#I’m writing this response in the sunshine at the park and hoping to walk out the rest of my current mof wip
yoonzinuhh · 10 months
the sunshine kiss — seokmin
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : reader x seokmin
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : pure fluff
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : nothing much. just few curse words and obviously a kiss.
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : this is purely fiction. i was suppose to post this on saturday but man MELTED writing this and couldn’t wait at all ! hope you guys enjoy this.
“i’m going to murder you” you sigh out on phone to your best friend,aira.
“trust me,i will make up ! ice cream ? lunch at your favourite cafe ? BABE WHATEVER YOU NEED” she practically screams in panic from the other side.
“i’m never helping you with mingyu again” you cry out cutting the call and texting with a “i’ll talk later everyone’s already here”
here you are,standing in a wide ass amusement park as a part of your college fun trip,without your bestfriend. your eyes wanders seeing everyone pair up as two. sighing you already had thoughts of leaving this place,if it was as easy.
you weren’t friendless,to be honest you were pretty popular. being the top student that wear hoodie every single day,too tired but helping classmates with their works. but you were just little too reserved and only spent time with your best friend,who’s very much unlike you. loud,happy,socialising,oh dear EVERYTHING you were’t. you often wonder how she even stays with you but thanks to her else you might’ve been rotting in the last bench on your classroom all day.
“you have none to pair up with” a little loud voice peeps beside you. you turn up seeing seokmin,the class sunshine. he was pretty much like aira but more brighter. you always wonder how someone could be as energetic at 8am in the morning,greeting literally everyone in the hall way. all eyes on him and he was pretty handsome too,with a good personality. its like he’s the other polar side of you. no wonder everyone loves talking to him.
“uh yeah..” you whisper out. you both aren’t friends,or enemies. just two people from the same class that exchange notes for group activities. nothing more,nothing less.
“do you want me to pair up with you ? i don’t have anyone either” you know it’s a lie. literally any girl or even guys from your class would throw themselves onto him.
pointing your finger to yourself,with eyebrows little raised “me?” you mouthed little confused.
“yeah..if you’re comfortable though.”
you simple nod walking with him to the ride. he talks,talks and talks. you were practically tired on his behalf of how much he talks. you don’t really complain. enjoying few small rides with his wide smile like a little child,oh love.
grabbing your hands he runs towards the roller coaster,your cheeks getting warmer,you aren’t sure if its because of the summer or him.
seated on the ride he raises his eyebrows “if you’re scared then just hold my hand. i don’t mind”
you chuckle as a response “sure sure”
oh how the tables have turned. he screams like no tomorrow,making your ears ring,his head leaning onto your shoulder,hands tightly gripping you while the ride goes fast. you smile to yourself seeing him scream like a child over a mere roller coaster ride.
as you both get away from the ride. “are you okay? seems like we switched positions” you giggle.
he was embarrassed but slid it with a “i was trying to give you a company you know..so you won’t be embarrassed to be scared” he says scratching his back neck.
you both slide into the photobook arena. trying on silly headbands,seokmin making you laugh little more with his silly jokes. he helps you wear one of those bands that you were struggling with,his eyes focused on your forehead,hands on your cheeks. you were technically burning over how close he was. you were sinking in him.
“PERFECT” he shouts enough for you to snap back. giggling and taking pictures “i’m going to treasure these” he simple blurts. oh.
it was almost 6pm. you were tired from all the rides unlike the man beside you,running around,trying things. it doesn’t annoy you,you makes you happier to be honest.
“seokmin…i’m so tired” you say resting your hands on your knees while you both sit on a bench. he takes his hand,putting your head on his shoulder’s side. “rest up. one last ride on the giant wheel then we leave miss ma’am”
you’re so amused on how calm he was while stirring up butterflies in your stomach. casually staying close,calling you pretty when your hair is stuck up with all the rides,fixing it,now making you rest on his shoulder. oh he has no idea. or maybe he does. or maybe because he’s so in love with y/n from his literature class for the past 2 years. or because his best friend literally forced him to make a move before he loses you. he’s as or even more whipped.
you both sit down on the seat on the giant wheel. it slowly starts moving up. eyes peeking out,seeing the lights of the park and the city. you smile so wide. maybe this time you were the child. “so pretty..” you almost whisper.
“right..so pretty..” he agrees. he knows he isn’t talking about the sky view,but the view infront of him.
you pull out your phone to take a picture of the lights,the pretty moon. moving your eyes to seokmin who was already staring at you and suddenly looking away. you were scared,scared that you would fall more. no way someone like him could ever fall for you. the sun would never peek up at the night darkness,will it ?
“can you click a picture of me”” he simply says. you nod while pointing your camera on him.
seeing him through your lens. he was too pretty under the moon light. brown hair falling little above his eyes,his perfectly angled with protractor god know how many degree nose,his eyes forming a crescent while he poses. you were gone.
“a-are these fine?” showing your phone,your head bumps when you both bend a little.
“ow- im sorry”
he chuckles staring into your eyes.
“y/n” you look up
“c-can i..can i kiss you?”
oh fuck. your eyebrows perk up,throat getting dry,you swear the whole town could hear your heart thumping so loud. you stare.
“i’m sorry if i made you u-uncomfortable” you see this man,with confidence plastered around his face stammering.
“n-no no” you almost shout’ “i mean no you aren’t making me uncomfortable and oh my- yes..you can kiss me” you look down at your feet,so nervous.
he slowly takes your chin on his hand,staring at you like you’re his whole world,getting closer. your noses bump.
he panickingly chuckles “sorry this is my first time”
you smile “its okay..mine too”
as he connects his soft lips on yours. it was very tender,like the clouds above your head. you start moving your lips and you realise all those books weren’t joking about how good kissing feels. he caresses your cheek while your hands rest on his knees. pulling out to breath he chuckles a “wow..” and kisses you once again,more softer,more lighter and ends it with a peck.
“t-that was so amazing” he breathes out.
you nod shyly avoiding all the ways to make an eye contact. you were a blushing mess and you know he could see that.
“i think i like you” you blurt and immediately putting your hands over your mouth after realising what you just said.
“you’re joking” he says.
you’re dead you think to yourself. maybe he kissed for the moment,just because of nothing. maybe he doesn’t like you back. maybe he thinks you’re weird for liking someone over a kiss. oh GOD.
“you think i spent practising every single day for two years on how to ask you out just for you to say you like me in a split second ? so unfair !”
you stared in disbelief “two years ?!”
“uh yeah..” he shyly said.
you sighed,laughed,relieved.
“so..we’re a thing now..?”
you giggle at him,how red his ears are.
“i think?”
the ride ends,he helping you get out of the seat and hugging a small hug as you get into your bus. maybe you have to thank your bestfriend for falling sick this time. maybe the sun does peek out during the night sky,for the morning.
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“You are my sunshine”
Part 19: Save me from this sorrow
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Status: Finished
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: AHHHHH!!! Seeing your feedbacks make my day so much!!!! Thank you so so so much for reading. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @lorosette @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @screeching20s @alecmores @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @randobeetlehouse
Series Masterlist:
“Dime cuánto va a dolerme la verdad,
tampoco se muy bien si la quiero ir”
(tell me how much will the truth hurt me, i’m not even sure i want to listen to it)
You were listening to “Amigos” by Pablo Alborán and Maria Becerra on your way to Jason’s apartment.
Your nerves were going to kill you. They were almost suffocating at this point, oh how you related to the song. You wanted to get this over with, you wanted the truth and yet at the same time you weren’t sure if you ACTUALLY wanted to hear it cause it would confirm everything.
You had never gone to Jason’s apartment seeing as he was constantly at yours. Your gps was giving instructions of the pin he had sent you.
You finally get there and park your car. It’s a nice ass complex, you wouldn’t expect less of Bruce Wayne’s adoptive son.
“Aquí vamos, Yn, with your head held high”
you get out of the car and head to the lobby. You are buzzed in seeing as Jason had already announced you’d be visiting. The trip up the elevator was slow. You tug on your work clothes.
Today had been a good day so far, you had a meeting where it was announced that you’d be promoted to head architect and director of designs of the company. You’d wish you could celebrate in ways other than discussing your potential heartbreak with the cause of it.
The elevator dings and you walk towards his apartment. 27B.
Just as you raise your hand to knock, the door opens. Lo and Behold, Artemis Grace, stands there just about to exit his apartment.
Of course.
Because of your shock, you miss the way Artemis looks at you up and down, licks her lips and slightly smirks. If only you knew that she desired you more than she ever could Jason.
“If you excuse me, χαριτωμένο μικρό πράγμα, I have to take my leave. Please do enter.
(translation: pretty thing in Greek)
You are stunned for a sec and suddenly Jason comes into view, looking panicked.
He gulps and brings you inside.
You both are left standing there in an awkward silence. Not knowing what to do
Alfred’s lessons on manners suddenly come to Jason, “would you like something to drink? water? juice? wine?” he asks gesturing to the kitchen
“just water” you reply, knowing that you’d like to be as sharp minded as you can at the moment.
you both walk towards the kitchen and you sit in one of the seats in the islet/counter. You place your bag on the seat next you and face Jason, placing your hands on the table.
he hands you a water bottle and you both open your mouths to speak at the same time:
“I swear it is not-“
“Did i truly have-“
you both look at each other and laugh a little, easing them tension. You gesture for Jason to go first and he gestures for you to go first. Both look at each other exasperated and Jason clears his throat. “May i go first?” he asks and you nod.
Listening to him was going to be easier than sorting the mess you were feeling right now and putting it to words.
In a sense, Jason was relieved that you let him speak first, he had time to actually sort what he wanted to say and how. Even though he felt as if he somehow had an unfair advantage since he knew how you felt because of the drunk night in the car.
“It’s not what it looks like, it never was how it looked like and it never will be how it looked like” he starts. You raise your eyebrow at the cliche response and open the bottle. You gesture for him to carry on.
“Artemis and I are just friends, we always have been. Yes, there have been times where things have happened, but none of them have meant anything, just two friends.” You look at him skeptically and he noticed that the last part might have sound odd so he clears it up.
“Yes, she and i have slept together before but none of that matters, she and I have never wanted to carry out something other than a friendship. She’s one of my business partners and closest friends and I would never desire her in any way.” you nod and take another gulp of water.
“That and there are more chances that she would want to bed you right now than she’d want me”, at that, your eyes open wide and you choke on the water you were drinking and start coughing. Jason comes from the other side of the count and starts patting your back. When it subsides, you are breathing a little heavy and you stare at Jason,
“You could have told me that after i finished drinking, Jason, frankly i don’t think the surprise did any favors to my lungs at the moment” you say and both of you start to laugh.
He apologizes and waits for you to be normal again so that he continues.
“As I was saying, we met up and we posted that, thinking nothing of it. I would have never thought that it would be blown out of proportion-“
“-you both are ‘celebrities’, the fuck did you expect?”
he narrows his eyes at your response and you smirk lightly, “the point is, she is not a threat to us”
“oh there is an us? last time i checked, we didn’t wear labels”
“you can’t possibly believe that there wasn’t an us” Jason said. His eyes longingly looking at you wanting nothing other than to hold you and kiss you. You were sitting at the chair, your back to the counters and he was standing next to you, one hand on his hip and the other on the counter, facing you.
“that every caress, every date, every call, every encounter, every moment, every minute and second with you meant nothing” he finishes.
“i don’t know what to expect Jason, that is the problem. At the beginning, you made it abundantly clear that it was just for fun, so I took it for fun, then it started to get more intimate as time passed and you never clarified. I had asked a month after the first date, and you said the same thing. You treat me like your lover and your plaything at the same time, what was i supposed to believe?” you retort
“My play thing?!?!? Whatever made you believe that you were just a play thing to me?” He responds, getting slightly agitated
“Your siblings, Jason! Do you think it doesn’t fuck with the mind or raise any warning bells that they wanted to meet me before i met you? Do you think it doesn’t make it questionable? Could you honestly blame me for having assumptions at things i asked and you never clarified and stay paranoid?” Yn answered, finally letting her frustration be displayed. She had had it. Ok, fine. Jason wasn’t taken or interested in someone, but those were still things that troubled her and finally she was done and needed answers.
Jason stays quiet through her rant. He watched as Yn stood up and walked back and forth frustrated. He knew that before anything was further explained, he needed to let her say it all because even if he knew, she didn’t know he knew.
Yn passed her hand through her hair.
“I was fine playing the part of secret lover to the public but it’s no longer fun Jason. What do they want from me and more importantly, what do you want from me!?!” she said sternly as she stood in front of him looking directly to his eyes challenging him to respond.
“I want you. I want your time, I want your attention, I want to be the object of your desires and the focus of your love, I want to be yours wholeheartedly and completely, just as I want your heart to belong to me and only me. I want dinner dates and waking up in the morning, I want to see your night routine in person, i want to drive you around in my bike and take you anywhere as long as I’m with you, I want you only you.” he answers, taking you face in his hands and rubbing your check with his thumb.
You wanted to accept that answer, yet you couldn’t because there were still other questions to be answered. Most of the time this is how he got you to forget them, romancing you into his arms, but you needed to know.
You take his hands of your face, “What about the rest? How did they know me before you, why are they searching for me? Make it make sense, Jason. Was it a challenge? Did you pick some random person to toy with, is that why you’re so desperate? Get a kiss out of me, lead me to your bed, fuck me and leave for your next conquest?”
Jason was hurt at the accusations. He swears that he will fucking give them one hell of a earful tonight in patrol for not understanding simple boundaries.
“you know that’s not it-“
“oh! I KNOW?!?!? I KNOW!?!? DO I JASON!???”
your frustrating was beyond limits, Why was he avoiding it so much
“Yes, Yn! You know damn well that my fucking feelings are not fake! Or did you honestly think that i place so much effort and time and i give so much love and attention to ANY person that comes to my life?!?”, now Jason was frustrated as fuck. When did this get so complicated? The original plan was she comes, they fix the misunderstanding with Artemis and everything would have been fine. Since it was a drunk confession, he through he had more time to come up with a well thought of explanation for her accusations and his siblings actions, yet she didn’t come to simply talk about that, she wanted to know everything and he short circuited.
She closed her eyes and said, “we should calm down and breathe for a moment. We are getting too riled up and we aren’t fixing shit if we both can’t think straight” as she breathed heavily.
Jason agrees and gestures to the living room. They both walk towards the sofa and sit down. Jason at one end facing her and Yn, at the other facing him.
Yn speaks first, “I feel like a plaything and a joke to all of you. You treat me as your girlfriend and give me exclusivity, yet you refuse to admit that there is a romantic relation in any of the things we do until today. Your siblings treat me as a rare species in need of investigation and find me a challenge. You all seem to know me before even meeting me and took me as a target before speaking to me. Finally, one day you fill me with love and champagne and the next, you are seen with another woman that media confirms as your girlfriend. Tell me, am i insane for feeling conflicted?”
Jason shakes his head no and answers, “Not at all sweets, frankly, if it had been the other way around, I don’t think I would have had much class dealing with it.” he validates your feelings
“but, I would love for you to let me speak and explain everything, can you let me, my love?”
and you nod, getting more comfortable in the sofa.
Here comes nothing
“You are my soulmate.” he throws it out the and you swear you feel the air leave your lungs. You stare at him dumbfoundedly….you are his soulmate?? you knew that soulmates existed in this world, but weren’t both people supposed to know? Like at the same time?
“Like legit? you ask and want to scold yourself for sounding stupid. He nods in response. “How do you know?”
the one explanation he was waiting to avoid.
He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking and calculated. Finally, he opens his mouth,
“A few days before the Scholar’s Charity Gala, we were….at…an activity, yeah, and encountered some strange light blue beings-“
“-the Anima populi?!?!?”, Yn interrupts mesmerized, “they are real!?!?”
Jason nods and she continues, “That’s impossible! I thought they were only a myth to make kids believe in love”
“Well, sweets, turns out they are very much real and the legends are true. One of them had contact with me, and suddenly all of my family and I black out and images and memories of you flashed before our eyes. Once we regained consciousness they explained who you were to me. And coincidentally, you appear at the gala. Their excitement to getting to know you and the bet are a result of that” He finished, looking at her uncertainly, hoping she’d believe him.
Yn stayed quiet, processing everything. Suddenly, she looked at him, eyes wide.
“We haven’t kissed” she says and Jason, not understanding where she’s getting with this, raises an eyebrow and nods
“According to legend, once the two souls kiss they are bound to be sealed as one. Meaning that if we had kissed, I would have known it was you. I had feeling it was you and all but….wait wait wait, how did you encounter the Anima populi? They are not easy to be found!” Yn questioned and Jason swore he was fucking sweating in his seat. Yn please for the love of everything, stop asking questions.
He clears his throat and looks anywhere but her. He tries to avoid the answer by asking her a question, “You had a feeling it was me?” he smirks and looks at her. She flushes and opens her mouth to speak yet she can’t, she looks anywhere but him and he can’t help but huff out a laugh. He moves to sit closer to her, trapping her between the sofa and her body, and takes her face gently with one hand and turns it towards him, forcing both of them to make eye contact.
you want to look anywhere else, and you try, but this blue - green eyes keep on pulling you back to them, almost hypnotizing you
“Maybe once or twice, don’t let it get to your head”
He places his hand on you waist and pulls you on top of him. you sitting in his lap
Both of you, comfortable in your position, his hands on your waist, yours on the sofa on each side of his head staring down at him
“I feel like your lying to me, love” he smirks looking up at you.
“is that so, Mr. Todd”
“Yes, because you see, that’s the thing about this whole ordeal. When one person gets lost in their imagination about one person, the other is bound to do the same” he answers as he grabs one of your wrists and kisses the inside whilst looking at you through his eyelashes. Fuck me, Jason Todd is a beautiful man and there is no room to argue.
“Have you gone crazy thinking of me?” you ask leaning down a little
He huffs and rolls his eyes, “Have i gone mad thinking of you! the audacity of you to ask such question” he uses the same wrist he is holding and tugs you so now your faces are inches apart, “i’ve thought about you so much my head can go dizzy with just a whisper of your name. I’ve thought about you alright, so much that it is impossible not to” he brushes his lips to yours, barely touching them, and yet you can feel a small spark in you chest.
“i’ve thought about you in the morning, noon, and night, in my bed, here, in my bike, i’ve though of wanting to wake up and go to sleep with you, of going anywhere with you, i’ve thought of cooking for you and taking care of you, i’ve though of surrendering my entire being is yours so much that if you were to need for the moon, the moon you’ll get, you see what you don’t get is this, i knew we were soulmates but i felt that we were when you first looked at me. I have known for so long that i understand you are the ruin of my restraint, the object of my downfall and the lighter of my revival. You are that flame that never ceases to end and that breeze that cools the burn. Yn, what else do i have to say for you to understand, I burn for you, most ardently” he says softly and you have to pull back to look at him in the eyes.
Those are not words to be taken lightly and you want to see, you NEED to see if it’s true.
You take his face in your hands and look into his eyes. In return, you found sincerity, vulnerability and complete, utter, raw honestly and emotion.
“I have opened my heart and soul to you with only hopes that you do that in return” he says and his eyes water a little
Jason felt his chest tighten. He entertained a thought that never had crossed his mind, where the Anima Populi wrong? Her silence was killing him.
Instead, knowing that words had failed her and emotion was too much to express with them, she took one look at his lips and decided.
She smashed her lips to his and it was almost as if something exploded and bloomed inside of her at the same time. Her chest was filled with warmth, and almost as if someone had injected something, a cool sensation ran through her veins. It felt as if she had died and been born again.
One of Jason’s hands hugged her waist instead of just holding it whilst the other held the back of her head.
The kiss was passionate and intense, leavening them truly out of breath after it. As they tried to catch their breath, they look up and noticed that each had a faint almost transparent flame above their heads, one red (Jason) and one blue (Yn) and both started to twist around the other leaving a purplish trail behind. They finally connected and created a purple fire heart, that glowed and then vanished into thin air. Yn looked down at him and smiled, nuzzling her nose to his.
“Looks like you are stuck with me now, Jason” she remarked lovingly looking at him.
Jason couldn’t keep his eyes of her. Their soulmate connection had been established and their souls were bound to one another. He had a soulmate, a legit soulmate. Someone destined love him and only him even with the darkness he brings, a darkness she had yet to encounter. At that thought, a small amount of guilt became present in his heart. His beautiful girl, soon you’ll find out, as for now, the only thing he could respond with was:
“Wouldn’t have it any other way” and pulled her in for another kiss.
“tu me curas esta soledad, soledad
tu me curas esta soledad”
(you cure this loneliness of mine”
Author’s note: INTENSE CHAPTERRRR!!! But Fret not, it isn’t the last one. I kinda want to write a smut chapter but i’m nervous toooooo
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 3: Foundations
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Slowburn)
Part 1, ...(Masterlist)... Part 4
A/N: Another day another chapter!! I am really knocking them out!! I hope you guys are enjoying the sweet sweet slow burn. We are building a little foundation between Billy and reader in this chapter.
Word Count: 1,697
Warnings: Swearing
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In the weeks following your first encounter, you would see Billy around more often. You would see his car parked in various places around town while you were out walking. You noticed that while most of the time he was alone, he would sometimes be with an older man. 
More often than not you would see his car speeding past you on the roads around Hawkins, always driving at an unreasonably fast speed. You could hear his loud engine and blasting music from a mile away. Since that day, you had become more aware of letting your mind wander when you were out walking. Not wanting a repeat of your near death experience. He wouldn’t speak to you again until nearly a week after you first met. It was a short conversation, no less hostile than the first.  
Sitting under the shade of a large oak tree near the edge of Hawkin’s small town centre, you wrote in your journal. The words flowed across the lined pages, slowly painting the dark picture in your mind. The writing starkly contrasted with the light summer atmosphere surrounding you. While kids laughed, enjoying the sunshine in the park across from you, the story on your page depicted them cowering from demonic forces. 
In the story you were currently working on, the haunting creature had become the manifestation of evil, stalking the children. Picking them off one by one.
You are fully engrossed in your writing when a strong kick to the bench you’re sitting on startles you. Your wide eyes look up to see a familiar predatory grin. 
“You really need to pay more attention.” He chides, looking down at you. His foot is still resting next to you on the bench where he had kicked it. He looks similar to the first time you had seen him. He was wearing a different t-shirt, but otherwise he looked the same. 
Your heart is still racing in your chest, but you meet his gaze evenly. 
“I, personally, think that you need to pay less attention…” Your hand swiftly shoves his leather boot off the bench. He stumbles for a split second, but quickly stands upright. “To me, specifically.” you finish, turning your gaze back to your journal.
He seems to take your response as some type of challenge because he takes a seat next to you. He’s sitting far closer than you would like but not sitting close enough to actually touch you. You can smell his cologne when he lifts his arm to rest behind your shoulders on the back of the bench. He smelt musky, like the wet earth after a storm. 
“How can I not pay attention to a body like yours” He purrs, looking you up and down. His tone would normally sound smooth but to you it sounded unbearably fake. You roll your eyes at the blatant attempt at flattery. 
“Oh please! Is that what passes for a pick-up line in California?” you ask, looking up to him, exasperated. “Tell me, champ, how often does that work?” His gaze remains steady on yours as he shrugs his shoulders, leaning in slightly closer.
“You’d be surprised.” He replies smirking, sending you a quick wink. You are struck for a moment. He is very handsome when you aren’t taking into account his obvious knowledge of that fact. 
“Oh trust me, I’m surprised. Surprised you feel no shame about how corny this all is.” you reply smoothly. His brows begin to draw together, eyes narrowing on you as he realises his flirtations are getting him nowhere. The tense lines settle back into his face. 
“If I were you, I would take the compliments where you can get them.” he bites spitefully. 
“Impressive! Compliment me in one line, insult me in the next. I’m now surprised you don't have whiplash!” You shoot back. You think you can see a crack in his carefully constructed mask with the flex in the muscle of his jaw. You were getting to him.
“It comes with practice.” he responds, schooling his expression. You narrow your eyes trying to figure out exactly why he is talking to you. Finding nothing in his sharp features, you turn back to your writing. The train of thought you had been running with had been effectively derailed by Billy’s appearance. You try to ignore his presence next to you, reading over the last paragraph you had written, hoping to jumpstart your pen. 
“How’d you know I was from California?” Billy’s voice once again disrupts your thoughts. You reply as if it were the simplest thing in the world, keeping your eyes on your page. 
“It’s on your tags. I made an intuitive leap.” you explain. You hear him hum in response. There is another moment of silence. Thinking the conversation was finished you tried to gather your thoughts again. 
“I’ve seen you walking a lot.” His voice cuts in. Sighing, frustrated, you close your journal with a snap. There was no way you were going to get any more writing done with him here.
“And you’re about to see it again.” You say, shoving your journal back in your bag and standing up. Billy moves to stand, quickly following after you. You begin walking back into town, planning on taking the long way back to your house. Billy walks along, one step behind you, his long legs easily keeping up with you. 
“I’m just curious about where exactly you're always walking to.” Billy tries again, craning his neck to try and see your face as you continue striding forward. 
“It’s this interesting place called “None-ya”. As in, “none of your business”.” You respond terse, your grip tightening on the straps of your bag.
“Just thought you might know something interesting to do in this shithole of a town.” Billy comments, glancing contemptuously at the small shop fronts around you.
The insult to your home town stung slightly. You grew up here. A lot of terrible things may have happened to you here, but also some of the greatest. This is where you met Barb and Nancy. Where the three of you spent your weekends at the theatre or shopping in the square. 
You stop on your heels, Billy nearly running into your back. Turning, you face him directly, your eyes meeting his surprised gaze. Despite being shorter than him, you tried to stand tall. 
“If you’re so dead set on hating this place, all you are ever going to feel is angry.” you say firmly. “If I were you, I would try to find the good in it… no matter how small it may be.” you continue. His face remains set in stone, one eyebrow slightly quirked as his eyes study your face. You're not sure why you said it. Maybe it was more for yourself than for him. You had spent a lot of time dwelling on the darkness inside of yourself. Sometimes it was hard for you to see the good still left in the world. 
Billy remains silent, his eyes on yours, like he was searching for something there. Standing this close to him you could see the little flecks of green in the blue of his eyes. Once again, you are reminded of the ocean. 
