#And I read the whole damn thing and that alone haunts me
axigailxo · 4 months
Pretty Like You | PJM (2)
part two: parties and pilates
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series summary. where jimin is jealous of the beauty that is you, writes about it, and falls apart when you accidentally read it.
pairing. feminine!jimin x reader
rating. M | 18+ |
genre. enemies to lovers, feminine!jimin, self hatred au, slight identity crisis, self love journey, smut, sub! jimin, angst, fluff, heartfelt
w.c. 4.8k
warnings. heavy descriptions of self hate and self abuse later into the story, please be advised. mention of “unaliving” in this chapter.
ch summary. where oc convinces jimin to go to a frat party in an attempt to break him out of his shell
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**this is part 2 of my series pretty like you, not a stand-alone
series masterlist | <-previous | next ->
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“And then despite it all, she asked if I wanted to talk, can you believe it?”
It’s been a couple of days since the incident at the art room, and Jimin can’t stop ranting about it like it’s new news. He still hasn’t texted you, and it’s not like he could since he doesn’t even have your number. He could get it from you in class, but thats a little hard when he’s on a streak of skipping.
After you suggested to help him embark on a self love journey, Jimin has been so damn confused. He doesn’t know whether to jump at the opportunity, rot away in embarrassment that you read his journal, or be slightly offended that you’d suggest help when he thinks he’s just fine. Kind of.
All options are tempting, nonetheless.
Daisy, Jimin’s cat that is currently victim to listening about what happened for the hundredth time, lifts up off her soft body and saunters out of his room. What? She’s fed up.
Jimin, who is suffering from her rude and sudden exit, huffs as he debates whether he should follow up about that whole thing with you. Because despite all his options, he’s leaning more towards just avoiding you at all costs and pretending that situation never even happened.
Except he’ll remember. It’ll haunt him and his thoughts every night until he finally just addresses it.
And so that’s why he should go to class today. Maybe. Jimin squints his eyes as he contemplates and considers, ultimately deciding that coffee is the first step that should be taken. Especially since it’s way too early to have a crisis, that can wait for later. Per usual.
Making his way to his Keurig, he pops a peppermint mocha flavored pod into the top compartment followed by a little water in another compartment until he’s clicking a button to brew it.
“So now you like me,” Jimin scoffs as Daisy rubs against his ankle, excited for Jimin to give her breakfast.
Commanding to the manipulation of the feline, Jimin grabs a can of cat food out of a cupboard, internally scolding himself for being nice and buying her the expensive kind again.
Although, Jimin can’t blame Daisy for being fed up with all his predicaments. He would be too. However spilling to Daisy is much more acceptable than telling it all to his human best friend, Taehyung.
Jimin has already thought about the fact that if he spends time with you, whether it be for a self love journey or not, that’d be breaking some sort of bro code with Tae.
You’re Taehyung’s crush, and Jimin respects that. Plus it’s not like Taehyung has to worry, you’re out of Jimin’s league anyway.
However that hard on be got the other night still baffles him. He’s narrowed it down to being that you’re just attractive and he’s just a gross horny man. But not even that sounds right.
Jimin has thought about inviting Taehyung to every outing you may have together, but he can’t. How in hell would he explain to his best friend that the whole reason he’s seeing you is so that he can learn to accept himself and flaunt that feminine side of him? Let alone explain to him that you read his journal full of how much he envies and adores you at the same time. He can’t. More specifically, he won’t. Taehyung doesn’t need to meet that side of him, Jimin thinks. It’s for the better.
Jimin ponders for a second, and he hates himself for pouring his coffee into a travel cup and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. He figures since he’s already keeping a secret from Tae, one more shouldn’t hurt. Plus he can’t avoid you forever. There’s really only one thing to do now.
“Eat up Daisy, I’ll be back after class.”
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“Jimin? Hey!”
Standing in line at the campus’s cafe, Jimin washes over in a cold sweat as the loud call of his name attracts the attention of almost everyone near. He came here to get an additional caffeine boost before class and more importantly stall from talking to you, but it’s just his luck that you’d be here too.
“Hi,” he mutters awkwardly, eyes on the ground the second you get closer.
He’s never seen you so up-close before. He wonders if your skin has always looked so smooth.
He wishes his skin were as smooth.
“I was gonna call to ask about your no shows in class but I completely forgot to give you my number the last time we talked.”
Jimin finds this incredibly new and odd. Just a few days ago he hated you without knowing you and now you’re talking to him like a friend. It’s definitely going to take some getting used to.
“Here,” you say as you hand him your phone, a new contact page open and ready for him to fill out. “That way we can talk out of school, plus I found multiple super-helpful self esteem websites that you might li—“
“Y/N,” Jimin halts your enthusiasm. Again, way too early in the morning for this. “Can we not talk about it in such a public place?”
His tone is hushed and embarrassed, trying not to let the several eyes on them to hear that he’s struggling with self esteem. God this is so much more depressing than Jimin initially thought it’d be.
“Of course, yeah no my bad.” You rush your words, retracting your hand down before Jimin grabs the phone from you, typing his number.
“I dont expect you to waste time on me. Just text when you have absolutely nothing else to do. This isn’t important enough to occupy your schedule.”
Immediately, you frown at his words. Sure this is important. And contrary to his request, you already cleared something off of your schedule for him.
“First off, this is important. I won’t have you taking down on yourself anymore.”
Jimin so badly wants to ask why, but he won’t because that’s rude and you don’t deserve anymore rudeness from him. Not after what you read in the art room.
“Secondly, I already cancelled pilates for you. I have something else fun planned for us.”
Jimin can’t help his sudden snicker.
“What?” You ask, slightly offended.
“Nothing, it’s just funny you take pilates. Of course you do.”
You wanted to carry on with being offended, but you felt a pang of accomplishment upon getting him to laugh. Progress, you think.
“Yeah yeah,” you dismiss as you tuck your phone into your back pocket, trailing back out of the cafe. “Laugh all you want but just know that this ass didn’t grow itself!”
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You: u, me, frat party tonight at 9.
Sat on the hard seats of the lecture hall, Jimin’s eyes go wide as he reads your reply to his text.
The second you sauntered out of the cafe, you were quick to text Jimin in hopes to break the tension between you two— which technically isn’t tension at all given Jimin is the only one who finds your new friendship odd. Well him and the rest of the students who saw you two talking together.
Jimin had asked what you had planned, and when you replied with frat party, he felt physically ill.
Jimin: absolutely not. sorry.
You: hear me out, it’s not even a big party
You: it’s very discreet and there’s only gonna be a couple people
Jimin locks eyes with you from across the room and mouths “no” with an adamant shake of his head. You roll your eyes before your thumbs get back to texting him.
You: we can pregame before we go so u can loosen up
You: if you’re with me, there’s nothing to worry about
Jimin wants to be offended. He most definitely does not need you at his rescue. The intent however was a little sweet. God Jimin is reminded exactly why he despised you— you’re perfect.
Jimin: i’ll think about it. that’s not a yes.
He pretends he doesn’t notice the little happy dance you do in your seat, nor the squeal of excitement you let out even though he didn’t give a definite answer.
Jimin starts to smile, but when he looks to his left he sees someone else who’s smiling at you and it vanishes. Taehyung. Completely gawking at you, Jimin fights that weird feeling that suddenly engulfs him. Maybe it’s the fact he’s hiding his new friendship with you from Tae.
Either that or somewhere in his subconscious, he doesn’t like how Tae is smiling at you.
“God dude, isn’t she so cute.” Tae whispers, completely oblivious to why you’re dancing in you’re seat.
Jimin trails his gaze to his lap as a bitter mood takes hold of him.
“Yeah… definitely.”
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Jimin is in a rut.
Even though he’s still not certain about going to that party, finding a potential outfit never hurt anyone. Moments after he got home he was already sucked into his closet by the magnetic pull of all the great clothes he has— even though he knows himself well enough to understand he will end up changing into his “boy clothes” no matter what he ends up choosing.
He slips on a black, oversized distressed sweater. The seams are ripped in just the right places, leaving a fraction of his chest, his belly, and a dash of his waist to be visible beneath the shredded fabric. The back showcases a fair amount of skin as well.
This one, Jimin thinks to himself, isn’t so feminine. It’s doable. Maybe.
He wants to pair it with a skirt but that would only be a waste of time because if he can’t even leave his apartment in a skirt to check the mailbox, he sure as hell will not be wearing it to a frat party of all places.
He grabs a pair of black chinos that he thrifted not so long ago, letting it rest low on his waist. He pulls the look together with black combat boots and a dainty necklace that he tucks beneath the sweater. It makes him feel pretty despite the fact he’s the only one aware it’s on him.
He steps back to absorb the outfit in the mirror, and he feels good. It’s a combination of both masculine and feminine and it’s definitely testing the waters but Jimin knows his night won’t be enjoyable in the least if he wears a baggy hoodie or tee. He likes what he has on, even if the frat boys will give him shit for it. Which they definitely will.
He hears Daisy meow across the room, and upon directed his gaze to her his eyes settle on the makeup bag tucked into the far back corner of his desk.
He’s tempted, he is. But he can’t. He’s not ready yet.
Just as he begins to walk towards his desk, only enticing himself further, a knock on his door is heard and he takes that as a sign from god herself that he should skip the makeup.
With a sigh, he heads to the door.
“Knock… Knock… Knock!”
“Just a minute! For fuck’s sake.”
Irritated at the swat team-like announcement, Jimin swings the door open to reveal none other than Jessica Rabbit?
“You didn’t tell me it was a costume party!” Jimin complains as he steps aside, gesturing you to come in.
Both hands holding a bottle of E&J, you let yourself in and place the bottle on his countertop.
“Oh yeah, it’s a costume party.”
“It’s not even halloween,” Jimin states the obvious as he instinctively heads for two glasses out of his cupboard.
“It’s to make up for last year. There was a big game the day of halloween so none of the guys were in a party mentality.”
Party Mentality?
Jimin can’t believe he’s hearing about frat news from you, who is in his apartment dressed like Jessica Rabbit and is downing a shot straight from the bottle. What has his life come to.
You notice him staring so you apologize as you offer him the bottle to pour.
“Figured we’d pregame like I said. Also we gotta figure out a costume for you. Ooh what about a slutty artist or something.”
Jimin swears you make him lose brain cells. Sliding a now-filled glass toward you, he takes a large gulp of his own.
“Slutty artist?” He thinks out loud. “I’m fine with what I have on.”
Jimin counts down the seconds until you praise his bold sweater choice, but he can feel the alcohol rise back up when you say the opposite.
“In all honestly I thought that was a sleep shirt. We’re putting you in something else.”
You navigate yourself straight to what you assume is him bedroom, and Jimin nearly falls flat on his face chasing after you.
This may be a bit embarrassing for Jimin to admit to himself, but he’s never had a girl in his room before. It’s intimate, he thinks. Having someone inside a room that has witnessed every one of his breakdowns, outfit changes, alone time moments, etcetera. Jimin cringes as memories from the other night come back to him.
“Cute room,” you tell him as you look around, admiring the fairy lights and album covers displayed. Jimin was always big on music. Maybe posters were too far given his age, but he didn’t care. He never thought someone else would ever see them.
Although, Tae has been to Jimin’s place before. He knows about the posters and fairy lights. Though he never once questioned it or even talked about it. Only when he called that one poster of Ariana Grande hot. That’s what Jimin likes about Tae, he never questions him. But it’s not like Jimin gives him much to wonder about. He’s completely masked to the eyes of his best friend.
“This,” you start, dramatic tone and all, “this is gorg.” You hold out his favorite black skirt, and it’s lightening quick how fast he snatches it from you.
“No.” He tells you, cheeks getting hot. He’s embarrassed to say the least. He knows you know about his self esteem issues, but you have yet to discover his fondness for feminine clothing. But you have now.
“What? You’re embarrassed I found a skirt? If it’s socially acceptable for women to wear sweats, then it should be acceptable for men to wear skirts.”
Someone who gets it, Jimin thinks. This is the first time he’s ever felt understood when it comes to this, and he doesn’t quite know what to say.
“But skirt or no skirt, I think it’s important that you feel sexy tonight.”
“And why is that?” Jimin plays along. He takes a seat on the edge of his bed as you continue to look through his wardrobe.
“Because halloween parties exist solely for people to feel sexy all night.”
“It’s not halloween,” Jimin argues again, earning a shirt thrown at his face. Giggling, he holds it out in front of him.
You stand in front of his closet with a look of excitement on your face. His reaction disappoints you, however.
“Y/N, no. I can’t wear this out.”
“Just try it on.”
He knew this was part of your plan to get him to gain a little confidence and even convince him to leave the house in something he feels good in, but Jimin is adamant. He cannot wear this.
It’s a fitted baseball tee, extremely cropped and a shade of pale pink. Jimin cannot leave the house like this, despite how good it makes him feel deep down.
Reluctant and a tad shy, Jimin removes his sweatshirt from his body as he replaces it with what you threw at him. In the short moment he was bare, you might’ve stole a glance at his figure. His body is perfect, you think. Slim waist with faint yet toned abs and a noticeable amount of muscle on his arms. You take another sip of the drink that has yet to leave your hand.
“I look stupid.”
“You look sexy.”
The compliment was unexpected and was more than enough to have Jimin’s eyes widen. He breaks eye contact because how could he not, and he self consciously wraps an arm around his stomach.
More so his lap.
“I don’t know,” he says faintly, mumbling over his speech. “I think it’s a bit much.”
“Change to grey sweats. You can tell people you’re a 60’s athlete, they dressed like this back in the day you know.”
Yeah right, tell a bunch of actual scary frat boy athletes that’s he’s mocking their style from the 60’s.
His brows furrow when you step closer to him, reclining down and reaching for the skirt he had snatched from you. You grab one of his wrists, placing the bunched up material into his hand. His cheeks are on fire, his heartbeat picking up.
“Try it on,” you whisper. “For me.”
And fuck. Jimin is fully erect. He physically cannot bring himself to stand let alone change in front of you. He pushes your hand away, never wanting to disappear so badly.
“Another time. You already got me to wear this tee, baby steps.”
Disappointed, you think he’s right. You can’t beg him to gain confidence to wear an entire outfit like this on the first day of his journey. It takes time, and luck for Jimin you’re very patient.
“Another time,” you repeat softly.
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Jimin has been to a function with very little people before. He knows what a small little get together looks like. This party— it isn’t that.
“You said a couple people!” He shouts over the blairing music as you pull him through the front hall and to the packed kitchen.
He has no clue who’s house this is and he hasn’t seen a single normal person. Everyone is either drunk, high, or the worst: a frat. He shivers in discomfort before you bring a shot glass to his lips.
“Guess word spread and more people came, no biggie.”
He downs the shot of what turns out to be tequila, wincing as he coughs out a reply.
“Huge biggie.” He looks around the crowded house after a bystander drunkenly bumps into him and slurs an incoherent apology.
This was a mistake.
“Y/N, what is the point of me being here? This isn’t making me feel good about myself in the least, this isn’t my environment.”
You take another shot before quickly grabbing a lime and placing it between Jimin’s plump lips, and before he can register what you’re doing, your lips are already on his as you suck from the lime. Nipping the fruit with your teeth you pull it out and drop it into the sink, grin wide as Jimin turns fire hydrant red.
That shouldn’t count as a kiss, but you just sort-of-kissed Jimin. His mouth is dry, heartbeat in his stomach, and he is hyper alert on the way his knees are subtly shaking.
“Ease up Jimin, it’s gonna be a long night.”
He didn’t know it then but that’s the last time he’d be seeing you until the end of the party. He sauntered off to a random couch that was unoccupied for the most part, only some random (and gross) couple having a full blown make out session on the opposite side.
He made sure to keep his cup filled the whole night as that’s the only thing keeping him from walking straight out the door and back into the comfort of anything that’s not this party.
He’s spotted Tae a few times, who is dressed as Jack from the titanic, but Tae hasn’t noticed him yet which is probably because his rather different fashion approach and the fact he’s at a frat party. If anything that should be a reason Tae spots him since he’s the odd one out, Jimin thinks. Then again it is a costume party and no one look normal per-say. Nor is Tae the sharpest tool in the shed.
He also thanks the universe for not letting Tae notice you and Jimin arrive together.
He’s been glancing at you for a while now, the way you sway your hips to the rap song playing on the surround sound speakers. The way your skin is glowing even under the dim, groggy lights of the house. He watches the way smoke exits your mouth as Tae places a blunt between your perfect lips. He looks away when Tae also places a hand on your waist, dancing with you so intimately that it pains Jimin to see.
He knows he’ll be hearing all about this from Tae. You’re his favorite person, he’s probably over the moon about dancing with you right now.
“Jimin?” Speaking of the devil.
Jimin waves awkwardly as Tae whispers something to you and proceeds to walk towards his direction. You go off to dance with a frat guy who’s been waiting all night to have your attention. Jimin finds him pathetic.
“What are you doing here? You never come to these kinds of things.”
The music is loud but that’s nothing compared to how deep and confident Tae’s voice is. Despite Jimin’s desire to be more feminine, there are some masculine traits he wishes to have. A deeper voice is one of them. Not Tae’s level of deep, but deeper than what his currently is.
“A friend forced me to,” he admits, not naming names because how could he.
“Oh you have friends?” The younger man teases, earning a grumpy eye roll from Jimin. He takes another swig out of his cup.
Jimin remembers what he’s wearing and wonders why his best friend hasn’t said anything about it yet. He almost wants to point it out so it doesn’t awkwardly go unsaid and leaves Tae to catch on to his secret need for femininity.
“Like my costume?” Jimin asks, masking the fact that this is actually just a random shirt he’s had in his wardrobe and not a costume.
Tae gives him a quick once over, not lingering his eyes on the top for long.
“Oh what are you supposed to be?”
He definitely thought that wasn’t a costume and instead a normal outfit. Jimin cringes, hating you right now more than ever for making him show up in this. But he also loves you for providing him with the save he’s about to use on Tae.
“I’m a 60’s athlete. They used to dress like this you know.”
Taehyung hums, genuinely convinced.
“Wah that’s clever. I thought that was yours for a sec.”
Jimin hates himself for what he’s about to say.
“Why on earth would I own a pink crop top, that’s ridiculous.”
They laugh it off, and Jimin feels a gut wrenching pang in his stomach. That sentence wasn’t made for him, and it made him a liar and a hypocrite to his own desire.
He needs to go now before he says even more self damaging nonsense.
“Hey Tae, do you think you can get me a blunt?” Jimin asks in hopes to excuse his friend and, well, get high.
“Is this coming from the same person that said smoking isn’t good for you?”
Jimin remembers when he said that but he’s far too drained to be defensive or right. He shrugs as he admits to his hypocrisy.
“Yeah well so are frat parties but here I am. Cough one up, I know you have some.”
Tae stands up to reach in his front pocket, pulling out a steep tin that reveals 3 joints. He hands one to Jimin, telling him a brief “I’ll be back” before vanishing to find you again.
Something told Jimin to stay at the party despite how badly he wanted to go. He thought about how it may make you sad if he were to just leave, then he ridded that idea because why on earth would that make you sad. Nevertheless, he glanced outside to see if the crowd was acceptable to join. It wasn’t.
Deciding to not smoke with a bunch of frat guys, he goes the alternative route and heads for the hallway to secure an empty room. When he succeeds, he closes the door behind him and props the window open as he lights the tip of his joint.
He doesn’t smoke often, barely at all, but he needed this. As the smoke entered into his mouth he inhaled it eagerly, head rolling back as he slowly blows it all back out. This feels good, he thinks. The atmosphere on the other hand still could be better.
Jimin laughs to himself. Smoking weed at a frat party you invited him to. The world is funny that way, he nods to himself. Almost as funny as how you’re all he can think about right now.
He doesn’t know what it is. It’s not hate. For sure not love. He’s just thinking about you. Perhaps he misses your company? Or the way your skirts never reveal too much but just enough to drive him crazy.
The way your pouty lips move when you talk.
Your soft skin.
Your silky voice.
The way you look in that Jessica Rabbit costume you wore tonight.
Jimin is painfully erect, and without even noticing his hand has been palming himself desperately this entire time, blunt being delicately held in the other hand, occasionally being brought up for more puffs to fuel what he’s doing right now.
“Fuck Y/N, yes.”
He unties his sweats. One more rough drag and he kills the blunt on the rim of the windowsill, both hands focusing on himself now. One hand tugging his waistband down, the other guiding himself out. And all he can think about is how sexy you are.
He gets carried away, going so fast on himself that he doesn’t hear or see the door open. He’s high beyond belief, god only knows what Taehyung had laced in that blunt, and so when he sees you he swears his imagination is just very vivid.
Until his conscience registers and he almost squeals as he lunges back in shock of the situation.
Quickly you run up to him just in time to pull his entire body back and preventing him from falling out the window. You’re breathing heavy, half because of what you saw moments before and partially because you just saved his life.
“Fuck Jimin, be careful.”
And how fucking peculiar it is that you’re not addressing his cock that is out in the open between the two of you.
Jimin can’t speak. He almost literally died from being caught jerking himself to you while being high out his mind.
What a fucking legacy he’d have left.
After catching his breath he frantically goes to put himself away but his hand is stopped by yours.
“You know people sneak into rooms at parties to have sex with each other, not to do themselves.”
His cheeks flush red.
“Only freaks do that.”
Jimin has wanted to before, but he officially wants to unalive himself. How pathetic he is, he thinks.
“I’m sorry, I… I’m really high right now and I thought I locked the—“
He cuts himself off when you guide his hand back onto himself.
“You’re not gonna ask me why I came in here?”
Jimin takes a deep breath.
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth, very slowly putting his own hand into motion against himself.
“Because I’m a freak too.”
Your words came out in a faint whisper but Jimin’s senses are heightened and he hears it like a megaphone in his ears. Your tits are practically spilling out your tiny red tube dress as you lean to help him stroke himself. A shiver cascades down his whole body, an unintentional yet hesitant whimper rumbling off his throat.
You giggle, then abruptly you stand. You lean down and peck him on his frozen, plump lips.
“Have a good night Jimin, I’ll be in contact for our next power move.” You walk towards the door. “Masturbating is a good way to show yourself love, kudos to you kid.”
Jimin’s hand is glued to his stiff cock, frozenly just keeping it there as he stares at you with his mouth agape.
“I’ll lock this on my way out, by all means finish and do not fall out any windows.”
And just like that you open the door only a couple inches and squeeze out to give him privacy. He’s left in the same spot, still in absolute shock.
You’re perfect.
You’re beautiful, and apparently so fucking sexy in sexual situations. It takes only one more stroke and one more thought of you for Jimin to reach the finish line, cum dropping down his hand and shaft as he fucks into his fist.
He breathes jaggedly until he’s drained of all energy and collapses on the bed.
To his shock, he’s not freaking out. He’s actually smiling. Then again that could easily be the weed talking. What did taehyung put in that anyway?
Jimin’s smile dissipates as an ugly thought sends a cold chill throughout him.
You’re his best friend’s crush. You’re Taehyung's. And he just betrayed him. Jimin hates how the universe works sometimes. When one thing goes well, the whole world goes to shit.
The world is funny that way.
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ply pt 2???? im sorry for how long it took luvies, last year was so intense. i hope you all are still here to read😿 run this uppppp cuties!! til next time luvs🤭❤️
🏷️: @exactlygreatcoffee @sweetieguk @ctrlsht @blessrious @someusername133 @dreamer-pjm @zadkielr @dearsullix @lailaaxd @osakis-gf @jnghs @seltansworld @bxnqtxnie @moon-kid39 @mawwnsterr @zadkielr @iamjimintrash @chansbaybygirl @canarystwin @dearsullix @polyparkj @mannymalfoy @jmincore @kyglover @coralmusicblaze @midnightangel13 @jm-jkfics @lovelyflower02 @xcherrywaltz
soooo many of u guys who asked to be in the taglist changed your usernames so unfortunately i couldn't tag u☹️hopefully this found u!🫶🏻
(for anyone else who'd like to be in the taglist pls reply to this post <3)
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beelsari · 11 months
Okay sooo I just read the "reacting to your heat" for both Beel and Mams and damn... 👀 i cant words but it's so good!
So I wanted to request either Lucifer or Diavolo for it. I cant decide which one so pick at your leisure! 😅
Either way thanks and have a good day/night!
OM! Brothers reacting to MC’s heat
Thank you!!! I really appreciate the love!! I hope you love this one just as much as I do, I have to say I definitely was into this!
Lucifers turn!!!
I plan on doing diavolo next!
SMUT mdni
Hard dom luci x gn reader
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Lucifer is the one who first found out you’d experience a heat. He could smell the hormones coming, suddenly realizing your fate. He called a meeting in the dining hall of HoL to explain your heat to everyone, specifically to tell his brothers to keep their distance from you and there will be consequences if they do not obey his rules. Your heat came that night, taking complete control over you. It was so much harder to handle than you expected, you didn’t know how you were going to survive without someone’s help. You needed relief so bad but you alone didn’t do the trick. For the next couple days when you left your room you could sense how tense all the brothers were. All the brothers except for Lucifer, who externally is oozing calm. All the brothers are extremely confused and bewildered at how calm Lucifer is. How is he resisting your lust and hormones so easily? They all question internally while watching him. But what they dont know is that Lucifer is struggling the hardest. He puts on a show whenever you or his brothers are around but when he’s alone you would think he’s the one in heat. He’s constantly pleasing himself, trying to get some relief from you and your hormones that are constantly haunting him. He’s never had to fight against himself this hard. He wants you so bad but he’s scared he’d hurt you.
