#your grandma is hanging onto her life
crowcussion · 2 years
words cannot describe how happy i am i can wear a fluffy onesie under a weighted blanket and not die of heatstroke
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the girl next door 26
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You fall asleep somewhere between the Humphrey Bogart classic and the Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan romcom. It all blends together inside your eyelids as the world glazes over behind the wall of your subconscious. The black-and-white and vibrant technicolor merge and storm around the images of reality; a courthouse, the smell of grass, and a constricting pressure around your middle. 
A rippling sensation spreads down your thigh as you slowly rouse from sleep. The worn couch cushions have you stiff as you lay on your side, one leg extended as warmth rests just above your knee. Your eyes slit as the TV continues to play, an early morning news show localised to another district. You yawn and scratch your ear as the world comes into focus. 
You don’t remember laying down. You only know one moment you were nestled into the corner and the next, you’re waking up like this. You fell another tickle on your leg and look down at the weight there. Steve’s hand lays on your thigh carelessly as his head hangs back over the back of the couch, his knees wide as his body is slack. He snores up at the ceiling, his other hand on your ankle. 
You turn slowly, careful not to disturb him as you pull your leg away from him. He wakes anyway, his head jerking up as he latches onto your calf, squeezing before he lets you go, and grumbles as he rubs his cheeks. He shakes his head. 
“Mm, oh, morning already,” he mutters as he leans forward, reaching back to touch his lower back, “umph,” he leans against the armrest, “good new, at least, my couch is a lot comfier.” 
He chortles and slides to the edge of the cushion. His jaw tenses before he stands, stretching his legs straight under him as he shifts from one foot to the other. He angles so you can only see his back as he rolls his shoulders. He tugs at the front of his pajamas then glances back at you. 
“Sweetie, you okay?” He asks. 
You nod as you hug your knees and stare down at the couch. The old floral pattern is worn out and you can feel the springs poking up. Still, the idea of getting rid of it is unsettling. 
“This was my grandma’s couch,” you murmur. 
“Aw, I know, sweetie, sorry, I didn’t mean--” he nears and sits back down, dragging his knuckle up your pant leg, toying with the fabric as he watches you, “you must’ve loved her, huh?” 
“I... yeah,” you shrug. 
“If you wanna keep it, how about we put it in your room?” 
“What?” you tilt your head, “my room?” 
“Well, yeah, you can take the guest room. Makes sense, right? Lots more room there. We’ll have to toss a few things but we’ll make it work. And you can put your art stuff in the studio, I don’t mind sharing.” 
“Mm, okay, I guess, I...” you look down at the couch then at him. “You can get rid of it.” 
“The couch,” you turn, slipping away from him. “It’s old.” 
“If it means something to you.” 
“Not really,” you stand and shuffle away from him. “I’m going to get dressed.” 
“Right, uh, yeah,” the coach groans beneath him as he stands again, “I’ll check on mom.” 
There’s stolid silence lingering between you, as if he expects a response. You just continue on to the doorway and he clears his throat.  
“Got some running around to do today, calls to make,” he says, “gotta get at em.” 
You nod and hum but offer him nothing else. You’re tired and disoriented by the disjointed night. Your head is brittle from the lack of sleep and the uncomfortably thin couch cushions. 
“Make sure you come and have breakfast with us, huh? I’ll be going into town soon to sort out the bill with hospital and ask about nursing options.” 
“Okay,” you utter and turn down the hallway. 
It’s a lot. You don’t think you could deal with it alone. It almost makes you thankful for all of it, yet it all still feels very strange. 
You offer to clean up after breakfast as Steve gets ready to leave and your mom reclines on the sectional in the front room. She looks out of it, more than you’ve ever seen her. She was quiet as you ate and looked sickened by each bite. She almost begged Steve to let her lay down. 
As Steve grabs his keys, he seems reluctant to leave. It’s as if he wants you to say something, to do something, but you can’t figure out his expectations. That will be a new worry. No longer do you have to keep your mother happy, but her husband will be just another task. 
The front door closes as you scrub and rinse. You forego the dishwasher and make sure to handwash each dish, taking your time if only to keep busy. You dry up and stack the plates away, put the glasses in neat rows, and sort out the utensils. 
You go to check on your mom. Her eyes are closed and her hand is on her chest. She looks so still you can’t even see her breathing. You cross the room and hover just on the other side of the arm rest, staring at her. Your heart patters nervously as you stare at her chest. 
“What do you want?” She growls and opens a single eyelid. 
“N-nothing, just... checking on you. You... want a coffee?” You offer, hoping to appease her with a dose of caffeine. 
“Should,” she yawns and frames her forehead with her thumb and fingers, leaning against the side of the couch, “goddamn, I’m so tired.” 
You briskly return to the kitchen. You use what grounds are left over in the fancy grinder. You’ve never used one before and it kind of scares you. You measure them out and put the water on, waiting before the machine as you bob on your feet. 
When at last you have enough for a mug, you pour the coffee and add the cream as your mother likes it. As you come out, you hear her snoring. Her arm is slung over her face as her mouth hangs open and her breath catches in her throat. You know better than to wake her so you leave the cup on the coffee table and retreat. 
You’re too restless to stay inside. This isn’t your home. No matter how Steve tries to convince you, you just can’t get used to the idea. He might be nice but it just doesn’t feel right. It’s all so fast. Too fast. 
You sit on the top step and stare out at the street. You cup your chin and watch the sky. The clouds are wispy and curl into each other as the sun blazes down. Your vision blurs as the intense lights causes your eyes to water and you stare into the endless above. 
You glance over at your mom’s house. You want to run over and hide away in your room. You can’t. You have to be there for mom at least until Steve comes back. 
As figure strolls up along the walk and your eyes flick up. You brace yourself for the disproving glare of an HOA minion but instead, find a friendly face. Peter smiles as he stops in front of your mom’s gate and puts his hand on the door. He sees you and waves. 
“Hey, what’re you doing over there?” He asks as he jiggles the gate then strides towards Steve’s house. 
“Um...” you drone and shrug, standing as he nears the edge of Steve’s lawn. You meet him at the low gate and stop across from him, “I sort of... I think I live here now.” 
“You think? Sort of?” He muses. 
“Yeah, uh, my mom... got married?” 
“You don’t sound so sure about that,” he chuckles. “Everything okay?” 
You turn your lips downward and turn out your hands, “sure.” 
“Wow, I’m convinced,” he says dryly. 
“Sorry, I--” 
The toot of a car horn interrupts you and Peter turns to watch as Steve pulls into the drive. Your chest thumps wildly. You’re not doing anything wrong but you feel like you are. 
He gets out and puts a hand up. He comes around the corner of the fence and approaches Peter, “hey, kiddo, you making friends?” 
Steve’s eyes are focused on Peter even as he speaks to you. The shorter, younger man faces him and offers a hand, “hello, sir, I’m Peter. Old friend.” 
“Oh?” Steve’s eyes scale up and down Peter’s figure, “she never mentioned.” 
“Well, just moved back to the neighbourhood, you know?” Peter grins, his eyes twinkling as if something’s funny. Steve peers between the two of you.  
“Mm, that’s nice,” Steve shakes his hand and you see his knuckles pale as he shakes it firmly, “Steve.” 
“New dad, got it,” Peter chirps and the older man’s cheek ticks. 
“Mm,” he squints as his square jaw clenches, “well, Pete,” he nearly spits, “her mom’s not doing too well so she’s a bit busy. Aren’t you, kiddo?” 
He looks at you and you look at Peter. You nod and look away guiltily, “yeah.” 
“Well then, Pete,” Steve releases Peter’s hand and claps his shoulder, “think you should be on your way.” 
“Right,” Peter nods and turns to you, “sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she feels better. See ya round.” He puts up three fingers in a half-wave, “see ya, Steve.” 
He steps past Steve, brushing close as he does, and marches off with a spring in his step. The older man turns to glare after him. You don’t know why he’s so bothered, Peter’s nice enough. Well, maybe Peter isn’t the issue. 
“Sorry, mom’s sleeping so I came out here--” 
“Come on,” he interjects as he lets himself through the gate, “did you give her her meds?” 
You frown as you scurry ahead of him. You didn’t. You thought he had. Oh no. 
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kteezy997 · 5 months
The Candy Man-Part Ten (the end)//W.W.
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Info/Warnings: Wonka family fluff, smut at the end, calling cum “cream,” another baby making session hehe, licking chocolate off of the body, use of ice for sex play
A/N: This is kinda long, grab a snack maybe.
The third Wonka baby, a little boy, was named Cotton, as in cotton candy. Willy couldn’t name his children after anything other than candy. You had to actively stop him from giving your child the name “Chocolate.” But Cotton was cute, and sweet just like his older siblings, Maple and Mocha.
Willy told you he liked the name ‘Cherry’ for when you had another girl together. You thought it was bold of him to assume that you’d continue having more of his children. You loved him, but hated him for always being right.
After your new son was born, it was finally time for you to become Mrs. Wonka. It was your wedding day. All of the original scrubbers happily helped you and Willy orchestrate the most beautiful wedding.
It was all traditional white ribbons and touches of cotton candy pink. Your bridal bouquet was two shades of pink roses with the tiny white flowers of baby's breath.
You thought it would be a little silly for you to wear a white dress, since this was your second, and albeit, last wedding, and Willy had made you a mother three times over. Thus, you decided on an adorable blush pink gown that was satin and chenille to the floor.
Willy looked handsome as ever, as you had helped fix his curls to lay in beautiful heap on his head. You were used to working with the texture of his hair; two of you children had the same curls, and though you knew baby Cotton would most likely have the same also, he was too little to tell just yet.
Daddy Wonka wore a dark brown suit, it was an homage to chocolate, but not too over the top, which you appreciated. You thought the rich color looked quite nice on your man. He wore a boutonniere that matched your flowers. He cried as you recited your wedding vows. He was so soft, but you knew how happy he was. He had come a long way. And before you knew it, he was wiping your tears away too.
In time, your kids grew, and the success of the chocolate factory allowed your family to have a rather nice life. Willy was able to hire more workers and spend more time at home with you and the kids. You and Willy would spend the workday at the factory, with you mostly in your office and Willy overseeing the candy making. And then you'd spent the latter portion of the day with the kids.
Maple and Mocha remained playful and curious, like their father. Willy would play with them in the chocolate room and let them try out new flavors he was creating. But little Cotton was more on the reserved, quiet side. He liked hanging out with you in your office. He was good with numbers and figuring, and he had a knack for solving problems, even at an early age.
All three kids got along and played well together, for the most part. They would fuss and fight now and then, like all siblings. But while the twins ran around and picked fights with each other, Cott liked to climb up into his Daddy's lap and ask him about his Grandma Wonka and how Willy remembered making chocolate bars with her. The first Wonka chocolate.
"And she would be so proud of you and your brother and sister." Willy would say to his youngest baby after looking back fondly and telling him the stories of his childhood with his mother.
You hoped you'd never forget the nights when Willy would hold little Cotton in his arms, singing "Pure Imagination" so softly, so angelically. And your sweet baby would fight the sleep that called him, but alas, his green eyes would flutter behind long lashes, and little curls would fall onto his sleepy face as his father's voice would lull him into slumber.
Willy's zest for creativity was passed to on Mae, who would spend her childhood using crayons to create designs for her Dad's candy ideas, all the way down to the style of the packaging. Her eye for color was impeccable. She never lost her sweetness, but she did develop an edge for the dramatic. Neither Willy nor you could complain about her over-the-top flair, because she was responsible for a lot of Wonka's eye-catching, and best-selling product designs.
Her twin brother was also like their father, in his love for the experimental side of the candy making. Mocha loved thinking up flavor combinations and bringing those ideas to fruition alongside Willy in the factory. There were many times where the young boy and his father would come home in need of sparkling soda to ease their stomach aches from eating too much sugar and mixing some of the wrong ingredients together.
Little Cott, however, seemed to inherit your mind for business. He loved his Daddy, of course, but he stuck to you quite often. He was always a serious, yet thoughtful child. He was a sensitive boy, and though he wasn't as into the candy making process like his artistic siblings, he was just as sweet and loving as they were. You had to admit, it was nice having your Cotton as a constant companion, as your older two kids were their father's little shadows.
As for you and Willy, things never changed, if they did it was your love growing stronger and deeper with every moment you got to spend together.
Nights of returning to the factory to visit the secret chamber never ceased. Anytime you and Willy wanted to be together and unwind, or let all of your fantasies come to light, you called one of your friends or your parents to babysit and made your way back to the chocolate factory.
Now, you could still have intimate nights at home, but three kids made it difficult at times. And in your private room, no one would ever bother you or be disturbed by anything that happened in there.
"Can we have another baby? I think the time is right." Willy asked you one evening after dinner. The kids were occupied with whatever game they were playing amongst the three of them.
You were surprised at his question; it was the first time you'd discussed the idea with seriousness in a long time. "You aren't happy with three kids?"
"Of course, I am, honey. That's not why. I know that you wanted to wait awhile, and the twins are almost seven and Cotton is five. I want to have just one more experience raising a baby." he took your hands, "Please, my love? Just one more, that's it. One more sweet little one, it makes me happy, creating a human that's half of you." he caressed your face, looking at you with puppy eyes. The eyes you could not say 'no' to.
"You're right. And you've been very patient, Willy. I love that you've let me take my time on deciding. My answer now is yes." you smiled, squeezing your husband's hands.
Willy grinned widley, "Really? We can?!"
"Yes, let's have another baby!"
Willy cheered and picked you up in his arms, spinning you around. "Oh honey, I'm so happy right now! I love you, y/n."
You hugged him tightly, "I love you too, Willy."
"What are you two so excited about?" quipped Maple, showing a little sass at the ripe age of nearly six and a half.
"Nothing for you to be concerned about, young lady." you responded. You didn't want to spill any beans and get the kids excited for something that hadn't happened yet. "Now, go on upstairs, it's almost time for baths."
"Ugh, I don't want to take a bath tonight." your daughter grumbled.
"Maple Wonka, don't you sass your mother, now do as she says." Willy demanded, using his stern Dad voice.
Mae rolled her eyes, "Fine." she huffed. She, along with her brothers, made their way upstairs.
As you watched them go, Willy put his arms around you from behind, and kissed your cheek.
You put your arms on his and rested your head back against him, "Mae is going to be the one to give us a run for our money." you sighed.
"Oh, it's going to be okay. She's strong, like you, but it's not a problem."
"Hmm." you put your hand in his curls, "I hope you're right."
"I'll go make sure bath time goes smoothly." he kissed your temple, parting from your embrace, "And you can think up a time for us to start making a baby."
As he started walking away, you said, "What about tomorrow night? At the factory?"
He pivoted on his heel and his eyes were wide when he caught your gaze, "Oh, that soon? Honey, I'm so excited." he said, running over to kiss your lips as you giggled.
The next night, Willy tied you to the bed, and had poured warm chocolate all over your nude body. He teased you with his tongue, swirling over your hard nipples, trailing down your tummy, dipping into your navel, and slipping down between your legs as he lapped up every trace of the chocolate.
He got you all worked up, sweaty, and dripping wet. Your body ached and writhed in anticipation.
He came back over to the bed with a medium sized metal bucket in his hands. "Some ice." he announced, "In case the chocolate was too warm for you."
You nodded, and he went ahead, placing a cube of ice on your lips first. You couldn't help but lick the ice as it was near your mouth, and you gave his fingers a tiny nibble as well.
He ran the ice from collarbone to collarbone, then downwards, over your nipples, making you gasp.
Willy smirked at the effect the ice was having on your body.
You held your breath as he dragged the ice down your stomach, your ribcage inflating as you held your breath. As you let out your breath, your back arched as you felt the ice on your clit, melting and dripping between your folds. Your skin was on fire, and the ice was a shock. It was almost too much. Your man had a wicked imagination.
The ice was taken away, "Feel alright, y/n?" he asked, still being your sweet Willy at this point.
"Yes." you said, weakly.
"Excellent." he said, setting the bucket of ice down. Then, he leaned down close to your ear, "Now, I'm ready to breed you." Dominant Willy had arrived. You could barely contain your excitement as he untied your wrists and ankles.
You lay on the bed as patiently as you could, and he climbed on top of you. He took your legs, propping them all the way up on his shoulders. You whimpered, as he made eye contact with you. You feet hung up on either side of his head. With a little thrust of his hips, he was inside of you.
You'd been making love to Willy for years now, sex in every sense of the word, a deep, trusting sexual relationship that you never imagined you'd have, and still, each time was like the first. You looked back to the time you took his virginity on the bear skin rug that you so despised. You fell in love right then. You knew he was special from the beginning.
"Are you gonna make me a Daddy again, my sweet?" he asked, thrusting softly, pushing his curls back as he looked down at you.
"Yes, baby. Give me that Wonka baby cream, please." you whined.
Willy dipped down, kissing you hard and he quickened his pace, "I'll give it to you.”
Your husband kissed you repeatedly, and kneaded your hips as he rammed you. You knew as his thrusts became sloppy and his breath ragged, he was close to coming. He put his forehead on yours, letting his sweat and your mix together.
You ran your hands over his strong back, his arms, then held his handsome face, “I love you, Willy Wonka, I want your baby.” you cooed.
“Oh, I love you.” he huffed, “You should be pregnant before the night is over, Mrs. Wonka." You felt his cum invade you shortly after.
Who would have thought that the innocent chocolate salesman would be saying that to the housewife he met by chance almost seven years prior?
Willy Wonka, as you knew, was never wrong, and your fourth and final child came into the world nine months, to the day, later. Cherry Wonka. She completed your beautiful family. She was the class clown of the bunch, spirited and wild as could be, with bouncing curls and a deviously cute grin. She kept you and Willy on your toes constantly, and you adored her.
A/N: Special thank you to my beta, @gatoenlaciudad ! You’ve been such an inspiration and great support throughout this series!💕
@thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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— a prayer, tathève simonyan
[text ID: a prayer / i look up at God and see my ceiling staring back at me. / whimpered prayers leaving through the gates of my lips, ricocheting and landing right onto my eyes. / now everything i see is tainted with the colors of my pending longings. / a desire so raw you could still see the specks of blood gathering at seams. / a prayer … / a man on his knees in front of a woman, hands on her hips, holding the cathedral that was neither built nor can be destroyed / lips kissing the source of life / lips kissing the source of light / lips kissing / a   prayer! – a body to crawl into! (to grow into?) / a prayer! – a dead language we refuse to let go of, / a language of the dead that we refuse to let go of / a prayer! – Grandpa’s favorite tie, hanging from the bedroom door, decades after he passed / because my Grandma was the only one of us who knew what a prayer was / a prayer! – Grandma: “sitting with someone until they finish their meal is the purest sign of love” / a prayer! – i’ll sit with you till the very last sip, till the very last grain / a prayer! – a hymn to the Sun written by the coldest of hands / a prayer! – a mouth full of tongues that can never find the right language to weep in / Rage, that is love – rotten! / Rage, that is desire – rotten! / Rage! – like a prayer, unanswered, ricocheting from your ceiling and landing right onto your eyes, never quite reaching where it was meant to.]
