kpop---scenarios · 2 days
Lost & Found (4)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
“Daddy!” Jaehyun screams, running into Baekhyun's arms. Everyday, no matter where you were or who was home first, Baekhyun was the one that Jaehyun was the most excited to see. It made you sad that you needed to leave this house, this life that you had built but Jaehyun was your first priority and you would do anything you needed to keep him safe.
“How was your day buddy?” Baekhyun asks Jaehyun as the three of you walk into the house.
“I had so much fun!” He says. Baekhyun puts him down as you set down your purse.
“Jae, why don't you go play in your room?” You half smile at him. He runs off to his room without a thought.
“What's up?” Baekhyun asks you. “Somethings wrong.”
“San.. he um showed up at the daycare. He tried to take Jaehyun but he wasn't on the list. He told Jae to tell me he'll see me soon. We need to leave.” You sniffle. You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes as Baekhyun looks at you. “I would never ask you to leave your life here but I love you and I want you to be with us, but I don't think we have a choice.” You whisper. You're shaking, trying to figure out what the fuck you're going to do.
“Baby.” Baekhyun starts. “You always have a choice but I'd hope by now you'd realize I'm in it for the long haul. You wanna stay and fight him, I've got your back. If you wanna pack the house up tonight and go somewhere far away I'm in. Whatever makes you feel safest I'm down.” He smiles. Baekhyun holds onto your hands as he looks into your eyes. You want to run, but would that really solve anything?
That night as you tossed and turned in your bed, you had finally made your decision.
You were going to stay put for now, but you didn't want to let San intimidate you anymore. You were stronger than you were when you were with him and you'd never let him get his hands on your son. Unfortunately for you, you severely underestimated the lengths he was willing to go too.
The next day, you were prepared for San to pull something, but nothing came. You went to work, Jaehyun went to daycare and the day went on without a hitch. The next day was the exact same. Your anxiety never calmed, because you knew San and you knew what he was capable of. Which was anything. The next day, Wednesday, the day went by as it usually did, until your phone began to ring. You checked the caller ID and there was the daycare calling. Your stomach sank. Your hand shook as you answered, whispering the hello.
“Hi Y/N.” She says. “I don't mean to worry you, but Jaehyun had a little fall this afternoon. He's okay, he was checked out by the nurse and no concussion or anything like that. But he does have a pretty nasty goose egg on his forehead. I'm so sorry.”
The sigh of relief you let out was unreal. Of course you were upset your child was hurt, but you were just glad it had nothing to do with San.
“Thank you for letting me know. Is he okay? Should I grab him now?” you ask.
“It's up to you, he's okay, he has been asking for you though.” She answers.
“I'll come pick him up. Thank you for the call. See you soon.” You say, hanging up the phone before gathering your belongings. You quickly explain the situation to your boss and she of course has no issues with you leaving. You drove to the daycare and Jaehyun immediately ran into your arms, breaking down into tears.
“Oh my baby.” You coo. “should we go get some ice cream to help you feel better?” You ask. Jaehyun backs away from you, a giant smile on his face as he nods his head. You grab his hand and walk out to the car with your son.
A little bit later you're sitting on the bench, eating your ice cream as Jaehyun plays at the park. You're on the phone with Baekhyun while Jaehyun runs around the playground, and you're explaining to Baekhyun what happened to Jaehyun today, when your stomach drops. You see San walking up to Jaehyun on the other side of the swings.
“San is here, I gotta go.” You yell, hanging up the phone, dropping your ice cream and running to your son.
“Jaehyun, baby, let's go.” You say, picking him up. You glare at San as you turn to walk away and to your surprise San doesn't say anything or call after you. When you got home, Baekhyun was already standing on the driveway at home, waiting for the two of you. He quickly picks up Jaehyun, kissing his face all over, giving him all the sympathy for his head. You walk into the house listening to the giggling coming from your two favorite guys in the entire world. You had an early dinner and spent some time playing outside in the backyard until it was time to get ready for bed.
In the morning, the three of you woke up and Jaehyun would not leave your side. He wouldn't let you go to the bathroom on your own, get dressed, make breakfast. He cried at your feet when you talked to Baekhyun about work. You hated seeing him like this, so for today only, you called out of work so the two of you could have a mommy and son day. You both gave a kiss and a hug to Baekhyun, waving to him as he left for work and as the two of you were going to watch some cartoons, there's a few rapid knocks at the door. You keep Jaehyun in your arms as you answer the door.
“Good morning, my name is Jennie and I'm from Child Protective Services.” The lady says. Your eyes go wide.
“Excuse me?” You say. You're baffled, why the fuck would CPS be at your front door?
“We received a phone call from a concerned citizen yesterday about your son.” She says, motioning to Jaehyun. “We take these calls very seriously and have choice but to conduct an interview and do a home visit.”
“What did this concerned citizen say?” You ask. You already fucking knew who it was. You knew who was low enough to do this to you.
“Come on in, take a look around. I've got nothing to hide.” You say.
Jennie and two others walk into your home and begin searching around. She asks you a few questions about your home life, and then asks about Jaehyun's head.
“He fell at daycare yesterday.” You sigh. “They were playing outside, he tripped and fell, and hit his head on the edge of the slide.”
“So this wasn't you?” She asks.
You scoff. “Of course not. I would never hurt my son.”
She nods her head, writing in her book again.
“Well, I honestly don't see anything wrong here, there's no evidence of abuse or neglect here. I will have to confirm with the daycare about his head and it is standard protocol that there will be another surprise visit in the next month or so.” she explains.
“Of course. We've got nothing to hide here.” You smile.
“From the moment I walked in here I knew this was a bogus call. He sounded very angry on the phone and as you know, we have to make sure regardless.” she tells you.
“I completely understand. I appreciate your concern for my son but he is very very loved here.” You smile.
“You all have a great day and I'm very sorry about this.” She says as she and the two other men leave your house. You were going to fucking kill San.
You put Jaehyun down, and grab your phone to call Baekhyun.
“Hey babe.” He says, after the first ring.
“You'll never guess who was just fucking here.” You yell.
“San?” Baekhyun asks, you can feel his anger through the door.
“CP fucking S.”
“What the hell was CPS doing there?” He asks.
“They got a call from an anonymous citizen. Anonymous my fucking ass. I know it was him.”
“Who else could it have been?” He sighs. “What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to talk to him. Me and him, one on one. I'm going to take Jae to daycare and I'll pick him up a bit. Don't worry. I'll call you later. I love you.” You say, hanging up the phone.
“Come on buddy, let's go. Mommy has to talk to someone today.”
A little while later you're driving away from the daycare still fuming as you think about what San had done. That was one of the lowest things that man could have ever done. You drove and drove until you needed gas, and then you realized you had no idea where he lived. You didn't know where he worked, you honestly knew nothing about him right now. You pulled over into a gas station and went inside to pay for your gas and grab a drink. On your way out, you're staring at your car and it looks..funny. Slanted almost. As you get closer you realize that not one, not two but three of your tires are slashed.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” You scream. If someone was in front of you, you would have beat the shit out of them.
“Hey! Y/N? Are you okay?” You hear from behind you. You turn around, and lucky for you, none other than San stands there, looking..worried.
“Did you fucking do this?” You spit, pointing to your car.
“What?” He asks, looking down to where you were pointing. “Your tires? No? Come on, Y/N you really think I would?’
“Yeah I really fucking do.” You snap. “Why the hell are you here?”
“I'm getting gas? It's a gas station.” He chuckles.
He wasn't wrong.
“Whatever. I need to call a tow truck.” You murmur, grabbing your phone. Before you can dial your phone begins to ring, a number you didn't recognize.
“Hello?” You answer.
“Is this L/N Y/N?”
“This is doctor Kim from the hospital, we have a Mr. Byun Baekhyun here. He was in a very serious car accident and we need you to get here as soon as possible. He needs surgery but his emergency contact needs to sign.” He explains. Panic sets in. Your tires, you couldn't get there.
“A car crash? Surgery?” You cry. “I'll be right there.” You say, hanging up and trying to figure out the fastest way there. You glance at the time, 4:00pm. Your friends were all still at work, who could you call?
“Is everything okay?” San asks.
“Baekhyun was in an accident. I need to get to the hospital.” You say, tears welling in your eyes.
“I'll take you.” San offers. He puts his hands up as if to surrender. “I swear I'll drop you off at the front entrance and that's it.”
You hated that you didn't have a faster choice. You reluctantly agreed, following him to his car. You climb in, twiddling your thumbs as he pulls out of the gas station. You really hoped Baekhyun was okay.
He sat in his car, thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as he sang along to his favorite songs on the radio. He glanced at the clock and groaned. 6:00pm, he hated when he was late going home, seeing you and Jaehyun was the best part of his day everyday.
His phone ringing startled him, until he realized it was you calling him.
“Hi baby.” He answers, smiling at just the thought of you.
“I can't do this anymore, Baekhyun.” You say. He frowns.
“Do what, love?” He asks.
“This. Us. I don't want to be with you anymore.”
“Y/N..” he starts.
“Don't.” You stop him. “I don't love you. I want to be with San. He's Jaehyun's dad and I want to be a family. A real family. He deserves to have his real parents raise him.”
“Y/N.” He says. “I am his dad. What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?”
“Stop it. You're not. You never will be. We're done. Don't contact me ever again.” You say, hanging up the call.
Baekhyun sits there, stuck in traffic, wondering what the fuck is going on. Just as he was about to try and call you, his phone rings.
“Y/N?” He answers.
“Hi, Mr. Byun. This is Renee from the daycare. It's been a little over an hour since we closed and Y/N still hasn't picked up Jaehyun and we can't get a hold of her..”
What the fuck was going on?
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kpop---scenarios · 5 days
Lost & Found (4)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
“Daddy!” Jaehyun screams, running into Baekhyun's arms. Everyday, no matter where you were or who was home first, Baekhyun was the one that Jaehyun was the most excited to see. It made you sad that you needed to leave this house, this life that you had built but Jaehyun was your first priority and you would do anything you needed to keep him safe.
“How was your day buddy?” Baekhyun asks Jaehyun as the three of you walk into the house.
“I had so much fun!” He says. Baekhyun puts him down as you set down your purse.
“Jae, why don't you go play in your room?” You half smile at him. He runs off to his room without a thought.
“What's up?” Baekhyun asks you. “Somethings wrong.”
“San.. he um showed up at the daycare. He tried to take Jaehyun but he wasn't on the list. He told Jae to tell me he'll see me soon. We need to leave.” You sniffle. You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes as Baekhyun looks at you. “I would never ask you to leave your life here but I love you and I want you to be with us, but I don't think we have a choice.” You whisper. You're shaking, trying to figure out what the fuck you're going to do.
“Baby.” Baekhyun starts. “You always have a choice but I'd hope by now you'd realize I'm in it for the long haul. You wanna stay and fight him, I've got your back. If you wanna pack the house up tonight and go somewhere far away I'm in. Whatever makes you feel safest I'm down.” He smiles. Baekhyun holds onto your hands as he looks into your eyes. You want to run, but would that really solve anything?
That night as you tossed and turned in your bed, you had finally made your decision.
You were going to stay put for now, but you didn't want to let San intimidate you anymore. You were stronger than you were when you were with him and you'd never let him get his hands on your son. Unfortunately for you, you severely underestimated the lengths he was willing to go too.
The next day, you were prepared for San to pull something, but nothing came. You went to work, Jaehyun went to daycare and the day went on without a hitch. The next day was the exact same. Your anxiety never calmed, because you knew San and you knew what he was capable of. Which was anything. The next day, Wednesday, the day went by as it usually did, until your phone began to ring. You checked the caller ID and there was the daycare calling. Your stomach sank. Your hand shook as you answered, whispering the hello.
“Hi Y/N.” She says. “I don't mean to worry you, but Jaehyun had a little fall this afternoon. He's okay, he was checked out by the nurse and no concussion or anything like that. But he does have a pretty nasty goose egg on his forehead. I'm so sorry.”
The sigh of relief you let out was unreal. Of course you were upset your child was hurt, but you were just glad it had nothing to do with San.
“Thank you for letting me know. Is he okay? Should I grab him now?” you ask.
“It's up to you, he's okay, he has been asking for you though.” She answers.
“I'll come pick him up. Thank you for the call. See you soon.” You say, hanging up the phone before gathering your belongings. You quickly explain the situation to your boss and she of course has no issues with you leaving. You drove to the daycare and Jaehyun immediately ran into your arms, breaking down into tears.
“Oh my baby.” You coo. “should we go get some ice cream to help you feel better?” You ask. Jaehyun backs away from you, a giant smile on his face as he nods his head. You grab his hand and walk out to the car with your son.
A little bit later you're sitting on the bench, eating your ice cream as Jaehyun plays at the park. You're on the phone with Baekhyun while Jaehyun runs around the playground, and you're explaining to Baekhyun what happened to Jaehyun today, when your stomach drops. You see San walking up to Jaehyun on the other side of the swings.
“San is here, I gotta go.” You yell, hanging up the phone, dropping your ice cream and running to your son.
“Jaehyun, baby, let's go.” You say, picking him up. You glare at San as you turn to walk away and to your surprise San doesn't say anything or call after you. When you got home, Baekhyun was already standing on the driveway at home, waiting for the two of you. He quickly picks up Jaehyun, kissing his face all over, giving him all the sympathy for his head. You walk into the house listening to the giggling coming from your two favorite guys in the entire world. You had an early dinner and spent some time playing outside in the backyard until it was time to get ready for bed.
In the morning, the three of you woke up and Jaehyun would not leave your side. He wouldn't let you go to the bathroom on your own, get dressed, make breakfast. He cried at your feet when you talked to Baekhyun about work. You hated seeing him like this, so for today only, you called out of work so the two of you could have a mommy and son day. You both gave a kiss and a hug to Baekhyun, waving to him as he left for work and as the two of you were going to watch some cartoons, there's a few rapid knocks at the door. You keep Jaehyun in your arms as you answer the door.
“Good morning, my name is Jennie and I'm from Child Protective Services.” The lady says. Your eyes go wide.
“Excuse me?” You say. You're baffled, why the fuck would CPS be at your front door?
“We received a phone call from a concerned citizen yesterday about your son.” She says, motioning to Jaehyun. “We take these calls very seriously and have choice but to conduct an interview and do a home visit.”
“What did this concerned citizen say?” You ask. You already fucking knew who it was. You knew who was low enough to do this to you.
“Come on in, take a look around. I've got nothing to hide.” You say.
Jennie and two others walk into your home and begin searching around. She asks you a few questions about your home life, and then asks about Jaehyun's head.
“He fell at daycare yesterday.” You sigh. “They were playing outside, he tripped and fell, and hit his head on the edge of the slide.”
“So this wasn't you?” She asks.
You scoff. “Of course not. I would never hurt my son.”
She nods her head, writing in her book again.
“Well, I honestly don't see anything wrong here, there's no evidence of abuse or neglect here. I will have to confirm with the daycare about his head and it is standard protocol that there will be another surprise visit in the next month or so.” she explains.
“Of course. We've got nothing to hide here.” You smile.
“From the moment I walked in here I knew this was a bogus call. He sounded very angry on the phone and as you know, we have to make sure regardless.” she tells you.
“I completely understand. I appreciate your concern for my son but he is very very loved here.” You smile.
“You all have a great day and I'm very sorry about this.” She says as she and the two other men leave your house. You were going to fucking kill San.
You put Jaehyun down, and grab your phone to call Baekhyun.
“Hey babe.” He says, after the first ring.
“You'll never guess who was just fucking here.” You yell.
“San?” Baekhyun asks, you can feel his anger through the door.
“CP fucking S.”
“What the hell was CPS doing there?” He asks.
“They got a call from an anonymous citizen. Anonymous my fucking ass. I know it was him.”
“Who else could it have been?” He sighs. “What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to talk to him. Me and him, one on one. I'm going to take Jae to daycare and I'll pick him up a bit. Don't worry. I'll call you later. I love you.” You say, hanging up the phone.
“Come on buddy, let's go. Mommy has to talk to someone today.”
A little while later you're driving away from the daycare still fuming as you think about what San had done. That was one of the lowest things that man could have ever done. You drove and drove until you needed gas, and then you realized you had no idea where he lived. You didn't know where he worked, you honestly knew nothing about him right now. You pulled over into a gas station and went inside to pay for your gas and grab a drink. On your way out, you're staring at your car and it looks..funny. Slanted almost. As you get closer you realize that not one, not two but three of your tires are slashed.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” You scream. If someone was in front of you, you would have beat the shit out of them.
“Hey! Y/N? Are you okay?” You hear from behind you. You turn around, and lucky for you, none other than San stands there, looking..worried.
“Did you fucking do this?” You spit, pointing to your car.
“What?” He asks, looking down to where you were pointing. “Your tires? No? Come on, Y/N you really think I would?’
“Yeah I really fucking do.” You snap. “Why the hell are you here?”
“I'm getting gas? It's a gas station.” He chuckles.
He wasn't wrong.
“Whatever. I need to call a tow truck.” You murmur, grabbing your phone. Before you can dial your phone begins to ring, a number you didn't recognize.
“Hello?” You answer.
“Is this L/N Y/N?”
“This is doctor Kim from the hospital, we have a Mr. Byun Baekhyun here. He was in a very serious car accident and we need you to get here as soon as possible. He needs surgery but his emergency contact needs to sign.” He explains. Panic sets in. Your tires, you couldn't get there.
“A car crash? Surgery?” You cry. “I'll be right there.” You say, hanging up and trying to figure out the fastest way there. You glance at the time, 4:00pm. Your friends were all still at work, who could you call?
“Is everything okay?” San asks.
“Baekhyun was in an accident. I need to get to the hospital.” You say, tears welling in your eyes.
“I'll take you.” San offers. He puts his hands up as if to surrender. “I swear I'll drop you off at the front entrance and that's it.”
You hated that you didn't have a faster choice. You reluctantly agreed, following him to his car. You climb in, twiddling your thumbs as he pulls out of the gas station. You really hoped Baekhyun was okay.
He sat in his car, thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as he sang along to his favorite songs on the radio. He glanced at the clock and groaned. 6:00pm, he hated when he was late going home, seeing you and Jaehyun was the best part of his day everyday.
His phone ringing startled him, until he realized it was you calling him.
“Hi baby.” He answers, smiling at just the thought of you.
“I can't do this anymore, Baekhyun.” You say. He frowns.
“Do what, love?” He asks.
“This. Us. I don't want to be with you anymore.”
“Y/N..” he starts.
“Don't.” You stop him. “I don't love you. I want to be with San. He's Jaehyun's dad and I want to be a family. A real family. He deserves to have his real parents raise him.”
“Y/N.” He says. “I am his dad. What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?”
“Stop it. You're not. You never will be. We're done. Don't contact me ever again.” You say, hanging up the call.
Baekhyun sits there, stuck in traffic, wondering what the fuck is going on. Just as he was about to try and call you, his phone rings.
“Y/N?” He answers.
“Hi, Mr. Byun. This is Renee from the daycare. It's been a little over an hour since we closed and Y/N still hasn't picked up Jaehyun and we can't get a hold of her..”
What the fuck was going on?
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kpop---scenarios · 8 days
cravings 3 please?
Yes!! I'm going to update Lost & Found and then I'll do Cravings 3!
0 notes
kpop---scenarios · 8 days
hi, i love your works! will there be a lost and found 4?
Hi! Thank you so much!! Yes there will be!! I think since its been a while since I've updated that one it'll be the next!
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kpop---scenarios · 9 days
I don't know which update to work on 😭
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kpop---scenarios · 12 days
Lost & Found 3
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader x San
Warning: Stuff.🫢
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I'm back, bitches!! Hope you enjoy!!
"I'm sorry, what?" You ask in disbelief. "I don't think I heard you correctly." 
"I said we'll get married. It's only right. That's my son, you're the mother of my son. We should be a family. I've missed you so much, baby." San says, reaching towards you. 
“Your wife?” You scoff. “I will never be your wife. Do you even remember how you treated me? You pitted my whole family against me with those lies of yours. If you think I would ever be with you, you are even more delusional than I thought.” You say, picking Jaehyun up, turning away from San. 
"Delusional?" San laughs. "Oh baby, you're still spreading all these lies? I treated you like a fucking queen, and you lied to me and treated me like shit! Remember that, you constantly lied to me about everything! Of course I didn't believe you when you said you were pregnant, you're a compulsive liar, y/n." He yells. 
"Yeah, sure, I lied." You sigh. "Because you can't control your fucking anger, San. I couldn't tell you shit without worrying about how you were going to act. You're psychotic and you're fucking neurotic. You'll never be around MY son." You emphasize. "He's mine, just mine. You don't get to try and weasel your way in because you think he's yours. If we're being honest, he's probably not. Don't look for me, don't call me, leave us alone." You yell. You grab Baekhyun’s sleeve to pull him to come with you but he doesn't budge. 
“I don’t know you, but I know what you've done. She's happy now, and he is loved and taken care of. Stay away from my family.” Baekhyun tells San through gritted teeth. He turns around to join you, the three of you walk away from the man with a sinister smile on his face. He yells out one last thing that sends a shiver down your spine. 
"Your family? Ha! I'll be seeing you soon, y/n, don't worry. He belongs with me! Clearly you're an unfit mother!" San yells. "I wonder what lies you've told him!" He screams as the three of you walk away. 
