#touya imagine
doumadono · 5 months
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Warnings: violence, viking!Dabi, viking!Shoto, earl!Endeavor, viking!Hawks, fem!reader, viking themes, seer!Mirko, blood
Summary: the Earl sought counsel from the seer, seeking guidance after Shoto's proposition to send him and Touya on a mission to the north. Concerned about the rumors surrounding the mission, you resolved to extract information directly from Shoto
Word count: circa 6.5k
A/N: if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series, please let me know ♥
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The cold winds of late autumn swept through the rugged hills as earl Endeavor rode toward the dwelling of the renowned seer, Mirko. His thoughts were consumed by the intriguing proposition his youngest son, Shoto, had presented regarding a land rich in goods. The idea of sending his eldest son, Touya, to oversee this promising territory crossed the earl's mind, a strategic move that could secure his settlement's prosperity.
Upon reaching Mirko's abode, the atmosphere seemed to change. The air grew thick with an otherworldly aura, and the eerie silence made the settlement's seer even more intimidating. Mirko was a young woman with a fearsome reputation, her presence alone sending shivers down the spines of those who sought her guidance. Mirko was not beautiful in the conventional sense; her appearance held an unsettling allure. Long, wild locks framed her face, and her eyes, intense and piercing, seemed to hold secrets of both past and future. Tribal markings adorned her skin, marking her as a conduit to the spiritual realm.
Earl Endeavor, a man hardened by battles and strategic decisions, felt a twinge of uncertainty as he approached the seer.
Mirko's dwelling, draped in dark fabrics and adorned with symbols, exuded an aura of mysticism. She welcomed him with a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. "My lord," she spoke, her voice a haunting melody, "what brings you to seek the guidance of the unseen?"
Endeavor hesitated momentarily before speaking. "I come seeking counsel, Mirko. My youngest son has spoken of a land rich in goods. I contemplate sending my eldest, Dabi, to oversee it. What do you foresee in the tapestry of fate?"
Mirko, seated in the midst of her mystical domain, gestured for Endeavor to sit.
Endeavor unfolded his plan, explaining the potential prosperity and influence this land could bring. "I intend to send Dabi to ensure our dominance over this territory. What do your visions reveal?"
The air thickened with an unspoken power, and her haunting hums echoed through the room. The earl observed, a sense of unease settling over him as he witnessed the seer's transformation.
Her eyes closed, Mirko began to sway rhythmically, her body guided by an unseen force. The haunting melody of her hums intensified, creating an otherworldly atmosphere within the sacred space.
Endeavor found himself being on the precipice of something beyond his understanding.
Her voice carried a spectral melody, and the room seemed to pulse with an unseen heartbeat. Mirko's eyes, still closed, painted visions of impending doom with her words.
"In darkness veiled, the land awaits, Echoes of sorrow, at destiny's gates. A wolf, fierce, prowls in the night, A dance with death, a sinister delight."
The seer's hands moved gracefully through the air, as if conducting an unseen symphony of fate. Her words painted vivid images of a land consumed by shadows and the imminent clash between two primal forces.
"An eagle, majestic and bold, Descends from heights, its destiny foretold. A battle fierce, 'neath the moonlit gleam, In shadows cast, where spirits teem."
The eagle and wolf, symbols of opposing forces, danced in the tapestry of Mirko's vision. The room echoed with the weight of her words, each rhyme a forewarning etched in the annals of fate.
"Blood on feathers, and darkness entwined, A struggle unfolds, destinies aligned. In the land cursed, where choices are made, The echo of battle, in shadows will fade."
"What does it mean?!" The earl growled loudly. "Tell me, now!"
As Mirko's body moved, a voice emerged from her lips, yet it seemed detached, as if another entity spoke through her. The words, laden with an eerie resonance, foretold a grim fate awaiting those who ventured into the land Shoto had spoken of. "The path you tread is bathed in blood, earl Endeavor. Death dances upon the horizon, and shadows darker than the night itself await those who dare to grasp the threads of destiny."
Endeavor felt a chill coursing through him. Mirko's words seemed like a macabre prophecy, a dire warning wrapped in a melody that resonated with the spirits of the unseen.
"Blood will stain the soil, and death will be the echo that reverberates through the ages. The spirits speak of a land cursed by the choices of the living," Mirko continued, her voice carrying the weight of the ethereal.
Endeavor, despite his stoic exterior, couldn't shake the disquiet settling in his chest. Mirko, in her trance, spoke as if guided by forces beyond mortal comprehension. The grim portrait she painted clashed with the earl's visions of conquest and prosperity.
As Mirko's humming reached a haunting crescendo, she opened her eyes, the once vacant gaze now piercing through the fabric of fate. The trance lifted, leaving the seer standing before Endeavor, a conduit between the living and the unseen.
"The spirits have spoken, my lord. The path ahead is shrouded in darkness, and the choices you make will echo through the very essence of time," Mirko uttered, her words lingering in the air like an unspoken decree from the spirits themselves.
Endeavor leaned forward, his expression stern. "Speak plainly, Mirko."
Mirko's voice carried a weight beyond the present. "The flames may consume not only the intended but all who stand too close. Choices shape destinies," the woman replied mysteriously.
Endeavor emerged from Mirko's dimly lit hut, the weight of her prophecy hanging in the air like a shroud of uncertainty. The pale light of the moon bathed the settlement nearby in an eerie glow as the earl took a moment to collect his thoughts.
Silence enveloped him, broken only by the distant sounds of the night. Endeavor closed his eyes, reflecting on the words Mirko had spoken. Despite the foreboding visions, a resolute determination burned within him. He knew the risks, but the allure of wealth and power beckoned him forward.
Turning to Mirko, he offered a nod of gratitude. "Thank you for your insights, Mirko. May the spirits guide us through the shadows." As a token of appreciation, Endeavor gently took Mirko's palm in his hands and pressed a grateful kiss upon it.
The seer's eyes, still veiled in the mystery of her visions, met his with a knowing gaze.
Mounting his horse, Endeavor set forth, determined to confront the future that awaited him. The night held its breath as Endeavor rode back to the settlement, a lone figure against the canvas of the darkened landscape. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but the ember of ambition burned brightly within him, lighting the path toward the destiny he sought.
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Dabi sat in the dimly lit corner of the tavern, his presence almost like a shadow against the flickering candlelight. The rhythmic sound of a whetstone against his sword filled the air, a comforting repetition that matched the beat of his troubled thoughts.
The raucous atmosphere of the tavern buzzed around him, but the glances thrown his way were not ones of admiration or desire. The courtesans, usually attentive to potential patrons, seemed to cast him disgusted looks. Even though he was the heir to the earldom, the one who would sit on the throne after his father's eventual passing, they all were disgusted by him. His status brought him no favors in this realm of longing and fleeting connections.
Dabi's eyes occasionally flickered across the room, catching those disdainful glares. He couldn't deny the sharp pang in his chest — a mix of frustration and a longing for a connection he had been denied for so long. He had grown accustomed to rejection, so much so that he had stopped actively seeking companionship. Still, the yearning for the warmth and softness of a woman's touch lingered, a desire he had learned to bury deep within.
As he took a swig of ale, the bitter taste seemed to mirror the bitterness that had settled in his heart. Dabi continued to polish his sword, the repetitive motion a way to distract himself from the disapproving looks that haunted him. In the midst of the crowded tavern, he remained a solitary figure, surrounded by people but untouched by the warmth of human connection.
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The loud thud echoed through the quiet walls of the Great Hall, jolting you awake from your shallow slumber. Concern etched across your face as you rushed out of the room you shared with Hilda, following the source of the commotion. The dimly lit corridor led you to Dabi's chamber, where you found him struggling to regain his balance, a victim of the ale's intoxicating effects.
"Easy there," you said, your voice soft but laced with genuine concern. "Need a hand?"
Dabi looked up at you, his turquoise eyes momentarily clouded with confusion before recognition set in. He grunted in agreement, accepting your offered help. Together, you steadied him, and he leaned against the wall for support. The flickering light from the fireplace cast a warm glow on both of you, creating an unexpected intimacy in that late-night encounter.
"Thanks," he mumbled, his usual aloofness momentarily giving way to a hint of vulnerability. The moment was fleeting, but it lingered in the air as you helped him back into his chamber.
You assisted Touya onto his bed. The warmth of the hearth seemed to soften the edges of the usually stern and enigmatic man. However, as you turned to leave, his hand shot out, gently grasping your wrist. When you met his eyes, you were met with a vulnerability that seemed to pierce through his usual façade.
"Stay," he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of desperation.
You hesitated. The rules that governed your roles in this Viking settlement were clear, and getting too close to someone of higher standing could invite trouble. Yet, the sadness in his eyes and the unspoken plea tugged at your empathy.
"I… I shouldn't," you started, but he tightened his grip ever so slightly.
"Please," he whispered, his tone a mixture of loneliness and longing.
In that moment, you found it difficult to resist. Against your better judgment, you stayed, settling on a bed beside him. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the crackling of the fire.
Touya's eyes never left yours.
The room was shrouded in shadows, and the warmth of the fire seemed to cocoon you and Touya in a fragile bubble of shared vulnerability.
With a hesitant yet genuine smile, Touya broke the silence. "Tell me about your homeland," he requested, his eyes showing a glimmer of curiosity.
His request hung in the air like a delicate thread, and you couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh before responding. "You want to hear about the place you tore me away from? Like a flower ripped out of the life-giving soil?" Your words held a weight, a mix of resentment and sorrow.
Touya met your gaze, his expression carrying the burden of understanding the pain he had caused. "Yes," he admitted, his voice low and sincere.
In the flickering glow of the fire, you began to weave a tale of your homeland. Your words painted a vivid picture of quaint cottages with thatched roofs, their walls weathered by the salty breeze that swept in from the sea. The narrow cobblestone streets echoed with the laughter of children playing and the rhythmic sounds of craftsmen honing their skills. "Near the shore, where the cliffs stood tall and proud, we built a small chapel—a haven of solace and prayer. Its stone walls echoed with hymns, and the air was filled with the scent of incense," you recounted, your voice carrying the nostalgia of a place left behind.
As you spoke, Touya's piercing eyes remained fixed on you, absorbing every detail of this distant world he never truly understood. The contrast between the harsh Viking settlements and the idyllic Christian village seemed stark.
"The coastline, painted in hues of blue and gray, witnessed the ebb and flow of tides. Fishing boats set sail at dawn, their sails billowing in the morning breeze, while the cliffs provided a vantage point for the villagers to gaze upon the vast horizon," you continued.
Touya's features softened as he envisioned the serene landscape you described, a world far removed from the tumultuous life he had known. Touya's eyes closed, a faint smile gracing his lips as he absorbed the essence of your words. "You must have been missing the place ever since," he pointed out, the words carrying a gentle understanding of the yearning that comes with reminiscing about a home left behind.
You nodded quietly, the flames of a fireplace reflecting in your eyes. "Indeed. The memories are like whispers of a distant melody, a reminder of a life that once was. I can almost feel the salt-laden wind against my face, hear the distant hymns in the chapel. Sometimes, in the quiet of the night, I close my eyes and pretend I'm back there, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home."
Touya's smile faded, replaced by a somber expression, as the echoes of your quiet sobbing reached his ears. He opened his eyes, and there he found you, tears streaming down your cheeks, your gaze fixated on the dancing flames in the fireplace.
His heart constricted with an unexpected ache. A flicker of empathy illuminated his usually guarded gaze.
"But it is all gone. All gone. You and your people took everything from me. And now I'm here, locked in a cage of a shadow of something once called life. Apparently, this was God's plan for me," your voice carried a weight of bitterness and sorrow.
His gaze softened as he watched you, the firelight casting shadows on your tear-streaked face. "Gods have their own way of weaving destinies, entangling lives in threads that stretch across time and space. Perhaps, just perhaps, there's a reason our paths crossed in this tumultuous journey."
You gave Touya a searching look, the flickering firelight dancing in your eyes, and asked, "What do you mean? Why would the God bring me here, to this… place of captivity?"
Touya looked at you with a glint of intensity in his eyes. "Our gods are different, you know. Freya, Odin, they're not like your Christian God. They're not confined to a single doctrine. They're free, just like the wind that sweeps through these icy lands. And I believe, with all my heart, that the Allfather sent me to your village for a reason, and that reason was you."
You couldn't help but snort at his words. "You're drunk, Touya. Those gods of yours aren't guiding anything. I'm here because of the whims of men, not gods."
Touya locked eyes with you, his gaze intense and filled with unspoken emotions. Slowly, he wrapped his arm around you, drawing you closer until there was barely any space between you. His lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "You're beautiful."
His breath sent shivers down your spine, and before you could fully comprehend his words, his lips boldly found yours. Shock coursed through you at the unexpected kiss, your first taste of such intimacy. The heavy scent of alcohol lingered on his tongue, but amidst the surprise, you felt a strange warmth. You hesitated at first, unsure of how to respond, but the gravity of the moment pulled you in.
As the kiss continued, you found yourself brushing your lips against his, a hesitant exploration of uncharted territory. The flickering firelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, bearing witness to a connection that transcended the roles you were assigned in this harsh world.
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The following day, Endeavor summoned Dabi to his side, his face stern and determined. The air in the room felt heavy with an unspoken gravity as Dabi approached his father. "Touya," Endeavor began, his voice cutting through the silence, "I have a mission for you."
Dabi's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity and apprehension. "What kind of mission?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on Endeavor.
Endeavor's eyes bore into his son's, revealing a mix of authority and expectation. "You, Shoto, and a selected group of warriors, including Hawks, will be sent to the northern part of Sweden. There's a land there with potential, rich in resources. It's time to expand our influence, and you're crucial to this endeavor."
Dabi nodded, acknowledging the weight of the task ahead. The mention of Shoto and Hawks in the same mission stirred a sense of unease, but he kept his emotions in check. "Understood," he replied, his tone resolute.
Endeavor continued to lay out the details of the mission, his plans unfolding as a complex web of politics, power, and strategy.
Little did Dabi know that this journey would lead to unforeseen challenges, testing not only his strength as a warrior but also the bonds that held his family together.
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Hilda approached you with a furrowed brow, a concerned expression etched across her features. The flickering light of the torches in the chamber cast shadows that danced upon the walls as she spoke. "Y/N, I need to talk to you," she said in a hushed tone.
You looked up, sensing the seriousness in her voice. "What is it, Hilda?" you asked, your eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and apprehension.
She took a moment before responding, choosing her words carefully. "I think I just need a listening ear. Touya is going on another mission. But what worries me more is that Shoto, his younger brother, is being sent alongside him."
You furrowed your brows, recognizing the tension between the two brothers. "Isn't that a cause for concern? They don't exactly get along, do they?"
Hilda nodded solemnly. "No, they don't. The earl's decision to send them together is raising suspicions. It's a risky move, and I fear it might not bode well for the stability of the mission."
Concern etched across your face as you contemplated the potential consequences of such a decision. The dynamics between the two brothers were already strained, and sending them on a mission together seemed like a recipe for conflict. Hilda's worry mirrored your own, and the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on both your minds.
You finished brushing your hair, the strands flowing smoothly through the comb. The flickering candlelight in your chamber created a soft ambiance, but your thoughts were far from the present moment. Hilda's words echoed in your mind, and the worry for Touya settled like a heavy stone in your chest.
With a heavy sigh, you turned to Hilda, who was quietly arranging some furs in a corner of the room. "Hilda," you began hesitantly, "is there really nothing we can do for Touya? I can't shake off this feeling of unease."
Hilda paused, her gaze meeting yours. The lines on her face spoke of years of experience and wisdom. "Y/N, sometimes the currents of fate are beyond our control. All we can do is navigate the waters as best we can. Right now, the best course is to stay vigilant and hope for the best."
You nodded, understanding the weight of her words. The unpredictable nature of the situation left you feeling powerless, and it frustrated you. "But what if something happens to him? What if Shoto…"
Hilda placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We can't predict the future, dear. All we can do is be prepared for whatever comes our way. Keep an eye on the situation, and if there's an opportunity to help, we'll take it. For now, focus on your tasks and be vigilant."
You sighed, acknowledging the wisdom in her advice.
Hilda observed you with a shrewd gaze, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of concern. As you finished your nightly routine and settled onto the furs, she couldn't help but voice the question that lingered in her mind. "Y/N," the woman began, her voice gentle yet probing, "forgive me if I overstep, but your interactions with Touya have been minimal. Why this sudden concern for him?"
You hesitated for a moment, considering your words carefully. The truth was, your initial reservations about Dabi were not baseless, but something about Touya's vulnerability had stirred a different emotion within you. You looked at Hilda, deciding to share a part of your thoughts. "I may not like him, but I can't shake off the feeling that there's more to Touya than what meets the eye. The way he spoke about his past, about losing everything, it resonated with me. It's not pity, Hilda, but a sense of understanding, maybe empathy. And now, knowing he's going on this dangerous mission alongside Shoto, it's hard to ignore the worry."
Hilda's smirk widened as she spoke, her eyes glinting with a mischievous light. "Oh, my dear, I can see your cheeks flushing when you speak about him so fondly. You're having a crush, am I right?"
Hilda's smirk didn't go unnoticed, and you felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. Her teasing words struck a nerve, and a flicker of irritation danced in your eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Hilda. It's just concern for a fellow human being," you retorted, your tone defensive.
Hilda chuckled softly, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Concern, my dear, often wears a different face. There's no shame in admitting you care for him. After all, this world is full of unexpected twists, isn't it?"
You pursed your lips, attempting to maintain composure. Deep down, you knew there was a kernel of truth in Hilda's words. The concern for Touya had indeed taken a different form, and your heart acknowledged a connection that transcended mere worry. Yet, admitting it to yourself felt like navigating uncharted waters.
Ignoring Hilda's knowing gaze, you turned away, feigning disinterest. But within, a storm of conflicting emotions raged, and you couldn't deny the impact Touya had made on your guarded heart.
As the night wore on, sleep eluded you. Tossing and turning in your simple bed, a peculiar yet potentially useful idea began to form in your mind. The notion of extracting information from Shoto about his plans took root, and you found yourself contemplating the details of how to execute this risky but potentially advantageous scheme.
The flickering light of the dim chamber barely illuminated your face as you hatched a plan to subtly and strategically approach Shoto. The urgency of the situation and the looming mission compelled you to consider taking matters into your own hands, even if it meant navigating the treacherous waters of deceit. With a determined resolve, you prepared yourself mentally for the intricate dance of conversation that lay ahead.
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In your best dress, adorned with the finest that could be salvaged among the thralls, you made your way to the tavern after learning from Natsuo that Shoto was seen going out with a warrior named Hawks. As you stepped out, the cool breeze of the late afternoon caressed your face, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within you.
Arriving at the tavern, you could hear the muffled sounds of laughter and clinking mugs seeping through the wooden door. Taking a deep breath, you pushed it open, revealing the warm, dimly lit interior. The air was thick with the scent of ale and the low hum of conversations. You scanned the room, finally spotting Shoto and Hawks in a corner, engaged in a conversation.
Shoto's two-colored hair caught the wavering light as he raised his tankard in a toast. "To power and the thrill of the hunt," he declared with a smirk, taking a long swig.
Hawks leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes.
The duo seemed engrossed in conversation, their laughter mingling with the low hum of the tavern. Female thralls, drawn by their presence, attempted to engage in conversation, but the exchanges were marked by a darkness that hinted at their underlying intentions. Shoto and Hawks were having fun in the company of two thralls with exotic features that hinted at a southern origin. The air was charged with an unmistakable tension as the men engaged in flirtatious banter.
One of the thralls, feigning coyness, asked, "What brings you to our humble company tonight?"
Shoto, with a sly grin, leaned in to the thrall seated by his side, and said, "Oh, just the usual – seeking a bit of warmth in this frigid place. Perhaps you ladies could provide some, hmmm?" He mused, running his hand up and down the girl's shoulder.
The other thrall, playing along, responded, "Warmth, you say? Well, you might need to work hard to earn that from us."
Shoto frowned a little, yet his voice stayed low and smooth, "You seem to be unaware of my position, woman. I am the heir to earl Endeavor, and I demand that you address me with the respect befitting my status," he forcefully grabbed the other woman by her shoulder, causing her to tumble off her chair and land on the floor next to him. "So, I suggest you watch your manners, for I am the best you can find in this establishment. Consider your words carefully before opening that foolish mouth of yours next time."
Hawks nodded in agreement, "Indeed, the gentleman here is right. Shoto, don't scare the lady."
The conversations continued in this bold and wry manner, each word dripping with innuendo as the men skillfully navigated the delicate dance of desire. The atmosphere in the tavern buzzed with anticipation as the thralls played their part in the seductive exchange, the one that previously ended on the floor now sat quietly, letting Hawks wrap his strong arms around her shoulders as his hand was playing with her breasts from time to time.
Summoning your courage, you approached them, the rhythmic thud of your heartbeat echoing in your ears. As you drew nearer, you caught Shoto's eye, and a subtle smirk crept onto his face. Hawks, on the other hand, eyed you with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. The atmosphere shifted as you prepared to enter a world of alliances and secrets, uncertain of what the outcome might be.
"Well, well, what brings you to this den of sin all alone? Where's your precious Touya? Couldn't keep up with his demands?" the youngest Endeavorson taunted, his tone laced with amusement.
You brushed off his wry remark. "I think it's time for us to bury the hatchet. Our relationship didn't start on the best note, and I believe we can find a way to coexist peacefully."
He looked at you, seemingly surprised by your suggestion. Shoto considered your words, and after a moment, he offered you a seat with them.
Throughout the interaction, Hawks observed the scene. You gave him a brief smile, trying to maintain a cool demeanor in the company of the two men.
Shoto turned to you with an air of faux politeness, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I believe we can have a civilized conversation, don't you?" His eyes darted towards the thrall who had been seated beside him, and with a dismissive gesture, he uttered, "You, leave us."
The thrall shot you a cold glance before complying with Shoto's request and vacating the space.
Now alone, Shoto leaned back in his chair, a smug smirk playing on his lips. "There, much better. Now, let's chat, shall we?"
You took a deep breath before speaking, "I must admit, despite the fear you instill within me, there's a certain charisma about you. It's hard not to notice."
Shoto's grin widened, appreciating the acknowledgment. "Well, I appreciate your honesty. And by the way, I quite like your accent. It adds a certain charm." His compliment was laced with a hint of mischief as he reached his hand out to briefly rub your shoulder.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Shoto's hand landed on your shoulder. Suppressing a wince, you decided to play along with his casual demeanor. When he asked about the real reason for your visit, you hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well, I just wanted to get to know you a little better, my lord."
Shoto raised an eyebrow, considering your words. "Interesting choice of words. Here, have some mead." He poured some into a wooden mug and handed it to you, a sly smile playing on his lips.
You accepted, trying to keep your nerves at bay.
Hawks, with a twinkle in his golden eyes, couldn't help but comment, "Quite a beauty you have here, Shoto. Earl Endeavor's thralls are indeed a treasure."
Shoto, taking a sip of his mead, glanced at you and replied wryly, "All Christian women have this softness within them. I just happen to enjoy breaking it." His words were delivered with a certain darkness that sent a chill down your spine.
Trying to maintain composure, you played along, responding with a forced smile, as you looked at Shoto's companion, "Well, thank you for the compliment, sir."
