#thank u this was super nice to see in my inbox!!
awrkive · 8 months
hey hey!! congrats on almost 1k and 2k for cn&bl <33 here i am again obsessed w the cn&bl couple! could i please request a drabble for them! maybe something super fluffy and a dash of smut 🫣 anything along the lines of them out in public or whatevs hahah
jk and oc’s relationship a secret no more LOLZIES (jk being completely down bad and being teased but in a friendly way??) any setting and time of the day! excited for anything you come up w, tysm!! <3
summary: cnbl!oc brings cnbl!jk lunch after his bb practice
wc: 1.8k
note: no smut but its super cute ))))))))))): this ask has been in my inbox for so long im really sorrry for only getting to it now 😭 nonetheless i hope u guys enjoy
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The tuna sandwich you made two weeks ago surprisingly became a favorite of Jungkook, which you didn't see coming, because he was a good cook (he truly did prove you wrong) and you were a shit one in comparison. To be fair, making a sandwich isn't totally cooking but you still season the tuna and that was cooking in your opinion but anyway, Jungkook loved it so much he kept on asking you for it whenever he came over.
Never had anyone validated your cooking before, only Jungkook, and you couldn't lie and say it didn't boost your ego whenever he ate it almost rather enthusiastically, and then kissed you sweetly (albeit smelling like tuna) and saying thank you with that adorable smile of his.
So today, you may have accidentally made five tuna sandwiches and bought way too much Chinese food that is anything but for individual consumption. Because today, you may be going to the gym to get lunch with Jungkook on his break.
[12:30pm] You: It's your lunch break, right? Are you still practicing?
[12:32pm] Kook🐰: hi baby we finished just now it'slunch break i go to class at 2pm
[12:32pm] Kook🐰: have u eaten should we get lunch together
[12:35pm] Kook🐰: i got starbucks coupon yesterdat👺
[12:35pm] Kook🐰: yesteeday
[12:35pm] Kook🐰: yesterday
[12:35pm] You: I'm coming to the gym
Turning off your phone after that brief exchange, you tiptoed a little to spot the gym.
It was almost crazy to think that once upon a time you've never stepped a foot in there, but nowadays it has become almost like a routine, no thanks to constantly hanging out with Jungkook. And it wasn't just you going to his "thing", either, it was also him fetching you from the publication office or bringing you food there.
It's a rather big shift from keeping your relationship a secret to everyone else from… effortlessly flaunting it to everybody. But no, you wouldn't really call it flaunting. Flaunting meant you have every intention to make everyone know, but that wasn't the case for you both. Not at all. It was more of like: "They see us, then they see us. Who cares?" and personally it was hard to not care the first few weeks, especially when you would hear your name from the girls' gossips in the women's comfort room. But the talks died down eventually and finally, no one cares now about the girl Jungkook's hanging out with.
Anyhow, it was nice to not… hide anymore. Or pretend that you didn't know each other in the hallways. Jungkook liked it as much. You think.
As you reach the gym, you see Taehyung near the entrance door. It looks like he just changed out of his jersey, his fringes wet.
"Hi," you greet, waving at him.
"Oh, __, hey," Taehyung looks up from his phone to look at you then grins. "Jungkook's inside." He says, gesturing with his thumb. His eyes train to the lunch bag in your hand and the familiar plastic bag of a Chinese restaurant across the street. Wiggling his eyebrows, he teases, "Is that for him? Sweet."
You immediately roll your eyes at that. "Shut up, Tae."
Additionally, one of the big shifts in your life the past few months was finding a close friend in Jungkook's friends. Taehyung and you have been getting closer these days, enough for you to comfortably exchange sarcastic remarks about each other. Turns out, he was an extremely fun guy to be around and get this, he knows Letterboxd. How cool is that! (Though he still really holds that time you didn't show up at your coffee hang against you. He brings it up every single time and you'd have to treat him to a cafe some weeks.)
Taehyung laughs and brings his hands up, jokingly surrendering. "Kidding, kidding. He's waiting for you inside. Gotta go, though. 1pm class."
You nod. "See you around, Tae."
You thought he was gonna go scram but he looked at you one last time and said, "Don't do anything funny in there."
Heat goes through your body, settling to your cheeks. Taehyung really gets on your nerves, it makes so much sense that he was close friends with Jungkook.
"Shut up, I hate you and Hyerin deserves so much better." You say spitefully, referring to the woman he's been going on dates with recently, rolling your eyes once again as Taehyung just laughed his ass off, walking further away.
Ugh. You really wish he didn't walk in on you and Jungkook three days ago. To be fair, Jungkook forgot to lock his room (again!) when you were fooling around and Taehyung was a neanderthal who didn't know how to knock. So cue Taehyung joking about it whenever the opportunity came.
You turn around to see Jungkook jogging towards you, still in his jersey with a towel hanging around his neck. Some of his team mates are also hanging around the benches. As if just having noticed you as well, they wave at you and say a chorus of "Hi"s and "What's up, __"s which you returned with a smile and a greeting back.
Jungkook greets you personally with a wet kiss on the lips.
"Hi, pretty."
"Hey, you," You greet back, swiping his bangs off his forehead. You quickly retreat. "You're so sweaty. Wipe your forehead."
Jungkook does it so. "Done." he looks down at the things you've got in your hand. "You brought me lunch?" He says, a grin plastered all over his face.
You hold your arms up with the bags. "Yeah. Chinese and tuna sandwiches. I thought we could eat here or something."
His grin only spreads wider at your words, and you can only mirror his smile. He was so smily today.
"You mean your tuna sandwiches? Fuck, I could kiss you right now. Thank you." He says enthusiastically, wrapping his arm around your waist and leading you to the bleachers.
You followed him and you settled on your usual spot where you've eaten one of your lunches before. It was quite far away from the area where the other guys were seated.
"It's nothing. I made a lot this morning because my classes got canceled." You say, unzipping the lunch bag with the sandwiches in it. You give him one and open another yourself, taking out the pack of mayo to put it in between the bread.
"Hm, fuck, these are so good. Seriously. You should start a food business." Jungkook comments, munching on the sandwich.
You chuckle. "No, what the hell. I need to have a variety in the menu if I start something. I just can't sell sandwiches."
Jungkook shrug. "Eh, it could be like a special thing. __ Sandwich Exclusive Cafe. Something like that. Or just post these online, I'll go tell my friends about it and you'll get rich in a week. I have a celebrity friend."
Your laughter becomes louder, shoulders moving up and down.
"You sound like a crypto scammer that way. You should've started with, "Are you open-minded?" and that would've sold me."
Jungkook snorts at that, grabbing another sandwich from the bag. You take a dumpling from the take-out and extended it to his mouth, which he opens to take the food you offered him.