Your entire body was shaking as you buckled Jaehyun into his carseat. You could feel Baekhyun's presence behind you, he had such a calming aura around him. You close the door to the car and turn around to face Baekhyun. He places his hands on your arms, rubbing them up and down, neither of you speaking. For at least a few seconds you felt a touch of peace and calmness. But only for a second.
"How dare he." You sniffle. Baekhyun decided to drive. It was probably for the best. You were having too hard of a time controlling your tears. You didn't want Jaehyun to see you cry or upset, but you couldn't help it. Even after all these years, San still knew how to get under your skin. As you take a deep breath, your phone rings in your purse. You reach down to grab it, finding your phone and seeing your mom was calling. You rolled your eyes and took another deep breath before answering the call. 
"Hi, mom." You say. 
"Honey, I just got the most disturbing call from San." She says. You put the phone on speaker for Baekhyun to hear, too. 
"Oh yeah." You answer. 
"That's his son, honey. A boy needs his father." She says. 
"And Jaehyun has a father, Baekhyun has been in his life for years. I'm not about to force an abusive, lying, sociopath into my son's life." You say, beginning to raise your voice. 
"Oh please, y/n. Will you drop the woah is me act, it's pitiful and unbelievable. San never hurt you, he was nothing but loving and devoted but you fucked it up. You cannot tarnish his name like this! He is a good boy who deserves to know his son." She spits back. 
"Do not call me again. I would never believe someone else over my own child. What kind of mother are you?" You yell, hanging up the phone, tossing it to the floor of the car. 
You were so done with San and your family. If they loved him so much, they could have him. 
"Y/N.." Baekhyun starts. 
"I swear to god, Baekhyun. If you say he should know his son I will lose my fucking mind." You yell. 
"I was just gonna say you look so fucking hot right now." He says. You look over at him, he's smiling at you, winking while making kissy faces. You can't help but laugh at him. It felt nice to laugh. You hated being sad or angry and you didn't want to let San have the power of ruining your day, or life anymore. You wouldn't let him affect you any longer, he wasn't allowed to have that power. Whatever he threw at you, you'd handle it.
"Okay, baby." You smile. "Mommy will come pick you up after work, okay." You say to Jaehyun as you drop him off at daycare. He gives you a hug and a kiss before he runs off to the friends he has made. You say goodbye to the workers and head out for work. You hadn't heard anything from San, which was a good thing, but you were worried. You were on edge, wondering what the hell San was going to do. You knew him. You knew he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. He was charming, handsome, and knew how to play everyone. A master manipulator. It stressed you out. 
Luckily, work distracted you, just enough. You checked your phone later on in the day, seeing a missed call from the daycare. You only had 30 minutes of work left. You wondered if something had happened to Jaehyun. You quickly called them back, knots already forming in your stomach. 
"Hi, hey, yeah, I missed a call about my son.. Jaehyun." You say. 
"Oh yes. Thanks for calling back. I just wanted to let you know that Jaehyun's father is here to pick him up. He's not on the approved pick up list but he insists that it's fine." She tells you. 
"What? Baekhyun is on the list.. you guys know him. He didn't tell me he was picking him up." You say. 
"Oh no, it's not Mr. Byun. His name is.." She pauses. 
"San." You hear in the background. 
"It's San. He says he is Jaehyun's father." She says. 
"Do not let him go near my son. I'm on my way." You say, hanging up the phone. You grab your purse and your keys, quickly taking off without saying a word to anyone. Your entire body was anxious, you felt like a mess. You didn't know what San would do to Jaehyun, he was capable of so much more than you even knew. He was a monster, and that monster was trying to take your son. 
Your tired screech to a stop directly outside the doors of the facility. You put your car in park and jump out, leaving the engine running. You run inside and see Jaehyun sitting with a worker. 
"Mommy!" He smiles, running towards you. You quickly embrace him, holding him close and tightly. 
"That man is never allowed to see, talk to or take Jaehyun. Ever." You say. "He needs to be banned from here. Only myself or Baekhyun are approved for pick up. Okay?" You finish, still holding your sweet boy in your arms. 
"Yes, of course. I'm so sorry." The woman says. 
"It's fine.. Thank you for calling me." You whisper. You pick Jaehyun up and take him to the car, buckling him into his seat. As the two of you are driving home, Jaehyun pipes up. 
"Mommy." He begins. 
"Yes, baby?" You answer. 
"Why did that man say he's my daddy? I have a daddy already! He said that my daddy isn't my real daddy." He sighs. 
"I know it's confusing, baby. Your daddy is at home right now waiting for us. Don't listen to what that man says. And if you ever see him you scream and run, okay?" You explain. 
"Okay Mommy." Jaehyun smiles. 
You continue to drive in almost complete silence, except for the low volume music playing. 
"Mommy?" Jaehyun pipes up again. 
"Yeah?" You answer. 
"The man told me to tell you he'll see you soon. Okay Mommy?" Jaehyun finishes. 
Your stomach sank and so did your heart. You guys needed to leave. And you needed to leave tonight. You knew you needed to keep Jaehyun safe and at this point you didn't know if Baekhyun would come with you. Regardless you were leaving tonight, with or without Baekhyun. 
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kpop---scenarios · 13 days
Hidden Lies (1)
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Pairing: Unknown x Reader
Warning: Violence, Crime, Almost Assault
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: This is a remake of Poisonous Lies. Some parts may be familiar, and that would be why. I hope you enjoy!! Let me know who you think she'll connect more with!
This morning you woke up, listening to the sounds of birds chirping, the sun shining through your window, and feeling like it was going to be a great day. 
“YN.” Your mom yells. It was too early and you were trying to wake up peacefully. “Y/N!” She calls out again, but this time it's more of a screech. 
You groan loudly, folding your pillow over your ears, wanting to enjoy a little bit of time without her yelling at you. The sound of her shrieking voice was coming closer every second, until it was practically right in your ear. 
Your eyes are still closed as you feel your blanket being ripped off your body, your mom cursing at you. 
“Wake the fuck up!” She yells. “Don't you hear me yelling for you? I have shit to do, I cannot keep waking you up in the mornings! damn, you're going to make us both late” 
You were 22 years old and you still live with your mother. This life you had was sad, although it was your fault. This technically was your choice. You had decided to drop out of school and go home to help your mom out after your dad was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a lengthy list of crimes, although well it wasn't his fault, it also was at the same time. 
Your father had lost his job, and instead of telling your mother and them trying to figure it out, he went and got a loan from some people involved in crime that he most definitely should have not gone to. He didn't think about the fact that he would have had to pay that money back, plus interest. And when the time came for them to collect he didn't have it. So he was recruited for odd jobs until he had paid everything back, he didn't get very far though. His last job ended up being a sting operation and he was charged with trafficking drugs, intent to sell, attempted kidnapping, attempted human trafficking and a few other things. He wouldn't tell them why he did it, he didn't want things to get any worse, even though you weren't sure if they could or not. It wasn't his finest moment, he was trying to help his family even if it was the worst way possible. He was a good man and a good dad. Your father was a man who would do anything for his family, especially to protect them, and that’s exactly why he did what he did and now he was suffering the consequences of his own actions. 
“I swear to god, YN.” Your mom yells as she grabs your arm, trying to pull you out of bed. “If you don't get your ass up in the next 30 seconds, I'm going to lose my mind! Your train leaves in 45 minutes and if you dont get ready and leave in 10 minutes then you're not going to be able to see your dad.” She sighs. “It’s his birthday, remember.”
Shit. You quickly bolt up in bed, scrambling to get out of your bed. You were rushing around your room grabbing whatever looked the cleanest on your floor before heading to your bathroom, slamming the door in the process. 
Your mom sighs loudly before she leaves your room so you can rush around and get ready. You knew it was hard for her, not having your dad around, and you were sometimes difficult but you were trying. You felt guilty, especially since she wasn't able to go on the visit today, her shitty boss wouldn't let her have the time off. It had only been a year since he’d been locked up and you, mom and your brother had faced some very hard times. The three of you have been barely surviving paying the bills, mortgage, car, gas, groceries as well as trying to pay back your dad's loan in cash, rather than jobs similar to what your dad did.
Your mom was working 2 jobs, you and your brother both working full time, and all your money went towards everything needing to be paid, rarely leaving you much of anything left over but the three of you made it work, you always figured it out. You would do whatever you needed to do. 
You're running down the stairs, trying to put your hair into a semi decent bun and forfeiting any makeup. 
“You ready?” Your mom asks, car keys in her hand. 
“Yeah, just let me grab my bag.” you breathe. You run into the kitchen, snatching your purse from the counter before you head back to the front door that's left wide open. You roll your eyes heading out the door, closing it behind you before sliding into the passenger seat of the car the three of you shared. 
Your mom doesn't say a word to you on the ride to the train station. You hold your train ticket in your hand as she pulls in front of the station. “Please tell him happy birthday from me and that I love him.” she whispers as you're getting out of the car. 
You give her a half smile. “I will mom.” You say, getting out of the car and closing the door. It doesn't take you long to navigate your way through the station, you’ve been making this trip a few times a month. You tried to see him as much as you could but between work, work and work, you never had a ton of time. You picked a seat on the train, setting your bag down in the seat beside you. You just made it on time, seconds later you were on your way and you couldn't wait to see your dad. 
You stood in line, waiting to have your bag checked and to go through the x-ray machine. When that was all clear you headed to the front desk, showing your ID and filling out paperwork before you could even go into the room and wait for him. You sit down, your stomach is twisting with nerves. You weren't sure why, this was like any other visit you had been on. 
“LN, YN.” You hear. “You can head in now.” the guard finishes, pointing towards a visitation room. The door buzzes open and you see your dad immediately, sitting in the back, in the middle of the room. His fingers were locked together with his head down. It felt like it had been forever since you had last seen him. “Dad.” you sniffle and his head shoots up, a smile spreads across his face so quickly as he stands up from his chair. You walk towards him, his arms are wide open, waiting to embrace you. You crash into his chest, wrapping your arms around him as he does you, holding you tightly. You missed his hugs, and the safeness you felt from him. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt safe.
You both let go, tears brimming in your eyes as you both sit down across from each other. 
“Happy birthday dad.” you smile. He reaches out to grab your hand, whispering a small thank you while his head hangs low. “Mom also wishes you a happy birthday, and she says that she loves you.” You tell him, but you knew he already knew that. 
“I know,” he smiles. “I'm assuming that she had to work today?” he asks. 
You nod your head. 
“She tried to get the time off but you know Dave, he’s a dick and wouldn't even let her have the morning off.” you tell him.
But again, you knew he already knew that. Dave and your dad had been friends for years, but after your dad was sentenced the man acted as if he never knew him and was never friends with him. Your eyes wander around the room, as if anything would be different since the last time you were here. Your dad begins telling you a story, something funny that had happened the other day. You were listening, but you couldn't help but let your eyes wander.
You looked out into the common room, as you were scanning the room, your eyes landed on someone. A man, a very handsome dark haired, angry looking man staring directly at you. You tried to look away from him, but it's like you were locked in with him. He was so captivating you honestly didn't even want to look away, but you do, not before he smiles at you slightly, giving you a small wink. 
You’re brought out of your trance by your dad clearing his throat before continuing on with his story. You catch the end of it, laughing along with him even though you didn't really hear the rest of it. “Tell me about everything. What’s going on with you? How is your brother?” he asks. Before you can answer the lights of the prison flicker, the alarm blares as the red siren lights up the room on beat with the alarms. 
“What’s happening?” you yell over the loud sounds. You were feeling a little panicked but before your dad could say anything you both hear yelling. You looked at the commotion in the common room, which was only separated from the visiting room by one large metal door. You glanced around, seeing the other visitors watching what was happening but no one was reacting to anything. 
“I'm sure the guards will get it sorted, fights break out all the time. No need to worry.” Your dad tells you, trying to reassure you. 
You couldn't help but worry. You watched as more and more fights were beginning to break out between prisoners, prisoners and guards. You watched in horror, as the prisoners seemingly took the guards down more easily then they should have been able too. Your eyes were darting to every window that you could see and watched guard after guard collapse, inmates grabbing the guns or batons, a cluster of inmates slamming guards into the windows, shaking what is supposed to be bullet proof glass. 
Seconds later a fight in the visiting room breaks out after an inmate bashes a guard's head against the table. You're panicking now, other visitors are screaming, leaving their tables trying to escape, some pounding on the door, begging the guards to let them out.
The inmates from the common room begin trying to shoot the windows, or trying to pry open the doors into the visiting room. 
The doors were buzzed open letting the guards from the front now rush in from one side to try and calm the situation but instead they let the inmates rush through the other doors into the room where you and your dad were. He had taken you to the corner of the room, standing in front of you to protect you. You peek out from behind him, the two of you watching in horror as blood and tears are spilled, the cries and pleas from visitors are yelled out as the inmates attack anyone in their way, including those who were just trying to visit their loved ones. 
Your heart is pounding so loud, you can hear it in your ears. You feel weak, light headed. Your adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet. Your stomach is churning at all of the blood. Your father grabs your hand pulling you with him through another open door, and hopefully to safety. As soon as the two of you make it into another room, you're confronted by three large men. 
“Look.” Your dad begins. “We don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to keep my daughter safe.”
The man in front smiles, but even his smile is terrifying. 
“What a good dad you are. But don't worry.” He says. “We'll take her from here. I'll personally keep her safe.” He finishes, licking his lips. 
“No thank you.” your dad says. “We're just going to go.” You grip onto your dads orange jumpsuit. 
“Dad.” You whisper. He can hear the fear in your voice. 
He runs forward, punching the man, pushing him into the two men behind him. “Run YN! Run!” He screams as the men grab him, taking him elsewhere. You try to run for the door but you're grabbed, pulled back and pushed against the wall. The man who had been talking to your father stood inches from your face. You could see the evil in his eyes as he eyed you up. You can feel his breath on your neck as he moves closer towards you.
You look both ways, trying to find your way to escape. There's only one other door besides the one you came through and you're pretty sure it's locked. Fear jolts through your body as you try and think of anything you could possibly say or do to get yourself out of this situation but you know that there is nothing you can do, except try and fight. 
“Get away from me!” you yell, putting your hands on his chest and pushing as hard as you can. 
"Don't fucking do that.” He snaps, shoving you against the wall. He raises his hand as he gets closer to you, his finger tracing your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks and you let out a scream, as loud as you could. You switched between yelling "help me." And screaming, hoping someone would come for you. 
The man slaps his hand over your mouth, angrily. "Why would you do that, don't you like me?" He asks. "It's been a long fucking time since we've been this close to a woman." He chuckles. You can feel his body pressing against you. You try to focus on anything else, but all you can hear is the sound of him breathing and the screams and cries of the ones caught in the riot. 
Just as you were about to give up, you feel a release. You can no longer feel his body pressing against you, you can hear yelling much closer. You open your eyes and see a dark haired man, and a familiar other dark haired man pulling the men away from you. Within seconds the man who wanted to attack you was down on the floor, and the two men who saved you grabbed your hands, pulling you out of the room and away from the chaos. 
Where was your dad? Was he okay? 
The three of you ran down a hallway, the alarms are still blaring, you can just barely hear police sirens from outside. 
The two men had no idea where to go, everywhere you looked there was violence, inmates with weapons and minimal guards that were alive. 
"Hey!" You hear from down the hall. You all turn around and see the man that had you pinned against the wall. Anger suddenly fuels you, wondering where your dad was. 
“What did you do to my dad!?” You scream. The man stops walking, a grin spreads across his face. “Don't worry, he's just fine. Now you two.” He says, pointing to the two men who were still holding onto you. “You don't get to take what's not yours.” He frowns. “I want her back.” He yells down the hall. The two men who had taken your father appear behind him. 
“Fuck.” One says. they turn around, pulling you in a different direction. You were turning corner after corner until one of them found an unlocked door. He opens it, quickly pulling you inside before slamming it shut. Your body is shaking, you can't help but sob. You never in a million years expected today to turn out how it has. 
Both the men quickly jump into action, grabbing whatever heavy pieces of furniture they can find to shove against the door. You watch them, still feeling just pure shock. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper. You weren't even entirely sure what you were sorry about but it felt appropriate in the moment. 
They both stop covering the door, staring at you. “Sorry for what?” One asks. 
“I.. I'm not sure. But you're in this mess now because of me.” You sigh. 
“We're in this because we didn't want to see an innocent woman get taken advantage of by some fucked up men. You didn't start it.” He says. 
“What's your name?” The other asks. 
"Y/N." You sniffle. 
“I’m Wooyoung, and this is San.” 
“Nice to meet you both. And thank you. I truly don't know what would have happened if you guys didn't save me.” 
“It's nothing.” San says, giving you a half smile. He could not stop staring at you, just like when you were in the visiting room with your dad and he had caught your eye. 
Before you could say anything back, the knob to the door started to shake. There's pounding at the door, and that's when you hear it. 
“Y/N.” your dad calls. “Y/N please let me in. They're coming.” He cries. “Please.” 
You run to the door, trying your best to move everything they had put against the door. 
“Y/N stop.” Wooyoung yells, trying to pull you away. 
“Please!” You cry. “Please help me. That's my dad, we need to let him in.” 
San and Wooyoung loom at each other. They both know this is a bad idea but knew that there would be no chance of you letting up. 
“Whatever happens?” San says. Wooyoung nods his head. 
“Whatever happens.” 
The two men help you pull the large filing cabinet, desk and other heavy things away from the door. You unlock the deadbolt, ripping the door open, the smile on your face falling immediately. 
“I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry.” He cries. He's pushed inside the room by the three men from before. He trips, falling to the floor with a thud. You wanted to go to him but the man has a gun now and it's pointed directly at you. 
“You two aren't very good at hiding.” He chuckles. 
“Eric, you don't have to do this.” Wooyoung says, his hands up as he inches towards you. 
“Fuck you, Woo. You'd be the fucking same if you were locked in the hole for months at a time.” Eric snaps. “And now I have a chance for something real and you two are trying to ruin it for me.” 
“I'm telling you not to fucking do this.” San snaps. He can see Eric eyeing you up, your dad laying on the floor, one of Eric's men's feet pinning him down. 
“You think I'm gonna listen to you?” Eric laughs. “Just enjoy the show.” He says, grabbing onto Your wrists. Wooyoung and San try to lurch forward but they're stopped by the other two, flashing their knives. Eric pushes you against the wall, pulling you back towards him. He pulls you to the ground, climbing on top of you, straddling you. The gun is still shoved in your face. You say nothing, tears just stream down your face. Your eyes dart in-between San and Wooyoung as you silently plead for one of them to do something. To help you. 
Eric rips open your shirt, exposing your bra. You look away, seeing Wooyoung and San nod towards each other. They both lunge for the men, knocking them down. Your dad scrambles to his feet taking over for San, as he runs for Eric, who was too in his own world with you to hear anything else. San tackles him, causing Eric to let go of the gun, it slides across the floor. Eric scrambles beneath San as he delivers hit after hit. 
“Everybody get on the fucking ground.” You hear. Smoke bombs thrown into the room. Guards in full tactical gear flood inside, guns at the ready. San gets off of Eric, all of them men laying on the floor. “Hands on your head.” They yell. 
You do as you're told. “We have a hostage located.” They go to you first, helping you up. You're coughing loudly as they guide you out of the room, into another one to be treated. They'd finally gotten everything settled down and started getting inmates back into their cells, or medical treatment. 
“You took a fucking hostage, the warden is deciding your punishment.” A guard snaps at Wooyoung and San as they escort them past the room you're in. You push the nurse away, running out of the room. 
“Wait!” You yell. “They didn't take me hostage. They saved me from him.” You say, pointing to Eric. “He tried to.. he tried to...” You cry. “They protected me from him and I'll forever be grateful.” you finish. You walk over to the two handcuffed men, wrapping your arms around both of them, until they're both escorted off. Both of them looking over their shoulders, giving you a smile and a wink. 
Once you were checked out by the nurse and cleared to go, you were led out to the front where your mom was waiting for you. You sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged you tightly, apologizing to you profusely. She grabbed your hand, pulling you out to the car. you look back at the prison as she drives away, silently thanking Wooyoung and San for saving you. You'd have to find some way to properly thank them sometime. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Your mom asks. 
“Dad and I were talking when fights broke out. Inmates were attacking guards and other inmates.” You sigh. “They opened the doors to the visitation room to let guards in but inmates rushed in.. one gut I guess had his sights set on me.” 
“Dad protected you right?” Your mom asks. 
“He tried. But there were 3 of them and one of him.. they took him away. And I was alone.” You look over at your mom, she has tears in her eyes as she listens to you. “But then two men rushed in and grabbed me, helped me escape. Took me to a room and barricaded the door.” 
“They didn't hurt you did they?” She whispers. 
“No mom, they didn't. Dad started banging on the door.. they helped me move everything and open the door but the bad guy was there with him, they pushed him in.. the guy tried to.. r..” you pause. Your mom looks horrified. “He didn't. Wooyoung and San tackled him and then the guards came in.” 
“That was extremely lucky that they were there for you.” She sighs. “I'm so sorry baby.” 
“It's not your fault mom. You didn't know that was going to happen.” You say. “No one could have predicted that would happen.” 
The rest of the way you drive home in silence. You really want to just go to bed. Luckily you didn't have to work today so you could do just that. As you walked in the house, your brother Jaehyun rushed to you, hugging you tightly. “I'm so glad you're okay.” He says, squeezes you even harder. 
“I won't be if you squeeze me anymore, you're gonna suffocate me.” You half chuckle, half panic. He lets you go, patting your back before heading back to the living room. 