As Shoto continued to drink, you couldn't shake off the unease that settled in the pit of your stomach.
As more mugs of mead were emptied by the men and the atmosphere in the tavern grew warmer, you mustered the courage to bring up the topic that had been gnawing at your thoughts. Leaning in, you addressed Shoto, "Forgive me for intruding, but I overheard that you and Touya are going on a mission. Is it true?"
Shoto's eyes, a mix of icy determination and something unreadable, met yours. He took a moment, swirling the remnants of his mead in his mug before responding, "Yes, a mission to the north. Father believes it's a land rich in resources, and he wants us to secure it for the settlement."
Hawks, who had been listening attentively, chimed in, "Aye, a mission of great importance. The north can be treacherous, though. Many dangers await those who venture into the unknown."
You nodded, though a lingering concern for Touya flickered in your eyes. "What kind of dangers are you talking about? Is it just the harsh conditions of the north, or is there something else we should be aware of?"
Shoto's stoic expression betrayed little, leaving you to wonder about the true nature of the mission and what it might mean for both brothers.
Hawks took a sip from his mead, his golden eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and wariness. "The north is a wild place, full of untamed landscapes and creatures. Wolves, bears, and more roam freely. Not to mention, the weather can be brutal, especially this time of year."
Shoto's gaze never wavered as he observed your reaction to Hawks' nonchalant explanation.
You sensed there might be more to the story, but both men remained guarded in their responses.
Shoto's sudden shift in demeanor caught you off guard, his hand landing on your knee with an unexpected boldness. He began to rub your knee casually, his gaze steady as he threw a question your way. "Let's change the topic, my dear. The ruggedness of our upcoming mission might be a bit too much for a delicate female mind like yours to comprehend," he remarked, his fingers tracing small circles on your knee, playing with the hems of your dress. Then, with a smirk, he leaned in, his tone low and almost conspiratorial. "Tell me, has my older brother had his way with you yet?"
You felt a mix of discomfort and annoyance at his audacity, but you tried to maintain composure. "That's none of your business, Shoto," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "And the mission—"
"Oh, don't play coy," he interrupted, his lips curling into a smirk. "I'm genuinely curious. After all, I'd hate for you to miss out on experiencing the full range of pleasures in our little settlement."
The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and you found yourself navigating the conversation with a mix of caution and defiance, unsure of where Shoto was leading with his intrusive inquiries.
You met Shoto's audacious question with a bold response. "No, my lord, I haven't been with anyone, ever," you asserted, trying to maintain a sense of control in the conversation.
Hawks chimed in with a cryptic comment, "Well, isn't that a rare treasure in these parts. A thrall with untouched cunny, how intriguing."
You shot a wary glance at Hawks, uncertain about the implications of his words.
Shoto, however, seemed more amused than surprised, his smirk widening as if he had expected such a revelation. "You're missing out on experiences, thrall. I could show you what it's like. I doubt my older brother knows how to please a woman. Look at him, covered in scars, a truly disgusting sight. No normal woman would willingly lie with such a damaged man."
You felt Shoto's hand sliding beneath the fabric of your dress, making your breath catch in your throat. His audacious suggestion hung in the air, and the atmosphere became charged with tension.
You pulled away, a mix of surprise and discomfort evident on your face. "Maybe… Nut I didn't have enough mead yet, my lord," you asserted, trying to maintain a semblance of control over the situation.
Shoto, undeterred, leaned in with a sly grin. "Afraid of a little adventure? I promise you, it'll be an experience you won't forget," he whispered, his mismatched eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.
As Shoto poured another mug of mead for you, you discreetly took small sips, ensuring that the majority of the liquid found its way into Hawks' cup while the two men were engrossed in conversation. The effects of the mead were beginning to show on Shoto, but you remained clear-headed.
The conversation in the tavern continued, filled with laughter and raucous chatter. You observed Shoto's growing inebriation and wondered if this was the opportune moment to extract information about the mission.
As Shoto, in a visibly inebriated state, decided to make his way back to the Great Hall, Hawks was more than willing to accompany him. However, seizing the opportunity to gather more information, you stepped forward and offered to walk Shoto back on his behalf. Hawks, busy with the two other thralls he managed to lure, readily agreed.
With Shoto leaning on you for support, you began the journey back to the Great Hall. The night air was crisp, and the sound of distant revelry echoed through the settlement. As you walked, you subtly steered the conversation toward the mission, aiming to extract any valuable details Shoto might unwittingly reveal in his inebriated state. As Shoto stumbled beside you, you ventured to ask, "Shoto, why do you harbor such resentment toward Touya? It seems like there's a lot of tension between you two."
Shoto's response was punctuated by occasional hiccups, and he spoke with a slurred cadence, "Touya… he's always been the favorite. Father sees him as the rightful heir, even after he attempted on killing him… When he was a baby… I'm just… the spare. I've had to fight for every scrap of approval, every shred of acknowledgment. It's fucking infuriating."
His words were tinged with a mix of bitterness and vulnerability, and you couldn't help but wonder if there was more beneath the surface of their strained relationship.
Shoto's alcohol-laden breath hung in the night air as he delved deeper into the caverns of his animosity. His words spilled out, laced with venom and a fervent desire for retribution. "You see, Y/N… Touya has always been the golden child… Father dotes on him, oblivious to the struggles I faced. I fought tooth and nail, but in his eyes, I'm still the disappointment." His voice resonated with a toxic blend of envy and resentment. "I wish he'd disappear, fade away… It would be so much easier without him overshadowing me at every turn… Fucking Touya. Father might finally see my worth."
As he spoke, you couldn't help but sense the profound wounds that fueled Shoto's disdain for his older brother, wondering if there was any way to mend the frayed bonds between them.
With a heavy sigh, you opened the huge, wooden door to the Great Hall. In the dimly lit hallway, you guided Shoto with careful steps, avoiding any unnecessary noise. As you reached his chamber, the weight of your question hung in the air, and you couldn't help but ask, "My lord… Do you plan to harm your older brother during this mission?"
He paused, his drunken demeanor momentarily overshadowed by a serious glint in his eyes. "Hurt him? No. But if fate has other plans for him, who am I to intervene?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if Shoto's words held any truth or if they were merely intoxicated ramblings. As you opened the door and let go of his waist, you couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that there was more beneath the surface of his seemingly casual response. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across his face, adding an enigmatic air to the entire exchange.
The sudden force of Shoto's grip on your waist surprised you, and before you could react, his lips collided with yours in a messy, drunken kiss. The taste of mead lingered on his breath, making the encounter less pleasant than you might have imagined. You winced, feeling a mix of discomfort and confusion as the moment unfolded.
Shoto's hand slipped beneath your dress and moved up your leg, resting between your thighs. As he pulled away, his eyes were glazed, and he chuckled under his breath, resting his back against the wooden wall. "You're an interesting one, Y/N," he slurred, releasing his hold on you and stumbling into his chamber. "I'll make sure you're mine, not his." The door closed behind him, leaving you standing in the hallway, processing the unexpected exchange with your palm pressed against your mouth.
As you turned around, your heart sank, its rhythm momentarily disrupted - there, in the corridor, stood Touya. His expression held a mixture of surprise and shock as he observed you, and an unspoken tension hung in the air.
Touya's harsh words hung in the air, stinging like a bitter truth. "I can't believe you're like that, Y/N, letting my brother touch you this way. I thought you were different, not like every other thrall, but I guess I was wrong."
A lump formed in your throat as you desperately wanted to explain, to make him understand, but before you could utter a single word, Touya turned on his heel and left, the resounding crash of the door slamming shut echoing through the dimly lit corridor.
Now, you found yourself standing alone, the weight of his accusations settling in. The corridor seemed colder, lonelier in the aftermath of his anger. You replayed the scene in your mind, the hurt etched on Touya's face, the disappointment in his voice. It was a bitter cocktail of emotions that left you feeling exposed and vulnerable.
The truth was, you never intended to betray or hurt Touya. You considered chasing after him, explaining that it wasn't as it seemed, that your intentions were never to betray him. But the finality of that slamming door weighed heavily on your shoulders.
A lone tear traced the contours of your cheek, a delicate testament to the waning emotions within. It was as if you had relinquished something profoundly vital, a precious fragment of your life slipping away, leaving behind a poignant void.
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heathen wolves: @indignant-alpaca @misafiryanki @roast-toast @within-eyesight @crystalwolfblog @haseki-huricihan @violet-forgetmenot
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luna0713hunter · 11 months
Dabi is the type of boyfriend to whistle,take your hand in his and spin you around when you show him your new dress.
Imagine him standing with his hands in his tux,his hair made and when you emerge from your shared bedroom in your new dress,he whistles and pulls you close,
"baby, you're making it hard for me to attend this shitty party now. How about we stay home instead?"
You let him twirl you around, giggling while fixing his tie,and kissing his nose
"yeah,no. I didnt spend so much money on this dress to not attend the party in the end."
And when you pull him toward the door,you hear him groan
"if we stay, I'll make it worth,i swear."
You end up at the party with a pouty boyfriend by your side till the end of the night.
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http-tokki · 1 year
Do you want me to kiss you?
~ dabi x reader ~ tag/cw: mha spoilers, fluff, friends to lovers, they kiss!!! ~ wc: 300
Dabi not wanting to kiss you because of the staples and skin but you just want to love him staples, burnt skin, and all so you just grab ahold of his face and pull him close; nose to nose, forehead to forehead and ask one final time.
“Do you want to kiss me?”
You can see the hesitation flicker in his eyes so you repeat the question. “Do you want to kiss me? do you want my mouth on yours? is this something you want and would do ?”
“Yes, I want it more than anything” he admits, voice breathless as his hands come to rest on your waist. “I want to kiss you so fucking bad but I don’t want to gross you-“
“Shut up” you sigh and press your mouth against his.
Dabi’s breath hitches in his throat as his hands grasp the flannel of your shirt. His lips are still against yours for a second but as you tilt your head, he kisses you back. Melting into your touch his mouth opens under yours, love pouring into him. He tastes of cigarettes and toothpaste, the tang of blood from stretched skin lingers as you slide your tongue along his bottom lip. Dabi groans and opens his mouth wider, his tongue flicking back against yours. The grip he has on your clothes is iron, holding you against him afraid if he loosens his hold you’ll disappear. There’s so much in that kiss, so many unspoken thoughts and feelings, so much passion and love and lust by the time you pull apart, you’re both panting.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea” he breathes, fingers now stroking along your forehead.
“I’m gonna do it again” There’s a hint of questioning in your tone. “you ready?”
Dabi nods eagerly. “Yes please.”
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emmyrosee · 1 year
Dabi is better as a memory.
He told you from the beginning to never fall in love with him, it was dangerous and too risky for you to do. He’s loved very seldom times in his life, love was a sham and nothing he was willing to provide for anyone, lust being the quick and easy patch for affection he’d occasionally need.
You were broken when he’d found you. He liked it like that. You were quick and snappy and rude to him, but it drove him more and more wild each time you’d bite. He’s a creep, he liked the way you sent him glares and eye rolls at his flirts.
He liked the way you’d finally caved, the way you’d given him plenty of fight rather than submit to his deviously dominant ways, making him work at every little demand you had to keep you satisfied.
But then you fucking did it.
You fell in love with him.
It was a slow slide, he knew it from the subtle ways you’d act from the nonchalance of first meeting; your arms clinging to him a bit more when he tries to leave, setting up an extra plate in case he came in for dinner- he might’ve done it all of twice, but you accidentally let him know you did it all the time.
Then it became him wanting you, craving you, desperate for the way your fingers weave his hair and grip at the root when he’s got you in euphoria. Eager to curl behind you under warm sheets. Rub your sore back and dodging a swift smack when his hands may wander.
But the he moment you’d let him in, take him and his ugly love in every crevasse of your soul, he knew he was in too deep. Dabi knew that emotionally, there was barely room for himself in his rotten heart.
He’s not so criminal to take and corrupt yours.
You’re good. You’re too good. You’re so good it hurts him, so good he can’t stand coming over some nights, so good that you could have any person with a pulse who you wanted, yet you chose for the absolute ugliest the world had to offer.
He can’t do that to you. He feels the way you try to cling to him for warmth when he first comes in. He knows you hate saying no to your friends invitations to hang out when he’s over- they never liked him, but to be honest, he wouldn’t spit on any of them if they were on fire, either- but it always meant you were missing out. The way you patch up his wounds and scars at ungodly hours of the night, it’s not worth it.  He sees the way you look at him after a fight, eyes swelling with tears he had no right to conjure onto you, and the way you creep towards him in a desperate plea for forgiveness you never had to beg for- even if he made you.
For a man with nothing to lose, except for you.
You’ve had enough of his lonely love, even if you don’t know it yet.
Even if it’s the hardest thing Todoroki Touya is going to do, he needs to leave you as heartless and loveless as Dabi could.
He needs to leave you. Shatter your heart into tiny pieces where you hate the mere reminder of him, where someone new can take the patience you deserve to puzzle the shards back together.
It has to hurt you. Nothing less than the worst to make you hate him more than he hates himself. 
The light from your alarm clock is dark, but he can just barely make out the red lights of 03:24; a little later than he wanted, but you were so warm, so comfortable he didn’t want to wake you up.
You toss an arm over his torso, and he cringes because he knows it’s the last damn time. Your cheek nuzzles into the scarred skin of his chest, and even if he knows he shouldn’t, slender fingers gently stroke the warm skin of your shoulder. 
You’re so fucking perfect when you sleep, your mind and body restoring the heartbreaks of the day.
He sniffs the air for courage. He blinks up at the ceiling he’s already killed countless spiders off of, the dark remains dried on the plaster. Your blankets never felt heavier, weighing him down and drowning him like rocks tied to his ankles.
All the while, next to him, you grunt in your sleep, resting easy.
He looks at the clock, brows furrowing in frustration as he’s already spent three minutes doing nothing.
Fuck. It’s time.
Before he changes his mind like a fool.
His head pounds as he takes the agonizingly slow sit up, the darkness of your room just barely mapping out a path he can take to sneak out the fastest. His arm slips out from under your head, and he lets out a tight breath when you roll onto your stomach.
With a soft sigh of relief and a nuzzle of your hair, he pulls the blankets higher on your shoulder so you keep warm, his rough hands smoothing down your back to soothe you into an impossibly deeper sleep. You smell sweet, you always do. Dabi prays to whatever entity to at least allow him to keep the memory of your addictive aroma in his mind.
He balls his hands into fists and stands up with haste, grabbing his jacket and trying his hardest to tiptoe silently out of the bedroom.
A floorboard creaks. The gods clearly don’t want this to be an easy task.
“Touya?” You whimper, and he winces at the familiar name that passes your sleepy lips.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Whe’ ya goin’?” You ask, voice still drunk with sleep and warm against the cold air, and he furrows his brows and snarls internally at the knowledge that you know he’s leaving for somewhere.
He wanted this to be a simple band-aid rip, a quick flurry of anger and tears, before succumbing to your scorn for his mere soul.
“Goin’ to piss,” he lies, shuffling back over to the bed to plant a kiss to your temple. “Go back to sleep.” He hears you hum happily, and you curl deeper into the pillows. He grits his teeth, fingernails biting into his palms as he lets out the quietest and most genuine “I love you,” he can muster. It’s not something he says often, but he may as well say it before he leaves your life for good.
“I love you, too,” you murmur back. You don’t ask or tease him about the random confession, nor do you seem to question it, and he decides to use that to his advantage. He takes one more long, selfish inhale of your addicting scent before working up the courage to push up and off the bed, long fingers scooping his coat once again before tiptoeing down the hallway.
Trembling fingers find the small amount of stationary next to your fridge, and he scribes a small little note so you can have the smallest bit of closure. He hates doing this at all, but it’s for the best.
Keys in the mailbox. Didn’t want someone comin in to steal you.
Im sorry. But you’ll be happier.
He tries not to imagine the way you’ll crumple to the floor and cry. He tries not to imagine the way you’ll spend days pleading, asking yourself what you did wrong when he knows it’s all his fucking fault. He doesn’t want to think of how you’ll now put every guy who wants you against him; he knows you’ll always put him on the highest tier.
He’s done so much already.
His shoes lay long discarded by the door, and he gnaws at his lip when he toes them on. He heart aches for you, the life you could’ve had, and he can only pray to whatever will listen that you can go back on the path you were supposed to take before he crashed into your life.
Until then?
He hopes you can despise him for doing this to you half as much as he does, himself.
He toes on his shoes. Takes one more longing look up the stairs. He shrugs on his coat and takes the spare key to lock up. 
He walks down the driveway that you’ve run down to greet him so many times. He places the key in the mailbox he helped fix when little rat-ass kids hit it on their bikes. He takes another look up into the window the peers into your room where in a few hours, you’re going to sob and shake and plead and scream and ask the air why he’s gone and if he ever even cared, where you’re going to call him the most obscene names and taint every single memory you share with your heartbreak.
He soaks it in.
And then he walks down the street.
And he doesn’t look back to see the light in your room suddenly flick on.
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mackenziebrooks · 7 months
Pro hero Touya who has you laid out across his desk and is banging the absolute fuck out of you, because wants to make sure you’re filled up with his seed before you leave his office.
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fairytsuk1 · 3 months
innocent to wicked | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: touya "dabi" todoroki x reader
words: 5.9k
prompt: "getting summoned to the principal’s office for different things and both waiting for their verdict"
warnings: strangers to lovers, innocence kink, marijuana, drinking, make out session, unprotected sex, dirty talk
You couldn’t believe the position you were in. Sweaty hands wrung into the fabric of your skirt as students walked by with sympathetic or curious looks. You were there for one reason, one that couldn’t possibly be fault of your own because you hadn’t even been smoking the weed.
None of your friends had noticed the campus officer bounding towards you with a mean gleam in his eyes. Your friends covered for themselves quickly, but he saw right through your casual lie, “I was just walking by!”
 He didn’t believe you. Now, here you sat, soaking your skirt with droplets of anxiety. This couldn’t be happening. You were a top-notch student! You barely took a hit anyway; that doesn’t warrant potential trouble, potential suspension, or potential expulsion. Was that bile in your throat?
“Are you always so uptight?”
Your body reacts instantly, jumping away from the gravelly voice that spoke next to you. Dabi’s eyes search your face before snickering. He stinks of weed.
“I guess you are,” he asks, sinking into the plastic chair and manspreading.
“I-I’m not, actually,” you blubber weakly, “I just don’t get into trouble.”
He eyes you like he doesn’t believe you.
“Oh yeah? Then why’s someone like you, who doesn’t get in trouble, sitting pretty in front of the principal’s office?”
His voice makes your throat constrict. A strange feeling swirled throughout your body, like when you stood up too fast. Light-headed and hazy. Some other workers bustling in and out give Dabi cold, rugged looks of disdain. He doesn’t falter. Dabi’s cerulean eyes remain locked onto yours like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey.
“I was just, well, they um…” 
Your words die off, and Dabi feels like unhinging his jaw to eat you whole. How cute. With an embarrassed sheen in your eyes that matches your soft, pouty, glossy lips. You were an absolute beauty. The whole prim and proper package. 
“I was caught smoking, well! I was caught being around people who smoke weed,” you turn anxiously to him, fingers twitching in the fabric of your skirt, “has that ever happened to you!?”
He almost laughs, swallowing it down, “Sweetheart, I’m the one who has the weed. Your friends probably bought off of me… but that’s kinda why I’m here.”
“Unlike you,” his eyes lazily traced the curve of your neck, “I got caught actually smoking it.”
The silence spreads thickly between you. He’s like your friends but doesn’t feel like your friends. His piercing gaze and uncaring attitude seeped into the air like an aura you can only dryly swallow. Something about him screams, “danger!” Yet your eyes keep floating back to his sharp, creamy jaw as if he’s got you transfixed under a spell. His spell.
“Come on, you don’t think I’m a troublemaker, do you?”
Your eyes flicker to his, down to his piercings, and then away.
“...No. But I don’t do that stuff. Not like that.”
“That’s fine,” he sinks lower into his chair, “we don’t have to smoke tonight.”
“Yes, tonight,” he emphasizes the word with a smirk, “you’re free, aren’t you?”
“Well, yes, but—!”
“Then try having some fun.”
The door opens much too dramatically for your liking, a teary, blubbering girl bounding past you and Dabi to run away from the stern face of the principal. His eyes settle on yours and then Dabi’s. The mere presence of the boy makes his lips curl over his teeth to reveal a brutish snarl.
“Touya,” he starts, sighing, “come in.”
Dabi nods, standing easily and towering over your seated frame. He turns his head to give you a wink before following the man into his office. You gulp to swallow your nerves, but it’s useless. That wink had totally locked you in. 
Once his meeting is over, it’s the same routine as the last girl. Only Dabi doesn’t look worried at all. In fact, he merely looks blank as he exits the office. He does spare you a glance, but it’s brief. His footsteps are quiet as he walks off. You wonder what was swimming in those eyes. He was unreadable.
You almost forget the boy’s proposal as you lounge in bed. He didn’t even have your phone number, and after the anxiety that left you shaken post-meeting, you figured you’d have an early night. This sentiment of an early night is interrupted immediately by a vibration against your window. Sitting up, the stillness in your room contrasts with the loudness of your beating heart. There’s another thundering crack, and you yelp while springing off your bed. Was this a home invasion? Was someone trying to hurt you?
It’s quiet again. Your mind is running through all the safety rules drilled into you since childhood. Did you lock the door? Should you call the emergency hotline? The thoughts swim around your head like a school of fish as you hide behind the edge of your bed. But then, you hear it.
“Are you seriously gonna make me knock on your door!?”
Maybe it’s one of those kidnapping tactics. There’s simply no way, right?
“Don’t make me break the window!”
You’re at the window in seconds, the glass frame hitting its limit with a loud thud as you jut it open.
“Do you have any idea what time it is!?”
“It’s ten-thirty, my love,” he’s got another rock in his hand as he shifts his stance, “are you coming or what?”
“No! You threw a rock at my window!”
“And you said you were free,” he mockingly aims to throw the rock, “you want another?”
“Is that a threat? It’s too late! I’m already in my pajamas,” part of you wonders if your pajamas are really that big of a deal, “and you didn’t even tell me what we’re gonna do. You could kill me for all I know.”
You try to stay strong against his pressure despite your urgent curiosity screaming at you. The curiosity burns bright and hot, but your rationale tells you, “This is bad news.” 
Dabi wonders if he got you all wrong. He knew you. Of course, he did. You steered clear of everything bad, including him. He had to see what you were like outside of late nights spent studying or participating too much in class. One could even call it desperation. Part of him feels like forgetting you and heading back to his own home where he could find another girl desperate enough to get into his pants to hang all over him.
But Dabi had found you before you even knew you’d be discovered. He couldn’t turn to some other girl. It simply wouldn’t do.
Another part of him knew that you made him feel that rumble in his stomach and beating in his chest that spoke of things he’d forgotten long ago. He pressed, “I was just gonna hang out with you, drink a little… I’m sure you know what living a normal life is like; just come down!”
You worry your lip again as you back away from the window. This is crazy! It felt like such a bad idea that somehow made your knees weak and trembling. Alone, drinking, with a guy? Your mirror shows a reflection to you that gives you pause. Maybe there was a chance that this was what Dabi wasn’t seeing. He wasn’t paying attention to your demeanor or how much experience you had; he was noticing you as a sexy, beautiful woman. 