"If dad cuts me off completely I'll be one of those crypto dudes on Twitter, so you're not totally wrong."
You both laugh at that, with you pushing him slightly on his bicep.
"Well, I'll help you scam people, then. I'll be the one commenting on your tweets and vouching for your legitimacy."
Jungkook nods, pretending like he was thinking about it. "Hm. Or I can start an OnlyFans if it fails so that I can still give you your boba everyday."
You can't help but giggle.
"You know I always appreciate your sacrifice. Maybe we can start a Pornhub channel if I couldn't get admitted to law school."
Jungkook lets out a "tsk!". "Don't say that. With the way you study, you'll be overqualified." It was his turn to give you a dumpling then, which you ate just as quickly as he offered it. Jungkook smiles as he watches you chew on it. "But if it counts, I won't be opposed to us starting a Pornhub channel."
You search through the Chinese take out bags again to find your fried rice. As you did so, you opened it, not forgetting to reply to Jungkook and looking at him as you say, "Well, I'll have to practice my porn moan for that."
And just as soon as you said that you knew he already had something dirty to utter, and he doesn't fail you.
"Maybe we can practice tonight…" He said, voice intentionally going octave deeper.
You chuckle at his predictability.
"I knew you were gonna say that."
Before he could deny how predictable he was or brag about how quick-witted he was, you heard a bunch of footsteps on the court.
"Hey, Jeon! We're going!" Says one guy, looking at you both.
Jungkook turns to look at them and shouts back, "Yeah, see you around, Mingyu!"
"__!" They call you.
When you looked at them, they nodded, ready to leave, announcing their departure so you wave at them goodbye.
When they were out of sight, you asked Jungkook, "Hey, what's that about your Starbucks coupon?"
As if remembering something, Jungkook's eyes widened a little as he takes his phone from his pocket. "Oh, yeah I got one yesterday. Here." He looked inside his phone case and took out a card.
You leaned down to study it curiously, reading the benefits of the card holder getting a $50 token.
"Ohh, that's amazing! How'd you get this? I want one too."
Jungkook let you take the card and looked at it with you. "I don't really know, the barista just gave me this after I got some latte."
Oh. Hm. Interesting. You bet it was a woman barista.
Jungkook shrugs. "It's probably because I gave her the exact amount of the payment in cash. I don't know."
Her. Exactly. She was probably the same barista who always looked at Jungkook funny whenever you two came there. She had an obvious crush and you couldn't really blame her. But it was funny, that Jungkook thought it was because he gave the exact amount of payment in cash the barista decided to give him a gift card. You would think his lowkey fuckboy ways would tell him that a woman likes him, but he was so clueless sometimes. If you were honest to yourself, you'd admit it was cute.
"You can be so clueless at times, Kook." You say, patting his shoulder.
"Huh?" He looks at you with that wide eyes of his, and boy, he really doesn't suspect a thing.
You shake your head. "Nothing."
You pat his head and Jungkook squints his eyes at you. You laugh at the little exchange and Jungkook's hand extends up to hold yours up his face and you tried to pull back, giggling, thinking he was gonna do something gross like bite your hand but he only presses his mouth to your palm, holding it against his face.
You smile. Soft and gentle.
"Dinner later at my place?" Jungkook says.
You nod.
It was hard to deny someone who makes your heart go all weird when he looked at you like that.
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all rights reserved © AWRKIVE , 2023
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evelili · 4 months
hii, i read your the twilight effect + your write-up afterwards. its definitely something i will be thinking about for a while. i love your twilight so much.. i do not normally read fan fiction or really much of anything at all, so im not too good at like complimenting writing and the sort.. i really loved the fluttershy chapter/trial and also found their interactions during the festival really adorable. and fluttershy + rarity on the bleachers with twilight at the beginning was also so cute. the entire epilogue was so wonderful to me, i loved seeing their relationships after the incident. theyre all so cute and best friends. i also loved the progression throughout their senior year. like idk, something about twilight having a rough hs experience but a great and friend filled senior year.. she deserves it soo much. and she had some tough moments but she overcame them.. love it. well i apologize for the rambling. i couldnt read something that wonderful and not say some words of appreciation.. essentially thank you so much for writing TTE and being willing to share it with everyone..!!!
waaaaa im so happy to hear this!! u have no idea how emotional it is for me to open my inbox and find such a nice message, thank u so much for taking the time to lmk how u feel ;v; dont worry about being "good" at compliments, this is so wonderful for me to read, thank u sincerely for it
and yes!! the epilogue ended up as long as an act by itself, but i think it was necessary for the type of story i wanted to tell ;v; bc, my own highschool experiences shaped a lot of what i wanted to express w this story, and perhaps its a little bit of a love letter to my high school self that hey, you will make it! it will be ok!! that type of feeling, it's what i wanted to convey, so im so very glad that it was able to come across
im very glad you liked the rarishy stuff too, their friendship is so underrated and so super important to me. i wish my hand were a bit more functional that i could draw you something nicer, but please accept this doodle of them regardless ^^ and ty so very very very much again for reading!!
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mintytealfox · 3 months
*carb walks in*
*holds up a question*
What the au where norton is big and alice(and melly) are tiny like did they found kurt book but don't know how long it last and norton is now stuck being the babysitter till the their normal size again or is it drugs?
