#(catch him crying happy tears over a shirt that literally calls him an asshole)
ilivelikeimtrying · 9 months
Okay but Nimona would defs print this on a shirt and give it to Amb after he earns their trust as a gag gift.
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Like, she does it with intent of course (laughing evilly as she hands it to him) and as a joke, and while Ballister is sighing and face palming Ambrosius actually really loves it.
He starts wearing it often.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Best Friends Forever
 Summary: Your best friend finally has you back after all these years, tied up on his bed and ready to learn your lesson.
Tw: nsfw, non-con, slight mention of blood, threats, choking, slight degradation, dirty talk, cursing, infantilization, possessive behavior, patronizing behavior, overuse of petnames, slight dom vibezz 
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You knew your boyfriend was a lost cause, an addict so gone he would have done anything for a fix, but you never expected him to stoop so fucking low. 
 You had woken up in a suspiciously familiar place, laying on sheets oh so soft, puffy and white you simply couldn’t mistake the bed you were on. The walls were painted in black and blue, a combination so deeply engraved in your mind you couldn’t shake off the feeling you weren’t trully conscious, but dreaming of a happy yet distant memory of the past. It took you less than a second to realize you were in his room - the one where you had spent so many joyfull sleepless nights back in your youth. The relief was short - lived, though, because the moment you tried to move around, you became aware of the tight rope keeping your sore limbs tied to the wooden bed frame. After a while of twisting and thrashing around while screaming at the top of your lungs for help you finally heard the door open. You hoped you would at last be able to go home now, still desperate to believe this was merely a prank, a way for your junkie of a boyfriend to scare you into giving him money.
 “There is no use trying to escape the bonds, my little love.” His voice emited through the small room, low, smooth as butter and softer than ever. You tried to lift your head and catch a glipse of the person talking, just to make sure you weren’t imagining things or going insane. And there he was in all his glory, the boy, no, the man you knew well looking so different from how you remembered him, but still it felt impossible not to see the many similarities - from the unruly dark curls to the warm gray eyes that used to be your only guide during times of misery and pain. This was none other than your childhood best friend and you had absolutely no idea why you were tied to his bed. “Oliver, why on earth am I here?” You asked as soon as the initial shock had worn off, completely forgetting to address the weird petname the student had called you.
 He smirked slightly before crossing the distance keeping him away from you, and carefully sat down by your left side. He reached out to stroke your cheek in an affectionate way, his fingers lingering for a moment too long for it to be considered a mere platonic gesture. You tried to turn your head away from the warm touch since it made you feel uncomfortable and left you with so many new questions. “I missed you so much, precious.” Oliver took a deep breath and smiled at you, gently moving your jawline so you had no choice but to face him once again. “I was so happy when that disgusting piece of shit you call a boyfriend offered you to me.” The man bent to your shoulder-level and whispered in your ear, his tone so full of sick satisfaction you could swear there was honey dripping from his mouth. “I paid a lot of money to have you back, sweetheart.” He licked his lips in an obscene, suggestive way and you had to supress the sudden urge to vomit as you finally remembered exaclty why you had stopped contacting your best friend once you had started college. The boy used to be clingy, obsessive even, but you could have never guessed it was that bad.
 “Oliver, please untie me, you are scaring me.” You pleaded in a tiny voice, hoping to summon what was left of the goodness he had tucked away deep in his heart. In response the male only chuckled and shook his head as he placed a small kiss against your neck, causing you to shiver in discomfort and disgust while you were mentally debating whether you wanted to kill him or your ex boyfriend first. Soon your spiteful thoughts were replaced by panic when your captor brought his hand to your t-shirt and started unclasping the small buttons one by one. You couldn’t help but turn red from embarassment the moment you felt your nipples harden under his palm and you became painfully aware you weren’t wearing a bra underneath. Your former friend had your tender breasts exposed to the cold air in a matter of seconds, his terrible fingers already pinching and pulling at the erect tips. “You have such pretty tits, darling.” He said huskily while squeezing your boobs, licking and biting the stretched skin. You hissed in pain and squirmed in a desperate attempt to move away but the rope was holding you in place, tightening around your sore injured wrists even more. 
 “I have wanted you for so long, angel.” The student admitted quietly, his stormy eyes fixed on yours, his stare so intense it could burn a hole through you. “Tonight I will make you mine.” Oliver declared with a clear sense of confidence and claimed your lips in a quick rough manner, muffling your pitiful whimpers like a man starved and hungry for flesh. The forced kiss and his deranged words made your stomach turn but something in his longing gaze told you there was a lot more in store. The guess, much to your horror, was soon confirmed when the dark - haired male reached down between your parted legs and easily slipped your panties down to your ankles. With your last bit of protection gone you felt awfully vulnerable, literally naked in front of the beast too keen on the past to see how much he was hurting you right now, in the present. You wanted to scream the second his fat grabby fingers pried your folds open, but choking on your desperate sobs proved easier at that moment.
 “Aww, don’t cry, angel.” Oliver growled playfully and slid his index into your tight entrance, quickly adding a second one before you had the time to adjust properly. “I have to prepare you, baby, otherwise my cock may just tear you apart.” He remarked in low sickening voice, the excuse too crude and vulgar to be an act of caring. You whined as your walls clenched down tight now that there were three fingers stretching your hole, and you berely managed to utter “too full” before your friend pulled you for a deep kiss again, his tongue devouring your mouth, leaving you breathless and queit while sucking in the sweet pained moans. “You can take it, babygirl.” The man groaned against your swollen red lips and grabbed your hips in a strong hold - you were sure there would be purple bruises there tomorrow.
  Eventually, after half an hour of pushing his fingers in and out of your channel, lapping at your neck and leaving wet love marks all over your collarbone, the student was satisfied with his work. He had turned you into a whimpering mess and was ready to thoroughly enjoy the fruits of his labor, whether you liked it or not. “I am going to put it in now, precious.” Oliver pecked you on the cheek just to lick the salty trace of tears off your puffy skin. “I will force my whole length in your perfect little pussy.” Your captor bit your sensitive earlobe and you broke down in tears like a kid, the threat ringing in your ears like the gospel. “This might hurt a bit so I advise you to stay still and relax, baby.” The way the man continued casually, almost cheerfully, as if he wasn’t about to brutally rape you, made your skin crawl, but there was nothing you could do. You were all tied up, powerless to stop him. Suddenly, without any warning, his hard thick member entered you, piercing pain spreading through your whole body. The student panted in pleasure as soon as he thrust his manhood into your heat, the way it sucked him in leaving him high and blissful. You let a few miserable whimpers, the ache too much to bear, his moves too harsh, sudden and deep. 
  “Don’t give me such a-agh tormented expression, my love.” Oliver quickly shushed you by putting his hand over your mouth and pressing down to prevent any noise that might have escaped. His gaze was lustful, insane, but also loving in a twisted, perverse way. “Fuck, I love you so much.” He muttered, his voice gentle for a split second before going back to being taunting and mocking. “I used to be so angry each and every time you dated another guy, another asshole who was only after your body.” The man was rambling now, his face turning red at his own vicious thoughts, his growing anger reflecting in his cloudy pupils and his painful thrusts. “You always chose them over me like a stupid little bitch ...” He whispered dangerously and lifted your body towards his own so you could take his hits even deeper, so deep that you could feel the tip of his member kissing your cervix. “Well, now you don’t have a choice, angel. I have claimed you and I will keep you here forever.” You were crying out in agony, your pussy clamping down around the enormous length slapping again and again against your core. It burned so bad you wished you could dissapear somewhere far away just so you could have a moment of relief. “Oh, sweetheart, I know it hurts, but it’s almost over, you can take it for me, right?” The male cooed at you, switching back to that disgusting, infantilizing baby voice you had already grown to despise. When you failed to respond he gripped your throat, squeezing so tightly blood rushed to your cheeks and you inhaled sharply though your mouth only to feel the suffocation cut your breath short. “Answer me.” He barked through gritted teeth and you nodded frantically, desperate to gasp for air and cling onto dear life. 
 “Good girl.” Your former friend purred, pleased with your obedience, and let go of your neck, grabbing your hips instead. You coughed and drooled pathetically until you managed to resume your breathing, but the man, still buried deep inside you, seemed too caught up in chasing his own pleasure to notice how badly he had hurt you. Fortunately for you Oliver was really close, that much was obvious by his furious shoves at your abused cervix and his low growls each time he lowered his head to kiss you. Soon he came with a loud moan, painting your walls white, your ruined hole dripping with his seed and your blood. 
 Your captor seemed satisfied afterwards, peaceful in a way - there was a small smile adorining his cold lips as he wiped the tears off your face and squished your bruised body against his strong frame in a tight hug. You bit your tongue to stop the tears from overflowing once again, but to no avail. He let you sob in his arms until there wasn’t liquid left in your red, puffy eyes. 
 “You did very well, my love. I am really proud of you.” Oliver kissed your temple gently, resisting the temptation to graze you all over again with his lips, tongue and fingers. “I will help you clean up, then I will fix you some nice dinner.” He murmured in your ear, tickling the heirs on the back of your neck with his warm breath. “Doesn’t this sound good, baby?”
 You closed your eyes and nodded slowly.
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ptergwen · 3 years
Hi val! Got a request, it's okay if you don't wanna write it, but can you write about peter telling the reader he's going on a huge mission and he's excited about it but the reader is so worried they end up arguing? But when peter gets back from mission all bruised, the reader is still upset but dresses his wound anyway and it ends up with fluff??
abort mission
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w/c: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, and angst
a/n: woah woah woah i ended up writing way more than i expected but i loved this request so much :,) i hope you do too
“we’re staying in this, like, super fancy castle while we’re there. it’s gonna be awesome,” peter rambles to you. he takes all the clean shirts in his drawer and throws them into a suitcase.
he’s packing for a mission in europe with the avengers, and you’re here to say goodbye. you’ve been pretty quiet while peter gives you as many details as he’s allowed to. it’s always an honor when the team invites him on. he gets so stoked about it. you’re happy he’s happy and gets to pursue his passion, but you’ve noticed a pattern.
every time peter leaves the country with earth’s mightiest heroes, he comes back in worse condition than the last. it seems like they protect everyone except peter. he’s oblivious to the fact that the end result is always his suffering. he’s just glad to be there. really, he gets nothing in return except scars that never heal, not even a permanent spot on the team. 
so, you’re not thrilled he agreed to go.
“plus, i get to miss two weeks of school.” peter beams, getting onto his knees to zip the suitcase. “feels like a vacation almost.” “you like school, though,” you remind him. you’re sat at the edge of his bed while you watch, rather than help. he hops up again with a shrug. “i like vacations more.” “it’s not a vacation,” you mutter to yourself, then speak up.
“how are you gonna catch up? that’s a lot of missing assignments.” with that same innocent smile, peter walks over to you. he grabs both your hands and laces your fingers together. “i’m a fast learner. besides, ned said he’d help me.” you sigh, looking down at the floor so you don’t have to look at peter. “or, you could. make it into a little study date when i get back,” he suggests while playing with your fingers.
“i don’t even want you to go,” you finally admit and meet his sparkling eyes. nothing could ever dull them. “why not? you’re gonna miss me?” peter teases, pressing a couple of kisses to your palm. “you don’t have to. i’m pretty sure france has wifi.” he wiggles his eyebrows. “oui oui, mademoiselle, eh?” despite yourself, you giggle at his french accent and tug on his hands. he sits down next to you with a chuckle.
“nat has been giving me lessons,” peter explains, you quirking an eyebrow. “she speaks french?” “she speaks a lot of languages, actually. she’s so cool.” peter scoots closer to you and sets his hands on your waist, his voice dropping. “you’d love her.” your face twists up in confusion at the idea.
you don’t have anything against the avengers, obviously. they’re good people. you’re just not the biggest fan of them at the moment, considering the circumstances they’ve put peter under.
“peter, i don’t want you to go,” you repeat more seriously than before. your teeth sink into your lower lip. “and, it’s not because i’ll miss you.” “none taken,” peter jokes, implying there should’ve been a no offense. he then realizes how distressed you look, so he cuts it out. “sorry, sorry. i’m done now. how come?”
you take his hand again and hold it tight. “what if you get hurt?” you ask in the nicest way possible, out of care. “i don’t wanna see you hurting, pete. this mission sounds really... dangerous.” he runs his thumb over the back of your hand, his grin faltering a bit. “it is, but i’m ready for it. i’ll be fine.”
you’re not convinced yet. that line he likes to overuse isn’t enough to do the trick.
his eyes searching for yours, peter brushes a piece of your hair back. “have a little faith in me, babe.” “no, i... i do. i have the most faith in you, peter.” you find yourself frowning as he twirls your locks around his finger. “that’s not the problem.” peter’s voice becomes a whisper. “what is it, then? talk to me.”
you do the opposite because you’re afraid you’ll upset him further, which is the last thing he needs right now. your silence prompts peter to fill it. “would it make you feel better if i say mr. stark is keeping an eye on me?” he’s smiling sheepishly, you scoffing. “oh, like he kept an eye on you in amsterdam?”
the only eye related activity that happened there was peter almost losing one of his. he’d come back with an eyepatch and couldn’t see out of it for over a month. to this day, there’s still a bit of blood in it when you look close enough.
“i already told you, that was my fault,” peter grumbles, turning so he faces forward. “i didn’t listen to him-“ “who gives a shit? he’s the one who put you in that situation!” you blurt out. you’ve been way too patient this whole time, and now you’re reaching your breaking point. “you say that like i didn’t wanna be there.” peter clenches his jaw, still mostly calm.
“either way, mr. stark,” you mock what peter always calls him, “was supposed to keep you safe, and he didn’t. i’m scared it’s gonna happen again.” letting out a noise close to a growl, peter stands up from the bed. “you’re not listening to me, y/n. everything was fine. i just-“ you’re not in the mood to hear him make excuses, so you interrupt.
“do you know any other sixteen year olds who fight literal terrorists on their free time?” you rhetorically ask and get to your own feet. peter tries to walk away from you, only you follow him. “you’re a kid, peter, in case you forgot.” he spins around to give you a nasty look. “do you know any other sixteen year olds who stick to fucking walls?”
your heart starts to race from his sudden outburst. he’s scary when he’s mad, and he almost never gets mad at you. all you can do is blink dumbly. “didn’t think so,” peter spits. “this is what i’m supposed to do, help people. is that so wrong?” his breathing becomes ragged as his anger grows.
“what about you? are you helping yourself?” you speak softly, expecting an answer this time. “you’re not my fucking therapist, y/n,” he deflects the question. “i am your girlfriend, though. i care about you so much, you know that.” eyebrows furrowed in concern, you reach out for peter. he takes a step back. it doesn’t take long for tears to cloud your vision.
“i was excited to share this with you, and i thought you’d be happy for me.” peter balls his hands into fists at his sides. his voice stays low. “instead, you made it all about yourself. you can never let me enjoy team stuff.” you’re speechless, peter nodding as he lets his words sit. “thanks for the support.”
“you’re an asshole,” you laugh out bitterly and wipe under your eyes.
he didn’t mean to make you cry. he was so caught up in himself, he didn’t realize you were.
peter’s whole demeanor changes. “y/n, baby...” he attempts to put a hand on your cheek, but you hit it away. “get off of me. what did i just say?” you sniffle, your tone harsh in contrast. “you’re an asshole, peter.” he changes his mind about feeling bad. you’ve berated him way more than he did you, anyway.
“you should go. i have to be up early,” peter decides, even though he’d said you could stay the night. whatever, you don’t want to anymore. “fine,” you agree shortly. “i’m leaving.” he stands there while you collect your things, shoving them into your bag. you’re going slow enough so he has a chance to stop you. he doesn’t.
you pass by him on your way to his door, sucking in a breath. here’s your official goodbye. “see you later, peter. don’t die.” “mhm, i won’t,” he replies, his tongue poking at his cheek. with one more shared look between you two, you make your grand exit, no doubt informing may of her nephew’s behavior before you’re gone.
peter immediately regrets the way he talked to you, and that you’re leaving things like this. you were only trying to protect him. you’ll never be able to save the city like he does, so this is how you do it. he truly is an asshole for not seeing that.
frustration consuming him, peter kicks over his fully stuffed suitcase, its contents spilling out. he grits his teeth.
you don’t talk to peter the whole two weeks he’s gone except for some are you alive and yes texts. he’d called you quite a few times, and was sent to voicemail for all of them. he gave you the benefit of the doubt because of timezones.
it was actually because you declined, which peter knew deep down was the real reason.
he’s coming home from his mission today. you’re not sure when or if he plans on dropping by. you’re not sure you’d like him to, either. you don’t really get a choice in the end.
there’s a series of knocks at your window, at some ungodly time in the night. you’re all too familiar with this routine. it’s peter.
you slip out from under your covers, a scowl already painting your face as you go to the window. surely enough, peter is perched in front of it, clad in red and black. the suit must be new because you’ve never seen it. you push up the window and step aside so he can get through.
“thanks,” peter mumbles, climbing into your room less gracefully than usual. he’s sort of wobbly when he lands. “yeah,” you dully acknowledge. “how was france?” “uh, good. you know, lots of cheese and all that.” his voice is muffled from his mask, since he hasn’t taken it off yet. that’s odd. “i was talking about the mission, but cool,” you almost laugh back.
“the mission was... fine,” peter clarifies and scratches the back of his neck. he never describes something as simply being ‘fine.’ when the boy talks, he lectures. you’re starting to get worried. “that’s good. at least you didn’t die, right?” you say to lighten the mood. peter awkwardly chuckles. “haha, yeah. thank god for that.”
you hum and walk over to sit on your bed, peter staying where he is. “what time did you get back?” you wonder, a completely harmless question. “um, this morning,” he says in response, raising your suspicions. “why’re you still in the suit, then?” you squint at him. “i like it, by the way.” “thanks, y/n/n. i, uh,” peter trails off, no good explanations coming to mind.
you’re quickly developing a hunch for what what down. you wordlessly get up again, meeting peter by your window. he’s nervous to see what happens next. peter’s shoulders slump when your fingers land on his mask. you carefully lift it, revealing his face to you. his banged up, bloody face.
“surprise.” peter musters up a grin, you tossing the mask at his chest. you’re beyond angry now. it’s not at him, athough it is at his injuries. “please don’t be mad,” he nearly begs, you shaking your head. you go to leave your room for some space. peter’s fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you back. “i should’ve listened to you, okay? i’m sorry,” he genuinely apologizes.
you still don’t say anything while you look over his beaten body. there’s a gash with stitches in it on his chin, a deep slice across the bridge of his nose, cuts littering his cheeks. he’s even got a busted lip for good measure. this might be the worst condition he’s let you see him in.
“you were right, y/n. i think... i think i’m gonna sit the next one out. it’s too much for me, clearly,” peter continues, fingers sliding down to lock with yours. “you should say you told me so.” “how... how did this happen?” you manage to get out instead. “the bad guy fought me,” he says with the hint of a smirk. “i won, though.”
it’s a relief that he’s handling this so well, even earning a laugh from you. that puts you more at ease.
“this is probably a dumb question, but are you okay?” you brush your thumb over peter’s cheekbone gently, avoiding his scratches. “not really. my face hurts a lot, and flash is gonna tease the hell out of me on monday.” his lips form a line, arms looping around your waist. it’s very much welcomed by you.
“you just spent two weeks trying not to die, and you’re worried about flash?” you snicker and draw a heart on his skin. peter shrugs a shoulder. “he’s so mean to me.” he brings you in closer to him. “besides, this is the normal kid stuff i should be focusing on.” you’re glad he finally came to terms with that. you’ve been saying it for the longest time.
you smile wickedly at him. “exactly. so is all that homework you have to make up.” peter lets out a breathy laugh, you laying your head on his chest. “i missed you,” he tells you quietly. “really wish i could kiss you right now.” “i missed you too, pete. so much,” you murmur into him. your hands settle on his biceps. “and, i forgive you.” “thanks, baby,” peter exhales.
“of course. once your lips are healed,” you pull back from his chest, making a kissing noise. “pucker up, lover- oh my god.” you’re looking up at him with wild eyes. peter gets reasonably startled from it. “what? what’s wrong?” “you... you’re bleeding!” you point at his stitches. he winces, touching the spot. there’s blood, alright.
“crap. do you have a bandaid or something?” peter gives you an apologetic smile. “mr. stark said i should cover them when this happens.” maybe, tony isn’t so bad after all. you nod and take him by his hand. “yeah, in the bathroom. come with me.”
peter sits on the edge of your bathtub while you patch up his chin. he tells you more about the fun parts of his mission, you placing the cinderella bandaid over his gash. you have those from a while ago and also regular ones. however, he preferred the princess design.
“you saw the real mona lisa? like, in person? that’s insane.” you grin, smoothing down peter’s bandaid one last time. “yeah, she’s even prettier up close.” peter returns the smile. “thanks for taking care of me, y/n. i swear i don’t deserve you sometimes.” now pouting at him, you crouch down so you’re at his level. “it’s the other way around, peter.”
“let’s just agree to disagree,” he concludes and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “i love you, okay?” “i love you, too.” you press a light kiss to his bandaid, getting a giggle from peter.
yeah, it’s going to be hell finding replacements for his lips.
