#we had me. my mum and my aunt all on our phones and laptops on this page to buy it
diah-the-demon · 6 months
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planet-magic-land · 2 years
putting personal vent under a keep reading bc maybe venting about it Somewhere will help (self harm suicide mention, probably delete later)
Mum has now declared that the "house has spyware in it" so now my Mum;
- is blaming my Dad for crappy adverts she's seeing when she's going on crummy sites, stating he's "hacked our internet" and is.. sending these ads to these sites she's visiting himself, so not allowed to have the internet on when she's home (((:
- she's decided that my brother's wife and predictably now my brother is also apparently in on all this too, she's completely cut communication off from them, but won't tell them what they've supposedly done wrong bc they "already know what they've done" and them literally sending her two letters asking why she's cut them off and in turn missed out on seeing their newest daughter grow up is just them "playing dumb to guilt trip her"
- she's decided that spam mail (you know, the stuff everybody gets through their door) is now also targeted harassment towards her
- she told one of my Aunts (I overheard them in the kitchen) that I wanted to change my name because "deadname is what my Dad always called me" so that's the sole reason I want to change it apparently, first of all I did not give her permission to tell others I'm changing my name, and secondly I have NEVER stated or even hinted that that's why I want to change my name, ever, so I guess she is effectively lying to other family members to get them on her side and make my Dad out to be an even bigger villain than he apparently already is? either that or she somehow genuinely thinks that's why I'm changing my name, either way it absolutely sucks lol
- apparently the laptop's camera and built in mic is also hacked so my Dad and my brother and his wife are always listening in to our conversations, despite this laptop being new and literally only me and my mum ever touching it (also when I got a antivirus on it to scan for anything malicious and Surprise Surprise there was literally nothing, she simply stated that that antivirus just "doesn't work")
- she's accused me of being involved based off of nothing, multiple times in the past, this had pushed my mental health to the point of falling back to self harming and suicidal thoughts, and when I finally told her this none of it seemed to actually get through to her and her response to me almost getting close to killing myself because of her accusations towards me was "and who'd you think would get the blame for that"
- and now yeah, apparently the house has spyware in it too, could not be bothered to ask her to elaborate (not that she would have even if I did ask her, because there is nothing to elaborate on other than another accusation)
I can't feel like I can talk to my own family, bc me living with her they'd inevitably ask Me why she's cut them off, and I can't tell them the truth bc if she found out I'd told them then that leaves me in a completely fucked position, and moving out isn't an option bc Money to buy a place, and Money to Keep a roof over my head, and it is apparent, that no matter how many times we might move, or change the internet, or get antivirus software, there will always be Something, bc none of those things will ever stop her from going on her phone, going on those dodgy sites herself, or anything like that, and blaming any of it on anyone other than herself.
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berriusagi · 3 years
Stomach Bug Ch10
Doctor’s Visit
Alright I am back with another chapter and with this I bring something special. I want all of you to help me decide what our lovely Mari will be having so place your votes in the poll. 
Thank you to everyone who voted I’ll be using the results gathered and I hope everyone’s happy with what the final tally was.
“Damian’s not home right?” Tim asked, making his way into the Batcave where all the other bats sans Damian were sitting around the computer.
“No, tomorrow’s pixies first appointment with that new doctor so he decided to stay the night to give her moral support since she’s never been to a gyno before.” Jason said looking up from the files he was reading over, “honestly from what I’ve heard about what happens during those exams I don’t blame her for wanting a little support before going.”
“It’s all routine and can’t be any worse than the baby-making process.” Dick hummed typing away on the computer.
“I think that’s enough talk about that; why did you want to know Tim?” Bruce asked looking over at his second youngest.
“I found more info on Marinette thought I’d share with you all while Damian wasn’t here to stop me or compromise the data,” he explained walking over to the bat computer connecting his laptop to it.
The other men all sat silently around waiting for Tim to begin his presentation as he sorted through different encrypted files before bringing up a few pictures. “To begin her original name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her parents were bakers back in France, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng,” Tim said pointing them out.
“Marinette told me they essentially kicked her out,” Bruce said crossing his arms, “They believed the words of some liar and threw her out. She lived with a friend her last year in Paris before moving here.”
“Wait, hold on,” Dick said turning to Bruce, “Her parents kicked her out when she was still a minor? Isn’t that illegal?”
“Yes, and they knew that, she mentioned that when she told her grandmother she came and took custody from her parents, who seemed more than happy to hand it over, and let her stay to finish out that school year with a friend then moved here to finish out her schooling.” Bruce nodded.
“Yeah that all tracks to what I found,” Tim nodded, showing them documents next, “I have here the transfer of custody, her transcript for moving here, as well as the adoption papers for Ivy and Harley. I also went ahead and started running some background checks on the people still in her phone.” he added typing away.
“Anyone, we should be worried about?” Jason asked leaning back in his seat content to just watching Tim work, “She told me a bit about one of her friends’ guy seemed a bit sketch when he was a Paris hero though now I think he’s meh but never got a name from her.”
“You said he was one of the heroes?” Tim asked looking over at Jason.
“Yeah, she said he gave up his miraculous after the fight because his dad was the villain and he didn’t think Ladybug would want anything to do with him if she found out who he was so he bit the bullet and gave it up. He left Paris shortly after to live with his aunt.” Jason said looking around at the others.
“If the villain were outed then it’d be easy to find out who his son was,” Tim said, turning back to the computer the clicking of keys filling the Batcave as he searched through multiple French websites. The other three just watched as screen after screen flew by before settling on a trashy tabloid-like website.
“I don’t think this is what could be considered a credible source Timmy,” Dick winced looking over all the clickbait titles and the like to dislike ratio on the articles.
“No, but it does have quite a bit on the Paris heroes,” Tim said scrolling through to articles that had more likes and seemed of better quality, “here we go, Hawkmoth Defeated: How a Recluse Held Paris Hostage.”
The four men all leaned forward reading through the article that detailed the final battle between Hawkmoth and the Paris Heroes with a written description of what happened as well as a video that seemed to have been taken from a mix of sources and spliced together. The article detailed what Hawkmoth had been doing for three years and in the end, revealed him and his accomplice to be Gabriel Agrest and his assistant Nathalie Sancoeur.
“So we know that Gabriel Agrest was the big bad so who was his kid?” Jason asked as Tim typed away.
“Adrien Agrest, teen model for the Agrest Fashion Label. Looks like after his dad got taken down he had to go through months of interrogations and court hearings just to prove his innocence. His mother was found dead in the Agrest Mansion and with no one else it looks like his aunt took him in once he was cleared.” Tim said reading through the files he dug up.
“That would mean he probably gave his miraculous to Pixie right after he was cleared. If he was going to do something sketch he’d just hold onto it.” Jason said.
“He probably was so messed up after the battle he didn’t want any connection to the miraculous I mean his father turned evil because of them.” Dick hummed crossing his arms.
The four fell silent as they took in the information they had received, “Well Tim you got anything on that liar?” Jason asked, tilting his head.
“This whole blog is about that liar.” Tim said motioning to the tabloid, “I’ll email you guys the link and read it at your own pace there is years of garbage on here.”
“Then with that, I think we should all be heading out. We'll go over more of what Tim found later for now we should get to work,” Bruce said, getting to his feet and moving to change into his costume.
The other three nodded as Tim packed up his laptop and stored it away before they all got dressed and took their way out of the cave to begin their nightly rounds.
“So what do you think they found?” Marinette asked cuddled up to Damian's side on her bed with the hyenas crowded around them on either side resting their heads over their laps, “Chloe didn’t exactly hold back on mentioning certain names.”
“I would be surprised if Drake didn’t have an entire dossier on all your friends.” Damian said rubbing Marinette’s back, “You know he probably took all your contact info right?”
“Yeah oh well,” she shrugged turning to bury her face into his neck, “They were bound to find out eventually, might as well let some of the greatest detectives around have some fun piecing my life together.”
Damian hummed closing his eyes as he relaxed back into the plush pillows covering Marinette’s bed, “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” he asked.
“A little,” she sighed tightening her grip on his shirt, “Mum told me what to expect and said she’d sit in the room with me if I wanted her to, you can’t exactly join me since we can’t have this whole thing getting out.”
“I’ll be waiting here for you when you get home don’t worry,” he said kissing her forehead, “now try to get some sleep you barely got any at the manor.”
Marinette nodded letting out a deep sigh as she shifted around to get comfortable between Damian and the hyenas. Eventually, she settled down and dozed off into a dreamless sleep with Damian rubbing her back and the familiar weight of Bud’s head on her hip.
Damian stayed up for a bit longer listening to the quiet sounds around and thinking over what to do for the next day. He eventually made his way into a dreamless sleep as well a bit after one AM when he finally managed to shut his mind off.
“Marigold are you ready?” Ivy called from the kitchen as she looked through her back to make sure she had everything.
“Almost,” Marinette said, coming out in a comfortable knit sweater and skinny jeans, “I was looking for my purse. I think Lou took it,” she said, looking around in the usual spots for her bag.
“I’ll keep your wallet and Tiki in my bag we have to get going,” Ivy said, grabbing Marinette’s wallet off the counter and stowing it in her bag as Tiki flew over and settled into the bag as well giving Ivy a nod to close the bag once she was comfortable.
Marinette nodded and went back to her room grabbing her phone quickly checking it before putting it away in her pocket and leaned down kissing Damian’s cheek as he groaned slowly blinking his eyes open. “I’m leaving I’ll text you when we’re on our way back.”
“Okay habibti call me if you need me.” he yawned reaching up and pulled her down for a kiss, “good luck with your appointment I’ll see you after.”
Marinette nodded kissing him again as Ivy shouted for Marinette that they were leaving. She gave Damian another quick peck on the lips before pulling back and ran out to meet Ivy at the door. “Had to get my phone.” she smiled stepping out of the apartment and waited as Ivy locked up and ushered down to the cab waiting outside.
“Now remember Marigold just relax and everything will go smoothly, it will be uncomfortable but it won’t hurt okay.” Ivy said, settling into the cab beside Marinette and rubbing her back, “I can sit inside the room with you if need me to.”
“I think I’ll be okay,” Marinette said, taking a few calming breaths as they made their way to the doctor’s office. Once they arrived Marinette was starting to look a little green as they went through the check-in process and filled out their info.
Waiting for her name to be called felt like an eternity and her stomach was twisting into knots as she watched other women come and go through the office. Marinette sat there twisting her fingers in her sweater and took slow deep breaths trying to calm herself when the door opened, “Marinette?” a nurse called.
Marinette shot up her face going from pale to a deep red as she made her way to the nurse. The nurse smiled and ushered her inside and went about getting her blood pressure, “Hmm little elevated but I think it could just be your nerves.” the nurse smiled, and her height and weight.
“Alright girly so here’s your room I’m going to need you to completely strip down underwear and all then put this paper gown on opening to the front and here’s a privacy blanket for your legs.” the nurse said motioning to the items on the bed, “the doctor will be in here shortly.”
Marinette nodded as the nurse closed the door leaving her alone, “It’s just a check-up.” Marinette mumbled undressing and taking her time to carefully fold her clothes and set them on the table in the corner of the room. She put on the provided gown and settled on the table keeping her phone clenched tightly in her hand as she waited for the doctor to arrive.
It felt like an eternity when there was a knock at the door and the doctor stepped in, a petite redhead with a smattering of freckles covering her pale face, “Hello Miss Marinette I’m Doctor Amelia.” she smiled coming over to shake Marinette’s hand, “I see you’re here for a wellness exam and you’re expecting.”
“Uh yes,” Marinette coughed her voice, cracking a bit from her nerves, “I uh just found out a few weeks ago.” she blushed, gripping the paper blanket covering her legs.
Doctor Amelia nodded looking over the file, “This is your first-ever wellness exam yes?” she asked, taking a seat.
Marinette nodded keeping her head bowed trying to not let her nerves take over her.
“Okay sweetie we’ll go at your pace so just relax okay.” Doctor Amelia smiled setting the file aside and grabbed her stethoscope.
The entire exam didn’t take more than five minutes before the doctor was cleaning up and stepping out to give Marinette some privacy to redress. Marinette wasted no time pulling her clothes back on and sending Damian a text saying, ‘Making this baby was less violating than that.’ before putting her phone in her pocket as there was another knock, “Miss Marinette if you're ready you can go to the front and schedule the next appointment.” Doctor Amelia said through the door.
Marinette walked over opening the door her face still a bit flushed, “Okay uh when should I come back next?” she asked.
“I think in a month should be enough time and we should be able to hear the heartbeat by then.” she smiled, “Your moms waiting for you upfront, and here’s the card to one of my nurses if you have any questions feel free to call her okay.”
“Thank you.” Marinette nodded, taking the card and quickly went to the front to meet back up with Ivy and schedule the next appointment and made their way out to walk back home.
“I think we should pick up some breakfast.” Ivy smiled putting a hand on Marinette’s shoulder as they walked. “There’s a nice little bakery around the corner should we pick up something from there?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Marinette nodded following Ivy down to the bakery and got in line looking over the different pastries they had for sale. Between the two of them, they picked out an array of sweet and savory options with Marinette making sure to pick out some vegetarian options for Damian. Soon they were walking out with two large bags and were walking down the street back to their home.
Upon entering both had to hold their bags of treats high out the reach of Bud and Lou trying hard to reach the goodies hidden away. Harley quickly came over pulling them back by their collars so the two could set the bags down in the kitchen.
Damian was settled at the table and got up coming over to help them unpack as Harley got some coffee and tea going as they all settled down to enjoy a bit of a late breakfast. Marinette ate her croissants and fruit danish taking small bites so as not to upset her stomach any further. The small group spoke of anything and everything as they enjoyed their meal. Harley taking the time to pick out the meat from her sandwich to give to the two hyenas and Damian holding a small conversation with Tiki as she munched on the cookies Marinette picked out.
“So when are you going back?” Harley asked looking over at Marinette as she bit into her bagel.
“In a month, the doctor said we should be able to hear the heartbeat by then,” Marinette said, finishing off her danish, “I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“You’ll be fine Marigold we’re here for you every step.” Ivy smiled ruffling her hair, “Now I think you should go lay down, maybe settle your stomach and your nerves. You were looking a bit green and tense after your appointment.”
Marinette nodded, finishing her tea and croissant before heading back to her room to lay down. Damian finished off his breakfast quickly and excused himself before following Marinette leaving the two sirens and the small goddess at the table.
“At least he’s good for our little Mari.” Harley hummed sipping her coffee, “So long as he makes her happy he can stick around I guess but not too sure I forgive him for knocking our baby up.”
“Oh, now you don’t like him?” Ivy chuckled, raising her eyebrow at her.
“Oh, I adore the kid but you know one of us has to give him the shovel talk eventually.” Harley chuckled getting up to clean the dishes and put the leftovers away.
@myazael @beautiful-disasters-sunshine @moonlightstar64 @moonlitceleste @stainedglassm  @casual-darkness @mochegato @ultimatetornshipper @heemsanddamemes @nathleigh @qualitypeacepainter @raven-frost-21 @maskedpainter @demonicbusiness @dood-space @trippingovermyfeet @emimar7 @indecisive-mess-named-me @changelinggarden @zerotosiki @alysrose-starchild @s-and-n @wolf2118 @athena452 @jjmjjktth @eliza-bich @solangelo252 @icerosecrystal @heinrode @Junarvion
@babylovebug18 @animegirlweeb @corporeal-terrestrial
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drreidfics · 4 years
Dr. Reid and the Broken Girl pt1.
Tumblr media
Characters : SpencerReid x FemReader
Warnings : Abuse, Hints of Self Harm.
Here I am again, on the floor, begging him to stop. There he is again, laughing at my pleas and forcing himself inside of me. Almost every night he climbs into my bed, then in the morning, he pretends everything is normal. When anyone is around, he acts charming. He is able to trick everyone into thinking everything is fine. Well, it's not.
My phone buzzed to life at the side of me. The alarm was going off but I had been up for hours, staring at the flecks of dust dancing around the air. The sunlight streamed in through my thin, white drapes. It was beautiful out. It was the middle of May and bound to be hot out in Arizona. I could feel the warmth on my skin already. I needed to shower and get all this sticky sweat off my skin. It wasn't even mine. I felt disgusting. His touch lingered everywhere on me. The bruises he gave me stained my skin more than the self inflicted cuts.
'Morning Ms. y/l/n. Last night was lovely. See you at lunch?'. It was a text from Mr Reid. He was my psychology professor. Older than me, at thirty, he had long dark hair and deep brown eyes. His hair curled slightly at the end. He was tall and slim. Smart and nerdy, having two degrees and a doctorate, he left his job at the FBI for something less mentally draining. He had worked there since he was twenty-two.  I was twenty-one making our age gap quite small. Look at me, trying to convince myself that it even mattered. He was a lovely guy. Friendly, and handsome. He wouldn't fall in love with a student, and if he did, that student would never be me. He was too smart for that.
"Morning Dr. Reid. Thank-you for taking me. It was a fun eve! Yes, see you at lunch. We can have a chat about the stuff we saw yesterday =)". I read the message over and over again before hitting send. I was nervous as I usually always say stupid things. My low self esteem affected me very much. I was twenty-one, already with one degree and going back to do another. I was still living at Sharon's and I haven't had a boyfriend. He texted me back instantly.
"Can't wait! Need a lift to school? =)" I smiled down at my battered iPhone 6. I couldn't afford a brand new phone. I was lucky in that I only had to work a few hours a week at the local book store and that it was something I enjoyed doing. Sharon was good to me. She helped me pay for and make my way through college. I don't know what or where I would be without her. On the other hand, she brought the human spawn of the devil into my life.
"No thnx, Luna is picking me up =)" I sent but then instantly regretted it. I love my best friend but I would have preferred a ride with Dr. Reid. Our conversations were always interesting and insightful. We could talk about a wide range of subjects for hours and it would only feel like minutes passed.
"Ok, see u soon Y/N"
I smiled, almost forgetting my problems before catching glimpse of myself in the mirror. My fragile, battered body stared back. I sighed. He could never find a girl like me attractive. Not that it mattered anyway. Silly little girl crush.
After debating whether it was best to just find the nearest bridge in town and throw my self off or get ready for school (I am very mentally unwell), I decided on the latter. Luna had already texted me to inform me that she was about to set off. Knowing Luna, which I have had the pleasure of knowing for fifteen years (no sarcasm in there), ten minutes would be ten years.
I staggered down the dreaded stairs, almost losing my footing a few times, feeling light headed. I entered the brightly lit kitchen. It was so bright that I could feel an aching behind my eyes. The decor was simplistic, all white with gold features. Classic business mom who is never home asthetic going on.
       Sharon sat at the island, face absorbed in her laptop. She was in her late forties with short, mousey hair. I believe she would be referred to as a 'Karen'. She looked nothing like Dom. She was short, like me, and fairly slim. He was tall and muscular with broad shoulders. Quarterback star player with the strength to show for it. He could snap us both in half. Dominic is Sharon's only child. Yes, that is correct. She is not my mum. I lost her.
Sharon looked up at me, flashing me a warm smile, still bashing the keys to her MacBook. She took a sip of her black coffee, nibbling on some cold toast. "You look like shit" she stated; matter of factly, her face blank.   '"Thanks?'" I answered with a raised eyebrow. I walked over to the coffee machine and put in a pod, sticking my travel cup underneath. 77Kcals of goodness. All the fuel I will need this morning. "Sweetheart, don't act like that. You know I'm just saying. You need to sleep more" '"I know" I sighed. It was true... "But that makes two of us" I retorted cheekily with a grin.        "Oh sweetheart, don't I know it" she raised her cup as if toasting the comment before gulping the last bit of coffee.
Sharon was my guardian, though not anymore as I was an adult and of drinking age. She still cared for me though as if I were her own. My mom died when I was seven and my dad had a breakdown. He couldn't cope. One day I came home from school and he was gone. He didn't say a word to anyone. He packed up his stuff and  left me. I hated him for a while. The anger within me burned to my core. After a while I felt sympathy. He didn't get the help that he needed. If he did then we both wouldn't be in this mess. We'd be happy - together. I doubt he would know how to contact me now.
Aunt Sharon took me in. She wasn't really my aunt, she was my mom's best friend. She was the only connection to my mother that I had left besides her wedding ring. She loved her dearly and I believe she loves me dearly too. It's not her fault she can't protect me. She works herself to death trying to help me live my dreams. Dom wasn't the child that she had always wanted. He is doing nothing with his life. That is something I will alway's respect of her, single mom raising her child and somebody else's.
I loved her, though she did have the tendency to dish out tough love which often was way - way too harsh. And she was always away leaving me with him. I knew that if I'd only just tell her what he was capable of... What he would do to me when she left... She'd have murdered him herself with her bare hands. But it would kill her. I couldn't do that to her. He was the only thing she had who was blood. Me, I had no-one.
"shit! Is that the time? I'm going to be late. I gotta go, honey. Say bye to Dom for me." she pleaded as she stuffed the last slice of toast in her mouth and gathered her briefcase and her keys. " ...And make sure you have something to eat. You're wasting away!"                                   "Have a good day at work Shaz" I shouted after her. I doubt that she heard me. She was out the door in seconds, jangling her keys and fighting between speaking with me and the ringtone on her work mobile. I heard her professional, scripted 'Hello, Sharon Cormack speaking' as the door slammed behind her.
I made my way through the spotless kitchen Gina, Sharon's housekeeper, always did a good job. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the integrated refrigerator. I also grabbed my iced latte from the coffee machine. It was almost half eight. My first classes start at nine and Luna still wasn't anywhere in sight. I scrambled through my purse for my phone, ready to give her a piece of my mind. That girl would be late to her own funeral.
"You're up early" a voice from behind me sneered. It took all my might to not to curl up in a ball, trembling.
"I... I have school"
No reply. I felt him creeping up behind me, felt his breath against my neck.
"I can think of something much better to do with the day baby"  he whispered as he planted acid kisses on my neck. It burned. I squeezed my eyes shut, putting my hands up defensively. He pushed my back into the counter. A sharp pain ran though me.
"Please stop. I have to go" I whispered as his hand snaked its way up my neck, fist knotting tightly in my hair.
'"Why do you think a whore like you has the right to tell me what to do, hm?"
'- Hello? Katy?'  Luna's smooth voice called out in sing song.
Oh, thank god for her and her timing. He released me from his grasp and increased the distance between us. His eyes were clouded. I could tell he was pissed. I brushed passed him, running towards Luna, who was standing by the open door. I ran straight into her arms hugging her tightly.
"I thought you'd never show." I whispered. She rested her chin on my shoulder, stroking my hair. I could tell that she was staring daggers at Dom and I could tell he didn't care. Like I said, the same routine. Every morning.