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Perfect timing too honestly cause I was feeling sad about Netease being emo as frick with the Norton stuff lol (there is an ask in the inbox about it and I am gonna go so wild once I collect my thoughts 👀)
-rubs hands togetherrrrrr-
so this one with Melly:
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was a little one off thing cause I love Navi from Legend of Zelda and I imagine she is so tired of Link and I had Da Capo on the brain and was like 'aw yea these two' LOOOOOOOOOOOL
The other one with this stuff:
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is super MaCross coded 👀🤌 if you are familiar with Zentraedi then you got a gist of what is going on here lol but here is a link to a intro to the au: here Then this one has the links to everything I have written for it so far: here
I am more of a report writer rather than creative writer anymore these days. So, if its bad then my bad LOOOOOL! If you don't want to read all that then here is this to get the gist of what is up with the world
"Some background:
Two species of humanoid now inhabit the same planet. One from another dead planet and seeking refuge and a new place to live (the humans). This was met with hostility from the original habitants (the larger one). A war broke out for 10 years, for the humans to come on top in the end. The larger species are now used as a sort of work horse in most cases. Some manual labor, others protecting the area and hunting, etc. there are still Nobels and high ups in politics but the less well-off tend to be put to difficult work and conditions. Even though the humans have the tech to make it easier, just don’t want to waste resources.  It’s a political way to keep them down, busy and obedient basically. 🙃
Norton, of course, works in the mines." ----------- BUT I LIKE WHERE YOUR BRAIN IS GOING -rubs hands together- a thiirrdddd au cookin I seeeee~ LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Knowing Alice, its probably DRUGS that did it -WHEEEZE- Then Melly having to get involved trying to be like "oh my gosh stop sniffin D R U G S" and tries to take it away but it just gets all over~ nice and cliche 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But I can see Melly having fun with the size change cause talk about an entire new perspective for her research of insects lol -can pet beetle like dog- "who would have thought they liked little pats on the head" So much new research to be done 🤣🤣🤣 Her command of insects is broadening LOOK OUT -WHEEZE-
Now for Alice, there is no stopping her now, every nook; every cranny is now hers to explore LOL no locks can keep her out now!! No document/letter/sensitive information can hide from her -WHEEZE- No drawer or box left un-sifted through PFF No conversation left un-eavesdropped! She is more of a danger to society's secrets now than she was before IM DYING LOOOOL
Yea Norton is definitely gonna have to babysit these two MY GOSH! Good L U C K BRO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
(THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I L O V E talking about this stuff HA! And needed the distraction honestly SO THANK YOOUUU)
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coqvttes · 7 months
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i hit 1k followers today and i just want to say thank you so so much, everyone. all the moots i’ve met on here are absolutely amazing and so so kind! i love every single one of them to bits and all the anons in my inbox are sweethearts too. thank you for making this a positive space for me so far. i really appreciate everyone and i’m so happy that people enjoy what i write and what i post, i can truly be myself on here. i truly love you all and i appreciate every single one of you. xx
i want to say special thank yous to some of my lovely mooties. (≧◡≦)づ ♡
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@bearieio, spencerr, you were my first ever moot. you've just been so sweet and so so warm to chat with. you’re sooo pretty?? and really sincere! thank you for being my first friend on tumblr. (:
@dizzyntrr : maxine! my british bestie! i do LOVE seeing what you post on your blog and hearing about how your day went! your poetry is so lovely and so are you; i love your choice of vocabulary haha.
@yonphilia : you're truly amazing, mio! you’re always checking up on me and sending me lovely asks! you’re so so so energetic and kind and supportive.
@cigsnfilms : my supporterrrr. one of the first to interact with me and please we need to talk moreee. i LOVEE all the stuff you reblog i live for it!
@poisonedprose : you are such a talented writer, i remember reading a fic of yours before i even started this blog and i just remember it all. vira, you truly have a wonderful way with words and you’re just super nice!
@arthursgf1 : i love the aesthetic of your whole blog and everything you post and reblog (live laugh love arthur morgan). and dev, you're so so sweet! i'd love to talk to you more!
@konigceo : lala my love, your blog is SOO cute and pretty and pink and lovely and aheioshzh. your writing makes me blush and kick my feet up in the air literally!!
@solutopia : solana, i’ve always loved your name soooo much! and your blog themes are always gorgeous i love seeing your new ones. thank u sm for sending me asks often you’re really kind, darling.
@spiderst4rgirl : belle, you are just spontaneous and a big bundle of energy, literally, you make me burst out laughing so often. i love how pretty your moodboards are AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY TOO.
@starzu : you're blog is so so so lovely and so are you, you post nearly everyday and you work yourself so hard! i love all of your ideas in your fics and you deserve a big hug and i'll give it to you!
@norafaye : i just love how you've done up your blog so much! nora, you're so so creative and i love that so much! you're super supportive and real it's so nice to have a moot who loves f1 too!
@angedetoile : you're my bae, i love how you message me all the time and send me stuff all day. you are literally an angel and a total sweetheart. your goofy tiktoks make me laugh too omg.
@kasumitenbaz : kassandra! we've literally just met and all but i have to mention you. you are really sweet and your blog theme is so adorable and so are you. can't wait to talk 2 you more!
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seelestia · 1 month
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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lfghughes · 11 months
hihi!! long time reader first time anon!! i was wondering if u could do a m. tkachuk fic where reader & him are friends of friends and he’s kinda mean to reader & it’s kinda angsty? (not like super bullying mean but kinda yk) happy ending where he just like didn’t know how to talk to her lol cause i’m a sucker for happy endings, sorry if that’s kinda long haha!! i love u lots❤️❤️❤️
a/n: ahh i want to say thank you for being a reader and you're always welcome in my inbox for absolutely anything doesnt even have to be a request. I hope you like this! Love you!
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“Okay, well no one asked you.” Matthews voice rang out and you could feel rage start to grow in your body. This wasn’t your first interaction with Matthew but you still did not have him figured out in the slightest. You wouldn’t consider yourselves friends because you just both shared a friend but you had tried multiple times to have a conversation with him so you could possibly get there and instead of being a normal nice person and continuing the conversation he instead would either brush you off or say something rude like he just had now.
You rolled your eyes at him and this random attitude that was targeted at you for no reason. Instead of coming up with a snarky response, you leaned over to talk to your friend. “I’m going to go outside for a minute. Just text me when the food comes out.” It was probably rude to abandon the table this way but you were also sure that the only person out of the whole group that would even notice you were missing was your friend. Maybe Matthew would notice simply because he wouldn’t have someone to be a jerk to.
Outside you took a deep breath in, reminding yourself that the drama was not worth the stress and why were you letting his words get to you anyways. Maybe it simply was because he knew nothing about you but had clearly decided how he felt about you. A groan left your lips, you needed to stop caring so much about what other people thought. Someone walked outside and when they cleared their throat you looked up. The look on your face must have clearly shown how you felt about him. “Someones excited to see me.” Matthew teased and you were about ready to go back inside.
“Everything okay? You kind of left the table in a rush.” He had to have been kidding. Did he not have any braincells that let him know you left the table because of him. A small frown grew on his lips when you didn’t answer him and again you assumed you must have been looking at him like he was an idiot for even asking that. “It’s because of what I said, isn’t it?” He asked and for once since you had met him he had actually looked remorseful of the words that had left his lips. “Uh yeah, because every single time I try to talk or get to know you, you act like the biggest jerk around.”
This shouldn’t have been news to you, you had done the normal thing after meeting him one time and looked him up and it was clear he was not popular for being a gentleman. His hand went to the back of his head as he scratched it, thinking of what to say. “I am so sorry. I am a jerk, wholeheartedly I am the biggest jerk around.” He looked as apologetic as one could possibly look and this only confused you. Things that weren’t on your bingo card: Matthew Tkachuk apologizing to you. “Honest truth?” He asked and you nodded your head for him to keep going.
“Most people would assume because I’m in the public eye that I’m good at this whole speaking thing but when we met I literally didn’t know what to say.” He admitted and you gave him the slowest nod ever like you were still processing what he said. “So you reverted into being a jerk? How’s that going for you?” You asked and a small laugh left his lips. “Clearly very very bad.” At least he was honest. “How about I make it up to you? Start fresh like we never met and maybe I can take you out to dinner on Friday?”
