#And that being said that's how they always meet in every version
yanderes-galore · 2 days
I also saw that MHA is on your list, so can I request a Midoryia oneshot with a reader who keeps trying to escape him? Like the reader used to have a massive crush but after he kidnapped them they started to not want to be with him in fear for their safety. (If that makes any sense..)
Sure! This is a Pro-Hero AU, you two knew each other in school.
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Babying, Degrading behavior (He treats you like a misbehaving child), Forced relationship.
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You knew Izuku Midoriya when you were both in school. Back then he was such a scrawny kid, going from quirkless to having a quirk. Despite the oddity of that you still managed to be attached.
You knew he was always so ambitious. Izuku always said he wanted to be like his idols and go Pro. His dreams were cute and you often wanted to support him.
So you made it such a goal when you both went to U.A. You called it your heart guiding you as you managed to land yourself in the Support Department. You forced yourself to learn how to create support gear with help from your upperclassmen.
Pretty soon you became skilled in the field... originally just to help your crush.
You tried not to let your feelings cloud your mindset when you trained in U.A. You saw him occasionally when you delivered gear and were always greeted with such a sweet smile. One that made your heart flutter whenever he looked at you.
Izuku would always give you a sweet 'Thank You' before offering to chat. With pink dusting your face, you'd indulge before being dragged off to work on another project. You're pretty sure Izuku never used any other equipment unless you helped make it.
You liked watching him grow stronger. He always worked out and was looking more and more like a Pro. You never acted on your crush as you knew he had a big role to fulfill.
You didn't wish to be in the way.
Izuku, however, had similar feelings. He wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to date you. Yet work often got in the way, leaving him unable to.
Even he could tell your crush was huge, though.
Izuku couldn't help but be infatuated with you. He often tried to visit your department or meet you at lunch. Although, your departments often had different schedules.
Instead Izuku resorted to... unsavory means of fulfilling his own crush. He noted down things he liked about you and what you did that day in a notebook dedicated to you. He even asked friends you had about you and how you were doing. He couldn't help but follow you as though he really was part of your life.
Izuku kept every piece of equipment you made for him. Every prototype, every version, he collected them. Safe to say your crush was mutual... but he was a worse lovesick fool.
Even once graduation rolled around you were surprised to see him on TV. Your blush only darkens when you watch the TV in your apartment, seeing how Izuku went from that small kid you used to know to a hulking Pro Hero that everyone adored on TV.
You couldn't help but grin when you noticed the outfit he begged you to make. The one with the cape and everything. Your crush felt unrelenting when it came to him.
It only seemed to get worse when you were both adults... for him.
You two drifted apart when you graduated from U.A. He focused on his Hero work and you focused on making better equipment. It was never just for him anymore.
You had other heroes to work with for equipment and your crush simmered down eventually. Now you primarily focused on your job and being paid. You still found yourself fawning over Izuku occasionally, but that was it.
Izuku, however, had only gotten worse since the last time you saw him....
You weren't sure what to think when Izuku started showing up at your lab. You had been tinkering on some new tech, only for one of your fellow engineers to squeal at you about how Deku was here. Were you hearing that right...?
You didn't have much time to question it when Izuku came into the room, eyes sparkling when he saw you and came over. The blush was back. Yet you couldn't believe he came over to see you.
This became a common occurrence. Even when he didn't have orders in, he'd stay by you to ask about your equipment and day. You didn't mind it.
In fact, you didn't mind it even more when he asked you to join him on little outings. You kept telling yourself it wasn't a date. Although, Izuku kept telling himself it was.
You had no idea he was that delusional... that your crush was downright crazy...
Until a villain had attacked your lab and Izuku was quick to respond.
By the time you woke up you saw Izuku by your side, features morphed into worry as he sat beside you. You were on a bed that wasn't your own. It took you a while to realize this might be his house.
According to him, he had been concerned for you when he saw you collapsed on the ground in your lap. So, in order to keep you hidden, he took you to his home. Too caught up in your haze of emotions... you accept it.
Only to slowly realize... Izuku may not be planning to let you go.
As time goes on you wonder if he planned this out. Perhaps Izuku wasn't the person you thought he was. He seems so... different.
You began to realize this when you got into an argument with the Pro Hero about leaving. It was after this your crush began to be replaced with concern and resentment. You needed to leave and get back to work.
But Izuku merely blocked you off with his built body, his green eyes glaring down.
"And let you go back to that apartment? You deserve so much better than that.... Come on, you can stay here with me! I'll take good care of you...."
The offer normally would've made your heart throb...
But now it was just... sinister.
It only got worse when Izuku preyed on your past crush on him. He'd manipulate you into staying in his home by flirting or telling you he's scared you'll get attacked again for a couple days. You try to put your foot down...
Only for him to drop a bomb on you.
"I know you love me... So won't you let me love you too?"
You realize that Izuku took you in not because he was concerned... he had darker intentions. Expertly the hero managed to manipulate you into his home. He kidnapped you and you didn't know.
Your old feelings were quickly smothered when Izuku began to treat you like a child. He gave you your own room and when you fought he'd just send you there. You were no child to be taken care of.
Which lead to your escape attempts.
They were never all that successful. Soon you learned Izuku had announced you were "dating" to the press. He often came up with excuses when he had to pick you up and carry you off like some misbehaving toddler. It was all over the news.
He never liked physical punishment all that much... but he locks you away again.
He often scolds you like you know no better. He tells you to sit in your room or make it up to him. It's cruel and degrading... but he plays it off as care.
"Escaping again? You should know better than that, baby... So mean to your boyfriend who's trying to care for you...!" Izuku would scold, yet his tone always playful.
You don't find it funny.
Ever since he kept you in his home, your crush had finally been smothered. You weren't in love anymore. No, instead you were scared.
You were scared to know your age-old crush was not the man you thought he was.
Your crush had faltered long ago... yet your fight was also leaving too. Izuku always managed to find you and drag you back. He never harmed you luckily, just squeezing you close to his chest as he whispers soft words to you.
Younger you would've loved this. You would've fantasized about it. Yet now it's a nightmare....
The doors are locked, the windows are shut tight, and your only companion is Deku. Izuku's face always looks so flushed when he sees you. You're his one and only...
Forever and ever in his eyes.
"Don't you love me too?" He asks you. Whenever you said 'No' he would just get more persistent. He never left you alone until you admitted you loved him.
You wonder if this was what you wanted. Didn't you always want him to love you? He loves you now, doesn't he?
Yet you crave freedom much more than the suffocating grip of his arms.
"I love you, baby..." He murmurs when he cuddles into you, his arms restraints in the cage you call a 'home' now. There's no escape, even if you wanted to. Your heart aches, conflicted.
"Love you..." You murmur, as though it was a trained phrase. Izuku grins, holding you tighter to kiss your soft lips.
"Mmm... Mine~" He purrs against your mouth as though he's been waiting for this moment. Perhaps he was... maybe even longer than you have.
The kiss he gives you doesn't even feel how you imagined it to be...
It's needy and possessive... a reminder of what you are to him.
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pomegranate-pen · 2 days
The hunter, the prey, and the fool
Alastor x Detective!gn!reader
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You were never really fond of radios.
In your life, things such as ‘entertainment’ have always been seen as ‘unnecessary noise’ and therefore they were confiscated from your household before you were even born. Had you ever been curious enough to ask about such confiscations, your father would go on a tangent about how the truth must be discovered by oneself rather than believing hearsay. Especially in a time where the truth is always hidden behind the curtain, where every misery of humanity has become a giant spectacle to gawk at and read about in the newspapers. Therefore, in your current years, you found decent entertainment between books alone and never bothered to buy a radio.
Which, in hindsight, has now become a big issue for you, hasn’t it?
The culprit of your new case, the infamous radio show host Alastor looks at you with incredible amusement and a tinge of disdain. there's a prickling feeling within you. something that tells you meeting him was no coincidence nor ordinary matter.
you only hope meeting him won't cause you any trouble.
spoiler: it will.
Ao3 version is here!
Note: they're humans in the first few chapters!
chapter 1.The disciples
Blue and pink engulf the walls and tiles, shining brightly in their clean ceramic might. The wooden chairs and stools full of spots and smudges of coffee stain revel in their small islands of memories, letting the deep brown and rouge colors sink in and become one with its old light brown one. The pastries left were very few, an issue the disciple of the baker usually tends to around this time, where the sun is barely out of its luxurious bed of stars and the birds haven’t begun their daily songs. Yet, the disciple was too busy screaming her lungs out, for she had seen a corpse.
The blood oozes out, creating a pool around the once squeaky clean ground,the owner of the bakery, her father, lays motionless with eyes widened, mouth agape as two deep holes of red take away one’s attention, on right at the temple of his mind and the other at his shoulder. For that morning, the once peaceful and sweet hum of songs that Sasha Peterson would do by the day while the smell of sweet pastries engulfed the street was long forgotten, replaced with screams of heartbreak and dread, banging of the walls and doors as the neighbours wake up and witness the dreadful morning at Greenfield street.
“So that's all she could recall?” The morning sun was barely apparent, the cold sizzles of an autumn-near-winter season leaving you with a grey morning and a dark situation to coincide with it. tapes of yellow engulf the bakery in front of you, your eyes set on the weeping brunette shaking from horror and cold. Hadn’t you been the professional that needed to act indifferent and quiet in the case, you’d be comforting her right about now. Her shaken up form tugs at your heartstrings, but you of all people should know that even the most genuine of acts could be played with a mask.
“well…that’s all we could comprehend through all her cryin’.”  Mr.Lington said. He coughs a few before clutching his shoulders, being far more affected by the cold than you were a the moment, giving the fact that he was in nothing but his cop uniform unfit for cold weather, all while you relished the warmth in your long brown coat- stereotypically fitting for a detective such as yourself. “ would  die for a warm coffee right now.” Lington grumbled.
You gave him an amused smirk. “must suck to wear such a horrid uniform, eh? Maybe you could use that little flimsy badge of yours as fuel for a fire.”
Lington glared at you in jealousy and annoyance. “At least I have a steady paycheck.” He replied back. You and Lington have always had been a…’frenemies’ of sorts, though the ‘friendship’ in it is more done to follow the code of manners and professionality rather than true companionship. Unfortunately for both of you, your jobs mandate you two having more than just one or two interactions within a month. Had your minds been more alike, perhaps you’d gain admiration and respect for each other, but alas, Lington, in your opinion, had always been a prude and a close-minded individual. Often seeking to just quickly close a case rather than seeking out the truth. But, to be fair, he’s also the most bearable of his fellow comrades. Whom were all crude and often much too prideful for your taste to tolerate.
“Say, L/n…if you don’t mind me asking—“ he turns back to you, perhaps tired of seeing Ms.Peterson shake like a leaf as she’s handed a mug of warm tea to soothe her worries. “Why on earth are you here? we just started the case, and I didn’t hear anyone talk about calling you up for this.” his eyes become analytical- judgemental. He tries to search within your act to see if you’ll crack, to see if you’re here for a deeper agenda.
“I was just passing by.” You shrugged. “You could say curiosity has taken a toll on me. when I heard that such a peaceful street has now become bloody, I couldn’t help but check things out for myself.”
Lington’s brows furrowed. You ignored it, eyes glued more to the crime scene before you.
“and in any case, it’s within my responsibilities as a detective—“
“— Private investigator .” Lington felt the need to correct. You could only give him a squinted stare before putting on a bittersweetly annoyed smirk. With a ‘tch’, you continued.
“like I said. As a detective—” You didn’t miss the sneer he gave you, only making you more prideful than before. “ It's within my responsibility to solve any case I see, and today while I decided to take a nice stroll around the town, I witnessed this.” you point to the Bakery before putting your hands into your coat’s pockets. “And if you’ll excuse me, Officer Lington, I have a job to do. whether you like it or not.”
You intend to walk up to the shivering witness a few feet away, however, a cop suddenly blocks your path, giving you a dirty glare then looking back at Lington like a loyal knight. You couldn’t help but huff in annoyance, turning your head back to Lington and giving him a knowing look.
Lington tries to hold back his happy grin through huffs from the cold, but it fails and only makes you feel more irked than before. “Well you came a bit late, Detective .” He then points to his left. “five minutes late, to be exact. “
You look at where he’s pointing, only to be met with a hoard of people circling around an officer and an unknown man. The first thing you notice about the pair is the annoyed smile the culprit gives, as if he’s more frustrated by the itchy handcuffs and grimy hands on him rather than pleading for his innocence.
The officer says a few common phrases to him, urging him to get in the car so they’d leave as soon as possible. Yet, the man wouldn’t budge, unusually strong and avoiding the car seat as much as he could.  A few more officers flea into the scene to help settle him in, but he tries to kick them back with his feet, all while his voice threatens them with the calmest possible tone.
“Now now, dear officers, wouldn’t want to be known for hurting a very well known radio host while falsely accusing him of murder, now would you?” he grins, though his eyes squint in pure annoyance. “ you’re almost tempting me to broadcast the very rotting pits of your actions for all the people in this fine town!”
Intriguing. Awfully intriguing. You look back at Lington more confused than defeated. “you think this is your guy?” you look back at the apparent radio host again, who has successfully kicked one of the officers in the gut while chuckling.
“he was last seen with the victim.”
“and his motive?”
“unknown for now.”
You perked up by that. “do you at least have any solid evidence other than him being the last guy to see him?”
Lington stays silent for a moment, looking back at the scene and undoubtedly trying to ignore you.
“oh my fucking god, Lington.” You pinch the bridge of your nose before rubbing your temples to avoid an oncoming headache. “ Not this shit again .”
“We'll prove everything at court. “ he sighed. “ If he's not the murderer then he’s got nothing to worry about, neither do you.”
“oh yes, and let’s see him leave the court, go back to his radio show and start ruining the already damaged reputation of the incompetent police department! How great!” your voice of sweet malice makes Lington grip his toolbelt. “what a great idea, Captain! Can’t wait to see people shitting on you for this one! Oh I wonder which unsolved case they’ll attack you for next time. Maybe the continuous chain of murders that’s still being committed by the ever-so-mysterious serial killer? Remember how you once accused the son of one of the victims to be the murderer? Remember that buddy? Oh oh! maybe they’ll ask you if you’re linked to the hya-”
“— then what do you suggest we do ?” the question you’ve been meaning to urge out of him is finally released. Your acts of light teasing (bullying) the captain finally bearing its fruit.  He looks utterly enraged, his mind filled with his own insecurities, because you and him both know he’s not fit for his job. And quite frankly, he’s been a miserable failure these days, and has been born in an era where crime is the highest it could ever be.
“Give me three days to solve this.”  Lington frowned at that, fiddling a bit with the car keys on his belt. “I’ll give you two days.”  He huffed.
You stare blankly at him for a moment, then give a small smile and shrug. “fine by me, I’ve always liked a challenge.” Lies. Had it not been a crime, you’d prance at Lington and beat the shit out of him right now for his stone-headed stubbornness. Alas, you must stay in your act. “oh and— free the culprit, will you?” you take a glance at the car with an unscathed, yet amused host sitting at the car with a certain confident pose. The officer who was his designated driver took a breather right beside the car, all with an ice pack on his newly formed black eye.
“Are you serious ? What if he is the murderer? You’re just going to set this loose canon free ?”
“No, of course not.” You think for a moment, looking back at the bakery that remains quiet, with a few officers mucking around looking for further clues. “ There's a kitchen behind the place, right?” Lington hesitantly nods.  “then just set him up there and keep an eye on him until I come in and begin the questioning. Ok?”
Lington keeps his mouth shut, holding back a handful of comments you know aren’t pretty in the slightest.you look back at the witness who was a bit more calmed now, your head forming up a strategy plan as you turn around to begin your walk- yet before you do, another comment leaves your mouth.
“oh and by the way, “ you suddenly take a badge out of your pocket. “stay alert captain, will you?”
Befuddled and shocked, Lington first second guesses the entire situation, his hand instinctively  going up to his chest as he realizes that the badge in your hand, is in fact, his. He snatches the badge from the currently utterly amused you.
“I really hate you L/n. you know that, right?”
“The feeling’s mutual, Captain!”
The brunette, Sasha Peterson looks up at you with confusion, grief over the situation still plaguing her mind it seems. After all, her boss was no ordinary stranger.
“Let me start by saying I’m sorry for your loss.” You sit down next to her, hoping to not stress her out more by standing atop her idly like a looming shadow. “..you must feel very out of place at the moment.”
“ out of place ?” she scoffs, taking a deep breath as she continues to stare at the concrete. “ that phrase is used for when a gal goes to a club for the first time. When they feel embarrassment, when they’re utterly naïve to the world around them. “ The cold wind blows through the streets, making both your coat and her hair dance with the breeze for a moment, and making her clench her blanket with a tighter grip. “ I may be young, but I’m not naïve. And I assure you, detective, that I am in no way embarrassed right now. oh no, I wish I was just feelin’ embarrassed.`` She gulps. “what I feel right now? what I saw this mornin’? it was nauseating. Utterly sickening. It’s- I just- I can’t believe it.”
“hey, it’s ok Miss Peterson, please, take your time.” You pat her back in support, while your other hand searches within your deep pockets for a spare handkerchief. she takes it quickly, though she doesn’t use it right away. She first looks at the clenched handkerchief in grief, holding back a shaky breath and her shoulders shaking from sadness.Yet, it’s to no avail. Drops of water still slid down her eyes and  she tried to catch a few tears that were making a waterfall on her rosy cheeks. “ my father was no innocent soul, I know this. He's always been a bit of a brute and a grump. But when I looked into his eyes? When I saw how the light faded, how his brows weren’t all furrowed like it usually was? I- I just couldn’t take it. I couldn’t comprehend it. All that was going through my mind was just one question. was this all worth it ?”
“What do you mean?”
She hesitates for a moment, fiddling a bit more with the handkerchief before clearing her throat and taking a deep breath.
“he wasn’t just a baker his entire life.” she says. `` he had enemies. More than I could count or know in a lifetime.”
“What exactly was his job before the bakery?”
She goes quiet for a moment, her lips sealed tight. Her eyes dart around for a moment until she finally looks down again, her face emotionless. “I don’t really know. I just know that it was bad.”
One thing you noticed this entire conversation was how she never met your eyes, and how now her tone shifted as well. she first sounded heartfelt, full of spiraling emotion. Yet now she’s as calm as ever, as if she has finally collected her thoughts, or maybe, a realization has struck her.
You hum, letting the silence take over the conversation as you look at the glass panel behind you, observing the crime scene through it.
“it’s fine, miss. You’ve already done enough. '' you get up and give her a reassuring smile. “ I won’t pull on your leg for too long. after all, it’d be cruel of me to force a grieving person to give a full-detailed autopsy now, wouldn’t it?”
She doesn’t say anything back, only looking at you with a pleading expression of sorts, hoping that the case doesn’t end up as an unsolved disaster.
“don’t worry, miss Peterson. I won’t let this case remain a dud. “ you smiled. “After all, it’s my job to unveil the truth. no matter the cost .”
Somehow, her frown has seemed to deepen from that.
You were never really fond of radios.
In your life, things such as ‘entertainment’ have always been seen as ‘unnecessary noise’ and therefore they were confiscated from your household before you were even born. Had you ever been curious enough to ask about such confiscations, your father would go on a tangent about how the truth must be discovered by oneself rather than believing hearsay. Especially in a time where the truth is always hidden behind the curtain, where every misery of humanity has become a giant spectacle to gawk at and read about in the newspapers. Therefore, in your current years, you found decent entertainment between books alone and never bothered to buy a radio.
Which, in hindsight, has now become a big issue for you, hasn’t it?
The culprit of your new case, the infamous radio show host Alastor looks at you with incredible amusement and a tinge of disdain. He gives a few glances to the cops circling around him, one youngling newbie holding a notebook with shaky hands while the other with a black eye giving him an ugly stare. He grins at the elder, tilting his head in mock and then looking back at you once more.
“You sure you want to be alone with him?” Lington, who was beside you asked. “there’s a certain look in his eyes that I don’t quite like.”
Curiosity gets the best of you, and you stare deeply into the man’s eyes. Swirls of brown that reek of confidence, of finding joy in this entire fiasco that has been laid upon this sweet bakery. His eyebrows furrow. The only indication you have that he feels at least the slightest bit of negative emotions at the moment. Yet you can’t quite place the very emotion he’s feeling. Was it annoyance? Fear? Perhaps embarrassment from the way you’re just unblinkingly gawking at him?
You switch your stare to Lington. Giving Alastor a time to breathe. “ I get what you mean. but he won’t be honest with me if he thinks I’m working with you guys.” You then rolled your eyes. “ not that I ever wanted to be associated with you in the first place.”
Lington scoffed, tilting his cap down and motioning for the two officers to follow him out.  “well, the floor is all yours, lil’ Sherlock.' ' he glanced behind him, seeing your sitting form beside Alastor’s, who was looking back at him with a cheshire grin.  “tell you what? If he’s innocent then the next coffee’s on me!” he and his colleagues holler in laughter, leaving you groaning in annoyance and clicking your tongue as the door closes.
Silence takes over the room for a moment. You clear your throat and take out your hand.
“the name’s L/n. I’m a detective.”
By the moment you’ve mentioned your name- something in Alastor’s expression shifted. A flurry of emotions that left as soon as they came, leaving you with no real idea of he truly felt at the moment. He tilts his head back a bit, his then small small now becoming a grin, one which you couldn’t decipher what it meant. Warry or shock, it didn’t matter, for Alastor already put up his mask and is not one to show true emotions so easily, you’ve noticed. You could relate to that, in many ways than one.