His resolve all dissolves one night when he hears a small series of taps on his door. He quirks his head up from his desk and strides to his door. He’s opens it to see you, hair and clothes disheveled, skin bright red and sweaty, and panting on your knees right in-front of him. “Luci please I can’t handle it anymore” you plead to him. he’s façade completely crumbles when he sees you. His sweet little thing beneath him begging for him to corrupt you. He groans immediately picking you up, locking the door, and throwing you on his bed. “You have no idea how much i’ve held back, just for you to whine like a slut for my dick” he groans as he hovers over you, teasing you with his words. You’re squirming underneath him begging for him to touch you. “You’re such an obedient doll, knowing to come to me, you’re mine darling dont you ever forget that” He says with a smirk while kissing your neck starvingly. You’re mouth is parted and whimpering the whole time he kisses you, making his cock impossibly harder. Knowing he’s making you sound like this makes him feral. He picks up onto your knees and stands infront of you, his bulge pressed against your face. “Here darling, this will make it all better, open up” he whispers to you. He pulls his cock out while shoving into your mouth. He begins to facefuck you while softly stroking your hair. He’s being so rough yet so loving with you and it’d driving you wild. he pulls out suddenly and flips you over onto your stomach. “I can’t wait anymore doll, i need to ruin your sweet sex” he moans while thrusting into you. “Please i need you inside so bad Luci! “You moan so sweetly for him, making it harder for him to not completely destroy you. He wants you braindead on his cock, and with what he has planned for you, you will be. “Fuck- take it love, all this is for you” he groans while leaning down, pressing his chest against your back to give you sweet kisses and hickies along your back. He’s also whispering the dirtiest words in your ears. Lucifer knows exactly how to please you, and he’ll do it all night and all day, however long it takes to finish your heat. He has to take care of his sweet doll.
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deathlieteez · 8 months
yunho x reader
♡ attention series masterlist ♡ ┋chapter 1┋chapter 2.1┋chapter 2.2┋chapter 3.1┋chapter 3.2
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chapter 4: heaven and back. when you finally met yunho that Saturday night, he confess the reason why he's acting that weird, and it is not going to be a bliss to your heart. feeling more lost than ever, you let yourself be drawn into whatever the night has to offer, though it seems to end up being much more than you can control.
appears: yunho as your exboyfriend x femb!reader + choi seungcheol (seventeen) x son chaeyoung as ur bests friends + yoon jeonghan (seventeen) as ur friend + chwe hansol vernon (seventeen) as seungcheol's friend
genre: angst. college au.
warning: cursing, mean/heartbroken reader, mean/heartbroken yunho, petnames, using/abusing of drugs (don't!!!!!!!), cheating.
word count: 9.1k (oops)
intentional use of lowercase letter
english is not my mother tongue
the chapter is called heaven and back because is sighly based on the chase atlantic's song
songs i get inspired by: heaven and back - chase atlantic + you broke me first- tate mcrae + the grudge - olivia rodrigo + falling - harry styles + creepin' - the weeknd + if you want love - nf + sorry, i love you - stray kids + we go down together - dove cameron ft. khalid + remember that night? - sara keys
the one i recommed the most to read it is the loneliest by maneskin
it is not meant to be representative of jeong yunho's personality or any ateez or another groups' idols who appeared ♡
see you tonight.
yunho's absence and message made your morning into something infinite. got out of bed as if you had spent the whole night drinking, but what actually felt was a terrible emotional hangover. the memory of yunho haunted you as if he had never left, and almost had the damn sensation of his lips going all over your skin, as well as that sweet smell of his still stuck in your nostrils. his attitude was strange enough in itself to leave you thinking all day, but if you added the idea that he had been with another woman close enough to leave her scent on him, and the fucking fact that he had left you alone in bed after you let him spend the night for the first time after so many pleas, it was going to drive you crazy. was literally all you could think about all morning. it was, in fact, what you were thinking about when your doorbell rang, being so immersed in the memory of your fucking ex that the fright was such that you threw the coffee cup, which you'd been stirring for twenty minutes now while leaning against the kitchen counter, onto the floor. "shit!" you grunt for a moment before the doorbell rings again, and several times in a row "coming, i'm coming!" had absolutely no idea who it was, but it did nothing but fuck your mood even more.
you were very surprised to see that it was chaeyoung. well, an exaggeratedly angry version of chaeyoung. if thought you were in a bad mood, you were a puppy next to your best friend at that moment "i didn't come in just in case that asshole's still here. you better hide him, because i'll chew him up and spit him in the toilet, and u're next" she said pointing her index finger at you, still not crossing the threshold of the door. you sighed, stepping to the side to let her know she could come in.
"easy beast, he's not here." she snorted, entering your house in a bad temper. you couldn't blame her, but she had a lot of things to blame you. followed her into the kitchen, feeling slightly anxious. the only times you had ever seen chaeyoung like that was always when was involved with yunho, yunho's friends or the university. you had never been her target. you knew for a fact how much she loved you, in a practically sisterly way, so you understood perfectly why she practically left a trail of flames wherever she passed by. you would have appeared the same, or worse "careful, there's glass on the floor" you warn, she automatically grabbed several paper napkins and bent down to wipe the huge coffee stain on the floor. you imitated her.
"i've called tons of times, and left lots of messages." she accused, you sighed "the least you could do is call me back" looked at her with a mixture of shame and embarrassment building up in the pit of your stomach. you couldn't say anything, because she was right. not only had you blown them off the night before, but ignored them all and with no reasons. that's probably why seungcheol wasn't with chaeyoung to find out what happened after he left. he was too upset to show up at your house, and it was more than clear that he would have told chaeyoung why you didn't go to the club.
"m so sorry" you mumble, "wasn't in the mood. know that's no excuse, but…"
"but nothing. it's already awfully wrong for that guy to show up at your house at night, but to be ignoring us for him? girl, it sucks" she accuses again and you nod, as if you were being scolded by your older sister "i don't understand how you could even let him into your house, after everything that's happened".
"you know we've been seeing each other, chae" you swallowed after materializing it in words for the first time to someone other than yourself or yunho himself.
"yeah" she groaned in annoyance "but thought u guys fucked at parties or something, not that you let him get into your house?"
"we're all grown up now, chaeyoung" you sigh, picking up a few pieces of glass again, trying not to cut yourself and in the process avoiding her gaze. she stood up, throwing away a handful of soggy papers and picking up a few more to continue drying the floor.
"oh really? well doesn't look like it" she then growls "look, u can fuck whoever u want, but be consequent. u can't just disappear the whole night and leave us all worrying"
"i'm really sorry" repeated "it was a bit of a weird night" you confess once finished collecting all the crystals, cutting a small awkward silence "did u have a good time at least?" chaeyoung denied.
"cheol came in pretty upset, he told us what happened and we tried to call you several times after a while. still were going to stay, but then we saw yunho's little friends and seungcheol didn't want to continue the night. he and han went home together and i went home with jihyo" she related, making you sigh again.
"they didn't say anything to any of you, have they?" she denied, you nodded in relief.
"you know how overprotective he is with you and the whole thing with those guys" threw away the last handful of papers once the floor was finally clean, grabbing another cup from your cupboard and a capsule of coffee "at least tell me what's going on, and what happened last night".
so you did. recounted in detail everything that had happened, from the episode at the emergency exit, to yunho dumping that girl for you, and ending with the night before. you put special emphasis on one detail "he smelled like another chick!?" she practically shouted, you dropped your back on the back of the couch and nodded "he finished being with some chick and came to see u?" he snorted "i thought he couldn't, but he get even more scraggly. he must have been training"
"he's coming tonight" you confessed, causing chaeyoung's eyes to practically pop out of their holes.
"and you're even dumber, i see."
"wanna see him, chae."
"that's the first sign why you shouldn't do it. never again. fuck him. but no literally!"
you'd love to say that the conversation with your best friend did some good. that you took matters into your own hands and wrote yunho to tell him you didn't want him around, that he should stay the fuck home. but the reality was much different, much sadder and, from chaeyoung's point of view, ridiculous. your friend didn't understand what it was about this guy that kept you so interested, and you didn't exactly know either. but if there was ever a time when you really felt the need to see him, it was that night. his attitude and that message had to mean something, and it's not like you were able to ignore everything you felt while being with him.
luckily, now that you had finally been completely honest with her, chaeyoung decided she wouldn't leave you alone and tried her best to keep your mind off yunho, almost like the first time she had to deal with what he left of you when he cheated. it worked for a few hours, but as the time approached when you had to get ready to leave, it became clear how the anxiety was eating away at your confidence. you checked your cell phone every few moments, feraring a message from him, or maybe even hoping for one. chae watched you worriedly. she knew for sure that the time when you would relapse would come. yunho would be a problem again, because you two were in love and it didn't end well. one of you would come crawling back, but she hoped it wouldn't be you and that when he did, you would kick him back to his house.
"so can i borrow the black one then?" she asked with her head dipped in your closet. you laughed again, affirming with a guttural sound while trying not to go too overboard with the lip liner "great! i was looking forward to trying it on. it's so pretty!"
"just had to ask for it" you tell her once you finish filling in your lips in a gorgeous burgundy shade matching the dress you wore that night, and which didn't go unnoticed by your friend.
"how is it possible that u been looking like shit all day and now you look like you came out of a magazine?" she grunts, making you laugh again "it's cute" commented, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at your reflection in the glass of the dressing table. you were doing the same, trying to gain confidence in your image. knew you looked pretty, but didn't feel particularly well. "haven't worn it in a while, have you?" chaeyoung asked, getting your attention. you look at her a little confused "the dress" you smile faintly at her, nodding.
didn't really wanted to have to explain it to her, but the outfit you were wearing that night was a real statement of intent, because it was exactly the same one you had the night you met yunho. it was still quite nice, a little less revealing than what you've been wearing lately, but sexy enough to fit a night like that. telling chaeyoung something like that would end up driving her crazy, but the truth is that you were wearing it hoping yunho would remember the dress. as you looked at yourself wearing it in the mirror, remembered all the times he told you how beautiful you looked and how much he loved the dress. he even asked you to wear it again several times throughout the relationship, but saved it for a special occasion because it meant so much to you. didn't know why, but that night you needed the confidence that dress gave you. it was probably a mistake, but you would do it anyway.
it wasn't too long before you arrived at the same place that had already visited countless times, and where the story with your ex was awakened with a fuck at the emergency exit of the reserved area. you felt a little better when you let the lively atmosphere captivate you, letting yourself be carried away by the incredibly cheerful and energetic attitude of your best friend, who guided you to the same place as always, where your friends were already waiting.
the first thing you did was apologize to all of them, and especially to seungcheol, who didn't take more than a few seconds to fall for your charms and your puppy face to hug you and kiss your forehead, even though he made you promise not to do something like that to them again "a message is enough. just want to know you're okay". the way it had started, the night had potential. and you could have taken advantage of it; you could have drunk, danced and laughed with the amazing friends you had at your disposal. you could have even tried to meet someone new, like the guy at the bar who had left his number on a napkin he shamelessly gave you, because didn't need one and hadn't asked for, during one of the many times you visited the bar in such a ridiculously short period of time. just like went to the bathroom, to smoke with jeonghan -when you didn't even smoke- and any excuse that was plausible enough and allowed you to browse the place as many times as possible, in search of a single person. of course, your friends asked you if everything was all right, but with the help of chaeyoung, who knew what was going on and didn't want to worry them, you distracted them. it was about one in the middle of the night when you finally saw him appear in the crowd, looking particularly handsome that night. he wore a white yarn sweater, the collar quite wide, revealing his collarbone, beautifully decorated with a couple of necklaces and highlighting the width of his shoulders. his hair was apparently messy, but you knew that he had probably spent a long time in front of the mirror checking every strand, and it had certainly paid off.
you didn't even try to find an excuse to meet him that time. just jumped up and left the reserved area, not listening to any of your friends' questions. from the stairs you could see him reaching a table at the down floor, where a couple of girls were sitting that you didn't remember seeing before. noticed him greeting one of them with a kiss on the cheek, bringing that smell back to your memory, but made sure to ignore the idea that crossed your mind and faded as soon as you saw him looking for you in the reserved area himself. he approached the stairs as you went down, so you decided to wait at the end of them "finally!" you said almost without breaking, sounding a little - too - excited to see him. yunho was about to speak, but your impatience interrupted him with a soft kiss on the lips that was confused to say the least, swallowing his words, not even sure what he wanted to say to you. with a sincere smile, you pulled his wrist to a corner a little further away from his friends and yours, a little further away from the crowd, and while he was still silent, you allowed yourself to kiss him again, leaning your back against the dark wall of the room. took a few seconds for yunho to react, feeling a slight panic sweep through his body, but deciding to surrender to you again. it was much easier to be carried away by your lips, so he brought one of his hands to your waist while cradled your neck with the other to deepen the kiss. felt as if the night before had not ended, as if the truce you had happily signed yesterday had continued to stand against all odds. "took a long time, yuyu" said to him as you separated to get some oxygen. he didn't even open his eyes before kissing you again.
he pressed his body closer to yours, breathing into your lips and making you feel like you're in a damn cloud9. buried both hands in his hair, stroking him as if to calm him, "hi" mumbled over your lips. actually, you didn't even hear it, you guessed it.
"been waiting for you" you confessed, not even thinking about how your attitude let yunho look a little deeper into you. "thought you wouldn't come" he remained silent, looking into your eyes like trying to find something. in fact, he was looking for some sign of remorse, of hatred, of resentment, of anger. some trace of everything you were giving him all this time, but he found in you nothing more than a honest desire to see him. he sighed heavily and took some distance from you, though his hands never left your body, going up to your face to cradle it once more. you held his wrists and smiled sweetly, "don't have a very good face, yuyu" you stated, looking genuinely concerned, "u ok?" yunho felt his chest shrink as the sweetness colored your words.
it was like you were doing it on purpose, as if you were fighting with your last ace to keep him close. he had worked hard to get to this point, he had fought against everything he felt so that would be moderately comfortable with what was about to happen. but it would only be fine if you continued to be a fucking bitch to him, one who didn't seem to care about anything. now that you looked at him as if you really wanted to be with him, as if you cared about his well-being and kissed him so lovingly, how could he say something like that to you? how could he not grab the last burning nail that was your relationship?
"no, i'm not well" he confessed. you took a careful breath and gently changed your sweet expression to a worried one. something was really wrong.
"here, let's sit" you suggest, pointing to the high chairs a few feet away "and maybe i can help you" if he didn't know you well enough, yunho would swear that you were trying to torture him playing with his feelings to trap him in your web so he would never leave you. but in actual fact, you were genuinely concerned about him and wanted to help him. reaching the chairs, without letting go of his hands, you sit facing each other. legs are intertwined, you only have to move a little closer to kiss him again, which you did, "come on sweetie, tell me".
"why 're u treating me so well?" he asked suddenly, almost burning with the torture of having you so close again.
you pursed your lips, tilting your head with a shy smile, "don't know" confessed this time, "yesterday was a nice day, i guess" yunho sighed with the memory of your naked body hugging his all night, making him feel like the fucking worst person in the whole earth.
"i have been waiting for you to look at me like this for a long time" with a weak and deep voice, it comes out almost in a wail "it is not fair that you act like this today" you looked at him with some confusion while he avoided your eyes as much as he could. instead, he look at your body without taking a second to notice what you're wearing. a grimace of sarcasm crossed his face, and he couldn't help but think that what you were trying to do to him must be some kind of heavy joke.
"today? what's happening today?"
"i've been doing the best that i can for about, how long, maybe a year?" his voice rises slightly and you can hear some bitterness in it. by contrast, yunho never lets go of your hands, making the grip harder and focus all the attention on them laying over the dress you are wearing "i have respected your space and accepted all the times you kicked me away" he said, you parted your lips without knowing exactly what to say, feeling more confused by the moment "gave you love whenever u were around, just to make u feel wanted and wash away what i did" you blinked several times, trying to pull your hands away, but he held them firmly, "went where you wanted, when you wanted, even when i knew you were doing with other guys" he sighed heavily, sharpening his gaze and finally looking at you. "needed to see me so fucked up to empathize with me a little? or did you realize that you still love me?"
when he looked into your eyes, you didn't like what you saw. no clue if all that anger and pain had always been there or if something you are missing had happened and yunho was actually in pain. the only thing you were sure about was that your patience was too thin to keep listening to him, and the sarcasm of his words didn't help at all. or did you realize that you still love me?
you yanked hard from his hands, surprising him but managing to escape his grip. denied with a bitter smile before said "let it go, it was a mistake", you said it out loud, but those words were more for you than for him. wanted to leave it there now that you still had some will to have a good night, but suddenly yunho realized he couldn't let you go that easily. the pride he had been swallowing all this time returned all at once and he was not willing to let you be the one to decide the course of the conversation again. yunho had come to this place with a damned purpose, and he was going to fulfill it whether you wanted or not. he stopped you down impulsively, grabbed your wrist and pulled back towards him. almost crashed into his chest, but you reacted quickly and put a hand on his shirt, pushing him back "what's wrong with u?"
"with me!?" he opened his eyes as if you had told him the most savage thing he had ever heard in his life, "the problem here is you!" suddenly yunho grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back against the wall, surrounding you with both arms into a corner so he can look down on you. it felt like you were tiny, and that wasn't what you needed that night, "come to me like you need to see me, kiss me, care about me, and in that fucking dress!" you looked away from him when his breath crash into your face so aggressively, because yunho was yelling, almost out of control and too close for your comfort. caught your breath to regulate the tension in your chest, feeling slightly dizzy. you looked like a prey, trapped under your ex's harsh and unforgiving voice, full of resentment "am a joke to u? wearing this on just to hurt me, yeah?" he growled. despite the toughness of his words, yunho was far from feeling tough inside. he was pushing himself to the limit, trying to contain a huge amount of emotions that he did not know how to handle at a time like this, when he had you in front of him and the person he decided to commit to just a few steps away, waiting for him.
when he got up in the morning next to you, had a feeling that he holds the world in his hands again. he barely slept through the night and made sure to stay close to you as long as possible, watching you as you rested, with your chest rising and falling gently, your peaceful face and your body completely relaxed. no tension, no fighting and no bitterness. you were an angel - his angel -, and he told himself he was the luckiest man in the world to be able to watch such a spectacle. yunho also realized you still had some habits, such as sleeping on your right side - which made yunho get used to sleeping on his left side so he could hug you -; you still talked a bit at night, and still hadn't given up your eagerness to steal his blanket whenever you had the chance. but his favorite, which he treasured as a precious memory, and which he loved to see you kept, was your adorable need to cuddle at night. he wondered more than once if you'd gotten over it because didn't have him anymore, or if you were holding plush animals like you once told him you did before living together. now that he had you there, tied to his torso as if you never wanted him to leave, he was afraid to even breathe too hard in case you moved and let him go. it was hard for him to give in to sleep, but was overly nice to see you again when he woke up. sure, you moved and were no longer holding him, but you were holding his hand. really seemed that you needed any contact with him as much as he needed you to do it.
knowing he must go while you were still asleep, he tempted his fate and stayed for almost an hour. the thought of leaving you was killing him, and his tears were the only witness, but it was better to go for himself than to let you push him again. was certainly sure he couldn't take it after having you this way again. he worked hard to convince himself that it was best to get away from you and trust her. she was good for him, but you weren't, because you could offer him nothing but nostalgia and the ghost of the woman he fell in love with. yunho told himself that the last night you spent together was almost a mirage, a kind of truce he had signed with you, but that it expired as soon as the sun rose on the horizon. so you wouldn't want him there anymore then, not knowing you haven't forgive him yet. he needed to stop blaming himself because you didn't want him anymore, to stop punishing himself with your kisses and your fleeting caresses, no matter how sweet they were. she looked like a white promise at the end of all this agony. couldn't even believe that she was giving him a second chance after what he had done to her for you, but he told himself he wouldn't mess it up this time, that would let you go and that you wouldn't suffer because you were really just playing with him. yunho wouldn't have to see you cry and he wouldn't cry for you anymore.
what he did not expect was to see you the next day in that dress that meant so much to both of us, taking him back to the night you met, while your eyes showed him a genuine illusion to see it again. he could even see the pain in your pupils as his voice, against all odds, became much harsher. he should hate you, but he hated himself instead "yunho, enough. wanna leave".
"oh, u want to go now?" he insisted, making you swallow hard while see him shocking his head many times "please tell me what you want from me" you looked him in the eyes again, an uncertain gaze locked with his. could barely make out the colors of his face in the dim light of the room, but you could clearly see the damage in his look, "can't take it anymore" he almost sobbed, dropping his head down to the floor "i can't keep paying for what i did. need u to stop punishing me, it's not fair to either of us anymore" locked out, the air was missing and could only feel the strong fragrance that yunho wore that night clouding your senses. you tried to concentrate on his words, but they only hurt. it was as if he had hit you so hard that all you could hear was a hollow and annoying sound. yunho kept talking to you, becoming more and more impatient with your silence, and in the midst of all the dull noise, your face began to fall as his words began to sink in. you thought coldly about what he was really telling you and a sour taste grew in your throat. you'd swear you'd fall to the ground if yunho hadn't left you barely space to breathe, intoxicating you with his accusations.
"yunho" mumbled, sealing his lips so he could hear you after trying to get your attention so much "if u don't like it, just leave" your head remained a little bowed, as if the neck couldn't bear the weight, so you looked at him from below "fair, you say?" snorted in denial as you closed your eyes again "know what's not fair? your boyfriend cheating on you, and knowing about it by a pic that someone sent of him kissing that fucking chick. that's not fair" yunho was going to say something, but you cut him off "it's neither fair that you came home the next morning and covered yourself with a lie, not fair that you kissed me with the same mouth that you kissed another girl the night before. that you came home every morning of every weekend without feeling the slightest bit of guilt until i discovered you, that's not fucking fair" yunho stepped back a little, letting you breathe a bit easier "it's also not fair the fact u forced seven fucking people who were also my friends to lie to me to cover up your fucking betrayal" looked at him again "know what it was like for me to lose u and all of them at once? that. is. not. fair" you spitted bitterly, punctuating every word "i saw the person i trusted the most taking away those we considered our friends, and yet you also took away my first love, my home, and everything i felt for u" here they were again, the tears piling up and threatening to wet yunho's cheeks, while you felt like tearing out every piece of yourself, every single night you spent awake missing him. you were now throwing them out in the form of all the conclusions you came to between cries and tears "so if you think what's happening is unfair, you'd better go and leave me alone for good" you were angry, and your words were not what really was in your heart, but weren't able to control yourself in the same way that he wasn't able to. however, also failed to calculate the consequences of what you just said.
"that's exactly what 'm trying to do" he replied, now at a safe distance from you.
"how do u say?" despite the word just spitted, you were incredulous.
"'m leaving you, leaving this" his cold gaze froze your body "i am tired, tired of you" he confessed. didn't even know how you felt at that time, but yunho wasn't finished with you yet "i've met someone, and i think i like this girl, but need to be away from you to find out" that was the masterstroke. the last words he needed to end you, with everything you had built since decided to focus on yourself, everything you had risked to bring him back into your life. even though you had managed to recover from all the hits he had soothed you with his words, there was no turning back from what he had just said so easily.
words sharp as blades pierced your whole body mercilessly, straight from the same lips that kissed you so lovingly just moments ago. you clearly heard something inside breaking again. i'm tired of you. his voice echoed in your head, as if he would never stop shouting it in your ear, over and over again, like a damned mantra he'd decided to tattoo on your skin. yunho knew for real he was being cruel, he watched almost in slow motion how your pride faded away as the light in your eyes started to dim, but he couldn't help his mouth breathing away what his broken heart was crying out.
the strident music fades and instead you only hear this one sentence and a high-pitched sound drowns your eardrums, you have the feeling that they will even start to bleed if you try to say something else, but all your pride has vanished with your breath. you have nothing more to say, and even if you tried, would not be able to hear a single word, so you close your eyes and try to erase yunho from your mind, but of course, his silhouette appears in the darkness of your eyelids, smiling and laughing at you, reminding the horrible person you are. felt so out of place, so confused and lost in a feeling of incorrigible pain, even greater than the first time yunho left, that don't even know how you have returned to the side of your friends. when you figure it out, you're sitting next to them and they're talking to each other as if you weren't there. inside, everything fell apart. on the outside, your face remained blank, almost serene. you craved to scream, wanted to find yunho again and shout him that it was all his fault.
the image of your boyfriend, with whom you even shared an apartment, kissing another girl, along with the certainty that he had been hiding it for god knows when, still burning inside your eyes and were not exaggerating when you said that it was the first time you felt the pain of a betrayal, added to the pain of a broken heart and the sudden loneliness. well, if you had to be completely honest with yourself, you hadn't handled what happened right, and had to admit that you were cruel. but within the pain you felt at that moment, the idea that it was yunho who had broken you to such an extreme, that it was yunho who was wrong first, who broke you and all that you were, shone more brightly in your head.
your gaze wandered from one side to another. the floor, the ceiling, the round table in the center of your seats, filled with full and empty glasses, the distand and happy faces of your friends, seungcheol holding one of your hands and giving you a loving grimace… the neon red of the exit sign where you fell into yunho's arms again.the light soon blinded you slightly, feeling your gaze begin to unfocus as the bright red dazzled you and tears unconsciously welled up at the edge of your pupils. memories of your ex filled your blurred vision, pulling you away from reality and back to the image of his lips on yours, begging you to stay a little longer. his hands craving around your skin, trying to keep you close. now all that was gone. i think i love that girl, but i need to be away from you to know. and to think that you had stayed devoted to his arms, while he sought solace in another girl.
when you were able to refocus your gaze, found yourself looking at yunho's table in the distance. everyone seemed perfectly happy, including your ex, who was hugging who you assumed was the girl that took him away from you, who was winning his heart, the same heart had been your home " honey, is everything okay?" when you heard seungcheol's voice, suddenly realized you are already truly crying, feeling the happiness of those boys as a direct attack on you. why, if you were the victim, were the only one still suffering? "baby, look at me" seungcheol quickly located where your gaze was heading and gently picked up your chin to force you to stop hurting yourself, trying to comfort you with a warm smile and a kiss on the forehead.
"guess 'm not at my peak" you let out a chuckle far from funny and wiped away your tears.
with his thumb, seungcheol caressed your wet cheek and raised both eyebrows "we have two options. i can take you home, you'll take a shower, we'll watch anything on tv and i promise i'll play your hair until you fall asleep if it'll make you feel better" the smile grew natural on your lips, provoking a similar one on his face. he couldn't help it even if he wanted to and he wouldn't; sex or not, you were his best friend and one of the most important person in his life since you both were able to open up to each other, understand each other, support each other and care for each other. he had met many people in his life because he was someone of a social nature, but with you it was a crush in any sense you wanted to take it. he was sure that whatever you could offer him would be enough, because loved you sincerely and would prove it "or you can stay here with all of us, try to enjoy the night and not let anything or anyone else get the better of you" knew perfectly well what his words meant, because he wasn't stupid and no matter how much you had tried to hide it, he clearly saw something big going on with yunho, and confirmed it as soon as he saw you unable to take your eyes off him and that beautiful girl he wouldn't let go even for a stand second "both options are valid and in both i promise not to leave you alone at any time. it's up to you" you took a breath with lips sealed, biting them slightly at your pathetic image going home early for a fucking cheating guy, who was also happily a few meters away enjoying himself after breaking your heart for the second time.
you wondered if you were too naive, if you really didn't know him that well and those looks full of love and pleading he so often gave when you were together were nothing but pure show, a fake better than yours designed to fuck up your life even more. was yunho so cruel, so cold and manipulative? that night, you needed to believe that he was.
