#I find I get confused and flustered and overwhelmed when I don't write for a couple days
wileys-russo · 1 day
before the void (fresa's version 2.0) II a.putellas
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before the void one two II filling the void one two three four five six you can all say thanks to @girlgenius1111 for filling my head with this idea xx
before the void (fresa's version 2.0) II a.putellas
though you were incredibly outspoken now and for the most part a rather fearless teenager, there was once a time that the thought of public speaking made your stomach churn.
you remember where it all started, when you were just six years old.
you'd been given a task in class to write a short fictional story, and even at that young of an age your work was admirable, to the point your teacher after reading it had kept you back in class.
a very flustered eli had sought you out once she'd been informed of your whereabouts by the front office after being unable to find you during pick up.
rushing toward your classroom panic coursed through her at what might have happened for you to be held after class, memories of things your sisters had done over the years to get in trouble never leaving her mind.
though it was sheer relief and overwhelming pride that replaced it shortly after she'd joined you and been asked to read your story.
your teacher then informed that she'd like you to read it aloud at the upcoming end of year performance for the school at the end of the week, and without so much as a look in your direction your mami agreed.
now you were already set to perform, the kindergarten classes all teaming up for an adorable christmas themed group dance number. and initially you hadn't been worried about that, you were with your friends and everything in rehearsals had been kept very light and fun.
you didn't quite understand what your teacher meant when she explained before eli arrived what she wanted you to do, instead just blushing red in embarrassment with the praise about your story, immediately seeking out comfort in your mami's arms once she arrived.
it wasn't until you returned home and it was explained to you properly that you really understood what had been agreed for you to do.
you'd been told time and time again all afternoon by both your sisters and your mami how proud everyone was, your story passed around and read over and over, but the bomb about you performing eli had waited until dinner to drop.
"like all by herself, her own special moment? fres! that is so cool hermana." alba grinned as you frowned, confused by what she meant. "hey what did we say about pulling ugly faces nena." alexia teased, reaching over to smooth out your eyebrows as you pushed her hand away.
"by myself?" you questioned, frowning again and directing the question toward eli who nodded. "sí hija, you will stand up on the stage in front of everyone and read your story!" eli beamed happily but your frown only deepened.
"lots of people?" you questioned again but it was missed as your family all started to plan who they would invite, alexia already having planned on bringing jenni and now eli readying to extend the invitation to almost your whole family.
"do i have to?" you spoke up again, this time not ignored but rather shrinking a little under the three sets of eyes that turned to you, dropping your own gaze to your plate of food, pushing it around rather than eating it.
"sí. you made a commitment to your teacher fresa, but this will be exciting! like alba said, a very special moment all about you." eli smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face as you nodded.
"you're done?" alexia asked in shock as you pushed your plate away, food barely touched despite your normal seemingly endless appetite, a running joke in the family you had a worm in your stomach which ate all your food.
"no! i trained all day, i get it. you didn't do anything alba you don't even walk to school!" your sisters immediately began to argue over your leftovers as eli tried to play peacemaker before it turned physical.
in any other instance your silence might be noted as odd. you were a boisterous kid by nature, with two outspoken older sisters to compete with for attention you knew how to stand up for yourself and assert yourself despite your age.
but you were caught up in how strange you suddenly felt.
your stomach was twisted up like a knotted rope, your hands a little wet and clammy, chest felt all tight like when you got the flu and couldn't stop coughing, the back of your neck felt very itchy and strange, and suddenly your clothes didn't feel like they fit you properly as you fidgeted and tugged at them in your seat.
"hey!" you were snapped out of it by a hand tugging at your hair, glaring up at alexia who stood beside your chair.
"i'm on dishes which means you're helping me dry hermanita, or else i'll have to drown you in the sink!" your nerves disappeared as suddenly you were hanging upside down over her shoulder, giggles filling the air and your performance now pushed to the back of your mind where it belonged.
but it all surfaced once again the next day at school when instead of returning to class with your friends after dance class you had to stay back to practice reading your story.
"now see all these chairs fresa? on friday night they will be filled with people! your mami reserved a lot of tickets so your whole family must be coming to cheer you on, i am sure they are very very proud of you." your teacher smiled kindly, squatted down beside you as you stood up on stage.
there wasn't more than a hundred chairs, after all you didn't go to a huge school, most of the grades only had about thirty to forty kids. but to you it may as well have been a million chairs, and suddenly the room felt both huge and tiny at the same time.
"no." was all you managed out, that weird feeling from last night returning as you gripped your story in your hands. "no? why would they not be proud!" your teacher laughed, misunderstanding as she stood.
"now when you read fresa we have to make sure we speak loudly and clearly and-" your teacher started as you shook your head furiously. "no!" you repeated, scrunching your story up and dropping it to the ground, running off the stage.
you were held back again after that outburst, assured softly by your teacher that if you were too nervous she wouldn't make you read your story, leaving the decision up to you.
nervous, a new word and a new feeling.
but though it seemed the decision was up to you, and your teacher might have said that, alexia thought otherwise.
it was her turn to pick you up from school that day, already running late having left training to collect you before returning as she always did on wednesdays. so to have to be held up again by coming to meet your teacher she was flustered on arrival.
"fres? vamos nena you're coming to training with me." the older girl appeared in the doorway, nearly knocked off her feet with the force in which you hurtled yourself into her legs, a grunt leaving her mouth as she grabbed the doorframe and steadied herself.
"hey hey hermana what has happened? why are you upset huh?" her demeanor instantly shifted, squatting down and hugging you properly as she caught the eye of your teacher who gave an empathetic smile.
"fresa is a little nervous about reading her story on friday." the older woman explained as alexia stood, a hand on your head as your body sagged into hers with a sigh too deep for someone only six years of age, but that was missed by your sister.
"nervous? by friday she will be fine, we will help her practice at home." alexia assured confidently, your teacher frowning a little. "if she does not want to do it she-" the woman started as alexia cut her off with a wave, moving your hair out of your face.
"she will be fine, gracias. now if that is all?" alexia raised an eyebrow as your teacher stammered for a moment before nodding, taken aback by the abrupt confidence of the ninteen year old in front of her who smiled and thanked her again before guiding you away.
"what was all that about, you are nervous?" alexia asked after you were securely buckled into your seat and she was back behind the drivers wheel, catching your eye for a moment in the rear view mirror as you shrugged, not really knowing what that meant.
"standing up there, i felt weird." you struggled to answer your sister who hummed. "nerves are normal pequeña, they are healthy. it means that you care, that you are excited!" alexia smiled in an attempt to reassure you, something which did nothing to move the frown from your feature.
"i don't want to read my story." you answered firmly, crossing your arms with a huff. "well you will be reading it hermana, you made a commitment. putellas women do not go back on our commitments!" alexia reminded, catching your eye again as she stopped at a red light, almost to the training facility.
"no." "sí." "no." "sí." "no! i'm not doing it, my teacher said i didn't have to." you raised your voice right as alexia pulled into her parking spot, turning around properly now the car was shut off.
"fresa. mami has invited the family, jenni is coming, alba and i will be there, and everyone is very excited and very proud. do you want to let them down? make them sad that they do not get to hear your story?" alexia questioned raising an eyebrow, not understanding what was even making you nervous, you didn't get nervous.
"no." you mumbled, dropping your gaze and kicking your feet out, that strange feeling having been bugging you ever since rehearsal as you pulled at the collar of your shirt.
the door beside you opened, alexia unbuckling you and grabbing your school bag as you slipped out of the car. "hey, stop that." your sister knelt down, tugging your hands away from where you fidgeted and pulled at your clothes.
"do i really have to read it out in front of everybody?" you asked, hitting alexia with your best puppy dog eyes making her chuckle. "sí, but we will all be there to support you. vale?" your sister smiled in satisfaction as you nodded, taking her hand and following after her into the building.
normally you were beyond excited whenever you accompanied her to training, sprinting off to greet all the staff and warned time and time again by your sister not to run ahead where she couldn't see you.
but today there was none of that, you clung tightly to alexia and barely gave the staff a smile as everyone said their hello's and the pair of you headed for the locker room.
your sister hoped changing you out of your school clothes and into something you could run around in might perk you up but it didn't work, and as each of her teammates tried to greet you again you barely acknowledged anyone.
alexia just chalked it up to you being tired knowing majority of today you'd been in dance rehearsals, a letter of warning having been sent home earlier in the week that the end of year concert meant less actual scholastic work would be done in the days leading up to it, eli needing to sign her permission for you to engage with this.
and though your sister might not have picked up on your strange mood being a little more than that, someone did.
"hola chiqui." jenni knelt down in front of you where you sat by alexia's cubby, knees tucked to your chest. "hi." you mumbled quietly, sending her the tiniest of smiles as your sisters girlfriend frowned at the out of character behaviour.
"hey your sister told me about your story! thats very exciting." jenni tried with a big grin, poking at you as you only shrugged. "are you coming to see?" you asked, shuffling around and pulling uncomfortably at your top, wiping your hands on your knees.
"of course pequeña!" jenni beamed proudly, but that faded seeing the look on your face at her answer. "do you not want me to come?" jenni asked softly, moving to take a seat beside you.
"i don't want anyone to come." you muttered, glaring at the ground, alexia catching jenni's eye and sending a curious look which the tattooed footballer waved off, hanging back with you for a moment as the rest of the girls filed out for the afternoon session.
"vale. it is just you and me now fresa, why are you upset?" jenni tugged you to sit on her knee, tensing up for a second as you didn't hesitate to bury your face in her shoulder, gripping tightly to her jersey.
"hey hey hey, whats wrong fresita? do you want me to get alexia?" jenni asked worriedly feeling your small body start to tremble as she hugged you tightly, knowing that was always the best way to soothe you. she was even more surprised at the way your head shook firmly side to side at the mention of your sister.
"i don't want to do it!" you pulled your head away and looked up at her pleadingly, the older girl wiping the stray tears from the corner of your eye as she melted. "don't want to do what? hey fresa, in and out por favor." jenni reminded soothingly as you started to hyperventilate a little, copying her breathing as your body calmed a little.
"now, using your words pequeña. why are you upset?" jenni asked softly, lifting your chin up as your head flopped to look at the ground. "i don't want to read my story." you spoke clearer this time, though not offering any explanation even when jenni gently prompted you for one.
"everyone says i have to, but i don't want to. i can't jenni!" you started to become upset again as jenni quickly stood, holding you on her hip like when you were younger, making her way slowly out of the change rooms hoping some sun might help your mood.
"vale. how about i talk to your sister about your story, and you go sit with andre to help him like you always do. sí?" jenni placed you back down, nodding to one of the assistant defensive coaches who was waiting for you, knowing you came with alexia every wednesday and always finding little things for you to do to help pass the time.
"hey! not so fast." jenni grabbed the back of your shirt as you went to race off. "i did not get a proper hello." your sisters girlfriend pretended to be offended, softening as finally a smile returned to your face and you launched at her in a hug.
"fresa hugs are the best hugs, gracias." jenni sighed, shaking you for a moment and rewarded with a small giggle for her efforts. "ah! beso?" she tapped her cheek as you tried to run off again, amused at the way your eyes rolled and you quickly kissed her cheek.
"no eye rolling! more and more like alexia every single day." jenni groaned playfully, rolling her own eyes as you gasped. "you just did it!" you accused, pushing her shoulder.
"i am allowed to, vamos baby putellas. go help andre!" jenni pushed you back by the forehead, dodging the way your tiny arm swung at her with a huff. "i am six now jenni, i am not a baby." you warned before marching off to andre.
"yeah jenni, she is six now!" the girl turned around at the familiar voice, standing up and pushing at her girlfriend who grinned. "you are a bad influence on her amor, so much atttiude in such a small body." jenni tutted as the two of them wandered back to the team.
"don't look at me, that attitude is pure alba!" alexia laughed in defense as jenni rolled her eyes and hummed. "hey-" the tattooed forward stopped for a moment. "about the story, she really does not want to do it ale." jenni warned quietly, surprised at the way your sister seemed to brush it off.
"sí, she is a little nervous. thats normal! healthy, we will help her be ready." alexia shrugged as jenni shook her off. "no, alexia. she was really upset, i have not seen-" jenni was cut off by the blow of the whistle, alexia jogging off toward the rest of the team before her girlfriend followed after her with a sigh.
by the end of training your mood was back to normal, the strange feeling from earlier going away again as you were kept too busy to even give your story a thought.
but after dinner that night, everything changed.
you'd finished getting ready for bed changed into warm pyjamas from the dryer with your bear in hand, knowing you had another half hour until you really had to go to bed and intending to con one of your sisters into letting you control the tv until then.
but you were stumped to see that on your return to the living room it was changed dramatically.
the entire room had been rearranged, the dining room chairs moved to be stacked in rows and one right at the head of them, the couches pushed to the side.
"alexia are you really sure this is-" alba asked again with a concerned frown, jenni having messaged her about your odd behaviour since it didn't seem your eldest sister was taking it seriously.
"hermana!" alexia cheered seeing you, hurrying over as alba sighed but plastered a smile on her face. "why are the chairs here?" you asked with a frown, alexia handing you your story as suddenly the strange feeling returned.
"well since you are nervous pequeña, we are going to practice so you are not nervous!" alexia answered, grabbing under your arms and carrying you over to the chair at the front and standing you up on it. "red." you frowned as your sister took her from your grip.
"you can't have it on stage with you nena, this is supposed to be like the real thing." alexia explained as you deflated a little but nodded.
"pretend we are at your concert. i will be sat here, alba there, and jenni and mami and all the family will be sat watching you, and all your friends families too!" alexia smiled in a way that was supposed to be reassuring but it just made you feel worse.
"but hermana if-" alba started, noticing right away that you'd suddenly gone a shade more pale and seemed to be fidgeting in a way that wasn't normal, tugging at your clothes and rubbing your free hand against your leg.
"alba." alexia cut her off with a warning glare, the two having been bickering back and forth since the topic was raised, disagreeing on how to go about dealing with it, eli out for dinner with some work friends.
"now. remember what your teacher said fres, speak loud and clear so everyone can hear! because there will be lots of people all the way to the back of the hall and we want all of them to hear you." alexia waved for you to start reading as she and alba settled into their chairs, several of your toys filling the other ones which was alba's doing in her own attempt to try and calm you.
you nodded and swallowed hard, holding up your story and all but burying your face in it, mumbling along. "no no no, not like that." alexia shook her head and stood as alba sighed and dragged a hand down her face.
"when you read for people you have to look at them, so they know you are speaking to them." alexia took your story and stood beside you.
"you read a sentence, remember it, and then look up and say it. then you look at the page again, read it, remember it, look up and say it. vale?" alexia explained as you nodded slowly and she handed you your story back.
"you are overwhelming her, she's six alexia!" alba hissed quietly, dismissed with a wave as alexia sat back down. "go fresa. nice and loud!" your sister encouraged, your knees shaking slightly as your face felt hot and you shifted.
just like before the strange feeling returned as you felt your sisters eyes pierce into you, imagining what it would be like with hundreds more as you stammered through the first few words of your story.
"eyes up fresa! remember, read and look up. read and look up!" alexia coached, not meaning to come off as strict as she did but not realising she was only making you feel worse.
"speak clearly fresa!" "remember, you want everyone to hear." "no hermana, look up more!" "we will all be here watching you, supporting you." "you don't want anyone to be disappointed, no?"
her words echoed around your head until they were all you could hear and the strange feelings intensified. your stomach was twisted and churning, hands wet and clammy, chest all tight like you couldn't breathe properly, back of your neck itchy, and your clothes didn't feel like they fit you properly.
then, then came the nausea, followed by the contents of your stomach all over the floor.
"fresa!" alexia hadn't meant to shout, she really hadn't. but she was shocked at what had just happened and thinking she was mad at you you took off, dropping your story and sprinting away.
"nice alexia." alba snapped, standing up and shoving at the older girls shoulders before sprinting off after you.
with another bath and a new set of pyjamas, both of your sisters put aside their argument to promise you weren't in any trouble and tuck you into bed, alexia quite sure you'd only end up in hers later on anyway.
but the bickering resumed the moment you were asleep and your door clicked shut, eli returning home and frowning at the sound of the hushed argument, the vomit cleaned up and living room put back to how it normally was.
