#Dib don’t act like you wanted anything different
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acewizardinspace · 2 years
People don’t think enough about the jedi council’s options in the wrong jedi arc. They can either:
A: Do nothing. Tell the public and the friends and family of the victims, “There is a ton of evidence for this person’s guilt, but she is one of us, we have known her since she as a baby, so we decided she is not guilty, without a trial. Bye.”
B: Hold your own trial. We don’t know exactly what kind of legal system the jedi might have, but there is no way in thousands of years there has never been a jedi accused of a crime. Even if we assume those crimes are handled by the government issuing the accusation, there has to have been a time when that wasn’t an option. For example, the council held a trial to decide the fate of Prosset Dibs, so yeah there must be some type of system in place. But Prosset and Ahsoka are very different because he only attacked another jedi, making it an internal affair. For Ahsoka, think of the implications, either they:
a: Find Ahsoka guilty: What now? Do you imprison her yourself? Do the jedi have cells in the temple for keeping force sensitives? Just keep her in her room with guards on the door? We know the jedi believe in rehabilitation so there would be an attempt to help her away from the dark side (once again, what they did for Prosset). Meanwhile, they have to deal with the public who is probably not happy that she is getting off with what is, in their opinion, a slap on the wrist. Is it the jedi’s job to care what the people want? Maybe, maybe not, but public opinion is at an all-time low because of this fake war set up to make them look bad, and this will have consequences. (Yeah, we know she is not guilty and doesn’t need rehabilitation away form the dark side, but the council doesn’t.)
b: Find her innocent: This will sound like bullshit to the public. “Uh we meditated on it and the force told us she is not guilty.” How mad would you be if this happened? If your friend died in the attack, wouldn’t you be just pissed about this? There is a TON OF EVIDENCE TO HER GUILT and at this point, no counter evidence. (Yeah, Anakin shows up with Barriss eventually, but you cannot make a decision based on something that will happen in the future, something you don’t know about. So, this doesn’t factor into the council’s decision.)
Or finally, the option they chose, the only real option available:
C: You send Ahsoka off to receive a fair trial* where she will have an opportunity to defend herself in court and will have an attorney. In their minds, this trial would likely be even more fair than one they hold because they are emotionally compromised here, because, yes, they do know Ahsoka and consider her family! But they have been burned before (Dooku and Krell) and are at this point willing to accept the possibility of betrayal.
People act like the council sent her to die. They didn’t. All they did was vote on whether or not she, someone accused of a crime with tons of evidence supporting that claim, should go to trial. That’s it. Everything else was Palpatine and Barriss. Besides, this way if she is found innocent the public won’t think it was nepotism.
* We, the audience, know this will not be a fair trial, but the council, and literally everyone else, believes it will be. There is literally not a single indication to imply anything else. You can’t blame characters for not knowing something they logically couldn’t know.
So, to the people who think the council fucked up here, I ask an honest question, if you were on the council, had the full ability to sway the vote, and only knew what the council knew, what would you have done? And if it was anything other than expelling Ahsoka from the order, how would you have handled the fallout? The riots, the protesting, the clones from the guard who get killed in the crossfire of your choice?
The council made the only choice they could have made, and Ahsoka got hurt. That doesn’t make them wrong, and it doesn’t make Ahsoka wrong to feel betrayed either.
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eriquin · 11 months
Time Travel AU part 3
(part 1)(part 2)(master post)
Part 3
Mom was in the kitchen working on dinner when he came down. It smelled awesome and savory, like some kind stew. He stopped in to see what it was. She had a different apron on from the one she’d worn that morning, and she was stirring something in a pot. 
“No roast today,” she said. “I made a big batch of chili so you boys can eat in front of the TV downstairs. I even got Fritos to crumble on top, at Dad’s request.” She pointed at the bag on the counter.  
“That sounds amazing,” he said, grabbing the bag. “Should I bring these down?”
“As long as you know that if you finish them before the chili’s ready, there aren’t any more,” she said. 
“Is there anything else I can bring down?”
“Maybe some sodas from the fridge and a beer for your dad.” She stopped stirring the pot and turned to look at him. “Are you hungry? You’ve been up in your room all day. Did you eat lunch?”
“Kind of, and yes,” he said. “I got caught up in something but I made a sandwich while you were out.”
She looked around at the counters, which only had evidence of her own cooking. “Is the plate still up in your room?”
“No.” He furrowed his brow. “I ate down here. I washed the plate and put it away.”
Mom looked startled at this. “Really?” 
Steve chastised his former self for being so irresponsible and tried to figure out how to keep her from making a big deal about it. “Yes, really. No, I’m not sick. Yes, I really am your son. I just...” He sighed. “Look, I know that if I want you and Dad to be comfortable leaving me home alone, I’ve got to act more responsible around the house.”
She didn’t seem to buy it. “And you just woke up this morning and decided to do that?” 
He shrugged. “I mean. I have other reasons, but kind of. Yeah.” 
Mom crossed her arms. “Is there a girl involved?” 
He winced. This was the time when he started getting serious about Nancy, wasn’t it? That’s what led to his involvement in everything. In fact, if he backed off of flirting with Nancy now, he could probably coast through the rest of things. Barb wouldn’t die in his pool and Nancy wouldn’t go on her grief-fueled monster hunt.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs came up from the basement. “Steve, the game’s starting,” his dad called out. “We’ve got a bet, remember? You don’t want to miss it.” 
Mom sighed and tutted at him. “Well, when you make your mind up about this girl, tell me will you?” she said. “I’d love to meet the girl who made you decide to act like an adult.” She went back to stirring the chili. 
Steve loaded up his arms with drinks and leaned over to grab the Frito bag with his teeth. Mom rolled her eyes, but didn’t lecture him about it. She didn’t offer to help, either. He struggled a little with getting the basement door open. Dad had gone back down the stairs and was sitting on one of big leather armchairs. He laughed when he saw how full Steve’s arms were, but he also didn’t get up to help. 
It took Steve a minute to put all the drinks down without dropping them. He kept the bag of Fritos in his mouth the whole time, turning his head away when Dad tried to reach over and grab it. “Mmmph,” he said, before spitting it out at last. “No way. I carried it, I get first dibs.” He spread out on the loveseat, propping his feet up on the armrest. It was old, and he sank down into it. 
The finished basement had been one of his favorite parts of the house. In the future, he used it more for movies with Robin and occasionally Dustin. They always complained about it being too cold and the leather couches being uncomfortable, but Steve liked it. 
Mom called them to get dinner a half hour later, partway through the second inning. Dad raced Steve up the stairs like he’d done when he was a kid, with maybe some more forceful shoving now that they were about the same height. They filled their bowls and carried them more carefully down the stairs, wary of getting yelled at for spilling any. Mom came down with her own bowl a few minutes later, saying something about how she missed her boys and didn’t want to eat alone. She wasn’t a big baseball fan, but she sat and let Dad explain what had happened so far.
“So has Steve’s team won it yet?” she asked.
“They’re not my team,” Steve shot back. “I just know they’re going to win.” 
“No, they haven’t,” Dad said. “They are one run up, though. It’s anybody’s game.”
“It’s really not,” Steve said around a mouthful of chili. “S’gonna be a shutout.” 
“Uh-huh.” Dad looked unconvinced. He shoveled a huge spoonful of chili and Fritos into his mouth before saying, “Don’t talk with your mouth full, kiddo.”
Mom pretended to gag and covered her face while she looked away. “It’s like you regress when there are sports on,” she said. “Okay, I’m done. Enjoy your game. Remember, it’s a school night.”
“Awww, Mom,” Steve said. 
“Come on, honey,” Dad added. “He spent all day doing his homework just so he could watch the game with his dear old dad. I think he’ll be fine staying up late just this once.” 
Mom rolled her eyes and tutted at them both. “You know, you have work in the morning, too.” 
“Yeah, but I’m the boss,” Dad said. “I’m allowed to come in late. Heck, my team will thank me for it.” 
Dad relaxed more after Mom left. At the bottom of the fourth inning, he sent Steve upstairs for a couple more beers and handed one back to him when he brought them down. Steve raised his eyebrows and glanced at the stairs. Even given the shenanigans of whatever time travel nonsense was going on, this wasn’t his first beer. It wasn’t even the first one his dad had given him, but they liked to treat it like something contraband. It made the whole thing more fun.
After the Orioles scored what Steve knew was their last run in the fifth inning, he spent the rest of the game feeling nervous that it wasn’t going to happen the way he remembered. Dad let him have a second beer and kept yelling at the Phillies to get a damn hit already. Steve pumped his fist every time they struck out. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but this was proving to him that things would happen just the way they had before. It ended just as he’d predicted, with a shutout. Dad threw his hands up in the air
“Unbelievable,” Dad said as they started picking up all their cans and other trash.
“I know, right?” Steve had gone up to get a garbage bag for everything, while Dad stacked the plates up. 
Dad sighed. “I should’ve called my bookie.”
“You have a bookie?”
“Okay, I should’ve found a bookie.” Dad laughed. “How did you know? Seriously, did you have a vision or something? 
Steve grinned at him as he let him go first up the stairs. “No vision, no,” he lied. “It just kind of occurred to me this morning and I decided to roll with it. Like, a little voice in my head said ‘wouldn’t it be funny if...’ and then I said it out loud and I couldn’t back down.”
“Well, if that little voice speaks up again, you tell me,” Dad said. He put the dishes in the sink and took the garbage bag from Steve. “I’ll find a way to put real money on it and you’ll be set for college.” 
Something must’ve shown on his face at the mention of college. He had a hard time hiding things when he was a little buzzed. Dad stopped him from walking off and asked what was wrong. 
“It’s just... What if I end up not getting into college?” he asked. “Like, what if something happened and it didn’t work out?”
Dad spun the garbage bag to close it and tie it off. “What do you think’s going to happen?” he asked. “That little voice speaking up again already?” 
Steve rubbed his eyes. “No, nothing like that,” he said. “I just think about it, sometimes. I don’t even know what I’d study in college, you know? My grades aren’t great and I play basketball okay but so does everyone else I know. It’s not like I’m six foot three and beating the recruiters off with a bat.” He sighed heavily.
“Okay, this is a deeper conversation than I’m prepared to have after a six pack and a lost bet,” Dad said. He ruffled Steve’s hair. “Let’s talk about it in the morning, all right? Your mom was right. It’s a school night.”
Steve nodded and said good night, heading up the stairs as his dad took care of the garbage. He changed into familiar pajamas, and looked out the window at the pool. It wasn’t haunted yet, but it still bothered him. If this was all a weird dream, he was probably going to wake up back at the Henderson’s. If it wasn’t, then he’d have to go back to high school tomorrow. He didn’t know if he’d be able to change anything, but if there was a chance, he wanted to take it.
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Daminette December 2022: 2-Murder
I didn’t realize I had posted the 1st story a day early. It was a stressful day and I thought I was going to forget to post. I didn’t realize until the next morning. Sorry.
It was game night in the Wayne household. Damian had taken to bringing his new girlfriend, Marinette, to the manor. She had become a regular at Wayne Manor for close to a year now. Just about everyone in his family loved her. Bruce had become very selective on what games were allowed in the house after the Monopoly Incident and the Uno War. Tonight was a card game with questions; he thought he was prepared for anything. When it came to the boys, they always proved him wrong.
"Question, have you ever wanted to murder someone?" Dick read out.
'Who makes these cards?'
"Joker." Jason answered immediately.
"Yes. I have dibs on someone and I have the backing to get away with it." Marinette answered.
All the Waynes, except Damian, looked at the little sunshine who had graced their lives.
"What?" she asked, looking at them, confused, "You all live in Gotham. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it."
"Are they in Gotham?" questioned Bruce, carefully.
"Paris." she replied, handing the dice to Jason.
"Who pissed you off enough for you to want them dead?" Dick asked, "Look at you! You're like sunshine!"
Marinette shook her head, "I'm not telling. I have no doubt in my mind that Damian would go after them and as I said, I have dibs."
"You wouldn't go through with it." Damian implied.
She turned to him and smiled, "I applied to a bunch of scholarships to get away."
"How close were you?" Tim questioned.
"Your acceptance email popped up during my planning so I burned all the evidence and never looked back." she answered, "Congradulations, your email saved someone's life."
Damian scooted closer to his girlfriend, "Who do I have to kill?"
"This is a no killing household, I remind everyone." Bruce announced.
"Fuck you, I have dibs." Marinette replied, ignoring Bruce, "If anyone kills her, it's gonna be me!"
Game night was finally over and Damian had declared he was taking Marinette home.
"I still can't believe Demon Spawn is dating her." Todd declared.
"He takes after Bruce." Tim yawned.
"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.
The trio looked at each other and smiled.
Todd smirked, "If they end up together, she probably wouldn't bat an eye if he came home covered in blood. Honestly, probably wouldn't blink if we told her who we really are."
"She could kill him, too, at this point." Drake stated.
"You like dangerous women, B." Dick winced, "Sure, you put on an act for the media, but those gala ladies don't do it for you."
"Junior isn't that different from you." Jason commented.
"Well, maybe she'll become our legal sister." Tim commented, making the other two nod in approval.
"I call dibs on killing Demon Spawn if he breaks her heart!" Jason shouted.
Bruce sighed, "You can't kill your brother."
"I can protect my sister, though!" he shot back.
"She's not your sister." Bruce declared.
"Fuck you!" Jason stood up, "You adopted us; I can adopt her!"
The boys laughed, while Bruce just sighed.
'Why did I think game night was a good idea?'
Jason was quick to notice Marinette pouting in the Wayne kitchen; he didn't even know she was going to stop by. Usually, Damian told everyone as a precaution. He noticed the air of sadness around her. It was weird to see her looking like Tim when he ran out of coffee.
"What's with Pixie Pop?" he asked.
Damian chuckled, as he drank his black assam tea, "She's been in a bad mood since last night."
"Why?" Jason asked.
"Remember my dib?" Marinette questioned, continuing to pout.
"The murder one?" the older Wayne asked.
"Yeah." she sighed.
"What about it?" Jason groaned.
"She died." Damian declared.
"You killed someone?" Jason shouted.
Marinette glared at him, "You think I would be this pouty if I had done it? I would be baking a storm of macarons, right now!"
Damian smirked, "Bitch died of natural causes."
"Yeah, naturally spreading her legs open." Mari huffed, "Apparently, one of her many boy toys wasn't as faithful as she thought."
"So," Jason spoke looking at the down-hearted Marinette, "karma? How did you find out anyways?"
"She's trending on Parisian twitter." Mari answered, making the brothers chuckle, "Turns out the cause of death was written in her obituary. One of her boyfriends said he was gonna get tested. He was always faithful and wondered if it was from an ex and just never told her. He posted a tweet saying she was the best girlfriend he ever had and how long they had been toegther. Other guys started coming out of the woodworks claiming they were dating her. They started posting pictures and comparing dates. Let's just say it got quiet after awhile and they all started bashing on her afterwards. Her perfect saint picture was shattered and many things came into the light."
Jason walked over and patted her head, "Well, perhaps, those that threw you away will learn the truth."
"Who cares?" Mari answered, "I've been done with them for almost five years. They wanted their golden ticket. They just never noticed the spray paint cans."
"Go rest up." he called, turning to leave the room, "I'm sure sooner or later someone will come looking. They always do."
"They better not." she growled out.
The older Wayne turned and scrutinized her, "You have a whole hit list, don't you?"
Damian walked over and kissed his girlfriend's head, "She was at the top."
Todd smirked as he walked out of the room.
'I knew I liked her.'
"Let's go get you some cheesecake ice cream and you can plan homicide in your pajamas, where you're comfy." Damian declared.
Marinette smiled and kissed his cheek, "You know me best, Habibi."
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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silversatoru · 3 years
Ok ok- don’t judge me but get this- College AU, Where Ereh and his friends all go to a nearby maid cafe and turns out his s/o works there, and his s/o is wearing a EXTREMELY short maid outfit and she starts to flirt with Eren’s friends, and basically Eren had enough and dragged his s/o to a bathroom stall, and fucked them calling y/n their little slut, etc. and fucked them so hard they couldn’t work the rest of the day- BYE- 🏃🏻‍♀️ 💨 🚪
maid cafe
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a/n: i would never judge you for this???? your mind is incredible and this idea has corrupted my brain for days,, please send more of your wonderful ideas to my inbox. and please let me know what u think bc i truly hope i did u proud
eren yeager x female maid cafe!reader
synopsis: eren and his friends go to a maid cafe and his new girlfriend is their waitress — so he drags her to the bathroom and makes sure she knows who she belongs to
tags/warnings: smut, dom/sub, degrading, mild humiliation, mirror sex, public sex, mentions of drug use
word count: 3.4k
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“hey, we should check out that maid cafe downtown. i heard the waitresses are fine,” jean smirked as he proposed the idea, passing a blunt he’d just finished rolling over to eren.
eren graciously accepted the weed, but clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at jean’s new idea for their friday night. a maid cafe wasn’t particularly up his alley -- he’d just started dating you a few weeks ago and didn’t have any interest in drooling over other women all night. but he was bored and if everyone else wanted to go, he supposed he’d tag along too.
“hell yeah, pretty girls in short skirts sounds good to me,” connie jived, a giddy smile on his face as he blew out some smoke from his own blunt.
“don’t you think that kind of place is a little disrespectful, guys? we shouldn’t view women as-”
“you’re too uptight armin, maybe we can find a nice girl to suck you off and loosen you up a little bit” jean laughed and cut him off as the blonde boy continued to give his immature friends a disapproving look.
“whatever i’m in, just let me finish this first,” eren held up his blunt and took another long drag, “i wont be able to stand you assholes all night if im not high”.
the four of them hung around their shared four-bedroom college apartment a little longer, finishing up their smoke sesh and flinging half-assed insults at one another. the sky was already getting dusky by the time they actually left and were walking through the small, bustling town surrounding their campus. the cafe wasn’t too far, maybe a thirty minute walk, but it was a beautiful spring night and shit, gas is expensive.
armin’s face was horribly flushed when they finally arrived and entered the front door, the poor boy completely unable to even make eye contact with the hostess standing in front of them. his shyness earned him a swift elbow from eren — his way of telling the blonde boy to relax a little bit.
the young hostess spoke to them in a sing-song tone, her hair perfectly curled to frame her face and her cheeks pink with blush. connie and jean completely ate up everything she was doing, gawking at her like a bunch of losers who hadn’t gotten laid in way too long — which is exactly what they were. eren was almost relieved when she finally sat them at a table and walked away, because he couldn’t stand to listen to jeans' horrendous attempt at flirting any longer.
everything on the menu had cute names that matched the theme of the cafe, and while eren and armin browsed the options, connie and jean continued to whisper about the different waitresses and which one they hoped they got.
as for you, it had been a pretty uneventful night, normal customers and nothing too crazy — that was until you walked up to the newest table you were assigned and saw your boyfriend and his friends sitting around the booth. eren and you hadn’t been dating all that long, a few weeks at most, and you hadn’t even met any of these friends yet. anxiety began to pool in your chest, but you tried your best to put on your best voice and greet them like they were any other table — after all, eren was staring so intently at the menu that he hadn't even noticed you yet.
“welcome home, masters! can i get any drinks for you?” you push your voice up to a high octave and make sure to draw out the word masters — it was the opening line that every waitress was required to use by the cafe.
two of the four boys are ogling at you so intensely that they might as well have drool hanging off their desperate lips. a third boy is keeping his eyes fixated on the table as if he doesn’t want to look at you — which is something you’re not quite used to. and eren is staring at you with his mouth gaping open, which he quickly shuts before any of his friends can notice.
he decided to sit back and watch, an amused look on his face as you continue to flaunt your extra-girly facade. he decides that now isn’t a great time for introductions to his bonehead friends — plus he knows you’re nothing like this in real life, so it’s entertaining to watch you act so out of character.
not to mention you look hot as fuck in your skimpy maid outfit — the tight corset-like top hugged your breasts perfectly and your skirt was so short he could practically see the base of your ass cheeks. he could definitely get used to seeing you like this.
but his amusement quickly started to fade as connie and jean shamelessly showered you in compliments and flirted with you like their lives depended on it. and what makes it worse is you’re playing along — he gets that it’s your job but still, can’t you just tell them to shut the fuck up?
he shoots the two idiots across from him a dirty look as soon as you walk away, “hey dumbasses, cut the girl a break”.
“hey man, i didn't hear you call dibs or anything,” connie raised an eyebrow at him.
“yeah dude, we’re just fucking around, chill,” jean added, a light laugh hanging off his last word.
eren couldn’t do anything but roll his eyes in response. he didn’t want to outright expose your relationship yet but he wouldn’t be able sit here and watch this all night either.
his blood was practically boiling when you returned with a tray full of their drinks. connie and jean turned their charms right back on for you, and fuck, if he had to hear you call them “master” one more time he was gonna lose his mind.
“armin get the fuck out of the booth,” he glared at the blonde boy, practically pushing him out of the booth so he could get to you.
armin yet out a small yelp, clambering out of his seat and letting eren climb out after him. the dark haired boy gave you the sweetest smile, but his eyes were lit up like flames.
“hey, mind showing me where the bathrooms are?”
you find yourself frozen in place for just a second, but quickly recover and give him a quick “of course master, follow me!”
the two of you walk to the bathroom in silence, but you can practically feel the heat radiating off of eren.
when you reached the restrooms you opened the door for him and bowed your head, but he grabbed your wrist and yanked you inside behind him, earning a small yelp from you. you noticed him snap the lock down behind him, and before you could even question his motives you were backed into a wall with his lips working roughly against yours.
“so this is what you do all day? walk around with your ass hanging out while calling people master?” he growled in your ear while moving down towards your neck and placing violent kisses along the sensitive skin.
“i- ah- if it bothers you-“ you breath out between gasps, your hands pressed defensively to his chest, “god, you reek of pot, eren”.
“no, it doesn't bother me, i love watching you flirt with other men. but let me remind you who you actually belong to now,” he murmured, voice dripping with sarcasm as he nibbled up to your ear and his hands fondled with the zipper at the back of your uniform.
“eren!” a strangled yelp leapt from your throat as he unzipped you and let your costume fall around your ankles.
for a second you thought about trying to stop him, but his hot lips against your cool skin was starting to win you over. your neck was undoubtedly covered in bruised love marks now, your skin aching in the most beautiful way.
“take it all off,” he mumbled into your ear as he snapped the strap of your bra against your skin.
“we’re in a bathroom eren, i don’t-“ you tried to reason with him, but any inkling of a rational thought was long gone from his mind.
“what’s with all the protests? you had no problem following orders when my friends were the ones giving them,” he cocked an eyebrow at you and lifted his loose shirt over his head in one swift motion.
you could have retorted or made a jab back at him, but your attention was caught up in the perfect lines of eren’s physique. between the sculpted curves of each of his muscles, his dark hair tied in a loose knot at the base of his neck, and the evil smirk across his lips, you were rendered indefensible. everything about eren was so intoxicating, and the idea of letting him have his way with you right now, in this bathroom, was starting to sound less and less like a bad idea. you weren’t sure how long you’d been staring and admiring when his lusty voice filled your ears again.