“Billy!” A male voice thunders. Turning, you see a man across the street carrying supplies out of the hardware store. “Get your ass over here and help me!” he yells, adjusting his hold on the bags in his arms. You hear Billy exhale sharply, glancing at him you see the muscle in his jaw flex again. You can't be sure, but you think he seems more tense than he was a moment ago. 
“Whatever, loca.” He mumbles, taking a step away. “I’ll see you around. '' he adds before jogging across the street to help the man. You assume it’s his father based on the resemblance. It’s slight, but you can see it.
You watch as Billy takes one of the bags, his father saying something to him. You couldn’t make out the words but he looked angry, talking down to Billy as they loaded the bags into the trunk. Billy keeps his head down, but the tension in his frame is unmistakable. 
You suddenly become uncomfortable watching the interaction. They were strangers and you had no previous knowledge of their relationship dynamic. It wasn’t your place.
After that day, you did in fact see Billy more. Almost everyday on your walks you came across him. Most of the time he would see you walking along the side of the road and would slow down enough to speak to you out of the window as he cruised next to you. They were never particularly long interactions. He would always ask you where you were heading and you would tell him the general vicinity of where you were heading or sometimes you would tell him you weren’t sure yet. 
Once or twice he asked you for directions or what store he could find certain supplies in. Through the short conversations you were able to deduce that he was here with his father looking for a place to live.
He never spoke to you when his father was with him. You could always tell because when you would hear his car approaching it wouldn't slow next to you, instead it would cruise by at a speed more reasonable that you would normally see Billy driving. Or if you were passing through town he would meet your eyes for only an instant before turning his gaze away. Sometimes he would outright ignore you if you passed the two of them on the street.
It didn't bother you. If anything, it made you curious. Everything about Billy was loud. The car, the music, the hair, the conversations. It was all chaos. But when his father was around it was like someone threw a thick blanket over a boom box, smothering the noise. It was interesting to see, if not a little unsettling. 
The two of you would continue like this for the next three weeks. Then in the last week of August you had a conversation that would change the way you saw Billy.
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Part 1, ...(Masterlist)... Part 4
A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Leave a like and a comment! I have the next part already written just need to type it up.
Tag-list: @official-starcourt-mall @lem0ns77 @bethii1 @wysteria-arts
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astraldelights · 1 year
Hotel El Royale || Grey/Slightly Dark!Miles Miller
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Synopsis: After a long journey, you only had one place to rest between borders
Content: 18+, Grey/Slightly Dark!Miles Miller, Masturbation ,Voyeurism, Creepy Miles, Mentions of war and recreational drug use.
Author’s note: I wanted to write something with an unstable miles considering the horrors he’s probably seen. Hope you enjoy! 
The drive across the borders was a long trip, it would have taken at least 3 more hours on the road and it was getting dark. You were tired and needed a rest, anywhere would do. The only place in the area? The El Royale.
A line divided the hotel into the two states it bordered on, California and Nevada. Parking on the Nevada side, you hauled your large bags out of the trunk and headed into the hotel.
As you entered, you noticed the lack of staff or the presence of any other human being in the estate. Putting down your bags near the counter, you took a look around the lobby, the line splitting it in two. Crossing the line with a hop, you studied the other side of the lobby with a completely different colour scheme. Filled with bright yellows and dazzling lights, on its walls are hung photos of famous celebrities.
Suddenly, BANG!
 The door behind the front desk had swung open and out came a dishevelled man, clothes and hair in a mess. Awaking from his slight daze when his eyes met you, he quickly straightened himself before he spoke,
“W-welcome to the El Royale. I'm very sorry to have kept you waitin” 
Giving him a kind smile in return, you replied, “ It’s quite alright. I was starting to wonder if there was actually anybody in this hotel.” 
You looked around the lobby, it was still as empty as when you entered, excluding the man that had just come out of the door behind the front desk.
“Well Miles,” Reading his name tag off his mustard colour coat as you moved towards the counter , “ What's the deal with this hotel huh? Why the weird line motif and different colour schemes?”
This seemed to activate a certain response in him. He lifted the counter and moved in front of the front desk. 
Clearing his throat he turned to you, “ The El Royale is a bi-state establishment. You have the option to stay in either the great state of California or the great state of Nevada.”
 Both his arms raised to emphasise each state. 
“Warmth and sunshine to the west or hope and opportunity to the east.”
Turning to you, he asked, “Which would you prefer?” 
Contemplating for a while, you responded, “What’s the difference?”
“ Well the rooms in California cost a dollar more” 
That caused you to pause, “ Wait why? Are they better in some way?”
Miles shook his head, “ There’s no difference. The rooms just cost a dollar more.”
Trying to wrap your head around that silly discrepancy, you finally made your choice to stay in your own great state of Nevada and picked out room 3 for yourself.
Miles watched as you left the lobby and headed to your room. It had been quite some time since he had seen anyone else in the hotel, especially someone as pretty as you. Ever since the hype around the hotel had died down, demand and customers seemed to have decreased drastically.
Curiosity nagged at his mind to see what you would do in your room. You were quite kind to him. Kinder than other guests that had come through the hotel before. You even bothered to read his name from the rusty name tag on his uniform. Succumbing to his curiosity, he took the master key and unlocked the hidden passage behind the rooms. Walking down the concrete hallway, his steps echoed after him. 
Room 3. You unlocked the door and carried your bags in before setting them down on your bed. The wallpaper was blue, lined with black strips of a repeating pattern. A mirror centered in the middle of the room had a brown chair placed in front of it. 
You were tired, however your stomach grumbled for attention. So you decided to freshen up before grabbing something to eat back at the lobby. Lifting your shirt from your body, unaware that behind the mirror, Miles was watching.
His eyes followed as your hands moved downwards, noting the curvature of your body. Bending down to remove your pants gave Miles a good view between your breasts cupped by your bra. It felt wrong. He shouldn’t be doing this, it was invading your privacy! But it had been so long since he had seen such a pretty woman like yourself and even when he tried to tear his eyes away, you just kept pulling him back. His head filled with thoughts of what it would feel to be buried in your chest, or how your soft thighs would cradle his head.
Mile’s face started to flush as his eyes tried to capture every shape of your body. His mind flooded with fantasies, the blood rushed from his head to in-between his legs.
As you moved to remove your bra, he finally managed to pull himself away from the image of your undressed state. Not wanting to invade anymore of your privacy, he walked off quickly to the maintenance closet to settle his own issue down south. 
Taking a towel, you wrapped yourself in it before heading in the shower. 
The shower was relaxing to say the least, you were quite lucky that the hot water still worked which managed to unwind your stiff muscles. It certainly beat smelling like leather and gas station food. 
After changing into some fresh night clothes, you wandered around the lobby looking for a quick meal.  Approaching the California side, you walked up to the refreshment sections. It had a few machines providing different types of food, a machine for fruit, sandwiches and pies. You weren’t really in the mood for just fruit and you were not willing to bet on the freshness of those sandwiches. That left the only option to be the pies. 
Inserting a 25 cent coin into the machine, out came a single slice of cherry pie. You grabbed the plate and sat down at one of the chairs. The sound of your plate clinked out in the empty open. Eerie silence was accompanied by the fact that you were completely alone in the lobby.
You ran up to the front desk and called out to Miles. 
Upon hearing your voice he quickly rushed out the door and came to the front counter.
“Yes! What can I do for you ma’am?”
You cringed at the title, “ Please don’t call me ma'am, it makes me feel old.”
He mutters a small apology under his breath
“I was wondering if you would be willing to join me for my supper. Considering there is no one else here to accompany me.”
Miles was slightly surprised at the notion but agreed and followed you back to your table. 
“What do you actually do here?” You questioned.
His eyes kept drifting to your own before shifting down to the table and away, preventing himself from staring for too long.
“I take care of the hotel and its guests.”
“What about other staff? Do you take care of the whole hotel by yourself?”
Stuffing your face with stale cherry pie, you listened to him as he talked.
Miles nods, “It isn’t as bad as you think since not many people come to the hotel anymore, so I only clear out certain rooms for guests that come through.”
“Doesn’t it get lonely out here? All by yourself?” you asked.
“It does sometimes, but I don't mind it too much.”
He fiddles with his hands at your questioning, not wanting to reveal the habit that he uses to fill his time.
The silence filled the air again.
“Let’s turn on some music! Any requests for the jukebox?” You walked over and looked at the various selection of songs. Miles shook his head so you just pressed a random song to start playing.
As the record was picked out of the machine, the beat of the song started to play once the record was set.
You moved along to the beat of the song, as the upbeat nature of its tune carried your body’s movement along.
“Twenty-five miles from home, girl. My feet are hurting mighty bad”
Smiling at the cheerful beat, you beckoned Miles to join you as you. He was reluctant at first but gained the courage to move with you. 
“I got a woman waiting for me
Gonna make this trip worthwhile”
Following the beat, his steps moved in tandem with yours. A bright smile started to replace the weak one on his face. It had been so long since he felt this light hearted. His mind always wracked with the things he had seen. With you, in this moment, he forgot it all.
“You see, she's got the kind of lovin' and kissing
A make a man go stone wild
So I got to keep on walkin'
Walk on
It felt like this moment could last for eternity, but it had to come to an end. Winding down from the song, you sat back down to catch your breath.
“Do you need a drink?”
You nodded, “Just get me something refreshing from the bar please.”
Miles immediately started to prepare a drink for you and himself. He brought the drinks to your table and you continued to select a few more songs on the jukebox for it to play. Setting down his whiskey on the rocks and your drink, he beckoned you over back to the table.
Taking a sip from your own glass was refreshing. Miles followed as well, taking a sip of his own drink with its ice clinking against its glass. 
“So Miles, why take this job? In the middle of nowhere, in between the states? No girlfriend or wife at home?”
An awkward smile formed on Miles’ face, “ No, no girlfriend or wife. I had one girlfriend before but she left me for some older guy. Something about stability or somethin’” He grumbled, remembering the bitter day his girlfriend had left him at the tender age of 15.
“If I was her I wouldn't have left.” You blurted out. Was it the alcohol that caused you to say such a blatantly flirty comment? Or were you really interested in him? Miles wasn’t sure. 
With reddened cheeks, Miles continued with a nervous tone, “ W-well thank y-you. But to answer your original question. I took this job…”
He paused for a moment. Contemplating his next words.
“ I took this job to get a sense of normalcy after the war. It seemed like a good pace of change after bein in the battlefield. After the things I've seen, it was a good change of scenery as well”, the words came out of his mouth while his lies seeped through his teeth.
You offered him a sympathetic look, but you knew you couldn’t do much else. In an effort to lighten the mood, you shared your own reason for coming to the hotel.
“ My sister just had a baby recently. She invited the whole family and asked me to come to the baby shower in California. Honestly, I wasn't quite shocked when she moved, she was always more of a sunshine type of girl.”  You smiled, reminiscing about the days when she rattled your ear off about getting out of Nevada, and finding a nice boy to settle down with by the sea. 
Looking up at you gratefully, Miles silently thanked you for not asking anymore about his past.
“Do you know if it's a boy or girl?”
“No. I’ll have to find out in the shower when I reach Cali.” You had to leave. Miles scolded himself for thinking that you could continue staying at the El Royale. You had to leave eventually.
Looking at the time, it was almost close to midnight. Finishing your drink with one last glup, you stood up and moved closer to Miles. Getting up close to his face, lips almost brushing against his cheek, you whispered in his ear, “ Thanks for the wonderful night Miles.”
Before leaving him alone in the hotel again with his heart racing in his chest.
The walk back to the maintenance closet he called ‘home’ was one filled with thoughts of you. The way your face lit up while your body moved to the music. How your feet started to move in tandem with his. How close you were to him, feeling your breath gently blowing on his ear as you bid him goodnight. 
It was something he couldn’t bear to lose.
Lost in his thoughts, his attention was drawn back to a pair of wire cutters that were lying on the floor of the closet. Picking them up, he knew what he had to do.
 The Sun rose the next day blocked by heavy and dark rain clouds. Raining buckets and the loud claps of thunder with flashes of lightning made it way too dangerous to continue your journey to California. So you decided to extend your stay at the El Royale at least till the road conditions got better. 
Picking up the phone, you dialled the number given by your sister. But after a few rings it wasn't picked up.
It seemed that leaving a voicemail for her was the only option
“Hey sis, I don't think I'll be able to make it to Cali tomorrow. The rain over here is holding me up but I promise I'll make it in time for the baby shower ok? Just make sure to save some cake for me”
Placing the phone back down, you left your room to get some breakfast.
“You’re not leavin today?” Miles questioned.
“Well I don’t think I can really drive in these road conditions so I'll be staying here till the rain clears up.” You shrugged your shoulders.
Looking over at Miles, a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth formed a small smile. It unsettled you but you brushed it off,  wanting to return to your room with your stale apple pie.
Setting down your empty plate, you jumped back onto your bed. Since it was raining you couldn't go to the pool and you weren't sure if all the hotel’s amenities were still actually functional. You had nothing to do. It wasn’t like you planned to spend more than a night in this hotel, leaving you with no magazines or entertainment.
Why not have some ‘stress relief’ to fill your time
Unbeknownst to you, Miles watched you behind the mirror. Carefully observing your movements. 
Your hand crawls downward to remove your pants, while the other softy glides over your body.
Going over your torso and up to your breasts, teasing your nipples and exposing it to the cold air. As you feel your body start to warm up, you slip your hand into your panties, slowly rubbing your clit. 
Following your actions, Miles unzips his own pants and unbuttons his uniform.  Taking out his member, he strokes it up and down with the rhythm of your fingers, watching as a small wet patch starts to form on your panties. 
You continue to rock back and forth on your fingers, letting out soft breathy moans. Miles hearing all the little noises you make through the mics in the room also lets his own moans ring out in the empty concrete corridor.  
Moving your fingers from your clit you finally start to push them into your already wet cunt, building up your rising climax. Increasing his pace along yours, he continued to rub himself. Wanting to be as close to you as he could, he slammed onto the double sided pane of glass. His fist clenched against it as the other was furiously helping chase his own ecstasy.
“Oh-h god, you look s-so fucking good. Don’t want y-you to ever l-leave.”
That along with all of the grunts and moans you never heard behind that wall were all echoed out as your shared climax started to approach.
Unable to hold himself back any long, his jaw clenched hard as he finally came while you continued to chase your own pleasure, some of it splattering onto the glass pane. 
Catching his short breaths, he watched as you reached your own climax. Your eyes rolled back as your fingers were covered in your slick. Leaving your undergarment completely soaked.
Taking out a small handkerchief, Miles quickly cleaned up the glass pane, not leaving any evidence of his presence behind.
As the storm started to lighten and the skies became clearer. 
Opening the door, you lugged your luggage straight into the trunk of your car. With everything set, you could finally continue your journey.  However, with every turn of your key, the engine refused to start. The ignition continues to sputter as your frustration increases.
“Fucking hell, work you damn car.” hitting the dashboard with your hand in futile effort. Nothing seemed to work. You stepped out of the car and popped the front hood up. 
Miles exited the hotel and walked up beside you.
“Anything wrong, Miss?”
“My car won’t start, and I have no idea why.” 
Miles leaned in closer, inspecting the interior.
“It looks like some wires were chewed through over here.”
Your eyes moved to the damaged wires. They were cleanly cut off. It couldn’t have been an animal.
“Well, I could look inside for some replacements if you don't mind waitin.” 
Snapping out of your thoughts, you nodded in response.
Back inside the hotel, Miles rummaged through supply closets and grabbed some spare cables. 
He was in a dilemma. He didn't want you to leave but you did say you would come back to the hotel on the way back? Should he trust your word? Of course! Why would you lie to him. 
Sure! And when you do come back, he'll decide how to continue to stay by your side. One way or another.
Coming back out of the hotel, Miles brought two cables that fitted your car. He bent down and reconnected all the necessary parts for the engine to start working again.
"Well, that's done. Hope you had a good time staying at the El Royale. Please visit us again." Miles said formally. Like it was programmed into his speech.
"Definitely Miles! I'll come back to visit you." 
"M-Me?" Miles responded, flustered by your words.
"Who else?" You laughed at his reaction before leaning in and giving him a sweet peck on the lips.  
Entering your car, you waved goodbye to him. Driving off onto the highway again. 
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
not a snippet, but i want to hear you talk about your milo verse! were there scenes you knew you wanted to include? a scene that came around organically while writing? any parts you’re especially proud of? i just love it and wanna hear commentary on it - nads 🥰💕
Fic writer commentary ask game
Awww yay tysm for asking 💕
The Dair & Milo concept I first made a note of in the docs was a Life as We Know It kind of plot…of married Dair dealing with the sudden feath of Georgina and whoops, Dan’s been Milo’s designated guardian this entire goddamn time, but I never really found and angle into actually writing the thing, and I think it’s because the trio had Milo coming in as the third person of the family, and finding an angle in with Blair being that third just came more easily. And the au as it turned out just ticked a lot of boxes on the Liz Wish Fulfillment List. Primarily of Dan keeping Milo and growing into his full dilf potential.
But the Dair arc unfolding as it did in canon could really only happen because Dan was not caring for a baby, and letting s4 be the point of divergence opened up the perfect opportunity for Blair to go away and come back again bc of Louis. (Bc I think without Dan being such an indelible part of her life, Blair probably would have made a real attempt at that relationship, chip wiskers whomst?)
I knew that I wanted to have the Blair & Jenny and Blair & Vanessa conversations in the universe, it just felt important to do, especially with this kind of canon divergence, with enough time and space for those apologies and effort to make amends to feel genuine. The comedy bit of Vanessa walking in on Blair is something I had been holding onto for a while before it appeared in the fic, I originally outlined it in the fall chapter, then that one got too big, so I shifted it to winter, and then had to split the events of winter in half for length anyway, but in the end it felt better there, because that line Blair says
“Look,” Blair tries, “you didn’t really know Lily before she got back together with Rufus, but I’ve known her...as long as you’ve known Dan. Possibly longer. I was at weddings two-through-five, I saw the endless revolving door of men in Serena and Eric’s lives. I’m pretty sure in fifth grade, Serena spent more nights at my house than she did her own because Lily was always off traveling with her new boyfriend of the month. I know - I’ve seen what that instability does, so I wouldn’t be here, with Dan, with Milo, if I didn’t think it was going to be permanent.”
I wanted that to be in there, so having it chronologically come after the conversations Blair has with the Humphrey boys felt like a good, natural progression.
I knew how I wanted the first fic somewhere you feel free to end from the very beginning, most of the last two chapters were written before anything else, along with the first meeting in the art gallery, and the bit where Blair makes Dan laugh himself sick because she accidentally forgot that he had a kid. The scene watching Sabrina on the couch…yeah. I always knew I wanted to take it there bc you know…the VOWS
sidebar: I do have notes for both Dan and Blair’s wedding vows…which are different bc I already put Thee Vows in that chapter but…yeah. Rilke and Auden are involved. Blair cries and then calls her groom a bastard for winning the coin toss and saying his first. ANYWAY
The hospital scene being the emotional climax was also planned from the beginning, that conversation between Dan and Blair in the hospital hallway came to me so fast and was like the second or third thing I committed to the google doc. And it sat untouched for a long time UNTIL on one of my silly little pandemic walks I was listening to the Wailin Jennys cover of “Wildflowers” and my brain went !!! and the scene of Dan singing to Milo just smacked me upside the head. It was one of those things where I replayed it in my head over and over until I could get to where I could write it down.
Sidebar: other lullabies/oldies Dan definitely sang to Milo when he was a baby: Songbird, Little Green, American Pie, Tenth Avenue Freeze Out, Light My Fire, Suedehead, April, Mr. Tambourine Man, and basically anything off of the Beatles 1 album
I remember the playground scene in chapter 5 clicked in pretty fast, it was a scene I’d thought of while sitting at work and then writing on the train ride home.
Also, since so much of the courtship took place around art exhibitions and Columbia classes, I was actually very nervous about accurately reflecting Blair and Dan’s artistic tastes, plus what Dan would be interested/feel comfortable showing Milo (but I think given his own artistic rock n roll upbringing he’d be pretty open about everything), and what classes Blair and Dan would be taking. (Lowkey was also worried about my art historian readership 😘 catching me out) I did a deep dive into a pdf of a Columbia course catalog and made a list of courses from there, the different sections of poetry seminars were def a thing, as was the musicology class on Radiohead Dair take together their first semester as a ~couple~ And, by nature of my job, lots and lots of fine arts books pass theough my hands, and I started taking pictures of artists and book covers I thought I could use. That’s how I ended up learning a little about Hilma af Klint, so I named Alison Humphrey’s cat after her, bc, idk, that just seemed like something she would do. Dan’s pretentiousness…he comes by it honestly.
What else can I tell you? I love this universe so much can you tell? Ummmm my agenda for Milo to be this tiny fashion enthusiast I think comes through. Call it a combination of Jenny & Lily & Serena’s influence, and by the time Blair comes on the scene the kid doesn’t stand a chance. Pedicures being their ritual was one the first things I plugged into the sequel fic. And once Blair takes off at W, I see him loving to pal around the office. (The image is Lindsay Lohan and her mom at that photoshoot in The Parent Trap)
Also, the Dair baby that is imminent in the last fic…it’s a boy. Milo loses that bet with his Uncle Nate. I have this image of Blair being like “a boy? I don’t know how to raise a boy!” And Dan patiently but still a little confused pointing out that she’s been successfully parenting a boy for a while. I’d write the fic, but I have absolutely no idea what to name that kid.
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say-narry · 3 years
Hey i was wondering if you could write a fluffy zayn x reader?
Hey babe, sorry to be late... I have many requests so I adapted this one for you (original is with Harry).
Note: English isn’t my first language. Hope you all like it. Please, give me your opinion with a reblog, fav or a note in my askbox :) These gif's aren't mine.
Pairings: Zayn!boyfriend x Reader
warnings: no one
talk with me | masterlist
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Make a massage
One more day in that company and you would rip someone's head off.
The thought made you laugh weakly as you parked at Zayn's house. It was a little after six o'clock when you clicked the control to close the garage door.
Your head was pounding with fatigue, no pill could cure that, but you had another remedy: Zayn, actually, his hands.
Your shoulders burned and you grabbed your backpack and locked the car, sighing as you walked through the door leading straight from the kitchen.
"Hey Sunny!" Zayn smiled, stirring the pot.
The smell of cooking chicken came from the oven, making your stomach beg for a big piece. You loved to eat, even more so when Zayn was home and cooking for you.
"Hi baby." You replied and pulled your backpack over near the countertop on the floor and sat down on the bench facing Zayn. You leaned against the clear marble which made Zayn let out a chuckle.
"Rough day?" He turned off the fire and washed his hands, you tried to relax but everything seemed to hurt. You waved your thumb.
You felt him coming closer caressing your head, you turned to him and hugged him, feeling his perfume and the warm temperature made your body relax little by little.
"I can imagine, my love... I can imagine" Zayn hugged you, caressing your back covered by your t-shirt.
"Do you massage?" You asked giving your best pity face as you raised your face to Zayn, seeing those two green eyes staring at you.
"Let's go to dinner, then you'll get to know my massage therapist side." He kissed you softly and left a kiss on the top of your head, you agreed leaning into him to get off the chair.
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The pajamas consisting of slippers, sweatpants and a Wonder Woman t-shirt in a gray tone made you feel welcomed, it wasn't tight like your social pants and didn't hurt your foot like the high heels you walked on all day.
You threw yourself onto the fluffy bed with a grunt, Zayn had just stepped into the shower and you looked forward to the moment when his hands would squeeze your tense muscles.
You dozed off when you felt Zayn's body sitting on your buttocks and leaning over you and supporting your arms stretched out beside your body as his lips kissed your back.
"My love, do you still want the massage? Or do you want to sleep?" He whispered and you nodded positively.
Soon he got off of you and you straightened up on the bed sitting Indian style and he sat behind you, leaving you between his legs.
"Take your top off, sunshine, please." You took it off, leaving only a loose fitting top, listening to Zayn uncap a blackberry scented gel.
He had bought it the last time he was in Italy, he knew how much you loved the fruit and the smell of the products made with it.
"Before doing so, Z carefully pinned your hair up high, massaging your scalp and secured it with a clip that was in his hair, you thought all the care was incredible.
Zayn even though he was far away, loved to know about your day no matter how dull it was and even though he had many more amazing stories to tell, he was always like that, careful and interested in you and everything that was involved with you.
"The intern... I'm doing work for two!" You started and your skin shivered as the icy gel touched your skin, Zayn's large hands spread the product, squeezing just above your shoulders earning a groan from you "I teach her everything I know and she ignores it, I think she doesn't like me... and why do you know, babe"
Zain frowned between his eyebrows, spreading a little more of the cream to near the hem of his sweatshirt "Actually I don't know, my love, why?"
His thumbs pressed a sore spot on your shoulders, making you arch your body "It hurts, Z" you whined again.
"Sorry my little one, it feels like your muscle has knotted" He distributed kisses and massaged again and now, more lightly.
"She's your fan and she knows we're dating..." you let out, rolling your eyes "I don't know..." A mixture of sadness, tiredness and confusion went through you.
Since you started dating Zayn, your life had changed, but you still remained a studious, hardworking, independent woman, you were responsible for training the new HR girl, but seeing Zayn's and your picture on her lockscreen and your face on his instagram pictures, she just ignored you, leaving you to talk to yourself. You tried to understand, but working in human resources, it made you upset, were you guilty of loving someone?
"Really... But still, it makes me sad." You confessed taking a deep breath.
"My sun..." Zayn caught her attention "You care too much about others...and that's what makes me love you so much, know that! But try not to worry so much, okay? I love you and my fans know how good you do me!"
He put his arms around your waist and laid you on his chest, Zayn was also shirtless and you allowed yourself to relax once again. His fingers massaged your hand, twisting it lightly, twisting your fists slightly, and bringing them close to his face allowing him to leave tender kisses.
"I love you too, even more your massaging side." You smiled with your eyes already closed.
The last thing you heard was Zayn laughing softly and snuggling you tighter in his arms.
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nelson-et-murdock · 3 years
Home - Luke Alvez
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*not my gif*
One-shot detailing the reader’s time with Luke and the BAU as they return from a 6-month sabbatical
Warnings: angst mixed with fluff, BAU! Reader, fem reader.
