#everybody smells like b/o
crowcussion · 2 years
words cannot describe how happy i am i can wear a fluffy onesie under a weighted blanket and not die of heatstroke
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cannellee · 9 months
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୨୧ alpha! Baji x omega! Reader x Alpha! Chifuyu (ft. alpha! Ryusei)
— tokyo revengers a/b/o headcanons (what does a relationship w/ them look like?)
tw : light mention of sex.
my masterlist : ☆
(I hesitated a lot before writing this. I was not sure whether writing just for baji & chifuyu, or baji, chifuyu and ryusei... so I did both! hope you enjoy it!)
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baji & chifuyu make the perfect duo of alphas.
baji is the greenest green flag and cares about your safety most and foremost.
while chifuyu is an alpha as well, there's a clear power balance in favour of baji. he's the one who has the upper hand, which makes your relationship so healthy : no unnecessary fights for dominance or anything.
chifuyu knows baji is in charge and follows his orders, and you, you submit well to the both of them.
despite his wild personality, baji is soo reassuring! his instincts are probably the strongest among you which explains why he's constantly scenting you, or even chifuyu when he feels like it.
his pack needs to smell like him.
a bit slow at times, but that's why chifuyu is there. while baji assures you safety when you're going out or when you're going through your heat, chifuyu cooks for you, praises you no end, makes sure you have anything to satisfy you and basically does all you ask for!
both are so reliable but baji sometimes needs a little push from chifuyu.
whenever your heat is close, baji is on edge, daring anybody too close to you to fight him. if you thought his possessive behaviour couldn't get worse, just remember the way he sent someone to the hospital for trying to scent you while you were in heat.
ordinarily, you wouldn't be leaving home in this state, but you were currently at your parents' when it happened.
baji and chifuyu carried you back to your shared apartment as fast as they could.
if their strong scent was not enough of a warning, baji's menacing growl should have been when that stupid alpha showed up in front of you.
one disgusting remark from him and your smell of distress was enough to make baji go berserk.
chifuyu, who in appearance seemed less agitated, tried his best to keep his cool as to not stress you any further.
with no surprise, baji defeated that alpha with ease and chifuyu practically had to throw himself at baji to stop him from injuring the alpha more than necessary.
both were tensed afterwards and quickly took you home to take care of you.
you wasted no time in praising your alphas for protecting you so well, and you were rewarded with deep growls, purring and more cuddles in exchange.
baji and chifuyu love you so much, it's only normal the 1st division does as well.
if they were to be absent, the members under their division have the absolute necessity to make sure you are safe at all time : baji's orders.
you often hang out with them so the 1st division knows you well, even though they have strict rules when it comes to you. they can't get too close to you nor put you in uncomfortable situations.
the new faces who have yet to be introduced to the rules and try to befriend you a little bit too much are met with baji's punches & chifuyu's too, surprisingly enough. there are times when he has trouble keeping his calm.
baji is intransigent when it comes to you. adrenaline is definitely what he likes the most but he would never put you in danger.
chifuyu wouldn't allow it anyways, nor forgive him ; he follows baji because he knows he's a good person and a good mate for you.
he is sure nobody is ever gonna mess with you along as you're theirs.
everybody in the neighbourhood is aware of their affiliation to the tokyo manjikai and no one would wish to make themselves an enemy of their gang.
this statement is particularly true that people who know baji and chifuyu would never dream of getting on their bad side.
chifuyu is always trying to keep you both in line : when baji and his antics are going all out again, you're often following him. but you're not as strong and often ends up in dangerous situations.
baji learned his lesson when you fell down from a tree after playing hide and seek together.
you were not severely injured but it made baji's heart drops to his feet. he realised how delicate you were compared to him and chifuyu.
your clumsiness is endearing, but he likes it better when you don't put your health at risks.
especially since chifuyu is always worrying for you.
but when you can't be stopped and chifuyu's poor heart is about to pass out, he spreads his most calming pheromones, hoping it'll soothe you and dissuade you from doing whatever you were about to do.
then, he takes you back into his embrace and scents you in the crook of your neck, where you're the most sensitive.
later scolds baji for letting you do such careless things. eventually stopped doing dangerous stuff in front of you, to prevent you from injuring yourself.
now when he catches you doing so, he isn't as composed as chifuyu and will make use of his pheromones to force you into submission and push you away from jeopardy.
rarely do you need to intervene between the both of them.
just a soft noise from you and the smell of your sweet pheromones is enough to settle down whatever business they had going on.
they're extremely caring, would put their lives on the line to keep you safe and sound.
the three of you don't necessarily fight. if that does happen however, chifuyu is quick to satisfy any of your cravings or demands and make sure to fulfill any of your requests until you accept his presence again.
on the other hand, if the fight was not that serious and a result of your stubbornness, baji will fuck you dumb until you learn your place and drop your bratty antics.
he will then mark your neck once again, drown you in his scent, all the while making sure you're full of him and too tired to keep the argument going.
chifuyu might help him discipline you if you've gone too far, but most of the times he plays the good cop and focuses purely on your pleasure.
covering himself on your smell that he likes so much.
otherwise, baji's quick to appear submissive and make himself looks small the same way chifuyu does, and wait for any sign you might not be angry anymore.
both of them are firmly loyal and dream of their future with you.
while baji wishes to grow wealthy to offer you everything your heart desire, chifuyu's dream is getting you pregnant with their pups. both would cry if that ever happened tbh. and they'll make sure it happens.
would automatically becomes so much more careful with you, you won't be able to leave the house during the last few months of your pregnancy, just so you know.
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now, if ryusei was to come into the picture, you can expect double chaos from your alphas.
and an even more exhausted chifuyu.
while the power balance is still the same, with baji at the top of your pack, ryusei often gets into fights with him to challenge his leader.
the only way you found that was most effective is also to submit yourself to them.
if you show yourself vulnerable, needing their attention, they'll drop everything in a second to come and take care of you.
they won't leave your side at all, with baji on one side, ryusei on the other and chifuyu's head on your chest ; you couldn't be happier.
they love to see your flushed face because of the overdose of pheromones they spread. they like it the most when their scent mix up with each other's and linger on you.
now your protection squad has extended to 3 members, making you the most protected omega in all of tokyo.
chifuyu is worried about your well being, baji is dedicated to get rid of any threats and ryusei vowed to fill both roles.
while he's often teasing you, he doesn't allow anyone outside of your pack doing so.
tickles and surprises you with back hugs ; he's scenting you every chance he has.
he absolutely loves to embarrass you in public. he knows you're shy, but he revels in your cute reactions whenever he's groping you or sucking on your scent gland.
this results in chifuyu scolding him for annoying you.
chifuyu really is your stress reliever, he will let you grab him and carry you on his back while spreading his own pheromones.
he will probably buy you treats to make up for ryusei's jokes.
with two very possessive alphas, you can expect a lot of fight for dominance from them. they come of as a display of power, competing on who will be able to scent you the most.
you usually let the mess unfolds before your eyes and go cuddle with chifuyu inside your nest.
they'll stop once they jealously notice you're giving chifuyu all your affection.
you're so lucky to have them though.
ryusei is always jokingly scolding you for not taking care of yourself better. he might jokes a lot, but he's very observant and keeps tracks of everything.
knows when your heat is supposed to come and will prepare new nest supplies with the help of chifuyu ; scent every corner of the apartment with baji ; cuddle you in your nest and will overall make sure you're well looked after and feel comfortable right before your heat starts.
warns off every alphas around your place, but is not going as far as baji and knocking off every alphas he comes across though. but he doesn't try to stop him unlike chifuyu.
he finds his friend's short temper amusing actually. he probably thinks that's one less threat for you.
also regularly gives you water, pastries and fruits to eat because he knows omegas, and especially you, love sweet things.
buys you flowers with chifuyu every time you meet and helps baji write cringe love letters for you.
probably the only one with taste ; when the three of them started courting you they thanked god ryusei was with them.
he was the one who chose their first ever gifts to you. a cute pink collar, softest nest materials and a few pastries of the best bakery in town.
the whole brainstorming behind the courting process was led by a very dedicated and exasperated ryusei.
chifuyu had the best intentions when he suggested a whole ceremony late at night (the idea was not his btw, comes from a manga he read), but ryusei insisted it would creep you out.
and baji kept giving weird propositions that were not even worth elaborating.
ryusei is just a devoted alpha like that.
they loove seeing you wear their clothes, and although chifuyu's are the ones that fit you the most, baji & ryusei -who share most of their clothes- always insist that you wear theirs instead.
being both stronger and taller, you're literally swimming in their sweaters.
seeing you so small like that makes chifuyu, baji and ryusei's hearts go crazy!
having their musky and chocolate-like scents on you is enough to send them to heaven.
they only feel complete once they've fed you, showing you that they could provide just like real alphas should, and once they've fucked you to sleep inside the nest you made specifically for you and your alphas.
you're such a cute omega, doing so well for your alphas, doing the best you can to satisfy them!
they just love you so much they could cry from happiness every time they stare at your sleepy eyes and content face.
will kiss you over and over again because you deserve it after how perfect you've been for them!
