#I struggle to describe feelings and facial expressions
anonymous-gambito · 5 months
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Word of God/movie backstory aside, it suddenly came to me that there is one other gap of knowledge that has probably contributed to a significant part of the alienation between Touga and Nanami, and it's something that existed throughout all of Nanami's life, so it's given that she wouldn't truly notice it: Touga knows they're adopted, Nanami does not. I think that makes a big difference.
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Touga's backstory is bound not to be the exact same as the movie (After all, Nanami isn't even there with him), so I'll let myself speculate a bit. Their biological parents could have died, they could have abandoned them or sold them, or the siblings could have been removed from their care, and unless Nanami was brought in later to wherever Touga was, it's safe to assume that he spent at least 5 years with his original parents. He has memories of a different family, and of losing that family. Nanami doesn't even know about any of it. She doesn't realize there is a side of her brother that she never got to meet.
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"Blood" is very important to Nanami. Blood is what Nanami uses to try and reassure herself that the parents who are cold and distant to her, and the brother who's grown cold and distant too, have an eternal unbreakable bond. It's very brittle though. Nanami constantly fears being replaced, discarded or harmed by her family. Most often by Touga, who ironically, happens to be her only blood relative there.
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Her anxiety can be very easily explained by her experiences with how she was treated growing up in the Kiryuu household, but I do wonder if there's some subconscious parts of her that tap into these knowledge gaps too. I already felt like it was there, in the way her love for her brother is as protective as it is possessive, and how to protect him from harm, be it real or perceived, she can go feral, often shooting wildly at whoever she thinks is to blame, always hitting the wrong targets; and so maybe, I thought, it is possible that her anxieties are also tied to these repressed early childhood memories. Ones of once having a family, and then losing that world, being thrown someplace unfamiliar. Vague mostly forgotten memories fueling her fear of abandonment, working like a constant little nagging at the back of her head signaling to her how little blood ties really matter in the end.
"Blood" doesn't matter to Touga in the same way. He doesn't hold into a rose colored view of it. He knows by experience how easily those ties can be severed, how fickle they are. That's why when he found a little girl in a coffin, a little girl who spoke of there not being anything eternal, of how those you care about are bound to leave you, and questioning what's even the point of living then, he couldn't give her anything. He couldn't save her. He didn't know the answer for himself either.
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kozzax · 9 months
if someone wears a mask all the time in public except to eat or drink. maybe dont stare at them when they have it off. maybe dont tell them they shouldnt be ashamed of their face and its pretty and beautiful. maybe especially don't do that if they've told you before that they know they have a nice face but they dont like it on them.
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hayatheauthor · 1 month
Creating Fear in Your Characters: A Writers Guide
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Creating authentic emotions is vital for immersive storytelling, which is why I decided to make this series on how to write different emotions. After exploring rage, and sadness it's now time to delve into fear!
Fear is a powerful emotion that can manifest in various ways, from subtle apprehension to paralyzing terror. Here's a guide on how to write fear effectively, covering different aspects of your characters' behavior and reactions.
Facial Expressions
Fear often manifests first in facial expressions, conveying the initial shock or unease. Describe these expressions to immerse readers in your character's emotional state:
Widened Eyes and Dilated Pupils: Show the eyes widening in response to a sudden threat, with dilated pupils indicating heightened alertness.
Tense Jaw and Clenched Teeth: Mention the clenching of jaw muscles or teeth, signaling internalized stress or anxiety.
Furrowed Brow and Raised Eyebrows: Describe the furrowing of the forehead and raised eyebrows, revealing worry or confusion.
Quivering Lips or Lip Biting: Note subtle lip movements like quivering or biting, reflecting nervousness or fear.
Frozen or Stiff Facial Muscles: Highlight moments of fear-induced immobility, where facial muscles become tense and rigid.
Body Language and Gestures
Fear can also be expressed through body language and gestures, showcasing your character's instinctual responses to danger or threat:
Backing Away or Recoiling: Describe your character instinctively moving backward or recoiling from the source of fear, signaling a desire to retreat.
Raised Shoulders and Tensed Posture: Show how fear causes the shoulders to rise and the body to tense up, indicating readiness for fight or flight.
Trembling Hands or Shaking Limbs: Mention the trembling of hands or shaking of limbs, reflecting nervousness or anxiety.
Covering Vulnerable Areas: Describe your character instinctively covering vulnerable areas like their neck or torso, symbolizing a protective gesture.
Fidgeting or Restlessness: Note any fidgeting or restlessness, such as tapping feet or wringing hands, as signs of inner turmoil and fear.
Vocal Cues and Dialogue
Fear can alter vocal cues and dialogue, affecting how your character speaks and communicates their emotions:
Quavering Voice or Shaky Speech: Describe the voice quivering or becoming shaky, indicating nervousness or fear.
Rapid Breathing and Gasping: Mention rapid breathing or gasping for air, showcasing the physical impact of fear on the respiratory system.
Stammering or Hesitant Speech: Note any stammering or hesitant speech patterns, reflecting the character's struggle to articulate their thoughts coherently.
Sudden Silence or Lack of Verbal Response: Show moments of sudden silence or the inability to respond verbally, highlighting the overwhelming nature of fear.
Repetitive Phrases or Vocalizations: Describe repetitive phrases or vocalizations, such as muttering prayers or chanting reassurances, as coping mechanisms in fearful situations.
Reactions and Physical Responses
Fear triggers various physical responses in your characters, showcasing the body's instinctual reactions to perceived threats:
Increased Heart Rate and Sweating: Mention the character's heart rate increasing and sweating profusely, reflecting heightened physiological arousal.
Dilated Pupils and Heightened Senses: Describe dilated pupils and heightened sensory perception, as the character's senses become more attuned to potential dangers.
Muscle Tension and Rigidity: Note muscle tension and rigidity, as the body prepares for action or defense in response to fear.
Nausea or Stomach Churning: Show how fear can lead to feelings of nausea or stomach churning, as the body's stress response impacts digestive functions.
Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response: Highlight the character's instinctual response to fear, whether it's a readiness to fight, a desire to flee, or a state of frozen immobility.
Types of Fear and Emotional Depth
Different types of fear can evoke varying emotional responses in your characters, adding depth to their portrayal and the narrative:
Startle Fear: Describe the sudden, reflexive fear triggered by unexpected events or loud noises, leading to a quick, intense reaction.
Apprehensive Fear: Show the lingering sense of unease or dread that accompanies anticipated threats or impending danger, heightening tension over time.
Terror: Depict the overwhelming, paralyzing fear that arises from extreme danger or horrifying experiences, impacting the character's ability to think or act rationally.
Phobias: Explore specific phobias that trigger irrational and intense fear responses, shaping how your character navigates their environment and interactions.
Trauma-Induced Fear: Address fear resulting from past traumas or experiences, influencing the character's behavior and emotional resilience in present situations.
Verbs and Adjectives for Writing Fear
Here's a list of verbs and adjectives to help you convey fear effectively in your writing:
Verbs: tremble, cower, gasp, quiver, shrink, freeze, recoil, sweat, pant, gulp, shudder
Adjectives: terrified, anxious, alarmed, horrified, shaken, jittery, panicked, petrified
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neon-junkie · 4 months
How would TBB react to seeing the reader about to leave on a night out dressed up in a super hot outfit?
Gender-neutral reader, but feminine presenting. Words like 'beautiful' and 'pretty' are used!
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Hunter - Even with half of his face tattooed, he still manages to blush through the thickness of the ink. - He's truly lost for words. - Hunter has an adorable stutter as he compliments, "wow, you look… nice- I mean, incredible. Good. Beautiful?" - Hunter then facepalms as he scolds himself for picking "nice" as his first compliment. Ugh, you look so much more than nice! - You'll both be giggling as Hunter takes a deep breath, and begins going into detail about how good you look, highlighting the specific parts that really stand out to him. - You're heading out with friends, but Hunter is quietly hinting that he wants to come along. Totally not because he's jealous or anything, but because he hopes to meet your friends, right? The friends that he's met several times before? Yeah! - Tell him that you'll still be looking this good when you come back home later tonight, and he'll get the hint. - However, he may need to leave a fresh mark or two on your neck, just to get the point across that you're taken.
Echo - This poor, poor man is going to turn the deepest shade of red when he finally sees you. - Why, just WHY did you have to wear that specific outfit that he loves so much?! And you're going out without him too?! Oh, what a tease! - Echo is lost for words as he gushes over you. He feels like it's his wedding day - How is he this lucky? How did he land an angel like you? - There's a tear in his eye as you smother him in kisses, reassuring him that you're all his, that you're the lucky one for being with him, that you can't wait to come home and snuggle up with him later. - Echo doesn't ask for much, but he would like to be kept in the loop on your whereabouts. Purely for your own safety! - "And when you reach the next bar, just comm me. Your friends have my comm number too, don't they? If anything goes wrong, and you want picking up-" blahblahblah. - One final smother in reassuring kisses, and you're good to hit the town!
Wrecker - His mouth instantly hangs open, his eyes turn wide, and his facial expression swiftly turns into a grin as he comments, "HOT!!" - You know in cartoons where the character's mouth drops open, and they begin howling and barking? Yeah, that's Wrecker. - Seriously, you look hot, and Wrecker's going to ensure that you know it. - "Look at you! I can't believe I got myself an angel as sweet as you!" - He'll mention how he's sad that he's not tagging along, but he'll assure you that it's important you spend your time with your friends. - Wrecker isn't as clingy as he seems. After all, he'll be right here, waiting for your return. - And when you do return, all your hangover needs will be met. A tall glass of water waiting for you, a midnight snack, breakfast in bed, and a big buff man to cuddle you back to health!
Tech - This will go one of two ways: - Option one: Tech eyes you up and down, and with a firm nod, he comments, "that is suitable attire for your evening. I hope you enjoy yourself." - Option two: Tech's brain short circuits. He can barely muster up a thought, let alone a comment. Radio silence, but his expression says it all. - Either way, Tech is more than impressed with your outfit choice, and how stunning you look. He just… struggles to find the words, like a deer in the headlights. - Give him a few moments, and you'll be met with suitable praise. "How exquisite you look, a truly elegant and radiant creature." - Tech can't pinpoint one specific word to describe how beautiful you look, so instead, he selects the most complex and in-depth ones. He doesn't want to rely on a 'standard compliment.' - A few kisses later, and you're off to meet your friends. All the while, Tech begins pacing around the Marauder like a lost puppy. He needs to keep himself occupied until you return!
Crosshair - He's instantly thirsty for you, smiling cheekily as he eyes you up, gawking at the sight of you. - Crosshair has a way with words, and spews out his praise, all whilst kneading at your waist, his hands trailing down to grab your ass whilst he steals a handful of kisses from you. - And then it dawns on him… - You're going out with your friends tonight, not him… - Jealousy swiftly takes over, and his compliment turn into teasing (yet petty) jabs. Nothing to hurt your feelings, though. - "Any reason why you're wearing this tonight? Do you need more attention? Am I not enough for you?" - Whilst his tone is teasing, there's a desperate need for validation. - Yes, he knows you'd never be stupid and hurt him, but… can you please remind him one more time? - Don't be surprised when you leave, and minutes later, Crosshair sends you a holotext. "Comm me if you need anything, Beautiful."
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How do I figure out what motions/handlings to write? (Hand gestures, moving in the scene, etc).
I am autistic and have never paid much attention to the way people move. I only do so now because I have been reading and noticed it was missing from my own writing. I never see anyone struggle with this, so I feel like I am missing some understanding on how to structure a scene
Guide: Working Body Language Into Your Writing
Body language is the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious movements of the body.
Th four types of body language:
-- Facial Expressions -- Posture -- Hand Gestures -- Body Movement
Facial Expressions communicate thought and emotion using the features of the face, such as eyes, mouth, nose, and eyebrows. Some examples of facial expressions are:
-- an upturned mouth -- dimples -- a raised eyebrow -- flushed cheeks -- a scrunched nose -- rolling eyes -- gaping jaw -- eye signals (winking, narrowed eyes, twinkling eyes, etc.)
Posture communicates thought and emotion using the positioning of the body, head, and limbs. Some examples of posture:
-- sitting up straight -- slouching -- leaning toward someone -- hugging oneself -- crossed arms -- hands on hips -- slumped shoulders
Hand gestures communicate thought and emotion using intentional movements of the hand. Some examples of hand gestures:
-- pointing -- "face palm" -- waving -- beckoning with hand or finger -- thumbs up -- middle finger -- clenched fists -- covering mouth with hand -- placing hand over heart -- gesturing at someone/something -- clapping
Body movements communicate thought and emotion using bigger actions, like gestures using the head/neck or limbs, or moving the entire body. Some examples of body movements:
-- jumping up and down -- cowering -- flinching -- bowing/curtsying -- handshakes/hugs -- hitting/kicking/pushing -- taking a step back -- moving toward -- shrugging -- shaking head/nodding -- tipping head back -- dancing in place Choosing Body Language to Show Emotion
A character's thoughts and emotions can be conveyed using a combination of different body language signals. Every body language signal (such as a wink, smile, frown, shrug, wave, etc.) has a bunch of emotions it can be tied to.
For example, we all know that smiling is typically a sign of positive emotions like happiness, joy, satisfaction, triumph, and affection. Shrugging is usually an indication of indifference or not knowing something. However, we can also modify body language using adjectives. For example, a "nervous smile" or a "sad smile" tells us something very different from just a regular smile. An "apathetic shrug" clarifies indifference, whereas an "enthusiastic shrug" implies excitement about something but not having all the answers or facts.
