#2022 The Year of the Bat!
jimkirkachu · 2 years
re: The Bat, my family's house is extremely old and we have hundreds of bats in our attic. sometimes they journey to the realm of the mortals (us). sometimes they do this every day for weeks on end. my mom's old method was to open all the doors and wait for them to decide to fly outside (better than house of screaming people). unfortunately once we did this during a blizzard and 1) cold. it was so cold. 2) THE BAT DIDN'T LEAVE BECAUSE THERE WAS A BLIZZARD
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope y'all are safe with so many bat friends!!!!!! 😳👀🤯😬 (I would absolutely be one of the screaming people, if my early morning encounter was any indicator 😂) At the same time... can't blame them for not wanting to fly out into a blizzard, I never want to be outside in the snow either lmao!! 😅😅
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pokimoko · 2 years
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People seemed to really like last year's critters, so I'm back to celebrate Ace Week again with some more simple little artworks of silly little creatures. ✨Keep being amazing, fellow aces.✨
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malcolmreeds · 3 months
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a handful of the various plushies i have available on my etsy shop!
find them by clicking here :3c
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nickeldip · 2 years
We’ve gotten Sonic Frontiers, a twitter takeover, and an official trailer for Sonic Prime within a week--
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susandsnell · 1 year
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me when I'm minding my business in the city when suddenly crazy frog has once again escaped captivity
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borbealis · 2 years
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"I think I understand why you lied about the painting," Mike said. He pulled a worn and creased letter out of his pocket. "I wrote this not long after you left Hawkins. I was going to give it to you, but... I couldn't. I was afraid of how you would react, and I didn't want to risk losing you. Especially after how I treated you all summer... I guess I almost lost you anyway," he said quietly. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, here—" he held the letter out towards Will, "this is for you."
Lettergate fanart for bylerweek 2022!
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sugarhog-au · 1 year
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Happy Holidays yall!
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Year Of The Bat Master List
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This series is complete!
The seedy underground of Gotham has always been a sure thing. Guys like Falcone and Cobblepot ran the city along with other corrupt officials.
But Bruce Wayne, the billionaire son of the city has grown tired of the lies. Of the corruption.
Stuck between two worlds where he's not entirely himself in either, he finds solace in a bottle girl, a friend of Selina's.
And suddenly his two separate worlds are colliding into one as he tries to keep her safe in the derelict city.
When Worlds Collide
Safety In Numbers
Bruce's Arms
Safety With The Batman
There will be no warnings at the beginning of each chapter. This story will include violence, mentions of blood, mentions of murder/character death, manipulation, morally grey batman/bruce wayne, and smut.
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getvalentined · 10 months
Not to dwell on this too much longer but I cannot fucking believe that we conceptualized, organized, created, presold, produced, shipped, ran leftovers and shipped leftovers on a whole fanthology during the layout arrangement period of a different fanthology that I was assured would go to print in spring of last year. Holy shit.
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Y'all, we have been blessed💜✨
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coloredsnowo · 1 year
i need to sleep or i’m going to superhelden,
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
I hope the bat is gone! One summer we had some roost in the eaves of the house. The animal control guy informed me about the no killing thing. So he put in this door, they could fly out, but not back in. Oh no I said, where will they go? He said, lady, I've been chasing this same colony around your neighborhood for 5 years!
Ooo, I like the sound of the one-way door, that's great! Our friend is definitely out of the house proper now, might still be in the garage but I can't imagine him not making his way out where we left it partway open to go find food. We're going to have to check around the house for the next few days to see if we can figure out how the little guy got inside in the first place... but apparently they can squeeze themselves through cracks or crevices as small as 1/4 inch, so we'll probably end up having to get our monthly pest control guy to check around for us since he has a more practiced eye.
But omg that story!! 😅😅😅 Your neighborhood must be a haven!! Sounds like almost every house around you probably has one of those doors by now, lmao 🥳 According to what I've read in the last 12ish hours, it's actually a very good sign if there are lots of bats in your area; I guess it indicates that there's a healthy balance of insects in the ecosystem, and bats are a huge defense for us against weird diseases carried by mosquitoes and other bugs. So I'm glad we both got them out of our homes, but I'm also glad we both got the chance to see them! Such a weird little adventure! 😂🥳🦇
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aishutoon · 2 years
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“Thick as Thieves”
I think they’d be friends! Or fierce rivals. Whatever floats your boat.