“Do you want some lunch?” Your mom asks. You raise an eyebrow. You had assumed she would have had to go back to work. 
“Don't you have to go back to work?” You ask. She looks at the ground. 
“Uh, well.. Dave said if I left to go to you, I wouldn't have a job. It's not worth it if he won't let me go to my child who was in the middle of a prison riot. Don't worry, I'll find something else.” She smiles. 
Fuck Dave. You went up to your room, crawled in your bed and quickly fell asleep. The day was exhausting and you were still shook a week later. It was the week after the riot, and you had been answering everyone's questions about what happened, what it was like the guys who saved you. It was the talk of the town still but you were tired of talking about it. You were ready to forget about it now, which is why you agreed so fast when your friend Hwasa asked you to go out that night. There was a newish club that was apparently very exclusive and the two of you wanted in. You got ready in a hurry, doing your makeup and your hair the best you could. You slipped on your favorite club dress as well as shoes and headed for the front door. 
“I'm going out, bye!” You yell, slamming the door behind you. You run down the driveway heading to Hwasa's car. 
The drive to the club is long. When you finally see it, you're mesmerized. It's bigger than you imagined, the bright sign outside reads Ateez. You were so excited. The line was extremely long, and as you walked up to the bouncer he shooed you to the back of the line. It seemed like you were never going to get in. 
After about twenty minutes, you noticed a man staring at you that was walking the line, he walked past you, before backing up to look at you again. 
“L/N Y/N?” He asks, eyeing you up and down. 
“Yes?” You respond, staring at the handsome man. 
“Come with me.” He says, motioning for you and Hwasa to follow him. You and Hwasa look at each other, she shrugs her shoulders, following the man and dragging you along behind. He stops at the bouncer, pointing to you. “L/N Y/N. Add her to the list. VIP.” He finishes, bringing you both inside. What the hell did you do to get this sort of treatment? 
The two of you walk behind the man, following him really without any questions. You pass what looks like the main bar, the dance floor and head up some stairs. The rope is removed from the hook, letting the three of you into the VIP area. 
“You can stay here if you'd like. Your drinks are all on the house, whatever you'd like. If you need anything, my name is Mingi, don't hesitate to ask.” He says. 
“Um, I do have a question.” You say, slightly raising your hand. “How? Um, why? And um what?” You say. 
Mingi chuckles. “You helped my brothers out, by not adding time to their sentences. They both could have gotten a lot more time after that riot. But they didn't, because of you. So from now on, if you are in trouble or need anything, you have 8 men who will happily help you out.” He says. “Well 6 for now, until San and Woo get out.” 
“All I did was tell the truth.” You say.
“There's a lot of women out there who would have lied, knowing who those two are.” He says. 
 “Also, You're related to them?” You ask, ignoring what he said before. You were too busy trying to stop your mouth from hanging down. 
“Well.. in a sense.” He laughs. “Enjoy your night.” He finishes before leaving the room. 
“What the hell!” Hwasa shouts, heading over to your private bar. She orders multiple drinks and shots for each of you to be brought to your table. As you two sit there, listening to the music the DJ is playing, drinking and just having a good time you see five men walk into the room. They stop, staring at you. As they walk over they introduce themselves. 
“Y/N.” One smiles. “I'm Seonghwa, this is Yeosang, Yunho, Jongho and Hongjoong.” He says pointing to each extremely handsome man. 
“Nice to meet you.” You smile back, waving at them all while hiccuping in the process. 
“Thank you for what you did for Woo and San.” Seonghwa says. 
“Like I said to Mingi, I was just telling the truth. I didn't want them to get into trouble for saving me.” You explain. 
“If you need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call.” He says, sliding you a piece of paper. Written down are 8 phone numbers for you. This was honestly fucking surreal. Who knew this could happen for simply telling the truth? 
The men walk away and Hwasa stares at you in disbelief. “I almost wish it was me that day.” She laughs. “Let's go dance!” She says, trying to pull you up. 
“Let me just tidy these glasses.” You slur, stacking all the cups and shot glasses to bring back to the bartender. He laughs as you place them on the bar, and thanks you through his chuckles. 
You let Hwasa drag you down the stairs to the dance floor, immediately sliding her hands all over your body as you dance closely. The two of you always preferred to dance together, but sometimes if you were into it you'd dance with men.  This time you were too into dancing with Hwasa, you didn't want any men to disturb you. You turned around, grinding your ass into her as you looked around the club. You glanced up at the balcony and saw six men leaning on the railing, all their eyes staring directly at you. Why did you feel like your life was going to get a lot more interesting? 
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kpop---scenarios · 13 days
Obsession (2)
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Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warning: Stalking, Threatening, Launguage
Word Count: 3.8k
Part One
It had been a little over a week since you and Chanyeol fucked, and it had been radio silence. You had hoped he would have texted you by now, but you didn't want to come across as that needy girl. So you kept it cool, until you couldn't keep that cool any longer.
“Oh my god!” Jennie yells. “Did you hear the latest news?” She asks, rolling her eyes. You had been invited for a night out at Baekhyun's apartment with everyone in your new friends group. You had partially expected Chanyeol to have been there and when he wasn't you were disappointed. You liked him and wanted you get to know him more, you also wouldn't have minded fucking around with him again.
“What!?” Lisa asks. Everyone was intently staring at Jennie, impatiently waiting to hear what she had to say.
“A little birdy told me that Chanyeol and Maya got back together.” She says, trying to stifle a giggle. Every single person that sat around Baekhyun's living room table groaned so loudly. Sehun, Baekhyun and Jisoo started fake sobbing, Jongin threw his head back in frustration, Lisa started to pretend to gag, while Kyungsoo began muttering about how he had to go back to avoiding Chanyeol.
You, on the other hand, sat there in complete shock. He had a girlfriend? How long has this been going on?
“What's wrong with her?” You ask, glancing at the dramatic group around the table.
“Let's just say, Maya is..” Baekhyun pauses.
“Insufferable.” Kyungsoo sighs.
“Stuck up.” Jisoo adds.
“Fucking annoying.” Lisa says.
“She's like the worst possible human in the world.” Jongin says. “I don't know how he puts up with her.”
You nod your head, you didn't have anything else to say. You felt hurt and confused. Your hands played with the full shot glass that sat in front of you. Just as Sehun was about to say something, the front door opens and in walks Chanyeol with a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys, what are we talking about?” He asks, plopping down on the floor, across the table from where you and Jongin sat. You felt the anger bubble up inside of you, and even though you had planned on saying nothing, words came out of your mouth.
“Oh, just talking about how you have a girlfriend.” You say, looking up at Chanyeol, staring him in the eyes. They go wide, as if he's a deer in headlights.
“Oh, uh.” He chuckles. “Yeah, surprise, Maya and I got back together.” He says, looking away from you to avoid eye contact. You continued to stare at him, you hoped he could feel your stare burning into him.
“But why?” Baekhyun asks. “Why would you do that?”
“What's wrong with her?” Chanyeol laughs.
You were uncomfortable. You were sad, mad, annoyed. Every emotion was felt right at this moment, and it was like Jongin could sense it. He moved closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer into him. He turns his head to whisper in your ear. “You okay?” He asks. You continued to look at Chanyeol who was now eyeing up you and Jongin, trying to process why his arm was around you.
“Uh huh.” You whisper back, breaking off the eye contact with Chanyeol. You gave Jongin a small half smile, hoping he would stop questioning you but that didn’t work. For the next 45 minutes, every few minutes you would catch Jongin looking at you, you could tell that he was questioning how quiet you were, wondering why and why you wouldn't tell him. You’d finally had enough social interaction for the night and decided to go.
“I’m going to head out right away.” you announce. “Just using the bathroom first.” you finish, walking towards the bathroom. You stepped outside to see Chanyeol standing outside the bathroom door, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.
“You’re ignoring me.” he says, looking over at you.
“You have a girlfriend.” you say back. “Were you together..when..” you pause.
“No!” he exclaims. “No.. I, uh, met up with her afterwards. That's who had texted me..and we got back together that night.” he finishes. You can feel the tears threatening to fall. You didn’t want to cry over him, it totally wasn't worth it.
“Great, I'm happy for you.” you say, walking away from him. You grab your jacket, and again, Chanyeol stands in front of you.
“Let me walk you home.” he says, grabbing his jacket.
“Nah man, you stay. I already told her I would take her. Don’t worry, I'll make sure she’s safe.” Jongin says, coming up behind you. He slides his arm around your waist, pulling you towards the door. You were grateful for Jongin, but you really hoped he wasn’t getting the wrong idea. The two of you chatted about anything and everything on your walk, he made you laugh - hard. You continued to laugh all the way to your front door. Unlocking your door, you look at Jongin.
“Thank you.” you smile. “Really.”
“Anytime, Y/N. and look..” he pauses. “I don’t know what's going on between you and Chanyeol, but just know you deserve more.” he finishes, flashing a dazzling smile before starting to walk away.
“Wait!” You call out. He turns around. “You know?” you ask him.
“I had a feeling,” he says. “Good night.” he finishes, walking away. You walk into your apartment, feeling exhausted. You didn't realize how much of a toll this night had taken on you until you laid in your bed. You hadn't even taken your clothes off, but you didn’t have the energy any longer, swiftly falling asleep.
You woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed. As you crawled out of your bed you heard a loud banging at your door. Looking out the peephole, you didn't see anyone there, so you opened up your door, only to see a dozen purple tulips sitting outside your door. A smile spreads across your face as you look for a note.
Miss me yet?
Your smile faded just as fast as it had appeared. You stared at the note, a very uneasy feeling pulsing through your body. You brought the flowers inside, took a deep breath before deciding what you were going to do. You walked into your kitchen, dumping the flowers and the note into the garbage can before heading back to your bed. You'd already had enough for today. All day, you lounged around, your phone was off, you ate and watched shitty movies. You cried, you laughed, you slept. It was the perfect day before classes on Monday, you were dreading them already. You were not taking anything easy, and your entire body was a ball of stress.
Monday you had minimal interaction with anyone, you went to classes, had lunch with the group, went home to study and work on papers and it was the exact same on Tuesday. When Wednesday rolled around, you were so excited. The week was almost done, not to mention the group had decided to do a Friday Friend Dinner every other Friday, and this week it was on. Drinks and good food, you couldn't wait. Kyungsoo was an amazing cook, you often craved his food.
You were walking to your class, when out of nowhere you're yanked to the side. You looked over only to see Mark standing there with a smile on his face.
“Hi baby.” He says, leaning in closely. You try to back up, but you back straight into a pillar. “Did you like the flowers I sent you?” He smiles, moving closer. “I've been waiting all week for you to thank me for them. It hurts me that you haven't done that yet, Y/N.” He finishes, his smile dropping.
“Oh!” You say, forcing a smile. You were trying so hard to not show him any fear even though it was radiating through your entire body. “I didn't realize it was you. There was no name on it. They're so beautiful, Mark, thank you.” You smile. You needed him to calm down and let you go without an issue. You watch his facial expressions, he was getting angrier.
“Who else would they have been from?” He snaps. “Are you seeing someone else?”
You didn't know what to say. He stares at you as the panic sets in. Your body is trembling as he gets closer. You let your instincts take over, pushing him away from you.
“Leave me alone.” You scream. He rushes back towards you, slapping his hand over your mouth, stopping you from screaming anymore. Before you can react, Mark is pulled off of you, thrown down to pavement. You look over to see Chanyeol standing there, huffing as he stares down at Mark.
“Didn't I tell you to keep your fucking hands to yourself?” Chanyeol yells. He goes to you, grabbing your hand to pull you away. He takes you out into the open, and you see a blonde girl standing there with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
“Chanyeol.” You breathe. “Thank you.”
He looks at you concerned. “Has he been bothering you alot?” He asks.
“No, no. He sent me flowers on Sunday, with a note but no name attached. I guess he was mad that I didn't thank him.” You explain. “I'm sure he's gotten the message now.” You half smile. You were trying to be okay but you weren't. Your body shook, you felt like you were still in shock. You looked over at the girl who looked even more unimpressed with you.
“Hi.” You smile, holding out your hand. “I'm Y/N.” You say.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. You retracted your hand feeling uncomfortable now. She looks at Chanyeol with a pout. “You let go of my hand to help her, Channie.” She says. “I'm so sad now.”
Chanyeol sighs. “I'm sorry Maya, do you want me to buy you something?” He asks. She perks up, grabbing his hand to pull him away, spewing on about some purse she wanted.
You already hated her.
Thursday, you didn't go to your classes. You stayed curled up in bed, answering the calls from Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, Baekhyun, Jongin and even Kyungsoo, asking you if you were okay and what they could do for you. You were eternally grateful for all of them and how much they cared for you. They had asked you if you wanted to postpone your friend's dinner, but you didn't want to. It was something that you desperately needed to try and take your mind off your Mark situation.
Friday comes, and starts off better. You went to your classes that day. It wasn't until you looked at your phone, did your heart sink, and your anxiety flared up.
[From Unknown - 8:45am] I like your outfit today. You look so cute.
[From Unknown - 8:49am] I hope your first class goes well. I miss you.
You slipped your phone in your pocket, trying to focus on your lecture. Your phone doesn't stop vibrating the entire time you were in your hour and a half class. After it ends, you pull out your phone to read some of them.
[From Unknown - 9:07am] Please text me back.
[From Unknown - 9:10am] it's really not nice to ignore someone.
[From Unknown - 9:17am] Please, baby.
You deleted all the messages, only reading a few of them. You didn't want to deal with this. Maybe eventually he would get the hint. And he did, only until the afternoon.
[From Unknown - 2:47pm] I miss your smile. You looked so happy taking in the warm sun as you were walking.
[From Unknown - 2:52pm] Did you take a picture of the sky for your IG? I can't wait for you to post it.
You ignored them again, putting your phone into your pocket as you headed to your last class of the day. The hour went by quickly, with no excessive buzzing coming from your pocket. You were relieved but that didn't last long. As you made your way to Kyungsoo's apartment, the texts continued, and got progressively worse.
[From Unknown - 4:59pm] I don't fucking appreciate this.
[From Unknown - 5:04pm] You are being a goddamn cunt right now, Y/N.
[From Unknown - 5:07pm] ANSWER ME!!
[From Unknown - 5:11pm] I'm sorry, baby. I just miss you so much. Please answer me.
You sigh as you knock on the door of Kyungsoo's apartment, finishing reading the last message.
“Hey.” Kyungsoo smiles, opening the door. You walk into the most delightful smells, immediately causing you to forget about the texts. “You can join the others in the living room.” He says, heading back to the kitchen. You take your coat off, following the sound of laughter into the living room.
“Y/N.” Everyone yells, all happy to see you. You say hi to everyone, looking at Jongin, who mouths “sorry.” To you before you see Chanyeol with his arm around Maya on the couch. You wanted to roll your eyes so fucking badly. But your phone began to vibrate.
[From Unknown - 5:27pm] I can't wait to pin you down, kissing your body all over.
[From Unknown - 5:33pm] I'm going to make you cum so many times from my fingers when I finally get you in my bed. Do you want that baby?
You can feel the tears starting. Why won't he stop?
You press the phone button to call and scream at him but it won't connect. “This number is no longer in service.”
Maybe he deactivated it.
[From Unknown - 5:46pm] I hope you're not fucking Chanyeol or Jongin baby. I'll have to punish you for that.
[From Unknown - 5:54pm] Would you like that baby? I'm going to tie you up and punish you. I don't like being ignored.
[From Unknown - 5:56pm] Y/N. ANSWER ME.
[From Unknown - 5:59pm] I will fucking kill you if you don't answer me.”
You couldn't take it anymore. The tears fell as Kyungsoo walked into the living room.
“Y/N?” He asks, glancing around at everyone else. You completely break down, sobbing into your knees.
“Hey, what's going on doll?” Lisa asks, moving towards you. You slide your unlocked phone towards her, allowing her to read the messages as you sniffle.
“What the fuck.” She gasps.
“What? What do they say?” Everyone asks.
“Can I read them out?” Jongin asks you. You hide your face but nod your head. You didn't want to deal with this shit alone.
“Holy shit. He talks about what she's wearing today and gets mad at her for not responding.” He pauses. “I can't wait to pin you down, kissing all over your body.” He reads out. You look up, every single person there was pissed beyond measure. Except for Maya, who rolled her eyes at every text.
“Y/N answer me.. I will fucking kill you if you don't answer me.” He finishes in a whisper.
No one says a thing. Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo hug you tightly until Baekhyun pipes up. “Who wants to go hunt this mother fucker down and make him wish he never met our precious Y/N?” He says.
Everyone jumps up agreeing, including Chanyeol. Maya scoffs loudly at him
“What the fuck, Chanyeol?” She yells.
“Here we go.” Baekhyun laughs.
“You're going to protect her again? What about me? I actually matter.” She says, pouting again.
“Y/N matters too.” Chanyeol tells her. “She's important to me. As are all my friends.” He says.
“So I'm not as important as this fucking thing whose scared of a few little texts? Like grow up.” She yells at you.
“Who are you calling a thing, bitch?” Lisa snaps, standing up.
“Miss fucking cry baby over there.” Maya yells.
“Maya!” Chanyeol yells, his voice booming through the house. “Shut the fuck up.” He snaps. He glares at her, she tries to stand tall but she cowers under him. “Get your stuff. We're leaving.” He yells. “NOW.” He booms. She rushes out of the room without a word. Chanyeol mutters a “sorry” towards the group before slamming the door behind him.
The group sits in silence.
“Has anyone EVER heard Chanyeol yell that loud!?” Baekhyun asks, jumping up onto the couch. “I mean sure he's loud during game nights but holy shit.”
“literally never.” Jisoo says, her eyes still wide.
Kyungsoo looks at you. “Have you gone to the cops?” He asks.
“Yeah, you really should.” Lisa and Jennie urge.
“I have.” You sniffle. “They can't do anything for me until he physically hurts me.” You cry. “Apparently covering my mouth to stop me from screaming isn't enough.”
“That's messed up.” Kyungsoo sighs. “You shouldn't be alone. You need to stay with someone.”
“She can stay with me.” Chanyeol announces, walking into the living room.
“What happened?” Baekhyun asks.
“I ended things. For good.” Chanyeol says to everyone, before turning to look at you. “Y/N I am so sorry for the way she spoke to you. That was uncalled for and not fair.” He whispers with his head down. “You didn't deserve that.”
“Thank you.” You sniffle. “You didn't have to break up with her though.”
Baekhyun laughs out loudly, making everyone else laugh along.
“Yeah I did. It was time. I can't be with someone like that, I wasn't really into it anyways.”
Your phone buzzes again on the table.
[From Unknown - 7:08pm] I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me. Just talk to me.
Chanyeol picks up your phone, reading the message. He holds out his hand for you to pull you up. “We're going to go to Y/N's apartment and grab her things. I'll let you all know when we've made it safely back to my place.” He says. You go around the group giving everyone a hug while saying thank you to them. You didn't know what you would do without such great friends. you and Chanyeol didn't say much on the drive to your apartment. You were exhausted and just wanted to rest but you knew it wasn't going to come easily tonight. You and chanyeol head up to your front door, you unlock the door, letting him in first before you lock it back up behind you. You felt too paranoid to leave anything to chance. Chanyeol chuckles as he walks towards the table, patting it with the palm of his hand.
“This is a solid table.” He smirks. You roll your eyes at him, heading into your bedroom. quickly you find a bag, shoving your clothes into it, grabbing everything you can think of right now that you would need. You grabbed your charger and your laptop, and just as you thought you had everything, you heard a loud, rapid banging on your front door. You freeze. Chanyeol puts his finger to his lips, telling you to be quiet. He waves you back into the room, mouthing for you to hide. Quietly, he creeps up to the door as the banging continues. He looks out the peephole, all he can see is black hair.
“Yes?” He says, his voice loud and deep.
“Where's Y/N?” He asks. You can hear Mark's voice.
“She's not here. You need to leave.” Chanyeol announces. “She's not interested in you. You need to move on.”
“Hah. I need to move on? She and I are meant to be together. You tell her I'll see her soon.” Mark yells, leaving Chanyeol's view. He opens the door slightly, making sure that Mark is actually gone. Chanyeol calls you out of the room, tears streaming down your face. He wraps his arm around you, taking you out of your apartment, heading for his car. You were terrified that Mark was going to be out there waiting for you. But he wasn't. Chanyeol opened the car door for you, you got in, placing your bag on the floor.
The drive is silent. It was late, you were drained. Walking up to Chanyeol's apartment, he unlocks the door, letting you go in first. It's bigger than you thought it would be. It was decorated very minimally, he had furniture around but not much else.
“It's very nice.” You smile.
“I'm still working on getting more things for it.” He laughs. He takes you to his bedroom. “You can sleep here. I'm going to take the couch.” He says.
“Chanyeol.” You sigh. “It's enough that you're letting me stay here, I can't take your bed too.”
He laughs. “You can. And you will. Get some rest okay? I'm right out there if you need.” He gives you a hub before grabbing his pj's and going into the bathroom. He comes out in a shirt and pj pants, heading for the living room. You dig through your bag, finding your shorts and a tank top to sleep in. You change and crawl into his bed. It smells so good. It smells like him. Sleep came to you easier than you thought, but it didn't last long.
You woke up breathing heavily, sweating and a little confused. You had dreamt that Mark had taken you captive and you were really shaken up over it. You crawled out of bed, heading to the living room.
