diah-the-demon · 6 months
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 2 months
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highschool!chris x fem!reader
summary: comforting chris when he comes to you in a time of need and melancholy
warnings: fluff, crying, kissing, established relationship, use of pet names??
a/n: chris’ parents arent actually mary lou and jimmy in this!!!! enjoy <33
my bathroom was freezing as i got out of my shower, blasting music throughout my house since my parents werent home, wrapping my hair in a towel and applying lotion to my body. i shivered while i slipped on my underwear pulling on one of chris’ crewnecks and began my skincare. i was in the middle of applying moisturizer when i got a text from my boyfriend that read, “im coming over”. i smiled at my phone and replied, “ok baby my parents arent home so just go to the front door ill leave it open.”.
i finish applying my products and slipped on some pyjama shorts. taking my hair out of the towel, brushing it out and turning off my music before running downstairs to unlock the door.
knock, knock
i heard two loud knocks as i walked away from the door and ran to it, finding chris outside with bloodshot red eyes, tears streaming down his face and messy hair.
“chris what happened.” i exclaimed putting my hands on either side of his face. he just shook his head and closed his eyes bowing his head down. “talk to me baby, whats wrong” i whisper. he just keeps his eyes shut and silent sobs escape his mouth. worry grows within me as he stays silent and i pull him in to a hug. he continues to cry in to my shoulder and i hold his body to mine. “i cant take it anymore.” he cries. “take what chris.”
“them, my parents.” he sobs. chris had a long history with his parents being controlling and inconsiderate of his feelings. they always pushed him and pushed him and he always took it. i guess they pushed too far. they had expectations for him and a forceful way of showing it. “the noise, its- its too much.”
“come inside baby its cold” i say pulling him inside and shutting the door. he sniffles and we walk upstairs. ending up on my bed and he sighs taking a seat. “can you explain what happened chris.” i sit next to him as he stares directly in front of him.
“they just always push too hard and i broke.” he breathes. “what did they say.” i put my hand on his shoulder. “that i am going nowhere if i keep up with what im doing, that i need to stop being inconsiderate, i need to leave my room and that im going to end up being a dead beat if i dont start doing better in school.”
i frown at his words, “their fucking right-“ i cut him off, “chris no, their wrong. your going to be better than them. dont ever say that.” i console, “the more they say it i just keep believing it, i do terrible in school, i dont have a job i mean look at me im going nowhere in life.”
“chris were in highschool you dont need to be successful now, we are children being forced into a world we basically know nothing about. your parents have no idea what their talking about.” i say getting up and kneeling infront of him. he turns away from my face and shuts his eyes as more tears fall from his eyes. “baby look at me” i put my hands on his knees. he turns to me and the look in his eyes causes mine to pool with tears. “chris listen to me. you are not what your parents say to you. you are more than that.”
“but what if their right, ill end up just like that and continue disappointing the people around me like always.” his eyes are burning red and spilling with tears as he continues. “i always let people down no matter what i do. how do they expect me to do better when all they tell me is that i never do enough.”
my chest tightens at his words. he rarely cries especially not when its about his parents. he has a tendency to hold everything in and when doing that he holds it until he breaks. i cant stand to see him to distraught over words his own parents said to him. “chris you are not disappointing anyone. i love you and im here to tell you that you are doing enough. you never need to feel that way around me you know that.”
“i just feel so lost- and i-“ he chokes.
i enveloped my arms around his shoulders holding him close as he cries into my chest. “shh its ok, im here” i say squeezing him into me. he clutches on to the fabric of his sweater on me and wraps his arms around my torso.
“im sorry i ruined your night.” he sighs slowly calming down. “no, no, no, baby you didnt. you always can come to me when things get rough dont ever hold back around me.” i say pressing a kiss to his head.
he pulls away and pulls me on to his lap, moving us towards the top of my bed. i wipe the tears away from his eyes before pressing gentle kisses all around his face as his hands rest on my hips. “i love you” i mumble against his skin before pressing a kiss to his mouth. he sniffles and presses a kiss to my collarbone. “i love you too my girl.” he mumbles pulling me to lay down against him.
i noticed that he always felt comfort around laying down and enjoying eachothers company. i guess it was comfort in knowing he wasnt alone, or that someone cared about him. “i will always be there for you no matter what, you know that right.” he says. “arent i supposed to be saying that to you chris.” i smile fiddling with his shirt. “im just reminding you.” he chuckles placing a hand against my back . “yes babe, i know you will.” i look up at him, leaning up to kiss him again and my hands find home in his hair. he sighs contentedly as i lay my head on his chest. falling asleep with the dim lights in my room in complete silence as i continued my relaxing gesture against his head.
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @matthewloverr @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry @stunza @realuvrrr @sturnsjtop @tubl-mc @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturnssmuts @emlovesthesturniolos
a/n for those who are waiting on snf i deeply apologize ive been on speing break and just enjoying my time away from school but i will be posting the new part very soon!!!!
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dmc-tings · 3 years
The Lord's with an S/O (who just found out about their powers)
Alcina Dimitrescu
Noice 👌🏾
But what did you do for this woman to spare you?
She's like... the biggest man hater anywhere
So... if your a guy, you are lucky boi (or if you identify as a guy)
Or perhaps your a lucky lady?
I feel like she won't discriminate if she feels like your important to her
But for whatever reason she CHOSE YOU
So take that as a win
Sure, she's a vampire and has to eat people
Which was something you didn't know
But she doesn't eat in front of you
Even lying to the point of telling you she's drinking wine
You get curious, of course
So when she leaves to "take care of business", you look onto her glass or cup
You see red
"Ok... but it dont smell like wine..."
You take a sip, only to spit it out right away
Retching with disgust, you tasted blood
Your not an idiot, at least not fully anyways
Alcina rushed back, hearing you gag, thinking one of her daughters were bothering you
Only to see the sight in front of her
You looked at her in fear
Which hurt the tall woman's non beating (?) heart
You backed into a corner, thinking the worst
Looking for a makeshift weapon, you grabbed a spoon
To which made the Lady shake her head
"Love, you know I wouldn't-"
"Your a damned liar!!" You barked weakly, "W-what the fuck are you!?"
She sat calmly in the chair in front of you, gesturing for you to take a seat as well
You hesitated, but did comply, not letting go of your weapon (the spoon)
She huffed sadly, normally this behavior would have sent her into a rageful fit
But this is YOU we're talking about
Her little muse, the only mortal that makes her truly happy
"My Love, please calm down."
When you showed no sign of relaxing, Alcina took her glass in her hand, swirling the blood
Then takes a small sip, and lighting a cigarette
She offers you one
You cringe, and with that she pulls back again
After taking a puff, she begins to explain
Mother Miranda, the other Lord's, the creation of her daughter's, the Village, and everything else, prior to your showing up
After she finishes, you lower your loyal spoon
Drinking in all of the information
You looked up at her
"So that's why your so keen in keeping the girls away from me..."
The large woman nodded, looking at you
You bit your lip, but let go of your spoon, placing it back into the table
Alcina looked at you, watching you relax
You nodded a calm understanding
"Well seeing as I know what's going on now... is Mother Miranda going to-"
The Lady Dimitrescu, shook her head
"She has allowed for me to keep you. As long as you only stay in the castle... seeing as that the village is too dangerous. And I don't want you mixed up with the rif-raf."
You smiled and sat in her lap, (cause you can do that) and planted a kiss on her cold cheek
She let out a pleased humm, and returned the kiss
"Just... next time, if you choose a weapon, Love, make sure it has a SHARP end."
Salvatore Moreau
You had known Moreau since before Mother Miranda made an impact on his life
You saw less and less of your significant other
He would disappear and cut your alone time short, whenever the woman called
You were saddened when he finally told you that you couldn't see him anymore
But that's didn't stop him from speaking to you through whatever door, that separated you both
He didn't keep you locked up, but he would lock whatever door was between you
So you couldn't see the monstrous transformation, causing him pain
All you knew is that his voice was becoming more and more disgruntled
As said, you knew Salvatore before this
He was a handsome and intelligent man (despite what's written in Miranda's notes)
And to hear your man become... so in thralled by this other woman, made you suspicious
One day, you both were speaking, with a door between you, as usual
Unbeknownst to Salvatore, you were picking the lock
Eagar to see him
He never noticed the change in your tone, when you got it unlocked, nor the click of the lock
Shoving the door open, and pushing Salvatore back
The male let out a yelp, trying to rush in to the nearby darkness
You stepped through the threshold, eyes blazing and searching
You scanned the room and finally landed on a heap of a shivering... beast?
"Moreau? Is... is that you?" You crept closer, and gently put a hand on his back
"D-dont look at m-me...." he shivered, trying to hide himself
Horrified, you took his face on your hands
"I-is this... the work o-of-"
He cut you off, "Do-dont. Mother loves me... she does... I know she does..."
You felt tears pour down your face
You couldn't bring yourself to speak
That vile woman, had destroyed your dear Moreau
The man you knew and loved was beaten and broken into this sobing heap before you
He looked at you, and reached up to wipe your tears
"Oh... please don't cry... thi-this is her will..."
You shook your head, "what kind of will is this, Salvatore? To turn you-"
He pulled away from you, snarling, "I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!! Mother loves me, and i-"
You slapped him, your tears stopping, "What kind of man have you become?!"
Disgusted, not with his appearance, but his sniveling attitude
You left
But... not unaffected by what happened to the man you cared about
You left... everything behind, the Village, your family...
Salvatore Moreau never left your thoughts and you never left his
It was a bittersweet life, but you were glad to leave what was happening behind
Angie and Donna Beneviento
These two kept you in their estate
Though Donna hid Angie from you, worried that you wouldn't understand the need for her doll
She also kept the pollen from her plants away from you
You were the first person Donna could talk to, without her illness bothering her
No need for Angie!? And this person don't care!?
Fucking Jackpot!!!
Though Angie does get a bit upset that she don't get to see you
That's about to change
You and Donna where sitting in the backroom, overlooking the waterfall
Enjoying an afternoon tea
"Dear? How are you feeling today?"
Donna looked at you, taking your hand in her's giving you a smile
"I am well." She reassured you, giving your hand a squeeze
Then you sneezed, surprised cause your allergies hadn't started up, due to the lack of pollen
And the abundance of snow and cold
Donna gasped, looking over her shoulder
"Angie, n-"
Angie revealed herself, giggling and plopping herself in your lap
You froze, "A-a doll? Donna... is this a gift?"
You never really liked or disliked dolls
Angie gave another giggle, "No, stupid! I'm Angie. Donna's most favorite doll. And a friend."
Your eyes widened at the living doll, "Uh... im-"
"I know who you are!!" She floated infront of you now
"And we like you!"
Donna was quiet, not surprisingly, but you reached out for her
She gently took your hand in her's
"Donna. Tell me whats going on. Please."
Donna nodded, quietly starting to explain.
The gifts from Mother Miranda, the plants, the pollen and finally Angie
You looked at the floating doll, who was nodding her head along, with Donna's words
Then finally, you pulled Donna closer to your side
"You don't ever have to hide things from me. I never had a problem with the other ways that you cope, Donna."
Your encouraging words sent the woman into tears of joy
She buried her face in your chest
You smiled at Angie, who patted you on the forehead
Karl Heisenberg
You sat in the smaller, (safer) part of his factory
It was a part he had built to keep you safe
From what?
You had asked Karl several times, on different occasions, what was he building
"Its none of your concern." He waved a hand dismissively, "Whats for dinner?"
You always had huffed out whatever meal you made for the pair of you
Karl was always one of three places: meeting his "family", in the factory, or right next to you
The "family" was always thrown into air quotes
You knew he disliked his "family"
He announced his leaving out again, not telling you where
But leaving nonetheless, as usual you waved him off
But today was different, you WERE going to see what the hell was in that factory
Not paying attention to the warnings he gave you, you made your way down
Once at an elevator, you pressed the button
It came up and you were met with a large, large portly man
"Why if it isn't Heisenberg's little kitten."
Shocked you jumped back a bit, but then inched your way inside
"Its alright. I mean you no harm. Come, come."
You stood next to him, "Uh... who are you?"
"You may call me The Duke." He hummed, "But what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous to play here?"
You lifted your chin, "I can handle myself. Thank you."
The Duke gave a small laugh, as you pulled the switch, but didn't speak again
Hitting the bottom floor, you disembarked, waving goodbye
You noticed a door and pushed through
Only to be met with a metal drill nearly splitting your face in two
With a strangled yelp, you lept backwards
"Who's in my damned- KITTEN!?"
You heard Heisenberg's voice above you and looked around frantic
"Karl! What-"
You didn't get to finish, the same monster came at you again
Dodging to the side, only barely missing getting drilled
Running in to the labyrinth, you were soon cornered
You shook with fear, hearing more monsters come after you
Closing your eyes, waiting for the blows to take you to the Great beyond
Your waiting was cut shirt hearing a series of clang's
You moved your hands and opened your eyes
Seeing Karl, standing in front of you shoving all the monsters back...
But he wasn't touching them....
"What... how-"
"Dont just sit on your ass, get up!" He barked, grabbing your arm and pulling you behind him
Once back in the safe zone, you slapped him, breathing heavily
He took it, it was a well deserved slap
"E-explain yourself!"
He sat heavily down, telling you everything.
The reason for the factory, the monsters in it, his powers, Miranda's plan, even pouring out his emotions about it all
You finally understood and took his hands in yours, kneeling down infront of him
"You idiot. All you had to do was talk to me. Not be a "big tough guy" about it."
You kissed his rough hands
And he chuckled at you
"Always understanding. Thanks Kitten."
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aboutissei · 3 years
uhm lemme know if i did this incorrectly
could i request hq boys reacting to their fem!s/o coming home late at night drunk (if youre uncomfy writing this then plz ignore) i dont mind which characters are in it but if you could, include iwaizumi, tsukishima, and oikawa! thank you in advance and sorry if this wasn’t descriptive enough <3
synopsis: coming home late at night, drunk to the haikyuu boys
genre: fluff/suggestive & slight angst if you look close enough
reader type: female reader
pairings: hajime iwaizumi, kei tsukishima, tooru oikawa & keiji akaashi
not proofread —
a/n: hi love! you did perfect, i hope this fits yer’ standards & thank you sm for being my first ask<33
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‘ hajime would be one of the worried types because as much as he doesn’t show it, he gets insecure about the thought of you finding love in another man because he wasn’t good enough. with that said, iwaizumi trusts you and just hopes your safe.
‘ when he hears the door click, he’s quick to jump on his feet to bound towards you.
the click of the door was all hajime needed for him to quickly make his way to the entryway of your shared home. “princess, where have you been? it’s late and i was starting to get worried-“ he began before looking up at your disheveled state. his head tilted slightly as you dropped your heels by the door and began wobbling over to him. you almost fell but hajime was quick to catch you in his strong arms, he always was. “y/n, are you drunk.” his pout quickly broke into a half-smirk, half smile as he glanced down at you drooping in his arms. “my coworker *hic* invited me for a drink and i got carried away *hic*,” you mumbled as you snuggled deeper into hajime’s chest. inhaling the scent of the hoodie that was draped over his built body. “next time, let me know so i can come to get you.” he scolded as he placed a feathery kiss on your hairline. the light snores coming from your body were all iwa needed, he immediately hooked his muscular arms under your thighs and carried you to the bathroom so he could quickly wash your face and help you get changed. you shivered at the cool contact of the bathroom counter meeting your thighs. you whined quietly before iwaizumi shushed you, he began taking out your makeup wipes and wiping the slightly smudged makeup from your face. “i’ll always take care of you, love.” he mumbled as he added some moisturizer to your now cleaned face.
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‘ whew my sweet boy, he would be one of the types to laugh at your drunken endeavors. although he is worried about why you aren’t home at this hour, he can only assume your safe.
‘ he of course takes care of you but nothing wrong with a little teasing while doing it ;)
tsukishima was laid out on the couch of your shared apartment, patiently waiting for you to come through the front door. although, he wouldn’t dare to say it. he was beginning to get restless without you being there to thread your fingers through his hair and shower him in your abundance of love and affection. as soon as he heard the fumble of keys in the door, he was quick to swivel his head around to look at the entryway. the sight of you standing there, slightly disheveled and foggy eyed completely gave it away. not that you were trying to hide the fact that you were drunk, you just knew you weren’t going to hear the end of this. “keiii.” you whined as you hobbled through the entryway and into the living room where he was seated, trying to hold back the giggles captured in his throat. “welcome home love.” he coughed out a chuckle before glancing at the sight of you throwing yourself on him, limbs splayed against the couch and your head resting directly against his chest. “y/n..are you drunk?” tsukki asked, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “i went..out for drinks with my boss but i missed *hic* you.” you mumbled as you nuzzled your ear deeper into his chest. “did you drive home?” he questioned, ready to scold you about the dangers of drunk driving. “no...my coworker dropped me off.” you answered, the alcohol still hazing your mind. tsukishima sighed as you laid there snuggled into his chest, his cheeks couldn’t help but tinge red as he glanced at your now limp body. your now even breaths were kei’s signal to get you cleaned up and he did just that. removing your clothes as he put you in one of his t-shirts which pooled around your waist and quickly wiping your face with a makeup wipe before laying you into your shared bed. he paused to playfully scoff at the way you would whine when he unlatched your arms from his waist while he was changing your clothes. “you're so stupid. goodnight love.” he mumbled as he slipped in beside you in the bed, a soft kiss placed on your nose causing you to smile softly in your sleep.
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‘ oikawa was straight out miserable, you coming home late was worrying him but he was also so restless without your touch
‘ poor iwaizumi had to endure an hour long facetime call about how worried and sad oikawa was because he missed his angelic girlfriend.
as soon as oikawa heard your keys jingle in the door, he was quick to jump off the bed and is in a full-on sprint to the door. “ANGEL! YOUR BACK.” he shouted as he threw his arms around you, the speed at which he wrapped himself around you was astounding. all you could do was giggle as the alcohol flowing through your veins and the visions of this 6 ft man wrapped around your body like a koala was hilarious. oikawa quickly unlatched himself before placing a quick kiss on your lips, your lips always felt familiar to him but the bitter taste of alcohol was a big difference. “angel, did you drive home drunk?” oikawa scolded as he placed a hand on his hip, looking down at you with a frown. “no tooru, i *hic* got a lyft.” you mumbled as you try to walk deeper into the apartment, which you failed at. you tripped over an uneven floorboard which made oikawa quickly react, he wrapped his arms around your waist before you could fall. “alright you big dope, let’s get you to bed.” he giggled as he picked you up, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist. he handed you your clothes and sat in the bathroom while you did your night routine, just watching and making sure you didn’t hurt yourself and helping you when he saw fit. when you were ready for bed, oikawa slipped into the spot beside you and pulled you straight into his chest, to which you tangled your legs with his, a silent i missed you. he kissed your forehead before gently resting his head on top of yours. “i missed you too angel.” he mumbled, knowing you missed him from the way you clung to him in your sleep. the next morning he was loud and forgot about your hangover but was quick to get you some pain meds and some breakfast.
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‘ akaashi was out-right worried, he had sent you multiple texts and even tried calling once or twice. okay maybe three times
‘ it was nearing midnight and akaashi could only hope you were just working late or out with coworkers.
akaashi quitely paced around in the kitchen while he waited for the water for his tea to be ready when he heard the door creak open. he quickly made his way to the entryway. silence between the two of you when he pulls you in for a hug and a sweet kiss. he rested his forehead against yours before releasing you from his grip. “did i *hic* worry you, i didn’t mean to worry you, keiji.” you began ranting as your eyes began to water. he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist before smiling at you softly. “it’s alright love, just let me know you’ll be home late next time.” his smile reasssuring as he watched the tears slip out of your eyes. “i-i’m sorry, i should’ve let you know.” the tears began free flowing as you tried to sniff them back. the sight was enough to make akaashi distressed, he knew you were obviously drunk from the kiss he had given you earlier but he had no idea you were an emotional drunk. “baby, it’s okay. come drink some tea & then we can head to bed okay? i’m not mad, i promise.” akaashi placed a hand in the small of your back, lightly directing you to the kitchen where the kettle went off. as you sat down, he placed a warm cup of tea in front of you and placed another peck to your forehead. “you’re so good *hic* to me, keiji. i don’t deserve you.” you broke out into a sob as you placed your teacup down in place for rapidly rubbbing at your eyes. “you deserve the world, my love. now stop all this crying okay? you’re gonna hurt yourself.” he mumbled as he pulled your hands away from your face, your puffy eyes making him pout before he kissed away the onslaught of tears that now stained your face. by the time you finished your tea, you had worn yourself out from all the crying. akaashi carefully picked your sleeping body up from the table, careful not to wake you as he gently placed you on your shared bed. he tried to get you changed in the best way without waking you up but all he could manage was wiggling on one of his hoodies onto you. he frowned at the distress splayed on your sleeping face, probably from the crying he thought to himself. he kissed the corners of your lips before sliding into bed next to you. “goodnight y/n.” he blushed slightly before turning off the bedside lamp and snuggling up next to you.
