#⇝ best buddy! ⥋⸢pikachu⸥⥋
itsjustbl0op · 2 years
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Victory at Last! {SPOILERS}
This episode brought me to tears! Dude, I can't believe that he finally did it! After twenty-five years of being immortal, being the champion allows him to become mortal again! That or he somehow managed to get his first pokemon and become the world champion in less than a year.
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qmrukautoworx · 2 months
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missashketchum · 2 months
Dorm Leaders with Ash's Pokemon!
It's time for Dorm Leaders with Ash's Pokemon headcanons!
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Riddle- Bulbasaur
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Bulbasaur is the ringleader of Ash's Pokemon, and Riddle respects it a lot
to be able to keep 50+ chaotic Pokemon in line, despite many of them having the ability to toss Bulbasaur around like a salad
Bulbasaur also has none of the Adeuce shenanigans and is constantly using his vines to stop them
Riddle and Bulbasaur have very peaceful teatime with each other
and by peaceful, I mean the two relax at a table drinking tea and eating cookies
while Ace, Deuce, Grim and Ash goof around
they need the "parental supervision" a Riddle put it
ignoring the fact that Ash has raised Pokemon from eggs like they were her own kids lol
all in all, Riddle and Bulbasaur are actually the most peaceful duo in this entire thing
Leona- Rowlet
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ever since Rowlet arrived in TWST, Leona has been waking up with it sleeping somewhere near him
next to him
on his lap
on his shoulder
it was in his hair once
and every single time when he woke up, he would either scare Rowlet awake so it would fly away, or he'd just throw it
but last time he threw Rowlet, Ash threw him, so no more throwing Rowlet
as time went on, he sorta just learned to accept the fact that Rowlet was now his sleeping buddy
and no matter where he hid, he would always be found
no one brings it up to him either, because who wants to tell leona kingscholar that he's getting friendly with a fricking owl
that's right, no one
except Ash, of course >:)
Azul- Dracovish
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Azul thoughts Dracovish was kinda derpy (tbh, he kinda still does)
but when he sees Dracovish's Fishious Rend practically obliterate the practice dummies
he suddenly glad that Ash didn't use Dracovish on him when he Overblot...
she did, he just doesn't remember :/
Dracovish was relentless btw
Dracovish loves being petted, and once jumped into the Octavinelle water tank just to make Azul get out of his office
then, once Azul gets out of the office, Dracovish pops out and asks for pets
at this point, Azul caught onto it, but doesn't have the heart to stop it
he won't admit it, but he does like Dracovish
Kalim- Totodile
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Kalim and Totodile meet for the first time
then Ash has trouble getting Totodile to go back to Ramshackle with her
the two are immediately glued together and dancing and playing around in the water
jamil is tired
they're literally best friends when the day ends
Kalim and Totodile are hugging each other, huge crocodile tears in their eyes as Jamil and Ash have to physically separate them because it is past curfew, dammit Kalim
Kalim is actually one of the very very few that a majority of Ash's Pokemon like
Totodile especially
did I mention that they're best friends now?
cause they are
it's fun loving Water UM/Type solidarity
Vil- Unfezant
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ahhh Unfezant
so agile, so graceful
done so dirty in all of her battles, she deserves better
Vil first meets Unezant as she's flying around with Ash's other Flying-types, and he's never seen a bird do as many elegant aerial tricks as her
is intrigued with how well maintained she is
meanwhile, Unfezant is wondering who the hell this boy is and why he's looking at her like that
is, ironically, unsettled by Vil at first because all he does when he sees her is analyze her, which makes her very uncomfortable
retaliates by sending string gusts of wind to mess up his hair
and Ash has to proceed to tell a very irate Vil that he's making Unfezant very uncomfy and the wind thing was her way of making him stop
guess Rook rubbed off on him more than he's like to admit...
slowly, Vil begins to actually talk to Unfezant, especially complimenting her flying prowess, and Unfezant starts to kind of like him a bit
now messes his hair up as a sign of appreciation :)
Idia- Pikachu
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literally who else could I pick?
the biggest lil shit there is >:)
despite being a cat guy, Idia was immediately interested in Ash's only Electric-type
"kinda like a marketable plushie..."
was almost zapped for that comment
but he WAS zapped for picking Pikachu up to look at him
Ash tried to warn him, even went to grab Pikachu back from him
cue Pikachu zapping BOTH of them
cue Ash having to explain that Pikachu does that with people he doesn't like
also cue Ash having to explain that she's used to it because Pikachu literally electrocutes her as a sign of affection
Idia is mildly concerned, but seeing as she isn't hurt he lets it slide
tries to keep making friends with Grim and Pikachu and the two are not having a good time :/
keep the crazy cat boy away from the electric mouse pls
Malleus- Charizard
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“ah, what a fearsome yet protective dragon you have”
“but… Charizard’s not a dragon…?”
cue blue screen
he even has Ash pull it up on one of her Pokédex’s
sure enough, not a dragon
at this point, with what happened with iris, Ash is used to people mistaking Charizard for a dragon
Charizard, however, is a bit ofended (cuz that's just how he is 😅)
so he tries to flame Malleus
doesn't work on him, but Ash gets caught in the crossfire and gets covered in soot
cue malleus being genuinely concerned for the human
cue ash having to explain she's used to it and it's a sign of affection
rather impressed with Charizard's display of moves
"dragon tail?"
"he's not a dragon >:T"
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kitthepurplepotato · 5 months
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Chapter 10 - Kirishima’s “roomies forever” party (1/2)
Summary: Y/N and Izuku gets an invite to a fancy party at Katsuki’s house. They have a really hard time getting there though.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive - it’s literally 50% reader being thirsty and 50% Deku trying to keep in his pants. 16+
First Chapter Master List
The weirdness starts with a simple invitation.
Nothing suspicious, it’s just a message from Kirishima in a brand new group chat.
New group chat: Everyone Katsuki definitely does not care about.
Kirishima: Dear friends! I would like to invite you to my house for a little get together this Sunday. It’s our 7th Roomie Anniversary, so please come in smart casual clothing, not in your underwear or pajamas (or that Pikachu onesie I absolutely adore on you, Kaminari. - It hurts me just as much as it hurts you, buddy.)
Please, do your best to be able to attend I have a surprise for him and I want you guys to be there for it!
“Damn, 7 years.” You mumble to yourself, tangled together with Izuku in the bed. It’s one of those days when Izuku miraculously managed to get home by 10PM so you are both lazing around, doing literal nothing because Izuku deserves a fucking break. “They must really like each other to stay together for so long.”
“Well, Eijirou was Katsuki’s first real friend if you don’t count me and trust me, back then, I did not count.” Izuku giggles. “He was the only one who could handle Kacchan’s temper and the only one who could calm him down when he went berserk. But Kacchan wasn’t the only one benefitting from this relationship; Kacchan helped Kirishima with studying and from being one of the worst students he ended up to be one of the best in only a few months. I’m not one of those weird shippers but I must admit they are perfect for each other.” Izuku mumbles into your neck, half asleep.
“Oi, don’t you dare look down on my kind, nerd!” You retort incredulously as you sit up to stare at the hero judgmentally which is a hard task right now, because he’s shirtless and absolutely beautiful and you kinda just want to kiss him all over which then makes you think about your cheeky evening in the hot tub which makes your insides turn upside down and… okay. Focus.
Also, you still haven’t seen his broccoli tattoo properly. This needs to change ASAP.
… not like that’s important right now.
Okay. Let’s go back to the main story. Sorry about that.
“Admit it, it’s weird! I don’t judge you or anything, but it is certainly… a funky little hobby.”
“You know what? I hope they fucking get engaged on the party. I’ll enjoy the pain on your face as you realize how wrong you were.” You pout and Izuku can’t help himself; he attacks your pouty lips right away with small, barely their kisses.
“I love you, but you are deranged.”
“What did you just call me?!” You giggle as Izuku slowly moves down from your lips to your neck, his lips barely grazing the skin and he doesn’t stop there; he makes his way towards your chest then down your belly and…
“Teasing my deranged little girlfriend.” He answers as he yanks your oversized t-shirt (okay, Izuku’s oversized t-shirt.) over his head and leaves tiny kisses all over your naked tummy and chest, slowly making his way up towards your breasts, his head completely hidden under your shirt.
