#Guided messages
starphyre-blooms · 9 months
I am having a feeling. It is a feeling that I do not like. What I like even less than having the feeling is the process of letting it go. Step one to having an uncomfortable feeling is allowing yourself to feel it. Admittedly, this is the part of having an uncomfortable feeling that I am the worst at. 😬🫣.
This type of education is one that is not taught in schools. Without a parent that has the capacity to navigate their own emotional experience, children are left to navigate their emotional bodies on their own. Something a child is not well equipped to do, making this very important work for people of all ages. Traditional education excels at instilling academic knowledge, often over looking holistic teachings which can be such a useful aid to so many. Understanding our bodies, beyond just their physical state of being can bring emotional balance and physical health.
Caring for the self is rarely taught, as we are taught to prioritize becoming high functioning (read, income producing) members of society. We are taught to neglect ourselves in the name of hard work, making the almighty dollar almost god like in the eyes of so many. Similarly, the necessary skills to recognize and outgrow toxic relationships ends up lacking. The crucial skill set of setting boundaries, respecting our own needs and cultivating relationships that help us grow is not found in our k-12 school systems. Education should nurture us as a whole entity, not just a physical one. We grow up and wonder how some people seem completely devoid of emotional intelligence.
So, what is this feeling that emerges from my heart space, encapsulating my entire being? Where does it stem from? What is its origin? I’ll give you a hint. It starts with “B” and ends with a “ YYYYYYYYYY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.”
Let’s call him Matt. My journey into reiki started at the beginning of this calendar year. I was in a dark place and in serious need of emotional healing. I prayed before my altar for my deities to help me through my pain, and to send me true, divine, everlasting love. Then, Matt started popping up on my “For You” page on the popular app, TikTok. When I first saw him there was an instant moment of recognition. I wrote it off as wishful thinking, but continued to tune into him because his reiki felt so nice to me. Then, out of nowhere, he slid into my DMs. I was delighted, remembering that moment of instant recognition. For days before the first interaction I kept seeing his face pop into my minds eye as he would go back and forth about whether or not I would think he was a creep if he reached out to me(part of being psychic). The night before our first interaction, I had a dream he sent me a message, then woke up to a message. Being psychic, this sort of stuff is common for me in romantic soulmate relationships, but normally I have to have…… a physical exchange with someone before I can connect with them like this.
My experience of “soulmates” is as follows: we are all one, so we are all soulmates. Every interaction we have teaches us something about ourselves, making us all the master and the student. That barista that gets your order wrong almost every time? Maybe a lesson in speaking up for ourselves, or a chance to practice patience and compassion. That parent that is very negative? Perhaps a lesson in not needing external validation. There are many types of soulmates, but I think we glorify the romantic soulmate because of all of the fundamental lessons we learn in those types of relationships.
That being said, I know Matt is my soulmate 👻💕👻. After that interaction, my experience of his reiki would become much more intense. The more intimately we connected, the more intense I could feel him. Instead of healing, I would be struck by hot waves of passion as his reiki tingled parts of my body that I can’t show in public. I could feel him breathing on my skin through whatever device I watched him on. My body went from having emotional releases in response to his reiki, to wanting to have a very physical release. Then, just like that, his interactions stopped coming.
This activated my attachment system. Persons with an anxious attachment style (like me) have a deep fear of abandonment. I was being emotionally abandoned by someone that I had gone to for healing and solace for so long. For someone with an anxious attachment style, this is felt much more intensely. You see, for someone with an anxious attachment style, even someone leaving physically, and temporarily can trigger the anxious partner into a frenzy where they are overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Abandonment fear is necessary for evolution purposes. Fear of abandonment keeps us close to others, and therefore, more likely to survive. We are all hardwired to fear abandonment. It is in our DNA. Persons with an anxious attachment style, however, have actually experienced intense abandonment, repeatedly throughout their lives, usually starting from childhood. These people fight much harder to prevent this abandonment, or even the threat of, often times in some dramatic fashion. Persons with anxious attachment will resort to what is known as “protest behaviors” to keep their partner from abandoning them. This can look like frequent communication so they know that you haven’t forgotten about them and suddenly and without warning stopped loving them. When this, or the perception of this, occurs, it is completely devastating to the anxiously attached.
