#you give me a nickname? because you wanna make me laugh and or be able to mention me in a different special way?
peach-pot · 1 year
highly reccomend coming up with a nicholasname. my name is maggie which is short for magnesium and my other name is tag which is short for protagonist. beautiful world
oh this is so silly and fun ! I have a friend who started calling me darcifer as a goof extension of darcy… maybe this can be my nicholasname
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tojisun · 7 months
biker!simon is slowly rotting my brain and i’m all here for it !! the way you write him makes me want to giggle and kick my feet 😵‍💫🫶🏼
so i just wanted to throw this idea out there…there was a tiktok video i saw (i couldn’t find it 😔) but it’s this couple on a bike and the backpack reaches forward and like…palms the the guy through his jeans and he holds her hand there for a sec and 👀 i just thought that fit for biker!simon
anyways !! love you and your writing
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AHHHHH THATS SO HOT WHAT THE HELLLL??? no yea reader def does that <33 also? luv how u call her backpack!!! its such a cute nickname omgg!!! and thank u so so much my starlight <33 i love you too!
biker!simon mlist // suggestive - minors dni!! hinted exhibitionism bc simon n reader are nastily in luv!
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you are simon’s good girl so, naturally, you usually don’t do this. but in your defence, it is dark outside, the roads empty except for sprinkles of other night riders that you two briefly share the road with.
it’s yet another late drive, you and simon having just left the meet up – easily one of the rowdiest you’ve ever been to. 
when you told simon how heedy you’re feeling from the buzzing energy, he laughed and told you that it’s even more packed this time because of the upcoming rally. you oohed and aahed, and simon fondly rolled his eyes at your obvious cluelessness before steering you past strangers to introduce you to his other friends – alejandro, rudy, and that one big guy who insists on being called konig. 
“nice to meet you katzchen,” he said, taking your arm up to bump it on the mouth of his helmet – something he never took off for the whole day. 
“nice to meet you too! although i didn’t quite catch that- what’s it that you said last?” 
konig’s eyes crinkled, his smile hidden by his helmet, before he let go of your hand and then disappeared into the masses.
what the fuck?
you turned to simon only to see him glaring at where konig used to stand. 
“it’s nothin’, sweet girl. wanna come meet up with mactavish?”
simon slows down to a stop in front of a red light, one of his hands leaving his handlebar to reach back to your thigh. it is a routine at this point – simon’s hand caressing your leg, gently massaging, his thumb pressing into tensed muscle, before squeezing once, twice, three times, before pulling away to hold his handlebar again once the light turns green. 
it is a routine, but it still makes your heart jump to your throat, feeling the way his palm leaves burning trails at each glide. your arms tighten around his waist and you are sure that simon felt the way your breath hitched, but he continues on anyway – teasing touches gaining purpose, sliding up-down, before gripping whatever flesh he can. you bump your helmet to his back, a muffled whine sitting in the base of your throat, feeling your lungs wobble at his touch. 
then, he hikes his hand up higher – this is new, something simon has never done before. has never dared to try, especially on the open road.
he tickles his touch up, kneading your muscle until his hand bumps into the swell of your ass. he gives it a squeeze, just a quick pressure, then he rips his hand off now that the light turns green. he revs his bike as a warning – just enough that you tighten your arms around him again – before speeding away, acting like he didn’t just send heat coursing through your veins.
you feel his stomach contract, muscles moving underneath his shirt, and-
simon’s laughing.
the haze in you shifts, snapping into something playful. teasing.
you wait until his silent chuckles dissipate, pretending to still be overtaken by his slyness and making him think that you are still unable to move on. well, perhaps there is truth to your lie because yes you are unable to move on, but you hope to hell he wouldn’t be able to as well.
he takes a right turn, his bike dipping close to the asphalt, the sound of his engine purring beautifully, and you think: this is it.
time to reward your big boy.
your touches start off slow. gradual. 
you loosen your arms around his waist, easing your gloved hands off from where they laid tangled together to plant the flat of your palms on simon’s stomach. you feel his abdomen jump, not anticipating the shift in your hold, and you bite on your bottom lip to smother a giggle. 
simon tilts his helmeted head, confused, but you ignore him, busy mapping the hard muscles of his abdomen with kitten-light swipes. one of your hands rises up to caress his chest, swiping a hand between his pecs before falling back to his belly. the other – and this one makes you breathless too – falls to his lap, rubbing at his thigh before swiping it towards his pelvis only to swipe it back out as though you weren’t close to cupping him through his jeans.
your chest vibrates with something guttural and it takes you a heartbeat to realize you were not the one emitting the sound. it was coming from simon, a sound so deep it reverberates between where the two of you are pressed.
the chuckles leave your lips this time around, unable to hold it in anymore. unconsciously, your hand grazes the half-formed tent underneath his jeans, and simon does that rumbling sound again that just heightens your elation.
you are still reeling over your mini revenge that you don’t notice simon taking a new turn, his bike roaring as it speeds through narrow roads and into a dimly-lit and certainly abandoned parking lot.