"hey!" your mami's voice was firm and commanding as she placed her bag down, both of your sisters falling silent and looking over guiltily, eli raising her eyebrow silently asking for an explanation.
"fresa cannot read her story." "fresa is a little nervous."
both girls glared at one another at the conflicting sentences, at eli's request taking turns to give their sides of the story about tonight.
"she was sick?" eli frowned, sat at the table now with a concerned frown. "sí. it is more than nerves mami, she is terrified!" alba stuck up for you as alexia made a dismissive noise.
"she probably ate her dinner too fast, you know how she gets. she will be fine mami! she just needs to practice." alexia spoke, shooting her younger sister a dirty look who rolled her eyes, both girls awaiting eli's verdict.
"vale, i will speak with your hermanita tomorrow."
but tomorrow, things got even worse.
your nerves now taking over entirely you'd refused to even participate in the dance you'd spent weeks learning, faking a stomach ache and being sent to the nurses office, but your teacher saw right through you.
"hola mi hija." you looked up from the bed you were sat on in the nurses office, a sick bag and a bottle of water untouched beside you, your feet hitting the floor and your body ramming into eli's legs as she sighed.
she'd already spoken with your teacher who'd called, raising concerns for your odd behavior and just like she had with alexia promising there was no pressure for you to read your story, or participate in the dance if that was too much.
eli promised to speak with you tonight about everything, and that was still her intention but she knew you'd be more comfortable having the conversation not at school.
so pulled out early you headed home, uncharacteristically silent in the back seat the entire way there, your mami not pushing you to say more than the few words it seemed you were able to.
"hija. your teacher told me you do not want to read your story, can you tell me why?" eli asked softly, having made you a snack and allowed you some time to settle down before she raised the topic again, not missing the way you immediately began to fidget.
but all she got was a shrug, and not for any malicious reason, you really weren't sure why you were feeling this way about reading the story, and so you weren't able to actually verbalize it.
"vale. well, if you do not want to fresa, you do not have to." eli promised as you looked up with wide eyes. "really?" you questioned as your mami nodded. "no. it would be good if you could try, but if you cannot, then that is okay too." eli assured as you frowned and nodded, the older woman dropping the topic for now and leaving you in front of the tv.
you seemed back to your normal self by the evening, racing around playing a game entertaining yourself as alba was locked away studying for something and alexia was yet to return home from training, dinner almost ready.
"fresa!" alexia groaned as she'd barely stepped foot inside before you were zooming through her legs, almost taking her down to the ground as alba snickered in amusement helping eli to set the table.
"it is a new game she made up, be nice." eli warned, alexia rolling her eyes as alba stood and you raced through her legs too, counting along with the points system nobody but you understood.
having showered at training your eldest sister dumped her things in her room, returning to the table right as dinner was served, all four of you chattering away as usual and you again seemed back to your normal self.
but again, everything changed after dinner.
once more alexia had told you to practice, alba had voiced her argument and eli had silenced both of them. handing you your story and curious to see if you displayed the same behaviors alba had reported the night before and alexia had dismissed.
"remember fresa. read, look up, speak. loud and clear, vale?" alexia coached, ignoring the way alba's eyes bore daggers into the side of her head, the room at least not set up like it was last night but still you were stood on a chair in front of the three of them.
just like last night and every time before, the strange feelings burst forth from where they'd been laid in hiding, biding their time and waiting for the right time to resurface.
your stomach twisted and churning, hands wet and clammy, chest all tight like you couldn't breathe properly, back of your neck itchy, and clothes didn't feel like they fit you properly, your spare hand tugging and pulling as you shifted on your feet.
"vamos fresa." alexia clicked, eli sat between both her daughters really the only barrier to alba knocking some sense into her older sister, grateful for eli nudging her eldest and subtly shaking her head.
"i can't." you shook your head after opening and closing your mouth a few times, trying to read but the words wouldn't come out, stuck in the back of your throat.
"you can." alexia argued, waving for you to. "no." you shook your head, knees trembling as alba frowned. "go fresa. read, you are fine!" alexia spoke a little more sternly, much like her coaches would to her on the pitch, misreading the situation all together.
"alexia." eli warned quietly, but it fell on deaf ears. "mami said i didn't have to, miss luisa said i didn't have to. i'm not reading it!" your own tone of voice raised, nerves bubbling over into frustration as to why your sister wouldn't listen to you.
"you are being silly fresa. read it!" alexia ordered, her own patience running thin. "no!" you yelled now, spare hand balling into a fist. "alexia-" eli began again but your sister was already up to her feet.
"you made a commitment, putellas women do not give up on commitments. you will read your story here, and you will read your story tomorrow. you are fine fresa, so read it, now!" alexia warned, and then it all bubbled over and you snapped.
"i hate you!" you screamed, ripping up the piece of paper with your story on it in half, jumping down from the chair and sprinting off to your room, throwing your door closed as hard as you should as it slammed shut.
a string of angry spanish curses filled the room as alba lunged at alexia, the two bickering quickly and aggresively, shoving one another around before eli yelled for them to stop and pushed her way in the middle.
"you are so selfish and stupid and stubborn and-" alba started, becoming too frustrated to even get her words out. "as much as you think she is alexia she is not just like you. she is normal! she gets nervous! but that, that is more than nervous-" alba growled, yelling now over eli's head who was still attempting to diffuse things.
"she is terrified and you just push and you push and you push, and you made it worse! imbécil testarudo." alba spat, wrenching her arm away and storming off after you, alexia scoffing at the dramatics with a roll of her eyes.
"sit." eli ordered sternly, the taller brunette giving her a look which quickly withered away at the one she got in return, sitting down in defeat as alba knocked at your door.
"hola hermanita, it is just me. can i come in?" alba called out softly, taking your silence as a yes as she pushed open the door. but she frowned closing it again and unable to see you anywhere, calling out your name.
finally, a noise in your wardrobe which was firmly shut.
"are you going to come out hermana?" alba asked gently, taking a seat by the wardrobe door, hearing a faint no echo out from inside. "vale, we will just talk like this then." your sister promised, nothing sounding in return.
"or i can talk, and you just knock on the door. two for yes, three for no." two knocks sounded making alba smile and tuck her knees up to her chest.
"do you want to read your story tomorrow pequeña?" three knocks sounded. "it makes you feel...bad to read your story in front of people?" two knocks. "you think you will let everyone down, make them sad, if you do not read your story?" two knocks again. "but you really don't want to read it?" three knocks one more time.
"okay, then you will not have to read it hermanita. i promise i will speak to mami, and to alexia." a slight creak sounded, the door opening just a sliver.
"can you come out? i need a fresa hug." alba cooed encouragingly, knocking on the door but not making a move to open it herself not wanting to push you.
"i can't." "why not?" "i'm stuck."
"stuck? is the door jammed?" alba frowned, reaching over and pushing it a little as it easily slid, a small hand sneaking out and slapping hers away from inside.
"promise me...no laughing!" you warned, voice muffled as alba frowned and agreed. but as the door opened properly and you emerged, a hand had to be slapped over her mouth to stop the sixteeen year old collapsing into laughter.
"oh fresita..." alba trailed off clearly amused as you sat in your wardrobe, head stuffed into one of your papi's old motorcycle helmets, arms crossed against your chest.
"ven aquí idiota." alba chuckled, offering you her hand which you took and allowed her to pull you from the wardrobe, now stood in front of her. "where did you even find this nena?" alba asked with a smile, fiddling with the clasp which was indeed stuck.
"garage. helps me think!" you huffed, stomping your foot impatiently as finally with a few little wiggles your sister pulled the clasp free, carefully tugging the helmet off and placing it down on your floor.
"there, much better." alba smiled, opening her arms as you collapsed into them, body sagging into hers and a very deep sigh exhaled into her shoulder as she rubbed your back.
"promise i don't have to read my story?" you mumbled, arms locked around her neck. "pinky promise." your sister poked you gently, holding up her hand as you locked your pinky with hers, each kissing the others hand.
you both sat in silence for a little while, your sister playing with your hair and rubbing your back feeling the tension in your body slowly dissapate.
"hey fres?" finally she spoke, your head pulled away as now you both sat cross legged on your floor facing each other. "when you have to read, does your stomach feel a little funny?" you nodded at that.
"your face gets a little hot?" nodding again. "your clothes don't feel right? a little itchy? tight?" nodding again.
"and my hands get all wet!" you piped up, alba now nodding in understanding. "guess what?" she questioned as you looked on cluelessly. "i feel like that too, when i have to take a test at school." your sister revealed honestly, pulling a face and successfully getting a smile from you.
"really?" "really."
"you know what helps me?" alba asked as you shook your head. "hand out." your sister motioned as you frowned but did as she asked, eyes widening at the small woven bracelet she slipped onto your wrist, tying it up so it sat loosely but not enough to move much up and down your arm.
"whenever i feel like that, i play with one of my bracelets, and it helps me feel better!" your sister promised, holding out her own hand where several other bracelets sat.
"so you don't have to read your story hermanita, i promise. but if you ever feel like that, you can always talk to me about it, or you can play with my bracelet and think of something happy. take your mind off whatever is making you feel icky, like reading the story." again you nodded, a proper smile on your face now as you launched at the older girl in a hug.
catching eli's eye who was hovering in the doorway alba gave a small thumbs up, the older woman nodding in understanding and leaving the two of you to it.
a knock sounded shortly after, though as alba looked up this time her eyes narrowed as alexia shifted from foot to foot in the doorway. "fresa?" she called out hopefully, your head peering around to look at her.
"can we talk please?" alexia asked softly, a hopeful look in her eyes as you stood and began to make your way over. "no." you answered firmly, pushing at her legs until she was out of the doorway, slamming it shut again as your eldest sisters eyes widened in shock.
"alexia." her name sounded as her hand was on the doorknob, ready to push it open and try again, looking over her shoulder as eli sent her a look.
"try again tomorrow hija, give her a little space."
but as friday rolled around, your attitude toward her only worsened.
of a morning alexia was always the one who helped you get ready for school. she would help you pack your bag, check you had everything, do your hair for you, help you pick what to wear and sit with you at breakfast normally coloring something in together.
but this morning, you wanted nothing to do with her.
eli packed your bag, alba did your hair and helped you get ready, you sat with alba at breakfast and anytime alexia tried to speak to you all she got was a frown and your body turned the other way, each action like a punch to the gut.
she watched on helplessly as you hugged and kissed alba goodbye, ignoring her once again before you raced out the door, eli sending her eldest a sympathetic look before following after you to the car.
alba also opted for the silent treatment with alexia before she left for school herself, not having been given any sort of apology from her sister she wasn't going to be the one to extend the olive branch given she was right.
that day at school for you was the same as the last, you refused to participate in rehearsals, sitting out to the side by yourself and watching your friends all giggle and run around.
a note in your pocket from your mami handed to your teacher earlier that morning explaining you wouldn't be able to read, your teacher promising she understood and giving you a few small tasks to try and keep you engaged throughout the day.
when you returned home that afternoon it took a little convincing but you agreed to still attend the concert, eli gently explaining it wasn't kind not to go and watch your friends which you'd agreed with, grateful that only your sisters, jenni and mami were coming, the rest of your family coming over for a barbecue on sunday instead after alexias game.
alba taking you to go and wish your friends good luck alexia purposefully kept the seat between her and jenni free, hopeful that you might choose to sit there even if it was just to be closer to jenni and not her.
but when you returned you blanked her entirely, opting to sit wedged in the same seat as alba, jenni rubbing her girlfriends back in comfort as the lights dimmed and she deflated, at a loss for how to make things up to you for once.
for alexia this was uncharted territory. she had always been your favourite, she was always the one you sought out for comfort, she was who you'd sit with anytime you could, she was who you went to when you had a problem.
but now, just trying her best in her own to help you overcome something she didn't want plaguing you for years to come, she'd gone about everything all wrong and the barcelona midfielder was miserable at the results.
after the concert things only got worse. it was late, you were tired, and you were even more clingy than normal.
normally when in these overstimulated moods you'd find yourself spending the night in alexia's bed, curled up with your sister who would trace shapes on your back until you fell asleep and braid your hair so that it would be all wavy in the morning when she took it out.
and that was the comfort you sought out, but with alba, and not with alexia.
the entire weekend in fact you avoided her like she had a disease, out of the house most of saturday at a birthday party removed any chance of alexia trying to fix things, and then not even going to her game on sunday given you'd spent the night at your abuela and abuelo's.
finally, sunday afternoon rolled around and coming off of a 7-0 win alexia was in an invigorated mood to make things better with you, your entire family gathering together meaning you were in the best mood you'd been in all week.
so much so, alba was surprised when you'd tugged at her pants, pulling her out of conversation with one of your cousins.
"i want to read my story." you announced when it was just the two of you alone in your room, alba all but dragged there the moment she'd excused herself. "really?" your sister asked in surprise, taking a seat beside you on your bed.
"sí, i have your magic bracelet to help me now. but will you help me?" you asked hopefully, a small smile coming across the older girls face as you fidgeted with her bracelet on your wrist. "of course pequeña. what do you need me to do?" alba asked gently as you jumped down from your bed.
"fix this." you held up the two halves of paper containing your story with a frown, alba hesitating for a moment as things ticked over in her head. "mm i am not very good at fixing stories fresa. but you know who is?" you shook your head, lowering the two halves with a sigh.
"alexia." alba promised, not missing the conflicted look which crossed your features. "ven aquí." the girl lifted you back up and onto your bed. "i know ale upset you. but she is very very sorry, and i know she misses you." alba continued softly as you shook your head.
"no she doesn't, she's mad at me." you sighed again, pulling at the bracelet and refusing to look up. "mad at you? why would she be mad at you hermana?" alba asked confused as to where this was coming from.
"i didn't do my commitment." you mumbled as alba exhaled, suddenly now putting the pieces together now of why you'd been avoiding your eldest sister like the plague.
"hey, fresa look at me." you did as she asked. "alexia would never ever be mad at you for that. she loves you very very much, maybe even more than me." alba added on teasingly, poking your side as you gave a little giggle and pushed away her hand.
"really?" "prometo. so why don't you go and ask her to fix your story, and then both of us can stand with you while you read it to everyone. would that help?" alba asked gently as you nodded.
"vamos!" alba motioned to the door, chuckling as you took off right away, zooming through and around the family members littering the house, avoiding every cheek pinch and hair ruffle you could.
alexia was sat with a few of your tio's discussing the match, jenni's own parents in town meant she wasn't there to indulge her pity party so she'd opted for the other thing which always made her feel better, talking about football.
but all of that came to a screaming halt as suddenly you appeared, tapping her knee and holding up the two halves of paper. "can you fix this for me please?" you asked hopefully, alexia catching alba's eye across the yard who sent her a nod.
"of course." alexia promised taking the paper off of you, standing and cautiously offering you her hand, almost melting in relief when finally you accepted, pulling her into the house.
a few pieces of tape and a ruler later and the story was whole enough for you to read again, alba quickly texting alexia the contents of your conversation so she knew the real reason you'd seemed so upset with her.
sat up on the desk in your sisters room as she'd worked you thanked her as she handed you the now mended story, alexia taking a seat in the chair by your feet.
"fresa." she'd called for your attention as your eyes scanned over your story, mumbling under your breath. "i am very proud of you." the older girl started softly as you frowned, confused. "why?"
"well, because even though it took me a little longer to see it, you expressed your feelings and your needs and you stood up for what was best for you." alexia started, absentmindedly drumming her fingers against your shoes.
"nena i am very very sorry that i did not listen to you. sometimes i think that i am always right, and that i know what is best for everyone, but you knew what was best for you. you told us that, and that makes me very very proud of you fresa." your sister promised, grunting as suddenly you swung yourself off the desk and into her lap, arms wrapping around her neck.
"i missed your hugs, fresa hugs are the best hugs." your sister mumbled affectionately, kissing the top of your head and squeezing you tightly.
"sorry i said i hate you. i promise i don't hate you, and i am proud of you!" alexia couldn't help but grin as your small hands fell to her cheeks and you frowned up at her as seriously as you could muster.
"gracias pequeña. i love you very very much!" alexia promised, her own hands falling to your cheeks and smooshing them together as you whined and pushed them away.