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a/n: and we are done with my very first request! once again, i hope this fit your standards and i did your request justice. also, later toda i will be posting my navi posts (rules, dni & byf all included)
as always, likes, comments and reblogs are always welcomed and appreciated <3
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the Original Vampire | Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester!reader
Requested by @nalledimessi​ / Summary: You finally tell the truth to your supernatural killing brothers; you’re dating the Original vampire Elijah Mikaelson. 
A/N: I’m so sorry for the wait, had some things come up at home. I hope you enjoy!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
*oh my this gif; he’s a freaking hottie UGH
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“What is your story?” Elijah asked as his fingers ran up and down your arm. You were laying on his chest between the sheets of his bed. 
You hummed as you stared up to him with a soft smile, your index finger caressing his cheek, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” You whispered against his lips. 
He chuckles, pulling you closer against his chest, “That’s such a cliche.” 
You sat up next him, holding the sheet against your chest, “If I did tell you, you’d never forgive me.. You wouldn’t look at me the same.” 
He furrows his eyebrows as he stares at you, “It can’t be that bad.” He sits up and leans back against the headboard and reaches for your hand, but you pull away, tears already forming. 
“I should go.” 
Elijah is confused with the change of emotion in you. The two of you had been dating for close to three months now. He’d met you in a bar located in the French Quarter and the two of you had been inseparable since. 
You hated lying to him like this. You knew his secret; He was a vampire, an original vampire. The same one you and your brothers were hunting at the moment. You, Dean and Sam had drove down to New Orleans after hearing word vampires were taking over the French Quarter. So far during the two months, you’d killed 2 vampires and were no closer to killing the original vampires. Thanks to you. You’d kept your brothers away this long, sending them in the opposite direction. 
You were really going to kill Elijah that night you met him. That was your plan but he’d shown you a side of him, the good side that you couldn’t believe he was this evil vampire everyone spoke about. 
“You don’t have to go so soon.” He reaches for your arm, stopping you, “What is bothering you?” 
You shook your head, slipping your arm from his grasp, “It’d be better to be kept a secret.” You gave him a begging look, “Please just let this go.” 
He gives you a nod and waves his hand toward the door, “Then go.” 
You silently thanked him and hurried to get dressed.
“Will you still come to the party this evening? You are my date.” He asks, getting dressed himself. 
Shit. You’d completely forgot about the party tonight. You wondered if you could get passed your brothers tonight to attend. “Yes, I’ll be there.” 
Elijah came to your side after you’d completely dressed and put his hand on your cheek, “You can tell me anything.” 
“Not this.” 
“Where the hell have you been?” Dean stood from his seat at the table, anger written all over his face. 
You shrugged him off, tossing your jacket on the bed, “I was following a lead.” 
“We were worried sick.” Sam closes his laptop in front of him, “We tried calling and you didn’t answer.” 
“Sorry.” You mumble, sitting on the bed to slip your shoes off, “Phone died.” 
“Well, we got a good lead.” Dean tosses the paper next to you, “Hope you brought a fancy dress with you.” 
You picked up the piece of paper and read it over. 
“Cause we’re going to a party tonight.” Dean smirks. 
It was a poster for the same party you’d be attending tonight with Elijah. The same party that the Mikaelson’s were throwing at their home. Oh this wasn’t good at all. 
“Go get ready. We leave in an hour.” Sam orders. 
“We can’t go to this party.” You stand and look between the both of them, “We’d be walking straight to our death.” There would be multiple vampires there, you just knew it. 
Dean waves you off, “I think we’ll be fine.” 
“No, I don’t think you guys understand.” 
They have a look of confusion on their face, “Please. Elaborate.” 
“Yes please, elaborate, little sister.” Dean huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Never mind.” You shook your head, “forget I said anything.” You head for the bathroom but Sam stops you, “Is there something you know that we dont?”
You shook your head, “No.” 
“You wouldn’t lie to us, would you?” Dean asks, skeptical. 
“Fuck you, Dean.” Looking between the two, “I’m going to get ready.” 
Sam and Dean made sure you were packing heat underneath your dress. Mostly wooden bullet filled guns and a couple wooden stakes in case you were to run into a vampire. How were you supposed to walk in there and not be spotted by Elijah? it was his family’s party and he’d be expecting you, looking for you in the crowd. 
You knew as soon as Sam and Dean laid eyes on one of the Mikaelson’s, they’d be dead. Oh god, what did you get yourself into? 
You followed behind the two brothers, sick to your stomach. You just had a feeling this night wouldn’t end well. “Should we get a drink first?” You suggested. 
Dean nods, “I could use a drink.” He lead the two of you toward the bar and was preoccupied by ordering, giving you time to look over the place. You spotted him instantly at the balcony above the courtyard. He hadn’t noticed you just yet. 
“Going to find a bathroom.” you said to Sam, who gave a nod, “Be careful.” His attention was then back toward the bar.
You quickly slipped through the crowd, looking back up where you’d spotted Elijah. He was already looking down at you with a smile. You returned the smile and headed up the stairs toward him. 
“You look stunning.” He compliments, leaning in for a kiss, but you’ve grabbed his arm and lead him toward his bedroom, “This morning wasn’t enough for you?” 
“We need to talk.” You quickly turned around to shut the french doors behind you. “I don’t have time but you and your family are in trouble.” 
“In trouble? What the hell is going on?” 
You glanced back at the door, Sam and Dean would be looking for you soon, “Elijah..” 
“Tell me why my family is in trouble.” He growled, becoming protective of his family and taking a step toward you. 
“I’m not who you think I am.” 
“Then tell me who you are.” He didn’t know if he could harm you if it came down to it. His heart was yours and the thought of harming you in anyway, made him sick. “I told you earlier, you can tell me anything, my love.” He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckles, “Who are you?” 
Your eyes became glossy as you stared up at him, “We.. me and my brothers are hunters. We hunt the supernatural and we got word of vampires taking over the French Quarter. The night we met, I was going to kill you but you showed such.. such a different side of what I thought vampires were. You showed me compassion and kindness.” You let out a soft sob, “I fell for you, Elijah and I couldn’t do it. I’ve tried to push them in the opposite direction from you and your family, but they saw the poster and they’re here.” 
He couldn’t help but grow angry at what you’d just told him. You lied to him, betrayed him. “you lied to me.” He took a step away from you. 
“Elijah please.. I wanted to tell you.” You begged, “I wanted to tell you so many times but I just didn’t know how.” 
“You betrayed me. Me and my family. We opened our home to you! We trusted you.” 
“Elijah, please. You have to know keeping you and your family safe was my main priority. I’ve kept them in the opposite direction so they wouldn’t find you. I’ve been feeding them the wrong information for weeks.” 
“Why not tell me the truth? Why lie to me?” 
“Because if you knew the truth you would have killed them.. or killed me. I couldn’t risk my family getting hurt either. But I wanted to protect both your family and mine.”
“So they are here now to kill my family? You brought them here?” 
You shook your head, “I would never. They saw the posters Rebekah put up this morning about the party.” 
“I wish you would have told me the truth sooner.” Pulling out the phone he starts to dial Klaus’ number to warn him. 
“Elijah I’m so sorry.” You let out a soft sob and hung your head. 
“Shh shh..” He gathers you in his free arm. He could see the hurt on your face and deep down he knew if you’d wanted to kill him, you’d done it already. “It’s alright.” He kisses the top of your head. 
“Niklaus-” He started but was interrupted as Sam and Dean bursted into the room, guns drawn, “get away from her!” 
Elijah went into protective mode, pushing your body behind is. 
“No-” You tried to interject, but it was too late. Sam pulled the trigger and the wooden bullet went straight through Elijah’s heart. You watched as he landed on his back with a thump, his body going grey with death.  
“No!” You cried out, “No! What did you do?!” You dropped to your knees next to Elijah, “No No no..” You gripped his hand in yours, laying your head on his chest and sobbed. This is what you’d tried to protect him from but you’d failed. You failed him. 
“Get away from him, y/n!” Dean ordered. 
“What the hell are you doing!” Sam went to grab you by the arms but you shook him off, falling back at Elijah’s side, “You killed him!” 
“Yeah I did!” Sam yells back, “That was the damn plan!” 
“What the hell is your problem?” Dean asks, reaching for you. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Your hands gripped Elijah’s shirt, your head going to his chest, “I’m so sorry.. I’m so sorry Elijah.” 
Dean and Sam had no idea what was going on and were confused with your outburst. Why were you crying over this mans, not man but vampire’s body? You’d think they’d killed the love of your life. 
“Oh my god.” Sam is the first to realize it, but Dean lags behind, “What?” 
Elijah gasps as he comes back to life, your name the first thing on his lips, “y/n” 
Your hands went to his face as the grey disappeared, “oh Elijah.. what is.. you’re alive?” Your hand went to his heart. The wound was still opened. 
He growls in pain as he pulls the bullet from his chest, examining it, “It’s not white oak.” Tossing it away from him, the wound healing, “You can’t kill an original vampire without white oak.” 
Sam and Dean are flabbergasted, that was not in any of their books. “You’re alive.” You sobbed, wrapping your arms around him, “I thought I lost you.” 
“Shh.. it’s alright my love.” He wipes a tear from your cheek, “I’m alright.” 
“What in the hell is going on?” Dean is still not caught up. 
“You’ve been screwing with our investigation this whole time, haven’t you?” Sam asked as he put the gun back in his holster, “Leading us in the wrong direction?” 
Elijah slowly pulled himself off the ground and helped you to your feet, “I love him, Sam.” 
“you gotta be fucking kidding me.” Dean growls, “you in love with a vampire?!” 
You flinched at his outburst. Elijah’s arm protectively wraps around you, “He’s been nothing but compassionate and kind.. He’s not like the stories dad would tell you. He’s a good man and yeah I love him.” 
Dean starts toward you but Sam grabs him by the shoulder, “Don’t Dean.” 
“You’re not on her side.” Dean looks at Sam in disbelief, “You can’t be okay with our little sister being in love with a vampire!” 
“She loves him, Dean, what the hell are we supposed to do?! We kill him, she’d never forgive us.” Sam looks at Elijah, “You love her?” 
Elijah looks down at you with such admiration and wipes a stray tear from your cheek, “With everything I have.” 
Sam takes a step toward Elijah, giving him a warning point of his finger, “If.. If one hair on her head is ever injured because of you, mark my words, the next bullet that goes through you will not be wood. It will be white oak.” 
Dean can’t believe his eyes. His little sister in love with an original vampire and his brother just going along with it. Saying it’s okay. Deep down he knew Sam was right; if they were to kill him, you’d never forgive them and they would lose another family member. You and Sam were all Dean had left and he couldn’t lose either of you. He steps up beside Sam, “That warning comes from me too.” That was his way of giving you his approval. 
Stepping away you gather Dean in a hug. His body stiffens at the affection but he returns the hug, “Thank you.” 
“I’ll kill him y/n. I’ll kill him if he hurts you.” He whispers to you. 
You nodded, “I know.” You give him a soft smile and then turn to Sam, giving him a hug. 
“We’re going to head back to Kansas. I assume you’re staying here?” Sam asks. 
You nod and return to Elijah’s side, “I’m staying here.” 
Elijah holds his hand out toward Sam, “If you two ever need help on a hunt, I’m willing to lend a hand.” 
“We won’t need it.” Dean grumbles as Sam shakes his hand and thanks him for the offer. 
Dean doesn’t shake his hand right away and Sam nudges him, “Fine, whatever.” He huffs with a shake of Elijah’s hand. 
Sam and Dean returned to Kansas to find another case while you stayed with Elijah in New Orleans. It felt like a cloud had been lifted from your shoulders. No more lying to Elijah or your brothers; Everything was out in the open and you’d had their approval which made it even better. 
Supernatural tag list: @fanficscuziranout​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @hollymac79​ , @akshi8278​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @idkhaylijah​ , @dpaccione​ , @corishirogane3​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv95​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk ,  @idkhaylijah​ , @harpersmariano​ , @dpaccione​ , @hellotvshowtrash​ , @akshi8278​
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean x reader, platonic Sam x Reader
Summary: reader is scared to let the boys in and tell them about the chronic migraines she suffers from, after a hunt the truth comes out and you're shocked with how they respond
Warnings: smut, no a too whole lot, two paragraphs on 3000 words, nothing too triggering I think, medicine, as always, I might have missed something read at your o w n risk
A/N: It might be a little long, tbh I dont know what a long/short fic looks like but it's def one I could've split and didn't. I really enjoyed writing this one, am having a little bit of a block after writing six fics in a day. shout out to my first smut in at least five years.
You had been hunting with Sam and Dean for a couple of months, finally feeling like you had earned your place. You didn't feel comfortable letting them know your weaknesses, which is why you didn't tell them you had migraines. You were able to cover for the most part, hiding it from the family you've come to know quite well. Most of the time. Sometimes you just couldn't, the pain overbearing and you just had to stay in bed all day, "It's just cramps." You lied to the boys, who assumed that you were covering your face and curled up like a child because of your embarrassment and pain. Sooner or later they will find out, and that's just what happened on this witch hunt.
You were the first one back into the motel, just wanting to lie down, Sam and Dean following suit. Dean slammed the door, causing you to jump with a jolt of pain to your head, reminding you of the already particularly bad headache you had. Thank god you'd be home soon. You went into the bathroom, wanting to shower after a long day of hunting the witch down, turning the lights off as you shut the door, you sighed, the pain growing. You turned the shower on, making it just a little warm, undressing and sitting down, putting your knees close to yourself, held together by your crossed arms with your head on your knees just enjoying the relief the water brings you.
You must've lost track of time because the next thing you hear is Dean, pounding on the bathroom door, basically screaming, "Y/n, damn, we want hot water!" You groaned, "Fuck off Dean! I'll be out in a minute," you shouted, much harsher than you wanted. You heard Dean grumble but couldn't understand it. Ignoring him, you finished washing your body, head already hurting bad enough it was too much to have to stand and wash, worried you might puke if you moved around more than you needed.
You came out of the shower, laying on the bed, closing your eyes, waiting to leave when you heard Sam speak up. "Did you get hurt and not tell us?" You rolled your eyes, then rose up and looked at Sam. "What?" You were confused, why would you not tell them if you got hurt? You looked over your body for any marks as Dean spoke, "Why else would you take so damn long?" You glared at him, "Sorry, I guess I won't enjoy my showers anymore." You laid back down, Dean looked at you with a pang of guilt you didn't see. He was just, in his own way, trying to check on you.
When both Sam and Dean had showered, you packed up your stuff, not caring if you left anything behind, you led out the door, crawling into the backseat of the impala. As you started rolling out, you realized it was going to be a long trip when the first wave of nausea hit you. Leaning into the window, enjoying the cold, you closed your eyes, knowing sleep would not come.
About two hours into the trip back to the bunker, after not saying a single word, you finally spoke up. "Dean," he looked at you through the rearview mirror, "pull the car over, Sam you gotta let me out." Dean was a little shocked, "What," he said quickly. "Pull the car over, before I hurl in your baby." At that, the car near immediately stopped, Sam quickly allowing you to get out. Almost as soon as your foot hit the ground, before you were even all the way out of the car, vomit spewed from your mouth. Sam was rubbing your back, not sure why you were sick, as you'd never gotten car sick.
Dean got out of the car, circling it to come to your side, worry written all over his face. Dean replaced Sam, Dean whispering something to him that you couldn't hear over the splashing on the road. You heard the car door shut, and felt Dean pull your hair back. Once you were done, Dean, helping you raise up, asked, "What's going on?" You looked at him, worry still plastered on his face.
"Nothing, I just got car sick," still feeling like you could throw up, you took a deep breath. The pain of your headache intensified by the fit. Dean laughed a little, "You've never gotten car sick in your life," shaking his head and adding, "I mean," down to a whisper, "are you pregnant?" You had to laugh a little, regretting as pain soared through your head, "No, Dean, why would you even ask that?"
"Well, in the same night you take an hour longer showering than you usually do and vomit on the side of the road." He smirked, reminiscing, "I mean after our encounter a couple of months ago-" You had to interrupt him, "We fucked once, I also recall telling you I was on birth control." Dean chuckled, "What can I say? I've got strong swimmers." Smug son of a bitch. "I'm not, can we please just go home? I got car sick, it happens."
Dean got very serious, "Not until you tell me what's going on, I'm worried now." Silently panicking, afraid that if you told them you had chronic migraines they'd think you couldn't go on hunts and you'd be alone again, but really not wanting him to worry, you finally spoke up, "It's just a migraine." Dean's face contorted in confusion, "A migraine? Since when do you get migraines?" You looked away from him, toward the trees lining the side of the road, "They're chronic, I've had them for years." Deans face softened, he reached for his passenger door and opened it for you, allowing you to crawl in.
"You all right?" Sam spoke from the backseat, thankful you didn't have to crawl back there again. You just nodded, bringing your knees to your chest and lying back against the window with your eyes closed. Dean started the car and after a few minutes he couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Why didn't you just tell us?" Sam didn't say anything, also wanting to know why this was such a big deal for you to keep a secret.
You took a sharp breath in, not moving a muscle, not even looking at them, "I was afraid you'd tell me I couldn't hunt with you guys anymore." Dean looks at sam through the rearview, the guilt on Sams face matching his own, "We would never-" Dean gripped the wheel a little tighter, "We would have worked around them, so you can be home when they're this bad. It wouldn't be puking on the side of the road horrible." Dean shook his head, reaching across to you to rub your arm, you looked at him, and he jerked his head in a come here motion. You did as you were told, starting to scoot over, he redirected your movements so your head was in his lap. His fingers running through your hair, his hand finding the back of your neck apply just a tiny bit of pressure right at the base of your skull, rubbing up and down softly, alleviating some of the pain, somehow letting you sleep the remaining trip.
When you woke up Sam was already out of the car, Dean opening your door you sleepily sat at the edge of the seat, head throbbing. Putting your hand on your forehead, elbow on the back of his bench seat, eyes still closed, you felt Dean pull your hands to his neck. "No," you jerked back, eyes filled with tears at how bad the morning light was making you feel, "I can walk." Dean huffed, "Shut up and let me carry you." You resigned and put your arms around his neck, laying your head in the crook of his neck, loving how he smelled.
You noticed as he carried you in, every single light that could be out, was. Sam must've done that for you. Opening the door to his room, you started to protest, "Shhh," he gently laid you on the bed and pulled the covers up for you, "just let me." Dean left the room, you're not sure where, but there was a pang of sadness in your chest, wanting to be near him. He came back and placed a cool rag on the back of your neck and one on your forehead, he touched your lips, slowly dragging his thumb over your lips, speaking softly, "Open up, let this pill dissolve on your tongue okay? It might be a little nasty, but it'll help." You took the pill, as it started to dissolve you scrunched up your face at the nasty taste, causing Dean to chuckle.
Dean headed to he door, it was now or never, "Will-" you started and your voice broke a little, you're not sure out of embarrassment or pain, "will you stay?" Dean smiled at you, coming to the side of the bed, crawling under the covers with you, "As long as you want me." You rolled over to him, laying your head on his chest as he put his arm around you. He started playing with your hair, running his fingers up and down your arm.
You wanted to be able to properly enjoy this, but your head hurt so bad. After about fifteen minutes you couldn't help but cry, silently, wanting the headache to go away. Dean noticed, feeling his damp shirt, he didn't say anything, just kissed your head. "They're not normally this bad," you sniffled, "I can usually push through them." Dean started rubbing your back, knowing how nervous you were to tell them, not really understanding why you'd believe they would say you couldn't hunt with them. "Y/n," he contemplated on what to say.
"You don't have to hide anything from us, you don't have to push through them, if you're in pain it's okay, we all have our faults, you don't ever have to be afraid that we'd tell you to leave. You're our family now, we need you. I need you." Your heart skipped a beat, did he really need you? In what way does he need you? "What do you mean?" Dean had to admit it, had to come clean, now or never.