You tilted your head up like you were thinking over his offer, a small smirk growing on your lips. “I don’t really go out to dinner with strangers.” You told him which only made him smirk back at you. This time he held out his hand to you, understanding that you were just teasing him. “I’m Matthew.” This time you took his hand in yours. “Nice to meet you, Matthew. How about you buy me a drink inside while we wait for dinner?”
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voxmortuus · 2 years
Could you do a soft dom!billy hargrove request about a friends with benefits relationships a shy, reserved bookworm who is always in the town library when he picks up Max? She could be super shy but still flirty and he could love picking on her shyness until he realizes she's not as innocent as he thought... if you don't want to do this, that's okay!! I am just in love with Billy right now and will take anything you are comfortable with!!
PAIRING: Soft Dom!Billy Hargrove x FWB!Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: Stranger Things
WORDS: 769
SUMMARY/PROMPT: See Above. @gxthicwxnterwidxw
Trigger Warning(s): Oral (Male) | Deep Throating | Cock Choking/Gagging | Drooling | Face fucking | Slight Degradation | Female Masturbation | Male and Female orgasm | Facial | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, I'm hoping this finds you well love! This is my first Billy Hargrove piece... PLEASE BE NICE!!!
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
My Master Masterlist | Taglist
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'You're too shy for your own good.'
'You'll always be shy.'
'You might be shy, but I bet you're a freak...'
Billy's words from the past ring in your head over and over. It never fails; he makes you blush every damn time. Sitting tutoring Max today, you're helping her with some reading homework. Pushing your glasses up with the eraser end of your pencil you let out a soft breath and look over her. As she reads Billy walks in to pick her up, but when he spots you with her a smirk comes across his face.
"Well,what do we have here. Hey Shit-Bird, I'm borrowing your what is she, teacher?"
"Billy, this can wait... I'm helping her, she's got a test tomorrow."
"That's nice, she can study while I borrow you." He grabs your wrist and drags you away.
"Billy..." You call out, but he's insistent. You look back at Max, "I'll be back, read the next couple of chapters."
As he drags you to the back library where no one ever goes except for one thing and one thing only, he pushes you against the shelf after walking halfway down one of the rows and smirks, looking you over. 
With such a devious no good smirk on his face, you shake your head. 
"Billy, not here." you shake your head.
"What's the fun of being friends with benefits if there are limits to the benefits. No one is here. Come on." he smirks.
"Billy... what if we get caught?" you chuckle a bit.
"Just adds to the rush." He licks his lips.
"We better be quick." you demand.
"Oh, hey now, I make the demands." he reminds you. 
Playing with the button on his jeans, you undo his pants and smirk as you push your glasses back up and kneel in front of him and take his slightly stiff cock into your mouth. Looking up at him you feel him start to stiffen in your mouth as your tongue works the underside of his length. 
Billy lets out a groan and places his hands on the bookcase looking down at you. A smirk spreads across his face as you pick up speed. You've never done this for him. Watching you, you've now piqued his interest. With a lick of his lips, he lets out another slight groan as you begin to take his length deeper into your mouth. 
At first, it was feeling great, good even, but when he felt your lips at the base of his cock, your mouth tighten around him and a slight massage of your gag reflex, he looked down. 
"Oh shit... Susie Teacher isn't so fuckin innocent as we thought." he chuckled. "God damn." he groaned.
Peering up at him, you let out a soft groan against his length, and your hands slowly lift your skirt that rests against your thighs. Holding his cock deep in your mouth, you slowly pull back taking in a deep breath as you begin to do it again. Feeling yourself choke on his length, you begin to pick up speed. Feeling your nipples harden with excitement, you feel that tingle of need between your legs. 
Slipping your hand between your legs, you begin to play with your swollen needing bud, feeling how wet you are, your fingers coated in your own juices, you begin to finger yourself as you pick up speed on his hard now throbbing cock. Your eyes gaze up at him with such need. Without any hesitation, Billy reaches down, grabs your hair, and begins to quite literally face fuck you. 
At this point, you're a drooling, gagging, tear-filled, soaking dripping wet mess, and he is fucking loving it. A slight chuckle escaped his lips. "Such a fuckin slut." He chuckled. 
Hearing him, it was like you went dumb, a dumb slut who very much loved getting face fucked. With his cock slipping down your throat, your fingers work yourself faster, dripping wet your tongue works him and he feels his release rising, between feeling yours in the pit of your stomach you work yourself a little harder, a little faster. 
Pulling his cock from your mouth, you grip his cock in your hand, jerking back and forth, your thumb working the underside of the head a bit. Your mouth falls open, your tongue out, and he smirks as his release coats your face. You begin to shake, as you let out a heavy breathy moan. He licks his lips and smirks. 
"Such a dirty little slut... don't forget to clean up, but before I go, I'll take those panties." He smirked. 
Tagging: @tiedyedragonswrites
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carmenized-onions · 2 days
How is it not Friday yet in their world?! I am dyinggggggg over here, the slow build is so delicious and I LOVE seeing the vulnerable inside of his head. The way you wrote the part about Tony making it safe for him to want things… god that’s just beautiful and it’s really TRUE, the way someone can make you feel safe like that.
Uh anyway I’m super normal about all of this. And I still have no decent guess except that on (their) Friday, it’s going to be revealed that they slept together and Carmy’s going to lose his mind. Thank you for this, I love this story and you are killing it!!!
Just gonna add all of Sir Chloe's I am the Dog to the series playlist one sec....
I REALLY DID SLOW THAT SHIT THE FU C K down. I'm very mean, for that. But I promise next chapter picks up the pace-- And in fact, just 4 u, I will give you a lil snippet of the next chapter, because it's fun to do that. BUT NOT UNTIL THE END!!!
And YEAHYEAHYEAH!! Perfect wording, the safety of a person. I'm also so normal about this. Now in other more mind boggling words--
MIKEY AND TONY YOU MEAN???? OH MY GOD??!?!?!?!?! That would be fucking crazy. What a loop. I'm picturing the fantasy, the fantasy is certainly there. Gee whiz. Not at all a bad idea-- Or I guess, a super bad idea? Which makes it,, ,a great idea??? I've lost the plot.
Anyways, I'm fucking loving hearin' the different branches people went on, with this chapter so far, and i hope to hear more. Perhaps,,, if I receive more nice little theories and things in my inbox,,,, i will provide more snippets,,,,
The next chapter is finished, funny enough-- It's gonna need some edits, and I'm gonna need some breathing room, between chapters-- esp so I can work on Friday with less pressure, but it really fuckin' flowed like water. Which means, I've got plenty to share. Anyways, here's I think probably my favourite snippet from it, 4 u. Don't mind the red lines MICROSOFT WORD HATES CHICAGO!!!