"more than alba?" you asked, a cheeky grin on your face as alexia shook her head with an amusement smile. "maybe. but don't you tell her that diablillo!" alexia warned, pinching your cheeks again and helping you down.
"its okay...she already knows!"
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melodic-haze · 1 month
What if breeding and overstimulating Ei? Fucking her through her orgasm and continuing to fuck your dick into her abused hole, fucking your cum deeper into her pussy to make sure she takes all of it....
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ei x dom!amab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a dick, dumbification
☆ — NOTES: Blame Miko 🤷‍♀️ but also I've been wanting to write Ei and/or Miko for so long THANK YOU ANON
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Put me and her in a room and I'm not gonna be the one coming out pregnant just saying 🫶
Realistically this is probably (definitely) Miko's fault for getting into her head, but she had lent her a book that she didn't realise was.....less than innocent
It was a novel that described some rather salacious scenes that had Ei go from confused to surprised to flustered.. and then to that feeling of neediness welling inside her. It's got her thinking of you and what you can do to her, which then eventually led to her personally seeking you out for a bit of a 'reading session' 🥰
Mini thought dump so if you don't wanna read then skip this point. Ok as someone who loves getting into logistics and how things would work hypothetically, I find this situation funny bc like. If Ei can model her body to whatever she wants it to be bc it's synthetic, which means taking out whatever she deems unnecessary, then would she have a reproductive system? Would she deem it important?? Would you even have anything to insert yourself into or is she just. Cursedly smooth
Anyway thought dump over, sorry for the crisis even though you were expecting 🌽. MOVING ON
It's hard to believe that the woman you're dicking down is Inazuma's very own revered Archon when the one you've got underneath you at this moment looks so unbelievably fucked out and far off: eyes clouded and rolling to the back of her head, fingers digging into the sheets, mouth glistening with a mix of your saliva and the drool on the corner of her mouth, hair out of its normal braid and surrounding her like some kind of purple aura
And that's not even accounting the occasional spark of electro here and there to which she had initially apologised for. Though that was before she became all dumb and lost all sense of thought and responsibility, her mind practically turned to mush as you keep on pistoning her relentlessly. Now she's just REALLY unaware of anything and everything else but you and how good you make her feel. Everything else is just SO overwhelming for her little brain 😞😞😞😞
"I-- I'm c-cumming again, I-- feel the--"
"'s okay, baby," you groaned out, putting her legs above your shoulders as you moved within her, "you can cum."
It will never cease to amaze you, how your words had such an effect on the strongest figure in all of Inazuma, especially when your words get her to react so very intensely—her insides squeeze you like a vice as her hips lift off the bed in an attempt to get you as close to the base as possible.. or at least, she tries to.
Despite all that strength she has, all it takes you is a press down onto her abdomen as a way to both keep her hips down and to add more pressure on her and suddenly she's all pliant. The poor girl can't even scream—she was never really the type to—so when she opens her mouth, she doesn't make a sound as you push your hips into her in a particular way before stilling your movements as you came inside for.. who knows how many times it's been?
The amount of cum that spills out from her pussy despite your cock practically plugging it shut is enough of a giveaway that you've been at it for a while though.
..But you find that you don't really care when you start up all over again, not giving her enough time to come down from her high and overwhelming her completely.
You act out whatever she saw on that book of hers: the poses, the positions, the angles, whatever she thought was interesting to her. She used her lack of present knowledge to her advantage too—she had asked you for a proper demonstration, seeing as how she had been trapped in the PoE for the longest time so she fears she's not all that familiar with these.. new words or phrases!!
Half of it was true but other half of it was her just trying to lure you. And it worked so 🤷‍♀️ fair game
You make sure to stuff her silly with all of you, scooping up what drips out and stuffing it back in to make sure that nothing goes wasted. That proves to be a hard task as you proceed though because throughout your many rounds and the actual breaks in between, there IS a limit to how much she can have inside her so it's inevitable that it'd spill
Not like the sight isn't great, it's actually the opposite—just seeing YOUR own cum practically overflow in her pussy like that? FUCK just the thought of her insides being painted white because of you??? It's the way that if you pressed down on her abdomen without your cock clogging her entrance, it'd gush out in streams.......ohhhhgoodness
Your lover stares down absentmindedly at her pussy, hole agape and very much abused and so so so filled up and stained and whatever it is she could think of to describe it. Such warmth was inside her, the feeling of being full never quite leaving her—not as if it ever could for a good while, when you've filled her with so much cum that it's spilling without anything to prevent its escape from within her.
She had designed this body with the thought of only keeping necessary systems on the design for optimal use in upkeeping eternity and avoiding erosion. Why she had designed it with erogenous areas in mind? The reason eludes her, but now not only does Ei thank herself from going through with it, she is lamenting the lack of a complete reproductive system.
While becoming pregnant would.. pose for mixed results during her planned time to make amends to the nation for running away and keeping a narrow mind on what eternity could mean, she had wondered how the session would have felt with such capabilities. Would it have felt better? The same? Worse?
..Perhaps she will take a note to reassess the Shogun's model later.
Zooweemama by GOD I need her, end of story good night all
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glosskirt · 9 months
sweater weather
i got this idea from @cienlvrs so go follow 'em, and i got this prompt from this link right here!
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sweater weather | m!reader x min jae-hwa (fake person), friends to lovers trope
synopsis: you and hwa have been friends for five years. when hwa takes you out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, she gets cold. cold enough that she asks for your sweater, in which you give it to her, forgetting that you left your ipod in there alongside headphones. you don't realize she has the chance to find your playlist dedicated to your feelings for her..!
(small caps)
your point of view;
"thank you for lending me this." hwa said, smiling gratefully as she took the sweater from you. "it was my pleasure. thank you for taking me out to dinner!" you replied, both of you smiling, you brought jae-hwa out of the restaurant and drove her home.
"i appreciate you y/n, you're really sweet." hwa said, out of the blue. "where did that come from?" even if you were confused and flustered, hwa continued. "i love when you lend me things, and take me to eat, or even just talking to me. it makes me so happy." you blush while you drive, taking glances at hwa from time to time. would she ever find out about your feelings for her? "i appreciate you too." you said, she smiled at you. that radiating smile, she would never know that you loved her.
when you arrived at hwa's apartment, she stopped before entering the building. she hugged you. "thank you for everything, y/n." she said. she turned around and left, leaving you flustered once more. you went to your car and drove home.
when you got home, you reached into your pocket to grab your ipod, but it wasn't there. you looked in your bag, nothing. coat pockets, nothing. you panicked and panicked, until you realized..
'oh no..'
narrator's point of view;
when hwa entered her apartment, she hugged your sweater. loving the strong scent of you lingering on it. she banged onto her bed, feeling something poking her hip. when she reached into the pocket of the sweater, there she found your earphones and ipod. with a smile on her face, she opened the ipod and entered the passcode, you being dumb enough to tell her, and starting looking.
your gallery was fine, so was YouTube. your search history was all cats and bunnies, but when she opened your Spotify, she found a playlist entitled 'My Min Jae-Hwa'
when she clicked it, she was greeted with multiple songs. a four-hour playlist, dedicated to her. she smiled, put the earphones on, and pressed play.
after about an hour and a half of listening, her pillow was soaked with tears. 'he loves me like this.?' she wondered, listening to the sweet lyrics, lovingly describing the singers love. though, it was never the singer's love you thought about. it was yours. hwa cried and cried, overwhelmed by the feelings pouring out of her heart, no one had ever loved her like this.
without hesitation, hwa picked up her ipod and dialed your house phone's number.
"hwa? why are you crying? are you oka-"
"i love you!"
"i love you."
"i love you more, my hwa."
its my first EVER story so uh.. is it ok-
without jokes i had so much fun writing this so if u had fun reading then u should uhhhhh follow me :3 :3 it would give me motivation to write more yaknow :3 :3 thank you! <33
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twistyprefect · 2 years
Good day/afternoon/evening.
I wish to request for my three favorites if thats alright. Sebek, deuce, azul, with a big ol angler fish s/o who honestly just lives teasing their partner like "aw don't swim to close, I might eat you up" kinda teasing.
Hope your having a lovely/lively day
And here's some cake for all the cute writing you've already done 🎂🎂🎂🎂
{🍰the cake has been acquired 😎ty anon very appreciated! i hope you also have a great rest of your day/great day tomorrow!! angler fish are cool as hell 🐟 also, first individual Deuce request woo! ♠}
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is pretty easily flustered by most things his partner does, especially since they're a lot bigger than him
he still thinks they're adorable, obviously, but in a sort of large, intimidating way? he's bad at explaining it, which is just more for his angler fish to tease him about
his cheeks get very red when his S/O teases him about potentially eating him or being able to throw him around easily
he knows they're joking, but he also knows they 100% could if they really wanted to
spends a lot of time adjusting to the dark so he can actually go swimming with them eventually!
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek is confused as to why he's so embarrassed by his partner's teasing and flirting
they're in a relationship, so it feels weird to be so easily flustered by their pretty tame teasing
he's not used to being smaller than someone that isn't his favorite Diasomnia housewarden, so his partner being so much bigger than him is very intimidating
he trusts them not to actually eat or otherwise injure him, but it's still a bit confusing as to why their jokes make his stomach flutter
he tries to tease his S/O back but to no avail, he's too easily distracted by them just existing (simp)
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul isn't very intimidated by his S/O's size or species; the Coral Sea has all kinds of merpeople, after all
that being said, he's a bit surprised they're still bigger than him in his octopus form
he takes their teasing in stride, and while he finds it cute and knows they won't actually hurt him, he isn't afraid to play ball either
he teases them back, remarking that his individual 'legs' could easily overwhelm them if they tried, so unless they were into that they shouldn't try anything
enjoys being able to go on aquatic dates pretty easily, though he doesn't like how cold and dark their part of the sea gets so they have to find more of a middle group for dates
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
Hello! I don't really see many guys who play Obey Me so it's actually kinda interesting to see that. I hope no one has been rude to you.
If you are open to requests- how about one where the MC isn't afraid to pact command the brothers when they want something? Be it a change in their behavior for a bit or for them to do something for them 😏
Hey! Thanks for the concern, everyone has been lovely on here so far, so I’m hoping it’ll stay that way, haha!
But anyway, that sounds like it’ll be fun to write 😏 I haven’t written anything In a while, so excuse the poor writing :)
MC Controls the Demon Boys with Their Pacts
NSFW // Sexual Language
MC has been wanting to be able to use their pacts on the brothers for a little while now. So one day, they decide to pay Solomon a visit...
MC decides today is the day. The day when they finally make Lucifer kneel at their feet. They walk up to Lucifers room and knock on the door, anticipation running through their veins. The door swings open and there stands the one and only avatar of Pride. It was quite late at night so he looked exhausted and quite ready to collapse none the less.
“Ah. MC. What are you doing here so late at night?” He smirked. Looking at him smile like that made their stomach twist into knots and they felt they couldn’t hold back more longer.
“May I come in?” They ask innocently, flashing him a smile and stepping closer inside.
“I don’t see why not..” Lucifer moves to the side to let them in and they smirk at him as they go past, running the plan over in their head to make sure it’s flawless. Lucifer turns round to shut the door but as soon as he does, he feels MC’s hand rub over his shoulder. They could feel him slightly stiffen at the meer touch of them. They lick their lips and lean up towards his ear...
“Lucifer. Lock the door. Now” They whispered seductively in his ear. Visible chills ran down his spine as a subtle click came from the door. Perfect...
“What do you think you’re doing, MC?” He said in a cold but also seductive way, turning around to put his face close to theirs. MC shrugs playfully and wraps their arms around his neck pulling him closer.
“How about you go sit on the bed for me...?” They purr, so close to his lips that they could feel his hot breath against their skin. He obeys his order and walks over to the bed with MC in tow. He pulls them in by the waist but MC pushes him down and straddles him. “I’m in charge tonight, Lucifer..” They plant kisses all down his neck, tangling their hand in his hair and tugging at his clothes. Silent groans escape his throat as he lays motionless underneath MC. They begin to unbutton his shirt as arousal pools in the pit of their stomach. They kiss down towards his navel, looking up at him with lewd eyes. They start meddling with his belt, tugging at it desperately, their eyes not leaving his. A tent building up inside his trousers, and desperation and desire burning in his eyes.
“Please, Master... Keep going”
MC was watching Mammon on the floor of their room, most likely selling something he stole from around the house. He looked so happy at something, which made them curious. MC didn’t really plan to do this today but they suppose it was a good moment...
They hopped off the bed and joined him on the floor, startling him slightly, but more or less not the reaction they were looking for. They huffed and playfully rolled on top of Mammon.
“Ey, MC, what do ya think you’re doin’?!” Attempting to wriggle his way out from underneath her, a light pink blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Mammon. Stay!” They spoke harshly, causing him to stop in a halt. MC felt an overwhelming feeling of power rush over them when they stared down at Mammon’s face, so shocked and vulnerable. They wanted more... “Kiss me”
Mammon’s body shot up, crashing into MC’s lips. They instinctively closed their eyes and pressed into the kiss harder, desperate for his touch and the taste of his lips. They ran a hand through his hair, gripping and pulling at it, a growl escaping his lips as his arms wrapped tightly around their waist, pulling them in. MC broke away from the kiss to explore his neck and collar bones. They kissed and sucked every inch, covering him in lovely red bruises, his mouth wide open with moans leaving his throat. MC could feel his heart racing inside his chest, like it was close to exploding, the faint pink blush that was previously covering his face was now replaced with a bright red tint and lustful eyes, like a predator reading to pounce on it’s prey.
They could feel Mammon gradually taking over them, leaning greedily into the kiss, pushing them further back so that he’s almost straddling them. Their name escapes from his lips in a lazy moan as his hands begin to wander underneath their clothes...
“Master... Please... Give me another order”
Levi had invited MC over for a game night, and was currently sat on the floor, game controller in hand, presumably on the last level on his game. It was somewhat exciting seeing him in his zone. His fingers quick at the buttons and his tongue slightly peeking out of his lips. Unfortunately, it did mean not much attention was on them. They planned to change that...
Usually at this time, Levi was pretty distracted and not really in touch with the world around him, which gave them a perfect opportunity to sneak behind him. MC crawled around to where Levi was sitting and put their hands around his waist, resting their head in the crevice of his neck. Levi continued to play his game so MC decided to test how long it wound take him to notice. They creeped their hands down towards the hem of his shirt, and fingered their way inside, towards his stomach. They felt him jump in surprise and swing his head back to face her
“MC—?!” They cut him off with a kiss, no longer able to resist. The outline of his muscles underneath his shirt, alleviating their desires and overpowering them with lust. They reached a hand towards his jaw, cradling it, pushing his face closer towards them to delve deeper into the kiss. They felt his body go limp from their touch and felt a hand gently touch their hip.
“Levi. Turn and face me.” He didn’t hesitate in obeying his masters orders, and was quickly facing MC, pushing deeper into the kiss, sloppy kisses and tongue included. His hands were placed either side of MC’s thighs and he was already on his knees, leaning over them. For a quick second, for the first time ever, they saw a glance of deep desire and arousement in his eyes. Burning passion as his cheeks grew red and he wandering hands explored more of their body. They wanted more, they wanted him to envelop her body in a tight embrace as he touched them in more erotic places...
“Levi. Stay.” A low whimper formed in his throat as he was forced off them, looking hurt and confused. MC proceeded to crawl up to Levi and place multiple kisses all over his neck, occasionally nibbling his collar bone to hear him groan in pleasure. Their hands wandered over his sweats, tugging and palming at them, causing his breathing to hitch and his face to burn up, his obvious arousal clearly showing. They giggled at his reaction as they licked over a bite mark, causing his head to lean back and moan their name deep in his throat.
“Master, I need you, now...”
It was quite late at night. MC was having no luck sleeping, so decided to wander around the house a little bit. As they walked past the library, they noticed a lamp was on. They weren’t exactly allowed up past this hour, so they peeked around the corner to check who it is. And there sat Satan, book in hand, tea by his side and a small red lamp dimly lighting the room around him.
MC didn’t plan on going to sleep any time soon, so decided to join Satan for a little while. They silently walked behind him where the couch was sitting and gently wrapped their arms around his neck, hands draped down towards his stomach. His body tensed up but relaxed when he turned around and saw MC, a silent purr leaving his lips from the sudden touch.