"I don't mean just hunts," you looked up at him, shocked, tear stained eyes which broke his heart. He gently cupped your face, leaning forward and bringing his lips to yours, you instantly responded, pressing into the kiss, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth, he pulled back, "God you taste better than ever." You laughed, laying your head back down, "Okay, I understand." He couldn't do chick flic, it was hard enough for him to say he needed you, but he needed you to know.
Sam came in, replacing your rags, "You want some more medicine?" You nodded, pushing your hand on Dean's chest so he knew he couldn't get up. "Sammy, she'd love that but doesn't want me to get up." Sam laughed, your cheeks flushing, "No problem, Y/n." Dean placed his hand on yours, "I feel like a bath might help, I can run you one." You shrugged, "lotta work." Dean copied your shrug, "Not really, just gotta start the water and put the bubbles in." You instantly responded, talking over him, "Not you, me," you pause and lifted your head to looked at him, eyebrow cocked, "bubbles? I don't have bubbles?" Dean laughed heartily, "Not you, me. My bubbles and my work, I'll do it all, nothing I ain't seen before." He winked at you, smug bastard. You laid your head back down on his chest, shrugging again.
Sam came back, Dean lifting his hand up to take the medicine from Sam as you lifted yourself up and grabbed the cup from him, "It's coffee, it might help." You couldn't turn to face him, didn't want to, "Thank you so much." Sam smiled, but you couldn't see, "Of course, anything." You heard the door close softly as you took your place back on Dean, resting the cup on his chest.
After a few minutes after you had taken the medicine, Dean slid from underneath you, taking the coffee cup, causing you to groan in displeasure. Dean chuckled, and headed toward the bathroom. Once in there he lit a singular candle, started the water, and put the bubbles in. Coming back to you he wrapped his arms around your waist, letting you move your limbs to where they needed to be.
He sat you down on the bathroom sink, while he took his shirt off you removed your own. He reached behind you, unclasping your bra and pulling it off you. Dean wanted to tell you how gorgeous you were, wanted to touch you, but he knew you were more than not up for it. He knows when to be respectful and when to be downright filthy. You slid off the counter, you pushed your pants down, just enough so they could effortlessly fall off of you.
Dean stepped into the tub first, holding his hand out to you. You happily took it, just wanting to lie back down. Dean put your back to him, wrapping an arm around you he slunk to the ground, water splashing lightly. He pulled you back to him, allowing you to lay your head back on him. His fingers found their way to your scalp, applying a small amount of pressure, taking some of your pain. You had no idea that the Dean Winchester could be this, soft.
You just laid there with Dean, letting the water sooth you, letting Dean make this better. You couldn't think, just lay. You don't know how long you laid there, laid in complete silence with Dean taking care of you. "Do you want me to touch you?" Dean spoke, barely loud enough that you could hear him, you hummed, wordlessly asking what he meant. "I did some research while we were in the bed, lots of women have said that masturbating can seriously help." Still speaking softly, making sure that you weren't going to get overstimulated. You thought for a minute, all the times that you had touched yourself in hopes for the pain to lessen-all the times it worked. "Mhmm." Dean just continued rubbing your scalp, "Say it." A twinge of need pooled inside you, "Touch me Dean, I want it."
Dean needed no further encouragement, he needed to know this is what you wanted, needed you to admit it. He wasted no time, slowly working his hands to your nipples, fingers teasing, tickling their way to touch you. He twirled your nipples between his thumb and index finer, gently pulling them up, eliciting a whimper from you. "Don't worry good girl, I'm gonna make you feel better." Deans hands trailed to your waist, pulling you up a couple of inches, giving him better access.
Dean's right hand tiptoed to your clit, gently rubbing your bundle of nerves, rubbing circles until your hips bucked forward, wanting more. Dean's left hand moving to your lower stomach, resting lazily. You opened your eyes and stared into his eyes, a soft moan falling from your lips, "More." Dean smirked, quickly raising his left hand to push your head back, nonverbally communicating for you to rest, just enjoy this, then returning his hand to it's home.
Dean's thick fingers slid inside you with a thrilling stretch, you gasped, forgetting how good he filled you up. "Good girl, I know you can take it," Dean started to pump his fingers slowly, curling them upwards to hit just the right spot. "Mmmm," you hummed, almost singing, "please." Dean sped up, his fingers hitting your g-spot, palm rubbing your clit, you clenched tightly around him, slowing him down but making him damn near growl. You bucked your hips forward, panting, squeezing his wrist with one hand and grabbing the side of the tub with the other. "Gonna make you cum," Dean nipped your earlobe, a whimper. "Gonna show you that you need me," moved to your neck, a moan. "Gonna remind you what it feels like to gush around me," another nibble, another kiss. A desperate desire pooled in your belly, pussy clenching, clit throbbing. "You gonna cum for me? Cum on my fingers like a good girl?" Dean pressed his left hand down, the pressure sending you over the edge, you spasmed around his fingers, legs shaking, juices leaking out of you and into the tub. He let you ride it out, until your legs had calmed and you had stopped pulsating around his fingers. He moved his hands back to your scalp, continuing the previous scalp massage.
You tried to catch your breath, his thick cock resting between your legs, you could almost see it throb. You reached in-between your legs, starting to pump his cock but he moved your hand. "No," he kissed your lips, then your forehead, "once you're feeling better we can discuss it." You moved your hand to rest on his thigh, "can we just lay here a minute?" He hummed in approval, letting you close your eyes and enjoy the moment of bliss.
After awhile, you had almost fallen asleep, Dean started to get up, slowly dragging himself out of the tub careful not to disturb you too much. Once Dean had found the towel in the under lit room he reached his hand to you, helping you stand up. You stepped out of the tub, reaching for the towel but he pulls it just out of your reach. Dean sighs, "You may feel a little better but I still want to take care of you," starting to pat you dry, making sure to get the dripping tips of your beautiful hair, "I want to, please let me." You let him finish drying you off, let him slip his own shirt and boxers on you, wondering when he'd have gotten them. You even let him carry you back to his bed. Once he laid down, you were immediately beside him, filling the perfect spot next to him. "Sleep." He commanded, it was not a suggestion, and you did.
When you woke up, your back was facing Dean, his chest pressed to you, arm wrapped tightly around you like you'd run. You turned a little to look at his sleeping form, surprised when his eyes fluttered open, "Mornin', any better?" You turned towards him, placing your leg between his, your own arm underneath his and wrapped around him, "Manageable." You laid there, for how long you weren't sure. Eventually Dean spoke up, "We should go get some breakfast." You nodded, reluctantly rolling to the side of his bed, swinging your legs over.
You and Dean walked to the kitchen, Sam already cooking, hearing you cross the threshold into the kitchen he spun around. Upon realizing you guys had gotten up he immediately grabbed the coffee pot and filled up the cup sitting next to a few pills on the counter and creamer. You gently chuckled, "What a saint," you slapped Deans arm. "I told you," Dean started as you sat down and he moved to get his own cup of coffee, "we could've helped you manage."
You started fiddling your thumbs, not able to look at the boys, "I know-sigh-I was afraid, I'm sorry, I know it's dumb but-" looking to Dean, "I was afraid I'd be too much, lose the family I've come to love. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." Sam turned to you, pausing from the breakfast. "It's not dumb, Y/n. If you're hurting, if you're struggling, if you're afraid, we face it together, all three of us. Because you're right, we're family, and you belong here. Your problems are ours." Dean beside you now, hand placed on your back, thumb drawing small figure eight's, "We can help you, face anything this hellhole throws at us, stick together and say fuck it together," a kiss placed on your lips, pressing into you with loving force, "you just have to let me."
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
halllooo 🐌 anon here! i know i havent requested anything for a while but thats just bc i didnt have any ideas and ive been kinda busy but im back and ive come with another c!ponk request! okay so reader (gn or he/him) works with las nevadas but ponk doesnt know that but one day they get curious and follow reader to las nevadas and hes pretty surprised and i dont really have any idea of what happens next so u can decide! it can also be fluff or angst or whatever u feel fits best! anyways make sure ur eating and drinking enough and getting enough sleep and taking ur meds if u take any and byeeeeee
hi 🐌! no worries i'm glad to have you back! i chose to use he/him and make this kind of angsty, if that's okay. stay safe and healthy anon!
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
c!Ponk x [he/him] Reader - Truth
genre: /rom, c!ponk, angst with happy ending, las nevadas!Reader
warning: none! (let me know if i missed something)
masterlist <3
The sun was starting to rise, the morning dew shined on the grass outside the window. As much as you hated it, you knew sooner or later you would have to pull away from Ponk and make the trip back to Las Nevadas.
You sighed and looked over to him, sleeping so peacefully, quiet and calm breaths escaping their mouth. You smiled and began to roll out of the bed. You were almost out of the bed before an arm wrapped around your waist.
"No...don't leave me, stay here all day." Ponk groaned, half asleep.
"Ponk I've gotta go to work love."
"Nope, no work." You laughed, falling against him slightly. You placed a hand on his cheek, stroking your thumb against his cheekbone.
"I've really got to go. I promise I'll be back soon." You kissed his cheek, removed his arm from your waist, and got up, grabbing your jacket before closing the bedroom door.
You walked through the greater SMP, admiring the new pop-up buildings, and reminiscing on the old.
You didn't even notice a still half asleep Ponk following behind you. For as much noise as he was making you couldn't seem to notice. You were lost in your own thoughts. For the last few months, you had to keep your place of work a secret. You weren't sure how people would react to you working at Las Nevadas, and further, for Quackity. The only people who knew at this point were Quackity and the others who were beginning their transition to the new faction.
Ponk had struggled after the Red Banquet to forgive Quackity, even though it was Q who had technically freed her from the Egg's grasp, something not even you could do. But Ant had lost a life, and Ponk wasn't sure if they could forgive Puffy for that or Quackity for allowing it.
You waltzed into the Needle, Quackitys headquarters and took the elevator to the very top. Ponk hadn't risked getting spotted by anyone and stayed at the ground level, waiting, watching.
The elevator doors opened up, and you walked over to the railing, Quackity standing, looking over some papers.
"What can I help you with today Big Q? And we gotta make this quick, I have a lot to do today."
The man snorted, "Yeah, right. Now would I be where I am right now if I let people who work for me tell me about how much time they have? No, I wouldn't. Take a seat."
You sighed, quickly pulling out your message to send Ponk a text about how you would be late. Q sat across from you, going on and on about how the business you were chosen to help him start was lacking, as were you with your progress getting to Las Nevadas.
"I can't have slackers, but I really don't like the idea of anyone else having you working for them, so I'm torn. I could give you a second chance, make a new deal...or I'll just have to convince you another way to not go working for someone like Tubbo or Jack. Not even Techno."
You let out a sigh. "All right, just get to the point."
"Well, it's simple. Either you get settled down here completely in the next 3 days, or I'm going to convince you to."
You rolled your eyes. He couldn't force you to do anything. How could he?
"How's Ponk doing?" This caused your breath to get caught in your throat.
"Oh please, you think I don't know? I know everything about you y/n. Your history, your alliances, friends...partners. And I need to in order to keep you under me."
"He doesn't even know about this. They don't even know I work here. You have no reason to hurt them other than to hurt me."
"And if I have to I will." He checked his communicator, and the message catching his eye. "Sam and I have some business to attend to. Consider what I've told you, and come back to me with either an answer or through action. Have a good day, you're dismissed."
You sat shocked for a moment before you stood and stomped off the balcony. By the time the elevator stopped the tears had rolled down your cheeks as you thought over the choice you'd have to make.
The thoughts ran around your mind as you walked outside of Las Nevada's borders and into Snowchesters, a weight lifted off your shoulders.
You took a seat on the soft ground, not too worried about the cool air. You needed to think.
"Y/n?" His voice. His lovely, sweet voice. You turned and found Ponk standing there, rubbing his arms to keep warm.
"Hello love, what are you doing here?" Quickly removing your jacket you handed it over to her.
"I, um, I followed you from the house. I figured...well I wanted to see where you go when you leave me."
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Ponk. I-I should've told you sooner, I was planning to but I didn't know how you'd react."
He smiled, resting a soft hand on your cheek. You relished in the touch.
"Don't worry about it. I don't care for you working with Quackity, as long as you're happy and safe. Speaking of...I heard what he told you."
"You did...?"
He nodded, a smile resting on his calm face. "Yeah, but I'm not worried. I'll always be there with you, by your side. And we're gonna get through this, together."
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A ball| Tup
Note: they did not need to make him that Pretty
Warnings: no not really, just Tup and Y/n fallin in love and steamy scene at the very end but kinda not really, also this is really long
Reader: female
Part 1 | 2 (in the works)
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"Checkmate," Satine spoke.
"Damn it..." Y/n muttered, hand on her chin as Satine had one yet again another game.
Satine smiled at her, as Y/n tried reading the board seeing how it had exactly happened.
"Duchess, excuse me." A guard interrupted their leisurely game outside in the guards of the castle.
"It's no problem, what seems to be the problem?" Satine questioned.
"The preparations for the ball are underway, the royal seamstress says your outfits are done and asks if you both can approve of them."
"Yes of course," Satine spoke, two more guards walking up with boxes.
"Oh. no, I'm quite okay," Y/n responded, resetting the black and clear glass pieces.
"Y/n, you are turning 19, my dear, you'll need to look presentable," Satine spoke.
"Dutchess I believe I look presentable, I'm quite comfortable like this as well," Y/n told.
"I know my sweet child, you've always been comfortable with the bare minimum, but please, let me spoil you for one day," Satine responded.
Y/n was quiet as she set the final piece down, "very well..."
Satine smiled as she stood up to look inside the box and approve the dress, Y/n sat in thought, Satine wasn't her mother, no they looked drastically different after all, Y/n had been left in a bush in the palace gardens, Satine finding the child alone and in silence, busying herself with one of the flowers. Satine had gladly kept the child inside the palace walls until a parent came along, but no one ever came and Satine was suddenly a mother.
"Mistress." The guard spoke snapping her out of thought.
"Oh uh, yes." Y/n spoke standing up from her seat, and looking at the creme outfit with barely a glance, "Yes, it's beautiful, tell the Seamstress 100 thanks."
The guard nodded covering the box as they all bowed and left, Satine frowned, "Come walk. Let's talk my daughter."
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"General Skywalker, do, do we really have to go as well?" Tup questioned, droids handing them all dark blue suits almost black in color, and matte.
"Yes, Obi-Wan was double security at this event for the Dutchess, and I agree with him," Anakin spoke, "Separatist parties will be there, Duchess Satine has a knack for being able to convince people, and with Padame they're practically an unstoppable team."
"But," Tup spoke, "Sir a, a party?"
"Diplomatic party, you'll be fine Tup."
Anakin then walked away to let his boys get ready and go get himself ready.
"I look good," Fives spoke checking himself out in the mirror.
"It's nice to wear something besides armor." Hardcase commented, "Makes me feel like a civie."
"A civie that just has thousands of replicas." Dogma argued.
"Oh get the stick out your ass," Jesse argued, "We can have fun for the one time in our life on the job,"
"Hey," Kix placed a hand on Tup's shoulder, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah," Tup spoke, "Crowds, uh aren't my thing."
"I'll make sure Rex posts you on the patio outside, you won't be around too many people then," Kix told.
"No, It's fine, I'm on the job- I'll, uh...just focus on that," Tup responded.
"Are you sure?"
Tup nodded as Kix returned the nod in understanding, going back to dressing himself, Tup went over to his bunk to dress, he'd admit, even though he was the same as everyone else in that room, he still felt shy, being a bit leaner than the others he started pulling his armor off to dress in the new outfit, simply putting the outfit over his blacks.
"What- No! Hey I want a titty window!" Fives argued.
"No," Echo demand, buttoning up his brother's shirt fixing Fives vest as well.
Tup stayed silent as he buttoned up the shirt, tucking it into the slacks and putting on the matching vest.
"OH Ho HO!" Fives whistled, "Look at Tup!"
"Yeah, thanks," Tup spoke, fixing the collar of his shirt, and pushing up the sleeves.
"Come on! Let your hair down! We're going somewhere fancy!"
"I'm good." Tup spoke
"He's way to excited for this." Dogma protested causing Tup to chuckle.
"You look nice." Tup commented.
"Uh. Yeah I guess." Dogma spoke.
The two had gotten close due to one another due to being not only regular troopers with no rank, but due to there quietness.
The boys turned there head whistling playfully.
"Bad bitch is the house."
She wore a pinstrip pant suit, the lines orange on white fabric and a pair of heels. She laughed.
"We're almost there." She spoke, "Skyguy wants us on the transports now."
Tup followed suit of everyone else. Everyone doing as asked, it was odd, seeing everyone dressed up all fancy and nice.
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Y/n sighed.
"Look up madame. They'll be plenty fine gentlemen there." A maid tried to pursuade, "or a woman if you'd prefer."
"Yes. I know." Y/n responded mindlessly, nose stuck in the book about game tactics, her goal to be her mother, "mhm. I've never tried that before."
The maid sighed finishing y/n's hair in the crowned braid.
"Look look beautiful."
The maid frowned, and there was a knock on the door. It opened as Satine came in, the maid bowing and leaving quickly.
"You're nose still stuck in a book. You remind me much of Obi-wan."
"Is the party over yet?" Y/n questioned flipping the page.
"It hasnt even began my dear." Satine spoke, expecting a comment back Y/n kept silent sitting infront of her simple vanity it black in color and matched the bench she sat on.
Satine walked over, taking the open spot next to Y/n.
"What is wrong me dear?" Satine inquired, "You don't avidly read strategic books unless something is wrong."
Y/n sighed, marking the book with a string and setting it down.
"I. I just don't wish to go." Y/n responded.
"It is much bigger than that isn't it?" Satine refered, catching Y/n in her lie.
"I." Y/n sighed, "I am nervous."
"For what my darling?"
"People." Y/n responded, "I. This. People...it's...I dont have the skills."
"Well of course you do,"
"I've never been out the palace walls, I've never fallen in love, I've never been taken advantage of- I just- Don't know anything about people," y/n defended "I've never even seen another sential species besides the holograms and images in my books that use words. I know every launage out there but have never met there people- I-"
"Calm down, take a deep breathe." Satine soothed, "everything will be fine. I will be at your side. The whole time, and you know me. Don't you?"
Y/n nodded as Satine smiled, "You're turning 19 my dear, becoming a young woman. You can do this, and I will guide you through whatever you ask."
Y/n only nodded once more, "now. Lets put our. Pain killing heels on and make haste shall we? Guest are arriving and I'd like to introduce you to your very first group of friends, but first."
Y/n watched as Satine pulled out a box, "I had something much. Much more elaborate my birthday, but you I know. Like to keep things as simple as possible."
Y/n took the small box in hand. Opening the golden box there was a small golden crown, it reminded her of a laurel wreath, yet without as many leaves, a few littered around the gold band with a stone that was ment to set on her forehead.
"For you're love of nature a green stone." Satine spoke.
"Its beatiful, thank you." Y/n spoke softly pulling it out of its box.
"Allow me." Satine spoke, y/n handing it over and bowing her head, Satine with a smile set the item on her head.
Y/n raised her head back up, "quiet beatiful you have become."
Y/n smiled smallly, "now. Shall we make haste? To make new friends?"
Y/n nodded smally as Satine smiled.
With that they were off, y/n following Satine dressed up nice, and thanked maker for the soleless sandles given to her instead of heels.
Y/n wouldn't lie, when General Kenobi arrived as they walked out onto the royal landing pad she found no interest in him, bowing her head respectfully, she did the same with Anakin. A bit more intrigued with Ashoka, but nothing pictures hadn't depicted. A man stood next to Anakin, who was soon introduced as Captain Rex. Y/n welcomed and thanked him for coming, but besides that, she was silent during the conversation.
"Sir, apologies for interrupting."
"It's fine, Jesse go ahead," Anakin spoke, Y/n watching the man with a large tattoo on his face gave a brief report to his general as the two joined the tight group of talkers.
Y/n was intrigued with the man next to him, hair tied back in a bun as his brother in arms talked. He too seemed the silent type, staying behind Jesse's shoulder rather than next to him, it was a slight difference Y/n realized.
"Lady Y/n, these are two are some of my finest men, Jesse and Tup."
"Lady Y/n" Jesse spoke bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you," Tup spoke nervously, his hand outreached for a handshake, Jesse quickly pulling his brother's hand down who was already a nervous wreck.
