#K-pop x bottom male reader
nino-rox · 9 months
S.COUPS x Male Bottom Reader
Content Warning : NSFW Gay Smut, Alcohol consumption, verbal abuses, sexual themes (Degradation), Hookup Culture, Top Seungcheol and Bottom Male Reader.
Disclaimer : This is a Fan-fiction story written for entertainment purposes only, no part of the story implies or affirms anything regarding real world events or individuals. Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations) before interacting with this post.
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You didn’t think situations could change so quickly. One moment you were with friends at the club, and now suddenly, a 10-inch fat cock was fucking you senseless - it happened to belong to a rather sexy man. He was gonna take what he wanted. You were drunk; he was checking you out…You might not remember how it all started, but once the tip of his dick hit your tight hole, there was no going back. You could tell he would fuck your mind, body and soul, and you were only too happy to let him - in the gross bathroom stall. You were facing the wall, and he was behind you. Next thing you knew, his huge cock filled you up, your body reeling at the pain. He aggressively grabbed your neck, whispering in a deep tone, “You seem to be in pain… I hope you don’t think that means I’ll take it slow and easy with you slut,” after which he pulled out and shoved his cock back in making you yell from the pain as he began thrusting harshly in your tight hole. He held onto your hips, holding you still so you couldn’t do anything but let him fuck you; his big fat cock inside of you was almost more than you could bear. And if he kept doing things like this, you were sure your hole would rip apart, but the horny hunk fucked your ass so hard you started losing your mind. It was painful, but for some reason, it also felt so good…When you were about to pass out from the pain, you suddenly realized your hole wasn’t hurting anymore. In fact, the pressure was gone completely, and you thought you heard him say, “Fuck, you tight little fuck. You can feel every inch of my thick cock inside you…you know you love it slut…say it.” He spanked your ass as he rammed into you mercilessly, making you yelp. “Fuck yes, fuck me with your fat cock. It feels so fucking good inside me.” As he kept pounding into you harder and harder, the bathroom became silent except for the slapping sound of flesh on flesh. Then you could hear him moaning louder and faster, saying, “Yes, fuck yes, YES! FUCK ME, TAKE ME RAW YOU COCK LOVING SLUT!!” You weren’t sure who he was calling a slut cause you were drunk as fuck, but it sounded really hot. He shoved himself deeper inside your hole with each thrust. His pace increased, and he slammed his cock in and out, making you scream as he hit your G-spot with his thick shaft; the sensation was overwhelming.
Every single inch of your hole felt full, stretching to accommodate the thickness of his massive meat. He yanked your hair, pulling your head, making you arch your bag as he bit into your neck. You loved being fucked hard by a guy, but right now, nothing else mattered. All you cared about was having that monster thrust deep inside of you. He began breathing heavily in your ear, almost panting like an animal…He started grunting uncontrollably, shouting: “That’s it slut, take it, I’m gonna cum soon…I want to feel my cum splashing against that tight little asshole of yours, begging for more of my big fat cock.” When he came, you felt his hot, sticky load fill you up until it spilt out, filling your hole and dripping down your legs, covering them with his juices.
Author’s Note: Please Request/DM if you want me to write part 2!
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minarisplaything · 5 months
High Rise ft. IVE Wonyoung
Pairing: IVE Wonyoung x Male Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.4k Tags: Daddy kink, Exhibitionism, Choking A/N: i said i would didn't i? probably the fastest i've made a fic recently which also means please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes you find. might not be my best work but it sure was fun to write o7 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction/parody
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Dating a k-pop idol wasn’t easy. Especially when you were a so-called commoner. There were the obvious reasons, like you had to keep your relationship a secret until they reached their thirties, if you made it that long.And the not-so-obvious reasons; like watching your girlfriend parade around in sexy stage outfits and having to contain your desire to fuck her in them.
Or maybe that was just you.
When your girlfriend was Jang Wonyoung, a hyper-popular It girl – you cringed at even thinking those words aloud – the restrictions were even worse. Like that one time you had wanted to bring her flowers at her group's concert in Seoul and had to be snuck backstage with a bag over your head. Or the time someone had caught the two of you flirting candidly and Wonyoung blurted out that you were her cousin to save face. Embarrassing but somehow also cute when it came from her.
All this was to say it wasn’t easy.
But it certainly wasn’t without its benefits.
“Fuck, that one looks so good, princess,” you praised.
You snapped another photo as Wonyoung posed, biting her bottom lips and giving the camera a smoldering look. She hooked her fingers into her hip-hugging jeans, tugging them slightly as you quickly snapped another series of photos.
Honestly, you were somewhat shocked when Wonyoung told you her idea. It had felt provocative, mature even, and thus far each photo had proved that assumption right. But you rarely, if ever said no to her, even if her motivations were somewhat questionable. In fact, you wondered if this was all your fault.
“You left a like on Yuna-nim’s photo,” Wonyoung had said at the time. Her tone carried an accusatory hint.
“Did I?” you had stammered, trying to play naive. “I was just scrolling my feed and must’ve double tapped.”
“So you follow them?”
“Other girl groups,” Wonyoung clarified.
One thing you had learned about the IVE princess was that while she was sweet as a button on most days, she carried a jealous streak that verged on volatile. Sharing was not in her programming, least of all when it came to you.
You had recognized the trap forming but it had been too late. “Well, I mean, just to keep up. You know you do challenges sometimes and appear on their feeds.”
Her arms crossed over her chest, hip cocked to the side and slight pout was all the answer you needed.
That week you had gone without any physical contact from your girlfriend. Though she made sure to send you the filthiest selfies possible throughout. Which, oddly, worked. Because no matter how much you touched yourself to the photos she sent, it didn’t compare to the real thing.
It had seemed like the incident was over and in the past but as you snapped a few more photos of Wonyoung by the windowsill, you briefly wondered if this stemmed from it as well.
“Are you sure you’re going to post these on Instagram?” you asked, after a particularly racy photo.
“Mhm,” Wonyoung nodded. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before. Remember the bathroom?”
“Oh, I remember.”
You also remembered the ones that hadn’t made it to social media and were sent directly to you. But this still felt even more daring than this.
“How many likes do you think this will get?” she asked, coolly, giving the camera a sultry look. An innocent question. At least on the surface. But you remembered her comment one night as you two relaxed together.
“Besides, it’s to promote the sponsor, that’s all. This will get the most engagements,” she added. Her gaze dropped and a small smirk formed on her lips, “In fact, I’d say it’s already working.”
You followed her gaze, looking down to see a rather obvious tent had formed in your sweatpants. You laughed, a flush coloring your cheeks. “Well, shit. Can you blame me?”
“I guess I can’t,” Wonyoung said coolly.
The way she unbuttoned the top button of her jeans, spoke to more mischief however.
“Wony,” you wet your dry lips, “Are we still doing the shoot?”
“Mhm “ she nodded cutely, “Of course.”
She did another pose, pushing the waist of the jeans down to expose the lace underwear she had on underneath.
“You know, I love it up here. It’s perfect,” Wonyoung said. “Don’t you agree?”
“Yeah…” you muttered, more focused on the sight of her exposed abs and smooth skin than her question.
By here she was referring to the penthouse you were using for the photoshoot. Funny enough, she could easily afford a place like this on her own. Though that would only spur on more talk about inequality among the rookie group.
“Being so high up…” she turned her head to look out the window. Your breath caught as you watched delicate fingers slip inside of her jeans. “We can see everything but no one can see us. Even if we were naked against this window they’d never know…”
Now you weren’t the smartest bulb in the room. In fact, sometimes you wondered if it was your self-proclaimed himbo status that Wonyoung liked most about you. But even you could put two and two together. And Wonyoung’s words combined with the side-eyed glance she was giving you were all screaming one thing.
“I could show my naked body to all of Seoul and no one. would. know.”
Her tongue pronounced every syllable while she locked eyes with you. As sweet and kind as Wonyoung could be she had an undeniable minx side to her. You were also fairly certain your girlfriend got off on the power high of being such a desired person but you had never actually confirmed that.
If you were starting to get hard when she pointed it out earlier, you were practically aching now. You tossed your phone onto the couch and made your way over to where Wonyoung was by the window. She let out a delighted squeal as you pushed her up against the glass, kissing her passionately.
Your hands moved against her stomach, feeling her toned abs that were shown off by the outfit she was wearing. Honestly, you should send a bouquet to whatever designer sent this to her to promote. You nipped at Wonyoung's bottom lip, your hands sliding into her unbuttoned pants to squeeze her ass.
"It took you long enough," Wonyoung gasped, mischief gleaming in her eyes. "I thought was going to have to beg you to fuck me."
Your cock twitched, straining painfully against your jeans, "You still could you know."
She must have been in a good mood because the idol looked at you with large eyes, biting on her bottom lip. "Please fuck me against the window, daddy."
You see, it had taken some time but you learned that your girlfriend had two modes. The arrogant queen who knew all of Seoul was her playground and made you worship at her feet. Then there was the submissive princess who begged to be pleased until she was satisfied. Often her mood was some mixture of the two but neither one left you unsatisfied.
"If that's what the Princess wants," you growled.
A delighted smile crossed the idol's features followed by another joyful squeal when you spun her around to face the window. Her hands rose, catching herself as she turned her head to look over her shoulder. You could see the aroused flush creeping up her neck and coloring her round cheeks.
"Didn't you say something about showing everyone your tits?" you whispered in her ear.
Not waiting for a response, you pulled her top down, exposing her tits to the cool glass of the window earning a gasp from Wonyoung in response. You pressed further against her, the bulge in your pants pushing against her ass.
"This whole shoot was just to rile me up, wasn't it?" you said, your breath hot against the shell of her ear. Your hands moved quickly to yank the jean pants she was wearing, exposing the white lace panties that she had teased you with a peek of earlier.
"Maybe," Wonyoung mewled, arching her back perfectly.
Your hands hooked into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down to reveal her bare ass to your hungry gaze, "Bullshit. You knew what you were doing."
"Maybe I just wanted to remind you of what's right in front of you," she said.
There it was. That switch up she was capable of. It also confirmed your theory that your girlfriend hadn't exactly forgiven and forgotten about the Instagram incident. Well, there was no time better than now to put the matter to bed. You gripped your cock, slipping it between her legs to get it slick from her dripping sex.
"Oh, I'm well aware of what's in front of me," you started. Slowly you began to slip your thick cock inside of her, inch by inch with each syllable. "The most beautiful." More. "Talented." More. "Gorgeous." More. "Perfect." More. "Princess."
"Fuck!" Wonyoung moaned, her forehead bracing against the window.
"Is the princess feeling full?"
"So, so full…" she cooed.
"And I didn't even get to mention how good a girlfriend you are," you teased.
You could feel her pussy quivering around your length, stretching to accommodate the familiar intrusion of your cock. Wonyoung's hands were splayed against the windows of the high-rise, her ass pushed out and into you. She was on full display and only you were lucky enough to see it.
You could take it slow with steady, languid strokes, gently fucking your girlfriend against the window. But something told you that wasn't what she nor you wanted at that moment. Your fingers flexed around her waist, pulling out your cock until just the tip remained inside of her before thrusting your entire length back inside of her. Wonyoung's body jolted with pleasure as she braced her nude body against the window.
"This is what you wanted isn't it?" Harder. "To know how much you turn me on." Faster. "To see how fucking hard you get me." Deeper. "No one else makes me like this." Repeat.
A mixture of mewls and moans fell from the idol's mouth at your relentless rhythm. Her head fell forward, her cheek pressed up against the glass. Perspiration was starting to form across her flawless skin and you had to resist the urge to lean forward and lick it up. You wanted to prove a point, to fuck Wonyoung to the point of exhaustion for the whole city to see. After that maybe you'd enjoy the little perversions.
"You probably say that to every - fuck - every girl," Wonyoung panted, glancing at you from over her shoulder. "You're probably just waiting to move onto the next idol you're drooling over."
She didn't say it with enough conviction for you to believe she truly felt that way. For starters, while Wonyoung may get jealous, she was not insecure. At least, not enough to ever think another idol was above her. It was more often a toxic possessive kind of jealousy. But nonetheless, in the heat of the moment you'd take the bait.
"Is that what you think?" he said, your breathing growing heavy with your harsh thrust. Conversation wasn't exactly easy at this pace. "Did you miss what I said earlier, huh?"
One hand moved from her waist to slip around Wonyoung's throat. She inhaled sharply, her breath catching in her throat as you squeezed. For a passing second there was no sound save for the repeated slaps of skin against skin as your hips were flush against Wonyoung's ass each time you entered her.
"I only want you," you finally gasp. "Always you."
Rather than another vulgar display to go along with your words, you merely lean over her, capturing her lips in a sideways kiss. It's messy and imperfect but it's also loving and passionate. Your tongues dance together all while your bodies remain intertwined. You can feel Wonyoung pussy quivering around your cock intensely as she moans into your mouth. When you pull back, you look at your girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"Did you just cum from that?" you asked.
"S-shut up," Wonyoung retorted. You noticed a bright red hue of embarrassment coloring her cheeks before she hid her face, "Don't stop until you finish inside of me,"
It was always adorable when she continued trying to be dominant after her own orgasm. However, her words had an undeniable effect on you. "If that's what the princess wants."
You returned to the task at hand, focusing your efforts solely on chasing your first release and Wonyoung's second orgasm.
"Daddy," Wonyoung mewled, finding her voice. "I want you to cum, daddy. I want you to cum deep inside my tight pussy.""