Chanyeol laid on the couch, scrolling on his phone until he noticed you. He sits up quickly. “What's wrong?” he asks, standing up. He was no longer wearing a shirt.
Holy shit, you'd forgotten how ripped he was.
“it was.. a dream.” you start. “Mark.. he had..uh, kidnapped me.”
Chanyeol wraps you in his arms, in a tight and comforting hug. You hold onto him as tightly as you can, you feel so safe with him.
“Can you please sleep in the bed with me? I don't want to be alone.” You whisper.
He lets go of you, grabbing your hand and leading you to the bedroom. You both crawl into the bed, getting comfy. Chanyeol rubs your arm and shoulder as your back faces him. You quickly fall asleep, feeling more comfortable than you've been in a while. You wished the feeling of peace would last, unfortunately you knew it wouldn't.
You woke up in the morning with Chanyeol wrapped around your body. You were sweating so bad, you had no choice but to get up. You managed to wiggle your way out of his embrace, making your way to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. You snooped around his cupboards, trying to find something to make for breakfast. You settled on making eggs and toast, it was easy enough. As you continue scrambling your eggs, Chanyeol walks out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes with a smile on his face.
“What's this?” He asks.
“Breakfast. Duh.” You laugh. You were feeling good today, you felt like it was going to be a great day. Until your phone on the table started to ring.
Chanyeol grabbed your phone, declining the call and blocking the number.
“There. That should work.” He smiles. He sets your phone down, before it starts ringing again.
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kpop---scenarios · 13 days
Plz tell me I don't need to write a Stray Kids smut
12 notes · View notes
kpop---scenarios · 14 days
Cravings (2)
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Pairing: Vampire! Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: Stalking, Launuage etc
Word Count: 5.3k
"Who the fuck brought a human home?"
You sat there, your stomach twisting as nerves filled your body. You couldn't help but twiddle your fingers as you stared at these men who had such disgust on their faces. You subtly glanced at the men, taking in the features of each one. They were exactly like Baekhyun, stone cold faces, pale but extremely handsome.
Seconds later it hit you. Human? Why did they ask who brought a human home? Weren't you all humans? What was he talking about?
You looked back at the one who asked the question. You opened your mouth, ready to question his question but before you were able to speak, the bedroom door swung open, and in walks Baekhyun. He looks around the room, glaring at the men who surrounded you.
"What the hell are you guys doing in here?" He asks, walking towards the bed, where you were huddled up.
"Ah, Baekhyun, well then that makes sense." One of them says, The rest all nodded their heads.
"What?" Baekhyun asks.
"Why is she here?" A man asks, looking at Baekhyun with a pissed off face.
"She was in trouble when I was dropping her off. She needed somewhere to go, Suho, she doesn't know anything.” Baekhyun tells him.
What was he talking about?
“What is it that I don't know?” you ask.
“Get her the fuck out of here. You know the rules, Baekhyun.” Suho yells, walking out of the room with the rest of the men following closely behind him.
“Get dressed, we gotta go.” Baekhyun says, turning around to walk out the door, closing it behind him. You quickly scramble out of the bed, slipping on your pants and your shoes before walking towards the door at a quick pace. When you open it, Baekhyun is standing there. He doesn't say a word to you but instead grabs your wrist, pulling you towards the large staircase. His hand feels like ice on your wrist.
You tried to question him as the two of you descended down the stairs, but ignored you, he was in a rush to get you out of the house. You didn't know what you did to whoever that was in your room this morning, but it was very clear that you were not welcomed in this house.
“Baekhyun.” You call out as the two of you walk out the front door. He still doesn't acknowledge you as he slides himself into the driver's seat of his car. You get into the passenger seat, crossing your arms, annoyed at the lack of communication skills he apparently didn't have.
“Are you not going to answer me?” you ask, turning to look at him while he focuses on the road. He doesn’t say anything for the remainder of the drive with you, you guys sat in complete silence.
Baekhyun pulls into the parking lot at your apartment, he parks, turns off the engine and turns to face you. His eyes stare deeply into yours, making your heart flutter. He starts leaning in closely to you, you lean into him. He raises his hand, placing it on your cheek, the coldness sends a shiver down your spine. He moves in closer until finally,he presses his lips to yours, and you feel fireworks. Baekhyun begins to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth as you melt into the kiss. He begins to pull back, his teeth gently biting your bottom lip, he pricks your lip before swiping his tongue over the small cut, healing it without you knowing. Now that he’s tasted your blood, he knows no other males can take you. It gives him a little bit of comfort before he says what he’s going to say to you.
“That was.. Wow.” you exclaim. It was like something out of a book, a kiss like you’d never had before.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He says quietly, almost in a whisper, as “’I shouldn't have kissed you, or gotten involved with you. I knew better than to do that. You just..” he pauses, “You need to pretend I don't exist. Forget you ever met me.” He finishes.
He turns to look at you. He hates seeing the pain and confusion in your face. He more so hates that he’s the one that's causing it, mates are supposed to make things better, heal and protect you, while loving you unconditionally, but he was doing the complete opposite. He wished he could explain it to you, he wished he could stop your pain, it would be easy for him but he couldn’t risk exposing himself and the others. He wished he was able to take your memories of him, but he can't, mates can't manipulate mates.
Baekhyun puts the car in park, turning to look at you. He can’t fully read your face. It's a mixture of anger, sadness and confusion. And he understood that. “Why?” you ask. “I’ve felt a very strong pull to you and I know you’ve felt it too, so I'm confused on why you're suddenly trying to leave me.”
Baekhyun felt a pang in his heart, one that he hadn’t ever felt before. He didn’t want to leave you, but he couldn't tell you that. He couldn't say anything to you that would make you think there was a chance he didn't mean what he was saying. You needed to believe that he didn't want you.
“Nothing is going to happen between us, understand? There was nothing between us anyways.” he says.
You turn your head, you can see the window to your apartment, your curtain drawn, and suddenly it moves. You can see someone peeking behind the curtains. You immediately know it's Chad.
“Do you want me to handle him?” Baekhyun asks.
You shift in your seat, unsure of whether you say yes or no to his offer. You didn't want to feel like a burden, especially to have someone protect you that doesn't want to do it.
“No” you whisper, moving your body away from him. “Thanks for the ride.” you say, getting out of the car and walking away from him.
Once you’re back in your apartment, a crying Chad stands in your kitchen, with his head hanging down. “Why are you still here?” You sigh, placing your purse on the table.
“I truly feel awful for hurting you like that. I was not in my right mind, and I'm so sorry. I love you, Y/N, please forgive me?” he asks.
“Chad.” you begin. “I forgive you but I do not want to be with you. This is a one sided relationship and you have anger issues that you need to deal with. You need to leave and you need to leave me alone now. We're done. I’m going for coffee, you have an hour to grab your stuff and go, whatever you leave is going to donations.” you finish. You walk out the door and head outside, heading towards the coffee shop near your house. You sat with your drink, thinking about what Baekhyun had said to you. You had heard him loud and clear and that he didn’t want you but you didn’t believe it.
An hour later you wander back to your apartment, walking in immediately you notice a lot of your things on the floor, along with broken plates and glasses. You look around some more, seeing your clothes thrown all around your room, some of your shirts and pants are ripped, your bed is messed up, your pillow is cut open with feathers laying all over your bed and floor. You go to the living room and your TV has been pushed over, and your gaming console is gone.
“Fucking Chad!” you scream. You fall to the floor crying, not over the broken things or the torn up clothes, not even over your console. Your heart hurts so bad from Baekhyun’s words. There was something between the two of you, you knew it and so did he, even if he didn't want to admit it.
You let yourself be sad for a little bit before you decided to get back at CHad. he was the one who fucked up but hes taking it out on you? Real mature. You take pictures of all your broken things, your clothes, your bedding, your tv and your lack of console and march over to the police station to press charges. If he wanted to be petty, you could be petty right fucking back. When you were done at the police station you went to the bar, you really hoped he would be working today but unfortunately he wasn't there but one of the men who stood in the room to intimidate you was behind the bar.
The handsome man stared at you as you walked up to the bar. “Good afternoon.” He says, his voice is deep. “What can I get for you?” he asks.
“Double vodka and cran, please.” You say. You sounded so sad and monotone.
“Are you okay?” He asks, smiley widely. He stares into your eyes as you look at him while he smiles, he's waiting for you to get into the daze, where you'll do whatever he asks of you, but it never comes. He hands you your drink, frowning at you. “What's with that expression? You were very pissed off early this morning.” You say, taking a big gulp.
“I thought that was you.” He says clearing his throat. “My apologies for that.”
“It's fine.” You sigh. He continues to stare at you, confusion plastered on his face while he thinks, and then it hits him.
“Oh fuck no.” He mutters. “I'll be right back.” He says to you before disappearing into the back.
Seconds later you feel a presence beside you. You look over and there's another handsome, pale, dark haired man sitting beside you, but this one you did not recognize.
“Where did the bartender go?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders.
“Into the back, I think, he looked mad.” You say, finishing your drink. “He needs to hurry up though, I need another one.” You sigh.
“Bad day?” He asks, your mind flashes back to the night you met Baekhyun and he had asked you the same thing.
“You could say that.” You reply. “What about you? Why are you drinking at 3pm?” you ask.
“Bad day.” He says. “Lady problems.”
“You can vent to me if you want, I'd love something to take my mind off today.” You suggest. “I'm Y/N by the way.” You half smile. He turns to look at you, a smile plastered over his face. “I'm Jaehyun.” He responds. “It all started two weeks ago..”
In the back, Chanyeol angrily pulled out his phone. He quickly dialed Baekhyun's number, anger flowing through him.
“Hello?” Baekhyun answers.
“Please tell me you're not a huge fucking moron? Please say you didn't do what I think you did.” Chanyeol begs.
“I.. didn't do it? I don't know what you're talking about dude.” Baekhyun says.
“Did you fucking mark her? Did you mark Y/N? Because she's sitting at the bar, completely unbothered by me.” Chanyeol yells.
“She's there?” Baekhyun asks. “I'm coming.”
“No. Suho said you can't see her anymore, remember? And if he finds out you marked her.. it's going to be bad.” Chanyeol says.
“Yeah I know but fuck I need to see her, please man.” Baekhyun begs.
“I'll keep an eye on her.” Chanyeol says. “Stay away. Besides, Jaehyun is here talking to her already. Don't ruin your plan.” Chanyeol finishes before hanging up. He takes a deep breath before heading back out to serve customers.
You and Jaehyun talked for hours. You sat at the bar, drinking, chatting about life.
“I told you my history.” Jaehyun smiles. “Now it’s your turn.”
“Are you sure you want to hear this?” you chuckle.
He nods his head yes.
“Alright then, buckle up.” you giggle. “I was dating this guy named Chad”.” you began. Jaehyun stopped you there, immediately.
“That's your first mistake. Chad?” he says, cringing.
“Just wait.” you laugh. “We dated for over a year, and he did absolutely nothing. He never planned anything, he never went out of his way to do something nice for me but expected me to do anything for him at the drop of a hat. One day, he brought his clothes over in a garbage bag and then he kinda just like never left.” you shrugged
“And you accepted that?” Jaehyun asks.
You nod your head. “I didn't think I could do any better, but don’t worry, it gets worse.” you tell him. “He didn't help with any of the bills. He never bought groceries, he spent all his money on himself and his boys, Brad and Connor. They even showed up to our valentine's day date and then left in the middle of it, Chad included and left me to pay the entire bill.”
“Wait, hold on a second. Chad, Brad and Connor?” he asks.
“The three musketeers.” you laugh.
“Is there more?” he asks, hesitantly.
“There's a lot more.” you sigh. “So one night I'm stressed out trying to figure out how to pay my bills, if there's a bill I can skip paying, whatever. So Chad calls me over, he’s playing on my console again, and asks me to get him snacks. I asked him if he was going to pay for said snacks and he said he didn't have any money.” you say rolling your eyes. “So I lost it. And I mean lost it on him. I unplugged my console and i told him to get the fuck out of my apartment. I left and wandered for a while, and I ended up here.” you say, your voice going a little quieter. “That night I met Baekhyun, and seeing him for the first time felt like home.” you explain. “I know that sounds cheesy or whatever, but I had never felt so comfortable and safe around a person before.”
Jaehyun just nods his head as he continues listening.
“I ended up getting really drunk, he and I talked for hours before I had to go home. So I left, Chad was still there but I just needed to go to bed. I woke up in the morning, called in sick to work and Chad was still gaming.” you sigh. “But oh i forgot, Brad had brought him snacks because i was throwing a temper tantrum and he wanted me to venmo Brad for the snacks.”
“Please tell me you kicked his ass out?” Jaehyun asks.
“I did, and he left. But there’s more. I took the weekend and ate junk and did whatever, then on Monday evening I came back to the bar, and Baekhyun and I talked some more, and he was proud of me for kicking out Chad. but then he texted me, asking to talk.” you sigh.
“Oh no. Please don’t tell me..” Jaehyun cringes.
“He sucked me back in, promising to change and blah blah. There wasn't even a second that he tried to change. But I just accepted the fact that this was going to be my life, and I would be stuck with a man like Chad or just Chad for the rest of my life. But I was barely home, and he didn't notice. I spent my time here if i wasnt working and Baekhyun and I got really close. Honestly he knew me better then Chad knew me. And then one night, Baekhyun cut me off. He told me that I needed to go home because there was a storm coming. I told him I would just get a room at the motel across the street but he heavily objected to that.” you laugh.
“Good, that place is infested with roaches and rats.” Jaehyun says.
“He brought me home himself. We opened the door to a surprise party for me, for my birthday.” you tell him.
“Was it your birthday?” he asks you.
“Nope.” you giggle. “Anyways, Chad was mad that i didn't appreciate his effort of inviting 2 people i know, which are his best friends and the rest being only people they knew. He was also very whiskey drunk, he grabbed me, Baekhyun intervened and took me back to his house.” you continue. “ I slept there, woke up to seven men standing around the bed, I got kicked out, Baekhyun drove me home, he kissed me.” you sigh. “He kissed me and then told me to forget about him and that there's nothing between us.” you weep. You didnt want to cry but fuck your heart hurt. You sniffle and take a big breath. “ I went back to my apartment and Chad was still there. He was crying and saying sorry. I told him to get his stuff and leave. So I went for coffee and when I got back he had trashed the place and stolen my console.” you smile, chugging your drink before waving it at Chanyeol, who comes over with another one.
“And I thought I had problems.” Jaehyun says. He was absolutely flabbergasted. “This is some of the craziest shit I've ever heard. Your life is like a movie, holy shit.” Jaehyun says. You laugh at his comment and take another sip of your new drink. It’s quiet now, only the whispers of others at tables, the soft beating of the music above.
You turn your head to look at Jaehyun, but he’s already looking at you. He leans in closely, staring at you with a dazzling smile but while you're looking at him you feel nothing. He was nice, and you wanted to be his friend but that was it. There was no attraction to him. He places his hand on your thigh and moves in closer. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers.
“You’re more beautifuler.” you hiccup, trying to focus on him, focus on his hand on your thigh, but you feel nothing. There’s no butterflies, there is no nervousness. You felt nothing when he touched you. Jaehyun continues to stare at you, confused, as you begin to slide off the stool. You continued to look at him, the thought finally donning on you. You felt nothing for him.
“Huh.” you whisper, looking at him. “Absolutely nothing.” you shake your head at the thought. “Barkeeper!” you yell. “What do I owe you?” you ask.
Chanyeol nods his head towards Jaehyun and says “he took care of your tab for you already.” you turn towards Jaehyun again and thank him before stumbling your way out of the bar.
Behind you chanyeol looks at Jaehyun and gestures towards you. Jaehyun understands, and he’ll make sure you get home safe.
You walk along the sidewalk, stumbling here and there but you're okay. You can hear people talking behind you so you feel better knowing that you're not alone, until you really focus on what they're saying.
“She's really drunk, she'd probably be easy.” One man says.
“Doesn't she know how easy it would be to throw her in the back alley and do whatever we wanted?” Another laughs. You felt like you recognized the voices, but they were also deeper than anyone you knew. You were anxious and you did your best to pick up your pace and get home quickly. As you turned a corner the men continued on going straight. You felt some relief as you finished the last block to your apartment. You ran inside the building and quickly made your way up to your floor. You unlocked your door, slamming it closed behind you before locking the deadbolt. You put your keys and purse on the table, but couldn't help but feel like something was off. You quietly tiptoed around the house looking around, but you didn't see anything. You shook it off as paranoia and got ready for bed. You slept decently that night, but dreamt of Baekhyun the whole time. You missed him.
For the next few weeks your days remained the same, you woke up and felt like something wasn’t right. The few weeks that you felt were off, you were never able to place what was making you feeling off, you shook it off to still get over everything you had gone through with Chad and Baekhyun. You went to work, barely survived the day before going home and making your way to the bar, and 9/10 times Jaehyun was sitting at the bar, your drink set down next to him in a spot that he declared as yours. Though, on the off chance Jaehyun hadn't shown up at the bar, you had become pretty good friends with the two bartender’s that alternated nights. Chanyeol and Jongdae, they were both chipper, goofy and extremely good listeners, but they were also good at keeping their mouths shut, especially whenever you asked about Baekhyun, and you asked at least twice a night. One night after drinking a little too much, you had told Chanyeol that you were going to try to drive out to the house to see Baekhyun.
The once smiling man’s face turned stone cold. “Don’t you ever try to go out there by yourself, ever.” he snaps. You stay quiet and nod your head every so slightly as his eyes stay trained on you. “Do you understand?” he asks.
You nod your head again.
“I need to hear it Y/N. Do you understand?” he asks again.
“Yes.. yes i understand.”
You just wanted to know that he was okay, to see him, or really find out why he couldn’t talk to you. No one would tell you anything, not even Jaehyun, being left to your own imagination was almost torture. Even though Jaehyun wouldn’t tell you shit about Baekhyun, he had honestly become a very good friend to you. He fixed your shower when you needed help, he helped move in a new mattress to your place, the two of you went for coffee or dinner, if you weren’t at the bar, you were very good friends, and to your surprise that was honestly all it was. You had no sexual desire towards Jaehyun in the slightest which seemed weird to you. Clearly he was just your type but you wanted nothing but a platonic friendship from him.
You missed Baekhyun. Even though you knew better than him showing up to work at the bar, you still hoped you might catch a glimpse of him, but in the weeks that it’s been, you hadn't given up hope.
That night you said goodbye to Chaneyol and caught a cab home, you fell asleep pretty quickly and dreamt of nothing that night. In the morning you crawled out of your bed and shuffled to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. You glanced down at your kitchen table as you passed it and something made you halt. You looked down and there laid out on the table was a picture of you, sleeping. and it was from last night. You quickly went around, making sure all your windows were shut and locked, and you looked at your front door, it was still locked. So how did someone get inside?
At that point you had completely forgotten about making your coffee and headed towards the bathroom to hop into the shower before you had to go to work, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling you had. As you wash your body, you’re startled by the sound of something breaking. You rinse your body quickly and turn the shower off, wrapping yourself in a towel, and you walk carefully to the kitchen. You see a glass shattered on the floor, you look around and everything is still where you had left it, the door was still locked as were the windows. You tried your best to shake that off as well, but you couldn't stop thinking about either of it. It was still on your mind when you walked into work that day, heading towards your cubicle, and you see a vase of dead roses placed nicely on your desk.
You were beginning to get thoroughly creeped out now and you weren’t sure who could be doing this. You went through your day with a terrible feeling in your stomach. As much as you tried to tell yourself it was okay, it wasn't and you were scared. That evening you didn't even bother to go home. You went straight to the bar, where Jaehyun just happened to be sitting.
“Hey stranger.” he smiles. “Double vodka and cran for her please.” he says to the bartender.
“Hi.” you say quietly.
“What's up? You okay?” he asks, seeming concerned.
“Some weird things happened today. I'm a little shaken up about it.” you admit.
“Like what?” he asks, adjusting his position.
“First I woke up to a picture of me sleeping on my table, then I was in the shower and a glass broke, and I went to work and there were a dozen dead roses on my desk.” you sigh, taking a big gulp of your drink. Jaehyun looks at you worriedly, but you wave him off.
“I'm sure it's just someone trying to be funny. Probably just a one time thing” you smile. “How was your day?” you ask.
“I really didn’t do much.” he sighs. “I ran a few errands, did a little bit of work and that was pretty much the most exciting thing,” he says. He still looks at you concerned, you roll your eyes at him.
“Everything is just fine.” you tell him. “I’m going to the bathroom, will you please stop worrying.” you laugh, trying to seem nonchalant about it. As soon as you were out of ear shot, Jaehyun pulls out his phone, dialing a very familiar number.
“Baekhyun, there’s something weird going on.” Jaehyun explains. “Someone is messing with her. Whoever it is has been in her apartment, and she’s acting like it’s nothing but I don’t think it is.”
“Do whatever you need to do to figure it out, Jaehyun, you need to keep her safe. Nothing fucking happens to her.” Baekhyun says before hanging up the phone.
Jaehyun hoped for the person’s sake, it was a one time thing.
It wasn’t a one time thing.
Unfortunately for the next few weeks, at least 4 times a week, something different happened. You swore you felt like you were losing your mind. You would wake up in the morning, go and turn on your coffee pot that always sat on your kitchen counter and then make your way to the bathroom while it brewed. When you would get out of the bathroom, you’d go back into the kitchen and your coffee pot would be on your island plugged into the outlet on the island and the pot was full of coffee.