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yoisami · 9 months
˚₊‧୨୧ CLASSIC ROMANCEヾ— [pt. 2]
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[૮₍ ˃ࡇ˂ ₎ა]: you and your favourite bllk character in a shoujo animanga, part 2 ! thank you all so so much for the love i’ve received for “classic romance pt. 1” — it’s been so fun to write for this mini series or whatever it is !
tags. nagi, kaiser x gn!reader (separately), 810 wc, fluff, somewhat proofread, was rushing to finish this lol, drabbles based on established shoujo animangas (meaning i do not own any of the following characters, plot, etc., they belong to their rightful owners), use of profanities (like once)
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— nagi seishiro x you in... YAMADA-KUN TO LV999 MO KOI WO SURU ! (alternative title: my love story with yamada-kun at lv999)
you would have never thought that you would grow to be so close to nagi seishiro, let alone become acquainted with him. he was an awkward high school student who devoted his entire existence to video games (plus a real looker!), and you were a college student who, most unfortunately, lost your battle to your ex-boyfriend's heart to some girl on a computer game. even to this day, you still wonder—how exactly did your paths align?
perhaps fate had plans of its own and rearranged the threads to make sure that the two of you would eventually meet—because he needed you, and you needed him.
well, more like the latter. even now, you were intoxicated from seven cups of sake, and it was nagi who was taking you home with his hands holding yours because you had zero capability to walk home by yourself in this drunken state (he was also worried about the number of drunk men that were roaming around the streets).
nagi’s hands were soft, and somehow, it felt right for yours to be in his. the fact that he was walking you home at ten in the evening with your hand in his made your face feel warm, or was it the effects of the alcohol?
as you pulled out your keys to open the door to your apartment, nagi let go of your hand. “well, then, i’ll be going now. good night.”
“thanks. get home safely, all right?”
your hand paused. there was still something you wanted to know—whether this curiosity was generated by you and your impulsivity when drunk, your heart craved to know if your feelings for nagi that have accumulated to this day were reciprocated; you craved to know.
with your heart sitting on your sleeve, you chased after nagi, grabbing him by his coat. it was only when he turned around that regret began marinating inside you.
“umm... n-nagi, do you like me?”
nagi’s face shows no expression when he fully turns around, and it only urges you to dig a hole in these cement walls and hide yourself away from him. your neck is beginning to feel warmer, and your mouth is emptied of any words that could formulate a “nevermind”.
seconds later, a small, mildly flustered grin appears on the white-haired boy’s lips. 
“i’m busted, huh?”
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— michael kaiser x you in... KAMISAMA HAJIMEMASHITA ! (alternative title: kamisama kiss)
sometimes you despise your kind-hearted demeanour—particularly in moments where you’re gripping onto some tree branch for dear life from a demonic old woman who’s crawling up the tree trunk like some predacious spider, ready to devour your human flesh. 
it’s thanks to the miracles spawned by adrenalin that you’re still able to hang by the branch because you were seconds away from slipping off, and the fright that you feel is boiling within you like water at a hundred degrees celsius.  
but with the demonic grandma grasping you by your ankle and tugging you down to her, you’re almost ready to bid your life goodbye. 
“you seem to be having a tough time there, [name].” 
immediately your eyes landed on the familiar figure of kaiser, who was standing atop a tree branch near you, with the wind elegantly caressing his hair as he stood like a hero who was about to enter his most iconic moment by rescuing his damsel-in-distress. 
“i heard that you were in a tight spot, so i rushed right over here for you...”
was he finally here to save you?  
if he was, then you’re absolutely willing to forgive him for all the impudent remarks he’s made about you because, quite literally, you were on the verge of death, and you needed help. with tears glistening in your eyes, kaiser’s name rolled off your tongue like a sacred prayer.
“...to sit back and enjoy the show.”
this bitch— 
looking down upon you like some pompous noble to a peasant as he indulged in your misery, kaiser was sure that you would soon beg him for help because, like a regular human, he is certain that you will regard him as “oh great kaiser” for the sake of your life. to his surprise, your obstinacy and pride was holding out just as long. even with the will-o-the-wisps (your servants) pleading you to say it just once, you continued to refuse as you gathered your strength. 
“like hell i’m going to say it! if i’m going to have to bow and scrape to this bastard, i’d rather—”
with one heave, you seized kaiser down as the two of you began falling, and the screams of the will-o-the-wisps were starting to blur into the distance.  
“do you mean to die for the sake of your stupid pride?!”
confidently pulling him in by grabbing a fistful of his robes, you sealed kaiser’s lips shut with a kiss that would entwine your fates together—you as a land god, and him as your faithful servant.
“kaiser... help me!”
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© yoisami 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
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starsexplodeatnight · 4 months
John Price X Reader!
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My first published piece!
Captain John Pricex Reader!
Minors do not engage!
You loved him, really. But, John Price is a lot to handle. Yes, he is a family man, a great husband, a wonderful provider. But he holds on too tight. Tight enough to strangle. You- You had to do it.
even though it felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest when he found out... Oh, his poor watery blue eyes you loved so much...
You cried your eyes out in bed that night, alone.
Price is eh, heh- heh, heh, heh. He's not letting you go, love. Not ever.
You live in this incredible house, curtesy of your husband's high paying career in the military. It's the perfect place for children to grow up...
Toxic Ex-husband Price never leaves. "The house is ours, love. Ours is ours." And leaves no room for debate. He'll live in the in-law apartment above the detached garage, yeah? He's not happy about it and uses every instance he can to weaken your resolve and stop this silly 'separation' nonsense.
Walk's out onto the balcony in the morning in his robe, coffee in hand. The robe is open, exposing his chest to the neighborhood. He doesn't care that the women jogging by can see and stare. He only cares when he sees you stop and stare out your bedroom window, all alone. Before you aggressively close the curtains, trying not to fall for his tricks!
Semi Toxic Ex-husband Price, who still wants all the gossip you used to share with him when you were married. He'll just stroll into the house from the back door and hear you chatting with your friend from Pta.
He does what he used to, sit his ass right next to you and press his ear on the other side of your phone. Does he care about the gossip? Not really, it's amusing, but not really his thing. What he loves? He loves how you used to turn to him and go off. You look so happy, chattering on and on about what you'd just heard. Including him in your life...
He says he doesn't really like the gossip but will get upset if you don't tell him every detail. His job is to know, love. You can't just leave him hanging! He will demand to know more about Patricia from the parent-teacher conferences. She slept with the teacher! You can't leave him hanging on that, luv! Just to get you to talk to him the way you used to.
Semi Toxic Ex-husband Price, who is your mother's favorite.
She hates your sister's boyfriend; she hates your brother's wife. You? You landed the cream of the crop!!!
How could you have left him??? Your grandma, your mother and your aunties LOVE him, smug bastard. He eats it the fuck up...
They greet him like the long-lost son they wish they had! Meeting him at the door with kisses on the cheek, beckoning him towards the kitchen, treating him like royalty. He is the favorite, and he's not even blood!
"Oh, such a handsome man! So nice!" "So polite!" "And respectful!" "Here, is she feeding you enough?" Oh, when they learn you've served him with divorce papers? They all cry out in alarm. Everyone, not just the women. Uncles, Grandpa, Cousins, all of them.
"What you talking 'bout divorce? fah! He still come to family parties!" They would totally be on his side… They all help in his case to get back together with you.
It'd make him so much worse….
Especially if your youngest kid is going to her first day of school. You both drop her off and you bawl your eyes out and he's there to comfort you, just like he had with all the times before… cradling you to his strong but soft chest. So warm... familiar... soothes the heartache you're experiencing.
Do you want another baby? You miss having a little one around now that your youngest is off to school, yeah? He can help with that…
Maybe- Maybe you... Maybe you were too harsh on him. Maybe, give him another chance...
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getaway car
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─── a promise made on linked pinkies
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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Daniel promised he’d drive the getaway car. If it came down to it, if either of you needed a bit of saving (you more likely than him), he’d drive the car– for obvious reasons. It was an agreement you both came to sealed with the most sacred form of promises. Pinkies locked and a kiss against your thumbs. 
He didn’t have to drive the getaway car too often, in fact he could count on one hand the times he had. The first time was to pick you up from the club. You slurred your words, pulling him out of bed as you blabbed on and one about god only knows what. He didn’t understand a word you said, but he didn’t have the heart to hang up on the drive over. He liked listening to your voice, even if that was something he wasn’t quite ready to admit to himself at the time. He had your arm slung over his shoulder as he guided you to his car, his hand wrapped securely around your waist after you drunkenly bragged about the number of vodka redbulls you consumed.  
“I did it for you Danny!” you slurred.
“I don’t drive for that team anymore honey.”
He’ll never forget the look of horror etched onto your face as he sat you in the passenger seat, the way he doubled over in laughter as you spewed messy apologies. The threat of tears in your eyes as you ramble words he can’t make out, all while clutching his hand tightly. 
The second time was to save you from a terrible date, one he had to call with a fake emergency while he drove to the restaurant to grab you. He had to stifle a laugh as you pretended to talk to your mom, something about how grandma needs someone to stay with her because her nurse would be late. Your grandmother wasn’t even in the city. You took quick steps from the double doors of the restaurant to his car, dropping into his passenger seat with a huff.
“He was so boring Daniel! He droned on and on about numbers and stats and figures. He didn’t even ask me about myself. Didn’t even say I looked good or something.” Your arms were crossed over your chest, lips in a pout.
“Well… you look beautiful tonight darling.”
Your cheeks turned a deep shade of red, cheeks sucked in as you bite down to fight a smile. He knew he got you, even if you refused to let it show. And had you looked over at him, you’d have seen the goofy smile on his lips– wide and proud– or the sparkle in his eyes when the compliment stumbled past him. 
The third time was when your car had broken down on the freeway, miles away from your home and therefore his. But he drove all of forty kilometers to stand by the road to wait for the tow company to come take your car before he drove you back. 
“You didn’t have to come all this way Daniel.”
Truth is, Daniel would do so much more. He’d drive that, tenfold. He’d do anything for you, you just had to ask. 
“I know but… I always promised I’d drive the getaway car, didn't I?”
He’ll always drive the getaway car, a promise is a promise. He’ll drive it until you don't need him anymore, until you break his heart and tell him that you found someone else to do all the saving. But he hopes you won’t, that even if you find someone else to occupy your time, that he’d always be in the back of your mind. It’s selfish, he knows that, but it’s the honest to god truth. 
Friendship is all either of you were able to ever maintain with each other. And even with the beckoning for more, even with his heart screaming at him to make a move and do something about it, Daniel has always taken a step back instead. You deserve someone who’s around, who can be there for you at every moment, for every milestone and accomplishment. You deserve more than him. So Daniel takes a back seat in your life, he enjoys the ride so long as you take him. That’s as selfless as he can be with you. Because in the moments he does get to be with you, he takes as much as he can get. He hugs you for longer, presses kisses to your forehead and cheek, squeezes your hand, all in the guise of friendship. Never ill-intentioned, just a hope to quench the burning desire he has for you. 
He’d hoped that it would be enough to sustain the friendship he has with you, to keep him satisfied with the fact it will never be anything more. He thought that the brief moments of selfishness would hold him over for a lifetime. But then he had to watch you fall for someone else. He watched as you began to slip from his grasp. If he were being honest, he thought the day would never come. 
Daniel drives the getaway car for himself, running away to different corners of the Earth to escape a heartbreak that chases after him. He loses touch with you because it’s easier than watching you in the arms of someone else. His feelings for you mock him when he watches the way you look at your new lover, the jealousy gripping his lungs so tightly it hurts to breathe. His hands tingle when he sees your lover push hair away from your face, or the way he rests his hand on your back in the way Daniel used to. His heart falls apart as he watches you live a life he dreamed of with you, without him. Selfishly, he drove the getaway car away from you. 
“I just don’t know why you never made a move,” Max said one day, a bit nonchalant, a bit uncaring as he bit into an apple. 
“She deserves more than I can give mate. I’m on the road entirely too much, can’t give her what she needs.”
“And now you’re mopey because someone else can?”
Max didn’t catch the scowl-turned-frown when Daniel realized he was right. And while he wished he could change what he had done, he was six months too late. He dodged your every call, every text, every attempt to repair what he broke. You’re a much better person than he is, further proof he didn’t deserve you– no matter the relationship he had with you. He stared at your text thread that night, heart aching at his lack of response and the way you apologized for something that was not even your doing. 
Please Daniel, just talk to me. I miss my best friend.
That was two weeks ago.
He called. He just wanted to hear your voice, he wanted to apologize, he wanted to make things right.
But you didn’t answer. You didn’t answer the next three times he called either. The only reason you answered the fifth time is because you assumed he was dying, because no one would call five times in a row unless they were dying. But he wasn’t dying, he was alive and well actually.
“So you’re alive.” You said.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” 
“I miss you.” 
“I miss you too darling.”
You introduced him to your boyfriend, Mark, two weeks later. And for the next two years, Daniel sat back and watched you fall hopelessly in love with another man. He doesn’t run away, he doesn’t retreat, nor does he find refuge in another. Daniel stays because you ask him to, and for you he’d do anything. You were happy, it was all that mattered to him now. Your happiness took precedence of his feelings for you, it was the only way for him to cope with the relentless doubt he had in himself when it came to you. Never mind the misery that lurks about him, that comes with the fact that you are no longer his. Never mind the way his heart aches as he watches you fall deeper and deeper for someone else, and further and further away from him. He stuck around through the heartbreak, selfishly wishing you’d ask him to drive the getaway car one more time. And maybe this time, he’d just keep on driving. 
The fourth time Daniel drives the getaway car for you, you were drunk at a bar. It’s reminiscent of the first time, but it comes as a shock. He didn’t think you’d need him to drive the getaway car ever again. He asked you where Mark was, but you avoided the question, begging him to come pick you up. So Daniel drives to a bar in the middle of the night, hat sitting low on his head as he picks you up at the entrance, helping you into his car. The drive to your place is filled with slurred singing, and sticky fingers that can’t seem to keep off his hands. Time and time again, Daniel places your hand back onto your lap, laughing at the way you had failed to sing lyric after lyric. The third time he put your hand back on your lap, you snapped. 
“Why won’t you hold my hand?!” 
Daniel took a quick glance at you, the way your brows are furrowed and your bottom lip jutted out in a pout. 
“Don’t you love me Danny?”
“Of course I love you darling.”
“But you don’t love, love me.”
His body went rigid, throat ran dry. He couldn’t breathe anymore, not with the way you stared at him with the same pouty expression. He didn’t know what to say, and though he opened his mouth to attempt at something, nothing came out. Daniel was panicked, afraid that maybe this would be it– that his stupidity and lack of a decent answer would mark the end of your friendship.
“Because I love love you Daniel. I’ve love loved you for a long time. Why don’t you love me back?”
He wanted to scream. I do love you. I’m so in love with you. 
“You’re just saying that.” That’s what comes out instead. Because it’s the only thing that made sense. There was no way he’d have been so blind all these years, dense enough not to see that you felt for him what he felt for you. You were drunk, probably blacked out, you couldn’t possibly mean a single word you had just said.
You chuckled humorlessly, head falling back against the chair as it turned towards the window.
“Yeah. Maybe I am.”
A phone call at the end of the month was the nail in his coffin. He was in some city far away from you, alone in his hotel room when you called. He could hear the tears of joy as you told the story of how Mark got on one knee and asked you for forever. Daniel cried silently as he listened to your happiness, feigning excitement all while his heart fell apart in his chest. Regret took its place, pumping self-hatred into every cell in his body. He threw his phone against the wall when you hung up. He threw whatever was in reach until the room looked like a tornado had run through it. He sobbed loudly, all alone as he mourned losing you. This was it, this was the moment he dreaded the most. You didn’t need him to drive the getaway car, you found someone else to do all the saving. 
This was the part he was supposed to run. This was when he was meant to hide in some city you didn’t know. This was the part he was supposed to drive the getaway car far away from you.
But he stayed because… he couldn’t lose any more of you. He takes what he can get, takes every minute you give, every word you offer. Daniel takes it all. 
You called him one night, a month before your wedding. He was in his apartment, twenty minutes down the road from where you lived. It’s late when you called, your ringtone jolting Daniel from his dreamless sleep. He answers quickly when he sees your name. 
“Did I wake you?” 
“No, not at all. Is everything okay?”
You said it was. Daniel lied in bed while you explained all the reasons why everything in your life was okay, until your speech came to a staggering halt. He listened to your soft stammers, the meek i- i- i- followed by silence. He held his breath, waiting for the next word, anticipation doing flips in his gut.
“Do you live with any regrets Daniel?”
He could name a few, but he shook his head, “I try not to. Why?”
Quiet again. Four beats of silence before you speak up again. 
“There are things in my life I wish I had done differently, and I always wonder what if I had. What would be different?”
Daniel has pondered over the same thought before. He’s an avid fan of the what ifs and what could’ve beens, especially when it came to matters pertaining to you. But he didn’t want to admit it, didn’t want to cast a bit of self doubt a month before your big day, even if his heart screamed at him to just fucking do it.
“Everything happens for a reason, there isn’t a point to dwell on the what ifs.”
Sound advice, one he couldn’t seem to take for himself. But you took it well, he thinks.
Your wedding is in the summer a year after your engagement. Daniel showed up with his best suit and a brave face. His steps grow heavier and heavier as he moves closer and closer to the ceremony space. He’s done a great job of avoiding everything wedding related up until this point– work is a great excuse. But he’s between races now, there isn’t a reason he shouldn’t be at his best friend’s wedding. So Daniel mingles with familiar faces, makes small talk as he pretends to be elated. The day has finally come! I can’t believe she found the one! I’m so happy for her! It’s all a show, one he’d happily put on, but only for you. 
Your mother pulls him away from a conversation, a furrowed brow and a tone filled with urgency as she relays your request to see him. Daniel doesn’t hesitate, excusing himself from the group of people he was once speaking to and following your mom all the way to your room. She leaves him there at the closed door, a soft beckon to make sure that you’re okay.
He knocks twice. “It’s me.”
“It’s unlocked.” 
Daniel’s fingers shake as he twists the knob and pushes the door open. He’s sure to close it swiftly, locking it so that no one would interrupt the two of you. When he turns, he sees you sitting in a heap of white fabric on the floor, your veil pushed back behind your head. The sight of you knocks the air right out of his lungs. He’s rendered speechless as he soaks in every detail of you. Daniel feels himself fall in love with you all over again, it’s all he feels when he looks at you in this very moment. 
“You look beautiful.” 
That’s when he sees it: the tears that stain your cheeks, the balled up tissues clutched in your fist. You’re crying on your wedding day. Daniel takes long strides across the room to get to you, falling to his knees so that he comes face to face with you. He takes your hands in yours, squeezing tightly.
“What’s wrong darling?”
More tears. Daniel sees the frustration etched into your brow, the way you slip one of your hands from his grasp to put over your face. Your shoulders shake, posture faltering. He sits in agony while you cry, waiting for you to tell him how he can fix it. He’ll do anything for you, you just have to ask.
You drop your hand from your face, looking up at him with a serious stare. Your eyes are bloodshot, glossed over with tears that have yet to fall. “Do you love me Daniel?”
“Of course I do.” 
“But do you love, love me?” You sniffle. 
Your name tumbles past his lips, breathless, damn near hopeless. “Don’t do this.” 
“I don’t want to live in regret. I don’t want to live the rest of my life knowing that we loved each other at the same time and neither of us did a damn thing about it. Because I love love you Daniel, I’ve love loved you for so long. So tell me, do you love love me?”
Time stops. The seconds stop ticking by. This moment, the one where Daniel contemplates the next words that dare to fall from his lips, lives on. It takes precedence over everything. Over the guests waiting outside, over a groom unaware his wife-to-be has professed her love for another man. This moment is the most important one, it’s the only one that matters to the two people sitting in this room. So time stops, it gives Daniel a bit of leeway to choose his next words carefully. 