“I’m not wearing a bra, Izu…” You mumble, pink dusting your cheeks. How are you supposed to not make a sound right now?! How?!
“Hmm… indeed.” You don’t need to see Izuku’s face to know there is a shit eating grin on his face. “I’ll close my eyes then.”
“That’s not the point, you silly!”
Honestly, this new, confident side of Izuku will be the death of you. The way he knows you don’t actually mind him there, the way you don’t need to beg him anymore to let himself loose… damn, how much you just want to push his face into your chest and…
Uhm… let’s calm down. He’s just having fun.
Suddenly, Izuku’s head pops out through the collar of your your shirt, the poor fabric almost tearing from the abuse.
“Want me to chill out? I can chill out.” Suddenly, Izuku lays down on top of you with all his fucking body weight and you literally can not breathe.
“Oh my god, you are like those massive Great Dane dogs who think they are lap dogs and suffocate their owners by accident.” You giggle while you ruffle his unruly hair.
Midoriya fucking Izuku just licked your cheek. Like… literally licked a stripe up your face.
“Izuku, you absolute weirdo, I love you so much.” Somehow, Izuku is taken aback by your sudden confession. He looks up at your face, looking for something, probably signs that you’ve meant it in a sarcastic way but needless to say he can’t find anything but pure adoration. “What?”
“I’m being my absolute worst and your first thought is that… you love me?” Izuku starts drawing circles into your hipbone with his thumb while his ring finger is playing with the hem of your pajamas. It’s getting really hot in here all of the sudden.
“Yeah. I really love when you go all unhinged and just… do stuff you want to do. I love that you know I won’t say no. Because I can’t, Izu. I can’t say no to you and I never will.”
You can see the moment your words get acknowledged by Izuku’s brain because suddenly, his eyes go all dark and half lidded and if eyes could physically devour you’ll be nothing but a few bones by now.
“You make it really hard for me to go to sleep, you know that?” Izuku’s voice goes deep and husky and hell if it doesn’t go right into your core. There is so much restraint in every single syllable it’s actually painful.
“Do you need to?”
Honestly, you should just downright tell him to get down on you at this point. You are way too obvious. Izuku kissing and sucking on the skin on your neck doesn’t help, either.
“I have an early shift tomorrow.” Izuku sighs, defeated. “I… uhm… when we… do stuff I want to have all the time in the world. I want to kiss your whole body from head to toe until your skin is tinged pink all over. I want to take my time. I want to cherish you as long as I can and not rush it.” Izuku mutters with half of his hands down your pajama pants, caressing the skin in your lower tummy as he speaks. “I want to love you all night, maybe even in the morning. Make you breakfast after then cuddle up by the TV.” He murmurs into your ear; your arms are full of goosebumps from the depth of his voice, from the warmth of his breath and…
“Let’s take a cold shower then.” You look at your boyfriend pleadingly. “Ice cold. Yeah.”
“Deal.” Izuku pops his head back into your shirt and skims your nipple with his chin by accident. You can’t help but yelp. “Goddamnit Sweet Pea.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” You giggle as a red faced Izuku finally climbs out under your shirt. “I would like to invite you to share the shower with me but I feel like it would just make this situation worse.”
“Please, stay away from me.” Izuku giggles and goes towards his bathroom. “Ahh, why did you say that, now I want to shower together!” He whines once again but closes the door behind him anyway.
“Silly nerd.” You sigh as you make your way towards the main bathroom. You can’t wait for the day when Izuku is free again. You can’t do this for much longer. Izuku pulls you in like a magnet, and you want more and more as the time passes; one day, your restraint will snap and you won’t be able to stop yourself and neither will he so if Izuku really wants to have your first time the way he planned it, he really needs to hurry up.
Damn, you always hated when you were reading a nice, fluffy fanfiction then suddenly, the main character went all slutty for the hero but now that you are living the dream most people only write and daydream about, it really starts to make sense.
Don’t tell them that, though.
Thanks to Izuku’s inhuman working hours, Sunday comes much sooner than you’ve expected. You are standing by the massive mirror in your room, accessing your dress and looking for flaws but by the look on Izuku’s face as he stares at you while sitting your bed, this dress was the right choice and there’s no reason for you to be stressed about it. You can hear the massive gulp even from the other side of the room as he stares at your your naked back, utterly mesmerized.
“Uhm… this dress… is quite revealing, isn’t it? Like… I could just… move that little strap and it would all fall down… uhm… not like I would…” Izuku mutters and you can’t help but giggle at that.
“You need a cold shower, Izu-Izu?” You slowly push the mentioned strap down. “Oh look, it’s still on! Magic of the dress tape!”
“I’m going to have a shower and put my own shirt on.” Izuku mutters, avoiding eye contact as he leaves the room in two long strides.
“Have fun!” You snicker to yourself, all over the moon from the fact that you have such an effect on your favorite hero.
“First of all…” Izuku pops his head back into the room, offended. “This is not smart casual.” He points at you from head to toe aggressively. You can barely stop yourself from laughing. “Second of all, fuck you.”
“Oh sorry, since when am I dating Bakugou Katsuki?” You snicker, adoration clear in your eyes.
“Oh, if I would be Bakugou Katsuki you would be naked by now.”
Wow. Izuku is in a sassy mood. Thank god you absolutely adore Izuku in a sassy mood.
“The only reason I’m not naked right now is the fact that we shouldn’t cancel on your two best friends.”
“That’s… a fair point.” You can see the steam coming out of Izuku’s red ears.
“Come on now, I want to have my own little meltdown when I see you in that gorgeous dark green dress shirt. Also, those trousers? I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
Somehow, this was the right thing to say; Izuku gets all excited and makes a dramatic leave after grinning like an idiot for half a minute. Ahh, there are literally no words for how much you love this man and his silly little sassy fits.
After around fifteen minutes, Izuku emerges from the bathroom; his dress shirt is messily put on, half of the buttons still open, his hair a mess but somehow, an artistic mess that makes him look badass instead of… we’ll… messy… uhm, fuck, it’s really hard to use words right now to be absolutely honest.
Because when Izuku turns around to close the door, the sight that welcomes you is…
Izuku’s perfectly juicy peach. In a tailored fit trousers which cup his… well… his bottom… perfectly. The whole messy dress shirt thing also doesn’t help your… well… situation. If this would be a no plot just cheeky stuff kinda fanfiction, this would be the time when Izuku throws his non-existent tie on the floor and devours you without asking for permission and in only a few minutes you would be screaming his name like s mantra. And to be absolutely, totally honest… you really hate that this fanfiction isn’t one of those right now.
“Cat got your tongue?” Izuku purrs as he slowly comes closer and closer while he finishes his buttons on the way to you. For the love of god, stop the violence. This is pure torture.
“I’ll call the police.” You retort awkwardly, your fingers pointing at all the really lovely bits on Izuku’s body, like for instance, his absolutely gorgeous pecks under the green, tight-fit shirt. “This… whatever this is… is surely illegal.”
“Uhm… I really wanted to retort with something cool and flirty but what if I just throw you into the wall and kiss you senseless instead?” Izuku mutters with a red face, clearly embarrassed.
“I mean, that would have been something cool and flirty if you wouldn’t ask for permission… uhmpf…”
Izuku is all over you and he smells like expensive cologne. He kisses your lips, your neck, his hands wandering are all over your back, grabbing and caressing the naked skin and you can’t help but yelp and moan and just make all the sounds humanly possible because it’s not enough, it’s never enough, you want more and you wanted it for so long but you can’t help but respect his decision, but that doesn’t make it easy.
“We need to go. Let’s continue this in the car.” Izuku looks at you, disheveled, flushed and panting.
“Izu, we’ll be really late if we do that.” You giggle into his mouth that moves relentlessly on yours even as you try to speak.
“To quote my good friend, Kacchan… I do not give a single flying fuck.”
Needless to say, you two were really late to the party. Not like any of you really cared.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Damn, honestly, these two need to get a room. I’m actually sorry for them at this point. I will burn in hell for this.