Sometimes, choosing the right emotion to illustrate a character's thoughts and feelings is as simple as considering what you yourself might do in that moment. Or, perhaps someone you know who is like your character. Other times, it can be beneficial to research which body language signals are typically indicative of a particular emotion. For that, I would strongly recommend purchasing a copy of The Emotion Thesaurus by Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman. This handy reference lists a variety of emotions along with the body language that often indicate them, and it goes even further in that it also describes the internal sensations that often go with these emotions, which is handy when you're writing in first-person or third-person close/limited. The book is available for purchase in print and e-book, and you can find samples by searching for "One Stop for Writers Emotion Thesaurus."
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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weirdkpopgirl · 3 days
Back Scratches pt. 2 | Dream Headcanon #14
Headcanon: Back Scratches
Genre: Fluff, slight angst in some of them
Warnings: might be mildly suggestive in Mark's and Haechan's? mention of anxiety in Jisung's
Word Count: ~2.4k
Author's Note: Okay, I know I've already written something about this which was actually the first headcanon I wrote for 7Dream on here. It was also one of the firsts requests I received. But I wanted to write an improved version of it, and I really do find the idea cute. So I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for reading ^ ^
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Back scratches with Mark were initially quite amusing, mainly because he’s not used to asking for help. The first time you noticed his struggle was when you glanced up from your book after hearing his grunts of frustration as he tried in vain to reach the middle of his back. His eyes met yours, and he laughed awkwardly. You then stood up from your couch to approach him from behind and scratch the exact spot he needed without saying a word. After that, Mark realized it was silly to be embarrassed about asking when you clearly didn’t mind.
From there, Mark grew to love having you scratch his back. Not just when he had an itch, but also after a long day of work. The feeling of your perfectly manicured nails running along his back, above the fabric of his shirt, really helped him unwind after hours of dance practice and recording sessions. When it came to these moments, you’d start with light, gentle strokes where your nails would barely graze his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. Gradually, you’d increase the pressure and use slow deliberate motions to trace soothing patterns across his back. You always paid more attention to the areas around his shoulder blades and the small of his back, knowing that was where the tension often built up the most.
Mark would close his eyes and lean into your touch, unable to stifle a groan as your fingertips moved in circular motions, working out the knots and easing his muscles. At first, the sounds Mark made during these back scratch sessions left you blushing, though he was completely oblivious to the effect he had on you. However, you soon became accustomed to the dramatic moans that came from your boyfriend regularly. Though you often rolled your eyes when he gave such reactions, you could never bring yourself to tease him. 
More often than not, Mark would talk to you as you scratched his back. And you’d listen quietly as he spoke about whatever was weighing on his mind. A smile was always brought to your lips when you’d hear his muffled voice due to his face being squished against the pillows. You often worried about him being such a workaholic, so you were especially happy that you could help him relax. For Mark, just you being with him meant so much more than you knew.
Back scratches with Renjun always leave you gushing about how adorable he is. He comes across as the type who prefers to handle things on his own. So if his back ever got itchy, he’d try to take care of it himself, even if you were in the same room. Especially if you were already doing something else, he wouldn’t want to bother you with what he perceived as a trivial matter. But similar to Mark, it was Renjun’s facial expressions of subtle frustration and determination that would often catch your attention as he struggled on his own.
However, you chose to wait until he was ready to give up and swallow his pride to ask for your assistance. The look of desperation in his eyes and the faint blush coloring his cheeks made you want to kick your feet in the air because of how cute he looked. Then when you turned him around to scratch the spot for him, he let out a huge, relieved sigh. The way he tilted his head back nearly made your heart burst with affection.
It was at that moment that Renjun discovered just how much he loved your touch. He would describe your back scratches as uniquely soothing, as the intricate patterns you traced along his spine made him shiver but also caused his shoulders to sink in relaxation. He’d marvel at how your touch seemed to melt away the stress of the day, bringing him this sense of tranquility. Each scratch became a silent conversation, a language of comfort and care that only you two shared.
So, he began to ask you to scratch his back more often. Not just because it relieved him of his physical discomfort, but because it offered a moment of solace in a hectic world. But he’d always make sure to check if you weren’t busy with anything before he asked, despite knowing the answer would always be yes. Renjun would cherish every instance when your hands danced across his back, feeling his love for you deepen with each tender touch.
Back scratches Jeno were just another excuse for him to be clingy with you. He might be a little shy the first time you offered to do it. But as your bond deepened, your back scratches became another form of physical intimacy that he cherished. Outwardly, he’d act all cool about it like, “Oh you want to scratch my back? Go ahead, I don’t mind.” But internally he’d be overwhelmed by this warm, fuzzy sensation. Each tender stroke of your fingers against his back left him not only feeling physically comforted but emotionally connected to you in a way that words couldn’t fully express.
Eventually, Jeno would stop hiding how much he loved when you scratched his back. It doesn’t matter if he found you engrossed in a K-drama playing on the television or preparing to retire for the night, he seized every opportunity to engulf you in a warm embrace, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he cutely requested your touch. And every time, you’d forget about whatever you were doing before to lovingly give him what he wanted. The groan or heavy sigh that escaped him immediately afterward was definitely worth it.
His cuddle sessions with you became a regular occurrence, including back scratches. He’d happily be the small spoon in these moments, his arms wrapped around your waist snugly as your hand found its familiar place under his hoodie, letting your nails rake up and down his bare back. He’d also prefer you to scratch a little harder, just because he loves the feeling of your nails pressing against his skin. 
Besides, it comes in handy when an unexpected itch pops up on his back. He doesn’t even have to say anything, you just intuitively apply the perfect amount of pressure to make him hum in delight. You always blush when he squeezes you a little tighter and nuzzles his nose against your neck to show his appreciation. More often than not, this boy would drift off to sleep while you scratched his back, which you found to be so endearing. You’d gradually stop scratching and press a chaste kiss to his forehead, before also falling asleep in his arms.
Back scratches with Haechan became a demand after the first time you offered it. To him, scratching his itches was simply another one of your responsibilities as his girlfriend. Whenever you were trying to get some work done on your laptop or seemed preoccupied with your phone, he’d pester you nonstop with aegyo until you relented. Then he’d drag you to the bed and pull off his shirt, eagerly waiting for you to start. The moment your nails made contact with his warm skin, he’d let out a satisfied moan that made you blush profusely.
The first few times he had you scratch his back, you found his presumptuousness amusing, but it soon became a regular part of your routine. Haechan had a way of making even the simplest gestures feel special, and his playful attitude made it hard to say no. He’d dramatically sigh in relief as your fingers worked their magic, exaggerating his contentment just to make you smile.
Similar to Mark, you got used to your boyfriend’s antics. But you genuinely didn’t mind scratching his back, knowing how hard he worked. When he was really tired, he wouldn’t even say anything. He’d just curl up beside you on the bed and drape your arm over his back, silently asking for your touch. How could you say no with the subtle pout on his lips?
Despite his playful demands, there was this underlying sweetness in these moments. You could feel how much Haechan trusted you, as he’d lean into your touch with a vulnerability that he rarely showed. Each stroke of your fingers down his back was a reminder of the closeness you shared. Even though he acted like it was your duty most of the time, you both knew it was a cherished way for him to feel loved and cared for.
Back scratches with Jaemin made you seriously wonder if he was secretly a cat disguised as a human. However, the first time you scratched his back was a little different. It was during a lazy at-home date when you noticed him trying to reach the same itch on his back throughout the day. While his struggle was endearing to watch, you couldn’t stand by for long. Eventually, you gestured for him to turn around, and with a gentle touch, you scraped your nails across the offending spot right between his shoulder blades. Instantly, Jaemin released a relieved sigh, and his knees almost buckled at the sensation of your touch.
After that day, Jaemin went to you whenever his back was itchy. Once the itch was gone, he’d calmly ask you to keep doing it because it felt good. So he’d be sitting at the edge of the couch, with you behind him as you scratched his back attentively. He loved it even more when you scratched under his shirt, relishing the feeling of your skin on his. Even if your hands were cold, he actually found the contrast to be surprisingly soothing. The coolness of your touch combined with the gentle pressure of your nails never failed to send shivers of pleasure down his spine, making him feel even more connected to you.
At some point, you swore you could hear him purring against your touch. The resemblance to his own cats was uncanny, which you found both hilarious and adorable. Just like his fluffy companions, he would lean into your touch, his eyes half-closed in pure contentment, a soft hum of pleasure escaping his lips. The endearing similarity never failed to make you smile, adding another layer of warmth to these intimate moments.
It was safe to say you loved giving Jaemin back scratches just as much as he loved receiving them. Sometimes you’d notice him stretching uncomfortably after long dance practices or intense workout sessions, so you’d offer to scratch his back before he even had a chance to ask. There was something incredibly rewarding about seeing the tension melt away from his body. While you took pleasure in providing this small comfort, you also appreciated these quiet moments of intimacy with him. Scratching his back was a simple act, yet it spoke volumes about the care and affection that you didn’t always express fully. 
Back scratches with Chenle were annoying at first. He would often come up to you, casually asking for a back scratch from you. Although you didn’t necessarily mind, the moment your fingers touched his skin, he would start squirming and wiggling because he was so ticklish. His constant moving made it nearly impossible for you to scratch his back properly. Although his giggles and yelps were cute, you felt like you were trying to tame a playful puppy.
This happened every time, and you’d try to leave out of frustration. But Chenle would always pull you into a back-hug and beg you to say. “No, don’t be mad! I swear, I won’t move this time!” He’d insist, but you knew all too well that he wouldn’t actually keep still. He couldn’t help being ticklish, which he often argued in his defense. So you had to figure out a way to scratch his back without him convulsing under your touch.
Eventually, you started focusing more on scratching his upper back, a less sensitive area where he wasn't as ticklish. You noticed an immediate change the first time you tried this. Chenle stopped squirming as much and began to relax under your touch. His laughter subsided into contented sighs, and he would lean into your scratches. He clearly enjoyed the sensation of you tracing circles around his shoulder blades, though he’d never admit it out loud.
Therefore, scratching his back became a much more pleasant experience for both of you. It started to become a routine for you two after he came back from playing basketball or to help him fall asleep. You firmly believed that your usually loud boyfriend was the cutest when he was peacefully asleep in your arms. While he could certainly be a handful at times with his playful antics and boundless energy, you knew he appreciated you. He'd often surprise you with little acts of kindness that showed how much he valued your presence in his life.
Back scratches with Jisung became his source of comfort whenever he felt anxious. You’d notice him pacing around the room, his tall frame hunched in worry as he muttered to himself. As someone who also tended to overthink, you probably understood Jisung better than anyone. Which motivated you even more to find a way to calm him down. Without a word, you’d guide him to sit somewhere and gently start scratching his back. Your touch seemed to ground him, the soothing motion helping to ease his restless mind.
As you worked your fingers up and down his back, applying just the right amount of pressure, you could feel the tension in him gradually melting away. When you thought he was feeling better, you’d start to pull away. However, Jisung would clutch onto your hand, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he looked up at you. “Can we stay like this a little longer, please?” His voice, though deep, carried a vulnerable edge, revealing just how much he needed your comforting presence.
So you’d continue, letting your fingers move gently along his spine. During this time, Jisung’s usually shyness was replaced by quiet contentment. He’d lean into your touch, his breathing evening out as the anxiety faded. Oftentimes, he’d share his innermost thoughts and you’d listen quietly until he was done. He didn’t expect you to respond with any solutions though, knowing that your support alone was enough. Still, you tried to provide words of reassurance, and he valued every effort. These tender moments made Jisung realize how deeply in love he was with you.
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mcflymemes · 9 months
FIVE TIPS FOR WRITING BETTER ROLEPLAY REPLIES struggling to get interactions? try incorporating these tips into your replies!
use the five senses. sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste. where are your muses currently standing? what does the air smell like? are there birds chirping or people walking by? is there a battle in the distance? does the wooden floor beneath them creak when they walk? is the other muse wearing cologne or perfume? describe the world around them in vivid detail and paint a picture of their environment. this will help your writing partner envision the space.
don't keep everything internal. your muse's internal commentary is important, of course, but when an entire reply is only their inner thoughts, it doesn't give your writing partner anything to go on (unless their character can read minds). make sure you add action, story progression, or character movement in a reply, or provide enough dialogue for the other muse to respond to.
end your reply with a question. at the very end of your reply, have your muse ask the other character a question, or pepper a few questions throughout the reply. this gives the other writer a perfect jumping off point for their response.
incorporate npcs and other things happening nearby. maybe your muses are in a library, and the librarian won't stop shushing them. maybe your muse gets a call from their best friend in the middle of the conversation with horrible news. maybe your muses are in a hotel room, and they hear a noisy party in the room next door. your muses aren't the only two people in the universe - expand upon it with details and breathe further life into this world. it makes things so much more fun.
don't forget the other muse. i think we all struggle with this one the most. we get so caught up describing our own muse and their own thoughts and actions that we forget they're interacting with someone else. try describing the other character's stance or facial expression, the way they cross their arms. maybe their makeup is really beautiful. maybe their hair is nice. maybe they smell really bad. maybe the last time your muses interacted, they had a big fight. don't take up your entire reply talking about your muse only; talk about the other character. give the other writer something to smile about and comment on - "i loved what your muse noticed about mine! i loved their observations! they were so right!" make the other writer feel seen. this is a great way to show them you're reading their replies, loving their writing, and noticing little details about their muse.
