#Aw he’s holding a present and candy cane
verstappen-cult · 5 months
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lando enjoys the holidays for many reasons, and one of the main ones is how happy you always are. you take everything involving christmas very serious and he tries to help you as much as he can, but it’s lando, he can’t help but go up to santa at the mall, asking for what he wants for christmas as if he’s five years old, embarrassing you so much you don’t think you will ever be showing your face again. lando is awful at wrapping presents, but you take your time teaching him between giggles and kisses that taste like hot cocoa. and after a very stressful but fun day of shopping and wrapping presents, you end your day cuddle up in front the fireplace with hot drinks and a christmas movie.
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charles knows you love christmas, so you don’t even need to ask for him to know that as soon as the season starts, you want to go and see the christmas lights around the neighborhood. so he drives you for hours, heart melting at your happy face and tears in your eyes. you decorate the tree together while christmas songs play in the background, that soon turns into a karaoke fight. charles’ favorite part of decorating the house is definitely when he has to lift you up so you can hang up the ones that you can’t reach by your own. of course you have stairs that could easily help you do it, he just doesn’t tell you.
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oscar loves you so, so much because if that weren’t the case, he definitely wouldn’t be wearing the matching sweaters you gifted him a few christmas ago. much less while shopping where everyone can recognize him. but really, oscar doesn’t care if a picture of him wearing an ugly bright-green grinch sweater goes viral as long as you keep smiling at him every time you turn around to show him something. and it all pays off when you arrive home, after a day full of activities, and he feels your arms wrapping around him as you tell him how grateful you are between kisses.
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max goes all out to make every christmas special and makes sure to have the days leading up to christmas free so you can go shopping together. what max loves the most is how you slip your hand inside his coat’s pocket so you can still hold hands. and when he sees all the ingredients to make a gingerbread house, of course he has to buy it. so when he comes home with a big smile you don’t hesitate to clean the kitchen and sit down to put it together. and it chaos, neither of you had done it before and it ends up being anything but a gingerbread house, but you love it, you made it together so it has a special place on the countertop where everyone can see it.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
every year since you and alex have together he takes you to an ice rink. you both have learn a lot of tricks that, of course, end up with you bumping into people and falling. it’s your favorite night in december where you can just be kids together. the night ends up with you two walking down the christmas fair, sharing candy canes and hot cocoa while arguing about what movie to watch that night. and if you find yourselves under a mistletoe making out, well, nobody needs to know that.
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daniel loves christmas in australia because he can be with you for a full month and scape the cold, too. all his family gets together on christmas eve and every year you are a bundle of nerves. they love you, you know that and daniel makes sure you remember, he also makes you forget all about nerves dragging you to the kitchen where the little ones are setting out all the snacks for santa and his reindeers. you finish with only half the cookies and carrots because daniel can’t help himself. after that all the adults gather in the living room to drink and chat. it’s a little different tradition, but you love it.
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mick loves to do a mini photoshoot on christmas day with your matching pajamas because you two look so pretty in them, and needs it for his collection. then, sitting by the fireplace to exchange gifts before going your separate ways to spend christmas with your families. he always has that big and bright smile on his face that you love so much when it’s your turn to open your presents. you say your goodbyes outside in the snow, kissing and getting wet but not caring at all. you promise to see each other the next day to snuggle up in the couch and see your favorite holiday movies together.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Santa Clause is Coming to Town: Single Mom Au
Disclaimer: Buckle up, y'all. This is a long one.
Kela: (steps into the house and kicks the snow off her boots)
Blake: Welcome home, sweetheart. (steps out from her office with a book in hand) How was school? Are you excited for holiday break?
Kela: (looks up at Blake with tears in her eyes and sniffles)
Blake: Oh, baby. (immediately tosses her book to the nearest surface that isn't the floor and rushes to Kela's side, kneeling down to look her in the eyes) Honey, what's wrong?
Kela: (wipes the tears from her eyes aggressively and hiccups) T-The kids at school... *sniff - hic* ...they said that Santa doesn't visit Faunus houses. He doesn't visit animals.... Is that true, Mama?
Blake: (blood boils as she pulls Kela in for a hug) Baby girl, absolutely not. You know Santa shows up every year.
Kela: (crying silently into Blake's shoulder) But we're living with Yang now. What if Santa realizes that this house has mostly Faunus? What if he only visited our apartment before because there were a lot of humans there that he didn't want to skip?
Blake: (mentally making a hitlist for children and contemplating if it's a horrible thing for adults to beat the shit out of students as she holds Kela tight and pets her hair)
Yang: (steps in from the garage, oil and grime cover her jeans and work shirt) There's my favorite ladies! (notices Kela crying) Little Fighter, what's wrong?
Blake: Some kids at school told Kela that Santa doesn't visit Faunus houses because they're animals.
Yang: (eyes flash red) Is that so? ......Excuse me. I think I hear my work phone going off in the garage. (steps out into the garage and the sound of a truck engine turning over fills the house before fading away)
Blake: (mentally) Yang, don't do anything stupid.
-A Few Days Later: Middle of the night, Christmas Eve-
Blake: (green, white, and red lights flash across her face through the cracked open door, pulling her groggily from slumber) What in Remnant? (notices Yang's empty side of the bed) Yang?
Thunk! .....Thunk! .....Thunk!
Blake: (follows the noise to the common room and gasps)
The living room has completely undergone a holiday explosion. The tree has more ornaments, garland and lights are strung in bows along the walls, candles and giant decorative candy canes frame the tree, three brand new stockings with Yang, Blake, and Kela written on them are hung up on a hastily constructed mantle, a fake snowman, and all sorts of glittering decorations are trickled around the room with a few extra presents set up underneath the tree. The presents gift tags read "to Blake" and "to Kela."
Yang: (wearing a Santa hat, white tank top, red trousers with a black belt and suspenders, a red Santa jacket is draped over the arm of the couch, and a pair of brand new work boots on her feet as she steps around the room carefully - leaving behind flour footprints with speckles of glitter on the hardwood floor as she slowly backtracks towards the mantle)
Blake: (mostly speechless and in awe) Yang, what is all this? Where have you been? I've had to tell Kela that you were on an important work project. (realizes she's supposed to be angry and props her hands on her hips) You better have a good explanation for why I had to lie to my daughter.
Yang: (beams a smile that's brighter than the sun reflecting on freshly fallen snow) Hey, babe! Sorry about just dipping out for a few days. After hearing Kela say that Santa wasn't going to show up, I had to make a trip to "Santa's Workshop" to pick up some extra decorations and make a chimney.
Blake: (anger fades) .....You did not go buy all these decorations and a fake fireplace just to make Kela feel better...
Yang: What do you think I am? Made of money? No! (finishes backtracking and slips out of her boots, tossing them in the garage, before going over to Blake in her stocking feet) I went to Patch to get some more decorations, hit up the shop to make this mantle and fireplace out of some plywood and concrete, and asked Weiss for a favor.
Blake: (blinks in disbelief) You asked Weiss for a favor?
Yang: (pulls a white envelope with Kela's name written in fancy calligraphy, red wax seal and glitter out of her back pocket) Couldn't write the letter from Santa myself. Kela would recognize my handwriting. (places the letter next to an empty plate and glass on the coffee table)
Blake: (tearing up) I don't know whether I want to slap you or kiss you right now.
Yang: Well (plucks the Santa hat off her head and places it on Blake's head) you could start with a kiss and decide whether or not to hit me after?
Blake: (adjusts the hat so her ears are more comfortable) Or I could give you a special present early~
Yang: (blushes excitedly) Lead the way, Ms. Clause!
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holylulusworld · 1 year
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Summary: You hurt your knee. Bucky is all too eager to help you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Square 13 filled for Lulu’s Winter Bingo: Free Space: Christmas presents
Square 15 filled for Lulu’s xmas bingo: Candy canes  
Square 15 filled for @sebastianstanbingo:  “Everything hurts and I’m dying.”
Warnings: injured reader, implied enemies to friends to more?, a hint of fluff, teasing
Words: 1,2 k
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Just a little more and I got everything I need,” you smile to yourself as you hurriedly make your way through the endless hallways of the Avengers tower.
Your arms full of bags filled with Christmas decorations, and gifts for friends, you can barely see where you are going.
“Watch out! Y/N!” you hear the warning a few seconds too late.
You slip on something, screaming bloody murder as your bags slip out of your hands. The gifts, decorations, and sweets are all you can think about as you land on your knees, crying out in pain.
Steve immediately runs toward you to help you back up, but someone else is already by your side. You feel two strong arms wrap around your body. 
He easily picks you up in bridal style, grinning as you look up at him in shock.
“Barnes?” you question. “What are you doing?”
It’s an open secret that you and James Buchanan Barnes, or Bucky to anyone but you, are at each other’s throat since the day you met. Now he’s holding you close to his chest, and he smells so good.
“You’re a clumsy little thing, huh?” He frowns as you hiss in pain. “I’ll bring you to the medic bay. Next time, ask someone to help you carry all the heavy stuff.”
“Buck, she needs medical help. Stop nagging. Y/N is in pain,” Steve tuts. “If you only want to make her feel even worse, let me carry her to the medic bay.”
“No,” Bucky grunts. He walks away, with you in his arms as his friend hurriedly follows you. “I’ll handle this. You didn’t make it in time to keep her from slipping on the wet floor.”
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“How’s she?” Bucky worriedly watches the doctor check on your swollen knee and shin. “Doctor Cho? Does she need to stay at the medic bay?”
“Her knees are bruised, and she’s in pain, Sergeant,” Doctor Cho says as you try to sit back up on the examination table. “I gave her pain meds and puts some pain gel on her knee and shin.”
“So, I can bring her to her apartment?” before the doctor can answer you are back in Bucky’s arms. “Doll, you need someone watching over you.” He mutters as you look up at him with glassy eyes.
“Barnesy, you look so pretty in this light,” you slur, giggling at the awful pet name. “Man, you are even taller up close.” You lean closer to get a better look at his cheek. “Did you not shave? I bet you give a girl beard burn if you go down on her.”
“It’s the meds,” Doctor Cho holds back a chuckle. “I think the doses was…uh-you see…too high…maybe.”
“Nah, she’s good,” Bucky laughs as you tug at his shirt to get a look at his chest. “I’ll keep an eye on her for tonight. You know, to make sure she’s alright.”
“I guess she’s in capable hands.”
Bucky doesn’t wait for Doctor Cho to change her mind. He carries you out of the room, walking straight toward the elevator to bring you to his apartment, not yours.
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“How do you feel?” he asks on his way to his apartment. “Do you need more pain meds?”
“Everything hurts and I’m dying,” you whine. “I think someone kicked my shin and knee.” You whisper as if it’s a secret. “Do you think someone attacked me to get my Christmas presents?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll investigate the attack on you and your Christmas presents later doll,” he smirks as you lean your head against his shoulder. “What did you buy this time?”
“I got a new snowman for the communal room. It glows and sings a song.”
“What else?”
“I got a new shirt for Steve, tools for Tony, and Clint will get new arrows, I asked Tony to help me,” you yawn. “Nat will get a sexy top and I got a nice knife for Barnes. He’s an ass but I know he likes knives.”
“I’m not an ass,” Bucky stops in front of his door. “You are the one starting a fight all the time. Anytime I say something, you need to sass back and get on my nerves. Most of the time I want to strangle you, and other times, I want to make you shut up with my lips.”
“I’m so tired,” you snuggle into Bucky’s chest. “Do you think Santa will come to our house this year, daddy? Mom said he’ll bring me all the nice things.”
“Sure, doll,” Bucky pecks your hair. “Friday, open the door and lock it behind us. Make sure no one disturbs Y/N and me. She needs a rest.”
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“Where? What?” you slowly blink your eyes open. “This is not my bedroom.” You jolt up on the bed, feeling pain shoot through your right leg. “FUCK!”
“No swear words, doll,” Bucky casually strolls into the room, a tray in his hands. “I got you tea and breakfast. Doctor Cho gave me your pain meds and the pain gel. I’ll help you have a shower, or a bath later.”
“How did I get here?” you wonder aloud. “BARNES! WHERE AM I?”
“My apartment,” he shrugs. “You need to eat something. You can’t take the pain meds on an empty stomach. Go ahead.” Bucky places the tray on the bed. “You can choose. I got toast, bacon, waffles, eggs, and if you eat your breakfast like a big girl, a candy cane.”
“Why are you doing this?” you furrow your brows. “You don’t even like me.”
“It’s my fault you slipped and got hurt,” Bucky sheepishly admits. “I dropped my mug with coffee this morning. I wanted to get a mop and clean the floor but you ran along the hallways and…uh…you know the rest.”
“I can handle things from here on,” you wiggle on the bed, realizing you are wearing one of Bucky’s shirts as you push the covers of your body. “What? Why am I wearing one of your shirts?”
“I didn’t peek, I swear. The nurses at the medic bay redressed you, doll,” he grunts as you throw the toast at him. “It’s the truth. They had to cut your jeans off your legs to get access to your knee. I offered a shirt to them as I’m not allowed to enter your room.”
“You’re a fucking perv,” you look Bucky up and down. “I knew it. I bet you put your hands on me the moment I passed out!”