"Apologies for my brother! He doesn't know how to act!" Jesse scolded elbowing Tup slightly who was already shaming himself mentally and Y/n could sense it, but Jesse was already dragging him away with an insane amount of apologies as he left. 
Y/n watched as they got far enough away to where Jesse had started to drag Tup by the collar of his shirt.
"Lively bunch aren't they?" Satine questioned Y/n who nodded.
"My apologies Duchess, Lady Y/n. The 501st is not very big on tradition, and neither is there general."  Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin shrugged.
"It's okay." Y/n finally spoke up, causing heads to turn, "I, um, apologizes. Duchess if I may."
"Yes, you can go ahead," Satine spoke worried for the girl as she rushed off quickly. 
"Will she be okay?" Ashoka questioned.
"She has no social skills, and on top that, no friends her age," Satine spoke solemnly, "I wish to help her but she's a closed book." 
"Have I got the perfect trooper for her to make friends with," Anakin responded
"You're not sending Fives or Hardcase over to her, if anyone to watch her it'll be Cody, at least he can stay on task," Obi-wan argued.
"I think me and my master have the same idea," Ashoka smirked.
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"I- I'm sorry general- Me?" Tup questioned.
"Yes I need a clone with Lady Y/n at all times, and since she seems to like you after a slip up that could have cost us a whole war," Anakin spoke, "You're watching her,"
"General! I. I can't watch her! I. I. I. I have patrol!" Tup tried to argue.
"Kix is on patrol now, she's supposedly back in her room," Anakin spoke.
"Her- what!?" Tup argued.
"one of the guards will escort you thanks again."
"Wait! General!" Tup argued but he was walking away and waving to Tup happily. 
"Are you the clone trooper known as Tup?" A guard asked walking up to him.
"yes, but wait a minute!-"
"This way." 
Tup had no option but to follow a guard at his back and his front as they escorted him to the room. Anxiety racked his body, his hands clammy and squeezing each other as he gulped, the guards stopping and knocking.
"Mistress your escort is here."
"Oh, yes," Y/n spoke quietly, "He may come in alone."
The guards posted outside her room as Tup pushed one of the doors opened, he walked in silently and closed the door behind him carefully.
Looking straight on the large french doors were opened to a patio. Walking towards the open doors he found Y/n sitting on the floor a stack of books beside her with a chessboard by her side, her knees raised to her chest as her dress was laid out around her.
"I'm uh, your guard for the dance," Tup spoke, his thumb pressing into his palm.
"You can go back, I'm not going," Y/n told him, her mouth and jaw covered by her arms propped on her knees.
"oh, uh..." Tup spoke, not knowing what to do.
Y/n looked beside her, "You can sit, maybe you'll get in less trouble that way?"
He nodded in agreement, taking a seat on one side of the chess board. They sat in silence against the wall. Tup looking down at the pieces of the board set up on their respective sides, his clammy hands couldn't help but move a piece. Y/n looked overhearing the crystal click on the board. Looking down she picked up a piece and moved it, Tup moving his next piece without a word. Y/n looked down at the board, her legs falling from her chest and onto the ground flat as she looked over in thought. Picking up her next piece she took his pawn, setting it down on the side.  As they played they could hear the talk of guests starting to come to the palace. Due to where Y/n's room was it wasn't much to hear, just the occasional burst of loud laughter. 
"Ah yes! Yes!" One laughed spoke loudly, "I love the stars!"
Y/n suddenly came with an outburst the came with the man's hearty laugh, "I have loved the stars to foundly-"
"-to be fearful of the night." Tup finished moving his next piece.
Y/n's moved her gaze up softly then chuckled, "Mythology lover?"
"When I have the time, I mostly learn through tell and hear," Tup responded watching Y/n capture another piece.
It was silent again as Tup captured yet another piece, his eyes drifting over to her stack of books. Eyes glancing over the titles.
"H.P Lovecraft?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding.
"I find his stories interesting, I enjoy the horror genere as a whole." Y/n smiled moving her next peice, "do you like horror?"
Tup nodded, "I do occasionally, again hear and tell mostly."
Y/n nodded, "come with me."
Y/n stood up, walking into her room, Tup watching her.
"Come on." Y/n gestured holding out a hand for him.
He took it gently and was pulled up from his spot on the floor. Y/n led him by the hand into her room and towards a wall pushing on a certain spot a small door opened. Y/n leaned down walking through the door as Tup followed, Y/n closed the door behind them.
Y/n smiled, "the palace library."
"I am the only one who's ever in here." Y/n contuined.
The two walked side by side, out from the side of the room and into the center of the room. Tup turned around to speak, but he watched her pass a dusty window, the sun set passing in through cobwebs and dusty, shining on her think crown, her dress flowly and made up of multiple thin layers of fabric.
He gulped as she turned her head, stopping in her spot.
"What's wrong?"
"I," he started but stopped for a momment, "My name, its. It's Tup. I don't know if you-"
"Remember you?" Y/n questioned, "I do."
She walked up to him a hand extended, "Y/n."
He smiled as they shook hands.
"Tup." He introduced himself once again as they chuckled lightly.
They pulled away, Y/n's hands clasped infront of her.
"Well Tup its very nice to meet you again."
"Its nice to meet you too Lady Y/n."
"Lady Y/n!"
She took a quick step back from her closeness with Tup, clearing her throat.
"Oh thank maker..." the gaurd spoke under his breathe, "the duchess wishes for you to greet your guest."
Y/n nodded softly, "Well. Let's go?"
Tup nodded, the two leaving side by side in silence. They two making there way down to the main set of doors which led to the throne room.
"Lady Y/n." Obi-wan spoke, "The Duchess ask I escort you in while introduced."
"Oh." Y/n spoke looking at Tup he gave her an akwards thumb up, she chuckled and smiled at him with a nod.
Y/n smiled Obi wan extending an arm, Y/n linking arms with the Jedi General. The doors opened as they walked forward.
"Introducing Lady Y/n! Daughter of Dutchess Satine! Next in line for the throne!"
Y/n and Obi-wan walked forward people clearing a straight shot to her mother. Her and Obi-wan walked forward, feeling the stares on her she kept silent. It soon because uncomfortable, feeling the gaze more than just simple admiration or awe. She tensed as they walked making her to the steps to Satines throne. She pulled away from Obi-wan, bowing her head to her mother as she walked up, a smaller throne simplistic like how Y/n liked it and took a simple seat, she watched Tup sneak into the room carefully standing next to a man who had a medical band on his arm with his suit, before everyone started to fill the room again.
Satine stood up, she was making a speech Y/n zoned out, it was a greeting, thanking everyone personally for coming to celebrate Y/n's transition into womenhood.
"That's why I am glad to speak, Y/n's hand is extended for potential marraige candidates!"
Y/n sat up shocked, and Satine thanked everyone once again and took a seat. Everyone going back to chatting.
"Excuse me!? Marraige?" Y/n argued.
"It is a formality you do not have to marry anyone."
"Im not taking anyone into consideration," Y/n defended, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Lady Y/n-"
"No." Y/n spoke, she was beyond annoyed.
"Thank you for your time..." he spoke bowing his head and walking away heart broken.
Y/n rejected any man that came up to try and give there hand to her.
Tup watched from afar, Kix and Dogma by his side. Men contuined to go up to her and as more and more did she seemed more and more irratated. He quickly walked away from his brothers would watched him out of confusion.
Watching him walk up to the thrown he started walking up the steps.
"Y/n," Tup spoke, holding a hand out for her, "I'd like to spend time with you, perhaps a dance?"
"Hey! Buddy wait in line!" A man argued but Y/n looked at Tup thanks in her eyes.
The lighting on him seemed perfect, he back lit perfectly, his eyes holding a smile along with his lips. Y/n grabbed his hand lightly as Tup helped her up, the two walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke they now in the crowd of people.
"Seems you needed it," Tup answered as Y/n chuckled.
"To the libary?"
"Actually," Tup spoke quietly, "I'd...like to have a dance with you."
Y/n flushed, "t-that sounds good. Yeah."
It was almost on cue did everyone backed up circling people who wanted to dance, Y/n and Tup in the center of it.
"Um. Tup." Y/n spoke.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"Oh. Uh." Tup spoke, "no actually, do. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head no. The two laughing together as the music started.
"Suppose we should act like we're doing and maybe we'll fall in?" Y/n laughed.
Tup smiled in return, "I suppose."
The music started as they watched other, a simple waltz. Y/n and Tup luckily able to copy others, hands which once were placed in hand on on him, soon became more intimate, fingers intertwining. Tup's hand moving from her hip to the small of her back, she leaning into his touch just a bit more.
"Not bad." Y/n spoke softly, "we're doing decent."
Tup chuckled softly in return, "I suppose us clones learn quick."
"Clone?" Y/n questioned, "you're a clone?"
Tup looked at her confused, "You. You don't know that?" He questioned confused.
"I." Y/n spoke, "I don't mean to sound, uh, Rude."
Tup frowned, maybe she was an avid clone hater?
"I um. Havent payed much attention, to your face, my apologies." Y/n spoke, a flush coming to her cheeks.
"Am I offensive?" Tup questioned.
"No. No. Not at all." Y/n spoke, "On the contrary actually. I. Find you most appealing, your. Voice and presence is quiet soothing. You're a good man."
It was Tup's turn to flush, spinning her around softly as everyone else did. Her dress picking up just the slightest at the ends. Pulling her back into his grasp, it was sudden for both of them, there chest pressed up against one another, faces close, Tup's hand now across the small of her back grabbing her other hip as he lowered her into a dip, Y/n's arm around his neck as he did.
The claps of everyone was muffled in there ears.
Tup's nose brushing against hers as he tilted his head softly, Y/n stopping him with a hand on hie jaw , and she was raised up again in a flash.
"I. Im sorry" Tup apologized, everyone still clapping as Y/n bowed to him red faced.
"I...must go." Y/n spoke quickly rushing away and into the crowd.
"Wait!" Tup called rushing after her, she rushing out the throne room.
"My lady-"
"Im quiet fine a game of tag is all." Y/n defended rushing off, the urge of wanting Tup so bad fueling her feet as she ran from him.
Tup rushed looking both ways, "Which way did she go?"
"Left sir-"
Tup rushed after her, his shoes clicking against the marble floors of the palace as he ran. Seeing her take a turn up ahead he called her name once more, following her quick steps, she rushed into her ungaurded room and closing the door behind her.
Making it to the doors he panted for a moment, soon calming his breath he knocked on the door.
"Please! Y/n I did not mean to upset you!" He begged, "I. I should have asked asked you! I should have never just jumped into it!"
Y/n quiet as she leaned against the door, her body pressed up against it to keep it closed, he seemed genuinely angered with himself, and worried for her.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Tup spoke softly, "I...just..."
Y/n stayed silent listening.
"I. Seen you for the first time walking up with my brother to report to General Skywalker..." he informed, "I had no idea someone could look so beautiful until I seen you, then. Well then we started that chess game."
Y/n's cheeks grew red as she listened, her heart starting to drop its quickly put up walls.
"You just spoke and It was beautiful. I. I'm not good with words either. I." He sighed, "I didn't realize someone like me could have so much in common with you... half the time my brothers don't like any same things as me. And we're all copies of each other."
The knot in her stomach grew as she gulped, "I. Tup. Its not that I'm mad at you."
Tup was surprised to hear an answer, "I. I think you're quiet beatiful, I. I just...I've never..."
"Y/n you do not need to explain yourself to me." Tup told her.
"Just. Let me finish." Y/n spoke calmly, "I've, well. Tup. I. I. I've never kissed anyone."
Y/n stopped waiting for a laugh, or even a 'yeah right', but she got a sincere chuckle trying to break the ice, "neither have I."
It was a surpise to Tup when the door opened softly, Y/n's flushed face being seen due to the light of the hall.
"Are you okay?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding her gaze to the floor.
"We're you being..serious?" Y/n questioned softly.
Tup nodded, growing nervous himself.
"Would you..umm. like too?" Y/n questioned, "kiss me?"
"I..um." tup spoke his face full red, "yes.."
Y/n opened up the door a bit more so he could come in, taking the hint he walked in the room dark. His eyes not having to adjust as the French doors which were uncovered let in moonlight.
Y/n closed the door quietly, locking it behind her so they'd be uninterrupted. He turned his head watching her walk towards him.
Oh maker.
They stood infront of each other nervously, refusing to make eye contact. Y/n with a shaking hand reached out her hand, her fingers dancing along his shoulder as he looked down.
"Tup. I." Y/n spoke, her other arm following her first one on the other side of his head his hands slipping onto her hips.
Nerves in a bundle they tensed in one anothers arms, faces leaning in slowly, noses brushed up against one another. A few of Tup's fingers tapped and tilted her face to the side as he tilted his own face the other way.
"Tup...Im nervous." Y/n whispered against his lips, "what happens if...if i like it too much?"
"I'll do anything you ask me..." he mummbled her hot breathe hitting his lips.
It was silent for another momment, Y/n's eyes slolwy closing as Tup's followed. They leaning in the small space as there lips pressrd against each others. The bundle of nerves melting away and falling into ribbions that slowly started to knot.
The kiss was, cute, nothing more than pressing there lips against one another and then pulled away little space between there lips, a new found hunger filled the both of them, Tup pressing forward in a much more passionate kiss, y/n kissed back, lips dancing against one another. Y/n pushed into Tup. Breathe heavy through the armature kisses. Tup mindlessly picked Y/m up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they contuined to kiss. Walking over to her bed he placed her down carefully, climbing over her body.
Kiss only breaking for air, "Do. Do you want this?" Tup questioned, things had moved awfully fast and turned into a one night stand, love filled relationship neither could explain.
Y/n nodded, "Only from you"
"Are you sure? I don't want you unsatisfied." Tup spoke honestly.
"If its you I'll never be unsatisfied." Y/n told him, the two kissing again, Tup holding his like a peice of glass under him.
"I love you." Tup whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Tup." She spoke back. Tup kissing her once more.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
His nightmares... (Subject T0M au - Part 4)
Part 4 is here! Prepare for angst~ Hopefully you won’t cry, please don’t cry i dont like seeing people cry
Warnings: Mentions of death and injury (These are actually pretty heavy in the story so please be careful if you do read it and are sensitive to these things) 
Words: 1.5K
It was the same dream every time, the darkness consuming him like the ocean, always falling. This was always his dream, it wasn’t scary though, rather it was oddly familiar to him.
He was happy to stay in this sort of stasis until he woke up and saw Wilbur again, but this time it was different. The atmosphere of this place was different.
Something was there, it felt so close yet so out of reach. It was just barely out of his control? Every time he thought about it, he felt such immense guilt, sadness, and anger. But why would he feel this way if he didn’t even know what it meant?
“Can you hear me, mate?”. Echoed through the darkness, it sounded so far away and distorted, plagued with worry and why did it sound like Phil’s? The more he thought about it the more a growing pain grew inside his head. Why couldn’t he remember? Why did he remember Phil saying that?!
Why was he trying to remember things that weren’t there? He tried to yell out to Phil, but he got no response, nothing else seemed to happen after that.
“Please! Wake up!”. It was the same voice, although only more distorted and quieter, he responded in the only way he could which was a distorted whine, it was really the only way he could communicate since… Since when actually?
He never really thought about it but where did he come from?...
The headache grew as his vision blurry, he felt so weak, his body feeling as if it could pass out at any moment, the next thing he opened his eyes to see he was in a hospital room? It was so bright…
“Mate? Can you hear me?!”. Phil?... He moved his mouth to speak but nothing audible came out, “Oh... Thank God! You’re awake!”, “H-hel?-“ He couldn’t finish the sentence, his throat felt like it was burning… “Hey! You’re going to be okay! I promise!” he heard another voice, they sounded… motherly?
“W-who…”. There was a moment of silence as he could utter another word, “I’m Doctor Puffy, and this is Doctor Philza” The figure seemed to point to the other but was too blurry to make out, didn’t help with the tears streaming down his face.
“We need to ask you something, I’ll-“ He stopped as he tried to put it into words. “To put it simply, you’re dying.”. He- was what?! When did this happen?! Was he remembering his past?! He was scared and confused!? Phil?! What’s going on?! Where’s Wilbur?!
“We can save your life though-“ With what?! If he was dying, then where was Wilbur- he wanted to scream for help, he hated this, he hated this pain… ‘Wilbur! Help!’ his thoughts screamed.
“We can give you medicine, a special type of medicine. But it does come with its repercussions, if you let us do this to you, then you’ll probably forget your past and other things, but by means, you’ll live.”.
He’d live? So… this was from before? Is this why he couldn’t remember? Because of this? This was a memory; he was a human before then?
“Y-yes…” came out his voice, beyond his control. Did he make this choice? ‘I guess I didn’t want to die. And Phil saved me? I’ll have to try and ask him about it…”. His vision faded again but this nightmare didn’t end there.
 “Tommy! Tom! Stop running will you! I’m not as fast as you!”. Tom was always the faster of the two, and Tubbo was the smarts. Not to say that the genius Tommy didn’t have his own smarts of course! He was a genius, just… Tubbo always had a backup plan in case his master plans went wrong.
Being 17, and recently moving on with their lives. They were currently running around in the forest within the local neighbourhood like they usually did. He’d known Tubbo since he was a kid. So truth be told they were best friends! Best friends for life! Or better say the universe!
“So, Tubs, Did you get accepted into that university?”.  “Course I did, it was easy as hell!”. “I knew you could do it! Always a genius! Not as smart as me obviously!”. “Yeah, nobody could beat you in smarts!” Tubbo playfully nudged his shoulder, the two laughing as they talked about the day’s events.
‘Tubbo?... Who…? I knew him, I remember him, somewhat… I-“.
Time passed quickly for the two of them, time always did, it always seemed so fast for the two. Guess it goes to show how much they actually cared about each other, not that Tommy Danger Kraken Innit would say it himself!
“Hey, Tubs! Race you back to the house!”. He decided it would be funny to run at a slower pace to Tubbo, as for Tubbo’s ego seemed to have boosted since earlier since he ran right past Tommy into the open street. Now that street was quite famous for its… let’s just say, drunk drivers?
Tubbo stood in the middle of the road, making a pose and mocking Tommy who was just as easily caught up, it was the only time really Tubbo was reckless, and who knew he’d regret it.
Just as Tommy, made it up the hill connecting to the road, a screeching was heard in the distance with sirens along with it, it sounded closer and closer every second. Tommy’s heart raced as he realised Tubbo was in danger.
He sprinted as fast as he could as the car approached, Tubbo standing in shock as he seemed like a dear in headlights, his eyes screaming fear. Tommy was a hero though! He’d save Tubbo.
And he did, he saved him.
He pushed Tubbo out of the way safely… And well the next thing was he felt was so much pain, and Tubbo screaming his name, Tubbo ran up to him, desperate to help, but instead, he grabbed his friend’s cheek to make sure he was okay, besides what seemed to be a light gash on his forehead…Tubbo…was…okay…
His vision once again faded as he heard sirens…
 Wilbur had been staying in the office overnight due to an overwhelming amount of paperwork, he had to get it done. But it seems his energy didn’t agree with him since well… He was half asleep writing whatever could be called a report.
His vision faded black for a few moments as he kept trying to keep himself awake but for whatever reason, it wasn’t working, heck he didn’t even think he could get a cup of coffee… That was until he heard a terrifying scream.
He burst up in his seat in an immediate frenzy, the energy he didn’t even know, had rushed through his head, adrenaline pumping through his body. He immediately sprinted towards Tommy. Grabbing his keyboard and very clumsily unlocking the door with his key card.
“Tommy?! Tom! Are you okay?!” Tommy looked over to Wilbur the instant he heard him, “W-Wilbur!” He screamed disturbingly as he ran towards Wilbur, for a moment Wilbur was shocked that he made out Tommy’s voice, although it was only for a moment.
Tommy ran into Wilbur’s arms as he put all his weight on him, he snapped out of his shock, “Tom- Tommy what’s wrong?!”. He got no response besides the whines and cries of his friend. He was trapped in his embrace as Tommy clutched onto him, although tight it was still gentle.
Whatever it was, he seemed to have had a nightmare… “Toms, did you have a nightmare?”. His sobs increased as he held Wilbur tighter. “Oh Toms, hey! It’s okay! I’m here”. The position changed as Tommy sat up, and well changed in size, Wilbur was held protectively close to his chest as he continued to cry.