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stubborncloth · 20 days
I've seen various hot takes of that moment at the end of the carriage scene where Colin goes through several facial expressions and then nods his head just a little. I've seen it variously described as the moment he realised he's in love, or the moment he decides to marry Penelope, but I have to disagree. Colin's been figuring out he's in trouble for a while. The reason he struggles to leave Bridgerton house for so long the evening of the proposal is because he knows it's a momentous step. If he goes to the ball and messes up Debing's proposal he knows he's getting married. Colin is nuts for Penelope but it's not just lust. When he leaves his house he knows there's no going back. It's either let someone else marry her, or marry her himself, and if he's ruined her chances with someone else then he can't just have ruined her, he must save her too. Colin is a true romantic and a gentleman, as well as a massive slut for Penelope.
So the carriage scene is understood differently by each character. For Colin he's baring his heart, he's saying choose me. For Penelope, she's got nothing left to lose. If she's going to be a spinster who has to live with her mother forever, she might as well have one scandalous carriage ride with the man she's being dreaming of forever. She thinks a physical tryst is all she's going to get but she's reckless enough to go for it. She's reckless because she's always wanted him, but everything this season so far seems to be for the sole purpose of beating her self esteem down. She wants to marry, but she feels like that's been denied her, so she might as well have a moment of pleasure.
When he says "you cannot marry that man" he means "... because you should marry me" but he doesn't actually say that because he's too unsure of what she will say in return. So he declares himself, he tells her what's in his heart, and then (after a moment of doubt and then an assent from her) ravishes her like a starving man at an unexpected banquet. (Though even here, he's a whore but he's also a gentleman, because he is most concerned with giving her pleasure).
So when they get to their destination Penelope is scared it's all over and she's about to crash back down to earth. The kiss they share afterwards is tender and appreciative, and reassuring. Colin is quiet, and sure, and resolved. He is most concerned with making sure she is presentable (so he can present her to his family as his fiance) and not like he just brought her to orgasm in an unchaperoned carriage ride. To me, that little head nod is, yes, she's ready to come see the fam and be my intended. He's a romantic, and he's hers
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crushmeeren · 7 months
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Bakugou/Fem Reader/Kirishima
Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+; continue scrolling or block if you’re not into this
Warnings; fluff & smut, reader is 6 months pregnant, cursing, pussy eating (Katsuki is a champ at eating pussy), blowjobs (deep throating, M/M & F/M), pregnant vaginal sex (Eijirou has a filthy deep stroke), squirting, dirty talk (Katsuki has a nasty mouth), cream pie, katsuki paints your tits with cum
Word Count; 8k
AO3 Link; Back Aches
Eternally uncomfortable. Way too sweaty. Belly stretched into the shape of a medium sized watermelon, because hell, it sure feels like you’re carrying one around 24/7. These are only a few phrases you would use to describe the way it feels to be 6 months pregnant with Katsuki’s baby. Today however, you seem to be really struggling with all the lovely side effects that come along with it.
Specifically, your lower back. It’s been twinging horridly whenever you take so much as one step. So you’ve set up camp on your large, fuzzy couch. Cozy blankets covering your bare legs. You’re only wearing soft shorts and a large, worn, Red Riot T-shirt. You’ve been out here for a while, aimlessly watching different movies and shows, scrolling through your phone.
Katsuki’s playing some video game in the other room. Quite loudly, you might add. You can occasionally hear him yell at Todoroki that he’s the worst player in existence and to fuck off, venomously. You hope Todoroki is taunting him just as much. Sadly, Eijirou is out on patrol today, not coming home until later in the evening.
Now, the sun is getting close to setting, and you’re in the middle of watching a Tik Tok when your baby starts to wiggle around. The fluttering sensation makes you squirm and sit up ram-rod straight. Which in turn, causes a bright flash of pain to radiate through your lower back, up your spine. You desperately need some sort of relief, so you set your phone down on the armrest.
“Kastukiiiii,” you whine loudly, dragging out the i, wishing you could summon the blonde telepathically. You shift your weight in the seat, keeping your feet perched on the large ottoman in front of you. You wait a few seconds, hearing nothing except the background noise from the movie you’ve left on. What the fuck, you think.
“Katsuki!” You yell this time, his name falling sharply from your tongue. Your eyes widen significantly as you suck in a sharp breath through your teeth. You rest a hand on the lower part of your belly, rubbing the spot soothingly when you feel a tiny foot kick you harshly. Apparently she does not want you to yell. Yeah, your daughter is certainly going to have Katsukis bad attitude.
“Baby, I heard you! I’m coming,” Katsuki yells back, tone slightly irritated. You huff, cheeks puffing and heating as your easily agitated temper flares a bit in response. You take a deep breath, both hands now placed on either side of your stomach as the tiny feet continue to try and burst out of your skin. Like a scene from fucking Alien.
Your attention turns to Katsuki, when you hear the blondes soft footsteps as he rounds the corner into your living room. Your eyebrows pinch, lips turning downwards. He comes to a stop next to your legs, eyebrow arching as he crosses his arms over his chest. He pointedly says nothing and waits for your request.
“Kat, love of my life- baby daddy, can you do the thing please? My back hurts.” Pouting up at him, you openly appreciate his slender frame, despite your discomfort. It doesn’t help that he’s only clad in mid thigh length black sweat shorts and a black tank top. It gives you access to the lean muscles of his shoulders. Motherf-He’s so fucking hot. He notices your wondering eyes, rolling his own when you call him baby daddy, he hates that. Nevertheless, his facial expression is soft when he gazes at you.
“Do you think you can wait five minutes while I finish this round of my game? I’m about to kick Icy Hot’s ass,” he says, smirking when he places his hands on his hips. You know the unwarranted spark of anger you feel is not fair to him, but you can’t help it. You sit up a little straighter, wincing when your back cramps again.
“That’s too long,” you groan dramatically. “Can’t you kick his ass later?” you whine, over exaggerating your movements as you run your hands up to the top of your baby bump. Katsuki is more than amused at your behavior, finding it unbearably adorable at how much you want him to be in here with you. He smiles, snickering softly. You glare playfully at him.
“It’s five minutes sweetheart, Todoroki fucking sucks at this game.” Laughing, Katsuki runs a hand up and through his spiky hair.
“It’s your fault I’m like this Katsuki,” you complain. You press a hand to your forehead as if you might faint if he doesn’t do what you want right this second. His head tilts back in another laugh.
“Oi! You know it takes two people to make a baby right? I’m not the only guilty party,” he retorts. “Why isn’t Eijirou getting any blame for this huh? He was there too! Maybe you should get him to hold your belly,” Katsuki teases, ultimately giving in to your request. Todoroki be damned. Katsuki pushes the ottoman flush against the couch so you can scoot forward, making space for him behind you.
“He’s not home right now,” you pout. “Eiji’s actually nice to me, he would help his pregnant wife,” you joke, getting comfortable. The blonde crawls on to the cushions, maneuvering until he sits in the space between you and the backrest. He’s got a thigh bracketing both your hips and you recline into his chest.
“Should’ve let red get you pregnant first then,” he murmurs, stretching his legs out, pinning your blanket under his thighs. You smack his thigh in retaliation, making him jolt.
“Oh god, kitten, wanna see you swollen with my baby so bad, blah blah, I’m Katsuki and I’m a giant fucking hypocrite,” you mock, in a high pitched, horrific imitation of his voice. To be fair he did whine those things to you and Eijirou in bed multiple times before you all agreed to it. Katsuki sputters behind you, feeling his face burn as he pinches the soft flesh of your thigh.
“Oi! You’re such a fucking terror!” he says, voice colored in laughter. “I should make you wait until Eijirou gets home,” he taunts, slipping his hands beneath your shirt. His palms are so warm, comforting, when he places them on the underside of your belly, fingers spread. Katsuki gently presses upwards. You melt into his chest, letting out a soft moan of pleasure, relief immediate as he takes the pressure off your back.
“Your actions say otherwise,” you reply smugly, resting your hands over his. He hums in agreement. Katsuki loves holding your belly. He’s always hoping he’ll be lucky enough to feel his daughter kicking. He kisses the back of your head, relaxing into the backrest as he holds you, feeling the flex in his biceps. You both turn your attention to the movie you had playing earlier, your eyelids starting to flutter every now and then, feeling gooey and warm. Like a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie.
Your baby must have recognized her daddys voice. It’s not even 10 minutes later, when the blonde makes a snarky comment about the current scene on screen, she’s playing kick ball again. Directly into Katsukis hands. You giggle when he gasps, accidentally releasing his hold on your belly.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, in awe. He presses the pads of his fingertips into the same spot, trying to get her to hit him again. His heart thumps hard, excitement swirling around in his chest, when she responds, kicking him once more.
“She’s been really active today. She must have heard you talking.” You smile softly, placing your hands on top of your stomach, letting him have full range to feel below. “I hope she’s this way when Eijirou gets home. I know he was upset last time he missed it,” you remark, tilting your head where it lays on the blondes chest, trying to get a look at his face. He’s still staring at your belly when he speaks.
“She’s fiesty,” he coos, rubbing soothing cirlces into your skin when she kicks him once more. “She’ll respond to him, she loves him,” he murmurs lowly, genuine smile tugging on his lips. The amount of love you’re feeling bubbles up to the brim in your chest, spilling over at his actions. You surge up, lips brushing his jaw swiftly in a sweet kiss, before turning back to the movie. He lets out a soft sound of surprise.
“I love you too,” he teases, kissing your temple. You hum contentedly, and Katsuki goes back to holding up your belly. You feel a vibration near your leg recognizing the pattern as a text. Picking it up, you see it’s from Eijirou. Your face lights up instantly.
“Kat, Eiji messaged that he’s gonna be home soon,” you tell him, eager to see the red head.
“Bout fucking time, my arms are gonna fall off,” he rasps, teasing as he runs his thumbs over the smooth skin of your belly. It tickles.
“Get out from behind me then, ya dick,” you laugh, gently removing his hands, back feeling significantly better. He softly tickles your ribs in retaliation, making you squeal with laughter. You’re wiggling in his grip. “You’re lucky I can’t get up quickly right now Katsuki! I’d kick your ass, you shitty excuse for a bomb!” Your voice high pitched, blushing to the tips of your ears. Katsuki stops, gasping in fake offense, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Shitty excuse for a bomb??” He sounds incredulous, but unbelievably entertained. You nod, unable to hold in a giggle. He squeezes you tight and plants several quick kisses on your cheek. You turn your head the best you can, briefly snagging his lips with your own.
You’re only able to hold your neck at the uncomfortable angle for a second. The sound of your front door opening makes both your heads turn, watching Eijirou waltz through. He’s wearing a smile, bright as the sun. All his sharp teeth on display. The red head melts into a pile of warm mush when he spots the two of you snuggling on the couch.
“What a sweet sight to come home too,” Eijirou happily sighs, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “All three of my babies snuggling on the couch,” he coos, walking around the side, coming to a stop next to the ottoman. He’s in street clothes. Gray sweats, red tee and a white bandana tied around his head. Per usual, he looks like he may bust out of the shirt he’s wearing. It’s unbearably hot.
“Get lost on the way home red?” Katsuki teases, smirking and raising his eyebrow. The blonde lets go of your shoulders as you strain to sit up. You struggle trying to brace your feet on the ottoman, Katsuki notices. He brings his feet up and pushes the furniture away for you. Making space for the red head. Grin never leaving his face, Eijirou rolls his eyes playfully, shoving the foot rest further away so he can fully get in front of you.
“No, I’m actually home earlier than I thought I would be,” he replies, pausing to kneel in between your spread legs, since your feet have come to rest on the floor. Katsuki slips out from behind you, sitting next to you instead.
“Thank God,” you sigh. “Apparently Kat isn’t strong enough to hold our 5lb baby without his arms falling off.” Straight faced, you explain to Eijirou, trying extremely hard not to smile. Katsuki growls next to you. You can practically hear his teeth grind together as Eijirous bright laughter fills the air. You know you’re poking the bear, but sometimes he’s just too easy to rile up.
“Is that so?” Eijirou teases, looking at the blonde as he grips the edge of your T-shirt. Eijirou notices your red riot shirt, looking up to wink at you. Cheeks turning red, you watch the red head push it up over your belly until it rests on top. Exposing all your smooth skin.
“I can hold a fucking five pound baby!” Katsuki snarls, harmless, yet he still dramatically throws his hands up. You choke on the swell of laughter that threatens to tear out your throat. Hearing Eijirou snickering as the red haired man settles both his large hands on your belly, fingers spread wide. His hands are so fucking warm. You let out a soft groan, weaving your fingers through Eijirous soft hair.
“I know Kat, just teasing,” you laugh, giving him your softest smile. The blonde can only hang on to his scowl for a moment, before the corners of his mouth curve upwards in what resembles a smile.
“How’s she been today?” Eijirou questions softly, nuzzling his nose near the top of your belly.
“Feisty little shit,” Katsuki croons. The blonde is smirking now, chest puffing up a bit. He’s definitely proud of it.
“Just like her daddy then?” Eijirou teases, brushing his lips over your belly in a sweet kiss. A soft giggle leaves your mouth.
“Absolutely,” Katsuki says, with complete certainty and confidence. Eijirou laughs.
“She’s been moving a lot today Eiji. Kat’s just happy she kicked the shit out of him earlier,” you explain, scratching the red heads scalp softly. The blonde makes a protesting sound but Eijirou hums, speaking to your baby girl now.
