#I edited it a bit because I thought 'they always let the kids fight for them so why would now be any different'
I can't stop thinking of Terry making someone quiet and then humiliating them but pushing their face in it.
My personal preference is Terry making Daniel squirt, but Johnny is welcome as well.
Or maybe Kreese making johnny or Daniel squirt.
Maybe Terry is with Daniel while Kreese is with Johnny.
Kreese shushes Johnny and calls him a good boy. But not before teasing him for it first. Terry pushes Daniel's face in it and tells him only dirty whores come like that.
('Squirt' probably got autocorrected into 'quiet' in that first paragraph, but I knew what you meant! 😌)
Your last sentence 🫠🫠🥵🥵 Anon your mind, I love it!
When they discover that both their omegas are able to squirt, Kreese and Terry turn it into a competition for a 6-pack of beer. They don't participate, no, that would be too much like they're trying to prove themselves. When instead it should be their omegas competing, desperate for their Alpha's praise. Using their own fingers and toys, Johnny and Daniel end up squirting at precisely the same time (they always were freakishly in sync). That night, everybody wins. (But Danny still gets his face pushed into the soiled mattress in return for his efforts.)
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒ smut ﹒ minuscule bit of angst
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, boy next door/neighbor au, reader was in a toxic-ish relationship, juyo is so cute and so sweet, until he’s kinda 😵‍💫 yk?, um kevin and changmin appearances, reader being absolutely irrevocably impossibly down bad for juyeon’s hands, so hand kink lol, making out, vaginal fingering, cum eating…. lol, they get a little sappy at the end
SUMMARY maybe this was for the better. maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor.
MORE i would like to apologize for putting this out a day late… um i was really busy preparing for my enhypen concert so 😭 not a lot of writing was happening since there wasn’t enough brain juice flowing. anyways. ENJOY <3 pls rb if u did! (ALSO THANK U REESE AND @sungbeam FOR BETAING AND EDITING <<<3 i love y’all sm)
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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If there was one thing you took pride in, it was your keen sense of hospitality.
You’d been raised as the type of girl to always be welcoming when a new face arrived, to be that guiding light for them as they adjusted to all the changes in their life. When you were little, your mother taught you to introduce yourself first, because you never knew if that person was shy or not. Of course, there was the usual ‘Stranger Danger’ pep talk, but it differed greatly from the new friend pep talk.
The first time you exhibited this wonderful trait of yours was in middle school when the foreign student in your class was forced to stand at the front of the room. He wasn’t necessarily shy, but you could tell he didn’t really enjoy being put on the spot, hands behind his back as he said his name and where he was from.
Kevin Moon. Age 13. Vancouver, Canada.
The only empty desk in the classroom was the one beside yours, and that was the golden opportunity to become best friends with the new kid. As soon as he settled into his seat and class had resumed as normal, you leaned over slightly and cupped a hand over your mouth to whisper loud enough that he could hear.
“Hi! I’m Y/N!”
He gave you a small smile in return and from then on, you and Kevin Moon were the best of friends.
The second time you proved your kindness was your freshman year of college. It was still syllabus week, but your professor had sent out an email over the weekend with papers that needed to be printed and brought to class. The guy next to you didn’t get the memo, freaking out over already messing things up on the first day.
You didn’t know him at all, but you felt bad that he was so stressed. In turn, you decided to rip up your own papers. He looked at you like you were crazy, maybe because you were. What idiot does something like that?
You give him a warm smile. “There. Now we’re both missing it.”
All he can do is laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m Changmin.”
After that, Ji Changmin came to be another one of your closest friends. It was kind of silly that something your mother instilled in you at a young age had become such a big part of your life. It brought you people who you’d cherish forever. But it also brought people you wish you’d never met.
“Get the fuck out.”
“Y/N, babe, we can work through this—”
“Are you deaf?” Your tone raises and your feet carry you to the front door, swinging it open. “I said to get out of my apartment.”
“We’ve been together for three years. You’re not gonna fight for us?” He pleads, clasping his hands as he stands in front of you.
“Why would I? Why should I stay with someone who doesn’t value me enough to stay loyal?” You seethe, your anger growing in size the longer you glare at his pathetic face. The face of a man you thought would love you until death did you part.
“She meant nothing to me!” He tries to rationalize with you, but you won’t have any of it. You weren’t stupid and you sure as hell weren’t blind.
“Do you take me as a fucking fool, Daehyun? I’ve known for months that you weren’t ‘working late at the office’. She even DMed me and showed me screenshots of your messages. Now get out before I call the cops.” You’re so pissed off that you don’t even realize you’re crying, fat tears trickling down your hot cheeks.
“After all I’ve done for you and all I’ve given you? You’re gonna act like a bitch?” He drops the innocent boyfriend act, backing you into the doorframe.
“Leave, Daehyun.” You say flatly. You’re not gonna give him the satisfaction of crumbling beneath the weight of his words. You knew the truth, you knew what kind of person he truly was after all this time.
He scoffs, grabbing his jacket off the hook beside him and finally storming out of your apartment. You cover your mouth with your hand to muffle the sobs that so badly want to escape. You watch as he bumps shoulders with a stranger holding a box, thankfully not looking back at you.
You make eye contact with said stranger, eyes wide like a child who’d just gotten caught with their hands in a cookie jar. His eyes resemble those of your friends’ when you told them you’d found out about your boyfriend’s infidelity. You both stand there for a moment, an impromptu staring contest ensuing.
Quickly, you snap out of your trance, cowering into your apartment. You vaguely remember the elderly woman across the hall mentioning that someone was moving into the unit beside yours. She had never told you a specific date, though. Had you known it was today, you might’ve expedited the dramatic break-up with Daehyun.
How could you possibly introduce yourself to him after he witnessed that? And in your current state; snot-nosed and teary-eyed? There was no way. You’d just have to postpone that for another day. Hopefully he didn’t mind too much.
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“Was he cute?”
“Kevin, why is that what you’re worried about?” Changmin’s mouth pulls into a thin line, smacking the slightly older male over the back of the head. He winces, caressing the spot to ease the pain.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to that when I had just shoved my cheating ex boyfriend out of my apartment,” you push around the ramyeon on your plate with your chopsticks. “I do feel terrible that he had to see that though. But how can I face him after that?”
Kevin taps his chin with his index finger, lips pursed in thought. “Why don’t you bake for him? Welcome him to the complex like the hospitable neighbor you are.”
“That’s not a half bad idea, actually.” Changmin nods, shoveling some rice onto his spoon. The Pisces deadpans and reclines in his chair.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, enough bickering you two. I need you to finish eating so I can start planning what to bake.”
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The third time you practice your mother’s life lesson, is the next evening when you’re face-to-face with your neighbor’s door.
Your hands have begun to clam up beneath the warm tupperware of cookies you were holding. Were you supposed to just knock on his door like everything was fine and dandy? What if he wasn’t even home? Maybe you should just leave the baked goods with a note and—
The door swings open to reveal the stranger from a few days ago. However, this time he also wears that expression of shock, cat-like eyes widened. Your mouth moves like fish out of water, not sure what you should say or how you should say it. So you don’t think and you just act, extending the tupperware towards him.
“H-Hi, I’m Y/N, I’m your neighbor,” your speech is a little shaky, but you’re too nervous to focus on that. “I— um— I baked these for you as a housewarming gift to welcome you to the complex. As well as an apology for making you a bystander in my messy breakup.”
His features relax as a smile inches its way onto his face, graciously accepting the treats you made for him. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that. And don’t even worry about it, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“N-No, you’re fine, I swear! We shouldn’t have aired our dirty laundry so publicly like that. You did nothing wrong.” You wave your hands as if physically dismissing his words. He lets out a little chuckle that warms your chest.
“If it’s any consolation, I’m glad that you left the dude. He sounded like a total asshole,” your neighbor tucks the tupperware under his arm, leaning against the threshold of his apartment. “You seem too nice to settle for somebody like that. From what I’ve seen, of course.”
You don’t know why that has your heart skipping a beat like a high school girl. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he really was cute. He had a boyish charm to him, but not so much so that it overpowered how handsome he was. Kevin was going to have a field day with this information.
“Uh, thank you. I should be getting back to my place now. I have an early day at work tomorrow. Have a good night!” You clear your throat to kick yourself out of whatever stupor you were about to fall into, bowing. As you’re turning on your heel to make the ten foot trip to your own apartment, he calls out your name.
“I’m Juyeon, by the way.” He grins, waving as you push open your door.
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“Now that is quite the interesting development.” Kevin snorts, helping himself to one of the raspberry filled donuts you’d just finished baking.
“If you keep eating my product, I’m gonna have to kick you out of the kitchen and out of my bakery,” you chide, swatting his hands away from the baker’s rack. “And how is that interesting in the slightest? I literally gave him the cookies, apologized, and that was that.”
“He was literally flirting with you, Y/N. Changmin, tell her I’m right. Apparently I’m no longer a voice of reason here.” He says through a full mouth.
“I mean, yeah? Kinda? Calling a girl nice is usually guy code for ‘I think you’re attractive and I could see myself sleeping with you’,” Changmin shrugs, tearing off a piece of Kevin’s donut. “But I also see where you’re coming from. You did just meet each other. He could’ve just been trying to console you in a way.”
“Why am I even friends with men when they’re useless?” You throw your head back, speaking to no one in particular.
Perhaps Kevin truly was overthinking the situation. Juyeon seemed to be a kind person who probably didn’t want any problems with his neighbors. It made sense why he’d side with you after witnessing your break up. Besides, the wounds were still too fresh to even consider thinking of anyone else in such a way. No matter how hot they may be…
You’d just have to wait and see for yourself. Only time could tell what would become of the nature of your relationship with your cute new neighbor.
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You look insane with everything in your cart, filled to the brim with baking ingredients. It was around 10 PM and here you were, at the grocery store buying the things needed to make cinnamon rolls. Being a baker with a bit of a sweet tooth meant your cravings got a little out of hand at times, forcing you to make drastic decisions. (I.E. grocery shopping so late at night.)
Even your clothing choice was silly: flimsy pajama shorts with Care Bears patterned on them, a baggy t-shirt, and matching slippers. It’s not like anyone cared anyway. And it wasn’t like you were trying to impress anybody either.
But as you’re walking towards the registers, you start to regret your outfit. You very quickly spot your neighbor with a basket on his arm, waiting in line for self-checkout. You feel all the color drain from your face as you stand there, staring like an absolute idiot.
He’s dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, a hoodie swallowing his figure. He looks so effortlessly good, it kind of makes you upset. Because how are you just now meeting a guy who’s both kind and attractive? As far as you were concerned, they didn’t exist in real life— they only existed in fairytales.
Juyeon looks up from his phone and catches your eye, his hand coming up to give you a little wave and one of those crinkly eye smiles that he does when you pass each other in the hall.
As the weeks have passed, you’ve seen him more and more than you deemed normal. You’d bump into each other on the way to or from picking up your mail, you’d hold the elevator for the other in record time, and you’d even leave your apartments at the same time. Now it appears you’re running into the guy at the supermarket, too. You tried to chalk it all up to coincidence, that you just both happened to be thinking on the same wavelength.
But shyly waving back to him right now reminds you that divine intervention had crazy ways of working its magic. Perhaps those had all just been openings for you to engage in something more with your cute neighbor. And there was only one way to find out.
You psych yourself up as you walk towards him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Juyeon’s smile grows wider as he notices you approaching. “Hey, stranger. What are you up to tonight?”
“Some late baking,” you giggle, wanting to punch yourself in the face for sounding like a goddamn school girl. “I was actually wondering if you’d like to come over and keep me company? Totally up to you of course! I just thought it might be nice to get to know each other properly.”
Your suggestion is what leads the two of you to meet back up at your apartment after purchasing your respective groceries. You attempt to tidy up as best you can while you wait for the knock at your door, setting out all the ingredients on the counter and preheating your oven.
The soft knock comes moments later and you find yourself practically running to open the door, grinning at the sheepish expression on Juyeon’s face. You allow him inside of your apartment, trailing after him into the kitchen. Part of you felt like you were moving on too fast after Daehyun. As a baker, your kitchen was your safe space. It was where you went when you needed to be alone and in the comfort of what you knew best. Kevin and Changmin were the only ones you trusted to be within that element. For you to let Juyeon in— to let him permeate the walls you’ve never let down before, not even with your ex— was brand new territory.
“I almost forgot you own a bakery,” Juyeon speaks up, fingers tracing along the stand mixer. “But seeing all this expensive equipment reminded me of that. It only makes sense that someone as sweet as you would constantly be around sweet treats.”
You fail to bite back your smile. Maybe this was for the better. Maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor. He laughs when you nudge his shoulder, grabbing all the dry ingredients for the dough.
“On a scale of one to ten, how patient are you?” You ask, avoiding his eyes as you open the flour. The question was in regards to several things.
“I’d say about an eight or nine. Patience is a virtue, you know. It comes easily if you practice hard enough.” He answers, leaning against the counter and watching you.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in, searching for your measuring cups. Both you and Juyeon begin to measure out the dry ingredients, dumping them into the mixing bowl. You decide to let him take some of the reins, folding in the mixture of milk, egg, butter, and yeast. While he does that, you prepare the cinnamon sugar.
“I think I’m done. What do I do next?” He turns to you, head cocked to the side slightly. You might actually die of cuteness aggression. The duality of man would one day drive you to the brink of insanity.
“Now you just knead it until it’s smooth.” Your back is to him as you say this, putting away any refrigerated items so they don’t go bad. But as you face him again, you wish you hadn’t.
Your eyes zero in on his hands, kneading the dough with careful, nimble fingers. You feel light-headed as you slip into a spell, gawking at how long and slender they are, massaging the dough like an expert. How had you never noticed how big and pretty his hands were?
Maybe baking with Juyeon was a bad idea. You could barely focus on anything but his fingers pressing the under-construction-cinnamon rolls into the counter. Oh how badly you wanted to be that dough— his hands all over you, groping and massaging and kneading and caressing everywhere they could reach.
The veins running up his arms weren’t helping either, instead fueling the fire burning in the pit of your stomach. You feel your lips part, eyes glossed over with that all too familiar lustful intensity. You wouldn’t be surprised if you had to wipe away drool after this.
“Y/N?” Juyeon glances up from the dough, a little taken aback by your reverie. He follows your line of sight, grinning to himself smugly when he realizes what has you so transfixed. He’s finally found your weakness, and he couldn’t wait to dangle it over your head. Patience was a virtue, but perhaps it would be okay for him to dabble with a vice for once.
He pushes out the dough, using his thumbs to spread it into a rectangular shape. He feels his blood pressure rising the darker your eyes get. However, he’s aware that you just recently got out of a relationship. He wants to move at a pace you’re comfortable with. So he won’t take the first step. He has to leave that up to you.
It’s at a certain point that you come to, blinking to force away the dirty thoughts plaguing your mind. You travel your field of vision to his face, where you find him already looking at you. Your cheeks heat up in mortification from being caught red-handed. You were just gawking at the poor guy’s like they were a piece of fresh meat. This was terrible.
You swallow thickly, averting eye contact to grab the bowl of cinnamon sugar. “Uh, we can start forming the rolls now so they can rise. And then— um— and then we can make the glaze.”
The burn of his gaze on your profile has you tripping over your words, cinnamon sugar sprinkling onto the counter space surrounding and the knife almost slipping from your grip when you go to cut the dough. Juyeon catches it for you, wrapping his fingers around yours to guide your movements and keep them steady.
You feel his breath behind your ear, his chest pressed to your back. His hand is so much larger than your own, nearly covering it entirely. He doesn’t make an effort to move either, rolling the dough into swirl shapes along with you. The whole time this is happening, neither of you are saying a word, letting the silence consume you and the air around you.
As the rolls are rising/baking, you set up everything necessary for making the icing. Juyeon watches with hearts in his eyes as you whisk the sugar, cream cheese, vanilla, and butter in a separate bowl. He wonders how many other people you let see you in this setting. How many people get to see you do the thing you love so dearly?
“I’d like to visit your bakery sometime, if you wouldn’t mind,” Juyeon suddenly says, resting his elbows on the counter as you taste test the icing. “I wanna try all of the desserts you bake.”
“I’m opening later tomorrow morning actually,” you smile, humming in appreciation when the sweetness of the glaze hits your taste buds. “You can come with me to try the fresh batches before I put them out? I’ll warn you though, I get there at like six.”
“AM?” His eyes practically pop out of their sockets.
“Yes, AM.” You laugh, lightly shoving him backwards.
“I’ll put like ten alarms so I can make sure I’m up in time, then.” He pokes his cheek with his tongue, tipping his head to the side. The goofy smile on your face remains even after minutes have passed and the two of you are just waiting for the cinnamon rolls to finish baking.
It feels like hours have gone by with the two of you standing there when they’re finally ready. The ding of the oven has you springing into action, putting on some oven mitts and taking out the baking sheet. Juyeon's eyes light up and even though you’d just been losing your mind over how insane he was making you, you find yourself cooing at him.
He laughs as you grab a couple spare icing bags for the cinnamon roll glaze, filling them generously. You hand one over to him and decide to split the rolls evenly, icing one half yourself while he does the other. And for once, you think that tonight might end normally. You think that nothing eventful will happen and you’ll just ice the cinnamon rolls without problems.
But you were wrong, like always.
“Ah, shit—”
You glance up from the roll you were glazing to see what the fuss was about. Juyeon’s icing bag tore somehow, the sticky topping getting all over his hand. Truly, you were no better than a man, with the filthy thoughts inhabiting your brain almost instantaneously.
He brings his hand up to his mouth, licking the glaze off the back of his hand and wrapping his lips around his thumb. You felt dizzy, drunk on the sight of your extremely attractive neighbor doing something so sensual without even trying to. You bite your lip, accidentally dropping your own icing bag due to lack of attention.
Juyeon smirks slightly, relishing in the way it takes absolutely nothing to hypnotize you with his hands alone. He really tried to keep himself contained. He really wanted you to extend the first olive branch, but he knows you’re apprehensive. So just this once, he tells himself that it’s okay to initiate, to give you a little push in the right direction.
He takes a step closer to you, caging you against the counter. You stare up at him with wide, doe eyes, as if you were completely innocent despite the naughty images flashing behind them. Juyeon brings his thumb up to your lips, the pad of it still covered in icing.
“Think you could clean this up for me?” He asks, voice low and husky. You could actually combust with that all on its own.
Just like your formal introduction, you don’t give yourself the time to think, and act, instead, running your tongue along the length of his thumb. Juyeon doesn’t restrain the groan in the back of his throat, holding your face in his hands and pulling you in for a kiss.
You reciprocate immediately, fisting his hoodie like it was the only thing capable of stabilizing you. Maybe it was, with the way Juyeon’s lips synchronized with yours and his fingers tangled in your hair. You thought the ground would swallow you whole and wake you up from this dream. On what planet did someone like Lee Juyeon like a girl like you?
His hands slide down your body, groping everything in their path desperately before cupping under your thighs and lifting you onto the counter. He knocks the baking sheet of cinnamon rolls out of the way, palms rubbing up and down the sides of your legs. You want more, so much more, but you’re afraid to ask. You’re afraid to start something you’re not even sure you can emotionally handle.