“did you forget how to use that pretty mouth of yours? i’m sure i can give you a little refresher,” he faked a frown and pointed to the floor with his index finger.
without a shred of reluctance you sunk to his feet. he had you in a state of utter compliance now, and all he had to do was mutter a few arrogant words and take off his shirt — you were almost ashamed, almost.
after a few smooth movements of his fingers against the drawstrings of his sweats, the tip of his member was hanging mere centimeters from your face. you glanced up at him with giant eyes as he stared down at you with his clouded ones. between his raging hunger for your body and the high that was still clouding his mind, there wasn't a single coherent thought in eren’s head other than the way your lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
“open up, princess. if you wanna act like a slut, i’ll treat you like one,” he grabbed the back of your head and forced it forward.
your lips parted without even thinking, and he thrusted his full length down your throat without any warning. you were left coughing and sputtering, the walls of your throat constricting against his cock and sending a few curses from his lips.
he slowed down slightly after that, but kept a steady pace as he mouth-fucked you until tears were leaking down your cheeks. you were gagging and coughing and your face was stained with salty saline but you loved every second of it. his head rolled back as raspy grunts fell from between his teeth, his fist tightening at your scalp.
after he thought you’d finally had enough he pulled back and released your hair from his steel grip. his cock was aching now, coated in a thick layer of your sticky saliva and yearning for more.
“get on the counter,” he ordered, and you scrambled to your feet in a way that was embarrassingly desperate.
you boosted yourself up onto the cool countertop, positioned perfectly between two sinks and leaning back against the mirror. eren placed a firm grip on each of your legs, shoving them open and snickering at the slick patch of fabric between your thighs.
“you like being treated like a whore, don’t you?” he clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth and reached down at your panties before yanking them off in one fell swoop.
he squatted down so his face was level with your cunt, sticking out his tongue and dragging it up to your clit with antagonizing slowness. he moved the warm muscle up and down, sliding it between your folds and in circles around your clit — but his tongue was just barely making contact. and every time you bucked your hips towards him, begging and yearning for just a little more he’d pull his head back and click his tongue at you.
you were aching, leaking, and so incredibly needy for him and he knew it. he’d transformed you into the crumpled mess laying before him in a matter of minutes, and he was very proud of it.
“i’d start begging if i were you, or i’ll leave you here like this — a stupid broken slut with no one to fuck her,” he stood up and cocked his head to the side before beginning to tease your entrance with a single finger.
“ah- eren, please! i’ll do whatever you want,” you whimpered at him, a pitiful look on your face.
“eren? you know you’re not supposed to call customers by their name here,” he shook his head, “you’ll have to do better than that”.
“please- master, use me however you want. just please fuck me already”.
that seemed to suffice for eren, because after that it didn’t take long for him to shealth himself inside you and have your sweaty back slamming into the glass mirror behind you. strangled moans and pitiful whimpers slipped from between your lips, your eyes rolling back into your head in complete bliss. he’d teased and tormented you for so long that the sudden intense stimulation was almost too much.
he fucked himself into you so hard you thought you might break — your legs ached and your back hurt from awkwardly leaning into the mirror. but those feelings were quickly pushed to the back of your head because the overwhelming pleasure was so forceful that you could barely focus on anything else. eren’s length was grinding deep into your aching caverns so good that it was completely clouding your brain.
you let out a stifled gasp when he abruptly pulled out, leaving you feeling empty and aching for more.
“why-,” your voice was so destitute and so, so desperate.
“shut up and stand in front of me,” he commanded, pulling you off the counter and twisting you so you were facing the bathroom mirror.
“look at yourself in the mirror and watch me fuck you,” he practically snarled, placing a palm on your back and pushing your chest down against the counter, “look at how much of a slut you are for me”.
the only response that came out of your mouth was a tiny whine of acceptance — it was pathetic.
a breathy moan fell from your lips as he slid back in, and your cheeks blushed a dark shade of red as you watched yourself get fucked from behind. it was embarrassing, humiliating even, having to see yourself like this, but what made it even worse was that you fucking liked it.
“look at yourself,” he nodded towards the mirror, picking up his pace and tightening his grip on your hips, “just a dumb whore who’s good for nothing but taking orders from other people”.
“only- you!” you let out a strangled yelp.
“what was that? i don’t think i heard you,” he thrusted hard, reaching deeper than he had the entire time and then leaning over your back so his head was positioned right next to yours.
“say it again,” he murmured, burning holes through your eyes with how intensely he was staring at you in the mirror.
“i’m a dumb whore, but only for- you,” you repeated, squirming and whining at the painful pleasure he was forcing into you.
“that’s right,” he flashed you a satisfied grin, standing back up and resuming his original pace.
the sudden shift had you clawing at the smooth countertops — desperately wishing you had a pillow or sheet to grasp onto for some kind of support. you flinched when you felt a couple of his cool fingertips find your clit, immediately rubbing hasty circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“i want you to come for me,” he locked eyes with you in the mirror again, “and i want you to think about how i’m the only one who will ever make you feel this good the entire time”.
his words were harsh but they sounded like honey when they flowed through your pathetically devoted ears. between his consistent thrusts and the pads of his fingers working their magic, you were a pitiful mess of whimpers and moans in a matter of minutes. your body twitching and legs shaking as you mumbled his name over and over — it was the only word your brain could comprehend right now.
seeing you like that nearly pushed eren over the edge himself, but he forced himself to last a little longer, wanting to milk your orgasm for everything that it was. he was genuine when he said no one else would ever make you feel the way he could — your head was spinning and your body was on a high that felt like it would never end.
only once your body finally fell limp and tired, signifying that your climax had ended, did he pull out and spray his seed all over your exposed back. you were a sticky, sweaty mess and your legs didn’t have the strength to stand even after eren was done coming down from his own high.
your face was buried in your arms when you felt a wet paper towel cleaning up the mess of semen off your back. eren tossed the towel into the garbage and wrapped his arms under your torso so he could help your pitiful self stand up. you let out a few pained whimpers, stumbling into his arms and wrapping your hands around his neck.
“that bad, huh? how are you gonna go back out there and work for all your masters? i’m sure they’re waiting,” he smirked at you, and there was no sympathy in his voice.
“i- i don’t think i can,” you whined, clinging to him as your legs continued to shake underneath you.
eren shook his head and clicked his tongue, helping you over to your clothes and assisting you with getting back into your uniform. even after getting dressed your legs refused to work — you were a shaky, stumbling mess. you sat in a pitiful heap against the tiled wall while you watched eren get his own clothes back on.
“i think you might need a new job,” he snickered, squatting down and lifting you onto his back once he was dressed.
you graciously climbed onto his back, arms wrapping around his neck and burying your face into his neck, “yeah, yeah i’ll get a new job”.
“good idea, because everyone’s about to see how pathetic you are as we walk through the cafe,” he wrapped his arms back under your backside to support your weight.
“there’s a back exit right down the hall, please take that one,” you begged, “please”.
“well. since you asked so nicely and did so well i guess you deserve that,” he complied, exiting the bathroom and following your directions to the back door.
but because you have the worst luck in the world, one of the cafe managers came walking right around the corner just as the two of you were about to leave. you buried your head deeper into eren’s neck, unbearable amounts of embarrassment and shame flooding your veins.
“hey man, she quits, sorry!” eren yelled and handled it for you, dashing out the back door before the manager could even comprehend what he’d just seen.
“thank you,” you mumbled into his shirt, and you were truly thankful that you didn’t have to speak for yourself in there.
“no problem, princess,” he adjusted one of his hands so he could squeeze your ass, making you jump against his back, “let’s head back to my house for round two, yeah?”
“r-round two?” you stuttered.
you could barely handle round one, and he was ready to go again? how!?
“i’m joking, relax. let’s go watch a movie or something,” he chuckled, hoisting you higher on his back and beginning your long walk back to his apartment.
you sighed and sunk into his back, that sounded nice. there was a huge difference in how eren acted earlier and how he was acting now, but you were a sucker for both personalities. you expected college to consist of classes and work and maybe a few new friends but meeting eren yeager was sure to make it a lot more interesting.
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ritacrow-blog · 3 years
-introverted mari
-the usual class, adrien, lila, Alya! Salt
-Chloe redemption. She appoloises but leaves for New York a few months later due to bullying from the class.
- To distract herself from all the negatives in her life she immersed herself in work.
-has trust issues with strangers. Supportive Friends (Luka, Chloe and Kagami) and Parents.
-designs and sells her designs under MDC
-Solves cold cases while hunting down hawk-moth as "Nettie". (and because of this, hacking becomes a secret talent of hers) and reports her findings to the chief of police. Sabrina's dad (I forgot his name). Using Ladybug as the messenger. Ladybug explains to the Chief that she found someone to help track down hawk-moth, but doesn't want to be known. And that she is only giving acting as Nettie's messanger for cases that she just so happens to "accidentally" come across while searching for hawk-moth. So he sees Nettie as a "Robin Hood" just without the stealing part.
-She hangs out with Kagami but also learns how to use a Katana from her as an excuse to give to her mother. Like: learning how to teach people and is using Marinette as her Guinea pig student. Which Marinette then starts to enjoy. Especially when she needs to vent and just cut something down. And she eventually gets really good at it.
-the bullying gets worse
-by this time she's already gathering evidence against Gabriel and Natalie. Also finds out that Chat noir is Adrien. (she isn't very surprised). And makes a promise to herself that she will take them down before the school year ends.
-She goes to the Chief as ladybug to report what Nettie found. So they plot.
-stealing the miraculous from Adrien first before finding Kagami to be her Black cat for the final battle. And Luka as Python (different costume for identity reasons). They sneak into the Manor going straight to the lair where she found Adrien's Mom via CCTV. Heals her (let's pretend that LB has healing abilities. Ya?) and explains everything that is going on while Panther and Python search the area for the miraculous just in case. LB talks ladybug into getting Gabriel to surrender and she agrees. But Gabriel and Natalie storm in already transformed to fight. Not noticing Emily at first. When he finally does he stops. While Angry at them she convinces Gabriel and Natalie to stand down and surrender the miraculous to ladybug and face proper judgment.
-Ladybug, Panther and Python escort Gabriel and Natalie to the police waiting outside and Emily to get herself checked by the medics. Adrien is still asleep and unaware in his room. He will definitely be having quite the shock in the morning. His miraculous is gone. His mom is alive. Emily knows about him being Chat noir through LB. Is now under Emily's strict supervision.
-The last few months of school are loud after the news. Court hearing scheduled a week after the last day of school. Gabriel reveals Lila's role. Lila tries to get out of it but is proven guilty with evidence provided by Nettie. Bye-bye Liela~
- the class find out about what lila did and try to find Marinette to apologise.
-Marinette forgives but doesn't accept them as friends anymore.
Alya: "so now that we're friends again. Think you could get me that interview with Ladybug about the Hawk-moth case?"
Mari: "No"
Alya: "Thank you so mu-... What?... Why? We're best friends! True bestfriend help each other out!"
Mari: "exactly. Best friends help each other out. But where were you when I was bullied by lila. Heck the whole class. How about the harassment with Adrien. When I was clearly over him. We're not best friends alya. Not even close to being a friend"
Alya: "when did you get over adrien??? I thaught you were dating Luka to make adrien jealous."
Mari: (-_-) "I'm not. I haven't had a crush in adrien for 3 years now. I got rid of everything related to him. And I set Luka up with Kagami. They've been dating for over a year now"
Alya: "what the hell"
-not wanting to have anything to do with the class anymore. She applies for her last year in Gotham Academy (let's just say that she likes their curriculum: includes fashion design, coding and programming, and a kendo club. Kagami successfully converted her into a katana welding badass)
-Mari gets permission from her parents to move in to her Nona's apartment in Gotham.
- She leaves without telling anyone from the class. Only her family, Kagami, Chloe and Luca know.
-She arrives in Gotham and encounters Scarecrow on her fist day there. Gets caught in the fear gas.
-She sees her old classmates. Hawk-moth. Mayura. Chat Noir and Chat blanc. The Akumas. Purple butterflies.
-fights while under the fear toxin. Attacks every "akuma" (goons) coming her way. Unknowingly fighting the batfam thinking that they're "akumas". Until Nightwing holds her down and Robin injects the antidote.
Mari: *muttering* fuck you hawk-moth and your disgusting purple butterflies. *faints*
Red Robin: What the fuck...
Red Hood: I call dibs on Pixi pop becoming my sister.
Nightwing: *looks at Robin* please tell me you heard that too...
-Mari wakes up in the ambulance. Feels fine so she just hops off and goes straight for her bags.
Nightwing: where are you going? You still need to get checked.
Mari: I'm fine. I've dealt with worse. I'm just gonna go and get my bags. I don't trust the security here.
Nightwing: hey! Wait!
Mari keeps walking to her bags. Picks up her katana and straps it to her back and grabs her luggage.
Nightwing: Hey! You still need to get checked anyways... And questioned...
Mari: *stares*..... Fine. But please Hury I want to get to my place before it gets dark.
Batman: how did you fight the fear toxin?
Mari: it's called fear toxin... No wonder I saw what I saw... *looks at batman* I'm used to having to deal with my fears. I've had to fight them head on in Paris constantly.
Red Robin: Isn't Paris a peaceful city?
Mari: *scoff* peaceful my ass. It hasn't been peaceful at all the past 3 years. I've seen enough deaths and magical shit to last me a lifetime.
Mari: *sigh* sorry for my language. I'm just cranky from not having had any sleep in the past... 1,2,3,4,5... 6...oh shit... Anyways... Look I just landed I haven't had sleep the past few days. Got caught in the attack. Somehow fought them of. Lost consciousness... Not even sure why I even woke up considered my lack of sleep...and now being questioned... And... That pretty much it really.
Mari: what still not satisfied?
Robin: you mentioned having encountered enough magic and deaths to last you a lifetime.
Mari:..... I did?
Red Robin: yes you did
Red Hood: *mutters* why do I suddenly feel like I'm looking at a female replacement....
Mari: Oh... Damn... I'm not even sure if the blackouts been lifted yet.
Batman: blackout?
Mari: the media blackout...it should be lifted soon. Not sure when....
*Phone notification rings*
Mari: speak of the devil... Here.
*she shows batman her phone*
He goes through the news and 2 videos of akuma attacks.
Mari: can I have my phone back and go now? It's getting dark.
Robin: how are you getting there.
Mari: a cab.
Batman gives her phone back
Mari: am I done here?
Batman nods
When mari is leaving...
Batman: Hood, Robin keep an eye on her and makes sure she gets to her destination safe. We're going back to the cave to look more into this.
When mari gets out of the cab. She feels like she's being watched and followed. Discretely looks around trying to spot who's following her. (ladybug sense is tingling~) She shifts her katana to her hip just in case. While going to her apartment. And instantly locks the door and checks the windows. Wonders if they followed her... Then she spots Robin on the neighboring building.
Mari: ah... Its just them... Welp I'm off to bed.
Robin POV
Robin: She knows she's being followed.
Redhood: I'm not blind demon spawn.
They watch her enter her apartment while on guard.
Redhood: one of us should probably pass by her window. Just to let her know we're not goons. Pixi looks wound up...
Robin: ill do it.
He swings by her window. They guessed right. She was keeping watch.
Robin: something isn't right...
Redhood: no shit sherlock.
Robin over the comm: she's in. We're heading back to the cave.
-Siren, Gigantitan, Hero's day, mourning star (saw this in a fanfiction somewhere. Its a sad one)
Redhood: Holy shit...
Batman: How did we miss this?
Red Robin: found a call on the JL emergency call log.
Batman: play it.
Video call from Ryuuko on Hero's day. Showing the chaos, requesting for help, getting controlled, dropping the phone and walking away.
Batman: who answered this call?
Red Robin:.... Green Lantern
Robin: wait... Scroll up... Its the girl from the airport.
They play the mourning star akuma video.
Mourning star: a widow that had a miscarriage. Mourning the death of her husband and unborn child. The akuma kidnapping children and killing them infront of their mothers. So that they know the pain of losing a child. (I know it's depressing... I found this in a fanfiction. Forgot the title. And it was way more depressing than what I just wrote...) (ill skip this bit)
Marinette getting children to safety. Away from the akuma. Calming them down and getting them to hide in an abandoned building. Distracts the akuma by pissing it of and luring her away from the nearby preschool. (she's badass both in and out of the suit) then suddenly transforms into a mouse themed hero while on the run. Divides herself into smaller selves. And splits up each going down different alleyways. (she never becomes multimouse again after this: she got compromised again. Let's just say that she staged this bit to get halkmoth off her trail... In case he suspected her of being LB). Then not long after Chat noir shows up looking for LB. When LB finally shows up... He starts flirting and causing even more trouble. Akuma gets caught. Butterfly gets purified. Magical ladybugs fixing everything and LB punching Chat in the face. The end.
Redhood: he had that coming.
Robin: She was a hero? Are there others?
Redhood: why? Got a crush~?
Robin: *blush* no.
Red Robin: found one. Evillustrator. CCTV footage...
CCTV: Evillustrator breaking into the top floor of a bakery. Then leaving. Chat Noir showing up. Marinette answering the door. Chat Noir flirting. Marinette sarcastic acting. More chat noir flirting. He leaves. Fast forward. She leaves the bakery all dressed up (Robin's thaughts: she looks cute... WHAT THE FUCK BRAIN!!!! NO!) (I changed it a bit hehehe)
They shift to different CCTVs until she gets to her destination. Meeting up with the akuma (Redhood: what the hell... She went on a date with an akuma?) (Red Robin: wait look... Chat Noir) (Robin: *clenching his teeth and fists*) chat noir sneaking on the boat. And laying low. Mari snatching something and throwing it at chat. Chat messed-up. Mari gets trapped with chat in a glass box with the boat sinking. Chat trying to find a way to get out of the box. Mari just standing there until she gets fed up. Grabs the baton and extends it upward while grabbing chat noir's tail/belt and flinging him towards the pier. Gives back his baton. Chat flirts again. Kisses her hand then salutes. Mari turns away of cam. (Nightwing: did that count as a date?) (Redhood: yes) (Red Robin: no) (Robin's thaughts: strong, beautiful, smart, tricky ... Just what else do you have under your belt... Shit I called her beautiful...) (Batman: follow chat noir)
Shifting again to other CCTVs. Stopping on one viewing a hotel. Chat and Ladybug already on the scene. Doesn't take long after that for the battle to end.
Batman: we need to keep looking more into this...but right now. I'm going to the tower. And deal with Green Lantern.
-after this Robin makes sure to make Marinette's apartment to be part of his patrol route.
-Mari notices but doesn't try to call him over.
-he observes her and finds more things about her. (a designer, a gamer, a Baker and if her katana and fighting skills is anything to go by... Judo?)
-Mari knows that she's being observed so she makes sure the kwamis are hidden.
One night she decides to embroider on her balcony.
-curious... Robin comes closer to take a peek at what she was making... A dragon embroidery.
Mari: are you going to stay there or are you going to come down here and tell me what you need?
Robin:.... This place is part of my patrol route....
Mari: I noticed but I don't believe that that's all your here for.
Robin:...... you're one of the heroes...
Mari:........ *she looks at him* ex-hero... Retired hero??.... Who cares. I've been compromised.
Robin: I know... But it looked on purpose.
Mari:....... What do you want? Did you need something?
Robin:....... I don't trust you..... Your confusing...
Mari: I'd be worried if you did. Trusting people you just meet... Not a smart move.
Mari:........ Anything else?
Robin: No. I'll be on my way.
Mari: wait hold on a second... Here (she gives him the extra macaroons she made) I'm a stress Baker. I made too much.
Robin:....... I thaught that we agreed that we didn't trust each other....
Mari: I don't. Not completely. But I also know your not a bad person. Protective sure. But that's to be expected considering your cutrent occupation...... Just take it.... You've been observing me the past few days. You should know by now that I'm not a horrible person...here I'll even take one. (she takes one and pops it in her mouth) see? Safe.
Robin: fine I'll take them to the idiots........thanks.......(then he leaves)
Mari: hmm... Now back to work...
Keeps going on like this for the next few months.
Until its time for the new school year to start....
(I'm sleepy right now. I'll continue this tomorrow. I'll edit this same post. I won't be making it separate)
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Sensitive Spots Part 2 (NSFW smut/angst) Mammon X Male MC
This is a continuation of another post: Part 1
Yuki is FTM (he/him). I just wanted to write smut but characters decided to go for angst
"What? Did I say something weird?" Yuki asks as all the demon brothers stare at him.
"Oh, Yuki." Asmo coos. "You really don't know what you do to us do you? Giving Mammon's wings special attention and then asking to do the same with everyone else."
"We weren't doing anything like that!" Mammon barks. "And even if we- If we were, what's the problem, huh?"
Yuki shrugs. "It's biology, and I like biology. I wanna learn about demon anatomy, and, while books can teach a lot, a diagram is nothing like touching the real thing."
"Well, that statement isn't wrong," Satan chuckles. "I suppose I should have leant you more descriptive books."
"That would be nice." Yuki comments. "Though, I'd still like to poke and prod y'all if y'all'd let me."
"You can poke and prod me all you want, Darling." Asmo giggles. "I can show you just how different demon anatomy can be."
"Me first." Belphie buts in.
Beel pauses chewing. "I wouldn't mind it either."
Satan chuckles. "I'd be happy to help educate you with a private lesson, Yuki."
"Oh no you don't!" Mammon growls. "The only one giving Yuki an anatomy lesson is me!"
Levi whines. "How can all of you say this stuff so casually?!"
Lucifer sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "Yuki, why is it that you always seem to rile them up?"
"I don't fucking know, but it's nice to know I can study y'alls' demon forms, at least most of you it seems like." Yuki smiles. "This is gonna be fun."
"I can't wait, Darling." Asmo leans in closer to Yuki, but, before he can respond, Mammon yoinks him out of his chair.
"I call dibs!" Mammon yells before running off with the human as an uproar comes from his brothers. The demon pulls Yuki into his room, slams the door, and shifts into his demon form as he faces the human.
"So that just happened?" Yuki looks at Mammon with confusion.
"Can you not be a nerd for 5 seconds?" Mammon grumbles with his cheeks flushed. "Do you have any idea what you've been saying?"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon. "Uh..." Yuki shrugs.
"Well, if you really want to be a nerd and study demon anatomy, you'll be studying me first." Mammon pouts.
"Oh uh, okay. So how do you wanna do this?"
Mammon gulps and takes Yuki by the hand, guides the human to sit on the bed with him. "Ya can go ahead and touch me..."
Yuki hesitates. "Where am I allowed to touch you?"
"Anywhere. Just- Touch me."
Yuki looks over Mammon's torso before tracing the markings on the demon's chest. Mammon's breath hitches.
"They're a different texture." Yuki mutters. "Are these tattoos or...?"