“Hi my feisty girl, daddy Eiji’s home,” he purrs. “I heard you were trying to kick box with daddy Kat. You’re gonna be just like him,” he whispers, affection falling off his tongue. He rubs his thumbs back and forth, caressing your soft, silky skin. Eijirous heart swells up to the point of bursting. Warm love oozing out of him when he places another sweet kiss above your belly button. The red heads eyes flutter closed, resting his forehead against you for a moment.
You jerk in surprise when Eijirous head suddenly shoots up, narrowly avoiding head butting the shit out of you, looking at you with wide, bright eyes. Your daughter has rewarded his affections with two thumps right where his head had been resting. The red head looks up, gaze tracking between you and Katsuki with stars in his eyes. He’s almost vibrating with excitement.
“Did you feel that baby? Oh my god! Kat, she heard me!” The red head yells, almost tripping over his words. You nod, cheeks hurting from smiling so wide. You tug on his soft strands between your fingers. When his gaze locks with yours, you’re overwhelmed by the sight in front of you. Up to your eyeballs in the amount of love you’re feeling for your little family.
“Dammit Eijirou,” Katsuki growls, crossing his arms. “Stop being so-,” he pauses. “So fucking cute!” You laugh as the blonde crosses his arms, lip curled. You chance a look at his face. The blonde is flushed red up to his hairline. A sly expression immediately takes over Eijirous face.
He slips your shirt back down over your belly and you let go of his hair. You meet him halfway when he leans up to kiss you briefly. For being made of rock half the time, his lips are also so soft against yours. Your tongue pokes out to wet your lower lip, warmth burning through you when he pulls away.
The red head shuffles on his knees until he’s between Katsukis thighs. He leans forward and wraps his arms around the blondes waist, wiggling his eyebrows up at him. Katsuki narrows his eyes but places his elbows on Eijirous shoulders. Your toes curl into the plush rug below as the red head smoothes his hands up and down the blondes sides before squishing his face into Katsukis chest. Hugging him close, his tight embrace pushes the air out of the blondes lungs.
“Eijirou.” It comes out of Katsuki in a squeaky, gravelly tone.
“You’re so sweet Katsuki, I think you’re cute too,” he purrs, muffled by the material of a black tank top. Eijirou breathes in deeply, taking in just how good the blonde smells. Feeling the warmth of his chest on his face. You’re starting to flush as the blonde wrap his arms around Eijirous neck, holding him tight, mumbling I love you under his breath. Watching them together also sparks a fire inside of you. Even if it’s just something as tame as hugging.
The intense pulse of fondness you feel at their embrace, squeezes pleasantly in your chest. It’s a picturesque moment, until a pang of hunger rolls around inside you. Placing a hand on the underside of your belly, you chew your bottom lip. Not wanting to break up the tender moment, but it seems your daughter is hungry.
“I hate to burst the bubble, but our daughter is starving,” you tease gently, grinning as you watch them part. Eijirou kisses Katsuki sweetly, making a loud smooching sound when he pulls away, before the blonde stands up. He pushes playfully at the red heads shoulder when Eijirou rises from the floor as well. “Will you make something Kat?” You ask, puffing out your lower lip. Usual smirk etched onto his face as he lets out a scoff.
“I swear, you and Eijirou are like bottomless fucking pits,” he grumbles, turning and making his way to the kitchen. He’s not fooling anyone, you all know he actually loves cooking for everyone. Especially now that your daughter is getting closer to being born. He likes to express his love through his food. You and the red head share a look, laughing as the large man flops down onto the couch with you. It jostles you a little bit.
“Thank you Kit Kat! Love you,” you coo, watching as he throws a hand up over his shoulder in response.
“Sooo, can I hold your belly now?” Eijirou prods, way too excited for something so mundane. One of your eyebrows lifts as he shifts around until he can lean his back against the armrest. Planting one foot on the couch, letting his knee rest on the back side of the cushion. He lets the other dangle to the floor, opening his arms, making a grabby motion.
“You don’t have to ask me twice. She definitely has been missing her other daddy today,” you joke, picking up your discarded blanket from the couch, slotting yourself into his embrace. He lets one leg be pinned between you and the cushion as you get comfortable, pulling up the blanket over both of you, relaxing into his thick chest. Eijirou plants his hands on the top of your belly, slowly sliding them down to the bottom of your shirt.
“I love your shirt, pretty girl,” he whispers, low and sweet in your ear, soft lips pressing on your neck, snaking his hands under the soft material. The combination sends hot tingles down your spine. He forces a tiny, shocked moan out of you when he sinks his sharp teeth into your shoulder, spreading his fingers and lifting up your belly. He brushes his lips over the bite.
“Jesus Eijirou,” you breathe, placing your hands on his. The low heat pooling in your belly is very enticing. “Trying to fuck me on the couch?” You shift, feeling his cock is half hard. Fuck, you’d be a damn liar if you said that didn’t send a sharp flash of arousal straight to your pussy. His laugh tickles your neck.
“Maybe,” he says, sly voice tickling your ear. Pressing his hips upwards a little, he runs his cock over your lower back. You pinch his thigh. He groans softly. “I can’t help it pretty baby,” Eijirou whines, continuing to hold your belly. You can’t say you aren’t extremely tempted, it’s just- you are really hungry.
“After we eat, promise Eiji. I’m sure Kat will be up for it,” you murmur, trailing your fingers gently over his forearm. You can physically feel the red heads pout, but he hums in agreement, more than likely not wanting to bother Katsuki while he cooks. Which is smart. You wrestle with your own arousal as you let Eijirou hold you, and talk about his day. All the way until Katsuki calls out for you both to get your asses in the kitchen.
You were right. Katsuki immediately flushed red, when you casually mentioned wanting to get fucked, once you all had finished eating. The blonde had you and Eijirou ushered into the bedroom no more than five minutes later. You’re completely naked now, elbows resting on the headboard behind you. They ache a bit as you strain to hold up your weight, bone at the inner corner digging into the wooden frame.
Your thighs are bracketing Katsukis head in a harsh grip, knees sinking into the mattress below. The sensitive skin of your inner thighs being tickled by the blondes barely there stubble while you sit on his face. His mouth buried in your pussy. He’s got you sitting backwards, so you can enjoy the view of Eijirou swallowing the blondes cock over and over as he lays on his belly between spread legs.
“Fff-uck, Kat,” you whimper, rolling your hips so your pussy slides slickly over his lips. The blonde has one arm snaked around your thigh, his other hand braced gently on your belly, thumb absentmindedly rubbing back and forth. A gasp tears from your chest. Hot shivers sluggishly traveling up your spine when his tongue slips up through your folds, moving up to circle around your clit.
God, you’re so wet, eyes fluttering shut when he sucks on your sensitive bud. He flicks the tip of his tongue up and down as he continues to suck. The pleasure is searing. Not helped by the sinful, wet schlicking sounds that are coming from Eijirous mouth. He’s so enthusiastic at giving head.
Your eyes shoot open, jaw dropping as your fingers curl into fists, elbows still braced uncomfortably on the headboard. Katsuki is humming against your pussy, moving his head side to side, tongue barely poking out to hit your clit with each pass.
The vibrations resonate through your pelvis and the change in direction is enough to make the muscles in your lower belly clench tight. Thick, warm sensation of an orgasm starting to curl up behind your belly button. You whimper when he switches back to licking firm stripes into your clit.
You know your cheeks are a soft peachy color, eyes drooping when your gaze connects with the red head. A zap of electricity races through you at the sight of his pretty lips stretched tight around Katsukis cock, cheeks blooming a sweet shade of pink. It’s unbelievably erotic, the way his fingers grip the thick flesh on the underside of Katsukis thigh.
His other hand rolls the blondes balls. Katsuki has his knees bent, feet planted. The red head fits perfectly between his legs, snug between slender thighs. Katsuki shallowly thrusts his hips upwards, like he can’t help himself because it just feels too good. Eijirou dips his head in time with each motion, taking his cock completely, easily. His lips kissing curly blonde hair at the base of Katsukis cock each time.
Your pussy throbs over Katsukis lips when Eijirou sends a wink your way. Your pulse kicks, as you start to pant, tongue flicking out to wet your bottom lip. A yelp rings out from you when Katsuki secures both arms around your thighs, pulling your pussy further into his mouth. He starts alternating between licking firm stripes into your clit and sucking on it with his tongue.
It makes your hole clench around nothing, insides twisting, as you feel your slick coating the blondes chin and mouth. It’s too good. You may not cum like this, but you’re getting as close to the edge as you can be. Your eyes flutter, catching on the way the blondes belly is twitching.
His muscles are starting to clench, stomach rolling and folding periodically. It’s an obvious sign he’s getting close to bursting down the red heads throat. You know you want to get Eijirou more involved before that happens. After all, it was originally his idea to have sex tonight.
“Kat,” you whine, cutting yourself off with a groan. Your fingers wrap like bracelets around the bones of his wrists. “Wanna switch, baby, please,” you gasp, as he bites your clit gently, before patting the side of your ass twice, pushing you up from his mouth. You hover over his mouth for a moment, trying to get your bearings about you again.
Eijirou stops as well, pulling off with pop, letting the blondes, thick, glistening cock slap wetly against his pelvis. Blonde curls at the base of his cock taking the brunt of the saliva and precum that had accumulated. The red head sits up on his knees, hair starting to fall around his eyes from its original style. His cock is flushed, hard, as he wraps a hand around the base. Contact making warmth bubble in his belly.
“Whaddaya want pretty thing? Tell me, you know Eijirou and I will give it to ya,” Katsuki purrs, lips brushing over your slick folds as he speaks. Eijirou hums in agreement. You squirm, peering into the red heads eyes as you make a decision. Hands coming to rest on your belly out of habit. Eijirou wiggles his eyebrows at you. The action forcing you to smile.
“I want Eiji to position us how he wants. Since he’s been so horny all day today,” you tease, chest rising and falling as you, with difficulty, swing your leg from Katsukis head, settling back on your calves next to him. Elbows aching from holding your weight, you stretch them out in front of you. Eijirou turns as red as his hair, looking back and forth between you and the blonde, who has also sat up. Leaning back, weight resting on his hands.
“Oh,” Eijirou breathes, looking at the blondes chin, wet with saliva and slick from your pussy. He wants to lick it clean. His cock twitches harshly in his grip, thinking about what he wants. “Yes! I mean- yeah, totally I can do that,” he says, failing to hide how eager he is. The red head takes time to look between both of you. Katsuki snorts, waving a hand in front of himself. Vaguely inquiring how Eijirou wants them.
“Well red, how do you want us?” He coos, a sharp edge to his tone. Teasing, but mean. In a way that he knows will crawl under the other heroes skin. As well as yours. Eijirou rolls his jaw around a couple times before biting his bottom lip. You lightly punch Katsuki in the shoulder for his attitude. All he gives you is a smug look from the corner of his eye.
“Okay, pretty baby c’mere,” he speaks warmly, reaching a hand out to you. You do as told, grabbing his fingers as he helps you shuffle forward on your knees. Once you get to him, he helps you twist until your back faces the edge of the bed.
He grips both your hands until he can slowly recline you, back flat on the mattress, head hanging off the edge of the bed. You feel a bit like you’re suffocating, baby sort of crushing your lunngs, but it’s comfortable enough. You’re still a bit unsure of what the red head has in mind until he speaks.
“Alright Kat, go stand near her head. I wanna watch you fuck her throat while I fuck her pussy,” he says shyly, flush traveling down his chest as he traps the tip of his tongue between his teeth. He sits in between your spread thighs.
“Didn’t feel like getting your ass torn up today Eijirou?” Katsuki remarks, condescendingly. You raise your head up in time to see Eijirou stick his tongue out at the blonde, watching Katsuki slide off the bed. Lazily making his way towards you.
“Shut up,” Eijirou mumbles, helping you bend your knees and plant your feet. His blush has traveled up to the tips of his ears. You can’t help it, you laugh along with Katsuki at your sweet red heads embarrassment.
To be fair, he does turn into a drooling, blissed out mess everytime he’s fucked by the blonde. Katsuki reaches you, placing a palm under your head to support your neck. Your throat is dry when you swallow. Katsukis cock is right next to your cheek, looking every bit of flushed and thick. Your pussy throbs in anticipation when you think about the position you’re in.
“You okay with this sweetheart?” Katsuki purrs, intense ruby eyes looking into yours. You fucking flush again, forehead starting to sweat. The room feels sweltering, but you nod up at him either way.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine Kat. I’ll tap your thigh if it’s too much,” you dreamily sigh, as he lets your head fall, base of your skull resting on the edge of the mattress.
“Such a good fucking girl, already knows the rules,” the blonde coos, a rumble in his chest. He grips the base of his cock with one hand, running his slick tip over your lips. You whimper, tongue darting out to barely lick at his head. He hisses.
“Eiji, go ahead love, I’m ready,” you whine, desperate. Wiggling when the red head places a calloused thumb on your slippery clit, rubbing circles into it.
“You’re so fucking wet pretty girl,” Eijirou murmurs, thumb trailing through your folds. He grips his own cock, sliding his tip over your clit, down to your entrance, slowly pressing the head into your pussy. He leaves his other hand braced on your knee for now. A moan gets stuck in your throat, hands gripping the blanket below you tightly. Soft material bunching up under your damp palms. Eijirou is fucking thick.