Juyeon senses your hesitation, detaching from you momentarily. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want. I understand if you still need time.”
“N-No, I want this— I want you— I'm just… scared.” You breathe, your forehead using his shoulder for support.
“I'm not him, Y/N. I can give you the world if you’d let me. I’d never do what he did to you, that’s a promise.” He holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger, kissing the crown of your head.
“Okay,” you nod, smiling up at him. “I trust you, Juyeon.”
You reconnect your lips as his fingers slip beneath your pajama shorts, toying with the waistband of your panties. His lips curl up when he feels you squirm, legs parting to make more room for him in the middle of them. You sigh, body shuddering when he drags his knuckle down your clothed slit.
Juyeon hooks his fingers into your shorts and underwear, hauling them down your legs. You place your hands behind you to brace yourself, a shiver trailing your spine when the cool air of your apartment hits your warm core. He groans again at the sight of you bare for him, using two fingers to spread your lower lips.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he swears, his thumb slowly circling your clit.
You whine, tossing your head back as he applies more pressure. Bit by bit, you begin to lose yourself to the pleasure of Juyeon’s gorgeous hands. Soon the stimulation on your clit amplifies when he adds another finger, thrusting it in and out of your entrance. He curls deep inside of you, like he was reaching for something he’d left.
One finger turns to two, and before you know it, Juyeon’s openly finger fucking you on the counter. He leans over your body to keep your lips together, kissing you sloppily while all his focus is on drawing you to the edge. You can almost taste it, your saccharine release in your field of vision now.
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly he was able to wind you up and trip you over the edge, but you feel too euphoric to care. You pause in your kiss to look down at his handy work. (No pun intended.) It makes your head feel foggy and your vision blurry to see his deft fingers fucking you open, veins bulging, like he’d done this many times before. Your hooded eyes follow them up his forearms, a whine escaping your lips.
A particular curl of his fingers and circle of his thumb have you clenching around him, creaming like you’d never had an orgasm in your life. He doesn’t slow his assault, bringing you down just to put you back up on that summit once again. The overstimulation has you cumming a second time in a matter of what felt like seconds, whimpers becoming voluminous moans.
Juyeon kisses you softly, gently pulling out his fingers to lick them clean like he did with the cinnamon roll glaze. A choked groan bubbles past your mouth, tossing an arm over your eyes. He laughs, towing you to the edge of the counter.
He brushes some stray hairs out of your face, moving your arm to smile dopily at you. “I hope you know I was being serious about the whole treating you better thing. If you’ll give me the chance.”
“I know. I told you I trust you, remember?” You nip at the inside of your cheek. His eyes crinkle up like they tend to do when he’s smiling so genuinely. It forces the wind out of you, because how could you ever get used to a sight so stunning?
“You’re so cute.” He laughs, kissing all around your face and smushing your cheeks together.
“Juyeon,” you mumble. “I’m half naked…”
“Even better,” he grins, pecking the tip of your nose. “Makes it that much easier to do all of the other things I wanna do to you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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some headcanons about dating timeskip!Kenma please!!
thank you Anon, I would absolutely love to share some stuff about this beautiful boy~ As always, feel free to send any other requests you got, I’ll be more than happy to share my thoughts~
status: unedited
word count: 1.4k (damn that’s the most I’ve written in a hot minute)
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, mentions of weed, crackfick a little suggestive? Idk man I’m sleepy
wrote this instead of studying for my physics final exam😋
🩵Aged Up Kenma Headcannons🩵~
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Ok first off we gotta get the basic facts down. This boy may be sweet as sugar, but he’s also one lazy mother fucker. And For the most part, I’d say that he really doesn’t change much from when he was a kid. The most I can say about him, is he definitely is a lot more confident being in front of people, ( I mean that’s kinda his job now, but bear with me) and has become less awkward around people. Very different from when he first met Hinata, he can actually hold a good and relaxed conversation now. That’s not to say he isn’t introverted anymore, (he definitely still would rather be at home) but he is more confident in himself to be able to actually be able to engage with someone. Is he gonna go out of his way to talk to someone? Hell no, but he can at least handle being approached without overthinking and triggering his anxiety.
This definitely also translates to his relationship with you. You still will have be the one who makes the first move, or at least initiating conversations.
But one things for sure, once he likes you, he loves you. Like wanting to wife you up regardless of gender. And I feel like, (later on in the relationship ofc) if you ever had kids, he would be the best most present dad ever. Like he wouldn’t be a house husband, (his YouTube gig is completely paying for your mortgage) but because the majority of what he does has him, stream for like an hour, go on call for a few minutes, or just edit his videos for a bit, he would be able to make a lot of time for any and all children he has. But that’s way later on in the relationship.
Once he’s comfortable in the relationship with you, I can definitely see him involving you in his content. Not like a whole boyfriend and girlfriend couples channel, but like a once a year “reacting to fucked up shit with my girl” type beat.
And since we’re on the subject of content, <<<<<<<<
Like imagine having the most shitty day possible and you come home to your boyfriend streaming COD or some shit. You just face-plant into the bed next to him and he snaps his head towards you.
”shit baby you good?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow, looking at you concerned as you mumble angrily. He recognizes the nonverbal gestures and just pats his lap with a quick, “c’mere baby,” and hugs you, letting you muzzle your face into his neck away from the camera, and wrapping a fluffy blanket around you, before he kisses you head and say, “gimme ten more minutes to finish this and we’ll order some takeout k?”. He gives you the most sincere and adorable smile ever sending butterflies not only to you, but all his fans watching, as he smiles and goes back to playing like nothing happened, the chat going wilddddddd. (My gay ass heart go brrrrrr)
I know for a fact that somewhere out there in haikyuu internet, there is a corny ass edit of y’all doing that shit, trust. (I need to keep my slang outta here man 😭)
ok, getting off the sidetrack, kenma is still like rlly introverted. Like his ideal date is just sitting at home watching some cheesy studio ghibi movie (His favorite is the boy and the heron, fight me on that, it’s the hill I’m willing to die on.)
If not some cute Disney movie, I also feel like he’d be into like some mystery or like not quite horoscope stuff. Like I feel like he would really be into Wednesday. If he had to watch an actual horror movie, I feel like I’d be like some of the older ones like scream or Nightmare on elm street type shit.
Speaking of scream, I feel like at least once yall would have to do the ghostface couples costume thing. Like I feel like this would just suit him so well. Idk my brains just going feral on it right now. (This was supposed to have a link attached, but it kept fuckin up and I’m to lazy to deal with it so just look it up, the couples version, it’s hot af)
aside from the specific stuff that I know people hate reading, the next thing you gotta know about this version of kenma is he is a TEASE. Like not even like an NSFW type tease. Just like a “he’s an ass but I love him.” Like when he was younger I feel like he was too nervous and flustered to point that kinda stuff out. But now? Man is a menace and a half. The type of dude to be like, “I have no idea how your ass fits in those shorts. Oh no, you’re not taken them off now~” or like the most basic annoying shit like bro fuck off and let me cuddle you in peace without being annoying. Like, he’d be like, “ damn someone’s neady today~ you tryna fuck me in front of everyone?” Like bro stfu I’m just tryna cuddle. Either that or he’d call you clingy for returning the affection he initiated. Like bro, quit being a lil bitch and let me be happy you butt muffin.
Man is putting full pussy into annoying you. He’s the type of guy to call you the most vile, disgusting, cringe ass nicknames, specifically to piss you off. You need him to take out the trash? “Yes my Pookie Wookie McSmoo Moo bear~” *gags while writing this* You’re yelling at him for some stupid thing, “I sorry my sugar booger~.”
Yeah this part is real OOC, and I was gonna write more but I physically cannot bring myself to do it so anyway, his other 3 favorite things to annoy you by calling you is, Cutesie Poopsie, Shnookums, and side piece #2. (Bro I just gave myself the ick)
Beige flags aside, he does have some green ones . For example, he’s a fabulous listener. Like, you just wanna rant and yell about your day? C’mere babes, he already got fluffy blankets, stuffies, and fluffy socks at the ready. You just wanna cry in piece? Looks like his lap has a vacant spot, he can play games and scratch your head at the same time. #bbgtreatment (regardless of gender. If tumblr has taught me anything it’s that nobody is to thug to be bbg, can I get an amen?🙏 )
The more comfortable he is with you, the more he will make jokes, but in the most monotone voice ever. Like you could be ranting to your bestie on the phone like, “I forgot my umbrella at work… yeah I’m soaked,” and you just hear him from his corner calmly shouting “that’s what she said,” not even turning away from his game, as if it was natural to him. It’s always so easy to talk with him, unless it’s about his problems, but we ain’t gon talk about that rn, I’m feeling too fluffy.
There is one thing that I absolutely have to address for this man though. The average female height in my country is 5’4. And Kenma is only 5’6. Chances are, he’s not gonna be towering over you or nothing. Especially if you a tall specimen like me. (AFAB but gender is a construct yolo on those hoes). So chances are, this mf is for a fact, stealing your clothes. No article of clothing is safe. Hoodie? Sorry boo he got cold streaming. T-shirt? None of his were clean. Miniskirt? Onlyfans- He was pulling a Gojo sorry 😋
Tbh I don’t see him ever really having a wedding, or really ever getting married. Too much social interaction and attention on him. Gross. The most I can see him doing is, one night while y’all smoking pot or something, being like “yo wanna get married?” He wants to be with you forever without the government getting involved, but hey, times are tough, and marriage helps with tax returns. So y’all just kinda go to the courthouse, get it done, then fly off to some place to elope.
in all Kenma is just a great loyal guy, who is the biggest pain in your ass, but the biggest cutie patootie this side of the nuthouse.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hope y’all enjoyed, this was so fun to write, if you liked this and want more content like this make sure to request and check out my other stuff. Love y’all bastards, Thots and Enby Hots🩵
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analogwriting · 4 months
Not So Childhood Crush
Smutilogue (afab edition) Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.8k a/n: lmfao here's the smut piece y'all asked for. hope it lived up to the hype. i made two of these. they both use gender neutral pronouns, but one is obviously with a vagina and the other with cock n' balls so pick your poison. they are slightly different despite starting off the same. not just body part switching but what happens in general but mostly the same. mo ghràdh and mo leannan are variations of 'my love' in old gaelic. amab version
A couple of months went by. Everyone was back in peak performance and you were finally able to relax. You were currently cleaning up from lunch, enjoying the silence. The lot of you heard about some festival on some island and Eustass decided it was the perfect place to celebrate. To celebrate everyone back in tip-top shape and you being back with the crew at long last. 
Though, when everyone left, you opted to stay behind a little longer, wanting a moment of peace. You’d been wrangling everyone on this tiny ship the past couple of months and you just wanted a moment where you didn’t have to babysit. Your brother teased you about it, calling you old, but you didn’t even have the energy to fight. You just wanted them to leave you alone.
And they did. Everyone was off on the island, enjoying the festival and you were able to enjoy some peace and quiet. You were putting away dishes, standing up on the utmost tips of your toes as you tried to put something away. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your hip and a body press into you. You watched as a hand reached out to take the bowl in your hand and put it on the shelf for you.
“I thought you were with everyone else,” you mused, not even needing to turn around to see who it was.
Killer chuckled softly behind you. “When I realized you stayed behind, I doubled back,” he mused. Once the last dish was put away, his hand came down to rest on your other hip. He buried his face in your neck and you chuckled softly. “No helmet?” He definitely had it on earlier. You had smacked it because he did something stupid, after all. 
He shook his head, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Mm, can’t kiss you if I have it on,” he crooned, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You let out a content sigh against him, turning around as you kissed him. You slid your arms around his neck and smiled. “That’s true.”
Despite having confessed, neither of you have been able to do much since then. With the ship being as small as it was and the crew being as large, there wasn’t exactly time to be alone. Someone was always bothering one of you. It’s what happened when you were the parents of the crew, you supposed. That, and Killer had been healing this whole time. You didn’t want to end up reopening a wound just because you were too horny for your own good.
His hands took to either sides of your face, cupping it softly as his thumbs ran over his cheeks and he just looked at you. You felt your face warm up as you felt his rough, calloused hands catching on your smooth skin. It sent shivers down your spine.
“I still can’t believe you’ve felt the same this whole time.” You let out a small chuckle at his words, nodding. “I can’t believe it either. We could’ve saved ourselves a whole lot of heart break if one of us just bit the bullet when we were kids.” 
He grinned, pulling you into another tender kiss. As much as you loved these soft moments with him, right now you were craving more. You reached up, letting your hand find its way into his hair as you deepened the kiss, pulling hard on his hair. A low growl came from Killer that made your heart race with excitement. “That how it is?” he mumbled against you. You nodded, pressing another kiss to him. “Mhm. I think we’ve waited long enough.”
“Say less.”
You gasped as he picked you up, but you wasted no time in wrapping your legs around him. He set you on the table gently, his lips immediately on your neck. You could feel your body already warming up just from this small bit of action you were getting. You couldn’t imagine how insane you were going to feel when you actually got down to business.
In this moment, you were regretting your punk aesthetic that had made you put tight jeans on this morning, but that ended up not even mattering as Killer had them off of you in one swift movement - well at least you had gone against the decision to wear underwear. A shiver ran down your spine again as you felt the cool air on your skin.
“Wasting no time,” you mused, looking up at him as he just stared at you with a hungry look in his eye. He licked his lips as he stared before looking into your eyes. “You’re so breathtaking.”
Your eyes widened at the sudden compliment, face immediately in flames. Now why the hell would he go and say something like that right now? You tried to push away the more flustered feeling and scoff. “Just kiss me,” you mumbled.
He chuckled, looking at you for a moment more. “I have a better idea.” 
You blinked, watching him as he grinned at you before dropping to his knees and your eyes widened. You made a noise of surprise as he pulled you to the very edge of the table and placed one of your legs over his shoulder. “Killer!” you squeaked, covering your face as he was suddenly right next to your core.
“What? I think you look more than excited to see me,” he teased gently as his fingers gently traced over your wet folds. Your eyes widened as your entire body started to tingle, hips twitching. Sure, you imagined him doing all of these things to you, but now officially being in the act, it was completely different.
“I-I mean I am, I just-” You gasped, letting out a small whine as you felt him gently circle your clit. Your hands left your face and moved to the table behind you as you leaned back on them. 
“The usual confident and dominant doctor suddenly being a stuttering mess is quite the sight to behold.” A smug smile stretched across his face and you did your best to muster up a glare; only for him to slowly slide one of his thick fingers into you. Your eyes rolled back and you bit the inside of your cheek to hold back the moan. You were being stubborn now since he decided to get all cocky all of a sudden.
“Aw, c’mon now. I want to hear that beautiful sound,” he said as he began to move his finger around inside of you. You looked at him, feeling your eye twitch. You wanted so much to say something but you knew the moment you opened your mouth, it would betray you.
“Don’t be stubborn.” He slid in another one, beginning to scissor them inside of you. The sensation was crazy. Sure, you’ve done it yourself, but it was different when it was someone else. It also wasn’t exactly like you had time to ever sleep around in your life, so this was all a first to you. Not that you were ever going to admit that.
Your entire body was buzzing and you could feel yourself coiling up in the pit of your stomach already. A small whimper escaped from your lips and your hips twitched slightly as he reached deeper inside of you, curling his fingers. You let out a shaky breath, trying to keep it together, but your trembling body was a dead giveaway.
“Y/n!” Your eyes snapped wide open as a voice rang through the air. You immediately sat up and Killer stopped moving. From where you were seated, if someone came in the doorway they’d just see you at the edge of the table, back to them. They wouldn’t be able to see Killer with the way he was positioned - nor the naughty things you were currently doing.
“You better stay quiet, then,” Killer whispered. You looked at him with a mixture of horror and excitement. You looked over your shoulder, keeping an eye out just in case when you suddenly felt a hot breath against you as he took your clit into his mouth. It caught you by surprise that you didn’t have time to stop the loud, strangled moan that came from you. 
You slapped your hands over your mouth, feeling your face heat up. Killer just looked up at you with a sly grin as his tongue swirled around the bud. Oh, that was evil. 
“There you are!” You tensed, fully sat up now. You look over your shoulder, seeing Heat there in the doorway. “Here I am,” you said, taking your hands from your mouth. Killer stopped his movements so you were able to breathe.
“We were wondering where you were. Everyone’s waiting.”
“I said I’d be down in a-” You nearly choked as you felt Killer start sucking on you slightly. “A bit,” you ground out. You knew you weren’t going to last much longer at this rate. You could only keep this up so much. You needed Heat gone now.
“Are you not feeling well?” He took a step in the kitchen.
“Don’t come any closer!” You felt Killer start moving his fingers in and out of you slowly as he worked his tongue around the most sensitive part of you. Your head was spinning and you were fighting for your life right now.
Heat stopped, blinking in confusion. 
“E-Experimenting. Don’t wanna get blown up now, do-” You took a deep breath, pulling on Killer’s hair slightly as you tried to hold it together while he somehow silently assaulted your nether regions. “Do you?”
Heat held his hands up. “Enough said. I’ll let everyone know you’ll be there eventually.” With that, he left.
You were still, trying not to lose it until you were sure he was out of earshot.
Though, you weren’t able to stay silent much longer as the coil deep within you finally snapped and a loud, guttural moan erupted from you. You heard Killer growl as you tugged on his hair roughly as you rode through your first climax of the night. 
You collapsed onto the table, feeling your entire body twitching as you tried to gather yourself. You were already exhausted, but you knew that this wasn’t over yet. You didn’t want it to be over yet. You let out small whimpers as Killer cleaned your mess up with his tongue. You draped your arm over your face as you panted heavily, trying to stop your world from spinning so fast.
You felt your leg be removed from his shoulder and him shifting to stand. He removed your arm from your face and you glared at him. You swatted at his chest. “Why did you do that?” you hissed, still trying to calm your breathing.
He laughed, shaking his head. “Well, you said it yourself. We’ve already waited long enough. I just couldn’t help myself.” 
Honestly, it was exhilarating. It brought a new level of pleasure that you never felt before. The anxiety of the possibility of getting caught gave you a different kind of high. If you were caught, it would’ve been the end of you. You would’ve simply passed away on the spot, but you didn’t.
“I know you would’ve stopped me if you really didn’t want me to,” he crooned, moving your hair out of your face, admiring you as you were. All sprawled out on the table below him, post climax high. A view he could definitely get used to.
“You’re right. It was kind of…” You trailed off, your face heating up and he chuckled before he kissed you again. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him down to you before you wrapped your legs around him. Once flush with your body, you could feel just how pent up he was.
“Now how about we take care of you now, hm?” you purred against him. 
“You sure about that? I’m a pretty big guy.” 
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “I think you’re underestimating me right now and I don’t appreciate it.” You stuck your tongue out slightly. He kissed you once more as you hummed in delight against him. 
“Maybe you’re underestimating me,” he mused as he pulled up from you. You narrowed your eyes as he tried to turn your own words against you. “Killer, I swear to fuck I will walk straight out of this kitchen.”
