#I find it so annoying in shows because it breaks us out of the story
dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 7
Wait... so Pran says "It's hot" after getting a photo of Pat to which Pran's mum says he should "blow it first". I mean, I know I easily hear innuendos but I can't be the only one to notice this?!
Oh the happiness when Pran says he's messaging a 'friend'.
And then the heartache when Dissaya says Pran can date anyone but Pat or Pa.
Pran letting his Nanon show through at 6:07 in part 1 - with his head-twitch (you can see Nanon doing it in interviews and events etc).
Pa and Ink!! That's it. That's the comment.
I love the differences between Pat and Pa's sides of the room, and that Pa got the full bed whereas Pat is just on the mattress on the floor.
Remember what I was saying about the show manipulating us in ep 4 with Pat, Ink, and Pran? Well, they're doing it again with Pa, Ink, and Wai - having Jimmy do the voiceover for the note Pa receives with the peer mentee gift. I mean, it could never have been him because he's not in her faculty...but still, it made us question whether we were going to get InkPa.
Don't we all agree that Pran basically confesses to Pat with the curry - he said he wanted to cook the dish for the person he liked and then offered a spoonful to Pat - he effectively did cook the curry for Pat it's just that Pat chose not to eat it. These boys 😄 smh
I love Pa's friends and want to see them in another show.
With the way Wai is recounting the synopsis for the Riam/Kwan play, you'd think he'd be a bit more sympathetic towards Pat and Pran.
Also, library scene my beloved (pfp ftw!). And Pran in a yellow shirt whilst thinking about his and Pat's flirting (they're so happy!), and then Pran in a blue shirt amongst a sea of red in the lecture hall. AND THE MINT GREEN BOOK DIVIDERS. God the design.
Oh Oh and the LIGHTING! I forgot how this show had used light and shadow throughout this ep to emphasise how Pran is "still closed off, not yet ready to be open and honest with Pat, needing the bet still as a premise to ‘date’ Pat...whereas Pat is ready and has always been ready...and it’s only right at the end, when Pran has decided he’s also ready to leave the bet behind and get on the same page as Pat, that he becomes fully illuminated."
Really, show me another series that is doing product placement like Bad Buddy. THE BOTTLE 'SPONGE BATH'! Please!
Wai teasing Pran with the 'ja' particle when kissing his neck/cheek... I guess making Pat doubly jealous...
"Your Man?" !!
Pran looks so smug but Pat's about to wipe that off his face.
Disgruntled dimples!
And I can't watch the noodle scene without thinking of this post.
But also knowing that Pat has pretty much confessed to Pran through his audition monologue kind of makes this scene hit different. Yes, they're having a flirting competition, doing things with Ink and Wai that they want to be doing with each other, but poor Pat has already said he wants to end the bet but Pran is continuing as normal.
Micellair my beloved. Pat says he doesn't always come to play but that is what he actually does. He tried to lighten Pran's mood by playing. He puts paint on Pran's cheek so that he can clean his face... I mean, it works! Until Wai shows up... And they're still telling each other to 'say it first' but Pat's already confessed! istg asfagad;lkgjadjh;kjg
Yes! I love fierce Pran. He doesn't stand for any shit. 👏🏼
Also, you know @thiansong's post about Pran being so Loved? Well, I just realised that Chart was implying that Toto would have to chose between him or Pran and that, if so, Toto would chose Chart... But actually he doesn't because Pran stays and Chart goes. Pran is so LOVED!
Oh... Pran then repeats Pat's "I'm not always playing games with you" on the rooftop...
When I first watched the rooftop scene, I thought Pat was being stupid by preventing Pran from confessing but in hindsight he is entirely valid since Pran was doing it because he needed Pat to act in the play. It took me while to understand.
Forever May my beloved. Like with the instrument shop in ep 5, the editing of this scene with this music is inspired! (Again, a scene that feels 'danced' is one that includes an instrument.)
It's interesting that the other actors who auditioned played the role of Kwam - the original male character - whereas Pat played the role of Riam - the traditional female character - reminiscent of the bus stop scene when he played the girlfriend. Thus the show, yet again, is subverting the seme/uke/wife/husband tropes.
And of course in his confession Pat/Kwam talks about not playing games anymore. (And then I'm thinking about that post by @grapejuicegay along with @casualavocados about how the show does things in threes - introduces the idea [micellair scene], increases the tension [rooftop scene], and brings it to a conclusion [confession scene] 🤯)
Oh but that confession though 💖😭💖
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kisses4choso · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS: their praises are just too much for you, but in their eyes, you're deserving of every last one of them, and more. CHARACTERS: SANJI, ZORO, & LUFFY WARNINGS: short headcanons, foul language with zoro bc it's zoro, duh! NOTE: @matsunok02 is the lovely person who requested this, but i can't tag you, so i hope this finds its way to you!
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your number one hypeman, no matter what.
you put in effort to dress up? he's going to lay down over muddy puddles so your new outfit won't get dirty.
you dressed down today? he's absolutely in awe of your 'effortless beauty', in his words.
when you shy away from compliments, it breaks his heart a little bit
he loves to talk and talk about you, so seeing that it might make you feel uncomfortable makes him rethink a little...
when he realizes it's because you feel undeserving?
he's not having it at ALL.
will make you do self-affirmations; he's not playing
"you're beautiful." "..." "well?" "i'm beautiful..." "I KNOW RIGHT?!"
he's kinda (really) annoying about it, but he's naturally cheesy so you gotta put up with it
and he doesn't limit himself to looks
no, he's ALL about you
you saved the crew's ass with a last minute strategy? you must be a genius!
and he goes into DETAIL
his strategy is mostly getting you used to compliments, so over time they don't feel so disconcerting to receive
if you're one of those people that deflects a compliment by complimenting someone back... he's gonna get you outta that habit
"look at you, i've got you all to myself? how luck-" "you look handsome too." "hm, i wasn't done. let's try that again."
and once you gain confidence around him? he's going insane.
something about your shy smile gets him GOING.
"you're an angel." "thank you, sanji." "ohmygodyou'resosexy."
10/10 confidence booster, might call you cringe petnames but worth it
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tbh... zoro isn't one for compliments
but he's honest, a man of his word
so if a shirt is unflattering, trust me he'll say "that shirt's ugly as shit"
you ask him how something looks on you really often
he might be saying "DAMN" in his head
his heart's pounding, he's having a coughing attack, he feels lightheaded, and suddenly he's losing grip on his swords...
but out loud? you're getting a "looks nice"
not even a full sentence, sorry
you'll probably hear more skill-based compliments
imagine the crew's celebrating a successful trip with a round of drinks and they're about to make a toast for you
(bc you kicked ass)
and you try to push the credit onto SOMEONE ELSE?
he's ready to fight you
"luffy tripped over his own feet and face planted, sanji missed a kick and started spinning, chopper and ussop fell overboard, nami steered us until we almost tipped over, robin got locked in a storage room, and i almost drowned. give yourself some credit."
now wtf are you gonna answer to that? nothing... so as everyone else is laughing and retelling their stories, he just brings his bottle close to yours, "cheers."
tough love
but he's so serious. you work hard for your acheivements, so if you won't recognize them yourself, he will.
now if you're tryna get a compliment compliment from him?
drunk zoro
he's like 1 shot away from passing out, slurring his words and all
"hmm? oh, where'd y'get that? s'pretty, yeah."
"that smile's gonna kill me one day."
"shit, y'look cute."
"fuck, don't look t'me like that."
yeah, alcohol is his worst enemy.
in the end, he mostly just shows you how he feels through actions LOL...
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oh, he's completely unaware
but he's always tryna hype everyone up, and you're not an exception
will ALWAYS compliment you after a fight against the marines
"you did really well out there, let's get a meal to celebrate!"
if you go, "i was kinda useless, i don't know"
he's like "???"
just take the compliment because he's genuinely concerned and will argue with you until you give up
"what do you mean?" "it wasn't my best" "which means you're amazing even when you're not trying?" "oh" "yeah! cmon lets eat!"
if you compliment him, it turns into a competition
"i like your shirt, luffy." "thanks, yours is cute too!" "well, i think it goes nicely with your hat." "i think yours goes well with your shoes." "have you been working out more?" "i have, did you paint your nails a new color? they look cool!"...
yeah, it's never ending bc he doesnt know how to stfu
but trust, you'll never feel like luffy's lying to make you feel better
he's got a way with words when hes not being idiotic
"y'know, you're the kindest person i've met. i'm so lucky to have you next to me."
LIKE DAMNNN why are we being poetic
but if luffy's anything, he's genuine
so trust that the big stupid smile on his face when he sees you is something he cannot hold back
"why're you smiling like that?" "just happy to see you!"
and you're getting tackled to the ground
he doesn't expect anything back when he praises you, he does it because he feels like it
just don't try to deny it because he will NOT allow anyone, including you, to slander your name
also, whatever captain says goes
so if he says you're the bravest, prettiest, nicest, least smelly person in the entirety of the sea, it's true
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just something quick to put out ><
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky overhears his girlfriend calling him clingy
Word count: 1243
Warnings: sad Bucky and swearing
A/N: whilst editing this I realised that Alpines a girl but just for the sake of this story we’re going to pretend she’s a boy🙃
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Bucky had a massive smile planted on his face as he left the bedroom he shares with his girlfriend and cat; he was so proud of himself for finally mastering online shopping - he just ordered a huge cat tree for Alpine. To others it wouldn’t have been important but for him it was an accomplishment he was excited to share with his girl.
With a little bounce in his step, he was about to turn the corner to where the common room was when he comes to a stop.
“-I’m telling you Nat it’s annoying” he smiles at the voice that has soothed him to sleep more times than one “he’s so clingy, always wanting to lay on me, always following me around, trying to kiss me whilst I’m eating! It’s like he always needs to be touching me at every given moment, God he’s so needy” his heart breaks not only at the words but at how frustrated she sounds. He really didn’t mean to be clingy and needy, there was no doubt in his or anyone’s minds that he was in love with her, everyone always mocked about how he was her shadow, but he didn’t care. Being her shadow was his way of showing her that he loves her and that he was always going to be there, that no one was ever going to hurt her. 
Not having the heart to hear the rest he turns around and walk back to their shared room, determination running through his veins he was going to change. He didn’t want to lose her. The last thing he hears is Natasha laughing.
“Y/N he’s a cat! He loves you” Natasha chuckles.
“Yeah but still… it’s annoying. Because the worst part is that he only does it when Bucky isn’t there” Nat tries really hard not to laugh at the pout on the other woman’s face. It doesn’t take long for both burst out laughing.
Throughout the week Y/n notices something wrong with Bucky, it wasn’t normal for him to be out of bed before her - not anymore at least - he didn’t want to cuddle up with her anymore, the kisses were quick. It was hurting her; she was missing him even though he was close by. It wasn’t just her that noticed Bucky’s strange behaviour.
“What’s going on with you and Mr grumpy pants?” Sam asks as he hands her a fresh cup of tea.
“I don’t know Sammy, he’s been distant this past week and I don’t know what I’ve done”
“Have you guys argued?”
“No” taking careful sips of the hot beverage “the last time we argued was when I took that bullet for him and that was like what three months ago? We only argued for about an hour before we made up.”
“Wait… seriously that was the last time you argued?”
“Yep, we don’t argue about anything. Yes, we have disagreements about everything and anything, but it never leads to us fighting. But we also come to a mutual agreement on whatever we’re disagreeing with.”
“Okay okay” he puts on his concentration face on as she always puts it “have you took any bullets for him recently?” chuckling when he receives a deadpan look.
“No Sam I haven’t taken any bullets for him recently” rolling her eyes as she sets the now empty cup down “I honestly don’t know what I’ve done, I miss him.”
Standing up and placing a kiss to her temple “Go and talk to him, it’s breaking my heart seeing you both sad and mopey.”
“I will, thanks Falc”
Instead of going to find Bucky she grabbed her coat and bag and headed down to the garage, once she was inside her car she drove to the store.
The bed was covered in all different kind of snacks and drinks, her plan was to sit him down and talk then they’ll spend the rest of the night in bed watching movies and filling their faces. Making her way out of the room she went to track down her boyfriend - finding him in the gym.
“Hi bubba, can you finish up here and come with me” instantly not liking how her voice sounds.
“Um okay just give me a minute.”
“Of course.”
“Im done, where we going.?” Bucky’s right hand twitches to reach out to hold hers but all he does is shoves it in his pocket.
“Back to our room. We need to talk Buck”
He was prepared to drop to his knees and beg for her not to break up with him, promises on the tip of his tongue that he’d change and be better. Before he could utter a word, they had arrived at their room. The door was closed softly behind them whilst his head was bowed downwards finding his shoes more interesting. 
“Buck I don’t know what I’ve done wrong but I’m sorry I don-“
“I heard you”
“I heard you talking to Nat about me being clingy and needy and annoying and I’m trying baby really I am. I gave you space, Im keeping distant because I love you and I don’t want you to break up with me an-“ 
“Bucky breath! Here sit down, focus on your breathing bubba” Moving him to sit on the sofa that was in their room, she knelt down in front of him going through his breathing exercises.
It took nearly 10 minutes for him to get his breathing under control, leaving him feeling more ashamed as always after he had a panic attack “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he manages to rasp out.
“I’ll tell you what I always tell you when you have panic attacks - don’t apologise. It’s okay bubba I promise, I’ve got you” taking his hands into hers so rubs her thumbs over his flesh and metal knuckles “I wasn’t talking about you that day Buck, I was talking about Alpine. He followed me and Nat into the common room and Nat made a comment, I was talking about how he only wants me when you’re not around. Oh bubba you actually thought I was talking about you?” Taking one of her hands from his she wipes the stray tear that rolls down his cheek as he nods “Bucky I love it when you’re all over me, I love knowing that I’m never alone because your always there. I have never once thought you was clingy not once! I love you Buck and I love the attention you give me and affection you show me. Please bubba understand that”
“I love you too” bringing up her hand in his metal one “I’m sorry for overreacting baby I should of spoken to you”
“Give me a kiss and all is forgiven” she grins cheekily.
He pulls her on to his lap and kisses her, both sighs contentedly as they share their first kiss in a week little pants of air leaves their lips once they detach from one another.
“I brought snacks and drinks so how about me and you get into bed watch movies, eat, cuddle and maybe some other activities?” She says with a suggestive tone with one eyebrow raised.
Bucky chuckles when a squeal interrupts him standing up.
The third film has finished, not like they were watching - to busy doing other activities - they lay tangled with one another. 
“I brought Alpine a new cat tree off the Amazon.”
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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wilcze-kudly · 21 days
I do find it annoying how a lot of Zutara fans tweak the character's stories, personalities and even the timelines to suit their own needs.
Once again, there's nothing wrong with fanon and headcanons, however if looking through the lense of canon, you're objectively wrong.
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I ended up stumbling on a post from a Zutara shipper. (At this point I'm regretfully considering not following the tags for Zuko or Katara because I get way too much Zutara content lol) I'm not replying directly to her because I don't want this to turn into an argument, and I know she doesn't take criticism very well.