“Fuck, that’s it. Let that tight little pussy swallow Eijirou whole,” Katsuki breathes, fisting his own cock as he watches Eijirou fill you out. You whine loudly, pussy stretched to the max. The way his cock pushes at your walls, the friction as he pulls back, then rocks in again, teasingly.
It makes your eyes roll back, pleasure blistering through your veins. Eijirou feels his stomach tighten, watching as your silky, slick pussy hugs him just right. His cock throbs once as he starts a slow rhythm.
“Oh, oh god, pussy so perfect f’me,” Eijirou whines, one hand coming to rest on the underside of your knee, the other he places sweetly on your swollen belly. You can’t see anything besides Katsukis thighs, but Eijirous words burn pleasurably in your brain, pushing a low moan out of you.
“Fucking christ, open up that mouth for me sweet thing,” Katsuki growls, speaking directly to you. A little lost in the bliss Eijirou is giving you, you just nod, letting your mouth drop open, pink tongue poking out as well. Katsuki brings up one leg, bracing his knee on the bed, other one standing firm, muscles in his thighs flexing. A syrupy heat swirls in the blondes gut, groin tightening in excitement.
He braces a hand on the bed and grips the round flesh of your tit with his other. As he guides his cock into your mouth, your soft pallet becomes a track for him to fuck against. Instinctively, you wrap your lips around the middle of his shaft, sucking as he curses, hips jerking forward a little until his tip hits the back of your mouth. You groan around him when Eijirou snaps his hips harshly by accident, the image of the Katsukis cock in your throat spurring him on.
“Motherfucker,” the blonde chokes out, starting to pump his cock in and out of your tight, hot mouth. Electric tingles start in his groin, flaring down to his toes as you suck on him every so often. You’ve relaxed your throat, but struggle to breathe through your nose as he fucks your mouth. He’s not moving too hard, but a dull ache starts up in the muscle of your jaw. You need something to anchor yourself with, so you secure your arms around the blondes thighs.
Eijirou can’t control the little whines that keep spilling from his lips. The way your tits bounce, the sensation of your belly moving under his palm, he thinks it’s so fucking hot. He pushes your thigh back to get his dick deeper into your pussy. He can’t pull his eyes away from the rolling motion of Katsukis slow, deep thrusts into your mouth.
The way his abs flex. The sweat trailing down the side of his face, over his jaw, onto the corded muscle of his neck. God, Eijirou wants to lick it off. The thought sparks his arousal even more and he thrusts forward harshly, curling his hips. He hears your muffled wail, realizing he must’ve hit your sweet spot. He keeps going.
“Fuck, pretty girl, ah-shit, right there yeah? S’good, feels too good,” Eijirou moans, bullying that spot inside you. You whine, the lightening like heat radiates in waves from your pussy to your toes every time.
Katsuki moans continuously, a gravelly edge to them. The blonde feels himself throbbing in your mouth, pulling back to let you breathe. You gasp, lungs burning for air as he squeezes your tit once more, pinching the nipple, before letting go. He pets your throat in a soothing motion as your bounced a bit by the red heads thrusts. Steady rhythm to Eijirous movements.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum soon baby, want me to paint your chest?” Katsuki coos, running a thumb over your lips.
“Y-yes, please, paint me Kat,” you whine, stuttering between moans as your lids squeeze shut. Eijirou is still fucking you so deeply. Katsuki hooks his thumb into your mouth, gripping your bottom jaw, prying it open with a growl. You dig your nails into his thighs again as he roughly slides his cock back into your mouth, slipping into your throat.
It burns, an uncomfortable tickling sensation as you get the urge to cough. Forcing your throat to relax enough that he can thrust all the way in and out, to the root. You’re able to focus on the cock in your mouth a little bit more as Eijirou slows his movements for the time being. Presumably wanting to watch Katsuki cum.
Katsukis palm is slick with sweat, when he rests it on your belly, next to the other heroes hand. You free a hand from his thigh, smoothing it up over his hip and lower belly. His breath hitches when your nails dig into his slick skin, muscles flinching away from your touch. The threat of his orgasm is coiling tightly in his groin. His heart is in his throat as he reaches the peak right before he climaxes.
Katsuki makes a strangled noise, hearing going fuzzy, as he thrusts into your throat once more before pulling out completely, bracing his weight to lean further on the bed. Taking the hand from your belly, he strokes his cock quickly groaning lowly as he cums, painting your tits and a little bit of your belly with his warm, sticky release.
“Shit,” Eijirou laughs incredulously, movements having stopped completely at the sight in front of him. “That was fucking hot Kat,” Eijirou beams, running a finger over the release on your belly, then quite seductively, sucking it off his finger. Katsuki laughs, breathlessly, dick throbbing at the sight before he leans back standing on both feet again.
He’s trying to catch his breath, chest heaving. Your hands fall away from the blonde, letting them dangle as you try to remember how to breathe. Eijirou, reluctantly, pulls out with a hiss, slick cock bobbing. A whine pulls from your throat. The other two snicker.
“Are you alright pretty thing?” Katsuki asks, voice scratchy. You nod, as Eijirou grips your ankles, yanking you up the bed, so your head no longer dangles off.
“I’m definitely good, although can we switch around now? The baby is suffocating me,” you joke, laughing a little. Eijirou pats your thighs encouragingly.
“Of course my little love bug!” He says, brightly. “You want Kat to hold you baby?” He coos, gripping both your hands and pulling you up to sit.
“Please,” you giggle, angling your head to watch the blonde crawl up on the bed near the headboard. He pauses near Eijirou, to kiss him swiftly, making the red head giggle. He turns then, setting a couple pillows up so he can rest his back on them.
“Yeah yeah, c’mon needy thing,” he teases, smirking as he bends his knees and lets his heels dig into the mattress. Eijirou flicks his knee in retaliation and helps you get to your knees, holding your hands until you can shuffle around and sit on your ass in between the blondes legs.
Only having to lean back a little bit, your heated flesh comes into contact with his chest. His skin is too hot, making you immediately sweat a little. You look down at your chest, noticing you’re still covered in the blondes release, but they for damn sure won’t wipe it off until you’re done. Truthfully, you find it kind of hot, but you’re eager to keep going.
“Eijirou, c’mon, wanna cum please,” you beg. Voice so sweet and needy when it reaches the red heads ears. You let your thighs fall open for him, reaching out for Eijirou. He grins, sharp teeth fully on display.
“Course baby girl,” he purrs, inching forward on his knees till he’s right there, hard cock brushing over your swollen clit. You whine, feeling the blonde snake an arm around your middle. His fingers spread out on your belly, the other gripping your tit, pinching your nipple. Katsuki bites a kiss into your neck, laving over it with his tongue. You tilt your head to give him more access, bracing your hands on the blondes thighs.
You moan softly, Eijirou placing a hand on the underside of both your knees, pushing until your feet are off the mattress. Not too high, belly stopping you from being folded further. He raises up to his knees, angling his hips until the head of his cock catches on your slick pussy. So stretched out he can slide all the way in with no resistance.
“Eijirou,” you gasp, mouth falling open as he splits you completely. Your nails dig into Katsukis legs, pussy clenching involuntarily and the red head whimpers, feeling his cock throb in response. Eijirou’s suffocating in your silky pussy, eyebrows pinching together in concentration so he doesn’t cum too fast.
“C’mon red,” Katsuki purrs from your shoulder, chin digging into the muscle there. Ever the snake in the garden. “You’re big and strong right? Make that pussy cum,” he teases, voice low, curling down into you and Eijirou. Twisting your guts with arousal.
“Fucking hell Kat,” Eijirou pants, moving his hips in a testing pull backwards, before smoothly pushing in, until the dark hair at the base of his cock brushes your clit. You feel like he’s in your throat, telling the red head just that. “Ah, I’ll - fuck, make your pussy feel real good sweet girl,” Eijirou promises, starting slow at first.
Katsuki stares at the scene below, biting his tongue roughly, as he’s assaulted by the sight of the thick cock that disappears into your pussy over and over. He’s getting half hard again just watching. The blonde squeezes your tit, fingers biting in to the squishy flesh. You cry out, gripping Eijirous shoulders as he picks up the pace. His eyes are glazed over, eyelids hooded as he fucks you.
Your teeth clench, eyes rolling back as he hits the spongy spot inside you. Pussy clenching, toes curling as your head thumps back onto Katsukis shoulder. Something snaps inside Eijirou after that, because his deep stroke is fucking nasty from then on out. Hips curling upwards as he fucks into you, slamming your sweet spot repeatedly. You howl out his name as he moves relentlessly, dull nails scratching at his skin.
“E-Eijirou, oh my god!” You almost scream, feeling Katsukis hand rub up and down your belly soothingly. The blonde brushes his soft lips over your neck, releasing your tit and trailing his hand up to grip your jaw. His fingers dig into the muscles, yanking and forcing the angle of your head down, so you have to watch as Eijirou pummels your pussy.
“That’s it, watch Eijirou baby girl, doing so good, taking him like a goddamn champ,” the blonde growls. “Looks like Eijirous gonna fuck another baby into you, isn’t that right red?” He mocks, winking at his husband. The filthy mouth Katsuki has never ceases to push the two of you closer to the edge.
Eijirou whimpers out a mhmm, watching himself fuck you, cock so slick. The lips of your pussy stretching on his cock with each thrust backwards. His palms are slippery under your knees, sweat gathering in the hollow of his of neck, chest glistening. The wet sounds of skin meeting skin is unbearably lewd in the otherwise silent room.
“I - oh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you choke out, sounding and feeling surprised at how fast you’re about to climax. The warmth is winding up so tightly behind your belly button, pussy fluttering and feeling amazing. The angle making you feel like you might squirt. Katsukis half hard cock jerks against your back when he hears what you said, gripping your jaw tighter.
“Fuck yeah, cum for him sweetheart, he feels unbelievable huh?” Katsuki murmurs in your ear, voice smooth as silk. You nod the best you can, Katsuki letting go of your jaw so you can look into Eijirous eyes.
“Give it to me baby, please,” Eijirou begs, mouth falling open as your pussy flutters around him again. He leans in closer to you, the two of you breathing the same air. You nod quickly, lips brushing his, toes curling as the coil tightens to the point of snapping.
Water balloon of pleasure popping, gushing waves of warmth throughout your limbs. Your body tenses, mouth open in a silent o shape as you cum, hard. Eijirou licks into your mouth once, behind your teeth before he can stop himself. Katsuki has stayed silent for the majority of this, breath hot against your ear as he’s bewitched by all that’s happening in front of him.
Hot shivers vibrate down your spine as Eijirou fucks you through it, choking on his own tongue as you clench him tightly. Pussy acting as a vice. A few more thrusts of that filthy deep stroke, one of Katsukis hands comes down to thumb at your clit roughly, forcing you to squirt all over Eijirous belly. It runs down your thighs, pooling on the sheets. You feel dizzy with pleasure and you wail, pussy trying to push the thick cock out of you.
“Oh shit, just like that sweet girl, squirt f’me baby, ah f-fuck I’m gonna c-cum,” Eijirou whines, through gritted teeth, dropping one of your legs to rest his hand over Katsukis on your belly. Both holding you almost protectively as you breathe heavily, trying to get some reprieve from your high. Katsuki takes his hand from your pussy, placing both hands back on the baby bump.
“Fucking- cum Eijirou, such a good boy, fuck her full with another baby sweetheart,” he says, voice edging on a growl. Eijirou pushes his cock all the way to the root inside you, sobbing through his teeth as his balls tighten. The sensation of his climax washes over him as his dick pulses, cumming hard. Stuffing your tight pussy with ribbons of warm, sticky cum. You kiss the red head, swallowing his moans as his orgasm fades.
Breaking apart, you whine, holding onto his forearms as he lets your other leg go. Eijirou places his other hand on your belly. All three of you take a moment, catching your breath, letting your souls return to your bodies. Your limbs are warm and gooey, feeling content. Eijirou sets his forehead against yours, pressing your lips together once again. You hum softly, lips sticking when he pulls back. He swiftly kisses the blonde as well before leaning back, pulling out slowly.
“My god, that was really fucking good,” you say, cheeks burning as you unstick your back from Katsuki, leaning forward a little.
“You felt so amazing pretty girl,” Eijirou coos, grabbing a discarded shirt to help clean you off. Which he does, wiping the slightly tacky release off your chest and belly. He sweetly cleans his release which was starting to leak from your pussy.
“It was a goddamn great fucking show is what it was,” Katsuki boasts, slipping out from behind you, sitting next to you. Eijirou agrees and you laugh, reclining into where the blonde was sitting, pillows giving your aching back some relief.
You all are feeling the sweet afterglow of sex, atmosphere warm and cozy. You hadn’t felt any movement during sex, but now you place a hand to your belly, feeling your daughter kicking you, moving around. Your stomach growls and you curse yourself for being hungry again already.
“Kat,” you mumble, looking over at him. He hums in response. “I’m hungry again,” you say, giving him puppy dog eyes. Eijirous laughs brightly as the blonde gives you an incredulous look.
“I guess we did just burn a shit ton of calories,” he snickers, rolling his eyes playfully. “Alright, get dressed you insatiable thing. Let’s find something to eat,” he teases, patting your thigh and getting up to get dressed.
“I mean now that you mention it, I’m hungry too,” Eijirous says, agreeing with you. Katsuki sputters.
“Fucking of course you are! You’re a mountain for a man!” he says harshly, jerkily tugging on his sweat shorts, tossing you a clean shirt and some shorts.