- Haha so funny story: I was so focused on the two specials I literally did not have a single word done of this until yesterday. Then I had a random urge to write and wrote two chapters in one go. Welcome to my life.
- The next chapter will be a Kirishima x Bakugou centered one so I’m sorry if you are not into that! This is my AU though, so like… I can do whatever I want. 😂 You can skip it if you really want but I’ll be really happy if you give it a try. This is NOT the same AU as the original and I’m not a fanatic KiriBaku shipper it just made sense in this AU. I love all the ships and I respect those who don’t ship anyone at all. So please, be nice or else I’ll cry. 😂💜
- Have you read the two Izuku x reader specials? If not, go on my profile and check them out! Send me your thoughts! 💜
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦 Taglist is still open!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh
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twisted-dork · 6 months
Buddie incorrect quotes #1 Ring Ring
This idea came from @Caitpatmosh from TikTok
*At the grant/nash house athena took the kids out*
Chimney: Hey Buck do you still have that movie I lent to you
Buck: I think so. Where did I put it
*Buck unknowingly showed the ring he was wearing on his hand*
*Chimney Gasp*
Buck: What?
*Chimney excited mode*: Oh my god Oh my god it finally happened . DID IT FINALLY HAPPEN
Buck: Did what happen?
Chi: Yes Maddie and Hen owes me 50 bucks. GUYS GET IN HERE
Bobby : What’s wrong?
Maddie: What happened Chim?
Hen: What is going on over here?
*Chimney points to Buck’s hand*: Look. At. His. Hand.
*Everone sees the ring and gasp*
Maddie: Shut. Up
Bobby: Oh Buck
Hen *Frustrated that she lost the bet*: Oh for Goodness sakes
Maddie: Damn it Ev. You couldn’t have waited another year.
Maddie: I mean I’m happy for you but now I owe Chim 50 bucks
Buck *realizes what they think happened*: Oh this. This is not—
Chimney: Okay so obviously I’m the wedding planner
Hen: God help us all
Chimney: Hey keep sassing and you’re going to be flower girl
Bobby: Buck you have always been like another son to me
Buck: Guys this is sweet but there’s a misunderstanding
*Eddie comes over*
Eddie: What is all the commotion over here
Hen: Dude run
Eddie: What?
Bobby: EDDIE
Chimney: There’s the lucky dog *punches Eddie shoulder*
Eddie: Ow. What the hell
Buck: Sorry Ed’s I’m trying to explain
Chimney: Okay okay. Let me get out my emergency party planner
Hen: You carry an emergency party planner
Chimney: KAREN
Karen: How can I be of service
Chimney: Hey you’re still ordained right
Eddie: Ordained
Karen: Are you and Maddie finally getting married
Chimney: Ha ha I wish. No this is for Buck and Eddie
Eddie: Wait WHAT
Chimney: Are you in or out
Karen: Yes I look forward to it
Maddie: So how did you do it? Where did you do it? Did he cry? Did you cry
Bobby: I’m crying right now
Hen: I think we could tell
Eddie: Uh hello. What the hell is going on
Maddie: Wait who’s going to walk Ev down the aisle
Bobby: I will do it
Buck: Really
Bobby: It would be the single greatest honor of my life
Buck: Oh my god I’m going to cry
Eddie: I think we’re getting carried away here
Chimney: Next Eddie you gotta pick your best man
Hen: This is ridiculous
Eddie: Yeah none of you are gonna be my best man
Hen: You wouldn’t pick me as your best (wo)man
Eddie: Ay Dios Mío
Taylor: Hey guys can I help with the wedding too
Eddie: Noo!
Chimney: Sure you can be the ring bearer
Hen: That is way too much responsibility for her
Chimney: Oh yeah your right. You can be the usher
Maddie: That still may be too much
Buck: You guys this is so sweet but there’s not going to be a wedding
Chimney: Evan "Buck" Buckley. I will die from a rod to the head before you get married in a courthouse
Maddie: And I’ll be damned if I’m not the best woman
Bobby: I will walk you down any aisle Buck
Eddie: We are not engaged
*Everyone shocked pikachu face*
Chimney: What?
Buck: Yeah
Karen: I’m confused
Chimney: Where’d you get that huge ass ring
Buck: It’s from one of Jee’s bath bomb that has Jewelry in it.
Buck: *shows the ring* It’s pretty right
*Everyone glares at Eddie*
Bobby: So you didn’t propose
Eddie: Nooo
Chimney: Well when the hell are you proposing man
Eddie: W-Uh I mean uh
Eddie: What’s that Chris you need me I’ll be right there
*Hen who knew all along*: Jesus Christ
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as-i-watch · 1 year
I humbley ask, if you have any silly outfits ideas for ANY one piece character to please say so I'd love to draw them since I loved the shoes lost from a few months ago, obviously no pressure just wanted to put the idea out there! Love your stuff btw you always keep me entertained with ur insights :)
Thank you!! So lovely
Buddy you'll never guess it bc i have a file on my phone were i save pictures of clothes/accsesories i come across that give straw hat vibes and i think could be funny or cute, so pretty much you just opened pandora's box of fashion
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Just imagine that flip flop wearing menace running around with those
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I've had these saved for about 5 months now. Just three gummy worms on his left eralobe
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Coin skirt. Its a skirt, made of coin. She's a walking bank
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He could wear literally anything Will Smith wore during this show and absolutely kill it
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Sometimes, i want Sanji to look fancy. Sometimes, i want Sanji to look silly. This is like the best of both worlds
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Give the little guy the pikachu floppy ears hat, you know the one that have the air pump to make them move. Cute overload
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It has been a while since i decided Robin is allowed a gogo outfit with the hair style and all
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Just imagine the glee on his face and he runs in like 'LOOK! IT HAS POCKETS!'
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He would absolutely rock this. Nothing more to add
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A chill vertion of his usual style. Just let dad look hip and enjoy daikiris on the beach
Hope you like them! I've had these saved for a while but couldnt find a theme to make them into a single post so this was a perfect excuse lol
Here are some other post i have made like the shoes one: sunglasses - questionable fashion - t-shirts
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adastra121 · 5 months
Alon the Stray Hound
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I redesigned my Touchstarved Hound!MC to have more of a showman-y vibe, since they’re a magician. Do you believe in the heart of the cards?
Pronouns: Usually uses She/They, but they’re honestly fine with any pronouns Birthday: November 30 Height: 4’11 / 150cm Personality: So a bleeding heart, unwarranted hero complex, and astounding immaturity walk into the Wick and see that their good friends, dignity and self-preservation couldn’t make it… Likes: Street food, dancing, rowdy taverns, making friends, pranks, adventure Dislikes: Rules, rich people, rainy days, boredom, bullies Fatal flaw: Would turn her self-destruction into a joke, but hey, at least it’d make for a decent stand-up routine in hell Other: She has a terrible singing voice that was once mistakenly reported as a Soulless attack — by the end of the song, the neighbours probably preferred a Soulless attack. Quote: “Look, buddy, I’m no stranger to failure — ideally, you don’t, but if you do, best to have fun with it, yeah?”
More about them below:
Alon is cheerful, mischievous, and outgoing. They love to make new friends wherever they are.
She’s restless, never stays in one place, and fidgets a lot, so she practised sleight of hand from a young age. It came in handy haha for thieving, but they’ve also become quite good at street magic. It’s not the real thing, of course, but it opens up busking as an option to earn coin (and get close enough to unsuspecting rich folks’ pockets in the process)
They specialize in street magic, which combines close-up, stage, and platform magic. They also do escapology (good at picking locks and getting out of sticky situations) and comedy magic (they don't shut up).
She has a lucky deck of cards that she usually shuffles and fidgets with.
As a trickster and magician, she tends to use tricks, jokes, and the unexpected in confrontations. They’re hard to catch, easy to miss—
Her fighting style is summarized by that one clip with RDJ as Sherlock where he keeps discombobulating his opponent (give or take ten hours).
Unlike my other MCs, Alon has no specific reservations about Monsters. It’s kind of hard to when you’ve been threatened, abused, and betrayed by humans your entire life. Like, at that point, what worse could a Monster do to you? Anything they try, you guarantee a non-Monster already attempted.