Ok, So let's break this down.
The character who was first out of the group to trust Zuko?
I'm quite sure this is referring to the scene in Ba Sing Se's caves. And yes, that is a very important scene. I think it's a very important scene preceeding Zuko's 'relapse'. It shows how he's matured during his time in Ba Sing Se and therefore it serves to add to our dismay when he joins Azula. I adore the fact that Zuko's journey to redemption is not linear, it certainly adds a lot to the character and shows us how his trauma affected him.
It's also a horrific moment for Katara. To have her worldview on Zuko and firebenders as a whole challenged, and then for it to go blowing up in her face. It rips open old wounds of her childhood. It refreshes her resentment of Zuko and the Fire Nation as a whole. It parallels the death of her mother when Aang dies due to Azula's lighting and she is unable to do anything about it. It places her back in that spot of helplessness. Even though she's grown up, even though she's a master waterbender, she still comes a hair's breadth to losing one of the most important people in her life.
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No wonder she hated Zuko so much after this.
It's an important moment for both characters, but I wouldn't say it is that in a romantic sense. It's a sweet, hopeful moment that then turns absolutely horrific and visceral for both parties.
I could argue that there are other characters who could be given the title of 'first to trust Zuko'. Funnily, Appa being one of them lol.
But other characters trusting Zuko dovetails nicely into the next point.
The character who emotionally connects to Zuko?
Well, technically, I'd argue that most members of the Gaang connect emotionally on one level or another with him?
But I'd argue that Aang is the person Zuko connected with the most. Aang is Zuko's parallel. Aang is the first person to reach out to Zuko. Aang is the person who showed mercy to Zuko, multiple times. Aang is the person who valued Zuko's life, the life of someone whose whole life goal is to capture him.
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This was also an incredibly important moment to Zuko. This is the thing he brings up when trying to convince the Gaang to let him join.
Zuko: Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.
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The character Zuko feels safest letting his guard down around?
It's Mai. Love her or hate her, her relationship with Zuko is incredibly important to him. Maiko isn't my favourite Zuko ship, in full honesty. But even platonically, Mai and Zuko are one another's reprieve from their respective shitty lives.
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People often talk about Katara touching Zuko's scar while discussing healing his scar, however one could argue that she did so as a medical examination. Mai touching Zuko's scar is a casual thing, neither of them really make a big deal of it and that's the beauty of it.
I'm mainly talking out of my own personal experience, as someone with a huge amount of burn scars, but there is a world of difference between someone inspecting my scars like Katara did and simply accepting them as a part of me, like Mai does for Zuko.
With Mai, Zuko isn't the scarred banished prince, Ozai's son or Azula's brother. He's just Zuko. And they speak freely with one another, arguing like real people do. Often, being comfortable having arguments is actually a sign of being comfortable with one another.
The character who helps Zuko heal from his trauma?
Once again, this is a bit of a flawed question. By the end of the show, Zuko isn't even fully healed, in my opinion. He has made leaps and bounds on the road to recovery, but when he will truly heal if ever is yet to be seen.
Zuko's journey to recovery includes plenty of people. This includes Iroh, Aang, Song and Jin. People who show him the error of his coping mechanism. Who challenge his worldview, who coax him out of the his shell of pain and anger.
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The character known for showing most compassion to others?
Yes, Katara's compassion is a huge part of her character. Her need to help and protect those who cannot do that for themselves cannot be understated.
But Aang's compassion for others and all beings is just as great, if not greater than Katara's. Compassion and nonviolence are huge parts of his culture and his own philosophy.
Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here. Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go. Aang :No, if we leave him he'll die. Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.
Friendly reminder that Aang could've absolutely wrecked Ozai, but held back because his own moral compass was so powerful. Hell, he was friendly and nice to Azula, the woman who literally killed him.
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This is why Aang and Katara work so well together. They're both incredibly compassionate people who will immediately jump in to help others in need. Like they did during the Painted Lady, destroying the factiry together.
The character who primarily bears the burden of having to step up into a parental role?
I think "parental role" is an incredibly vague term. There's a lot of things that go into a "parental role". Katara plays a stereotypically "maternal" role, while someone who plays a "paternal" one would probably be Sokka.
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Katara deals with very "homemaking" tasks like sewing and cooking, etc. And Sokka often takes on the role of leader, hunter, gatherer and also protector, despite being a nonbender.
This coincides nicely with their core childhood traumas. The loss of Katara's mother impacted her greatly, leading her to have to step up into a motherly role. While Sokka was clearly heavily traumatised by his father departing and the crushing responsibility of having to care for his entire village.
Sexism also probably played a part in this dichotomy.
The character who represses their emotions to be strong for others?
I'd argue that this could apply to all the members of the Gaang in some capacity.
Aang's pain is something most of us will never experience and cannot hope to understand. The complete horrific destruction of his culture and home followed him through the entire show. He was entitled to his grief and rage, yet he supressed it. We see during Appa's kidnapping, how easy it would be for Aang to rage, to let himself be destructive. And yet, he wakes up every day and chooses to smile and goof off, because his friends need someone to remind them how to be children.
Sokka puts on a very impressive bravado, despite having a lot of insecurities. However, as the oldest member of the Gaang (pre Zuko) he puts on a facade of the confident and unbothered older brother. Even if he's the butt of almost every joke, he still keeps that demeanour up, letting it slip only a few times.
I'd actually argue that Toph is the person whom this label fits best. While we know Toph as witty, callous and strong, we have to remember that she kept up the facade of her parents' good, helpless little blind girl for no reason other than her mother and father's comfort. She actually hides a lot of her hurt, covering it up with a prickly exterior.
I want to do longer think pieces about Toph and Katara so apologies if this isn't complete.
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I'm actually baffled by the idea of Katara repressing her emotions. She's actually quite straightforward and open about her feelings. She yells and feels a lot of emotions and lets them be heard. She gets angry and sad. She's actually kinda bitchy sometimes and that's honestly why I love her so much.
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The whole inciting incident of the show was her getting so pissed off she somehow pulls a giant iceberg from the bottom of the sea.
She is anything but repressed.
She is angry.
She's angry at the fire nation, at Sokka, at her father, at men, and with good right to be so.
This is what makes her an amazing character and one who broke the mould of a lot of female characters at the time. Her anger and unrestrained emotions rang true with a lot of watchers at the time. I'm not sure why this is being taken away from her rather than celebrated.
I reiterate the point I made at the beginning of this post: there is nothing wrong with headcanons and fanon interpretations for one's enjoyment. I do find it a bit odd when it changes a character too much (because then, why not just create an oc?) but it's all in good fun. However, you shouldn't push that onto other people and how they perceive canon and you certainly shouldn't use it to take away from other characters. It's a very unfair way of entering discourse.
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ayyy-pee · 2 months
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𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝟘.𝟝 - 𝕋𝕠𝕠 𝕄𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝔻𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕜
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Next Episode
Pairing: JJK Men x Female Reader
Episode Summary: After a drunken night of binge watching your (least?) favorite show, you find yourself making a grave mistake.
Story Warning: DRAMA, lying and scheming, REVERSE HAREM, profanity bc I can only be me, arguments, fights probably, heartbreak and tears, (more to come)
Artist Credit: momoya348, Umbra3terna, ilameys,maoyaoyao519, _0_0219 Divider Credit: Cafekitsune (Tumblr)
A/N: IT'S FINALLY HEREEEEEE! I hope you guys enjoy this ride (that you're in charge of in later chapters!!!) I'll put up Episode 1 tomorrow after proofreading!!! <3
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“God, this show is so stupid,” you mutter, shoving a handful of popcorn into your mouth while you get settled onto the couch.
“Please…It’s so bad, but I tune in to every season.”
You glance over when your friend reaches into your lap and dips her fingers into your bowl of popcorn and grabs a few kernels.
That was the perfect way to describe what was happening now. You’re currently huddled up on the couch, having spent the day binging the most recent season of The Bachelor until you’re all caught up. The new episode airs tonight and you’re eager to see who Joey ends up picking. Will it be Rachel? She’s gorgeous, funny, and her family seems to really get along with this season’s Bachelor. They have great chemistry. Or maybe it will be Daisy? Though you couldn’t see that working out. The girl is a total bore. Or it could be…what’s her name again? The one who looks a little bit like she could be his sister. Ah, whatever.
You’re not sure when you really began to even give a shit about this mess of a show. It’s corny. No one falls in love within a few weeks of knowing each other. And why does one man or woman need to date twenty people to find someone to marry? Are they that unlikeable in the real world? Not to mention, it’s totally unrealistic. Do these relationships even work out once the cameras cut off? Unlikely. You find the entire premise of the show downright stupid.
And yet, you can’t tear your eyes away as this season’s Bachelor takes each girl out on an extravagant date that…you can’t lie, you would love to be on.
Dancing in Malta? Sunbathing on a yacht off the coast of Spain? Getting to see Niagara Falls up close? Sign you up. You don’t think you would stand a chance being the object of everyone’s affection, but you could definitely milk being a contestant for free trips and good food.
“Why can’t he see that Rachel is the best pick here? Ugh, annoying. You know he’s going to give what’s-her-name the last rose.” Your friend downs her wine in one swig and you don’t bother to hold back the laugh bubbling in your chest. She’s all red faced. You’re not sure if it’s from how passionate she is about the show or from the two empty bottles of merlot she’s managed to down practically on her own, but the glowing hue it gives her highlights the thick scar across her face. A product of her line of work, and said line of work being the reason she’s guzzling wine in the first place.
“Maybe take it easy on the drinks, Utahime.”
She hiccups next to you, slouching in her seat. “I haven’t even had that much to drink!”
“You’ve had most of the wine just on your own!”
“Oh my god, you have one or nine glasses of wine and suddenly you’re wasted,” she mutters sarcastically. “I’m fine.”
You roll your eyes, because you know there’s no going back and forth with her stubborn ass when she starts drinking. 
The living room dims for about three seconds before it lights back up, the show now having gone on commercial break. The rose ceremony is next and despite shit-talking the show only ten minutes ago, you’re eager for the commercials to wrap up so you can see who goes home. It better not be Rachel. You use this brief intermission to go and get some water for yourself but mostly Utahime so she can sober up.
This has been your routine for the last few weeks. Every Monday night, Utahime comes over, peels you out of your bed and forces you on the couch to chug alcohol and watch this ridiculous show. While you find the entire premise of the show nonsensical, you’re grateful for the time it’s given you with Utahime.
You’re fairly new to the Kyoto area and Utahime was the first person you’d met on your first day at your new – how can you put this? – unique job. You see, you and Utahime both work in the field of Jujutsu sorcery. But there’s about where your similarities in the field stop.
Utahime is an active Sorcerer. She’s an instructor raising up the next generation of Sorcerers, building them up so that they can one day join the frontlines to protect the unaware non-Sorcerers of Japan. She’s strong– a grade 1 Sorcerer. Quite impressive. She could easily knock a curse’s head off if she wanted to.
But you? Well, while Utahime is at the top of the ranks of Jujutsu society, you are what some would refer to as a bottomfeeder – an unranked, unimportant, lowly Window. You’re someone who has just enough cursed energy to see a curse. But can you do anything about them? Not unless you want to end up in the nearest trauma center. So if you’re smart, you’ll do your job and whip your phone out to report it so that the real Sorcerers can handle it.
You’ve been in this field for several years now, but working outside of the major cities of Japan. Transferring to Kyoto was your idea of wanting something new and different. Utahime had quickly taken you under her wing. You were certain it was because she took pity on you. A weak, barely gifted Window. But as time went on, you came to realize that that was just Utahime. She was kind and funny, and had a good heart. Well, except when it came to –
“Hey!” Utahime calls from her spot on the couch. You can hear a slur in her words as she speaks and you know she’s opened yet another bottle of wine from who knows where. “Come here! Look at this!” You peer at the television from the doorway of your kitchen and see Utahime has it paused on a very ugly ad. It’s bright white with a background full of red rose petals across the screen. Your eyes roam over the words.
“Will you hurry up? Come look!” Utahime demands, messily pouring more wine into her glass. But it looks like a normal advertisement to you, so you’re not entirely sure what has Utahime’s interest so piqued.
She beckons you again, yelling “Come here!” So you quickly grab a couple bottles of water from your fridge and head back. Utahime is pointing insistently at the screen. “Look. Look really hard.”
You follow the path where her finger points, shuffling closer to the t.v. to get a clearer look. It takes a moment for you to see it, like really see it, but it’s definitely there. Underneath the last line, hidden from the eyes of those unable to see the horrors that you and those like Utahime can, is another message. You fall to your knees, eyes glued to the tiny additional message floating beneath, glowing with cursed energy that reads, “JUJUTSU SorcererS PREFERRED”. 
Confusion slowly takes over your features, the corners of your lips turning down with a frown, a brow arched and skepticism in your eyes. Were you missing something? Was this some sick joke? Were Jujutsu Sorcerers huge fans of The Bachelor or something? You spin around to face your friend who has a look of mischief twinkling in her eyes. You know it all too well, mouth falling open and a finger pointing when you scream “NO” at the exact moment Utahime yells “YOU SHOULD APPLY!”
“Absolutely not!” You must be looking at Utahime like she’s grown two more heads because she looks just as confused as you.
“Why not?! You’d be great on there!”
Maybe she hasn’t grown two more heads. Maybe her brain was swapped while you were in the kitchen because why the hell was she suggesting this?
“Well, for starters, I’m not really looking to date.”
Utahime rolls her eyes, as if that’s just not a good enough excuse. You should just ignore her, snatch the remote from her hand and hit play so you can get back to the show and see who this guy chooses to potentially get engaged to. But for some reason (could be the single drop of wine your friend allowed you to have while she downed the rest), you feel the need to keep listing off reasons to not sign up. “Secondly, I– why would I even want to go on this show?”
Utahime sips her wine, eyes low as she falls into her drunkenness, but you can still see the sparkle of mischief in those brown hues…and it scares you. So you keep talking, chatting away and listing excuse after excuse to your friend, eventually finding yourself back on the couch trying to drive your final point home.
“Besides, they want Sorcerers.” This seems to get Utahime’s attention again, makes her set her glass down as she looks at you.
“I’m sure it’s fine. You are a Sorcerer.”
“I’m a Window.”
“Semantics. You can see curses, can’t you?” Utahime argues.
“...yes.” You shift uncomfortably in your seat. “But I can’t do anything about them.”
It’s not something you should be ashamed of, but there’s just the tiniest bit of you that is ashamed. Because being able to see these monsters and not having the power to do anything about them…well, it feels like a curse in and of itself.
To this, she sighs. “Sorcerers, Windows. They’re just terms used by the higher-ups to keep their stupid, fucked up heirarchy intact.”
You know it’s the wine that’s loosened her tongue. In public, Utahime would not dare to speak so freely. The Jujutsu politics in Kyoto were a lot stricter than they were in Tokyo. Not that that said much anyway. The politics were shit regardless. But Utahime worked closely with those connected to the higher-ups, so outside of this little bubble in your apartment, she kept pretty hush hush about her true feelings.