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tsukiboo · 1 year
MYY shidou hcs bc that’s my man fr fr
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- he smells SOOO fuckin good like a warm musky vanilla, his personality may be off the rails but mans keeps pretty good hygiene fr
- likes to draw or like doodle on things and they actually turn out rlly well, def artistically inclined (has a painting hobby)
- he talks to himself quite often, hes got a lot of thoughts running around and sometimes he gotta talk them out, he also hums and sings little tunes a lot too
- his love language is definitely physical touch (and acts of service) , he loves having his hands anywhere on you feeling the softness of your skin kissing his palms makes his brain go dumb
- he obvi gets tooo carried away (every single time) with his touches tbh, his hands are always finding their way to feel up on your ass, it’s even worse if your wearing a skirt or dress
- hugs you like he’s never gonna see you again, arms wrapped around your frame while his face buried in your neck pulling you in as tightly as he possibly can w/o trying to hurt you… it’s cute tbh, but gets less cute when you can’t breathe
- loves petsnames, whether it’s you giving him one or him giving you one
-he oddly enough loves shopping, clothes shopping to be exact, b gettin the most randomest pieces in sight and makes them look somewhat good
-idk why but i personally, DEEPLY feel like this man knows how to cook like— he’d be a househusband if you asked him (however this man sucks at cleaning)
- (a SMIDGE of smut cause why not?) puts hickies in the WORSTT places, says he does it so everyone knows you’re his but everybody ALREADY knows bc he won’t shut the fuck up about you— but his favorite place is your inner thighs. leaving traces of him all up your inner thigh in pursuit to suck on you sweet clit is the equivalent to a winning goal in his eyes
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wisehearts · 2 months
omega!will + alpha!mike thoughts??
owowowoo okay first of all I'm not fantastic with this au because I actually never touched it in fandoms until byler? Idk what it is about them that did it for me but from the things I have embraced about it, and figured out I like, some thoughts for you:
scenting!!!!! I think they love just nuzzling each other, spending quiet times just brushing over the sensitive glands... but o!will just loves the smell of mike in general he will burrow himself all up and around mike's body
o!will should not get so wet when a!mike holds eye contact while scenting clothes for him, but he does, and mike loves inhaling the air between them and realizing it's happened
o!will is a size queen I don't make the rules. he's fucking drunk for his alpha not just because of the size of his heart but because of the size of his knot 😌🫶
on that note o!will hates when mike's away and his heat comes early because toys just aren't satisfying and he's inconsolable, a!mike literally can't handle being away for it and everybody makes way for him to get back to his omega and make it all better
a!mike's instincts *bites hand* I just love the thought of him being different and a sweetheart gentleman of an alpha, more romantic, but ultimately unable to control how primal he gets during his rut, lucky for him will gets delirious with pleasure about it
Idk I just love the thought mike had to hold back when he first presented because he was just overwhelmed by will's scent, because he's meant to prioritize will but oh right now he can't help it (he could be a bee to a blossom, come home.....)
likewise a!mike has always loved will's cheeky nature, how he challenges mike, but the way will becomes so needy and so irresistible as an omega is addicting to mike, he falls in love with yet another side of will. now when his best friend rolls his eyes and gets snarky he gets bred about it
o!will can get so slick (during what I assume is like pre heat? or actual heat? Is that how it might work?) and I'm thinking it's more like a biological thing he could get shy about, but mike loves it. the fact he can stick his fingers between will's thighs when he's wearing shorts or briefs and have something to taste
like I said in my post the other day o!will can get railed within an inch of his life and a!mike will still lay his head on his marked up, overstimulated omega's chest and melt over his hair being stroked and feeling praised for making will fall apart so good
all wills are sleepy angels, so I think o!will would love his nesting times and makes the most comfortable nests. I just can't decide between everybody happily giving will what he requests, and him feeling so safe with the scents of his loved ones OR a!mike literally scenting the entire nest as soon as he gets on it because he's will's alpha, he doesn't want to smell anybody else here, and will feels so happy and calm being surrounded by mike in every way (maybe he even did it on purpose just to see mike get possessive)
a!mike gets surprisingly emotional the first time o!will asks if they can mate in his nest, it's so personal and mike feels so at home. and he should feel bad thinking that because this is will's space. but mike is a ball of eager yesyesyesyes just wanting to make everything perfect for will because his omega makes everything perfect for him
This post wouldn't be complete without mike having a breeding kink. and what mike better to have one than alpha mike? he wants to knot and breed and knock up that omega... he's usually good at keeping his possessiveness in check but the thought of will having a swollen tummy to remind other alphas he's mike's? he wants it.
if it's a/b/o with pregnancy ooh man... o!will is the most glowing gorgeous thing in the world. he's so happy to be full and bred. a!mike is intensely more protective and doting, he's actually the best partner an omega could ask for. he also will not stop sucking o!will's full tits 🫶🫶🫶
Okay so I apparently did have thoughts
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cosmicanemoia · 1 month
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 4
       Amelia walked into the attending's locker room, and she saw Owen, Link, and Bailey chattering.
A: What's all this fuss about?
O: Teddy brought home a woman. She said she's a good friend, but she never once mentioned a y/n l/n to me. Not ever.
L: A cute woman who seems very badass
A: cute and badass? Aren't you like in love with Jo?
       Jo popped out behind Link.
J: I think she is indeed cute. She seemed really cool.
B: And friendly and nice. Right?
       Everyone nods, agreeing with what Bailey said.
A: That seems too good to be true. No one is that likeable.
L: Have you met her?
A: I actually have. Chief introduced us, we shake hands, and then we part our ways. That's it.
O: What do you think?
A: What do I think? What!? Of her?(Amelia scoffs and shrugs) Why would I think about some random person. Nope, I did not think of her. (She did, many times, sometimes kept her up at night.)
       Jo, Link, Owen, and Bailey exchange looks with one another and try to hide their amusement, but they all burst out laughing while also looking at Amelia, who has a dumbfounded face.
O: we didn't ask if you think ABOUT her.
L: We asked what you think of her, in general
B: uh oh
J: Someone has developed a crush on a certain someone
L: Cute and badass, maybe?
       Amelia looked down and went to her locker and ignored the teasing. She has a smile on her face, not knowing where it came from, but everybody else knows.
A: I think she's okay. Normal. Although, she smells so good.
L: I think you'll like her once you get to know her.
O: Yeah, I think so, too.
J: I'm sure everybody likes her
       Bailey, Jo, Link, and Owen all went out one by one, and Amelia is left in the locker alone with her thoughts. She smiled, smirked, and grinned as she changed her clothes and wore her white coat.
       Amelia went out to have rounds with the residents on her tail. The residents looked weird and had been holding back a big smile. Amelia ignored such behaviour and went to check up on the last patient. Amelia chose a residence to present the patient's case. After the presenting and small talks, before they all walked out of the room, the patient shouted and asked.
The patient: Dr. Shepherd! Can I ask you a personal question?
      Amelia looks at the residents, then the floor and unto the patient and walk close to them.
A: Okay, sure.
TP: Who got you smiling like that?
       Amelia is left in shock, not expecting such a question to come from a patient in a million years.
A: Ah? What?
TP: Your smile. It's wide and vibrant, and it's not your usual courtesy smile.
       Amelia looks around at everyone who nods in agreement with the patient.
A: Uh. I don't know. I just feel lighter than usual. That's it.
TP: If you won't say fine. But if you are ready to spill, you know where to find me.
A: I will keep that in mind.
     Amelia went to the bathroom to wash her hand and fix her hair. She hadn't notice that someone was in the stall but as the woman plushed the toilet she notices the smell of a certain someone but she kinda got used to it so she didn't mind smelling it all over the hospital. But now there's a chance that they might get to be alone together. She panicked and ran out of the bathroom before the woman opened the door.
       As Amelia rushed down the hallway, she bumped into Yasuda, who dropped the charts and clipboard she was holding; now scattered on the floor. Amelia felt a chill down her spine, and she remember the night in Boston with the random woman and her faint scent, then her phone being caught before it hit the ground, and how she thought it was a strange encounter. She remembers when she almost bump into someone and almost spills her coffee into a random person but gets away before the coffee spills over the floor. With the same faint smell as the woman in Boston. She remembers how the woman said sorry in the same way. "Could it be?" she mutters to herself. "No, it couldn't," she added. She felt a hand grab her shoulder, making her panic and jump out of her daze. It was Yasuda asking her if she was okay.
Y: Dr. Shepherd. are you okay? I'm really sorry. I wasn't lookin-
A: It's okay, Dr. Yasuda. Just help me up, will you?
       Yasuda held out her hand and helped her stand up. Amelia dust herself and power walk into the chief's office. Yasuda was left there standing with a confused and concerned look on her face.
       Amelia opened the door without even knocking, which embarrassed her, seeing as Dr. Altman is not alone in her office. The chief was in some sort of a meeting with Schmitt and Helm.