“I’m not some creep feeling you up while you are out cold!” he huffs. “That’s not true. I would never do such a thing.”
“Dude, you should see your face. I made a joke, okay,” you snicker. “I know that they helped me redress. I wasn’t that high on meds.”
“I—you are so frustrating,” he grunts. 
“I know,” you grin. “Thank you, Barnes. It was nice of you to take care of me.”
“You still need that shower or bubble bath. I-I bought stuff for the bathtub if you want to try it out. They called it bath bomb or something,” you eye Bucky warily. He seems to be honest and you wonder what he’s up to. “Lilac or vanilla. You can decide.”
“I like lilac,” you cover your body with the blanket. “Maybe, after we had breakfast you can help me into the bathtub. My knee hurts pretty bad and you are…very strong.”
“Let Bucky handles this, Y/N,” Bucky sits next to you on the bed. “You can eat your breakfast and take your meds, and I will take care of you. You need someone taking care of you, doll. A clumsy girl like you.”
“YOU!” you grunt.
“I know you want me to take care of you. Bucky is good at protecting his girl, doll.”
You sigh deeply, but enjoy his attention.
Bucky will take good care of you from now on. He makes it his mission to make sure you’ll never get hurt again.
Part 2
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
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Making Christmas Gay
🎄 Previous Holidays Here 🎄
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse (childhood), Dom being nervous about Holidays, Kells being silly, Christmas puns, arousal, improper enjoyment of a candy cane, a cat trying to attack a Christmas tree, naughty Santa, not much else it's pretty tame actually ❄️ Rating: I suppose mature
Dom woke slowly to the scent of fresh hot tea and… peppermint? He'd stayed up far too late the night before because he'd waited until the last second to wrap his lover's presents. He was always good at procrastination and anxiety when it came to what seemed like big moments. He'd realized how important holidays were to his man when they'd shared their Thanksgiving but Christmas? He truly couldn't have prepared. The house looked as if Jack Skellington exploded and he loved every bit of it. He was just… surprised.
Growing up he'd been forced to act jolly and enjoy the day with his family though they always fought worse around Christmas. When he was young the day had frequently felt black and blue hidden behind red and green lights and ribbons. It was the first time he didn't feel like he had to go home to his family. In fact, it was the first time the punk felt like he actually had a home. He was still adjusting though and he couldn't exactly give away how eager he was, especially not if his boyfriend went as crazy on Christmas as he had on turkey day.
“Ho ho ho. Get up bitch!” That raspy smokey voice danced over the boy's skin as he opened his eyes and grinned at the man kneeling over him. In fact, somehow he had completely missed Colson crawling on top of him and the rapper was straddling his hips and holding a steaming cup too close to Dom’s chest for his comfort. The man had steady enough hands but he didn't feel like risking it. Even so he felt the rest of his body wake up at the sight that greeted him. Kells was clad only in red boxer shorts trimmed with white fur and a Santa hat with a fake white beard.
“Is tha’ why ya bleached ya hair so white?” The Brit teased, pushing himself up on his elbows to get the full effect of the look.
Colson rolled his eyes and shrugged, the kid might be right but he didn't have to admit it. He couldn't agree that he'd bleached his hair all for a bit. He'd never live it down. “Asks the fucking skunk.” He grumbled back as he watched his lover rub his jade eyes and yawn.
“Did you call me a ‘ho’ and a ‘snunk’ in less ‘an five minutes? Trying to insult me enough it feels like ‘ome?” The singer joked a bit darkly but his boyfriend huffed a laugh. They were meant to be, even their trauma responses matched. “If you got a kink you ain't told me about…” Dom trailed off as he took the tea and set it on his bedside table but he did take the offered peppermint stick sitting on the side of the plate to cure any possible morning breath. No offense to the American but he still hadn't mastered tea. He had a feeling his man wasn't planning to allow a bathroom break anytime soon either. “You can jus’ tell me now cause beards ain't really me fing.” He mumbled around the sweet. If he sucked it a little deeper than was strictly necessary to show off, that was his business. “But I get it. Ain't like you can grow one.” He slurred, twirling his tongue around the confection as he watched those Santa shorts tent slowly. It always gave him butterflies knowing how much he turned the man on.
“Asshole. I do nice shit for you and get treated like this? Fuck me then.” The rapper huffed but they both knew they were teasing each other.
“Alright you, I'm sorry. I'll be good. Ain't used to waking up on Christmas ‘appy.” Dom sighed back, biting the tip of the candy before he set the rest back on the plate.
“Same, but don't be a ‘right bitch about it'.” Col’s voice did that awful British impression that Dom knew was supposed to be him but for once he didn't roll his eyes. He would try and be good. Ish.
“Long as you ain't got a ribbon wrapped ‘round ya cock I'm good.”
For just a moment Kells paused above his boyfriend and Dom worried he'd fucked something up but he knew there was no way he'd keep a straight face for that. “Damn. I didn't even think about that. For next year.” The man teased, happily rolling off his lover and bouncing off the bed. He reminded Dom of a golden retriever but he wouldn't say it out loud.
“Wha? No morning kiss or cuddle? Fuck me ‘en.” The punk turned Colson's words around but he found himself excited. Grinning even. He couldn't wait to celebrate and that almost brought on his anxiety all over again until the rapper reached down to slap playfully at his thigh, completely distracting him.
“Nope. You don't deserve any of it. You're taking too long.” Kells growled before wandering off. Dom was sure he had gone downstairs but he almost wanted to linger, just to be a dick. He'd always been rushed at home too but he supposed at least this was out of excitement instead of fear. He just had to remind himself he was allowed to be happy.
Kells paused in the living room, biting his lip and fiddling with the beard on his chin. He was trying desperately to make sure it was a good day for them both but he knew he was being over eager. He knew if he kept them both busy they couldn't stop to think about how rough the day normally was. Thanksgiving had started bumpy for them but they found their way. They could do it again. Damn that kid for making him so gooey. “Whiskey! For fucks sake!” He cursed as he caught the cat trying yet again to go to war with the Christmas tree. He wanted everything perfect.
Dom found his way downstairs after pulling on his pinstripe black boxers. Technically it was Christmas-y, he was sort of like Jack Skellington. He hoped it was an acceptable amount of holiday spirit. What he found in the living room was a sight though, his boyfriend was crouched over a pile of presents trying to catch the cat who was hiding under the tree. He paused next to the couch and tried not to giggle. “Mm, going for tha’ ‘fuck me’ bit of wha’ ya said? Fhought we was opening presents.” He joked, picking up a cat toy and shaking it which of course called Whiskey straight to him. “Least resistance and all tha’. Bribe ‘em. Don't scare ‘em.”
Kells grumbled under his breath as he tried to push himself back up only to fall over sideways but he counted it a win he didn't smash anything.
“Tha's wha’ ya get being a right bitch.” Dom purred, tossing the cat toy to their pet before he moved to pull his gangly lover off the floor.
“I was trying to- fuck. Just- just close your eyes.” The older man commanded as he righted himself. He watched as jade eyes closed but he fully expected the confusion written across Dom’s face. After making sure nothing was broken he took a seat on the dressed up chair next to the tree and grabbed for his phone to turn on the lights and start playing some silly Christmas music. He knew it was over the top but he didn't mind. He found himself enjoying cheesy bullshit with Dom around. “Okay open.”
“I mean probably still yeah but-” Dom’s sexual joke stopped short as he opened his eyes and took in the room. Since he'd been asleep his lover had added more lights to the room and everything was honestly- “Beautiful.” He whispered, smiling wide when his sight landed on his lover who looked quite the naughty Santa waiting for his lap to be filled. When he didn't automatically move the rapper patted his lap and reached for him, pulling the boy into his arms. “You can't ‘andle me on one leg- I'm too fhick!” But Kells didn't care, he pulled him onto one knee and wrapped his arms around Dom's waist.
Blue eyes were a little too earnest as Colson looked at him and asked softly- “What do you want for Christmas?”
And a Christmas miracle happened when Dom let his walls down enough to wrap himself around Col in return and whisper back- “You. Jus’ you. Always.”
Of course Kells had to break the sincerity with a tease. “Fuck. We'll I spent a lot of money I didn't need to then. Guess you don't want-”
“Whatever it is, give it!” The boy joked back, tangling his fingers in the thick fake beard before he tugged it off the man and moved close, kissing him with as much feeling as he could and probably a little too much tongue.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
I know it's not the double fic I had hoped I could do and it's probably not even up to my normal standards but I've been incredibly sick and my mom has been worse lately so 😅 I'm sorry. I hope you all still enjoy the late Christmas present. I'll try to do more soon 🎄❄️🖤
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sinsiriuslyemo · 5 months
Title: Santa's Helper
Pairing: Jim Gordon/Reader
Rating: R (language, reference to role playing)
Summary: Christmas Eve at the GCPD.
Notes: divider by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: none
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“I don’t know what to tell you, Y/N. It just makes sense,” Stephens said with a shrug, an amused expression on his face.
“You’re my partner,” you said pointedly. “You’re supposed to have my back.”
The Chief of Police organized the toy drive every year for the precinct, selecting one squad to deliver the presents to the children at Gotham City Orphanage on Christmas Eve. This year, it fell to the Major Crimes Unit. You had been looking forward to delivering the gifts right up until the Captain insisted that a select few were to be dressed in festive costumes instead of your uniforms. He selected who would wear what, and much to your annoyance had chosen you to dress as an elf.
“You’re already shorter than everyone in the squad, and I can’t think of anyone that has more Christmas cheer,” Stephens continued, chuckling to himself.
It was easy for him to be so nonchalant about it, he had been assigned the role of police escort. You crossed your arms over your chest, eyes glaring daggers at the elf costume sitting on your desk.
“This supposed to be some kinda joke?” Flass asked, coming out of the bathroom in his Rudolph costume.
Stephens’ laugh renewed, one hand going to hold his stomach. This time you joined in with a chuckle of your own.
“Wonder who got Santa,” Stephens asked as his giggles began to die down. He looked around the bullpen at everyone’s desk.
“I don’t see the costume anywhere,” you replied. “Maybe he’s going for the whole ‘Santa’s busy delivering other presents so he sent his elves’ vibe.”
“Nah, there’s gotta be — Oh this just keeps getting better and better!” He was nearly doubled over in laughter, looking at something over your shoulder. Flass was also in a fit of laughter, apparently unfazed by the blinked, red nose on his face.
Turning to look, you quickly pursed your lips at the sight of Jim, dressed head to toe in the signature red and white suit with a matching hat and fake beard in each of his hands.
“Laugh it up, you two, just remember who does your schedule,” Jim called out to Flass and Stephens.
Your partner's laughter didn’t let up, nor did Flass’, the former chortling, “Aw, come on, Sarge, where’s your Christmas spirit?”
Jim rolled his eyes, but as soon as his gaze fell on the costume that still sat on your desk, his eyes lit up. Looking up at you, he smirked in somewhat satisfaction. “What are you waiting for, Detective? We’re leaving in just a few minutes. Go get your costume on.”
“Sarge, I’ll work doubles everyday for a month if I can just dress in my blues.”
“Absolutely not. If I have to dress as Santa, and Flass has to wear that reindeer costume all night, you’re gonna wear yours too,” he replied, coming to stand behind you. “Besides, what good is Santa without his elf?”
You groaned and swiped the costume up, going to the bathroom to change into it.
You had to hand it to whoever purchased the costumes, the material was not at all as flimsy as you anticipated. It was actually quite warm, something you thought had to be on purpose to protect the wearer from the blistering cold of Gotham City on Christmas Eve. Even the candy cane adorned socks were warm, and the buckled shoes were sturdy and comfortable.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you grimaced, deciding to go without the hat. You put your clothes into the package the costume had come in and came out to put it on your desk.
“Put it on,” Jim said, smirk on his face as he glanced at the hat in your hand.
“I don’t need it,” you tried to argue.
“Put. It. On.”
Frowning, you straightened out the hat in your hands and shoved it onto your head. Stephens was still laughing as he, Flass and the two other detectives on duty carried the presents out of the squad room.
“Now you,” you said, tipping your chin up at Jim.
Huffing as he tucked the Santa hat under his arm, he pulled the beard over his face, covering his thick mustache and bare chin with a fluffy, snow-white beard that fell to his chest. He pulled on the hat and put his hands out at his sides. “I look ridiculous.”
“How do you think I feel, Santa?” you asked, coming up to play with the ends of his beard.
“No, you look very cute,” he replied. “And look at it this way, at least you’re not gonna have dozens of kids trying to sit on your lap.”
You glanced around to be sure no one could hear you before stepping closer and saying, “Well, maybe later, if you’re not too tired, Santa’s Helper could have some time on your lap.”
“Not that that doesn’t sound like an amazing idea, but I think we’re supposed to give these back at the end of the night,” he replied.
“Well, that’s okay. I may have made a purchase a few weeks back,” you answered. “It’s not quite the full Santa costume, strictly speaking, they’re more like Santa shorts.”
“Shorts,” he repeated.
“Boxer briefs with white trim,” you answered. “It was supposed to be a gag gift, but then I started thinking about you wearing them and I got really turned on, so I bought something for me to wear, too.”