Of course, you lacked experience. You had taken your first hit of marijuana that noon, and now you were about to go sneaking out with a guy just because he asked you to. The angel and devil on your shoulder grappled for dominance. They kick and scream like a fussy child. There was no way you could give an opportunity like this up. The devil grins when his foot stands firm on the base of the angel’s wings. You ran to the window to yell, “Be down in a minute!”
Dabi was a lot nicer than you thought. Maybe that was the strawberry soju coursing through your veins, but the warmth of his arm around your shoulders felt more than good. Even the feeling of him starting to sweat was making you think of obscene things. You’d never thought your brain could think up such graphic daydreams… but you liked it. His hand squeezed your shoulder, and you liked it much more.
“What did I tell you? Told ya’ we were just gonna hang out, wasn’t gonna fuckin’, I don’t know, hurt you or something,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes, “where’d you get that idea from anyways?”
“I’m pretty sure you’re just putting words in my mouth!”
“Oh, don’t play that game with me. I heard you,” he hums in a low vibrato voice.
It’s not like before. It’s not just casual conversation. The way his eyelids lower and lips rub together is not just the two of you hanging out. Now, there’s something different. Something present and about to bloom in the night. It leaves his eyes gazing deeply into yours as if he was trying to figure something out about you. A sinful swirl in your heart told you that he had already found what he was looking for and was just waiting to take it. You were overwhelmed with the primal feeling of showing him that you already knew how powerful what you held inside you was, your lips connecting into a searing kiss that sparked and sizzled with every second that passed.
Dabi quickly set his beer down, letting my back hit mulch and dirt only covered by a thin black jacket; his jacket. Our lips connect and pull apart, connect and pull apart till you can feel the spit making them so slick and shiny that you’re both forced to take huffing breaths. He’s on top, lean body curved over yours with twitching hands that inch closer to your waist. You never lose each other’s gaze as rough fingertips glide across the plush skin on your waist.
“Dabi,” you mumble, voice hoarse and whispered.
The nighttime train passes by, producing a mini earthquake that tumbles the surrounding ground as it shuttles by. A soft, shushing noise accompanies the speeding hunk of metal. You go quiet, giving the working machine the audience it craved. 
“I’m not ready yet,” it kills you to stop breathing as you await his response, “I’m sorry.”
He’s not one for apologizing or responding to them, so he only adjusts your shirt to stroke over the fabric that respects the modesty of your waist. “Can I still kiss you?”
“God, yes.”
You can feel his bulge as you arch into the curve of his body, but it only excites you as you bring him closer to your face. Your nails scrape against his scalp, which makes Dabi croon like a cat; you can’t help but giggle lightly during a heated break in your make-out session.
“What’s so funny?”
“You sound like a cat when I do…” you scratch the center part of his head, and he twitches in your embrace, “That.”
“Fuck off,” it comes out meanly, but he squeezes you tighter against his body.
His total weight rests on you, and you almost suspect he wants you more than you initially believed. Then, he’s proclaiming about how it’s late enough, and he’s cold as ever.
How hard you fell after that night at the train tracks is pathetic. You’d gone home with mud splattered on your calf and an unwavering smile. You’d thought of it as you brushed your hair to perfection, added your prettiest jewelry just because, and as you’d adorned your best looks, you wondered if he was thinking the same things you were.
As you should’ve guessed from how he plainly shoved past you in the hallways, he probably didn’t think of you at all. No, he didn’t think of you at all. There was no reason for the lack of warmth he showed you. It felt so stupid to wear a skirt and a blouse that flared just right. Your face mirrored a sad clown every time you peered into a mirror, how could you be so dumb! 
You even texted him. Only a few times! But that still didn’t catch his attention, and you felt like a lost puppy left out in the rain. It was so cold and wet, and the water bubbled over your lashes every time. Even the people who walked by seemed to jeer at you with pointed whispers.
Talking to anyone doesn’t seem ideal. So you don’t look all pretty for anyone in particular. The hallway slowly disperses as people follow their priorities. A hand claps your back in a way that makes you stumble, head turning to not see Dabi but someone else entirely. Your hopes were dashed.
“Hey,” you’re face to face with Gyutaro, “what’s up with you?”
The two of you had never been close, per se, but there had been a friendship at a moment in time. You’d left Gyutaro behind the minute he thought female “friendship” translated to “let me try and shove my hand up her skirt.” Despite your pouty lips and ignited eyes, he still tended to seek you out.
“Gyutaro,” your voice is meek, with avoidant eyes up at him, “I need to get to class.”
“Oh, but–!” 
Your back hits the lockers behind you with a resounding thud; you can only shrug your shoulders and frown up at him, “Ow!! I need to go.”
Gyutaro doesn’t let up. In fact, it feels like the lockers press harder into your back. He doesn’t touch you with a hard exterior but with a gentle touch. Dabi was always gentle with you. The difference between them couldn’t be more drastic, and you wish Dabi would look at you for once.
“Why don’t you talk to me, huh?”
“Gyutaro, please,” your bunny ears tremble compared to his wolf-like ones, “I’m going to yell and scream!”
“And look even more like an inexperienced outcast? If that’s what you want, I’m just trying to see what’s wrong with you…”
His hand, almost bigger than your face, traces down your shoulder to squeeze the supple flesh of your bicep. Blood rushes through your ears as a response is barely croaked out of you, “I-I…”
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
The skin of your arm must be bruised by the force of his hand. It feels like he’s just waiting for the perfect moment to sink his sharp teeth into your jugular. The piercing pain never comes. In fact, you close your eyes, but relief emanates from your arm as his iron grip is released.
Your eyes open to see Dabi standing next to Gyutaro. His few inches of height added to his menacing presence and dominance. He looked like a charming dark prince.
“Hey, Gyutaro. What’s going on?”
The two eye each other momentarily, and it feels horrible to be trapped between the two heated bodies. Your tongue is fat and dry in your mouth, “he was just on his way!”
“Was he?”
Silence crowds the three of you thickly. No one else could be privy to the tension in the air.
“Didn’t really look like it to me. Looked like he was grabbing your arm, looked like he was hurting you,” Dabi says plainly, eyes landing on yours with a gaze that makes you squirm.
Gyutaro clenches his fist and licks his lips like he’s pretending to growl as he downright fumes, “We were just talking.”
He says it shortly and snappily before giving you one last glare and storming out. You let the breath held in your lungs deflate as you turn towards your savior–the one who had still not redeemed himself for his previous villain-like behaviors. 
“You didn’t have to step in…”
“I didn’t, the guy walked away himself. You saw him!”
You don’t respond to his little joke, even though you want to giggle behind your hand. No, you angle your body away from him and cross your arms, much to his displeasure, “what do you want, Dabi?”
You don’t even let him speak.
“You’re actually bothering me now, just like Gyutaro was before!”
“Am I? Or were you the one begging for my attention all weekend because she couldn’t stand that I had other priorities. So, which is it?”
“You’re a dick,” you mumble with a stuttered breath. 
“And you want me, so talk to me.”
It doesn’t feel like when Gyutaro threateningly caged you in like a flightless bird. Dabi was relaxed. He was confident and had no problem inching closer and leaning down just to drink you all. It was precisely what he was doing now. It left your head spinning with thighs rubbing together. It was so suave.
“You didn’t text me back.”
“I was busy. You want all my time, huh?”
“Stop putting words in my mouth!”
You snap, but he only grins at you like he’s playing with a meek kitten, “don’t be that way.”
His eyes search yours for… something, and you think you could go on your toes and kiss his lips sweetly. Oh, but you were too shy for that. He had to have known that.
“When’s your class again?”
At this point, the hallway had cleared out. You were sure you’d be late even if you ran away from Dabi immediately.
“Well, now,” a loud resounding bell echoes in the empty abyss of lockers, “you heard it.”
“I did. Are you going to go?”
For the first time, you don’t go running with your anxiety choking you like a scarf as you burst through the classroom doors. Your feet stay planted. Your arms grab the lapels of his jacket and press your lips together.
It’s heated, scorching the way his hands instantly find the curves that give him a sensual hold on your body. He thought you were too shy to kiss here, “you can be pretty confident when you want to, babe.”
Your cheeks are hot, and your lips are slicked pink.
“Shut up,” it suddenly feels so embarrassing to be in such a compromising position, “I was just…”
Why did you kiss him? You could say you’d wanted to, but you were too nervous to jump into that can of worms. What next, fucking in bathrooms or empty rooms?
When you really thought about it, that was quite a thing to imagine. 
Kissing partially exposed in the middle of the hallway against dingy lockers left your head spinning in the best way. It left Dabi’s words circling in your head. It left the feeling of his hands on your body seeping into your spine.
“I guess you can be pretty naughty too,” the way he says your name is downright sinful. 
You almost lose yourself in the feeling of kisses trailing up and down your neck, but he’s pulling away and wiping his hands over his face, “okay, no more.”
“What? Why?”
You say it dumbly, looking up at him with near-pleading eyes, but he only giggles.
“I have to go somewhere. I’m assuming you don’t want to be late, but first,” Dabi says, backing you up against the wall to slide a hand just over your throat.
Every sensation felt heightened as the tips of his fingers just barely stroked over your pulse point. Your eyelashes fluttered as he squeezed so lightly to pull the air out of your lungs. He was like a siren, swallowing your oxygen and eyes going hooded as you lost control in front of him. For him.
He moves slowly, not at all in a rush. You watch his hair slowly lower, watch his fingers lightly pull away, and feel the wet, harsh suck as he marks a hickey on the curve of your neck. A gasp is stolen from you as you arch up into his body and mouth.
Dabi’s name is pried from your mouth when his teeth nibble at the perfumed skin. You let your hips wiggle into his free hand, let his touch ghost over the front of your skirt and over the curve of your ass that perks up so cutely. Then, he’s done, which means you’re done.
You can feel the heat that aches to draw you two back together. Your panties have never been more soaked than now. Your clit downright aches for friction. His bulge is just as prominent when he reaches to adjust his jeans.
“I’ll see you, hm?”
Dabi pauses, rolling his tongue around as he thinks about it. For some reason, your hands twist together, and you worry your lip with bites. He licks his lips, pauses to get right in your space, and lets his honeyed breath hit the tip of your nose.
“Why don’t you come over tomorrow evening?
“Tomorrow? Are you sure?”
He scoffs, “are you sure?”
You let yourself think about it, really think of sweaty bodies grinding against each other with soft moans. Fucking is definitely on the table based on how he practically undresses you with his eyes; his cock would stretch and fuck you so well. Your eyes want to roll backward just from the lascivious thoughts of letting Dabi fuck your tight cunt with a hand forcing your back into an arch for him.
“Yes, yes! I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say with a bit of embarrassment.
He’s thinking of sinking his cock into you while you whine and squirm to feel the total weight of him inside.
“Good,” he gives a small, disarming smile, “I can’t wait.”
Truth be told, you couldn’t either. Dabi and you exchanged farewells, and you’re bursting through into a solo bathroom and shoving a hand into your panties. You cry out Dabi’s name into the plush of your hand, alone and needy for him only. 
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. You’d fallen asleep with slick thighs and panting breaths; you just couldn’t wait to be enveloped in him. He’d responded to your texts cooly, with simple phrasing that made your heart jumpstart in your chest at every notification.
[DABI]: Not coming to school
[DABI]: Meet me at the track, and I’ll walk you to my place
[DABI]: You got it?
You nod in real life before quickly typing, “Got it!” adorned with sweet emojis. It was lighthearted. Fluffy. Like the calm before the storm, the storm being fucked within an inch of your life on Dabi’s bed on Dabi’s pillows.
The school day is uneventful, and the train tracks are even worse. It’s cold, with a chill that runs through every vein in your body. You could swear you saw eyes that weren’t there and putrid smells that made you lament waiting here for such a beautiful, beautiful man.
“You don’t look happy,” a voice calls out from behind, clear and full of levity.
“I’m not, waiting here is so…”
You let your words trail off as you glance around with your nose in the air. Dabi knew what you meant and knew that you were not used to grim surroundings. A class difference, he figured. A decency difference, you thought.
“Then let’s get you warmed up,” he sneaks a hand around your waist, “we could watch a movie if you want’, or just sit and smoke.”
“Smoke weed? Don’t get me sent to the principal’s office again.”
“Oh, please. You’re already kissing in the hallways. I’m sure they know how bad you are.”
“Can you stop saying that?”
“Can you stop acting like you’re some innocent girl?”
The conversation dies out, choked, and suffocated into silence. You glower at him for a moment before whipping your head away.
“I don’t act like that or anything that you’re thinking,” you spit the words out, “I’ll smoke with you. It’s not even a big deal!”
Your emotions peek out at the end, voice rising and chest flaring with a mixture of hidden arousal and anger that mixed together with all the teasing. Dabi says nothing, only licking his lips repeatedly like he’s anxious.
“I like the innocent thing, for the record,” he says after a few minutes, “wasn’t tryin’ to offend you. But, I am excited for tonight.”
“And why would that be?”
“Because I’ll get to see you the way you really are. You know, put you in your place. I bet your pussy is dripping at the thought of it. I like this back-and-forth thing we do.”
What he doesn’t say turns him on. You know, though, the air doesn’t feel as nippy as before. He still pisses you off, still grates your nerves, and makes you feel that powerful slap of shame… and yet you want him so badly you might wither away if you don’t have him.
Is this what it means to fall in love? Or to be the girl who falls in love with the wrong boy that you know is bad for you, yet the dick–and his heart–are hopefully too good to leave. You couldn’t be sure of the heart for now, but you could tell from the steadily growing bulge that the dick would be more than good enough. 
His house would be good enough, too, more than good enough. It looked almost regal. It reminded you of secret nepo-babies who lived in mansions with maids yet still pretended to be out of money when it came lunchtime. Dabi didn’t seem like the type, though. Dabi’s life struggle seemed real, even if this was supposedly “his” house.
“You live here?”
“Yeah,” he says casually.
Dabi doesn’t even really elaborate, either, when he walks past the front door. It’s weird, but you don’t say anything as you follow his tall form.
“Is anyone home?”
“Nope, it’s just me and you.”
Both of you stand dumbly in the living room. Dabi looks down at you while your eyes trace the photos on the wall. He’s not in any of them.
“Why are you looking over there when you could be looking at me?”
You quickly snap your eyes to his piercing ones, mumbling an apology. The two of you stare at each other; it feels like you’ve never kissed.
“...Do you want to kiss me?”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
The two of you are closer now; his fingertips rub the edge of your long-sleeved sweater. The pads of his fingers touch your wrist tenderly as he snakes his hand up the sleeve to stroke your forearm. He just wants to feel you, and you’re left trembling with desire.
“Yes,” you whisper quietly with quivering lips, “I want to kiss you, I want to–to feel you.”
Your pleading hangs heavily in the air.
“Me too.”
It isn’t immediately messy and sloppy; it’s romantic and sweet. It’s layered with feelings that speak so many words into your heart as your sweater is peeled off your skin. Dabi’s lips take the lead, and the feeling of skin grazing across yours is so delightfully sinful; his back hits the wall moments later as you drag him down for another lungful of hot kisses.
All four hands are wandering. Unbuttoning, peeling, tugging, pulling. It all comes together into a hot mixture of making out while you fall into Dabi’s uncovered arms as he undresses; his hands are easily molding to your hips as he pushes a leg between yours. Your back hits the wall moments later as he heads towards your neck like a rocket, biting marks in a trail over the column of your throat.
“You’re so hot; I love how you fall apart for me every single time,” he rasps into your ear, leg flexing as you can’t your hips back and forth.
“You make me feel so, ah, so needy.”
“I’m the only one who can help you, baby. I’m the only one who can care for you how you need it. Let me show you,” Dabi whispers hotly into your ear, “let me make you cum as many times as I want.”
He’s got you locked in. 
“Pleasepleaseplease, do it! Make me feel good,” your words are nearly slurred as you grind against his thigh, feeling utterly pathetic as his jeans rub your clit just right over the fabric.
“You’re so fucking dirty,” and yet his eyes remain trained on every tilt of your hips, “get up here. Need to fuck you right now.”
Your body wants him so badly. It’s shocking how you instantly move like a dog on a leash. His hands grope you, and you’re keenly aware of the way he peels your panties from your dripping cunt. It’s embarrassing to you, but Dabi’s eyes never leave the way your hole clenches around nothing.
“Goddamn,” he breathes a low whistle, cerulean eyes snapping to yours before flicking back down to your pussy, “what a sweet, sweet pussy. You’re drooling, baby.”
It makes your cheeks feel hot. He takes your body in so openly; he’s so unafraid to slide a finger through your folds and listen to your weak whimper. It feels too good the way the rough pads of his finger circle your clit with the pressure that makes your eyes roll back.
“Oh god, Dabi,” you whine, head lifting to catch his gaze under your mussed hair.
He’s calm. Dominant aura as he starts working a finger in, “gotta stretch you out. Are you sure you’re not a virgin? That way you’re squeezing me is so… sexy.”
He’s thrusting his fingers and talking as if he’s recounting the weather; meanwhile, your legs shake as your breath quickens. His fingers are much longer than yours, and his precision drives you nuts when they curl against your spongy, sensitive insides.
“Fuuuck, your fingers are so long,” you gasp into his shoulder as the pressure builds.
The clicking is nonstop as Dabi finger-fucks you; he mumbles something sarcastic that goes through one ear out the other. His thumb skirts over your clit, and your thighs come swinging to a close, only blocked by the sturdiness of Dabi’s body as he forces you to take everything he’s giving you.
“Gonna make a mess, baby? Go on, come on, my fingers like the needy slut you are,” his voice groans with a raspy horniness. 
It’s overwhelming. Your breaths mix together as he maintains eye contact, and your orgasm crashes over you like Poseidon’s wave. It’s overpowering and heady. All your senses are dull initially, then sing like a chorus as you wail. Your hole creams as your mouth stays shaped in an “o.” Dabi merely smirked as you fell apart under his touch.
“Oh my god,” you wheeze, “Dabi…”
He’s quiet, only humming as he sucks lewdly on his ring and middle finger. You’re quiet, too. The only thing audible is the two of your pants as you share a moment. Then, pink lips curl over sharp teeth as he draws closer, “too tired?”
“Tired for what?”
Dabi’s wolfish grin grows, “Too tired to get fucked?”
Even though you came a bit ago, you still eye his bulge like it’s a meal. You bite your lip, shrugging and playing coy.
“I mean…”
He shuts you up with a kiss as his hands busy themselves with unbuckling and unbuttoning. You’re eager as the denim is haphazardly pushed down along with cotton boxers, mouth-watering as his flushed tip twitches. Dabi watches you admire him with a warm rush of pride. His fingers grip your chin and tug your look upward, eyes lidded and the head of his cock barely brushing against your folds.
“Yeah, yeah. Just look at me. I wanna see your face as I fuck you.”
“God,” you mumble, feeling exposed, “you’re so lewd!”
With that, his tip is suddenly pushing into you all at once. His cock fills you, and you’re shivering, “Dabi!”
“Aww, I’m not even all the way in yet,” he coos, nose against your cheek as he bullies inch by inch into your tight pussy, “I knew you’d feel fucking amazing.”
You’re consumed by Dabi. He takes over your senses and fills you to the absolute brim. His balls are nestled against your ass as he lets you adjust. Your hands first scrape against his chest before moving to his shoulders.
“Fuck me, Dabi. Please, mmf, wanna feel you fuck me,” you whine, nails scratching against his back.
“I won’t leave you out to dry,” he grunts, hands gripping your hips for purchase, “I’ll fuck you so good.”
Dabi doesn’t shy away from your requests. One minute, you’re waiting with bated breath to finally feel him move. The next, his hips are hitting yours with magnificent power as he ravages your insides. You’ve never felt like this–never been fucked like this, and it’s incredible.
The two of you are a sight as the man behind you jerks you up with his primal thrusts, “Aww, so cute. You’re all mush just for me, isn’t it amazing?”
“Yes, oh my god, yes! I’m yours.”
“Are you?”
Dabi sneaks a hand down to your clit, sliding over your folds as his dick stretches you to the brim. You could collapse if he wasn’t holding you. Everything feels so heightened, as if your nerves are singing with heady arousal. Dabi’s every touch leaves an almost searing trail as he completely envelops you.
“I am,” uttering a whimper that’s barely squeaked out, “let me cum, please!”
“Hmm,” but he’s losing his grip on dominance as his balls slap harder against your ass, and his hips grow just a tad shakier.
He moves so pointedly as he pants into your ear. Slippery fingers circle your clit hard, pushing you back to feel the punishing thrusts of his cock.
“Cum for me,” he grunts with hot breath, “cream on my cock, babe.”
It all comes crashing down on you hard. Your walls convulse as your heart stops beating; it’s too good. You can feel the blood rushing through your ears as everything goes hazy. Cries spill out of your mouth because you can’t help it, “Dabi, oh my… Dabi!”
“Yeah, fuck. This pussy is too good,” his voice trembles as he says ‘good,’ sweaty hands losing grip on your thighs as he humps you, “gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so well, shit!”
His cum spurts in hot ropes that spill out as Dabi creampies you. Hazy eyes glance down between your thighs to see his cum roll down your thigh, pussy spent and thoroughly fucked as he kneads your ass.
Both are you, a sweaty, debauched mess. Dabi slides his soft cock out past your lips, knuckles white as he spreads your ass cheeks. Knowing he’s watching intently with fire in his eyes as the physical evidence of your relationship drips out your hole.
You’re still trying to steady your breath when Dabi slides his finger up the trail of  cum and plunges two fingers into your pussy. Every part of your body jolts, coupled with a stifled cry, “Touya!”
“Ooh, I’m Touya now? Nice,” he hums, head leaning to rest in the crook of your neck, “we make a good pair.”
You agree sleepily, winding your arms around his shoulders as his arms keep you upright. Dabi stares down at you. He looks at you like he’s cracking a cryptid. You don’t know what he’s found inside your soul, but it brings you closer to his chest like he’s cradling a precious doll. To him, though, you are his precious doll.
Dabi sits on the plastic chair. It’s as uncomfortable as it’s always been. He could care less like he always has. It’s only made better by the exposure of a creamy thigh leading under a pleated navy skirt. Dabi’s eyes meet yours, and you give him a wide, bright smile. He smirks back at you. God, breaking the innocent was always so fun.
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touyalove · 1 year
Touya loves you.
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Touya loves you so much, and whenever he's coming back home after a long and tiering mission, all he wanna do is lay down on your bed. His head on top of your chest, and his chest resting on your puffy tummy that he just adores squeezing it. And after his long ass mission he loves listening to your heartbeat, it's like a lullaby. And you lazily playing with his hair, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. It's like honey for his soul.
Touya loves to feel his body on yours and vice versa. And he also loves the feeling of your soft hands drawing shooting circles on his scarred back and neck.
Whenever he's on a mission, he usually finds himself daydreaming about the two of you doing simple mundane things. Like cooking something, or dancing together under the sun, like two kids:) He loves you so much that his heart hurts, and his head's getting dizzy.
Touya loves to hold your hand.
Touya loves your smile.
Touya loves your scent.
Touya loves your heart.
Touya loves your soul.