You would buy groceries, put them away in their designated spots, and the next time you would go get said snack, it wouldn't be where you left it. In the mornings when you’d get into your car to go to work, you’d notice your rearview mirror would be adjusted into a different spot, and you tried to think if there was ever a time that you had actually adjusted it. When you would come home from work, to set your stuff down to get ready to walk to the bar, you would notice a dead rose laying in the middle of the floor of your bedroom. You would open the fridge, you’d see a wilted rose petal on the shelf. In the following days you had also found one in your bed, on your couch, in the bathroom, and in your car, along with your rearview mirror having been adjusted each time.
But tonight was the icing on the cake. You had gotten home from work, unlocked your door and entered your apartment. You walk in, placing your keys on the kitchen table when you hear a faint hissing. Your stomach drops as you look around. You look towards your bedroom and see nothing, but as you turn your head to look at the living room, you see the biggest snake you’ve ever seen, hissing and slithering quickly towards you. You never thought you could move so fast, being so scared. You let out the loudest shriek, before fumbling to get to the door, you needed to get out.
Now, you were extremely scared. You hadn’t told Jaehyun about any of the other things that were happening because you didn’t want him to worry about you, but now you were panicking that you weren’t going to be able to take care of yourself. On your way down the hallway, you run into movers bringing things into the vacant apartment that was two doors down from you. As you’re fast walking past the open door, a woman steps out into the hallway, trying to block your way. “Hi.” She says, but you’re not focused on her. You needed to get out of there, and find someone to help you, and you knew exactly who to find.
You ran into the bar and disappointment filled you, as you see Jaehyun’s usual seat is empty. You sit down next to it, pulling out your phone to call him as your usual drink is set down in front of you. Your call rings, but goes to voicemail after three rings. You decide to try again, but again it goes to voicemail and this time you leave one.
“Hey, it’s me.” you sigh. “I was really hoping you would be here tonight, some fucking weird stuff has been happening and i’m really scared. There was a goddamn snake in my apartment, and Jae, I don't know what to do. Please call me as soon as you get this.” you sigh. You hang up, and set your phone down on the bar and take a long sip of your drink to try and settle your shaking hand. You take a few deep breaths before your phone begins to ring. Quickly, you answer it, hoping it’s Jaehyun.
“Hello?” you ask.
No reply.
“Hello?” you say again, noticing an echo of your voice through the phone. You take the phone from your ear and look around, but there is barely anyone in the bar. “Who is this?” you ask, and again no response, just your voice faintly coming through, with the same song playing on both ends.
You end the call, and stand up. Something didn’t feel right. Your whole body was panicked, and your face must have showed it. You slapped a couple bills on the bar, not bothering to count it before you left. Just as you began heading for the door, Chanyeol stepped out from the back. He noticed your worried face, and scared body language. He tried to call out for you but you didn’t hear him. He pulls out his phone to call Baekhyun, he could feel something wasn’t right.
“She just left the bar. She didn’t look right, she looked scared, Baek. Jaehyun isn’t here, I don't know where he is but something’s not right.” Chanyeol says. Baekhyun doesn't reply, he hangs up the phone and Chanyeol questions himself, whether or not he did the right thing.
As you’re walking, tingles of hyper-awareness have all muscles in your body, twitching at every noise. You picked up the pace of your steps, your eyes looking all around you. As you begin to pass an alley on your left, you see a darker shadow. Before you can breathe out a scream, your arm and collar are pulled into the darkness. A hand covers your mouth as you try to fight off whoever had you… You weren't going to let anyone take you.
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kpop---scenarios · 14 days
Cravings (1)
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Pairing: Vampire! Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Warning: Violence, Language, etc
Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: This is a revised and edited version of the Cravings series with Hongjoong. I hope you enjoy!
"Babe, hey babe." Your boyfriend, Chad, calls out to you, as you're sitting at the kitchen table, looking over bills again and again, running the numbers, hoping to god that you'll come up with a different number the next time. A number that doesn't make you want to rip your hair out and claw the face of your useless boyfriend.
“Hey, woman.” He yells a little louder, as your head is in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut trying to think of a payment you can skip this month because at this rate, you don't know how the fuck you're going to try to pay everything.
You worked too damn hard all day, to have barely anything to show for it.
Ever since Chad had moved in a few months ago, without an invitation, you were stressed. It wasn't like you weren't stressed before, but it was easier to control your finances then. But now, the price of everything has gone up and now your bills have doubled since he decided to stay. He also has not contributed anything financially towards the household, and it's not like you haven't asked him too. You spent months since he's been living with you, begging and pleading for him to help you pay for something, anything. And he always told you,
“On my next check, babe.” but that never came, and you went back to begging.
You paid for rent, utilities, groceries and you even paid when the two of you went out for dinner.
Chad worked full time, but where his money was going, you had no fucking idea. He was constantly going out with his 'boys', often coming home absolutely obliterated, and expecting you fuck him as soon as he got in the door. He told you that it was your duty as his girlfriend. It was almost as though he was offended you weren't attracted to his lack of contributing, while also acting like a man child.
Not to mention the countless hours he spent on your gaming console. When he got home from work, he went straight for it, and spent his time yelling and talking to his friends, while leaving you no time to play any games that you like. Well, that is, unless you wanted to wake up a few hours before you had to work to get on it, but by the time you got home from work, cleaned up the messes he made throughout the day when he got off early, or just called in sick to work, made yourself dinner, showered and got into your PJ'S, you were too damn tired to do anything. You knew you had to wake up the next day and do it all over again, so by the time you actually went to bed, you were already exhausted for the next day.
A part of you started to wonder why you were even in this relationship with him. Maybe you were scared to be alone, you weren't sure. But you felt like you were stuck with him, because for some reason, you thought you loved the guy.
"What do you want, Chad?" You sigh, walking into the living room where he's sprawled out on the couch, headset on and his match paused. "I'm trying to figure out bills, the stuff that I have to pay to keep a roof over our heads, power to play your fucking games, food in the fridge. You know, the shit you said you'd help pay for and I haven't seen a dime?”
"Yeah, that's great babe, good job.” He says, unpausing his game, glancing between you and the screen. “Can you go to the corner store and get those Takis, you know the ones I like? The not so spicy ones though babe, cause remember I have acid reflux, and a diet coke." He says, giving you a half smile, before calling his friend a jackass.
You swore you could feel the rage building up inside of you even more, and it was coming up quick. You could barely hold it in anymore. How uncaring could one person be?
"Are you going to pay for said snacks?" You ask, trying to keep your voice calm, emphasizing on the word pay.
"What?" He cackles. "Babe, no, come on. I'm broke. I don't get paid again for two weeks. You know this."
"You just got paid the other day." You say through gritted teeth. "Where the hell did all your money go?" You ask, your hands balled into fists, your voice becoming increasingly louder.
"You know babe, I had the fantasy football league entry, plus I owed Kyle money for the keg bomber last weekend, and I took the boys out for supper yesterday. Shit adds up." He says, never looking at you, only focusing on the game. You could hear it in his voice, he was beginning to get mad at you. At you!
"That sounds like a fucking you problem! Why is it always on me to pay for everything? It's not my problem because you're not financially stable, Chad. Grow up, you're fucking 35 for christ sakes!" You scream.
You can't even look at him right now. You turn around, stomping to the kitchen. You grab your purse and slip on your shoes before heading back into the living room. Before you're in his view you hear him talking to his friends through the headset.
"Yeah.” he chuckles. She went and got her shoes on and grabbed her purse." He continues. "She's definitely going to get my stuff."
"You know what Chad?” You say, mocking his name. “I'm definitely not going to get your snacks, you can get your own fucking snacks, Chaaad. I'm going out, with my goddamn money. So you can pack your shit and get out." You spit, heading for the door so you can storm out of the house. “Fuck you.” you finish, giving him the middle finger and slamming the door behind you.
You wandered down the street, a light rain falling down from the sky. You always loved the smell of rain, and the look of it. Everything was so beautiful at night, especially in the rain. You took a random turn, wanting to get lost in the city, like you had been for the last thirty five minutes. continuing to walk, you finally found the place you were looking for, but also weren't. You didn't have a specific place in mind that you'd wanted to go to, but when you saw this one you wanted, no needed to go inside.
Pushing open the door, the lights so dim that the place is almost dark. Had it not been for the red lights hanging above the tables, or the string of red lights that wrapped around the ceiling, you wouldn't have been able to see anything. Your eyes dart around the room as you walk further in, taking in the people and the room. A soft beat vibrates through the building, the smooth melody flows through your ears. Your stomach twisted as you made your way to the bar, you felt as though all eyes were on you. It felt dark and eerie, but you welcomed it, you preferred it instead of being around Chad's shitty mentality.
You slid onto one of the empty bar stools and set your purse in your lap, opening it up. You were digging through your purse when you heard someone clearing their throat in front of you. It startled you, you looked up to see quite possibly the most beautiful man you have ever seen in your entire life.
"What can I get for you?" He asks, his voice is deep, yet so smooth and calming.
It takes you a moment to answer. "Um, double vodka and cran please.” You say, clearing your throat. “And for the love of god, please keep them coming." You beg.
The slightest smile appears on his lips, as he makes your drink, and it disappears even quicker as he finishes it up.
"Bad day?" He asks, sliding your drink towards you. He smartly begins making you another, as you chug your first down in 2 large gulps. You slide the glass back towards him and laugh.
"More like a bad relationship." You groan. He nods his head as he slides your second drink towards you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, leaning on the bar with his chin resting on his hands.
“Bartenders are great listeners.” He says, as he waits for you to speak. You gaze into his eyes, they are mesmerizing, they make you feel safe and secure, and like you could tell him anything. You felt like you'd known him for longer than the few minutes you'd been there.
"What's your name?" You ask, you're unable to tear your eyes away from his.
"Baekhyun." He replies. "And yours?" He asks.
"Y/N." You whisper.
"Alright Y/N, what's so bad about this relationship of yours?" He asks, sliding your third drink towards you before taking the empty cup of your second.
"My boyfriend.” You begin. “If he is even my boyfriend anymore, I may have told him to get out as I stormed out tonight.” You giggle, taking a sip of your drink. “We've been together for just over a year, and well.. he's something else, and not the good something else like people usually say. He moved in with me, without even asking if I wanted to, and I just kind of accepted it.” You sigh. “He doesn't pay anything, no bills, rent, groceries, nothing. It's all on me, even though he does work full time. He forgot my birthday, went out and got absolutely plastered with his 'boys'. He's always out with them. Oh! On Valentine's Day, he took me out for dinner, and can you guess who was there?" You ask, giving Baekhyun a smile. “I bet you can't guess.”
"His boys?" He asks.
"You sir, are correct!” You yell. “ I was ignored the entire evening.” You begin to explain. “Oh wait, except when we got there and he asked if I even did anything to my hair.” You say, trying not to laugh but you fail. “and then he and his boys left, I ended up paying the bill, for everyone! And, the kicker, I had to uber home because he had driven us there. Not to mention the fact that he assumes I'm just there for his pleasure, he just expects me to be spread eagle for him whenever he decides to show up." You finish, chugging your drink as you try not to gag on the strong taste of vodka.
"Why are you with him then?” Baekhyun asks you. “He doesn't sound like he contributes to the relationship at all, or makes you happy, so why do you stay?" He wonders. It's not the first time you have been asked that.
'Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." You answer as he slides another drink in front of you.
"Now that's a bullshit excuse." He replies. "There's a reason that you don't want to admit."
"Do you ever smile?" You ask him, changing the topic. “Like a full cheese smile?”
"No." He deadpans. "Now, why won't you leave him?"
"Because it's safe, I guess? I don't know. It's been like a year, and I've sort of just gone through the motions of the year.” You shrug, sipping more of your drink. You're feeling it now and you're going to get a lot more open. “I just dont think I can do any better than him."
"Y/N, you have no idea how much better you could do." He says.
“I've seen the dating pool out there, Baekhyun. Last I checked, good ol’ Chad is my best option.” You laugh.
He doesn't. He continues to stare at you until your smile fades from your face, your eyes still connected with his. You feel like you can't breathe, all this electricity is flowing through your body.
From the second Baekhyun had a whiff of the scent that was coming into his bar, he knew that it was the scent of the one. His mate. He intensely watched the door, his jaw clenching as he waited for you to walk through the door.
As soon as he saw you, it was almost as though his heart could have started beating once again. The ice cold blood that ran through his veins could have turned warm just at the sight of you.
You were beautiful, a vision.
He had always been told that when he found his mate he would know. He was never sure if it was true or if it was an old tale but having been alive for over a century, he had thought it was false, he had never felt this with any other woman he had been with or around. And now he knew why, because all his life he had been waiting for you. You were the person that he would do anything for, the person that he would be anything for. He would fight until the death, walk to the ends of the earth for you.
And he didn't know what to do.
You had finally walked into his life, and for once he felt an ounce of hope, that maybe he wasn't meant to live for eternity alone. That was, until, you had mentioned that filthy, worthless human you called a boyfriend. How could you stay with someone who treated you like absolute garbage? Didn't you know how special you were?
Baekhyun’s body filled with rage when he heard you had thought that nobody better was out there, that no one could love you the way you were meant to be loved.
You were dead fucking wrong.
Your one, he was standing right in front of you, and though you had just met him, he loved you fiercely, with everything he had. And would do anything to protect you.
"I appreciate your advice.” You sigh, finishing your drink. You look at your watch, surprisingly it reads 12:45am. ”It's getting late and I have to work tomorrow." You groan. "How much do I owe you?" You ask, grabbing your card from your wallet.
"It's on me." He tells you, grabbing your empty glass.
“No, no.” You semi slur. “I drank, like a lot. Let me pay or tip your fine ass.” You giggle. Drunk you didn't give a fuck.
Baekhyun looks at you, a smile almost crossing his lips. “Next time, drinks are on you.” He says.
"Well thank you." You smile. "It was nice meeting you." You tell him as you slide off the stool, one foot buckling under your weight. “whoops.” You begin to laugh as you stand up, the entire bar is spinning around you.
"You okay?" He asks, watching you stumble away.
“I'm good. I'm good.” You slur, making it outside. The cool air sobered you up a little bit, well enough for you to hail a cab to get a ride back home.
That night when you got home, you couldn't get Baekhyun off your mind, a smile spread across your face as you walked through your front door, and headed into the living room, then it instantly dropped. Chad had not moved from the spot you had previously left him in, hours ago.
"Oh, babe." He says, sucking the Taki dust from his fingers. "Kyle brought me some snacks, since you threw a huge temper tantrum about my snacks, you can just venmo or cash app him, k?" He says, going back to playing his game.
You didn't have the energy tonight to ask him why he was still here. You just wanted to go to bed. You changed into your PJ’s, brushed the smell of liquor from your mouth and flopped into your bed.
That night you dreamt of one man, who was not your man.
The next morning you woke up early and severely hungover. You quickly called your boss, explaining that you must have caught the flu in the night and that you would not be in. Luckily you had a few paid sick days left to use up so you wouldn't be missing out on any money.
As you crawled out of bed, you noticed that Chad's side was still made and cold to the touch, like no one had slept in there all night. You weren't mad about it but you knew that it meant he gamed all night and wouldn't be going to work today. You groaned loudly in frustration thinking of having to spend the day with the guy who wouldn't let you break up with him.
“Morning babe, can you grab me a coffee?” he asks, in his same spot, same clothes, same spots of Taki dust on his shirt that you left him in last night.
“Don't call me that. I believe I told you to get out last night.” You groan, shuffling towards the coffee pot that hadn't even been turned on. “Theres no fucking coffee even made!” You yell.
“Oh yeah, babe, can you make some coffee?” He asks.
Your rage boiled over. You felt like shit and you didn't want to deal with his shit. You stomped, loudly into the living room, barged right in front of his game and ripped the power cord out of the wall, dropping it to the ground.
“BABE!” Chad yells, standing up quickly. “What the hell!?”
“I don't know why you can't get it through your thick skull.” You yell. “Let me dumb it down for you and go slow.” You smile. “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Apartment.”
“Why are you being like this? You know I don't have anywhere to go.” He whimpers.
“Not my issue. Pack your clothes and go.” You say. You were so done. You really did deserve better.
“Can I atleast take the gaming console?” He asks, trying to give you puppy dog eyes.
“My console? Absolutely not. You leave what you came with. A garbage bag of clothes.” You walk to the kitchen, opening the cupboard under the sink. You grab a bag and walk it back to Chad and hand it to him. You watch him stuff his few pairs of shorts and pants, shirts and underwear into the bag, grabbing his phone and shoes before asking him for your key. He reluctantly gives it back to you, looking back at you with sad eyes while he takes tiny steps out the door. It takes all you have not to shove him, but you don't and once he's out you close the door and lock it.
You finally felt free.
You crawled back into bed, feeling like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders and fell asleep peacefully, dreaming of Baekhyun once again.
You woke up later that afternoon, still feeling nauseous but better than before. You felt like you couldn't deal with that, or anything. Thankfully it was the weekend and you could take this time to decide what you wanted to do. Which was absolutely nothing.
You didn't see or speak to anyone all weekend. You kept holed up in your apartment watching movies, eating Ramen, ice cream and any other bad thing you could find in your kitchen. But once Monday rolled back around, you knew you had to get back to life. You went to work, only to be sent home a few hours early, at 4pm. You were happy and you wanted to go see Baekhyun but you felt like this was too early to be at the bar drinking.
You muddled around your apartment for a bit, deleting texts from Chad, asking you when he could come home and when you were going to stop whining about everything.
When you finally felt like it was an appropriate time to go to the bar, you got yourself semi together and headed out, happily. You walked in, and immediately felt a pair of eyes shift towards you. Your heart skipped. You turned your head towards the bar to see Baekhyun staring at you as he cleans a few glasses before putting them on the rack. He doesn't smile when he sees you, his face is hard but somehow looks softer than it did the other day.
“You're finally back. I was wondering if I'd see you again.” He says, grabbing a glass. “The same?”
“Yes please. And I am back. And I have news.” You grin.
“And what's that?” He wonders, sliding your drink towards you. He leans In closely, his eyes not weavering from yours. Your heart beats loudly, and fast. You wonder if he can hear it, if he knows how nervous and flustered he makes you.
“I, um.” You began. Before you can finish, your phone rings loudly. You roll your eyes at the caller ID, answering it quite annoyed.
“What?” You ask. Baekhyun can hear the sound of a crying man on the other end. “Please. Stop calling me” You snap, hanging up the call.
“Chad?” Baekhyun asks but he already knew. You nod your head as he slides another drink towards you.
“He left the other morning. The morning after I was here..” You announce between sips. “I made him leave. I'm so mad at him right now and I want to hate him but part of me feels guilty for being mean while he's upset.” You sigh. You wished you didn't feel like this. You just wished you had someone who could love you as hard as you loved them.
“I'm proud of you. I hope you're starting to see your worth.” Baekhyun says.
As he walks away to another customer, Chad texts you asking to talk. You reply back, telling him to meet you at your place at 8pm. You really didn't want to leave Baekhyun but you felt like you needed to calmly clear the air with Chad. You pull out two twenties and slide them onto the bar, giving Baekhyun a small wave. He gives you a wink that sends shivers down your spine as you turn to walk away.
You didn't want to go, and little did you know, he didn't want you to go either.
You really shouldn't have let Chad in to talk. You don't know how he does it but he convinced you to get back together with him. He lured you in with the promises of changing, being a better man, spending more time with you and more money on you while also spending less money on his friends and less time on the console. But how funny is it that mere seconds after you agree to a second chance, he's back gaming and you're going to bed all on your own.
Over the next few weeks, you had absolutely no desire to be at home. Chad had gone back to his old self so quickly, it gave you whiplash. He hadn't even attempted to change, and you found yourself craving to be near Baekhyun. So you headed to the bar, everyday after work for a drink, or two, or four.
In those weeks you and Baekhyun spent an ample amount of time getting to know each other, you were sure he knew you better than Chad ever did. You didn't want to see Chad, you didn't want to be near him and it was bad enough that he texted you throughout the day, sending you lists of things to buy from the grocery store, as if he wasn't able to do it himself. However, much to your surprise, he didn't question you when you never came home with his snacks, he didn't check in with you throughout the day or wonder where you were at night, and honestly it no longer bothered you. You didn't care but you couldn't end things again. Not yet.
You felt your feelings for Baekhyun deepen with every encounter the two of you had, every look, every conversation, every time you saw him it was like nothing you had ever felt with anyone. Your emotions were amplified around Baekhyun and you weren't sure how much longer you could keep them hidden.
"One more." You tell Baekhyun, as you set down your fourth glass.
You can tell he wants to smile, but he's too good at controlling his emotions. "You've had enough, I'm cutting you off." He tells you.
You pout, trying to give him your best puppy dog eyes, but absolutely got absolutely nothing from that man and it was frustrating as fuck.
"A bad storm is coming, you should probably get home." He tells you, drying off some glasses.
"I don't want to go home, he's there." You scoff, just thinking about Chad made you want to vomit. "I guess I could just get a motel room.” You mutter. “That place across the street looks okay." You slur, pointing over to the run down motel, that had flickering lights, and probably a rat and cockroach infestation.
"I dont fucking think so." Baekhyun replies. "You need to go home. I'll give you a ride." He says.
"Give me a minute." He walks from around the bar, towards the back of the building, and you can't help but to turn in your stool and watch him walk away, damn he looks good.