"think i can give this place a second chance today" you spoke unsure of your decision, but willing to at least give it a try. yunho couldn't stop you, wouldn't let him, and you knew that seungcheol was ready to help with that.
"that's my girl" he said, kissing your cheek "in that case, i have something for you" you watched as he pulled out his wallet from his denim jacket, showing you a small black baggie that brought a new smile to your face "are you in?"
"sharing is for pretty people" chaeyoung appeared at your back, holding out her hand to seungcheol, who laughed and didn't fail to leave a small white pill in the palm of her hand, but to you he put it straight into your mouth, with a greedy smirk that you were quite used to and that made you slightly fall into his game. you stuck out your tongue slowly, where he left the pearl while looking at your eyes, brushing your tongue with his fingers and listening to him saying again that's my girl but, this time, several octaves lower.
however, cheol didn't move any more cards in that direction with you afterwards, again respecting your boundaries, which you were extremely grateful for. if you had to take it out on your best friend, you didn't want to do it. it seemed like playing dirty, even though you knew for a fact that he'd be more than glad to offer himself to the cause. it wouldn't happen, but his attitude helped to immerse you in the night.
while you waited patiently - as long as you could - for the substances to take effect in your system, you tried to distract yourself with literally anything. smiled, talked to all your friends at the table, joked even with them and tried to laugh heartily when the others did, but your attempts were not enough to contain your fucking curiosity and the inertia to satiate it by looking back to yunho's table.
sometimes, he wasn't there and you could only see his friends, because she was never there if he wasn't. you'd even swear that, on a couple of occasions, yunho looked in your direction too, but couldn't say for sure because, when you got that feeling, you looked away like a fucking coward. the last time it happened, your eyes ran to the bottom of your empty glass, and the need to cover your shame with alcohol fills your patience. obviously, you asked cheol to come to get another drink, and fulfilling his promise, he took your hand and walked with you downstairs to the bar. the crowd was heavy that night, which wouldn't bother you on any other occasion, but on this one felt the anxiety fill your lungs and keep the oxygen out. to make matters worse, a guy a little shorter than cheol walked up to him. you saw them hugging and understood immediately that they hadn't seen each other for a long time "babe, give me a minute. pay for the drinks, today it's on me" he took out his wallet again and put it in your hands "you'll be fine" you nodded with a smile, knowing would be very selfish if you told him otherwise "i'll be right back" cheol kissed your hand lightly before disappearing into the crowd. the thought of running into yunho, that girl or one of his friends hit your mind immediately afterwards, and had to take a deep breath not to run upstairs, because you didn't feel confident enough to face any of them, especially not your damn ex. luckily, you were served quickly and soon had full glasses in hands, so you opened cheol's wallet to pay the bill. that's when you met up again with the little black baggie.
the idea inevitably crossed your mind. looked around to find the people and the music were thick and mingled inside you with heaviness, feeling genuinely overwhelmed and the night didn't seem to be getting any better. although you'd already had one, this time it hadn't had any effect, so maybe… a second pill wouldn't be such a bad idea, would it? before you could think clearly - and realize that it was a terrible idea - you had the pill in your teeth, putting the bag back in seungcheol's wallet, who appeared seconds later accompanied by the same guy from earlier. you sighed, honestly a little uneasy because it was the first time you'd taken two pills in one night, but were too sober to stay on your feet. had run out of any strategy to keep you distracted and your gaze kept coming back to yunho and that damn girl over and over again. you were afraid of being too obvious, starting to cry again, or that some guy in that fucking group would notice you staring at them. "vernon, meet my favourite girl" the presentations were short, but pleasant. you soon find out that he's actually american and has been living there for a while, so it was great to see cheol again, a feeling that soon rubbed off on you. he was a really strange guy, but funny and very, very nice.
after talking to vernon for a while, which really kept you distracted - wouldn't be lying if you said that meeting him was almost a promise that the night could get better - it wasn't long before you finally felt your body react chemically. no clue if it was the fact that you were a little more relaxed, or that the dose was already high enough to have an effect on someone who was already used to a single pill, but suddenly, felt energetic and some kind of adrenaline rush hit you, along with the urge to expend that shot of electricity by partying for real. pulling your new friend along towards the same destination, the rest soon followed, tired from sitting on those leather couches all night. when finally made your way through the crowd of people, the music vibrated through your body, causing you to crack a smile that felt like it would tear at the corner of your lips. you knew yunho was close, but at that moment, didn't give a shit, focusing on nothing but your breathing becoming heavy in your chest as you jumped on the track, your heart pumping so fast that couldn't count the beats even if you wanted to.
at the height of the ecstasy you were experiencing for the first time, it felt like hours had passed, but in actual fact it only took two or three songs for the situation to change radically. in one of your little hops to the music, you clearly felt your knees failing to break your fall, and if it hadn't been for vernon and seungcheol's quicker arms, you would have crashed to the floor along with your glass, which shattered into pieces. it wasn't a big deal, and if you were in your senses, would have laughed at the situation and the fact that had already broken two glasses in one day. but not right then.
right then, you felt like every single look in thet club was falling on you. the hollow sound of glass crashing on the floor deafened you for a moment, and you could only focus on all those judgmental stares on your body, as if they knew you had just fucked up. as if they knew you had been dumped for someone else, that you were high and that, in reality, you would rather have taken cheol's first offer and gone home to rest and cry all the broken feelings pouring out of your heart. your breathing, once heavy, now became scarce. you had to hold on tightly to vernon's arm, who brought both hands to your sides to give you balance "beautiful, are you okay?" cheol asked you and you looked him practically panic-stricken in the eyes. you wanted to say no, that your heart was going too fast but you had no strength in either leg. you then tried to speak, but sickness built up in the pit of your stomach, causing a gag and forcing you to cover your mouth with a hand and only deny it.
seungcheol's reaction was, thankfully, fast. he whispered something in vernon's ear that you couldn't hear and gave you a quick smile before he disappeared running, or trying to, into the crowd. so far, you had been drinking quite a lot and quite possibly too much, so he opted not to waste a second trying to help. you wanted to follow him, confused and increasingly dizzy, but vernon held you tightly and forced a hand around his waist for a better grip "he'll be back. come with me upstairs" spoke in your ear. he broke away, looking at your legs slightly bent under your own weight "can u walk?" you nodded, gripping his waist even tighter before starting to move.
right then, you felt like every single look in thet club was falling on you. the hollow sound of glass crashing on the floor deafened you for a moment, and you could only focus on all those judgmental stares on your body, as if they knew you had just fucked up. as if they knew you had been dumped for someone else, that you were high and that, in reality, you would rather have taken cheol's first offer and gone home to rest and cry all the broken feelings pouring out of your heart. your breathing, once heavy, now became scarce. you had to hold on tightly to vernon's arm, who brought both hands to your sides to give you balance "beautiful, are you okay?" cheol asked you and you looked him practically panic-stricken in the eyes. you wanted to say no, that your heart was going too fast but you had no strength in either leg. you then tried to speak, but sickness built up in the pit of your stomach, causing a gag and forcing you to cover your mouth with a hand and only deny it.
seungcheol's reaction was, thankfully, fast. he whispered something in vernon's ear that you couldn't hear and gave you a quick smile before he disappeared running, or trying to, into the crowd. so far, you had been drinking quite a lot and quite possibly too much, so he opted not to waste a second trying to help. you wanted to follow him, confused and increasingly dizzy, but vernon held you tightly and forced a hand around his waist for a better grip "he'll be back. come with me upstairs" spoke in your ear. he broke away, looking at your legs slightly bent under your own weight "can u walk?" you nodded, gripping his waist even tighter before starting to move.
you had never experienced this feeling before. your legs were not responding and could clearly feel your body getting heavier by second, along with the involuntary bouncing of your head, like you had been drinking uncontrollably all night. it got worse as you approached the stairs, each step becoming a world, "there is not much left" vernon said, trying to cheer you up. you could see how was struggling not to fall down the stairs pulling your weight up, and couldn't help but feel stupid and helpless, because your head seemed to be working quite fast, with some clarity, but no part of your body wanted to cooperate. it was only when vernon finally managed to drop you into one of the couches in the reserved area that the fear really took over. every muscle in your body was so numb that you barely felt it, "easy, stay easy, you're fine" vernon knelt down in front of you to be at the height of your face, holding your hands and trying to comfort you. then he approached your face, looking closely at your pupils, trying not to be too obvious. didn't want to think about it, he wanted to be wrong. but either fortunately or not, vernon was quite sure of what was happening to you, and even though he tried to calm you down, because he also knew that it would be much worse if you found out, he was scared, and the deep black that suffocated your iris did not help.
seungcheol finally arrived with several small bottles of water and a tiny towel he had to ask for at the bar. you listened with a certain distance as vernon explained that your body was practically dead and you swore that you could hear your friend's heart racing as he realized how bad it really was at that point. you wanted to ask what was happening, but couldn't find any voice and only had the ability to cry, which you did when you saw cheol giving you a look of panic. he sat down on a chair in front of you and took both of your hands "hey, don't cry, don't cry" he began "i've called chaeyoung, we'll be leaving soon" you nodded in tears "but first u have to be honest with me, okay?" nodded again "did u drink something u didn't buy yourself? or any of us?" you denied this time, cheol sighed in relief "so you drank a lot then?" denied again. well, you actually drank a lot, but not enough to have you that bad.
"cheol, it's not alcohol, she's high" the music still raged in your ears and your senses weren't working properly, but you could hear vernon clearly. his words hit you like a bucket of cold water, making you cry even harder.
"high? like, drugged?" cheol repeated, notoriously confused. he was dead sure he had only given you a single pill, nothing you hadn't done a thousand times before.
"did u give her anything?" vernon denied, "nothing" he spoke honestly, "but these symptoms are not from drinking too much alcohol" vernon's voice was also full of concern, but he spoke with much more confidence than seungcheol. you opened your mouth to say sorry, wanted to tell the truth and apologize for being so stupid and irresponsible, but once again a gag forced you to shut up, sobbing in your seat in defeat as you tightened the grip of cheol's hands.
"what happened!?" you immediately recognized the voice of your friend nearby, and soon the left side of the couches sank, "u okay?" she cradled your face with both hands, getting a bad surprise when she saw the paleness of your skin soaked with tears.
"think it might be an overdose," Vernon spoke, "she've taken something, hasn't she?" your friends nodded.
"but we've done it many times, nothing like this has ever happened before." chaeyoung's voice cracked as she tried to talk to vernon.
"she must have taken something else" he approached your face again, lighting you up with his phone to see that your pupils, which turned your irises practically black, barely reacted to the intense light of the flashlight "for the moment she is awake, but it might be a matter of time before she collapses"
"don't mess with me, man" cheol complained, "we have to call an ambulance"
vernon took a deep breath before he replied "if you do, remember that this is punishable in korea" his voice seemed much more loaded with anxiety "she is not going to get rid of his drug use easily."
"and what should we do? expect the worst!?" chaeyoung was crying. you heard it clearly in her voice, and you felt your heart break for the second time that night, guilt and fear paralyzing any little sense you had left in your body, hating yourself for bringing yourself to such situation.
"of course not!" you felt the other end of the couch sink way, "we need to try getting her to vomit while she still awake"
"are u sure about that?" cheol insisted, but vernon shook his head.
"i'm not, but given the sympthons and her dilated pupils, it might be."
the next event was something you wished with all your might you could wipe from your memory, but clearly it would stay with you forever, as a lesson. the three of them accompanied you, practically dragging your body, to the toilet upstairs. it was chaeyoung who helped you vomit using her own fingers, succeeding after several attempts. the bile and tears stained your face, making you feel miserable in the cheol's arms, who tried to comfort your sobbing. when they succeeded, they sighed with a sigh of relief. chaeyoung hugged you after wiping her hands, and you felt guilty again because you could still smell the stink of your vomit on her. the crying increased as they tried to comfort you, and the worst part is, as you sat on the white bathroom floor, with your head resting on cheol's chest and your other two friends trying to soothe what was obviously pain, the only person you could think of was yunho, hoping that he would somehow find out what was happening, and come to take care of you. "i'm gonna get the water from the table, try to rinse her face while" vernon spoke again.
you heard the door close, and soon after, chaeyoung closed the lock to prevent anyone from seeing you in that situation. cheol tried to lift your body, but, oddly enough, it was even heavier than before. sure you had vomited, as vernon suggested, but you didn't feel any better - the nausea was still there and all the strength in your body was just a memory. all you could do was cry "chae" he called her "chae, it's not okay" the trembling in your friend's voice finally confirming reality, was the last push before anxiety, or panic, or maybe both, took over. you began to hyperventilate, the little air that filled your lungs left and felt a horrible pressure in your chest. your legs were shaking involuntarily and although you could feel your friends holding you up, had no stability at all. you were falling. their voices were still present, calling out to you in sheer terror, lightly patting your face as the lights dimmed. until you could no longer open your eyes. it was barely a couple of minutes, seconds for you and an eternity for your friends, but your consciousness faded for a moment, and your body became completely lifeless. by the time you opened your eyes again, the white light blinded you slightly before could clearly see the face of your friends surrounding you again, swollen and drenched "fuck, she's awake!" cheol practically shouted. you quickly pulled yourself back up, taking a big breath of air before running back out to the toilet to vomit. chaeyoung followed, brushing your hair away from your face as she patted your back. you could still hear her sobbing.
"let's go home" you mumbled, relieving a little more of chae's fear, who was yet to come out of shock at how you had ended up. you, who had always been an angel, who once trembled at the thought of taking something illegal or dangerous, were now slumped over the toilet bowl, messed up and on the verge of something she would have regretted for the rest of her fucking life.
didn't have to ask twice, all of your friends without exception, even including vernon, never left leave your side for a second -genuinely scared after seeing you in such a situation-, left the place. as you dodged the crowd, you thought about what could have happened, and you couldn't even have asked for medical help without ruining your record and destroying your working future in the country. you thought about what had done to your friends, who felt helpless and lost without knowing how and when you had consumed so much as to push yourself to the limit. but most of all, being infinitely selfish, you thought about how the only person you would really want to walk you home that night, to comfort you, to hold you and not let go until the next morning, was yunho. but the only, and the last, thing you got from him after all, was a last glimpse of his arm around that other girl you had been seeing him with all night, without him even giving you a single glance as you left that fucking club.
as you walked away from his figure, blurring through the salt that irritated your eyes, realized something that clicked in your mind like the piece of a puzzle you had been trying to complete for too long, and it is that the bitter taste of failure that agonized in your head and that did not let you breathe was actually the certainty that you had lost the only thing you thought you could still keep from yunho after he betrayed you in that way, after confirmed that he did not love you by doing something like this, that he was not faithful to you, that he was not yours. you had lost the one thing you could still treasure as your greatest and darkest obsession, you had lost his attention.
and with that, you had lost him forever.
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OKAY ITS HERE!!! i struggled too much with that part because, although i had been thinking about it for a while, i had no idea how to write it to try to convey a sense of real loss and despair. i hope i succeeded at least a little bit!!! and above all that you enjoyed reading it ♡ although it is the last part, there is still the epilogue!!!!! and i am seriously thinking if it should be a good or bad one... anyway, thank you very much for reading me and giving love to my work, i am infinitely grateful ♡
all the loveeeee
☆tags☆ @yeosangsbbg @atinyluv238 @livingdeadlisa-blog @kunikku @yzaeseong @pearltinyy @txt-yaomi @tunaasan @honeyhwaaa
101 notes · View notes
cowboydisaster · 1 year
The Fire In Your Eyes
part IX: horseshoe overlook v
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 6.1k
summary: Three days after watching Arthur fall, three days of grief, three days of regret, and it all comes crashing down on you in one bittersweet moment.
a/n: here we are fellas... a much awaited chapter, technically the second half of last chapter. Star waits three days at the bank of the river... and so I've made you wait three days too. I want to say a few things so if you're sticking around to read the notes buckle up. Firstly I could absolutely not have done this chapter without Margo (linked below). She literally held my hand through writing this lol, and offered me more support, kindness, and praise than I deserve. She gave me so many tips and ideas and suggestions for this and I'm just so proud of the way it turned out, thanks to her. This was a group effort for sure. Secondly, I'm still in shock from the level of support this series has been getting. Its just incredible to see how many people come back so consistently. Last but not least, I love you guys, really I do. And I can't wait to see what you guys have to say about this chapter.
beta read by @margowritesthings
warnings: nsfw, 18+, minors dni, violence
series extras
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It's been three days, searching the banks, knowing that he won't be back, won't be coming home. You saw him hit the water, and he didn't come back up. A fall like that is barely survivable. You know he's gone and it isn't until you allow yourself to think it that you break. All that you should have told him, should have opened up about and you didn't. You didn't. And now Arthur will never know any of it.
Arthur is gone, and he left thinking that you didn’t want him. You hate yourself, for your inability to open up and you hate him for this whole job. You told him you didn’t feel right about it but no one listened. Now he's gone and you're so mad, so angry with the world and your heart and him. 
It's pouring, thundering and lightning in the dark night and you've started to accept that he isn't coming back. In your head you know it, it's all you've thought about. You know he's gone, he's never returning to you, but your anger keeps you from returning to camp because what is the gang to you without Arthur? Can you really go back there and live with his ghost?
The rain pounds down on the top of your tent, falling down and drenching the ground. Lightning lights up the night, showcasing to you the dark, empty lake. John had come by a day ago, and when you realized he was alone your heart shattered all over again. It's a strange thing, you realize, to love someone but never have the courage to admit it until it's too late. Thinking back, you know you loved Arthur, it's obvious, but you couldn't admit it at the time. It took losing him to realize how much you need him. You don't know who you are, here now, without him. You belong nowhere, you have nothing, you want nothing other than him. 
You think about going up north, up to West Elizabeth for a while, but you can't bring yourself to leave the shore just in case. You haven't eaten. You haven't slept. You've been sitting in this tent at night haunted by ghosts and regrets, and surveying the lake in the day, futile as it may be. You know you need to do something, to go somewhere other than this damn shore, but you're lost. Your head tells you to run, but your heart tells you to go back to those who care about you. 
Arthur cared about you. And it's sick, and it's twisted but you're so mad at him for your feelings, so mad that he cared about you so much because it made losing him that much harder. 
Lost in thought, you don't even hear the footsteps as they approach the tent, nor do you hear Balius's quiet nicker. The rain doesn't help, coming down along with thunder that shakes the ground. You don't even notice his presence until he speaks up. 
Everything stops. Your eyes go wide, and immediately fill with tears at the familiar, gravelly voice that you haven't been able to get out of your head for three days. At first you're sure you're imagining it, losing your mind, until he speaks up again. 
"Star? Y'in there?" He asks again, and too shocked and confused to speak, you crawl out of the tent. Your eyes land on him as you stand in the rain and you freeze, mouth agape. He looks…  he looks fine. And you take a step back as the emotion of it all comes crashing down. At first you're shocked and confused, and then you're relieved… and then you're mad. Because you spent three days thinking he was dead, and he's standing in front of you washed up in a brand new outfit with a smile on his face. The rain soaks in your clothes, drenching you as you try to breathe. 
"Where have you been?!" You cry out, full of emotion and fear and rage. Arthur sees it all playing out on your face, and his eyebrows draw together. 
"What-" He begins but you interrupt him.
"Why are you walking up here  like everythings just fine? Where were you?!" You half cry- half hiss, thinking of all the time you'd spent scanning the water, waiting for his body to wash up. 
"Swam down the river and hid out for a couple days till the bounty hunters lost me." Arthur sighs like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "What's the matter wit you?" 
Arthur isn't used to having someone to return to. No one asks or complains if Arthur comes back late from a job, he's never had anyone care so much as to worry for him like this- he's just not used to it.
You huff, a humorless, sarcastic laugh. 
"So you were just hidin' out?" You ask as a loud boom of thunder shakes the ground. 
"Yeah." Arthur huffs, irritated with your attitude. Your tone is angry, condescending and sarcastic as you continue on. Tears fill your eyes, but he can't see them in the dark.
"Well, I'm glad you've been safe all this time." You reach into your tent grabbing his hat before throwing it towards him angrily. "Here's your damn hat. Found it washed up in the river after you fell. Y'know, it would have been nice if you let me know- If you let me know you were just camping, taking a few days off while I've been here!" You yell, fighting back sobs, watching as he grips his soaked hat, growing more confused. 
"Star- what is your problem?" 
"It doesn't even matter." You toss your hands in the air, chuckling humorlessly. Your hair is soaked through, and Arthur glances to the sky as it lights up with bright white lightning. 
"Clearly it does matter! Ain't my fault you can't express your damn feelings!" He yells, growing angry alongside you. 
"Oh, that is rich coming from you. Like you can?!" You immediately bite back, voice growing louder as you step closer to him. 
"Yeah! I can, with you! I told you about my past, about my son and my parents and Mary! And I know nothing- I know nothing about you- what you want, where you've been." Arthur yells louder than the thunder, pointing his finger in your face as he does so, "You won’t open up and it's killing you. God- what are you so afraid of?! What's holdin’ you back? It's eating at you and you won't just deal with it SO WHAT IN THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLE-" 
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" You yell, stepping forward with your shoulders squared, meeting him with just as much aggression. You're so angry with him, for the train and for coming back like nothing happened. Your anger gets the better of you as you lean forward, hands pressed against his chest and you shove him backwards with all the fire you can muster, growling as you do. He stumbles backwards, eyebrows drawn together as you ball your fists, ready to scream at him, to berate him for leaving you out here. But at the thought, something in your heart cracks, and the fire and the rage pales in comparison to the fear of losing him. 
A loud boom of lightning sounds out, and Arthur prepares for your inevitable verbal knives with his eyes cast on the ground, but you never throw them. 
When he looks back up, your shoulders are rising up and down heavily, and your finger points at him like you're about to chastise him, but you don't. He watches as your shoulders slump slightly, and he sees the way your hand, pointed at him, falters. Glancing up to your eyes, he sees that you're fighting back tears, and biting down on your lip to stop it from trembling. 
Exhausted, and terrified and hurting, you can't find it within you anymore to yell. In fact your voice is barely above a whisper as you meet his green eyes, 
"I spent days thinking you were dead… Do you have any idea what that was like?"  
Arthur sees the moment that you break. He watches as your face crumples, and he sees the pain that you've been going through. God, he didn't even think. He didn't even think. You crumple, erupting into quiet sobs as you hold your face in your hands. In two strides his arms are around you, and you sink into his touch, letting all of the pain and the grief be washed away by the rain.
"I'm so sorry, Star. Shit, I'm so sorry. I'm here. It's okay." He coos, protecting you from the rain with his warmth as you sob into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him to make sure he's really here. 
"John had to pry me away from that bridge…" You choke out, "I thought you were dead and I can't- I can't lose you, please, please don't leave me-" You whimper, feeling more vulnerable than you ever have in your life, but knowing that you trust Arthur with every fiber of your being to be the one to piece you back together. At your words, Arthur's heart shatters, falling to the ground in fragmented pieces along with your own that had fallen apart three days ago. Even with the rain, lightning and the pitch black, he cups your cheeks, pulling your teary eyed gaze up to him. 
"Look at me. You aren't alone- look at me, Star- I'm not going anywhere." 
And looking into his eyes, seeing him here, you know it's a promise he intends to keep. He's in front of you, he's safe, and having him here is too much and not enough all at once. He's scanning your eyes, searching for something to signal that you're going to be okay, and that's when it happens. With his hands resting on your face, and his eyes searching yours, you lean up on your toes, and you kiss him. You kiss him with everything you have in you, ignoring the storm and the pain in your heart. You thought you'd never have the chance to do this. And with him here in front of you, you need him to know that you want him too. You've repressed so much love and so much emotion, and now that he's here in front of you, you can't help but feel it all. 
He's shocked at first, eyes open and lips slack until he catches up and leans back into you with just as much emotion. His eyes slip shut, and you curl your hands into his shirt, opening your mouth for him to gain entrance. Your tears slip down your cheeks, mixing in with your lips. It's hungry and raw and filled with the emotion of you terrified of losing him, and needing him in every way possible now that he's here.
You pull away to catch your breath, tears slipping down your cheeks as you look up to him, making sure once again he's still here. He smiles down at you, wiping your cheek with his thumb, smearing the rain and the tears away. And then you're pulling him back down to you, kissing him again with the same hunger, and he kisses you back. His hands grip onto your waist and he pulls you against him as your lips slot against each other. It's him who breaks the kiss this time, and he looks down to your eyes, his green irises searching yours and seeing the intention in your gaze.
"You sure you want this?" He asks you, rain soaking his hair and causing a piece to hang down in front of his face. 
"Stop talking." You whisper, barely a breath as you run your fingers through his hair before leaning up to kiss him again. Your hands grip onto him, and you whimper into his mouth as his tongue mixes with yours. You need more, you need him. You need to know he's with you. 
Arthur seems to read your mind, hands grabbing the underside of your thighs as he pulls you up against him, carrying you. Your legs wrap around his hips, and you only break the kiss momentarily as he carries you into the tent. He lays you down on the soft blankets, taking a moment to admire you laid before him in the lantern light. Then he lines your body, leaning over you on his forearms as the storm rages on outside. His lips are on you again, in the crook of your neck, kissing the spot where your pulse beats erratically. Your legs are still wrapped around his waist, and as he kisses you, his left hand unbuttons your shirt. 
"You done this before?" Arthur asks, pressing messy kisses to your jawline. He remembers your conversation up in the Grizzlies, and he's almost certain this is new for you. You shake your head. 
"No." You admit. You're no saint, but you've never trusted anyone enough to go this far, not before Arthur at least. 
