seilon · 10 months
text them shit about ur ex then, ruin his rep right back
just talked to one of my friends on the phone for a while and dw they already know everything I have to say more or less about him it’s just. I can’t force them to cut contact with him or anything especially without sounding like exactly what he makes me out to be (manipulative, controlling, whatever) so. as much as my friend has reassured me in a lot of ways I’m still sort of stuck at an impasse when it comes to Him
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jackmanbj · 7 months
happy wife, happy life
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summary: your pregnancy mood swings are killing jack, he tried everything to get you happy but everything he tried fails.
requested by a lovely anon!💕
jack had just left the house to go get you some food, you wanted to stay home because this baby was kicking your ass.
jadore went with jack to go get your food so she could get some to.
stinka💕-baby what do you want?
you- i told you, canes.
stinka💕- i know baby, what do you want from canes?
you- oh sorry, can i get a 3 piece please?
stinka💕- of course
you put your phone down and started watching me before you.
not even 10 minutes into the the movie, you in tears, but it was to good to turn off.
jack helped jadore into her seat and placed her food down.
he quickly went to go get you so you can eat.
jack opened the door to seen you crying, eyes still glued to the screen, tissue in one hand and remote in the other.
“baby whats wrong??”
jack made his way over to you and wiped your tears off with his thumb.
“nothing..the movie is so sad though jack..” “baby, lets go eat mmh?” “ok..”
jack helped you up and started helping you make your way down the stairs to jadore and your food.
“whats wrong mommy?”
that made you cry even more, just jadore making sure her mommy was ok made you cry.
jadore noticed you starting to cry once again so she hopped out her set as fast as she could and ran over to hug your leg.
you bet down to pick her up.
“mommys ok sweet girl, lets eat eat?”
you brought jadore back to her seat and your both started eating.
“mm jack this is so good, want some?”
jack walked over a took a huge bit of your food and you just looked at him.
“really jack? i dont even want it anymore.” “baby finish your food!” “no! i dont want it anymore.”
you got up and picked up your phone and started walking back upstairs to watch your movie.
a few minutes later jack walked into the room with the word sorry written on his forehead that looked like it was written by a three year old.
because it was.
“read my forehead babe.”
you looked at his forehead and immediately giggled.
“really? i hope thats washable.”
“it is mamas, now do you forgive me?”
“yes baby boy i forgive you.”
jack had the biggest grin on his face as he walked over to you.
he stood on the side of the bed where you were, arms open.
you quickly got up to hug him.
“yes ma”
“i love you.”
“i love you more baby, more then anything in this fucking world.”
jack leaned down to kiss you and you quickly kissed him back.
jack started rubbing on your stomach, bending down to talk to her and kiss her.
jack planted 3 kisses on you before opening his mouth.
“hi baby, mommy and daddy cant wait to meet you, you’re going to be so spoiled by everybody, i love you so much. you have an amazing mom, sister, and uncles.” jack planted a few more kisses over your stomach before looking up to fine you once again crying.
“im sorry! that was just so sweet!”
jack chuckled and pressed play on your movie.
every once in awhile, sad scenes would come up making you cry but jack would always calm you down.
until the movie ended.
you were right expecting the most happiest ending ever.
but it wasn’t, in fact it was the saddest ending you genuinely ever seen.
and you wouldn’t stop crying, lord knows it was just the baby but jack knew it was hormones and the only way for you to stop crying like this would be for you to go to sleep.
“baby how about you go to sleep.”
you shook your head no then got up and went to the bathroom.
“wheres jadore?”
“taking a nap mamas why?” jack got up and made his way to the doorframe of the bathroom.
“nothing, i was just checking.”
you reached for the shower handle losing your balance but jack was quick to catch you.
“unt unt, mamas go lay down, you can shower later fuck that.”
“jack! i wanna shower now!” “no ‘cause you almost bussed your fucking ass, go to the bedroom.”
jack pointed to the room implying for you to go there.
you simply huffed and rolled your eyes.
at this point, you simply wanted to take your shower and relax, but no.
‘just because i was about to fall doesn’t mean im not capable of taking a fucking shower.’
you thought to yourself as jack finally walked into the bedroom to join you on the bed.
you simply looked at him before pulling out your computer.
jack reached over and took the computer out of your lap and closed it, placing it on his side of the bed.
you quickly pulled on his earlobe.
your nails pressing together slightly as jack whined in pain.
“give me my fucking computer jackman thomas.”
“yes ma’am.”
as soon as you let jack go he reached to grab your computer rubbing his ear in pain.
you took a look at jack to realize he was pouting and rubbing his ear.
“aww come here stinka.”
you pulled jack into your chest as he fake cried.
“jack baby im sorry.”
“you almost killed me!”
“dont you think thats a bit dramatic?”
you moved jack curls out the way exposing that huge forehead and kissed forehead before gently placing them back.
“jack your forehead is huge, i hope sarija doesn’t have a forehead like that, i was so happy when jadore didn’t”
“THATS UNNECESSARY! you know what, i hope they dont have your high. since you know, your 5’5 on a good day.”
jack leaned up to whisper in your ear “its never a good day.”
you push his head off your chest while giggling and jack was full out belly laughing.
“are you finally happy ma? youve been crying all day.”
you quickly pouted.
“im kidding babe.”
jack placed a kiss on your lips and you quickly smiled.
“im going take my shower jack.”
“take it in the morning, lets go to sleep.”
you laid down once again slightly agitated, jack reached over to rub your bump and of course you let him but you let out a angry huff
jack realized you were once again upset but decided to let you sleep and not speak on it.
‘im going to have to deal with this the whole rest of this pregnancy’ jack thought as he kissed your cheek rubbing your belly.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
i was wondering how would the monster trio react if they randomly got a boner and bro im SURE sanji’s cock twitches 47 times a day given the thoughts he constantly has 🙄🙄 zoro gets them while he sleeps so he waits for his dick to calm down before standing up,, people think he’s lazy but he’s just hard and doesn’t want anybody to know🤭🤭
luffy’s dick gets hard when he thinks about being the pirates king 😒😒
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“𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝔻𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝔾𝕖𝕥𝕤 ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕝𝕪”
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All are very canon cuz i seen it for myself.
Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Sanji
Blk Fem! Reader in Mind
CW: Dick talk, established relationships because i wanna project and include myself😓
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When he gets hard it’s really rare and i feel like it’s partially because of his rubbery body….does that even make sense
He gets hard from very few things and they’re always so minuscule or random its hard to know if he’s actually turned on or if his body is just trynna be funny.
You once made him a dessert that you really wanted to try without the assistance of sanji and when Luffy ate it he not only fell in love with you, but loved the sweet pastry so much you noticed a tent grow in his shorts
Very shameless in the morning by the way.
Every man gets morning wood at least once a lifetime and when Luffy gets it
everybody knows.
“Calm down, Nami it’ll go down in a sec..😄”
Has been heard by the guys a few times with him jacking off late night when his hard on is just so bothersome.
“Dont wanna. Shes too far. Im almost done dont worry.”
Usopp ends up pissed the entire day.
His boners can ironically go down quickly if he eats meat.
You swear his dick has a mind of it’s own, all you did was tell him about how much higher his bounty would get after defeating Kaido and his dick started poking you in the back.
Now he is still a guy and guys also can be attracted to women so you being his girlfriend—you’re not necessarily excluded.
However he gets hard at the simplest things you do.
Taking his hat, Calling him captain, even play fighting with him he ends up getting hard so hopefully youre a good gf and willing to help him out when it happens😁
He claims he can control his erections .
No he cannot.
If he’s in a relationship with you he’s more shy about letting you know about his dick problems because you dont want him to think hes a pervert.
He can’t control a damn thing his dick does which is why he blames you.
“I had more balance before I met you—“
All you did was hug him.
Like u said: When he gets morning wood he is usually laying around a little longer. He has tried jacking off while in the room with the guys as they slept but he heard Luffy sleep walking (with his own hard on) and immediately just went back to sleep.
He very rarely does get hard though. However you plan to find out every single thing that turns him hard and so far you only found 2:
The first one is kissing, hes a touch starved man and you can never help yourself when it comes to locking lips with him. Your tongue wrapped around his, your hands on his chest and straddling him as he gropes your ass, he’s so needy it’s almost too cute to handle. and the look on his face when you feel him poke you is absolutely EVERYTHING.
The one that shocked you the most was when youre arguing with him. He doesnt know why he gets turned on by how mad you get whether it’s at him or someone else but the blood flow of his dick is damn near on fire. Maybe it’s because you have an accent when you speak fast, maybe it’s because it’s a rare occurrence, or maybe zoro is a freak. But seeing you so pent up and pissed makes his pants tight
Zoro getting hard consist of him being irritable, quiet, and trying to isolate himself until he or you fix the issue
He’s always half hard.