A: Chief. Sorry, it's urgent. Can I talk to you? Alone?
T: Schmitt, Helm. You're dismissed.
       Before Schmitt and Helm were out of the office, Amelia blurted out, "Your friend y/n is stalking me."
T: That is a bold accusation. Why don't you sit down?
A: She's the random person I bumped with in Boston. In Boston! She's the person whom I almost spilt my coffee on. And I've been smelling her all around the hospital, which means she might be following me. How did you know her?
T: Let's not jump into conclusions here. Y/N is a good person. Her father used to be my commanding officer back when I was serving. He cares for his soldiers and his kind. I've known her for a long time. Okay. And she's not the stalking type.
************Meanwhile in the MRI scan room*************
       Helm, Link, Bailey, Yasuda and Jo are looking at the screen of the computers waiting for a result.
Helm whispered to Yasuda, "Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker."
Yasuda shouted in shock, "What!?"
       They all looked at her with confusion
B: Penny for your thoughts? Yasuda.
Y: Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker.
       Bailey, Link, and Jo synchronously said, "What!?"
Y: That's exactly what I thought.
J: Care to elaborate, Yasuda?
Y: it wasn't me. I mean, I didn't kno-
H: it was me. I mean, I was the one who told her that Dr. Shepherd has a Stalker. We heard, me and Schmitt, was having a meeting with Chief Altman when she came bursting through the door. Before we got out, she said, quote; unquote. "Your friend y/n is stalking me." That's all we heard.
L: y/n? no way! *laughs*
J: That woman? You're joking. *laughs*
B: Are you sure you got the name right? Sure, she's weird and a little crazy. But stalking? *scoffs and chuckles*
H: Yes, I got the name right. How long have you known her?
Y: Do you guys really know her? How did you know her?
J: we met her days ago.
L: Right
B: Right
       The laughter faded out, and silence came.
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sammyche · 5 months
rosquez a/b/o headcanon
i had these thoughts in my head for a few days now so sorry for my rambling....
first meeting
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they first met in 2008 when marc was 15. vale was already the top alpha of the motogp paddock. marc had yet to present and was still a pup (small in size and no distinctive smell).
two days later marc presented as an omega, his mom found him clutching his repsol honda polo he had worn at that meeting.
his parents were a bit surprised to see him present as an omega since marc was so brazen and sure of himself. but you could see his omega traits shine when he was caring for his little brother.
at first marc is mad to be an omega but then he remembers his favorite rider (dani pedrosa) is one too and it motivates him even more. he wants to become the first omega motogp champion.
meanwhile (2010 to 2012)
marc is racing in 125cc and vale has a ritual of always watching the beginning of the 125cc race (he doesn't know why, it calms him).
they don't really cross path a lot on the paddock, vale is a busy man.
marc has seen him from afar and everytime he gets flustered. vale just smells so good to him.
vale hasn't noticed marc's smell so far. in 2010 he started taking another omega under his wings (marco simoncelli), people were talking about them mating even in the future until tragedy struck.
beginnings in motogp (2013)
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they didn't really meet each other during the tests (marc busy with honda and vale returning to yamaha).
they met formally in qatar in april of 2013.
first for the official pictures. with all the other riders present vale couldn't really make out marc's designation (especially since his teammate dani is also an omega), moreover marc decided to take scent dampers for his first race. it was advised by his team and his parents agreed (they wanted hime to be safe).
then comes the race and vale is finally back on the podium. he is so happy with his result and is really hopeful for this season, the bike feels good.
and marc, first race, first podium, everybody knows now that he is the next best thing.
just after the race and while they wait for the podium they get closer and then...with the race, the sweat, marc's scent dampers are doing nothing to hide his scent...and vale really can't do nothing but to stare with round eyes. who is this (very) young omega who smells like heaven and home and forbidden. for the first time in a long time he has to compose himself not to loose control. jorge is literally coughing because of the alpha's heavy scent and he places subtlety himself between the other two to help vale calm himself a bit. for marc he is so excited to be in the podium that he doesn't really notice at first. such a clueless and naive little omega not conscious of his power (yet). he starts to walk to the podium and realize he is soaking wet.....he is a bit mortified but fuck it we ball.
if there's something to know about marc is that although he is not ashamed about being an omega, he knows next to nothing about omega's sexuality and relationship with alphas (he was focused on racing and it's not something he talked a lot with his parents).
after the race vale retreated to his motorhome not able to shake marc's scent from his memory (spends the night furiously touching himself feeling half guilty half horny off his head).
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acoustic-rob · 22 days
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I think everybody who follows me knows all this already but what the hell, here's my Final Fantasy XIV character.
— B A S I C S
Name: Eynrael Wistweinwyn
Nicknames: Eyn
Age: mid to late 20s, probably?
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Race: Roegadyn (Sea Wolf)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian, happily married
Profession: Warrior. Although she's good with a gun--MCH is her preferred job when they don't need her axe--and also plays around with red magic.
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Brown, with red highlights. The highlights aren't natural; she paid Jandelaine for them some time in the past.
Eyes: Also brown
Skin: Light green
Tattoos/scars: She has a scar on her cheek that she could easily erase with healing magic but she keeps it around for Reasons. Tattoos include an elaborate tattoo of a phoenix on one arm and shoulder, the Warrior jobstone on the inside forearm of her axe hand, and some basic bitch tattoos like the sea turtle on her ankle. Look, not everything has deep meaning, OK?
— F A M I L Y
Parents, Siblings, Grandparents: She cut her birth family out of her life years ago. They may be still alive, but they're dead to her.
In-laws and Other: Let's start with Other: her wife, Gabrielle, also an adventurer. They're hopelessly in love with each other.
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She's on good terms with Gabrielle's family, although it took a while for her sister Artemis to warm up to her. She was responsible for reuniting Gabrielle with her father Constantine; she's justifiably smug about that.
Pets: A pet slime named Reggie.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Aside from being an all-around godslaying badass Eyn is a good sailor, has a good head for numbers, and is surprisingly well-read for a big green slab of muscle.
Hobbies: Sailing, reading, folk dancing. She sings and plays the fiddle. And she likes mixing up perfumes and scented massage oils for her friends.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: Kind, generous, confident, persistent.
Most Negative Traits: Stubborn, sometimes overconfident. Doesn't like to rely on others, which means she doesn't always let her loved ones know when she needs their support. Or, sometimes, that they're loved.
— L I K E S
Colors: Mostly earth tones, deep browns and blues and reds
Smells: Leather, unsmoked tobacco, gun oil, her wife's cooking
Textures: Really smoothly finished wood
Drinks: Strong fruity bar drinks with umbrellas in them.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: Too much, especially before she hooked up with Gabrielle.
Drugs: Does caffeine count? She lives on cheap takeout and black coffee.
Mount Issuance: Besides her chocobo Fezzik she has a white griffon named Bela.
Been Arrested: Not exactly. She was a pirate before becoming an adventurer but repented and threw herself on Merlwyb's mercy. And ever since then she's striven to be worthy of that mercy and to extend it to anyone who asks for it.
Tagging @sjofn-lofnsdottr and @sarahsyna
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
We've had Motley Crue a/b/o classifications analysis, yes, but what about Motley Crue PACK DYNAMICS
Thank you @starry-eyed-extraterrestrial for the idea, everybody go check out the companion post
Omega Vince, three alphas: A beloved classic. His status drive possessiveness and protectivity from his bandmates. All other alphas are assholes, but then how can you blame the poor guys to be titillated by an omega living in such close quartes with them. Moral conflict central for the alphas. Is Vince one of us, or the Other?
Omega Tommy, three alphas: He's pretty open with cool people (the whole neighborhood has heard his tales of prowess, and probably the soundtrack that comes with it too). Mick is secretely a little scared of him. Vince and Nikki constantly compete to be his best friend as some kind of social proof they pull so much they can be stoic with an omega friend. Tommy just wants everyone to get along, attempts to annoy them into compliance.
Omega Mick, three alphas: The best kept secret in the whole contiguous US of A. You would NEVER guess. A master of playing it off like it's completely not him smelling like a field of flowers in bloom. The Boys tm regularly have a couch smoke sesh where they try to solve the mystery. They'd have a pinboard if they could afford it. They've never seen him doing more than standing next to an alpha (suspiciously). They know about his child support payements. They're aaaaaaaalmost sure but not quite. Gives them a lot of awkward, inexplicable boners, that they will never admit in front of each other. They'll take his secret to the grave.
Omega Nikki, three alphas: He just wants to play the goddamn bass and make a killer show, but for some reason everybody turns into a brat tamer when they speak to him. They hate to see a girl winning I guess. The other three feel legitimate to try and reel him in, to which he says fuck you and writes even more tortured poetry about. Vince doesn't like him very much, but Tommy is generally more well-meaning just a little... bone-headed about it. Mick doesn't want ANY of this bullshit to be his business and is Very Tired, but feels the fully superfluous and sadly unconstructive responsability to try and bring some fatherly authority to it. He fails to have any authority whatsoever.