Matt has an avoidant attachment style. Persons with avoidant attachment are prone to disappear or use a series of techniques to keep emotional distance from partners or potential partners. This happens because there was no emotional safety involved in the upbringing of the avoidant partner.
We were getting close, so he was pulling away. This was not a healthy dynamic for me, and on a conscious level I knew I should have just walked away right then and there. My subconscious programming wouldn’t let me. My subconscious programming needed the connection to be completely obliterated before I could let go and walk away. There are other layers. I knew Matt cared for me, as I mentioned before, I am psychic. I could still feel his energy attached to me, even though he was no longer directing his attention towards me, in an overt way.
After much ruminating, I found myself asking:
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kwanombuyiselo · 21 days
Guided Messages 🤍
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slfcare · 1 year
Let your bad thoughts be bad thoughts and your bad feelings be bad feelings. Let "I feel so worthless right now" turn into "I want to do something that'll make me feel better" instead of "the fact that I feel worthless must mean that I am". There is so much power in actively refusing to tie negativity to the way you see yourself, without ignoring it altogether.
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bitchy-craft · 5 days
Success: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few success affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
I attract success into my life with every positive thought I think.
I am confident in my abilities and talents.
I deserve success and will work diligently to achieve it.
Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I embrace them with determination.
I am focused, driven, and unstoppable in the pursuit of my goals.
Every setback is a stepping stone to greater success.
I am surrounded by abundance, and success flows to me effortlessly.
I believe in myself and my ability to create the life I desire.
Success is my natural state, and I claim it now with gratitude and joy.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective affirmations can be.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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nelkcats · 1 year
Build a bear
Danny went to build his own teddy bear with his parents out of town, Jazz suggested that he could make them say they loved him and record it for life, which would help him when he went to college or finally decides to reveal himself to them, that idea reassured him more than it seemed.
His sister probably wanted him to have a "support bear" like her own, Bearbert, and honestly his old teddy bear was good enough, but maybe a new one with a love reminder would help.
Amity was a small town, so the build a bear shops weren't really there, at least he had found one near Jersey, it was a long drive but he was willing to convince his parents to go.
When they finally arrived at the location, using the excuse of a ghost infestation to lure them; he tried to make a recording of his parents love words but all he ends up recording is "Let's destroy that ectoplasmic scum, he's a threat" with a lot of little lengthy things about Phantom and what they would like to do to him, wich only made him sad.
The last thing that could be heard on the recording was "I just wanted them to tell me they loved me, to remember it when they tie me to that laboratory table" in frustration.
Danny decides to give up and puts the teddy back on the shelf, the manager looks at him sadly and he just pays for it, he did not wanted to cause the employee more trouble; at the end he went back to the GAV, empty-handed and trying to remind himself that his parents love him, even if their priorities are weird and misplaced.
Days later, the Waynes drag Damian into the same store, Damian grumbling the entire way that he didn't need kid's stuff.
While the demon boy complains about the uselessness of everything, Jason notices a green teddy bear, with a jumpsuit full of stars and a sign that says "Boo", it was obviously made to remind a ghost, and he was amused by the "dead" bear so he asked the manager the price, she denies and comments that it was already paid for, but the boy never took it.
More surprised than curious, Jason holds the bear in his arms, squeezing it, it was fluffy; that caused the last thing that was recorded to be played. His blood ran cold hearing what sound like a couple of crazy doctors preparing a vivisection, this in itself was terrible, but the worst part is that the boy's voice at the end, although a little damaged, implied that he was the experiment.
Reluctantly he decided to take the bear to his brothers, this is a mystery in the form of a teddy bear and they are not going to let it go. Even if it's not directly a cry for help, he recognizes incompetent parents and a dangerous situation when he sees one.
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con-dientes · 2 months
someone please dm me a guided masturbation because i dont know how to properly please my virgin pussy
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
A Long Awaited Message From Your Spirit Guides 🩵🧚
Pick A Pile Reading
🩵(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🩵
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🦋🩷
This is a collective reading on a long awaited message from your spirit guides about a specific situation in your life. Take a deep breath and choose your pile/piles intuitively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Feel free to DM me in case you want to book a reading with me.