He exhales, nodding, but he seems hesitant, his hands slowing on your buttons. You grip either side of face, pulling his attention to you.
"I want it to be you. I need it to be you." You admit, whining as he groans, nodding. He leans back, sitting up in between your legs to shed his clothes. You help, pulling his shirt off of him quickly once the buttons are undone. He's left in just his jeans then, but you stop him from taking them off. You pull him down back over top of you, and he obliges, though a bit confused. 
"Kiss me." You plead, and he does. He kisses your lips over and over again, he kisses your neck and your jaw and your forehead while you get used to everything. He wants to do right by you, he wants to do this your way. 
You reach your hand down between your bodies as Arthur pops the last button to your shirt. You line your hand along the bulge in his jeans, and you press against it, eliciting a deep groan from Arthur. You smirk, popping the button of his jeans before slipping your hand inside. You wrap your hand around his shaft, feeling how much he wants you. 
It's overwhelming, all the feelings he gives you. In every way. He's perfect. Warm and loving, and his tan skin is kissed with freckles all over and he's so beautiful it makes your heart ache.
"I'm ready, but I don't know- How do we do this?" You whisper against Arthur's ear. You're letting him take control, and he nods, kissing your lips softly. 
"Let me take care of you, let me be strong for you." He whispers, pulling your shirt over your shoulders and kissing your collarbone until there is a mark.  Then he leans down, pulling your dark jeans down over your legs by the waistband, leaving you fully exposed. Once your denims hit the discarded pile of clothes, Arthur leans back, smiling down at you. You can't find it within you to be self conscious, not with the way he's looking at you. You lean up on your elbows, watching him drink you in as he leans up to grip onto your hand. 
"You're so beautiful…" He mumbles, eyes trailing up your figure lovingly. He squeezes your hand, and leans down to your right thigh where a messy scar lies, the gunshot wound from Blackwater. He kisses the scarred skin. 
"N' so strong." He whispers, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.  Leaning up to meet him, you crash your lips against his own, trying to shove his jeans down off his form. He chuckles, leaning back to shed the denim. Now both fully undressed, he stops, looking over you again. Your wet hair is sprawled out on the blankets, lips plump from where he's kissed them. He's sure you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on.
"Arthur-" You whimper, pulling him back down to you by his hand. He takes his time warming you up. There's no rush, and you're so glad to just be together. 
He places kisses down your chest, in between the valley of your breasts, and you chuckle, fingers intertwining into his hair as you pull him back up to your lips. 
"Arthur?" You breathe out. 
"Touch me." You plead, spreading your legs for Arthur. He smiles, running a finger down your thigh as he leans in to kiss your neck. You gasp, feeling his fingers brush against your core. He stops, groaning when he feels how wet you are, the sound cathartic. Then once you wrap your legs around his waist, he resumes his pace. His thumb gently rubs around the small bundle of nerves at your core, and you gasp, gripping onto his shoulders as he continues to kiss your neck. Then as his thumb continues, his middle finger stretches into your tight heat, and your nails dig even deeper into his shoulders. 
"Please, just-" You beg, but he stops you, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
"Sweetheart, I gotta take my time. I don't wanna hurt you." He says, and you nod, trusting him. He works his finger in you for a while, curling it up and coaxing little gasps from you. Then, he stretches a second finger into you, and you wince from the pull, but after a while of him working you, it starts to feel good. And shortly you're breathing quickly, ready. 
"Perfect." Arthur whispers, sliding his fingers out of you while he presses a kiss to your forehead. His arms flex on either side of your head as he holds himself up, and your legs wrap around his waist as he lines himself up. 
"You ready?" 
"Yes, yes-" You mumble. 
You feel the tip of his length against your entrance, and you spread your legs even further for him. And then he's sliding in, slowly. You gasp loudly, gripping onto him tightly as he thrusts in, slow as to not hurt you. 
"S'it hurt? You okay?" Arthur asks, stilling as you toss your head back and pant. 
"No- yes-?" You whimper, acclimating to the feeling. You nod, signaling him to continue as the thunder rumbles outside, not nearly as loud as your gasping breaths.
"Oh, Arthur-" You moan as he slides into the hilt, and bumps into your sweet spot. He slides back out partially, and then picks up a slow, steady rhythm. Your body arches beneath him, and you moan, pulling his face down to yours in search of his lips, tears coming in rivulets. He kisses you again, giving you butterflies as he thrusts in and out of you. You grant him access to your mouth then, and when he pulls away to breathe, still thrusting steadily, you whimper, tears running down your cheeks. 
"Star?" Arthur asks, worried. And he stills his movements. 
"No- don't stop." You beg, pulling his head down into your chest as he resumes his movements. 
"I'm so glad you're okay Arthur." You cry, shaking against him as you hold his head against you. 
His lips are on yours then, reminding you that he is here with you, safe, loving you. 
"I'm right here, darlin'." He reassures, and you nod against him, biting your lip. You can't help the moans that you start to let out, timed with every one of Arthur's thrusts. He runs his thumb over your hard nipple, teasing it and giving you goosebumps. You don't have to worry about the noise, as there is no one to hear you but the raging storm outside. The power of the black clouds, bright lightning and pounding of rain pale in comparison to the crashing together of you and Arthur. Your moans seem to encourage Arthur, and he begins to thrust even harder into you, kissing you in between his movements. You can't keep your hands off of him, running them from his face, pulling his lips to yours or digging them into his shoulders as you gasp and moan. 
He feels the same way, gripping your hips, kissing your breasts, and your lips and your neck it's almost too much. You feel yourself approaching an orgasm quickly, but you fight it, clamping down on yourself in an attempt to slow the process. You don't want this moment to end, you could stay here forever with him, and never have to worry about anything else. But your abdomen clenches and you feel your nerves begin to tingle. Arthur isn't oblivious to this, and he runs his thumb over your sensitive bud, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"Star, let go." He whispers, lightly biting your earlobe. You shake your head, gripping his shoulders as tight as you can manage. .
"No." You argue, squinting your eyes shut and shaking your head, thighs clamping around him as you try to stop the inevitable. 
"Darlin, let go. I told you, I'm not goin' anywhere." He whispers again, and you release, automatically setting off the intense waves of pleasure that crash down over you. You set Arthur over the edge, constricting around him and your moans fill the tent as you arch your back, pulling his lips down to yours. You moan into his mouth, hips rocking against his own as you climax, feeling so close to him and so intimate and vulnerable. You never knew it could be such a beautiful thing. 
He begins to groan loudly in your ear, and you pull him down to you as you continue to rock and moan against him. Your grip on him tightens, and you're not sure whether or not he's planning on pulling out, but you don't want him to. You need him with you. Your legs wrap even tighter around him and he gets the message. A few stuttering breaths later and Arthur groans, grinding his hips against you as he finishes in you, lips pressing kisses to your own between heavy groans and breaths. 
His forehead falls against yours, resting there as he catches his breath. You do too, still clinging to him in every way possible. After a few moments, he presses a slow kiss to your forehead, and then slides out of you. You wince from the pull, but once he lies down on the blankets beside you, he pulls you into the crook of his arm and covers you with the blanket. You rest your head on his chest, soothed by his heart beat after the past three days. 
"You okay?" Arthur asks, running his hand up and down your back over the blanket. You nod, truthfully. 
"I think I'm better than I've been in a long time." You admit. Arthur leans up on his elbow, grabbing your canteen from his side of the tent. 
"Here." He offers you the water, and you take it willingly, sipping down some of the cool liquid before handing it back to him.
You cuddle down against his chest again, hand sprawled out on his stomach as he looks up at the ceiling, thinking. 
"We gotta talk about this. Please, don't close up again, not now." Arthur says, worried that come morning you'll close yourself off again. You nod. Truly, you have no intention of hiding anymore, not after tonight. But for now you don't want to talk, you just want to be with him.
"In the morning?" You ask, tucking yourself into his side, yawning. 
"Yeah, in the morning." He whispers, and you lean up, pressing one last, slow kiss to his lips. He chuckles as you toss your leg over his, formed tightly against him. 
"Arthur?" You ask, not meeting his eyes. 
"Hmm?" He asks, hand still running up and down your back while the other holds yours tightly. 
"I'm so glad you're okay." You say again, a tear falling down your cheek and getting lost against his chest hair. You draw stars on his bare skin, distracting yourself as he wraps the blanket tighter around you both, protecting you from the thunder outside. 
"I know, sweetheart. S'alright now, you just get some sleep."
Everything seems to make sense now, like it's finally fallen into place. You grip onto his hand, holding it as you start to drift off to sleep. You're his grief, his joy, everything he desires and loves. And you feel the same about him. You've denied yourself this for so long, that finally having it happened in one big collision. You wouldn't change it, lying here with him now. You know you have to talk about this, and you have to get Arthur back to camp, but it's all a problem for tomorrow. Right now it is about the two of you, just existing together for the first time.  
— — — — 
When you begin to wake up, it takes you a few moments to come to your surroundings. Your eyelashes flutter open, eyes squinting to block out the harsh sunlight that is filtering through the tent flap. There is a strong, steady warmth underneath you, and realizing your surroundings, you smile. Your head is laying on Arthur’s chest, legs still intertwined and hands still locked together under the blankets from the night before. Arthur's other hand runs soothingly up and down your bare back, and you prop your chin on his chest to look at him.
"How'd you sleep?" He asks, voice deep and groggy. 
"Real good." You hum, telling the truth. You've slept in the same bed as Arthur on a handful of occasions, but you've never been able to do so as openly as now. You've never woken up so content before, even with the residual ache in your hips. It's a good ache, a reminder of where Arthur had touched you, binded his body to yours in the most intimate of ways.
"I'm sorry that I just… jumped you last night." You whisper with a chuckle, fingers running down Arthur's chest, tracing through the sandy blonde hair there. 
"Do you regret it?" Arthur asks, looking down at you sprawled over his chest. Immediately, you shake your head.
"No. Not at all." You say truthfully. Even though the circumstances around your crashing together were less than ideal, you don't regret it even for a moment.
"Good." Arthur hums, smiling down at you. 
It grows quiet for a while, comfortably so. You listen to the birds and the river, but mostly Arthur's steady breathing, and you realize that you could lie here with him forever. You thought you'd lost him, and now that he's here, you can't bring yourself to let go for fear that he will disappear again. At the thought, you realize that you've not discussed what happens now, and a question forms on your lips. Your hand is still intertwined with Arthur's, and you play with his fingers as you speak up. 
"I reckon I already know the answer to this… but this was more than just sex right?" You ask, a little nervous. You're almost certain this is an emotional commitment, but your anxiety still prods at you. Arthur cracks a smile, bringing your wrist up to his lips before tenderly kissing the point where your pulse beats.
"Yes," He laces his fingers back with your own, "I'm all yours darlin', if you'll have me."
"Always." You whisper, ear pressed against his chest. The rhythmic pounding of his heart is a sound you can't get enough of as you slip your eyes closed, still reassuring yourself that he's here. 
"We gotta head back soon," You sigh, "I know John is worried sick. I'm sure everyone else is too." You whisper, feeling a pang of guilt in your chest for keeping John in the dark while you'd kept Arthur to yourself all night. 
"Just a few more minutes." Arthur counters, wrapping his arms around your waist. His thumb glides over your lower back, and you look up to see him lost in his head again. 
"Why did you stay out here? Why didn't you go back to camp with the others?" Arthur asks, propping his hand under his head to look at you. 
"How could I have left you? I didn't know if you were alive, I didn't think you were, god- that fall… but the thought of you hurt somewhere, or needing help, I couldn't just leave." You whisper, emotion bubbling up again at the thought of his fall. You don't bother to hide it anymore, even though your nature wants you to. 
"I can't stop seeing it, Arthur. I've never been that scared in my life." You admit. 
"It was a hell of a fall, I'll tell you that. Hurt like hell hittin' the water too. I didn't even know if I was alive, the water turned me around real bad and then I was on the shore of the Upper Montana River." He explains, eyes lost in the memory, "Hid out for a while and I heard the law whistles so I stole a horse n' ran to Strawberry. I was so worried about you… I didn't see you get away." 
"Cause I didn't." You whisper, "John had to pull me away from the bridge. Athena carried me here and I sat in the grass the rest of the night just… waiting for you," You take a deep breath, a loose tear slipping down your cheek, "and then your hat washed up, and I was sure you weren't coming back."
You can't shake it. Every time you bring up the bridge it all comes rushing back. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't come back to you." Arthur hums, feeling terribly guilty as he sits up in the tent. You sit up next to him, pulling a blanket around your shoulders to cover your breasts. 
"Well, you're here now." You whisper, teary eyes looking into his. He shakes his head, and you see the regret in his eyes. 
"I shouldn't have called you a hypocrite. That was unfair of me." Arthur says, and your hand reaches up to his cheek, running through the thick stubble there. 
"No, you were right. That's somethin' I've thought about a lot the past few days, somethin' I plan on workin' on." You say, "And, Arthur, I shouldn't have gone through your journal."
Arthur huffs, humorously. 
"S'all you anyway." Arthur admits, and your eyebrows pull together, not understanding. 
"My journal. It's all you." He reiterates and you smirk. 
And then he's pulling you into his lap, unable to keep his hands off you now that he's able to touch you like this. 
"We have to go." You chuckle as Arthur runs his thumb over the purple splotches on your collarbone. His lips are on your jawline in a heartbeat, pressing slow, languid kisses to it. 
"They can wait." He whispers against your skin, thumbs gripping onto your bare hips as the blanket slips down from your shoulders. You lean into his kisses, loving the feeling of his lips on your skin, something you've denied yourself for so long. 
Your stomach grumbles lightly, and Arthur slowly leans back, raising an eyebrow at you. 
"You eaten anything?" He asks, and you sigh. 
"No." You admit, sighing as he slides you down off of his lap. 
"C'mon, let me make you breakfast." 
"Didn't think you were the type; cookin' a girl breakfast the morning after." You chuckle as Arthur starts plucking your wet clothes up off the floor, tossing them in a useless heap. 
"Yeah, well… only for you." Arthur huffs, grabbing your saddlebag from his side of the tent.
"You got any other clothes? These are drenched from the rain." Arthur asks, nodding to your outfit from last night. You nod, searching through the bag until you find a decent outfit. You grab a pair of black jeans and a white long sleeved shirt and you pair it with a tight black vest and a choker-style neckerchief, it's a damn cute outfit. 
“Alright, go on and get breakfast ready, I’m starvin.” You joke, pulling your shirt over your arms and buttoning it from the bottom up. Arthur laughs, eyes lingering on you for a moment before he groans, getting himself dressed for the day. 
He makes a little fire out front, and you smile, sitting at the entrance of the open tent as he prods and pokes at the smoldering logs with a stick. He puts on a little pot of coffee, and pulls a few cans from his satchel. 
“It ain’t much, but it’s what we got.” Arthur says, stabbing his knife into the top of one of the cans and cutting away the seal. He hands it out to you then, and you smile at the label. Strawberries, another delicious treat that Arthur had stashed away in his bag.
“It’s perfect.” You hum, slipping your fingers into the can and pulling out one of the berries. Today proves to be the calm after the storm, and despite the rain that soaks into the ground, covering the grass in a mist, the day is beautiful. The sun shines brightly down onto you and Arthur, sipping your coffees and making quiet, comfortable conversation. One by one, eating the berries, you begin to feel replenished. Not having eaten for the past three days, too devastated to even move, you devour your whole can of strawberries, and then you pick at Arthur’s. It breaks his heart a little, seeing how you’ve deprived yourself of basic needs in his absence, but he says nothing. You squint your eyes shut, relishing in the warm bitterness of your coffee until you’ve drunk it all down. 
“Thank you.” You say, placing the empty cup on the ground next to the empty cans, “For everything.”
“Course.” Arthur smiles, standing from the ground with a groan. He picks up the trash, and you raise an eyebrow at him as he tosses it into the woods. In just a matter of one night he’s managed to piece you back together, both physically and emotionally. It’s a debt you’ll owe him forever, though you know he’ll ask for nothing in return. 
“Star?” Arthur asks, looking at the tent as you stand from it, packing up, “This John’s tent?” He asks, looking over the familiar dark camping kit, one that he’s pitched his own next to on many occasions while out working.
Your eyes go wide and you snort, remembering that John had left you his camping kit back when you’d told him you planned on staying by the river. 
“Oh my god-” You say, horrified, “We’ll have to get him a new one.” 
Arthur chuckles, amused as he brings the tent down and starts packing it up with the blankets. 
“Nah, he won’t know.” Arthur brushes it off, snickering to himself. 
“Arthur-” You chastise, jaw open slightly as he rolls everything up and ties it onto the back of Balius. Arthur says nothing, a smirk on his lips as he walks to the front of his scarred shire, petting his head. 
“Missed ya, boy. I hope you took real good care of the lady while I was gone, I know you did.” Arthur whispers to his stallion, patting his neck a few times while pulling some mints from his saddle bag. He gives Balius one, and then looks back to you, blushing at the smile on your lips from his whispering. 
“Ready?” He asks, gripping the horn of his saddle. 
“As I’ll ever be.” You sigh, kicking dirt into the fire before mounting onto Athena, patting her in thanks for getting you across the river all those days ago.
You wonder what happens now. When you return to camp will Arthur showcase your newfound relationship?- If that's what you’re calling it, that is. You don’t know if things will slip back into their usual routine, or if this will change everything. You’re not ready for the gawking, hushed whispers of the girls, or the disapproving glare of Dutch. Though it's nonsensical, you feel that everyone will know what happened out here, and you feel terribly selfish for spending the night with Arthur when his own family didn’t even know he was alive. Still, you don’t regret it. 
Trotting across the river back towards Horseshoe Overlook, back towards home, you glance up ahead. Arthur is in front of you leading the way, and you release a breath, letting all of the worry and the guilt fall from your shoulders and be lost in the river. Because no matter what faces you back at camp, he's with you now, by your side with no intentions of leaving. You'll face it together.
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taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @tillith @luvliewriting @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow
series taglist: @catnotbread @chxosangxl @globetrotter28 @justalittlerayofpitchblack @fruittiest-of-loops @randomidk-123 @heyworld-whatsup @btsiguess-kpop @how-the-heck-would-i-know @rratman @eyelovie
219 notes · View notes
Finally got to see last night's episode.
-Pete and Hetty laughing at Carol. 🤣🤣
-How does Issac "have" money. I'm sure the check was made out to ONLY Sam. And she put it in HER account. No way did she open a bank account in Issac's name. So how can he "claim" it's his? I'm totally with Jay on this. Issac can't LITERALLY spend it, so how is even ONE CENT his?
-Pete going from no ladies to two BABES. 😁
-Carol shut up.
-No, I'm sorry. Issac and his "demands" are pissing me off. Jay is a bit harsh, but really Issac is being ridiculous.
-Wouldn't the smell go away after a good shower and fresh clothes?
-Oh shit. GO PETE!!!
-Pete and Sass bonding over butterscotch. 🥰
-Jay reading the book and making peace. ♥️ Although giving the center table to the ghosts IS a bit questionable.
-Alberta. 🤨🤣🔥
-Damn I knew I forgot something. Trevor. 👏 Although I question him taking two HOURS, what did Sam and Jay do all that time?
YESSS OMG, I am not always the biggest Hetty fan, but I loved her last night! She was fun and cheering Pete up and it's so good. Especially laughing at the Donut Hole bit! LOVED IT.
I've complained about this SO MUCH. It makes 0 sense for Isaac to have money. First because of the whole book was part of "the deal" to leave Sam alone - since they haven't left alone, really - the money for the book should be her compensation. She did the work for it. And second, again, he's a ghost - he doesn't need money and he shouldn't have any. Sam & Jay already do so much for them without anything in return - especially Jay since he can't even see them - so I thought it was ridiculous.
I love Trevor, but the only reason I was okay with what he did there in the episode was A-it helped them, and B-Jay's been always giving him a hard time, so it makes *sense* that he'd be difficult (or encourage Isaac to be difficult).
Anyway, tangent there.
Pete is a BABE magnet. I would've LOVED if Hetty had gotten in on it, too.
I still can't believe Carol was like "I only know from *soaps*" - bitch, please.
I absolutely agree that Isaac was ridiculous about it and Jay was right and I really enjoy the fact that JAY STOOD UP TO THE GHOSTS.
I don't understand the lingering smell - we've never got that indication before? So it feels weird. It should've faded the same way that Flower's hits fade after a time. Or at least after a shower.
YES, Pete went off! He didn't yell, but he was plain and simple getting things off his chest. And I loved it. Also loved Carol's JAW DROP. It was so good.
How'd a miss bonding over butterscotch with Pete and Sass?
I do love the center table thing, but fuck, Isaac didn't apologize did he? Also, it might be a bit weird. Unless, they go with "Haunted" restaurant/B&B (which is what they should've done from the start), and say it's for the ghosts.
Okay okay - So I'm not sold on if that was his power, if it was a dream sequence, or if that is just a thing he can always do but the hair thing is what turned Alberta on? What do you think?
Also, on that note, it felt very 80s/90s, take glasses off and you're suddenly hot moment.
Lastly, the whole TREVOR TAKES TWO HOURS for a password makes no sense. I'm sorry, he was good enough for it to be VERY obvious that a ghost was typing in the Ghost Trap episode in just a very second videos. It feels like they're taking that back and erasing his - getting better at his power thing and it makes 0 sense. Like let him get better at his power now that he can use it all the time. That would make sense, right?
Anyway, didn't like that bit 'cause it makes no sense.
But overall, I'm very, very invested this season.
32 notes · View notes
chaoticbardlady99 · 1 month
Darling, Never Stop Haunting Me
(Spawn! Astarion x F! Ghost Reader)
Chapter 8: A Brief Intermission
CW: Mentions of voyeurism
Disclaimer- put together the picture for the banner, but I do not own any of the pictures. I did take the picture of ‘Birdie’ and Astarion on my PS5
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all your support and love!
(The fun stuff is next)
Chapter 7 : Chapter 9 : AO3
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  Astarion walks up the steps to Gale’s tower- finally well fed and some of his aggression burnt out. The contract hadn’t been the hunt he was anticipating, but thankfully there was a group of unlucky bandits just outside the city walls.
  He had considered staying out all night- just clear his head- but he couldn’t stop thinking about you and how he just wanted to be next to you again already so here he is- like a kicked dog who will never be worthy of you. 
 He knows he’s only prolonging the inevita-
“You utter moron!” 
  Tav stands in the entrance way in her slippers and the dorkiest pair of pajamas Astarion has ever seen. He’s glad she rejected him so long ago- her and Gale were truly made for each other. 
 “Wh- what!?” He sputters, “what did I do!?”
“ALONE TIME!” She yells while throwing her hands in the air, “ALONE TIME, ASTARION!”
  Astarion can’t help the perplexed look on his face. Alone time? What the hells does that mean?
“What in the wretched hells are you talking about!?”
“You don’t get to cry about how much you loveeeee Birdie and how she could never possibly want you when SHE DOES! And THEN YOU GO AND SCREW SOMEONE IN A BROTHEL AND PUSH HER AWAY!?” 
  Ohhhhhhhhh- alone time. I probably should have- wait, she does?
“She moved out of your room- by the way. Or at least she’s trying to,” Tav shakes her head, “I tried to convince her otherwise but her suggestion was then to go to a Tavern or Hostel which I figured you would not be happy about.
“But she feels humiliated! For Gods’ sake Astarion- she played all of your favorite songs in front of a crowd of people putting in requests? That is a Bard’s love language!!!!!!!! How are you not seeing it!? It’s like reading a romance novel about two idiots who just need to have a conversation!”
  This is… a lot of new information at once. He didn’t realize playing the songs he liked was intentional and meant for him to see that you have feelings for him or that you have had feelings for him this entire time.
  Tav is acting like it’s the end of the Gods damn world; Astarion supposes he did put her in a really really weird spot. 
 “I didn’t know.”
  Tav sighs heavily and pinches her brow, “look- I know you didn’t know, but I think you should talk to her before she’s allowed to sleep on her decision overnight. I doubt that will help the situation.
“And I don’t know how much longer my spell on her bag is going to last- she is still trying to drag it out of the room.” 
  He bids Tav a good night and begins the walk up the stairs.
“Oh for fucks sake,” you curse under your breath, “how did this bag get so heavy all of a sudden- or am I just- weaaAKKKK-“
  Astarion watches as you try to pull your massive bag around the corner and proceed to fall on your back- hitting the ground defeated. 
  You take a shaky breath before getting back up. You’re crying and you look- well, heartbroken. Oh great, now he’s trying not to cry. Astarion isn’t sure he likes this whole, “being in love thing,” he has never been so emotional about another person’s feelings in his entire life. 
  He needs to come up with a way to amend this and fast. 
“My darling,” his voice barely above a whisper, “please don’t leave our room.” 
 You jump about five feet in the air- definitely not expecting him to be there. When you finally do acknowledge him- all he sees is hurt. 
  Remember- she has feelings for you and you for her. Just breathe and act like nothing has changed, then go at your own pace until you are sure, Astarion thinks to himself, slow, slow, slow. I need to make sure Tav is right before I blow up our entire relationship on one bad assumption.
“I- I think it would be best if I moved rooms,” you say, avoiding his eyes, “I….”
  You are fidgety and uncomfortable- you blink and just stare down at your shoes. Astarion wants to break the silence, but he can’t. He wouldn’t even know where to start, but maybe reassuring you would help?
“I wasn’t with anyone else,” he says clearly, “I went hunting- I wanted to head back as soon as I was done.”
“Because I wanted to get back to you, of course.” 
  You look hopeful- wiping away the stray tears.
 There is far too much space between you both right now and Astarion amends this problem.  He engulfs you in a massive hug- holding you tightly to him. If Tav is right, it will be a miracle, but for now? He will begin making small steps in that direction. The wedding is three days from now. Maybe he can plan a date before then? That would be doable- maybe? He’s going to have to ask Tav for advice tomorrow.
  “Now,” he says with a soft smile and a teasing tone, “can I please help you get your pack back into our room?”
  You nod quietly and follow Astarion into the room. He sets your bag down and begins unpacking it- putting everything back in its proper place. 
  You are sitting against the headboard- tapping a book with your fingers nervously. He discards his armor- cleaning himself off in the bathroom as quickly as he possibly can and then joins you. 
