amethyst-halo · 2 years
hi im gonna explain my funny lil self indulgent road trip au thing no one asked but i want to talk abt it and holy shit its long i didn’t realize i had so much planned out hello
tw for like... tracking/being followed, some betrayal, a car crash and subsequent hospital scene
the idea was that the leaders decide not to look for the sisters in darkness within, so shadowsight bristlefrost and rootspring plan a whole heist where they steal one of the guilds’ trucks and go looking for the sisters alone. they plan out everything; they start stashing money and non-perishable food they can take, they get a map and plan out where they’re gonna go (the map is incredibly outdated and basically useless but they don’t know that), they do all this stuff to get ready as off-the-radar as they can so no one catches on (stuff like not using phones to plan their route so they can’t be tracked, etc), they get old license plates from rootspring and steal some car tags so no one can identify the stolen car, etc etc etc, and this works really well for the most part! except shadowsight lives in the same space as puddleshine who figures out they’re up to something but he doesn’t know what.
so when they all sneak out and meet up to start everything, puddleshine meets up with alderheart (bc alderpuddle) and they follow them. when they realize these kids are gonna steal a car, they confront them. and puddleshine is about to make them go home, when they alert someone or set off an alarm or something so their cover is completely blown. in a panic, they run to the truck they were after and get in asap, and alderheart and puddleshine follow bc they don’t want them getting hurt. they do a whole chase scene and get out of the territories n stuff!
puddleshine is now very mad about this whole thing and demands to know what they were even thinking; this was such a stupid move, they’ll be in so much trouble... and rootspring and bristlefrost explain they Know they should find the sisters for help and if the leaders wouldn’t do it, they would. and they point out that from the leaders’ perspectives, he and alderheart were now involved and therefore would also get in trouble if they get caught or turn back. puddleshine’s still mad (mostly bc he’s scared tbh) but alderheart agrees with the plan which makes him agree too. the teens explain their plan with the map, and alderheart (the only one of them that’s been off the territories before) points out the map is outdated. soooo the route they had figured out was no longer viable.
also it turns out tree knew what they were doing because rootspring says he told him to start at a specific city. alderheart is surprised bc the city is a few states over and asks why he said to go there. rootspring says tree didn’t tell him, but he trusts him so they decide to listen to his advice.
they get as far as they can before stopping to better prepare, bc two of them don’t have Anything like clothes and the other three didn’t manage to get much. they buy (or steal) thrifted clothes, replace the license plates, figure out a better route, idk they get sorted out better. there’s a bit where alderheart and puddleshine are just like “man what the fuck did we get ourselves into”
they go for a while, trying to find their way to that city. they are also avoiding a patrol that followed them out of the territories and are trying to get them home again.
when they get to the next state they stop in a town briefly and suddenly needleclaw shows up and is excited to see them. she explains she’s been following them but doesn’t say how and she says she wants to help. they do whatever they were doing and when they get into their truck, needleclaw insists on driving... and when they’re all in the truck, she shows them she’s got leafstar on speed dial and reveals she was set up to get them and demands to know what they’re doing and why. rootspring pleads with her not to out them but she’s hurt he left her behind and points out the leaders are furious with the five of them. rootspring admits they’re looking for the sisters and says he knows she thinks the sisters could help them with ashfur and tries to get her to come with them. he manages to convince her, and she gets them away from the patrol she’s with. when the others are hesitant to trust her, she admits tree wants to leave the territories with her, rootspring, and violetshine, and she doesn’t want to go so she’s trying to help fix the problem so he has no reason to leave.
they eventually end up at the city and discover that leaf, a sister that’s become famous since leaving the group, is hosting a party thing there. rootspring calls tree and tree explains he told leaf to expect them for sisters business, so there’s a bit where they attend a fancy party bc i thought it would be fun! alderheart does not want to do it at all
i simply like fancy party scenarios. they have to take on fake identities for it so if the patrol comes looking no one can out them; leaf says bristlefrost is a famous singer and the rest are her entourage like bodyguards and manager and whatever. yes there is a bit where she sings. this is self indulgent don’t forget
they also are not allowed to give away that they’re there on sisters business bc honestly i just thought it would be more fun to write. secret agent party scene commence
leaf tells them where to look, and turns out the sisters are... really, really far away. and with no solid way of contacting them, they can’t tell them to meet them somewhere closer, so their only option is to try and catch up with them.
there’s a lotta filler of traveling and shenanigans and bonding and avoiding that patrol who is Even Bigger now that needleclaw betrayed them. the four teens learn more about the world outside of the territories- they know some, but it’s from an outsider’s perspective because they don’t travel almost at all; kinda like how they go to twolegplaces in the books and have to be helped by kittypets and whatnot- and its just a lot of found family stuff bc i’m a sucker for that
theyyyy eventually get close to where the sisters are supposed to be and are trying to look for them while avoiding that patrol... but while they’re on a section of highway thats in the woods and surrounded by steep cliffs going either up or down... some idiot on the road makes them crash off the side.
they all live and stuff!!! but y’know they’re hurt obviously and rootspring almost dies BUT! guess who finds them! the sisters who were camping out close by!!! they take them in and patch them up as best they can and agree to help them with ashfur, buuuut first they need to see like an actual doctor bc they just like crashed and stuff so they are taken back to where search parties can find them and are picked up and go to like. ✨ the hospital ✨
THAT’S when that patrol that’s been following them catches up and its made up of violetshine and tree, dovewing and (my oc who is in everything now) morningmist, tigerheart, ivypool, and some others who idc enough to specify.
they all get told off and are definitely in trouble but mostly they’re just relieved that none of them like died in the crash. the aforementioned cats are mostly just like “oh thank god” bc their kids were okay n stuff. that’s where this bit i posted a while ago is from!