Wanna know something else, his blood fits he has (the ones that didnt turn into a fucking plot point) are representing each time he gets hard.
Anyways though, he masturbates regularly. If he’s not cooking or out with the crew he is in the bathroom helping himself.
His hard ons are easy to spot because he’ll hide himself behind a counter with blush on his face or stand behind you.
He is shameless with his hardons only when you’re around.
He can get hard just by seeing you smile so have fun with that.
But he gets incredibly hard(and even easier) after you both have had sex before
If you all are on the deck and you wanna wear another thin ass bikini of course he is going to get hard. Thinking about the things he’d do to you if you just gave him the green light.
Which is also why Sanji stares at you a lot.
So he will come behind you and bury his face in your shoulder or neck whining.
You don’t mind it. It’s cute to see him rut up behind your ass, his accent slipping through .
“May we..go to your room please?”
If you say yes he will walk SUPER close behind you tying to hide his painful erection, mumbling small praises and thanks for you being so understanding.
He’s so grateful for you :(
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yae-energy · 1 year
get in bitch, we’re going shopping
synopsis: my take on what it’s like going to the mall with saiki and friends
cast: kusuo saiki, shun kaidou, aren kuboyasu x shopaholic black fem reader (all platonic)
cw: theft (kuboyasu’s part) , cursing
a/n: this won the poll so come get y’all snacks ! this was also mega fun to write omg 😭😭😭
saiki - doesn’t even wanna be there
- bro just wants to stay home ong 😭
- def keeps that germanium ring on him cause he is not trynna hear everybody’s nasty ass thoughts
- sticks close to you if you’re in a group cause you’re the only one who isn’t stressing him out
- also cause you tend to wander off when looking at display windows
- has to keep you from going into every store y’all come across but man is that an exhausting job
- like he don’t wanna be there all damn day
- but having to stop you from getting pouty cause they didn’t have the sneakers you want is worse
- will literally use his clairvoyance to find the shoes in another store and then swap it with a different pair of the same value so you can shut the hell up 😭 (love a supportive king !!)
“they dont have the shoes?? i literally waited all damn day for those and they don’t even- …. huh? since when did these get here?”
“must be magic, now let’s get the hell outta here PLEASE”
- food court enthusiast !!!
- without a doubt his favorite place in the mall
- buys you both lunch
- also buys you a key chain as a gift cause he saw you eyeing it in one of the windows, and puts it in one of your bags so you’ll see it when you get home
- will not tell you he bought it
- you rambling to him on the way to school the next day about how you must’ve gotten it by mistake is a reward in itself
kaidou - shopaholic bestie
- just like you, kaido loves a good shopping spree !!!
- he’s gotta deck himself out so dark reunion knows who they messing with !!!
- they don’t call him the jet black wings for nothing 😤
- gives surprisingly good fashion advice
“this color brings out your skin tone you should get this”
“these shoes match that hat you should get these”
“gold accessories fit your skin perfectly”
- loves when you give him a fashion show if you’re trying on clothes
- will literally make you runway walk 💀
- hot topic king !!!!
- prob their biggest buyer tbh
- gets those corny graphic tees and you have to BEG him to not wear them in public
- like he genuinely thinks they’re cool and you’re like
“😬…lets not”
- goes straight to the bookstore to see if they have any new manga
- will be there for hours if you don’t pull him out
- like he dead read a whole book once while you were out looking for bags
- you bought it for him as a treat cause he carried all your bags for you
kuboyasu - a thief in the night
- im sorry y’all but this man def steals (same tho/hj)
- and doesn’t give a fuck either
- but most of the time it’s not even on purpose fr
- like he’ll pick up something and be like
“damn this shit cool ash”
- then will forget he has it in his hand and walk out with it 😭
- is banned from 3 of your favorite stores for doing this so he just stands outside like a club bouncer and waits for you
- best believe if someone tries to get at you he’s there to keep em in check !!
- once a cashier tried to get your number and he was not having it
“nuh uh”
- like 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry but if they look like a loser he’s not letting it happen
- people assume you guys are dating cause he does that but he’s just a little protective fr
- he ain’t letting no scrub try to take you out, tf he look like?
- steals you that expensive bag you wanted
- goes with you into the makeup stores and lets you swatch the lipsticks on him if you run out of room on your hand
- will be mad if they don’t have your shade in anything and curse out the employees
- gets banned
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arrowsinmyskull · 1 year
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“what you say is merely copper is my gold.”
— yan oc concept : yan ! soldier x gender-neutral ! commander ! reader —
TW: SUGGESTIVE, EXPLICIT MENTIONS OF STALKING, YANDERE THEMES, which includes: unhealthy devotion, obsession, borderline worship.. implications of shitty writing done late at night because i have nothing else to do on a regular old saturday, lotsa profanity because i literally type like that
a/n: yeah. so i wanted to write a damn near worshipper mf. i sent all these concepts to my homie on discord, n they were like “THIS IS TUMBLR WORTHY” (this was also their favorite out of all the ideas for writing i had so like i hope this is cash money) i dont think i have much other shit to do aside from study psychology or something interesting or whatever but thats bORING i wanna write people gettin on their knees for ya ykwim??? fyi when i say chest it doesn’t always have to mean an afab person’s chest lmao,, just so yall know everybody has a chest mfs whether there are boobs or not. this darling little soldier does not fuckin’ discriminate!!!!!! yippee!!!!
so like, let’s get this straight: THIS SON OF A BITCH LOVES YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF. they are wholly yours, but you’ll never be theirs in return. ya know why?? bc their stubborn ass thinks they’re lower than you, as you’re their superior.. therefore you should just own them by now <3
when they see you on the battlefield, they’re always so enamored.. as if your beauty distracts them from the fact that this is literally a life-or-death predicament.
nah cause like they always look for opportunities to be with you & to love you because all they wanna do is be a hardworking, obedient lil soldier to you. more specifically, your favorite little soldier.
they always worship you as though you were a deity amongst mortals.
they have a diary completely devoted to you. all they write about is you, your perfection, your beauty, the gorgeous shine in your eyes, from all that is romantic to the most erotic, sinful thoughts that run through their head about you: every curve and lack thereof, how much they crave for you to fuck them like a doll, your subservient doll, until they cry. they want tears to stream down their face so that you could see the sheer amount of love they have for you in those watery, half-lidded eyes. their bawling tells you that they would submit, no matter how much you hurt them. they're in their most vulnerable for you, because they deserve to become your toy.. nothing more. but, as a sinner, they're aware that they'll never get what they want.
obsession.. is an understatement. they're smitten, head-over-heels, down on their knees for you... and one day, one day they'll be on their knees between your pretty, perfect legs.
they watch you day and night, even in your private moments. they want to see you when you’re vulnerable, when they get to witness their god’s breathtaking body, without any garments to obscure your glory.
even when you're all alone, putting in no effort to please anyone, you're so gorgeous. your insecurities just make them love you more. they want to kiss those insecurities away, to tell you that you, the love of their life and their god, will never have any imperfections.
they wish they could be more intimate, even though they’re aware that seeing you during times they shouldn’t is technically meant to be enough.
it’s just.. they don’t just want to witness you. they may love you more than everything, but they still wish to indulge. they’re still greedy. they want to touch you when you are bare, they want to let their hands wander as they worship you face-to-face. they want your lips to touch theirs, once and for all. and they will end up in such a predicament someday.. your loyal servant, sinning right where you can see them. they know they aren’t worthy, but they yearn for you nevertheless.
they don’t just want you. they don’t just crave for every bit of you. they need you, all of you, they need your body & mind, they need your touch, your affection.. everything. they know damn well that they’re below you, as a simple follower, but please.. please just let them enjoy you just this once.. and they’ll do everything you desire. spoil them a little once in a while, won’t you?..
anyways have a scenario of them cuddling with you when war isnt threatening everybody :) enjoy the content because like fluff is important in this world mwah mwah bye
they nuzzle into your chest, arms wrapped around your waist. the rays of the rising sun dimly gleam through the curtains, and all you two have been doing was cuddle, cuddle, cuddle. but are you complaining? absolutely not! your pretty warrior is so adorable when they cling to you as they let sleepy mutters slip from their lips. words of reverence, obsession, and utter devotion. they can’t help it, don’t you understand? they just love you oh, so much.. and they have to let you know. otherwise, how would you ever believe their loyalty to you?
