into close contact with your inner walls, stimulating as you continued riding him, relishing the pleasure mirrored on William's face.
He was genuinely pleased. Your tight walls enveloped his cock so perfectly, and with each motion, the arousal steadily intensified for the both of you. 
He couldn’t help but admire just how stunning you looked above him; your body was captivating, and he felt nothing short of ecstatic with his length buried deep inside you. Your facial expression exuded sensuality as you uttered sweet moans, your breasts gently swaying in rhythm with your movements.
Sensing your clenching around his member, William then sought out your clit once more, gently circling it with his thumb, causing you to let out louder moans and arch your back slightly as another wave of intensity washed through your body.
Your movements quickened as the desire for another orgasm consumed you, your nails digging into William’s chest.
The air in the room was heavy, filled with loud moans from you as kept rocking your hips, pushing you both closer to the peak of ecstasy. 
“Willy, I’m about to come…" you warned.
"Yes, baby, come for me,” William exhaled.
And just like that, you surrendered to the rush once more, your mind clouding as you saw stars, almost causing your trembling body to give in and collapse. But William kept you in place. 
"Keep going, I’m close too," William gasped, feeling your walls tightening, bringing him closer to his own climax.
"Yeah, like this?" you panted, picking up your pace a little more.
"Mmm, exactly like that," he moaned, sensing his peak approaching.
Your bodies were entwined as if they were made for each other, and you could feel just how much you wanted to satisfy the man beneath you. Eagerly rocking you cunt to let him feel every inch of you around him. 
“Yes… Yes…” 
Then, with a deep groan resonating from deep within, William thrust his hips upwards, releasing into the condom.
“Shiiit,” he huskily groaned.
An as he slowly came down from his high, you nearly collapsed onto him, your walls still pulsating from the intensity. It took almost minutes for both of you to regain focus and catch your breaths before you gently eased yourself off William and lay down beside him.
He then quickly placed a soft kiss on your forehead, speaking softly. 
"I’ll be right back," William said, before making his way to the bathroom to dispose of the condom then returning and tenderly pulling the covers over both of you, drawing you in for a cuddle.
His arms wrapped around you felt incredible, his body close to yours as you surrendered to his embrace. Then looking up at him, your eyes met, and you flashed him a sweet smile.
"You know... we probably shouldn’t have done this,” you spoke softly.
"I know, but I still hope you don’t regret it," William replied with a hesitant smile, propping his head on his arm. And you couldn't help but chuckle lightly.
"Of course not, it was amazing, Willy, but I guess we'll just have to carry on as if it never happened when we head to work," you said gently, a hint of worry in your eyes.
"What do you mean?" William furrowed his brow. "I get that we have to be discreet, but then what about the next time? You want us to pretend that won’t happen too?"
"Next time? What makes you think there will be a next time?" you raised an eyebrow, though secretly, you hoped for it. However, you were also fully aware of how this could jeopardise your career, as Brad had pointed out.
"Yeah, I mean, come on, we make a pretty good pair," he chuckled with a sly grin. "At least, I know I was good."
"Oh, always so confident," you teased, gently rolling your eyes. "But, I suppose you're right. I mean, you're clearly crazy about me," you playfully echoed his previous words, teasing him enough to make him burst into laughter before letting out a sigh.
“Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have told you that," he grinned. "But yeah, I guess I am. So, perhaps, despite what Brad said, you don’t need to worry too much about me."
His expression softened, and his hand gently caressed your face.
"I'm not worried about you, Willy... but I am concerned about how management might perceive this. I can't take the risk – not now," you offered him a reassuring yet concerned smile.
"Okay, then let’s keep things low-key and try to act as casually as possible around each other – I mean, you secretly admiring me from the corner during an interview wouldn't be too different from what you already do," William teased.
"Hey!" You gave him a playful punch. "I do not secretly admire you from the corner…"
"Yeah, you do, but I find it cute," he chuckled lightly.
"I thought you liked that I wasn’t too needy around you..."