“How else would I be a top ten hero, if not for all your amazing food Kit Kat,” he coos, winking at the blonde. Katsukis cheeks turn pink and he stomps out of the room. You giggle, watching Eijirou pull on his own mid thigh length, red shorts. He runs his hands through his hair, pushing it out of face. You greatly appreciate the fact that they both remained bare chested.
“He’s gonna blow something up if you keep teasing him,” you say, smiling as you take the hand offered to you by the red head. Climbing off the bed, pulling your own clothes on.
“It’s just too much fun. Besides you’re just as bad,” he replies, framing your face with his hands and squishing your cheeks. You giggle, holding his wrists as he leans down to kiss you dramatically. You return the gesture, love blooming brightly in your chest. Smirking as he lets your face go, you lace your fingers with his.
“Guilty as charged,” you muse, letting the red head tug you out of the room. Katsuki, despite his dramatic actions, does end up making you all a snack. You all sit in the living room, enjoying the food and watching a movie. The boys taking turns whispering sweet words to you and your baby.
The three of you enjoy the rest of the night, relaxing together until it gets late. You can’t wait to see how the boys react when your daughter is born. You know, without a doubt, they’ll be amazing fathers. Then in a couple years, you’ll let Eijirou get you pregnant. You laugh to yourself, because you know, with certainty, your back definitely is gonna hurt with his giant ass baby.
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miniversse · 2 months
Hello, in case your requests are without any guidelines, can you a fic like this:
You saved the life of I.N., who was fatally injured in a deal gone wrong, but you're oblivious that he's from SKZ (an underground group known to be dangerous).
Let me know if you have any questions? Thanks for considering!
⭑ “i owe you” ⭑ pt.1
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⭑ jeongin x female reader
⭑ content includes: non-idol reader, non-idol jeongin, causal mentions of blood and scars, mentions of other members (bang chan), reader is a doctor
⭑ note: by no means am i a doctor so please correct any of my terminology if its not used correctly.
⭑ minors dni
the red traffic light glowed in the cold, dark night, forbidding you from shutting your eyes. your car's broken clock insisted it was 12:08 AM, though you knew it must be at least 4:08 AM. The familiar alleyway you always surveyed after your dreaded shift was usually populated by drug dealers, homeless souls, and discarded beer cans. tonight, however, a figure crouched there, clutching his right hand and gazing up at the moon...
fortunately a parking spot was open right after the traffic stop and you rush your first aid kit out of the back, pacing to this odd instance. running up to strange man  at 4 in the morning wouldn’t be ideal, but you’re a doctor who believes there is good in everyone, and leaving someone hurt is morally wrong. your footsteps slow down as you approach him, eventually stopping to make out his face. 
his face was illuminated by the moon he looked up to for hope. his eyes were sharp and dreamy, reminiscent of a fox’s gaze. a fresh scar ran down his left cheek, hinting at a serious injury. you couldn’t make anything else of his condition, but it seemed severe and the only solution would be taking him home to treat him.
“e-excuse me?”
his eyes flickered to the direction of your voice, squinting at your - not too appealing - presence. regardless of his beauty, his tattoos and shredded, soiled clothes lent him an intimidating feel.
“who are you?” his voice couldn’t be described as deep, but rather a large and empty void.
“im y/ln, doctor at the local hospital here. i noticed you looked injured and came to help”
“im fine”
you moved closer to him, shining a small flashlight on his body. the injuries were severe and far from fine. knife wounds, bruises and a split lip covered his body, causing him to lose more blood by the minute.
“im sorry, but i cannot leave you in this condition”
he grunted, his grip tightening on his hand, struggling to give you an audible response. 
“just. leave.”
you act quick and throw his limp arm around your shoulder, guiding him slowly to your car. his blood seeped into your shirt, but what worried you more was his life being between your hands.
“fuck! can’t you see it’s an open wound?” your body jumped at his cries, feeling heavier with sympathy for him. you tried your best to disinfect his wounds gently, but the pain would be near intolerable.
“it’s almost over” you whispered to him, too focused to answer him back properly.
he sat on the sofa of your living room, taking in the art works you hung on the wall to distract him from the gruesome pain. every now and then he would flinch or grunt, but it’s nothing you’ve never dealt with before as a doctor.
you near the end of his ‘procedure’ and move to his face, inspecting the deep scar that ran across his cheek and his busted lip. a mix of disappointment and curiosity washed over you, expressed in a long sigh.
“what did you get yourself into?”
“what’s your name?” your questions were an attempt to distract the painful alcohol grazing his cuts, but his hissing and grunting never came to a stop.
“j-jeong in” 
you repeat the name to yourself, its familiarity nudging at your head. while preparing the bandages, you couldn’t help but take in his strong facial features.  he looks back at you too, eyes outlining every detail of your face. you couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity, so you give it up to him being an old patient but a tattoo on his neck catches your eye, denying your conclusion.
“SKZ? where have i heard that before?” it sounded like something that may have been in the newspapers they handed out to the doctors offices, or something on the news channel, but the lack of sleep wouldn’t be able to catch onto anything.
“you forced me into your home to fucking question me?!” he screamed at your face, looking at you in disgust. the words caught in your throat and you felt like crying, your thoughts crashing down. today had been stressful enough, and having someone scream at you was the last straw. jeongin notices the beads of tears forming on your waterline, changing his expression in a matter of seconds.
“please, just finish so i can leave” he sighs, turning to face the sunrise that peeked through the curtains. the teardrop falls on your leg and you return to what you should’ve been doing, feeling bad for the unnecessary confrontation you gave him. 
a contact named “bang chan” buzzed his phone and he picks it up, placing it up to his ear and squirming at the pain of the alcohol on the scar of his cheek. you attempt to listen to some of the muffles from the other side, hoping you can conclude your suspicions about him.
jeongin- “yea?”
bang chan- “where are you man?”
jeongin- “getting treated by a random doctor in her house” 
his eyes dart from his arm to your face, holding your gaze.
bang chan- “are you crazy? we are high profile by the police and you’re at a random doctors house?”
his tone was clearly sterner, but all the noises you could hear faded at the thought of having someone wanted infront of you. your body stiffens but you act clueless, worried of how dangerous he may be.
jeongin- “just… ill be back”
bang chan- “man this isn’t funny at all. you’re getting us in some deep shit”
jeongin- “she looks like she wouldn’t tell a soul”
bang chan- “a doctor? you couldn’t pick a worse person to help you?”
he scans your face for any fear or regret, but you hold back any emotions until he would be out of your house and safe.
bang chan- “god you’re so fucking oblivious. be here before the afternoon”
he laughs at his comment, ending the call.
you put all the equipment back to its place as jeongin sips on a mug of green tea, slouching on the couch. as a doctor you couldn’t let him out too early and he had to be watched for at least a day. but you were worried of his criminal state and if his friend would barge the door of your house open.
“you’ll need to rest. don’t get yourself involved in any of… that”
he nods, getting up to place his mug on the counter and head for the door.
“thank you. really”
you close your eyes, nodding at him and inspecting his bandages one more time.
“i owe you”
and with that, it would’ve been the last encounter with him. many questions ran through your head but it would autopilot to your couch, falling asleep to the memory of his ethereal but odd face.
the alleyway remained significant to you, always looking for him, or for another injured individual. but with the overflowing pressure of becoming a doctor and having no time to yourself, everything would fade away and it would become endless hours of work.
you parkoured between your new neighbors boxes to get to your door, 
placing the groceries on the floor and rummaging for your key. your eyes couldn’t help but dart to the many boxes. the apartment next to you is finally occupied after a mysterious 3 years of nobody renting it.
at the collection of that thought, the door of the new neighbors unlocks, startling you. a mans back faced you, his hair orange, wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. it was only when he turned that your heart may have stopped. his features were unmatched and unique, taking you a while to absorb before greeting him.
“hey! new neighbor?”
he didn’t respond for a while, looking at you with confusion.
“your name?”
“it’s y/n. im a doctor at the local hospital here. what about you?”
recollections of that very night begin to flow through your mind and how everyday for weeks you stared into the dark alleyways, trying to picture his body there. immediately your eyes dart to his neck, only to find his tattoos slightly fading.
your eyes dart back to his face, still questioning if it was true or not.
“i owe you”
@captainchrisstan @rylea08 @strayywayy @all4minnie @katsukis1wife @kayleefriedchicken
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tiddygame · 4 months
i’ve stared at this for so long that i now hate it and think ive lost all concept of how to write so take this and get it out of my google docs
the introduction is rough and the medical depictions (and accuracy/realism) could use some (a lot of) work but whatever! here it is, my vague yet still oddly specific idea of how the face reveal would go in @myriadblvck ’s streamer au:
tw: description of a panic attack? i think?
[this takes place post first irl meet but before they’re officially together]
imagine ghost has a glasgow smile but on one side they carved a little too deep and left some nerve damage. time and surgery helped, after which he could eat unimpeded and talk without a lisp, but there's still some facial nerve damage and/or skin contractures from scarring, specifically around the corner of his mouth.
now, everytime he smiles, be it shit eating grin or a full genuine joy filled smile that not even grumpy mcgrumperson could hold off, it always looks wrong because one corner doesn't raise fully like the other.
everything else is fine, there isn’t any facial paralysis, he just smiles… wrong. especially since only one eye properly squints when he smiles, giving him the look of someone who got stuck mid wink.
if he wants to look “normal” (or as normal as he could get it) he has to manually squint his other eye. still, it always felt weird; you don't realize how much those muscles affect the rest of your face until they're gone.
it's why he learned to always wear the mask.
when his expression is neutral, you don’t really notice it. if you can see his mouth when he talks however, it’s obvious that there’s something wrong. he wouldn’t say he’s necessarily ashamed of the scars and damage itself, but it’s the stares that are the worst. before he started hiding behind it, people would openly gawk or even glare at him as if he was some ne’er-do-well gang member that got what was coming to him.
he still remembers the cosmetic surgeon that had been talking to him about fixing the contractures— the whole appointment was a fucking nightmare. the cuts had healed nicely enough especially considering how bad it could have been; he was lucky to only need a little cosmetic help. the only reason he was there was so he could fucking eat food without struggling to open his mouth.
the doctor spent god knows how long breaking down everything wrong with his face like he was a fucking car mechanic lying about how dirty your filter is. the guy constantly mentioned that while he was under, they could also fix his jawline, do a rhinoplasty, trying to break him down to agree to more work.
he was already fuming my the time the doc brought up how kids would react. asking ghost if he wanted to scare children since “you cant expect the little youngins that are still learning about the world to not get scared by something scary,” and that “even some adults would cringe at the scarring.”
what stuck out most was the condescending smile he had when he said it. as if he was pointing out the obvious and ghost was being stupid and shortsighted by not agreeing.
he declined everything except what was medically necessary. the procedure went fine and after an aggravatingly long recovery period, he could eat solid foods again without issue. but the comments still stuck with him.
…okay, maybe he’s a little ashamed.
scaring kids with your face doesn’t feel good and being reminded of everything you’ve lost when you try to smile can really fuck you up in a way words fail to describe.
so yeah, he hates it. he’s gotten used to the mask, both skull clad balaclava and simple medical mask, being a permanent layer of armor. even now that he’s a bit more comfortable in his own skin it still feels wrong to pull it off.
when he gets close to soap, it still feels like a layer of vulnerability that he’ll never be prepared for.
the first time he let soap see his face, there hadn’t been any grandiose build up, no extravagant planning.
simon had arrived just a few hours earlier. he hated commercial flights with a burning passion but it was always worth it to see johnny.
with soaps twin out of town for the week, he had decided to take leave to spend time with his friend, a friend that he most certainly did NOT have a crush on (a disclaimer roach and gaz heard everytime they started snickering over ghost taking leave.)
johnny had cooked something nice and simple for dinner, saying that simon had spent too long with MREs and deserved real food (ghost only agreed if he was the one washing the dishes, soap had laughed and told him he's not so kind as to let him off the hook for chores).
when they ate, it was always in the living room with johnny taking care to always stay angled away from simon, never trying to catch a glimpse, regardless of how much he wanted to see what was under the mask. the obvious gesture of kindness and respect for his boundaries always left him feeling all weird and fuzzy inside. but, then again, johnny seemed pretty good at triggering that feeling in general.
their finished plates were on the coffee table and johnny was watching whatever dumb movie he had put on. he was pretty sure the man spent more time talking over it and making fun of everything than he did actually watching it (it was simon’s favorite way to watch a movie.)
ghost however, was watching soap. thinking.
in the end, it was an impulsive decision made after a strong three seconds of consideration.
“you uhm— you can look by the way,” ghost stared at the can of soda in his hands, immediately regretting the words.
“what?” soap didn’t fully turn, just shifted slightly to hear him better. a simple gesture to show he was listening without turning to face him. it normally made simon happy to see that johnny was more than willing to accommodate for his boundaries. now though it made him feel stupid for robbing johnny of a normal face to face conversation, a normal human interaction, just over his idiotic insecurities.
“my face, you—,” he felt his heart block his airway and tried clearing his throat before continuing, “you can look if you want,” christ he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. why was he getting so fucked up over this?