“you’re so perfect, everything about you, everything’s so.. flawless.. i love you, you.. only you.. i love, love, love you, more than you could ever know.. i.. love.. you..”
they mumble in-between soft kisses as they worship you and your body, which was handcrafted by divine hands. you're so pretty that it's genuinely painful for them.. and they're definitely going to show you that. their shaky hands wander, teardrops falling onto your holy garments and their lowly, sinful flesh.. and when you reciprocate even a mere sliver of the affection that they've given you, they break. their trembling, pathetic body goes limp under your touch, leaning into the love that you blessed them with, even if they're shuddering with watery eyes.
all this ever did was remind them of how incapable they are of living without you.
as soon as your soft hands graze against their hair, they're on the verge of collapsing just from how good you make them feel. your arm on their waist sends them to heaven, your divine abode.. they are definitely willing to die for you right now, as long as you hold them before their heart ceases to beat. hold their hand as you two cuddle, and they're already straight up melting from your godly fingers. oh.. how they wish those very fingers could wander further than their mere hands. how would it feel if your touch was between their legs? how much euphoria would they go through if you held onto their bare thighs, driving them to tears? they need that, they lust after such fantasies more than you could ever know. their thoughts are taunting them as they become tainted with the desires of a sinner.
their gaze.. when they look up at you, there are reminders of their limerence, their infatuation. you're just recalling just how smitten they are, when they stare with a quivering lip and tears threatening to fall. unbeknownst to this darling soldier of yours, they aren't the only ones with unholy thoughts.
you just have to wait until one of you decides to act on it. 'patience is a virtue', you both would like to believe, as you bask in eachother's warmth for the morning.
im sorry this was short im like having a bad case of writers block or whatevrr u call it..
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Baizhu, Zhongli, Xiao, Dainsleif, and kaeya (separately) x reader who has the same element or powers as them? Like for xiao another adeptus and for zhongli another immortal geo user , Dainsleif could have a reader who is also immortal and used similar powers to his? Fluff plz
Also how are you ?
a/n - I'm doing alright!! I started a job so that does monopolise my free time now since it takes up the slots I'm not using for classes but it's going well! I hope you enjoy the read - im still learning how i wanna write these charas so its probably gonna be ooc :D - also, i totally made a reference to my "series" Eternity is a Little Warmer With You bc i just had to aejiofwajw also crying shitting screaming this has been living in here for FAR too long i dont even know when it will be posted im SOBBING the same way i was when my coworker tried to put [REDACTED] in my face to fuck w me (i think shes great no worries shes so funny oawejfwaiod)
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I don't think he expected to see another Dendro user in the area, much less one with an unfamiliar face. He makes it his business to know everybody in the harbour in case they require his services.
But, when you show up one day with a minor illness and the Dendro vision hanging from your clothes it piques his interest, which led to his continued visits to you under the pretense of taking care of you.
When things begin to develop further between the two of you I think he'd love to experiment more with your visions!
I see him using his vision in conjunction with his research and when he sees how different the way you use your powers he decides to experiment a little himself and see how effectively he can mimic it.
Overall, he would be fascinated with your abilities and would love to mess around with it a little! Even more so since you're doing it with him.
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He had a lot of reservations when he first met you.
You were a terrifying anomaly to him, stirring emotions deep in his chest that he could never understand. However, with time you taught him he was allowed to embrace such thoughts and feelings,
It was terrifying to imagine a single day without your smile, but he knew that he would never wish this curse of immortality on you. He could never hurt you like that, force you to bear a burden that he was cracking under.
But when he told you about his curse the tears that slipped from your eyes matched with a happy smile made him take pause. He had no idea why you were reacting that way and only held your hand silently, brushing away tears with his other hand.
His hand stopped as you told him you were the same, your grasp tightening around his fingers as the realisation sunk in.
He was so afraid to hope for some sort of dimly lit future that could have you in it, intimately aware of the trials and tribulations you had to go through.
Now, with your hands joined together he can only think that eternity will be a little warmer at your side.
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Xiao was aware that not all of the Adeptus perished in the war. He's only heard of a few of the others, less famous than him but still just as deserving of the title in his opinion. After all, you both worked hard to serve your Archon and were continuing to do your best.
When the two of you first met it was simple. A nod of your heads and you were both on your ways.
Once your patrol routes began to intersect it only took time and a few conversations under the light of the moon for him to find himself endeared to you.
It was easy with your smile and lack of pretense around him, and fortunately it seemed that the humans really were capable of protecting themselves.
Both being Adepti made it easier for him to understand why you said or did certain things what with your shared background. If anything, it helped make your bond stronger because the moments of silence were filled with an innate understanding he didn't feel like he had to explain.
At its core, your relationship is full of trust and unexplained pauses that fit comfortably between the space of your bodies. He feels fully at peace with you and knows that he can trust you with his heart and life.
He's still worried his karmic debt may stain you but the soft words of reassurance you whisper into his ear calm the thundering rush of his heart.
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When Morax decided to live as Zhongli he knew that there would be things he would have to grow accustomed to as a human but also lots of things to learn.
When he first met you he didn't think he'd learn about love.
But it came so naturally to you, what with your natural curiosity and penchant for charming in the most innocuous of manners. To him, it seems human to explore the feelings you give him and so he does.
It won't stop the nagging voice in his head reminding him not to get too attached lest you slip from his fingertips far earlier than you should.
When you confess to him that you're immortal as well he does a bit of a double-take. Sure, he doesn't personally hand out visions but he thought he would have at least been familiar with a fellow immortal Geo user.
Regardless, he discloses to you a bit of his own truth with a kind smile, hugging you tightly to his body when he sees your body slump forward with relief.
Maybe one day he'll be able to disclose the other half of his secret but for now he was more than content to know that you two were going to be spending a lot more time than initially thought.
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Cryo users aren't exactly rare so that wasn't what caught Kaeya's eye.
Instead, it was the fact that you pushed him out of the way when a hillichurl came barrelling towards him so fast he barely registered it.
The cold blast of ice against his skin made him think somehow he triggered his own powers without thinking until he heard the clinking of your vision against your clothes.
From there on he decided that he'd have to return the favour, deciding the best way to do that would be training with your visions.
Paradoxically, the chill of both your cryo visions does nothing to abate the warming of your bodies as you find some sort of rhythm while sparring together.
In fact, it only serves to make you both warmer when he pins you down underneath him. His cold hands hold your wrists in place over your head with a cocky, albeit out-of-breath smirk as he tries to think up what he wants to ask of you for his prize.
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charlestrask · 6 months
alex g mclennon playlist now….
and the annotations which arent like. super informative but some vaguely chronological guidance and my thoughts on povs and such.
string: early john pov after meeting paul. particularly wrt johns feelings about jim and paul being too behaved and obedient towards him.
salt: also early john pov. im imagining in that tumultuous time post julias death as pauls managing to coax him back to the band.
cross the sea: either john or paul pov. vague early years and the exhilarating obsession with each other. "you see how i make you smile / you put your foot down and i run wild" especially them to me.
brite boy: early paul pov. similar to salt imagining the general feelings of paul in situations like trying to get back to john after julias death, but not necessarily that situation specifically. johns various down periods.
in my arms: more vague pre-beatles period john and paul. i dont have a lot specific to say on this one but the vibes.
harvey: we've entered fame period. ive gone back and forth on john or paul pov for this. i began thinking it was paul pov, john as harvey paul a bit more concerned about all the business of actually running the band. but now i think i prefer it as a john pov first of all "run my hands through his short black hair" but also the harvey verse im seeing johns idea that paul was somehow getting ahead of him, being better than him without even trying.
in love: touring fame years. no specific events just that period of time of truly being attached and solidly together.
near: THE JOHN AND PAUL OBSESSION SONG OF ALL TIME. all i want is to be near you you you you you you. for chronological playlist purposes this is touring years, imagining 65-66 but easily applicable to many many periods.
animals: ive kind of come to hate this song but thats another matter. "i get sick when i get stoned / everything we do, we do it alone". no specific pov here it can go both ways. either of them could be rosie. but im imagining this as late 65 as they're (especially john) entering heavier drug use
runner: PAUL POV ON JOHN. "i laugh when you say the wrong thing / mouthing off to everybody else but me / they hit you with the rolled up magazine / my runner, my runner, my man" NEED I SAY MORE.
so: we are entering post-touring years. john deep in the lsd kenwood depression.
break: paul dropping acid with john for the first time. "i think i'm feeling it now / just like you did" "taking hits for you / cause i wanna feel like im supposed to / i could disappear / if this is what makes me feel so real" "and i'm sick for you, baby / and it's never gonna go away" HEAD IN HANDS.
soaker: mostly john pov but one can imagine it both ways. imagining this 66-67 period where they were close but john was feeling that jealousy-depression around paul gallavanting around london while he's stuck in the suburbs. both so desperate to just be with each other all the time and yet! and yet. johns frustration over what he sees as paul not needing him as much.
proud: feel like i dont need to say much about this one. mostly john pov i think but that battling jealousy and utmost respect and love for paul.
black hair: black hair its swimming in my head black hair its bigger than death black hair dont leave me in the dirt black hair i'll show you what im worth ❤️❤️
people: yet another john in total acid stupor everyday alone in his big stupid house.
