#oh this ep was fantastic
dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 7
Wait... so Pran says "It's hot" after getting a photo of Pat to which Pran's mum says he should "blow it first". I mean, I know I easily hear innuendos but I can't be the only one to notice this?!
Oh the happiness when Pran says he's messaging a 'friend'.
And then the heartache when Dissaya says Pran can date anyone but Pat or Pa.
Pran letting his Nanon show through at 6:07 in part 1 - with his head-twitch (you can see Nanon doing it in interviews and events etc).
Pa and Ink!! That's it. That's the comment.
I love the differences between Pat and Pa's sides of the room, and that Pa got the full bed whereas Pat is just on the mattress on the floor.
Remember what I was saying about the show manipulating us in ep 4 with Pat, Ink, and Pran? Well, they're doing it again with Pa, Ink, and Wai - having Jimmy do the voiceover for the note Pa receives with the peer mentee gift. I mean, it could never have been him because he's not in her faculty...but still, it made us question whether we were going to get InkPa.
Don't we all agree that Pran basically confesses to Pat with the curry - he said he wanted to cook the dish for the person he liked and then offered a spoonful to Pat - he effectively did cook the curry for Pat it's just that Pat chose not to eat it. These boys 😄 smh
I love Pa's friends and want to see them in another show.
With the way Wai is recounting the synopsis for the Riam/Kwan play, you'd think he'd be a bit more sympathetic towards Pat and Pran.
Also, library scene my beloved (pfp ftw!). And Pran in a yellow shirt whilst thinking about his and Pat's flirting (they're so happy!), and then Pran in a blue shirt amongst a sea of red in the lecture hall. AND THE MINT GREEN BOOK DIVIDERS. God the design.
Oh Oh and the LIGHTING! I forgot how this show had used light and shadow throughout this ep to emphasise how Pran is "still closed off, not yet ready to be open and honest with Pat, needing the bet still as a premise to ‘date’ Pat...whereas Pat is ready and has always been ready...and it’s only right at the end, when Pran has decided he’s also ready to leave the bet behind and get on the same page as Pat, that he becomes fully illuminated."
Really, show me another series that is doing product placement like Bad Buddy. THE BOTTLE 'SPONGE BATH'! Please!
Wai teasing Pran with the 'ja' particle when kissing his neck/cheek... I guess making Pat doubly jealous...
"Your Man?" !!
Pran looks so smug but Pat's about to wipe that off his face.
Disgruntled dimples!
And I can't watch the noodle scene without thinking of this post.
But also knowing that Pat has pretty much confessed to Pran through his audition monologue kind of makes this scene hit different. Yes, they're having a flirting competition, doing things with Ink and Wai that they want to be doing with each other, but poor Pat has already said he wants to end the bet but Pran is continuing as normal.
Micellair my beloved. Pat says he doesn't always come to play but that is what he actually does. He tried to lighten Pran's mood by playing. He puts paint on Pran's cheek so that he can clean his face... I mean, it works! Until Wai shows up... And they're still telling each other to 'say it first' but Pat's already confessed! istg asfagad;lkgjadjh;kjg
Yes! I love fierce Pran. He doesn't stand for any shit. 👏🏼
Also, you know @thiansong's post about Pran being so Loved? Well, I just realised that Chart was implying that Toto would have to chose between him or Pran and that, if so, Toto would chose Chart... But actually he doesn't because Pran stays and Chart goes. Pran is so LOVED!
Oh... Pran then repeats Pat's "I'm not always playing games with you" on the rooftop...
When I first watched the rooftop scene, I thought Pat was being stupid by preventing Pran from confessing but in hindsight he is entirely valid since Pran was doing it because he needed Pat to act in the play. It took me while to understand.
Forever May my beloved. Like with the instrument shop in ep 5, the editing of this scene with this music is inspired! (Again, a scene that feels 'danced' is one that includes an instrument.)