You had a sinking suspicion that her words were payback for causing her embarrassing moments earlier. Her attempt at provoking you to blow your load sooner than you had intended to.
Regardless it worked to immediate effect. Your hips jerked, slamming against hers from behind. Your sweat-drenched body pressed flush against Wonyoung, pushing her up against the high-rise window. Your cock twitched, ropes of your sticky seed shooting inside of her womb as her walls convulsed around your length.
Of course the two things that pushed her over the edge would be you saying how you loved her and her revelling the power she had to make you cum on the spot. Truly a representative of her duality.
After a moment had passed and you began to regain your bearings you pressed a kiss to Wonyoung's shoulder.
"That was incredible, Wony," you muttered.
"I know," she said, her form practically radiating. "You weren't bad either."
You let out a chuckle, placing another lazy kiss to her skin, "Maybe we should've included that in the photoshoot."
Wonyoung smiled but didn't immediately respond. After a moment of delay she turned in your arms to look at you.
"Did you mean all those things you said?" she asked.
Her wide eyes looked at you and you reached up to brush aside a strand of sweat soaked hair. There was no hesitation in your response when you answered her.
"Absolutely. And don't you think otherwise for a second."
A smile beamed across the idol's face and she leaned forward, burying her face into your neck. Your arms wrapped around her and quietly you wondered if you weren't the luckiest man in the world.
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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smutoperator · 3 months
Luck Inside Her Backdoor
Kim Yoohyeon x Male Reader
Tags: 100% anal, big ass, butt plug, casting couch, facial, gape, glasses, (a lot of) lube, sloppy blowjobs, sugar daddy
Word count: 4223.
Your daughter came with an unusual request. She wanted to attend the concert of a K-pop group. You had never heard of them. Dreamcatcher, apparently. But you decided to be a good father and give her the tickets to the concert. You knew nothing about them but wanted to make your daughter happy, especially following the recent divorce you had with her mother.
At the concert, one of the girls caught your attention. She was quite tall and moved her body perfectly while also performing great interactions with the crowd. "What's her name?" you asked your daughter. "Yoohyeon," she replied.
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Indeed, Yoohyeon had hypnotized you, especially her ass. You kinda wanted to impress your daughter and see if you could find a way to meet Dreamcatcher after the concert, but more than this, you wanted to take a closer look at her.
You contacted the managers, who said it wasn't possible; they just weren't going to give you access. But you insisted, using your money and influence to bribe them and get your daughter to have an improvised fan meet with them.
Your daughter was quite happy, taking as many pictures with their idols as she could. But you were even more delighted as you managed to sneak in a message to Yoohyeon. "If you're still in town tomorrow, meet me at this place. Here's my phone number." Yoohyeon was about to throw it out, but she texted you out of curiosity, asking why you would want to meet her in private. "For sex, tell me where your place is, and I'll pick you up," you replied in the next message. "Sure," she agreed.
You left your daughter at school and guided Yoohyeon to your place. It was a cold day, meaning she was wearing a quite long jacket, but her long-sleeved top had all the buttons in place but still showed off her beautiful midriff and elongated navel, while her jeans showcased the great figure of her bottom. She also looked extremely cute with the glasses she had on. Yoohyeon sat on your couch as you approached her, asking her a question. "Are you ready for your audition?"
As soon as Yoohyeon heard those words, she already knew what to do, getting on her knees. She slowly took off her jeans and panties, showcasing her meaty pussy and the butt plug covering her asshole. You already knew her ass was amazing, but it looked even better in full display—truly a packed and stacked bubble butt.
Yoohyeon gave you a little smirk as you started playing with her anal plug using your left hand, removing it, then putting it back in a couple times. Every time her butthole got exposed, you used your tongue to lick it fully. Yoohyeon enjoyed the attention as you focused on her ass before sliding your right hand under her to massage her pussy. "Ah yes," she said in approval.
Having someone willing to be her sugar daddy was something she wasn't expecting. Things looked pretty safe for Yoohyeon as of lately. Her group avoided the seven-year curse, and she had a steady income from sales and touring, but she knew she had to ace today's performance more than any concert to be set for life. She got herself barefoot as you kept playing with the plug in her ass and making her let out some very sexy moans.��
You picked up the pace and fucked her a little faster using the plug while placing your free hand at her massive cheeks. You started giving Yoojyeon some hot kisses without looking at her cute face as both of you closed your eyes to enjoy the touching of both your lips better. Between the kisses, you continued to warm up her asshole, pushing the plug in and out of it.
"Let me see that dick," Yoohyeon interrupted you with a naughty request as her eyes brightened under the glass. "You want it now?" you asked. "Yes," she said with a big smile, truly ready to impress her sugar daddy. But you decided to tease her a little, fingering her pussy while still manuvering the plug in her asshole. "Take it yourself," you told her.
Yoohyeon turned around and placed her hands in your belt, taking it off and then unzipping you as she unveiled your cock. It was still flaccid due to the weather, but it definitely had the size. Nothing like some little work couldn't fix it, as Yoohyeon grabbed it hard and inserted it in her warm mouth, prompting a rush of blood from the rest of your body towards your pole.
You started taking your shirt off as Yoohyeon coughed on your dick while taking it deep in her throat for the first time. She managed to warm your cock up so quickly that it wasn't long before your tip was springing out of the foreskin. "Oh fuck, oh shit, god damn it," you murmured as Yoohyeon started her no-hands blowjob that made her gag on it.
As more spit came out of Yoohyeon's mouth, she started to unbutton her jacket and take it off without ever leaving your cock out of her mouth, even with you making it harder on her by pushing her head against your crotch, as she closed her eyes while her forehead landed on your belly. That only made Yoohyeon try harder, as she had now taken her jacket off to the fullest and started loosening up her top's buttons one by one as soon as she gagged on your prick once again, rolling her eyes as her glasses touched the base of your cock.
Yoohyeon pulled out of your cock as soon as she managed to take her top off, with you moving her face close to yours to kiss her sloppy mouth while caressing her beautiful round boobs. You took Yoohyeon's pantyhose off, the last piece of clothing she was wearing, staring at her now fully naked body from top to bottom. It was freezing cold outside, but her body was so hot that you weren't feeling anything. Quite the contrary, as your cock was now fully erected and throbbing for more heat from Yoohyeon's filthy mouth.
As Yoohyeon dove under your cock to suck you off a little more, you placed your right hand right on top of her big ass, closing your eyes as her mouth sucked the shit out of your dick. You fucked her ass with the plug, dreaming of replacing it with your cock the more she gagged on it. You pushed your shaft a little up, reaching all the way down her throat, to make it harder for her, leading Yoohyeon to gulp and almost throw up as you hit her gag reflexes. You two started it all over again, this time with her lasting much longer with it bulging under her throat as she quickly adjusted to your length while also adding some hot massage to your ballsack. 
She really knew where to hit the right spots, as Yoohyeon's massage ended up being a massive turn-on to you. And she sensed the same, increasing the speed at which her hands moved around your big balls. "Oh my God," it was all you could say once she finally finished it, moving towards fast dives into your cock and a high-paced blowjob that slowly turned her on as well, making her nipples quite hard in the process.
You pushed Yoohyeon's hair a little to the side to have a better view of her pretty face gagging all over your meat. But it didn't take long until you received a request from her. "I want you to shove this dick deep in my ass," she said. You loved hearing those words. Yoohyeon was ready to take it straight up her butthole and not waste any time in her pussy. She knew she had to go big or go home, and her begging voice clearly indicated it. Today, it was anal or bust.
"You do? Then beg me," you tease her. "Please, daddy, shove it up in my big fat ass; I want you to stretch my asshole out and gape it to the size of the moon." Yoohyeon meant business as she turned around and got on her knees on the couch, her butt now facing you as she licked her tongue. You removed the plug off her anus in one go as Yoohyeon held her left hand into the couch's arm, bracing herself for your big cock fully inside her. You added some lube as her butthole quickly started to clench shortly after the plug's removal.
You shoved your tip on Yoohyeon's backdoor, taking advantage of the lube you placed at her anal entrance, leading her to elicit a few moans. "Oh my God, yes," she approved as your shaft slowly disappeared inside her bunghole. You penetrated it slowly, making sure to take your cock deep inside her cavity from the start. Yoohyeon then starts fingering her pussy to increase the stimulation as you grab her slippery tush with just your right hand.
You give Yoohyeon very deep pumps, with the lube helping you slide all the way in with ease. Running your hands on top of her ass, you keep impaling her with your full length for a decent amount, leading her to scream. "FUCK!" she yells as every inch of your cock is already buried inside her butthole. "Want to take it deep again?" you ask. "AHHHHH YESSSS," she says in sync with your cock ripping her hole apart as you pull out of her.
Yoohyeon closes her eyes as you get ready for yet another deep anal insertion. This time, you go a little faster, making her feel much more of the heat. "Ugh, fuck, give me, give me, give me that cock," she says, her body bouncing at each thurst you give her. You pull out to check her already large gape, spitting straight inside her asshole and pounding her big ass with more speed as soon as you go back inside. "Ohhhh, so fucking deep," she says as her voice starts to crack, squealing as your balls start clapping her round cheeks, rolling her eyes at each pump you give her.
You pour some extra lube on her cheeks and your cock. Yoohyeon's ass jiggled as she felt your meat stretching her cornhole out. You kept putting more lube in her ass and using your hand to spread it out as she panted and moaned with your cock deep inside her butthole, enjoying the massage you were giving her butt. "Put it deep in my asshole; oh fuck, make me cum so much," she said as you started pounding her harder with the lube fully settled in and making her ass shine.
Yoohyeon held her hands against the couch's arm as you railed her, groaning and getting out of breath. "YEAH! YEAH!" she screamed at each pump. She put her ass up and enjoyed your balls smashing her cunt, rolling her eyes while doing so. You started spanking her fat cheeks, showing off who her owner truly was, and printing your hands all over her ass before switching to slower thursts to enjoy your shaft disappearing inside her ass to the fullest while she screamed in submission to your cock and groaned more and more.
"Let me taste that dick," Yoohyeon said as she pulled out. That imposing girl you saw the day before had turned into a submissive whore who would do everything to please her sugar daddy's huge cock. As she dove back into your shaft, you surprised her with some thrusts into her mouth. You weren't even going fast, but she was already spitting all over that dick. You grabbed her by the hair, shoving your cock harder in her mouth as you increased the pace. Yoohyeon was gagging and spitting so hard that your cock had turned into a pudding mess of saliva.
Still catching her breath, Yoohyeon sits on your massive meat and starts riding it, giving you a perfect view of her ass bouncing up and down your cock as she gets impaled. Her spit is more effective than any lube, it turns out. She goes slow, trying to adjust to your length as she puts her feet on your thighs while riding. But as soon as she does that, you pump your cock up Yoohyeon's shithole, challenging her to keep her balance as you mercilessly pound her ass.
"FUCK, IT'S SO HUGE!" Yoohyeon screams as she closes her eyes and grips her feet as hard as she can against your thighs, managing to regain control of the bounce as she finally takes it full length inside her asshole. Yoohyeon pants a lot but wants more, gyrating her hips as she takes it deeper in her anus.
Your cock hitting the whole length of Yoohyeon's butthole makes her moan much harder. You sense the opportunity and start fingering her cunt while she bounces on your manhood. Yoohyeon now spreads her legs as you massage her clit, getting even more passionate as you draw her body closer to you, kissing her while she moves up and down your cock and running your hands all over her fit belly and sexy tits.
"GOD, YES, YES," Yoohyeon felt overwhelmed: your mouth in her lips, your hands now deep in her meaty pussy, just like your cock balls deep in her ass, it was too much for her to handle as she closed her legs and her thighs started to jiggle involuntairly. You took advantage, and shortly after, you resumed pounding her hard. Yoohyeon couldn't decide between staring at the ceiling and closing her eyes or staring at your big cock manhandling her. Your high-intensity pounding had flipped a switch on her, as she started bouncing hard on your dick as if she had something to prove. Well, she kind of did, but at this pace, she had passed your test with ease; everything else was just a bonus now.
"OHHHHHH. UGGGGHHHHH," Yoohyeon lets out a massive scream as you tilt her body slightly and start hammering her. But her next reaction would be even more priceless. "Oh shit," is all she can say when you lift her legs up and lock them with your arms, placing her under a full Nelson as you hit deep in her shitter. Yoohyeon is completely imobilized and gets the perfect view of your cock working inside her bunghole.
"Ahhh, oh my fucking God," is all Yoohyeon manages to say when you free her and now tilt her entire body sideways, closing her legs as you kiss her passionately and keep stretching her out, her pussy gushing at each pounding you give her asshole. "Holy fuck, you're making me cream so hard," she says as she gets fucked with her legs fully up in the air and the perfect view for you to look at her face screaming and crying. "Ahhhh, so so good," she says in an almost muffled manner as you get close to her face to kiss her, grabbing her thighs as you give her a sort of spooning with her legs lifted.
Yoohyeon moans a lot, prompting you to tell her to hush. You spread her legs a little for deeper penetration as you increase the speed of your poundings in her butthole. Yoohyeon fingers herself as her left leg rests on your couch while her right leg is fully up in the air. You go harder and get her out of breath before slowing down to take a pair of deep pumps in her ass.