100% the kind of person to, at someone pointing a knife at them, go, “Well. This night just took a sharp turn.” or “What’re you gonna do, stab me? …Damn, they actually stabbed me.” *surprised pikachu face*
They have a knack for breaking into places they shouldn’t be, like a persistent raccoon that keeps finding its way into your trash or attic. Back with their old crew, she was usually the one who could squeeze into the tight spaces as the smallest thief. So yeah, the Senobium being locked to outsiders is a bit of a hiccup in her plans, but they’re not deterred.
You’d think Alon would be more reserved and distant because of their curse, but they’re actually a very physically affectionate person
Not to say they’re not cautious about it — she always keeps their hands bandaged or covered — she’s just found ways to give people physical affection without the use of her hands. They’d jokingly bump shoulders with someone. They’d lean on someone to physically comfort them. They nuzzle their head against their loved ones.
She doesn’t usually let strangers initiate physical contact, not necessarily because she’s uncomfortable with it, it’s usually for their own safety. Strangers don’t know them well enough to know her hands are off-limits. But if she’s known you for a while, she welcomes the physical exchanges.
They distance themself in their own ways. She hides pain or discomfort with jokes and charm. Good luck getting them to be serious about something she absolutely does not want to address.
Like their old crew’s betrayal. Some of them, they’ve known since they were a kid. They grew up together. And yet, when it came down to it, she wasn’t worth more to them than a fat purse of coin. “At least it was a fat purse of coin. Anything less and damn, they’d have really hurt my feelings!”
Direct questions about their cursed hands usually lead to jokes and misdirection, I wonder if you caught that, by the way:
“Want to tell me what’s up with the bandages?” “What bandages?” “Okay.”
“Pffft, you believe hands are real?”
“You’re looking at the aftermath of a super embarrassing tattoo I got one night while drunk as shit. Highly recommend the artist, though. Y'heard of Rahim?”
“Important piece of cooking advice, don’t put out grease fires with water! …Oh, that has nothing to do with my bandages, it’s just a good tip to remember.”
“I’m saving them for marriage.”
“Bad case of halitosis.” “That’s an oral condition.” “…Real bad case.”
Aside from that, she’s rather open and wears their heart on their sleeve for any potential new friend.
Eridia is a new beginning, a new world far away from the walls she's always known. It's supposed to be all she's ever wanted, but beyond the excitement of a new adventure, she feels so alone it's almost paralyzing.
They go back to the dream they've had since childhood, they go back to focusing on finding a cure, and they keep moving forward because if they stop for even a second for the grief and loneliness to catch up to them, they don't know if they'll survive it.
Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius
Enneagram is 7w6
I also updated their character playlist. I associate her with more energetic music, like electro swing, songs that you could hear someone running away from the guards to:
“Monsoon Nights” by Sekai no Owari
“One Jump Ahead” by Brad Kane
“All Star” by Smashmouth
“The Hand that Feeds” by The Crave Wives
“To Noise Making (Sing)” by Hozier
“Curses” by The Crane Wives
“Tears of a Clown” by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
“Good Life” by OneRepublic
“Lost Boy” by Ruth B
“On Top of the World” by Greek Fire
“Good Riddance” Cover by Annapantsu ft. IdrysLTS
"Tavern Crawl" by Runesmith, JoCat, Annapantsu and friends Okay, I have, like, a vision. Alon is giving a tour through Eridia’s best spots. The first tavern is the Senobium’s gates. The second is Elyon's brothel (mostly because of the singer being unable to pay and how fitting “Rail-Away” is for a brothel). The third is the Seaspring (“Don’t be surprised by what lurks on inside and really, don’t fight it. Believe me, I tried.” to describe our pal Ocudeus). The last one is the Wet Wick and it’s their favourite because it’s got the Bloodhounds, always ready for a show (“This tavern’s my favourite, it’s got its own band, and they’re always more than happy to lend me a hand!”)
Here’s their new full character design!
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I changed it from the original, which had a more swashbuckling pirate feel, since I wanted to incorporate more of the magician and performer aspects of Alon into their design. …It’s giving Wonka, lowkey. I did consider giving them a top hat but…yeah. XD
As with my other MCs, I incorporated their backstory symbol into their design. In Luneth, the Unnamed symbol is in her bodice. In Jin, the Alchemist symbol is in his medallion and spellbook. In Alon, the Hound symbol is in their cards.
I also tried to include the specific shapes of each backstory symbol in each MC so Jin’s design has a bunch of circles, Luneth’s has diamonds, and Alon has several triangles.
Here are the bios of my other Touchstarved MCs:
Luneth the Reluctant Unnamed
Jin the Abandoned Alchemist
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goddessofwaifus · 2 years
Beerus with a warrior healer s/o?
Ooh this is outside my usual s/o writing but I'll take a shot at this. Sorry if it's bad.
Beerus with a warrior healer s/o
You do a bit of fighting and you can heal. You're a jack of all trades!
Very useful for when any of the Z fighters gets injured in battle and needs back up
At first, you were just a healer on the sidelines with Bulma and the others,but that changed rq after the showdown with Kid Buu.
You wanted to do more than just sit there helpless while everyone around you was either killed or turned into food by the pink menace.
You wanted to fight alongside your allies and help them so you got training to help Goku and the other fighters when they were dropping like flies in combat
You're good at both offense and defense on the battlefield. Good for you being ambidextrous ✨✨
A destroyer threatening your very livelihood? Not on your watch
Your performance definitely peaked the god's interest when he saw how good you were at fighting
You can heal too? *Surprised Pikachu*
How can you fight AND heal??
Were you trained by the Kais?
Are you a Kai disguised as a human?
Nahhh you're just dual wielding 💅✨
He definitely wants to know more
Why do you put yourself in danger by fighting alongside the Z fighters?
Healing is your strong suit and it would be a shame for your team to lose its best healer
Beerus respects you and is impressed by your strength and ability to wield healing and embody a warrior's spirit
He also respects your reason for wanting to also fight to be more helpful but hopes you'll be careful against enemies
What are you doing in his domain? Training to better hone your combat style and defense? Well hopefully you aren't as loud as the saiyans when you train. Not that he would mind ...
Just what other skills do you have on your belt?! You can cook,clean,fight,heal. Maybe with some training from the Supreme Kai, you could even gain the ability to create.
He definitely thinks you're one of the fallen Supreme Kais from the realm of the Kais reincarnated as a human and you will not convince him otherwise
But maybe that's not a bad thing
You've got the potential
You two got pretty close during your training on his planet with Goku and Vegeta
One would say you two were inseparable
He likes watching you train and when Whis gave him the ok to see how much you improved
Sorry Goku, Beerus found a new fighting partner and will not be rematching you anytime soon
Beerus loves to cuddle and hold you after training is over for the day
Oh did i not mention that Beerus has you sleep in his room after training?
Whis was more than happy to make another room for you to sleep in but Beerus insisted you be his new cuddle buddy after he grew restless and found it hard to sleep lately
It definitely helped him a lot
He also loves to watch you cook his meals
Something about watching you work your magic in the kitchen has him purring up a storm and it honestly warms your heart to know he enjoys your company
You're definitely one of the most interesting beings he's ever met and he's not letting you go anytime soon
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wylde-space · 8 months
Dear Anti Who Has Been Sending Me Dozens Of Anons A Week For Several Months Who Is Now Begging Me To Contact Them Because They Need Help because their pro-harassment friends are bored and turning on them.
Sure, let's get acquainted by looking at a list of shit I hate:
- antis who are furries who get super shocked that other antis attack them for "liking animals".
- antis who like villains who are shocked when they get attacked by other antis for... You know, LIKING VILLAINS.
- antis who age regress and for some reason follow a lot of NSFW blogs who then are shocked because other antis call them pedophiles.
- antis who do all of the above and tell people that they deserved to be sexually abused as a child because they're against harassment.
.... Oh, wouldn't you know it! That's YOU! I appear to hate YOU SPECIFICALLY! I appear to HATE YOUR GUTS! I appear to DISLIKE EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY WITH A WHITE-HOT HATRED!
It looks like all that shit you kept bragging about liking "without making it problematic UwU" has gotten you in deep fucking shit with all the besties that told you to tell me that I deserve to be raped! Don't that just beat all?