"They're kinda like birth marks." Mammon answers. "I didn't pick 'em."
"They look good on you." Yuki begins to undo the buckles of Mammon's top. It doesn't take long for the leather to fall from Mammon's shoulders. Yuki scoots himself to sit behind the demon.
"Ya really like my wings, don't ya?" Mammon chuckles softly.
"Yeah," Yuki answers easily. "They're really cool." Yuki delicately pulls at Mammon's wing and sees how far it can spread. He feels the thing leathery like skin and follows the white edges to the demon's shoulder blades. Mammon bites his lip. Yuki's hands feel up along Mammon's back, feeling how the muscles connect to the demon's wings. Mammon swallows his moan.
"You said the tissue here was sensitive." Yuki comments. "What does it feel like?"
"Good." Is the only word Mammon can get out without letting a groan slip past his lips. Yuki rubs the area where the leathery wing joins Mammon's back. The demon's wing twitches. Yuki rubs it again, the wing twitches again. Mammon can feel his cock stirring in his pants. Yuki tries rubbing another spot, this time Mammon's wing flutters. Yuki does this again and again, finding different spots at the base of Mammon's wings, seeing how the wings move depending on where he touches. A soft curse from the demon catches Yuki's attention.
"You good?" Yuki asks, looking over Mammon's shoulder. The human notices how Mammon's chest is heaving, cheeks and shoulders are flushed. Yuki's eyes widen as he looks further down and sees Mammon's cock straining against his pants. "Oh..." Yuki mumbles. "Oooooh, so they're that kind of sensitive."
Mammon turns to the human and growls. "Now you realize it?"
"'Huh?' 'Huh?!' Is that all you're gonna say?" Mammon tries to calm his breathing down.
Yuki shrugs, eyes not leaving the tent in Mammon's pants. "It's interesting anatomy. Is this kind of reaction common with all demons or is it-"
"Are you seriously still acting fucking like a nerd right now?"
"Should I not be?" Yuki asks.
"Fucking-" Mammon grunts. "You really are something else."
Heat rises in his Yuki's cheeks. "Are demons different down there as well?"
"I- Yeah." Mammon gulps. "Do ya... wanna see?"
Yuki slides off the bed and sets himself between Mammon's legs. "May I?" He asks.
"Fuck yes." Mammon groans.
Yuki hesitates for a moment and then undoes Mammon's belt. He unconsciously licks his lips as he pulls the zipper down, leaning closer as he does so. When Mammon's cock springs free, Yuki's eyes stare in amazement.
"Wow." Yuki mutters. White markings line either side of Mammon's cock, and rows of ridges are stacked along his shaft. Yuki leans in closer, fingers wrapping around the base of the demon's cock. Without thinking, Yuki leans down and licks the tip.
"Fuck." Mammon moans.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Yuki pulls away.
"Don't fucking apologize." Mammon reaches down and runs his hand through Yuki's hair. "Go ahead. Study my cock with your mouth."
Yuki leans in closer again, looking up at the demon to make sure what he's doing is okay, and takes the tip of Mammon's cock between his lips. He runs his tongue over the slit, savoring the taste of the demon. His hand slowly begins stroking the demon.
Mammon groans. "Fuck, Yuki."
Yuki takes more of Mammon into his mouth, mind going fuzzy as heat grows in his lower body. Yuki's other hand wanders down and begins rubbing circles against his clit through the fabric of his pants. Yuki strokes faster and begins to bob his head, taking in more and more of Mammon's cock each time his head descends. When he looks up, Mammon's blue eyes are staring back at him with flushed cheeks.
"You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock." Mammon moans.
Those words both embarrasses and encourages Yuki. He tries to take Mammon deeper, trying to take the demon down his throat. He chokes and has to pull away, but he does back down, determined to take all he can. He closes his eyes as his head bobs faster, both of his hands working Mammon's cock.
"Y-Yuki-" Mammon pants. "I'm- Fuck, I'm close."
Yuki pulls Mammon's cock from his lips and strokes the demon's cock. He opens his mouth, tongue out and ready. The human looks up, watching as how Mammon's shoulders shudder and how the demon's bottom lip bleeds as he bites it.
A guttural groan escapes Mammon as he cums, his fingers digging into Yuki's scalp. Yuki keeps staring at the demon, taking note of every detail he can, as rope after rope of cum shoots into his mouth. Mammon stares back, watching as Yuki licks his lips clean and sucks the tip of Mammon's cock, making sure every drop is in his mouth. For a moment, the two stare at each other in silence. When Yuki swallows his cum, Mammon pulls the human onto his lap, and they kiss each other desperately.
"Mammon!" Yuki gasps when the demon bites the base of his neck. "Fuck- Your teeth."
"Too much?"
"No." Yuki grinds on Mammon's cock. "Do it again."
"Fucking asking to touch all my brothers." Mammon growls in Yuki's ear. "If you're gonna pick us all, I'm gonna be your first."
Yuki moans loudly as Mammon's teeth sink into shoulder, and the demon bucks his hips. "On you back." Yuki commands.
Mammon's pact pulls him down onto the mattress. He gazes up at Yuki with wide eyes.
"Was that okay?" Yuki asks as he rest his hands on the demon's chest.
"Y-yeah, ya just surprised me."
"Sorry." Yuki chuckles and lifts himself, pulling his leg free from his pants and underwear. His shirt is just long enough to cover himself. Mammon can't see it, but, when Yuki sits himself back on the demon's abdomen, Mammon can feel how wet Yuki is.
Mammon's hands trace up Yuki's thighs and pushing up the human's shirt. "Damn." He mutters.
Yuki flushes and pulls the shirt back down. "It's okay. You don't have to pretend to find me attractive."
Mammon's eyebrows furrow. "'Pretend?' What the hell are ya- Yuki, you're hot as fuck!"
"I'm really not." Yuki shrugs. "I accidentally got you horny, now you need a release, and I'm a warm body close by. It's okay, I'm mediocre. I get it. You don't have to lie."
"I ain't lying!" Mammon grumbles and flips Yuki over, laying the human face up while he cages Yuki in with his arms. "What the fuck are you talking about? Yuki, you fucking drive me wild! You drive so many demons nuts with how hot you are!"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon for a beat and then laughs. The human yelps suddenly when Mammon flips Yuki on his back. "Mammon?" Yuki gasps.
"You're fucking sexy." Mammon growls. "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." The demon licks up Yuki's neck, making the human gasp. Mammon's hands sneak under Yuki's shirt, feeling up the human's torso.
"Ma-Mammon-" Yuki moans. "You don't have to-"
"I want to." Mammon pulls Yuki's shirt over the human's head. "I want you."
Yuki looks back silently before nodding. "Okay, just- If you want to stop at any time, I won't be mad."
"Ya don't need to worry about that." Mammon mutters as he trails kisses down Yuki's torso. "Spread your legs for me."
Yuki gulps and does what he's told, opening his legs and revealing his hard clit and wet folds. Mammon rests his hands on the human's thighs and licks his lips. He leans in closer and blows on Yuki's sensitive bud. Yuki gasps, hips jumping forward at the sensation.
"Mammon, please-" Yuki mewls.
"Don't worry. I got you." Mammon says before running his tongue across Yuki's hole. The human's hands shoot to Mammon's hair, one of them gripping one of the demon's horn. Mammon goes deeper, pushing his tongue into Yuki and savoring the human's taste.
"Fuck- Mammon, I- ." Yuki moans, back arching. Mammon shifts his his focus, tongue twisting around Yuki's clit, as two of his fingers slowly enter the human's hole. Yuki's legs encase Mammon's head, pulling him in even more.
"M-Mammon, yes- Mammon." Yuki squirms in the demon's grasp as he repeats Mammon's name again and again. Mammon's fingers pump into Yuki, making the human's legs shake, as the demon sucks and nibbles on Yuki's clit. With a final curse and whimper of Mammon's name, Yuki cums. Mammon feels Yuki's walls squeeze his soaked fingers, and the human's clit pulsing on his tongue.
Mammon pulls away and licks his lips as he looks over Yuki's body. Yuki's chest is heaving, and his body still twitches as he comes down from his high. Yuki's arms have pushed his glasses up as he covers his face. "Yuki," Mammon pulls himself up and kisses Yuki's chest. "Lemme see that handsome face of yours."
"I'm sorry." Yuki chokes out, not moving his arms.
"What the hell are you apologizing about?"
"I just- This is-" Yuki sniffles. "What we just did- Why? How could you- Why me?"
"Ah fuck, are ya crying?" Mammon panics. "Did I hurt you? Did I-"
"No! No, I just-" Yuki wipes his eyes. "It feels so impossible. Mammon, you're- I know I'm not ugly, and that I can be cute sometimes, but I know I'm not sexy. You said that's not true, but you're- You're fucking gorgeous Mammon. You have it all, the looks, the voice, the confidence, the experience, but me- I just- I don't understand how you would ever do something like this with me. I'm just the mediocre nerd who's lucky enough to not be repulsive on a good day."
"What the hell, Yuki? Is that how you see yourself?" Mammon pulls the human in for a hug.
"I mean, how else can I see myself." Yuki murmurs. "Look at me."
"I am, and you're fucking sexy."
"I don't understand how you can say that."
"Because you are!" Flushed, Mammon leans in and kisses Yuki with agrowl. "You don't know how often you drive me wild."
Yuki is silent for a moment before speaking. "I don't understand, but... I know you aren't lying to me. I just- You're you, Mammon, a model with tons of fans who flirt with you, while the only people who try and get my attention want to copy my assignments or ask to cheat off of me during exams. It's obvious what people think of me, so how- Why do you, of all people, think I'm sexy?"
"Yuki, have you seen your face? Have you seen your body? Do you know how often you leave me all hot and bothered? I-" Mammon's face turns a darker pink and takes Yuki's hand, guiding it to hard cock. "Your voice, the way you called my name. The way you moved and moaned for me, I'm hard again because of how fucking sexy you are."
Yuki kisses him.
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drakenology · 3 years
My Other Half. - Bokuto Kōtarō
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warnings: smut, soft, passionate love making, fluff, angst?, best friends to lovers, maaaybe overstim?, praise, fem!reader, cunnilingus (a fancy word for pussy eating). just bokuto going all out to make you feel good.
Summary: Two childhood friends reunite after years of being separated to find old memories and new feelings of love.
Author’s Note: this is my first ever like fluffy piece. all my other work I feel has just been raunchy and I wanted to show yall my soft side. enjoy! <3
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Bokuto Kotoro. A name you knew well. A name you knew since you were both kids playing in dirt together, running around and screaming without a care in the world. Two peas in a pod; like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. It was a sad day when he moved away. Your only friend packed up and left for Tokyo, tears in his eyes as he sat in the backseat of his parents’ car. He waved goodbye through the glass window as the car drove away, a trail of his tears seeming to follow the car as it went. That was the last time you saw him.
When you turned twenty one, your birthday present was a small house in Japan. Some place rural and quiet to do your writing, a small creek flowing in your back yard. You packed up and left home, kissing your mother and father goodbye as you walked out the door. Maybe you’ll run into Bokuto? Hell, he probably won’t even recognize you. It’s been years after all.
You still hoped some how some way fate would bring you together again. You missed him like crazy. His laugh, his stupid jokes. That sparkle in his eyes when he saw you at school. The bear hugs he used to give when you scraped your knee playing with him at the park. It was crazy to assume he’d be waiting for you in Tokyo as if you were the only girl he’d ever meet or care to talk to.
He’s grown now, just about a year older than you. He could have a significant other by now. Your heart ached at the thought. Even though it was selfish to call dibs on a childhood crush who hasn’t seen you in over 10 years, you still hoped; prayed that he was waiting for you or at least remembered you.
When you arrive in your new home and settle in you decide to take the town. Surely you can make some friends, maybe even meet a guy while you’re out? You don’t bother to get all gussied up, walking outside your front door and walking to the nearest bar you can drink your inhibitions away in. The bar you found was small and smelled a bit like sweaty athletes and sake.
The atmosphere was lively despite the off putting smell, everyone was laughing and chatting aloud. The sounds of glasses clinking in celebration and jovial cheering filled the space. You smile softly at the sight of everyone having a great time and find a spot in a nice booth by the window.
The guys behind you must be where the sweaty smell was coming from, their clammering laughter pounding at your head. You try ignoring it until you hear a different yet familiar voice; boisterous and proud like a boy you once knew.
“Yo, Akaashi! Pass the ketchup man, I’m hungry!” He whined childishly, same as always. You turn around swiftly to see if the face matched the voice. Surely enough there he was sitting there, tall as a tree even when sitting in his seat.
God he got so handsome, his face definitely grew into his looks. Bokuto wasn’t a little boy anymore for sure. You stammer, looking between Bokuto and his messy haired friend sitting next to him and a few others. You go to say something only for your own anxiety to stop you, your heart fluttering in your chest in a new way you haven’t felt before.
Finally Bokuto’s eyes meet yours and you both sit there for a while just staring, as if each of you couldn’t believe you were seeing each other again after all this time in forever. Bokuto’s face crept into a smile; a familiar smile that melted your heart.
“Y/n-chan? Tell me you’re joking! I can’t believe it’s you!” Bokuto shouts over everyone’s conversation, leaping from his seat and running towards your booth. You’re still stuck there turned around looking like an owl gawking at the table behind you to realize what’s going on.
Bokuto practically lifts you from your seat and wraps you in one of his famous bear hugs, the ones that made you cry into his chest. As tradition called, you start sobbing into his shirt. Your arms wrap around his neck and pull him in tight almost to tell him not to let you go ever again.
“Hey hey hey.. why are you crying? Shit you’re gonna make me cry. Stop it.” Bokuto says into your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles into your back with his big hand.
“I-I’m sorry I just.. it’s been so long.” You admit, sniffling as he pulled away to wipe your face. You can’t help but get emotional at the sight of him.
“Geez, Y/N if you missed me just say that.” Bokuto teased, erupting into furious laughter at your flustered face.
“Oh shut up Bokuto!” You squeak, punching him in his side like the old days. Your usual banter made you two look at each other and laugh as if you two were the only ones in the bar, his friends staring at the the two of you as if you were insane.
“Uh Bokuto.. who is this woman?” The messy haired friend asked, looking about the most confused out of everyone.
“Huh? Oh! Sorry guys. This is Y/N Y/L/N. Other than Akaashi, she’s one my closest friends. Our moms were close so we were raised kinda like siblings.” Bokuto explained, nudging you to say hello.
You wave and introduce yourself, the everyone ooing and ahhing at you. Not to toot your horn but you were gorgeous. Even Bokuto couldn’t take his eyes off you.
He was thinking of how well you grew up, so stunning and so you. Bokuto remembers the little scar you had just above your eyebrow from tripping over and rock and smiles when he sees it, almost wanting to reach out and poke it like when he did when he was 10. He wonders if you remember that day.
You were playing pretend by the trees in the park, you were good and he was evil. You were chasing him and you tripped and fell, causing the evil doer act to shed away to make sure you were alright. You both made up a crazy story about your scar to your mother; which she never believed. Good times.
The rest of the night was spent catching up and talking like he wasn’t even with others originally. Everyone else eventually had gone home, Akaashi the last to go. He waved goodbye to you and Bokuto and drove home, you and Bokuto still sitting at the bar basking in each other’s company.
“Wow! So your parents got you a place here so you can work? Nice. And you live nearby too. So I can come and visit you and- sorry I’m rambling.” Bokuto says sheepishly, running his hands along the nape of his neck. You giggle, taking a sip of your drink.
“No no, you’re fine Bokuto. Of course you can visit. My house is your house.” You smile, Bokuto’s cheeks heating up as he blushed. You check the time and notice it was far too late and stand from your seat.
“It’s late, Kō, we should call it a night.” You say, grabbing your things. Bokuto smiles and stands up with a stretch of his limbs; relishing in his old nickname.
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.”
You two talk and talk all the way home, years of catching up to do feeling long over due. When you get to your home you almost feel sad that you’re about to depart from each other. It felt like you weren’t going to see him again. Bokuto pulls you into a hug, spinning you around a little. He laughs when you squeal and yell at him to put you down.
“Hey. I’ll come by tomorrow night so we can watch movies.” He declares, standing you on your feet.
“Hah. How do you know I won’t have plans, hm?” You teased, poking Bokuto’s forehead. It was a lot easier when you were younger since he was shorter than you back then. Boy sprouted like a palm tree.
“You just moved here. Besides. You know I’m your favorite.” Bokuto smirks, taking your hand and spinning you. You giggle and punch his shoulder lightly.
“As if, Kō. See ya tomorrow.”
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A month goes by swiftly. Bokuto had been over to your house more often than you thought he’d be. You loved the time you spent together just goofing off and being big kids.
Your schedules worked perfectly together, his volleyball is usually done by the evening and your work is over just after him. Bokuto would pick you up from work with fast food waiting in the car for you both to eat together. Today was no different, the smell of fries greeting your hungry nose as you climb inside his car.
“Yo! How was your day, nerd?” Bokuto asks, fisting his fries into his mouth as you dig for yours.
“It was okay. I’m starving though.” You say, stuffing your face with your food.
You both sit in the car and eat for a while, Bokuto’s phone breaking your shared silence. You look down at where it rested in the cup holder and read the caller id. It was a girl. Bokuto answers the phone, sounding as if he didn’t want her to call him right at this moment.
“I’ll call you back. Bye.” He said, hanging up his phone and sitting it back in the cup holder. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, your heart sinking as your head makes up several sceanarios about who she was, what she meant to him.
You eat in silence, answering Bokuto’s yammering with no ambition. Bokuto’s so dumb he doesn’t even notice the difference in attitude as the call wasn’t as scandalous as you seemed. It was just some girl who was trying to get with Akaashi but was too afraid to say anything herself so she had asked Bokuto to set them up.
“My place or yours today?” He asked, sing songy and happy.
“Mine.” You say monotonously. Bokuto looks over at you and sees you’re not even facing him, your face stuck to the window as he drove off.
“Hey, what’s wrong? I smell?” Bokuto said, playfully smelling his armpits. You shake your head and insist it’s nothing and that you’ll get over it. But it wasn’t nothing, and you were pretty certain you weren’t going to get over it. Was that his girlfriend? Some random hook up looking for another round? It made you sick to your stomach thinking about it. You got out of the car when Bokuto parked, walking to your front door to unlock it as Bokuto followed behind you.
“I pick the movie out this time. I’ll be damned if you pick another chick flick out.” Bokuto says plopping on your couch and turning on the tv, making himself at home.
You sigh and walk into your room to change into something more comfortable, rolling your eyes as you hear Kōtarō yell about the movie starting. You walk out in shorts and a tank top since it was pretty hot inside and sit next to him, folding your arms.
Bokuto’s eating his snacks and talking through the whole movie since he’s seen it before. He always picks a movie he’s seen before so he can tell you the whole plot, forgetting that you could just watch the movie for that. You half laugh and sigh at all his mannerisms, your guard completely blocking him out from getting any closer to you.
“Is something wrong, Y/N? Seriously you’re being a little stand offish.” Bokuto says, a serious tone taking place. You scoffed, rolling your eyes to hide that you’re obviously upset by something.
“Nothing.” You snide.
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me. Somethin’s wrong. Don’t make me start guessing.” Bokuto says. You sigh.
“It’s so stupid.” You admit.
“How you feel isn’t stupid. Tell me what’s up.” He persisted, pausing the movie.
“I just- well.. I-How do I say this? I’m.. jealous?” You finally admit. Bokuto raises an eyebrow.
“Jealous? About what?”
“Well. I saw a girl call you and I-I just assumed it was your girlfriend so..”
“Wait what? I don’t have a girlfriend. And besides why would you care?” Bokuto further questions, his face nearing yours with a perplexed look on his face. You flush, turning your face away from his.
“I-I don’t know I just-“
“You’re in love with me, aren’t you Y/N?” Bokuto smirks, turning your head to face him with your chin. You blink up at him, embarrassed and flustered.
“I-um-I...” You stutter. You loved the idiot sitting next to you with all your heart. But to say it was a different story.
“Because I love you too. So say it back.” Bokuto declares. You freeze for a moment, almost unsure you heard what you just heard.
“I love you, Y/N. The moment I saw you again felt like...fate. It was like everything made sense again. I never realized how much tou meant to me until I left that day. You’re my other half.” He says to you so sweetly, his words stirring up emotions inside you that were aching to be let out. Your eyes sting as you choke back tears, clutching onto Bokuto’s hands.
“Kōtarō... I-I love you too. All those years felt so empty without you. And God I just wanted to kiss you that day at the bar and I-“
Bokuto stops you midsentence to pull his face into yours and kiss you hard, your heads bumping into each other a bit from the sudden movement. Passion flowed through the kiss, your mouths exploring each others for the very first time. You sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck as you go to straddle him.
Bokuto welcomes you onto his lap with ready hands, palms feeling every curve and divot of your body. Your need for each other grew with each kiss, mindlessly grinding against each other to feel closer. Every touch of his big hands made you feel alive, setting your body on fire. Bokuto starts to whine softly, his pants growing a tad bit tight at all the raw kissing. He pulled away, lips swollen and breathing uneven.
“I want you so badly. Can I-“ Bokuto goes to ask for consent, his nervousness making him struggle to find the words he’s looking for.
You shut him up with another kiss, already knowing what he wants to say as he lifts you up and carries you away. Starting in the kitchen he sits you on the counter as he takes off your top, your bare breasts popping out when the garment flies over your head and onto the floor. He’s never seen such gorgeous breasts before, he swore. Seeing you this way only made him long for you more, standing there dumb founded at the sight of your chest.
“W-Wow.” Bokuto gasps, taking both your breasts into his hands and oogling at them with love in his eyes. “So perfect.”
He takes one into his warm mouth, your body arching at the feeling and letting out a small whine. Music to his ears.
“Kō..” you sigh, closing your eyes as he suckled on your nipples.
His tongue slid over each hardened bud and looked up at you, studying your body language to learn it well. Without a word he slides off your shorts and pick you up again, hoisting you away to your bedroom after asking where it is.
Frantic kisses and breathless moans trail down the hall with a reach of the doorknob. You’re laid carefully onto the bed, Bokuto crawling on top of you without daring to pull his lips from yours just yet.
He could kiss you for hours. He could die right now and be completely content all because of this moment. Bokuto takes his hands and slides them down to the waist band of your panties, tugging them down to reveal your dripping core.
Bokuto teased his fingers along your slick folds, savoring the feeling of your wetness on his skin.
You let out the sweetest sounds he’s ever heard, urging him to draw more music from your lips. He crawls downwards towards your pussy, laying on his stomach and pulling your hips forward.
You gasp at the sudden feeling of his tongue parting your folds, mewling as you arch your back. His tongue worked its magic on you, sliding up to your clit to pay special attention to it. Breathless calls of his name fill the air, your hands grabbing fist fulls of the sheets as he fucked you with his tongue.