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
Pumpkin Eater
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*requested by anonymous *hey bebs 💕 could you write something where chris cheated on the reader and he sees her with sebastian and gets jealous 🥺 *in which y/n and chris were engaged to be married in 7 months, but she caught him cheating. leaving her homeless, her friend sebastian let her stay with him. *warning: angst, cheating, mentions of sex, drinking, fluff *PLEASE send me requests!!!!! i can do whoever :)
this is going to be a series!!
“oh my fucking god” you breathed and dropped your bags, the door hitting the wall catching the attention of chris and the girl on top of him. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” they both scrambled and she got her clothes on fast, running out the door.
chris wrapped himself in the blanket, shaking his head and putting his hand up. "yn, i promise, this wasn't supposed to happen"
"oh bullshit, chris! did you think i wouldn't find out? my god, chris, we're fucking engaged!" you ran your fingers through your hair, chris still tightening the blanket around his waist. "4 years. 4 years down the drain, for what? for some fun?" your lip quivered and you shook your head.
"yn, please, i can explain" you scoff, running your tongue over your lips as you shift your weight to one leg with your arms across your chest as you looked at him.
"you can explain what? you cheated! there's no fucking excuse!" you exclaim, grabbing a bag from the closet and shoving random articles of clothes in it, as well as the ones you just bought.
"where are you going? no, please don't leave" chris begged and grabbed your wrist, and you chuckle as you ripped it out of his grip.
"if you don't want me to leave, you shouldn't have cheated and had some random girl riding your dick. i'm calling off the wedding" you threw the ring at his chest and slammed the bedroom door behind you. you shoved the bag into the back of your car, starting your car and gripping the steering wheel. you squeezed your eyes shut and leaned your forehead onto the wheel, your shoulders shaking as you sob.
your phone started to ring and you took a deep breath, sniffling and taking a few breaths before answering it. your elbow leaned against the door, eyes closed with your fingers against your forehead. "hey yn!" sebastian beamed over the phone and you smile softly, feeling a little better to hear how happy he sounded.
"you called at literally the best time. is it alright if i come over?"
"sure! door's unlocked, i've got drinks in the fridge, i'll see you soon then!" you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone, putting it away and blasting music as you drove off to sebastian's.
30 minutes later you pulled into sebastian's driveway and turned down the music before shutting off your car. you grabbed your bag and took a breath before sulking over to his door. you knocked softly and tapped your toes together as you waited for sebastian to open the door. you heard his footsteps and the door swung open, your puffy eyes meeting his sweet, bright smile.
"hey doll! oh no, why are you sad?" your lip quivered after the question and you let out a sob, sebastian catching you as you fell into him, he scrunches his eyebrows confused and wraps his arms around you.
"i-i caught him in bed-" sebastian shushed you softly and held your head, bringing you and your bag inside his house.
"you don't have to tell me anything until you're ready, okay? i'll be here to listen. for now, i'll just hold you until you have no more tears" he smiled and kissed your head, the both of you sitting on the couch. he put your legs over his lap, comforting you. you hiccuped once you stopped crying, playing with the hem of sebastian's shirt.
"he was in bed.. with that bitch i asked about a couple months ago" you sighed and sebastian scoffed, shaking his head.
"what did he say before? when you asked about her before" sebastian rubbed your arm and you laughed.
"an old hometown friend who moved to california. and i believed it, even though i met all his friends from home"
"what an asshole, you don't deserve that" sebastian whispered and kissed your forehead, making you smile.
"and.. with me being over here now, if it's not any incon-"
"yes, you are more than welcome to stay. my guest bedroom is finally finished" you smile and hug him tightly, sebastian rubbing your back. "love you yn"
"love you more, seb, thank you" you whisper and snuggle your cheek into his shoulder.
the next day sebastian helped you pack your things from the house you and chris shared. you guys put some boxes in storage and some boxes to sebastian's house. chris came back to the house as you closed the trunk of your car.
"yn? hey, please listen to me" chris begged and and you clicked your seatbelt in the passenger seat.
"she's not talking to you right now. you hurt her, very bad, chris" sebastian glared, backing up and getting into the driver's seat. chris yelled things about you getting with sebastian as payback but it was muffled. sebastian reached over and grabbed your thigh and you shook your head as you placed your hand on top of his.
"i told myself i wouldn't cry about it anymore.. but i can't help it" you sniffled and at a red light, sebastian wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"you're allowed to be sad, yn. it's your choice how long you want to be sad, no one else's, okay?" he whispered and you nodded, kissing his palm and you widened your eyes.
"sebastian, i didn't mean to do that" you rambled on and he chuckled, holding your wrists and kissing each knuckle and your palms. "oh" you sighed, dropping your shoulders and sebastian looked up at you through his eyelashes.
"see? don't be sorry, it's comforting" he smiled and you nodded slowly, licking your lips. "you want to go somewhere to eat?" you nodded and he sat the right way again. luckily there was no one behind you two because you sat through a green light. the light turned green again and he took off, heading to the place you wanted to eat before heading to his house.
sebastian pulled into his driveway and opened your door for you. you think him as he takes your hand into the house. "are there any.. house rules?"
"uhm.. food is free reign, bathroom upstairs, the guest room is right across from- what's wrong?" you rubbed your arm and shrugged, looking around the house then meeting sebastian's eyes.
"i didn't mean to make your life any more crazy" you apologize to him and stare at your toes.
"hey, look at me" sebastian said but you refused. he held your chin softly and tilted your face up to look at him. "you could never be a burden to me, i promise. i've always wanted a roommate who wasn't crazy"
"well.. i'm pretty crazy now" you smiled and he laughed, shaking his head.
"no, definitely not. chris is crazy for cheating on an amazing, smart, sexy girl like you" he grinned and your cheeks felt hot. "there's that shy smile"
"you think i'm sexy?" i whisper, stepping a little closer to sebastian.
"who wouldn't?" he whispered back, his mouth inches from yours. "goodnight yn"
"goodnight seb" he kissed your forehead and headed to his room. you sighed contently with a smile on your face, heading to the guest room. it was still scattered with some boxes, the closet half filled with clothes and the dresser topped with a mirror and a tv.
you got ready for bed and cuddled tight under the sheets, deleting the new texts you got from chris about the cheating, about sebastian, about everything. you went on social media, which is a bad idea after a break up. 'chris evans' was trending, and it was filled with thousand of tweets about the break up. your chest felt heavy and it felt like your throat was closing. "seb..seb.." you ripped the blankets off of you and you knocked on his door frantically.
"come in" you swung the door open and he dropped his clothes in his hamper. "what's wrong, doll?"
"they're a-all talking about it" you cried in choppy breaths, sebastian's eyebrows furrowing. you handed him your phone and he scrolled through the tweets, shaking his head and putting your phone next to his on the nightstand. "h..how did they find out?! i didn't post anything, remove any pictures, or say anything about you. how is it out?!"
"apparently he let it slip in an interview. plus i guess he confided in the wrong person and they told the press" sebastian rubbed your back and you let out a soft cry, falling into him. "you're going on a social media detox. i'm going to take your phone for a couple days and we're going to enjoy the world, okay?" you nod and sniffle, nodding and wiping your cheeks with his thumbs.
"i'm sorry for dumping all of this on you" you said softly and you looked up at him.
"never apologize for your feelings" he whisper and i nodded, leaning forward and kissing his chest.
"thank you seb" your tone was soft as you leaned back against his bed. sebastian was still processing the kiss to his chest you left, a soft smirk playing on his lips. it didn't take long for you to fall asleep, and sebastian didn't want to move you. he pulled the blankets over the two of you, kissing your forehead before shutting off the side lamp and falling asleep with an arm draped over you.
you woke up the next day with your arms wrapped around sebastian's arm. your eyes felt heavy and puffy, but you didn't want to move out of your very comfortable spot. you watched sebastian chest rise up and down slowly with every breath he took, his arm tucked under his head with his face turned away from yours.
you never really looked at sebastian, but you were glad you were getting the chance to right now. he shifted and you panicked, closing your eyes again to pretend you were sleeping. you heard him sigh and felt his bicep flex, and it was so hard to bite back your smile and grip it in your hands.
sebastian slowly pulled his arm away from your grip and pushed your hair out of your face before he got out of bed. sebastian headed into his bathroom and locked the door, your eyes shooting open. your arms pushed up the soft sheets as you stretched your limbs. you reached over for your phone, seeing a lot of missed calls, texts and notifications from almost every social media app you had.
sebastian's phone vibrated and you jumped when you heard the water turn on in the shower, sebastian badly singing as he showered. you sighed and peeked at his screen, seeing a lot of texts from chris.
"this is crazy" you sighed, placing a pillow over your face and wanting to scream. you had almost fallen asleep again before you heard the water shut off. you took the pillow off of your face and pretended to just be waking up as he came out of the bathroom.
"well, good morning roomie" sebastian smiled and you sat up, gasping softly with wide eyes as you noticed sebastian dripping in water with his towel loosely tied around his waist.
“good morning. i didn’t mean to take up your bed last night. all that crying just really took it out of me"
“no problem, i understand. my bed is big enough for the both of us. no bother” he smiled and took another towel to dry his hair. you brushed your hair out of your face and sighed.
"uhm, i'm gonna go shower. probably unpack too. you can come help if you want" you started to walk towards his door but you heard him whistle. you tighten your face and turn around slowly, sebastian's hand on his hip with the other out palm facing up.
"i seem to remember there were 2 phones on my nightstand, and now there's only one. give it here" you grunt and slightly stomp as you slapped the phone in his hand. "this is for your own sake, it's to better you and your mind!" sebastian smiled and you rolled your eyes, trying to pretend that you were mad at sebastian but you couldn't help the corners of your mouth curling up.
"yeah, yeah. whatever" you push his shoulder and he laughs. "i'll be in my room, then i'm gonna shower"
"okay. and hey," you turned around in his door frame, your hand on the wood as you looked over your shoulder to sebastian. "you and me"
you smile, nodding softly. "you and me, seb"
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Genre: smut, romance? Idk?
Summary: The reunion with your childhood best friend took some turns, and instead of hugs and tears all you wanted to do was kill the familiar stranger, that made your day at work worse.
(Ye, I suck at describing lmao)
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings: 18+ (MINORS DNI), unprotected sex, dom!Dabi, creampie, a bit of dacryphilia, a bit of teasing, rough sex, choking, facefucking.
,,Girl, just hop into the water’’ Mina screamed, taking all the attention you were giving to your phone. You were already regretting the decision you made to join her and Bakugo. You’ve never liked those public pools, and you never understand people who did. Like seriously, children there pee in the water, some of them even poop, who knows ? And its not that you are some hygiene freak, it’s simply a no go for you.
,, Nah, I’m good over here’’ You screamed back, hoping she heard you, as you hid under the shadow of the tree. Sun was also a big minus for you, since 10 minutes were enough for you to get sunburnt and end up with Yoghurt all over your body trying to pamper the burning stings. Plus your pierced nipples didn’t help in this case either, heating up too fast in the sun, since the only peace of clothing that covered them was your swimming suit.
,, You are no fun’’ she pouted, hoping her puppy face will work on you.
Usually on your days off, you liked to enjoy your time at home, reading a nice book or simply lazing around watching a movie, cooking for yourself, and doing simply anything that didn’t include contact with others. Yeah, you had enough contact with people since you were working at the famous café in the city.
People who saw you working there thought that you loved your job. Always smiling, always having so much patience. Truth to be told, you were exactly the opposite. You hate it wholeheartedly. You couldn’t deal with children screaming around all the time, while their parents ignored them, you couldn’t deal with drunk dudes, cat calling you all the time, and you couldn’t deal with rude costumers always complaining about something. Fuck it, you couldn’t deal with anyone.
You felt more than happy once the day came to an end and once you waved goodbye to your co-workers. Nothing against them of course, you loved Mina and Bakugo, but sun, water and loud crowd of people drained your energy out. At that point you found yourself appreciating your apartment and your bed more then ever before.
The next day you woke up pretty late, since you had late shift. Not that you were complaining, you liked sleeping longer, but the fact that you will be working till fucking 10 PM, if not even longer since it was summer, was driving you insane.
Sure waking up early isn’t amazing, but in the morning there wasn’t that much work, and it was much more quiet then in late shift. And sure, some people would consider calling sick, but you didn’t want to be such an asshole toward your co-workers.
Since you will be the one getting the orders on the counter and maybe, only maybe work with ice cream, you decided to wear your favorite comfy skirt, not too long, but also covering everything up. Once you found your fav comfy shirt, you tucked it inside of your skirt and did your casual make up before you left your apartment.
You didn’t like your work, but you were thankful that you could at least get a free meal there, since it saved a lot of time for you. It wasn’t anything special, but at least you didn’t have to prepare anything or stop to buy something before work.
,, DROP THE BEAT’’ Bakugo yelled once he saw you coming, making some weird noises as you gave your best to give them a Top Model walk.
,, TC, TC, TC’’ you repeated, waving your hips from side to side in the beat with the weird sound you and Bakugo made. You hopped beside them, as you took the small pack of cigarettes out of your bag.
Usually after the end of the morning shift, you and your co-workers sit together, enjoying the last minute of the shift exchange together. Of course if there’s a new costumer, one of you would go to work immediately. But most of the time, the café was almost empty at that time, giving you a chance to catch up a bit.
,, Today was pain in the ass, I swear’’ Shiggy said, taking one cigarette out of your package, while Bakugo told you everything you needed to know, if there was something to do and so on. Nodding your head, you lit a cigarette for yourself, preparing yourself for one hell of annoying day that was waiting for you.
Once Bakugo and Shiggy went home, you made your way toward the small counter, preparing everything you needed for the late shift, as you waited for Mina to arrive. You were glad that there weren’t any new costumers, since it gave you lots of time to prepare everything, from ice cream, to sandwiches and drinks.
,, Hiii girl, sorry for being late’’ Mina greeted you happily, while you placed the new drinks into the fridge. It wasn’t anything new for you, she was always late, but you never minded it at all. Your team had some up’s and down’s, but after all, all of you worked great together.
Around 7PM you wished you never got that fucking job. The café was getting fuller and fuller, and people were getting more and more annoying.
,, Can you please serve that table ?’’ Mina asked, pointing on the table where some boys were sitting down. Nodding your head, you took the small notebook and pen, before you made your way towards the table you had to serve.
,, Heyy, what can I do for you?’’ you asked, acting all happy as you prepared the small notebook to write the order.
,, Well, you can blow me off if you are asking that nicely’’ one of them said, making the rest of the boys laugh loudly. Taking one deep breath, you almost rolled your eyes in annoyance.
,, Can I take your order ?’’ you repeated yourself, ignoring the rude comments they gave you, talking about your skirt and how you looked, like you weren’t standing right in front of them.
,, Five beers. Sorry, they really don’t know how to behave’’ one of them, mature enough, said. Giving you one small and apologetic smile. Nodding your head, you just hurried back, wanting to finish their order fast enough, before you did something you would regret later.
Once you bought them their beer, and once they gave you the money, you almost smacked the bottle against the blondies head, when he started checking you out shamelessly. What pissed you even more was the fact that the line waiting for fucking ice cream was already waiting for you.
The whole day was a complete disaster and you wished more then ever to finish your shift and leave the fucking café. At least you had Mina by your side, as the two of you gave each other encouraging words.
,, What can I get for you?’’ you asked, faking a smile at the woman with a child. You were so done with that fucking job, but you couldn’t let the costumers figure that out.
,, Honey, what do you want?’’ she asked her child, as she prepared her wallet. The fact that she was waiting for you to come, and than ask her child what she wants was lowkey pissing you off. They could literally decide before you arrived, but whatever.
,, I want vanilla… Hmmmm, I want mint and strawberry!’’ the little girl screamed excitedly, as you prepared the cone, already putting the vanilla ice cream in it.
,, I’m sorry, we are out of Strawberry ice cream’’ you said, giving her a small smile, as the child started screaming and crying around how she wants strawberry. You had to give your best and stop yourself from throwing the cone against the child’s face. That little girl was old enough to understand what a no means.
,, Sorry sweetie, do you want anything else?’’ you asked, hoping she’ll stop with the whole theater.
,, Noooo I want strawberry’’ she screamed, crying loudly.
,, Just give her raspberry’’ the woman said, rolling her eyes in annoyance like it was your fault that you were out of the strawberry ice cream. Mina noticed that your blood was already boiling, as she asked you if you need some help. Once she heard you saying how everything’s fine, she continued with her work.
,, What can I get you?’’ you repeated the same question, as a guy approached, holding his phone in his right hand. You looked at him, giving him one fake smile, as you analyzed his face. Black hair, scarred face, few tattoos and lots of piercings. His appearance was pretty much freaking you out, but you had to stay professional and just wait for his order.
,, Hey, strawberry and chocolate’’ he said, casually scrolling the screen of his phone with his thumb. The moment you heard him say strawberry you wanted to quit that fucking job and just move to Poland or whichever country.
,, We are out of strawberry, sorry’’ you breathed out, hoping that the last cell in your brain didn’t die at that moment.
,,Oh ok, then only strawberry is fine’’ he said, giving you a small smile. At that moment you were more then sure that he was making fun of you, even a deaf person was able to catch up that strawberry wasn’t an option anymore after that stupid child made a scene. And that’s when you finally snapped, having enough of everyone’s shit.
,, Which part of we are out of strawberry you didn’t understand?’’ you asked, slamming the cone onto the counter, almost regretting your actions. But once you noticed the way he was trying not to laugh made you snap even more.
,, Are you making fun of me ? Is this funny to you ?’’ your voice was raising with every word you spoke. Once Mina realized that you were having your half mental breakdown, screaming at costumer, she hurried toward you, repeating your name all over again as she tired to catch your attention.
Hearing your name, his eyes widened in surprise, now totally focused on you instead of his cellphone and if Mina wasn’t there, you would probably start a bitch fight with him for even looking at you that way.
,, Woah, what’s going on? ‘’ she asked confused, as you gave the dude death glares.
,,This guy here is going on. He’ll be my 13th reason why’’ you screamed waving your hands in air, not even trying to calm down anymore.
,, Chill out, we only have 30 minutes more till we close’’ she said, patting your back slowly, as she mouthed small sorry to the guy.
,, Oh, 30 minutes ? We’re out of the ice cream’’ you hissed, slamming the glass down, giving him a clear sign that he won’t lick shit tonight. If your boss heard and saw you at that moment, you would be fired in just a second.
After 20 minutes, the two of you happily told the costumers that they have to leave. Before you could leave, you took two corona tests, already working on your own test as Mina went to the toilet to change.
,, OH MY GOD, YOU’RE PREGNANT’’ she screamed, placing one hand over her mouth.
,, Bitch, this is corona test’’ you hissed, loud laugh following your words. ,, And it’s only one line, which means that I’m negative. What the fuck’’ you laughed, placing one test in front of her, thinking about where the fuck did she get all her informations from, since she thought that one line means pregnant. Ignoring the fact that she thought that corona test is fucking pregnancy test.
,, You really overacted today, maybe he didn’t hear’’ she said, as you puffed onto your cigarette.
,, Girl, even my grandma from nursing home could hear that we were out of strawberry, and trust me her hearing aids ain’t worth shit’’ you rolled your eyes, making Mina giggle quietly.
,, But still, he might tell to boss, you don’t know that guy’’ she whispered, as you watched the guy sitting on the bench with his friends. She had a point sadly, he did look like someone who would cause trouble just for fun.
,, You’re right, I’ll go and apologize’’ you said once you saw him wave goodbye to his friends. Taking one deep breath you hugged Mina, before you forced yourself to walk fast enough to catch up with him.
,, Hey’’ you screamed, almost running behind him, hoping he actually heard you. Once he turned around, giving you one hella confusing look, you sighed in relief, placing both of your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath.
,, Wow, such a sporty spirit’’ he joked as he watched you fight for air.
,, Yeah, oh my god. I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier’’ you managed to say somehow, ignoring his comments.
,, Yeah, that wasn’t very nice of you’’ he pointed, taking one cigarette and placing it between his lips. ,,I was ready to write a review on google about the way you treated me’’ he joked once again, but you completely misunderstood it.
,,I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT’’ you screamed, pointing your finger in his direction. ,, Look man, I already hate my job, don’t make it any worse’’ you whined loudly, not getting the irony in his voice.
,, Well, let me treat you with dinner, what do you think? And then I’ll think about the review’’ he smiled, using the way you misunderstood his words in his advantage. Once you heard him say that, you definitely regretted the way you acted one hour ago.
,, That won’t work, I have a cat waiting for me home and trust me, he ain’t capable feeding himself on his own’’ you spat, hoping he’ll understand and simply leave you alone, but once you saw him raise his eyebrow at you and giving you one questioning look, you almost rolled your eyes on him.
,, but you can come with me and we can order fucking tacos or whatever’’ you added, surprised that you went that far and disappointed once he accepted your invite.
,,Taquitoooo, I’m home babyyyy’’ you screamed, kicking your shoes as you got inside your apartment. Turning around you found the tall man looking around, analyzing every corner of your apartment.