Like.... Y'all are literally hanging out with the "we violently hate things and wish death on problematic people" group and then go all Shocked Pikachu when the vaguely-not-vanilla things you like get you violently hated. Literally gonna get no sympathy from me. You joined the Leopards Who Eat People's Faces coalition. I'm not helping you when you've been telling me you hope I get raped for months. Eat shit, actually. Go find actual friends and get a better life, but do it far the fuck away from us because you are, by and large, one of the worst fucking pieces of shit I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. You did EVERYTHING in your power, FOR MONTHS, to try to get me to kill myself... And now you're expecting me to just go "teehee~ it's okay best buddy~ I'll help you find NEW people to support you while you violently harass people!~" no. Fuck you.
If any other anti-harassment people wanna raise their hands so you can ask THEM? Cool beans go ahead I am begging you to abandon me and go somewhere else. But I'm going to give you exactly the amount of my compassion that you deserve. None.
Because I am not obligated to aid an abuser who is going through nothing worse than the tragic ordeal of getting a lower dose of their own medication.
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(151 Follower Special!) Would A Pikachu Be A Good Pet?
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(I just hit 151 followers! Thank you all so much for your support! I hope to continue making the blog better in the coming months, especially after I recover from this sickness. I figured there was no better way to mark the occasion than covering the main little guy themself! There's a whole lot of pokédex entries to look over, so I better get right to it!)
Tragically, I can't really recommend a pikachu to anyone but the most experienced electric-type pet owners! They're famous for being cute and friendly, and by all appearances they would be a great little buddy: they're are just the right size to be a good pet, which gets them some good points. They are known to be intelligent (Gold) and social, living in groups with other Pikachus in the forest (Diamond). But the electrocution risk is just plainly too high for me to comfortably recommend them. Pikachus passively generate electricity in their cheek pouches (Crystal), which they use to prepare food, protect themselves, etc. They don't seem to be able to control the electricity that they generate/gather, however, meaning that even the best trained Pikachu can cause you harm at any given moment.
If you come across a colony of Pikachus in the woods, I would recommend taking a wide berth, as groups of the pokémon can generate so much passive electricity that it can cause intense lightning storms (Red/Blue, Ultra Moon). Even a single Pikachu can cause lightning strikes: their tails, which they use to "monitor their surroundings", are natural lightning rods (Yellow, Silver). Pikachus generate electricity even as they sleep, which they often discharge accidentally when they wake up (Sapphire).
Pikachu's use the electricity they generate for controlled purposes as well, of course. For one, they use electric shocks to roast berries to eat (Gold). They aren't always the best at judging how much electricity to use on berries, and have been observed as blasting any new thing they come across with electricity in the same way they would food (Ruby). Pikachus use electric shocks to greet each other in the wild (Shield) and to help out other Pikachus that need a recharge for whatever reason (Black/White). Finally, Pikachus use the electricity they generate to defend themselves, giving them access to a decent selection of moves that pose an electrocution risk and inflict paralysis. You definitely don't want to get on a Pikachu's bad side.
The major issue with Pikachus is that even if you do your best to train your Pikachu to not attack you with their dangerous electric-type moves, they will need to discharge their passive electricity in some way. Pikachus get stressed when they are unable to fully discharge periodically (Moon). A stressed pet is an unpredictable pet. Certain emotional states can drive a Pikachu to recklessly discharge on a whim: when they are angry (Crystal) or wary (Pearl) they "immediately" release their electricity, shocking anything around them.
Caring for a Pikachu would require a keen attention to their need to discharge the electricity that they generate in their day-to-day life. You would need to constantly provide safe outlets (pun intended) for your Pikachu to comfortably discharge. One would need to be aware of the risk that their furry friend constantly presents, which something that only experienced electric-type trainers may be equipped to do. All this being said, I gotta be realistic. It's Pikachu. The main little guy! Even I would want a pet Pikachu! If they had a chance, I'd guess most people would go for it. Who could say no to that face?
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I decided to make dndads pokemon team headcanons
Each character will be limited to 3 max (exceptions pending)
Greedent - Looks just like him, Matt said so himself. Calls it Grant. It gets confusing.
Meowth (Galar) - Scruffy just like Daryll. Evolves into Perrserker, fitting Daryll's barbarian class. Named it Aragorn on a whim and wouldn't change it even when people told him it doesn't fit.
Kangaskhan - Loving, protective parent. Inherited from Frank as the baby of his own Kangaskhan now grown up. Named it after his grandmother, Sally.
Cradily - No brainer. Best of both interests (nature and geology). Named it Lily. Simple, sweet.
Carnivine - Thorn Whip/Entangle/Grasping Vine! Also representative of his more aggressive nature that he pushes down until he snaps. Named it simply Flower cause he wanted to associate it with nice and gentle imagery.
Trevenant - Had it since he was a boy and both lost their memories when they were transported to earth. Gifted to him by Beary to help attune him to the Doodler's eldritch nature within him by interacting with the ghost type. Made of the husk of an oak tree. Perhaps possessed by the lost soul of an Oakvale child. Can learn Will-O-Wisp, which is a good enough justification for Wall of Fire for me. He never named it.
Beeheeyem - Had it since it was an Elgyem, but doesn't remember catching it. He remembers getting high in the desert one night, then waking up with a new friend. He doesn't even know the species name, he just calls it Star Wars.
Rotom - Let's it chill in his amps or guitars when at home and in his vape pen when on the go. When it possesses his electric guitars it can play loud even without an amp. Calls it Lil' Dude/Lil' Man/Lil' Guy/Lil' Buddy. It responds to all.
Pikachu - of all the characters, he feels the most right to have a Pikachu. What's it's name? Nick Jr.
Glenn hasn't technically captured any of his pokemon.
Herdier - His first pokemon that he had to give up long ago. Named Rogue.
Greavard - It found him one day.
Tyrogue - It's the same size as him and he found it after joining the dads. He fought it himself. Calls it his Rival.
Walter the Immoral:
Honedge - The sword that gave him his name. He never wanted a pokemon, but when the sword he crafted broke and killed that hero, it became possessed and returned to him. Has no name, and he barely refers to it. Good friends with Paeden.
Scam Likely/Well Actually/Scam Actually:
He has no set team. Every time he crosses paths with the daddies he has a different pokemon accompanying him, even if they were only separated for an hour.
Some examples of pokemon he's been seen with -
Sneasel (both versions)
Each of the daddies' pokemon (at different occasions)
Meowth (Kanto)
Zorua (most commonly seen)
Arin O'Neal:
Trevenant - (Lots)
Torterra - (Lots)
Dusknoir - Uses it as a tool and nothing else. Doesn't refer to it at all, conditioned it to respond to orders only.
Darkrai - Keeps it contained and under wraps. Never tries to use it for battle or utility. He doesn't want to risk losing control, even in his dreams. He would have to be desperate to resort to using it.
Liligant (Hisui) - Uses it as a partner for light aerobics and yoga. Calls it Lily.
Golurk - Created it himself. He considers it something of a magnum opus. Refers to it by its species name.
Dragonite - His ace up his sleeve. He lets it guard the O-Dads compounds and bases. Calls it Raymond Dio Labot.
Slaking - His oldest pokemon. Extraordinarily powerful, but just as lazy as he is. Calls it Brother.
Exploud - He likes it loud. Taught it to beatbox and Willy fucking hates it. Calls it Rock and/or Roll.
Rotom - Glenn's Rotom. He bequeathed it to him some time before he "died". He's the one that started calling it any variation of "Lil'" that Glenn caught on to.