“are you sure?” he hadn’t turned yet, but ghost could see his pensive expression from here. this should be nothing. realistically, he knew johnny seeing his scars wouldn’t suddenly make him hate him… right?
but it was more than the fear of hatred, wasn’t it? he was scared that johnny would see him. see more than just the scars, see all of the ugly idiosyncrasies and insecurities laid bare. afraid that johnny would see the truth of how unlovable he was.
jesus he was getting so fucking worked up and dramatic over nothing.
ghost didn’t look up. he made an effort to not focus on his peripheral vision. he heard soap turn, heard the intake of breath. the silence was loud only for a second. then, deafening white noise surrounded him, inescapable, suffocating.
he didn’t regret giving permission but god did he regret everything else; the stupid scars, the stupid nerve damage, the stupid way he had managed to fall for someone so fucking good like johnny while he was unequivocally unworthy of his love.
stop being so fucking dramatic. you are not together, never have been and never will be. reality was blatant in front of him but it didn’t stop his heart from foolishly hoping.
he heard soap stand and walk closer. saw from where he was still staring a hole in the can his feet step in front of his. saw johnny’s hands raise. he took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, and with a great deal of effort didn’t flinch when soaps fingers grazed his cheek.
both of his hands came up to cup his face, holding him and ever so slightly tilting his face up, giving him the chance to pull away. he didn’t. he may be a coward but he wasn’t backing down.
ghost eventually opened his eyes to see soap staring at him with wide eyes. he looked away, staring off to some point on the right. he hated not knowing what soap was thinking.
they stayed there for a while before soap broke the silence, muttering, “i fuckin knew you had freckles.”
it was stupid but it shocked a laugh out of ghost. he meant to drop his head, embarrassed that something so dumb made him laugh, but accidentally just pushed himself further into soaps hands making him blush.
he looked up and saw soap staring even harder than before. the chuckle died in his chest.
“do that again.”
ghost just gave him a confused look.
such a simple request, a one word sentence, but it set his face ablaze. his breath caught in his throat, somewhere around where his heart was still trying to choke him.
…he hadn’t thought it was that bad but soaps reaction indicated otherwise. fuck. was his it that awful? he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. this was stupid. he was stupid.
“simon,” of course, one word from johnny and it felt like he could breathe again.
fucking goddamn soap and his stupid fucking puppy dog eyes and the way he has ghost wrapped around his fucking finger without even realizing.
ghost smiled. there was no real mirth, more a grimace than anything else. he just wanted to get this over with.
soap was still staring at him, his thumbs tracing his lips, following scars, drawing imaginary lines between freckles… if he wasn't so terrified it might have felt nice.
“Christ,” ghosts heart cracked more, “you weren't lying when you said you were beautiful.”
ghost huffed a laugh and went back to staring off to the right, the fake smile dropping. of course soap would try to lighten the mood with a joke.
his panic fled as quickly as it had consumed him, now just left sitting in soap's living room, face still cradled in caring hands, resigned to his mistakes.
he felt so tired and johnny's hands felt so inviting.
“i wasn't joking,” soap looked…upset? angry? wait— fuck, what’d he do?
ghost stared back at soap, confused and tired. soaps nails felt the grooves of the scar, catching where the skin was raised and lowered.
“you don't have to lie, soap. im a grown man. I'm not fragile. you don't need to coddle me,” ghost said it like it was a joke, hoping soap would laugh along and that this would all just blow over. that tomorrow morning they could forget this ever happened.
“are you calling me a liar?” soap’s brow furrowed. great. instead, he had managed to make everything worse and piss off soap as well.
ghost took in a deep breath, giving himself another shot at calming things down, “no, I'm not. I think you're lying, but you're not a liar,” he stood and stepped to the side, grabbing their dirty plates and walking them to the kitchen sink, “you just don't want to upset me, it's fine. I get it. you're a nice person but you don't have to lie to spare my feelings.”
“I am not fucking lying!” as per usual, all ghost had managed to do was make things worse. there’s a reason he had decided to stick to the battlefield and give up on domesticity.
“well alright then. agree to disagree,” he turned the kitchen tap and started rinsing the dishes, waiting for the water to heat up. just walk away. end it there. let us forget about this stupid blunder and move on. please just leave it. please, please, please—
the force behind it damn near made ghost drop the plate he was holding. he managed to set it in the sink carefully and turned to face soap, who was now in the kitchen as well.
“i— I'm not just gonna fucking— simon,” soap took in a deeper breath and went to continue but ghost was faster.
“johnny,” he interrupted, walking forward with his hands up in a gesture of surrender, approaching slowly.
one last chance to not fuck everything up.
“the fact is they're called deformities for a reason. they're not cute. they're not pretty. they're your body’s way of healing what it can and protecting what it can't. it's not meant to look nice, it's just—”
“bullshit they’re not pretty! says fucking who?” the genuine distress in soap’s voice and force behind his words caught him off guard. “simon—”
he huffed and ran his fingers through his hair roughly, pulling slightly at the strands. christ, ghost needs to shut the fuck up. every single time he speaks he just upsets soap more and more.
he needs to retake his hostage negotiations courses. clearly he has forgotten everything about how to diffuse a situation.
johnny takes another second to breathe and collect his thoughts before he speaks.
“simon. I know that— that ‘this’ isn't something that's going to fix itself overnight and I don't expect it to. but, ‘the fact is,’ I think you're pretty.”
ghost opens his mouth to disagree but johnny doesn’t let him.
“no no,” johnny put his hand over simon’s mouth, shocking him into silence. he blinks twice, stupefied.
“i think— no. I know you're pretty. cute even. beautiful is a given but obviously worth mentioning.”
his hand moved to cup simon’s cheek. ghost grabbed his wrist but didn’t stop him, wether it was a warning or encouragement he himself didn’t know.
johnny continued, unperturbed, “you disagreeing doesn't change that, right?”
there was a pause and simon realized he wanted an answer.
“ah ah!” his hand moved back to cover his mouth, grabbing his face and shaking his head back and forth, over accentuating his words, “you disagreeing doesn't change that, right? yes or no.”
he stopped shaking him and moved his hand back to simon’s cheek. simon sighed, defeated, “yes. you are right.”
johnny looked smug, “good. and what do you say when i give you a compliment you don’t agree with?”
simon sputtered, “wha— i don't fucking know—”
“nothing! you don’t say anything!” soap looked way too proud of himself and he continued, “or thank you if you feel so inclined.”
“that was a trick question,” simon replied eventually.
johnny thumbed over his scars once more, again tracing them, “sure it was. now go take a shower.”
he patted his cheek twice and walked to the hallway.
“wait,” johnny probably shook the few remaining brain cells out of his head. “this whole conversation ends with you telling me that I stink?”
“yes. rancid,” johnny opened the door to the linen closet. simon was still in the kitchen. the tap was still running.
“no dipshit, do you not remember telling me that commercial planes makes you feel gross?” johnny threw a towel at him, which he caught just in time for johnny to hit him with a bath rag.
ghost had mentioned that… ages ago, he thinks. on facetime with each other, discussing the merits of bathrooms on public transport. he had said that enclosed, crowded spaces like commercial planes or buses made him feel, well, gross. how—or why—did he remember that?
“but… I’m supposed to wash the dishes?” a weak argument against the stubbornness he was faced with but simon had officially lost track of his mind and this conversation.
johnny shot him a weird look as he walked back towards the kitchen sink. simon still hadn’t moved.
“did you think i was being serious earlier?”
“yes???” he felt like he had been given a lobotomy.
johnny decided to take pity on him and explained in a soft voice that felt out of place, “i was being sarcastic. i’m not going to make you wash the dishes, simon.”
“but that was the agreement: you cook and i wash the dishes.”
johnny laughed as if he remembered something funny, “yeah, i lied.”
simon still stood there, trying to figure out if he had a stroke. johnny had been angry, completely pissed at him, but now was letting him off the hook and calling him pretty? what the fuck is happening?
johnny turned him and pushed him towards the hallway. simon could have resisted but his resolve always seems to crumble around johnny mactavish.
“now go shower, you beautiful bastard,” soap grabbed one of the plates out of the sink and started washing it with water that had probably heated ages ago.
ghost walked towards the bathroom, feeling like he was on autopilot, limbs disconnected from his brain. his cheek still felt… odd? weird? tingly?
it felt something from where johnny had grabbed it. ghost thinks… he thinks he likes the feeling, whatever it is.
he needs to sleep.
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accessible-art · 2 months
I hope this doesn't come off as a strange or rude question but as an artist I wonder who are the descriptors for? If it was for the blind 'blue' and 'warm' and visual descriptors of textures would only be useful to those who have lost their sight. Most descriptions feels like putting words and interpretations onto something that doesn't have them (like calling a nuanced expression on a character 'angry'). Poetry or a journal excerpt from the artist feels like it would carry the feeling of the piece more. It hurts a little when a piece that emotionally resonates with me is boiled down to a sentence, but I am autistic and are thus probably too overly empathetic to inanimate pieces.
I ask this question in order to understand why image descriptors are important. Any stories on how the descriptors have helped people would also be nice. I hope the question doesn't offend anyone. I hope you all have a good day!
Hi there! Descriptions are for all kinds of people. First of all, not everyone who is visually impaired has 0 vision. Many have some level of blurry/cloudy vision. Even someone fully blind from birth benefits from image descriptions. "Warm" and "cool" are relative, and so are colors! Color language can help understand the mood, the artist's intention, and the "vibe" of the piece. Even without seeing the colors, the general intent and understanding behind color language can be understood. I hope that makes sense? Sorry, I'm not great with words. I guess what it all comes down to is giving more information about the image so it can be better 'seen' and understood.
It may be difficult to see art that resonates with you be reduced to a text description, but would you rather that person not be able to experience it at all? Descriptions make it so more people can experience a work of art. Including a journal or poetry entry may carry more emotional weight, but that still leaves the original artwork inaccessible. Would you rather someone show you a painting, or give you a journal entry and say "this is what this painting means" without having any context of what the painting looks like?
In terms of expressions and the like specifically, I have definitely had an issue with assigning an emotion to an expression instead of describing it in a more objective way. I struggle with finding the words to describe each facial feature individually, so I fall back on emotion descriptors instead. That's something I'm trying very hard to remedy lately! Even so, an imperfect image description is better than none! Without one, it may as well be a blank post.
Ultimately, the goal is making it so more people are able to enjoy it! It can be helpful for visually impaired people, anyone using a screen reader, people with bad internet (for when the image wont load), and anyone who may have trouble discerning what the artwork depicts. I hope this was somewhat helpful! Feel free to follow up if you have anymore questions or anything.
- Mod Batz
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
requesting for a friend, fluffy sfw Liu Kang head canons with gn s/o reader, or reader has a crush on Liu Kang!
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Being loved by Liu Kang can only be described as warm, soft and secure.
He’s so attentive when it comes to you.
Every single thing you’ve ever entrusted to him is stored and memorised within his head for safe keeping. Liu Kang remembered all the fact about you for the soul reason that he firmly believed that you were so worth knowing, right down to your very being even. You brought a sense of intrigue out of him that urged him into getting to know you so intimately that he might as well be half of your literal soul.
Liu Kang even knows of the smaller, almost missable details about you that no one else knows, something of which never fails to make you smile and always ask;
‘You remembered?’
Only for Liu Kang to forever and always reply with;
‘Of course I remember, for everything about you is worth remembering, even the ones that you deem embarrassing or silly for they’re just as important if one is to understand you.’
Liu Kang is the kind of man who’d hold your hands as though they’re made out of porcelain, easily susceptible to fractures and breakages under immense pressure, his thumb would stroke the back of your hand comfortingly, reassuringly, as though to remind you that he was there with and for you no matter what; all the while keeping you warm and protected from the harsh cold.
He gives the most unquestionably comforting cuddles out of anyone and for you, his arms were open no matter what.
So whenever he saw that you were in any sort of distress, sadness or just having a less then pleasant time, he would let you get yourself get comfortable within his arms and rest your head upon his chest, before then holding you against him as his warmth softly blanketed you; Easing your body into a relaxed state and allow for all your daily stresses to slip away while Liu Kang occasionally kisses the top of your head as he waited patiently for you speak upon your struggles.
He encourages you to appreciate the smaller, slower things in life as they’re the moments that many people come to regret not appreciating more later on in life. So you’ll have moments where you’re either doing things such as going on walks together, stoping to rest beneath a tree and be fully immersed in each other. Or maybe attempt at cooking together with him offering his assistance by standing behind you with those gentle glowing eyes of his observing your movements.
Either way no matter what it is that you do, you’ll always have something to look back on fondly and with a sense of accomplishment of having something so pure, so beautiful and to have it be a reminder of your love for you to treasure well into old age.
Tell him about your hyper fixations or just things you’re extremely well versed in please! Liu Kang wants to hear all of it and be able to watch as the love and the passion bleed out through your words, your facial expressions and your body language.
And if you were to apologise or go silent afterwards because you felt as though you were annoying or boring him to death. He would immediately reassure you that wasn’t the case and would never be the case before asking you questions about your special interest/favourite subject; and therefore continue to show his need towards wanting to know every detail about you. So much so to the point he could remember your favourite piece of information that you’ve found on your deep dive about your interest.
If you have problems articulating your thoughts and feelings into words, Liu Kang would be there to help give you the space you needed to express yourself and all without a spec of judgment on his behalf. He understands more so than others that it takes a lot to talk about one’s feelings without being dismissed by others as either too sensitive, too emotional or otherwise.
Values your comfortability over everything else.
You don’t like loud and or crowed social spaces because they make you get genuinely upset, or even uncomfortable to the point where in then makes everything your currently experiencing even worse, as though it was becoming all much for you to handle? (Cuz same)
Liu Kang would have no qualms taking you someplace else that would be more convenient for you or just go straight back home and get you whatever you needed to regain a sense of self somewhat. He’s just so accommodating to you and never makes you feel like a burden or anything less than his lover.