,, Taquito? You’ve gotta be kidding me’’ he laughed at you. Even tho you just met the guy, it felt like you knew him for ages for some weird reason.
He sat outside on the balcony, as you prepared the two glasses and drinks for the two of you, while he ordered some food.
,, Anyway, what’s your name ?’’ you asked, remembering that you don’t know shit about the man sitting in your apartment.
,,Ah yes, I totally forget that, the name is Dabi’’ he grinned, taking the glass away from you, as he made himself at home.
,, Why the fuck did you call your cat Taquito?’’ he asked, as your cat jumped onto his lap, purring softly, making you just stare at them surprisingly. Taquito didn’t even like your family and friends, yet he was all cuddly with some fucking stranger.
,, Yeah long story short, I was drunk as fuck, found him on the street while I watched the stupid Tiktok about a girl that bought a turtle and called it Taquito’’ you said fast, as you sat there waiting for the food. Once you had a good look of him, something felt off. Nothing weird or scary, but you only felt like you already knew him. Sure, you definitely wouldn’t forget a face like his, but something about his eyes was telling you that you met him somewhere.
,, Anyway, enough about my cat. Did we meet somewhere?’’ you asked, staring at him shamelessly as he played with Taquito.
,, Maybe ?’’ he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
,, Cut it. Your eyes are familiar. I swear, I feel like I know you from somewhere ‘’ you confessed, placing a finger on your lip, as you tried to figure out from where you know him.
,, Yeah, I have such a pretty eyes, don’t I’’ he said, blinking fast as he tried to give some weird effect with it.
,, You can’t be that stupid doll’’ he added, when he realized that you still can’t remember him. Sure he changed, sure he went thru some shit and ended up with scars, and sureee he colored his hair black, but still he felt a bit disappointed when he realized that you have no idea who he is.
,, Does a name Touya tell you anything ?’’ he asked, raising his eyebrow at you playfully, laughing loudly at your confused face.
,, Nah, go fuck with someone else, that can’t be true’’ you hissed, crossing your arms on your chest. If you saw Touya, you would remember him, your childhood best friend.
,, Monday, 2PM, old tree house?’’ he said, almost asked about something only the two of you knew, trying not to laugh at your shocked expression.
,, It can’t be’’ you gasped, eyes wide enough, almost popping out of your skull. ,, YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY DIDN’T YOU CONTACT ME?’’ you screamed jumping suddenly, making Taquito run form his lap, scared from your sudden reaction.
,, Honestly, I forgot what your last name was, so I couldn’t find you anywhere’’ he admitted, happy you finally remembered him. Sure he didn’t recognize you at first either, but once he heard your co worker calling you by your name, he immediately figured everything out, and understood why you seemed so familiar.
,, Are you serious ? And what kind of reunion was that ? I was ready to choke you with a fucking ice cream cone’’ you laughed, still not believing that the stranger sitting in front of you was no one else than fucking Touya Todoroki, the best friend you once had that left you behind and went overseas.
,, Yeah that was one iconic reunion if you ask me’’ he laughed out, thinking about the way you acted few hours ago.
The two of you talked about everything possible, about his life overseas, about the past, your shitty job, your cat and his dislike on every living being. Once it was too late, he wanted to leave, but you simply couldn’t let him go home at such a late hour, since people at the city were pretty weird and the city isn’t the quiet and safe one and after a long time of your insisting he finally agreed.
When you woke up, Touya was nowhere to be found, but he did leave a small piece of paper, with a number and apology written on it. You grinned to yourself, as you hurried to get ready for your work, since you stood up too late.
The day was much better than the last one, only instead of Mina who always managed to calm you down, you had Bakugo who was even more aggressive then you are by your side. You had the same task as last night, but once you saw Touya and his group of friends making themselves comfortable at one of the tables in the corner, you told Bakugo that you’ll take their order.
,, hayyy, alredy know your order ?’’ you asked excitedly placing your hands on Touya’s shoulders from behind, the smile on your face being honest for a change.
,, My girllll, why didn’t you text me ?’’ he whined, as he grabbed your hands and pulled you down, forcing you to hug him.
,, Didn’t the two of you have a huge fight last night because of strawberry ice cream?’’ one of his friends asked, totally confused.
,, We talked it out’’ you laughed, as he placed a small kiss on your cheek, before you finally took their order, almost forgetting you are at work.
If you were being honest, the whole shift was better with him and Bakugo who was cursing every second costumer around. Almost every 15 minutes Touya would end up at the counter, asking for a strawberry ice cream. Every time you would tell him that you are out of it, he would simply ask for the Book of complaints, making you roll your eyes playfully at him.
You were surprised when you noticed that he was actually waiting for you, laughing loudly when Bakugo commented how this whole romantic shit is making him sick.
The next few days the two of you spend way too much together, and first time in forever you actually liked having someone around. Every day he would drop by at your work, and wait till you are done and then the two of you would go home and have a late dinner, while he had cuddle season with Taquito.
On Saturday, you were looking for excuses to call sick, and once Mina told you that the only person who would be forced to jump in was no one else than Rumi, you immediately called them, acting all sick and everything.
After you called, you gave yourself one good deserved nap, not feeling bad anymore since Rumi was the co-worker no one liked.
The loud knocks at your door woke you up, grabbing your phone your eyes widened in shock once you realized that you slept almost the whole day. Rubbing your eyes, you rushed to open the damn door.
,, What the fuck?’’ Touya hissed, once he saw you healthy and alive standing there in nothing but oversized shirt.
,, what? I overslept a bit’’ you gave him a weak smile, as you let him in. You were surprised yourself that you slept that long, but you totally deserved it.
,, I swear, once your co worker told me you’re sick, I thought you died or something’’ he added, following you inside.
,, Yeah, I just needed some rest’’ you laughed, hoping he’ll chill the fuck out. Thankfully he calmed down real fast, almost forgetting about all the worry he had once he saw you all healthy, and once he saw Taquito running happily to him.
There was something comforting in having Touya around again. Somehow it made you feel like a child again, and the fact that he’s staying this time, for real, made your heart skip a beat for some weird reason. He was all the time around, at your work waiting for you, giving you a ride back home or walking you back home, dropping by on your days off with your favorite snacks and so on. Usually you wouldn’t like it, but since it was him, you embraced the affection he was giving you wholeheartedly.
You even became a laughing stick at your work, as your co-workers always made jokes about your new lover boy. Especially Mina and Bakugo, turning every conversation into Touya related one.
Making the drinks some costumers ordered, a yawn escaped your lips. Still sleepy as fuck, you somehow managed to put your attention on your work instead of the lack of sleep.
,, So, how was the date last night ? What did you two do ?’’ you asked, remembering that Bakugo met some girl he liked so much last night.
,, See when two people come together, they perform an intimate act called getting fucking railed’’ Bakugo said, trying to sound as romantic as possible.
,, You’re disgusting’’ you gasped, throwing the small sponge at him, as he laughed loudly, making his way to the costumer that just got in.
You were completely focused on your work, until Bakugo told you that your lover boy is there, and he’ll be the one to get his order. Rolling your eyes, you just let him do it, as you continued with the work you already did.
Bakugo was much louder than usually, probably because his little date went good, singing around you and joking around every now and then. Not that it bothered you, in fact, you were so glad that he showed his unusual side that day, since he’s grumpy and mad almost all the time.
,, I swear the headache is killing me today’’ you whined loudly, hopping beside Touya once you got the chance. You took one cigarette from him, and lit it up, enjoying the peace with almost no costumers around.
,, You seem pretty close with that guy’’ Touya said, also taking one cigarette.
,, Huh? You mean Bakugo?’’ you asked and he simply nodded his head, not taking his eyes from the spiky haired guy. ,, Yeah, we are pretty close’’ you added, puffing onto your cigarette.
,, You like him ?’’ Touya’s eyes met yours, making you feel a bit uneasy with his sudden behavior.
,, No, we are literally only friends and he’s much younger, wait, why ?’’ you were too confused, finding it hard to proceed the whole situation. Changing the topic, he simply asked what you wanna do after work, acting as nothing happened at all.
,, So, that Bakugo guy, he has a girlfriend ?’’ Touya asked, as the two of you made your way to the nearest store.
,, At this point I’m not sure if you are interested in me or Bakugo’’ you joked, dragging your feet lazily.
,, In you, obviously’’
After that day Touya was giving his best to show you how he felt, he was giving his best to show everyone to who you belong. Being a little too touchy in front of his friends and your co workers, in a way that seemed innocent to you, yet clear to everyone else. Small kisses he usually placed on your cheeks, were getting closer and closer to your lips. The hand he usually places around your shoulders, was getting lower and lower.
Even when he comes over, he was using every little chance he had to touch you, using everything you liked into his advantage. He knew how much you loved when someone caressed you, and he did it more than gladly for you. Tracing his fingers against your soft skin, starting with your arms, only to end up with his hand under your shirt, caressing your back slowly, until you would end up falling asleep in his arms.
,, What do you want to watch ?’’ you asked, placing the bowl of popcorn onto the table, while Touya waited for you patiently on you couch. The weather was perfect for nothing else than a lazy movie evening.
Hopping next to him, you made yourself comfortable as you listened to the storm outside. The sound of strong wind and thunder was more then relaxing to you, and for some reason you enjoyed weather like that.
Gasping loudly, you jumped a little once your cat tried to climb onto you, destroying your small enjoyable moment.
,,Taquito get the fuck off her, she has a boyfriend’’ Touya pushed the cat away gently, joking around, as you just sat there and watched him, eyes wide in shock.
,, Do I?’’ you asked, not moving at all.
,, Fuck yes, you do’’ he added, wrapping his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him, as he looked for a perfect movie to watch. He took his time searching for anything interesting, mumbling some words of disappointments as he couldn’t find anything on Netlfix. At the end he played Oh, Ramona! , since none of you watched it and it was it was simply in Netflix recommendation list.
Pulling you closer to him, he started tracing his fingers along your arm, both of you concentrated on the weird movie that was playing on the screen of your Television. You always begged your friends to caress your arm, since you loved the ticklish feeling that always made you sleepy, yet they would always refuse it, giving you some lame excuses how they’re tired and so on.
Now that Touya was doing it without you having to ask him, you tried to enjoy every second of it. If you only knew, how much Touya enjoyed it, almost as much as you did. The feeling of your soft skin under his fingertips was driving him crazy, as he traced them down your tattoos, mesmerizing every inch of them.
The air got steamier in one moment, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the overly erotic scenes that were showed in the movie, or because his hand was now under your shirt, slowly moving from your back, to the side of your hips.
Trying to calm yourself down a little, you grabbed your phone, checking out all of the unread messages in the group chat. The way he moved hiss hands from side to side made you almost way to shaky. It took you some time to write a reply to your friends, and you almost dropped your phone once he put a little bit pressure into his touch, making your skin burn under his palm.
,, You should concentrate on the movie doll’’ Touya said, not stopping his movements.
,, Yeah, sorry’’ you mumbled, dropping your phone beside you, as you tried not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Once the movie got too erotic fro your taste, you found yourself with your phone in your hands again, trying to hide the blush that was spreading across your cheeks. Of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Touya. Annoyed groan left his lips, as he snatched the phone away from you.
,, You really don’t listen’’ he pointed, hiding the phone away from you, as you complained quietly. The hand that was under your shirt was suddenly wrapped around your neck, pushing you slowly into the couch, there was no pressure in it, but the sudden turn of the whole situation made your eyes widen in shock.
,, Are you bored doll? ‘’ he asked, his face only inches away from yours as he locked your body under his own.
,, No, it’s just.. the movie is too much’’ you whispered, gulping on your saliva as he slowly tapped his fingers around your neck. This time you didn’t have to ask yourself, you knew that he was the one turning you on, and not the fucking scenes from the movie.
,, too erotic’’ you mumbled, making him laugh loudly.
,, You should have kept your eyes on me, instead of your phone, if it was getting to much for you’’ he gave you a smile, a dangerous one.
,, That won’t help’’ you confessed, making him smirk widely as you spoke those words. How could it help, when he was laying beside you handsome without even trying, as his hand was caressing your body gently.
,, Oh, am I turning you on?’’ he asked, mocking you shamelessly, as you tried to avoid his eyes.
Touya didn’t need your reply, the way you acted in the moment was enough for him, and God did he want to fuck you senseless in that moment. His hand moved a bit up from your neck, holding your jaw in one place, as he connected his lips with yours.
His hold on your jaw grew stronger, forcing you to open your mouth just enough so he could slip his tongue inside. Not breaking the kiss, he parted your tights apart, as he hovered on top of you, his hips between your legs, slowly grinding against your clothed core.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer into the kiss, not giving a shit about the movie or your phone anymore. The way he was grinding against you, the way you could feel his hard dick rubbing against you, made you insane in that moment and you found yourself wanting more and more.
,, On your knees’’ Toyua commanded, breaking the kiss as he sat onto the couch, spreading his legs enough to give you some space between them. Without thinking twice, you obeyed, positioning yourself down, between his legs, as he pushed his hips just a bit to pull his sweatpants and boxers down.
Touya looked down on you, not hiding the smirk on his face, as he slowly caressed your hair. Kissing the tip gently, you looked up through your long lashes, satisfied with the fact that he was going crazy as much as you do. He cursed something under his breath, as you gave him one lick, taking your time and making sure you licked every inch of it.
,, Don’t tease me doll, you’re not in position for it’’ he hissed, as you placed your lips on the tip of his cock. His hand found its way to your hair, gripping onto it, as he brought your mouth farther down him. You wanted to take your time, to play at your own pace, but Touya didn’t let you, he waited too long for this to happened and teasing wasn’t something he needed in the moment.
,, Open your mouth a bit more’’ he growled, gripping your hair tighter then before. He wanted you to obey him, he wanted you to do everything he wanted in that moment and you did, you gladly did.
It was the first time you had someone’s dick deep down your throat, and the feeling you weren’t used to made your eyes glossy so fast as his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a little.
Without giving you any time to get used to it, he started moving his hips, as he held your head in place. You could feel his hardness more then clear now, as his hips thrust into your mouth at some lazy, yet strong pace. Focused on his dick, you didn’t even realize that tears were rolling down your cheeks, vision getting blurry as his moves got much faster, not giving you a chance to breath properly.
,, You look so pretty when you cry’’ Touya groaned, getting even more turned on as he watched you get ruined because of his dick. The small amount of mascara you had, was all gone, turning your tears into blurry shade of black. You started gagging, and without even knowing you tried to move away a bit, giving your best to breath through your nose.
Looking up on him, you saw him squeeze his eyes shut, head swung back into the edge of your couch. You could feel your saliva dripping down your chin, and if you weren’t in that position at the moment, you would probably end up blushing. But none of that was possible, since all you could focus on was his dick hitting the same spot of your throat.
Touya stopped his movements, slowly petting your head, as you fought for your breath, coughing loudly, while tears rolled down your cheeks. If it was someone else, you would probably told them to go to hell and throw them out of your apartment, but it was Touya, and all you wanted was to do was make him feel good.
,, My good girl’’ he praised, pulling you up into his lap. You wanted to stay in his lap a bit longer, you wanted to snuggle into his neck and enjoy the moment, but just after he gave you one sloppy kiss, you found yourself under him again.
Touya took your shorts and panties off, throwing them across the living room together with his shirt. In less then a minute, the two of you were all naked, enjoying the feeling of each others skin.
,, Touya, please’’ you begged, feeling his hard erection between your legs, as he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites all over it. Taking one deep breath, he started rubbing the tip of his dick up and down your clit, making you beg for him even more.
,, Needy baby’’ he mocked, placing his tip only a bit into your core, as he continued to tease you, loving every second of the way you were almost breaking down for him.
A loud scream escaped your lips as he entered his full length into you, kissing your jaw and giving you some time to adjust his size. The moment he looked down your body, to see his dick buried deep inside your core, something else grabbed his attention. Cursing loudly, his eyes focused on two shiny pieces of metal, pierced thru both of your nipples.
,, How didn’t I notice this earlier’’ he hissed, lowering his head just enough as he sucked onto your nipple, the contrast of the warm feeling of your skin and the cold metal against his tongue made his curse all over again. His hand found it’s way to your left boob, slowly pinching and twisting your nipple, making you throw your head back, and making it hard for you to concentrate on anything else than his dick that stood still inside you, while his tongue was working wonders on you.
Playing with the small piercing, Touya started moving his hips at a lazy and sloppy pace, making you feel every single inch of him. Touya groaned against your nipple, deciding to waste no time, bringing his cock out and then slamming it back inside almost urgently.
Your hand reached up to his hair, tugging it roughly, as your other hand went up to his back, scratching red lines down helping release some of the pleasure you felt in the moment. Touya rocked his hips quickly, gaining depth with each thrust he made, as you were pulling at his hair lightly, eyes shut strongly as you moaned his name loudly.
He loved how you felt around him, he loved the way you were scratching his back and tugging his hair, yet he wanted more. Placing his hand around your throat, he gave it a small squeeze. It looked like he was asking for a permission, but he wasn’t. In fact it was more like a sign, a little sign for you to prepare yourself for what’s coming.
You didn’t get the little hint he gave you, totally unprepared once his grip around your throat grew stronger, making your breathing stop, as he slammed his hips at ruthless speed. He enjoyed playing with you, giving you only a second to fight for air, before he puts the pressure around your neck again, wrapping his fingers firmly around it.
In one moment you weren’t sure if he forgot about the fact that you couldn’t breath, hand wrapped around your throat for too long making your eyes roll back. You clenched his hair, yanking it tightly, giving him a sign that you need air, only for him to smirk in response as he held it even tighter, thrusting into you with much more force then he did before.
You were more then grateful when he gave you a whole minute to breath properly. But even without his hand around your neck, you had trouble catching your breath since he was hitting your sweet spot all over and over again. Of course, that was your problem and not his.
Feeling your walls getting tighter around his dick, he once again put the not so small pressure onto your throat, forcing the tears out of you as he continued to reach your g spot each time he slammed back inside. Scratching his back, your grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your throat with your own, closing your eyes shut as you found yourself coming undone. You weren’t sure if it was because of the lack of air, or because he didn’t stop his movements, but the orgasm that hit you was the best one you ever had.
In that moment, Touya left your neck alone, smirking to himself as he noticed the marks of his fingertips buried deep in the skin of your neck. Placing his hands onto your hips, he sped up, rocking his hips against your at animalistic speed as he reached his own high.
Groaning loudly he came inside, body collapsing on your own as he slowly fucked his seed into you, as he repeated how much he loves you all over again.
Once the two of you finally calmed down, Touya helped you clean yourself, being extra careful like you were a small piece of glass that was about to break any moment.
Hopping back onto the couch, you rolled your eyes at the view of the ending of the stupid movie Touya found. He wrapped his arm around you, snatching the cigarette that was hanging between your lips and placing it between his own.
,,Oh God’’ you gasped loudly, as your cat jumped on top of you, making you jump a bit in surprise. ,, Fuck off Taquito, I have a boyfriend’’ you pushed your cat lightly away, repeating the words Touya said few hours ago, making him grin widely as he placed a kiss on your cheek.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴/𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦
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requested by the national cutie pie @heartyyjeno​
Mark Lee
he can be a bit oblivious sometimes bless his soul꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭
so he’s kinda clueless as why tf you’re so pouty 
has he said anything stupid earlier? forgotten any important date?? or... even worse
ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIOD?? (シ;゚Д゚)シ  ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʰᵃˢ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵒʷⁿ ᵖᵉʳᶦᵒᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᵐʸ ᵐᶦⁿᵈ ˢᵒʳʳʸ
he’s too nervous to even prod at you rn
especially after a trainee who just happens to be wearing his hoodie passes by and you-
did you just growl?!?? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
but you’re his baby and you’re just SO deflated and he HATES seeing you anything but happy and lively so he just can’t stand by and watch you so upset cuz his lil heart hurts too (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe, are you uh alright?”
“yeah, just a little bit cold” *trying to subtly hint him*
“oh! that’s not good, you should have dressed warmer, should i go ask manager-hyung to turn up the heating in the practice room??”
 ‘maybe i should just set your ass on fire to warm up’ (►˛◄’!)
“or do you maybe want my hoodie?? it should be enough so you won’t be cold anymore, where did i... ohhhhh”
*light bulb turning on above his head* (〇o〇;)
“it’s fine mark, it’s not like you love me anyway it’s fine i should have seen this coming” *loud fake sobbing in your hands* *mark panic*
“no no baby come on-”
“let’s just get the divorce papers, mark lee!!!!”
“but we’re not married-” *sobbing intensifies* “i’m sorry, I’M SORRY!!! i didn’t mean to!! here, just a second!!” (´⊙ω⊙`)!
this specimen just took off his shirt and draped it over you in the middle of the practice room
“mark, wtf are you doing?!?? i was only kidding!!”
“how was i supposed to know, what if you were seriously upset-”
“hyung, can you help-”  *chenle slams door closed* *dolphin screams* “you’re paying for my eyeball removal surgery, you nasties!!”