“oh well isn’t this quite the shocking surprise!'' His voice was somewhat charming. Full of charisma and confidence, announcing things like it’s a show of sorts, like he’s a host of a competition, or to be exact, like he’s a true radio host. “ had it been in any other circumstance other than…well…” his eyes trail to the dimly lit kitchen around him, the sweet aroma making his nose scrunch up a bit in disdain. “ this. I would’ve counted myself quite the lucky man to be running into you!” he balled his hands together and put them on the table, his head leaning down a bit closer to yours. “ you are quite infamous around the city, you do know that, yes?”
Holy shit - you are ? Frankly, you didn’t know that. You try to hide your shock. Shrugging carelessly and looking at your coat’s cuffs as you speak. “oh well, I’m just doing my job.” You put your hands together, placing your chin on top of them. All perfect for your new act. “fame doesn’t really matter to me.”
Alastor’s grin becomes a bit too sinister for your liking. “well of course it doesn’t!” he says with a punch of enthusiasm. His movements suddenly mimicking yours and placing his chin on top of his hands as well, all with a bit more bounce to it as yours, making his glasses tilt a bit with his movements. Yet, he gracefully saves the clumsy glasses’ bounce by leaning his head down a bit, all covering the incident as mere intent. or perhaps it was intentional and you are the one assuming it was an accident?
You couldn’t help but feel your shoulders tense up a bit. not even a minute in and he’s a;ready full of secrets, of locks barricading his every movement and leaving you barely any key to open at least one of them. He’s good . Far too good in this charmful act.
“why, I’m certain you’re quite distasteful towards it all.” he continues. “ after all, you’ve seen the very dark pits of it all. the bitter truth behind those glimmering pearls and shining lights where only rotten desires and pitiful beings lay waste. Controlled by their insecurities.”
“..aren’t you a celebrity too, Mr.Alastor?”
Alastor laughs. “oh heavens no! Most people don’t even recognize me unless I speak to them! Even then, it takes quite some time for them to rattle their mind for a link between my radio show and face.”
“but you’re an entertainer as well, are you not?” your brows furrow. “ You keep people’s attention all on you, their eyes as sharp as ever as they listen to your every word. you hide your true intent behind a radio, leading people to trust in your voice and never letting them see your true face, your true emotions towards a certain subject. “
Alastor slowly sits up straight, his head tilting as he chuckles at your statement. “I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you, dear detective.” His attitude shifts, from a carefree confident host to one of more malicious intent, a certain intimidation in his voice and movements that leads you to have more suspicious than before. “for you see, I don’t need to hide my face to make people trust me.” the bravery, the very  audacity to say such a thing in an interrogation room leaves your hair’s on end, yet you do not falter. Just as he is keeping up his act, so do you. you do not shake, do not let out a gasp or break a single second out of your mask. You will not let cracks appear, for you see in his eyes that he’s a hunter at heart, and as soon as he sees an inkling of an opening he will pounce and tear off your skin with his teeth.
“Well then, Mr.Alastor. I’m going to be honest with you- and I hope that  by doing that, you’ll cut the act for a moment and cooperate for at least this interrogation session. You see- I don’t think you’re the murderer.”
Alastor’s eyes widened a bit in intrigue. “And what makes you say that, might I ask?”
You lean back in your chair, your pointer finger tapping the table in thought. “I checked the crime scene before visiting you here. There were a few things that kept muddling my mind. First- is the way Mr.Peterson died. Two gun wounds, one in the head and the other in the chest. Yet, the neighbours said that they only heard two sounds at night. One was an hour before you have been seen leaving, where an elderly staying up for the night reading heard the sound of a car honk and assumed it was Miss Sasha’s boyfriend trying to sneak in to visit her again. the second sound was of Sasha’s scream, right around six a.m. you can guess where I’m going with this.”
“ Why, it is strange how they haven’t heard a gunshot, especially one fired twice.” he hummed.
“yes, and furthermore- The Second reason on why I don’t believe you’re the killer is the footprints I found at the exit door in this very kitchen.” You point to your right, between all the counters and ovens there lies a backdoor entrance. “ the footprints were not only covered in dirt, but from the form, it was obvious that it wasn’t yours..or at least- that’s what my guess is unless- '' you suddenly lean down. After a few moments, you come back up again. “nope,I was right. they weren’t your shoes. The size of that one was much larger. So the idea of you changing your wardrobe during the murder is out of the picture for now.”
Alastor stays quiet for a second. “…you could’ve just asked for my shoe size rather than suddenly trudging down the table, Detective.”
“eh, I’m not really a math guy.” You merely shrugged. “though I know my two points aren’t that strong, merely weak strings of questions that haven’t been answered yet, I just have this gut feeling- something that tells me that although you are an incredibly suspicious man,” his eyes squint at that. “..for this case, at least, you are not the murderer. So, Mr.Alastor,” you clasp your hands together once more and look at him with an inquisitive stare. “is my gut feeling correct?”
He stays quiet for a moment, a smile kept tucked on his face and at this point, you’re certain that smile is glued to him no matter what he does. His shoulder hunch up a bit as he straightens his seat, trying to make himself look taller, filled with confidence. “ I must say, dear detective, you are a strange one.” So he thinks you’re a weirdo now. How great. Well, he certainly won’t be the first in your life that thinks that, nor will he be the last. “but it’s always the strange ones that bring in the most entertaining of shows! Even when it comes to mundane tragedies such as this one.”
Mundane would be the last word you’d use for this, but nevertheless, you stayed qyiet at let him continue.  “so I’ll be the one to quell your feeble worries, detective! you’re correct, I’m not the murderer.” This, makes you sigh in relief. “but, I think I have an idea on who it could’ve been.”
You looked at him confused, suspicious of his sinister energy as he spoke. Before you could utter another word, a sudden screech of wheels from outside catches your attention. You both got up from your seats, though you were more quick and hasty while he walked calmly with his hands behind his back. As you finally reached the entrance of the bakery, you could see a horde of cops round a blonde, scruffy-looking man, who had his hands up in surender, and his face beaten up.
“It’s me! I’m the murderer!” he screamed as he waved his hand up, awaiting his arrest.
“Allan?!” Sasha gasped, trying to find her way out of the hoard of cops to reach him. “Allan, what are you doing—“
“It's the truth, Sasha!” he gulps. Eyes darting between the cops that were just as confused. “ I-I’m the killer! Arrest me right now!”
Seriously, what the fuck is going on? the more you think of this case, the more you’re certain there are clues hiding in plain sight. A chuckle from the man beside you catches your attention, as he looks at the scene before him in pure delight.
“this has become far more entertaining than I could’ve anticipated.” He then glances back at you. “It seems like I was right, detective. you’ve truly made this an interesting story, one perfect for my radio show.”
You merely huffed, getting more baffled by the man beside you the more time passes. You decide to ignore his quip for now, for it’s obvious that this case doesn’t really involve him anymore, and he’s just a mere spectator in this silly mess. Your gaze catches Lington, whom after ordering around a few cops to arrest Allan suddenly comes up to you with an exhausted sigh.
“Well,” he huffed, shocked by the turn of events just like everyone else. “…I guess I owe you a coffee now, yeah?”
“This coffee is dogshit.”
In the quiet, garden-themed café, where only a tune of a jazzy broadcast can be heard from the radios, you smirk at Lington’s comment about the mug of coffee in his hand.
“at least it’s better than yours.” You quipped.
Lington gives you a blank stare before sipping a bit more of his coffee and grimacing from the taste. You hummed in the silence, taking a good gulp of your own coffee and relishing the caffeine that courses through you.
“still addicted to coffee, I see.”
“I don’t think  that Allan  kid is guilty.” You ignore his previous sentence. Lington’s frown seems to deepen from that. “ Nor do I think that Mr.Alastor is guilty.”
He gives you a baffled look. “What are you going on about?”
 “three shots.” You said. “when I interviewed him today, he said that he shot Mr.Peterson three times. And when I asked him where specifically he was shot, he went all fidgety and then said he doesn’t quit remember, and that his aim was careless and quick.”
“don’t you think he might be just misremembering things?” Lington tapped his finger at the table in thought. “ afterall, it’s never a pretty sight, you know. watching someone die.”
“it’s exactly because how traumatic this situation was that I’m baffled he doesn’t remember it.” you countered. “ fresh traumatic events never really leave the mind, and it takes  a very long while for someone to misremember this much from the crime. If it was just one little misremembering of  a certain detail, like the time or words that have been said, I would’ve shrugged it off- but it isn’t that, Lington. The things he’s presumably forgetting are important details, information that can get us closer to completing the puzzle.”
“In other words, you think he’s bluffing.”
“then if it’s not him then, who is it? Miss Sasha?”
You stay quiet for a bit before shaking your head. “it could be. But I don’t think she’ll be too fond of being accused of murdering her own father.” You swing your coffee mug a bit, letting the liquid within it swirl. “there’s also the case of—“
Lington lets out a shriek as hot coffee straight from the pot the waiter walking beside your table was holding spills all over him. the waiter apologizes profusely, all while his left hand shakes and becomes wobbly as he sets the pot down on your table.
“I’m so sorry sir—“ the boy apologizes once again, his messy hair and bags under his eyes underlying his exhaustion. He grabs a few napkins and gives it to Lington, who was still cursing a bit from the heat.
“fuckin’ christ- kid is your oven powered by the sun? this shit is so hot—“
As the two start to stumble while trying to fix the mess that’s been made, you took the time to analyze the waiter. His hands still seemed a bit shaky, though it has calmed down a bit by now. his name tag sparkled between the lights, the name ‘JAKE’ catching your attention almost immediately. His clothes were a complete mess, as if he wore them all in a hurry while opening up the café for customers. He looked to be around Sasha and Allan’s age- a youngling in his 20s.
“Jake! Stop annoying the customers!” a scratchy, grouchy and all in all old voice shouted from the other side of the room. The waiter soon shoves a few more napkins in Lington’s hands as he scurries away, all while promising to give a discount for the coffees you two have been drinking.
Lington huffs in grimace as he looks at the new state of his uniform, stained with coffee that will never wash off easily with just mere napkins. He then quickly looks up at you, his conflicted look switching to hopeful.
“do you still have my old coat with you?—“
“Absolutely not. I burned it a long time ago.”
Lington grumbles. Drinking the last bits of his coffee with his eyes glancing to everywhere but you.
“sir- we have a problem.”
Not even five minutes away from work and it seems like Lingtons troupe has already become an absolute mess. While others are just doing their jobs and warning the public to not interfere with the crime scene, a few are just standing there, behind the radio host giving him the nastiest stares. Yet Alastor’s back stays unturned and his expression remains unbothered. One could even say delighted .
“Mr.Alastor won’t leave…”
“So now that he’s scott free he’d rather stay ? “ Lington was baffled. “What's wrong with this guy?”
The colleague held back a scowl. “probably everything.”
You watch as Alastor’s eyes quickly land on you, giving you a slight bow of greetings while he ignores the threats and questions being thrown at him. The very act of acknowledging your presence and not theirs leaves the cops grumbling and giving up, leaving to approach their baffled captain who was unsure what to do now. With this in mind, you walk up to the radio host.
“It's a pleasure to see you again, Detective.”
“I've only been gone for half an hour.”
Alastor hums. “Has it really been only thirty minutes?” he glances at the cops, his smile becoming forced and hiding his irritation and urge to scowl. “ These people made it feel like an eternity .”
“well, I can’t argue with that.” You chuckled. “I’ve had my fair share of boredom from them, so I can get where you’re coming from- speaking of which- “ you raised a brow.``why are you still here?”
“Would you like to guess?” he mused, a smile turning into a grin.
You think for a bit, recalling the last conversation you had with Alastor. “…for entertainment?”
“ bingo!” He cheered far too enthusiastically at the crime scene. “ you’re correct detective. I’m here to be entertained. After all, I am a host of  a popular radio show!” a radio show that you don’t know a lick about, nor have you heard anything about it. though, that could be just a problem, after all, you’re not much of a social person. It’s hard to trust people when your job revolves around doubting everyone. “I seek and thirst for entertainment! So of course I’d scour everywhere across town to find and feast on it! the more I find, the more I absorb and relish, the more I can attract eyes and ears to my show!” you won’t lie, his energy is contagious. A bit jarring? Perhaps. But nonetheless his hyped up energy leaves you with  a pump of motivation as well.
“And in any case,” he side-eyed the policemen. “since these people's untardiness has made me become tomorrow’s newspaper headline, I’ll have to take this to my advantage and salvage my reputation. I’m a respectable man of the community, so I can’t  let a paper and misunderstanding ruin my image, don’t you agree, detective?”
“I can see why you’re worried.” You nodded, hands going back to your pockets out of habit.  “Well then, I guess you’re going to stay here till the case is closed, yes?”
He hummed. “That is if the case will end today. “
“oh, don't worry, it will.”
Alastor’s eyes spark with interest. “oh? and why is that, detective?”
“because I already know who the murderer is.” Alastor’s head tilted in intrigue. “ I just need a bit more evidence to prove my claim.”
“is that so?...” Alastor straightened his coat. “then would you have the mercy to tell the ever-so-curious radio show host all about it? I’ll assure you that I’m no snitch.”
You put a finger under your chin and tap your foot, acting like you were truly considering such an offer. “..well..you did say you’re here to be entertained, yes?” you smirked. “then I guess I’ll have no choice but to keep you at the edge of your seat, Dear host. ”
Alastor’s smile, impressively so, widens at that. His eyes spark with delight, amused to find a bit of showmanship between your serious detective façade.
“Well then! I guess you won’t mind me tagging along on this case, yes?”
“I will. Though, only on one condition.”
Alastor nods away. “yes yes- I’ll make sure to put you in a glamorous spotlight as the hero detective-“
“no. no. I don’t need that.” You quickly cut him off.
Alastor looks at you baffled. Somehow confused about your decline at such a tempting offer, a worry that most people like you would have, a fear that captain Lington most definitely has.
“you speak the truth in your show. No glamour, no exaggeration, no lies.”
You expected a sneer, maybe even a scowl and a decline of your condition. For what Alastor said in the confession room was true, you have seen the ugly side of fame, you’ve seen the truth around your cases get tangled in lies and assumptions, you've seen careers of the rotten get bigger while the weak and innocent are left penniless. You’ve had multiple feuds, multiple heartbreaks and too many lawsuits about the entertainment of crime, the entertainment of death. You’d hate to see the culprits in this case in particular fall into any disgrace, especially considering how most of them are normal civilians trying to make ends meet. Yet, Alastor gave a smile- a somewhat genuine and charmed one. Charmed by your answer, it seemed.
“dear,” he said with a breathy chuckle. “ Have you ever listened to my show?”
“no.not really.” You don’t even own a radio to begin with.
“well then, you’ll be assured to know that my show is famous precisely for speaking the truth. Being ‘unfiltered’ as some may say.”
“oh, well then,” you give a goofy smile of your own. “this may be a perfect partnership.”
Alastor nods before adding, “why I believe this is a fated encounter, wouldn’t you agree?.”
“yes.” You couldn’t help but feel comforted by that idea. Fate. “ a fated one indeed.”
The little chimes of the doorbell catches the woman’s attention, turning off the bud of her cigar by pressing it down on the counter and telling her dear gossip friend Emillie that she’ll call later. She sees the two ever-so cartoonishly well-dressed individuals be distracted by the racks of clothing, so she takes this as an opportunity to chew up some gum to annihilate the tobacco smell.
“Welcome to Claudine’s Boutique, where the clothes are neat and the rent ain’t cheap.” Her elbows lean down on her counter, a strand of her curly black hair moving out of the tucked place behind her ear and falling into her face. “what can I getcha’?”
“it’s a pleasure to meet you madame.” You smiled, reaching out for a handshake. “the name’s Detective L/n. “
“oh?” her tone is a bit surprised, as she accepts your handshake and gives you a good-old up and down look. “ never knew Detectives were the fashionista types.”
“Oh no, I’m not here for a wardrobe change.”
Claudine stays quiet for a moment. She looks at your clothes once again then back up to you.  “you sure?”
To that, you give a slightly-offended and more-so embarrassed huff, all the while your new partner in the case, ever the gentleman Alastor seems to lose his façade for a moment and holds back a chuckle from her comment.
“yes. I’m certain .” You clarified. “ I wanted to ask you about Mr.Peterson’s murder that happened last night..you have heard about it, I’m sure.”
“how could I not?” she scoffed. “it’s all everyone’s been talking about today. You can’t even call one friend without hearing the news.” She tucks her lost strand of her away once more. “ this neighbourhood ain't never been a quiet one. And I reckon it never will be. People round’ these parts only care for three things. Money, reputation and drama.” She sighed, before gnawing a bit with the gum in her mouth and continuing once more.
“I’ve grown up around these parts. Never really left the place. Guess it’s all because of that darn curse everyone firmly believes in.”
She looks back at you surprised. “haven't you heard?” her eyes then spark in slight realisation. “hm, well it is your first day on the case. Guess I’m your first bystander for questioning?”
You nod. Claudine hums in thought, hesitating on saying a word until she finally bites the bullet.
“People who start livin’ here all get struck by tragedy in one way or another. Death around here is like a plague with no cure. They say it’s a way to make you stay here forever, to make you cling to the remaining memories of your loved ones.”
“Have you lost someone dear as well, Madame?” Alastor chimed.
Claudine’s mind seemed to be stuck in memory-lane. “my sister.” Was her only answer.soon enough she sighed and continued before even one of you could give your condolences. “ Mr.Peterson was one of the people affected by this curse. And now? his daughter will pass on the curse it seems…poor Mr.Peterson. he may have been…well..not the best neighbour round’ these parts but..he had his soft moments. I can’t help but feel pity for the guy, y’know? He wasn’t always like this.”
“Is his bitter behaviour related to the ‘curse’?”
“Well aren’t you smart?” she deadpanned. “ his wife left him for another man, then died a few years later. Never been the same since.” 
“I see…” you quickly take out a notebook and pencil from your pockets, quickly writing this down while your foot taps the floor. “well, is there anything else we should know?”
“depends.” Claudine smirked. “you gonna buy anything?”
Alastor chuckled. “I like her.”
“if that’s the case then why don’t you buy something then?” you offered.
“oh- heavens no! I already have far too much clothing in my closet that has seen the light of day yet.”
“and I’m not looking forward to dressin’ up him.” Claudine chimed. “mister charmer over here doesn’t need any help with fashion, that’s for sure.” Alastor grinned at hat, confidentiality fixing his bow tie while looking at you all smug. “oh no, I want to dress up you , detective.”
You froze for a moment, the tapping of your foot no longer coherent.
“I- I uh…no thank you?” you failed at giving a proper response. “I’m quite fine with how I look now.”
“you mean scratched up and baggy?” Claudine mused.
“wrinkled and worn out?” Alastor added.
“divorced and in their thirties?”
“common bar customer?”
“chased by a b-“
“OK OK. I get it. I look disheveled.” You grumbled.
“When was the last time you even bought new clothes?” Claudine asked.
You fell silent for a moment, the answer bringing up bittersweet memories in your head. “..uh..a pretty long time ago..I guess…” you went quiet, taking the time to pass away all the memories in your head inside a chest that will not see the light of day for a few more years. “alright fine, I guess I do need new clothes…but the coat stays on!”
Claudine hummed, looking at your form up and down again, yet this time her gaze of boredom was replaced with one of passion. “I can work with that.”
Cufflinks of white lace, long sleeves of a light brown all neatly tied with a black bow that replaced your previously messy tie, the wardrobe Claudine picked out made you feel like a child of victorian times who's been meaning to go on a picnic. Your once practical and almost a  decade old shoes (‘they’re sturdy and usable!’ you argued) are now replaced with shiny new black ones, ones that gave you the urge to tap dance and sing in the rain with. Your once comfy pants that were a size too big for comfort’s sake were now replaced with a normal black pants,and as promised, the coat stayed on, though not before Claudine tried to clean it up  a bit with items at hand. (“why don’t you give it to a dry cleaner?” she had asked once while trying to tear off a dirt stain at the ends of the coat . “ never had the time for it.” you shrugged.)
“well?” from his tone, you could sense that Alastor was pleased with the new look. “a penny for your thoughts detective?”
You hummed a bit, toying with the ends of the bow while looking at yourself in the mirror. It felt different, that’s for sure, yet it also didn’t bother you at all.not one bit. you actually quite liked this new outfit, though the bow felt a tad too excessive for a serious job like yours. The outfit defines a new era, a new you, a whole new detective after two years of working without him . a detective that doesn’t need to hide in the shadows of their father no longer. Something felt right about this change, about this new look.
“It ain't half bad.”  You muttered. Claudine scoffed at that.
“ ‘ain't half bad?’ you look like a prince charming now!” Claudine grinned. “not too bad of a job, if I do say so myself.”
 Alastor walks up to you, looking at the mirror and fixing his own bow as his gaze falls upon your form in the mirror. “I must say, the bow suits you.” he mused. “but..there’s something missing. “
You turned around to face him directly rather than the mirror. “and what would that be?”
His smile turns into a grin as he gently grabs your chin and lifts up the ends up your lips. “ a smile!” before you could retaliate he lets go of your now shocked face and  points to his own unshakable grin. “you’re never fully dressed without one.” He winked.
Albeit a bit weirded out, you still give him a small,worried smile. “better?”
“..it could use some work.” He hummed. “but it’s good enough as it is!”
“Good, then,” you take out the notebook and pen from your pickets once more and look back at Claudine. “Let's get back to the case at hand, shall we?”
The silence of the streets paired with Lington’s judgmental eyes proves to you that Claudine did an excellent job in her work. Perhaps a tad too excellent.
Knowing that Lington’s stare could last for hours if ignored, you give him a roll of your eyes.