"Well, yeah, but I like it more knowing you like me without being able to admit it,” he smirked, cocking an eyebrow in mere satisfaction.
"I’m not admitting you’re correct on that, but for now, let’s agree to try not to make it obvious that we've slept together.”
"And maybe will be again."
"We'll have to wait and see about that, wonderboy," you teased, fully aware that it's highly likely to happen.
"Oh, you can't resist me."
As the morning light streamed in, William slowly stirred from his slumber.
Last night had been nothing short of incredible. Yet, as he turned around expecting to see your beautiful smile, there was an empty space beside him.
At first, a sense of disappointment washed over him. He remembered convincing you to stay over last night, thinking it was too late for you to travel home on the subway. But he hadn't expected you leaving so early.
However, as he prepared to get out of bed, a small note on his bedside table caught his eye, instantly lifting his spirits and bringing a smile to his face.
"Sorry, wonderboy, had to rush to the office for an emergency! Last night was absolutely amazing ❤️ See you soon - y/n/n"
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beautifulfuckup99 · 5 months
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“There are different kinds of soulmates. 12 to be exact." Ms. Whitehurst says while sat with MBG. "When we think of that term, we think so one dimensional. But no matter lover or friend or partner... We are all connected on a spiritual level. And therefore... We can all have a soul mate from the past that will find us one day, again."
Second type of soul mate: The Soul Partners Mate
“Soul Partners: They are specifically designed to help support you in this life emotionally, professionally, or in any other way you require to accomplish and experience what your soul planned to do here on this earth. And they will find you in the next life, and do so again. You’ll find it easy to work with them. You’ll find yourself able to trust them. In every life.”
Warning(s): Curs!ng, Talks of V!olence, Mentions of an actual historical event.
September, 1976. The “Dirty War”
“Can you fucking focus?!” You hiss quietly over the earpiece as you stand outside the government official building in Argentina, your red sundress blowing in the soft wind and your headscarf and glasses only working slightly to disguise you.
“All I said was who makes their background picture kittens…” Yoongi shrugs as he focuses on the mission at hand: Gathering intel from a head agent’s computer as you stood by to be the distraction if said agent walks over.
So far, so good…
“I can only play the clueless woman for so long…” You note quietly as you fix your sunglasses a bit. Yoongi snickers at that statement.
“You were playing?” He challenges playfully, and you feel like going in there right now to show him how it’s really done.
As you open your mouth to speak back, you notice the official walking over to the building, his meeting obviously having ended sooner than you thought.
“Crap.” You sigh before softening your entire body and walking over to him.
“Hurry.” You growl at Yoongi before you pretend to trip so your target would have no choice but to catch you.
And he does.
Men are so easy…
“Oh! Oh my goodness!” You gasp as you cling to Benicio Fernandez. He’s one of the top agents in this entire operation and if playing a damsel in distress keeps him out of his office then so be it.
“Oh, thank you. Thank you!” You say as you look up at the Spanish man, softening your eyes the way you were always taught.
“Are you okay, madam?” He asks as he holds you by the waist tighter, making you fake a blush. “You need to watch where you’re stepping. This street has a lot of cracks in the sidewalk. You’ve gotta pay attention…” He lectures a bit and you wanna take him down at this moment but hold back the annoyance of him talking to you like a child.
“I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking…” You pout a bit as you fix yourself up so you’re not clinging to him anymore.
“I’m not complaining, honestly. A beautiful woman like you…” Benicio says with a bit of a smirk.
You fake a bashful smile. “Really? Thank you…” You say softly and hold out a hand to shake his.
“Emma Martinez.” You give your fake name as he smiles while moving to shake your hand.
“Walking out now!” Yoongi says into your hidden earpiece thanks to your headscarf, relief in his tone. Benicio firmly shakes your hand and leans in a bit.
“Are you sure your name isn’t Y/N?” Benicio asks quietly and you look him in the eyes for a moment as he smirks cockily.