“MC? What are you doing up? Can’t sleep?” He asked, grabbing hold of one of MC’s hands and stroking it lightly, a small smile creeping onto his lips at the warmth of it. Just this small amount of affection made MC’s stomach flutter and they were finding it difficult to contain themself. Being alone at night made their situation worsen. “Would you like to join me?” Offering out a book from the pile that sat next to him. MC didn’t answer, their eyes were glued to the gently smile plastered on his lips.
A sudden urge came over them and they leaned down towards his ear, so close, they were positive he could feel their breath on his skin. “Satan. Put the book down.” He quickly obeys his order, placing his book on his knees, MC’s hands still wandering over his stomach and breath radiating across his skin. They reward him with kisses plastering across his neck, turning to his ear to nibble on and sucking the red marks they leave behind. Satan was a flustered mess at this point and was getting riled up by the second. They could feel him squeezing their fingers in arousal and groaning at each mark they leave.
They walk in front of Satan who desperately grabs and claws at their hips to try and get them as close to him as possible, desperation and desire burning in their eyes. A slight ping of wrath as he drags them towards him onto their lap to envelop into a deep passionate kiss. He was rough, and they were both panting seconds into the kiss, breaking away every few moments to take a breather before continuing, even deeper than the last.
Satan was grinding into the kiss now, his arousal obvious in his trousers, poking at them, making the pool in their gut grow larger by the second. “Take off your shirt. Now.” A commanding growl escaped MC’s lips as they felt the never fading smirk on his lips spread wider. Satan breaks the kiss to pull off his shirt, but is immediately back into it as soon as it’s off him, the shirt flung across the floor. MC traces their finger over his abs and grips on tightly to his shoulder, as low moans escape each others lips.
“So... What next, Master?”
Asmo had decided that today was a good day to pamper eachother. Just the two of them alone. And honestly, he’s probably more excited about it than they are. You two are sat on the bed together talking about whatever gossip Asmo could think up, because let’s face it, he hears it all, when they had an idea that was sure to make the Avatar of Lust falls to his knees..
Asmo had forgotten about the world around him and just kept on talking about things that MC didn’t exactly understand.. so they decided to spice things up and a bit and make things much more exciting. MC smirks at Asmo as they crawl their way over to him and place a hand right on his thigh.
“Oh, MC, how dirty of you!” He smirks in obvious enjoyment at their sudden move, ready to lean in for a kiss.
“Asmo. Stay.” They weren’t going to let him get what he wants that easily. Asmo stares in disappointment as he obeys his command. MC leans forward towards his neck, pulling down his shirt slightly and licks from his chest, up towards his jaw. A shiver runs up his spine as his body expresses how much this excites him. His hands are already slivering it’s way towards their lower back to tug them closer to his body, his eyes blazing with more lust than usual. He knew what he wanted and he wanted it now...
MC’s hands explored his body, using their finger tips to tickle certain sensitive places. He groans in pleasure as his hands grip tighter to your clothes, desperate for you to relieve him of his heightened arousal. They place 2 fingers underneath his chin as he desperately leans forward to engage in a kiss.
“Kiss me. Now.” Asmo lunges forward and he doesn’t hold back. He’s rough, lewd with desire and a longing to be touched more. Moans escape their lips as his hands trail over their body, discovering new erotic and sensual places. You should know better than to tease the Avatar of Lust...
“Do you like it when I touch you there, Master?”
MC was staring at the ceiling when they suddenly felt quite hungry. They thought they’d just quickly go downstairs to grab something to eat and then come back up, easy. But as they head down the stairs, muffled clashing noises could be heard in the kitchen. It wasn’t unusual to be heard in this house, especially with Beel around, so when they turned the corner to see none other than Beel helping himself to the fridge, they weren’t exactly surprised and instead snook up behind him to give him a hug.
He let out a sound of surprise at the sudden touch, and looked down to see MC squeezing at his waist. He gave them a sweet smile and offered them a bit of food. “You hungry too? There’s not much left, but I’ll happily share what’s left with you.” He grinned at them and continued to eat. They sighed as they realised they weren’t going to get much of a reaction out of him this way.
They swiftly let go of his waist and looked up at the tall man before them. “Beel. Stop and look at me. Now.” His body obeyed the order he was given and spun around to face them, so MC grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down into a kiss. Beel dazedly stared at them for a few seconds, once again surprised by the sudden affection, before eventually closing his eyes and pressing into the kiss, deepening it. MC’s hands moved from his shirt to his neck as their hands ran through his messy, orange hair, gripping at it suddenly, making him groan against their lips. “Beel. Lift me onto the counter” His hands quickly lifted them up and harshly placed them onto the counter, never once breaking the kiss. It was filled with passion and both their eyes were lust filled, both wanting more. MC’s hands trailed underneath Beel’s shirt, and towards his back, clawing at it slightly.
Beel started to explore MC’s body, making them moan onto his lips as his fingers ran over sensitive areas, sending chills down their spine and arousal form between their legs. He nibbled on their lip, occasionally breaking the kiss to bite down on their neck. His eyes looked so lewd as he stared at MC, begging for permission to go further.
“Master... I want to taste more of you...”
It was a peaceful night with Belphie. He’d asked them to stay and sleep with him, which, of course, they agreed to. But they had to get up because they were hungry. So now here they are, standing in the doorway of the attic, Belphie’s soft snores echoing around the room, the sounds of his breathing and the way his chest rose and fell so soothing to them. They couldn’t get enough of it. They walked over to where he was laying. He was cuddled up in several blankets, his arms tightly wrapped around his favourite pillow. MC was going to just get into bed and go to sleep, but they had other plans..
MC places a hand on Belphie’s shoulder and gently shakes him, no reaction. Didn’t surprise them really. MC eventually decides to crawl onto the bed and sit on top of him. They stare down at him, still sleeping softly, completely oblivious. It’s somewhat cute when they think about it. He actually always talks about being woken up by his true loves kiss so... MC licks their lips and leans down towards Belphie’s ear, giving it soft kisses and licking down towards his jaw. He stirs in his sleep and groans, grasping at their waist. They wiggle their hips playfully and chuckle to themself, once again leaning down towards his ear
“Belphie. Wake up. Now” His eyes bleakly open to MC sitting on top of him, a wet sensation along his jaw line. A smirk creeps across his lips as he looks them up and down, not saying a word. He leans forward to kiss them, but MC only pushes him back down again. “Stay, boy.” The heat from their breath tickles his neck and he obeys willingly, but bucks his hips against them smugly, causing them to gasp. They lean down and cock an eyebrow at him before going back to his neck, running their hand through his hair whilst the other runs up and down his leg. He groans and places his hand on their lower back, pulling them forwards slightly.
They move their hand towards his chin and pull it up so he’s looking at them. They tease him for a bit before slowly connecting their lips together, tongues entwining seconds later. Belphie was desperate for any type of touch, every moment that MC touched him, made him want to lose control. MC felt him become erect underneath their crotch, Belphie often grinding his hips into them to get some sort of friction. He moans against their lips from meer touches from them, he was overcome with clear lust and was waiting on his Masters orders on what he should do next.
“Keep going, just like that, Master...”
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lovingkaede · 3 years
Hello I do hope you are doing well! I'll be honest I haven't been doing great,,, l'll be introduced to new people but then something bad happens to them and I kinda just feel like its my fault? like im bad luck,,, I'm just slowly getting more scared of meeting new people in fear of them getting hurt,,, is it alright if I could get some comfort from Gundham, Kiyotaka and Fuyuhiko with a reader dealing with those thoughts? Of course you don't need to just do whats comfortable with you - 🎭
Hi, 🎭 anon! It's been a while.. I am sorry I can respond to this ask only now, I had stuff to do. But if you're still dealing with these thoughts, don't be shy to send me an ask or a message! I am always down to talk to you about your problems, etc. Anyway! Just wanted you to know you did nothing wrong, don't let these thoughts get the best of you :) I want to keep this short, so let's get started now! -Mod Kaede
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Gundham Tanaka
—"What's the matter, my Dark Queen/King/Monarch? It looks like something's been eating you out." Of course he noticed it. That's why he appeared in front of yours. It was clear that he was confused, no, worried.
—With a sigh, you sat him down and take your seat next to his. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, you tell him what's wrong and he remains silent the whole time
—What he heard from you makes him question if it's a curse, but he immediately shakes off that thought and grabs your shoulders
—"My love, you're blinded by these harmful thoughts but I, refuse to believe you're under a spell. It's only natural for those mortals to face bad things but this has nothing to do with you, you can't keep an eye on them all the time, the fault isn't yours nor you are bad luck. It's their luck, and you have nothing to do with it. If you were, the Supreme Overlord of Ice such as I, wouldn't have fallen for a great being like you."
—Bursting into small tears, you start to hug him. He doesn't refuse your hug even though he's flustered by the closeness.
—"Let them rain, my liege. I shall accompany you until you're at your best."
—And he did as he told. He stayed with you the whole time. When he felt like his words won't cheer you up, he let his Four Dark Devas of Destruction handle you, and they did a pretty good job.
—By the end of the day, you were exhausted from playing Animal Crossing with him and asked if it was okay to sleep, he wasn't really into sleeping together when you can have more fun, but since that's what you wanted, he might as well agree.
Can you tell I had so much fun writing for him 🤧 I love Gundham
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
—"I am sorry, Taka, I hope Mondo accepts my apologies. I just don't feel like hanging out today."
—You've been like this for the entire week. Pushing away people around you and not even giving excuses anymore. You even managed to avoid Chihiro, your best friend.
—And you even skipped your study night! Was he worried.
—"Y/n, what's wrong? What is bothering you?" Taka's voice shaked a bit as he spoke. He couldn't help it, he was worried. "Nothing, really," That was obviously a lie. He gave you puppy eyes and you sighed. You started letting all out
—"You should have told me about it, we could have talked this out..." He says while feeling overwhelming sadness. He looked down, he wasn't disappointed with you, he was disappointed with himself; for not noticing earlier.
—"I am sorry you had to go through this.. But I want you to know none of these thoughts are true," He explained without breaking eye contact. "It's only natural for you to feel this way but you're being too harsh on yourself. I think they're just careless; we can always help them, though. You shouldn't isolate yourself because of that. You are not bad luck, you're the best thing that has happened to me, to be honest."
—Smooth boy wiped your tears away with a soft grin and planted kisses on your face. "You're fine, you did nothing wrong." He opens his arms for a hug and you waste no time to give in.
—After a cuddle session he tells you about his day as well. "It was hard to find excuses to give my bro. Do you know how much I struggled?" He asks you jokingly
—"Pff, sorry about that, I guess. I'm feeling better, so we can hangout sometime. I should make it up to Chihiro as well."
—And he's so happy to hear that
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
—Did he do something wrong?
—Because he was the one usually distances himself, it wasn't supposed to be you.
—Sure, he treats you like royalty but he's sometimes a jerk to people around him.. Is this why you didn't want to be seen with him outside? Wait, you don't want to be seen with him?!
—Oh no.
—You two were having a dinner, he was lost in deep thought and you were playing with your food silently.
—"Just how long are ya gonna stay quiet about this?" He finally breaks the silence. "About what?" "Don't act like you don't know. If you don't like me anymore, you can just tell it, y'know. I won't force you to stay with me, you don't need to be trapped."
—"What? I never said I didn't like you anymore.." You try to speak but were cut off by him, again. "Then why're you distancing yourself? What did I do wrong?"
_"Oh. You're talking about that." He misunderstood everything, didn't he. So you explain to him.
—"So.. That's all?" He raises an eyebrow and waits for you to confirm. When you do, he looks relieved. Then he panics, "Wait, no! It's not that I don't care! I thought you were gonna break up with me for a second." He scratches the back of his head and avoids eye contact for a second. "I.. You should have spoken to me or Peko, y'know? You are not alone, Y/n. I don't think bad things happen to people just because they get involved with you. I.. Know you aren't bad luck or anything like that. You're only a.... Blessing." He looks away. He's blushing? Before you started teasing, he continues "So stop hurting yourself. Distancing yourself isn't a solution.. No good will come from that."
—He's not the best when it comes to comforting with words, but he is trying. Because he really cares about your well being, so he doesn't want you sad, that's for sure.
—"Also to whoever made you feel like that, you should talk to them and maybe offer them help. That'd make you feel better, I guess." He says and stops, not wanting to pressure you or anything. "But for the sake of god, be nicer to yourself."
—If you want, he'll hold you for a while.. Though it might be awkward.
There, done! I am not sure if these are good.. It's been a while since I wrote comfort, so I hope this is ok! Just you know, you aren't bad luck or anything! I will deny it even though you think it's true. You are amazing and no bad can come from you. Asking for help and talking about your feelings are so important. Your feelings matter and you are valid! You can always talk to me or somebody if these thoughts are messing with your mind. -Mod Kaede
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For dayton can you write being childhood best friends with him and you've always been there at his races and one day your running late so you don't get to see him before for his pep talk. And his race goes horribly and eventually when he sees you he gets angry and you get in to a argument. But eventually he makes it up to you.
A/N: Alright, here’s my first go at writing for Dayton White! I watched Logan Lucky and absolutely adored it. Dayton does not get the love he deserves! I decided Im going to make this at least a two parter, potentially spanning into one or two more. I really want to dive into the past with these two! This will focus more on their relationship growing up, while the second (and potentially third) part will contain more of the angst. Once again if I don’t write for a Seb character you like, just ask and I’ll try and gain access to it! I hope you guys enjoy. I also really hate to do this, but I recently quit my job due to a toxic work environment. Here is my ko-fi, if you can donate that would be cool, but if you can’t no pressure!!! Love you all ❤️
Pairings: Dayton White x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, no proofreading (I’ll get to it)
Word Count: 2.5k
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You’re Always There Part 1
Your earliest memory of Dayton was meeting him at Memorial Park in your hometown. You were both 5 years old, new to the world outside of your home. It was the day before Kindergarten, and both of your parents wanted you to make new friends before the first day of school. Hopefully meeting someone in your class, they felt you wouldn’t be as scared being truly away from them for the first time. You only had a single mom, and she did everything for you that she could, even taking you to the park after her long day at work. Dayton had both parents, making it easier for him to let go and meet new people. His home was “complete” by societal standards.
“Mommy I don’t wanna go play on the slide. I wanna go home and play dinosaurs with you” you said looking up at your mother.
She kneeled down to look you in the eye, holding her shining gaze with yours looking both serious and concerned, “Honey, you know you go to school tomorrow. This is your chance to go meet someone new, maybe even have a friend when you go into school tomorrow.”
You were extremely hesitant. You loved your momma, and she loved you more than anything. You had friends on your street that you liked to play with, but your mom was never far away, only a quick yell and she would be there. This was different. She had told you she wasn’t going to be there if you needed her, and that you would have to wait until school was over to see her again. You cried for two days straight after you had the “school” talk. What were you going to do without your mom? She was your superhero, your friend, and the best mother in the whole wide world. You didn’t need anyone else. That’s what you thought, at least. Until you met Dayton.
“Go on chickadee, go make some friends. You’re a big girl now who can build pyramids with blocks and cut out dinosaurs with scissors, you can do anything” your mother said with a smile.
This was all you needed to muster up the courage to conquer the slide. You nodded at your mom and ran off towards the wooden playground. They really should’ve made these things plastic, with splinters and bee stings being common afflictions of being on the playground, but it didn’t matter to you. It was fun all the same.
You began to climb the steps of the huge castle, making your way through drawbridges and holes through the wood to get to the slide. There were two other little girls there, a little older than you, maybe seven. You mustered up a quiet “hi” but they didn’t hear you, already screaming and running off in a different direction. Just when your hopes of making a friend had been dashed, you heard another voice from behind you.
“Hi. What’s your name?”
A boy of brunette hair and ocean blue eyes was staring at you expectantly. You weren’t expecting anyone to respond except those girls, so you were timid at first. You opened your mouth to speak several times but nothing came out. You started to become overwhelmed, tears welling up in your eyes.
The boy noticed, looking at you confused. He had only asked you your name. However, his momma always said if someone was crying, you fix it.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me your name. Do you need a hug?”