“don’t you have a family at home, officer?” you knew that his gaze was anything but infatuation, yet couldn’t help but annoy him with even the very concept of him liking you.
However, Lington seems utterly unbothered. The only indicator you have of his discontempt is the click of his tongue. “what role are you playing this time, N/n?”
His mutter made you flinch, faltering in your ac a bit before giving him a signature smile.
“Did all that coffee get you drunk, detective? don’t tell me you spilled some ... .what do they call it now? oh right,- ‘ illicit beverages’ - in it.”
“ with the way you keep on changin’ the game? I might as well bring some.” He huffed in exhaustion, in hidden rage. “one minute I think we’re playing checkers, next thing you know it’s actually chess. The minute I want to move my piece I see that the fuckin’ pieces are gone and we’re playing dress up instead.”
“oh? so now I’m banned from buying new clothes too?”
“ just what the fuck are you doing Y/n?” Your jab goes unanswered. ” Why do you always gotta be like this? why can’t you cooperate with me?” with every syllable, Lington’s tone grows more desperate.” why can’t you work with us ?—”
“ — you know damn well why, Lington . ” For a moment, for a singular,almost fleeting moment, your mask is down, and your eyes look deep into his own. Into forgotten memories and broken cases. “ That's the thing. You know everything. You know why. Yet you still have the audacity to ask this, the fucking nerve to accuse me of not doing my work.”
“I don’t see where a change of wardrobe could be benefic—“
“I solved every single case I ever laid my hands on.” you tried to make your voice steady, desperately tried to sound like the usual confident detective you are. Yet your heart couldn’t help but shake, causing your words to waver. “ every single case. Except one.”
Something flashed in Lington’s eye. the gaze of a guilty man.
“and that one? Lington? That one case?” you thanked the heavens for letting you have at least control over the volume of your voice. If not, the shakiness would make people think you’re a broken person with a broken heart. An impostor stuck on a play with no backstage and no exit, with an audience that practically lives in their seats. In this moment, you weren’t a confident detective, you were an abnormally tall child with broken dreams, and a raggedy coat. “ that case haunts me . every . day. ”
Lington looks at you with a mixed expression. horrified, concerned, guilty and ashamed. It seems like the words you s[poke to him had left him with his mouth shut and his head hung in shame. Had it been anyone else, they'd feel pride over the fact that they had shut up a prick like him so well. Yet all you could feel was a deep, uncontrollable embarrassment that you needed to dispose of immediately. You need to leave. now.
“now if you’ll excuse me, Sheriff,” your tone quickly goes back to normal, and your expression once again a bundle of confidence and suave. “I have a poor rookie to annoy with some new details about the case. Details I’ve gotten from a certain seamstress .”
Lington takes one deep breath and groans at that. This time, it seems,that your jab has hit its mark.
“so…you’re telling me that Mr.Peterson had dealings with the hyacinth?”
“not just dealings lil’ rookie.” You turn around to him, right before going inside the dainty café you had a bad coffee at. “ he used to work for them.”
The rookie gasped at that, clenching his notepad a little tighter.
“and it wasn’t just him.” you dramatize the situation, enjoying the eagerness the rookie is showing for this case. “no no. the truth is more basic than that. It revolves around one thing only. The very thing that drives humans to do anything and everything all at once.”
“W-what's that?...”
You open the door. the cafés bell rings. “ love .”
“ Welcome to—... .oh,…” Jake, the employee without realising it, has done you a favour and threw coffee at the guy you hated most in this world, looking at you with a mix of dejection and hesitance. As if he didn’t want you to come back. “…back for more coffee, detective?”
You held back a wince from the mentioned coffee, looking around the room to spot a certain figure. When you see him, you're glad to know that he’s already charmed up the man you were supposed to interrogate.
“no no, just here to sit next to a friend.” You point to Alastor before grabbing the distracted rookie (from what he was exactly distracted by, you weren’t sure.) and  ignoring the scorching gaze Jake was giving you.
The man behind the counter, an old barista with hands so quick you don’t even notice the glass he’s pouring the espresso in, was talking with Alastor with such glee and enthusiasm that one could almost forget that he was the same guy mere hours ago, angry and giving strict orders to his son for the little mistake he did.
Alastor's posture straightened as he saw your figure approach. “oh, there you are!” he then looks at the barista. “This is the friend I was talking about, Mr.Finch.”
He inspects you for a moment, his gaze hanging on your coat for a bit too long before he cleans his hands with a rag and holds it out to shake. “Well, any friend of lil’ Alastor here is a friend of mine.” He grins.” A pleasure to be meeting you.”
“likewise.” You shook his hand in return, an amused look taking over you as you looked back at the gentleman in red drinking his coffee. “it’s an honour to meet one of the friends of the ever so infamous Lil’ Alastor.” If you hadn’t had sharper ears, you would’ve missed the small grunt Alastor made as he choked on his coffee, trying his best to seem unbothered. He gives you a teasing glance, setting the espresso cup down and leaning back a bit as he listens to Finch’s hollered laughter to your comment.
“ I hope ya don’t think it’s from mockery, Detective.” he leans his shoulder on the counter, looking at Alastor like a proud uncle. “Lil’ Alastor and I know each other from church. Boy was I used to seeing this rascal glued to his mother no matter what.” He shook his head, nostalgic eyes stuck staring at the counter. “say,” he looks back up to Alastor again. “How's the church doin’ son? Any good news?”
“oh?” Alastor tilts his head in curiosity. “you don’t visit the church either,Mr.Finch?”
“guess were both sinners now, ey?” Finch jokes, yet Alastor merely hummed.
“Well, you can’t blame a child for not visiting church in his elder years.” Alastor replied. “After all, I was just there because my dear mother loved taking me with her.”
“Guess you’re right.” Finch shook his head, motioning for you to sit down. You of course obliged.
“Espresso or latte?” he asked.
You hesitate. Your mother’s sweetly saccharine voice echoes through your head. Still remember what he always ordered no matter the consequence.
“espresso, please.” You preferred latte.
“another espresso lover, eh?” he joked.” Say- how did you even meet lil Al’ over here?”
“We actually just met.” Alastor mused.
“ seriously ?”
“yep.” You nodded. “ Mr.Alastor over here was being accused of Mr.Peterson’s murder.”
Finch flinched, his quick and proficient movements of coffee-making artistry coming to a halt as he listened.  Therefore, you continued. “He was unfortunate enough to be the last customer he had that day…and hadn’t it been for the murderer stepping in to confess to the murder, he might as well have been behind bars.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Finch then speaks. “…and who was the murderer?”
“his daughter’s boyfriend, it seems.”
*CLANK!! *
Everyone’s head shifts to the noise, and a wide-eyed, left-hand shaking Jake looks back. first at you, then at the mug, then at Alastor but soon his eyes switches to Finch once more.
“ Jakey —“ Finch grumbled. “how many times do we gotta go through this? be a little more careful!”
“sorry…” Jake mumbled, obviously used to such a scolding. He takes a breath and cleans up. Soon, the atmosphere shifts back into normalcy and Finch starts telling silly tales he has about his church days and his hard time with coffee-brewing at the start of his career. Something about his family all having the same tick of having ‘shaky hands’ whenever stressed, passed down through generations.
As the atmosphere quieted and your espresso gave you a bitter boost, your eyes lingered on two framed pictures right beside the coffee brewers.
Two young men, smiling while pushing each other around. On their jackets, a certain pin caught your attention.
“whose that?” rookie pointed to the other  picture curiously.
“oh, this?” Finch picked it up, looking at it with a perplexed gaze before setting it on the counter for everyone to see.
“It's our family.” He simply stated. “ me, my son jakey, and…my wife Linda.”
Something in your brain clicked. The wife. Linda. She looked awfully familiar.
She resembled Miss Sasha.
Fathers are complicated beings.
Parenthood is difficult. You must be emotionally open about your own feelings to understand the child’s. and for most men who have repressed their emotions for decades, such a thing becomes far too difficult to understand. Which is why they made excuses, why they claim that their responsibility merely revolves around working outside the house, to gain enough money to buy weekly essentials and pay the rent. Most fathers fear emotional connection so badly that they’d rather stay in a dead-end job rather than trying to reason with a crying child. Trying to understand why they’re so deeply saddened by such a simple thing. Something that they’d get punished for liking, let alone crying for it.
Your father was different. He was worse.
He saw you as the next heir to the family’s work. The next-in-line that must be trained no matter the cost. So rather than ignoring your needs and hobbies, he berated you for them if they were anything unrelated to detective work. If it’s not chess or puzzles, then don’t play it. if it’s not a mystery book, then don’t read it. Why are you crying? Crying is for the weak. Crying is for the confused. We’re not ignorant, that’s why we’re never allowed to live in bliss.
Safe to say, your relationship with your father has always been…complicated. To the point where you’re not even sure how you feel about him. let alone how you feel about his death.
Perhaps that’s why you knew exactly who the culprit of this case was the moment you locked eyes with them.
“alright, spit it out L/n.” Lington looked at you with annoyance. “ Why'd you make me bring these youngsters here? " especially one that’s still grieving.”
Sasha looked away. Allan took her hand in his.
Ever the nosy, Alastor also stayed behind quietly, leaning on the counter. He shared a knowing look. It seems like he cracked the case as well. ‘ of course he had’ you thought. ‘ This  murder case is simple. The most tragic cases always are.’
The only reason you decided to walk around the street and ask around was so you could get the whole picture, so you could understand things from the murderer's point of view. What kind of pressure were they in, what drove them to do such a thing? Because for this case in particular, you know that the murderer in question is no derived psychopath, nor are they someone out for blood-filled revenge.
They were just a simple baker tired of their cage.
“Let's go over this one more time,” you put your hands in your pockets, walking around in circles as the gears in your head churn and your mind sets up a small play.” The neighbours say they heard two sounds that night. The first one happened right after Mr.Alastor left, so as you know, Alastor is out of the list.”
Alastor nods in delight. “Thank you, my dear.”
“Then, all was quiet in the bakery. As Miss Sasha noted, she went back up to get some rest while his father stayed down and cleaned the place up…but that’s where you lied. Miss Sasha”
“the neighbours said they heard a car honk. But they weren’t appalled by it because they’re used to it. your boyfriend Allan was there to pick you up, wasn’t he?”
Sasha’s eyes darted around nervously. “I…”
“That's why he immediately came here and confessed to the murder, even though no paper or radio has even talked about it yet. After all, this seems like a dead-end case, doesn’t it? all the clues are random, the only suspect they had was the unfortunate last customer, and the captain was a huge buffoon who accused anyone on the street of being the murderer just so he can get to go home sooner!”
“hey now that’s—“
“ BUT you got unlucky,” You continued with more enthusiasm, ignoring Lington’s defense. “ You see, you didn’t think that an experienced Detective would take a look at this case, would even bother to solve it..and you’re right. I really wouldn’t have. The only thing I would’ve bothered to do was convince Lington that Mr.Alastor isn’t the murderer -which I did - and then leave. But…while inspecting the body…” you take out a pin from your pocket. The purple on it shining bright. the shape resembling one of a hyacinth flower. “I noticed this, right inside Mr.Peterson’s apron.”
Jake,who was awfully quiet the entire time, gulped. Sasha took a deep,stressful breath while Allan put his head down in shame. Lington, on the other hand, seemed visibly shaken. All while Alastor merely tilted his head in curiosity and amusement.
“The hyacinths are infamous for giving out these pins to all its members.” You state. “ there are a lot of fakes out there…so the hyacinth’s made sure to add something subtle yet visible enough to point out the real from the fakes.” Despite all the protests from Sasha, you scrape the pin against the glass counter. An eerie sound fills the room for a moment until you’re finished. The glass counter has a scratch, yet the pin remains unscathed. “The centre of the pin,” you tapped it. “ it’s made from actual amethysts.”
“couldn’t you just prove that by putting it under a direct light?!” Jake protested, eyes furrowed in pure annoyance by your antic.
“Meh,thought I could prove my point better this way.” You shrugged. “Also this was funnier.”
While everyone grumbled in response to that, Alastor merely chuckled.
“moving on. Yes, this is the real deal. Which means, whatever happened here, might’ve been caused by the hyacinth. Or at least- that’s what my hunch was at the start. So, knowing that Sasha here was lying to me about  a few things, and Allan was so gullible that he didn’t even know how many times he shot Peterson, I knew something else was afoot. Which- this leads us to one of the main questions of the day. How did no one here the gunshot?” you point to the pin. “well, this is your answer.”
“huh?” Allan said in pure confusion. “am-am I the only one that doesn’t get what’s going on here?”
Everyone stayed quiet.
“shit. I am?!” he gasped. “How is the pin related to the noise exactly?”
“the hyacinth,” you looked at him sympathetically. “Are infamous for their ‘game-changing’ equipment. Their silent guns. It’s the reason why they stayed on top for so long. just like the pins, only members of the gang would ever be equipped with these. Mr.Peterson’s own gun was found under the cashier counter, probably stored there for whenever a robbery happens. But that leads to the next question. whose gun was this?”
You point to Jake.
“That was exactly answered when I visited your café. The second framed picture, the one Finch didn’t show…two men were on it, both with the hyacinth pins.” Jake couldn’t help but sigh at your words. “ it was pretty easy to connect the dots…especially after considering what Miss Claudine told me at my visit. “
“according to her, two hyacinth members one day fell in love with the same girl and dropped everything to be with her. It’s an action that led to obvious misfortune. Ah- before I continue…how old are you Jake?”
Jake hesitated for a moment before answering. “nineteen.”
“And you, Miss Sasha?”
You snap your fingers in realization. “so, Linda, whom I assume is the girl in the old rumours, chose Mr.Peterson. They had a simple life together, and I’m guessing Finch couldn’t just turn back and start over again, not when he has just started a new business and bet everything on it. and so, they stood head to head in business, while awkwardly avoiding each other outside of work hours. a pretty simple story, yes? But, something was unaccounted for. You see, Mr.Peterson had… a bit of an anger problem. Something that, I’m sure Linda has become fed up with and got a divorce. And so, she went to the only person she could trust, while also being able to keep an eye on her daughter’s safety. You can all guess what happens next.”
“this, leads us to one common knowledge about the Peterson family that everyone in the neighbourhood knows about. Peterson was incredibly protective of his daughter. Especially ever since Linda’s mysterious death. Which, leads us to motive.” You look back at Sasha. “Miss Sasha, your father didn’t approve of your relationship with Allan, did he?”
“...is this information really necessary? There’s a reason why I didn’t mention it.”
“did you not mention it because it’s unnecessary or..did you not mention it because it gave you a motive ?”
Sasha stays quiet. All eyes settle on her.
“listen, I won’t force anyone to over-share their private information, nor would do I want to go into details about the other rumours I heard from Miss Claudine…like I’ve said before, whether I was here or wasn’t, wouldn’t have mattered. Because in the end, no matter how long it would've taken, the truth would be revealed. Some detectives would scroll through all the unsolved cases in the cabinets and immediately figure out who the murderer was. so, it's best to come out now with whatever parts of the truth you want to be revealed, rather than being forced to say every single detail of it and perhaps even getting a longer sentence for having it remain hidden for so long. “
Jake, who was visibly shaking, came closer to you as an act of intimidation. “Now you listen here, ‘detective’.” His tone was as shaky as his hands were. “ you don’t know the shit we’ve been through. And you don’t need to know. I swear if you keep pressing on about this I wil-“
“It's over, Jake.” Sasha’s voice was cold, exhausted from the world around her. “We've been caught. It’s over.”
Jake stays quiet. His breath heavy and tears threatening to fall.
“…our mother was… complicated .” Sasha spoke solemnly. “ she lived a completely sheltered life..to the point where she never noticed those red flags my father possessed ...which is why I didn’t want to turn out like her. I didn’t want to sit around waiting in a small  bakery like she did. Living my life with naivety until my father decided who he should marry me off to..so..I used to sneak out a lot in my life..which...led to a lot of unsavory fights and threats…at some point, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I mean- the man wouldn’t even let me continue my studies at least. He wanted me to stay here forever, continuing the business till the day he dies…so…I took the matter into my own hands and sealed his fateHe won’t let me go till he dies, right? well, I’ll just push the grim reaper a lil bit, force him to take my father’s life sooner than what god has planned.”
“but I knew that if I killed him, it would be too obvious..so I needed someone else to shoot the gun instead someone people would’ve never suspected, someone who would remain unseen…that’s when both Jake and Allan offered to shoot for me…I didn’t want to put any of them at risk, but I knew that if I wanted to be free, I had to take up their offer and choose between them. I couldn’t possibly choose Allan, because the neighbours would obviously assume he was the murderer right from the start. How many times have we heard the same story ? ‘loverboy kills unapproving parents to get to the love of his life? ’”
“oh, those stories are always a bore.” Alastor quipped.
“but Jake? No one outside the neighborhood knew my relationship with him. and I was certain that no cop would look that deep into it..not if I acted completely clueless and kept my mouth shut. Of course, I didn’t mean to immediately kill him at first…that was plan B. the original plan was to convince him to let me leave. Allan brought the car, I packed my luggage and soon after the first customer left, I told him everything. He of course blew up. started shouting out nonsense while beating the hell out of Allan…I panicked and called Jake, telling him to come over immediately through the exit…right at that moment he was tending to the small garden at the cafés backyard.”
“hence the dirt-covered footprints..” Lington mumbled.
“It all went by so quickly…one moment, Jake was rushing into the café with a gun…the next, he shot my father twice. One accidentally on the shoulder, the other right above his head to seal the deal.”
“then, I saw you two at the café.” Jake continued. “I knew that you being there meant bad news…but I just..didn;t know what to do. hell I didn’t even know what exactly happened. Only that you were looking deeper into the case. It was at your second visit that I finally realised what was going on..but...”
“It was too late.” You concluded. “and with that, this case is closed .”
“I…I don’t get it detective.'' The rookie looked frustrated and deeply confused. “why didn’t Miss Sasha just shoot Peterson in the shoulder and make a run for it? why was she so certain she had to kill him?”
“…we’ll never know.” you shrugged. “but...when you see someone so sure about killing their own caretaker…imagine what the caretaker must’ve done to force them to take such leaps.”
Rookie stays  quiet at that, scribbling everything down so he could write it all in a coherent page later for the station. You leave him be, leaning back at the wall, watching both Sasha and Jake get under handcuffs and ushered into the cars. You take a mental note to talk to Lington later about somehow helping them get a convenient sentence. Perhaps with a few pulled strings you both can convince the judge to send both Sasha to work at an elderly shelter, and for the main murderer, Jake, you can perhaps call up a few pals that can offer him protection. Though…that won’t be of much help. It’s the best you can do.
Something about that frustrates you.
This entire case’s conclusion, frankly, has been nothing but frustrating. Yet, you of all people know how bitter some truths can be. And the consequences of it aren't any less sweeter.
“What's befuddling your mind  this time, Dear Detective?” the ever so confident and cheerful voice of Alastor snaps you out of your thoughts. “you seem quite exhausted.”
“ really ? That’s a shocker.” You scoffed, taking a deep breath as you try to let the exhaustion in your body fade away. Silence overtakes the place for a moment, a serene one that makes you gaze up at the now darkened sky. It’s when you see the stars that you realize that you’ve been out working for an entire day and you can feel your exhaustion flowing back in once more, as if it was never gone in the first place.
“I must say,” Alastor chimed in. “This story’s ending was quite…well, uneventful . Shocking, yes. But not the climax I was expecting.”
“…I was thinking the same thing,” you confessed. “but, that’s the truth with most cases.” your hands went into your pocket, gently touching the hyacinth pin in your hand. “ it’s not always like those dramatic antics that Sherlock Homes or Hercules Poirot find themselves in…don’t get me wrong, it does happen. Just…not as much.”
“Guess it’s my unlucky day.” Alastor grumbled, you couldn’t help but smirk.
“well, you should've known that today was bad news for you the moment you got accused of murder, Mr.Alastor”
Alastor was quiet for a second, a strange smile on his face. “…I guess I should have.” He swiftly turns around to you, the scenery that he was watching before it seemingly far too boring for his tastes now. “any good host of a radio show would know to dramatise the situation just to keep his audience's ears glued to the radio. “ he then sighed, a mischievous smirk on his face. “but I am a man of my word detective. I will say nothing but the truth, no matter how bitterly boring it can be.”
“thank you, Mr.Alastor.” you give him a genuine smile. “I hope you weren;t too bothered by following me around.”
Alastor gives a small smile on his own. He reaches into his pockets, pulling out a card and extending it to you. “Why, it was an absolute pleasure to be around you, my dear.” His eyes squint. “ I can sense that you have a deep sense of showmanship. You’re a fellow entertainer when you need to be. You just remained serious because the situation needed it. this part of your story was anything but a comedy, and you’ve accommodated to it wonderfully.”
“Color me charmed.” You mused, taking the card and inspecting it. His radio-show’s title was right at the center, his own name written beneath it in cursive.
“It would be a pleasure to have you listening in for tomorrow morning.” He then adds,” especially since you’re the very star of the show, my dear.”
You lock eyes with Alastor. Something beneath those brown irises intrigue you, something behind the charmfull act he’s putting on. He's right, you both are merely actors on a stage. Both filling in your roles to continue the show destiny has written for you. And something tells you that this won’t be the last time you’re meeting him. nor do you want it to be the last time.
“…I’ll think about it.” you bought a radio on your way back home that very night.
This was my first time ever writing a detective story, and obviously it has a few flaws. I would love any sort of thoughts and criticism on how to improve it. Though, do keep in mind that this story is more about relationships than it is mystery solving.The cases we’ll look through will be mere vessels for the deeper story, an incredibly complicated plot about two incredibly mentally ill and weird people finding themselves sickeningly obsessed. This is merely the beginning, and I cannot wait to see how you’ll all react when all the gears are set into place, and the angst machine starts working.