You watch Utahime closely as she fiddles with her wine glass. She really is beautiful. You think she’d be incredible on a show like this. Which gives you the idea.
“What don’t you apply?”
Utahime leans back, a cackle so loud and abrupt leaving her tiny body.
“No way. I would never date any of these Sorcerers.”
“And you want me to?!” You ask incredulously. You don’t know whether to be offended or not.
Your friend fixes you with a deadpan stare. “You don’t know them the way I do. The only good one out of all of them is Nanami Kento…and Shoko.” She mutters the last name quietly, like it’s a secret that she thinks so highly of her. And maybe it is a secret…the way she feels about the doctor in Tokyo who you couldn’t help but notice has Utahime’s cheeks glowing red whenever she’s mentioned.
“Besides,” Utahime continues. “If I signed up for this and got paired with Gojo –” she shudders at the mere thought of being near the man. “I don’t think I’d be able to keep myself from projectile vomiting just at the prospect of having to kiss him.”
It’s your turn to laugh obnoxiously now, because – “Why the hell would the strongest Sorcerer in a thousand years sign up for this shit? You don’t think he has anything better to do? Like, you know…keep all of Japan safe?”
“Satoru Gojo does whatever Satoru Gojo wants.”
You can’t argue with that. Utahime would know best. She did grow up with him after all. She knew him well. You’ve never met the man, being just a Window, you doubt you ever will. Out of all the Sorcerers, you’ve only ever met Utahime and Principal Gakuganji. You’ve never even met any of the students. You all run in different circles, but that doesn't mean you don’t keep up with the going-ons of the Jujutsu world. Everyone knows Satoru Gojo.
“You should really sign up, though,” Utahime suggests once more. “You might meet a good person. If anything, you’ll get a good vacation out of it.” With that, she stands. It’s clear that the wine is hitting her again, because she wobbles clumsily to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
If it’s anything like every other week before this, you’ll be peeling Utahime out of your bathtub because she will have inevitably fallen asleep.
Your eyes fall back on the hidden message on the television, reading it over and over before you finally just hit play and let the finale finish.
Joey chooses whatever that girl’s name is. You’re only halfway paying attention because against your better judgment, you’re actually thinking about applying to this. But you think the show is stupid, right? Why would you waste your time? But what if Utahime is right? What if you do meet someone? It’s not that you’re against dating. You’re just not actively in the market for romance because you’ve found that dating non-Sorcerers is more stress than it’s worth.
The constant obligation you feel to regulate their emotions so you can avoid the creation of a cursed spirit that you’ll have to call in and do paperwork for? Exhausting. Not to mention, if you ever grew to truly love this person, you’d be overwhelmed with guilt if a curse manifested and harmed them in any way and you couldn’t do anything but watch in horror as you made a phone call.
You’d never really given any thought to it, but perhaps dating a Sorcerer is what you needed. You could end up meeting an amazing man!
But also, semantics or not, you were not technically a Sorcerer. You were simply a Window. Why the hell would an actual Sorcerer want to be with you? Better yet, what were the chances of this show even choosing you as their next Bachelorette?
- - - - - -
Apparently, the chances were extremely high, because one phone call, four video interviews, a nearly five hour drive from Kyoto to Tokyo, and days of promotional video and photo shoots later, you find yourself standing outside of the Bachelor Mansion, donning the most expensive gown that money could buy.
This is not what you expected. Not at all. There is so much going on. You want to run and hide from every single camera you see being propped up. You want to curl into yourself when the lights come on and the director calls, “Action!” And you see some man you’re just meeting for the first time approaching as he speaks directly to the camera.
“...and she’ll be making history tonight as The Bachelorette’s first Jujutsu Sorcerer,” you hear him tell the camera as he stops just a few feet short of you. Tall, blonde and handsome. He looks like an American football player. “I’m Jesse Palmer, ladies and gentleman. Now, let’s meet our Bachelorette!”
He turns to you, wearing a bright smile. The cameras follow, moving closer to catch a close-up of your face, so you smile as naturally as you can and try not to flinch when Jesse moves forward to embrace you in a swift hug.
Jesse calls your name as though you’ve been friends for a long time. “So nice to finally see you. You look great.”
The camera pans down your body and back up to your face. “Likewise, Jesse.”
“How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m nervous! Definitely nervous, but feeling good! I’m so excited for this,” you lie. You’re dreading this process. But it’s too late to back out now. So you just hold your smile, conversing politely as Jesse makes small talk and gets to know you before the first contestant pulls up.
And you hope that if Utahime is watching, she sees the message behind your eyes screaming that you’re absolutely going to kill her.
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merakiui · 2 months
we've always seen jade jealous of floyd and reader's relationship. but what if we reversed, floyd is the jealous one. do you think that's possible? if it is possible, what would floyd do?
:O it's very possible for a jealous Floyd!!! I like to think he's a bit of a brat about it. Actually,,,, both eels are sort of spoiled brats. ^^;;; they operate under the assumption that they can have and get anything they want. Floyd has a line for one of his birthdays in which he essentially tells people it's his birthday just so they'd give him a gift. T_T and then there's the story behind the twins' earrings and how they wanted those scales so badly that they fought the sturgeon for them and took them as a prize of sorts.
So I think they aren't really used to hearing the word 'no' or being told they can't have something. Their parents obviously dote on them, with their mother calling them nearly every day to check in and chat because she's prone to worrying. And then there's also the fact that birthdays are always very extravagant events in their family.
With that in mind, I imagine Floyd just gets really huffy and pouty when he sees you and Jade being too friendly for his liking. Maybe he even walks up to the both of you and forces himself between you just to physically distance Jade. Knowing Jade's proclivity for pushing buttons, he probably delights in Floyd's envy and does everything he can just to see how far he can push his brother. Jade will cozy up to you in the library, get your lunch for you, offer to feed you, stray so close into mate territory, and it drives Floyd mad. It should be Floyd who gets to bring you meals or beat others up after they took the last of your favorite sweet treat. Jade's just getting in the way.
Jade's way of thinking when he's jealous is extreme but also very clinical: If the thing causing a problem is swiftly removed, I can be happy again. Floyd doesn't really think that way. Whereas Jade has murder on his mind, Floyd just thinks of his brother as an annoying pest for getting between him and Shrimpy. Like all siblings do, they'll bicker and fight. Most of it is harmless. A little scathing, but it doesn't get out of hand. Not yet, at least.
Of course there's only so much Floyd can take before his annoyance bleeds into anger and then there's more bite to his words, more strength in his fists. The twins don't fight often, but when they do it's a nasty ordeal. Floyd's smart enough to know not to act like that around you, especially since he doesn't want to scare you away if you see him at his most violent, and Jade knows this, which is precisely why he'll push his brother to that breaking point. >_<
Mostly, though, I think Floyd just sulks. Jealousy is an exhausting emotion and Floyd doesn't like being bogged down by something so heavy all the time. As a result, it'll show in his moods. Sometimes you'll come up to him and smile that cute smile of yours, but even then he just can't be bothered to entertain if you smell like Jade all the time. He'll pat you on the head and apologize, saying he's not in the mood to play today. And then he's stalking off to find peace in tranquil solitude.
He'll feel better tomorrow. Maybe then he'll have you all to himself.
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everlastlady · 8 months
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Boyfriend Miguel O 'Hara.
✰ author's note: Hello my starlights~ Decided to write this and get it out of my system before I start getting to request in my box because there are 11 request. So I hope that you enjoy this boyfriend Miguel story that I wrote instead of sleeping if you want husband Miguel then just let me know or drop it in my inbox with any ideas that you have. If you loved this cute short story then please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging. Remember to always support your local community writers or writers in general. Also don't forget to eat, drink water, take your medicine, and that you are loved.
✰ word count: 874.
✰ story contains: Gender neutral reader, mentions of sexual pleasure, romantic Miguel, and overall romance.
Boyfriend Miguel who doesn’t talk about his relationship with you to everyone at the spider society because he still wants to be seen as a serious and intimidating boss. But once he goes home, he loves to shower in affection. He’ll bury his face into the crook of your neck and inhale the scent of you because he missed you so much. He’ll want to hear about your day while he makes the two of you dinner. He’ll rub your feet from when you had an exhausting day. He’ll listen to you vent about your boss and annoying co-workers. Miguel doesn’t mind taking pictures with you. He’ll even get some pictures or videos of you. When he’s at the society he makes sure that no one is around so he can look at them. Boyfriend Miguel who spoils you by getting you anything you want. He wants you to quit your job so that he can take care of you. He's a man with a lot of money so there is no reason to work. But you don’t mind your job sometimes and you like having your own money. Miguel respects your choice but still spoils you. Boyfriend Miguel who finds it adorable when you wear his shirts, sweatpants, or boxers. Boyfriend Miguel who loves you no matter what size you are and will go at anyone who shames you for your body shape and size, he thinks you are beautiful no matter what scars or marks you have on your skin. Boyfriend Miguel who takes a break from being Spiderman so he can spend time with you and take you on trips. Boyfriend Miguel who cuddles you in bed wanting to feel close to you. If you wake up before him, you aren’t getting out of bed unless you have to pee.
Boyfriend Miguel who eventually introduced you to the spider society. Jess wonders how someone small and sweet as you could date Miguel but she is happy for you both. Peter loves the videos and pictures that you showed him of Miguel and you. You even agreed to watch Mayday which is a blast because now you have something to do when Miguel is busy. Boyfriend Miguel who whenever you both get into an argument, he’ll buy you a rose after every argument and apologize. Now if you are in the wrong and apologize, Miguel will forgive you and kiss your head. Boyfriend Miguel who’s favorite thing to do with you is dance and cook. He loves the way you both dance together, he doesn’t care if you don’t know how to dance he has fun either way. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you cry it out on him and vent. He lets you know your feelings are valid and he’s here to listen. Boyfriend Miguel who let you try his digital suit once and one look he was already on you. Boyfriend Miguel who sometimes wears his glasses but you remind him to use them when he’s at home looking at screens all day, he doesn’t like them but you tell him that he looks handsome. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you touch his fangs he just sits there with his mouth open but after his jaw gets tired he’ll set you aside. He also lets you know that his fangs are venomous so he doesn’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself. Boyfriend Miguel who originally met you at your workplace and was flustered with how you talked with him. Miguel who asked you out on a date when coming into your workplace, Miguel who took you to a restaurant.
Miguel who asked you out on the 6th date. Boyfriend Miguel who takes you to that same restaurant on your anniversary and then goes on a walk with you in the park underneath the stars. Boyfriend Miguel who scolds you and Lyla for pulling pranks on him. Boyfriend Miguel who gets a bit jealous whenever you give Lyla more attention then him. Boyfriend Miguel who is like a walking heater when it’s a cold day Miguel will be sure to keep you warm especially in different ways~ Boyfriend Miguel who appreciates when you place a blanket over him when he falls asleep from working, when you help into bed, or when you bring him food and water. Miguel appreciates everything you do for him even when you tell him to slow down and take breaks. Boyfriend Miguel who loves to pick you up and carry you around the house while he yells loudly how he has the best partner in the damn world. Boyfriend Miguel who loves to take you shopping and likes to see what outfits you try on. Boyfriend Miguel who deals with your plushie collection but sometimes wants to cuddle with you in bed but you're busy cuddling your favorite plushie. Boyfriend Miguel who lets you pack his lunch because when you did the first time, he found it adorable and now looks forward to whatever lunch you made for him. And finally Boyfriend Miguel who gets down on one knee to propose to you in his spider suit on a rooftop where the stars and city lights look beautiful, he is no longer boyfriend Miguel but now Husband Miguel.
📖Taglist/Miguel's Simps: @sukioyakio @quechulitaaa @miguelcvmslvt @homewreckingwreck @tayleighuh @lauraolar14
If you want to be added to the Miguel tag list or removed just let me know.
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pablitogavii · 4 months
Your jealous fic was so great !!! Can you please write another but with Gavi as the jealous one ?
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You hated when you and Pablo fought. It always made the rest of your day shitty as hell!
This morning he was in a sour mood and you thought it was because his knee was hurting but it was about you going out with your girls last night.
"I waited for you...when did you come back?" he asked in the morning.
"I came before midnight, Pablo. Medications always make you sleepy before that" you tried to explain but he wasn't believing you acting like an annoying child.
"And it was just you girls huh?" he asked and you knew where this was going. Pablo was a jealous guy!
"Yes, Pablo. It surely wasn't strippers all around us, por favor!" you say but he really took that seriously getting even more agitated.
"Mi amor, it was a joke. It was just us a girls having dinner together, te lo juro" you say touching his face but he was in no mood for it pulling away and you sigh.
"How could you just leave me here alone!?" he said and you sighed. It was your best friend's birthday and Pablo is the one who pushed you to go only to make you guilty about it now.
"You said I should go because it's her birthday! What's the matter now!?" you said and he just rolled his eyes going back to sleep as you got ready for uni.
"Pablo's just frustrated with injury and not being able to walk without crutches yet ..." your friend told you as you talked about it on your way to class.
"I know and I try to help him every day with it, but sometimes I just want to strangle him!" you were frustrated as well choosing to take a break from him until you get home. Your phone was on in case of an emergency but you weren't answering his attempts to apologize by sweet talking you.
pablito: I hope my girl has the best school day 💗
pablito: have you eaten yet nena?
pablito: i know i made you mad, but i'm waiting for you at home to cuddle
You had to admit that by the end of the school day, you were no longer angry and blushed every time you read his messages.
"You two are living a crazy love story!" your friend told you as you departed when school ended.
You came home looking for Pablo only to find him in your shared bedroom on your side of the bed cuddling to your pillow. How can you be angry at someone so adorable!?
"Pablo..." you said and he jumped looking at you with a big smile. You took of our coat and sat besides him as he pulled you down to kiss him warm lips.
"Nena, you're so cold! Come here and cuddle me" he said and you blushed nodding your head and laying down and he laid on your chest kissing all over your neck.
"I missed you...a lot" he said and you sighed playing with his hair and nodding your head.
"Are we gonna talk about what happened last night Pablito?" you ask and he kept quiet. Always the same things, he hated being the one wrong.
"Were you un poco celoso my though footballer?" you tease knowing he will defiantly react.
"No celos! Just worried!" he said and you chuckled nodding your head knowing there is no way he admits it.
"Bueno, but in case you were I want you to know that I was showing our pictures together all night...and I don't want anybody else...because you my though footballer are driving me loca" you say and he blushed nodding his head already feeling a bit sleepy as he nuzzled his face into your warmed up neck.
"Say it again nena" he said and you raised your eyebrows
"Hm..call me your though footballer again and see what happens" he smirks and you slap his shoulder reminding him of his injury before you both laughed and continued to cuddle the rest of the night.
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monster-disaster · 1 year
[orc] Zorag Iron - 1/3
orc!Zorag Iron x human!Reader - 1/3 Good to know: enemies to lovers
Summary: You go into the office to help out your father. You meet Zorag.
A/N: My first story in this blog begins in Ironridge with the boss's daughter and Zorag the orc.