He arched a brow in interest. “I’m listening.”
“That will have to wait until after we deliver these presents, Santa,” you whispered into his ear.
“For Christsake, Y/N,” he mumbled as your colleagues came back in.
“We good to go, Sarge?”
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Delivering the presents to the orphanage had turned out to be quite the heartwarming experience. The kids had been more than grateful for the gifts, and Jim even managed to not have any of them wanting to sit on his lap.
The two of you managed to get home at around nine thirty, which was a miracle in and of itself.
“Alright, we’re home. Now can I see what you got?” Jim asked the moment the door was closed.
You chuckled at his eagerness. “Sure. I’ll bring out your shorts, too.”
“I’m gonna light the fireplace,” he said as you went into the bedroom.
You set your gun, badge and cell phone on the dresser before going into the closet and reaching behind the shoe rack pulling out the costume you’d bought and the boxer briefs you’d gotten for Jim. Laying out the underwear for him, you put your costume on, a velvet spaghetti strap red and white tank top and matching booty shorts. Taking down your hair, you ran your fingers through it to comb it out and looked yourself over in the mirror, deciding to go out barefoot.
Jim was just standing from having gotten the fire going, clapping the soot off his hands as he stood and turned toward you. His eyes slowly moved over you, taking you in from head to toe as he went up to you.
“Christ, you look good enough to eat in that,” he purred, his hands going to your waist as soon as you were within arm’s reach. Pulling you flush against him, he ran his hands over the fabric on your hips, glancing at the shorts in your left hand. “Those for me?”
“Mhm. We match,” you answered with a smirk. “You should put them on, I’m dying to see you in them.”
Leaning forward, he took your lips with his as he took the festive underwear out of your hand. Just as he began to deepen the kiss, his phone rang. You wouldn’t have thought anything of it, except your phone also began to ring. Jim groaned against your lips, pulling away to look down at his mobile. He cursed under his breath, looking back at you apologetically.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” you said.
“We have to, we’re on call,” he answered.
You groaned, your head falling back.
“Let’s just hurry up and go,” he said, dropping a wet kiss on your throat. “And when we get back, I’m going to devour every last inch of you.”
Humming as a shiver ran over your frame, you looked back at him. “Okay.” You went to go back into the bedroom, when he tightened his hold on you, waiting till you looked back at him.
“Leave it on underneath,” he purred into your ear.
Your eyes widened as a smile fell on your lips. “So naughty.”
“Not nearly as naughty as it's gonna get after I get you home for good. Hope you didn’t plan on sleeping, cause Santa’s got a long night planned for his little helper.”
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Santa And His Elf Save Christmas (A fanfic based on this cute commission art here. Fic schedule here.)
A holly jolly grin spread across Chibi Caleb's face as he walked through the winter snow in his elf costume, carrying a brown sack filled with candy canes.
Accompanying his shoulder was Chibi Flapjack, who was wearing a set of reindeer antlers.
The blonde was brimming with Christmas joy and was eager to share it with the children at the mall, along with the candy canes.
His chibi brother however didn't seem to share the same joy as he walked alongside him dressed as Santa Claus, dragging a red sack that was stuffed with toys.
Chibi Beardo Philip's expression was clearly irritable, and a small portion of his brown beard was visible through his fake white one.
He found the whole mall Santa thing to be silly and wanted to get it over with.
The chibi children who had been waiting for Santa at the mall were disappointed by the absence of him, until he finally showed up with his elf.
As candy canes and presents were passed around to each child, they instantly smiled and cheered.
After the children left, Chibi Philip felt completely drained from all those sticky brats.
He then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Chibi Caleb, who was smiling and holding his hands behind his back.
Bringing his hands forward, Chibi Caleb presents to his brother a gleaming red gift.
Chibi Philip lets out a small gasp, completely taken aback by this as his eyes lit up.
The bearded brunette gestures a finger towards himself as if asking 'For me?', to which Chibi Caleb replies with a small head nod.
As he takes the gift, Chibi Philip slowly unwraps it and lets out another gasp.
The sight of a wooden horse carving that had been crafted with love and impeccably painted with brown paint left him awed.
As he gazes at Caleb, the blonde smiles and happily holds up his carving knife and a paint brush.
He knew how much his little brother adored horses and wanted to make one for him this year.
Chibi Philip's eyes began to fill with exaggerated tears as he whimpered, making a squeaky toy sound.
A caring embrace from Chibi Caleb wraps around him with a smile, followed by another squeaky toy sound.
During the hug, Chibi Flapjack randomly flutters down and lands on Chibi Philip's head, but he's too absorbed in his own emotions to even notice the bird.
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artificial-sleep · 5 months
🎄🎅🎁 Xmas HCs ⛄🌡❄
Merry Christmas/happy holidays! Hope you're enjoying a restful day 😊💕
Here's a lil thread of some xmas-spirit fandom thoughts to read while drinking some coco 😌☕
EraserMic ❤️💚❤️
EraserMic where Hizashi is getting ready for xmas eve dinner, listening to "Merry Christmas Baby" as he styles his hair.
CW// xmas fluff, a couple smooches 💋 
He serenades the toothbrushes on the countertop, proudly belting out the lyrics "Gave me a diamond ring for Christmas, now I'm living in paradise!" even though they've been married for years.
Shouta watches fondly from the doorway, propped up with a small smile on his face as the whir of the blow dryer competes w the volume of the music.
Shouta decides to walk in and hook an arm around Hizashi to pull him in. 
Hizashi yelps in surprise, the noise dissolving into chuckles as he looks at Shouta sweetly and caresses his cheek. "Was just saying how bad I wanted to 'hug and kiss you, baby,'" Hizashi says teasingly, pecking Shouta on the lips.
"Still thankful for that ring, huh?" 
"Everyday," Hizashi replies sweetly, kissing him again.
"Merry Christmas Baby" (the `Sheryl Crow version reigns supreme in my book... it's my favorite Christmas song!!)
Dadzawa ft. Eri 💚❤️💚
I think that when Aizawa taught Eri about the holidays, he maybe left out a few key details about Santa. Because when he finds the letter she left for him, he can't help but chuckle.
CW// xmas fluff, Aizawa as Eri's caretaker 
She's left it laid out for Santa on the coffee table in the living room and has since gone to bed for the night. Aizawa skims it again and again, reading to himself:
Dere santa,
Hi my naym is eri. I lik yer bag red is pretey. Du u lik crismus or halowin mor? Thenk u for tawking to me. I no ther ar a lot of kids.
She drew little hearts and what looked like both candy canes and pumpkins around the margins, and Aizawa laughs that not even once did she mention a gift she would like. 
Mirio spends the next day explaining to her in grandeur terms that Santa will give her anything and that's he magic and all she has to do is ask him for it, and she stares in awe and then considers it deeply before responding, "I like candy apples!"
Aizawa is sure she'll like the gift he got her just fine: a new hero costume, something small she can wear around school when he's in his.
He also got her some plushies. She tends to enjoy cuddling up when she goes to sleep, and he often finds her holding a pillow when he has to wake her. 
Aizawa doesn't mind not explaining to Eri that Santa already knows her name because it saves him trouble in the future. Plus, the kid is too inquisitive and bright for her own good. He'll stick with Santa being her pinpal who leaves her a surprise gift or two every year.
KamiJirou ❤️💚❤️
I just think that the one year Kyouka leaves wrapping presents to Denki that he loses his whole entire mind.
CW// xmas hc, KamiJirou w kiddos, frustrated packaging, quirk use... 
Kyouka gets called in on xmas eve and Denki is like yeah yeah yeah I got everything. Don't worry babe. See you on xmas morning.
And he does have everything: the baking cookies for Santa, impromptu xmas music dance party while they're in the oven, watching a xmas movie, bedtime stories, and super fun red and green striped pajamas.
All is going great with the kids in bed by 9 until... packaging.
He's tearing the paper with his hands, misplacing the tape every 5 seconds, biting ribbon off the spool, and tearing his hair out to get it done. 
He feels like he's been doing this all night, staring at the clock to see an hour has gone by, but there's still a massive stack to wrap. He's already wrapped... 4... 4! 4?? He huffs in frustration, throwing a remote control car aside as he grabs the next gift. 
The doll is probably the worst one. It takes him 3 times as long to figure out the packaging than it does the other gifts, and when he sets it with the other stack of finished gifts, he's relieved. Until he finds later that the paper has torn???
He suppresses the urge to scream as he picks up the doll, electricity buzzing across his fingertips. He grabs more gift wrap, huffing exasperatedly, trying to patch it, but the doll's arm just pierces it again, and soon, before he can think about what he's doing, the paper crumples into ash as he zaps the toy with an electric current. The doll is fried, face a bit burnt and hair sticking straight up, and he grits his teeth in embarrassment, deciding maybe it's time to take a break.
He goes to "make sure" Santa has eaten his cookies with a glass of milk and then goes back to his room to reevaluate.
Just as soon as he's finished transferring wrapped gifts to underneath the tree, he hears a familiar voice behind him ask, "How's it going?"
He turns to see his wife smiling back at him, still wearing her hero gear and clearly just having walked in. 
Kyouka laughs when she sees the doll.
"I kind of figured honestly," she teases, and Denki feigns outrage.
"I can't believe you think so little of me," he pouts, and she chuckles as she pulls out another doll from the top of their closet.
"I just had a feeling..." she says, taking the wrapping paper and packaging it in a quick two minutes.
"You're magic," Denki says in awe, and she laughs.
"Whatever... You're the one that pulled off Christmas Eve all by yourself. I think you're magic."
"I love you," Denki mutters against her lips, and she gives him a peck.
"Love you." 
A/N: So basically "Toy Packaging" by Sara Groves
KamiSero 💚❤️💚
SeroKami but ice skating!! ⛸
CW// fluffy xmas morning thoughts, basically a 🏳️‍🌈 Hallmark movie 🎄
I think that Kaminari goes skating every year, and now that he and Sero are dating, he invites him to come with.
Sero agrees without a second thought but acts bashful when the night comes.
They get some hot cocoa when they arrive, and Kaminari notices that Sero seems to look nervous, holding onto the cup tightly and darting his eyes to the ground nervously.
"Hey, you okay?" Kami asks him, and he chuckles a little.
"Y-yeah. For sure. Uh-" 
He scratches the back of his neck, his face flushed, perhaps from the cold or otherwise, as he admits, "I just, uh- well, I don't actually know how to skate..." Kaminari smiles big at him, and Sero returns it as they both start to laugh.
"Oh! That's fine, babe. I mean, we definitely don't have to, but... I can teach you." Sero smiles big and nods at him, taking his hand as they go to rent skates.
He's unsteady when he steps on the ice, and the look of panic in his eyes when he steps onto the rink sends Kaminari into a giggling fit. 
He holds him tight, but his wobbling just encourages Kaminari's chuckles until Sero's feet are sliding up from under him and sending him and Kaminari into a heap on the ice.
Kaminari is inconsolable, and Sero can't help but smile, even with the ache from hitting the ice so hard.
Serroki ❤️💚❤️
Serroki where Hanta goes to The Todorokis' Christmas dinner
CW// Shouto getting overstimulated, cute boyfriends fluff
They haven't been dating for long, and this is their first Christmas being together, but Shouto asks him to come because Christmas dinner always proves to be difficult in his family, and he'd feel better having Hanta there with him.
Hanta knows how short Shouto's social battery is, particularly around his family, so he's prepared when midway through their meal, Natsuo starts to argue with their father and Shouto stands up abruptly and shuffles out of the room without a word.
He had been attuned to the way Shouto had been fidgeting with his fingers, drumming them against the top of his thigh before his eyes went vacant altogether for awhile, tuning it all out.
Then he was gone, and Hanta excused himself politely soon after to find him.
It didn't take long. Just down the hall was a coat closet beneath the stairs where he found Shouto nuzzled beside some boxes and totes, cradling his knees.
Hanta just smiled and sat down beside him, leaving a few inches of space between them as he pulled out his phone.
He sent him a request to play an iMessage game, and Shouto accepted it without looking up, playing a round of Connect 4 as Hanta listened for Shouto's breathing to level.
After a couple more games, Shouto had leaned into Hanta, allowing him to cradle him closely, placing kisses on his cheek.
They passed a chunk of the evening there in careful silence, and the family hardly noticed they had gone when they finally slipped back to the living room after Shouto had calmed down.
That's it! Hope you liked it!!
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
No Longer Alone Together: Part 4
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Part 4 | Masterlist
December 10th: Santa Day 
They meet the LaMontagne’s there in Kirkland Falls, parking and paying for their spot on the side of the road for the day. The kids are all bundled up, JJ has a thermos full of coffee and Penny has shown up too. It’s the first year that the Santa parade and craft show is back on since covid, so everyone is out this year. 
The streets are filled with people and vendors, there’s cider and mulled wine, the streets smell like ginger and the sound of laughter and sleigh bells ring all around them. 
It’s finally Christmas again.