He just grinned at you. “Then I guess I better make sure you can’t walk then, huh?”
Your eyes widened at his word choice and you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle before you realized what you were doing. You gasped, folding your arms and pouting. Another laugh came from Killer as he watched you with amusement. “C’mon. ‘S cute.” He leaned down, kissing your cheek. Your face only turned more red, but you still weren’t saying anything.
He continued to kiss down your jaw and neck. When he reached the tender spots he had been sucking and nibbling on earlier, you felt yourself gasp softly. You didn’t realize the skin was still so sensitive. You turned to look at him and he just smiled up at you. “There you are.” He hummed as his hands lightly trailed down your sides. 
He stood up and you watched him as he took his shirt off. Without much thought, you reached your hands out and immediately grabbed his chest. “Always so nice,” you mumbled. “Unfair.” Your hands traced over his more recent scars, frowning slightly as you did so.
“Careful, they’re sensitive,” he mused, trying to keep you out of that spiral. He knew you were quick to go down that mental path if not taken care of quickly. 
You rolled your eyes, snorting. He pulled away from you for a moment as he finally began to remove his own pants. Now you got to see what you were working with.
And holy shit, he wasn’t lying when he said he was big. It was large, veiny, and looked desperate for attention. The amount of precum that was leaking from the head was a dead giveaway on that front.
You blinked, but you didn’t raise no quitter. You were already this far and you could feel yourself throbbing with excitement. “You sure about this? We can always circl-”
“Killer.” The firm tone of your voice along with the look you gave him was enough for him to shut his mouth. He nodded. He’d already stretched you out earlier, this would be fine. As long as he didn’t just slam into you - as much as you wanted him to. That was for another time. You kind of needed to make sure it was actually gonna fit first.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled and you sat up. You took his face in your hands and you kissed him hard. That was all it took to reignite the fire within him. He let out a low rumble, making you grin against him. “Stop thinking so much.”
He nodded, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you towards him. You gasped slightly as you felt all of him against you. A shiver went down your spine and honestly you just needed him inside of you now.
You reached down, taking him in your hand causing him to let out a sharp gasp. “Why don’t you use this thing on me already, yeah?”
He nodded, pushing you down onto the table gently. You leaned back, exposing yourself to him. Once more, he stood there just admiring you. You could see the love and affection in his eyes. It always made you feel so giddy but also flustered.
You opened your mouth to say something when you felt the fat head of his cock press against your folds. Anticipation filled your every being and you trembled with excitement. You licked your lips as you watched him take a small breath before he finally started pushing himself into you.
Your eyes widened as you felt yourself beginning to stretch for him. “Oh fuck,” you groaned loudly, head falling back as your eyes disappeared into your skull. Spreading your legs further apart so he could slide in easier, you started panting already. 
You felt him stop and you raised your head to look at him. “Are you-” He started but with the look you gave him, he stopped, nodding. You were fine. As much as you appreciated how much he cared for you, you also weren’t made of glass. But, this was also your first time together, so you figured you’d let it slide this time. You just hoped he wouldn’t keep being this gentle.
As you continued to stretch around him, you felt your own walls twitching and sucking him in further. Quite literally, pulling him into you. For the most part, he slid in rather easily but holy shit did you feel stuffed. It’s like you ate a three course meal.
You were laid down on the table at this point, panting heavily with your eyes closed as you tried to gather yourself. Killer was panting too. Probably from restraining himself. You knew he was fighting urges. You knew he wanted to slam into you just as much as you wanted him to, but both of you knew that would’ve been a dumb idea.
He was bottomed out now. He managed to fit the whole thing inside of you. It felt like it took eternity but it really was only a few moments. “Seems you really were made for me, hm?” That was better. You much rather have cocky Killer than overly cautious Killer. Fit his namesake too.
Before you even had a chance to say anything smart yourself, he started rolling his hips. Immediately, you felt waves of pleasure rolling over your body. This was unlike anything you’d felt before. He was hitting all the right spots and it made you wonder if he was right. Maybe the two of you were made for each other.
Or maybe that was just the horny talking.
It didn’t take him too long to really start hammering himself into you. Your mind was going wild then it was just blank. You couldn’t form a coherent thought. All you knew was the man before you and his giant cock currently pummeling you into oblivion. Skin slapping against skin echoed off the walls of the small kitchen. You had your arms wrapped around him, clawing at his back, making him hiss in pleasure. In turn, he was leaving more and more hickies anywhere he could. You both were marking each other up. Though, his would be easier to hide when it came down to it.
You could feel his movements growing more erratic and your legs slowly growing numb from the sheer amount of pleasure you were experiencing. It seemed he was right, you weren’t going to be able to walk out of here at this rate. He was going to have to carry you to the damn festival.
Once more, that coil snapped and euphoria washed over you as you came hard, shouting your lover’s name. He wasn’t long after, pulling right out of you before making a mess of the both of you. You whined as you suddenly felt empty, twitching at his sudden absence. You were mumbling incoherent sentences as you panted, trying to gather your thoughts.
He rested his head on your shoulder as he came down from his own high. The kitchen fell silent except for your panting. After a moment, you were finally able to come off cloud nine and you let out a breathless chuckle.
Killer looked at you, also finally coming down. “What are ya laughin’ at?” His accent thicker than usual from exhaustion. 
“Mm. Fact tha’ our firs’ time’s on the kitchen table,” you mumbled, your own accent just as thick. “Gonna have ta really clean it up.” Killer just looked at you for a moment before letting out a breathy laugh. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I really do love you, mo ghràdh.” You grinned up at him. You really loved it when he spoke in your native tongue. “And I love you, mo leannan.” And you knew he also loved it when you spoke to him in it as well. The both of you didn’t really use it when you were growing up, but found an appreciation for it as you grew older.
After another moment of gathering yourself, he finally picked you up. “I think it’s time we get cleaned up and head to the festival because the entire crew comes looking for us,” he mused. You settled into him with a hum. “Mm, sounds good to me.”
Later at the festival, the two of you found the rest of your crew downtown somewhere. You were currently riding on Killer’s back. When the two of you arrived, there were cheers all around. Eustass looked at you and rolled his eyes. “About time. I was starting to get worried something happened!”
Killer slowly set you down, keeping an arm around your waist as you were a tad bit wobbly. Eustass raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.”
If you didn’t already, you definitely did now. You just glared at your brother. Quincy, bless her soul, immediately knew what was happening and came to your aid. “Well, they’ve done nothing but babysit the crew the last couple of months! They’re probably exhausted!”
She looked at you, smiling. There was a look, however, that said that the two of you were going to be talking later. You nodded, silently thanking her as you slowly sat down. You were also currently glad that your brother had a stupid feather coat made for you that looked just like his. You were currently wearing it to hide the marks Killer went a little too overzealous in giving you.
Dive ran at you, jumping into the air. You knew she was going to jump right into your lap and it was going to hurt. Before she could land, Killer caught her midair and set her down. “Y/n isn’t feeling well, you probably should take it easy.” Dive’s eyes widened and she nodded. “Okay! Sorry!”
Then things carried on like normal. Everyone was loud and rambunctious, just like you were used to. Things were finally returning to normal, though a bit better than they used to be. 
“Oh, y/n!” Heat chimed. You looked at, yawning a bit. “What’s up?”
“So, what experiment were you working on?” 
You blanched and Killer just laughed, leaving everyone confused and Quincy’s eyes shining as she knew she was going to get some of the juiciest gossip she’s ever heard later.
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karmesean · 10 months
I saw your concepts of Second getting possessed :0 what would Second look like if he was possessed by Dark?
⚠️ CW: fictional body horror, possession, injury ⚠️
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Dark Edition! 🕷️
Orchid (Purple's Parent), Gold (King Mango's Kid)
link to masterpost
some thoughts below the break!:
the wrist-blades Dark wore imprinted so heavily on his skin, they translate to TSC while possessed
will always love Dark with crazy ass spider legs, but in this they're meant to be somewhat wing-like (or at least the skeleton of wings)
Sec's body is tearing itself up from the inside out and healing it instantaneously.
the takeover is a bit different when the ghost is someone Sec's actually killed
"you" is either Chosen or Alan. or both! your pick
i was trying to do a longer comic where Sec is actually willingly letting Dark in, under Chosen's supervision because "he wants to talk to you. i do too." but i hated it blehhh
it hurts the most when Sec tries to fight it, but even if Dark was let in willingly, he is legit too volatile for this to be anything but actively painful
"i'm gonna burn your PC file by file. you wouldn't hurt a pixel on this kid." (*does exactly that*)
then Cho gives him a kiss on the forehead and wow it's all better yippee 👏
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abilouwrites · 8 months
Mat Barzal x fem!oc
Series Masterlist
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I only like the bookstore during the night, when it’s slow and nobody’s around. The lights are flickering and the town suddenly goes quiet in contrast with the bustle of the busy mornings and heavy traffic of the day.
I only work here on the weekends for the closing shifts or the opening ones. Something to make a little more money to fall back on besides my adult corporate job. My parents are proud, more my father than my mother that I’ve begun my climb up the corporate ladder.
I don’t hate my job, far from it. Simply the long hours and bossy bosses that make me pull at my fingers and tug at my hair. Especially with my youth and admitted naivety, those at my job can be wary about me either in the break room or being hesitant to invite me out for drinks.
I’ve been told by my therapist that I rushed my childhood, skipping grades and taking collage classes while also taking highschool classes at the same time. I want to fight her on it, claim that I did have a childhood and had dreams but I know that I’m defending something I never had.
Two parents who were always fighting; hated eachother but swore to stay together because of their vows, “Hey Bella” I smile at the older lady standing at the counter as I tuck behind into the back room and set my purse onto the table and wrapping my apron around my body, “slow day?” I ask as I switch from heels to converse.
“Yeah, it’s the middle of the school season so all the kidlets are probably studying” she sighs out rubbing her tired eyes, “ok, I’m off. Be safe. Please” she reminds me as she pats my shoulder, “I’ll need you to come in a bit earlier tomorrow for the opening shift, we’re getting a new shipment of books for the month”
“Uhh, yeah yeah I can do that, so 5:30 instead of six?” I clarify, as I clock myself in on the timetable next to the register.
“Yes, thank you Emma. You’re a doll” She smiles and blows me a kiss exiting the building as the cold wind brushes against her; gently pulling at the greying blonde hair that’s always been tucked into a a little bun.
I turn on some music to keep my mind from straying as I walk around the store. Gently brushing my fingers against the creased spines and occasional leather covered book. Those nice collectors editions are always Romeo and Juliet, or Hamlet.
Personally I’ve thought Romeo and Juliet a bit childish and immature, but I’ve always been told I’m looking at it from a modern perspective. I believe that Romeo and Juliet is the way to not fall in love.
But then again, that’s coming from the girl who watched her parents try and fix an already broken marriage by having an abundance of kids and forcing themselves to stay together even though, everyone’s known they’d be better apart. Even their own kids.
I tidy up the reading corner, setting the old book. Princess and the pea back onto the shelf and searching for the one tomorrow.
My my fingers pull and push against the covers of the kids books, looking for something different. I don’t pay attention when the bell jingles and jangles while I hear a heavy step quickly become softer. I hear them physically relax as they walk the isles.
I eventually decide on a book with a unicorn and a blonde girl. Something I fondly remember of my own childhood.
I stretch up a little and let my hair down from its clip, it falls unevenly against my shoulders but I don’t mind or even care that much. This bookstore is my happy place; where I am safe and content within my own body. Here I will never care what I look like.
I view the man searching in the fiction section, something specific I can tell by his body language. If he needs help I’ll allow him to ask; yet I’m wary of going up to a man and guiding him to the book.
When he finally notices me watching him he turns around and asks, “do you know where I can find ‘The road’ it’s uh. Geez by I think by Cormac McCarthy?” He stumbles out; slowly dragging a hand across his face and brushing his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes.
His face is soft but sharp; his eyes evoke a warm bubbly feeling inside me. Eyes that make me feel comfortable being alone with him, “yes, I believe we only have a few left” I tell him, walking off to a different section of the store, “I know, our shop is set up weird” I explain.
“And why’s that?” He inquires, his pace isnt rushed or faster than mine. But relaxed and nonchalant. As if he has all the time in the world.
“The original owners, she has a special section called ‘Meine Leibe’ which I think translates to ‘My loves’ or ‘my life’ once she passed her daughter kept it the same so this little section would always be here for her. I find it endearing” I know I ramble on a bit but I’ve suddenly grown afraid of having a silence against the two of us
“It is, it’s just a little place with all her favorite books?” He keeps asking, as I turn into the cozy little corner. I thumb through the alphabetical order.
“Yeah, her favorite chair, pillows. Shannon was such a kind lady” I reminisce, “here is The Road, is there anything else I can help you with? Or will that be all for today?”
“Uhh, ha unless you have ‘The deal’ by Elle Kennedy then I’ll take that too” I think he’s being sarcastic but I can’t really tell.
“I think we do, are you a hockey fan?” I ask walking to the romance section.
“I guess you could say that, do you watch?” He asks, “do you need a hand?”
“I watch a bit, just the New Jersey Devils with my dad. Yeah it’s just above there” I point, even on my tip toes the store has ceiling high bookshelves. And because it’s night the ladders been locked up. I move to the side as he grabs the book.
“Are you from Jersey?”
“Yeah, I lived there before I came to New York for a work deal”
“I’m going to assume it’s not this job.. right?” As he makes his way to the register and I slink behind the counter
“Yeah, my uh big girl job as my mom likes to address it as” I hear the roll in my eyes as I scan the bar codes and ring him up, “will that be with cash or card?”
“Card” He pulls his wallet out of the front pocket of his jacket, “thank you”, he checks for my name eyes staring just above but also at my chest.
I poke my eyebrows up at him praying to god this man isn’t looking at my tits directly; not even with the slightest bit of discretion.
“I’m uh looking for your name to thank you— I swear I’m not looking at your uh. You know boobs” he almost whispers out the last bit before continuing, “not that they aren’t nice or anything but uh” the tips of his ears turn pink and his cheeks suddenly become flushed, “I will just pay now” he groans out softly; handing me his card and rubbing his eyes with his hands.
I ring him up and he puts his pin in, “thank you again, you never told me your name” he questions for that piece of information
“Thank you Emma, have a good evening” he purses his lips and grabs his books. Hands shaking as he smiles and starts to leave.
“You too, wait” I lean over the bar slightly, “you never told me your name?”
“Alright then, have a good evening Mat. Come back soon”
The door jingles as he leaves and I watch him through the window, I see him sigh and smack his books against his head. Though I don’t exactly hear what he says; noises muffled through the glass and the music.
“Huh. What a strange guy”
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
what demigods from each cabin would get along together you think? Like I headcanon that the Hephaestus and Hecate kids get along because they’re always thinking up new things like be it spells or machinery. But I wanna hear your take on compatibility between godly parents? 😀
-Casimir 🔮Cabin 20🔮 Son of Hecate
oh i LOVE the idea of Hecate and Hephaestus kids getting up to mischief. I've thought about this a bit so I'll go through the ones I have strong dynamic ideas off the top of my head, sticking mostly to CHB's main 20 cabins and then a couple of bonuses. Also some bonus "who hates each other." (Under cut for length)
Ever since TLO the Apollo and Ares cabins have had an alliance. Mostly built out of the Ares kids feeling really guilty about arriving late to war and nearly all the Apollo kids dying in the Battle of Manhattan, wondering if there would have been fewer casualties between both cabins if they had gotten over their stubborn pride faster like the Apollo kids had. Ares kids kind of guard the Apollo kids and tolerate them more than other cabins, and the Apollo kids are considered off-limits for bullying.
Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite kids have a very bizarre dynamic, besides the whole canonical love triangle curse nonsense they have going on. They tend to be drawn to each other one way or another. Very common to see them together. The question is just are they besties or are they trying to kill each other.
Big 3 kids either have immense solidarity or totally loathe each other and there's no in-between. Sometimes it's both.
Demeter and Hades kids have a very tenuous alliance. They're a little scared of each other. They would fight to the death over who gets to adopt a Persephone kid as a sibling though.
Besides Hades, Demeter kids either get along great or horribly with Big 3 kids. Again, no in-between, or sometimes both.
Zeus kids and Athena kids tend to get along like a house on fire. Insert School of Athens fresco here. They are Thinking Thoughts and will have the most passionate debates about the wildest topics you have ever heard.
Cabins 5 and 6 have a very strong ongoing rivalry. If it's a friendly rivalry or true rivalry shifts depending on counselors. They LOOOOVE competing with each other though, and have some amount of unwavering respect for each other as the war cabins. Post-TLO the Nike cabin starts getting in on that dynamic too and Cabins 5 and 6 are very excited for some new challenges.
Tyche and Nemesis cabins tend to be buddies
Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, and Iris cabins love being artsy together. 100% lead a lot of the art activities at camp.
Similarly, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hecate cabins love being nerdy together.
Chthonic solidarity! Hermes, Hades, Hypnos, Hecate, etc. Usually the other chthonic cabins are the only ones brave enough to poke fun at the Hades kids.
Mad scientist gang Athena, Hephaestus, Hecate. Sometimes the Apollo kids join in to help give them ideas and enable them.
Athena, Hecate, Apollo, and Hades meanwhile are Mad Scientist: Biology Edition™. They're dissecting weird stuff and will figure out how to make Frankenstein's monster.
Also, Athena, Apollo, Hebe - medical cabins gang. Vision/eye health, general health, and general health + youthfulness.
Demeter and Dionysus gardening buddies!!!!!! Sometimes they let the Apollo and Iris kids hang out too. Zeus and Poseidon kids are a strong "maybe."
Apollo and Hebe cabins get along super well, also with Zeus cabin. They're totally vibing being all youthful and beautiful together. Sometimes Aphrodite cabin also join them. Pretty cabins gangs.
Apollo, Iris, and Zeus cabins (and Hera cabin if there are actually any kids there for that. hi Jason) - sky deities buddies!
Dionysus cabin has a bizarre comradery with the Hades cabin nobody can figure out but everyone is mildly afraid of (it's Zagreus stuff).
Iris and Hermes kids get along super well. Iris cabin also probably loves hanging out with the Aphrodite and Apollo kids. They're talking about art and color theory.
Bonuses: Philotes + Aphrodite + Erotes kids obviously all get along fantastically. Psyche kids and Aphrodite kids either get along well or clash horribly.
Hebe and Ganymede kids are shaking hands. Cupbearer parents (who are also both youthful and pretty).
Iris and Arke kids are very one-in-the-same except the Arke kids all have So Many Problems. Iris kids tend to be "excuse me they asked for no pickles" on the Arke kids' behalf often.
Thetis kids and Arke kids have beef and it's kind of funny (cause Thetis got Arke's wings as a wedding gift after they were stolen from Arke as punishment for siding with the Titans).
Enyo/Bellona and Ares/Mars kids LOOOOVE each other. Immediate best friends. Same hat, spiderman pointing meme, etc etc. Absolutely built for each other. They just click. And also tend to enable each other a little bit. Do not let the Nike kids around both of them at the same time because they will all begin to enable each other in a feedback loop and get up to mayhem.