I’m planning on only having around three to give chapters related to the ‘human’ side of the story. Because yes, a little spoiler: a lot of the plot will be written down for after their deaths. But before that I decided that I must write the human part first, because without it the emotional weight of it all will be gone.
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danikamariewrites · 3 days
Yay! So happy you’ll write for them! I have an Aidas request.The reader is Bryce’s friends and meets him through her. They are immediately drawn to each other and grow really close. The war is over and he has to go back to Hel. They are trying to figure out how they can still be together. It can be angsty/fluffy/smutty. Lol just whatever you are feeling.
Honestly I’d be happy with anything to do with him. 😂
Hel is Heaven With You
Aidas x reader
A/n: Hi anon, I love this idea and I think of Aidas and his love interest as Hades and Persephone. I might do another part for this if I can think of another story for these guys.
Warnings: none
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With the Asteri gone and the war won all that was left to do was send the armies of darkness and nightmarish creatures back to Hel. Once the fighting was over Aidas had given you a choice. Come to Hel with him or stay with your friends.
The first time you met the Prince of Hel was in Bryce’s apartment. His clear blue eyes had captivated you, charming and flirting with you as he danced around giving Hunt and Bryce answers. You felt drawn to the prince since then. Every night you saw him in your dreams. He seemed so real, there were times when you would wake up and swore Aidas was in a dark corner of your room.
When the attack during the spring happened Aidas had checked on you, making sure you were safe. He got into the habit of staying with you for days at a time and eventually you fell for each other. Confessing your feelings was hard. With the both of you being from different worlds you didn’t know how a relationship would work.
It’s been two days since Aidas gave you the choice to come with him. You had spent your time weighing the pros and cons of the situation. You must admit it was enticing, the thought of going with him to Hel. You would miss your friends but Aidas had promised you could see them whenever you wished. Besides them there wasn’t much keeping you on Midgard. Your brother and parents, being the snobby fae they were, cut you off when you stood by Bryce’s side after Danika’s death.
It wasn’t a hard decision after all. Trudging through the harsh snow in Nena with the army of Hel you had your bag slung over your shoulder. You hadn’t told Aidas what you decided yet, deciding to second guess yourself on the trip back to the Northern Rift. But you had said your goodbyes. A lot were tearful, especially June. You swear Fury shed a tear, though she denied it.
You had waited to say bye to Bryce at the rift, not wanting to feel the pain for two goodbyes with your best friend.
As the army filed through the rift back to Hel you said your goodbyes to her and Hunt, promising to visit. When Aidas was the only one left you finally faced him. “Well?” He asked, raising a perfectly groomed blonde brow at you. You held out your hand for his in answer.
Aidas seemed shocked as he took it, smiling down at you. As he pulled you towards your future together Bryce called out, “Wait!” You and Aidas turn to face her. “Promise me something Aidas. Promise me you’ll take care of her.” Aidas bowed his head at the fae queen. “I swear on my life, Bryce Quinlan, that y/n will never have a need or want that isn’t met.” Aidas raises your gloved hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the outline of your knuckles.
Bryce nods, the corner of her mouth tugging into a smirk as she says, “I’ll come kick your ass if I find out otherwise.” Stepping through the rift you both look at Bryce and Hunt one last time. “I’m counting on it.” The Prince replies before Bryce seals the rift.
Hel is not like you thought it would be. Bryce had told you what it was like after the Caves. But this was different.
Aidas’s kingdom was always in a state of dusk and darkness. His castle wasn’t what you thought either. You expected a fairytale version of a gothic castle with tall black spires, all open air windows and breezeways, floating on a ripped piece of earth among the clouds.
It was nothing like that at all. His home was more of an estate, surrounded by a tall, black wrought iron fence, the grounds covered in hedges and stone statues of his and his brother’s creations. The three story manor itself was black, gray stone moldings decorating the peaks and windows.
The interior was just as hauntingly beautiful as the exterior. Black, white, and red were the main colors decorating the house. Thick velvet curtains guarded the windows. Intricately carved wood made up the walls and bannisters, making the home feel alive. Pulling off your gloves you ran your hands across the ridges.
Aidas slipped your bag from your shoulder, waving his hand it disappeared into thin air. Aidas stepped closer to you, gazing into your eyes as he peels off your layers of winter wear. Handing over your stuff to a butler you didn’t even see approach.
“Come, my heart. I want to show you your new home.” You smile up at him, twining your fingers together again as he leads you through the house.
Aidas left you to get aquanted in your new room, which happened to be his room. You spent your time unpack what little you brought with you, finding Aidas left you plenty of room. He had a new dresser built for you along with a matching vanity. The prince also split his closet in half. When he told you that you were confused as to when you would fill it, is there even a mall on this plane of existence?
Finally curious about how much space you have to fill you pull open the ornate, wooden double doors. As the First Light comes on you gasp. You didn't need to fill the closet, it was already filled for you. Gowns and dresses on velvet hangers, shoes and slippers across racks, along with your clothes from home all neatly folded on the shelves above them.
You gape at the expensive fabrics, running your fingers across the garments in wonder. Knowing Aidas went out of his way to make sure you were clothed and well looked after had tears pricking your eyes.
No one had ever cared for you the way Aidas did. Not even your parents had paid this much attention to you.
Blinking away your impending tears, Aidas clears his throat behind you. Turning, you find the Prince of the Chasm casually draped against the door frame. “Is everything to your liking, my heart?” You smile brightly at him. “It’s perfect. And it’s more than I could ever ask for, thank you, Aidas.”
Aidas pushed off the door frame, striding over to you. The prince towers over you as he looks down at you. Bringing his pale, slender hands up to hold your face Aidas presses a kiss to your forehead. “I told you, my heart, you will never have to want again.”
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sexybagels-masa · 11 months
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I've been Inspired.. and now I keep thinking about it
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prokopetz · 3 months
Something I love about The Far Roofs is how much of a swerve its premise is if you're coming to it uninitiated.
Okay, so there's these talking rats with a culture of swashbuckling heroism – basic Redwall/Reepicheep stuff.
Also, there's a magical realm called the Far Roofs which exists above every human community, and that's where the rats go adventuring; a little weird, but you can see the precedents in popular fiction. It's like wainscot fantasy taken to its logical-yet-absurd conclusion.
By default, the game wants you to play as a fictionalised version of your (presumably human!) self and go up onto the Far Roofs to have adventures with the rats. All right, now it's coming together: it's like isekai fantasy meets The Muppet Show, with you as the obligatory human character, right?
Then we get to the nature of those adventures: the rats have this whole culture built around questing against beings they call "the Mysteries" – beasties with names like Harpy and Goblin and Unicorn. So basically it's a bunch of muppety rats on the roofs fighting Dungeons & Dragons monsters, and you go up and help them do it. Great.
And then you get to what the Mysteries are actually like, and... well, I'm going to let the following excerpt carry the weight here. (This particular bit of text also appears in a previously published work by the same author, so I'm not giving anything away that's still under wraps.)
Unicorn, which is named Numinous, dwells three steps away and beyond the world, but most often in the Farthest Roofs, where the Steppes of the Sky come down to touch the Vast and Earthen Court. There it is stepping upwards from the world, as it has always been stepping upwards from the world, caught in a moment of transcendent glory that does not complete. It simply is. Melanthios heard the footsteps of Unicorn. Melanthios heard the ringing of Unicorn’s bells. So Melanthios chased Unicorn off to the Farthest Roofs, and Melanthios did not return. Anton and Karel, who were his sons, were wiser than their father. They heard the bells but they did not follow. Instead, they memorized the scent. They gathered swords, and ropes, and nets, and they went out. They brought food and water and all manner of gear. They clung to the roofs with all four feet wheresoever after Unicorn they went. It proved no good. Anton looked up, and Karel to his brother. The world came down— That’s what Karel said. He had time to look away. He had time to bury his head in his paws. He did not see the fullness of Unicorn’s presence. He only saw Anton his brother become unreal. In the light of the moment of the Unicorn, Anton became as a paper figure in the fire. His reality burned out. His shadow seared into the roofs behind him. Where he’d stood, for just a moment, the Steppes of the Sky came down to touch the Vast and Earthen Court; and Anton was gone away. So Karel ran and Karel ran and Karel ran from the Unicorn; and all his life, he envied but was more fortunate than his brother.
These are gods. You're going up there to kill God.
Like, it's still silly wainscot fantasy with funny talking rats, but there's that tension. It's like if Fraggle Rock occasionally took a hard turn to serious cosmic horror – Lord Dunsany by way of Jim Henson – and that tonal juxtaposition was treated as something unremarkable.
Basically what I'm saying is go back The Far Roofs.
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dannnnnny666 · 24 days
Day 12: Time Travel
“Sooooo Phantom, do ya have any siblings?” Kid Flash asked as he tried to make small talk with the newest recruit to the team.
A few days ago, Young Justice was called to a meeting by Batman where he introduced their new team mate, Phantom. Phantom was a tough looking dude, he was jacked and towered over them all, even Conner!
Batman didn’t give them much information about the guy but apparently John Constentine was the one who suggested him for the team since he needed “community service hours”.
The dude was currently drinking some soda next to the computer as Red Robin searched for any new info on their latest mission. He turned his attention away from the can, and stared at Wally, his red eyes piercing into his soul.
“Well we are all about to go on a mission together and none of us really know you so I think it’d be best if we all got to know you better,” that was half true. Mostly Wally was just being nosey, but the dude really did make everyone nervous since he was this really tough dude with blood red eyes and apparently was here because John Constentine said he needed community service hours???? Constentine typically say some wild shit, but what the fuck do you mean by community service? Wally knows you can’t use those for school, he’s tried, and what else gave you community service? Juvie and prison!!
Phantom stared at him hard for a few seconds, his eyes searing into the back of Wally’s skull before saying, “Okay fine”.
The answer surprised everyone in the room, I mean the guy had barely even spoken the last few days and had rejected every question about his personal life.
“Depending on how you see it, I have 2 to 4 siblings”
“Is your father a serial adopter too?” Tim joked.
“Yes and no”
“It’s pretty complicated,” Phantom shrugged, seemingly deciding to end the conversation there and taking another swig of his drink.
However, Tim, out of annoyances of every attempt to get to know this jerk being thwarted and a bit of confidence his family was more complicated, decided to challenge Phantom’s statement.
“Ehh, it probably isn’t as complicated as my family, we got about 50 more siblings adopted each month, all with lots much trauma”
At this, Phantom narrowed his eyes at Tim.
“I see what your doing, your trying to get me to talk tell you guy more about my family by acting like yours are more insane”
“Am I?” Tim asked, trying to hide the shivers going down his spine from the way Phantom was staring at him.
Phantom to a huge swig of his soda, emptying it and throwing it into the garbage, before fully turning to Tim.  
“You’re lucky I am always good for competitions, now sit down this is going to take a bit”
Tim gladly obliged and soon everyone sat around Phantom as if it were storytime in kindergarten.
“Okay, so at first I only had an older sister and my parents” Phantom began, “but then they died because of a mistake I made and I had to move in with my evil godfather”
Megan raised her hand and asked, “Isn’t a godfather someone who is very close to the family? Why would your parents choose an evil person?”
“‘Cause my dad was oblivious to this and though they were good friends even though the dudes tried to kill him multiple times”
“I see,” Megan lowered her hand, no less confused.
“There I went mad with grief and had him remove my humanity and tried to kill all of humanity”
“I think that was a bit of an overreaction,” Wally joked.
“You tried to kill all of humanity? Why weren’t we told of this when it happened?” Kaldur'ahm asked.
“That was in a different timeline, I was a big enough problem that they gods tried to kill the younger version of me to stop me, so to avoid dying, my younger version decide to try to defeat me and the only reason he did was cause I was underestimating him,” Phantom emphasized the last part because he had to stress he didn’t not lose to a 15 year old boy because he was weaker than him.
“What happened next?,” Artemis asked, completely inraptured in the story.
“I was then imprisoned for sometime before escaping, causing problems and then realizing that causing younger mean the same pain I experienced won't bring my loved ones back,” Phantom continued to explain, “so I am now going to therapy, doing community service, and got the majority of my powers taken away”.
“Is your therapist open to seeing new patients?” Konner asked.
“No, but this timelines version of my sister is and she has a lot of experience so I can give you her number instead”
“Sure, that’ll work”
“Okay,” Phantom said before writing her number down and handing it to Konner, “The thing is I can’t go back to living with my real parents because they don’t know that I am Phantom so I have to go back to living this timelines version of my godfather”
“You gotta be kidding me” Tim groans.
“Exactly what I said!!” Phantom put his arm up defensively, “Fortunately, this version is a little better, he is no longer tiring to kill my dad and has stopped chasing after my mom, he did clone the other of me and now there is a genderbent version of him but my godfather treats her like a princess and will not stop spoiling her, which I am also guilty of”
Phantoms continues to explain more and in the back of Tim's mind he remembers he was supposed to be doing something but honestly this conversation was too good to care.
“Anyways that's how I technically have 2 to 4 siblings, Jazz and Elle are permanently my sisters and I love them so much, and even though the other Jazz is technically the same as this Jazz, I still think of her as someone else, someone I miss dearly. Also if I considered this Jazz my sister, I guess I’d have to considered the other me as my brother”
“Damn bitch your family is crazy” Wally said, happy he finally managed to get through Phantom’s tough skin.
As they finished up their storytime, the Zeta-tubes activated and Red Tornado and an upset looking Batman walked to the group.
“You all were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago”
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riiwrites · 5 months
boyfriend!dazai who…
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a/n : for my love @perfectlyjollyland who requested this ages ago but i didn’t see until recently because i only pay attention to my inbox! im so sorry ill be checking comments too next time, hope you’re well! <3
a/n : also i hope you’re okay with the pre-boyfriend/before boyfriend part, i just thought that’d be cute i love lovesick!dazai sooo much.. more boyfriend dazai under the cut!!
chuuyas version | atsushis version
dividers used belong to @/benkeibear
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pre-boyfriend!dazai who at the start asks you for a double suicide (as per usual), but when you give him the cutest smile and giggle and say no, he knows he’s too deep in now.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who becomes head over heels when he first meets you and now has a new mission, making you reciprocate those feelings.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who loves the cliches, the random ‘anonymous’ love notes on your desk when you’re at work or the random flowers delivered to your workplace/home - he loves it all.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who respects your boundaries if you were to tell him to lay off or if he was making you uncomfortable.
pre-boyfriend!dazai who finally gives up..gives up throwing hints and just decides to take his shot.
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“So..say, if a handsome stranger who’s kind of not a stranger since you know him as an acquaintance asks you out because he’s given up with all of the deadpanned hints he’s been giving you for the past few months but he’s kind of scared of being rejected..what would you say?”
You stare him with a few blinks as he looks at you with a great smile on his face, although you can see subtle drops of sweat dripping down the side of his temple.
"..Is this said handsome stranger you, perchance?”
Dazai let’s out a single laugh, placing his hands on his hips.
“Ha! How bold of you, though..I am charmed your first thought of this handsome stranger would be me, bella~” He coyly smirks, closing his eyes in what you can’t tell is either pride or suspense.
You furrow your eyebrows with a little smile, fixing up your paperwork as you place them on the desk. “No, I just figured since it was you who’s been leaving such persistent and eager notes on my desk as of late.”
You watch his expression slightly change as he lets out a cough of embarrassment, locking eyes with you now.
“Well..” He starts, then gives up halfway through.
“..Is it a yes?”
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pre-boyfriend!dazai who not only is taken by surprise by your response, but his heart does a few jumps in joy as his efforts became a success, making him now your boyfriend.
boyfriend!dazai who has his hand down your back pocket whenever you two are walking together.
boyfriend!dazai who’s love language is both physical touch and acts of service, always having his hands on you in the littlest way and also providing the most he can to his s/o.
boyfriend!dazai who has the reputation of being quite the flirtatious one, gives it up to his precious s/o.
boyfriend!dazai who googles cheesy and dirty pickup lines to try and rizz you with, always ending them in a winky face.
boyfriend!dazai who sends you little messages every day now that he has your number, little words of affirmations and talks to get you ready for your days.
boyfriend!dazai who if he had a tiktok account he’d make slideshows of you two and repost videos of couples relating to you two.
boyfriend!dazai who you spend all of your holidays with, especially christmas and new years.
boyfriend!dazai who practically lives at your house now, but nobody’s complaining.
boyfriend!dazai who has a box of every little thing you’ve given him, so when he’s feeling down he can look at it and smile.
boyfriend!dazai who tries to keep you away from his past, to protect you from the ugly truth.
boyfriend!dazai who opens up about oda, not all of it but most of it since he believes oda would’ve liked you.
boyfriend!dazai who takes you to the places he has the fondest memories in. the lupin bar, the art gallery, the agency.
boyfriend!dazai who appreciates the little things, as he’s not someone who can afford much he tries to give you the best he can.
boyfriend!dazai who always argues that he loves you more trying to get the last word and when you think you have it, you hear a little mumble of “I love you more” as you walk away.
boyfriend!dazai who loves your hands, tracing the lines of your palm and fingers and creating little shapes on them makes him feel at peace.
boyfriend!dazai who can be possessive but in a good way, he has good reasons to be possessive.
boyfriend!dazai who when he sees someone give you a half lidded smirk or bedroom eyes, he gives them a deadly stare that could imprint on their skull as he wraps an arm around your waist.
boyfriend!dazai who constantly babbles on about you at work with the agency, always telling Atsushi about the cutest things that you did the night before or what you did the day before that.
“Ahh..and the way they just clench their fists at their sides when they are angry with me! Ah~ I could melt..”
“That’s..really nice, Dazai-san..”
“Oh! And the way they grab my hand so tightly when we’re in public ahhh~ I could melt!”
“Ahhh, and the way the-“
boyfriend!dazai who ends up with about 14 wounds all over his body because of kunikidas beatings..kunikida says he’s lucky it wasn’t 15.
boyfriend!dazai who you take care of at his lowest.
boyfriend!dazai who sometimes can’t understand why you put up with him, but you reassure him with words and kisses all over his face.
boyfriend!dazai who peppers your face with kisses back and gives you a small smile despite how sad he can feel.
boyfriend!dazai who watches the fireworks with you and doesn’t think of going out just as beautifully because why would he let such a precious thing slip out of his hands like that?
boyfriend!dazai who doesn’t care about himself or his mental health, but cares the most about yours.
boyfriend!dazai who once felt like he was drowning, but then found his light to the surface who has a smile of diamonds and a heart of gold.
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TAGLIST : @hauntedsol @hopefulpain @forgotten-blues @ruru-kiss @texas-bitch-yee @lvstyangel @thetizzler @is-therelife-onmars @atlasnessie @101strawberries101 @reesesnieces @suzurans-world @mackereland-slug @heartsfourdazai @iratherowan @onlinewhisper14 @nomnomventi
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@/riiwrites - reblogs are highly appreciated ❤︎︎
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24kmar · 10 days
𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐀 (A. Donaldson, T.Duncan)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: A. Donaldson x Fem!Reader, T.Duncan x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, Sugar Baby! Reader, Female Manipulator Reader(Wolf in sheeps clothing), Daddies money reader 🤭, Age Gap! (Early 30's art and tashi, early 20's reader), power imbalance, language.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Tashi and Art see Pro! Tennis player reader they cant help but be infatuated. She's just so perfect, on court and off. When she starts moving up in the tennis world, they decide to take up on this oppurtunity. Offering to coach her and take part in her success and her life.
𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒊����𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐. 𝑶𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅 𝒉𝒐? 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.
You were used to getting what she wanted, growing up the golden child with daddies money. Always winning, in tennis and in life. Being signed to NIKE. Truly a born stunner. And thats just what tashi and art needed.
When they went to a standford tennis game, only for the nostalgia (lies, they saw you play at standford and needed to have you). Sitting down after finally getting away from the crowds of fans. Thats when they saw you, stretching and getting ready for your match. Getting ready to win.
Seeing you play gave them the rush, the hope they needed. With each grunt, each step you took, each roar of victory. They grew more and more hungry for you. You were so power hungry, so ambitious, just like tashi. Just perfect. After winning the match (of course you did) they came up to you.
"Y/N L/N" tashi spoke walking up to you.
Turning around hearing your name, you were met with the stars of the tennis world.
"Oh my god, tashi duncan, art donaldson. Its amazing to meet you." You beem shaking their hands. "We've been watching you" tashi speaks " you're good, really good." Art finishes for her.
"We would like to make an offer." tashi says, art looking at you up and down. Observing everything you have to offer. "How would you like us to coach you?" Tashi offers. This isnt the first time you've gotten an offer to be coached, theres been many more instances to which you've declined.
But not now, you couldnt pass this up. So you said yes. And the rest is history.
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They wanted to make you better at tennis ( they really just wanted to have you to themeselves). You gave them something they both needed. Giving art something perfect to worship, a star. And tashi, a lover and a winner.
They worshiped you, giving you anything and everything you wanted. Making sure their stargirl was always fed and never left hungry. To the victors go the spoils. Shopping sprees, fucking you till you couldnt handle it, even then giving you more. More, more, more, always more, what you deserved.
Controling your each and every move, and you let them. You were really the one in control. Only letting them think they were to boost their ego. Letting them do whatever they wanted, aslong as you got what you wanted.
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Now you're here. Art between your legs, drinking in everything you have to give him. Tashi next to you, making sure you'll make her proud at your match tomorrow.