Didn’t proofread so possible occasional errors
Other Details: Reader has PhDs in Psychology and Anthropology with masters in Sociology and Criminal Justice
Pairing: Luke Alvez x fem BAU! Reader. Platonic team x reader. Maybe some mistakes here and there
Flashbacks/memories are in italics and bolded
Word Count: 4.6K
As you drove to Quantico, a familiar feeling started to consume you. It had been over 6 months since you last saw the inside of the BAU. As much as you missed the people you had grown to know, you were unsure of how smoothly your return would go. It wasn’t long before you pulled into the parking lot and made your way into the building and to the elevator. You weren’t officially reinstated to the unit yet due to delays in paperwork and had therefore only been in contact with Emily about your return. The feeling in your stomach as you approached the 6th floor was very reminiscent of your first day with the unit.
Despite having been part of the FBI for years, you still got first-day jitters when you approached the building. You had met with Emily Prentiss a few times prior when your name had been put in for the open position, but you had no idea who anyone else was or how they’d react to a new agent joining the team. You knew full well that the BAU was the crown jewel of the FBI and that there was going to be a lot of pressure to live up to any expectations.
As you made your way to the BAU, you fidgeted with the messenger bag you kept your things in, being in the FBI you found it much more useful than carrying around a purse. After calming your nerves you slowly made your way to Emily’s office, with the help of who would later learn was Spencer.
As you walked towards Emily’s office, Luke spotted you far before you spotted him. Quiet murmurs around the bullpen speculating who you were and what you needed to see Prentiss about were just out of earshot. The conversation with Prentiss was short before the two of you walked out of her office and into the conference room for Prentiss to introduce you to the team.
“As I’m sure you’re all aware we have a new agent joining us. This is Dr. y/n y/ln and I believe she’ll be an excellent addition to the team,” she stated. Quick individual introductions were done and the entire atmosphere was generally accepting yet professional. That was until you got to Luke and had to act like it was the first time you had met, well aware that no one on the team knew about your time spent with him.
“Luke Alvez, I look forward to working with you,” he said coldly, in a way that the team would chalk up to him having a bad day but that you knew was residual anger he had for you.
“Likewise,” you responded with a small smile despite the slight pang in your chest at the sight of the man you once knew.
Not long after you joined the BAU, Penelope had become suspicious of the way you acted around Luke. You had warmed up to everyone in the unit, except for him. One day she had wanted answers and the most she would get from either of you was “We just don’t get along Garcia it’s nothing important.” Even without being a profiler, Garcia could tell there was more to the story than that.
When she got a few spare minutes during a case she did a deep dive into your personal history, looking for anything in your past connecting to Luke.
Garcia didn’t know what to expect when she went digging into you, but it definitely wasn’t that you previously had an over 2-year long relationship with Luke. Garcia had gotten so caught up in finding out what went down between you and Luke that she didn’t hear footsteps approaching in time to close her search.
“Hey Garcia..” you started but tapered off as you saw the screens before you. “I - Prentiss needed - shit sorry I uh,” you tried to get Garcia back on topic for the case but fumbled on the words.
“No no don’t be sorry. I’m so sorry I did this. I know I shouldn’t have looked into your past with Newbie but I couldn’t understand why you guys don’t get along. I mean I get not liking him because he’s Newbie but you. You’re this little ray of sunshine girl wonder. I can’t believe he broke your heart like that-” she started to ramble on but you cut her off before she could continue.
“I left him,” you said hoping it would satiate her curiosity.
“Details? You can’t just drop that on me and not give me details. Did he do something? Was he a bad boyfriend? Should I hate him for it?”
“No, he did nothing wrong, it was all on me. I was scared he started talking about marriage and kids and he had the right to we had been together for nearly 3 years and I wasn’t sure if I was ready so I requested a transfer to a California field office and when it was approved I told him I got a job offer I couldn’t pass up and I left him.”
“Do you still love him?”
“I think part of me always will but Garcia this stays between us. I mean it, don’t tell anyone.”
“My lips are sealed. If you need anything the batcave is always open to have you,” she said as she stood up to embrace you in a hug.
Little did you know, Luke was having a very similar conversation with Matt down the hall.
The ding of the elevator signaling your arrival on the 6th floor shook you out of your thoughts. The closer you got to where you needed to be, the more anxious your return was making you. While you had come across a few bad cases, a few stuck out to you in particular, including the first one you had with the unit, which ultimately allowed you to reconnect with Luke.
The first difficult case for the team since you joined took more of a toll on you than you would like to admit. Once everyone was on the jet you took a seat and hoped to avoid any conversation about how you were feeling that day. You flashed a few small smiles at your colleagues in an attempt to let them know you were okay without actually saying anything. For the most part, your plan had been successful. That was until Luke had noticed the way you had been acting.
“Is it okay if I join you?” he asked motioning to the empty seat beside you. You silently nodded and avoided looking at him as he took a seat beside you. “I know we aren’t exactly close anymore but you can still come to me if you need anything,” he told you as you silently nodded.
“I know - I just. Can we talk about it later? I’d rather not talk about it right now,” you responded, finally looking his way.
“Of course. If you feel comfortable coming over tonight we can talk at my place. I know Roxy misses you,” he said with a smile.
“I’d like that. Thank you.” The rest of the time on the jet was spent in comfortable silence.
Upon getting back to the bullpen, you and Luke decided it would be best for him to drive you to his place after the two of you were done with the reports you had to write. As you sat at your desk and took out the files of papers you needed to complete, you couldn’t bring yourself to concentrate. As your mind kept replaying the events of the previous week, it was apparent you were becoming frustrated. It didn’t take Luke long to see that you were struggling and to tell Prentiss he was going to take you home for the night to make sure you were doing okay before heading over to your desk.
“You’ve done enough work today, let’s get out of here,” Luke whispered to you as you nodded. “I’ll meet you at the elevator in 5 minutes so no one thinks anything about us leaving at the same time,” he told you, knowing you wouldn’t like the idea of any possible attention on you that could come with the two of you leaving together.
The ride to Luke’s was much quicker than you had remembered it to be. Neither one of you two said very much and just let the radio play at a low volume. For most of the ride, you watched out the window while Luke focused on driving, occasionally looking your way to check that you were okay. As he pulled into his driveway, you realized how much you missed Luke and the sense of safety and comfort he provided for you.
The two of you talked about why the case had bothered you so much more than you had expected, and it soon turned to talking about whatever came to your mind. “I miss you. I know we work together now and that I’m the one who left but I really miss you, Luke. I miss spending time with you and the random updates we gave each other when you were gone and overall I just miss you. I think that’s why I struggled so much with this case when I didn’t hear back from you when you were in the field because I couldn’t live with myself if something happened and you didn’t know how I felt,” you started to ramble on.
“I’ve missed you too y/n,” Luke responded as he draped his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to him, “I miss waking up and knowing you were either right next to me or that you were a phone call away.” Checking the time, Luke placed a kiss on your temple before whispering “Let’s get some sleep it’s getting late”
You nodded in response before the two of you got ready for bed. After changing into a pair of Luke’s sweatpants and an old shirt, you crawled into the bed the two of you had shared so many times before and eventually fell asleep in the arms you had previously grown to associate with comfort and safety.
As you walked down the hall, you passed the spot you were standing when you got an offer to lead a study and return to anthropology. It was a temporary out from profiling but it was something that you had missed doing. Upon getting the offer, a range of emotions flowed through you, yet it took nearly 2 weeks to tell Luke and another 2 weeks to tell anyone else.
The day started like any other day-off with Luke. The two of you slept until around noon and laid around just enjoying each other’s company. Working together didn’t allow for much personal time together as you had to remain professional when on cases. Prentiss didn’t mind when it was a paperwork day that you guys spent time at each other’s desks, so long as PDA was kept to a minimum, which it always was. However, it wasn’t the same as getting to just spend time together without having to worry about catching an unsub or fill out a report in time with no errors.
While laying in bed, the offer to lead an anthropological study at the University of Michigan kept eating at you. You had limited time to make a decision and respond to the offer. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to bring the topic up with Luke and you couldn’t make a decision without informing him of the offer first.
“Is everything okay princesa?” Luke asked, noticing the sudden change in your emotions.
“Yeah, there’s just something I need to talk to you about,” you responded looking up at him. “But I need you to hear me out and keep in mind that I haven’t made a decision yet and that nothing is final.”
“You’re beginning to worry me,” he started, “Are you sure nothing is wrong?”
“I was offered the chance to lead an anthropological study,” you stated, leaving him speechless. Memories of when you left him flooding back. You could tell by the look on his face that he was worried this was the beginning of the end for the two of you once again. “I know what you’re thinking and it isn’t like that this time. I know I did something similar when I left but I promise I’m different now. The study is through the University of Michigan and it’s only slated to take 6-months if not less. It’s primarily overseeing graduate students as they conduct a study. I’d be able to set my own office hours so that we can talk as often as possible. I just don’t know if I want to take the offer.”
“You sound invested in the study already. What would be keeping you from taking it?” he asked, his voice full of support for you. All he ever wanted was for you to achieve your dreams. When you didn’t immediately answer he spoke again, “Is it me? Is that why you might not take it?”
You slowly nodded in response, “I feel like I just got you back and now I might be leaving, and what if things don’t work out with us not in the same state?”
“Princesa, listen to me. If you promise that this is nothing like last time and that you aren’t doing this in an attempt to leave then I trust you. We can figure out us as the situation comes up and I’m confident we can work out this time around. Whatever you decide I am forever proud of you and in awe of all that you’ve accomplished.”
“I love you,” was all you could think to respond with.
“I love you too princesa,” Luke said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Two weeks had passed since you told Luke of the news when a really difficult case had seemed to take a toll on pretty much everyone. After the case, it was decided that those who were able to would come over to the house you shared with Luke to decompress. Spencer and Garcia came and spent the entire day, and much of the night, with the two of you. Having extended the invite to significant others, Matt brought Kristy by to visit with everyone after they found a sitter around 7:30.
Once everyone who planned on coming was there, it didn’t take long for everyone to get caught up in conversations about personal lives. The conversation started with asking Matt and Kristy about their kids and eventually, everyone started talking about overall changes in their lives. “So girl wonder,” Matt started, referring to you by a name originally bestowed on you by Garcia before it caught on to the rest of the team, “Luke said you got an offer to lead a pretty interesting study is that right?”
“Yeah. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone I haven’t made a decision yet. The department I’d be overseeing for it ran into some problems and the start date has been pushed back. It would be nice to get away from the dark and scary parts of this job and back to what I started with but I’d miss you guys too much.”
“Would it be permanent?” Spencer asked. The two of you had grown close since you joined the unit and while he wanted to be excited for you, he would be lying if he said the idea of you leaving didn’t upset him at all.
“No,” you started to say, “It’s slated to last 6-months but there’s no guarantee the study will be finished in time.”
“Are you still going to work at the BAU when you come back?” Garcia questioned.
“I’m not sure. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been struggling with deciding lately if I’m a good fit for the unit, but I plan to stay with the bureau somehow,” you answered hesitantly.
The rest of the night was spent answering questions about the study and getting support from those around you. By the time everyone was ready to leave, you felt completely comfortable knowing that whatever decision you came to, you would have a support system of amazing friends.
Looking back, you should have noticed that the number of times you were having trouble with cases was more of a problem than you should have was a sign you needed to step away from the job. The cases themselves weren’t getting harder, but you personally were having a harder time with them. The longer you were with the unit, the more issues you had been having an increasingly difficult time coping after them. You would have thought they would have gotten easier to manage, but you found yourself struggling every time you felt a decision you made could have changed the outcome of a case. In your previous position before the BAU, you felt powerless as the victims were long gone and often one-off crimes and you felt switching to the BAU and being able to get killers off the street would make you feel better as you’d be helping get active killers off the street. However, you were extremely wrong, and the feeling that you could, no that you should, have stopped their killers before it was too late became too much for you and you decided to take a step back from the unit.
“Y/ln, we need to talk in my office,” Prentiss said as you entered the bullpen.
“Yes ma’am,” you responded, setting your go-bag down on your desk before you made your way to where she was standing. The entire team knew exactly what Prentiss needed to talk to you about and a few members even gave you sympathetic looks as you crossed the bullpen.
“Before we start I just want to say I’m sorry. I know what I did was against protocol,” you started.
“That’s not why you’re in here,” Emily cut you off. “While what you did was unacceptable, you’re here because I’m worried about you. In these past 2 cases, you’ve shown reckless behavior, as if you’re trying to get yourself hurt. I’m not mad at you, but I do need you to let me know if anything is going on that is affecting your ability to do this job.”
You silently nodded as she spoke. The more she said, the more you began to question your place in the unit. “Thank you. I’ve just had some personal problems the past week but I should be good to go now,” you said lying through your teeth.
“Just let me know if anything changes. Your health and personal well-being are more important than this job.”
The next week the BAU was called in to help with another tough case. While it wasn’t the first tough case you encountered in the time you had been with the BAU, this one was worse than others.
The victims are similar in both age and appearance to a close family member of yours and it had made it difficult for you to concentrate in the field the way you needed to. At one point you had even froze and almost didn’t get to a victim in time. For the entirety of the case, you were closed off from everyone when it didn’t involve work.
Upon returning to the BAU, everyone slowly dispersed their desks and you made your way to Prentiss’s office. Her door was open but you still knocked quietly before entering. “Can we talk?”
“Of course, come in.”
You could tell from the sympathetic look on her face that she knew what you needed to say. As you sat across from her she waited for you to speak. After letting out a small sigh you found the confidence to admit what was happening, “I think I need to step away from this job.”
With a silent nod, she grabbed the appropriate paperwork from her file cabinet, “I knew this day was coming. Luke told me you had been having nightmares lately. Fill out these papers and return them to me as soon as possible. If you opt for a sabbatical instead of completely leaving it should take roughly 2 weeks for it to be approved. In the meantime, you would still be a member of the team but be able to use the vacation days you have or you can be solely a desk agent and assist Garcia. Whichever one you choose I, as well as the rest of the team, will be here for you and have enjoyed working with you.”
Fighting tears that had started to form as she spoke, you nodded and said a quiet thank you before leaving her office. Setting the papers down on your desk on the way, you headed towards Garcia’s office to let her know you planned on leaving.
Once you were out of earshot, JJ had peeked at the papers you had set down. “What is it?” Spencer asked, almost not wanting to know the answer.
“Y/ln is leaving the unit,” she responded, voice full of confusion. As she spoke everyone turned to Luke and he nodded slightly in response, confirming you were leaving the family you had grown to love.
After your sabbatical was approved, you accepted the offer to lead the study. Much to your dismay, the team was insistent on throwing you a going-away party, despite knowing you were going to come back in 6 months. You told the team that if they insisted on having a gathering at Rossi’s place that it needed to be something that the members of the unit with kids could bring them with, feeling there was no point in, “saying goodbye to a family member” as Rossi had put it, without all of the family members being there.
“Remind me again why we have to make a big deal of me leaving? I already said goodbye to the team and I’ll be back and with the unit again in less than a year,” you wondered aloud to Luke as you pulled into Rossi’s driveway.
“Because princesa, it’ll make Rossi happy to get to throw you a party and its tradition, regardless of how long the leave will be. And besides, the kids want to see you before you leave for 6 months,” he reminded you.
“You got me there,” you said with a smile before kissing his cheek. “Let’s head in before we’re late.”
Shortly after you guys made your way inside and to the backyard, Matt and Kristy had arrived with their kids. The kids knew why you were having a going away party and instantly ran to you when they saw you. When you noticed the kids running up to you, both you and Luke knelt to prepare for the number of hugs you were about to get. Due to offering to babysit when Matt and Kristy needed time to themselves, the kids had grown to see you as an aunt and Luke as an uncle. The same could be said for Henry and Michael, who showed up with JJ and Will shortly after the Simmons had arrived. The next couple of minutes were spent answering any questions the kids could think to ask you, in the most kid-friendly way you could.
“You’ll be back by my birthday right?” David asked looking up at you. In the time you had known the kids, you hadn’t missed a birthday for any of them.
“Of course I will buddy,” you responded. 
“What about our stories?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah who is gonna tell us our stories while you’re gone?” While they had the Simmons Stories, the ones you told were different. You told them stories of the different cultures you studied and the different ways parts of the universe were believed to have come into existence.
“I have them all written down. I can leave them with Luke and he can read them to you,” you reassured all of them. 
As the night went on, many memories from your time with the unit were shared with the group. Even though you planned to come back as soon as the study was over, knowing they would spend the next 6 months without you seemed to make everyone nostalgic.
Near the end of the night, everyone started saying their goodbyes. It was particularly hard to say goodbye to Spencer, knowing nearly everyone else he had gotten close to had left him as well. “I’m sorry,” was the first thing you managed to say to him. “I know you hate goodbyes and struggle with change but I promise I will come back and if not to work with the unit at least for our weekly coffee shop visits.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You’re doing what you have to do,” he responded as you opened your arms to offer him a hug. You were always the first to initiate hugs and he usually accepted them.
“I’ll miss you, Spence. You already have my cell phone number and the phone number for my office for the next 6 months. Call me anytime you need me,” you told him while hugging him.
“I’m proud of you. I’ll miss you too y/nn,” he said as you pulled apart.
“See you in 6 months.”
As you made your way into the bullpen you took note of the date. It was 6 months and 4 days since you had seen any of the team face-to-face. While you kept personal contact with the entire team while you were away, you hadn’t told anyone except for Emily that you were planning on coming back to the team. Luke knew when the study would end and was expecting to see you at home later that night, assuming that the team didn’t get a case that pulled him away.
When you entered the bullpen, Matt was the first to notice your arrival. He was already standing at Luke’s desk to ask him a question related to a report he was writing and flashed a small smile in your direction before nudging Luke on the arm, “Why didn’t you tell anyone y/n was returning today?”
Not thinking you were actually there, Luke brushed off Matt. “She isn’t coming home until later tonight and told me even if she does return to the unit it would take some time for her to be reinstated,” he responded, not even looking up from his file.
Knowing he wouldn’t look up from his file right away, you talked quietly with everyone else before approaching his desk. You brought back small trinkets for everyone and placed a small handmade miniature Roxy in front of him. “One of the students I was overseeing made it when she saw a picture of you and Roxy as my phone background to help me cope with being away from you. I figured since I’m home now you could use it more,” you explained as if it wasn’t the first time you were seeing your boyfriend in over 6 months.
Luke watched silently as you spoke, a smile creeping onto his face when he processed you were actually there in front of him. As he stood up from his chair, he quickly wrapped his arms around you before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re home?” he asked, trying to comprehend your arrival. 
“I’m home,” you responded with a smile as you looked up at him. 
“I’ve missed you so much, you can’t leave me for that long again,” he said with a smile.
Before you could respond, Garcia came speeding out of her office due to having heard of your return from JJ. “Girl wonder! You’re back! Are you staying with us? You can’t leave me with Newbie for that long ever again,” she exclaimed as she approached you.
“Yes, I’m back. Weaning back into the job and will be on desk duty here and helping you for the first 2 weeks but I’m back,” you told her.
327 notes · View notes
unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Fine Line
Summary: There’s a fine line between love and hate and you’re not too sure which side you’re on with Harry anymore. Part Two to What Kind of Man 
Words: 5.0k
Warnings: I said this in the first part & will repeat it. This is purely fictional. This in no way reflects how I feel Harry would handle this situation in reality. I’m really using Harry as a character. DO NOT READ THIS if you feel the situation of cheating and staying together will impact you strongly or offend you. That is not what I want when reading my story. 
Notes: I urge those uncomfortable with cheating to avoid this. I also urge those who dislike this kind of writing to avoid. I came up with this story at a point in my life where my parents were divorcing, I was going through a break up and was lost. I’ve decided to finish this story because I put so much effort into it for it to end unfinished feels wrong. I can’t speak for anybody and how they would handle this situation. 
Thank you for 1000 followers. That is crazy! 
You’ve got my devotion. 
But man, I can hate you sometimes.
You sunshine, you temptress.
My hands at risk I fold.
The first two sessions had gone by in relative silence. You weren’t sure what to say to answer the therapists questions. You weren’t sure you even wanted to talk at all. 
“Y/N.” You look up startled out of your thoughts. “Do you feel like talking today?” Her eyes are kind and understanding. Her degrees hang behind her head and you zone in on them. Dr. Walsh had been the only therapist who could take you on in April. Any others that you called had informed you their next opening for new patients wasn’t until the end of May. 
You supposed it could have been worse. So far, Dr. Walsh had come across as kind and understanding of your hesitance. She had never forced you to talk and had only tried to get you involved on your own accord. 
“What would we talk about?” You ask instead of ignoring in silence like you had the past two sessions. You can see Harry turn his head to look at you out of the corner of your eye, but you remained focused on the two degrees hanging behind Dr. Walsh’s head. 
UCLA. “What year did you graduate?” You ask before she can answer your original question. “From UCLA.” 
“We can talk about whatever you want. How you two met. Your kids.” You raise an eyebrow and she smiles. “1996.” 
“I thought we were supposed to talk about our issues. Why would we talk about our kids or how we met?” You answer her question. You can tell Harry’s eyes are moving back and forth between the two of you, like he’s unsure if he should get involved in the conversation. 
Dr. Walsh shakes her head. “Sometimes the best place to start is with what makes you two happy. You’re here to work on your relationship, right?” 
The two of you nod. “Then I’m not worried about starting with the most painful part of your relationship. I want to learn about it. If I can learn about your relationship then I have more knowledge on how to help you repair it, if that’s what you want.” 
“Okay.” You agree. You feel some of your tenseness fade away. You were here for a reason. “We went to UCLA too.” 
She nods. “You did? Were you studying the same thing? Is that how you two met?” 
You look down at your fidgeting hands and let out a laugh. “Not quite. I was a creative writing major and Harry was political science. We met in a World History course our sophomore. It was a general requirement class.” 
“Yeah.” Harry nods as if the memory is coming back to him. “Professor Ward.” 
“Mind if I sit here?” You look up and your breath hitches. He was handsome. That was your first thought. Bright eyes and a sweet smile that could take anyone’s breath away. 
You nod hastily. “Yeah. It’s all yours.” You move your notebook over so he has a bit more room on his half of the table.
“Thanks.” He drops his books on the table and flops down into the chair. “Harry.” He reaches a hand towards you and you meet him halfway. 
You offer your name up easily and his smile brightens. “What brings you into a World history course?” He asks quietly as the last bit of students rush into the few seats left up front. 
You smile. “Creative writing majors have to take one broad history course before focusing on any history of writing courses. Ward’s class was the only one with openings that didn’t start at eight.” 
“Creative writing. That’s cool.” Harry’s spinning the pen in between his fingers. “You want to be a writer?” 
You smile nervously and nod. “That’s the goal. What brings you to Ward’s World History?” 
Harry laughs softly. “I’m a political science major, this is just a required gen ed.” 
“Political science. What’s your plan with that? Am I sitting next to a future senator?” You give him a teasing smile. 
You shrug, “Senators have to start somewhere.” The professor comes in and that halts the conversation from going anywhere else. As Professor Ward goes over the syllabus you see a piece of paper slide across the table towards you. You look over at Harry, but he’s looking ahead with a smirk on his face. 
You unfold the paper and there is a number written in messy handwriting taking up the small page. 
“Bold.” You whisper to him and he shrugs. “I can tell we’re gonna be good friends.” He whispers back. 
“So you both liked each other right away?” You look up as you're dragged out of the memory of meeting Harry. 
“Yeah.” You breathe out. “I think so.” 
“Definitely.” Harry agrees. “I’m lucky I was running late that day. The seat next to her was the only good seat left. Plus, she helped edit all my essays. I was a shit writer before her.” 
You smile softly at the memory. “Y/N?”  You look up and Dr. Walsh is watching you closely. 
“That class sucked.” You can’t help but let out a laugh. “We had so many essays. He’s right, he was a shit writer before me.” 
You finally spare a look over at Harry and he’s watching you with soft eyes. “That was our first semester of sophomore year. We were attached at the hip after that.” You look back down at your hands. 
“Did you guys start dating right away?” She asks.
“Pretty much. We started dating right before winter break.”  Harry answers for the both of you. 
She nods as she eyes the clock on the wall. “Does that memory still make you happy?”
You nod. Your memories hadn’t been ruined. But that didn’t really mean anything when you could barely be in the same room as Harry now. “Of course. But… Things are different. We’re not twenty-somethings with no responsibility. We’re parents. Partners. We’re supposed to have each other’s back. And now it feels like we don’t.” 
Harry looks over at Dr. Walsh as she studies you. She was obviously taking in your words and processing a response to them. “I think the biggest question you need to find the answer to is, do you want to fix this marriage?” She finally says looking pointedly at the distance between you two. 
You pause and mull over her question. “Can we fix it?” You ask quietly. 
She shrugs. “I can’t answer that for you. It’s my job to help you find the answer, not give it to you. What I can tell you is; Sometimes people walk out of this with a new appreciation and love. Sometimes people realize it can’t be fixed. Nothing is wrong with either, it’s just up to you two to figure out which one it is.” 
You look over at Harry and find him watching you with hopeful eyes. You knew he wanted to and felt like you both could fix this. 
But you weren’t sure. “I don’t know.” 
The drive home is silent for the most part. Music playing softly from the radio as you stare out the passenger side window. 
“I don’t know what to say.” Harry says as he pulls the car into the driveway. He puts it into park but doesn’t turn it off so the music is still playing as he turns to look at you. 
Gemma’s car was parked behind your own. You see the curtain move slightly which is a telltale sign that a child was peeking out the window. It quickly falls back into place when your eye catches Serena’s. 
You shake your head and look back down at your lap. “What is there to say?” 
Harry shuts his eyes and you see his grip on the steering wheel tighten. “I want to fix this. I’m trying. Do you want to fix this?” 
You let out a humorless laugh. “Don’t try and guilt me, Harry. I didn’t cheat, you did. This… This mess isn’t my fault and it shouldn’t be my job to fix it.” 
“I’m not trying to guilt-“ He cuts himself off and takes a deep breath. “That was a shitty thing to say. I know. I just want to know if we’re gonna make it through this. If you think we have a chance.” 
You look over at him with watery eyes. “I don’t know. All I can think about is you fucking another woman while I was home with our kids. Telling them that you were just busy. That we would have dinner tomorrow. Or maybe the next day.” 