Now go ahead and read your pile.
Also, thank you for all the reblogs that you guys do. I am forever grateful!🌻
Booking Form|My Rate Card|Support My Blog
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Ace of Cups, 8 of wands, King of swords, page of pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, ace of pentacles
Hello, my dear pile 1. Well for you I see that this specific message is regarding your health or some insecurities regarding your body. For a very long time, you have not been feeling good in your body. Some of you may even be going through some health issues. It has been pretty overwhelming for you to deal with what was coming towards you on the health front. Your spirit guides want you to stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios or look down upon your body in any way possible. Because your thoughts create your reality. But the good thing is that none of the worst-case scenarios that are playing in your head are going to come true. Nothing will come out of this worry but if you don't stop thinking of negative thoughts then you'll develop a pattern that will lead you to manifest worst-case scenarios in other areas of your life. So please, my dear pile 1, stop worrying. Rewire your brain to think of the best-case scenarios. The card here says, “You do not have to think specific positive thoughts about your body, but you have to not think specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body, and instead just think pleasant thoughts, your body would reclaim its natural place of wellness.” I also sense a rigid mindset. Your energy is inflexible. I see two polarities but it's difficult for you to find a common ground between them. The two polarities confuse you. You must learn to accept both worlds and find peace in that acceptance. As much as gray there is in this world, it's equally true that black and white exist too. You need to ground your energy. Your root chakra may be imbalanced. Spend time in nature. Open your heart to the healing energy of the earth. Don't hold onto the idea that your body should be a certain way. You can't afford to do that! Don't think you have so less and hold onto it. There's abundance and soon you'll be shown the way. Give yourself a chance. Don't try to look too much into the way your body is. It is lovely the way it is. Once a doctor said to me, “Your heart is still beating, isn't it? Your lungs are still working perfectly fine, aren't they? That means you have a purpose to fulfill and your story isn't over yet. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are. There's no one else like you. God didn't make the exact same human as you and sent them to this earth in the same family as yours or the same environment as yours. You are unique!” Know that the universe will test you and will see if you've learned your lesson or not. So do not look down upon your body in any way. It's your safe abode. As soon as you let go of the insecurities you'll soon notice your creativity birthing out of your sacral chakra. You'll start expressing more and won't let anybody make you believe otherwise about your body. I also sense new opportunities in terms of healing and career are coming your way so keep your eyes open. Free yourself, free your spirit.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
Booking Form
My Rate Card
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Lovers, King of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Seven of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Two of Wands
Hello, my dear pile 2. Well, the first thing that I sensed is that some of you may be projectors by human design. Because the card here says, “The entire universe is being affected by what you are offering.” You have this sweet child-like energy but at the same time, you are a wise old soul. You may be seeing a lot of angel numbers, especially 888. I hear, “What comes down must go up.” Your life is about to change pile 2. Your guides want you to know that whatever decisions you are making right now are drastically shaping your future. Many of you are stuck between two decisions and your only way out is to take a balanced approach. There is strong water and fire energy in the cards. Opposing forces but very powerful. Both can cleanse and heal. Some of you are even going through a period of cleansing. A lot of negativity is being released from your life so don't hold onto your past. Your hard work will pay off and soon you'll find the clarity regarding a certain situation you're very confused about. All your long-awaited dreams are soon coming true. Your spirit guides want you to know that all the pain and confusion you went through was part of the plan only to bless you beyond your imagination. Your patience will reap rewards. For some of you, I hear that your patience will bring true love in your life. A time of celebration awaits. No one and nothing can put you down. Nobody will be able to stop you. I hear ‘Unstoppable’ by Sia. Being a projector you took in a lot of negativity from people's aura and now it's time for you to release all of that. It's time for you to come to yourself. Call all your power back that you gave away to others. I sense that some of you are even highly sensitive. You can easily pick up on people's true intentions. Don't underestimate your own power pile 2. You're gifted. Do not undermine your own gifts. The world needs someone like you. And you guys are soon going to receive a big boon and you guys are so intelligent that you will know how to make the best use of it. I sense strong psychic abilities in this pile. You are beyond beautiful, pile 2. I am in awe!!!!!! The only guidance here is to listen to your intuition and to leave the toxicity behind. Be it people or places. Those who can't reciprocate what you have to offer don't DESERVE to be in your life. Period. Protect yourself, you beautiful souls!