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star-struck01 · 1 year
Hot-Headed Chicken
You make Hawks mad by eating something of his and he realizes he's being stupid
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(Not my photo)
Keigo "Hawks" Takami x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1781
Edited: 05/23/2023
"Y/N!!!!" Your name vibrated through the halls, and pictures actually shook against the walls. You turned your head in the direction where the booming voice came from. Frowning slightly, you yelled back just as loudly. 
"WHAT?!?!" You were currently sitting in the living room watching some crappy TV show that held most of your attention, but with the ever-growing sounds of heavy footsteps getting closer, your attention started to drift. You snapped back to reality when a body blocked your vision of the couples that wouldn't last a week if it wasn't filmed. You glanced up to see bright red feathers slightly ruffled and an angry No. 2 hero glaring down at you. You tilted your head to the side with an eyebrow raised, as if saying, "Go on," with your body.
"Did you eat my chicken nuggets?" He visibly seethed, his wings raising as if to intimidate you, making sure that all of your attention was on him.
"Oh...yeah so?" You shrugged your shoulders and shifted on the couch to try and see the TV again. Hawks stumbled back from the shock as if you had told him that the two of you were done. In his mind, you just did.
"...So? SO?! Y/N, those were MY chicken nuggets, and YOU ate them." He looked at you bewildered, and you looked right back at him, trying to figure out why he was so upset.
"Okay, okay, I’m sorry, they weren't with your stuff in the fridge, so I assumed they were leftovers from last night." You shifted a little on the couch from his  glare, the intensity making you feel a little uncomfortable.
"I was saving them for later!" He turned his head away, groaning and rubbing his hands down his face, his head already pounding because of an earlier villain fight that probably resulted in him gaining a concussion. "Jesus, don’t you ever think about anyone but yourself?" He glared at you with annoyance and irritation through the corner of his eye. The second that sentence left his mouth, he quickly realized his mistake and snapped his head over to you just in time to catch the look of pure shock and hurt on your face. Because his statement was wrong, all you did was think of others; you were the sweetest person he knew and always gave people a second chance if they deserved it. Tears began to roll down your cheeks, and you looked away as you quickly wiped at them. "Wait, kid, I didn’t mean it!" Keigo got down on his knees and shuffled closer, quickly trying to apologize for what he said.
"Keigo…" You stood up, keeping your eyes trained on anywhere but him. He gulped and began to prepare himself for the absolute worst as you started walking to the entryway. "You started this over chicken nuggets. Which, might I add, you could have easily made or bought more of, but instead you threw a fit because I ate six measly chicken nuggets. And I don't think of anyone but myself? Try again." You look over your shoulder at him with tears slowly running down your face. Scoffing as you grabbed your coat and slid your shoes on, you snatched your bag that had your keys, ID, and other necessities off the floor, muttering something about him being immature. He quickly rushed after you, but you turned around completely to glare at him. "I’m going to stay somewhere else until you can learn to man up and not act like a 5-year-old. If I wanted to hang out with children, I would have gone to the nearby preschool. Goodbye Keigo" You opened the door and left without Keigo getting a word in or trying to persuade you to stay. He made his way slowly back to the couch and sat down where you were just occupying it. Looking at the TV where the crappy show was still playing, he watched it for a bit, letting it distract him just a little before his mind wandered back to you. He thought of what he could do to make you come back, but he just kept coming up empty-handed, and after a couple of minutes, he fell asleep, missing you and regretting what he did.
Months had passed since your fight, and Keigo was dying without you. He's just being dramatic, though; it's only been two days since your fight, and he's wallowing in self-pity and missing you greatly. You were missing him just as much, but you were still waiting for an apology that the other couldn’t find the words for. Keigo's days off were over, and he had to go back to work. Instead of flying, he decided to walk since flying seemed pointless without you, as you were his metaphorical wings, holding him up when things got bad. So he walked, and he walked right by Midoriya, who stopped walking and turned around, confused as to why he'd see the No. 2 walking while he was on his way to school. Maybe it was a wing fracture? It didn't matter; he just had to stop the hero, so he moved in front of Hawks, successfully stopping him so he could ask him what was wrong if he was walking. Surprised, Keigo looked down at the green-haired OFA user. "I...It's nothing of your concern." He walked around him and continued walking before the short boy moved in front of him again, looking at him pointedly. Hawks sighed and tilted his head side to side as if weighing the options before telling Midoriya, "Fine, I got into a fight with my partner over something stupid. Are you happy now?" He glared slightly at Midoriya, who, in turn, just shook his head, waiting for him to give him more information. "Jesus, okay, it was over them eating chicken nuggets that were mine. It happened a couple of days ago." He looked down, disappointed in himself.
"You fought over that?!" Midoriya was bewildered; the No. 2 hero fought over something as little as who ate who's chicken nuggets. Hawks gave the boy a disappointed nod. "And it's been two days? How are you going to make it up to them after that?" Midoriya asked with a raised eyebrow, all while tilting his head.
"I don’t know yet." Hawks rubbed his lower face and looked away from Midoriya so he co
uldn’t see how embarrassed he was, but he didn’t have to because Midoriya could practically see the embarrassment and disappointment seeping off of Keigo in waves.
"I mean, just an idea; you could always apologize to them with something they like. Works with most couples, but that doesn't mean you should buy back their forgiveness." The little OFA user glared slightly at the older man, and just as Hawks’ eyes lit up, he rushed home, yelling thank you to the now very late schoolboy.
An hour later, Hawks began to put his plan into action; he would "bump" into you on your way to work and apologize to you with a gift you hopefully liked. He stealthily walked in the direction of your work just as you were headed towards the entrance. Keigo hid the gift behind his back and rushed over to you, using his wings to propel him faster. He moved in front of you and spread his wings out so you couldn't go by him and his stupid big firetruck-red wings. "Y/N, please listen to me!"
It took a second for your brain to catch up, but once it did, you looked him right in the eyes with a slight glare. "What do you want, Hawks? Are you finally here to apologize?" You questioned him with a slight annoyance.
"Yes! Exactly! I wanted to come apologize to you, Y/N." He grabbed your hand with his free hand, the other still behind his back. You remembered how those hands would encircle your waist when you were cuddling on the couch after a long day of work, watching those crappy TV shows that you both loved to make fun of. You shook yourself of the thought and sighed before looking up and waiting for him to continue. The people around you looked at the sight of the No. 2 hero, and you, Hawks, didn't hide your relationship. You could practically see the shared thought above their heads: "What is he apologizing for?" You focused back on Hawks as he smiled awkwardly. What a funny sight to see the pretty boy No. 2 hero looking awkward. "I’m so sorry, sunshine. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for such a stupid thing as eating my chicken nuggets."
You sigh and tilt your head side to side as if weighing the options, which he picked up from you. You look back up at him, looking hurt. "I don’t know Hawks; you really hurt my feelings the other day over that." He begins to rub his thumb over your knuckles as a nervous tic, thinking of what to say next without making you mad or before you leave.
"N/N, please let me make it up to you." He began kneeling and moving the hand that was behind his back into view. Everyone in the vicinity who was watching the two interact gasped and began to film the pair. You lean back slightly, shocked and thinking the same thing as everyone else: you were going to be proposed to as an apology. That was until you saw what he was holding. You burst out laughing just as Hawks pulled out a box of chicken nuggets and held it out to you. You pulled him to a stand and wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him a long and passionate kiss.
You're still laughing as you finally part for air. You smile widely. "I could never stay mad at you forever, you birdbrain." The crowd is cheering and laughing at how you two show affection. Despite how stupid this fight was, Keigo was yours and you were his, and the two of you weren't parting for a long time.
"Hey kid, why don’t we go back home and watch some crappy TV shows? We'll call in sick." He says this as he pulls you closer, and you nod your head as you hold onto him tightly. He picks you up bridal style and takes off into the air in the direction of your house. The wind is flowing through both of your hairs as he looks down and smiles at you. "I love you, "Y/N."
You smile back at him and lean up slightly to kiss his cheek. "I love you too, Keigo."
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yandere dorian hcs please 😳
I will give you your steroid Santa Clause! But I’m making it sad. After the fight with Retsu, I felt so bad for him. I wanted to hug him.
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Kaioh Dorian edition
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Kaioh Dorian
You worked at a pastel maid cafe and he was a foreign customer that tipped you more than any other customer. Though at times you felt his eyes linger on your form longer than what was comfortable but his big tips made up for it
As the days turned to weeks, you learned his name was Dorian. He was overly nice to you and sometimes he’d bring you candies. To you, it seemed like he was trying to heal his inner child so you never corrected his behavior. The giant man somewhat reminded you of one
He’d call you “dolly” all the time due to your pastel maid uniform and you let him. It was a cute innocent nickname. Sometimes Dorian would gift you little porcelain dolls that looked eerily similar to you, but you thought they were cute. A part of you wondered how he knew you collected dolls, but perhaps it’s the way you presented yourself?
One time he stayed near closing time so you sat with him and chatted a bit. He was an American and he was 65. He’s never been married and he used to practice Chinese Kenpo. He was interesting
That was until you saw the news and realized he was an escaped convict. He killed a lot of people… you began to limit your time around Dorian and he noticed. He didn’t like it one bit
As you sleep at night, you feel the bed shift. You try to scream but a large hand is covering you mouth. You realize Dorian had broken into your house. How did he know where you lived?
Dorian tells you he’s been keeping an eye on you for awhile now and he doesn’t want you to hate him. That you’re his dolly and he’ll always treat you well.
He doesn’t do anything sexual to you at all, he just lays beside you and falls asleep with you in his arms. You don’t sleep a wink because you’re terrified but Dorian doesn’t harm you. He cares for you in his own way
You don’t see him for awhile after that, and you kind of feel sad about it. That’s when you find out through your coworkers that Dorian was now mentally handicapped after a fight with Kaioh Retsu
You go to see him and you’re surprised he recognizes you. Dorian runs over to you and calls you dolly still. He’s so thrilled to see you but now his mind is reduced to that of a child’s. It breaks your heart and you hug him. You cry as he hugs you back
Dorian tells you how his dad never let him have much candy and how abusive his father was with while he’s in this new mindset. You take it upon yourself to befriend him again
You visit Dorian everyday and bring him lots of candy. You sit with him in the psyche ward. Sometimes you go on walks with each other
You bring him a doll and he’s so happy. You two play together a lot, the way kids would. Dorian always looks forward to your visits
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eastereggie · 18 days
hihi !! this is eggie/cam :] im sure that people in the kaeloo fandom recognize me so hello !!
i cannot believe that my very first own post on tumblr, especially about a fandom that ive always cherished, for 6 years now (going strong !!!!) will be about the current drama but here we go, since that shit seems to escalade to a level that i consider dangerous:
THIS IS A WHOLE BUNCH OF ADULTS FIGHTING WITH MOSTLY MINORS TO WRITE SMUT (or if you dont like the word, p0rn, because its not less than that) OF ANIMALS WHO ALSO HAPPENS TO BE KIDS. this is it. thats what the drama is about.
all the posts going around, all the victimisation, all the new s3xual fanfictions dropping for "psychological studies" or whatever all the bullshit youre telling yourself to be seen as a saint, this is what this is about: people, mostly in their late 20s, even if i recall seeing younger people being in this weird side of the fandom, fighting for their life to make their harmful headcanons (to avoid saying, again fantasies) acceptable. so ill repeat it again, for this side of the fandom and anyone else: THIS. IS. NOT. ACCEPTABLE. this is not about having a different opinion, this is not about the freedom of speech or letting people enjoy things in peace; and you cannot be upset, to the point that you are tracking IPs (thats creepy as hell btw), making whole edits about the situation (this one is just funny so i had to talk about it) because people are calling you out. you are NOT being harassed. you are NOT the victim. you are NOT defending yourself. this isnt what it is about at all. you are just an adult, watching a kid show and deciding that 90% of your fanfics about it will include sex (and not just casually, no, in EVERY CHAPTER. ew). this is just gross, and whats even worse is acting like you're not the one who should be blamed. its not new in the fandom to see people being THIS creepy, but a part of me thought that we maybe moved past this but well...
there is no other way of saying this, i really wish i could make this whole post a little bit more polite, but i genuinely think that some of you have never been confronted to the consequences of their actions, since you reassure yourself by hanging out with people as weird as you who will obviously agree with you.i used to feel disapointed, sad and upset to see people i considered as friends turning out like that, but honestly this is all just embarrassment at this point... i truly hope this whole stuff will calm down soon, though it couldve been stopped way earlier if a certain part of the fandom didnt start using tumblr to childishly provoke the people who called them out. if you want to continue being creeps, or pretend that you're not the problem, as you wish ! but dont except people to accept you or whatever, create your own "safe place" and stay in there, for the sake of everyone else. hopefully yall will grow out of your "everyone is against me" phase, even if its a little late for that considering the fact that some of you are older than 21 already :) but its never too late ! (if you made it this far i apologise for the yapping and tysm for taking the time to read all of that lol)
-eggie ^_^
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obsessedwithyouxx · 2 months
Heya there✨ If you're up to it, I'd like to just leave this here: Can you write a little fluff of the gang as kids, perhaps maybe like 6 years prior to the events of the novel?. Maybe adding all their little antics they get up to and making sure they remember to get home in time for supper because Mrs Curtis is making lasagne. Or the gang making sure they include a young Ponyboy in a game. I thought that would be pretty cute and I've been craving fluff lately, and having a look at your writing, I can tell that you'd be perfect to deliver something delish!✨ Good Luck!! -🐦‍⬛
Yessss I actually love this type of fic let’s gooo!!
(btw this isn’t reread or edited so there will be typos is js can’t stand reading back on my own writing sorry)
The ringing school bell was Sodapop’s saviour, as he rushed out the classroom door, finally free from the teacher’s relentless yapping.
He ran down the school hall towards where his best friend, Steve’s classroom was. He’d told Steve he’d wait for him, because his teacher always kept their class back later, and Steve didn’t feel like walking home alone.
“Sodapop, no running in the school halls.”
He groaned, but slowed to a walk as he reached the door. He glanced in the window, searching for where his buddy sat.
From behind, Two-bit crept up on him, swiftly grabbing him and pulling him away from the door. Two-bit was the grade above Soda and Steve, he should probably have been two grades above, but he’d been held back.
Soda groaned as his friend decided to mess up his hair which had been sitting neatly under a baseball cap until then.
“Stop it Two,” Soda half giggled, half groaned.
He struggled in his grip, finally managing to slide away.
The door to Steve’s classroom swung open, and in a flash, Steve was outside. “Hey Soda,”
“Hey Steve-y” Soda singsonged.
“Where’s Johnnyboy?” Asked Two-bit.
Both boys shrugged; Johnny hadn’t mentioned walking home with them. “Let’s go find him then.”
After a few minutes, they found Johnny standing over by his locker, smiling as they came up to him.
“Hey Johnnycakes,” Two-bit smiled,
“Hey Two-bit” Johnny responded.
Two turned around to address Steve and Soda, ask if they wanted to hang around at the lot after school, but they were already gone, halfway down the hall, Soda running, chased by Steve into a flying tackle.
Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Two-bit who was laughing as a teacher tried to break the boys up.
“Sorry miss.” Soda said, looking down at the ground. “We ain’t really fighting.”
He flashed her a charming grin, he may not always be well behaved, but he was well mannered, and knew how to charm his way out of anything.
The teacher gave a short nod, before turning away.
The four of them made their way out of the school grounds, having decided to head to the Curtis’ house for a bit.
Soda swung the door open, and he and his friends tumbled into the house.
“Hey Darry,” Soda smiled. The rest of the group gave their various greetings.
“Hey Soda, hey guys.” Darry said happily, getting up from where he sat on the living room sofa to playfully ruffle his kid-brother’s hair.
“Hi Johnny and Soda and Two-bit and Steve!” Came a smaller voice.
“Hey Pones,” Soda smiled. “Did Dad pick you up from school?”
Ponyboy nodded.
The group sat around the house for a bit, turning on the television. After less than five minutes, the group started to get restless.
Two-bit was making dumb jokes and elbowing the others, Steve was laughing back at him. Johnny was glancing around, like he wanted to stand up. Soda was chasing Pony around the room, for no apparent reason, just to get rid of some of his endless energy.
It ended up being Mrs Curtis who got them all out of this house.
“You boys look bored, don’t you.” She smiled. “Why don’t you all go Outside, come home before dark though.”
The group ran right out the front door.
“Soda,” Steve groaned, “Why’s he coming.”
Steve shot an unhappy look in Ponyboy’s direction. In response, Soda shrugged, he didn’t mind that his kid-brother was there.
Honestly, Soda didn’t think Steve actually hated Pony, he just wanted to look tuff or something.
Finally, they ended up at the lot after roaming around town for a little bit. Darry, who had tagged along regardless of the fact that he was a fair bit older than the others, had found 20c in his pocket, which had resulted in a crowd of young boys filing into a corner store, causing a ruckus, and leaving with a bag of chips and a coke.
A little later, Dallas Winston showed up, cigarette between his lips. As he made his way towards the group, he made his presence known by kicking a pile of scrap metal that someone had left there, the bang echoing through the lot with a bang.
“Hey Dal!” Called out Johnny.
“Hey Johnnycakes.” Dally smiled, grabbing a handful of Johnny’s long hair and ruffling it up.
Johnny laughed, “You’re gonna pay for that man.” And he got to his feet, playfully jumping and tackling Dally to the ground.
“Ahhh, he’s got me, someone save me, I beg of you!” Dally called sarcastically.
Steve gave a laugh, taking a running leap and landing right on top of the two boys.
One by one, the rest of the gang joined the playful rumble, which somehow turned into a game of tag.
Finally, as the boys began to grow tired, they sat back down, around the lot.
“Look at the sunset, Soda.” Pony smiled, shaking his brother, who had been animatedly telling Two-bit something funny that had happened at school that day. Soda turned to face Pony, smiling, and following his kid brothers gaze.
“It’s pretty tuff, right?”
Soda smiled back at Ponyboy. He didn’t share his brothers interest in literature or the world around him, but he did love Pony, so he nodded back happily.
“Mrs Curtis said be home before dark.” Two-bit pointed out.
Darry nodded in agreement. “Well we’d probably best be getting home.”
Ponyboy sighed unhappily. “It’s not even dark yet and it’s not that far of a walk.”
Soda smiled, “Yeah Darry, c’mon.”
Darry knew his mother had put him in charge, he was the oldest after all, but still, he didn’t disagree that it would be fun to stay a little longer.
That statement was met with happy cheers from the group.
I honestly would write more and I absolutely love this request, but my creative side is just not doing what I wanted it to at the moment, and I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer!! Hope this is okay😭💪💪💪
also I wasn’t sure what to do about dally, bc I don’t know if he would’ve been in ny or what at that point (if their ten year olds he was in jail buttttttt) so I js chucked him in there n ignored that stuff :D
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
Tears of Themis Guys with an Artistic S/O (Vyn, Marius
These are slightly edited, since I've been playing longer and have a better idea of the boys' personalities.