Wilbur rubbed circles and continued to comfort him until they had both fallen asleep…
Entry 09 – 2/10/20—
Tommy’s been acting a little different lately, he’s cheered up since that nightmare he’s had but when he’s around me he’s been a lot more? How do I describe it? More gentle and mature, kind of thing.
I’m glad he’s okay, I just worry. Just what happened in that dream to make him so scared like that?
 Tubbo placed the flowers gently by the stone that read, ‘Tommy Innit, 20XX – 20XX. Honourable family member and friend…’. The thought of Tommy made him want to sob but he couldn’t he knew Tommy would want him to stay strong…
It had been over a year now since he’d died but, for some reason, he felt as if Tommy was still out there somewhere? Maybe? But that didn’t matter, Tommy would want him to be happy, he’s been living his life just like they had planned. He’s gone to university and such.
He misses his best friend; he saved his life… It was just so difficult to think he was gone, he was there one moment, next he wasn’t. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if the reality had set in for him yet. He…
He held the scar on his forehead and laughed. “You idiot, hope you aren’t causing trouble for anyone up there! I’ll see you soon, okay?” He walked off home, he didn’t know how long he was there for, probably hours, he just had to get back since he had work tomorrow…
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
The Ride
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Pairing: Mafia! Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Mafia Au
Word Count: 4.8k
Warning: Gun Use, Mentions of Death, Kidnapping, Smut, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Sex Trafficking
Summary: Baekhyun was hired by your grandfather to watch over your cousin after she felt like she was being watched and marked. During his time at the diner with her, you and him became quite close. Little do you know the two of you are in for quite the ride.
Tagging: @shesdreaminginoverdose @ice-cold-taeyong @skittlez-area512 @exolnctzens @tacojisung @you-n-me-e-e @puli2things @xlxbaekhyuneex @blahblahblah-boo @precious-seungwooya @michimouse98 @ncteaxhoe @brokenbutchocolate @amixoferrthang @xiumin-tzuyu @biaswreckingfics @milky-baek @reynadelsol25 @maygem2780 @bbhmystar @xnovyx @sunbyun21 @jungkooksworld18 @noonawriter​
You lean over the counter, your cheek resting on your palm as you giggle at something Baekhyun had just said to you. 
"You're so gross. He's supposed to be here for me." Rose scoffs as she smacks her gum, continuing to text on her phone. 
"Oh my god, no." You laugh at Baekhyun before glaring at your cousin, scrunching up your face before hiding behind your hands. Your phone rings, you take it out and look at the caller ID, seeing grandpa flash across the screen you know he's there to pick up Rose. 
"Grandpa is here for you." You tell her, seeing his car pull up out back. As she gets up to leave, you turn away from Baekhyun when you hear the bell from the front door ring, along with mumbling deep voices. 
"Um.." Baekhyun says, making you turn around. You see a group of three men walking into the diner and Baekhyun's body stiffening up. 
"It's a group of old men, Baek. Stop." You laugh, grabbing menus before heading over there. 
"Hi guys." You smile, laying out the menus. "Can I get you guys something to drink to start?" You ask, slipping your notebook from your pocket. 
"Well aren't you a pretty little thing. Hey Jon? Dontcha think she's pretty." One man says, looking you up and down. 
"Absolutely." Another one murmurs. "She would make a nice fit with the others, hey Al?" He chuckles. "It's too bad she's not who we're here for." 
Your hand begins to sweat and shake as you try to remain cool. You felt uneasy but your grandpa always told you how to handle these men, should you ever encounter them. He always told you to not worry about it because the diner was a safe place, but on the off chance something happened, he was only a phone call away. 
"We heard Rose was going to be working today?" One man says with a smile. "I hear she gives great service. Could you get her?" He asks, his smile forced. 
"She's not here but I'll get you some waters." You mumble, quickly walking behind the counter. You notice the spot that Baekhyun had been sitting was now empty. You gather up the waters and head back to the table, placing one down in front of each man. 
"Do you guys know what you want to order or did you need more time?" You ask, your voice shaky. 
"Oh I know what i want." Al says, standing up. "Rose." 
"She's not here, I believe i said." You say, waving him off. 
"I don't believe you." He laughs. All three men stand up. 
"You guys can get the fuck out before I call the cops." You spit, placing your hand on your waist. 
The men laugh as they stand up, one of them winking at you as they walk out the door. 
"I'll be seeing you." He says, walking through the door, letting it slowly close behind him. 
"Not likely!" You yell. 
What a piece of shit.
You felt like you could finally breathe as you watched them climb into a car, turning your back before you even see them leave. 
You walk into the kitchen where the cook was cleaning the grill, the music blaring from his headphones. You tell him about your encounter and just ask him to keep an eye out.
You go back up front and you see Baekhyun walking around the front of the diner as you gather up some garbage, watching him turn the corner. You never understood why he stayed here after Rose left, since she realistically should be the only reason he was here. 
 You take the garbage out the back and through the door to the dumpster. As you see Baekhyun looking inside your car you notice a man with a gun sneaking up behind him, the gun pointed directly at his head. 
"Duck!" You scream. 
Baekhyun drops to the ground as the man fires his gun, the bullet going straight through the window of your car.
He pulls out his gun, swiftly turning around to shoot the man before getting up and running to you. He grabs your wrist, dragging you to his car, opening the passenger door and pushing you in before he hops in the driver's seat, starting the car, putting it in drive, as he screeches out of the parking lot. 
"Shit they had people waiting." Baekhyun spits, pressing down on the gas as two cars follow behind you. "I fucking knew it. I thought they would have moved on since she wasn't here." He mumbles. 
"Yeah cause sex traffickers move on that easily once they have a target." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "They're not dumb, Baek. They know you're there to protect her."  
"Here take this." He says ignoring what you said and handing you a gun. "Just keep shooting out the window. Try to aim for the tires." Baekhyun yells as he jerks the steering wheel to the left, the car behind you still trailing you too close for your liking. 
As you take off the safety, your mind wanders back into how you got into this position, meeting Baekhyun. 
"Ayn, this is Byun Baekhyun of EXO. He's here to watch after Rose while she's at work." Your grandpa, Chairman Yang tells you. 
"Watch Rose? Why? Because she does such a terrible job?" You laugh. Your laugh quickly fades away as you see the seriousness on everyone's face and that's when you knew it wasn't something to be joking about. "What's going on?" You ask. 
"She's been marked. Her car for the last few days have had the markings for trafficking." Baekhyun tells you. "This is how they do it, stake her out for a few weeks before they try to make their move." 
"So you're there.." you pause before he cuts in. 
"To protect her." He finishes. 
"Don't worry Ayn. Nothing will happen." Your grandpa smiles, trying to ease your mind. 
You weren't worried. You knew everything would be fine. 
"Don't they know who she is? Why pick her?" You wonder. Your family was powerful, so why risk it? 
"More powerful the family, more money for the girl. Some guys are just willing to take the risk." Baekhyun says. 
"I've got to go to a meeting. All will be fine, Ayn." Your grandpa finishes, placing a kiss on your forehead before walking away, leaving you with the man you soon would fall for. 
The first day Baekhyun showed up you laughed. He sat on a stool at the counter and looked around the building trying to locate Rose. 
"Seriously?" You smile, looking at him with a blank stare. "First day and you already can't find her?" 
"I know exactly where she is." He scoffs. "Back there." He says, pointing to the kitchen. 
"Actually no. She didn't come in today. She had me take her shift today." You say, smiling wildy. 
Baekhyun laughs as he shakes his head, lowering it in embarrassment. 
"It's okay if you're not very smart, you're still hot." You smile. 
"You think I'm hot?" He asks. 
"Don't get all soft now, mafia man. You have a job to do." You say, walking away to serve the new group of people who just walked in. 
Baekhyun knew then things would never be boring as long as you were around. 
"I did it!" You exclaim excitedly as you watch the car behind you lose control and crash into a pole. 
"Good job." Baekhyun laughs. "One more to go." He murmurs, jerking the car one more time and speeding up. "Hold on tight." He spits, grabbing the wheel tightly, stepping on the brake and turning the wheel hard, completely turning the car around. 
You both speed past the car that had been trailing behind you, and laugh as you watch them through the mirrors, they slam on their brakes and try to turn to catch the two of you. By the time they had turned around, Baekhyun had already pulled into one of many side roads, turning off the car. 
Sitting there in silence, you squeeze your legs together, your clit throbbing. 
"Are you okay?" Baekhyun asks, worriedly.
"Adrenaline makes me horny." You breathe. You move your panties to the side, slowly slipping your fingers into your pussy, only letting out a soft moan. 
"Are you..?" He begins to ask, but is cut off by you getting onto your knees, pulling your fingers from your pussy and leaning over to him. You lift up his shirt, running your fingers through his treasure trail, licking your lips before whispering "nice." 
You unbutton his pants and he lifts himself up, making it easier for you to pull them down. 
You lick your lips at the sight of his cock, hard, leaking pre cum. 
You place your mouth over the tip wrapping your lips around it, swallowing his cock. 
Baekhyun moans as you gag yourself on his cock. His head falls back against the seat, his mouth hanging open as he thrusts up, shoving his cock further back down your throat. 
You bring yourself up, sitting up, you wipe your mouth, looking him in the eyes. "Im clean. Are you?" You ask. 
"Yes." He whispers as he watches you pull your panties down and throw them in the backseat. He leans his seat back, pulling your arm to help you climb onto him, hiking your skirt up in the process. He holds his cock as you slowly begin to sink down on him, his cock stretching you out an unimaginable amount. 
"Shit." He cries. "You're so fucking wet. You're drenched." He moans. 
You place your hands on his shoulders, you're rolling your hips, curling yourself into him. 
"Oh my god." You moan in his ear, leaning forward. 
You move your fingers down, putting them in between the two of you and in between your lips, rubbing your clit. You nuzzle your nose into his neck, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.
"Dont stop." You cry, rolling your hips in just the right way. Your clit becomes sensitive as your orgasm quickly approaches. 
You lift yourself up from against him, your head flying back as you cum all over his cock. You move your hand from between your legs, lowering your head to look Baekhyun in the eyes, you place your fingers in your mouth, sucking the juices from them. 
Baekhyun moans as his hands leave your hips, moving up to begin undoing the buttons of your top, exposing your bra. He pulls a cup down, letting a breast spring free. He moans as he cups it, leaning his head forward to take it in his mouth. 
Shivers run down your spine as he continues to suck while you ride him, his cock hitting the right spot every time. 
You move your fingers down, putting them in between the two of you and in between your lips, rubbing your clit. You nuzzle your nose into his neck, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils. 
Baekhyun lets go of your nipple with a pop, but before he's able to say anything else, a pair of headlights are set on your car and a gunshot rings through the air. 
"Shit." He spits, turning the car on. You try to get off of him but his one hand keeps you there in place. "I don't think so, baby." He smiles, putting the car in drive and flooring it. "Grab the gun." He spits. 
You reach over to the empty passenger seat, grabbing the gun you had left there. "Aim it out my window. Try to hit wherever you can." He yells, jerking the car around another corner. You wrap your arm around his neck as he looks over your shoulder, watching the road. You stick your arm out the window and pull the trigger, doing your best to keep your aim at the car. You were having a little trouble concentrating with Baekhyun subtly thrusting inside you as he drove. 
As you aim the gun out of his window, a moan slips out of your mouth, whispering the sound into his ear. 
"Fuck baby, you can't do that." He groans, grunting as he bucks his hips up, pushing himself deeper inside of you. 
"And you can't do that, if you want me to shoot." You gasp, clutching the gun tightly. 
Managing to get a little bit of your concentration back, you squeeze your pussy around his cock as you aim and fire. 
"Oh my god." Baekhyun gasps, biting his bottom lip before thrusting his hips up, pounding himself into you. 
"Fuck." You cry out, bringing your free hand up to cup your breast, squeezing it tightly. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you ride Baekhyun, forgetting that you would be distracting him from trying to get the two of you to safety. 
"Take another shot." Baekhyun groans, trying to concentrate, both hands on the wheel but his eyes on your bouncing tits. 
You stick your arm out the window again, firing another shot, this time hitting a wheel, making the car begin to swerve before inevitably crashing into a tree. Baekhyun laughs as he slams on the breaks, shifting the car into park before his hands end up on your thighs, pushing down while he thrusted up hard. 
"So fucking sexy." He grunts. You use your knees against the seat, bouncing on his cock, your tits in his face. 
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." You cry, your hand grabs a clump of hair as your orgasm hits you, halting all your movements, causing you to shake. "Shit." You moan as Baekhyun thrusts himself into you more, chasing his own high. 
"Im gonna.. cum." He stampers, his fingertips digging into your thighs as he shoots his load into your pussy, coating your walls with his cum. "Fuck." He huffs. 
You smile as you both catch your breath before you get off of him and sit yourself in his passenger seat, feeling his cum drip from inside your pussy. "You can just drop me off at home if you want." You breathe, running your hands through your hair. 
"I need to talk to your grandpa so yeah, let's go." Baekhyun says, turning shifting the car into drive and heading for your house. 
"Yes sir." Baekhyun says as your grandpa gives him new instructions. 
"You're to be there all day everyday. If EXO wants us on their side, you better be keeping us granddaughter safe." He says, not looking up from his desk. 
"Yes sir. Of course sir." Baekhyun finishes, nodding his head. 
"You may go. Ayn?" Your grandpa says. 
"Yeah?" You say, turning around to face him. 
"Maybe you should take some time off from the diner. Just until everything blows over." He suggests. 
You laugh as you walk over behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I appreciate the concern, but they're not after me. Besides, you know i can handle myself." You say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
"I know you're tough." He chuckles. "Doesn't mean I can't worry about you." 
"I'll see you later." You smile, walking out of his office. 
A few days later you were back at work, missing Baekhyun. He had gotten a phone call from Rose saying she had an appointment and he was the one who needed to take her and watch her there. You could almost guarantee that she did not have an appointment, she just didn't want to come to work like usual. 
You're brought out of your thoughts when the bell on top of the door rings and you heat the sound of footsteps walking into the diner. You turn around and see one of the men from before standing there, but this time he's alone.
"Table for one?" He asks. 
"Sit where you want. I'll be right with you." You say, turning around to grab a menu. You take a deep breath, planning out what you were going to yell at him. You walk up to him, dropping his menu on the table as he looks up at you. 
"Before you say anything.." he pauses. "I want to apologize for my friends and I the other day." He smiles. "They're into some weird business, we were drinking that day and things just got out of hand." He sighs. "A friend had told us about Rose and we pushed too far, we didn't mean any harm,  i'm sorry." He finishes. 
"If you weren't here to do any harm, then what about the guy who was shot?" You ask, trying to unravel his apology. 
"What guy? Someone was shot?" He asked, looking worried. 
"Nevermind.' You whisper. You weren't sure if you believed him but it's not like you would see him  often, so you let it go. But that wasn't true. You saw home almost everyday after that, and everyday you became increasingly more and more comfortable around Al. 
"Hey Al." You smile widely as he walks into the diner for the fifth time this week. 
"Hello dear." He laughs, sitting down at his usual table. Already you were behind the counter grabbing his water and his coffee to bring to him.
"BLT or eggs today?" You smile, not even bringing him a menu considering he only ever ordered one of two things. 
"I think the BLT sounds good today, Ayn." He says, sipping on his coffee. "How's your cousin?" He asks. 
You had told him that she was a terrible coworker and he always liked to tease you about it. "Shitty, as usual." You smile. "I'll go put your order in quick." 
As the night went on and Al finished his food, he liked to stay and have a few cups of coffee after, reading the paper and just enjoying the sound. Yoh remembers how he told you his family was all gone, his wife passed away years ago, and his children were all grown up and left the house. He missed the noise, being surrounded by people. Or that's what he told you. 
"See ya, Ayn." He says, waving as he walks out the door a few hours later. You head over to his table to clean up his cups and underneath one of them was a $100 bill. He always managed to make you smile with his tips. 
A few weeks later, Al was still coming in and Baekhyun didn't like it. "There's something off about him." He says, sipping his coffee, eyeing up the man who you had become close to. 
"He's lonely. Leave him alone." You laugh, smacking Baekhyun on the arm. 
"How was your day today, Ayn?" Al asks as you refill his coffee. "The same as yesterday and the day before and the day before." You laugh. "Work work work, go home and sleep and more work." 
"You work far too much. You closing up again tonight?" He asks. 
"Not tonight, I'm off early tonight but the rest of the week I'll be closing." You tell him. 
"You make sure to be careful. There are some weirdos out there." He warns. 
You thank him and turn around, missing the small smirk that appears on his lips before disappearing quickly. 
At 7pm, you happily took off your apron, throwing it in the laundry basket in the back before saying goodbye and getting into your car. 
Once you were home you took a quick shower, not bothering to use a towel to dry yourself off, you prefer to air dry. 
You walk to your dresser grabbing your lotion off the top shelf as your door opens and in walks Baekhyun with his eyes closed. 
 "Look." He says. "We need to talk." He finishes opening his eyes, trailing your body up and down. "I.. we.. um." He stutters. 
"Im listening." You say, rubbing lotion over your stomach before moving up to your breasts. 
Baekhyun lets out a deep breath before moving to your desk chair, he sits down, biting his bottom lip. "Well.." he pauses. 
"What do you want to say to me?" You ask, standing in front of him. 
"I don't remember." He says, looking up at you. You smile as you crawl into his lap, straddling him. You wrap your arms around his neck, your breasts pushed into his face. You lift yourself up before rolling your hips against his clothed cock. You feel him grow beneath you as you continue to grind yourself on him.
"What do you want?" Baekhyun asks, his voice low. 
"Do whatever you want to me." You breathe. 
"Whatever I want?" He smirks. 
You nod your head, biting your lip to hide your smile. Baekhyjn stands up holding your back as you wrap your legs around his waist. His hands move to your ribs, holding pulling you off and throwing you on the bed. 
"Ropes?" He asks. 
"Handcuffs." You reply, pointing to your closet. Baekhyun gets off the bed, moving to your closet. He reaches up to grab the pair of handcuffs, twirling them around his finger as he walks back to your naked body laying on the bed. He crawls on, smiling as you hold out your wrists for him. Happily he locks the handcuffs in place and pushes your arms to lay flat over your head. 
"Hold onto the headboard and do not let go." He says with a growl. 
"Yes sir." You purr. 
Baekhyun moves down your body, forcing your legs open, spreading them as far as he can make them go. Your pussy is already dripping at the thought of him between your thighs. 
He lays down on his stomach, spreading your lips before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your back arches for a moment, until he pushes you back down, keeping his hand there to not let you do that again. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, his lips wrapping around you clit, sucking harshly. 
He releases your clit, sliding two fingers into his mouth before slowly entering them inside you. He slowly pumps his finger in and out of you, bringing his other thumb to your clit and gently rubbing, making you arch your back again. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." You cry out, the overwhelming sensation continuing to grow as he works his magic fingers. 
"You're going to make me.. cum." You scream out, your hands holding on tightly to the headboard as your orgasm washes through your body, Baekhyun's fingers still continuing to work on you. 
"Please. Please no more." You cry out, your body trying to twist away from him. 
"Shh baby, you told me I could do whatever I wanted. So stop moving and let me make you cum again." He snaps, his eyes dark. You bite your bottom lip, your body tries to relax but fuck you're sensitive. 
"I can't." You cry. 
"You can and you will. Cum again, baby." He says, his fingers thrusting in and out of you quickly while his thumb rubs your clit. 
"Fuck." You cry out, another orgasm washing over you, your clit throbbing from being so sensitive now. 
Baekhyun removes his hands from you, standing up and pointing to the floor. "On your knees." He states, pointing to the hardwood floor beneath him. You crawl off the bed, your hands still in the cuffs. Your sink down onto your knees, in front of Baekhyun. He begins unzipping his pants, letting his cock spring free. You notice the precum dripping from his red tip. 
"Suck." He demands. 
You take a breath before leaning forward, licking the tip of his cock, swallowing the cum before taking more of him in your mouth. 
Baekhyun's hands reach around and grab the back of your head, pulling a clump of hair to keep your head still before he slowly thrusts his hips back and forth, gently hitting the back of your throat. 
As the seconds went on his thrusts became harder and faster. His grip on your hair tightened as he slammed his cock into your mouth, sliding it down your throat to make you gag. Tears brimmed your eyes as you choked on his cock. 
"Such a good slut." He moans, pulling his cock from your mouth, letting you breathe. 