Your eyes roll back with every swipe of his tongue, relishing in the toe curling pleasure he gave you. That familiar knot started forming in the pit of your stomach, your moans increasing in volume as you near your orgasm. Bokuto must have sensed this and wrapped his plush lips around your throbbing clit, prodding his fingers at your weeping hole to fill you.
“Kō! I-I’m gonna cum!” You whine, your hands finding home in his hair and tugging lightly. Bokuto responded with a groan against your clit and a hook in his fingers, causing you to boil over without hesitation. Your thighs shake around his head, one hand covering your mouth to spare your neighbors the noise. Bokuto comes back up to kiss you, your slick coating his lips and chin. You taste your sweetness and kiss him with tongue, both of you sighing into each other.
“Wanna... be inside you.” Bokuto says breathlessly into the kiss, his dick aching to be let out of his pants.
You pull away and unbutton his jeans, Bokuto kicking them off onto the floor and pulling down his boxers. Your pussy throbbed at the sight of his dick, its sheer size enough to make you salivate. The way it swung a little when he took off his boxers, the prominent veins running along the shaft, its head blushing and leaking with precum. Bokuto had a gorgeous dick. You almost wanted to put it in your mouth but the heat of the moment called for a different hole to be filled.
Bokuto prods himself at your entrance and slowly slides inside you, inhaling sharply at the contact. You gasp at the dull stretch, feeling so full as you mewl uncontrollably. His hips roll slowly, thrusting deep inside your gummy walls as he rested his forehead onto yours. Your legs wrap around his waist, nails digging into the skin of his back as he picked up the pace.
“You feel so good, baby.” He spoke, kissing you gently to soothe you. You can feel him so deeply it almost brought a tear to your eye, his plunging movements sending your mind into a stupor.
He mummbled sweet praise against your neck, kissing the soft skin as he took you. A part of him wanted to go harder; really ruin that sweet face of yours and turn you into a lewd mess, but you mean more than that to him. This moment is nothing but pure love between two people who have known each other all their lives. You shriek as his hips start slamming into yours, back arching off the bed as your nipples pebbled against his chest.
“I-I love you, Bokuto.” You whine. Your eyes flash white, your vision becoming foggy as the mind boggling pleasure ripples through your body. You chant his name like a mantra, Bokuto mumbling how much he loves you as his hips do more of the talking. You feel him throb inside you, it becoming obvious he’s holding back so you can cum first. He’s rubbing circles into your clit as he pins your legs above your head. It all became so much so fast, your mewls spewing from your lips no longer caring who hears what.
“Let go for me, baby. C’mon..” He hums, nibbling on your neck. You scream, your tight cunny clenching down on his length as you cum for a second time that night. Bokuto rides out your orgasm, watching your body shake and shiver at the feeling of him sliding in and out of your weeping hole.
Bokuto doesn’t have time to think of where to cum, your walks sucking him in so well he loses all sense of control. He cums hot inside you, your pussy milking him for everything he had as he pants into your neck. You both stay in position for a while, looking at each other with love sick eyes. Bokuto rests himself on top of you, still nuzzled inside you as his cum leaks onto the sheets. You’re both out of breath, sitting in the high you both came to as you rub lazy circles into his back.
Nothing but pure love circulated the air as you rest together in bed, naked and vulnerable. You don’t say anything but soft I love yous to each other, gentle kisses on each others lips as you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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andiwanderer · 2 years
Whirlwind Of Events
Français (n) beauty; dream; marvel; wonder
I don’t own the images I used. All images belong to their rightful owners.
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Differences made it difficult. It was what Bucky believed over the years of his forlorn experience. So, he strived and worked hard to reach where he is today. Definitely, he had it all, however, there is one thing that he dreamed to have that he knows he won’t have and never will. You. Just because, you are dead.
Pairing: Modern!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Language, Breakdown
This is how it began.
Bucky held it close to his heart, the memory when his eyes first laid on you. It always starts in middle school. Probably too young to know the word like and what it’s all about, Bucky’s eyes fell on you.
He had asked what your name is but nobody knows because, at that time, his section was full of transferees same as him.
It may be just curiosity that he asked a random student's name, he wasn't paying any mind at first.
You were in a different section but for some reason, he always saw you whenever you were with your friends as you goof around or during breaks and lunch.
Your presence alone was an attention grabber for him.
Bucky observed you—not in a creepy way cause you always seemed to end up in his peripherals.
He knows who your friends are that had come and go. He had been intrigued by you. In simple terms, he wants to get to know you better but he can’t point out why. Perhaps he can see his little sister in you, that's just it.
It had taken two years before you were finally placed in the same section. And finally, he had learned your name.
He gets to see you up close. From the way that you take notes and to the pen you had been using, that has a name on it but wasn't yours. It was your idol’s, Sebastian Stan, who that is—he doesn’t give a damn.
You are talkative with the people you are comfortable with and you are quiet as well.
Bucky and Steve had always been seatmates ever since even when they are transferred in the school, however, these had changed when their professor had this bright idea to place boys and girls alternately with their seats, she says to lessen the noise in their class which hardly did anything, by the way.
Students talk, they are all stubborn like that. The noise gradually heightens transforming the room into a wet market.
James Buchanan Barnes is charming and very talkative with a loudmouth. No doubt he had a lot of admirers. Everyone wanted to be his seatmate but you.
You are fine with your seat beside the window. You didn't care who will be appointed next to you, you just want to have that spot, you called dibs.
You were really quiet and had an attitude but you are jolly whenever he sees you.
Bucky and Steve talk with your face almost planted on your desk in between them. You didn't mind, it was in your own words, comfortable.
You are different in a good way.
You act tough with guy-like movements—prim and proper but you have a soft heart.
“I name things so that I won't forget about them and won't leave them anywhere because I suck at organizing. I name them after Sebastian Stan and his characters, you know that guy? You kind of resemble his face, it caught my attention.”
He shakes his head when he remembered how he had gotten close to you.
Your friend has her friend from childhood that was looking for a boyfriend.
Bucky was there so you had thought that he was the one set up with them.
You are supportive even though you think that it is a fast-paced shit. Looking for a boyfriend, they're that excited.
But he wasn't, he was only there at the wrong time.
So then, you started talking, for real. Topics such as interest, favorite colors and movies, and things that can be talked about under the sun
Till then he’s present at all times.
He was present when you curse you'd say sorry because you said it was bad.
“I like to write stories. Don’t tell anyone about this. In lectures I seemed to be always taking notes—I’m not. I am actually writing things, cause the cogs in my head function at those times it is also another way for me not to get called, you know what I’m getting at. Cause I suck at recitation. No shit—oops sorry I cursed.”
To you transitioning into a cursing machine.
Eccentric, that's what crossed his mind.
He decided to check his feelings. he knows it's not a simple longing when you had to be absent because you're sick.
He did not think he’ll be confessing through a message.
Actually, It’s you.
I like you,
In a fucking chat. That is not how gentlemen were supposed to act.
Instead of telling him to back off, you told him you can't date till you graduate and work. It was your self-preservation rule—actually it was your father's. It was downright strict but he has a point.
You didn't reject him, didn't turn him down instead you told him when to act.
That was the message he had received.
Bucky had many possibilities in mind, he was giddy. He got that wasn't rejected so he acted upon what his heart wanted.
He always sits beside you not that you minded he was your seatmate. He will be following you around with his eyes.
And you had developed this routine for his poor excuse to lessen the carbs in his already wonderful sculpted body, he walks you home. It's not the version where you will only take like fifteen minutes because of the shortcut—instead, it will take you an hour before you got home and it is a walking distance from your house to your school.
You’ll talk through messages till the crack of dawn, he'll feel guilty at first when he sees the forming of circles under your eyes and apologize but you'll always shrug tells him you had a good time. Didn't miss his sight when he sees your cheeks reddening and definitely is not because of heat.
He falls for you every waking day of his life. In such a short span of time--years, you had made a huge impact in his life. In his emotions, his attitude. His willingness to study hard was heightened by you because he wanted to have a good future for himself, for Steve and now for you.
You had influenced him for the better. He's doing all of this for you.
Things had gone steady for the both of you. Professors and classmates had noticed these obviously not subtle movements the two of you share. But not acting against it. They were actually pining for the both of you to end up together in the future.
Bugging things had happened and it was associated with a good ole bet before all emotions had been unveiled.
Bucky almost suffocated with his bone-crushing hug you when you had given him your answer that you liked him back. Confessing you had a crush on him back then when you thought he had been pursuing another girl so decided to turn down the feelings. But it's not easy like it will ever be. And then, he was transferred next to you. It amplified the feelings.
Steady. Still rowing on a calm current. The routine had continued, he'll walk you to your home, chatting every night, sitting together
Bucky can't quite remember how things had gotten sideways that summer.
The school year had finished so you had less interaction other than messages. Things fell out of place.
Every time it crossed his mind he know his words had gotten harsher. He didn't think of what he was saying, he just types whatever comes into mind. It didn't come into account that you were having a hard time because you were struggling with something. But he was as well that included his day in a life battling with poverty.
Your communication was cut abruptly by you.
You were sick. The sickness you had during school days had gotten worse. And the stress wasn’t helping anyone, not even your parents.
You were almost convinced by your mom to stop your schooling because the more stress you absorb the more it will get worse.
This happened during the school break.
He was so distraught. He blamed himself for being insensitive, for being a jerk to you. The most precious thing he had come to endear, he had hurt you.
He had approached you that first day back to school. But you weren’t making any response. You were avoiding him.
Natasha was his only messenger for you.
“No. I don't like you anymore.”
He had apologized, every moment he can. What he did was so wrong during the times you needed comfort, he only brought you pain.
To put it simply, a break-up happened. Although it wasn’t official you weren’t even together. His heartaches.
You never talked. Again.
At least for that school year.
Your senior years were different.
Bucky's only goal now was to make amends. His like had amplified into a more in-depth feeling racking every piece of his bone.
He had an opportunity with other schools but he decided to stay once he saw your name on the registration list of enrollees.
You were still here. You didn’t leave.
The both of you were still young and the arguments will always be present. As one can say, these trials will be where you can attain wisdom. It causes pain but it leaves understanding. Perhaps, you were just immature and things happened.
He remembered you telling him that in your senior years he had acted like a jackass towards you when you were only trying to assist him at some report to which he defended he wasn’t aware that he was doing because his mind was occupied with your smile most of the time.
You still weren’t talking but he was always watching you. He was always behind you and you weren’t aware of any of his advances.
Till he gathered up his courage and decided that this setup is needed to be put on a halt. He approached you in many ways than one. You were ignoring him. You were angry. At him.
Because in your eyes he had become the worst jerk you had met. That loudness you had grown accustomed to had tripled. He was doing disruptive things along with his newly formed friends who were very good at everything. In addition to that, they had proclaimed him a playboy and were linked to names of different girls. You get it, he had every right to do so. Only you can't help but think, were you really bad at that department?
Later on, you’ll learn he did that to get your attention.
Bucky had created a new persona in your perspective and it wasn’t helping his primary agenda at the moment.
Things had taken an abrupt turn when Steve had taken it upon his hands, the mess his best friend has gotten into and will definitely submerge when this shit still continues.
You still have feelings for Bucky, so is Bucky to you. The both of you were very obvious but you, you beautiful soul is utterly oblivious.
With the good heaven’s grace, you two began to talk.
It goes on and off actually. In better days you’ll have a conversation and the next you act like a couple who were having their first fight for some unknown reasons and pride seems to be the one winning over you. You talk and then not. That’s about it. That’s how it went for the three months.
Until you had scheduled an outing with the girls namely Natasha and Wanda. Bucky and the guys tagged along because apparently, they were all buddies.
You were challenged, that is why you saw yourself hopping into that fucking banana boat that will cause you to almost drown after the sudden swerve, and your bodies were flung into the waters.
The life vest wasn’t even helping. You can't swim alright. Bucky was there to save you in your desperate flailing arms. along the lines of, “I got you.”
You almost died. Well, that is an exaggeration but you actually almost did. Because you weren’t calming yourself.
After that shitty outing, you and Bucky had become more close.
Too close—again that the only things that can separate you whenever you are together are class and powder room breaks.
He was your date on the prom to which you had finally attended after not doing so for the past four years.
He was your last dance. Very memorable. It was when you had told Bucky. That night was when you felt all kinds of emotion filling and overflowing your chest.
It was gradual as it was subtle. Sudden glances just to make sure he’s within your sight is one of the few.
He had made a way into your heart once again, that jerk.
It made sense, every time you see him with a girl your mood will turn degrees will be scolding whoever talk to you.
You did not care but it affects you.
Bucky was heartbroken. Because he was now in a competition. There were three of them. Three suitors. The two he didn’t even give a damn knowing their names but he was insecure. This was weighing on him. Because in the near future they can give you anything even though he knows you are already provided. He was not as fortunate as all of them.
If he was being real it was only his looks that led him this far.
It brings an ache in his chest to know that he now fell on the last of the line.
Steve. He’s very thankful for his best friend, ever the real talker. Gives the motivation to follow his dreams. You are his dream. And he'll do everything to make you fall on his charms. No hoodoo and stuff just pure Bucky.
And so, the sort of courting went. He was so damn sure you were going to pick on one of the two ahead of him.
He told you he’ll probably never be able to attend school now because he transferred. He told you this on a chat. A fucking chat, again. Was he shy? He knows he wasn’t so why does he tell important matters in a messaging platform and not tell in front of your gorgeous face. He had no idea—he was young. You were on a quarter of a sem, a student cannot transfer that abruptly. Not that you know of.
You were waiting the next day. He wasn’t there. How dare he confess and leave without a proper goodbye.
Then the smug son of a bit— good people entered the classroom—ate with a bright smile. That shit.
The audacity.
He made you cry that day. You thought he was gone for good. But he saw you crying.
Class dismissal. Crying led to confession led to the shouting of excitement led to him hugging you led to you strictly telling him that you will still focus on your studies.
He was glad, he loves you too much. and it was your first rule you had told him.
You are sort of together sort of couple. In other words, you had no label. It doesn’t stop you from being together any time it gets.
Love will make its way through these instances. You can’t help saying yes to him being his girlfriend during senior high school. He was constantly surrounded by girls and you were scared he’d like them instead of you.
Bucky's affection was deeper than you think. Of all the breakdowns you have had, pushing him away he’s so stubborn trying to remind you how worth it of a person you are, how much he loves you and he’ll never ever leave your side no matter what.
He was your anchor. Behind the tough exterior Y/N Lockhart had, was the opposite of how you truly act towards him.
He adored you so much.
Talk about the future.
Bucky was going to join the military. You were still undecided. You had every skill in every work therein because of the books you had read.
“I’ll join you in the military.”
He’d be sent off to a different country for this because of him being a scholar. He’d be away from you. However, you were so adamant to be with him all the time, in order to be together you suggested that you’ll follow him. Bucky was worried, you are a beautiful dame, he knows you are not supposed to be treated like a fragile thing. He was worried because your families weren’t aware of this relationship you have, you were following him because you wanted to be with him all the time. What about your dreams? What about the things you really wanted to achieve which was plenty.
He convinced you to stay, to which your mother had second because they had decided you are to be an architect.
You had a difficult setup. He can only go home when it's holidays due to their physicals and semesters.
The first year was peachy though it was bumpy, you two had find your way into each other’s arms. Love and trust are your solid foundation.
You became afraid of people, of interacting with them. Your self-esteem had gotten low. Your insecurities had been weighing on you. You think all of the people were against you. You had no one even though you have your parents and Bucky.
Last year before your graduation, it was difficult because you had gone distance speak less, and reply less. He called every single day you kept quiet answer only when asked. Your jolly personality had toned down to zero.
He told you how much he loves you and only. Reassured you that he belongs to you.
You told him even you sound uninterested and sick about everything, there was one thing you look forward to. Bucky coming home. Cried and broke down once again, his adorable baby that he misses.
Till one day he called, it wasn’t you who answered. It was a man, delivering him abrupt news to which he thought was a prank call at first but later on he concluded that it was your father who you had rarely spoken of.
He did not know how to make it sink.
Oh God, let this be just a nightmare that I can wake up on.
“She is dead. Stop calling this number.”
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teddy06writes · 3 years
sapnap x reader where the readers first language is greek and they confess to him in greek without knowing he speaks it too ? i love ur writing btw !! :)
sapnap x reader
first of all, this is such a cute idea and I love it, second of all, I DO NOT KNOW GREEK, so apologize in advance for anything google translate gets wrong
trigger warnings: some swearing, drinking
(y/n/n)- your nickname
You’d first seen him from across the quad, whilst searching for a distraction from the boring chattering of your mother on the phone, the dirty blonde man also lost in conversation with the brunette who’d walked beside him.
You continued to watched them on their path through the mess of kids on benches or even the ground, tracing his familiarity to one of your lectures on software design.
What surprised you most, was when he looked over, and smiled at you, he’d caught you in the act of staring at him, and smiled.
You smiled back, not to be impolite, and were pulled back to reality by your mothers voice in your ear, “(y/n), είσαι εκεί? ή έχει πετάξει το κεφάλι σου στα σύννεφα;” (Are you there? Or has your head flown off in the clouds?)
“Είμαι εδώ μαμά.” (I’m here mama) you sighed.
The next time you saw him was at a party some frat house on the other side of campus was throwing.
You hadn’t planned on going, seeing as you barley knew the boys in the frat, and your friends, well, at this college anyway, were nonexistent, but hey, free booze.
So that's how you found yourself, leaning against the living room wall, cup in hand, watching the beer pong game happening in the center of the room.
Taking another sip of your drink you did a mental walk of the room, making mental note of the people you knew, and then there he was again, definitely less than sober, calling dibs on playing the loser of the game.
You watched, amused as the game ended, and he quickly took the place of the loser, taunting the other guy loudly.
Three games (and several beers) later he was still winning, loudly yelling that he could beat anyone at the party.
Unable to help yourself you stepped forward, “I’ll have a go then.”
He looked you up and down proclaiming, “Easy win.”
You smirked, moving up to the table.
The game began, and his confidence quickly wore down, as all your shots either landed, or came very close.
The last few were neck and neck, but soon it was down to three left on your side, and only one left on his.  
Desperately, his first shot got one of yours and you quickly chugged it down, still smirking at him.
You raised an eyebrow as he lined up his next shot, and his eyes flicked to yours just long enough to cause him to miss.
You bit back a grin, easily sinking the last shot, “I’ve bested the beast.”
The people who had been spectating cheered, and the brunette who you’d seen with him before started to laugh his ass off, “They fucking got you Nick!”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” He sounded all too sober for someone who should’ve been that drunk.
You chuckled, turning and disappearing into the crowd.
A half hour later you were half way out the door, not bothering to pull on your jacket, the relative amount of dinking you had done still making your cheeks feel warm.
“Wait! Wait!” He- Nick, you reminded yourself, came half stumbling down the road, “I wanted to say good game.”
“That was half an hour ago.” You laughed.
“Still- i- sorry, what is your name?”
“(y/n), I’m in your intro to software design.”
“I’ve never seen you in there before,” He looked confused, “Which group do you sit with?”
“I don’t really have friends.” You shrugged.
Nick frowned, quickly holding out his hand for a shake, “Hi, I’m Nick, I’m your friend now.”
You looked at his outstretched hand confused, “Yeah o-kay. Your drunk, I’m tipsy and if I’m lucky you won’t remember this in the morning. I don’t really do friends here.”
He nodded as if paying attention, but then said, “You have an accent.”
You nodded, “Yup, I’m leaving now.”
You didn’t see him again after that, for nearly three weeks, and you were beginning to think he really had forgotten, that is, until he approached out out side of the lecture hall, “Hey!”
“(y/n) right? Your the one who beat me at beer pong. And then walked away when I asked about your accent.”
You rolled your eyes, “You didn’t ask you literally just stated I had an accent.”
“Well I’m not wrong! I meant to ask why- well not why- just, are you an exchange student or?”
You adjusted your laptop bag on your shoulder, “This isn’t high school. We don’t have exchange students.”
“Well, are you studying abroad then?”
“I’m an American. I can’t study abroad in my own country.”
He looked slightly confused, “Sorry- it’s just with your accent I assumed.”
“I wasn’t born here if that helps.” You turned and started away, pulling out your phone as it started to ring, “Ναι μαμά; Έχω μαθήματα σύντομα, τι συμβαίνει;” (Yes mama? I have class soon, what's wrong?)
“Why are you always alone all the time?”
You groaned, looking up from the firewall system assignment you’d been testing on your tablet, to see Nick, “I’m working.”
“And I’m asking a question,” He sat down at the otherwise empty table, “Why are you always alone?”
“I told you, I don’t have friends here.” You ran the breaker code again, seeing if it could illuminate any unseen holes.
“You were at the party, surely you knew someone there, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone.”
“σκατά“ You muttered, a new problem in the chain arising, “It was an open house party, I heard about it from people I know.” (shit)
Nick frowned, “Oh, thats-”
“Sad, tragic, depressing? Yeah I’m aware.” You sighed.
You saved the project, shutting off your tablet and looking around the empty cafeteria, “Isn’t it like, wicked late? Why are you here?”
“Why’re you?” he countered.
“World’s asleep.” You muttered, packing up the rest of your stuff, “Why do you keep making such an effort to talk to me?”
“Cause we’re friends remember? Shook on it.”
“I never shook your hand.” You grumbled, standing up.
“You know that I’m right!” Nick exclaimed.
“Maybe! But I don’t want to admit it!”
Over the course of a few month Nick had crawled, kicked and wormed his way into your life, all but forcing you to become his friend, and surprisingly, you didn’t mind all that much.
Now you were sitting out on the roof of your dorm, looking up at the night sky.
“I swear your fucking nocturnal dude! Like an owl! And I willingly give up my sleep to hang out with you!”
You hesitated, feeling a sudden jolt of a realization, and as suddenly as a lighting strike, you were falling in love.
You fumbled to recover, “Well you’re the one who went out of your way to become my friend.”
“I mean, too be fair I was drunk.”
“But still went out of your way to be my friend once you were sober.” You pointed out.
“Hey, drunk me makes good decisions sometimes.” He laughed, looking over at you.
You let out a sigh, watching the white wisps of your breath drift up in the sky, “That’s the thing I’ve never got over.”
“What? Drunk me making interesting decisions?”
“The cold,” You said simply, “I’ve lived here half my life, but the cold still doesn’t make sense to me.”
He laughed, “This is Texas, it’s not nearly as cold as it gets up north. Snow’s much more common for now, up there.”
“I’ve never seen snow. Mama doesn’t like it much,” You laughed, “The first time I really heard about it it sounded so strange.”
Nick smiled, “Lets go up north during winter break then. I know people up there, we can go do winter tourist things.”  
“Winter tourist things?”
“Yeah,” He chuckled, “Go ice skating, look at lights, sleigh rides, all that.”
You laughed, “Winter Tourist things.”
A month and a half had passed, your sudden change in feelings toward your only friend on campus had not.