It's interesting that the other actors who auditioned played the role of Kwam - the original male character - whereas Pat played the role of Riam - the traditional female character - reminiscent of the bus stop scene when he played the girlfriend. Thus the show, yet again, is subverting the seme/uke/wife/husband tropes.
And of course in his confession Pat/Kwam talks about not playing games anymore. (And then I'm thinking about that post by @grapejuicegay along with @casualavocados about how the show does things in threes - introduces the idea [micellair scene], increases the tension [rooftop scene], and brings it to a conclusion [confession scene] 🤯)
Oh but that confession though 💖😭💖
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pondhue · 7 months
watching rick beat the ever-living-shit of prime like that felt so real. each swing and hit felt visceral and caused me to flinch each time. watching an actual person take out their frustration, rage, turmoil, and grief in such a way stun-locked me.
seeing him lose his resolve felt so personal to where i felt like i was trespassing on something or watching something i shouldn't have been. it really emphasized to me that rick really is just a jaded, sad old man that's been stricken with ghastly amounts of grief and self-hatred for decades. he's pathetic and he knows that!
and to me he didn't look satisfied or content, he looked... gone. dissociated. like just so checked out. he looked so lost and dejected which made it worse. listening to prime's monologue and watching rick fully lose himself and see how fragile his mental state really is was so uncomfortable in such a good way.
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brittlebutch · 8 months
btw Still thinking about the moment where Tula first realizes she's literally, mechanically unable to keep up with / catch Jaysohn when he bolts and runs his full speed. That revelation that she's not fast enough to stop him, or get alongside him, much less get in front of him to protect him if he needed it. The dread terror of it. :(
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jakowskis · 5 months
"i hated owen for all/most of s1 i only started liking him in s2" weak. i liked owen since he got choked against a wall by an angry woman and then told her he wanted to shag her immediately afterwards. and then even more when he spent ep3 trying to intimidate and murder a rapist
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starheirxero · 3 months
Their conversation had me in literal tears, everything about it was just grjsklw-
The two of them just communicating and being open is EVERYTHING to me!
Lunar realizing that Earth needed their comfort, that instead of wallowing, they needed to reassure her, and be there for her-
Earth's quiet confession, that in that moment, she wondered if Lunar could lash out at her as well…
The way Lunar subconsciously was like "I don't have that much trauma, I should already be over it", and Earth basically answering with "But it was a lot. It was overwhelming and painful, and we shouldn't have expected you to just be okay"
The way they talked about Eclipse, about how a part of Lunar wanted to understand Eclipse, wondered if they could've changed anything! But also making it clear that this was an unhealthy relationship, and they had every right to leave! Because while yes, they've only hit them once(three times actually, I think🤔), it doesn't make it okay. Not to forget the emotional abuse, and the murder. However, in that moment, Lunar humanized Eclipse! They didn't see him as the monster peeking through their window anymore, but like the rest of them, who's just as fucked up as the rest of them-
Lunar saying "I just want my sister back", because they were taught, that love is conditional.
Earth telling them "You never lost me" because of course they didn't, because Earth adores them with everything she's got, because the celestial family doesn't do conditional love, because their love is true and protective and unwavering-
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I can't even BEGIN to express all the feelings that ep made me feel holy SHIT!!!! Lunar absolutely splayed their heart out in front of Earth and they were even more open and unguarded than they were in the therapy episode and AUAGHGHHHH ITS SO EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!!
AND GHOD YEA. LUNAR'S SELF REFLECTION..... HUGE!!!!! Lunar finally realizing that trauma isn't as easy as "slap as a mask on it and then ur okay!!" and that they are STILL FUCKED UP FROM ECLIPSE but also like u said they HUMANIZED ECLIPSE!!!! THAT IS!!!! SUCH A BIG STEP FOR LUNAR I THINK!!!!!!!