Touya loves you as a whole because you're the most beautiful and special person in his entire world.
And Touya also misses you, whenever you're not by his side he misses you. Because for the first time, someone truly appreciates him for who he is, and values him. For the first time, someone cares about his wellbeing, his feelings.
You're truly special for him, and he's truly special for you.
hii! I know this is super random:) but i hope you enjoyed it! Likes, comments and reblogs are very appreciated!
Do not repost or translate!
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
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my stray keeps me up at night
← PART 1 | PART 3 →
wc: 4.4k
pairing: dabi x pro-hero gn!reader
warnings: injury and violence description, allusions to murder, suggestive
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Dabi could reach your apartment in his sleep. 
Up to the fourth floor, take a left off the elevator, tenth door on the right.
It’s like there’s this pull, this red string breaking through the haze of his injury to guide him here. He figures he’ll listen to fate, or the universe, or whatever bullshit this is, if only this once. He needs help, and in his mind, you’re the only one who can do the job. You kinda owe him one anyway, after all the times he’s saved your ass.
Weakly, he brings up a hand to rap at your door.
It only takes a few more rounds of incessant knocking (it’s damn near two in the morning, after all, and pretty things like you need your rest) before you’re swinging the door open with furrowed brows. A look of disbelief then annoyance overtakes whatever drowsiness remains before your eyes meet his.
“Took ya long enough.”
“Dabi,” you seethe, yanking the collar of his jacket so he stumbles through your doorway. Your eyes flit down the hallway, checking the length of it for prying eyes before snapping the door shut. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Dabi’s smirk is lazy, teasing despite the blood pooling against the fingers pushed into his side and rippling down his temple. He feels the pull of a loose staple on his cheek, and more blood joins the fray. “It’s nice to see you, too, little hero.”
“How do you even know where I live?”
“Dunno. Call it villain’s intuition.”
The glare you fix him with is oh, so pretty. “Bullshit. First that damn note, and now,” you shift to take in all the blood, his hunched posture, the way he almost leans into the hand gripping his collar, “this.”
Dabi cringes at the bite in your tone, but he’s losing energy and he’s losing it fast. He’s not here to fight, or to be scolded for that matter. “‘M sorry to show up like this.” Both of your gazes flicker down to the droplets of blood marring the smooth wood in your entryway. It just barely misses your welcome mat. “And ‘m sorry about… that, but if you want your answers, ‘m gonna need your help first.”
“Just-just,” your brain practically short circuits as you try to rationalize what you’re about to do. “God, fuck this.”
Your heart hammers in your chest as you curl an arm around his waist. He shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t be doing this. And yet, you haul him off to your bathroom all the same, ignoring the sinking feeling gnawing at your stomach, and praying he doesn’t notice the red rose that still sits on your kitchen counter.
Dabi plops onto the toilet seat after pushing it closed. “What now, doc?”
“Well,” you dip beneath the sink to dig around for the med kit you know is under there somewhere, and though you’re not looking at him, you feel your cheeks burn. “I need you to take off your shirt if I’m gonna clean your wound properly.”
“So quick to take off my clothes,” he tuts, but you still hear the rustling of fabric as it’s discarded. “You’re takin’ advantage of an injured man here, doll.”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” You roll your eyes as you manage to pull the first aid kit from the back of your cabinet, and setting it on the counter, you finally take the time to look at him. There’s blood and scarring… everywhere, to the point that you aren’t sure where to start or what to look at.
“See,” he continues, “I knew it. That look you gave me last time in that alley told me everything-” Dabi’s interrupted by your fingers prodding at the stab wound that rests just beneath the scarring that curves up his left side. He winces. “Shit. Warn a guy, wouldya?”
You, at least, have the good sense to look apologetic as you kneel in front of him to take a closer look. “Sorry, sorry. I just-” you stop for a minute, and Dabi realizes that you look pensive, almost sad on his behalf. “There’s a lot here, Dabi. What happened to you?”
“Listen, if you’re just gonna sit there and pity me, I’ll take myself elsewhere.”
It’s an empty threat, you both know it is, especially given that he doesn’t move an inch. Dabi figures that he couldn’t will his body to move even if he wanted to, not with you perched between his spread legs, looking up at him with a tenderness he hasn’t seen, hasn’t felt, in years. He’s so fucked.
Curious fingers skim along the edge of his scar. A fingertip brushes a staple and Dabi holds his breath. “I’m not pitying you. I just want to help.”
He mutters something about “fuckin’ heroes and their damn bleeding hearts” but he allows your exploration of his skin to continue. He watches your face shift before you’re rising again to grab a towel, and wetting it under running water, you set to work cleaning up some of the blood.
“‘S all of this yours?”
Dabi thinks for a moment. “Nope.”
All you offer him is a quiet hum before the bathroom falls silent, save for the dull drip drip drip of the leaky faucet. You try to be as delicate as you can, fingers mere ghosts over his skin, towel moving with nothing but a feather’s touch.
“Lucky for you, it’s not as deep as it could be. Shouldn’t be too hard to clean out and stitch up.” You risk a glance up at him to take in the blood drying on his temple and cheek. “Then I’ll deal with that.”
With Dabi’s approval, you crack open the first aid kit and pull out a bottle of saline and a pad of gauze.
“What? Think I can’t handle a little alcohol?” He asks, watching you soak the gauze in the solution.
You sigh, sitting up a little further to get closer to his skin. “No, it’s just…” you start to delicately dab and wipe at the wound, and Dabi’s thankful he’s not met with that familiar, sharp sting. “I read somewhere saline’s a little gentler than alcohol. It’ll heal better.”
“And you’re concerned about my healing process, why?” Dabi knows he’s pushing your buttons, knows he’s pushing his luck, but the question falls from his lips with little hesitation. 
You want to tell him that you’re not, really. You’re just doing your job. But at this point, with his blood in your entryway and that flower on your countertop, you know you’d be lying. You shrug, but refuse to lift your gaze, focusing instead on cleaning the wound as thoroughly as you can. “You promised me a next time. It’s only fair I do the same.”
“Ahhh,” Dabi straightens a bit, and from the change in his tone, you can tell he’s smirking, “I see what’s going on here. First you get me to take off my shirt, then you start flirting. Are you sure you’re even a real doctor?”
You use your free hand to pinch the exposed skin on his right hip. “Shut up. You’re taking it the wrong way.”
Dabi gives you another smug smile and a little hum from somewhere deep in his throat. “Whatever you say, little hero.”
Tossing the bloodied gauze into the trash, you set to work sterilizing and threading the needle. “Now onto the worst part.” Before the needle pierces his skin, your eyes shift up to meet his. “You ready?”
With his confirmation, you set to work stitching the wound as neatly, and as quickly, as you can, wincing in time with Dabi and cringing every time he groans and clutches at the fabric of his pants.
“I know, I’m sorry.” You add another stitch, and another. “Almost there.”
With the last of the stitches in place, you add a sterile dressing and dump the bloody needle into the lid of the first aid kit. You’ll clean it later. “All done.”
Dabi takes a moment to admire your handiwork. “Not bad, doll. Not bad at all.”
You move to stand, taking his chin between your fingers. The wound on his forehead is easy enough to clean, you tell him. Just a graze, no stitches. There’s not much you can do about the loose staple, so you clean what you can. He’ll have to deal with the rest himself.
He stares up at you as you work, eyes flickering to yours before moving down to your lips. Have your eyes always been this pretty? Your lips this… pouty, kissable? They have, he decides. It’s just taken him this long to notice. With the revelation, he wants to touch you. He wants nothing more than to bring you closer and finally put an end to the tension that’s been mounting beneath his skin since your last meeting. You can feel his hands shift, hesitating where they rest on either side of your thighs, over his knees.
You don’t know what spurs him on, what draws the truth from Dabi’s mouth, but whatever it is, has his hands curling around your hips as he finally tells you, “I followed you home.”
The adhesive of the bandage presses into his skin. “What?”
It’s as if all the air has been sucked from the room. Your hands still, and all you can do is stare, mouth slightly agape, losing yourself in the deep turquoise of his eyes.
“Last time. I followed you to the hospital, trailed you on your way home when you were released. Figured out what apartment you lived in.”
“I needed to know.” He rises to his feet, ignoring the pull of his stitches. Dabi’s grip tightens, and he drags you closer, so close you’re nearly chest to chest. Your heart hammers against your ribs at the intensity in his voice. “I needed to know you were okay. Took me a bit to find the bastard that did it, but when I did, I went to that warehouse.” He smiles, as if recalling a fond memory, “And I torched them. I torched them all.”
What he doesn’t tell you is that the ghost of your lips had haunted his dreams for days. He doesn’t tell you that the thought of finally making you his, of sullying that pure, sweet hero image of yours buzzes beneath his skin like an itch he can never quite scratch. Despite who you both are, what you both stand for, he yearns for your gentle touch and soft voice like a plant longs for the warm, golden rays of the sun.
You’re gripping at his belt loops like a lifeline. You’d known all along, could tell what Dabi had done from the note and the news, but, “Why?”
“I told you.” He ducks his head a bit and tilts it to one side, voice nothing but a gravelly whisper. “I wasn’t gonna let him touch you again.” Dabi’s lips are dangerously close to yours, and the faint smell of smoke and dried blood fills your lungs. You can feel them move as he tells you, “You’re mine. And we have unfinished business, don’t we, sweet thing?”
You blink up at him through your lashes, tongue like lead in your mouth. The promise from last time reignites in the space between you, stirring warmth in your cheeks. The air is thick, but you swallow and smile. It’s not in your nature to break a promise. “We do.”
A smirks tugs at his lips, brushing against yours. “I want you to say it, doll.” His thumbs ease circles into your hips, sneaking beneath the hem of your pajama shirt. Their pads are smooth against your skin. Dabi’s eyes are half-lidded as he urges you, “Tell me what you want.”
Hands leave the fabric of his pants and migrate up, up until your palms are pressed to his jaw, fingers grazing the hair at the nape of his neck. “Kiss me.” Silence, and then, you seal your fate, fulfill your promise with a single, desperate plea. “Please.”
Dabi’s lips are on yours in an instant, hungry and hot as he kisses you. He’s crowding your space, guiding you back until he traps you between his body and the bathroom counter, hips pressed to yours. His hands slip beneath your shirt and your own grip his hair. Long forgotten are the bloodied clothes and towels on the floor, the faint smell of them clinging to the air. You’re no longer a hero and he’s no longer a villain, not here in the privacy of your bathroom, not with his lips on yours and his hands burning holes into your skin. You’re just… you. You shed the moniker, the sense of duty that comes with being a pro, and allow Dabi to devour you.
You moan against him when his teeth nibble at your lip, and he returns it when you pull at his hair. Though the kiss comes to a screeching halt when, in an attempt to lift you onto the counter, Dabi pulls away to suck air through his teeth. He presses a hand to his side and huffs.
Your chest heaves. “Maybe we should stop.”
He dips his head to kiss up the column of your throat. “Don’t wanna.”
“Come on. You clearly can’t do… this with that stab wound. Why don’t we have something to eat?”
A bite lands against your skin. “I can think of something else I wanna eat.”
“Dabi.” A hand curls around the nape of his neck as your head tips back, giving Dabi the access he needs to suck a mark right against a spot that even the collar of your hero costume won’t cover. You’re losing your resolve, and you don’t really want this to stop, but he can’t afford ripping the wound open (and you really don’t want more blood splattered around your apartment).
He soothes the mark he’s left with a kiss. “You’re making this really difficult, doll.” Nosing at your neck, he mumbles, “Kinda hard to stop when you’re saying my name so pretty.”
“Dabi,” you warn, though your voice lacks the raw desire it had mere moments ago. “C’mon.” You smirk, tone dipping into a purr. “What’d you tell me to do last time? ‘Go home, lick my wounds, and then we’ll talk about…” You guide him away from your neck with a steady hand, eyes narrowed in on his lips. “... this?’”
Dabi hates that you’re throwing his words in his face, hates it more than admitting you’re right. He clicks his tongue with a sharp roll of his eyes, following it with a low groan and a peck against your lips. “Fine.” He mumbles something about you being a pain in the ass before he asks, “What do you have to eat?”
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You chuck Dabi’s clothes and your soiled towels, all of which are thoroughly doused in stain remover, into the washing machine and pray they come out stain free. Then, you set to work taking bleach to the blood in the doorway and the tiny specks in the hall. It’s easy work, and when you’re done, you find that Dabi’s made himself particularly comfortable in one of the seats at your kitchen counter, looking a little too smug to be wearing an old sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants of yours.
You move to stand in front of the open refrigerator. “I���ve got…..” Your eyes scan the shelves. “Week old lasagna, leftover pizza… um.” You’re not hungry, but none of this stuff sounds particularly appetizing to you, either. “I have cheese and eggs, a single green apple, and….” You pull a container of blueberries from the produce drawer and cringe, deflating. “... Moldy blueberries.”
You throw an apologetic look over your shoulder. “Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to buy food lately.”
When you turn around, you find Dabi delicately tracing his fingers over the wilting petals of the rose. Domesticity flashes behind your eyes like an arrow to your heart, and you find yourself frozen to your spot near the fridge. Dabi glances at you and, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t be, his palm immediately drops to rest flat against the granite countertop. A rosy hue breaks out across his nose, but it’s gone in a blink.
“Is the lasagna homemade?”
“Mhm,” you hum, pleased. You waggle the glass container in his direction. “Made by yours truly. One piece left, and it’s got your name on it if you want it.”
Dabi tilts his head with a nod, offering you a small smile. “I’m sold. I can’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal.”
You plate the piece and stick it in the microwave before fixing Dabi with a confused expression. “Really? I’d think the villain lifestyle would afford you an oven, at least.”
“Funny, doll. Real funny.” Dabi chuckles, but there’s no joy behind it. “Haven’t slept on a mattress in weeks, much less had a nice lasagna made by someone like you.” The implication makes you stiffen awkwardly. He gestures to your apartment and back to you. “Definitely can't afford all of this shit like you and your hero friends can. Let’s put it that way.”
You’d never really given much thought to your apartment, to your lifestyle. It’s comfortable, a far cry from the penthouse apartment Dabi had assumed you had, but it works. It’s nice, even. As you watch the plate of lasagna rotate in the microwave, you suppose you should’ve known the League wasn’t exactly well off. You kick yourself, guilt churning in your stomach.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, doll.” Dabi offers with a shrug. “I can see those gears turning.” The microwave dings and you tear your eyes away from it to look at Dabi. “I know what I signed up for.” A pause. “‘M sure it’s the same for you.”
Do you? Do you really know what you signed up for? Does any hero? With Dabi in your apartment and uncertainty brewing in your gut, you aren’t exactly sure you can answer that.
The microwave door snaps open and closed with dull metallic clicks, and you slide the steaming plate of lasagna across the counter. A fork follows it a second later. “I guess you’re right.”
The fork scrapes across the plate as Dabi takes a bite into his mouth. With a cheek full of food and a small smile, Dabi lilts, “Course I am.”
After a bit of small talk and, surprisingly, many compliments about your cooking abilities, Dabi’s dirty dishes join the ever growing pile in your sink and you’re interrupting yourself with a yawn.
Dabi’s quick to reach out and pinch your cheek with a rough hand. “Awww,” he coos sarcastically, smushing your cheek, “is baby sweepy?”
You slap his hand away and guide him down the hall to your bedroom. “Shut up. I worked all day, thanks very much. And I was rudely awoken at 2AM by some dude bleeding on my doorstep.”
“Sounds like an asshole.” Dabi’s arms stretch high above his head, pulling the fabric of your sweatshirt up with them. You pointedly look at the bed and not the exposed sliver of skin. “Why didn’t you tell him to fuck off?”
Pulling the pillows from one side of the bed, you shrug, “I’ve got a soft spot for strays.”
The smile Dabi fixes you with makes your heart leap in your chest. “I’ll keep that in mind.” His expression shifts when you move to leave the room, pillows in hand. “Where are you going?”
“To the couch?”
“So you can have the bed?”
“This is your apartment.” Dabi seems scandalized, pointing to your bed. “And your bed.”
“And? The sky is blue, your hair is black.” You shrug. “What’s your point?”
“You’re just gonna… let me sleep here?”
An exasperated sigh passes your lips before you can stop it. “I’m not arguing with you about this at…” you glance around him to check the clock, “... almost three thirty in the morning. Okay? I don’t care.”
“If this is about what I said before-”
“It’s not.”
Dabi relents, but you can see something brewing behind his eyes. “Fine, fine.” A lazy grin gets thrown in your direction. “We’ll save sharing it for next time, right?”
You turn on your heel without responding, and he calls, “Hey, I’m teasing.”
After dropping your pillows onto the couch, you move into the bathroom to start your nighttime routine. By the time you come back into the bedroom, face clean and breath fresh, Dabi, much like before, has already made himself comfortable beneath your sheets. He’s star-fished, spreading his limbs wide to take up as much space as possible.
“This shit feels like a cloud.” His eyes slip closed, and though his mouth is obscured by your comforter, you can tell Dabi’s smiling. The sweet, familiar pang of domesticity strikes you again, a sense of comfort and ease you know is just out of reach sitting heavy on your chest. The illusion breaks, if only for a moment, and you’re reminded of your role in the world. Of Dabi’s. And it hurts.
Dabi cracks open a lid. “You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
He sits up on his elbows, pinning you beneath a serious gaze. “You’ve got this look on your face, like you’re somewhere else.” The alarm clock on your bedside table ticks from 3:30 to 3:31. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
You move to draw the curtains, and shut the alarm off. If you’re sleeping in the living room, you don’t want it waking Dabi up. “‘M just tired.”
Dabi continues to eye you as you come to stand beside the bed, stopping to inspect your face for a minute before he rolls his eyes. “Sure, little hero. Whatever you say.”
Ignoring the comment, you ask, “Need anything else?”
“How ‘bout a kiss?”
You scoff. “You can’t be serious.”
“C’mon,” Dabi urges, insistent fingers gripping at the hem of your shirt, “you wouldn’t deny an injured man a goodnight’s kiss, would you?”
“You’re impossible.”
A hand curls around your jaw, gently coaxing you down towards Dabi’s lips. “You like it.”
This kiss is nothing like the previous one. The heat is gone, the crippling desire absent. In their place you find the slow, lazy drag of affection and drowsiness, and as Dabi’s hand cradles your cheek, you struggle to decide which you like more.
When you move to pull away Dabi follows, pecking your lips one more time before letting go. His eyes don’t open right away as he bumps his nose into yours, “‘M holding you to it, you know.”
Your brows furrow. “To what?”
His eyes open and you’re met with brilliant, earnest turquoise — mischievous, but hopeful. “Next time.”
You push his chest and chuckle. “Keep saying that, and you’re gonna have to start paying rent.”
Dabi’s mouth drops open, hand clutching his heart. “You wouldn’t dare. How would I ever afford it?”
“Figure it out, tough guy.” You draw a circle around his forehead in the air between you. “You’ve got a brain up there somewhere.”
“You’re mean.” He tells you with a pout. “Does the public know you’re this mean? I think they should know the truth.”
You move to stand by the doorway, and when you turn to take another look at him, you stick your tongue out. “Goodnight.”
He sighs, shuffling beneath the covers again. “G’night, doll.”
The couch is lumpier than you remember it being, digging into your ribs as you wiggle around to get comfortable. You’re not going to get much sleep tonight anyway; what’s wrong with adding a little back pain to the equation? You’re sure you won’t regret it in the morning (yeah, right). 
Your phone’s alarm pulls you from a dreamless sleep at exactly six o’clock in the morning, and kickstarting your routine is painful. You practically have to drag yourself down the hallway to get cleaned up, washing your face and brushing your teeth like a zombie, movements sluggish and heavy. When you’re done, you creep into the bedroom to pull your work bag from the closet and slip into some civilian clothes. You’ll change at the office.
Dabi’s none the wiser to your intrusion, sleeping peacefully with his cheek squished into your pillow and your covers tucked up under his chin. The sight makes you pout, and you’re pushing the hair from his forehead with delicate fingers before you can stop yourself. Your heart takes another arrow when he mumbles in his sleep, pushing his head into your hand like a cat. Kicking him out doesn’t even cross your mind.
On your way out the door, you leave him a note that reads: “There are eggs in the fridge. Please don’t burn my apartment down.”
The walk to your agency does little to wake you up despite the cold biting at the tips of your nose and ears. By the time you get there, you’re more annoyed than anything, back aching and eyes tired.
“Hey,” your sidekick greets, a sly smirk on her face. “You have fun last night?”
“You’ve got” she huffs a laugh through her nose, gesturing to your neck, “a little something. Might want to cover it up before your patrol starts.”
You rip open your locker and crane your neck in the little mirror that hangs there. Fuck. The love bite. You’d been so groggy this morning, you forgot all about it. Rifling through your bag for some makeup, your annoyance only grows.
“So,” your sidekick prods, pulling on her boots, “were they cute? I wanna hear everything.”
You think about Dabi wearing your clothes and eating your food. You imagine him still curled up in your bed, fast asleep. You make eye contact with her through the mirror as you try to bite back a smile, voice half-hearted and teasing. “Eh, he’s alright.”
“Just alright? I don’t believe that for a second.”
The moment you opened your door and pulled Dabi through it, inviting him into your home and taking care of him, there was no going back. You know that. The water has risen far over your head and your lungs are already filled with it. And as you spread concealer over the mark Dabi’s left on your neck, sharing a laugh with your sidekick about late-night trysts, you decide you’ve already sunk this deep, you might as well let yourself drown.
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httpdabi · 1 year
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Genre: Smut, best friends (of course lol)
Summary: Your best friend is local bend‘s guitarists, subtly showing you on the stage that the two of you should fuck.
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: 18+ ( minors DNI!!!!!!), creampie, unprotected, praising, little bit choking, MASK KINK!!!, semi public. Dom!Dabi
Saw a video of a Ghost member doing crazy shit on the stage and had to write this 🥲
,, Yeah, I know, I didn’t forget to pick it up mom‘‘ you muttered, nodding your head like your mother could see you. Placing the phone a bit away from your ear, you hoped that she‘ll be done with the nagging soon, so you could finally move on with your day. Doesn’t matter how many times you already told her that you didn‘t forget about the package she sent, she still had something to say.
,, You know, next time just pay a bit more so you can follow the location of the package. You and your trust issues, I swear‘‘ You sighed, before the convo was done.
Putting your phone inside your pocket, you slowly made your way home, dragging your feet lazily across the wett sidewalk. After the overheated days that hit your city, you found yourself missing the rain. Since you were already out, you decided to go buy some grocery’s, since you didn’t have much time to buy anything these days.
After all, you needed some snacks too for the movie you were planing to watch. Cheetos, nachos and so on. Anything is fine.
Once the sun was completely gone, you made yourself a hot cocoa, and cuddled yourself in your favourite blanket before you found the new Orphan movie.
The first part was one of your favourite movies, so you were really hoping that the new one won‘t disappoint you, and so far it was good in your opinion. You were more then curious about stuff that was going on. Snacking on the chips as you waited excitedly for the next thing to happen.
Just when you found out about the plot twist, a loud sound of the doorbell echoed in your apartment. Pausing the movie, you made your way toward the door. There was no need for you to ask who it was, since only one person would pay you a visit without any announcements.