“chenle NO”
Huang Renjun
my man here catches on pretty quickly what your pout is about
you didn’t make it exactly hard to notice either (;¬д¬)
“y/n, want some ice cream?”
“no, i’m cold, you can shove it up yo ass and share with dear [redacted]”
jesus i wonder why your s/o is mad renjun
he’s not sure how to approach the situation at first, worried that he might get a tube of ice shoved somewhere he wouldn’t want it to ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
he decides to just be himself read as blunt
“baby come oooon, i can ask them to give it back”
“no, then i’ll seem like a possessive bitch” (Θ︹Θ)ს
“don’t call yourself that!! but then should i just run back to the dorms and get another hoodie?”
“no, i missed you this week, i don’t want you to leave”
“then you can just come with me?” (≖^≖๑ )フ
“but i’m too lazy to get up” same reader same
renjun : ఠ ͟ಠ then wth DO YOU WANT ?!!!?!!
your soul renjun
he’s a bit lost and you’re kinda under the weather too and he HATES it because you’re his kitten and he CAN’T and WON’T allow you to feel anyhting but like absolute royalty with him ೕ(⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́ฅ)
so he just drapes himself over your back, wrapping his arms tightly around you, caging you in a warm embrace and nuzzling his cheek into yours
“who needs a hoodie when they’ve got a junnie??!?!” (˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ๑)
how could anyone stay mad when a cutie like renjun just curls himself around you and pulls you flush against himself, wrapping his limbs around you and peppering kisses everywhere in reach
you’re basically purring in content at this how could you not 」( ̄▽ ̄」)
depending on how tired the both of you are, you might qualify for a good ol’ nap cuddled up against renjun 
but don’t let this fool you
you AIN’T gona catch him making the same mistake again
he’s asking you first about absolutely anything
“no renjun, i don’t need the last of your toilet paper, why do you even- you know what, don’t answer that, just go take a shit in peace” Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Lee Jeno
we all know jeno is too much of a sweetheart to say ‘no’ (๑′ᴗ‵๑)
he might be freezing himself and he’d still give his hoodie away to the first person who asks learn how to say NO kids
so now you’re both freezing and on top of everything you’re upset too
that’s a DOUBLE KILL for sweet babie jeno (๑◕︵◕๑)
“babe i’m sorry how was i supposed to know you don’t like them??”
“it’s not even that, jeno, you’re literally shivering!! why would you give it if you’re cold too?”
and that’s when jeno’s bf sathelit sprung into action
“wait... ‘too’?? are you cold, my baby??!??!?” (ʘᗩʘ’)
“no, wait, i mean yes, but that’s not-”
“i’ll be back in a second” he isn’t even kidding
he comes back with a blanket AND heating pads (that he doesn’t miss a second to clutch to your cheeks and then coo at your fish face)
“where did you get these from?” *suspicious*
he tells you he borrowed stole them from hyuck by politely asking for them threatening with a flex of his arm while eye smiling the entire time hyuck stood no chance ( ⚆ ᴗ ⚆ ) *nervous chuckle*
but jeno allows you no debating time before he wraps you in the blanket like a lil cutie patootie WARM burrito and leaves a *smooch* to your forehead ( ˘ ³˘)♥
you can spend an eternity arguing with him that you should take turns since he’s cold too, he isn’t taking ANY OF IT
his bubs isn’t allowed to be cold and he wants you to forget about who he lent his hoodie to too
the only way you can get him to relent is refusing to stay cocooned in it
“y/n, wear it or you’ll catch a cold!!” ( •̀ω•́ )σ
“sorry to burst your bubble, but you can and will catch a cold too!!”
that’s how you found yourself sandwiched between jeno’s arms, suffocating from both his bodt warmth and the blanket enveloping THE BOTH of you
best sauna would 110% recommend ୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭
Lee Donghyuck
my man here knows EXACTLY what he’s doing once *that person* asks him for his hoodie with a flirty smile
he lends it over with that shit eating grin but not without watching from the corner of his eye as you deflated like a loney baloney ( ◞᷄દ◟᷅ )
pretends to not notice your pout and lack of answers to his remarks
“y/n, wanna order chinese tonight?”
sweet, but not on my watch asshole *silence* (˵¯͒⌢͗¯͒˵)
“i’ll take that as a yes, i’ve been craving some seaweed soup”
*eye twitch*
‘fine u lil booger two can play at this game’ (•̀o•́)ง
you leave the room and return... wrapped up in MARK’S sweater and plop down back next to hyuck proudly (ฅ⁍̴̀◊⁍̴́)
he tenses up and turns to you
“y/n” ooooh damn you’re in deep shit
*you bat your eyelashes innocently* “yes my dear?”
“you stink, can you move further away?”
you... did not... JUST HEAR THAT??!?!!? (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻
but you get up and walk with your tail between your legs to the other side of the room and curl up in a ball of failure
you both do your own things insilence until-
*sniffle* *hiccup* *SNIFFLE*
“y/n?” *silence*”baby??” *hiccup*
oh no oh no NO NO, hyuck’s baby ain’t crying on his watch (╯’□’)╯
he DASHES to your side and envelops you in his arms while cooing apologies and sweet nothings in your ear
“come on baby, you know i didn’t mean it, i just want your attention and your attention only and i only meant that mark’s hoodie stinks, never you, you’re my baby, you can’t-” ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ
and then your shoulders start shaking and hyuck starts to actually worry until your sobs turn into... giggles?? hold up, WHAT??
he turns you around just to see you in a fit of giggles, the only tears present are the ones building up in your eyes from laughter
“oh you think you’re smart, don’t you??” (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎)♡
Na Jaemin
another sweetheart tbh who wouldnt be able to refuse out of courtesy
but he just KNOWS he fcked up the moment you turn away when he leans in to kiss you (︶︹︺) ╯ ( ് દ ് )
but he ain’t giving up so easily
no matter how upset you are, depriving him of his dose of kisses? federal crime!!!! CRUELTY!!!!!!! ╰[ ಠ Ĺ̯ಠ]╯
so he keeps on pushing his affections on you
a clutching back hug, a rushed kiss wherever he is able to land it considering your struggle to avoid him, a nuzzle against your cheek, a pinch to your cheeks, a failed attempt to lockyour hands together
my man here tries not to show disappointment whenever you succesfully escape his ♡ 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 ♡   
jaemin, grumbling: “you and jisungie, a couple of hooligans, i’ll leave you on the welcome mat tonight for this” (҂⌣̀_⌣́) he won’t he loves you too much, he can’t fall asleep if he’s not 110% sure you’re well fed and happy
but he still babies you to no end
“come on my baby, what should i do so you forgive me hm?”( *¯ ³¯*)♡
you, an entire baby: *huff* “so now you care huh? go ask or no, go TAKE CARE of [redacted]” 
jaemin’s last braincell performing swan lake on thin ice male version 2020 be like ₍₍ ◝( ・’ω’・ )◟ ⁾⁾
so he sighs and leaves the room
so NOW you’re worrying that mayyyybe you pushed him a bit too far
but before you even get the chance to walk down the hallway in your mighty search for your boyfriend, everything suddenly goes black
no you didn’t pass out or did you
jaemin just creeped up on you and ENGULFED you in a blanket hug for which he DEFINITELY didn’t run a marathon to buy༼つ ் ▽ ் ༽つ
when you finally manage to worm your head out of the fluffy cocoon he engulfed you in, your words were still muffled
“nana?? how did you even-???”
he just hugs you tighter and cuts off your questions
“shhh, all that matters is that you are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and i am maybe perhaps forgiven??”  ◕ ‿ ◕ 
how could you ever refuse this precious soul
Zhong Chenle
so i can see one(1) scenario in which he would lend his hoodie to someone he SPECIFICALLY knows you don’t fancy
if you had a let’s say disagreement before and we all know he can be PETTY big time sooo basically he’d do it just to spite you ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
and the lil shiz looks SO PROUD of himself
but you’re not letting the brat win we ain’t no losers _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
so you just creep up behind him and stick your glacier hands up his shirt and rest them on his warm back
when i’m telling you he broke the record for the highest jump and most likely shattered any windows in the vicinity ༻(〃ຶ⌂〃ຶ)
“y/n!!!! keep your ice cubes to yourself!!”
“but i’m cold”
“your cold, your problem”
“watch me say the same thing when jaemin’s chasing you around with a wooden ruler” (;¬_¬)
things settle down after that
or so he thought!!!!! (งಠل͜ಠ)ง never let your guard down lele sigh
another sneak attack to make sure chenle gets a SOUR taste of absolutely pure pettiness so he gets sick of it himself lol
this time a bitch ain’t joking
you shove your entire head under his shirt and then slither yourself so the top of your head pops out of chenle’s shirt collar let’s hope chenle made the wise choice of wearing a loose shirt so you both won’t suffocate
so you just blink up at him like (◕ᴥ◕)
and chenle is shrieking the entire time sigh
and while you’re too cute for him, its not exactly comfortable for either of you so he pats your head and begs asks you to get out of his shirt(?)
“am i getting your hoodie then?”
“i can’t just barge in and ask for it back”
“alright them i’m suffocating you FUN” (╯✧∇✧)╯
“i’m buying you an entire store of hoodies, JUST GET.OUT!!!”(;≧皿≦)
you have to restrain him for actually going on a shopping spree cuz he LOVES spoiling you but he pays in cuddles while you’re snuggling in your favourite hoodie of his
Park Jisung
confused babie /(@゚ペ@) a mood 
he probably lent his hoodie cause he was too shy to refuse and didn’t even know you don’t like the person he gave it to
and then he’s clueless when you’re pouty 「(゚<゚)゙??
jisung: “do you want some water??”
you: *grumbling visibly upset* ( ー̀εー́ )
jisung, at a safe distance away from you, scratching his head, rethinking life choices: “...okay, maybe not. how about choco milk?”
he keeps an eye on you but other than that he’s LOST lol
that’s when the ✨𝓱𝔂𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓼✨ kick in
emergency contact momma jaemin is the first person jisung calls once he escaped to the ‘bathroom’
“jisung, you know i love you, BUT ARE YOU DUMB?? HOW COULD YOU- blahblahblah” my man is listening to an entire rant about how to treat your partner well 101 (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
now that he knows the theory, he needs the practice
but you might already worry that he fell in the toilet with how long he’s been gone for god forbid you fall into that dark void
so he calls chenle
“chenle, i’m treating you to hotpot if you bring me a blanket or hoodie in less than 5 minutes”
“add in some steak and it’s a deal” ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
“i’m so selling your soul for a piece of gum, FINE!! just be quick!!”
THIS BOI RIGHT HERE!! A TREASURE!!!! he would step on his honour just to make sure his bubs is hapyy ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
so after he excuses himself again to retrieve the blanket from chenle
he BURRITO WRAPS you in it and then sits down next to your confused but undeniably happy form and pats your head nervously while he rambles you’re still his most sought after for of comfort no matter what
“i’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend, i should have realized you’d be cold too and that i should always put you first and i-”
you cut him off with a chaste kiss to his cheek which definetely doesn’t leave him speechless and tomato red in the cheeks (๑♡⌓♡๑)
“it’s okay, i was just being dramatic, you should always put yourself first tho, okay baby??”
baby is malfunctioning but he still nods mindlessly and kisses your cheek back ( ᵅั ᴈ ᵅั;)
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
Eight Second Ride
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Part Three-
(Part Two)
“So you are telling me-“ Aedion scowls from the other side of her bed, “you ditched me for a sweaty bull rider and didn’t even last an hour into the date?”
Aelin shoves a spoonful of cookies and cream ice cream into her mouth and sniffles. “That’s all you got from my story?”
He slings an arm over Aelin’s shoulders and she lays her head on his chest gratefully. She’d caught an Uber back to her apartment where Aedion was already camped out waiting for her.
One look at her mascara smeared face, and he’d made a pillow fort on her bed. Complete with ice cream and “Little Women” playing on his phone.
“No, I got the whole chauvinistic asshole, bit.” Aedion stabs his spoon into the container and breaks up a particularly large piece of Oreo. “I just decided to focus on the part that doesn’t make me want to leave you hear and go and kill him right now.”
“I thought cowboys were supposed to be classy.” Aelin watched Jo play with her sisters in their attic on Aedion’s tiny screen. “Take city girls into the country to ride a horse and show them a bigger purpose in life, kind of shit.”
“Hallmark is such a liar.” Aedion huffs and squeezes her shoulder a little tighter. “I’m sorry, Lin. I know going out tonight was a big step for you. It’s a shame he acted the way he did.”
It was rare Aelin acted on a whim these days. Not like she used to do when she was in high school. She felt a pull to go with Rowan, but her gut had led her into a situation that could have gone south very quickly.
It’s a hard thing when you can’t trust yourself.
“No. I shouldn’t have gone. Especially not alone.” Aelin’s feels her thoughts drifting. Creeping towards that iron box of memories she keeps locked tight. “It’s my mistake.”
The fervor in Aedion’s voice draws her attention up to his face, and Aelin is jarred by the intensity of his expression. “Aedion-“
“It’s not your fault.” His voice is gravely, and his blue eyes flicker like the heart of a flame. “I don’t give a shit what that bastard thought you accepting his invitation meant. You don’t owe him sex because he buys you a drink.”
“Aedion-“ Aelin tries to interrupt again. A new wave of tears burns her eyes, but Aedion is on a roll and he isn’t going to quite down until he gets out what’s on his mind.
“You don’t deserve to be treated like an object that can be bought.” Aelin can’t look him in the eyes any longer, but a calloused hand guides her face to the crook of his neck.
“His friends are shitty. He should have made them shut up. Ogling you, and making you feel unsafe and uncomfortable aren’t funny jokes.” Aedion goes on as Aelin sniffles into his shirt.
“You deserve respect. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing, what he buys you, or what his expectations are. His behavior isn’t your fault.” Aedion whispers against the top of her head.
Aelin wraps the arm that isn’t squished under her, around his waist. “I love you, Brother Wolf.”
“I love you too, Fireheart.” Aedion kisses her forehead and tugs her closer, the old terms of endearment are exchanged between them with ease.
“I know you are still dealing with everything that happened a couple years ago. I’m happy to remind you how worth it you are whenever you need.”
Aedion was an island of safety in the turbulent ocean of her life. Even when Aelin was small, she’d often go to him before her own parents with her problems. He was steady, and calm. The exact opposite of her own personality.
After the incident, he hadn’t rested until she was safely at his side again. Aedion stood by her faithfully as she picked up the broken pieces of her life and held her hand as she tried to make something new from them.
“How come you already had this movie downloaded onto your phone?” Aelin teased lightly, trying to lighten the mood. “Did you suddenly develop a sense of taste?”
Aedion purses his lips. “Lysandra said this movie is, and I quote, the most accurate depiction of the female experience.” He shakes his head. “I’ve tried to watch it three times, and I still can’t figure out what it’s even about.”
“You are a simple minded creature, cousin.” Aelin grabs her spoon and scoops a melty bite of ice cream into her mouth. “Thank you for coming over.”
“Anytime, Lin.” He leans his cheek on her head as the scene on his phone shifts from the cooler grey tones of the present, back to the warm colors that represented better days. “Anytime.”
The day started off better than she expected.
Aedion was gone when she woke up- he had to rise at an ungodly hour to make it to the fire station on time.
Yet, he set her alarm clock for her so Aelin woke up in time to get ready for work. He’d also set a glass of water and an Advil tablet on her bedside table to curb the headache she was sure to have from crying.
Aelin made it out the door with enough time to stop and get coffee on the way. She even splurged and got a chocolate hazelnut Frappuccino with enough sugar to smooth her wounded feelings.
It was going so well, Aelin should have known it was the universe winding up to screw her.
It was only a couple hours before she closed shop when Lorcan Salvaterre stepped through her front door.
“Holy shit, it’s you.” Were the first words from his mouth. His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Rowan is going to flip when I tell him I actually found you.”
“What are you doing here?” Aelin’s slammed a stack of books on the counter.
Lorcan looked pensive. “Rowan said you mentioned owning a book store-“ he drags a hand through his dark hair. “I felt like I ruined his chance with you, so I thought I maybe if I apologized-“
“Let me stop you there,” Aelin didn’t bother looking at him as she labeled books and organized them into stacks. “You didn’t ruin anything, you didn’t help, but he screwed up all by himself.”’
“He realizes that,” Lorcan quickly defends, his voice gruff with irritation. “If I can give him your number I’m sure he will grovel for himself.”
Aelin rolls her eyes and slides another stack to the end of the counter. “You don’t get it.”
“Get what?” She can tell he’s losing his patience with her. Lorcan’s remorse only went so far, apparently.
Aedion’s words from earlier rang in her ears as she repeated them back to the man. “He was overbearing the entire time. Had double standard opinions about my life, and disrespected my boundaries.”
Aelin watched as Lorcan shifted on his feet, itching to say something but obviously refraining. Measuring his words carefully he looked her dead in the eye. “Look. He was just trying to impress you. Rowan doesn’t go out often. Don’t you think you are blowing this a little out of proportion?”
Red. Aelin saw red. Tasted it. Like iron in her mouth. Or maybe that was just the blood from biting her tongue so hard. “I’m working right now. You don’t strike me as extremely literate, but I have to ask for you to either buy something or leave.”
Lorcan glowered at her. “Fine.” He turns to walk out, but Aelin hears him call her a bitch under his breath.
Just then, Elide walks inside the shop doors. A backpack slung over her shoulder, finished with her classes at Rifthold U and prepared to work the evening shift with her.
Aelin is relieved for the interruption and about to take full advantage of it, when the small, brown-haired girl catches sight of Lorcan and beams like a rutting lighthouse.
“Lorcan! I didn’t know you were coming into my work, what a surprise.”
Elide. One of her best friends, runs up to the six-two tower of misogynistic cow boys and flings her arms around him. Hugs him.
Ellie she recalls the name being thrown out last night. She hadn’t put two and two together. Ellie was a common name. Of all the people in this city it had to be Elide, Aelin mentally bemoans.
She wonders if Elide knew how her cowboy behaved when she wasn’t around.
It doesn’t matter. Lorcan is all too aware of Aelin’s eyes boring into his skin, and knows he needs to make a quick get away.
“Ellie,” Lorcan pulls away from her. “I just had to see this book shop you are always talking about.”
He kisses her head, and looks at her with feigned remorsefulness. “I must have gotten your shifts mixed up in my head, though. I’m afraid I have to go. We booked a training time for six and I need to brush down Nettie before we start.”
“Oh,” Elide says, a look of genuine disappointment on her face. “That’s fine. Are we still on for a movie tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he promises. He pecks her one more time on the lips and tips his chin towards Aelin. Anger still bubbling in his eyes. “Good day, ma’am.”
Aelin releases a breath when the doors close behind him.
“I’m so sad I missed him.” Elide frowns, tossing her back pack behind the counter. “At least you got to meet him. What did you think? He’s absolutely dreamy, right?”
Aelin chokes back a gag. “Yeah. He was really charming.”
“And get this,” Elide smiles. “He’s a cowboy. Like an actual, real life cowboy. He rides pulls and does team roping. It’s sexy.”
Aelin can’t hide the grimace this time. “You are like my baby sister. I never want to hear the words sexy from your mouth again.”
At least, never in the context of Lorcan. They’d had plenty of boy talk before.
“He even carries a rope.” Elide wags an eyebrow. “Better to tie me up when we-“
Aelin holds a book over her face. “I’m not listening to this! I will file a report with HR.”
Elide laughs. “You are the boss, Lin. You know we don’t have an HR.”
“I need to get one now,” Aelin grumbles. “I don’t need an image of yours and Lorcan’s naked asses in my head.”
She wanted Lorcan out of her head entirely. Along with Rowan and the rest of their cadre.
“Fine,” Elide sighs wistfully. “One day you will be in love and I won’t hold it against you when you want to talk about whatever babe you wind up with.”
Her eyes get a mischievous glint. “Actually- Lorcan has some really cute friends. I could set you up with?”
Aelin’s brain banks. “No. No thank you. I like being alone. I’m more than enough company for myself.”
“Come on, a double date would be fun!” Elide whines and tugs on her arm. “You never go out any more. We could have a great night out.”
An image of the twins cutting lines on the bar flash across her mind and make her shudder.
“I said no, Elide.” Aelin says a bit more harshly then she intends, but Elide gets the point and backs off.
“Sorry. I won’t mention it again.” Instead of anger she looks at Aelin worriedly.
She kind of hates that more.
“Thanks.” She shakes her head and tries to clear the residual stress from her head. “I have to set up a new shelf display. Want to help?”
Elide lights back up at the prospect. She loved designing and organizing. They have a great time setting displays up together and Aelin knew it would take her mind away from the tension she’d created.
She just really hoped that Elide dating Lorcan wouldn’t drag any drama into her own life. Aelin didn’t care what half asses excuses Lorcan made, she wasn’t interested in seeing Rowan again.
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Hello! I’m so glad I got this posted today. 😂 I’m hoping to get the next chapter of DRNS out tomorrow. After that, my birthday is next Tuesday and I reaaallly want to do a mass update of all my fics then as a hooray to 21. (Yes. That is what I’m doing for my 21st 🤣) Hope you enjoyed it!