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
Booking Form
My Rate Card
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Cups, 10 of Cups, The Lovers, 7 of Cups, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords
Hello, my dear pile 3. For most of you, the message has something to do with ‘love’. I am even hearing, “To love, love, yeah. I needed to lose you to love me.” I also sense that fun times are coming for you but it seems that some of you are heartbroken about a situation or relationship that ended in your life. You are looking for closure. You need to make some adjustments in your life because what happened in your life happened to teach a very important karmic lesson. I also hear, “In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was.” Your card says, “Be easy about all of this. Life is supposed to be fun, you know. We want you to feel love for your life, for the people of your world, and most of all, for yourself. There is great love here for you.” Some of you may be moving places or recently moved to a different place and are feeling disheartened. The card wants you to know that love is everywhere you go. And I don't think that you guys are alone. There's someone still sticking around with you. It's time for you to explore what it truly means to love and feel loved. It doesn't mean that you're supposed to go on multiple dates but experience love in every way possible. Write someone a letter, paint, give someone flowers, or apologize to someone if any apologies are pending. As you embody love soon the romantic love will find you and it will stay with you for a lifetime. You may be tempted to go back to your ex or the person you broke up with. But please don't, especially with the same energy that you sent out previously. Do the right thing. There's no point in writing the same story over and over again. Don't start many things just focus on one thing. You may end up feeling tired or low in confidence at the end of the day as you may end up having high expectations from yourself. It's time for you to write a new story and not repeat the same old patterns. That's why your guides are asking you to make some adjustments in your life. Have fun with your work but don't end up burnt out. Forgive those who have left you and forgive yourself if something didn't work out. It's time to let go. Remember what's meant for you won't pass you by. So take things lightly and hold onto the spark of inspiration that you may get now and then. Keep your heart pure and don't let your love be overcome by any temptations.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
Booking Form
My Rate Card
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thecosmicangel · 7 months
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If you feel called to participate and pick a photo please do so as it may contain a message for you. Please take a few seconds to breathe in and out with the intention of being guided towards the photo that holds a message for you and turn your attention inward. Once you feel ready, pick a photo you feel most drawn towards. I channeled the messages with the intention of reaching the people that need to hear this message in divine timing, as well as making the message timeless and not having a time frame. Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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k-tarotz · 6 months
Personal Reading Options
these readings are unrelated to any kind of celebrity or entertainment source. they are made with the purpose of helping people at an affordable price.
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Lady Dior (new)
Your story as a royalty | 18.50£
- what would you be (like)
- what would you be known for
- how would you go down in history
- what would make you unique
- the aura that surrounds your energy
Silver Dragon (new)
You as a mythical being | 15£
- how would your life be like
- the power you hold
- how would people react to you, think of you, view you
- moodboard
Disc; you can either let us find out which mythical creature you'd most likely be or you can tell us your own choice for yourself and we will still do all sections as mentioned!
Jeanne D'arc (new)
What would it be like to live in the past? | 15.50£
- describing your life in the year of your choice
- things you could have achieved
- why you feel called to that time period
- add on question by you
Disc; if you don't have a specific year in mind we will find one that matches you based on tarot and intuition
"Should I" (new)
Should you do/purchase the thing you are thinking of? | 12.50£
- yes or no with explanation
- what happens if you do it / purchase it
- what happens if you don't do it / don't purchase it
Red string of Fate (new)
This is about a person in your future who will serve a romantic purpose in your life | 35£
- a description of this person
- your relationship with them
- what will a connection with them teach you
- how will they treat you
- how are your souls connected
- a channeled message
CHANEL N° 5 (new)
a reading on how you and your celebrity crush would be like in a romantic relationship | 25£
- Their first impression of you
- How would the relationship develop
- Fans thoughts on you as a couple
- Special things they would do just for you
- What makes you loveable to them
- Moodboard
Aurora lights (new)
Overall compatibility between you and your special person | 15£
- your pro's and con's
- in what ways you are compatible
- what makes you perfect for one another
Your abilities (new)
This is about things you could be good at but might not realize | 12£
- your (cap)abilities
- why you are good at them
- how to tap into them
ASTRO : your future spouse (new)
details of your future spouse | 50,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than our tarot readings
- cities/countries that might be interesting
- their personality
- how they might view you
- how will your connection be like with them
- how will you possibly meet
ASTRO : Twin Flame (new)
a reading on your fate with them | 40,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
- is it the person you are thinking of?