He loves you with his entire heart and soul and nothing you could do would ever change that reality for him. You’re his everything and he’s entrusting you with the safety of his heart, much like you have entrusted yours to him, so please don’t break it.
Liu Kang practically melts into your touch whenever your hands were pressed into his skin, against his face, where he would then lift his hands to cover your own before then closing his eyes to soak in your presence with a soft, gentle smile gracing his perfect face. He might even even rest his forehead against your own just so he feels that little bit closer to you during a tender moment. He doesn’t want to forget how you felt against him, so he takes great pride in remembering how your body fit against him. as though you were the one thing he was missing this entire time.
Liu Kang’s kisses are soft, tender and passionate. His lips were pillowy and sweet when weaving between your own in a slow and timely manner, like he had unlimited time to engrave a story into your lips, a sweet and beautiful story regarding your relationship and the emotions he felt throughout. His hand placements would either be at the small of your back and keeping you pressed against him, chest to chest, or one hand is at your lower back whilst the other is resting on your upper back/ back of your neck.
Bonus short hdc;
Never dares to raise his voice towards you.
In fact he doesn’t tolerate that sort of behaviour towards significant others.
He has patience in abundance.
Effective communicator.
His love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service.
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse 1999 Theory: What is "Perception" and how does it work in arcanists?
Vertin canonically has uncanny perception and a deep understanding for arcanum even amongst arcanists, despite her lack of skill. Arcanists are very sensitive, or rather, vulnerable to emotions. There is another arcanist known for her perception we can look at for more clues.
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Mesmer Jr. also has a "acute perception", much like Vertin.
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In Reverse 1999, Perception functions like a 6th sense in arcanists. But how does it work? I looked up to see if there is a connection between magnetic fields and emotions. Turns out there is A LOT. Specifically the magnetic field radiated by the heart.
Biomagnetic Communication Between People (source).
We have found there is a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.
There is so much cool information in this article I'd love to gush about, but we're here for lore. Remember my psychube post that I never shut up about? It's actually missing very important information that I didn't add at the time because I could not figure out how it worked.
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The different frequencies are triggered by different kinds of emotions and we can see the heart being affected by the electromagnetic fields. My theory is that this is the key to arcanist perception. This is how they "sense" emotions. They are picking up on these frequencies. For a real life example from the same article, look at these graphs showing how the influence of emotions:
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Most people tend to think of communication solely in terms of overt signals expressed through facial movements, voice qualities, gestures and body movements. However, evidence now supports the perspective that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or "energetic" communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness. The following section will discuss data that suggests this energetic system contributes to the "magnetic" attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals.
Arcanists sense these waves and it can cause distress in them. Mesmer Jr. is a prime example of this. Other people's emotions get to her.
Now how does this tie into our beloved Timekeeper?
What if the reason Vertin has to stay "stoic" is because her emotions can influence the others around her and because she is extra susceptible to other people's incoming emotions. She needs to stay calm even in mental distress. Mesmer Jr. is also like this. She may come off as abrasive and snappy at times but she is described as a "an indifferent and refined machine" (Chapter 3: An Opened Sandwich). These two share a lot in common. They are both victims of trauma yet must operate in many emotionally taxing positions.
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They even say "engraved in the heart" (although this could simply be word choice it really fits)!
Both Vertin and Mesmer Jr. struggle everyday to keep the their feelings at bay. Neither of them is "used" to this life but they have to keep up the facade for their sake and possibly for those around them.
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The main story doesn't give us as much insight into Vertin's head but the traces do. She is always holding back, just like Mesmer.
Side note, do you remember the heartbeat we heard as Schneider was reversed? It raced. Interesting how later Schneider shows up in one of her dreams during Artificial Somnambulism. This could be an example of HF Polarization which generates strong and temporary mental images with very powerful emotions.
This also adds an extra layer to Vertin's interactions with others. She tried to get through to Druvis and Schneider, but as for Forget-me-not and Arcana, she didn't bother. Maybe their feelings of revenge and hatred are so tangible she knew it was lost cause. However, Druvis was laden with grief and loss. She was not a malicious person. Schneider was desperate and motivated by love for her family. Vertin even mentions she knew Madam Z was not part of Constantine's game by the "look in her eyes" and never blamed her for the loss of her friends.
If anything seems wrong or if I missed something, please let me know! I'd be happy if I could refine it further.
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novlr · 9 months
Do you have any tips on how to improve on character beats, verbal cues and overall dialog descriptions? I struggle a LOT with those! Much appreciated!
One of the most overlooked ways to write interesting characters is through dialogue!
1. Start with the basics
Before you can write convincing dialogue, you need to thoroughly know your characters – their personality, backstories, motivations, and quirks.
Start with in-depth character development. Delve into their past, their relationships, the significant events that shaped them, and the dreams or fears that drive their actions. Your understanding of who your character fundamentally is will naturally guide their conversation style, topics they would discuss, and how they would react in dialogue, bringing authenticity to their interactions.
2. Know your character beats
Character beats form the backbone of a character’s development, marking transformative events, consequential actions, and insightful choices. Once you’ve developed your character’s personality, plot the key milestones that challenge and change them.
These milestones reveal how they react to their environment and to other characters, demonstrating their growth and change. Character beats are not merely plot developments; they encapsulate the internal evolution of your characters, paving the way for an authentic and compelling character voice.
3. Use verbal cues
Verbal cues serve as subtle indicators of a character’s underlying emotions and intentions, enhancing readers’ understanding of the character’s internal world. Voice modulation—from a soft whisper to a booming shout—can depict varying moods.
Unique speech patterns, like a nervous stutter or specialized jargon, differentiate characters and reveal aspects of their personality or background. Even the silence between words can be telling, with pauses and lapses in conversation often speaking volumes about a character’s emotional state.
Examples of verbal cues
Volume modulation: A character speaking softly when feeling vulnerable or shouting in anger.
Speed of speech: Fast-paced speech could indicate excitement or nervousness, while slow speech may show calmness or thoughtfulness.
Use of pauses: Strategic silence or pauses can suggest hesitation, contemplation, or underlying tension.
Stuttering: A character might stutter due to a speech disorder, nervousness, or anxiety.
Laughter: This can vary from sarcastic chuckles to uncontrollable laughter, indicating a range of emotions.
Specialized jargon: The use of profession-specific terms can give clues about a character’s background, knowledge, or occupation, just as colloquialism and local jargon can give examples of a character’s location, social status, background, and upbringing.
Choice of words: A character’s diction can reveal their education level, their cultural background, and their personality. Intentional choice can also indicate aspiration, an attempt to change, or an intentional misdirection.
Repetition: Repeating certain words or phrases could indicate a character’s preoccupation or fixation, or simply be a character quirk, like a catchphrase.
Tone: A sarcastic, cheery, or monotone voice can cue readers about a character’s current emotions.
4. Dialogue descriptions
The way you describe dialogue can significantly impact the reader’s perception of a character. Using descriptive adjectives in dialogue, like “he grumbled” versus “he exclaimed,” can drastically change the tone. Also, pay attention to sensory details – the sound, tone, pitch, and pace of a character’s voice can enhance reader understanding. Physical reactions and body language, like facial expressions, gestures, and posture, during the conversation further enrich the description, making the dialogue more engaging and revealing. Good dialogue varies description with dialogue tags, so mix and match the simple with the descriptive, and you’ll find a good rhythm.
See also: A Beginner’s Guide to Dialogue Tags and Vary Your Language With Synonyms To Use Instead Of “Said”
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
in your most recent tyson post, you said something about leo being distinctly autistic-coded and I was wondering if you could elaborate on that? it sounds really interesting (sorry if you've already posted something on this, I couldn't find anything though)
Of course! I do have a specific tag for talking about Leo's autistic-coding/traits - [here], and [one for Nico as well].
The main aspects with Leo being autistic-coded actually have a lot to do with Nico being autistic-coded, because it's the comparisons between the two that most clearly indicate Leo is autistic-coded rather than it just being his ADHD or etc.
So with Nico being autistic-coded, it's very clear in the Titan's Curse that he's intended to be autistic. First, the first series has a repeating pattern of secondary characters being very distinctly neurodivergent-coded in different ways (Annabeth's adhd/dyslexia, Tyson's down syndrome-coding, Nico's autism-coding). With Nico's introduction, he's pretty stereotypically autistic and we're given a lot of descriptors about him that are notably not attributed to him being ADHD, like it would be for other demigod characters. He doesn't register social cues such as people getting annoyed at him, he's asking/making inappropriate or impolite questions/comments, he gets particularly upset about change (such as Bianca joining the Hunt) and generally gets emotional, and one of his most notable traits he's introduced with is the fact that he has a special interest (MythoMagic) - and we're shown that this special interest particularly colors how Nico navigates the world. While ADHD has hyperfixations, we don't really get much acknowledgement of hyperfixations with demigods usually - Annabeth gets a little, but most others don't and it's not nearly as focused-in on as Nico's is.
Then as the series continues we see these traits stick with him and him start to show or voice more traits that similarly indicate he's autistic: He regularly mentions how he doesn't understand living people and prefers the company of the dead (social issues). He has more notable stims than other demigods (twisting his ring, fiddling with bones, etc). He's indicated to have strong sensory preferences (usually wearing mostly black/aversion to bright colors, usually wearing layers/his coat, multiple times he's described as wearing loose/baggy clothing or clothes too big for him). He has specific comfort items (his ring, likely his jacket(s) as well). We later get even more information about his special interests (Mythomagic/mythology/history and an older interest in pirates - the latter he specifically notes likely heavily influenced his feelings towards Percy). He struggles with emotions and facial expressions and tone. He struggles particularly with ostracism and feeling like he doesn't fit in and has something distinctly different about him from the people around him (who notably, all have ADHD, which indicates it isn't the ADHD that's making him feel that way), and other characters regularly describe him as being off-putting because of his strange behaviors - again, different from specific ADHD traits they recognize. And that last point is kind of notable because we have Hazel and Bianca for comparison - we know people are off-put by both Nico and Hazel because of being children of Hades/Pluto and their powers/aura, but other characters get past that general feeling of discomfort way faster with Hazel. And even after characters get past the death stuff with Nico, there's a second thing that they aren't moving past that isn't a factor with Hazel (Nico's autism).
So that brings us to Leo - Leo is paralleled to Nico a lot. And there's some very specific traits about him that we know are autistic-coding because of how they're used with Nico: He similarly struggles with social cues/etc, and in a very similar parallel to Nico describes how he prefers the company of machines to people because machines make more sense to him. He has similar types of clothing/sensory preferences (again some stuff with layers but also - pockets! He likes having pockets and things to put stuff in! He's even introduced as having a jacket with lots of pockets), and he has a distinct special interest (machinery) that we specifically know heavily influences how he views and navigates the world (constantly comparing things to machinery, describing things with machinery metaphors/terminology, etc etc). He even describes his entire general worldview to Hazel and it's a machine metaphor. He also similarly struggles with ostracization like Nico does, the only difference being that Leo specifically puts on a persona to compensate for areas he knows he's lacking in and very explicitly describes it as a means to make people like him, because without it he normally struggles to fit in (He's masking!). We also see notes of characters describing that similar discomfort with Leo's behaviors that they do with Nico, except without the aura of death this time. And when we're in Leo's POVs we see a very stark difference between his masking and his actual personality/behaviors such as his internal dialogues or how he behaves when he's alone. Also, like Nico, he stims more than other demigods, though for Leo it's more attributed to his ADHD. Leo also, more often than most, similarly struggles with tone and reading the room, such as making misplaced jokes/comments or etc.
But yeah! It's really interesting. Also it's just a fun thing that ADHD/dyslexia and autism have comorbidity, so it makes sense that we see demigods who are also autistic. It's also really fun to look at how other characters are coded in the series, what coding looks like in the riordanverse specifically (usually it's tied into the mythological stuff - like Chiron being in a wheelchair but he's actually a centaur, Grover being introduced as having a muscular disease but he's actually a satyr, demigods having adhd/dyslexia, Tyson being coded as having down syndrome but he's a cyclops, etc etc - it's a lot of specific metaphor stuff that I've talked about a bit before), and to look at how characters are compared to one another.
#pjo#riordanverse#leo valdez#nico di angelo#autistic nico#autistic leo#autism#analysis#Anonymous#ask#long post //#woof sorry that got long#im very passionate about this topic#re: characters being paralleled#Ms. ''Constantly Neutral - No Emotions'' Reyna looking at Nico stimming in the exact same way she does (twisting ring)#and internally going ''We have a lot in common. I don't know how I feel about that.'' is one of my favorites.#like. reyna. ma'am. you might be autistic. good luck with that.#with the pattern of coding in the first series i do suspect Rachel has some coding as well but i haven't been able to pinpoint what it is#I think it may be the whole seer thing and the fact that she could see the future#even before becoming the oracle/despite being a mortal rather than a demigod (who just get rare prophetic dreams normally)#and in BoTL her entire thing is that she's able to see things that no one else can and that's how they navigate the maze#particularly also with how the labyrinth is treated/how it affects people within it (see: Chris)#and how the only other seer in the first series - May - is characterized and her coding compared to Rachel's#also something something the seer traits become more prominent once Rachel meets Percy#something something metaphor about only being able to recognize neurodivergency traits once you're familiar with them#so Rachel meets Percy = introduction to the community > Rachel recognizes her own traits/symptoms > gets a support system (oracle)
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