If anything they had just gotten worse, and now, the thing you still couldn’t wrap your head around, you were tossing your suitcase into the back of his car, about to head on your way to the airport, because yes, the Winter Tourist thing stuck.
“Dude, I’m so excited! This is gonna be epic!”
You nodded, “You know, thinking about it, it actually is possible I’ve seen snow, like when I was little. It just never lasted long.”
Nick scrunched up his nose, “Well it’s too late to duck out now!”
“I never said I was ducking out.” You laughed.
The trip had gone pretty well, the snow in the northeast was certainly different than that of Macedonia, but you didn’t think it was all Nick had said it would be.
Still you had enjoyed wandering around the city looking at Christmas lights, attempting to ice skate, and just enjoying each others company.
It seemed like every minute you spent with Nick, you teetered closer to the edge, knowing that by the end of this trip you’d be head over heels for him, if you weren’t already now.
Now you were quietly sitting on the balcony of your hotel room, hands cradled around the warm cup of hot chocolate you’d made, looking out into the swirling darkness above the city.
“You know your gonna freeze if you stay out here.” Nick moved through the door and sat beside you, draping part of a blanket around your shoulders.
“I know.” You sighed.
He looked at you, concerned, “What’s wrong?”
“Νομίζω ότι ερωτεύομαι,” You murmured, a quiet confession, more so to yourself than to him, “και αυτό με τρομάζει.”  (I think I’m falling in love with you... and that terrifies me)
You started to sigh as he looked confused, though only for a moment, because “Τι είναι τόσο τρομακτικό για την αγάπη;” He asked softly. (What’s so scary about love?)
You froze, almost dropping your cup, “ε-ε-ε, εσύ- μιλάς ελληνικά;” (uh- y- uh, you-  you speak Greek?)
“λίγο,” He smiled, “Είσαι ερωτευμένος μαζί μου;“ (A bit... you’re in love with me?)
“λίγο.” (A bit), you breathed, trying to ignore the small space between you seemingly shrink.
“Νομίζω ότι είμαι λίγο ερωτευμένος και εσένα.” He chuckled. (I think I'm a bit in love with you too)
Your breath hitched, and your quickly bridged the small gap between you to kiss him, smiling into it a bit as he kissed back.
“How long?” He asked softly when you pulled apart.
“When you first brought up the trip. You said that you were willing to lose sleep to hang out with me,” You chuckled nervously, “You?”
“Second week of school, you were on the phone with someone, and you smiled back at me,” Nick grinned, “I saw you from across the quad and knew.”
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - June 9th
AFAB!Reader x Im Nayeon
Word Count: 2466
Contents: fingering, oral (both reader receiving)
You played with the flower that you’d picked between your fingers as dusk fell. It was a little cooler this evening and most of the other coaches were relaxing in their cabins or hanging out in the rec rooms. A week and a half had passed and soon the rest of the counsellors would be arriving. On top of that, there were still a number of things to do with Wonwoo; trying out all the canoes, mapping out the canoe trip routes, practicing rescues and teaching safety to the counselors. Lots of things should have been on your mind.
And yet, the only thing that was really coming back to you as you sat on your beach towel, staring out over the water of the lake as the last few rays of sunlight left the sky was the idea of a hoe summer. Of all the things you needed to do that was taking up your mental energy. It felt like too far out to really be a rebound or trying to fill some hole that he left, even if you weren’t 100% emotionally healed. But having some fun probably wouldn’t hurt. It could definitely boost your confidence after so much questioning yourself when he left.
There was still the matter of where or how to start. As much as everyone was joking about it you were pretty sure no one thought it was totally serious. If you asked would anyone actually say yes to messing around? What if you asked a bunch of people and they all said no? That might be a bit too big of a hit to your self esteem.
“Hey, there you are!”
You turned at the sound of Nayeon’s voice. She was strolling over the sand towards you, carrying her own big, fluffy beach towel. “I saw you out here earlier, I didn’t know if you would still be here.”
“Oh, yeah,” you said. “I’m just… thinking I guess.”
Nayeon laid out her towel and sat down next to you. “What’s on your mind?”
You turned to look back out over the water.
“Ah, it’s nothing serious.” You tore the last few petals from the flower.
“You sure about that?” She asked softly.
You thought for a moment. “I’m… thinking about what you said.”
“Oh? About the hoe summer?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, that.”
“You know you don’t have to do anything like that, right? It was j-”
“No I-” You stopped as a grin tugged at her lips. “Don’t give me that look.”
She leaned in closer,” You do wanna do it.”
“I just think it might be fun, that’s all,” you muttered.
“Aww my cute little slut,” she squealed, pinching your cheek.
“You can’t call me that and act like it’s cute!” You cried, trying to bat her hand away. Nayeon giggled and cooed at you, grabbing at your cheeks as you started to laugh, trying to squirm out of her grasp before falling back onto the towel. She caught herself, a hand on either side of you before crashing down on top of you as your giggles started to subside.
A smile tugged at Nayeon’s lips again as she gazed down at you, not showing any sign of sitting up. “Did you figure out how you’re going to kick it off?”
“I- I wasn’t sure if anyone was taking the idea seriously,” you said, trying to read her expression.
“I think a few of them are. And you have time to get into that too,” she hummed. “You really just need to figure out where to start.” Her smile was curling into a smirk as you brain caught up to her proposition. You turned the idea over in your mind, liking it more and more by the second, not that she hadn’t already planted the seed.
“It was your idea,” You hummed, gaze shifting to her lips.
“It was my idea,” she leaned a little closer.
“Not that you get to call dibs.”
“Of course not,” her voice dropped to a quiet murmur as her lips came closer before she shifted. Her lips landed on your jaw instead and she started to kiss slowly along your neck. You let out a quiet sigh as your eyes fluttered shut and you enjoyed the feeling, your fingers threading into her hair. “But my offer stands.”
“I think I’ll take it,” your voice came out with a slight whine as she sucked at a sensitive spot on the base of your neck.
After a few moments her lips pulled away from your neck and she moved her face over yours, meeting your gaze as you opened your eyes. “I thought you might,” she hummed before her lips met yours. 
Her kisses were slow and deep, tongue pressing into your mouth easily. One on her hands started to slip down your side, tracing the line of your body. Your hand in her hair kept her close against you as she kissed you. Slowly she shifted her body over you, her legs finding a place between yours.
“Can I play with you right here?” She purred against your lips as her fingertips drew along the waist of your shorts. “There’s no one else outside.”
You threw a glance up towards the camp buildings. An inky blackness had settled around you once the sun had slipped past the horizon. Only a sliver of moon in the sky above, in some moments blocked out by clouds, gave any light to the beach where the two of you were laying. Your eyes met hers again in the dark and you gave her a smile mixed with excitement and nerves that she returned sweetly before leaning in for another kiss.
Her hand slipped past the waist of your shorts, moving slowly. She trailed her fingers over your panties first, feeling the way you pressed your hips up to her touch. You let out little sighs against her lips at the light sensation, pulling her ever so slightly closer by her hair and letting your legs fall just a bit further open.
Her fingertips played with the edge of your panties before slipping into them and your breath hitched. Nayeon pulled back enough to gaze down at you as her fingers drew soothing circles into your skin.
“Are you alright?” She hummed.
“Of course,” you said. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re tense,” she said.
A nervous grin tugged at your lips as you tried to relax a little. “Ah, I haven’t done anything at all since… Well it’s just been a while.”
Nayeon leaned in until her lips were grazing over yours. “Then let me handle everything tonight.”
Her lips met yours in another kiss. She kept the movements of her fingers slow, letting you get used to the feeling of someone else touching you again. Little by little you let yourself relax, feeling her fingers slip lower and lower slowly. Your fingers curled more tightly into Nayeon’s hair, kissing her more deeply.
Your breath hitched as her fingers found your clit. She held them still for a moment, focusing on kissing you before moving them in slow circles. Light sighs left your lips, no louder than the sounds of bullfrogs and crickets around you, but Nayeon still seemed to hear.
You felt the smile tug at her lips as her fingers found a slow rhythm. Tendrils of pleasure started to curl through you, sparking from her slow ministrations on your sensitive bud. You pressed your hips up subtly into her hand, wanting more as you relaxed into her touch and gave yourself over to the pleasure.
“Does that feel good?” Her voice was already laced with surety.
“Of course,” you hummed.
Her lips fell away from yours, finding your neck instead. She started to leave messy kisses along your skin as her hand trailed lower. Your hips pressed into her hand, growing eager for more and she smiled against your skin as she pressed one finger inside you slowly.
A quiet moan fell from your lips as you let your eyes flutter open. Still heavily lidded but you could take in the stars twinkling above you in the inky sky. A cool breeze blew across your skin, finding its way under your back as you arched away from the towel. Nayeon’s fingers curled and thrust into you at a steady pace that quickly had the pleasure building in your core.
“You’re good at this,” you breathed quietly.
Her lips trailed closer to your ear. “You say that like it’s a surprise.” 
A laugh bubbled off your lips, morphing itself into a moan as she picked up her pace just a bit. 
“It shouldn’t be,” you moaned. “But fuck, this feels good.”
“I’m setting the standard high.” She hummed, slowly pressing a second finger into your core and drawing a moan from your lips. “I have to feel bad for whoever comes next.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, enjoying yourself far too much to think about who the next would even be. The pleasure was building steadily inside you as she moved her fingers faster, but easily finding just the spot that made you clench around her fingers and had your back arching subtly off the towel.
Her lips left kisses and light love bites on the sensitive parts of your neck and along your collarbone. Not enough pressure to mark but enough to draw quiet moans from your lips. You let her hand slip down her shoulder, scratching slightly at her skin as your gaze drifted between her and the twinkling sky above.
“Whoever’s next, you should give them some pointers,” you breathed, neediness evident in your voice as your body crept closer to it’s edge. Your hips were following the movement of her fingers, trying to draw more sensation from them as she teased the skin on your collarbone with her lips.
“Maybe,” she hummed. “But why don’t I set the bar even higher?”
You met her gaze, your own hazy as you processed what she was saying. The loss of her fingers inside you interrupted that thought and a whine came from your lips as she pulled her hand from your panties. You opened your mouth to protest but she shoved her wet fingers inside before you could.
“Good,” she hummed, a smirk pulled at her lips as you ran your tongue over her fingers. “Get them nice and clean. I have a different idea for how to finish this.”
You quirked an eyebrow at her as you sucked at her fingers. “It’s dark out here,” she said. “And everyone is inside. So why don’t we get just a little more risque?”
“What are you thinking?” you asked as she pulled her fingers from your mouth. She didn’t give you an immediate answer, instead her lips came to your neck, kissing as low as your shirt would allow before she shifted down the towel and curled her fingers into the waist of your shorts. 
“Oh!” you exclaimed before slapping a hand over your mouth and searching behind you, looking through the darkness to the camp buildings. Even Nayeon’s fingers froze in place, both of you watching. But when no movement happened and no one came towards the beach you both relaxed. 
Her fingers tugged at your shorts and after another quick glance at the camp you refocused your attention on her, lifting your hips and allowing her to pull off your shorts and panties. She discarded them on the towel before sliding her hands up your legs to your thighs and gently pressing them open.
“Now just sit back and enjoy,” she purred, settling between your legs. “And comes to terms with the fact that no one else is going to make you feel quite as good all summer.”
“I’ll try an-” your response fell off into a moan as she ran her tongue over your clit. Your hand slid into her hair again as she moved her tongue, trying different motions over your clit and watching each of your reactions.
Her skilled movements built the tension in your core much faster than her fingers could, the feeling heavenly. Your gaze drifted down to meet hers and you caught the smirk, evident in her gaze alone. Her fingertips curled into your thighs as she started to repeat the movements that drew the strongest reaction from you.
“Oh fuck,” your voice had climbed higher and far more breathy as the coil in your core curled tighter and tighter from the ministrations of her tongue. You bit down hard on your lower lip to keep your moans from growing too loud but the more you succumbed to pleasure the less you cared.
Nayeon pressed in closer, scratching her nails down your outer thighs lightly and adding to the sensation. Your back arched off the towel again as your hips ground against her face as much as she would allow. 
The moans falling off your lips were growing a bit louder with each passing moment but the pleasure wound tightly inside of you was the only thing on your mind as you curled your fingers tightly into Nayeon’s hair while she wrapped her lips around your clit, moaning against you while sucking it roughly.
“Fuck,” you breathed. “Do that again. Fuck that feels good.”
Nayeon hummed, her tongue lapping over your clit in quick movements, pressing closer between your legs as they started to press in around her head. Your eyes drifted up to the stars above, a cool breeze tickling the hot skin of your face as you moaned.
Her lips wrapped around your clit again and she sucked harshly. Your eyes rolled back, blackness taking the place of the stars as you came, back arching off the ground and holding Nayeon’s head between your thighs. The sensation crashed over you in a wave that stole your breath and left you panting as the rush of pleasure washed through your body, leaving you trembling in its wake.
Nayeon pulled away from your core as you caught your breath, only for you to grab at her and pull her in for a kiss. She accepted, grinning against your lips but sounds of laughter in the distance interrupted you.
You both looked over at the rec hall, lights shutting off as a group of coaches left the building.
“It’s getting late,” Nayeon hummed, sitting up. She handed you your panties and shorts and you took them, frowning at her.
“Wait, but I didn’t- you-”
“I guess,” she hummed, grabbing her towel and getting to her feet. You scrambled after her. “You owe me one.” She threw you a smirk you could just make out in the dark. “You can return the favour later.”
A smile cracked across your face. “I’m looking forward to it.”
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dramaqueeenamby · 3 years
𝙎𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝗈𝖿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 | seven
Parings: CEO!Chris Hemsworth x Stripper!OC // Words: 7.8K // Type: Series // Taglist: Yes/No (Inbox me to be tagged or removed) Warnings: Sexual harassment, racial themes, discussions pertaining to child death, miscarriage, alcohol/drug use, and suicide attempts. Angst.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the inexcusable delay in updates. This chapter is hella long and perhaps should have been split into two, but I promised ya'll some answers in the last chapter, so here they are!
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“What is that haircut?”
“Why are you zooming in?”
Kaya said nothing, continuing to pinch her fingers to gain a closer look, her smile widening by the second. “Holy shit, you weren’t kidding. “
Chris rolled his eyes. “All children go through phases.”
“This is beyond a phase, my friend. Don’t even get me started on the outfit.” As she erupted in yet another fit of giggles, he took advantage of the opportunity to snatch the iPad away from her.
“Go to sleep.”
Quieting herself down, she wiped at her eyes. “No. Come on. I’m enjoying this, and like you said, you were a dumb kid. How were you supposed to know these photos would haunt you till’ the end of time?”
“Only if they get out.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, sir.”
Chris closed the app and looked over at her. “What about you?”
Kaya’s brow lifted. “What about me?”
“What about your phases?”
She snorted. “Absolutely not.” He continued to stare her down, prompting her to cave, a surprising move even for her. Kaya’s tenacity was typically much stronger than that. “Fine.”
She grabbed her phone and unlocked it, opening Google Photos and scrolling mindlessly. She knew that any horrifically embarrassing snapshots would be from as far back as her library went. The older the photo, the higher the likelihood she would regret ever caving.
It took roughly two minutes for her to locate a set, her eyes shutting and a small moan leaving her partially closed mouth.
He smirked. “Found it?”
“Shut up.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“You’re going to make me regret this, aren’t you?”
“Without a doubt.”
She couldn’t help it. She laughed. “At least you’re honest.” Blowing out a breath, she issued a formal forewarning. “In my defense, I was young and dumb.”
“How is that diff—fine, I will reserve my judgment.”
“Liar.” When he said nothing else, she took another deep breath and gradually pulled her phone away from her breast, twisting her wrist so that he could see the screen. “I give you, thebaddestputa69.”
She watched the corner of his lips lift upward as he fought off a smile in favor of a smirk. “Hotmail or aol?” Her surprise at his knowledge of the fallen email servers must have shown because he commented, “I’m old, not ancient.”
She matched his smirk and leaned over to whisper. “Hotmail. Definitely hotmail.”
“AIM username?”
“Come on, the same as my email. I wasn’t creative enough to have multiple aliases.”
He chuckled, grabbing her phone to examine the photo. “I certainly do not miss the peace sign era.”
“I’m pretty sure I used that same pose in all of my photos back then.”
He gestured to the plastered graphic that read ‘jealousy is a disease, get well soon’. “With the same masterful level of editing, I’m sure.”
“But of course, blingee and picnik were a staple.”
A comfortable silence befell them as he returned her phone, and she quickly swiped up to close the app. Kaya was grateful that he didn’t swipe right or left, something she was expecting him to do, if she was being completely honest with herself.
Kaya yawned and naturally laid her head on his shoulder as she reached over to grab the book she was reading when they somehow got on the topic of rebellious and wild phases of days of past.
“Are we th—”
“Finish that sentence, and I will personally throw you out of this damn plane myself.”
Kaya looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed, and mouth pronounced. “It’s a legitimate question.”
“No, it was a legitimate question. However, it stopped being one when you asked me the fifth time.”
“I’m just trying to keep the conversation going. Damn.”
“No, you’re just trying to pester me.”
“Look, it’s obvious you don’t want to hear me talk anymore, so I’m just going to shut my mouth for the remainder of the flight.” He snorted. “What?”
“We both know that’s not possible.” He finally broke his gaze from his phone as he looked over with that knowing smirk that she despised. “You always have to have the last word.”
“That is not true.”
“Kaya, you’re like a child.”
“Keep it up, and you’ll be the one who’s personally tossed from this jet.”
“See what I mean.”
Groaning, she threw her hands up and shook the book in her right hand. “This is the second book in this series.”
“And I started the series when we were still on the taxi.”
He shrugged. “Read slower.”
He laughed, reaching to place his hand on her thigh as she sighed while banging her head back against the headrest. “Relax.”
“Don’t you think if I could, I would?”
“You were doing great five minutes ago.”
“That was in the past.”
“Next time, we’re taking separate jets.”
She didn’t know why but hearing him refer to future happenings both excited and saddened her, for more reasons than one. She cleared her throat. “This is a work trip, right?” He looked down at her as she placed the book down on the ground and held onto his bicep. “You know, something for your company.”
He studied her for a moment and looked up, closing his eyes as he laid his head back against the headrest. “I have the cover of this month’s GQ Italia.”
“Fancy,” she remarked, still unsatisfied with his answer-non answer. “So, I was right. This is a work thing.”
Chris thought about what she said, what she asked, as well as his response before he replied. “They offered to contract a photographer in LA.”
Brows scrunched, she had to ask, now more confused than she was just a few minutes ago. “So why go to them?”
His silence only irked her, the seconds dragging into minutes, which felt like hours. Frustrated and impatient, she called his name again. “Chris-”
“Jesus,” was all she heard before his lips were on hers, palm of his hand pressed against her cheek. Everything else after that was a sensual blur. His other hand moved to her hip, pulling her onto his lap, never once breaking their kiss. She placed her hands on his shoulders, giving a light squeeze, inching her body closer to his, close enough to feel the heat that always emanated over him.
And then, it was over.
Eyes fluttering and breath staggering, she nearly whined when he ran his thumb over her swollen bottom lip.
“This isn’t work for me.”
“This is our room?”
Chris looked up and chuckled, watching Kaya spin around the middle, eyes soaking in their suite. He placed her bag near the closet while crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“It is.”
Kaya nodded and grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt, tugging it over her head. She extended her arm out and turned around, lifting a brow. “And we have maid service, correct?”
He eyed her. “Of course.”
Kaya smirked and let the garment fall to the floor.
Chris chuckled. “You wanna explain that?”
“What?” She played innocent, fingers toying with the waistband of her joggers as she began to shimmy out of them. “Staying in a fancy hotel where I don’t have t0 clean up after myself?” She walked toward him, moving to grab her suitcase so that she could find her next outfit. “Granted, we have the maid service at home, but—” Both Christopher and Kaya paused at her statement, equally surprised by how easily it flowed, but more so with the statement itself.
Defense immediately kicked in and Kaya cleared her throat. “I mean, ya know, your place.” She refused to make eye contact that exceeded ten seconds, grabbing the handle of her suitcase and dragging it in the direction of what looked like the bathroom.
Her feet weren’t moving fast enough for her liking. In fact, they were slow enough that Chris was somehow able to cross the room and grab her by her arm. She looked up, managing to remain calm while inwardly panicking.
God, please don’t let him ask anything.
“Don’t take too long.”
She swallowed. “Why?”
Her grip on the handle tightened when he moved his hand to her face, the back of it brushing against her cheek. Had he been paying close enough attention, he would have noticed the way she shivered at his touch.
“You want dinner, don’t you?”
“This isn’t exactly what I meant.”
Kaya looked up from her pizza, pausing mid chew. “What? Pizza in Italy? This is goals.”
He intended to take her to a fine restaurant, one where only the elite could afford to dine. Instead, she requested pizza delivered to their room. Kaya never ceased to surprise him. “And why are you eating pizza with a fork?”
She shrugged, adjusting the thin strap of her shirt. “Because pizza is messy, and my life's already messy enough. I avoid when I can.”
Chris didn’t say anything, simply watching her eat. She caught his gaze and looked away. If she could, she’d go back in time and stop herself from ever saying what she did. It’d ruined everything. He’d been acting different around her since, and she hated that. She also hated that she hated it.
Since when did she give a flying fuck about what people thought of her? Let alone him.
It was out of character for her, and she didn’t like it.
She didn’t like it at all.
Similarly, Chris also found it difficult to focus on anything other than the encounter from earlier, but not for the reasons Kaya thought.
Not even close.
“So, what’s the agenda for this trip?”
He chuckled and brought the champagne to his lips. “And ruin the surprise?”
Her eyes narrowed as she replaced the fork with her fingers so that she could eat the crust piece by piece. “What surprise?”
“What kind of question is that? Who gives away a surprise?”
“Are you capable of ever just answering my questions with a straight answer?”
He pretended to think. “I could.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“You and fun? Never realized they were synonymous.”
“I’d like to think we have fun.”
“We have sex. Really, really, great sex.”
“You don’t consider that fun?”
“Fun isn’t a strong enough word to describe it.” He lifted a brow, and she scoffed, tossing a red pepper packet in his direction. “Stop it. I am trying to have a mature conversation here.”
“Not quite sure how possible that is when both parties are inebriated.”
“Bullshit. You know damn well neither one of us is drunk. You haven’t seen me drunk. Hell, I haven’t seen me drunk in a while.”
The way her tone changed toward the end of her sentence garnered his interest. “Why not?”
She looked at him, her smile faltering as she nervously cleared her throat. “I—uh—I get really bad migraines, and Excedrin is the only thing that works for me.” Telling him the truth, well, a fraction of the truth, felt strange yet relieving, probably because she’d spent so much of her life hiding and lying that the truth was unfamiliar territory. “Needless to say, meds and alcohol? Never really a good combo.”
“You’re drinking now.”
“I haven’t taken any medicine yet.”
“Maybe you won’t have to.”