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i've had fun, writing mostly tony/carmy, but fuck did i miss all the other characters, thank god they're back. get this romance out of my mutual pining fic already, what the FUCK.
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edith-is-a-cat · 8 months
Edie's Moots!!!
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The ones I've interacted with (alphabetically organized)
💕@angelhairpastawithherbs - Mx. Rose Moth!! - HAS THE SAME MOTHMAN SHIRT AS ME AND THATS HOW WE BECAME MUTUALS SO LOVELY (thats why you are called Rose Moth in my head!!) #mx. rose moth!! 💕
🐙@azulashengrottospiano - Ms. Auburn!! - DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON IS MY MUTUAL GUYS /j, Seriously so very lovely love dropping art in there inbox. *Silently foaming at the mouth with their writing* Literally feels like a celeb followed me back. Tumblr mom/oldest sister skjdnbvkjerfl ily /p and thank you for being so nice to me #ms. auburn!! 🐙
💫@bloody-puppets - My child!! - HIIIIIIII *spins you around like a hula hoop* Yes his tag may have been "father" but those are lies this is my child. Acc snatched up and will help u around tumblr bc you are child. please ill make a terrarium you you goobers #my child!! 💫
#mr. !!
🍬@ferris-the-wheel - Ms. Ferris!! YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE AND BE RLLY NICE AND SUPPORTIVE FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN MY BLOG BEING VERY BLUE, why thank you the rolls will be done in a bit. (ALSO PICKED ME UP BY THE SCRUFF AND ADOPTED ME?) My favorite moot to chew on #ms. ferris!! 🍬
🦀@fryofthefrench - real person. WALKING NONBINARY PRIDE FLAG 🫵 #mx. samsung!! 🦀🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🫵
🐍@l7k-a - Mr. Haru!! - I THINK I LOOKED AT UR PROFILE ONE TIME AND THOUGHT ABOUT FOLLOWING YOU THEN I CHICKENED OUT-- NOT TODAY and u like Basil freaking spinning and shaking. U r like my dad... you have asked me to sleep and isn't late several times. love u sm #mr. haru!! 🐍
🪻@h2llish - Mr. Devil!! I have a fourty bucks, and hopefully the ability to drive soon, wanna grab food?? #mr. devil!! 🪻
💪@i-like-forgs - Mr. Ryoko!! - reads your posts like I read the newspaper, making dramatic gasps ever now and then. I love being to see a little bit of your life. Rattles the bars of my cage, I'm so happy to see you. #mr. ryoko!! 💪
🐎@jangletam - Junior!! - Ken irl -- carefully fits you with a lovely cowboy hat and matching pair of boots #robin jr!! 🐎
✨@officialdaydreamer00 - Mx. Irene!! Picked me up off the side of the road after I reblogged one of his things an unholy amount of times (it was so cute tho I plan to read more when I have time :3!!) #mx. irene!! ✨
💤@vntey - Mx. Leo!! - Ur cool i like you goober #mx. leo!! 💤
🌸@sakka-kyuu - Ms. Sakkakuu!! - PLEASE PLEASE you are so cute and sweet and im a seal plushie to you omg my heart <////3 /pos thank you for existing here bpufvbehbtvhrbtvhbrv you are so neato #ms. sakkakuu!! 🌸
🎀 @shinysparklesapphires - Ms. Sapphire!! - HSHVJKDNVJERVHJBERHD PRETTY MAGICAL GIRL SO COOL HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-- u r so neat I would love to hand feed you (edible) glitter #ms. sapphire!! 🎀
🪷@twistwonderlanddevotee - Ms. Sofia!! - THE WAY I STOOD UP AND RAN AROUND WHEN I SAW U REBLOG THE THING WITH THE PRETTIES WALLPAPER EVER-- I hope you get so much pretty stickers get you arts and crafts supplies and gives you stationary cause i feel u would like it (btw DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TAKING LONG BUT THAT WAS JUST SO SWEET AND I HOPE YOU DID SUPER WELL ON UR FINALS!!!!) #ms. sofia!! 🪷
🐇@twst-om-lover - Mx. Nightmare!! - spins you like a basketball #mx. nightmare!! 🐇
🐇✨@vivislosingitagain - Mx. Vivi!! Can we turn the ocean into tea together??? And then have a tea party if ocean tea doesn't taste weird! (I decided the second emoji for you hope you don't mind!!) #mx. vivi!! 🐇✨
🐈‍⬛@v-anrouge - Mr. Aster!! - You can have some of my blood if you want, fun fact, my blood type is ab so it's not really too useful if I donate it. I would love to bake you something and sit you down to watch a ghibli movie. I really like scrolling through your blog its very neat and i wanna put stickers and sparkles on it. Internet dad. do i have to say more? #mr. aster!! 🐈‍⬛
⭐🐍@weskers-husband - Mr. Miles!! - Hi gremlin boy I'm very glad you are here, post your art right fucking now.. Cool dude please talk to him and be cool to him, if you are mean to him I'm taking your keratin (also check out his poetry account @poems-husband >:D) #mr. miles!! ⭐🐍
🦈@whspermy-name - Mr. Minty!! - *gives you a 10 pound bag of gummy sharks and BOOKS IT for the hills* #mr. minty!! 🦈
🐀@xen-blank - Mx. Xen!! - IM INVITED TO YOUR WEDDING??? GIGGLES AND SHAKES YOU LIKE A JAR OF PICKLES glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you glitters you (EHEHE U R SO NEATO) #mx. xen!! 🐀 You are welcome to ask to be mutuals! I will usually become moots with you on my own if I find you interesting or we just interact a ton!!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 2 months
i'm so sorry i've been a terrible houseguest. i return bearing gifts (aemond fics)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54202690 (this one is good but he Does call reader niece at one point. it's kind of par for the course in most targaryen fics so i just ignore it if it's only mentioned once or twice)
im still working through the aemond tag
i also may or may not have been through the entirety of the 11th doctor/reader tag so if u want recommendations from that hmu
Finally giving these a read. I've been trying to read all these today but the calls at work WILL. NOT. STOP. It's enraging me highkey.
by @humanpurposes (first link) so GOOD! Hot, but also super emotional. You can really feel the complexities of their relationship. It's not hollow at all and it really shines through the way this one is written. I love it!
by @womprat00 (second link) this one is so fucking soft and loving. I am OBSESSED. I love me some nice fluff and the warmth from this one really makes you feel warm yourself. Particularly if you're reading it right before bed like I did last night.