She keeps Noelle close, Penny and Luna hold hands just in front of her and behind her, Spencer and Atlas are deep in conversation with Henry. Will has Michael on his shoulders, JJ holds hands with Rosie. They get snacks and pick a good seat for the parade together, catching candy canes and screaming along to the songs being blasted from the floats. They wave at Santa, excited to see him later at the photo ops… it was only Henry who currently knew Santa wasn’t real and he promised not to break the hearts of his little siblings and cousins. 
It’s hard to believe he’s 13 now and Rosie is 9… it’s all blown by so fast since the first time they were here. 
Like clockwork, they separate into 2 teams, the girls normally go and shop together one way and the boy's shop on the other side of the town, only this year Noelle and Atlas switched teams. 
Noelle wanted to be with Michael… they’re 6 (almost 7) and spend every moment possible together. Will jokes about them getting married one day, Y/N’s not at all ready to even humour him. And Laura likes to remind him that gay people exist and statistically, with her love for dirt bikes and skateboards, it doesn’t bode well for his theory. 
Atlas on the other hand, he really wanted to go with his mom so he could get something special with his own money that he’s been saving these last few months. You see, every time the kids saw their grandparents, Liam handed them each a crisp ten-dollar bill to spend on anything of their choosing. They loved to spoil their grandkids, she couldn’t blame them.  
He holds her hand through all the stores, for being almost 8 years old, she’s so lucky he’s still cuddly and loves being by her side. Luna stays with aunty Penny, off looking at the homemade baby doll clothes that one of the vendors make, while Rosie stuck by JJ. 
“How much money do I have again?” Atlas asked, tugging on her coat sleeve slightly. 
“40 dollars,” she remembers putting 4 10s in her wallet for him, this morning.
“Is that a lot right now?” He asks, overhearing too many grown-up conversations about inflation and how stupid the price of lettuce was getting. He now knew that sometimes what looked like a lot of money, wasn’t, and what normally wasn’t worth a lot sometimes became expensive based on demand.
“Yeah, I’m sure you can get something nice with it,” she assures him. “If you see anything else after you’ve spent it, I don’t mind paying for it, it’s Christmas after all.” 
He takes his time looking around, making note of what is offered and where, following in his mom's footsteps of not making a big decision until she knows all her options. “I think I want to go back to that lady who’s selling the homemade cardigans… I want to buy the purple and green one for dad.” 
“Awe, okay,” she thinks thats a wonderful idea. “Let me just tell aunty Penny,” she explains while looking over the racks in this store they’re in. She spots penny and waves her over, they explain where they’re going and she agrees to stick with Luna till they catch up again. 
She holds Atlas’s hand all the way down the street on their way back to the venders set up in the town hall, where they started their search for presents. Luckily, the other half of their group wasn’t there now, they wouldn’t run into them and ruin the surprise. 
“Oh, welcome back,” the kind older woman remembers them, it was hard to forget Atlas and his sweet little face and confident voice. 
“Hi,” he gives her a sweet smile. “How much was that cardigan?” He points up at the same one he inquired about earlier. 
It’s hand knit in an array of greens and purples that normally fill Spencers wardrobe, it would go with most of his dress shirts and slacks, and all of his brown shoes too. It’s exactly what Spencer would pick if he was shopping on his own and his son knew that. 
��For you, $40,” she lowers the price from last time, the last time Y/N asked and it was $60. “Are you thinking about getting it for someone special? It’s far too big for you, just yet.”
He nods, “for my dad…” he turns right to his mom then, “can I have my money? I’m going to get it.” 
“Sure thing,” she searches her purse for her wallet and unzips it, pulling out 4 10 dollar bills and counting them out before she hands them to him. “Are you sure you want to use your money? I can get it for you?” 
“Yes, Christmas is about giving, remember? I want to do it,” he assures her. 
She wants to tear up, he’s so cute and so grown up. She remembers the first time she was at this very Christmas market, with a very tiny Henry who was just as adamant about getting a present for his new baby sister… “okay, go for it, love bug.” 
Atlas hands the lady the money with a huge smile, “can I please buy that cardigan?” 
“Of course,” she’s so happy to help him. She puts her money in the change box safely and then reaches for the cardigan. “Would you like a pretty bag and some tissue paper for it?” 
He nods, “yes please… um, is it extra?” 
“Not for you, sweetie,” she can’t help but give in to him. “It always warms my heart to see young people so excited to give gifts. I want to help you make this special for your dad… how old are you?” She asks, folding the cardigan up nicely in some tissue paper. 
“I’m going to be 8 on the 20th,” he shares with a big smile. 
“Happy early birthday,” she cheers. “So young and so thoughtful, you should be proud, mom.” 
“Oh, I am,” she can’t help the smile on her face as she watches on. “He’s the best little guy in the world,” she hooks an arm around him and pulls him back into her space, kissing the top of his hat-covered head gently. 
Once he has his purchase, he thanks the lady and waves to her as they walk away, Y/N holds his other hand on the walk back outside, unable to stop smiling at how proud she is. 
Outside, they take a seat on the bench together quickly, “did you know when I first started dating your dad, we came here and I got a present for you both, well before I was even pregnant with you?” 
She nods softly, “yep. I got a little cardigan that looked like one Spence— your dad, used to wear to visit me at work and I thought when we finally got pregnant I’d tell him with it and then you’d be able to match one day.” 
“Is it the cardigan from the photo in my room?” He asks, eyes wide and full of wonder. 
She nods, “thats the one. Henry helped me pick it out and then for Christmas he got me a little dress for if we had a girl first.” 
“That’s so nice,” Atlas cheers, looking up at her with a sweet smile. 
He looks so much like his dad that sometimes it hurts her heart knowing they’re only ever going to have the one boy. No more Spencer mini-me’s… unless PJ stopped looking more like Laura’s side and more like Spencer, but they doubt that would happen. 
The first time she was at this Christmas market she was looking for a gift for Spencer to tell him when she got pregnant, Now, she’s pregnant again and needs a fun way to tell the rest of their kids. 
“Can I tell you a secret? You can’t tell your sisters yet…” She whispers, watching him nod with excitement, “I’m having another baby…” 
“Really?” He lights right up, “when?” 
“In the summer, July sometime,” she doesn’t give an exact day cause it could happen anytime that month.  
“Does dad know?” 
She nods, “yeah, we’ve already gone to an appointment to see the baby and everything… I want to tell your sisters soon, you think you can help me with that?” 
He nods, “yeah! What should we do?” 
“I was thinking now that you’re almost 8, maybe you can stay up a little later and help me make them both some best big sister shirts?” She offers, “I think you’re old enough to get an extra hour with us at night now?”
He hugs her so tight, “I am, I promise… and then I can see you more after work.” 
“My thoughts exactly,” she kisses the top of his hat-covered head again. “I love spending time with you, my sweet boy.” 
They meet the rest of the family back by Santa’s photo op booth. Spencer had signed them up for family photos last week, assuring that they got a time slot with Santa in case the whole state of Virginia decided to come to Santa day. Which, looking back on it, now that the line is as long as the street is, it was such a smart move on Spencer's part. 
They get all the kids into one photo and it’s hilarious. Henry looks miserable with his newfound teen angst, Rosie stands beside Atlas with a big smile. Noelle and Michael are busy pinching each other and making the other laugh, all while Luna sits on Santa’s lap with a sweet smile, looking like a paid actress hired to sit there. All their personalities were perfectly on display, it was hilarious. 
They also get an individual family photo to send out to their parent's retirement home, Derek in Chicago and Hotch in Seattle. But maybe they won’t send one to Derek, seeing as him, Sav and Hank were finally coming to the All-idays party this year. It’s been so long since the kids have seen uncle Derek, they missed him a lot but he had to move to take care of his mom with his sisters.
While Spencer is getting the photos printed, she stands with JJ, and the kids are with Will and Penny getting hot chocolate and cookies just down the street. She’s taking deep breaths, rubbing her tummy, not feeling all too well and JJ can see that. 
“Do you want to go sit?” JJ asks, knowing from Will that she is pregnant again. 
She nods, taking JJ’s hand and walking with her over to the nearest bench to take a seat. JJ whips out her phone almost right away, sending will a text asking him to see if the vendor they’re at also has some ginger ale for her. “Do you want a snack or something?” 
She shakes her head, “no, I’m afraid to puke in front of the girls… they don’t really know yet.” 
“Atlas does?” 
She nods, “yeah, I just told him… I got all nostalgic about being here with Henry the first time, dreaming of being pregnant with Spencer’s babies and now I am and ugh it’s not as dreamy as I thought.” 
“Not at all,” JJ agrees with a smile. “Will told me everything, how are you feeling about it?” 
“Nervous, but good,” she’s honest. “You could have another too and then we’d be tied again?” 
She laughs, “yeah, no thanks!” 
Y/N laughs too, “I figured, you’re too busy with work right now, anyway… how are you doing, anyway? I haven’t talked to you in forever it seems?” 
“i know, the Sicarius case kicked my ass, honestly,” she straightens her posture the way she does when she’s uncomfortable. “I’m just glad we have 2 weeks off… you know, unless—
“Kids or terrorism, I know the drill,” Y/N remembered, breaks weren’t really breaks, they were always on call for the big things. 
“Yeah… honestly, they offered me a retirement package in the hospital after the explosion and I’m still thinking about it,” she shares, and Y/N can tell that she hasn’t told anyone that before. The look on her face is one of guilt and regret. 
“Was it a lot of money?” 
She nods, eyes wide as if the number was a lot larger than Spencer's, “really? Damn…”
“I love my job, I really do, but at the same time, I’m so tired of these fuckers turning their heat back on us, this call was way too fucking close this time… it might not be just a close call next time.” 
“It’s crazy to think about everything you guys have gone through,” Y/N shakes her head in disbelief. “I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to leave… could you get a job with Will?” 
“I’ve been thinking about it,” she admits. “I’ve been offered some captain positions in DC, I’d never be his captain, that would be weird, but I think being on the force would still be fulfilling for me and I could build a better relationship between the locals and the feds having been one.” 
“True,” she pretends to know anything about the cop world… it wasn’t something she paid much attention to now that Spencer was an author and not a fed. “It would be nice to have you around more… I know Will misses you a lot during the week ‘cause he spends his time bugging me.” 
“He considers you his best friend after me, you know that?” JJ smirks, not jealous in the tiniest bit. 
Y/N nods with a smile, “he’s 3rd on my list, Spence and Laura are up there first.” 
“He knows that too,” JJ wraps her arm around her and pulls her into a side hug. “This is all I ever wanted for Spence, you know when I told him to just see where life took him…”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, either,” Y/N rests her head against JJ’s with a sweet smile. “I knew you guys  were like a family when I started dating him, but this… this is everything.” 
December 12th: Growing Up
It’s another regular Monday night in the Reid household, only tomorrow Y/N doesn’t have to go to work. She has her annual 12 days off coming up, and she’ll go back in on Boxing Day… the day after Christmas was surprisingly busy at the museum, and with most families having their vacation time after Christmas, the museum was the perfect place to spend the Monday after Christmas. 
She’ll probably even bring Atlas that day she goes back, he can meet some of her friends at the Air and Space museum and have his own tour while the girls stay home with Spence. Noelle will probably ask to go see Michael, and Luna will want to see Penelope and show her all the new bows and dresses she got for Christmas… it’ll be a great Boxing Day. 
But today, today's just a normal Monday. The kids go to school, she goes to work for noon, they come home from school to their dad, she comes home at 7:30, just in time to tuck them in. Normal as ever. 
Luna and Noelle go down to bed quite easily, they always slept the hardest on a Monday night. The excitement from the weekend mixed with the exhaustion of waking up early again tuckered them out right around 8. Atlas, on the other hand, was sitting up in bed with one of his new space books, waiting to be tucked in when Y/N opened his door. 
“Hey, love bug,” she smiles at him and then holds her finger over her mouth to keep his voice down. “Do you want to come and spend more time downstairs with me and your dad?” 
He nods like his head is on a spring, throwing his blankets back and jumping out of bed in a hurry. He gives her a big hug at the door and takes her hand in his on the way back down the stairs together. Spencer’s surprised to see him coming down too, “did you forget something?” 
“Nope,” Y/N smirks, taking a seat on the living room couch beside Spencer and pulling Atlas into her lap for a snuggle. He’s getting so big but he’s still her little baby as he lays his head on her shoulder and wraps his arms around her middle. “I was thinking he’s old enough to stay up till 9:30 now… what do you think?” 
“Yeah, I think thats a great idea,” Spencer snuggles into her side and wraps an arm around Atlas too. “This is nice.” 
The room is all festive, with the main lights off and the Christmas tree on. The electric fireplace under the TV is going, blankets are out, even Bozo the cat, who’s very old and hides under their bed most of the day, is cuddled up on the tree skirt. It’s so cozy and exactly how she always dreamed her life would look one day. 
“We were going to plan something to tell the girls about the baby,” she whispers, reminding Atlas that she was pregnant again. 
He sits right up with a smile, “can I tell them for my birthday next week?” 
“Oh, honey? Don’t you want the day to just be about you?” Y/N worries, never wanting to take any attention off him when he was already losing attention due to the close proximity to Christmas. 
“I don’t mind sharing,” he assures them with a confident smile that makes his brown eyes glisten in the Christmas tree lights. “I want to tell them.” 