His heart climbs up his throat, nerves squeeze his lungs so tightly he can barely breathe. He holds your hands tighter, bringing them up to his lips to press a kiss against your knuckles.
“I love love you, darling.”
Daniel will never forget the smile that forms on your lips, or the way you laugh in relief. He sure as hell will always remember the way you jump onto him, drowning him in your dress as you kiss him feverishly. Every second spent loving quietly, every plucked heart string, every wish upon a star that what you have would turn into something more is poured into that very first kiss. Daniel holds your face in his hands, holding you even closer to him. He savors the way you taste against him, the feeling of relief that washes over him because finally, you’re all his. 
The fifth time Daniel drives the getaway car, it’s after you change out of your wedding dress. It’s after you hug your parents and apologize, after you explain that you don’t love the man you were supposed to marry, and that this is just something you have to do. Daniel drives you away from the altar, away from the what ifs and what could’ve beens. He drives because you ask him to, because he wants to, and because he promised he would on linked pinkies and a kiss to his thumb. 
Daniel drives the getaway car with a heart full of love for you, and your hand clutched tightly in his. And this time, he just keeps on driving.
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NOTE: listen if the last half of this seems rushed its because it was. i only wanted to write this wip because of the first four sentences. the rest of this is just vibes. also super unedited and definitely not proofread. anyways. hope you like it & as always, feedback is always appreciated.
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fairytsuk1 · 1 year
cupid's arrow | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: izuku midoriya x reader
words: 8.3k
prompt: "getting set up by their lovely grandmas, who always go to the same café and gush about their grandkids"
warnings: teasing game, public sex, quickie, protected sex, tit play, praise kink, missionary position, soft dom!midoriya
The retirement home was an amalgamation of both good and evil. It had the finest foods for delicate denture havers and was home to some of life’s more depressing thought processes. You preferred being able to drive over the speed limit as the city air lashed at your face; being young and carefree was much more appealing. However, this couldn’t be your reality anymore as you knew your grandmother needed you more than ever. Things were about to change. You’d be moving onto bigger steps in your life! Finding a partner, making a home together, advancing in your career…
Before leaving for the retirement home, you hoped you’d be walking out of there glimmering with adjusting to adulthood. No games or silly adventures, a part of you lit up at the idea of this summer excursion changing your life. You really, really hoped it would.
You smooth your tennis skirt over your thighs, ankles crossing and a warm smile gracing your features when your grandmother waltz in with house slippers and an old tea set. The smell of earthy leaves wafts into your nose, and you already know she’s made two steaming cups of green tea before she pours it.
“Nana, you know you don’t have to make anything when I visit,” you’d figured she’d stop making cookies past your twelfth birthday, but she clearly planned to wave you off every single time.
Snarkily, your grandmother rolls her eyes and takes a slurping sip of her tea.
“It’s not about that. It’s about keeping ancient traditions! We’re family, and that means grandmothers make their grandchildren tea!”
She nods, pleased with herself, and her eyes are closed as she savors the grass notes, the feeling of toastiness, and the mild sweetness. Your eyebrows twitch, and you miss how she does the same once she’s placed her cup back down.
“Mhm, it’s very good, did you taste the grass?” you swallow and nod, “yes, me too. So… Have you found a boyfriend yet?”
You’re in the process of drinking more tea but her comment startles you; the cup is hastily set back on the coffee table and leaving a liquid trail in its wake. Practically spitting out your tea, you’re quick to wipe your mouth with a napkin and set the record straight.
“Huh?! Where is that coming from? …I don’t, but why are you asking, nana?”
She’s got this unreadable look on her face. Then, she’s giving you this cheeky grin and sighing wistfully as if thinking of a past lover. You’re curling your fingers into your palms, nearly shaking in anticipation as her hands rub together sneakily.
“It’s my friend’s grandson! You know me. Always talking, but if I were you, I’d snatch him right up! He’s strong, and he’s got bright green eyes! They’d compliment yours so well,” and she’s scooting forward in her seat, “you will like him! He’s a very nice boy.”
Nana’s been gossiping again. You’re relieved she wasn’t trying to reconnect you and former lovers (an activity that had proven to be unsuccessful, twice.) Still, the idea of her pitching you to random strangers like an ATM card makes your face twist in an attempt to tell her how you really feel.
“I-I don’t know, nana. I’m not even sure if I’m looking for anything right now,” and you were right. 
A relationship seemed like a huge step, and this was supposed to be your summer “boss up” phase. To be honest, you weren’t sure if you had trust in your grandma’s romantic instincts for matchmaking either. A wrinkled hand covers yours, and your nana is beaming with her body leaned towards you.
“Tell you what, he will be here for breakfast tomorrow morning. You don’t have to do much, but you should see him in person! Get to know him a little.”
You let the offer hang in the air for a moment before shrugging.
“...I guess I can do that. I don’t want this to become an everyday thing, though! I came here to spend time with you, nana. Not with some guy!”
Nana had already returned to sipping her tea and nodded before licking her lips.
“Of course, dear. However, if you like this Midoriya as much as I think you will, you’ll end up regretting saying that!”
You take a sip, and two pairs of eyebrows raise. You doubted it. This “Midoriya” person was probably some nerdy guy that didn’t know how to talk to girls. It didn’t matter anyways, so on that fateful day you brushed mascara on thick lashes and made sure your lips looked as plump as ever in your pink lip gloss. You weren’t trying to impress anyone, not at all!
Something in your gut had just told you to make an effort, but it was hard to tell whether this gut feeling was good or bad.
The situation had proven that you needed to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. He wasn’t ugly, no. He was anything but. He was so handsome that as you and your grandmother circled the table to sit, your foot caught on the leg of the table. Practically every brain cell had been focused on the promise of muscles under his white button-up plus the extra show of solid, veiny forearms. He was hot.
“This is my friend, Kotoe! And this is her grandson, Izuku Midoriya! He’s the one I brought up to you last night,” and for the first time, you’re aware of how red Midoriya looks; maybe he was thinking the same things about you.
Kotoe grins widely, and the wave crashes on you and Midoriya because the embarrassment of the situation keeps getting worse. First, the table. Then, he’s watching you as you settle yourself across from him. This feels more like you’re being judged than trying to link up with someone.
“You remember her, right? I showed you that picture of her at that one band performance.”
Your pride is fatally wounded, but you’re even more aghast that one of the cutest boys you’ve ever seen is actually seeing you for the second time. The idea that Midoriya’s first impression was of you with braces and frizzy hair left you feeling like you could melt into your seat effortlessly.
Nana guiltily peruses the menu, but you know there’s no one else that has that picture. You’d tried to erase every copy of it but… she had her ways.
She grins sheepishly while fluffing her curls, “it’s not my fault your mother only sends me photos when she feels like it. You look cute in the photo!”
If you didn’t stop her now, maybe nothing could. Along with this setting not seeming like the right time to discuss the ins and outs of your family relationships, you turn to Midoriya and smile warmly. 
“Right. Well, Midoriya, it’s nice to meet you. You’re lucky you were spared from the dreaded band photo. I’m jealous,” with a hair flip for good measure.
She’s so cute, he thinks.
“If only you could have the same fate.”
It’s so boyish, so ridiculous, and it makes your heart-beat rabbit fast because it’s not fair that his voice is gentle yet had an edge to it. His smile and even the licking of lips were uncalled for. He was charming you way too easily. How long had you two been sitting here again? 
He’s tuning you like a fiddle to his chosen song, and you play beautifully. You need fresh air, so your cup of water is gulped down to curb the romantic-tension fever rising inside you. 
Your grandmother and Kotoe fall into conversation like it’s natural. Midoriya keeps taking tentative glances at you but looking away before something productive happens, so you begin to copy him; now you just feel like you’re in the hall of mirrors.
“So, Midoriya… Do you go to university?”
“I-I do! I’m an archaeology major with a minor in history! It’s a lot of nerdy stuff, but it’s more interesting than calculus!”
His eyes sparkle at the topic, and the passion leaking through his words is evident. It’s cute, and your cheeks lift without thinking about it. He’s infectious, and in a bad way.
The type of infection where every glance feels like slow motion, and your brain skips ahead to when his mouth is on yours, and his hands are tugging, pulling, squeezing…
“That’s really cool! I’ve never heard of someone majoring in something like that! I’m doing public administration; it’s like political science but not really.”
Midoriya can’t wait to dig his hands into you and bury his cock deep inside you, but he can’t think about that right now. He mentally files away the memories of your shy looks so he can wrap a fist around himself in the shower later as he thinks of ruining your tight little pussy.
“No, yeah, that’s brave stuff to do! That can be in any sector, right? Public, private, and all of that.”
Both brains come to rest on the same wavelength as the same thought swirls in and out of two opposite gender heads.
I wanna fuck you.
“Yeah! Yeah, it can be,” your legs cross to lessen the pulsing between your legs.
“I kind of get it! History is so broad that it throws people off a bit,” Midoriya presses a palm to his aching cock as discreetly as possible.
The two of you try to avoid letting your need spill over past inappropriate boundaries. You both don’t realize that notion was abandoned the second first eye contact was made. Lunch passes by quickly, and you’re thankful. That was a bit too tense, and your male counterpart seems to be exhausted from the mental energy of ignoring something so potent. So heady.
“That nasty little Annie is going to supervise my cycling class, so I’m going to the pool today! You should come with me; you’ll never believe what she did the other day when I was struggling with my nightgown….”
Kotoe leads your four person group to the elevators, but your nana tells her she likes to walk after breakfast, so you mourn the loss of Midoriya as nonchalantly as possible. A big ego was annoying, and he didn’t need to know that you were dying to see under his pants. Honestly, even just getting to talk alone would be nice. 
“Well, Kotoe, I’ll meet you back at the pool after my nap.”
Your grandmother silently gives you a look that tells you everything you need to know about the pool situation.
Get your swimsuit!
It’s not too hot out that when you take a step the ground pierces your foot with its heat. The sun is shining just enough to cast a warm, soft glow on honeyed skin; it’s making you look too good, you feared. What if Midoriya was a nervous guy? Your ego shoots to the sky as you secure your jewelry and make your way to the pool with your nana.
Midoriya thought he might’ve had you beat, that maybe he’d get the edge in the game you two were playing where you’d feel more flushed than him. He certainly played a good hand, muscles rippling in black swim shorts highlighting his lean body. Freckles dotted his skin, and he felt embarrassed at ogling himself in the mirror.
“Kotoeee! I love your bathing suit; where’d you get the damn thing?!”
Nana runs off quickly, having debriefed you in the elevator that she intended to leave you and Midoriya “to it.” You’d vehemently denied the allegations of something like this happening, but there was a decent chance with how you and him were looking at each other that her suspicions were correct.
Your stuff is set by the chatty old ladies, and Midoriya takes the time to sidle up close to you. Squinting at him, he really does look good up close.
“Hey. Do you want to swim with me?”
“What are we, five?”
He laughs lightly, shrugging and rubbing at the nape of his neck.
“Well, it’s not like there’s anything else to do! Not here, anyways,” and you feel your cheek twitch with the urge to smile.
He’s… saucy. And maybe you like it, a lot.
“If you say it like that, you can admit that no other girls wanna swim with you,” and he scoffs playfully at you before standing up, “but sure, I’ll hop in for a bit.”
The two of you make your way to the water. Midoriya gets in first, and he extends an arm to help you in like a proper gentleman.
“Are you always this kind?”
“I’m just on my best behavior,” and he grins like a shark.
Water swishes around you two, droplets hiding each other’s best features like a love potion. The grannies are still talking, and there are splashes from other patrons using the facility. Nothing can happen now, even if you want to jump his bones badly.
“I think the class starts soon, the water weights one?”
“What even is that class? What’s the point?”
Midoriya circles like you’re dancing, so you bat your eyes lashes and take a thumb to your lip. It makes him laugh, and you suddenly feel yourself dropping the act.
“No, no, I like it! And it’s, uhm, they lift weights to strengthen their bones! But it’s easier on their joints. My Obaasan also likes getting some fresh air,” he flicks his hair back, and the water rolls down his skin seamlessly, “maybe we could do something on our own.”
Raunchy daydreams smack you in the face; he could fuck you here. He could bend you over the water edge, eat your pussy and make you cream right in the pool chair just feet away! Maybe he’s sucking on your clit, pulling on your nipple, or maybe he’d rock his cock deep into you just because you begged for it!
“Yeah,” his eyes trace the soft edges of your curves, and you feel so high on feeling desired, “where could we go?”
Your question is interrupted with a loud, unfortunate, shrieky exclaim of, “Midoriya!” that shakes both you and the man in question enough to cause ripples in the water. Two heads turn towards the pair of grannies, now suited up in swimsuits that go to their knobby knees, plus bulky goggles.
“Go check for some floaties in the back room, please! I might really need them this time!”
Midoriya doesn’t even make a face but nods in understanding before turning guiltily to you, “...I guess I’ll be right back?”
This seems like a set-up. Back room? For floaties? Midoriya doesn’t seem to have picked up that this is the moment, but you have.
“Well, why don’t I just come with you?”
The grandmothers have gone back to their own personal conversation (gossiping), so you assume it’s okay. Midoriya gives a tentative look to Kotoe, before looking you back in your eyes and nodding. Ah, now he gets it.
You both are giddy as soaking wet bodies slip out of the pool easily and pad like excited puppies down to the deserted storage closet. Midoriya lets you duck in first, flip-flops clacking against the pavement as you flick on the dim lights and wait for the show to begin. Then, the green-haired boy eagerly locks the door and turns to look at you with lustful eyes.
“You know, this is extremely typical, right?”
He grows closer as if wanting to slowly overpower you with every step. You remain firm in your pink flip-flops.
“Even if it is typical, I can’t help but feel lucky,” and he oozes attractiveness.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. How often do you get to kiss a pretty girl?”
Maybe it’s the sparkle in his eyes or how he bounces on the balls of his feet. 
The two of you crash into each other, your hands flying to tangle in his unique tresses, and you can almost hear the “SMOOCH!” sound as the two of you have your first heated kiss; breaking the ice-cold layer of tension. The kiss was groundbreaking, earth-shattering, and your foreheads dipped and pressed together as you heaved for breaths.
Your first kiss with him.
It’s practically perfect, and it's ending could be considered admirable because it was so cliche. Someone had called out towards the storage closet, and the two of you ran out of there like the guilty criminals you were. The thrill kept you moving like a wild animal. You loved it; the two of you loved it.
That memory didn’t leave you, not when you parted ways or thought about keeping your lips as they were so you wouldn’t forget that you’d kissed him. Maybe you were too into a fling, a fleeting romance, but having someone you could call yours felt fulfilling. Whatever happened to moving on with life?
No, you’d changed your mind. Who cared about doing career things in an old folks home? You could do that any time, good dick doesn’t always come around.
Adrenaline was still thrumming in your veins as you kept going about your day as if the feeling of his soft lips on yours wasn’t being replayed every ten seconds; it was so perfectly taboo and hot. You wondered if he was thinking the same things, maybe taking a hand and palming his half-chub in his swim shorts because he just couldn’t hold back and wait anymore.
The two of you shared looks for the rest of the swim class as you leisurely tanned your golden skin while Midoriya lounged around (fetching equipment as needed.) His new “job” grew quickly on you, the ability to get an eyeful of strained muscles and bulging thighs that jogged ’round and ’round the pool like a carousel felt like a reward.
Your grandmother draws you close with a hand motion, bony fingers clasped to the ledge as you draw closer, “oh good, you heard me! Could you bring me my bag? I left it in the locker room!”
“Sure thing, I’ll only be a sec!”
Quickly, you head towards the women’s locker room and spot the flowered print pool bag. You snatch it up and make your way back, feet slowing their speed, when you see an unfamiliar face sticking out like a sore thumb.
She was pretty, blonde, with a thin neck that made you envy her allure from where you stood. Not only that, but definitely flirting with a resting Midoriya.
“Here, nana…”
“Thank you! What are you looking at—” your grandmother makes the same frowning expression as you, “oh, right. She’s getting in between you and your future husband, you know! She just waltzed on over like she owned the place, and he fell for it, hook, line, and sinker! Don’t tell Kotoe, but you ought to…”
Her rambling goes muffled and indiscernible, and you feel your hand clench at your side. You stormed over to the spot without even considering the consequences and grinned widely. She gives you a skeptical eye before batting curled lashes towards Midoriya.
“So, what were you saying about working out together?”
Nervous green eyes flick to yours, gauging your level of emotion from the deep recesses of your eyes. Midoriya can’t see anything. In fact, it’s more like you’re looking through him as he sputters his way through an excuse of being “really busy, so maybe we should wait till we make actual plans!”
He was good, and maybe it was the fact he was the first attractive boy you’d seen in the several weeks of being with your grandmother. Maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been properly fucked in a minute, so you were a loose screw about to make everything fall apart.
‘I see,” and you shrug at him, “we should wait till we make actual plans too! You know, just so we can be sure.”
Then, you prissily walk off, determined to not seem shaken by the seeming turn of events being that IZUKU MIDORIYA was a man-whore, one hundred percent. He just wanted to rile you up, and two could most certainly play at that game. You’d just have to show him what he was missing out on, all because he wasn’t too sure he wanted you. You’d make him sure.
He’d kissed you for god’s sake! You fumed alone in the elevator, grumbling things no one would ever hear.
The plan had worked spectacularly. There was no way Midoriya was actually going to go for the blonde that seemed eager to be alone with him now that the swimming class was over. Sure, he’d smooth-talked her, but it was all for you. He could tell that there was something you were hiding from him in all your shy looks and glossy lips.
“Was that your girlfriend? She looked rude,” Ayaka grinned wildly, “she’s not right?”
“It doesn’t really matter what she is,” and he stands gingerly, all shy and nervous, “I-I have to go now!”
Ayaka tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, and her arms push her breasts up obscenely.
“You really gotta go?”
The awkwardness is back, and it seemed that the boy could only be flirty when it came to you. Now, he was a fish out of water flopping around on the deck.
“Yup! I’ll see you later, or whatever!”
He’d finally figured it out, aside from the awkwardness of forcing jealousy within you. You were a brat! He couldn’t wait to see how this developed, the greedy part of him hoping you’d make another move because he wanted to see you again. Badly.
You didn’t leave his mind, and he wondered what the two of you could do together. Did you like ice cream? Games? Yeah, sometimes he thought with his dick but other times… Well, you were the exact type of girl he’d love to take out.
He had no idea that as part of your newly created plan… you planned to kiss Hitoshi Shinsou right in front of him.
Shinsou was calm, collected, and rarely ever smiled. You hadn’t been lying when you’d said that boys like Midoriya were few and far between, so you’d already recognized potential suitors (meaning you’d told your best friends, in ranked form, the cutest boys at the UA Retirement Home.)
You’d decided Shinsou was one of the cuter ones considering you didn’t see him all the time. His face was pleasant to look at whenever you saw him working his shift, and he was plopped at the desk today with no one around… it seemed like today would be the day.
You and Midoriya hadn’t spoken in two days since you last saw him potentially entertaining the advances of some blonde girl. You weren’t stupid, after the heat of the moment and going over the situation one more time, it was clear. He wanted to tease you, make you feel the fire burning inside you grow hotter and hotter.
“Hey, Shinsou!” 
It was time to get him back in a major way. You push your torso an inch or two across the desk to smile at the purple-haired boy and let your head fall to the side. It was unclear whether or not it was actually having an effect, but you trekked along.