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tigerheart demands to know what they were doing and they spill everything including how the sisters agreed to help and when they’re all like discharged from the hospital they go home and tbc shenanigans continue hooray!!!!
basically....... its just a very long alternate journey in darkness within
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mintbushcat · 1 year
Ok so like I’ve seen a couple of twst pokemon aus and I wanted to make one too lol so I decided to list the characters and then give them a main partner based on the type I think fits best, there’s 22(?) boys so there’s gonna be 4 types that repeat. Some of them have evolved pokemon and some of them don’t, I was just kinda looking at what I think fits best.
Riddle: Fire-Flareon
I think fire fits him best? Red hair, bad temper and he’s seen using fire magic a good amount of time. I gave him flareon just bc I think the design compliments him the best.
Trey: Normal-Chansey
I really wanted to give him like alcremie or dachsbun but I think normal fits him better than fairy? Also i picked chansey bc Trey is a baker and I assume he’s uses a lot of eggs ahdhsj, also chansey is a caretaker kinda like the role Trey plays
Cater: Fairy-Sylveon
Cater wants likes on magicam and takes cute photos to get that so I think he’d be drawn to the cute fairy types even though he may not like it too much bc of his sisters; sylveon are very in tune with their trainers though so I think they help each other
Deuce: Steel-Togedemaru
His like big move is summoning cauldrons(giant metal things lol) and he’s trying to move away from his delinquent pass so I don’t think he’d want a bunch of fighting types, I chose steel bc it also makes me think of knights and he’s trying to be an honor student, someone his mom can be proud of so I think steel fits that noble image. I gave him a pika clone bc he’s more of a main character and I also think it fits him
Ace: Dark-Morpeko
I know his best magic is wind magic but I think dark fits his personality better, he’s mischievous and playful, he’s described as easy going but he can get mean and serious if need be. morpeko kinda shows how 2 faced he was when we first meet him and I gave him a pika clone too so 1) he could match w deuce lol and 2) bc he’s also one of the more main characters
Leona: Ground-Garchomp
Ground should be obvious lol, I chose garchomp bc I think a pseudo legendary fits a prince who can’t become king. Since it’s part dragon type it has a rivalry with malleus and his partner (most likely one sided tbh)
Ruggie: Dark-Zorua
Like ace I feel it really fits his personality. A mischievous pranker that also steals just fits the dark type. Zorua is mischievous and they enjoy playing pranks on people w their illusion ability
Jack: Rock-Rockfuff
Maybe it’s a bit of a cop out but I was gonna give Leona a pyroar and couldn’t so I decided to give the obvious choice to jack. Jack is always trying to get stronger and he’s real reliable which makes me think of the rock type and like I couldn’t not give the mon that turns into a werewolf to Jack that would be a horribly missed opportunity
Azul: Water-Spheal
He doesn’t want people to know he’s an octopus so I don’t think he’d want an octo pokemon, he mentions that his home is super cold so I gave him spheal as a reference to that, I also think he’d try and lure in customers with them since they’re so cute and marketable
Jade: Bug-Parasect
I had this whole thing written with the repeats but I realized at the end if I wanted to make jade poison w a foongus like I had originally that would have left lilia with the bug type 😆, so jade goes from poison to bug which I still thinks fits really well esp with parasect, he enjoys hunting for mushrooms which means he must enjoy the outdoors so he can’t mind bugs too much right 🤨
Floyd: Fighting-Clobbopus
I think Floyd would have one to annoy azul, he also likes to squeeze people and so maybe one day if he evolves clobbopus he’ll have someone to squeeze with lol. Due to his sometimes violent nature I think he can handle fighting types
Jamil: Psychic-Indeedee
His whole mind control thing and being kinda two faced makes the think of the psychic type. I was gonna give him drowzee or gothorita but thought the former was too creepy and the latter would also make a great fit but I couldn’t pass up the butler/ babysitter gimmick, it can be a male or female indeedee btw either works I think
Kalim: Flying-Togetic
With 22 boys and 18 types there can be 4 repeats so while ground and water were both good options imo there are other types I feel need a repeat so I had to get a little creative, Kalim is a happy go lucky kind of guy which fits togetic and the flying type can be seen as reflective of his easy going nature, he loves going for rides on his flying carpet which may be a reach but I like to think he enjoys the skies and likes mons that can take him there
Vil: Poison-Salazzle
I feel the poison is self explanatory and salazzle I think is the most fabulous poison type lol, he takes her on all his photo shoots and carpet walks
Rook: Ghost-Greavard
I feel a hunter needs a dog and greavard is known for its loyalty, I chose ghost bc he’s in the business of killing lol, I would have picked steel or fighting but I didn’t want more than 2 repeats for 4 types so oof, sorry if it seems it doesn’t fit I think it does
Epel: Fighting-Mienfoo
Epel wants to be seen as manly so I think he’d want some jacked pokemon, I picked mienfoo bc they’re known for their agility and graceful fighting and I think that would conflict with epels idea of manliness letting them grow together lol
Idia: Ghost-Phantump
He opens a gate to hell to revive his dead kid brother, I think phantump fits pretty well lol and the ghost type again ties into the whole being based on the god of the underworld thing
Ortho: Grass-Leafeon
The grass type I think is similar to life and growth and ortho wants to start learning more about human emotions so I picked it, it might not be the best pick but I would have had too many repeats of typing so again I kinda made it a stretch and also I feel the fire specialty is kinda too on the nose? Idk I wanted something different
Malleus: Dragon- Dracozolt
Malleus is like one of the strongest mages so he gets a legendary I think that’s fair?? The only other non mega non legendary electric dragon type is dracozolt and I really really really want sebek to have it, I know this repeats a dual typing but 🤷‍♀️, you can’t tell me sebek wouldn’t leap at the chance to share a typing w malleus lol. He is somewhat unaware of Leona’s rivalry w him lol
Sebek: Electric- Dracozolt
I kinda already explained why last post but I also think it fits sebek bc he’s half human half fairy and dracozolt is a combination of fossils so I think they relate to one another
Lilia: Poison-Zubat
Lilia is based on a bat so that fits, I had no idea what I wanted Lilia to specialize in so I had to change jade from poison to big but I think that worked out bc I feel you can make a good reasoning for Lilia and the poison type
Silver: Steel- alolan sandshrew
Ok so like I didn’t want to give him honedge bc again I think it’s a bit on the nose and like it’s kind of a creepy mon which is fine but I wanted something that fit the typing and was related to his ability to attract little woodland creatures lol
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mossfeathers · 8 months
oh btw im hoping and praying for bigb on a larger 3-4 person team this time around pleas eplease please please pleaseeeeee i NEED to see more dynamics with him. hes just a chill guy. let him commit unspeakable crimes with other horrible people.