The Doodler:
Unown Unknown
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dessertpanda · 5 months
Ash x Fem-Pokemon Trainer Mention of Abusive realtionship Sexual Assault mentioned )
"Charmander? where could that little bastard be?" Y/N questioned as she walked in search of the small orange lizard. "I say 1 thing and he gets mad" she sighed, feet hurting from walking for so long. "PIKACHU LOOK" The voice of a male brook the erry silence of the forest. "Hey buddy, are you a wild Charmander?" the boys voice rang through Y/N head. 'AHH HELL NAW SOME LITTLE BITCH AIN'T TAKING MY CHAMANDER' Y/N yelled into her mind. "CHARMANDER" She hollered as she stared to sprint in the direction the voice had come from. "CHARMANDER" she yelled again. "HELLO, IS SOMEONE LOOKING FOR A CHARMANDER?" the boys voice hollered back. Y/N was so turned around within the forest she couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from. "YES *pant* I AM, I"M A LITTLE LOST COULD YOU HELP GUIDE ME?" she questioned into what seemed like the obis. She waited for an answer, practically sitting on pins and needles. She was being to panic when she got no answer and the fact that she might actually be lost began to set in. "HEY YOU STILL THERE?" relief flooded over her. Never did she think that a strangers voice could be so calming. " IF YOU LOOK UP DO YOU SEE A NOIBAT?" She looked up into the bright blue sky and sure enough there was a small bat right over her head. " YEP, HE'S REALLY CUTE" She couldn't resist commenting on the indeed cute Pokemon. "YEAH... FOLLOW HIM, HE'LL LEAD YOU TO ME" 'okay follow the cute bat to the possible cute boy got' Y/N realized what she had said and formed a blush on her cheeks 'no no i have no idea who he is, for all i know he could be an old man' she smacked her cheeks a couple of time attempting to get rid of the redness. " Noi?" the small bat called from above "Ah I'm so sorry, please lead the way" She gently smiled up at the bat which caused a blush to form on the small Pokemon. "N-Noi" he then headed south and Y/N was quick to follow. 'Finally, I'll get to meet another trainer, MAYBE WE COULD BATTLE' she mentally conversed with her self ' maybe he's super cute... and we could get a drink and then go on a date, fall in love, have our first kiss, get married and maybe even kids' she began to fantasize all these random thoughts about this mysterious person shes about to meet. So lost in thought she didn't even realize that they where out of the forest until she was tacked into a hug "CHAR-CHARMANDER" the lizard cried. Making quick work to inhale the sent of his beloved owner. "Ch-charmander oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said, I was so scared I had lost lost you" She was quick to return the hug. Their embrace was interrupted by the boys voice. " whoh glad we saved you, that forest get's really spooky after dark" he said his head turned towards the forest. " Yeah thank you so much, I was horrified.." Y/N slowly stood, keeping Charmander in her arms. She looked up towards the boy and as his head turned she let out a loud gasps "A-Ash as in Ash Katchum?!" She was shocked to see such a familiar face. "AH Y/N.. its been soo long" he quickly brought her into a huge hug. Y/N gladly returned it. Seeing her childhood best-friend looking well and healthy was such a relief for her.  "I- I haven't seen you since Valencia" Y/N pulled away quickly. "My have you grown" she giggle looking at his face. "I could say the same for you, I see you got a Charmander now" Ash smiled, He studied her face, taking in every change since the last time he had seen her " Man, have you grown" he repeated her own words back to her. Y/N couldn't help the giggles that bubbled up again. " You know.. I'll be here or a few days, Why don't we catch up, like old time" Y/N suggested. "I couldn't have come up with a better idea myself" Ash smiled at the idea. " Okay but camp or find a hotel?" She asked looking at her surroundings " well after the events I think we should find a hotel room, that way you don't get lost again" He teased her before running to grab his bag "Shut up, that was hella scary" she defended herself and readjusted Charmander in her arms. With everything set they began their journey into the town.
It was about a 30 minute walk into town, They whole way they where telling story's of one an others adventures. "No way... SHE KISSED YOU?" Y/N was slightly heart broken that Ash had found a girl but glad at the same time. "Yeah, but, I didn't feel anything. I mean at the moment I was so surprised but yet there was no spark" He confessed with a sigh. Y/N smile dropped slight ' But she seemed so perfect' she couldn't help but think. "AH LOOK its an Inn" Ash pointed to the lights up ahead. Soon he took off sprinting "HEY WAIT" Y/N quickly followed after, trying to catch him. Soon they where at the front desk, checked in, and made their way up to the room. As soon as they got in Y/N fell onto one of the beds. "Man it;s been weeks since ive slept in a bed" she sighed attempting to sink deeper into it "Really, why so long?" Ash question while he sat on the other bed, Allowing Pikachu to craw up onto the pillows. "Well" she began, tucking Charmander into bed. " Charmander had gotten into a battle and he was pretty hurt," she gently petted her Pokemon's head " We spent 1 week in the hospital just trying to keep him stable. and after that another 2 days just to keep watch over him" She felt so upset with herself " How, how did he get so hurt?" Ash question taking off his jacket and hat, setting them to the side. Y/N remover her own gear and continued " T-The man had insisted on battling, I- I wasn't sure because he was rather strong looking and my guess was right... Even after he had knocked Charmander out his kept beating him" She gently ran a hand over her stitched stomach. " I had to step in to stop it and well his Scyther ended up cutting me to" " Damn, how could someone be so cruel?" Ash questioned "I-I don't know but I'm gonna get some sleep. Lots to do tomorrow" She ended the conversation rather quickly " ah yeah.. night" Ash said covering him self. "Night" she replied trying to stop the sobs. What Ash didn't know was who the man truly was and that the 'Pokemon battle' wasn't a normal one at all.
A few days had passed since the friends where reunited. The day where spent hanging out and battling. There was even a carnival coming to town and Ash surprised Y/N with tickets. "A Carnival? I love carnivals" she did little happy feet. "I remember that whats I got them" Ash explained adjusting his hat. "YOU ARE THE BEST" she jumped into his arms giving him a large hug and a small kiss on the cheek before picking up Chamander and chanting about how much fun it'll be. However she failed to notice the blush that formed on Ashes face 'that's the spark, the one that been missing' he thought to himself, a large smile forming. " Yeah, and the tickets for tonight so we better get ready" Ash said watching the girl dance around. "Right, I gotta get Charmander a Jacket, I'll meet you there at say 5:00pm?" she questioned, "Yeah that works, give me time to train a little more" Ash happy to agree. "Okkay SEE YOU" she then took off into a sprint into the town. "Pikachu, I think I found the missing spark" Ash smiled giddily " PiiiKa" Pikachu rolled his eyes as if he knew that already.  "Come on, I wanna look nice, make an attempt to match her" he ran back towards the hotel, planning out his out fit. 
Y/N sat in-front of the entrance in dark blue jeans, Charmander sneakers, and a Pikachu sweater. Charmander sat huddle to her side in Charizard hoodie. "I wonder what's taking him so long" Y/N talked to Charmander, checking her watch to see that it was already 5:20. She looked back up and scanned the walk way in serch of the familiar hat. "I hope he shows up soon" she signed "Don't worry Darling I'm already here" a rugged voice came from behind her. She stilled and continued looking forward hoping the voice belonged to anyone else.  "Thomas" she whispered under her breath as if it was a sin to say his name. "in the flesh darling" He leaned into her, inhaling deeply "And you smell sweet as ever" "NO NO GET THE FUCK AWAY" she screamed getting the attention of people passing. However a hand quickly covered her mouth "That was a mistake darling" he tightened grip on her arm " I've been hunting for you " he mimed while kissing her cheek. 'Ash please you bastard' She glanced to her side to see that Charmander had Scyther holding him. "Lets get out of here Yeah" he then attempted to drag her. Y/N did the only thing, she bit him hard, Drawing blood "AH BITCH" he cried releasing her. She then went to grab a ball from her belt to call her Houndoom but then she remembered she left her belt at the hotel 'fuck' she cussed to her self. She got into a fighting stance. "What honey got balls now?" Thomas taunted. "No but I have more than you" with that she threw a quick left hook, successfully knocking him back, and charmander used Flame thrower scaring the Scyther back. She threw all she could, fending him off for a good amount a time. But he played dirty, he called Scyther to cut her. She prepared for another blow but she was ready arms up. She felt no sting, no burn, but she saw a genja standing over her successfully deflecting the block. "A-Ash" She silently cried tears of relief. "Look buddy, I don't appreciate you hurting my best friend now scram, before I kick your ass" Ash looked a little less than intimating with his light blue jeans, Pikachu shoes and Charmander hoodie.But Thomas knew who he was, he was a champion and in reality he was lucky you had forgotten your belt for he would have lost if you had it. "FUCKEN BITCH, JUST WANTED TO REMIND HER OF WHAT SHE IS" Thomas spat "NO YOU ARE SO WRONG, Y/N IS KIND AND CARING, BEAUTIFUL AND I'M IN LOVE WITH HER" Ash was attempting to defend you honor but he ended up confessing instead. " You love me?" Y/N questioned from ground. "Yeah?" Ash said with a bright blush. "Dis-akg" and before Thomas could comment a very plush Snoorlax punched him away. "Yes, I'm in love with you, I have been" Ash said helping her up. "You where the spark I was missing" he confessed holding her face "Oh Ash, you where the spark I never knew I needed" Y/N said bring him closer. "Can I kiss you" He asked, wanting to make sure she wanted this "Please" she whispered scared to speak any louder. With that their lips collided into a sweet and perfect kiss. As they separated they couldn't help the smiles forming. "I'm a champion and got the girl of my dreams in the same year" Ash smiled and pulled her closer. "Now all thats left is to chatch'em all" she said holding his face "nah," Ash said "I think I've caught more than enough" he said bringing there lips back together.