“Morning, what are you doing here?”
He already looks closed off, and you’re hoping he doesn’t hate you by the end of this.
“I just wanted to say hi! A girl can’t just hang out by the front desk?”
“No, actually,” his finger taps a sticker on the glass barrier between you, an obnoxious sticker reading “NO LOITERING” sitting there to mock you, “there is. See?”
“Oh! Well, I mean, well,” you look around frantically, the heat of embarrassment crippling you to where you stood.
“Look, if you just tell me, then maybe I can–” and the two of you are yelping as you push past the swinging door that separates Shinsou from other residents, “what the hell?! What are you doing?”
It suddenly feels like a huge mistake, and if you could swallow your anxieties, maybe this would’ve gone over easier. The position you two are in now, it feels warm. Steamy. His eye bags are less prominent when he’s slouched beneath you in his desk chair. Slender legs manspreading, and you could easily settle yourself on top of him if you felt like getting it on from behind the front desk.
“I just wanted… to see what it all looks like from behind here! Very, very nice. Did your boss get you that mug?”
“You need to leave,” and he sighs, but every action is gentle as he takes your arm, “what’s making you act so weird?”
Had anyone else been watching, they would have assumed the two of you were up to pure shenanigans. Midoriya yawns, eyes sleepy from his daytime nap as he trods towards the eating hall to peruse the options.
Midoriya hoped you weren’t genuinely upset about anything. Considering your demeanor and attitude, it seemed like something you would’ve liked, would’ve wanted. Maybe he went too far; it agonized him to think about it.
“Please, Shinsou! Don’t kick me out,” you’re grappling with his limbs, and you try to stand firmly, “you can’t treat a guest like this! I’ll make a scene!”
“You caused the scene!” 
The commotion is growing louder, making the green-haired boy’s head tilt because the voices sound too familiar. His feet turn right, heading towards the hall's entrance, and it’s unmistakable that you had been the feminine voice whining. 
“I know, but I had to do something!”
“Do what?”
Midoriya barely rounds the corner when you bend over, ass sticking up in the air, and plant a firm kiss on Shinsou’s lips. He doesn’t move but lets a soft groan slip as your hands trace the tops of his shoulders.
You’re crazy, he realizes. Just from watching you kiss Shinsou, he assumes he’s probably crazy, too, because it does nothing but make his cock throb. The two of you pull away, and you’re wiping your lips with the back of your hand. He wishes he could spy on what you were saying to him, using all your best tantalizing moves to keep Shinsou in a partial state of shock; you’re taking small steps back past the swinging door and nodding reassuringly.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. I’ll see you…?”
“Uh-huh! Bye!”
Midoriya had ducked behind a wall, but your footsteps were growing closer and closer. Then, you’re a blur past him, but he can make out your face. It’s the face of sadism, of one that grins while you walk past him because you know that he knows you have the taste of Shinsou on your tongue and that you’re the one who gave him the bulge in his sweatpants. 
He quickly grabs onto your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
“You know what you’re doing, right? Do you really wanna play this game?”
“What game?”
This will end with him fucking the shit out of you, and you know it. Midoriya feels his heart swell with dominance, pulling you closer so your hand can cup his cock in his shorts. He manually curls your fingers around his length, small puffs of air coming out of him as you submissively run your palm over the salacious hardness under his sweatpants. 
“I like when you touch me like that! Reminds me that even though you might go and kiss other guys….”
His hand brushes against your hip, thumb dipping just under your shorts and panties to feel the forbidden skin you hid from him.
“I just know that under these panties, you’re soaking.”
You feel relief that he doesn’t try to check because you know your hole is dripping and staining your cute pair of panties.
Midoriya shushes you, an adorable smile on display as he firmly squeezes your ass cheek. He grunts as you put more pressure on his dick before taking your hand and squeezing it.
“Don’t talk. I just want you to think, cutie,” and he gets impossibly closer.
“Do you really think you’ll win?”
You don’t think you’ll win at all, and that’s the fun in it.
Midoriya sighs, feeling your hand stroke him over the fabric before breathing out and pulling away. He kisses your cheek, pointedly avoiding your lips.
“I’ll see you later.”
You’re left as shocked as Shinsou was.
“Have you noticed how often the kids have been hanging out together? I knew it, Kotoe. I knew they’d hit it off,” your grandmother smirks cockily, “where are they now, anyways?”
It had been true that you and Midoriya had been spending as much time as possible together since the Shinsou incident. It’s been a day since anything had happened, but you’d already shown your hand with tight workout shorts that cupped your ass perfectly that afternoon. You’d given your soon-to-be fling an eyeful, bending over with a sway in the hips so he could see the soft, tender flesh jiggle as you sweat all over yourself.
Even just your body seemed obscene, Midoriya couldn’t stop his eyes from tracking your hand towel as it dried in between the valley of your tits (that he wished so badly he could suck on) or when you took a heaving breath while wiping the sweat off from your forehead. Midoriya felt like a pervert; images of painting you in thick ropes of cum kept him hot-blooded.
“Oops, be careful!”
Midoriya wanted to push you, though. To really test your limits as far as teasing went. He’d tried all his best tips and tricks that he knew, but he wanted more. You saw it all, the thumb brushing his lip being the first strike of many. A hand on your thigh that every so often grew so close to your cunt before pulling away and giving you a wry shrug, “I just like having something to hold!”
Things like that.
“You look really good with cream on your face,” he hummed nonchalantly over a cup of hot chocolate.
He doesn’t even have the shame to pretend that he didn’t say what he said.
“I said, if you wanted cream on your face so bad, you should’ve just asked me instead.”
He’s even cocky enough to embellish a little. By dinnertime, you can’t stop wondering what his lips would feel like as he ate you like a man starved, slurping at your folds and tonguing you deep because he wanted to give you everything plus more.
Maybe he’d be willing to go a little further! If you could find somewhere private, maybe he’d cave to your soft eyes and alluring words. While your grandmothers choose what to eat at the bar, you’re busying yourself with tugging on Midoriya’s shirt sleeve.
“Um, do you wanna,” you didn’t start out too strong, but then he’s leaning in a microinch more and licking his lips, “wanna… find somewhere more private?”
The two of you aren’t being very inconspicuous, and your lips are parting for ones that don’t reach yours. A light laugh is heard beside you as your eyes flutter open. You frown.
“Private? Why would we do that?”
“Midoriya. C’mon,” you give a quick look at your surroundings and hope the elderly really are deaf, “we’ve been doing this, but what about a break? You know, I could help with what’s going on with you….”
He’ll give you one thing, you’re trying really hard. You look great, and he’s noticed the infrequent squeezing of your thighs. You’re probably dripping right now, all because he touched you a little and murmured about how much he wants you. 
“Baby,” and he pecks the knuckles of your hands, “it’s just not gonna happen, yet. You can be patient, right?”
Maybe you’ll explode, turn into flames and die of spontaneous combustion. This is torturous. Blasphemous.
“...But I don’t want to wait anymore!”
Then, a firm hand holds your face in his cheeks. Anyone could see you two, but Midoriya has the gall to grab your face and squeeze just a little. You’re mush, and you’re looking at him with starry eyes as he squishes your cheeks.
“Don’t make me have to really punish you,” and while he doesn’t sound threatening, you have half a mind to take him seriously.
Your face is released, and you almost want to grind down in your seat. Adjusting yourself, you pop a tater-tot in your mouth to try and distract yourself from your need. To your utter annoyance, the boy next to you elbows you.
“Besides, you already know that when we do fuck, you'll get everything you want, right? I haven’t forgotten about that kiss, I’m going to prove to you I’m better than him!”
He eats a piece of broccoli like it’s nothing, and you have to fight to hide your grin over your predicament. Midoriya gives you one last look. He fears the feelings inside him. Maybe he likes you like that. He settles to focus on his broccoli.
This game the two of you had been playing was getting rough. Time seemed to fly by, and suddenly you were looking at only a couple weeks left to stay with your grandmother. In turn, this meant that after these few weeks… what you and Midoriya had would cease to exist. You tried not to think about it.
Neither of you brought it up, but aside from every sexual advance, it seemed like the elephant in the room followed you wherever you went. Midoriya had started pulling your chair out for you, started to buy you gifts, and you suspected his soft touches were his biggest tell. Midoriya didn’t seem like the type to fight feelings, and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Not because you didn’t like him, of course. You just didn’t know how to feel because you couldn’t fight these feelings if you tried.
“Do you wanna call me Izuku?”
“Huh?! Well, well, are you sure?”
“Yeah! We’re, um, we’re close, you know? So I don’t mind! I’d prefer it, coming from you,” it’s funny because the two of you are physically close too, essentially cuddling.
After familiarizing yourself with the entire facility, the two of you managed to find the ideal spots to hang out for some alone time! It was like walking a tightrope, was it going to be you who fell first when you sidled up real close to him? Or was it going to be him when he reached an arm around to comfortably hug your shoulder?
“Well, that does make sense! Okay, Izuku,” you wiggle your shoulders and say it so sweetly that he almost kisses you, “I like it! It suits you, at least when I’m saying it.”
You ham it up, stroking his cheek and murmuring his name like you’re a cheesy romance movie lead. He’s giggling as your hand brushes his sides to tickle him.
“Hey, come on! I told you something personal and now you’re going to tickle me?!”
“Of course I am! Don’t you know who I am?!”
It’s a blur, Izuku’s laughing and you’re telling him about the “tickle monster” that’d just appeared. Once coming down from the gusto of play fighting, something’s changed.
The two of you are stunned when you realize what has happened. Maybe it was Izuku’s fault for flying backwards or yours for following him diligently with wandering hands. The two of you seem to just fit, hips slotted against his own as you look down at him. You’d landed nearly perfectly in his lap, bated breath as both of you took in what it all meant.
“Oh, I know who you are.”
It’s tense.
“The tickle monster is going away, but you better be careful,” you say in a near whisper.
…It’s so tense.
“What do I have to be scared of? You’re just a brat.”
Your heart is beating, and this is too considering you’re chest to chest. Every touch, laugh, and first kiss replays in your memory like a flashback. The smell of anticipation hangs in the air, and you smile because this is finally it.
And he beats you to the chase, lips puckered as he finally kisses you with the passion of the first one after leaving you wanting for too long. He tastes like peppermint, and it’s so hot. Gasping breaths are taken; hormones at an all-time high because you can’t get enough of him now that you know he’s yours.
“Fuck,” he pants, “we can’t do it here.”
You’re still trying to mouth at his jaw, desperate to continue planting heated bursts of love across every inch of his skin. His hands come to your waist, and you’re frowning cutely as if your favorite toy was taken.
“If we’re quiet, no one’s even gonna come….”
Izuku’s nervous. He’s been waiting for so long. Hell, he has the most beautiful girl sitting pretty in his lap, eager to get naked, and yet he’s still hesitating. Your manicured nail tilts his head away from the double doors and back to your panting face.
“We don’t have to,” you say calmly, but you suddenly feel so vulnerable.
Suddenly Izuku realizes you’re about to slip from his grasp like melted butter. It all makes sense. 
“No. I’ll fuck you here! We just…need to be quiet, okay?”
Both mouths go back to sliding against each other, and your teeth tug his lip just so see the redness bloom under the thin skin. All you can hear are the slick sounds of the two of you making out, and your hips start tilting into Izuku’s bulge before you can try to contain yourself.
“We should…” he seems to contemplate your position, “hm. Get on your back, baby.”
Honestly, the couch isn’t the greatest. The narrowness makes you nervous, but the strong arm that nearly lifts you onto your back gives you starry eyes; you can’t complain. One of Izuku’s legs supports him from the floor and for some reason, it all feels so intimate. The way you offer a shy smile and how he pecks your nose so sweetly you almost don’t hear it.
He holds himself up above you, and you can actually see his freckles up close now. He has so many, and each one is wonderful.
Then, his head dives down into the curve of your neck with the swiftness of a cheetah. His teeth graze your pulse point, your back arching and breath hitching as he suckles until a tender purple bruise appears.
His cock throbs at how you moan his name.
“Shh! I don’t want to have to keep you quiet, right? Ah…”
His hips grind into yours easily with a fervor that only comes from days of teasing and sexual repression. 
“Want you to take off my shirt, ‘zuku,” you mumble weakly, arms already winding around his neck for support as he dry humps you like a fuckdoll.
“Mhm, I will, I will! Just wanna feel you for a second; you’re so fucking warm.”
You’re soaking through your panties. He’s found a good angle, the two of you whimpering together as he mimics fucking you deep and slow. If he was inside you, you’re sure he’d be balls deep with your legs over his shoulders.
But there was no time, and you’re bringing him back to your lips with a twist. If you didn’t reign him in, you were sure the two of you would cum in your pants, and that wasn’t enough. His hand is brought to your chest, squeezing over the fabric so you can squeal in between his tongue that licks into your mouth.
“Play with my tits, only wanna feel you on me,” you can’t even stop talking when his hand travels under your soft cardigan to tug the cups of your bra down, “want you to be the only one that touches me like this.”
He’s transfixed, rough palm skirting over your nipple in a way that makes you shudder.
“You’re so sensitive…”
Your leg is pushed to the floor as Midoriya flips your skirt up.
“I knew it. You’re soaking from me. You’re telling me all these things, but,” and your chest is spilling out from your bra cups as he fully exposes you, “I knew I was yours the minute I saw you.”
If you weren’t in the process of tugging the boy’s mouth closer to your tit, you might’ve picked up on the near-love confession he’d murmured into the fat of your breasts. It’s so heady, so exhilarating knowing someone could walk in on your sticky thighs spread while Izuku gropes your chest.
“Mmph, Izuku! I need more.”
“I know, and we need to hurry this along too…”
It’s a regret he’s forced to pull away from your upper half. Markings dot areas all over your chest and he shudders with empathetic pleasure, knowing you’ll be walking around with skin he defiled is so deeply arousing. You’ll walk around after he stretches you with his pulsing cock, dragging you back onto him like you were made for it. No one would know a thing, and it makes Midoriya tug his belt off with a sense of urgency.
You watch carefully as his thick fingers make quick work on his belt. You can’t help yourself from letting a wandering hand stroke your soaked pussy, adding the slightest amount of pressure on your clit with slow, deliberate circles. His eyes catch yours and then your trembling hand. You feel caught, hand pausing while you turn cherry red.
“No, no. Why’d you stop? Keep going.”
He unbuttons his jeans, but his hands go to palm himself instead of sliding the zipper down like you want.
“Get yourself all wet for me, pretty. I wanna see how you touch yourself.”
It’s maybe one of the hottest things you’ve ever heard, and it’s even more attractive when a strong hand drags your hand down to your swollen cunt.
“Are you that bad at being good? You heard me.”
His voice has the same bite it always does. Friendly but in no doubt in charge. Your body temperature rises, and it’s almost embarrassing to get yourself off knowing he’s watching you like a hawk.
He even laughs when your hips jolt, “you can rub harder than that.”
“Why don’t you try?!”
The words don’t come out half as strong as you’d like. Rather, you sound pathetic because his groans are spurring your fingers to pull your panties to the side and actually touch yourself for real. The tips of your fingers are slick, and lewd sounds are echoing as you pump a finger into your gummy walls.
“I’m sure you’re just as good. I mean, you had every day to practice! Shit,” he sighs and dips a hand under his jeans, “wish I had time to use my mouth on you. I bet you taste so good, too.”
You spread your lips to expose your dripping hole, clenching around nothing and leaving a syrupy trail of wetness on your fingers. Izuku trembles, hand gripping the base of his cock as you nearly weep for him.
“I want you to fill me, Izuku. My fingers aren’t enough; I need you here,” and you lay a hand on your lower stomach, “wanna feel you here.”
After begging so cutely and winding yourself up so much that you’re nearly grinding onto the couch cushion, you hope it works. You even move to cup your breast for good measure.
“Don’t you wanna see how good I’d squeeze you?”
It hangs in the air for a moment before Midoriya nods hastily.
“Okay. Yes, okay!”
He digs through his wallet, pulling out a foil square and pushing his boxers down to alleviate the pressure bearing down at him. Sharp teeth rip the foil apart while you take mental notes on the boy before you.
It’s certainly not a disappointment! The mushroom head leaks precum like a fountain. Beading at the slit and eventually bubbling over, it’s so enticing that you’re willing to take him into your mouth just for one second.
Instead, you grab the condom with your hand, and both of you work together to roll it on. He hisses at the contact of your hand gripping his so you can’t help but give a tug just to hear him gasp.
“You’ll make me cum if you do that! Don’t,” he chuckles, swatting your hand away.
“Are you even gonna last more than a minute?”
“Will you?”
The two of you giggle as you maneuver yourself, spreading slick thighs and Izuku splaying your lower half against his. He hisses when his cock slides through your dripping folds, “I’m gonna love this pussy.”
“C’mon,” you whine impatiently, “you’re being unfair–”
He’d had enough of your needy voice, and Izuku could feel all his self-control melt away like snow. First, he pushes the tip in just to keep you quiet (and it works, just as he imagined.) 
“Ngh! Ah, wait! Wait, wait…” you’re suddenly about to topple off the edge of pure pleasure if not for Izuku holding your hand in his.
“I-I can’t! Baby, I need to be inside you. You can take it, right?”
He’s pushing his thick dick further in you, and your breath skips in your throat because he’s stretching you so good and making such sinful noises.
“There ‘ya go! There… fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Izuku has to force himself to think of other things, to not think of your drooling pussy taking him in like he belonged there. To not think of how you kept wiggling for more; you couldn’t get enough of feeling him hit that spongy spot that felt so good inside you. He hasn’t even started thrusting yet, just huffing expletives in your ear as he forces himself to not shoot his load too early.
You already look fucked out, looking at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky for you. You’re looking at him like you love him, and he snaps his hips forward so hard you jerk upwards against the cushions. Soft hands fly to cover your mouth, and you look so pathetic trying to keep quiet as he carves a space inside you for him and only him.
  Quiet little “ah, ah, ah!” come out of you in bursts, utterly helpless to the fact that you must stay silent while Izuku pounds you into the worn couch of your grandmother’s retirement home. It’s debauched. It’s so fucking hot.
“I’ve wanted you since the beginning, hah. I was waiting for the right time,” he rambles, but his gaze is stuck on the way he slides way deep into you just to feel his heaviness drag against your folds till it’s just the tip. Again and again, and he’s nearly salivating with the froth you cream on his base, “and you look so pretty and I wanna do more, I–”
You realize he needs to shut up while trying to regain your own bearings. You’re still being vigorously fucked, and you can hardly get a word in with how he punches his cock just deep enough the graze your womb.
It makes you cry out because it hurts so fucking good, and Midoriya is quick shush you like a baby.
“Izu–oh, fuck! Izuku! Izu,” your hand cups his cheek to bring his lips against yours, effectively keeping him quiet.
The natural body weight of Izuku’s body excites your nerves so much that you feel on fire.
“‘M not gonna last long,” he gives a stuttering whisper and sneaks a hand between your bodies, balls slapping lewdly against your ass as he drills into you, “wanna get you off though, hm? Gotta make my pretty girl cum, right?”
He has no idea if he’s just muttering bullshit at this point, but it seems to work considering your increase in volume (something he can’t be bothered to fix.) Izuku wipes his hand on his shirt and rubs slow, small circles on your clit. It’s so methodical. It’s so targeted that you clench harder and harder.
“‘M gonna cum–gonna cream all over you,” your folds flutter so enticingly around him.