“Okay,” she agrees easily. She can’t say no to him very often, he’s just too cute. “How do you want to tell them?” 
“Do you still have my little cardigan from that picture in my room?” 
“I do…” she feels her heart swell just imagining where he’s going with this. 
“What if we wrap it and I can give it to them and explain it’s for our new baby?” 
She turns to Spencer who’s just as blown away by how sweet that is, they shake their heads, amazed that they made him. “Yeah, bug, we can do that,” Spencer rubs his back gently, “thats a really sweet idea.” 
“Is it a boy or a girl?” He wonders aloud. 
“A girl,” Y/N smiles. “You’re going to have 3 little sisters now.” 
“Oh good,” he sighs, almost as if he’s relieved. 
“Did you want another sister?” Y/N can’t help but laugh. 
He nods, “Michael is a nuisance… that’s what Will says, anyway, and he’s always messing with Rosie so I don’t want a brother, I like how nice my sisters are.”
They both laugh at how he picks up new words and repeats them, his vernacular was getting huge. “You’re a good brother, that’s why they’re nice to you,” Y/N rubs his back with a smile, “you’re all so good to each other I was a little worried you wouldn’t want another baby to ruin it all.” 
“There’s new babies in the family all the time?” He looks at her like she grew two heads, like how did she not notice all the babies? “Baby Rose Mary, then PJ, now aunty Laura’s new baby and yours… every year we have a new baby.” 
“I think this baby is going to be the last baby in our family for a while,” Spencer presses his lips together awkwardly, feeling bad for breaking the news to him like this. “We’re all getting too old to keep having babies.” 
“You remember what we told you about how babies are made right? Mama’s eggs aren’t the best anymore,” she feels a twinge of sadness as she explains it. Sighing with a frown. “When people who can get pregnant reach 35 there’s a lot more risks for the babies to be born with medical issues.” 
“Oh,” he looks worried as he carefully lays his hand on her stomach. “Is she okay?”  
She nods, putting back on a smile, “she is, she’s just going to look a little different from you and your sisters and she might be really tiny too.” 
“Smaller than PJ was?” 
She nods, “yeah… she has something called down syndrome, do you know what that is?” 
He shakes his head, Y/N turns to Spencer, hoping he knew how to explain it a bit better. 
He nods, knowing what to say, “so mom has 23 chromosomes in her eggs and I have 23 in the sperm… and uhh, and sometimes when people get older they can pass on more that 23, which is what happened with your sister. She has an extra chromosome and that means she’s going to have smaller features and possibly a learning disability or speech problems. She’s going to be a little different but we’re going to love her all the same, right?” 
He nods, “I love her so much already.” 
It was that simple. Kids are so wonderful, it takes just a second to explain something new to them and set expectations of kindness. She was going to look different and possibly experience the world a lot differently, but she was his littler sister. Of course, he was going to love her. 
He had so much love in his perfect little heart to give. 
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notabirdnotaplane · 1 year
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Merry Christmas!
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While the small, slightly-bigger-than-palm sized box wasn’t covered in lead-lined foil, Clark had been taught enough as a kid to never peak inside presents, despite how much he wanted to do so.
Martha Kent made sure to teach her son how impolite doing so was.
Clark accepted the box from his (not yet official) sibling with a smile. “Merry Christmas to you too. Aw Theo, you shouldn’t have.”
Reaching an arm out to give the human birb a brief squeeze of his shoulder, he pulled away so he could begin pulling and unwrapping the box from its candy cane decorated paper.
Soon enough, box revealed a black mug, and Clark read the text. . .
. . . Excuse him, as he couldn’t hold back either laughter or a roll of his eyes.
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“Okay, if this isn’t the best gift anybody has ever given me.” He used a finger to wipe a tear from beneath his right eye. “Thank you, Theo. I will cherish this forever.”
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Merry Christmas
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OMG akshdkdjd thank you so much!!! This is so cute and adorable ahhh tyty I really appreciate it :D
Merry Christmas to you too!! (^O^☆♪)
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
soft deception. [diluc x reader]
pairing: diluc x f!reader prompt: you love your boyfriend, you really do. he’s just so, so trusting in you that you can’t help but to trick him every now and then. (alternatively: you give diluc the world’s ugliest onesie as a christmas present and now that it’s all over, you want to go back in time and punch yourself in the face for unleashing this curse within your household.) word count: ~2.5k warnings/genres: humor, fluff, sfw but like... adult jokes at some points a/n: purely self indulgent, nobody requested this, tried out a bit of a different writing style. i wrote this to try to cheer myself up, so hopefully it makes you all happy! no beta reader though (but i never have one anyways)
You had a tendency to think of yourself as the funniest person in Teyvat at times.
Especially when you had Mondstadt’s most gullible eligible bachelor wrapped around your finger, desiring to cater to your every whim. Sure, the two of you were like two young teenagers in love despite being much older, to the point where it was a mental workout to restrain yourself from leaving purple and blue marks all along his neck, desiring to hear praises stutter on his lips as you show the man the love he has lacked over the years. It didn’t help that he also had those cherry-colored eyes that pierced into you, the only eyes to ever truly see you for you. In your humble opinion, the best part about Diluc Ragnvindr is neither his wisdom nor his love, but his ass.
Unsure if Barbatos is actually able to listen into your thoughts or not due to Venti’s uncanny capability to make jokes about thoughts you know you have never uttered aloud whenever Diluc turns his back to the two of you at the bar, you quickly rectify your thoughts and mumble an apology to the potentially omniscient alcoholic bard. 
The best part about Diluc Ragnvindr lies within his ass... umptions. His assumptions, specifically about the inherent truthfulness he believed to be in your statements. Your boyfriend, as much as you loved him, is an extremely gullible man. Such a fact is even written on the ceilings of every room, but it never hurts to double-check. If you are Teyvat’s jester, then Diluc is Teyvat’s fool, but he is a fool in love. 
The calculated, reserved man only lets himself be duped by you. No matter how many times you trick him, he’ll listen to your exaggerated claims and boisterous words with widened eyes, immediately trusting your words as he trusts you wholeheartedly.
You thrive in such an environment, manipulating Diluc to your liking. Not in a bad way of course, as the thought of hurting even a single hair on his head makes your stomach churn and nausea arise. Rather, you find amusement in tricking him with subtle sleights of the hand and little white lies, before revealing your cards at the end of every show and reveling in his flustered nature. You long not to hurt Diluc, but you relish in the way his milky skin turns to a rosy pink upon realizing your deception. 
In simpler terms, you love to prank your red-haired, stoic boyfriend in order to see the shy smile and bashful eyes that accompany his revelations of your actions. 
Being the funniest, sexiest woman in Teyvat with the most attractive, most trusting boyfriend in all of Mondstadt leads to raucous laughter on your behalf and flushed cheeks on your boyfriend’s behalf during many nights within your shared home. With Diluc’s confidence in you, you are unstoppable.
Such arrogance had a tendency to bite you in the ass. 
Especially now. Right now. You’ve never regretted duping Diluc more than you do at this moment. For Christmas, you had given him two presents, his actual present and one designed to be a joke. Diluc, bless his heart, had not interpreted such a present to be no more than a simple gag and had politely smiled at you as he held the gift up, inspecting it with poorly disguised distaste in his eyes. The gift in question was a pajama onesie you had found within the clearance section of some decaying Mondstadt boutique, but these weren’t just any pajamas. It was the ugliest piece of clothing you had ever seen.
The offending onesie glints in the light of the fireplace that illuminates Diluc’s face and your poor excuse at a poker face as he analyzes his gift. It is decorated with a variety of misshapen owls, feathers formed by multicolored, poorly sewn sequins. Each owl has two octagonal, almost glowing, gaudy amber-colored rhinestones for eyes, yet each rhinestone is a slightly different shade from the others, as if they had been left out in the sun, forgotten about. A santa hat is perched on the heads of each owl and a candy cane is loosely held in at least one wing of each owl. The onesie even has built-in feet, with owl-shaped grips on the bottom that barely cling on for life in a failed attempt to provide the user traction. Diluc quickly attaches to such a concept and tries to use it as an out.
“It’s… lovely,” He finally manages, doing his best to keep his voice even as he smiles at you. You can see the pain in his eyes. “But I do not believe the feet will fit me.”
You widen your eyes in sadness and bat your eyelashes at him innocently, as if such a sentiment truly wounded you. “Can you hire a tailor to fix them? I spent a lot of time picking out this gift and I think it’s perfect.”
Diluc’s smile breaks and horror creeps into his eyes upon realizing there’s no way out of the predicament he’s currently in. As he breaks his intense ogling of the onesie to look at you, his faux smile is plastered once again on his face. It doesn’t reach his eyes and it wavers, but you simply give him a cheery grin in response.
“Of course, dear,” Diluc responds, albeit a bit despondently. Your heart twists a bit and- no, no. Guilt is not allowed in the heart of a true comedian. “Anything for you.” His eyes are empty as his smile slowly drops into a thin line. Your expression of glee is a sharp contrast.
“Yay!” You giggle and clap your hands together once as you pop up from your seated position. Diluc’s woeful expression alleviates upon seeing your seemingly genuine reaction and he manages a small smile once more, this one a bit more genuine. “C’mon! Let’s try it on!”
After wearing it the rest of Christmas night, Diluc not only wears it past the reasonable date to keep wearing Christmas merchandise after Christmas is over, but he wears it multiple times per week. You know he’s only doing it to see your fit of giggles every time he does so and that Diluc wants nothing more than to see you happy, but you’re beginning to hate yourself for such a gift. 
The inklings of self-hatred explode into full self-loathing when Diluc reveals he found an identical onesie while shopping and that he purchased it in order to be able to wear around the house more often. You have to hold yourself back from narrowing your eyes at him as he holds up the offending, nearly identical onesie, albeit in a different color. Unlike you, Diluc isn’t a bully. There’s absolutely no way he’s joking right now. Maybe. You aren’t sure.
The end of January rolls around and you’re ready to wrestle Diluc for his Pyro vision and burn these damn onesies yourself. Every time Diluc joins you in bed, ready to clock in for the night, he’s wearing the archonsforsaken Christmas outfit despite Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching. If you wear a cute outfit and lie on the bed, hoping for Diluc’s attention? You’ll certainly get it, but there’s more than just his eyes watching you. There are the artificial eyes of the owls watching the two of you, their beady little rhinestones judging you for your premarital sins. Whenever you reach out to stroke his arm or thigh reassuringly, you’re met with the feeling of cheap flannel and pilled fabrics.
Unfortunately for Diluc, Kaeya is your hero in this situation as he arrives to Dawn Winery unannounced and interrupts you and Diluc reading in bed together. The cavalry captain hadn’t even bothered to knock, swinging the door open with zero fear of what he might have found inside. But, upon seeing the two of you, Kaeya freezes.
“What the hell is that?” Kaeya nearly screeches in horror, pointing at Diluc.
“I’m sure you know what Diluc looks like, Kaeya,” You respond in an annoyed tone. You loved Adelinde, but why had she let Kaeya up to your and Diluc’s chambers without any warning is beyond your comprehension. “You only have one eyepatch, not two.”
Diluc does a poor job at stifling a chuckle next to you, his book now resting on the nightstand next to him due to the intrusion. He wordlessly sneaks an arm around your waist and you lean into his chest instinctively, trying your best to ignore the scratch of the sequins against your cheek.
“No, not that,” Kaeya says, unperturbed at your slight against him. “That! That thing he’s wearing! It’s awful!” His finger shakes in the air before the blue-haired man doubles over in laughter. “That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever fucking seen, holy shit.”
You look up at Diluc, who is flushed a deep crimson in embarrassment and whose brows are furrowed.
“I must admit,” Diluc clears his throat, voice diffident. “It has grown on me.”
Your heart melts at his confession and you scoot up a bit in his grasp, causing him to look at you in confusion before you press a reassuring kiss to his cheek. Adoration swims in his irises as he looks at you and softly smiles, forgetting about Kaeya’s presence despite his brother’s noisy, ceaseless laughter. Sure, the onesie might be a joke that you want to throw into a fire and pray that it burns in the pits of hell for eternity, but Diluc’s defense of your present in the face of Kaeya’s mockery warms even your cold prankster heart.
“Diluc,” You whisper lowly, not wanting Kaeya to hear. It was unlikely he would anyways, as every time he looked up at the two of you in the bed in front of him, Kaeya would burst out into peals of laughter once more. “Where’s the other onesie?”
Diluc looks at you, confused. “It’s in the laundry room. It should be dry now.” Before Diluc can ask you why you need to know such information, you’re breaking free of his grip, stumbling out of the bed, shoving past Kaeya and nearly sprinting out of the room in a hurry. Kaeya and Diluc both watch you leave, equally bewildered.
“Why are you here?” You hear Diluc ask his brother as you flee the room, but you don’t stick around for the rest of their conversation. They can be emotionally constipated together, you have more important things to do. Seizing the freshly-cleaned onesie, you shut the laundry door and shimmy it over your current pajamas, one of Diluc’s old shirts and a pair of old shorts. You have to hop around a bit to get the fabric to settle in just the right places and, dear Barbatos, this thing is uncomfortable. 