CW: None
Note: Reader is a messy artist. neat art? what is neat art?
Vyn x gn!reader, Marius x gn!reader, Artem x gn!reader
He's of two minds
First, he really does appreciate the arts and likes that you're into them
He's always very happy when you gift him something you did. it doesn't matter what it looks like.
Let's face it, in any other thing he'd be more of a perfectionist, but really, he can't help but think that anything you make is perfect the way it is, even if it isn't art gallery worthy
On the other hand, he has a heart attack every time you do the "messy hands" run to the sink
His house is nice and neat and he seems to really like and even though I'm convinced that a light fixture can always be improved by a couple smudges of paint, I don't think he really is.
At the same time, he's probably laughing a little, because the frantic, hands out in front of you run really is pretty amusing
That being said, he loves you, so he'll just go through and clean it up.
Eventually he gets used to it and starts finding some amusement in the mad dash to the sink. Or just has a sink installed a little bit closer to your work space
speaking of which, he makes sure you have a proper work space. In his opinion the kitchen table is not the best place for messy art, so he'll make sure you have a place where you can be as messy as you want
Marius is so 100% on board. When he realizes you're an artist, he's like a kid on christmas
Of the three he best understands the fun and the mess
He also knows every possible way to either clean up quickly or to hide the aftermath of messy art. It's something you both make use of because there is absolutely no way there aren't paint fights.
I also get the feeling that you often have smudges on your clothes because he saw you deeply focused and just absolutely had to give you a hug from behind
The one down side is actually for you. He takes your shared creative time as another opportunity to tease--I mean, he's the biggest little shit you'll find. He'll absolutely take advantage of your focus and the fact that you're used to him clinging to put smiley faces in random places on you.
It's chaos. It's fun. But it's also relaxing and quiet. You both get to de-stress and if that means sitting on opposite sides of the studio painting away, that works for both of you
To start with, is there anything besides a life of crime that Artem isn't supportive of?
He and Thoma are partners in supportive husband types, ok
Like Vyn, he makes sure you have a dedicated work space. It's not because he minds a mess, but because he wants you to have the space and comfort to express yourself to the fullest
He'll often stand in the doorway, watching with this fond smile on his face. like he always does
His mom has actually dropped by and seen this and she thinks it's adorable. She makes sure to tease him about it
After you're finished he likes helping you clean up. It falls under his "care for s/o" thing so well and he's so gentle about it.
When you give him paintings or pottery is always so happy. It could look like a two year old did it and he'd still appreciate the thought.
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haitani-bruvz · 1 year
Chapter 3 preview
First Meetings: Mikey
previous part
EDIT-- full chapter here
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Shinichiro x Reader, Mikey x Reader, Izana x Reader
Please enjoy this little sneak peek of the upcoming chapter :) Full chapter coming this Monday!
Series TW: Yandere, smut, murder, noncon/dubcon, drugging, kidnapping, pseudo-incest (reader is considered a sibling but not blood-related), physical abuse, emotional abuse, mentions of child abuse, and neglectful parents, ages of characters are shifted around a bit (Shin is younger)
August 1st, 1998
'I just hope he isn't mad at me,' you thought, nervously picking at the loose threads on your t-shirt as you waited for Shinichiro to come back from locking up his motorcycle.
Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of a throat being cleared.
You looked up to see a young boy approaching with a serious expression.
He had short blonde hair, but his black eyes were strikingly similar to Shinichiro's.
The boy wasted no time sizing you up, approaching you with a question that caught you off guard.
"You're new," he said, with a challenging tone. "You here to fight me?"
The question surprised you, and you were momentarily lost for words. You had grown accustomed to people avoiding you at the orphanage because of Izana's intimidating presence, so you weren't used to people interacting with you, let alone someone so confident in their demeanor.
Before you could respond, Shinichiro walked in and quickly defused the situation. "Hey, what did I tell you about picking fights with people," he asked, whacking the blonde in the back of his head. "This is YN, a friend from the orphanage. YN, this is my little brother, Manjiro,"
little brother...?
The blonde let out a hum, suddenly very invested in your presence.
'Orphanage?" he eyed you suspiciously before continuing, "So do you know Iz-",
Shinichiro quickly interrupted him, shooting him a warning look.
"Don't even start, Manji."
Shinichiro's voice was low and tense, sending a chill down YN's spine. He seemed to notice the sudden shift in your posture, because not even a second later, he was sending you a smile as if to calm you down.
Mikey pouted, clearly disappointed that he was interrupted. But after a moment, he agreed to put the challenge on hold. "If Shin-nii says you're a friend, then I guess you're cool…but call me Mikey, not Manjiro, okay yn-chan?" he said, extending his hand.
You shook his hand back, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of whiplash from the sudden change in their attitudes.
"He's always like that with new people," Shinichiro explained, ruffling your hair reassuringly. "Don't take it personally. Grandpa should be back with Emma soon, so why don't you two go play and get to know each other better? Well have that cake I promised when they're here."
You nodded, unsure what to make of the situation, and allowed Mikey to drag you into his room. He rambled on about a toy plane Shinichiro had gotten him and about his misadventures with his friends, whom he promised to introduce you to next time. While you were interested in meeting his friends, you weren't so sure about this Kazutora kid. Mikey's stories didn't paint him as the friendliest, and you had a feeling Izana wouldn't approve of you befriending someone who seemed to have an even shorter fuse than he had.
As the day progressed and you spent more time with Mikey, you found yourself enjoying his company. He was funny and kind, and his warm black eyes reminded you so much of Shinichiro- someone you had really begun to grow fond of. Yet, despite all of that, there was a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something was off about him, something dark and dangerous working under the surface. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you knew that there was more to Mikey than meets the eye.
Please comment or message me to be tagged 💚💚
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analogwriting · 4 months
Not So Childhood Crush
Smutilogue (amab edition) Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.4k a/n: lmfao here's the smut piece y'all asked for. hope it lived up to the hype. i made two of these. they both use gender neutral pronouns, but one is obviously with a vagina and the other with cock n' balls so pick your poison. they are slightly different despite starting off the same. not just body part switching but what happens in general but mostly the same. mo ghràdh and mo leannan are variations of 'my love' in old gaelic. afab version
A couple of months went by. Everyone was back in peak performance and you were finally able to relax. You were currently cleaning up from lunch, enjoying the silence. The lot of you heard about some festival on some island and Eustass decided it was the perfect place to celebrate. To celebrate everyone back in tip-top shape and you being back with the crew at long last. 
Though, when everyone left, you opted to stay behind a little longer, wanting a moment of peace. You’d been wrangling everyone on this tiny ship the past couple of months and you just wanted a moment where you didn’t have to babysit. Your brother teased you about it, calling you old, but you didn’t even have the energy to fight. You just wanted them to leave you alone.
And they did. Everyone was off on the island, enjoying the festival and you were able to enjoy some peace and quiet. You were putting away dishes, standing up on the utmost tips of your toes as you tried to put something away. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your hip and a body press into you. You watched as a hand reached out to take the bowl in your hand and put it on the shelf for you.
“I thought you were with everyone else,” you mused, not even needing to turn around to see who it was.
Killer chuckled softly behind you. “When I realized you stayed behind, I doubled back,” he mused. Once the last dish was put away, his hand came down to rest on your other hip. He buried his face in your neck and you chuckled softly. “No helmet?” He definitely had it on earlier. You had smacked it because he did something stupid, after all. 
He shook his head, wrapping his arms around your middle. “Mm, can’t kiss you if I have it on,” he crooned, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You let out a content sigh against him, turning around as you kissed him. You slid your arms around his neck and smiled. “That’s true.”
Despite having confessed, neither of you have been able to do much since then. With the ship being as small as it was and the crew being as large, there wasn’t exactly time to be alone. Someone was always bothering one of you. It’s what happened when you were the parents of the crew, you supposed. That, and Killer had been healing this whole time. You didn’t want to end up reopening a wound just because you were too horny for your own good.
His hands took to either sides of your face, cupping it softly as his thumbs ran over his cheeks and he just looked at you. You felt your face warm up as you felt his rough, calloused hands catching on your smooth skin. It sent shivers down your spine.
“I still can’t believe you’ve felt the same this whole time.” You let out a small chuckle at his words, nodding. “I can’t believe it either. We could’ve saved ourselves a whole lot of heart break if one of us just bit the bullet when we were kids.” 
He grinned, pulling you into another tender kiss. As much as you loved these soft moments with him, right now you were craving more. You reached up, letting your hand find its way into his hair as you deepened the kiss, pulling hard on his hair. A low growl came from Killer that made your heart race with excitement. “That how it is?” he mumbled against you. You nodded, pressing another kiss to him. “Mhm. I think we’ve waited long enough.”
“Say less.”
You licked your lips, looking him up and down like he was going to be your next meal. Which, in a way, he definitely was. You placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back. He let you guide him to the chair next to the table, sitting down in it as you straddled his lap. He looked up at you with a raise of his eyebrows. “What do you have planned in that brain of yours?” You shook your head.
“Just kind of letting my body take the lead on this one.” 
You kissed him again, pressing down into him. Immediately, you felt that he was already hard and the groan that came from him only confirmed it. You were too, so there wasn’t much you could say. Just that little bit of making out was enough to rile you up. Man, the both of you were so touch starved. “Looks like we’re both a little pent up, hm?” He just looked at you with a lust filled expression.
You slid off his lap, making sure to really grind against him. He let out a low noise, a dangerous look in his eye. “Careful doing that, love. I might not be able to control myself.” You just looked at him with a small smile. “Doing what?” you asked innocently and he narrowed his eyes.
He watched as you lowered yourself between his knees, your hands trailing from his knees up towards his groin. You gripped his thighs, feeling him twitch slightly. “I think you know exactly what you’re doing.”
“I think I’m just trying to make sure you feel good.” You just winked at him before your hands found their way to his buttons, quickly undoing his pants and pulling him out of their clothy prison. Your eyes widened as he stood at attention before you. Damn. You could tell he was big, but not this big. It was large, veiny, and desperate for attention. The amount of precum that was currently coming from the tip was giving plenty away.
“I know it’s a lot. We can always do somethi-”
You glared at him. “You underestimate me and I don’t appreciate that.” You didn’t raise no quitter and you were already this far. You dragged your hand along the length of his cock and he let out a shaky breath, gripping onto the chair. You licked your lips and smiled.
You continued to stroke him, watching him slowly melt into the chair. You sat up on your knees a little, thinking for a moment. Surely you could fit the entirety of him down your throat, right? Only one way to find out. You wet your lips once more before pressing a kiss to the base of his cock. His eyes opened and he looked down at you. His face was flushed and he was panting softly. You rather liked that image. It wasn’t often you saw him looking so…vulnerable.
You dragged your tongue along the underside of him, not once breaking eye contact. Your tongue flicked his tip and he let out a small hiss through his teeth. Then you started to slide him into your mouth, slowly taking all of him in. 
He was large, yes, but you were determined. His own eyes bulged and he opened his mouth to protest only for whatever thoughts he had to immediately disappear as he let out a guttural moan. You felt him twitch inside of your mouth as you began to bob your head. He groaned, his hand finding its way to your hair as you did so. He tugged slightly, rolling his own hips a bit to create more friction. Good thing you didn’t exactly have too much of a gag reflex or you’d be in trouble.
“Y/n!” The both of you froze. His eyes were wide and so were yours. You stopped mid movement, just sitting there with his cock in your mouth as the two of you didn’t dare breathe.
Luckily, from where you were seated, it looked like Killer was just sitting at the table. You were out of view, your current situation was out of view. As long as the person didn’t come into the kitchen.
You slowly started bobbing your head again and Killer looked at you. “Are you really-” he breathed, groaning. You just winked at him as you continued what you were doing. You feel like he would’ve done the same in this situation.
“Oh, Killer. Have you seen y/n?” Wire popped into the doorway. Killer jumped slightly, pulling you in a way that shoved him even deeper down your throat. Your nails dug into his thighs as you were trying to keep it together. It took you a moment to recover, but you persisted. 
“Ah, no. I think they already headed o-” He covered his moan with a cough as you blindsided him by giving his balls a nice tug. 
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. I think they already headed out. I’ll be there in a bit.”
Wire shrugged, nodding. “Alright. I’ll send them your way if I find them. Make sure you’re okay.” With that, he left. 
You felt his entire body tense before he released a load down your throat. You slowly pulled off of him, swallowing as you did so. You licked your lips, looking up at him with a half-lidded gaze. Your own body was buzzing. Hell, you almost came just from that. Man, these pants were feeling so tight.
He was panting, slouched in the chair. You knew he wasn’t out for the count yet, his cock still rock hard. 
“That was evil,” he breathed. You were panting as well, just grinning up at him. He reached out, pulling you up to kiss you again. “I’m going to make sure you pay for that,” he mumbled. You raised your eyebrows. “Are you?” He nodded.
In one swift but gentle motion, he had you bent over the table. Next thing you knew your pants were around your ankles, leaving yourself completely exposed to him. Especially with the tight pants you had been wearing? You were glad you decided to not wear underwear in this situation. “That was way too smooth,” you gasped, looking back at him. “You practice that?”
You felt him move around behind you. With a quick glance over your shoulder, you did a double take. “Wait, is that lube? Did you have it on you this whole time?”
Killer blinked, looking at you. “Uh, yeah?”
“So, you really were planning this?”
“Uh, yeah.” He nodded. You know what? Good for him. Going and getting what he wants. Even if that’s you. You weren’t going to complain. With the way you were already feeling, you knew it was going to be a good time.
A sharp hiss pushed through your teeth as you felt the cold liquid on your backside. “I figured it’d be a little warmer if it was in your p-” You clenched your jaw, whimpering slightly as you felt his fingers starting to toy with you. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” he mused. 
“I said,” you were trying to be just as cocky as he was, “I thought it’d be warmer i-” You were cut off even sooner as you felt one of his thick fingers make its way into you. You clawed the table, biting your lip to try and hold back your own noises. “Dammit,” you grumbled. You weren’t about to give him the satisfaction.
“I still didn’t quite catch that. One more time.” 
You did your best to try and muster a glare but with the way he was moving his finger around, pressing against your walls, it wasn’t very effective. You took a deep breath, going to try one more time before he didn’t even let you start this time, sliding another digit inside of you.
You let out a long whine this time, your mind slowly clouding more and more with lust. You weren’t going to last very long at this rate. He was already reducing you to a blubbering mess.
He began to move his fingers around inside of you, twisting and scissoring them. Fuck, you didn’t know this could feel this could. Sure, you’ve done it yourself, but it wasn’t the same. And it’s not like you ever really had the time or opportunity to fool around either.
You could feel yourself tensing up, ready to put over the edge when he slipped his fingers out. You whined, looking back at him. There was a smug smile on his face and you pouted at him. “You bastard,” you mumbled.
“The confident and dominant doctor now suddenly at my mercy? Don’t mind if I do.” He grinned before concern spread over his features. “Now, are you su-”
“Killer, I swear to fuck, I need that thing in me right now. Don’t think twice about it.”
You knew he was concerned about his size, but you weren’t. He seemed to hesitate again and you opened your mouth to say something when you felt the fat head of his cock press against your twitching hole. He began to slowly slide himself inside. Of course, he had probably been lubing himself up too, not hesitating.
You closed your eyes, head resting on the table as a loud moan escaped from you the further he pushed inside of you. “Oh fuck.” You were clawing at the table, leaving marks in it. Good thing this table was already destroyed enough with different marks. Blended in perfectly. Everyone would be none the wiser.
You felt him stop. “Are y-” You casted a glare over his shoulder and he closed his mouth, nodding. Right. You were fine. You’d say otherwise if that was the case. If he tried asking again, you might just have to take matters into your own hands.
By the time he bottomed out, the both of you were panting. It had felt like an eternity but it honestly didn’t take that long. “Holy shit,” you mumbled.
“You took the whole thing,” he purred against your ear. “It’s like you were made for me.” A shiver ran down your spine and you couldn’t help but let out a small whimper. Fuck. You took a deep breath, about to say something smart back when he began to roll his hips. Fucking dammit. He wasn’t going to let you say anything. How could he be so cocky and not let you retort!
Not that you could even think right now. All of your thoughts were slowly fading as all you could think about was the man currently ruining you right now. Sure, his movements started off slow, but it didn’t take long for him to find a pace that you two were comfortable with. Then he just really started going to town on you. You absolutely were going to need to be carried around. There was no way you were going to be walking anytime soon.
The room was suddenly filled with noise. Skin slapping against skin, pants and moans coming from the both of you. The incoherent babbling you were also doing. You weren’t even sure what you were trying to say or why you were trying to speak. It was all involuntary. You were a sobbing, drooling mess as you kept egging him on to absolutely wreck your shit. 
You felt him pull you up as he ruthlessly pounded into you. If you had any thought process, you would have wondered what he was planning. Not that you would’ve had to wonder for long as he wrapped his hand around your cock and started stroking it.
And now you were seeing stars. The absolute pleasure you were experiencing was on a level you couldn’t have ever imagined. Your entire body was buzzing, your legs were growing numb from the sheer euphoria. It wasn’t long before you were sent over your edge, crying out some incoherent nonsense as you climaxed, painting the table below.
Killer pressed you back into the table, roughly gripping your hips as he absolutely pounded deep inside of you. You honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if you ended up with bruises, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Suddenly, your vision went white as he slammed into a spot that you didn’t know he could reach. You cried out again as you came once more, your entire body trembling. Hoyl fuck, that was the best thing you’d ever felt in your life.
It wasn’t long before his movements also grew erratic and his hips stilled as he climaxed deep inside of you. So much so that it was almost too much.
Both of you were panting heavily, you completely collapsed into the table and Killer relaxed against you. He pressed soft kisses against your skin as you both tried gathering yourselves. You let out a long whine as he pulled out, leaving you gaping, twitching, and oozing. You pouted slightly as you suddenly felt empty and a little cold. You could feel as his semen ran down your leg.
Eventually, your breathing evened out and you could think again. You let out a small chuckle. Killer looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “What are ya laugin’ a’?” The more he was exhausted, the thicker his accent. You loved it, though.
“Ta fact tat our firs’ time’s on ta kitchen table,” you mumbled, your accent just as thick. You were going to have to make sure to do some extra cleaning later. People ate here, after all. He was quiet for a moment before he snorted, laughing with you. He turned you over, kissing you softly. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I really do love you, mo ghràdh.” You grinned up at him. You really loved it when he spoke in your native tongue. “And I love you, mo leannan.” And you knew he also loved it when you spoke to him in it as well. The both of you didn’t really use it when you were growing up, but found an appreciation for it as you grew older.
After another moment of gathering yourself, he finally picked you up. “I think it’s time we get cleaned up and head to the festival before the entire crew comes looking for us,” he mused. You settled into him with a hum. “Mm, sounds good to me.”
Later at the festival, the two of you found the rest of your crew downtown somewhere. You were currently riding on Killer’s back. When the two of you arrived, there were cheers all around. Eustass looked at you and rolled his eyes. “About time. I was starting to get worried something happened!”