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milder-manners · 3 months
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He was long gone.
Sapnap doubled back to get his stuff. He didn't bother putting on the armor, the city guards recognized him easily enough. They escorted him back to citadel's Center.
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alumints · 1 month
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⚔️ TGAA/DGS Asoryuu dolls ⚔️ I made unofficial Asougi and Ryuunosuke plushies!!! Explore, eat, and fight for justice with your very own aibous ⚖️⚔️ They are 20 cm tall and will include an adoption card! All the stretch goals have been unlocked and the bonus items will be included for eligible orders: ✦ Two stickers will be given per plush ✦ One enamel pin will be given per pair Pre-order end April 30th 11:59 PM PST 🌸 http://alumints.com 🌸
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medi-bee · 17 days
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isat pokemon au, my liege?
my rambling in tags
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#my art#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#pokemon#siffrin#mirabelle#isabeau#odile#bonnie#i am not individually tagging pokemon sorry. floragato eevee ursaring scorbunny meowstic <- for anyone who does not know them#im personally a big fan of when artists mold pokemon designs like clay to fit their characters so i tried to channel that#siffrin really does have the perfect mystery dungeon backstory. washes up on a beach with no memories of their past type of deal yknow#i imagine that he was still a sprigatito then? and evolves at some point during their journey? dont ask me for details i dont know them#veryy tempting to make him an absol but ive already seen that done very well!! so i kept most of these to floragato sif#mirabelle being an eevee is suuuch low hanging fruit sorry. i could not resist the evolving pokemon not wanting to evolve trope#i was concerned that sif was no longer shortest party member until i realized they just stand on their back legs all the time to feel talle#when quadruped like mira he is still shortest. sorry siffrin#isa gave me such a hard time. like i never thought i would turn a character into ursaring of all things but it really was the best choice#my other choices were bewear or pawmot if you care. he’s so bear coded#if going purely based on looks i probably would have made odile a sneasler. but i wanted her to be psychic#ill be honest bonnie was purely vibes. they carry the treasure bag :)#never draw bonnie's hat in profile worst mistake of my life#loop is still cat shaped here but i’ve seen the idea of them changing species thrown around. much to think about#i like the idea of the party seeing sif and loop side by side and immediately clocking their entire deal#the change god is mew btw. very important information to no one but myself#eurasie as hisuian zoroark?? lots of hair. and the king can be darkrai#don’t mind the inconsistencies. me and my 2781 ways of drawing the same character#wait what does an eevee look like again. googles it. oh i really crabbed this one up#uhh. looks around. been sitting on this one for a bit too long i think. maybe ill clean up some more sketches later
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rox-of-iu · 11 months
hulloo, i am here once again with cultivate....but not the usual one (~_~;)
so funny thing! i had most of these already done from before, but felt a bit silly so i didnt post them. but then (spoiler) we got Tao Ying in his fresh new look and like.. i had to draw him and post the rest of the gang along with him hksfh. so here, the sillays
🍑Tao Ying
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🐉Qing Mushu
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🦆 The Empress
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🐗The General
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aaand more sillies of the goobers
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aaaaand thats it hdjhdsjfhds so sorry for the long post lmao
characters yoinked from @neonghostcat cultivate
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doodleodds · 2 years
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Me? Uploading a Halloween comic on November 18th, almost four whole-ass weeks late???? Yeah that’s uh. yup. yeah
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Thanks for reading! :) <3
#persona 5#p5#akira kurusu#OUGH OH MY GOD ITS FINALLY. DONE. I AM LOSING MY MIND#if you've been following me for long enough: yes! this IS in fact the comic i mentioned that i was making last year.#Fun fact! This is also! The Third Draft of said comic!!! i have redrawn this thing THREE FUCKING TIMES#as a result you may notice that i uh. a) gave up on coloring this thing. no way in HELL am i coloring 30 pages. im not...strong enough#you will settle for simply having monochrome colored panels and you will LIKE IT!!!!! >:OOOOO#and b) gave up on backgrounds! yeah fuck that lmao. i am never drawing people in the monabus again and mementos can kiss my ass!!!!!#i just want to draw my silly little characters & not their environments#and you may also say: sophia. by halloween they are already in Sae's palace. why isn't goro with them and where's haru?#and to that i say shhhh suspend your disbelief. akechi is in mementos carving pumpkins to avoid trick or treaters.#and also haru isn't there because i cannot draw 6+ people in a cramped space yet!!! my art skills are Just Not There Quite Yet :(#so she's staying home and handing out fullsized candy bars to kids. that's where she is while this is all going down#'does akira know it's akechi down there?' :) that's up to you! but i WILL say that I was thinking about Akeshu when i wrote this so. :))))#ANYWAY if you read this far in the tags im so sorry lmao. thanks for sticking around! Hope you had a happy halloween :)#hopefully i won't disappear for long this time. idk im just gonna start uploading other bullshit art in the interim between comics i guess#probably some fire emblem shit. we'll see. we'll see. anyway bye!! till next time!