,, Hi doll‘‘your best friend greeted you, hood covering his white hair. Only a smirk formed on his face visible to you. Inviting himself in, Touya took your place on the couch. Placing his hands above his head, he raised his brow at the paused scene on your Television.
,, Of course you’re watching this shit alone‘‘ he chuckled, making some space on the couch for you as he invited you into his embrace.
There was nothing that you loved more than spending time with your best friend. Watching movies with him or just simply being with him. Times like that made you calm, and simply happy.
,, Want me to start from the beginning ?‘‘ You asked, making yourself comfortable.
,, Nah, I‘ll catch up‘‘ he answered, caressing the back of your neck slowly.
The focus you once had was long gone, since he was caressing you the whole time. Not that you were complaining, you loved it and Touya is the only person willing to do it.
,, You asleep doll?‘‘ Touya asked, as he turned the Television off. Shaking your head slowly, you hummed a small no.
,, Are you coming tomorrow to the Tamaris? We‘ll be playing some new covers‘‘ Touya said quietly, like he was scared to wake you up, even tho you were already awake.
,, Which covers ?‘‘ you asked back, burying your face into his chest as he played with your hair.
,, Tek it, Cigarette Daydreams, Sex drugs etc, and so on‘‘ he said quietly, not stopping his movements. Sometimes you asked yourself how the fuck doesn’t he get tired.
,, Of course I‘m coming‘‘ you whispered, closing your eyes as you inhaled the scent of his perfume. ,, Wouldn‘t miss it for anything‘‘ you added.
,, That’s my good girl‘‘ Touya said, smile forming on his lips.
In short time your eyes started to feel heavy, giving you a sign it was time to drift into the sleep. Even tho your bed didn’t have much space for two people, the two of you fit in perfectly fine, and having him so close to you, you knew that you‘ll sleep just fine.
,, What are you going to wear tonight ?‘‘ Nejire asked, playing with the ice inside the glass., before she took the sip of her coffee.
,, I have no idea, gotta see what’s hiding inside my closet‘‘ you answered, rubbing your eyes slowly. You loved how Nejire gets so excited every time Ecstasy is performing. Actually, lots of people were like that.
You understand why, it was something interesting happening for once in a while. Most of the people, or better to say girls, were coming to see the masked band, curious who‘s hiding behind the almost spooky masks. You didn‘t blame them at all tho, you would feel the same probably, but you already knew who the lead guitarist is.
How couldn‘t you know ? That guitarists shares with you all the songs they prepare. Touya didn‘t and couldn‘t hide that from you even if he wanted. Well what else could he even tell you once you found various Ghostface masks inside his room. Original one, silver one, red one with horns and what not.
,, I can‘t wait to see Myers one beating those drums‘‘ Nejire smiled. You were thinking about asking Touya who that is, but how could you explain to her how you found out ? The band was extremely popular in the city, and you were sure, if Nejire found out, everyone else will.
You love her, you really do, but she loves to talk.
Looking at the mirror, you heard Nejire humming some melody in your living room as you did your makeup. You weren’t sure if you got nervous because you‘ll see Touya on the stage, or because of the fact that rest of the club will probably simp for your best friend.
It took you some time to find something to wear. Unsure, you took the white oversized button up shirt, which was big enough to make it look like a dress on you. You put your golden earrings, before you wore your dr martens boots.
The fit was really simple, but you felt good in it, and Nejire‘s compliments helped you boost up your confidence. She also looked good, as always. Her hair was up, showing her pretty face perfectly.
Since the club was near your apartment, the two of you decided to take a walk instead of driving. That way both of you could drink a bit if you decide to.
,, Oh my god, look at Yui there.‘‘ Nejire mumbled, hitting you with her elbow lightly. Your eyes widened once you saw what that girl wore.
Both you and Nejire weren‘t really the type to put someone down or even laug, but Yui was the only exception since she did much worse things to Nejire in the past.
,, She looks awful‘‘ Nejire commented.
,, Yeah, worse then usual‘‘ You tried not to make a face, as the two of you made your way inside the club ignoring Yui and some other guy kissing.
,, Is he trying to swallow her ?‘‘ you whispered to Nejire, making her laugh.
It took you few minutes to find Keigo and Mirio. Of course they got the table super near the stage, Keigo would never settle for less.
The 4 of you started drinking before the rest of your friends arrived. It wasn‘t a plan to drink so much, but Malibu with cherry juice was your weakness. The taste was perfect in your opinion, and it was hard to stop once you start with it.
Keigo was telling you something, which was hard to hear since the music was loud, but you just kept nodding your head as you completely understood him. Deciding to ignore him for a bit, since you felt your phone buzz inside your pocket.
From D4B1: having fun ?
You were about to answer the short message, but another one popped up. A photo of him, wearing all black and his Ghostface mask.
To D4B1: you‘re looking way too hot
You texted fast, not thinking twice.
To D4B1: don‘t make me too jealous, yeah?
Once again Keigo was yelling about something, forcing you to put the phone away and enjoy the night with them. And you did exactly what he wanted since Ecstasy appeared on the stage anyway.
Four of them, Myers on the drums, Jason holding the mic, Ghostface nodding his head as his friend was greeting everyone and Leatherface preparing his guitar.
It didn‘t take them too long to start with the music, and the moment they did , everyone started going crazy. It felt like they had a literal fanbase in the club.
Song after song, and drink after drink you decided to sit and rest from all the dancing. Taking your time to pay attention to your best friend.
You couldn‘t help but smile as you saw him interact with the public in his own way, making the girls scream and put their hands up in hope they‘ll be the one to get his plectrum. Not even realising, the smile you had on your face was long gone.
he never gave it to anyone, yet just the thought of it upset you.
Shaking your head a bit, you noticed that he was facing you. Waving his hand a little at you.
You weren‘t sure how to react. Wave back? Nod your head ? Taking your drink, you gave him a small nod before you took a sip, eyes still on him.
Touya pointed at himself, giving you the same nod. Tilting your head, you almost got confused for a second. Pointing his finger at you, he nodded again. Slowly tilting his head to the left, he pointed at you again, as he relaxed his hand a bit, before he pushed his middle finger up. Moving up and down repeatedly, copying the literal act of fingering someone.
Blush was spreading across your face, as you looked around to see if some of your friends noticed that the Ghostface was paying you little too much attention. You could feel his eyes burning on your skin through that mask, making you look at him again. And without stopping his dirty movement, he just nodded his head again, before he started playing the instrument again.
What the actual fuck.
Billion small questions were inside your mind.
You always had those small feelings for Touya, but yet you always suppressed them for the shake of your friendship.
Well at that moment, all those feelings were exploding like a fireworks inside of you.
Since Keigo ordered you a new drink, you decided to finish the one in your hand. You could feel Keigo‘s arm around your shoulder, but your eyes couldn‘t leave Touya.
The way he was moving there, everything about him was suddenly unbearably attractive. Like he could sense your eyes on him, Touya made his way toward the part where your table was.
Banding down a little, his mask was facing you once again. Not giving a shit that your friends were around, hyping him up. Nodding again, he placed his left arm behind his back. His right hand was on the strings, moving his hand as he was playing it. You weren‘t sure if your friends were too drunk to notice, but he was moving his hand extremely fast, only his middle finger touching the strings of his guitar.
Once you realised that once again he had something else in his mind, imitating the way of rubbing a clit, your eyes widened. And once he was sure you understood him, he nodded his head again, not stopping his movement at all.
The blush spread over your face faster than ever, and you found yourself thankful for the decision to drink, since your friends won’t question the redness covering your face.
After that interaction with Touya, your friends simply continued with the night and the crazy party, yet you were stuck in the moment, not being able to push the image of masked Touya and what he did at the stage.
It took you at least an hour to come to yourself, you drank few more drinks as you enjoyed the night with your friends. Of course that didn’t mean that Touya was done there. Nope, he was coming back every now and then, interacting with you in any way he could.
and once they were done, at your surprise he came to you and gave you his plectrum. A huge smile formed on your face when you took it from his gloved hand.
Nejire started jumping around excitedly before she gave you another drink. You could feel the stares of all the jealous girls, yet you didn’t mind it at all.
Even tho the band left the stage, the club was still full. The night just started and the atmosphere was too good just to leave.
The moment you felt your phone buzzing, you grabbed it immediately, knowing very well that its Touya who’s texting you.
From D4B1: ,, Got a cigarette for me doll ?‘‘
To D4B1: ,, Of course, but I‘m not sure how to give it to you tho ?‘‘
From D4B1: ,, Come to the stars in the hallway, near the toilets. I’ll wait for you upstairs.‘‘
After that message, you told Nejire how you‘ll go smoke one, hoping none of your friends will try to tag along. Being a good friend, she asked if she should come with you, but she didn’t push it once you said you’ll be fine and how you’ll come back fast.
You weren’t sure how to act, maybe it was because of all the alcohol in your system, but you felt like you were so suspicious to everyone. Looking around, you made your way upstairs.
Once you reached the middle, you jumped a bit once you saw Touya standing there with his mask on, laughing slightly at your reaction. Grabbing your wrist, he pushed you closer to him, placing his arms around your hips.
Not thinking twice, you placed your hands around his neck, smiling like you were high.
,, It was so gooooood‘‘ you said, almost screaming, hoping he can hear since the music was super loud.
,, Did you like it ?‘‘ Touya asked, rubbing your hips slowly. The moment he asked u that, you had a flashbacks of him abusing his guitar.
,, Yes, the atmosphere was really nice‘‘ you said acting dumb, not realising that the blush on your cheeks was selling you off.
,, So my girl liked the performance ?‘‘ he asked again, moving his hands to your butt slowly. His face was too close to yours, only mask being between the two of you. And even tho he still had a mask on, you could smell his breath, mix of cigarettes, alcohol and a mint gum.
Not being able to answer, you slowly nodded your head. Instead of saying anything, Touya took your hand, leading you upstairs towards the balcony, which you assumed was private one since no one was there.
In fact, the whole first floor was empty.
The moment he stepped inside some room, he took his mask off and threw it on the bed, before he opened the balcony. Stepping outside and sitting down on the bench as he took a deep breath of fresh air. Tilting his head toward your direction, he smiled when you gave him a cigarette.
The two of you enjoyed each other’s company. Listening to the loud music and screams, you finished smoking there.
,, Come here‘‘ Touya commanded, tapping on his lap. It wasn‘t a first time you sat on his lap, so without thinking much about it you did as he told you.
,, So, did you like it ?‘‘ Touya asked again, face way too close to your own.
,, I told you, it was amazing‘‘ you said fast, hoping he will buy your shit.
,, Don‘t act all dumb doll‘‘ he smirked, rubbing small circles under your dress. It was almost funny to you how a simple touch and few words could make you so lost. Almost hilarious how you’re the person who can always speak up their mind, yet sitting on your best friends lap, his hands holding your waist as he is looking down on you made you the most quiet person ever.
It took him all of his power to control himself. You were simply too cute, sitting there all lost, not expecting him to mention the silly act he did back on the stage. Instead of giving you some time to answer him, he placed his hands on your face, pulling you closer a bit.
He did give you a second there to pull back, smile forming on his face as you closed your eyes, waiting for him to make a move. And that was really enough for him, pulling your face foreword and connecting your lips together.
Two pecks were all that happened, before the kiss turned into a french one.
Touya grabbed your waist, standing up with you in his hands. The kiss was hella messy, yet it was so beautiful. His hands sink on your ass, squeezing it sharply as he made his way back to the room that was connected with the balcony.
,, Doll, I hope you want this as much as i do‘‘ Touya breathe out, managing to say it in between the kisses.
,, I want it more than you do‘‘ You half said half whispered. That was all he wanted to hear, even more. Sitting down on the bed, his hands squeezed your ass again, the left hand rising slightly to slap down. To say it didn‘t hurt would be a lie, but it was more as an unexpected pain.
There was something so inherently erotic about the way he held you and looked at you, about the way his fingers soothed circles into the same skin he slapped few seconds ago.
Hiding your face into his neck, you had the sudden urge to kiss him just below his earlobe, to swipe his white ear to the side and place your lips against his throat. And you do so, licking his soft skin temptingly. Groaning loudly, Touya switched the position, forcing you to lay down on the bed.
His eyes were scanning your face, lids half lowered as he admired how you look underneath him.
Touya took his time playing with you, rolling his tongue over your hips, snapping his teeth against your skin, biting all over again. He was working his way down exactly where you wanted him to be. One hand holding your hips, and other one playing with your underwear.
Your flesh was on fire, pulse racing so fast you were sure he could feel it through your skin. A loud moan escaped your lips as his tongue rolled against your clit. He didn‘t waste his time at all, he had to taste you.
Since you were moving too much, he wrapped his hands around your hips, working to constrict your movements, limiting your motion. You could feel his lips curling into a grin as you gave into his touch.
You were lost in his mouth, whining loudly not thinking about the fact that you were in a unfamiliar place and god knows if the door was even locked.
But how could you even think of that when your best friends tongue was doing wonders on you ?
You were too lost in the ecstasy to realise that one hand left your hips, too lost to figure out where it was going. Soon finding out when one finger slowly touches your clit, before slipping inside of you.
,, Fuck..‘‘ You moan, body jolting in surprise, jumping a bit when he thrusts yet another finger inside. Touya doesn‘t respond, too busy eating you out. The length of his fingers was like a bonus to you, flexing around your curve to hit your g spot. It didn‘t take you long until you started feeling the pulse of your orgasm growing inside you.
,, You taste so good doll‘‘ Touya‘s mouth breaks contact to tell you that, fingers still fucking against you way too fast. Your walls squeeze over his fingers, closing your eyes you placed one hand over your mouth trying to quiet yourself down as you came all over his fingers.
,, Good girl‘‘ Touya said, pulling his fingers out of you, as he played with your juices.
A small idea got inside his mind, nothing huge, but simply fun in his opinion. Watching you all breathless on the bed, he couldn’t help but smirk as he took his mask from the edge of the bed.
You were never sure what your kinks are, you never really experimented. And you never even thought about mask kink ? Just watching your best friend putting his Ghostface mask on and unzipping his pants made you twice as wet as you already were.
Touya‘s hand traced unter your dress, not bothering to get you out of it, leaving every piece of skin he touched on fire. He was touching your lips with his fingers, and without thinking much you simply opened your mouth, welcoming his fingers and sucking on them.
,, Is this what you want ?‘‘ Touya asked, giving you a chance to refuse him and go back to being friends. But who on the earth would refuse him ? Just hearing his voice, muffed because of the mask made you shiver.
You didn‘t even let him finish the question, nodding with your head almost aggressively, since you couldn‘t answer him with his fingers stuffing your mouth, almost fucking it.
,, My doll‘‘ he sighs, hidden behind the mask, while he lines himself up and finally pushes inside of you slowly. Agonisingly slowly. Hearing his muffed heavy breathing was driving you crazy, closing your eyes you enjoyed the feeling of his cock stretching you out, and simply listening to him. He didn‘t want to hurt you, pushing slowly. Not knowing that the slow pace already hurt enough, since it felt like he was stretching you out forever.
Not like you didnt like it. Somehow, it felt good. And then, you’re filled with him, cunt squeezing around his length.
Touya stays like that, masked face buried in your throat, cock twitching inside of you.
,, Touya‘‘ you moan quietly, touching the skin on his neck, one that the mask didn’t reach.
,, Jeez doll, you’re so tight‘‘ He mutters, easing himself out of you slowly, teasing. Until just the head of his cock is inside you. Once you moan, instead of saying anything, he snaps his hips, pushing back inside roughly.
Grabbing your hips, he pulls his body up, giving you a nice view of him. And there you have it. You didn‘t have a mask kink, but now you do.
Holding you still while he thrusts so hard, moving the whole bed. It was too much for you. His moans, that sounded even better under the mask, heavier. His firm hold, his hard thrusts. And just the fact that you were doing it with your best friend, it gave you the feeling like you were doing something forbidden.
It felt way too good.
Your fingernails scrabble against the wood of the bed, trying to grab onto anything to hold yourself. Even tho Touya was holding your hips, keeping you still.
,, Such a good girl‘‘ Touya pants, leaning over you until he is hitting you there deep inside.
You couldn‘t hold your moans, way too loud, not giving a fuck if anyone could hear. You clench around him again, whole body trembling while your pleasure builds.
,, Touya‘‘ you moan his name again, grabbing the mask, as give your best to remove it. And once it‘s gone, you‘re grabbing his face and pulling him to you, connecting his lips with your own.
As much as you liked the mask, it had to be gone. You had to see his face.
Your legs tremble as you gasp, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he moves his hips at one reckless speed. Smirk forming on his lips, as he moves his hand from your hip to your neck, giving you a perfect heckles.
The moment you felt the pressure around your throat, combined with his hard moves <our body accrues up and you can feel the second your body breaks beneath him, orgasm hitting you so hard you can see the whole Universum behind your eyelids.
Not sure if it was from the choking or the orgasm, but it felt good either way.
,, Good girl, you‘re taking it so well‘‘ Touya is saying when your ears stop ringing, and you‘re finally catching your breath again.
His thrusts have slowed, working you through your orgasm, waiting until the pulsing is gone. and then once again, he‘s slamming his hips against you, reaching his own high and painting your walls white.
The two of you stayed in bed just like that, in your own world as always, far away from everyone else.
The two of you made your way back to others, once Touya was done cleaning you all up, before he was stating how you should actually go back there with his cum still inside you, since everyone should know that you‘re already taken.
His property
And no one else‘s.
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stxrmylxve · 11 months
just saying,
dabi is the type of guy to purposefully be naturally lazy just to piss you off. Though, it has its advantages, especially while y'all are fucking, since it gets you all fired up at him. He finds it cute more than anything else when you have a small frown on your face, but it quickly gets distorted as you sink down on his length. But he just sits back and watches like a bastard with his arms lazily wrapped around your waist as you try to keep your stern composure as you ride him.
But we both know it's impossible, it's just too good.
@kelin-is-writing @kkeke99 you might like this 😙
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doumadono · 7 months
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Warnings: blood, mentions of decomposition, violence, mental & physical abuse, toxic relationship, gore, nakedness, merman!Dabi, female original character, original characters, descriptions of murders and drowning, smut (p in v, oral - f & m receiving), manipulation
Summary: Miyaka, a young woman driven to the brink by a domineering and aloof husband, resolves to end her life in the lake near her husband's estate. Little does she realize that one quaint encounter will irrevocably alter everything, reshaping her understanding of herself, and blurring the boundaries between reality and the inexplicable
Word count: circa 12.1k A/N: I'm delighted to have had the opportunity to take part in this captivating even created by talented @candycandy00 It was my maiden voyage into the world of horror writing, and I genuinely hope that you find my contribution enjoyable. A huge shoutout to my merman specialist, @crystalwolfblog – her unwavering support and expertise were instrumental in shaping this story!
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It was an enchanting night.
She stood at the edge of the great lake, its inky waters reflecting the dim glow of the moon like a mirror tainted with despair. Her heart, heavy with the weight of an unhappy marriage, throbbed in her chest, matching the rhythm of her labored breaths. Tears welled up in her eyes, and a lump formed in her throat as she gazed into the blackness of the abyss before her.
The night was eerily silent, save for the distant croak of a lone frog and the rustling of leaves in the chilling breeze. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the darkness that had consumed her entire life. A long, white, flowing dress clung to her trembling form, a stark contrast to the beauty of the night. It felt like a shroud of misery, concealing the bruises and scars that marred her body.
She had been married to a man she loathed, a man who had wed her solely for her parents' substantial dowry. He was possessive, controlling, and violent, and every day with him was a torment she couldn't escape. As she looked down at the scars on her palms, she could hear his voice in her mind, venomous and cruel. "You're mine, and you'll do as I say," he would snarl, his eyes filled with a possessive rage that chilled her soul.
Tonight, as she stood by the lake, she knew she had reached the precipice of her despair. The moon's silver rays bathed the water in an eerie glow, and she found herself muttering out loud, as if trying to rationalize the unthinkable. "I can't go on like this," she whispered to the inky depths before her, her voice a hollow echo in the night. "There's no escape from this torment, no end to the pain he inflicts upon me."
Her fingers brushed against the bruises on her neck, a painful reminder of her husband's merciless grip. The darkness seemed to envelop her, offering a macabre solace, a release from the relentless agony that had become her life.
A sense of dread washed over her as she took a step closer to the water's edge, the lake beckoning with a malevolent allure. She could hear the echoes of her own pleas for help, trapped within the walls of her loveless home. She had no one to turn to, no one to confide in, for he had isolated her from all those who cared about her, even though there weren't many of them.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, and sobs wracked her body. The weight of her misery threatened to drag her under, deeper into the cold abyss. Her mind was a whirlwind of torment, and she continued to speak her sorrow aloud. "I just want the pain to stop," she murmured, her voice quivering. "I want freedom from this living nightmare."
Meantime, claws, like daggers forged in the abyss, pierced the tender flesh of the fish, snapping it asunder with the ease of breaking brittle twigs. Delicate bones shattered, their lamenting cracks akin to dried leaves crumbling beneath a malevolent force, as the ichor of life spilled forth in crimson tendrils, vanishing into the dark, ravenous depths. Razor-edged teeth, like shards of obsidian, tore through the delicate meat, rending it into fragments devoured by the insatiable monster.
This lake, embraced by a shroud of old woods, lay in proximity to a quiet city, a deceptive guise for an ideal feeding ground, or so it would seem. Elders strolled along its shore, seeking solace in the serenity of its waters, while children harbored dreams of frigid immersion, and clandestine encounters found their haven amidst the trees. Yet, the reality proved far bleaker.
Touya had ventured here in the hopes of a bountiful feast, having expended immense effort to navigate a subterranean passage connecting the vast expanse of the open sea to this secluded lake. His rewards were meager, a pitiful array of minuscule fish, native to these forsaken waters.
Resting on the lakebed, his lithe form culminating in a shark-like appendage, he contemplated a return to the boundless sea, where sustenance was plentiful. However, his sharply pointed, fin-like ears detected a peculiar disturbance, both auditory and visual.
The cacophony of a loud splash rent the silence, an intrusion too substantial for a mere fish or woodland creature's leap. Touya's senses honed in on the source, identifying an anomaly—an unmistakable human presence.
Swiftly, he propelled himself towards this enigma, only to discover a form cloaked in a long, flowing white gown, gradually succumbing to the lake's murky abyss. Drawing nearer, he seized the delicate ankle, hauling the figure closer for examination.
Fortuna's fickle favor had delivered a woman into his grasp, and while the prospect of her tender flesh stirred his primal hunger, an audacious notion overcame his instincts. The thrill of an encounter akin to a true siren's seduction beckoned, and the notion of her consumption transformed into a sinister game.
Against his ravenous desires, Touya encircled the fragile woman's frame with his sinuous arms, drawing her from the water's embrace onto the shore, where the macabre performance of a siren's sinister plan would soon commence.
As she splashed and struggled in the water, her vision blurred with panic. Her arms flailed wildly, and she gasped for air, unaware of what had caught her beneath the surface. Each thrash seemed to pull her deeper into the dark abyss, and the murky water filled her mouth easily, making her gag and sputter.
She couldn't see what had a hold of her, but the sensation of strong arms wrapping around her fragile body only heightened her fear. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her lungs burned for oxygen as she continued to fight against the unseen force.