All betas: Diversity wins! These assholes don't even have the excuse of biological urges! Absolute overcompensation junction. Few have made it out alive of the motley crue appartment (covered in bite marks). The younger three feel the imperious need to play up the wild, debauched imagery, and they will scramble for any opportunity. They'll sabotage each other's hookups to steal the girl. They'll get into weird pissing contests for the title of most alpha-like out of them. Of course it never crosses their minds they could've been omegas, and that's the worst insult they regularly throw each other. Mick has vowed to only fuck betas after the trouble he got up to in his youth, and it's starting to make him a little homo-threatening in the other three's eyes.
All omegas: The band straight up wouldn't exist or be on the brink of explosion because Tommy and Vince are slutting it up, living their best lives out there while Nikki is constantly fuming that these jezabels play into the reputation of omegas as minxes, sex-objects, etc. He pretends very hard to be an alpha. Under duress, he will first admit to being a lying beta. Tommy tried to play therapist once and it ended with punches thrown. Mick says absolutely nothing and they'd start wondering if he even fucking knows about the as and os and bs. Until he goes into heat, then he disappears from the surface of the earth and everyone exchanges knowing looks. One day he drops like it's nothing that he's mated with a woman from back when he was in his twenties, they have kids, a claiming bite, etc etc, Vince makes faces, and Nikki goes apoplectic on the spot. Tommy remains the sole fully mentally healthy member of the band.
All alphas: Total pig pen. They fishbowl a room with nasty unwashed alpha scent like no one else. Strangely functional among them, although competitive, but a thousand times worse for everybody else. Despite their differences, being alphas brings them together and motley crue ends up being a four-headed hydra that doesn't hesitate to share their food, so to speak. Leaving a trail of bite-claimed omegas and incredibly weird anecdotes in their wake. The younger three are a little enthralled by Mick's cool stoic experience, and they absolutely will cheer on him anytime he does something alpha-like. They're all very flippant, switching between cooperative team-players and competitive girlfriend-stealers to the tune of their hormones. They always make up in the end though. There's like, one consecutive week a year that none of them is in a rut, and the whole of L.A. breathes a sigh of relief.
Alpha Mick, three omegas: Nikki and Vince are pissed at him for existing, and they'll make sure he pays for it every day. Tommy thinks Mick is soooooo cool and tries to copy that sort of poise he sees in him. He ends up coming off as a weirdly crass pick-me, but that's okay with him, because Mick begrudgingly gives him approbation in the hopes that he'll stop. That will not happen. He doesn't give a shit about telling off the little bitches that plot against him, though. It works for a little while, but it only pisses them off more ultimately. The only thing that can bring Vince and Nikki together is asserting their places in the band facing Mick. They fuck one day. Nobody talks about it, ever.
Alpha Tommy, Omega Nikki, beta & beta: Better known as plaintiff, defendant, and the puzzled jury. Everyone thinks there SHOULD be something happening between those two, like, logically, and they reject any sliver of insinuation like the plague. Vince and Mick take turns guilting each other into being arbitrer of their routine fighting to prove to the world (and especially especially each other) that there will never be anything between them. Tommy might secretly be down for it. One day, Nikki decides to take the high road and completely stop engaging with the topic. It leads to a lot of awkward silence, Mick disappearing to his own devices, and Vince doing a whole lot of unpaid therapy (very bad quality) if he wants to keep a band that actually makes music. He gives up eventually, goes back to his own conquests, and now that nobody's looking the terror twins can get their shit together in peace. They make a pact to stop being weird. Everybody is greatly pleased that this bullshit has come to an end. Rinse and repeat every five to ten years.
Alpha Nikki & Mick, omega Tommy & Vince: The band is in a constant start of trench warfare. Tommy and Vince had known each other a little before the band, and they've instantly stuck together as soon as Vince joined, to oppose a block to Nikki's control freak tendencies. All must act like him, and if they're omegas they better keep it in their pants. Mick claims absolutely no horses in this race, but that'd sure be nice if these two annoying kids could behave. No decision can be made without a hour-long argumentative debate (screaming). They will take any opportunity to fight, including things they already agree on. Tommy gets a mate a couple years into the band's run, and it's the darling topic of trashy press for a while. The only time Vince sided with Nikki and Mick without thought.
Alpha Vince, three betas: The carrot dangling at the end of the stick. Sex sells, and betas aren't the most prized on the menu here. Vince wasn't picked only for his singing, and nobody makes a secret of it, though that's perfectly fine with him. He revels in the role he has for the band, until it comes to the creative process, the important decisions, where Nikki seems to forget who's supposed to be in charge here. He might've not been here from the start, but he's the frontman, the main draw, and he doesn't take well being relegated to a yes man. Tommy and Mick had to intervene before they got violent for real many times. Legal actions are ongoing over the ownership of certain songs.
feel free to add onto this if you have different takes, or other interesting dynamics, because im deadly curious
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
Hey you can do this anytime but is it okay for me to request incubus Jack/Joseph with a s/o that is a nun or just a regular person
~Raven anon 💜
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This fic has religious themes, but I tried to keep it as vague as possible.
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Though he will never admit it Jack was a selfish man. Sure, he could sleep with anyone to feed when he needed it, but they weren't as delicious as those who have been untouched, and what better source than the church. Brothers and sisters of the church who have sworn themselves to their lord and untouched by the world.
They were perfect, and in order to blend in and gain the trust of his partners, he disguised himself as a brown haired man named Joseph Cullman. He had become a renowned father that everybody seemed to love.
However, because of his feedings, he could never stay in one place very long. He would always find a reason to move on to a new church. So that what he did for years jumped from church to church, feeding off all the desperate children of the Lord. He planned to continue to do so until he met her.
She was a sister who had been with the church since she was a teen. Her saw her as purest of the pure and wanted nothing more than to taste that himself. However, she did not make it easy.
Y/n seemed to be oblivious to all of his flirtatious remarks and advances. Every day, he got more and more obvious with his advances, and every day, she gave him the same sweet smile.
He had not fed since he met y/n, so he is starving and desperate, and thus, his patience was wearing thin. So he got tired of dancing around his feelings and finally told her over a small candle lit dinner in his room.
It was going in his favor as he held y/n close, leaning down to finally kiss her. He was so focused on her that he had let go of his human form. His brown hair faded to blue, and leathery wings ripped through his church clothes and springing open behind him.
It startled y/n, causing her to gasp and back away from his grasp. He had to hold the growl in the back of his throat as he watched her get further from him.
"W-wait, sunshine....please..." He couldn't let her go, not now. Not when she was so close. "I know what it looks like, but....please hear me out."
Y/n stayed a good distance from him but never screamed or ran. She just stared at him in shock and fear. Seeing this as a good opportunity to get closer, he took a step closer to her. "Yes, this is my true form...b-but not who I really am..."
The closer he got, the more she backed away from him til finally her back hit the wall. He made sure to keep a distance, but still close enough to smell you.
"I've been with church for so long.....because I don't want to be this way....I pray every day that the Lord will forgive me....and change me."
She looked at him a little more relaxed but still on her guard. "T-then why are going against the church....y-you were going to feed off of me!"
Jack could feel himself get tense. He didn't expect y/n to know that. Collecting himself with a deep breath, he relaxed his posture, giving her a pleading, desperate look. "That I can not deny.....but that is because.....I can only feed off of those I love."
Y/n tensed up again, but this time, it was not out of fear. Instead, it was of shock as her face turned red not long after. "L-love....?"
His face turned red as he gently took her hand, guiding it to his chest where his heart was. He knew under her fingers she could feel it beat wildly, but not for the same reason that he wanted her to believe. "It's been beating like that for you since I met you y/n......it's never done that before."
Her body became more relaxed as a look of amazement sat on her face. It seemed his words convinced her, and now all he had to do was kiss her to seal the deal.
He stepped closer to her, their chests pressing against each other. "I've been waiting for you for so long...." She looked up at him, neither fear or surprise on her face. Instead, the same look of infatuation from before graced her features. Hook line and sinker.
"Promise me you'll be gentle....I've never done something like this before."
"I would never do anything to hurt you, sunshine." Before she could respond, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
The kiss was sloppy and inexperienced, but Jack didn't mind. As long as the aphrodisiac worked on her, he didn't mind how much of a mess he made of her. He could tell that aphrodisiac was working by your smell and your labored breath. Now he finally gets to dine one her.
He guided her to his bed, stripping her on their there. By the time her back met the mattress, she was down to just her panties. Jack licked his lips, starving for the meal before him. A part of him wanted to take his time to kiss and mark her till there was no space unmarked.
However, his hunger won over, and without hesitation, he fell to his taking both of her legs to rest beside his head. He kissed down her leg to her clothed pussy taking in her scent. He felt his mouth water and could help but lean closer. "You smell so good." He purred
He could feel her body shift before settling again. He looked up to see y/n now, propping herself by her elbows, watching him with curious foggy gaze.
He smirked "curious are you? That's okay, sunshine." One of his hands came up to move her panties to the taking in another smell of her scent. He made eye contact with her before saying, "You can watch all you like." And finally leaning down so his tongue met her lower lips sending a shiver down Jack's spine.