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
If you're still doing it, and if you feel inspired with the character : Bakugou Katsuki and the song "From Now On" from The Greatest Showman.
You can write with another character if this one doesn't inspire you!
Send me a song and a character (still open)
Ohhhh I love this!! Pro hero!Bakugo who let all the fame of being number 2 get in the way of his relationship me thinks. Thanks for sending this in 🥰
Bakugo used to love the fame and attention that came with being a top hero.
He used to love the way people would scream his name with stars in their eyes when they saw him; the way the idiots in suits over at the HPSC would congratulate him on his incident resolution rate; the way the press would sing his praises; the way his name sounded after the words Number Two Hero even though he’d much rather hear it after number one. He loved it all.
But you?
You fucking hated it.
You always said it was the worst part of hero work. The fans, the paparazzi, all of it grated on you. You hated that since Bakugo had cracked the top 10 you two couldn’t go on date night without getting blinded by cameras. You hated going to HPSC galas in an expensive outfit you’d never wear a second time, sipping overpriced champagne even though you’d be just as happy with something a tenth of the price. You hated that you couldn’t go on social media without seeing speculation about your relationship and your sex life literally everywhere or even worse hundreds of people all stating exactly why you weren’t good enough to be with the Bakugo Katsuki. But what you hated the most was the way Bakugo loved it; the way he preened under the praise, his chest puffing up with pride, ego absolutely blooming under all the superficial attention; the way he’d kiss you in front of paparazzi just so the headlines would be filled with mention of you being his. The rest you could deal with but it made your skin crawl how much he’d change when the public’s watchful eye was on him. At home he was the man you fell in love with, but the minute you left he regressed to the obnoxious asshole you’d first met during your first year at UA.
It was a recipe for disaster and in retrospect Katsuki really should’ve seen the break up coming. He can barely remember what had set off the argument in the first place, probably another gaudy headline or crude Twitter trend about the two of you. You’d been upset about it, raving about invasions of privacy and feeling violated and he’d been dismissive, the way he always was when it came to these things.
“It comes with the territory, just fuckin’ get used ta it already,” he had scoffed.
“The issue is you encourage it Katsuki! You care more about the fame and how good it makes you feel than you do how that added scrutiny makes me feel!” you fired back.
“Why can’t you just fucking deal with it??”
“I shouldn’t have to!”
“Well maybe if you did your fuckin ranking would be better!”
It was a low blow. Bakugo knew it then and he still knows it now. You try so hard to be the best hero you can be, but at the end of the day popularity plays a nontrivial role in the ranking system and being the “““just average””” significant other to one of Japan’s biggest rising stars isn’t a recipe for popularity.
“Get out….”
Your voice had been dangerously low. He’ll never forget the way it managed to sound both terrifyingly lethal and devastatingly heartbroken.
“Shit, wait (y/n) I didn’t mean that I-”
“I said get out!” you had yelled, voice quaking with pent up emotion as you started shoving him out the door. If he really didn’t want to move he could’ve easily resisted but at the time he’d been too shocked to even try, reeling backwards and letting you force him back into the hallway of your apartment building.
“Talk to me when Bakugo Katsuki comes back, I’m fucking sick of Pro Hero Dynamight,” you had said before promptly slamming the door in his face.
In the month that followed Katsuki threw everything into his work, taking longer shifts and pushing himself harder so that by the time he got home he was too beat up to feel the aching pain in his heart and too exhausted to notice his apartment didn’t feel like home the way yours did. He ignored the pitying looks from his friends, brushed off their concerned words and sympathetic gazes with grumbled “I’m fine”s and eye rolls. He filled the hole you left in him with the praise and admiration of the adoring public.
And then came the day you’d been warning him about since he first became a household name.
“The Cost of Victory: Pro Hero Dynamight destroys city during villain chase”
The story matched the headline, tallying up all of the damage he’d caused to buildings and other public property while trying to apprehend someone’s half ass attempt at recreating nomu. As shoddy as the thing was it could take a fucking hit and there was no denying the collateral damage was decently expansive. What the article failed to mention, however, was the amount of damage done before Bakugo had arrived on scene. It made sure to comment on the number of casualties in the incident but conveniently left out how much larger that number would be had Katsuki spent more time worrying about some stupid hunks of metal over catching the damn monstrosity and saving civilian lives. He guesses “Pro Hero Dynamight does his best despite being out gunned and having zero back up at his disposal” isn’t as catchy or clickworthy of a headline.
The very same websites showering him in praise just a day or two before now viciously rip into him. He can’t take a step outside his apartment without seeing article after article shredding him to pieces or getting a camera shoved into his face asking for comment on the criticism. His Twitter feed is full of former fans deriding him for falling short of perfection, calling him a narcissist, a showboat, a fucking menace to society as if he’s the sixteen year old kid chained up at the sports festival all over again. So he stops leaving his apartment entirely.
Kirishima is the one who finally gets him out again. The bar they go to is small, further away from the downtown area than most people are willing to stray. Between that and the fact it’s still relatively early in the evening, they have the place to themselves. The only other soul is the owner/bartender who seems entirely uninterested in the fact that Red Riot and Dynamight are patronizing his establishment. It’s perfect, giving Bakugo the space he needs to rant to his best friend. And rant he does. He lets it all pour out while he paces: the frustration, the rage, the disappointment, the guilt, until there’s nothing left in him except an aching sadness that has nothing to do with the fake fans and shitty headlines. “Y’know what the worst fuckin’ part is?” he rages, face red from bellowing for the past lord knows how long and tears already welling in his eyes at what he’s about to admit. Kirishima barely has time to ask what the worst part is before Katsuki is choking out around a frustrated sob “I wouldn’t even give a shit if I still had (y/n).”
Kirishima is out of his seat and pulling his friend into a hug in an instant. He lets Bakugo shake apart, doesn’t mind the tears soaking into his shirt or how tightly the other man is gripping onto him. He stands solid and firm, the same way he always has and always will for Katsuki until the sobs turn to hiccups. “They’re worried about you, you know,” Eijirou finally tells him. “Yea? How the fuck you figure that Shitty Hair?” Bakugo grumbles miserably into his shoulder. “They’ve called me every day since the article came out to check on you,” the red head admits and it’s enough to make Katsuki stiffen in his hold, scared to hope. “Really?” he asks, voice gruff but quiet. “Really. So are you gonna go to them or what?”
You’ve been staring at your phone for at least an hour, debating whether to call Bakugo or not, when a knock on your door snaps you out of your pained contemplation. You pull the long sleeves of the hoodie Bakugo gave you for your birthday down over your hands as you move to answer the door. Imagine your surprise when the very man who’d been plaguing your thoughts is the one standing outside your door. He looks rough. His hands are shoved into his pockets, back hunched over, face red and puffy, and even though he hasn’t looked you in the eye yet you can tell his are red rimmed. He’s been crying, you realize, and it breaks your heart a little. “Ya just gonna stand there or can I come in?” he asks and it snaps you out of your thoughts again. “Right yea sorry come in I guess,” you say, stepping out of the way to let him in.
He’s almost twitchy, like he wants to make himself comfortable the way he always used to but can’t. You wince a little when you realize it’s the correct assumption to make. Still he doesn’t say anything, he just stands there looking somehow simultaneously out of place and like he never left. “What are you doing here?” you finally sigh. “You said talk to you when Bakugo Katsuki came back and he—or I—or whatever did,” he mutters and a pang of something that feels suspiciously like guilt hits you at the words. “Oh… Is—is that all you wanted to say or?” He glares at a distant point over your left shoulder, presumably collecting his thoughts, before he finally meets your gaze. “Look I-” he breaks eye contact again, growling a little in frustration at himself as he continues to struggle to find words. You don’t say anything though, knowing he needs to work through it himself. “Things have been pretty shit for me lately,” he finally admits. You can’t help but scoff at the comment although one look at him and his pained expression has you regretting it. You clear your throat awkwardly. “Sorry, yea, keep going.”
He huffs before continuing and even though he still won’t meet your eyes you can tell how difficult this all is for him.
“Look things have been pretty fuckin’ shitty lately with everyone and their goddamn cousin in Japan hatin’ me but it’s made me realize some shit. I’ve been so fuckin’ focused on chasin’ the fame and the fans or whatever that I kinda forgot about the important stuff…”
He only trails off for a moment, steeling himself for whatever he’s about to say next. It’s almost funny how much it reminds you of him right before a big fight.
“But from now on,” he starts, finally meeting your gaze, puffing out his chest as if daring you to challenge whatever’s going to come out of his mouth next. “From now on I’m not gonna let all that stupid shit blind me alright? I promise, from now on I’m only focusin’ on the real people in my life, not the goddamn extras. Ok?”
His eyes are blazing as he finishes and it literally takes your breath away.
“Ok, then….” he trails off, his eyes slide away again as his confidence wanes, “then can I come back home again?”
Your heart shatters and forms anew at the words as you find your feet moving before you’ve even told them to. You throw yourself into his arms, pulling him close, the jagged edges you both left in each other the night you broke up re-aligning and mending themselves. “Of course you can Katsuki, I’ve missed you,” you sigh, each word wrapped in relief and joy. “Fuckin’ missed you too dumbass,” he huffs back, although you don’t miss how wet it sounds. When you pull back it’s only a fraction and only so you can reel him in for a gentle kiss, pouring every missed I love you into it so there’s no room for doubting if you’ve truly forgiven him.
It’s a promise. A promise to do better from now on. And Katsuki means every single second of it.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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mochegato · 4 years
What She Deserves
From the prompts “Have you lost your damn mind!?” and “Please, don’t leave.”  From @sophie-herondale.  
Sooo, this went longer than expected and as it is more than a couple hundred words, there is some angst, but happy ending!
Uh… this fic includes Jason and Constantine so…. There’s a bit of swearing.
“Have you lost your damn mind!?  What the hell was that?” Jason demanded pulling Marinette’s arm back to stop her from walking away and force her to look at him.
When she finally looked back into his eyes, her eyes ripped into him.  He squared his shoulders and set his expression waiting for her to lash out at him.  “You’re going to have to be more specific, Red.” She spat out the nickname like an insult.  “Which ‘that’ are you referring to exactly?  The agreeing to hang out with you?  The getting ignored all night?  The not getting nearly drunk enough?  The talking to people who actually showed an interest in me?  The trying to make friends?  The dancing with friends?  Which one? There are so many ‘thats’ from tonight, I don’t know which one you mean.”  She stalked closer to him with each sentence, but since he refused to back away as she did, she was now flush against him, looking almost straight up to glare at him.
“I meant taking John fucking Constantine’s goddamned phone number.  Which is probably literally goddamned, by the way.”
“You have a problem with John?  You seemed to be fine with him a little bit ago.  You had no problem with him when you invited him tonight.  What changed?” She snapped at him.
He stepped back to give himself some space.  It was hard to think when she was so close to him.  He couldn’t form coherent thoughts when he could feel her pressed against him. “Well for one thing, he’s old enough to be your dad…”
“You’ve slept with older…”
“…second, he’s totally morally questionable…”
“So is everyone else you know.”
“…third, he can’t be trusted…”
“That’s the same as the second.”
“…fourth, he’s an asshole…”
“Name someone you hang out with that isn’t.”
“…fifth, he smokes…”
“… so was almost everyone else in that room…”
“sixth… sixth?  Yeah, sixth, he is drinks his weight in alcohol…”
“You really want to throw that particular stone?”
“…seventh, he is unrepentantly violent…”
“Oh, you really do want to go there.”
“eighth, he is nowhere near good enough for you.”
Anger flared in her eyes. She stepped closer again to jab her finger into his chest.  “You don’t get to decide that.  I decide that.  And I decide that someone who pays attention to me and is concerned about me is good enough for me.”
“He isn’t.”  He growled back.
“Oh?  And who is?” she demanded, throwing her arms out.  “Tell me, who should I be talking to, oh Wise One, oh Knower of Others’ Worth.  Who do I deserve to be with?”
He stared at her for a few moments, mind racing to come up with an answer to that question.  Who was good enough?  Who would he approve of?  “Nobody,” he whispered out looking at her earnestly.
She looked at him in shock. Her face quickly shifted to hurt, then morphed into a carefully constructed blank expression. “Good to know. Thank you.”  She said unemotionally, as though he had just told her the weather.  She turned around quickly and moved down the street as quickly as she could without actually running.
He watched her leave wondering what caused the shift in mood.  Was she really that appalled by the idea of him thinking that highly of her, of his opinion of her?  Was he that reprehensible that a good opinion from him was a red mark on her?  She was probably right, but it still hurt to know she believed it too.
“That was a sight to behold, mate.” John said as he lit his cigarette behind him.
Jason whipped around to face him.  “You should be ashamed, you fucking pedophile.”
“I’m not going to argue with the rest of what you said about me, but she’s over 18.  So legally, it isn’t pedophilia.”  He stared unimpressed as Jason growled at him and pushed him against the wall, pushing his forearm into his throat to keep him there.  “It’s just creepy as fucking hell and disgusting.  She’s young enough, technically, she could be my granddaughter. I’d rather skin my arm with a dull knife.”
Jason eased up on his hold, confused about the change in attitude.  “I didn’t give her my number to shag.  She has some information I want.  I have information she wants.  We’re going to meet up tomorrow and exchange information.  Magical information.”
“You were dancing with her,” Jason narrowed his eyes at him.
“She wanted to dance and nobody else was volunteering to dance with her. Actually, nobody else seemed to want to be around her, almost like they were afraid of upsetting someone if they got too close.”
“You don’t dance.”
“She was sad.” He shrugged. “Apparently, she was getting ignored by some twat and she needed someone to be nice, platonically.  My hands never wandered from her hands.  She needed someone to confirm she wasn’t the wanker, he was.  More specifically, the wanker that just told her she deserved to be alone.” He looked at Jason pointedly.  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an appointment tomorrow and I’d like to get pass out drunk with enough time to get some sleep before that.”
He easily pushed a stunned Jason off of him.  Jason stared at a point on the wall.  That isn’t what he had said was it?  He replayed what he had said again.  He said nobody deserves her.  She asked who she deserved to be with and he said nobody, because nobody was good enough to deserve her.  Mother fucking FUCK.  He hadn’t added that last part.
He raced down the street in the direction she had gone.  He needed to find her.  He needed to fix it.  He couldn’t believe how stupid he was.  This is exactly the kind of thing that proved he didn’t deserve her.  She had to know that.  She had to know she was better than him and his friends.  He finally caught up with her a block away from her apartment.
“Marinette, stop!” He yelled to her as he ran.
She continued walking, the only indication she had heard him was a slight stutter in her step and an increased pace.  He moved in front of her and held his hands up in a placating gesture, trying to catch his breath from having run for blocks to catch up to her.  “Wait, please.”
“You’ve said enough tonight, don’t you think?” She said coldly.
“No,” he begged.  He looked down at her face and the sight broke his heart.  She had wiped away the tear tracks, but she couldn’t hide the red that lined her eyes and branched out throughout her eyes.  He had done this.  He made her cry.  He silently cursed himself.  “That didn’t come out the way I meant it.”
“It’s fine Jason.  Don’t worry about it.  I just want to go to bed.”  She said tiredly, refusing to look in his eyes.  She moved to get past him again.  He backed up so he wasn’t preventing her from walking, but was still in front of her.  He wanted her to understand but he was not willing to make her even more uncomfortable.
“Please, don’t leave. Please listen.” He begged her, but she kept walking forward.  He moved out of her way and allowed her to continue.  He clenched his fists and let out a frustrated breath.  He looked up to her retreating back and tried one last time. “I meant nobody deserves someone as amazing as you.” He called after her.  “I meant you are too incredible for anyone I know.  I meant… I meant you are brilliant and kind and talented and hilarious and strong and sassy and everything that is good in this world.  I meant… I meant you deserve better.”
Sometime during his speech she had turned to look at him, her mouth opening slightly, forming an ‘oh’. She blinked a few times and looked down to gather her thoughts.  When she looked back up at him her eyes had softened.  “That sounds awfully lonely, up on that pedestal all on my own.  I don’t want to be up there by myself.  I don’t want to be up there at all.”
“Sorry, Pixie, but to me you are perfect.  You always will be.  So even if you’re a monster in the mornings and you can’t say no to anything to the point that you overload yourself into anxiety attacks and you like horrible TV shows and three drinks has you falling over drunk and you have terrible taste in who you let get close to you, you will still always be perfect to me.” His voice grew gentle as he spoke.  He moved closer to her as he spoke until he was close enough to brush a strand of hair behind her ear and cup her cheek.  
She reached up to lay her hand on his and looked at him eyes shining with tears again.  “Why have you been avoiding me?  Why didn’t you speak to me all night?  All week?”
“Because you deserve better than me.  I was trying to back away so you could find someone who deserves you.  Someone smart, like you.  Someone with a kind heart, like you.  Someone who would give their shirt to help someone else, like you. Someone who makes you smile, like you make everyone around you smile.  Someone who makes you unabashedly, breathlessly, wildly, happy …”
“Like you,” she cut in before he could finish, tears spilling over again.  “That describes you.”  She reached up to twist her hands around the back of his head and pull him down to her lips. She put all her passion and love into her kiss, kissing him desperately, hungrily.  He wound his hands around her hips and pulled her closer to him, pressing her body to his as he fiercely returned her kiss.  
They pulled away when they could no longer go without air.  He pressed his forehead to hers and shook his head gently.  “I don’t deserve you.”
“I decide what I deserve and although I don’t think I’m good enough for you, I want to believe I deserve to be happy.  And you make me happy.” He shook his head vehemently.  She cupped his face to slow his motions and spoke before he could deny it.  “I don’t want to argue about that tonight.  I don’t want to debate worth and mistakes tonight.  Tonight I want to kiss you.”  She leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his lips.  “Tonight I want to be close to you…” she moved her hand to the back of his neck to play with his hair. “… and snuggle up with you while we watch television. Because I have amazing taste in shows.” She grinned up at him.
He chuckled and shook his head, “You really don’t.” He gave her a gentle smile and caressed her cheek. “But, I’d endure worse for you.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
strawberry milk & watermelon seeds
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How to get through the worst summer heat: have a sweet drink, eat a sweet fruit, and have someone with the sweetest kiss around.
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
warning: fluff, cursing, one year later rewrite
word count: 2,855
a/n: so today is my one year anniversary of this blog. it’s been a rather weird and unknowing journey that I still cannot comprehend or put into words as to how this has changed me. one year later and I still love todoroki shouto the most, one year later and im still as invested into bnha as the day I first watched it. wild. anyways, thank you for watching my growth as a writer, and thank you for 14k followers in this single year. anyways, if you want to read the original to compare, here it is.
“This day can not be any worse.”
With your sweating forearm thrown over your face, and the heat emitting from your face scorching your skin, your clammy skin provided small comfort from the overwhelming heat. Today, according to every news outlet in Japan, it was the hottest day recorded ever. At first, you didn’t believe it; your condo had cooled to near completion with your AC unit running happily in the background. You had spent your day free from work, merrily doing house chores while watching your old classmates text message thread blowing up with complaints about how torturous it was to be outside in this heat. (Even Bakugou who enjoyed hot weather because it benefitted his quirk was ready to go home and get into an ice bath.) That is, you were merry until your power went out.
“I thought you would be happy that you aren’t working right now?”
Ignoring the sweat the slowly pooled down your neck, you turned your head to look at your phone that stood against a stack of books. On the bright screen was Todoroki Shouto, who was wearing a shirt and a jacket despite the heat of the weather. Curse his fucking quirk. 
“It was a happy day until the power blew, and I was told that the power wouldn’t be back on until night!” you whined, fingers pressing to your forehead to wipe the annoying sweat on your face. “Now I’m miserable at home, it’s hotter than balls, I have no snacks, and I am not going outside like this!”
You lifted your legs off the couch, shuddering at your sweating thighs sticking to the material. This was the worst.
“I can come over in a bit; it’ll take me about twenty minutes.” Shouto hummed, his left wrist rising as he looked at his watch. His face had a small smile painted on; it was a new look he was trying as he had stated earlier. As part of being a hero that reassured everyone he rescued, he was working on his smile.
While you would never complain about seeing a kind smile on Shouto’s face, it didn’t help your hammering heart when he looked at you with it.
“What?!” you exclaimed a bit frantically, your hand snatching your phone on the table while sitting up on the couch. Your flustered face a bit too close to the camera while you watched Shouto stand up from his seat and gather his things without minding your attempts to have him not come over.
The thought of being horrendously sweaty around your crush was not something you wanted to do.
“Do you like strawberry milk?” Shouto asked you, his head tilting to the side. At the same time, he picked up his phone, leveling the camera, so it angled below his chin (and you immediately noticed that even with the awkward angle, he was still unfairly hot). “There’s a store on the way to your place that I like.”
A strange noise that crossed between a whine and a sigh emitted past your lips when his eyes locked on yours in question. It seemed that you didn’t have much of a choice.
“I love strawberry milk,” you begrudgingly admitted, watching with heating cheeks as Shouto’s face spread into a bigger, more full, and genuine smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit then. Bye.”