by @ewanmitchellcrumbs (third link). look, I- Ange knows I'm obsessed with her fanworks. All of her works are filled with beautiful wording, heat, passion and danger. All the best things imo when you're looking at HOTD fics particularly. But Ange is definitely in my top favourite writers. 100%
Thank you for sending me these fics to read, anon! I see there are a couple more in my inbox so I'll get to those when I can but I'm so excited. I love a good fic rec! (yes, i want 11th doctor recs. all the doctor recs. tbh anything i write for or you see on my blog i will def want recs for haha)
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catboy-jaebeom · 6 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
it's been a year already since my last pinned, and I got shadowbanned exactly around that time back then because of course I did, so here's a new one 🩷
I'm Autumn, but you can call me Faon as well. my pronouns are they/ them. ticked all the boxes on the queer registration form, and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. I was born in '95. central european & white. future linguistics student. proud plant parent. kpop fan. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak english and german, and I'm studying french, japanese, korean and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. I sometimes make cat ear edits and vampire edits of idols and actors ( see: my icon ) so if you want me to make one for you, you can DM me.
my interests and hyperfixations change over time — yes, it was a phase, mum! name a constant state of being, mum! — and I change my username every two years, round about. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, live action one piece show, and I'm watching a couple of kdramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age as well as the james bond / 00q fandoms, and I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie. also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you. you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf.
this blog of mine was created in 2012, I was on here already when you could still count on the superwholock people to throw gifs at posts although I was never one of them, which, trust me, was a hilarious feeling in hindsight asjfjahajft. I have one sideblog worthy of note @splittergheist which is my writing blog, and I have a secret sideblog for my omegaverse / miscecanis stuff ( much more the lifestyle, world building and concept than the smut and stuff, I'll be honest, but no hate at all!! ) that I might give out if someone asks nicely and privately.
that said, I tag my posts extensively, and if you ask politely, I will try and tag specific things for you too! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 🦈 oftentimes I will message you privately when you've sent me an ask that doesn't seem to be an ask game or such! and while I do post stuff for tag games I'm not a fan of tagging others unless we're, like, really close, sorry ><
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the tag. I also put some "reviews" written by mutuals about my blog there, thank you everyone, you're lovely 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright I think we all could need that at the moment. I would super love new people to talk to ( please have your age / some approximate of it in your bio; I'm totally fine with talking to minors but I would like to know I am before I do, thank u ) so message me or reply to this!
kpop stuff
ult group: GOT7
other groups I like: NCT 127, WayV, Red Velvet, ITZY, Seventeen, SHINee, ONEUS; ...
soloists I like: XIA / Kim Junsu, Taemin
biases: Lim Jaebeom & Choi Youngjae; Nakamoto Yuta; Xiaojun; Kang Seulgi; Hwang Yeji; Joshua Hong & Lee Seokmin; Choi Minho & Taemin; Kim Leedo & Lee Seoho; Park Seonghwa & Jeong Yunho; Kanemoto Yoshi; ...
wreckers: Mark Tuan & Kim Yugyeom; Ten Lee; Kim Mingyu & Lee Woozi; Kang Yeosang & Song Mingi; ...
for as long as xitter still lives, you can find my kpop account under: jaebueomgi
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on 22nd November:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on 22nd November:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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urszn · 1 year
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🍧 ˚ ⋆ ࣪. ₊ ˚ 🤍 ༉‧₊˚✧ . ˚. 🪷 ₊ ༉₊˚
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HEART TO HEART from esther.
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( @soov ) REI ! — to be honest i was quite surprised that you even followed me back, lowkey was scared of u maybe bc i thought u were cool and i’ve seen ur pics in my recommended all the time, your so sweet tho and super funny ! i love when we gang up on ppl (..sia and mari) absolutely love when we do tomato tomato, anyways i look forward to ur fics since ur so talented! love you rei <3
( @wonieleles ) SIA ! — my pookie oh my god! ur fics are so good like scrumptious LMAO ok but fr i remember liking ur jungwon smau and then u asked to be on my taglist and i said how i liked ur smau, i was so scared to say if we could be friend and then like a month later i think we followed each other and you sent an ask saying hi and boom we started texting, so glad u sent that hi ask bc imagine if u didn’t omg? ur so smart and talented seriously tho ur such a nerd which i love abt u ! even tho sometimes i bully u, ur writing is so good and i hope you know that!! also u give such a good advise and ur so funny, love you sia !!
( @lov3niki ) KIMMY ! — rizzy kimmy omg i remember the day you followed me, someone tagged me in one of those games and i reblogged it and then u followed me bc u also participated in the game,, tell me why i was so shocked and excited when u followed me cause i fr ate up ur smaus and i think i sent an ask saying hi and the rest is history. ok but i love texting u abt ideas and i love feeding into ur delusions abt riki and then sending u those sneak peaks of my smaus omg,, seriously appreciate u always liking all my posts and commenting, one of the best ppl on this app fr and u definitely deserve all those followers bc gosh u make such good fics,, excited for ur upcoming work kimmy, love you always.
( @aerisfy ) AERI ! — no bc seriously ur blog is breathtaking!! ur so talented? ur carrd, ur account and basically everything you do makes me happy, if i’m not mistaken i think u tagged me in the game thingy and i was lowkey really happy bc most of my moots never interacted with me ! i love talking to you? ur so relatable and fun to text with, and pretty sure ur like one of the first ppl to actually me, i love giving u advice and helping with stuff and all ur smaus sound so good like ?!???! they’re so good !! always text me when u want to, i love you <3 mwah
( @flowers4thalia ) QUINN ! — even though we don’t interact much i always see you like my stuff like fr it’s so nice and whenever you do send asks they’re always to positive and cute !!! i can’t say much rn but please definitely interact with me more <3
( @yenqa ) YEN ! — i’ll be honest i was scared of u. NOT IN A BAD WAY i just felt like reblogged a lot of ur moots posts and UR ACCOUNT IS PRETTY no seriously so pretty and i love ur riki smau omg it’s so good and i think ur in my taglist for my smau so i was like ahhh anyways thank you for supporting me!! i’ll continue to support you too ur so kind and supportive and everyone needs a yen(qa) in their life’s, love u pookie <33
( @mokiverse ) MOKI ! — THE MOST DOWN TO ESRTH SWEETEST KINDEST PERSON EVER. my little mochi <33 everyone needs to send ml a inbox message that says just positive things!!! theme is so pretty first of all, so glad we did those matching profiles with kimmy, already have a lot of respect for u even tho we texted like a little bit but seriously,, ur funny, talented, positive, gives good advise ?!? like what so sweet i’m def adding more to this later but already my little mochi, continue smiling and being urself my love <33
( @trsrina ) INA ! — now where do i start…ina my first moot my love my pookie my yunjin my 1/2 number one honestly, u and yeni my fav ppl seriously, so thankful u started texting me!! i think i already showed u that ss of when we were interacted, genuinely so happy that i’m able to see ur account grow, ur fics are so good, i’ll be ur number one supporter no matter what idc, every time we talk it’s just like a stress reliever like ur so understanding and patient everyone who’s moots with you is so lucky bc ur just so kind and lovely, and ur funny ur such a green flag like ?!?? love you so much ina idk what else to tell u,, u basically saw my account grow with me :( like i think i had barley 100 when we started texting, and i’m just super thankful for you,, my yunjin!