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The pitter-patter of heavy raindrops echoes in the small building. The drumming on the metal roof is a constant hum in the background. A low rumble mixes with the noises every now and again. It comes from the mountains, vibrating through the air. Another lighting flashes in the distance. And another thunder shakes the office. You can barely hear the clicking of the keyboard as you work on another email. You have to think through your words several times because your attention wanders away from the bright screen every few minutes. You glance at the window again. Droplets run down the glass. Rain cascades down from the dark sky. The light of your laptop highlights the slope of your nose and the curve of your lips. Your eyes seem brighter under the whiteness of the webpage.
Well, the forecast was wrong. You don't even remember the last time you saw the sun for more than a few minutes.
Suddenly, your attention focuses on the tall figure getting closer through the heavy curtain of the rain. He looks like a shadow in his dark clothes and boots. You can't see his face because of the hood of his coat. His movements are fast despite his burly stature.
Before you know it, the door of the office opens and shuts with a loud bang, and the floor gets covered in mud and water within a few moments.
The soaked fabric falls back from his head, showing you his black dreadlocks and frowning expression. You match his reaction.
"Do you really have to bring in all the dirt from outside?" You break the silence first. "Doormats exist for a reason." The small wrinkle between his thick brows deepens. "I didn't know you were here," he grunts. "So if I'm not here, it's okay to be dirty."
Zorag's head already hurts as he stares at you. The persistent throbbing at the back of his skull gets worse with each word you say.
"Why are you even here?" Zorag asks. "There is nothing to do in this weather," he points at the window. The long rows of timbers glisten with dark sheen in the midst of the downpour. Wide puddles gather and shimmer on the sawdust-covered ground. Rolling your eyes, you straighten your posture. "I know that." Your father got sick a few days ago after working in the pouring rain. He is now home under your mother's care while you are in the office, helping out. Even though the other workers can't do much in this weather, you can still get some jobs done on the computer. "And I'm working," you reply to his original question. "But what are you doing here? You know, besides ruining the floor." Your snarky comment meets with Zorag's growl. His lips pull up in a grimace, showing off his teeth and drawing your attention to his teeth. The hoops around the base of his tusks match the ring hanging from his nose. "I came here to make sure the storages are closed and protected from the rain." "Well," you huff. "They are closed. I checked them in the morning."
The orc says nothing for long seconds. His nostrils flare, and his eyes darken. You know he tries to keep his patience in check. Nothing good comes from fighting with the boss's daughter even though you already did it several times and you never used your position against him.
"So you can clean up after yourself and go."
The deep rumble of his chest mixes with the thunder vibrating in the dark clouds. You can feel it both in your bones and between your legs. Your thighs clench for some friction.
"Listen, woman!" "What?" You snap. "It's your mess!"
And damn it, you are right. Zorag just hates it when he has to obey you, especially when your lips curl into that annoying smile that shouts arrogance and victory. His thick fingers tighten into fists. The black raincoat stretches around his trunk-like arms.
"You can find everything you need in the storage room," you add when the tall orc continues glaring at you without saying anything.
You turn back to your laptop while Zorag reluctantly moves to the storage room to mop up the floor after himself. You are eyeing the screen again, trying to remember where you left it, but your mind isn't as obedient as the orc in front of you. Zorag's tall and sturdy form fills the small space. He almost looks comical as he mops up the metal floor. He could break the stick with ease, even in an accident. Small drops still fall from his thick hair, soaking his coat and leaving a few faint marks on the ground.
You should really focus on work. You didn't leave your house early in the morning to get anything done. Just a few emails and a quick check of the orders and deliveries. You should be done with them already.
"Why did you come in anyway?" He asks but doesn't look at you. "You can do them at home too." "I left the laptop here," you reply. "And I wanted to leave the house a bit. It gets boring." He grunts in answer, but you have no idea if it's an agreement or not.
"It's done," Zorag grunts, disappearing into the other room for a second. "I'm going home." "Bye." You don't even look at him. You stared at him long enough already.
The door closes behind him, and you abandon your mailbox to try something else. The messages can wait. Your gaze swipes over the documents with long lists of dates and names. Most of them are familiar. Clients for years.
You pause on a company name in the nearby city with today's date.
Jumping up from the chair, you grab your things, lock the door and run out of the pouring rain with a sudden urgency. Your raincoat hangs from your arm with your bag on your shoulder. Your hair and clothes get soaked within a few seconds. The cold drops run down your temple and stick your shirt to your body.
The door of one of the storages opens with loud creaks as you pull on the heavy metals. Your shoes slip in the mud, and you really need all your strength to open the building.
Your day couldn't get any better.
Zorag watches the whole scene from inside his car. He should leave. Why does he care what you are doing in your free time?
"What are you doing?" His voice booms through the sound of the rain behind you. "Oh my god!" You groan. "Why are you still here?" "What are you doing, woman?" He questions you stubbornly. "We have a delivery for today," you tell him, handing him the paper as you step into the building. You are grateful the rain doesn't reach you anymore, but it doesn't matter, anyway. You are soaked. "Leave it to me," he says after reading the paper. "Go home and… change your clothes." You will get sick if you stay like this. You are almost offended as he looks over you with his usual grimace. You scoff. "I can do it." "I didn't say you can't." "Then go home." If you are lucky enough, you will be home before the night falls. It shouldn't take long since the city is close, and you know the way without a navigator. For the orders, a smaller van would be enough with the company's logo on it. It calms you down a bit. You wouldn't feel comfortable driving a bigger vehicle.
Meanwhile, Zorag watches with a deep frown and a light snarl on his lips. His eyes are even darker than the sky outside. You definitely know what you are doing, and for a second, he almost turns out of the building to leave you if you are so stubborn, but damn it. He knows he will feel guilty later. His ma didn't raise an orc who would leave a woman without helping her first.
"Get in the car," he says after a while. "I will pack the things we need. And I will drive."
- Masterlist Ironridge Masterlist Patreon
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queenie-avenue · 4 months
Ok hear me out👉👈
Katie finding out (in this case she got friendzoned LOL) that Reader is in a relationship with someone else?? How do u think she takes it??
I've been such a lurker for quite some time and i love ur content sm 🥺🥺🥺🥺 *sending kisses*
Rejection is never the End.
—> she won't ever give up on you.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, reader has a girlfriend, no cheating, manipulation, possessiveness, obsession, typical yandere behaviour, gaslighting, reader gets drunk and katie takes advantage of her
notes: thank you so much for the ask, I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to get to this!! no proof-reading, we die.
🦋⤻ archives.
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If you have a significant other, Katie will no doubt be furious, especially if you reveal it to her just when she decided to confess to you, of all things. She will be pissed off, but will just smile at you and pretend that everything is a-okay. You wouldn't even suspect a thing.
Sure, at first it'd be awkward with you and her drifting just a bit — which causes her to almost have a meltdown and abandon her cheer captain duties for a while — but eventually after a month of two, you both would go back to normal.
The difference would be that now she had access to your relationship status.
And boy, would she make use of it.
Out of consideration for her feelings, you'd of course not talk much about your significant other but Katie, Katie wanted to know.
It started small, she liked to visit your dorm normally so it was a usual day of her coming to see you after cheer practice in her short shorts and pink t-shirts.
“Oh, those flowers are so cute, did your girlfriend get them for you?” Katie asked, lounging on your desk as she stroked the petals of the bouquet filled with your favourite flowers. “They are so pretty!” She squealed, grinning at you as you sat on your bed.
“Yeah, my girlfriend came over just the other day. It was fun.” You smiled back, wanting to keep details of your beau brief out of respect and love for Katie.
“Does she get you flowers often?” Katie inquired, eyes fixated on the flowers, back turned to you now.
“Not really. It was just a special occasion yesterday, our one year anniversary.” You exclaimed, clearly giddy about the fact you had been together with your girlfriend for a year.
“Fun.” She replied, tutting her plump lips. “So, why didn't I know about her? I mean, you showed me pictures once but you don't really tall about her that much.” Katie commented as she leaned towards you.
“We don't talk about our relationship much…” You mumbled. “I mean- she's like secretive about it. So not a lot of people know.” You shrugged your shoulders awkwardly. Oh, [y/n], you really were such a horrible liar. Katie could tell in an instant that the idea of you relationship being kept secret made you antsy, uncomfortable. If it were *her* that was your girlfriend, she'd be parading you around proudly. Why couldn't you see that?
“Huh.” She huffed, eyeing you up and down.
That was how it started.
She made use of your insecurities about your relationship with your girlfriend and weaponised them against you. Slowly, you grew more worried about whether the reason your girlfriend didn't want to reveal your relationship was because she wasn't proud to be with you, or she wasn't committed to being with you or worst, that she was being unfaithful towards you. Katie didn't help matters, subtly showing you those stupid YouTube shorts with reddit stories that talked about how people who didn't make their relationships known typically cheated on their partners.
You slowly spiralled into madness, growing resentful of your girlfriend and more appreciative of Katie. Eventually, you would break it off with your girlfriend when things became too hard for the both of you.
You kept starting arguments with your girlfriend over why she wanted to keep the relationship a secret, you became too needy for her validation and she was annoyed with you constantly picking fights with her and also your budding relationship with Katie who seemed to find a way to antagonise your girlfriend every single time. Katie egged you on, overanalysing each word your girlfriend said or texted to you and reporting what she thought back to you. Most of which just made you view your girlfriend in a horrible light.
Eventually, you broke up with your girlfriend.
Just like Katie wanted.
She would soon swoop in to comfort you, tell you that it wasn't your fault that the relationship didn't work. Your girlfriend was the red flag, you didn't do anything wrong!
“Come on, pom-pom. Cheer up, you'll find someone much better than her. You were too good for her ass anyway.” Smiled Katie as she dragged you for a night of partying at a fraternity.
You got wasted, of course; attempting to drown out the sorrow of your freshly opened wounds.
Katie's hand snaked around your waist as you danced to the beat of the music, the loud thumps banging loudly in your ear as you drunkenly relied on the cheerleader for support. Before you knew it, the dancing morphed into Katie pulling you into the bathroom, your legs wrapped around her waist as she leaned closer into you, both sat on the counter of the toilet. The vague sounds of people banging the door outside as you both gazed into each others’ eyes. “You feeling better?” She asked, dark eyes looking into yours intensely.
“I… I still miss her.” You slurred, slumping your body into Katie's neck, letting out a dry sob. The cheerleader hummed as she placed a hand on your waist, another under your chin.
“You don't need to think about her anymore, okay? I'm here for you.” She pressed a chaste kiss to your lips.
Katie knew that you loved her, everyone did. It's just that your girlfriend was in the way. Now that she's not, you can be devoted to loving her, and only her.
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Dating Chishiya Headcanon's
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requested?: no pairing(s): shuntarō chishiya x gn!reader, kuina x plationic!reader (mentioned), chishiya x platonic!kuina (mentioned) genre: headcanons warning(s): smutty themes in some parts (will be labeled), fluff, chishiya being whipped (again), mentions of pregnancy, chishiya smiling (:0), not proof read, mentions of alcohol summary: 𝘯/𝘢 word count: 2.1k a/n: had this in my mind for a while now, depending on how long this takes for me to right (edit:took 2 days, but i will try and do a mingyu fluff) i might not post the mingyu fluff tonight, but i will try. make sure you eat and drink something! stay safe, love yas, mwah
Pre Borderlands
oki dokes, i feel like this beautiful smexy ass man defo wouldn’t show a lot of love
especially if you both met through being doctors in training
he would try to act professional
but at home
whole diff story there babes
i feel like he would also be quite smug with you
like the typical loving banter
definitely teases you aswell
study sessions together (if you work in the same field as him)
if not, you both do spend time together by studying (if you study for something)
but again, if not, you admire him while he studies
this man is a hard worker, so he will forget things, like eating properly and drinking
so you deliver food for him at work
or you eat together on break
you two also joke about the apple a day
an apple a day keeps the doctor away yk
not him tho, he’s locked in for life honey
also has a lot of stress, so if he opens up, you better listen
it takes him a while to open up to someone yk
but he also will need a lot of help with his stress
at first he doesn’t mind cuddles that much, if anything he finds them slightly worthless
“why would someone just want to… lie there, with their arms around someone?”
“because, shiya, it’s romantic, now cuddle me please”
after a while, he will get used to it, and just cuddles you to sleep every night
even if he comes home late after a shift
and he finds you already asleep, having tried to wait for him
he gets changed and cuddles into you
defo a case of you fell first but he fell harder
i don’t really think he would want kids at first
but as he falls more deeply into love, he would defo change his mind
definitely very passionate and loves you dearly
not into pda or physical touch at all, but will use acts of service and words of affirmation as a love language
you most likely have tried his doctor coat one more than once
he acts all annoyed, but really he had butterflies in his stomach
definitely thinking that he wants to put a ring on your finger
iF yOu LiKe It ThEn YoU sHoUlD pUt A rInG oN iT (see what i did there hehe)
definitely so in love with you
absolutely whipped may i say
passionate with fucking
he definitely likes to look down where his cock splits you apart
praise, but also degrading
with his work comes a lot of stress, so he likes to take it out on you
maybe when you go to take him lunch sometimes he’ll fuck you over his desk in his office if it’s a particularly stressful day
bends you over a lot
i feel like missionary or having you bent over is his fav position
probably won’t be into quickies that much
but when he is in a rush to get to work, but you look extremely fuckable, expect him to be late
or have an extremely quick round
i feel like he can be really soft and sensual, but when he wants to be, really rough and degrading
body worship
i also feel like he won’t mind if you want to try something out
or if you want to be dom
is quite open to experimenting
nothing that he knows will hurt you tho
hes a doctor
he cares about you, so he will definitely have set up a safe word system
always makes sure what he is doing is ok
on the other hand, if he is rough
he will barely ask
he knows it’s okay though
he will ask for you permission
but as soon as he gets into it, he won’t ask
he’ll just fuck
he isn’t that vocal in bed
a few groans here and there
but nothing much
if you make more noise, he’ll probably smirk against your neck as he fucks you good
he knows what he’s doing is good when he makes you cum over and over again
aftercare is the best
running you a bath and bathing together
being warm with your naked bodies pressed together
probably leads to another round on some nights tbf
but will massage the shampoo and conditioner into your scalp
he knows how to treat you well after all
if you two went into the borderlands together, you would already know eachother
he would want to protect you as well as he can
he knows when you’re lying about being injured
so he will help treat your injuries
he’ll be even more protective now
especially when niragi is around
he doesn’t show much love for you around anyone
in that way it shows he doesn’t have a weakness
and then people won’t torture you in response to that
so you respect him in that case
he is weak for you
he really doesn’t like seeing you hurt or in pain
so he does try his hardest to help you
he doesn’t want to see his precious little baby suffer, y’know
on the other hand, if you met in the borderlands, he probably didn’t take much of a liking to you at first
probably met through kuina at the beach
being such good friends and all
if you’re more of a party animal, he would look out for you
if you become friends after a while
also the same kind of dynamic
you fell first he fell harder
he would be very protective over you
power couple
you probably have playful banter
still not much into pda
links into what i said about niragi using you as a weakness for him
will be very romantic inside the safety of his bedroom tho
if he sees a creep looking at you, he would probably use his doctor knowledge to scare them away
i feel like the love confession would’ve come from you
kuina was probably off somewhere drinking her weight in alcohol
and you would’ve probably been tipsy
and then it just kinda spilled from you as he was talking about his doctor stuff
“that’s so funny shiya… y’know what else is funny?”