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bigfatbreak · 1 year
ask stolen from zoe-onesama Speaking of Émilie, do you think that she could have been a bad mother before her death, coma, or disappearance? Because, from what I've heard, Émilie had been dead, in a coma, or missing for about a year before the events of MLB, and if Adrien had been homeschooled for about most of his childhood, then that could indicate that his mother was aware of this and didn't do anything about it. Either Émilie was overprotective of Adrien and his wellbeing that she and her husband had to shelter him from the public, or that she was in a horrible situation with her husband from behind the scenes, ergo feeling powerless to do something about her son's sheltered life. There are so many things to imagine who Émilie was really like, but so far, we don't have enough substance to even care about her.
At the risk of spoiling how I'm characterizing Emelie in my AU,
I'm more leaning towards the idea that she was the first to be overprotective of Adrien. I think, initially, Gabriel didn't care as much about having a child as much as he did about pleasing his wife, that Emelie was the one who wanted Adrien more.
Because of this and because he's a sentimonster, I imagine Emelie wanted to closely monitor him and ensure he was developing as a normal child should, that nothing went wrong in his "creation." Being a mother AND a creator of a life form I imagine would spur on some really hard worries, and since we don't actually have an indication of what Gabriel was like beforehand, its more likely he didn't care what Emelie did with her new toy child, only that her wants were sated.
I think Emelie was overprotective to a worrying degree, but because she genuinely loved Adrien and since it came from a place of love, though it was unhealthy, I wouldn't instantly categorize it as abusive. She clearly gave him a lot of attention and put a lot of work into making sure he was educated, (we know this because after her death Adrien got desperate enough to start sneaking out and running away) and I think this habit only got worse as her illness settled in.
With how sick she got, I imagine she also ended up being at home more often than not, which meant... well, more time with Adrien. I don't think it occurred to her that, should she die, she should set up precautions to ensure Adrien eventually got that same love and attention after her death. I think she was more occupied with spending time with him in what time she had left, it really wasn't a thought that struck her, that maybe, just maybe, the guy who was married to her because he loved HER and was COMPLETELY AMBIVALENT ABOUT THEIR CHILD wouldn't care what happened to Adrien after his wife died.
The characterization I'm leaning on for my AU at least, is that Emelie wanted a child and Gabriel just wanted her happy. Because of this, after her passing, the realization that he never saw Adrien as human became abundantly clear. He instead saw Adrien as a product of his wife's work, which is the reason he never let him outside. I think if Gabriel had it his way, Adrien would sit on a shelf with his miraculous and his wife's Movie and their little mementos n' shit.
TDLR: I don't think Emelie was in an abusive relationship with Gabriel at all, but I don't think any of the dynamics at play were healthy. I don't think Gabriel EVER saw Adrien as his son, instead seeing him as a product of his wife - no different than if she had made a sweater or sculpted a statue. I think, initially, Emelie was overprotective of Adrien as a precaution to ensure that as a sentimonster, he 'grew up' healthy like any other child, and as her illness took her and she became more and more of a homebody, she leaned on his support and his presence as a comfort in her last days. I think if Emelie knew Gabriel had been so ambivalent about their son, she would've put a lot more work into ensuring Adrien got out eventually.
Maybe she did. Maybe, she made a will, and maybe Gabriel ignored it because he's so god damn proud.
Or maybe, she was hoping Nathalie would step in.
Then again maybe I'm totally wrong! Maybe Gabriel used to be really cool and they lived in this giant supermansion together and the guy just went ape shit after his wife died. I just think the weird leaps he's taking should be an indicator that something has always been VERY WRONG with Gabriel and maybe Emelie, too! I'm not talking abuse, I'm talking like...
ok so I've lost a lot of people in my life and I lost some important people at a very young age and that damaged me super fuckin' bad. you know what I DIDN'T daydream of? Putting their fucking corpses in like a deprivation tank and finding a way to bring them back to life.
we know Gabe and Nathalie and Em like, went adventuring and shit! We know (or as far as I remember from the website) Nath found the peacock and butterfly miraculous, and that eventually Emelie used the peacock and that's what killed her.
We don't know... how much... Gabriel knew about the miraculous before that. Listen, if he knew that the cat and ladybug miraculous were capable of Doing That Shit (aka granting wishes if put together), wouldn't he have kickstarted his plans instantly into evil fuckery to try and find them instantly? I can't imagine a guy desperate enough to plonk his dead wife into a clear coffin would go on eBay listings trying to find them for a fuckin year.