“si?” you ask, confusion rising when simon turns his engine off before tapping your leg to signal you to get off.
you do, clamouring up, eyes wide as you watch simon follow. he pulls his helmet off and straps it on his bike before twisting his body to face you.
his eyes crinkle, glinting with something dangerous, and you know he’s grinning underneath his balaclava. desire shoots through your spine, realizing where he’s going with this.
simon laughs, seeing the way you straightened up, alert even when something carnal thrums within your veins.  
“that’s right, princess,” he rumbles, his voice thick with want, as he unbuckles his belt. “y’r gonna finish what y’started, aren’t you?”
you nod, already pulling your helmet off your head and wobbling towards him on weak knees. simon takes your helmet from you, his hands brushing against yours, and just before you can kneel down in front of him, simon coos, “knew you are my good girl.”
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sjyuns · 7 months
brother’s best friend! heeseung x fem reader 1222 words warning kissing injuries genre fluff mikaela’s note a new fav trope arises from a single hee pic… life’s absolutely crazy
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“Are you even listening to me?” Jay’s voice pierces through your train of thoughts, and you almost roll your eyes in annoyance if it wasn’t for the way Heeseung gave you a small smile which made you flush in embarrassment.
You wish Jay could shut up, because then only would you be able to admire Heeseung in peace and tranquillity. His hair dripping with sweat and basketball jersey showcasing his muscular arms that glimmered under white light — Lee Heeseung looked almost god-like and unreal.
As you continue to stare at him, who looks back at you all doe eyed and full of adoration, you wince when you notice a cut on his lips. “What happened, Hee?”
Heeseung feels goosebumps present on his skin the moment you call his name, it’s the first time you’ve ever called him with such delicacy and he almost melts.
“Right, can you get the first aid kit? Some sore loser from the other team came at him after the game,” your brother replies instead of him. And Heeseung quietly thanks Jay for being the blabber mouth that he is, because there is no way Heeseung could coherently form sentences in front of you.
He thinks you look the best today out of all days, hair messy and your brother’s extra jersey engulfing you — it makes it easier to imagine his jersey on you, his name, and a big 01 plastered behind because you were the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
Eyes glued on you as you run into the bathroom, hurriedly looking for the first aid kit. “Jay,” you call, opening the cupboards only to find the kit placed unusually high up the shelves, “can you help me?”
Even from the bathroom, you can hear Jay let out a loud groan before shuffling started and footsteps grew louder as he approached the bathroom. “I can’t reach it,” you tell him, eyes focused on the kit just inches away from your reach.
“Don’t move, doll. I’ll get it for you,” and you freeze as you feel Heeseung’s chest press against your back, soft deep voice encasing your heart as he leans over you to grab the first aid kit with ease. “You’ll help me, right doll?”
You turn around, eyes towards the ground as you nod. You never once deemed yourself a shy person, but it seemed like your brother’s best friend managed to turn your stomach into a butterfly garden just by a single word and action.
Heeseung situates himself at the edge of the bathtub as he gestures you over, “don’t be shy, you weren’t when we were in the living room,” he grins with a quiet laugh, “could feel your stares from miles away.”
Heeseung, however, wasn’t really in a position to say that, because he himself felt nervous around you and he stared, he always did when you were within vicinity. Hell, he probably stared at you longer than you’ve stared at him. And you call him out just for that, “you were staring too, Hee.” You pause, a slight pout evident on your lips, “and I’m not shy.”
It’s that nickname again, the one that brings him to his knees. And he can point out every single detail that makes the way that his name rolled off your tongue different from the others. It was the gracefulness, how you made his name sound right, and it was just, you — Heeseung thinks that every word you say sounded like heaven.
“You’re too pretty not to stare at,” Heeseung says, a small smirk on his face as he watches you blush for the third time, “you think I’m too handsome not to be stared at, doll?” And you think that only Lee Heeseung could make such a narcissistic comment sound so flirty as he stares up at you with slight arrogance.
You scoff, yet the everlasting redness of your cheeks give him the answer he’d been looking for. The cotton bud in your hand steady as you stand between Heeseung’s long legs, eyes focused on the cut on his lips, trying your best not to get overly flustered by how plump and soft looking they are.
Heeseung winces slightly at the sting as the cotton bud brushes against the cut yet his eyes remain unwavering, fixed on the way your eyebrows furrowed and your nose scrunched in concentration.