“what sweets?”
“i’m in love with you”
one thing probably led to another and you were in his bed(room) for the rest of the night
if it were more a golden retriever black cat relationship, you would be the one making allies/friends
he probably just glares at the person in the background
i feel like in the jack of hearts game, he would be dead serious
if you joked about death at any point, he would just shake his head while standing there
he would also scold you a little bit and tell you not to joke around about that kinda stuff
you, kuina and him would be such an iconic trio, chishiya with his wits, kuina with her strength and you with your charm (you can chose if you don’t like that)
you would probably be the only one who knows about him before the borderlands
and you comforted him
you didn’t really care about what he had done
again, i feel like he would be soft and sensual
although i feel like he would be more into quickies now
definitely missionary as his fav position
he just loves to watch where your bodies connect, yk
still a shit ton of praise from him
and if he saves you during a game, you would insist on giving him a blowjob
he would probably try to turn it down tho
but you insist, so he lets you
when you do have time though, he will fuck you senseless
making sure you can’t walk properly the day after
he also likes watching you ride him, being all cocky as he holds your hips while you bounce up and down onto his large cock
he would be so fucking cocky when he hears your moans for the first time
“is my cock so big baby? you think you can take it? huh”
“ngh, shiya, gonna cum”
he’s definitely got a big dick, never mind his height (i’m literally the same height as him lmao)
hes just our short king yk
but hes good in bed
yk that stereotype that doctors are really good at sex because they know all about the human body?
yeah, i thoroughly believe that that’s chishiya’s sex life in a few simple words
fight me
literally fight me
he defo likes degrading, but in his own personal chishiya way, yk
i also feel like he would like to eat you out icl (when he has time ofc)
and swallowing your cum
keeping on going and overstimulating you
just to get you worked up for his cock
he would also like to see you suck on his cock like his good little girl you are
i will write fics and drabbles about this, i swear on it
i also feel like he would be into jealous sex
like not letting you touch him while he sucks your clit
maybe tying your hands above your head
fucking you until your begging him to stop
but he won’t because you haven’t used your safe word yet
maybe he sees another guy flirting with you
so he drags you to his room and fucks you
and if the guy is in earshot he makes sure that he can hear your oh-so pretty moans
makes you scream while your impaled on his cock to get the guy to back off
at the end of the day he loves you and wants the best for you
even if the best thing for you is screaming and creaming all over his cock
i fully believe in the theory that chishiya remembers the borderlands
so when he wakes up, his first thought will probably be you
even if you don’t remember him at all, he would enjoy falling in love with you all over again
but if you were like a sunshine person, he would love your energy fr
he would js wanna fall in love with you again (not that he ever fell out of it)
but if we believe in the fact that he doesn’t remember the borderlands
he would so fall in love with you all over again
if you two were in the same hospital room
you two would probably talk every day
and he would grow to love you
even if he didn’t at first
after a few months of being out of the borderlands (or out of hospital, you choose)
he would probably take you on a date
cute little restaurant
he has that doctor money ykyk
sugar daddy fr
would defo want to settle down and start a family with you
if you have been dating for a few months by then
he would ask you to move in with him
you would ofc say yes (who wouldn’t, its chishiya mate)
i feel like as a father, he would be such a good dad
girl dad fr
he wouldn’t care the gender tho
he would make sure with their upbringing, he was the best dad
made sure they were healthy and that
also during the pregnancy, he would do all of the stuff you needed to do (if you get pregnant)
like lift heavy things
wash the dishes
wash the clothes
etc etc
would have his hands all over your baby bump
kiss it
probably not talk to it (its still chishiya babes)
all that romantic shit fr
or if you adopt, he would love the kid all the same
even if he isn’t the bio dad
he would still love his kids (i will write smt with dad chishiya at some point, dw)
and you
he would love you more that the moon and stars combined
i think you know what imma say here
soft and sensual
definitely has more time
so he would like to eat you out
overstim you
like looking down at you while you suck his cock
all that jazz (or should i say jizz😉)
loves fingering you
i stand by what i said with him being good at sex with his doctor abilities
still stands for jealous sex
i feel like he would try to memorise all the parts of your bodies that you love being touched and makes you feel the best
he just wants his baby to feel the best
i feel like he would really like to keep your hands above your head while he fucks you
he likes to hear your moans (if your children ain’t home, we don’t wanna traumatise em today)
but yeah
he loves you so much and would to anything for you at the end of the day
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weebsinstash · 17 days
Really like the idea of a yandere Vox who is so ride or die for his overconsumerist capitalist Musk-esque lifestyle UNTIL he sees it negatively affecting his darling and does a complete 180
like take that poly red string soulmate Vox x Reader x Alastor concept and, you've got Alastor KINDA warming up to technology and willing to watch TV and do other things with you but he's still not a fan of you being on your phone constantly and some of the video games and movies you consume. He's on the couch reading a paper and (affectionately) rolling his eyes as you and Vox take turns headshotting each other in a video game and hollering "hell yeah, suck my fucking dick!!"
Meanwhile Vox is just 200% chronically online and loving it until one day he asks you why you wear baggy clothes all the time and you're ever so casually replying "because my body is fucking icky, duh" and Vox has absolutely no idea what you're talking about until you break down on a tangent about it
I was watching a clip the other day where someone was pointing out that Marilyn Monroe was considered the 50s icon of beauty and there are plenty of photos with her with thick thighs or a visible belly pooch and, imagine Vox sitting there, the disbelieving 'are you joking?' smile falling off of his face as you just, go OFF, "why would I wear anything other than sweatpants? I have fucking CELLULITE VOX, I'll NEVER have leggings legs no matter how thin I am, and look at my hip dips, they're so fucking GROSS, and my butt isn't shaped right, I have banana rolls, and, do I have siren eyes or doe eyes?! Am I bunny cute or am I frog cute?! And look at how bad my facial balancing is! Ugh, where's my gua sha?! I'm so tired of being UGLY!!"
Later that week Alastor is looking up from his paper to see Vox just, slowly entering the room, sloooooowly shutting the door behind him, looking to his old friend, "so hey! Funny idea, stop me if you've heard this one before but, I was thinking we could uh, maybe take their phone away annnnnnnnnnd... not give it back?" and here's Alastor, "oh, funny story! So earlier today they asked me if I 'wouldn't like them anymore' if they got COSMETIC SURGERY, yeah, ON THEIR FACE BELIEVE IT OR NOT, so, naturally, I'm already one step ahead of you :)" as he just casually gestures to the smashed wifi router in the garbage can in the corner of the room
You just get home from work one day and Vox has his CRT head back on and you're told 'if you want to look something up online, you can use the desktop in the computer room, and only 3 hours of screen time' and it all but blasts you 15 years into the past 💀 no more nights where you're gaming for 5+ hours straight and ruining your sleep. No more skipping meals because you're hyperfocused and binge-watching an anime while also playing an idle game on your phone. No more Alastor and Vox finding out you're just smoking bowls for hours literally nonstop because you need some sort of extra stimulation while you doomscroll and watch 3 hour long roast reviews for shows you've never watched
Alastor catches you swiping through an app and you get a divisive video thrown in your face from some alpha dude bro podcast, "yeah, a real man knows how to protect his lady! She should be at home cooking and keeping the house clean, not running around like a tramp and doing dumb chick stuff! All women need to focus on is marriage and being good wives, you know, a TRADITIONAL relationship!" and Alastor is just, swiping that shit out of your hand, "he DOES have a bit of a point, repulsive as he is! I suppose I'll have to start looking at potential dwellings that can fit you, me, and, I SUPPOSE Vox too 🙄" and little do you know he's already got a cute little home in the 'burbs set up already. He's just... you know! Waiting for the right moment to let you and the annoying TV bastard know that you'll be moving! Maybe he'll just... wait until the day of! Nothing beats a fun surprise, right? ^^ he doesn't want either of you... trying to run away or anything after all haha!
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I’d love if you can do window by spill tab she’s so underrated I just love your style so much
Window - (ellie williams x reader)
hi anon! I didn't even know who she was until you requested it! And you're right she is so underrated???? I've been obsessed with this song for a while now lmao... I hope you enjoy it <3
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This story is based off the song Window by spill tab, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading <3
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open feel free to leave one and I'll take it from there:)
Warnings: reader being called annoying and pathetic and Ellie being a bitch
Summary: In which Ellie Williams made a big mistake
Authors note: maybe I should start posting twice a day??? Because I have so many requests lmao. Remember you are loved and to always be kind
I get used to ignoring
Closing the door and
Opening yours since
You've been clueless and honest
I wouldn't know the
First thing to say to you when you're here
"I love you" the text you sent Ellie read.
You loved her. You truly did. She was and will always be your one and only truly love.
The day you met Ellie, both of you felt an instant connection.
It started with a "hey" at a party and hours later the two of you were found stargazing and talking about anything and everything.
Your relationship with Ellie moved very quickly. Soon after meeting, you started dating and you practically lived with her.
Ellie always loved having you around, she always loved the way you ask her random questions. The way she'd find your hair all around her apartment after you'd gone home. The way you'd leave small trinkets as decorations.
Ellie loved everything about you.
But soon changed one night.
Ellie remembered coming home from work one night. She was exhausted. All Ellie wanted was some peace and quite but soon as she opened her front door she was met with your smiling face.
"Hi babe!" You said happily.
Ellie flinched as you brought her down for a hug.
Peace and quite.
That's all she wanted.
The rest of the night went down with you talking and asking her questions, and then begging her to cuddle.
Ellie looked down at your sleeping face and she realized just how fucking annoying you were.
You never gave her space.
Wherever she looked you were there. Wherever she breathed, you appeared.
All Ellie wanted was space and to be alone.
Ellie felt bad. She felt bad for finding you annoying when you have always been sweet and loving to her.
Out of all the relationships Ellie has been in, the one with you was the most special to her.
She couldn't leave you because she knew deep down she'll never find someone better than you.
Ellie tried ignoring you. Distancing herself from you. But it never worked. You'd always show up with a smile on your face asking what's wrong.
There were pieces of you everywhere in Ellie's apartment so you were never technically gone.
Ellie let out a sigh as she stared at the message you sent.
How does she reply to this?
You were always so genuine. So honest. You loved her but she doesn't feel anything for you anymore.
Should she lie and say she loved you back?
All Ellie did was reply with a heart emoji, and she switched off her phone.
You were clueless. Clueless that the love of your life didn't love you anymore. Clueless that Ellie hated you with everything within her and it made her sick being around you.
What Ellie is doing to you was sick. Staying in a relationship with someone you don't love was wrong. But Ellie didn't know how to leave.
How do you easily leave a 3 year relationship?
And Ellie didn't want to hurt your feelings.
How would she even start the conversation?
"Hey! I think you're annoying, let's break up!"
No. That would be a dick move.
At a point she couldn't get enough of you, now she couldn't stand looking at you.
I'll push away like I did like when I had you clear
It's the crux of the nature to crave what is not near
(I think I'm done)
(I think I'm done)
Having to hold your hand and keep you over the water
(I think I'm done)
(I think I'm done)
Having to hold your hand and keep you over
Ellie had a bad day.
She ran out of gas halfway to work, she spilled her coffee onto herself so she had to drive all the way home to change. She ended up being 3 hours late to work and she got into trouble. Ellie got yelled at, the printer didn't work, she missed her deadline, and she spilled coffee on herself again.
So yeah she had a shitty day.
Ellie sat in her car, with her head against the steering wheel. She let out a loud sigh.
She was so exhausted from today, that she wasn't sure that she could even get out the car.
She let out a groan when she heard her phone ring. Without checking she picked up her phone, and answered: "hello?" With an irritated tone.
"Ellie?" she heard you whimper from the other side.
She rolled her eyes.
You were fucking crying? Again?
"What happened?" she asked.
"Well I had a bad day" you started.
And Ellie lost it.
"You had a bad day? I had a worse one. You are so fucking overdramatic and annoying! Oh my God every time I hear your voice, I want to stab myself so bad "Oh Ellie I had a bad day"" she mimicked you after her rant.
"Well all of us have bad days so, shut the fuck up and grow up" she yelled.
Ellie was heavily breathing at this point. She was tired of looking after you. She was done holding your hand and being nice to you when you were a grown ass women.
She heard you sniffle on the other side of the phone.
"You can't even say anything" Ellie chuckled. "You're so fucking pathetic"
"You're being mean Els"
"I'm being honest"
A few seconds of silence filled the air before Ellie spoke again.
"Look I think we should break up, please come get your things, I'm so tired of this- of us"
"ok" was all you said before you hanged up.
Ellie felt relived. She felt free. She felt like she could think clearly again without you.
A few days later when Ellie got back from work she saw you in her apartment.
It looked empty without all your things. Her apartment didn't look like home anymore.
Ellie awkwardly, stood at the counter as she watched you pack the last box into your car.
You walked over to Ellie not saying a word, you didn't even make eye contact, as you lowered your set of keys into her hands.
Ellie watched as you turned around and walked to your car, not looking back at her.
"Hey! I'm sorry about how things ended" Ellie spoke.
She watched as you stopped and turned around to look at her. With teary eyes you gave her a smile and said "it's ok" And with that you got into your car and you drove away.
All Ellie did was hope that breaking up with you was the right thing to do.
Open up the window by my bed
Hoping you'll come crawling in like back then
Open up a window in my head
I'm hoping you'll infect me like you did back then
Did back then
I'll push away like I did when I had you clear
It's the crux of my nature to crave what is not near
Ellie opened the window and she let out a sigh as she gazed towards the stars.
She felt defeated. Tired. Angry. She felt regret. She felt empty.
Her apartment once filled with color, once filled with you, was empty.
It felt as empty as her heart did when you drove away that day.
She realized in that moment, the moment she saw the way your eyes teared, the way you said "it's ok" with smile, she knew she made a mistake.
Why would you smile with the women that broke your heart?
Ellie had hoped you'd crawl back to her. She'd hope you'd call her and tell her how much you missed her.
But you didn't.
It's been 6 months and you still had her blocked on everything.
Ellie hoped she'd see you again in public, so that she could run to you and say sorry.
But it was as if you had vanished.
They say you miss something when you've lost it and Ellie finally understands. Now that she has lost you, she realized what she had lost.
She'd never find someone so loving, so caring, so kind as you.
Ellie never hated you. She found you annoying but she soon realized that she took her stress and own problems out on you.
You didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve Ellie. You deserve someone better. Someone who could actually communicate with you.
What the two of you had was gone. And there was no what in hell that you'd be able to rekindle.
All Elle could do was look out her window and pray that maybe just maybe you'll come back.