She smiled sadly. “I will.” A beat. “It’s all I have.” Kaya snatched another piece of her crust and swallowed fully before explaining. “That’s why my sleep schedule, if you can even call it that, is so fucked up.”
He thought about it. “Excedrin has caffeine.”
“An insane amount.”
“It helps your migraines—”
“And keeps me up in return.” When he grew quiet, she offered. “Trust me. The insomnia is much better than the pain.”
“I’m sorry.”
She grimaced, eyes darting in either direction. “Why?”
He sighed and ran his hands all over his face. “That’s why you get so upset when I wake you up.”
“I wouldn’t say upset.”
“You threatened to slit my throat in my sleep.”
“Okay, maybe I was a little upset,” she confessed, and they shared a laugh before his tone grew serious again.
“I’ll be mindful of that.” Head tilted to the side, a sign she was still confused, he continued. “So that you can sleep.”
She smiled teasingly, abandoning the last bit of her food, and pushing her plate to the side. “Is that consideration I hear?”
“It is.”
The way he was looking at her, the lack of typical sarcasm in his tone, it was both welcoming and conflicting. Crawling across the floor, she moved his plate to the side and climbed into his lap.
Hands on his shoulders, she lowered her voice and whispered into his ear. “Well, I’m up right now.”
He made a sound and brought his hands to her hips. “You are.” Her eyes shut when his lips moved to her shoulder. “You should get some sleep.”
Immediately, she coiled back and glared. “Are you serious right now?” He laughed, which only upset her further as he stood up, her legs locking around his waist. “It’s been at least 8 hours.”
“You keeping a timer or something?”
“Look.” She waited for him to place her on the bed before she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tugging so that he laid back on the mattress. She quickly climbed on top of him. “If there’s one thing I know about us, we are ideal intimate partners. Our sexual chemistry is astronomical.”
His eyes drank her in. “Is that it?”
“Is what it?”
His voice lowered. “Is that all you think we have?”
At that moment, Kaya realized a couple of things. This was wrong. She was suddenly very much uncomfortable. And this was a mistake. This was why she didn’t tell the truth. It meant putting yourself at risk for being vulnerable.
She was never good with that.
Clearing her throat, she climbed off him and flashed a crafty smile. “I’m gonna go shower.” She couldn’t handle seeing his face, so she turned around, purposely pretending she had to look around the room to search for her luggage.
“You should know I hate sleeping with blankets.” Kaya needed to redirect the conversation to another topic. This was becoming all too much for her.
He sat up and rolled his shoulders. “So, strip the bed? Got it.”
“Absolutely not. I could freeze.”
“You just said—”
Kaya stood by the door that led to the living room area and smiled sadly. “I’m a hot ass mess, Chris.” A beat. “The sooner you accept that, the better.”
We need to talk when you get a chance. Please?
No matter how many times she looked at the phone, a new incoming gray message never appeared. She waited and waited, even scrolling up only for it to bounce back with no change.
She missed Nia. She missed their banter. She missed making tik toks with her. And she especially missed the advice giving, of which she could desperately use right about now.
Something was happening between them. With her and Chris. Of which she didn’t know, nor did she understand. It drove her mad because it was a new experience, one where she didn’t feel as though she always had to walk on eggshells.
Being with Chris….
“God.” She ran her hand over her face. What the hell was she doing? She wasn’t with Chris. Not like that, anyway. This was a business transaction. They were both using each other for selfish purposes.
Maybe it was the sex. Nia always warned her that behind every sexual encounter, there was at least some trace of feelings.
Kaya always thought that was bullshit.
Now….now she wasn’t so sure.
“You alright?”
She looked up from her chair and saw Chris walk in. She chewed the inside of her cheek as he sat down in the chair opposite of her. Kaya took in his wardrobe, so casual and laid back. She’d never seen him in denim before, but he looked good.
She didn’t even know the photographer, but she was a fan. A billionaire in Levi’s? Iconic.
“How does it feel to dress like us common folk?”
“Poor.” He winked as she glared. “We should be done soon.”
“Don’t rush on my part. The snacks here are delicious, and who knows, I could play dress up.” She wiggled her brows and straightened when there was a knock on the door.
“Sorry to interrupt,” the photographer spoke up and offered Kaya a friendly smile. “You’re Kaya, yes? I’m Elena.”
Kaya was surprised by the fact that this woman was both speaking to her and actually knew who she was, so her response was delayed. “Yes. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered her hand and noticed the woman was staring at her. Welp. It was nice while it lasted. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I’m sorry,” she apologized but continued to stare. “It’s just...has anyone ever told you that you have amazing bone structure?”
Kaya sputtered. “Not unless they wanted something from me.”
Elena smiled. “Well, I suppose this is no different.”
“I don’t understand,” Kaya asked, looking over at Chris. He was surprisingly quiet.
“How about we get some shots of the both of you?”
She immediately protested. “Oh no. I—I’m just here for moral support.”
“You did say you wanted to play dress up,” he reminded. She glared. Of course he would choose to speak up now.
She turned her narrowed eyes on him and harshly whispered. “Not while being photographed.”
He placed his hand over hers. “Relax.”
Kaya remembered that they weren’t alone and therefore, had to keep up the act. Even if it was starting to feel less and less like acting.
“I’m used to people watching, not photographing.” He lifted a brow. Laughing, she slapped his chest and took a deep breath. She looked over at Elena. “Will I at least get to see them before you pick which ones to use? If any.”
“Of course.”
Kaya caved. “Fine.” He kissed the top of her head and mouthed a thank you. “You owe me.”
“Sure, I do,” he dismissed, slapping her on her ass as Elena grabbed her to drag her away.
“Time to make magic.”
It was a bad idea, one of many that had occurred, Kaya realized.
When she joked about wanting to play dress—up, she didn’t think that it would actually happen. She didn’t think that she’d become involved in his shoot. Kaya especially didn’t expect to have as much….fun as she did.
And she hated that, too. The fact that she managed to smile and laugh more in one setting than she had in, hell, longer than she could remember. She didn’t like it. She didn’t like it at all.
She really, really didn’t like the way Chris looked at her every time she walked onto set in a new look, and there were a couple of them. The way he focused on her, eyes taking in every bit of her form, all the way down from her shoes up to her hair. Like he didn’t want to look away. Like he couldn’t look away. She despised the way he held her when they were photographed together, often being the reason for her smile or laughter with his comments that he whispered into her ear, sneaking in a kiss against her temple or holding her against him.
It was all so domestic and sweet, and it made no sense.
He was starting to make no sense.
And she especially didn’t understand why she was putting off leaving the bathroom, having sat on the toilet for at least 15 minutes.
As if on cue, two loud knocks on the door pulled her from her thoughts.
“I’m coming, damnit.”
“That’s what you said last time. Come on, Kaya.” She was both surprised and annoyed that it was Chris. She expected it to be members of the glam team that he’d hired to help her prepare for the GQ function he was invited to, and of course, she was forced to accompany him. Turns out he wasn’t just chosen for the cover. He was man of the year. “We’re going to be late.”
“Maybe you should just leave me behind,” she muttered.
“Maybe I can just kick this damn door down,” he countered.
“Then you’ll have to pay for the damages.”
“Then I’ll buy the damn hotel,” he shot back testily. “I’m not going to ask you again, Kaya.”
She scowled and rolled her neck. Kaya knew he was being serious. The bastard could buy his way out of anything.
If only….
Blowing out a deep breath, she swallowed and stood, holding up her dress. It was undoubtedly beautiful, gold, a slit in the middle of her chest and on her left leg exposing more skin than she would have thought appropriate. Her curls were styled in a fancy updo, and her makeup was equally as bold as her dress, finalized with a red lip. She knew that she looked good, and that’s what scared her.
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Chris had been looking at her like that all day, and she couldn’t keep handling it.
If she could even consider it handling. Managing was perhaps a better term. Poorly managing was the perfect term.
Kaya ripped open the door and plastered on a fake smile. “Happy?”
And there it was, his eyes widened and softened as he gave her a onceover. “And don’t tell me I look beautiful, cause’ I already know it.”
Kaya figured if she said it for him, she wouldn’t have to deal with the weird and uncomfortable knotting in her stomach that she experienced every time he complimented her.
And it worked, he said nothing, only helping to hold up her dress as they walked to the SUV that would escort them. In the car, she was also pleasantly surprised that he didn’t attempt to make small talk with her during the drive. She was certain, however, that it was because he took at least three different work calls during that time.
She made drafted Tik Toks in the meantime.
When they finally arrived, Kaya nearly ran out of the car right then and there.
“Is that a red carpet?” Her mouth dropped. “What the hell? You said nothing about having to walk a damn carpet that is red.”
He chuckled. Kaya realized his hand was on the exposed portion of her thigh. “Stay close to me, and I’ll take care of you. You’ll be fine.”
Kaya was used to having eyes on her, but that didn’t mean she liked it, especially when it didn’t involve money being thrown her way. “I don’t have to say anything, do I?”
He squeezed her thigh. “You’ll most likely receive compliments.”
“I can handle that,” she spoke more to herself than him. “Just long as no one asks if I prefer cats over dogs or whatever shit they ask.”
He laughed quietly and looked at her. “You ready?”
No. “Yes.”
Chris climbed out the car first so that he could help her out of the vehicle, and as soon as she stepped out, she cursed to herself. There were so many damn people. People taking photographs. People being photographed. People helping both the people the photographed and the photographers. And then there was her. She felt so out of place.
If he wasn’t already holding her hand, she would have grabbed for his.
Kaya used her left hand to hold up her dress, while making sure that she stayed close to Chris who led the way, smiling for the camera while sparing her glances every so often to assess her level of comfort.
Kaya played along, evoking a smile as she posed with him for a few photos. That’s when it started again. Like the photoshoot from a few hours ago, she found herself feeling less forced and more comfortable. Like, it was natural.
Like it was real.
Kaya was eventually allowed to stand to the side as he gave a few interviews, some in English, most in Italian. She’d meant to ask him earlier when the hell he learned to speak so many languages. This was the third she’d learned of. She had a feeling at least one or two journalists asked about her, because he would look in her direction and shoot a wink or something of the sort.
Her smile was a natural reaction.
The process was less daunting than she anticipated, not that she’d ever admit that to him. It was once they moved inside that Kaya realized they’d yet to reach the hard part. That hardest part was “socializing” with the guests, many of which were white, spicy white at best. She spotted some minorities but found that they were just as distant as the rest.
The vim of the event was welcoming, however, which confused Kaya to some extent. She simplified it down to the event was nice, the people were trash, and Chris was both an ass and a gentleman for forcing her to come.
He’d introduced her to a few people, most of which spoke poor English. That, she could acknowledge, was nice. Not the strained English, but his obvious concern for her wellbeing. He was going out of his way to make her feel as comfortable as he could.
It was also irritating because it resurfaced those damn knots.
They were seated at a table, and he was texting someone when she leaned over and tugged on his sleeve. Kaya also took a moment to appreciate how nice he looked. The man was something sinful in a suit. “I think I know him.”
He looked up, immediately locking his phone. “Who?”
She gestured with her chin. “The guy over there talking to the girl with the green dress. But don’t look at them.”
His eyes lifted to the ceiling. Right before he proceeded to look right in that direction.
She laughed despite her irritation. “What did I literally just fucking say?”
“I’ll never understand why people want to do something without actually doing it. I don’t have the time.” She shook her head. He was so impatient. “And how do you know him?”
She lifted a brow. He asked with a newfound sense of urgency. If she didn’t know any better, she would have guessed it came from a place of jealousy.
Kaya studied the stranger across the room again when her eyes widened. “I know. He’s that actor from that porn movie we watched.”
“We don’t watch porn, Kaya. We make it.”
“Stop it.” She leaned closer, hating that her smile contrasted the frustration she felt with how vulgar he was speaking in such a public setting. “And you know the movie where they…..ya know, basically the whole time, and he kept asking in that godawful delivery, are you lost, baby girl?”
Her equally terrible impression caused him to laugh quietly. “I think that is him.”
“I told you.” She spoke a little louder than she would have liked due to her excitement at being correct. “He looks better on screen.”
Chris glanced over at him once more and scoffed. “He’s scrawny.”
“Sir, not everyone is like you and built like a fucking tanker.”
“Not my problem.”
Kaya rolled her eyes and gathered her dress. “I’ll be back. I have to use the restroom.” She stood and leaned over, arms around him from behind as she whispered. “Try not to be too much of a dick while I’m gone, okay?”
He turned to look at her. “And where’s the fun in that?”
Turns out finding the bathroom was a harder task than she’d anticipated. She’d asked one of the servers while maneuvering through the crowd, but it also turned out that Kaya wasn’t the best with directions. She did find it, though.
Kaya was navigating her way back to Chris when she was stopped by a man in a suit along the way.
He was of average height, average build, and average attraction. She was immediately annoyed.
“Hi,” Kaya greeted with a tight smile.
“Hello,” he smiled. Add in average dental health. “You are very beautiful.”
Kaya realized he didn’t have an accent, either. American, most likely. “Uhh, thank you.” When she moved to walk past him, he blocked her. “Sir, I really should—”
“How much?”
Her eyes darted to either side. “I’m sorry?”
“Money is no issue, as I’m sure you can see, and I’d like you for a week.” He stepped closer, bringing his hand to trail it down her arm. “Longer even, perhaps.”
“Sir, I have no idea what you are talking about, and please do not touch me.” It wasn’t so much of a request as much as it was a demand. “Now, I really should—”
“You’re not American.” Kaya continued to be confused as hell when his eyes lit up with excitement. “That explains why you look so exotic.” Confusion easily morphed into rage as she finally caught on to what he was referring to. “I bet you feel di—”
“You’re disgusting,” she hissed, pulling away from him. “I am not a fucking prostitute—”
“Call it what you want, girl,” he dismissed. “I don’t judge. I can pay you well.”
“Go fuck yourself, you sick son of a bitch,” she cursed, turning away when he grabbed her arm. “Let me go.”
“You think that you’re special?” He’d taken on another tone, one that conveyed his anger at being rejected. “The fuckin’ stall I just pissed in is worth more than you, bitch.”
Kaya refused to allow him to see her cry, but she’d be lying if she tried to say that his words didn’t sting, especially his next verbal attack.
“You can slap on that expensive dress and let Hemsworth make you feel special, but I know, you know, and everyone else in this fucking place knows that you’re nothing but a cheap, illegal whore—” Panic arose when he moved his hand to the exposed skin of her thigh, squeezing tightly. His hand started to inch upward when Kaya acted on instinct. He cursed aloud while Kaya gasped as she realized that she’d silenced him with her fist dead square in the middle of his face. “You fucking bitch!”
Shock and fear took over as Kaya gathered the bottom of her dress and ran, as much as the gown and her heels would allow, that is. Certain he was going to chase her for retribution, she consistently looked back, unaware that she needed to be just as aware of what was in front as what was behind.
She shrieked and immediately went to pull herself away from the strong body she’d collided with.
“Kaya.” Refocusing her attention, she looked up and realized it was Chris. “Where the hell—” He stopped amid his statement when he took in her appearance and realized that she was crying. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” Kaya looked down, speaking more to herself than him. Not that it mattered. He was judging based on what he saw instead of what she said. He’d learned by now that her words rarely matched the truth. “Let’s just go—”
“Kaya,” he repeated, softer. Chris brought his hands to her face, forcing her to meet his gaze as he asked again, slowly. “What happened?” A strike of anger flashed in his blue eyes. “Did someone touch you?”
“No,” she answered, quickly. Too quickly.
The anger escalated exponentially. “Who? Tell me.”
Kaya could have slapped herself. She wasn’t helping the situation. She was making it worse. “It doesn’t matter, I hit him, and now he’s probably going to sue you—”
“Where is he?” Chris was looking behind her, eyes flaming. He was livid. “Show me. Now.”
“No.” Speaking was becoming an increasing challenge, especially against the backdrop of overwhelming emotions. Everything she’d been feeling, preventing herself from feeling, and afraid to acknowledge was gradually bubbling to the surface. “Just—just let me go back to the hotel. I’m messing everything up for you.”
He calmed for a second, realizing what was happening. Chris was unfamiliar with this side of her. Unfamiliar with seeing her so vulnerable. “What?”
Kaya suddenly realized that her eyes were burning again. She was fighting back tears. “I’ll give you back the money for the day, it’s—it’s fine, you’re better off without me here—”
Her offer to pay him incensed Chris. This wasn’t about the money. It stopped being about the money a long time ago, even if he hadn’t realized that until today. “I don’t want the fucking money, Kaya.”
She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Don’t—don’t say that.”
“Why? It’s the truth.”
“Please,” she plead. Control over her emotions was a battle she’d all but lost at that point. Her words, she was certain, would be next.
He raised his voice. Chris sensed, saw that she was uncomfortable, but he also realized that this was what she needed. A push. “Why?”
“Because this all about the fucking money, okay?” She matched his volume, accepting that her tears were going to fall no matter how much she willed them not to. She’d lost the war. “It has to be about the money, because if it isn’t then that means you care, and—you can’t, alright?”
He studied her, wondering if she realized this conversation was difficult for him too. He brought his hand to the side of her face. “Why is it so impossible for you to accept that I fucking care about you?”
She looked up, glistening eyes and wavering voice. “Because then I have to admit that I care about you too, and I can’t do that.” She spoke to herself, as if vocalizing it would cement a decision that was already out of her hands. “I won’t do it.”
“Why?” He pressed. Chris brought his other hand to the other side of her face, cupping it and moving closer. He gave zero fucks about where they were and who could have possibly overheard. “Why are you fighting this so hard?”
She pulled herself away from him, back colliding against the wall as she blurted, “because all I do is hurt the people I care about alright?” In that moment, Kaya realized she was so far gone that the point of return was no longer an option. Her mouth trembled as she struggled to form her next sentence, listing off names with her fingers as props. “Mami, Papi, Nia. Hell, my own brother is dead because of me.” A beat. “I’ll only hurt you, and I care about you too much to do that.”
A newfound heaviness started to weigh upon her chest, another blockade to her speech. “I’m standing here in a dress I can’t afford, a building I can’t even fucking pronounce, and with a man I don’t deserve.”
His voice lowered. “Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, I don’t deserve you?” Kaya looked at him, her eyes softening before she squinted, her face scrunching up in obvious pain.
He took note of this. As invested as Chris was in finally getting Kaya to open up about how she really felt, her wellbeing would always be his primary concern.
“Kaya.” He placed his hands on her waist, steadying her. “What’s wrong?”
“I—” She blinked several times, blinding lights obscuring her vision. “I—can’t—" Kaya felt the firmness of his chest, inhaled the scent of his cologne, and heard her name on his lips before everything faded to black.
She awoke on her side, body clutched against a pillow, and a thin sheet covering half her body. Never one to take her time returning to her senses, she forced herself to sit up, eyes still scrunched from the sleep.
Looking down she realized she was dressed in only one of Chris’s dress shirts, her dress discarded.
Memory returned as Kaya replayed the events that transpired prior to her slumber. The photoshoot. The party. The asshole.
“I don’t care. Tell them to send it in the mail or something.”
She recognized his voice traveling from the living room area, prompting her to swing her legs over the bed, her toes submerging into the soft carpet. She’d never been in such a fine hotel where the carpeting probably cost more than six months’ worth of rent on her one-bedroom apartment.
“Evans, I don’t give a flying fuck about any of that right now. You can handle it. I don’t care.”
Kaya contemplated remaining where she was, eavesdropping without being detected. She quickly decided against it. She’d done enough.
Her feet carried her out of the room, and she stood in the doorway where she saw he was standing against the massive window that provided a breathtaking overview of the city.
Again, she considered leaving him be, but he either had exceptional peripheral vision or caught her reflection in the window because he spun around. Kaya’s eyebrows furrowed when she realized he was still dressed in his suit, with the expectation of the jacket and dress shirt which were both discarded, leaving the white undershirt.
Uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her, more concern than that, she settled onto the sofa, pulling a decorative pillow to her chest as she crossed her legs.
“I have to go,” he spoke briefly before pulling the phone from his ear and hanging up.
Kaya swallowed. He’d yet to speak, so she took the opportunity to do so. “Still don’t believe me when I said I’m a hot mess?”
“What happened tonight, Kaya?”
“Which part?” She knew that playing coy wasn’t the best route, but she was forever stubborn and would fight until she had nothing left. “Where I ruined your evening, assaulted a millionaire, told you one of my deepest secrets, or fainted in your arms? There’s a lot.”
“All of it.”
She looked away and licked her lips. Kaya felt cornered, absolutely trapped. Emotionally. She’d always assumed being physically stuck would feel far more suffocating and frightening. She was wrong.
Kaya considered her options, though far and few in between. She could deflect. She was a master at that. She could redirect blame onto him. Call him out on even making her go on the trip, for not telling her ahead of time what to expect, maybe throw in a few insults. And lastly, the most frightening of them all, she could be honest.
That was the scariest of them all.
“I lied to you.” The words spilled out before she realized it, but Kaya accepted the fact that she was tired. There was only so much she could carry, and she’d reached her limits. “My—my parents aren’t dead. They still live in the same house in Parlier that I grew up in with Denes. He’s—he was my brother.” It felt strange talking about, verbalizing what she’d quietly struggled with for so many years. And yet, there was a peace that accompanied the release. “He was such a beautiful little boy, but….different. He didn’t talk much, life skills were….hard for him, and he had these fixations on certain things. He didn’t like change.”
“Kaya, you don’t—”
“When I was eleven, and he was eight, my parents found out they were pregnant. They’d been trying for so long….they were so happy.” She roughly wiped at her face to do away with the silent tears that fell. The crying, however, was inevitable. “One day, they had a checkup appointment, and the babysitter fell through, so they asked me to watch Denes.” She nodded slowly, reverting to the same rush of emotions she felt that day. “I was so….mad, because my friend had just gotten Guitar Hero, and I was supposed to walk down to her house so we could play it.” To that day, Kaya felt a strong surge of rage whenever she ran across a throwback picture or read an article referring to that game. It was a trigger.
“My parents promised that I could go when they returned, but I just couldn’t wait.” Her nose turned up with disgust, disgust directed 100% inward. “I just had to go play that stupid fucking game.”
“Denes loved birds. They were one of his fixations. They think—they think he saw one outside our living room window or something and walked outside to see if he could catch it because, of course, I forgot to lock the front door.” She stared off into space before closing her eyes. “I had just walked into my friend’s house when I heard someone scream like I’ve never heard a scream before.” Kaya tugged the pillow closer to her chest and lowered her head. “I ran back so fast because I thought—I thought I could help him. I thought I could save him.” Her voice cracked. “—But there was so much blood, and he was so hurt—he died in the middle of the street, bleeding, terrified, and it was all my fault.”