All you could do was nod, strangely opening up to this welcoming boy. He smiled and brought you in for a tiny hug. He wants gentle, kind of rough actually as he swayed you back and forth with energy. He pulled away, hoping you had felt better. You did.
“I’m Dayton” he said, smiling at you.
You smiled back, with tear stains still on your cheek.
“I’m Y/N”
“Y/N, it looks like you need another hug” Dayton gave you another hug, holding you until he stopped hearing the faint sniffle that escaped your body every so often.
You pulled away, nodding to indicate you were alright now.
“You wanna go down the slide? My mommy is probably wondering where I am” Dayton asked innocently.
You nodded, relief washing over you that someone wanted to be your friend
“That sounds awesome.”
From that day forward, you and Dayton were attached at the hip. Elementary school had been a breeze. Thankfully, Dayton was in your class your first year. Although it didn’t stay that way, you would always find time to meet and play during recess. Recess time turned into meeting after school, and meeting after school extended into high school.
Dayton began racing during freshman year. Your school offered a racing club which allowed students to meet after school and go to various tracks in the state to see what it was like to race. You and Dayton had always gone Go-Kart driving on the weekends, but you never thought it would turn into anything serious. Dayton, however, has found his passion. He started building his own race car after school sophomore year, and even asked if you would come over to help. You knew absolutely nothing about building a race car, but Dayton wanted you to be there and that’s all that mattered.
“Y’know I know nothing about building a damn car right? Do YOU even know anything about building a car?” you posed to Dayton in an almost accusatory tone.
“As a matter of fact, Y/N, I have been studying how to build this ‘damn car’ for over a year now, so why don’t you put a little respect on Francine’s name?”
“Well, Dayton, I suggest you begin studying geometry before you fail the quarter. And you named the thing already? Is it your lover or you car?”
“It’s both” he gave you a weird wink, one on the left, and then another on the right in secession.
“You are absolutely gross, White. I can’t believe I ever agreed to go down that slide with you when we were five. It was probably all apart of your evil plan to keep me from being someone else’s best friend just so I could build this car with you” you rolled your eyes as you sat on the hood of his family car.
“God you’re so right. You caught me. Our entire friendship has been a sham, and it all led up to this moment. And now that I finally have you where I want you...” he said with a low growl, planting both of his hands on either side of you as you sat on the hood of his car.
“I’m gonna get ya!” He said tickling your sides
You shrieked, absolutely taken aback that his hands were all over you.
God, his hands were all over you.
Alright, maybe he is cute, but there was no way you two would ever date. You came to that conclusion a long time ago. Your crush developed in the 6th grade, which is absolutely astounding considering middle schoolers are anything but normal. Even in the most awkward stage of life Dayton still managed to be charming and cute as ever. You were determined to tell him, but he would never shut up about Stacey Waterson. You hated her with every fiber of your being. What was wrong with you after all? You had it all, at least that’s what your mom said. You were decently pretty, immensely funny, and his best friend. You shared everything together. What more could he want? Well, the answer to that question would be Stacey Waterson. He wanted her, and not you.
You came back to from the tickling after laughing for what seemed like minutes. Your sides were hurting from contracting your ab muscles for too long. You pushed Dayton off of you playfully, but he pounced back on you, pinning your arms above your head.
“Say the password and I’ll let you go” he stared you down, being absolutely serious.
However, you wanted to double check.
“You can’t be serious” you retorted back, completely flustered due to the situation you were currently in on top of the incessant tickling that occurred just moments before.
“Oh, I’m serious. Say the password and I’ll let you go!” He said with a huge smile on his face.
“Jesus Christ, let me go you dick” you said while struggling to get up.
Dayton made a loud buzzing sound in your face.
“Try again!”
“Dayton come on let me up!”
Dayton made another loud buzzing sound in your face.
“Come on Y/N, just one little word and this can all go away. All you gotta do is say..”
“Goddamnit Dayton, chicken! Chicken for fuck’s sake” you said waiting for his response.
Dayton made another loud buzzing sound in your face.
“I’m sorry, that’s the old password. There’s a new password” he smiled at you, knowing this was ridiculous.
You finally mustered up the strength to push him off of you.
“What do you mean the password has changed!”
The password “chicken” has been used in every single scenario since you first let. For whatever reason, You and Dayton found that word hilarious when you were at a birthday party in the third grade. It was Danny Henry’s 8th birthday, and of course it was chicken themed. Every child gets infatuated with a new thing every year. Danny happened to live on a farm, and all year he wouldn’t stop talking about getting a pet chicken. You all wore chicken hats, there were chicken plates, a chicken cake. There was even a “Pin the Beak on the Chicken” game which, if you do say so yourself, was way more entertaining than “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” You and Dayton lost it by the time your mom picked you up from the party, absolutely hysterical in the backseat. Ever since then, it was your secret password for everything.
“I was thinking we should change stuff up. Make up a new password, it has been seven years since we thought of one.”
“Oh yeah? And what is this new life changing password that is soooo good that our childhood memory is being brushed under the rug?” you question.
Dayton had an almost hurt look on his face, but he proposed the new password to you anyways. 
“I thought the new password could be Francine. Y’know, I just think this is another great milestone in our friendship, working on this car and all. This day is really important to me and I’m glad you’re here” he said with sincerity.
You didn’t know what to say. This day did mean a lot to him, and your friendship overall. 
You nodded in agreement. 
“Alright, the new password is Francine. However, I will still be accepting chicken as a password in the future.”
Dayton smiled one of the biggest smiles you had ever seen.
“Deal. Now, let’s get this car on the road. We have a lot of work to do if I’m gonna be ready for my first ever official race next Saturday.”
Race day was here. You woke up early next Saturday morning and drove over to Dayton’s house to pick him up to go to the race track. Dayton’s dad was taking his race car down in their trailer, but you and Dayton wanted to head to your special place before the race. It was eight o’clock in the morning and Dayton had until noon to get to the race track. 
Ever since the 6th grade, you and Dayton would walk to this rock in the woods after school to talk about your day. Your mom got home at seven every night, so you only had four hours to do something before she got home and realized you were “missing.” You talked about everything on that rock, and that rock was also where you realized you had the biggest crush on someone since your infatuation with Paul Rudd in “Clueless.”
You pulled up in your beat up Dodge Intrepid, newly sporting your license. You grabbed some granola bars and bottles of orange juice to enjoy while sitting on the rock.
You both sat down on ground, leaning up against the thing. You both sighed and enjoyed the crisp cool morning air. Finally, you broke the silence.
“You nervous for today?”
Dayton looked down between his legs while chewing on his granola bar.
“I am absolutely terrified. I mean, what if I mess up?”
You laughed a little.
He looked at you with confusion.
“What’s so funny?” 
You shook your head.
“it’s your first are Dayton. It’s okay to be nervous and even mess up. At the end of the day, everyone is going to be proud of you. We’ll all tell you how great you did because we know how much you care about this. You’ll do amazing.”
He smiled, almost not expecting such kind words to come from your mouth.
“You’re something else Y/N, ya know that?”
“Oh yeah? Stacey Waterson is something else too I bet” you said half jokingly, half serious.
He rolled his eyes. 
“Who gives a fuck about Stacey Waterson when I have a girl like you to cheer me on and surprisingly gives the best pep talks.”
“Well the way I see it she was the one who got the invitation to prom, not little old me who will be spending that Saturday night in my basement playing my PlayStation.” 
He shook his head again.
“I never asked Stacey to prom.”
You suddenly shifted to look at him square in the face.
“I said, I didn't ask Stacey to prom.”
You were dumbfounded. He told you he was absolutely determined to take her. What had changed?
“W-Why? Why didn’t you ask her?”
He kept smiling and shaking his head.
“God Y/N, for being one of the smartest girls I have ever met you really can be dumb sometimes.”
“Excuse you, Dayton White, I happen to be taking AP U.S History, Honors Biology, and-”
That’s when you thought heaven had fell down from the skies and landed right on that rock.
Dayton had leaned in and kissed you. God, why did he have to be so charming?
He slowly took your lip into his mouth and gently sucked on it. You reciprocated by taking his top lip into your mouth and began moving your mouth with his. Time had stopped. It felt like you had molded into one person, enjoying the sensation of each other’s lips. 
He finally pulled away, looking you dead in the eyes.
“Do you understand now?”
You nodded, still stunned by his actions.
“I think we better go. I wanna see this handsome boy I kissed win his first race.”
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
I really don't know if requests are open so I'm sorry if I didn't noticed they're closed 💔 However if they are open could you please write Nagito with female s/o that lost bet to Hiyoko and running around island in maid dress?
ミ☆ Sorry this took me so long! Also it got very nasty and i hope that is okay lol. I can’t help myself when it comes to Nagito. Word count: 2024 Contains: NSFW, fem reader, they/them pronouns, explict sexual content, voyeurism ミ☆ Please send me a DM or an ask if you’d like me to write something for you!
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This is humiliating. 
The Jabberwock island sun is burning down hot as always, you can feel the skin of your bare arms already starting to burn and your legs are getting sweaty under the thick thigh high socks. This outfit was not designed for this weather, but clearly Hiyoko Saionji cared very little about that fact.
She is walking beside you, snickering behind a hand. The six inch heels she has forced you into makes her seem even shorter than usual.
You sigh, “How much longer?”
“I told you! One whole lap of the islands!” She taps a finger to her chin, feigning thoughtfulness, “We’re about...halfway done.”
You huff and cross your arms. You don't usually wear heels, your feet are already starting to ache, and the unpaved path on central island makes it even harder for you to walk, “Can I at least take the shoes off?”
Saionji scoffs, “Uh, obviously not. The heels are essential. You think i'm just gonna let you run around in sneakers? What would even be the fucking point?”
“Yeah, yeah, Okay. I get it.” 
To be fair, this was all your fault. After waking up from the Neo World Program, you and the rest of your classmates found that the island was a mess and had spent the past few months slowly making it livable. It must have been rotten luck that got you paired with Saionji to clean out the back room in the diner on the second island. Apparently the waitresses who worked there before the island was abandoned used to wear sexy maid costumes, and there happened to be one in your size. Saionji had said something about a bet, that if you were game enough to walk around in the maid costume, she would take on your cleaning duties for the next three days. It was a bad idea, you really should have said no.
There's a gust of wind and your short skirt flutters around your thighs. You clench your jaw and try your best to keep your panties from showing. Saionji laughs again. 
“Remember when we bumped into Hanamura earlier and he said that he thought you looked-”
“Shut up, Saionji.” You hiss, walking a little faster as you cross the bridge over to the first island, “Withstanding your ridicule was not part of the deal.”
“Yeah, but it wasn't not not part of the deal.” She sticks her tongue out. 
The heels are so loud on the wooden slats of the bridge, and it takes a decent amount of effort to stop yourself from getting stuck in one of the gaps and tripping. You can tell Saionji thinks it is very funny how hard you need to focus on your own feet. 
“Okay.” She says as you step out onto the island, “One loop here, and then back to the second island. You might actually manage it if you dont trip and break a leg on the way back,”
You shoot her a glare, “Was that a threat?”
She shrugs, “Just saying you should watch where you walk” She playfully taps your shin with the side of her foot, you manage not to stumble, but it was still a dirty move. 
Before you are able to call her out for her nasty trick, Saionji laughs again and nods her head in the direction of the cabins. You’ve just made your way in through the front gate, and are about to head down to the restaurant, “Look who was lucky enough to leave his cottage right as were walking past.”
Saionji’s intonation on the word lucky makes your stomach twist and turn. You’re too afraid to follow her line of sight, swallowing nervously and looking down at the ground, “Hey, uh, i think I’m calling it here. You win.”
You move to walk away, buy Saionji grabs you by the wrist, “What are you chickening out for? I didn't realise you were such a loser.”
“Saionji” You warn, glaring down at her, “You better let me go or else i will-”
“Ah, hello!” Komaeda interrupts. You freeze, heart racing at the sound of his voice. This is literally the worst thing that could have possibly happened. Your cheeks are burning “How lucky it is that I get to see the both of...ah…” His voice slowly trails off as he notices what you are wearing. It's with a newfound desperation that you struggle to escape Saionji’s grip, but she holds fast. 
“Hey, Weirdo.” Saionji jeers, her hand still tight around your wrist, “Do you like this cute outfit I found?”
You let your eyes slip up to his face. Komaeda has his hair up in a ponytail and his cheeks are burning red as he stares down at the length of bare thigh peeking out from the top of your stockings. You can hear the sound of your heart beating in your ears.
You like Komaeda. As in, you really like Komaeda. 
Seeing him getting all flustered is doing strange things to your stomach, but you are still frozen with embarrassment. 
“I think he likes it~” Saionji taunts, smirking up at you. 
His eyes are combing over you, his lower lip pulled in between his teeth. There's warmth between your thighs, your fingernails are digging into your palms. You barely even notice as you start getting bolder, gently brushing the hemline of your skirt with your hand, tugging it a little further up your thigh. Komaeda’s throat bobs. 
“Did...did Saionji make you do this?” He asks.
You nod, still feeling too overwhelmed to actually say anything. He must see the way you are looking at him, the way his blush runs all the way down to his collarbones, the way you want desperately to see more of his skin. His eyes meet yours questioning, but hungry. 
“You look…” he heaves a shaky breath, eyes quickly flitting over to Saionji  like he is trying to remind himself that she is still there, “...good.”
You grip onto the fabric of your skirt to stop your hands from shaking, “Thank you. Um-” you look down at your toes for a moment,  “Hanamura got kind of weird about it, but i'm uh…” you look back up at Komaeda, his eyes are perfect and green, “I’m glad that you like it…”
He’s just staring at you now, and you hope that he understands the meaning of your words. That maybe this whole embarrassing ordeal is worth it if he finds you attractive. You want him so badly, you want him to want you so badly. The way his eyes roam over your body makes you quiver with something. Nerves? Excitement? 
“What the fuck is happening right now?”
You and Komaeda are suddenly pulled from a trance and forced to look back down at Saionji. She’s staring up at you with a mix of horror and confusion.
You feel a bolt of arousal shoot down to your center when Komaeda turns to her and says, “Would you mind leaving us alone, Saionji-san?”
Saionji blinks, “Huh? We’ve still got to walk all the way back to the second island or they lose the bet! I'm not going anywhere in case she cheats!”
“Bet’s off.” You say, pulling your wrist from her grasp and taking a step closer to Komaeda. God, even with the heels on he is still taller than you, “You should really go.”
Saionji barks a laugh, “Fine, but you better not complain when you have cleaning duty all next week.” 
He is very subtle about it, but you feel the cool touch of Komaeda’s fingers on your bare thigh, he stares at Saionji over your shoulder and is much less polite when he says, “Saionji, leave.” 
You don't turn around, but you hear the sound of sandals clattering on wood as she dashes out of the hotel area. The second she is out of view, Komaeda grabs you by the shoulders and pins you up against the wall of the closet cottage (Souda’s? It really doesn't matter) breathing so heavily that you can see his shoulders shaking.
“I’m...I’m so sorry...I” He back pedals, letting his arms fall to the sides, “I don't know what came over me, I'm such garbage i-”
Fuck it, you think. Grabbing the front of his coat and tugging his lips up against yours. It takes him a moment to recognise what is even happening, but the second he does, his large hands grab tight on either side of your waist and he kisses you back in a fervor. You can feel him moan against your lips, and it’s too much for you. So you spin him around until he is the one with his back up against the wall, jamming your knee in between his legs and shoving one hand up under his shirt. His skin is smooth, you can feel his ribs under your fingers. He whimpers under your lips when your tongue enters his mouth, tangling with his, and one of his hands creeps down to the short hemline of your skirt, slipping his fingers up underneath. You hear him choke on a moan when he finds that your stockings are being held up by a garter-belt. 
“You’re killing me.” He hisses against your mouth. 
You lift up the knee between his legs and grind it against his crotch. He makes the cutest little noise, hips wriggling against the pressure of your knee until he is basically fucking himself on it. You moan at the sight of him, cheeks red, hair mussed, writhing against you desperately. 
“That’s a good boy.” You whisper in his ear, pressing a kiss to the side of his throat, “Does that feel nice?”
“Hng-I….I…” he throws his head backward until it collides with the wall, “What about..ahhAH...what about you?”