- will it end on bad terms?
- what are they here to teach you
- how will you two get along
ASTRO : Compatibility (new)
intended for crush, celebrity crush or current partner | 55,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
disc.: need both of your and their birth place and time of birth
- overall compatibility
- positive aspects
- negative aspects
- things they adore about you
Love ABC (new)
abc describing everything your fs/crush will/would love about you! | 30£
- 26 sections!
- 2-3 sentences for each section
Red vs Green flags (new)
red & green flags of your person/crush/idol crush | 10£
- detailed description of red flags
- detailed description of green flags
Ideal Types (new)
related to your crush/celebrity crush ect | 10,50£
- in guys
- in girls
- friends wise
Dynamic Duo (new)
dynamic between two people you are curious of | 15£
- person a’s view on person b
- person b’s view on person a
- what they both think of the connection
- your question
Go big or Go home (new)
detailed dynamics between the group of your choice | 25,50£
disc.: 7+ member groups cost more due to the time and effort it takes.
- each members view on every other member (so each pairing = one section)
BFF (new)
you and the idol of your choice as best friends | 25£
- How compatible you are as best friends
- Things they adore about you
- Friendship dynamics
- How are you different from other friends
- Question of your choice
Peekaboo (new)
how the idol of your choice is viewed | 27,50£
- by members
- other idols/friends they are close with
- idols from other groups
- staff
- people they work with
- each other’s family members
- people who have a crush on them
Sweet Venom! (new)
Your compatibility with a kpop group | 18£
- each member of this group x you, your compatibility over all - detailed
- we will point out if and who has a romantic compatibility with you
- for an even more in depth reading about this please include your: name/initials, your mbti, your life path number / or your enneagramm and your 3 big zodiac signs
Disc: for groups with more than 7 members we will charge 1£ more for each person
Upper side Dreamin' (new)
Your dream meaning | 10£
- tell us your dream and we will tell you what it could possibly mean
- what could possibly happen (especially if it's a déjà rěvé)
- we will also use our tarot cards and intuition to get a clear picture and possibly guide you
Polaroid Love ♡ (new)
Did you share a past life with your bias?/idol of choice | 22£
- how did you two meet?
- how were you related?
- how was your relationship like?
- your feelings for each other
- how does your past life affect your current life?
- one add on question (by you) is possible
Serendipity (new)
Find out your FS / S/o .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Butterfly (new)
Find out your soulmates .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
- platonic or romantic soulmate
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Your spirit animals (new)
Everything about your spirit animals ♡ | 13.50£
- get to know how many spirit animals you have
- get to know more about your spirit animal itself (all!)
- what impact do they have on you / on your life?
- channeled message from at least one of them
Includes pictures of all cards!
Starlight (new)
Your crush’s view on you~ | 16£
- Crush’s assumptions about you
- What do you crush’s friends think of you
- How will/would they react to a confession
- How would/will dates go
The Star (new)
You as a new member in your fave group | 32£
- Who would you get along with the most
- Their reactions
- What’s your position in the group
- How fans would react & how accepting would they be
- Your add on question
disc.: if the group is more than 7 members each additional member is 1£ as we write out everyones reaction. if you wish to ask more than one add on question, every new question is 1£ each, however there are no limits to it. (please keep the questions relevant to the reading.)