What I'm getting at is that it seems like Gabe idolized Emelie or their relationship on some level, and that he defined himself by how he loved her. So when he LOST her, when he lost that column of his life, his real character was drawn out. Grief makes the worst of us yeah, but we have no clear indication that Gabriel KNEW there would be a method for bringing Emelie back when he hid her corpse under their mansion.
like that's some unhinged shit.
its ALSO some unhinged shit I don't think Gabriel would ever let Emelie know he was capable of while she was still alive, I think he valued her and her opinion and her happiness too much.
I just woke up so Ive gone clear past normal conversation and straight into ranting, but essentially I think Gabriel's weird shitty personality traits were sated by being married to someone he defined himself by, and that he was always capable of being an abusive fuckhat but would never show that in front of Em. I think he's never seen Adrien as more than a byproduct of Emelie and if Em knew he was going to do this insane shit, considering she was also unhinged enough to have a baby using a fukcking magic god bird brooch, she would've taken Adrien, maybe with Nathalie, and fucking DIPPED.
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basofy · 1 year
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commission for @grumpygilly / @lcpmon from a while ago :D !!!!
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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caw 🦅
#neopets#neotag#neoart#eyrie#mutant#vin doods#I can't beat the allegations that i doodle dnd creatures on a daily with this one huh#god i love mutants eyries so much i'm sorry i gavehim more draconic features but uGH;#what great colours lmao#I also gave inverted knees to the hooves cause i aint doing whatever neos doing#can you tell i have a thing for dnd and dragons in general im so sorry JAKLSDF#also in topic i've been so wanting to make a neo player's manual for so stupidly long its insane#might actually do it at one point#i had species and proficiencies and everything at one point i think its all gone lol#also for a fact that i'd be a me-thing for the most part#like i'd be the only one wanting it or playing according to it#my other friends none like neopets so yeah#god do i want to dm a neopian adventure i have tons planned lmao#but oh well#i'm super greatful for all positive commenta ad every like and reblog you guys ave given meeeee#i sound like a broken record but i swear i try to not leave this blog for long but i always read your tags and crack up to them sajhas#i know i've left a couple of you on read that actually wanted to know about my characters BUT IM SO SORRYYYY#my master's taking so long and everytime there's something new and have to rewrite and replan everthing everyday i hate it here#but i will do it#i know i will#both the lore writting and my thesis HASJKHASJS#anyways if you're still reading dont be afraid to shoot up a couple of messages! It might make this blog less dead
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teethcritter · 1 year
Huge analysis about Princess Bubblegum’s morality
I think about this so much, and I need to finally get all my thoughts out. 
So it’s absolutely no secret that PB isn’t a good person to anyone who’s watched even a few episodes of the show. But how far does that go?? 
I do think it’s incredibly interesting that Adventure Time dives into the reality of, if immortals do exist -especially in a post apocalyptic setting like Ooo- that it would be extremely hard for them to be good. Just pure lawful good. Another thing i find interesting is that lawful good doesn’t quite exist in Adventure Time? Even Finn can’t fit in that category which is a conversation for another post. 
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I adore the conflict between Phoebe and Bonnie, because it really does show the differences between the two characters. Phoebe is the flame king, who’s symbol is to be evil. The flame kingdom is evil. But she’s not. The candy kingdom is the direct opposite, being sweet and bubbly on the outside, but on the inside...
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In The Cooler, Bonnie directly admits to this. “I’m PB. I spy on everybody. No big D.” She knows she’s not the perfect princess on a high pedestal that she put herself on. She is a deeply, deeply, fucked up person.
My good friend pointed something out to me a few months back when we were watching her title episode. Even as a child, she’s very... well...
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The use of the word “pliable” stuck out to us because... yeah... what? 
I don’t think Bonnie is evil. I don’t even think she’s a bad person. Adventure Time is very good at depicting evil and showing that evil. The Lich, for example, is the living embodiment of evil. In The Comet, the Catalyst Comet says it embodies all that is good and evil, showing The Lich on screen for that segment, but nothing for the “good” segment which I’ve always found notable. 
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This image used for Gumball’s ambitions is also something I don’t think should be brushed under the rug. I know Gumball and Bonnie are very different characters since F&C is opposite not just genderswapped, but I still think it’s of note. 
We see PB grow a lot over the course of the show, but we also see the people around her change their perception of her. Finn is a major example. In the first few seasons, he sees her as this untouchable goddess, but you can see his opinion of her change, especially in seasons 9 and 10. And keep in mind, that it was NOT Finn who stopped PB from going to war. It was Shoko. 
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We also see that Marceline has to really keep her in check at times; reminding her to have like... basic empathy 
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We know that she isn’t proud of her past, and yet continues to make the same mistakes she made hundreds of years earlier. I love her, she’s probably my favorite character. Not just in Adventure Time, but across like... all media. She’s so interesting and well written and there is SO much to dissect.
 There’s a lot to say about a character who grew up in a nuclear wasteland, literally creating life because she was so lonely. Do morals really have a place in a world so broken and lost to time that humanity does not exist in the same way it did before fallout? Humans exist, sure, but are they human? At the core, are they human? 
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Bucky Barnes | Rebellion Series | Caution
Part one of the Rebellion Series
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Plot: By some miracle, you get saved from the consequences of your own actions. You’re reluctant to join a supposedly good cause. What happens when the good cause is not so legal? And what - or who - is your soft spot?
Warnings: Angst, fluff (?) and mentions of sex.