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
You’ve heard of the trapped dads theory (which I love so much and want to happen) but here is what I would like to see:
Odd pairs, imagine they all get split up or trapped in different configurations than what we normally see or in configurations that don’t aid them best
Let me explain-
I mean chimney and buck: we already know chimney is injured and buck is the one of the few non medics on the team so that will be interesting plus brothers in law content!!
Ravi and Eddie: odd pair we never see any real interactions between them AND it would be gold if Ravi would call him out on the buck front, like imagine we actually get confirmation that ravi thinks buddie is a thing or like he sees Eddie worried and he’s like “ I’m sure buck is fine” and then Eddie is like 😦*surprised pikachu face*
Bobby and hen aren’t quite an odd pair but still would be interesting to see more of them interacting especially since hen and Athena are so close
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asexualbookbird · 7 months
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Spooky season is still here in my eyes. Spooky season is eternal. October, however, is over! I didn't read a whole lot because my Sit And Do Nothing energy was spent on my Drawtober challenge, but that's okay! I had fun! Read a few novellas! Read most of what I had planned to read! I didn't get to The Liar's Knot, but I requested the audiobook from my library so I can do more puzzles about it.
I found a fun new game called Suika which is very dangerous and a lot of fun! They changed the theme for Halloween and now all the watermelons are jack o lanterns! I also watched Detective Pikachu which was very enjoyable. It was a good month despite life lol
The Book of Koli by MR Carey DNF - this was for book club and I couldn't get into it. Stopped reading after ten days and three chapters. Might go back to it in audio form, but not a priority (book club said it was very hard to get into)
Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman ⭐⭐⭐ - it wasn't as exciting as the first one, but still worth a read. All the action was shoved into the final act and by that point I just wanted it to be over. Will still read book three!
Of Ice and Shadows by Audrey Coulthurst ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - buddy read with a friend!! Adored it!!!! The pacing was a little off for me, but otherwise! A very good book! (why would you [REDACTED] [REDACTED] that wasn't very nice)
Provenance by Ann Leckie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - ADORED THIS! Maybe even more than the og trilogy do not @ me
The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - a silly little fucked up story :) perfect for spooky season :) little bite sized space horror :)
The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Weird! Fucked up! I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that!
I have yet to choose my reads for November, I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for. I still have seven books left in my Yearly Goal Stack and I'm worried I might not make it whoops. But I'll do my best!
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callmechito · 1 year
𐐪♡𐑂 - When You Meet (PKMN)
Everyone is their canon ages. With the acception of Butch and James, whom I'm headcanonning as 20 year olds-Mid 20's. I'm gonna try to keep everything as in universe as possible. Also I am writing a more AFAB!Reader but that doesn't mean you can't read (Y/N) as any other gender(s) ^^ 
Also if you've come from Quotev, this is a rewrite! I changed some minor details to the whole scenario even for a few of these guys so yeah. Sorry for any possible confusion. ^^
Happy reading!
(P/O/C) = Pokemon of Choice
(T/O/C) = Town of Choice
(BFF/N) = Best Friends Name
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You were running around in the forest laughing along with your (P/O/C), when you ran into a boy and his pikachu. You groaned, rubbing your behind from the hard impact.
"Hey! Watch where your going!" The boy yelled, fixing his cap.
"I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone would be in this part of the forest." You stood up and stretched your sore muscles. Once making sure (P/O/C) was alright, you turned to the boy and his friends with a smile, "My names (Y/N), (Y/n) (L/N)."
The boy smiled at your kindness,  "Hi! I'm Ash Ketchum and this is my buddy Pikachu." He introduced as Pikachu gave a 'pika'. His two friends, a red head and a taller boy, looked as though they were gonna say hi but were cut off by this Ah Ketchum boy; "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap like that." He scratched his cheek.
You shook your head, "No worries. I don't blame you. I'm sorry but I gotta go now." You turned around on your heel, "Bye guys!" You waved with (P/O/C) not too far behind you.
"She seems nice." Misty commented.
"Yeah. It's too bad she had to leave so soon though." Brock adds.
"I wonder if I'll ever get to meet her again." Ash smiles looking off in the direction you ran off in.
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Today you were at a local Pokemon centre waiting for your best buddy, (P/O/C). It wasnt long before they came out with Nurse Joy leading the way. You got up and ran over to the duo with a smile, "You're okay-!"
"Nurse Joy! You're so beautiful I could melt away!" A boy around your age jumped in between you and the nurse.
You snorted at the boys love sick performance. You peeked over his shoulder and made eye contact with (P/O/C). "There you are!" You pushed passed the boy and grave your dear friend a hug.
"Woah." The boy sighed in astonishment. Suddenly instead of (P/O/C) in front of you, you were met with the eyes of the boy from just a moment before. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He held your hands.
"Oh!" You blushed, "Thank you." You smiled.
"Come on Brock!" A little boy in glasses dragged the boy away from you.
"Let's meet again someday!" 'Brock' called out to you.
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You stood off to the side as you watched your best friend (BFF/N) and a girl with long violet red hair argue over who should get the wild Eevee that kind of just came out of nowhere.
"Hurry it up Jessie or its gonna get away!" A man with blue hair shouted. He wore an all white outfit, paired with black gloves that match with his boots, a belt, and an undershirt. Not to mention the huge red R on his shirt.
"Come on (BFF/N)! If your not gonna catch it, I'll get it!" You pulled out your pokeballl and out came a (P/O/C).
"No! (Y/n) I'll get it!" Your friend pulled out her own pokeball and out came her Pokemon.
"I don't understand why I don't just ditch you already." You sighed which (P/O/C) nodded along too.
"Sometimes I wonder the same thing with Jessie." The boy beside you sighed. You glanced at the guy who was now standing right beside you. You gulped. He was... actually quite cute.
"Do you, um," You coughed, "...do you want a rice ball?" You held out your lunchbox. The mystery man happily grabbed the offered food.
"Where I come from, they call these jelly filled donuts." He took a bite, "Pretty funny if you ask me." You guys shared a laugh. He caught your eyes, "Thank you. It was delicious."
Quickly, you felt your heart pounding and your face heating up, "No...no problem!" You smiled.
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Walking to the nearest restaurant you can find, you kept conversation with your little (P/O/C); "The ice cream in this place is supposed to be really good. They even have specially made ice cream for Pokemon! Isn't that cool?" You smiled down at your little buddy.
They nodded and made a little noise, which you can only assume meant some form of agreement.
Right as you entered the place, you were behind two people in dark coats. It was... a little intimidating if we're being honest.
"U-um," You stuttered out, the two turned to you, "if you're done ordering... I'd like a turn please." You shyly pointed at the counter.
The girl huffed, "alright. We were done anyways," she turned around, "Biff, bring our order when it's ready." She stalked off to a back table.
"It's Butch!" He called out aggravated.
He stepped aside to let you order.
The employee, who seemed a little suspicious, came back with all three orders; one for the duo, one for you, and one for your pokemon. The green haired man grabbed his order and was about to walk away when he noticed how you quickly retreated your hands from your sundaes. He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Here," he gently pushed you aside, "I got it." He grabbed tray to carry all your orders on.