miracles: hard how to explain this one. still in 66-67. john pov. if you get it you get it.
walk away: YEP. late 67ish. you'll see. "someday i'm gonna walk away from you / not today, not today, not today / someday i'm gonna walk away from you (i don't want, i don't want, i don't want to)"
forever: paul pov on john post-brians death. "pull it together / we could love you / forever and ever" and then his taking over managerial duties after brians death because he feels like he has to, he needs to keep the band together or who knows what will happen now and the only way he knows how to do that is keep everybody working. "made up a game / no pain, no gain / until you break / make no mistake / i will pull it together / you can love me / forever and ever."
snot: we are entering india. john pov. beginning of him turning on paul. "i'm all in / and he's all out" this feeling of sinking lower and lower as paul seems to be continuing on like normal.
sugarhouse: still in india. paul pov. not sure how to explain this one it just makes sense to me.
brick: last india/the whole 68 business one. john pov of course. his uhh lets say very subjective idea of paul at the time. and whatever the hell happened there. but turning on paul and for some reason seeing him now as this manipulator.
change: interchangeably paul and john during get back sessions. "you're in my dream last week / i'd like to hear what you think"
sugar: john pov. imagining this as his pov on paul in that odd interstitial period between get back sessions and the official breakup. "you will be a bird / all of my life" combined with the sound of the song itself is very.. very something.
bobby: ok this one is very specific. john pov bobby is paul but the "you" in the song is yoko. "i'd leave him for you / if you want me to" "i'd burn them for you / if you want me to" etc. this and mis are ones i feel very strongly about.
boy: a kind of vague john pov in 69-70. is the other person yoko or paul? you decide. interesting things to think about both ways.
hollow: both john pov 69-70 AND paul pov 69-70 bur different implications for both readings. heroin is there. johns general uhhhh..... lost-ness. paul decaying stagnant on the farm. "swallow this- / you made a big / mistake / go away" "i know him / i know how much / he wants / to stay"
powerful man: PAUL ON THAT FARM. attempting to be butch to heal 💔 "maybe he was out of line / but he was still a pretty close friend of mine / maybe he had hurt me bad / but a brother is a brother and that is that" "had a dream about a promised land / walkin' round with a big gun in my hand / and when i look you in the eye / you're gonna tell me that you love me and hold me tight"
station: still paul pov 69-70 on the farm. imagine truly the peak of that depressive period. i cant even pick any specific lyrics its all so much.
mission: paul vaguely 70s wings period. his just-keep-working ethic. "hey, look in the mirror / ain't gonna right your wrong / with a stupid love song" :) i like being on the nose
sorry: both john & paul pov in their more reconciling yet bittersweet parts of 72-80. "i look at you / and feel the same / could you forgive me / for that pain?" "i look at you / and feel the same / could you forgive me / for that?"
judge: PAUL POV. his whole feelings around johns behavior toward him in the 70s. all those very very very painful quotes of him questioning why john felt like that what did he do to hurt john. the whole hunter davies phone call "maybe i just hurt people by default".
forgive: johns late 70s love for paul but also paul post-johns death. "forgive yesterday / i choose today". AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS.
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can you do a noncon threesome with Lyle, Quaritch, and a human!fem!reader where she begs them not to cum inside her but no. they have to fill her up with their cum. a lot of teasing and praise/degradation too?? ty!! I love ur writing
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milk without the honey.
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ִֶָ 𖥔゚— synposis : getting cornered in a dark room was something you didnt wish for; you wonder why it happened to you, you wonder why they chose to do that to you, questions swam in your head as you struggled and screamed and wriggled around trying to get them off of you, one of them put his hand on your mouth in order to muffle your screams.
ִִֶֶָ 𖥔゚— warnings : cnc, degrading, p in v, double penetration, oral (fem rec.), praising, threesome (m/m/f), no plot, no mentions of y/n, no proof reading.
ִִֶ 𖥔゚— pairing : lyle x reader x quaritch
ִֶָ 𖥔゚— a/n : CNC??? I HAD TO WRITE IT. also im so sorry i didnt reply faster.. ive been busy with life sm happened and i forgot everything about my requests and my drafts imma try to finish as much as i can today. tysm for requesting !! <3. also !!! comments are highly appreciated unless theyre bad ones... keep em for urself >< !! have fun reading! i hope you enjoy ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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"you like that? you like being touched by us? hmm? tell me, baby, do you like the way we touch you?" lyle said from behind you, his cock thrusting inside your walls, his breath hot on your neck as he held you close to him to keep you balanced with his fingers in your mouth muffling your screams.
"she sure does…" quaritch said from between your legs, breathing on your cunt the lifting his hand to collect your wetness.
"look how wet she is, just like a little whore;" lyle smirked.
"that right princess? youre a whore for us, yeah?"
you had tears running down your face;
you were trying to fight back at first, tried to scream, cried for someone to help you but you were in an isolated room, you knew it was impossible for anyone to hear you but you tried, now you gave up, you let them use you however they want, became their experimental game.
your face twitched as your felt your orgasm approaching, quaritch felt your pussy throbbing as he lapped at your clit, without a warning, he slipped a finger inside of your vagina, his finger deep down to the knuckle inside of you, the act was excruciating for you but you liked it and you let out a soft muffled moan.
quaritch pulled away right before you climaxed. "get ready, imma gonna put my cock inside your tiny cunt, you g'na like it,"
you were too tired to argue back and just sat there waiting as lyles fingers left your mouth to play with your tits, pinching and rolling your nipple between his fingers as he sucked on the flesh of your neck.
"you gonna let everybody know that i fucked you? gonna let em know you belong to daddy? hm?" lyle talked to you while quaritch slammed his cock inside of you and you moaned loudly.
you had quaritchs and lyles cocks inside of you, both cocks rubbing on each other making them twitch inside of you, quaritchs hand went to your neck, choking you til your eyes widened and your lips went blue in color.
"p – plea – hh – se.. plea–!
quaritch was amused by your beggings and after a few seconds of holding you there, he withdrew his hand from your neck.
lyle was groaning like a wild animal and quaritch gave him a knowing look. "gonna let us cum inside your tiny cunt?" quaritch said and your eyes widened as you shook your head 'no'.
"no – please s – stop – no.. please
pleasepleasepleaseplease.. dont please.." you had started crying and quaritch just smirked while lyle was lost in the feeling of your cunt tightening around both cocks.
"gonna pump my seed right inside of you, baby," quaritch said with a groan.
"wanna have our kids inside of ya?"
"she sure — she sure does!"
you closed your eyes and cried. "please no please stop please stop please stop.." you started rambling as your thighs started to shake and your muscles spasm and just like that you release on quaritchs pubic region.
"what a good bitch… coating me with your pretty fluids,"
"ha.. see colonel, told ya she a catch,"
both men smirked as they twitched inside your body.. once… twice…
they released inside of you, one after the other, and you were left alone in that room, laying down on the floor feeling useless and disgusting.
you were disgusted with yourself. disgusted with the idea of you enjoying it. and that was true, you were disgusting because you liked every bit of it, so laying down with your legs shaking, with spit and cum drying on your pussy, you reached down to touch yourself.
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You forgot! (Part 3)
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You were at the apartment mixing a song together. You recently got a job in a recording studio as an audio engineer and music producer. You were still pissed at Sam. I mean today is your one year anniversary with sam since you and her have been together for a year. You were hoping to do something romantic for her but you just couldn't focus on that as you were already starting to have trouble focusing on the mixing the song.
Sam unlocked the door to the apartment and opened the door and closed. "Hi baby!" She said. She smiled at you.
"Hi". You said quietly.
Anika and and Mindy were sitting at the table working together. Chad and Tara were watching a movie together. And Quinn was studying.
Sam walked towards you and tried to hug you as she put her hand on your back.
"Don't touch me!" You spat angrily.
Sam just looked at you. "Baby what's wrong?" She asked.
"What's wrong?! What's wrong?!" You yelled. You stood up. "You forgot our one anniversary you ass!" You yelled in front of everyone. Everybody looked at you. You walked away and slammed the door to the bedroom.
"I didn't forget our one year anniversary today is Friday and june- oh my gosh!" Said Sam.
"Sam how could you forget the one year anniversary of your own relationship?" Quinn asked.
"Because I'm freaking stupid". Said Sam.
"And dont forget you forgot to kiss your girlfriend goodnight and give her a goodnight hug". Said Anika.
"Yeah". Said Sam.
"And you forgot to tell your girlfriend goodnight beautiful". Said Chad.
"I dont mean to hurt her like this. Ugh I'm such a bad girlfriend!! I keep forgetting to do so many things for her and she never forgets to do things for me that I love and appreciate. What am I going to do?" Sam asked.
"You could say you're sorry". Said Mindy.