Words: 34OO
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You have started shaking again. With every tremble of your body, the restraints around your legs and arms seem to tighten and you shudder even more at the awful memory of that feeling. It took weeks for the shaking to stop. Weeks of being locked up into this modern dungeon until you were nothing but silence and numbness.
You knew the rebellion could end in death, knew the consequences would be catastrophic, but at least you’d stood for something, fought for something. And you would choose death any day over the endless silence of this prison. You know for a fact that you’re surrounded by an ocean, but no matter how hard you listen, you cannot hear the wild sea crash. Can only hear the low hum of the air being circulated through your metal cell.
And today, approximately three months after the start of your sentence in the most secured prison on the planet, you have started shaking again. It can hardly be because today of all days, your brain has decided to make you go completely insane. That would be too random. Which means–
Your head snaps to the window, spotting the other cells. Empty. This floor is reserved just for you alone. Because apparently you’re too dangerous to interact with anyone. They even got machines bringing you your daily sustenance. An empty floor like every other day, yet something seems different. Something’s off.
A metal door flies through the middle of the circular space connecting all of the cells and you stiffen. You look at the ground again, keeping completely still. Maybe they don’t know that you’re here. Oh God, oh God, oh God. No, they can’t get to you. Not again.
The destruction clangs through your body and you tremble violently, curling up as much as you can and staring hard at the floor. The cold metal ground blurs with images of the rebellion. The things you gave up, the energy your summoned and wasted, the people you lost. The blood, and pain, and screams and– and– and…
“She’s in there. Grab her and then we get out of here.”
“Steve, I–”
“And hurry up, we don’t have much time!”
Two combat boots step into your vision and the stomps echo in your head, booming you back to reality. But not quite. Your eyes vibrate with fear and you swallow the nails in your throat. Then a pair of knees appear in front of you and a black gloved hand reaches forward. It hesitates, then retreats. As if choosing not to touch you. Wise choice.
“Hey.” The voice is low. And smooth as liquor.
But you don’t look up, focusing on trying not to tremble more and taking the firm contraptions wrapped around your shins and forearms as the protection they now are. Maybe this is another nightmare. It’s different from the ones you usually have, but black gloves… They had black gloves, too. And those firm boots. They may have kicked you in the stomach with those boots once. You don’t remember.
“I’m here to get you out,” the voice speaks again and you can only listen to the tone of voice, the way it sends a shockwave through your body and lessens the violent trembles. “Look up for me.”
You ignore him and focus on your breathing.
“Is she coming?” That first voice. Impatient. Panting.
The male before you turns to the centre of the floor and gives a frustrated sigh, “She’s pretty out of it.”
Before waiting for the other man to respond, he turns back to you and studies you. Even though you don’t see him, his stare burns right through the flimsy clothes they put on you. He lets out a soft sigh and flips out a knife from the holster at his waist, still kneeling before you. You stiffen, preparing yourself for the sting at your throat as they finally decide to get rid of you, but he tries his best not to touch any bare skin as he saws through the materials binding you together.
The relief of pressure from your skin make you feel so uneasy, you nearly throw up, but a gentle hand covers your arm and you finally look up. Warm, dark blue eyes connect with yours. Below heavy brows and above the faintest cluster of freckles. His mouth is soft and pillowy and his bone structure is otherworldly symmetrical.
“It’s okay,” he tells you gently and offers you a smile that you can tell doesn’t come to him naturally. “Can you walk?”
He pulls you to a stand with a firm, but comfortable grip and you instantly stumble on your feet at the weight suddenly put on them. One arm flies around your waist and hoists you into his side as he catches your fall.
“Okay, okay,” he grunts with a gentle laugh. “I got you. Let’s get the fuck out of here, alright?”
Your throat feels like sandpaper as you hobble along with the wall of a male dragging you along, “Who are you?”
He spares you a brief glance and smiles once more, following ‘Steve’ out of the building and onto an air craft that is way too loud. “Bucky. We’re here to help you. Or I suppose you’re here to help us, little rebel.”
Steve gives Bucky a knowing glare, only breaking it by daring a glance at your bedroom door which you have been effectively hiding behind for weeks now. “You know I can’t go in there, Bucky.”
“You know I won’t let you,” Bucky answers drily with a shrug. As opposed to his best friend, Bucky hasn’t stopped staring at your door.
“You’re not even hiding your possessiveness when it comes to her,” Steve breathes through a laugh. That makes Bucky finally look at his friend.
“I’m not possessive,” he says matter-of-factly. He’s not even offended, just practical. “I’m protective. The last thing she needs is all of the nosy people in this tower swirling around her when she doesn’t trust a single soul.”
“Has she started to trust you?”
Bucky has to keep from wincing at Steve’s question, and he clears his throat. “Sure,” he lies.
If Steve caught the lie, he didn’t let on. It was as much of a dismissal as he was going to get. After watching his best friend walk off to do captain things, Bucky braces himself to step into your room. He has no hope that his interaction with you will be any different than the previous ones.
“Another day of convincing me to be your weapon?” you nearly snarl when he walks into your room.
If Bucky is entirely honest, he thought you would have turned into this damaged girl that would morph into a wild animal as you worked through what had been done to you. He didn’t really expect this perseverance and defiance from the woman he saved from that prison. But he supposes he should have seen that question coming. It wasn’t his best work; starting that day he saved you with all of the things you could be doing for them. Why they had saved you. Simply for their own gain. Or that is how you understood it, at least…
He has never been good with words. That has always been Steve’s thing. Bucky was reliable physically and he paid attention. He never had to use many words to make his point. Yet you keep asking these questions – rhetorical, he thinks – and you keep giving him this penetrating stare until he answers. Which is a sure way to make him fuck up, because how do people do that? Bring sensible thoughts into words and make it make sense?