“Sorry,” you mutter as you see his jaw clench and release, “I’ll be more careful, Hee.” He hums and you move in closer to analyse the cut, hands shaking slightly as you try your best not to press too hard. “There,” you whisper more so to yourself with a tinge of pride, unknowing of the small distance between your face and Heeseung’s.
Trying to calm his ragged breathing and palpitating heart, Heeseung sucks in a small breath and his eyes move from your eyes to your lips. He’s always been one who had immense self control, especially when it came to you — you were his best friend’s little sister after all, someone who was seemingly out of the question no matter what the scenario was.
And if it was almost impossible to control himself when you were metres away, it was impossible to control himself now when you’re just mere centimetres away from him. Heeseung tries to rationalise, it’s not like Jay ever gave him the sacred ‘talk’ about not doing anything to you — maybe it was because Jay trusted Heeseung, but either way, no talk meant a green light, right?
It takes you a few seconds to realise how close you were to Heeseung and you almost lose yourself at the way he looked at you. To you, it was like a fairytale come to life, especially when all you did ever since he walked into your living room three years ago was stare from afar.
But it’s real, he’s here, and you find yourself moving closer only to stop yourself. He’s Jay’s best friend, and you’d be caught dead if Jay ever saw you in this position with him, especially when he was only a few rooms away.
The small action makes Heeseung throw in the white towel, and he doesn’t think he can control himself for any longer — not when you’re right in front of him, looking like the prettiest person he’s ever seen in his life, a surreal figure from a dream.
“Can I, doll?” Hush whispers as his tongue darts across his lips, and you find yourself losing all train of thoughts in the presence of him. “Yes, Hee,” you answer and he doesn’t waste a single second to kiss you.
It’s feverish, the feeling of his lips moulded against yours. And seconds hadn’t even passed, yet you think that you’d give anything just to kiss him again. The previous swarm of butterflies have made their nest in your stomach as his hand grips your hips. You think this is what blissfulness feels like.
Even after the kiss breaks, his hands stay on your hips, thumbs caressing it as he stares at you. Heeseung thinks life’s unfair — and it is, when the only girl he’s ever been interested in is his best friend’s younger sister. And if he wasn’t certain before, Heeseung thinks he’s ready to risk it all now, even if he were to get knocked out by your brother’s punches.
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honey-on-your-tongue · 10 months
BITCH imma need a Jake sully x f!reader, where he calls us baby girl oh my god i would actually go feral.
I SWEAR every time Jake Sully says babygirl it just makes me 😩😩😩😩😩
Also, I'm making this human!reader because I just need to fulfill my size kink 🤭🤭
Not proofread soooo as usual, squint if you see mistakes 😙
Jake has an array of nicknames for you. Little pet names that make you blush and smile, bashful. All of them elicit pretty much the same reaction. Except for one.
Jake had accidentally called you babygirl without even realizing it. But the moment you hear it from his lips, you blush and your eyes darken ever-so-slightly. A warmth spreads between your thighs, spreading over your skin, flooding your womb.
You'd stuttered out a reply, nervous and flustered, and then he'd smelled it.
Your soft, sweet arousal. He was used to smelling it occasionally when his hands grazed your skin, or maybe he'd smell it on your hands, making it obvious you'd been touching yourself. But he'd never been able to get that reaction from you with words.
He cocked his head sideways. “You okay?”
That had only flustered you more and you ran off not long after, mumbling something about being late to some place or another.
At night, Jake had stayed up,wondering what it was he'd said that had you so turned on.
It must be long past midnight when he realizes it. And the very next morning, he's waiting for you in the cafeteria as you make your way to breakfast.
When you see Jake there, your cheeks instantly heat. Unconsciously, you wipe your hands on your shirt, sort of trying to dry away the sweat and also hoping the scent of your pussy isn't still imbedded in your skin.
You figure it must be, especially since you've been touching yourself almost nightly since you met Jake.
“Good mornin',” he greets, a sly smile on his lips.
You smile back. “Hi, Jake.” You sit at one of the tables. He sits on the floor beside your chair and he's still taller than you.
“How'd my babygirl sleep?” he asks, brushing a strand of hair off your face.
You shudder slightly. The way he says it has your body warming, especially since you'd spent all night replaying the memory of his voice as you desperately thrusted your fingers in and out of your sopping cunt.
“Um.” You clear your throat. “Yeah. Good. Good.” You nod, avoiding his gaze as you stare down at the plate of eggs and hashbrowns already set in your place.
“I'm glad.” His thumb gently caresses your cheekbone and then his fingers trail from your jaw to your collarbone before retreating. He doesn't miss the way goosebumps flower all over your skin.
You hum quietly, quickly stuffing a piece of hashbrown into your mouth in hopes that he doesn't ask you anything else.
The scent of your arousal slowly fills the atmosphere between the two of you, and Jake's cock twitches in response. He pushes the urge away and smirks slightly.