Watching him like this is getting you wet enough as it is, you smirk and suck gently on his pulse point, “What about me? I want to watch you cum, sweetheart. That’s what i want.”
His green eyes are blown wide when they meet yours, he swallows, “Out….outside?”
“Yeah, baby.” You press your knee up even harder and relish in the choked sound he makes, “Right here.” 
You aren't sure what it is about the maid costume that gives you this confidence, but you feel powerful. Watching Komaeda moan and drool as he grinds furiously against your stocking-clad knee is only making you feel sexier. 
The hand you have under his shirt sneaks upward even further, he squeaks when you rub one of his nipples between your thumb and forefinger, “You think you can cum for me, sweetheart?”
He nods furiously, hips quivering as you continue biting and sucking your way down his throat and over his shoulder. You can feel him growing more desperate, you can feel his pressing his throbbing cock harder and harder against the unyielding pressure of your knee. His mouth is hung open, drool is dripping down his chin and he is flushed all the way down to his chest. You moan just from the mere sight of him, your sex clenching with desire, but that would have to wait. You wanted to watch him come undone.
“I…I’m” he whines, writhing and panting against you, “I’m so close…”
“You’re going to cum?”
Komaeda makes a noise of affirmation, but it mostly just sounds like a moan. You grin and push your knee up even higher, leaning in to lick up the shell of his ear.
“Go on, then.” You whisper, “Cum for me, pretty boy,”
A moan rips through him. So loud that anyone nearby must have heard it. His hips quiver and shake against you, grinding and wriggling and then finally coming to a stop. He looks godlike, his hair fucked five ways to hell and his eyes glazed over with arousal. A shaky giggle escapes his mouth, and then he licks his lips. 
“Okay. Your turn”
You don't resist when he grabs you by the hand and pulls you to his cottage. Maybe Saionji actually helped you out for once, even if she didn't mean it. 
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 3 years
Yo dumbass. Give me wholesome Sukitara hcs cs I need them right now and because i wanted to ask you something but don't know what else LMAO. oof
I got you bro
Okay, this is my first time writing about this ship so I apologize if they’re out of character!
When Suki told Katara they were nonbinary and preferred pronouns. Instead of facing judgment or disgust, they were faced with genuine confusion, not being as educated on the topic, but katara’s smile never faltered. Immediately apologizing if she ever offended Suki for misgendering or hurting them. Katara ever since that day became the “misgender them and you’re good as dead” kind of person.
Suki and Katara started to date when they entered their early 20s. There was nothing that held them back from dating each other. They were both just oblivious idiots who didn’t realize they were crushing on each other. LMAOO THEY’RE DEFINITELY THE IDIOTS TO LOVERS TROPE.
Suki and Katara are definitely the partners after the time(preferably after a lot of therapy) will show off their individual physical scars to each other.
Suki and Katara both sing Secret tunnel every time there on a trip or absentmindedly. Sokka hates it. So Suki and Katara sing it louder when he's nearby.
Suki made Sokka teach them the ritual for courting. He cried and gave suki one of the biggest bear hugs.
When Suki and Katara sparred, Suki always won. One day Katara sought out Ty Lee and asked if she were to gain lessons from her in Chi blocking and her fighting techniques that are a mix of Fire Nation/Aerobatics, Ty Lee agreed and trained with katara in secret. After months of training. Katara finally beat Suki. and told suki how she managed to defeat them. “You’re telling me... You’ve picked up all these techniques only to beat me?” Katara absolutely proud of herself.” YUP!” with Ty Lee giving her a thumbs up in the background.
When Suki told Hakoda that they were dating Katara. Hakoda made a joke questioning how they wooed both Sokka and Katara. Earning a Tomato Suki throughout the entire dinner, Hakoda not backing down from his teasing until Katara smacked him upside the head.
Katara taught Suki how to make meals from the southern water tribe and Suki taught how to make some of the earth kingdom and soon they both managed to find the right balance how to mesh the two together
Katara grew tired of handling world affairs for a brief period of her life. Lasting about a year. She lived in the Kyoshi island and helped Suki with new recruits and offered to be their official healer for the time being.
Ty Lee and the rest of the warriors soon joined the Gaang on a bet who would ask who out. The Kyoshi warriors betted on Suki. The Gaang was confident in Katara. To the Kyoshi warriors’ disappointment, Katara asked first.
Suki is the flustered partner out of the two. Katara teases them about it.
Suki and Katara adopt two kids. Since I don't think you can get Artificial insemination during those times. if they could then Katara would be the one to hold the children.
Kanna favorites Suki. And doesn't even hide it. Suki gets overwhelmed by it at times.
They are Parents to many animals both in the Southern Water tribe and the Kyoshi island. Suki is the one to start the cycle when they introduced the unagi to Katara.
Suki can confidently state that Katara’s Cuddles is one of the best things in the world and they would fight anyone who says otherwise. Zuko once called it bullshit and now he fears Suki.
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Can please do some Lee janus and ler patton? Like Janus is being suspicious, and Patton is trying to figuring out what he is doing. It's fine if you don't want to write this.
(Warning: Interrogation Tickles, Intense Tickles.)
Roman rubbed his eyes, confused. Janus was on the floor, and Patton was sitting on his waist. Janus was using all his hands to keep Patton’s hands away from him. 
“What’s going on?”
“Jan is being sneaky!” Patton said, wiggling his arms and trying to get to Janus with his hands. “And he won’t tell me what he’s doing!”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “And what are you doing?”
“I believe his intention is to tickle the information out of me,” Janus said coolly. 
“Uh huh…” Roman looked around the room, spotting several suspicious-looking items, that he actually knew the purpose of. And he only knew because Janus had told him, asked him for advice. 
It was Father’s Day soon, and Janus wanted to make Patton something. He and Roman had consulted on what to make, and Roman knew for a fact that Janus would never, ever tell. 
And then Roman remembered how Janus had wrecked him the day before so unfairly with his many hands. 
“You want some help, Pat?”
“Yes, please!”
Roman snapped, and bands shot up from the floor to circle Janus’s wrists and pull them down. Within Patton’s reach appeared a box full of tools. 
“Oh, that’s perfect!” Patton said, beaming at Roman. “Thank you!”
“Anytime, Padre,” Roman said, smirking as he left the room. 
Janus took in several deep breaths while Patton looked through the box. Roman was getting wrecked first thing tomorrow. 
“I won’t tell you anything.”
“Oh, good!” Patton said. “That just means I get to tickle you longer!”
Janus was very good at acting, but it took all of his skill not to show how much that had flustered him. He subtly tugged at his arms, but they were stuck. Stretched out as far as they would go, with enough gap in between them for Patton to access his armpits. 
“You can’t really think this will do you any good,” Janus said, keeping his voice steady and even. 
Patton shrugged. “Either way, I get to tickle you. You want a safe word?”
“A safe word? You’re interrogating me. Wouldn’t a safe word defeat the point?”
“Not if you’re really determined not to tell me. Sanders is a good one, but we can go by red-yellow if you want.”
“You don’t take anything seriously, do you?”
“Oh, I take tickling very seriously,” Patton said. “Hurry up and pick a safe word, I want to use some of these toys!”
Janus sighed. He really didn’t understand Patton sometimes. “I’d rather use red-yellow.”
“Great!” Patton said happily. “Then let’s see how long it takes you to break,” he said, badly imitating a noir detective accent. 
Janus’s breath hitched despite the silliness of the situation, and he looked away as Patton’s hands got closer, sneaking under his shirt and drawing small circles on his sides and stomach. 
It didn’t even really… well, it tickled, but he could ignore it pretty easily if he was trying, and he had no problem keeping his face straight. 
“Isn’t this fun?” Patton said cheerily. “Just little teeny tickles.”
Janus finally looked back at him. “What are you getting at?”
“Just making a contrast,” Patton said, before his hands suddenly darted into Janus’s armpits, scribbling ruthlessly. 
Janus was caught completely off guard and made a strangled sound, digging his heels into the ground and arching his back hard, before his brain could make sense of the sudden overwhelming sensations and sent him head over heels into laughing so hard it made him see stars. 
It only lasted a few more seconds before Patton went back to the soft, gentle circles, leaving Janus a confused, giggling mess. 
“You wanna tell me what you were doing now, sweetheart?” Patton asked sweetly. 
Janus gasped and giggled harder, trying to make it seem like he couldn’t talk yet. 
“Oh, no, munchkin, I know you better than that,” Patton said, his hands darting back up into a different pair of armpits and sending Janus into squealing, desperate laughter. 
Janus kicked and squirmed, but nothing got him free, not until Patton decided to be done and go back to drawing those soft circles again. 
Janus was all helpless giggling now, rocking his torso back and forth as much as he could. 
“So what were you doing, huh?” Patton asked, his fingers straying up. 
“Nohohoho!” Janus begged, pulling at his arms. 
“No? Are you sure that’s your answer?”
“Dohon’t!” Janus cried desperately as Patton’s fingers edged closer and closer. “Stohohop!”
“Don’t stop? Oh, you’re just eating this up, aren’t you?” Patton teased, digging into his underarms again. 
It felt like an eternity before Patton stopped. Janus was dazed, unable to do anything but laugh, and barely able to think either. 
“You wanna tell me now, darling?” Patton asked. “It’s only gonna get worse from here. I’ve got a whole box of Roman’s toys, and I haven’t gotten to use even one yet.”
Janus could barely remember what the question was, but the answer bobbed to the front of his mind, and he shook his head. He was never going to tell. 
Patton’s smile turned evil, and he started undoing buttons on Janus’s shirt. Janus just tried to get his breath back, still having phantom tickles and giggling. The cold air hit his chest and stomach, making him shiver with anticipation, and maybe…. yeah, maybe he was having as much fun as Patton was, but he was never admitting that!
Patton started off with just a feather. Maybe it was a touch common, but oldies were goodies, and he just hadn’t decided what tool he wanted to use next! He dragged it around Janus’s torso very, very slowly, watching him wiggle more desperately every time he crept it too close to those ticklish little hollows. 
He was a bit surprised that Janus hadn’t called yellow yet, but also more than a little proud! His Lee mood sense was never off, and there was a reason he was only just now confronting Janus when he’d known about the sneaky behavior for several days now. 
Patton shuffled through the box again, enjoying the sweet giggles, but wanting something more. There were some little fake claws, and he’d passed over them several times, but then he realized. With Janus’s scales, the claws would be perfect! 
“You get a bit of a break, my giggly, sneaky boy. You want some water?”
Janus nodded, and Patton snapped, summoning a cup of water with a very bendy straw that he put in Janus’s mouth. The claws were just a little tricky to get on, but he did it, wiggling his fingers to test them. 
A scared little giggle from Janus made him smile. “Are you excited? I guess you don’t want to tell me then, huh?”
Janus burst into more giggles and shook his head. 
Patton dragged one claw delicately over a patch of scales, and Janus wiggled all around, giggling hard and shaking his head back and forth. 
Patton moved the cup of water so it wouldn’t get knocked over, and then attacked the scales that were scattered all over Janus’s belly and sides. 
Janus shrieked with laughter, getting absolutely wild in a desperate attempt to escape, tears of mirth starting to slip down his cheeks. 
“Oh, does this tickle? Does it tickle really, really bad?” Patton teased. “The tickle, tickle, tickles on your ticklish little scales?”
Janus shook his head violently. 
“It doesn’t?” Patton asked, focusing all his attention on just one spot. “This doesn’t tickle? It doesn’t make you go absolutely crazy?”
Janus squealed, trying to shake his body to move the spot away from where Patton was tickling. But Patton just followed that tickly little place on his side wherever it went. 
“Are you gonna tell me now?” Patton asked. “Cause I can stay riiight here for a loooong time, just tickly, tickly, tickling until you break.”
Janus seemed close to breaking already, his red face cracked wide open with his crazed smile, laughing so hard he was wheezing. His laughter turned to a silent scream, and Patton only kept going for a few seconds after that, watching his lips for any attempt to safeword. He didn’t, but Patton still gave him a break, teasing him the whole time about how cute he was when he was so desperate, and how he really was truly stuck, helpless and at Patton's mercy. 
“You wanna tell me now, or should I find another fun toy? Beside you, I mean.” Patton said with a cheeky smile. 
Janus was still just getting his breathing under control, but he shook his head stubbornly. “Not— Nohot telling you anything.”
Patton grinned. “Yay! More fun for me!”
He looked in the box again. He really wanted something soft this time. Effective, of course, but soft. 
He picked up a little scrubber. Well, it was like a little round kitchen scrubber, except instead of bristles it had very many teeny shimmery feathers. And very conveniently on the top was a label. For bellies. 
“Are you ready, Jan?” Patton asked, holding up the little scrubby. 
To Patton’s surprise, Janus almost nodded before catching himself and lifting his chin stubbornly. 
Patton smiled and set the scrubby down, moving it in small circles. 
Janus went absolutely ballistic! Shocking Patton who knew his belly wasn’t his most ticklish place. But then he saw the slight glittery trail from everywhere the scrubby touched, and figured it must have something in it that tickled even more. 
Janus was screaming with laughter, and it went silent far more quickly than Patton ever could have guessed. Patton carefully watched his mouth and hands, for any sign that it was too much, and was suddenly hit with the realization that he didn’t know how to get the glitter off. 
Janus’s jaw bobbed in what was probably him trying to make a ‘Y’ sound, and Patton set the scrubby down quickly, swiping his hand across his belly, and only bursting into giggles from the intense tickling sensation on his palm. 
Patton clapped hard, willing with everything in him for the glitter to go away. He opened his eyes, and Janus was slumped against the ground, gasping for air with a doofy grin on his face. Patton’s hand didn’t tickle any longer either. He moved up to card his hand through Janus’s hair gently. 
“That one was a lot, huh?” 
Janus gave a weak nod. 
“Are you doing ok?”
Janus got a tiny bit of smirk to his smile. “Not gonna a-ask whahat I was do-ing?”
Patton smiled, more soft than evil. “Not yet, anyway. More water?”
“Lehet me catch my breath first.”
Patton carded his fingers through Janus’s hair gently while he caught his breath, only teasing a little about how much the little scrubby had tickled. 
Janus felt as if he were slightly drifting in a delirious daze. He was almost all tickled out. So why didn’t he just call it quits? He could say the word at any time, and knew for a fact that Patton would respect it. 
Did he really want so badly to be tickled this far past what he had thought were his limits? He didn’t dare answer that question, for fear of knowing for certain the truth of the matter. 
Patton gave him quite a long break, and more water, before settling back over his thighs and bringing out that feather to tease him with as he searched for a new tool. 
Patton’s teasing was mean, making his breath hitch every time he threatened to drag the feather down into one of his hollows, and then just the lighter tickles as if he’d only been joking all along. Janus knew better. The instant Patton decided he wanted to Janus would be laughing hard enough to see stars. 
Patton still shuffled through the box. It seemed quite full, so Janus didn’t know why it always took Patton so long to decide. Unless he was just doing it on purpose to draw out the anticipation. 
Finally Patton pulled something out of the box. “Look! It’s a little snake!”
Janus had no idea what a little toy snake was supposed to do. It was cute though, like a worm-on-a-string, but a bit bigger, and no string. 
“I wonder how it works,” Patton muttered, turning it over in his hands. “I think it does something.”
Suddenly the snake leapt out of his hand to land on Janus’s belly. 
“Oh, there we go!” Patton said happily. “You got one more chance to tell me what you were doing, or else I’m gonna come after those soft, tickly little hollows again.”
Janus froze, his eyes getting wide. 
“Is that a no?” Patton teased, his fingers coming to draw circles on Janus’s sides. 
“W-won’t tell you,” Janus forced out. 
Patton’s grin turned feral. The snake started moving, undulating, it’s soft fur tickling with every movement, and it was moving straight for his armpit. 
Janus had just enough time to gasp out a “Wahait!” before it attacked. The evil creature curled up inside, and then uncurled, tickling horribly ever second of the way. Janus couldn’t have resisted laughter anyway, but even were he not already tickled half to pieces he wouldn’t have been able to resist this. 
And then he glimpsed Patton moving, pulling out more snakes. Three more snakes. 