By the time lunch rolled around I had had enough. had gotten into a lot of trouble with Ms. Hallows over an overdue assignment and I had spilt water all down the front of my jeans. It looked like I had pissed myself. My saving grace is that they were dark jeans and so it wasn't too noticable. That didn't stop Georgie from laughing and calling me pissy pants for half the day.
Georgie was the kind of girl that you would avoid in high school. Everybody wanted to be her but everyone hated her so bad. She had golden brunette locks, a slim face and a petite nose. Her friends Nova and Ari were just as bad. Everyone used to tell you that when you left high school things would be different. I am sorry to inform you that they don't. Bullies stay bullies forever.
I forced my way through the groups of students, crowded together in the corridors. The last thing I wanted was to be late for my chat with Mr. Reid
"Y/N" I heard Luna calling after me. I could tell that she was chasing me through the crowd of students.  "Y/N. Look, Y/N stop." I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I snapped. I could see the hurt in her eyes. She leaned on the wall, panting. I sighed. "I'm sorry. What's wrong?" I asked. I felt bad for snapping at her. All she wanted was answers, like anyone would have after walking in on what she did. But I don't give answers. I shut down. I don't tell anyone anything. She tried talking once we got in the car. I ignored her and I ran once we'd arrived at school. She didn't even need to speak. I could just tell what she wanted to talk about from the look on her face. I sighed again.
"Luna, I can't talk about this right now."  I saw the hurt in her eyes. If I kept pushing her away then eventually she wouldn't fight to stay. 'Good', a small voice whispered in my head. Maybe that would be for the best. She deserves better. Everyone does. I could just end my life today and nobody would care. I used to fight hard against the suicidal ideations that entered my mind but now I didn't see the point.
"I have my meeting and I can't be late. Taco Bell after classes?" I asked. To my relief, she smiled and nodded, that beautiful smile that I loved so much. She was so easy to please. I smiled and walked away towards room 1980. Dr. Reid's office.
"I love you!" she shouted after me smiling.
"I love you more!"
"Lesbians" Georgie mocked. She was stood near the bathrooms. I rolled my eyes.
"Grow up"
Luna was gay but we weren't together. We had been intimate a few times but nothing had come of it. But so what if it had? We both agreed it felt weird as we had known each other as friends for so long. We didn't want to ruin anything. Luna and I had been friends ever since she opened up my juice box for me in kindergarten and then hit the girl who had stolen my straw. We had been inseparable ever since. She's been with me through thick and thin. I'd hate to think where I'd have been if she hadn't been there when my mom had died. We are and will alway's be the best of friends. In another life I could see us growing old together, adopting puppies and children but sometimes, it doesn't work out. And if you love someone, you have to let them go.
I opened the door to 1980 and as soon as I did my heart fluttered in my chest. There he was, as beautiful as ever. He looked up from the book he was reading, glasses perched on his nose and smiled, he seemed glad to see me.
"Sweetie!" he said, a smile spreading across his gorgeous lips. He's the only person who calls me that.
"Dr. Reid"  I smiled back. My smile was huge and I probably looked so dorky but I don't care. My day just got brighter. I pulled up a chair next to him and kicked my feet up onto his lap. He rested his hand on my calf.
"So what did you think to the book?"
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lavenderbyun · 3 years
For Sunshine,
It might seem strange to have called a black and greyish brown tabby “Sunshine” (blame my then 5 y.o cousin brother), but really there isn’t a name that would fit her more. She loved being outside in the sun, she loved being cozy, and warm, and relaxed.
Where there was sunshine, there was Sunshine.
Born in October 2000 (I couldn’t tell you the exact date since it was less than a month after I’d turned 5), by this year she was over 100 in cat years, and almost 21 in human.
My Nanu (grandmother), who passed away December 2000, was the ‘midwife’ so to speak, for Sunshine’s mum, Chompa Lily. And as the only kitten from the litter we had all these years, for my mum and her siblings, Sunshine was the last connection they had to their mother. (we also kept Sunshine’s sister Jessie…but she ran away a while after moving in with my aunt, only to stop by some time later with a collar as if to let us know she had a new family)
Whilst I don’t remember the time she was born clearly, my sister and cousins love to reminisce how we’d once planned a scheme where one of us faked a broken leg for Nanu to be distracted as the rest of us tried to “free” the kittens.
Yesterday, I delved through our old photo albums in hopes of finding even a glimpse of her young adult life, but apparently she hated taking photos back then (proven by the one photo we do have where she’s running away). I'm glad old lady Sunshine didn't mind though!
In the early 2000s she would get stuck on our conservatory roof, get angry at my dad for saving a bird she was about to kill, and follow trails of dry cat food I’d lay out for her in our garden.
As an adult cat, she’d once been sent over to stay with my cousins to help with London’s everlasting problem - mice. I don’t remember a huge amount from that time, but I do remember that she’d leave my eldest cousin dead mice on her prayer mat. A token of affection of course.
She was the extended family cat.
We got Tiggy when Sunshine was about 10, and it was probably the only time we felt genuinely scared of her. Since Tiggy was a kitten about to be kicked out by my sister’s friend’s parents, we didn’t really have time to do any of the actual steps to introduce cats to each other, and to be honest, I don’t even think we knew how to. And that meant, a huge, angry ball of rage, absolutely infuriated by a new presence in her space.
They spent more than 10 years together, and only ever tolerated each others presence at a distance (insert the odd WhatsApp message where someone sends a photo in shock because the ladies are sitting on the same sofa).
When Tiggy had kittens, we then had these tiny balls of rage trying to hiss at Sunshine, and Sunshine just staring them down into submission…honestly, it was hilarious.
During the time my eldest sister, Anah, was away for university, Sunshine was catnapped by an old cat lady. Technically speaking, we knew where she was and that she was safe, but no one had the heart to take her back…no one of course, except Anah. Who, during the holidays, quite literally had a getaway car (aka our mum) so she could grab Sunshine and bolt. (The old woman of course went straight to my dad’s store and asked to speak to Anah, who suddenly felt guilty then made me pretend to be her on the phone and explain that we’d taken Sunshine back).
It’s funny that despite living almost 21 years, she was technically a senior from the age of 8. But honestly, we couldn’t really feel it until she was about 14. And god was she cute. As she grew older, she began prowling like a tiger (we’d compare her to Tiggy who honestly…kinda trots like a horse). She just reminded me of a sweet old lady, she wasn’t keen on hunting anymore, and was finally more into endless petting and affection.
When we first moved to Leicester we lived literally a road away from the local schools, which meant herds of children on our road every day at 3pm. In the past Sunshine wasn’t huge on kids, but geriatric Sunshine? She loved them. And at that same time everyday, you’d find her in the front garden surrounded by children.
One of my aunts has 3 daughters who love cats. The eldest would sit next to Sunshine on the sofa and pet her head, middle daughter would lie down next to her on the floor and give her kisses, and the youngest would get overly excited (we had countless “gentle hands please, gently” conversations showing her how to pet cats) causing her mum to worry she was bothering Sunshine. But Sunshine wasn’t an indoor cat, she spent plenty of time outdoors, and if she didn’t want their company she’d stay outside like Tiggy does when kids come over. She stayed for their company.
It was practically the same with all babies. Whenever they would cry, I would always say “lets go and see Sunshine!”, and they would instantly light up and become excited to see her. They loved her, and she loved them.
She was however very particular about her chairs. Once she got used to sitting in a certain place, she didn't like it any different. I was once sitting on an armchair she had claimed at the time, and she came and sat on me in the most awkward position - essentially forcing me off her chair. Another time, I had left my laptop on a chair she'd been sitting on, and she just stared at it, as if willing it to move. We once had a dinner party, and as I was putting the dinnerware away, I placed a pile of plates on a chair next to me, and I kid you not - I literally had to stop her from climbing on top of the pile and sitting on the plates. If she wanted to sit on a chair, she was sitting there no matter what.
In our new house, we finally had a cat flap. Theres a small utility area where the washing machine is, and it was basically Sunshine’s space. She slept on dirty laundry that had been separated into piles when she wasn't in the mood for the sofas, the cat flap gave her quick access to the garden, and more recently we put her litter tray there as she got too old to feel comfortable doing a wee outside.
But most importantly, this utility area was connected to the kitchen, and for Sunshine this meant easy access to nibbles. If someone was cooking, she’d be there for a snack without fail. Whether it was a chicken neck, a piece of fish, a little bit of cream, or even spring water from a tuna can, she’d be there. Countless moments of “Sunshine get out of the kitchen!”, “mum just give her that piece there”, and “yes baba? would you like some?” exist in that kitchen and utility area.
(I think it will be a while before I can go into the utility area without wanting to cry.)
I have so much more I want to say, but theres so much context and family history that’s linked to Sunshine’s life, I feel like we’d be here all week.
Basically, i love her and i miss her.
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nerdzzone · 4 years
Light After Dark: Chapter Seven
Summary: Brooke Harris was trying her best to be grateful. As the world tackled the COVID-19 pandemic, she was healthy and safe and so was the rest of her family, but her dreams had very quickly been crushed by the economic fallout. Trapped on the quaint island of Jersey with nothing, but free time to wallow in her mistakes, Brooke’s mental health was taking a hit, but when she collides with a handsome stranger she starts to realize that the future might not be so bleak and there might still be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
May. 17. 2020
"You should go on the Great British Bake Off!"
Henry's idea came through the speakers on my laptop from where it sat on the counter. We'd been chatting on the phone for over an hour and at some point along the way, I'd decided to make cookies. It was late so everyone in my house had long retired to their bedrooms and since I needed my hands free for the baking process, we'd decided to switch to a video chat. It was actually quite nice just having our casual conversation while I did some baking and he sipped on some whiskey.
"Everyone says that," I laughed at his suggestion as I sipped my glass of wine while my cookies baked in the oven. "But I couldn't handle the pressure. Don't get me wrong, I can bake efficiently when I need to, but it must be so stressful on the show. I do cry quite easily too so if they said anything bad about something I made I would probably just burst into tears."
Henry chuckled before sticking his bottom lip out in a dramatic fake pout.
"Awe, can't take criticism?"
"I can!" I protested with a smile. "But they can be really harsh sometimes! And they give them such short time limits and then act like they're shit bakers even if they knew exactly where they went wrong, but they just didn't have time to start again."
"But surely there are times when you're in that situation when baking professionally?"
"Not really," I shrugged. "I wouldn't take a custom order if they wanted it done in an unreasonable time and as far as the basics go, I always made sure I went in early enough before we opened that I could get everything done properly."
"That's very professional of you," He nodded approvingly. "And I'd say it's a fair criticism of the show, but they probably need that time crunch to make the show exciting for viewers."
I gasped dramatically at that comment.
"Are you saying that regular baking wouldn't be exciting?"
"I'm sure some of it would be thrilling," Henry smirked. "But I would also assume that parts of it could be comparable to watching paint dry."
"Hmm, sounds much like the list of movies you've been in..."
I tried to keep straight face as I made that quip, but I cracked up as Henry tossed his head back laughing.
"Wow, Brooke," He chuckled, shaking his head. "That was harsh."
"I'm just teasing," I smiled. "And I am sorry if this impromptu baking show hasn't been very exciting."
"Hey now, that's not what I said." Henry smirked. "It's been delightful. Honestly, if all bakers wore outfits like that then it would never be boring to watch."
I blushed and subconsciously pulled up the straps on my silk cami pajama top to make sure it wasn't too revealing. The shorts that matched it were currently hidden from view by the counter, but I was sure he got a good look at them when I'd bent over to put the cookies in the oven.
"It's not very practical though is it?" I asked, trying to seem nonchalant and unaffected by his comment. "There's a lot of exposed skin that could get burnt..."
"So if the outfit isn't for baking, is it for my benefit?"
I took a big gulp of my wine as he waited for my answer, his eyebrow raised questioningly. Of course I'd made sure that I looked nice, even a bit sexy, before suggesting we switched to video, but I wasn't going to admit that so easily.
"No," I shook my head. "These are just my normal, everyday pajamas."
"The ones you save for special occasions must be very impressive then."
"That depends," I shrugged with a smirk. "If it's a really special occasion then I usually don't wear any."
Henry practically choked on his whiskey and I was pleased to get under his skin a bit.
"Wow, that is..." He cleared his throat. "Fair enough."
Before I could do anything but smirk at watching him squirm, my timer beeped signalling the cookies were done. I mumbled a quick 'just a minute' before turning around, slipping some oven mitts on and bending over to take the cookies out, well aware that I was giving him another show.
I checked the cookies quickly to make sure they were done before setting them on top of the oven and turning back to Henry.
"Those look amazing," He praised. "I can practically smell them through the screen."
"They do smell pretty good," I smiled. "But I've learned the hard way how important it is to let them cool."
Henry laughed, but at the same time a tiny voice from the doorway drew my attention away from the computer.
"Aunt Cookie?" Molly asked. "Can I come in?"
At her age, there were times when I was shocked by how big and how grown up she looked, but now she seemed the opposite. With her teddy bear tucked under her arm, her frilly pink pajamas and her eyes red from crying she looked small and fragile. 
"Of course, sweetheart," I smiled. "Can I call you back, Henry?"
He agreed and I quickly hung up before going over to Molly who was still lingering by the door and squatting down to her level.
"What's wrong?"
That was all it took for her bottom lip to start wobbling.
"I'm just...I'm just..." She took a deep breath before letting out a sob. "I'm just so sad."
My heart broke at the sight so I held out my arms and she instantly rushed forward, wrapping hers around my neck. Her whole body shook as she cried, but I just squeezed her tight and rubbed her back until she'd got it all out of her system. Once the sobs had subsided into sniffles, I leaned back and gently wiped my thumb under her eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, giving her a moment to think before she nodded. "Would a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and some ice cream help?"
Her teary eyes widened in delight at that.
"But I've already brushed my teeth..."
"I think it'll be okay just this once," I winked, earning a quiet giggle. "But don't tell your mum, okay?"
She nodded frantically and I scooped her up into my arms before carrying her over to one of the bar stools at the island. The cookies would have cooled off enough to eat by now so I put two on a couple of plates before adding a big dollop of ice cream. We ate in silence for a few moments before I pressed her.
"So, what's got you so sad?"
"The big virus..."
She mumbled her words around a mouthful of ice cream, but it was what I'd been expecting so I understood.
"It's pretty scary," I agreed. "But what's bugging you right now?"
"Nana and Pops were watching TV and the man said that lots of people died," She confessed and I made a mental note to remind everyone to be careful what they watched when Molly was in earshot. "And that a bunch more people were gonna get sick still."
"Well, unfortunately, that's true," I reluctantly admitted, not sure how much she really knew or really should know. "That's why we came here because not so many people are sick in Jersey so we're safer."
Her lip wobbled again, but she took another bite of her cookie to hide it.
"But what about daddy?"
"He's being super safe," I assured her. "He's being extra careful so he doesn't get sick, but he's being really brave and helping all the people who do get sick so they get better faster."
"I know," She sighed. "But on the TV a doctor said that they needed more masks 'cause there wasn't enough for everyone so what if daddy doesn't have a mask?"
"Your daddy does have a mask." It was a fairly empty assurance to make as I really wasn't sure, but from what I'd seen no first responders were completely out of supplies just yet. "And there's lots of people working really hard to make sure that they don't run out."
She stared me down for a moment, trying to suss out if I was telling the truth, but eventually gave up and looked back down at her cookie.
"Mummy's really sad too," She told me. "So I try to be brave and not be sad so she doesn't get even more sad, but sometimes I just have to be."
If the sight of her crying hadn't crushed my heart before then that comment certainly did. I put my spoon down on my plate and went around the counter to sit next to her. She didn't look up so I reached out and took her tiny hand in mine.
"Look at me for a sec," I requested, my voice soft. She did as I asked and I saw fresh tears in her eyes. "You don't ever have to be strong like that, okay? Not around me or your mum or your nana and pops. If you're feeling sad or worried or upset at all then you can talk to any of us. We're all a little sad and scared right now, but it's always better to get through things together, right?"
She nodded and I wiped away a tear that was sliding slowly down her cheek before kissing her forehead.
"Thanks, Aunt Cookie."
"Anytime, monkey," I smiled. "Was your cookie good?"
She grinned at that and nodded frantically.
"Can Mr. Teddy have one too?"
I laughed at her cheeky request knowing that Mr. Teddy was just a cover for her wanting another, but I shook my head.
"How about Mr. Teddy just finishes mine?"
There were only a few bites left, it wouldn't be as bad as her having a whole new cookie so as she nodded in agreement, I slid the plate over and let her finish it.
"Are you feeling better now?" I asked after she was done as I wiped her fingers and her mouth with a cloth.
"Yes," She said quietly, clearly with something else on her mind. I waited to see if she would elaborate and after a quiet moment, she did. "Do you think we could call daddy?"
"I think we probably can," I nodded. "Why don't you get back in bed and I'll go ask your mummy if he's working tonight."
She agreed and scurried off back towards her bedroom, leaving me the less than pleasant job of telling Cassie about what had happened. I knocked on her door, knowing she would still be awake as it was only eleven o'clock and went in once she answered.
"Hey," She smiled, putting her book down on the bed beside her. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured her. "But Molly's having a tough time. She just came into the kitchen crying because of some things she overheard on the news."
Cassie paled at that information.
"What did she say?"
"She just asked about people getting sick," I told her as I sat on the end of the bed. "And she heard something about the doctors running out of supplies so she was worried about Josh having a mask."
"Oh god," She sighed. "What did you tell her?"
"I said that I knew her daddy would be careful and that I was sure he had a mask." I braced myself for the next part as I knew it would be hard for her to hear. "But she also said that she knows you're sad so she can't show that she's sad too because she doesn't want to make things worse for you."
Cassie's face fell again at that news and for a moment I thought she was about to cry herself.
"Oh my god, I'm the worst mother in the world," She groaned. "I thought I was hiding it well. I can't believe she didn't think she could talk to me about this."
"It's not your fault," I assured her. "She's too smart for her own good."
"Yes, she is," She laughed half-heartedly. "Is she okay now?"
"I think so," I nodded. "She definitely calmed down, but she was wondering if she could talk to Josh. I told her I'd ask you if he was working."
"He's not," She sighed again. "I'll go have a chat with her and we can give him a call. Thanks for helping her, Brooke."
"Anytime. It's nice to be around when she needs a hug."
Cassie swung her legs off the bed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand.
"She really looks up to you," She smiled. "I'm sure it meant a lot to her that you talked it over with her."
I almost teared up at that as it had meant a lot to me too that she trusted me enough to come to me when she needed comfort.
"I just hope I helped a bit," I shrugged as we headed out the door. "And if she says anything at all about a cookie and some ice cream, she's definitely lying."
"I knew I could smell baking!" She laughed. "I'll be down to get some after I'm done with Molly."
I promised to save her a few as she cracked open Molly's bedroom door and I headed back to the kitchen, hoping to catch Henry before he went to bed.
Once I got back to the kitchen, I opened my laptop again and poured myself another glass of wine as it turned back on. Once it was ready, I called Henry and he answered almost right away.
"Hi there," He smiled. "Everything okay?"
I took a large sip of my wine before I nodded.
"Yeah," I sighed. "I think so. My niece apparently heard some things on the news that shocked her and with her dad being a paramedic she needed a bit of assurance."
"Ah, yes, I could see how that makes things more complicated..."
"It was brutal," I frowned. "She's sitting there crying because she heard about all the deaths and how there's a shortage of protective equipment, but it's hard to explain to her. I don't want to lie, but I also don't want to say 'yeah, thirty-five thousand people have died in the UK and loads more probably will before this is all sorted out so keep washing your hands or you will too'."
Henry chuckled at my dramatic simplification of what was happening.
"Yes, I would imagine that's probably not wise to say to a child under ten," He smiled. "But I'm guessing you handled it well?"
"I hope so," I took another sip of wine. "I managed to stop her crying, but the warm cookies and ice cream might have had more to do with that than my words of wisdom."
"I'm sure you did your best," Henry assured me with a smile. "We had a similar issue here the other day. George was just very fed up with the whole situation and demanded to know why he wasn't allowed to see any of his friends. It took ages to calm him down."
"It's so hard!" I sympathized. "They're all going to end up so traumatized from going through this in their formative years."
"Probably, but hopefully they'll come out stronger because of it."
I couldn't help, but smile at his positivity as I took yet another gulp of wine.
"I hope so because otherwise there's going to be a generation of emotionally stunted people who are scared to get within two metres of each other."
"Let's hope that's not the case," Henry laughed. "But I have another pressing question."
I raised an eyebrow at that.
"Oh, do you?"
"Aunt Cookie?" He questioned. "Is that some play on you being a baker?"
It took me a minute to realize what he was talking about and then it dawned on me.
"No, it's not," I laughed. "My mum calls me Brookie and Cassie struggled to say it when she was little so growing up she always called me Cookie. Maybe it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, but that's why Molly calls me that."
"That's really cute," Henry smiled. "And a very fitting nickname for a baker."
"It is," I agreed. "It used to drive me insane when I was a child, but it's grown on me over the years."
"I always wanted a fun nickname, but all I got was Fat Cavill!”
I burst out laughing at that as it was so unexpected from the muscled man in front of me, but I covered my mouth, realizing it was rude to laugh at such a cruel name.
"Were they being ironic?" I asked, shaking my head. "How could anyone think you're fat?"
"I haven't always looked like this," He admitted. "I was chubby when I first went off to boarding school and kids can be very mean."
"That is true, but now you're Superman so fuck them all."
Henry laughed and nodded his head.
I smiled at his proud grin before glancing down at the time.
"Well," I sighed. "I should probably get some sleep. Sorry our conversation was interrupted."
"Don't worry about it at all," Henry assured me. "Sounds like it was for an important reason."
"It was," I nodded. "I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
"Absolutely," He smiled. "Goodnight, Cookie."
I stuck out my tongue at the nickname before saying goodnight and hanging up.
I had the usual sense of contentment that I had after a conversation with Henry, but there was a heaviness to it tonight. It was easy sometimes to block it all out and focus on the good that had come out of this pandemic. Meeting Henry, having time to relax, getting to spend time with my family. But in the end, the bad stuff always crept back in. The worry about the future, the sadness of how many lives had been lost and how many would be by the time this was over and now, the impact it was having on Molly and other children like her. She was a pretty tough kid and it was hard to see her crumble like she had tonight. She had a good support system though and I knew in the end she would come out of this mess okay so I picked my laptop up off the counter and headed to bed, trying to keep my thoughts positive and hoping that tomorrow would be a brighter day.