You couldn’t say goodbye back, your finger immediately hanging up on him and your body shaking in your nerves. For right now, you couldn’t tell why you felt overheated: the record temperature or the smile that made your heart stop.
If your mother could see how you cleaned your home in the twenty minutes it took Shouto to get to your place, she would cry in joy. In fifteen minutes, you had swept, mopped, and cleared the countertops of the slight messes they had been and quickly bolted upstairs to change into something less sweaty while reapplying perfume and deodorant because you would not make a fool of yourself.
“You look like a mess,” Shouto called out immediately as he stood at your front door. Despite his introduction, his hands lifted in front of him, and he showcased the bag of snacks and tea he brought. 
Despite the initial feeling of wonder at opening the door to see him standing there in all his glory, his words' sudden bluntness immediately made your eyes narrow. 
“I don’t come to your house uninvited and roast your appearance,” you scoff, turning on your heel and letting him in. 
“Oh, was I not invited? I assumed I was allowed to come over, sorry,” Shouto’s voice followed after you, but it did nothing to keep him from staying. The two of you had grown incredibly close as friends. It was without question that he was allowed over whenever he wished, a detail that had taken quite a while for Shouto to accept. 
“I wouldn’t’ve opened the door if you weren’t,” you sigh, your hands fanning the back of your neck as Shouto placed his guest slippers on and walked over. He put the bag onto the kitchen counter before walking over to you, taking your hands and pressing his right hand to the nape of your neck.
“Just making sure,” he said softly, his eyes meeting yours in a careful gaze before his hand dropped in temperature. For the first time since your AC broke down, a shiver went through your spine. 
You had no idea whether it was from the sudden loss of heat from your body or his gentle yet strangely warm touch. But with the loss of being overheated and reaching a better point of homeostasis, you realized that you had been wordlessly staring into his eyes. Falling deep into the blue and grey, drowning in the way they bore into you gently, intently. 
“So, uh, what else did you bring me besides your stupidly advantageous quirk?” you asked, your mouth feeling unbelievably parched. At the same time, Shouto’s fingers slowly pulled away from your skin, leaving behind nothing but an exploding heart and raised skin.  
To that comment, Shouto’s eyebrow lifted, and his lip quirked a bit too, a teasing look on his face while the two of you began to walk to the bag he had brought. He grabbed the bag before you, bringing it close to his chest as if to keep it from you.
“Sounds like you’re using me for my quirk, y/l/n. That wouldn’t be very heroic of you.”
“I’m off duty, I can be an asshole,” was your quick response, your heart beating faster at the chuckle that rumbled deep in his chest as he untied the bag. His eyes rose to yours, inquisitive and teasing, and an eyebrow raised.
Shouto seemed to debate whether he should say something or not, your locked stares never wavering. But before you could question what was running through his head, he pulled out the items from the bag. Your jaw dropped in your sheer love for what he brought you: two sealed cups of strawberry milk, half of a watermelon with two scoops, and an arrangement of other snacks you loved. There was nothing he could do to stop you from scooping up your nacks in your arms, tears misting your eyes because, at this moment, your lousy day had become good again. 
“I hope you still like all these snacks, you always used to talk about them,” Shouto rubs the back of his neck, his gaze falling onto the sweet pink drinks before him. He grabbed the straws and punctured the drinks for both of you, and you looked at him with a smile of pure joy and disbelief. 
“This is perfect, Todoroki, really! I love this so much!”
Maybe if you had been looking at Shouto and not at the bags of snacks he had bought for you, you would have seen the flush color climbing the back of his neck.
It had taken Shouto precisely two seconds to bring your condo back to a habitable environment, a feat that had you quite literally jumping into his arms in your excitement. But in your sudden burst of emotional energy, Shouto had been taken back so abruptly by your arms thrown around him that he had iced over your entire living room. Both of you had stared at the iced room with shocked gazes, and while he looked on in horror, your face split into a shit-eating grin.
So despite his initial decision to defrost the entire room, you said it was fine. Grabbing the frozen watermelon (you had to tear the melon and the two scoops off the counter as it had also been frozen, not to mention you almost ate shit if not for Shouto easily catching you) the two of you retreated to your shaded patio, sitting on the brick and tasting the sweet melon while idly chatting between the both of you.
“You got the watermelon with the seeds!” you laughed loudly, letting the small black seed fall from your bottom lip and onto your await palm. “We have transgressed the need for watermelon with seeds! Have you never gotten seedless watermelon?!”
Shouto shoved you with his shoulder, his face grimacing a bit when a rather sharp crunch came from his mouth. Your laughter growing louder when a fractured watermelon seed fell from his tongue. 
“The sign said it was seedless, besides it takes two seconds to get the seeds out, stop complaining.” Shouto groaned, placing the seed onto the pile the two of you had created. You had been taking a drink of the sweet milk as he said this, and his smile grew into a crooked grin at the sight of your eyes widening with the need to speak. 
Tearing the cup from your mouth, you swallowed the liquid quickly before jabbing a finger into his shoulder, “Tell that to my face after I accidentally swallow a seed and a watermelon grows in my stomach!”
“The day that happens, I will personally let you dress me up in Endeavor merch.” Shouto wagers, his eyes watching as you scooped out a bit of the watermelon and shoving it into your mouth. You contemplated his words, thinking about the horrendous merch his father had and the humiliation he would have if he had to wear it.
Your teeth bit onto a black seed, and instead of politely removing it from your mouth as you had been doing, you turned your head toward the fence and spat out the watermelon seed. 
“Oh, that’s tempting!” you sing out, your fingertips dancing against each other, a very comically villainous sight. 
Shouto scoffed, his head shaking as he chewed his own watermelon before spitting out his own seed. You watched it soar through the air before falling somewhere near where your seed landed. Ever the competitor, your head tilted, trying not to take it personally as Shouto finally spoke.
“Is it? Well, we both know it’s impossible.”
You shake your head at his true remark, your mouth once again full of watermelon, and you concentrated on the two black dots on the grass. Rolling your shoulders, you spit the seed sitting on your tongue, and you refrained from sounding too victorious when your seed was now the furthest one out. So with the calmness of a child who had done something terrible and was attempting to not be caught, you turned to Shouto with a wink. 
“Nothing is impossible!”
Shrugging, Shouto took another mouthful of the watermelon before sending a seed flying, landing what seemed like a centimeter further than yours. Your eyes narrowed at the taunting victory.
“Oh, but some things are,” it felt like he whispered that in your ear, and you turned onto him. Your fiery glare matching his while he took yet another bite of the watermelon. He did it without breaking his gaze with you, and an astounding grin spread on your face at the pure childishness of this all.
“...are you… are you challenging me?!” you accused, your eyebrows shooting to your hairline and your finger connecting with his nose.
Shouto smirked, his face turning back to the grass, and he spat out the seed, sending it much further than it had gone before.
“No. Not at all,” he said smoothly, his sight coming back to you, and as if to rub in the salt, he added, “We both know who’ll win.”
So, under the blazing hot sun, both you and Shouto sat with sticky sweet watermelon juice dribbling down your chin and black seeds soaring as far as they could go to only pathetically landing on laps. Slandering words were thrown about, but the echoing laughter told anyone who tried to overhear just how unserious this entire predicament was. 
Your fingers wiped at the bottom of your chin again while tears streamed down your face from the laughter. Shouto was in a similar position, his head leaning against yours as three black seeds failed to leave his mouth and chose to stick onto his chin. 
“Imma - holy shit STOP - Imma fucking pee my pants!” you wheezed, trying to focus on anything that wasn’t Shouto right now. “You look so dumb right now!”
“Your insults mean nothing to me because you’re jealous I’m winning,” Shouto forced out, his voice wavering with his own laughter and fleeing concentration.
“Only because YOU CHEATED!” you exclaimed, your fists weakly pounding onto his arm. “Who the hell burns a watermelon seed flying in the air if not to keep me from winning?!”
“Because you took five steps closer! That’s cheating!” Shouto pointed out, the back of his hand, wiping the sheen of watermelon juice and seeds from his chin.
“Whatever, I’ll end this all right now!” you rolled your eyes, and the both of you directed your attention to the nearly empty watermelon. Almost empty, save for one part that would be enough for one last scoop.
“That’s the last of the watermelon…” Shouto spoke softly, his hand grabbing his spoon the same time you did.
“Yeah, and?” you pressed, your gaze narrowing as he lifted his spoon, moving it to push against yours.
“You were the last one to spit,” he said, trying to box you out of the melon.
Your jaw dropped, and you pressed against his again, trying to keep him from doing as he pleased. “I called it first!”
“You can’t go twice!” he pointed out, his hand wrapping around your free wrist to keep you from potentially hitting him with that arm.
“You went twice earlier!” you countered, pushing forward, leaning on with all your weight in hopes he would back off. You had to win.
“I’m the guest at your house, be better accommodating!”
“Oh yeah?! Well, ladies, first!”
“Clearly, I am acting more ladylike right now, so it’s not you!”
But in an unequal push, you sent Shouto and you tumbling off the patio and onto the floor with a thud. Your eyes were squeezed tight as the earthy ground made contact with your back, and you sighed, knowing you hadn’t been hurt. You saw the watermelon on the floor, the last scoop of the sweet fruit ruined with dirt and grass, but you froze when you became aware of the way Shouto had landed.
His forearms were planted onto the ground by your head, his eyes wide and his mouth parted slightly. His warm and minty scent easily carried into your nose like this, and the smell of the strawberry milk still clung to his lips. Immediately your face exploded in heat, and your sight went dizzy in the situation you were in.
“...the watermelon… um, you dropped the watermelon, Todoroki,” you painfully whispered, unsure if speaking would send him away from you, acting like this didn’t just happen. 
Your beating heart was loud in your ears, almost washing out the summer day's sounds as Shouto studied you carefully before turning his head to look at the indeed ruined watermelon. Still, he made no attempt to move off from on top of you.
“We can go buy some more in a bit.” 
“I… but Todoroki--” you almost shuddered, unsure as to why that simple sentence ignited something profound from within you.
“Don’t-” Shouto interrupted, his brow furrowed, and his eyes dark while he looked down. Shaking his head, your breathing stopped when his eyes met yours. There was no hesitation, no doubt, and something you never knew you would see in his eyes: adoration. “Shouto. Call me, Shouto.”
“Shouto…” you breathed out, the sound of his name on your tongue foreign yet otherworldly pleasant.
And his eyes warmed at the sound of his name, and you could do nothing when his sugary sweet lips connected with yours, pressing thoroughly and gently against yours. Today had been a mix of goods and bads. Still, the moment his lips claimed yours, everything in the world quickly faded away. There was nothing to focus on except Todoroki Shouto and the way that you would forever crave the way his tongue and kisses tasted like strawberry milk and watermelon seeds.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
hewoo🥺can you write hcs on tendou and iwaizumi comforting their s/o who is sad because of their bad relationship with their father,like not in any abusive way but their dad is distant and emotionally unavailable:/
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HC: Tendou and Iwaizumi helping an S/O with an emotionally unavailable father.
TW: Parental Neglect/Distancing, idk how to properly identify this trigger but I will be writing about some potentially heavy stuff in regards to parental instability so be wary of that if you wish to proceed.
TAGS: Emotional unavailability, hurt/comfort, angst
NOTES: Hi anon, thank you for requesting this, bby! This ask hit super close to home so I felt very confident that it was something I could write. While I might not have had these sweet boys to help me through my time, I hope these headcanons bring some sort of comfort to anyone dealing with this situation. And anon, if you yourself are dealing with this, know that I understand and I love you dearly ❤️ It’s not easy but it can be bearable. My inbox is always open, honeybun. (also we’re not gonna talk about how i switched tenses w each hc shhhh)
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if you couldn’t tell by my url, i love tendou dearly, bby boy is my level of crackhead energy
literally the biggest asshole when it comes to teasing but i mean, you know he loves you
which is probably how he found out about your situation in the first place
y’all were probably joking around, making aggressive jabs at each other, name calling, the whole nine yards
“tendou you look like a fuckin’ troll doll, do not tell me I need a haircut”
“well y/n, anyone would be a damn troll for dating you”
you get the picture
it wasn’t until he made an off-handed comment about your dad not loving you that your mood INSTANTLY dropped
your chest got tight, your skin went numb, all breath from your lungs just WHOOSH
when he saw the tears slip from the brims of your eyes he finally stopped talking and lept to your side
he grabbed your face with both hands and started spewing apologies after asking what was wrong, he knew you liked to joke around with him like that but you never cried from something he said before
that’s when you sat him down (after some cuddles n kisses uwu) and explained everything to him
about your dad’s emotional unavailability, how you constantly pushed yourself in everything you did to get any sort of feedback from him, how you wanted to have that relationship everyone else seemed to have with their fathers
“it feels stupid to say but... i’ll never know what it feels like to be a daddy’s girl/boy.”
the whole time he’d listen intently, just soak up every word that came out of your mouth and nod occasionally to show that he was actively retaining the info
he’d have an arm slung around you and the other hand gently rubbed your thigh with his thumb, it only left the spot once or twice to wipe a stray tear from your face
and when you finished he went silent for a moment to really think it over. usually he’d be quicker with responses, but he didn’t want to potentially make you feel worse
he’d connect the dots during this process: he actually understood why you worked so hard all the time, why you got so happy when he praised you for the smallest things, why you always seemed to derail any conversations about your parents
he’d tell you that he might not understand what being isolated by a parent may feel like, but he definitely understands being cast out. he’d want you to understand that he truly felt for you, and you don’t have to be alone despite how your father makes you feel.
lowkey he’d probably offer to talk to your dad but that was just his protective crackhead slippin’ out, give him a head pat and firmly tell him no and that it’s okay
he said it gently but you definitely saw one of his eyebrows twitch and the look in his eye
he doesn’t want anyone makin’ his baby feel this way 🥺
once he managed to make you laugh with either that attempt of yelling at your dad or just crack a stupid joke that NEVER failed to make you giggle
he’d pull you into another hug and apologize on your neglectful dad’s behalf
“I know this won’t change anything, but I’m so sorry y/n... you deserve the world and more.”
then he’d tickle you again just to hear your sweet voice wail his name in a fit of laughter, it’s music to his ears
from then on he made the effort to check up on you, tell you how proud he was, how great you were doing at XYZ
bc although he couldn’t replace your dad, he would do his damndest to be your “emotional support daddy” i’m taking this term w me to the grave
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i’m so so sorry but i never write for iwa so this might be a lil’ short or ooc pls don’t come for my neck i’m trying
but ooooooh iwa-chan
he probably won’t really connect the dots as quick as tendou would but it’s fine, it’ll work out
so you were tossing a volleyball back and forth at a park or smth
and this motherfucker was being so critical over everything you did
“y/n drop your shoulders”
“your feet aren’t wide enough apart”
“no, thumb over the palm, like this”
this is why he was the volleyball player of the relationship, smh
but he just chuckled and half-apologized, making a joke about how he felt bad for your dad playing catch w you as a kid under his breath
boy did your shoulders drop then
your whole body slumped and the ball fell flat in front of you
Iwa gave you a confused look before seeing how wide your eyes went, the wetness steadily forming in the corners and the way your bottom lip trembled
“hey, hey, what’s wrong? did I really coach you too hard?”
he quickly walked over to you and pulled you into his chest, pressing a sweet lil kiss to the side of your head, a hand rubbing up and down your back
you shook your head and clung onto his shirt, the tears you were choking on making your mouth unable to move in response while your whole body trembled with the sudden overflow of emotion
meanwhile iwa’s just like ??? what did i do ???
but he held your through your crying fit and waited until you stopped sniffling and hiccuping to finally ask what was wrong, pulling you into his lap as he sat down on the grass
dude still thinks he just nagged you too much lol
you explained that you really didn’t have the best relationship with your dad, that your childhood was mostly spent playing by yourself and learning how to do certain things alone or through others
growing up happened way too fast for you and it was hard for you to actually enjoy it without a father figure who made an effort to connect with you, even now.
he’s got his hand rubbing up and down your back while you talk, cheek smushed on your head as he hums in acknowledgment ever so often
now he gets it.
he’s silent for a moment, then moves to press a gentle kiss to your temple before speaking
“I’ll help you out, with everything.”
He wants to be there for you for whatever milestones you have yet to complete, considering your father was never there for the ones you did.
he ALSO wants to shit on your dad for treating you poorly but he just keeps that to himself prolly plotting to do it on his own one day oml
he reassures you that he’s proud of how far you’ve gotten on your own without that fatherly guidance, and that he’ll never let you feel so alone and helpless again.
he’ll teach you everything you need to learn
“...and I promise to be a better volleyball coach, too.”
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slaveformingi · 4 years
Come Back (M)
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READER (y/n) X PARK SEONGHWA(Ateez) Genre: Smut, Makeup Sex, SlightlyDom!Seonghwa  Word Count: 2779 Words. Summary:  Human relationships are complicated. The same person who makes you laugh can make your heart break in an instant. You got into a heated argument with your boyfriend Seonghwa, but hey.. nothing a little makeup sex won't fix.
(AUTHORS NOTE: FIX ON! Okay so this smut has been in my drafts for a while now and I finally finished it <It’s 5.22am, where I live rn. What is sleep?> Anyways, originally this smut was supposed to feature Wooyoung but like half way through writing it, I felt Seonghwa would fit the role better. So if you see Wooyoung’s name pop up, I apologise. I’ll fix it in the morning when my brain is working again 😂 For now please enjoy! UPDATE: I’ve reedited this fic :) Thank you everyone who helped point out my mistakes and gave me feed back. I freaking love you guys!!)
“How did I even end up dating someone so stubborn as you are?!”  The sound of his voice was deeper and louder than usual. A rush of emotions flooded you, you felt scared, angry, disappointed. Your boyfriend had been yelling at you for hours and you’ve been trying to keep your cool but this was the final straw. “Well, I know how I ended up dating you and I regret even wasting my time with a piece of shit like you Hwa!” you snapped at him as you took a step forward.  Your eyes were filled with anger and all you wanted to do was get him out of your sight. You were so close to slapping him across the face and you would have done it if it wasn't for the love you still felt for him. Truth is, you loved your boyfriend no matter how much of an asshole he could be.
“If you regret it that much, then it would be best if I just left! Why would I waste my time with someone as pathetic as you if I could get every girl I want?!” “Then go! Get out of my house!” Seonghwa didn't reply, instead he simply obeyed your wishes. He kept quiet as he grabbed his stuff and rushed out of your house, slamming the door shut behind him. You grabbed a framed photo of the two of you that was on the coffee table next to you and threw it against the door. The framed shattered as soon as it hit the door, pieces of glass and wood flew around the room.
 Staring at the door, you realised Seonghwa wasn't coming back and that you had lost the man that you once called your “soulmate”.
At first, you didn't feel anything. Like literally, you felt empty in the inside, emotionless. Your emotions were completely shut down. It was the first phase of your body processing what just happened. You were just staring at the closed door, secretly hoping that Seonghwa would come back running into your arms, hoping that this was all a nightmare.
Shortly the second phase kicked in, you were angry, pissed-off, furious. You started counting all the pros for the break up. A list with all the good reasons to break up with Seonghwa, everything that bothered you about him.  It was a pretty long list in your mind at which you numbered down will all his failures and mistakes. But in someway you still found yourself loving all his imperfections, his little kinks and weird things he did unconcsiously, which brought you to the last phase of a break-up, sadness and grieve. 
You kneeled down in front of the broken photo of you and Seonghwa. It reminded you of all those lovely and romantic moments when he made you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. All gone. Just because of a stupid argument.
Ignoring the pieces of glass around the floor, you made your way into your bedroom where you wanted to crawl into and fall asleep. Sleep was always your answer for moments of sadness and stress, it helped clear your mind and make you realise things better. You crawled into your bed and closed your eyes, but instead of sleeping your mind wandered to the thoughts of Seonghwa.
Seonghwa seemed to handle the break up a lot better than you. He didn't even shed a single tear as he walked out of your apartment. He walked away from you as if you were a stranger to him, someone he didn't need and would not even think twice of. Thinking of him being happy without you made you cry. 
The bed felt empty without Seonghwa, but there was nothing you could do. He was gone. You missed him being next to you, kissing you and making you feel loved. Instead of easily falling asleep, you spent hours crying yourself to sleep.
While you were sleeping, Seonghwa returned to your apartment. He was a mess. He was tired and sorry. He yelled at you, and said things he did not meant and all because of the anger that built in his body for no reason. He let everything out on you and he felt sorry for it.
Coming back felt hard, since he didn't know if you would forgive him or throw a vase at his head. He keyed in your house password and let himself in. Once inside, he saw broken glasses and pieces of wood on the floor. He sighed as he picked up a photo of both of you from the floor, he knew you cried and was desperate for comfort.
As he walked towards your room, he thought of things that he should say to you, words that could make you feel better. But the only thing that was on his mind was how much he loved you and that there were no words that would explain his actions to you.
Seonghwa made his way into your bedroom, where he found you sleeping. Your pillow was covered with dried tears and your body hugging a pillow as if it was him. A sad smile grew on his face as he realised how much you loved him, and him leaving was the worst thing he could do. Slowly, he removed the pillow from your body and replaced it with his body, pulling you closer to him. You snuggled into him since you thought it was all a dream.