"On the bed. All fours." He spits, discarding his shirt somewhere in your room. 
You climb on the bed, mascara burning your eyes as it runs down your face. You put your face in your bed, pressing it into your sheets while sticking your ass in the air and wait for Baekhyun.  
You feel the bed dip behind you before a hard slap lands on your ass, making it burning. 
"Good girl." He purrs, grabbing your ass roughly before slapping it one more time. 
Baekhyun lines his cock up with your hole, pushing himself inside you a little bit before he grips onto your hips and slams himself inside you. 
"Holy fuck." You cry out but it's muffled. Your fingers hold tightly onto the bed sheets as your face is buried into the bed. 
"Such a nice pussy." He groans, this thrusts slowly but hard, hitting your G spot everytime. 
Seconds later he picks up his pace and begins pounding himself into you, his breathing heavy as his fingertips dig into your hips. 
"Clench." He grunts. 
You clench your pussy around him, making him cry out loudly. 
"Fuck, just like that." He groans, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Im gonna cum." He yells, his grip becoming even tighter before he stops moving. He's hunched over you, as he spills himself into you, coating your walls with his cum. 
"Shit." He breathes, giving small thrusts as he milks himself for everything.  
He pulls himself out of you, letting cum fall from your pussy, as he walks to the bathroom to grab you a cloth. 
He comes back with a smile on his face handing you the cloth before unlocking your hands, tossing the handcuffs onto your bed. 
After cleaning up, he crawls in beside you, pulling you in close to him, sleep coming easily to you both. 
Late in the morning, Baekhyun gives you a kiss on the lips as he quietly leaves your room, heading home to shower before going to the diner for his shift with Rose. "I'll see you later." You smile, knowing you'll be there in the next few hours for your long shift. 
Over the next few nights of your closing shifts, Baekhyun had to leave early for the first two and had planned on staying for the third one. It was around 10pm when Rose had left to head home and it didn't take long for Baekhyun's phone to ring after that. 
"You just left Rose." Baekhyun sighs as he answers the phone on speaker.  
"I think someone's following me." She whispers. 'I've been taking a bunch of random turns and the car follows me the whole time." She says. You can hear the panic in her voice as you hear whimpers through the phone. 
"Where are you? I'm on my way." Baekhyun says, taking off from the diner. Your stomach was in knots thinking about what could happen to Rose. You just hoped Baekhyun got to her in time. As you watch his car screech out of the parking lot, the front door opens. You see Al walking in, a smile on his face. 
"Hey stranger." You grin, grabbing a cup for coffee. 
"None tonight." He says. He looks uneasy and uncomfortable. "I'm really sorry Ayn. It's not my decision." He says. Before you're able to ask him what he meant, you hear the sound of a bullet hitting something or someone in the kitchen and then a body hitting the floor. 
You look at Al with terror in your eyes as he shrugs his shoulders before you're hit over the head with something, making you fall into the darkness. 
Baekhyun got to Rose as fast as he could. She had pulled into a well lit gas station that had many people around while she waited for him to show up.
"They're gone?" She says, looking around as Baekhyun walks up to her window. "It's like they saw you and took off." She says shrugging her shoulders. 
His mind immediately went to you. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He pulled out his phone, dialing your number but you didn't answer. His hand starts to shake as he presses redial before running back to his car. He speeds out of the gas station and heads back to the diner. 
You still didn't answer. 
Baekhyun dials Chairman Yang, who picks up on the second ring. "What is it?" He asks.
"It's Ayn. Meet me at the diner." Baekhyun says before hanging up the phone. His foot presses on the gas, jolting his car to go faster.
He finally reaches the diner, barely putting the car in park before he flies out of the driver's seat, running inside. He calls out your name but you don't answer. His eyes look to the floor where he sees a large spot of blood. 
"Ayn!" He calls again, no answer. 
Chairman Yang runs through the door, looking at the blood then back at Baekhyun. 
"It was never Rose." He breathes. "They never wanted her. It was always Ayn." He finishes, feeling like he's failed you. 
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tastyykpop · 3 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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chibisidesm8 · 3 years
I think the only pirates AU's I have seen are centered around the twins, but I just imagine how nice would it be if Janus' scales were because being half merman! Or some other sea creature! A sea sneak?
True. Still interesting pirate AU ideas tho
I've been thinking about one too and idk if I should ramble about it here but I will anyway just cause I can.
Here's a ramble about a roceit+analogical Pirate AU:
So imagine a pirate AU with Janus being raised in a fishing town
He doesn't know anything about his origin other than his "aunt/uncle" adopted him and treated him like a son alongside their child Logan, so the two are like siblings to each other
Logan tells Janus all sorts of stories and legends of creatures of the sea
So they decide to study those together
Janus is always curious about where he's from and why he's half-reptile. His relatives don't know the answer
So fast forward, Logan and Janus are all grown up and are able to operate their family fishing ship
Janus is captain as he seems to have an affinity for the sea. Logan is his first mate
During a sail, Janus spots something on a rock, and secretly took a rowboat to get a closer look
He gets close and realizes it's another sailor who seems to have been lost at sea and was clinging to the rock
Janus rescues the sailor and takes him back on to their ship
Logan is all "Where have you been?! Who is this???"
They take the sailor back to their home to recover
Upon waking up, the sailor introduces himself as Roman. He doesn't recall much of where he came from but he knows he needs to go somewhere far across the horizon
Janus is theorizes that the place Roman is thinking about is a place where he may also find answers about himself as well
So that night, he asks Logan to go with him. Logan says if they do, they may as well be pirates
Janus is willing to take the risk. Their relatives don't stop them but instead wish them a safe journey in finding what they're looking for
So with their loyal crew, Logan, Janus, and Roman set sail
Roman is their navigator
During their voyage, Janus and Roman take a particular liking to one another as they're both trying to find answers about themselves
They have a few misadventures on other islands to resupply and all that
A crewmember is like "so are the Captain and Navigator dating?"
To which Logan responds with "the only people who don't know they're dating are Janus and Roman themselves"
Back to the action:
They suddenly encounter another ship containing more experienced pirates
They try to navigate to avoid each other
They manage to escape the first time but they take notice the ship now seems to be hunting them down
So soon, they're caught during one of their resupply stops:
Roman and a few crewmembers were out while Logan and Janus were thinking about what they've accomplished in their journey so far as they still haven't found any answers
The two get into an argument as Logan is getting frustrated by how they don't know where Roman is bringing them
"So what now? Are you going to make me choose between you two," asks Janus. Logan is silent but responds "No, I won't. But I just want you to rethink this voyage. Ask the question of where we're going and what are we really looking for? What are these answers you want?"
Janus enters deep thought but is interrupted when a crewmember bursts into the room, saying the ship was being overtaken by the pirates
Before the crewmember could return, they are interrupted by a pirate entering
This one had a purple motif, telling the siblings to surrender as their captain is waiting for them on the deck
Janus and Logan knew they were surrounded so they do
They're brought to the deck and a greenclad pirate greets them. They're shocked at his resemblance to Roman
He introduces himself as Captain Remus, and Bosun Virgil
Remus explains how frustrating it was the first time they got away that he just had to catch them for fun
Logan murmurs to Janus about how much Remus looked like Roman
Virgil, hearing the name, repeats the name. This catches Remus's attention, and his demeanor seemingly shifts from chill to hostile
With that reaction, Janus infers that Remus knows something about Roman and so in a voice of faux confidence goes "So you know Roman, too?"
"I did, once" Remus says as his glance briefly turns sullen, like he had a sort of regret, before going back to being serious. "I was going to let you live but...."
Janus starts panicking but that's when Roman and their remaining crew made themselves noticed that they were back
Remus is shocked, but moves to embrace Roman. He is apologizing a lot, holding him tight
Everyone else is stood around them. Virgil has a soft smile on his face
"What's going on? Who are you? Why are my friends tied up????" Roman asks.
Remus allows Janus, Logan, and their crew to be released and then explains to them that Roman and Remus are twins
Remus was Roman's first mate but during a battle against some mythical creature, Roman was thrown overboard and they couldn't find him, so Remus became captain
Remus explains they were heading to an island told in legends to be home to a sort of mystical siren who had answers to the deepest mysteries their heart wishes to know or could even grant a wish if one desperately wanted it
So they come to an agreement to journey together. Remus hopes the siren could restore Roman's memories, while Janus wanted answers to his origin
Janus convinces Logan that it would be worth it so now the ships set sail
Virgil and Logan come to find each other's thoughts to be relatable to their own (worries about their captains, the long aimless journeys, other pirate encounters, etc.), and some feelings may be developing between them
So through a long tough journey across the sea, they finally find the mystical island
So Janus, Logan, Roman, and Remus enter the caves while Virgil stands guard
They meet the siren named Patton, who seems to be very warm in welcoming them
He invites them to have a seat in his chamber. Logan is hesitant but Janus and Remus seem adamant about being friendly to keep the siren appeased, so they all do
When Patton asks what they came seeking for, Remus goes first and explains his regrets after Roman fell overboard and how happy he was when he found his brother again, and he wanted his brother back. Roman adds on with his side of feeling lost, not knowing where he was, and wanting to know who he once was again
Patton senses the truth in their wish and so he grants Roman his memories back
Next, Janus explains how he's been trying to find himself all his life: how much he wanted to know who he was and why he was the way he was
Patton is silent but explains they already used their wish and would have to find him again if they wanted another wish. Patton parts with the final question "Is that what your heart truly wants?"
The cave glow vanishes, leaving the group in the cave with their torchlight
Janus is angry but they don't have much time for that as they sense the island shaking
They all rush back to their ships. They make it back on time and the island vanishes
The group are left to discuss everything that happened
Janus is understandably upset. Roman apologizes to him like "I'm sorry, the wish should have been yours"
Janus looks at him, softly caressing Roman's face. He brings their heads closer, foreheads pressing. He couldn't bring himself to be mad at Roman
"I know I've been searching for it my whole life, but I can live with it. I know who I am now, I'm captain Janus [surname]. I braved the seas with you, my brother, and our crew by my side. And I am yours. I wouldn't want to change that." Janus declares, pressing his lips on Roman's
Bonus dialogue (marked with **):
**"Wait, they were dating????" Remus interrupts.
**"Well now there's three oblivious idiots," Logan replies, getting a chuckle from Virgil
**”I didn’t get to give him the ‘dont hurt my brother’ talk,” Remus pouted
So anyways, they set sail again. They already found answers, now they search for a new adventure
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step-on-me-natasha · 3 years
Blade; chapter 3
summary: Parker "Blade" Wiles, a high ranking SHIELD agent with an aptitude for sharp objects, goes missing. When Blade is found again with a darker and colder demeanor, SHIELD, with the help of The Avengers, are tasked with finding out what happened to their colleague and friend. 
OC is ace and uses they/them pronouns
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x OC! reader
warnings: needles (IVs), let me know if there are any others
“I'm doing the thing Florence Wiles could never do.” The room went silent. All the lab assistants stopped working. Everyone just stared at the two of you.
“Knock her out and put em’ under, I don't have time for this.” Madam barks and for the second time that day, everything went black.
*Meanwhile at the Avengers Compound
After the mission, the rest of the team got off the jet while Natasha stayed behind. Still in your seat, her eyes scan the room and land on your journal. She chuckles to herself because only you would have a bright purple journal. She knows she shouldn’t look through it but she does anyway. As she’s reading through the two entries, her vision starts to get blurry. She wipes her eyes and stands up and walks off the jet straight to her room.
“Hey Nat! How’d-”  
“Not now Clint.” She snaps. She practically runs to her room and slams the door as she starts to cry. She sits down at her desk, turns to the next blank page in the journal, finds a pen and starts writing.
Hi Blade, it’s Nat, I know when you see this, because you will see it, that you’ll probably be mad at me for snooping but it was something i felt i needed to do. Your last words to me before you disappeared were “dont worry about me, I got this.” and part of me believed it. Foolish of me. I should’ve stayed with you. I know you're strong and capable and smart and you’ve been in a situation like that before, but god damnit I should’ve gone with you! Bucky thinks it's HYDRA, Tony thinks it's what's left of the Red Room. Men, ugh, So dumb. HYDRA has been wiped off the face of the earth and the Red Room is, as i said, retired widows living the life they deserved. I think it's something or rather someone else. Who it is, I don't know. But enough of this, I'm not here to write about who took you, I don't know why I'm writing. But, and I quote, “here goes nothing.”
The first day you walked into the compound, scowling face and all, I knew something was special about you. You stormed into the conference room, like you always do, and plopped in the chair you claimed your own. When everyone else joined you in the room you didn’t even look up until someone said your name and coughed. You stood up, said your name was Blade and sat back down. It was pretty funny if Steve “stick up his ass” Rogers wasn’t in the room. Something, I think Clint, said to “show your power” or something like that, and you walked out of the room and everyone followed you to the new high tech training room. You then found a bow staff, broke it in half, had Tony load the most advanced training sequence. You set a record, with the broken staff, in that training session, curtsied, and walked out the room.
Anyways, that's not what this is about, I wanted to write this to let you know that we, the team, are here for you. We care about you. I care about you. So, on that note, you better get your ass back here so we can eat some garlic bread and watch some shitty reality TV.
Love, Natahsa
She stares at her note for a little while, thinking about what she could’ve done to save you, to have you here with her. But instead of you being with the team, with her, you quite possibly, could be dead. She can’t think about that right now. She wipes her tears, closes the journal and gets ready to take a shower. After her shower she gets dressed in shorts, a hoodie and a pair of fuzzy socks. She makes her way out of her room to get something to eat while Clint slides in front of her.
“What's up with you? You got Barnes' broody scowl going on.” He says with a mouthful of food.
“That's cold Clint”  
“shut up Barnes, you know it’s true.” He shouted back. “Anyways, seriously, is something wrong?”  
“They’re gone Clint. They are gone and we don't know where they are.”
“Are you fucking serious Clint? Blade! Blade is gone! And we have no clue where they are or if they're alive! And you're making jokes right now?!” Her eyes start watering again.
“Oh no Nat, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't know Blade was missing, I thought I saw them walk in.” He says as he pulls her into a hug.
At that moment, Nat lets herself cry. She balls up the front of his shirt and just breaks down. “They’re gone, Clint, and I don't know what to do!” She says through her tears.
“Nat what do you need me to do? Let me help.”  
“Find her Clint! Unbreak your arm and fucking find her!’ She cries.
*At the old HYDRA base
After the group of scientists knock you out, again, they put you in an armoured truck, with many following behind, to transfer you from this old base to the new MYST headquarters.
“Madam, what are we supposed to do with the new asset?”  
“Tie them up. And make sure that it’s secured, we don't need it escaping again.” Madam orders.
The ride is long and bumpy and these scientists have been pumping you full of fluids and unknown liquids. Pull up to a gate with a pin pad. Madam gets out, puts a passcode in and the gates open up. They pass through the threshold and into what looks like a parking garage. They park the truck and roll you out.
“Hey, hey what's going on?” You say as you start to wake up.
“Ugh, someone take care of this! They woke up again!” Madam yells.
“Hey, no hey! Let's not do this again!” You say.
“That's not an option sweetheart”  
“And why is that? Huh? I don't know what you want, other than a winter soldier”  
“I want what HYDRA took from me.” She says “Knock her out and start over! We will begin testing strength tomorrow morning!” Madam says as she walks away.
“God, what a bitch.” a scientist mutters under her breath. Heh heh, I like this one.
“I know, at least you're not the one tied to a bed” You say back.
She gasps, “you weren’t supposed to hear that”  “Well, I am a well trained spy and assassin, you learn how to pick up on small sounds.” you chuckle.
“Yeah well, still.” She says harshly. “Youre only here for one thing, and it’s my job not to fuck that up, so you weren’t supposed to hear that.” She says as she injects you with more unknown liquid.
You wake up in a new room, tied to a bed this time. Upgrades people, upgrades. Your eyes scan the room and land on two IVs dripping; one blue and one purple. I am going to die here.
“Ahh, you're awake.” Your head snaps to the right.
“Super soldier serum,” She nodded towards the IVs. “Whatever was left of what HYDRA perfected it, I got the last of it when it fell in 2014.” Madam starts.
“What's that purple shit?” You interrupt.  
“That purple shit? Really? I've been working on that for years and the best you can do is ‘that purple shit’? Really?” A small scientist comes out from behind Madam.
“Oh sorry, I should be more sensitive, what is that weird ass purple liquid that is being pumped into me?”  
“You're a rude person.”  
“Yeah well, I'm currently strapped to a bed with strange liquid being pumped into me. I'm obviously not thrilled about it!” You shout.
“Okay, enough! You two are children!'' Madam yells. Children (derogatory).
“The purple stuff is a concentrated metabolism booster. It makes you heal 3x faster than just the super soldier serum. It makes you basically invincible.”  
“Oh cool, does it give me laser eyes like Superman too?” wrong universe, shit.  
“You are insufferable!” The small scientist exclaims.
“Thanks, it’s my main character trait.” You sass back.
“Oh my god, shut up already!” Madam yells. “Dr. Nichols, you go prep the room while I handle the new asset.” New asset? Get a better name.
You roll your eyes and scoff as the small scientist storms out of the room.
“Got something to say sweetheart?”  
“No no, you do your thing”  
“In about-” She checks her watch, “10-15 minutes, you’ll have a small device inserted into the back of your neck, specifically at the base of your skull.”  
“Sounds painful”  
“It is. The device will expand and it will attach to your brain, causing me to be in control.”
oh shit.
“Cat got your tongue sweetheart?” You stay silent. “Well, nice chat! I'll see you later!”
She leaves the room as your eyes start to water. Oh my god. There is no way I'm getting out of this. As you sit there, waiting for what’s going to come next, nats face pops into your head. And the fact that there is a chance that you’ll never see her again, talk to her, touch her again, makes the tears threatening to fall, fall.
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bokutosbubblebutt · 3 years
A little help
from us students
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- Since Sensei Y/N joined team 7, the three students noticed that their usual teacher behaved a bit weird, weirder than normal! So they assumed that Kakashi had a little crush on their new teammate and they tried everything to help him out
Pairing: Kakashi x fem!reader
Words: 2540
Genre: fluff, a bit 16+
- a/n: This was fr so much fun to write and I‘m honestly really proud if it lmao
„Okay, guys! We need to talk!“ Sakura sat down next to Naruto and Sasuke. The three we’re eating ramen together after their training session with Sensei Kakashi and Sensei Y/N.
„I was watching him now for a really long time and I came to the conclusion that Sensei Kakashi has a crush on Sensei Y/N!“ she said and ordered some ramen with pork.
„Hu? What do you mean, Sakura?“ Naruto asked confused and raised one of his eyebrows. Even Sasuke turned his head and started to think about it.
„Haven’t you noticed? He’s been acting really weird the last few weeks since she joined us. Well, weirder than usual.“ - „I noticed that he doesn’t read his book when she’s with us.“ - „Yeah, and when we have training with her, he’s always on time, sometimes even earlier.“ - „And when we had this fight with the rain Ninjas, he had a nose bleed after that even though he didn’t got hit.“
„But when I think about it, Y/N likes him too, in my opinion.“ Naruto said and put his chopsticks down. „She’s always with him! Since she joined us, you barely see them alone.“
„They even do personal training with each other, although they are both extremely strong!“ - „And she’s always laughing at his jokes!“
„I remember Sensei Guy eyeing them and he made some weird facial expressions towards Kakashi when we met him.“ Sasuke laughed and drank the left over soup.
„Thats it! It’s obviously that they like each other! Everyone notices that but not themselves.“
„We could help them out a little bit? I think they are pretty cute together and Sensei Kakashi just needs a girlfriend. Maybe he will stop reading these weird books!“ Sakura suggested and looked at her teammates. They all agreed on doing that and started to make some plans on how to get them together.
-Plan 1-
It was a casual trainings day and everyone did their own personal exercises. Sensei Kakashi and you were watching over the three, gave them tips and helped them out. Everything was normal and you all minded your own business.
Naruto was standing on a tree he just walked up with chakra in his feet. „Y/N! Look I made it!“ he screamed over to you and you just threw a thumbs up at him.
„Good Job! Now try to walk down again!“
That was the signal for the first plan they came up with. Now it’s was Narutos job to bring you up on the tree. „Uhm, Y/N Sensei! Can you please help me a bit? I‘m scared that I fall.“ he screamed down to you and tried to make a nervous face.