She tasted divine, and he couldn't hold back anymore. He wanted everything that she was . So, without warning, he began eating her out like a man started causing a moan to fall from y/n's lips. He started by paying a lot of attention to clit sucking, licking, and lightly nibbling cause her moans to get louder, and her legs to shake. When he felt she was too close to her first orgasm, he moved down to begin tongue fucking her. While his hand not holding her panties for dear life comes around and begins rubbing circles on her clit only adding to her pleasure. He wanted to taste her very first orgasm to the point where he felt like he NEEDED.
He feels her fall to the bed as one of her hands moves to his hair, pulling him closer. With the cry of his name and tight tug of his hair, she came on his tongue. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, tasting her for the first time. She was all he wanted and more.
He wanted to pull more organisms out of her, but he knew she would haven't energy for it being her first time, and all. Maybe he has finally found a reason to stick around.
He pulled away from soaking cunt her cum still on his face "God.....I could get addicted to this." He licked his lips as he stood up and leaned over you, connecting your lips with his.
He could tell she was surprised to taste herself for the first time, but the moan she gave a minute later told him she liked it just as much as he did. He pulled away before cupping her face with his hand. "Are you ready for more doll?"
She held eye contact with him for a bit longer before nodding.
"I need to hear you say it doll."
"....I'm ready." Her face was red from admitting to such a sin, but he thought it was cute, giving her a genuine smile.
"Good girl."
No longer having the patience he ripped off her panties as he dropped his bottoms revealing his cock to her for the first time. He watched as fear began to take over her emotions. He didn't want her to fear him.
"Hey hey its okay, sunshine." He starts at her legs and runs his hands up to her sides. "I'll take it slow. I promise." He bends down to kiss her chest. "And if it hurts, call my name....and I'll stop." He knew it would be hard once he started, but he was going to do it. For her.
She seems to believe him as she nods. He gives her a minute before taking his dick in his hand and guiding it to her hole. Once the tip breached her wall could already feel his will crumble. She was so tight and warm he just wanted to shove himself all the way in to feel her. Instead, his hand went down beside her, clenching hard at the cover below her.
He got a little ways in before stopping to let y/n adjust. He did this one more time before being fully seated in her, making both of them moan.
"Joseph... move....please!"
He looked up at her, slightly surprised. "Are you sure, doll? I don't want to hurt you."
Not needing anymore confirmation, he slowly began moving his hips, setting a soft and easy pace. At first, they were both content with this, but she wanted more. So she placed her hand on his bicep, calling his name
Just what he was waiting for. His hands moved back up to her waist before pulling all the way out and slamming back into her. Officially setting a rough pace. The soft thrusts were replaced by a rough, wild pace. He used his grip on her hips to move her up and down using her body for his own pleasure.
He could feel her legs wrap around his waist, pulling him close and making him lean over her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as soon as he got close and kissed him deeply. Everything about her was intoxicating to him. He wasn't sure he could ever get enough.
She pulled away calling out his name in a loud moan "s-something....!"
Y/n was close. He could tell without her saying anything. Her walls were growing tighter than before sucking him in. He could she wanted his seed, and he was more than willing to give it to her.
With a few hard thrusts, she came with scream, and her body shaking, Jack following behind her not long after. Pumping his seed into her with a few more thrusts before becoming completely still.
He collapsed beside her, pulling her into his embrace. He has never been a cuddler after unless he needed to be, but with y/n, he wants to hold her close. To know that she is still her when he wakes up. He isn't sure how he will handle this once the two of them are awake, but he is sure he can handle it.
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winterbonesthings · 1 month
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog
RULES: spell out your URL using song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
Well, I'm not tagging 17 people, but here's a few
@ex0rin @zsparz @kitweewoos @aromanticbuck @six-demon-bag @silentlylovingyourwork @1337wtfomgbbq @mattdoesunity and anyone else who wants to play
W- Winter Soldier - Young Medicine
I- I FEEL LIKE A GOD - deathbyromy
N-Nightmares - Ellise
T- Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
E- EAT SPIT! - Slush Puppy, Royal & the Serpent
R- Reaper - Glaceo, RIELL
B- Big Bad Wolf - In This Moment
O- Opheliac - Emilie Autumn
N- No Scrubs - TLC
E- Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
S- Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
T- The Therapist - Foreign Air
H- HIT IT - SNOW WIFE, Big Boss Vette
I- i hope you know what you're doing - KiNG MALA
N- Natural Born Killer - Highly Suspect
G- Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney
S- Super Villain - Stileto, Silent Child, Kendyle Paige
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
I love your work holy shit! Do you have any headcanons about Arthur Harrow manipulating you to be his little omega?? He smells your scent for the first time and goes weak for a moment then seeks you out and kind of tricking you into marriage
OMG thank you so much Nonnie 💙💙😘😘
And YES! I love the A/B/O AU 😩👌
Okay listen...I just know that there is darkness inside that man. He even admitted to liking hurting people for Khonshu so I can absolutely see him doing this.
He would be all respectful courting and sweet smiles with gentle touches, but he would definitely be using his own scent and presence to sway your inner Omega. Would stay close to you as much as possible so you would be enveloped in his Alpha scent, would let you borrow his sweaters when you get cold so you would be covered in his scent so you are surrounded by him 24/7, and would even trail his fingertips across your scent glands on your throat in an almost teasing way whenever he's hugging you or cupping your face.
He would ban other Alphas from going near you, secretly of course, and would even kick them out of the cult if he sees them with you. It's almost known by everybody that you are 'his' even though you remain oblivious.
Arthur will make sure to do everything he can to make you his and he won't stop until his mark is on your neck and your pussy full of his come 😌
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missgineaus · 2 years
but here's some got7 hp/hogwarts headcanons:
gryffindor | 7th year prefect
best subject: care of magical creatures
looks like he should be attending durmstrang instead but is the softest for the first years actually
is only supposed to have one cat on hogwarts grounds but ahahahaha 😉
animals love jaebum ok they love him like unicorns just walk up to him and chew on his hair
jinyoung says that's why he's prematurely balding lol
"maybe" blew up his feather in his first transfiguration class lol
ravenclaw | 6th year prefect
best subject: arithmancy
whoever said ravenclaws were weak clearly never met jinyoung
some say if you take his™ study table in the library, you'll be fed to the merpeople in the lake
it's leviOsa not leviosA
one time jinyoung forgot his outer robe in ravenclaw tower and made everyone on the moving staircase trip cuz of his peach 🍑
probably has discussions on magical theory with professors
hufflepuff | 7th year prefect
he’s a nice fuck boy ok lol
best subject: defense against the dark arts
is really cute and people mistake him for a 4th year often even though he's one of the oldest 7th years
can kick your ass in a duel (competitive af man)
no really so competitive that sparks will fly from his wand when he’s incensed
no one paid attention to him until he dyed his hair blonde once in 4th year and um wow yeah now everyone knows who he is lol
spins his wand in his hand like one spins a dagger and it's the hottest thing wtf
amazing with non verbal spell work -all his spells are probably non verbal actually
people hate that cuz they never know what he uses agains them in a duel and they lose
slytherin | 7th year head boy
best subject: charms -
In A Different Game
knows everybody, if you think jackson doesn't know you ❌wrong❌ he does
is really silly and is the first person to laugh at himself and is actually a really good head boy because he's not intimidating and the younger years feel safe and laugh around him
doesn't change the fact he's smart
people really forget he's smart even tho he's head boy it's a little ridiculous
both his parents are charmsmaters and he wants to be one too
can always find him in the kitchens eating organic -house elves love him ok
gryffindor | 6th year
best subject: herbology
can sing plants into bloom
the only person the mandrakes probably don't scream at lol
holds tutoring sessions for herbology in one of the greenhouses wow he's so nice
bambam swears the stars shine on youngjae during astronomy class
will steal your treacle tart
literally right off your plate
is probably a really go0d beater even tho he’s not on the quidditch team
in the frog choir
made jaebum also join the frog choir haha
probably interns at the infirmary cuz he wants to a healer or at least going into healing herbology
has a tattoo of a plant but no one has ever seen the whole thing
gryffindor | 5th year
best subject: transfiguration
has quick fashion fixes using his transfiguration skills
has turned yugyeom into a frog at least once
yugyeom thought it was cool
jinyoung did not
one time he and mark sneaked out to get some snacks at hogsmeade and would have gotten caught by a professor patrolling the corridors if bambam didn't transfigure them into intricate tapestries
seriously the detail in his transfigurations are no joke
has a scrapbook of magical and non magical photos of him and his friends more heavily warded than the trunk with his designer clothes
professors really like him lol
ravenclaw | 5th year
best subject: potions
the one subject he's naturally better at than jinyoung but jinyoung will never admit this
tried to fight the giant squid
probably brewed amortentia and made people smell it and found out half the schools crushes
has a secret magical dandelion tattoo that changes colors
says every potion is EEEEEEASYYYY
probably actually likes the history of magic - like spews the most randomest facts at inconvenient times it’s so annoying lol
...and because im a markson ho i gotta include them is this au right haha here's some additional markson/gen js hcs!
probably like the loudest couple theyre always yelling and laughing -theyre too cute tho so its hard telling them to shut up
jackson sometimes uses his headboy status to excuse his class tardiness and why he’s so out in the corridors late at night to walk mark to class and back to the hufflepuff common room
actually since hes head boy and has a room to himself, mark and the rest of their friends probably crash in jacksons room at least 3/7 days lol
actually now that we’re on jackson -everyone forgets he’s a slytherin cuz they think he’s too nice for his house
and he’s not fake nice he’s actually sincerely kind
but his drive and will to succeed at what he wants is unparalleled (PLAY JACKSON'S ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY COME ON)
he sleeps the least out of his friends cuz hes always studying or practicing spell work or wand movements or reviewing notes
some of the first years think jackson a slytherin cuz his robes changed to a green color cuz he eats so much vegetables and drinks so much green tea LOL
original twitter thread | originally posted 18 feb 2019
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
Responding here to ur tag response to my question on this post so i dont clog up your notes over there 😅
That concept is so cool!! Can you tell me more about the dynamics? (Like what are the specific differences that made you classify Sabito as alpha prime instead of just alpha?)