“You’re such a good girl, ngh! Cum around my cock; you deserve it..!”
You cum with a wail, no doubt soaking Izuku as he hunkers down onto you and grinds messily into you.
“W-Wish I could fill you up!! You’re so–so perfect.”
“Cum with me, ‘zuku,” you whisper as you comb your fingers through the sweaty hair stuck to his forehead.
Izuku muffles his groan into the crook of your neck, spilling his load in the rubber and sighing as the euphoria washes over him. The two of you take a moment to catch your breath, and you cringe at how the back of your shirt is stuck with sweat from your unexpected tryst. The boy on top of you can barely hold himself up, shaky hands tugging the condom off and tucking himself back into his jeans.
“Oh no!”
There’s a clear wet spot on his jeans, no doubt from barely undressing and thus spilling remnants of your cum together. Part of you wishes you could lick it off, and you have to shut your legs to keep your oversensitive clit from throbbing.
“Oh! That’s… okay. Um, is there a trash can near?...”
It makes you want to laugh at how he looks so boyish now in the post-coital glow. Adjusting your panties, after much deliberation of taking them off since they were soaked, you sit back and rest a hand on Izuku’s knee.
“I think there’s one right outside the main exit,” and then you’re leaning forward to kiss his nose, “...do you wanna go on a date?”
“You can’t say that while I’m still holding the condom that I just fucked you with!”
The two of you laugh before he softly kisses your shiny lips, “but okay.”
By next summer, your grandmothers are wondering how many kids the two of you will have.
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smoooothoperator · 1 month
now that the question is popped and answered yes, its time for announcing to the family and to the world!
maybe bit glimpses and them talking about when and where they'd like to get married. spontaneous wedding by elopping? an option im bring onto the table.
i also kind of picture where yk how every girl has their dream wedding, i kinda feel like lando also has that soft spot where he admits to violet and speaks his dream wedding while discussing (im sooo delulu rn omg🫣🫡)
alsooooo we need THEIR song too!!!
Im brain dumping the ideas hehee. Im excited how you turn this into writinggg <33
Hi hi hi! I hope you like this one! I really loved doing this🥹
So! As I showed, Lando and Violet announced their engagement on social media.
But that was after they talked to their families.
With Lando's was easy, since Violet is more comfortable with them
They announced it to them after Christmas day, right the day of their anniversary
And of course they were happy for them! His parents even asked them if they needed money to help them get everything done or if they needed help to organize things
Lando and Violet were so happy watching how they cwere haply for them and even daydreaming for some hours
It was easy
But what wasn't easy was telling her family
In the time they were dating, her family never stopped asking for favors, or even getting interested whenever they wanted
So Violet was nervous, of course
She only wanted to go to her hometown to visit her grandma and Eloise's grave
The moment Violet pressed the ring bell she immediately wanted to leave.
"Hey, I'm here" Lando whispered. "Ignore theme focus on Nana and then we'll leave, yeah?"
"What if they ask things?" Violet sighed looking at him. "Is it wrong that I don't feel bad because I don't want them there?"
"They never were there for you, love" he sighed. "You have every right to feel that way"
Lando knew she missed having a family. She missed not having a pair of parents that could take care of her, worry and ask about her.
"Wow, you decided to come" her mom frowned when she opened the door.
"Mhm" Violet hummed, walking in followed by Lando.
Her face immediately hanged when she saw her grandma.
Lando saw her grandma, Nana, a few times.
When they finished decorating their house, Violet wanted her to go and watch it, as well as meeting Lando.
Violet focused on her grandma, and when she said that Lando and her were getting married, she rolled her eyes the moment her mother clapped and started bombing them with questions.
"I hope you two make the wedding of the century"
"You two have money, didn't you buy a house? I guess you won't need our help"
"Who will you invite?"
Violet took a deep breath and looked at her parents. She knows what they are doing.
"I came here to talk with the only woman that cared about me" Violet said. "To the woman that took care of me when you two were too busy with job that you couldn't take care of your own daughter"
"We are your parents!" her mother exclaimed. "How dare you talk to me that way?"
"You only gave me birth. The one who took care of me was Nana, and she will be the one taking me to the aisle. I don't care if you like it or not" Violet said serious, making Lando feel proud of her. "You two are strangers to me. And it's your fault, so don't come crying later"
Lando couldn't help but feel sad, because this for real was a way ofngrtting her parents south of her life.
The day they got engaged, they went to bed with the biggest smile they ever had in their faces.
It was another step in their relationship, another step to a future together
"I can't stop looking at it" Violet smiled, looking at the beautiful ring with little stones on it. "It's so beautiful, Lando... So so beautiful"
Lando smiled looking at her hand, kissing her lips softly when she looked up at him.
They were living a real dream,feeling their chests warm with a new feeling.
"Have you ever imagined how our wedding would be?" Violet asked him.
"Well, I think something simple and private" Lando smiled. "With our friends and family in it, you wearing an amazing white dress. And if course, Rhys and Feyre will have to give us the rings"
"Oh definitely!" she giggled, looking at their dogs. "Our kids have to be present, huh?"
"Yeah" he smiled. "I always wanted to get married in a big place. Like, a villa or something like that, where our guests can stay the weekend and relax too"
"I like how it sounds"
They started planning just the basic things, the guests, going to see places and of course what they would wear
Violet went with her grandma, Pietra, Lily and Carmen to try some dresses
And of course, she asked her grandma to the one to take her to the aisle and Pietra to be her maid of honor
But when things started to go well, they had to interrupt the planning because of Violet's work
"It will be okay, love" Lando reassured her. "We have half of the job done, right? And you are not leaving for many months, just three. It will be okay"
They kept planning things with video calls, and of course they had the help of a wedding planner team
The wedding:
They rented a venue in England, of course
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The day before getting married, both of them slept separately, just to get ready the next day without looking at each other's outfit.
Their dogs slept with them, Rhysand with Lando and Ferr with Violet, since they decided they wanted them to be part of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen
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To add a little of fun to the wedding, Carlos and Violet decided to prank Lando
(Or maybe because she wanted to have a Carlando moment on their wedding album)
Some weeks before the wedding, Carlos went with her to buy a white dress
So while Violet was getting ready with her bridesmaids, Carlos did the same before getting ready himself
Somehow Violet convinced Lando to make a first look photoshoot, so Lando went to the backyard of the venue and waited for Violet
Everyone knew about the prank except him
So when Carlos walked in, dressed in a white dress and holding Violet's flowers, everyone had to hold their laugh
Lando smiled nervous, biting his lip when he heard the photographer taking pictures of them
He felt a hand on his and he immediately frowned, not recognizing Violet's hand
And the moment he turned around and found Carlos, he couldn't hold it and started laughing
It's safe to say that Carlando got married? There are pictures that can confirm it
But then the real time came
Lando was ready waiting for Violet, with Max next to him as well as all his friends
The moment he saw her walking next to her grandma, Lando couldn't stop crying
Max smiled, giving him a tissue and patting his back
Lando never thought he could fall in love even more
Their dogs had the rings, Rhys had Violet's and Feyra had Lando's
After the ceremony, they had the banquet
It was everything they dreamed before
A fairytale place, with amazing food (no fish in it)
And the moment if their first dance as husband and wife came
When they had to think about a song for their first dance, they wanted a song that talks about them
The first time they heard it, in Violet's old apartment, they cried while hearing it
So they immediately added it to the planning
They held each other, whispering the lyrics to the other while moving since to side at the beat of the song
Everyone was quiet, hearing the song and the meaning of it
Who knows their story, they know why they chose that song
"I love you, Violet Norris" Lando whisper in her ear
"I love you too, Lando Norris" she smiled
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Where am I?
[A/n: I have always loved the idea of getting thrown into a new and unknown world, and I had this idea when I was still a wattpad writer, sooo. Now you guys get to have it since I never finished the story 😅, also this takes place after the Mt.Natagumo mission]
Summary:While you were watching TV with your cat, you suddenly had a burning feeling in your chest.... It only got worse and worse
Type:Scenario: Uzui + His Wives X M!Reader
Version:Demon Slayer
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You, Y/n L/n, were laying on your bed, practically asleep. You were zoning in and out of consciousness. Sudden, your cat started scratching at your door. Your cat was a gift from your grandma. She wasn't sure if she would be able to keep taking care of the cat since it was a kitten when she gave it to you. She told you that she had something to pass down to her granddaughter, but you're her grandson. Your grandmother felt bad for years, but one day, she saw the kitten her friend gave her and it crossed her mind that you've been looking for someone to hang out with and be able to watch your shows with them, the kitten wasn't a person, but it was still something that could sit with you for hours. So one day on your birthday she gave you the kitten. It was an amazing gift, and you come over to her house every week to show her the cat now. Tomorrow, you planned to go visit her. You were glad to have a grandmother like her. You groaned as you sat up. You were gonna walk to the door when a sudden pain striked you in the chest. You wheezed as you gripped your shirt. It started to become hot, unbearably hot. You took off your shirt as you gasped. Basically, clawing at your chest, you started to tumble. Falling to the ground, you used your free hand to grab your neck. Your shorts bunched up as you moved your knees closer to your chest. Trying to breathe, you let out a loud choked cough. Your parents and siblings were down stairs watching a movie, so they heard none of this, and if they did, they just thought it was your cat jumping around. Your vision started to go dark. You had purple and black spots popping up in your vision, preventing you from seeing properly. Your cat started to meow louder and clawing at the underside of the door, trying desperately to get someone's attention. You reach your hand out towards your cat, your eyes wide with tears forming at the edge of your eyes. Then it went black. You went lip, your arms dropping onto the ground with a quiet thud, your eyes rolled back into your head and your mouth agap. You were hopeless. Suddenly, you felt your self fall, the cold air making your shiver as a soft breath left your mouth. You felt water, a pond? Lake? River? You don't know. You just felt that harsh water slap against your back, hard enough to leave a mark. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't move, you could cry out for help. All you could do is sink to the bottom and hope someone finds you in time. Those chances are low, though. You were gonna die. You wouldn't be able to be your cat to see your grandmother. You'd never find that person you've been looking for all your life. You'd never say goodbye to your mother or your grandmother or anyone you love. Why did this have to happen....'What did I do..? To deserve this?' You let out one finally breath before your head hit the bottom. But the rest of your body didn't yet. Your legs were slowly falling, as well as your arms. Before your legs hit the bottom, you felt a large hand wrap around your ankle, and as soon as you hit the water, you pulled from it. Your arms drop to the side of your head. Your being held upside down, you other side had buckled as your hair sticks to your face.
You didn't hear what the person said, just the beginning. You're now on the ground getting CPR from someone. You can feel every time they push into your chest, you feel your rips break with every push. You also feel when they pinch your nose and tilt your head to breathe into your mouth, it wasn't something you expected to feel. Soon enough your gasping for air and couching out blood and water. 'Where's the blood coming from...?' You can hear now, better than before
"Hina.....butterfly......SUMA!.....you'll be......Shi!......"
Butterfly? Who's Hina? And Suma? At least the bed is comfortable. Your eyes start to flutter open. You're in a white room. As your senses start to come back, you can hear someone. They were yelling. Your vision is coming back. You slowly look over to see a yellow haired boy freaking out. 'He's directly next to me' I take a sharp breath in, trying to get out a few words.
The nurse next to you looks over, I look up at her.
She sounds sweet and a little angry, probably at the yellow haired boy, who is now quiet and also looking at me.
You grunted before letting out an aggressive coughing fit. The nurse gave you small water so you could speak better.
"There...what about now?"
You coughed one more time before looking at her.
The girl looked confused, looking at the three smaller nurses they shrugged.
"Who is Hima and Suma?"
You looked away, looking over next to you as you hear footsteps, groaning you look back over.
"I...I heard their names"
The nurse nodded as the yellow haired boy started screaming again. Soon, the footsteps came to a halt, looking over at the doors you watch them open before three people stepped in, one had a box on her back, and then two boys, one on the others back, he had red hair and was severely injured. You and him made eye contact as he walked in. But it didn't last very long, for the fact you layed back and went back to pain. You're too much in pain to worry about anything right now. The nurse remembered your words. 'Hina and Suma..?' She was curious and waited for Lady Kocho to get back so she could report back. When Lady Kocho returned the nurse asked her about the names.
"Hina and Suma? Mm?"
Lady Kocho thought for a second before she remembered.
"Ah, those are two of Uzuis wives. I will inform him"
The nurse nodded as Lady Kocho started away. When she got to Uzuis home she knocked on the door.
"Yoo-Hoo! Uzui?"
A large man with white hair answered the door, he looked confused before his face lit up.
"May I come in?"
Uzui nodded and moved out of the way. Walking in Lady Kocho walked into the room where his wives and another was. She smiled at his wives and the man with bright hair.
"Sorry to intrude all of a sudden, but the boy had awaken"
The wives let out a small noise of shock and bliss, glad the boy is alright. While the man with bright hair looked confused.
Lady Kocho nodded and said across from Suma as Uzui sat next to Hinatsuru. Lady Kocho smiled
"The boy Uzui and his wives brought in, he was found in the river after mysteriously falling in. Uzui and his wives saved the boy and brought him to me a few days ago."
Hinatsuru smiled, she was glad the boy was alright.
"Did he say anything?"
Lady Kocho looked at Hinatsuru.
"He said, 'Hina and Suma', he must have heard Uzui say your names before he passed out completely"
Hinatsuru and Suma looked at each other. Lady Kocho then went on to explain everything about the boys' injuries and how he's doing, and invited Uzui and his wives to come visit, as well as the bright haired man. The next day, Lady Kocho went and got Uzui, his wives, and the bright haired man to bring them to you. When they got to the butterfly, Mansion Lady Kocho said her greeting to the nurses before heading to your room. Once they got close enough they heard a loud voice.
When Lady kocho opened the door, they all seen you sitting on staring angerly at the yellow haired boy, who was shaking.
"All morning I've had to listen to you scream and cry, EVEN YESTERDAY YOU WOKE ME UP. JUST SHUT UP ALREADY"
The yellow haired boy slowly looked over at you.
You two didn't stop.
The yellow haired boy started to cry as he yelled louder.
You huffed as you kicked your legs over the side of the bed, the six just watched.
The yellow haired boy went quiet.
"Your not a demon slayer? Then why are you here?"
Uzui pushed past Lady Kocho.
"Because, me and my wives saved him."
The yellow hair boy looked up at Uzui. The h/c boy also looked up at him, this time with a tint of amazement in his eyes, before realization hit.
"Wives? You have more than one?!"
The boy looked shocked, staring up at the large man. Then a woman approached the h/c boy.
"Yep! And i'm Hinatsuru"
She gave you a heartwarming smile as she sat next to you.
"We were informed you said out names? Me and Suma."
Your looked at the three other women and froze.
Uzuis face turned to one of shock, he looked behind him at Lady Kocho and thr bright haired man.
"Huh?! No! I have three wives, that woman is your nurse Shinobu Kocho, and the other is my friend, Rengoku Kyojuro. My wives are these fine women. Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio. And I am Uzui Tengen"
You let out a small ah. Looking at everyone you turned back to the yellow haired boy.
"Then who's him?"
He looked slightly offended.
"My name is Zenitsu Agatsuma"
You hummed as Suma sat on the bed as well, on the other side of Hinatsuru.
"Boy, why did you call out for us?"
You looked at her, shocked, and she reminded you of your mother in a nice way.
You look down and started fiddling with your hands.
"I was lost... your guys' names were the last ones I heard before blacking out, and....I didn't know anyone around me, I was scared, still am honestly..."
Suma and Hinatsuru gave you a gentle smile, Hinatsuru quickly pulled you into a hug. She was warm and....had a nice aura around her, one that reminded you of home. You smiled and hugged her back, letting a few tears fall from your face. Uzui smiled down at you three. Makio was feeling a little left out, so she walked over to you and also gave you a hug. Suma just gently rubbed your back. Shinobu gently smiled, a real smile at Uzuis love towards you. Rengoku gave a small chuckle, feeling a small pain in his chest from remembering his own mother. Once Uzuis wives finally let go of you, they said their goodbyes and left, Shinobu sayed back to update you on your ribs. Once she left, you felt Zenitsus threatening aura next to you. Looking over, you saw him have a dark look on his face. Shrugging, you lay back down, only for Zenitsu to pull you up by the collar of your shirt.
You tried to push him off.
The doors open, both of you looking over. The red headed boy you seen early walked in, along with a guy in a boar mask.
The two looked at you and Zenitsu.
Back at Uzuis house, Hinatsuru and Suma had been quiet the whole walk back. Once they were all inside the two talked for a second before Uzui interrupted them.
"Hina, Suma, is everything alright? You were quiet the whole way here?"
The two looked up at him as Suma began to cry.
"T-That boy...."
Hinatsuru grabbed Sumas hand and looked up at Uzui.
"Once he's healed, we're taking him in."
Uzuis face lit up.
"To train him?"
Hinatsuru looked at Suma before looking back at Uzui.
Uzui looked confused before realizing. He didn't know how to respond. The two smiled at him before walking away.
"We're gonna prepare his room!"
Uzui quickly turned around and stared at them as they walked away. He wasn't gonna argue, but....he really didn't know what to do. And the next day Suma and Hinatsuru came to visit you, bring you bento lunch, and a flashy hairclip, and of course. Making Zenitsu jealous of you every. Single. Day. This continued everyday, sometimes Uzui and Makio would come along, and they'd bring you something. You didn't understand why, but they all gave you a sense of home. Even Zenitsu, he became your friend. You didn't talk a lot with Tanjiro and Inosuke. They were busy training, and even when Zenitsu started training with them, yku and him would still yell at each other. He... he became like a brother to you, especially after you got thrown out of your home, away from your family. It felt nice having people familiar to your family around. Once your ribs were fully healed, Hinatsuru was the only one that came. But, she had a pair of clothes for you. Once you got changed, you took your hand and led you somewhere. As you were walking, you pasted Rengoku and Shinobu, as well as a few other people you didn't recognize. Once you guys stopped, she smiled at you, giving you a second. There was a large house, Suma was standing at the doors, seemlying waiting for you two. Hinatsuru started to lead you inside. You looked around, enjoying the beautiful house. Soon enough, you reached a common room, and Uzui and Makio were sitting there. Smiling, you waved at the two. They waved back and flashed you a bright smile. Hinatsuru continued to lead you through the house, this time with Uzui and Makio following. You were getting a bit nervous now. Eventually, you stopped at a room. Hinatsuru smiled warmly at you before opening the door. You walked in and froze. It was a bedroom. You looked back at her, confused as she took your hands.
"I know this place is scary and unknown, and I couldn't help but feel bad for you, your a lovely young boy, one who doesn't deserve to be alone, especially not in a place like this"
Uzui placed a hand on your shoulder. You turned and looked up at him.
"Welcome home...Son"
Your face lit up as you looked between all of them, looking back at Hinatsuru and Suma, and all of them a few times. This was probably one of the few times you've ever been accepted like this. You couldn't help it. Hinatsuru hugged you, giving you a small kiss on your forehead.
"We'll let you settle in, then tomorrow we can go shopping to get you some clothes, and all that stuff."
You nodded into her shoulder.