  Except he decides to be a little more bold. 
  Astarion straddles you from behind- your body slotting perfectly in between his legs and he hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist. He places his head on your shoulder and peers at the book. You are relaxed against him- the tension in your shoulders melts away and your tears are now completely dry. A sigh of relief leaves your lips- you must have been very worked up. It’s usually Astarion sighing, not you. 
 “Is that our new book?”
  It looks awful- you must read it.
 “Well- here’s the thing,” you say sheepishly, “I tried reading the first few chapters, but it’s honestly kind of terrible. It’s some book about a man who falls in love with a Bhaalspawn, but it’s basically really in descriptive, poorly written torture porn from the bit I’ve also skimmed through.”
“You depraved, little freak,” Astarion teases, he can feel you blush even more from the way your blood races in your neck, “I didn’t think you had it in you!” 
“Oh, I don’t, but the main character certainly does.”
   Tav eavesdrops from her and Gale’s balcony- those two lovesick fools kept a window open and she was able to use her magic to listen in. 
 Tav had absolutely no idea how to handle the situation earlier. She knows, Gale knows, Tara knows, and even the general fucking public seems to know that Astarion and Birdie are head over heels for one another. 
  She can even hear it in the way he’s laughing at something Birdie said just now. 
  Astarion is her closest friend and she is thrilled to see him so happy, but so so frustrated that he won’t just say something. They could be having a romantic moment right now instead of giggling like a couple school girls in their room- AGAIN!
 “Any hot gossip?” her favorite person asks, “or are we accidentally engaging in voyeurism for once?” 
  Gale is suddenly squished up against Tav- his ears straining to hear what Astarion and Birdie are saying to each other. 
  Gale has been equally as invested- to the point where he would prefer to feel uncomfortable trying to ignore the sounds of love making than continue to watch this painful dance between the two of you. 
“Unfortunately, no voyeurism,” she shakes her head, “I really thought he would FINALLY say something, but NO! It’s back to normal as if she hadn’t just tried to move into another room or that he just found out she’s in love with him!
“He is hopeless! I am going to have to enlist Karlach and Shadowheart to get this ball finally rolling.”
“Why not Wyll and Halsin?” Gale frowns, “or me- your wonderful, genius fiancée?”
 “Oh, my Heart,” Tav kisses him sweetly, “this is a women only kind of job- Astarion isn’t going to listen to you three.”
“I suppose that is- HEY!” Gale exclaims, “HE WOULD LISTEN TO ME!!!!!“
  Tav and Gale peep over the edge- Astarion is glaring up at them through the window with the hatred of a cat that was woken up from a nice nap. 
 “Uh hm, we- we,” they look at each other in a panic, “WE ARE ARGUING ABOUT WHO IS GOING TO BE A BETTER DANCER DURING OUR FIRST DANCE!”
 “TAV,” you yell from inside the room, “GALE HAS TWO LEFT FEET!”
 “I DO NOT HAVE-,” Gale scoffs and throws his hands in the air, “you lot are insufferable!”
  Tav giggles as Gale 'angrily’ storms off and her heart is warm from the laughter below. She could not be more excited to become Gale’s wife. Hopefully her dumbass friends figure it out before then.
  Maybe it’s better to just let them figure it out in their own time or maybe, just maybe, Tav can whip up some wedding day magic and it will be so damn romantic that they will be forced to reveal their feelings. 
  Or she could just find a way to make Astarion jealous. 
Jealousy or romance?
  Jealousy, that’s probably the best course of action since blatantly telling him didn’t.
  Halsin would be very good at that- he is probably the only one out of all of you that Astarion would be worried about, but Astarion also thinks you deserve someone more like Wyll or Karlach- fun, easy going, knightly. So she isn’t sure. Maybe use all of the above?
  Maybe if he could see you reject them- he might pull his head out of his ass and realize you only want him.
Author note: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list! I am using the Ghostwalk campaign for NPCs, locations, etc. It is a 3e Campaign and doesn’t mirror 5e Ghosts. I have tweaked some of the ghost powers and such for the sake of the story, but if you would like more information on Ghostwalk and the City of Manifest, there is a PDF online that is free to download :)
Tag List: @n3rdybirdee @fandomarchiveilyd @dajeong @hotmesshobbit @godoffuckedupcats @bitchstarion @hereliesblackdragon @pebble-bb @preciouslittlebhaalbae @lavvyan @beepersteeper
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villainessprefect · 1 year
Anonymous asked: hello!! may i request a fic with malleus x gn!reader pls? this is too specific since im having a bad day sooo my request is where reader is having a bad day since they found out their 'friends' talking sh*t behind their back and they didnt attend the whole class for the whole day and ignoring everyone esp malleus (bc reader want some alone time) so at night time, malleus found reader and just comfort them? thank you, have a good day! :)
hello! I hope this fic brings you some comfort!! don't let those types of friends get you down!
title: turn to me
summary: Your latest ‘friends’ turn out to be trash. Their words lead you down a terrible descent. At least someone is willing to reach out to you.
ship: Malleus x gn!reader
word count: 2,167
note: does this need a trigger warning for like. self-loathing?? idk
Read on AO3
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You should have known from the start that it would end this way. In this hellish world, you would always be an outcast, the odd one out, the magicless one. No matter how hard you tried to fit in, no matter what you did, you were not part of this world.
But is it so wrong to hope? To think that maybe, just maybe, you could be a part of this world if only for a moment.
Perhaps you were just foolish. Naive. All you wanted was to belong somewhere. Taking a chance to break from your usual friend group had been your own undoing. You should have listened to their warnings and stayed with them. They know these people better than you do. After all, they're just like them, aren't they?
You didn't listen. You let that glimmer of hope lead you down the wrong path. All you wanted was a normal school life. With that, you could believe that you were normal.
"Aren't you tired of hanging around with that magicless Prefect yet? It's so damn boring. We can't do anything with them around!" One complained.
"Just a little longer, we can't lose our gopher just yet." Another says.
"Hey! Maybe we should start calling them our best friend. You think they'll like that?" He laughs. Loud. "I bet they'd think they're part of the group!"
"Man, not even they could be dumb enough to believe that. Although, you know what they say. No magic, no brains."
Vile gossip runs around your latest group of 'friends'. They continue to throw insults your way while unaware of your presence. At some point, you begin to tune out what they're saying. Their voices grow smaller and smaller as you make a run for it, but you can still hear their voices echoing loud and clear in your mind.
You run home, or at least to the place you're forced to call home. The door to Ramshackle is forcibly pushed open, left ajar as you head straight to your room. Your bag and books drop to the ground, supplies scattering on the floor. A part of you thinks to pick them up, another disagrees- what did it matter anyway? It's not like your friends would come over.
Finding comfort in your bed is hard. It's not the best, not the softest, it barely does its job, but its all you have. At least this old thing wouldn't betray you. Hopefully. You don't want to jinx it and have your bed turn into a futon.
You take in a shaky breath and struggle to let the darkness consume you. You're not even tired, but your body aches, your chest stinging with every heartbeat. The longer you stay awake, the more your thoughts haunt you. And the last thing you want to do is let those bastards win.
Your phone catches you off guard. In your haste to hide away from the world, you forgot to toss that aside along with your bag. All you do is dig the buzzing phone out of your pocket and turn it off, not even bothering to see who is blowing it up. Friends, new or old, you didn't want to speak to anyone. You couldn't.
With no more distractions, you lie in bed and succumb to your fate. Nasty thoughts poke at you, prodding at you and telling you how stupid you are. You wish you hadn't been so optimistic about branching out. You couldn't always rely on your usual group of friends, but at this point...it seemed like you had to.
It's impossible to reassure yourself that things are okay. They're not. You think how useless and stupid you are. And that...this is how things should have been from the start. People don't need you, you need them. You're unwanted and alone, and always will be for as long as you're in this world. And when you leave? It'll be like you were never here in the first place.
As the day draws on, you fall in and out of consciousness. You don't recall crying, but your pillow says otherwise. Your stomach craved food while feeling as if it couldn't hold down a single scrap. The only movement you willingly made was tossing back and forth for a more comfortable position.
Ramshackle is eerily quiet. The ghosts aren't hovering over you nor is Grim. The latter is probably with the others. It's fine. He's part of this world, you are not.
Something forces your body out of bed. You don't know what it is. Perhaps its an old habit that takes control of you. One that lets you meet with a dragon fae during the darker hours of the world. He doesn't always show up, and for once you pray he won't.
The cold air hits your body and you shiver. The night air that usually comforts you freezes you instead as you take a seat upon the steps of Ramshackle. The light of the moon reveals all to you. It's truly a beautiful night. One you wish you could enjoy.
A dark shadow looms over you. You don't bother lifting your gaze, merely staring down the legs that have blocked your view.
"Child of man," he starts. You don't move. "You were not at school today."
"Are you feeling alright?" Malleus asks you. You can't bring yourself to speak. You don't want to have a conversation with him right now. Not with a tainted heart that's laced with the fear of betrayal. Surely he wouldn't be the same as that lot, would he?
No. Deep in your heart you know Malleus would never reach that low. He may be cheeky, but he's always been honest with you. If he wanted to end things with you, he would with the snap of his fingers. But you've always been special in his eyes. You're just...not in the mood to find that spark of hope again.
Your silence causes him to worry. The lack of acknowledgement does as well. Malleus looks forward to being beside you. Your conversations were always odd yet interesting. You never feared getting close to him, physically or otherwise. And your smile was worth waiting a whole century for. Having none of that tonight is a little upsetting. Not at you, but...for you? It's strange, difficult to put into words for him.
"Lilia once told me that silence can be hurtful and comforting, you just need to know when it's the right kind. You do not need to speak and if you wish for me to leave, simply...tell me." The last of his words comes out strained, forced. If his voice could break, you think it would have been heard then.
You take in a breath and decide his fate.
"You can stay."
You don't catch the way he lights up. How his eyes widen in surprise at your answer. His brief moment of joy doesn't last, but he finds it a blessing that you allow him to stay by your side.
Malleus takes a seat beside you. He sits closer to you compared to normal, but you don't mind. You didn't exactly pick the most spacious place to brood.
Having company after being alone all day is a little nice. His warmth helps keep some of those nasty thoughts away. Although you don't think that you really deserve this touch of kindness.
You still refuse to look at him and instead lift your gaze to the stars. You once heard that each star is a different world. With countless stars that fill the sky, that meant there were numerous worlds out there. And if a star went out, that meant the world was gone. It must have been a whimsical tale, yet now you wonder if it's true. Was your world a lost star? Is that why you're here now? Did the heavens think putting you here was better than meeting that fate?
You squeeze your body tightly.
"Malleus..." You breathe out his name, which catches him by surprise. It's unusual for you to not use the nickname you gave him. He makes no comment on it. Only watching and waiting for you to continue.
And when you face him, it hurts to see you.
Tears pricking at the corner of your eyes that are filled with nothing but pain. The sadness you bear is so heavy that he can see it. You look so lost and desperate. The friend he once knew is now broken.
"Do you ever think that...I'm worthless for not having magic?" You ask, pleading for an answer.
"No," he responds, quickly. There's a hint of anger in his eyes. He may not know who hurt you, but the question you posed gives him an idea as to how. "You are an extraordinary human in this world. If you wish to base worth off of magic, then one must do so knowing how to wield it. Even the strongest of mages can prove to be inferior to an amateur who only knows a single spell."
"But I don't know any," you respond. You hadn't meant to cut him off, but it was too late to stop now. "I'm not an amateur and I never will be. In this world, I'm not anything. Just a dumb human who thinks that there might be good in all the wrong places."
"You are not dumb." He responds and reaches out to take your hand in his. You're immediately met with his warmth. He doesn't use magic, but it feels like he cast a spell to soothe your body. "And anyone who says otherwise are the fools here. You have done plenty that others have not, without the use of magic. A hardworking and kind soul such as yourself is admirable. Your valor and resolve are truly commendable." He can't help but smirk. "Who else would dare to allow such weakness in front of me?"
You can't tell if his attempt at cheering you up is supposed to be good or not. It's fitting to come from him though. And it's just enough to make you crack a small smile.
"Only a fool would," you say with no pain in your voice. You can see the little annoyance in his eyes though, disliking at your self-loathing words. But, he allows a pass for the moment.
"Will you show your bravery by telling me what happened to you?"
You take in a breath and grip his hand. The pain from earlier is coming back, almost tenfold. It hurts the same as when you first heard those words spoken literally behind your back.
"Friends. Or I guess they're not friends anymore," you scoff. "I thought I could, you know, be a normal student with a group of friends and..." You shake your head, biting down on your lip.
"Spade and Trappola harmed you?"
"No! No! Not them!" You respond quickly. "Other, no-name, unimportant assholes," you huff out. At least that felt a little good to say, even if the insults were rather weak. "I thought I could befriend a few more people, so just in case...I won't have to be alone. But...that didn't work out."
A loud clap of thunder causes you to jump. Your hold on Malleus tightens as you instinctively huddle closer to him. You hadn't noticed the clear skies being overtaken by dark clouds, causing the night to grow darker. And after catching a flash of lightning, you feared that a storm might be coming.
"Those...not friends of yours," he spits out, as politely as he can. You can feel the anger seeping from his voice as he does his best to remain pleasant before you. "They are unwise for taking your company for granted. Your presence itself is a treasure they do not know the true value of. They are blinded by their own ignorance. If there is no one else that you can turn to, then you can always turn to me. I would never take your company for granted."
You feel a pang of guilt for your earlier thoughts. To even question that Malleus would do you harm- you'd really been a fool.
"Thanks," you whisper and let your head bump onto his shoulder. "I'm sorry for...not being in the best mood tonight. At least I know I can always count on you, Hornton," you chuckle.
Hearing that nickname brings a smile to his face. While the clouds still hover overhead, the sound of thunder and visions of lightning are no more. You release a breath that you'd been holding in and finally begin to relax.
While you know you've been keeping Malleus this whole time, you can't bear to let him go. Not yet. He shined a light upon you that you needed. And maybe, it wouldn't hurt to be a little self-indulgent.
"Can you stay a little bit longer?"
"Of course."
And just like that, the night sky is clear once more.
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kiris-wife · 1 year
illicit affairs pt two | kiri sully
summary: feeling like a second option, kiri has been avoiding you since the night she confessed at the beach; reader has to try to make things right with her soon, but you just got yourselves into a bigger mess. read pt one!
genre(s): angst. like. lots of it.
warnings: ao'nung being an asshole but it's really subtle, aged up characters, cheating, emotional and a lil heavy makeout sesh ig, kiri is not being treated right sorry lmaooo, neteyam is alive here because i'm delusional, the girls have a looot of mixed feelings, this is not as good as the first part
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it's been a week since kiri last saw you. in fact, it's been a week since she left her family's marui, isolating herself from everyone, even her siblings. she was heartbroken, truly. especially because you didn't even try to visit her. regretting leaving home on that damn night, the girl couldn't keep tears from falling down from her eyes. if you hadn't kissed, everything would be normal right now. if only she wasn't so idiotic, you would still be with her.
and she felt angry, too. angry because you didn't had the guts to sort things out. angry because you wouldn't leave ao'nung. she knew you were scared of this situation, as much as she was. she was angry because you were a coward. and mostly, she was angry because she couldn't stop loving you. but who was she to call you a coward anyways? it's not like she was trying to make things right too. her head was a mess, bottled up feelings from all the past years coming to haunt the poor girl.
her feelings for you were old news; you have been kiri's whole word since you were fourteen. but she knew the two of you was never going to happen. so she settled with being your best friend, comforting you whenever your stupid ass boyfriend hurt you or when you got into those awful fights with your parents just to protect him. but since that night at the beach, something lit up inside of her — for a brief moment, she felt like you could be happy together.
nonsense. soon, you and ao'nung were going to be mated before eywa; you would be forever stuck with him mistreating and cheating on you. and kiri would be alone forever, because let's be honest, she couldn't love someone as much as she loved you.
she heard footsteps getting closer. more than anything, her heart wished it was you, saying that you were leaving ao'nung. that she was the choosen one. but of course this was just a stupid dream of hers.
"kiri?" her brother called, entering the marui. she let out an annoyed sigh in response, hiding her face on the pillows. "come on. when are you going to leave?"
"i do not want to be bothered right now, neteyam."
"just tell me what's going on. everyone is worried — y/n has been asking about you."
oh no. kiri felt her chest tighten, unsuccessfully trying to fight the loud cry that was threatening to leave her mouth due to the mention of your name, her grip on the pillows getting harder each time she sobbed. she hated worrying everyone like this. the older boy sat down beside his sister, gently resting a hand on her back.
soon, neteyam added two plus two. the reason kiri was so down lately was because of you. that's why you hadn't come to visit yet. "did you guys... get into a fight?"
"a bad one." she cried. "a really, really bad one."
"things like this happen all the time kiri, you've been best friends for so long. i'm sure you guys will be attached to the hip again in no time."
"no... you don't get it!" the girl abruptly sat up, puffy eyes from crying hours before. "i love her, neteyam. i don't want to be y/n's friend anymore! i'm sick of this. she treats me like i'm special, says that she feels something for me and then pretends that i don't exist... this is not fair at all." kiri couldn't believe the words that just escaped her lips. she never confessed her feelings for you to anyone, what was it with her and saying compromising things without thinking these days? "i- forget about it. pretend you didn't hear this."
neteyam looked at his sister, wide eyed. this was a lot to digest — you and your boyfriend always seemed so happy, giggling and holding hands whenever the two of you were together outside. "isn't she dating ao'nung?"
"seriously... you never heard the rumors? that asshole keeps cheating on her every week; and she forgives him. and then whose shoulder she cries on? mine. im the one who's always there for her, not him." she paused for a moment. why was she talking so much? kiri couldn't recognise herself — she was always so rational. "she didn't cheat on him or something. we just talked, before you lecture me." she was lying, of course. but he didn't have to know all the details.
"i wasn't going to." he needed to chose his next words carefully; neteyam felt a little bit of resentment towards you now for treating his sister like that. but he knew you were a good person — just a confused one. "the both of you need to talk about this. go after her. she's probably scared of what is going to happen next."
"no. i won't go after her. i chased y/n my whole life. if she wants me, she'll have to look for me."
he sighed. such a stubborn girl. "can you at least go outside for a bit? play with tuk or something, help mother out with her tasks; just try to do something to distract yourself. drowning yourself in your own misery will do no good for you."
"...fine. but i won't look for her."
half asleep on ao'nungs chest, you found yourself replaying last weeks event in your head — kiri has been avoiding everyone, and you were the one responsible for it. "our relationship is ruined and it's my fault. i have to make things right again."
no. you didn't want to be her friend. you wanted to be with her. kiri sully was the one consuming your thoughts everyday, making your heart skip a beat whenever you were around her; kiri sully was the one that made your skin felt like it was burning whenever she touched you. and being away from her was killing you.
but at the same time you felt like you couldn't leave ao'nung. he has been by your side since you were children: he was one of the very friends friends you made. he was your first kiss, your first time. your first boyfriend. you were supposed to be mating soon, ronal's preparations for you to become the next tsa'hik had already started — his parents really loved you like a daughter. how could you disappoint everyone like this?
guilt was eating you alive. how could you be thinking of another person like this while laying on your boyfriend's chest? this was one of the very few moments you were getting along, and you couldn't care less about it anymore.
then you remembered. he always did the same thing you were doing right now. and you always forgave him. if he could do that, why couldn't you do the same? he never thought about your feelings before screaming at you, cheating and saying all kind of awful things. he never thought about what the others would think, the disappointment and shame that he was putting you and his family through with all the rumors going around. so fuck him.
you slowly get up, avoiding to look him in the eyes. "we have to go. don't you have some training to do?"
"no, not right now. father will call me when he's ready. why are you acting like this?"
"what do you mean? i'm acting normal."
"you're not even looking at me, y/n. don't tell me you're still upset about last week."
"i don't know. maybe i am."
"oh my god, you're so dramatic. i already said i'm sorry, baby, come on. don't be so hard on me." he was now hugging you from behind, caressing your body.
a few months ago, if he had done this, you would've melted like butter. but right now all that you wanted to do was get away from your boyfriend's grip and find the one you wanted the most; no. that you needed the most.
"ao'nung... not right now, okay? i have to leave. but i promise i'll see you later. go after for your father, he's probably looking for you." you tried your best to not sound anxious or bothered, giving him a quick peck on the lips before opening the marui and making your way to the sully's house.
bingo. she was about the leave, her older brother behind her. it was the perfect opportunity — you were going to be alone and sort this once and for all. approaching the omaticaya, you softly call her name.
"kiri?" now that she was right there after all this time, you wanted to run away. turn your back and pretend that this never happened. but you couldn't.
the girl looked at you with an angry expression; kiri felt a wave of rage consume her. seriously? only after a week you were trying to talk to her? she wanted to give you a slap across the face. "what?"
"i believe we need to have a talk" you signed to the empty house, an awkward smile on your face. "neteyam, could you give us some privacy please? i'll be quick with her." he frowned. neteyam had the feeling that leaving you two alone in this situation wasn't a good idea. but he gave you a nod and left anyways.
closing the marui, you looked at your friend. you knew this reprimanding look she was giving you too well; but this time it was different. she was actually mad at you, and it broke your heart knowing that you had hurt her. "so?"
"so." you looked down, fidgeting with your fingers. "i guess i owe you an apology."
"no shit. what else?" she sat down, trying to keep the composure. but you knew her too well. you could tell she was hurting — kiri had lost a little bit of weight, dark circles around her eyes. even her voice was different, like she was trying hard to not cry in front of you.
"i meant what i said. i love you, kiri. i'm sorry i didn't look for you sooner. i'm too scared of this shit. everyone is expecting something of me and i just- i'm a mess right now. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i don't want to lose you." now you were crying, the feelings you've been holding for so long coming out. you wished that things weren't so hard. that you could just be with her already. kneeling down to look at her, you held the girl's face with you hands. "i don't want to hurt you. i don't want to hurt us. please, help me clean this mess up."
kiri couldn't hold the tears back anymore, touching your foreheads together, her hand holding yours. "i love you y/n. but you're not mine."
"no. you're wrong. i belong to you, ma'kiri. you're the one that has my heart."
she kissed you. a stupid decision, but kiri couldn't keep herself away from you. she needed to feel the sensation of your soft lips on hers again, to feel your taste. it was needier than the last time, hungrier; your tongues fighting for dominance, the salty taste of the tears you both were letting out getting in the middle. her hands made their way to your hips while your arms were wrapped around her neck.
soon you were on top of the omaticaya, sitting on her lap. separating the kiss to breathe, kiri couldn't help the guilt that was overflowing her body. "i need to stop this." she thought. and yet, she pulled you closer into another passionate kiss. her hands were pressed on your back — she just had to feel you close to her, your heartbeats in sync with each other. she wanted to mark you as hers now. resisting the urge to pull her braid out, the girl broke the kiss again. her heart kept saying to continue this. but her brain kept screaming at her to stop; she couldn't let you do this to her.
leaving open mouthed kisses to her neck, your mind was foggy — you needed to make up for the lost time. how could you not realize how much you loved this woman before? "i love you so much. i love you so much it hurts. please don't ever leave me again, this week without you was terrible, kiri. i never want to be away from you again." it sounded like a desperate cry, and it made kiri's heart flutter; she have seen you being vulnerable before, but now this was so different. and even though she loved this — and you — she needed to put an end to it. it wasn't right.
"fuck- y/n. stop. let's stop it. this is wrong."
you lifted your head up to look at her, feeling disappointed. gosh, she looked so beatiful; teary eyes and swollen lips, her chest rising up and down. "are you sure?"
"i won't let you make me a side chick." she needed you. but she couldn't lower down her level so much.
"love, no. you're not a side chick. you're kiri, my kiri. you're my-"
"your what? your girlfriend? stop this." she wanted to cry again. this wasn't going get you anywhere. "y/n. if you really love me like you say, if you don't feel anything for him. leave him. so we can be together." getting off her, you sit down beside your friend. was it even right to call her your friend now?
"it's not that simple, kiri..."
"it is. it is that simple. if you really loved me, you wouldn't be hesitant in breaking up with that jerk!" she was crying again; it broke your heart seeing her like this. you felt so lost, scared of what others might think — the future olo'eyktans girlfriend suddenly breaks up with him and gets with a girl the next day. but deep down you knew you couldn't sacrifice your happiness because of all the gossip.
"i'll do it. i'll end things with him. i just need some time."
"time for what? i don't get you."
"ma'kiri, just trust me. we will be together. i see you."
you kissed her again, and to your surprise she didn't pull away. kiri knew how wrong it was, and it hurt, it really did — having to share you with someone else. but she couldn't say no to her heart anymore.
because for you, kiri sully would ruin herself a million times.
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taglist; @sseleniaa @tejas-kris
authors note: not me dividing this into parts again oops! i'll make a last part if you guys want (i actually will do it even if you don't want me to bc i can't finish the story with kiri being done like that), i'm really scared to disappoint yall since a lot of ppl seemed to like the first chapter but i swear im trying my best lmao
likes + reblogs are appreciated ♡
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Reddie: I can’t help but imagine living with you years from now.
Teva: Please don’t let this be temporary.
Soft spot prompts | No longer accepting !!
Born to say "💗💖💕💗I love Reddie💕💖💗💕"... forced to say "I enjoy Teo"....... T_T /j
Under a "read more" because I wrote a whole novel????? teehee
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"Yeah? We livin' in a Hot Topic store together?"
While it was meant in jest, the dark-haired man couldn't stop his mind from drifting to bittersweet thoughts of 'what if...?'.
Bitter, because it was impossible to think that Eddie would ever find the man tolerable — let alone interesting enough to stick around for. And sweet, because despite it all, anything that had to do with Eddie always manages to pull at his heartstrings and make him stumble over his words.
I can imagine it too, Ren thinks, easily imagining the two of them in a quaint house near the city. Close enough for Eddie to visit his twin whenever he'd like, but far enough away from all the fucked up memories that haunted them both. Besides, Ren never needed anything in that hellscape of a place anyways. He already found his home in Eddie.
But the words that left his mouth were something entirely different.
"It's not a bad idea, the Hot Topic thing." He turns away then, though his pinky doesn't stray far from Ed's. "Maybe it'll stop me from borrowing your jackets all the damn time."