Harry flinches like you’ve hit him. You turn away but don’t stop talking. “I know a month may not seem like a long time in the grand scheme of things. We’ve been together for seventeen years, so what’s a month?” You laugh humorlessly. “But how long have we been distant? How long have you been staying late and missing dinners?” 
“I don’t know.” Harry whispers and you see him clench his eyes in an attempt to stop tears from falling.
“It’s been months, Harry.” You look around the yard. Your and Persephone’s plants needed maintenance. “We had Jack and then everything changed. We stopped date nights. Family game nights faded from existence. We stopped having sex. I… I don’t know what happened.” 
Harry doesn’t say anything so you sigh. “I’m trying, Harry. It may not seem like it to you, but I’m trying.” You unbuckle yourself and move to get out of the car. 
Harry reaches out and wraps his hand gently around your wrist. “I know.” He stresses the word. “I know you are.” 
You nod and the two of you just watch each other for a moment. You break away from him first. “I’m sure the kids are peeking out the window. We’ve been out here long enough.” 
The both of you climb out of the car silently. The door flies open by the time you reach the second step of your front porch. 
“Mama!” Oliver comes flying out towards you. “Mama. Never leave us again. Baby Jack is crazy.” He grips you tight and you laugh, the tension immediately leaving your body as you hug him back. 
Gemma comes to stand in the entrance with Jack on her hip. She gives you a weak smile and you smile back. “Come on, I’m sure Aunt Gem is dying to go home after watching you crazy lot for two hours.” 
Gemma leaves quickly handing Jack off to Harry and giving you and Harry both kisses on the cheek. “Let me know about spring break, Y/N!” She calls as she rushes out your front door. 
“Spring break?” Harry asks as he bounces Jack in his arms. 
“We’ll talk about it later.” You say sparing a glance down to Oliver, who’s still attached to your leg. Harry nods before moving towards the living room. Oliver follows behind him and you’re left in the front hall alone. 
You take a deep breath before following them. 
Harry sleeps in the guest room. You can’t bring yourself to allow him back into the room you two shared. 
His clothes remain in his half of the closet though and his toiletries had remained in place on the bathroom counter, so you saw him every night before going to sleep. 
Dr. Walsh had suggested the two of you used this time to try and reconnect. “You don’t have to sleep in the same bed yet. It’s completely normal for you to need time apart, Y/N. But I do want you two to talk before bed every night, I know you have four kids and it may be your only true alone time to reconnect emotionally before you ever do anything physically, even just sleep.” She had offered at the end of your session after you had admitted you weren’t sure how you felt about Harry and your relationship now. “This is a good way to figure out if you can still see yourself together.” 
You loved him. You didn’t need her to help you answer that question. He was the father of your children. You had over a decade of amazing times together. But you couldn’t look at him without your chest aching. 
“What was Gemma talking about spring break?” Harry sits on the lounge chair you two had placed in the corner of your room. Jack’s bassinet used to be next to it, but he had recently moved into his own room. 
You sit on the end of your bed with your arms crossed over your chest. “Olly has been asking if we could go to Disney World. I was talking to her about maybe surprising him and Serena for their birthday since it falls during the kids break this year.” 
“That sounds really nice.” Harry smiles and you nod. “I’m sure the four of them would love it. I can put in for the week tomorrow. I have a bunch of paid time off I need to use up.” 
You look up at him with wide eyes. “You want to go? We haven’t been on vacation since the beach trip before Jack was born.”
Harry’s face turns stoic. “Of course I want to go. I told you I was going to spend more time with guys.” He walks towards the dresser you have pushed against the wall. “Here, pull your laptop out, let's book this now so we can get a good room.” 
You gape at him. It had only been an idea you were considering for the twins birthday. Although, it was coming up and you were running out of time to make a decision. 
“Are you sure you can get the time off?” You ask instead of listening to his direction. 
Harry nods resolutely. “Can I?” He points next to you and you nod. You lean over to your nightstand, where you had left the computer the night before while writing. 
You push it open. “I’m gonna go get Persephone.” You stand up and hand the laptop to Harry. “She can help plan some stuff with us, so we know what these young kids want.” You give Harry a weak smile and he nods. 
You shake your hands out as you make your way down the hall towards your eldest daughter’s room. You knock softly on the door, “Seph?” 
“Come in.” She calls and you push the door open. She’s got her show paused and is curled into her comforter. “What’s up, mom?” 
“Can you help your dad and I with something?” You ask hesitantly. “I know it’s late, it’ll be quick.” 
Persephone gives you the same dimpled smile Harry has, “Of course. I was gonna be up binge watching this show anyways.” She unwraps herself from the blanket and grabs her phone before following you back to your bedroom. 
“Hey, lovebug.” Harry gives her your favorite smile. One he’s somehow reserved solely for you children. Soft and bright while his eyes shine proudly. 
“Hi, daddy.” She plops herself down next to him and rests her head on his shoulder. He presses a kiss to her forehead and the smile that spreads across Persephone’s face is contagious. 
You take a seat next to her, so she is squished in between the two of you. “You know how Olly has been asking about Disney?” You ask quietly. You and Harry had put the twins down an hour ago, but Oliver was known to sneak away from his room for a cuddle with you. 
She nods instead of verbally answering and Harry pulls up the booking website. “Your mom had the great idea to surprise the twins for their birthday.” 
“Really?” Seph asks excitedly. Your family trips usually consisted of beaches or visiting grandparents. The last time you had been to Disney was when it was just the three of you. You weren’t sure she could even remember most of the trip. 
You bump her shoulder softly with an excited grin. “Really. Jack is old enough that he can get probably through a day there without screaming his head off. Aunt Gem said that she could come to help watch him so you three can have fun.” 
“That sounds awesome!” She lifts her head from Harry’s shoulder and looks at you happily. “What did you need my help with?” 
“Picking out where to stay. You guys are the focus of the trip so we want you to stay where you want to, not us.” You gently take the laptop from Harry and place it in her hands. “So tell us your top three and then dad and I will pick from there so you still get to enjoy some of the surprise aspect.” 
She scrolls through the website for a few minutes while the three of you sit there quietly. You glance over at Harry hesitantly. He’s looking down at your daughter with bright eyes. 
You quickly look away when his eyes move up to meet yours. “Okay. I added the three I liked the most to your favorites! Did you guys need anything else?” 
You both shake your head. “Just keep this a secret. It’s going to be a surprise.” You smile excitedly at your eldest. She had grown so much, but seeing the childlike shine of excitement in her eyes brought you a bounty of joy. She was still your baby. 
Persephone nods before handing the laptop back over to Harry. She presses a kiss to both your and his cheeks before hopping up and making her way towards your door. 
You give her a confused smile when she pauses and turns back around to face you again. She takes in a nervous breath before speaking. 
“It’s really good to be all together again.” The words are quiet and fearful. “Um. I love you guys. Goodnight.” She turns on her heel and bolts out the room and back down the hall. 
You gnaw on the inside of your cheek and look down at your lap. “I’m sorry.” Harry whispers. His tone is similar to her’s. Quiet and full of fear. “I love you all. I know I hurt you, but you are all my world. Those kids are what I’m most proudest of.” 
“I know.” You look over at his lap. His hands curled tightly around the laptop still open in his lap. “I never doubted how much they meant to you Harry. I know how much you love those kids.” 
You want to reach out and pull his hand into yours. Something you usually did when Harry was scared or nervous. But you kept your hand firmly planted in your lap, unable to give him that forgiveness. 
“I was never afraid of you not loving them. I was-“ You stop unsure of what to say. What were you afraid of? “I was afraid that I had given so much and you still wouldn’t have chosen me.” 
Harry looks over at you with sad eyes and you let out a humorless laugh. “Harry, I’ve never regretted having Persephone so young. I’ve never regretted being home. But, I just want you to show that… that you appreciate me.” 
“I do appreciate you.” Harry says quietly. “I’m so sorry I’ve made you feel like I don’t.” He places the laptop in the empty space in between you. You watch as he works through what to say, his tension clear in his eyes. 
“But…” He trails off like he’s still unsure of what to say. “I’m here. I want to be here. I want to show you that I appreciate you.” Harry takes a deep breath and places a hesitant hand on your back. “As long as you’ll have me.” 
You take a deep breath. “Let’s focus on this... I want the twins to have a great birthday and for Seph to have a great spring break. Things have been tough for them too. We can figure the other stuff out later.” 
Harry doesn’t say anything, just nods and pulls the laptop back towards him. You can tell he wants to though. That he wants to talk this out and get in deep.
You just can’t bring yourself to do it. 
“A family vacation can be very cathartic for couples struggling.” Dr. Walsh gives the two of you a kind smile after you reveal what you had planned for your kids. “But, it can also bring about stress at being in such a small space for such a long time. Especially when you’re still struggling to communicate.” 
“I’m really trying.” You say quietly, on edge at the idea of you and Harry bringing about any stress on a trip meant to be for your kids. “We both are. I think.” 
“I know.” She gives you an understanding look. “You guys do your homework. You said it yourself, your nightly conversations aren’t painful anymore. But talking about small things is only the beginning of strengthening your communication.” 
“So you want us to talk about the affair?” You ask. “The big thing.” 
She shakes her head. “Eventually. Sweeping it under the rug or ignoring it can only cause more tension. But there are other things I’m sure you want to talk about as well.” 
“Like what?” Harry asks. He glances over at you before looking back at Dr. Walsh. 
“Anything either of you felt was an issue.” She explains. “Big or small. Anything you think contributed to your distance. Try to remember, you’re not placing blame.”
“Not even for the affair?” Harry sighs and you shut your eyes. “How can I not place blame? That’s not my fault.” 
“No.” She agrees. “I’ve never agreed with placing blame for something like that on the victim. Do you want to start with talking about it?” 
“No.” You shake your head. “I just wanted to make sure we’re not finding all these so-called small issues so we can then excuse the cheating. I won’t do that.” You say disdainfully. 
“We don’t expect you to.” She glances over at Harry. He looks pained but he nods in agreement. “Of course not.” He says quietly. 
You take a deep breath in before nodding. “Okay, then where do we start?” 
“A lot of times, affairs feel like they come out of nowhere. They do.” She gives you an assuaging look. “But it’s also important to remember that there were issues before it and they’re still there to be worked through. We want to work through the big problem, but oftentimes couples work through that but not other things and end up separating.” 
You nod and take a deep breath trying to think through issues. Things had felt perfect during your pregnancy with Jack. 
You were excited, a fourth child and it was a boy, you and Harry had been hoping for another boy. Harry had even planned the small family vacation to the beach so you could enjoy time together as a family of five before it became six. 
“We argued.” You say quietly. The family vacation slips from your mind as your exhausted tears come to your memory. “Um. I had Jack and I was exhausted and we argued. It was barely even an argument.” 
“He still won’t eat?” Harry asks, coming into the bedroom. He was still in his suit from court and you feel angry heat flush through you at how put together he looked. How well rested and up he looked. 
You shake your head silently. Harry seems to not notice your tense jaw as he pushes his way into the closet to find clothes for the night. You turn to look down at Jack laying restlessly in your arms. Tears rush to your eyes as you stand and place Jack in his bassinet and finally get a look at yourself in the mirror hanging next to the closet door. 
You hadn’t showered since Persephone had left earlier the previous day and after running around to get the twins settled with Gemma and taking care of the baby all day you felt tense and gross. 
Harry comes out and smiles kindly as he watches you step towards the ensuite. “Can you watch him for a moment? I need a shower. I feel gross and it’ll help me relax. My nurse said getting tense makes it harder to breastfeed.” 
Harry looks down at his watch. “Something more important?” You ask before he can get a word out. “No. Just- I was supposed to hop on a conference call with Jeff, I’ll reschedule.” Harry tries to change the tone of the conversation, but you’ve already seen red. “Y/N, go shower.” 
“I’m sorry.” You say instead of moving. “I didn’t mean to inconvenience you with your child for half an hour.” You know you don’t mean the harsh words and that you’ll probably regret them all after you’ve taken a break but- “I’m home all day with him, but fuck if I ask you to watch him so I can shower.” 
Harry’s eyes widen at the cold tone. He crosses his arms defensively across his chest as he takes a step back from you, even though he was already several feet away. “I never said I was inconvenienced. You asked a question and I answered honestly. I don’t have a problem spending time with my own child, Y/N.” 
Your turn on your heel and stock into the ensuite and slam the door shut behind you. You hear Jack begin to fuss more and Harry’s whispers as he presumably picks the baby up. There wasn’t a time in the fifteen years you’ve had children that you’ve ever thought Harry didn’t want to spend time with his kids. You still didn’t. But the exhaustion and stress that you felt with Jack was unlike anything you’d felt before and Harry hadn’t seemed to notice. 
“It felt like you weren’t paying attention.” You say quietly. “It felt like you had no idea what was going on.” Dr. Walsh trains her eyes on you as Harry’s eyes flick around trying to figure out what argument you were talking about. 
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly. Jack is curled in your arms as he eats and a weight has been lifted off your shoulder. You feel shameful at the words that had slipped out in an attempt to make Harry notice how upset you were. “I know you’re not inconvenienced by our kids.” 
Harry turns his head to look at you. He had been silently typing out emails as you fed Jack, upset but refusing to leave your side. “What’s wrong?” He asks as he slams the laptop shut. 
You want to tell him. How stressed and anxious you felt. How much tougher being with Jack was than any of your other children. How insecure it made you feel. You should tell him.
“How could I tell you all that and not sound like I’m angry at our child? Not sound like an awful mother?” You choke on the words. 
Harry stares at you with what looks like pity and you turn away. You didn’t want pity. You wanted help. You wanted him to understand. “You don’t sound like a horrible mother. You sound tired.” 
“What stopped you from telling him this?” Dr. Walsh prompts gently as you and Harry fall into silence. Her eyes flicker to Harry as he watches you with the same sad eyes. 
You shrug. “I just wanted him to notice. I wanted to feel like he still noticed me.” You let out a breath. “We love Jack, but Jack wasn’t exactly planned. We weren’t sure if we wanted a fourth and had only just begun talking about it. When I found out I was pregnant and figured out how excited I felt, I knew I wanted to keep him.” You explain to the therapist carefully. “We decided that we wanted him, but he would be our last one.”
You think of the doctors appointments and heavy warnings that a fourth pregnancy could wreck havoc on your body. 
“But I’m not twenty-three anymore and the pregnancy was really tough on me. And Harry knew. So he took care of the kids when I couldn’t and he planned vacations for me before I gave birth and it-” You breath catches. “It felt like you didn’t care anymore once I had him because I wasn’t in danger anymore. But Jack is stubborn and I was struggling.” 
Harry takes in a shaky breath and reaches out to steady your trembling hands. 
It’s a start. You guess. 
“I didn’t realize how tough Jack was on you.” Harry says quietly that night. You had been dreading sitting in the awkward silence. 
You shrug. “Babies are tough. Persephone was tough because we were so young. Serena and Oliver were tough because they were twins.” Your baby monitor makes a sound and you glance over to see Jack stretching his arms. 
You sigh and stand up. “Jack was… Jack was tough in a way I wasn’t expecting. Maybe it was because I had four kids all of the sudden or because you started working more. I was exhausted all the time.” 
You leave before he can say anything in response, but you know he’ll follow you to Jack’s room. You push the door open quietly and hear Jack’s soft giggles. 
“Hello, handsome.” You whisper as he looks up at you. “What’s got you awake?” 
You pick him up gently and bring him over to the rocking chair placed in the corner of the room. Harry leans against the door jam. 
You rock back and forth with Jack in your arms and Harry watched with gentle eyes. You look up as Harry begins to speak quietly. “I wish I could take everything back. Just… Redo this past year.” 
You look down at Jack and run a gentle finger over his cheek. “You can’t. You don’t get redos in real life.” 
The room is silent as you rock your baby back to sleep and Harry watches. 
We’ll be a fine line.
Notes: Title song Fine Line. This is really a filler for the next piece, I needed April to get to May :/
A few things; I have them staying together written. While this has been my plan since I begun writing this part & the next, if it’s something people wanted, I could do two different endings.
Like I said, I wrote this at a low place for me and had always imagined it as some type of closure that I never got from my parents situation or from my ex. Cheaters suck. But, some people do work through it. Some people can’t. That’s the beauty of our autonomy, we decide. I got a lot (and I mean a lot) of messages urging me to be mindful of impressionable people who may read this piece & with that I want to say; Your situation is not this one. Some cheaters will always be cheaters. This is not in anyway trying to convince you that a toxic relationship is okay. Or that cheating is okay. Please remember this is fiction and not meant to do anything other than entertain you! This is a piece I wrote & a piece whose ending I choose. Thank you for reading. I love every single person who read What Kind of Man and thought, I want more of this person’s writing.
(please do not be mean to me, I write for fun & am very emotional thank u)
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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constellarations · 3 years
moon's wane - reki x gn!reader
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reki's feeling down and you comfort him.
pairing: reki x gn!reader
warnings: sad reki :(
notes: hi
gift for: @hpalways
Reki was acting strangely today.
Actually, he’s been strange for the past week. Week! Why a week? Uh, you weren’t sure.
You wondered if he was possessed. Kyan Reki, a literal skateboarding-fanatic, had suddenly stopped skateboarding to school. Was this what parents called a phase?! An era, even?
He was unenthusiastic, and even when you offered to go skating with him, he declined and said he was busy.
Busy doing what? You munched on an apple angrily. Sure, you didn’t confess to Reki yet. And suuure, you had no idea if he liked you back or even cared about your feelings, but—!
Okay, honestly, you didn’t even know if Reki was into you. His love for skateboarding probably overpowered any inch of… existence… that you had up in his (tiny) brain.
And not to mention the fact that the two of you shared like— zero hobbies in common! What does writing and skateboarding allude to? Uh… poetry about a board? Hello?!
You took another bite out of your apple, questioning the meaning of life and whether the way Reki spared you a glance for approximately 0.628 seconds meant that he was in love with you.
You flinched. Looking over to your side, where your ear was getting yelled at, you were met with the sight of Langa…
… Who had a very unamused expression.
“Did you have a fight with Reki?”
You were offended momentarily, taken aback at his sudden question.
“You sound unsure.”
“I didn’t talk to him at all!”
“When was the last time you talked to him?”
Are you a therapist? A detective, even? You sweatdropped, unsure of how to answer.
“I don’t know… yesterday?”
Langa looked surprised. What was he expecting? For you to not talk to Reki for weeks? As much as you wished you could do that, Reki, unfortunately, had some kind of magnet around—
“So he’s sad because of another reason.”
“EH?! Are you saying he’d be sad because of me?”
Okay, now you were actually offended. Did Langa think Reki and you had some kind of bad blood? Hello… that’s a Taylor Swift song! Not your relationship!
“I don’t know.” Langa shrugged. You almost wanted to strangle him, but alas, you were not here to kill pretty boys. “He just seems… off.”
He does. You agreed silently. You were so used to a flamboyant and sunshine Reki, it was odd to see him so down in the dumps. In all honesty, you didn’t even want him to be down. You wanted Reki to be happy.
“I’ll go talk to him!” You stood up with newfound determination. Langa, on the other hand, could only watch you with his usual confused deadpan.
“[Name]-chan, do you even know where he is?”
You deflated slightly. If this were a K-Drama, you would’ve known. Ah, what was the title of that one show? Where they have this little alarm in their head when they come close to the one they love? Yeah, that was what you wanted to be. Though, if you were near Reki with that ability, you may have gone mad due to the repetitive alarm of your mind.
“No… I don’t. But I can find him! Just watch me!”
Langa let out a puff of air, mumbling something along the lines of “no thank you.”
A tick mark appeared on your forehead. The Canadian boy was lucky that he was cute, if he wasn’t, he would’ve been six feet (under)!
And then, you ran off. Leaving a very indifferent Langa and a bunch of questions sprouting in your mind.
Usually, you would find Reki somewhere like a skatepark— but obviously, he was possessed or whatever— so he wouldn’t be at such a place.
Your brain then became the size of the galaxy. His house! You made an abrupt turn, running for your bike that was parked before swiftly hopping onto it, pedalling away to the boy’s address.
Okay, actually, you were no stalker. So you had to pull your phone out to get directions… but let’s pretend that you knew based on instincts because of your undying love for the red-haired boy!
Coincidentally enough, there was a silhouette standing right outside the boy’s house. Squinting, you could barely make out the faint hue of crimson, matched with a very unfitting frown.
Reki. You pedalled a bit faster, desperation rocking each time you did. He’s sad? Why? He seemed to be looking quietly down at his skateboard. The scratches on the bottom represented all of his hard work, and yet, he didn’t look proud.
Finding your voice, you called, “Reki!”
You smiled brightly. It contrasted his solemn look as he glanced up at you instantly. Slightly, you could make out his lips curving up. Somehow, it managed to make your heart beat faster.
When Reki frowns (which was very rare), you would smile. If you could, you would give him every single smile that you’ve ever shown. All of them, any of them. You’d smile for him until your lips could not do so anymore.
Because whenever you were sad, he was there for you. It was only fair to do it back to him. If it were nature’s ecosystem, you supposed that Reki would be the rain and sun, giving you time to flourish. And in return? You’d promise to take care of this grand Earth while he cultivated it.
When did I suddenly become a poet? Your hands subconsciously braked, you suppose it was muscle memory. Docking the bike before hopping off, you walked slowly up to the boy with a small grin.
“[Name].” He seemed relieved when he saw you, and for a moment, it made your hopes fly high. It felt good to know that you were not the only one who was ecstatic over such a brief meeting.
“Want to walk around the town? There’s a new boba place that opened up! We should go together.” You decided to take his mind off of whatever was bothering him. You were no therapist, per se, but it was a start.
And surprisingly, Reki accepted your offer. Weirdly enough, he turned around to his porch before dropping off his skateboard. It confused you a bit— no, tremendously.
Deciding that the sport was the source of his worries, you decided not to pry. I’ll ask later.
With a warm face and a racing heart, the two of you walked off in the direction of the shop. It was odd not biking and him skateboarding, but a change of pace was nice every now and then.
“Hey, [Name]...” Reki kicked a pebble. You almost felt bad for the tiny rock. “Have you ever fallen behind in something you loved?’
Your eyes widened before your mind drifted off. Many times, actually. You were not invincible or a character that was protected heavily by plot-armor— you were just you… kind of average, kind of dumb, but at the end of the day, failure was common, wasn’t it?
“Yeah,” your voice quieted down, and for a second, Reki panicked.
“Sorry! Was that too blunt—?! I’m really sorry!”
You smiled.
“Don’t worry about it, Reki.” You could feel your face get hot, even under the cool Okinawa breeze.
“Actually, I fall behind a lot.” Looking down at your feet, you kind of wanted to sink into the floor. This is embarrassing! But seeing how distraught Reki was, you supposed that giving up your pride would be worth the smile he’d wear after.
“But everyone has different goals and minds. It’s not fair for me to compare myself to others…” You were tempted to give Reki a look as his lips seemed to be quivering.
“Hey, [Name]...” He spoke, stopping abruptly on the sidewalk. You paused, glancing over at him slowly.
“Can you… l-look away, for a bit?” He stuttered, face somehow turning red even under the dimming light. You wanted to question why, but the expression he had and the way his arm rubbed his eyes was enough of a response.
“Sure.” You turned around, refraining from doing the opposite and holding him while he cried. His sniffles grew louder and louder, even when he was making such an active attempt to dwindle them.
“I… I just…” His breath was shaky as he seemed to choke on his own words. “I don’t know what went wrong… what did I do?”
You did nothing wrong. You stayed silent. The male seemed to not need words of reassurance, instead, he only needed a listener.
“He started after me… b-but now I’m just a n...nobody. He’s so much better than me, in everything, anything.” He cried, sniffles turning into hiccups. Don’t cry. You wanted to turn around, but that would be a violation of his request.
So you stepped back. One, two. Counting, you finally felt a wall of fabric. The image of Reki’s yellow sweater popped up in your mind. Cute, you mused. He still wore it in times like these.
You could feel his breath stifle once your back met his. With the two of you facing away from each other, the warmth from his hoodie flourished like ink in water.
“Why do you skate, Reki?” You gazed at the sky. The moon is pretty tonight. The stars too, but right now, the stars reminded you of tears.
And it was then you realized that Reki was not the sun or the rain. He was the moon. Supportive, bright even in the darkest of times, and hidden. Reki was hidden behind prodigies like Langa and Miya, but even so, he was essential.
What would the sun do without the moon? Who would the sun step back for to lay down the burden of giving light? The sun gives for the moon to take, and the moon takes for the sun to give.
If you had looked, then Reki would probably be crying stars. Constellations would be trickling down his cheeks, and maybe, you could make out polaris with it. He could paint the galaxy with him and himself alone, he could do so much, and yet, he was not the sun.
No, he would never compare to the sun. The sun was a completely different essence in itself. It would be unfair to hold Reki up to Langa and expect them to be the same.
Reki was silent. You supposed that in this trek of inferiority, he had lost that essence— that galaxy. What was the reason he skates for? Why did he spend so many hours getting bruises and scratches?
Why did he do so much and expect so little in return?
“Because it’s fun,” he said confidently. If the moon was the sun, then it’d shine so brightly. If the moon was the sun, then the world would never have time to sleep. There would be no way to see the stars, or the constellations in the sky, or Venus and Mars.
With those three words alone, you could feel Reki’s breath speed up. He turned around, resting his hands gently on your shoulders as you could feel his smile alone.
“It’s fun! Skateboarding is fun! It can be done anywhere, anytime—” His voice cracked due to just having cried, and you swore that fumes escaped his ears. You wanted to laugh slightly at his embarrassment, but decided to be benevolent and stay quiet.
“... and can be done with the ones you love.”
You froze. Love. What a strong word, what a broad word. What is love? What does it entail? How can one person want to devote their entire life to another? It was strange.
But you suppose that love is Reki. He is love, he is someone who you’d think about the second you woke up. Was that cheesy? Yes. But when you were a kid, you used to think that the moon was made out of cheese— so it works out. You were quite the poet, Shakespeare kinnie.
“Is that so?” You pretended to question, but Reki knew that you were just saying that to say it.
Reki was an anomaly. As much as you knew about him, and he knew about you, you never seemed to understand him. If it were anyone else, you were sure that they would not recover from a slump with just three words.
But Reki was not anyone else— he was not a nobody either. Reki was the moon and the definition of love, he was sunshine even though he was unappreciated. He was everything and anything.