Especially when the woman asking said questions is so damned… pretty.
“It’s time for you to get out of this room,” he tells you plainly. It seems the tactic of ignoring your questions is effective. It only took him six days to figure that one out.
He strides over to cross the room, not sparing you another glance in your chair in the corner, and rips open the curtains. The cat-like hiss coming from you has Bucky nearly biting back a smile. He turns and watches you stand from your chair, stalking over to him with your chin high and a scowl on your face. He raises an eyebrow with amused intrigue.
“And what, exactly, will I be doing outside of my room?” you ask.
He dips down slightly, but you keep the proximity. “Whatever you want. I don’t care.”
“If you don’t care, why hunt me out of my room?”
He shrugs, “Captain’s orders.” He isn’t entirely lying.
“Why isn’t the captain telling me himself?”
Bucky smirks and leans even closer, making you feel his minty breath fan over your face. “Because I’m the only one who isn’t scared of you.”
You snort at that and roll your eyes before breaking away from him. “I’ll get dressed.”
Bucky tries his hardest not to look too stunned as you retreat into the bathroom. A deep sigh leaves his lips as he paces through your room in wait for you to get ready. It takes a whole lot of effort to muster a smirk when it comes to his interactions with you.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” he asks quietly.
Just as quietly, the house responds, “Yes, Sergeant Barnes?”
“Has she asked for anything from you? To contact friends or family, or other information?”
“No, she hasn’t.”
“Does she have anyone left?” he tries, chewing his lip as he dreads the answer.
“Not that we’re aware. Mr. Stark had me run a background check, but she seems alone. No sign of anyone missing or deceased. No sign of a network at all.”
Bucky doesn’t know why that feels worse in his chest and he swallows. “Alright, thank you.”
A few moments later, you step out of the shower and find Bucky lounging in the chair he found you in, leafing through one of your books. Just as you’re about to check whether he has gotten his hands on one of your smuttier books, your eyes snag on the clothes laid out for you on the bed.
You pause long enough to make Bucky look up from the book. “Did you… Did you seriously pick out this underwear for me?”
Bucky eyes the lace panties dangling from your fingers and shrugs with a smirk. A smirk had never looked so enticing, but you sharpen your stare on him. “Do you prefer the grey, cotton ones in the back of the closet?”
You grit your teeth and scowl at him again, before morphing your mouth into a vindictive smile. “Why? Don’t you?”
His eyes dance at that. “Wouldn’t make a difference to me.”
And it’s the way he said it, with so much casual amusement and… promise. Heat rises to your face and you duck your head down. Snatching the clothes from the bed, you retreat back into the bathroom to get dressed.
The rest of your conversations had been purely functional as Bucky lead you down into the building where Steve was waiting. Bucky rolled his eyes at his friend’s horrible attempt at hiding his surprise. Steve hadn’t seen you since the day they came to save you, he must have never expected Bucky to be successful in his retrieval.
Bucky also hadn’t missed the meaningful look Steve then gave him that indicated he tucked away some valuable information. The information being that if they ever needed to get you to do something, Bucky is the way to get you to do it. Why? Steve seemed to have his theories and Bucky didn’t like it one bit.
However, for now he doesn’t care. Instead, he sticks by you after you reluctantly agreed to join Steve on a walk.
Strolling down the path through the surrounding woods, Bucky catches himself bracing for a fight every time Steve gets a little too close to you. He doesn’t like it. The last time he was this sensitive to proximity, he had just ran from Hydra. He’s seen other traumatised people before, but this feels different. And instead of listening to your and Steve’s conversation, he tries to figure out what it is. He supposes it’s because you have no survival instinct. In the few videos he’s seen of your rebellion and the encounters he has had with you the past weeks, you see danger or conflict and run straight toward it. Nothing scared or cautious about you. It sets his nerves on edge.
Bucky is well aware of what Steve is telling you and he has to refrain from rolling his eyes at the careful way Steve tries to coax you into their plan, when earlier that week they had not been nearly as careful as they calculated how to get you involved. But even Bucky had to admit that they needed you – specifically, everyone who would follow you into the grave. When Stark had shown him the videos, he was perplexed as to how you got such a huge following when what you fought for was so terribly dangerous. But one look at those sharp eyes and one deep command from you, and Bucky had seen it. That unwavering will and that brilliant brain that was always calculating. Steve could learn a few tricks from you on being a strong leader. And considering Bucky wildly admires his old friend, that is saying something.
They need you. Bucky knows it, too. They need not just someone with great leadership skills and a loyal following, but someone that does it out of empathy for the people mistreated by the system. Because that is who they’re going to be fighting – the system.
“You haven’t said anything about what Steve told you,” Bucky says on your walk back to your room. The offer to escort you back to your room hadn’t been entirely selfless.
“I need to think about it,” you murmur, deep in thought.
Bucky suppresses his sigh of sympathy. They are asking you to join a cause you were so passionate about, and that after failing so miserably last time. He can barely imagine the things you must have witnessed and endured with your last upraise. How you had gotten so influential that the government decided to treat you like you were a super-human and punished you accordingly. You had been put in the same prison as Wanda. Wanda. That is how powerful you were.
“It can’t be easy to revisit everything after all that’s happened,” he resigns and you blink from your thoughts to raise your eyes to his face. You study him and it takes all of Bucky’s might not to shift under your assessing gaze.