“Baby, I am so sorry.. please forgive me love. I didn't mean to say all that bullshit.” he whispered into your ear, “You are my soulmate and I hate myself for hurting you.” You heard every single word he said no matter how sleepy you were. Him being so sweet made you almost forget about all the shit he did and said earlier. 
“You can really be a little piece of shit Hwa.” you said as your eyes were still closed. A smile grew on his face as he heard your voice. You felt slightly angry and you didn't want to forgive him that easily but you couldn't help but feel safe that he was back home. You silently thank the stars for not letting the fight ruin your relationship with him.
Seonghwa tangled his fingers in your hair as he pushed some of it back to reveal your neck, he moves closer to your neck and starts sucking hard on it, leaving his mark; you wince in pain and pleasure.
Your eyes slowly opened as you shot him a glare, still slightly pissed about the fight you had. A little smile formed on his face as he presses his lips against yours, kissing you passionately. Your hands started to roam around his body, wanting more of his touch.  Your fingers started to button his shirt but he immediately grabbed your wristband held your hands above your head with one hand.
“Nuh uh.. No touching baby.” Seonghwa says against your lips.
His lips met yours again as he slides his free hand under your hoodie, squeezing and rubbing your nipples as his tongue explores your mouth. You moaned into his mouth as you tried and release your hands from his grip, you could feel yourself getting wet. Seonghwa pulled himself out of the kiss and a smirk on his face when he saw how desperate you were for him.
“You’re pretty cocky for someone I almost broke up with!” you said glaring at him. He let out a small chuckle before releasing your hands.
“I’m sorry baby. Just, let me do all the work so I can show you how much I love you.”
He pulls your hoodie off and throws it across the room. He begins placing a trail of kisses all over your chest, slowly nipping and sucking at it and leaving love bites. He gives your breasts a hard squeeze as he sucks on your nipple, moans leave your lips as pleasure clouds your head. His tongue caressed between your breast as he made his way down to your stomach, leaving kisses in between as he stopped right above your shorts.
“I’ve barely touch you yet I can smell your juices babe.” he teases as his fingers play with the waistband of your shorts.
“Please don’t tease me Hwa.” you said half whispering.
Seonghwa smirks as pulls down your shorts and leaves you in your panties, he leaves a trail of wet kisses on your bare thighs.
“Seonghwa,” you whined “Ple--please don’t.”
“Don’t do what babe?” He said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body.
“Ple--please stop teasing me.”
You gasped as he sunk his teeth into your neck, sucking and abusing it. Your moans got louder as the pain turn into pleasure. He slipped his right hand between your legs and caresses your heat over your soaked panties. You grabbed his hair and pulled his face closer to yours, pulling him into a rough kiss. You pushed him backwards against the bed so you were on top of him but Seonghwa was quick to flip you over and positioned you in a way you were lying on your stomach.
“I said no touching.” he said in a stern way, his voice turned low and seductive. You felt yourself getting wetter hearing his voice that way. Your breathing got faster with each passing minute.
“Hands up on the bed and keep your head down.” he ordered.
You could hear him move around the room, the anticipation was killing you. He traced his finger around your back, sending chills all over your body. He started to place soft kisses on random spots on your back.
“Emm, baby you smell so good.” he says as he nuzzles your neck from behind. He rubs your breast and slips his finger in your panties, catching you off guard.
Seonghwa moves his fingers on your clit slowly, his fingers moving in a circular motion. You threw your head back and leaned against his chest. Your vision starts to become cloudy as he applies more pressure to your clit.
“Seonghwa.” you moaned up his name.
He uses his free hand to brush your hair to the side and attacks your neck, giving him complete control over you. He sucked hard on your neck as his fingers rubs your clit. You could feel your legs getting weaker as his fingers picks up their pace.
“Hwa--please--” you moaned as his touch got slower. “Seonghwa-- don’t stop.” you begged but it was no use, he stop right before you were about to reach your high. You whined at the lost of his touch as he pulls his fingers away and flips you over to face him.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m not done with you yet.”
He slips his wet fingers into your mouth, making you suck on it and taste yourself. He groaned at the sight of you sucking on his fingers. He pulled his fingers away and kisses you, gently sucking on your bottom lip. 
You pulled him closer to you and deepened the kiss; you wanted him so badly. Your hands wandered to his shirt as you quickly unbuttoned it and threw it to the side of the bed. You traced your hands over his lean abs as you placed your lips on it, leaving art kisses down his happy trail, slowly kneeling down.
You looked up at Seonghwa, teasing him as you played with his belt, unbuckling it slowly as you ran your tongue on his v-line.
“Is this your payback for me teasing you earlier?” He smiled at you as his pants slid down and pooled around his feet. His boxers was stained with his precum. 
You gave him a wink and pulled his boxers off and took his hard dick in your hand, slowly rubbing his precum all over his red tip with your thumb. You could hear his breathing get shallow. You positioned yourself properly between his legs and took him in your mouth, one hand slowly moving up and down his dick while another massages his balls. 
Seonghwa let out a loud groan as you moved faster and deep-throated him. His eyes were shut tight, his moans and groans were music to your ears. You licked and massage the tip of his dick, causing him to throw his head back. You name left his lips as he gritted his teeth, sweat started to form on his forehead. He groaned as you slowed down your movements and pulled away from his dick.
“Fucking hell y/n.” He cussed under his breath, he pulled you up to his face by your chin.
“I want you to face that mirror and ride me.” he said as he stared intensely into your eyes, his hands placed on your waist. “I want you to watch yourself riding me, understand?”
You bit your lip and nodded. He placed a soft kiss on your lips and positioned you on him. You lowered yourself slowly down on him with your back against his chest. A moan left your lips as you felt him stretching your walls. His hands were on your hips, guiding you as you started moving.
“Fuck.” you cried out as you felt him deep in you
Seonghwa’s head was buried in the crook of your neck, you could hear his breathing getting heavy. He began to move you up and down. Watching your reflection in the mirror drove you crazy, seeing him slid in and out of you threw you over the edge. Both of you were a moaning mess. 
You forced yourself off him and turned yourself towards him before sliding onto him again, your boddies wrapping around each other. Seonghwa pulls you into a sloppy kiss as you grinned on him, you both moaned into each other’s mouth.
You wrapped your legs around him as he slowly lies you down on the bed, so he was on top of you. He began to thrust hard and deep into you as you screamed his name, your nails dug into his back.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good.” he groans as he moved faster.
Sweat was dripping from his body. He pressed his wet chest on yours, veins popping out of his neck as he grunted and bit his lip. His breathing getting hard and shaky. He pounded into you harder almost knocking your sanity away. Your vision starts too blur as your mind clouded with pleasure.
“Hwa, I’m going to--”
“Cum for me baby. I want you to come all over my dick.” He said as he thrusted deeper, pushing in and out of you as your walls began to tightened around him. “Fucking hell baby, you’re so tight.”
“Fuck, Seonghwa!” You moaned loudly as he hit your g-spot. 
Your back arched as he abused the same spot over and over again. You screamed his name out and wrapped your legs tighter around him. Seonghwa buries his head in your neck as you both reach your climax.
“OH MY GOD, FUCK.” you screamed out as you could feel yourself about to reach your high. Seonghwa’s eyes were shut close as he moaned out your name. He rolled his hips onto yours as your walls tightened around him. 
“Seonghwa!” you yelled out as your walls tighten and filled with pleasure.
 A few thrust later and Seonghwa comes undone into you. You watched him curse under his breath as his arm muscles flex with each thrust, both of you ridding out your highs. Seonghwa slows down his movements and rested his forehead on yours, both of you trying to catch your breaths.
“I really fucking love you, y/n.” Seonghwa whispered as he catches his breath, “I know I am an asshole but please forgive me. You’re my soulmate remember? and I can’t live without you.”
You did forgive him but you were too tired to reply him, so instead you just gave him a little smile. Seonghwa sat up, taking you along with him and cuddling you in his arms. You nuzzled your head in his chest; you were back in your happy place. You both stayed like that for a while, Seonghwa occasionally giving you kisses on you head and whispering sweet promises while you stayed quiet. You really love him with all your heart. You looked up eat him and kiss him gently on the lips, then on both of his cheeks.
“What was that for?” He said raising an eyebrow.
“For coming back, I love you Seonghwa.”
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Star-Crossed Universe
A/N: Yes!!! I’M BACK!!! This project has been on the back burner for so long and its finally time to upload it on here. I’m not sure what you all will think but hey...it’s fan fiction and everything and anything goes.
Warnings: Language, Humor (bad and good jokes), Sexual Conversations, and an ultimate Team-Up.
Plot: When Y/N is thrown into a mission way out of her league, she, and magician best friend Zatanna must stop strong demonic forces from entering earth through an unknown portal that John Constantine may have opened. With the assistance from the Dark Knight himself, a mysterious 1967 black Impala arrives in Gotham just when things start to go to hell. But who called the Winchesters? Why is there a clairvoyant bond between Y/N and Dean Winchester? And why does Castiel, an angel of the Lord, believe John Constantine isn’t who he says he is? And will Dean wear the Batsuit?
Move over Scooby-Natural because it’s Batman’s turn! The Winchesters join Batman and Y/N (You!) in taking down a villain who isn’t an everyday monster for Supernatural!
Please enjoy and comment! If you want a Part 2, please let me know.
  Part 1
 I don’t remember a time where tears felt like my own. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m standing on the ledge when Gotham is down pouring like it always does at night. It shouldn’t be a surprise, really. Gotham is the only city in the US of A that is dark, depressing, manic, and suicidal.
 Even Superman refuses to stay here for more than a day.
 I’m not any better. The only reason why I’m literally dangling my feet over the edge is because I’m numb.
 Numb to feelings.
Numb to pain.
Numb to life.
 Bottom line is breakups fucking suck period. Especially if your ex-boyfriend is Bruce Wayne.
 And Batman.
 I don’t know why I put myself through this. The bitter pain of having to work with someone you love but to know they’ll never love you as much. Maybe this is why I should have never worked with Bruce.
 Dick left first and has successfully made a name for himself, Nightwing, in Bludhaven.
 Jason comes and goes throughout the months and has his own team of misfits who do good but cause chaos as well.
 Even Tim and Damian are working together. They’re training and leading the Titans. The last I heard from them is that they’re doing just fine.
 Except me.
 Who am I kidding? I can’t compare myself to Bruce’s kids even though I’m closer to Dick’s age than Bruce’s.
 Maybe that’s why it didn’t work out between us. Bruce is almost my father’s age, late forties early fifties. And he’s still sexy as fuck; stronger than ever.
 And here I am in my early thirties, expecting more than just a wordless promise of something more than casual sex and the uncertainty of the future.
 After three months ago, I’m trying desperately hard to not care anymore. The only constant thing in my life is being Night Bat, and I’ll die with only that part of me.
 The one place where everything and nothing hurts anymore.
 My head jerks to the right side where Zatanna is standing. With her hands on her hips, I can see her blue eyes blinking sadness and guilt. For a beautiful woman like Z, her broken expression is almost tragic enough to make me cry like her.
 If my own tears were my own. Maybe my tears are Gotham’s.
 “It’s Etrigan. He’s...” Zatanna chokes on her words. She literally holds her neck and tries to stop sobbing. “He’s dead.”
 I can feel my eyebrows raise as confusion and disbelief crash over me.
 “Dead?” I repeat. I can’t even believe that word is coming from my mouth. Etrigan is tough. Etrigan is a shithead. Etrigan cannot be dead. “How?”
 Zatanna shrugs her shoulders as her lips quiver. Seeing her broken up makes me feel like an asshole for not comforting her. So, I stand up and go over to her. Taking her by surprise, I hug her tightly.
 She’s my best friend. My sister. My partner in crime whenever we get into bad shit. (Sometimes...maybe).
 After Zatanna hugs me, she takes a step back and wipes her tears with her gloved hand.
 “He-he was stabbed. I... I don’t know by what but he bled and he was never one to really bleed, you know? I checked everything out and he’s dead. He’s really gone. But it was...a very fucking strange thing. Really,” Zatanna rambles on anxiously. Whenever she cusses, I know she’s angry and stressed out. “Whatever killed him, it’s not from around here. What I sensed near him, it’s not human. It’s not magical. It’s not even Kryptonian or extraterrestrial.”
 I swallow hard. “What do you think it is then?”
 “Have you contacted John?” I ask. My voice is rough and breathless. I’m busy shoving as much weapons as I can in my backpack, along with a few clothes and a book from Alfred about demonology. He said it was a gift from Constantine himself.
 I stare down at my long, silver triple-edged dagger that I found on one of my solo missions in Kansas when Bruce was fighting
 “Not in... six months.”
 The guilt in her voice makes me turn to glance at her. “Seriously?”
 I glance down at my black pants and boots to make sure I’m appropriately and comfortably dressed for tonight. I slip on a red and black checkered flannel over my form fitting black tank top.  After rolling up the sleeves to my elbows, I put on my black leather jacket and turn to face Zatanna.
 “What, am I supposed to keep in touch with my ex-boyfriend? I thought ex-boyfriends were meant to stay ex-boyfriends, not friends. And besides, you keep in touch with Bruce,” Zatanna responds smugly.
 “He’s...a co-worker...that’s-thats different.”
 “Bullshit,” Z laughs.
 I roll my eyes. “Whatever. I need a drink before we start...” I say, waving my hand up dramatically. “Whatever this is. I think a stop at Lucky’s is what we need.”
 “A trip to the bar is what YOU need,” Zatanna replies.
 She follows me out of my apartment until we stop in the parking lot where my motorcycle is parked. I don’t see her standing behind me with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised, as I take a seat on my bike and set myself up to ride.
 “What?” I ask, genuinely confused.
 “I could just you know...poof is there.”
 “Yeah, you could like you always do, but I need to ride my baby right now. It’s like, therapy for the low self-esteem, loner, rebels,” I say.
 To my surprise, Zatanna nods her head and gives me a small smile. I’m grateful she understands how much riding my motorcycle makes me happy. Makes me breathe. Makes me feel alive.
 “I’ll see you there, Y/N/N.”
 “See ya, Z.”
 And with that, Zatanna poofs for real. Her magic still surprises me. Whenever I see her perform her spells and tricks, I feel like I’m reliving magic shows I saw as a kid that I used to believe were real and powerful.
 But to know what Zatanna does is real is still unbelievable sometimes.
 And to think we have been best friends for five years now...amazing how time flies by I’m between laughs and heartbreaks.
 Revving my bike, I waste no time speeding out of the parking garage and into the streets of Gotham. The rain and wind in my hair sends me chills, as the lights and buildings pass me by so fast that I feel like everything I see is a blur; almost like in a dream-like state.
 Lucky’s is just a small country rustic bar outside of Gotham. City people usually don’t go there as the place is purely meant for drifters and stranded loners. I happen to love the bar. If I’m ever feeling down or angry, I always drop by to get drunk or frisky if I’m ever in the mood. Bruce was always disappointed in me for that. He always used to say I’m better than that and I shouldn’t put myself down.
 I sometimes think he’d want to say I’m easy, but Bruce is just so complicated sometimes. He can either be a total asshole or be the gentle sweetheart he is. You never know which side you’d see sometimes.
 Almost like Two-Face.
 Swerving into the mud to park alongside trucks and other bikes, I climb off my motorcycle and glance around the dirt lot. I recognize a few vehicles parked already. A new black Escalade parked closer to the bar is different and catches my attention rather quickly.  
 I pull my hair back into a ponytail and start my way over to the expensive ass vehicle when suddenly a black car speeds right pass me and parks right next to my bike, sending mud flying to my pants and on my bike! Rage suddenly takes over me. I can feel my blood boil and my jaw clench as several curse words come to mind. I twist around and instead make my way to that motherfucker’s car.
 A black 1967 Impala? What a fucking joke.
 As if this motherfucker owns this American classic. This self-righteous, prick probably stole it from some old fool or maybe his own old man.
 I’m ready to break this douchebag’s face. Knock all his teeth out and break his cock into two…maybe three pieces.
 I finally reach the driver’s door and quickly open it; door swinging back. This must piss off the man a lot, but I don’t care right now.
“Look, you motherfucker! You think you can just drive like a bat out of hell and get fucking mud on MY baby?!  Get out of this fucking car so I can break you apart with my bare hands!” I yell angrily and loudly.
The man climbs out of his car, but my anger suddenly vanishes. What the hell?
Holy fucking shit…this man is…hot.
Standing at 6’1, this man is almost intimidating. With short brown hair, tan skin, hypnotizing green eyes, and freckles splattered over his nose and cheeks, he’s fucking adorable…and sexy. I can’t help but stare up at him.
He smirks down at me. Underneath his dark jacket, he’s wearing a flannel shirt and black Henley, where I can already see his strong chest, muscled arms, and soft tummy.
“Looks like sweetheart likes what she sees, Sammy. I’d say we made the right choice for coming out to Gotham,” the man speaks smugly. His voice is deep and husky, more addicting than any liquor inside the bar.
Another man comes over to us from around from the car. This man, I’m assuming his Sammy, is FUCKING TALLER than the hot one in front of me!
Sammy chuckles lightly at me. Pushing his longer brown hair from his face, he quickly reaches out to shake my hand.
“Hi, I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother, Dean.”
The second those words leave his mouth; we hear someone quickly approaching us. Zatanna. And from the looks of theirs, they’re shocked and surprised to see my friend in her usual, sexy magician number.
Zatanna smiles, nonetheless. “Well, if it isn’t the Winchesters. We’ve been expecting you.”
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Hello good morning and welcome to chili's- is that even the right reference? Whatever. Anyways, welcome to 'auri can't stop fucking writing about party poison and cherri cola' hours. They have such a fascinating bond ANYWAYS also welcome to a fucking trainwreck that i wrote all this morning.
Title: everybody wants to change the world
Wordcount: 2047
Party Poison goes out, gets hurt, and chooses a different place for help than they usually would.
This has literally no plot beyond me making Poison have a bad time.
Warnings: injury, blood, death mentions.
Taglist: @wishiwasthemoon-tonight @sleevesareforlosers @stressed-depressed-emo-mess @tasteofamnesia @dagger-queen​ @no-braincells-here @piratecherricola (message me, send an ask, or reblog/reply to one of my posts if you want to be added or removed)
AO3 Link
(Actual fic under the cut)
Party Poison swore under their breath as they staggered back to the Trans Am, pressing a hand to their side. They were going to fucking bleed out here, outside a Mad Gear concert in Zone 4, all because they were a fucking dumbass and got themself stabbed. Because Poison could never live quietly, they didn't know how. All they knew was picking fights with random 'joys and listening to the music that blared from the speakers, way too loud and easily drowning out their thoughts. Now that was catching up to them, they guessed, as they slid into the car and put their bloody hand on the wheel.
"Home we go, baby."
No. Not home. Kobra had said, Kobra had told them 'don't go out and get hurt again, don't go picking fights, dumbass'. And Poison had gone and done it anyways. Gone and been a fucking idiot, as Kobes would say. So no, they were not going back to the diner yet. Not bleeding this heavily, anyways. The Girl didn't deserve to see this, nor did she deserve to watch them and Kobra fight about it.
That left Poison with the question of where, exactly, they were going to go. There weren't a lot of people in the world they trusted to see them like this, injured and exhausted and close to crying because it all hurt, it always had. In fact, most of those people, four of them, lived in the old diner where they couldn't -wouldn't- go. Most of those people...but not all of them.
Poison turned the Trans Am to a different path, speeding towards a little radio shack in the middle of the desert. If nothing else, they knew Dr. D would be happy to fix them up and send them on their way again, and then they could head back to diner late at night when no one was awake and no one would need to know they had gotten stabbed like a dumbass.
Unluckily for them, it was one in the fucking morning, and Dr. D was soundly asleep when they stumbled into the station. They assumed, at least, given that he was nowhere to be seen and the radio station was quiet. Empty, in fact. Or at least the living room was. Poison stumbled towards the broadcasting room, hearing a low voice from that direction.
Cherri Cola looked up they stumbled in the door, pausing in the middle of reading off a poem. "Poison?"
"Pepsi! I got stabbed." Poison tried to grin at him, the smile turning into a grimace at the pain in their side.
Cherri stared at them for a few moments, then turned back to the broadcast. "Well, WKIL listeners, I'm afraid this where I leave you for tonight, given that we've got a bit of a situation going on, but I should be back for later this night- well, this morning, technically, I'd say we're coming up on one am now. Cherri Cola, signing off." He turned back to Poison with a sigh. "Where did you get stabbed?"
They tried not to be offended at his huff. "Here. Where my hand is."
Cherri stood, gesturing to them to follow him back to the living room area, where he grabbed a first aid kit. "Lay down on the sofa, that much blood means I probably need to stitch you up."
"I'm going to peel back your shirt, okay? Only as far as I need to clean and stitch it," Cherri promised.
Poison shrugged, pulling their jacket off before they laid down. "Do what y'have to."
His hands were scarred and calloused, the skin rough, but he was gentle when he pulled the bloody fabric away and started cleaning out the wound. They gasped in pain anyways, gritting their teeth as their side sent flickers of agony running through them.