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todaysbat · 1 year
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I posted 641 times in 2022
That's 17 more posts than 2021!
146 posts created (23%)
495 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 632 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#bat art - 66 posts
#mod post - 54 posts
#self reblog - 54 posts
#not bats - 47 posts
#bat science - 38 posts
#how you can help - 33 posts
#video - 25 posts
#conservation - 25 posts
#bat biology - 22 posts
#anonymous - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#as we're getting into the season when the pups start flying in the northern hemisphere soon
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Kitti's Hog-Nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai)
This species is found only in restricted parts of western Thailand and parts of Myanmar, roosting only in limestone caves near rivers.
Image Source: Yushi & Keiko Osawa
Image Description: A greyish bat in midflight in a limestone cave
281 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
This is Cookie, a rescued bat at Bat World Sanctuary. This video is a recording of an attempt at teaching Cookie how to feed themselves.
If you're triggered by mealworms wriggling, I'd recommend not viewing this video.
304 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
“Because bats drink while in flight, they must have pooled or slow-moving water to get a drink,” says BCI Restoration Team Lead Ethan Sandoval. “Their ability to use these pooled water resources is determined by each species’ flight maneuverability, as well as the size and length of a pool and the flyway surrounding it. A stretch of riparian habitat with long, reliable pools is where you see the most bat activity.”
Sandoval and his team are currently working on projects to restore water sources and riparian habitat for bats and other wildlife in Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah. The team partners with state and federal agencies, other non-profits, private landowners, and local communities. They seek to target resources close to known bat roosts, using years of roost survey data assembled by BCI’s Subterranean Team in collaboration with abandoned mine and cave managers. 
362 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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Doughnut Bat Tom (elbows_selbo): "Delighted to discover that nature has evolved a bat that looks exactly like a jam doughnut"
This is one of two different species, either a western or eastern red bat. These two species are pretty much identical in appearance, so in fact, nature evolved a bat that looks like a jam doughnut twice.
Image source: unknown, was found on Facebook
From a Quote retweet by the PA Bat Rescue, featuring Krimpet the Eastern red bat (thanks to @nyahjima for sharing that information)
1,138 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Image description: a gif of a little light brown colored bat in the palm of someone's hand wiggling its ears.
2,072 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Happy Halloween !!! 🦇
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akkivee · 1 year
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an art meme i bumped into on twitter!!!! and me rambling about it lol
favourite colours: i did this all on my phone so i both colour picked and eyed it, but the first three are the base colours i use for kuukou lol and i tend to fall back on purple when i don’t actively think about which colours to use. (purple, ironically, is my favourite colour 😭😭😭) that brown orange colour warms up my images in ways that make me feel like i know what i’m doing when i colour it sure does save me lmao
favourite subjects: lol i’m actually getting worried i can’t bring myself to draw if he’s not part of the picture but that’s a different conversation lmao
favourite brushes: painting brushes come and go but himogi pen is eternal—
favourite piece: jyushi’s gorgeous, hitoya’s hair didn’t stab me through my stomach mortal kombat style for once, drawing kuukou’s ew04 hair helped me finally decide to draw kuukou’s bangs the way they should be; it was just a piece that improved the way i draw them lol
tried something new: i don’t think i made gif art before this in csp so it was really neat to figure that out!!!!
goals for next year: comic- since all i do is binge korean webcomics nowadays, this goal is heavily influenced by that, but i do miss making short comics 😭 i have an idea for an ichikuu comic i’d love to work on 😭😭 anatomy- if i could draw men’s bodies as juicy and fluidly as nu:carnival’s men, i would never strive to change ever actually LOL animating- had an idea for a gif but it would take a little bit of animation technique to get it to look the way i want. idk how to do that lol animating wasn’t something i was interested in but i can 👍 learn 👍
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