"Mmmm a-art m'gonna cum" you moan out
"Only winners get to cum" tashi whispers in your ear. Shivers going down your spine.
"Are you a winner prinncess?" Tashi asks you, biting your neck. Thats when art cuts her off with a harsh suck to your clit. Whimpering into your cunt when you pull at his hair.
"Answer me now or i wont let you cum" tashi whispers in your ear.
"F- fuck, yes im a winner!" You moan out pathetically
"You gonna win tomorrow? Gonna make us proud, princess?"
"Mhm!" You grab at her, reaching your peak.
And thats what you did, you won. Like a star, a winner, a born stunner.
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genshinarchives · 2 years
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Cyno, Dehya, Al-Haitham, Nahida, Nilou, Tighnari / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: Of all things, you became a seelie when you got isekai’d into your favourite game, Genshin Impact. You decide to make them fall for whatever charms you have left in hopes of being taken in as a pet to survive.
— ( Inspired by the manhwa Of All Things, I Became A Crow. Requests relating to this AU will be ignored. )
Headcanons: [ 1 ] / [ 2 ] / [ 3 ]
Scenarios: [ 1 ]
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Cyno finds you buried in the sand when he went to the desert, having been drawn towards your burial spot by your frantic squeaks. When you got isekicked to Teyvat, you had the worst luck of running into a group of eremites who decided to bully you, but fortunately, Cyno happened to be nearby after you were trapped in your sandy coffin.
He isn't sure what type of creature you are and decides to bring you to the Akademiya once you were dugged out. He's surprised when you wiggle free from his hands and float up to rest on the spot between the ears of his headpiece, but he doesn't say anything since you weren't being difficult. Just as he's about to step inside the Akademiya, he's quickly stopped by Aether who then tells him that you're a rare seelie.
It doesn't take very long for Cyno to warm up to you. He thinks that you're rather cute (but would never say it out loud) and would sometimes poke your squishy body out of curiosity. There was a time when he disturbed your sleep with his incessant poking, which earned him a tiny slap on his index finger.
Seeing the General Mahamatra with a downgraded version of the Traveler's flying companion is certainly a sight in Sumeru City. You'd follow him everywhere, even when he's apprehending a scholar for plagiarism or other academic violations. You act like an extra pair of eyes for Cyno, which he is grateful for; if the scholar tries anything funny, you'd instantly alert him. You eventually became Cyno's unofficial partner, and he'd feel a little lonely if you're not around to listen to his god awful jokes.
Cyno initially didn't know that you don't need to eat and has tried to feed you dried fruits and nuts on occasion, only to get uno reversed every time. Taking the seedless date from his palm, you proceed to push the fruit against his lips to silently tell him to eat it. He hesitantly opens his mouth as you shove it in, and he couldn't stop the minuscule smile from surfacing when you rub against his cheek with an adorable squeak.
Whenever he has a meeting with an official, he lets you fly off on your own, knowing that you'll come searching for him once you've done enough exploration for the day. His only concern is you running into Al-Haitham; he's an Akademiya lunatic and Cyno doesn't trust him at all. He's not sure if you understand him, but he would always remind you to avoid Al-Haitham.
Later on, Cyno orders a mini version of his headpiece for you to wear so that the two of you could match. You don't miss his soft smile as he carefully puts it on you and calls you his seelie Mahamatra.
Dehya is following Dunyarzad around Sumeru City when you suddenly collide into her face. She thinks that they've been ambushed until she hears the collective laughter of children, and peels you off to see you flailing helplessly in her strong grip as you squeak in desperation.
Her first reaction is to squint at you. What on Teyvat are you? The children that were chasing you begin to crowd around her as Dunyarzad coos at how adorable you are. Dehya then questions the children, and they all answer that you're a seelie they had found floating in the river near the city. Dunyarzad takes pity on you, thinking that you were abandoned, and requests Dehya to look after you. Dehya said no at first but ultimately lost to her persistence.
And that's how Dehya ended up with her very own seelie companion. Even Aether is surprised to see her with you, but you seem to be happy with the way you'd enthusiastically follow Dehya everywhere. It's hard to tell whether or not she likes you, but Dunyarzad knows that you've grown on Dehya; she never misses the way the corners of Dehya's lips would slightly quirk at your attempts to get her attention, the gleam of fondness in her eyes when she watches you fly around in excitement, and the breathless chuckles that leave her lips when you fall asleep on top of her head.
Your sense of danger seems to have heightened after you were reincarnated as a seelie, so whenever you feel that enemies are nearby, you'd alert Dehya by flying around her head and squeaking frantically. She initially didn't know what you were trying to tell her until her eyes caught the glint of a blade in the bushes. Since then, she has learnt to trust you to watch her back (you also provide a good distraction in fights, so that's a plus).
Dehya lets you do whatever you want as long as you don't bring trouble to her; simp for Cyno and Al-Haitham, charm Aether, fight Paimon, play with her golden claws... But she won't allow you to stray from her sight. Although she's shy about admitting it, she does get worried whenever you disappear from her side.
She can get a little jealous when you decide to seek attention from someone else. Are you sleeping on Dunyarzad's lap because she's softer? Are you nuzzling Nilou because she smells nicer? Dehya at one point did sniff herself to make sure that she doesn't smell bad.
Once Dehya has formed a close bond with you, your interactions will start to feel less awkward. She'll return your playfulness in equal and even try to distract you if you're focused on something. She'll squish you between her palms if you annoy her too much, and at one point, she pretended to eat you before introducing you as her "emergency rations" to Aether and Paimon.
Al-Haitham is greeted with a rather comical sight when he dropped by the Akademiya to pick something up. It's complete and utter chaos; books and scrolls are being thrown everywhere as the scholars scramble around, trying to get rid of the flying pest that is you. You didn't even mean to startle them, you just wanted some help since you woke up in Sumeru as a seelie one day!
He decides to come back later and as he spins on his heels to leave, something bouncy rams into the back of his head before he feels a tiny grip on his hair. He quickly turns around to see what exactly hit him, only to hear your desperate squeaks. A scholar then yells at him, "Al-Haitham, you bastard! Look after your pet better!" Al-Haitham pays no heed to him however, and silently exits from the Akademiya after tugging you off him.
He doesn't really know what to do with you. He thought that you'd leave him alone and find someone else to bother if he ignores you, but you adamantly follow him everywhere, refusing to leave his side no matter what. You're not annoying like a certain Traveler's flying companion at least, so he feels no need to shoo you away. You're welcome to stay with him as long as you don't cause him unnecessary trouble.
Al-Haitham only begins to take an interest in you after Kaveh tells him that you're really fun to chat with. When Al-Haitham tries talking to you himself, you scribble your responses on a sheet of paper using the pencil that Kaveh had shortened for you, which impresses him. He starts assigning you simple tasks such as delivering coded messages and eventually spying on certain people. You've somewhat become his little assistant, and there wouldn't be a day where Al-Haitham is seen without you.
You tend to attract a lot of attention, especially in Port Ormos, since pet seelies are rare. Whenever he needs to keep a low profile, he stuffs you inside his cloak without warning and silently threatens to squeeze you if you make too much noise, before apologising to you quietly once he's in a secluded area. He would be totally unfazed if you attack him with your seelie punches as revenge.
When you're not needed for anything, Al-Haitham lets you go on your own seelie adventure. While he doesn't mind you hanging around the other scholars, he doesn't like seeing you with Cyno, especially when you're snuggled between the ears of his headpiece or blatantly pressing yourself against his bare chest. He'd pull you away from Cyno by your tail-like part immediately.
At night, Al-Haitham notices that you like to sleep right next to his head on his pillow. He would take this opportunity to pet you, poke you, and even nuzzle you, the things he'd never do to you when you're awake during the day. The sleepy little noises you make in response to his ministrations always elicit a small smile from him. What an endearing creature you are - keep being this cute and he might never want to let you go.
"You're a human, aren't you? What happened to you when you came here?" True to her title as the God of Wisdom, Nahida knew who you are the moment she saw your confused self floating just outside the Sanctuary of Surasthana. You wish that you could properly answer her, but you only let out a small whimper in response before squeezing yourself inside her confinement and plopping yourself in her welcoming arms.
She tries to comfort you as best as she could, hoping that her profound yet kind words are able to soothe your frazzled mind. Her touch is gentle as she pets you, and her doe-like eyes gleam with the childlike innocence that instantly puts you at ease.
Nahida could sympathise with your predicament. Suddenly being born in this world with no direction to go off of, the only thing on your mind being survival. She warms up to you immediately due to your special connection and would tell you the tales of old to keep you entertained in her solitary home.
She appreciates your company in the Sanctuary the scholars basically imprisoned her in and would always remind you what a blessing you are to her. She can't physically go outside, so you took it upon yourself to venture out on your own and return with trinkets from the outside world for her. She would accept every single of your presents with a smile, saying what a kind seelie you are.
Nahida likes to hold you. You figured that she must have never had genuine physical contact with anyone but you, and this thought compels you to immediately go to her whenever she calls you over.
Sometimes, she would accompany you outside by taking over Katheryne. She'd explore Sumeru City with you, and play around when the two of you are far away from curious and prying eyes.
Nahida actually knows a way for you to regain your human form - but by telling you, she might not be able to spend time with you like when you're still a seelie. So for now, until she has satiated her selfish desires, she'll keep it a secret from you.
Nilou is charmed the moment she sees you in the audience, cutely bobbing along with the music. She has been told a thing or two about seelies by Aether and is a bit jealous that he has one willing to accompany him on his journey, as she would love to have an adorable companion of her own.
The fact that you've showed up means that you're drawn towards her dance, right? Perhaps if she gives this performance her all, she might be able to convince you to stay with her! She's unaware that your intentions align with hers; you've decided that out of the entire Sumeru cast, Nilou is the most approachable and reliable, making her your best bet at survival.
Nilou is happy that you didn't simply fly away at the end of her performance, and welcomes you with open arms when you approach her. She would try to get you to be friends with Aether's seelie, and even introduces you to Dunyarzad and Dehya.
Nilou adores you; you don't even have to do much to gain her approval. All you need to do is stay by her side and provide her with your moral support as she dances her way through the prejudice she's subjected under for pursuing a career in the creative arts.
Waking up in her arms every morning will become a staple. She thinks that your small and round form makes you the perfect cuddle buddy, and would always go to sleep with you trapped in her embrace. If she wakes up before you (which is often), she'd rouse you from your deep slumber with her affectionate kisses.
She's fine with you spending time with other people, but if you're away for too long, she'll start to get worried and may go looking for you herself like a mother searching for her lost child.
Nilou would later make a small personalised headdress for you with lotus patterns sown on the cloth. A soft giggle slips past her lips as she puts it on you, and when you twirl around to show it off, she claps whilst cheering you on. You're her precious little lotus, and Nilou swears that she'll never give you up to anyone even when her own life is on the line.
Collei is the one who found you being chased by a horde of mutated mushrooms in Avidya Forest, and manages to save you from becoming monster chow. However, she's unable to care for you properly because of her affliction and leaves you in Tighnari's care.
Tighnari immediately recognises you as a seelie because he has seen a different coloured one following Aether around before, and he's quite happy to take you in. Although his expertise lies in botany, he's interested in learning more about your kind, unaware that you're originally a human the isekai god gave the crappiest luck to. He would later put a yellow flower accessory on you - the same one that he wears - so that the other rangers will know not to chase you out if they see you.
On one particular morning, he woke up to find you all nestled up in his fluffy tail. He didn't want to rouse you from your sleep but since he has work to do, he ended up curling his tail around you and got ready as quietly as he could. Tighnari would even let you sit in between his ears if you're tired, and when he's in a playful mood, he'd pretend that you're one of his Vijnana-Phala mines and try to sniff you; though the last time he did that, he got headbutted in the nose.
You'd sometimes come home balancing a basket of nilotpala lotuses on your head which you then gift to him. He would always accept them with a smile and if he's feeling particularly affectionate, he may reciprocate your gesture with a chaste kiss. The way you'd melt into a seelie puddle after receiving a kiss from him never fails to make him laugh.
Tighnari would spend time with you whenever he can. He'd take you out with him on his patrols and tell you all about the flora and fauna of Sumeru, as if he knows that you could understand him. If the two of you happen upon an area that is abundant in Sumeru roses, he'd sit down and weave a small flower crown out of them just for you.
He likes seeing you get along with Collei and the other rangers, and would entrust you to them whenever he has to deal with a Withering zone. He'd give the ranger tasked with taking care of you a complete guide on how to care for seelies before leaving; he has to make sure that you'll be in good hands.
Tighnari would often remind you to not mess around with his Vijnana-Phala mines. The hallucinations they induce might have a great negative effect on you, so safety first! Your curiosity got the better of you however, and you accidentally caused one of his mines to explode on you while he was out surveying an area in the forest. Imagine his surprise when he returned to discover that you had become a seelie puddle on the floor of his room, with a familiar green mist surrounding you. Letting out a muted sigh, he proceeded to sober you up by flicking what he assumed is your forehead multiple times.
Taglist: @coco-goat-milk @m3gitsune @melkxsh @irethepotato @frostines-blog @xxhome-is-where-ria-isxx @crunchy-princeles @mizukisfanpage @nanamisflowerfield @dulcetamore @myevergarden @flowwerpot @sunlightocean @bloopthebat
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reallyromealone · 2 months
Title: ducky
Fandom: hazbin hotel
Pairing: Lucifer x reader
Warnings: reader is Jessica rabbit coded, make reader, sexual themes, reader hates Valentino, softcore nsfw, crack treated seriously, Lucifer is a simp, reader cross dresses, reader wears lipstick, the word daddy
Notes: the amount of rewrites boy howdy
After every show, (name) had gifts waiting from fans.
Flowers, expensive jewelry and other things were always there but one thing always stuck out to him, an adorable rubber duck dressed like him, wearing an adorable version of the show he did previously. Todays was his pink dress, the jazz singer loved cross dressing and it seemed his admirer noticed every detail of his outfits... It had him swooning! "Oh the note!" He said looking for the rose gold paper with black ink, another joke that was corny and wishing him a good day... Oh he was so wonderful!
It was the best part of his day, really it was.
Before this, his eternity was always so drab... Singing his songs and nothing of interest happening.
"It's time" one of his security guards said seriously and (name) nodded, placing the duck in his suit pocket before leaving with the men and out the back area of the club where the limo was waiting for him.
Not before catching eyes with the one person be despised and was sadly obsessed with him, Valentino smirked as he stepped out of the limo across the street as (name) got into his own faster, not wanting to deal with him especially after a performance. He couldn't stand that moth! The demon had been obsessed with (name) for years along with his little picture box friend, he remembered when they sent him molds of their erections! Disgusting!
(Name) Made sure his driver left faster, not wanting to deal with that man any more than he needed to.
"Your father requested your presence" the driver said to (name) who looked passive "what for?" He asked as a smile found its way in his face as the driver explained about some project the demon was partaking in and wanted (name)s help, the jazz demon excited to see what was taking all his father's time these days "then let's go see, shall we?"
(Name) Was not expecting some hotel on the edge of town "Hazbin hotel?" He mumbled curiously as he walked into the hotel, his driver going on his break and (name) wasn't expecting his father to be arguing with a small blond man "papa?" He asked with a passive Expression, where Alastor smiled (name) kept passive "(name)! There you are!" Alastor said dismissing the other immediately to walk to his son "how was your show little one?" He asked his son who let out a soft huff, amused "it was quite well, what's this shindig?" He gestured to the group of people and his dad grinned.
"I have someone for you to meet"
Everyone knew who (name) was, he was on every billboard across pentagram city and Angel dust knew how obsessed Vox and Valentino were with him, throwing tantrums whenever their wooing attempts went south.
But what they didn't know was that (name) was Alastors son.
"Wait son?! Sinners can't procreate?" Charlie asked curiously as Alastor laughed robotically "he was my son when I was alive, sadly I died when he was little--"'--and I was raised by grandma!" (Name) Continued and they were curious on how (name) was in hell but decided not to prod on that and now that they looked at them, they could see the resemblances.
Height being a main one, (name) just a bit shorter than his dad.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all, now why am I here?" He asked his father curiously and the radio demon grinned wider "well you see, we need someone to notice this place and what better than the most popular jazz singer in this place!" Alastor said merrily and (name) raised an eyebrow but sighed "I will on a condition" Charlie was vibrating with excitement as she nodded "whatever you want!"
"I'm looking for someone, I don't know who they are but I have a few clues" (name) pulled out the notes and the duck from his pockets "this person botherin' ya?" Husk asked suspiciously and (name) shook his head "quite the opposite actually!" Charlie and Alastor looked at each other and then the rubber duck in realization as Lucifer looked increasingly uncomfortable.
"Dad, is that your duck?" (Name) Drew his attention to the now panicking fallen angel who looked back at (name) stressed out "I think we should talk" (name) said to the blond man who followed nervously, the two going off somewhere as everyone processed what just happened.
"I can expla--" (name) stopped him with a kiss, gently holding Lucifer's face and his thumbs stroking his cheekbones before pulling back "I uh, I don't understand?" Lucifer said dumbly and (name) grinned "I never got a chance to tell you how my day was, awful rude doll~" he whispered to Lucifer and smiled at the smudged red lipstick from his performance on Lucifer's lips "s-so does this mean...?"
"Oh darling, I'm not gonna let you go... But I gotta ask, what's your name? Or should I just call you ducky?" (Name) Teased the other who looked incredibly flustered "maybe baby? Or daddy?" He teased and Lucifer was deeply confused at how this walking sex symbol was related to fucking Alastor but the kiss he was being pulled back into made him forget it all.
"They have been there awfully long" Charlie fretted and Angel dust snorted "he's related to smiles over there, god knows what's happening"
"I'm gonna check on them" she said nervously and Alastor followed, fatherly instincts kicking in as they went to the room the two wandered off too, hearing gasps and grunts and the sound of something knocking over. In a panic Charlie opened the door and Angel dust couldn't hold his laughter at Alastor and Charlie's horrified faces at the scene before them.
(Name) On-top of Lucifer with his suit half off his body and Lucifer was no better with an exposed chest and unbuttoned pants connected to (names) full lack of pants, Lucifer sporting Hickey's and red lipstick all over his body.
"DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!" Lucifer was exasperated as the two quickly put themselves together and Charlie was traumatized at the fact she saw her dad... Like that.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 8 months
I got an ask for a Bully Sukuna x Reader, and while I AM ACTIVELY WORKING ON IT its got me thinking so many thoughtsssss.
I'm thinking about Bully! Sukuna, that made thirteen years of your life miserable. Who had a habit of alway pushing you around, and calling you thr cruelest names, and scaring away any potential romantic partner you had ever had.
Bully Sukuna that you started to develop reluctant feelings for at some point. Wires crossing in your brain and finding some version of control in pretending he covted you- not hated you. You imagined what the world would be like of he used his natural charisma and imposing figure for good rather than evil. If his strong arms protected you rather than hurt you.
Bully Sukuna, who you're unbelievably relieved to get away from after graduation, and absolutely devastated to find at college.
He corners you at a party, drunkenly eyeing you up. "You look good for once." His words are terrifying- because he's never said anything that nice to you before.
"Thanks." You grumble, trying to leave only for him to hold out an arm and stop you. He takes a second to finish off his drink before continuing.
"Where do you think you're going, loser?" He scoffs, haphazardly throwing his empty plastic cup behind him. Which- disrespectful- but you expect nothing less from him.
"Back to my dorm?" You mumbled sheepishly.
"Why? You should just come back to mine instead."
I'm thinking about Bully!Sukuna who always had a desperate crush on you. Who found your charming smile and dazzling eyes irresistible. Who only bullied you because he had no idea how else to get your attention- and bad attention was better than nothing.
Bully Sukuna who made your eyes water, just so he could imagine them later when he was fucking his hands. In his fantasy, they're tears of pleasure- not pain.
Okay, maybe a little bit of pain.
Bully Sukuna who's already drunk when you get to the party, filter long since discarded. Who with the social lubricant of alcohol in his veins actually finds it in him to openly thirst over you. A part of you hates it. A part of you loves it.
A part of you uses this revelation to finally take some control in this dynamic.
You're in his dorm, but you're on top of him. You're riding him for all he's worth, finally using his stupidly sculpted body for your pleasure. And he's crumbling under you, feeling the total bliss that being enveloped in you brings. Your chest fills with pride as he begs you to let him cum. Finally, you have some power here.
Bully Sukuna who won't stop texting you after your little rendezvous. Who wants so desperately to meet back up. And you, dear reader, who reads his texts and never responds. Who gets a little shot of serotonin when you remember the power is finally in your court. You meet up every once in awhile- enough to keep him addicted. But never enough to fully satisfy his need to be with you.
You're starting to wonder who's really the Bully here
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wonbin-truther · 1 month
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casual jaemin x afab! reader - 6.6k words warnings- smut, jaemin can't commit for shit, some jeno x reader, jaemin calls the reader a slut, drinking and smoking, oral (m and f), fingering, pet names (princess, pretty girl, babe), overstimulation, unprotected sex
"not that loser again," chaewon groans as she watches you check your pinging phone for the millionth time. you rolled your eyes at her as karina scoffed, "girl, he's for the streets. please just block him and move on. you're hot. you can pull someone new easily." you gave them a sad smile as you packed up your things, "i have to go." you sped walked into the parking lot where jaemin was leaning against his car. when he spotted your figure he got into his car and started up the engine. you opened the passenger seat and threw your bag into the backseat. "hey jaem," you settled into the passenger seat of the car. you were quick to notice the bright pink acrylic nail on the door. you sank down into the seat as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and sped off towards his house.