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Survey #401
“my love is just waiting to turn your tears to roses”
Do you typically do your makeup the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? IF I wear makeup, it's essentially always the same. Who is the last person you were in a room with just the two of you? What were you doing? Yesterday with Mom. We were trying to find the best deal on Eco Earth, a substrate we're getting for Venus. What was the last really good book you read, and what was it about? If we're talking REALLY good book, then The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. In short summary, it's a dystopian future novel where women are now basically just objects used only for repopulation, even having their names stripped from them. They follow very strict rules as society has returned to horrible misogyny. As a woman, the "oh my god, this is possible" aspect of it is terrifying, and it causes such a sense of disgust and urge to ensure women rights always continue to be fought for. Do you feel safe in your country? For the most part, I'd say. I guess. There are places I'd feel safer, though. How many meals do you eat a day? Three. Have you ever performed a solo dance in front of a crowd? No, but I was supposed to my senior year in high school; the seniors at my dance studio were always welcome to do a solo in celebration. Mine was a modern dance to "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson, wanting to tell a story about depression and how being medicated could feel, but I eventually decided like halfway through learning the choreography that I was just too nervous to do a solo. Have you ever sung a solo? No. When you go to McDonalds, what drink do you usually get? Coke. Have you ever had to call and complain about a product you bought? No. Do you own a designer purse? Definitely not. I'm not wasting that much money on something like that. What’s the weirdest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? Apparently, Jason and I had a baby in high school even though I was obviously never pregnant. To my knowledge, it was started by his ex. Who is now a good friend of mine lmaooo. Life is funny. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon growing up? Pokemon, of course. Would you ever have an affair? Nope. Would you ever have a one night stand? Nope. Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? No. What are your opinions on marijuana legalization? Legalize it, but treat it similarly to alcohol in that driving under the influence is illegal and punishable, and I believe you should be of a certain age. How about abortion? I am pro-choice. I was pro-life most of my own life, but now I am very firm about a mother being able to choose if she wants to endure a pregnancy or not. Like, that is a MASSIVE life event that almost inevitably changes - and sometimes traumatizes - people. I do believe a fetus is its own body and not part of the mother's, but rather in the mother's, but the belief that a woman decides what she wants in her body is her choice, too. I'm not very fond of people treating abortion as a simple, regular form of birth control, like it's nothing but an "lol whoops," but I still believe it is ultimately her decision, and she should always be free of judgment for doing what is best for her. Do you wear skirts or dresses more often? Neither. I wouldn't dare wear a skirt more so, though. What do you think about tipping at restaurants? There should always be an expected minimum, imo, unless the person was truly, sincerely, genuinely fucking awful. Waiters do not have an easy job, fight me about it, and they're just trying to survive while putting on a happy, jovial face, all the while dealing with hungry people who can be such assholes. I believe the actual tip should relate to actual service, but again, give them something. Would you ever get back together with any of your exes? One, absolutely. The other would take a shitload of consideration and proper communication on his part. Do you have a preferred coffee brand? No, because I don't like coffee. Do you usually befriend your coworkers, or do you prefer to keep work separate from your personal life? IF I had a job, I'd like to build a friendship with those I have to engage with almost every day. What is something you frequently forget? Dates, ages, names, what I was about to do five seconds before I forgot... Pretty much everything. My memory is frightfully poor. Is there any drama currently going on with your family? No. When you take a nap, do you nap in bed or on the couch? In my bed. Were you raised by both of your parents? If not, then who raised you? Both; my parents split when I was somewhere around 17, though, but I'd say there wasn't much more "raising" to do at that age. Have you ever stolen anything? If so, why? No. Have you ever plagiarized someone else's work? Hell no. What's your most-used mode of transportation? My mom's car. Have you ever taught someone else a useful skill? Not to my recollection. Does seeing everyone else's 'perfect lives' posted on social media ever bring you down or affect how you feel about yourself? It actually does, honestly. Not ALWAYS, but if I'm being honest, it does most of the time. I've contemplated deleting Facebook for that reason, but with is also comes things that make me happy, and I think I'd feel even more isolated without it. What is your favorite Hostess/Little Debbie snack? This is SO impossible for me to answer. I loooove Hostess and Little Debbie treats. I want to say honeybuns, but I also love those chocolate cupcakes with the white swirls on top, as well as Twinkies. Very few exist that I don't like. Do you/your family buy loafs from the bakery or bagged on the shelf? We just buy bagged bread. What’s the best news you’ve gotten lately? My APAP mask is definitively WORKING!!!!! :') Mom got an app that connects to the machine via Bluetooth that monitors the effectiveness of the mask, evaluating many factors of your sleep, and it's detecting a definite decrease in disruptive behaviors or something like that. It is so, SO encouraging to know that. ^And, the worst? Hm. Oh, probably some news on something serious a good friend is going through, but I don't feel it's my right to disclose what. It's just a very worrying and potentially dangerous issue that I wish I could help her with. Would you rather receive (or give) flowers, chocolates or jewelry? I'd appreciate any, but my fat ass is drawn to the chocolate, ha ha. What *I* would give would vary depending on what the person liked. How do you feel about coconut? Smells lovely, but is otherwise gross. ^ Ever cracked one open? No, but omg I've always wanted to, haha. What’s the best thing about being your gender? I guess the fact it's more "normal" and "accepted" to show our emotions. Fuck that generalization, though. I don't give a shit what your gender is, you experiencing emotions is NORMAL and welcomed to be expressed. ^ And the worst thing? The ability to be raped and impregnated by it. Do you do your part to save the earth? I don't do nearly enough. :/ We recycle, but that's about it. Well, none of us DARE to litter either, but I still don't feel like it's as much as the earth deserves from its denizens. Who do you think should have their portrait on a bill? I don't know or care. Why did you last feel exhausted? Yesterday was my niece's birthday, and I spent essentially ALL day playing with her and her brother. I have a very limited battery when it comes to kids, and I was running on empty for hours. My anxiety was SO high and I really needed a break from them, but they're too young to really understand that Aunt Britt can only socially run for so long before I'm completely burnt out, and TRUST ME, I was there for sure. I didn't want them to think they did something wrong, you know? I just had to keep going. I slept like a baby last night though for sure, haha. Have you ever used emotional blackmail to get your own way? Wow, no. Has anybody ever used emotional blackmail on you? No. Who did you last worry about and why? Sara for health reasons. Are you currently looking for a new place to live? Not actively, but Mom and I definitely want to move. We feel very out-of-place here in the suburbs. Which would you prefer as a view; mountains or the sea? Mountains. Do you have a mouse for your laptop? (Assuming you have a laptop) Yes. I canNOT play games with a trackpad. Do you apologize a lot? Extremely excessively. When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? Do you mean like, for the wedding? In that case, probably the venue. Being a photography buff, I want a place I think is really pretty to have pictures taken. What’s something you complain about frequently? My legs hurting, my weight, and being hot. Do you have anything planned for the summer? Nope, and that's fine with me. I'd rather stay inside away from the heat. Who usually makes dinner in your household? My ma. Do you have a blog? Just on Tumblr. Does anyone in your family snore loudly? My mother does because of gerd, and at least when my father still lived with us, he snored super loud, too. Do you want to fix anything with anyone? Yeah, a few people. What shows do you watch? Right now, only Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Whenever The Edge of Sleep comes out, I will 110% be watching that, too, because Mark is a key actor in it. :') Plus the concept seems super cool. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I don't know. Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone? Me mum. Does the song you’re currently listening to remind you of anyone specific? No, given it has like... one lyric, haha. Do you own any TV show soundtracks? No. Last thing you did that made you feel like an adult? I mean I guess sign myself in at the doctor's. What’s your favorite picture of your mom? Dad? Oh my god, there's a candid one I got of Mom laughing when she was posing as my subject for a photography assignment, and I cherish it with ALL my heart. I want to share it with essentially the whole world, but yeah, I'm not gonna put my mom's picture here. As for my dad, I like this one I took of us at Red Lobster for his birthday a year or two back. Last TV show series you finished? Fullmetal Alchemist with Sara. Favorite flavor of cream cheese? Regular. What US state would you like to visit? Alaska. Last meal you made yourself? I put a chicken pesto thing in the microwave earlier for dinner.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Spooky Times 2nd: Couple
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I sat on my bed scrolling on my laptop looking desperately for something I could work out for tonight's party at Lukes I had no idea what to go as for the goddam Halloween party, I forgot it was even happening honestly and I had no time to go buy anything so I would have to figure out a costume from the stuff I already have in my wardrobe. Uhhh I could... wear a bedsheet and claim I'm a roman in a toga?  I could... wear jeans and a hoodie and say I'm a tech billionaire? I could... take a leaf of the garden bush and just go as adam? I could... wear one of my game shirts and find a pair of glasses and go as a nerd? I could ...wear a flannel shirt and potent to be a cowboy?  Or a hispter I guess?
I gave up with ideas online and put my phone down getting up and digging in the back of my wardrobe to try and find something I haven't warn in a while, I could.... wear my old uniform and go as a child?
A Twenty's Gangster
Like a godfather character
I found an old pinstripe suit I don't think I've ever really worn, except once for my aunts wedding like six years ago, did it still even fit me? I tried it on and it did still fit me so I had my usual shower and got a dark blue shirt doing it up and putting on my suit, I looked alright so I grabbed my phone and wallet heading out as my mum and gran where already gone and I headed down to lukes the party in full swing people drinking and making our everywhere
"jake! hey mate!" He smiled as she spotted me having worn a black pair of jeans and a black skull hoodie
"Hey" I smiled he handed me a drink of something I wasn't sure what it smelt like cider
"What have you come as man?" He laughs
"Uhhh gangster" I shrug
"Ohhh yeah yeah i see it" He laughs "You gonna guess?" He laughs
"uhhh.... grim reapers teenage son?" I suggest
"Ohh? I was trying to be a skeleton... but that is way better" he says "Ohh hey Mike!" He laughs as someone else arrived I mostly kept up the corner for most of the party sipping my one drink having a look around at everyone in there costumes, secretly checking out a couple of the girls dressed as Uhhh... cats? I think that ones meant to be turtle? I think one is meant to be a police officer? but it was all so skimpy I had no idea for sure... that and I was struggling to pay attention to the costume mostly attention on the uhh lack of costume.
"Hey jake" A voice smiled I looked and it was a blech blonde girl in... not a lot
"Ohhh May, sorry I didn't recognize you" I told her as she handed me another drink
"Awww Why Not don't I look cute?" she giggled playing with her hair
"Uhh yeah you  look cute, what uh what are you as?" i asked looking at her little grey and white bra and shorts
"I'm a mouse" she smiled
"Are you? uhhh you look nice" I nodded she then got called over by her friend which was kinda nice I wasn't see I wanted to talk with her anymore and I didn't wanna be rude, and I didn't really want anymore of whatever the hell was in these cups so I threw it in the plant beside me, almost considering leaving as  didn't want to drink and everyone else was making out with each other
"Hey jake!" Luke yelled so I went over "check this out man you guys match" He laughed and I saw that the girl who had just arrived, she wore a pair of right red heels, some white stockings that stopped at her mid thigh, an almost floor-length red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a beautiful pearl necklace, her hair shaped perfectly in beautiful roller curls, a little white faux fur coat on just her shoulders, perfect vinagte make up, she was beautiful... "Look at you guys, your like a couple" he laughs
"Hi" she smiled "what are you here as?" she asks
"Ohh uhh gangster" I smiled
"Aww that's cute" she smiled
"what are you here as?" I asked her
"Ohh Speakeasy Singer" she smiled
"Wow... you look amazing, I uhh I'd sneak into a speakeasy to see you" I told her
"Awww that sweet" she smiled "I'd be your little speakeasy snuggle if you where the naughty little gangster boys running it" she giggled "Did you wanna go sit int he corner this stuff is gross?" she says tipping her drink away
"yeah defiantly" I nodded offering her my hand she happily took it and we went to the corner where I had been chatting about this and that
"Awwwww you guys look so cute! you make such a cute couple" May laughed as she wondered past with some poor boy to get another drink
"Ohh uhh where not-" I began
"I have to get a picture of you guys the cute little proibision couple" she smiled getting her phone out and taking a picture of us together "Aww come on look like your in a speakeasy" she laughs next thing I knew she got my hand and put it on her waist holding her sweet silk dress pulling her closer and she nuzzled into my neck before may took another picture of us
"Hey Uhh may can you get one on my phone" she asked handing may her phone
"Uhh yeah mine too" I said handing may my phone as well so I pulled this girl a little closer while she took a picture "Thanks May" I smiled getting my phone back "so uhh could I maybe get your number?" I asked her
"Uhh sure" she smiled taking my phone and putting in her number so i took hers and put in my own before handing her it back
"Sooo Uhh I'll see you soon then... Y/n" I smiled
"See you around jake" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss and heading off else where...
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snow-pitch-grimm · 5 years
Something I’ll Never Have
Summary: Baz and Simon have a fight while at Baz’s parents’ house. There are feelings.
I slam the door behind me and stalk down the hall, feeling too angry to think clearly.
I notice Mordelia standing at her door looking at me curiously.
Damn it to Hell! Are all my siblings up here. Did they hear us?
"Hello, Mordelia. What are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be downstairs,"
She nods, "I spilled something on my dress so father said I should change,"
So everyone else was still downstairs. Good.
"Are you okay, Baz?" asks Mordelia, quietly.
I smile at her, "I'm fine, Mor. Simon and I had a bit of a fight, that's all,"
"Oh. Ok," she says nodding. The answer seems to be enough for her.
"Now, let's go downstairs and make sure Fiona doesn't hex Father," I tell her.
She giggles and nods, tugging me all the way downstairs.
The sound of the door slam resonates through my bones and I slump down onto the bed.
Damn it!
Great, I just had a big fight with my boyfriend and now I'm sitting in his room in his family's home while he's downstairs with his family. 
How wonderful.
I had been a little skeptical about spending the weekend here. Baz hadn't wanted to leave me but his siblings had begged and even his father had pulled out the 'I miss you, son" card. Feeling bad, I told him I'd come.
The family has been great so far. The kids are the same as before if a little taller. Fiona keeps teasing us, Daphne's being motherly and even Malcolm seems to like me now that I'm no longer connected to the murderous Mage (Penny's words. Not mine).
The problem turned out to be me and Baz. We had had an argument right before coming here, which lead to a stony silence filled car ride which lead to another stupid argument right now.
I sigh and take my phone out.
Baz, even when angry, is not cruel. He's not going to leave me alone in here too long. He'll probably just cool off for a little while and come and get me for dinner.
I text Penny but she's also spending time with her family this weekend so when she responds with ‘busy’, I don't tell her about the fight. I then see if any of my uni friends are free.
No luck.
I took out my laptop and tried to work on as assignment but couldn't concentrate. In the end, I flopped down on the bed to wait for Baz to come back.
Just Great
My family knows something's wrong.
Daphne asks me to help in the kitchen, my sisters pick up on my mood and deliberately try to be cute. Fiona annoys my Father more than usual and he tries to be a good sport about it but his eyebrow keeps twitching, and frankly, it's as hilarious as it was when I was ten.
Slowly my anger ebbs away and I start to feel a little ridiculous. The argument wasn't even over anything substantial. We had tiff back at home and because we're both stubborn, neither one of us would apologize in the car which them translated into another stupid argument in my room.
Now, with a clear head, I can admit that I was just nervous at bringing Simon here but they were actually really great about it. So great that I was completely thrown. I pretty much reverted to my Watford persona, leading to Simon to push back. Hence the yelling match.
I look up and everyone's looking at me a little concerned.
"Daphne called your name four times, boyo. You alright?" says Fiona
"Oh, sorry. Yes. I'm fine," I say, standing up, "I'm just gonna go see what Simon's up to,"
The adults quickly give each other a look.
Oh, how I hate that.
"Wonderful," says Daphne, "Why don't you bring him down here. Dinner is almost ready,"
I nod and quickly walk up out the room and up the stairs. It's quiet compared to downstairs and I start to feel guilty. I shouldn't have left Simon alone. This place is strange to him and it's my job to make him feel welcome around my family. My Father's 'Welcome again Mr. Snow. Please call me Malcolm' did a better job than me.
I take a deep breath and open the door not knowing what to expect. I peek inside and see Simon lying on the bed face down. I'm a little apprehensive but then Simon raises his head and blinks sleepily. Sighing in relief, I smile. His eyes are a little red but sleepy red and not crying red. More than anything, he just seems a little confused and touseled from his nap.
And he looks so adorable.
"Good nap?" I ask
He blinks again and sits up, "Yeah, I was going to wait for you but then I guess I fell asleep,"
I grimace, feeling guilty again.
"Snow I-" I begin
"Baz-" he starts at the same time
We grin at each other.
"You first," he says
I sit by him and take his hand.
"I'm really sorry. I was being stupid and ridiculous. Our fight was unnecessary and could have been avoided if I had just admitted that I was a little a nervous bringing you here,"
He smiles and squeezes my hands, "Me too, Baz. I guess it's just easier to revert to what we used to to do at Watford,"
I smile, "But we're working on it,"
"Definitely," he smiles and hugs me close
I press my face into his neck and take a deep breath. Simon's hugs are always nice.
The moment is interrupted when Simon's stomach rumbles loudly. Very loudly.
Simon pulls away laughing, "Oops,"
"Come on," I say, pulling him up, "Dinner's probably set up by now,"
My heart flutters as he slips his hand in mine and smiles.
"Let's go,"
Dinner is quieter then lunch. Probably because the children are tired.
It would be fine. Except that Baz's parents and aunt keep glancing between us.
"So are you two finding everything fine?" asks Daphne
Malcolm and Fiona also look up from their food.
But not at me. They're looking at Baz. Because they're his family and they're worried about him.
I feel a knot beginning in my stomach.
"Of course Mother," Baz says to her.
She smiles brilliantly and finally their eyes turn to me. I quickly put on a smile even though my heart feels heavy.
Malcolm nods once more and goes back to his food. Fiona's eyes linger on Baz again. There's still a bit of concern there.
I don't think anyone's ever looked at me quite like that.
And with a sinking heart, I realize what I'm feeling.
I hate it.
Simon had told me he was fine and he had certainly seemed fine. That was until we got to the table.
Now we're sitting in my room and again I'm wondering what's going on.
"Snow?" I say as I watch him ruffle through our bag.
"Simon, please look at me,"
His shoulders drop and he sighs.
When he turns, I feel my heart stop.
He's crying.
"Simon, darling. What wrong?" I say, moving forward and trying to hold him.
He shies away from me though.
"Nothing," he says, shaking his head, "It's stupid,"
"Snow?" I say as I watch more tears fall from his eyes, "Please. You're scaring me,"
"You're gonna think I'm being an idiot,"
"Never," I say fiercely, "Nothing is stupid if it makes you feel bad,"
"I tried to text Penelope after our fight. She wasn't available and neither were any of our other friends,"
I frown, "I thought you said you were fine,"
"I was- I am. This isn't about the fight Baz,"
"Then What-"
Simon hakes his head and pulls at his curls a bit. It breaks my heart to see him like this.
"I'm not doing this right," said Simon, fists clenched.
I gently take his hands away from his hair and turn him toward me.
"Take a deep breath and try again," I tell him
He complies and thinks for a moment before turning to face me properly.
"When you walked out of here, you were angry. What did you do?"
"I went downstairs talked with my family, felt stupid and came up here to apologize," 
"Right and remember the fight we had six months ago. What did you do?"
"Called Fiona and ranted,"
"Okay, and you know what I did?"
I shake my head.
"Today I tried to contact Penelope, it didn't work. That day she was there but she was studying so I told her I was fine even though I wanted to talk about the fight and its fine. It wasn't that bad, I barely remember it. But moments like that and this one make me realize what I don't have,"
"I don't understand, Simon," I tell him
"A family Baz," says, Simon, "I don't have a family,"
I'm stunned. This is not where I expected this to go. And honestly, I don't know what to say. 
Taking advantage of my silence Simon continues, "I don't have a mother I can call and say 'Hi mum my boyfriend is being stupid’ or a Father who can I let myself be distracted by. I don't have a crazy aunt that introduces me to hard liquor or extended family I can joke about. I don't have younger siblings that look at me like I'm the best and worst thing to happen,"
He wraps his arm around himself, "I don't have a family I can take you home to,"
Now I have tears in my eyes too and my heart feels like it's going to break. I had no idea Simon was feeling like this.
I gently touch his shoulder and he completely crumples into me. I pull his close until his upper body is resting against my chest, his face tucked against my neck.
"It's usually fine you know, I'm used to it. But today at dinner, they were all so concerned, even Malcolm. They tried not to show it but they were. We had a normal couple argument but they still wanted to make sure you were fine. And at times like that it all just hits me, you know,"
"Simon. I'm sorry. I shouldn't lt have left-"
He shakes his head, "No Baz. I told you I'm fine with that. I was asleep for most of it. And they're your family, you're supposed to feel happy around them. I just- It's something I'll never have and sometimes it sucks. And sometimes it just really really hurts, you know,"
He's crying again, soaking my sweater with his tears. I hold him close, giving him my shoulder to rest on. There's nothing else I can do. There's absolutely nothing in the word that can make this better.
So, I just hold him.
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Chapter Update! FFN and AO3
Next chapter goes up on August 8th! =)
Chapter 2
Ted walked into the office the next morning and went right to the sign that Vic had made the day before. He had scoured the internet to find out what these old machines sounded like and did his best to imitate the noises he'd heard on different obscure YouTube videos as he mimicked stamping his time card. Vic laughed at her desk while he did so.
"Good morning," He grinned at her as he sat in his desk chair. "Did you clock in?"
"Oh yes," Vic nodded seriously, "I want to make sure I keep this job. It's helping to support my family until they find me a good husband."
Ted pushed down the question of whether or not Sean was in the running for her husband and the question of if Sean was worried about helping her keep her job.
"What a noble thing to do, so selfless of you." He grinned when she laughed. He really liked the sound of her laugh.
"So how was running around with Uncle Ron all day yesterday?"
Ted smirked, "Brutal, the hazing here is intense. I don't know how you put up with it."
Vic shook her head, "How else will we know if you're up to working here?"
Ted laughed, "See this is how I know that working here is the right move. I like a group that doesn't mess around, no-nonsense, nose to the grindstone, that's how I like it."
Vic laughed, "I can tell. I don't think there's a bone in your body that knows how to joke around."
"Not a one," Ted shrugged, "some people think it's a waste, but I think they're just jealous."
Vic laughed before her phone rang and she composed herself to answer it.
Ted took advantage of the moment to get his laptop turned on and start unloading the few things he brought for his desk. He'd just started to look through the new potential clients that Ron had been wanting to reach out to when Vic's voice spoke up.
"A wolf figurine?" She picked up the wolf his mum had given him when he finished A-Levels.
Ted gave a nervous laugh, "Er, do you know my last name?"
She bit her lip, "No, does that make me a bad coworker?"
Ted shook his head but he couldn't keep from smiling. "You know if I answer that honestly, I'm only going to make you feel bad."
"Do you even know my last name?" Vic crossed her arms over her chest, still holding the wolf.
Ted smirked, "Why yes, Weasley, I do."
Vic blushed and then laughed, "Fine, I'm an awful person, now what's your last name?"