Soulmate & You (new)
A reading on your FS/O | 18,50£
- How strong is your connection
- Have you met yet (if no, when will you meet if yes how did you meet)
- Their personality
- Red & Green flags
Career Path (new)
a help from your guides career wise | 14.50£
- what jobs might suit you
- what you need to consider when choosing careers
- things to avoid
- your strengths
Channeled Messages Flower Bouquets! (new)
Channeling everything you need to know | 15£
- messages from your pets
- messages from your past life self
- messages from your ancestors
- messages from your angels
disc.: if you want to purchase any of these individually that is entirely possible for 5£ or 10£ if you wish to add 3-5 sections/questions!
Your Crush (new)
Your crush & you | 15,50£
Disclaimer: your crush must know about you/interacted with you at least once
- how does your crush view you
- is there a possibility they will reciprocate your love?
- how would your romantic relationship look like with them?
- will they give a relationship with you a chance?
Your Aura (new)
How does your aura look like? | 13£
- In this we will describe how your aura looks like especially the colors and the feelings that are associated with the colors in your aura
- we will also tell you how people might view you depending on your aura, especially first impressions
‐ one add on question by you related to your aura
- includes a picture to help you visualize
Your Past life (new)
How was your past life like? | 20£
- How was your appearance
- How was your personality
- did you had a partner? A family? How was it like?
- your career?
- how many past lives you had already
‐ any add on question by you
Parallel universe (new)
Just you but in a different universe | 15.55£
- who are you in the other universe?
- how is it different from the you in this universe?
- what have you accomplished?
- your career in the other universe?
- add on question by you
Love Potion (new)
What makes people fall for you? | 12£
- you can choose between opposite gender, same gender or both - what's their usual first impression of you?
- on what is their attention on?
‐ what keeps them interested in you?
‐ add on question by you
Your life as celebrity (new)
Your life as celebrity / kpop idol | 16.50£
- what kind of fans would you have?
- what would you be famous for?
- would you have any commercials / if yes what kind?
- who would be your closest friends?
- solo or in a group? [In case of kpop idol]
Please specify for this one if international celebrity, international actor/actress or if kpop idol, or kpop actor/actress
Special combination (new)
How does your fs view you | 12.50£
- how does your fs view your dark side?
- how does your fs view you in general?
- words of affirmation from your fs
- a channeled message from them
Your friendship/relationship dynamics (new)
About your friendship/relationship in general | 15.50£
- your friendship/relationship dynamics
- how strong is your friendship/relationship?
- how loyal are they to you?
- what's something you guys have to work on?
- add one question by you
You & Your FS 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What will your intimate life be like? | 20£
- General intimidate life
- Their energy
- Your energy
- Kinks
- What they like about your body
- Fantasies
- Question of your choice
The Devil 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What make you desirable to others? | 16£
- Your charms
- What others are attracted to the most
- Your specific person’s view of you
- Fantasies other people might have of you
- Question of your choice!
Lover 18+ (new)
disc.; minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
How will your first time be like? | 15.50£
- The atmosphere
- Where will it happen
- Your feelings
- Their feelings
- Question of your choice
Lucky Charm 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
The kinks of your FS/Crush | 9.50£
your choice which one, the crush must know you.
- How are they like in bed & what they focus on
- Things you haven’t considered
- Things they are curious of
Your Choice Questions
Yes or No questions | 4,44£
You can ask any question as long as it’s not related to health or legal matters. You will get your question answered and we will also try to expand on it.
- an answer to your question
- an expansion on the answer
General Reading | 4£
You can ask any question that is not related to health or legal issues. However please keep in mind that this will be a shorter reading, not an indepth one.
- an answer to your question
Advice Questions
Your Spirit Guides | 8,50£
This is just a general reading on what your spirit guides want you to know, and what they want you to focus on.
- messages from your spirit guides
- things you need to focus on
- good things coming your way
Your Inner Child | 9£
A reading to help you connect more with your inner child, as well as what could possibly help you heal.
- what your inner child wants you to know
- things that could possibly help you heal
- a message from your inner child
Future Spouse
Channeled Messages From Your FS | 5£
this reading contains two channeled messages, in which one can be centered around a topic of your choice.
- a general channeled message
- a message on a topic of your choice
General FS Reading | 12£
an in depth reading on your FS!