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"isn't that the girl you always fuck on the dorm couch?" jeno asked jaemin. he turned around and followed his gaze to your figure across the room. you were pressed up against the wall with a man in front of you. he recognized the 'fuck me' eyes you were giving the man as he was all too close to your lips. jeno patted his arm, "man, if you're jealous maybe you need to ask her out. "no, it's just casual."
casual is the word that rung in your ears since the day you met jaemin at a party for his frat. he had just fucked you dumb as the party echoed downstairs. your legs were shaky as you tried to get yourself decent, but as you looked over at him, you saw him throwing his shirt on casually. his eyes locked on yours before he left the room, "no attachments. remember, this is just casual."
obviously, the two of you had different versions of causal. casual to you wasn't this fancy dinner with his parents. they sat across from you as you sat next to jaemin. "honey are you okay?" his mom asked. you smiled and nodded the best you could with jaemins index and middle finger dragging along your walls under the table. "i-im fine. can i just excuse myself to the bathroom?" you asked. they nodded, concern filling there eyes as you fixed your dress and quickly ran off. "son, go check on her," his dad waved off jaemin who happily stood up and left behind you. that's how you ended up bent over his sink as he moved in and out of you. your moans were muffled by his hand over your mouth as he pounded repeatedly into you. for a moment, you forgot there was nothing casual about being fucked against the bathroom counter as his parents sat out there completely unaware. the thoughts were quickly pushed out by your incoming orgasm. jaemin fucked you through your release and then came inside of you. he waited for you to fix yourself up before leaving the bathroom. you stared at the makeup running down your face and the strands of your hair that stood up. "it's just casual." you reminded yourself.
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you were cuddled up to jaemin's chest as he played with your hair. nothing had happened; he just called you over and pulled you into his arms. "you're pretty," he said, kissing the top of your head. you smiled and looked up at him, "so are you." "we make quite an attractive duo, don't we," he left a soft kiss on your lips. no matter how sweet the lingering taste of his chapstick was, it wouldn't overpower the bitterness you felt as he left kisses on your lips as if it were nothing. he always did it. he would kiss you with the passion of 100 men or leave sweet kisses on your lips as though he were in love with you. you hated the soft kisses more than anything. with every feather like peck, you imagined the white picket fence house and two kids but were soon pulled down to reality.
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you were at yet another frat party with chaewon and karina. you hated them so much, especially after meeting jaemin. the reason why stood about 6 feet in front of you with his tongue down another girl's throat. "i'm surprised you haven't gotten mono yet," chaewon handed you a red solo cup filled with some mystery liquid. "you need to move on already. he's a bum," karina groaned. "he's nice," you could feel the tears brimming in your eyes. "do not cry over that loser," chaewon grabbed you harshly by the shoulders. "what you need to do is get some non diseased dick and show him what he's missing by playing around." you nodded, downed whatever was in the drink, and made your way through the crowd, knowing exactly who your target was going to be.
naturally you had met jeno within the first couple of weeks fucking around with jaemin. you knew jeno was attracted to you but had some kind of bro code going on. you were quick to find him sitting on the couch, smoking a blunt. you sat in the empty spot next to him, making sure to get as close as possible. he adjusted so that his arm was around you, pulling you into his side. "you saw him, didn't you?" he pressed the roll to your lips and you happily took a hit. "yea. it's nothing serious between us, so it's whatever." "so that's why you came to press on me? because it's whatever," he let out a low chuckle. you put your head on his shoulder, already feeling the weed mix with the alcohol in your system. "if he can go around with other girls then I can be with other guys. it's only fair," you pressed a kiss to jeno's jawline. "careful princess," his hand moved down to grip your waist as you continued to leave open mouth kisses and marks around his neck. he swiftly pulled you into his lap, so you were straddling him. you took a quick glance up and locked eyes with jaemin who looked like he was about to kill jeno. you gave him a smirk before you got up from jeno's lap, taking him by the hand and pulling him upstairs.
jeno watched from his spot on the bed as you cried into your hands. "i just want him to want me like i want him." you were pacing back and forth around the room. "yn that's how he is. did no one warn you?" he replied. "they did and i'm a dumbass for fucking around with that loser, but..." you let out a scream that you hoped was drowned out by the music downstairs. "you're in love with him," jeno laughed. you threw yourself face down onto the bed next to him, "i hope his dick breaks." jeno let out a louder laugh. "i hope so too. being his roommate is rough. maybe if it broke, he wouldn't have a girl over every night." "you're so not helping right now." you got up and gave a light punch to his arm. "if it makes you feel better he's never been as consistent as he is with you." you rolled your eyes and said, "Yeah, that makes me feel so much better. a new girl every night makes me feel a million times better." "just tell him you like him. trust me, he doesn't even know it yet, but he likes you back," jeno stood up and stretched. "i'll tell him we fucked if it makes you feel better." you stood up and followed behind him, grabbing his hand, "yeah we can tell him that."
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contact with jaemin after that night had been minimal. "don't tell me you're stressing over that dumbass," karina sighed loudly. you were sitting beside her, jumping at every notification. "i'm not," you lied right through your teeth. "i saw you and jeno go upstairs at the party. why not get one over on him and start fucking his friend?" she stood up from her seat next to you. "maybe. good luck on the test," you pulled up jeno's contact and sent him a quick 'jaemin there?' text.
you paced back and forth in jeno's room. "is this going to become a reoccurring thing?" he asked. jeno was sitting at his desk shirtless for whatever reason and doing what looked like calculus homework. "no but why won't he text me?" you punched him repeatedly on the back. he spun around, grabbing your hands, "he's jealous, that's why." as jeno said that, the door swung open. "hey bro, have you seen my-" the clear voice of jaemin was cut off mid-sentence when he saw the two of you. he quickly walked out of the room as you freed yourself from jeno's grasp. "well now he really thinks we're together," jeno said. you stood there frozen for a moment before throwing yourself onto jenos bed, kicking and screaming into the sheets, "he hates me!" "he doesn't. he's just jealous. he probably hates me, though."
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you rummaged around in your drawer, looking for the white lacy bra you had taken a liking to. "what the fuck, where is it?" you mumbled to yourself as you took out everything from your drawer. you sat on the floor with your back against the dresser, thinking back to where it could possibly be. if you could see your complexation right now, your face would probably be drained of color. you pushed yourself off the floor and made your way to your bed. you sat on the soft white sheets as you shakily picked up your phone. you stared at jaemin's contact.
hey jaemin ik we havent talked in a while and you're probably not too happy with me but do you have that white bra i really like
as soon as you sent the text, you practically threw your phone to the other side of the room. it took 15 minutes for a notification ping to come from your phone.
i think so. come over
you couldn't fight the smile forming on your face as you got up, grabbed your bag, and rushed out of the house.
you knew the directions to jaemin's frat house better than you knew your way around your childhood home. you rang the doorbell and bounced on your heels as you waited for someone to answer the door. you were met with the face of mark lee. "dude it's been so long," he said as he pulled you in for a hug. you returned the hug with a huge smile on your face, "it really has." out of everyone in the frat, mark had always been your favorite. you two became close through your late night cravings when you stayed the night with jaemin. mark was always up late, strumming his guitar in the living room as you made ramen. you would listen to him play, eventually growing into you eating in the living room as he told you stories about Canada and explained the meanings of each song he played on his guitar. "Is that yn?" another voice piped up. you pulled away from mark to look in the direction but were engulfed in another hug. you could recognize from the grasp the man had on you that it was haechan. he was another member of the frat you had a natural gravitation to. he had been your lab partner in your first year biology class but quickly became a close friend due to the amount of time you spent around the frat. mark and haechan were also the first to warn you about jaemin. you pulled away as he asked, "why are you here?" "why do you think?" you sighed out as you walked farther into the house. mark nodded, "figured. he's in his room." "I could treat you better. you need to leave him already," haechan whined. you just laughed as you walked up the stairs to his room.
you knocked on the door and pushed it open, not waiting for a response. jaemin was sitting on his bed but stood up when you walked in and said, "it's in the top drawer." you went over and opened it. it was the first thing at the top, along with a lipgloss you knew wasn't yours. you sighed as you picked up the bra and closed the drawer. you turned around and dropped the bra, nearly jumping back at the sight of jaemin so close to you. you tried to take a step back but bumped into the dresser. he held your chin with his thumb and index finger and lifted your head up until your eyes met his. "so jeno huh?" he smirked. you wanted nothing but to kiss the smug look off of his face, but you stayed strong, just nodding. "i'm not yours, jaemin," you moved away from his grasp and tried to move aside but he trapped you with his arms. "oh yea?" "yea. i was never yours to begin with."
jaemin moved some of your hair behind your ear. "you have quite the attitude now, princess." you could feel your resolve weakening with every inch he moved closer. all you could do was stare up at him. "no words now?" his nose was practically knocking into yours. you decided to close the gap, kissing him with as much force as you could muster. your hands found their way into his hair as his found their way to your hips. he picked you up and moved you to the bed, breaking the kiss. he was quick to move on top of you and pin your hands above you so you couldn't move. you squirmed in his grasp. "such a slut. fucking my friend and now wanting me?" he tsked. his kisses trailed down your neck to your collarbone. you let out whimpers and moans as he left love bites and hickeys all over. "jaem the door," you tried your best to free yourself of his grasp but his grip only got tighter. "what? don't want jeno to see how good I can fuck you?" he let go of your wrists so he could take off your top and bra. he was quick to rid himself of his own shirt. "gonna be a good girl?" he asked, leaving a soft kiss on your lips.
the kiss left you unable to speak, only nodding and staring at him. "use your words pretty girl," he tapped your cheek lightly. "gonna be a good girl," you whimpered out. his hands had found their way into your pants and his fingers were hovering over the wet patch on your panties. "does jeno get you this worked up," jaemin's fingers moved the thin material out of the way and slipped into you. "only you," you threw your head out as he moved in and out. he could feel the way you were clenching around him as he hit the gummy spot inside you with his index and middle finger. jaemin knew your body better than you knew your own so he could tell from the way you clenched around him you were close to your orgasm. he pulled his fingers out of you and you stared at him wide-eyed. "dont you think you deserve some punishment for being a slut? fucking my best friend and then coming back here. what would jeno think, pretty girl?" he pulled off your bottoms and moved down so that he was eye to eye with your clit. "jaem please," you whined as he kissed the inside of your thighs."have patience, princess," he said as he kissed your wet clit.
he flicked the bundle of nerves with his tongue as he started to suck and lick at it. jaemin always ate you out like a starved man. at first, you had been hesitant to let him after the bad experiences you had with your ex boyfriend but jaemin was quick to reassure you. you could feel your release coming quick again and you were a little embarrassed. you realized he was under the impression jeno had fucked you but in reality you hadn't been with another person since the last time you were with jaemin, which was around a month now.  "close," you managed to get out, pulling at his hair and arching your back. "let go, princess. i got you," he pulled away for a moment to say but quickly got back to work. with those words, you allowed yourself to release all on his tongue. He continued to kiss and lick at your clit, overstimulating you. you pulled at his hair as you begged him to stop. it fell upon deaf ears as he continued to eat you out. jaemin knew if you really meant it, you would call out the safe word you two had made up around your second meeting. he continued to eat you out through your second release. he pulled away and made his way to your lips.
you pulled off his pants and boxers. "ready to repay the favor?" jaemin asked and sat on the edge of the bed. you nodded and rushed to your feet, only to drop to your knees in front of him. he tapped your lips with his cock in his hand and you happily opened up, taking his tip into your mouth. you could already taste the salty precum as you took more and more of him into your mouth. he threw his head back and let out low groans as you moved your head up and down his length. jaemin was never shy about the noises he made. it was another shock you got after being with him for the first time. he grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed your head down until you took in all of him. you gagged and dug your nails into his thighs as your throat adjusted to him. he waited a second before using the grip on you hair to move you again. you closed your eyes and focused on not gaging as he continued to use you. "eyes open, princess," he said between groans. you opened your eyes and stared up at him. the sight alone had him faltering in his grasp, allowing you to move on your own again. he came down your throat, and you pulled off him with a pop.
you climbed back onto the bed and laid down. jaemin moved on top of you and lined himself up, "ready? he never asked before he fucked you, so you hesitated a little before nodding. "we don't have to. i mean you can leave now if you want," jaemin was fumbling over his words as he rushed to get off of you. "please just fuck me already," you said, grabbing his hand. he smiled and kissed your nose, moving on top of you again and thrusting into you. he bottomed out and waited for you to adjust to him. you nodded, and he started to move. your nails dug into his back, and he lifted your legs to allow himself to move deeper into you. "jeno didn't fuck you this good huh, princess?" he said as he quickened his pace. "no one like you, jaem," you babbled out. you continued to babble his name as though it was the only word you knew. he hit your g-spot repeatedly, making you clench around him. your release hit you line a train, shaking and clenching around him. he was quickly behind you, opting to let out inside of you. he collapsed onto the empty spot next to you as both of you caught your breath. after a few minutes of silence, he broke it, "you should leave before jeno gets here."
"and I didn't even get my stupid bra I hate him," you screamed from your bed. karina sat on her bed across from you and chaewon was on the desk chair. "i cant believe you," chaewon groaned. "he's never made me leave right after sex before. what does he think i am? a piece of meat?" you cried. "yes!" the two yelled in unison. "you need to ignore him. block him on everything. he's no good for you," karina tossed her pillow at you. "i can't" you watched as the pillow dropped right in front of your bed. "give me ill do it," chaewon walked over to you and held her hand out. maybe a jaemin cleanse is what you need. you put your phone into her hand and fell back onto your bed. when she handed you the phone back, his number had been deleted, and any trace of him in your life was gone.
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"she blocked me," jaemin yelled out. everyone around the table looked up at him. "which one?" chenle asked. there was some snickers from the other guys. "i'm not some common whore; what do you mean, which one," jaemin glared at the younger boy. jeno started laughing, hitting the table as he nearly choked on his food. jaemin switched his glare from chenle to jeno, "anyways. yn blocked me." "it's about time," haechan clapped. "it was bound to happen," jisung patted jaemin on the back. "you're all my biggest haters. i've done nothing wrong," jaemin went to check your instagram and noticed he was also blocked there.
"dude i mean you have led her on for a while now. girls are always blocking you, so why does it matter," mark asked. "it's different," jaemin sighed and placed his phone down. "how is it different?" the older male asked. "it just is." "so you like her?" jisung asked from beside him. "what happened?" renjun walked into the room, sitting on the other side of jaemin. "his crush blocked him," haechan responded. "oh yn?" renjun turned to jaemin who groaned and buried his head in his hands. "well dude, you fumbled, so now you need to find a way to get her back," chenle said as he stood up, excusing himself from the room.
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it was hard to avoid jaemin when it seemed like he was everywhere you went. "he's doing it on purpose. just ignore him," chaewon said as she picked at her sandwich. "im trying, but it's hard when he's literally everywhere." the nerves from trying to avoid jaemin all day had severely affected your appetite. any glimpse of him had you feeling nauseous from anxiety. "think with your brain, not your pussy," karina scolded you. "what if i gave him one last chance," you whined. "be serious. he's been on his last chance for 10 chances now," karina hit you in the back of the head. "what good does he serve you anyway? and dont mention his dick," chaewon's question made you think for a moment. "see nothing," the black haired girl said. "he's nice to me," you pouted. "no he's nice to your vagina." "i need air," you said, standing up and walking out the cafeteria doors.
the school's campus had a lot of greenery. you always loved walks around the campus because of it. however you had no time to enjoy it as an all-too-familiar person walked up to you. you tried to walk faster, but he grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place. "please just talk to me," jaemin begged. you were about to give in, but decided it was finally time to stand your ground to the man, "let me go." "please. i didnt do anything wrong; please talk to me," jaemin begged. the sentence made your anger completely wash over you. "you didn't do anything wrong?" you laughed. "you never do anything wrong. leading me on for months is completely fine. so is treating me like your girlfriend and then telling me there's nothing serious between us? oh also fucking other girls but getting mad at me for even talking to another guy is completely okay too." "you had sex with jeno and i didn't say anything," jaemin tried to rebuttal, but you just scoffed at him. "i didn't. i didn't have sex with anyone. i went to that room and complained about you the whole time because i like you, jaemin. i've liked you since the moment i met you. but you're too much of an idiot to even realize what's going on in front of you. i'm done with your games, jaemin and i'm done being just another body," you turned on your heel and sped away from him. jaemin stood frozen in his place. the only thought that ran through his brain was that he fucked up big time.
you sat on your bed, crying into your hands. you sobbed from the anger you felt. his words echoed in your head. did he seriously think he did nothing wrong? did he really think screwing with your feelings was okay? you also sobbed from the sadness of it all. you missed him. you missed sitting on his bed as he helped you with chemistry homework. you missed the late night talks about the future and your lives, but the memories were overtaken by the anger of how you were just another girl to him.
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"why did you tell me you two had sex?" jaemin yelled at jeno who was seated on his own bed. "i didn't tell you shit. you jumped to that conclusion on your own. all i said was, i went upstairs with her," jeno watched the brown haired man pace around the room, the scene all too familiar from the last time you were over to talk to jeno. "i'm such an asshole," jaemin groaned. "glad you've realized," jeno said, standing up and patting jaemin on the back. "it's going to take a while, but she'll come around. just don't screw it up in the meantime. which means stop fucking random girls every night." jaemin nodded in response. "i have class, but i'll try to talk to her after," and with that final word, jaemin was now alone in the shared bedroom. he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. he definitely fucked up big time.
"babe whats wrong?" karina had walked into the room and was met with your figure bundled in layers of blankets and crying. "maybe i messed up," you wiped your eyes and moved over so she could sit on the edge of the bed. "messed up what?" she pushed some of the hair from in front of your face back. "with jaemin. i think i messed up," you cried harder as you told her what happened on the walk. she let out a soft sigh and pulled you into a hug, "listen. me and chae might give you shit about him, but if you're sitting here sobbing over him, then maybe there's things we don't know. if you like him this much then go for it. we'll support you." you sobbed into her shoulder and clung to her. "wanna go get ice cream from the cafeteria?" she asked. you pulled away and nodded.
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it had been a week without contact with jaemin. to say it was hard on you was an understatement. you felt too embarrassed to unblock him and dm him like a normal person but every time you saw him in the cafeteria, you would feel a pull to talk to him. however whenever you started making your way over, he would walk away as if he had a fifth sense for your presence. "don't look now," chenle nudged jaemin at the table. jaemin looked up from his phone slightly and was met with you laughing with your friends at the table across from his. he didn't say anything and just looked back down at his phone. "she still has you blocked?" haechan asked. jaemin chose not to respond. the answer was already clear. haechan just groaned, "why can't you two just make up already?" I miss having her around." "no you miss someone doing the dishes," jeno sat down next to jaemin. "listen you just need to talk to her," jeno said. "i can't. she blocked my number and my instagram. how am i supposed to talk to her," jaemin put his phone down and put his head in his hands. "like a normal person. just walk up to her," mark chimed in. all jaemin could do was let out a groan and put his head down on the table.
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it had now been a month since you cut jaemin out of your life. after that first week of regret, you started feeling better and better. you felt less on edge as the days went on. that's probably how you ended up at a frat party with chaewon and karina, who disappeared within the first few seconds. haechan had found you a few minutes into standing against a wall and pulled you into the kitchen, where the makeshift bar was set up. it had started with haechan making you do one shot with him. then mark walked in and you did one with the three of them. by the time you knew it, you had lost count of how much was in your system. you were stumbling around until you bumped into someone's broad chest. you looked up, and your eyes started to glaze over as your gaze met jaemins. you felt a tear slip down your cheek as the shocked look on his face only grew. you tried to get an apology out and move away from him but nothing came out. you tried to move back but stumbled over your feet. a strong arm wrapped around your waist, and a soft sigh was let out, "lets get you upstairs."
you were situated on jaemin's bed as he rummaged around for spare clothes for you. he pulled out an old t-shirt and pajama pants and laid them down next to you. "i'll turn around and close my eyes," jaemin said, facing the wall and shut his eyes, as to respect your privacy. it was a little ironic seeing as how many times jaemin saw you in your natural state. there was some rustling before you spoke up in a hushed tone, "can you help, please?" the quietness of your voice was something jaemin had never heard before. if it weren't for the silence of the room and the door drowning out the party downstairs, he would have never heard you. he turned around knelt on the floor in front of you. he slipped off your shoes and placed them on the floor next to the bed. he then undid your pants and slid them off you, replacing them with the pajama pants. he stood up and smiled as you lifted your arms up for him. he was quick to replace your disregarded shirt with the new one. as he folded the clothes and set them on the dresser, you spoke up again, "please dont leave me." your voice was shaky, and it broke jaemin to a million pieces to hear you so torn down because of him. "are you sure?" he turned to face you. "i need you to stay," a tear slipped down your cheek. he moved to pull you into a tight hug as you sobbed into his chest. you had fistfuls of his shirt as he stroked your hair, "i'm not going to leave, princess. not again. i promise." he whispered to you. eventually the sobs got quieter, and your breathing evened out. he laid you down on the bed, covering you with the cover. he was about to get up and move to jeno's bed until he realized you still had a handful of his shirt. so there he lay in his jeans and t-shirt with you cuddled into his chest and his arms wrapped around you as if you would fade to dust at any moment.
you woke up with a throbbing headache, but that was the least of your worries after you tried to shift around but couldn't move. you were too scared to open your eyes but you found the courage after you realized your arm was falling asleep. the first thing you saw was a chest. you followed it up and saw jaemin's sleeping face. you tensed up for a bit and quickly scanned your body, but you found yourself completely dressed. you relaxed, trying not to wake him up as you slowly wiggled out of his arms. his grip only gor tighter as his eyes fluttered open. he had a soft, peaceful look on his face as he tried to adjust to his surroundings. once he realized what was going on, he practically jumped out of bed. "i'm so sorry. i meant to sleep in jeno's bed i forgot," the apologies stumbled out of his mouth as you sat up and let out a laugh. "it's alright. we didn't do anything, right?" "no. of course not. you were drunk," jaemin ran his hand through his hair and began to fidget with his fingers. "we need to talk," you two both said at the same time.