"You think I'll let you off the hook that easily, Weasley?" Ted grinned. "You underestimate me."
"Oh, come on, I admitted to being awful." She kicked his foot.
"And I admire your honesty." Ted held out his hand for his wolf figurine.
Vic smirked. "I think I'll hold on to this, at least until I guess your last name."
Teddy briefly considered fighting her for it, but he smiled when she rubbed her hand over it like it was a puppy she was petting.
"Sure, hold on to it."
She blinked and bit her lip before smiling, "Thanks, I'll give it back once I figure out your last name."
Ted shrugged and grabbed his phone to call the first company on Ron's list. "I won't hold my breath."
Vic went to argue with him, but Teddy held up his hand and responded to the receptionist that had answered his call.
Her playful glare put a smile on his face for the rest of the calls he had to make.
"Did you bring lunch?" Vic asked as she moved to the fridge.
Ted looked up at the clock and raised his eyebrows. Was it really already one o'clock?
"Er, yeah, I did," Ted pulled his backpack to him.
Vic moved to the card table as Ted sat at his desk and pulled out his sandwich.
"You're going to eat at your desk?"
Ted looked up at her, "Yep."
"Well, this will be an awkward lunch hour. I'm practically shouting at you from over here."
Ted smirked, "Yeah, really awkward."
Vic pulled her drink to her lips and Teddy felt his smirk morphing into a smile. She had something about her, something that kept pulling him in even when his brain kept telling him to back off. Honestly, he needed to stop, she was snogging a guy in the office when he wasn't there. But try as he might, Ted couldn't stop himself. Vic was pulling him in and he couldn't, or maybe he wouldn't stop her.
"Well, what shall we shout about?"
"Do you normally shout with the men in your life?"
"Only when they insist on sitting fifty feet away from me."
"Fifty feet? This office is barely twenty feet across." Ted laughed.
Vic ignored him, "No one likes a cleverclogs, Ted."
He laughed loudly at that one, "Fine, I don't normally care for shouting at the women in my life, but if you insist on eating all the way over there, I can make a special exception for you."
"You're ridiculous," Vic laughed and went to say more when her cell phone rang.
She looked torn as she looked at the screen before mouthing sorry to him and swiping to answer.
"Hi, Sean."
Ted turned to look out the window and tried to push away the annoyance he felt. It would make sense her boyfriend would call over her lunch hour. He tried to tune her out and focus on the cars driving past the office building, but the catch in her voice as she spoke again completely threw that idea out the window.
"Oh, are you sure you can't do that another night?"
Ted focused on chewing his food to keep from turning to look at her.
"No, I understand, just, we planned this out last month."
It was involuntary. Ted glanced her way and saw one of the most dejected looks he'd ever seen, including when Lily was two-years-old and didn't get a second scoop of ice cream.
"Alright, but I'll see you tonight?"
Ted looked back out the window and took a long drink from his water bottle.
"Oh, right, well, text me then."
It wasn't his business, but Ted couldn't help but feel like taking it to blows with Sean. How dare he treat this amazing woman like someone he could blow off?
"Right. Bye."
Ted finally allowed himself to turn his office chair back to face Vic and found her gripping her phone tightly between her hands.
"Everything alright?"
Vic took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, just, just plans changing and I've always been a little frustrated when that happens."
"Must be something big to cancel plans that have been set out for a month."
Vic swallowed hard and took a bite of her sandwich. Ted took the hint and moved the conversation forward.
"Well, while you were rudely interrupting our shouting match, I thought we might start shouting about how insane it is that Ron couldn't find space for two more desks at the main office."
Vic grinned. "You're more observant than most. I have two theories on that one."
"Wait!" Ted held up his hand as he set down his sandwich. "We have to make sure that he hasn't bugged the office to spy on us."
He started inspecting the ceiling and the floors, Vic's laughter echoing in the small space. Ted opened the supply closet and the bathroom and the fridge and the microwave before deciding he'd played the part well enough and went back to his desk.
"Alright, I think the coast is clear. Now, what are your theories?"
Vic grinned, "Well, my first theory is that he's protective of me, and doesn't want me involved with all the politicking that happens at the main office. But my second theory is that he doesn't want this to keep being a part of Bread & Butter. I think he's prepping this so that it could become its own operation. And that transition goes much smoother if the people who work here haven't been involved with Bread & Butter at all. I mean, aside from meeting everyone at the main office, did you get contact information? Sure, we could find them over the company system, but we don't do anything that involves them at all. Uncle Ron even hires a different company to deliver for our department than the rest of the company."
Teddy felt his eyes go huge. "Vic you're brilliant!"
Vic blushed, "Well, that's just my speculation…"
"No!" Teddy shook his head, "You're a genius, really, and that's going to completely change the game!"
Ted snagged his notebook and pen and started jotting down notes.
"What are you on about?" Vic moved back to her desk chair and rolled it to his desk.
"Vic, my degree is in marketing, not sales, but your uncle hired me basically on the spot. He's got you running a website and coordinating deliveries. But he's completely cut us off from the rest of Bread & Butter. He told me that he wanted to see me pioneer this division. Vic, we're building a company! And I know how to market that! My job title says Salesman, but I'm sitting on the precipice of being the Chief Marketing Officer. If I can show Ron what I can do to increase my sales, if you and I can grow this into something big, Vic we could be the C-staff of this gig!"
Vic stared at him for a long moment before rolling back to her desk and grabbing a notepad and pen.
"So, what do we do?"
"Why did Ron hire you?" Ted pushed back in his chair.
Vic looked down, "Because I needed a job."
"No," Teddy shook his head, "I will put a thousand pounds down that he did not pity hire you. Did you go to university or any sort of training after A-levels?"
Vic shrugged, "I went to uni, but my degree is in communications, how does that help here?"
Ted looked out the window and thought about it, trying to connect the dots. What did Ron have in store for Vic? Then it hit him.
"You're pretty close with Ron?"
Vic smiled, "I'm his and Aunt Hermione's go-to sitter for Rose and Hugo. And growing up they were always my favorite to play with at family gatherings."
"You're Ron's pick for Chief Operating Officer," Ted scribbled down in his notebook again. "He knows he can trust you to handle anything he throws at you. Did you know anything about managing a website before this?"
Vic shrugged, "No, but it wasn't hard to learn. I watched a load of online courses and I've been able to keep it going pretty well after that."
Ted grinned, "We're building this company up Vic, and we didn't even have to do the hard part, we get to jump into the fun and make this happen!"
"Ted," Vic bit her lip, "I was just speculating. I have no idea if I'm right."
Ted shook his head. "But it doesn't matter if you're right or not. Don't you see Vic? Even if this isn't Ron's intention, we can make this his intention. We can make this big enough to be its own company."
Vic shook her head. "Ted, I don't know the first thing about running a company or even what a chief operating officer is."
Ted looked at the clock, it was nearly two and he had a phone meeting scheduled with a client. "What are you doing after work? We can plan this out, I can teach you what we're working towards, give you the vision of where we're heading."
Vic looked at her cell phone for a moment and licked her lips.
Ted guessed she was thinking about Sean. "This would just be work, Vic, we'll even stay here at the office."
"Right," she kept looking at her black phone screen. "Right, ok, I'm free tonight."
"Perfect," Ted tried to ignore the way his heart beat faster. "We'll order some dinner and then we can start mapping this out, make ourselves a plan."
She smiled and looked back at him, "Sounds great."
Ted would have sworn that all of their clients were talking in slow motion as he had his phone meetings throughout the rest of the day. But finally, five rolled around and Teddy felt like he'd won the lottery.
This wasn't a date; he reprimanded his stupid heart. This was a business planning meeting with dinner involved. This wasn't a date.
"What are you in the mood for?" Vic scrolled through the options on her computer.
"I'm not picky, my family has always been pretty adventurous when it comes to food."
"Oh, there's an Indian place the next street over, how does that sound?"
Ted grinned, "Sounds good, but I doubt they'll do as well as my Uncle James."
"Uncle Harry's dad?"
Ted nodded. "Hands down he could out cook the majority of the Indian restaurants in London."
"I'll have to try that sometime then. But what do you want from here?"
They placed their orders and when it came time to enter the payment, Ted pushed her chair so it rolled across the room and quickly typed in his card info and paid.
"I have cash, I can pay you my share." Vic shoved her chair at him.
"How are you going to get me to take your cash? You don't even know my last name." Ted sat back down in his chair and grinned.
"I could stick it in your shirt pocket." She grabbed her purse out of her desk and started counting out the correct number of bills.
"I'll throw it back at you. I'm not the sort of bloke to throw money at women, but when it's her own money I'll make a special exception." Ted put his hands behind his head and leant back in his chair and smirked.
"Here," she stood and slipped the small wad of bills into his shirt pocket.
Ted almost shivered at her touch, but just as soon as she pulled her hand away, he grabbed the money and threw it back at her.
"You're not paying me back."
Vic picked up the money from the floor. "Come on, aren't we supposed to be coworkers?"
"I don't use bills," Ted shrugged, "I'd probably just lose them. It's a waste of your money to pay me back."
"Really, Ted, you can't just go buying me dinner."
"Of course, I can, you don't know my last name, I can get away with almost anything right now," Ted smirked at her.
"You know, all I have to do is find you on the company roster and I'd know your last name."
"Do you know my first name?" Ted kicked his feet out in front of him.
"No, I'm just calling you Ted because it felt right."
Teddy ignored the way his heart beat harder at her wording.
"Ted is a shortened version of my name, and there happens to be more than one name that shortens to Ted." He smirked at her. "The company roster has my full proper name, Weasley."
Vic narrowed her eyes at him. "I could always call Aunt Ginny."
Ted shrugged, "You could, I don't think you will, but you could. She is my godmother, after all, she would definitely want to know why you want to know my full name."
Vic bit her lip. "If I knew your full name would you take the money?"
"Nope," Teddy grinned at the groan Vic let out.
"You are absolutely impossible!"
"Infuriating isn't it? You should meet the men who taught me how to do this."
"You mean there are men out there who teach you to be awful?" Vic kicked half-heartedly at his feet still stretched out near her chair.
"Oh yes, they taught me all of the awful things, like paying for dinner and holding doors open and being kind and saying please and thank you and asking for consent and all the other things that turn you into a right scoundrel."
Vic chuckled, "Sound like a group of tossers."
Ted smiled; the Marauders had their moments.
"They're the best men I know."
"I'd like to meet them someday."
Her voice had a softer quality to it and Ted felt his heart caving into the sound of it combined with the little smile that touched her lips.
"So, keep your money," Ted tried to bring the joking back as he cleared his throat. "Because those same men will kick my arse if you don't."
"That I might pay to see." Vic laughed and put her foot out to tap his.
"So cruel," Ted shook his head.
Then their dinner arrived and Ted was grateful for the interruption. He was quickly finding himself falling fast with Vic and he didn't want to stop himself. This woman was everything he'd ever looked for and he just felt in sync with her. It was easy, too easy. So easy that he was already having to stop himself from reaching out to touch her. She wasn't his. She had a boyfriend. He needed to back off. He needed to stop.
But he didn't. He justified it by telling himself that this opportunity to grow their division into its own operation was too good to pass up. And Vic deserved this. She deserved to see how far she could go. To see that Ron trusted her more than she probably understood. And if he could give her that, well, it would be worth holding himself back, mostly.
"Alright, I'm going to have to roll myself out of here." Vic moved what was left of her food to the fridge. "Let's get started and you can teach me all those things I need to know to help run a start-up."
Ted grinned and put the rest of his food in the fridge with hers.
"Good idea, the sooner we start the better, you don't want to be driving home in the dark." Ted teased.
Vic blushed, "Well, I go home to my parents' so I'd prefer it after dark. Then most everyone is asleep."
"Alright then, I'll make sure to go into great depth and detail to make sure you aren't leaving here until well after sunset. Then you can pretend you bought your childhood home and live alone with your cat."
Vic scoffed, "Do I look like a woman who would own a cat?"
Ted nodded, "Oh yes, you have the crazy cat lady vibe going for you."
Vic threw a napkin at him, "I hate you."
"How can you hate me? You've known me for less than 72 hours." Ted threw the napkin back at her.
"You just called me a crazy cat lady!"
"No, I said you had the vibe for it," Ted kicked her foot from under the card table. "I'm sure you'll not end up alone without anyone to fill the companionship void but a cat."
"You don't like cats?" Vic kicked his foot back.
"Cats are alright, but I'm not much of a pet person. I like Uncle Sirius' dog well enough, but pets seem like a lot of work for a lot of feedback that doesn't appeal to me. I don't find joy in sitting with a dog or a cat. And I don't really like watching anything you'd keep in an atrium."
"Do you want kids then? Or are they like pets?"
"Are you kidding me?" Ted laughed. "Having kids is completely different than having pets. Kids are little humans that you get to help grow and here's the best part, kids ultimately can handle their bowel movements without any help from me."
Vic's laughter came bursting out of her and Ted couldn't help but admire the way she looked so happy.
"But, yeah, I'm looking forward to being a dad." He rubbed the back of his neck to keep his hand from reaching across the table for her.
Vic's smile went just a touch sad and Ted frowned.
"Hey, you alright?"
She sighed, "Yeah, just wish more blokes were like you."
Ted's heart flipped in his chest.
"But that's neither here nor there," Vic pulled her notepad to her. "Let's get down to business."
Ted blinked, "Er, right."
Ted moved to retrieve his notebook and felt a small smile tug at his lips. Because Vic said she wished more guys were like him, and Ted hoped the underlying message was she wished Sean were like him. Or maybe that he was in Sean's place.
He was so screwed.
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                              Mirabile Visu
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapters: 9/?
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Thank you all for the love and support! This story wouldn't be what it is without you! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! Knowing there is an audience for this story keeps me regularly updating it! Stay healthy and safe! -Jen
                                                Chapter Nine
                                               Dracula Residence
                                                  Present Time
This was different from the raid on Whitby beach, that much Dracula realized. As he stood there, trying his best to shield his wife from the onslaught, he found it very difficult as the guards formed a circle around them, pressing in so that he couldn't make a tactical move. Suddenly, from the blown in door, a woman stepped inside. She was familiar, her scent immediately assaulting his nasal passage ways. Dr. Bloxham. Ah, the thumbless scientist.
"You know," the woman sighed, looking from Dracula to Agatha. "It didn't have to come down to this. Your flat is rather lovely, it was a shame really."
"If this is about your finger," the count commented. "The nine others aren't completely useless."
"Dracula," his wife hissed quietly. "Don't antagonize…"
"She's right," the woman answered, cutting Agatha off. "I'd be mindful if I were you. I'm sure you've noticed, but there has been quite an adjustment made to our weapons?" She motioned to one of the men, his black uniform masking his features. "Military grade fabric designed to withstand 3,000 PSI bite power. Extra padding around the neck to protect the throat and jugular. Pure silver buckles and," she smiled, pointing to a deep pocket. "Stake holster. But that's not the best part."
Both vampires watched as Bloxham's fingers trailed across the strange device each figure held.
"A crossbow rifle combination," the woman smirked. "Equipped with bullets fashioned similar to stakes with pure silver tips. And," her eyes sparkled maliciously. "Even managed to get them blessed. I must say, the cost was incredible, but thankfully the Foundation has money to spare."
Count Dracula snorted. "I've been shot many times, mortal bullets don't cause us any harm."
"Oh really?" Dr. Bloxham inquired, cocking her head to the side. "Care to wager on that?"
Before either could react, the scientist nodded towards one of the men who pointed the weapon towards Dracula. With a click, he aimed and fired the device, the bullet embedding itself into the count's shoulder.
"Dracula!" Agatha cried out, turning to her husband in horror.
The vampire gripped his arm in pain, trying not to give the doctor the satisfaction of a groan. When he looked to his wound, to his utter surprise, dark red liquid began to trickle down from the entry point. Blood. He was bleeding. And it wasn't immediately healing either. He felt Agatha's hand pressing tightly over his, her eyes wild with concern.
"Detain them," Dr. Bloxham said, turning on her heels. "And if they give you any trouble, shoot them." Her lips curved into a small smile. "Dr. Van Helsing...never trust someone who's emotionally tasked with such a job..."
                                    Zoe Van Helsing’s Residence
The sun had just disappeared below the horizon when Sorina eyes fluttered open. Yawning, she sat up in her bed, blinking back sleep. She was not surprised to see Jack sitting against the wall opposite of her, mindlessly tapping away at his phone-one of his game apps for sure. He'd stayed over after the incident with her parents, Zoe surprisingly allowing it.
"Hey," she smiled tiredly. "Did you get any sleep?"
"Hey yourself," Jack chuckled, putting his cell away. "A little," he admitted. "Zoe gave me a pillow and a throw blanket. At least it was something. Can't exactly complain there."
Sorina sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "Last night was…"
"Unexpected?" The young man finished. "Look, I know I should've told you about your dad and his...opinion on me, but you just got reunited with your parents and I wanted you to rekindle your relationships before I blew it up."
"If anyone blew up, it was me last night," the halfling stated. "And Mum is pregnant, wasn't expecting that curve ball." She shook her head, glancing at the curtains that still hung over the window. "Where's Zoe anyway?" Not that she really cared. After last night, there had been a long period of silence between them.
"In her room, I think," Jack replied. "Last time I checked she was trying to contact the Foundation. It's strange, she said the phone lines kept sending her to the public voicemail, not to the laboratory itself despite the password. Maybe there's a mishap in the system."
"Could be," Sorina agreed. "I mean, the place is nearly as old as I am. It has its occasional blips." She exhaled, moving to stand up. "Hungry? I was thinking we could order a pizza?"
"Extra pepperoni and bacon?" He smirked, meeting her gaze. "I'll call it in."
"You know me best," Sorina grinned. Pork had, of course, always been a food she gravitated towards. "I'm going to go have a word with Zoe. Hopefully it won't take too long."
Still dressed in her clothes from yesterday, she headed in the direction of her aunt's room. As she drew nearer, Sorina could just make out Zoe cursing softly under her breath. Peering through the slightly ajar door, she watched as the doctor repeatedly typed a series of numbers onto her phone before holding it up to her ear. Seconds passed. Nothing. And the scientist brought the device down to her desk with a sigh.
The woman jumped, slightly startled by the sound of her name. Hesitantly, Sorina slipped inside, closing the space between them. Zoe looked tired. More exhausted than usual. Sorina noted a small cut on her bottom lip where the woman must've been chewing on it nervously.
"Sorina," her voice was flat. "You're up." She turned in her chair, now facing the girl head on. "Are we going to have a proper discussion about last night?"
"About how you not only neglected to tell me that my Mum was pregnant, but also the Foundation wanted to 'study' her like some exotic animal?" Sorina nodded towards the phone. "Why are you trying to reach them anyway? To attempt to call things off like some hero?"
"This is a lot deeper than you realize," Zoe sighed heavily. "But yes, I'm trying to handle the situation in favor of your parents. However," she ground her teeth together as she spoke. "No one is taking my calls. Not Bloxham. Not the research facility. No one." Shaking her head, she moved a strand of hair out of her pale face. "I'm sorry, Sorina, what I did was not done with the intention of hurting you."
"If you'd really cared, you'd leave the Foundation for good after this," the young woman exclaimed. "Once my Mum's safety is secured." She paused, noting the gaunt expression on Zoe's face. Anger momentarily melted into concern. "You should've left a long time ago. Have you taken your pills today?"
"They only dull my senses," Zoe stated wearily. "And right now, having a clear mind is needed to figure things out." She glanced at her laptop and her frown deepened. "It's almost like my key card has been cancelled…" It was then her eyes lit up. "Ask Jack to come downstairs, I want to try something."
Sorina studied her aunt curiously for a second, before doing as she requested. Once Jack had joined the two women in the room, Dr. Van Helsing sat up straighter in her seat, expression one of determined nature.
"Call the Foundation," she informed the young man.
"I thought the lines were down?" Jack posed, dialing the number on his own phone. "What makes you think," he continued, now holding it to his ear. "That they'd answer to-"
"Jonathan Harker Foundation," a voice responded on the other line. "Please enter the twelve digit code on the back of your key card to proceed."
The room grew quiet and, though she wasn't sure at the time why, Sorina's blood grew. Jack, looking rather unsure, only continued when Zoe nodded eagerly at him. He typed in his identification number and was immediately redirected.
"Hello," a man answered. "Who am I speaking to?"
"This is Jack Seward," he said with hesitation. "I was wondering if I could reach Dr. Van Helsing?"
"I'm sorry," the person responded. "But the person by that name no longer works for the facility. Have a good day."
With that, the other line hung up. Jack lowered the phone from his ear slowly, his eyes locked on Zoe's. It had been loud enough for all three to hear it. The halfling felt a lump growing in her throat, even her aunt's expression had paled. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
"We have to go back to your parents' flat," Zoe said, breaking the silence. "I've made a horrible mistake."
                                 The Jonathan Harker Foundation
The prison situated in the center of the Foundation's research room seemed even smaller than Dracula remembered. The vampire found himself pacing, his shoulder still aching from his injury. It had begun to heal, his body pushing the bullet out within a few hours, but the sting was still there.
Agatha watched nearby, her eyes scanning the room as if trying to figure out some solution that would lead to their escape. At every given corner, a guard stood poised and ready to take action if provoked. One hand rested on her still smooth abdomen, a feeling of helplessness hanging over her. A mother was sworn to protect their child and being trapped here was going against that instinct.
"Bloody Mina Murray," Dracula growled, turning on his heels. "Should've killed her when I had the chance. Why didn't you let me?!"
"We're really going to argue about this now?" Agatha frowned. "About me saving the life of an innocent woman during a massacre you caused?"
"Well look where it brought up!" The other vampire gestured around. "She had to go and created this ridiculous little institution of hers."
"Well if I hadn't," the woman countered. "You wouldn't have me, Sorina, or…" her voice trailed off as her eyes flickered down to her stomach. The count seemed to sense her worry and moved to her side.
"I won't let any happen," he promised, placing his hand over hers. "To either of you."
"It's funny," she smiled weakly. "You said to me once all those years ago that I can't save everyone and yet here you are, proclaiming the same thing."
"Perhaps you unfortunately rubbed off on me," he smirked. "You do have a way of doing that."
"Must be the inner nun in me," she chuckled, leaning into him. "To think a game of simple chess led us this far."
"Remind me to burn the game when we escape," he replied.
"Not after I challenge you to another round," she countered, the mood beginning to lighten. "I…"
The former nun's words were cut short as the heavy metal sliding doors opened and Dr. Bloxham strode in. She seemed to study the two vampires, expression void of any emotion as she approached, two men at either side. In her hands, she clutched a clipboard, her focus shifting to whatever paperwork was attached to it.