"Now taste it," you say as you pull out of Yoohyeon's dirty hole and she gets on her feet for the first time in a long while. But that doesn't even last a couple seconds. Like a puppy, Yoohyeon crawls back to your big rod on all fours to suck it dry and taste her shithole, gagging on it, slurping it, and massaging your balls as you run your hands all over her big ass.
"Ready to go back?" you ask her. Yoohyeon doesn't need any words to answer, just her eagerness to jump on that pole and ride it like a cowgirl as she lines it up against her anal entrace once more as you add more lube to her shiny cheeks. Yoohyeon sits on it as she tilts her body down and lets your cock fill her ass up to the fullest while you massage her huge tush that carries half her weight. She starts very slowly, enjoying every time your tip touches the depths of her bunghole. You spread her ass a little for easier penetration, grabbing it to push it up and get longer bounces from her.
"Shit!" Yoohyeon exclaims as you start clapping against her ass again and giving it some spanking. She rests her head on the couch, bracing herself for another round of rough pounding. You get so overconfident that your cock slips out of her hole, but you quickly make up for it, making her cheeks make a noise akin to someone's while riding a horse, as all the lube accumulated around it makes it splash at each pump. And indeed, Yoohyeon was getting mauled by a horse hung all the way deep in her ass at an increased speed.
Drops of Yoohyeon's saliva were still glued to your cock as they created a little string between your cock and her buttcheeks, resisting your hard thursts as you now spanked both her cheeks. Yoohyeon decided to take a bit of control and ride it herself, much to your approval. "Just like that," you told her as Yoohyeon smashed her fat ass against your hips and made your cock disappear between her enormous cheeks.
You pulled out and gaped Yoohyeon's asshole as some fluid came out of her asshole. It was the lube that accumulated inside her after so much pounding; although it looked so much like cum, it felt like you had creampied her when it landed on your skin. "Want another gape?" you asked. "Yeah," she answered while moaning as you slowly removed your cock and spread her cheeks. Her butthole was fully red and wide after such a long and rough fucking.
Yoohyeon put your cock back in and bounced a bit, but soon it would be stopped as you gaped her again, this time placing your middle finger at the edges of her anus and spreading it out. But Yoohyeon wanted something different. "Stop teasing me and fuck my ass," she says as you insert your cock back in her and give her a hard pounding while beating her buttcheeks like a drum.
Yoohyeon then decided to place her feet on the couch to give your meat another ride, bouncing her fat ass so hard that your impalment eventually hurt her, leading you to lift her ass up in the air and regain control of the pounding, showing no mercy for her now sore asshole. Yoohyeon tries to stay strong as you tear her ass apart, howling and screaming like a puppy. Her cheeks are fully red, she groans and moans like never before, and the couch trembles at each pounding you give her. "AHHHHHHHHHH,"  she screams hard as you continue to impale her nonstop.
"Yes, baby, I love that dick in my ass. I love it," Yoohyeon says. "Then show it," you tell her, pulling out for her to taste it once more as you dunk her head on your cock. "Gag on it, bitch," you demand as she also spits on it, and you impale her mouth like it's her dirty asshole. Yoohyeon can barely breathe, but you don't care and push her to the limit, giving her a congratulatory kiss shortly after.
"Get on all fours like a good puppy," you tell her. An extra lube and your cock slide inside Yoohyeon's gaped butthole with little resistance, going deep inside her in the first thrust. Her wet cunt taints your couch, but you couldn't care less; you just wanted to admire her stretched hole, taking your cock in and out of it to the fullest multiple times. "Ahhhh, stretch my asshole," Yoohyeon begs as you keep playing with it and watch her cunt drip.
In, out, in, out. You keep doing it, now a little faster, until Yoohyeon spreads her cheeks just enough for you to pound her to the fullest. "AHHHHHHH. AHHHHHH," she screams with her eyes closed as you top her and ram her like a dog. She cries a bit as you spank her ass and clap her cheeks hard. "OHHHHH FUCK FUCK," she keeps begging. Your couch now creaks at each pump you give inside Yoohyeon's used-up asshole as you take her balls deep. "Good puppy," you tell her after you slow down. She can only look at you with begging eyes as you dominate her.
"You're gonna make me fucking cum so hard," Yoohyeon says as Squirt keeps gushing out of her vagina. Her impending orgasm leads to pleasurable pain for her as her already sore anal walls get even more sensitive, and she keeps barking and howling. "Then let me see it," you tell her.
You order Yoohyeon to put her back on the couch and face you, giving her a missionary fucking. Her legs tremble as she starts cumming while you fuck her ass, enjoying an amazing orgasm that only gets better after each thrust. Even your cock now is a little bent over after such long wear and tear up her butthole. "Jeez," Yoohyeon says as she continues to orgasm and you continue to fuck her.
Yoohyeon spreads her anus and shows you her massive gape once more. She's so stretched out now that even your balls can enter her anus while barely forcing them in. She's just your slutty puppy, your begging sugar baby, and your anal gloryhole. "Stretch my ass," she says as you place your thumb in her mouth. One extra layer of lube to grant her wish, and you're back inside her worn-out pooper. You grab her legs to allow you to increase your pace. Yoohyeon feels it as just a couple of faster thrusts have already sent her over the moon. "Oh fuck," is all she can say; her tits now jiggle as you go rougher on her, putting your hands between them. The couch continues to creak, now harder than ever as she can barely say any words now with your cock hammering her like a sex toy. Now her whole body trembles just as you give her a rest and switch to a slow-paced fucking of her lube-filled shitter.
But your mercy only lasts a few seconds as you rub Yoohyeon's dripping cunt, searching for more squirt, sensing she's still aching inside her holes. "D-d-daddy," she says with her grinding teeth, in a way you can barely hear it. She keeps squealing and moaning as she feels weaker than ever and can barely feel her legs. Your dominance over her is almost complete; you just need one item to cross off your sugar baby's checklist.
Yoohyeon closes her eyes and opens her mouth. You keep pumping her deep. She seems to be waiting for something. It doesn't take you long to find out. "May I have your cum, please?" she asks. "You want it? you reply. "I want your cum. I want it so fucking bad; please, please, give me your cum," she continues. You increase the pace of fucking her asshole, getting ready to finish inside it and crown your work of art, pushing Yoohyeon's body hard against the couch's arm, but she has different plans.
"I want your cum all over my fucking face. Hit my face with your fucking cum; cover my glass. Please, please, cum on my face; I want to taste it. Please, I want your cum. Please, please, please," Yoohyeon starts to beg. You answer her as she gets on her knees, and you start jerking your cock off before she takes control and does it herself, sucking it and getting it ready to burst. "You want that cum? Work for it!" you tease her. "Yes, I want your fucking cum," she says. "Oh, keep going," you tell her as she gets you on the edge and close to finishing.
"Oh fuck, I wanna cum." It doesn't take long for you to say those words. After an extra jerkoff from Yoohyeon, you cover her nose and her glasses full of jizz, eratically shooting to a point where some of it lands on her collarbone. A very pleased Yoohyeon sucks your cock, and now your legs are the ones that tremble. Then she takes her glasses off to lick and swallow the cum that got stuck in there, later scooping what was in her face and sending it straight to her needy mouth.
Yoohyeon keeps sucking your cock, still hard, even after she drained your balls. "Can I be your sugar baby now?" she asked. "You didn't even need to ask," you tell her. As she keeps jerking you off and you guys start thinking of your future plans, she hears some noise coming out of the door.
"I think someone is entering the house," Yoohyeon says. "Let's get out of here."
It was your daughter.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Caught (König x F!Reader)
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Pairing: König x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Male/Female Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Graphic Descriptions of Genitalia, Sex Toys, P in V Sex, Unprotected Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampie Word Count: 1k+
Summary: Your husband, König, has been away on a three month-long mission, leaving you to your own devices (in more ways than one). He returns home earlier than expected...and walks in on you pleasuring yourself while moaning his name.
Author's Note: Just something short and sweet for today. Enjoy!
Your jaw went slack as you rubbed the buzzing tip of the vibrator over your swollen clit. Each wave of vibrations sent electricity coursing through your wet core. Your bottom lip was sore from how much you were biting it. You’ve been edging yourself for the past hour, hoping to match an orgasm that you’d only receive from having sex with your husband. Your legs were spread wide on your bed as your other hand came down to tease your entrance for the nth time. All you could think about was König.
His large hands tightly gripping your waist. His mouth open and hot tongue rolling over your own. His cock stretching your cunt in ways your fingers just never could. Since he’s been gone on a long mission, you were left to pleasure yourself. You were against the idea at first, only wanting him to claim your euphoria. Yet here you were, legs out on the mattress and spreading yourself open with your digits. Your slick trickled down your fingers as you desperately plunged them into your quivering hole. You sped up the vibrator and gasped as pleasure billowed through you, your walls clenching around your digits. You curled your fingers into your g-spot, ensuring each thrust was more intense than the last.
“König,” you moaned fervently.
“Maus?” a familiar voice piqued. Your eyes snapped open as you gasped, the vibrator quickly falling out of your hand. König stood in the doorway to your bedroom, his sniper hood long forgotten yet his features still marked with dark face paint. His arms were at his side while he gawked at how you laid on the bed. Your entire body tensed as he stared you down with his wide, sapphire eyes.
“K-Kö,” you stammered. You slipped your fingers out of your soaked folds before closing your legs together. A dark blush bloomed across your cheeks as your husband lumbered towards your side of the bed. He seemed puzzled as his hand came up to cup your cheek.
“Why’d you stop?” he hushed. Your mouth was agape while your eyes nearly popped out of your head.
“Wh-What?” you squeaked. König’s eyes grazed up and down your naked form, soaking in the beautiful sight he’s missed for so many months. The bed dipped as he climbed in front of you, eyes never leaving your burning face.
“Why’d you stop, Schatz? I was enjoying what you were doing,” he admitted unabashedly. The heat spreads to the tips of your ears as your walls clench inside of you. König was usually more reserved when it came to sex, but perhaps the residual adrenaline from his mission gave him a renewed sense of boldness. Your throat felt dry as you swallowed. He patiently waited, hands resting on your knees.
“I-You’re not mad?” you blinked. König released a quiet laugh. He leaned over to your ear, his lips dancing over the shell.
“Why would I be mad when you're making me feel this good?” he grunted. König gently took your hand and guided it down to his crotch. Your eyes grew at the feeling of his hard length being cupped in your palm. His lips trailed down your jawline, teeth nipping at your skin every so often. His other hand came around and gently placed itself on your hip.
“Show me, Maus. Show me how you pleasure yourself while I’m gone,” König growled before biting your bottom lip. You moaned, a delectable pressure overwhelming your aching cunt. Your love pulled away, his hungry eyes ready to feast on the sight before him. You took a deep breath before sliding your hand down to pick up the smooth vibrator. It hummed in your grasp as you flicked your eyes back to his. The blues of his eyes were shrouded with his dark, blown pupils. You slowly opened your legs. He licked his lips as he saw your cunt gush with your juices. You lowered the toy over your puffy folds.
“Mein Gott,” your husband groaned. His dick hardened beneath his slacks as you moved down to circle your entrance with the head of the vibrator. Your head fell back as you began to shallowly pump it into your tight entrance. König hissed between gritted teeth as his hand snaked beneath his pants. Your lidded gaze watched him pull his dick out. His slit was adorned with a thick drop of precum while he began to fist his shaft. You shuddered before finally sinking the toy into your tight, gummy walls.
“Just like that,” König encouraged with a hushed grunt. He bucked his hips into his curled hand, his fingers dragging across his thick, veiny shaft. You gasped every time the vibrator buzzed against your spongy g-spot, sending ripples of bliss through your cunt. Your other hand drifted down and began to draw slow, delicious circles around your clit. The duet of your moans and pants filled the room as both of you drew yourselves closer to the edge.
“Look so pretty spread out like this, Liebling,” your husband moaned. You fluttered your lashes, and when you locked eyes with him, a white, hot bliss shot through your body. Your toes curled and back arched as you cried out, your juices coating the toy that relentlessly sent flashes of euphoria through you. König groaned at the sight, his dick wrapped snugly in his fist as he desperately pumped his throbbing length. Soon, his mouth echoed a ravenous moan as his cock twitched in his grasp.
“Fuck,” he hissed. His seed spilled into his hand and onto the mattress below your convulsing cunt. He growled as he bucked his hips, his darkened eyes never leaving yours. You panted as you watched his face twist in ecstasy, his hand gripping on his shaft like it would keep him from completely falling apart. He blinked a few times before a red curtain fell over his cheeks.
You pulled the vibrator out of your tight, sensitive walls. You quickly turned it off before climbing onto his lap. Your dripping pussy hovered above his cum-soaked head. You wrapped your lips around his, smiling as his hands pawed and gripped at your waist.
“I missed you so much, baby,” you gasped into his lips. His eyes glimmered while he squeezed you in a tight bear hug.
“I missed you too, Liebling,” König sighed. You hungrily drank his kiss as you lowered your hips. His fingers dug into the flesh as you dragged your drenched folds along his cock, lathering it with your juices. He moaned into the kiss, his hips moving on their own. The aftershocks of your orgasm pulsed through your overstimulated cunny as his shaft glided across your lower lips.
“Maus, please, I need to be inside you,” König begged. You smiled warmly and pecked his lips. You raised your hips, your hand grabbing and giving his cock a few generous pumps. His hands remained at your sides as you slowly lowered yourself onto his thick member. A deep rumble came from his throat as he bit where your neck and shoulder met. Your face twisted as you felt yourself being opened wide by his heavy length. He’d split you in two if it weren’t for all the foreplay you did.