"you first. i probably did enough talking last night," you could feel how sore your eyes were and assumed you had been crying, which also took you to the conclusion you let something spill. "yea you did and i'm sorry for being such an asshole. if you dont want to forgive me it's okay but i'm so sorry. you're the best thing to happen to me and i don't know how i fucked it up so bad," jaemin sat on the bed in front of you. "i forgave you a long time ago," you cupped jaemins cheeks in your hands, wiping the tears he didn't even know where coming out. "i'm so serious about you this time. please just give me another chance. ill treat you how you should be treated," jaemin put his forehead against yours. "and how should i be treated?" you asked. "like a work of art," jaemin's lips were ghosting over yours. "well show me how serious you are," you closed the space between you two.
the kiss was gentle, unlike all the others you two had shared. this one was slow, and nothing felt rushed. you could taste the fading vanilla of his chapstick as his lips moved rhythmically against yours. you pulled away but moved back with your arms wrapped around his neck. you pushed him back, and his hands met your waist. he pulled away, "we don't have to." "i want to," you said, moving on top of him to straddle him. "you sure?" "i've never been more sure in my life." he locked your lips again as his hands moved underneath your shirt. you broke the kiss so he could lift it over your head. he flipped the two of you over, taking off his shirt and then fumbling with your bra. he left open mouth kisses down your neck and towards your chest. he pulled away, "you're so beautiful." you could feel the heat rising up your face. this wasn't the first time he'd called you beautiful, but somehow it felt different. "i love you," the words slipped off your tongue as if it was a natural statement. jaemin smiled and kissed your forehead, "love you too." you smiled and started to pull at the button on his jeans. he helped you take them off along with his boxers and then took off your own pants and underwear.
he pecked your lips before sliding into you. the two of you let out matching groans as you fluttered around him. although you had told everyone you moved on from jaemin in the month the two of you weren't together, you found it hard to have sex without thinking of him so the stretch felt almost unnatural. you dug your nails into his back, eliciting another loud groan from him. "you can move," you said. he nodded and started to rock back and forth. he kept a gentle rhythmic pace. it was different from all the other times when he would drill into you with no care, moving hard and unsteady, just looking to chase his own high. he kissed you again, and he moved a little faster when you started to squeeze around him. you kissed him back, moaning into the kiss. you were close and he knew that. his hand traveled downward, rubbing circles into your clit with the pad of his thumb. you were first to come, leaving a white ring around his cock. he fucked you through the orgasm, pulling out and coming on your stomach when he felt it hit him.
he stood up, throwing on sweats and walked out. you threw your head back and sighed, thinking this was the same as all the other times you had been with jaemin. you were about to get up and gather your things when jaemin walked back in with a towel. he gave you a confused look and went over onto the bed. "lay back down. i got you," he said, cleaning you off with the towel as you let your head fall back onto the pillow. "i thought you were going to leave or kick me out like you always do," you were quiet, and jaemin could sense the sadness in your voice. "i told you yn. i'm serious about you. i want this to work," he threw the towel into his laundry bin and found an oversized shirt for you. he slipped it onto you and then laid next to you. you were hesitant to move closer to him, but he pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head. "i want you to trust me. i know i haven't been that trustworthy for a while but i need you to believe me." you looked up at him with a small smile on your face, "i trust you. i've trusted you for so long already." 
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 you sat on your bed, recounting the events to karina and chaewon. both of them were speechless by the end of it. "so what happened after?" chaewon broke the silence. "we took a nap and when we woke up we had a talk on how we wanted to take things slow," you were giggling and kicking your feet on the bed. "even if we dont like jaemin that much we support you. this is the first time i've seen you come back from a hookup with that man with the weird post sex glow," karina said, making chaewon nod. "how do i usually look," you tilted your head, staring at the two across the room.  after a moment of thinking chaewon responded, "like a bus hit you." you were about to argue with her until your phone lit up. you were quick to pick it up, seeing it was a text from jaemin. 
meet you in the park in 10?
you were quick to text back 
yea see you there
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the days flew by and soon enough, they became weeks. you were walking hand in hand with jaemin around the dimly lit campus. he suddenly paused, making you stop and turn towards him with confusion written all over your face. "be my girlfriend," he was practically yelling from nerves. "jaem quiet; it's nighttime," you scolded him, your voice hushed. you then processed what he had asked you, "wait what?" "be my girlfriend," he repeated. you tackled him into a hug, kissing all over his face. he caught you in his arms, stumbling back a little, "is that a yes?" you nodded and left a kiss on his lips, which he happily returned. so much for being casual.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Could I request Argenti, Sunday, Sampo, and Gepard finding out their s/o made different plushies of them to cuddle?
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This poor guy is blushing to the high heavens upon meeting his plush counterpart that bore a cute yet stoic expression.
The lil guy was no bigger than your hand.
‘There isn’t more of them is there?’ He’d ask and you smiled as you then proceeded to show him the countless others that you’ve made in your spare time.
The poor man was even more flustered than before if that was even possible to begin with. I mean you even made one where he’s holding a cute -but dead- potted plant while pouting!
Despite how flustered he may seem upon seeing himself in cute plushy form, he was really impressed with how good they came out and found the attention to detail you had amazing because it meant everything he’s ever told you was incorporated into each and every plush with love and affection.
‘I’m just curious, what made you want to make these plushies?’ He’d ask and when you told him it was to cuddle something while he was away doing his job.
He feels guilty for not spending as much time as he’d like with you because he throughly enjoys being with you and becomes visibly upset when is needed elsewhere, but he’s never been one to not uphold duty. ‘I’ll do better next time.’ He’d tell you.
You put your hands on his shoulders. ‘You already are doing better Gepard, I know how important this job is for you and I’m not going to ask you to choose between me or your job, that’s cruel of me as your partner to make you chose between two things you love with all your heart.’ You tell him as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling it grow warm under your lips.
‘But nothing.’ You cut him off. ‘I’ll always be here waiting for you and bedsides,’ you lifted the plush!Gepard, smiling when you saw the blonde blush. ‘I’ll always have you close by in plush form to love on and cuddle with.’ You added cheekily as Gepard held you close and burrowed his face into your neck, cuasing you to laugh at his cuteness.
Is utterly in love with us plush counterpart and appraise your attention to detail made to the plush also, from his pretty eyes, cherry red hair and so forth.
Asks you if there’s more plushies that you’ve made of him while kissing your hands in thanks for their creativity and skill.
You of course said yes.
‘You have a true talent here my beloved flower,’ Argenti praises as he holds the plush of him gently in his hands. ‘This is truly magnificent.’
Your flustered at this point from all of his genuine and sincere comments. ‘Oh they aren’t that great-‘
Argenti then looks at you with wide eyes. ‘Aren’t that great? My beloved rose, your plushies are beyond great! They are beautiful in their own right.’ The cherry haired knight says as he holds your face in his hands. ‘So please don’t doubt your capabilities when they are only just beginning to shine.’
Probably Alamo cried when you tell him the reason you made plush!Argenti was so you could still have something that reminds you of him to keep you company while he was away.
Finds it amusing and adorable as he watched you cuddle against the plush version of himself as though your life depended on it.
‘These are truly impressive my dear.’ He’d say as he looks upon the other plushies of him that you’ve made this far, all dressed in different attires and bore different expressions with deep interest before looking back at you. ‘Is there a reason behind them all? Revisiting an old habit perhaps in crocheting?’ He adds.
‘No, not really, I just wanted to make a plush that I could cuddle with when you’re away.’ You admitted truthfully and Sunday felt his heart melt at your sweet confession as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
‘I apologise for making you miss me and I apologise for the lack of time between us but I’m glad you found a way to compensate for my absence.’ Sunday says as he boops plush Sunday on the nose. ‘Though now I’m here, I’m sure our plush friend here can be relived from his duties for the night?’ He then adds and you blink at him.
Was he…was Sunday jealous of his plush counter part? How cute was that.
‘I’m sure he can take the night off.’ You obliged and set the plushie down on your desk and you joined Sunday in bed, cuddled up and quickly lulled by his bodily warmth into a comfortable sleep.
Can and will show off his little plush counter part to anyone and everyone within view and would listen to him for longer then five minutes.
But imagine his surprise when he finds out that you have other variations of him, his ego skyrockets to unfathomable heights!
‘You must be super in love with me to make a plush of me! How embarrassing!’ Sampo says.
‘Sampo we’ve been dating for a while now.’ You replied with a blank face.
Anyways Sampo loved the little plushies of him and would even take one with him when you weren’t looking to send you pictures of the adventures of plushie sampo through the entire day.
You couldn’t find it within yourself to get made at him for stealing your plushie because the pictures were too cute.
Hell you might even find him cuddle up to one of them if you were carful enough.
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ The Seven x Deadpool!Reader
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t/w: loooots of dark humour/jokes, reader is insensitive and an asshole since they're also a supe working at vought, your powers are the exact same as Deadpool (even the skin condition), mention about killing, death, gore, r-pe, n@zis?!?!, alcohol, some intimacy (?). Also reader is gn!!
ᯓ★ here's a version with the boys <3
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This man hates you so fking much
Has tried to kill you multiple times, he tried lasering you, tearing you in half and even throwing you into the sky but you just always manage to come back like the damn plague
Eventually he gives up trying to kill you and just had to deal with the fact you'll be kept alive... just temporarily though... he's still looking for ways to kill you
However, your powers gave you dozens of advantages when around Homelander.
He can be having a meeting about something serious and everyone would be listening to him due to their fear towards him, then there's you who'd be doing your own thing and just shout out unrelated things like "Donald Trump just blocked me on Twitter!! HAH!! SUCK IT CORNFLACKS!!"
Everyone turning to you with startled expressions while Homelander simply rolls his eyes before continuing his presentation.
You are a complete nightmare to the PR team, that's why for interviews or any events, you'll always be paired up with Homelander so he can keep you under control and stop you from saying weird shit that could ruin the company's image.
"So Deadpool, how does it feel being in the Seven working alongside Homelander? You've been working together for almost 3 years now" A reporter would ask as you two are surrounded by screaming fans.
"Like I'm in the twilight series, not because of the fantasy but because I'm still waiting for the part where he impregnates me—"
"O-kay! That's enough, just silly ol' Deadpool with those inside jokes"
"You can tell in this eyes that he wants to fuck me right now. HE'S GONNA FUCK ME!!" You shouted as you're being dragged away by him.
Obviously when you had found out about his relationship with Stormfront, especially her background, you had to say some shit about it. Not giving the slightest care about the fact he could be grieving over her death.
He'll be in his room standing in front of the window and you'd just storm in, being as loud as possible.
"I can't believe you dated a N@zi!! Is it because I'm Jewish?!" Which may or may not be true, nobody knows your origin.
He may hate your guts but if he ever needs someone to help him do some dirty work, you're the person for the job, you never ask why or how, which could be the only thing he likes about you.
"Y'know, maybe if you didn't have such a big mouth, you'd be tolerable"
"All the people I've slept with have said otherwise"
Compatibility? 50%
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Before she joined the Seven, she had an image of what kind of person you were, she just didn't know it was this worse.
When you found out she used to work at this Sunday School Church, you just haaaaad to say something about it.
"So like, you say that prayer always works, but every night I pray for my hair to grow and it never does. Do you think God has me blocked? How do I get unblock?"
You two surprisingly get along without one wanting to slice the other's throat, except sometimes the things you say can really piss her off. Which is why when the company assigned her a new costume, she was trying her hardest to avoid you, but you found out anyways.
"Holy shit Starlight! Nice costume, is this your Miley Cyrus breakthrough? Girl power!"
Insert her groaning out of annoyance.
Again, the second you discovered she was dating a guy behind the death of Translucent, you were heartbroken :(
"Of course this happens right when my therapist gives up on me!"
Despite your behaviour, you pitied her when it was revealed that she was taken advantage of by The Deep, so like any good friend, you took revenge by cooking his friend octopus and eating it happily in front of him.
"Revenge does taste sweet" You'd say happily while Starlight just watches by the side, both grateful and horrified at your actions.
In my opinion, you would definitely be the person she goes to once she starts working with the boys, you'll always be providing whatever information that happens in the company for her to use.
It helps her worry less about getting anyone killed 'cause you literally can't die.
Compatibility? 60%
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You're half the reason why she rethinks about her life choices when she wakes up in the morning
Not because you're a handful (which you are) but because you're always paired together on missions
"Deadpool! The hostages!"
"OKAY! God... you act just like my drunk uncle"
Which is a joke/nickname you like to address her by because of her alcoholism (yikes)
Whenever the company needs you for something, half of the time she's the one assigned to search for you.
There was this one time she caught you trying to have Anika track down Kanye West's location, nobody knows what shenanigans you were up to.
Another thing to mention was that you two were chosen by the company to sing a Christmas song for the year's Christmas ceremony.
Just imagine during the bridge of the song, she's singing normally while you're completely going off, your high note so high you were sure you had Mariah Carey a run for her money.
Even though she finds you a lot to deal with, you're actually her buddy to train with.
Since you're very skilled with Katanas, she likes to practice her swordsmanship with you.
You like to tease or make fun of her everytime she fails to strike you which is good motivation for her to get better. Maybe you guys bring out the best of each other?
Last thing I'd like to add is when she was found out by the public that she was a lesbian (She's bi but you get the running joke), you had gifted her a t-shirt that says, 'Biggest Dick in Town'
Compatibility? 80%
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Your human punching bag
If Vought was a high school instead of a company, you'd be the bully and he'd be the nerd getting stuffed inside the locker room.
For example, Homelander could be confronting Starlight about her relationship with Hughie and everyone would just start raising their voices til you come in yelling "SHUT UP!" to the Deep who had not said a single thing during the entire time.
Just imagine him staring at you like 😐
To be honest you also ate his friend octopus so you guys are actually never getting the chance to make up.
"Look dude, I don't appreciate your tone"
"I don't appreciate your haircut either but we can't all get what we want"
You may be a crazy person but you weren't going to be okay with the fact he violates every woman he sees, so not only did you cook the octopus but you also called in a male stripper disguised as a woman just for him to celebrate on his birthday.
Just imagine him all happy when you tell him the news and later that night he'll run inside your room, completely pissed off at your act after finding out but you just laughed and said.
"Happy April Fools 😚!"
"That's next month dipshit!"
Also, you never understood his weird fantasies. He has a thing for sea animals??You've caught him multiple times either flirting or getting off to one. It was concerning even for you.
"From how many animals you've fucked, you might just turn from the ocean's 'Seaman' to 'Semen'." You joked which he did not find funny.
Maybe you messing with him could just be your way of getting along with him since you're the same with everybody else, it's just he has more flaws to poke fun of and he's sensitive about them.
Compatibility? 5%
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He thinks you're fucked up in the head.
Half of the shit that comes out of your mouth just has him reacting like in the GIF
Buuuuuut you're the one he always brings to the club because you always know ways to give the party life.
You've somehow even got on the wall of fame, a lovely portrait of you with your hands making out a heart.
Also, you know about his business with Compound V waaaaay before anyone else did. He's still grateful you didn't tell anyone.
Just like everyone else, you also enjoy messing with him except he's fast and constantly avoiding you.
"Hey A-Train, how much do you wanna bet that I can die faster than you?"
"Dude... seriously?"
You guys rarely get sent on missions together because you're always slowing him down, not basing off the fact he's fast but because you get easily sidetracked with other things.
"Alright, we're here now, how much C4 do we use?"
"Fuck math! Let's use all of 'em!"
You ended up detonating all of the C4 on you before he could object the idea, he was able to run out in time, your action nearly getting him killed while you ended up dead.
But it's fine you'll just grow back.
You know that race he has against Shockwave? You'd be at the VIP section standing near where Homelander and Queen Maeve is, waving your huge banner that has a picture of A-Train's face and yours pasted over a figure carrying the other in bridal style.
Compatibility? 55%
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He makes people paranoid but you make him disgusted.
There was this one time he was bored so he snuck in your room to see what you were doing.
At first he was confused why you had so many cute plushies but then the more he explored your room, he realised your room is basically every collector's dream.
You even had a huge teddy bear in the corner of your dressing room.
The reason why he doesn't like to spy on you is because the last time he did, he saw you putting your hand in the blender, then proceeding to put your private part into it.
Never again, he thought, never again.
He doesn't need to witness you carry out your intrusive thoughts.
Surprising enough, you're close with his son, I'd like to think that after his death, you practically became the kid's godparent. Though you can be sort of a bad influence, leading up to how he is in Gen V.
You always tell him you hate kids but he thinks otherwise.
After all, he can read people well.
You guys like to pull pranks on each other since you guys like competing on who's more sneaky
There was this one time, you woke up to find your suit gone so you ended up walking around the building, completely naked and unfazed by people's stares.
It was when you walked around the corner that you found your suit worn by someone else, turns out it was Translucent under it.
"Why is it so fucking tight dude? How do you stay in this shit all day?"
"You get used to it"
Compatibility? 85%
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He doesn't mind your attitude because he actually can't say anything about it.
No seriously... he can't talk.
But hey he's got a good shoulder to cry on.
"I just... hffgh... I can't believe my album didn't surpass lady gaga's... She doesn't even know how to use Katanas like I do!" You'd let out a loud sob while he just stares at you for a while before placing a hand on your shoulder, patting you gently.
You know the scene where he's playing the piano for one of the company's party? You'll be laying down on top of it and singing in your usual overdramatic high pitched voice.
He finds your humour amusing so he always does this little head tilt like in the GIF when you say some weird shit while waiting for his response.
Since both of you are the only members of the Seven that wears a full body suit, obviously you had to try on his but since it was impossible to achieve that, you just had the company make a copy for you.
He'll be walking down the hallway doing his normal routine until he notises another person in his suit, the moment you speak and he realises its just you is when he let's his guard down.
"I just got some transplants done to my ass, that's why I look different"
You both are never sent on missions together 'cause you guys don't work well, pretty much nobody works well with him since he's the silent type.
Example, you two were hiding behind some crates ready to jump on the bad guys who were snucking in illegal drugs. He gestured for you to wait as he went to check again, only to turn back to see you gone.
"Marry Christmas motherfuckers!"
He heard your voice shout and he found you standing on top of the stacked crates, machine gun in hand and began shooting aimlessly.
He didn't even do anything but just watch until you ran out of bullets. However, multiple survived and began shooting at you so you ended running towards where he's hiding at.
"Yankee yankee!" You yelped.
You know the video of the two girls taking off their wigs to reveal that they're bald and they start bonding over it? I'd like to imagine that's you and Black Noir with the skin condition under the suits.
One more scenario I wanna add, you guys could be having a meeting but since you were bored and you always hated meetings, you'd draw a big heart on a piece of paper and show it to Black Noir from across the table. Surprisingly he'd draw a heart back to you.
You were overjoyed so you began to draw you and him doing it, doggy style. He stares at your doodle for a while before choosing to just focus on the meeting instead.