Desperation set in, and she opened her mouth to scream, but instead, she inadvertently swallowed more water. It flooded her throat and rushed into her lungs, choking her, a burning sensation filling her pharynx and nose. The world around her grew dimmer, and her struggles weakened as her consciousness waned.
In the end, the water won, claiming her as its own. She slipped into unconsciousness, her body limp.
The beast, concealed beneath the watery veil of his domain, observed her futile resistance with a dispassionate eye. In the realm of aqueous shadows, humans were like vulnerable prey, their minds adrift in a soporific stupor. Submerged in liquid depths, they became rabid creatures confined within a cage of their own making, drawing ever nearer to the precipice of their demise with each gasping breath.
In a stroke of providence, the woman in his grasp surrendered to the dark embrace of unconsciousness. Her unconsciousness spared him the ordeal of wrestling with her thrashing form. It was a mercy he granted her, one she should consider herself fortunate to receive, for he had contemplated a far less compassionate fate.
With a grace befitting a creature of his nature, he transported her limp form to the water's edge, a sanctuary where the forest's tender grass merged with the lake's sandy shore. Touya did not deign to change his form, instead choosing to remain perched beside her prone body, a silent sentinel.
Reclining with his tail coiled comfortably, his scrutinizing gaze fell upon the woman's fragile form. Despite the dark blemishes that adorned her skin like aged spots upon a ripened fruit, her flesh beckoned like an illicit delicacy. The mere thought of sinking his serrated teeth and razor-sharp claws into her tender form sent his mouth awash with anticipation. He yearned to hear her cries of agony, to witness the crimson cascade of her life's essence, to observe the last flicker of vitality extinguish from her eyes as he ravaged her insides.
Yet, in a rare moment of restraint, the monster resisted the primal urge. No, he would savor this encounter, extracting a different form of pleasure if she were to awaken, for the thrill of her torment held a dark allure all its own.
Coughing violently, she jolted back to consciousness, her body wracked with spasms as the water that had filled her lungs was expelled with each hacking cough. It felt like her chest was on fire, and every cough sent painful ripples through her body.
For a moment, she struggled to sit up, her vision still blurred and her head pounding. She couldn't see clearly, but she had a distinct feeling that she was not alone. Panic gripped her again as she realized that someone or something was nearby.
Her coughs soon subsided, and she took ragged, shallow breaths, trying to clear the lingering water from her airways. Her gaze finally focused, and she saw it – a creature unlike anything she had ever encountered.
It sat beside her, its sharp features illuminated by the faint moonlight filtering through the trees. Its eyes, piercing and predatory, had turquoise irises with black sclera, a striking and unusual combination, creating an otherworldly appearance. The turquoise color itself was vibrant, reminiscent of the clear, tropical waters of a pristine ocean. Its gaze was fixed on her. Its body was a grotesque blend of human and sea creature, with scales and fins that seemed to shimmer in the dim light.
Terror coursed through her as she realized she was not in the safety of her own world anymore. She had been pulled into a nightmare, and this creature, this beast, was surely about to kill her.
She scrambled back, away from it, her heart pounding in her chest. Her voice trembled as she stammered, "W-who are you? What do you want from me?" But deep down, she feared that she already knew the answer.
As she desperately attempted to crawl through the grassy-muddy ground, every movement felt like a relentless struggle against the unforgiving terrain. The thick mud clung tenaciously to her hands and knees, making progress slow and arduous.
Eyes, vibrant and eerily alive, remained fixed on her every frantic movement. Yet, the pallid form that lay behind her, marred by ominous, dark splotches, remained immobile, preserving its enigmatic stillness until the woman's frenetic struggles yielded to silence.
A hand, adorned with webbed membranes that stretched sinuously between each finger, terminated in formidable claws. It moved through his own hair, a short cascade of pristine white, like freshly fallen snow. An insidious smile played upon his lips, revealing rows of serrated teeth that glistened malevolently in the dim light. His ears, akin to the finned appendages of some abyssal creature, possessed two sharp points and twitched slightly as he cocked his head in contemplation. "Is this how you extend gratitude to your savior?" His voice, a beguiling cadence that rivaled the most enchanting melody, seemed ill-fitted for his grotesque form. Yet, it was a weapon, not an adornment, a reminder that he wielded both power and allure. "One should exercise greater caution around these waters, miss. The prospect of losing one's life so recklessly hardly seems appealing."
The sight of her futile attempt to flee stirred a perverse pleasure within him. He found himself increasingly torn by his own plot, yet its wheels were set in motion, and he felt compelled to carry it to its conclusion. "Are you unharmed, miss? Do you feel any pain?" The inward cringe he felt at his unexpected benevolence clashed with his innate siren pride, an unsettling dissonance that inexplicably satisfied him.
The shock of hearing the creature speak, its voice so mesmerizing and soft, took her aback for a moment. She struggled to regain her confidence, her voice quivering as she managed to stammer out a question again, "W-What are you?"
As she continued to tremble, she finally collapsed onto her still-muddy knees. The weight of despair and desperation bore down on her, and she found herself confessing her dark intentions, her voice heavy with anguish, "I... I wanted to end my life."
She couldn't fathom why she had confessed her merciless plan to end her own life to this strange water creature. It felt surreal, as if she had already crossed into some sort of hellish realm beyond the realm of the living. Perhaps she had succumbed to the deadly water filling her lungs, and this creature was nothing more than a manifestation of her fractured mind.
But despite the uncertainty and the eerie circumstances, a part of her clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, this encounter held some deeper meaning.
End her own life? He understood all too well that humans were, in his estimation, pitiful and often nothing more than a source of sustenance. However, this act was a new level of wretchedness, a lamentable display that played perfectly into his hands. It would grant him effortless dominion over her fragile psyche, cloaked in a deceptive veneer of benevolence, free from the shadow of his true nature. It promised to be a game as simple as toying with a child's plaything.
Touya edged closer, his movements constrained only by the limits of his domain. His cold hand, pallid and adorned with menacing claws, extended toward her own, long fingers encircling her palm with a touch that grazed her skin like a whispered threat. "End your life? Miss, how could you contemplate such a tragic act?" His voice, like the sweetest of lullabies, dripped with feigned empathy. "A woman of such exquisite beauty, extinguishing her own light — it would be a grievous loss to the world."
The sole witnesses to this deceitful charade were the moon, whose silvery glow bathed the lake and the encircling dark forest, and the enigmatic veil of night. The woods formed an impenetrable barrier, a divide between his aquatic realm and the distant human settlement, lending an illusion of sanctuary. This tableau, a fusion of darkness illuminated by the radiant moon, resembled a masterpiece plucked from the realm of the surreal, gracing the place with an eerie charm.
Her body shivered, not just from the cold but from the sensation of the creature's wet hand with its sharp claws closing around hers. It was an eerie feeling, like a surreal dream that she couldn't wake up from. The moonlit darkness around her only added to the strangeness of the moment.
The creature's soothing voice seemed to be at odds with the sharpness of its claws, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and fascination in the beast's presence. Everything about this encounter defied logic and reason, and she was desperately seeking some semblance of understanding in this bizarre situation. "What are you?" she asked once more, her voice trembling as she stared into the creature's captivating turquoise eyes. "Am I... am I dead?"
Touya tenderly clasped her hand, his fingers exploring the contours of her skin and the supple muscles beneath. An insidious hunger stirred within him, and he battled the overpowering urge to sink his teeth into her soft flesh.
Instead, he brought her delicate palm to his lips, where his tongue languidly traced a sinuous path across her skin. A shiver of desire coursed through him as he inhaled the intoxicating fragrance that clung to her, an aroma as sweet and irresistible as the most alluring of temptations. "I believe you are quite alive, miss," he purred, his voice a seductive whisper. "One cannot be considered dead while radiating such warmth."
Horrified and disgusted by the creature's unsettling actions, she finally found her voice and strength. With a shudder, she forcefully withdrew her hand from the creature's grasp, her face contorted in a mixture of revulsion and fear. "What are you?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a newfound determination. The earlier feeling of hope had been tainted by the creature's disturbing behavior, and she needed answers more than ever. She was no longer willing to tolerate the enigmatic presence of the creature without understanding the truth of its nature.
A pair of luminescent, cerulean eyes bore into her with an eerie intensity, even as the monstrous figure let out a low, mocking laugh. He unfurled his form, revealing a pale body adorned with enigmatic dark markings and a magnificent tail that shimmered like a sinister jewel beneath the moon's ghostly radiance. "Is it truly so challenging to discern, miss?" he taunted, his voice a silky, melodious cadence. "I am a water-dwelling creature, inhabiting these very depths. You seem remarkably ungrateful - I saved your life, and not a word of thanks graces your lips."
The sudden audacity displayed by the woman intrigued him. It was a peculiar sight to behold — someone who had sought to end their own existence, now attempting to assert dominance as if he were the lesser of the two. He harbored a morbid fascination for this unfolding drama and was more than willing to indulge her in this charade.
As she shivered in the coldness of the night, her mind raced with conflicting emotions. The creature's words were unsettling, yet there was a grain of truth in what it had said - it had saved her from her own desperate act, and she couldn't deny that fact.
Swallowing her fear, she decided to pursue the conversation further. "I... I appreciate that you saved me," she stammered, her voice still shaking. "But I need to understand. What's your name? Do you even have one? And why did you intervene? I didn't want to be saved, that's not what I hoped for."
"You may call me Touya," he acknowledged with a nod, bestowing upon her a disarming smile that revealed a row of dangerously sharp teeth. "I am, by nature, a siren, and you, dear miss, have disrupted the tranquil harmony of my lake. At first, I assumed it was some unsuspecting creature taking an ill-fated plunge, but when my eyes fell upon a human as resplendent as yourself, I simply couldn't ignore the spectacle."
He offered this explanation in a voice as smooth as velvet, its mellifluous tones designed to insinuate themselves into her fragile psyche. Touya typically employed this beguiling cadence to lure unsuspecting individuals into the water, but in her case, he sought to quell her anxiety and delay her inevitable flight. "I dare say, fortune itself must be watching over you," he continued, his voice dripping with a honeyed reassurance. "For you have chosen to cast yourself into these depths, and in that choice, you've affirmed the value of life, young miss."
She remained silent, her shock and bewilderment apparent in her wide eyes as she stared at Touya. She blinked several times, as if trying to convince herself that this surreal encounter was real.
Her formerly white dress, now covered in mud and grass, clung to her body, the once pristine fabric marred by her ordeal. Some marine flora had found its way onto the dress as well, further adding to the disarray of her appearance. Her hair was a tangled mess, damp from her recent struggle in the lake. The soaked material of the dress offered little concealment, and her perky breasts were subtly visible through the fabric.
The woman struggled to make sense of it all, torn between the desire to flee from this creature and the nagging feeling that there was something soothing about his presence.
The woman's bewilderment bore a certain charm, and Touya couldn't help but relish the success of his beguiling voice. Seizing the opportunity, he inched closer to her until he was positioned right beside her, his attention now devoted to the delicate task of untangling debris from her disheveled hair. "I hope you don't find it intrusive, but might I inquire about your name, miss?" he asked, his voice a soothing melody, while he carefully plucked remnants from her tangled locks. "I find myself quite intrigued by the enigma I've just rescued."
His gaze wandered to her, swiftly detecting the telltale marks that marred her neck — a grim testament to the assailant who had been thwarted in their pursuit. With a possessive glint in his eyes, he whispered softly, his fingers lightly grazing her throat as he voiced his observation, "It seems someone has inflicted harm upon you."
"My name is not important," she replied with a distant, haunted look in her eyes. "I've been called so many slurs, I almost forgot my own name."
As Touya got closer, her senses were alarmed, and she instinctively got up, her stained attire a mess as she attempted to improve her appearance. She felt a mixture of fear and unease in the presence of this enigmatic creature.
Suddenly, a male voice came from afar, calling out for Miyaka. 
She gasped, her heart pounding as she recognized the voice of her husband. The very mention of her name sent a chill down her spine, and she knew that her desperate escape had not gone unnoticed. Panic washed over her, and she turned to Touya, her voice trembling. "I need to go now," she said urgently. "I have to go."
And with that she simply ran away, stopping twice to look back at the merman over her shoulder. Soon yet, she vanished in the woods.
Touya felt the embers of his anger smoldering within him, stoked by an ever-growing hunger, especially after the tantalizing taste of her skin.
With a frustrated growl, he retreated back into the murky depths of the lake, cursing himself for the absurd notion that had briefly gripped him.
The embrace of the cold water swiftly quelled his rising temper. As he sank to the lake's bottom, he contemplated how best to reclaim the woman he refused to let slip from his grasp.
Over the following days, Touya employed his hypnotic voice, weaving a mesmerizing aria to beckon her back to the waters. It did ensnare a lost, young soul, but not the one he so fervently desired. Nevertheless, the young girl, enticed by his enchantment, undressed and ventured into the chilling embrace of the lake a few nights later.
That was the moment he seized.
As the girl floated on her back, lost in the tranquility of the lake's surface, a sinister force latched onto her ankle, yanking her beneath the water's surface.
Desperation and fear churned within her, and she thrashed wildly, her outstretched hands clawing at the surface, futilely struggling against the monstrous grip. A pale hand, equipped with menacing claws, clamped onto her slender ankle, sealing her grim fate as prey to a relentless kelpie.
He held her under until her struggles ceased, ensuring her life was extinguished before allowing himself to retrieve the lifeless body.
With an eerie detachment, Touya surveyed his gruesome feast. He tore into her flesh, devouring the most succulent portions and discarding what he deemed unworthy. Each organ yielded a delectable, squishy texture, untainted by the ravages of time and human indulgence. 
But the heart, that was his ultimate indulgence. Delving for the heart was always a pleasure for Touya, akin to prying open a clam. He reveled in the visceral experience — ripping through flesh, unveiling the rib cage formed from robust bones that snapped like dry twigs under his unrelenting grasp. Inside lay the heart. Sinking his teeth into the still-beating organ was akin to prying open a precious pearl encased within the ribs, the bones cracking like brittle twigs beneath his formidable grip.
Having sated his appetite by consuming the choicest portions, he discarded whatever seemed unworthy, flinging it aside. Seated beside the lifeless body on the bottom of the lake, he seized the hand, twisting it until the elbow joint surrendered with a gruesome pop. The skin tore haphazardly, leaving jagged edges adorning the amputated limb. Now he could relish the taste of human flesh as he bit into it.
This grotesque repast sustained him for the next few days, casting a pall of momentary satisfaction over his insatiable hunger. All that remained were bones, some still intact while others lay shattered, along with soiled garments and scattered remnants of meat.
Yet, he didn't forget about the girl named Miyaka. He toiled tirelessly to entice her back to the lake, driven by an unrelenting determination to make her his own once more.
Her husband was furious at her attempt to escape, and his anger had escalated to violence. The evening had been unbearable, her husband's rage unleashed upon her for daring to defy him and attempt to escape. He had scolded and hit her, his anger leaving her bruised and terrified. As a punishment, the man decided to confine her to a cramped guest bedroom in their shared, or rather his exclusive, house.
The memories of her near escape and her encounter with Touya, the merman, haunted her constantly. She longed for the soothing presence of the lake, where she had briefly found respite from her torment.
One evening, as the sun began to set and darkness crept over the land, she heard a faint, melodious voice carried by the evening breeze. It was distant, yet unmistakable. The voice belonged to Touya, the merman who had saved her life just a few days prior. The sound seemed to come from afar, but Miyaka was more than sure of its origin.
Miyaka cried throughout the day and night, her tears eventually lulling her to sleep in her cramped confinement. And there, in the depths of the night, the magical, soothing voice of Touya returned to her. Sometimes she would shake off the feeling, trying to rationalize that it was impossible for her to hear his voice from so far away. But in the lonely darkness of her captivity, she began to dream about the merman, his appearance simultaneously dangerous and alluring. His presence in her dreams became a lifeline, a glimmer of hope in her otherwise bleak existence.
One night, Miyaka decided to try her luck as their maid forgot to lock her in the bedroom after bringing her supper. The nights had become colder, and she threw a light coat over her shoulders, concealing her black dress beneath. Tiptoeing downstairs, she could hear her husband engaged in a conversation with his friends who had come to visit. Luck seemed to be on her side as she also heard the clinks of glasses, most likely filled with sake – it meant her husband wouldn't notice her leaving the house.
Quietly sneaking through the corridor, she closed the front door gently behind her. The cool night air filled her lungs, and a smile crept onto her lips – she felt free again.
Suddenly, a female voice emerged from the darkness on her left. "You shouldn't be seeing him, he's a demon," it cautioned. It was their maid, an old lady named Yuki.
Miyaka frowned and replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about. I just need to take a walk. I can't function like this."
Yuki sighed, her eyes filled with concern, and she moved closer, holding some logs in her hands. She reached out and gently placed one hand on Miyaka's shoulder. "My child, stay away from that lake, it's a cursed place. Many souls were lost there, long forgotten by this world. Don't let your sadness and loneliness drag you there, to that hellish place."
Miyaka shook the hand of the older woman off her shoulder. "Please stop, Yuki-san. I'm a grown-up, and I know how to take care of myself. I've been there many times before, and I've never seen or heard anything unusual," Miyaka lied smoothly. "People often concoct unusual stories, usually to frighten children away from venturing there on their own, to prevent accidents or drownings. And don't tell my husband you saw me."
Yuki let out a deep sigh, her eyes carrying a sadness that seemed to weigh her down. "You're making a mistake, my child."
But Miyaka wasn't listening anymore. She was already running towards the lake, as if some strange, invisible force was pushing her towards it.
Touya's throat felt raspy as he completed his haunting melody. A gnawing doubt crept in, questioning the worth of straining his vocal cords for the sake of a pitiful human.
With an irritated growl, Touya glared at the moon before submerging himself back into the water. He couldn't help but feel frustrated that the woman hadn't been devoured when she first plunged into the lake; it seemed like that was her intention after all. Yet, the irresistible urge to play with human pathetic life had taken precedence.
As he rested on the lake's bottom, he patiently waited, a glimmer of hope in his heart that perhaps she had at last heard his enticing voice, sparing him the need to actively seek her out once more.
Miyaka finally arrived at the lake, the moon casting an eerie glow over the surrounding woods. The night was heavy with a sense of foreboding, the tall trees looming like silent sentinels in the darkness. The lake, approachable through a narrow path in the woods, shimmered like a dark mirror, its surface reflecting the cold, distant stars.
As she crouched near the water, her fingers trembling, she tapped the surface with her fingertips, whispering his name in a hushed, desperate tone. Her heart pounded in her chest, and a chill ran down her spine. The air seemed thick with an unnatural stillness, as if the very forest held its breath, waiting for something to happen.
Miyaka's feelings were a tumultuous mix of fear and longing. She had been drawn here by an inexplicable force, a connection she couldn't explain. Her mind told her to flee this eerie place, to return to the safety of her husband's house, but her heart and soul yearned for something else, something she couldn't quite comprehend.
As she continued to call out to him, the water remained still, and a sense of dread settled over her. In the heart of the night, in the midst of the haunted woods, she was about to confront a reality she could never have imagined.
A shock of white hair emerged from beneath the water's surface, followed by a pair of radiant blue eyes that observed her with an eerie, almost otherworldly glow, resembling the lost flames of souls.
So she had returned! The woman had willingly walked back into the snare that would ultimately lead to her demise. It was a stark testament to the foolishness of humans, their vulnerability to the allure of his voice despite their long-standing awareness of water creatures like him. Truly, their ignorance was nothing short of pathetic.
As the woman extended her hand into the water, he gracefully swam closer and gently enveloped her hand with his own, guiding it beneath the water's surface just enough to plant a delicate kiss on the top of her palm. To her, it likely appeared as a customary human gesture, but for him, it was an opportunity to savor her essence once more, and she tasted exquisite.
He released her hand and revealed his full form to her. "You've returned, miss," he stated calmly. "I thought you were too frightened of me to come back."
When her hand dipped into the water, she felt a gentle pull, and her breath caught as the merman's lips pressed against the top of her palm. It was a fleeting gesture, one that she perceived as a kind human custom, but the sensation sent shivers through her.
As he let go of her hand, she finally saw him in his entirety. He revealed himself to her, and she was spellbound by his otherworldly appearance. His words reached her ears, and she couldn't help but respond, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and fascination. "I... I couldn't stay away," she admitted, her gaze locked on his mesmerizing eyes. "I don't understand what's happening, but there's something about you that draws me back, despite my fear."
"Oh? Is that so?" He mused with a hint of curiosity. Without further ado, he gracefully submerged beneath the water's surface without unnecessary words.
Miyaka watched with a mixture of fascination and trepidation as he hummed and disappeared beneath the water's surface. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for his return, her mind awash with questions and a growing sense of unease.
She couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden beneath those dark, mysterious waters.
Touya emerged from the murky water just a moment later, but there was something different about him this time.
Instead of his tail, Touya was now standing on his own two legs. His body was strong, but his skin was pale with dark purple splatters all over it. He sighed deeply, running a hand through his wet hair.
Then he turned to her, standing there like the day he was born, completely unbothered by his nakedness. "Maybe it was destiny itself that brought you here, or perhaps you are in love, miss. How about we take a little walk?" he hummed, using his voice in a specific way to maintain his control over her.
Miyaka's eyes widened in shock as she saw him looking more like a human. Her cheeks flushed at his nakedness, and at first, she turned her head away, trying to regain her composure. His voice, however, was so sweet and enchanting that she found herself unable to resist his offer.
With a shy smile, she finally met his gaze and nodded in agreement. "A walk sounds nice," she replied, her voice slightly trembling.
"Then, come on, for it would be my privilege to stroll alongside a lady of your grace," Touya whispered, his voice a gentle melody, its soft vibrations resonating in the quietude of the night.
As they embarked on their journey, the moonlight filtered through the forest canopy, bestowing an otherworldly glow upon their surroundings. Miyaka found herself caught in a swirl of emotions. On one hand, the night's beauty enthralled her — the moon's tranquil reflection upon the serene lake and the enigmatic presence of her companion held an undeniable allure.
Yet, beneath this surface enchantment, a lingering fear clung to her heart. She walked alongside a creature she could barely fathom—a being who had both saved her and possessed the potential to harm her. Her steps were cautious, her senses acutely attuned, yet she couldn't deny the strange magnetism of the situation that kept her near him.
"Touya," she ventured with trepidation, "you mentioned being a siren earlier, and I believe you obviously... But I've been pondering... What sustenance does a being like you feed on?"
The merman gazed at her through half-lidded eyes, offering a subtle shrug of his shoulders. "I am indeed a siren, and I'm pleased that you trust me. If you're truly curious, I subsist on fish and other creatures that dwell within this very lake." Touya gently entwined his hand with hers, their fingers interlocking. "Is there a particular reason for your concern?" he inquired softly.
Miyaka's fingers held onto Touya's hand with a hint of tension as she confessed, "Our maid, Yuki-san, she warned me about you. She called you a devil and spoke of the many people who have disappeared near this lake." Her gaze wavered between fear and fascination as she continued, "Despite her warnings, I couldn't resist the pull of this place, and of you."
In response, Touya emitted a low purring sound and drew a bit nearer, his hand reaching to tenderly brush her cheek. "People often spin tales to frighten children or to add intrigue to their lives," he remarked, his voice laced with a soothing quality. "Do you truly believe I would have saved you if I were the monster they depict?" he lied smoothly.