When you say the Primes effect more and are effected more than the others what exactly do you mean?
Do you become a Prime when you take on a certain roll in your pack or is it just a option during the initial presenting event?
Are Primes like a subsection of their dynamic or are they a whole new one? (3 broad dynamics society vs 5 specific dynamics society)
How does everybody being abo (and Sabito being alive) effect their relationships with each other in this AU compared to canon?
And lastly, what are everybody's designations in this au? 👀
I kinda got carried away with the questions whoops
ok important distinction to get out of the way first- i see a/b/o as terms to describe phenomena, not strict definitions people fall into. i dont like omegaverse things like that bc 1 i love biology & speculative evolution and through that lens it makes absolutely 0 fucking sense to me and 2 i dont like omegaverse basically being reduced to sexism 2.0 with submissive feminine omegas, dominant masculine alphas, and boring betas.
i completely understand and see the appeal in traditional a/b/o but i also think its severely limiting
to answer your questions off the bat:
sabito as an alpha prime mostly just bc i really really like giving him big/visible fangs and that influenced some worldbuilding choices lmao
imagine having ur senses turned up 200%. theyre just as affected by a drop of pheromones as normal dynamics are a litre. theyre way more sensitive to others' and their own is far more potent
theres no 'presenting event' either you stay not very reactive to pheromones(beta) you start reacting to pheromones normally(alpha/omega) or you start to be fuck-off sensitive to pheromones(a/o prime) (ppl dont choose or get assigned a secondary dynamic its just something that Happens and a/b/o are terms used to describe wide trends)
its still 3 broad dynamics, primes are considered a sub-category/more specific variant of alpha/omega
mmm, id say overall theyre pretty much the same? rengokus & mitsuri are closer-knit, tengen and them kinda make a trio, sabito's almost part of the mini-group(The Loud Ones)- sanemi and obanai still dislike giyuu, now its got an added 'omega has his alpha wrapped around his finger and makes him do the dirty work instead' bc he never bothers to defend himself from them so sabito steps up and tells them to fuck off- then theres the obvious kamado situation. sabito's neutral abt them after he gets over his initial anger but cmon. its tanjiro. youre not staying neutral for long. giyuu more protective of them from the get-go
theres only a few ppls who are set in stone lmao- sakonji-alpha sabito-APrime giyuu-omega tanjiro-OPrime nezuko-N/A sanemi-beta obanai-beta mitsuri-OPrime kyojuro-alpha
my version of a/b/o
secondary dynamics arent dependent on sex, theyre two separate spectrums and secondary dynamics are Secondary
secondary dynamics start to develop with puberty, not really finished until somewhere in 20s
you cant tell what someone's secondary dynamic will be until it starts to present
betas are the hardest to tell bc sometimes ppl are just late bloomers, late20s-30s and they still dont react to scents very strongly or havent had a heat/rut theyre probably a beta
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[shitty doodle of the parabola graphic- up-down is omega/alpha left-right is not sensitive-very sensitive]
betas still smell scents but arent sensitive to pheromones and their own arent very strong either, some can have mini-heats or ruts. overall if theyre not very reactive to scents and they dont have noticeable fangs or any changes to their reproductive organs theyre considered a beta
alphas and omegas have stronger scents (a beta would need to be actively projecting their scent to be on the same level as alpha/omega's baseline) and are sensitive to pheromones.
secondary dynamics influence sex but are not influenced by sex; males who are omegas can develop female reproductive systems and females who are alphas can develop male reproductive systems. this results in tons of possible combinations, though not everything /works/ since they'd need the matching internal & external parts to actually reproduce.
with male omegas/female alphas; commonly, either the secondary reproductive system doesnt develop at all or the secondary external develops alongside the original*. less commonly the secondary external develops and the original internals swap to the secondary. very rarely the secondary will fuck up the original internals and make someone sterile. very VERY rarely will someone develop both original and secondary reproductive systems that are fully functional
main biggest difference between alphas and omegas is mostly in whether they have a heat(& nest) or a rut(& claim territory)
heats typically start off with some warning signs before the actual heat kicks in(preheat) omegas will start to be clingy and seek safety/closeness with their pack for a few days, along with starting to give off a heat scent. omegas usually dont smell their own heat scent until its already pretty strong(closer to heat) so others around them usually notice the scent first. heat hits with a full body fever for a day or two, its extremely uncomfortable and usually omegas drop out of coherency. behind the scenes all kinds of reward chemicals and other important stuff in the brain are thrown way out of wack- no one really notices that tho bc theyre usually blearily rolling around suffering through a mind-numbing fever. after it abates theyre left with the still fucky brain balance and dont really get back all the coherency they lost from the fever, still a little out of it for the whole duration of heat. theyre more sensitive to changes in their emotions and more sensitive to physical contact, heats in their usual state are non-sexual and an omega simply seeks security affection and comfort from their pack. excessively negative emotions caused by lack of security or comfort can cause an omega to be extremely panicky/depressive/aggressive (borderline feral) and its not fun for anyone involved. the omega going through it is overrun with negative thoughts/feelings/emotions and the scent of an omega going through a disruptive heat is especially nauseating & discomforting to anyone around (an intense need to Fix It and make the omega feel better). on the flip-side, omegas being more sensitive to emotion and physical contact can lead to a state of near constant euphoria/ecstasy in sexual heats between mates (the more traditional version of heat)
omegas will go into heat in the presence of another omega's heat if they are emotionally connected (family, pack, friends, etc) and an omega's heat can cause an alpha to start their rut (& vice-versa ruts causing heats)
ruts cause a similar fucky brain balance but not nearly to the same degree as heats, alphas will seek out affection and their instinct to protect is sent into absolute overdrive. mother hen x500. it causes them to be a lot more agitated which leads to more aggression bc more things are seen as a threat.
sexual ruts with mates sends their instinct to make sure the other IS and feels safe/good into overdrive and They Will Not Leave Their Mate
nesting is the usual find soft things make comfy/safe bed/area for pack and is extremely personal/fiercely defended from those who its not meant for; claiming territory is a wider application of 'make area feel comfy/safe for pack' alphas will patrol or steak out vantage points of their selected territory, like omegas they also dont take kindly to intruders**
alphas are built a bit more for power and tend to be offensive/face confrontation head-on(make opponent lose ground, get threats as far away from my pack as possible); while omegas are built a bit more for speed/agility and tend to be defensive/run loops around confrontations(dont let opponent gain any ground, keep threats from getting any closer to my pack) its not solid evidence when trying to tell someone's dynamic off it alone because people's natural variation is so wide and people's experiences can change how theyd react to stress and such so its usually ignored but trends Can be seen
*giyuu's like that male omega has both parts externally but no uterus so. no mpreg for him</3
**it can be kinda subtle sometimes, one example ive posted is sabito physically situating himself so hes between his pack(giyuu/tanjiro/nezuko) and the threat (sanemi/rest of the hashira)
i think thats everything? feel free 2 ask for clarification if i fucked up explaining or missed something
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faytalepsy · 1 year
Crave and Blood red lace for the wip game 😊 (i'm loving the vikings fic btw, can't wait for it!)
Thank you so much anon!
I talked about Blood-red lace here!
Crave is a special Silrah AU that will probably be not everybody's cup of tea. Captain Saul Silva gets reassigned to support General Farah Dowling holding the northern border in a kind of modern military setting with just a touch of A/B/O dynamics.
She entered the room like a thunderclap and for the first time, Saul learned what lightning felt like. The room didn't fade like in those cheesy romance movies that he hated so much. No, her presence just filled it, utterly and completely.  Her smell had his nostrils flare and it was like every fibre of him screamed yes. This. Her. Their eyes met, her hazel ones staring him down with cold calculation. Her gaze pierced through every part of his armour, laying bare what he kept hidden deep within him  Then she walked by without sparing him another glance.