"Thank you." You nodded.
"Hm," He hummed, staring down at you with his dark shades, "where are you sitting?"
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"(P/O/C), can you set up the blanket over there please? Thank you." You smiled.
"And (P/O/C), can you carry this basket please. I'm afraid it's too heavy for me." You blushed sheepishly as another one of your pokemon carried the basket to where the other was.
"I'm sorry for having you guys do all this work for me. I'll give you guys some extra yummy food to make up for it, okay?" You got up from the river having just filtered your water to keep fresh and healthy for the remainder of your trip to the nearest town possible.
"Wow! This all looks great!" Someone shouted. You looked across the river and saw a boy about your age with a Pikachu on his shoulder. aww how cute! The pikachu had a little tuff of furr on his head!
"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you. Its just that I saw some Pokemon and wanted to catch them but it looks like they are yours." He scratched his head.
"Oh no worries you didn't disturb me at all! Would you like to have lunch with us?" You gestured to all the food.
"If you don't mind." He smiled. The boy began to look around, "their must be a way over somehow." He spoke out loud. You stood up and quickly ran to a bush.
"Here!" You called out, "a bunch of kids from a small nearby village have things like these everywhere," the kid watched you pull out a long and sturdy plank of wood, "it's pretty convenient." You placed the plank over the river.
"Well I'd say!" He laughed. Him and his pikachu made it over the little makeshift bridge safely and quickly. "My names Ritchie." He held out his hand.
"(Y/N)." You shook his hand.
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You sat in a burger restaurant eating your order with your little buddy, (P/O/C), sat across from you eating their pokepuff. A bell chimed signalling someone came into the restaurant. You curiously looked up and saw a boy around your age with a lot of teenage girls following behind him to the counter.
"Hey dude, check it out. Rich kid in a place like this? Seems weird don't you think?" You whispered to (P/O/C) as he cutely looked over the seat.
"Alright girls. Let's eat at this big table over here." The boy and his cheerleaders all walked over to a big table. Which was beside yours.
"Hey," You whispered to (P/O/C). He looked up at your from his pokepuff, icing bits on his furr.
"Let's get going." You whispered once more. You were about to get up when the boy from the other table stepped in front of you cautiously-trying not to be rude but eh, it's Gary.
"Excuse me miss. But I was wondering if I could get your name. I've seen you somewhere before but I just can't get my finger on who you are." He looked at you in thought.
You looked back down at your little companion, exchanging a similar thought on if you should tell him who you are. 'Mom always said don't talk to strangers.'
"(Y/N) Ketchum." So much for stranger danger. "I gotta go now, sorry. Bye." You walked passed the boy.
"She's a Ketchum!?" The boy exclaimed which startled his cheer squad.
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"Alright so if this equals that then that mean this should be...ah!" You friend screamed as theywas trying to figure out a math problem. They want to be a pokemon scientist one day and math is often involved in science so they have to learn both subjects and be excellent at them.
"Um, (BFF/N), is there anything I can do to-eh!" You got cut off.
"You can help by shutting up! The math I was just trying to figure out! Ugh! It's left my brain forever!" She face cried.
"Ehh! I'm sorry!" You then got up to go grab yourselves some ice cream across the street to calm you both down.
"Ah!" You yelped as you were tackled to the ground.
"Ah! I'm late! I'm late! Hey stay out of my way-whoa..." You looked up and saw a blonde boy with orange eyes staring at you in awe. You could have sworn you seen him somewhere before.
"I'm sorry. I guess I should watch were I'm going." You groaned as you got up. The boy gulped and stood up quickly, a noticing pink hue dusting his face.
"Huh. Oh no! It's ok! I'm Barry by the way." Barry held out his hand. You grabbed it and stood up.
"Barry? Oh I've seen you on TV." You smile excitedly. You had to admit, watching the pokemon league on TV was quite fun. Especially whenever Barry was battling. He was just so cute! Of course you had a crush on him!
"Woah! Really?" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah! You lost 2 rounds in!" You mindlessly say.
"ugh." Barry falls to the ground.
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【As you've probably noticed, I try to keep a lot up to the readers decision. Like gender of your best friend, your pokemon, hometown ect. But in Paul's, I am writing that (Y/N) does indeed have a Togepi. Happy reading!】
You watched a boy your age with purple hair battle against your friend Ash with ease.
"Is that all? I should have expected at least a little bit of a challenge. Shame on me for thinking the weakest trainer can put up a fight with pokemon like that." He insulted.
"C'mon Ash! We're wasting our time! Let's just go." You heard your friend Dawn say. Ash looked like he was gonna get into a nasty fight with this 'Paul' guy. You took this as your cue to get going on your own solo adventure-seeing as you didn't travel with them or anyone else.
Your eyes casted to the boy who seemed to have too little patience in the world. "What are you looking at?" The purple haired boy glared at you-if it could somehow get even more harsh. It seemed he had a constant glare on his face.
"Hm. Oh! Um... nothing!" You stuttered out with a heavy blush, "Hey...Hey lets go Togepi." You turned around as your Togepi followed with his cute little 'Togepiiii'.
"What is that thing? It looks so... useless." Paul pulled out his Pokedex.
His comment caused you to turn around. He was too busy engrossed in his pokedex and trying to drown out Ash, Dawn, and Brock's voices. You hesitated but walked back to the boy so you were face to face.
"It's.. a Togepi." You said almost a little too quietly. Paul had just barely heard you. "and it's cute. And kind of scary." You looked down at the little guy running in circles chasing some butterfly pokemon.
"Sure it is." Paul rolled his eyes. "Do you have any other pokemon?" He crossed his arms.
"No." You shook your head.
"That's probably why." He pointed at Togepi before walking away without another word.
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You walked around a city looking at all the cool colours, buildings, Pokemon shops, restaurants and all that other stuff. Your eyes sparkled up at everything you saw.
"Wow! Hey look at this (P/O/C)! Everything's so bright and beautiful and shiny!" You ran around some more, your pokemon right behind you, looking at everything in awe just like you.
You turned at the sound and saw a boy your age with a camera, facing a cute little cafe. You made eye contact and smiled, "What are you doing?"
The dirty blonde haired boy glanced at you, "Documenting my journey." He puts his camera away, "what are you doing?" He returned the question. He had probably expected you to take some hint and to leave him alone to his business but unfortunately for him, (Y/N) doesnt really work like that.
"I'm here for my next contest." Suddenly you had a bright idea, "if you don't mind, will you come watch?"
He blinked, "What? Why?" He looked almost offended by it. Like why would some random person just come along and ask him to take time away from his day to do that?
"So I can show my mom back home! We don't really have a tv to watch these things. Please! Just one picture! That's all I ask!" You beg.
"What's in it for me? I'm not just gonna do this for free you know-"
"I'll pay for your dinner tomorrow!"
He placed a hand on his hip, now smirking, "and with what money?"
"When I win the contest tomorrow, duh." You smiled.
The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine. Come find me at the pokemon center tomorrow. Then you can get your picture."
Their will be MORE CHARACTERS added - such as;
I will add them at a later date but if you wanna keep track of them + the others easier, this chapter is on Wattpad @/DigitalChito
It is also available on Quotev @/CodexChito however it is OUTDATED seeing as I am rewriting the scenarios so fair warning. Their is plenty of chapters on the Quotev book tho, with the inclusion of Drew from the Advanced Generation series!
Happy reading!!
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
one thing i really love is how people outside the sonic fandom view his relationships with other characters, especially with different video game mascots
mario? yea he and sonic are best buddies and mario 100% adopted him
pikachu? sonic's little buddy
link? his adventuring pal, they like to talk about the journeys they've been on with each other
joker? fuck yea! stick it to the man! (sonic with his own persona is too damn funny and i want a persona/sonic crossover now)
there's just so many different characters out there for sonic to meet and befriend. i don't think i've ever seen anyone portray sonic as a dick because of how friendly he is to new people. him trying to help pikachu in the world of light trailer exemplifies that; even in a scenario where he could die, he still reaches his hand out to help others. that's just who he is
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