Killer slowly set you down, keeping an arm around your waist as you were a tad bit wobbly. Eustass raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.”
If you didn’t already, you definitely did now. You just glared at your brother as you tried to think of a way to lie your way out of this. Quincy, bless her soul, immediately knew what was happening and came to your aid. “Well, they’ve done nothing but babysit the crew the last couple of months! They’re probably exhausted!”
She looked at you, smiling. There was a look, however, that said that the two of you were going to be talking later. You nodded, silently thanking her as you slowly sat down. You were also currently glad that your brother had a stupid feather coat made for you that looked just like his. You were currently wearing it to hide the marks Killer went a little too overzealous in giving you.
Dive ran at you, jumping into the air. You knew she was going to jump right into your lap and it was going to hurt. Before she could land, Killer caught her midair and set her down. “Y/n isn’t feeling well, you probably should take it easy.” Dive’s eyes widened and she nodded. “Okay! Sorry!”
Then things carried on like normal. Everyone was loud and rambunctious, just like you were used to. Things were finally returning to normal, though a bit better than they used to be. 
“Oh, y/n.” Wire looked at you. You raised your eyebrows. “Yes?”
“If you were with Killer, how come I didn’t see you on the ship with him?”
Your eyes widened and you blanched as Killer laughed. Quincy’s eyes were shining because she knew she was about to receive the juiciest gossip of all time.
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 07 | JJK
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⏤ banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren’t expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK’s noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 10.9K+
⏤ author’s note❧ Sorry babes, I took a few days off since I was sick during last week and the update took longer than expected! 😷 Please enjoy this new chapter and I'll be waiting your thoughts on it as always 🤗. I'm excited for this one and what's coming up next!! FYI - I didn't get to finish editing the whole chapter as throughly as I wanted so it might have mispellings, bear with me💜
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Last night was a dream. You wake up today with Jungkook kissing your neck and mumbling a ‘Good morning beautiful’ that made your stomach flip on itself.
‘Good morning handsome’ you said as you turned around wrapping your arms around his body.
Jungkook watched with bated breath as your eyes looked over him, admiring him. He’d grown more accustomed with your gaze, but still, every time your eyes were on him made him anxious.
‘I feel like I haven’t had enough time with you’ You kissed just beneath his left cheek. There was a thin scar there caused by a fight he had with his older brother when they were kids.
He felt his heart was about to rip out of his rib cage and smiled at you saying ‘You’ve had me all night’ even though he felt exactly the same, he couldn’t get enough of you.
‘Although to be honest, I feel that’s nowhere near plenty of time’ said Jungkook again making you smile sweetly at him.
‘If we take all the time we’d like, I don’t think we’d ever leave this room’ you said while giggling. The giggle that came from your lips was menacing.
‘I wouldn’t complain. Would you?’
‘Not a bit’ you responded while your hand started to caress him at his collarbone, fingertips ghosting along his warm, soft skin. His chest felt pleasant against your fingers.
‘Are you cold?’ You asked him, taking note of the goosebumps that rose on his tattooed arms.
‘No’ He answered quietly.
Your eyes flickered up to meet his. You had already noticed his cock was hard as a rock, and you suddenly felt horny yourself. Just the thought of having him on your mouth again was making you salivate. You leaned down to kiss just over his heart.
Jungkook turned his head, his hand coming up to the back of your head.
You continued to move down Jungkook’s torso, your kisses becoming a little more wet and less planned out. He remained tense, his fingers curling into your hair just slightly.
He let out a breath of relief and his head fell back on to the pillows.
‘Jeez, baby. Not even 10AM and you’re already making me go crazy’
You hummed against him, teeth nipping at his hip bone.
‘Y/N’ he said your name sternly.
‘What?’ You lifted your head to get a better look at him. Your hand slipped beneath the blankets that kept you both warm. Nimble fingers found his cock. He jolted and hissed. Your fingers were cold against the heat of his manhood, erected waiting for you to touch him.
‘You don’t have to do it, baby’ His hand wrapped around your wrist, but he didn’t pull you away from him.
You pouted, sticking out your bottom lip and you said ‘But JK’. He was about to fold; you look so fucking cute looking at him with that pouty mouth.
‘We should get up, baby’ said Jungkook while he shook his head, propping himself up on one elbow. It’s not like he didn’t want you to suck his dick, he was delighted to. But he didn’t want you to feel like you had to do it just because he had a boner. It’s something totally normal in the mornings to happen, even more if he’s waking up by your side and you’re only using that damn long shirt that Jungkook just wants to take it off you.
‘Let me do this for you first, baby’ you whined a little, pulling against his hold on your wrist and reaching for his cock again. You gripped the base of him, enjoying the way he shivered, and his head lulled back while he spited a curse through his mouth.
‘You don’t let me spoil you enough, JK’
You moved once more to lay horizontally across the bed while you keep yourself underneath the blankets. Kissing along his hip where skin and muscle were pulled tight over his hip bone.
‘I’m trying to do something for you, but you don’t make it easy’ you said in a teasingly manner.
Your teeth scraped gently along his hip, and you noticed he was silent, so you stopped your actions.
‘You’d tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable, wouldn’t you?’ You lifted your head to meet his gaze.
His eyes widened for a second and then he said sweetly ‘You aren’t, baby’.
‘But you would tell me, wouldn’t you?’
He nodded.
‘Then why won’t you let me?’ You faked a little pout. ‘Did you not enjoy it last night?’
‘No, no. That’s not it. Definitely not it at all’ he responds almost immediately, you wanted to chuckle at him, but you maintained your pout while you said, ‘Then what is it?’
‘Because I-I don’t- Ah, fuck!’ He cursed, hips bucking up as you licked the underside of his cock. ‘Don’t-don’t want you to think that’s what I want from you.’
‘Silly boy’ You kissed his cockhead tenderly. ‘You’re allowed to want this from me. You’re human. It’s okay for you to want something like this from me’
And there goes Jungkook’s sanity out of the window. If you wanted this, he wasn’t going to deny it from you.
Your thumb swiped over his slit, spreading the dribbling clear precum around. You looked up at him through your lashes as you put his cock between your lips. His chest heaved with every breath he took.
You only took in the tip, swirling your tongue around and moaning softly. Jungkook reached out to put his hand in your hair. Your free hand rubbed along his thigh, squeezing here and there while you sucked on his hefty cock.
Your name fell from his lips like a prayer, sweat glistening across his flushed skin. You hallowed out your cheeks, offering more suction, and took more of him until he bumped the back of your throat. You hummed around him, delighted with the way he responded.
‘Ah, fuck!’ He lost control of his hips for a moment and bucked upwards, causing his thick member to slip down your throat and choke you. Being that you weren’t ready for it, you pulled up. Your hand on his thigh tightened. As you pulled off him, you sputtered and coughed a little.
‘Shit! Shit, Y/N. I-I’m so sorry-’
‘Baby, don’t worry, it’s okay.’ You cut him off, wanting to stop all his worry and anxiety over hurting you. Your hand traveled up from his thigh to his lower stomach, admiring his toned muscles that rested there. ‘You didn’t hurt me’
He nodded at you and pressed his lips together in a firm line, brows drawn together as he looked down at you. He had been enjoying himself, you knew that. His pupils were blown wide, nearly perfect circles instead of slits.
You moaned out loud, a broken and desperate sound as you ducked right back down to wrap your lips around the head of Jungkook’s cock. You swirled your tongue around the head, moaning around him. You could feel his blood rushing through him, could feel it pulse in his stamina run.
Those strong fingers in your hair tugged, pushing you further down and you surely loved it. Loved when Jungkook took control, loved when you were reminded so physically how powerful JK is. It was a rush to know this man - this beautiful, cute, brilliant man - was under you. Was falling apart from your mouth on him. You could feel the muscles in Jungkook’s thighs tensing under your hands as he rocked into your mouth, and you couldn’t avoid moaning around him.
With one hand, you reached to palm at yourself over your underwear that was drenched at this point as you bobbed your head, you felt so hot you couldn’t help it, you were touching yourself the same time you were giving pleasure to Jungkook, you never felt so desperate for a man in your entire life.
You swallowed around him, moaning each time Jungkook’s fingers tightened in your hair. With every sound Jungkook made, every breathy moan of your name, you bobbed your head faster.
His gaze travelled down your body, his cock twitching in your mouth at the sight in front of him. Glancing down he noticed you’d managed to slide a hand between your legs without his permission. Jungkook tutted in a feigned disappointment.
‘You know, you should ask before doing that’ said Jungkook with his dark raspy voice and you almost moan at his tone, he sounded so fucking hot.
The hand in your hair reluctantly let go and instead left a quick, sharp slap on your behind, causing you to moan around his cock. ‘At least let me watch, baby’
He tugged at your thighs, turning your ass to face him, and groaned at what he found. Your fingers were already pumping in and out of your delicious cunt, completely coated in your slickness.
‘I should be the one making you cum’ he said sounding so demanding.
‘Fuck’ you couldn’t help to stop working on his cock and curse out, his little dirty talk was driving you mad to the core. You must focus on making him cum Y/N, come on – you thought to yourself while occupying your mouth again and sucking his dick expertly.
He couldn’t resist; Jungkook reached out to rub at your swollen clit idly, gritting his teeth and brows furrowing together when the vibrations of another moan yours surged through his cock. A shiver ran down his spine as you continued to make sounds of pleasure around him.
You could feel the veins of his cock twitching and seconds later the first strips of cum landing on your tongue. Jungkook’s hands clenched up when he came, grabbing harshly your thighs and you were sure that’ll leave a mark, but you didn’t care. He threw his head back, gasping out something that might have been your name. And you kept going through it, while Jungkook occupied himself again making wonders with his tongue on your clit. You whimpered around Jungkook’s cock, feeling a tingle run through your body as the taste of him kept hitting you.
When you finally pulled off of Jungkook’s cock, you licked at your lips with another little moan. Meanwhile he was determined to make you cum in record time, he sucked desperately at your clit, letting his teeth graze it just like he did last night, making you see the stars. He closed his teeth around it, giving it the slightest tug. Your hips stuttered forward, a barely contained shout of his name filling the room while you were climaxing all over him. God, he is amazing with his mouth. Your slick coated his face. You whimpered loudly as he placed a soft kiss against your clit before letting you come back to your senses and turn around while you fall back by his side, smiling at the intense orgasm he just gave you.
Jungkook, still breathing heavy, moved at a fast pace and grabbed your shirt to tug you up into his lap. You both rushed in for a kiss, your noses bumping and very nearly missing. Jungkook licked into your mouth eagerly, chasing the taste of himself.
Once you stopped all the kissing, Jungkook takes a good look of your cute form, your lips red and swollen when he says ‘You woke me up in the most splendid way, baby’ while smiling at you.
‘Mhmm, I’m glad you liked it. I loved it too’ and you grin at each other.
‘I’m gonna take a shower, you can go after me if you want, I have some clean clothes from Chris here that should fit on you. I’ll make some breakfast for us once I finish, okay?’ you said while getting up of the bed.
‘K, go Noona, but first a kiss’
You cupped his face and give him a long kiss before winking at him and going towards your bathroom.
Jungkook stayed on the bed with a smile plastered on his face. He never felt this happy.
You were already cleaned up, making breakfast for you two at your kitchen while JK finished showering when suddenly your phone vibrates and the screen lights up informing you have a new message. You take a quick look to see it and you come upon with a notification with Minho’s name on it.
You haven’t talked to him since you decided to part ways, but you did agree with him on staying friends. You think it’s been enough time for both of you to not feel that awkward at being just friends and even though you don’t usually stay friends with the guys you’ve dated, it wasn’t like you had a long relationship with him or even something official and he is honestly a good guy, someone who is definitely worth to have in your life.
So, you open the message app to respond his message while waiting for the coffee to be ready.
Minho: ‘Hey Y/N! It’s been a minute since we talked. How have you been? I’m already settled in Australia 🙂‘
‘Hi Minho! I’m happy you’re already settled, how is it living there? I’ve been doing great thankfully, swamped with new projects at work but things are going pretty well!’
Minho: ‘Being honest, it’s been amazing! I was slightly worried about being homesick but the people in the new office made me feel as if I was at home since the very first day, so I have no complains so far. Hope I didn’t wake you up, I just realized that we have a slight time difference’
‘I totally get you; I had the same feeling when I moved to Seoul, I was afraid to not fit in the society haha. It’s nice to know everything’s working out for you! ‘
‘Don’t worry, you didn’t wake me up, I was actually about to have breakfast with Jungkook’
Minho: ‘Thanks! Not gonna lie tho. It was pretty hectic the first few days at the office, but now I feel like all my efforts are finally paying off’
Minho: ‘Oh, right, Jungkook! Say hi for me! I don’t want to interrupt anything 🤭 and I also have a work meeting in a few minutes, so I’ll let you be. I was curious to know how you been doing. I’m happy to know everything worked out for you too🙂, stay in touch!’
The coffee machine started to make a noise letting you know the coffee was ready to be served, so you leave your phone and go grab two mugs to pour the coffee.
While doing so, you feel Jungkook’s arms going around your waist from behind and you smile by the feeling of having him so close to you again. He leans down and places a soft kiss to your cheek making you feel all sorts of butterflies through your body.
‘I missed you’ he says.
‘Mhmm, I missed you too. Do Chris’s clothes fit you well, baby?’ you say while turning around and handing over to Jungkook his mug.
‘Well, it’s like using one size smaller that what I’m used to, but it works. Chris doesn’t have as much muscle as I do, baby’ he says while winking at you and taking a sip of the coffee you’ve just handled him.
‘Yeah, Chris is not a gym enthusiast like you. He just does it to maintain his figure and to hook up with every girl he meets at the gym’ you say while snorting.
Jungkook chuckles saying ‘Now that you say that, I just remembered something. This week when he came to the gym, he tried to hit on a girl that he already had hooked up with, but he had forgotten about her. The girl almost kicks his ass, you should have seen it. I think he’s losing his touch’
You both laugh for a solid minute, and you say ‘God, I would have loved to see his face! He usually has a good memory for the girls he hooked up with. He must have something else in his mind, his work is draining him lately’
‘I swear the panic face he had was invaluable’ said Jungkook while snickering and then he continued ‘He mentioned something about the new project at his work, I’m sure he has his mind on that, you know how serious he gets with his work’
You nod at him while thinking about your best friend for a second. You made plans with Chris to hang out today at the afternoon, you’ll take him to the same cat café you went with Emma and Aria, you know he would love it. He’s a cat lover same as you. Well, to be honest you love dogs too, but Chris is more drown to cats.
Suddenly you remember your little talk with Minho via messages a few minutes ago and that you didn’t respond his last message yet. You think you should tell Jungkook about it. It’s not like there’s something going on between Minho and you anymore, but you think you might feel weird if you found out that Jungkook talks with Lina or any other girl he used to hook up without telling you. So, it’s better for you to tell him, you don’t want to hide anything from him, and you want to assure him that he can trust you.
So, while you are eating your breakfast along with Jungkook you say ‘Minho texted me. He wanted to know how I’ve been’
You immediately feel Jungkook’s gaze on you.
‘Minho… as in the guy you dated before me?’
‘Yes, the only Minho we both know’
His eyebrows furrow and says, ‘So, you’re still in touch with him?’
‘To be honest it’s the first time that he reaches out to me since we broke things off. But we did say we were going to stay friends’
Jungkook scoffs at that and replies ‘Yeah, I’m sure he wants to be friends with you’
‘Am I sensing some jealousy?’ you snicker and push a little bit with your shoulder over to Jungkook that barely moves while he gives a small chuckle but then you notice his look is serious, and you immediately get serious too and say ‘Hey – do you not trust me?’
He sighs because he is jealous indeed, but he doesn’t want you to misinterpret him, he trusts you. So, he grabs your hand while kissing your knuckles ‘I do, baby. But I don’t trust him’
‘If you trust me then you don’t have nothing to worry about, I’m with you. Plus, he lives in Australia now, remember? I really don’t think he’s gonna try anything being 5000 miles away. I’m sure there’s plenty other women where he is now’ and Jungkook nods his head while he’s still spacing out.
So, you grab your phone and show to Jungkook the messages while saying ‘See, nothing to worry, he now knows I’m with you’
Jungkook’s features soften. He didn’t want you to feel obligated to say to Minho that you’re dating him or to show him your messages, even if he’s insanely jealous it’s your privacy and you are entitled to talk with whoever you want. Then he realizes Minho’s response didn’t sound as someone who’s surprised when you told him that you were having breakfast with Jungkook.
‘He’s weird. He didn’t even sound surprised when you told him you were with me’ says Jungkook and he doesn’t want to be a douchebag just because he’s jealous so he thinks he should say hi at least to him ‘Um, say hi to him too. And also, next time you don’t need to show me your messages. I respect your privacy and I trust you, noona’ while you just nod at him with a little grin and text Minho back with your final response.
‘Working on the weekends too, huh? I guess that’s what happens when you’re the CEO! Haha. Jungkook says hi too. Thanks for reaching out, Minho! Talk to u soon hopefully, fighting!’
You leave your phone at the kitchen counter and then you go on explaining Jungkook why Minho didn’t even sound surprised at the news of you being with Jungkook.
‘He doesn’t sound surprised because he knew about you and me, since before we broke things off’
Jungkook’s doe eyes widen and he’s the one surprised now.
‘He did?’
You nod your head and continue ‘Remember when we got together in the bar with all the guys and Minho came with me?’
‘How could I not remember? I wanted to rip his head off’
You snicker along with him and then say ‘Yeah, well… suffice to say you were not the most discreet person; you were sending daggers towards him the whole night and he obviously noticed it because when we got to my place, he asked me if there was anything between us’
‘And what did you say?’
‘I said the truth. When I met Minho, I told him that I was expecting to be with certain guy that night but that I saw him with another girl’
Jungkook cringes at the thought of that night and how everything unraveled so differently to what he expected thanks to Lina meddling between you two.
‘At that time, I didn’t mention that the guy was you. So, when Minho asked me if there was anything between us, I told him that you were the guy that I expected to be that night at the club. But I also told him that I was now with him, and he shouldn’t be worried because you knew I was dating him, and you were going to be respectful of that. He said that he trusted me, and he didn’t talk about it anymore’
Well, now it has much more sense to Jungkook why Minho didn’t act surprised.
‘To be honest I don’t know if I would have been respectful for much longer. I was losing it’
You both laugh at his words while you stand up and grab the dirty dishes to wash them up.
‘So…did you go slow with him too?’ you hear Jungkook ask from behind you.
You suddenly tense and you keep your gaze out of Jungkook’s curious eyes.
‘Um…not quite’ you say slightly worried about telling the truth. Why the hell are you worried? You slept with Minho the first night that you met him, that’s it. You did nothing wrong. Maybe it’s just because you don’t want to make Jungkook think that you somehow don’t want to have sex with him, or you don’t trust him enough.
‘Noona, it’s okay you don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to’
‘It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. It’s just…’ you trail your response trying to find the best way to explain what’s on your mind right now.
‘Just…?’ repeats JK after you.