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nocreativityfornames · 9 months
Random Obey Me! Headcanons Part 3
Asmo collects plushies, he finds the little things absolutely adorable and has tons of them in his room. And yes, you'll see Asmo's eyes lit up like a kid if you ask him about them and their individual names. He will also be glad to explain each one's little story and how he got them, and you would be endeared to find that a good portion of the plushies were given by the other brothers themselves, who have known about his love for collecting for a long time now.
Belphie is one of those people who when you ask them for something will ALWAYS blatantly say no at first but then proceed to nonchalantly do the exact thing you asked with no ounce of shame whatsoever, maybe even smirk a little as they finish doing whatever it is you asked. It's a little annoying at first, but you eventually get used to it. He's just likes being a brat, really.
Satan had an emo phase as a teenager, he would dye his hair black, only wear dark clothes, paint his nails regularly ( with the help of Asmo ), listen to typical emo music, the whole nine yards. And of course, he was more rebellious than ever, refusing to listen to his brothers and just any authority figures in general. He's ashamed of it now and cringes hard seeing pictures of himself back then. As any good father older brother would though, Lucifer always manages to embarrass him by bringing up that phase and even showing the "cursed pictures" to friends/potencial partners Satan brings home.
Levi likes to hide in small spaces when he's anxious, overwhelmed, or just doesn't wanna deal with something ( social interactions more often than not ). Oh, you're at a party and you can't find Levi anywhere? Check the less crowded room, more specifically under the tables, he's probably there playing games on his phone. Hm, it's lunch break at RAD and the third born is nowhere to be seen? Inside his locker, or maybe the janitor's closet. He doesn't know exactly why he does it, but it's a habit that's been with him ever since he was a small angel. Those places just comfort him, somehow. And don't worry, he's pretty flexible so it works out just fine. I mean, why else would he be okay sleeping in a bathtub?
MC and Mephisto didn't meet for the first during S4. In fact, these two first met only a week into the exchange program, with Mephisto interviewing MC for the RAD Newspaper. Because of course, the public was dying to know more about the newest exchange student who had just entered the academy, and multiple news outlets were covering MC's arrival and curious situation, given that they had been placed with the seven brothers at HoL, and had gotten into a pact with Mammon so quickly. Being aware of all of this, Mephisto knew that an exclusive interview with MC would give everyone in the kingdom something to talk about, and so he sought to be the first one to get his hands on one. ( Also he was very intrigued and eager to known more about MC, but of course he'd never admit that. )
Belphie and Mammon both have piercings around their bodies. Mammon especially likes the golden and grey ones that match his rings, while Belphie prefers them black ( because of course he would ).
For the first 2-3 months of the exchange program, MC genuinely thought Diavolo and Lucifer were a couple. This happened because ever since day 1 they were hearing "funny comments" about the two of them and just assumed they were in an actual relationship. And no one ever bothered to correct them because they found it hilarious, and wanted to see how long it'd take for them to find out the truth. Some of the brothers even went as far as purposely making up stories to lead MC to believe that Lucifer was out on dates with Diavolo when he wasn't at home and they came looking for him ( and the bastards would immediately start laughing the moment MC left the room ). MC only found out the truth when they were talking to Lucifer about Diavolo one day and casually replied to something he said with "But that's not really surprising since he's your boyfriend" and Lucifer just went ???? "Excuse me?? What did you just say?" and proceeded to explain that he and Diavolo were in fact not in a relationship. ( the punishment he gave his brothers after finding out about this "little prank" of theirs was no joke, but none of them regretted it, it was "just too funny", in their own words )
Lucifer's voice changes DRASTICALLY depending on his mood. Like, the more serious/stressed he is, the deeper it goes, and the more relaxed/content he is, the softer it becomes. You can hear it cleary when you compare the way he sounds on a regular basis when lecturing the others, speaking about work, giving speeches as RAD's vice president, etc, to rare occasions when he's talking about music and art, playfully teasing the others, or recalling a nice moment from the past. It's like there are 3 stages to his voice: usual deep, furiously deep ( that iconic "Mammooon" ), and ACTUALLY SOFT. The ones who get to hear his "nice voice" the most are MC, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, and Beel.
One that's already been discussed by other players but that I'd like to add on: demons ( and angels as well ) give humans "uncanny valley feeling" and MC could tell there was something ""wrong"" with brothers ( they aren't humans ) the moment they first laid their eyes on them in the council room. And my addition to this is: although the brothers all give off this feeling, it's to varying degrees that depend on how much they can blend in as a human. And Satan is the only who can bypass this "filter" almost completely, because remember when Lucifer first introduced him by saying something along the lines of "He might look nice but don't fall for it because it's an act"? Well, I like to think that Satan also looks the most "normal" out of his brothers when it comes to the "uncanny valley feeling" because of this too, since he has pretty much mastered the art of appearing trusting to deceive humans back in the day and is still the best at disguising himself as human to not to scare people away when visiting the human world and such.
Solomon has a hobby of solving jigsaw puzzles, like, you know those huge ones that take over the entire table or floor? He absolutely loves them and will gladly spend a whole day focused on completing them if needed. And if you offer to solve one with him? Oh, he'll get so excited it's actually kind of adorable. So do it, it's the road to his heart, even if you find it boring.
Lucifer leaves Beel on charge whenever he has a work-related trip, or simply intends on spending more time out of the house than usual. It's easy, as long as the second youngest keeps everything in order, Lucifer promises to take him to any restaurant he wants ( no matter how expensive ), and to let him eat to his heart's content when he comes back. Oh, Mammon is trying to sneak out of the house to gamble all their money away? Nuh-uh, Beel's not letting him leave through that door! Asmo's planning to take advantage of the fact that Lucifer is out to throw a party? Nope, Beel's stopping him. Satan & Belphie are trying to get into Lucifer's room to prank him? Yeah nah, Beel's dragging them back to their own rooms. Really, it works wonders, not only because Beel has the most physical strength out of everyone and can overpower them, but also because none of them have the heart to actually argue with him.
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janners · 1 year
Sully family x daughter!reader
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warnings : death, heavy angst..?, violence (if i miss anything tell me)
word count : 7.9k
a/n : This is my very first story that i’ve ever posted so it may be absolute shit but I hope you guys enjoy it. Please tell me if i’ve made any mistakes. Also there may be some plot holes that I haven’t noticed. If there is just ignore it lol
Pure blinding light, that’s all you can see. An aching feeling within you surfaces as you slowly realise where you are. With Eywa…
19 years ago
“Y/N” Jake announces, his first born, his first daughter. A joyous day for both him and Neytiri, a gift sought from Eywa. The first light in their life, but what they didn’t know was how fast that light would fade within their lives.
You were a bright child, fast learner as well. Being able to catch fish with your bare hands, showing it off to your father with the brightest smile. How that smile could brighten up anyone's day. You were adored by everyone in the clan with how enthusiastic you were and how positive you are in any given situation.
Only four years later came along your younger brother, Neteyam. Any chance that was given, you would hold him and just talk about how much you adore and cherish him. Neytiri being right there to witness these interactions gave her thoughts on how they could ever be deserving of such a blessed child.
As years pass by, Lo’ak and Kiri now being part of the family has Jake and Neytiri busy as ever. Though, where does that leave you? You are being left out, and held with more responsibility than ever before. Being the oldest sully child now became stressful and overwhelming. Once a carefree child, now trapped with responsibilities. Jake had given you the responsibility to watch over your siblings at all times and protect them at all costs. Only being 6 at the time, you didn’t fully understand why.
Both Jake and Neytiri haven’t been the same parents you knew since the birth of Tuktirey. You don’t blame Tuk in any way with how your parents are now acting. You could only blame them for being hard on you no matter what you do. Throughout the years you had trained hard with no breaks. Becoming one of the most lethal warriors within the clan. Even with your parents knowing that, they still pay no attention to you. Even when you went through with your iknimaya, you didn’t get as much praise compared to when your other siblings had completed theirs. You still had strong bonds with your siblings especially with Lo’ak.
You and Lo’ak were always together, attached to the hip. You being the calm and collected child while Lo’ak was the “devil” child. You guys especially bonded over your difficulties in the family, you being the only one to really understand him. Though being older, you don’t rant to him but instead just listen and comfort him because that’s what a good older sister does.
Jake is discussing plans about the raids now that the sky people have returned. You listen intently knowing that Jake expects the most from you. While listening Lo’ak nudges you with his elbow and whispers “psst y/n” you take a quick glance but focus back on the meeting but again he nudges harder, “sister pssst” you finally look at him “what do you want Lo’ak, father will skin us if he finds that we are not paying attention”
He just stares at you for a second before saying “nothing I just wanted to annoy you” with a smug smile on his face. You just roll your eyes with a faint smile.
“Lo’ak, Y/n, Neteyam, you three will be scouters alright? I better not see you guys on the ground at all, understand?” Jakes states with a stern face. You all nod, knowing if you retaliate it would only start an argument. The three of you are now flying and scouting in the air as the rest of the warriors raid the train. You hear Neteyam shout for Lo’ak which made you snap looking in their direction, just to see Lo’ak descending down towards the train. “I swear to eywa that I will not kill Lo’ak” you mumble under your breath. Spotting an aircraft you fly faster towards Lo’ak and Neteyam hoping to get them back to the sky before their father spots them. “Lo’ak, Neteyam, hurry your skxawng asses back into the air NOW”
Right as you finish speaking you see a missile coming towards you all. You quickly alert them trying to run but as it came closer you pushed them out of the way trying to take most of the impact. You landed harshly on the uneven terrain having multiple gashes litterred all over your body. You couldn’t breathe, you were panicking but not for yourself but for your brothers well beings. You struggled to to stand trying to look to where you pushed them, looking over you see them helping each other up with small scratches on them. Relief washes over you knowing that they are okay.
Jake witnessed all of it and came as quickly as possible but not towards you. He went straight to his sons, thinking you were a tough enough warrior to help yourself up. Jake pulling Lo’ak and Neteyam with him but Lo’ak began to go against trying to reach you. “Sir what about y/n? She is hurt, we can't just leave her!” he yelled in desperation. Jake pulled him back “She will be fine, she will meet us back as at camp”
You watched them leave, your chest aching and wondering why he would just leave you there. You struggled to stand while calling for your Ikran. Your Ikran kxamtxon, assisted you in standing up, you threw yourself on her back now heading back to your “home.” Landing you see your father waiting for you. Still struggling to walk over to him, the first thing you hear is “I told you to keep a close eye on them and what do you do, you let them go down” yelling not even caring whether or not anyone could hear him. “I am sorry sir, it won’t happen again” you reply knowing if you’d get yelled at more if you were to say anything else. “It better not or so help me god, go and get fixed up now and get that crap off your face” you nod reluctantly slowly limping to the healing tent.
Entering the tent Mo’at spots you and ushers you quickly to sit. Silence until Lo’ak comes up to you to apologise. “I’m so sorry y/n, did father yell at you?” he asks quietly, “It is okay Lo’ak and no need to worry whether or not he yelled at me, it’s okay” not wanting to worry your brother any further. Turning to Neteyam asking if he was okay as well, he nodded and said sorry as well. You reassure them that it is okay once more. Your relationship with Neteyam isn’t as close compared to Lo’aks but Neteyam always comes to you when he is having a difficult time with father.
Mo’at finishes patching you up telling you to be more careful next time. Now walking away to your family tent, you see your mother waiting for you as well. Neytiri isn’t as harsh compared to Jake but it still breaks your heart knowing that your once loving mother doesn’t acknowledge you as much. Jake and Neytiri come to an agreement that you are to stay in the tent for a week as punishment.
Staying in the tent all day was dreadful and boring. Sudden sounds were made outside of the tent, seeing your family in rough states and shaken up. You had wondered what had happened while they were all out. Immediately, you walked towards Tuk seeing as she is the most shaken up from whatever happened out there. “Oh tuktuk are okay?? What happened?” Tuk instead cries in your arms and you look toward Kiri, Lo’ak, and Neteyam to see if any of them would tell you what had happened.
While all of you were outside the tent, Kiri had explained to you about the events. Hearing your parents argue made you even more concerned. All of you had listened in and heard them mention leaving. Those words made you all freeze. Leave? Leave your home? The clan? Thoughts swirling in your head, the forest being the only place you knew. You couldn’t fathom the idea of leaving.
Later that night after everything had been told to us, you couldn’t sleep. Your whole life spent in the forest now just gone within seconds. Having to start a whole new life when your life now isn’t good. The aching feeling in your chest rises, thoughts of having to leave everything behind. Eventually you fall asleep with worried thoughts.
Witnessing your father get cut on the chest from Tarsem, it is now official. Flying away you look back knowing you won’t get the chance to see it again. Flying for it seemed like forever, we reached the reefs. Hearing the alarms blown from the clan, you all landed. Surrounded by the curious eyes of the Metkayina people, tsuraks flying above you. Jake and Neytiri doing the I see you gesture towards two people, that you were guessing was the Tsahik and Oloeyktan. You glance over to your siblings, seeing Lo’ak spot a girl you smirk and give him a knowing look. He rolled his eyes and went back to looking at the girl.
You had spaced out the rest of the interaction between your parents and the leaders of the clan. That is until the Tsahik grabbed Kiri and Lo’ak and yelled demon blood. Those words alone made you want to hiss at her but held back knowing how your parents and everyone else would react. Now being allowed to stay here, we were to be teached by their children, Ao’nung and Tsireya. Tsireya led us to our Mauri and let us settle in, Jake pulled you aside for a private conversation. Far away enough from the family he started talking “y/n I expect you to keep an eye on your siblings, and for you to be on your best behaviour. I can’t have you messing things up. If you get into any trouble while we are here I will personally deal with you. Got it?” Looking up at him slowly you nod “Yes sir, I promise nothing will happen” with that you walk back to mauri. While walking back, you still wonder why your parents had started acting like this. Everyone else gets treated better than you. You can’t but feel envy for you siblings as they get more recognition from your parents. Even Lo’ak, you feel horrible feeling envious towards him, he gets more attention than you and he does a lot of dumb stuff.
You push those thoughts away thinking that you shouldn't be having thoughts like that, but can’t help it.
Jumping in the water with your brothers, you look around you looking at all the sea life around you. For once in your life, you feel at peace especially with your thoughts. You swam away from the group exploring the area yourself like Kiri. Eventually you came for air and looked around seeing your brothers above water as well.
You all come together, Ao’nung calling for ilus. While Tsireya took Lo’ak and tuk, Ao’nung had you and Neteyam. Neteyam had gone first, not doing horrible his first try but still got flung off. Looking over to Lo’ak, you see him get flung off as well and you laugh as Lo’ak resurfaces. Now it was your turn, Ao’nung was a rude little shit but a helpful teacher. It felt odd being taught by someone younger than you. Adjusting your stance, you take off at a slow pace, listening to what Ao’nung had said. You did well for your first try by not falling off, and that made you extremely proud of yourself.
Next was breathing, and that had gone by quickly especially with teasing Lo’ak about Tsireya getting his heart rate up. You were now just sitting beside Kiri in the water looking out into the distance just thinking. Thinking about how this is the most freedom you’ve gotten since you were a child.