Chris closed his eyes and shook his head. “Kaya—”
“They never found the driver,” she added quietly, chewing on the inside of her cheek. “The shock of it all……it was too much for my mom, and she miscarried.” Kaya laughed, but there wasn’t a trace of humor. “I spiraled after Denes passed. Everything bad and terrible I could get myself into, I did. I—I skipped class, I partied, I drank, I tried drugs.” She scoffed. “I lost my virginity when I was thirteen to some guy whose name I still don’t know because I was so drunk.” She leaned back into the sofa, staring at the intricate pattern of the rug. “I just—at the time, I thought if I did enough, I could make my parents hate me, because it’s what I deserved. But for everything I tried, they kept giving me chance after chance.”
“So, then I attempted suicide, twice, and I couldn’t even do that right.” She groaned and wiped at her eyes again. The cuffs of the shirt were nearly soaked. “I realized that God or the universe or whomever clearly wanted me to suffer and to live with my guilt, but in the midst of trying to punish myself, I failed to realize that all I’d done was cause my parents more pain.”
“Day of my high school graduation, I woke up at the crack of dawn to pack up my bags, told my parents that I was going out with some friends, but I’d be home by 7—and I haven’t seen or spoken with them since.”
She clapped and lifted her hands. “And there you have it. You’ve now seen me naked; you’ve seen me cry, and now you know that I’m a murderer—”
“You’re not a murderer, Kaya,” he was finally able to complete his sentence, still very much in shock over what she’d disclosed. “And what happened to your brother wasn’t your fault.”
Chris watched her demeanor soften, shifting from her previous facetious tone to a more somber tone. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“I’m saying it because it’s the truth. You were a child.”
She shrugged sadly. “So was he.”
“That still doesn’t make it your fault.”
She turned away from where he sat across from her. She hadn’t even realized he’d moved from his initial position by the window. Untangling her legs, she moved the pillow to the side and stood in front of him. “Why are you so nice to me? You should be running for the hills.”
Chris brought his hands to her waist and pulled her in between his spread legs. “Why do you keep asking questions you already know the answers to?”
“Even after everything I’ve done?” She whispered, emotion betraying her for the umpteenth time that day. “You—you still—you still feel….like that about me?”
“You’re stubborn, impulsive, argumentative, flippant, and undoubtedly one of the most complicated women I’ve ever met.” He slowly stood up, never once breaking eye contact as he cupped her face, fingers brushing away the dampness of her flushed cheeks. “And yet, seeing you smile is the highlight of my day.”
She chuckled and nervously cleared her throat. “So, was today subpar? Like, medium light? Half-light? It all went downhill after 12pm.”
He shook his head and kissed her forehead. “You are, in fact, a hot mess.”
Her fingers grasped at his sleeves. “I really am sorry about ruining your evening.”
“You didn’t ruin my evening, Kaya.” He brought his hand to her hair, pushing back the tendrils that had fallen from her updo. “Thank you for opening to me. I know that wasn’t easy.”
“It’s a lot easier opening up my legs,” she muttered, watching as he closed his eyes. “I’m sorry—you’re right. It’s—it’s not easy, and I don’t like talking about….feelings.” Her eyes lifted as she chewed on her bottom lip. “But, I do have feelings for you.” She shut her eyes and licked her top lip. “And there’s something else I need to tell you.”
His gaze softened. “Anything.”
It was so simple, the opportunity was available, the setting was perfect. She’d already told him the hardest part, now all she had to do was tell him the rest. The problem though, was that what she’d shared hadn’t changed much. It only helped him to understand her better. It would potentially improve their relationship.
This would destroy it.
She cleared her throat again. “If you tell anyone I’m capable of crying, I will smother you in your sleep.”
He chuckled and kissed her temple. “It’s late. I’m going to shower.” He studied her. “Try not to get into any more trouble, yeah?”
She smiled softly. “I make no promises.”
He gave her side a gentle squeeze before yawning as he walked back into the bedroom. Finally alone, she fell back onto the sofa and hugged the pillow against her body. Kaya felt both disgust and frustration. If there was a perfect moment to tell him, that was it, and now it was gone.
She was running out of time
TAGS: @islandvamp @toni9 @destinyg237 @tashawar @valkryienymph @letsshamelessqueen-m @missyperle @kpizzletrash @brittyevans @mani-lifes @amorestevens @periodtcevans @hello-therree @shegoesbyarose @lettytheletdown @yanniebunnie @iwrite4poc @nycoledon @fangurlingismyforte @babe-im-bi @amirra88 @cocoamoonmalfoy @goldenrosexx @liquorlaughslove @ljstraightnochaser @jurneesjourney @bestyums-ever84 @notacamelthatsmywife @champagnesugamama @cest-la69vie @yanniebunny5151 @goldenrosexx​
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markberries · 4 years
i  l i k e  y o u┊draco malfoy
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info: you like draco, but he likes pansy. it isn't until a party in the room of requirement makes you realize how much draco didn't like you.
warnings: cursing
genre: angst, fluff, hufflepuff!reader, halfblood!reader
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"isn't he just so cute?" you giggled, staring at your crush from across the room. the air smelt of burning wood, sunlight seeping through the window panes. professor snape was carefully eyeing each of the students as they prepped their potions, yet your eyes stayed glued to the well known trouble maker who sat in the front of the class.
"y/n, are you ever going to help me with this potion? i know you're good with them and i could really use your help!" ron whined from beside you, poking at your shoulder repeatedly. "bloody hell, were you slipped a love potion? it's just malfoy."
you turned to ron, smacking his arm, and he let out a small "ow". you sighed, helping ron gather materials to make the current potion. "stop acting like my crush on draco is new."
"but y/n, listen to me, nothing good can come out with malfoy, and i'm pretty sure you're just fascinated by the idea you have of him in your head," ron explains, tossing the items into the cauldron, "i mean, have you even talked to him?"
you freeze for a moment, clearing your throat. "y-yes i have, um.. i bumped into him in the hallway and i said sorry."
ron soon realizes what you mean, pity patting you on the head like a child. sighing, he says, "he didn't say anything to you, did he?"
you shake your head, taking a whiff of the potion you and ron created in front of you. you've had a crush on draco since the beginning of this year, which was currently your fourth year at hogwarts. of course, malfoy didn't pay any attention to you.
"god," you cringe, scrunching up your face after smelling the absolutely disgusting potion, "that smells terrible. guess we've made it properly then."
"ugh, you're right," ron replies, backing away from the previously brewing cauldron. you look around, seeing that students are still attempting to complete their potions, so you had a bit of time to waste.
you hear draco's laugh from across the room, pansy parkinson by his side. your mere infatuation with malfoy wasn't enough to make you jealous (because personally, you thought it was an ugly emotion), but it did strike something in you when you watched draco and pansy giggle like idiots together.
people always thought you were crazy to like draco; he was mean, rude, and a pain in the ass, but you continued to see the good in him (or the good that you thought he had). being a hufflepuff who was infatuated with draco didn't grant you anything when it came to popularity, but you couldn't care less. you just thought draco was truly a nice guy on the inside.
"hello? earth to y/n? class is over!" ron waved a hand in your face, making you snap back into reality. you blinked a few times, before looking around to see students exiting the class to go for lunch, and you watched draco leave with pansy.
"come on then, i'm starving!" ron hurried you, pushing you out the door to go to the dining hall, literally grabbing you by the robe because you could not stop staring a malfoy.
tonight was the night of the room of requirement party, all houses invited (hosted by gryffindor, and slytherin was somehow invited as well), and you wanted to use this to your advantage. you wanted to tell draco how you felt, because you were tired of admiring him from afar, tired of awkwardly blushing when you spotted him, and tired of hiding your feelings.
but, unbeknownst to you, draco did know that you had a crush on him. only problem is, he has been trying to get with pansy. he thought you were too quiet and that you weren't really his type, so he avoided you. he always noticed your stares and the way your cheeks heated up when you two met eyes.
when people told him that you liked him, he would brush it off with a scoff and talk about how untrue the rumors were, because he didn't want you to cry to him about how he didn't like you. so, tonight at the party, his plan was to avoid you completely.
you twirled in the mirror, taking a look at your fourth outfit change. it was a plain black skirt, paired with a tight yellow turtleneck with a black oversized sweater on top of it, only showing the collar of the turtleneck. you sported black converse high tops, and you honestly felt proud of yourself for actually choosing an outfit on time.
exiting the dormitory, you were greeted at the front of your common room by harry, ron, and hermione, who were talking amongst each other, before looking over at you.
"so i'm guessing today is the day then, right y/n?" hermione asks you, raising a brow. you tried to awkwardly laugh it off, but you were already nervous. harry noticed your difference in mood, and patted you on the back.
"don't worry y/n," harry comforts you, "it's just malfoy. still don't get why you like him, because he truly is an arse, but i'm sure he'll think your beautiful."
you bury your face in your palms, stressing yourself out by picturing the worst case scenarios. "oh god, i really hope it works out."
"calm down, i'll sucker punch malfoy if he says anything stupid, alright?" ron comments, and you hear a snicker from hermione, which makes ron look at her and say, "is something funny?"
the four of you start heading down to the room of requirement, carefully trying to avoid any prefects who were not on board to the party, and avoiding any professors. all of you entered to see students engaging with one another, laughter erupting throughout the room and bouncing off the walls.
it smelt like vanilla and you didn't mind, you waved at some friends from hufflepuff and greeted others, but only looking for one person in particular; draco malfoy. you peaked around corners and asked around, until you saw the familiar slytherin talking up pansy by the back wall.
he saw you coming, but averted your gaze in order to stay focused on pansy. she was talking about her classes and malfoy was listening intently as you made your way towards him, but he chose to ignore you. you waited patiently, hands clad together with sweaty palms. your heart was pounding out of your chest, but you attempted to control your body language.
for the rest of the party, you pretty much followed malfoy like a lost puppy. you just wanted to tell him, but you felt like he was always too busy to talk to. he was always around pansy, and you really didn't know what to do.
"y/n, are you alright?" you hear hermione from beside you, whispering in your ear.
"yeah, i just haven't really gotten the chance to tell draco yet.."
hermione nods, before giving you a pat and leaving to talk to harry and ron.
"hey pansy," draco says, clearing his throat. pansy turns to him, tilting her head. "yes, draco?"
"could we talk outside? just for a moment," draco asks her, and she complies, following draco outside the room of requirement. when they're outside of the party, he scratches the back of his head awkwardly, his face scrunched up.
"well?" pansy asks, waiting for a word out of draco.
"well.. i just wanted to ask you if we could go out for butterbeer sometime, but not as friends, you understand what i'm saying?" draco asks, and pansy looks speechless. she searches for a reason to reject malfoy, not wanting to carry the weight of guilt among her shoulders. she remembers you, following malfoy around, and she uses that to her advantage.
"sorry malfoy, but i think somebody might've already called dibs on you," pansy states, looking at draco, searching for any negative emotion toward her on his face. malfoy frowns, staring at the door of the room of requirement.
"i'll talk to you later," pansy smiles, entering the party once again. draco wasn't mad at pansy, no, he was mad at you. too blinded by the terrible feeling of rejection, he blamed everything on you. he thought about how if you had just left him alone, pansy would've gone out with him (which was not true). draco goes back to the party a few minutes after pansy had left, and you rush over to him, tugging on his black and green robe.
"um, draco i need to-" draco cuts you off, ripping his robe away from your grip. "no, y/n!"
you flinch, startled by the volume and tone of his voice. his face has anger written all over it, and you became frightened. the golden trio hear malfoy's yelling, turning to where the sound was coming from.
"i-i just wanted to say that i like-" malfoy groans, rubbing his face in frustration. "i know you like  me, y/n! for god's sake, everyone knew! you weren't very subtle, y/l/n. stop trying so hard, halfblood. because of you, i got rejected. i don't like you, and i don't consider you a friend. i don't even consider you as an acquaintance. just stay away from me."
your face turns red, growing warmer by the second. at this point, you're staring at your shoes, too scared to look up at draco. tears are welling up in your eyes, threatening to fall as malfoy continues to talk. your throat starts hurting because you refused to cry out, and your hands were trembling.
"draco malfoy!" harry roars, rushing to come to your aid. ron puts both hands on each one of your shoulders, trying to get a glimpse of your face. he sees your glossy eyes, and pulls you into a hug.
"oh now you've done it, malfoy," ron hisses, turning his head to look at draco. draco scoffs, crossing his arms. "what are you gonna do, weasley?" draco shoots back.
"he won't do anything," hermione starts, eyes full of hatred, "but i will." hermione punches draco in the face, making draco yelp in pain. he holds his nose while crabbe and goyle run over to him.
"i-i'm sorry," you sniffle, "it's my fault."
"no no, shh, it's not your fault y/n," ron coos, stroking your hair in an attempt to calm you down. draco eyes you, hearing the shaking in your voice, and feeling a slight pang of guilt. i mean, did he have to yell at you that much? hermione backs up to check up on you, and harry is still glaring at him.
"lets go y/n," hermione smiles at you, and you nod at her and say softly, "okay."
all of you leave the party, eyes glued to your form. when you finally got out of the room, you took a deep breath and felt a slight sense of relief to finally get away from draco. you thought that  this would've gone better, you expected rejection but not in a situation like that. on the way back to the hufflepuff dormitory, all four of you stayed silent.
you felt too tired to talk, and i think the other three understood that. when you reached the common room, you thanked your friends, saying that you were alright (which was not true, but they knew you didn't want to talk about it). you waved them goodbye, heading up to bed, and feeling nervous about the following day.
the next day, you got ready like normal, but you were awfully quiet, and draco took note of that. he no longer heard your laughter from across the room, and you stayed focused on your studies. you didn't want to look at him, afraid that he would yell at you again, so you stayed away, just like he asked.
your friends would ask you if last night had affected your new behavior, but you just assured them that it wasn't the case, which was a lie. you were just too scared to say something wrong, or to annoy draco again.
draco watched you as you wrote in your notebook, an unreadable expression on your face. he was restless, the night before, thinking if he had said too much. he thought it was a bit harsh to yell at you in front of everybody, but he still had that fresh feeling of rejection in his mind.
draco watched as your eyes wandered, looking around the classroom and other students, before accidentally catching his eyes. your eyes widened, almost like you were in fear, and then you raised your hand, asking to go to the washroom. you leave the room, gripping at your robe.
draco decides to follow you, he's not sure why,  but he just does. he follows you down the hall, and he sees you sit down on a bench, breathing heavily. draco approaches you, standing right in front of you. your entire body freezes, staring down at his shoes.
"i'm sorry that you were rejected because of me," you say softly, fidgeting with your fingers. draco honestly doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know if he should say that it wasn't your fault, or if he was sorry for yelling at you. he does none of the above, and just decides to stay silent.
"um," you say, looking up at him, and draco swore he thought you were on the brink of tears, "i'll make sure to stay out of your way. i hope parkinson accepts your feelings."
you stand up, rushing to leave, the last person you wanted to talk to was draco. you didn't want to face him, honestly you were considering leaving to go to muggle school, but the thought of leaving your friends here had stopped you.
for the next week, things had stayed the same. you stayed quiet, flinching at any loud noise, and trying your best to ignore malfoy's attempts to reach out to you. he felt incredibly guilty, and his feelings got worse as the days passed. he didn't really understand how much he did pay attention to you before everything that happened.
he kind of did miss catching you staring at him, and how you would shyly look away. maybe it's because he missed the attention you had given him all the time, even if you two didn't speak.
"y/n," you feel a hand grab your arm, you didn't see who it was, but you knew that voice.
"draco please, i already said i'm sorry," you say quietly, not wanting to anger him. your friends were right, maybe draco was a bad person. you wished you hadn't tried to confess to him in the first place.
"no listen- it's not that, okay?" he says, dragging you to the side of the hallway, getting away from the other students who were walking to their classes. "i, i wanted to say i'm sorry."
when draco admits it, your eyes widen, draco malfoy apologizing to someone was very new, and you didn't know what to say. part of you thought it was a joke, that he was going to do something horrible because you ruined his chance, but blue eyes seemed genuine.
"i shouldn't have yelled at you that day, um.. it wasn't your fault, uh, i realize now that pansy was just using you as an excuse, and i'm sorry that it took me so long to realize it. i hope we can start over.. maybe as friends."
you felt like your ears were deceiving you, and you weren't very eager on becoming friends with draco, after what happened. but, you being you, you slowly nodded, unsure of your own answer. "okay, i guess. but i'm not going to lie to your face and say i suddenly lost feelings for you, i just need some time to.. adjust."
something hurts in draco's heart when he hears the amount of uncertainty that laced your warm voice, but he still nodded, respecting your decisions.
"you do know i have been trying to talk to you since the party, right?" draco asks you, and you shake your head. you're taken aback, but you decide to not talk.
"yeah, i really have," draco admits.
you deadpan, "oh. um, see you around draco."
after a month, you still have those lingering feelings for draco. him being sweeter to you than usual, really wasn't helping. he would wave at you in the hallways, ask to partner up with you in classes, and he seemed deeply interested in your preferences, likes, dislikes, and your life in general. it was odd for everyone else, too. it was almost like he was actually trying to be nice to you.
even though you had told draco that you needed time, it's like it went in one ear and out the other for him. he was actively trying to talk to you, walking you to class, and more. it felt like you were floating, or like you were dreaming. you convinced yourself that the guilt had probably been eating away at him, because that was really the only explanation.
"by the way, what's it like living in the muggle world?" draco asks you, resting his head on his own hand, curiosity getting the best of him. you two were out on the courtyard, where you had originally been by yourself, but he had decided to join you. you both sat cross legged, facing each other.
"ooh, what does your mother do for a living? i hear there's so many different kind of jobs in the muggle wor-"
"what the hell is up with you, malfoy?" you question, almost snapping at him, but you kept yourself in check. draco only looks at you weirdly, saying, "what do you mean?"
you roll your eyes, "you know what i mean, malfoy. why are you treating me like i'm fragile? like i'll break any second? i told you before and i'll say it again, i need time to adjust. you know that i have feelings for you, so are you trying to rub salt in the wound? because i'm really not sure what is going on."
draco laughs, "you really are dimwitted, aren't you?" he shakes his head.
"i'm sorry?" you squint your eyes at him, and he laughs again. god, you really loved his laugh.
"you're such an idiot, y/l/n," and with that sentence, he places a hand on your cheek and brings you in for a kiss. his lips land on yours, and you feel like a statue. you didn't know how to react, i mean, was draco really kissing you right now?
his lips are soft, and you felt a little bad because you did not move at all. when he pulls away, you're in awe, staring at him, shocked.
"what," you manage to get out, and draco giggles, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
"i fancy you, you idiot," draco says to you, and you swear you can feel your heart jumping out of your chest. you're still sitting in place, confusion written all over your face.
"the fuck," you sputter out this time. "you fancy me? since when?"
draco sighs, tapping his chin as he thinks. "pretty sure it was the day i caught you sleeping at the library. you had been studying for hours, a little drool on your arm as well. that was the day i decided that i like you."
you turn red, blinking your eyes.
"you saw that?"
"yeah, you looked nice that day."
draco leans back and rests his hands on the grass, smirking when he saw how much he affected you. "so, are you willing to go on a date with me?"
"o-oh, okay, wow. haha, didn't expect this," you're at a loss for words, and you know malfoy knows it, because he can't stop smiling at how stupid you probably sounded right now.
"great," he replies, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"you know, ron won't be happy about this."
"oh forget the weasley, is he your boyfriend?"
"who said i had a boyfriend?
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Together
Jihoon: Chapter 1 (Perfect)
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Characters: Jihoon x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, genocide, runaways, domestic violence, child abuse, abandonment, homelessness, hunger, violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to Perfect by Ed Sheeran before reading this. That’s the song I thought of while writing this because it makes me feel some type of way you know?
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
🥀 & ☁️
Lonely Together Master List
Chapter 1: Perfect
It had been so long since you’d been around so many people. It made you antsy. You didn’t understand a lot of what was going on in the house. The constant noise scared you. It had you on such an edge that you nearly screamed everytime one of them coughed.
To be fair, before you had met them, you’d honestly jump at footsteps. Because footsteps meant humans, and humans meant danger. Not to mention that you were still not used to being in your human form. You preferred to stay a wolf, you were stronger when you walked on all four legs, and you weren’t as noticeable.
Your human appearance was… striking to most people to say the least. Your bright eyes and darker skin with salt and pepper curly hair made everyone around you always stare at you. You understood it somewhat, you didn’t match everyone else’s looks in Korea. But that didn’t mean you liked people watching you all the time, you hated being the center of attention. So to say you were still adjusting to being around people after having lived alone for centuries was a bit of an understatement. It was all so new to you. You had a new feeling now too. You just weren’t sure what it was…
At first, you thought maybe it was hope. You hadn’t hoped in such a long time, it would bring tears to even the most hardened criminal’s eyes. But you weren’t that good at trusting that human part of you. So you decided to go off of what you knew. And, even though you hadn’t been there long, two weeks at the most you thought, you learned a lot of things about them. You knew all but one of the wolves had a mate. You knew that two of the alphas butted heads on how to lead the pack a lot and that one just watched from the side and did everything behind the scenes without causing too much distress to the others. You knew they all loved each other, no matter what they said or how much they fought. You also knew that, being around them made you feel more alone than you’ve felt in decades.
When you were younger, you didn’t mind being alone. It meant that you didn’t have to rely on anyone, it meant you only had to look out for yourself. And as you got older, it just felt… right. But being around this house full to the brim with people, you started to realize just how much you missed being part of a big family. They treated you like you were one of them. Which was weird to you… because they didn’t really know you. I mean sure they saved you from imminent death, but they didn’t know you from Adam.
The more you thought about your current situation, the weirder the feeling got. The closer you got to each one of them, the stronger the feeling got. And when you got close to one of the quiet ones in particular, you swore it felt like your heart was singing to you. It was something you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to, but it wasn’t something you necessarily hated either. Whatever the feeling was, you’d figure it out eventually or it would go away on its own… right?
Still, You got to eat first with the other mates, well the mates minus Soonyoung. He may have been Seungcheol’s mate but 1.) he was a wolf unlike the other mates and 2.) he was a male wolf so he ate just as much as the other boys did. So they didn’t think it fair that he get to eat with all of you. Or them…. Or-whatever. You didn’t know, you just knew they offered you and the other girls food first and, considering you used to have to hunt for your food or you didn’t get to eat, you were definitely NOT complaining. Soonyoung though, you learned, had a tendency to whine about any and everything that he didn’t like.
“Aww come on again! No fair! (Y/N)’s just as much of a wolf as I am! Why does SHE get to eat first when I don’t??” Soonyoung decided to voice aloud, grabbing his plate with both hands and semi-patiently waiting for his turn to grab food.
You didn’t mind of course. You did think he had a point. It didn’t seem fair to him. Either he should be eating with the other mates, or you should be eating with the other wolves. So you agreed.
“He’s got a point. I should be eating with the other wolves. I eat more than the other girls after all” you shrugged matter of factly to the lead alpha, who was also his mate, who was hunched over the stove making said breakfast.
The thing is, Seungcheol did understand the argument. And he personally saw merit to the concerns, whether it was because it was a genuine point or whether it was just from months of his mate complaining about it, he didn’t know. Still, he saw it’s reasonings and thought they could be sound.
