#Multiverse of Lesbians
Hear me out:
Anika Hansen (7of9) is really Henrik Hanssen’s great something or other daughter. The spelling changed at some intergalactic version of Ellis Island.
Admiral Janeway in one of her never ending time paradox attempt to save Seven from anything and everything decides she needs to pick him up.
Voyager or whatever she’s commanding this time appears in synchronized orbit around the hospital in Leeds.
Janeway in an attempt to acquire Hanssen gets Serena Campbell as well who was visiting at Hanssen’s request to consult on a vascular patient.
Underground UNIT notes the alien incursion and goes to investigate.
Kate Stewart or maybe Osgood happens to be part of the team investigating because frankly like everyone post Covid, they are short staffed.
Osgood discovers Bernie who is notably upset that Serena has disappeared. Osgood thinks Kate definitely has to meet this one.
Kate and Bernie do the Spider-Man pointing thing.
Meanwhile - Admiral Janeway is making her second stop. A visit to the Churchill War Rooms.
At the war rooms, Janeway tries to slip in casually. She’s after something that’s still there and has decided it’s easier to get in 2022 than in 1942 because yadayada short staffed.
I’m not sure why but go with me on this. Maybe some piece of the Daleks that eventually gets incorporated into the Borg Collective.
While trying to surreptitiously acquire the McGuffin, Janeway is clocked by a retired mi6 agent, Kate Lethbridge (played here by Kate Mulgrew) who happens to be visiting the War Rooms today honoring some family anniversary related to her father (the Brig’s dad too).
Because being a retired MI6 agent is boring, she tails Janeway around only to eventually confront her. Janeway and Lethbridge do the Spider-Man pointy thing.
Janeway feels compelled to confess her full plan to Lethbridge, who recognizing true love and being a softy herself, decides to help.
But the McGuffin actually isn’t in the 2022 War Rooms. No, it turns out it went missing at Chequers one night in 1942.
Janeway says I have a timemachine sort of. Lethbridge says let’s go!
Meanwhile, Osgood comes running. There are odd time paradoxes happening around the War Rooms and Chequers now and in 1942. The War Rooms and Chequers 1939-1945 being specially monitored for time travel for obvious reasons.
Right then 13 shows up in the TARDIS - has a great laugh at Kate and Bernie. Says they can find Serena later. They have to go save Winnie or everything will go kerfluey. Just as the TARDIS fades out we see Jill Raymond on special duty to Leeds HQ pull up.
The TARDIS rematerializes at Chequers in 1942. Thirteen in tux with short pants, Yaz in appropriate WREN attire, Kate still in her suit and red shoes, and Bernie having been outfitted in waistcoat, wool slacks, and for some reason a pair of wellies emerge and fan out across the large gathering.
The Doctor finds Churchill first and asks if he’s experienced any anomalies. He has not, but when he sees Bernie in her wellies and Kate in her red shoes he guffaws and nearly chokes on his whiskey.
Clementine comes over to check on him - only to come face to face with Kate and Bernie. The three of them do the Spider-Man pointy thing.
Just then there’s a kerfuffle nearby. Yaz, ever the police officer, has apprehended two remarkably similar looking women climbing into the house through a window.
Kate is stunned to see her aunt. Much discussion explaining the caper and the McGuffin.
Meanwhile, Bernie’s caught sight of Serena. Somehow here in 1942.
Wellies hampering her run just a bit. She comes face to face with Serena Campbell. She rushes forward, takes her in her arms and kisses her. Serena is shell-shocked, but the uniformed woman - who is among those ambulance drivers being honored for bravery tonight - takes a full on swing at Bernie and knocks her to the ground.
Rachel Cazelet has never looked more stunned nor more lovingly at Sid in her entire life.
Bernie nursing a cut lip and a bruised ego limps back to the team. Janeway says “I think the one you’re looking for is actually over there.” She points to another Serena lookalike. This one’s talking animatedly with a gaggle of women in uniform.
“I’m not falling for that twice,” Bernie says. “That’s the one I brought with me,” Janeway says. She said something about having a thing for women in uniform and wondering if they had Shiraz at Chequers during the war. Bernie, wellies and all, was already on the way as she yells “That’s my girl!”
McGuffin found. Everyone including Janeway and Lethbridge return to the TARDIS.
Henrik still cooling his jets alone in Janeway’s ship looks out a port window impatiently.
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beeceit · 1 year
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noonecares915 · 6 months
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This is the image that made me fall in love with Wanda. The rocks look like angel winds, making her even more angelic.
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dankgemestho · 3 months
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For @dc-rarepair-week no day in particular but really late cause I was stumped on the background for a long while. Talaurel! Special thanks to @jonathankentstuff for the pose (made for the boys but I adapted it with permission)
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marvelflame2010 · 10 months
Stephen: *standing outside the bathroom door* America, we have to go! Come out!
America: I'm a lesbian!
Stephen: Not what I meant, but I support you!