“Kö-“ you keened as you arched your back. Both of you gasped when your ass drifted down to his hips, his head snug against your cervix. Your chest rose and fell, walls hugging his cock in a vice grip. Your husband’s eyes were squeezed shut as he gently bucked into your pooling heat. You took it as a sign to start moving. You hooked your arms around his bent neck and raised your hips. A breathy moan left his lips as you slowly pulled yourself up and down on his length. You drooled as his head breached your walls each time, your pussy squelching with every tender thrust.
“Feel so good, Kö. You fill me up so good,” you praised with a savory roll of your hips. His fingernails pressed crescents into your hips while he jutted into you. Soon you were being bounced on his cock, his hands guiding you along his massive length. Every inch of you was taken by him: his lips swallowing your moans, his muscular thighs keeping you grounded, his cock plunging into your gummy walls.
“(Y/N), I’m going to cum,” König panted frantically as he pounded up into you. You locked lips with him, eyes lidded and walls clenching around him.
“Inside!” you mewled. His moans grew louder before they fell into a crescendo. You cried as he slammed you down on his heavy cock, your walls convulsing around him. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your second orgasm crashed over you. König released a feral growl as he spilled inside of you. White liquid soon poured from where your sexes joined, pooling onto his lap below.
“So good, you did so good, meine Schatz,” he praised as you rode out the rest of your high. You panted as you locked eyes. He held you in his lap, cock softening inside your cum-soaked cunt.
“I love you,” König breathed, eyes shining with the depths of admiration he held for you. You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him.
“I love you too, baby,” you cooed. His body radiated a warmth like no other as he wrapped you in a tight embrace. He shifted you in his lap before he positioned you to lay on your back. You giggled as he peppered kisses all over your face.
“Let’s take a shower. I’ve been wanting to bathe with my beautiful wife for so long,” König said while brushing your cheek with one of his fingers. You grinned, pecking his lips.
“That sounds wonderful,” you replied. A squeal left your lips as your husband picked you up and threw you over his broad shoulder. “König!” you laughed. He grinned as he carried you towards the bathroom. Your body felt light in his touch as he turned the light on. Your eyes raked over his taut, naked form that was crisply reflected in the mirror.
“Are you going to put me down?” you teased as you pinched his asscheek. He rumbled lowly before reaching up and smacking your ass. Your eyes widened. This night was far from over.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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elryuse · 2 months
Hey can you drop if possible yandere kwon eunbi
The Devil Within Her
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The fluorescent lights of the practice room buzzed overhead, their harsh glare highlighting the smudged mascara tracks staining Eunbi's porcelain skin. The air hung heavy with the ghosts of past rehearsals, each echoing step a memory of Iz*One's vibrant energy, now a cruel echo in the sterile silence. The news of her ex-boyfriend's betrayal, a fresh gash on her heart, felt insignificant compared to the gaping hole left by the group's disbandment.
In this emotional wasteland, a single, comforting presence remained – Y/n. Unlike the stylists who fawned over her fleeting beauty and the managers consumed by the bottom line, Y/n possessed a genuine warmth. He wasn't swept away by the dazzling facade of Eunbi, the K-pop idol. He saw the woman beneath the shimmering outfits and perfectly choreographed dance moves – a woman vulnerable, hurting, and desperately clinging to the remnants of her dreams.
He'd become her confidante, a silent rock in the ever-shifting sands of her career. A shared smile after a grueling practice session, a knowing glance across the crowded music show stage – these unspoken moments bloomed into a secret language, a garden nurtured in the sterile confines of the entertainment industry. These stolen moments fueled a yearning within Eunbi, a desire that transcended their professional dynamic.
One starless night, Eunbi found herself slumped on the worn practice room floor, the sting of betrayal a bitter pill in her throat. The rhythmic thump of the bass from the studio down the hall mimicked the erratic beat of her heart. Suddenly, a familiar weight settled beside her. Y/n, his eyes reflecting a quiet concern, offered a box of tissues. The simple gesture, the silent understanding that transcended words, sent a jolt through her. In that moment, a seed, dark and possessive, took root in Eunbi's heart.
Years flowed by, a delicate dance of unspoken emotions. Y/n remained a constant, his unwavering support a lifeline in the whirlwind of Eunbi's solo career. Yet, the hunger within her gnawed relentlessly. She craved a deeper connection, a possessiveness that transcended the boundaries of their professional dynamic.
Then, the world tilted on its axis. News of Y/n's upcoming marriage arrived like a physical blow. The vibrant colors of her meticulously curated life leached into a dull grey. The thought of him, her silent knight, belonging to another woman was unbearable. A cold fury, a possessiveness so fierce it bordered on madness, consumed her.
Eunbi, the idol known for her innocent smile and sugary pop anthems, vanished. In her place emerged a woman fueled by a twisted sense of ownership. Whispers of "accidents" plagued Y/n's fiancee, her promising career crumbling overnight. The fear in the woman's eyes, the desperate pleas for help that reached Eunbi's ears through carefully placed sources, fueled a twisted sense of satisfaction in Eunbi.
One frantic night, Y/N burst into Eunbi's practice room, his face a mask of terror, a stark contrast to his usual cheerful demeanor. "What have you done?" he rasped, his voice laced with a fear he couldn't mask.
Eunbi leaned back in her chair, a cold smile twisting her lips. "Just ensuring you understand who truly cares for you, Y/n," she said, her voice devoid of warmth, laced with a chilling edge. "Someone who wouldn't betray you like your precious fiancee."
"This is Crazy, Eunbi!" he pleaded, his voice cracking. "It's... it's madness!"
She stood up, her movements predatory, and circled him like a wolf stalking its prey. "Madness?" she scoffed, her voice a low hum. "Perhaps. But tell me, Y/n, who else has been there for you through it all? Who held you when you were broken, celebrated your victories, and wiped away your tears?"
He remained silent, trapped in a web of his own loyalty and her terrifying affection. A single tear rolled down his cheek, a testament to the impossible situation he found himself in. "Let her go, Eunbi," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "I'll be yours, just please, don't hurt her anymore."
A cruel smile stretched across Eunbi's face. "That," she purred, leaning in close enough for him to feel the heat of her breath, "Is exactly what I want to hear baby."
Y/n's surrender wasn't a victory march but a chilling descent into darkness. He had traded his freedom for a twisted sense of security, trapped in a gilded cage built by a love as beautiful as it was terrifying. The future stretched before him, a canvas painted in shades of obsession and fear, with Eunbi, the idol.
Crystal chandeliers cast a glittering sheen on the opulent ballroom. Eunbi, resplendent in a custom-made gown that shimmered like moonlight on water, stood beside Y/n, her new husband. His hand felt cold in hers, a stark contrast to the warmth she craved. Yet, outward appearances were everything in this world.
Paparazzi flashes erupted like a storm, capturing the image of the newly married power couple. Congratulatory messages poured in – congratulatory tweets from fellow idols, elaborate flower arrangements from sponsors, and even a video call from her former Iz*One bandmates, their smiles tinged with a melancholic understanding. Each well-wisher hammered a nail into the coffin of Y/n's freedom, solidifying his place as Eunbi's trophy husband.
Across the crowded ballroom, hidden in the shadows, stood Y/n's ex-fiancee, her figure barely visible amidst the throng of guests. A single tear traced a path down her cheek, a testament to the love she'd lost and the fear that gnawed at her. She had seen the news reports – the "accidents" plaguing her career, the subtle threats disguised as advice from anonymous sources – and knew who was responsible. But against Eunbi's power and reach, she was powerless.
Eunbi, oblivious to the silent heartbreak across the room, turned to Y/n. "Smile, darling," she murmured, her voice laced with a possessiveness that sent shivers down his spine. "They want us to have a happy ending."
He forced a smile onto his face, the charade hollow and painful. Eunbi, ever the master manipulator, tilted her head, her gaze flickering to the ex-fiancee for a fleeting moment. A cruel smile played on her lips, so subtle that only Y/n, trapped in her twisted game, could detect it.
The night progressed in a blur of champagne toasts and forced small talk. Y/n, a ghost at his own wedding, found himself surrounded by strangers, their faces obscured by a mask of forced cheer. He desperately searched for a familiar face, someone who might see through the facade and understand his predicament, but found none.
Eunbi, the consummate performer, flitted from guest to guest, radiating warmth and charm. Yet, Y/n saw a fleeting flicker of darkness behind her dazzling smile when her gaze met her ex-boyfriend's, a fellow idol enjoying the party with his entourage. It was a reminder that she wouldn't tolerate any competition, not even a ghost from the past.
Later that night, as the last guests trickled out, Eunbi led Y/n to their opulent suite. The celebratory atmosphere evaporated as the door shut behind them. The cold glint in her eyes sent a tremor through him. He wasn't a husband; he was a possession, a prize she'd claimed with ruthless efficiency.
"Now," Eunbi purred, her voice devoid of its usual playful lilt, "where were we?"
Y/n flinched, the fear palpable in the air. He understood then, with a horrifying clarity, that his surrender hadn't bought him freedom, but condemned him to a gilded cage ruled by a love as beautiful as it was terrifying. And as Eunbi closed the distance between them, the glittering facade of their marriage began to crumble, revealing the darkness that lurked beneath. The melody of their twisted love story had just begun, a symphony of obsession and fear, with Y/n trapped in the conductor's cruel hands.
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sexygrass · 8 months
Try me, my love.
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Pairing: K-pop male idol x reader
Warning: possessiveness, jokes (?) bout murdering? Idk. Lmk what to put here.
Applying your favorite shade of red lipstick, you glanced at the reflection of your bf to see him struggling in fixing his tie. Turning on your heels, you sauntered to him with a smile on your face.
Seeing your figure approaching him, he straightened his back and looked down at you with a smile, "who were you talking to earlier?" You asked while fixing his tie.
" a potential business partner." He answered nonchalantly, eyes boring into yours, speaking unutter love words which you're aware of.
A small smirk appeared on your lips, "I didn't know that business that funny to have you giggling and laughing like that."
He chuckled under his breath at the glare you were giving him. Your possessiveness never fails to make his heart warm.
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, he grins at you, "Why would i look at anyone if someone like you is in my life? I don't need anything else when you're by my side, my love," he leaned to kiss you, but you pressed the flat of your hand on his chest, stopping him.
A smirk on your face when u spotted his confusion, grabbing the back of his neck, you pressed your lips to his till they molded, moving them sensual. You made sure to see your lipstick on his lips when u pull back.
Giving him a coy smile, your thumb brushed on his bottom lip, "You know...if you happen to leave me one day, I'll make an amazing ex..." You trailed off.
"I'll hunt you and anyone u date, kill whomever touches you or even dared to look your way, and when u fail to find someone like me, when you crawl back to me, only then–" you grabbed him by his tie and tugged him down to your eye level, "–only then I'll give it you. I'll give you hell and make you regret your whole life." Pecking a last kiss on hid lips, you pushed him away, grabbed your purse, and walked towards the door but halted to see him pressing his index and middle finger to his lip with an amused smirk.
"Hurry up, we're late. The lemo is already here." Walking out, you heard him mumble, "that's my girl."
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woojinscub · 1 year
Woojin haters fuck off. The allegations were proven false and I do not have time for your bullshit. Leave him and me alone.
My Masterlist
My K-Pop x Male Reader Blog
My Gender-Based K-Pop Blog
Request Guidelines
I will only write Kim Woojin x male or female idol/male reader. Please do not request female/non-binary reader fics.
The dynamic of the ship is up to you; friends, lovers, family, etc., you may request any of these things.
I am open to writing polyamorous relationships.
I can attempt to write most neurodivergence/mental disorders. My specialties are autism, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but I am more than willing to research and write about other conditions.
Please be clear about whether you want smut, fluff, angst, or a combination of said things. Tell me explicitly if there are things that you are uncomfortable with/do not want me to write.
Smut Requests: I am willing to write and into almost all kinks. Be clear about who is the top/bottom and who is the dom/sub. If you want a switch, be clear about which role they play in what situation.
Please define what kind of sex you want. For example: oral, anal, over the clothes rubbing, etc. If you want them to wear condoms, tell me, because my default is unsafe sex.
I will not write transgender characters. You may request fics with transgender characters on my gender-based blog, linked at the top of this post.
For Woojin x Idol fics: the groups/artists I know the most about, in order of most to least, are BTS, Stray Kids, Tomorrow X Together, Blackpink, Enhypen, Seventeen, and Monsta X. You may request other groups/artists, but I can't promise I'll be able to write them.
Provided it stays within these guidelines, you may request anything you want.
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jijismochi · 1 year
My Masterlist
My K-Pop x Male Reader Blog
My Kim Woojin-Centric Blog
Request Guidelines
I will only write gender-based fics using a male artist and a reader. The artist will always be a cisgender male or AMAB and genderqueer. The reader will always be a cisgender male or AFAB and genderqueer. Please do not request entirely cisgender characters, female artists, AMAB readers, or cisgender female readers.
The dynamic of the ship is up to you; friends, lovers, family, etc., you may request any of these things.
I am open to writing polyamorous relationships, but will not write ships that don't include a reader. For example, I will write Jin x Namjoon x Reader, but I will not write Jin x Namjoon on their own.
I am willing to write and into almost all kinks. Don't be embarrassed, just send your request.