"It's rather unfortunate that I never got a proper examination of your daughter," the woman commented. "Based on the relationship between the Van Helsings and the Murrays, it was declared that she was off limits. A pity, I would have loved to learn what made her tick." A low growl escaped from deep within Dracula's chest and the doctor smirked. "Did I hit a pressure point?"
"For a place that relies so much on Christian faith, you sure lack the understanding of it," Agatha answered bitterly. "Forgiveness, Kindness, Humility…"
"I don't take preaching from a fallen nun," the woman countered. "As for my beliefs on God, they pertain solely on the idea of how to destroy a monster such as yourselves." She paused, amused by Agatha's threatening glare. "I will say, I am quite curious though as to what's inside you. I may have missed out on your daughter, but your second child and its development. I think I'd like to have a better look at that."
Dracula nudged Agatha behind him as the armed men began to circle around in close proximity to the prison's frame.
"Restrain him," Bloxham said simply. "I'm only interested in her."
                                          Dracula Residence
Sorina was the first to leap out of the car and bound towards her parents' home. She could hear Jack calling out, his footfall far behind hers. There was something off. She could sense it. And as she rounded the corner, her heart immediately sank at the sight.
"No," she whispered. "No, no, no!"
The damage was done. The door blown right opened, wood splinters. She could smell it. The scent of blood. And it was not human. Zoe and Jack stood behind her, both humans panting as they too took in the sight.
"Sorina," Zoe said breathlessly, reaching out for her niece. "I…"
"You!" She snapped, turning to face the scientist. "This is your fault!"
"I didn't know this would happen," she replied, pain laced in her tone. "I didn't…"
"I don't care," Sorina muttered. "About you or about the Foundation. I'm going to get my parents back alone or otherwise."
Her eyes had grown dark, and for the first time since he'd known her, Jack felt afraid of her.
"They just fucked with the wrong family..."
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foxydivaxx · 4 years
Goddess Awakening Chapter 2
This is chapter 2 of my Original Web novel story. Posted the first chapter a couple days ago.
The girl mentally cringes at the loud shrill voice of her mother. Anytime she hears her mother's voice, she often cowers in fear as it usually means that she is in trouble.
She quickly gets out of the bed and heads into the living room where her mother was standing waiting for her.
"Why is that there?" she asks, pointing at the disinfectant spray that was on the floor.
Feyi panics inwardly as she forgot to put it on the table because she was not only on her laptop trying to edit her C.V yet again but she also ran an errand for her mother earlier. Plus she was playing Valkyrie like old times.
"I...I forgot...."
"You forgot?! You always keep on forgetting!! Not surprising because you are always on that stupid laptop!! You studied Computer Science yet you cannot even apply that degree into something useful!! Imagine Lateef our driver's son not only studied the same degree as you but he is now a computer engineer at Computer Village!! Your own 11 year old nephew Emmanuel is even thinking about joining him as an apprentice!!"
Feyi wanted to argue but could not find the words to fight back.
"As if that is not insulting enough, that your cousin Olamide, she is currently working with FCMB as their ICT consultant!! You cannot do anything! The housegirls are even better than you even though their cooking is below standard because they are earning money!! You!! You cannot do anything!! Who will want to employ a useless girl with dead brain cells that keeps on forgetting things?! They will sack you!!"
Feyi just sighs and takes all that verbal abuse whilst struggling to fight back tears.
"Speaking of your laptop, shut it down and hand it over to me!! It is not contributing anything useful to your life and it shows."
Feyi just rolls her eyes before shutting down her laptop and handing it over to her mum and then walking past without even sparing a glance at her mother.
"Can you imagine this girl just ignored me like that? How dare she?!"
Feyi just leaves the house and heads outside. She has been cooped up in the house for too long so she might as well go out despite her lacklustre social skills.
She then spots an Internet Cafe and heads in there. The Cafe did not have a lot of customers around which was good because she does not like crowds much.
She then takes her seat and just chills out. "Do you intend to use any of our computers for anything?" the cafe manager asks.  She just shakes her head.
She continues to stay there until around 7 o'clock and heads back home.
The moment she gets home she is greeted by the sight of her mother and a group of Islamic clerics.
"Mummy, what's going on?"
The woman stares at the chief cleric who says, "Come with us."
She glares at him. "What for?" she asks. "Your mother here says that you are in need of deep spiritual deliverance."
Her mind flashes back to two years ago when she got dragged to church for a similar reason by her aunt who recently passed away.
"And what makes you think that I need deliverance? I am totally fine." she replies, trying to laugh things off.
"You are not fine Feyi and you know it!!" Mrs Badmus yells.
It was then that something changes within Feyi as she glares darkly at her mother who is greatly disturbed by this.
"Mum, I love and respect you but can you please back off?" she says in an icy tone.
The clerics were taken aback by the sudden change in demanour. "As you my dear Islamic brothers, I suggest you start taking your leave. No need to waste your time."
With that, she storms off to her room and slams the door behind her.
She plops onto the bed and stares up at the ceiling, saying a silent prayer as she does not think that she can tolerate her family's bullshit anymore.
Her thoughts get distracted by a beep from her phone. She picks it up from her phone and sees a notification of a Facebook message.
Curious, she taps on the notification and is redirected back to Facebook where she sees a Facebook messager message from someone she has not heard from for years; Dolapo Thomas, her friend from Infotech days. She used to have a crush on him due to how sweet of a guy he was.
The message went as follows:
@DolapoThomas: Hi Feyi. Longest time.
Smiling softly, she replies:
@FeyiBadmus: Hi Dolapo. I'm good and you?
He replies with:
@DolapoThomas: Good as well. I lost access to your number because my phone got stolen.
Feyi feels bad for him.
@FeyiBadmus: Eyah. Sorry to hear that. Will give you my number.
She then types out the number and sends it to him.
@DolapoThomas: Thank you Feyi.
She smiles softly as soon as she sees the incoming call from a number she believes to be Dolapo's.
"Hi Dolapo." she says. "Feyi I missed hearing your sweet voice."
She giggles. "You and that you mouth eh." The guy chuckles. "Hey just one of my charms."
She grins and continues chatting with him, managing to forget the incident with her mother for once.
She did not even sit at the table with her mother, something that did not go unnoticed to her oldest sister Sade who goes to the guestroom which Feyi and their mother share and stands by the doorway.
Feyi was not paying attention to the TV which was on and was spacing out.
"You ok kiddo?"
The girl just stares at her with a blank expression on her face. Being the last born of the family may have some perks but there is an obvious downside to it best illustrated by their mother's overbearing attitude.
Sade sighs and walks in, taking a seat beside her. "You know, your mother was a lot worse back then when we were younger."
"How so?"
"She had a lot more energy to hit us whenever we fucked up. It got so bad that I tried to run away from home."
Feyi's eyes widened in shock at this. "No way?!"
The older Badmus sibling nodded. "Yeah. Your mother has refused to change and accept that you can keep training all children in the same manner."
Feyi nods. "I guess you are right." Sade pats the girl in the back. "Hang in there kiddo. You will cross that bridge." The youngest Badmus smiles and hugs her sister. "Thanks sis."
Sade chuckles and ruffles Feyi's long thick black hair which earns a pout from the baby.
"Ah na!!" she whines. Sade just laughs and gently pats her head. "You will live kiddo."
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irwinkitten · 5 years
home | m.c
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pairing: none summary: michael found three brothers within his best friends as they toured the world and made names for themselves, but he never knew about being an brother until he was one.  or michael discovers he has a sister notes: so lowkey inspired by the fact i found out that my great aunt’s older sister ran away when she was 20 and disappeared. so we could potentially have more family out there and i kinda got inspired to write this and yeah.  warnings: mentions of death, smidgen of angst and fluff word count: 8k!
Most parents were able to talk to their children about their families, about their history. But Cassidy never knew about her dad, apart from the fact that she had been born from a summer fling.
Whenever she’d asked, her mum would only smile wistfully before changing the subject and Cassidy realised that she would likely never learn of the other side to her family.
But then when her mum had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, the world seemed to be pulled under from her feet as she tried to prepare herself, to plan ahead for her life. And for the most part, she could enjoy the time with her mum, the two of them going on outings. But then she deteriorated to the point that she needed to be in a hospital and Cassidy never left her side as the days slipped on by and the breathing became more shallower and rattling.
Weeks after a new year rolled in, the day that her breathing stopped, Cassidy felt her heart break. She felt the ache in her chest as she was picked up at two in the morning by a family friend, bringing her back to their home as she sat in the kitchen and sobbed, being held by the people who had helped her mum raise her.
When she was contacted by the solicitor regarding her mum’s will, Lyn stayed by her side, holding her hand as he read through what had been left to her.
She’d gained all of her mother's trinkets, as well as a substantial amount of money and a house that she could do as she pleased. And finally, she was given a letter.
Going back to Lyn’s, a cup of tea in hand, she sat in the kitchen by herself, reading through the letter and felt her heart drop. She was finally learning about her father.
My sweet, sweet girl. As I write this, my health is getting worse. We both knew this moment was coming. I know you’ve been talking to the carers about getting me to the hospital. I just hope that you are not left to go through this alone. But I know Lyn, she won’t leave you.
In my last letter to you, I want to tell you about your father, a man who I loved only for a summer. His name was Daryl. We knew it would amount to nothing more, he was visiting from Australia and it was the 90’s. Technology was still moving along and letters were so much effort for us. We agreed that our summer fling would be just that. But then, my sweet girl, you surprised me. You were always the best reminder of that summer. You were the greatest gift I was given.
I know you asked for him, but I could never be honest and tell you that he was just a summer romance. I didn’t want to lie to you and say we were madly in love but he left me or didn’t want you. Truth be told, I don’t know if he knows you exist. We exchanged a handful of letters and when I discovered I was pregnant with you, I forgot about him.
I know that maybe I should have helped you reach out to him as you got older, or even told him of your existence. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It will be my greatest shame to bear, even after I pass to the next life. You deserved better than that, and I can only apologise.
With this letter, I’ve included the letters we exchanged before I discovered my pregnancy. I know the address and name is not much to go on, but it’s all that I can do now. The rest is up to the universe. I hope that she will be kind and give you the opportunity to meet him, because the man that I met, the charming and witty young gentleman, would have loved you to pieces.
I am sorry, my sweet girl that we part like this. But I hope you can rest your soul that even though my bones are growing tired and my soul is lifting to meet my maker, I am so so proud of who you are and the woman you’ve become.
All my love,
Lyn found her in the kitchen, tea long gone cold and body slumped over the table, dry tear tracks indicating she’d cried herself to exhaustion. So after calling for her husband Joe, he easily shifted her body into his arms, carrying her up to the guest bedroom and tucked her under the covers.
Lyn folded the letter back up without looking and placed it on the bedside table before letting her sleep peacefully.
The next morning when Cassidy stumbled into the kitchen, greeted with Joe’s coughed giggle, she rolled her eyes and made herself a tea, leaning against the counter as he continued to make breakfast.
“Mum left me a letter. She told me about my dad.” Joe paused for a moment before he finished up their breakfast. She didn’t argue as he marched her into the dining room and sat her down, his eyes filled with concern.
“And what do you want to do Cassie?” She hesitated at his question. What did she want?
“I want him to know me. But I’m scared. I’m twenty five years old and I’m fucking terrified.” She finally got out and he reached a hand out, resting it on hers.
“You know that Lyn and I will be here with you regardless of your decision.” She nodded her head at that and the discussion was shelved for when Lyn returned home from work.
The day was filled with appointments, getting the death certificate and making phone calls to either get things transferred or cut off. It was a tiring day of Cassidy and when Lyn returned home later that evening, she was already nursing a glass of wine, her eyes rimmed red and a tissue in her lap. Joe could only offer so much comfort, but he was more about practicality, Lyn dealt better with the emotions.
Grabbing her dinner that had been left on a warming plate in the oven, Lyn joined the two in the living room, choosing the spot next to Cassidy. The younger girl seemed to shift in response, her body curling into Lyn’s side and she didn’t protest, knowing that comfort was needed.
They discussed the day, Joe going over what had been done before her usual sharp green eyes snapped up at the mention of the funeral.
“It’s got to be colourful. She loved life and bright colours.” Joe nodded in understanding and Joe finally brought up the conversation she was still unsure about.
“Cassie has found out some information about her dad from her mum.” With Lyn’s plate long since cleared and set on the floor, she’d allowed the younger woman to curl into her side completely, accepting the offered comfort. Her arm squeezed around Cassidy’s shoulders.
“Do you want to find him?”
“Yes.” The answer had left her lips, the uncertainty tinging in her tone, but she knew that it was something she needed to do. There wasn’t much left of her family any more. Cousins scattered across the country with aunts and uncles, but even then they were slowly passing away.
“We’ll start with a letter to the address that we have. That way we can open a communication and see where to go from there.” Relief flooded through her bones. Someone was helping her and taking charge.
After the funeral, they’d written the letter and sent it off. Cassidy hadn’t thought much of it as she slowly began to pack up her mum’s belongings, the small trinkets staying in the house whilst the clothes went to charity shops or she sold on. It was easy to fall back into the routine of going back to work.
Her boss had been kind to her, giving her the time she needed, getting cover for the shifts and telling Cassidy not to worry about the coffee shop. And so she didn’t. When she returned to work, her regular customers who lived locally and knew what had happened, passed their condolences and things slowly began to return to normal.
It was two months after the letter had been sent off did an email ping into her inbox, the only thing stopping from deleting it was the subject of the message ‘greetings from Daryl’ and her stomach dropped as she stared at the words before taking a deep breath and closing the laptop lid.
“I’ve got time.” She murmured, heading upstairs to shower and get changed, scrubbing herself clean until her skin was slightly pink and she didn’t feel like her chest was caving in.
Cassidy eventually returned to the laptop, hands shaking as she clicked open the email. Her eyes scanned over the contents, a short explanation saying how that he didn’t live at the at address any more, but he’d always kept in touch with the previous owners. He sent his condolences about her mother and the slight disbelief that she hadn’t told him about her.
Along with it was the agreement to the paternity test, for his own reassurance and then maybe they could talk about it more. And she understood that, she understood that he was worried for whatever reason that it wasn’t true.
So with trembling hands, she typed her reply out and realised that everything in her life was about to change.
Cassidy had done her swabs and sent the test off weeks ago.
Lyn had helped her, and when the results arrived, she didn’t bother to open them, heading over to Lyn and Joe’s instead. Every emotion seemed to be crashing through her body as she tried to figure out how she felt about this. Was she excited, was she nervous? When she pulled up to their driveway and headed on in, she realised that a lot of the feeling was fear. Fear of the unknown.
“The test results arrived.” She held up the envelope once she greeted Lyn. Without being prompted, she handed the envelope over.
“Are you sure you want me to open them?”
“I can’t.” And one look at her trembling hands helped Lyn understand as they sat down on the couch together. The house was quiet, Joe having gone into work for the day.
The opening of the envelope sounded louder than it should’ve done, but also Cassidy could hear her heart thundering in her chest. Everything felt louder as she could feel herself holding onto her breath, waiting for Lyn to read the letter.
“Congratulations, kiddo. He’s a match.” The breath escaped her and she could feel herself lost for words. Her mum hadn’t lied and he really was her dad.
“I don’t know what to do now.” She finally whispered and Lyn patted her arm comfortingly.
“You talk to him. Work it out from here.”
So she went home and opened her emails. She typed and retyped her email until the words didn’t look right to her. And eventually she clicked send, praying he could make sense of her garbled nonsense, terrified of the biggest change in her life.
He replied within the hour, having read his own results and it felt like a weight was settling on her again. She didn’t know how to reply to his curious questions, wondering if she should just be flat out or try to open the conversation.
That was when Cassidy realised that she wanted this relationship with her dad, and she wanted to be able to talk to him about the mundane stuff without it being a chore.
So she kept herself open, talking about what she did, but asking him if he was working at all. She told him snippets of her life and in return he told her that he had a wife and a son.
The second she read that, she could feel shock ripple through her as she stared at the word until she pushed the laptop away and took in a sharp breath.
“Holy shit I’ve got a brother.”
That was when a startled laugh escaped her and she could feel every emotion fighting to push first, overwhelming her until she just cried for everything, the tears coming as a relief and helping her sort through the various emotions.
She was absolutely elated that she had a brother, and that was when she found herself craving for more information.
And so he told her everything that happened after he’d left her mother. He told her about his marriage, his son who was a musician, his friends, his family, her family.
And over the following weeks and months as they exchanged emails and soon texts, she found herself wanting to meet him.
‘I’ve got holiday time coming up. Do you think it would be possible to meet up?’
‘Of course! What dates do you have off, I’m sure we can work something out.’
Daryl knew that the subject needed to be approached carefully with Michael. Both he and Karen had decided whilst he was on tour, they wouldn’t worry him about this.
He knew his wife had been so understanding with the subject of Cassidy, especially when the results had confirmed she was indeed his daughter.
“I may understand that you two had been together long before I was in the picture, but Michael necessarily won’t. Not till we sit down with him properly.” Her voice had been reason and he agreed that whilst he was on a world tour, they didn’t need to add to his stress load.
So they agreed to have her fly out to Australia, to spend time away from everything but give her a chance to meet the rest of his family too. His parents were still alive and deserved to know they had not only a grandson but a granddaughter as well.
Daryl’s arms wrapped around Karen, pulling her tight as he placed a kiss to her head.
“Thank you for being so understanding.”
“She’s your little, well, not so little but my point still stands, but she’s your little girl. I’ll hold my judgement till I meet her but I won’t turn her away. She’s family now.” And at his wife’s words, he could feel the stress slip from his shoulders.
“We’ll need to tell Michael eventually.”
“Before or after the tour? This is a big thing and we can’t drop it on him unexpectedly.”
“We’re going to their LA show, right?” Karen flicked through the calendar that sat on the fridge.
“You want to tell him then?”
“I’m certain they have a few weeks off before the European run of the tour. It’ll give him enough time to get his head around the fact he has a sister. He’ll have Crystal with him as well.” Daryl countered and she hummed in agreement.
“That’s only a few months away now.” She moved back to table as they finished up lunch.
“He’ll understand.”
When Cassidy arrived in Sydney, she was a lot more nervous than she was letting on. Thankfully, Daryl had offered to pay for a hotel for her, so she had her own space to decompress. He understood that staying with complete strangers wasn’t really ideal.
He’d offered to pick her up from the airport, but she’d declined, wanting to meet somewhere that wasn’t rushed or overwhelming. So they agreed to meet for dinner on her second night, giving Cassidy a day to adjust to the time change but also to explore the city by herself.
She loved every second of her first day, visiting the more local spots for food and letting her feet enjoy the feeling of the sand between her toes.
By the time it came around for the dinner, she was the most relaxed she’d been since long before her mum had gotten ill.
When she arrived at the restaurant, she was greeted by a server and she found herself smoothing down her dress nervously.
“Uh, a table under the name of Clifford?” The server smiled.
“Two of the party have already arrived, if you’d like to follow me please?” And she did, her eyes darting around the, for the most part, empty restaurant.
Eventually they headed in the direction of a couple who were conversing between themselves and it was the woman who looked up first, her lips curving into a reassuring smile. The man turned his head and Cassidy found her breathing hitch.
She could see her features in his face so easily. She knew that she took after her dad, her mum had always told her so. But to see his face, she could pinpoint the similarities and her found her words frozen as the server brought her up to the table and Daryl stood.
“All grown up and beautiful. Definitely from my side.” And she laughed, her nerves easing a she leaned forward into a hug and the way he held her tightly, like he was holding pieces of her together. And she closed her eyes, holding on for that second longer, before they pulled away and his hands cupped her face, thumbs wiping the tears that had fallen.
“Let me introduce you to my wife, Karen. Karen, this is my daughter Cassidy.” Karen stunned her, pulling her in for a warm hug that she practically melted into. Her nerves were for nothing apparently.
As they talked through the evening, Karen and Cassidy swapped places, the father and daughter duo talking about what she did growing up, what she studied and her current job.
“Let me take a photo of the both of you.” Karen finally piped up during a lull in the conversation. Cassidy gave her a curious glance.
“Sure.” She leaned closer, a bright grin on her lips as the photo was taken and their food arrived.
The conversations continued as both Karen and Daryl told her about their own lives and about her younger half-brother.
By the time that the dinner was over, Cassidy felt a lot more comfortable but Daryl understood that she was still adjusting to this massive change in her life.
“I know it must feel surreal for you, it’s still surreal for me to think about that I have a grown up daughter. But I want to make this work for all of us.” His words were quiet as they exited the restaurant, Karen just behind them. Cassidy had her arm looped through his.
“It feels strange, to know that I have a dad after so long of it being just mum and I.” Cassidy admitted. They split off, Karen indicating she was heading to the car to wait whilst the two of them moved to the park just across the street, the streetlamps beginning to light up the place. It was peaceful as they walked through.
“Did she not find anyone?” Cassidy shook her head.
“She had a couple of boyfriends when I was growing up, but none of them liked the fact she had me and prioritised me over them. That was when she figured that she was better off raising me by herself.”
“She did a stellar job with it.” A smile cracked across Cassidy’s lips.
As they walked through the park, the question that had always been something she’d wanted to ask, ever since she was a child, fell from her lips before she could stop herself.
“Did you ever love mum?” He glanced at her, the way her cheeks flushed before her eyes turned from him down to the floor in embarrassment. He chuckled softly.
“Don’t fret about asking such questions. I’ve been married to Karen long enough at this point, it’s not an unreasonable question. I did love your mum, but we both knew that it was only going to be a summertime romance. She was always a delight to be around and when I first came back home, I missed her. But I moved past it, choosing to remember it as a sweet summer romance, and by the time I met Karen, she was but a memory for me.”
And Cassidy couldn’t fault him. He moved on with his life. He got married, had another child.
“I there somewhere we could go tomorrow? I’ve been looking at the tourist stuff and not all of it is appealing to me.” She finally spoke after moments of silence and he laughed.
“If you’re anything like what your mother was, I know a few museums that would interest you. How about we make a day of it tomorrow and you come around for dinner?” She nodded her head at his proposed plan.
“Sounds ideal.”
Michael felt like he was on top of the world. Playing the LA Forum as the final night of their North American tour and all of their parents had flown out to see it. He knew that his parents had opted to stay in a hotel and he knew they were going to be staying in LA for the next few weeks for his birthday before flying back home, where he’d be joining them for the awards show.
After the show, the post-show euphoria setting in after the four had showered and changed. It felt surreal. Tour was nearly over and he could focus on the future, the next record.
“Son, we need to talk to you.” His dad’s voice was uncharacteristically quiet, devoid of the normal jovial tone that he was used to.
“Your mum’s waiting for us, we figured to talk away from everyone.” His eyes strayed to his brothers in all but blood and Michael felt a frown form on his features.
“Is Crystal included in the statement about everyone?” His dad gave him a sharp look and Michael had to stop himself from apologising immediately.