[A/n:....this is way better than the version on wattpad(that was never published), this also took like 3 to 4 hours to finish. I did this in one sitting, guys. I really hope you enjoyed]
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eleni-cherie · 8 months
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 1.8
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?" "only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble. © 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
a/n: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! But it's 6.6k words so I hope it'll make up for it :')
Seoul, South Korea
"Oh, I also got ice cream! You want ice cream?" Soyeon snickered, giving in at her grandmother's constant asking of whether she wanted to eat something. It made the old woman happy whenever she accepted her offerings and besides, she wouldn't say no to ice cream. "Sure, why not." Her eyes wandered around then, remembering the main reason she had decided to pay her a visit after only a few days again. "This photo there, where was it taken?" She pointed at a frame hanging next to the tv where a muted news resport was playing.
Her grandmother followed her finger, squinting at it while trying recalling its origin. "Not sure, your grandfather sent it from one of his trips," she recalled then. "Perhaps its written behind the photo." The younger woman stood up and walked to the frame, carefully taking it from the wall. The reason this photo had caught Soyeon's attention was because of her grandfather posing in front of a big and impressive looking gate she didn't recognise with another man. A friend, she assumed as they were both looking happy.
With a hum she returned to her seat and turned the frame to open it. Only for a piece of paper to fall onto her lap. Her heart beginning racing as she picked it up with curious eyes. Only for her expression to turn puzzled, recognising a row of weird symbols on it.
An arrow with a W. A square. A rectangle with a semicircle on top. A triangle. An umbrella. A star. A keywhole with the word 'oro' written beside it.
Her eyes widened. She didn't know what 'oro' meant, but that keyhole-symbol reminded her of the golden key she'd found behind another photo the previous time. It had been a photo of her grandfather at a temple or palace she didn't recognise either. Just like with this photo now. Placing the piece of paper aside, she took a better look on the photo. Seeing something being written behind it. The letters had almost faded, but she could still recognise her grandfather's words on it.
'Me and M. at Little South Gate.'
"Grandma? Can I borrow this photo?" "Hm?" Her grandmother looked up from the bowl she was preparing. "Oh, yes sure, my child. Keep it, if you want." "No, it's okay. I'll return it soon," she smiled and watched her grandmother going back to the ice cream. Taking her phone out then, she decided to look up what 'oro' meant and also where this Little South Gate was.
And her breath hitched, almost gasping at the translation her phone gave her.
No. Could it be?
Quickly shaking her head, she placed the device down. Even if it was a lead, she couldn't follow it up. She had promised Yoongi not to go look for it alone and she didn't want to ignore his request again considering what had happened the last time. Her eyes fell at the thought of him. She was worried, wondering if he was doing alright.
How was his weather?
With a wisp of melancholy, she removed her phone case, revealing the polaroid photo inside it. The candid photo of Yoongi taken what felt like an eternity ago. And suddenly, a queasy feeling overcame her. A premonition, a gut feeling. Telling her something bad was about to happen.
And she knew she couldn't just sit there idle anymore.
3km outside of Kyoto, Japan
"Alright, I see three guards at the gate." "Another two on the east side." "And west side." "At the back?" "There as well. They wander around every ten minutes, to the point." "How many inside?" "Probably another handful." "If not more."
Yoongi lowered the binoculars from the brightly lit mansion in the distance, a thoughtful expression set on his usually soft features. "You said two on the east side, Jimin?" The younger man nodded, lowering his own binoculars when Taehyung next to him shifted. Turning around and sliding down to prop his back against the abrasive rock. "And two west," he repeated with an exhausted sigh, "And two on the back." "Fck," Yoongi muttered under his breath. Zooming in and following the gravel path from the entrance, around the koi pond in the japanese garden until reaching the entrance of the traditional Sukiya-zukuri building that was facing the pond. "And only one way in and out." "Technically yes, but we could always climb over those walls." Jimin's gestured with his chin to the tall stone fence surrounding the whole property. A mischievious grin spreading on his lips. "Or you could just cut a hole in it with your sword." The older guy huffed a laugh. "Always the easiest escape, isn't it?"
It was around midnight when the three finally left the hill and made their way through the covert. It was half a kilometre away from their actual object of interest, but it was the highest set place close by. And besides, a bigger distance meant they most likely stayed out of unwanted attention.
"So.." Taehyung said when sliding into the passenger's seat. The other two soon sitting inside as well and Jimin started the engine. He rubbed his hands briefly as the cool night breeze of the city's outskirts had frozen his them. "..the plan is set then?" Yoongi hummed, taking out the blueprint again from his pocket and shining the flashlight on it. "Guess so, unless something changes."
The plan so far was easy. Taehyung and Jimin, as the official guests, would enter through the main entrance. Getting past the cameras and the guards behind the gate. Obviously with no weapons on them as the guards were checking everyone who entered. Meanwhile, Yoongi had to climb in from the tree next to the wall on the back side without triggering any sensors or getting caught by the two other guards there. Sneaking into the building then from a guest room, finding them and secretly handing them their weapons.  So whatever the hosts were planning, they'd be armed at least.
Maybe too easy.
Friday evening arrived sooner than expected. The two thieves finding themselves passing through the golden painted gates of Morita's property. "Getting in now," Taehyung whispered, "You ready?" "In position," Yoongi's voice responded through the in-ear-transmitter.
The gate had opened fully now, revealing three man in black suits behind it. Staring them down with stern faces. Stepping out of the car in their suits, they adjusted the ties around their neck. Already seeing the guards approaching them.
Taehyung and Jimin exchanged quick glances before walking up to them. Jimin pulling out their invitation from the inside of his blazer. Handing it to the closest standing guard with an innocent grin who rather harshly snatched it from his grip. Examining it with a scrunched nose before eventually snorting and nodding, indicating they were allowed to proceed further inside. The other two guards stepped close then, beginning with the frisking of their bodies to check for weapons.
After deaming them as clean, they wordlessly stepped backwards. And the two took the hint and continued walking up the path to the house's entrance. Their eyes scanning the environment for any differences between their observations and now. Everything looking normal, no suspicious last-minute changes as far as they could tell.
Entering the two-story mansion, they arrived in the large central area. The ground being replaced by a glass square in the middle with a zen guarden in karesansui-style underneath it. Walls covered in arrases. And at the far end, a staircase that led to a balcony on the top floor. The door behind them abruptly closed then but they didn't even flinch. Too distracted by the two older men appearing on the balcony, overseeing the lower area.
They immediately recognised one of them from the photos of Arabella's background check and the party back then. Emilio Rossi was dressed in an elegant beige suit. His large grey moustache wiggling as he wrinkled his nose at their sight. The second one, dressed in a traditional black kimono, was their other host, Morita. Behind them, the private rooms according to the blueprints.
"Welcome, gentlemen. Glad to see you were able accepting our humble invitation." Jimin's lips curled into a smirk at Morita's words. "See, we always accept invites containing an ultimatum." Emilio huffed at his sarcasm, seemingly unamused, contrary to his co-host who let out a short loud laugh. "I admit, I wouldn't have accepted your declining. That is true. Nonetheless, I'm very pleased to see you could make it after all." Morita's hands went up before coming back together in one single clap. "And now, let's enjoy this night. Shall we?"
While Jimin and Taehyung got to know their hosts better, Yoongi was following his part of the plan. With his katana slung around his back, he ruffled his hair before pulling over the black beanie that matched his black outfit, keeping him almost invisible in the pitch-dark night. He threw a hook with a rope to the protruding branch of the tree standing in the mansion's guarden. Tucking at it to ensure the hook was firmly clamped around the wood, he pulled himself up and climbed onto it. Carefully making his way over the stone wall, surpassing any sensors on it.
He did so fairly soundless, so the guard partolling at the back didn't notice him. And when he stood right under the branch, Yoongi was able to easily jump down onto him and knock him out with one precise hit. After dragging his body to the bushes and hiding it there, he peeked out of them. Spotting the second guard further down. And so he snuck up behind him, laying him out as well. He glanced at his watch then before his gaze wandered around.
If they had timed it correctly, the next guard would come in around eight minutes due to the largeness of the property. Leading him to have to move fast. However, as he had almost reached the sliding door to the back area where the lavatory and kitchen were located, a faint crackling echoed through the silence, causing him to stop in his tracks. Was there another guard? Had they mistimed the guard switch? Slowly turning around, he spotted a young woman standing there in a snow-white kimono. And a katana in her left hand.
Well, either he managed to somehow proceed with plan a despite this encounter now or.. plan b had to be used.
He decided to try proceeding with plan a first.
"Uhm, hello!" he faked a cheery and trustable sounding tone. "And who are you?" The woman, however, didn't seem to buy his harmless demeanor. Cocking a brow at him. "I'm Morita Kimiko and you're an unwanted guest." In a slow, dramatic gesture, she held her katana in front of her face and slid it out of its sheath. Pointing the blade at him while her other hand remained wrapped around the shealth. And Yoongi dragged a sigh, his arm reaching over his shoulder to grab his own sword from behind. Letting it slowly slide behind his neck, between his thumb and index finger. Deciding to give her an equally dramatic scene.
Looked like plan b it was then.
Breathing in the fresh night air, he held his katana up. Its sharp blade flashing under the moon's light. And they locked gazes, waiting for any small movement to initiate the fight which was soon given, when a breeze rustled the leaves around them. And he instantly ran towards her, his blade meeting hers as she dodged his move.
Their piercing noises cut through the air as they fought. Launching their swords towards each other only to keep meeting. After minutes, both paused at opposite ends to take a breath. Pointing their blades into the space between them. Kimiko let him near her slowly, until the swords rested against each other. Eyes never leaving the opponent. And just in a blink, the fight continued. Swords hitting each other over and over again. It seemed as if he had found an almost equal opponent in her. Although he managed to surprise her and cut the shealth in her hand in two, Kimiko firstly seemed to overpower him in combat. Taking him off-guard for a moment and sending him backwards to the grass covered ground. A smug smirk appearing on her lips.
"Silly boy likes to play with samurai swords.." She heaved her katana, the tip pointing right at his torso. "Perhaps you can at least die like one." His jaw clenched for a second before the corners of his lips tucked into a wide grin. And without saying a word, he got back to his feet. Taking a deep breath and holding his sword up in front of his hardened face. His eyes gleaming under his furrowed brows as he blowed away a strand of wavy hair that had fallen in front them. "Attack me," he commanded then. Voice low and steady. "Attack me with everything you have." And Kimino's smirk widened, seemingly thrilled. Accepting.
However, this time it only needed a few moves by Yoongi to abate her pride. Swiping across ther kneecap over the long fabric, sending blood onto the white silk and down her socking. Shocked, she limbed a few steps back. Both breathing heavily as they stared at each other. "For ridiculing you earlier.. I apologise," Kimiko breathed into the warm air. "Accepted," he responded. An anew silence building between them before Yoongi spoke up again. "Ready?" "Come on."
They engaged once again. The injured woman quickly noticing her weakened state as his blade kept pushing hers back. And in a desperate attempt to buy her some time, she ran behind a picket fence that was decorating a part of the garden. Yoongi quickly following along from the other side until she reached its end and emerged from behind. Trying one final attack, only for her blade to be cut in half. Leaving her completely unarmed.
The young woman slowly sunk to her knees, forcing a smile of sorrow. "Guess now I  will die like a sumurai." Yoongi could only roll his eyes at her dramatic acting though, as she even closed her eyes. Taking advantage of her not seeing it coming, he hit her with a trained blow of his sword's shaft at her temple. Leaving her unconscious. "Silly girl, assuming I'd be a killer like her." And just like the guards, he also dragged her body to the bushes.
His glance falling to his watch then. One minute until the next guard would show up there. He needed to be quick.
"So," Jimin began then with a bored expression as he looked around, "What exactly is this whole party about?" Back inside no one had noticed the sword fight that had taken place outside between Yoongi and Morita's daughter. "Oh, you know," Morita said with a sly smile, "Since you seem to like parties - or so I've heard-" His glance briefly wandered to Emilio. "- I thought of throwing one especially for you. See it as a farewell party, before you hand yourself in." Taehyung frowned, faking confusion as he played dumb to play for time. "Okay.. and why?" "Isn't it obvious?" This was the first time this evening that Emilio spoke up. An equally annoyed and contemptuous glare in his eyes. "Admittedly, we unintentionally wrecked your family's gala, got your son intentionally arrested and ruined your family's reputation, indifferently," Taehyung listed on his fingers before pointing one at Emilio with raised brows, "So we get why you would wanna see us behind bars. I just don't get how we pissed off you." His finger glided to Morita.
Both older men exchanged a look, holding a gleam of amusement, before glancing back down at them. "You don't know who I am?" "Oh, please," Jimin intervened with clear offence in his voice. Arms crossing in front of his puffed out chest, "Of course we know. We aren't some noobs, we obviously did our preparations. We just don't get why you, a high-ranking member of one of the biggest and busiest crime organisations would bother so much for one of his - I don't know - fifty associates. Pretty sure he isn't the first one getting arrested." Morita laughed under his breath. "Indeed, from the outside it must seem confusing.. However, Felipe Rossi isn't just one of my best business partners when it comes to run art objects and antiques from east asia to europe and facilitate deals and buyers. He's also a close friend. And very loyal, which he proofed by not betraying me or giving me away. Despite interpol having suggested him a very lucrative deal for mitigation. So naturally, when I heard of what happened, I reached out to Emilio here. And besides.." He paused his explanation, eyes darkening when remembering something. He seemed lost in thoughts for a moment before quickly snapping out of it and redirecting his focus to his two guests in the lower area again. "Call it gratitude for coincidentally also taking revenge on an old friend for me." Jimin and Taehyung locked gazes, silently wondering what Morita meant.
"Anyway," Emilio took the lead then. Touching his moustache out of habit, "Since you accepted our invitation, I must assume you either are smart enough to agree turning yourself in or you're foolish enough for believing negotiating would work." "Hm, and what if neither one is the right answer?" "Then you're incredibly naive either way." Morita held his hand out, stopping his co-host as curiosity sparked in his eyes. "And why did you accept then if you aren't here to allow us bringing you to authorities? You must know the consequences of that, don't you? I believe Emilio is quite generous by wanting to leave you alive and only turn in to interpol. My preferred solution would be quite the.. opposite." He smirked cockily. "You know, torture of you and everyone you love.. this kind of consequences." Jimin shrugged, not letting his words get to him and affect his mind. "Oh, you see. We could always just try and fight." "Is that so?" The older man suddenly revealed a dagger from one of his kimono's broad sleeves. Holding it up in the air, as if he was showing it off, only to ram its tip into the wooden railing. And the sound of hurrying vehicles echoed from outside.
Taehyung sighed. "Is that what I think it is?" Morita smirked. "You two didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?" "You know, for a second.. yeah, we kinda did." "Silly thieves."
Fast steps were heard from a side corridor, a man with a wooden stick appearing only for more men in black suits to suddenly jump out from behind him. All slide-doors around them were pushed aside, even more men in suits holding all kinds of weapons, mainly katanas, appearing. Pouring out from all openings.
The two friends shortly being circled by around fourty members of Morita's organisation, pressing their backs against each other. Jimin's hand slowly going up to his in-ear. "Yoongi? I fear we must proceed with plan b."
"Figured already."
Some men in the back began to yell out in pain all of a sudden, one by one falling and even the ones in the centre seemed alarmed, wondering what was going on. Jimin and Taehyung immediately taking advantage of their short distraction, jumping onto the ones in front of them and knocking them senseless. "Took you long enough, man!" "Sorry, got hindered." Yoongi quickly passed them their weapons before swinging his sword over his head and piercing an attacker behind him. As he sliced and swirled across the floor to clear the space, Taehyung spotted the large lamps hanging from the ceilings, and with a precise shot, let them crash down on several opponents. Jimin paused to glance at the balcony then. Only catching a glimpse of their hosts before they disappeared behind a sliding door. He snorted, going straight to punching a guy, who was about to attack him, in the face.
The three managed making their way to the staircase, running upstairs while fighting off the rest of the men who followed behind, being close on their heels. Even sending one rolling down the stairs with a kick. With slow steps the gang members climbed the stairs, angry expressions on their twisted faces. Eyes fixated on the three who were also slowly stepping backwards with their weapons in front of them. Not noticing entering a wide area, the members entering as well while some even cut through the paper-walls to get inside as there wasn't enough space.
For an unknown reason, the lights went out. Solely the light from outside illuminating their silhuettes and  weapons. And after seconds of silence, the fight went to its second round. It was easier now as only around ten men had remained, so while Jimin and Taehyung dealt blows and gunshot wounds, Yoongi was skillfully slicing and punching. After eliminating all but one shaky soldier, the lights were turned back on, and they saw the last man standing was nothing more than a zealous teenager. Yoongi huffed, cutting off the boy's blade in one blow. The boy remained staring at him with big frightened eyes when he lunged out and cut another piece and another, until only the shaft was left in his shaky hands. "Get out," he banished him out with a harsh tone. And the three went to the other rooms, finding them empty.
"Where the fck did they disappear to?" Jimin's question was quickly answered when they heard the sound of an engine starting. They immediately rushed back downstairs and out of the mansion. Seeing a black limousine heading towards the opening gate only to abrubtly stop right after passing it. And they were about to run after it when they heard the reason the car didn't escape. "Morita Hideo, this is interpol! You're surrounded! Stop the engine and leave the vehicle with hands raised!" "That's our cue," Yoongi whispered, about to return to the backyard and follow Jimin's suggestion of a quick escape, when steps echoed behind them. Causing them to instantly freeze. "I know you bunch.. So we meet each other again."
The voice sounded familiar. Slowly, they turned around seeing agent Kim Namjoon grinning widely at them as he folded his broad arms. Standing firm and tall in front of his men. "Oh, you again!" Jimin laughed out, not the hint of nervousness in his face. More the opposite, he was relieved he didn't have to deal with some random, unknown agent but at least one he knew. Made it easier to work his charms. "How comes we meet each other here?" "Me and agent Jung are after this guy, Morita, for quite some time, you know. Finally gathered enough evidence against him." His chin motioned to the direction of the entrance gate and their eyes followed. Indeed observing agent Jung Hoseok putting handcuffs onto Morita and Emilio, escorting them away from their car. "And why did he invite you guys over?" Taehyung arched a brow. "How do you know we were invited?" Namjoon only laughed. "We obviously had Morita under constant observation. We knew he was planning something. We were only surprised to see that Rossi guy here. But when we also saw you arriving - and you sneaking in -" he peeked at Yoongi, "- we began to understand."
He stepped forward then, pulling out his handcuffs from the back of his belt. Two other agents following his move. "Don't worry, Seokjin will have the honour of returning you to Seoul. I'll just keep an eye on you till he arrives." "Ugh, don't tell me you snitched on us to pops," Jimin whined dramatically, only earning a dumbfounded look from the older agent. "'Pops'?" he repeated amused, musing for a moment when eventually chuckling. Deep dimples appearing on his cheeks, giving him a childlike appearance for a moment that contrasted his sturdy physique. "That's new, but kinda suits him. But no, we didn't 'snitch on you', he was already on his way when we contacted him." The three shared confused glances as they got handcuffed. Had they been careless and got seen somewhere? Or had their interpol agents suddenly become even better in locating them than usual? 
They were led to the waiting interpol vehicles outside then. Seeing agent Jung approaching them with a wide grin on his heart-shaped lips when spotting their bonus captives. "We deserve a pay rise for helping the robbery department once again, don't you think, Joon?"