I can attempt to write most neurodivergence/mental disorders. My specialties are autism, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but I am more than willing to research and write about other conditions.
Please be clear about whether you want smut, fluff, angst, or a combination of said things. Tell me explicitly if there are things that you are uncomfortable with/do not want me to write.
If you want smut, please define what kind of sex you want. For example: oral, anal, over the clothes rubbing, etc. Be clear about who is the top/bottom and who is the dom/sub. If you want a switch, be clear about which role they play in what situation. If you want them to wear condoms, state it explicitly, as my default writing is unsafe sex.
The groups/artists I know the most about, in order of most to least, are BTS, Stray Kids, Tomorrow X Together, Kim Woojin, Enhypen, Seventeen, and Monsta X. You may request other groups/artists, but I can't promise I'll be able to write them.
Provided it stays within these guidelines, you may request anything you want.
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taesjoon · 1 year
My Masterlist
My Gender-Based K-Pop Blog
My Kim Woojin-Centric Blog
Request Guidelines
I will only write male reader x male artist. Please do not request female/non-binary reader or female artist fics.
The dynamic of the ship is up to you; friends, lovers, family, etc., you may request any of these things.
I am open to writing polyamorous relationships, but will not write ships that don't include a male reader. For example, I will write Jin x Namjoon x Male Reader, but I will not write Jin x Namjoon on their own.
I am willing to write and into almost all kinks. Don't be embarrassed, just send your request.
I can attempt to write most neurodivergence/mental disorders. My specialties are autism, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but I am more than willing to research and write about other conditions.
Please be clear about whether you want smut, fluff, angst, or a combination of said things. Tell me explicitly if there are things that you are uncomfortable with/do not want me to write.
Also be clear about who is the top/bottom and who is the dom/sub. If you want a switch, be clear about which role they play in what situation. I will not play a guessing game with you.
If you want smut, please define what kind of sex you want. For example: oral, anal, over the clothes rubbing, etc. If you want them to wear condoms, tell me, because my default is unsafe sex.
I will not write transgender characters. You may request fics with transgender characters on my gender-based blog, linked at the top of this post.
The groups/artists I know the most about, in order of most to least, are BTS, Stray Kids, Tomorrow X Together, Kim Woojin, Enhypen, Seventeen, and Monsta X. You may request other groups/artists, but I can't promise I'll be able to write them.
Provided it stays within these guidelines, you may request anything you want.
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sanshoney · 7 months
introduction ♡
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– women and anyone who identifies with any feminine gender, fem aligned.
– homophobes, transphobes, racists, fujoshis and mlm fetishizers, terfs, zoophiles, pedophiles and anyone who fetishizes child and adult relationships.
– in the future, i will write smut, so anyone under 15, DNI.
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– generally speaking, my acc consists two versions of writings:
a) k-pop. usually the oneshots or drabbles where smut takes place. only boy groups x male reader, i do not write for girl groups.
b) familiar drabbles & oneshots. this is where my OCs get spotlight. william, the father; noah, the older brother; and wills best friend: jake. these writings are meant to soothe the ones with family problems, more specifically father issues. if i see anyone sexualize these types of drabbles, i'll immediately block and report them.
– i write fluff, smut and occasionally angst.
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– this is a bottom male reader only blog.
– i do not write for girl groups, only boy groups.
kinks i won't write
– bathroom kinks
– feederism
– age play, minor x adult, minor x minor
– race play
– pregnancy kink
– foot fetish or any body part fetish
– sir kink
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that's if for now! thank you so much if you read this. have a wonderful day! <3
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shinehyuk · 2 years
Felt like it would be ryt to req mx so yandere mx when their s/o is fangirling over other boy groups/idols ? <33
MONSTA X reaction to S/O fangirling over other boy groups/idols
‣ Genre : yandere, fem!reader
tw/cw : abuse, obsession, toxic relationships, a lot of strong language, very heavy themes, jealousy, violence, mentions of cheating ig, torture, punishment, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such things!
a/n : thank you for requesting bubs!! i hope you'll like it! <333
Shownu :
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· He'll glare coldly as you squeal out in excitement as you watch a performance of another boy group
· He'll take the device you were watching the group on away, his hurt, jealous expression making you instantly regret your obvious fangirling
· He'll be offended and so upset – why do you watch others if he's all that you need? He doesn't care too much if you fangirl over his group, but someone else's? That's too much, isn't it?
· "Why do you watch other men..? Am I not good enough for you? Your eyes should be on me only.."
Wonho :
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· Hoseok is a very jealous man – as in, if you stare for a second too long at someone else, you're dead; both you and the person you stared at
· So you can guess that the male wasn't very happy to come back home and hear loud music blasting from the TV with you humming along to the song of one of the rookie boy groups, so into it that you didn't even hear the male scoff loudly behind your back
· You'll only be brought back to your senses when a vase is thrown at the TV, successfully breaking it in the process. You don't dare turn to him, entirely frozen as you wait for him to speak up
· "Are these stupid idiots better than me? I bet you fucking think they are. You're so cute, darling – have you forgotten who you belong to? Don't worry. I'm more than glad to remind you."
Minhyuk :
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· Oh, he's offended. Very offended. How dare you fangirl over other idols when the one and only is sitting right beside you? Have you got no shame at all?
· You can say goodbye to all your electronical devices and the very last bits of freedom that the male gave you – now, you will watch him and only him. Day in, day out.
· He'll be the only face that you'll be seeing until you know better than to watch others when you've got him – in fact, he won't even let you look at yourself, taking all the mirrors away. And when he's not around, he'll make you watch his fancams on loop
· "Tsk, tsk. Such confidence you have, looking at other men. They're nowhere near as good as me and you know that too well, don't you, my love? Good girl. You're quite lucky to have me."
Kihyun :
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· He burst into your room as soon as he heard you let out a high-pitched squeal, finding you sitting on the bed, a k-pop album held in your hands that certainly wasn't his group's 
· You got the album of one of your favorite boy group’s behind his back as you knew that he’d obviously get mad about you looking at other men, let alone fangirling over them - and boy were you right
· The male instantly yanked the album out of your hands, his shocked, almost betrayed eyes glaring into yours as if waiting for an explanation. After your unsuccessful try of explaining that ‘the site that you ordered his album from mixed up the orders’ he instantly threw it into the trash, glancing at it in disgust before turning to you
· “Do you really think that I’ll believe in your childish lies, darling? You’re wrong, my love. I'll make sure that you never look at another man ever again."
Hyungwon :
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· Pissed off. You're both idols attending a music show, sitting a few tables apart from each other as one of the boy groups start to perform, making your cheeks turn pink as you cover the bottom part of your face with your hand
· Hyungwon watched you in silence the entire time as you were watching the performance, all flustered and head over heels for the boy group on the scene
· After a while you caught the male's gaze and made eye contact with him, his dark glare saying only one thing – 'just wait until we get home'
· "Try that stupid fangirling shit once again and I'll make sure you never see the light of day again. Don't test my fucking limits."
Jooheon :
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· Because you were bored of staying home alone all the time because of Jooheon's messed up schedule, the male let you visit him at practice with his group
· Yet he quickly noticed that something was wrong – your eyes were only on Minhyuk, following his every move. You were even letting out quiet squeals at times, making your fangirling over the member almost too obvious
· His jealousy taking over him, Jooheon instantly stopped his practice, excusing himself to violently drag you home where you were going to stay for a very, very long time before the male will trust you around his group ever again
· "Oh, you think I'm fucking jealous, love? How could I not be when you were literally drooling on the floor for my fucking friend?"
I.M :
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· The male very rarely lets you be around his own members, let alone other men or male idols
· And oh, the moment he sees you making doe eyes to another male idol you're dead. He won't be listening to any of your pointless excuses, trapping you inside and making sure that he's the only man you'll be looking at from now on
· Don't think your stupid behavior will be free of punishment, either – the male will make you regret every single second of the day you decided to try and mess with his jealousy
· "Was it fucking worth it, huh? Look at you, all fucking pathetic, all because you can't control yourself in front of other men. Don't worry. I'm more than happy to teach you how to, darling."
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
None of the gifs are mine!
‣ Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby @https-loverboy-com  @heemingyu
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
Daddy Issues - Christian Cage
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Pairings: Christian Cage x Reader! (Mid 20's)
Summary: You receive a text your older boyfriend, Christian when he's on the road.
Warnings: Smut, Mentionings of Male + Female Receiving, Sexting, Face Time Sex, Sexual Content! 18+.
Word Count: 1k
Your phone had lit up, it was your boyfriend Christian.
Christian: Hey, doll. Hope you're not missing me too much.
You read the text, smiling to yourself.
You texted: Trust me, I am. It's hard not having you here.
Christian: Don't worry, doll. Daddy is going to be home when you're least expecting it so he can finish what you and him started
You felt your heat between your legs start to grow intense, you adjusted in your bed, stuck on what to text back.
*Christian 😣 sent an image*
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Holy shit. You thought.
Christian: I'm about to get ready to take a shower. Wish you were here so I can fuck you silly.
You gasped at the text, Christian was such a tease - you mentally added as your legs began to rub together, you had enough courage to finally text back:
You: Mmm, can't get enough of you daddy.
*Christian is typing*
Christian: God, you have been a naughty girl haven't you? How about we facetime and settle this once and for all? Wanna hear your pretty voice.
Your core ached, you got up from your bed and called your older boyfriend, Christian.
A few seconds later, he answered the facetime request.
"Hi baby." He said over the phone, you could hear the shower water running in the background. You smirked slightly, you could hear his zipper unzip and his belt unbuckle along with a "hmph" noise coming from him.
"You look so hot tonight, daddy." You admitted, your face a flushed pink as you saw Christian free his large length out of his boxers, sliding them down and kicking them off of him completely.
"Thank you, doll."
Holy. Fuck. You think again, getting lost into the sight of him on your phone, your mind scattered as you felt your mouth watering from hanging open.
"You like what you see, doll?" He challenged, setting his phone down on a nearby ledge.
"Yes daddy. I wish I could be in there with you," your voice so soft and whiny-like, his reaction was a dark smirk played upon his lips.
"Fuck. The thought of you getting fucked dumb by daddy like the brat you are turns me on, doesn't it turn you on, too?"
"Y-yes." You were a dripping mess, your toes curled into the white silhouette sheets, you tried to control yourself from letting out a moan by biting down on your bottom pink lip.
"Good girl. I can tell you're not trying to moan for me, huh? I know what you can moan about," he darkly chuckled, pushing you over the edge while you were laying in bed, your fingers already linked down to your panties.
"Focus on me, doll. Don't look at anything else other than me." He pleaded with such anticipation, his voice getting deeper.
"D-Daddy," you breathed out, your breath hitched, feeling the warmth between your legs starting to pool.
Christian's hard length popped up in the camera, his free hand could be visible grazing the tip of his cock, a hot moan was let out by him in result. You couldn't restrain yourself, your eyes liked what they've seen. Him masturbating and his moans to add to it was so angelic.
"K-keep going." You plead, biting down on your lip a little harder, your core practically pulsating for him.
"Ohhh, fuck baby. Daddy is nice and hard tonight, w-wish you can see for yourself." The fuck's and shit's was heard by your older boyfriend, he was fucking with you.
You were on the edge of your climax, you let out a long moan of relief, your fingers pumping in and out of you, imagining they were Christian's.
"G-god daddy.. I can't take much longer, I'm gonna cum oh shit!" Your voice shrilled, throwing your head back against the headboard.
"Want... to fuck you silly. I want.. to ruin your tight pussy... Seeing th-that face of yours while y-you fuck yourself is s-so hot," He stammered out, correcting his sentences as he gave out this seductive groan, his voice raspy from all the moans he conducted into one.
"Fuck!" You yelled, dropping your phone onto the floor, climaxing onto your sheets.
"Mmm.." Christian's hums vocalized through FaceTime, you hurried and grabbed your phone off the floor, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of your face. You were a panting mess, you rubbed your sore clit, favoring it as he himself threw his head back in return.
"D-damn, doll. Didn't know you came so soon," He laughed breathlessly, his forearm resting against the side of his phone, his eyes glistening.
"Fuck, daddy. Can't wait til' you get home." You confessed, still a breathing mess from the overall stamina you produced.
He turned the shower knob off, he stepped out and walked over to sit on a bench. He lowered the camera down a bit, but not too low.
That tease. You mentally added.
"Daddy will be home in a few days," he added, a smile in his voice could be heard.
"Hope you sleep well, baby." You wearily smiled, glancing your eye over at the clock, 11 p.m.
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you more, Christian."
The both of you hung up, you covered yourself up and drifted off to sleep.
Authors Note: Likes and Reblogs are appreciated! 💖
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iznsfw · 3 years
hello, can you write smut for Miyawaki Sakura with the CEO?
Deal with The Devil
IZ*ONE's Miyawaki Sakura x Male Reader Smut
First Sakura smut before many more to cum! Hope it's good though it's a quick one :)
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Sakura doesn't see why she should even join her members in the recording studio anymore.
This isn't what she signed up for at all. Even in AKB48 she is given parts in their songs that she could sing well and comfortably, but after she finished second on Produce 48 and became part of the girl group IZ*ONE, she is given little to nothing to sing.
Why is it like this? The produce show was supposed to be a collaboration between her Japanese group and Mnet, yet the agencies seem to have forgotten about her. It's almost as if she's just a backup dancer and not part of a globally successful K-Pop group.