„I think you should try it on your own Naruto! I believe in you!“ - „But I‘m scared that I fall on my face! You probably don’t want me to get into the hospital, do you?“
Annoyed you rolled your eyes and walked up on that tree to the student. He simply thanked you and then made his first step downwards. „See? You can do it! You have nothing to worry about.“
Naruto casually walked down the tree and looked over to Sakura and Sasuke. The girl was training to put a certain amount of chacra in her Kunias with which she simply can hurt her enemies and paralyze them, a special technique she wanted to learn from Sensei Y/N.
You were about to walk the tree down as well right after Naruto. Kakashi was sitting on the ground and watching you doing this simple task.
Sakura was about to throw one of the chacra knives at a dummy but suddenly Sasuke screamed her name. Of course, this was all planed and the little girl stopped paying attention to where she was throwing the knife and looked over to her teammate. Sakura threw the kunai ”accidentally“ in your direction and managed to hit both of your ankles.
Since this technique caused paralyzed body parts and prevented the chacra flow in some certain areas, both of your feet turned numb and you weren’t able to concentrate chacra to walk down the tree. Slowly your feet started to slide and you fell. With a scream you expected to hit the hard ground and break your bones but this didn’t happen.
You fell into two strong arms which catched you bridal style in the right moment. Immediately your cheeks turned bright red and you tried to avoid eye contact with Kakashi, who catched you. He just stood there and smiled slightly. „Th-,Thank you.“ you stuttered and covered your eyes with your arm.
Kakashi looked down at you and scanned your facial features. Once again he noticed how pretty and cute you were. Slowly he sat you down to check your ankles.
„Oh my god! I‘m so sorry, Sensei Y/N! I‘m so sorry, it’s all my fault!“ Sakura tried to make it look like an accident and apologized immediately. Sasuke and Naruto gave each other a secret high five and then walked up to their teachers with a faked concerned look.
„Dont worry! At least you got it right. It’s wasn’t a big amount of chacra anyways.“ you said and tried to brush it off.
„Next time you better pay attention to where are you throwing your kunai!“ Kakashi warned her and then slightly touched the cut on your feet. The bandage, which was tied around your ankles, was covered in blood and a slight cut was visible. „Does it hurt? Can you move them?“ he asked and put one of his hands on your thigh.
„I can’t feel anything in them, they are numb.“ you answered and massaged the bridge of your nose.
„Kakashi, I think you have to carry her to the hospital when she can’t walk!“ - „Yeah, I guess I have to do that!“ Both of you just looked at each other and blushed. Carefully he placed one arm under your knees and the other on your back. His left hand rested on your hip and pulled you close.
They probably would never admit it but they secretly liked it how close they were to each other. The physical contact wasn’t uncomfortable, more like the opposite and they enyojed each others touch.
-Plan 2-
A week later your ankles were completely healed and you could move them normally again. Now it was time for their second plan, which was well, less painful.
The friends noticed that Kakashi visited you almost every day and brought you flowers. When you got released it was time for the second part.
You five were walking trough the village and talked to each other. „Uhm, Sensei Y/N! We wanted to invite you for dinner as an apologize and we will pay, together.“ Sakura said shyly and hit Naruto slightly in the side. He just nodded and agreed to what she said.
„You don’t have to. It’s okay“ you simply answered and smiled. „We won’t take a no! And we are already here.“ Sasuke threw in and walked towards the restaurant.
It was their favorite ramen noodle shop and Sasuke hold up the sheet for the others. „Hmm, when we are already here.“
Quickly the three picked their seats and made a gap for their senseis so they had to sit next to each other. Normally you sat down and put your hands on the table.
The nice lady took your order and then they started to make your food. As always you ordered ramen with lots of veggies and your favorite drink.
„Do you know what our next mission is going to be? Hopefully something cool, I wanna see Sensei Y/N fighting again!“ Naruto laughed and looked over to Kakashi. Naruto sat besides you and Sasuke sat next to Kakashi.
„Yeah, she is really good, right Kaksahi? The way she does her genjutsu is amazing.“ Sakura mentioned and smiled at their Senseis.
„Hu? Uhm, yeah! I-, I also think your fighting skill is pretty good. It’s, uhm, nice to watch you.“ Kakashi stuttered and tried to hide that he was blushing.
Finally the soup was ready to eat and you all started seating silently. Suddenly Naruto reached over to Sasuke with the intention to get a towel to clean his face.
Accidentally he managed to push against your arm and make you spill your drink all over yourself. Now your shirt and pants were soaking wet and it felt disgusting.
„Oh my god! I‘m sorry Sensei Y/N! I‘m so sorry!“ he started to apologize and looked shocked at you. Sasuke and Sakura gave each other a little high five and just giggled a bit.
Annoyed you looked at your student and then at your wet disgusting clothes. „It’s okay, just be careful next time!“ You tried to brush it off.
Kakashi asked the nice Lady for a towel and she gave it to him. „Wait, let me help you.“ he said and started to gently pet the towel on your wet clothes to dry them a bit.
Carefully he pat it on your torso and on your boobs. You didn’t even realized it at first what he did because you just thanked him for helping you but after a while you noticed the gentle touches. Your face turned bright red and you tried to cover it with your hands. „Th-, thank you!“ you stuttered and looked away. „This is so embarrassing.“
„I can give you my jacket!“ he offered and immediately took it off, although you haven’t answered yet. Now he just sat there with a tshirt and his mask. Slightly he threw it over you and closed it for you. Again you thanked him quietly and smiled.
His jacket smelled good. It smelled like him. Not what you expected, even better what you expected. He smelt like the forest after a rainy day and a hint of wet dog. Maybe he had washed his dogs while wearing it.
-Plan 3-
Your team planned instead of training to do a day off and just hang out and spend some time together. And the tree students had the idea to relax a bit and go to the public bath together.
„You are really exited, aren’t you?“ you giggled because the three rushed immediately into the building. Together you and Kakashi paid for their bath and said „see you later“ to each other since the bathes were separated into men and women sections.
While humming a little melody, you took off your clothes and wrapped a towel around your body. After that you went outside and made your way to the hot bath. You didnt even look in which part you went because you knew the women bath was right and the men bath was left. Suddenly Sasuke stopped you.
This was their third plan.
„Uhm, Y/N Sensei, this is the men bath you are walking in!“ he said and pointed towards the sign. A little figure which looks like a boy was on it. „I think they changed it, I almost walked into the girls bath.“
„Oh! Thank you, Sasuke.“ you smiled and looked at the sign again. Weird, you thought but went through the other door.
Little did you know that they changed the signs before you could walk in. Kakashi went into the right bath and then they changed it. Exited the looked trough a little hole to see what happens.
„If this doesn’t work, than they are both too stupid. A better plan doesn’t exist“ naruto laughed.
Unbothered you walked into the bath, dropped your towel halfway through and threw it over a stone. Slowly you walked into the water and let your body react to the hot steamy atmosphere around you. The hot water hugged your body and relaxed you sat down and finally closed your eyes.
After a while you opened them again and looked around. Where is Sakura?
Quietly you heard a embarrassed male voice which cleared his throat. „Uhm, Y/N, I think you are in the wrong bath room.“ he said calmly and slightly smiled at you amused.
„Oh, fuck! Kakashi!“ you screamed and pulled your legs closer to hide your body. Why does this always happen to you?
„Don’t worry, I haven’t seen anything.“ he said and tried to avoid eye contact with you. His hair was down and he didn’t wear his mask. That was probably the first time you saw his full face and, and he was beautiful and hot. You have fantasized about how he looks several times and this just topped your expectations. He was really attractive.
„But, but even Sasuke told me that I have to go in here.“ you whined and tried to hide your bright red face in your knees. This was so embarrassing!
„Dont worry, it’s not like that I don’t know how a female body looks.“ he giggled and slowly swum into your direction. With distance he placed himself next to you and quickly scanned your body.
You were beautiful in his opinion. Your skin looked so soft and the little rolls your stomach formed, were adorable. The wet hair and your blushed skin caused him to not taking his eyes from you.
„You don’t have to hide your body.“ he calmly said and grabbed your chin to make you look into his face. „I-, I think you are really pretty, Y/N. And I’ve liked you since the first day you joined us.“
„You, you really do?“ you asked and looked into his blushed face. Slightly he nodded and then started to pull your face closer to his.
Finally it’s happening.
At first he gave you a gentle kiss, just a little one to make sure you were into it. After that he smiled and pulled you closer again. This kiss was way more exiting and got heated pretty quickly. Slowly he placed his hand on your waist right under your boobs.
After a minute you pulled away and you smiled but immediately started to laugh at him. „Kakashi, you got a nose bleed!“ - „Oh shit! It’s quite a long time ago since I kissed someone.“ he giggled and tried to make it stop.
~Time skip~
After you two spent sometime together in the bath and talked about the last few things that happened you went outside to face your students.
„Okay! First of all, that was evil and very inappropriate! We are really disappointed and you three will get cleaning duty!“ Kakashi said and looked down at his students.
„We‘ve noticed that you three were acting really weird in the last few weeks and now you have to tell us. Of course it wasn’t an accident that Naruto pushed me and Sakura "accidentally" threw her knives at me! Explain!“ you wanted to know angrily and crossed your arms in from if your chest.
The three looked at each other and then finally they explained everything to you. „We noticed that Kakashi might has a crush on you Y/N Sensei! And, and we know that he is, well, a bit stupid when it comes to girls and love in general.“ Sakura started to tell the story. „And so we decided to help you a bit with that and made these plans.“
„And we guess it worked out, right?“ Naruto smirked.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
The Asylum
Synopsis: The U.A was a known Asylum. Known of being the current house for the most dangerous persons with the most tragocs backstorys and trauma. An universe where quirls dont exist, but heroes take the places of doctors, students are trainers and of course; villains are the pacients.
I am planning to do for all the boys I write and Shigaraki version of it (surprise shiggy stans!) Let me know if you would be interested.
Kai Chisaki:
You are currently a new doctor that the Asylum recide to take under their wing. Obviously not to good intentions. Since there is a pacient no one seems to even dare to croos his dorm room... so will you be able to tame the beast?
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The limo you were in along with Nezu and the famous doctor Toshinori Yagi along with his aprendice Izuku Midoriya was sorta of glamorous... too much to your own point of view. But how could you point that out? Espevially to the ones whose kindly offered a job as soon as you got your graduation.
You were viewed as the "too kind and sensitive" to be a doctor or a psychologist, yet you still remained your ground and got your degree! And was now facing the kind hearted doctor Toshinoru himself! He was the most respected and talented doctora of all Japan, who just couldn't admire him?
The car came to an stop and Nezu gaze a hearted chickle after finsihing his cup of tea, which didn't even dropped a drop of the drink, before smilling at you as Toshinori and Midoriya helped you out.
"You two are too kind!" You spoke as the boy blushed crinsom red and laughed nervously as Nezu caught your attention.
"(L/n)-san, uou must know that despite us having the best of security measures, evil persons live on here and they can and some even will hurt you. Poor Midoriya-kun had to deal with a teenage girl around his age last week and almost got stabbed."
You widened your eyes as you saw by thhe corner of your eye the poor boy shivering at the memory as Yagi patted him by the head with a nervous chuckle.
You followed Nezu when he entered the building and found the place surprisingly intact even if hearing some shouts, psyotic laughter here and there..
"Im so sorry to not introduce the place for you (L/n)-san, but I have not only young Midoriya here but also another "student" to take care of." The man laughed as you smiled up at the man.
"I understand. Having onterns at such a young age must give some work." The blonde chuckled as he waved while Midoriya wished you a good first day at work before Nezu called you to stand beside him on a elevator and pressing the button to go down.
The number of the monitor, indicating the floors, were lowering as you arched an eyebrows until you jumped at hearing nezu giggling.
"We have floors that indicate which state our pacients mental health is... the lower the floor, the more these expecific pacients of oura need desperately for help."
"I see..." you picked your bag and took out the paste that only had the name and doccuments of your future pacient... Chisaki Kai.
A man around 20 and 25 years old that was a surgeon once, raised by a mafia boss. After being catched of by police for trying to make an unknown and forbided drug he was arrested. His adopted father had gotten ill and eventually put into a coma... in desperate to gain some blood for the elder the only with the compatible blood type of his father was his nephew... it seems that he had almost taken the blood of the girl by force due to desperation after he got out of prison...
Not even succeding on helping the old man, he got send to the Asylum after the acussation of his poor mental state. He got into a physical and heavy fight coincidentally with another pacient of here, and lost both of his arms.
He seemed also to have some sorta of OCD. His mysophobia being so advantege that not even if he comes to contact with dirty places, but even if he felt nervous or angry, hives would appear on his skin... also suffered from PTSD attacks and was paranoid, seing figures of assasinans and monster of four arms after the loss of his father and own members...
This patient is considerated one of the mosy dangerous around here even if missing both arms, now aparently substitute by prosthetics..
NOW you knew why anyone hasn't been very fond of him... the man had beaten up three of his previous doctors and almost send one to heaven.
The sound of your gulp got mixed with the ones of the doors of the elevator opening and Nezu menyioning for you to follow him on the hall.
The entire hall was super and almost shinning clean as you walked through it.
"As you saw on his file. Chisaki has a serious matter with dirt, even going as far as to almost beat our janitor after finding a piece of fry lying on the cafeteria. After that, he reveives his meal only on his room in hopes je doesn't cause such a tragity like before..."
"I see he is pretty... demanding." You muttered as Nezu stopped by a door made of Iron as he searched for a key.
"Surely, not even one of his doctors got the chance to knowing kore than his files, so I wish you to be the lucky one." The man smiled at you before pushing the door.
"... who is it?" The voice came from the darkest part of the room and you saw a hunched over form after squinting your eyes hard enough. The voice was deep and low kinda sexy even
"Chisaki. I have the honor to present you the doctor (L/n) (Y/n)-"
"Ah, another doctor I see." It came as a scratchy sigh, his head lifting up to reveal a man with gorgeous golden dull eyes and brow hair similiar to the woods of a pine, his skin pale amd the prosthetics arms shine the light of the halls back into your eyes.
This was against your own code.... but damn this man was hot.
"Is.. a pleasure to meet-"
"Lets see how much long will you last..." he said with a empty smirk before falling back to his stoic and empty expression, staring at the wall and demanding for you both to get out.
Nezu sighed as he accompanied you to outside and looked at you expectedly.
"... I think I can deal with him. He doesn't sound too bad as his files give away." You smiled at Nezu as he gave a rather relieved sigh and shook your hand in glee.
"Great! Your consulta will hlbe in his room witha bodyguard waiting outside to provide you security as he will be handcuffed for extra care."
You frowned at that as the man handed you the key and accompanied you for an tour around the whole building... Handcuffed? This was a bit extreme...
Wasn't it?
You breathed in and out as the guard was already set on post to watch over. Turning the key to open and quickly close it as instricted by other doctors and collegues.
"Hello." You greeted softly while closing the door as he stared at the table he was handcuffed with "I believe we didn't had a much pleasurable start due to Nezu there..." you seated on ths chair in front of him as he gritted his jaw.
It was silence for a bit as you sighed in sympathy.
"Listen, I have nothing here. Neither to hurt or touch you. I also took at least three showers before coming here to talk with you. I was rather excited to be honest." You smiled at him as he only arched an eyebrow up, still stoic expression.
"Foolish." He gritted through teeth as you tilted your head in confusion "You heard of me getting three people at least to the verge of death... Tell me, how cam you defend yourself from me?" His voice lowered dangerously but you still remained grounded. Surprisingly not even feeling scared.
"You mean also from the... monsters?" You saw how his muscles tightened as his eyes widened at you before narrowing them deep into your soul.
"Dont play like that. I know no one can see them... is just me."
"Well, that is true..." you leaned a bit towards him "But that doesn't mean I cant just try to understand you."
"Is that supposed to make me laugh? I dont need this stupid shit." He hissed while glaring at you.
"I suppose... but when was the last time you talked with someone though?"
It was silent... then he just sighed a bit shakily before starting to scratch the upper part of his arm...
"Get out. Now." You hummed, eviting to giggle at the shocked face he tried to hide at sieng you actually was leaving after he demanded.
"I will be back by tommorow then. Have a nice day Chisaki." You left the room and was inspected by the guard for any form of bruises or injuries and yhey were impressed.
"You're the first one that didn't got injured with that guy over there..."
"I think i just might be getting somewhere with him if I try hard enough."
Slowly but surely you got to talk with Chisaki. He still remained reserved most of the time, but as soon as you brought up the topic of a mess on the first floor was enough to make him complain about the quality of this place.
It wasn't exactly a start... but you did needed to get some sorta of trust of him on you.
One day you were about to enter the room and saw the episode everyone warned you about. His hallucinations.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" you dodged the table he threw with all the force he had near the door as you closed immediatly when you heard the bodyguard calling for others to help put Chisaki on a straightjacket.
"Get out! Get OUT! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as he lunched the air and walls as you watched in wary and worry in your eyes as you tried to aproach safetly from behind.
"Chisaki-" you gasped when he almost punched you if it wasn't for your good reflexes "Chisaki listen to me!"
Ee only let out a bloody scream as he tried with all his forces to attack you before he caged you by the wall as you gagged at the metal hand on your throat.
"Chisaki.. im not here to hurt you-!" You tried to push more air into your lungs as he growled.
You tapped his shoulder out of desperation and immediatly gasped for air as he jerked away from your touch, blinking as if he had just woken up as you coughed.
When you opwned your eyes and saw him standing up, looking at you in shock you sighed in relief while getting up.
"H.. How? How did you make him to..?" He whispered while looking around the room in desperation "H-He was just... here-! He was HERE!" He shouted, his anger coming back as you walked towards him.
"Chisaki.." his amber and wrathful eyes looked into yours as you asked softly "What was in here?"
"It was.." he looked at the ground comflicted before grasping his hair with a groan "No no.. cant be... CANT BE! HE ISN'T HERE!"
"Who isn't here? Chisaki?"
You widened your eyes as he breathed in shakily before dropping on the ground and crossing his arms to support his head.
"But... why would your-"
"Not the one in my files..." he groaned before looking at the wall numbily "My biological shitty one... an abuser. Use that to get a promotoon or whatever brat.. just leave me alone."
You furrowed your eyebrows down at him. Your heart speaking louder than your mind as you gently aproached him and seated next to him, maintaning enough distance to mantain him on a comfortable state.
"... I thought you didn't remember your biological parents." You commented as he linched the bridge of his nose.
"How could you forget someone that made your childhood a living hell?" He breathed out "I dont even know why I am even telling you this..."
"... let me guess.. abusive?" You spoke with sadness as he chuckled darkly.
"Pitying a sociopath and murder now doctor?" He brushed his fangs away "Don't. Is pathetic."
"Abusive." You confirmed as you stared at the wall he was facing at "Instrict father and negletful mother..?"
"... the man was an arrogant bastard... always beating and just taking away any sorta of ways of basic needs.. while my mother was a selfish women whose always called me a failure. A burden. A mistake... my father on one day was about to beat me up for grabbing something to eat..when I grabbed his gun to defend myself and accidentally shot him... the woman called the police on her own 5 years old child can you imagine that?" You stared at him in sadness.
No one knew his backstory. No one knew anything about him when he was under 12 years old. His archive compeltely erased... and there he was.
"The visions you have... is of him?"
"... a more like fusion or something." He groaned whipe scrwching his face "Has his face but has the arms of a beast... and four arms... other times is that Shigaraki that took my arms... others are my mother just trying to stab me or hold me down while she yells for me to... to behave..." he sighed shakily "Is the session over yet?"
You frowned before slowly aproaching him and taking his metal hand on yours as he widened your eyes.
"Is over.. but if you want i can stay here... to make sure those assholes wont be back." You smiled up at him as he stared at you like you grew three heads.
"I... I believe you have other places to be...?"
".. I enjoy having your company." You smiled again "After all, you dont deserve to be left caged alone.. You're still human after all.."
He stared at you before looking at the wall as you giggled a bit at the tips of his ears getting red as he thought over and over again.
Was he... was he really worth of being called a human?
"This new medication here might give some colateral effects, so after taking them i need you to tell me. But asides from that they will releave a but if that itchy feeling of your hives and the other will help a bit with your-"
"Hallucinations" the man completed as he analyzed the bottle only to sigh and open it later "I saw them once in the hospital I worked for."
"Oh I see!" You replied cheerfully at seing an opportunity to talk with him "I know you were an explendid surgeon."