Liar. He liked the smell of Eddie too much.
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He's on his phone again, doing everything he can to distract himself from the woman currently occupying the right side of his bed. It was hard to ignore the way Diva's manicured nails idly traced over his snake tattoo, but it was even harder to ignore the fact that he felt a million miles away from her in that moment.
And it was all his fault.
What started as a casual hookup soon turned sour. It was only supposed to be a one-off thing; he'd treat her to dinner, bed her, and then leave the next morning — and Diva knew that too. But somehow... Something changed along the way. He started paying attention to her; seeing her in places where he shouldn't. Lipgloss stains on his pillows. Glitter on his shirts. Marks on his chest. Green press-on nails in his car. Eyebags from staying up all night texting her. A void in his heart that only seemed to fill whenever she was around.
Teo was getting attached to Diva and he knew it. He wasn't one to get feelings involved, yet he could do little to ignore the burning sting of envy whenever he'd listen to Diva talk about someone else.
When she slowly started to turn into someone else.
Green nails that were now purple. A custom Luis Vuitton bag that was switched out for a Hello Kitty ita backpack instead. A blurry lockscreen of his shadow now replaced by a carefully made art piece in her likeness. Her most recent texts going from T💚 to KK💜.
With a sigh, Teo finally acknowledges Diva's presence. He doesn't dare look at her, knowing fully well that she'd be sporting those soft, sparkly eyes that he just can't seem to say 'no' to. And so, he throws his phone somewhere on the bedside table and leans in close enough to press a kiss against her jaw — but not before pulling away with cold eyes and an even colder heart.
"It was never permanent in the first place, was it?"
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 9
Standing before his mother, who was stuffing her face with cake, Katakuri listened patiently what his duties were. For Big mom it was very important to have Katakuri by her side. With his strength and loyalty she could trust him to get what she wanted.
"Keep an eye on Pudding. When she kills her husband Sanji, you and the others destroy Germa 66. I don't accept a failure. Bege will make sure to get their weapons. I put him in charge of the safety. ", she spoke happily.
"Yes mama as you wish."
"Good my son. Now then, till the wedding day.", she sang and waved him goodbye. Nodding Katakuri turned back and left. Step after step he felt unsure of what to do. He didn't really pay much attention to the whole conversation, because his mind was focused on his wife. Pudding's wedding was compared to his private life a piece of cake.
Should he try to speak with her? Or maybe just use his authority against her and order something so she wasn't able to refuse being with him?
So how should he apologize? Sighing he felt completely lost.
Shaking his head he decided to just stay in his room like he used to. Like he always did. Alone. It was easier than dealing with these confused emotions, but Pudding's words gave him a fluttering feeling in his chest. "She was smiling after talking about me…? How on earth could she be happy about being with me… ", he sighed. He had to give her time. Much time to start from the beginning.
"Big brother …..! Katakuri!", Oven rushed to his side with an horrified expression on his face. Seeing the future he gasp after getting an image of his screaming wife. Grabbing Oven by his jacket he pulled him closer with an angered "Speak!".
Oven pushed himself back, while breathing heavily. "I got an emergency call from one of your servants. Thank God I was at my office. Some bandits invaded your island and took (Y/N) with them.."
Pushing his brother out of the way Katakuri rushed past him and headed to his ship. Oven ran after him for help.
" (Y/N)….. (Y/N)… God damn it. ", he growled frustrated. The image of her screaming and struggling was haunting his mind. What are they going to do with her? Torture her? Rape her? Sell her? Every option let his blood boil and mind go crazy.
"I swear if they touch her I won't only kill them…", he growled.
Seeing his island in the distance he used his devil fruit ability to grab a tree with his mochi hands and pulled himself towards his land to make things faster.
Garbage and footprints showed him the way of destruction and ended in front of his home. The door was open and blood painted his steps. Rushing inside he reached (Y/N) 's room, which was empty and seemed untouched. Only his own creation of the broken table showed some violence. At his office the smell of blood became worse. Whimpering was heard and quickly he stepped inside to find a servant laying in his blood with his snail transponder by his side.
"who was that! Tell me", he growled pissed.
"Master Katakuri…. I don't know. It all happened so fast. After they shot me, I was able to crawl into your office to get you.", he whispered exhausted.
"They took Lady (Y/N)…. Please find her Master. Bring her back.", he whispered and Katakuri kneeled down beside him.
"You don't have to tell me that. They will plead for death, after I am finished with them.", he spoke seriously and got back up.
" Hell brother.. Damn it, your house is a disaster.", Oven spoke shocked. Pissed Katakuri walked out and followed the trail of blood, till he reached the kitchen. Servants of Oven's ship were already helping the injured.
"Nobody died but they are all badly injured.", one servant told him exhausted. Katakuri searched for any signs or traces and stopped at the sight of baskets with familiar looking doughnuts.
"She… made the doughnuts for Mama..", he thought shocked, while a small basket with a note took his attention. Taking the card in his hands they started to shake after reading the words of his wife.
"Does anyone have information who attacked?", Katakuri growled frustrated and looked down to the injured cooks. Nodding fearfully the head cook started to explain.
"Master Katakuri. They were clothed completely in black and looked like bandits. There was no pirate symbol on their body. Lady (Y/N) was baking and they thought she was a maid. We wanted to help her.. We told them that she is your wife, but they didn't believe it.", they all cried bitterly.
"No one believes it. It is unfortunate.", he whispered to himself and headed outside deep in thought.
"Black clothed people…no pirates.. Sure i have met them after they passed our territory.", Katakuri thought back to the past meetings he had with his mother. He only remembered one group of black clothed people, because their captain wore a ridiculous hat with the words no mercy on it and looked like he could be killed just with the gash of wind of a shooting jelly bean. What a bunch of dumbasses.
" The black bandits… ", he whispered pissed and remembered how angered they were after his mother declined their offer. She even said that killing them would be unnecessary waste of energy.
"Did you find anything?", Oven asked nervously and sat down on his steps. "Yeah this was the cause of the black bandits, which Mama denied to work with a few weeks ago. They were a bunch of idiots.", Katakuri explained angered.
"But they were able to invade your island and took (Y/N).", Oven spoke only to get a furious look of his brother.
"Nobody died. Only idiots would make such a bad work to leave survivers, who could give us informations.", Katakuri's brother nodded impressed of his words.
"We should be happy that they are so dumb. So we know now where your wife is. I hope for them they are prepared to die. Unbelievable that they really dare to do this.. Hopefully your wife isn't hurt. ",his brother sighed exhausted and shut his mouth quickly after sensing the deadly aura around Katakuri.
"Oven, Mama awaits a basket of (Y/N) 's doughnuts. Go to the kitchen and deliver them. Also she shouldn't know that (Y/N) was taken. I don't want that she gets in any trouble of leaving the island, even if she was kidnapped.", he ordered and headed towards his ship. Quickly Oven ran after him to stop him.
"Big brother! Are you really leaving now to look for her?! what about the wedding. You have only 3 days. You know what happens if you don't come! Or if Mama wants to see you. I know it's hard, but think of Mama… "
Katakuri grabbed his brother roughly by his neck and pulled him closer.
"She also has to attend the wedding.. (Y/N) is in danger. I will go and get her now. You will deal with it."
Oven gulped nervously and could see the murderous glint in his eyes. There was no way to stop him and to be honest Oven didn't want to either. (Y/N) was helping his brother in so many ways and hopefully, after everything that happened, he hoped that she would still stay by his side with that breathtaking smile. Letting Oven go Katakuri started to leave.
"I am sorry brother. I am just worried about you… And don't think (Y/N) isn't important to me. I like her a lot. She is part of us. I will have your back till you come.", Oven shouted and started to fulfill his brother's orders. Stepping into the kitchen he took the baskets for his mother.
"What beautiful desserts…", he thought with awe and found a small basket hidden at the back. Noticing a small note he took a closer look to read it.
"You are too good to be true… I hope he will find you and I hope that someday you will be happy with him…", he whispered and put the basket back.
The note still in his hands he smiled down to the sweet handwriting of this beautiful girl and read it once again. It was just a simple text, but meant so much. She still gave her best. She still didn't give up. He was impressed by her willpower.
"I heard you left early for your mother. Your merienda already past so I made these for you. Have a nice day…. Your wife, (Y/N)"
Katakuri was deep in thought, while the cold sea breeze blew into his face. He couldn't imagine that she was taken away from him so easily. From one moment to another she was gone and maybe forever, if they were that quick to pass his mother's territory. He always thought that she would run away someday, because of having him as her husband. But in a way there was always the safe feeling behind these worries that she was forced to stay. Now standing here and feel how it was to loose her, made him awfully sad. There was only one time feeling this way in his life. As he was a child, his sister Brulee got hurt because of him. Because of his face. Because of his weakness in protecting her.
Because he was a monster…
" (Y/N)… I need you.. "
On the other side, a young girl was leaning against the moldy wood, locked away under the deck of the bandit's ship. Her clothes were torn and the dirt glued on her like a second skin. The darkness didn't give her any clue what time it was. The air was thick and smelling awful. Exhausted she felt a starting headache coming. Closing her eyes she just wished to be with her family again. Images of her laughing parents popped up in her mind or the baking with her grandmother, but then Katakuri appeared and tears rolled down her face. She didn't want to see him. Not now.. Not in her condition. Shaking her head she tried, but failed miserably.
"as my wife you are under my protection…"
"don't worry this room belongs to you.."
"We won't eat together ever…"
"Thank you for the doughnuts. They were amazing.."
"I… I said if you want we can look into shops that you like…"
"You are under me! You do as I say!"
All his words echoed in her mind and let her sob uncontrollably.
"It hurts so much….", she cried out and hid her face in her hands. Why did she have those feelings? Why was he haunting her mind? Frustrated she gave in and brushed her tears away. She knew why. The whole time she knew it.
"Because deep inside I knew that he has a heart..that he protects me.. And that he tried… He tried so hard to get out of his comfort zone… And I like this side of him so much…", she whispered with a weak smile.
"even if it is buried and hidden in this cold expression of yours."
Looking down to her bruised legs she sighed deeply.
"But it seems that it isn't important anymore…there are bigger things on your duty list than coming for your little toy. I left the island, broke another rule, so my life is in your hands now."
"Right Katakuri?"
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ellethespaceunicorn · 10 months
Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 11
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Chapter 11: I Got Soul, But I’m Not A Soldier 
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Fandom: Night Hunter 
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC  
Word count: 3K 
Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film. 
Chapter Summary: Kamaria’s attackers are sentenced. Walter devises a plan. 
Chapter warnings: a teeny bit of court stuff (sentencing), angst, panic attack, vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving), p-in-v sex, creampie
A/N: I AM NOT A LAWYER, nor do I pretend to be one. I did a little research(pray for my search history), and that’s it. Suspend your belief a bit here, folks. Un-beta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me, model for Cover Art credits 
Cross-posted on AO3 
~*~Spotify Playlist~*~ 
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Kamaria’s POV 
One Month Later 
I never wanted this whole thing to end up a mini-circus. 
But that’s basically what ended up happening in the few short months since my abduction and assault.  
From the plethora of therapy appointments that both Walter and I have attended to the meetings with my legal team, I thought I was already bogged down with talking about what happened to me.
I told myself that no matter how many times I wrote it down or said it aloud, there was always going to be this piece of me that felt as though I could step right back into that nightmare but I wouldn’t allow myself to. 
I had done so much work to crawl out of that hole and I’ll be damned if I put even a toe back into that deep, dark space ever again. 
But the moment Walter and I stepped into the courthouse today for sentencing, I could barely hold myself together. I knew I would have to see Justin again, which wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible. He was just another victim and if not for him, I would’ve never got the chance to escape. I might have never seen the love of my life ever again. 
I don’t owe him anything, I know that. It doesn’t make it feel any better knowing he’s going to be facing jail time. And it all stemmed from his involvement with a man who turned my life upside-down. 
Lloyd Hansen. 
His face haunted my dreams. His words haunted Walter. And his actions changed our lives forever. I wanted him to be tortured in some far-off dungeon where no one would be able to hear him scream. I needed him to feel broken, lost, and alone.  
I knew the judge wouldn’t give him the death penalty but I would have loved to have seen him get a lethal injection of Pavulon, potassium chloride, and midazolam. I fantasized about the midazolam failing to sedate him. Maybe the Pavulon kept him immobile while he felt the suffocating feeling of fluid in the lungs. And the potassium chloride without a sedative? The lava slowly tearing through his veins would be unimaginable pain. 
But that daydream would never come to life. I mean, all he did was kidnap and rape me. Let’s not get started on the unfairness of the American legal system. I could be here all day long. 
The uncomfortable wooden bench under me wasn’t enough to distract me from where I was. Walter in my ear with soothing words didn’t stop me from staring at the back of Lloyd’s head the entire time. My worry about what they would do to Justin didn’t stop me from feeling like he deserved to be punished. He still acted in my worst interest whether or not he thought he was doing some version of the right thing by helping me escape. 
I barely pay attention until the sentencing is read. Walter grips my hand tight and I focus my energy on watching the two men stand before the judge to get their lashings. I could tell he wants to bury Lloyd, and he feels somewhat sad for Justin but he would not let it sway his judgment. I take a deep breath and listen as their fates were decided. 
Justin is sentenced to 16 years with the possibility of parole for drug possession and being an accomplice to kidnapping. He cries loudly as the officers take him away. 
Lloyd is sentenced to 70 years without the possibility of parole for criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, rape in the second degree, and kidnapping in the second degree. He smiles, looking back at me to wink before he is taken away. 
Relief was too small of a word for what I felt. It was more like liberation, emancipation, or deliverance. The massive weight of anxiety fell off of my shoulders as if it wasn't glued to me for the past few months. 
My eyes become blurry with unshed tears, I try and blink them away but they fall down my cheeks before I can stop them. Clearing my throat, I try desperately to calm myself but nothing works. I hiccup, my breathing stuttering as I fail at stopping a panic attack from starting. 
Before I know it, Walter is ushering me out into a small room just outside the courtroom. His hands are on my face and he is speaking slowly and clearly, knowing my brain is catching up to the here and now. 
“It’s over, Kam. We never have to see those bastards again. You’re safe with me.” He kisses my forehead and my breathing slows as if it was a button to be pressed, “Are you here with me?” 
I hear his question and look up into his eyes, “I wanna go home. I want you to help me forget all about this. I just wanna be with you and not think about anything else, please?” 
“Of course, Princess.” No sooner are the words out of his mouth is my hand in his and he is walking me out of the room. 
We speak shortly with my attorney, or rather, Walter speaks for me as I'm still a bit in shock at everything. Once hands are shaken and goodbyes are said, we make our way out of the courtroom and out of the courthouse.  
We make it to Walter’s truck and as I get in, I realize how hot he looks in a suit. As he walks around the front, he pulls off his blazer. The way his dress shirt clings to his strong back, wide chest, and defined arms has me salivating. Inside the cab, he notices me staring. 
“What?” He nervously chuckles and his eyebrows shoot up. 
“You clean up nice, you know? I mean, you are sexy in a suit.” I can’t believe I was so anxious this morning that I didn’t notice how the blue in his tie brought out his eyes. 
A pink hue colors the tips of his ears and his neck. I just made Walter Marshall blush. As if reading my mind, he looks around before his eyes come back to me. Biting his lip, he shakes his head. 
“Princess, we are not fucking in this parking structure. As much as I want to bend you over the bed of this truck and fuck you until your moans are bouncing off of the cement walls, I’d much rather have you in bed or the couch or the dining room table.” 
“But Daddy, I want you.” My hand slides over my thigh and underneath the skirt of my dress. 
“You think I don’t want you, babygirl?” He takes my other hand and places it over his hardening length, “I want nothing more than to be inside you. But I’m taking us home first.” He starts the truck and moves out of the spot, starting us on the road home. 
“Yes, Daddy.” I concede, my fingertips touching the gusset of my panties where a wet spot is forming, “Daddy, can you drive with one hand?” I try and get him to touch me in one last hopeful effort. 
Without looking away from the road, his right hand comes to rest on my thigh and gives it a good squeeze. Slowly moving between my legs, he cups my pussy and then moves a single finger up and down the front of my panties. 
He presses a finger in til he feels my clit and rubs there a bit. My moans fill the cab of his truck and I lean back in my seat. Sliding his finger down, he moves my panties to the side to feel the evidence of my arousal. He removes his fingers and sucks them into his mouth before returning them to my entrance. Pressing in, he is welcomed by my wet heat. Starting a rhythm, he oscillates between steady strokes and clit stimulation. 
Before long, we are close to home. During the final stretch of streets, he slows down right as I could feel my orgasm approaching. 
“Fuck, you are absolutely soaked. Poor little pussy really needed some attention. Just hold it for a little longer baby. I’ll let you cum soon enough.” 
“Yes, Daddy.” I moan, my brain tries to keep up but it’s just too flustered with a pre-orgasmic stupor. I don’t even notice that we make it home and are in the driveway until I feel his fingers slip free.  
He reaches his hand up to my lips and I suck them dry, tasting myself on his thick fingers. He grips himself through his slacks and takes his hand away. He looks me up and down then exits the truck. Walking around the front, he keeps his eyes down, unbuttoning his cuffs and folding them up those veiny forearms. Once he reaches the passenger side, he helps me out and closes the door behind me. 
With a giant paw wrapped around my hand, I am being led into the house quickly. As soon as the front door closes, Walter lifts me off my feet and wraps my legs around his waist. Walking the distance to the bedroom, he reaches a hand behind me to unzip my dress. 
He puts me down in the bedroom, and my dress pools at my feet. He kneels to help me step out of the dress. My bra and panties were the next to go. I stand in front of him in a simple pair of black heels. 
“Any objection to the heels staying on?” He asks, letting a new fetish be known. 
“No, Daddy,” I murmur, suddenly struggling to keep myself together given that he is fully clothed and I am in my birthday suit. 
“Good. Sit down and open those legs wide for Daddy, Princess.” His hands roam from my ankles to my inner thighs before he kneels between my open legs.  
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Walter’s POV 
Using my thumbs to open her outer labia delicately, I'm pleased to see her honey dripping. She was so worked up in the truck and this poor little pussy is ready to burst. 
But not yet. I’m going to tease it first. 
I gather some of her juices on a finger and swirl it around her clit, but I never quite make contact with the swollen bundle of nerves. I kiss her inner thighs and nip at them which always makes her groan and I am once again showered in her sex noises. She has the best fucking sounds. From her words to the sounds her body makes, it’s all beautiful. 
I move my finger to circle her entrance and slip in slowly. Her hands go to her breasts, she knows I haven’t given her permission to touch me yet. She also knows that grabbing my hand will only stop my movements. But she is always allowed to touch herself while I’m taking care of her cunt. 
Her tight heat envelops my finger and I move in and out of her folds. It’s torturously slow and I can feel her body trembling with the anticipation that I’ll either speed up or add another finger.  
When I don’t do either, she wiggles her hips and whines. The quick slap to her clit has her remembering to use her words. 
“Daddy, can you please use two fingers? Please? I need it,” The sound of her begging is music to my ears. 
Instead of answering, I wet another finger in her nectar and slide it in slowly to let her adjust to the thickness. The immediate squeeze around my fingers is mind-blowing. I can feel her inner muscle on my fingertips and I massage it gently, but not enough to let her cum. 
Leaning in, I circle my tongue around her clit as my finger did before. Only this time, I relent and give her clit sharp flicks with my tongue. She’s putty in my hands and that’s how I like it.  
All she needs is me, and all I need is her. 
I take her nub into my mouth and suck it gently, still tonguing it ever so gently. With the mix of her in my mouth and on my fingers, it’s not long before my cock is hard as a rock and pressing against the front of my boxer briefs. 
I squeeze myself through my slacks and go back to eating this delicious pussy. I decide she can cum and I speed up my fingers and suck her bud harder. The moans that flow from her signal that she is close and I relish the change in the room when she finally lets go. 
Curling my fingers, I continue to stroke inside her as she rides out her orgasm. Giving kitten licks to her clit as her hips wiggle, no doubt feeling very sensitive. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that the more sensitive she is, the harder her next orgasm will be and I wanna feel that one on my dick. 
With my fingers still inside her, I stand up and unzip my slacks and pull out my painfully hard length. Pulling out of her warmth, I use that hand to stroke myself. I watch her as she watches me use her cum as lube.  
Moving her up the bed, I climb in. With one hand on her stomach, I use the other to position myself at her entrance. Sliding home, I groan at the sensation of her core molding to my girth.  
It is always so surprising that it never gets old. I love that first moment of being inside her. Letting her adjust to my fat dick for a moment, I pull back and push back in. I hold both of her thighs open so I have full range to fuck her. 
Pushing her legs back as far as they will go without hurting her, I start a punishing rhythm. The slap of our bodies moving together is a symphony. The movement of her breasts and stomach reminds me of an ocean wave ebbing and flowing. This woman is perfect, inside and out. 
Letting go of her legs, I lean down and kiss her passionately. Holding her close, I continue to fuck into her. In this position, I can stimulate not only her G-spot but her clit as well. 
It’s not long until I feel her breathing hitch and feel her pussy fluttering around me. Her moans turn into sobs as her orgasm takes over her. I grind my hips into hers and help her to stretch it out. 
I get back up on my knees, my hands on either side of her head. I look down into her eyes for a moment and resume kissing her cervix with my tip. She throws her head back and I take the opportunity to kiss and suck at her neck. Leaving lovebites behind isn’t usually my style.  
But anything goes today. And she is gonna have to try and cover up evidence of my love. On her espresso skin, I have to suck very hard to leave a mark. Challenge accepted. 
Her hands are in my sweat-slicked curls before long and we reclaim eye contact. Something in her eyes draws me in and pretty soon, I am fighting to hold off my orgasm. 
Just like she always does, she comes to my rescue. 
“Daddy, I need your cum inside me. Please cum for me?” Her big brown eyes pierce through me like a fucking bullet and I’m done for. 
“I’m gonna cum for you, Princess. Fuck! Ugh,” With one last press forward, my balls tighten and I shoot my load into her greedy little snatch. I feel like I’m cumming for what feels like a full minute. 
I stay inside her, attempting to regain control of my body and my brain. She strokes the hair at the nape of my neck and I kiss over the already bruising spots on her dark skin. When my softening cock slips from her, I sit back on my heels to look at my handiwork. 
Her swollen pussy is leaking with my spend and I feel that swell of pride inside me. She’s nice and full because of me. I unconsciously rub at her stomach as I watch my jizz leak and I feel her hand on mine. 
She just smiles at me as I look into her eyes. There is something behind that smile, but I don’t have enough brainpower to work through it right now. I lay next to her and pull her into my arms. I listen as her breathing evens out and she falls asleep shortly after. 
Looking down at her, I wipe my thumb across her brow and she stirs a bit before settling back to sleep. I smile and try to get my brain to work, but it’s to no avail. She’s wiped me out and I couldn’t be happier. 
There are a few things that would make me happier. But all in due time. I figure I’ll start small and work my way up. 
Step 1: Ask her to move in with me because she already basically lives here. 
Step 2: Ask her to be my wife because I already made up my mind that she is the love of my life. 
Step 3: Ask her to make a baby with me because she’s so great with Faye and seeing that belly of hers swollen with my child would make me so happy. 
But I will worry about all that later. We can take our time with everything. Neither of us is very keen on rushing things. But one thing is for certain. 
We want to spend the rest of our lives together. That’s what matters. 
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Chapter 12 (coming soon) 
A/N: Welcome back to my story. Haven’t posted since June. I missed my babies. Songs for this chapter are All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers and Streets – Silhouette Remix by Doja Cat. 
**Tag List** 
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @enchantedbytomandhenry @astheskycries @rebelangel1102 @deandoesthingstome @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @foxyjwls007 @rosiesluv7 @livisss @slut4henrycavilll 
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
The first thing I'll say after reading the chapter is - CAT!!!!
Also, my cat came up to me while I was reading, and fell asleep on me, so double cats!
Poor Rosalie, still being haunted, but now actively trying to ghosthunt, when the ghost suddenly does not want to be seen anymore 😔 hug for both of them!
Shadowheart's words made me hurt, because damn. She is so right, they all still did choose to do bad things, because they thought they were right, but also - hug for her too, she deserves it for acknowledging her faults and trying to be better. Love Shadowheart and how wise she is here ❤️
And knowing that Astarion wanted to Ascend in order to be able to protect Rose too, in some way, breaks my heart for him, because he probably understands how stupid it was, and how much pain he brought Rose with that decision, but also how he was hurt in the process too... Oh, it is such a deep can of worms to unearth, I love it 💔
Also, Astarion in a jumper! WITH THE CAT! So far away from scary Ascended, it melts my heart. And him being embarrassed over bargaining in on Rose taking a bath, so worried and willing to face her in case she got hurt again... Aww, is the only thing I can say.
Not me waiting for the epilogue chapter to be Rose and Astarion on a double date with the Dekarios family. And I'm never letting my cat be alone in proximity to Gale. Nope. Also, I'm trying to imagine Astarion's shock when the whole clan of Gale's children starts climbing all over him. That will be hilarious.
Poor Rosalie with her email. I know the struggle. She is still better than me at handling it 😔
This chapter was so sweet, even if it brought something to think over, and that forever quest for acceptance of your past mistakes in order to move on, that fear of facing it, because it will be hard and painful... Yes. I can imagine the road to happiness will be long and thorny for both of them.
And now, I leave you, dear author, with the best of wishes for good luck in your work, many scritches for your cats, and big thank you for this delight of a chapter.
Now I'll go look for the banana muffins recipe, since Gale and Timothy refused to share that, and make me some. Thank you ❤️
hey anon, thank you so much for such a lovely message and comprehensive chapter review. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I had a lot of visions for what this aftercare portion of the fic looks like, to be honest, but mostly it's just Astarion trying to rebuild his personality from the ground up and then trying to do it as quickly as possible so he can land himself a baddie lmfao. I don't know how well I'll pull it off, bc there's a lot of big things to unpack there that also, I don't think, make for a particularly interesting reading experience, so a lot of it happens off-screen. But for right now, I'm just grappling with an Astarion who feels bit weird about flirting, meanwhile Rosalie is like "he's not flirting with me? :( maybe he doesn't... like me :("
*screams internally in author*
so I added cats misbehaving to give myself some more familiar ground to tread!