She looks around the recording studio. The instrumental of "Panorama" plays in the room. Wonyoung, the youngest of them, is singing the intro. Minju follows up with her lines, and Nako is given a brief six seconds to sing before the song switches to Yujin.
When her part comes up, she doesn't have to sing; she has already done her six seconds of singing and has stayed in there with her members.
She supposes it is a bad idea that she has stayed behind. Hearing Chaewon sing the chorus and Eunbi kill the bridge with her powerful chest voice bring her to the edge of jealousy. Sakura is just as vocally capable as the other members; she could do that too. But noooo, all of the singing is left to the Korean girls.
Of course.
"Kkura, are you alright?"
Eunbi has brought down her headphones and has turned to the Japanese girl, a concerned look written on her face.
Sakura nods, forcing a beam. "Yeah! I'm okay, don't worry."
"You're sure?"
"Okay," says Eunbi uncertainly. "But if you aren't, just let me kn—"
"I said I was fine, unnie. God, do you ever shut up?"
Sakura immediately regrets the iciness in her voice when she sees the hurt in Eunbi's face. Her heart sinks deeper into sadness when the leader nods with a quivering bottom lip then turns back to the mic.
This is not okay.
Sakura has now begun to hurt her members because of her own problems. She wouldn't even have known if it weren't for the genuine hurt on Eunbi's face. She wonders how many times she's hurt her without knowing.
Just thinking about it makes her sick to the stomach.
Sakura loves her members. She really does. They've become her family over the years, and have always supported her in everything she does. For her to repay the leader's efforts with a sharp tongue feels like inviting people to a grand party and having them wash the dishes after.
Her members do not deserve having her own pain being dropped onto them for something that isn't their fault.
The jealousy melts away quickly like ice cream in summer. As she sits there on the brown stool with her mouth to the mic and kegs swinging, Sakura tries to figure out a way on how to fix this. Surely there's another way she can go without simply being jealous and sitting back there with hatred in her heart?
Let's see. She could fight with the producers to give her lines and have her reputation broken or she can tell Eunbi about this and have her help her come up with a plan to stop being mistreated.
But Eunbi has been solving and figuring out problems for eleven girls for two-and-a-half years already. She barely has time to even think about her own. And Sakura is sure that after her rude remark, Eunbi would not be too enthusiastic about helping her.
Maybe she should…?
A bright light is lit inside the dim room of Sakura's mind. She's got it! She should go to the office of the CEO and negotiate with him about this! Maybe he would agree with her terms. Hell, she might even get to be center just as she was supposed to be.
"Can you excuse me for a moment?"
Sakura hops off the stool and dashes out of the studio, leaving the eleven girls and the producers with confused faces.
The cold in the room is expected, but the feeling of it being as cold as a winter night isn't.
Sakura enters the office with the air-conditioned wind blowing her pink hair away from her face. She gives herself a point for tying her hair up; if she hadn't done that, the dyed strands would have poked her eyes and made her look like a mess in front of the CEO.
She wouldn't want that at all, of course. She's here to negotiate.
The young CEO doesn't look up from his phone when she enters. His legs are propped up on the white desk placed in the center of the office, the blazer of his formal suit draped onto his swivel chair. He is still whistling the same old tune Sakura has heard two years ago the first time she came into this office.
"Sir," Sakura says, clearing her throat. "Sir."
Even the second repitition of the honorific doesn't make the man notice her. Sakura rolls her eyes.
"Good morning, sir," she says anyway, placing her hands behind her back. "I'm Miyawaki Sakura. I'm here to discuss my performance with you, if that's alright."
You are the CEO. The sudden voice you hear breaks your focus from your phone. You lift your head and see the Japanese woman standing by the doorway of your office, hands behind her back and her hair tied into a high ponytail.
"Oh, good morning, Ms. Miyawaki," you say, smiling as you put your phone down. "What brings you here today?"
"As I have just said, sir, I want to discuss with you the amount of parts I have in my group's songs."
What group? Was it I've or Rocket Punch? But then you remember who she is.
"Oh! IZ*ONE's songs?"
She nods. "Yes."
Pull your feet back down from the table and pull your chair towards the table, setting your folded hands above it. It's not usual that you get any of the members of the group you managed in your office. So if one actually comes up to you, it must be important.
"Of course. Do continue." You nod, prompting her to resume.
"I have noticed that after ‘La Vie En Rose’, my singing parts seem to have lessened. I don't understand how's that so because I'm just as good as a singer as the other members."
She approaches you at your desk, her shoes tapping in a rhythm on the smooth marble floor. Though her words are formal, the first five undone buttons on her top that show a bit of cleavage is anything but.
Wow, you say to yourself, stunned. You have never really noticed how big Miyawaki's boobs w—
You shake your head quickly. You are not supposed to look at her like that. Though you're only a month or so older than her, there's the office dynamics and politics. It just isn't right.
You wonder if she has caught you staring.
You look up to Sakura. Oh yeah; she definitely saw that. The smirk on her face and the sultry gaze she throws at you all answer your question.
Shake your head and stand up, crossing your arms. "Ms. Miyawaki, what exactly are you trying to do?" you inquire. You attempt to make your voice intimidating, but it comes out shaky.
She smiles. "Oh, nothing, sir. Just wanted to see if we could negotiate a little…"
"A-And what exactly are you trying to deal with me?"
"Hmmmm." Sakura taps her chin cutely, pretending to think. "What about this: I get a ten-second line or longer in the next song and a center part."
Huh, that sounds easy. You have influences on the producers and directors; you can effortlessly tell them what Sakura requests you do, and they'll obey you instantly.
But what is a negotiation if only Sakura benefits?
"Okay, but what do I get in exchange for me to do that?"
"You like my ponytail, don't you, oppa?"
What kind of question is that? And what's with the sudden change of honorifics? Sure, the ponytail looks good. Especially with the pink hair. But everything looks good on Sakura, so what exactly is she trying to tell you here?
"Yeah," you say, swallowing roughly. "It looks pretty."
"Won't it look prettier if your hand is pulling it, forcing me to take it all while you fuck my pretty mouth until you cum?"
What is she talking about?
Suddenly, she's not in front of your desk anymore; she has crawled under it, now kneeling before you with her mouth wide open, tongue sticking out.
Your heart is lodged into your throat.
What the hell is happening?
This is the stuff of dreams. Are you sure that this isn't some lucid wet dream that you'll think about for days?
But then you feel Sakura's small hand palm your crotch painfully slow. Her palm brings heat to the tip of your stiffening erection, making your thighs break out in goosebumps. And the innocent face she makes while she does that…
Unzip your pants and pull out your throbbing dick. Sakura's gasp of surprise is quickly muffled by your cock being lodged in her throat.
Sakura gags around your dick, the intrusion far too big for her small mouth. Despite that, she tries her best, sucking fervently on what she can take and bobbing her head up and down. The choking sounds she makes causes you to thrust further into her warm mouth.
What are you doing? you ask yourself repeatedly, clarity hitting you every once in a while as Sakura traces her tongue on your sensitive spots. Why are you letting the girl who is a member of the group you manage suck you off like this? If you were to take this into office terms, one could say that she's practically a junior! This isn't right at all!
You try to reason to yourself. You are in the same age range as hers; she isn't much younger than you. But what good is no age gap if the power dynamics between the two of you are risky? No matter how much you try to justify this, it's just wrong.
But why does everything wrong have to feel so good?
You wouldn't know.
Miyawaki Sakura has plenty of talents; she is a great singer and dancer plus a skilled actress. Not to mention her prettiness. You could see why she's one of the more famous girls in IZ*ONE.
You discover now, as you stand there in your office with the Japanese woman on her knees sucking your dick, that Miyawaki Sakura's blowjobs are another one of her hidden talents.
You fall back into your swivel chair with a pleasured sigh. Your rod slips out of her mouth as you do but returns inside just as quickly. She shifts in her position on the floor to between your legs, placing her small hands onto your thighs for leverage. All the while, her big eyes maintain unwavering contact with yours as she keeps blowing you.
"Fuck…" you groan appreciatively, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Sakura withdraws her mouth from your cock and replaces it with her hand. The pumps she gives to it are quick and rough, drawing you closer and closer to orgasm.
"Have I played my end of the deal well?" asks Sakura sweetly, still pumping your cock diligently. She gives the tip a soft suck that renders you gasping, then kisses it lovingly. "Have I, oppa?"
Fuck, her lips are so soft. And her hand is so rough. You nod in response, bucking your hips upwards to fuck her fist.
"Now, will you promise Sakura you'll give her enough lines for her to be happy?" Her hand fondles your sensitive balls. She pouts pitifully. "Pretty please?"
"Yes! God, yes. Anything you want."
"Good. Always knew I could count on you, oppa."
"F-Fuck…Sakura, I'm cumming."
Hearing your stutters of pleasure, Sakura removes her hand and takes your shaft inside her mouth again, bobbing her head up and down the best she could. You stand up again and wrap your hand around her pink ponytail, roughly fucking her face and savoring her wet mouth coating your dick with salive and her tight throat. She gags and chokes, tears spilling from her blue eyes, but that doesn't stop you at all.
Finish with a grunt, ejaculating ropes of white cum in her mouth. The heat prickles your skin into goosebumps and makes your knees buckle. Broken gasps leave your lips as Sakura continues sucking harshly on your sensitive tip, drawing more cum from you and making you pull her ponytail further down.
White drops of cream roll down Sakura's mouth like milk. They roll down her neck and onto the curves of her breasts, staining the black sweater she wears with dark spots. It's almost like a teenage fantasy seeing Sakura drool with your cum, her mouth stuffed with your meat as the last sparks of euphoria overcome your body.
Except for this isn't fantasy; this is real life.
Sakura opens her mouth to show you the cum that pools inside, then promptly gulps it down.
"Have we made a deal, oppa?"
She smiles. "Good. Looking forward to more deals with you."
You are left in your chair drained and shocked as Sakura gives you one last wink before rising from the floor, buttoning her sweater back up and leaving the room as if nothing happened.
You begin to look forward to the blooming of sakuras even more.
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diif-enthusiast · 2 years
chem tutor! Kuroo
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summary: chem tutor!kuroo x reader, fem!reader, study session 
content warning: not SFW, smut, oral (male receiving), praise kink, some degradation kink, tittie fucking, dommy mommy, big cock kuroo, bottom-ish!kuroo, female body parts, not proof read (let me know if I missed anything!)
a/n: I hate chem and I want kuroo to tutor me. Also Ik he works for Japanese promotional division, but I like to imagine he took chem in college 
w/c: 1.3 k
You and Kuroo shared a chemistry class together in college. You were heavily aware of his existence, and were frankly annoyed by him. Mr. perfect with his perfect test scores, his perfect grades, his perfect smirk and his perfect biceps. It was enough to drive you crazy.
Kuroo found you to be annoying as well, when you tried to participate in class but often had the incorrect answer. He sat behind you, but he always found his thoughts wandering back to you. The way you doodled when you were bored, or how you beamed when you finally answered one of the professors questions correctly. How cute your pout was when the professor announced a pop quiz. On days the lessons were especially boring he would think about how your thighs look when you wore a skirt or imagine what you would look like wearing nothing at all.
You could feel Kuroo’s gaze on your back for the entirety of the lesson one day and you were sick of him. You decide to finally confront him and hopefully get him to leave you alone. You corner him while he is alone and ask, “What is it you want from me?”
He looks you up and down, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You cross your arms causing your breasts to push up, “I can feel you staring at me through the entire class!”
He practically goggles at you trying to keep his ‘cool guy’ demeanor. “Just thought you might need help in chem,” he looks everywhere but at you.
“Why do you care?”
“Uh, thought I could help,” he mutters and you find him to be flustered.
This melted your cold stare, “Well that would be very helpful.”
He nodded and you shared phone numbers as you scurried to your next class replaying the incident in your head over and over again.
You had agreed to meet at his dorm, since you didn’t want anyone seeing you together in public. You took a deep breath outside his door before knocking quietly. When he opens the door in his pajamas you giggle to yourself. A shirt with the periodic table and text underneath that read, ‘I wear this shirt periodically.’
He looks down at his shirt and blushes, “I thought it would be fitting for this.”
“Now I feel underdressed,” you joke, dreading this study session a little less.
Kuroo had set up flashcards and study guides on his small coffee table and as much as you appreciated it, it didn’t seem to be working. The information seemed to go in one ear and out the other. You mind kept wandering with him next to you; his biceps against the tight shirt, his hands that gripped the cards, and those damn gray sweatpants. “Y/n?” he asked as you got distracted again.
“Um, 7?” you answer with uncertainty.
“I don’t think this was working,” he runs his fingers through his hair and you squeeze your thighs together, “Maybe we should try something else?”
“Like what?”
“Maybe a reward system? I strip an article of clothing for every question you get right?” He chuckled to himself.
Your face turned red at his proposal, when he sees your face turning red, he soon does the same. When you’re unable to get any words out he continues to ramble, “That was a joke… we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, unless you want to but-”
“Sure,” you say quietly, “For every question I get right, you take something off, and for every question I get wrong…”
He nods eagerly, understanding what you meant. Pinching his thigh to make sure this wasn’t a wet dream of his.
Not even halfway through the questioning you were just in your underwear, glad you decided on matching pieces that day. Kuroo on the other hand had only lost his shirt, and his abs were not helping your case. “Um, that was wrong,” he says trying his best to not stare at your breasts.
“What should I take off next?” you ask, inching closer to him.