"Sorry, sorry," Cherri said quietly. "I promise only a bit more to go, I just need to stitch this."
Poison nearly screamed when he started the first stitch, letting out a strangled yelp instead. "How much longer?"
"Three more stitches, then I'm done."
They gritted their teeth again, clenching their fists by their sides as he tied off the next stitch, and the next, and the next.
"Okay, done." Cherri set the needle aside, closing the first aid kit. "You okay?"
Poison would have laughed if they weren't in so much pain. "Of course 'm not fucking okay. Why would I be fucking okay?"
They hated the pity on his face as he gently scooted them over to sit down next to them. "Silly question, I'm sorry. What's wrong?"
Poison could have been dignified, but they chose to lean against him instead as the feelings they had been bottling up came pouring out. "Everything. Everything is wrong because Kobes is always angry and Jet's always sad and Ghoul's scared and Motorbaby shouldn't have to grow up here, shouldn't have to see us fall apart. What's the point? What's the point, Cola? What are we fighting for? Is there even a future ahead of us? What's even the point of life?"
"There isn't a point." Poison gaped at him. "There isn't a point to life, not unless you make one. You have to decide what you want, what's worth fighting for."
The words fell softly into the quiet of the radio station, shattered by Poison's harsh voice. "And how the fuck am I supposed t' do that?"
"It's hard to describe, but..." Cherri trailed off. "Find what means something to you. What you love. For me that's poetry, and Newsie, and D and Pone and you and your crew, and the stars. Also, Mad Gear, they're vastly superior to Benny and the Trampolines."
Poison managed a small laugh. "True that. But what is the point, to you?"
“Well, in the simplest form...the point of life is happiness.”
“I thought the point of my life was to change the world,” they muttered bitterly. Maybe it made them an asshole, maybe the other was trying to help, but it was their fucking job to change things and they were tired of it.
Cherri’s voice was heartbreakingly gentle. “It doesn’t matter how big of a difference you made to the world. All that matters is that you made a different to you.”
Poison found that their eyes were stinging, tears collecting in them. “Are you sure?” Their voice sounded small and pathetic, and they hated it.
“I’m sure. You deserve happiness, more than anything else. It should never be your job to save the world, not so young. Never.”
They tried to speak again, but all that came out was a shuddering, gasping sob. Some small part of them was embarrassed, mortified to be crying in front of Cherri Cola, of all people, but the bigger part of their mind couldn’t bring themself to care. Not when their heart ached more than the wound in their side, not when Cherri was holding his arms out silently, clearly an offer.
Maybe it made them weak, but Poison took the comfort, letting themself be encased safely in the older killjoy’s arms. “I don’t want to die, Cola.” They hated how their voice shook. “I don’t want to die.”
“I know. I know.”
“I want to save everyone, I want to make a difference.” They let out another sob. “But I don’t want to die.”
“Your life should never be the price,” Cherri murmured.
“But it is. But it is! I have to- I’m going to die ch- changing the world. I’m supposed to- to save everyone, even if I have to d-die to do it.”
Poison thought they heard his usually unshakable voice waver a little. “No, Poison, no. This never should have been your job."
"Well who- who was g- going to do it?"
They couldn't see his face, but his voice was very quiet. "It was supposed to be D and I, years and years ago. Me, and D, and Lily. It shouldn't have even been Newsie and Chimp, shouldn't have been Pony, definitely shouldn't have been you. I'm sorry, Poison."
"'s okay." They found themself curling up further, head leaning on his shoulder. "Who's Lily?"
"White Lily, leader of the first rebellion, said to be one of the first of the killjoys," Cherri murmured. "Giver of plastic flower hairclips, the only person who was allowed to call Newsie 'News', and one of my three siblings. In a way."
"Oh." Another sob made its way out of their throat, but this mysterious 'Lily' was a good distraction. "Tell me about her?"
"Well, the day I met her, she was twenty-one and she asked me 'Did this softy offer you a place to stay?'..." Cherri launched into a quiet story about two kind killjoys who offered a desperate sixteen-year-old the first real home he had ever known. His voice was low, soothing, and Poison let themself relax a little bit as they listened to the story.
"D' you have any more stories about 'your day'?"
"I think I have some poems about it, actually," Cherri replied dryly. "Stories, yes, but also poems, which are easier."
"Not easier to understand," Poison muttered, but they let him half carry them back into the broadcast room and proceeded to drape themself over his lap when he started up again.
"Hello there, my late-night crash queen friends, it's me, Cherri Cola, back again. At the request of my companion, the next few poems of the corner will be about the olden days, back before you rock and rollers were out on the road." He started on a poem which Poison thought must have been about Dr. D, plenty of metaphors about the voice of the desert. After that one and one more was finished, he switched on some music and turned back to them.
"When is your crew expecting you home?"
"Don't know. Concert was over at midnight, but they know I sometimes stay out later. For all I know, they all went to bed."
"I'm going to radio the diner, if that's okay?"
"Don't want them t' know I got hurt." Their words were mashed up more from sleepiness than blood loss by now.
"I'll say you got lost." Cherri's tone was joking, but his voice grew serious again as he went on. "Or I'll just say you're staying here tonight, you don't owe them an explanation of why. You do owe it to them to make sure they aren't worried for you, though."
"Okay." They felt rather schooled, staring down at the perpetually dirty floor of the radio station as Cherri fiddled with the radio.
Eventually, Fun Ghoul picked up, sounding sleepy. "Hello?"
"Hey, Ghoul."
"What is it, Cola? You got word of Party?"
"They decided to drop by after the concert, so we're hanging out tonight. They'll be okay, just too tired to drive the Am safely. I'll send them back tomorrow morning by the time you need the Trans Am for anything, but please tell the others not to worry."
"Gotcha. Motorbaby got sleepy, took Jet and Kobra to get her to sleep 'cause Pois is out, then they conked out. I told them to. But if they wake up, I'll tell them, and I won't worry toooo much. Tell Pois I said hi!"
Poison was incredibly thankful Ghoul had picked up instead of one of the other two, since xe wasn't the sort to ask many questions. Kobra would have been suspicious, and Jet would have been pretty decent about it but concerned. And Poison didn't need those two's concern right now.
"Right, well, sleep well, Ghoul. Pois says hi," Cherri said. That was technically a lie, since Poison hadn't said anything, but they didn't really mind. Ghoul deserved some reassurance, even if it was false.
Cherri clicked the radio off. "Right, my stabbed friend. I've got some more broadcasting to do, but you're welcome to stay."
"You're an insufferable bastard," Poison yawned.
"Yes, I am. Sleep well, Sleepy Poison."
Poison had absolutely not intended in any way, shape, or form to fall asleep on Cherri's lap, but they found themself yawning again as he started on another poem. And before they or he had a chance to say goodnight, they were out like a light.
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dailyhyperfixation · 4 years
🌈 but you fix the cursed post about steve opening letter after letter getting rejected by every school
Thank you for your request! 🥰
Oh god that post really breaks my heart
Let’s fix that (this ends happy I promise)
Send me an AU and I’ll write something
So it’s just after graduation, and Steve just barely skated through his senior year. Between the whole Upside Down thing, losing his King crown to a certain someone from California, having a few mental breakdowns, and suddenly being in a charge of a bunch of kids, he hadn’t exactly been able to focus on school. Steve had applied to five schools, and over the month of May the letters start coming in. His heart sinks when he grabs the mail and sees the scrawny thin envelope from the first school. Before he opens it he already knows he’s been rejected. The lack of surprise doesn’t help. He still cries. 3 more letters come. Steve cries a little harder each time, in that big empty house all by himself.
It’s well into June now, and Steve is working at Scoops Ahoy, desperately trying to keep that 5th letter out of his mind. The one that hasn’t come yet. The one that’s surely another rejection. He just scoops ice cream, and when he really feels like torturing himself, he goes to the pool.
Now normally the pool isn’t Steve’s scene. But he goes under the guise of staying in shape for the ladies and definitely not for a certain someone. A certain muscular blue-eyed someone who’s allergic to wearing shirts. No, Billy Hargrove is the bane of Steve’s existence. And yet he can’t stay away from him. They trade snappy insults in public, or more accurately Billy teases him to death and Steve always ends up complimenting the other boy by accident (totally by accident)
“You better be careful there princess, you’re so pale you might just catch on fire laying in the sun like that.”
“Yeah well we can’t all have a perfect tan, can we, Hargrove?”
But most nights they somehow find themselves smoking on the hood of the Camaro at the quarry, or drinking cheap beer by Steve’s pool when his parents aren’t home. If Steve didn’t know any better he might even call them friends.
But on this particular evening, Steve is at home. And he’s drowning his sorrows in whiskey because today… well today was the last possible day he could have gotten an acceptance letter. Actually 3 days ago was the last day, but it’s finally hitting Steve that it’s not coming. His last possible hope from the last school he applied to. So Steve is downing burning whiskey and crying on his couch in that big empty house again. And he’s just going to lie here until he has to get up and put on a happy face for the kids, or the customers buying ice cream, or Billy at the pool, because his life is falling apart and there’s no one here. There’s no one here to say it’ll be okay, no one to-
Who the hell could be knocking on the door of the Harrington house at this hour interrupting this very important business that needs attending? (That business being drinking and crying but that’s irrelevant.) Tripping over his own feet as he stands, Steve stumbles to the door, tears and snot and a bit of whiskey still streaming down his face because he just doesn’t care anymore anymore and he yanks the door open ready to yell in the face of whoever’s disturbing his wallowing and-
“Wow, Harrington, you look like shit.” Those words managed to come out of Billy’s mouth as a scoff, barely masking the concern in his voice that Steve didn’t even notice.
“Fuck off, Hargrove. I’m busy. Go away.” Billy’s hand caught the door as Steve attempted to shut it in his face.
“Hey…” the asshole facade was down in a second as soon as Billy saw that something was really wrong with the boy. The boy he had been secretly harboring feelings for since the second he set eyes on him. The boy that he teased and shoved in public to keep that secret, but god if he wasn’t weak for Steve Harrington, and who cares why he was here in the first place, he’ll do anything to stop Steve from crying. “Hey, princess, what’s wrong? Hey… just, just sit down and tell me what it is,” Steve was fully sobbing now as Billy, unsure what to do with a distraught Steve, led him back inside to the couch, “I don’t… I don’t know if I can… uhh help, or anything, but please just talk to me…” fuck Billy had absolutely no idea how to deal with a sad Steve, he looked like a kitten curling up into himself as he sat. Billy was itching to go out and punch what or whoever made Steve cry, but he needed to be here for him. Tentatively, Billy wrapped an arm around his back, curling Steve’s face into his shoulder. Tears, snot, whiskey and all.
Eventually, Steve’s sobs quieted down. “Do you.. do you want to tell me what that was all about?” Billy whispered, hesitant to break the silence they had settled into. “No… not right now. I don’t want to talk about it. Just.. fuck Billy why are you even here?” Steve whispered back, his breath tickling Billy’s ear from his face still shoved right in the crook of his neck.
“Oh it’s dumb, probably nothing important. Just, uh… our last names are pretty similar, right?”
“Billy what the fuck does that have to do with anything?” despite his huffing Steve still refused to move from his comfortable perch, even snuggling into Billy more, curling his arms around Billy waist, and nuzzling his face further into his neck, to tired to think after wearing himself out with his breakdown.
“Well I just mean that’s probably why I got some mail that was meant for you a couple days ago, I kept forgetting to give it to you but I have this big old envelope that says Steve Harrington and I figured they probably mixed up Harrington and Hargrove, they’re kind of similar so I-“ in the midst of Billy’s rambling Steve bolted upright.
“What did you just say.”
“Uhhh your mail got delivered to my house?” Billy stammered out, alarmed by Steve’s sudden seriousness but mostly by his sudden shift to sitting… directly on Billy’s lap, so close that their noses are almost touching, all Billy had to do was lean forward and…
“Uhh!” Billy cut his train of thought off quickly, “that’s why I’m here because I have this big envelope that’s from a college, I think, and it has your name on it so…” Billy grabbing for the envelope he had tossed beside him on the couch in the midst of frantically comforting Steve and holding it up between them.
“Here you go.”
Steve’s eyes had never been wider in his life.
This was no scrawny thin envelope like the others. There was clearly much more inside than a short letter of rejection. Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath as Billy looked on in confusion. Then he ripped open the envelope.
 Yes. In big bold letters at the top.
 YES, You have been accepted!
“YES!!!” Steve screeched at the top of his lungs, ecstatically bouncing up and down, as a very startled Billy grabbed his hips to stop him from literally bouncing on his dick right now, “What the fuck, bambi?” Steve was almost hysterical at this point, laughing and screaming “Billy, I got in! I did it, I did it!” arms flailing wildly before grabbing Billy by the face and kissing him deeply and god it felt like he belonging right here, in Billy’s lap surrounded by the smell of his cologne, kissing him and- wait. Oh shit.
Steve pulled back abruptly, snapped out of his reverie, Billy stock still beneath him, blue eyes filled with shock, “Oh shit, I didn’t mean… that is- I should, oh fuck sorry I-“ but then Billy surged forward and returned the kiss enthusiastically, hand finding a home in Steve’s hair and Steve just… melted. If he wasn’t so excruciatingly happy, he might have been ashamed of the whimper he let out when Billy broke the kiss to whisper against his lips, “Been waiting for you to do that for a long time, princess.” before diving right back in to kiss him breathless.
Wow that was longer than I was planning but I’m bad at writing short things 😅 Thank you so much for the prompt! ❤️ I might continue this at some point 🤔
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krlworld · 5 years
donghyuck loved her more than he ever loved anyone else before. she made him feel at ease, how her beautiful eyes would look at him and asure him everything was alright. he met her through his friends, she was renjuns cousin. he didnt thought of her that way immediately but he couldnt deny she was gorgeous. eventually one night when the whole group of teenagers decided to cancel their movie night without warning the two of them he got to know her better. she told him about her childhood, her family, where she grew up, she had two siblings, one older brother and one younger sister and the way she complained about doing house chores because her sister was too lazy to help and how she loved her dog to death moved donghyucks heart. that night in december when they stayed home on the couch telling each other what others dont know, feelings were found.
   love (lŭv) n. 1. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another              person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship.
 eventually donghyuck started feeling awkward about her, not in a bad way actually, but his heart would start to beat faster whenever she was around, when she gave him compliments his cheeks would go red. he loved holding her hand and when she fell asleep on his chest. he loved her laugh even though she said she sounded horrendous. he loved how funny she was, how she didnt mind a joke and fought him back. he loved her wild side, when she made flirty jokes that made him flustered and then she would just laugh and knocked it off.  in conclusion he loved everything about her, he loved her.
                                             am i in love?
 It took him some time to notice the strong feelings he had for her but hey, he got there. now it wasnt the beating of his heart that was making him wonder, it was the fact that he had so many feelings for her but he didnt know how she felt. he grew curious, asking himself “does she ever think about me?” “does she miss me like i miss her?” “how would her lips feel against mine…” at that point it was obvious for everyone, except you, how donghyuck felt, he wondered how you could be so dense.
 "falling in love" means to feel a strong sense of attraction towards another person.
 everything was so new to him, he never actually liked anyone except for a cute little girl he once met in kindergarden but apart from that he never felt that strong feeling of almost losing his breath he got whenever he was with you. he started to fear being around you, everything you did made him fall for you even deeper. his friends had told him to confess, “what could go wrong?” they said, but he knows damn well what could go wrong. he couldnt bare thinking about her not wanting to see him anymore because he made her uncomfortable, not having her around, just thinking about it made him feel sick in the stomach, almost feeling like throwing up. he decided to keep you close even if that hurted him.
  unrequited love or one-sided love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such by the beloved.
 one night she called him and asked if he wanted to spend the night. in other scenarios people would think this was weird, but in reality they were more close than they appeared out to be, it wasnt unusual for donghyuck to stay at her place when some random guy who turned out to be a bad blind date made her feel like shit, him having to hold her, wipe her tears and tell her the usual “maybe what you really need is closer than you think…” leading her to think that “something” meant jaemin or chenle, he couldnt help but smack his forehead because of how stupid the situation was… but there was also the case where she would just feel like being with her favorite person, playing video games, eating some pizza and telling each other everything that happened that week, she looked at him with such loving eyes making him wonder if she could ever feel something for him, she made him have some hope but he didnt want to make himself feel better because thats exactly what he wanted to hear.
 that night he spent at her house it was a little different, her parents were out of town with her sister and her brother had left for college, it was just the two of them. in the beginning it was all very normal, the usual stuff, movies, food and laughing about whatever came to mind but as the night went on the atmosphere felt… heavy. he couldnt tell what was making him feel so nervous or maybe he did, maybe he didnt want to accept the fact that she was closer than usual, that her hands were on his thighs and how she looked at him with rosy cheeks.
 she couldnt stop thinking about him, her precious best friend. how she wanted to be more than that, wondering if he wanted to touch her as much as she did, if he ever though about her, if he wanted to make her happy like she wanted to make him feel. she was very good at hiding her feelings because no one had a clue about her affection for the boy, not even jeno who was able to read every single one of his friends.
 you remembered… it was on march, movie night at marks house, you felt closer than ever to donghyuck you couldnt help but cuddle onto him the whole night, thinking about how he made your heart go wild when he was just wearing a simple grey shirt and skinny jeans, literally anyone could say he looked boring and he did, but to you he looked breathtaking. he had black hair at that time, you thought that was the best hair color he ever had it fitted him so well, you wanted to stare at him forever.
that night you left marks house feeling dizzy, you couldnt even describe how you felt, did you like donghyuck? taking your keys out trying to open your front door you stopped yourself when you heard someones heavy breathing. you turned around just to find donghyuck behind you holding your coat.
“hyuck? what are you doing here? i thought you said you were sleeping at marks today?” you asked surprised to see him in front of you, you kind of had an idea of why he was there but you also didnt want to make yourself believe he left marks house walking just to give you a damn coat.
“you left your coat… and i thought you would be cold, but i didnt manage to catch you as you can tell” he said finally catching his breath and fixing his shirt. he then handed the coat to you.
“why would you that? mark lives far from here hyuck, something could have happened to you” you said out of concern, because actually mark did live far away from you, almost a 30 minute walk to be clear.
“maybe i just wanted to see you a little bit longer…” he couldnt help but blush, he really did mean what he said but he felt so embarrassed like he was a child trying to tell his mom he did what he wasnt supposed to.
you wanted to tell him to stay, to make you hot chocolate like he usually does, to play with your hair like he does when feel sleepy, the words didnt come out, but actions did. you grabbed your coat quietly thanking him and giving a quick kiss on the cheek you couldnt tell what was funnier, the way you wanted to throw yourself out of the window or hyuck getting completely flustered and leaving like he saw a ghost.
                                                 i think i love you.
 you were convinced donghyuck wouldnt like you back so you decided to try something to forget him, and that was seeing other guys, simple right? but the plan didnt go so well, for some kind of reason, only assholes seemed to be attracted you and that would end up with donghyuck holding you while you just cried. and maybe he thought it was because of your bad dating experiences but it was actually because the boy you wanted to forget so bad was the one who never left you.
 so eventually you decided to get some courage and make the first move, and tonight seemed like a nice moment to do so.
 leaving your thoughts for a second you analyze the situation, you are resting your head against his chest, your hands on his thighs while his hand is rubbing your back up and down making you feel like your heart is about to burst out of your chest. you look up at him admiring his features, he is so beautiful, his now brownish hair, his dark skin that you loved so much everything about him was so mesmerizing. he then looked into your eyes and you couldnt help but blush a little, you had to tell him, still looking at each other you cleared your throat.
“hey hyuck”
“have you… have you ever thought about us?” you felt like you were going to explode, your face burning hot, trembling as each word leaves your mouth.
“y-you, what do you mean?” he swallowed hard and his eyes were all over the place except for you.
“you know as like, a thing” playing with your fingers, you started to get nervous, feeling like he was just about to reject you and thinking this was a bad idea.
“yes” he simply replied. you looked up to him and couldnt hide the bright smile on your face, finally taking his hand in yours and getting even closer. “wow, whats wrong, are you okay?” he said as he looked at you and then your hand you never noticed how much you were shaking but you just couldnt believe it.
“i-im sorry.. i just, i,“ you sighed “i just really, really like you. like a lot” and then everything went silent, you were so scared, still shaking you looked up to find his face inches away from yours. 
“i adore you, you know that right?”
and then he just kissed you, after so many nights thinking about this moment it was finally happening. he grabbed your cheek with one hand while the other held your waist because he knew how much you loved that. your hands went to his hair just touching, finally being able to feel him. you couldnt help but feel like crying you loved him so much it was indescribable. then he started kissing your cheeks, your jaw, your neck and after that you werent even aware of your surrondings, drowning in his scent and his touch. it wasnt until he slightly squeezed your waist that you jumped a little and looked at him.
“so, does this finally make you mine” he whispered, now holding you even closer than before, if that was possible.
“maybe, who knows” you laughed a little smiling against his lips, you could say you were the happiest person alive.
                                          he was finally yours.
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