I also just feel like Shadowheart's story is the neatest by the end of the game (her just T-posing in the background of the post Netherbrain trauma congaline on the docks, lmfao) but that there are things about her story, at least in my playthrough, that would actually equip her for understanding Astarion more than Rose does. I wanted to give a little space for the acknowledgement that most of the companions have experienced more emotional and moral nuance than my Tav has in her entire life :')))
Thank you for your lovely words! x
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goldennika · 8 months
Initial Thoughts on TOMORROW X TOGETHER's The Name Chapter: Freefall
Ok so i just listened to TNC: Freefall in full and damn, okay. Really solid album, sonically. And i say sonically bc i haven't read up on the lyrics just yet (i don't think the eng trans are out yet ☹️)
Am loving how they're showcasing more of their vocals (txt lower register enthusiasts, we are being fed at last 😭) and the whole band/session feels of the music really emphasizes that.
can we take a minute to talk about beomkai's vocals?? bc i really think this might be their era 🥹 and seeing as all of the boys have at least 2 credits to their name in this album, it really feels like this is their sound, and their personal music preferences came through too
i'm on the fence about DILT's inclusion in the album though. we all know it was not a planned track at all but it was a really good opportunity for them to collaborate and have a fun summer track out before headlining lolla 2023.
that said, it just doesn't seem to fit in (at least sonically) in this album. i don't know if moving it higher up in the tracklist would have been better since i haven't read the lyrics yet but sonically, it might have worked more since the more powerful/complex sounding tracks are in the first half, imo
but overall, this album is full of surprises, and very good ones at that!! I'm sure i'll love it even more when i listen to it again but yeah, from the first listen alone, i would recommend this album!!!
Track first impressions under the cut! very raw reactions ahead haha
Track 1: Growing Pain
oh damn gritty TXT ???
legitimately gave me goosebumps
that's it. that's the thought.
the guitar is so good ugh
this will absolutely kill when performed live 😵‍💫
Track 2: Chasing That Feeling
giving TCHFTG and Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (i love The Weeknd btw)
Yeonjun's voice is so soothing??????
wait is the nod to the TCHFTG instrumentals intentional??????
maybe this is just me but their choreo (based on the MV) looks like it goes so hard but this song feels relatively chill/easy listening (esp compared to their last few title tracks bc sugar rush ride was a doozy to take in) so it seems a bit... off? idk idk
looking forward to a stage/practice vid to come out to appreciate their performance more!
Track 3: Back for More (TXT Ver)
already reacted to this before and ugh so good
Yeonjun's is also so good
love their adlibs so much 🥹
super interesting to place this track right after Chasing That Feeling 🤔
dance break instrumental and adlibs have my whole heart actually
like i can see them dancing in my head even if i'm just listening
Track 4: Dreamer
oh shit i love the bass already??????
kinda scared to check the lyrics ngl
oh this song is delicious
i can already see all the tiktok edits happening (not necessarily a bad thing for them imo)
ooh shit "let me break it down for you" jdfh;kdjsfb;nsfkja
or is taehyun there too?
the "let me break it down for you" is going to haunt me in my dreams thanks
Track 5: Deep Down
strong start. nice
yooo the minimal instrumentals in the start was so good
oh it got clubby in the chorus
this feels so different from the usual TXT but it works??
okayyyy the trumpet sounding stuff in the outro was a nice touch
Track 6: Happily Ever After
pretty sure i'll cry if i read up the lyrics of this one haha 🥲
oh this track is so smooothhhh in the pre-chorus
oohhh the la la la's are growing on me
it's like happy fools but more refined?????
LOVE the blending/harmonization 😩
SOOBIN I LOVE YOU (outro ver) 🥹😭
Track 7: Skipping Stones
the cymbals? hi-hats? at the start oh god *chef's kiss*
feels like a band session up in here!!!
oh damn beomgyu???
taehyun with the high notes mhmmm
band txt is the future i can see it all so clearly now
LOVE the way they start off each line durign the verses. scratches my brain sooooo good when they give the little oomph then blend it down ugh (sorry idk musical terms)
kinda obsessed with this music already wtf
the female vocals too!!
mhmmm soobin's falsetto
just wow
Track 8: Blue Spring
i know we were joking around about band txt but what if it's not a joke anymore bc we've had track after track of band/session sounds and i am not okay anymore
i'm never gonna be normal about this song sorry not sorry
what if i cry.....
hmmm the rest of the instrumentals kicking in. so good.
and then they strip it down??? to let the vocals shine????
so so good
soobin's verse with yeonjun's adlibs is what dreams are made of actually
god yeonjun and hueningkai are gonna make me cry
Track 9: Do It Like That
ok yeah ngl the mood shifted dramatically after all the band txt sounds lol
DILT is a cute song but i don't think it makes sense in this album
or at least not in this placement???
i may reconsider if this was a TXT ver lol
or maybe they were thinking about our mental health when they decided to keep it in the album
i would probs be a sobbing mess if tnc: freefall rly just ended with the studio ver of blue spring 🥹
Track 10: Chasing That Feeling (English Ver)
including this here bc why not it's on the tracklist anyway haha
tbh i wasn't feeling this track much from the teasers
but hearing the song in full changed my mind
the build up is good
why does yeonjun's voice sound so good in this genre like how is it soooo good
time's a thief that won't stop stealing -- well damn did i feel that
taehyun our belting star 🥺
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miss-celestia13 · 10 months
Devil in Paradise
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Dark!Richy x Dark!OFMC One Shot
Aylins latest idea hasn’t turned out quite how she hoped. New identities. A cruise filled with the wealthy. Out in the middle of the ocean, Richy joins in with her scams, and she discovers it is possible for her to feel jealous…
These two have been waiting quite impatiently for me to come back to them. Expect plenty dark humor, more possessive smut, and a shift in their dynamic. Can be read alone without any knowledge of the fandom or pairing, but I have linked the last one below!
Flesh & Blood
People Aylin wants to kill or maim
1- The entire world. But especially the person who invented cruise ships. If they were already dead, she'd dig them up and kill them again just to please herself. She wanted to destroy it all. It all existed to piss her off. If she weren’t already living in a hell realm, she’d set it all on fire. Richy was already suffering. She took much enjoyment from it and didn't feel the need to add to it yet.
Fuck this ship. Fuck the sun. Fuck the heat. Fuck it all, burn it down, and burn the fucking ashes. Sticky, moody, and annoyed. She was sick of it. They had managed to board without any drama; she’d sourced them new identities and paid handsomely for the privilege. Richy was delighted by his. His new name gave him a little more freedom, even if it made her snort laugh every time she tried to say it. Flynn. She was not calling him that. Not a chance. His beard was still a point of great pride for him, and she giggled every time she caught him staring at his reflection on any shiny surface he passed. The red dye had faded to a dingy ginger shade due to the sun and the thirteen showers she took to get the dried blood off when they finally found accommodation for the night after that night in the alley.
Richy had joined her at one point, and they’d broken the flimsy shower screen, but it was worth the loss of their deposit. The diamond ring had been pawned for much less than its worth but still a hefty amount that funded this whole project. No more lives had been taken, but she was close. She was on the treadmill again and did not know how to get back off. It gnawed in her chest. Every annoyance another person caused her made it rear up, and she struggled to force it back down. They could find jobs, settle down and live happily ever after. But that wasn’t them. Too mundane and boring. They’d kill each other before the week was out. Instead, they had bounced around high-cost resorts and hotels. Making off with cash, jewelry, and other valuables from the rich folk while making their way to the port.
It was exciting, and they had slowly built a good chunk of savings. Now they were far from Duskwood, or any other land, Richy could take part, and he was foaming at the mouth as they got ready. They were dressed to the nines, and she kept stealing glances as he moved about and pretended he wasn’t ogling her as she toed on her best heels. She didn’t know why he bothered hiding it. Part of the normal act he'd worn in his old life that he couldn’t shake off, she supposed. But it was stupid. He spent more time inside her than out. It was during one particularly memorable night that she had her “best” idea yet. Richy had been snoring beside her as she tossed and turned and tried to devise a way to get them as far away as possible. A cruise ship! It had felt like a stroke of genius. Until she boarded the fucking thing.
A giant floating city. It sounded perfect to get lost in and cause mayhem. She had read something about wealthy widowed people living out their golden years on those massive ships, and she knew the pickings would be easy. She had haunted more than one rich person's funeral so she could convince their crying heirs to part with a chunk of their inheritance. It would have been like shooting pigs in a damn barrel. But then the sun was there, hanging in the sky, a giant ball of hell that made her skin sticky, her hair frizzy, and her fair skin would have been roasted if she wasn’t militant about protecting it. She had taken to giving it the middle finger every time she was outside during the day.
Richy had it worse. A landlubber through and through, he’d spent the first few days a sickly green color and had kept her up at night with his retching. She was not made to comfort, but she had brought him some crackers she’d pilfered from the maid's cart on her way back to their cabin one night. It was the same thing in her mind, but he hadn’t been as grateful as she thought he should, considering she could have brought him nothing. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she leaned into the mirror and admired herself, painted her mouth red, and turned to a suited and booted Richy.
He scrubbed up well, too well, a voice whispered as he fiddled with his tie and met her wandering eye as she looked him up and down. The suit had been her last demand before they boarded this teeming beast of a boat, and he'd bitched about it the whole time, but he was smirking now, and she almost wanted to stay in. Then he opened his mouth, and she rolled her eyes, the notion soon disappearing.
“Are you done yet? We're late.”
Leveling him with a glare, she said, “We're only late when they're dead. You go first. They'll think we're together if we arrive as one.”
He frowned, looking uneasy now, “How do I know who to choose?”
“You find the one that tracks your every movement. You'll feel it. It's like a brand on your neck. Make yourself noticeable but not too much, or you'll be remembered. You exist only for tonight. Tomorrow you will be someone else.”
He looked ready to argue, but his jaw clenched, and he nodded before striding to and out of their suite door. She decided to linger behind for a little while, hoping she'd have to rescue him when she arrived, but as she entered the glittering ballroom, she saw that he was doing fine. Women of varying ages and degrees of plastic surgery surrounded him. She idly wondered how they didn't melt during the day when the sun seemed determined to flay the skin from her bones. Richy held court in the center, multiple drinks in front of him as their eyes met, and she gave a single nod as she surveyed the room for her own mark.
Casting her mental fishing line wide, she waved down a waiter passing by with a tray of champagne, snagging two glasses. She downed one and left it on an empty table as she sipped the other. After two turns of the massive space, she felt a tug on her line, a scalding stroke down her neck as she turned and saw the fiftysomething suave silver fox toasting his glass at her. She had hoped for someone closer to Death's sweet embrace, but as she didn't plan to do anything other than flatter and pander to his ego, she gave him a demure smile. Turning her eyes to the floor as he approached, thinking of the many ways she could torture Richy later to force a blush to her cheeks and put on her best impression of an innocent virgin as the man greeted her.
“I haven't seen you around. I would have remembered you if I had.” He grinned, teeth so white they should be used in toothpaste commercials and so perfect it was almost unnerving.
“I keep to myself mostly.” She hedged, hiding her coy smile in her champagne as he edged closer, and she could feel Richy watching them.
“I'm Darren. Care to tell me yours?” His voice had that lilt to it, the one that spoke of a life of excess and having everything handed to him.
“Lilith, don't ask. My parents thought it was unique.” She giggled, hating the sound and glancing over at Richy to avoid Darren's observant eyes.
He had his arm around one of the younger women. Bottle blond hair, tits defying gravity as she leaned in to whisper in his ear. He met her gaze, seeing something in her expression that made him smile slowly and move closer to the blond. She clutched her glass and looked away, hoping she wouldn't shatter it as Darren told her he loved her name and invited her to drink with him. She nodded, taking his arm and letting him lead her to his table. Perching daintily on her chair, she smiled when he brought them drinks, and she noted his was premium while hers was the free champagne being handed out like water. She hated when the rich were cheap. Still, she thanked him with wide eyes and feigned interest as he told her how he'd ended up on the cruise.
Her focus kept returning to Richy. Basking in the adoration of horny, husbandless women with too much money and insufficient brain cells to keep hold of it. It sickened her, and she didn't know why. It wasn't until she caught him sneering at her as she'd reached out to lay what she hoped was a comforting hand on Darren's arm and squeezed, something green flashing in his eyes. She wanted to hit him for making her feel something as sickeningly human as jealousy. Redirecting her energy, she pointedly ignored the anger pouring from Richy as Darren leaned into her personal space and tucked her hair behind her ear. Another shy smile, looking away from his piercing grey eyes as she acted the timid young lady.
The silver fox's scent was as rich as his wallet, but she was glad when he moved back, earning some points in her mind as he sensed her reluctance and did not push her. They chatted about shit she had no interest in, and didn't remember a word the man said seconds after it left his mouth. He left to use the bathroom, and she watched him until he vanished, letting out a long breath as her gaze returned to Richy's table only to find it empty. He wasn't on the dancefloor or at the bar, and he didn't leave the bathroom even after Darren had come out and gone to the bar. Sinking the last of her champagne, she huffed and stood, storming out of the room while Darren still had his back turned. If she had to search this entire ship to hunt that bastard down, she would string him over the fucking balcony.
Thankfully, she didn't have to go that far and found him in the first place she checked. And she was attacked the second she walked in the door. He was pacing barefoot as she entered, spinning to her as she locked the door. Her heart was already racing, the promising thrill of a good fight hung in the air, and her skin crackled with it, blood heating at the blackness overtaking his eyes. He’d tossed his jacket and tie on the floor and she could tell he’d been pulling at his collar to loosen it while he waited for her.
“What the fuck were you doing in there?” He demanded, hands flying up and dropping back to his side with a loud smack as she kicked her shoes off and enjoyed the cool floor on her sore feet.
“Nothing that you weren't doing, Richy. Don't fucking start. Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy the way she was looking at you! Touching you!” She spat, teeth bared, and fists clenched as they circled each other.
Her mind flashed back to that first time back in Duskwood. The fury and uncertainty as they sniffed each other out before giving into the need to claim and tear and break. Her blood was singing, she wanted to pour it out and paint the world red, so it matched the fury riding her. Richy’s response didn’t ease her any.
“Now you know how it felt when I was locked inside a hotel room while you were off gallivanting with other men!”
“How many times?! I wasn’t gallivanting. I never once touched or thought about touching them! You were lapping it up!”
“Why do you care? I thought you didn’t do labels.” He reminded her, and she regretted the day she ever met him.
Scowling, hands itching to hit him, she turned on her heel, aiming for the door and intending to get black-out drunk on free booze and fuck the first man to smile her way when he grabbed her by the back of her neck and hauled her against him. She struggled, clawing and scratching his arms as they banded around her and held her trapped. He was chuckling in her ear, she could feel how turned on he was, and her inner voice was crooning that she got just what she wanted, but she ignored it. She wanted to fight.
“Let me go, Richy.” She clipped as he avoided her attempt to stomp on his bare foot.
“Not until you tell me why you were really upset.” He taunted, voice like gravel. It was so harsh, and she tried to ignore the rush of wet heat soaking her underwear, but it was nigh on impossible as Richy ground his erection into her ass.
They were volatile and explosive, but that’s how she liked it, and even now, her need to be well and truly fucked had overridden all her rage; in truth, her fury only heightened it.
“The day you came with me, you became mine. I don’t like people touching my things without my permission!” She snarled as he dragged her over to their rumpled bed.
“Good. Because you’re mine, I don’t like watching you fawn over those men any more than you do.”
His arms were unwound, but she didn’t bolt like she’d planned. She didn’t like most people, hated them actually, but she could tolerate Richy, and she was easy around him. He always knew what she needed. Her heart rate climbed as his hands came around, and one gripped and twisted her chin, the other dug into her hip as he lowered his head to kiss her. Her instinct was to lean away. It felt too intimate somehow. Still, she fought the urge and let him. It felt more like an argument as he breached her mouth and swept inside. She could only match every stroke of his tongue. It was awkward, and she needed some control back as heat and want spiraled through her so intensely she felt out of her mind as she turned in his hold to face him.
His eyes were black as night, thrilling her before she closed hers again and grabbed hold of his shirt, tugging him back down and catching his lips in hers. Pressing in, teeth biting at his lips and smiling into the kiss as he took the hint. His hand slid into her hair, a sharp tug and pain flickered over her scalp, and she moaned as she felt her wetness slide down her inner thighs. He did it again, smirking as she trembled, and she had almost forgotten why she was angry with him. But then she smelt it. The overly sweet perfume that did not belong to her clung to his clothes, and her fury flared once more.
Breaking the kiss, she glared up at him and stabbed a finger into his chest as she ground out the words, “I can smell her on you. How close was she?”
He rolled his eyes, and she didn’t even think; she lifted her hand, intending to slap him, but he caught it as it swung for his face and took hold of her other before she could attempt it again. Turning her around again, moving so fast he had her wrists in his firm grip behind her back before her brain realized what was happening. The fine bones bent and twisted as he shoved a knee between her legs and bent her over the bed.
“Not this close. You smell like a different man every night, and I’m supposed to accept that, Aylin. You can do the same.”
Head shaking, arms straining as she tried to break out of his hold, huffing and giving in when he only held her tighter, and she sensed him drop to his knees behind her. She could see him between her split thighs, free hand eagerly reaching up her dress, and her underwear was pulled down to pool around her ankles. She was panting as she stepped out of them, blood racing in her veins as his fingers dipped into her dripping folds and made even more mess as he spread it around. Her teeth were buried in her bottom lip as he teased her with featherlight grazes over her clit, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a moan or whimper even as her legs shook and another flood of essence soaked his busy hand.
When he rose to his feet, the burn in her core became intolerable, and she was close to begging when he suggested something she usually refused.
“I want to bind your hands before I fuck you.” He muttered as he unzipped her dress and shoved it down her arms, leaving her completely bare while he was still fully clothed.
The idea of being under his control did not frighten her the way it had in the past. He had allowed her her way many times and had never complained. Black excitement filtered through her as she loosed a breath and nodded her consent, shifting on her feet as the emptiness inside her demanded relief. She couldn’t see him, but she felt his surprise in the loosening of his hand around her wrists. He let her go, stepping away, but she didn’t look as she straightened and flexed her hands as he shed his clothes. Her pulse jumped in her neck when his hands settled on her shoulders, whirling her around and giving her a biting kiss she felt in her curled toes before she was shoved hard. Landing on her back, arching a brow at him as he smirked down at her.
Oh, thank fuck, she thought he’d lost the rage, but it was there, in his eyes, flickering like a shadow flame as she arched and raised her hands above her head, crossing them at the wrist as he licked his lips. They were two monsters with the same damn hunger, and she did not have a lick of shame about it as he crawled over her, his belt in hand. She closed her eyes at the feel of the leather looping around her wrists, the metallic click on the buckle as he pulled it so taut her fingers soon tingled and the sound echoed like a gunshot in her lusty mind. There was nothing for him to tie her to. His growled warning made her press her thighs together as he moved down her body.
“Keep them there, or I’ll stop and leave you here until you learn.” Her thighs were wrenched apart when she chuckled and gave him a nod of agreement.
Testing her shackles, she found no give, and her heart was in her throat as she waited for his next move. Trust. Did she have it for him? She wasn’t entirely sure, but she trusted he wanted her more than he wanted to harm her and forced herself to go loose and pliant at the touch of his fingers as he parted her folds. His mouth was on her a second later, tongue gliding up the seam of her, hands pinning her thighs to the bed. Two fingers sank inside her, and he repeated the move, making her shake her head and sob as he drank her down, humming so low in his throat it vibrated through her. The rough scrape of his beard on her tender flesh drove her to distraction as he worked on her. Her hands grasped at nothing, the urge to bring them down and grab his head almost impossible to ignore as he crooked his fingers and pulled as she cried out at the flick of his hot tongue on her clit.
Blunt nails cut into her thighs as he consumed her relentlessly. Her throaty cries turned to warbling moans as he alternated between quick darts of his tongue and languid licks of her essence, his fingers moving within her and taking the edge off of the ache as her body writhed under him. He was determined to make her whine his name, lapping at her clit as her hands fisted uselessly, and she yearned to pull his hair. Tilting her hips, trying to stop him from moving away from where she needed him, the lewd sound of his devouring and the deep groans spilling from him made it impossible to hold her orgasm back.
Keening too loudly, his mouth sealed over her clit, sucking her into his mouth whole as his fingers teased her inner walls with delicious friction. He gave her no mercy as she shivered and sobbed, his tongue swirling over that swollen bundle of nerves incessantly until she tensed and jerked so violently he chuckled. Her trembling thighs, his skilled tongue, and the fingers in her cunt were a sweet torture as she clenched her teeth and panted through them, cries going wild as release suddenly swelled and crashed through her so hard she curled in on herself. She was sobbing, body twitching and spasming as the flutter of his tongue on her clit became too much to bear, refusing to back away as heat and sweat spread over her skin. He did not stop until she said, ‘Please.’
Aftershocks zinged through her muscles as she cracked an eye open to watch him sit back on his haunches, beard soaked and glistening before he wiped the back of his hand over his mouth, making her inner walls clench on nothing. He did not give her respite, and she was not thinking about anything as the fire in her veins turned her blood to steam. Her legs were arranged to suit him, laid against his shoulders as he grabbed her hips and dragged her closer, impaling her on his thick length. In one effortless slide, he was buried so deep she couldn’t draw a breath in. Her bound hands prickled and burned as he bent her body back. Her muscles already burning, his cock filling her up and banishing the ache.
A low thrumming began under her skin as he moved, a tinge of pain, cunt gripping his cock tight and turning his grip on her hip punishing. He touched her as if he owned her, eyes never leaving her face as she absorbed his brutal thrusts, bound hands pressed to her chest in a mockery of prayer. Deep darts of his hips, circling and retreating to plunge back inside her, all of it sent pleasure sparkling through her. Her anger simmered in the back of her mind, growing quieter with every drag of his cock against her slick walls and the black look in his eyes. There was always a thread of hate between them, never more obvious than when they fucked, and usually, she did the possessing. It was her turn to be possessed, and it didn’t bother her the way she thought it would.
In the game they were playing, she wasn’t sure who was the slayer and who was the slayed as he slid free of her cunt. He ignored her indignant snarl as he ordered her to get on her knees. Her hackles lifted at the dominance in his tone. A scalding retort tried to sneak free of her teeth, darkness crossed his eyes, and she got just what she wanted. She was grabbed and flipped so fast she couldn’t track it. Ass in the air, face buried in the pillows, he shoved her legs apart and pushed down on her back to make her arch deeper, turning her head so her fierce cry as he pushed inside her could be heard by anyone walking past their cabin door.
Her arms strained, hands cramping and making her balance feel wrong with them trapped under her as he brought his hand down on her ass so hard she jolted. Rocking back into his thrusts, wetness out of control as he hit her again, and she was lost in sensation as he fucked her. Tensing herself, delighting in the pain and pleasure of being thoroughly invaded, she stopped caring that he had all the control. Her skin flared with goosebumps, her stomach tensing at the vicious snap of his hips; she let herself enjoy it. It was addicting, the desire and sense stealing pleasure. Each hit was the closest thing to heaven either would experience.
“You were made me for me, Aylin. Don’t ever forget that.” He muttered, pounding into her mercilessly as she thrashed her head in denial.
Richy laughed, the sound like black magic to her crazed mind as his hand slid around her hip and travelled over her stomach to dip into her folds and tease her clit.
“Don’t fight it. You clearly like it.” He baited her, still shaking her head despite the intense pressure building within her and the wetness seeping from her, doing nothing to convince him otherwise.
“Fuck you.” She managed, knowing it was futile, as her cunt clamped down on his cock.
“You will. Your turn first.” He returned, picking up his pace, fingers ruthless in rubbing that bundle of nerves.
Her muscles were tied in knots as the first waves rippled from her center and grew so potent she could do nothing but wail as he crowed his victory. It seized her like a vice, stealing her breath as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. She quaked under the onslaught, flame and its overwhelming heat flooding her system as he fucked her, groaning with every flutter of her cunt around his cock. She slammed her eyes shut, her mind fracturing into cracks and jagged lines, her distressed whimpers barely audible over the rush of blood in her ears as Richy slammed home one last time with a smile in his voice as he cursed her name.
His body blanketed hers as he slumped over her and pushed her down into the mattress, neither capable of speaking for a long while. The power had shifted, she could feel it as his heart thudded against her back, and hers found it’s usual rhythm. He was coming into his own now he was free of the chains of humanity and could be himself with someone that wouldn’t judge his darkest fantasies. She wasn’t sure if it was good or bad. In the past, it had always meant her doom and suffering. Giving someone power over her had never ended well, and she couldn’t see how this would be any different.
Still, when he rolled off her, neither had enough shame to feel awkward as he dragged her up by her hands and clumsily untied her. She rubbed at her red wrists, rolling her shoulders as he padded through to the bathroom, and she sighed when the door closed. Shaking her head, staring blindly at her own reflection in the night dark windows, Aylin decided to hell with it all. If she went down in flames because of him, she at least enjoyed herself first and hadn’t had to hide who she was in her last days. Many didn’t get that chance, and she was already tired of thinking about it. The bed sheets were damp on her side, so she took Richy’s side instead. He called her a bitch when he finally crawled into bed, and she was smirking, her back to him as she succumbed to the lure of sleep.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I was laughing at myself the whole time I wrote it because it's just ridiculous 😂 See you later! ❤️
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bulkyphrase · 2 years
Winterhawk Rec List
I don't post much about this ship, even though I love it, so have a rec list!
Afterimage by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor) (Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 26,351 words)
Summary: Clint Barton's seen ghosts since he was a kid and they've always been the same: hollow empty things, right up until you draw the circle and light the candle. These days, he uses that talent to earn a living. After a seance goes wrong, he meets a ghost that isn't like the rest, a young man going by the name Bucky Barnes, who died in the Second World War. Confused by how Bucky manages to stay so aware, when other ghosts fade away, Clint goes looking for some answers.