Then you speak up, “I’ve always done the right thing. Steve knows I can’t walk away from it…”
Bucky smiles at that. “Just like him.”
Your eyes narrow at that comment, but Bucky finds no venom in the look. You continue, “Sacrificing my life for the cause was never an issue. But to lead others into that same fate again?” The guilt had eaten you alive. All those people that had gotten arrested, split up from loved ones, hurt– worse…
Bucky interrupts your thoughts before they get a hold on you by clearing his throat. “Tonight, we have dinner with everyone. You’re welcome to join if you’d like.” Your heavy stare on him makes him quickly add, “Don’t give me that look. There will be no talk of overthrowing the government. Just dress fancy.”
The snort of a laugh that comes from you feels lighter to Bucky than he’d like to admit. And to ease the tension, he forces another smirk to his face. You narrow your eyes again warily, “What.”
He shrugs, turning to leave you alone at your door. Then he winks. “Let me know if you need me to pick out some underwear for you.” And then he’s gone.
Bucky hangs onto that cockiness all the way until dinner, where the entire group has showed up. Even Thor said he’d show up for a drink. Barton flew in from his family home to join the group as well. He remembers a time when he’d felt more than uncomfortable around this group of people. But so much has changed. They all saw him as a great asset to the team and even relied on him more and more to supervise the missions. He’s at home with them now. Heart swelling with affection, he listens to his friends – his family – laugh in the kitchen while they pour the drinks.
And then all of their faces turn into one direction, some of them pulling taut, few of them giving warm, comforting smiles. Bucky follows their gaze and it is like someone punched him in the gut, air whooshing out of his body. He doesn’t really know why – other than the obvious fact that you look ravishing of course. But he looks at you and clears his throat to welcome you to the group.
Natasha beats him to it though and it has Bucky’s hackles rising. She shoots him a knowing smile and then he backs off. His pride wounded like a cat booped on the nose. Natasha is good at it, charming people until they feel comfortable. Or take their pants off. But there’s an easy smile on your face – one Bucky knows is at least slightly forced – and you blend in with the crowd easily.
Suddenly, Sam’s at his side. “I know what you’re thinking,” he grumbles with his eyes on you and Natasha, followed by a swig of his beer bottle. “Those two together can only mean trouble.”
Bucky can only grunt in agreement.
“What on Earth are you talking about?” Natasha drawls with a guilty smile.
Barton shakes his head. “The poor schmuck didn’t stand a chance. There is no way you could have taken him if you hadn’t slept with him the night before.”
Natasha shrugs. “Look, a girl has her needs. He met them and the next day he met his fate.”
“Really, Nat?” Steve nearly cringes and Bucky reins in his laugh. “The guy’s moral compass was straight from hell and you decided to sleep with him?”
Natasha barely manages to open her mouth before you decide to pitch in, raising a glass to her. “I get it. Terrible morals do add a little spice in the bedroom.”
Nat clinks her glass with yours and mutters a ‘she gets it’, but Bucky’s eyes are searing through your skin. He doesn’t know why he’s surprised at such outrageous claims coming out of your mouth. There is nothing innocent about you. Good, yes. Innocent? No. Yet perhaps it isn’t ‘surprise’ that is warming his body from the inside out.
Conversation flows easily between the Avengers and the food Tony had made easily beats the Brooklyn comfort food Bucky usually seeks out. Cheeks turn rosy from the drinks, voices get louder, lights get dimmer. Bucky has to really look to be sure what he’s seeing. You, relaxed and happy. Such a stark contrast to the woman he found in the prison. No wonder you’re so good with people. People make you good.
He can barely manage his smirk however, when he notices the strain in your body to keep from looking at him. Why you are so adamant to avoid him, he can’t really tell. But this is now your weak spot, so he cannot help but tuck the info away for later.
The night carries on and everyone switches places, catching up on endless memories and adventures and being surprisingly considerate to include you in most conversations. Bucky ends up at the head of the table, you on the seat closest to him, both listening to Sam. You listen closely and Bucky can only assume you have some relief from being actively distracted from him. And being the arrogant bastard he knows he can be, he ‘accidentally’ brushes a knuckle over the back of your hand that’s resting on the table. He watches you stiffen and swallow, but like a true rebel, you show no other sign that it affected you.
A few more stunts like that had Bucky pressing his knee to your thigh under the table and it takes everything not to pull away from it. So you gaslight yourself to let the touch ground you. To absorb his warmth and relax even more into the touch. And if you guess it correctly, the way you respond to Bucky’s touch is not what he expected… So you find yourself having the upper hand again.
And if you’re going to join these people in their cause, what’s a little game with your menace of a saviour?
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fellhellion · 10 months
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hi for the love of everything hello
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yumedoca · 3 months
Was supposed to be drawing today but stuff happened and now I'm not in the mood so I guess I'll be watching UY movie 5..
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mwagneto · 5 months
people seeing gifs of the 15th doctor having gay little moments and going "ohh what's this show? i gotta watch it" is literally ending me not just coz of the concept that anyone can be unaware of doctor who but also bc like. while i do think it's a show ppl should watch in its entirety. DON'T DO IT FOR GAY REP LMAO. like it literally does have a lot of lgbt rep even all the way back in season 1 of 2005 fame but watching 13 seasons of doctor who coz something gay happens in the new eps is like. idk finding out there's a new pride and prejudice adaptation with a gay character in it and going ohhhh that sounds fun:) guess i'll go watch every adaptation ever made
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