Miyaka yielded to the allure of Touya's touch, her fear momentarily giving way to an inexplicable attraction. "I... I don't know what to believe anymore," she confessed, her voice quivering with uncertainty. “But I trust you…”
As they continued their walk, Miyaka was suddenly assaulted by a foul odor that made her wince and scrunch up her nose. "Oh God, what an awful smell!" She scanned the area, trying to locate the source of the stench.
Dabi's brow furrowed with a sense of foreboding; he already had a suspicion about what she was referring to. It was likely the remains of the girl who had come to the lake before her, her torn and discarded body now possibly decomposing in the tall grass, right where he had left it; Touya had no inclination to allow the wretched remnants of a pitiful human to decompose within the sacred waters of his lake. He cursed himself for not disposing of it more discreetly, hiding the evidence of his previous encounter.
Miyaka couldn't resist investigating the foul odor. She carefully approached the nearby bushes, her heart pounding with dread. As she parted the dense foliage, she was met with a gruesome sight.
There, partially concealed among the tangled branches and leaves, were the decaying remains of what appeared to be a human. The body was in a horrifying state of decomposition, and the stench was overwhelming. Maggots crawled in and out of the decomposing flesh, and Miyaka felt bile rise in her throat.
She stumbled back, horrified by the grisly discovery. "Oh my God," she whispered, her voice trembling with shock and disgust. "What... what is this?!" The realization that something terrible had happened here sent shivers down her spine. "Oh my dear God!" She started crying.
Touya swiftly ensnared her in his grasp, drawing her nearer as his arms coiled around her, a tight and sinister embrace. His hushed whispers carried an eerie weight, like a sinister lullaby meant to enthrall. "You humans are often desperate creatures," he murmured, his tone taking on a dark, chilling timbre. "I didn't know she was here. She probably came for the same reason you did those days ago, but she succeeded."
The sinister undercurrent in his words hung in the air, weaving a web of unsettling secrets and uncertainty. Miyaka's heart raced as Touya pulled her into a tight hug, but his touch only intensified her fear and disgust. The overwhelming desire to escape this situation consumed her, like a trapped animal seeking freedom. As her mind churned with conflicting emotions, the feeling of unease grew stronger. She needed to get away, to put distance between herself and whatever had transpired here. "That's disgusting! Poor soul..." she whispered, her voice trembling. 
But then realization struck, and her horror deepened. "Wait... How do you know it was a woman? These remains are unrecognizable, you can't determine who it was... Oh my God... oh my God, you killed her..." Miyaka began to back away slowly, her eyes filled with a terror that clawed at her very soul.
Touya's frown deepened as he regarded her, her skepticism gnawing at his patience. His voice, laced with irritation, rumbled like distant thunder, "You are too quick to pass judgment, miss. My existence is far removed from your understanding, and my senses perceive the world in ways you cannot fathom."
Turning away from her, he continued in a lower tone, his words designed to play on her human psyche, "I saved your life, yet you accuse me of murder."
Miyaka, caught in a conflict of emotions, felt a wave of guilt cascade over her like a shadowed waterfall. Had her accusations been too hasty, she wondered? Touya's words, though cryptic, resonated with a strange sincerity. Yet, the puzzle pieces of this enigmatic encounter didn't quite fit into the mosaic of her understanding.
Opting to retain her doubts in the vault of her thoughts, Miyaka approached Touya, her arms encircling his waist from behind with a hesitancy akin to a delicate breeze quivering through a forest of doubts. Her voice trembled, a blend of trepidation and contrition as she spoke. "I... I apologize if I misconstrued, Touya. The world here feels surreal, and my fear cast shadows over my judgment. Forgive me."
Touya's lips curled into a smile, hidden from her eyes. In her vulnerability, her heartstrings resonated to his voice's enchanting tune. The pieces of his plan were falling into place as he desired.
He released a deep, contemplative sigh, his fingers gently caressing the arms wrapped around his waist. His voice, a velvet whisper, embraced the still night air. "Yes, I saved you. If I were the monster you fear, you would have been my meal the very day you graced the water with your presence. But, dear miss, I forgive you, for there's something about you that intrigues me."
Miyaka's voice quivered as she made her request, her longing for confirmation overpowering her doubts. "Touya," she murmured, the name like a sweet melody on her lips, "would you... kiss me? To anchor this moment in reality, to assure me that I'm not merely adrift in some dream?"
Touya's hands gently slid to Miyaka's, separating them from his waist. He released himself from her embrace and turned to face her, his smile still present as he cupped her face with his cool palms. "Sirens are known for granting wishes. Your wish is my command, fair lady," he whispered softly before leaning in to kiss her.
Their kiss was both slow and intense, a dance of desire and mystery. Touya's sharp teeth clanked against hers, but he quickly took control of the kiss, his forked tongue parting her lips, exploring her mouth.
Miyaka responded eagerly to Touya's kiss, her initial hesitation giving way to a surge of desire and curiosity. Her hands began to explore his physique with a boldness she hadn't known she possessed. Fingers traced the lines of his pale skin, feeling the strange yet alluring texture of his body. As their lips moved in a passionate dance, her fingers traveled from his chest to his back and further south, grasping his ass. Her tongue danced with his.
Touya blinked, and retreated, his gaze locked on her with a smug, playful smile dancing on his lips. He ran his tongue over his mouth. "Behold, dear lady, clutching a monster’s ass, nurtured by the wild with manners undefined?" he mused with a hint of amusement in his voice.
Miyaka's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as she felt the heat of embarrassment wash over her. She stammered out an apology, her words a mixture of guilt and confusion. "I'm... I'm so sorry," she murmured, her voice quivering. "I don't know why I did that. It was impulsive, and I should never have... I didn't mean to offend you." Her eyes averted, unable to meet his gaze, she felt a strange mixture of attraction and shame clouding her judgment.
The monster chuckled, capturing her lips with a playful kiss, his palm caressing her cheek. This time, his arms enveloped her waist, and his hands embarked on a slow journey downward, firmly fondling her ass.
Miyaka's gaze locked with Touya's as she struggled to find the words to convey her complex feelings. "Touya," she began, her voice filled with uncertainty, "I want to be with you, but I'm lost. I don't know what to do or how to navigate this... connection we have... What am I supposed to do?"
Touya emitted a soft, melodic hum, gently pressing his forehead to hers. "You see, my dear, you have the power to rid yourself of your tormentor, to break free from those chains that bind you. Return to me, and I shall envelop you in a love that knows no bounds, a love that will shield and cherish you," he whispered, his words like a seductive melody. 
Dabi couldn't contain his satisfaction. He marveled at how effortlessly he manipulated her. She was not only surrendering herself willingly, but she was also unwittingly becoming a pawn in his sinister game. The thrill of her impending arrival, the promise of chaos in her wake — oh, how he relished it all!
In that surreal moment, Miyaka found herself strangely drawn to the merman's words. The idea of breaking free from her tormentor, of taking control of her own destiny, it all felt so tempting, so liberating. The plan that had sounded wrong at first now seemed like the path she was meant to take, the one that would finally lead her to a life free from the clutches of her abusive husband.
She hesitated for just a moment, the weight of her decision sinking in, and then, with newfound determination, she whispered, "Yes... I'll do it. I'll break free from him, no matter what it takes." 
Using his seductive voice, he whispered into her ear, his tone laced with malice, "Do it. Show him what you're truly made of, and we shall be bound together for eternity." His words were a siren's call, leading her deeper into the abyss of darkness that he reveled in.
Touya watched Miyaka's retreating figure, a sinister smile curling on his lips as he imagined the torment he would inflict upon her. To him, she was nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game, a foolish woman who had fallen right into his meticulously set trap. The prospect of torturing her and relishing in her suffering thrilled him.
That night Miyaka found herself trapped in a nightmare. She stood alone in a strange, dark room that seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions. There was no light, no discernible features, just an overwhelming sense of oppressive darkness that threatened to swallow her whole.
The first thing that assaulted her senses was the pungent scent of blood, heavy and metallic, hanging in the air like a suffocating fog. It clung to her, filling her nostrils with a sickening, nauseating aroma that made her stomach churn with dread.
As she cautiously took a step forward, her footsteps echoed eerily in the void, the sound resonating through the darkness. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the fear intensifying with each passing moment. She called out for help, but her voice seemed to vanish into the abyss, swallowed by the oppressive silence.
The room felt like a labyrinth, a never-ending maze of despair. Miyaka's breath quickened, and her skin prickled with a cold, clammy sweat. Panic welled up inside her as she desperately searched for an escape, but the darkness remained unyielding, trapping her in its suffocating grip. 
In the next moment, the oppressive darkness was pierced by a strange, eerie light that suddenly illuminated a portion of the floor in front of her. The ghastly scene that unfolded was horrifying beyond imagination.
There, sprawled out in a grotesque and mangled state, lay a heavily destroyed female body. It bore the unmistakable marks of teeth, deep and savage, along with numerous bruises and cuts inflicted by sharp, brutal claws. The sight was enough to make her blood run cold, and a wave of revulsion surged through her.
The lifeless figure on the ground seemed to be a cruel testament to unimaginable violence. It was as if some malevolent force had unleashed its fury upon this unfortunate soul, leaving behind a gruesome tableau of suffering and torment.
Miyaka's breath hitched, and her heart pounded in her chest as she gazed upon this macabre scene. The strange light continued to flicker, casting eerie shadows that danced across the lifeless form. She felt a suffocating dread wash over her, realizing that she was trapped, unable to escape the horrors that lurked in the shadows.
Suddenly, amidst the surreal horror, Miyaka heard a grotesque noise that resembled something being voraciously chewed. Her heart raced as she turned her head to the side slowly, where the eerie light flickered once more, revealing a chilling sight.
In the dim illumination, she saw a dark figure, unmistakably Touya, slowly devouring a still-beating heart held in his clawed hands. His sharp claws dug into the quivering meat of the organ, his eyes glinting with a sinister hunger.
The gruesome scene played out before her eyes, and she was paralyzed with terror, unable to look away from the horrifying spectacle unfolding in this twisted nightmare. Miyaka's terror reached its zenith as she opened her mouth in a desperate attempt to scream, but to her horror, no sound escaped her lips. Her voice had been stolen by the darkness surrounding her.
The next moment, she was outside, and the moon hung low in the obsidian sky, casting a sinister pallor over the desolate landscape. The eerie silence was shattered by the mournful cries of ghostly sea creatures that drifted ominously in the air, their twisted forms contorted in agony.
Amidst this nightmarish scene, the water's surface rippled and churned, as if it were alive with malevolent intent. From the inky depths, a grotesque figure emerged. It was Touya, but he bore no resemblance to the benevolent creature she had encountered before. His once-lustrous white hair now hung in limp, tangled strands, darkened with the stains of blood and decay. His eyes, once mesmerizing pools of turquoise, were now empty voids, devoid of any humanity. His scales and fins had become jagged and twisted, oozing with an otherworldly ichor.
Touya's mouth gaped open unnaturally wide, revealing rows of serrated teeth, each one gleaming with an eerie luminescence. He lurched toward Miyaka, his movements disjointed and unnatural, as if he were a puppet controlled by some malevolent force. With a gut-wrenching lurch, his grotesque form surged out of the water, and he loomed over her, his breath rancid and putrid. He reached out with his twisted, clawed hands, and ripped right through her chest, pulling her heart out; his touch sent a searing pain through her body.
The next moment, Miyaka found herself standing at the edge of the dark lake once more, alone. The haunting memories of what she witnessed still lingered, but a strange compulsion had drawn her back to this place.
She began to undress, her trembling fingers fumbling with the fabric of her dress. The moonlight cast a silvery glow on her as she shed each layer, leaving her vulnerable in the night. The cool breeze rustled the leaves in the surrounding woods, and the night seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself watched in anticipation. With each piece of clothing that fell to the ground, she felt a strange sense of liberation, as if she was shedding not just fabric but the weight of her past as well. She stood bare under the moonlight, the lake's dark waters reflecting her silhouette.
Miyaka shivered, whether from the cold or from the anticipation of the unknown, she couldn't tell. 
As the woman stood by the edge of the lake, the moonlight illuminating her bare form, a sudden change in the atmosphere caught her by surprise. Without warning, the heavens opened, and rain began to pour down in a torrential downpour.
The raindrops drenched her, mingling with the tears that had welled up in her eyes. She felt the cool water cascade down her skin, as if nature itself wept for the strange and unsettling journey she had embarked upon.
The rain intensified, soaking the earth around her and turning the once-silent night into a cacophony of sound. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
As another loud clap of thunder echoed through the night, the world seemed to vibrate with its intensity. Miyaka stood drenched and shivering, the rain pouring down around her, when something utterly unexpected unfolded before her eyes.
From the dark depths of the lake, a figure began to emerge. Slowly and deliberately, Touya materialized, his form once again taking on a human shape. The rain-slicked water glistened on his bare skin, accentuating the contours of his body.
He stepped out of the lake, his movements graceful and unhurried, and stood before her in all his naked glory. The moonlight and raindrops played tricks with the shadows and highlights on his body, creating an almost ethereal, mesmerizing effect.
Miyaka's heart raced, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from this captivating sight. The storm raged around them, but in this moment, it was as if time had stood still, and the world held its breath in the presence of the enigmatic creature before her.
She watched helplessly as Touya's delicious naked body walked purposefully towards her. She felt as though her heart were consumed by a white-hot fire, and was being stabbed with a thousand needles, and she didn't know why. Never had she felt a pain even remotely like this before; it was horrendous. It was a pain she would never wish upon anybody, even a foe.
Touya wrapped his arms around Miyaka, pulling her close, and they both sank to their knees on the wet sand. The storm raged fiercer around them.
Touya, with a powerful force, pushed Miyaka down onto the ground, pinning her beneath his weight, the storm's intensity mirroring the tempestuous passion that had ignited between them.
Miyaka parted her lips, rolling her head back, as Touya's lips found the sweet spot on her exposed neck. His mouth closed over it, and a shiver of pleasure coursed through her as he gently sucked on the sensitive area, right where her pulse point was located.
The merman, displaying skill and patience, gently inserted two fingers into her, his groan reflecting the tightness he encountered. Leaving a trail of wet, open-mouthed kisses along her body, his head descended to her pussy, where he proceeded to wrap his lips around her needy core. Two fingers gently ran across her clit, up and down, up and down.
The woman moaned in pleasure at his fingers massaging her insides.
Touya seemed to be savoring every moment, leisurely tracing his tongue along her slit. His captivating turquoise eyes locked onto her, a mischievous smirk gracing his face as he reveled in the heavenly expression on her face. His forked tongue, with expert precision, skillfully explores every tantalizing crevice, evoking a passionate response that leaves her drenched with desire.
They shifted their positions, with her now kneeling between Touya's legs. She proceeded with deliberate and seductive movements, using her soft hands to sensually stroke his aroused member. A smile of satisfaction graced Miyaka’s lips as she noticed the uncontrollable moan that escaped the merman's mouth when her tongue made contact with the engorged head of his throbbing shaft.
A heated tongue writhed sloppily inside of her cunt, catching Miyaka off guard once more. 
Her breath caught in her throat, and she surrendered to the intense pleasure coursing through her. In a symphony of blissful moans and gasps, she couldn't contain herself, her body quivering as Touya's skilled hand rubbed her swollen clit raw.
Soon, Miyaka mounted Touya, aligning his throbbing dick with her glistening, slick  entrance. She eased his impressive length into her eager pussy, relishing the intense sensation of being stretched beyond what her husband had ever provided.
Touya's hands firmly gripped Miyaka's hips, and he drove himself into her with unrestrained fervor, lost in the primal rhythm of their connection. Each powerful thrust was accompanied by a guttural growl leaving his lips.
Miyaka's breath caught in her throat as she rested her hands on Touya's chiseled chest, snapping her hips back and forth, riding him like he would be a wild stallion. 
Her young body quivered as the successive waves of her climax surged through her. Miyaka's breathing quickened, and her gaze appeared to lose focus as if her eyes were drifting backward. She rode Touya for what felt like an eternity, and then, in a sudden motion, she forcefully slammed down on his throbbing dick, her pussy muscles clenching tightly around his shaft. As she relaxed her pussy slightly, merman shot hot, sticky ropes of cum deep within her core. Miyaka leaned forward to share a passionate kiss with him; their tongues danced together. 
As the ecstasy of the moment began to fade, Miyaka's senses returned, and she suddenly became aware of the rain growing thicker around them. But to her profound horror, when she reluctantly opened her eyes after breaking the passionate kiss with Touya, she realized that it wasn't water pouring down upon them; it was a deluge of blood, staining everything in a nightmarish crimson hue. 
Miyaka wanted to scream, to release the overwhelming anguish that gripped her, but no sound escaped her lips. Instead, she felt like she was suffocating, the blood rain gathering in her nose, making each breath a painful struggle.
After she blinked, Miyaka found herself standing by the side of their marital bed, a sinister calmness in the room as her husband slept soundly. The air was heavy with the weight of her suppressed emotions, and in the distance, she could hear the cruel slurs and insults he had hurled at her throughout their troubled marriage. Each word echoed in her mind, a painful reminder of the torment she had endured.
The anger within her boiled over, a searing rage that consumed her. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she reached out and began to strike his chest with a fury she had kept buried for far too long. Her screams filled the room as she unleashed the pent-up hatred she felt towards him, her voice cracking with the intensity of her emotions. "I hate you!" she screamed, her voice raw with bitterness. "I hate everything about you!" Her fists hammered down, each blow a cathartic release of the pain and suffering she had endured in silence for too many years. The room seemed to close in around her as she confronted the source of her torment, the darkness of the night bearing witness to her long-suppressed fury.
A haunting, low moan pulled Miyaka out of her nightmarish slumber. Confusion gripped her as she slowly opened her eyes, disoriented and uncertain of her surroundings. It took a few bewildering moments, but then the horrifying realization struck her like a bolt of lightning.
She stood next to her marital bed, her trembling hand gripping a bloodied butcher's knife. On the bed, the nightmarish scene unfolded before her eyes — her husband, lying there with numerous gruesome cuts to his chest and neck, blood pooling around him. His eyes, filled with terror, locked onto her with a fading, desperate gaze, his voice stolen by the brutality of his wounds.
Miyaka's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the gruesome tableau of violence she had somehow become a part of. 
"Noooo!" Miyaka screamed. Her world shattered in a cacophony of horror as she screamed hysterically, the knife slipping from her trembling hand. Her husband's neck bled profusely, a torrent of crimson that stained everything it touched.
In sheer desperation, she pressed her trembling fingers against the gaping wound, trying to stem the relentless flow of blood. Warm, sticky liquid soaked through her delicate palms, mingling with her own tears splashing on top of her palms as they streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry, my love, I'm so sorry! Oh my God, what have I done?! What have I done?! Oh God!" Apologies escaped her trembling lips, choked with guilt and fear. 
As Miyaka stood over her husband, the time seemed to slow down. 
His once-threatening presence now lay vulnerable before her, his breaths shallow and labored. The weight of her decision bore down on her, and a tumultuous mix of emotions churned within her.
She knelt by his side, his life slipping away with each passing moment. His eyes, once filled with cruelty, now held a hint of fear and regret. The realization of what had transpired seemed to dawn on him in those final moments.
Miyaka watched as his chest rose and fell for the last time, his breaths growing weaker until they ceased altogether. His life ended in her arms, and as she looked down at him, a complex array of emotions washed over her — relief, sadness, and the haunting knowledge that her life had taken a dark turn. She had taken control of her destiny, but it had come at a cost she could never truly escape. The memory of his death would forever be etched into her soul. "What have I done..." Miyaka was whispering, her tears streaming uncontrollably.
The old maid, Yuki, was rudely awakened by the piercing screams that echoed through the once-quiet house. Fear gnawed at her as she rushed to the source of the disturbance, her trembling hands clutching the edges of her nightgown.
When she entered the room and laid eyes upon the nightmarish scene, Yuki’s own scream pierced the air. Horror contorted her features as she beheld the lifeless form of Miyaka's husband and the distraught Miyaka herself, tears streaming down her face.
Yuki, her voice shaking with dread, stammered, "What... What happened here, ma'am?! You... You murdered him!"
Miyaka, overwhelmed by the gruesome events, could only sob in response, trying to explain the inexplicable. She was lost in a maelstrom of emotions, her world unraveling before her eyes.
In the end, unable to bear the weight of her actions and the night's horrors, Miyaka made a fateful decision. She fled from the scene, her tear-streaked face a mask of desperation, and ran toward the only place she believed was safe — the dark embrace of the lake that had lured her with its eerie allure, where the enigmatic merman awaited her. Her mission was accomplished.
Touya's keen senses detected the hurried steps drawing nearer to the lake, and the unmistakable scent of blood hung heavy in the air. She had done it — Miyaka had followed through with their dark plan! He could already sense the turmoil coursing through her, her distress palpable.
With a predatory grace, he decided to rise to the surface of the water, and he waited there, anticipating her arrival.
Miyaka ran through the woods, her breath ragged and her heart pounding in her chest. Her once-silky, pink nightgown was now marred by dark stains of blood, a chilling testament to the horrors she had taken part in. Her long, dark hair was tangled and matted, wild strands framing her flushed cheeks.
She moved with a frantic urgency, her feet making a wet sound as they pounded against the damp earth. Every step took her farther away from the nightmarish scene she had left behind, but the memory of it clung to her like a shadow.
Miyaka reached the shore of the lake, her voice trembling as she called out for Touya. Her desperate cries echoed through the eerie stillness of the night, each plea carrying the weight of her fear and longing. "Touya!" she called, her voice quivering with emotion. "Please, I need you!" She scanned the dark waters, her heart racing in anticipation, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. 
Touya's head emerged from the water, his wet hair clinging to his pale skin, and his piercing blue eyes locked onto her. "My love," he beckoned, his voice soothing yet strangely commanding. "Why the distress? Didn't I promise to protect you? Come to me, and find the safety and solace you seek." His words were laden with an irresistible invitation, drawing her deeper into his world.
Miyaka, trembling all over her body, took slow, hesitant steps into the water. Her tear-stained face glistened in the moonlight as she approached Touya, her heart heavy with guilt and despair. She continued to cry, her voice shaky as she began to tell Touya about what she had done. "I... I did it," she whispered, her voice quivering with remorse. "I... I followed your words, and I hurt him. He's gone now." Her confession hung in the air like a dark cloud, and she looked into Touya's eyes, seeking some form of understanding or absolution for the choices she had made.
The water enveloped Miyaka, and she shivered involuntarily as its icy coldness seeped into her skin. The sensation sent a shock of discomfort through her, a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. Her nightgown grew heavy, soaked with the icy water.
Touya extended his hand, gently seizing hers, and drew her closer, enveloping her in his warm embrace. One of his hands tenderly caressed her hair, his touch a deceptive contrast to the darkness that lay beneath.
He savored the sensation of her distress, finding it akin to sweet nectar, adding an intoxicating layer to the unfolding narrative of their entwined destinies.
"My sweet Miyaka," he murmured, his voice laced with a sinister sweetness. "Such a good girl." His praise was both soothing and unsettling, as he reveled in the intricate web of emotions he had woven around her.