“You’re coming with me.” Benicio states as he grips your hand tighter. You eye him before making your first move, a quick punch to the throat with your free hand and then a roundhouse kick to the head. He falls down and makes a quick grab for your feet as Yoongi steps out of the building and quickly runs over to help you, using the briefcase in his grasp to hit Benicio.
With his grip loose, Yoongi drags you away towards the car just as you see other agents running out of the building with their guns already drawn. “Let’s go!” You shout and grab Yoongi’s arm to yank him along faster.
You make an escape to the car and as you get in, Yoongi starts up the engine quickly and speeds off as the officials try shooting at your tires to stop you both. You duck fast to not get hit and Yoongi makes a sharp turn to get out of the line of fire.
“Crap! What blew up our spot!?” Yoongi asks and you pause to really think about it.
“They were expecting us…” You mutter.
“Get away from the window!” You hiss as you grab Yoongi’s arm fast and pull at him to move him away.
“Just peeking! Relax!” He says as he lets you pull him over to the bed of your motel room.
You had to hide out for the night and in the morning, you’d take different flights back to the states with all the information you gathered today. You step back into the bathroom to finish your nightly routine as Yoongi watches you silently from the edge of the bed.
“Today could’ve ended bad.” He finally mutters and you look over as you set your hair for the night, so it’d look good in the morning.
“What do you mean? The guns? Yoongi, there’s gonna be guns…” You scoff softly as you walk over to the bed.
“You’re right. But I hate when they’re pointed at you.” He says softly and you look at him.
Yoongi’s been your partner since you first joined this division. Nobody wanted to pair with a woman agent, but Yoongi always saw you as capable in your own right and it was a relief while also being a curse.
He saw you as capable, what a relief.
He actually saw you… what a curse.
“Then take a bullet for me.” You joke quietly and Yoongi eyes you with a smirk.
“You don’t think I would? How long have we known each other?” He asks in a challenging way, and you sit next to him. It’s your turn to smirk. You just loved to challenge and push each other…
“Don’t pull that card…” You joke back softly as you nudge him playfully.
"I'm serious, Y/N. How long have we've been doing this? Hm? I'd take a bullet for you." He says so casually like he's talking about the weather. You have to take this moment to actually look at him.
"This type of job? There's no room for thoughts like that." You warn quietly.
You worked a job that left you loyal to a paycheck, not to a specific person. A spy for hire who always chose to drag this man along for the ride.
"Why do you say that?" He asks curiously and you raise an eyebrow at that stupid question.
"Cause that bullet you're taking for me? Could be coming from my gun for the right price." You whisper as you eye him closer. He shrugs at that.
"Figured as much." He says softly. "Like I said. I've known you too long." He nods and you look down at that. "Plus... You wouldn't pull the trigger." He says and now it's your turn to laugh.
"You don't think I would?" You tauntingly ask and then look him deep in the eyes. "How long have we've known each other?" You whisper challengingly.
He slowly looks down at your lips and starts to slightly lean in only for you to turn your head right before his lips could fully touch yours.
"Get some sleep. Partner." You say gently and he chuckles softly at that.
"That all I am?" He asks. "I thought I'd be able wear you down by now." He teases quietly.
You snort at that.
"Maybe in another life..." You joke back quietly as you stand up from the bed and walk back into the bathroom.
**********PRESENT DAY**********
"I had a lot of thoughts while I was preparing for this tour." You say calmly and clearly into the mic as you hold the headphones closer to your ears so you can hear the act clearly. You watch as the K-pop Idol you were hired to translate for pauses in surprise, looking around and catching sight of you as he mumbles more into the mic in his grasp.
You can't help yourself. "Oh, it's a woman." You translate for the fans and a bunch start to laugh as he looks over at you and smiles a bit before he continues his speech.
After the show, you make your way backstage so you can take your leave when a guard stops you. "You're needed in Mr. Min's dressing room." He says and you sigh heavily, but nod. You needed this job so as you walk towards the dressing room with the bodyguard, you silently hope you didn't fuck up. You get to the dressing room and Yoongi is in the middle of removing his necklace when you step inside.