“For this time, yes. You can tell her and the others, but we want to talk to you first.” He tried not to flinch at the harsh tone from his dad, but he watched as his face softened, a smile crossing his lips. “We wanted to tell you this news first is all, it’s nothing against her or your brothers.” Michael grinned before holding his hand up as a signal to wait a moment, turning towards the group.
“Mike, we’re heading out, you gonna join?” Luke posed the question and Michael shook his head.
“Sorry, but not at the moment. The folks want to talk to me about something, but we’ll catch up with you later if you text me where you guys are gonna be at?” Luke nodded as he placed a soft kiss to Crystal’s cheek, arms wrapping around her waist.
“I’ll let you know what they’re telling me later. I’ll text you if it’s serious. Love you.” He murmured under his breath and she chuckled.
“Love you too. And well done baby, I’m proud.” She hummed, turning her head so that her lips met his.
A variety of gagging noises erupted from the other three and Michael stuck his middle finger up in their general direction before pulling away and following after his dad.
Once he was in the back of his parents hired car, the chatter was idle and he realised that they were heading back to his.
“I could’ve brought my stuff back with me.” He groaned and his mum laughed.
“Like that would’ve helped you do your washing any quicker.” She teased and he gave her an impish grin in return as they climbed out. Once inside, his parents sat on the couches and suddenly Michael felt like a guest in his own home as he took a seat on the opposite one.
“So we wanted to tell you this news when we first found out, but you were in the middle of a world tour and I realise this is going to make no sense to you, but I didn’t want to distract you from your job.” His dad started off and Michael could only give his parents a confused stare in return.
“Found out what?”
“You have an older sister.” The words from his dad made his gut drop.
“Surely mum would’ve remembered giving birth to another child.” His tone was cold and he could feel his heart race. “This has got to be some kind of bad joke.”
His mum shook her head.
“She’s your half-sister. Before your dad and I met, he had a summer romance back in England. It was never something we considered happening because we met long after he’d returned from England.” This wasn’t making Michael feel any better, his emotions warring.
“How did she get in touch?”
“Letter first. Then we texted and emailed and eventually she came out to Sydney-”
“Wait, how long ago was this?”
“She visited mid-year.” Michael couldn’t stop the feeling of betrayal and anger flooding him, not realising he was on his feet until he was pacing.
“So you kept this from me for almost half a year?” His tone was venomous and his mum flinched, but he was too incensed to care.
“She sent the letter months before-”
“So nearly an entire fucking year?” He fired back, struggling to keep his voice from rising. Part of him was screaming that he was being irrational, but the other was beginning to bubble with an anger that he’d not felt in a very long time.
“We didn’t want to distract you from the tour! You’ve been so excited about it and I felt it wasn’t something you needed to worry about too much.”
“She says she’s my fucking sister, but it’s not something I need to worry about? Are you even hearing yourselves right now?” His incredulous tone was met with raised eyebrows and he scoffed.
“We had a DNA test done to be sure. The results are accurate.” His dad said quiet and Michael felt a sarcastic laugh escape him, no humour in his tone.
“Real fucking reassuring for me. Just drop it on me that I have a sister, telling me that yeah you’ve met her and had the DNA results-”
His father handed a photo to him, cutting off his words. The photo was taken at a restaurant. A girl, who he would’ve placed at his age sat next to his dad. He couldn’t ignore the screaming similarities. She shared his natural blonde hair colour, eyes the same as his and he felt his breathing catch.
“Get out.”
“I know this is a lot, but please understand I felt it was what was best for you. I’m sorry if my decisions hurt you, son.” His dad hummed. Michael didn’t acknowledge the words, looking away as his mum placed a hand on his cheek.
“We’ll see you soon.” Was all she said before the door slammed shut and Michael could feel his breathing get shorter.
Tears blurred his vision as he fumbled for his phone, trying to pull himself together, unsure of his emotions. Part of him felt elated, overjoyed. But the stronger, more angrier side felt panicked and hurt.
Abandoning the search for his phone, he felt the burning in his chest as he tried to calm himself down before he gave up on that notion.
He knew he was drowning in the panic, but he repeatedly told himself that he was okay, that he was alive and he wasn’t really burning. It didn’t take much longer before he could feel the steel bands that were wrapped around his chest begin to loosen up and breathing became easier for him.
He finally picked up the photo, his eyes taking in the features of the girl-his sister.
“Where the fuck were you so many years ago?” He finally muttered before tossing the photo onto the coffee table, heading upstairs to get changed. He needed to drink and he knew the others were still going to be out
When he woke up the next morning, the taste of cotton in his mouth and the headache increasing, he buried his face into the pillow, trying to remember what he drank last night to get such a hangover.
Then he remembered why he’d drunk so much.
Pulling himself from his bed, he had a shower, washing the smell of alcohol and sweat off of him before he finally got dressed and made his way downstairs. Crystal was sat on the sofa, the photo in her hands as she studied it.
Nothing was spoken as he went to make himself a black coffee, draining the first mug before making another one and finally venturing into the living room, sitting next to his girlfriend. The silence was easy, but he could hear her unspoken question.
“She’s my half-sister according to my parents. My dad had a summer romance with someone from England, way before he met my mum. Apparently, she was the result of that fling.”
Crystal remained quiet, her hand rubbing soothing circles on his thigh.
“Why now? Why not years sooner? Why has this got to happen now, just as we’re about to fly out to the fucking country for tour?” Getting it off his chest felt therapeutic and he knew he couldn’t let this fester. “I mean, mum and dad met her in the summer. He’d been in contact with her for longer. Nearly an entire fucking year and not one word passed to me about her.”
They lapsed into silence and he tried to push the bitterness to one side, his head falling to rest against Crystal’s shoulder. She shifted her arms to wrap around him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Give her a chance, but don’t bury your feelings. Talk to your parents and we’ll work something out.” She murmured softly and he sighed before nodding.
He was nervous.
For the last part of the tour, the guys knew that something was up, but didn’t pester him about it. He hadn’t told them of his sisters existence. He was still trying to understand it himself. But a month hadn’t been long enough for him.
When he arrived to his parents empty home, he felt confused for a second. He knew they’d travelled back a few days before him.
“They’re out shopping.” A voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned to see the girl he’d only seen in the photo his dad had left with him.
“I didn’t ask.”
“You didn’t have to. The question was practically scrawled across your forehead.” She replied calmly. For some reason, the calm reply only irritated him further and he tried not to scowl.
“I guess you’ll know why they didn’t text me to let me know?” The sarcastic response was rhetorical as she shrugged in return.
“Your mum said something about taking a while clearing customs and collecting bags. Dad didn’t disagree with her observations.” The casual way she spoke ‘dad’ seemed to set something off and he scowled.
“Why don’t you just go back to your own parent and leave mine alone?” He snapped, eyes finally meeting hers.
Cassidy recoiled back from his words as if she’d been slapped, eyes filling with tears.
“That’s what you’re doing right? Trying to weasel in and maybe get your-”
“My mother is dead.” She barely breathed out before storming past and fleeing from the house, a loud slam echoing around the empty home.
Guilt immediately ate him up and he suddenly found himself feeling very small as he realised that every selfish assumption he’d had was entirely wrong.
He wasn’t too sure how long he’d been stood there, but upon hearing the door shut once more, he jolted back and was greeted by his parents carrying through the grocery bags.
“So you cleared customs quick then?” His mum enquired as she carried on through to the kitchen.
“Yeah, not too much luggage or equipment.” He replied dully.
“Have you met Cassie yet?” Guilt flooded him once more as he nodded his head.
“She, uh, went out. I’m not feeling particularly hungry right now. So I’m just gonna head up to my old room and crash out for a bit.” Michael jammed his thumb towards the stairs and hoped that his parents wouldn’t interrogate him.
He did not need that argument to increase his guilt. He needed to find his sister and apologise at least, for his words.
“Sure thing sweetheart. If you’re not down for dinner later, I’ll plate you up some and you can eat it when you’re ready.”
Michael didn’t respond as he picked up his luggage and disappeared upstairs, falling face first into his pillow as the unease settled in his stomach.
For the first couple of days, it was awkward. He couldn’t figure out how to apologise to her and then he had the awards show. From what he gathered from his parents, she was staying behind. They hadn’t announced to any of their friends about Cassidy yet and wanted the two of them comfortable.
This only made the guilt in his stomach grow.
He tried to push it from his mind as they went up for the awards, plastering a smile on his lips for the cameras and fans. It took more effort than he thought, but by the time the night was over, he was ready to just collapse.
It was another two days of awkwardness before Michael had had enough.
“C’mon, we’re going out.” He startled Cassidy from her spot on the couch, a book tucked against her legs.
His parents were at their jobs so there was still a few hours left and he did not want it to be spent so awkwardly and uncomfortable. And the guilt was really beginning to eat at him.
“Going out where?” Her tone was cautious, understandably so.
“The beach.” Came the prompt reply and she hesitated before shrugging and ditching her book, grabbing her bag and flip-flops before heading out to his rented car.
He didn’t know how to fill the awkward silence in the car with idle chatter, he was never good at that. So he let the radio music fill in the background silence as he drove away from the tourist spots and moved more towards where the locals congregated, avoiding the overcrowded beaches.
When they reached the beach, part of him wondered what the fuck he was doing, but then one glance to his left was a solid reminder of why he was out there with Cassidy.
The silence was deafening as they began their walk along the sand. Both of them had ditched their shoes once they hit the sand, Michael pulling a face whereas Cassidy simply grinned.
Ten minutes into their walk, he finally found his words.
“I’m an asshole of a brother.”
“Yeah, you kind of are.” Came back the response and he found a small smile creep up on his lips.
“I know it’s no excuse, but it felt like they were trying to replace me. Their only son, off in LA and around the world, living the rockstar life with his girlfriend. Part of me wondered if they didn’t like being so far away.”
“But you know I’m only-”
“I know you’re dads. But mum, she’s taken a real shining to you. And I got scared thinking that you were there to, I don’t know, break them up so he could be with your mum.” He could feel his cheeks growing warm as she snorted at his words, but she didn’t argue them.
“I get the anger, the frustration. But you've gotta work it for you.” She hummed softly, fingers running through her hair. “You need to talk to dad about this, or at least your mum so one of them understands why you’ve been so distant this trip.”
“I’m sorry.” He finally admitted and they finally stopped, sitting down on the beach, facing the sea. “I’m sorry I hurt you like that. I went too far and it wasn’t fair.”
Cassidy let the silence sit between them, her eyes watching a few of the locals on the waves. The breeze seemed to play with both of their hair, pushing it from their faces as she finally turned her head towards him.
“Apology accepted.”
“But I’m not forgiven yet, am I?”
“Yet being the keyword.” Her lips were curved into a small smile, and Michael reciprocated.
“Can we start again? We got off on a really bad foot and you don’t deserve that.” Both of their smiles grew into matching grins.
“Hi Michael, I’m Cassidy, your older half-sister.”
“Nice to meet you Cassidy,” his arm wrapped across her shoulders, “I hope you like sushi and video games. That’s all I’m useful for as a brother.” The two shared a laugh, continuing to watch the surfers and asking questions about each other.
After Cassidy had flown back to the UK, their relationship seemed to flourish, despite the time differences.
As she worked, she got updates from him, exchanging jokes and talking about his engagement announcement that was coming up.
She’d met Crystal and seeing how the two were, seeing him so happy and in love, she was more than happy to welcome her to the family, despite having only been apart of it for such a short time.
The two of them had hit it off quite well, and it seemed to cement the sibling’s relationship further.
They’d agreed to keep her appearance quiet, even though there were photos floating around of her hugging Michael goodbye at LAX when she headed back home. She was just grateful that they hadn’t managed to get a shot of her face and thanks to a quick change, she was able to blend in with the crowds.
Despite feeling more relaxed about the start of the year, as her mum’s anniversary came up, she knew that she was struggling and told Michael and their dad as such. What didn’t help was when she tried to take time off to visit them, if only to get through the awful day with her new family, her boss had given her a written warning.
She’d exploded about it to Michael, ranting about how she had holiday to take but he wasn’t letting her.
It left her very drunk and very alone on the anniversary of her mum’s death and when Michael finally called her once he’d finished up in the studio, she’d burst into tears at the simple ‘how are you doing?’
He realised then that he was prepared to drop everything and fly out to her just to be a shoulder for her to cry on, but he knew he couldn’t. So he got in touch with Lyn, asking her to check in on Cassidy.
He’d quietly asked the others, because he felt so new to these different emotions. He felt overwhelmingly protective of his sister, even though she was older. That’d made Calum laugh when he’d admitted it.
“With siblings, time together doesn’t matter. When one’s hurting, it’s shit to watch them in pain and you want to do whatever you can to help. Don’t beat yourself up because you can’t, you listened to her and I can bet she appreciated it.”
And he was right. She called him a few days later and thanked him for not only being on the phone with her, but also for calling Lyn.
“You’re my sister. I wasn’t about to hang up and leave you by yourself, drunk.” He’d scoffed in return, but they both understood. He was relieved she was okay.
When the new single dropped and they began doing promo, that was when Michael felt the pressure of the questions from interviewers about the photo of him hugging Cassidy. But it was one where they were being recorded for a video that he finally snapped.
“So whilst you guys have significant others on the tour, apparently there’s a new girl on the scene.” The others could feel the temperature drop drastically, despite it still being warm in the room. Michael’s look was wary and defensive.
“And what about it?” Ashton asked hesitantly and the interviewer smirked.
“Well we were wondering if there’s a reason for this new girl? Especially when she seems to be around the member who’s engaged.” Michael’s jaw twitched as he stopped himself from spouting off, waiting for the actual question the interviewer seemed to be digging for.
“Is there an actual question?” His tone was icy, and either the interviewer didn’t realise or ignored it.
“Well, who is she? Is she a side piece or is she dating one of the last two free members of the band.” Both Ashton and Calum stiffened and Michael’s temper snapped.
“Considering it’s none of your business who she is, I’ll tell you regardless because I really don’t need any rumours flying about her or my bandmates or myself. She’s my sister who could probably kick your ass and is definitely going to kick mine for this, but I really don’t appreciate how you were talking about her.” The interviewers eyes seemed to light up, no shame in his features.
The interview continued, but it felt a lot more difficult to relax. Once the cameras were off and the interviewer was shaking their hands, he handed Michael a slip of paper.
“Pass that onto your sister for me, mate. I’d love to have a one-to-one with her.” The smirk on his face told Michael exactly what he was going for. Michael stared him down.
“I know my sister well enough that she wouldn’t go near you with a fucking barge pole. Next time you decide to do interviews of anyone, do your fucking research. And maybe don’t degrade women, you might get a date, asshole.” He dropped the paper on the floor and headed out, a low whistle escaping from Ashton.
“That interview is going to blow up, you realise this, right?”
“Fans have speculated that she’s just a friend, so we’re going to have to post something before that interview goes live.” Michael groaned before they piled into the car that took them to the next location.
“At least we’re not doing any kind of interview on Fallon. I don’t think I could take another grilling like that.” He groaned and the other three laughed.
When they reached the rehearsal studio, Cassidy had already arrived and was tapping away at her laptop, looking up and greeted the group with a grin.
“You could maybe be a little bit more excited to see me.” It took Michael a full second before his brain registered and she’d already ditched her laptop by the time he’d pulled her from her seat, pulling her into the tightest hug.
“Holy shit I didn’t think you were able to make it?” She laughed as he finally let go and she greeted the other three easily.
“My boss got fired. Something about a complaint being made to HR about his treatment of his staff.” She eyed him carefully and he shrugged.
“You had the time off and he wouldn’t give it to you. It’s bad treatment.” She grinned.
“Well, I spoke to my new boss the other week and explained the whole situation to her. She sat with me as we went through my projects. Anything that needed to be done as a practical side was pulled forward and completed, the others are mostly research. I’ve gotten the bulk of the list done whilst on the twelve hour flight over which means that I can work whilst you guys are rehearsing and then hopefully it means I get more time with you knuckleheads.”
Once Alex and Drew turned up for rehearsal, they all seemed to knuckle down whilst she tapped away on her laptop, smiling at the jokes and rolling her eyes at the childishness. She didn’t move from her spot, seemingly ignoring the group whilst the occasional click of the camera could be heard in the lull of the sound.
At one point, whilst Ashton was on the drums, him and Matt going over the song, she felt someone sit next to her and turned her head to see it was Michael.
“So, how’s work coming along?” He asked quietly, his eyes flickering to the laptop. She smiled, scrolling through the few pages.
“Just a few conclusions to write up. I’ve cited most of the documents, so I don’t have to do that ballache later tonight either.”
The two shared grins.
“So, you know that we wanted to keep your connection to me, quiet...” Michael knew it was better to tell her now rather than her finding out later on.
“You told?” Her tone wasn’t accusing, simply questioning.
“The interviewer was an asshole about you. Making you out like you’re some sort of side chick for me,” both of them cringed, “or dating Calum or Ashton, since they’re the only two available members of the band.”
“So you put him in his place?” He nodded and she let her head rest on his shoulder. “I’m not upset. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“We’ll need to post something officially, before the interview goes out.” He murmured after a moment and she just hummed in response as they watched the others for a while.
“Who knew that being a Clifford would cause so much drama?” She finally mused, making him laugh.
“Well us Clifford’s have got to stick together in these trying times.” The tease was clear, but she understood his words and nudged his side playfully.
“Too damn right. And hey, if it means having to look beautiful for the both of us, I’ll gladly do so.” It took Michael a solid second to register her words and she was off the chair like a shot, laughing as he followed.
“That was mean!” He whined as he chased after her, catching her into a headlock, the others pausing to watch the duo.
“You left it wide open Mike. I simply took the invite. Don’t ruin my hair!” Cassidy tried to pull away as his hand ruffled her hair, yelping as she elbowed his side and released her.
“Try not to kill him Cassie, we need our guitarist alive.” Ashton called over to her and she gave him a thumbs up before wrapping her arms around Michael.
“If I got the beauty, you got the talent, that’s for sure.” She muttered, making him laugh as he hugged her back before she pulled away and headed back to her spot, feeling contentment settle over her as she watch the group rehearse and goof around.
She was home, finally.
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Shadowhunters Short Story #57 Teenage Mina Carstairs accidentally time travels.
It is a blazing hot summer’s day in June of 2030 and 17 year old Mina Carstairs has just finished a magic lesson with her mother. Mina’s powers have yet to fully come into fruition, she has accidentally used her powers once or twice, but it’s not precisely clear just what powers she has. When she was a toddler, Mina had once used her powers to replace her healthy dinner with a plate of chocolate coated pancakes, at 3 she had accidentally used her powers on the family cat Church, and turned his fur bright yellow, her favorite color. Since her older siblings’ powers came to light when they were around Mina’s age, her mother and her Aunt Cat, Uncle Magnus and Uncle Ragnor, had started teaching Mina about her magic and her powers when she turned 12. Her brother James’ powers came to light at 13, her brother Kit was 15 when he discovered his powers, and her sister Lucie was 16 when she discovered hers. Mina’s younger siblings, twins Jade and Charlotte, and her baby brother Will, have shown no signs of any of their powers yet, so for now Tessa is focusing on teaching Mina. 
Usually after her lessons Mina feels very tired and needs to rest for an hour or two. Right now she is lying on her back on her bed, trying to practice a simple spell her mother had just gone over with her, but she’s finding it very difficult and is growing quiet frustrated, she wishes she could be as natural at as her Uncle Magnus, who uses his magic for anything and everything.
Mina looks over to her bedside table, where there are a few framed pictures of her family, as well as some books and other things. The picture closest to her is a picture of her sister Lucie, smiling and clutching a book to her chest. Tessa had used her powers to colorize the photos some time ago, so it looks like the picture was taken only a few days ago, not centuries ago. 
“I wish you were here Lucie.” Mina quietly says, reaching out to touch the picture with one hand. “I wish you could sit with me and talk about my powers and how I can’t seem to use them properly, I wish you could give me advice. I hate that I’m never going to meet you or Jamie, or any of our Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.” Tears well up in Mina’s eyes as she thinks about all the family she has and will never get to meet. She wants nothing more than to know her other siblings and to meet her Aunts, Uncles and Cousins she’s heard so much about.
As the sadness, anger and frustration builds and builds inside Mina and threatens to bubble over, a sudden burst of light shoots through the room and Mina feels the bed fall out from under her. 
The next thing she knows, she’s sprawled on the hard wooden floor of an unfamiliar sitting room. The curtains are open, but Mina doesn’t recognize anything outside the windows. There is a great big fireplace at the far end of the room. She notices there are no Tvs, no laptops, no technology at all, and there is a mural of Raziel raising from Lake Lyn with The Mortal Instruments, on the far wall. She must be in an Institute somewhere. 
Mina groans and rolls from her stomach onto her side, hissing at the pain in her side. 
“Shit.” Mina quietly says, when she sees she has landed on her phone, and cut her arm pretty badly. 
“Who are you?!” Mina suddenly hears an unfamiliar voice with an English accent ask. Her heart almost stops when she turns around and sees a tall girl with short chestnut brown hair standing a few feet away from her, dressed in a yellow Victorian era dress.
“Lucie.” Mina breathes in shock and disbelief. 
“How do you know my name?!” Lucie asks in a sharp tone, eyeing the poker by the fireplace, in case she needs a weapon. 
“I-I, it’s a long story.” Mina weakly says. “I’ll tell it to you, but can you help me first? I think I cracked a rib when I landed.” Lucie’s eyes narrow but she takes a step forward. 
“Landed? Did you come through a portal?” She asks. 
“I-I’m not sure, I-I seem to have gone back in time.” Mina timidly says, knowing her sister isn’t going to believe her. 
“What’s your name?” Lucie asks, her tone growing gentle. 
“W-Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina  Yiqiang Ke Carstairs, but you can call me Mina.” Mina says in a breathless tone.
“Carstairs? Are you related to Cordy and Alistair?” Lucie asks in a suspicious tone. 
“Yes, my dad is their cousin, Jem Carstairs, and my mum is Tessa Herondale-Carstairs.” Mina quietly says. Lucie’s blue eyes widen and she shakes her head slightly. 
“That is impossible, Uncle Jem is a Silent Brother, he never had children before he became a Silent Brother, he and mama wanted to have children but he had to become a Silent Brother before they could even marry.” 
“I know, I know your dad and my dad and our mum were all in love but my dad had to become a Silent Brother to save his life, so Uncle Will and mum got married and had you and Jamie.”  Lucie shakes her head again, in disbelief. 
“How do you know all this?! Who are you?!” She demands. 