Miyaka found solace in Touya's embrace, even as her body went numb from the cold water. His presence provided a strange comfort that she couldn't quite explain.
She looked up at him, her voice quivering, and asked in a trembling whisper, "What... What do we do now?" The world around her had descended into chaos, and she clung to him as her anchor in this bewildering nightmare.
Touya held her in a tight embrace, "I shall shield you, for you are mine," he said with eerie grace.
Miyaka looked up at Touya with worry in her eyes, her voice filled with desperation. "My maid... she saw what happened. I can't return to the estate. What should I do now?"
The monstrous being scoffed dismissively. "Don't concern yourself with that old hag. She knows nothing. You are under my protection now, and you shall remain safe for all time."
Miyaka snuggled closer to Touya, resting her head on the crook of his neck for comfort. Her curiosity piqued, she asked in a soft voice, "Touya, what are those dark purple spots on your skin? I forgot to ask earlier..."
"That's how my body looks," Touya replied openly, "They are just marks from years ago when some sailors tried to burn me alive after I killed their captain on the open sea."
Miyaka's eyes widened as she listened to his gruesome story. She struggled to reconcile this dark tale with the merman who had saved her and told her he had never attacked anyone. She asked, her voice filled with uncertainty, "But... you saved me, and you said you've never harmed anyone. I don't understand, Touya..."
"Perhaps it's because you're nothing more than a naive, little human," Touya chuckled, his hold on her growing stronger.
Miyaka winced as Touya's grip tightened, causing discomfort. She mustered the courage to speak up, her voice trembling. "Touya, your hold is hurting me," she said softly. "Please, let's not be unkind..."
"Well, my dear, I need to ensure my prized possession won't simply slip through my fingers," he remarked with a sinister smile. "Oh, I've been waiting for this moment for so long — to have you back in my embrace."
Miyaka attempted to slip out of Touya's strong embrace, but her efforts were in vain. Instead, a sudden force of his hands pushed her beneath the water's surface, and panic surged through her. She thrashed and struggled, desperate for air and to break free from the grip that had become suffocating.
Her distress only seemed to heighten his pleasure. The sight of her desperately thrashing around, fighting for her own life, sent a thrilling wave of excitement through him.
The merman seized a handful of Miyaka's hair and yanked her back up, a cruel grin on his face as she gasped for air. "Did you truly believe that I would want a pathetic human like you?" he taunted with a chilling edge to his words.
Tears streamed down Miyaka's face as she sobbed, her voice trembling with desperation. "Why are you being so cruel and nasty?!" she pleaded, her distress palpable in her words. "I love you, and I did what you told me to do so we could be together, Touya!"
Her cries echoed through the dark waters, mixing with the eerie ambiance of their surroundings. Her huge distress was like a storm within her, a maelstrom of emotions that threatened to consume her. She continued, her voice broken and filled with anguish, "You... you visited me in my dreams, brought me pleasure... Why are you doing this now?!"
Touya's voice dripped with cruelty as he responded, "Visit someone as pathetic as you? Never. But it seems my voice has indeed worked wonders on you." He playfully tugged at her hair even harder, causing her pain. "To me, you're nothing more than a piece of meat, and I take great pleasure in tormenting naive humans like you. It adds a delightful flavor to the meal." His words sent a chill down her spine as the darkness of their situation enveloped her.
The merman summoned his strength and, with a powerful motion, pulled Miyaka beneath the water with him. 
Her world plunged into darkness and turmoil as she was dragged into the depths of the lake, her struggles intensifying as she fought against the relentless force pulling her down. Sinister shadows danced around her, and she felt a suffocating pressure in her chest as the water closed in on her.
The eerie silence of the underwater world was broken only by the sound of her muffled cries. She could see Touya's malevolent grin in the dim light, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. The water seemed to press against her, threatening to crush her as she struggled for breath, her desperate gasps for air drowned by the malevolent embrace of the lake.
Dabi launched a relentless assault on Miyaka. His sharp claws tore through the water, leaving vicious trails in their wake. With terrifying swiftness, he closed the distance between them, his razor-sharp teeth bared in a menacing grin. He attacked with ruthless ferocity, his claws raking across her skin, and his teeth sinking into her flesh. The water around them turned crimson as the horrifying struggle unfolded, and Miyaka's desperate cries were silenced by the watery abyss that enveloped them.
Miyaka's nightgown offered little protection as Touya's relentless assault continued. With a vicious tear, the delicate fabric was rent asunder, leaving her exposed to the cold, merciless waters of his lake.
Touya's clawed hands gently cradled Miyaka's cheeks, holding her gaze with a cold, unfeeling intensity. Their eyes locked in a chilling embrace as she struggled to hold onto the last remnants of breath in her burning lungs, each painful gasp a stark reminder of her impending doom.
In that haunting moment, beneath the unforgiving waters, they were locked in a macabre dance of predator and prey.
With a swift and cruel motion, Touya pierced Miyaka's chest with his clawed hand, the flesh yielding easily to his monstrous strength. A searing pain shot through her. Dark haired woman's senses barely registered the horrifying reality of what was happening. The world around her dissolved into a surreal blur, and the excruciating pain in her chest seemed distant, as if happening to someone else. As her life ebbed away, her consciousness faded into a murky abyss, and the last remnants of her existence were swallowed by the cold, merciless waters of the lake.
Touya tore the beating heart from her chest, the organ pulsating in his grip, still warm and alive. As he held it before him, the last vestiges of life ebbed away from Miyaka, her body going limp.
Touya, with a grotesque hunger, sank his sharp teeth into the still-beating heart he held in his clawed hand. The organ yielded to his bite, and the taste of youth surged into his mouth. He savored the sickeningly sweet taste. 
Once he had consumed the last morsel of Miyaka's essence, Touya's malevolent gaze turned towards the lifeless body he still held by the arm. A fleeting pang of guilt tugged at his consciousness, but he quickly dismissed the emotion. "You're mine now, forever," he declared, his monstrous arms embracing the lifeless form. "You'll remain with me for all eternity, sweet naive girl, at the bottom of my lake." 
Touya, in a sinister tone, offered a twisted form of thanks to the lifeless Miyaka. "Thank you for your heart, love," he murmured, his voice laced with malevolence. "It has provided me with the strength I needed to regain my full power." 
The waters of the lake seemed to shiver in response to his sinister words, bearing witness to the unholy pact forged in the depths.
After a moment of holding Miyaka's lifeless body close to his muscular chest, Touya swam further down into the unfathomable depths of the abyss that was the lake. With Miyaka's body firmly in his grasp, he descended into the darkness, disappearing from the realm of the living and vanishing into the watery tomb that was his dominion.
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luna0713hunter · 10 months
Rich!bf au Dabi who's got so much money on his hands that he doesnt know what to do with.
Everyone knows him,since he's the oldest son of the heir of the great Endeavor company,but not many know about his fallout with his father.
Dabi lives alone in a penthouse far too luxury for anyone's imagination,and doesnt allow anyone in his life.
So of course no one knows about his relationship with you,since he tries to keep his private life as quiet as possible.
But there's only one person in his life that knows the password to his penthouse.
There's only one person that he listens to,no matter how much he complains about it.
You're the only person that Dabi has a soft spot for.
He always eats what you cook,no matter how terrible you're at it. He watches those stupid cheesy movies you love so much with you, and you're the only one he allows himself to relax around.
So no one really knows that the rude young man that gets along with absolutely no one,melts under your touch.
Dabi has a habit of throwing himself on your lap without uttering a single word. You suppose its your fault that he's so spoiled,but you dont really mind.
You love it actually.
The first time he did that,was after a long stressful day.
His father,had tried to get in touch with him after so many years. And Dabi had stormed inside your shared bedroom while you were busy reading a novel on the bed. He had thrown his phone somewhere in the room,and with a frustrated and tried look,had sat down next to you without a word.
But you knew Dabi,more than you knew yourself. You knew the exhausted twinkle in his eyes were from dealing with unspoken emotions. Dabi was never one to talk about them,he would simply drown in his own head.
So you had guided his head gently to your lap,and Dabi,never one to deny anything from you, allowed it.
And when he finally laid there,all stiff and motionless,you had combed your fingers through his snowy white hair.
And the effect was immediate. Your boyfriend suddenly melted under your touch, slowly closing his eyes while burrowing further unto your lap. And if he had let out a shaky exhale,none of you comment on it.
"feeling better?" You had whispered, afraid to disturb his finally peaceful rest
"yeah," he had croaked,one eye opening slightly to give you a light smirk, "you should've done that sooner."
And you had snorted at that,but didnt stop your caressing.
Dabi fell asleep under your touch that day,and ever since,he knew you were his home for a peaceful rest.
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http-tokki · 1 year
~ dabi x reader ~ tags/cw: mha spoilers,canonverse, blood, slight gore maybe, domesticity, dabi dyeing his hair ~ wc: 430
-So it wasn't created out of the love he has for himself but out of necessity and how irritating it is to clean infected wounds (trips to the dr and antibiotics and the itching and bleeding, its too much for that poor boy to already deal with ) ((I also think that he doesn't enjoy pain he isn't in control off. like with the piercings and staples, maybe I'm really letting my mental health show with this one but with piercings he can decide that he wants to feel that sharp sting or when he changes his staples anywayyyy))
-so this boy showers A LOT and cleans his scars regularly. no matter how exhausted he is, he sits in the bathroom and cleans and restaples wounds applying ointment and topical creams, he has a skincare routine.
-his bathroom cupboards look like first aid kits. Antisepctics of all variety, creams, bandaids and bandages, stitches, gauze everything you could think of, it was in his bathroom.
-however one of the downsides of bathing so often, is that his hair fades very very quickly. No matter how many different brands he uses, the black pigment does not want to stick to his hair (even tho you have pointed out that showering in hot water so often is the reason why its fading but Touya doesn't like the cold water and doesn't like not feeling clean) so here you were, squatting down in front of the black hair dye, an array of boxes and packets littering the ground at your feet as you compared wash times and online reviews.
"Babe, why can't you just have your white hair?" you look up at Touya, his looming frame seeming much smaller as he peered at a contained of manic panic, trying to decipher the ingredients.
He doesn't look up from the plastic as he answers "because I want to look scary" placing it back on the shelf, his fingers brush over red dye. "white hair isn't scary but black hair, that screams menace to society"
"Shiggy's got white hair and he's arguably the biggest menace to society I've ever met"
Touya snorts. "Shiggy's...Shiggy. It works on him, I'd just- ohh this one!" changing the subject away from white hair, he picks up a box that has PERMANENT GREY COVERAGE in big yellow letters. "This is the one, I can feel it" he turns to you and extends a hand. Accepting the gesture, he pulls you to your feet giving you a quick kiss on your forehead before turning away muttering something about going to pay and meet you outside.
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jesswritesthat · 1 year
Todokoroki Touya: His Hero
Fandom: BNHA // MHA — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~2.1k, fluff
• Shoto looked up to his big brother, and on your frequent visits you only realised how much when you get roped into multiple Todoroki family shenanigans.
Warnings: Mature language, hero!Touya AU, slight spoilers
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The way the young boy looked at him was mesmerising, like he'd hung the stars in the sky and had magic dancing between his fingers - Touya truly was his hero.
Shoto could've picked anyone, he had a world renowned 'role model' as a father, and All Might graced the news almost every night, but he'd adamantly fixated on his big brother.
Over the years you'd bare witness to it, once becoming friends with Touya through school, internships, and matters of coincidence, you’d understood when he said his (annoying) little brother was his biggest fan.
Shoto would always tail his blue-flamed brother, having an innate desire to always be near him and learn from him. It irritated Touya occasionally (or when the inferiority kicked in), being constantly haunted by his baby sibling to a near obsessive degree would irritate anyone, and Natsuo had heard his fair share of rants about it when they went to bed.
That was just sibling behaviour though, and in a way Touya found it endearing that Shoto -the chosen child- was enamoured by him.
You noticed that little signs happened more often when Endeavour was absent and the family had some downtime, Shoto would follow in his brothers footsteps quite literally, even attempting to imitate his mannerisms and the way he walked. Shoto stole pieces of Touyas’ hero costume when he was gone - the long jacket especially oversized as it flowed behind like a cape when sprinting through the corridors. If Touya was ever missing any equipment, he’d head straight for Shotos’ room with a bored and exasperated sigh.
Shoto would often sneak out to watch his brother train, you'd caught him once when you went to grab drinks - the two toned mess of hair peering through the walkway banister that overlooked the training ground you'd just come from. He’d copy his fighting style, often awed by how his brother could mimic a move after seeing it once whilst it took Shoto hours of practice. The youngest Todoroki (8 years old at this point) was so absorbed in watching Touya practicing, he was oblivious to your presence.
"Whatcha doing~?"
Immediately he'd startled at your melodious tone, a slight gasp of surprise escaping as he'd dropped his mimicking stance.
"Watching Touya-nii train! He's so awesome."
Now by all means you could dash his hope by promising to kick his big bros cocky ass, but you offered a soft smile instead.
"Yeah, he is."
"I wanna be just like him when I grow up!"
Okay that you couldn't hold back on, teenage Touya Todoroki was a force to be reckoned with and you’d wrought hell on each other atop Sekoto Peak more often than not.
"Nah, you'll be better Shoto, and less annoying~"
Even when he reached the age of 12, Shoto was still fascinated by him and continued to imitate his skills, actually capable of being an opponent now - especially with Touya working as a Pro Hero after reluctantly starting off in Endeavours Agency.
On the days you'd come to visit unannounced to drop something off, it wasn't long before Shoto bombarded past Rei and into your figure with the same questions every time:
"Have you seen Touya today? What's he been up to? Did you see any villains?"
And every time you'd tell a tale of his brothers’ heroics (with a dash of his dumbassery) that’d you’d experienced when working with Touya on missions to an excited Shoto before he was dragged back to training by a scolding Endeavour again.
It was rare, but on the odd occasion you'd get roped into playing Heroes vs Villains - disguised as a training regime. At least that's how yourself and the Todoroki siblings had portrayed it to Endeavour and the hired trainers but it was honestly to make it more fun.
Touya could rarely be asked with it either but for some reason he stayed, and entertained the game this time with his characteristic theatrics.
"Alright Shoto, I'm the villain. Always wanted to know what that'd be like anyhow."
"I'll be the hero, (Y/n) will be my partner and—"
"Can't Natsuo or Fuyumi be your partner?" Touya automatically argued, meanwhile Shoto deadpan explained the ‘rules’ of this scenario - still excited for his role as hero.
"No they're the civilians you've taken hostage."
"Fine, then maybe you don't need a partner."
"But you have (Y/n) as a partner on missions sometimes."
"Yeah but what if I want a villain sidekick?" Touya justified, narrowing his sapphire eyes at his little sibling with a flare of his jacket whilst Shoto again replied straightforwardly.
"Natsuo or Fuyumi can be one."
Fuyumi merely chuckled at the masked dispute, yourself turning to her in amused confusion.
"Oh (Y/n)-san, they're both so oblivious that they don't realise they're fighting over you."
"Idiots. Touyas 20, he’s supposed to be mature." Natsuo sighed whilst you could only agree.
Eventually Touya gave in, claiming he's strong enough to take you all on without a sidekick so do your worst.
It began as actual training, teaching Shoto defensive manoeuvres with Touya being one of the very few Shoto was comfortable to use his fire quirk around. You’d assisted in physical combat, often using Touya as a training dummy to demonstrate combinations to the younger siblings who were eager to spar amongst themselves. Natsuo and Fuyumi choosing to observe after a while.
It wasn’t until after the technicalities that the game started properly. Naturally everyone playfully fought each other, Touya allowing Shoto to gain the upper hand. Of course to mess with his little siblings he'd unexpectedly taken you hostage as a twist in the tale.
"What are you gonna do without your partner, will you give up little hero?" He’d teased it charismatically, proudly dancing with you as a form of taunt and it wasn’t until he’d twirled you and pulled you into his chest so that you were face to face with that smug smirk that his siblings went on the offensive.
You didn't miss how Touya grabbed your waist a little tighter when they'd tried to wrestle you from him. How warm and rosy his skin felt when you whispered you would always be his partner in reality, but unfortunately in this game you'd die before betraying Shoto.
With a lacklustre sigh he'd slumped to the ground, Shoto hanging off his shoulders and Natsuo nudging his side whilst Fuyumi wrapped herself around your arm having 'rescued' you.
"Now we live happily ever after!" Shoto exclaimed, bounding over and proudly clasping your hand within both of his own.
"What?!" Came Touyas' puzzled outburst when sitting up just a little bit straighter, yourself ruffling Shotos’ hair and kneeling next to the pouting eldest.
"Aw did the big bad heroes best you? Poor Touya-chan." Begrudgingly he ignored you, vengefully pulling you to the ground beside him before snapping back to the youngest who now deadpan explained his reasoning.
"(Y/n) and I saved the day so now we get married and stay together for the rest of our lives."
"That's only in mums' bedtimes stories! Real life missions don't end like that, you know (Y/n) and I come here for dinner after our missions. We don't live happily ever after, there's always more shit." Touya adamantly reminded him, brushing off his brothers’ ‘childish’ justifications with little remorse.
"That sounds like your problem."
You had to withhold giggles at the unbridled bluntness of the youngest Todoroki as he continued. "In this game—"
Everyone stopped, a calm Shoto cut off with eyes widening in awe and surprise. They'd all watched as their eldest brother tangled his fingers in your hair and instinctively pulled your lips to his. Fiery kiss as brief as it was, still managed to burn their trains of thought to ash with its blazing abruptness.
"Game over."
It was said in a smug tone, like a villain outsmarting a hero, as if he'd successfully proved a point and you'd supposed he would have if his actions hadn't drastically overshadowed that.
"Did you just kiss (Y/n)?!"
"Shit." It was breathed out, piercing analytic gaze befalling you and noting even the most negligible reaction. "I didn't even ask, are—"
"Don't, it's fine. I was just caught off guard."
The two of you stared at each other, as if desperately trying to understand the others thoughts through silent conversation. It was thick with a fluttering tension, Fuyumi carefully guiding away a young Shoto with a knowing smile gracing her features. The same knowing that laced it’s way into Natsuos’ smirk.
"Time for us to start dinner I think Shoto."
"But what about Touya-nii and (Y/n), I'll wait with them." Shoto tried, attempting to swerve out of Fuyumis’ guidance only to bump into Natsuo.
"Nah, they're gonna need a bit of alone time~"
The absence of the siblings didn't register, still sat in a somewhat hesitant and awkward position with Touya and all.
"So you were okay, with me kissing you?"
"Ye- yeah, were you okay with it?"
"I started it, of course I was." Touya chuckled at that, casually resting his forearms on his knees. “I wanted to kiss you idiot."
"To be honest, you're gonna get roasted by your siblings so I think it’s worth it." You’d lightened up too, nudging him back twice as hard.
"I already get shit from Natsuo about us so this is just fuel to the fire."
"He says we should 'fess up already, I figured it'd work itself out. If you like me back then I'll know." He nonchalantly shrugged, shaking his head at the thought whilst you contrastingly replied in pure surprise.
"You really feel that way about me?"
"Duh, I’m not one for mushy stuff but haven't you noticed?"
"Haven't you? I've been flirting with you for the past year!" You were quick to stand now, as if gesturing wildly would emphasise your point - Touya equally as instantaneous to follow suit.
"Hah! I would've asked you out if you did."
"Touya I literally brushed hair out of your face and complimented how it was like snow last week - with eye contact!"
"So? You compliment me all the time, I still don't get why you were sorting out my hair, you had debris in yours too."
Furrowing your brows at him, and making a face that could only be translated to 'are you fucking kidding me right now', you waited for the painful realisation to hit him. Hard, hopefully.
That’s when his eyes sparked with something, a beautiful blush of embarrassment or flustering crawling across his skin once breaking his burning gaze with you.
"In my defence you should've been more obvious. I—" That’s when you cut him off with a kiss, he wasn't going to refuse when leaning into you challengingly and you felt a smirk form on his lips prior to pulling away.
"Now we're even."
"Nah." He'd lowly hummed the disagreement into your ear, hot hot breath sending an electric shiver down your spine when he'd placed another searing kiss to the neck area just below your ear.
"Now you're mine, partner."
You'd both broke into satisfied laughter at that, remaining in each others embrace for as long as you could before being summoned for dinner or interrupted by an impatient Shoto.
Shoto was unusually restless that night, Rei coming to check on him before he went to sleep out of concern.
"Mother, you were right."
"About what Shoto?"
"All those bedtime stories you used to tell me when I was younger - the hero does fall in love and lives happily ever after at the end."
"Oh? What makes you so sure?" She gave a soft smile of admiration, a sense of puzzlement imbuing her considering she hadn’t told those stories in quite a few years. Also, she’d figured Shoto was too mature to linger on such things now too.
"Touya-nii and (Y/n) fell in love today. Based on the way they act, I think they'll be together forever."
It was an overstatement, to fall in love so fast, the kind of magic wonderment only children could see in the world, but Rei chuckled nonetheless.
"I'm glad they finally worked that out for themselves, before any silly quirk marriages got discussed." She smiled kindly at the boy, him missing the hidden meaning behind her sentiment. "Shoto, you want to be like your brother right?"
Eagerly he nodded, leaning forward in his own excitement and hanging on his mothers words.
"Then choose to be with someone you love like Touya did rather than having them chosen for you, okay?"
"How will I know?" Shoto tilted his head quizzically, blinking adorably blankly.
"You'll feel it, like how (Y/n) makes Touya radiate that warm glow, and how he would do anything in his power to be there for them. Find a love or friendship like that when you're older, promise?" "Promise!"
Years had passed since then, Shoto now knew 3 heroes in the top 10 ranks personally - 2 of them being his own flesh and blood - and from frequently visiting yours and Touyas’ shared home, he’d become acquainted with Hawks (since he was his brothers best friend).
Shoto had already decided he wanted to intern at Touyas' agency, but his classmates were still electric with their potential opportunities. Smiling subconsciously at the recent message illuminating his phone, he's pulled back into the warm chatterings of Izuku, Iida and Ochako who comfortably stood beside him and, he thinks this is exactly what his mother had meant.
[ Todoroki (Y/n): Good luck to you and your friends on your exam Shoto!!! Touya says if you fail blame Endeavour! 😇 ]
[ Masterlist ]
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mackenziebrooks · 1 year
Touya would definitely be a big baby when he is sick, he only wants to cuddle you and doesn’t want to take any of the medication that he needs to make him better. To you it’s the most cutest thing, since he’s always big and tough.
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yourlovermori · 2 years
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idk man but something about dabi wanting to please his partner as a way to prove himself will forever live in my head. he’s never been enough for anybody in his life, but when he finds you — when he has you as you’ve assured him many times he gives you all of him. it’s intense being with him —loving him is intense. his soul sets fire every time you and him dance on the edge of sin —head burried in the crook of your neck, gripping your waist pushing himself deeper into your heaven angling his cock upwards making you gasp and tremble as he moans brokenly in your neck his tears staining your throat. and yes he is an asshole, selfish and cruel — a bit of a sadist too, but on nights like this when everything about him that he hates so much resurface along with him needing to prove that he’s worth something — on nights like this he chooses to give himself to you, his heart limp — caged behind his bones, body burned, and charcoaled. he knows it’s not much, but he hopes that for you, it’s enough.
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