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Do you want to kiss under the giant cat bridge i built and then moved to spawn after i found out the world was ending surrounded by cats that we bred together in hopes of living just a little longer in this world with people we’ve lived countless lives with while the world is closing in on us and our friends are dying and it feels so familiar because we’ve done this before but this time we could be together will you let me hold you this time as the world comes crashing down on us just like it has it the countless lives we’ve lived together before I built a butterfly garden in hopes you’d see yourself with me and you built mushrooms in your home and I can’t help but feel like I should be going home with you like we did once before like this should have been a world we could grow old together but the walls our closing in on us and the fates are separating us but could we hold hands as we go in a world where we should have been safe our friends are fighting to the death and you die and it’s not even in my arms and I’ve failed to keep you safe you root for me in life and then die trying to assist me in your final breath and I can’t even avenge you
I can only hope we will see each other in our next life
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
DC multiverse - Supergirl
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stpwrites · 11 months
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Art by Chris Yarborough.
Sometimes to save the world, you've got to punch a few dragons…
When the planet is being eaten by interdimensional parasites who literally tear holes in reality, what do you do? If you're Charlie Chase, you dive headfirst into an interdimensional adventure. Charlie knows her calling is a weighty one, but she trusts her mentor’s orders: Travel to another dimension, fix the tear, and get home to do it all over again.
But when she gets stuck on an alternate Earth, she has to turn to the most unexpected of allies: a younger, more eccentric, more infamous version of the brilliant mind that sent her on her mission. This version of Vera Baum is as much socialite as scientist, who seems to embrace the notion that curiosity killed the cat, in the way that means she's determined to use up all nine of her lives blasting through a kaleidoscope of genre-bending realities. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, especially when they’re pursued by reality-eating parasites and a biomechanical hound hellbent on killing Vera.
Ladyhoppers by Sarah Thérèse Pelletier and Scott James Taylor, a casually queer, genre-hopping, multiverse-spanning, madcap buddy comedy packed full of flaming zeppelins, coffee shop romances, car chases, dragon punching scientists, and more pirates than you can shake a multi-limbed death machine at, is available for order now!
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Fic Title: I Am Not a Monster
Current Chapter Count: 48
Current Word Count: 135k
Last Update: June 10th
Next Update: June 17th
Summary: What do a scrappy teen, a powerful being capable of spontaneous creation, and a 300-year-old witch have in common? They all need to heal from their pasts, they all need to figure out who they want to be now, and they all might just need each other.
Or: the one where Wanda and Agatha accidentally adopt America.
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness, Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez, America Chavez & Agatha Harkness, America Chavez/Kamala Khan
Tags: Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Gay Witch Family, Bisexual Wanda Maximoff, Lesbian Agatha Harkness
Chapter 1: Making It Up
Chapter 2: Pizza Balls at The Plaza
Chapter 3: People Like Us
Chapter 4: The Prodigal Witch Returns
Chapter 5: Ladies Who Lunch
Chapter 6: A Strange Visitor
Chapter 7: Magic Kindergarten
Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 9: Shut Down, Open Up
Chapter 10: Shadow Work
Chapter 11: The Sign
Chapter 12: Churros and Champagne
Chapter 13: Fatal Reaction
Chapter 14: Attached
Chapter 15: I'm Loving It
Chapter 16: The Raid
Chapter 17: Report Card
Chapter 18: (Pancake) Batter Up
Chapter 19: Surprise Times Two
Chapter 20: Dining, Drama, and Drives
Chapter 21: Braking Down
Chapter 22: Cat Out of the Bag
Chapter 23: Road Trip
Chapter 24: What's Innside
Chapter 25: Exploring
Chapter 26: The Clearing
Chapter 27: Sick Day
Chapter 28: Spoonful of Cocoa
Chapter 29: For Goodness Saké
Chapter 30: Confronting the Past
Chapter 31: If the Shoe Fits
Chapter 32: 'Til the Clock Strikes 12
Chapter 33: Let's Have a Quince
Chapter 34: No Time Like the Present
Chapter 35: A Spark in the Dark
Chapter 36: Rebel Girl
Chapter 37: Waffling Around
Chapter 38: Dyeing Inside
Chapter 39: Told You So
Chapter 40: The Talk
Chapter 41: Playing with Fire
Chapter 42: Pranks and Plans
Chapter 43: Meet the Parents
Chapter 44: The Proposal
Chapter 45: The Darkest Day
Chapter 46: Helium + Aluminium (HeAl)
Chapter 47: Welcome to New York
Chapter 48: The Past Is Yet to Come
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starfleetwitch · 9 months
Sometimes I'm totally normal about Zoe Evans... Then I see that one blooper and realise that cold, calculating, (TOTALLY INNOCENT) 'terrifying' woman honks when she laughs...
And then I have to go outside and touch some grass because my brain starts realising Bernie and Zoe probably aren't the only ones who honk and it spreads like a plague until Jill Raymond and Kate Stewart are losing their shit too...
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noonecares915 · 2 years
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How can someone be so seductive, yet so cute?
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dust-rat-lives-here · 2 years
If I see one more MCU fan post about America Chavez's tiny pride pin like it threw the first brick at Stonewall as if she hasn't been a fully fledged lesbian openly in love with multiple women in the comics for years I'm going to commit a crime
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Lawyer: Did your boyfriend commit the crime?
Jane: Honey, he can’t even commit to this relationship.
Maura/ Judge: OH SNAP
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masked-creator · 1 year
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Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈💖
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qbdatabase · 5 months
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Themed List: A Timey-Wimey New Year Welcome, past, present, and future! This month's--minute--week--what year is it? But in THIS timeline, we're going to kickstart the new so-called-"year" with stories of time travel, alternate timelines, and days that get stuck on repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat ⏰📅⏳
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maximilfsimp · 1 year
Wanda on her knees for you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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