Compatibility? 90%
(This took a while cause I was on vacation)
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httpdollie · 9 months
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contents warning: nsfw/dark content, yandere and stalking, manipulation, manager! geto, perv! geto. Public sex, recording, breeding kink
18+ content, minors dni and ageless blogs will be blocked
nsfw taglist and requests are open
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Fanboy! Geto who is the most subtle and successful out of all the other fanboys
Fanboy! Geto has stanned you since predebut, he was infatuated with your y2k aesthetic especially how well you suited it
Fanboy! Geto who tells his friends he “only likes your music” and your group has good vocals but make a point to let his friends know you’re his bias
Fanboy! Geto who has a private account on twitter with zero followers he has just retweet all of ur pics and videos
Fanboy! Geto who watches all your vlogs, and has seen every season of your variety show, falling in love with you personality and weird humor but also cause he thought you were hot)
Fanboy! Geto who has every single version of your groups albums, selling all other pcs of your groups members/ trading them for your photocards
Fanboy! Geto who spends thousands and thousands of dollars on his addiction, not even caring because he feels like it was money well spent
Fanboy! Geto who attends every single concert and is front row with a mask and his hair in a bun, but never attends fanmeets up close, thinking the close proximity to you would make him too nervous to say anything
Fanboy! Geto who meets you in cafe purely on accident, you bumped into him, spilling your iced coffee all over him, profusely apologizing and offering to pay for his shirt and he reassured you on how it’s completely before he almost instinctively made an excuse to leave cause being near you made his heartbeat too fast, the interactions leaving him completely smitten over you
Fanboy! Geto who’s admiration for you completely changed after that meeting, sparking some thing inside him he never though he’d feel before, love, he was immediately enamoured
Fanboy! Geto who follows behind your car, just once, to make sure you get one safe
Fanboy! Geto who’s visits the cafes and food you recommend when you travel
Fanboy! Geto who always take double takes when he sees girls that look like you, then openly frowning at them when he realizes it’s not you
Fanboy! Geto who’s a delulu stan and felt like you were talking about him specifically when you were asked what your type is and you said “Guys with long dark hair,” after that he was sure you would love him like he did you
Fanboy! Geto who sends a love confession as fanmail but never signs it cause he thinks it’s his personal way of getting his feelings out so he can move on but can’t help but get annoyed whenever he overhears someone say they’re a big fan of yours
Fanboy! Geto was in so much distress when he found out your company was mistreating your group, especially for not ensuring your safety and not paying you, which lead to it disbanded shortly after
Fanboy! Geto who follows your social media’s closely, watching to see if you’re going to debut again because he’s been a loyal fan so long as wasn’t going to stop now
Fanboy! Geto who hates all other kpop groups because none of them are as good as yours in his eyes
Fanboy! Geto who has anonymously doxxed your anti’s before for sending hate/threats
Fanboy! Geto who worries for your safety cause you don’t have a company to protect you so he takes it upon himself to follow you home (from a distance, of course) saying he’s only making sure bad fans don’t hurt you… because you were his
Fanboy! Geto who calls in a couple favours to pull the new manager job for your trio debut once you announced what company you joined on twitter in the reply section of your profile…
Fanboy! Geto who acts super nonchalant about his job but he, gojo and nanami go absolutely crazy in their gc (that’s obviously on his personal phone not his business one)
Fanboy! Geto who’s so happy about the gap between fan and idol has closed, now your just his
Fanboy! Geto who intimidates people so he can push for your group to lean into being more sexy now that he can have a say
Fanboy! Geto who favours you in your trio but keeps it subtle by giving you gifts through the form of food and clothes and saying he’s just trying to take care of his star
Fanboy! Geto who never tell you about his obsession, no matter what
Fanboy! Geto who takes pics of you bending over in tiny little skirts, or pics of you leaning over with your chest pressed together and jerk’s off to them later
Fanboy! Geto who pushes for more sexy dances and for you to be the center, saying it’s for fan service and cause you’re the most popular but in reality he just wants to see you dance like a whore in skimpy clothes
Fanboy! Geto who compliments you everyday, his sweet yet nonchalant demeanour making your cheeks feel ablaze as his never ending comments making you practically swoon over him, just the way he wanted you to
Fanboy! Geto who loves your little crush on him, teasing you endlessly, watching you pout whenever he tells you he’s going out with someone (which is so obviously a lie but you believe it)
Fanboy! Geto who teases you when you two are alone about how cute and sexy you are, laying in your bed comfortably while you try on the new clothes he buys you and spinning around for him, not knowing he’s rubbing his cock under the blanket
Fanboy! Geto who has to practically go fuck his fist in the bathroom after you have dance practice, every single time
Fanboy! Geto who has gets you alone before asking you out, watching you get all nervous as he confronts you about your crush and he cock twitched when you confirmed you liked him, someone about how you had no idea what he did to get here, really turned him on right now, he loved your naïveté 
Fanboy! Geto who asks you out but says you have to keep it lowkey because your fans will get jealous.
Fanboy! Geto who’s so happy he worked hard to meet you cause you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him
Fanboy! Geto who’s into public play, and teases you under the table all the time, pushes you into bathrooms to play with you or gropes you from behind when people aren’t looking
“What would your fans think know their little songbird likes having her pussy stuffed with my cock all the time, mmh?” He whispered into your ear, slamming into your wet cunt from behind with your dress lifted over your ass. “Come on dove, use your words for me now.”
“Yes— ah fuck!” You say biting you lip trying to stifle you moan.
“Don’t hide that pretty smile baby, your on camera.” He said cheekily, slowing his thrusts but making them harder and harder with each one while he fucks you in front of his phone in the bathroom stall of a high end restaurant.
Fanboy! Geto who tells you all the time about how pretty you look when he fucks you on camera, sometimes watching it back with you while he plays with your pussy, trying to see how long it’ll take for you to become overstimulated
Fanboy! Geto who nearly cums in his pants when you tell him you wanna try it raw but he needs to pull out cause you’re not on birth control
Fanboy! Geto who’s so in love with you as you are him that you’d never suspected anything from him
“Aww come on, you look so fucked out already…” He teases, rubbing your over sensitive clit and watching you squirm while he watches you ride his cock, you movements slowing as your legs become weak. He grabs your ass, giving it a squeeze before he starts making his hips meet yours. He watches your face confront with pleasure before he switches positions with you, you now laying on the bed, but on your stomach. He pushes his thick tip inside you, teasing your hole before giving in, thrusting into you hard but slowly
“Fuck, you feel so tight!” He groaned as his paces quickens. “Want my cum in you? Huh say it pretty girl.” He continued his assault on your pussy, one hand on your hip and the other gripping hair. You babble incoherently you pathetically nod. Making him pull out completely . “Come one songbird, let’s hear you.” He coos at you.
“Need your cum in me please Sugu’…” You whine you, looking back at him. Feeling both his hands on your hips now, he rubs his cock along your puffy cunt, before slamming deep into you, making your toes curl.
All you can hear are your moans and whimpers along with the sound of skin smacking into each other. He gave you kisses along your back before he held you down, balls twitching has he emptied his load in you. Watching to squirm as he fills you up before slowly pulling out. Watching his cum leak out of your pussy.
“I think it’s time you guys had a hiatus anyways huh? We can have alone time?”
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© httpdollie 2023
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dior-and-dietcoke · 3 months
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starring! : mikey, sanzu, ran, rindō, kakucho, koko, takeomi
warnings! : 18+, actual corruption, reader smokes, petnames (good girl), drunk sex, anal sex, oral, really long
a/n! : This is an alternative to the first model!reader fic, this time with bonten (there's also gonna be a part two of this one)
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The guys did a lot of things
Drugs, murder, theft, gambling, more drugs and
Going to fashion shows.
It's mostly just to wind down and be social..plus the men are fashionable, it's just a thing that comes with being born in Tokyo. It became a ritual, whenever one of their favorite designers did a show and there was nothing important to do that other people couldn't do, they would check it out.
They'd sit in the front while photographers huddled the very front of the stage.
The haitanis and koko enjoyed these shows the most, especially the Versace, dior and dolce shows. Before every show started, they'd look through the small brochure they'd give out, showing the clothes and, of course, the models.
There was this one beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, elegant, fierce model that caught their eye everytime. They've seen her already many, many times, and that model was you.
Your legs, your walk, your hips, and your face. Your very presence made these cold men feel something again, admiration.
Sanzu was high as fuck at all the shows, having just done a few lines in the bathroom but no matter how dazed he was, he'd always took notice of you..being high made you somehow even more ethereal. You looked like an angel, like a holy vision.
"Oh..she's here again," Ran mentioned, reading the brochure, staring at the picture and tilting the thin pages to show his brother, rin immediately smiled before taking a drag of his cigarette.
The anticipation of you arriving on the runway was like foreplay, but when you appeared in skimpy clothes, showing off that sexy body of yours, walking with purpose and confidence made these men horny. Even mikey, he just liked that menacing aura around you, especially when you wore that heavy smokey cat eye that made your eyes look like daggers, ready to kill.
The men would notice the looks you'd give them, and only them. Sometimes, even sly and sexy smirks when you wouldn't be dead focused on the way in front of you. You recognized the men, of course you did. It's hard not to notice them. They were admittedly flashy and attractive men. You had no idea what horrible and dangerous men they actually were, though..
One fateful after party with your co worker's and fellow models, drinking champagne in a tight black mini dress, you spotted the men from the show at a table, smoking and drinking. Eyes set on you.
With your mind a little buzzed and feeling extra sexy, you thought you might excuse yourself and go outside for a smoke, but not before walking past their table and smiling at the two lilac haired men.
You were standing outside on your Louboutins, feeling the cold night air hit your hot skin. You heard the door open and sure enough..
It was the two men.
they were walking right up to you. as you put your cig between your glossy lips, they both held up lighters next to you. You eyed them up and felt a shiver up your spine. You smirked and leaned forward to let one of them light your cigarette.
"The show was fabulous tonight.." the taller one said before holding out his hand. "Ran." He introduced. "Rindou," the other followed.
A smirk crept up on your lips again before blowing smoke out of your lungs and you continued to tell the men your own name
"We know." Rindou said, with his hand and cigarette covering his mouth.
Not long after the little meeting, you went back inside and met the other men since the brothers invited you to the table.
As you all talked, you felt how the white hot stares of the men made you sweat and feel their lust radiating. You felt high, exchanging lustful looks with each of the men..
Koko was particularly interesting to you, the way he carried himself and his slightly feminine demeanor made you attracted to him.
Kakucho had that boyish and shy charm to him, takeomi was a hot older man and sanzu seemed like he'd be a crazy fuck.
You'd die to get tag teamed by the brothers.
Mikey had that mysterious and melancholic aura to him.
They were all sexy and you'd let yourself get whored out by them. You'd definitely meet these men again..
Luckily, the brothers gave you their numbers, saying, "Come by our Penthouse sometime, yeah?" Making you smile as you saw they already gave you the address. "We'll see.." you said teasingly before getting up and walking back to your friends.
One of your friends and Japanese model, sachiko, came up to you with a concerned look on her face. "Did you just talk with those men?" She asked, flipping her long black and shiny hair back.
"Yeah, why?" You asked with a raised eyebrow
She softly grabbed you by the shoulder, turning you around so the men were out of sight. "You don't know who they are?" She whispered, you shook your head and let out a quick laugh, "No, but I'm trying to" you responded, jokingly.
"You should stay away from them, I'm telling you..they're dangerous."
You just laughed again, thinking she was joking, or trying to get you away from some kind of players. but she didn't seem to smile or change her worried look. She was serious.
"I'll be careful." You smiled. Trying to calm her.
Sachiko let go of your shoulder. She didn't look like your words calmed her, but she knew you're an adult woman and could take care of yourself..
She couldn't do more than warn you and hope you listen to her words.
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A week afterwards, all the shows were done and you found the little note from the hot guys.
You were just done showering and took your phone out, it was 20:30.
You don't have anything to do right now, and you don't wanna sleep yet, so..
Maybe you'll be a little bitch and just show up without a warning..but no, for the first actual meeting you should call beforehand.
You picked up your phone and typed the number in. For the first time in years, you felt nervous to call someone..you felt like you were 14 again and you're about to call your high-school crush. It felt nice to feel like that again, but your hands were slightly shaking when you heard the phone ringing, waiting for someone to pick it up. Your heart raced and your body tensed up
"..yeah?" rindou picked up, and he sounded out of breath and his voice echoed
"Rindou, right?" You confirmed, and he went quiet for a second before he sensually chuckled
"Y'know, in Japan, if you don't know someone that well, you use their last name.." he smugly corrected you
You grinned. "Right, I'm sorry, Mr.Haitani." he went quiet again before-
"Good girl,"
Your body tensed up, and your blood ran hot. "How come you're calling so late?"
"You mentioned that you and your brother owned a club, I just wanted to know which one it was"
Not long after that call you dried your hair, did your makeup and picked out a sexy I.am.gia black mini dress with some miumiu heels. you grabbed your dior saddle bag and put on your jewlery as you adored yourself in the mirror, striked poses and kissed the mirror before you grabbed your keys and happily went out.
you hailed a cab and told the taxi driver to drive you to roppongi at the haitani club, the man then side eyed you and asked what a woman like you wanted at a club like that, you just laughed and didnt answer.
truly you didnt wanna know why every person was so on the fence about these people, you just wanted to have fun and maybe get some dick.
once the man dropped you off, you thanked him and handed him the money, as you stepped out he said "hey, be careful." before he drove off again.
as you set your eyes on the club, the building was gigantic, booming with music and bright flurescent purple lights. there was a line of people in front of the entrance. You did not have the nerve to wait THAT long to get into a club you didn't even know was worth the hassle.
but thankfully, a man with a lilac mullet and a cig in his mouth stepped out of the vip entrance. It was rindou. your eyes met, and his immediately widened as he choked on his cigarette smoke. He waved you over to him, and you skipped to him on your pretty heels, clacking against the smooth concrete.
he hugged you as a greeting and you smiled
"You.." he chuckled, slightly embarrassed biting his bottom lip."You look amazing." he complimented, eying you up and down as if he was ready to just pull you into the club and eat you up
..or out.
he looked at the bouncer and grabbed your hand. "She's with us," he mentioned, to which he nodded. "Yes, sir"
rin motioned his head for you to head inside with a playful smirk while he kept holding your hand.
the music inside was even louder than you expected, the second you looked around you saw multiple hot people dancing, drinking and making out.
rin led you to a glass staircase with a tall man standing in front of it, but he stepped aside as soon as rindou walked up to him. you looked at rin. Obviously, he's one of the owners. Of course, he's gonna be let through. the two of you reached the top of the staircase and saw couches with glass tables in front of them
people were also drinking, and women were dancing, but some people were also doing cocaine. rindou just put his hand on your shoulder as you approached the table where his brother was sitting. he stood up when he saw you to hug you. "heyy, god, you look gorgeous.." he said with both his hands on your hips. "Come sit with us." You did as he asked and sat down on the white couch, crossing your legs.
rindou sat down next to you just like his brother, so now you were sandwiched between two hot men in business suits that wore beautiful smelling perfume. "whatdya wanna drink?" the younger brother asked, showing you the drink menu.
you ordered some rosé and the two just ordered the same. once the three of you were a little tipsy, you got handsy, and both of the brothers had their hands on either your lower back or thighs, close to being under your mini dress.
you also kissed them multiple times with tongue, rindou took the bottle and held it to your mouth, letting you drink, watching some of the alcohol spill from your mouth down between the valley of your tits. you giggled and kissed him afterwards. He softly groaned into the kiss as you suddenly felt rans lips against your neck, sucking harshly, trying to get your attention again. you looked back at him with a smile, he was pouting "dont forget about mee" he complained playfully before grabbing your hot and flushed face to press his wet lips against your own, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth, seeking your own. rindou rolled his eyes. " You've been hoarding her all for yourself the whole time." ran, broke the kiss, and looked at you, "then let's just ask her who she wants to go home with"
you bit your bottom lip and swiped some of your hair from your face. "dont be mad if i ask this.." You began, and the brothers just stared at you in expectation as their ringed hands grabbed at your soft thighs, feeling burning cold against your hot skin. "Can i go with both of you?" their eyes widened, they didnt expect you to ask that, but they weren't mad, far from it, actually.
"i mean, we've never actually shared a girl before, but.." ran began and kissed behind your ear. "we'll be happy to have you being our first..right, rin?" he asked his brother, to which his hand turned your head to look at him. "i don't mind that.." he said softly against your glossy lips before kissing you.
the three of you stumbled out of the club and the flashing lights of cameras suddenly blinded you, you rolled your eyes as they yelled your name, you had no idea how the fuck the stalkerrazzi even found you. "You're so populaaar," ran drunkenly hummed, just continuing to drag you along. you just rolled your eyes again, shielding your eyes from the lights. There's nothing you hated more than these fuckers..
suddenly, in your drunken mind you had an idea that you were probably gonna regret in the morning.
so you just suddenly grabbed rin by his tie to aggressively make out with him as your other hand grabbed at rans crotch, you love to shock the paparazzi, you know they wont leave you alone, so you can at least make them uncomfortable while you tongue fuck this hot and apperantly controversial guy and grabbing the cock of an also controversial man
you broke the kiss and looked back at the cameras, holding your middle finger up with a big smile, putting on your dior shades, rin just stuck out his tongue as his brother did the same,
ran dragged you back to their black Bentley, you then pulled both of the men into the back of the car, the flashing lights following you to the car and you just sat yourself down into ran's lap as you kept kissing rindou, swinging one of your legs across his lap. the driver hesitantly asked. "..wh-where to, sir?" rin tore himself away from your enchanting lips "home."
you bareley remember the drive home, all you remember was having rins cock on your mouth and rans slim but long fingers in your wet cunt. And you remember when you two were in their bedroom you were completely naked except for your heels, getting pounded in the ass and having another hard cock in your throat, ran was in the front and rindou was in the back, you whimpered and whined as you felt their long and hot cocks filling you to the brim, you faintly heard their heavy breathing and little compliments that made you drool on rans cock even more.
"You're so good- so fucking good," ran huffed before letting out a gutteral moan, moving his hips into your face, looking down at you with his hand softly settled in your beautiful hair.
"Her fucking ass is so tight-" rindou groaned lowly before giving you a firm smack on the ass, while his other hand held your hips in a tight grip. "You've never done anal before, did you?" He asked, out of breath.
Ran pulled his dick out of your glossy mouth for you to answer, but your hand kept stroking him "no.." you paused to moan but it feels fucking good.." you mewled, biting your bottom lip, smearing your lip liner even more.
Rindou grinned down at you and huffed out a small chuckle "I can tell, baby" he said "can feel how wet your pussy is" he said before continuing to pound into you
Ran smiled down at you and took your hand "your pussy needs some attention too, huh?" He smacked his lips as if he was pitying you "my selfish brother completely ignored your pretty clit.." Ran helped you up and rindou immediately took your arms into his rough hands, his cold metal rings burning your scorching hot skin.
The older brother got in front of you to lift your leg and put it around his waist, aligning his cock with your pussy.
You thought you'd finally get to cum soon but then he slid the tip of his cock through your wet cunt and circle your clit with it "your gasps when it hits your clit are so cute" he teased.
You bit your lip even harder, not even caring if you're gonna bruise it or draw blood. You just wanted his cock, you never wanted anything more.
"Please ran--" "ah-ah" rindou interrupted you. "Remember what I told you about formality?" You let out a frustrated moan, throwing your head back feeling rindous fat cock breaking you in, almost feeling him in your guts. "Please, Mr.Haitani..fuck me stupid, sir"
That was all you remember when you woke up in-between the two gorgeous men, their arms over you under the soft blanket. As comfortable as you were, you had a splitting headache and aching legs. you planned on getting up but you saw your phone light up on the bedside table behind rindou, you reached over him carefully to not wake him.
Once you read the messages you almost jumped up and screamed in anger and embarrassment.
Last night events with the paparazzi went viral and everyone was texting you about it, your friends were just cheering for you but the news sites were shocked about the "alleged mob members hanging out with supermodel"
Alleged mob members??
You looked at the sleeping men next to you and froze up, it felt like time stopped. You sat there for ten minutes before continuing to read the articles your friends sent you, you looked so fucked up in those pictures, still hot but...fucked up.
Surprisingly, you didn't care that much about them being part of a criminal organization, you were just shocked that no one told you up front.
You carefully got up, put on your bra and panties before getting out of the room to get yourself a glass of water to sober up a bit, then raid their bathroom cabinet for some painkillers.
Your arms, thighs and ass hurt like hell. You got to the kitchen and immediately filled a glass with water, you chugged it down and filled it up again.
As you drank your second glass you heard footsteps, probably woke one of them up as you climbed over them.
You suddenly choked on your water when three of the other guys you met walked around the corner, seeing you almost naked, messy hair and messed up makeup. It was koko, takeomi and kakucho.
They stopped in their tracks, trying and failing not to look you up and down
"Fuck- sorry I didn't know- I thought this was the brothers' place" you tried to explain, wiping the spilled water from your chin
Kakucho looked down at the floor while shaking his head "don't apologize, we're sorry we didn't know you were still here.."
"Still here?" You asked, placing the glass down on the white marble counter
Takeomi chuckled. "You guys weren't exactly quiet.." kakucho awkwardly coughed. He was so cute..you'd suck him off right here, even with your sore throat. "uh..do you want some painkillers?" Kaku asked politely, still making eye contact with the floor.
You smiled "yes, thank you.." kakucho nodded and walked away, he expected you to wait there for him to come back but you followed him, you noticed his eyes quickly flicking yo you every now and then.
You leaned against the sink once you two reached the bathroom, your hips right next to his face, you looked down at him and he looked up at you after he tried to find some painkillers, he tried to look back down but you kept his head up by his chin, making him gulp heavily and keep his eyes fixed on you this time
He was immediately hard and he didn't know why, nothing happened..yet.
But It didn't take long, or many words
For him to have your cunt on his mouth and your gorgeous legs on his shoulders, he didn't seem like it, but the way he was moving his tongue now made up for the little words you exchanged, and before you knew it you were cumming in a shaking frenzy, moaning and biting your fingers to keep quiet. Your fingers in his pretty and smooth ebony hair, feeling his heavy breath on your mound while grinding back on his face.
Once you came back, you were wobbly on your legs, but held onto kakus strong arm for leverage. You leaned over to him "maybe next time we'll have more time to do more" you whispered before kissing his cheek.
You turned the corner and more men were there. The brothers, sanzu and mikey..
"There's the one that got away" Ran said taking a drag of his cigarette while rindou just looked you up and down while drinking some type of alcohol, in the morning.
His eyes told you that he was ready to go for another 4 rounds.
Sanzu stared at you intensely before speaking up "next time you guys hold a whole ass concert, I better be invited" rindou furrowed his eyebrows, looking like he was ready to vomit
"In your dreams, coke-head" Ran responded, reading the newspaper with crossed legs
You chuckled and sexily turned on your heels to walk back into the brothers' bedroom to get your clothes before heading back out, "let's party sometime again, huh?" You smiled, looking at the brothers, then sanzu..you don't know why but he seemed like fun to party with.
And lucky you, he stood up and walked after you, "let me drive you, it's pretty cold out and..you're not dressed for the weather" you chuckled and rolled your eyes "lead the way then.."
Surprisingly he didn't try to hit on you, the drive home..which disappointed you a bit. But when you saw your hotel you grabbed his shoulder and said "you can stop here" the pink haired man stopped his luxury car and got out before you to open your car door, what a gentleman.
"Ugh, you know what's crazy?" You asked him to which he grinned and tilted his head "what?"
"I'm already ready to party again.." you giggled to which he got a smug grin on his face "that's because those two snobs don't know shit about partying right."
You turned your head to him and smiled curiously "and you do?" He nodded and reached into his pocket, giving you a card with his number
"Call me when you're ready to party for real" you took the card with your index and middle finger, you grinned getting closer to him and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
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