( @yeniiverse ) YENII ! — I COULD NEVER FORGET MY CHAEWON gosh ur so funny, make me laugh out loud 24/7 i remember meeting you omg i was taken aback bc u were funny like i’m so serious everyone go talk to my chae bc she’ll make you laugh and SHES TALENTED GUYS !!! like wtf best combo fr me you and ina my loves,, i think you followed me like when i had 200 and i was scared of taking to ppl but YOU omg so glad u said hi !! and you’ll always listen to ppl like i can’t appreciate you enough !!! the chaewon to my sakura, my pookie, my 1/2 number one, i’ll add more for you soon dw ml tbh i’m tired!! but expect there to be more later ;) stay being funny and making ppl laugh <33
( @hanniluvi ) SOPH ! — maknae of saf <33 ok so i think i told u already but u fr scared me, u were actually one of the first ppl who i followed after i saw u talked with sona LMAO no but i fr was scared to even check ur account cause like u always posted for ur smaus and they’re actually good like ?!? i was impressed cause u fr remind me to update im so serious like ajajkaka ok but now that we talk wowow most nicest, understanding, interesting, funniest person ever, ur so sweet and ofc sonas other half, u seriously deserve everything !! like u update constantly and give good advise too !!! love u it girl soph,, hopefully yk who sees this cause they’re ur biggest fan LMAO love u soph <33
( @son4taa ) SONA ! — SAFS FAKE MAKNAE AKA OLD GRANDMA AKA ANCIENT,, IM JP IM JP my fav old lady tho, even though u have L rizz and ur ancient ur actually really cool, soph other half yk, ok but… fun fact ur the first person i followed apparently,, which is cool bc we didn’t start taking till like a couple weeks but seriously so talented ,hardworking , show stopping, entertaining, funniest ppl, u also scared btw like how tf do u post consistently?!!! no but fr everyone needs a sona GO FOLLOW SONA,, love you ancient pookie <33
( @sunoksunny ) SUNNY ! — AMAZING SPECTACULAR SHOW-STOPPING, like everything evey single time u say something it’s just the facts, rei’s gf OMG !!? no but i always saw u in my other moots accounts, but did i ever say anything ?!? nope :( but it’s okay cause we talk now !! BUT UR CARRD AMAZING !!! i think i saw some videos of u in the gc of u dancing ? not sure but if yes then ur so talented what ?!?? i did ballet like for a bit BUT SERIOUSLY SUNNY IS SUNNY , my lil sunshine yk always backing me up tbh against sia LMAO but fr stay being urself and don’t let other bring u down
( @blossomnct ) MEG ! — oh em gee MEG BÆ seriously love you, ur so sweet and chaotic, everyone loves meg seriously aka i do, always will be megs cheerleader, so happy we’ve became moots, and also always interacts with me !! and when you say hi to me when i say hi in the gc >>> like meg never ignores anyone, i love meg, meg is life. love you pookie.
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just a little something to appreciate my moots
more ppl to be added ! want to be added comment here !
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sttoru · 8 months
Girly idk how I wasn't following you still, tumblr isn't stupid, I'm sorry that you are feeling on the outskirts of the fandom as well. You are a wonderful person and writer, and I'm glad you’ve been growing as you have been. You deserve so much more love!! 💕
It does make me feel like there is something wrong with me or like in off putting when i see several big blogs talking to each other, boosting each other. But then I drop in, just say hi to be friendly, only to be ignored. When they are literally responding to various anons or other people.
It seems like they want to talk to everyone else but me. Which has me feeling like I'm in the wrong, I'm bothersome and unwanted in the fandom space. They don't have to talk to me, but my feelings are still gonna be hurt at being shunned by 90% of the blogs I try to interact with.
It does kill my motivation since I don't want to be seen as someone who just posts. I want to be seen as a friend and someone to talk to.
I understand that some people get along better than others. But damn so many people are having this problem it seems like. It's boiling down to popular blogs like other popular blogs, boost other popular blogs and they stay the main people in the fandom eyes whole everyone sits quietly in the side just wanting to be partly including
Feel free to rant right back if need be. Cause I get needing to get this shit off your chest, cause I sure as hell needed to
hiii feyyy !!! dwww, it’s all good :> thank u sm for ur nice words aaaaaaa u r as well, one of the writers on here that i respect 4 their hard work !
gonna vent a bit haha need to get some things off my chest too like u said;
i get ur first point!! it sucks rlly. especially when you are the first one reaching out (which takes a lot of courage, especially for someone socially awkward like me lol) and then it hurts DOUBLE because you get ignored. i get ittttt rlly. for me, i always try to reply ppl even if im a bit late because im either thinking of a proper response or am distracted or busy , but i never intentionally ignore anyone interacting with me. i know some ppl on here do bcs they don’t feel entitled to respond to comments or anons or whatev, which is like ? ok. but if it’s someone just being friendly and complimenting you / your work … it’s not hard to reply w a form of gratitude . some rlly think they’re celebrities on here and it needs to stop
and it’s understandable and totally valid to feel like you’re being shunned and unwanted by people you just want to befriend , only for them to ignore you / not interact with you but with everyone else :/ it sucks and ppl don’t seem to realise that it could hurt other’s feelings. i hope you know that you’re not unwanted tho! those people are just… idk, a bit weird (ofc im only talking abt people who INTENTIONALLY ignore others)
findjng a friend on tumblr with the same interest is like a chore. you either click instantly or you think you do, only for it to be fore 2 interactions max and then you go back to ignoring each other basically on dash
AND YOUR LAST POINTS!! so true. its that the more popular blogs just stick together and help each other out when ??? there are smaller blogs of writers / artists just sittng in the sidelines like ‘ok so what do i have to do to gain traction if the people with a bit of bigger platforms are totally ignoring me & my works’
it’s actually tiring. ofc, me having 3k followers — i am suuuuper grateful, not complaining much, but i also know how it feels. my notifications are super dry except for mainly likes, my dms are like a desert, inbox is 98% only of anons who drop requests and then leave without leaving anything else. no one to talk to, except for people who leave a comment every once in a while :/
like u may think bcs i have decent following i actually gain more interactions? not rlly. only likes & sometimes reblogs w tags. that’s all really, i don’t really have anyone on here who i consider a close online friend (as much as this sounds sad & cringy LMAOO) but its tiring to see everyone be so close to each other on dash while im on the side like ‘how nice it must be to get that much interaction’
& im sure there are people who r gonna say ‘just interact with them’ I DO and i either get left on read or they respond dryly / or i don’t get the same energy back. bcs sometimes im reluctant to reach out first because it always ends up w me taking the initiative & i end up looking desperate to get an interaction with a mutual LOL
anyways thinking abt this tumblr writing community makes my head ache bcs of all the things ive seen and experienced on here (also on my prev account which i had for 2 years)
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einsatzzz · 18 days
*sliding into your inbox on fuzzy socks, rocking my very own labcoat*
*adjusts glasses*
*whips out clipboard from hammerspace coat pocket*
*clicks pen*
*points pen at Kurumi*
"YOU! You have a sentient, hoverboard great sword! AND IT CAN CHANGE ITS SIZE! That's the coolest shit, literally super hardcore badass, please be my friend so I can watch you smack the shit out of people with your sword. Questions time: How much sentience are we talking about here? Can you get vague feelings from it when you use it or is it just it "chooses its wielder" kind of sentience? How long can you hover? Is there a time limit? Do you ride your sword into battle?"