He sputters incoherent words telling you that you didn’t have to but if you wanted to. Your breasts push against his arm and you look up at him. He dropped the flashcards with his entire body stiffening up. The tent rises in his pants and you ask innocently, “Can you help me take this off Tetsuro?”
He goes to unclasp your bra and stares at your breasts. “So pretty, baby,” he cooes.
He grabs one of your tits and begins massaging them, obviously not knowing what he was doing. When he began teasing your nipple you let out a small moan. He began to play with them more harshly, desperately wanting to hear your noises. When you palm his neglected cock he moans so sweetly, that you feel a pool develop in your panties.
“Wanna fuck my tits?” you ask him, your sweet tone not matching your words.
He nods desperately, “Please, please let me fuck your tits baby.”
You sit yourself between his legs and remove his sweatpants, with his cock popping out. He whimpered at the cool hair hitting it. He was fully erect, pre-cum dripping out so that you quickly lapped it up with your tongue. “Already this hard and we’ve barely done anything, tetsu? So naughty.”
“‘M sorry. You’re just so hot, baby. Wanna fuck your tits,” he sputters out.
You inch forwards and his cock is squeezed in between your tits. His hips began bucking and he was desperate for his friction. You squeeze the base of his cock, “No Tetsu, sit still for me, mkay?”
He nods and you move your tits up and down on his cock. He struggles to keep his hips down when you kiss the tip of his cock. Whimpers and moans fall from his mouth and he babbles about how good you feel. Hearing his noises made the wetness continue between your thighs, as one of your hands goes to prep yourself for him.
“ ‘m close baby, let me cum, please, let me,” he pleads.
You then stop, his cock leaves your tits, you climb onto his lap and you give him a sweet kiss. He whined at the feeling of nothingness against his cock, and his high slowly fades. Softly whimpering against your lips. When you finally separate from the sloppy kiss you grind against him. “Want you inside me Tetsu.”
You grab the head of his cock and slowly seat yourself onto him. Your own moans fill the air as you slowly bottom out on him. “So big, baby, won’t fit-,” you sputter overwhelmed by the pleasure of him stretching you out.
He grabs your hips and slams you onto his cock, bottoming out while you choked at the sudden movement. “So pretty bouncing on my cock. Lets cum together kitten,” he spewed and he played with your neglected clit.  
“Fuck, Tetsu, so full, make me cum on your cock!” Your curses and moans mix with his.
His hips sputtered as he played with your clit, “Gonna cum inside you, pretty, gonna make you cum.”
Your orgasm rolled over you as you came on his cock, spasming and clenching, pushing him over the edge. He watched your tits bounce and your pussy take his cock and it was too much for him. Not able to even think, he came inside you sputtering at how you felt so good and you treated him so well. When he finally pulled out you whine at the feeling of emptiness. He cupped your cheek sweetly before muttering, “You’re so pretty baby.”
Your smile to yourself as you cuddle into his chest. There is silence for a moment before you look up at him, “Are you copper and tellurium? Because you’re CU TE.”
“I think I am in love,” he declared, kissing you sweetly.  
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝒜𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒶𝓇𝓎 ~
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Warnings; dom!seungmin x sub!fem!reader, piv, unprotected sex, mirror sex, established relationship, fingering, degradation, impact play, slight dacryphilia, clitoral stimulation, stomach bulge,,,, hitting it from the back LMAO (please-), hair pulling, saliva, orgasm (m/f), creampie, cum, a bit of fluff in the end oh and aftercare <3 
Word Count; 3.7 k 
Note; this lil piece was inspired by this ask!! (,,, made it more cherry style,,, which means more degrading-)
also idk this reminded me of the earlier days of me making fics- i think its because its kinda short and this layout EEEEEEK-  
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𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18.
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You thought you knew your boyfriend well after dating him for 3 years. In your eyes he was the most innocent person you knew, his eyes always lost whenever you joked about something remotely sexual. But when it came down to actually having sex he wasn’t the one to shy away, instead guiding you through it as if he was dancing a tango. A tango consisting of sloppy kisses and sticky sweaty bodies. 
The automatic lock on the hotel door let out a small beep as the keycard was inserted, the door opening with a gentle push and greeting you inside a purple dim lit room. You smiled at your boyfriend Seungmin who grinned back at you, pulling you inside the room hastily before shutting the door behind him.
“w-woah~ minnie,,, this is so pretty, thank you!” you squealed as you looked around the room, your eyes busy scanning all the beautiful details that your boyfriend had payed attention to for your third year anniversary, everything from the flower petals on the floor to the snacks that piled up on a table by the sofa that was a distance away from the wide bed with white fluffy pillows and covers. Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, the wrinkles of his dark button up shirt creasing by the elbows as the fabric was folded up, exposing the veins that ran up his forearms. He stepped closer to your figure that was fascinated by the dark lights, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and placing his chin on the crook of your neck, giggling softly at your reaction. 
“You seem to like it” he stated to which you nodded, turning your head to him and pecking him on the tip of his nose, the boy scrunching it as it tickled. “You know what I like the most?” he asked, you answering him with a simple “no?”
“The mirrors around the bed” he said in a dark voice that sent shivers down your spine, his lips dangerously close to the shell of your ear as his hot breath grazed against your cheek. You nodded in agreement, not sure what else to say if there was any time to say something before you were grabbed by the wrist and pushed down on the bed, falling back on the soft covers and pillows, your hair flying in your face. You giggled as Seungmin climbed on top of you, his face hovering above yours as he pushed the stray pieces of hair behind your ear, simply observing the beauty of you, his heart melting at how the apples of your cheeks stood out whenever you smiled brightly at him, the corners of your lips turning upwards and your eyes glittering in even the darkest of light. With two careful hands you cupped Seungmin jaw, swiping your thumbs across the supple skin of his cheekbones before he leaned down to kiss you on the lips, the boy turning his head slightly and bumping his nose against your causing the both of you two smile into the kiss, your cheeks heating up with shy arousal after his tongue slowly slips into your mouth, wet tounge gliding across the surface of yours in a languid and erotic kiss. 
Sure, you’d been in bed with your boyfriend countless times but he somehow always managed to make it feel like the first. The butterflies fluttering in the pit of your stomach, billowing out of your mouth and entering his, sharing the nervosity. 
Your hands descended down his body, unbuttoning every button that ran up his shirt, revealing his upper body bit for bit. He pulled away from the kiss, standing on his knees above your lying figure, gulping as you looked up at him removing the article of clothing before you heard the familiar sound of his belt buckle clinking as he unbuckled it. Only now when he’s out of your sight to remove his tight fitting pants do you notice the reflection on the ceiling, how you can see everything so clearly whenever you are taking off your shirt, pulling it over your head and throwing it to the side of the bed, you now lying in a white bra and with your pants still on, eager to remove them in order to see what Seungmin saw every time he fucked you. You heard him snicker as your eyes was focused on the mirror, your expression changing from curious to flustered when Seungmin’s hands caressed you stomach before undoing the zipper of the pants, pulling you downwards slightly together with the pants as he took them off, tossing them together with his clothes beneath the bed, landing with a soft thud against the wooden floor. Your panties didn’t match the bra but when did they ever? The least you expected from your boyfriend was a full view of your body in a mirror but that’s what you got and you weren’t complaining. 
“You already seem interested babygirl” he said, looking up into the mirror and meeting your eyes there instead of gazing at them directly. You nodded as he looked back, observing the body he loved the most in the whole wide world. How your tits sat perfectly in the soft cups of your bra and how you squirmed with your legs, rubbing your thighs together every time he spoke in that deep voice. 
“Good cause that’s where you’ll be looking tonight.” he moved closer to you, sinking down his body against yours and putting his lips close to your ear, his whisper seducing you. “You’re gonna watch yourself cum.”
You froze in position, your heart beating in your throat as the wet patch on your panties grew damp. He pressed his soft lips against your again, biting your bottom lip playfully before his tongue came in contact with yours again, trailing down his hand with the tips of his fingers dancing across your skin, swiftly gliding it under the elastic of your lacy panties and running his middle finger between your folds, feeling the sticky wetness adhere to his finger. Goosebumps erupted on your skin at the sudden touch, the boy groaning at how wet you are from just his kiss, wanting to ruin you and make you nothing more but a drooling and crying mess for him. Slowly he pulled away, giggling lowly as he observed his fingertip that was clad in your sticky essence before he placed it on your lips, you automatically latching on and sucking on his finger before he added another one, your saliva mixing with the slick and dribbling out from the corner of your swollen lips. You looked him dead in the eye, the sexual tension was more than just words and actions, it loomed around the two of you like a thick cloud of smoke. It was in his sharp gaze, the titillation mixed with yearning although he had you whenever he pleased. 
Your wet tongue swirled around his digits, your lips pursed as he pushed his fingers deeper inside your mouth, almost making you choke and groaning softly at the way you softened your tongue, just imagining how you’d look with your pretty lips wrapped around his throbbing shaft. Blood was already rushing south, Seungmin’s cock begging to be touched and it wasn’t long before it was, your hand travling up his bare thigh until you reached his clothed hard-on, squeezing his member through the fabric and coaxing a long moan from the male. With a pop he removed his fingers and quickly stripped himself from his underwear before he kneaded your breasts, pushing the bra lower down on your torso and exposing you to him, the gentle buds hardening as the cold air met them. His cheeks were tinged with red as well as the tips of his ears, barely visible from the purple light that engulfed the two figures in the dark. His hands sloped downwards, tugging on the rim of your panties before pulling them down to your ankles, you kicking them off with your feet and automatically spreading your legs, displaying your wetness to the horny boy. He scoffed at your shamelessness, running his fingers up your folds and gently circling your clit and landing a small slap on your cunt, causing you to jolt upwards, your nose scrunching in pleasurable pain. 
“Look at you, spreading your legs like that. Such a good whore” he cooed at you as he unexpectedly pushed two fingers into your sopping hole, you hissing at the inital stretch, putting your forearms on your tits and pushing them together, a defined cleavage forming that only made the young boy drool from the sight, wanting to fuck your tits and cum all over them. Make you a mess. A small “mhm” made it’s way out of your pretty pout, Seungmin prodding his fingers inside you and making you squirm as he grabbed your face with the other hand, making you look upwards causing you to look up at your own desperate reflection, your neck bending backwards from him squeezing your cheeks together and tilting your head back, refusing to let you look at him.
“You’re gonna watch yourself, see how slutty you are for me” he growled, you not being able to do much other than moan through the pout that formed as he abused your hole with his fingers, curling them up inside you and reaching the raised area of your g-spot, a loud mewl escaping you as he repeatedly teased your clit with his thumb along with moving his fingers between your velvety walls, tears threatening to fall from the corners of your glimmering eyes that swallowed the minimal light in the room. Before you knew it your cheek started stinging, the sensitive nerves reacting to the slap that he placed across the skin, the pain canceling out the noise that formed when the palm of his hand came in contact with your cheek. You bit your teeth together in order to not scream out in pleasure as he used his entire forearms to shake your insides, the squelching sound of your pussy only arousing him more until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
He needed to fuck you. 
Seungmin pried your legs open, holding a firm grip on the inside of each thigh and gripping the fleshy, supple skin, slapping it once before he lined himself up with your entrance, you gazing at him through half-open eyes and furrowed eyebrows to which he tsked, spitting on your tits and seeing the hot saliva run down the side and stain the bed before he spoke. 
“Don’t you dare look at me, look at yourself and how good I’m fucking you. How fucking pathetic you are for my cock.”
His voice trailed down your spine, making your arousal blossom even more than it already had, him rubbing the tip of his leaking cock against your wet folds, spreading the glistening precum on your sex. You gulped loudly, remaining eye contact with your own reflection on the roof, exhaling when he pushed himself into your tight cunt and feeling your muscles relax, the tension in your shoulders melting away like warm butter. Even if it wasn’t the first time, you still got nervous and no matter how much Seungmin fucked you, your cunt always wrapped around his cock snuggly, welcoming him into your sopping heat. He groaned, a deep sound that came from within, basking in the pleasure of just having the sensitive crimson tip of his cock inside your throbbing cunt. 
“S-seungmin,,, please f-fuck me already” you begged, biting your bottom lip and looking at him through the mirror, only the crown of his being visible causing you to get even more impatient. You couldn’t read his facial expressions or his body language besides from the small field of vision you had at the bottom of your eyes. You could listen to what he said. Smell his familiar scent as it wafted over to you with each thrust that was slow and mellow, him rolling his hips against yours and playing shyly with your clit by putting his hand on your lower abdomen and using his thumb to toy with the bundle of nerves. He had barely had his fun with you until tears started to spill from your eyes, trying to grip the soft sheets on which you lied on, only making the bed a bigger mess than it already was, marked with spit and tears. Luckily the bed was secured, the headboard not banging against the wall but the sound of Seungmin’s cock ramming into you bounced off the white stucco walls, the sound of skin slapping against each other mixed with your high-pitched moans, your lovers name stringed throughout the incoherent sentences. 
“You’re so fucking loud” He said, slapping your cheeks once again before speaking, “but I love you.”
You could barely keep your eyes on the mirror and when you did you could only look at Seungmin through the reflection, your thighs quivering as he put more pressure on your clit with the rough pad of his thumb, circling it in small figure eights. The way he talked to you and touched you made the pit of your core burn in a blue and orange flame. You were nothing more than a whore, a toy that he could use to his advantage. 
But you were his. 