It was strange, though. You two were only teenagers, and yet, you could envision a whole future with the red-head. Unrealistic. You wanted to scold yourself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“[Name],” Reki called, and this time, he spun you around. He averted his amber eyes from your own irises, a light pout dusting his lips.
“Do you want to… skateboard with me?”
You sweatdropped. What a weird way to confess. Though, you had just concluded that Reki was an anomaly— so this was not that strange.
“Is that your way of asking me out on a date?” You smirked, but that wasn’t enough to mask the way your eyes widened in shock. You were both idiots, but you supposed that wasn’t a bad thing.
“No— yes! Yeah? Wait—” Reki short-circuited, unsure of his own choice of words. Now, he really was reprimanding himself for being such a dummy.
“Relax.” You patted his shoulder, smirk turning into a goofy smile. “If it is… then I accept.”
“R-Really?!” His mouth hung agape, and you could only deadpan.
“Were you expecting me to say no?”
“Well.. I wasn’t really expecting to get this far!” He managed to laugh, even with tear-stained cheeks and reddened eyes.
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nev3rfound · 3 years
one of a kind : l.l
with loki having returned to earth, the avengers call upon their newest recruit, an angel to help. only, loki refuses to believe the truth until it’s too late.  (1.9k) 
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(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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Sighing to himself, Tony walks away from the vault as Steve awaits him outside. “Any luck?” Steve asks, receiving a look that says more than words could. “Well, we’re not out of options yet.” Steve adds, trying his best to remain hopeful as Tony rolls his eyes.
“He still not talking?” Natasha pipes up as the pair return to Tony’s lab where the rest of the team stand, eager for any form of update.
“He won’t budge, thanks for that, Thor.” Tony quips, shooting Thor a look who simply shrugs before placing his hammer down on the metal table with a heavy thud.
“It’s not my fault my brother is so unwilling.” Thor comments, keeping his head down.
“He killed three people and threatened the lives of everyone in this building.” Natasha reminds him, and Thor raises his head meekly.
“He’s adopted?” He weakly states.
“This isn’t enough, I think we gotta bring in the big guns.” Tony rises to his feet, pacing around the room as all eyes turn to him.
Shifting on the spot, Steve clears his throat before speaking up. “Tony, I don’t think that’s wise.”
“Oh, and do you have any better ideas, Cap?” Tony shoots back, frustration rising through him as Loki remains locked up in the vault, tormenting them endlessly. “Didn’t think so.” He mutters under his breath. “Friday, can you send our sunshine a message to meet us in my lab?”
“Of course, Tony. Message sent.” Friday responds, and Steve glances over to Natasha, knowing it’s too soon.
Within a matter of minutes, you tiredly walk through the doors of Tony’s lab, seeing the Avengers all stood around. “Am I crashing some kinda party?” You chuckle, but your laughter isn’t well received based on the solemn expressions. “Tough crowd.”
“How’re you doing, sunshine?” Tony walks toward you, resting his arm over your shoulders.
“I’m better today.” You tell him truthfully. “Healing is taking a bit longer than usual, but I’ll be fine in a few days.”
Tony hums to himself, glancing over his shoulder to the rest of the team. “Listen, Y/n, we’ve got a favour to ask of you, and it might not be easy.” Tony begins and guides you back to face the rest of the Avengers.
Steve holds out a chair for you, noticing your breathing becoming shallow and your eyes drooping. You silently thank him as you sit down, glad to take the weight off your feet.
“How can I help?” You ask, a bright smile on your face.
Despite everything you’ve been through these past few months, you’re still more than willing to help everyone else.
“Well, Thor’s brother decided to pay us an unexpected visit,” Tony trails off as you raise a brow to Thor.
“Loki’s here?” You watch as Thor nods. After hearing countless stories from Thor about his brother, you can’t believe he’s here. “So where is he?”
“In the vault.” Natasha states bluntly as you whip your head around. “Sorry, Y/n. It’s the safest place for him to be.” She adds, and you nod to yourself, knowing it’s probably for the best after what happened last time.
“He’s not talking to anyone, is he?” You knew your goal at that moment as the Avengers nodded in response. “Okay.” You mutter under your breath as you rise to your feet, forcing back a groan as a sharp pain shoots up your side.
Steve’s hands hover naturally toward you, but you push through it. “We’ll be in here, Y/n.” Steve tells you. “If you need us at all, or want out, just say.” He adds.
“Thanks, Steve.” You smile sweetly before carrying on alongside Tony, heading toward the vault that you have only ever entered once.
“We just wanna know what he’s planning, why he’s back and all.” Tony briefly explains what they currently know, and the many gaps in Loki’s story as you stand in front of the doors to the vault.
You watch as two men open the doors, revealing a metal bridge leading to the glass container where Loki is sitting.
Loki lifts his head up, and as you catch his gaze it isn’t what you expected. After hearing countless tales of the past you anticipated seeing someone who radiated evil. But sitting before you is a God weakened by his past, not someone who revels in it.
“We’ll be outside like Cap said.” Tony mutters to you as he glares to Loki who merely smiles back.
“Bye, Tony.” You wave to him as the door is closed, leaving you and Loki in a moment of silence whilst you compose yourself.
“You’re not afraid,” Loki speaks up, now standing as he paces around the cylindrical container, a reinforced version of the previous one. “it’s awfully stupid of you.” He adds, and you can’t help but laugh quietly.
“Why should I be afraid?” You dare to ask as you lean against the railings, heavily relying on them as you make eye contact with Loki. “You’re just a God.”
“Oh my dear,” Loki laughs, shaking his head. “you have no idea who you’re talking to, clearly. You’re a mere mortal, why do you all think you can trick me into telling you anything?”
Sighing to yourself, you push your weight from the railings and step forward. “Perhaps because I’m not a ‘mere mortal’?” You suggest, now catching Loki’s attention. “I grew up with God’s, some, like you and others well,” You trail off. “we don’t talk about those ones.”
“What are you saying? You’re a God?” He coldly asks, but you shake your head in response.
“Oh, Gods no.” You admit. “I’m an Angel.” You state.
“No, you’re not.” Loki bluntly comments, looking you up and down before turning away from you. “Angels don’t exist, they’re a fairytale to keep children calm and believe in an afterlife.” He scoffs.
It’s your turn to scoff as you pause, waiting for him to look back at you. “Some say your kind are fairytales, Loki. Doesn’t mean that you aren’t real.” You explain, nearing the glass. “Why are you adamant that I can’t be an angel?”
Turning on his heels, Loki smirks as he approaches the glass, hovering before it and towers over you. “I would know if angels existed. Now, if you don’t mind I was in the middle of thinking about the thirty different ways I can escape here without the need for a mortal to interrupt me.” Loki states.
“Fair enough.” You shrug your shoulders as you cross your arms over your chest. “However, Loki?” You call out. “There are thirty-seven ways out of here, just so you know.” You chuckle, stepping back and return to the railing, trying to hide the pain in your laugh as it ripples through your spine.
Loki’s lips part to respond, but his eyes focus on your hand clutching your side. “You’re injured, aren’t you?” He asks, watching as you nod. “In the tales of Angels aren’t you supposed to heal within minutes of being injured? The whole ‘immortal’ aspect of being an Angel.” Loki paces around the cell once more, but his eyes never leave you.
“It’s a bit more complex than that.” You tell him through gritted teeth. “When an Angel falls from above or rises from below, our powers are still within us, but they aren’t as effective since we’re in the mortal world.” Your breathing slows down now, and you can’t help but slip down to the ground.
“How did you fall?” Loki kneels behind the glass, focusing on you closely. Yet, your breathing becomes slower, and the curiosity Loki has for you increases. “Tell me!” He yells, slamming his fist to the ground.
“I was sent to guard over a human, something we all do at some point.” You begin to explain, picturing the young boys face as he sat with a bloody nose in the middle of the park as children walked away, leaving him to suffer. “He, well, despite my efforts of guarding him, he didn’t make it.” Tears fill your eyes as you remember the day you fell, the consequences of your actions or lack thereof. “How about you, Loki?” You quickly change the topic of conversation. “Why did you come back to Earth?”
“You think I’m going to simply tell you because you told me a story?” Loki remarks.
“Stranger things have happened in all my years.” You tell him, shifting as you try to rise back to your feet. “And trust me, I’ve had plenty of them.” You joke as you stand back up, firmly gripping onto the railing behind you.
“Nonsense,” Loki mutters. “you’re a mortal, no older than Thor’s beloved Jane.”
You shake your head. “I’ve lived for nearly three hundred years.” You tell him. “It’s all in the eyes, Loki. But you only ever see the fear in them, whereas I see hope.”
“You’re here to envoke hope? That I might somehow change with the help of an ‘angel?’“
“Like I said, Loki.” Your voice quietens as you try to ignore the growing pain searing through your body. “Stranger things have happened.”
“Well, I am truly sorry.” Loki chuckles. “But this has been fun, a great story you’ve construed together I’ll admit.” He laughs softly. “As if a mortal of such a young age could try and tempt me.”
“I wasn’t here to tempt you, Loki.” You state clearly, despite your vision beginning to blur. “As I said, I was here to try and help you. As that’s what I do, it’s what I know.” Your voice softens as words struggle to leave your lips coherently.
“Nice try, mortal. But you’ll never get me to crack.” Loki spits to you, and that’s when you fall to the ground.
Immediately, the doors open and Steve rushes in.
“What did you do to her?!” Steve yells to Loki as you lie unconscious.
“How could I do anything when I’m stuck in here?” Loki holds his hands up in defence.
Steve glares to the God as he tries to pull you into his embrace. “Tony?” Steve calls out, and Tony walks in with Thor behind him, causing Loki to sigh heavily.
With the help of Thor, Steve is able to get you to your feet, but as you stand up your wings appear.
“Careful!” Steve warns the others. “Y/n told me her cloaking doesn’t work if she’s unconscious.”
“Come on then,” Tony mutters as he helps Steve carry you out, minding your large bright wings.
Yet, standing in disbelief, Loki can’t help but rethink his entire conversation with you. He watches as your wings drap across the floor, feathers catching on the metal and he winces as some are left behind.
“Angels are real?” Loki thinks aloud.
“What did you do to her, dear brother?” Thor asks, defeated as he hovers by the glass. “Y/n is nothing but a kind spirit, a real angel, Loki. Couldn’t you see that?”
Lowering his head, Loki remains silent.
Without another word being said, Thor exits the vault, leaving Loki alone as the door is sealed shut once more.
Staring down at the stray feathers you left behind, Loki buries his head in his hands. “I’m sorry.” He mutters under his breath, wishing he could’ve believed you whilst you were here and seen the hope in your eyes, and the fear looking back at them.
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Hero | Luke Patterson
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Song Fic February Week 4: Musicals 
Inspiration: StarStruck (DCOM)
Requested: Yes/No
A/N: Anon suggested doing something with the Starstruck soundtrack, so I’m writing a whole-ass series. This is based off the plot of Starstruck but the reader was a fan of JATP until she met Luke... Basically crush to enemies to lovers! Also a modern!au.
The third installment of the StarStruck series! 
Something About The Sunshine
What You Mean To Me
Pairing: Luke x Fem!reader
Song(s) used: Hero - Christopher Wilde (StarStruck ST)
Warnings: few swear words, mention of car accidents, mention of child abuse, mention of postnatal depression, tiny bit of angst
Words: 8.6K
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I’m almost nervous to see him again. There’s a nervous flutter erupting from the pit of my stomach and I feel hot and sweaty when it’s not even that warm out. The boy didn’t have that effect on me just a day ago and now he suddenly does? I hate this. 
“Morning,” I greet when I find Luke standing outside the coffee shop with his hood pulled far over his head and sunglasses covering his beautiful eyes. He shoots me a smile, but I don’t think he actually looks at me. Right, the whole “I can’t be seen with you”-thing. 
“Want to go grab some coffee before we go?” I ask instead, pointing at the shop. 
Luke nods his head and follows me inside where we wait in line together. The silence that hangs over us is uncomfortable for the first time. I don’t know why but his mysterious, secretive antics are making me nervous. 
“Next!” the barista calls and the two of us step forward. The twenty-something woman shoots the both of us a polite smile, not even acknowledging that Luke’s keeping his head low. This is L.A., she’s probably used to it by now. “What can I get for ya?” 
“An iced vanilla latte for me, please,” I say and then glance down at Luke. 
He coughs. “Iced caramel macchiato.” His voice is low, just above a whisper, as though he’s telling the barista and me a secret. I’m glad we’re going to be out of the city soon, so Luke can go back to his regular self. Or to the singing-on-top-of-a-car-in-the-middle-of-nowhere self. 
“What’s your name, please?” 
“Y/N…” My eyes land on Luke for a split second, and I’m pretty sure he’s not even going to answer. Luke’s a pretty generic name, I’m sure people won’t even bother to look up. “Put my name on both, please.” 
The barista smiles and then dashes off after I paid to start making our coffees while we shuffle towards the end of the counter, ready to take our drinks when they’re ready. Luke keeps his head down. He doesn’t even look up at me and the awkward silence doesn’t eb away.  
“You’re not gonna talk to me yet, are you?” I ask him as I hand him one of the two straws I picked up. He shakes his head. I try my hardest not to groan and instead, hand him the keys to my car. “Here, get yourself settled in my car, I’ll handle this.” 
His eyes peer over the rim of his sunglasses, flickering with uncertainty and gratefulness at the same time. I shoot him a smile, urging him to get out of here, which he does with a quick flash of his teeth. 
The awkwardness quickly washes off me when he’s left the coffee shop and I’m all alone, hoping everything would change once we’re all alone, away from the prying eyes of Los Angeles’ residents. 
“Iced vanilla latte and iced caramel macchiato for y/n,” the barista calls and places the cups on the counter in front of me. 
I smile at her, say, “Thank you! Bye!” and then dart out of the coffee shop as fast as I could. I weave my way through hasty people and slacking tourists towards my Toyota Yaris where a hooded boy sits in my passenger seat. He still has his hood pulled up and his sunglasses balancing on the bridge of his nose. He almost looks sad, which makes me a little sad too. I wish I could do more than let him wait in my car. 
“Here you go,” I say and hand him his coffee when I’ve settled into my seat. 
“Thank you,” he mutters, and I’m pretty sure it’s not just for the beverage. 
A smile etches its way to my cheeks as I regard him. “You’re welcome,” I say and then start the engine. As I pull out of the parking lot, Luke finally sparks up a conversation. I’m almost relieved to hear his voice again for more than two words.    
“Where’re we going?” he asks. 
I debate telling him but then decide I’d do it anyway. I’ve been researching a lot last night and have found the greatest secluded spots and the time slots when they’re mostly deserted or have the least visitors. The one I wanted to take him to today was a lot closer than the other ones, so I figured we could start with that. 
“The Old L.A. Zoo. It’s less crowded before 9am, so I figured we could go explore it a bit until too many people arrive?” The statement comes out of my mouth as a question since I’m unsure whether or not he’d like that. 
“Cool,” he replies, and he sounds honest, too. “I don’t think I’ve ever been there.” 
It surprises me a little, but I go with it anyway. “Really? I’ve been there plenty of times! It’s really cool! Kinda spooky.” Luke lets out an airy laugh at that and it makes my heart flutter a little. 
Within ten minutes, we arrive at the old zoo. Ten minutes had gone by and yet it felt like a split second. The conversation ran fluently on our way there and Luke told me things about the band and his childhood that not even the biggest fangirl on earth could possibly know. I love talking to Luke about those seemingly uninteresting, small things. 
The rest of the morning, too, goes by as if there’s no concept of time whatsoever. The two of us walk through the old, abandoned zoo and explore every single old habitat. I even find a website that tells us the entire history of each section of the zoo and as I read it, Luke listens and adds in his own commentary. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this much in just a few  hours. This guy is genuinely funny and I just adore talking to him. Our conversations go from the ridiculous to the serious, and every subject in between. 
It’s just the perfect day that I wish would never end, but inevitably, Luke has his own responsibilities and has to go by lunch time. 
“Hey, why don’t you come with me to the studio?” he asks with a smile as we’re making our way back to the car. “I’m in there all by myself, aside from our producer, and I’m recording a few songs.” 
I open and close my mouth a few times, letting incomprehensible sounds roll out. It makes me look like a dumbfounded fish, I’m sure, but I don’t care. My brain is dysfunctioning for a moment. Luke Patterson is asking me to come to the studio with him. To watch him record some songs. Songs that are going to be on the album. 
Luke’s laugh makes the gears in my brain fall back into place. “Is that a yes?” he asks. 
A heat rises up to my cheeks. “Yeah,” I finally manage. 
“Cool,” he says and then gets into the car. 
The ride to the studio is filled with smooth conversation. We never miss a beat, there’s never an awkward silence between the two of us. Only when we arrive at the recording studio and we’re met with a huddle of paparazzi outside the door.
“Fuck,” he mutters and ducks down. I do the same, knowing he doesn’t want me to be seen with him either. “Drive around back,” he orders before fumbling into the glove compartment of my car. He retrieves a pair of sunglasses I kept there, along with a shawl of my mother’s that I didn’t know was still in there. “Put this on.” 
“No,” I reply sternly, pushing his hand with the shawl away. I do take the sunglasses from his hand though, and push them onto my nose. “Put that shawl away,” I bark. The boy obeys and stuffs the piece of cursed fabric back where it came from. 
Mental note: throw that out. 
When we finally do get into the recording studio, as soon as I’m on Luke’s side, he grabs my hand and drags me into the building before anyone could ever spot us. I nearly stumble on my own feet, but quickly pick myself back up before I faceplant the floor. 
Luke huffs. “Phew, that was close.” 
He looks at me, and for a second, I think he might bring up the shawl again, but he doesn’t and instead turns to his producer, who had gotten up from his swivel chair the second we burst in.  
“Connor!” Luke greets excitedly and shakes the man’s hand. 
He looks near his thirties, strong built with flawless dark skin and a full head of afro hair. Combined with his extremely savvy outfit, I find him really cool-looking. He’s the kind of guy that would get all the girls in high school while still being a sweetheart. 
“You brought some new flesh, I see,” Connor says to me and outstretches his hand for me to shake. I do so with a wide smile on my face while pretending not to be completely nervous about being in a recording studio for the first time. 
“Y/N,” I introduce myself. 
“Welcome to our little slice of heaven on earth, y/n.” My eyes flick to Luke, who’s giving me that look again, so I quickly turn back to Connor. “Any knowledge of recording studios, y/n?” he asks. 
“Never been in one, but my friend is a producer and he did teach me some things.” 
I hear Luke huff beside me. “I didn’t know that.” 
“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know.” I shoot him a wink as Connor beckons me towards his deck. For a while, Connor guides me through his paces while Luke gives the best of himself on this song. 
After a few takes, Luke comes out of the booth and joins me and Connor to listen to what we’d recorded thus far. “What if –” I pause, debating my thoughts. “What if we go in with some soft backing vocals on here?” I click the part of the chorus we’d recorded and sing along with recorded Luke. 
“'Cause I I can be everything you need If you're the one for me Like gravity I'll be unstoppable I, yeah, I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy With heart and soul But if your the one for me Then I'll be your hero”
“I think if you put Julie on those backings, it could give that duet-vibe you guys are so good at.” I notice Connor and Luke glance at each other, soft smiles playing on both their lips. 
“Why don’t you show us?” Connor asks as Luke already grabs my hand. 
“What?! Me? No! Julie.” 
Luke chuckles and drags me into the booth with him. “Yeah, but we’re gonna need a demo, don’t we?” He delicately places a set of headphones on my head before placing one on his own. He signals to Connor and no later than 2 seconds, the instrumental version of the song blasts through the headphones. 
Gazing at me, Luke starts singing the first verse of the song, and I let him. It almost feels like he’s serenading me. Almost. All that’s missing is a guitar or a boombox over his head. 
“I'm no superman I can't take your hand And fly you anywhere you want to go Yeah I can't read your mind Like a billboard sign And tell you everything you want to hear But I'll be your hero”
From the chorus onwards, I jump in with backing vocals wherever I feel like it’s acceptable without taking my eyes off of Luke. 
“I I can be everything you need If you're the one for me Like gravity I'll be unstoppable I, yeah, I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy With heart and soul But if you're the one for me Then I'll be your hero”
“Could you be the one Could you be the one for me” “Oh I'll be your hero” “Could you be the one Could you be the one for me” “Yeah I'll be your hero”
“So incredible Some kind of miracle That's what it's meant to be I'll become a hero So I wait, wait, wait, wait for you”
We keep our eyes locked at the high note too, smiles plastered on our faces from ear to ear. Singing with Luke gives me some kinda rush. A feeling I can’t quite describe but it’s a feeling I want to feel more often. 
“Yeah, I'll be your hero Yeah”
“Cause I I can be everything you need If you're the one for me Like gravity I'll be unstoppable I, Yeah, I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy with and soul But if you're the one for me I'll be your hero”
“Yeah, I'll be your hero”
“Could you be the one Could you be the one for me”
“Yeah I'll be your hero”
The music fades out in our headphones, and soon, Connor’s applause sounds through it instead. I’m snapped back into reality, away from cloud 9, away from the pure bliss that’s singing with Luke and gazing into his eyes. 
“That was amazing! Good job, guys!” Connor says, beaming. 
Luke and I remove our headphones and he grabs my hand to lead me back to the decks where Connor welcomes us with open arms and a wide smile. 
“I thought you and Julie were the most watchable duetters, but I’ve been proven wrong.” 
I feel the heat rise to my cheeks before Luke snaps me out of it again. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Con. Can you send the finished product to the band and our manager? I’m sure they’d like to hear this. Don’t tell them who’s on backing vocals, though. They don’t need to know that.”
I swallow a lump in my throat and try to convince myself it’s probably not that deep. Luke doesn’t want to be seen with me. Not even by his band mates. It’s fine. It’s totally fine. 
We wrap up the recording session and I drive Luke back to the coffee shop where he looks behind him and out of every single one of the windows, just to be sure the coast is clear of paparazzi. 
“Thanks for the day, y/n. I really enjoyed spending time with you again.” 
I force a smile. Ever since his statement to Connor about not wanting the band to know about me, I’ve been going over everything in my mind and it has caused me to fold in on myself.
“Yeah, it was fun.” 
He gazes at me for a moment, inspecting every inch of my face as if detecting the lie from my eyes. When I think he’s just going to bid his goodbyes and get out, he doesn’t. Instead, he turns his body to me and reaches for his phone. I watch as he unlocks it and taps away on it before turning the device towards me. There’s a new contact form open on his screen. 
“Gimme your number. I’d love to do this again some day.” 
I furrow my brow while taking the phone in my hands. “Do you even have time to spend days with a nobody like me?” I don’t dare look at him and keep my eyes on the screen as I type my name and number. 
He doesn’t say anything either until I finally cave and look up when giving his phone back. There’s a crease in his forehead as his eyebrows are knitted together in confusion. 
“You’re not a nobody, y/n. I’d gladly make time for you. I told you, I loved spending days away from reality. Especially with you.” Fangirl Me is jumping out of my skin while Present Me tries to keep her cool and ignore all of the butterflies that erupt in her stomach. 
“Cool,” Present Me says out loud while Fangirl Me is scolding her so hard. 
Cool? Cool?! Seriously? Dude.   
“I’ll text you, yeah?” 
I nod my head in response and watch as he gets out of my car. Before I can even place my foot on the gas or shift out of park, my phone beeps in the pocket of my sweater. For the first time in forever, I smile when seeing an unknown number on my screen. 
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As I look out of my window, I find Luke looking at me with his hood pulled over his head again. He shoots me a quick smile and a wave before I turn to my phone again and type a reply. 
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I whip my head up to see his reaction. His jaw drops before his face turns into a scowl as he glares at me. Giggling and satisfied with the reaction, I place my phone on the passenger’s seat where Luke was sitting before and then pull out of the parking spot. 
That night, I save Luke’s number to my phone. I go between “Luke P.”, “Patterson” and “Luke ❤️” but eventually decide on the funnier option and save him as “Poo Musician 💩”.   
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I stand in line at the coffee shop before 8:30 that morning and I’m a little nervous. Last night when I returned from my day with Luke, the two of us had been texting back and forth. I felt like a sixteen year old again. One of those giggly teenagers that’s texting their crush. Which is what I was, but it’s been a while since I felt like it. 
Once I have an iced vanilla latte and an iced caramel macchiato, I head outside where I find a boy waiting by my car. He’s wearing a sleeveless shirt paired with a bright blue sleeveless sweater, his hood pulled far over his head so his face is hidden from prying eyes. 
I don’t need to see his face to know it’s Luke. I’d recognize those muscles from a mile away. The way he’s leaning against the hood of my car and the way he’s holding his phone is a dead giveaway too. 
“Your coffee, sir,” I say in a serious, deep voice. 
Luke’s head snaps up, eyes wide. He looks like a deer caught in headlights until he notices it’s just me and relaxes. A smile etches onto his face as he tucks his phone into the pocket of his jeans whilst taking the coffee I ordered for him with his other hand. 
He takes a cautious sip from the beverage. “Hm, Caramel Macchiato, someone’s been stalking me.” I know he’s just teasing, I can tell by the way one corner of his mouth curls up and his eyes have that childlike glint in them. 
Making my way to the driver’s side of my car, I smile and say, “Contrary to popular belief, Patterson, I’m not a stalker. I just remembered your order from yesterday.” 
Luke’s smile tells me something I’d rather not think about. It’s like he’s saying “You remembered my order” in that flirty way only he knows how to. I simply shrug before opening my door and getting in with Luke following my example. Without missing a beat, he fishes my phone from between my fingers and grabs my free hand to use my thumb to unlock my phone. This time, I don’t object and let him. I know that it’s just to get to my music app anyway. 
While Journey’s Anyway You Want It plays through the car’s speakers, I pull out of the parking spot in front of the coffee shop and start driving to the next location I’d found during my research the other night. 
“Where’re we going?” he asks, and I flashback to yesterday when he asked me the exact same question in that exact same way. 
I smile as I place my cup in the cupholder between the two of us. “You’ll see.” I glance over, finding him tilting his head slightly and giving me that ‘Really?’ look. “I promise it’s very secluded and not a lot of people will be there.” 