As they climbed into the transporter, another car arrived at the scene. Three familiar faces stepping out of it, just as forwarned. "Well, well, well, look who we have here!" Seokjin was grinning from ear to ear when seeing them sitting nice and well inside the van. Only earning a cocky smirk from Jimin. "Always a pleasure to see you, pops. And Kook and Sky, too, of course." "It's still agent Jeon and Blake for you," Jungkook mumbled annoyed under his breath. Giving him a serious glance. However, Seokjin only laughed dryly, choosing to ignore the evident sarcasm in his opponent's words when a yawn crept past his lips. The late hour and unscheduled flight having taken a toll on his sleep. "Can't say the same," he said then, before facing his younger colleagues behind him. Gesturing for them to help the other agents and Jungkook and Skylar instantly nodded and walked away. He turned back to his favourite criminals then, his grin having returned. "Be nice criminals and wait here, okay? We'll be right back." And with that he shut the doors with a loud thud and locked them.
"So, you know what exactly the three were doing here?" Hoseok asked when seeing Seokjin approaching him. Namjoon joining them shortly while their agents were taking care of all the arrestees. However, all they got was a shrug from Seokjin as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Only what that girl told us, that they got an invitation from Rossi and this guy you were after, what was his name again?" "Morita," Namjoon quickly added. The older agent nodding. "Right, Morita. That's pretty much all the info she had - or at least wanted to share." The agents of the organised crime and special victims department only nodded with musing expressions. "I think it's save to say.. " Hoseok began then with a lower tone, as if he didn't want anyone to eavesdrop, ".. that Morita was helping Rossi taking revenge for his son." "Think so, too," Namjoon agreed, his glance falling to the transporter with the two elder men. "They set a mob of his men on them. If that doesn't scream revenge.." Seokjin was pensive, eventually nodding. "Sounds logical. I guess we'll see after the interrogation."
Jimin took his benefit of the agents' short discussion to let his fingers reveal a thin wire that was always hidden inside his sleeve for cases like this, which neither Namjoon nor Hoseok knew. And since Seokjin had assumed they had been checked by them for potential means, it had passed through. Much to Jimin's delight who was cracking open his handcuffs with a scoff. "As if I'd just wait." He went on to uncuff the other two as well. Yoongi immediately rubbing his freed wrists. "Do we know where our weapons are?" "Caught a glimpse of Jungkook receiving them from an agent and stuffing them into the trunk of their car." "Great." "Well," Jimin said, cracking open the van's door with the wire, "We got no choice but to look for them. I ain't going nowhere without my walter." Taehyung squinted his eyes at him annoyed. "Did I say not to get them? You know damn well I'm not leaving without my baby either." "Neither do I," Yoongi huffed. And Jimin only rolled his eyes before cautiously peeking out the ajar door. Locating any agents close by. He knew no one believed they'd make a run for it while so many agents were around and that's why they were left - even if only shortly - without supervision in there with only one guarding the van outside. It was always a big advatage getting underestimated.
"I see their car, it's around five metres to the right. There's currently only one guy standing in front of the door. Another one close by, six metres to the left. One of us could sneak to it and get the weapons." "I'll do it," Yoongi immediately shrugged. And indeed, he soundlessly stunned the agent guarding the vehicle, leaving him somewhere unseen at the side and in no time he had returned with their beloved weapons. Nobody having taken notice of him. Especially since everyone was preoccupied with the more than fourty other criminals who had to be taken into custody.
After hiding their weapons underneath their clothes, they put the cracked-open handcuffs back on, pretending they'd never been taken down and took their previous seats. Waiting and acting innocent. Moments later the doors opened again and in came the two younger agents along with an unknown one. "Oh, no, where's pops?" Taehyung faked disappointment. "Thought he'd have the honour of taking us back." Skylar arched an unimpressed brow at him as she sat on the opposite seat. "Don't worry, you'll meet him again at the station. He'll be driving our car back."
The vehicles soon began moving, heading south to the highway to Osaka, where the interpol branch office was located at. Yoongi's eyed Taehyung and Jimin, then the agents who didn't seem to have noticed anything. His eyes going back to his friends then, giving them an acute glance. And Jimin gave him a knowing look before using a bucking of the van to unnoticably shove one hand into his jacket. Pulling a tiny ball out he had originally intented for Morita, he gave the other two sitting opposite of him an almost non-perceivable nod. And the three held their breath as he clicked on a small button, smoke filling the narrow space and clouding the vision into a mist of white, causing the agents to instantly jump up in panic. "What the - No one move!" "Dammit, tell the d- tell the driv-er t-" However, before Skylar could even finish her sentence, she'd already sunken to the ground. "Sky? S-ky.." Another thud followed. And another. All agents laying unconscious on the ground, just like intended.
Yoongi quickly open the car door enough for the smoke to dissolve into the night air. The three finally respiring, taking deep breaths and getting rid of the handcuffs for good. "They never learn," Yoongi tutted, shaking his head, "Thought they'd have learned their lesson after Morocco." Taehyung lightly nudged his arm then. "Don't jinx it," he chuckled and they closed the door to not catch any attention of the other cars on the highway, although there hadn't been too many around. Jimin clearing his throat and picked up Jungkook's radio then. And with a perfect imitation of his voice, impersonating the young agent, he asked the unaware agents in the front to stop the vehicle at the side of the road and join them for a small emergency.
And just like planned, the vehicle indeed came to an halt. Soon another two agents opening the door to check what was going on, only to join the others on the ground. And Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung quickly climbed acting normal. Even if someone saw them, they'd most likely assume they had a flat tire and that's it. Now all that was left was to hijack a random car passing by and - "Hey, get in!"
They instantly turned around at the unexpected voice, seeing a young woman bending out the window and waving at them frantically. Even with the wig and tinted glasses they could tell who it was. "Soyeon?" "What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" she yelled and got back inside. Watching them look at each other startled before running up to her and getting inside the car. And she quickly drove off, merging back into the sporadic traffic.
"Soyeon, what the fck are you doing here?" Yoongi's scowl from the passenger seat made her shift shyly. "I thought I was clear last time! I told you not to do irrational actions li-" She straightened herself though, intentionally cutting off his lecture as she didn't feel like hearing it again. "Be thankful I saved your ass again," she grinned at him, ignoring his angry stare. Yoongi only scoffed at this, sitting back in his seat. "We'd have found a different car." "Ohh," she pouted with innocence then, "But then I wouldn't be your getaway driver this time!"
Jimin and Taehyung stifled a laugh in the backseat. Jimin leaning in between the seats then, giving her one of his naturally charmy smiles. "Forgive his grumpiness," he waved off his friend whose aggravation only grew, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "That's just how he shows his concern for people he cares about." Soyeon's lips folded. Already knowing that, hence why she hadn't taken it with offence. Jimin continued then. "But I'm curious, how did you end up here? Don't tell me it was a coincidence. I don't believe in those, at least not when you wear a wig and those fancy glasses." "She obviously did something very dumb again," Yoongi muttered annoyed while staring out of the window. Trying his best to keep his calm at her getting herself in danger once again, for him, and failing. "For your information, it wasn't dumb. I think it was brilliant, maybe risky, but not dumb," she defended herself as she changed lanes to overtake a truck as she pushed near the speed limit. Fear of hearing sirens nearing any minute in the back of her mind. However, as she realised what she was about to confess, her cheeks blushed with embarrassment. "I.. actually, guys, I think I need to apologise to you first."
The three frowned, looking at her confused. "If it's because you feel guilty for 'dragging' us into this again.." Yoongi paused when seeing her shaking her head. "No, no.. I mean, yes, for that, too. But I didn't mean that." Inhaling deeply, she took an exit and left the highway. "I told agent Kim about the invitation. I knew, even if coming here I wouldn't be able to find you by myself. And I had this bad feeling, you know? That something terrible would happen. So I told them what I knew. They'd eventually find you with their methods after all. So all I had to do was letting them lead me to you." A small grin plastered on her face, as she couldn't pretent not being a little bit proud of herself. "And I knew you guys would sooner or later try to escape and indeed, you did just that."
Everyone stared at her with jaws ajar, being quite astonished by her plan. Taehyung being the first one to speak up then. A lopsided smirk tucking on his lips. "Damn, you've got it." Neither him nor Jimin showed any sign of resentment towards her for informing interpol. Much the opposite, they laughed. And she sighed in relief when seeing their reaction. It only lasted for a bit though, only until her glance fell to Yoongi who remained quiet while looking out at the buildings they passed by. "Uhm," she said then, averting her eyes from him with an uneasy feeling, "Where should I drive you guys to?" "Well," Jimin said then, glancing at his watch, "Considering pops will soon find out we escaped, I'd say we shouldn't waste any time. So get us to the airport, please." She nodded, following the signs with the airplane symbol.
With Taehyung giving her directions, the car eventually came to an halt at a secluded area next to the fence seperating the runway from the street. Far away from the actual airport for anyone seeing them. The hangers with private jets only a couple hundred meters away, where they'd simply 'borrow' one. "Thanks for the drive!" "We'll see you around." The two younger guys gave her a wink before getting out. Much to her surprise, Yoongi didn't follow. The two remaining in silence until he decided to speak up.
"Soyeon -" "Save your breath, I don't wanna hear about how much of an idiot I am or how dangerous and irrational this was." Shaking her head, she took off the glasses and the fake-blond hair. Her grip on the wig tightened. "You must believe me when I tell you I had a presentiment, okay? I didn't know what else to do, I knew you'd ignore my calls and texts, but I couldn't just ignore this awful feeling. Despise me, hate me, think of me of a fool if you want. But I don't regret it." Her jaw trembled by now as her built-up emotions flowed out of her lips. And Yoongi observed her quietly, before eventually reaching out to her hand. It loosened its grip on the wig, allowing him to hold it in his. "I could never hate you for saving me, angel. I'd be the biggest fool of them all if I did."
He was still mad. Incredibly mad actually. However, he was also in awe with her grit and persistent nature. And at the end of the day, she'd only done it because for some inexplicable reason she felt and cared enough for him to do crazy, irrational things like this. He drew closer, his other hand wrapping around the back of her neck. And as she turned her head to finally look him in the eyes, he pressed his lips on hers. Taking her aback. "Just what do I have to do to keep you from pulling a stunt?" His warm breath brushed over her skin as he rested his forehead against hers with a small grin. Streaks of hair lightly touching her lashes. Soyeon's eyes fluttered open then and she smiled at him. Her arms finding its way around his torso. "How about you don't give me any reasons to anymore?"
A knock on the car's window made them jump in their seats and they let go of each other in an instant. Seeing Taehyung's apologetic grin. "Guys, don't wanna interrupt the cute moment, but time presses." Soyeon coughed, swallowing the embarrassement. "You should probably go." "Yeah, right," he sighed and opened the car door, ready to leave before pausing. Smiling at her. "See you soon." And her face lit up at his words, eyes beaming. He didn't push her away this time, knowing very well how pointless it'd be. She was so damn stubborn. But also breathtaking. And he loved her for that. "So you won't tell me to stay away anymore?" "I promised I'll come back, didn't I?" He winked. "Just be careful and get back to Seoul as fast as possible, okay?" She nodded vigorously. Watching the man she loved leaving the car and cut a hole into the fence. Disappearing behind it with his friends and into the night.
Truth was, Soyeon knew whenever meeting Yoongi an adventure was about to happen. She could simply never tell what kind it'd be. And she didn't mind that. After all, she was both: someone who wanted to live a simple life as an introvert, getting lost in her songwriting while following a routine, but also someone who wanted to have all the joy and adventure that life coule give. Both these women living in the same body, but somehow never clashing with each other. The introverted one always prevailing.
Only with her choosing to let him into her weird little world, that had changed. And at the end, she was thankful for her grandfather leaving her that emerald necklace. 
Without it they might've never found each other in this universe after all.
next chapter: epilogue here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback! ♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
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slafkovskys · 5 months
You wanna know how quickly you get to baby #3? By making Angel and Luke have an ‘affair’ like the love they have is just too strong to hold onto the past. Whilst she never forgets what he did, she forgives because he was scared and left and then worried about coming back. He knew he hurt her and wasn’t grown enough to deal with it especially knowing that his brother were more than capable to give her all of the love and security and help she deserved. The boys know her and Luke love one another so much and if Angel was ok with it then that’s enough for them to be ok with her dating him.
Anywho, this all comes out when she finds out she’s pregnant and someone makes a joke about will this one be mine or yours and Angel is like welp actually we’re back to which one of the 3 of you could it be bc plot twist, I’ve been having an affair w your brother, not the one in this room, the other one, you know the one who broke my heart and ruined everything? And again, none of them actually see it as an affair but since lukey is now equally involved in this new development and is super involved and 100% there for Angel and like idk if he got injured and was the closest one to be there for Angel and the kids when her morning sickness or fainting kicked off and she needed help and like was thrown into the deep end w the twins and like ran the house perfectly for like 2 days and idk. Baby #3 is Luke’s redemption arc and I just think it’s a catalyst that brings him back in. He’s got equal odds of being the babies dad ~if not more since they’re constantly having super intense love making sessions to release the pent up love that’s been suppressed since he’s been gone~ and he steps up beyond belief for the twins and Angel and yh
Also, I can just see baby girl Hughes who for the life of me I can’t remember her name but is it wren? Idk Ik it’s drew rip ANYWHO I can just see her being super attached to Luke without knowing who he is like a random relative having a bbq and they’re there and so is luke and like they don’t talk or even look at eachother but wren falls or is fussy bc she’s cutting teeth or idk anything but she just gravitates away from grandma or an aunt and crawls or toddles to this man who she just knows is important and he’s the one she’s most comfortable with. He’s her person for some reason. He didn’t do anything to warrant it ~if anything he did the opposite lbh~ but he’s her favourite person ever without even knowing him and like yh you can post this, keep it for a rainy day or chop it up or idk just some food for thought this is awkward now imma go k? K. Bye. Bye. No you hang up - 🤌🏽
anon- my mouth genuinely fell open. jaw was dropped. wig is down the street. this was a journey that i was so glad to take.
but… are we ready for baby number three because i was going to hold off for a little longer…
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obsidiancreates · 4 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 5)
(Trigger warning for more vampire vs ghost fighting, general brain fog, Shawn convinced he's hallucinating/has brain damage, Shawn turning into a vampire and all the anguish that entails.)
“I need you, Shawn! You can’t leave me alone! Wake UP!”
It’s the first anything Shawn is aware of. Before he can feel his own body, hear anything around him, before he can see.
He hears Gus, begging and distraught, and it pulls Shawn back to the world.
It takes a couple of tries, but he opens his eyes. His vision is blurry, and he must have brain damage, because even as it clears up he sees not only Gus bent over him sobbing, but his grandma. 
Who died when he was three.
“Oh my god, Shawn!” Gus doesn’t even bother to wipe his face, just pulls Shawn up into a hug- but pushes Shawn away just as fast. “Don’t even think about drinking my blood while I’m rescuing you right now.”
“Wh… wha?” Shawn’s voice cracks and scrapes against his throat. He’s parched. Dry like a desert, or his own dating life for all of highschool. “Wha’ th’ hell…”
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. And I’m pretty sure Lassie and Jules are wiping the floor with the vampires.”
“... Wha?” Shawn tries to sit up, to figure out where he is and what is going on and why everything is numb but all he manages to do is turn his head a little. That’s not a good sign. Something bad happened to him.
His vision swims just from that simple movement, and when it refocuses he’s not sure it actually does. Lassie is driving a shard of wood into the chest of some nondescript person (Popsicle, he thinks, though he can’t make the connection why) as Jules fights like a woman possessed against… someone Shawn would put money on as being a lawyer, or some other equally extremely desk-bound job.
When he looks at her, some of the numbness goes away- because he’s suddenly very aware of his neck exploding with pain. He wants to scream, to thrash, to fall back into that Nothingness where pain didn’t exist and neither did he- but all he manages is a weak moan.
“Just hang on a little longer.” Gus loops his arms under Shawn’s armpits and, with great grunts and puffs of effort, stands just enough to begin dragging Shawn away somewhere.
And then a hand grabs onto Shawn’s leg. It should feel cold, Shawn’s mind supplies for reasons he can’t pinpoint. The hand doesn’t feel any colder than he does, though. … But now that he thinks about it, he is cold. Very cold. But he’s not shivering. Tick that next to the possible head trauma in the list of Very Bad Things To Wake Up To.
“I’m not dying without killing you and your stupid mouth,” a gruff voice growls (Gramv- he nicknamed these people at some point. This is an investigation, then?). Gramv yanks on Shawn’s leg, easily pulling him out of Gus’s grasp.
Bad guy. Right, he’s in danger, this man is trying to kill him, he’s barely able to move, Lassie and Jules are busy and Gus just almost got his arms dislocated and the rest of the people in the room can’t possibly be real because they’re dead. His vision is still not a hundred percent, but he zeros in on a candle by Gramv’s hand and his own leg.
He barely manages to twitch his leg, but it’s enough. The candle tips over and the burning wick catches the sleeve of Gramv’s robe, and apparently it’s a very flammable material because he lights up quicker than a clue at a crime scene.
“Heh.” Shawn wishes he could make a pun, but even if he could speak at the moment, he still can’t really think. It’s a sludgy, foggy, all-around unclear mess in his skull. He’s not used to it, and if he had a clearer head he’s be panicking over not having a clear head. There’s a word for that. He can’t remember it right now.
Gus grabs him again and drags him somewhere deep within the maze (oh, he recognizes this maze, that could be good or bad, but is probably both). Shawn watches Lassie and Jules fade into the stacks of useless forgotten whatever, and begins to nod off again. Then Gus props him up against one of the stacks and lightly taps Shawn’s face to wake him back up.
“I need you to try and stand. I can’t carry a grown-ass man up the world’s most unsafe stairs all by myself.”
“St’nd.” Still can’t get out full words without slurring them- he definitely has brain damage. What happened to him? “Yea.” Shawn tries to push himself up, but his arms collapse under him within seconds. He starts to tip to the side, and Gus has to reach out and steady him. “I don’... f-feel…”
“Okay. Okay, we can do this. I can do this. How many times have you gone boneles son me? It was all leading up to this.” Gus bounces on his heels while he hypes himself up. “Burton Guster, you are about to carry your best friend up these stairs.”
Gus slings one of Shawn’s arms over his shoulder, and manages to stand and support Shawn’s entire weight without any help from Shawn himself. He feels like a bundle of wet noodles, but knitted together to be really dense and heavy, and way too overcooked, just absolutely inedible. 
… He’s hungry.
“Just a little longer. Oh gosh… okay, we can do this.”
Someone else is supporting Shawn’s weight too.
“I’ve got him, Gus. I’ve got you, sweetie. Let’s get going.”
His grandma who isn’t real because she’s dead and Gus have to basically drag him up the stairs. Feeling starts to return to his legs as they go up, little by little, with each smack of his shins and ankles against the wooden slats pretending to be steps. 
Feeling is returning everywhere. He almost wishes it wasn’t.
He is in serious pain.
His neck is the worst of it- it feels raw, dug at, deep and tender and he can’t even begin to imagine what a wound that feels like this must look like. He’s a little surprised Gus hasn’t passed out or thrown up at the sight, because it must be gruesome.
Almost as bad is his stomach. No, wait, it might be worse- his evaluation is shifting as awareness slowly trickles in. … Yes, his stomach is worse, though not by much. It burns. His stomach, his guts in general, they burn. They twist and ache and stab and he can picture them shredding each other apart inside of him, little claws and teeth on his spleen or whatever else is down there, he doesn’t know, he just knows it hurts.
“Gus,” he gasps out. Okay, full word, not slurred, maybe his head will be okay after all. “I-I don’t feel-” He grits his teeth. Good? No, it’s deeper than that. He doesn’t feel… “Right.”