Diluc must really love you to put up with this outfit every night. Before you can melt into a puddle of goo at the thought of your essentially perfect boyfriend who would do nearly anything for you, you storm out of the laundry room and back into the bedroom, climbing back into bed with Diluc wordlessly, settling your legs underneath the covers and guiding Diluc’s arm back to its rightful place around your waist.
You press another kiss to Diluc’s cheek as he stares at you with an unreadable expression. Despite having recovered from his earlier flustered state, his cheeks quickly return to the shade of red you adore so much. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t stick on this onesie just to shamelessly ogle your boyfriend and kiss him senseless. No, you wore it to spite the man in front of the two of you, whose expression is now morphed into one of horror.
“There’s two of them?! One was already a crime against humanity, but two?!” Kaeya is aghast at such a concept. Diluc’s gaze breaks off you and he tightens his grip around your waist as he glowers at his brother.
“We have a third one if you wish to continue intruding in our home,” Diluc proposes, his voice having a slight edge to it. Kaeya holds his hands up later.
“Alright. I’ll see you later then. Bye, (Y/N)~!” Kaeya quickly ejects himself from the conversation, not even bothering to spare his brother a goodbye in his hurry to leave before a onesie can be thrust upon you.
“You look adorable,” Diluc confesses before pressing a kiss to your forehead. This time, it’s your turn to fluster and you look away, startled by his forwardness. “I always like seeing you in my clothes.”
“Oh… thank you,” You murmur sheepishly, but Diluc grabs your chin and lightly guides your face to look at him. A shiteating grin breaks out across his face.
“I appreciate your support, darling, but isn’t it time we stop this ruse?” Diluc questions and your eyes widen in surprise. “Unfortunately, my brother is correct. These outfits are quite… awful.”
“I like them!” You interject, unsure as to why you’re defending the outfits you had just been wishing for the destruction of.
“Is that so?” Diluc challenges, eyebrows raised as you nod your head furiously. A soft chuckle escapes his lips. “(Y/N), I know I might be dumb at times, especially when it comes to you, but surely you can’t think I’m dumb enough to believe this lie.”
You narrow your eyes at him and fold your arms in contempt. “There is no way you’ve called my bluff this early. Kaeya told you I was fucking with you, didn’t he?”
Diluc’s smug attitude is replaced with that of a scolded puppy, unable to look you in the eyes. “... Yes.”
You can’t help but press yet another kiss to his face, this time gracing his jaw as you pepper light kisses down his neck. “You’re correct. I absolutely loathe these ugly clothes. It’s not even Christmas anymore. But I’d be damned if I was going to let that gremlin insult something of yours.”
Diluc laughs genuinely and he brings your face close to his, pressing your lips together in a sweet, chaste kiss, before pulling away far too soon for your liking.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I should probably change now that the joke is over,” Diluc explains. You raise your eyebrows at him and he lets out a sigh. “The fabric is itchy.” Your boyfriend clambers out of bed and you unabashedly watch him change into a more comfortable outfit, admiring the way his lithe muscles move as he puts on a new shirt. Diluc turns around and looks at you expectantly.
“Aren’t you going to change too?” He asks as he climbs back under the covers with you, but you softly smile and shake your head in response. 
“No,” You coo. “I think it’ll stay on for tonight.” You wrap your arms around his waist, nuzzling into his shoulder exaggeratedly.
Diluc groans at your words and you realize he shares the same hatred of the onesies that you do. But, as Diluc’s chief prankster, you’re determined to get the last laugh, even if the dumb fabric scratches against you all night.
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comfortscripts · 2 years
could you write something about decorating a christmas tree with george weasley? just a massive amount of fluff lol
A Tree Just For Us
I hope you enjoy it!!! And Merry Christmas 💗🎄
Christmas was a Weasley Holiday.
Everything about the dear event screamed Weasley. From the hoards of presents handmade by Molly, to the massive amounts of food consumed by every member of the Weasley family.
But one thing quiet thing about Christmas was decorating the tree, and seeing as George no longer lived in the Burrow, the tree he would be decorating would be with you.
After the war, George realised that being without you for even a second was too much for him, so your solution was to live together. Nothing fancy or gaudy, just a simple flat in the corner of Laburnum Gardens. It may not have glorious arches or an overflow of space, but it was a home that was filled with the love George and you shared.
With Christmas fast approaching and preparations being made, the pair of you decided that this homely flat needed some holiday flair even though you’d be spending the actual day at the Burrow. The boxes of decorations and string-lights landing with a thud at the base of the frosted fir, ready to be unlocked and manoeuvred to create a true Christmas.
Fred and George had invented some interesting ornaments, and whilst you had to say no to some of the riskier ones, the joy on your boyfriend’s face when you agreed to use his newly improved Weasley’s Luxuriant Lights made it truly feel like Christmas.
Decked out in jolly jumpers crafted by Molly herself, George carefully charmed the decorations to fill the air. Brilliant blue boxes, glistening candy canes, and flurries of bows glided around the lounge as if parading about in hopes to be picked. With the tinsel placed, the lights illuminating a soft glow and the two lovers placing their final decorations against the beauty of the pines, their home was beginning to look as Christmassy as they felt.
“And there we go. We did it!”
Taking a glance at his partner’s excitement, allowing himself to marvel at their joyous features that lit up with accomplishment. He could truly say that you rivalled the beauty of any witch or wizard he’d met, and even at Christmas time, the presents under the tree were boring in comparison to you.
“Not quite, my love. Still gotta put the star on top.” Circling his arms around your waist as the pair look up towards the lone space at the top of the tree, lights leading to where the glittering topper should be placed.
Reaching for the enchanted ornament, its frame offering waves of ethereal light as if it were a star plucked from heaven. Clutching it close as the redhead clung to your waist, entranced by the feel of your delicate skin against his as if he were still a 14-year-old begging to hold your hand. The pair of you paused, enjoying the view and the hold of one another, until those strong arms placed a firm grip onto your hips and lifted your body to perch on his broad shoulders.
“George, no no no. Put me down, we can get a ladder or use magic”
Holding firmly onto your thighs, enjoying their pillowy softness beneath his calloused hands, George chuckled before urging you on. “The sooner you place the star, the sooner I bring you back down.”
A huffed sigh escaped your lips as you leant cautiously to angle the star just right, allowing it’s beams of shining light to fill the room and the tree lit up as if it realised it was complete. The awe that overcame your body was enough of a reason to forget the sheer height you were currently at, and with that, the redhead carefully lured you off his shoulders and into the comfort of his arms.
“It’s beautiful Georgie”
Fully entranced by you, his entire world in his arms was a Christmas present he could have only dreamed of until you came into his life. “You are far more beautiful, my love.”
Scrunching your nose at his cheesy words before placing a chaste kiss against his lips as your arms reached to wrap around his neck as you leant closer into his embrace.
“Merry Christmas, my dear.”
“Merry Christmas to you, my love”
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
There's a Will; There's a Way Christmas Special 2021
Christmas Special 2021
            (Y/N) opened her eyes and sighed as the warm sunlight fell over her face. Rolling over, she found herself alone in bed. Frowning, she sat up.
            “Dazai?” called (Y/N).
            “Don’t get out of bed!” answered Dazai. He pushed open the door and grinned at (Y/N). In his hands, he held a plate of warm croissants, hot chocolate filled with marshmallows, and candy canes. On his head, he wore a fluffy Santa hat. “Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!”
            “Oh, Dazai, you shouldn’t have,” said (Y/N), smiling and blushing.
            “Of course, I did!” he chirped, putting down the platter. Dazai sat down and leaned towards her. “Such a pretty face deserves to be spoiled.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “You flirt.”
            “Only with you.” Dazai winked. Rolling her eyes with a smile, (Y/N) reached for a hot chocolate, but Dazai swiped it before she could have any. Pouting, he gave her puppy-dog eyes. “You didn’t give me a kiss yet.”
            “Oh, I’m terribly sorry,” teased (Y/N). She leaned in and kissed him. From the sweetness on his lips, she could tell he had already indulged in some hot coco. It made her smile. “Merry Christmas, Dazai.”
            Kissing her back passionately, Dazai set the drink down on the bedside table so he could hold her properly. (Y/N) wrapped her hands around his neck as he put one on her waist and used the other keep himself up, even as they ended up laying on the bed.
            “I wouldn’t be opposed to spending the entire day here with you,” whispered Dazai against her lips.
            “We already said everyone could join us for Christmas,” said (Y/N).
            “Not too late to cancel,” murmured Dazai, kissing down her neck. “And I can convince you if you’re not sure.”
            Car doors slammed from outside. Dazai cursed and sat up.
            “Looks like it is a little late,” said (Y/N), chuckling. Sitting up and giving Dazai a quick kiss, she stood up and asked, “Would you greet everyone while I change?”
            Dazai sighed. “If you insist, my love.”
            “Thank you, sweetheart,” called (Y/N) as she headed into the bathroom.
            Though he was tempted to follow her in, Dazai also knew (Y/N) wouldn’t be pleased if he didn’t greet their friends (and with the people they invited, they might have some grumpy guests if left alone for too long).
            So Dazai went to the door and opened it. Unsurprisingly, Kunikida was the first to arrive. With him, Jun’ichiro and Naomi, decked out in Christmas gear and holding presents, stood smiling.
            “Aw, no Christmas outfit, Kunikida?” teased Dazai. “You’re a real Scrooge!”
            “Buying Christmas decorations isn’t in my budget,” said Kunikida curtly, stepping inside with the twins. “Where is everyone?”
            “(Y/N) is upstairs getting ready, and you’re the ever-punctual one,” said Dazai.
            “I was almost late thanks to those two,” said Kunikida, glaring at Naomi and Jun’ichiro.
            “Sorry, Kunikida,” said Jun’ichiro.
            “Don’t be so grumpy! It’s Christmas!” said Naomi, passing her stack of presents to Jun’ichiro.
            Kunikida huffed. “Well, the others better get here quickly. I have opening-presents scheduled for ten o’clock.”
            Dazai took his Sant hat off and pulled it down over Kunikida’s head. “Relax, Mr. Scrooge!”
            “Fukuzawa is bringing Kenji, Kyouka, and Ranpo, so they may be the last to arrive,” warned Jun’ichiro. “Ranpo wanted to go to a candy store before coming.”
            “Oh, no, I can assure you, some of our other guests will be even later,” said Dazai.
            “Other guests?” asked Naomi.
            “Atsushi is bringing someone with him.” Dazai sighed dramatically. “And he refuses to tell me!”
            “He’s allowed to have surprises,” said (Y/N), coming down the stairs. She wore a dark green dress with a scarlet belt and a Santa hat, a simple but Christmassy outfit.
            “But I wanna know!”
            “You’ll find out when he comes,” she admonished. “And Atsushi probably didn’t want to tell you. You know how you reacted when you found out Chuuya was coming.”
            “Why did Akira have to invite him?”
            “Because Yosano insisted Akira come, and Akira refused to if she couldn’t bring Chuuya,” explained (Y/N). She sweat-dropped. “I think she’s trying to annoy you and Yosano, to be honest.”
            “Why doesn’t Akira like me?” asked Dazai, collapsing to the floor dramatically.
            “Because you’re an idiot,” said Kunikida.
            “She’s just a little…protective,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “I think I saw her planning my death,” said Dazai, standing up. “And not a fun one! A very painful one!”
            “Well, she won’t kill you today. I told her she can’t,” said (Y/N), pecking his cheek.
            “What a relief,” sighed Dazai.
            (Y/N) rolled her eyes at his antics and turned to the guests. “Merry Christmas, everyone. Jun’ichiro, you might want to take the presents to the tree before you drop everything.” As their guests filed out of the entryway, a knock sounded.
            “One-hundred Yen says it’s Atsushi!” said Dazai, excited to see who the younger boy was bringing. Throwing open the door, his jaw dropped. “Akutagawa?!”
            Atsushi must be here, thought (Y/N). “Atsushi, Akutagawa! Merry Christmas.” Akutagawa, staring past her and at Dazai, didn’t acknowledge her. (Y/N) elbowed him in the side.
            “What?” asked Dazai. (Y/N) nodded at Akutagawa and Atsushi. “Oh, yeah, Merry Christmas, Atsushi.”
            (Y/N) deadpanned. Poor Akutagawa. Sighing, she motioned for them to come in. “Everyone’s inside with the tree. Ignore Dazai, Akutagawa.”
            “Why, Atsushi?! Why?!” cried Dazai.
            “Well, Gin is out on a Christmas vacation with the Black Lizard, which meant Akutagawa was alone for Christmas, so I invited him to join me. He agreed to not attack anyone as his Christmas present to me, and I made sure he’d get to see Dazai for his,” said Atsushi, smiling nervously.
            “That’s sweet,” said (Y/N).
            “Did I hear sweets?” said a new, excited voice. Ranpo skipped up to the door while Kenji, Kyouka, and Fukuzawa followed him. Kenji was smiling brilliantly with a mountain of sweets in his arms, Fukuzawa had also been given some sweets and presents to hold ((Y/N) thought she could see that next to his sword, a giant candy cane rested by his side), and Kyouka was quietly eating a candy cane curiously, clearly she had never had one before.