"Sorry may not be enough this time. When I had covid she took care of me. When I hurt my leg at work she helped me feel better. I'm so freaking lucky to have a girlfriend like her and I'm so freaking...ugh I'm so dumb!" Sam said frustrated at herself.
You stayed in the room the whole night watching movies on Netflix and working. You didn't even want your girlfriend to sleep next to you. You threw the pillows and blanket at her so she can sleep on the couch.
But while you were trying to sleep you just couldn't. And Sam couldn't sleep either. You opened the door to the bedroom and walked to see Sam still awake.
"I can't sleep". You said. "Will you come sleep next to me and hold me?" You asked Sam.
Sam smiled slightly. She nodded. "I'm coming baby". She took the blanket and the pillows into the bedroom. You got in bed as she got in bed too. As soon as Sam wrapped her arms around you, you wanted to cry.
"I'm sorry baby. I really am. I screwed up big time". Sam said.
"For our on year anniversary I got you the baseball hat you wanted. Plus a giftcard to Starbucks. It has $50 on it". You said.
"Thank baby. I feel so bad. I feel horrible. I promise tomorrow I'm gonna make it up to you. We can go anywhere you want". Sam said. "I keep screwing up I really am sorry". She said.
Sam held you tight as you hugged her. "I hate not sleeping next to you. I hate not sleeping on you". You said to Sam.
Sam kissed you on your forehead. "I have an idea. Tomorrow let's do whatever you want. What do you wanna do?" She asked you.
"Get iced coffee. Go to the collectibles place so I can buy the football Jersey. And go home and cuddle". You said.
Sam smiled. "We can definitely do that. I'll even take you to the bakery with the fancy desserts. We can eat chocolate cake together". Sam said.
You smiled. "I'd love that. But I'm still not letting you off the hook entirely. But because you apologized heres a little preview". You said.
You put her hands on your butt. "And who knows. Maybe tomorrow you may get lucky and get some lovin. A little sexy time". You said. Then you winked at her.
Sam smiled. "Oooh! Well dont worry baby I'm not ever gonna forget anything important ever again!!". And you giggled as Sam began to kiss you everywhere from your lips to your neck.
You started to moan. "Sam". You moaned as you said her name. "Baby. Our friends will hear us".
"Mmm". Said Sam. "I want them to hear us. I want them to hear you say my name". Sam said flirtatiously.
You smirked. "Oh, trust me. I'm gonna scream your name tonight". You said.
You and sam went from making love to having rough passionate sweaty sex. Sam fell asleep holding you in her arms as you fell asleep on her chest.
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
Edge x reader where edge and reader are bored in a hotel room one day and they decide to try on each others clothes and have like a fashion show and Christian walking in
Ring Gear
“I’m bored.” Edge and Y/N sat against the frame of his hotel bed, the tv playing Cops but it clearly wasn’t keeping Edge’s attention very well.
“Yeah, I got that from the first five times you said it.” Edge groaned at the sarcastic response, flopping over to continue his complaining against their thigh. “If you’re so bored than go pick out what you’re gonna wear tonight or something!” Instead of replying, Edge continued his huffing but walked over to his suitcase, dragging his feet. He quickly unzipped it, pulling out all of the options onto Christians bed- who had left Edge in their hotel room to go get a few drinks with a couple of friends that he knew Edge wasn’t really a big fan of so he made Y/N babysit him.
“How about the green pants? I like those ones.” Y/N took their eyes from the tv to give their input. Edge turned to look at them like they were insane.
“I wore those last Monday babe! You totally have to wait at least like two weeks before wearing the same thing!” He explained as if everybody was supposed to know that already.
“Well, sorry, Jesus. I didn’t mean to affend you..” Y/N mumbled with an eye roll, turning their attention back to Cops.
“How about these ones?” He held up a pair of white ones with red details.
“Yeah, those are cool. I like the red velvet ones too they look fuzzy.”
“They are! It kinda sucks to wrestle in, I always feel like I’m overheating but they look cool.”
“That’s kinda gross.’
“It’s true, babe! Here try em’ on, see for yourself.” Edge threw the pants at them while talking, accidentally hitting them in the face.
“I don’t really wanna try your sweaty ring gear on, Adam.”
“I’ll try on your ring gear if you do.” Y/N’s eyebrows raised, a smirk settling on their face at the idea. “And I’ll wear the green pants tonight?” Y/N got out of bed and made their way to the door.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“Well, I gotta get my ring gear don’t I?”
Y/N sat a pair of ridiculously big sunglasses over their eyes, tinted red with white frames, before moving back to sit on the bed, Edge’s pants bunching around their ankles due to the height difference he held above them as they waited for him to leave the bathroom.
“You almost done in there?” Y/N shouted over Edge’s grunts.
“Dont rush me, these pants are like impossible to put on!”
“Please dont rip-“ Before they were able to finish the bathroom door swung open to reveal Edge posing with one hand to his head and the other on his jutted hip. Y/N tried to speak but their laughter wouldn’t allow it.
“I know, I just look so great, huh?” He continued with the poses while making his way over to the bed. “Ooh, look at me, I’m Y/N in my tight leather pants, ooh I’m so sexy!” His voice went high in impersonation. Y/N slapped him on the arm before jumping out of the bed and lowering their voice.
“I’m Edge, I’m so cool dude and totally a great wrestler, I definitely don’t cheat in every match! And Christian totally isn’t wayyy cooler than me!”
“Just speaking the truth.” Y/N spoke with a shrug before they were roughly put into a headlock.
“Take that back!”
“Just becuase you can’t handle it doesn’t mean its not the truth, Adam!” They spoke through giggles. Edge opened his mouth to answer but someone else beat him to it.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Christian spoke from the door frame of the hotel room. Edge and Y/N quickly seperated, refusing to make eye contact with the newly returned man. Christian signed before speaking again. “I knew I shouldn’t of left you.”
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ya yeet little brother jakey tryna roast me? ive had that in my head literally all dayyyyy bro i used to love logan paul i literally watched that one video of the Suicide Forest before it was taken down
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v-via-a · 11 months
Caught with a Winston- Part Two
~ smut warning ~
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“Even while we sleep, we will find you, acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature, everybody wants to rule the world-“ you hum quietly to yourself as you walk through the empty hallway not caring you’re missing half of your math class. Walking like your balancing yourself trying not to step on the cracks on the floor, when suddenly you hear a door open and a pull on your arm, being pulled into the room. You gasp as you almost yell until you hear his voice.
“Shh-doll” he whispers placing his fingers to his lips as he closes the door behind you two.
“Dally? What are you doing?” you question crossing your arms but you feel excitement building up.
“You left this at my house” he smiles lifting up your school tie.
“Oh thanks, Is that all you had to drag me in here for? You fiddle with it still in his grip.
“Of course not doll” he slolwy pulls you in as you accept kissing him as you raise yourself up to reach, you two start to enjoy it when you feel goosebumps covering your entire body, you felt his hands go under your shirt grazing across you skin you slightly pull away.
“Dally! We can’t it’s the english classroom for crying out loud!” You look up at him and to the door out the small window in the door.
“No one’s here, no one’s is using it for the entire day, i’ll lock the door” he looks back at the door and back to you.
“Dally…” you drag out his name knowing he loves to get up to mischief.
“Please? It’s okay if you dont want too” he pouts his lips but respecting your choice.
“Yes Dally” you nod your head quite excitedly as he’s not the only one who likes to get up to mischief.
“Really? I was kinda of kidding you dont have to if you dont wanna-“
“Yes Dally” you tell him again but with more serious yet seductive tone in your voice.
“We agree than” he smiles as he picks you up as you laugh placing you on the long desk on your back.
"If i fall i will take you with me" you laugh as he hovers above you as his fists dig into the desk pushing himself up as you loosen your clothing. Still keeping your shirt on but loosened with the tight collars and ties with Dallas unbuttoning his shirt showing off his toned chest and stomach. You throw you blazer jacket off throwing it onto the ground unbuttoning the top half of you shirt slightly revealing your chest making him stare and smile. Still having your skirt on but you pull it up slightly revealing yourself. He pulls his pants down half ways. You thank the stars as you see putting protection on as he sits you on top of him you always scolded him about it.
No protection - Nothing will happen.
Sure, there are alternatives out there, but you didn’t want to put your body through anything. No matter how painful your periods were with the nights of hot water bottles, the amount of underwear you went through, and the bed sheets going to the dry cleaners, going into the most craziest positions that helped with the cramps, crying if Steve looked at you crooked or if Dallas accidentally said one of his jokes. Watching sad movies with Angela, being together so much they practically synced together, and of course the infamous chocolate cake you two devoured before anyone could get to it.
Things go silent for you two as you both put your heads together as you wrap your arms around his neck. You leave out a gasp arching your back as he pushes himself inside of you.