"... kind of. Had almost a heart attack when blood was spilled on my skin now at then. Sicks.." He looked at you snorting before the hint of a smirk started to form only to dissapear as he took the two piles onto his hand.
"Uh.. You need to eat first to take your meds." You warned before he could plop the pills on his mouth... he stared deep into your eyes as he lowered them on a napkin and leaned on his chair while crossing hsi metalic arms.
"Then I guess I wont be taking it. The food of this place is horrible and disgusting. Not as much as my room." You arched an eyebrow at him before furrowing them in worry.
"What? Dont they clean your room? The halls are even shining. And what about the food?"
"Not quite." He sighed "A precary job, and some guards like to come by and dirt the place just to give me a headache... the food is just the same."
You hummed before getting up.
"Well then, I guess I have to grab somethings and demands some changes..."
"Oh, how adorable. You getting my food? Make me laugh some more doctor, Im dying to see it." He spoke on a nonchantly tone as you only poked your tongue out at him before muttering that you would be right back.
To him it seemed like hours you had gotten out and even dared to scold on how slow you must be.
"I brought you what seems to be your favorite! Not the food from the cafeteria, I swear!"
He watched in amusement and accidentaly smiled at seing you there with what was once his favorite food until he flinched at your gasp.
"I see a smile thereeeee!!!!" You pointed at his face repeatedly as he surprisingly gently slapped your hand away while taking the bag.
"You're such a nuisance." He sighed, hating how his mouth drooled.
"I washed the fork."
"But I didn't even-"
"I know you Kai." You giggled before widening your eyes and slapping your hands over your mouth in shock.
His eyes were also wide open as you felt your face heat up.
"Im so sorry! It was so unproffesional this oh my Go-"
"Is..." he interrupted you while looking at the opposite direction of yours "Alright... surprisingly my name doesn't sound... so bad when you speak... doctor."
Your eyes softened a bit as a flustered and quite a happy smile graced over your features that made him blush even more.
"Is impressive!" Toshinori and Nezu exclaimed together as they saw the progress yoh had made with Chisaki only in a matter of months as you giggled. "You're a god send (L/n)-san!"
"Please!" You waved them off in embarrassment.
"No no, none of that young one!" Yagi snorted "We decides to give you a week of vacation after such an amazing progress like that! Starting today!"
"Yeah! Dont worry about your pacient, we will get him a substitute just to make him take the meds."
You didn't had much of a choice since they already send the poor guy over his way.
Two days... two days and you simply wasn't here. Just seing a trembling hand almost throwing the pills at him as he sighed in dissapointment. Two days and he hadn't see the face of his beautiful and pretty doctor of his... he couldn't believe it...but he was so desperately craving them. To hear her voice, to.. even feel his hand brush against hers...
He jerked up when he heard the sound of the door opening, narrowing hus eyes at seing that the doctor whose entered his room, wasn't his doctor.
"U-Uh... I-I'm here to-"
"You're." He standed up from his bed "Not." He walked close to the shivering doctor "my (Y/n)."
Before he knew it, he saw visions of you being handed and taken away by one of these monster as he shouted and beaten up the man, the security guard allerting all of the bodyguards about the pacient 14 leaving his cell and attacking others.
The alarms set off and all securities were called as he toom them down ome by one as he shouted with all the forces of his lungs:
"WHERE IS MY DOCTOR?! GIVE HER BACK!" he shouted as he took each one of them down and even managing to stab one of the doctors and one of the security guards witha freacking pen that was in the pocket of one of the pacients that was nearby.
“GET THE SEDATIVE AND THE STRAIGHTJACKET! QUICK BEFORE HE-” the poor guard had his head locked on Chisaki metal hand as he slammed him into the wall into the point it bleed.
He shouted in pain when he felt the syring on his neck, his body starting to get drownsy as he was threw down on the ground, still trying to fight until the end as he kept calling for you...
“Help me... PLEASE! I WILL BE GOOD! IM SORRY!” He shouted and cried at the same time “WHERE’S MY DOCTOR?! (Y/N)!”
He shouted your name until he had no voice or force t do so as his body gave out....
You ran after scoldng every one that tred to stop you as you searched for the key of Kai’s room.
You had received an emergency call after three weeks of your vacation and to say you were both terrified and worried was a understandement. You needed to see Kai. Just thinking about him prisioned on his room and on a jacket made you feel horrible... you even heard the possibilty of the U>A taking away his prosthetics arms due to “security measures”.
You opened the door and loghten up the lights to see Chisaki laying on his bed. A numb look towards the ceiling as you whimpered his name and went to stand close to him.
“... did you come to kill me..?” you widened your eyes as you thought the urge to tear up as you looked for the key of the straightjacket that Nezu gave it to you after your begging.
“Kai im so so sorry...” You whimpered while freeing him... HIm blinking as if he just notices your presence and moving his arms before sitting up.... looking at his metal fingers move, one by one..
“..Are you another hallucination...?” he flinched at your hand coming in contact with his cheeks ashe looked at you as if he was about to kill you right there.
“No... Kai, feel me.. I’m here. Aren’t the meds helping you anymore:”
He stared at you for a what seemed like a decade before he brushed his fingers on your cheek before choosing to bring you close on what seemed like a hug, since he coulnd’t feel with his prosthetics...
A shaky sigh leaved him as he clinged onto you.
“I... You weren’t taken away... I dont feel sick with your touch...” you hugged him back with a shaky inhale before breathing out.
“I wont be taken away... Im your doctor after all...” you buried your face on the crook of his neck and inhaled his clean scent. getting drunk by him.
You didn’t know when your lips came in contact, but they did... and you didn’t even cared about your carrer anymore, you only carried about him... you knew this man could and would get better. You just could feel it.
“You want to know something?” he whispered after the kiss as you hummed “You sound more like an angell to me. My angel.”
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ssamie · 3 years
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  3k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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"atsumu-kun, osamu-kun.." she trailed off with a hesitant smile "i don't think i need you to be beside me the whole time.." she said
currently, she was walking into the gates of inarizaki high, hoping to have a lowkey and fun first day of school. she was hoping to make some friends along the way as well. but now it seems she can't do that because two towering men are looming beside her, sporting a stoic and intimidating look as they glared at anyone and everyone that dared to even breath near her.
"nonsense." osamu said with a light scoff
"we gotta protect ya from these rabid dogs" atsumu snarled, emphasising on the dehumanising nickname as he growled at the boys near them 
y/n simply sighed and chuckled lightly at his claim. "you're both acting like the rabid dogs, if anything.." she said. she watched them glare at the people around them as they entered the classroom. 
for such a short amount of time together, the three had already formed quite a strong bond. perhaps it was because she was so lovable and welcoming. always building them up like the sweet girl that she is. 
it was as if the twins had felt themselves softening for her. though atsumu flirted with her a lot, they both saw her as their little sister. 
"uwahh!! your school is so nice!" she gushed as she looked around the clean and polished room. "i've never been to a school this fancy before" she said 
"and your uniform is very pretty" she grinned gleefully as she patted down her skirt. "though it's a bit tight around certain areas.." she chuckled sheepishly
osamu and atsumu's head snapped towards her, their eyes widening as she slyly adjusted her white blouse around her bust and hip area. atsumu sucked in a deep breath as he turned away from her. he slapped the wall repeatedly as he silently screamed into his hand. 
"samu...i know we had a deal" atsumu started off "but after seeing that" he said. the blonde dramatically gestured to the pink and green haired girl. his face was red and his eyes were tearing up. 
"that was enough. it was enough to make me break our promise" atsumu said in a dramatically solemn tone 
"what the fuck are ya on about" osamu asked unamusedly 
"i can no longer see 'er as a sister.. i can only see.. THOSE EROTICALLY BEAUTIFUL CURVES-" 
"SHUT UP, YOU ILL-MANNERED DOG!" osamu cut him off with a kick to the stomach "yer fuckin disgusting, y/n' s like our sister! we established that" he scowled at his twin 
"you're so pretty l/n-chan!" a new voice filled the air 
"eh?? but you're so much prettier than me! your hair is so long and curly! and your eyes look like caramel!!" she replied flusteredly as she fawned over her classmate 
both twins snap their head toward her as they heard much more voices ensue. 
"ne, l/n-san.. do ya have a boyfriend?" one boy asked. the girl simply panicked over the question, vigorously shaking her head as she waved her hands dismissively 
"ah no! i don't have a boyfriend.. though i'll admit it would be nice to have one" she squeaked out bashfully 
of course, a few boys perked up from her statement and approached her. 
"i could be your boyf-" 
"oi." atsumu called out with a scowl "the hell are ya on about?" atsumu sneered at him as he stood tall, smirking mockingly at the boy as he wrapped an arm around y/n. 
"m-miya-san!" the boy squeaked out in surprise "um.. i was just gettin to know 'er that's all!" 
"tch." osamu scoffed "scram." 
"yep! we're leaving!" the boys announce as they timidly turn on their heels and leave 
"osamu-kun, atsumu-kun! why would you do that?!" she whisper shouted at them. her expression morphed into one of horror as she saw the other kids nervously stray away from her after the twins' outburst
"the kids are too scared to be friends with me now.." she sulked, resting her head on the desk as a gloomy aura surrounded her 
"okay.. that's our bad" atsumu said as he patted her back "well, look at this way!" he chuckled nervously as he sent osamu a glance 
"you can stick with us and we'll introduce you to our friends later on" he suggested with a smile 
just as fast as her mood died down, was as fast as it brightened up once again. she faced them with her pale green eyes, sparkling in excitement as she clasped her hands together 
"really? you'd do that for me?" she exclaimed 
"of course! anythin' for you, doll" atsumu cooed at her 
"actually.. why don't i introduce ya to one of 'em now?" atsumu mused as he spotted suna lazily trudging into the room 
the brown-haired boy was yawning, looking like he was already on the verge of passing out as he plopped down on his seat 
"please do!!" she nodded excitedly 
osamu eyed her and his twin warily before leaving them be and walking back to his desk. 
"suna!" atsumu called out as he held y/n's wrist in his hand "its too early for this" suna groaned out as he side eyed atsumu in annoyance 
"i want ya to meet someone" atsumu said with a grin "she's the girl my family's hostin' " 
"go away. i don't wanna meet-" suna cut himself off as his eyes caught a faint glimpse of pink from behind his friend. 
currently, y/n was hiding behind atsumu's towering form, holding back her squeals as she held her blushing cheeks in her hands. she had only managed to catch a small glimpse of this 'suna' atsumu was speaking to and yet she had already planned their whole wedding and their kid's gender reveal party in her head. 
'he's so.. HOT! AND PRETTY! AND COOL!' she panicked 
'his eyes look like a fox's! and his hair is so cute and perfectly messy and he's so-' 
she cut her thoughts short as she peeked once again to look at him. she swore she had felt herself short circuiting upon seeing him stand. this man was tall. 
her face drained color as atsumu held her by her shoulders and pushed her towards his friend. 
"this is y/n! she's our new housemate, and she wanted to make new friends soo..." atsumu cooed 
suna nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, hunching over, as his olive green eyes raked down her form. "hey, the name's suna rintaro" he said as he stretched out a hand for her to shake 
"huh-oh um!" she stammered out as she shakily reached out to shake his hand "im l/n y/n" she said "it's nice to meet you, suna-kun"
she shook his hand with a flustered smile as she nervously picked at her skirt with her free hand 
"you too.." suna replies quite dryly
this caused her to panic even more. her mind was in shambles as she nervously dwells on the possibility that he hates her. though because of that, it caused her hands to fidget, which gained suna's attention. 
his fox like eyes averted to her skirt, which was getting badly crumpled the more she messed with it. 
his eyes subconsciously trailed down even further, and locked themselves on her tighs. 
"shit." suna muttered under his breath 
"hm? is something wrong, suna-kun?" she asked warily 
suna sighed through his nose and shook his head. he waved his hand dismissively as he sat back down on his seat "no, don't worry 'bout it" he said 
"i just got.. distracted" suna gulped as he watched her tighs press together. 
she nodded in understanding and waved him goodbye, assuming he's had enough of their conversation 
"oh, alright then.. i'll see you around, suna-kun" she said as she sent him one last fleeting glance 
"yeah, i'll see ya.." 
"y/n-chan, you can come sit with us 'til ya find some new friends to sit with" osamu suggested as he walked past her 
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"uwah!! thanks so much, osamu-kun!!" she exclaimed as she gave him a side-hug "i was hoping you'd be fine with me joining since i even made you some mochi!" she said as she hugged her huge bento to her chest 
"dont be silly. i like bein around ya" osamu said with the softest chuckle 
though his soft aura faded as he gave atsumu a disgusted glare, and avoided suna who was taking pictures incase anything happens 
"its just them that peeves me" he muttered through gritted teeth
"well, we can go ahead of you want?" she proposed. osamu looked down at her and nodded "yeah, let's go" 
and so, the pair made their way to the cafeteria. along the way, osamu made sure to give her a small tour to make sure she won't get lost next time. 
"we're here" he announced as he pushed through the doors, revealing the slightly packed room "ooh! there's so many people" she mutters out in interest 
"mhm.." osamu hums along "oh, and there's kita-san and aran.." 
her pale green eyes follow osamu's finger, which was pointing to a certain table where two boys sat and talked amongst themselves. 
"let's go-" 
"wahh!! osamu-kun!!" she squeaked and gripped onto his arm "that one with the gray and black hair is so cute!! and the taller one with darker skin is so handsome!!" she gushed 
osamu's expression turned into one of dread as he watched her oggle at his teammates with literal heart eyes 
"and they're both so tall and adorable!" she gushed even more as her blush worsened by the second. her grip also tightened the more she fawned, which left osamu's arm aching. 
osamu felt as if his arm could burst if her grip gets even tighter than it already was 
"why don't ya go greet them, y/n.." osamu suggested with a strained smile 
"d-do you think i can do it??" she asked him "i'll be too embarrassed to be infront two handsome boys" she muttered worriedly to herself 
"then how come yer quite comfortable with me and tsumu-" 
"i can do it!" she ignored his question as she puffed her chest and breathed in deeply 
"wait- are ya sayin' were not handsome enough to leave ya all chummy-" 
"ah, samu! come join us!" aran called out as he waved his hand to get his attention 
on instinct, she hid herself behind osamu's broad back, nervously fiddling with her braided hair as her other hand nervously grips her bento "i can't do it, osamu-kun!!" she hissed out 
osamu ignored her words, as well as her nails clawing at his back. he simply dragged her along as he approached the table where kita and aran sat. 
"oh, who's your friend?" aran asks with a kind smile as he peeks over osamu's shoulder to peer at the pink and green haired girl "introduce yer self" he urged her as he presented her to the boys 
"ahm! im y/n!" she squeaked out flusteredly "i hope you don't mind me joining you for lunch.." she said with a sheepish smile as her fingers tapped on her bento 
"not at all, please sit down" kita said in a polite manner as he slightly bowed his head in sign of respect 
she sat down beside osamu and quietly hummed to herself, slyly stealing glances at the boys as she gushed over them in her head. "ah, y/n-san. samu told us you moved to hyogo just a few days ago" aran started up a conversation 
'he's talking!' she gushed 'his voice!! mHhhMh' 
"ah, yes.. i'll be staying with the miya's temporarily while my estate is being constructed" she explained 
"that's nice" aran chuckled "though i wonder how ya could bare to live in the same roof as those two" 
as if on cue, atsumu came running in, sporting a huge grin as he hides his hand behind his back. "y/n-chaaann! i got ya somethin'!" he exclaimed "really?! what is it?!" she asked back, just as excitedly 
"mochi!" atsumu exclaimed with a smile as he pulled out a pack of sakura mochi 
the three boys sweat drop as they both cheer and give each other high fives, smiling like children as they share the mochis with each other 
"yay!" they cheered 
"they get along quite well.." kita murmurs 
"..i could probably sell this to the fan girls.." suna muttered as he inspected the pictures he took of atsumu smiling 
y/n froze upon hearing his voice, her pale green eyes turning hazy as she bashfully covered her mouth to hide her smile "its suna-kun!!" she silently squealed to herself 
"he looks so dreamy" she sighed lovingly, resting her chin on her hand as she watched suna walk towards their table while typing down on his phone 
"he looks normal to me" kita chimed in as he, too, watched suna mindlessly walk towards them
'ah, he's so close! kita-san is so close.. i could feel his body heat!' she chanted on her mind 
'and he smells so good!' she groaned internally as she basked in his sweet but masculine scent 
osamu noticed her eyes leave suna, instead they were now planted on the side of kita's face as she shuffles around to contain her excitement  "dont worry 'bout it" osamu said "she's like this with everyone" 
"she's just that nice, i guess" he shrugged 
suna then arrived at their table, sitting beside her yet still not looking up from his phone. 
'oh.' she thought to herself  ‘he's sitting next to me..?' 
she looked beside her to check. just in case she was dreaming. she whipped her head around, and met eyes with suna rintaro himself. she blinked one. twice. her long and thick lashes fluttering as she stared at his olive green orbs. 
she has concluded that she was in fact not dreaming. 
"y/n..?" atsumu asked warily. he was more than aware that she could have short circuited right then and there. surprisingly, she didn't freak out. she simply looked at atsumu, looking like her soul is slowly leaving her body as she sent him an empty smile. 
"yes, atsumu-kun?" she asked monotonously 
"you alright?" atsumu asked with a wonky grin 
"of course." 
it was a lie. 
she was not alright. in fact, she was currently hyperventilating. her heart was beating at an abnormal pace, and she was sure she had lost all focus to continue her total concentration breathing. 
her widened eyes looked down at their tighs, which were currently touching due to the limited space on the bench 
'MY THIGHS ARE TOUCHING HIS?!?!' she panicked internally 
'that had to mean something right? he's gotta be my husband in the future or something right? right??' 
"oh, you're y/n, aren't ya?" suna mused as he bit into an oh-so-familiar looking mochi "tsumu gave me some of this." he said as he showed her two more pieces of mochi 
"yer real good at cooking." he complimented with a curt nod 
"thank you!" she beamed cheerfully at him 
'cooking.. good cooking skills is one of a wife's admirable trait..' she chanted 
'i must be his future wife.. it all makes sense now..' 
she nodded to herself, agreeing to her assumptions with a hazy smile grazing her lips. she pulled out her bento and opened it, revealing an ungodly amount of food which looked like it could feed the whole volleyball team 
"y-y/n-san.." aran chuckled "that's a lot of food. are ya sure ya can finish that all?" he asked with a worried smile 
"of course!" she replied with a smile. she then started chomping on her lunch, humming giddily as she stuffs her mouth with food 
"oh, suna-kun.. w-would you like some more mochi?" she asked with a determined look on her face 
she stacked three pieces on a stick and handed it to him, waiting for him to take it with a small smile on her lips. suna side eyed her. his fox like eyes staring at the mochi in her hands, then her face, which was perfectly framed by her dual toned hair 
and he swears he didn't mean to.. but his eyes trailed down to her chest. and her tighs. 
now, suna wasn't someone to disrespect somebody like that. but he knows a total hottie when he sees one. pretty face, thick thighs, god tier personality. its all there. 
"sure" he said with a nod 
now again, he wasn't one to act on things like that. 
but when a pretty girl is feeding you mochi, you gotta do what you gotta do. 
so he opened his mouth and chomped on the treat all at once. 
"e-eh?" she muttered in surprise as his teeth pull the mochis off the stick, leaving it slightly covered by his saliva. "thwanks" suna said, though it was muffled by the treats in his mouth 
she couldn't say or do anything except freeze up and stare flusteredly at the saliva-laced stick in her hand. 
"can i have that onigiri?" osamu asked, breaking the silence, as he reached out to snatch her onigiri off her bento
"a-ahm- uh-" she stammered as she blinked aggressively to try and contain herself. osamu didn't wait for her answer as he swiftly snatched the onigiri and chomped on it.
the gray haired male didn't say a word as he placed his hand on her nape to turn her head back towards her food. he also took the stick from her and threw it away, much to her displeasure.
"so.. how was everyone's day so far..?" kita asked them to break the silence
aran laughed at this and shook his head in amusement. he pointed to the girl who was as still as a statue, looking like her soul has ascended to heaven and had personally vibed with god. 
"is she okay?" aran asked with a chuckle
"oi! y/n-chan! ya better not like suna, yer still my pretty girl, aight?!" atsumu exclaimed as he aggressively growled at suna
"as if she'd choose you." osamu scoffs
"oh, yer askin' for it-"
and that was how another fight between the miya twins ensued. 
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