Miswak Because The Best Habits Are Always Sunnah
A chewing stick used for teeth cleaning and oral hygiene is referred to as miswak. It can be used as a perfect (even better) alternative of toothbrush and toothpaste. Miswak is no stranger to a Muslim household across the globe. It is used for its various health benefits as well as due to the spiritual factor attached to it for the Muslims.
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Download Zakat Calculator To Compute And Pay Your Obligatory Charity
Islam is a religion that inculcates values of the collective good, income equality, and circulation of wealth, social and moral progress. Its teachings are not limited to individual forms of worship. Rather most of the forms of worship in Islam are congregationally and related to doing well to others. This is why Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam.
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The Power Of Astaghfar-Astaghfirullah (I Seek Forgiveness Of Allah)
The power of Astaghfar is immense. Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has emphasized many times on the power of Astaghfar. Recited through a simple supplication, it saves a person from the wrath of Allah in this world and hereafter.
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The Way To Develop Deep Relationship With Quran
Holy Quran is the last of the holy books revealed by Allah. It was revealed to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is the ultimate source of guidance for mankind until this world lasts. Allah has ordered Muslims to recite this blessed book and reflect upon it.
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Islam As A Religion Of Tolerance And Moderation
Islam-religion of peace derives its meaning from the word “salaam”. The meaning of “salaam” is peace. It means submitting yourself to the teachings of Allah that are based on peace and tranquility.
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Halal Food And Its Presence The World Over
According to Islamic law, anything that is permissible is known as Halal. On the other hand, things that are forbidden in Islam are known as Haraam. With respect to food, Halal foods are those that are allowed to be consumed as per Islamic law.
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Superiority Of Surah Ar-Rehman
Surah Ar Rehman is the “Beauty of Quran”. It is one of the most powerful Surah of the Holy Quran. It is the 55th surah having 78 verses. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said about Surah Ar Rehman:
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Go For Umrah In 2020
However, you must not delay this spiritual journey. You cannot realize its virtues completely unless you perform it. So, perform your Umrah 2020 and watch how your personality transforms into a peaceful and content one.
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The Stone Of Heaven-Hajr-E-Aswad
The sacred Hajr-e-Aswad also is known as Black Stone is placed on the eastern side of the holy Kabah. The stone was gifted to Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It was brought from the Heavens. When Allah gifted the stone, its color was white than that of milk.
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The Blessings Of Daughters In Islam
Children are one of the greatest blessings of Allah. There is no joy greater than having your own children. Thanks to Allah who is blessed with children.
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The Blessed Prophet Hazrat Esaa (AS)
Allah revealed the Holy book Injil to his beloved Prophet Hazrat Esaa (AS) for the guidance of the people of Israel. Allah had granted many miracles to Hazrat Esaa (AS) so that the people could believe in his truth.
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Prayers In The Holy Quran For Muslims
Praying to Allah is the simplest way in which you can worship, glorify, please, make a wish and invoke your Creator all at once. It is something that can be done anytime and anywhere. In fact, this form of worship is one of the most admired forms of worship of Allah the Almighty.
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Get The Best Umrah Offer by Cheapumrahpackage.us
Umrah is one of the best forms of worship to please Allah the Almighty. Umrah can be performed the whole year except for the Hajj days. Every year thousands of Muslims visit the holy shrine of Kaaba in Mecca to attain the pleasure from Allah.
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Status of Women in Islam
Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a source of enlightenment and uplift of the world. He came as a savior for the weak and vulnerable. His teachings and conduct raised the status of women in society.
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What Quran says about Heaven (Jannah)
As Muslims, we must have faith in the concept of life after death. This world is a temporary station. This life is a journey towards death after which eternal life begins. Those who embrace Islam are given the glad tiding of a pleasurable everlasting life in the gardens of heaven. Here is what the Quran says about Heaven (Jannah).
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Allah Loves Those Who Seek Forgiveness
Allah has sent human beings to this world with a purpose and objective. This purpose is to believe and proclaim the Oneness of Allah. From time to time Allah sent prophets and messengers for the guidance of mankind.
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What Do You Know About Islamic Virtues?
Islam is a religion that inculcates lessons of the collective good of the society in the form of justice, peace, kindness, and equality. Before the advent of Islam, the Arab pagans were plunged deep down into the dark ditch of ignorance.
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