“Is that okay?” he questions not wanting to hurt you.
“Yeah, keep going” you reassure him to continue.
Your lips brush together again, as small moans leave your mouth as his leaves out grunts. His thrusts get harder as you’re basically riding him now. He pulls you in tighter grabbing onto your hips pushing you down as he goes up.
“Do you like that?” he whispers into your ear as he gently moves you up.
“Yeah, keep going like that” you answer as you fall into him.
“Magic word?” he looks back at you, you didnt know if he was being serious or jokin, it’s hard to tell with him sometimes.
“Please Dally?” you roll your eyes.
You both give a small laugh as you said it. He continues to do what you asked him to do. Trying to quiten yourself by digging your face between his neck and collar bone but it seems to be making him slightly louder as you could he him grunting and his heavy breathing. You pull on his skin not knowing if you had left marks, not that he would care. You breath gets heavier as you feel him going to your collarbone gently kissing until you slightly felt his teeth grazing against your skin making you ride on him faster. Feeling it is giving you and him more pleasure even when it quickly crosses your mind that you both are missing class. If your brother Steve would or would not notice, but you don’t care, you couldn’t care less if Steve found out. A popular greaser girl with the delinquent greaser who gets put in classes with the other trouble makers - you always liked Dallas, you were always friendly with each other for long as you’ve known each other, you didn’t realise you liked likes him during the summer, you were so surprised when you noticed he took interest in you a few months back just before school started. You tried to keep it in for long until you burst and told your best friend Angela, who swore to secrecy that she would not tell a soul. Remembering your first kiss with one another, your first time, sneaking around you two loved it so much because it felt bad and rebellious, it always turned Dallas on. You two sneaking around almost getting caught, having to hide him in your closet sometimes as Steve or your parents just loved to barge in looking for cancer sticks. Passing each other in the hallways remembering the night before and planning dates after school. You soon snap out of it when you feel his hand slightly lifting up the back of your skirt, as you didn’t realise you were starting to gasp and moan loudly as he puts his other hand other your mouth - making you look down at him making eye contact, making him smile whispering.
“God you’re so beautiful” before kissing you again.
You can feel his thrusts get sloppier but harder as you feel your body building up making you tense. Gripping onto his back digging your nails down his skin. He grunts gripping your hips tightly for both of you it was a little painful, but also pleasures you two so much. You wondered if you have left marks on his back.
“Keep going Dally, just like that” you beg.
What felt like only minutes for you two, you both started to get closer and closer trying to quiten yourselves down - you could see his face scrunch up as eyes shutting tightly as you smile in pleasure. Tugging on his hair as you both finish, panting as you brush back your hair smiling at each other kissing again. You both get a interrupted as the school bell rings loudly making you both jump at the sight of the swarm of students walking as you could see out through the tiny window in the door.
“Shit! Shit!” you almost fall off him quickly getting off.
“Fuck! Here!” he threw your blazer jacket to you as you quickly put it on making sure you tied Angela’s tie back on quickly fixing yourself up as you see Dallas struggling buttoning his shirt back on.
“What do we do!?” you whisper panicking.
“Um..you go out through the door and i’ll take the back door okay? he points to the main door and the back door with the emergency exit is.
“Okay, i’ll see you?” you ask before heading out the door.
“I’ll see you later at the dingo, 6pm” he smiles kissing you one last time as you see him enter the back room still fixing his uniform where the equipment was stored and also the emergency exit.
You quickly and swiftly make your way out the door without anyone spotting you as you blend in with the crowd.
“Y/N!” you hear a voice call our your name making you jump once again.
“What!? Oh Angela don’t holler like that!” you sigh in relief.
“You left me alone in math class and i had to work with Soda” she complains to you heading towards your lockers for your next class.
“I thought you liked him?” you question opening your locker looking into your small mirror fixing yourself up.
“I mean, i do but man he is shit at it- where were you?” she questions pushing back her locker door and pulling at yours to reveal yourself touching up your neck with concealer with her confused expression turning into a smile as if you had “i had sex” written across your forehead.
“Y/N! Oh my God! Please! I want you to tell me everything!” she begs getting excited.
“Fine, come here…” you smile as you start to whisper what happened so no one else could hear you and Angela squealing.
You start to talk about the details as she got more excited until someone pops up from no where making your head shoot over to the person.
“Where were you Y/N?” Steve asks looking at you as you both try to calm down with Sodapop beside him saying nothing at all. Only eyeing Angela and then to you in suspicion.
“Oh! Nurses office, yeah. Really bad cramps, had to sleep it off” you lie through you teeth hoping it would convince him as Angela pulled on her sleeves and you pulling at your lip.
“Oh, alright as long as you don’t start crying and eat everything in the house, see you later ” he answers walking away.
Sodapop smiles as he quickly whispers to you and Angela -
“You’re lucky he only has a few brains cells but you two are awful liars”
“Dally where were you?” Johnny asks as they reach their lockers.
“Yeah Dally, the teacher was asking for you again” Ponyboy looked at him putting his books in his locker.
“Oh, didn’t feel like going to class” he reponds opening his locker still trying to fix himself up with his shirt with buttoned all wrong.
“What’s with your shirt?” Ponyboy looks up and down at him confused.
“Think it’s getting too small for me why?” Finally fixing himself up leaning against his locker trying to his the mark on his neck.
“No, i mean-your tie?” Ponyboy gently pulls at it revealing the marks on his neck.
“What about my tie-?” he looks down taking the end from Ponyboys hand to see it was her tie, he never gave it back to her, he was in such a rush and hurry he didn’t notice at all.
Johnnys face lit up -“No way! Dally please tell me it was her!? Look at him!” he points at the mark on his neck as Dallas rubs it with his hand hiding it.
“What you two were making out or something?”
He was about to answer as the janitor came up scolding "Don’t be smoking in that classroom! I found this and you’re the only one without it! That door was locked and now is magically unlocked and seen you walk out of the back entrance!” he walks away sternly as two boys couldn’t contain themselves.
He pulls off her tie in defeat throwing it into his locker putting his own back on.
“Dally you god!” Johnny laughs at him.
“Wait, what did he mean by classroom? The one that is usually empty? Why were you two making out in there -you think we are dumb enough not to know about you two? What were you doing in there anyways—-?“ both of their expressions drop into shocked and then smiles.
Dallas couldn’t contain his smile as he hid his head in his locker. “None of your damn business”
“No! Dallas! You God! You absolute God!” Ponyboy shakes him like he was about to go on his knees praising him with Johnny banging his fist on his locker as he couldn’t stop laughing.
Two days had passed and it was a new school week, fortunately you had the pleasure of being in the class you two were in alone, it was a big enough class that all of the grade could fit in.
Dally gave you a glance across the room winking making you smile back blushing, as he looks down at the desk you had laid on. Taking your attention back to the teacher as she goes on about the new book they would be reading when something catches your eye.
“Oh no no no no” your heart sank as your eyes widened whispering.
You look back trying to get Dallas attention without being obvious, you make a small cough and successfully get his attention. You wave your pencil cautiously as if you were just playing with it. He looks at you confused as he mouths “what? Shrugging his shoulders up. You point at the direction upwards on the wall as he follows as you could see his face expression completely drop and his eyes widen like yours did as your eyes both trial up to the top right corner of the room with a small blinking light.
“Shit!” he accidentally says aloud making you turned back quickly covering your face with your hands in embarrassment and your nerves building up as you knew you were both entirely fucked.
A security camera in the top right corner of the room blinked looking down at the classroom.
Sorry if this is bad it’s my second time writing smutish! I don’t really know how to write full on smut 😶 But i really enjoyed writing this up hope y’all like it ✨ If you want i can do a part three of Steve and the rest finding out and how will they both get the video footage out of the schools sight?