“Cool,” he says and sips. “Is this where you’re going to kidnap me and hold me for ransom? I bet you could get a lot of money for a Julie and The Phantoms band member.” 
I snort at his remark. “How much do you think I could get for you?” 
He scrunches up his nose in thought, which I catch as I take a quick glance at him again. As I face the road again, I reach for my coffee and take a quick sip, awaiting Luke’s response to my question. 
“Like 10k?” 
I nearly spit out my coffee. “10k?!” I screech, and his laugh thunders through my car. “Careful or I’ll actually kidnap you and hold you for ransom if I’m gonna earn that much.” 
The laughter dies down and after a few moments of silence lingering in the air, Luke says, “How much do you think I’m worth?” 
Without missing a beat, I respond to his question, dead serious. “Not even a dollar.”  
Luke gasps, his mouth dropping in absolute disbelief while I can’t help but cackle loudly. Judging from this conversation alone, I’m positive today will be a good day. A good, fun day. 
“I’m worth more than a dollar, right?” 
“No, you’re right, I’d probably ask like a million and then no one will pay the ransom and you’ll have to stay with me for the rest of your life.” 
I let out my best maniacal laughter as I feel him watch me. I know the exact look he’s giving me. The look. The one with the glistening eyes and the slightly turned up lips. The one all girls and gays swoon for. The one I would swoon for if I’d turn my head right now. But I don’t. For once in my life, I’m smart and keep my eyes on the road. 
“You like me,” he states proudly. 
“Slightly less strong dislike.” I’m lying through my teeth, but I’m hoping Luke won’t notice. Or at least not acknowledge it because I can already feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 
“I’ll take it.” 
He reaches forward and turns the volume up as Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” floats through the speakers. Very loudly, and very obnoxiously, the boy begins to sing along. If it wasn’t for the velvet smooth voice, I would’ve scolded at him to keep it down. But the sound actually makes my toes curl and my stomach flutter. For a verse, I let him sing by himself while I enjoy his performance but by the chorus, I can’t withhold myself and sing along with him. 
The rest of the ride is filled with belting of the road trip tunes, laced with patches of small talk. It’s the perfect car ride, and before we know it, we’ve arrived at our destination. Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area. The parking lot is practically empty, aside from two cars, which I’m assuming are the staff’s. It’s the perfect indication that I picked the right spot to go to, and I can tell Luke knows it too. 
He’s bouncing in his seat, either from excitement or the amount of sugar that was in his iced coffee, and when I turn off the ignition and turn to him, he looks at me with the widest smile plastered on his face. He almost looks like an excited toddler on Christmas morning, ready to open his presents. 
“I came here once with my parents when I was younger,” he tells me, “I love this place.” 
His confession makes me smile. “Good because I’ve been scouring the internet for the perfect place.” He shoots me the look again. “Stop looking at me like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like you’re going to kiss me.” 
He shrugs, “Maybe I want to.” 
“So you want me to slap you?” 
His smile fades away immediately. “Let’s go,” he grumbles and quickly gets out. 
I heave in a deep breath, recollecting myself before getting out too and retrieving the backpack I brought, filled with stuff for today. Including my itinerary – or just a notebook filled with some ideas I had. 
“How about we start with a bike ride across the park?” I suggest, pointing at the bike rental shop I found on Google the other night. 
We walk into the rental place, expecting there to be bikes upon bikes but instead, we’re met with kayaks, pedal boats and go-karts. My eyebrows furrow, creasing my forehead as I look around the space. Why’s this called a bike rental when there are technically no bikes to rent? No actual bikes. 
“I thought we were going for a bike ride?” Luke says, teasingly. I look up at him, and I think my face tells him enough about my knowledge about this place. My research clearly wasn’t sufficient. 
Deciding to just roll with the circumstances, I roll my shoulders back and put a smile on my face. “Yeah, we’re going on a bike ride with one of these!” I say and point to the large, green go-kart. One of those that look like an old-school car at the front and have children’s seats in front of the terribly cushioned seats for adults. The ones with the small plastic wheel and bike pedals for two adults. I remember going on one of those big ones for six people with my family. 
“You’re serious?” Luke asks, his eyes wide. 
Instead of answering, I shoot him a smile before stepping forwards towards the staff member at the counter. The woman behind the counter looks no older than 45 and has long, billowing blonde locks that cascade down her shoulders. Her bright blue piercing eyes glisten as they land on the two of us, clearly glad she sees some customers so early in the day. 
“Good morning,” she greets with a smile, “We open in half an hour.” 
“Oh…” My research has been poor. 
Before I can possibly think of an answer, Luke steps forward and flashes the woman a smile. I’m not sure if he’s going to use his manly charms or if he’s going to pull the “Don’t you know who I am?” card. 
“Can’t you… make an exception for us?” he asks, leaning his elbow on the counter as he looks at the woman through his lashes. The woman looks up at Luke, her face like stone. She doesn’t recognize him and doesn’t fall for his charms either. 
Shaking my head, I spring into action. I quickly change the ring on my index finger to my ring finger and wrap my arm around Luke’s bicep while the other rests on his chest, making sure the ring is as visible as can be. As I flutter my eyelashes at the woman, I let the words tumble out of my mouth. 
“Please, ma’am? It’s our one year engagement anniversary and he was going to take me on this romantic bike ride….” I then lean forward over the counter. “He’s not very good at researching our dates, but he tries.” 
The woman’s eyebrows knit together as her eyes dart from me to Luke and back. 
“Aren’t you guys a little young to be engaged?” 
Luke jumps into the improvisation spot. “We’ve been told that a lot but we’ve been best friends for years and there’s no one I’d rather spend the rest of my life with.” He looks down at me and when I glance up, too, he kisses the tip of my nose, which I then scrunch. 
I ignore the flutters in my stomach and face the woman again. She seems to have softened, her eyes less icy than it was before. Then, she turns to her computer and clicks through a few browsers before facing us again. 
“What do you guys want? The Surrey?” She points to the green bike-thing at the front of the shop. I nod my head in response. “Okay. You’ve got it for two hours for the price of one hour.” 
A smile etches its way to my face. “That’s perfect, thank you.” 
 Luke pays the woman the rental fee and then she helps us get Surrey out of the garage. After bidding our goodbyes, Luke and I pedal off on the bike. 
“One year engagement, really?” Luke asks me when we’re far enough from the rental and I switch my rings back around. 
“Well, whatever you were doing didn’t work.” 
 He scoffs. “It was working.” 
We pedal down the winding road with the wind blowing through our hair. I love how warm the breeze is and how the birds are chirping in the trees around us. This is the perfect day to go out and do this. 
“What exactly were you planning to do?” I ask him, glancing up at him. He’s focusing on the road ahead of us, a comfortable smile resting on his lips while his eyes flick from one side to another, taking everything in. 
He glances down at me, the smile turning into a smirk. “I was going to charm her with my manly wiles.” 
“And how was that working for ya?” 
For a second, we lock eyes. Luke has an annoyed look on his face while I can’t help but have my lips curl up on one side into a smirk. When he whips his head forward again, I notice the slight tint of pink covering his cheeks. 
Did I just make Luke Patterson blush? 
“So,” he coughs. “Whatcha wanna do?”
I shrug. “We could play twenty questions? Get to know each other better.” 
He nods his head in response. “You wanna start?” 
“That’s your first question?” 
“That’s yours?” 
I press my lips together, shutting myself up for just a moment before recomposing myself. I’m not going to lie, I totally Googled some questions to ask in a game of 20 questions. So, I’m prepared. 
“If you had to be trapped on a deserted island with one of your friends, who would you pick and why?” Luke’s eyes widen at the question a little. 
“Woah, straight in! I thought you were gonna start with ‘favorite color’ or something.” He chuckles lightly, and so do I. “Uhm… Not Alex, he’d probably be super anxious and pace all the way across the island and make me nervous. Not Reggie either, he’d be singing country songs the entire time, though he is a great cuddler. Maybe Julie? Though she’s gonna be miserable without Flynn….” 
With every thought he says out loud, my smile grows bigger and bigger. 
“You?” My heart leaps in my chest at his answer. “Yeah, I like spending time with you and what better place to get away from real life than a deserted island, right?” 
Without missing a beat, the next words pour out of my mouth. “It’s cute how you think we’re friends now.” I surprise myself with the words I speak. We are friends, but I like winding him up into thinking we’re not. 
“Friends who wanna kiss each other.” 
Ignoring the heat rising to my cheeks, I reply, “You mean kill?” 
Luke shakes his head, an amused smile on his face. “When are you going to admit that you like me?” 
“Never – Next question.” 
“Uhm… What was the last thing you stole or shoplifted?” he asks and I’m glad he doesn’t push any further on the fact I basically admitted that I like him. 
“Oh! A magnet in a tourist shop in Lanzarote,” I reply, giggling a little at the memory. “I was there with a couple of friends during Spring Break and those magnets cost way too much for what they are and there was like a rack outside the shop. So, I shoplifted an overpriced Lanzarote magnet.” 
Luke throws his head back as he laughs, nearly steering us into the bushes. “That’s amazing,” he cackles.  
We cruise through the entire park for two entire hours, asking each other questions, and after returning the Surrey, we walk towards the lake where we settle down onto the blanket I brought for some food. I’d prepared an entire picnic basket for us to enjoy during our lunch. 
“I find it very cute that you made an entire picnic basket for our first date.” 
I smile. “I find it very cute that you think this is a date.” 
He gives me the look again, but I ignore it and get every piece of food out of my backpack, sprawling it out around us. Sandwiches, chopped up vegetables and fruits, muffins,... All the delicious foods you’d find in a picnic. 
“Tell me more about your childhood,” Luke then says as he takes a chicken sandwich and takes a bite. “You don’t talk about it much.” 
My heart drops into my stomach. I wish he wouldn’t ask about that. Talking about my childhood means talking about my mother and I’ve been trying to avoid that for the past years. Not that many of my friends even know about that. 
“I told you plenty.” 
“You talked about your teenage years, but never about your childhood.” 
I take a deep breath. He’s not going to shut up about this until I tell him. It’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s just that I don’t love talking about what happened with my mother. It’s something I’d much rather forget. 
“There’s a reason for that,” I reply pointedly and then shut myself up by taking a sip from the box of orange juice. I’d packed one for the both of us, but I’m the only one who’s opened it already as Luke had gone straight in with the sandwiches. 
Luke stares at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. His eyes pierce through my soul and give me a sense of comfort. They lift a weight of my shoulders and chest that I hadn’t even noticed were there. His eyes feel like coming home. Comfortable. A place to relax. A place to be me, be myself. 
I heave in a deep breath and place my juice box on my nervously bouncing knee, holding it with my hand. It doesn’t stop the bouncing, so now my whole body is practically shaking along with the movement. 
“I–” I stop myself, reconsidering my words. “My childhood wasn’t the sunshine and roses it’s supposed to be.” I chuckle nervously and when I meet Luke’s eyes again, they’re looking at me with such intent that I almost launch forward and kiss him. But I don’t. 
“Mom was… difficult to live with…” I start cautiously,  not even daring to look at Luke as I speak and keep my eyes on the still lake in front of us. “She uhm… After I was born, she kinda went into postnatal depression. She didn’t take care of me, she barely even looked at me… At one point, it went so far that she got into an accident, on purpose, with me in the back. She did it a few times, even, to the point where dad just had to report it. She was admitted to the psych ward and that was that... I was ten at the time.” I swallow to hold back the tears that are pricking behind my eyes. 
Feeling a soft brush of the hand on my knee, I glance up, meeting Luke’s eyes. They give me that sense of comfort again, that sense of home, the reassurance that I’m okay. 
“We haven’t really seen her since. She’s out of our lives…” I sniffle and place my hand over Luke’s, giving it a thankful squeeze. “I don’t like talking about it.” 
Luke carefully laces his fingers through mine, his cold rings cooling my warm hand. “I’m sorry I brought it up.” I shrug dismissively. “But thank you for telling me.” 
“So, tell me,” I lift our entwined hands for a second as though pulling us back into reality. “How did Sunset Curve-slash-Julie and The Phantoms came to be?” 
Luke chuckles before engulfing our locked hands with his other and tumbling into the origin story of the bands he was in. He talks about meeting Reggie and Alex in primary school, and then meeting Bobby in middle school. He explains how they started the band in music class and then continued playing together until Bobby moved away from Los Angeles. The story then lapses into giggles and chuckles about all the things they tried to keep Sunset Curve alive, but terribly failed. 
“But then we met Julie in high school and – the rest is history.” 
We’re clearing up our mess before making our way back towards the car. I love hearing Luke talk, especially about the band. It makes his eyes light up and he gets all bouncy and enthusiastic. It’s the cutest side of Luke I ever did see in the past few days of hanging out with  him.
I take one last look at the lake where tiny dots of humans are floating along on the lake in their tiny boats. There are just a few, so nothing to worry about, but it does make me want to go kayaking too. Mostly because I don’t want the day to end. 
“Wanna go kayaking?” I ask Luke, pulling him to a halt by tugging at our still intertwined hands. His eyes dart from mine to the lake and back. I can tell he’s debating it, but then he nods and a smile appears on his face. 
With our hands intertwined, we go back to the rental place and ask the woman for a double kayak. We pay, put on the safety vests she’s given us and then proceed onto the water. As we pedal along, Luke tells me about all the adventures he’s been on with his friends and how he used to do this all the time before his schedule got so crazy. 
Every now and again, he stops and pretends to tip the kayak, making me squeal each and every time whilst he laughs his most maniacal laugh. 
The wall I’d built around my heart was slowly crumbling. Every laugh, every touch, every glance took away a small part of the brick wall. I’m falling in love with the boy I’d had a crush on and then strongly disliked for a good five-ish days. 
Getting distracted was not a good idea as I’m not prepared for what follows next. Luke pretends to tip it over again, but this time, he wobbles too hard and actually makes the boat topple overhead. I squeal, but quickly shut my mouth as I tumble into the water, making sure not too much of the lake’s contents gets into my body. 
“Patterson!” I scowl as I crash the surface again and find Luke laughing a few feet away. His brown, shaggy hair sticks to his head, dripping small drops of water onto his face. If I wasn’t so angry at him, I would definitely kiss him right here, right now. 
“I hate you!” I splash some water at him as the words roll off my lips. Luke’s laughter abruptly stops and he stares at me. His once glistening eyes dull down while his mouth falters into a frown. 
“You do?” 
My face softens as I watch him. He looks so beautiful with his hair all dishevelled and the reflection of the sun on the water mirroring onto his face. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him so bad. 
I swim closer towards him and stroke his wet hair out of his face. My breath hitches in my throat at how close we are but I try to play it off by keeping my hands on his face and my eyes locked with his. I notice his eyes flicking down to my lips a few times, telling me he wants to kiss me as much as I want to kiss him. 
Should I? Full throttle? Or step on the brakes? 
I don’t even get the time to think about it as Luke presses his lips to mine. Now I don’t hesitate a single moment and immediately kiss him back. Sliding my hands into his wet locks and pressing my body as close as I can, I melt entirely into him. The same sense of bliss I have when singing with Luke washes over me and I find myself on cloud 9 again.  
We pull back after a moment to catch our breath. The glint in his eyes is back and his mouth, though a little swollen and red, curls up into a smile. He presses one more kiss to my nose before helping me towards the shore. We climb out of the water and bring the boat back to the rental place, along with our safety vests. 
Grabbing my backpack I had left with the woman for safekeeping, Luke and I bid our goodbyes and leave the rental, intertwining our hands again. The feeling his hand in mine gives me will never get old. 
As we get to the car again, I yawn, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over me. Luke smiles upon noticing this and takes the keys from my hand. Wordlessly, he presses a kiss to my forehead and then leads me to the passenger side. He opens the door and lets me get in before shutting the door and jogging to the other side. 
The car is filled with a comfortable silence, just the crackling of a song playing on the radio filling out the quietness. I rest my head against the headrest and glance at Luke every now and again as he drives Sabrina. He has that one-hand feel on the steering wheel and the other rest comfortably in mine on the gearshift. 
“I had a lot of fun today,” I mumble, unable to speak any louder. 
A smile etches its way to Luke’s face. “Me too.” He takes a quick glance at me and then lifts our hands to plant a kiss on my knuckles. “Our band’s house is closer, you want to stop there and get us dry before you go home?” 
I hum softly, letting my eyes fall shut for a moment. Luke’s thumb grazing the back of my hand almost lulls me to sleep until he curses before the car comes to a halt. He pulls his hand away from mine and when I look up, the driveway and street in front of the enormous white-brick house is filled with dozens of cars. 
“Fuck, I forgot about the album wrap party,” he grumbles and then looks over at me. I’m shivering from the cold and exhaustion. “I can’t let you drive home like that.” 
I’m unsure if he’s talking to me or pondering out loud, but I shake my head instead. “It’s fine,” I say. “My house isn’t that far away… I think…” 
“No, y/n. I’m not letting you drive home exhausted and cold.” His voice is stern, yet laced with a bit of worry. “You’re gonna come in and I’m– I’m gonna bring you up to my room. You can dry off there and maybe take a nap or something. Yeah! Yeah, that’s it!” He sounds way too excited about something so banal. 
He hops out of the car and quickly jogs over to my side whilst I’m already opening the door. Before I could react, he tugs me towards the house. I can barely get my bearings or take the time to look where I’m going before I’m pulled into a room. 
“There are shirts and joggers in the dresser over there, pick out whichever you like and then take a nap or something. I’ll be back before you know it.” He kisses my cheek and then dashes towards the door. 
“You’re just gonna leave me here?” 
He lets go of the door handle and slowly turns towards me. His eyes are laced with regret as he takes in the sight in front of him. I must look ridiculous with my hair and clothes wet and bags under my eyes. 
“Please, y/n? I can’t have people know about us, okay? I just – can’t…” 
Turning on his heel, he opens the door and leaves me in his bedroom all alone. I take a minute to let the information process in my brain before turning around and taking in the room I’m in. 
The walls are painted white, except for the one wall behind his bed that’s a muted dark blue. His bed is king size and on either side is a nightstand. I inch closer to the one that’s actually filled with stuff, which I’m assuming is the one he uses most. Nightstand contents often tell a lot about a person. His contains the band’s autobiography, “Bruce Springsteen: All The Songs” and “Beach Read” by Emily Henry, the book I started the other week and shared on Instagram Stories. 
Would he have seen that and decided to read it too? 
Shaking the ridiculous thought out of my head, I move over to his dresser and take out a pair of joggers and his Rush muscle tank I’ve seen him in many a time during gigs. I peel my drenched clothes off my body and get into Luke’s freshly washed ones. They smell of his laundry products. It’s a fresh and calming scent.
For a while, I look around his room. The books on the shelves and the pictures on the walls, most of which of the band and some of him and Carrie Wilson. There had been a rumor about him dating the Instagram Influencer, but I’d never believed it until I saw her face pop up in some of the framed photos in his room. 
I decide to go and venture about the house since all the commotion seems to be outside in the garden. I weave through hallway upon hallway, finding more photos and more things that belong to the band. The living room walls are adorned with platinum records and other awards they’d won over the two years they’d been active in the music industry. I can’t help but feel a sense of pride rush over me. That’s my favorite band right there. That’s the boy I’ve fallen in love with. 
“Excuse me – Who are you?” 
The voice makes me jump out of my skin. I thought everyone was outside. When I look up, I find the perfectly flawless face of Carrie Wilson. Her long, blonde hair cascades into curls down her shoulders and back while her round, brown eyes stare at me with intent and curiosity. 
“Oh, sorry. I’m y/n. I–” I stop myself, remembering Luke didn’t want anyone to know about us. That includes his girlfriend – or ex-girlfriend. 
Carrie’s mouth curls up into an amused, curious smile, catching onto what’s happening. “You’re Luke’s new adventure, aren’t you?” I huff out the breath I was holding. It’s a telling huff, I’m sure. “You are…” She trails off and inspects me for a second before continuing. “Just so you know, it’s not going to work. Luke’s too infatuated with this lifestyle of his. He loves his job, he loves his stardom. He loves it too much to ever focus on a partner. Believe me, we tried.” 
I exhale at the use of her past tense, but then all the other information downs on me. Luke’s life is so much different from mine. While I work several jobs to pay for college and still live with my dad, he lives by himself and tours the world. He’s too busy to start anything serious with me. Whatever happened in the last few days was just temporary. 
“You seem sweet, y/n, so I’m going to be frank. Get out before it’s too late. You’re only gonna get hurt if you’re gonna stay.” As she passes me, she places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.  
If my brain wasn’t going a mile a second about everything she’s telling me, I would be caught off guard by how sweet Carrie Wilson is. She’s always portrayed as this complete ego-centric bitch who used people to her advantage. 
The exhaustion taking over, I shuffle back upstairs and sit down on Luke’s bed but when I hear the commotion outside die down and guitar strums float through the air into the house, I grow curious. I get up from the bed and make a beeline towards the ceiling-to-floor glass doors that give out onto a balcony. I carefully open the door and step out, the summer breeze tickling my skin while Luke’s voice reaches my ears. 
The balcony looks out onto the garden, it’s just out of sight from where everyone’s huddled up around the band. I lean my elbows on the bannister and watch on as Luke’s voice floated through the air. 
“I'm no superman I can take your hand And fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah I can read your mind Like a billboard sign And tell you everything you wanna hear, but I'll be your hero”
I smile at the memory of us in the studio yesterday. The last few days have been perfect. Just… Perfect. And now this girl has to come and ruin it by pulling me back into reality. 
“Cause I, I can be everything you need If you're the one for me, like gravity, I'll be unstoppable I, yeah I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy without his soul But if you're the one for me Then I'll be a hero Oh, I'll be a hero, yeah I'll be a hero”
It’s not that Carrie isn’t right. She is. Luke is way too busy with the band and his fame and everything around it. He doesn’t have time or room between those things for me. Not for an ordinary girl. Not for anyone. 
“So incredible Some kinda miracle That when it's meant to be, I'll become a hero, oh So I'll wait, wait, wait, wait for you”
Luke’s eyes meet mine as he hits that high note and his mouth curls up into that beautiful smile I’ve come to love. Once again, I’ve fallen in love with someone who would never reciprocate those feelings. If I don’t get out now, I’m going to get hurt. 
“Yeah I'll be a hero Cause I, I can be everything you need If you're the one for me, like gravity, I'll be unstoppable I, yeah I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy without his soul But if you're the one for me I'll be a hero Yeah, yeah I'll be a hero, yeah I'll be a hero Hero”
As the last notes of his song ring out into the night, I grab my still wet clothes and my keys Luke left on the dresser, and then leave the house. My heart breaks with every step I take, but I know it’s what’s best for me. It’s what’s best for both of us. There’s no room for me in his life. Like he said, he’s no superman, he can’t handle this many things at once. Not even a hero would be able to.  
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Everything taglist:
@wanniiieeee @phantompogues 
JATP taglist:
@hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @charliesmountains @thedarkqueenofavalon @calamitykaty @caitsymichelle13 @wiselight @kcd15 @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti @stellasmusa @n0wornever @kaitieskidmore1 @tefilovesreading @pxperphxntom @crybabyddl @crybabyddl @headheartbellarke @authentic-gillespie @happinessinthedarkesttimes @bright-molina @rangerelik @cordeliascrown @willex-owns-my-heart @fangirlangioma @frickin-bats @flower-name @jaskiers-sweetkiss @jandthephantoms @kelpwithawhy  @the-hufflepuff-hunter @lookingthroughmirrors @buckybarnesishot310 @echocharm17618 @littlemissaddict @mystic-writings @joynerxmercer @brooke0297 @magicalxdaydream @musicianspiritsblog @bexxy @ruvaitkevicius @whitetigerlover17 @stressyanddepressysimp  @talk-on-the-street @theolivekiddo @sunsetcurvej @teti-menchon0604 @candycornmgg @gray_jato
Charlie/Luke taglist: 
@lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @lolychu​ @perfectlywrongformend3s​ @luckylouiebug @camiladelrio98​ @myfriendscallmebeans​ @rachmmb​ @whitemanshoe19​ @killerqueenfan​ 
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
who let the kids in? : j.w
brief summary: whilst filming an episode of jeffs barbershop, jeff has an unexpected visitor, or three - his wife and kids who are filming for their family channel 
word count: 1.4k requested:  yes by a sweet anon, i hope you like it b! warnings: literally none, it’s all fluff 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
m y  e t s y  s h o p
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“Mommy, mommy!” You rolled over as you felt a tug on the blanket barely covering your legs. “Mommy, I’m hungry.” 
Opening your eyes, a yawn left your lips as you sat upright, seeing Jeff fast asleep beside you with the majority of the blanket over him. 
“Hey sweetie,” You smile brightly, trying to fight back the urge to lie down as you swing your legs over the egde of the bed whilst your daughter giggles. “fancy some breakfast, huh?” 
Your little girl holds her hand out for you to take as you follow her out from your bedroom, leaving your husband to sleep in as you head down the stairs and into the kitchen. 
“What’d you feel like this morning then Maisie?” You kneel down to your daughters level, her brunette hair losely tied back with a scrunchie as she sways from side to side. 
Following her gaze, she points over to the box of coco pops. “Can I have those, please?” She asks so sweetly it melts your heart. 
As you prepare her breakfast, you hum to yourself. “Looks like you started the day without us?” Jeff walks in with your son in his arms, cradling his head against his shoulder. 
“Daddy!” Maisie abandons her breakfast as she runs over to Jeff, wrapping her arms around his legs. 
“You gonna say hi to your brother?” Jeff asks as he kneels down, shifting Jasper to face Maisie who gently reaches out for Jaspers closed palm. 
“Hi, Jaspy.” She whispers, unaware of you filming snippets of these moments for your channel. “Come on, Mommys making breakfast!” Maisie looks up to Jeff who raises an eyebrow as he rises to his feet, walking over to kiss you good morning. 
“When did you get up?” Jeff asks you as he sets Jasper down in his cot, cooing him as he squirms momentarily. 
A loud yawn leaves your lips as Jeff glances over his shoulder, chuckling to you. “About 6? Maisie came in wanting breakfast and you looked so sleepy.” You admit as you wrap your arms around Jeff’s waist, resting your head on his chest as you feel his chest rise and fall with laughter.
“Last nights activities wore me out, babe.” He whispers, unaware of you rolling your eyes before pulling away. “Are you alright to go to the park without me today?” 