Patton released them upon Janus, and they each kept switching, so not only was he dying from laughter, there was no chance of getting used to it. And Patton, evil Ler that he was, somehow thought that it wasn’t enough torture, and dug in with his fingers in whichever two of Janus’s underarms were empty. The massive difference in the sensations was sending him over the edge. 
Even all of it together wasn’t as bad as that cursed feather thing, but not by much. Janus couldn’t even fight back anymore, entirely trapped beneath Patton’s fingers and helpless to his whims. 
His sanity was slipping from him, and it seemed as if the whole world were only the terrible, wonderful sensations drowning his senses. 
He couldn’t stand it anymore! It tickled so bad! And it never ended. Never would end. Patton would never have enough of his desperate laughter.
His mouth barely managed to form a “Re” before it broke into a screech as Patton managed to hit a spot somehow even more sensitive. But Patton’s head popped up, searching his face, his hands stilling, and at Janus’s next attempt to say red, he stopped the snakes immediately. 
He came back to card his hands through Janus’s hair, all gentleness and no more teasing. 
“You did so well, my sweet Lee. All done?”
Janus nodded, still giggling from a million phantom tickles racing over him. 
“Oh, you took so much, didn’t you?”
Janus nodded. 
“Well, I’d say that’s more than enough to let you keep your secrets, hmm?”
Janus nodded, glad that Patton would drop it now, and pressed his head up into the soft, gentle hand. 
Patton cooed over him a bit more, and then left his head to release his hands, and to worry over each one in case Roman had tied it down too tight. He picked Janus up, despite the fact that Janus was limp and couldn’t help at all, and set him gently on the couch. He got him more water, and a soft, sweet snack that Janus was too dazed and tired to even identify. 
Janus set aside his plate when he was done, and just tipped forward, butting his head into Patton’s shoulder in hopes that he would play with his hair. Patton went over and beyond, laying back and letting Janus lay on top of him as he rubbed his back and stroked through his hair, not one hint of tickles anywhere. 
It didn’t take long at all for Janus to fall asleep, his final thoughts determined to make the gift for Patton as grand and perfect as he could manage. 
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wegoinncthardhours · 5 years
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Crave you
Summary: Reader is needy in public but Mark refuses to touch her. Gives it to her just right when they get home.
Pairing: Mark Lee/Female reader
Tws/warnings: My bad writing, slight dom/sub undertones.
Word count: Around 2000 (will update exact count)
Almost in trance you watch Mark where he sits next to you. Closely observing his every movement, following his every gesture. He's deeply engaged in the conversation at the table but you find yourself distracted and you've been ever since he came to pick you up. Because he looks so good in that shirt that hugs his broad shoulders and lean torso just right, but you know he looks even better undressed. And you love to hear him get philosophical, talking about his music, the meaning of life and such but right now you would rather have him spitting filthy things in your ear. A bit less poetic yes, but way more primal. Besides, you're not really in the mood for poetic tonight.
You let your thoughts wander as you watch him. Scenarios plays out in your head; how those pretty fingers currently fidgeting with the salt tray would feel exploring your curves, how those pretty pink lips would look as they fall open to moan your name. And Mark must have caught you staring because now he's looking at you with curious eyes. Reaching out to gently caress your cheek, a soft "Hey, you good?" on his lips. So overwhelmed by all the sudden attention you don't manage to form a sentence, so Mark just chuckles at the confused expression on your face as he returns his attention to the conversation between the boys at the table. 
Not knowing what he's doing, not aware of how on edge you are right now, he rubs your thigh under the table. The small sign of affection is nothing new and would be innocent enough if your mind wasn't so clouded with these dirty thoughts. So your pulse rises, breath hitches when his fingers make contact with your skin and Mark definitely felt that because now he's looking at you again. He let's his fingers travel a bit further up your leg as he watches your cheeks turn red and your eyes flick down to the floor. By the amusement evident in his eyes you can tell that he's figured it out now. Figured out why you've seemed so off tonight. 
In the back of your mind you register Johnny saying something about ordering dessert and Haechan urging Mark to tag along. He tells them to go ahead, promising to "be there in a sec" and all of a sudden you find yourself alone with Mark. He keeps tracing circles on your skin as he speaks "What's going on tonight? Tell me what's on your mind, baby."  And that's almost cruel of him, because you know that he knows, but apparently he wants you to say it, wants to play the game. But you're beyond the game at this point and he knows this too, so you look up at him with pleading eyes, mouthing a "please.." and he just smirks. Because he loves it when you get like this. Desperate and needy for him. But he won't give in that easily. Mark retrieves his hand as he leans back, running it through his hair and then weaving it together with his other one behind his neck. His takes up a lot of space like this, thighs spread wide apart as well. He looks proud, powerful, like he owns the place.
Knows what he's doing to you when you whine at the loss of contact, your thigh still burning from his touch. He locks you down with his hungry gaze, surely undressing you in his mind and for a moment you wonder if the people around you are aware of the little game going on between you and Mark. You take a deep breath as you cross your legs, voice a little shaky as you speak "Please Mark, I want.." you interrupt yourself as you rub your thighs together, searching for some kind of friction. "Touch me." You whisper. And he almost gives in, because you look so pretty right now. Eyes wide and shiny with lust, pink lips slightly parted and chin a little tilted upwards, exposing your neck; an unconscious invitation. But Mark shakes his head "Right here? 'S too risky, sweetheart. You want me that bad, huh?" And his words makes you flustered, frustrated, because yes, you want him that bad and no, right now you don't care who sees because currently he's the only one who can put an end to your misery. So you keep rubbing your thighs together, craving his touch, feeling the heat that starts to pool between your legs and your pulse that keeps on rising until Mark groans. It's a warning. "You better stop it with those noises, baby. Don't want the whole place to know how bad you need it.." He mutters, causing you to harshly bite down on the soft flesh of your bottom lip, not having realized you were being vocal. He watches in amusement as you throw a quick look over your shoulder, making sure no one has heard your soft sighs. You see the boys making their way back to your table, laughing and talking loudly while their at it. You return your gaze to Mark "Please, let's get out of here."
And now you're here, outside of Marks flat. Said flat-owner is currently busy fumbling with the keys, almost as impatient as you now. When he finally unlocks the door you stumble in, almost tripping as you quickly remove your shoes and jacket. You're not sure where on the floor it ends up because finally Marks hands are on you, all over you.
He pushes you against the wall. Greedily squeezing the plush flesh of your ass, gripping your waist, tugging at your top as he mumbles "off". And you obey, immediately of course, so eager to finally feel his body against yours, just skin on skin. Your lips connect in an open-mouthed kiss, teeth colliding as you manage a small "y-you too". Marks shirt accompanies your top and jacket somewhere on the floor and you can't decide between leaning back to admire his body or leaning in for another kiss, cause God, this man is a work of art; every inch of skin, every muscle, every single bone so beautifully carved and chiseled. But he wastes no time as he dives in to kiss your neck, nibbling at the skin, rolling it slightly between his pretty, sharp teeth. You mewl and squirm, perhaps in pain but surely in pleasure too and your pretty sounds spur Mark on further. A groan is ripped from his throat. "What was with you tonight? You were all over me.." he mumbles into your neck. He nudges your legs apart with his knee. "Ready to let me touch you in front of everyone. Bet you'd love that, me fingering you right there under the table. So fucking needy, God..." And you just nod, only managing a soft whine in response. His hand makes it's way up your thigh and you gasp once, twice as his digits move closer to your core, throbbing by now. And it may seem a little dramatic of you to behave like this, to be so ridiculously responsive, but you've been craving this for hours and Mark knows this. Still he has to roll his eyes and mutter "I'm not even touching, calm down." As his hand moves up, up finally just ghosting his fingers over your center. "Jeez, you're fucking soaked." He murmurs, the grin on his face evident in his voice. And a string of pleas spills from your lips as you're close to desperation now, begging for him to finally give you what you need. Suddenly Mark abruptly removes his hand and you let out a confused whine when he spins you around and pushes your chest flush against the wall, back arched. And you're a little breathless because Mark just manhandled you like that and now he's lifting your skirt as you hear him unzip his pants and you let out a relieved sigh because finally, he'll give you what you've been waiting for. 
You moan when he presses up against you. You feel his erection against your ass and instinctively you push back even further against him, desperate noises falling from your lips. He tangles his hand in your hair as he mumbles praises in your ear, telling you how beautiful you look, filthy promises of how good he'll make you feel as he grinds up against you. And you can't take it anymore, all this teasing. "Mark, please just fuck me.." You manage, a little surprised by yourself as you're usually shy with expressing these things verbally. And he chuckles in your ear as he starts sliding your panties down your legs, you're quick to help him, rushed hands fumbling with the piece of fabric now soaked with your essence. You spread your legs wider, arch your back further and you can't help but moan when he dips a finger between your folds. And he groans in approval of how wet you are, how ready you are for him. Suddenly he plunges two long digits into your core and you gasp, so very sensitive. Your body's on fire, and you moan loudly when he starts thrusting his fingers into you. He whispers right in your ear "You look so fucking pretty right now, begging to be fucked. God you'll feel so good around my cock." His words make you shudder and would want to tell him to just get on with it then, but right now you're not really able to form a sentence. 
His fingers are replaced with the blunt head of his cock and you try to push back against him, but he tuts and holds you in place. Runs the tip between your folds, collecting your juices that are almost dripping down your legs right now. "P-please.." You beg and at last he complies; pushing his lenght into you all the way, your lips falling apart in a silent moan. He stays there for a moment and you gasp, so overwhelmed with the feeling of him stretching you out, of him filling you. You can feel how he's throbbing and twitching inside of you as he snakes an arm around your body, kneading the soft flesh of your breast.
You're writhing before him, just able to take it as he thrusts into you. He hisses when he feels you clench around him, thrusting into you even rougher. Your moans are accompanied with the obscenely errotic sound of skin slapping together and the wet sounds when his cock enters your center repeatedly. "You're so wet, baby. Take my cock so well." He praises, voice husky and dark with lust. 
You're a mess as he fills you again and again and it's almost too much, the way he fucks into you, his cock hitting that spot that makes you see stars with every thrust and you writhe before him, barely able to hold yourself up. You could be embarrassed, because you're already so close to coming but frankly you don't care because Mark is taking you apart with his cock right now and judging by his moans and the rhythm of his hips, he's getting close as well. 
He tilts his hips, just changing the angle of his thrusts slightly and your lips falls open at that, eyes wide and almost rolling back because you can really feel it now. Your orgasm is approaching quickly and you beg him to "Please, keep going. God, right there." So desperate to reach your high. Mark can tell by your breathless voice and the way you're squirming. "Yeah, you feel good baby? Are you gonna cum?" And you just manage a small "yeah" before your voice wobbles into a whine. Your mind goes blank as your orgasm is punched into you. Completely lost in pleasure, your legs shake and you moan uncontrollably, body thrashing as Mark holds you still while he keeps fucking you through it. "Oh yeah, baby, just like that." he murmurs in your ear. And you're slack in his arms now as he plunges his length deep inside of you, one hand thrown around your waist. The other tangled in your hair, yanking your head back roughly, and you know he's about to come undone too because he only let's himself get this animal when he's close to desperation. He thrusts harshly a few more times before spilling his cum inside of you. You feel how his cock twitches as his hot seed coats your clenching walls. He groans into your neck and you whimper and sigh at that. Leaning your head back against his shoulder, a blissful look on your face as Mark squeezes you tightly.
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yandere-musings · 5 years
Yandere Kaoru Seta
Anonymous asked: OMG YOU WRITE FOR BANDORI?! Can you write yandere headcanons for either Yukina or Kaoru? They're my best girls! I love your writing! Thanks!!
Awe thanks! I'm going with Kaoru on this one because she's my best girl and its her birthday tomorrow. if any of my followers play, hmu and I'll add you! I play on both the ENG and the JP servers.
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Yandere Type: Delusional, Obsessive, Clingy
• Who would have thought that the legendary Haneoka Highschool Theater Prince would finally fall in love, and with a regular student no less! You were just a helping the theater club carry props to the stage for an upcoming performance, not expecting to actually meet any of the actors. But to your surpsie, one of them was actually there helping set up. You had come in to deliver a variety of fake flowers for the decorations and a large bouquet of roses for Kaoru who would be playing the love interest. You wandered up past the swarm of fans crowding her and nervously cleared your throat and stepped closer to get her attention.
"Um... excuse me? You're Kaoru Seta right? I was asked to deliver these flowers to you for the next performance. Where did you want them?" you asked nervously.
• Kaoru's red eyes grew wide in awe. It could have been the demure way you got her attention, or maybe it was how the stage lighting made you look almost angelic, or perhaps it was how the roses in your arms framed your figure perfectly like you were a living renaissance painting. It could have been any number of those things, but one was for certain. In that fleeting moment, Kaoru knew that it was love at first sight. She was completely dumbstruck, mouth agape in shock as another actor came over and helped you with the flowers. She watched in awe as you unloaded your arms, her mouth still agape. It was clearly some kind of destiny that you had met- and on the stage no less! Just as quickly as you walked into her life, you left. Kaoru's heart was pounding. Such an amazing, fleeting moment. It truly was fate! Kaoru vowed to make you hers. Even though she didn't so much as know your name, Kaoru vowed to stop at nothing to make you hers.
• Athough Kaoru has many fans and potential suitors, none of them compare to you. She needed to know everything she could about you. Sadly, seeking you out was a lot harder than she anticipated. In a school for the talented or genius, you were actually rather average. You didn't stand out much compared to the other students. Nobody had any idea who you were when Kaoru tried describing you for leads. Not to mention she also had to compete with her fans flooding her everywhere she went. When she finally does catch a glimpse of you, Kaoru is overcome with emotion. Suddenly she breaks into a run to close the distance between the two of you. Quickly grabbing your hands in hers, she stares into your eyes with a huge grin across her face. She was wheezing from her run and from the adorable confused expression you wore.
"There you are! I've been looking for you since the day we met," she proclaimed before standing up straight and giving you her most charming smile.
"As the great bard Shakespeare once said, 'who ever loved that loved not at first sight'? I beg of you, please be mine!"
•Regardless of what your answer was to her passionate confession, Kaoru is still determined to sweep you off your feet. She goes around to all your classmates, using her charm and influence to learn all she could about your hobbies, grades and preferences. Kaoru's fanclub was albeit a little jealous, but overall supportive of her sudden new fascination with you. Even if you insist on telling everyone that you aren't romantically involved, nobody believes you. How could they? Its clear that you're in a relationship when she pulls you into such a intimate embrace and spouts sickeningly sweet words to disprove your claims.
"It's alright my precious darling, you have no need to be shy! I don't mind sharing our love with the world! That way, all will come to know that your heart is taken."
• Kaoru was at your side as often as she could be. Personally escorting you to each class, tagging along when you leave campus with friends and even walking you home after school. And by that, I mean she follows right behind you until you get to the front door. Kaoru will stand there and wish you goodnight as you struggle with your keys in a rushed attempt to escape her intrusive gaze. Unfortunately, this now means that she knows where you live. Kaoru isn't a violent criminal by any means, but she wont hesitate to break into your home to steal things. Nothing you'd notice, but stuff that would mean the world to her. Over time, she will collect enough to build a shrine dedicated to you.
• Kaoru's princely personality doesn't stop on stage, no no. She will bring you flowers, extravagant gifts and shower you with all sorts of flattering compliments. Its naturally overwhelming to suddenly have so much attention on you, especially from someone as dazzling as Kaoru. So if you ever get agitated from her constant praise or snap at her, she will just smile at the fact you're giving her any kind of attention. She won't take offence of course- something else must be bothering you! Maybe something in school or your personal life is weighing heavy on your mind. No matter! Kaoru is happy to help in any way she can, and if she isn't able to do it herself, she will find someone else to do it (under her supervision of course!) Now, as far as Yanderes go, Kaoru is very passive. She's honestly believes that you love her, but are just shy. She won't react as violently as most yanderes, but she will manipulate those around her to isolate you or chase them away. If anything, when she does threaten those around you, its all the more terrifying because its so unexpected and out of character. Kaoru will warn them nicely that if they ever so much as speak to you again, they will never actually speak again.