Drawing your arrow back, arms aching, back and core feeling strained. You shoot and miss the target again. “How many times do I have to tell you, arms higher and straighter back. You won’t hit anything if you keep this up” Jake had you practising for hours “but dad my body is hurting, I don’t think I can do anymore” you had started crying with the amount of pain you were in. Instead of your father telling you to stop and continue tomorrow, he yelled at you “Do you want to become a warrior or not, enough with the crying there is no reason to cry. Do it again, we aren’t stopping until you hit the target properly” With that, you continued crying quietly but proceeded to keep shooting arrows but eventually you hit one.
You looked up to your father hoping to see a proud face but instead you saw nothing but a stone cold face telling you to keep going. At that point you collapse from being overworked. Next thing you know, you wake up in the healing tent with no one else here.
Flashback end
You sigh with a shaky breath not wanting to cry. Back to peaceful silence you were suddenly interrupted by Ao’nung and his gang. Things led to another. Ao’nung called Kiri a freak and you stepped in, “Do not call me sister a freak, I advise you leave us alone” Ao’nung looked at you giving you a smirk “Who are you to speak outcast, you’re just a loser in your own family” he laughed while you were close to punching him in the face. Lo’ak stepped in on time and then Neteyam came as well.
Lo’ak punches Ao’nung in the face and a while fight breaks out, Neteyam steps in too leaving you no choice to join as well. Being stronger than the rest, you took on most of them making sure Lo’ak and Neteyam aren’t harmed too much. The rest of them had started to gang up on you and purely just you. They kept pushing your brothers away so that they could beat you up.
It had gotten to the point where you were struggling to even throw a single punch at any of them. Eventually Jake and Tonowari came and broke up the fight. You were being dragged away, Jake having a strong grip on your arm making sure that there were bruises that were going to form. “Are you out of your mind y/n? What did I tell you NOT to do huh?”
You were at your snapping point
“What did you want me to do!” finally talking back.
“My sister and brothers were in trouble and as their older sister I went and protected them. YOU told me to protect them with my life and now I am being yelled at for something that isn’t my fault?” you felt your chest aching again, tears flooding your eyes.
“All my life I have done nothing but protect them and watch over them, but what about me HUH WHO IS PROTECTING ME, WHO IS LOOKING OVER ME” tears now freely flowing down your face.
Jake was shocked to say the least but instead of trying to comfort you or try to talk it out with you, he just yelled again.
“GET OUT, I do not want to see your face right now”
Neytiri had walked into the middle of the argument, just standing there shocked. When Jake had yelled for you to get out, you looked at your mom to see if she would say anything. Nothing came out, you couldn’t believe what you were witnessing and stormed out of the mauri.
You call for your Ikran, wanting to fly far away from your parents for the night. You spot a small island, you land and just lay down on the sand looking up at the sky. You break out crying again. Sobbing uncontrollably, and yelling and screaming, throwing sand. You were so frustrated that you couldn't help but cry.
Lo’ak was there to witness it all and his heart hurt for you. All his life you protected him and not once did he really notice how you felt. He felt like the worst brother in the world knowing that this is how you felt. He stormed into the Mauri ready to yell at his dad and mom
“Sir what i’m about to say i will not apologise for. My sister has done everything for me, she took care of me, protected me, comforted me. All you do for her in return is neglect and yell at her and for what?” he starts to choke up, tears slowly forming.
“Everything she has done was for us and not ONCE have you given her a break. She protected us from getting hurt today and during the raids. She got hurt the most and yet you care so little for her. I know for a fact that you guys loved her at one point because she talked so highly about you guys and apologising for your actions when we have our talks”
Jake and Neytiri just stare at Lo’ak trying to form sentences but nothing comes out. Lo’ak scoffs in disbelief
“If you open your eyes for once in your life, maybe you can be proud of her for once instead of disappointed. At this point I can’t even tell if you guys love her anymore and that is what disappoints me the most. The least you guys could do is let her talk and not yell at her for once”
Lo’ak was now crying because all he wants is you to be happy. He has admired you ever since he was young and seeing you finally reach your snapping point broke him. Walking out of the Mauri, he sees Kiri, Neteyam, and Tuk all with tears in their eyes after hearing everything. They all collectively decided to find you now worrying where you ran off to.
Now almost eclipse, your siblings could not find you anywhere. They were extremely worried, worried that you may have gotten hurt more or lost. With Jake and Neytiri, they now worry too. With everything that had happened, they looked at each other now knowing what they had done wrong. Guilt is what they felt, most of their lives they had thought of you as a burden after having Tuk. They never knew why it felt that way, maybe it was from the stress of having 5 kids. Though that isn’t an excuse for their behaviour and they know it.
They had not realised that what once was the light of their lives was now fading. Faded to the point where they might resent them forever. This thought had broken them, wanting to repair the damage that they had and become a happy family again.
Lo’ak decided to fly out and see if you were any small islands while the rest continue to search around Awa’atlu. After a couple minutes, he sees a small figure and a dark blue Ikran on an island. He quickly descends towards you.
You raise your head to see where the sound had come from. You see Lo’ak running towards you, now jumping in your arms.
“Lo’ak what are you doing here” your voice hoarse from all the crying and screaming.
“You had me worried sick when I couldn’t find you. I heard everything that happened”
You pull Lo’ak away from your embrace.
“Lo’ak you should head back, da- Jake and Neytiri are probably looking for you”
He froze, hearing you call their parents by their names like they were strangers. Never in his life would he hear you say their names. It is like you now separated yourself from the family. How that made him even more upset towards his parents.
“No, I am staying here with you because I am your brother and I worry for you. It is my turn to sit and listen while you talk about your problems”
You huffed knowing that Lo’ak wouldn’t go, but you appreciate him for that. You both sat down properly, you looked out to the sea while Lo’ak is still looking at you waiting for you to talk.
“Before any of you were born, Jake and Neytiri were always smiling and happy with me. We played, talked, and loved each other…  They had told me that I was the light in their dark times. Told me how I somehow lifted up the mood anywhere I went and that made them so proud of me.”
Tears are now forming again but you held back not wanting to cry in front of your brother. Not wanting to look vulnerable. Lo’ak continues to listen, surprised how happy their parents used to be with you.
“Neteyam was born, nothing much changed apart from their attention being more on him now that he was the first born son. Everything was still normal, everyone was still happy. Once the rest of you were born, everything suddenly changed. I wasn’t a priority anymore to them. I was just a burden who happened to be related to them. Once I started training, never did I have one break. They worked me to the bone till I was exhausted and at some point I just collapsed.”
Both of you were now crying. Lo’ak had felt so much guilt not knowing this was happening, how cruel their parents were. Never in his life did he want to witness you cry because in his eyes you were always so strong even after being yelled at for his and Neteyams mistakes.
“These days it is like I am now the darkness that fills the room when I am near them. The light does not exist to them anymore, not in their eyes. I am just another being they have to keep alive. I have even thought about just running away but that never happened because I had you guys by my side. Without you guys, I don’t know what I might’ve done”
You took a long pause. Lo’ak took this as his turn to speak. You worried about what he may say.
“All my life I thought that I was a disappointment in mom and dads eyes…  Now hearing how you feel and knowing how they felt about you makes me so angry how I didn’t realise you were feeling this way.  I always thought you never took things to heart because they loved you and were just worried. I admired the fact that you were always so calm when it came to being yelled at by dad. I admired how strong of a warrior you became. I admired that you understood how upset I was after my arguments with dad. I am so sorry that I never realised you were hurting this bad”
Lo’ak now sobbing, you pulled him into a hug and he hugged you back tightly. Slowly stroking his head, you guys had stayed in that position for a good while before pulling away.
“Lo’ak, never ever be sorry for something you can’t see. It was my burden to deal with. I am the older sister, it was my responsibility. Protecting all of you is something I will always do without hesitation whether or not it gets me killed.” You now sat in silence looking out to the horizon. Turning to Lo’ak you speak again.
“It is best you head off before you start to worry everyone else”
“I am not leaving you here alone”
“Lo’ak, head back, I will be okay. Make sure to tell the rest of them that I am fine but I just need some time to myself for a little bit okay?”
Lo’ak nods, not wanting to leave but decides that it’s best to not worry his other siblings more than they already are. With that you watch Lo’ak fly away while you stay seated on the sand. Once his figure disappears you lay back down and think back on the days you were happy and free. Slowly drifting into sleep, thinking if you’d ever be that happy again.
Waking up, you groan while stretching. Eyes puffy from the other day and mouth dry in need for some water. You prepare kxamtxon to head back “home” that was the one thing you were dreading. You were nervous especially after snapping at Jake the other day. You continue flying for a couple more minutes, mentally preparing yourself for the worst. You reach shore, you pat Kxamtxon off and head towards your family's Mauri. You start picking at your skin on your fingers, a habit you developed at a young age when you were nervous. 
You slowly enter hoping that it would just be your siblings present in the Mauri. Once in you only see Neytiri. She was waiting for you to return so that she could have a chance to speak with you after yesterday's events. “y/n…” She sits up quickly walking towards you with worried eyes. You wondered why she was acting like this, but in a way it felt comforting. But still being upset from the other day you brushed those feelings off. 
“I have been so worried, where did you go? Why didn’t you come back with Lo’ak?”
She tried grabbing your shoulders as a sign that she cared but you brushed her off. Seeing that you didn’t want her touching you she backed off though feeling a little hurt. 
“I just needed time to myself. You didn’t have to worry, this is the first time i’ve seen you this worried in a while” You chuckled dryly. 
That response broke Neytiri even more knowing that yesterday may have ruined her relationship with you forever. Looking back on the days you were younger, you were so happy. Looking at you now, you look as if she had abandoned you.
 “If that is everything, I will be heading back out. I do not know if I will be back tonight but I will be here tomorrow.” With that you left the Mauri leaving Neytiri alone with her thoughts. 
You went to go seek for your siblings but only finding Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk. You greet them with a small smile while they all come running to you, pulling you into a big hug. You had asked them how they were doing and apologised for worrying them. They didn’t care and kept hugging you for a little while more.
“Where is Lo’ak? I thought he would be with you guys.”
“He went to apologise to Ao’nung for punching him the face” Neteyam chuckled
Although odd my Lo’ak would have to apologise for that, you laughed it off as well. Enjoying the day hanging out with your siblings and even Tsireya. Tsireya tried to naturally add Lo’ak in your conversations and that made you smile knowing Lo’ak had someone that could take care of him in the future. While you carry on with your conversation you start to worry a bit due to Lo’ak taking so long for one apology.
All of a sudden you hear abrupt laughter from behind you. You see Ao’nung and his ugly gang laughing at something while they were talking amongst themselves. One thing you noticed is that your brother is not anywhere near them. You stood up quick striding towards Ao’nung.
“Ao’nung where is my brother?”
He looks a bit scared for a second before giving you a smug smile.
“Oh, him? We just took him out hunting but he wanted to stay out a bit longer… alone”
His so called friends behind him started to snicker. That makes you even more concerned and angry. So you grab him by the ear and repeated again with a much more menacing tone.
“Where. Is. My. Brother.”
Now scared, Ao’nung told you quickly not wanting to get hit by you again. Him saying that they left him alone past the reef had you sprinting to where the ilu were. As you reach near the Ilu, you hear the blows go off. You ditch your idea and head right towards where the alarms were coming from. Heart racing not knowing whether your brother was hurt or even if it was your brother.
Finally reaching your destination, you see Lo’ak.  You sprint to him, engulfing him in the biggest hug ever. You pull apart checking to see if he had any injuries on him, nothing but small scratches. You finally let a breath of relief come out of you knowing he wasn’t hurt or dead. Just behind him you see Jake, you’ve been avoiding him at all costs but now you see him once again. Ready for more scolding of where you were.
Instead he brings both of you into an embrace, tight as if he was scared you’d disappear. Your heart swells a bit but again you pushed those feelings aside, still not being able to forgive for what he has done. Breaking the hug Lo’ak spot Ao’nung and ready to lunge at him before you stop him. Tonowari apologises and makes his son kneel to apologise as well. Your brother suddenly takes the blame and you look at him with concern in your eyes.
Walking away you catch up to Lo’ak and hooked arms together while you pat his head for comfort. Seeing Ao’nung pop up beside you guys, you were ready to talk to him but Lo’ak stopped you saying it was okay. You just gave Ao’nung a death stare knowing if he did something again he would be dead to you.
Everyone had now gone to sleep, you went to take a late night fly with your Ikran. You had named her kxamtxon since she looked like the midnight sky. Dark blue with lighter blue signatures accompanied with white. Gliding in the sky you felt at peace once more knowing there would be nothing bothering you at this moment. That was until Jake was flying towards you.
He signalled you to land on the small island you were heading towards. As much as you didn’t want to speak to him you nod at him. Both landing, you had sat on the sand and pat next to you. He sat down and began to speak.
“You know when you were younger, you had always mentioned that you would get an Ikran that looked like the night sky. Especially with how much you loved stargazing.”
You look at him wondering why he would bring that up now. Curious, you continue letting him talk.
“You were always such a bright kid, everyone loved you, I loved you, your mother loved you. We still do… I’m sorry we haven’t been showing it you these past years, I've kept making excuses saying I was busy with your younger siblings. What a lame dad I've become huh. Having you snap at me gave me a reality check and seeing you so upset and crying made me regret so much.”
You see him choking up, you had tears in your eyes too because you’ve longed for your father to talk to you like this. Being vulnerable to each other, sharing each other's feelings, that’s all you wanted. Seeing him like this felt like your dad was back, the dad you had when you were a baby.  You begun to speak up in a wobbly voice.
“You hurt me so much you started being harsh on me and ignoring me. You have been such a terrible father to me, even to your own sons. I need to realise that everything you do affects us all. You need to stop yelling at Lo’ak all he wants is your attention, for you to SEE him. Instead you’ve been so focused with this war that you’ve forgotten how to understand how we feel. The last time I've heard you say that you see me was when I was only an infant.”
Taking in all this and processing it had Jake in shambles. Not once did he realise how much of a shit father he has been to his own children, especially to you, his light. He knows he can’t blame the war or the sky people because he was the root of the problem since the beginning. He wants to embrace you and say he is sorry over and over again but even he knows that he can’t repair the damage he’s caused.
“I want to forgive you I really do, but with everything you’ve done to me… I don’t think it will be easy for me to trust you again. I am sorry.”
“No, don't be sorry, it’s all my fault and I know that now. I will work hard to earn your trust back even if it takes months or even years. I want to be your dad again.”
He grabs your hand giving it a small squeeze and you squeeze back to give a small reassurance that you’re okay with that. Sitting in silence gazing at the stars, you feel like a child again. Being able to lay down beside your dad pointing out your favourite stars, your heart finally settles to calming beats. This is what you longed for and you finally got it after years.
Heading back together you had a content smile on your face. Returning you see Neytiri waiting once again with worried eyes. You walk towards her with arms open and you finally embrace into a warm hug. She was shocked but hugged you back immediately seeing her daughter is finally back. Going into the Mauri, finally able to sleep peacefully without having to worry about anything. What you didn’t know was the events that were going to happen in the future.