You nod in response, heading over to the coffee machine. “You shooting today?” 
Passing Jeff a coffee, he inhales the steam. “Yeah, we’re doing American Psycho, few different guests coming in.” Jeff explains as you take your own coffee, enjoying the brief moment of quiet whilst Maisie eats her breakfast and Jasper naps. 
And before you can close your eyes and enjoy the peace, Jasper begins to cry and Maisie has finished her breakfast, holding the bowl up above her head to prove it’s empty. “No, Maisie!” Jeff is too slow to move as droplets of milk land in Maisie’s hair, and she starts crying. “Oh baby, there’s no point crying over some spilt milk.” He sighs, picking her up whilst you go see to Jasper. 
Swaying gently with Jasper in your arms, you glance around at the clock. “Jeff,” You speak up as Jeff rises the last of the milk from Maisie’s hair. “you gotta go ready, you can’t be late to your own show.” You remind him as he wears a guilty expression. 
“Are you,” He doesn’t even have to finish as you nod, waving him off. “thank you, babe.” He kisses you sweetly before rushing up the stairs whilst you pick up your camera, stopping the recording for the meantime whilst you get the kids ready for the day ahead. 
“Is Daddy working, Mommy?” Maisie asks as you walk with the pushchair in front of you, Maisie standing on the platform at the back whilst the cover is concealing Jasper from the bright sunshine. 
Nearing the park, you can see kids already playing and laughing. “He is sweetie, that’s why Nerf isn’t joining us on our outting today.” You explain. 
See, Maisie doesn’t fully understand what you and Jeff do for work. All she understands is that Jeff goes off to film things whilst you’re able to film at home most of the time alongside him. Your YouTube channel isn’t the typical family vlogging type, you include snippets of your kids within your day instead of having it revolve around them. 
“Could we go visit Daddy after we play?” Maisie suggests as you push open the gate and she climbs down. 
You pause for a moment, wondering if the content Jeff will be filming is something Maisie could see or not. Then again, she’s been on set when Jeff films countless times, and all the crew love her and Jasper, but then again some are too high to fully notice. 
“We’ll see, baby.” You tell her as she runs off, leaving you with Jasper as you take a seat on a bench with your laptop, importing footage to roughly edit whilst Maisie plays in the enclosed park. 
An hour passes by and you check your phone, seeing Jeff has texted you to say he’s almost finishing filming for the day. 
“Mais, come on baby!” You call out as Maisie waves to some friends she made whilst you sort Jasper out as she skips over to you with a bright smile, her eyes glowing just like her Dad’s. 
“Can we go see Daddy now?” Maisie asks once more, and you nod, knowing you can’t so not to her, and Jeff will have a harder time saying no to his little girl. 
“Okay, but you gotta be quiet, yeah?” You mumble to Maisie as you stand in the lift and she nods, pressing her finger to her lips and shushes herself whilst you take your camera out. 
As you exit the lift, your conversation seems to have left Maisie’s mind as she runs across the corridor to the front door. She knocks loudly, and before you can catch up with the pram, the door opens and Maisie is in. 
“What the?” You struggle to hold your smile as you peer through the front door, seeing Jeff stood covered in fake blood whilst Maisie is at his feet, gripping his legs. 
“Hi Daddy,” Maisie giggles. “you look funny.” 
“Who let my kid in?” Jeff calls out, looking to the crew who shrug their shoulders. 
“Might’ve been me.” Jonah admits, holding his hand up whilst Scott remains seated, looking at your daughter as he waves sweetly to her. 
Walking in, you smile sheepishly as one of the cameras is facing you. “Hey, babe.” You speak up as you lift Jasper from his pram, walking over and your eyes widen at the sight you’re greeted with. “What the actual fluff?” You ask, covering your mouth with one hand whilst the other cradles Jasper. 
“It’s American Psycho baby, gotta go all or nothing.” Jeff holds his hands up in defence whilst you chuckle. 
“Hey Scott,” You wave and Scott nods to you. 
“Want me to mind Jasper for a minute?” Scott suggests and you nod gratefully, passing your son across to one of his many Uncles as Scott hums one of his tunes to your son. 
“Daddy,” Maisie holds her arms up to Jeff, making those grabby hands. 
“Oh come on, princess.” Jeff chuckles as he bends down, picking Maisie up as you go to protest, watching as her dress is covered in fake blood. “Oh,” Jeff sighs, realising what has happened as you huff.
“Jeff,” You drag his name out, yet Maisie giggles at the marks covering her pink dress. 
“Mommy I’m just like Daddy!” Maisie states proudly, and Jeff raises an eyebrow to you. 
“You got all this, right?” You glance over your shoulder to Jonah who nods, having taken your camera once you came in as Jasper woke up. 
“Wanna go sort Jasper out whilst I wrap up?” Jeff suggests and you nod. 
“Come on Mais,” You call out, but Jeff shakes his head. “you can’t finish filming with Maisie covered in fake blood, the media will have a field day, Jeff.” You remind him as you hold your hand out and he lowers Maisie back to the ground. 
“Go on, go to Mommy, sweetie.” Jeff motions to Maisie as she rushes over to your side. “I love you babe!” Jeff calls out sheepishly as you chuckle, walking away from the set. 
“I love you too.” You call out, sometimes wondering what you got yourself into all those years ago. 
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Heart by Heart | Chapter II | Raul Mendes
                                          *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this is the second chapter of this series, you can find the first one here. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading!
previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter
*Word Count: 5.2K+
*Warnings: cursing, mentions of violence/crimes, migraine due to work stress, Raul teasing the reader endlessly (for me, that’s the most important warning). Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: July 8th, 2021.
A week later things were back to normal. 
Sure, the night they came back, after they were checked for any injuries on the med department and were cleared, Raul dragged her back to his apartment claiming he was craving sushi and he was only ordering if she was with him. In reality, that was a way to keeping his head busy with something else so the events of that day would be coped nicely without so much suffering. And one way of doing it was keeping his girl, best friend and partner, at a close distance so he knew she’d be safe and well. 
He was extra sweet that night, making sure she had everything she needed, even agreed to put on face masks with her while watching a random movie. And she was really glad to have him near. The thought of him getting her, or worst... it just killed her a bit. But he was safe and he had his arms securely around her, and that was enough to put her on dreamland and having a great night of sleep.
Unfortunately that was not the case for Y/N today. 
Ever since Seth was back, he spent most of his time on the med bay to recover, he had to go through surgery and was finally recovering, but ever since he was back, every piece of information he had was being collected, and she was the one responsible to write it down. Most of the info he had was encoded and she was supposed to break it. Y/N’s been working nonstop for the past week, and when she had the opportunity to relax all by herself in her house, she felt restless. The main reason is that the person who had Seth was one of the most wanted man on the planet. Geonoff Reyes was capable of the vilest things without giving a second thought, and he’s been wanted for years now, and apparently Seth had the newest information of his whereabouts and new plans.
And knowing that was enough to put Y/N in restless nights of sleep, when she was even able to drift off. Most of her hours were invested on figuring out whatever she could, and several nights were only the continuation of her job during the day. And yeah, it was reckless and a bit stupid of her to sacrifice so much in a research, but Y/N knew this was a great opportunity and the biggest amount of clues they’ve ever received, she couldn’t let this all go. And she had to work fast, so Geonoff didn’t have enough time to notice some information missing or that someone outside of his limited inner circle so he wouldn’t chance anything. Or even move outside the country again, putting a massive political obstacle on their way. 
Y/N should’ve known better than to barely get any sleep in over seven days. She knew better than to barely eat or drink anything other than coffee. She knew and did it anyone. And that’s why she ended up where she was. Seven A.M. sharp on her little office on her company’s Head Quarters with a killing migraine that only got worse under the fluorescent lights. Y/N groaned softly as she basically collided on her office chair, cursing under her breath whoever thought bright white lights was a great idea. She was softly rubbing her temples when she heard a knock on her door, before someone came in without being invited, a delicious smell of coffee coming alongside the intruder. She didn’t need to look up to know Raul would be standing right in front of her desk. 
“What?” she grumbled, spinning in her chair to turn on her computer without even sparing a glance at him. 
Raul chuckled “good morning to you too, sunshine, I’m not even daring to ask how you are”
Y/N rolled her eyes and wincing at the pain the movement brought her “look, go pester someone else, I’m not in a good day”
“Yeah, that’s easy to see, gremlin, that’s why I brought you this” and a soft thud on her desk made her turn.
Raul was standing in front of her desk as she imagined, wearing his usual black outfit, a long sleeved tight turtleneck, accentuating all the muscles on his arms and back, tucked into a pair of dark grey trousers and Y/N had to hold back all her thoughts that were rather inappropriate to have on your best friend. And she wanted to be mad at how effortlessly beautiful he looked, just standing there, hands supporting his weight on the glass table as he leant forward casually to pick at her computer. He looked like a fucking runaway model at seven in the morning, his citric scent leaving her slightly intoxicated, but she knew he didn’t do it on purpose, he was just naturally hot. 
She than darted her eyes from his body quickly to not seem as if she was ogling him, which she totally was, only to be met with a steaming cup of black coffee. She rolled her eyes on the little attempts of black hearts he drew with a sharpie alongside a poorly written ‘secret admirer’ on the disposable cup. Y/N shook her head huffing a laugh as she took it.
“Aren’t you supposed to thank me?”
Y/N arched her brow at him “what for, exactly?”
“For being the best friend you’ll ever have?!” he stated as if it was obvious “come on, you look like you need it and I swear I didn’t spike it with anything”
“You’re saying you did out of your own free will? A benevolent act?” Y/N questioned playfully inspecting the cup.
Raul scoffed feigning hurt “Of course, I’m a good guy, practically a gentleman, you gremlin, how dare you think any different?” Behind all the teasing in his voice, she could see the worry evident in his golden eyes. Raul didn’t know all the details about what she was digging into since that were her boss’s order, but he knew enough to know she was probably overworking herself and getting a bit anxious. He knew her better than anyone and there were barely any secrets between them. 
“Fine” Y/N sighed taking a sip from the coffee, and it was precisely what she liked “thank you for being a decent human being once in your lifetime”
“You are very welcome, so any news?” he asked pointing to the screens of her computer. 
“Not really, I guess I was too tired to do much last night” she said opening all the images she had collected over the past week on her five computer screens “you know basically all the important stuff I gathered, I’m also monitoring the surveillance cameras on the places he might be, trying to get a glimpse of him, but till now nothing, only this car that’s been parked here for five days now”
Y/N giggled to herself before closing everything again “yeah, I know”
“So, I didn’t exactly came here just for the coffee” Raul said crossing his arms across his chest, standing on his full height, his biceps popping against the fabric of his shirt. 
“Of course not, I was just waiting for you order, cap”  she said as she reached into her purse for a painkiller.
His signature smirk appeared as he beamed down at her “Don’t tempt me, doll” 
“What is it then?” she asked and before Raul could reply, someone knocked on her door.
“Come in” he managed to say before her and soon enough Raul’s copy stuck his head inside. 
“Oh hi guys” Peter said before fully walking in and closing the door behind him “Am I interrupting something?”
“No, what do you need?” Y/N said turning to face him completely. 
Seeing Peter right beside Raul just made them look a lot more different. Sure, they were triplets, but they had completely opposite personalities. While Raul looked like a super model bad boy out of every romcom, Peter looked soft and gentle. He was just as handsome, his hair a bit more messy and a pair of glasses perched on his nose, adding to the soft features. He also wore light washed jeans and a very soft looking button up, a permanent blush on his cheeks. And despite the 6’3 and big muscles, he was almost like a walking teddy bear with a golden heart, specially if you got to know him. 
“I actually have some stuff for you two to test on my lab downstairs, and I thought since I was already here I could call you two to join me”
“Oh of course” Y/N said jumping to her feet and cursing under her breath, momentarily having forgotten the excruciating migraine she was still having “now right?”
“Yeah, but only if you can”
“Sure, come on, Raul” Y/N said grabbing her cup of coffee before walking to the door.
Raul chuckled lowly before following her and his brother to the elevator “whatever you say, boss”
“Don’t give me any ideas” she mumbled before pressing the button, but as soon as the doors opened, Y/N regretted getting out of her office.
Standing on the elevator was Daphne. Daphne was one breathtakingly gorgeous woman. With bright green eyes and golden soft model like waves, always dressed nicely and with paper white teeth, and to top that, she was a great agent. But she clearly had a crush on Raul and she’s been hitting on him for a while now, but he didn’t seem to care much, which made no sense at all. And for some reason she wasn’t as friendly towards Y/N, Daphne was never directly rude, but she always made sure to look her up and down and was never her friendly self. And Y/N wasn’t one to push anyone to like her, it just made situations like this a bit more awkward. 
“Oh hello” Daphne said with a warm smile.
“Morning” Raul responded as he climbed in the elevator. 
Y/N mumbled a quick “hi” before moving to the back of it with Peter. 
Daphne turned towards Raul and gently placed her hand on his bicep “I heard about the little incident on your latest mission, are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, not even a single scratch”
“That’s great, I mean, how did it happen again? Was it a failure on the planning or watching?” she asked and Y/N almost spat the coffee she was drinking, seeing Peter send a look her way.
“It was my fault actually, the team handed it pretty well” Raul replied unceremoniously.
“Oh, I see” she said pulling her hand from his arm and nervously placing a strand of loose hair behind her ear “hm, actually there was something I wanted to ask you”
God, how long could this elevator take to arrive on the last floor.
Raul only hummed in response, turning his face to the side to watch her so Daphne proceeded “Hm, there’s this new place that opened this weekend down the street and apparently the sandwiches there are amazing, me and a few other agents were planning to have lunch there today, and I was wondering if you’d like to join”
With that he truly seemed taken aback a bit “oh, I unfortunately can’t today, I’m sorry” with that he turned back to face Y/N “that’s what I wanted to tell you earlier, we have that lunch meeting today, Shawn’s in town and he wanted to invite you to lunch with us and his friends”
“Oh shit, I completely forgot” Y/N whined, her head pounding “I don’t think I can make it today, I’m so sorry”
Raul smiled softly at her “yeah, I figured, if you get any better let me know”
“Oh you’re sick?” Daphne asked turning to her as well.
Y/N shook her head, regretting it immediately “just a bit of a migraine”
“I hope you get better soon” Daphne offered a tight lip smile and Y/N just nodded in response.   
“We’re here” Peter said for the first time “Bye, Daphne” he said getting out of the elevator pulling Y/N with him. 
“Why are you running? Slow down, you’re gonna pull my arm off” Y/N hushed it as Peter kept on with the fast pace. 
“What was that?” he asked in a low tone.
Y/N then came in realization “right?! Why won’t he go out with her?”
“I think he might be just not interested at all, but I wasn’t talking about that, you know Raul can be pretty secretive about his feelings, right?” Peter asked with an archer brow, knowing look on his eyes. 
Y/N stepped into his lab alongside him “well yeah”
“I don’t know, I think I saw something there”
“Between me and Raul?!”
Peter leaned against his desk with his arms crossed “Well, more of him towards you, it’s actually something I’ve been noticing for a while”
“What are you even talking about? He’s always been like that with me” Y/N tried avoiding Peter’s gaze, afraid somehow that would give away the little spark of hope on her eyes. 
“No, I mean, yes, but I feel like that intensified a bit, just pay attention to it” he said and then looked behind her.
Y/N turned around only to be met with Raul standing at the door “sorry, got a little caught up”
“We noticed, cap, it’s okay, no important details were discussed in your absence” she said teasingly and he just rolled his eyes playfully at her. 
“Okay, I upgraded your coms a bit, so switching between channels will be easier” Peter started picking up the little earpieces up “And I also took notes about the appearance of my glasses yeah? Now would you mind approving the design of it, miss fashion icon”
Y/N laughed softly and went to check on the 3D design “thank you, I do take fashion very seriously, I only loose it to your brother”
Raul scoffed “Of course I would be involved in it somehow”
Peter laughed “come on, I need to show you this thing I want to put on your suit, Y/N can you please check the new computer I promised you?”
“Oh my, it’s ready?” She said turning to them, suddenly feeling a lot better.
“It’s on the corner right there, just feel free to explore it and adapt it to how you like it best, and then it’s yours” Peter said with a bright smile on his features as he dragged Raul away. 
Y/N sat down on the desk he pouted at, opening the super resistant protective case and being faced with a beautiful tiny computer she could use on future missions. She finished her coffee, feeling the medicine kick in as she dumped the empty cup on the trash, before sitting down in front of her new screen and starting to work on it. Y/N lost track of time as she explored the new configurations, installed the programs she used. She only noticed she’s been there for over two hours when she felt someone carefully placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and she looked up to check the time, being met with Raul standing right beside her. 
“Oh, hi” she said feeling her face warming up as he smiled softly at her. 
“Don’t spend too much time with this, you’ll have more opportunities later, sweetheart, don’t force yourself too much” he squeezed her shoulder a bit and she sighed nodding “how are you feeling?”
She looked up at him, cracking her back on the process “Better, I think the coffee helps a bit and the painkiller did a great job”
“Good, I’m guessing you still won’t be able to make it to Shawn’s crowded and noisy lunch” Raul had a little amused look in his eyes and Y/N giggled at that, shaking her head.
“Definitely not, might as well skip lunch and nap on my lunch break”
Raul nodded “It’s tempting but you need food, now how about I take you to that salad shop you like, we buy ourselves a quick to go one, eat it at your office and nao for like, forty minutes maybe? How does that sound?”
Y/N contained the urge to lunch forward and wrap him in her arms “Pretty fucking great, but what about Shawn?”
“I’ll meet him later for dinner with Peter, so he wouldn’t mind”
“So, are you in, doll?”
Y/N shook her head “you had me in the forty minute nap, say no more”
Raul laughed “Of course I had, know you better than anyone”
“That is unfortunately true” she mumbled grabbing the computer and getting up.
Raul stared at her quizzically “Why is that unfortunate?”
“Cause that will only feed your ever growing ego”
“You wound me, sweetheart” he said with frightened hurt, a hand clutched over his heart. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him as they both said their goodbyes to Peter, who only threw a knowing look in her direction and a little wink when Raul wasn’t looking. She only rolled her eyes, shoving her middle finger in the air behind Raul’s back to Peter, who only laughed in response. But Raul might have felt her arm hovering his back, cause he looked down at her, throwing his charming smile down at her and throwing his arm around her shoulders as the climbed in the elevator again. 
Oh great, now Y/N had one more thing to keep her awake all night, wondering if she was crazy and Raul could be somehow interested in her and if she should do something about it. But do what? Tell him she liked him? Kissing him? Confronting someone who already has a hard time talking feelings about how he felt about her?! Only terrible scenarios played in her head with every little thing she thought about. But before she could go on spiraling, Raul gently squeezed her shoulder making Y/N look up at him. 
“Still with me, sweetheart?” he asked smirking at her and she only huffed rolling her eyes, making Raul full on laugh. 
Later that morning, they ended up following Raul’s idea. Around noon he knocked on her office again, with his leather jacket and ready to go, Y/N then just grabbed her coat and purse, ready to follow him to the elevator again. They kept a light banter, talking about conspiracy theories and random gossip, and she felt really better but was too tired to socialize with a lot of people. So they walked down the street a couple of blocks to a little shop where they bought salad bowls and iced tea “to balance things out” according to Raul about how much coffee she’s had the past week. 
They ordered to go and walked back to the HQ that looked like a very fancy business building, but instead of going back to her office, they headed to Raul’s instead. There they sat down on his couch since it was bigger as they casually had lunch, and right after, he convinced Y/N to get comfortable on the couch as he relaxed right next to her. Y/N curled into a little ball on the further corner of the couch, but he was quick to tut his tongue at her. 
“Here, sweetheart, you can lay your head on my lap and stretch your legs on the couch, yeah? And you can grab that little fluffy blanket if you want” He was quick to offer and Y/N sighed.
“Are you sure?” she asked eyeing him suspiciously “I don’t want to bother you” he chuckled softly and nodded
“Of course, we still have 50 minutes of lunch break, nap a bit, baby, come here” Raul said in such a gentle tone, almost cooing at her and how could she possibly say no to that?
She removed her boots before laying her head on his lap and pulling her legs to stretch across the rest of the couch, while she got comfy, she felt the gentle weight of the thick fluffy blanket being laid on top of her. Y/N sighed in relief as she slowly closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully relax, and feeling the soft caress of Raul’s fingers gently combing through her hair was only making it easier to fall asleep. And so she did. 
She dreamed of something random, she was stuck in a boat and it didn’t really make much sense, but it was better than the sleepless nights or the scary things her mind came up with. So waking up was not the best sensation, but Raul managed to make the experience less unpleasant. He was very softly coaxing her to wake up, by gently shaking her shoulder and caressing her cheek, slowly calling her name. Y/N could get used to it. 
Raul truly didn’t want to do it, he, himself, didn’t want to get up. He ended up falling asleep a few minutes in, but the timer on his phone vibrating on his hand woke him when he promised he’d wake her up. He almost didn’t have the heart to do it. Y/N looked so peaceful, the frown that’s been on her brows for the whole week was finally gone, but he knew if he didn’t wake her, she’d spend her day blaming herself and wouldn’t be able to sleep properly at night. So he cleared his throat and started calling her gently not to startle her.
Y/N started coming slowly back to her senses, slowly sitting up from Raul’s lap, rubbing at her eyes and checking her phone quickly for important notifications. A low chuckle brought her attention away from her phone and to her best friend beside her, to which she just truly looked at, being able to notice the throw pillow creases on his cheek, the soft curls of his hair a bit messier than usual.
“Hi” he mumbled softly. 
Y/N smiled at him before mumbling a “hi” in response. 
“Sleep well?” Raul asked as he stretched his arms above his head and she nodded “yeah? I ended up joining you in your nap”
“Don’t blame you, this is a really nice couch”
“Right? Unfortunately this was the first time I took full advantage of it” he chuckled as he got up from the couch, moving to turn on his computer.
Y/N just chuckled before nearly folding his blanket back in its place “well thank you for everything, you truly are a great friend, but I should probably leave and stop bothering you”
“You never bother me, and I know, I’m the best friend anyone could ever wish for” he said sitting on his chair as she leaned down to put her shoes back on. 
She just rolled her eyes at him, grabbing her stuff before getting up “there you go, ruining a perfectly sweet moment”
Raul laughed “that’s my biggest ability, doll, thought you knew that already”
“Should’ve guessed it” Y/N said as she opened his door “see you later, thanks again”
Raul just winked at her “anytime” before she closed his door and moved to her office shaking her head, but unable to hold back the smile from blossoming on her lips. 
Maybe Peter was wrong and just messing things up, how could he not notice the way Raul affected her? But saw the way he was different with her? It made no sense. And there was no time to go into the rabbit hole, she had better things to do, like spend countless hours uselessly trying to crack a code. 
In the middle of Y/N’s afternoon shift, she was able to spot Geonoff himself on one of the surveillance cameras she’s been watching incessantly for the past weeks. She basically tripped on her on shoes as she scrambled up to her computer to register the appearance, quickly sending it to her boss. They finally were sure where he was and maybe that was enough to set up a plan or something to get him. 
Geonoff Reyes was one of the most wanted man right now by intelligences from multiple countries. The man himself had a long list of crimes, that if there was an opportunity would be enough to sentence him for thousands of years. Most of Geonoff’s crimes were related to the mafia, he was one of the biggest and most dangerous bosses there was. He started fairly young, around 15 years old, but that was the extent of information everyone had on his childhood. Some liked to guess it was what kind of household he was raised to blame the way he had become what he became. 
He’s been chased for years now, and that’s why Y/N was quick to let her boss, Mrs. Benson, know she found him, compiling all the information she was able to gather this past week in files. So she did what she could and it took her around an hour to have everything printed and organized in a folder, letting Janet she was coming and basically running to the elevator to get to her office. 
The heavy metal doors opened on the waiting room outside of  her office, being met with Luca, Janet’s personal assistant, who winked at her and pointed at the door. Y/N smiled at him and knocked on the dark wooden doors, opening it silently as she heard people talking inside. Her office was decorated very minimalistic and was usually a very pristine place, but today, there were papers everywhere as Janet, Helen (Janet’s right hand), Dimitri (head of security department) and Raul Mendes stood there apparently discussing the same case. 
“Thank God you’re here, darling, please come out this madness to an end” Janet said with a gentle smile as she pointed towards the mess in her table.
Helen chuckled as Dimitri was quick to push their papers to a corner on the table. 
“Thank you” Y/N mumbled as she placed her folder down.
Raul silently move to stand right next to her, a careful hand laying on the small of her back in a comforting touch as she looked up at Janet to check if she could start. With a nod from the boss, she started pulling all the evidence she could. All the pictures, the surveillance images, the documents Seth was able to bring back and information he was able to remember as well.
With everything laid out on the table and presented to all of them, Janet ended up telling what she’d been discussing with Helen for the past two days. They both figured the best thing to do at the moment, since they didn’t have enough evidence to make an arrest for this crime and maybe this was a great opportunity to catch another people involved, not only Geonoff. The plan was basically getting new identities and keep a close eye on all of his activities, track down his moves and if possible get even more evidence. 
Raul was called because he was the best for this kind of jobs and would be a great leader to the team, Y/N was offered to join the team as well, being his partner and leading the strategic part of the plan. They were also told to pick other agents that they knew would be great for this specific operation, Janet only asking to keep it at a maximum of 5 people including them, the less people knowing, the better.
Of course both agreed and were also instructed to inform Peter so he could separate the gadgets necessary, and obviously intensify their physical training. Despite this being mostly and observant kind of mission, Geonoff was unpredictable and highly dangerous, so being well prepared and extra careful wouldn’t be a bad idea. They were both dismissed for the day and the early shift next morning, so they could rest and plan it as best as they could.
So Y/N was quick to bid her goodbyes as she placed everything neatly back on the folder and moved out of the room. As soon as she pressed the button to call the elevator, she heard the office door opening and closing again, rushed steps moving closer to her. She didn’t even need to look to know Raul was the one approaching her since his scent clouded every room he ever stepped into, she only shook her head and looked up at her right as he stood right beside her. He smirked at her with a little wink. 
“My house or yours, doll?” he asked as they climbed into the elevator. 