"Mr. Min?" You ask as you walk closer to shake his hand.
"Oh! Hi. I just wanted to... Apologize. For my shock. I didn't know they hired a... Woman." He says sheepishly as he shakes your hand. You smile softly at that and giggle.
"I understand completely. Y/N Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you." You say pleasantly as you let go of his hand.
"You'll be helping me speak to all of my fans. It's liked this is our tour." He jokes and you snort at that.
"Well. Guess that makes us partners." You nod certainly as you look at him softly.
Sorry this came out a day late! And also sorry it's kind of short. BUT! Namjoon's story is next up, and it will be out Saturday the 20th!
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massivedrickhead · 1 month
“Somebody help!” from the angst/fluff prompt list pleeease!
So my first thought for this was to do something a little more angsty and heavy, but I feel like I've written that fic like a million times, and I wanted to do something a bit lighter.
Hope you enjoy!
“Somebody help!”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
“Somebody help!”
Chloe wasn’t known for being a quiet, soft-spoken person, but Beca had never heard her sound this loud or this panicked before.
From her spot on the ground, Beca had even wondered if she’d crashed into someone on her fall down the auditorium stairs, and if that person was even more hurt than she was, because that would be the only way to explain the horror in Chloe’s voice. 
But no, Chloe was crouching over her. 
Chloe’s ear-splitting cry for help was because she was worried about her.
“Jesus,” Beca muttered, trying to push herself into a seated position. “I’m fine.”
Pain shot through her wrist as soon as she put weight on it, and stars momentarily popped behind her eyes.
Okay, so she wasn’t fine but she certainly wasn’t dying. 
“What happened?” Chloe asked, helping Beca sit up as the brunette held her surely broken wrist protectively against her chest. 
“I tripped,” Beca said, shaking her head slightly. She bit down on her bottom lip as the pain pulsed in her arm again. “I think I need to get this checked out.”
Chloe turned to the gathered group of Bellas, some of whom looked like they were trying not to laugh.
“Has anyone called an ambulance?” She asked, her voice taking on that slightly hysterical pitch again.
“I don’t need an ambulance, I’m not dying,” Beca said, rolling her eyes. “I just need someone to drive or call an Uber.”
“Chloe, I’m not spending like a thousand dollars on a ride in a slightly faster van,” Beca said, wincing again as she struggled to her feet. She felt some pain in her back and knee, but the majority of it was focused on her wrist. And her pride. 
“Okay,” Chloe said. “I’ll drive you, come on.”
“Feel better, Beca!” Emily said as they made their way out of the auditorium.
“Yeah, have a nice trip!” Amy yelled.
“See you next fall!” Stacie added.
“Bite me!” Beca yelled back.
Getting into the passenger seat of Chloe’s car was harder than Beca had been expecting, and she ended up having to go in backwards, sitting on the seat first and then swinging her legs over. Chloe buckled her in, making sure the seatbelt didn’t make contact with Beca’s rapidly swelling wrist. 
“I can’t believe this has happened so close to the Worlds,” Beca said, with a huff. 
“Don’t worry about that right now,” Chloe said. 
“I suppose we might get some pity points if I’m in a cast,” Beca said. 
They drove in silence for close to 20 minutes, Beca using all of her focus on not throwing up from the pain in Chloe’s car.
“So how dumb did I look?” She asked, desperate for something to distract her.
“Like my fall, how embarrassed should I be? Was it at least funny?”
“It wasn’t funny at all,” Chloe said, frowning. 
“Some of the Bellas were laughing,” Beca said. “It must have been a little funny.”
“It was terrifying,” Chloe said. “You… One minute we were doing laps and the next you were… bouncing down the stairs. And you hit the bottom with such force, and you didn’t move and I thought…” Chloe trailed off, trying to shake the image from her head. 