You sigh while turning around meeting Jungkook’s eyes again and say ‘I slept with Minho the same night that we met at the club’
‘Oh’ it’s all Jungkook said. His gaze went straight to the kitchen counter, and he stayed quiet.
You were already seeing him overthinking everything and before his mind could go elsewhere you said ‘Hey, I don’t want you to overthink this. To be honest, I was extremely frustrated that night, Minho showed up, we clicked, and it just happened. I honestly did it thinking that it was gonna be a one-night stand, even when I’m not the kind of person that does that, not that I’m judging anyone who does but it’s just that I don’t usually sleep with guys on the first night I met them’
Before Jungkook could tell you that you don’t have to explain yourself you pause him going by his side and grabbing his hand you say ‘With Minho it was only about sex’
Okay, that sounded so much better in my head – you think -
‘Wow, it’s so good to hear that’ says Jungkook ironically while rolling his eyes at you.
‘Ugh, that came out wrong’ you say while rubbing your temples.
 ‘What I was trying to say is that, with you it’s different, I like you…a lot. And I like you since the very first day I met you, for me with you it’s not just about sex and that scares me a little bit. Things didn’t start exactly the way I would want to with all the Lina drama and the fights we had, and I really want to make it work with you and that’s the only reason why I said maybe we should go slow and take our time’
Jungkook smiles at you, cups your face, and then proceeds to plant kisses on your cheek, then your nose, your forehead and then finally places a peck in your lips.
‘I want to make it work with you too and we’ll take the time it’s needed to make sure it does’
You grin and then say ‘You won’t have to wait a lot longer tho. I won’t be strong enough and it’s really hard to control when you look like this’ while pointing at him.
‘I know, I’m irresistible’ he says while wiggling his eyebrows and you roll your eyes at him.
‘Ugh, you’re so cocky sometimes, but you really are irresistible I’ll give you that’ you punch him in his arm, and he shows his bunny smile as you return to wash the dirty dishes.
‘Oh my god I’m the happiest person in the world’ squeaked your best friend.
He looks like a little kid patting a little calico cat that was resting on his lap.
‘I knew you were going to love this place, it’s cat paradise’
‘I don’t know how the hell I’ve been living here for 2 years, and I never came here before’
‘I’m the one that usually drags you to these kind of places with me, so it makes sense that you didn’t come until now. You were too busy with your hook ups and work before’
Chris laughed and said ‘That sounds about right’
‘Speaking off… I found out that the other day at the gym you had a nice encounter with a previous hook up’ you say while giggling at your friends unamused face.
‘Ugh, that traitor, I knew JK was going to tell you, that brat has been teasing me since that happened’
‘Hey now – since when we have secrets?’ you snicker while throwing him a napkin at him and you both laugh in unison.
‘I gotta say tho, I would have paid to see your face when you found out it was someone you actually had already hooked up with’
‘I almost shit myself; she was so angry. And I don’t blame her, she must think I’m an asshole now’
‘Well, you kinda are’
‘Just kidding! So, what’s going on in your head that you’re so distracted that you don’t even recognize your hook ups?’
‘Just work kicking my ass as always. I’m working on this new project; it’s not as demanding as the last one because at least I get to hang out with you and the guys from day to day. But honestly, I think I should take some days off as soon as I’m done with it, I’ve been working nonstop for the last 2 years, and I feel like the last project really drained my energy, I putted a lot of effort on that one’
‘I totally agree. You need some vacations to recharge and have some time for yourself, bestie. You deserve it, you’re such a hard worker. And it’s only human to feel drained sometimes, especially when you’re so dedicated to your work as you are. You shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to enjoy your life, 2 years without vacations it’s insane. So, now that I’m here I’m going to make sure you put a stop to being a work-acholic’ you say while smiling at your best friend sweetly.
‘God, I didn’t know how much I missed having you around, you always get me’
‘Soulmates for life’ you say while you both clink your coffee mugs giggling.
‘So…how’s it going with JK?’
‘It’s going amazing, last night we had our first date’
You go on telling your best friend all the details about the dreamy date you had with JK and how he had organized and decorated the balcony at the club, cooked dinner for you and prepared all the picnic beautifully.
‘Wow, I’m impressed. He can be romantic when he’s not busy being a brat’
‘He really is. And tonight, he invited me on another date’ you say proudly
‘Two nights in a row? I’m surely seeing that you both are “taking things slow”’ says your best friend snorting at you.
‘Hey – we haven’t had sex yet’
‘No, you just had his dick on your mouth, and he had your pussy in his, I can see how slow you’re going’
‘Piss off. It’s not an easy task not to have sex with him when he looks that hot’ you say while you get lost thinking about his veiny tattooed arms. God, how gorgeous Jungkook is.
Your best friend notices you are spacing out while thirsting over Jungkook and he’s the one to throw you a napkin now to bring you back to Earth.
‘You’re so fucking horny! Please, get laid’
‘Yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna last longer. It takes so much effort not to jump at him every time I see him’
Chris starts to laugh because he can’t believe what he’s hearing. You didn’t have a problem on taking your time with the previous guys you’ve dated.
‘I don’t think I ever heard you this horny about a guy ever’
‘Me neither. Until JK, I haven’t met someone that could make me get wet by just looking at me’ you say while your best friend was taking another sip of his coffee.
Chris starts coughing and he almost chokes at your raw comment while you start laughing at his widened eyes. You two always talked freely with each other but usually those kinds of comments came out from your best friend’s mouth, and you were the one that used to get disgusted at his rawness. The tables have surely turned.
‘Y/N! That’s TMI! I love you and I’m happy that you’re getting some, but please, eww! I don’t want to think about you and my friend in that situation’ says Chris with a disgusted face and swinging his arms above his head as if he was erasing the picture of you and JK together.
You laugh at him until tears are gathering in your eyes.
‘I’ve put up with you and your million hook ups over the years, so suck it up big boy’ you say while cleaning the few tears that dropped on your cheeks.
‘Fair enough, I’ll have to get used to you two humping like rabbits. Anyways, what’s the plan for the tonight’s date?’ said your best friend trying to change the subject.
‘Um, tonight’s a little bit simpler than yesterday. We are having movie night at JK’s place’
‘Somehow I don’t think you’ll get to see any movie’ says Chris while wiggling his eyebrows.
‘Honestly, I think we really are going to watch a movie. Back at my place earlier we were talking about our favorite movies and JK got outraged when I told him I haven’t seen the last movie of Avengers yet so; he wants to make sure I watch it because he said, and I quote “It’s the best movie ever”’
‘Oh yeah, forget about it then, he’s gonna make you see the movie from start to end. He has a deep love for Ironman and RDJ’
‘Yeah, I’ve noticed. He looked like a little kid talking about it, such a cutie’ you say giggling reminiscing how sweet JK looked talking about Ironman.
‘Ugh, you two are obnoxious’ he says, and you stick your tongue at him while he raises his middle finger, and you gasp putting your hand in your chest faking you’re outraged.
Immediately you both start to laugh at each other. You must look like two idiots teasing each other.
‘K, I’m gonna go to the bath please behave meanwhile’ you said while getting up and chuckling along with your best friend.
‘Always, bestie’ he replies while playing with the Calico cat that’s still on his lap.
When you come back from emptying your bladder you see your best friend talking to the waitress, well not talking but clearly, flirting. You snort while shaking your head. He’s unbelievable, he really doesn’t waste his time at all.
The waitress leaves your table all blushed after Chris gives her back her phone. He obviously asked her number.
You take your place again while grabbing a Siamese kitten that was surrounding you and start patting him in his belly while you start inquiring your best friend.
‘What the hell did you tell her? She looked like a tomato’
‘Ahh, you know, this and that. I got myself a date for tonight too. Her name is Irene’ says Chris with a smug face.
‘You really have a talent with ladies. Just make sure you remember her face this time’ you say while laughing and Chris’s smug face erases.
‘Fuck you’
‘Oh, come on, it’s just a little joke. I love you, bestie’ you say giving him puppy eyes and pouting, you know he can't resist when you do that expression.
He sighs and says ‘I love you too, babe’
‘Did Jin contact you about your birthday?’ suddenly asks Chris
Oh, right, your birthday is next weekend. You were already forgetting about it. And Jin had volunteered himself to be the party planner.
Jin had only texted to ask you if you preferred your party at the night club or a bar with pool tables, bowling, etcetera. You told him you preferred a bar this time. You like going to night clubs from time to time but you can’t properly have a talk with your friends there, so you think this time is better to celebrate in a bar.
‘He only texted me to ask me where I preferred the party to be placed, I told him I preferred a bar and then he told me to not worry, that he was on it. So, I don’t have a lot of information about what he has on mind’
‘He’s really good throwing parties so don’t worry. Plus, he’s using me to get all the information he needs. I imagined you were going to choose the bar, but I told him he should ask you first to confirm’
‘You know me so well, bestie. I’m pretty sure that if Jin is relying on your knowledge about me, it’ll be a good ass party’
‘You bet’ he said smiling at you sweetly.
You talked for around one more hour with Chris while enjoying the kittens company. You hugged outside the cat café for a little while promising to see each other again during the week and you parted ways heading back to your place to prepare yourself for your movie night with JK.
You were just out of the shower when your phone vibrates with a new message notification popping on the screen.
JK :) : ‘Hey baby, how was the cat café with Chris?’
JK :) : ‘Am I too clingy if I say that I miss u already? 😳’
Gosh, you’re so fucking whipped. You are smiling like an idiot while immediately responding his message.
‘Hi cutie! It was great! Chris was so excited, he looked like an 8-year-old surrounded with the kittens. I took a video of him squeaking when a Calico cat sat on his lap 🤣’
You look through your gallery and sent JK the video you took of Chris at the cat café while giggling.
‘I don’t know if that makes you clingy or not, but I really don’t care because I miss you too already, baby ’ you respond at his last message and you leave your phone for a bit in your nightstand while you start drying your hair.
JK :) : ‘lol, I haven’t seen Chris this excited ever, he really looks like a little kid. I’m glad you had a good time together’
JK :) : ‘Yah noona! You’re making me blush! But I like it tho’
JK :) : ‘What time should I pick you up, baby?’
‘Yeah, he acted like a little kid for a while but then went full on Chris-mode and ended up getting himself a date tonight with the waitress 😂’
‘You don’t have to pick me up, don’t worry about it, baby. I’ll call an Uber! Just text me your address, I think I can be there in about an hour if that’s okay with you’
JK :) : ‘I mean, I would be lying if I said I’m surprised that he hit on the waiteress. He really doesn’t waste any time’
 JK :) : ‘Baby I don’t mind going to pick you up at all, it’s already night time I don’t want you to take a cab all by yourself. I can be there in an hour’
‘I know you don’t mind picking me up. I’ll send you my location when I’m at the Uber, so you don’t have to worry about me getting kidnapped 🙃. I have to finish getting ready, cutie’
‘Text me the address! I’ll see u in an hour, 😘’
JK :) : ‘Ugh, okay. Chris was right… you really are stubborn sometimes, noona! 😒’
You snickered seeing his last message and then continued preparing yourself while your phone vibrated again. You checked your phone screen again and saw that JK had already sent you his address, so you reserved an Uber to pick you up in about an hour.
Since you knew it was a movie night date you went for a simpler outfit than yesterday. You went for a white crop top and black skinny jeans with your black Air Jordan’s.
Once you got into the Uber you sent JK your location so he wouldn’t get worried. Your place and his wasn’t that far away, it was less than 10 minutes away on a car drive.
When you arrived you couldn’t help but to think what a nice building and neighborhood he lives on, it’s quieter than your place but still near the city. You definitely are going to hunt apartments on this area when you are finally settled.
For now, you are renting where you’re living. You rented your actual apartment thinking about living there about 6 months or a year and then when you have more time and feel like going apartment hunting, you’ll start looking properties so you can be an owner and stop depending on rent.
Rent is not cheap on Seoul, it’s an expensive city to live on but thanks to your dad’s inheritance you were able to afford a nice apartment for yourself if you wanted to.
You were greeted at the entrance by a middle-aged man who you realize is the concierge.
‘Good evening, Miss. I’m the concierge, Park Baekhyun’
You politely returned his greeting, and he asked you to what apartment you were going to and your name, you told him your name and the apartment ‘613’ as JK had texted you earlier his apartment number.
‘Oh yes, Miss Y/N you can take the elevator upstairs. Mr. Jeon had already informed that you were coming,’ said Mr. Park while showing you the way to the elevators.
‘Great. Thank you, Mr. Park’ you respond offering him a smile.
This building is posh. You’re not sure if it’s something normal in Seoul to have concierge but back in your homeland only the most luxurious apartments have a concierge. And in your actual apartment there isn’t one even though it’s a really nice building and it has great amenities. You think is cool to have a concierge, it gives a lot more sense of security.
You get out of the elevator and ring the bell at the ‘613’ apartment, not even 30 seconds later the door opens, and you find yourself already checking out Jungkook who’s smiling at you brightly.
He takes your breath away and it’s not like he’s made a lot of effort on his outfit. He’s only wearing grey sweatpants and a black oversized shirt. His sleeve of tattoos on his arm is fully displayed for you to enjoy.
Your trail of sinful thoughts is interrupted by his sweet voice while he grabs you by the wrist gently and engulfs you in a hug.
‘Finally. Hi gorgeous’ he says while placing a kiss on the top of your head.
‘Hi handsome’ you say while returning the hug that you don’t want to ever end.
He smells so good. You realize you already missed his scent. It’s insane how attached to him you feel. It’s also scary, even though your fear is slowly fading away as you spend more and more time by his side.
‘Come on baby, I’ll give you a little apartment tour’ he says while closing the door behind you.
‘Aren’t you going to give me a kiss first at least?’ you say while pouting at him
‘God. Stop pouting at me, you make me weak. I’ll give you all the kisses you want, noona’ he says while you mischievously smile at him.
Suddenly he realizes the crop top you're wearing, showing off some of your belly and rib area. His gaze goes straight to your tattoos that are placed on your left rib cage area.
You never told him you had tattoos and he never saw them until now. He traces with his thumb the delicate and colourful tattoo of a flower that extends on your left side. He also saw a date number above the flower that knowing you, he assumes it has something to do with your father. Maybe his birth date.
'I didn't know you had any tattoos, baby. They look so good on you'
You're starting to feel shivers from his touch on your body. He really has a big effect on you.
'I- I have 3 tattoos but they're not that visible as you can see' you start stuttering, you can't function well when his touch is still on you.
'The flower and the date are 2 tattoos. Where's the third one, baby?' he asks with that raspy voice that drives you insane.
'T-the third one is under my right breast. Fuck-' you curse while his hold on you tightens. 'Y-you'll have to wait a little bit to see that one I guess, baby'
He grunts and quickly cups your face and kisses you intensely. The two of you were locked in a passionate kiss, one that you both hoped would never end, your hands were resting against his hips and his were now tangled in your hair.
You led him to the wall, and he felt his backside slam against it and let out a grunt. You weren’t paying attention, you didn’t care anything else, you just wanted to keep him close to you.
He was such an addiction to you. You wouldn’t stop kissing him, your lips never straying too far from his. You explored his lower body with your hands while your lips were finding their way to his neck, you kissed and bit his skin with such a gentleness that he almost didn’t feel it at all. 
Almost as if you could hear his thoughts, you became a bit rougher, and dug your nails into his arms, you pulled him away from the wall only to shove him back against it and started to suck on his neck.
Jungkook felt like he was connected with you in a way he could never be with anyone else, you were like the piece that completed the puzzle of his life.
He suddenly grabbed you by the arm, gently twisting it around so he could have the control of the situation, he pushed you against the wall, gentle enough to not hurt you but hard enough to force a moan from your lips. 
He kissed your neck and down to your shoulder, feeling your body shaking against him.  You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, the two risking suffocations just for the feeling of having their lips against each other’s.
This made him feel alive, it was exciting, strange, and new, and he didn’t think there was anyone in this world he would rather share this feeling with than you.
When you are finding almost out of breath you stop the kiss and Jungkook rests his head on your shoulder while both of your chest’s heave with quick breathes. You put your hand over his chest feeling his heart beating at a fast pace. He fully straightens and gives you one of his bunny smiles that can melt you down immediately.
‘How’s that for a kiss, baby?’ says Jungkook while caressing softly your face with his thumb.
‘It was way better than what I expected. You know, it’s hard stop kissing you’
‘If you didn’t notice, I feel the same way when I kiss you. We got to work on that, to control ourselves. The best way to do it is keep kissing each other, you know?’ he teases.
You laugh at his lame excuse to keep kissing you and he joins you while taking you on the apartment tour he promised a few minutes ago.
His apartment is bigger than yours, that’s for sure. Your apartment has only 1 bedroom whereas his has 2 bedrooms. He uses one of those as an office space, since he works a lot remotely, pretty much like you.
You work almost 80% of the month at home, from time to time you have meetings that you have to attend in person, so you go to the office only when it’s needed but thankfully your job is possible to do it daily remotely.
When he showed you his bedroom you saw a dog kennel and reminded you that he told you Bam lives with him. So, you asked about Bam’s whereabouts and JK said that Bami was staying with his brother these last few days because he wasn’t at home a lot and he felt guilty leaving him alone.
The kitchen is really big, it’s an open space that leads to the living room and a big balcony with amazing views to the Han River.
You recognize a videogame case that you know too well settled on a coffee table on the living room area.
‘You play Overwatch?’ you ask him while looking at the videogame
He nods while saying ‘Tae, Chris, Joey, Jimin and I usually play together. Do you play too, noona?’
‘Yeah. I used to play with Chris often, we haven’t played in a while though. But I always beat his ass’ you say while chuckling.
JK seems surprised that you also like to play Overwatch. Why do guys always seem impressed when you tell them you like to play videogames? It’s not an exclusive thing for men.
‘What? Surprised?’
‘Yeah, but not because you play Overwatch too. I’m just thinking where you have been all my life’ says JK making you blush for the 100th time.
‘You have to stop saying those things, my face is burning’
Jungkook just grins at you while coming closer and giving you another sweet hug.
‘I prepared bulgogi for tonight and of course we have kimchi too’ he says while hugging you.
‘Oh my god, that’s what smells so good? You really must teach me how to cook Korean food’
‘Sure baby, next time you can come earlier, and you’ll help me with the cooking. Now, let’s have dinner and then we can continue to watch the most amazing movie in history’
You laugh while shaking your head ‘You’re building too much expectation for this movie’
‘You’ll see. Ironman is amazing’ he says while going towards the kitchen.
The food was spectacular, he cooks insanely good. You find yourself asking how the hell you got so lucky to find this piece of man. He’s perfect at everything that he does, at least everything that you have seen from him until now. You almost feel like you must be thankful, to the Gods or to whoever is up there, that he had only came across with girls that clearly didn’t appreciate him enough and that you got to meet him before anyone else saw how amazing he is.
You chit chatted for a long time. He told you he was helping Jin with your birthday organization next week and you felt your heart getting warmer, he’s so sweet and caring.