            “Ranpo! Kyouka, Kenji! President! Merry Christmas,” said (Y/N), inviting them in.
            “The only sweet I know is (Y/N),” teased Dazai, wrapping his arms around her waist while she turned red.
            “Disgusting, Mackerel,” said an annoyed voice.
            Uh-oh. (Y/N) sighed as Dazai jumped out the door to glare at the newest arrival, one of their final guests.
            “What would you know about relationships, Chuuya? You could never get a girl as incredible as (Y/N)!” declared Dazai.
            “Well, (Y/N) is a delight, but he did get me, and I’m pretty amazing,” said Akira, walking up with Yosano and giving them a smirk and a wink.
            “Akira!” (Y/N) hugged her dearest friend. Glancing sideways at Chuuya, she asked quietly with a little smile, “So you two are doing well?”
            “Shut up,” muttered Akira, turning red and huffing.
            Adorable. (Y/N) decided to leave Akira be (for now) and, ignoring Chuuya and Dazai arguing, hugged Yosano. “Merry Christmas, Yosano!”
            The doctor sighed in exhaustion. “Merry Christmas, indeed.”
            “Regretting trying to bring Akira along?” asked (Y/N), chuckling.
            “I want to be friends with Akira, not Chuuya Nakahara,” muttered Yosano.
            “You should have just let it go. Akira would have come anyways; she’s my best friend,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “She’s just playing with me, isn’t she?”
            “That’s Akira for you,” said (Y/N). She smiled. “But come on in. You’ll have some fun, even if the boys are a little…hard to handle at times.”
            “Watch out, Akira brought wine. She and I might be hard to handle,” joked Yosano as she walked in.
            “I want you two to bond, but that’s…not what I meant,” said (Y/N), sighing and closing the door behind them.
            Inside the apartment, the party was already building in energy, even as Kunikida tried to wrangle everyone to sit down properly. Instead, Ranpo was opening presents and encouraging Kyouka to do the same. Others began to join in, until proper Christmas festivities were all underway.
            “A sword?!” asked Akira, grinning. “You got me a sword?! Damn, you spoil me.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “You said you wanted one.”
            “This is a sexy sword.” Akira whistled appreciatively before nudging (Y/N). “C’mon, open your gift!” said Akira, smiling at (Y/N).
            (Y/N) opened it and gasped. “Is this an autographed copy of (Favorite Book)?”
            “Anything for you, (Y/N),” said Akira, winking.
            “You’re the best,” said (Y/N), hugging her friend.
            “Gotta repay you for fueling my violence!” said Akira cheerfully. The others blinked. “Chuuya, this is for you!” She interrupted the silence and held out a box to him.
            Slightly surprised she actually got him one, Chuuya opened it. The first item he pulled out was a very, very expensive wine. “I thought they discontinued this.”
            Akira smirked. “I can assure you they were very happy to do business with me.”
            A small smile appeared on Chuuya’s face as he placed the bottle down and went to pull the next item from the box. He stopped, and his entire face went red as he slammed the lid back on the box.
            (Y/N) looked at Akira. “What did you give him?” Akira whispered into her ear. “Oh.”
            “Tch, take your gift,” said Chuuya, still blushing heavily and nearly throwing the present at Akira.
            “Someone seems excited,” teased Akira, undoing the bow.
            “Shut up.”
            Laughing, Akira opened the present and pulled out her gift. “Oh, Chuuya, it’s lovely.” She held up the bodice of a lovely red gown.
            “I thought you would like to look nice for a proper date,” said Chuuya.
            Akira looked at him. “Proper date?”
            “Yes,” said Chuuya stiffly, avoiding her eyes.
            “Thank you, Chuuya. This is…it’s very sweet,” said Akira honestly.
            Akira and Chuuya gazed into each other’s eyes until Dazai interrupted (trying to annoy Chuuya). “Hey, Akira, you should open Yosano’s next!” He grabbed the gift from Yosano’s hands and pushed it into Akira’s arms.
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped. He really likes poking the bear…Yosano and Chuuya don’t like each other and are both trying to stay on Akira’s good side. I think they might be competing against each other for her favor. She sighed. Please, a peaceful Christmas would be nice.
            “Yosano…You remembered?” With an almost childlike wonder in her eyes, Akira looked at Yosano as she held her gift. Preserved in glass and a decorative frame, a butterfly rested in Akira’s hands. It was the same species as the one Yosano had healed when they met at children.
            “How could I ever forget you?” asked Yosano, smiling.
            Akira laughed nervously and cleared her throat. “I don’t think I can top yours, but I hope you enjoy.”
            “I’ll love anything you give me,” said Yosano, unwrapping her gift. She sucked in her breath. “This is beautiful, Akira. Did you…?”
            “Yeah.” Akira nodded.
            Yosano gazed down at the painting of a butterfly Akira had made. She laughed. “It seems we had the same line of thinking.”
            “Well, that day did change our lives. For better or worse,” said Akira.
            They were quiet until they heard a crash. Their heads snapped over to where Atsushi had fallen over because Akutagawa had wrapped him in ribbon.
            “The boy in the straw hat said he needed to be Christmassy,” said Akutagawa, blinking at them.
            Kunikida sighed. “I tried to stop them.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “Well, Atsushi looked very Christmassy now, but I don’t think he’s very comfortable.” She got up and went over to the boys. “Here, I’ll help.”
            Dazai watched (Y/N) calmly deal with Atsushi and Akutagawa’s antics and was struck with a notion. This, strange as it was, was his family with (Y/N). He was spending Christmas with his family and the woman he loved. Even if they hadn’t managed to exchange gifts yet, Dazai felt more love during this Christmas than he’d ever felt. He felt at home.
            Akira yawned as she trudged upstairs to her apartment. It had been a lovely Christmas at (Y/N) and Dazai’s, she even got some time with Chuuya and Yosano, but now she was tired (and a little tipsy), so it was time to crash for the night.
            As she entered her house and closed the door behind her, she paused and frowned. On her table sat a small present. Cautiously, Akira approached and picked it up.
            Weird, the tag just says my name, she thought, turning it over in her hands. Akira shrugged. What the hell, it’s Christmas, I might as well open it. Carefully, she unwrapped the box and unfolded the tissue paper to reveal the gifts.
            Inside rested several daggers. Each one was a polished white with gold twined into the hilt. Akira felt a strange familiarity and comfort as she held one, even though it seemed to be the total opposite of her. They were the weapons of a creature far different than herself. And yet…holding the dagger felt right.
            Akira looked around in confusion. Who brought these?
            (Y/N) flopped down onto the couch and yawned. “Well, we successfully hosted Christmas!”
            “More like we survived Christmas,” joked Dazai. He grinned. “I’m pretty sure Ranpo stole all of our candy, and Chuuya took my wine.”
            (Y/N) groaned and threw her hand over her eyes. “I’ll tell Akira to get it back for you…Let’s just go to sleep for now.”
            Dazai gently moved her hand and smiled down at her. “Before opening my gift?”
            (Y/N) sat up. “You got me a gift? You didn’t have to.”
            Sitting down next to her, Dazai smiled softly. “Of course I got one for the woman I love.”
            “You flirt.”
            “Only for you, my love.”
            “Hush.” (Y/N) blushed and quickly took the present. Pulling the ribbon off, she slid the box open and froze. “I-Is this…?”
            Dazai smiled at her. “Yes.”
            “My mother’s ring…” Gingerly, almost afraid it might break, (Y/N) held the ring in her hands. Her mother’s wedding ring…the only sign that they had ever had a larger family. And it was the one thing that went missing after her mother died. (Y/N) thought she would never see it again. “How did you find it?”
            Dazai winked. “That’s a story for another day.”
            (Y/N) hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Dazai. So much. You don’t know how much this means to me.” Pulling back and wiping the slight tears in her eyes, she grabbed her own gift and held it out to him. “I hope you like yours.”
            “If it’s from you, I know it’s wonderful,” said Dazai affectionately.
            “I hope you don’t mind that I had some help getting it,” said (Y/N) nervously.
            “Well, I’ll be honest, so did—” Dazai froze.
            “Dazai? Dazai?” (Y/N) gently took his hand. “Are you alright?”
            “These are Odasaku’s books…” breathed Dazai, gingerly holding the two books in his hands. “He loved them…”
            (Y/N) watched him anxiously as the normally flamboyant man became quiet and somber. “Is this okay? Do you need a moment—?”
            Dazai flung his arms around her. “Thank you,” he murmured into her skin. “Thank you so much.”
            (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Dazai. “Anything for you. Merry Christmas, Dazai. I love you.”
            Odasaku…I found a place to belong. “I love you too.”
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Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction
Warnings: none
Word Count: 910
Relationship: Joe Mazzello x reader
Summary: after finding out you're pregnant, you plan on telling Joe on Christmas as a little extra surprise for him.
Please do not copy, rewrite, or translate onto another site. Permission will not be given if asked for it.
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“I don’t know, Mary. What if he doesn’t want it?” You ask Mary, running your hands through your newly curled hair.
“First, I doubt he wouldn’t want the baby. Second, stop messing with your hair! You’re going to ruin it!” Mary exclaims, holding your forearms. “Joe is going to be thrilled! He’s always been so good with kids and I’ve heard about all the times he’s talked to you about having kids.”
“That’s true.” You pause. “So should I do it?”
“Yes, (Y/N)! A million times yes!” Mary said, almost annoyed with your nerves. “Now, go out there and give him the test!” She says, pushing you out of the room you're in.
You step into the living room to be greeted by the brightly lit Christmas tree, surrounded by Joe’s brother, John and his wife, Emma and their kids, Joe’s parents Virginia and Joseph, and Joe. All of them held various beverages in their hands. Joe’s eyes met yours, his face brightening at the sight of you. You smile and make your way over to him while tucking the small box containing the positive pregnancy test into the back pocket of your pants.
“Hey love.” Joe smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a kiss. “Want a drink?”
Your heart rate quickened “I’m good. Stomach isn’t up for that tonight.”
“If you insist.” Joe smiled, returning to his seat on the couch pulling you down with him.
For the past few years, you've spent Christmas with Joe’s family. They took you in as their own when you and Joe moved in together. John is like the older brother you never had, Mary the sister you always wanted, and Joseph and Virginia are like parents to you. Despite the amount of times you've told them they don’t need to spoil you, they still do.
Every year they welcome you on Christmas Day with a gift and you always feel somewhat guilty. you always give them this look. A look of joy, expressing how grateful you are for them. But also a look of annoyance, expressing how you don’t need the gift. They always insist you open it and of course you do. You would feel guilty if you didn’t accept it.
As the night continued, someone put on Polar Express and Virginia passed out mugs of hot cocoa with candy canes dangling off the side of the cups. You snuggled closer to Joe as he draped a fuzzy blanket over the two of you. All worries you had about telling him you were pregnant quickly faded. Everyone somehow grew inpatient of sitting around, so you opened your presents from each other. Your heart began racing once again as you got up from Joe’s grasp to grab the presents for his family. It’s time. Joe’s going to know about the pregnancy.
You passed around the presents to the kids, one to Mary, one to John, and one to Joe’s parents, hiding your fear behind a bright smile. Returning to your seat next to Joe, you watched the kids tear into their presents. Their screams of joy filled the room as they opened their new toys. When they finished and ran off to play with their toys, it was the adults' turn to open their presents. You and Joe got a box of new picture frames, a gift card for your favorite restaurant, and film for your Polaroid camera. Everyone else finished and thanked each other. Your heart is beating out of your chest. Mary gave you a knowing look. You have to do this. You let out a shaky sigh and turned to face Joe.
“Hey, Joe.” You said shakily.
“What’s up, sweets?” He asked.
“I know you said no gifts this year but, I found this last minute.” You explained, pulling the box from your pocket.
Everyone in the room was watching you two. You didn’t think you could get more nervous than before yet, here you are.
“Aw, what’s this?” Joe smiled, taking the box from you.
No turning back now. “You’re going to have to open it to find out.” You give him your best fake laugh.
He pulled back the shiny red paper and revealed a white box. He looked at you curiously as he opened the box. Everyone was quiet. Only the crackling fire and the kids' sounds of joy could be heard. You watched him nervously as he looked inside the box. His eyes widened, his gaze snapping to meet yours.
“Are you serious?” He asked quietly, a smile spreading on his face.
“You haven’t even looked at the whole thing yet.” You laughed.
“I know but-” Joe started.
“Just open it, Joe.” You cut him off.
“Okay, fine.” He said, returning his attention back to the box.
Joe reached two of his fingers into the box. He pulled out the pregnancy test and saw the words ‘positive’ on the small screen.
“No.” He said with a straight face, slipping the test back into the box.
Oh no.
“You’re kidding me.” He said. “We’re having a baby.”
His family gasped. A relieved smile appeared on your face.
“We’re having a baby!” Joe exclaimed, taking your hands and pulling you up onto your feet and into a passionate kiss.
You both smiled into the kiss. His family cheered around you two. When you eventually broke for air, you rested your foreheads together and smiled brightly. You're having a baby.