- their personality
- appearance
- their view of you
- an add on/question by you
Timely Reading
Weekly Reading | 11,50£
what’s ahead for you for the next 7 days, everything your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead for you in general
- what’s ahead for you in love
- what to mentally prepare for
- a question of your own
Yearly Reading | 15.50£
what’s ahead for you in the next 12 months, every major event your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead in general
- what’s ahead in love
- some changes that will happen
- things to mentally prepare for
- a message from your future self
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- Hun & Candy
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starphyre-blooms · 9 months
The Message:
Todays message asks us to go within. Think about what is is that you want out of life. How does that thing make you feel? Do you find yourself beaming with optimism at the endless possibilities of how things could work out in your favor? Do you find yourself feeling anxious as your mind creates the illusion of fear? Do you automatically start strategizing how to go after it while remaining detached from the outcome? What sorts of things stop you from going after what it is you truly want out of life? Do you allow your fears to become self fulfilling prophecies?
Todays oracle card asks us to shed our attachment to a specific outcome and allow things to unfold in the way that is meant for us. Trust the process and understand that you are divinely guided at all times. Open your heart. Let yourself fill with child like wonder. Connect with your heart. Your heart is wise. It knows the truth and it will tell you if you will listen. When you have a thought, pay attention to how you feel. Does your heart beat calm and steady? Or does it palpitate with dread? Explore that feeling. You are a strong, resilient character of limitless potential. Todays message asks us to tap into our endless well of potential.
Join me friends, so we can explore our potential together. You don’t have to go it alone.
🙏🏽 Starphyre 🫶🏽😇🪽
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kwanombuyiselo · 6 months
Do not walk into this with a mindset that is driven by an ambitious ego with self-serving demands, that will only lead to the birth of more problems - due to the fake dreams being sold by those who claim to walk this path with pure intentions when they are power hungry leeches disguised as messiahs. Your intention must be pure from the onset, to avoid swimming in the waters of turmoil. Healing has no shortcut.
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crystaldivination · 1 year
PICK-A-CARD ❁ Words from the higher realms ❁ 
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Hello and welcome! In this intuitive pick a card reading, I will be delivering some comforting messages and advices from your higher self that you might need to hear. This is my first time trying to do a collective reading so please let me know if this resonates with you in some way. Thank you 🝮
⭒ masterlist • paid services • for tips ko-fi
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how to choose your pile. take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Which pile sparks an interest in you? Which pile do you feel called out to the most or reminds you of something? Take your time and come back later to it again if you can’t seem to choose.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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This is your message. You’re on your right path, even if you don’t feel like it. Give it some time to see the results. You need to keep going and believe in yourself. Don’t give up even on the "slightest" disappointment. Get rid of your self-limiting beliefs. You’re almost where you want to be. Everything you desire will come to you at the right time. Most likely when you least expect it. "Divine timing" I heard. Go with the flow. Stay in the presence and take a leap of faith that your wishes will come true. You should trust the process. Your higher self is telling you to believe them. You’re divinely guided. Your blessings are on their way to you. Some of you might’ve even received their blessing already. Your higher self is always with you and leading you towards your life path. You should open your heart and mind to the things that surround you more. It’s a way to connect (better) with your higher self. Nature is prominent here. Try to go out in the nature and feel its energy. You will see that you’ll feel so much better afterwards. You might get some signs or hints through your spirits soon.
The message I got for this pile is on the shorter side compared to the other two piles but that’s only because you’re already on your right path and just need to work on your belief while persisting with your goals.
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This is your message. You might find yourself in a complicated situation right now which makes you doubt. Yet you don’t give up and still manage to stay hopeful. For that your higher self is proud of you. You might feel confused, not knowing what your goals are or where it all headed. Your higher self knows that it’s hard right now but they are telling you to listen to your heart. Your heart will know the answers. Sometimes it’s necessary to feel lost to find your way again. Your higher self is asking you not to isolate yourself!! Socialize more. That would do you well. You could benefit from it by gaining a different perspective on your situation. If you need help, ask for it. If you’re being offered help, accept it. You can rely on others as well. Turn to people you trust for support and take some time out for yourself to relax. Your higher self is also telling you to focus on the things that make you grow instead of dwelling on negative things. You might be used to feeling like there is no way to get out of where you are but remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You need to focus on that light. Don’t be swayed by the darkness that surrounds you because your will power and belief are much more stronger than that. Your higher self can prove it. They saw it already. Try to manifest. Picture your desired life and feel it happening before your eyes. That’s how your life gonna turn out. Promise! Lastly you should distance yourself from any kind of negativity such as people or things that are bad for you in some way. Declare to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.