“Tonight?” she eyed him suspiciously as she pressed the button to her floor to grab her stuff and he leaned in to press the one to Peter’s. Y/N glanced at him and noticed he had all of his personal belongings with him. 
“Of course, I’ll even order from that Thai place you like”
Y/N giggled shaking her head “of course you will, am I supposed to spend the night?”
“Oh yeah, definitely, I’ll invite Peter too” he said with a smile.
Y/N folded her arms across her chest “I thought we were supposed to rest?”
“Oh but we will, I’ll make sure you’ll fall sleep at reasonable hours, eat properly and all that stuff, of course we’re gonna take a look at work, but just a little” he said with a knowing look.
“Fine, daddy” she added with annoyance, rolling her eyes, Raul just laughed and shook his head.
“You can’t just say stuff like that, sweetheart”
“What? Does it do something for you?” She asked looking up at him and he just shrugged as the doors opened at her floor.
“There’s only one way to find out, doll” he added with a smirk, a teasing tone evident on his voice as he leaned the weight of his body on the elevator doors to hold it for her, shoulders crossed over his broad chest, biceps flexing against the material of his shirt. 
Y/N rolled her eyes stepping out of the elevator, ignoring the heat creeping up her face and the stupid flutter on her lower stomach, turning to face him as she said “see you later, Mendes”
“See you, and oh, don’t forget your gym attire, we’re going running at 5:30 sharp tomorrow, bye bye now” he blew her a kiss as he stepped inside and the doors closed before she could add anything. 
He was definitely trying to kill her in all the ways possible, she just didn’t know which way would be the fatal blow. 
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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peaxhcringe · 4 years
noya’s girlfriend being insecure about herself around kiyoko and yachi (cause they are so damn cute) and noya finds out and tells her stuff like “you’re the best thing that has happened to me” and stuff
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it and if not please feel free to rerequest something else. I want to thank my friend @socialxcatastrophe for helping me write the ending when I got stuck. I hope you enjoy this and I once again apologize for taking so long to finish this request. 
Tags/Warnings: Suggestive content towards the end, thought of insecurities and self-doubt, a tad bit of arguing 
Word Count: 2.4k
Request are: Open 
“Kiyoko! You look so gorgeous today my goddess!”
A sigh leaves your lips as you hear the voice of your boyfriend and his best friend bounce off the gym walls. Your eyes glance over to them, watching as Nishinoya and Tanaka make heart eyes at the other manger. Carefully, you set down the now filled water bottles next to the bench for the guys, just slightly regretting your choices of choosing to help the team out today. The squeaking of the boy’s shoes against the hardwood flooring of the gym ring your ears as Coach Ukai calls for them all to begin practice. You stand up just in time to see Noya pass you, not even giving you a second glance as he rushes onto the court like the ball of energy he is.
You have slowly gotten accustomed to Noya’s typically obliviousness to you whenever Kiyoko was around, her presence always seeming to overshine yours, even in your own boyfriend’s eyes. You’ve only been dating for a few months, and within those few months, you come to realize that there are only 2 important women in his life:
1. Kiyoko 
2. You
In that exact order
You weren’t sure if people on the team noticed the way he ignored your entire being but seeing the way Ennoshita or even Daichi would look at you when Noya would start on one of his Kiyoko tangents you think they did
You didn’t hate Kiyoko, no, not at all, you completely understood why the boys gush over here like she’s gorgeous, but for your boyfriend to not even compliment you in the way he does her it hurts.
Your headshot up as Noya’s voice rang in your ear, a smile crossing your face as he speaks your name. A hopeful part of you waiting to hear sweet praise or maybe even a simple ‘you’re looking good’ from him
“Can you toss me that ball?”
The moment the words leave his mouth, you almost want to burst right there, not out of anger, but sadness. Your chest aches as your glance over to the volleyball that had landed next to you, your smile not once fading as you go to pick up the light ball before Yachi quickly grabbed it looking furious.
“How dare you Noya! Y/N deserves to be treated as more than-”
Your eyes grew wide as Yachi fell to the ground, her shoelaces pulling down her small feet.
“Ow, that really hurt!” She whimpered her now timid voice sent a shiver down the boy’s spine as they all stared directly at her.
A sigh left your mouth, your eyes rolling in annoyance...you knew exactly what would happen next.
Suddenly all the boys rushed to her side slowly pushing you further away as they leaned down to assist the now blushing Yachi. You were grateful that they helped her but a pinch of guilt bothered you again as you heard Noya and Tanaka whispering about how cute she looked as her face was lit up in embarrassment.
“Y/n?” Kiyoko’s soft voice begins, a gentle resting on your shoulder as you turn your head to meet the woman standing next to you, who you didn’t even notice was there, to begin with.
You hum in response, too scared to speak in case the tears that were slowly building behind your eyes decided to fall.
“He loves you,” She says simply, a soft smile resting on her face as she looks at you
You scoff, crossing your arms across your chest as you tilt your head down to face the floor, a lump growing in your throat. For a moment you think to reply to her ‘I think he loves you more’ or even ‘I doubt that’, but instead the words that leave your mouth are
“I know”
Did you believe the words you spoke? No, not one bit, but you didn’t want to have her worry for you or even speak to you any longer. Kiyoko simply nods at your repose, before silently walking away, back to the coaches as the boys continue on their practice game.
Yachi had gotten up now throwing the ball across the gym floor causing the boys to sprint after it like a pack of hungry wolves.
You realized a more accurate version of your list put you even further down:
Before the game even finishes you leave, not being able to watch your boyfriend play and always checking to make sure Kiyoko or the new manager Yachi were watching his epic ‘rolling thunder’ move. It felt weird to not walk home with Noya by your side, always jumping around and holding a popsicle tightly in his hand while the other held yours. The way he’d look at you with such love and adoration while you two laid together watching movies or even when you both would chill at the park always sent your heart racing, but lately, it seemed as if that look in his eyes were gone, maybe you were just being delirious, but you couldn’t help but think maybe he lost feelings. The only worst part of today was the fact that your 4-month anniversary was coming up soon, a small part of your mind wondering if you’d even be able to make it to the 4-month mark.
It was around 7 pm when you finally received a text from him, a simple
Where did you go?
You sighed, debating on telling him the truth or plain out lying. You hated lying to Noya but,  you also hate being too harsh on the truth. Your eyes close as you lay your head against the headboard of your bed, your shoulder relaxing into the soft pillows, before lifting the phone above your face and replying
I went home Yuu
The text to you sounded a bit more passive-aggressive than intended, as you reread over it after sending it. Within minutes there’s already a reply, a bit of your heart jumping at how quick he responded.
Oh, okay
A frown took place of the tiny smile that tried to show on your lips, your chest almost hurting at the comment. Without a reply, you threw your phone back onto your bed, watching as it bounces off the mattress and onto the floor below. A groan leaves your lips as you stare down at your phone, not even bothering to pick up the phone that was now lying face down. Your eyes glance at the clock, the red numbers of the clock showing 8:15 pm, the sun almost completely set, a gorgeous purple and orange sky shining into your room. You watch as a group of birds fly against the sky, the darkness of the birds looking almost like a painting against the sunset. Exhaustion from the long day at school and the stress from watching your boyfriend’s reactions at practice quickly began to catch up to you the more your body began to relax against your bed, your eyes slowly closing sleeping trying to overtake you.
A soft knock against your bedroom door woke you, the door opening with a creak and filling the once darkened room with the light from the hallway.
“What is it?” You call out, your voice slightly hoarse from how dry your throat had become
There’s an eerie moment of silence, as your bedroom door closes and the floorboards began to creak as someone walks across the room. Your eyes open and try to adjust to the dark room, just in time to notice the person laying something down in your desk chair before making their way to your bed. Lifting a hand your rub your eyes, before you reach over to your nightstand and flipping on your lamp.
“Yuu?” You mumble, noticing the short figure that stood in front of you “What are you doing here?” 
“You didn’t answer my texts” He spoke, a hint of a pout in his voice as he comes to stand by your bed
You rub your eyes one last time before sitting up, the warm sheets slowly falling down your arms letting the cool air rush against your skin.
“You texted me?” You asked, not remembering ever getting a text from him or even hearing the little ringtone he chose himself
You lifted your arms up to stretch, before picking up your phone that laid on the nightstand, opening the bright screen to see a bunch of texts from him.
Are you okay? Daichi texted me telling me you looked upset before you left Y/n? You okay? y/n? I’m coming over
A sigh left your mouth as you set your phone back down, only this time laying it on the bed. You lifted your head, your eyes meeting for a split second before Nishinoya climbed onto your bed, sitting across from you.
“What’s up sunshine?” Nishnoya asks, his head tilting to the side like a curious puppy.
Your gaze moves from him as you shrug your shoulders, although you knew exactly what was wrong. Instinctively you went to the play with the edge of your blanket, trying to find a way to calm the anxiety creeping up in the back of your mind.
“Promise you won’t be mad?” You ask, not looking at him, embarrassed to tell him the truth.
“Of course not! I’d never be mad at you” He assures, one of his hands reaching out and grabbing yours, giving it a small squeeze before his eyes met yours
“Are you still- I mean do you still...like me?” The question bounced off your lips, the words fading into the silence of the dimly lit room.
Noya looked at you confused, his hand moving to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“I’m confused, of course, I still like you, you’re my girlfriend and I-”
“Then why don’t you act like it!” You shouted, cutting Noya off causing his eyes to grow wide before your own filled with tears.
You had pushed him away now, unable to stop the waterfall of emotions and tears. He stared at you for a moment in shock before grabbing your arms, putting them on either side of you begging for you to look at him.  
“I- I don’t understand Y/N, what did I do?”
You scoffed as he stared at you waiting for an answer, “Seriously Noya,” you said purposely avoiding his first name, “how can you not tell?!”
He stared at you dumbfounded, causing you to sit up all the way, angrier than before.
“How do you think it makes me feel to see you flirt all day with Kiyoko or Yachi and not even bear me a second glance! Why in the hell am I your girlfriend when you obviously would rather have one of them?!”
Noya frowned and quickly put his hand under your chin, causing your eyes to meet with his again. “Why would I ever want anyone over you, Y/N?”
You sniffled your anger fading as you looked into his sincere eyes. “You constantly flirt with them Yuu, and it hurts.”
His eyes grew wide as he realized why you were upset.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry I didn’t think-”
“That’s the problem Yuu,” You whisper avoiding his sharp eyes, “you don’t think.”
You realized that you had gone too far when you saw the look that spread across Noya’s face.
“Yuu I-”
“You’re right.” He got up off of the bed, his feet hitting the floor before he headed towards the door.
You quickly realized what was happening and ran after him grabbing his wrist before he shut the door. You walked out after him, slowly shutting your bedroom door before leaning up against it, afraid to look at him and see what you had done.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered moving your hand into his, interlocking your fingers not wanting him to leave.
“You don’t have to be.” He whispered turning around and slamming his hand against the door.
His eyes were swelling with tears as he buried his face in your neck.
“I never meant to hurt you, I don’t deserve you Y/N, I’m so sorry…” His voice came out in fragments as he tried to regain his composure.
“It’s okay..” you lied, not wanting to hurt him anymore before he pulled back in shock.
“Y/n, I know it’s not, god I never wanted you to think you were anything less than the most important thing that had happened to me.”
“What?” You whisper, unsure if you heard him right.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/n.”
Your eyes fill with tears as you throw yourself into his arms, gripping him tightly as his hand slowly starts to stroke your messy hair.
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” You whisper against the fabric of his bright orange uniform.
“It’s not enough Y/n, I promise I will never make you feel like that again, you’re the only girl I’d ever want.”
His hand suddenly slips into the pocket of his shorts pulling out a small, black box.
“I was going to wait until our anniversary to give this to you but I think it makes more sense to give it to you now.”
You slowly open the box to find a set of matching rings, each engraved with the day Noya asked you out all those months ago.
“I love it.” You whisper, grabbing the smaller ring for yourself and slipping the medium-sized onto his.
His eyes meet with you before he suddenly leans forward pressing his lips against yours, causing you to drop the soft, black box in shock.
Your arms instinctively go around his neck as he picks you up, your legs wrapped around his waist as he pushes you against the door. His hands slipped under your school uniform you forgot to change out of earlier that day, the ring cold against your skin.
His hand starts reaching for the doorknob, struggling to get it open as he refuses to take his eyes off of you.
“Yuu..” You whimper as the door opens and he whisks you inside, slamming it behind you as he tosses you on the bed.
He groans against your neck as he lands on top of you, your legs instantly falling open, locking around his waist.
“Let me show you how much you mean to me, Y/n.” He says staring directly into your eyes as his body moves closer.
Your face turns a bright red as he rips off the buttons on your once nice uniform and throws in onto the floor where your phone had landed just hours ago. His breath tickled against the side of your neck as he started to leave a mark against your soft skin before his hands started to trace the lace in your exposed bra.
“Please..” you whisper, afraid and excited about what Noya would do next.
Thank you for reading! My request are open so please feel free to request but please read my rules before doing so! Thank you again!
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notnctu · 3 years
under the mistletoe | l.ty
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lee taeyong x fem!reader genre - fluff, barely humor idk, very little bit of angst details - enemies to lovers!au, childhood friends that have been apart, high school!au warnings - explicit language, one mention of death, there’s a kiss scene lol word count - 2.7k  synopsis - the holiday season brings a change of heart this year. you see your old friend, now enemy, Lee Taeyong at Mark’s Christmas gathering and through snowman shaped cookies, you two re-kindle your old friendship. 
a/n - this is for @neoculturechristmas​ ‘s secret santa collab! this piece is dedicated to @soliverse​ :) hello lovie!! i’m your secret santa!! i hope you like it and im sorry that it’s not funny LOL thank you for letting me participate in such a fun holiday collab! im so happy to be able to write a fic for another writer:)
Through the heavily crowded Christmas party, through the people that dare walk in your way, you still see him in the midst of the chaos. Lee Taeyong stands only a few feet from you, in a ridiculous Christmas sweater and messy frosty hair. The universe is absolutely obsessed with placing you two in uncomfortable situations, as if the fuming feud between you two is not enough.
His absentminded actions cause him to foolishly knock over someone’s drink, what a fucking clutz. Rolling your eyes, you wander off in search of your good friend to announce your departure for the night.
“Already? Y/N, you got here like, five minutes ago.” Mark mixes the glass bowl that is filled to the brim with red sugary punch. Any forceful spin will have it spilling from the rim, and that won’t be the only mishap of the night that you witness. “What’s the rush? It’s Christmas Eve!” 
And before you can utter the blacklisted name to explain your sudden change of heart, the culprit walks in with his stunned puppy eyes that grow sharp and a frown at your appearance. There is a small spark in the shared eye contact until it completely drops and he returns to ignoring your presence. 
“Mark, where are your napkins? I spilled something in your living room.” It had to be a whole year since you’ve last heard his voice and you still remember his low cadence whenever he was trying to be cool. Cool and mysterious Taeyong, and how he lives up so perfectly to his title. However, there was a moment in time that you knew him for more than that. He was warm and comforting Taeyong. 
While he tried so hard to be winter on the outside, spring bloomed blossoms on the inside and a bright sunshine radiated enough for you to witness its glow. You wished to stay with his spring for as long as you possibly could, but like the changing seasons, Taeyong eventually changed with it.
“It’s in the upper cabinet.” Mark does not realize the initial situation in the room, merrily going back to his large bowl of delicious liquid. It takes one big sigh from you for your friend to finally realize the elephant in the room and the unknowingly stiff tension in the kitchen. Mark’s eyes grow a bit bigger and as subtle as he tried to be, he clears his throat, “I think Christmas is all about joining together and being in each other’s company. Stay, Y/N.”
Mark did not choose his words wisely as Taeyong peeks over his shoulder, catching the last words of his sentence. “You’re leaving already, Y/N?” That is the first time he’s acknowledged you in the past few years.
There is an internal battle of whether or not you should acknowledge him back. Crossing your arms, you grumble something underneath your breath. “Why do you care?” 
“I don’t.” Taeyong says sternly, making sure he asserts his nonchalant attitude. “Just sucks that Mark threw such a happy Christmas party for his good friend to leave.” He slings an arm around Mark’s shoulders, snuggling his face into the side of Mark’s chocolate colored hair.
And Mark dares to show a small smile of affection back. “Sorry that Y/N is always walking out on things. She does that quite often.” Before you can give him a piece of your mind, Mark shoves a snowman shaped biscuit in your mouth. 
Taeyong gets away laughing, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride as he walks to clean up his other mess. You groan, biting the head of the snowman off and glaring at Mark. “Why did you let him get away with saying that to me? And when did you become friends with him again? And why are your cookies so hard?” 
“Taeyong lost a friend, like a month ago. Just be a bit empathetic, please.” Mark wipes his hands on his apron and continues kneading at a random ball of dough. If it’s one thing that Mark always does too well is overachieving at his holiday gatherings. There is a reason why he’s head of the Prom Committee and student officer for event planning at your high school.
Washing your hands, the cold water bites at your skin. It’s been a really cold winter this year. When you dry your hands off, you scoot Mark over to make room for yourself to help with his endless amount of holiday treats.
“We’ve all lost friends, Mark. Sometimes people don’t work out with others and that’s just how it goes.” There is an underlying bitterness that does not seem to fade when you speak. 
“Speaking from experience, maybe?” Mark chuckles, but dismisses the brief second of giggles to a more serious and low tone. “Not that kind of lost, Y/N. He lost a friend forever, like this person is in a forever sleep.” 
The moment the words hit the air, a chilly draft sweeps at your ankles and you freeze in your place. And as you stand with dry flour on your hands and a person you thought you’d never become warm to again stands in the next room over, your heart softens at the information and immediate guilt preoccupies your system. 
“Oh… well you should have started with that, then.” You slightly graze a finger across your nose at the faint tickle. Your mind is running at high speed, merely wondering about all the pain that Taeyong possibly felt this past month and remembering how it’s difficult for him to process his feelings. 
“He actually wasn’t going to come tonight, until I mentioned you were coming.” Mark unloads a batch of fresh cookies from the oven and replaces it with another tray. The aromatics take you back to Christmas many years ago and the memory of Taeyong getting frosting everywhere you could remember. It took weeks to get the red and green stains out of the carpet, but the laughter made up for every clumsy mistake. 
Not completely sure where the melancholic spirit erupted from, you rinse your hands and grab two cookies off the still hot tray without another response. Hurrying off, Mark yells out, “Wait-- those aren’t decorated yet!” but you choose to ignore his pleas.
Why is it harder to find him in a crowd when you are actually looking for him? Perhaps the saying, the best things in life come when you’re not looking for them, holds some truth to it. But your feet take you directly to him; he sits at the leather couch with the burning embers from the fireplace reflecting in his eyes. 
Your abrupt appearance startles him a bit, but his face falls sullen when he sees that it’s you. Shoulders touching, you’ve missed the intimacy you two use to share. The blank snowman shaped cookie feels warm in your hand as you thrust it into Taeyong’s face. “For you.” 
Taeyong scoffs, pushing your hand away lightly and looking away from the pitiful undecorated treat. “This feels like a trap.”
“No trap. Just a truce. Remember the time when I got upset at you for forgetting me in the parking lot and I told you the only way to fix it was to buy me food?” Your hand begins to drop, but Taeyong catches your wrist and takes the cookie from your possession. He gently places your hand back onto your lap.
“I know no other love language.” You explain the reasoning behind the old memory. 
“Pretty sure food isn’t a love language.” Taeyong chuckles, like Christmas carols to your ears, he sounds like home. 
“It’s not, but they all require me to be too emotionally vulnerable and you know how that makes me feel…” Your voice unintentionally trails off the end of your sentence. Does he still know how you feel? 
Taeyong’s eyebrow raises subtly, catching your implication. “You’re still the same person you were three years ago?”
Three years, has it really been that long? You nod without needing to ponder the thought. There is a stark difference between change and growth. You are who you’ve always been, that is never going to change, but you’ve grown to be stronger and a little more independent.
“That’s not surprising.” Taeyong bites at his cookie, turning the figure in his hands as he stares off to reminisce about the past. He thinks about his pain. He thinks about his own self growth. “I’ve been thinking about you recently.” 
The bold comment causes your chest to burn and your throat to grow a bit dry. Taeyong finally looks up at you, eyes dropping between your own and your lips. He doesn’t shy away from staring, taking in how much you’ve changed appearance wise since you two used to be friends. His eyelashes dance against his skin every time he blinked and the white strands of his hair fall around his crown like snowflakes. 
“I learned how important it is to have friends around you. You never know when you’ll never see them again. The falling out we had should not have ruined the friendship we built for so long.” It’s difficult for Taeyong to continue with his feelings. It’s not a secret that he’s liked you since you two were close, probably half of the room is well aware of it. But there has never been a moment where he was out right too vulnerable to you, he was and is afraid of showing his feelings. 
It’s an immediate body reaction when Taeyong leans in to you and you defensively back away. The confusion shows on your face very blatantly and his dreamy laugh rattles your bones. Taeyong’s hand softly caresses your cheek as his thumb brushes the tip of your nose. “You have some flour on your face.” This skin to skin leaves you speechless as his hot hand holds your cheek so delicately, making your heart race rapidly.
“Your Christmas sweater is ugly.” That’s all you can utter, out of pure panic too. Your eyes dip away and he retracts away from you, elbows on his knees as he leans forward and ducking momentarily to examine his choice of festive clothing. 
He laughs, “it’s called an ugly Christmas sweater for a reason. It’s better than wearing a lame red sweater and calling it festive.” It’s surreal how quick things settle back into being the way that it used to be. As if the last three years of silence and constantly pretending the other didn’t exist disappeared. Taeyong is back, he’s yours again. And you hope that he’ll be by your side for longer than you had let him go.
“Red is not my color, I agree, but green is definitely not yours.” You joke back and Taeyong ruffles your hair, just like old times. The holiday spirit practically wraps its arms around you two. The holidays are really about being in each other’s warmth. In this very cold winter, you’re happy to have found an old flame that kept you from frostbite for many years. 
“Y/N, we’re putting up the mistletoe.” An acquaintance interrupts you and Taeyong, quickly grabbing your arm to follow her. Your eyes dart between her and Taeyong. One thing you know no doubt about is that you aren’t leaving Taeyong alone again, so you take his hand without another second thought and drag him along with you.
You’re all ushered into the foyer and Mark is on a step ladder under the frame of his door. He notes Taeyong by your side and discreetly smiles to himself. He securely pins it to the wall and claps his hands together to gather everyone’s attention. “We’re going to blindfold two people and they’re going to have to kiss underneath the mistletoe.” 
Your hands grow sweaty at the thought of such a risky game and immediately, you two let go of each other’s hands without realizing the clutching feeling of each other’s anxiousness. “I don’t think I’ll be chosen.” Taeyong mumbles to you as Mark and a few other people unravel the blindfolds. Nevertheless, he doesn’t sound very confident and you notice Taeyong’s shifty eyes. 
“Right. Me either.” You shrug off, trying to hide slightly behind Taeyong’s stature. However, Taeyong instantly catches the uncertainty in your voice as well. 
“Aren’t there four couples in the room?” Taeyong whispers over his shoulder at you.
Crossing your arms, you roll your eyes at his obvious thinking. “Yeah, but Mark isn’t going to choose a couple to kiss. How boring.” 
Taeyong chuckles out of disbelief at your comment. “I’ll volunteer you if you want to really spice things up.” 
And your eyes grow wide at his mischievous suggestion, pinching at his arm lightly. Underneath the fleece, Taeyong feels sturdy and strong. It’s only another reminder that you two aren’t kids anymore. “Lee Taeyong, do not. I don’t want to kiss anyone in this room.” That might’ve been a lie, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself that you are just a little curious how Taeyong might have matured. 
“Everyone close your eyes.” Mark excitedly smiles and everyone obliges. You gulp the pooled saliva in your mouth, trying to manifest every possible hope that you aren’t chosen in this room of twenty people. Mark wouldn’t screw you over like that, would he? The more you pondered that thought, the more you believe that he totally would.
Then, you feel a hand on your arm and you’re being guided somewhere. A cloth covers your eyes and you’re quick to snarl, “Mark Lee, this is your only Christmas present. You get no more favors from me.” your cadence is only loud enough for him to hear and though you’re robbed of your sight, Mark’s boyish laughter says enough about his enlightened facial expression.
“This is what you get for trying to leave five minutes into my extravagant party I tried so hard to put on.” Mark sarcastically comments and pats your shoulders for a last indication of reassurance.
You hear footsteps in front of you and an uncanny presence of another in your close proximity. “Okay, everyone can open their eyes.” Mark cheers and it’s not like you can see much through the dark cloth that covers your eyes, but yours open anyways.
Gasps fill the room, slight hollering and cheering. The reactions cause an unsettling stir in your lower stomach. “Kiss!” and before you know it, the unknown person searches for your face and cups it gingerly. The feeling being very familiar to a scene before.
The both of you lean in and it’s difficult with the lack of sight, but people kiss with their eyes closed right? It’s not your first kiss, but also the sense deprivation is something different. When you tilt your head and go in for it, your noses bump together clumsily. You’re slightly embarrassed, your heart is leaping out of your chest from the sudden display of affection and you’re strangling Mark in your imagination.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, but there isn’t a response back. Instead, your partner dives in without any trace of struggle. Their lips glide perfectly with yours and it’s almost like you’re kissing snow. Any form of awkwardness melts away; their hand on your cheek feels natural and comforting. Your heart yearns for this sense of security as the same warmth from the fireplace embodies your chest. 
When you two pull away, the room bursts into a loud chaos of cheers. Before you can take off your blindfold, you can feel everyone running toward the both of you to give you excited pats on your head and arm. 
“I can’t believe that just happened!” Your friend’s voice can be heard in your ear. As you lift off the cloth, you see him in the midst of the chaos. Through the heavy dog pile of overly joyous people, Lee Taeyong stands a few feet from you in his ugly Christmas sweater, messy frosty hair and a pink hue across his pale cheeks. 
He looks over at you and shyly smiles. “Hopefully that spiced things enough for you. Happy Holidays, Y/N.” He can barely process everyone else's excitement, but he feels joyous for once. After a long cold bitter winter, he feels warm. 
“Happy Holidays, you big goof. Good to have you back.” You push at his arm, laughing happily at the ridiculously wide smile he has on his face. You’re glad to see Taeyong smile again. 
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