You didn’t even realize that you were talking for hours until your cell phone alarm went off, letting you know it was time to take your birth control pills. That’s when you both saw what time it was and laughed at how time flies when two are together.
You helped him do the dishes even though he refused at first. But your stubbornness as always ended up winning.
He had cooked an amazing food for the second night in a row for you and the least you could do was helping him clean everything.
As soon as you were done with the dishes, he had already everything set on the living room to watch the movie. You really like Avengers movies but with all that had been going on in your life the past years you weren’t able to watch the last one.
The movie was really entertaining just as JK had said. He was so excited watching the movie that if you didn’t know that he already had watched you would think it’s his first time seeing it.
Somehow you both ended up crying while cuddling on the sofa when Ironman sacrifice himself. As you said before, you’re not the one to cry to often but movies make you sensitive. And it seems like Jungkook is just like you because he was sobbing by the end of the movie.
You remember how your ex insisted for years on you to watch the movie ‘Life is beautiful’. You knew that the movie was set in the Holocaust and specifically on a Nazi concentration camp, so you were refusing to watch that movie because you knew you were going to end up crying like a baby. Your ex finally convinced you to see it and you won’t ever forget the huge void on your stomach after seeing it. You were a sea of tears. So, you really avoid watching those kinds of movies that might make you cry.
You didn’t expect tho to end up crying while cuddling to JK because of an Avengers movie. You realize your sensitivity level has gone up definitely.
‘Okay, that really was the most amazing movie I’ve seen. You were right’ you said while cleaning the tears that were still falling.
‘See, I told you’ JK said while sniffing his tears
‘I can’t believe we are crying over Ironman’ you say while chuckling
‘Hey – He’s the best superhero ever’
‘Yeah, you’re right’ you say while cleaning his tears away and then you feel the urge to say to him ‘You’re too cute, you know?’
‘Mmhm, I know’ he says while humming with his eyes closed, enjoying your hands caressing his face.
‘I like it a lot spending time with you’
He feels like his heart skipped a beat at your words. He opens his beautiful doe eyes and grabs you by the back of your head and gives you a nice long kiss and then looks at you straight in the eyes.
‘You make me happy. I like it so much to spend time with you too, baby’
‘You make me happy too’
You realize how easily he is tearing down all your walls of defense that you had put up since you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. With Minho you never really got to feel this way. But with Jungkook it's like there's no way to have those walls around your heart, somehow, he always finds a way to slip inside it.
Suddenly you can’t help to yawn, you’re already sleepy. It was a busy day for both of you. Your yawn was followed by Jungkook’s, and you both laughed.
‘I think it’s time to go to bed, noona’
‘Yeah, I’m drained. Can I borrow a shirt from you to sleep on? I forgot to bring my pajamas, I brought only clothes to change tomorrow’
‘Of course, baby. I’m dying to see you wearing my clothes’
You snicker while he helps you getting up from the sofa, you could easily fall sleep on it, it’s so comfy.
Yesterday you both fell sleep as soon as you landed on his bed. You swear that Jungkook's bed has some kind of sleeping effect because you are sure that in less than 1 minute you fell asleep.
When you got up today, Jungkook was already up working at his office space. Last night he had told you he had to work a little bit on the morning.
You pocked your head in his office. He was fully immersed drawing for a new videogame that he’s designing. He must have felt your gaze on him because he turned around a few seconds later and smiled at you.
‘Hi baby, good morning. Come here, give me a kiss’
You were only using the oversized t-shirt that he gave you last night to sleep and of course your underwear under it. He patted his lap inviting you to sit on it so you made your way to him while shily smiling.
‘Good morning, cutie’ you say while giving him a kiss on his lips.
‘I never thought I could enjoy so much seeing someone else wearing my clothes’
You grin and hide your face in the crook of his neck, smelling his sweet scent that you’ve come used to.
‘You look hot while working’
‘Only while working?’
‘Well, no, you look hot always to me. But I don’t know’ you say while caressing his face and then going up to his glasses while he gives you all the attention in the world ‘There’s something about this glasses that get me going’
‘If we weren’t taking things slow, I swear I would have already bended you on this desk and fucked you endlessly’ he says with his raspy voice and lusty gaze.
Your eyes widened while you felt your cheeks getting red and you swear your pussy clenched around nothing. Jungkook starts to laugh at your surprise face.
‘God, you’re the cutest when you’re flustered’ he says while placing a peck on your lips.
‘You’re such a tease. Anyways, I was thinking on taking a quick shower and then making breakfast for us. What do you think?’
‘Sure baby, I think you have all that you need in my bath, there’s a hair dryer on the cabinet near to the shower if you want. And about breakfast, I have to go to the grocery store because I don’t think I have anything for us to eat. We can order something for now if you’d like and later, you can come with me to buy supplies’
‘K, you want me to order or do you wanna do it?’
‘I’ll do it noona, there’s a place nearby that I’m sure you’re gonna love the food. You can go ahead and shower’
You nod at him and give him one last kiss before heading to his shower. Once you get off his lap, he slaps your butt shamelessly and you look at him with your eyes wide open while gasping.
‘What was that?’
‘Sorry, I couldn’t help it, it’s so tempting’
‘You’re unbelievable’ you say while snickering and walking out of his office and hearing his laugh from behind you.
You had just finished drying your hair when you heard the doorbell ringing. JK was finishing a few details on his drawings, and you heard him from his office calling you. You grabbed another one of his oversized t-shirts and some sweatpants that he had told earlier you could use, it’s a few sizes smaller than what he uses normally so it was the only thing you could use without falling off you.
You get to his office already changed and he says sweetly ‘Baby, could you get that, please? It must be the food delivery, I already paid through the app. I’ll finish in a bit’
‘Yeah sure, cutie’
You quickly head towards the front door and open it with a ‘Good morning’ falling off your mouth and expecting to see the food delivery person, but you’re surprised to see a guy who looks almost as surprised as you. You realize he looks like Jungkook but slightly older and a little bit less muscular, the guy is with a dog by his side that you swear is Bam or at least looks like the pictures that JK showed you from Bam.
‘You’re not the food delivery guy I guess’
‘And you’re not my little brother’ says the guy pointing at you after chuckling a little bit.
And it suddenly hits you. It’s Jungkook’s older brother. And you’re dressed in his brother’s clothes. In the morning. Looking like you just got from bed, which you basically did.
You feel your face heating up on embarrassment. God, it’s the first time you see any Jungkook’s relative and you’re about to have a panic attack.
Suddenly the guy in front of you – aka JK’s brother - speaks again
‘Sorry, where are my manners? I’m Junghyun, Jungkook’s older brother, and you are?’ he says while extending his hand.
You nervously grab his hand that’s still extended, hoping that he doesn’t notice that your hand it’s sweating like crazy and shake it.
‘Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself either. I’m Y/N, JK’s… friend’.
Well, it’s not entirely truth but you’re not lying either, what should you say if not that? That you’re friends with benefits? No, you don’t feel like that with him. That you’re knowing each other? Maybe, that would be the most accurate. You’re not sure what is the correct definition of you and Jungkook at this point. And you don’t know what Jungkook would want you to say to his brother so, it’s easier to say that you’re his friend. Though, seeing Junghyun’s little smirk he didn’t buy the ‘friend’ part. But who can blame him when it’s 10AM and you’re in his brothers’ clothes opening his apartment door as if you lived there.
Thankfully, Jungkook comes to save the day before his brother could inquiry on why the hell, you’re the one opening his brother’s door.
‘What’s taking so long, baby? Did they made a mistake again with the order?’ he says before freezing on his place when seeing his brother and Bam at the door with you and your flaming cheeks.
He forgot his brother was coming to drop Bam. Idiot.
He suddenly awakes from his trance when he sees you glaring him asking for help with your eyes to get out of the situation.
‘Oh. Junghyun. I forgot you were bringing Bami’ says JK while walking towards the door and standing beside you.
He goes grab Bam who’s jumping excitedly after seeing him.
‘Yeah, sorry I forgot to text you when I was coming, I didn’t know you were with a friend’ he chuckled and made and emphasis on friend. And you just wanted for the Earth to swallow you.
You take the opportunity to escape.
‘K, I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk’ and you ran out of there like a coward.
What you don’t realize is that Jungkook’s brother is checking you out while you turn around quickly towards the living room area.
JK do realizes and immediately snaps his fingers in front of his brother’s face while angrily saying
‘Hey – Eyes here!’
‘Sorry. It’s just that your friend is insanely gorgeous. Is she single?’ he teases the youngest.
Jungkook glares the shit out of him and is about to give his brother a good punch when Junghyun starts to laugh.
‘I knew she wasn’t your friend. I mean it’s barely 10AM in the morning, she’s wearing your clothes, you called her ‘baby’ and you almost rip my head off when I was checking her out. Come on, I’m not that stupid. But I gotta say, she is gorgeous that is true’
‘Okay could you stop thirsting over her? She’s mine’
‘Oh, is she now? So, you have a girlfriend, and you didn’t think to tell your only brother?’
‘She’s not my girlfriend. Yet’
‘Oh, so she’s single? That means she’s available, maybe she likes the older version of you’
‘Junghyun, I’ll beat your ass if you even get close to the air she’s breathing’
His brother loves to tease him and Jungkook falls so easily on his jokes.
‘Calm down you lover boy. I would never take a girl from you. Jeez, you’re so whipped’
‘Fuck off hyung’
Junghyun snickers and then proceeds to deliver Bam’s leash over to JK’s hand.
‘Anyway, Bam was a good boy these last few days. He had a nice time over his uncle’s, isn’t that right Bami? Meanwhile your daddy was having fun with his new friend’
‘Ha ha very funny, hyung. Thanks for taking care of him, let me know if you need me to take care Song and Paeng one of these days too’
‘No worries little bro, I have to get going, I’ll talk you later’ says Junghyung and then proceeds to pock his head into the apartment and sees you on the couch watching something on your phone so he screams over to you ‘Bye Y/N, hope to see you soon’.
‘Oh, bye Junghyun, it was a pleasure to meet you’
‘Ohhh no, the pleasure was all mine’ says Junghyun while sending you a wink and waving goodbye which left you speechless and you just waved back with an awkward smile in your face.
Jungkook almost pushes his brother out of the apartment fuming because of his flirty tone towards you.
‘Yah! You brat – be respectful to your elders’
‘I told you she’s mine so back off’
Junghyun jokingly pinches Jungkook’s cheek that immediately hits his hand to take it off
‘I love to tease you. It’s so easy to make you angry’
‘Actually no, it’s not easy to make me angry. It’s only that you have the skills to make me easily angry’
He keeps snickering while entering the elevator ‘I’m your older brother, I have the right to be annoying with you. Anyways, see you soon little bro, enjoy your morning with your friend’
Jungkook closes the apartment door and supports himself against it while sighing, his brother really gets on his nerves sometimes.
Bam starts to ask for his attention while jumping at him.
‘Hey Bami, I missed you so much. Come on, there’s someone special that I have to introduce you to’ says JK while caressing him and walking towards the living room where you are trying to calm your nerves down from meeting Jungkook’s older and clearly flirty brother.
‘Sorry. I forgot my brother was bringing Bam’ says JK while scratching the back of his head as if he was afraid that you were angry with him because he sent you straight to his brother.
It must have been embarrassing for you, it’s not easy to explain your relationship with him right now.
‘Don’t worry about it. I was embarrassed as hell because it’s pretty obvious that I’m not your friend at all but never mind, what’s important now it’s this beautiful doggy here’ you say while crouching in front of Bam and trying to forget the embarrassing moment you just had.
‘Oh yes, Bami, this is someone really special, this is Y/N. You must be good with her so that way she’ll want to stay with daddy’ says sweetly Jungkook to Bam while also crouching by his side. Bam is enjoying your caressing and already laying on the floor while you rub his belly.
‘Daddy. I like the sound of that. Can I call you ‘daddy’ too?’ you mischievously say while looking straight to JK’s eyes.
Jungkook bites his lip ring trying to contain himself. The only person that he likes teasing him is - without a doubt – you, and you’re so good at it, you make him go crazy in a matter of seconds.
‘God. You’re such a menace, noona. You’ll make me do unholy things in front of Bami’ says JK.
You snicker and say ‘Sorry. I’ll have to get used to behave in front of Bam, is like having a kid’ while patting Bam.
Bam starts licking your free hand lovingly, like he's known you forever and you can't help to smile at him.
'Hi Bam, I've been wanting to meet you for a long time. Your daddy talks a lot about you' you say while Jungkook just looks at both of you with starry eyes.
He realizes he doesn't need anything else than this and he wants this moment to last forever.
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tatakaetime07 · 2 years
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ time's out e.m
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Gn!Reader!,slight Dustin Henderson x Reader!Platonic!
A/n:I'm so sorry I had to,forgive me😭,and you can interpret what you want of the relationship with Eddie ;)
Summary: As the coward you always ran away,but to protect the ones you love your going to have to make decisions that no one would like,not even yourself
Warnings:Slight St Season 4 spoilers/ending,cursing,Gore,Violence,very very angsty but ends in fluff
Word count-2.2k
*Not edited
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Everything seemed to go in slow motion as your best friend, Eddie Munson, urged you to climb the rope faster out of the Upside down.Your friends had come up with a plan to defeat that son of a bitch, Vecna. It had all been going well in your little group until somehow one of the demobats you were distracting had gotten through the vents in Eddie's trailer.After all the supernatural things you had seen in Hawkins over the years, this by far was the scariest.
You were never one to call yourself brave. In fact, you thought of yourself as more of a coward.You would always watch from afar so as to not get hurt yourself.But when you saw how terrified your friends were yet were still able to fight, it gave you a surge of confidence,but there was a gnawing feeling in your gut.
You were the last person to climb up on the rope,but the longer you stared up at the kid who had just started barely living,and the boy you had known since grade school,you started to wonder how you could make sure nothing hurt them,and that is when you dropped back on the ground,turning towards Eddie's room which produced the loud noises of the monsters behind them.
You ignored the yells and screams from the people above you and gave one last look to Eddie.Who was always there for you,who always protected you in your time of need.It was finally your turn to repay him.You smiled gently at the two before yanking the rope so it fell all the way through.Making Eddie's eyes widen.
The bats broke through Eddie's door as you fled out the door,redirecting their attention to follow you outside.
“(Y/n)?(Y/n)!!What are you doing!?”Dustin screamed and they both watched.Dustin quickly looked at his long-haired friend who was mumbling something incoherently.
“Stay here Henderson.”He demanded as he quickly climbed back into the Upisde down while spewing curses.
“What,no!!”Dustin yelled back, but to know use as Eddie had already rushed after you albeit with a limp as he landed on his ankle wrongly.
You were already at the junk yard near the trailer park,thanks to one of the bikes you had arrived there with.All you had was a spear and you had to keep your composure.You were going to make sure those damn bats didn't reach Eddie or Steve and the others,you were going to keep them safe no matter what,even if it meant risking your life.You weren't gonna just sit on sidelines and let your friends risk everything for you.
But as the minutes passed by, you were running out of strength,and swinging the large spear took so much of it.And it didn't help when a demobat came and bit your side, making you yell out in pain.More and more bats then started to gain the upper hand as they bit you relentlessly.You fell on you kness before collapsing on the ground,the taste of metal becoming stronger in your mouth.
Was this how you would die?Were Eddie and Dustin safe?Was everyone else?Thoughts surged your brain as your vision became blurrier.You always saw the kids as little siblings,people you wanted to stay in your life forever.The thought of never seeing them again brought tears to your eyes,but you clamped them shut.You put this on yourself,you were gonna carry this out one way or another.
But the image of Eddie ruined your whole facade.You had always wanted to thank him for being there,and you would never even be able to tell him how much you loved him,how much you yearned to just travel the world together and play DnD,but that would never happen,because they were safe now without you.
You were about to close your eyes,ready to accept your fate.Until you heard a familiar voice.
“You better get away from them you sons of bitches!!”
Your head whipped to the side as you struggled to see clearly.You swore you could have bawled on the spot from what you felt.What was he doing here!?He was meant to stay safe,and you couldn't even do that.
Just then, all the demobats fell simultaneously.Was Eddie actually magic all along?You couldn't focus on that though, as you felt your heart slow.Head drumming louder and louder.You heard a worried Eddie approach you as you felt him move your head to his lap.
“Hey,hey,hey,it's gonna be fine yeah?”He slightly shook you as tears streamed down his face,tapping your cheek gently.In all your years of knowing him you had never seen him cry.
“Is it bad?”You muttered,you could only imagine how you looked,the clothes you had borrowed from Robin tattered and smeared with blood.
He ignored your words as the severity of the situation finally hit him.
“Hey,hey,please stay awake just a bit longer.”He desperately chokes out as he held you close,screaming for anyone nearby.
That's when Dustin finally cought up to you two but was immediately let down as his face fell.
“Dustin!Dustin go get help,hurry!”Eddie scrambled out as he never strayed away from your gaze.Dustin ran back to the RV quickly making you grimace.
“Dustin..?Is he ok?”Eddie shook his head as he chuckled waterily at you in disbelief.
“He's fine,but were worried about you-”He stopped himself,he could hear his own hiccups in his words as his heart cracked.The sight of you barely conscious and covered with your own blood imprinted into his mind.
“Oh Eds..it's ok.”You spoke as you placed your hand on his cheek.
He quickly grabbed it squeezing tightly. "How can you say that?!I might never see you again!I can't live without you (n/n)..I just can't.You're my best friend...and I-I love you."
You stared at him longingly,heart hurting for seeing how much pain you had caused him.
"I..,"You coughed up blood as you smiled one last time,Eddie laying his forehead onto yours."I'll love you forever Eddie,thank you for being my friend."
You squinted your eyes as they adjusted to the bright lights above you.'What the..'You tried to move your arm but noticed you couldn't as it was attached to something,your gaze followed the tube only to be met with a large whirring machine beside you.You narrowed your eyes.'Were you dead?'
You couldn't understand where you were,it looked like a hospital but the last thing you remember was you were in the Upside Down with..Eddie.Wait,where was he?Where was everyone?
Just then the door to the room opened with a the said unsuspecting man.
"Well,I was only able to get the red flavor,I know,I know the worst one,but hey,jello is jello and-"
The sound of the said snack splattering onto the ground echoed through the room as he turned around and made eye contact with you.
"Hey Eds-"You were abruptly interrupted as Eddie went over to you and held you into a hug.
"Either I'm dreaming or your awake,oh God please dont let this be a dream."He rocked you both back in forth as you snaked your arms around his waist.
"I'm real Eds,I promise."He pulled back and stared at you,breaking into a sob as he smiled largely.
"Everyone was telling me you weren't gonna make it,but screw all them."
Shortly after that everyone came in execpt a certain redhead,which worried you but you didn't bring it up.You still didn't know if you had won but considering that everyone was alive it seemed you had.Dustin explained everything to you while you sat in disbelief,you wanted to see what had become of Hawkins but they said you had to wait a few days.So after a few days they let you leave for a bit,and what you saw shocked you,it was obvious you were terrified but as Eddie held your hand all your fears seemed to drift away.
Everything was far from over,but you would stay together,always.
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