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holeforlouis · 1 year
fave abo fics... go!!!
oh my god!! my very first fic rec!!!! lets gooo
💫 milk kinship by @jaerie
i honestly love everything jaerie writes and anytime i get the ao3 email that they’ve posted something new im ON IT, this one is one of my favorite of theirs, its got lactation kink, harry as a wet nurse, louis being a lil hot asshole (omega harry)
💫 say something by @kingsofeverything
this one is just 10/10 good old(lol) fanfic, i like long fanfics so if you’re like me this one is a great size, great characters and mpreg some age difference, whats more to ask? (omega harry)
💫 pretty please (with sugar on top) by @angelichl
this one mixes two of my favorites, sugar daddy and abo, this one is for the people who like pining, im not much of a fan but this one does it great, i love the characterization of harry in this, hes just a spoiled baby ok??? hes never done anything wrong in his life (omega harry)
💫 the post-war bp by @jaerie
yeah no THIS ONE is my favorite jaerie fic ksksks this one is lil post apocalyptic kinda and has dub-con, breeding kink so is not for everybody (im a sicko, so) (omega louis)
💫 come on over, we’ve got something to share by @jaerie
im a jaerie fangirl ok sorry, this one is really fun, we’ve got single parents, one night stands, lactation kink and more! (omega harry)
💫 fucking animals by pointerbrother on ao3
this one is SOMETHING ELSE, i only read this one once(ive read every single other fic of this list MULTIPLE TIMES) and ive been wanting to re read it but it is a DOOZY, we’ve got cuckolding which ive never seen in a larry fic before, and the smut is UP THE WALLS (omega louis)
💫 constant debauchery by blaaake on ao3
this one is alpha/alpha and ITS SLAPS, we have the forbidden attraction they have for each other plus dark academia kinda plus great smut, im not usually a fan of a/a or o/o but this is great
💫 pray for some sweet simplicity by @eeveelou
the one where omega louis pretends to be an alpha to be a world renowned motorcycle ryder and harry is a journalist who writes a piece about him, fandom classic, show stopping work (omega louis)
💫 face your fears by @sadaveniren
and last but not least, my FAVORITE FIC IN THIS ENTIRE FANDOM, no joke, i think i read this 10+ times (im due to a re read actually 🤔), if you haven’t read this you absolutely should, i dont even wanna talk about the plot too much, its perfect in every way, we’ve got baker harry, famous louis, single parent harry, finding each other later in life, TWINS??? (omega harry)
finally, as i mentioned before, i put my hand on the fire for all of these fanfics, minus one, i’ve read all of these multiple times and i plan on keep re reading on the future
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hollyhomburg · 6 months
Idk on the fancasting thing i just idk bc like since its an x reader i feel like putting a face to m/c might take away from that or exclude other phenotype groups of readers but i totally see where the ideas from 😭😭😭 like its ur story and u can obviously do wtv u want w it but like that js my take yk i rlly dont wanna offend u or anything hopefulky i didnt misunderstand anythung😭
If it wasnt an x reader then that totally makes sense but since its an x reader it js feels off yk or like if the fancast isnt used to describe reader in the actual story then yeah thats totally diff too😭
This argument comes up a lot but tbh- I think there is a middle ground between “I want to make this story projectable and readable for everyone” and recognizing that in order to tell a story that is as complex as BILY with so many sub plots you do need to characterize even a reader insert to an extent.
But from a practical standpoint, I write with a y/n character because its easier to blend the way I narrate because in a single chapter we get so many perspectives. It’s very atypical and unusual (even in fan fiction) to write the way I do. I think the stories that I write are such a blend of personal stories, fantasy, and fan fiction that I’m not really interested in keeping the m/c perfectly blank in my own mind. She’d be really hard to write if I couldn’t at least picture her body- and even that isn’t the same on everybody you know? How do you imagine someone might love you if you can’t picture what their hand might look like with yours you know? I’ve touched on this before- especially when it comes to the m/c’s physical height and size. There are certain topics that necessitate a less projectable m/c.
I think considering the x reader genre as any one thing or exclusive of certain styles of writing might be too restrictive. The genre doesn’t need to be so narrow! X reader stories with a more built main characters are just as much x reader as others just done in different ways.
Also if it wasn’t clear- everything that I write outside of chaptered content is just a headcanon and is not canon- even if it comes from me- asks have a separation from the main canon of the story, none of it is like- totally verified unless it’s a question asked to clarify. This is just for fun! Our version of the m/c’s are equally valid! Just because I’m the writer doesn’t make my fan-cast any more /mc/ than any of yours!
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cinnamilkekouhai · 1 year
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Toman! Mikey Confessed to Komi! Reader!!
Reader has overcomed her communication disorder
Song suggested:Night Changes by One Direction
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Everybody knows that Mikey is obsessed with u, i mean, who doesnt like u? U r beautiful, intelligent, talented and kind, he's always the first and eager one to participate in any activities u came up with, he doesnt care if the idea was dumb or not, he just likes to be with u. He will often watch u from afar, seeing u walking to school, seeing u paying attention to classes with that lovesick expression that made draken go 'wtf'.
He also gets jealousy very easily when somebody hit up on u, one time his entire mood was spoiled and the atmosphere is just so creepy when he destroyed every punching bag in his grandpa's dojo out of anger just because he saw a guy talking to u, he wanted to beat the shit out of that person but he had to tell himself to hold back because he doesnt wanna scare u. He clenched his fist in anger, he kept his eye on u until emma and hinata walked u home, then he followed u along with draken who was being dragged along-
When it comes to u, mikey was surprisingly very detailed, what r your likes and dislikes, fav food, fav place, fav store and even how many cat friends u've made, he always find a chance to get closer to u, so everytime he will invite u to hang out and maybe join the toman meeting, eventually his hardwork paid off, u now considered him as a bestfriend.
Even tho hes not the first friend u've made (emma and the girls r the first) but hes your closest male friend. U told him about this once when u guys were hanging out, and oh god mikey exe. stop working. He then showed off this news to his bestfriends, he texted them while kicking his legs like a highschool girl in excitement and his face is hella red.
[Drak🥚]:Mikey i can hear u screaming from miles away
[BestbroMitsu]:Congrates Mikey!
[ImSoSmart]:Oi mikey, r u gonna tell her or what, and chifuyu, wtf r u doing
[I♥PekeJ]:Baji san, im just feeding PekeJ
[My-🔑]:Idk if i should tell her, If i confessed to her and she rejects me, i will be putting this friendship in danger.
[Takemichi]:But u continue to be love in silent isnt an option either! What if someone else confessed to her first, did u even see her locker?? All filled with love letters.
[My-🔑]:I just have to get rid of them all! Y/n chan didnt even need to read those stupid letters.
[Drak🥚]:Bro-, just go confess, seeing u like this kinda hurts me
[My-🔑]:Aww! Ken-chin r u worry about me??
[Drak🥚]:I DO NOT!
[BestbroMitsu]:But takemichi has a point tho, u cant just go on killing that person who confessed to her because u were afraid to ruin this relationship.
[I♥PekeJ]:I mean, look at y/n chan, shes so happy when she is talking to mikey. Maybe we should ask her if she like someone.
[ImSoSmart]:I almost forgot, where r the twins?
[Takemichi]:Souya and Nahoya? They say they r helping with the ramen thing if i remember.
The boys continue to chat while mikey is just lying down staring into the ceiling. He has a crush on u for 8 months but he wanted to go further to be more than just bestfriends, he have been trying so hard to make it not obvious that he likes u but your presence alone just drives him crazy, the way u talk and the way u look. He wanted to ask emma if u have someone in mind but afraid that this question will be soon heard into your ears, and then u will know about his crush on u and bro couldn't expect the worst.
'should i confessed? What if she rejects me? Then im putting this friendship in danger, i dont want that, i wanna stay close to her.. But takemitchy may be right.'
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On the other hand, u were texting and chatting with the girls on the phone, u guys were talking about types of guys yall like and etc, then they suddenly turned to u.
[Emma♡]:Y/n Chan! Do u have someone in mind??
[Hina🌻]:Yea! Im curious too, i wonder what type of guys does a goddess like u take interest in!
[Senju🐑]:Oo i wanna know too
[Yuzuha🌸]:Spill the tea!
Tbh, u actually DO have someone in mind, its none other than your male BFF, mikey.
[Y/n Chan]:Yes..i actually liked someone, hes always been so close to me, he is considered the strongest, he is also caring, full of energy and a funny perso-
[All]:It's mikey isnt it?
[Y/n Chan]:EHH????? How did u guys know!?
[Emma♡]:Besides us, who is your most closest male friend? Yep its Mikey
[Hina🌻]:And y/n chan u r always smiling so happily when u r with him^^
[Yuzuha🌸]:And number one, who the hell can be considered the strongest other than mikey
[Senju🐑]:And number two, hes the first person in my mind when u said 'full of energy'
[Y/n Chan]:U-uhh im gonna go bed! Bye!
_Y/n Chan has logged off_
U cupped your cheeks in embarrassment, now the girls know u liked mikey and they r very excited, Especially emma, she knows her cute brother have been obsessed u and have been wanting to confess but hes afraid u will reject him, but the answer turn out to be better! U like him too, now mikey finally have the chance.
Emma Sprints to mikey's room, she opens the door to find mikey looking at your photo while mumbling 'should i confess' emma have seen this alot of times so who cares! She then showed mikey the text and told him u liked him too. Mikey was speechless, he couldn't process what happen, u really liked him too? Is this a dream? If this is a dream, dont wake him up, after asking emma a 100th times if this was an edited text, he then looked at your photo, picked up the phone and talked to his bestfriends about this, so now, the girls and boys r coming together to give u something special..
The next day, the sano sibling and draken showed up at your house as usual to walk to school together with u, on the way, u noticed a guy who is need of help for finding something. U look down at your feet and found a phone.