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the flip side | part 7.
Summary: (Y/N) has always been one of the stronger Alphas. Which is saying something when the Avengers is a team overrun with Alphas. A mission gone wrong changes her entire world and when everyone starts treating her different, she doesn’t know if she can cope. Change hurts and (Y/N)’s not sure it’s a pain she cant bear.
Warnings for the Series: strong language, angst, fluff, assault, a/b/o dynamics, sexual content (18+ readers only)
Pairing: Stucky x black!reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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The team rushed downstairs in the morning, only to be stopped by Steve and Bucky. Apparently, you had called everybody starting with Wanda and moving on when each person didn’t answer after multiple calls. The two supersoldiers were grateful that they forgot to turn off their ringers. The others were at the table while you were still sleeping on the beanbag.
“She called both Bruce and I five times,” Nat said. The others echoed the same sentences.
You got up, wrapping yourself up more in the large comforter until you resembled a burrito. Steve and Bucky automatically smiled as you shuffled over to the table, movement restricted from the blanket wrap. Your eyes weren’t even open. The smiles stopped when you froze up as the elevator opened. Clark’s scent steamrolled out. Bucky and Steve started to get up when you shook your head. You didn’t want an Alpha fight in the middle of the common room. That and your Alpha cells wanted to defend yourself. Clark ran over to you, enveloping you in a hug. He didn’t even notice how you weren’t melting into him like you did in the past.  
“Oh my God, where did you go, (Y/N)? You can’t just leave without telling your Alpha. I know you’re an Avenger but you still have to tell me when SHIELD cal— you smell like…” He took a big sniff before laughing in attempts to keep himself calm. “Let’s get you out of that blanket. I’ve got a comforter for you in the car.”
Clark moved to grab the blanket. You gripped it tighter to yourself, his fingers couldn’t even wiggle underneath yours to begin prying you out of the blanket. He was growing frustrated. He could let you coming back without telling him slide, knowing that Avengers were very one-track minded when SHIELD called them about missions.
He could even understand the need to nest after whatever SHIELD had wanted and grabbing something from the other team members which is why he wasn’t mad at you for taking the supersoldiers’ comforter. But now, you wouldn’t let it go. He brought his own duvet covered in his scent for you like a good Alpha would do for anyone.
“(Y/N), let go of the blanket so we can go get mine.”
“No. I don’t want you as an Alpha anymore. I don’t need your blanket.”
“Stop being ridiculous, Omega.” Clark tried to command. “Do you already need another punishment?”
The Alpha version of your scent came off you in very subtle waves. “I’m not being ridiculous. I don’t like what happened last night, you paraded me out in front of your friends without thinking about if I would like it. You made me go down on Sharon and I’m not com—”
“Did you refuse a command?” He cut you off.
“That isn’t the point, Clark, I didn—”
“Did you refuse a command and I kept going? When I told you to be good, to listen to both of them and do what they say, did you refuse and I shoved your face into Sharon’s panties anyway?”
“No,” you said, feeling a foreboding sense of deja vu.
“Did we walk into your nest without asking?”
“You commanded me to.”
“Did you refuse it?”
You sighed, knowing that part of the conversation wasn’t going anywhere. You took a step back from Clark, hoping to switch tactics. You just wanted him to leave peacefully and not see him for a few days before showing Steve and Bucky’s claim on you. It was more pleasant than having three Alphas looking for blood because the three of them don’t know how to back off.
“You punished me even after I said I was sorry. I don’t want an Alpha that doesn’t listen. You gave me three punishments in a single night.”
Clark huffed out a laugh. “You brought that on yourself. I let it slide the first time, you burned all three of us.”
“I didn’t know. You started over with your spankings every time I struggled to count and then you fucking kept going with McKinnon’s stupid wax-play punishment and Sharon’s idea to shove my hands in ice water. I didn’t mean to do it. If you had listened, you would have known that I didn’t even know it was happening. I was overwhelmed, it can happen sometimes.”
“You were overwhelmed? That’s your excuse for almost giving us severe burns?”
“Yes! I’ve never slept with another Alpha before but you expected me to take three. You and McKinnon both knotted me.”
“Omegas are meant to take Alpha knots.”
“I wasn’t born an Omega! You kept going without slowing down once to account for the fact that taking a knot could have been painful for me because you were too absorbed with your own damn rut.”
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ll be more careful tonight.”
“Clark, I said I don’t want you to be my Alpha.”
“I’ve already claimed you. Let’s go.”
“I’m done with your shit, (Y/N), we’re leaving now to go switch out your stupid comforter or I’m adding to your punishment.”    
They didn’t care that you wanted to confront him on your own anymore. As far as Steve and Bucky were concerned, he was now a serious threat to their Omega. Steve pulled you to him while Bucky got in between you guys and Clark.
“Our Omega told you to leave her the fuck alone.” Bucky snarled.
“Your Omega?” Clark scoffed. “This pissing contest is over. I’ve marked her, Sarge, we’re bonded. So get out my way. You should’ve been quicker with your intention.”
Bucky grabbed Clark’s shoulder as he tried to push past the other man. Both of them had their teeth bared at each other. Steve could already sense where this was going. Clark and Bucky weren’t going to take it to court like some Alphas— most never did. They were going to do it the old-fashion way which meant all Omegas in the room would probably get stressed from the amount of pheromones that were about to be released.  
“Wanda, Bruce, why don’t you two go help (Y/N) get another IV from Dr. Cho? I don’t think our little burrito can move too much in your blanket, can you?”
You looked up at Steve who just kissed your forehead. He tensed up briefly because he hadn’t meant to do it. Bucky and he discussed it after you had fallen asleep. They claimed you to get you out of your situation with Clark. But they still felt like they hadn’t done anything to deserve being your Alphas. It was the reason they didn’t request you mark them back.
The two had planned on leaving you alone, letting the mark be only for your safety and nothing else. Not unless you wanted it but they weren’t supposed to make the first move. Feeling a bit guilty, Steve sort of pushed you to Wanda and Bruce. You laughed when Bruce scooped up your entire burrito self. It was easy to forget that he was actually strong even when he wasn’t in Hulk mode— the big guy was always lurking underneath the scientist’s skin.
Bucky only waited for the elevator to close before letting go. Even though Sam shouldn’t have been affected as a Beta, it was so intense that he felt some type of way. The tension was so thick that they could only smell the scents of Clark, Steve, and Bucky despite the fact that other Alphas were in the room.
The team knew they couldn’t step in and help but they were standing by to make sure no one got too beat up, fearing a literal bloodbath might start. It was only made worse when Sharon came up to get the files from them about their last mission to give to Fury. Steve was on her in a matter of seconds.
“Punish our Omega again and see what happens. I better never hear from (Y/N) that you’ve so much as touched her.”
“Your Ome— you took Clark’s claim? Oh, this is rich. (Y/N) should be happy, three Alphas fighting over her. Told her she’d be good at being someone’s little bit—”
“Finish that sentence.” Steve threatened but Sharon didn’t even blink.
“Bitch. Are you mad I had her before you, Captain?”  
He growled, only turning away when he heard the sound of a punch. Clark was on the floor and Bucky was shaking out his flesh hand.
“Buck. Doll wanted it cordially.”
The supersoldier looked down at the agent on the floor, clutching his bleeding nose. “You want an ice pack?”
“I’m being cordial, Steve!” He rolled his eyes after getting a look and helped Clark to his feet. “Leave (Y/N) alone. She doesn’t want you and don’t think we’re letting our claim go.”
While you didn’t shed your burrito blanket, you did make it a little looser so you stick a hand out for your IV. Dr. Cho wasn’t pleased at you coming down with a report that it was half full when it had been taken out. You waited around while she went through a physical and Bruce analyzed your cells. Technically, nothing about you was normal but it was considered alright for your standards. Dr. Cho set you up with another IV.
“You can take it out when it’s all done, nothing strenuous until then. A movie or two is probably best. Clean and bandage your hand when you take the needle out.”
“Thank you. Bruce, Wands, do you want to watch a movie?”
Two movies had finished. The IV was taken out. Bruce and Wanda left. Yet, you still hadn’t seen Bucky and Steve. The only trace you even had of them was the comforter still wrapped around you. You were willing to dive headfirst into giving them a second chance. You didn’t see a need to dance awkwardly around it.
The three of you were friends and brief lovers. You already knew everything about them and vice versa. They fucked up, you left, they apologized, you forgave them. In your mind, it was so simple. But when you didn’t even get so much as an alert from FRIDAY that one of them was asking where you were, you realized it wasn’t that simple. You also needed them.
Even though you could just walk in being an Omega and specifically their Omega, you knocked anyway. The door opened to reveal Bucky shirtless and in just a towel, making you swallow. You attempted not to rub your thighs together.
While you were sweating internally, Bucky was thinking that you were the cutest thing he had ever seen. Since the morning, you hadn’t let go of the comforter. Omega drop hit you hard and made you vulnerable but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want you to go into it every now and then if this is what you were like for the next day or two. He was only brought out of his thoughts when he became cognizant of you whining.