Your tits jiggled with every thrust that got more and more vicious, Seungmin holding your legs apart by your thigh and rolling his head back in pleasure, small beads of sweat decorating the skin on his temples and along his hairline, soaking a couple of strands of his dark colored hair. You could only imagine his semi-erotic facial expression, getting both frustrated and turned on by the fact that you couldn’t see how hot your boyfriend looked right this moment. A lot of things were left to the imagination with his deep grunts and the soaking sounds of his cock entering you repeatedly being an aid. An accidental moan escaped through your throat as Seungmin gathered his strength in order to roughly slam into you, your entire body jolting upwards on the bed and causing your toes to curl, back arching against the mattress. 
“You want to cum already babygirl? I can feel you clenching around me and I’m sure you can see your dumb drooling self in the mirror” he said, you not even noticing the small stream of saliva that run from your parted lips along your jaw, your breathing getting more rapid as he removed his hand from your clit and instead lifted your legs up, pressing them closer to your upper body. You screamed at the new access the man gained, the subtle outline of his cock was traced on your stomach as he pounded up into you, your clit throbbing in the lack of contact. 
“F-fuck,,, fuck yes,, g-gonna cum” you muttered out in broken syllables, barely being able to look upwards without getting flustered by the sight if you even saw anything at allf rom how your eyes watered, tears brimming at the edges and blurring the stuff you could see through the dark colored lights. Seungmin laughed lowly, adoring the fear mixed with satisfaction in your glimmering eyes, fucking you hard enough to make your hair a spread out mess on the bed, sticking to the saliva on your lips. Suddenly he pulled out, you letting out a tiresome moan and cupping your tits in your hands, pulling on your nipples slightly before releasing, your eyes landing on your boyfriends that were dark with lust. Your body language spoke volumes, you trying to make yourself as small as possible due to worry, wondering why he looked at you with those hooded eyes and that wicked smile. He tapped you on the side of your waist, a silent signal for you to turn around and you compiled without words but only then did you realize what he wanted, what his evil intentions were. In front of you, you saw your own reflection, forgetting that the two walls that welcomed the bed were completely covered in glas, reflecting back your fucked out face that was stained with tears and pure arousement. Seungmin’s hand snaked through your hair, grabbing a fistful by the roots and tilting your head up so that you looked at yourself from an angle, your eyes still glued on him but now instead through a clear mirror. Automatically your back arched, your perky butt up in the air, your cunt crying out from the lack of attention as he leaned closer to your ear, draping his body over yours and whispering seductively into your ear. 
“Don’t you dare look at me, I don’t like nasty whores looking at me. Watch how fucking pathetic you are when getting fucked.” He cleared his throat, his breath tickling against the side of your neck when his other hand stroked your back before wrapping around your throat, pushing on the sides and making you choke, lightheadedness making the room spin in a mystical and aroused daze. 
“No one else can fuck you this good, isn’t that right y/n?”
You nodded, the boy feeling the saliva run down your esophagus as you gulped loudly, your heart racing in your chest. He placed a wet kiss behind your ear causing you to raise your shoulder towards your head, a small giggle escaping you as the light kiss tickled your skin, you saw him smile momentarily, his intimidating aura bursting by the seams from the way your lips lingered in a smile even moments after he had kissed you. Both his hands cascaded down your back as he stood on his knees behind your cowered figure, a slap echoing in your ears before the pain surged through your skin, almost like he left an imaginative handprint on your asscheek. It was almost a threat. You needed to look at yourself in the mirror ahead of you or else he would punish you by more slaps, spit on you or both at the same time. You wanted to be good for him, it was afterall an anniversary. 
“Are you ready sweetheart?” he murmured under his breath to which you nodded, having to break eye contact with yourself from the humiliation you felt of watching yourself in the eyes while your boyfriend was pushing into your slippery cunt, carding through his dark hair with the other hand, pushing a couple of sweaty strands away from his glistening forehead, the same warm feeling of your pussy enveloping around his cock. You nodded a bit too late, your jaw hanging slack from the pleasure as you rolled your eyes back, gasping for air and moaning uncontrollably. He grabbed your hair by a fistful again, twisting it around his wrist that was the home to a dainty silver bracelet, his vicious thrusts startling you. 
“I said fucking look at yourself, are you that dumb or do you only understand when I slap you, hm?” he practically growled at you, attentively watching your every facial expression and seeing the approaching climax almost painted on your face. It was the way your eyes puffed up, your cheeks clad in glittering tears and your lips swollen from just how much you had been biting on them in order to silence your screams. Seungmin licked two fingers on his other hand and snaked around your waist, diving in between your legs in order to play with the sensitive bundle of nerves, driving you over the edge. 
“o-oh,, fuck! yes! right there, g-gonna cum!” you yelled in a high-pitched voice, arching your back even more and scrunching the sheets up with your hands, trying to find something to hold on to in order to not bounce back on Seungmin’s cock harder than you already were. This was a scene so far beyond erotic. You didn’t know that watching yourself get fucked hard and deep could be so thrilling, especially since you weren’t allowed to look at Seungmin without getting slapped around like the whore you are. 
Your lovers thrusts got sloppier and uneven, the pack slowing down and him instead going deeper, his hips slamming against your ass and causing your buttcheeks to wobble, him pinching your clit and making your knees weak, it was almost impossible to hold on any longer. With a final hard thrust you came, your love juices coating his throbbing cock that was decorated with thick veins, you moaning his name repeatedly until you came down from your high, your hand trying to grab onto his wrist to the hand that was circling your clit, begging him to stop. Your desperate whimpers was what set Seungmin’s climax off, the young boy rolling his head back before a low grunt escaped his mouth, dumping his cum inside your puffy hole and coloring your velvety walls in his milky white cum. The warmth was comforting, just as comforting as Seungmin releasing his hand from your hair and cunt, stroking your back and muttering “good girl” multiple times along with a small “i love you”, reminding you of how much he loved and cherished you. 
The room got silent, fatigued breaths hitting your ears, feeling Seungmin pulling out of you and only seconds later feeling the familiar feeling of cum dripping out, running against your cunt and small droplets staining the bed in a darker shade. You heard Seungmin snicker behind you, running his fingers along your cunt and smearing the cum all over, you flinching in overstimulation as his fingers came in direct contact with your sore clit. 
“You good?” you asked as you turned around, your eyes lightning up as you saw his handsome face again, only this time you caught it in the moment you loved it the most; right after sex. 
“Mhm, how are you baby?” he inquired to which you nodded before answering. 
“Now I’m doing good cause I can see you~" you said with a bright smile, stretching out your arms to which Seungmin complied, hugging you back and feeling your bare tits pressing up against his warm chest. He cupped your cheek, swiping his thumb across your cheeks that were still stinging, leaving a small kiss on it. 
“You know that I love you?” he asked quietly, you looking him deep in the eyes and smiling, his eyes turning into half-moons as he smiled back. 
“Of course I do, minnie” you answered, placing a delicate kiss on his cherry red lips. The purple lights luring the both of you to sleep, covering your eyes and enticing you into a deep slumber. 
It was an anniversary worth remembering.
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deviltoys · 3 years
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— ‘𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗽𝘂𝗽𝗽𝘆!’
itadori yuuji x top!male reader. (wc; 1.3k)
warnings. NSFW CONTENT, MINORS DNI, football au, ftm itadori, exhibitionism, choking, spanking, rough sex, dirty sex, barebacking, no prep, dacryphilia, sir k., pet name (puppy), belly bulge, implied oral.
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dim lights, the roar of people in the stands, the booming voice of the announcer amongst the crowd, cheerleading sqaud egging on their side in hopes of them outplaying the opposing team, and sweaty guys all lined up for a chance to win it; it was like every other friday night game. all the essentials were there.
your eyes locked with itadori’s light chestnut ones glistening with heart and motivation, he traced the opening in your movements; preparing for the golden opportunity to throw you the match winning pass. with your arms perched out in front of you he played his cards and took the risk, planting the ball right between your palms— calculated and clean you sunk the ball in-between your forearm and chest.
you had caught the toss, nothing less from the team's starting quarterback and receiver. together, you were a gnarly duo, the ultimate combination of talent.
carrying your team to victory was common practice for the two of you, there wasn't a single game that had happened throughout your third year career where you two hadn't been the mvp’s. just another notch onto the school's metaphorical belt, being a powerhouse school you had a reputation to uphold. you all had gone undefeated for years, another win was what you were known for— which also meant another reward for your puppy’s outstanding preformance on the field.
it was routine, a few months prior itadori was overwhelmingly titillated after a long and straining practice. he had outshined his fellow peers and you couldn't help but feel the need to help him relive some stress after a hard day; you'd be lying if you said you weren't a bit pent up yourself. so from then on, every match you two would win and every practice he demolished, you'd drill his brains out as soon as you two found a little privacy.
this time was different though, you were horny, he was horny— he wouldn't stop rubbing up on you as you exited the field and that was your breaking point.
at the rate in which he was clawing to remove your jersey, you were sure he'd rip the fabric right in two; he was so needy. you're dizzyingly hot as you draw an arm around his waist, letting your fingers slide between the waistband and the hem of his boxers.
“yuuji, this is your last chance. you sure you wanna do this now? because i won't be showing you any mercy puppy. practice will be a pain when you can barely walk.” you growl and bite at the nape of his neck, the gravel in your tone twisting with your hot breath only made you even more irresistible. how could he say no?
“mhm, i can handle it sir! i’ll take all the cum you give my greedy pussy!” his confirmation was only useless banter, you already had his pants pressed down to his kneepads. his milky skin was so plush, his puffy ass was messily rubbing right into your palms; just asking to be spanked into oblivion.
itadori whimpered with the sensation your warm hands brought upon his sweaty ass— the moisture from running around made the dewy flesh erupt harshly against your palm. it was far louder than expected, you wouldn't be surprised if the suspicious noise turned a few heads your direction. but you didn't care, they could watch you break your boyfriend all they pleased, you were only there to reward him.
sloppily, you drag your half exposed boyfriend deeper under cover of the bleachers. you two were sheltered by the metal seating— rows of attendees still roaming around the area, just threatening to unveil the naughty act.
you're reaching over and rubbing the front of his cunt, hastily trying to stimulate his swollen clit while itadori attempts to push the length of your cock inside of his desperate heat. your rough, broad hands spread him wide, suddenly aware of how absolutely filthy he looks. the grueling approach of your palms flushing his creamy white complexion a profound sheen of red didn't do his drooling pussy any favours— but the way you bait the head of your leaking cock over his slit makes him shudder and his brain fizzle into mush.
his cheeks were completely battered, the sting of humiliation overthrew any pain he may have been experiencing. if not, the deliciously overwhelming stretch of your cock around his velvet walls surely did the trick. you plunge inside of him and he's lost in euphoria, mind unable to function with the motion of your thrusts.
“i thought you said you could handle it baby, where's all that vigor now?” he throws his head back as you snake a few fingers around his throat, teasing a few more before finally clamping down. his back arches into your chest pads, whining and vibrating with excitement; you couldn't tell if it was how nicely you were treating his pussy or how badly he wanted to be used like a ragdoll. either way, you continued to plant rough spanks on his ass while the hand around his neck steadied your hips right against his sweet spot.
he was losing himself, thoughts disconnecting from reality.
“i..c- can't sir! m’sorry, you're too big!” despite his protests, you continue to grind the head of your cock right up against his cervix. he's physically unable to fit anymore of your thick, pulsing length inside and frowns slighty— wishing he could take you deep enough to paint his tongue white.
“can’t? i don't do, can't, puppy.” sure enough, your balls twitch once, twice, as they delve deeper into his creamy womb— so messy and dumb as he bucks his hips weakily in an last ditch effort to stuff himself full. a groan rumbles throughout your body as his first orgasm of the night shakes your shaft wonderfully, body still insisting he draw out as much pleasure as humanly possible.
his cunt splatters slick down your cock, adding to the mess that was already stirring around his tummy. the more wetness that collected the more inviting his hole was to your shaft— his stomach forming a very prominent, round bulge that showed off your cock very well. a telltale sign that his guts were surely moving to match your jabs.
it's too full— he was too full— but you didn't stop, your seed spilling out of his pussy as the sounds from his underside blended with his beautiful moans to create a lewd symphony. he was so overstimulated and so enthralled, eyes slightly crossing together and hot, salty tears leaking from his eyes as you fucked him through the both of your highs.
his cock bounced so pitifully as your merciless reign of hip-thrusts didn't slow from when you two had started. with one last, wholly thrust your warm, potent cum pumped blissfully into his infertile womb— his cunt overflowing with semen that would soon be selfishly sucked in like the rest.
the changes to his body made you undyingly hungry; wave after wave of your twitching cock just resting inside of him, desperately wanting to breech those sweet walls once more. he was bottomed out, his spent hole gaping around seemingly nothing as your dick popped out with little resistance; the cum from both of your groins pooling into a small puddle in the grass.
the way you rocked in and out of his meek, useless body made his resolve crumble so easily. his knees buckled out from under him and sent him onto the ground below— you were in need of a reward yourself, were you not?
it took him a minute, but soon you had him neatly settled between your legs; eyes wide with lust when the grin sprawled across your lips gave him the go ahead.
his body was still perfectly able to preform simple actions and that meant he wasn't finished. fucking and feeding him from both holes was your goal and let's just say a few janitors observed the two of you leaving, the quarterback snug between your arms— unable to move properly without support.
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