BUUUT, he also knew that SOMEBODY would definitely NOT be happy if you had to wait and fight the boys for food. It seemed everyone, wolves and mates alike, but you understood that Jihoon had imprinted on you already. Maybe you just didn’t know much about it, or maybe you knew and just decided you didn’t want to know, either way, it wasn’t for him to decide or judge.
So, as he looked over to the table of boys who were ACTUALLY patiently waiting their turn to dig in, his eyes landed on Jihoon, who shook his head and narrowed his eyes at the older wolf in return. Of course you didn’t notice this action, you were always more in your own head than you were in conversations.
“Sucks to suck kids. I make the rules and I say you eat with the mates. End of story. Sorry love!” he declared, once again moving his eyes ever so slightly to Jihoon, who nodded his head slightly as he smiled triumphantly.
He was NOT about to let his newfound mate eat the other mates leftovers with the other wolves. No. That was absolutely NOT happening. He may not have “officially” expressed that you were his mate, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna do everything in his power to make sure you were happy, healthy, and well fed.
“But-” you argued, trying to bring your point’s validity up to him again.
“But nothing (Y/N). Sure you eat more than the other girls. But you DEFINITELY don’t eat as much as the boys do. Even if you are a wolf. Besides you’re one of-” he trailed off just as someone around the room hit the table slightly and coughed. Everyone but you realized where he was going with that sentence, and Jihoon wasn’t ready to face that just yet.
“-One of our guests.” Seungcheol thought after a moment, clearly lying his ass off but hoping he did a good enough job that you didn’t notice. Luckily for him, you weren’t all that great at social cues. “Therefore you shall not be eating whatever’s left, you’ll get first dibs with the other girls.” He said as he sat one of the plates of remaining food left from what the mates couldn’t eat down on the table, kissing his pouting mates forehead in the process.
“Don’t worry about Soonyoung. He’s just a baby. He’ll get over it. You deserve to be eating with the mates.” Spoke the smallest boy of the pack with a smile that seemed to light up as bright as a bonfire whenever you looked him in the eyes. He was the one that had your heart singing whenever you were in the same room. His little declaration made your cheeks heat up.
“O-Okay, I guess. I still don’t think I’ve done anything to deserve the special treatment… but thank you” you resolved with a polite smile back, doing your best to hide the pink covering your face. His heart rate sped up to jackrabbit speed as his inner wolf seemed to beamed at your answer.
“No (Y/N). Thank YOU.” Hansol retorted with a shit eating grin on his face. What he wanted to say was “thanks for helping one of the assholes in the group become juuuuust a little less of an asshole by being his mate,” but obviously he couldn’t do that without getting his ass beat.
“Thank me? Thank me for what?” You questioned, genuinely curious as to what he was thanking you for. You hadn’t done anything to warrant a thank you… had you?
“Oh nothing. Don’t worry about it. You’ll find out… eventually” He let out, looking at Jihoon, earning a smack from the older wolf and a small growl. Though he whined for a second, Hansol still began to laugh at his actions.
“…Okaaaay…” you said, trying your best to forget the conversation as a whole so you could eat the remains of your pancakes. Man these guys are weird.
Jihoon wasn’t sure exactly what he should do. He knew he couldn’t deny his instincts forever. But he wasn’t so sure about this whole “mate” thing. I mean, who was he kidding, he got along better on his own. He survived on his own for his entire life, at the orphanage, at school, even in his pack. For the most part, he kept to himself. He was SEVERELY independent, and he liked it that way. People just always managed to bring attachments and strings. Even still, He couldn’t cut off his pack. I mean don’t get him wrong, he loved those idiots and would do anything for them, but fuck, if they didn’t have the dumbest ideas and get themselves into the stupidest shit sometimes.
He knew his survival instinct told him to just ignore the feelings he had for you and act like nothing happened to protect himself. It’s not like you had noticed anyways. But the wolf part of him loved the idea of having a mate. For the longest time, he had to sit around and watch his brothers find their mates and fall in deep love. He watched Seungcheol find Soonyoung first a few months after he had met him. Then Joshua found his mate, Mina, after a few weeks of knowing him. Even little Channie imprinted on his mate, Somi, after just two days of Jihoon being acquainted with him.
Before he knew it, it was just him left without one. They always seemed so… happy and he just… wasn’t. He didn’t mind of course. He was glad his brothers found happiness. But he soon came to realize how lonely being alone truly was. He’d see his pack and their mates do cute things and, his heart was struck with a dull pain that never seemed to lessen, and at the time he didn’t understand why that was. But when he saw you, he knew the whole time he was yearning for you. When he saw you, for once he didn’t completely loathe the idea of taking care of or protecting another person. Even if it meant becoming one of the “lovey people.” He saw you and, one bat of your beautiful eyelashes and he knew, he would gladly lay his life down for you. How could he not?
You were caring and kind, even if you didn’t like to show it. You held yourself high, even if you were small. You were little, but you were mighty. You were smart, yet funny. You hardly spoke, but when you did, it was always something memorable. You never seemed to hold your true self back. He already knew that you were Perfect for him, even if he’d hardly spoken to you. He just couldn’t help the sane part of him that was very weary of the whole situation.
As Jihoon debated his true feelings for you over his breakfast, the other wolves went and conversed with each other. They tried to speak to you too, but you never really had a lot to say. You preferred to listen, which they weren’t all that surprised at. Jihoon was the quiet, calm, smart wolf, so it’s no surprise that his mate was the same way. You’d both always seem to get lost in thought almost simultaneously. You’d both come back to Earth at the same time too, always with very similar excuses.
Though everytime your eyes met, you’d both look away, trying your best to hide the blushes that spread across both your cheeks. It was kind of cute and the pack loved that their brother wouldn’t have to be all alone any longer. He’d no longer have to just sit on the side lines while they all had the time of their lives. He now had you, even if you didn’t realize it yet. You could both be Lonely Together.
Another Author’s Note: I know this chapter is relatively short compared to the others I’ve written so far, but honestly, your girls tired as fuck. I work a full time job, go to school full time, and take care of a lot of my family’s household. Let’s just be lucky I can write at all. Plus, I wrote Wonwoo’s story earlier today too. So let’s just call it a success and I’ll write a better chapter for him next time!
(Updated 9/6)
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cultifi · 3 years
Hey~ okay so this request is based on a story I read about online. But basically the female is on her period (but she doesn’t realize yet ) and it seeps through her pants so she has a blood stain now. Could I request Bakugou or Todoroki seeing the stain and trying to be lowkey about helping her cover up so she isn’t embarrassed? Idk if that makes sense. Also I wanted to ask what fandoms/characters you write for. Idk if it’s annoying always writing about Bakugou, but he’s my comfort character so 😭 sorry.
Covering - Bakugo x (fem)reader
prompt: Bakugo sees that you had started your period and helps you out
genre: fluff
-actual plot of the request starts at ‘keep reading’ button-
“Come on! I promise it will be fun,” Mina begged you as she flopped onto your bed, sprawled out, “it’s only for the weekend anyways.” She had been trying to convince you to spend the weekend with her and a couple of other friends at Momo’s beach house which wasn’t far away from where you lived, but the thought of being trapped with people for more than a day irritated you just thinking about it. Mina just kept pleading for you to go.
“If I come, you have to...” you stated as you looked thought of a compromise that would benefit both you the most, “...do my homework for a week!” Mina’s mouth dropped open as she looked at you in disbelief. She hung her head down and muttered a small,
Friday afternoon came around and when you arrived at the beach house with Mina and Momo you finally saw who you would be spending the weekend with, Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo. 3 boys, 3 girls. You all headed inside and set your luggage down near the entrance, admiring how spacious and clean the house was, like no one had ever stepped foot in it. “Woah...” you whispered in amazement when you had seen that Momo’s description of the house was nowhere near accurate, claiming it was “just a regular beach house.” 
“This place is huge!” Mina exclaimed and threw herself on the enormous leather sofa placed in the middle of the living room, which was the centre of the beach house. “Honestly Momo, you really downplayed how big this place is.” After exploring the large, almost sparkling clean house, everyone discussed sleeping arrangements. despite it being a huge house, the only thing it lacked was a decent amount of bedrooms; there were 2, but fortunately they were quite big, so everyone had decided that the girls would room together and the boys would do the same.
The sky grew darker before anyone realised how late it had gotten so everyone headed to their designated sleeping rooms. Since the rooms were quite large, there were conveniently three beds in different areas of the room, the middle being empty. “Dibs!” Mina shouted and catapulted herself onto the bed directly opposite the door, even though the were all basically the same size (hers was a little bigger but that’s besides the point). All three of you prepared yourselves for bed as you slid into the cool covers, having light conversation until Momo asked you a question about him. 
“I noticed Bakugo looking at you a lot today,” she teased as her and Mina both giggled, “I think he has a crush on you!” You felt heat rise up to your cheeks when you started thinking about what it would be like to be in a relationship with him so you pulled the covers up to your face and protested against Momo’s idea. 
You woke up to Mina and Momo jumping on your bed which made you want to dropkick them but you restrained yourself, putting your pillow over your head. “Fine, I’ll get up,” you complained and threw your pillow at Mina who was jumping with such vigour that you might think she was trying to create a dent in the bed frame.
“Let’s wake the boys up,” Mina suggested with a smirk and whispered something to Momo, both giggling and making you feel confused. “Okay so I’ll wake up Deku, you wake up Bakugo and Momo will wake up Todoroki. We’ll just jump on their beds until they get up.” The evil scheme was soon in motion.
You approached the door of their room and carefully twisted the handle, making sure to not create any disturbances. You pushed the door open and looked at all the boys sleeping peacefully. It wasn’t going to be peaceful for much longer.You each took your places and on the count of three flew onto the beds.
“Wake up!” you shouted and jumped onto Bakugo’s bed, bouncing up and down as though it was a trampoline.
“Shut up,” he mumbled tiredly and grabbed onto your ankle, making you stumble and fall onto him in a bit of an interesting position, staring at each other awkwardly. You looked down to realise that you were straddling Bakugo and that he also wasn’t wearing any boxers underneath his pyjama bottoms. His eyes widened and told you to move, but flinched slightly when you finally did, pulling the covers over his lower half. He put his head in his hands and shouted at all of you to ‘get the fuck out.’ You hurried out of the room in embarrassment, Mina and Momo following you as you cursed to yourself.
“What just happened?” Mina asked you worriedly as she closed the door behind her. You told her about the ‘situation’ which was currently being taken care of by Bakugo in the bathroom. “I think he’ll be fine in a bit, don’t worry about it,” she advised you and hugged you lightly and suggested that we all go to the beach, your stomach had been hurting, but you ignored it and agreed.
Later on, after having swam in the salty water and played volleyball with everyone, Mina’s words had proved to be true, Bakugo wasn’t angry, he actually looked like he was having fun, especially when Deku tripped and got a face full of sand. You were all hungry at this point and decided you would go to a restaurant near the beach house, it wasn’t anything fancy so you just decided to wear light blue denim overalls accompanied by a black belt with a white short sleeved crop top.
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You ignored the aching in your lower stomach since you thought it was probably just because you were hungry and tied up your hair into a ponytail. “You ready?” Momo asked as she picked up her phone and purse.
The dinner actually turned out to be really enjoyable with everyone there, you honestly thought it was going to be chaotic but you managed to have fun. When the sky started turning a dark orange colour and you realised it was getting late, and you all were tired from the day’s activities.
“Alright let’s go back,” everyone agreed and made their way out of the restaurant. As you were walking you saw Bakugo drop his phone and went to get it after realising it wasn’t in his pocket anymore, falling behind the group slightly as you all walked by knowing he’d catch up anyways.
“Hey, um...” he walked up besides you holding out his zip up hoodie, “wrap it around your waist, there’s kind of a problem,” he whispered to you and you suddenly realised why your stomach had been hurting the whole day. Shit. You endured the pain as the cramps kicked in conveniently when you were close the the beach house, not wanting to get any weird looks from strangers. “You okay?” Bakugo asked, acting as though he didn’t really care, you nodded and smiled feebly keeping yourself from crouching down into a little ball.
Once you all arrived home the first thing you did was run towards the shower because you just wanted to clean up and have a shower quickly to relax your muscles after having been in pain for so long. As soon as the hot water hit your shoulders it felt as though the stress melted out of them and you stood there for a minute, enjoying the sauna-like atmosphere the nearly boiling hot shower was creating. It really did help your stomach cramps.
Grabbing the vanilla scented body wash, you remembered that Bakugo had seen the period stain but luckily didn’t make it obvious to everyone and he was actually subtle about it. You pushed your hair out of your face and sighed, feeling the embarrassment wash away as you realised it shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. Steamed followed you when you stepped out of the shower and you noticed Bakugo’s hoodie hanging on the door, deciding you should probably give it back.
You walked into the living room to see he was the only one there, sitting on the plain leather couch, staring at whatever was on the huge tv. “Hey,” you greeted him and sat down besides him, handing him his hoodie, “thanks for helping me out, here, it’s clean.” He took the hoodie and placed it on the arm of the sofa, getting up to retrieve something since he told you to wait there. You did as you were told and waited patiently until he came back with a handful of snacks and a hot water bottle, accompanied by a cup of chamomile tea ‘to relax you’. “Um, what is this for?” You asked him, confused as to why he was being so nice.
“You’re on your period right? So I thought it would help if I brought some snacks. The tea might help with the cramps, that’s what my mom told me to do when a girl is on her period,” he said nervously and laid the snacks down next to you, scratching the back of his neck. You smiled at him and took the tea, placing it down on the coffee table in front of you and happily took the hot water bottle, shoving it under your shirt to soothe your stomach. You noticed him still looking at you and you smiled.
“Could you stay here?” He looked surprised for a second and grabbed a soft throw blanket to cover the two of you, putting on a movie to watch as you opened a bag of gummy bears and got closer to him, not noticing the blush you had caused to spread across his cheeks.
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amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
Zagr for the ship ask 😤😤😤 every single one bitch
I cannot believe you have bombarded me like this. Appalled. Insulted. Astounded.
Please enjoy my entire analysis of my fictional totally canonical ship.
1. How did they first meet?
Dib, but also school.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
I think they're both initially incredibly dismissive of one another. Zim thinks the entire fate of the Armada's reputation lying on his shoulders, and Gaz really has too many personal problems even as a kid to deal with; neglectful Dad, overprotective, stupid brother, etc.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Okay so hear me out; I think Skoodge and Professor Membrane would be so obnoxious in the best way. And Gir, whenever his attention span lets him remember long enough to scream about it. But I think Membrane would be chipper about Gaz finding someone, even long before she admits she's even interested, and Skoodge would want Zim to be happy and is unconditionally supportive, especially when Zim is mopey whenever his advances are rebuffed.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Honestly, I love a Zim simp, but I genuinely think it'd be Gaz. Zim is obviously a Defect capable of feeling a larger range of emotions than other Irkens, but he still didn't receive socialization that makes 'romantic rituals' in any way natural to him. So I think Gaz and him would buddy up platonically and casually, initially, until she realizes she likes his company a little too much and freaks out about it.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Gaz does, 100%, and she's way more stubborn about it then Zim. I think Zim's denial is just that he doesn't "get" romance (see above) and what's going on with him, but once he understands he's fully down to bombard Gaz with affection, flirtations, and other over-the-top simp behavior until she stops pretending she's not gritting her teeth while fighting a blush.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Zim doesn't know what a soul is, but he does begin to understand the concept that they can be taken from human's in bargains. He becomes distracted by the topic. Bringing it up again later would have him largely dismissive.
Gaz would roll her eyes, and be extremely bitter about the idea that there is anyone 'made' for her. She's very independent, and I think someone with the sort of familial issues she does with no role model for a 'happy' family would be really resistant to being bound to someone in a way that would entitle them to her vulnerabilities. She'd be extremely resentful, dismissive, and irritable.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really unfulfilled, listless. Without that companionship, they would never develop into people capable of meaningful relationships. I think both of them are very independent. Zim may claim he likes an audience, but there's an undeniable anxiety that he gets when faced with judgement. If it's anything but unwaveringly positive, he becomes delusional and creates a fantasy world in which everyone loves him, and the situation was just an initial misinterpretation. Gaz would have good friends, I think, but accepting Zim and his oddities and realizing she genuinely relates to someone who knows everything about her (via her brother + proximity + time) and is still here would mean a lot to her development.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Zim, without a doubt. Gaz may like Zim first, but she's completely in denial about it and completely stubborn. Zim is oblivious, and also a big ass simp, so his persistence and patience eventually gets Gaz to let her guard down and accept that she has hormones, she has romantic inclinations, and apparently they've both decided Zim is it. Time to be a big girl and accept it.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Honestly, I don't think they're the 'date' type of couple. I am probably 100% projecting since my boyfriend and I did not have an official 'date' until like 6 months into our first relationship, where we paused, turned to each other and were like 'wait is this our first date?' because we're homebodies whose idea of fun is projects. I think Zim and Gaz would hang out regularly, but it wouldn't ever be like a formal 'we are going to Bloaty's/the movies/etc as a date,' but rather 'I am going here and you are coming with me so I guess we are going together' thing. Zim doesn't get the point of a date, because if a date is by definition doing an activity together, then aren't they perpetually on a date? And Gaz isn't really a 'let's go to dinner formally' kind of person. They hang out, they go places, but it's never really a 'thing.'
3. What was their first kiss like?
I firmly believes Gaz would have to walk Zim through every aspect of physical affectionate. Zim is really wary about it, but I do think there's an instinct towards good ol' copulation, as well as a longing for positive touch after so long getting his ass whooped in the Academy, that would make him frustrated trying to figure out what this desire is. I think their first kiss is Gaz explaining to Zim, after he asks her outright what else there is after tame stuff like cuddling and hand holding, and Gaz walks him through the concept, implications, and so on until he feels ready to bravely and firmly try it.
While that does sound pretty clinical, I think actually it'd be really emotional for both of them. Zim would be really overwhelmed by how much passion is in a kiss, and Gaz would be similarly overwhelmed since, going into the relationship, she probably never anticipated Zim being interested in anything sexual, so any physical affection he expresses interest in is a surprise to her.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I think Gaz probably would try out a few brief relationships, but never anything substantial or dramatic. Zim's never been in a relationship, so Gaz is his first everything. I do think they'd be each other's first sexual relationship, but I think Gaz would have most of her more minimal firsts with other people prior to Zim.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Zim older. I normally write Zim as the same height as Gaz, or only a little taller. Neither of them are tall. I do respect you 'short king' stans though.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Dib hates Zim, firmly and completely, at the beginning of their relationship. It takes a lot of self-reflection, meaningful sibling discussions, and probably a few screaming matches that eventually get to the real root of the issue (Dib's ingrained fear that something would happen to Gaz, and that it'd his fault) before he came around. Zim is a big petty bitch and would gleefully antagonize him. They would never stop sniping at each other, but they'd begrudgingly (sort of) behave for Gaz. They would eventually become frenemies and bros, but they'd die and also kill each other before admitting any sort of cordiality.
Professor Membrane adores Zim, and treats him like the son he never had/always wanted, the one who wants to have long discussions about science and can keep up with the theoreticals. Gaz hates it.
The Base and Gaz are cool. They have an understanding borne from two sentient creatures who have found themselves in the position of trying to keep Zim from killing himself, killing other people, or from coming to (too much) harm. Gaz initially hates Gir, but eventually she figures out how to get him to chill out when it's important. Minimoose and her are also cool, but he creeps Gaz out a little.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim thinks he does, but it's really just Gaz slapping her hand over his mouth before he can say something stupid, or translating whatever nonsense just came out of his mouth when he's done talking.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Not even a question.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim. Also not even a question.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Gaz. Zim doesn't know what it means until she explains it. It takes him awhile to internalize it and reciprocate verbally, but Gaz is okay with that. He shows her how much he cares in other ways.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Without a doubt, Zim's is touch. Once he gets used to it, he's really greedy and possessive about proximity. Just having Gaz bump his arm is sometimes enough to set the worst of his nerves at ease.
Gaz's is acts of service. She's fine with Zim being physically clingy, but it means a lot to her how unflinching he is about protecting her, anticipating her needs, and remembering things.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Zim. Gaz hates them, but she tolerates it. Sometimes.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Cuddling is very frequent. Zim will just sort of shift in behind Gaz if she's playing a game and cling, and she'll just keep doing what she's doing until she's eventually done and reciprocates. Explicit PDA never happens, but Zim is very clingy and physically will plant himself between Gaz and people who he's distrustful towards.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Gaz. I think Zim would cling to her like a barnacle at every opportunity, but Zim would likely usually defer to Gaz for escalating intimacy.
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
Zim big spoon. PAK too uncomfortable to let him be the little spoon.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
I think just being around each other while they do projects, game, etc. would be their favorite thing to do. Sharing in hobbies without feeling pressured to be entertaining, but still feeling like their presence is valued and wanted by the other.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Being a people, and having more emotional competency, Gaz is better. Zim does his best though.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim, if we're talking about quantity. Gaz, however, if we're talking about quality. Zim screams at chihuahuas for looking at Gaz, and also does protect her from genuine threats, but he overreacts frequently. Gaz, however, would know when Zim's out of his depth and would break the spine of anything that's a threat to him.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical, for both. Neither of them is really used to verbal affection, whether it be giving or receiving. It's a lot more natural to be demonstrative.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Me, cackling as I copy and paste this link that I imagine is from their mutual perspectives:
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
There's lots, and I'm sure most of them are inside jokes, but the tops are Zimmothy + Little Gaz.
13. Who remembers the little things?
It's hard to say. Zim would retain an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Gaz, and tries to spoil her and accommodate her at every opportunity, but Gaz never forgets to pack an extra umbrella and a raincoat.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
No one but their mutual 'families.' A very small, intimate ceremony. The reception though is massive, courtesy of Professor Membrane who has no idea how to separate his personal life with his public one.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
0 kiddos. Cannot product viable, compatible DNA to produce a spawn.
4. Do they have any pets?
Does Gir count?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
If Gir is the child, Zim. Gaz will let him get away with murder, both because she can't be bothered to control him, and also because she thinks it's funny how mad Zim gets when she lets him go wild.
6. Who worries the most?
Between Gaz "apathetic is my middle name" Membrane and Invader "I have perpetual anxiety" Zim? No idea.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Gir. He eats them long before anyone can find them. But both Gaz and Zim will point out any he misses.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Zim fucking hates Christmas, so him and Membrane get down in a bunker for it while Dib and Gaz spend some sibling time somewhere, drinking cocoa and video chatting with the respective morons. Other holidays, they basically go wherever Professor Membrane is in the world with Dib to have a 'family' holiday.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim doesn't sleep, but he likes the resting and the peacefulness of getting to curl around Gaz in her sleep without her leaving. So him by default.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Zim has a 'kiss the chef' apron and everything.
11. Who likes to dance?
Neither of them, but Zim does 'victory dances' compulsively.
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