“Sorry that I freaked you out so much,” Beca said. “I was just trying to figure out if I was actually hurt or just embarrassed before I tried to move.”
“And you’re really okay?” Chloe asked. “I mean, apart from your wrist. You didn’t like black-out or anything?”
“No,” Beca said. “I was painfully awake for each humiliating second.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Chloe said, laughing.
“You’re one to talk,” Beca replied, grinning despite the pain. “You were the one screaming for someone to help.”
“I wasn’t screaming,” Chloe countered.
“You weren’t not-screaming.”
“Give me a break, I thought you’d knocked yourself out or something,” Chloe said, the frown returning to her face.
“It’s nice to know you care,” Beca said, trying to lighten the mood again.
“Of course I care,” Chloe replied. “You’re my best friend. Would you have laughed if I’d fallen down the stairs?”
“No,” Beca admitted. “I’d probably have freaked out too. Though maybe in a less high-pitched way.”
“Shut up,” Chloe said, laughing again.
The car fell silent again and Chloe glanced across the car to see Beca’s face was now screwed up in pain.
“We’re almost there,” Chloe said. 
“Mhm,” Beca replied, not trusting herself not to puke if she opened her mouth to speak. 
It was several hours later when the Bellas got a text to let them know that Beca and Chloe were finally on their way home.
“Beca, you’re home!” Emily said, a little louder than necessary, when they walked through the door. “We got Chinese food,” she added gesturing to the containers on the kitchen counter. “How are you?”
“High as a kite,” Chloe mumbled, her hand briefly coming to rest on Beca’s back before she helped her out of her jacket. 
Beca’s wrist was in a split and held up by a sling, but she didn’t appear to be in too much discomfort.
“She has to go back in a few days and have a cast fitted,” Chloe said, watching as Beca struggled to load up a plate with her right hand. “Here,” she said, taking it from her. “Go sit down, I’ll bring it.”
“They didn’t put her in a cast straight away?” Jessica asked from her spot at the sink where she was doing the dishes.
Chloe shook her head as she filled Beca’s plate with her favourites. Emily couldn’t help but smile at the fact that Chloe hadn’t even needed to ask Beca what she wanted. “They need the swelling to go down first. There was talk of surgery, or of them having to realign the bones before they could set the break.” Chloe shuddered at the thought. “But the break wasn’t as bad as they first thought.”
When Beca had walked into the living room, she saw Amy hurriedly slam the lid of her laptop shut.
“Hey cap!” She said, a little too cheerily. 
“How are you?” Stacie asked from beside her, her voice had the same falsely cheerful tone.
“Are you watching porn in the living room?” Beca asked, chuckling at herself as she sat down. “Gross, dude.”
“What? No!” Amy protested.
“You shut your laptop like someone who got caught looking at naked ladies.”
“Okay, number 1 let’s be real, I’d have been looking at naked guys if I was looking at anyone,” Amy said. “And number 2, I use my phone for porn, not my laptop, what is this 2009?”
“So what were you looking at?”
“Nothing,” Amy insisted.
“There are security cameras in the auditorium,” Stacie blurted out.
“Well thanks for that, Stace,” Amy said, exasperated. 
“I just don’t want there to be a rumour going around that we were watching porn together,” Stacie replied.
“Who’s watching porn?” Chloe asked, entering the living room with her and Beca’s plates. She sat down beside Beca and put her plate on her lap.
“See?” Stacie said.
“What’s this about cameras?” Chloe asked.
“The auditorium has security cameras,” Stacie repeated. “And I happen to know the security guy.”
“You guys didn’t?” Chloe said, sounding shocked.
“How could we not?!” Amy protested. “It was an amazing fall, Chloe!”
“Beca got hurt!”
“I’m confused,” Beca announced, happily popping an egg roll into her mouth. 
“We got the footage of your fall, Bec,” Stacie said. “Do you want to see it?”
“Of course she doesn’t-”
“Oh yeah,” Beca said, talking over Chloe’s protestations. “I love a good fall video.”
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