Also available as a podfic read by GhostCwtch tumblr: @ghostcwtch
Be All You Can Be by flawedamythyst (Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 45,554 words)
Summary: Clint had a horrible, sinking feeling. “And, by ‘go in’, you mean…?” Hill gave him a beaming smile. “You’ve both enlisted in the US Army, boys. Time to be all you can be.” Clint was aware that he'd been acting like a dick since Barnes joined the Avengers, but it felt like the asshole had taken over everything that Clint contributed towards the team and left him feeling useless. He couldn't help wondering exactly when he was going to be officially replaced and lose the closest thing he'd ever had to a real home. So of course SHIELD decided to partner them together for a long-term undercover mission in the US Army. This was going to be hell.
More below the cut!
Can't You Hear Me Knocking? by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor) (General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 2,682 words)
Summary: With Natasha moving out, Clint can't afford his rent on his own, luckily her boyfriend Sam has a friend who needs somewhere to stay. Barnes is surly, unhelpful and works irregular hours, no matter how much Lucky seems to like him, Clint isn't sure the situation's working out. But there might have been a bit of a misunderstanding.
ghost in the machine by squadrickchestopher (@feedmecookiesnow) (Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 74,410 words)
Summary: Clint looks around at the team again. He sees the pain in their eyes, the way Natasha is rolling his arrow between her fingers, the general sense of depression over the room, and suddenly his question from earlier is a lot more morbid. Who died? “Crap,” he says, watching Tony silently drink his whiskey. “I think I did.”
Historic Features by flawedamythyst (Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 19,254 words)
Summary: “Electrical surges with no source, and music coming from the air, and that damn baseball game no one was watching, and I swear I sometimes hear voices right on the edge of hearing when I should be alone,” said Tony. “What does that sound like to you?”  “Sounds like-” said Steve, then hesitated. Tony gave him a pointed look. “Sounds like a haunting,” he finished, reluctantly.  “Oh no,” said Clint, in tones of mock-horror. “Ghosts!”  Bucky laughed and kissed him. “Man, I hope they’re friendly.”  Clint and Bucky are haunting the new apartment that Tony bought in Brooklyn to try and impress Steve.
I'll Keep You Safe Here With Me. by sara_holmes (@captn-sara-holmes) (Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 110,566 words)
Summary: Yes, Clint is avoiding the other Avengers. No, he does not want to go back to New York. But then again, he didn't exactly want to be kidnapped by the Winter Soldier either. Really, he just wants to go back to bed.
In The Wake of Your Sunrise by squadrickchestopher (@feedmecookiesnow) (Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, 184,368 words)
Summary: Last night I died I was reborn this morning in the wake of your sunrise A better man -Christopher Pointdexter  Clint Barton has spent his whole life running away from things, long before he was old enough to understand why. Then came SHIELD, and the Avengers, and he thought that for once, he could learn how to stay instead. Could learn to trust, instead of hide. To live, instead of just survive. When Hydra takes over SHIELD, running isn't an option. But Clint isn't so sure he wants to this time. Because now he has something to fight for. Now he has family, and friends, and a potential ally in a brainwashed super-soldier with pretty blue eyes and a questionable memory. Now he has a home. And he's going to do whatever it takes to get that back.
Lost & Found by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor) (Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, 89,972 words)
Summary: Clint Barton’s got a bag full of stolen money and a burning desire to stay under the radar. His old friends in the Carnival will be looking for him and they sure as hell won’t be happy. In a desperate attempt to stay off their radar, he ends up in Timely, a small town so far off the beaten track he’s surprised he even found it, and waits for Barney to comes and get him. Because Barney will be coming. Clint knows he will. But there's something about the town. Maybe it's the strange wolf that watches him from the trees, and the way people finish conversations when he enters a room. Or it could be the bartender, Bucky, who decided to hate him on sight. Something’s going on in this small town, and Clint’s not sure if he’s jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Nameless by AvaKelly (Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, 101,582 words)
Summary: A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs. "Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends. The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?" "I put it there."
Play With Fire by Kangofu_CB (@kangofu-cb) (Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 27,887 words)
Summary: Agent Clint Barton, one of SHIELD's top-level spies is at the top of his game. He knows how the spy business works, can beat the enemy at their own game, and has yet to fail a mission. Then he meets a mysterious handsome stranger on a sunny beach in Italy, and everything changes. Now he's questioning everything he thought he knew about SHIELD, their loyalties, and what happened to the last Agent in his position - James Barnes.
Silhouette by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor) (Mature, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, 105,874 words)
Summary: After a mission in Mexico goes wrong, SHIELD Agents Barnes and Rogers are given the job of hunting down the notorious Hawkeye and the Black Widow, the only problem being: no one even knows what they look like. On the other side of the law, Clint's enjoying messing with their new SHIELD shadows, especially seeing how close he can get to Agent Barnes without him realising, but he makes the mistake of getting attached, and that makes everything more complicated.
Something Just Like This (Somebody I Can Kiss) by IndigoNight (@jeminamoonnight) (Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 23,546 words)
Summary: Bucky and Clint get caught up in a trap meant for Natasha alone and receive an unexpected chance to revisit their teenage years. While the rest of the team track down the bad guys, the boys are left in charge of Tiny Assassin Natasha... They really are the worst babysitters ever.
something magic, something tragic by squadrickchestopher (@feedmecookiesnow) (Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 55,480 words)
Summary: After making a fatal mistake on a mission, Clint Barton vanishes into the depths of the Midwest. What he wants is to be left alone for a bit, to take a couple weeks of peace and quiet and get his mind straight. Instead, he finds himself caught up in a nationwide game of cat-and-mouse with a brooding, metal-armed vampire. Natasha’s right. He’s got the worst fucking luck in the world.
The Ghost of a Chance by atothej (Teen And Up Audiences, Major Character Death, 2,341 words)
Summary: The Asset's only constant companion is the ghost that haunts him.
The Other Man out of Time by sara_holmes (@captn-sara-holmes) (Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 97,310 words)
Summary: Also known as Time Travelling Clint Wrecks the Universe. Due to The Time Stone having a great day screwing around the fabric of reality, Clint finds a copy of himself thrown back into Normandy, 1944. Cue Clint 2.0 meeting Bucky Barnes, the Howling Commandos and a pretty different version of Steve.
This is Not a Date, it's a Kidnapping by sara_holmes (@captn-sara-holmes) (Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 50,504 words)
Summary: The first time Bucky kidnaps Clint, it's to blackmail Steve into backing off until Bucky's ready to be found. The second and third and fourth times, however...well. Bucky has his reasons.
What do you mean we left Clint on Mars? by sara_holmes (@captn-sara-holmes) (Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 24,537 words)
Summary: “What do you mean we left Clint on Mars?” Cap’s incredulous voice cuts through the stunned silence of the cockpit, loud and shocked. He’s standing there with his cowl in hand, gaping at the holo-screen at the front of the jet. Next to him, Tony is standing with his hands on his head, mouth hanging open in a similar fashion. Over on the other side of the cockpit is Jane, who has both palms clapped across her mouth like she’s trying to hold back hysterical giggles. For his part, Bucky is just staring at the screen like he can’t quite believe what’s going on.
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leifkncries · 2 years
anyways, you already read this but i'll post it anyway because i'm probably not gonna post for a long time (probably)
also, this won't be canon to the novel. i read the manhwa but stopped reading it after a while lmao
"Mammon?" Satan stared at his lifeless body, hugging it. He felt the world stop at that moment. Was this what it felt when Lilith died? Was this what it felt like to lose a sibling you adored?
It felt.. empty.
He couldn't even process this- He couldn't even think!
He looked up to find the damn truck, but it was nowhere to be seen.
Actually- How could a fucking truck kill the avatar of greed?
He was the second strongest, everyone knew that.
Avatars are immune to most things. There are some weaknesses such as…
Holy Magic.
His eyebrows furrowed, wrath coming out of his body, alerting the nearby citizens.
Even though they were angels before, they weren't immune to it at all.
There were some recent assassination attempts.
For example, this one airplane that was called 'Airplane~Kun' (weird name) nearly crashed into Mammon while He was all alone at the beach.
It didn't succeed, and while they were trying to find it or salvage some parts, it disappeared.
It was thought to be an accident at first but after seeing it disappear, it was said to be an assassination report.
There were security cameras that captured the name, but the plane was too fast to capture the message under it. When they slowed the video down, it only said one single word.
Now that Satan thinks about it, the truck that killed Mammon had a similar message.
‘Truck~Kun! Transportation, Transmigration, and Reincarnation! Sending souls to wherever they’ll fucking go. Commission us at!...’
Satan sort of forgot the numbers…
He felt a hand on his shoulder. Oh, he was crying. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the liquid. He didn’t need to turn around to look at who it was. The gloved hand, the heat radiating off of it, and the look that made an average demon feel vulnerable.
The black-haired demon was silent. Satan was too. He was too upset to shake the other off and punch him in the face. A drip of water fell onto Satan’s leather jacket.
He turned his head around, looking at the avatar of pride. Tears were falling down his face, and his eyes were red and puffy. It seems like he cried a lot before coming here. That explains why he’s so silent.
The ambulance finally arrived, it took stupidly long. “S-Sir Satan? Can you give us his body?” A brave (shivering) driver came and politely asked the avatar of wrath.
Satan glared at him, who flinched and felt the avatar of pride’s glare on him too. ‘This is real hell..’ The demon cried mentally. Satan silently put Mammon in the carrier, before transforming into his demon form and flying away.
The only reason he was so calm at the moment was that he couldn’t cry in front of all those damn people who let his brother die. They alerted him but didn’t even try to pull him back.
(Sure, he cried but he didn’t have an all-out sobbing, crying, thrashing, falling against the wall session.)
Lucifer’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to tell him to stop. But he just closed his mouth. He understood what his brother was going through. He couldn’t just tell him to stop.
Actually, He couldn't even speak.
He couldn't even think straight.
His world just crashed down on him.
Mammon, his own brother.
One that immediately flew down with him even though he would've lost his status as an angel.
He couldn't cry.
With a stone-cold face, He went to discuss things with the doctors.
Mammon wouldn't like that.
The family.. was silent.
As Diavolo grimly told them the terrible, haunting news. No one expected this- it happened out of nowhere. Just yesterday, the whole family was at the table, laughing and smiling.
Just a few hours ago, They were all happy.
"Mammon!" Leviathan called. "There's a new multiplayer game I got. Let's play it later tonight, alright?" He grinned, the white haired demon perking up at the offer and smiling. "Of course! The Great Mammon will be right there! Can't ignore my lil bro's request~" He chuckled to himself.
"Mammon~ Tomorrow, There's an acting gig. Wanna do it together?" Asmodeus chattered. "Heh, alright, Asmo. I'm sure the prettiest demon in the devildom will outshine everyone there." Mammon complimented, smiling fondly at the younger who huffed in pride.
"Mamon.. (reference to the filipino dessert) do you wanna go to the ramen shop soon? I got a discount and they make really tasty ramen…" Beelzebub smiled softly. "Whaaaa?! Really?! Thank ya for inviting, Beel. Yer the best. I'll get ya and Belph some presents." Mammon hugged him.
"Luci! Ya better not be plannin on overworking yourself again! I'll cook dinner for ya and the brothers tonight, ya better enjoy the Great Mammon's great cooking!" The younger one smirked smugly. "Heh.. Well, don't fail my expectations." Lucifer smiled back, making Mammon stick his tongue out playfully.
The promises… were broken.
since you already know what happened with satan and luci, LET'S GO TO LEVI WOOHOO
He was as broken as that promise.
Sitting on his bed staring at his blanket, he let tears fall onto the fabric. He couldn't play games. He couldn't do anything but fall apart.
He- He couldn't fucking process what the fuck happened!
His family already went through multiple of the second-born's near death experiences already.
(yin honestly that's what you always do)
He never.. expected one to actually succeed.
And a fucking truck?!
Come on, once he got shot in the abdomen.
A huge and tall building fell on him! TWICE!
He got stabbed with a blade laced with poison and took his sweet sweet time going back to the house, not getting treated and letting blood seep out of his wound. He could've fallen unconscious while returning!
An airplane nearly crashed into him!
Yet this time, a fucking truck that he could've ran away from since he was the fastest demon in the devildom, KILLED HIM!
The third most powerful demon died due to a fucking truck.
As tears fell down his face, a blue tinted screen was in front of him. "What.. the fuck?" He muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes so that the blurry screen (due to his glassy eyes) could be visible.
"This looks like.. an omniscient viewers viewpoint screen?!" His eyes widened, staring at the screen in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and opened them again, only to see the same screen in front of him.
"Would you like to join channel #BI-7623?"
"Am I a constellation?" He asked nobody. Normally, he would be happy, ecstatic, even. But... Mammon. Narrowing his eyes, he questions himself. 'Should I do this?'
'Yes. I should. I can't.. I can't keep crying.. Mammon always said to be happy.' With that, he sniffled and wiped his nose. Though obviously he couldn't get rid of the puffy red eyes, he could get rid of the tears. At least for a few moments.
Clicking on the option Yes, he was suddenly teleported to literal space. (I never read the novel, bare with me here.) "So this is what it feels like- SATAN AND LUCIFER?!" Leviathan was dumbstruck.
"I got the notification as well. Did you?" Satan asked, staring at the blue haired man across the table. Well- It wasn't exactly a table, just a blue tinted screen showing the option: "view channel"
Leviathan clicked on it, and suddenly there was a huge screen in front of them that showed the screen. There was silence as they watched the white haired man speaking with a black haired man and a woman.
They looked at a man, who began speaking. They were saying things that could be heard, but the demon brothers felt like it was inaudible. "I knew that he would be here, but.." Satan mumbled, breaking the silence.
"Mammon.. he's.. he's alright." Lucifer smiled fondly at the screen. They watched as Mammon smiled softly at the man, before slipping away from the man and woman he was talking to earlier.
Mammon moved closer to a grandma who was shaking. As the man pulled out his ID card, an ugly thing appeared and yelled at them. The grandma was surprised and was even crying a bit. Mammon sighed, pursing his lips.
He began to speak to the grandma, trying to make her feel better with a sad smile. As the white haired man talked to the grandma kindly, the brothers had a bitter smile on their face. They remembered when Mammon would always comfort them with that same tone.
They saw the ugly thing talk again and Mammon stopped talking to the grandma. Mammon suddenly glanced over to a brunette. Leviathan's eyes widened. "Lee Gilyoung!" He exclaimed, before his lips curled into a small smile.
'So he's gonna try and take Dokja's role, huh? Wait- will he sacrifice himself-' Leviathan's once smile turned into a frown as he furrowed his brows. "How do I send this scumbag a message.." He looked around for an option.
Leviathan flinched, hearing murmurs and voices. 'Is that.. Lee Jihye's.. oh Diavolo…' Leviathan looked away from the screen, not wanting to see the murder scene about to happen.
Satan and Lucifer were just kind of.. looking at Levi judgmentally as he looked away from the screen. He was acting weird. Once, he was smiling, then he was frowning and looking for something, then he looked away from the screen as a girl choked another female. (I don't know what she actually did. 💀💀)
It was clear that Leviathan knew this whole thing, but he was acting weirdly.
Suddenly, A teenager began walking to Mammon. Mammon rolled his eyes, talking to the teenager. The teenager seemed to get frustrated, and threatened Mammon. Now this made the brothers a little agitated.
"The second that bastard goes into the water, I will summon Lotan on him. How dare he threaten Mammon.. I never liked Namwoon anyway! I think.." Leviathan scoffed. (He wouldn't do this or say it out loud, but you gotta understand that mammon literally passed away and he's traumatised. 💀)
"This bastard…" The avatar of wrath growled, a purple aura forming behind him. Oh yeah, did I mention that they were all in their demon forms? To just fit in with the others, I guess.
"Mammon. Kill him." Lucifer glared at the blue tinted screen, wishing the teenager to just die already. "If he doesn't, I will make it a personal mission to find him and kill him myself." He smirked, aura seeping out of his body as well.
Murmurs went around.
"They seem strong, don't they?"
"Why the fuck are they going for the teenager? Do they adore the damn grandma or what?"
"Shivers. I felt fucking shivers."
"They seem a little uneducated though? Don't they know you can place a bounty and let the players do the dirty work?"
"I like the kid, though."
"You should probably rephrase that sentence."
Mammon smiled, breaking their trance of murdering the poor minor. "Try to kill me then, I doubt ya fucking can!" He said smugly. The white haired teenager tried to punch the demon, but he caught the fist with a smirk.
Mammon then said something about his age and how he's far stronger than this random teen. Leviathan snorted. "Obviously he's older and stronger, he's literally a demon!" He laughed to himself.
Mammon suddenly yelled at the black haired man, signalling something. They watched it before the plan was discussed, and the other constellations weren't exactly looking at Mammon for some reason so they don't know either.
The black haired man (Now known as Dokja) nodded at the white haired demon and ran past the teenager. Mammon grabbed the teenager and made sure he wouldn't do any.. violent actions.
Namwoon tried to kick Mammon as Mammon held him by the collar, but Mammon simply dodged. Dokja tried to give Mammon a grasshopper, but Mammon shook his head and gave Dokja the grasshopper and told him an order. Dokja was about to refuse, but Mammon ruffled his hair.
"UGH. I know I shouldn't feel envious of a great main character like Dokja, but he's treating Kim Dokja like a younger brother!" Leviathan stuck out his tongue, glaring at the screen as if it was Mammon forgetting his debt to him.
If you're wondering why they're just spitting out these things, earlier when Lucifer heard a word from the other constellations, he saw an option that let their conversation not be heard by others. Also an option to invite people to their table right next to it, but let's ignore it.
(Lmao, i don't even know what I'm writing at this point. Their tables are so high-tech.)
"Do it, Dokja. I've done countless sins already." Mammon smiled at the younger, who nodded and ran away. Satan snortled, as Mammon was an avatar of greed, so it was pretty much obvious.
Mammon put his attention on Namwoon, who glared at the older man. A bit of aura slipped past Mammon, he clearly didn't plan that. Namwoon cursed the demon, and Mammon slammed the teenager into the seats.
"Ugh.. I like the kid, but I don't think he'll survive.."
"Did you see that? A bit of aura went out of his body yet it was enough for a demon!"
"At this point, I can't be his constellation partner. He seems too powerful on his own!"
"Same here."
"This is actually entertaining! I'm glad I joined this channel."
Leaving the teen alone, Mammon turned to Dokja who yelled and announced stuff I don't wanna write. Mammon turned to the grandma and spoke stuff. I'm getting lazy. As Mammon killed the grandma, the constellations began speaking again.
"I can't believe he killed her! I'm getting wary of this kid.."
"Wait, how the fuck did his claws become claw-like?"
"This guy isn't a human.."
"Y'all didn't understand the message? It was kind, I bet he just knew that things would get worse over time. Dunno how, but that's it."
"Dude, not all of us talk a lot of languages. Plus, how can someone come from the future?"
As Mammon looked back, the teenager was gone. He relaxed, pursing his lips. He went to check out the fight happening, eyes twinkling. "Seeing the main character in action is awesome.." Leviathan had constellations in his eyes as well. Get it? Constellation? Haha… bye.
Then, the teenager noticed Mammon and tried to attack him. The mood of the brothers instantly dropped, but they tried to keep their cool. Mammon acted scared, but everyone knew he was just acting…
Dokja ran over to Mammon, then the teenager tried to stab Dokja in the heart but then it scratched his shoulder.. it was a mess, really. Mammon supported Dokja, before Namwoon called for Dokja.
They were fighting, and the teenager was fighting to survive.
"Wait- No-"
Mammon's eyes widened, and he covered his ears. "I'm not there anymore.. calm.. calm down.." He mumbled, fighting off the tears from the memory. He breathed, not listening to anything happening.
"He's not here anymore.." He sniffed, near to hysteria at just the thought of him. "Is he.. thinking of Michael?.." Leviathan frowned, clenching his fist. "That damn bastard…" Satan glared at the screen. Lucifer stayed silent, trying not to literally punch the fucking screen.
"Now this is fascinating.."
i'm crying
"What in the celes- world happened here."
oops accidentally put my hc that demons use 'what in the celestia/celestial realm' here but i forgot he's not a demon (these are just comments from author btw, i'm sleepy so i'm adding this in for fun)
"I was only gone for a few minutes, but look at all this damn mess!"
"This isn't normal?" Leviathan questioned, humming.
Dead corpses rose from the streets as Mammon swore, running beside the black haired man. Suddenly, an Ichthyosaur crushed the bridge they were running on. Mammon protected the younger, sheltering the office worker.
"This is epic!" Leviathan cheered, managing to control his envy for once. "Though, I wish Mammon told me the novel he was reading was omniscient viewer's viewpoint. I would've binged the 500 chapters with him.." Levi pouted.
Satan rolled his eyes. "You'll influence him to watch all the animes, read all the mangas and read all of the novels. You'll both get no life at all." He scoffed. "And that's a bad thing?!" Levi huffed.
A blessing from a constellation suddenly appeared. An even number of people can go through the bridge, and they had an even amount of people. "Oh Diavolo.." Leviathan sighed. Satan raised an eyebrow.
Ah, a zombie. Mammon sighed, before doing an omae wa mou shindeiru and slamming the body into the ground. Suddenly, the zombie of Kim Namwoon appeared. "Beat his ass like you did earlier, Mams!" Levi grinned.
Mammon acted weaker than usual and fell into the water while whispering a few words to the reader. Leviathan slammed his hands on the table. "That idiot! He sacrificed himself so that the plot could go on! Did he just die again? No way!" He raged.
Lucifer sighed, not exactly knowing what to do. He knows Mammon can survive, but how, exactly? He pursed his lips as he saw the whitette fall. Somehow, his heart dropped. He can't risk Mammon dying again.. not under his watch.
The avatar of wrath looked around for an option to save Mammon, and his eyes widened as he clicked something. Suddenly, they were teleported to the place where Mammon was, but only as spirits.
"Mammon, wake up." Leviathan urged, trying to shake Mammon awake but failing because he's a fucking ghost now lol. "Lucifer, we have to wake him up and send him back!" He looked at the indigoette. "Should we?" He furrowed his brows.
"Of course, yes! Who knows what'll happen if we try and put him back in our universe? We need to complete the ending, that's how it works in video games and what's happening seems like a video game." The otaku huffed.
"Wait. Mammon, why didn't you choose one of us as your supporting constellation?" Satan asked, frowning. "Cause I'm better.." Mammon replied, half asleep. "..." Satan had a tick mark on his forehead. "Can I beat him up?" One of his eyes twitched.
"Weren't you crying like a baby a few hours ago?" Leviathan erupted into a fit of giggles. "Actually, can I beat YOU up?! Plus, you're acting like you weren't." Satan rolled his eyes. "He's got a point, Leviathan." Lucifer muttered from the sidelines. Somehow, he felt ignored by a higher presence.
The white, ugly ahh creature from a while ago popped in. "Hello, Faithful constellations! I noticed this table entered spirit mode. May I ask why?" That awfully sweet tone could make a cat sick.
"Isn't it obvious? We want to save him." Satan scoffed. He seemed to be scoffing a lot recently. "Why.. why would you want to save such an insignificant human?" Bihyung was confused.
Suddenly, a shadow was cast on all of their faces. 'Ugh.. I've heard of constellations actually liking unimportant humans, but they never went into spirit mode! After all, it's a useless option.' The dokkaebi felt sweat dripping from his forehead.
Their auras that slipped out..
It nearly made Bihyung pass out by how overbearing it was.
Was it sending a message to Bihyung telling it to not mess with these constellations?
If so, it worked.
"Wait! Wait! What do you even want?! Don't use your powers on me!" Constellations were OBVIOUSLY considered powerful, so the dokkaebi were cowards in front of actual constellations.
"Well then.. Save my goddamn little bro- favourite.. incarnation?..." Lucifer blinked, not understanding the complete plot of this novel thing. But he managed to correct himself.
"Ugh, alright…" Bihyung huffed.
By the way, this was hidden from the constellations.
134 returned to their table. (If you don't get it, First Avatar of Pride, Lucifer, Third Avatar of Envy, Leviathan, and Fourth Avatar of Wrath, Satan.)
"You're an interesting human aside from the other one." The dokkaebi said. Mammon snorted, as he wasn't a human. "Thanks, I try." He sat up, cringing at the feeling of the cold water against his skin accompanied by the clothes.
"I've never ever seen an incident where constellations help insignificant humans like yourself." The dokkaebi scoffed, remembering the incident from earlier.
"Well what can I say? I'm really outstanding with me' appearance and all." Mammon grinned, getting a donation from the emo fifteen year old kid.
"Dokkaebi Bihyung.." A sly smirk appeared on his face, his eyebrows furrowed. "Run the ads for a few minutes, won't ya?" He ordered. "I bet all of them are confused, heheh~" Leviathan grinned.
The dokkaebi had his eyes wide open, and he was about to refute the incarnation (or constellation? both?) when it felt a shiver travel up his spine. It ran the ads, before facing Mammon.
"I'm actually itching to know what's going on, though.." Leviathan whined, watching an ad about something. (listen i don't know at all) "It's frustrating, getting interrupted seeing my brother by an ad." Satan scoffed. Okay, Lucifer felt ignored.
After a few moments, the brothers were getting irritated. "What's going on?!" Levi groaned, banging his head on the blue tinted screen. "What happened in this part of the storyline?" Lucifer asked.
Leviathan flinched, and he thought about it for a moment. A smug smirk was on his face. "He's making a deal with the dokkaebi right now, and probably scamming him." He snickered, imagining the situation.
Mammon was sitting on the grass peacefully, waiting for the younger to show up. He saw Dokja get out of the water, and helped him.
They began exclaiming stuff. "It's alright. Not what I was planning, but, I'm surprised you actually lived." Dokja smiled. "I have my ways." The demon grinned.
Lucifer rolled his eyes at Mammon's answer, and it seems like the System picked it up. A gasp was heard from a constellation and typed 'I can't believe The MorningStar is in the same channel as me!' in chat.
Lucifer smiled and typed in a response, or well, just sent a hello emoji. Scoffing, Satan typed in chat for them to just shut up and watch.
"Hold your breath, Dokja." He told the younger one. Dokja nodded, and entered the city. Mammon just walked, covering Dokja's face with a cloth so that he didn't get poisoned.
Lucifer smiled, quickly tying something in the chat.
'I wish you the best, Mammon.'
Though Mammon couldn't see the exact message, Mammon smiled and looked up. "Thanks, big bro." He grinned, before letting the constellations go absolutely crazy.
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