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This is your message. Your higher self sees your anger, frustration and demand for love. You might have a hard time right now because I feel a lot of anguish and suffering in you. Some of you might "rebel" in some sort of way as a form to release or resist your emotions. Your higher self wants you to know that they are with you and that you’re not alone in this. This shall all pass. Remain strong to get through this.
You are advised to connect with strong minded and optimistic people to cultivate a positive mindset. Consider doing what is actually good for you. Some of you might intentionally doing things that don’t correlate with your feelings but doing the opposites won’t make it better. Instead try to be true to yourself and do what you truly want - for your sake. Be careful not to self-destruct. Your higher self is worried about you and wants you to sit down and reflect on your coping strategies. Cry if you need. Talk it out or write it down when your heart feels heavy. It can simply be a self talk. The most important thing is that you don’t neglect yourself. You are your best treasure. You’re worth your life. Your higher self wants to bring you out of your survival mode. They know you crave attention and seek love but they want you to look at yourself and give love to yourself first before seeking it from anyone else. They know your authentic self. Because they are you, right? They are saying that you don’t need to hide behind a tough demeanor. They love you. You should learn to be proud of yourself. You’re going through a major transformation in your life.
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Thanks for reading! Like and reblog if you enjoyed it. Hope it's helpful for you too ♡
𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖫𝗎𝗇𝖺𝗋 𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖼𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗍𝖾 🎊🧧
© 2023 Crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
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bitchy-craft · 16 days
PICK A CARD: Something you should hear
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what it is you should hear right now. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings [NEW]
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You are worth all it is that you want. All those dreams you possess but are too afraid to vocalise are all dreams you are deserving of having, deserving of achieving. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in life or not; everyone has and everyone will continue to make them.
You are worthy of love, you are worthy of achieving your dreams and be proud of your accomplishments. You are such an amazing person, and you should continue to tell yourself that; especially when things are tough. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet, that is alright. Just look yourself in the mirror for at least once a day and repeat over and over again all the things you are deserving of, all the things you want to achieve and why you are worthy of achieving them for (and when something like that is difficult, realise that there are no reasons for you not being worthy of achieving them).
Pile 2:
You are so beautiful, and it hurts to see you don’t always believe that, that you don’t see it. You are beautiful inside and out, all it is that you seem to dislike about yourself are the things the people around you love. You are pretty, you are beautiful, you are intelligent and unique; you are amazing and you must learn to see that yourself.
Whenever you are having a hard time and you are too afraid to reach out to friends, reach out to your spirit guides; ask for a sign to give you comfort; ask for a sign that shows you are worthy of love, and you will be surprised how quickly those signs will come to you, how someone always listens to you even if you aren’t aware of it.
There are people who truly believe you deserve everything in the world; and therefore you must start to believe it yourself as well.
Pile 3:
It is okay to take breaks, to not do certain things if you simply can’t do it (or don’t want to). It doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t mean you are lazy or dirty. It simply means you need some more time to yourself, some more time to get everything back on track. You are too hard on yourself; and many of you will have people surrounding you who are too hard on you as well, or feel like people around you have achieved so much more than you have that you must constantly keep up.
You don’t need to have done certain things before a certain time or age, you don’t need to do things just because others do so; you are meant to create and follow your own path. Everyone has their own timeline that they follow. You aren’t late, you aren’t early; you are right on time, just like you always have been and always will.
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solargeist · 13 days
grian being the reason xelqua exists and essentially delivering himself into his own fate is interesting to me. Not sure what the long term consequences are to this.
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medicalunprofessional · 4 months
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juggalo nemesis (…evil augustus) and horror punk butcher. Very important i think
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