• Powerful declarations of love before or after every performance, both as an actor and as the guitarist for Hello Happy World. And you better believe that she will write songs for you as well! Kaoru enjoys singing to you, love songs clearly being her favorite. But your voice is so much better. Anytime she hears you speak, she's hypnotized, latching on to every word you say. And if its directed at her, she's in heaven. One day, she dreams of kissing those very lips that she loves to stare at. But she won't rush it. No no, the fleeting moment of your first kiss must be savored. Besides, Kaoru knows that you will have plenty of 'firsts' together once you accept her love.
• Even if you remind her that you aren't actually dating, she will just smile and laugh. You're so silly! Of course you aren't dating! You were soulmates after all, there was no need for courting when you're meant to be together. None the less, she will still proudly declare that you are lovers to anyone who's willing to listen. She makes a very convincing case no matter what you do or say. She's big on PDA, loving to shower you in love so that everyone can see that you clearly are a couple
• Somehow, despite your best efforts, she manages to get your phone number. Kaoru loves leaving you long winded lovey-dovey messages, both via text message and on voicemail. Kaoru will lavish you with affection. Expect lots of random kisses and embraces, in private or not. She loves how flustered you get when she does. Even if you don't have school, Kaoru will always manages to track you down. You could be out shopping or wandering around town and she will 'randomly' bump into you. She can't wait until they day you go out with your family so she can properly meet her future in-laws.
• She knows all of your likes and preferences, altering her own to be more akin with yours. Kaoru is dedicated to proving her love through grand gestures or doing things that will win your favor. It makes it hard to dislike her when she cooks and brings your favorite meals for lunch, writes songs for you, buys you anything you spend time browsing in a store or compliments you on something you were insecure about. That coupled with the constant pressure of others to recirpocate her love makes it harder and harder to reject her. But that's exactly what Kaoru wants, for you to be so captivated by her that it parallels her own love for you. She honestly believes that you want to be with her, but that you're too embarrassed to express it just yet. She understands that she needs to be patient with you but she just loves you so much that restraining herself is difficult.
• She's not above kidnapping you. Kaoru adores you, yes, but if you continue to deny her advances when you're clearly meant for each other, she will begin to wonder why. She will seek out her dear friend Kokoro, venting to her rich friend over how badly Kaoru wants to be with you and have your love. Kokoro will be moved to tears by the passion in her voice, seeing how much her friend truly loves you and wants to make you happy. By the end of the Day, the Tsurumaki Secret Service agents will have you gagged and bound somewhere hidden away. Don't worry, Kaoru will be sure to take good care of you. She will happily decorate the room she keeps you locked in, continuing to gift you with all sorts of presents. And once her career as an actor or guitarists take off, she will ensure that you want for nothing. Even if you scream and fight back now, Kaoru knows you're only struggling to adjust to your life together. She knows it will all be worth it in the end. Any crime commited in the name of love can't be too bad right?
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princeanxious · 6 years
A Loving New Beginning- Gods of the Sky Au (Part One!) -Sanders Sides Fic
(Authors note: So, bet you guys totally forgot that I was planning on making another part to this Au, huh?? Well, After some trial and error, and some struggling with ideas and motivation, I’ve got part one, out of three/four, done and ready to give to ya’ll! This is supposed to help balance out the AU’s angst ratios a little bit to give a look into the aftermath of the Main Fic, so I hope ya’ll enjoy! Also wanna be tagged for anything to do with this AU? Let me know, I’m starting a taglist for it!)
Warnings: fluffy fluff and little else other than Virgil being a cute lil confused bean!
Check out the fanfic this fic follows after, right here! (Or else nothing will make much sense, though please heed the warnings!) There will also be art of All the Sides in the future, like this piece here! (Angst and slight blood tw for that piece tho!)
Roman is working on creating something new in his creation room inside the temple when Virgil quietly steps in.
“Hey Ro?” Roman startles slightly and his creation dissipates, thankfully he hadn't really started on it and hadn't really had anything in mind when starting on it, so nothing is lost. Virgil, however, looks guilty anyway and begins apologizing profusely.
“No no, it's okay, really. I promise, Virgil, no harm done!” He chuckles softly, patting the others shoulders as he comes to stand in front of the lunar god.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” the solar god asks, which triggers Virgil to flush. The happiness of seeing color in the fair skin of the gods once sickly pale face bubbles inside Roman for a moment, and he can't help but smile which only causes the smaller of the two to blush more.
“U-um.. The humans, you know, with a solstice coming up, they're requesting us. They - they want all of us to attend the upcoming festival celebration..” the ravenette fidgeted with his new cape’s hem, the gold threaded designs woven into the inside to represent the stars that accompany the Moon at night glittered beautifully in the candle light. Truly, Virgil finally looked divinely ethereal, as he rightfully should have looked all this time.
“That's fantastic, my dear Luna!~ You rightfully deserve to be a part of the Solstice Celebrations!” Roman's eyes lit up bright like the star he was born for, excited and proud of the God he cared for deeply. He couldn't quite help his giddiness, reaching to take Virgil's hands into his own and twirl the shorter god in glee, heart only warming more at the precious squeak of surprise that escaped the Moon.
“Just imagine the praise, the fun, the dances! The shimmering decorations, the music, Virgil!” Roman couldn't help but pull the other close, guiding the other in a small twirling dance, ending it off by picking up the other by the waist and giving one final twirling motion before setting him down and gazing warmly into the others eyes.
Virgil still seemed thrown by the kind, caring mood Roman now treated him with, still new to the solid affection and support after working alone for so long. Locking eyes left him flustered and floundering at what to do when shown such solid respect, not to mention being spun cheerily around!
Virgil's arms had instinctively reached out to hold on to Roman’s shoulders while being spun, which was where they now rested as he attempted to gather himself. Unable to help his natural nervous tendencies, he broke eye contact and pulled his arms to his chest to fumble with his sleeves.
“Well, the thing is. Y’know those stories they write based on history? Those exaggerated dramas? Well, um.. since the um.. most recent event in history, they’ve begun to write stories about me.. about, a-about us?” Virgil seemed to flush a bit more, face twisting into something more confused, a look he often gained when frustrated over confusing things.
Roman tilted his head curiously, an endeared smile never leaving his face as he hummed inquiringly. “Hmm? About us? What about us? I know that Humans can sometimes get carried away with their exaggerations, for entertainment’s sake, but I hope it is not too bad?” Watching the nervousness flicker in Virgil’s eyes made his smile falter, concern flashing over his tanned features at the smaller gods distress. “It is not too bad, right?”
“That.. is what I wanted to talk to you about, its not bad, no. But, I just.. Don't understand it? They write.. unfamiliar endings, they assume and guess that the Moon and Sun are one in the same.” Virgil refused to meet the Sun God’s gaze, instead nervously playing with his cape once more.
“Virgil, we are one in the same. Equals within the sky, as it should have been from the start.”
“No, Roman, that.. That's not entirely what I mean.. I mean that.. they see us as lovers, write about us being forced apart by the shadows, and my sacrifice and rebirth, then write about how we then will live on as one, like Patton and Logan do. They want us to attend, together, I.. am confused by this, Roman. ”
“Why, dear Luna? Humans seek love in everything they find. Though, I sometimes think it may be the way they cope with the knowledge that I had left you all alone..” guilt flashed over the sun god’s face, but he maintained his gaze on the beautiful moon before him. “Perhaps I should follow in their footsteps, I will never forgive myself for being so wrong with you, so anything to prove my devotion to your healing wellbeing is something I wouldn’t mind taking part in.”
Virgil was even more confused now than before. Was Roman.. agreeing? With the Humans? Saying that they should be together?
“Roman I don’t..?” Virgil shyly peered up at the taller god, surprise evident in his softer features.
“You will understand with time, my dear Virgil, I promise to you.” The Sun gently hooked his arm around the Moons waist and pulled him close, gently placing a kiss upon the others forehead. “In due time, everything will be clear.”
Virgil gently gripped at the others vibrant cloak, eyes downcast with a look of bewilderment, cheeks flushed.
“Alright, Roman.. I trust you.” Romans heart fluttered at those words, heavy in meaning, the baring of vulnerability in giving them. His hand carded gently through the raven locks of the Moon’s hair, eyes soft and distant for a long moment.
“My dear Luna, if you are ever uncomfortable during the festival, if you ever need an out, air to breathe, a quiet place to calm down in, just give me the word, and you’ll have it. These human festivals can be quite fun, however I do not want want your first time in experience to be unpleasant because you have been overwhelmed.”
Virgil nodded, releasing the others cloak gently to thumb the soft fabric thoughtfully. “They say the Festival will finally be able to last all day and night, because of my Moon, Roman. I am concerned for the Humans, Roman, have they ever carried festivities in the night before? It will be dark, and dangerous, even with my moonlight.”
The Sun chuckled, soothing the ravenette’s hair back from shielding his eyes, shining gold gazing into piercing blue-grey. “Always worrying, my dear Virgil, do not fret, they have planned for this. I have already been asked to help light the flames of the festival candles once night falls. It will be a magical, glittering display, and everyone will be safe in our presence.” Leaning his forehead against Virgil's, eyes locking. “I promise to you that this festival will be far from harm and danger, it will be magical, a wondrous occasion to celebrate us, to celebrate you. With all of us now together, the humans will be safe from the darkness, for good.” The Solar god’s hand slipped from the others hair and rested gently against the Moon’s cheek, thumb rubbing soothing strokes against flushed pink skin with adoration. “With you in our midst, we are complete.”
Both gods spent a few moments in silence, finding assurance in one another’s quiet presence when all was said and done. Eventually, Virgil broke the silence by hiding his face against the taller gods shoulders, huffing out a shy chuckle, “You are so weirdly wondrous, Roman.” Saying which had earned a warm laugh and a gentle kiss upon the head in response, which then also prompted a bashful whine in reaction.
They stood there and swayed happily, content and safely uninterrupted in the warm temple room for a few more long, wonderful minutes before Roman was struck with realization.
“Virgil? I just had a thought.” Roman grinned at the inquiring hum he received, knowing the other had made himself quite comfortable against the sun god’s warm shoulder. “You have never attended a festival before..” Another answering hum, “Soo.. that means you don’t have a festival outfit!” Roman’s excitement could easily be heard mounting in his voice alone, and Virgil was left floundering again, so enraptured by the others metaphorical sunshine. Virgil mustered up enough will to tilt his head to the side, exposing his mouth enough to talk more easily, “No, I don't.. Your point?”
“My poooint, is that we need to make one for you!” In Roman’s excitement, he plucked Virgil up again and twirling him around, slowing only slightly when the other gave an upset groan in reaction.
“But Roman, why can’t I wear this? It’s already plenty flashy and extravagant..” the Ravenette whined softly, arms slipping around Roman’s neck to secure himself himself and steady their spinning.
“Heaven’s no, My magnificent Moon! You can’t wear that because that is your everyday attire, my dear! This is a Solstice Festival, a twice in a year occurrence to celebrate our balance and unity, there will be no faltering in representing your beauty, in style nor personality! These days are special, and I will not let you under-represent yourself!”
“But Roman-” Virgil paused, purposefully pausing their spin by placing his feet firmly to the ground, still holding the other close. “I don’t- I- Just because I’m not.. wearing something extravagant, doesn’t mean I’ll be under-represented..”
He watched guiltily as Roman’s excitement deflated a little, and the sigh that Roman gave wasn’t too reassuring either. “I.. I know, Virgil. I just, I just want you to enjoy this, want you to feel like a part of the sky, like you always deserved to be. I know you aren’t used to standing out, used to being at the center of attention but, just this once, I think this might.. help? Think about it this way..”
Roman slowly guided Virgil to a window, sitting on the windowsill and pulling the smaller into his lap so that they could gaze out into the night sky and the active villages below it. “Each one of us already has a themed Solstice Festival outfit, representing what we are. They all match in a way, so if you don’t wear one made to match as well, people might stare, they might question why, I just, I don’t care about the backlash we could get, I care about the caused attention that could be centered on you, because I know you are easily overwhelmed by that.” Virgil was now leaned against Roman’s chest as they gazed out at the town below, Roman’s hand carding through the smaller’s hair while the other was entwined with one of Virgil’s own. The solar god’s voice was laced with nervousness and worry, something unusual and unlike him to show around Virgil. It was after a few moments that Virgil realized that Roman had shared a very vulnerable piece of himself inlaid with worry to Virgil, and was waiting for a response in return.
“Look, Ro.. I, I get it, you’re worried about me, and, that's.. that's weird to say for myself but..” Roman’s hand gave a gentle squeeze, which Virgil returned before continuing, “But, I guess, the outfit thing doesn’t sound so bad, when you put it that way. And.. I said that I trust you, I can see that you care, and uh.. yeah.. I’m not good at this..” he earned another hand squeeze from Roman before receiving a gentle kiss on the head and a soft “Thank you.”
They stayed like that in each others arms for another few moments, enjoying the mutual quiet as Virgil tucked himself against Roman once more.
Roman would later call a monk to retrieve to remaining two gods and bring them to the temple’s creation room so that they may all begin work on Virgil’s festival attire, but for now, the two would enjoy a quiet pleasant nap together, finally at peace.
Part Two!
General Writings Taglist: @peanut0303 @ashrain5 @wentzdayz @kanejandkruge @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @jadedragon1903 @thecasualinsomniac @analogical-chaos @confinesofpersonalknowledge @planetsanders @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @thekeytohappiness-is-you @today-only-happens-once
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I mean, I wasn't ready for this, but hell yeah, let's do this challenge! Thanks for tagging me, @space-kitten-606!! I wasn't expecting this lolol ^^
Also, this post is formatted this way because I'm using my phone lol
Rules: Tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better!
Nickname: I don't exactly have one, lol, but I guess Maple would count? By my real life friends, though, they call me great grandma (lol), Cinnamon Roll or Marshmallow, but that's pretty rare lol, my real name is already short enough
Astrological sign: Virgo ^^
Gender: Spell it with me now!
F-E-M-A-L-E :D
Height: 4'7/144.7cm, I am a short person lol
Sexuality: Straight, just like how I prefer my nature/walking trails :')
Hogwarts House: I am the Huffle of the puffs!! (Hufflepuff lol)
Favourite Animals: Well, ever since I was young, I really liked cats and turtles, ahaha! But anything that is cute will just grab my attention, granted, it's behind a screen or some sort of barrier keeping it away from me lol though I am a bit iffy on reptiles, insects and just creepy crawlies in general-- they make me feel queasy. Also, frogs. I will run for the hills if I see one.
Number of blankets: Uhhh one lol. Gets me through all the seasons lol (I know, disappointing)
So many languages to keep up with °v°
When I created this account: A year ago? Near the beginning, I'm pretty sure. It was during the summer holidays (which is December, January, February for me, just so that's a bit clearer for any northern hemisphere people who might get confused lol), an "eh" time last year (not going into details) when I was still pretty active in the Undertale fandom. This blog was revived around the time I got into Mystic Messenger, thanks to my sister finding and sharing a buuunch of headcanons on this site so I gotta thank her for that lol if not for her, I probably would've let this go untouched, aside from the occasional fan art
Why did you create this account: Actually, this account was created in an attempt to share my fan art of fandoms I was and am into with another platform ^^ at the time, when I first started this account, I was mainly using Amino while Deviantart was on the side. This ended up being another side platform, lol, so it was neglected after a short period of time. I posted about... 2-3 pieces on here? Before just neglecting it entirely. Then, sis came around with some headcanons of the characters that we all love and enjoy and, while I don't use this/post as often, it's not as neglected as it was before ^^
So ye, this account was created to share my arts lol but I rarely art because of school and I think posting new doodles everyday would be a bit... Overwhelming? Lol idk, writing also takes a chunk of effort sooo reblogs and hashtags it is then lol
I've only ever done one of these once before so I'm really flustered rn 😵 and to be tagged by someone who I thoroughly enjoy following is just- flustered to the MAX!! Ahaha, thanks for tagging me, though! It made my night~~ ^^
Do with this information, what you will lol
I tag @elena-choi @mysticmermaid @flanabananacakes @aromaticboar @nathy-marisson @meldamriel and anyone else who would like to jump aboard this train of learning lolll
I see (especially those last four) a lot in my notifications, so, I tag you! Of course, there's no pressure in doing this, feel free to ignore the tagging if you'd prefer not to do this or already have ^^
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