Within seconds he's back, grabbing your bag and scooping you up into his arms as he effortlessly carries you out the door.
"I can walk." You object.
"I know." He says, his face stone cold.
"You're very pale." You tell him, as if he didn't know.
"I know." He replies, unlocking the door to his car.
"And you're very cold." You say.
He sighs. "I know." He finishes as he slides you into the passenger seat of his car.
As soon as he started his car, the rain began pouring as thunder and lightning jolted the sky.
"You were right, there's a storm." You say, watching out your window.
"I know." He replies, this time it sounded different. You turned to look at him, hoping you'd catch him smiling but no such luck.
He pulls up to your apartment complex, quickly and effortlessly glides out of the driver's side of the car, making his way to your side before you can even get your hand on the handle. He walks to the elevator with you, steps onto the elevator with you. He stands beside you, his hand inches away from yours, you can feel the electricity between the two of you. The elevator lands on your floor, you step out and Baekhyun follows you to your door.
“You didn't need to walk me up.” You say, already sobering up.
“Just wanted to make sure you got home safe.” Baekhyun says, his face still stone cold. You can hear some music thumping through the door. You really hope it's not what you think it is. You unlock your door and open it to 10-15 people in your apartment. There's maybe 2 that you know, but the rest? You've got no clue.
“There she is!” Chad yells, walking towards you.
“Happy birthday, baby.” He slurs, wrapping his arm around you. A crowd of people gather around, yelling “Surprise!” To you. You smile at them awkwardly, what was happening?
“It's not my birthday.” You hiss, trying to Chad, trying to remove his arm from you. “I'm sorry everyone, I don't know what he told you but it's not my birthday.” You say.
They all turn to each other, whispering things. You look at Chad’s two best friends, Brad and Connor, who you've spoken to multiple times. They just shrug their shoulders.
“Fuck.” He yells in your face, his breath smells like whiskey. He moves away from you, pushing through the crowd to grab a bottle on the table. He takes a full swing, before stomping back towards you. “I'm trying to do something fucking nice for you and you always have to shit on it.” He yells.
“I'm sorry it's not my birthday, and you invited all your friends and none of mine or my family. This is a party for you, with a cover it's supposed to be for me. It's pathetic.” You spit, your face inches away from his. You turn to walk away but he grabs your arm.
“Where are you trying to go? Don't be fucking rude to your guests.” Chad snaps.
“Dude, It's not her birthday. It's fine, just let her go and we can have another shot.” Brad says, trying to descalate the situation. Chad shoves Brad away with his free hand, tightening his grip around your arm.
“Chad stop.” You shout as he pushes you against the wall. Baekhyun lurches forward but you put your free arm out to stop him. You didn't want Chad to get anymore angry.
“What's it gonna take? Huh? You want a kiss? Is that gonna make you less uptight?” He says, grabbing your shoulders and shoving you into the wall, again. This wasn't the first time he'd gotten handsy when drinking Whiskey, but this is the first time he'd ever been close to violent about it. He leans in close to your face, trying to press his lips to yours, sticking his tongue out, trying to slip it into your mouth. You turn your head, trying to avoid him.
“Get off.” You cry out, trying to push him off with one hand, but he manages to pin the other one to the wall. You can't get him off you, your arm was throbbing and you were starting to panic.
“Baekhyun.” You cry out, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Get the fuck off of her.” You hear Baekhyun's voice yell. “Are you hard of hearing?” He asks, swiftly pulling Chad from you and throwing him across the floor.
“Who the fuck is that?” Chad asks, scrambling to his feet and pointing to Baekhyun.
“I want you out Chad. I’m done. This was the last fucking straw!” You cry.
Baekhyun takes your hand and pulls you out of your apartment. He brings you to the elevator and back down to his car, trying to avoid getting you too wet. He buckles you in and pulls out of your parking lot. He drives past the bar and continues until the two of you are out of the city. The rain still pours. Thunder rumbles as lightning lights up the sky.
He continues driving, taking you out into the middle of nowhere.
Baekhyun pulls up to a gate, punching in a few numbers and it opens, he drives down a long driveway. You squinted as you tried to see where you were going but it was far too dark for you to see anything, until you pulled up to a beautiful mid-century mansion that made your mouth drop. It was absolutely stunning and you couldn't believe that he lived there.
"Seriously? This is where you live?" You say.
"My, uh, family, but yeah." He answers, parking the car near the entrance.
He glides out of his seat, walking towards your side again to open the door for you, pulling you inside before you get too wet. He pulls you up a large flight of stairs, not letting you admire the inside of his house. He opens the door to a large room, with a large bed and a bathroom ensuite.
"There's towels if you want to shower, I'll be back in a bit to check on you." He says, avoiding all eye contact before walking out of the room.
You let out a deep breath as you take off your heels, unbutton your pants and unhook your bra, placing it all next to the bed. You sit down on the bed in your underwear and t-shirt, wondering what to do, until your phone rings.
Looking at the caller ID, you didn't want to answer it, but you honestly felt scared if you didn't.
"Hello?" You answer.
"Hey babe, it's me.. it's Chad." He says.
"I know who it is." You sigh.
"I'm so fucking sorry, I.. I don't know what came over me. Seriously, Y/N. I just.. I'm so sorry.” He cries.
“I.. I can't. Don't. Don't call me.” You hyperventilate. “I can't.” You whimper, hanging up the phone.
You stand there, taking deep breaths as you try to fight off the tears. You replay the short conversation you just had, but more so what he did to you. You didn't even want to think about what would have happened had Baekhyun not been there for you tonight. You saw a side of Chad you'd bever seen before and were not interested in ever seeing again. You felt like you couldn't breathe. You sobbed as you sat on the bed.
There's a knock at the door but you don't hear it. The door opens, Baekhyun walks into the room, seeing you on the bed, all he felt was anger.
"Y/N.." He begins as lightning strikes, causing the power to flicker.
"Chad called.” You cry. “He was.. apologizing..but I couldn't stop.. replaying it.” You sniffle.
"I'm so sorry that happened. I should have taken you away the second he put his hands on you." He says, looking at you. You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face. A crack of thunder hits loudly, making you jump, and within seconds Baekhyun's arms are wrapped around you. He rubs your back as you nuzzle your head into his chest.
You're so tired.
Your eyes begin to close until his phone rings. He lays you down before he stands up answering the call.
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I have some things to take care of." He says.
"Oh, yeah, no problem." You say, getting under the covers.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asks before leaving.
“I'll be fine, go.” you say forcing a smile.
"Get some sleep." He tells you before walking out of the bedroom door, leaving you alone once again.
You tried to fight the exhaustion you felt, but it was far too hard. You tried watching the door, in hopes he would come back but your eyelids got too heavy for you to keep open, and you swiftly drifted off to sleep.
The warm sun was shining through the window, woke you up. You let out a little stretch before opening your eyes, only to see seven men standing around the bed. You sit up, moving closer to the wall, as these men stare at you. You stared at them all, as they all glared at you, looking similar to Baekhyun.
Pale skin, dark eyes, dark hair, blood red lips.
"Who are you?" One of them asks.
"Y/N." You whisper. “Who are you guys?”
Another one speaks up, looking at the other six men. "I think the better question is, who the fuck brought a human home?"
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kpop---scenarios · 14 days
i usually don't interact because asks that i send from the mobile app always get eaten so i have to log in to tumblr on a computer to send things, but i just wanted to say that i've been really enjoying linked and i am always seated and ready for the next chapters 🙇🏻‍♀️ mate aus are my absolute fav hehe
Agsksis that sounds like a hassle! But I appreciate the effort!! I'm so glad you liked it!! I'm going to update a few others, unless I get the urge to do Linked first, with that cliffhanger I might just have too lol. Thank you for reading!
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kpop---scenarios · 14 days
This is for if you’re wanting to commission your own personal story, or if you wanted to just donate. There is absolutely no obligation to doing either.
I do appreciate all of you that are here with me.
I love you all 💕
- B
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kpop---scenarios · 15 days
Hidden Lies (1)
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Pairing: Unknown x Reader
Warning: Violence, Crime, Almost Assault
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: This is a remake of Poisonous Lies. Some parts may be familiar, and that would be why. I hope you enjoy!! Let me know who you think she'll connect more with!
This morning you woke up, listening to the sounds of birds chirping, the sun shining through your window, and feeling like it was going to be a great day. 
“YN.” Your mom yells. It was too early and you were trying to wake up peacefully. “Y/N!” She calls out again, but this time it's more of a screech. 
You groan loudly, folding your pillow over your ears, wanting to enjoy a little bit of time without her yelling at you. The sound of her shrieking voice was coming closer every second, until it was practically right in your ear. 
Your eyes are still closed as you feel your blanket being ripped off your body, your mom cursing at you. 
“Wake the fuck up!” She yells. “Don't you hear me yelling for you? I have shit to do, I cannot keep waking you up in the mornings! damn, you're going to make us both late” 
You were 22 years old and you still live with your mother. This life you had was sad, although it was your fault. This technically was your choice. You had decided to drop out of school and go home to help your mom out after your dad was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a lengthy list of crimes, although well it wasn't his fault, it also was at the same time. 
Your father had lost his job, and instead of telling your mother and them trying to figure it out, he went and got a loan from some people involved in crime that he most definitely should have not gone to. He didn't think about the fact that he would have had to pay that money back, plus interest. And when the time came for them to collect he didn't have it. So he was recruited for odd jobs until he had paid everything back, he didn't get very far though. His last job ended up being a sting operation and he was charged with trafficking drugs, intent to sell, attempted kidnapping, attempted human trafficking and a few other things. He wouldn't tell them why he did it, he didn't want things to get any worse, even though you weren't sure if they could or not. It wasn't his finest moment, he was trying to help his family even if it was the worst way possible. He was a good man and a good dad. Your father was a man who would do anything for his family, especially to protect them, and that’s exactly why he did what he did and now he was suffering the consequences of his own actions. 
“I swear to god, YN.” Your mom yells as she grabs your arm, trying to pull you out of bed. “If you don't get your ass up in the next 30 seconds, I'm going to lose my mind! Your train leaves in 45 minutes and if you dont get ready and leave in 10 minutes then you're not going to be able to see your dad.” She sighs. “It’s his birthday, remember.”
Shit. You quickly bolt up in bed, scrambling to get out of your bed. You were rushing around your room grabbing whatever looked the cleanest on your floor before heading to your bathroom, slamming the door in the process. 
Your mom sighs loudly before she leaves your room so you can rush around and get ready. You knew it was hard for her, not having your dad around, and you were sometimes difficult but you were trying. You felt guilty, especially since she wasn't able to go on the visit today, her shitty boss wouldn't let her have the time off. It had only been a year since he’d been locked up and you, mom and your brother had faced some very hard times. The three of you have been barely surviving paying the bills, mortgage, car, gas, groceries as well as trying to pay back your dad's loan in cash, rather than jobs similar to what your dad did.
Your mom was working 2 jobs, you and your brother both working full time, and all your money went towards everything needing to be paid, rarely leaving you much of anything left over but the three of you made it work, you always figured it out. You would do whatever you needed to do. 
You're running down the stairs, trying to put your hair into a semi decent bun and forfeiting any makeup. 
“You ready?” Your mom asks, car keys in her hand. 
“Yeah, just let me grab my bag.” you breathe. You run into the kitchen, snatching your purse from the counter before you head back to the front door that's left wide open. You roll your eyes heading out the door, closing it behind you before sliding into the passenger seat of the car the three of you shared. 
Your mom doesn't say a word to you on the ride to the train station. You hold your train ticket in your hand as she pulls in front of the station. “Please tell him happy birthday from me and that I love him.” she whispers as you're getting out of the car. 
You give her a half smile. “I will mom.” You say, getting out of the car and closing the door. It doesn't take you long to navigate your way through the station, you’ve been making this trip a few times a month. You tried to see him as much as you could but between work, work and work, you never had a ton of time. You picked a seat on the train, setting your bag down in the seat beside you. You just made it on time, seconds later you were on your way and you couldn't wait to see your dad. 
You stood in line, waiting to have your bag checked and to go through the x-ray machine. When that was all clear you headed to the front desk, showing your ID and filling out paperwork before you could even go into the room and wait for him. You sit down, your stomach is twisting with nerves. You weren't sure why, this was like any other visit you had been on. 
“LN, YN.” You hear. “You can head in now.” the guard finishes, pointing towards a visitation room. The door buzzes open and you see your dad immediately, sitting in the back, in the middle of the room. His fingers were locked together with his head down. It felt like it had been forever since you had last seen him. “Dad.” you sniffle and his head shoots up, a smile spreads across his face so quickly as he stands up from his chair. You walk towards him, his arms are wide open, waiting to embrace you. You crash into his chest, wrapping your arms around him as he does you, holding you tightly. You missed his hugs, and the safeness you felt from him. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt safe.
You both let go, tears brimming in your eyes as you both sit down across from each other. 
“Happy birthday dad.” you smile. He reaches out to grab your hand, whispering a small thank you while his head hangs low. “Mom also wishes you a happy birthday, and she says that she loves you.” You tell him, but you knew he already knew that. 
“I know,” he smiles. “I'm assuming that she had to work today?” he asks. 
You nod your head. 
“She tried to get the time off but you know Dave, he’s a dick and wouldn't even let her have the morning off.” you tell him.
But again, you knew he already knew that. Dave and your dad had been friends for years, but after your dad was sentenced the man acted as if he never knew him and was never friends with him. Your eyes wander around the room, as if anything would be different since the last time you were here. Your dad begins telling you a story, something funny that had happened the other day. You were listening, but you couldn't help but let your eyes wander.
You looked out into the common room, as you were scanning the room, your eyes landed on someone. A man, a very handsome dark haired, angry looking man staring directly at you. You tried to look away from him, but it's like you were locked in with him. He was so captivating you honestly didn't even want to look away, but you do, not before he smiles at you slightly, giving you a small wink. 
You’re brought out of your trance by your dad clearing his throat before continuing on with his story. You catch the end of it, laughing along with him even though you didn't really hear the rest of it. “Tell me about everything. What’s going on with you? How is your brother?” he asks. Before you can answer the lights of the prison flicker, the alarm blares as the red siren lights up the room on beat with the alarms. 
“What’s happening?” you yell over the loud sounds. You were feeling a little panicked but before your dad could say anything you both hear yelling. You looked at the commotion in the common room, which was only separated from the visiting room by one large metal door. You glanced around, seeing the other visitors watching what was happening but no one was reacting to anything. 
“I'm sure the guards will get it sorted, fights break out all the time. No need to worry.” Your dad tells you, trying to reassure you. 
You couldn't help but worry. You watched as more and more fights were beginning to break out between prisoners, prisoners and guards. You watched in horror, as the prisoners seemingly took the guards down more easily then they should have been able too. Your eyes were darting to every window that you could see and watched guard after guard collapse, inmates grabbing the guns or batons, a cluster of inmates slamming guards into the windows, shaking what is supposed to be bullet proof glass. 
Seconds later a fight in the visiting room breaks out after an inmate bashes a guard's head against the table. You're panicking now, other visitors are screaming, leaving their tables trying to escape, some pounding on the door, begging the guards to let them out.
The inmates from the common room begin trying to shoot the windows, or trying to pry open the doors into the visiting room. 
The doors were buzzed open letting the guards from the front now rush in from one side to try and calm the situation but instead they let the inmates rush through the other doors into the room where you and your dad were. He had taken you to the corner of the room, standing in front of you to protect you. You peek out from behind him, the two of you watching in horror as blood and tears are spilled, the cries and pleas from visitors are yelled out as the inmates attack anyone in their way, including those who were just trying to visit their loved ones. 
Your heart is pounding so loud, you can hear it in your ears. You feel weak, light headed. Your adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet. Your stomach is churning at all of the blood. Your father grabs your hand pulling you with him through another open door, and hopefully to safety. As soon as the two of you make it into another room, you're confronted by three large men. 
“Look.” Your dad begins. “We don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to keep my daughter safe.”
The man in front smiles, but even his smile is terrifying. 
“What a good dad you are. But don't worry.” He says. “We'll take her from here. I'll personally keep her safe.” He finishes, licking his lips. 
“No thank you.” your dad says. “We're just going to go.” You grip onto your dads orange jumpsuit. 
“Dad.” You whisper. He can hear the fear in your voice. 
He runs forward, punching the man, pushing him into the two men behind him. “Run YN! Run!” He screams as the men grab him, taking him elsewhere. You try to run for the door but you're grabbed, pulled back and pushed against the wall. The man who had been talking to your father stood inches from your face. You could see the evil in his eyes as he eyed you up. You can feel his breath on your neck as he moves closer towards you.
You look both ways, trying to find your way to escape. There's only one other door besides the one you came through and you're pretty sure it's locked. Fear jolts through your body as you try and think of anything you could possibly say or do to get yourself out of this situation but you know that there is nothing you can do, except try and fight. 
“Get away from me!” you yell, putting your hands on his chest and pushing as hard as you can. 
"Don't fucking do that.” He snaps, shoving you against the wall. He raises his hand as he gets closer to you, his finger tracing your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks and you let out a scream, as loud as you could. You switched between yelling "help me." And screaming, hoping someone would come for you. 
The man slaps his hand over your mouth, angrily. "Why would you do that, don't you like me?" He asks. "It's been a long fucking time since we've been this close to a woman." He chuckles. You can feel his body pressing against you. You try to focus on anything else, but all you can hear is the sound of him breathing and the screams and cries of the ones caught in the riot. 
Just as you were about to give up, you feel a release. You can no longer feel his body pressing against you, you can hear yelling much closer. You open your eyes and see a dark haired man, and a familiar other dark haired man pulling the men away from you. Within seconds the man who wanted to attack you was down on the floor, and the two men who saved you grabbed your hands, pulling you out of the room and away from the chaos. 
Where was your dad? Was he okay? 
The three of you ran down a hallway, the alarms are still blaring, you can just barely hear police sirens from outside. 
The two men had no idea where to go, everywhere you looked there was violence, inmates with weapons and minimal guards that were alive. 
"Hey!" You hear from down the hall. You all turn around and see the man that had you pinned against the wall. Anger suddenly fuels you, wondering where your dad was. 
“What did you do to my dad!?” You scream. The man stops walking, a grin spreads across his face. “Don't worry, he's just fine. Now you two.” He says, pointing to the two men who were still holding onto you. “You don't get to take what's not yours.” He frowns. “I want her back.” He yells down the hall. The two men who had taken your father appear behind him. 
“Fuck.” One says. they turn around, pulling you in a different direction. You were turning corner after corner until one of them found an unlocked door. He opens it, quickly pulling you inside before slamming it shut. Your body is shaking, you can't help but sob. You never in a million years expected today to turn out how it has. 
Both the men quickly jump into action, grabbing whatever heavy pieces of furniture they can find to shove against the door. You watch them, still feeling just pure shock. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper. You weren't even entirely sure what you were sorry about but it felt appropriate in the moment. 
They both stop covering the door, staring at you. “Sorry for what?” One asks. 
“I.. I'm not sure. But you're in this mess now because of me.” You sigh. 
“We're in this because we didn't want to see an innocent woman get taken advantage of by some fucked up men. You didn't start it.” He says. 
“What's your name?” The other asks. 
"Y/N." You sniffle. 
“I’m Wooyoung, and this is San.” 
“Nice to meet you both. And thank you. I truly don't know what would have happened if you guys didn't save me.” 
“It's nothing.” San says, giving you a half smile. He could not stop staring at you, just like when you were in the visiting room with your dad and he had caught your eye. 
Before you could say anything back, the knob to the door started to shake. There's pounding at the door, and that's when you hear it. 
“Y/N.” your dad calls. “Y/N please let me in. They're coming.” He cries. “Please.” 
You run to the door, trying your best to move everything they had put against the door. 
“Y/N stop.” Wooyoung yells, trying to pull you away. 
“Please!” You cry. “Please help me. That's my dad, we need to let him in.” 
San and Wooyoung loom at each other. They both know this is a bad idea but knew that there would be no chance of you letting up. 
“Whatever happens?” San says. Wooyoung nods his head. 
“Whatever happens.” 
The two men help you pull the large filing cabinet, desk and other heavy things away from the door. You unlock the deadbolt, ripping the door open, the smile on your face falling immediately. 
“I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry.” He cries. He's pushed inside the room by the three men from before. He trips, falling to the floor with a thud. You wanted to go to him but the man has a gun now and it's pointed directly at you. 
“You two aren't very good at hiding.” He chuckles. 
“Eric, you don't have to do this.” Wooyoung says, his hands up as he inches towards you. 
“Fuck you, Woo. You'd be the fucking same if you were locked in the hole for months at a time.” Eric snaps. “And now I have a chance for something real and you two are trying to ruin it for me.” 
“I'm telling you not to fucking do this.” San snaps. He can see Eric eyeing you up, your dad laying on the floor, one of Eric's men's feet pinning him down. 
“You think I'm gonna listen to you?” Eric laughs. “Just enjoy the show.” He says, grabbing onto Your wrists. Wooyoung and San try to lurch forward but they're stopped by the other two, flashing their knives. Eric pushes you against the wall, pulling you back towards him. He pulls you to the ground, climbing on top of you, straddling you. The gun is still shoved in your face. You say nothing, tears just stream down your face. Your eyes dart in-between San and Wooyoung as you silently plead for one of them to do something. To help you. 