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moony-to-ur-pads · 2 years
“What’s that?” Sirius gasped, clambering onto Remus’ bed with a childish urgency, his eyes alight with curiosity. “Remus, its—its beeping!”
James gasped and sprinted over, diving into the tumble of sheets at the bottom of Remus’ bed. He’d pushed them back to make room for the small pile of christmas gifts and wrapping paper, now strewn across his mattress. “Is it a bomb?” James shrieked, “Stop giggling, Lupin—what is it?!”
Remus shook his head, laughing so hard his chest hurt. “Its an alarm clock, you idiots,” he choked out.
Peter came over then, evidently feeling left out of the group huddled on Remus’ bed. He climbed on, next to James. “Yeah, idiots. You never seen an alarm clock before?” he put in.
“My alarm clock doesn’t look anything like that,” Sirius humphed, crossing his arms. “Where’s the face? The hour hand? It’s just a box—how in Merlin’s beard do you tell the time?”
James took it from Remus with cautious hands, as if he were still convinced it would go off at any second. He turned it slowly, inspecting every inch with widened eyes and prodding fingers. Remus was half expecting him to raise it to his nose and sniff it. “It has a clock on the front,” he told Sirius, holding it up to show his friend the numbers printed on the digital screen in the front.
“Woah…” Sirius whispered, the look of complete awe on his face sending Remus into another fit of giggles.
James burst into a grin. “Goddamn muggles! Bloody geniuses!”
“Did your mum send it?” Peter asked. Remus nodded, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes and striving to regain control of himself.
Meanwhile, James was searching through the rest of his gifts for any other muggle peculiarities. The sight definitely helped sober Remus up. He looked on with slight embarrassment, as James searched through the painfully small collection. He knew his presents would be nothing like what James had, piled on his bed. Remus’ family didn’t have half the money the Potter’s did. In fact, he’d be surprised if they even had a quarter of it. Remus had approached his pile this morning as early as he could, dragging it onto his lap from the base of the bed to hide how very much smaller than the other boys’ it was.
But James and Sirius seemed to find every parcel just as intriguing as the alarm clock. They even prodded at the wrapping paper for a bit, astounded that the pictures printed on them didn’t move.
“Bloody muggles,” Sirius mused, inspecting a pile of printed photographs with the eyes of someone who had just stumbled on the Eighth Wonder of the World. “They don’t move, James!”
James was busy holding a scrap of wrapping paper, adorned with Christmas trees and candy canes, up to the early morning light streaming in through the window. “Neither does this, Sirius!”
They both turned their stunned gaze to him. Remus could feel himself beaming back.
“Dammit, Moony. You really hit the jackpot,” Sirius declared.
Remus blushed. “Can I see your presents now?” he asked, and Peter ran off to bring his new Gobstones set over.
Breakfast was a cheery affair. Despite it being the holidays, the Great Hall was far from empty. Laughter echoed up the rafters, cries of “Merry Christmas,” filling the room, accompanied by bursts of Christmas carols from the suits of armour stationed by the doors.
When the owls arrived, there was a whole flock of them—in fact, Remus was sure there was more owls that day than there usually were when the Hall was full. Each student was greeted with a shower of Christmas cards and fruit mince pies.
To his own surprise, an adorably tiny owl alighted on the edge of his goblet, a card from Lily Evans tied to its leg.
“Why’s Evans writing to you?” James asked him.
Remus shrugged. “We’re friends,” he said. “I help her study, sometimes.”
James snorted. “Ah, Remus—you beautiful nerd.”
“Ah, James—you blind bat,” Sirius countered. At first, Remus was astounded, thinking that Sirius had come to his defence. But of course, that wasn’t the case— “She’s obviously more than that,” Sirius laughed, “You got a crush, Rem? Or maybe she’s your secret girlfriend?”
Remus didn’t have the opportunity to argue with him, because right then, a large tawny owl landed on Sirius’ head.
Sirius screamed and shrieked, until James had untied the parcel and the owl had taken off. As his friend tried, vainly, to right the effect the owl had had on his normally pristinely kept hair, Remus couldn’t help but laugh. Sirius had certainly deserved it.
Surprisingly, the tawny owl had been for him. It delivered a box of fudge and fruit mince pies—the letter attached said they were from his neighbour, Ms Mullen, who’d taken it upon herself to make sure he was properly stocked up with Christmas delights at that ‘ol’ posho boarding school.’ He wondered how she’d known to use an owl, then decided that there must be some sort of Ministry of Magic interference at the post office. He wondered how that worked, but quickly forgot all about it—he’d taken a bit of a mince pie, and fucking hell, was it delicious.
Afterwards, the boys trekked out the front doors and onto the castle grounds.
It had snowed heavy on Christmas Eve, and the grounds were coated in white. It looked like glazed icing heaped on a tea cake. Even the ever-greens in the distance, marking the border to the Forbidden Forest, had defied their name and turned a milky white.
Remus grinned, enjoying the harsh bite of the cold on his bare face.
“What do we do now?” Peter asked, of no one in particular.
Remus stuck his foot into the snow. It was fluffy and fresh, and nearly reached his knees. “Snowball fight, anyone?” he asked.
The fight took up the whole day. Remus was the winner of Round 1 (before Lunch) and James came out victorious in Round 2–although it was really only because Remus had gone easier on all of them that round. He was the best at snowball fights, the reigning champion of almost every game he had ever played.
They played until they were soaked to the skin, bruised, and so tired they hardly had the energy to laugh. Then they played some more, stumbling around, permanent grins plastered to their face, like a couple blue-lipped, red-nosed lunatics. A couple hours after lunch, Hagrid grew so concerned that he put a stop to their fight and dragged them to his cabin for a cup of warm tea.
“You’ll catch yer death o’ a cold,” he declared.
James gave an exhausted giggle and downed another cup of tea. “You sound like my mum, Hagrid.”
“And she’d be righ’. Drink yer tea, and get right ter bed. Tha’s enough snow for you lot.”
As Remus lay huddled beneath his sheets that night, staring up at the crimson canopy, he wondered how in God’s name he had gotten this blood lucky. A year ago, he wouldn’t have dreamed of… any of this. Not just the magical school and the fucking castle, but everything else, too: friends like these, people who he loved and never had the time to feel afraid with—when he was with them, he was far too busy being reckless to think twice.
Just as Remus was drifting off, he heard an uncharacteristically timid voice sound through the otherwise silent dorm.
“Thank you, all of you. Thank you so much.”
“Don’ worry ‘bout it, Black,” Remus mumbled, sleepily.
“Reckon I had the best bloody Christmas of my life!” James said.
“You stayed at Hogwarts for me. You could be with your families.”
“Don’t flatter yerself,” Remus muttered, “Don’ think I’d ever miss that feast.”
“I’m glad we stayed at Hogwarts,” Peter added, sounding just drowsy as Remus supposed he did. “Let’s do this every year, huh?”
“That was the plan, Pete,” James laughed.
Remus smiled and let his eyes fall close. The last thing he remembered of Christmas, 1971 was inexplainable, immeasurable, sleepy happiness.
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Wrapping Presents - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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A/N: I really love this one <3
Katsuki Bakugou was a complicated person. While he was arrogant and loud, he was always on top of his studies and quite punctual and organized, always going to bed early and arriving to class on time. However, these facts combined with your prior knowledge of him did nothing to prepare you for the hell that was wrapping presents with him.
“Bakugou. What on earth could the wrapping paper have done to you to make you wrap a present like that?” You say, genuine shock dripping from your voice. The blonde haired boy glared at you and shoved his ‘wrapped’ present into your arms.
“What’s wrong with it?!” He yells, small sparks coming from his palms. “It’s wrapped, it’s fine!” He says, rolling his eyes. You try to stifle a laugh, but the hilarity of the situation overwhelms you, causing giggles to escape your mouth. Here you were with one of your closest friends, various tubes of wrapping paper, scissors, and tape sprawled out across your dorm room floor, and in your hand was the most awfully wrapped gift you had ever seen. Becoming more enraged and a bit flustered, a light blush crossed Bakugou’s cheeks. “Well if you have such an issue with it, why don’t you do it!” He yells.
“It’s not for me, is it? I don’t want to have my gift from you spoiled.” You ask, amusement still in your gaze as you eye the misshapen gift. 
“I’m not an idiot,” he deadpanned.
“Alright, alright, I was just asking,” you say putting your hand up in defense. You tear off the crumpled wrapping paper and discard of it - there was no saving it now. What lay on the floor in front of you was an expensive set of purple headphones, no doubt a gift for Jirou. “Wow Bakugou, Jirou’s gonna totally dig this!” You say, picking up the box and looking at it.
“Yeah, whatever,” He says, leaning against your bed frame. You smile and shake your head, setting the box back down to look over the wrapping paper you had. One tube of multicolored Christmas trees, one with polar bears, and another one with candy canes.
“Okay, which roll do you want to use?” You ask, showing him the three selections. He looks up to you, unamused.
“Does it really even matter?” You give him a tired look and cock your head to the side.
“You want my help, we’re doing it my way. Now, choose a wrapping paper.”
“Why can’t you?”
“Because, Bakugou,” you say, a little bit of exasperation in your voice, “this gift is coming from you so you need to be the one making these decisions.” Bakugou groans out of faux fatigue and lazily points to the one covered in polar bears.
“Fine. That one.” He says. You flash him a smile and unravel the paper to a proper size, placing the gift in the middle to measure the length left. When you get the right size, you extend your hand towards the blonde.
“Scissors please,” you say politely. Wordlessly, Bakugou hands you the scissors - handle first - and you smoothly cut the wrapping paper by gliding the blades along it.
“Okay, come sit next to me so I don’t have to do this for all of your presents.” You say, patting the spot on the floor next to you. 
“You’re seriously making me get up for this shit?” Bakugou grumbles, but gets up anyway. He settles down next to you and looks in between you and the paper. “So what now.” You hand him one of the ends of wrapping paper gently. 
“Take this and fold it over so that you can only see half of the box.” He does as you say, making sure it was taught. “Alright now we just tape it,” you say, taking a piece from the dispenser next to you and pressing it against the box so that the wrapping paper would hold. The two of you repeat the same step so that the only openings were at the sides.
“So this is where we just crumple them in and call it a day, right?” Bakugou suggests, a smirk spread across his face.
“No, Bakugou,” You say. You knew he was just doing that to get a rise out of you - that was what he did with his friends. “You fold it like this so it looks nice and smooth,” you say, folding the pieces in a way that made it look pretty. “Tape me,” you say in a mock surgeon tone, holding out your palm.
“Wow Y/N, didn’t know you were into that but okay.” Bakugou says, raising an eyebrow at you. Only then did you realize how what you said could be taken in a much different context, causing you to cover your face as a blush spread across it.
“Ew, you’re being gross,” you say, shooting him a glare. “Now can I have the tape.” You ask pointedly. He gives you a grin and hands you a piece of tape so you can keep the folds in place. Finally, you were done wrapping it.
“Finally,” Bakugou said, grabbing the wrapped present.
“Nuh uh,” you say, snatching it back from him. “It needs ribbon.” Sighing, the blonde settles back down next to you.
“Red.” He says simply. You look up at him in confusion. “You were gonna ask me which color I want since it has to be all personal and shit, so I chose red.”
“Since it’s the color of your eyes?” You quip, unspooling some of the plastic ribbon.
“Because it’s the color of the bow in your hair.” He says. You wordlessly lifted a hand to touch the red bow in your hair and blushed. “It looks nice there so I figured it would look fine on there.” He says. You didn’t notice it but a light blush flickered across his cheeks.
“O-okay!” You manage, cutting the ribbon from the spool and wrapping it around the box. It’s silent for a moment until you’re about to tie the first knot. “Can you put your thumb there so I can tie it?” You ask, peering up at him. He nods and places his thumb where the ribbon crossed, pressing down firmly. Without dropping eye contact, you shakily tie the ribbon over his thumb. “You can move it now…” you whisper, Y/E/C still gazing into red. He makes no effort to move the thumb tucked underneath the red ribbon, instead he moves his hand from the side of him. As quickly as it takes to take a breath, his lips were on yours. It was firm and passionate, just like the blonde, but the comfort you felt was a new level of it. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin in a loving gesture. You could’ve kissed him for hours, even years, but the need to breathe interrupted the two of you. Heavy breaths was all that was audible in your dorm room for a few seconds before you broke out in laughter.
“H-HEY! WHAT THE HELL!” Bakugou yells, red now covering his face.
“Sorry, sorry, I just never expected you to like me back, that’s all.” You say, leaning back on your, looking at Bakugou.
“Well how the hell did you expect me to not do that, acting all cute by tying my thumb with your ribbon and shit.” His words cause you to snicker and slide closer to him.
“Looks like I’m done teaching you how to wrap a present, now I can leave you to do that so I can get some food.” You say, jokingly standing up.
“Oh hell no,” he says, grabbing your wrist and sitting you back down. “You and your ribbon are gonna help me with the rest of these presents.” You smile and peck his cheek as you start to roll out some more wrapping paper for Kirishima’s gift, a membership to one of the best gyms in Musutafu. Many more kisses were exchanged, mostly when it came around to tying the ribbon, but you would never forget the very first time. Thank god for his god-awful wrapping skills.
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