“I’m your sister, I know it sounds impossible and crazy, but I can prove it. Mama always wears a jade pendant that dad gave her when they got engaged, right?” Mina says, Lucie nods wordlessly. Mina’s fingers go to her throat and she pulls on a chain and lifts out the exact pendant that her father gave her mother. Tessa had lent to Mina yesterday when she had a date with a girl she met in LA. Mina had forgotten to give IT back this morning, which she is now very thankful for. “My little sister is called Jade, because of this and the one Uncle Will gave to dad, my grandpa gave this to my grandma when they got engaged, then dad gave it to mum, you’re going to wear it on your wedding day, my brother Kit wore it when he got married, it’s a tradition now. I’m named after Uncle Will, my other sister is named after Aunty Charlotte and my little brother is named after Uncle Will too.” 
“I suppose that would explain why you’re dressed like that.” Lucie mumbles to herself. She has never seen anyone dressed like the girl in front of her, she’s practically in just her underwear, wearing what look like short white bloomers and a white top with pink writing that reads ‘Angry feminist’ with a design of flowers underneath it. 
“So you believe me?” Mina asks hopefully, letting the remark on her style go. 
“How else would you have gotten that pendant? I saw mama two minutes ago and she was wearing it so it’s not like you could have stolen it. But how did you get here?” Lucie curiously asks.
“I’ll explain if you help me up and patch me up.” Mina says, holding up her arm so Lucie can see the gash running from her wrist to her elbow. 
“I don’t suppose you can turn into a shadow like Jamie, can you?” Lucie hopefully asks, wondering how she is going to get Wilhelmina up to the infirmary without anyone noticing.
“No, why?” Mina asks, as Lucie hauls to her feet.
“It would have been easier to get you upstairs if you could but nevertheless we will work something out.” She says.
“Maybe you could summon my dad? He’s a really good healer and he’s really good at keeping secrets and not overreacting.” Mina says. 
“It is so strange to hear Uncle Jem referred to as ‘dad’, I do not think we can risk it however, papa is always coming up with silly excuses to summon The Silent Brothers in an attempt to see Uncle Jem, sometimes they’ll send Brother Enoch instead to make papa stop, if they do that this time and know who you are and where you’ve come from, they might not let you go.” Lucie says in a tone full of worry. It has just begun to sink in that this girl in front of her, is her baby sister. She can see the resemblance to Uncle Jem now, and mama, and even herself and Jamie. The thought of anything happening to her sister is too much for Lucie to bare, much as she wants to get to know her and have her around, she needs to get her sister back to her own time. 
“We could use the back passages, the servants passages.” Mina suggests, thinking of the training Kit gave her, on how to get around unnoticed. 
“I suppose that could work, we could at least try it.” Lucie admits. 
Ten minutes later both girls have successfully gotten upstairs unseen, though Lucie decided to take Mina to her room instead of the infirmary, where anyone could walk in at anytime. 
“How did you get here Wilhelmina?” Lucie asks, picking up her stele and indicating for Mina to lift her top so she can heal her ribs. 
“Call me Mina, and I’m not entirely sure, one minute I was practicing my magic, then I was thinking about you and next thing I knew I was here.” Mina explains with a shrug. 
“You were thinking about me?” Lucie softly asks. 
“Yeah, I really wanted to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you, my amazing big sister, you’re my idol.” Mina quietly says.
“I always wanted a baby sister.” Lucie quietly says, brushing Mina’s hair back. 
“Luc I_” They are interrupted by the door opening and Jamie walking in. Before he can fully register what’s going on though, Lucie flings a pillow at him. 
“Jamie! What did I say about coming into my room without knocking?!” Lucie asks in a stern tone, as her brother stumbles back when the pillow hits him.
“You said I can come in whenever I want and I don’t have to knock, you said me, Matt, Chris, Tom and Daisy can come in whenever we want.” James defends himself. Then, before Lucie can reply, James spots Mina and raises an eyebrow at his sister in confusion. “Do I want to know?” He asks, wondering why his sister has a very under dressed girl with a bloody arm in her room.
“Do you promise not to tell mama or papa or anyone else?” Lucie asks, remembering all the times her brother had snitched on her as a child. 
“That depends, if this young lady is a uh... ‘friend’ then I will not say anything.” James awkwardly says, not sure how to ask if the dark-haired girl is his someone his sister is courting. 
“I’m not Sebastian Morgenstern.” Mina jokes, earning her an odd look from her brother and sister. 
“Who?”Lucie asks. Mina waves her hand dismissively. 
“Never mind you won’t get it, he’s someone from my time, well a few years before I was born and he wasn’t a very nice person.” Mina explains. 
“Tell him who you are.” Lucie encourages Mina. 
“Um I’m Mina, Mina Carstairs, I’m your sister. I inherited some weird powers from our mum and I don’t know how to use them yet and today they ended up sending me back in time, look I can prove it.” Mina pulls the jade pendant out again and holds it up for her brother to see.
“But... but I-I just saw mama wearing that.” Jamie stammers in confusion. 
“Exactly, so I can’t have stolen it. Mum let me wear it on my date last night and I forgot to give it back to her this morning, before I could remember to I somehow got sent back in time.” Mina says. 
“Jamie, Uncle Jem is her father, can you not see how much she looks like Uncle Jem?”  Lucie asks,trying not to stare at her little sister, but unable to help how fascinated she is with how alike she looks to Uncle Jem. 
“But how is it possible? How did you travel back in time?” Jamie asks in a confused tone. Mina shrugs helplessly and says
“I wish I knew, I have no idea how I’m going to get home either.” 
“Luc we have to summon Uncle Jem, he’ll know what to do.” James says, shutting the door behind him and setting his book down on his sister’s nightstand. 
“No! They might send Brother Enoch and he won’t be as understanding and he might hurt Mina, we only have a few hours together and I am not going to let anything happen to her, this is the only chance I get to be her big sister and I’m going to use it to protect her with my life.” Lucie firmly says, taking Mina’s hand in hers and squeezing it lightly. Despite having only known her for a half an hour, Lucie already adores her sister beyond words and has a strong, fierce urge to protect her and make her happy.
“What can we do then?” James asks, sitting down next to his sisters. Lucie’s eyes light up and she exclaims 
“I know! We could ask papa’s Warlock friend, Magnus Bane, for help! Papa, mama and Uncle Henry have always said he’s extremely trustworthy and in the short time we’ve known him he’s been so good to us, he tried to send us gifts when we were little but The Morgensterns never passed them along, he’ll help us, I’m sure of it.” 
“Yes! That’s a brilliant idea! Magnus is my godfather, he’s been helping me with my magic too, he’s my favorite Uncle, he will helps us, he’s always helped me before, and I’m best friends with his kids.” Mina says in a bright tone.
“I thought Warlocks could not have children?” James asks, as Lucie gets up and starts rummaging in her wardrobe. 
“Except for mama. Uncle Magnus’ kids are adopted, in my time he’s married with 4 kids.” Mina says, turning to face her brother. 
“Is mama happy in your time?” James quietly asks, thinking of the few times he’s heard his mother talking to his father, about how she will cope when all her family passes on and she never even gets older.
“Very, she and dad just celebrated their 22nd Wedding Anniversary, they have 5 kids together, me, twins Lottie and Jade, my older brother Kit and my little brother Will.” Mina says. James smiles softly and quietly says 
“Good, I hate the idea of mama not being happy.”  Just then Lucie turns back around holding a light blue evening gown. 
“Will this fit you Mina?” She asks, holding the gown up for her sister to see. 
“I think so, I’m not wearing a corset though.” Mina says, taking the dress from Lucie and examining it. 
“Oh goodness no I wouldn’t let you, there’s no need for one, Jamie can give you a suit either if you prefer that to the dress, our cousin Anna prefers men’s clothes.” Lucie offers, wanting to make her sister as comfortable and happy as possible. 
“I would look amazing in a suit but I’d rather blend in while I’m here, the dress is fine.” Mina says. “Is there somewhere I can try it on?” Lucie points to a changing screen beside the wardrobe and says 
“Just go behind there, and hide your clothes, if Bridget comes in she might find them.” 
Once Mina has changed into the gown, Lucie finds shoes for her and tackles her hair. Mina’s style is unsurprisingly unusual for Edwardian times, it’s cut so that it just brushes her chin and is layered, thick and curly, making it difficult to get it into an up do, but Lucie manages to make a few braids so that is not just hanging around Mina’s face. 
Twenty minutes later, after sneaking out of The Institute, the three siblings are standing in front of Magnus Bane’s London Town House, waiting for him to answer the door. Lucie was the one to knock, and James is standing behind her, concealing Mina, just in case, his protective older brother instincts have already kicked in. 
When Magnus opens the door and sees Lucie and James standing there, he smiles broadly at them, and opens the door further for them. 
“Well if it isn’t little Lucie and Jamie Herondale, my favorite Shadowhunters, to what do I owe this pleasure?” He asks.
“We need your help.” Lucie states matter of factly. 
“Of course you do, come in then. Don’t tell me, you think you’ve been cursed by a demon and you want me to find that demon and have them take the curse off you?” Magnus asks, turning and walking back into the house, with the Herondale children behind him. 
“No, though if you are offering to summon a demon I won’t decline meeting my grandfather.” Lucie says in a light tone. 
“Lucie Ella!” James exclaims in a stern, bossy tone. 
“James William.” Lucie mocks her older brother, turning to stick her tongue out at him.
“Now now children no need to fight, what can I help you with?” Magnus asks. That’s when Mina steps out from behind James’ back, trying to hold herself back from throwing herself into her Uncles’ arms. 
“That would be me.” Mina says, smiling at him. 
“And who are you when you’re at home?” Magnus asks, looking at her with a mix of confusion and interest. 
“Wilhelmina who?” Magnus raises an eyebrow at her. 
“Carstairs. It’s a long story Uncle Magnus, essentially I’m Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray’s daughter, I was born in 2013, my dad was cured from his Yin Fen Addiction and from being a Silent Brother five years before I was born, when he attempted to heal Uncle Will’s descendant who was infused with Heavenly Fire, The Heavenly Fire burned my dad, curing his Yin Fen addiction and making him human again. I have powers I’m not fully able to control yet and somehow today, they sent me back in time from 2030 and I have no idea how and I have no idea how to get home.” Mina rattles off her story for what feels like the millionth time. 
“I see, now that you mention it I do see your resemblance to Tessa, you have her chin.” Magnus says, looking the girl in front of him up and down. 
“Can you help us?” Lucie hopefully asks. 
“Of course I can, it might take a while to figure out exactly how to help you but not too long.” Magnus replies confidently.
While Magnus pours through books to find a way to help Mina, the three siblings sit on a sofa in front of the fireplace, quietly talking among themselves. 
“I can’t believe I finally get to meet you, mum and dad have told me stories about you my whole life, we have pictures of you and all our Aunts and Uncles and cousins all over the house, all my life I’ve wanted to meet you.” Mina quietly says, holding tightly onto Lucie and James’ hands. Mina adores Kit, he is a wonderful older brother and has always been there for her, he’s one of her best friends and she can’t imagine her life without him, but she also has always wished she could have Jamie and Lucie around too, she always wanted a big sister, even though Kit does everything a sister does too, he’s often braided Mina’s hair, helped her with her makeup, took her shopping for new clothes, helped her get ready for her first date and he helped her last year when she came out as pansexual. She also gets a lot of help from her cousin Emma (who is more like an Aunt to her) Ty’s sisters Dru and Helen, as well as Emma’s best friend Cristina Rosales-Blackthorn. Even though she has all the love and support she could hope for, she can’t help but wish for her big sister and her other big brother.
“I cannot believe it either, like I said I always wanted a little sister, Aunt Charlotte just had a little girl a few weeks ago and she is the most darling little thing, I use to pester mama and papa for a sister when I was little, and now I know I have you.” Lucie softly says, squeezing her sister’s hand. She wishes more than anything that Mina could stay and they could get to know each other, Lucie so wants to help her get ready for dances and balls and train with her and go out on missions with her. 
“I wanted another sibling too, I heard mama and papa talking about it after Aunt Cecily had Alexander, maybe they will have another baby.” James says in a hopeful tone. He loves helping out with his new little cousin and baby Alexander, it would be nice to have a baby at home too, he was only 1 when Lucie was born so he doesn’t remember what it was like.
“Are you really named after papa?” Lucie suddenly asks. Mina smiles and nods. 
“And a character from one of mum’s favorite books, if I had been a boy I would have been William, like my brother.” 
“I was named after a book character too, and Jamie was named after Uncle Jem, as you know. Mama says if he had been a girl he would have been called Jemma so he would still have been named after Uncle Jem, and if I had been a boy I was going to be named Nathaniel, after mama’s brother.” Lucie says. She often goes to her parents for inspiration for character names, they’ve both read so many books and named two children, they’re practically experts on names. Lucie had been thrilled when Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry had asked her for help on a middle name for their new baby, Matilda. She had given them many suggestions and in the end they settled on Matilda Louise Fairchild, and asked Lucie to be her godmother. 
“Lucie is going to be a famous author someday, she is an amazing writer.” James says in a proud tone, squeezing Lucie’s hand encouragingly. 
“I know, I’ve read your books Lucie, they’re amazing, I wish I had them with me so you could sign them for me.” Lucie’s eyes widen when she hears that she’s actually written and published multiple books, and they are still being read hundreds of years in the future. 
“Really? Are they very famous?” She asks in a hopeful tone. 
“I would say so, especially your children’s books, the ones you wrote and Matthew Fairchild drew the pictures for? My siblings and I loved them when we were younger, I still have copies on my bookshelf, if I have kids when I’m older I want to pass them onto them.” Mina says in a hopeful tone. The idea of sitting with her child and reading her sister’s books to them, just as her parents had sat and read them to her, seems so lovely to Mina and is something she very much looks forward to. 
Just then Magnus strides back into the room holding a large black book open in his hands. 
“Alright I think I have figured out a solution to your problem Mia.” He announces. Mina rolls her eyes, knowing that her Uncle has a reputation for (deliberately) forgetting peoples names, he’s never forgotten hers, though he has come up with some odd nicknames for her.
“It’s Mina.” She reminds him, as he indicates for her to stand next to him. 
“Same thing. Give me your hand a minute.” He says, balancing the book in one hand and holding the other out to Mina. Furrowing her brow she holds her hand out to him. He clasps it in his and is silent for a minute, before releasing her hand. “From what I understand it seems you have the ability to travel through time.” Mina’s eyes widen and her jaw drops. 
“R-really?” She stammers. She knew her powers could be like non other, but this is completely new and unheard of, and scary. 
“Yes dear really, as of right now you can’t control it, it will take a lot of practice and work before you can. What seems to have happened is that like most Warlocks who are new to their powers, when you became overwhelmed with emotions your powers took over, you were thinking about your sister before it happened right?” Mina nods. “When you use your powers, much like a portal, you simply need to think of a time and place or a person and you will be transported there.You were thinking of your sister, so you were transported here, to her time.” 
“If she cannot yet control it how is she going to get home?” James asks, placing a protective hand on Mina’s shoulder when she sinks back onto the sofa in shock.
“That is where I come in, I can infuse an object from your time with magic to help bring you back, if you hold onto the object and think about your home, it will bring you there safely.” Magnus says, causing a wave of relief to wash over the three siblings. Mina had momentarily feared she would be trapped here.
“Here, my mum’s engagement gift from my dad.” Mina says, unclasping the chain from around her neck and handing it to Magnus. 
“Tessa still has this hundreds of years later?” He asks in a soft tone. Mina nods. “I hope you three know how lucky you are to have such a wonderful mother and two wonderful fathers, I know Jem is not as present as would like to be with you, James and Lucie, and Mina I am sure William wishes he could be with you and your mother and father more than anything, but I know William will consider any child of Tessa and Jem’s his, and Jem certainly considers you two as his own.” Magnus firmly says, looking between the three of them.
“We do, we couldn’t love them more or be more grateful to be raised by them.” James quietly says, thinking of the nights when he as a child, had been sick, and Uncle Jem had been summoned to his bedside. He, Tessa and Will would stay with James all night, Jem often cared for James and Lucie when they were ill as babies, and though she does not know it, Will has often cared for Mina and her siblings as babies too. 
Twenty minutes later Magnus has infused the pendant with his magic, and sent the three siblings on their way. They are currently walking through the institute to get to Lucie’s room, so Mina can change and go home. However just as they are about to reach the staircase leading up to the floor Lucie’s room is on, they meet Charlotte with little Matilda in a sling across her chest, and Henry in his wheelchair, at her side. 
“Hello you two, who is your friend?” Charlotte brightly asks, smiling warmly at Mina, who is trying not to gape at her Aunt and Uncle.
“Um, I’m Mina, uh Mina Starkweather.” Mina says, quickly thinking of her mother’s Shadowhunter Maiden name. 
“Oh are you related to the Starkweathers from York?” Charlotte curiously asks.
 “No, I took the name when I ascended a couple of months ago.” Mina quickly fabricates a story for herself. 
“Oh how wonderful! It is always so nice to meet those new to The Clave, have you been posted here to London?” Charlotte asks. 
“Yes.” Mina says, not knowing what else to say.
“You’ll enjoy it here I daresay, Tessa and Will are very kind and you will receive excellent tutoring and training here, I am sure Jamie and Lucie can attest to that, can’t you?” Henry lightly says.
“Only because you were not here to blow everything up, Uncle Henry.” Lucie teases. Henry laughs and says
“You become more and more like your father everyday Lucie, you look like your mother but you inherited all your father’s personality.” Lucie smiles proudly. Her father and Aunt Cecily often say she reminds them of her Aunt Ella, who passed away long before she was born. 
“I do not mean to be rude but we must go, we are helping Mina study for the upcoming exams.” James says, placing a hand on Mina’s back. 
“Oh of course, we don’t want to keep you, Charles is here you know, he could help if you like.” Charlotte offers.
“No thank you Aunt Lottie, darling Charlie would likely terrify a new student like Mina.” Lucie says. Though Charles is very kind and patient, he can also be a bit intimidating at times.
“Yes you’re probably right, well good luck to you Mina, I hope you enjoy your time here.” Charlotte lightly says, giving Mina another warm smile. 
20 minutes later, in Lucie’s room, Mina has changed back into her clothes and is ready to go home. 
“Be safe baby sister, okay?” James softly says, pulling Mina in for a hug and pecking her on the cheek. Mina holds on to him tightly and nods, trying to hold back the tears. 
“I love you.” She whispers. 
“I love you too.” When James pulls back from the embrace, Lucie immediately pulls her sister close.
“Maybe when you figure out how to use your powers properly you can come back again and see us.” Lucie says in a tight, hopeful tone. 
“Yeah, maybe.” Mina agrees.
Lucie pulls back and squeezes her sister’s hand one last time while James affectionately and lightly tugs on a lock of her hair.
“Tell our other siblings we said hello.” He lightly says, trying to lighten the moment. 
“I will. I love you guys so much.” Mina says, not able to hold the tears back anymore. 
“We love you too.” Lucie says. With that, Mina closes her eyes, clutches the jade pendant and thinks about her home, she pictures her father with his violin, her mother with a book, Kit with Ty, Charlotte baking in the kitchen and Jade sketching at the kitchen table, while Will sits on the couch with an Xbox controller in his hands, all his focus on the video game Kit bought him for his birthday.
When Mina opens her eyes again, she find herself standing in the middle of her room, as though nothing has happened. Kicking off her shoes, Mina heads to the door and goes downstairs, her heart lifting when she sees her dad in the kitchen, putting away the dishes, her mum re-organizing the bookshelf in the living room with help form the twins, and Kit standing behind the couch that Will is sat on, with his arms around Ty’s waist, his chin on his shoulder, half watching a T.V. show that Will is watching. 
“How are you feeling Mina mine? Your mum said you were very tired after your lesson this morning.” Jem asks in a concerned tone, coming up to put an arm around his daughter. 
“I always feel tired after my lessons with mum but I feel better now I’ve rested for a bit.” She says, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“I’m glad to hear it, I know how hard your lessons are on you sometimes and I’m very proud of you for sticking with it, hopefully it won’t take such a toll on you soon.” Jem softly says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
“I love you dad.” Mina quietly says, glad to be home. 
“I love you too my Little Mina.” 
“Forever a daddy’s girl.” Mina hears her mum say in a light tone. She turns around to see her mum standing beside her and her dad, smiling warmly at them. 
“Thanks for letting me borrow your necklace last night mum, I appreciate it.” Mina says, handing the necklace back.
“You’re welcome my love.” Tessa says in a warm tone, brushing her daughter’s hair back 
“I love you mum.” Mina says, wrapping her arms around Tessa and laying her head on her shoulder. Tessa runs her hands through her daughter’s hair and hols her close. 
“I love you too my adventurous Mina.” She quietly says, pressing her lips to her daughter’s head, not knowing just how adventurous her daughter had been today.
It’s not until that night when Mina settles into bed with a copy of Lucie’s second book, that she realizes her sister didn’t make the plot of the book up, out of thin air. The book is about a young girl who discovers she has the power to travel through time. The main character of the novel (named Mia) travels back from what is now modern day, but was the future when the book was written, to Edwardian era, where she meets some of her ancestors who she must team up with in order to get back home. 
She had never realized it before of course, but it suddenly hits Mina that Lucie based this book on the events of today, and even named the main character after Mina, getting as close to her name as possible without actually using it. 
This leaves Mina even more determined to learn to control her powers so that she can go back again and see her siblings again, no matter what it takes.
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positiveparker · 6 years
The Sting part 1 {series}
hi loves!! this is my new series called The Sting! I am working really really hard on it and this is the first part. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback :)
- warnings ; swearing! angst!
- series masterlist
- main masterlist
- teaser 
- collection inspo
not my gif
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3 months earlier
September 1st
My feet pressed further into the pavement at every step. It was the first autumn morning of the year and I had woken up early. I didn’t sleep very well, I was an insomniac but that night was worse than ever before. I was half trapped in a dream, sweating and shaking. I almost couldn’t seep back into reality. It was the same dream I had been having since the accident. Both my parents perished in a huge hotel fire when I was six ‘The Hotel du Paris’. We had gone on a small weekend trip away to see the Notre Dame (it was my Dad’s favourite). He was a History professor at Oxford university meaning I didn’t see him much because he was always there. I lived with Mum in a flat near the centre of London. I usually brought myself to this same Starbucks just down the street every single day.
I pulled a hand out of my pocket and yanked open the metal door. A huge waft of heating hit my face and tingled my cold cheeks. It was 7am meaning not many people were filling up the seats. I approached the counter and smiled at the barista.
There were two baristas which worked at this particular Starbucks, Krista and Karen. they were twin sisters. Krista smiled at me like she usually did. “hiya (y/n)!” I always wondered how she was so lively in the morning. 
“Hey Krista” I grumbled sleepily
“the usual?” She grinned, picking up a medium cup and pulling off the pen lid of her black sharpie. She bit the lid between her teeth and started scribbling on the papery material. 
“actually, not decaffeinated today” I interrupted “I had a rough night sleeping” I explained
“oh, sure it won’t affect your anxiety?” She said softly 
“no I’m sure I’ll be fine” 
She nodded and then scribbled on the paper cup. The coffee machine hissed as we had light conversation over the soft indie music chiming out of the speakers. 