Eric rips open your shirt, exposing your bra. You look away, seeing Wooyoung and San nod towards each other. They both lunge for the men, knocking them down. Your dad scrambles to his feet taking over for San, as he runs for Eric, who was too in his own world with you to hear anything else. San tackles him, causing Eric to let go of the gun, it slides across the floor. Eric scrambles beneath San as he delivers hit after hit. 
“Everybody get on the fucking ground.” You hear. Smoke bombs thrown into the room. Guards in full tactical gear flood inside, guns at the ready. San gets off of Eric, all of them men laying on the floor. “Hands on your head.” They yell. 
You do as you're told. “We have a hostage located.” They go to you first, helping you up. You're coughing loudly as they guide you out of the room, into another one to be treated. They'd finally gotten everything settled down and started getting inmates back into their cells, or medical treatment. 
“You took a fucking hostage, the warden is deciding your punishment.” A guard snaps at Wooyoung and San as they escort them past the room you're in. You push the nurse away, running out of the room. 
“Wait!” You yell. “They didn't take me hostage. They saved me from him.” You say, pointing to Eric. “He tried to.. he tried to...” You cry. “They protected me from him and I'll forever be grateful.” you finish. You walk over to the two handcuffed men, wrapping your arms around both of them, until they're both escorted off. Both of them looking over their shoulders, giving you a smile and a wink. 
Once you were checked out by the nurse and cleared to go, you were led out to the front where your mom was waiting for you. You sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged you tightly, apologizing to you profusely. She grabbed your hand, pulling you out to the car. you look back at the prison as she drives away, silently thanking Wooyoung and San for saving you. You'd have to find some way to properly thank them sometime. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Your mom asks. 
“Dad and I were talking when fights broke out. Inmates were attacking guards and other inmates.” You sigh. “They opened the doors to the visitation room to let guards in but inmates rushed in.. one gut I guess had his sights set on me.” 
“Dad protected you right?” Your mom asks. 
“He tried. But there were 3 of them and one of him.. they took him away. And I was alone.” You look over at your mom, she has tears in her eyes as she listens to you. “But then two men rushed in and grabbed me, helped me escape. Took me to a room and barricaded the door.” 
“They didn't hurt you did they?” She whispers. 
“No mom, they didn't. Dad started banging on the door.. they helped me move everything and open the door but the bad guy was there with him, they pushed him in.. the guy tried to.. r..” you pause. Your mom looks horrified. “He didn't. Wooyoung and San tackled him and then the guards came in.” 
“That was extremely lucky that they were there for you.” She sighs. “I'm so sorry baby.” 
“It's not your fault mom. You didn't know that was going to happen.” You say. “No one could have predicted that would happen.” 
The rest of the way you drive home in silence. You really want to just go to bed. Luckily you didn't have to work today so you could do just that. As you walked in the house, your brother Jaehyun rushed to you, hugging you tightly. “I'm so glad you're okay.” He says, squeezes you even harder. 
“I won't be if you squeeze me anymore, you're gonna suffocate me.” You half chuckle, half panic. He lets you go, patting your back before heading back to the living room. 
“Do you want some lunch?” Your mom asks. You raise an eyebrow. You had assumed she would have had to go back to work. 
“Don't you have to go back to work?” You ask. She looks at the ground. 
“Uh, well.. Dave said if I left to go to you, I wouldn't have a job. It's not worth it if he won't let me go to my child who was in the middle of a prison riot. Don't worry, I'll find something else.” She smiles. 
Fuck Dave. You went up to your room, crawled in your bed and quickly fell asleep. The day was exhausting and you were still shook a week later. It was the week after the riot, and you had been answering everyone's questions about what happened, what it was like the guys who saved you. It was the talk of the town still but you were tired of talking about it. You were ready to forget about it now, which is why you agreed so fast when your friend Hwasa asked you to go out that night. There was a newish club that was apparently very exclusive and the two of you wanted in. You got ready in a hurry, doing your makeup and your hair the best you could. You slipped on your favorite club dress as well as shoes and headed for the front door. 
“I'm going out, bye!” You yell, slamming the door behind you. You run down the driveway heading to Hwasa's car. 
The drive to the club is long. When you finally see it, you're mesmerized. It's bigger than you imagined, the bright sign outside reads Ateez. You were so excited. The line was extremely long, and as you walked up to the bouncer he shooed you to the back of the line. It seemed like you were never going to get in. 
After about twenty minutes, you noticed a man staring at you that was walking the line, he walked past you, before backing up to look at you again. 
“L/N Y/N?” He asks, eyeing you up and down. 
“Yes?” You respond, staring at the handsome man. 
“Come with me.” He says, motioning for you and Hwasa to follow him. You and Hwasa look at each other, she shrugs her shoulders, following the man and dragging you along behind. He stops at the bouncer, pointing to you. “L/N Y/N. Add her to the list. VIP.” He finishes, bringing you both inside. What the hell did you do to get this sort of treatment? 
The two of you walk behind the man, following him really without any questions. You pass what looks like the main bar, the dance floor and head up some stairs. The rope is removed from the hook, letting the three of you into the VIP area. 
“You can stay here if you'd like. Your drinks are all on the house, whatever you'd like. If you need anything, my name is Mingi, don't hesitate to ask.” He says. 
“Um, I do have a question.” You say, slightly raising your hand. “How? Um, why? And um what?” You say. 
Mingi chuckles. “You helped my brothers out, by not adding time to their sentences. They both could have gotten a lot more time after that riot. But they didn't, because of you. So from now on, if you are in trouble or need anything, you have 8 men who will happily help you out.” He says. “Well 6 for now, until San and Woo get out.” 
“All I did was tell the truth.” You say.
“There's a lot of women out there who would have lied, knowing who those two are.” He says. 
 “Also, You're related to them?” You ask, ignoring what he said before. You were too busy trying to stop your mouth from hanging down. 
“Well.. in a sense.” He laughs. “Enjoy your night.” He finishes before leaving the room. 
“What the hell!” Hwasa shouts, heading over to your private bar. She orders multiple drinks and shots for each of you to be brought to your table. As you two sit there, listening to the music the DJ is playing, drinking and just having a good time you see five men walk into the room. They stop, staring at you. As they walk over they introduce themselves. 
“Y/N.” One smiles. “I'm Seonghwa, this is Yeosang, Yunho, Jongho and Hongjoong.” He says pointing to each extremely handsome man. 
“Nice to meet you.” You smile back, waving at them all while hiccuping in the process. 
“Thank you for what you did for Woo and San.” Seonghwa says. 
“Like I said to Mingi, I was just telling the truth. I didn't want them to get into trouble for saving me.” You explain. 
“If you need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call.” He says, sliding you a piece of paper. Written down are 8 phone numbers for you. This was honestly fucking surreal. Who knew this could happen for simply telling the truth? 
The men walk away and Hwasa stares at you in disbelief. “I almost wish it was me that day.” She laughs. “Let's go dance!” She says, trying to pull you up. 
“Let me just tidy these glasses.” You slur, stacking all the cups and shot glasses to bring back to the bartender. He laughs as you place them on the bar, and thanks you through his chuckles. 
You let Hwasa drag you down the stairs to the dance floor, immediately sliding her hands all over your body as you dance closely. The two of you always preferred to dance together, but sometimes if you were into it you'd dance with men.  This time you were too into dancing with Hwasa, you didn't want any men to disturb you. You turned around, grinding your ass into her as you looked around the club. You glanced up at the balcony and saw six men leaning on the railing, all their eyes staring directly at you. Why did you feel like your life was going to get a lot more interesting? 
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kpop---scenarios · 16 days
Obsession (2)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warning: Stalking, Threatening, Launguage
Word Count: 3.8k
Part One
It had been a little over a week since you and Chanyeol fucked, and it had been radio silence. You had hoped he would have texted you by now, but you didn't want to come across as that needy girl. So you kept it cool, until you couldn't keep that cool any longer.
“Oh my god!” Jennie yells. “Did you hear the latest news?” She asks, rolling her eyes. You had been invited for a night out at Baekhyun's apartment with everyone in your new friends group. You had partially expected Chanyeol to have been there and when he wasn't you were disappointed. You liked him and wanted you get to know him more, you also wouldn't have minded fucking around with him again.
“What!?” Lisa asks. Everyone was intently staring at Jennie, impatiently waiting to hear what she had to say.
“A little birdy told me that Chanyeol and Maya got back together.” She says, trying to stifle a giggle. Every single person that sat around Baekhyun's living room table groaned so loudly. Sehun, Baekhyun and Jisoo started fake sobbing, Jongin threw his head back in frustration, Lisa started to pretend to gag, while Kyungsoo began muttering about how he had to go back to avoiding Chanyeol.
You, on the other hand, sat there in complete shock. He had a girlfriend? How long has this been going on?
“What's wrong with her?” You ask, glancing at the dramatic group around the table.
“Let's just say, Maya is..” Baekhyun pauses.
“Insufferable.” Kyungsoo sighs.
“Stuck up.” Jisoo adds.
“Fucking annoying.” Lisa says.
“She's like the worst possible human in the world.” Jongin says. “I don't know how he puts up with her.”
You nod your head, you didn't have anything else to say. You felt hurt and confused. Your hands played with the full shot glass that sat in front of you. Just as Sehun was about to say something, the front door opens and in walks Chanyeol with a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys, what are we talking about?” He asks, plopping down on the floor, across the table from where you and Jongin sat. You felt the anger bubble up inside of you, and even though you had planned on saying nothing, words came out of your mouth.
“Oh, just talking about how you have a girlfriend.” You say, looking up at Chanyeol, staring him in the eyes. They go wide, as if he's a deer in headlights.
“Oh, uh.” He chuckles. “Yeah, surprise, Maya and I got back together.” He says, looking away from you to avoid eye contact. You continued to stare at him, you hoped he could feel your stare burning into him.
“But why?” Baekhyun asks. “Why would you do that?”
“What's wrong with her?” Chanyeol laughs.
You were uncomfortable. You were sad, mad, annoyed. Every emotion was felt right at this moment, and it was like Jongin could sense it. He moved closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer into him. He turns his head to whisper in your ear. “You okay?” He asks. You continued to look at Chanyeol who was now eyeing up you and Jongin, trying to process why his arm was around you.
“Uh huh.” You whisper back, breaking off the eye contact with Chanyeol. You gave Jongin a small half smile, hoping he would stop questioning you but that didn’t work. For the next 45 minutes, every few minutes you would catch Jongin looking at you, you could tell that he was questioning how quiet you were, wondering why and why you wouldn't tell him. You’d finally had enough social interaction for the night and decided to go.
“I’m going to head out right away.” you announce. “Just using the bathroom first.” you finish, walking towards the bathroom. You stepped outside to see Chanyeol standing outside the bathroom door, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.
“You’re ignoring me.” he says, looking over at you.
“You have a girlfriend.” you say back. “Were you together..when..” you pause.
“No!” he exclaims. “No.. I, uh, met up with her afterwards. That's who had texted me..and we got back together that night.” he finishes. You can feel the tears threatening to fall. You didn’t want to cry over him, it totally wasn't worth it.
“Great, I'm happy for you.” you say, walking away from him. You grab your jacket, and again, Chanyeol stands in front of you.
“Let me walk you home.” he says, grabbing his jacket.
“Nah man, you stay. I already told her I would take her. Don’t worry, I'll make sure she’s safe.” Jongin says, coming up behind you. He slides his arm around your waist, pulling you towards the door. You were grateful for Jongin, but you really hoped he wasn’t getting the wrong idea. The two of you chatted about anything and everything on your walk, he made you laugh - hard. You continued to laugh all the way to your front door. Unlocking your door, you look at Jongin.
“Thank you.” you smile. “Really.”
“Anytime, Y/N. and look..” he pauses. “I don’t know what's going on between you and Chanyeol, but just know you deserve more.” he finishes, flashing a dazzling smile before starting to walk away.
“Wait!” You call out. He turns around. “You know?” you ask him.
“I had a feeling,” he says. “Good night.” he finishes, walking away. You walk into your apartment, feeling exhausted. You didn't realize how much of a toll this night had taken on you until you laid in your bed. You hadn't even taken your clothes off, but you didn’t have the energy any longer, swiftly falling asleep.
You woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed. As you crawled out of your bed you heard a loud banging at your door. Looking out the peephole, you didn't see anyone there, so you opened up your door, only to see a dozen purple tulips sitting outside your door. A smile spreads across your face as you look for a note.
Miss me yet?
Your smile faded just as fast as it had appeared. You stared at the note, a very uneasy feeling pulsing through your body. You brought the flowers inside, took a deep breath before deciding what you were going to do. You walked into your kitchen, dumping the flowers and the note into the garbage can before heading back to your bed. You'd already had enough for today. All day, you lounged around, your phone was off, you ate and watched shitty movies. You cried, you laughed, you slept. It was the perfect day before classes on Monday, you were dreading them already. You were not taking anything easy, and your entire body was a ball of stress.
Monday you had minimal interaction with anyone, you went to classes, had lunch with the group, went home to study and work on papers and it was the exact same on Tuesday. When Wednesday rolled around, you were so excited. The week was almost done, not to mention the group had decided to do a Friday Friend Dinner every other Friday, and this week it was on. Drinks and good food, you couldn't wait. Kyungsoo was an amazing cook, you often craved his food.
You were walking to your class, when out of nowhere you're yanked to the side. You looked over only to see Mark standing there with a smile on his face.
“Hi baby.” He says, leaning in closely. You try to back up, but you back straight into a pillar. “Did you like the flowers I sent you?” He smiles, moving closer. “I've been waiting all week for you to thank me for them. It hurts me that you haven't done that yet, Y/N.” He finishes, his smile dropping.
“Oh!” You say, forcing a smile. You were trying so hard to not show him any fear even though it was radiating through your entire body. “I didn't realize it was you. There was no name on it. They're so beautiful, Mark, thank you.” You smile. You needed him to calm down and let you go without an issue. You watch his facial expressions, he was getting angrier.
“Who else would they have been from?” He snaps. “Are you seeing someone else?”
You didn't know what to say. He stares at you as the panic sets in. Your body is trembling as he gets closer. You let your instincts take over, pushing him away from you.
“Leave me alone.” You scream. He rushes back towards you, slapping his hand over your mouth, stopping you from screaming anymore. Before you can react, Mark is pulled off of you, thrown down to pavement. You look over to see Chanyeol standing there, huffing as he stares down at Mark.
“Didn't I tell you to keep your fucking hands to yourself?” Chanyeol yells. He goes to you, grabbing your hand to pull you away. He takes you out into the open, and you see a blonde girl standing there with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
“Chanyeol.” You breathe. “Thank you.”
He looks at you concerned. “Has he been bothering you alot?” He asks.
“No, no. He sent me flowers on Sunday, with a note but no name attached. I guess he was mad that I didn't thank him.” You explain. “I'm sure he's gotten the message now.” You half smile. You were trying to be okay but you weren't. Your body shook, you felt like you were still in shock. You looked over at the girl who looked even more unimpressed with you.
“Hi.” You smile, holding out your hand. “I'm Y/N.” You say.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. You retracted your hand feeling uncomfortable now. She looks at Chanyeol with a pout. “You let go of my hand to help her, Channie.” She says. “I'm so sad now.”
Chanyeol sighs. “I'm sorry Maya, do you want me to buy you something?” He asks. She perks up, grabbing his hand to pull him away, spewing on about some purse she wanted.
You already hated her.
Thursday, you didn't go to your classes. You stayed curled up in bed, answering the calls from Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, Baekhyun, Jongin and even Kyungsoo, asking you if you were okay and what they could do for you. You were eternally grateful for all of them and how much they cared for you. They had asked you if you wanted to postpone your friend's dinner, but you didn't want to. It was something that you desperately needed to try and take your mind off your Mark situation.
Friday comes, and starts off better. You went to your classes that day. It wasn't until you looked at your phone, did your heart sink, and your anxiety flared up.
[From Unknown - 8:45am] I like your outfit today. You look so cute.
[From Unknown - 8:49am] I hope your first class goes well. I miss you.
You slipped your phone in your pocket, trying to focus on your lecture. Your phone doesn't stop vibrating the entire time you were in your hour and a half class. After it ends, you pull out your phone to read some of them.
[From Unknown - 9:07am] Please text me back.
[From Unknown - 9:10am] it's really not nice to ignore someone.
[From Unknown - 9:17am] Please, baby.
You deleted all the messages, only reading a few of them. You didn't want to deal with this. Maybe eventually he would get the hint. And he did, only until the afternoon.
[From Unknown - 2:47pm] I miss your smile. You looked so happy taking in the warm sun as you were walking.
[From Unknown - 2:52pm] Did you take a picture of the sky for your IG? I can't wait for you to post it.
You ignored them again, putting your phone into your pocket as you headed to your last class of the day. The hour went by quickly, with no excessive buzzing coming from your pocket. You were relieved but that didn't last long. As you made your way to Kyungsoo's apartment, the texts continued, and got progressively worse.
[From Unknown - 4:59pm] I don't fucking appreciate this.
[From Unknown - 5:04pm] You are being a goddamn cunt right now, Y/N.
[From Unknown - 5:07pm] ANSWER ME!!
[From Unknown - 5:11pm] I'm sorry, baby. I just miss you so much. Please answer me.
You sigh as you knock on the door of Kyungsoo's apartment, finishing reading the last message.
“Hey.” Kyungsoo smiles, opening the door. You walk into the most delightful smells, immediately causing you to forget about the texts. “You can join the others in the living room.” He says, heading back to the kitchen. You take your coat off, following the sound of laughter into the living room.
“Y/N.” Everyone yells, all happy to see you. You say hi to everyone, looking at Jongin, who mouths “sorry.” To you before you see Chanyeol with his arm around Maya on the couch. You wanted to roll your eyes so fucking badly. But your phone began to vibrate.
[From Unknown - 5:27pm] I can't wait to pin you down, kissing your body all over.
[From Unknown - 5:33pm] I'm going to make you cum so many times from my fingers when I finally get you in my bed. Do you want that baby?
You can feel the tears starting. Why won't he stop?
You press the phone button to call and scream at him but it won't connect. “This number is no longer in service.”
Maybe he deactivated it.
[From Unknown - 5:46pm] I hope you're not fucking Chanyeol or Jongin baby. I'll have to punish you for that.
[From Unknown - 5:54pm] Would you like that baby? I'm going to tie you up and punish you. I don't like being ignored.
[From Unknown - 5:56pm] Y/N. ANSWER ME.
[From Unknown - 5:59pm] I will fucking kill you if you don't answer me.”
You couldn't take it anymore. The tears fell as Kyungsoo walked into the living room.
“Y/N?” He asks, glancing around at everyone else. You completely break down, sobbing into your knees.
“Hey, what's going on doll?” Lisa asks, moving towards you. You slide your unlocked phone towards her, allowing her to read the messages as you sniffle.
“What the fuck.” She gasps.
“What? What do they say?” Everyone asks.
“Can I read them out?” Jongin asks you. You hide your face but nod your head. You didn't want to deal with this shit alone.
“Holy shit. He talks about what she's wearing today and gets mad at her for not responding.” He pauses. “I can't wait to pin you down, kissing all over your body.” He reads out. You look up, every single person there was pissed beyond measure. Except for Maya, who rolled her eyes at every text.
“Y/N answer me.. I will fucking kill you if you don't answer me.” He finishes in a whisper.
No one says a thing. Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo hug you tightly until Baekhyun pipes up. “Who wants to go hunt this mother fucker down and make him wish he never met our precious Y/N?” He says.
Everyone jumps up agreeing, including Chanyeol. Maya scoffs loudly at him
“What the fuck, Chanyeol?” She yells.
“Here we go.” Baekhyun laughs.
“You're going to protect her again? What about me? I actually matter.” She says, pouting again.
“Y/N matters too.” Chanyeol tells her. “She's important to me. As are all my friends.” He says.
“So I'm not as important as this fucking thing whose scared of a few little texts? Like grow up.” She yells at you.
“Who are you calling a thing, bitch?” Lisa snaps, standing up.
“Miss fucking cry baby over there.” Maya yells.
“Maya!” Chanyeol yells, his voice booming through the house. “Shut the fuck up.” He snaps. He glares at her, she tries to stand tall but she cowers under him. “Get your stuff. We're leaving.” He yells. “NOW.” He booms. She rushes out of the room without a word. Chanyeol mutters a “sorry” towards the group before slamming the door behind him.
The group sits in silence.
“Has anyone EVER heard Chanyeol yell that loud!?” Baekhyun asks, jumping up onto the couch. “I mean sure he's loud during game nights but holy shit.”
“literally never.” Jisoo says, her eyes still wide.
Kyungsoo looks at you. “Have you gone to the cops?” He asks.
“Yeah, you really should.” Lisa and Jennie urge.
“I have.” You sniffle. “They can't do anything for me until he physically hurts me.” You cry. “Apparently covering my mouth to stop me from screaming isn't enough.”
“That's messed up.” Kyungsoo sighs. “You shouldn't be alone. You need to stay with someone.”
“She can stay with me.” Chanyeol announces, walking into the living room.
“What happened?” Baekhyun asks.
“I ended things. For good.” Chanyeol says to everyone, before turning to look at you. “Y/N I am so sorry for the way she spoke to you. That was uncalled for and not fair.” He whispers with his head down. “You didn't deserve that.”
“Thank you.” You sniffle. “You didn't have to break up with her though.”
Baekhyun laughs out loudly, making everyone else laugh along.
“Yeah I did. It was time. I can't be with someone like that, I wasn't really into it anyways.”