U picked it up and hand it to that person, the guy held your hand out of gratitude for finding his phone and u were startled by it, this action alone already made mikey's face darkened, but what the guy said later is what really getting on mikey's nerves.
"U look so pretty! Ive never seen someone so beautiful, Do u have a boyfriend? Do u wanna be mine? May i have your phone number and name?"
"Uhh sorry to interupt, but y/n chan we gotta go"
Emma dragged u away in disgust because number 1 that person held your hand without your consents, and number 2 she know her bff is pretty and aint no freaking way shes letting that creep ruining her brother's love life.
Both girls quickly headed their way to school, and back to mikey, shit he is really triggered- he went forward and straight up punched the guy right in face that sents him flying-
The guy looked up and was in face to face with mikey's full on killer face. Without hesitation, mikey step on the guys's face hard that caused him to fall again, he continuously stomped on it while giving him a dead warning.
"Dont u ever show up your face again infront of MY Future Wife, If it isnt for her i might have killed u on the spot. U dont wanna know what im capable of and what im gonna do to u if u ever breath in the same air as her again."
If draken werent there to stop him, mikey might have actually kill that person on 'accident', the guy scurried away while being deeply traumatized, even tho mikey is just a teenager, his atmosphere and strength itself already made a full grown adult break into cold sweat.
-School Lunchtime
U meet up with mikey behind the school to eat your lunch together, even a dummy could see how happy mikey is to be able to eat with u, and eat the bento U made for him. He only wants to feed u, cause this is what lovers do right? His cheeky smile just made your heart skip a beat for a few seconds, its pretty much the same day for u, but the things is, your other friends r no where to be found. U asked mikey where r the boys and he just shrugged his shoulder, u thought that they r probably busy with their school work.
It was evening when your school work was done and u headed down the path, u were expecting mikey to be there but u were instead greeted by your fav girl friends at the gate, and mikey and the boys was still not there, instead of hugging u like they usually do, emma put a blindfold on u, hinata and senju held each of your hand to make sure u dont fall, yuzuha carried your bag for u and emma lead the way to a certain place.
U r just so confuse at this point because u were totally not expecting this, u wanna know what happen and whats with the blindfold thingy.
"huh?? Where r we going? Whats this?"
"hehe, just follow us y/n chan! Dont trip"
Lmao the girls were giggling so hard that made u extra confuse but u still follow them, after 10 mins of walking, u have arrived and it what it feels like a field to u since the amount of grass u felt below your feet as u walk, emma sat u down a bench and by the time u realized it, it was already a little dark outside, infront of u was a small clif in an angle of the city down there, u were fascinated by the view and wanted to get up but yuzuha just pressed your shoulder down to let u stay on the bench.
Just when u thought the girl's intention where just to bring u here to see the view, emma suddenly said "shes here u can come out now" then a voice and multiple footsteps can be heard behind, u turned around and was facing a whole lot bushes of wild red roses and firefiles, toman was just standing there creating a large circle and mikey seems to be standing in the middle, holding what seems to be like a red rose. U stood up and walk towards him, wanting to know about the situation
Before u can even react, he was already near u and Kneeled on One knee?? U r flustered and turned your head to the right, facing the girls, who were all giggling so hard like a little child, u then turned you head to the left, looking at toman who were all happy and worked up, then u heard mikey whisper to u softly.
"hey y/n, pay attention to me.."
U turned your head back to mikey and had a face-to-face contact with his soft look, u then notice that he has his gang jacket hanging on his shoulder while he just had a simple bandage wrap around his stomach on his body. U held up one of your head to cover your mouth cause u r blushing so hard, which mikey finds it cute. He held on one of your hand started to speak loud and clear to everybody about his confession to u.
"U know, when i first met u, i thought it was blessing, from your appearance and personality, to the day i know u r the right one for me, i swear to all my life i will make u the most happiest girl ever, i promise to protect u and adore u. I've never knelt down before, you were my first. So y/n, will u be my girlfriend?"
With that saying, he hand u the rose while looking all lovesick at u, just then, toman suddenly started roaring cheering and clapping 'Get Togther! Get Together!', u lowered your head while holding onto the rose. Just as mikey thought u r gonna reject him, u said out the ans that its a dream for him to ever hear that, Especially from u.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend.."
Mikey could not believe his ears, he grabbed onto u and spin u around in circles, i dont think hes gonna stop until u told him to because u r getting a bit dizzy, everyone was cheering for the new couple and the girl friends were all just giving 'my child has grew up' vibe. Mikey hugged u tight and buried his face into your neck while whispering something into your ears.
"do u know how many times ive been dreaming of this? My dear y/n u made me so happy that u finally belong to me.."
With that aside, he placed a soft kiss on you, and man that was your first kiss! U r now covering your face with your palm, face and ears red, with mikey holding u in his arm not wanting to let go and toman's cheering kept roaring, making this night extremely memorable in your life.
This is truely a special surprise..
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thankkyouforthevenom · 2 months
the future is buelt proof............
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jellyseungmo · 2 years
tw: uses of she/her pronouns. death, and this is poc friendly but the word pale is used to describe the readers normal skin.
reader is heavily based off of Wednesday Addams because I love the new show and it gave me inspiration!
authors note: hey! i haven't written much lately because I'm not very motivated. My works aren't as noticed as I'd like for them to be, although I know that not everybody enjoys these sad drabbles or my way of writing and it does take a while to be a top notch writer with a dedicated audience. I just hope for the best in the future! I have a lot of unfinished stories for a few of the members so hopefully my posts will be more consistent! xx
I hated him. I hated him and his art, and his face, and his voice. I hated how fascinating he was, and how much we had in common. I hated that I loved him, and I hated that he knew it.
He used it against me too.
"you cant hate me forever." He spoke up as he sat beside me at the lunch table outside of the cafeteria, this was where all of the seniors sat.
"yes I can." I said bluntly, my posture was nice but this was only because I felt awkward, my hands were fidgety and I couldn't keep my eyes open.
"well why? If it's because I'm mean to you, I jus-"
"no." I interrupted him, putting my hand on his right shoulder.
"i envy you, hwang hyunjin." I looked him in the eyes and smiled, not a large smile with teeth, just a small grin.
"i observe you, I hear you, I see you all of the time with all of these girls and all of these people that you think are your friends." I continued.
"but they aren't your friends, hwang hyunjin. they are evil and malicious and they all want money or sex." I looked away from him, my eyebrows were scrunched and all I could do was look down at my hands. All he could do was blink. Sit there with a blank face and blink.
"and I know why you're mean to me. you're mean because I'm different. you're mean because the feeling is mutual, you envy me." I stopped.
He glanced over at me, playing with his fingers.
"i wouldn't say that." he shook his head.
"you envy how alone I am. you envy how I don't want to be wanted by nobodies like the people that are your so-called friends."
"well said, y/n. I also envy how smart you are, and how unbothered you are. you don't have to worry about your looks like I do" he finally spoke up
"does that mean I'm ugly?" i taunted him
"no..." he whispered
"you just don't know that you're beautiful, and your beauty is rare. people come up to each other when they see you and they say "who is she?" and they say "I dont know her name but she's pretty." but everybody knows my name, y/n."
"i never knew you could be a serious person, hwang hyunjin." i smiled softly
There was a long pause before he asked out of the blue
"wanna go to the dance with me?"
i shrugged and got up, leaving him alone as he wished for.
before I knew it, we sat beside each other, drinking punch and trying not to touch knees.
I stared straight forward as he stared at me.
"You know, you look pretty."
"i think you say that to all of the girls." i said emotionless.
He sighed and got up, holding his hand out to me
"let's dance...this is a dance after all" he said with emphasis on the word dance.
i looked up at him and grinned, taking his hand.
"why did you ask me to this?" i questioned cluelessly
"well because I know that it's out of your comfort zone." he shrugged.
"fair point, I'm getting eyed like a hawk by all of your girlfriends." i looked around
"just focus on me then." he smiled softly at me held my hand tighter.
"i don't care that you're different, y/n." he said, reflecting on what I had said a few days before.
"i adore your art work and I love how you call me by my full name every time you talk to me." he continued.
"i just like your name" I smiled
"and I like you." he said, smiling as well
I wasn't stupid, but I knew that my heart wasn't beating the way it was supposed to be and the pigment in my face wasn't as pale as it usually is. That night I rejected him, was the night that everything changed. I wish it ended there. I wish He never spoke to me, I never spoke to him, we graduated and boom we're done. That's not life though. When you lose somebody that means something to you far beyond what you thought was possible, it messes with you. The day that Hwang Hyunjin left, was the day that my life was ruined. He ruined my life and left me in pieces with no excuse. If I said yes, he wouldn't be gone. But we all die, don't we?
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