“I know.” Is it that visible? It must be. His neck probably looks like Spam what a feral cat got into, if the way it feels is any reliable indicator. Gus gives Shawn’s arm a squeeze. They’re slowly moving down a hallway now- his grandma disappeared sometime between the top of the stairs and this halfway hallway point. That’s another good sign for the brain damage clearing up, or at least he hopes it is. “It’s just a little farther to the car.”
Something in him twists. It ties itself up in a knot, and then instead of unrevelling itself it cuts, splits apart and the pain is like a shockwave, ripping through his entire body starting in his guts moving out and settling most in his head and his mouth and god he’s parched and hungry and it’s all he can think about as he stumbles and falls out of Gus’s hold and the whole thing leaves his ear ringing and his heartbeat hammering in his…
… Skull…
… That’s not…
Gus’s arm is under him again, but everything is a blur. A hazy, quickly-moving blur, because all he can take in is that heartbeat.
It’s racing, pounding, the heartbeat of someone in deep distress, and Shawn doesn’t know why but it’s amazing. It’s his favorite sound in the world, thumping against the inside of his skull and mixing with the shockwaves of pain, rippling out from his head into his body and his limbs and it feels good.
He doesn’t realize they’re at Lassie’s car until Gus is shoving him into the backseat and buckling him in. He would laugh, but it comes out a wheeze. Gus leans over into his space to buckle him in, and Shawn can’t sto staring at his neck. Smooth, soft skin, and his vision highlights the pulse…
“Do you taste as buttery as you look?” He feels consciousness starting to slip again- no, not consciousness. Awareness. They’re different, somehow. 
“What?” Gus is only half listening, and Shawn needs to look away because staring at Gus’s neck is starting to make the pain worse, especially in his mouth…
He doesn’t have as much control over his head as he’d like, and it lolls, and Gus makes a choked gagging noise as the part of Shawn’s neck that hurts the most stretches out. There it is. That’s familiar. That’s good. Now he needs… he needs…
Gus is rooting around in Lassie’s glove compartment and that box-armrest-thing between the two front seats. Shawn can see his head, and his neck again, and he thinks his mouth would be watering if there was any water in his body. No, that’s not right, if he was that dry he’d be dead. Is he dead? If so then Gus is dead, that’s no good. Gus has a lot of life to live, and a way more productive one then Shawn’s will ever be, Shawn’s sure of it.
“I better not be dead so you’re not dead,” he mumbles as Gus comes back to the back door with a packet of wet wipes. “You don’t deserve to be dead.”
“What? Shawn, you’re talking nonsense.” Gus takes a deep breath, gags one more time, then swallows it and tilts Shawn’s head to he can clean Shawn’s neck. Clean it? Right, the wound. Probably blood.
Blood. He groans as his insides go to war, burning and twisting and tearing and dying and- and- and something else-
“Gus.” He paws at Gus’s shirt, pathetic and weak. “Gus, I’m hungry.”
Gus’s eyes widen, and Shawn sees panic- why? Gus swallows and keeps cleaning, but he’s shaking twice as bad now. “I already told you you better not. I will slap you, Shawn. Don’t think I won’t.”
Shawn laughs a little, and this time it actually comes out a laugh.
It hurts.
Gus’s pulse is highlighted again. The racing heartbeat is back in the forefront of Shawn’s mind. His mouth burns.
There’s a hand on his. Not Gus’s. It’s there and it’s not, and he’s felt it a lot of times since he woke up, and he’s still pretty sure it’s a symptom. But Gus is done cleaning, so Shawn turns his head to se ehis grandma, holding his hand.
“Focus on me, Shawn. Focus on me. You’re going to get through this without any of your friends getting hurt, okay?”
“Okay.” But what is this? He still isn’t sure. He still can’t remember. All he knows is he woke up and there was fighting and crying and pain and if his grandma is here he’s probably dead and so Gus is dead, he is, but that’s not fair because Gus shouldn’t ever be dead, Gus should never die and live forever-
“Stop that.” Her voice is sharp and firm- it sounds almost like his dad. It jolts him into a bit more awareness than he’s had since the hallway. “Don’t go down that thoughtpath. No more new vampires tonight.”
That… doesn’t… track. … But neither does his grandma being here. “What do you mean…”
She sighs, and then looks up and nods. “Look, your other friends are here.”
He turns his head to look past Gus, still kneeling by him and looking him over like Shawn might disappear at any moment. He’s not going anywhere though- he can’t even if he wanted to. Lassie and Jules, though, they can move. They run out of the front door of the creepiest, most horror-movie-worthy mansion in all of Santa Barbara covered in blood and dirt and ash, pouring sweat and the blood smells bad. Rotten. It makes Shawn angry, for some reason, until two more rhythms join the one already pounding in his ears. Their heartbeats. He wishes he was more sound of mind so he can pick apart the differences, appreciate the unique beats for his unique friends. They’re entrancing.
Gus slams Shawn’s door shut and runs around to the other side, sliding into the seat next to him. Jules and Lassie jump into their seats, and almost as soon as Lassie’s butt hits the pleather they’re peeling away at high speeds.
Shawn leans his head back, closing his eyes and listening to the three racing beats around him. His grandma’s hand is still over his. He can barely feel it.
“Is he awake?” Jules’s voice cuts through the beats, scratchy and ragged but beautiful, sweet and alluring, but if she wants to she can be overpowering and all-emcompassing and-and she’s like honey and he’s a fly and he’s so hungry.
“Kind of.” Gus’s voice is smooth, buttery as his well-cared-for-skin, rich, Gus is comfort and home and fun like a cup of hot coco and he’s so parched.
“What do you mean ‘kind of’?” Lassie’s voice is smooth too, but in a different way- more like a smooth cup of coffee, or smooth whiskey, something that should be bitter and harsh but when you appreciate it it isn’t, because Lassie is strong and steady and an assault on the senses in the best way and Shawn needs to have a taste of all of them.
“I’m starving.” His voice sounds strange- maybe he’s just not used to hearing himself so openly desperate. He’s used to feeling it, deep inside, but hearing it… based on the silence in the car, no-one else expected to hear it either.
“... How’s his neck, Guster?”
“I cleaned it up, but- oh, my god, I can’t look at it-”
“Do not throw up in this vehicle!”
“Carlton, that’s not the priority right now!”
Shawn laughs. He loves them. He loves them all so much. He wants to listen to them bicker forever. He wants to listen to their voices saying anything forever. He wants them, forever.
“Didn’t your grandmother tell you to stop that kinda thinking?” Rough, raspy, but not the way Gramv’s was- Shawn knows this voice better than any of the other hallucinations.
“That’s right, we’re both here.” His grandpa is holding his other hand- that doesn’t make sense. The car isn’t shaped like that. He cracks his eyes open and sees his grandpa is halfway inside of the front passenger seat, sitting and leaning forward and holding his hand. Now he knows he’s hallucinating.
“He still thinks this isn’t real?”
“Be patient, dear. He’s processing a lot right now. It might not sink in for a while.”
“Right. Shawn, look out the window for me, would’ya?”
If his grandpa is a hallucination, it might be his brain trying to communicate something to itself. Shawn slowly turns his head, thunking it against the window to stare out into the nighttime sights of Santa Barbara. The glass should feel cool against his skin. It almost feels warm.
Gus had been really, really warm, now that Shawn thinks about it. Gus might have a fever. That sucks.
“Remember when you were a kid, and we’d sit on the bench and make up stories about people walking by?”
“Course. My one reprieve from dad.” His voice is still sluggish and quiet, but it’s coming back well.
“Let’s do that now, yeah? Tell me about uh… that guy there. What’s his story, you think?”
“I… I can’t… think right now, Grandpa. I’m hu-”
“I know, I know. We can eat after the game, how about it?”
“You can’t. You’re not real.”
“I’m dead, not imaginary. Indulge an old man, would you? How about… this girl. What’s her story?”
“... I… guess… she could be from anywhere, right? So… so she’s from Spain. She’s a… professional bull wrangler, for when they do the runs.”
“Good, good, I like that! And how about uh…”
“What about that fellow, with the giant hat?”
“Yeah, what about him?”
“He got that as a prize, for… for wrestling something big, like a… polar bear, or a whale.”
Everything begins to fade away as Shawn focuses on playing the game. He mumbles out stories, his grandparents encourage him, the heartbeats and the pain are still there but they blend into the background as his mind whirs and latches onto the task of making up stories. It becomes like a trance, a dream, and Shawn slips into it gratefully.
He’s blissfully unaware as the rest of the car have some difficult conversations.
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adamofingolstadt · 3 months
A little drawtectives work to get back into the swing of writing
It was a clear morning in early spring, and Jancy True had just arrived at work. A cup of tea sat beside her as she cast her eyes over a transcript, underlining important phrases. Life had been quiet the last few days, and she'd finally given in and began pivoting to digital-- at Rosé's strong suggestion-- which meant a lot of looking back through her old files and reflecting on how naive she used to be. 
There was a sound similar to three bodies smacking a hardwood door. 
 "Wipe your feet!" Jancy called, not looking up from her files. There was a scuffling sound as the children kicked off their shoes and shed their jackets. 
 "Mom! Guess what!" Rosé shouted. 
 The girl cut her off: "Eugene's coming into town tonight!" 
 "Tonight?" Jancy checked her calendar. 
"He finished the seance last night and they said he could leave early!" Grendan explained, pulling her damp hair out of its bun. 
 "We'll have to send a cab down to the station for him." Jancy considered, toying with her fountain pen. 
 "Please can't we go pick him up ourselves?" Rosé asked, eyes wide. 
 "I can carry him home." York volunteered. 
 Jancy sighed. "Well, I suppose I could write off a couple hours... so long as we come back here when we're done." 
 "Thanks mom!" 
 "You're the best!" 
 "Don't forget to convert those files, please." She rolled her eyes affectionately and got back to work.
Eugene was coming by coach-- he didn't quite feel 'up' to taking the train. So they waited in the chilly evening wind, under the shelter at the bus terminal.
Finally a large SilverDog coach chugged into place before them. A few elderly folks and a hiking couple got off, and then...
"Geenie!" Rosé leapt forwards, incasing the man in a hug and trying (failing) to lift him off the ground. "Baby! We missed you!"
"Did you have a good trip?" Grandma asked.
"TWO-GENE!" York grabbed all three of his friends and (successfully) lifted them off the pavement. "I missed ya every day!"
"I can stay all week." Eugene grinned as he was set down again. "Hi Nanna!"
"Hello Eugene." Jancy gave him a hesitant tap on the shoulder. 
The medium yawned; he was somewhat disheveled from the long bus trip, jacket hanging off his shoulder and gripping an ancient leather trunk
"Are you tired son?" Rosé asked, guiding him back towards the car.
"York, help the boy with his trunk." Jancy ordered. York was already on it, slinging the luggage onto his shoulder with ease.
Grandma, not sure how to make herself useful, followed his friends back to the cab.
They managed to squeeze both Grendan and Eugene into the middle seat, though York's legs were cramped.
The trip back to the office was boisterous from the backseat, Eugene's return was treated as a herald of goodness.
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racfoam · 1 year
yfsm chapter 2 snippet Harry with Teddy
“Harry, Harry, Harry!” a five-year-old boy with light blue hair came running up to Harry, holding a book. “Read! Read!”
“Hang on a bit, Teddy,” said Harry, smiling, endeared by the boy's enthusiasm. Harry took the book. “This book's a little long for you, don't you think?”
“But it’s got," said Teddy, hopping up and down excitedly, “you in it!”
“A lot of books do.” said Harry calmly. “Too many, actually.”
“But this one's got You-Know-Who, too!”
“A lot of books have him in them, too,” said Harry reasonably.
“You're in all the books about him and he’s in all the books about you, too! That’s what Aunt Hermione says!”
Dammit, Hermione.
“Yeah, well, of course we are. I did beat him twice...”
“Read it to me? Please?”
Teddy used the most devastating move in his arsenal. The puppy eyes. Harry's heart melted.
“Teddy, you don't want to know about him. You'd get nightmares. Your grandma would kill me.”
“Then... just the parts with you and You-Know-Who! Aunt Hermione bookmarked them! They're the red-green ones!”
Of course she did... Hermione must have forgotten to take this book with her on one of her visits...
The Second Wizarding War
Harry restrained a sigh. This was the book she avoided reading the most.
“Okay,” said Harry. “But only one bookmark.”
Teddy cheered, hopping onto Harry's lap, holding out the book. Harry tapped her holly wand against it, floating the book mid-air in front of them.
The pages of the book turned, opening to the first bookmark.
“Huh?” said Harry upon the sight of the black-and-white drawing. Under it was the title He Who Must Not Be Named. It was a very unflattering, unappealing drawing. Harry needed a moment to realize it was supposed to be a drawing of Voldemort. Voldemort looked more like a snake in the shape of his face in it. The outline of his face was too skeletal, his chin was completely off, and his eyes weren't very well drawn. Why did he have wrinkles? His skin was as smooth as a marble sculpture’s, without any wrinkles, with a little bit of scales on his cheeks.
Who drew this? Voldemort looked like some sort of monster from a children’s book.
Maybe that's the point.
Sure, Voldemort could pass off as such most times, but they could have at least given some effort into capturing him correctly...
“That's not how he looks like!” yelled Harry before she could stop herself, indignant. At least they could have come and asked her to describe him so a magical sketcher could sketch him...
Oh, right. I refused all interviews.
Teddy blinked up at her, confused.
“Teddy," said Harry, standing up. “Get your trainers and coat. We're going to the..." Harry checked the publishing house and groaned. “Daily Prophet Publishing. I'll read the book to you while we wait.”
Excited by the prospect of seeing the office of The Daily Prophet, Teddy hopped off of Harry's lap and raced out of the room and down the stairs of Grimmauld to grab his coat.
Harry checked the page didn't have any text behind it, looked left and right, fearing Hermione would pop out anytime.
Coast clear, Harry grabbed the page with the illustration and ripped out the terrible drawing that didn't capture Voldemort at all.
Harry: My man hasn’t been drawn accurately, this is an insult! (kicks down the doors of the Daily Prophet) YOU BASTARDS, GET ME A PENSIEVE AND A MAGICAL ARTIST! YOU'RE GOING TO DRAW VOLDEMORT PROPERLY OR I'M GOING TO BURN THIS ENTIRE BUILDING TO THE GROUND!
Teddy, hanging off Harry’s back, going with the flow: Yeaaah!
Voldemort, laid back on a sunbed on a beach, wearing pink heart-shaped sunglasses, sipping a cocktail through a straw, watching Harry's life through a screen in limbo: You tell them, darling.
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azusaluvclub · 10 months
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing! Every single thing I read on your blog is just *chefs kiss* 😍
I was wondering if you have any particular hcs about Myles Joo and Dongha Baek you're willing to share? 👀 Also Wolf. Always starved for more Wolf content. Only if you feel like it obv ")
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hello !!! thank you to both anons for these asks ! i decided to do them both in the same post since it was easier this way lol, hope it's okay- honestly thanks for giving me an excuse to write more myles content (even though yall probably shouldn't allow me this much power), lord knows i needed it :D
anyways, hope you both enjoy !!! this was fun to answer lol
weak hero headcanons; myles, dongha + wolf
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myles joo / joo seungjin
⋆ used to be star player on his middle school basketball team ! grew up playing with his big bro and made the team in his first year. was really good at it too. loved being on the court, and winning itself, of course. near the end of his second-year, though, a teammate started a fight with him which resulted in him getting kicked from the team
⋆ still likes to shoot hoops in his free time; it's relaxing for him, honestly. thought about joining the high school team but he didn't have time for it and the union. even though he does now, he still feels like something's holding him back from pursuing it
⋆ not a crazy cat person like teddy, but has a soft spot for the strays in his neighborhood they like him, surprisingly lol. can't leave them food since he lives in an apartment, but carries a few treats in his pocket for ones he sees~ there's a black cat who really likes him that's been around for a year now; secretly wants to keep him, but he can't see it going over well with his dad :,)
⋆ not a headcanon so much as my opinion, but would totallyyy suit an eyebrow piercing (because somebody needs to compete with donald lol). gave himself one in middle school, but it got infected after his face got fucked up in a fight and he had to remove it. thought about redoing it, then realized it wasn't safe to have with all the fights he gets into-
⋆ including the black one he always wears, he has a big snapback + baseball cap collection ! his favorites are displayed proudly on his wall, the rest boxed up in the closet
⋆ his hair looks like that because he cuts it at home. had one too many bad barbershop experiences and now he doesn't trust them, but his own skills are... subpar at best :,)
baek dongha
⋆ dongha is the type of mf who refuses to wear shorts- no matter what. it could be 900° and he will still wear pants, only because he hates how his legs look and feel in shorts. would sleep in them if he wasn't normal lol
⋆ dongha has known seongmok since childhood, even before they became friends. truth be told, dongha was a nasty little kid, so he didn't hang out with a lot of people. but seongmok (who was very quiet even back then !) started following him around one day and dongha, who tried to scare him off at first lol, soon realized he really liked having someone by his side :)
⋆ i know he smokes cigs in canon, but imo he's more of a vaper than anything. def one of those people who has 500 vapes and has to hit one every 2 minutes before suffering withdrawals- only elf bars, only fruity flavors
⋆ got this idea from an ask, but he lives with his grandma and has since middle school ! he's in a weird, defiant time in his life so he's not as close with her as she wants, but she loves him just the same~
⋆ to add onto this, when he isn't at his grandma's, dongha's couch-crashing at seongmok's house- he's a lot closer to his family and they've basically adopted him, lol. it's not that he feels excluded at his grandma's, but she wasn't present for a lot of his life up until moving in with her. so, for now, seongmok's place is his true "home"
⋆ avid video gamer, lol- he likes doing multiplayer ones with seongmok or hitting up the arcade for some Tekken, but he's really into anything. keeps some gacha games on his phone for when class is too boring, but he usually regrets the money he spends on them :,)
wolf keum / keum seongje
⋆ surprisingly smart ! doesn't take school seriously, so much as it comes easy to him? + ganghak isn't an idiot cesspool like some of the other schools, so he didn't get in on connections or money alone- he's not a fan of studying or showing up to all his classes, but he manages to make consistent As and Bs and, if his attendance were any better, he'd be an almost perfect student !
⋆ doesn't have much for hobbies lol. its not like his life revolved around the union, but he's never really stuck with one thing. you could say his hobby is fighting, but i think he used to be a bit of a bookworm~
⋆ loved books about mystery/crime and detective-type novels that he could solve himself; he was a bit of a nerdy kid :,) he still enjoys media of that genre but doesn't read as much as he used to. if anything it benefitted him, since he was able to figure out jared's plan pretty easy
⋆ whether he says it or not, he considers hwangmo a good friend. i imagine they went to elementary school together where social-butterfly hwangmo tried to befriend him, though seongje wasn't too interested lol- didn't even remember hwangmo until he asked seongje about it
⋆ but out of all his lackeys, he's the only one who actually respects him and sticks by his side, and has a brain on his shoulders lol- so seongje respects him, too :) sometimes gives hwangmo extra from their funds like a raise lol, buys him a snack/drink after meetings, or offers him smokes; hwangmo thinks they could be friends someday, once this union stuff blows over
⋆ ik a lot of people subscribe to "homophobic gay wolf" but i honestly think he wouldn't care that much- his sexuality isn't anybody else's business, or something he even cares about. he likes who he likes, though he doesn't really like anyone... :,)
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