“so when does school start for you?” She asked
“tomorrow” I rolled my eyes and laughed 
“agh, ours starts in two days” She explained “so you’re going to uni right?”
“yeah, University College London” 
“wow” she gushed “that’s such a good school, I’ve heard they do great forensic studies” 
“yeah, well I’m actually going there to study crime” I explained, every time I thought about University it made my heart flutter. Of course I was excited but at the same time I was scared and didn't know what to expect. 
“oh, really” she smirked “a boy came in here this morning and he was telling me he is studying crime there as well”
“oh really” I replied curiously. Every time a boy around our age came in Krista always gave me this look, with wide eyes and a curious smirk. 
“I’m sure he’s still in here” She said peering around “Oh there he is” she mouthed pointing to the corner. A dusty blonde haired boy was sitting on one of the loungers with a laptop folded open on his lap. He had a small espresso cup clutched in his fingers and stared at his laptop screen with a concentrated face. He took a sip of his drink and set it down on the table in front of him, It made a small click when it hit the wood. He hovered his hands over his laptop keys and then started avidly typing. I looked back at Krista, she had wide eyes.
“he’s cute” she whispered with her hand covering the side of her face, I giggled and then looked back at him curiously. I mean she was right, he had big ocean blue eyes that were lit by his white computer screen and strongly cut features. He had a strong jawline but his face was soft and inviting at the same time. 
“here” Krista mumbled pushing my change across the counter followed by my steaming cup of coffee. I scraped the coins across the marbled counter and slipped them into my pocket, then I curled my cold fingers around the plastic cup and brought it to my lips, blowing on it slightly. I sat on the table nearest to the boy, he seemed interesting. I sat facing him so I could analyse him more. 
Every so often he would rapidly type and then stop to look off into the distance. I wondered what he was doing. He caught me staring a few times so I played it off by looking down at my phone. I unzipped my bag and fished my crime textbook out of it. I started flipping through the thin pages and licking my index finger lightly whenever I turned the page. I felt him staring at me intently but I didn't waver my look. His stare burned into my skull, it almost made me feel uncomfortable. Then again a part of me wanted him to look at me. Then I finally got the courage and looked back up at him, our eyes locked and his face cracked into a huge smile. He had two small indents at each side of his grin. I awkwardly smiled back and then looked back down at my book, I couldn’t wipe my smile off my face. I couldn’t focus on the words, my brain would look at the sentences but none of them would process.
“what are you doing?” I heard him say, my heart jumped and I sat up rigidly from my casually slumped position 
“uh-uh, I’m, um, I’m” I kept stuttering and looking down at my book and then back into his eyes. “I’m reading” I finally blurted out. He chuckled and then looked back down at his computer screen.
“what are, are, you doing?” I stuttered
“I’m trying to look for camera software” he explained, he chuckled down at his laptop. 
“what for?”
“oh” his face sort of dropped “oh, oh, my friend is shooting a movie” he scratched the back of his head and then went back to typing. I wanted to say something else but my brain couldn’t function properly. “wanna see?” He muttered looking up at me and smiling.
“yeah’ I replied grabbing my book and tucking my textbook under my arm. 
That morning we spent 2 hours looking at various camera software and talking about the crime course we were about to take.
“so what got you into crime?” I asked
“seriously?” He whispered “batman” he chuckled
“really?” I laughed
“yeahhh” he blushed “how about you?”
“probably watching too much CSI” 
“ohhh” he nodded, he clicked on something and then his face lit up. “this one” He pointed. I peered over at his screen. The website was black with bright lime green writing. ‘KRAD’ it said in huge writing.
“this is camera software?” I asked
“yeah” he smiled “the best” the way he talked about stuff so passionately made my heart clench. I had never met a boy who was interested in the same sort of thing as me. His passion and warm radiated onto me, I had almost forgotten about my sleepless night before. 
“oh shit” he said peering at the black rimmed watch on his wrist 
“do you have to go”
“yeah, I, uh, have this thing” he said vaguely, he picked up his khaki satchel and slipped his laptop inside. He stood up and turned around to look at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow then”
“yeah tomorrow” I replied, he nodded and then walked away. Him and Krista exchanged a friendly smile as he walked off. She looked back at me and smirked. 
October 14th 
Haz and I had been friends for a month and met up at the Starbucks every morning and then walked to lectures together. Since being with Haz my recurring nightmares had vanished. I guess being with him was kind of like a breath of fresh air. We got along so well and never ran out of things to say.
On this particular morning he had brought his friend Tom who was at the film school down the street. Him and Haz had been friends for a while.
“so Tom do you want to be a director?” I asked sipping my coffee
“yeah, I have always been really fascinated by the whole film making process. I nodded and smiled curiously, I felt Haz staring at me the whole time. 
“how is the crime course going mate?” Tom grinned nudging Haz. Haz smirked and then opened up his laptop which was perched on the coffee table. 
“well (y/n) I need to show you something”
“oooo” I gushed, Tom and I leant over to peer at his screen. Haz pulled up a website called crimeki.t’. Haz clicked on ‘radios’ and showed us a silver radio with black buttons.
“wow” I gushed, the radio tapped into all the police intercoms in the city. “is this for all of London like we talked about?”
“you aren’t even ready” Haz gushed “it’s the whole world!”
“no way” I replied 
“yeah, I’m gonna buy it for us” 
“Oh Hazzzz you don’t have to do that” I whined punching his arm
“no way” Haz retorted “I have wanted this for ages, and so have you” he hollered gesturing at the screen. We both chuckled and then stared at each other. There were times were we would just silently stare at each other, it was like we were talking with our eyes. Somehow I could tell what he was entranced by the things he was saying but really wanted to know what he was thinking. I definitely had a fear of the unknown, and not knowing Haz’s thoughts was one of them. 
“so Haz are you coming to my party” Tom smirked, Haz suddenly clenched up.
“what party?” I asked
“oh, my brothers and I are having a party for halloween.” Tom explained “you should come”
“yeah that would be great!” I smiled on the outside but really I was scared. I hadn’t ever been to a proper party yet but I wanted to impress Haz.
“you should come Hazzz” Tom whined
“oh, oh, I dont know” he stuttered
“it will be fun” I smiled softly
October 31st (halloween night)
I sat on my carpeted floor in my bedroom. I hadn’t really planned what I was going to wear yet. I went through my wardrobe hundreds of times and cleared all the hangers. My bed was piled full of clothes but nothing was costume worthy.
“(y/n)?” I heard my Aunt Annie mutter and push the door open “is everything okay?” My Aunt Annie took me in after my parents died. She moved out of her house in the country and we both lived in the old flat together. We were pretty close, she was like my surrogate mum.
“yeah, uh, I don’t have a costume” I explained, I huffed and Annie came over and we both sat on the bed.
“is this a party you’re going to?” She asked in her soft voice, her voice was so soothing. It was like melted butter being spread. 
“yeah with my new friends”
“is it a boy” she smirked
“yes but we are just friends” I uttered. Annie nodded and then stood up. She turned and stuck her hand out at me. 
“what?” I asked
“come with me” she announced pressingly. I stuck my hand in hers and she yanked me up off my bed. I followed her into my parents old room. Annie had kept it mostly the same but changed it a bit so that when I didn’t go in there a lump in my throat didn’t form. It still did, every time I went in their a bitter coppery taste filled my mouth. The room was so ghostly and empty even though it wasn’t. 
I slumped down onto the edge of the mattress and watched Annie open her draws. She opened them all and then her gaze hung on the bottom draw. She pulled out a long sleeved tight black jumpsuit.
“stand up” she ordered, I stood up and she held it against me. “perfect” she muttered. I grabbed it from her and walked over to the foot length mirror in the corner. The jumpsuit was tight meaning I couldn’t hide anything I didn’t like about my body.
“oh Annie I don’t know” I whined
“no way (y/n)” she protested “you have to wear this with confidence”
“what am I even meant to be” I chuckled at her
“cat woman” she replied and then her face sighed “you need the matching ears let me find them”
I carried on staring at myself as Annie wracked through her draws. She pulled out a headband with lace triangles stuck onto it for ears. She handed them to me and I smiled at her. 
“thank you” I said softly 
“no worries, I’m glad to see you going out” She grinned back shutting her top draw. I left her room and ambled back into mine. I decided to straighten my hair and pull it up into a high ponytail, I slicked it back with hairspray at the top and put on the ears. Then I went onto makeup, lightly brushing concealer, blusher and bronzer onto my bare skin. I used eyeliner and swiped on a large layer of mascara on my eyelashes. I pulled off the tracksuit bottoms and baggy top I was already wearing and pulled on the tight jumpsuit. I had to jump up and down to pull it over my body. It had a zip at the front and I zipped it all the way. It looked too formal so I undid the zip a bit lower to reveal my chest. I paired my black outfit with chunky black heels. My phone vibrated from my dresser and I hobbled quickly over to it.
Hi, should I pick you up? x - haz
I smiled and then started typing a message back.
Yeah, I’m ready X
15 minutes later I heard a honk from outside. My heart fluttered and I raced downstairs, trying not to fall over the big blocks attached to my feet. I hobbled downstairs and then shouted up to Annie.
“see you Annie!” I bellowed from the front door. I almost kept forgetting I was an adult now and could stay out as late as I wanted. It was kind of scary but also thrilling. I stepped out of our apartment building into the dark October night. Haz had pulled up outside in a navy blue Mercedes and was perching on the door. He was dressed in a white shirt that was stained with fake blood and ripped in various places.
“nice ride” I shouted, he looked up from his phone and grinned excitedly. He hand added blotches of purple and fake cuts on his face. 
“it’s my Dad’s” he smirked stroking the shiny metal
“what are you dressed as then?”
“a zombie school boy”
“ooo very walking dead” I mocked
“cat woman?” Haz asked pointing at my attire
“yes of course” I grinned spinning myself around. I looked up at Haz he was gawking at me. I blushed and then ran up to give him a hug. His body was warm against mine. 
He opened the passenger door for me and then hopped in from the other side. The radio was lowly chiming typical halloween tunes and we sped through central London. The roads were clear since it was Halloween night and everyone was either Trick or Treating in the neighbourhoods, staying inside or at parties. I could tell Haz was nervous, he body was tense and he had a stiffened jaw. I curled my hand over his on the gear shift. 
“it’s gonna be fine” I said softly 
“I know I know I just get nervous for big events like this” he stuttered shakily
“I am gonna be with you the whole time” I said softly, I rubbed my thumb up and down the top of his hand to attempt to soothe his nerves. As I moved my thumb up and down his knuckles his body started to loose tension and relax.
“how do you do that?” He chuckled breathily
“do what?”
“completely calm me down”
“I have had practise”
“what do you mean?”
“I used to get panic attacks all the time and I had to learn ways to calm myself down” I uttered feebly.
“oh, if you- you don’t mind me asking, why?”
“My parents died” I explained
“oh” he remarked “I’m sorry”
“no, no its fine” I assured him, I could tell in his eyes he really meant it. Usually when people told me they were sorry I could tell they didn’t mean it. Something about the softness of Haz’s face told me he really cared. “they died in a fire” I explained
“thank you for telling me” Haz uttered softly. He pulled his hand from under mine and placed it on the top of my hand and started stroking my skin with his thumb just like I did for him. We carried on like that until we reached Tom’s flat.
Apparently Tom and his brothers all shared a flat in Chelsea. They were all attending the London film school together. Haz parked his car just around the corner from their apartment building and we hopped out. My heels clacked as we walked down the pavement. Even though I was wearing heels Haz still towered over me. As we ran up the steps the motion sensored light flicked on and emitted a soft orange glow. Haz scanned the set of bells and rung the 12th one. My ears pricked up at the sound of muffled music echoing down the stairs. The door buzzed open and we started walking up the stairs, Haz lead the way up the dark steps all the way to the top. He stopped at a set of white doors and banged the shiny gold knocker on the front of one of them. The door flung open and the bass of techno music burst in my ears. 
“hi Haz” an average height curly ginger boy hollered drunkenly. Haz pulled him into a hug and then gestured to me.
“this is (y/n)” Haz grinned
“hi” I waved
“oh yeah, Tom told me about you. I’m Harry” He slurred, I was expecting a hand shake but he pulled me into a friendly hug. “come in, come in” 
Haz and I stepped into the darkness which was a house party. A few green and purple lights shone and spun on the walls but you mostly couldn’t see anything. Bodies were on bodies, dancing to the rhythm bouncing off the walls. Haz fished for my hand and locked his fingers in mine, I couldn’t see anyone let alone recognise any of the faces around me. 
“I need to find Tom!” Haz shouted over the music. As we got closer to the speakers the music boomed louder and louder until it felt like I was breathing it. The kitchen was lit lighter than all the other rooms, there was a huge counter covered in beer and cider. Haz grabbed us both raspberry cider and cracked them open. He one to me and I grabbed the cool metal and sipped it slightly. 
“(y/n)?” I heard a male voice holler, I turned to see Tom who was dressed in all black with blood oozing from each corner of his mouth.
“Hi Tom!” I said enthusiastically pulling him into a hug. 
He greeted Haz and then we seeped into loud conversation over the music. 
“I heard you met my brother” Tom announced “Have you met my other one Sam”
“no” I shouted back shaking my head. I was on my third cider now and could feel the bubbles rising to my head. 
“Sam!” Haz bellowed shouting over my shoulder. A taller darker haired boy with hundreds of freckles slipped next to Tom and waved at me. 
“Hi” he grinned. I smiled back. Sam was wearing a red t-shirt and black jeans with devil horns stuck on his head. We chatted for what seemed like ages as Haz and Tom slipped off to socialise.
“so what are you doing at Film School?” I asked 
“I’m studying movie scores” He replied “I’m really into music”
“that’s cool”
“I like your costume” He complimented “cat woman right?” He pointed at my headband. 
“yeah” I chuckled awkwardly. More and more bodies filled the kitchen, squashing Sam and I into the corner. 
“can I show you something?” Sam whispered in my ear
“yeah, yeah sure” I said. Sam grabbed my arm and I quickly perched my drink on a passing ledge.  He led me up the stairs and opened one of the 3 doors on the landing. His room was painted blue with a desk in the corner and hundreds of film posters all over his wall. He shoved himself on his desk chair and started logging into his computer. I perched on his mattress and watched him open up google.
“Look” he said after a few minutes of avid typing. I stood up and looked at his screen. He was showing me a picture of a diamond necklace. The way the light in the photo hit it made the jewels sparkle. I gawked at them.
“holy shit” I gushed “how much are they?”
“no one knows” Sam explained “allegedly the Duke recently bought them for the Duchess after they got married as a wedding present” 
“wait, how many carats?” I gestured at the screen. 
“let’s see” Sam muttered scrolling down and looking at the description “The “Incomparable” Diamond Necklace. The “Incomparable” necklace costs a monstrous amount mainly because of its valuable pendant stone, an internally flawless brownish-yellow diamond weighing 407.48 carats. This stone is set in rose gold and accentuated by 91 white diamonds” Sam started reciting.
“wait” I said pushing his hands over and typing into google “the worth of a 400 carat diamond necklace is around 55 million pounds” I announced
“woah, imagine having that kind of money” Sam gawked
“wait, aren’t the duke and duchess visiting London?”
“yeah in December, why?”
“she will probably be wearing this necklace right?”
“right…but what is your point”
“what if someone were to steal it”
“they would be crazy” he chuckled
“or would they?” I smirked at him. An idea burned through my body and started forming in my brain. The impulse burned my bloodstream and skin.
Taglist ;
@tomsfireheart @feelingsareharddd @lovelyh0lland @i-dont-wanna-o-mr-stark @hazeyholland @lookclosernow @choke-me-sweet-pea @whatareyouhidingpeter @spidey-pal @cutiepie-holland @radd-but-saddd @pinkcutepug
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All Through the Night ~*~ [Self-para]
In which Attina receives the kind of call that she’s always been dreading...
[tw -- uh thoughts of death? i guess?]
The call came at 12:32 in the morning on September 23.
Attina was already awake. She had been awake, in fact, to make sure that she wished Alana happy birthday. She always made sure that she was first. That the message was sent at exactly 12:00.
Attina was already awake, because Attina barely slept these days.
Her phone buzzed and Attina wasn’t alarmed. How many times had she gotten a phone call from Andy, or Adella, or Arista telling her to come get them? How many times had her father called her late at night from Bournemouth just to check up on everyone?
It had been a while since he’d done that, but still, Attina was not so surprised that he was calling her. It was Alana’s birthday. They were worried about Alana. But that was what they did. She reached for her phone, muting the telly in the living room.
“Hi Daddy,” she said, her voice soft. Andrina was home for once. Attina didn’t know if she was sleeping. The phone was silent.
No, that wasn’t true. There was a rushing. It sounded like he was underwater on the other side of the line, the whooshing turning to rumbling. He was in the car.
Attina blinked and sat up a little.
That’s when the fear set in. Sharp. Biting.
“Daddy?” she asked, her voice even softer, barely a croak.
Attina felt her breath catch in her throat.
“Car--car,” JEFF’s voice choked and cut off on the other side of the line.
“Daddy, where are you?”
“On the--hospital.”
“O-okay. Are--are you okay driving?”
“I am fine. Tell your sisters.”
“Okay. Daddy...Daddy is she alright?”
The line was whooshing again. If Attina closed her eyes it was like pressing her ear to a seashell.
If you close your eyes tight enough, squeeze and squeeze, you can see our family, her father used to tell her, when she was missing her aunts and uncles and cousins.
Attina squeezed and squeezed.
“I don’t know.”
“Okay. I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too.”
The line went dead. No more ocean sounds. No more pretending.
Attina sat on the couch and breathed in, breathed out. Time stood still. Not even the frame on the telly was moving. When you had to tell someone bad news, not just bad news, news that could irrevocably change them, the moments before felt monumentous. They felt like pushing stone up a hill. They felt like the whole world on your shoulders. They felt like they weren’t moments at all, just one, infinite stretch of nothing at all.
Alana was in a car crash. Alana was in a car crash. Alana was in a car crash.
Three times, she let the words sink in. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and used her toes to rock herself back and forth. Her fingers clenched around her phone and she leaned over, pressing the corner of the phone against her forehead.
Alana was in a car crash. Alana was in a car crash. Alana was in a car crash.
It wasn’t poachers, but it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter.
Attina wasn’t allowed to fall apart. She remembered sitting in the principal’s office, when she’d been told her mother had been lost at sea.
What do you mean? Andrina had snarled but Attina had grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
She had known what lost at sea meant. It hadn’t made her cry. Attina had realized right away what she had to do. Be strong. They’d sat in quiet shock or they’d screamed. But eventually they’d all grown tired, weary. All her sisters had cried, huddled together like fish amongst a coral reef. It had been as silent as the fathoms below. Attina had cooked dinner. Attina had cleaned the house. Attina had sat up all through the night with her father and she hadn’t cried at all.
That was the mantle she needed to take up again.
You don’t have to do this alone, Percy had said, but Attina knew--sometimes, there were things that only eldest siblings could do.
Attina took a breath and then, she stood.
Alana was still alive. Alana was still alive. Alana was still alive.
With these words in her mind, Attina went to Andrina’s door. She opened it a crack. Andrina was there on her bed, on her laptop, watching a movie. She startled as the door opened, kicking at her sheets and scrambling up.
“OI! Knock! Geesh, Tiny--what? What’s wrong?”
“Alana. She was in a car accident.”
“A car accident?”
“Yes. You need to go meet Daddy at the hospital. I called you an Uber.”
“What--me? What about you?”
“I have to go to the house.”
“Are you alright?”
“What? Me? Yeah, I’m fine. You?”
Sometimes, sisters had to lie to each other in order to do what they needed to do.
Attina left the apartment without locking the door.
First, it was across the hall to Melody’s. She banged on the door several times, until it opened to Melody’s sweet, startled face.
“Tina? What--is everything okay?” She was hugging herself around her waist.
There was a pause. Attina touched Melody’s hair, then her shoulder. “Alana was--she was in a car accident. She’s at the hospital.”
“Oh my god. Is she okay?”
“We don’t know. Do you want to come with me? You should call your parents.”
“Let me get my shoes, I’ll call them in the car.”
“We’re going to the house first.”
“W-whatever...whatever you need.”
The ride to the house was quiet. Melody called her parents, her voice soft and wispy, like seafoam. Attina couldn’t think of seafoam tonight.
They stepped out of the car, Attina unlocked the door and stepped inside.
It was cool and quiet in that warm, noisy home. Everything was still. Even Ariel’s nightmares seemed to be held at bay. It was not that late, just after 1:30, but everyone was in their rooms. Attina asked Melody to gather snacks--whatever she could find: energy bars, juice, biscuits and crackers, put them in a bag, please, she had said. Then, she had turned and looked up the dark staircase.
Attina should go to the twins first, she thought. She’d tell Ariel next and then send the twins to console her after she had untangled herself from her little sister. Attina would tell Aquata last. She would have to gather some of Alana’s things, Aquata would help. They would work silently and efficiently.
The magazine off her nightstand, a sweater, the blanket at the end of her bed. It was always so cold in hospitals. She’d bring makeup too. She knew that Alana would not want to receive visitors without makeup.
She did these things--woke her sisters to wails and tears and shocked, terrified, confused silence. She gathered these things--these pieces of Alana and placed them gently and methodically into a tote bag.
Attina corralled everyone downstairs. Attina corralled everyone into cars. A shepherd looking after her flock. They flooded into the near-empty A&E. There was a family crying in the corner. There was her father sitting in a chair, Andrina next to him, curled up in her seat. He had an empty cup in his large hand, an empty stare at the blank wall. His daughters moved around him, like water parting around stone. He held them and kissed them all and wiped their tears. He told them Alana was in surgery.
Attina hung back. She would have her turn later.
The alarm on her phone chimed soft and gentle. Ripples.
Attina always sent two texts on birthdays. One at midnight and one at the time that they were born, with a memory--usually the same one.
With Alana it was that she wouldn’t stop crying. She cried and cried and cried for the first few hours after she had been born. Athena used to always say it was what made her so quiet the rest of the time. She’d used up all her words in those first few days of life.
Alana was born at 3:22am.
Attina pulled her phone out of her pocket and glanced at the time.
You know, I never told you this, but I was there when you were born. First baby I got to actually see be born. I was deemed too little before, even if I begged and begged. Well, you know that part. The part you don’t know is how terrified I was, once it started. It was so scary. I never left Mum’s side, though, because I wanted to make sure you were okay. It took so long, I felt like it was never going to end. I was so worried, I don’t know if I blinked the whole time. It was the first time I’d ever stayed up all through the night. I won’t leave you now, Alana. You’re going to be okay, because you are a fighter. Always have been. Always will be.
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