Waking up it was loud with na’vi jumping in the water with excitement. You came out and saw Tsireya running towards you guys stating that the Tulkun had returned. Turning towards the ocean, a beautiful scene of tulkun jumping and na’vi going towards them with joy. You all join them witnessing everyone finding their sisters and brothers. Rotxo introduced his brother to you, Kiri, and Tuk and rode on his fin, gliding through the water. Neteyam and Ao’nung chasing each other on their Ilu. Tsireya talking about Lo’ak to her sister. Everything was perfect.
Jake and Neytiri had put more effort into talking to you and laughing like old times. Neytiri even gave you new jewellery, with beautiful shells and beads mixed together. Again everything was perfect. Perfect until we saw Ronals sister's floating along with her calf. Everyone with looks of despair now enraged. Yelling and shouting from the clan ready to fight the sky people for what they had done. Jake yelling to not attack, but to tell the tulkun to go somewhere far away. Showing that if they are hit with the tracker they are marked for dead. Hearing that you turn to Lo’ak, watching him run to get an Ilu to warn payakan. You ran after him along with the rest of the kids.
Jumping in the water getting an Ilu chasing after Lo’ak, your heart now racing once again. Reaching payakan, he was in fact marked for death.
“Shit” you mumbled under your breath
All of you are struggling to pull the tracker off as the ship gets closer and closer towards you all. With a final tug it came loose, you took it in your hands and told everyone to go while you led them away from them.
Skypeople now chasing all of us under the water. Your heart is now beating at an extreme pace. Worried that your siblings could get hurt. From a distance you see Tsireya, Tuk, and Lo’ak being scooped up in a net from an avatar and their Ikran. Then Kiri was grabbed by another Ikran. You yelled trying to get to them as fast as you could but you were too late as they were now on the boat. You turned trying to find your father to tell him that they had been captured.
Now in a situation where your brother and sisters were stuck in a hostile position. You and Neteyam were waiting on the sidelines to see if we could anything to help but instead seeing your father move forward. At that moment you knew he was sacrificing himself and you couldn't do anything. Thinking that you’ve failed as both a daughter and sister, a sudden burst through the water showed payakan landing on the boat.
Everyone charging forwards ready to fight for their lives. You and Neteyam went forward to the ship to help your siblings. Payakan gets rid of most of the people on board, you and Neteyam jumped up. You surprise your siblings, cutting their restraints, giving each of them a hug. You hurry them off, telling them to get to safety. Then Lo’ak suddenly stops.
“We need to get spider!”
You had almost forgotten about him. Though deep in your gut you had a bad feeling. You knew something was going to go wrong but Lo’ak kept insisting. Finally agreeing, the three of you snuck on trying to find Spider. Once you spot him, you all jump down to kill off the surrounding men.
“Hurry let’s go”
You said desperation, the feeling in your stomach still not fading. Quickly trying to find the way out, you were now being shot at. All ducking for cover, you grab the gun that Lo’ak had grabbed.
“Lo’ak, Spider, be ready to run first and jump into the water on my signal okay?”
They nod. You gave them the signal, they started running as you begun to shoot at the soldiers. Seeing they made it safely, it was now Neteyams' turn then you. You gave him the signal thinking it was safe. You glance over seeing the gun being pointed at him. It was like everything was in slow motion. You dropped your gun running towards Neteyam and finally jumping in front of him.
You felt something odd hit your chest. You both land in the water, swimming up to the surface you see that Neteyam was alright cheering with Spider and Lo’ak. Then it struck you, you were struggling to stay on the surface and feeling the searing pain coming from your chest.
“N-Neteyam L-Lo’ak”
They both snapped their heads toward you, seeing you struggle they had swam over to quickly. Both in shock calling for their Ilu.
“No no y/n, stay awake okay? You’re going to be okay. NETEYAM help me put her on the Ilu!”
Grabbing you they lift you on the Ilu, now riding quickly towards their parents keeping pressure on your gushing wound. Lo’ak crying, trying not to believe that this was happening right now. Neteyam heavily focused on trying to keep the blood inside with tears running down the sides of his face. Finally reaching their parents, they carefully try to get you on top of the rock.
“Careful hold her head”
Jake couldn’t believe what he was witnessing with his own eyes. His sons carrying their daughter, covered in her blood. Neytiri now flying down with her Ikran, could not believe what she was witnessing either.
“NO Y/N, no my precious daughter”
They had just gotten her back but now she was fading again, Their light was now fading again. Their light was now fading again after being relit. Struggling to breathe you get some words out
“Dad take care of everyone, promise me”
Now wheezing to breathe. Jake grabs your hands and rests his other hand on your cheeks.
“No no you gotta stay awake babygirl, we still have so many nights to go stargazing together an-and we’re gonna go hunting together okay? Sounds good right?”
Jake now struggling to get words out as his first born daughter now struggles to breath.
“No dad, promise me you’ll take care of everyone, don’t blame anyone or yourself okay? P-promise me that.”
“I promise I swear, and i'll take care of you to okay?”
“I want to go home da-”
The light in your eyes had faded. Silence now fills your ears, finally peace overcomes your body as it stills in Jakes arms.
“Y/n? Y/N? NO oh great mother no please PLEASE”
Neytiri continues yelling and praying to bring you back. Lo’ak crying hysterically seeing his sister fade in his dads arms. Neteyam goes numb looking at the scene unfolding before him. Tsireya massages your legs to get circulation going, praying that you were just unconscious. The light in their lives is now gone forever.
Jake turns to see that his daughters are now also missing. Asking Lo’ak where they are, saying they are still on the ship near the moonpools. Lo’ak wanted to help but was told to stay put with his sister. Neteyam and Tsireya caressing your now cold body. Neteyam now sobs knowing that his older sister is now gone forever. The sister he was able to confined to when he was overwhelmed with the pressure of being the next oloeyktan. He sister who would take the blame for both his and Loaks mistakes. The sister that could make him smile in any given situation. His light… gone.
Pure blinding light, that’s all you can see. An aching feeling within you surfaces as you slowly realise where you are. With Eywa, the mother of pandora. You realised that you were dead. Adjusting to the light, you were in the forest. Specifically inside your old home. You walk around, grazing your fingers over the objects you used to have when you were younger. Now walking outside, you head towards the top of the tree. You walk towards a certain spot where you would stargaze. Laying down, you close your eyes and let go.
Quaritch now having Tuk and Kiri, he had mentioned that Jake didn’t want to lose another daughter. Both Kiri and Tuk stared blankly at him, knowing the only daughter left was you.
As fights went down, Neytiri and Jake both ran off of adrenaline and rage. Killing off all the soldiers. Finally reaching their daughter Tuk but Kiri in the hand of quaritch with a knife to her throat.
The ship slowly sinking, Neytiri and Tuk trapped, Jake slowly drowning. Jake's last thought before going unconscious was how much he had let you down. Blaming himself for the little time he gave himself to make amends with you. Thoughts now disappeared as he resurfaced with Lo’ak beside him.
Everyone is now making it out together, hugging each other, crying together. They went back to the rock to retrieve your body. Tuk and Kiri now seeing your still body, they cried their hearts out. Tuk holding onto your arm and Kiri holding your head in her lap.
The funeral was now happening. They gently placed your body into the large leaf, slowly going out towards the anemone, the light. Carefully removing you from the floating leaf, they slowly ascend down into the water. Gently placing you in the bed of anemone, slowly watching as you sink the light consuming your body. Energy now returned to Eywa.
On land, Ao’nung, Tsireya, Rotxo, all silently mourning as they saw you as an older sister as well. You helping Tsireya with small chores and gossiping about different things especially Lo’ak. Teasing Ao’nung like a younger brother when he does something embarrassing. Helping Rotxo with his grandma and lending tips into becoming a better warrior. They too lost a little bit of light that day.
The family is now approaching the spirit tree. They all attach their queues to be able to see you. First Lo’ak, he saw the memory of you comforting him after having a tough day with their father. She was able to cheer him up with simple words. He saw how they now playfully fought each other. How he missed hearing your joyous laughs and your comforting words.
Neteyam saw the memory of them when they were much younger. He was struggling to shoot a bow properly. Frustrated that he couldn’t get it right, you came over and helped him. No harsh words being said, just smooth guidance which put him at ease. Seeing how patient you were with him and how kind your words were, he really saw how much light you really emitted.
Tuk had the memory of them flying on her Ikran. One of her favourite memories of them together. You had taken Tuk on a joyride with your Ikran. Tuk screams with excitement and you laugh with her. Flying in circles and doing quick loops. That day was amazing for Tuk. It was such a freeing feeling.
Kiri, the memory that came to mind was having a quiet talk about how she feels her, how she feel eywa. You were the only one she could talk to because she knew you would not judge her. She talked about how she felt her breath and how she courses throughout the plants. You listened in amazement, seeing how close of a connection she had for Eywa. Kiri saw how you didn’t judge her once at all and just watched you watch her in amazement.
Neytiri had the memory of when you were merely a baby. The first sight of the light of her life. She remembers how you held her finger, how you giggled at the smallest things she did. Your constant smile was the light keeping the darkness away from her. Looking at the memory, she had a soft smile on her face. 
Jake, he had spotted you in your spot. He saw you laying there, eyes closed. He slowly walks towards the spot. You hear noise, and open your eyes just to see your dad sitting down beside you. You saw tears forming in his eyes and gently grabbed his hand.
“Do you remember when I was younger, we would always come up here to stargaze?”
He turns toward the sky, his hand still in yours.
“Of course, you would always drag me because I was walking to slow”
Laughing at his answer because he was right. You would have to pull him by his arm to hurry up not wanting to miss a single star going away even though they wouldn’t disappear.
“I really missed moments like this… being able to hangout with my dad in peace”
“I missed these moments too, much more than I realised”
You watch as his tears fall down his cheeks. Seeing this made you start tearing up as well. You pull him into a hug knowing he won’t have this anymore in real life. You whisper quietly while your head is tucked in his chest.
“I forgive you”
Jake's eyes went wide, wondering why you had forgiven him when he didn’t deserve it.
“I don’t want you to blame yourself dad, I know we never had the closest relationship but I want everyone to be happy even if I’m not there.”
He hugs you tighter not wanting to let go. Sobbing and wondering how he ever deserved you ever.
“Nga yawne lu oer,  Oel Ngati Kameie”
“Oel Ngati kameie, Nga Yawne lu oer sempu”
With that he opens his eyes, looking at the rest of his family with smiles on their faces looking at their memories with you in them. Now knowing that the light will always be lit because it you will always be present in their hearts.
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teecupangel · 7 months
I'm almost sorry to add another story idea to your backlog pile, BUT:
Elijah finds out what his dad went through, manages to break into a parallel universe, time travels to the 3 eras of the main ancestors, and tries to change things enough to save Desmond. Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhake:ton ask this tiny, angry, sarcastic, cactus of a child why he's doing what he's doing, and he eventually explains it over time.
Desmond, on the other hand, is watching all of this through the animus: a son he didn't know existed was trying to save him. An infant who he had never met, and who had never met him, was fighting time and reality itself to save him from a fate that still hasn't been explained, was showing more care and love and compassion for him than anyone Desmond had ever known before. And it hurts, because Desmond just grows to love him more and more, but thinks he'll never truly meet him outside of a Bleed.
Elijah never seems to age, even though he spends like forty years picking on Ezio. There's a statue of him in the Monterrigioni sanctuary, and he hates it with a passion.
Just... Elijah trying to fuck up time enough to save his dad, and Desmond watching all of it both touched and heartbroken, because if he's going through all of this anyways, it was all for nothing.
Then Elijah comes out of nowhere in the Grand Temple and sucker punches Juno with a data virus he had hardcoded into their lineage's DNA over nine centuries lmao
Please never be sorry for sending me an ask. Pile as much as you want as long as you guys understand that it would take a while for me to answer them (a month or so at this point XD)
Okay, but can you just imagine if Elijah was just a teenager in this one? That would give more of a sucker punch vibe to Desmond once he learns who Elijah is.
He has the ability to time travel but he can’t control where he gets sent. His goal had been to save Desmond Miles but he made the mistake of tying his time to Desmond Miles and not to someone more stable like Rebecca Crane or Shaun Hastings.
Hell, William Miles would be a better choice.
Desmond Miles’ ‘time’ is connected to the memories he watch in the Animus, making Elijah slip in and out of certain ‘times’, following the memories Desmond watches.
Desmond assumed Elijah was one of the informants in Altaïr’s memories. It’s only when Altaïr began to see him as an annoying child who always got in the way of Altaïr’s missions that Elijah told the truth.
Because Elijah has nothing to lose from telling Altaïr the truth. He was a prisoner of time itself, being yanked time and time again. He has a theory that he was being yanked to the time in Altaïr’s life where Desmond was watching him so he figured he could give Desmond information as well using Altaïr.
It would be funny, after all.
The Isus have chosen Ezio Auditore to be their prophet.
Why couldn’t Elijah make Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad his prophet then?
And he’ll take Ezio Auditore from the Isus as well.
Maybe it was Aita’s selfishness and desire for power.
Maybe it was his very own selfish desire to have something that was truly his.
“Shall we make a deal, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad?”
“A deal?” Those golden eyes seemed to pierce his very soul.
But it didn’t matter what he saw.
He cannot begin to fathom the truth.
Not yet, anyway.
Right now, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was a man lost in a vicious snowstorm threatening to swallow him whole and pull him to his frozen grave.
He still haven’t found the warmth he was meant to have, given to him by the Calculations.
“My name is Elijah.” He said, “I am a child of Time itself.”
“What nonsen-”
“I will correctly tell you what will happen when you confront Garnier de Naplouse.” Elijah stated, making Altaïr stop from walking away from him. Altaïr turned just enough to stare at him with one of his golden eyes as Elijah continued, “And I will tell you the future you are meant to have.”
“And what do you want in exchange?”
“From you? Nothing.” Elijah admitted, “All I want is a bit of your time.”
“My time?”
“To talk to Desmond Miles.”
Altaïr frowned as he said, “I do not know anyone by that name.”
“I know.” Elijah answered with a nod, “But he’s watching you. The Templars are forcing him to watch you right now and it is because he is forced to watch you that he comes to care for you so…”
“I will help you save yourself, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.” Elijah said, “To change your fate to whatever you desire, instead of what has been laid out in front of you. In exchange…”
“All I ask is you listen to me so I can take to my father.” Elijah’s lips curved into a small smirk that felt more Aita than him, “And to commemorate my first message to my father, I believe I should tell him an important truth.”
“Lucy Stillman is a Templar who betrayed the Assassins.”
(I feel like in this case, Elijah would provide more information and let Altaïr do what he wants. He only starts to actually have a more active roll once the memory seals from ACR starts and he grows close to Altaïr’s children. By the time he gets to Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton, he’s more ‘fuck the backseat, I’m driving’ and actively helps. This ends up with Elijah finally ‘returning’ to Desmond Miles’ time just as Minerva and Juno told him what will happen if he lets the world burn and, by that point, Elijah had already completed a device that would force Juno’s consciousness to operate the device in Desmond’s stead).
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