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lumensuperbis · 7 months
i know the joke is that one piece fans are always like 'well if you watch several hundred episodes it'll get good' which like i COMPLETELY disagree with i love the early seasons and it took me no time at all to get into the story BUT i will be the first to admit the early animation is ROUGH so the whole time i'm watching the onigashima arc i'm just like 'well if you wait about 980 episodes then the animation will also get good' 😅
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yoggybloggy · 2 years
asian AND ace andhera i need to lie down i truly need to lie down i know that omar’s projecting his own personal traits onto his pc and i am so grateful for that… andhera just suddenly means so much to me like my love for this lil slippery boy quadrupled over the last few days 😭😭😭
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docholligay · 11 months
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First off, I agree with the fact that at the end of it all, there's little more that a human being could ask for than to have few regrets at the end of it all. No regrets is a fucking lie, but few regrets is a sign that you did fairly well, all told. hard to be mad about having a rich, full life and dying as an old man.
Secondly though, YES. I think a lot of times we gloss over the fact that to be a legacy is a huge amount of expectation and stress. I sometimes wish that media that wasn't me would go into the fact that it's GOTTA fuck with Fareeha's head that everyone is constantly comparing her to her mother, and even when she simply thinks her mother is DEAD, and not, you know, hiding out picking up mercenary work, she has to deal with the fact that everyone else is imagining this steely perfect icon and she's like, "She was that. She was an excellent soldier, and a distant, dismissive, chronically absent mother"
But all of that's too interesting of course.
ANYWAY, yes, being the lineage puts a lot of strain on you, ebcause you are never being judged simply for what you do, simply the expectation of what's been done. It's like how Loreen was criticized for this last song Not Being Euphoria (and it wasn't) while everyone else is just competing with what's onstage.
Gee I wonder if I can bring another niche interest into this post uhhhh...BUT, the good thing about being a lineage, is someone has already tilled the ground for you. That rich compost of history, of grounding in time, makes it much easier for a flower to bloom, and a person's career, too how's this is this working for anyone.
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It's always the same thing isn't it. And somehow I'm never ready. "Oh they're so cute" "oh this is so romantic" "oh look they're such a happy couple" "they're such a happy family" "i love them" and then BAM. the horrors
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oxventurequotes · 2 years
dob: what do you think is going to change prudence? prudence: you. corazon: from being alive into being dead.
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I've been watching/reading Death Note every once in a while for the last couple of months and this is the funniest most unserious serious anime ever.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 6 months
It's ironic how Day uses the eyedrops to be able to see Mhok whereas I can't see them at all through my tears.
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nerdyqueerr · 1 year
hello hi kit’s outfit is literally just the medieval fantasy version of graham butimacheerleader’s gay club outfit. someone listen to me please
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owlyflufff · 1 year
Henlo! Long time no post TvT!!!
Before all else, I would like to say that NOPE! I haven’t lost interest in bokuaka or haikyuu (your gonna have to pry that series from my hands) and NOPE! I don’t plan on dropping this blog anytime soon so rest assured <33! 
Would just like to apologize for my inactivity again :’DD, mainly have been busy with life stuff and constantly getting tired really drains me from writing or posting even though I’d love to. 
Aside from that, I’ve been revisiting/getting into new pieces of media like Bungou Stray dogs and my current hyperfixation: Trigun <33
With that would just like to say that I’ll still be posting albeit inconsistently, most likely will be alive again once the haikyu movie drops (or not cause what if no Bokuaka :’DD), but will still post stuff all the same! 
Just know that my blog will always be here as a safe place to look at bokuaka fluff content and a serotonin boost when you need it
Hope everyone is doing alright and stay safe!
(oh and also watch Trigun Stampede for the sweetest boi Vash, like look at him:
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how can you not love him? anyways thank you <33!)
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trijuiceofnature · 1 year
Did I expect to fall back into ygo? not in the slightest yet here I am sobbing over an alien war hero and his two little quirky kids that he'd die for :'')
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thane-emblem · 2 years
NEW TDP SEASON AAAAAAAAAAAAA I have SO MANY THOUGHTS alskdjflsadjkf I loved it!!!! Spoilers in the tags, beware!!
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