Your phone buzzes again on the table.
[From Unknown - 7:08pm] I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me. Just talk to me.
Chanyeol picks up your phone, reading the message. He holds out his hand for you to pull you up. “We're going to go to Y/N's apartment and grab her things. I'll let you all know when we've made it safely back to my place.” He says. You go around the group giving everyone a hug while saying thank you to them. You didn't know what you would do without such great friends. you and Chanyeol didn't say much on the drive to your apartment. You were exhausted and just wanted to rest but you knew it wasn't going to come easily tonight. You and chanyeol head up to your front door, you unlock the door, letting him in first before you lock it back up behind you. You felt too paranoid to leave anything to chance. Chanyeol chuckles as he walks towards the table, patting it with the palm of his hand.
“This is a solid table.” He smirks. You roll your eyes at him, heading into your bedroom. quickly you find a bag, shoving your clothes into it, grabbing everything you can think of right now that you would need. You grabbed your charger and your laptop, and just as you thought you had everything, you heard a loud, rapid banging on your front door. You freeze. Chanyeol puts his finger to his lips, telling you to be quiet. He waves you back into the room, mouthing for you to hide. Quietly, he creeps up to the door as the banging continues. He looks out the peephole, all he can see is black hair.
“Yes?” He says, his voice loud and deep.
“Where's Y/N?” He asks. You can hear Mark's voice.
“She's not here. You need to leave.” Chanyeol announces. “She's not interested in you. You need to move on.”
“Hah. I need to move on? She and I are meant to be together. You tell her I'll see her soon.” Mark yells, leaving Chanyeol's view. He opens the door slightly, making sure that Mark is actually gone. Chanyeol calls you out of the room, tears streaming down your face. He wraps his arm around you, taking you out of your apartment, heading for his car. You were terrified that Mark was going to be out there waiting for you. But he wasn't. Chanyeol opened the car door for you, you got in, placing your bag on the floor.
The drive is silent. It was late, you were drained. Walking up to Chanyeol's apartment, he unlocks the door, letting you go in first. It's bigger than you thought it would be. It was decorated very minimally, he had furniture around but not much else.
“It's very nice.” You smile.
“I'm still working on getting more things for it.” He laughs. He takes you to his bedroom. “You can sleep here. I'm going to take the couch.” He says.
“Chanyeol.” You sigh. “It's enough that you're letting me stay here, I can't take your bed too.”
He laughs. “You can. And you will. Get some rest okay? I'm right out there if you need.” He gives you a hub before grabbing his pj's and going into the bathroom. He comes out in a shirt and pj pants, heading for the living room. You dig through your bag, finding your shorts and a tank top to sleep in. You change and crawl into his bed. It smells so good. It smells like him. Sleep came to you easier than you thought, but it didn't last long.
You woke up breathing heavily, sweating and a little confused. You had dreamt that Mark had taken you captive and you were really shaken up over it. You crawled out of bed, heading to the living room.
Chanyeol laid on the couch, scrolling on his phone until he noticed you. He sits up quickly. “What's wrong?” he asks, standing up. He was no longer wearing a shirt.
Holy shit, you'd forgotten how ripped he was.
“it was.. a dream.” you start. “Mark.. he had..uh, kidnapped me.”
Chanyeol wraps you in his arms, in a tight and comforting hug. You hold onto him as tightly as you can, you feel so safe with him.
“Can you please sleep in the bed with me? I don't want to be alone.” You whisper.
He lets go of you, grabbing your hand and leading you to the bedroom. You both crawl into the bed, getting comfy. Chanyeol rubs your arm and shoulder as your back faces him. You quickly fall asleep, feeling more comfortable than you've been in a while. You wished the feeling of peace would last, unfortunately you knew it wouldn't.
You woke up in the morning with Chanyeol wrapped around your body. You were sweating so bad, you had no choice but to get up. You managed to wiggle your way out of his embrace, making your way to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. You snooped around his cupboards, trying to find something to make for breakfast. You settled on making eggs and toast, it was easy enough. As you continue scrambling your eggs, Chanyeol walks out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes with a smile on his face.
“What's this?” He asks.
“Breakfast. Duh.” You laugh. You were feeling good today, you felt like it was going to be a great day. Until your phone on the table started to ring.
Chanyeol grabbed your phone, declining the call and blocking the number.
“There. That should work.” He smiles. He sets your phone down, before it starts ringing again.
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kpop---scenarios · 16 days
Linked (3)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Warning: Smut, Heartbreak
Word Count: 3.8k
Chapter One / Chapter Two
“I had a great time tonight.” Shownu grins, as he walks you up to your door. You give him a smile back, you couldn't stop thinking of what happened with Mr. Byun at the restaurant, the scenes flashed through your head as you remembered the feeling of his fingers, his hot breath on your neck.
“Thank you for everything.” You say, giving him a small wave. You turn to open your door, but Shownu reaches out, grabbing onto your wrist. He pulls your body into his, his other hand moving to your cheek. Before you can say anything he leans down, gently pressing his lips to yours. You wanted to melt into the kiss, you wanted to make it more passionate. Shownu was nice, handsome, funny, sweet and smart. He was everything you could need or want in a man, and best of all, he was single. So why did you feel so guilty? Why did it feel like your heart was going to shatter at the feeling of his lips on yours?
You pull away, whispering a small thanks, going inside and shutting the door. You wished you could have invited him in, maybe you just wanted to use him to get your mind off of Baekhyun, would that have been so bad?
You took a shower, trying to scrub the shame of the evening off your body in an attempt to make yourself feel better, but it didn't work. You couldn't fully tell how you felt but it wasn't right. Ashamed? Guilty? Frustrated? All the above? You didn't want to see anyone else for the rest of the weekend, and that's exactly what you did. You holed up in your apartment, watching shows, eating food and staying in your pj's the entire time. By the time Monday morning rolled around, part of you was ready to interact with humans again but the other part wanted to stay in your bed and do nothing.
You walked into the office Monday morning with your head down. You didn't want to see Shownu, and you sure as fuck didn't want to see Baekhyun. You gave a small wave to anyone who said hi to you, but you didn't make eye contact with anyone. Your head is still down as you walk into your office, as you go to your desk you hang up your jacket, praying the day goes quickly. And luckily for you it does. The clock hits 5pm and you can't wait to get the fuck out of there. You had successfully avoided all interaction with Baekhyun and Shownu. Now you are going to go to the bathroom quickly before heading home. You walk back to your office at a fast pace and your head down. You walk into your office and you see a pair of black shoes standing in the middle of the room. You can feel it instantly. The pull, the need, the pure erotic lust you'd felt before. Slowly you raised your head, seeing Baekhyun standing in a fitted suit, his face stone cold.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Byun?” You ask, grabbing your jacket, refusing to look him in the eyes.
“This isn't what I wanted.” He says. His voice is softer than how his face looked. “I didn't want this. I don't want this. I don't want to care or have such an intense attraction to someone I don't know, someone I don't want to know..someone who isn't my fiancee. But I can't help what I feel, and I can't fucking stay away from you.” He snaps. “No matter how hard I try.”
“I never meant for any of this to happen.” You whisper. “I don't know what is happening, I don't know why I'm so attracted to you. It's like there's this.. “ you pause.
“Pull. I feel a pull towards you, and it's like nothing I've ever felt, with anyone.” He finishes your sentence.
Baekhyun stares at you for a moment before he turns, closing all the blinds in your office. He stands in front of the last one for a second, taking a breath. He turns around, his eyes glued to you as he walks to you. “I don't know what to do about you.” He sighs, grabbing the nape of your neck, pulling you closer to him. His lips hover over yours, it's like he's second guessing his choice. You can feel how torn he is between you and Jennie.
He quickly presses his lips to yours, you can feel the static and sparks running through your veins from this kiss, the amount of connection the two of you had was something you'd never thought possible. His warm lips pressed to yours harder, his tongue swept over yours in an urge to deepen the kiss. Your lips parted, letting him in, his tongue swirling around yours as he pressed his body hard to yours, backing you into the wall. Your arms wrap around his neck, your fingers running through his hair as you allow him to dominate the kiss. He doesn't want to waste any time, he hikes up your skirt, his fingers gently trailing over your clothed pussy. He can feel the heat you're radiating for him through the small touch.
“I need you, now.” He pants. He quickly unbuckles his belt, pulling his cock out. He pushes your panties to the side while you lift your leg, placing it on the chair, waiting for him to fuck you. Just as he begins to guide himself in, his phone rings. He groans loudly, pulling it from his pocket to decline the call. He put its down, the tip of his cock dragging against your lips, you were so fucking wet as tou waited for him to be inside you.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Fuck.” Baekhyun yells. He picks up his phone again, answering it angrily. “What?”
His face and tone soften. “Shit. When? Yeah okay, I got it.” He says, hanging up the phone. He looks at you with those please forgive me eyes. You drop your leg, fixing your underwear and skirt.
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am, I have to go.” He sighs, tucking himself away.
“Yeah, it's fine.” You half smile.
It wasn't fine. He was leaving you with a throbbing clit and the biggest urge for a cock inside you. You watch as he walks out of your office, adjusting himself. You were lucky there was no one else here right now. You hoped that the two of you would pick things up tomorrow.
That never happened. Baekhyun didn't come to work the next day, or the next day, or the next. In fact it had been two weeks since you had seen him, and no one in the office knew where he was. That was until today, when you checked your work emails, seeing a flight confirmation under your name heading to London.
“Um.” You mutter, looking around the office. “Lisa?” You call out. She pops out of nowhere, smiling at your desk.
“What's up?” She asks.
“Why is there a flight to London in my name?” you ask, looking between the email and Lisa.
“Oh shit, no one told you?” She asks. You shake your head, your mouth still slightly ajar.
“Mr. Byun has been in London the last 2 and a half weeks. And now he needs a senior analyst there with him, and you were the one chosen.” She tells you. She glances at the clock. “Oh shit, it's already 3pm, your flight leaves at 6pm. You better get home and pack! Have a great time!” She yells as she walks off. You scramble to grab your belongings, rushing out of the office and hailing the first taxi you saw. He screeched outside your building and you asked him to wait so he could take you to the airport. You busted into your apartment, grabbing your suitcase from under your bed and throwing clothes, underwear, bras, pj's in there along with some shoes. You got all your toiletries together, found your passport, charger and anything else you could quickly think of. You changed your outfit into something more comfortable, you had an almost 14 hour flight ahead of you. Once you closed your suitcase, you locked up your apartment, and rushed down to the waiting taxi. You were sure you had forgotten something, even so, you'd figure it out. You'd never been to London, you were so excited.
You made your flight on time, sitting in first class was boujee. You sat in a pod, the seat turning into a bed if you wanted. You ate some snacks, dinner, watched a couple movies and slept for a while. Once the pilot announced you would be arriving soon, you grabbed the spare work outfit from your carryon and went to the bathroom to change. You tried your best to fix your hair and your face, but it was hard with all your stuff sitting under the plane.
As the plane landed and you got off, you followed the signs through the large London Airport. You found your baggage claim and once you got your bag you went out, only to see a man standing there with your name on a sign.
“Miss Y/N L/N?” He asks. You smile and nod your head. He grabs your luggage, leading you out of the airport.
“We'll get you checked into your hotel room, you can rest for the day, but Mr. Byun will need you tomorrow.” He says, glancing at you from the rear view mirror.
“Thank you.” You say, letting out a big yawn. Fuck, jetlag was already hitting you. Once you got to your room, you took a much needed shower, after that, you had never been so happy to see a bed, you crawled into it immensely. It was almost like crawling into a cloud. You turned on the TV, wrapped yourself up in the blanket and soon you were out.
The next thing you knew, your room phone was ringing loudly. You groggily answer it. “Hello?” you croak.
“Good morning, Miss L/N. This is your 7am wake up call. The car will be leaving in 30 minutes.” She says, before hanging up the phone. You rolled out of bed, grabbing an outfit and your toiletries. You got dressed, did half assed makeup and your hair in record time. You slipped on a pair of shoes that best matched your skirt and shirt, grabbed your bag and room key and left for the elevator. You weren't looking forward to seeing Baekhyun, especially not after what happened last time. What was wrong with you? Why can't you just leave the man alone?
The elevator doors open, and you see Baekhyun standing there, waiting. He nods to you, before walking towards the doors of the hotel. He opens the car door, getting in and leaving it open for you to get in after him.
“Good morning.” He says to you.
“Morning.” You reply back.
Nothing else is said between the two of you. The day passes quickly as you're in and out of the conference room, talking to multiple different people about multiple different things as you and Baekhyun try to close this deal that could take being a data analyst to the next level. There was 1 more day of work ahead of you, but here the two of you were, eating pizza in the conference room at 730pm with a few others. Baekhyun sighs as you all finish up.
“It's getting late.” He says. “We can pick this up tomorrow. Thank you everyone.” When the others leave, you stand there waiting for Baekhyun.
“You can go.” He says to you.
“Oh.” You begin. “Well we came together, so I just assumed..” you trail off.
“Ah right. Let me get my jacket.” He says.
The two of you stand side by side as you wait for the elevator. He stands close to you, but not so close you're touching, just close enough to feel the spark. Your entire body tingles as you step onto the full elevator. As you step on Baekhyun puts his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the side. He stands behind you, moving closer, his body pressing up against your back. You desperately wanted to turn around and have him take you right then. But you atleast have a little self control.
By the time you had gotten back to the hotel, no words had been spoken between you. You walked into the hotel in silence, waited for this elevator in silence, and rode to the 14th floor in silence. You got off, and went to your room. You get your key card out, Baekhyun stops.
“Good night, Y/N.” He says, as he continues to walk down the hall, he stops as you put your key in your door, turning around. He walks back towards you.
“I'm so fucking tired of fighting this.” He snaps. He pulls you into your room, slamming the door behind him. He kisses you sloppily, it's so needy for the both of you. He grabs your shirt, pulling it over your head before quickly unhooking your bra, tossing it wherever. He drops to his knees, taking your nipple in his mouth, sucking on it before moving to the other one. You let out a moan as your clit throbs for him. He releases your nipple and pulls down your skirt, discarding it along with your underwear. He stands up, tossing you on the bed before he undoes his tie, and takes off his jacket and his shirt. You can see the bulge in his pants growing harder and harder as he eyes up your naked body. He crawls onto the bed, spreading your legs wide. He licks a long strip up your soaked pussy and you scream. He begins to devour you, taking your clit in between his lips as he switches between sucking and flicking the nub with his tongue. He has you twisting beneath him on the bed as he licks and sucks you like his life depended on it.
“Oh my god, Baekhyun. Fuck.” You cry out, making him go faster. He inserts two fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out as he continues slurping up all your juices. You grab your tits, rolling your nipples between your fingers as your orgasm builds. Before you can say anything you cum hard. Your orgasm rips through your body, your scream out in pleasure as Baekhyun slows down his work.
“Holy.” You breathe. “Fuck.”
Baekhyun sits up, smiling as he looks down at you, your chest heaving as you come down from your high. That smile disappears quickly as he stands up, taking his pants off, and boxers. He lets his cock spring free stroking it a few times. You lay there with your legs wide open, ready for him. He sticks his fingers inside of you, using your juices to lube his cock. He lines himself up with you and rams himself inside you. Your eyes roll back as he slams his dick into you over and over again. He grunts loudly, holding your legs in the air ad he fucks you hard, like he's been wanting to do for weeks.
Baekhyun pulls himself out of you, pulling you up onto your knees. He moves behind you, inserting his cock back into your pussy as he reaches around to the front to play with your clit. You tighten yourself around him as he thrusts into you, while his fingers work your clit. It doesn't take you long to cum again, this time soaking his cock.
“Fuck baby.” He moans. “You feel so fucking good.” He pushes you down, your face now on the bed as he picks up his pace. He rams his cock deep inside you as his fingers dig into your hips. You cry out and moan so loudly, you were sure you were going to get complaints, but you didn't care.
“Right there.” You scream. “Yes! Fuck, right fucking there.”
“Does my cock feel good baby?”
“So fucking good. oh my god.” You scream.
Baekhyun grabs onto a clump of your hair, pulling hard as he rams into you a few more times before he finally cums, his vision goes blurry as his cum seeps deep inside you.
He pulls out of you, collapsing on the bed beside you. The two of you lay there, smiling at each other as you try to catch your breath. Baekhyun reaches over, caressing your face, you close your eyes. You only meant to for a second, but you were so tired you must have fallen asleep. You woke up the next morning, looking over at the spot Baekhyun had laid before and he wasn't there. You look around the room and see him sitting in the corner in a chair, watching you.
“Are you okay?” You whisper.
Baekhyun looks down, his fingers twisting the couples ring on his finger. His shoulders are hunched as he takes a deep breath. “I uh.. I don't know.” He answers.
Your stomach sinks.
“I know you love her. You've been together for so long it makes sense.. but what if.. what if I'm your soulmate?” You ask.
He looks up at you, he's confused until you can see it click on his face. He stands up, kissing you quickly before he puts some clothes on.
“I need to talk to her.” He says, running out of the room. You get yourself dressed and ready for the day, you had only this morning to finish everything up, your flight leaves this evening.
This was the hardest morning you had ever had. Your eyes kept wandering towards Baekhyun. You tried to fight it but he just looked so fucking good. He had a smile on his face, he was laughing. You'd never seen him so carefree before. Anytime he caught you gawking, he secretly winked at you, making your insides burn with desire.
“I'm just going to go to the restroom.” You say, clearing your throat. You use the bathroom, wash your hands and walk out but not before a hand grabs you, pulling you down another hall.
Baekhyun leans closer to you but you stop him. “Wait. I've been needing to know.” You begin. “Did you.. end things?” You ask him.
“Yes I did. I ended it.” He confirms. He actually did it?
“I've been wanting to do this all day.” Baekhyun groans, crashing his lips to yours. He presses himself against you, making you moan into his mouth.
“Just fuck me, right here.” You gasp, his lips kissing all over your neck.
He chuckles. “Now, now, baby. You have to be a good girl for me.” He groans, tempted to just do it.
“Mr Byun?” You hear him being called. He sighs loudly, releasing himself from you, straightening up himself. He walks around the corner, taking the person calling him away so you can sneak out too.
Once the clock hit 2pm, you and Baekhyun were out of there. Your flight left at 5pm, so there was still time for you to check out of the hotel and make it to the airport. The two of you sat in your seats on the plane, and you drifted off to sleep for almost the entire flight. As you and Baekhyun collect your luggage, he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers as you walk out of the airport.
“I have to go the other way.” You giggle, trying to release your hand from his. “I need to get a cab.”
“What? Absolutely not. I'll drive you home.” He smiles. He puts both your luggage in the back seat of his car as you get into the passenger seat. As Baekhyun drives towards your apartment, his hand rests on your thigh. You feel like you're going to explode if he doesn't touch you soon. Smiling to yourself, you reach over, placing your hand on his thigh. Every second you moved it up slightly, until you were finally on top of his cock. You gently massage him, making him groan.
“You're making It hard for me to concentrate.” He breathes.
“Oh yes, it's definitely getting hard.” You grin.
Baekhyun stops the car outside your building, running around to your side, opening the door and pulling you out of the car and your suitcase. Baekhyun's hands grope your body as you try to unlock your door. Once it opens, he slams it shut behind you, pinning you against the door. His mouth is on yours, you're both pulling clothes off of each other, so desperate to feel each other. Baekhyun slides two fingers into your pussy, making you cry out as he thrusts his fingers in and out.
“you're so fucking wet.” He moans, stroking his cock with your wetness. You pull him to the couch, pushing him down to sit. You climb on top of him, sinking yourself down on his cock. You gasp as he stretches you out. You begin to rock, grinding yourself on him as his hands grope your breasts. Your hands run through his hair, pulling him closer to you, his hands move down to your ass, making you bounce up and down on him.
“Shit.” He cries out, you squeeze your pussy around him as you feel your orgasm coming fast.
“Cum for me baby.” He says, gripping your ass tighter, bouncing you faster.
“Fuck.” You cry, your orgasm exploding through your body. Baekhyun keeps holding you up as he thrusts himself inside you, pounding himself into you, desperately needing to release himself inside you.
He cums inside you, letting you soak up everything he's given you. You sit there for a moment, catching your breath. You slowly get off of him, your legs wobbling.
“Come on, let's get cleaned up.” He chuckles, letting you lead him to the bathroom.
A few hours later you were begging Baekhyun not to leave but he kept telling you he had things he needed to do.
“I promise, after our little victory party tomorrow, we will go on a date and I'll stay all night and all day the next day.” He smiles. You pout but agree.
“See you tomorrow?” You ask.
“See you tomorrow.” He smiles, placing a small kiss on your lips before leaving.
You were so unbelievably fucking happy.
The next evening, you were surrounded by coworkers as you celebrated landing the deal that you and Baekhyun had been in London for. Champagne in your glass, you looked good, and you could not wait for Baekhyun to show up. You were talking to Lisa when she mentioned that Baekhyun was here. You turned around, a smile plastered on your face until you saw him. In he walked, fingers intertwined with Jennie. A big smile plastered on her face, their couple rings flashing under the lights.
His words from just a few days ago replay in your head.
“Yes I did. I ended it.”
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kpop---scenarios · 16 days
linked 3 was perfection!!!!! i read it yesterday and i'm still not over it 😭 that baekhyun sure is an enigma. can't wait for the next part!!!
Agajsys thank you!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! I haven't heard anything about it so I was worried it was awful 😭
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