“Buck, where have you been?”
“Stevie and I were working out, I just got done. Let me go put on some pants. Just make yourself comfortable, Doll.”
You didn’t really want him to put on pants but you didn’t say anything as you stepped inside. It was just Bucky there. He could hear you behind him, smiling to himself when you suddenly opened the door to the little office with just the pull out couch. He and Steve had no use for it anymore. Ever since being with you and then bonding with each other after they lost you, they hadn’t slept with anyone else and relegated the other to the little room instead of the bed.
Now, Bucky could see another use for it when you dropped the comforter in there. He laughed when he heard a slight grunt before the creaking of the couch. You must have been moving it. The room door opened again and your quick shuffling of feet started to disappear down the hall. He turned around, leaning against the dresser.
It wasn’t hard to tell you were previously an Alpha. That’s what Bucky thought as he watched you move back and forth from your duplex to the tiny office. You might have been building a nest but— in the way an Alpha wouldn’t ask— you hadn’t asked about where you could put it. You just picked the office and got to work. Of course, he wasn’t complaining.
While he and Steve weren’t going to stop you from making the whole room a nest if you wanted, he was grateful that you chose a small spot. The entire house smelling like an Omega nest wasn’t exactly ideal even if you were their favorite scent in the world. You nodded to yourself in satisfaction before heading to their big bed and laying down on one end.
“Burrito,” you demanded.
Bucky laughed, walking over to you. Your giggles were much appreciated by him as he rolled you in the duvet until your burrito-self was back. The supersoldier laid down next to you.
“You know Stevie and I only have three duvets, you can’t take them all, Doll.”
You inchwormed your way to the edge of the bed and hopped to the small office. “Watch me.”
Bucky expected you to stay in the little office when you hopped off but felt his heart race a bit when you came back. You just wanted to get your aftercare bag. You hadn’t communicated with Steve and Bucky yet about what made you feel good in aftercare but knew you weren’t going to have enough energy to do so afterwards. You set it down between you and Bucky before trying to inchworm back over to him.
“I need you. You and Stevie.”
“We’re right here for yo—”
You shook your head. “I need you.”
The man tilted his head and proceeded to stiffen up immediately. He wasn’t sure how he didn’t smell it on you earlier. Both he and Steve knew they had smelled something when you jumped in the car last night but they couldn’t identify it through your Omega space and the stress of the overall situation. He unzipped the little bag you brought over seeing lots of little skincare items and snacks.
“Are you in pain?” He asked.
“No, not yet. It’s getting really warm though.”
“Can you give me five minutes, Doll? I’ll go get Stevie so he can take care of you.”
He rushed away from you. You sat up with a pout as you watched the supersoldier’s backside go out the doorway. You thought that Bucky would just help you now and Steve could help you later. If he simply wanted both of them to be there then you would understand that. But the way he rushed out felt weird. There wasn’t much time to think about it because Steve came in, giving you a quick hello before jumping in the shower and coming out in record time. Steve smiled when you laughed in shock at him pulling your burrito to the end of the bed. He slowly began to undo the blanket.
“You need your Alphas? It’s your first real heat off the suppressants, isn’t it?”
You nodded. “Steve… Starting to hurt.”
“I got you, Doll. Alpha’s gonna make his little Omega feel real good, make it all go away.”
“You and Buck?” you whined as he started to pull your panties off of you.
Buck cleared his throat from where he was sitting in a chair. “Stevie’s gonna make you feel good.”
Your face scrunched up in frustrated confusion until Steve’s mouth was suddenly on your pussy. He ate you out like you were a mission. It was all for you. He and Buck had used you twice for their ruts without giving back and the thought of Clark having you service three Alpha ruts pissed them off beyond belief. All of it without your satisfaction as even an afterthought. Not this time. This time it was all about you, showing that you were more than a body to them.
He tried to push your thighs even farther apart, enjoying the little moans coming from you. Bucky was sitting back watching his best guy take care of his best girl. You smelled so sweet the more aroused you got and based on the way Steve was eating you out, he could bet that you tasted just as sweet. Both Alphas thought that you finally cumming and falling apart sounded like music. Like you predicted, you were already worn out.
Steve went to the bathroom to get you a washcloth while Bucky found a change of clothes. You kept your eyes closed as they took care of you. When you felt a bit more cognizant, you realized that only three hands were on you. You opened one eye as you started getting burritoed back into the duvet— the two men already knew what you were like.
“Can we come into your nest?” Bucky asked.
Steve patted your head. “I’ll get the laptop and snacks.”
“And I’ll,” Bucky said as he scooped you up. “Get our little Omega all comfortable.”
He walked into the tiny office— you could practically see the hearts in his eyes when he saw it. It looked just like your Alpha space because you had always liked soft things but something about it was inherently Omega. He set you down right next to a large pillow.
“Why the look, Doll?” He asked after he settled in next to you.
“Why didn’t you want to touch me, only Steve? Do you not want me as a—”
Bucky cut you off with a kiss.
“I want you, I swear I do. I’m literally in love with you, (Y/N) but I hurt you. I shouldn’t have used my metal hand, no matter what Sharon wanted and I should’ve known to stop when you accidentally burned us. I know I’ve caused you a lot of pain, I don’t deserve you doll. I meant it, I’ll never touch you with this arm again.”
“Bucky, I’m okay. I promise.”
He shook his head. You knew for now that there was no convincing him. What he did to you put him back to his Winter Soldier days and it would take more than you suddenly accepting him being your Alpha for him to be okay with himself around you. From meeting you for the first time after being saved from HYDRA, you were the only person aside from Steve that wasn’t hesitant about his arm. And as far as he was concerned, he ruined it.
You could say it wasn’t true all you wanted but he noticed how you flinched slightly when his left hand came near your back as he rolled you up. He had noticed how you stiffened up when Clark hugged you and began to raise his voice. He took longer than five minutes getting Steve because of it, taking his time to let the other Alpha know. And Bucky noticed how you briefly tensed when Steve had pushed your thighs a little farther apart. You could say it all you want to try and assure him and Steve but Bucky knew better. It was clear you had been pushed too far too quickly. Others would just call it punishment. Considering you were an Alpha before an Omega and weren’t used to it, Bucky would call it just short of abuse.
Alphas didn’t receive punishments but he and Steve didn’t think it was fair after all that happened to you. Their own punishment, unbeknownst to you, was denying themselves of all pleasure that didn’t center around you. They weren’t sure how long they were going to do it but they’d continue until it felt like they had made it up to you. So, Bucky made sure his flesh side was touching you while you were sandwiched between him and Steve.
Both men were taking in the scent of your nest. They cracked their necks and tried to stay calm. You had either forgotten or didn’t know but their ruts were coming up. It had been so long since you were last with them that of course you wouldn’t remember. They weren’t going to go to you. It would be a very painful week— ruts only lasted three days if they were satisfied— but it was a week that they would put up with. Suppressants didn’t work on supersoldiers, no matter how strong they were so they would just have to endure it. Steve considered asking to be put on a mission just to be out the tower.
The team felt a lot better being graced by your presence again. Days felt better with you in their lives. It was still an interesting thing to get used to. Bruce had made no progress on a reversal but after what had happened with HYDRA, your Alpha cells weren’t dying either. Some were producing Omega DNA, others Alpha. Right now, you were more Omega than Alpha. Bruce suspected that if it went long enough without a cure that you would actually be both. Not a Beta but truly both.
They could smell both depending on the hour and the activity. Most of the time, it seemed like you were in an Omega state. You were especially in an Omega state the week that Bucky and Steve left on what you considered a last minute mission. They made it up to you with a movie night and Steve’s head between your thighs, asking for nothing in return.
Their rut had been a mess. Even when they tried to help each other in the hotel room after staking out the mission area, it didn’t help. They had an Omega at home that they had claimed. Even if she hadn’t bonded with them yet, you were the only thing truly able to satisfy their rut now, not just each other alone.
(Part 8)...
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I was tagged by @feralcherry. You're right. It is a lot of s's.
RULES: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
S - Sweetest Pie, Megan Thee Stallion and Dua Lipa
E - Enter Sandman, Metallica
V - Video Games, Lana Del Rey
E - Electric Love, BORNS
N - Need to Know, Doja Cat
S - Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
I - Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls
S - Starboy, The Weekend and Daft Punk
T - Traitor, Olivia Rodrigo
E - Electric Feel, MGMT
R - Ric Flair Drip, Offset and Metro Boomin
S - Stir Fry, Migos
O - Ophelia, The Lumineers
F - Feel Good Inc, Gorillaz
S - Summertime Sadness, Lana Del Rey
U - Up, Cardi B
S - Sweater Weather, The Neighborhood
S - Santeria, Sublime
E - Everybody Talks, Neon Trees
X - X, Nicky Jam and J Balvin
Tagging: @qvnthesia @make-things-make-sense @finnismyoriginalsin @katherineholmes
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