*strangles urge to ask more sword questions and chooses the next topic/victim aka Yui*
"Heya lab coat buddy! Caused any explosions recently? Set something on fire? Well, never mind that. I've heard you trolled Kurumi by teaching her swear words in foreign languages, which btw nice prank!" *holds up hand for high five* "so ... do you speak these languages fluently? Or did you just look up curse words for the lols? If you do speak them fluently, what languages do you speak? Also, do you have a favourite mechanics project, like is there something you made which you are very fond of?"
*turns to Kana, sees the glare and wisely decides to back off for now*
"Uhhh.... Yeah that's it from me for now!" *quick glance at Kana who's still staring holes into me* "Yes, yes, I'll be on my way BUT! I will come back, just you watch!"
*slinks away into my gremlin cave*
Well... that just happened *sweatdrops* I should really come with a warning label at this point with the amount of questions I ask. Take all the time you need, pick it apart however you want and please no pressure to answer all of them, I know I can be a lot lol 😅
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*crawls out from under a big rock after temporarily escaping the underground stuDYING jail* Thank you so much for sending this ask Lix! I had lots of fun coming up with how to draw this out 😆😆 It actually became my daily (almost) 30 min drawing exercise so that I don't get too rusty jfhdkdhdjd so it took a while, but here it is now! Also I added a smol Chief last minute in there, but I have a different wip planned for him hehe (with how im struggling rn with studying, prob won't be able to finish till july since I'll be a bit semi-inactive after this post dkgdjdgxjx)
Anyway hope u enjoy! Looking forward to other asks you can come up with and send over to Yuipachi-sensei hehe (they're really really good practice tbh!) This even made me finally draw a design for Kanarobo lmaoo it's inspired from Mi/kuda/yo and Ne/nero/bo actually.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
together we can convince the bee tumblr community to become as obsessed with it as us
on a side note-
hold up
on a side side note: i get so distracted in these asks bee omfg im so sorry, i feel like my high energy can get too much sometimes KFDSJKDF pls let me know if u need me to turn it down a notch, i just get excited whenever i talk about fics soo aksdfjkSKJDF
anyways on the original side note: talking about the bee tumblr community just made me think about it, it really does feel like a sort of family <3 i love seeing all the random updates from the different anons here and getting to connect to you and to each other, it feels much more wholesome and secure than places like twt LMFAOO but idk it's just nice <3
i had tumblr for awhile but i never used it until i started reading the asks here, and it took me awhile to join in bc i felt intimidated skfdkjsd which is ironic bc yknow i could always go anon? but idk it just felt like everyone had their groove going and i didn't want to intrude, but i joined and i never felt that way
anyways oops this got long (as it always does kjfsdkj), but i just wanted to say that i appreciate you bee <3 for letting us anons n non anons ramble in ur ask box and analyze ur fics and/or just straight up scream noncoherent things
this has been a bright spot in my life lately and it's really special to me <333 and ur genuinely like . one of the kindest authors i've met, but you also have such a good sense of your boundaries n stuff, i admire you really. ur super cool
and also to all the other sillies in bee's asks, i appreciate u guys too <3 ur all super cool people, and i love hearing what you have to say :)) it's genuinely really nice and comforting to be a part of this community <33
lol no you're fine icy!! while it can be a Lot it always makes me laugh whenever I post a chapter of something that has sandduo in it and my inbox just fills with you screaming. it makes me so happy to know how excited my fics make you and the others though so :D
the thing you said about the tumblr community we have here is so sweet though and it's more right than I think even I realized initially. it's really nice when I see regular askers/anons pop up in my inbox and get to catch up on tiny parts of your lives and then in turn you guys talk to each other—it's just so sweet y'know? the thing I really love about having such an active inbox especially with asks about my fics is that it's a lot easier for me to respond to tumblr asks than ao3 comments. I rarely reply to ao3 comments because it's really just overwhelming and then I'm like "well if I respond to one person I feel bad about not responding to everyone else" but sometimes I just don't know what to say or there's just too many comments y'know? I LOVE my ao3 comments they mean so much to me but it's really nice to have people come into my inbox here to tell me their thoughts on my chapters bc it gives me a chance to reply with my own thoughts in a way that feels a lot more like a discussion I guess
so yeah. thank you guys for coming into my inbox to give me your thoughts it seriously makes me so happy and is definitely part of the reason why I have so much motivation to post so much.
also I'm really glad you decided to start popping in here one day icy you're very fun to have around :)
one thing I've always been very aware of since getting 'big' in this fandom is how to maintain things like boundaries while still connecting with the community and my readers specifically. because I wanna talk to you guys and I love interacting with you and all that, but also sometimes people in fandom who get 'big' can be a bit strange to others or get way too involved with discourse and just stir the pot and to each their own do fandom how you want but I don't wanna do that y'know. I'm here to have a good time and I want this little community we've built to also just be a nice, welcoming place for everyone
thank you for this icy it really made me smile to read <3
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signanothername · 11 months
FELLOW TRANSFORMERS FAN!?? I have read/watched everything there is to see about Transformers I love your art on them as well :>
HIIIIIII!!!!!!! Man it’s so nice to see more TF fans in my inbox fhhchcchvh
And MAN you’re amazing I’m still not finished with everything and still got a long way to go hahaha
AND THANK U!!!! I love these robots with all my heart and ngl they’re suspiciously easy to draw, idk if it’s cause I’m already used to drawing them cause I used to draw them back when I was 14 or what but I’m not complaining chchchch
Anyway super happy to see u in my inbox! Have these memes I made but only shared on insta
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