“You know, I've been thinking. I always give you tour after tour of the village and the clan and whatnot.” He glances sideways at you. “I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the lab?”
You laugh softly and point out, “You already know the lab.”
Jake is not the type to sugarcoat what he wants. He playfully rolls his eyes. “I was implying you should give me a tour of your quarters, silly.”
You blush more. “My...?” It takes you a moment to recover. When you do, you're quick to ask, “What for?”
He smirks, making what he wants absolutely obvious. Still, he innocently says, “I wanna get to know your place.”
You chuckle nervously. “My room's sort of a mess right now...”
He laughs and leans in a little closer. “I'm gonna let you think you're a good liar and pretend I believe you, alright?” he whispers. Then, leaning back, he says, “I don't mind a messy room.”
You can feel the embarrassment heating up your cheeks. “Um.”
He grins. “I promise not to touch anything,” he teases, crossing his arms and tucking his hands under his armpits.
Defeated, you sigh. “Fine. But if you touch a single thing, I'm kicking you out,” you joke, trying to push away the embarrassment you feel and hoping to regain some of your dignity.
He's kind enough to chuckle at that. “Alright. I'll behave, then.”
When you finish breakfast, you lead him out of the cafeteria, down various halls and into your corner of the lab.
Your quarters are made up of a total of three separate rooms. One, your greenhouse, originally a lab full of samples of Pandora flora that eventually overtook the space and now you grow them more than study them. Two, your office, full of thousands and hundreds of books you read for pleasure and not work; your desk is there, computer full of your daily logs. And third, your bedroom with its big queen-sized bed, luxurious mattress, rug-covered floor and joined bathroom as well as a small walk-in closet.
You lead Jake inside. The greenhouse first. He smiles at the small Pandora forest you've grown in here, each little plant encased in a special, all-glass habitat appropriate to its needs.
“This is neat,” he admits, chuckling.
You nod. “This is my favorite room,” you inform him, checking the temperature and humidity in each of the plants' habitats. “I always come in here if I want to relax and just be on my own for a while.”
“I can see why. It's so pretty.” He smiles as he watches you, fussing over your gathered flora.
You lead him into your office next. This room is the one you're most uneasy about. It's private. This is where your daily logs have turned from a record of Pandora to a teenagerish diary obsessing over Jake.
He walks in, fingers tracing over all the familar technology he doesn't use anymore. The space is all clean, spacey, extremely professional.
“It's so weird to be back in one of these rooms...”
You don't spend too much time in your office. You feel almost guilty about all the things you've recorded on your computer.
“Yeah. But you're all familiar with this sorta place.” You chuckle awkwardly; Jake can smell you're nervous. Your little hand grabs onto his for a moment as you tug him in the direction of your bedroom.
He follows after you, eager to see your room, the bed you sleep in, wondering if you ever touch yourself there while thinking of him...
Maybe he's too eager. His tail swishes around, excited, without him noticing. He only becomes aware of it when it knocks something over.
You're halfway into your bedroom by then, but you stop dead in your tracks when you hear your own voice from your computer.
“...and I try not to, I really do. But Jake's just...” A sigh. “God...”
“What's this?” Jake asks, turning around to find he's knocked over your log recorder, somehow managing to make it play last night's log.
You rush out of your room, reaching for the off button, but he holds you back. “No, no. I wanna see,” he tells you, his huge hand holding you away from your computer.
“That's private!” you argue, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
“Not if it has my name in it,” he responds. He turns his attention away from your complaints and back to your log.
“...supposedly just friends, I know. And what's more. He's, like, a whole other species. But I just...can't get him out of my mind, and...”
Jake's eyes rake over your face as you speak. In the video, he can see your raw emotions. Your wide, darkened eyes. The way you chew on your bottom lip. The little sighs and exhales that leave your mouth as you talk about him.
“...drives me crazy. For fuck's sake, I have to touch myself at least twice a day because of him. And when he called me babygirl.” In the video, you bite your lower lip and whine lowly. “I want him so bad. And it's so wrong, I know, but I can't help it.”
Jake's eyebrows raise, his tail swinging with excitement.
Behind him, you're holding your face in your hands, hoping you die right now. The embarrassment is gonna kill you anyway.
He pauses the log, slowly turns to you. Your gaze is quick to avoid his.
He takes a step closer to you and grabs your chin in his enormous hand, forcing your eyes up to his. “Kid,” he says firmly.
You're quick to break. “I'm sorry!” you exclaim, horrified. “I...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have— It was wrong of me to— I just—”
His eyes move to your lips as you talk, and he cuts off your rambling by sliding his huge thumb into your mouth. “Stop talkin',” he says, voice low.
You swallow, hard.
His eyes follow the movement of it.
“Did you mean what you said there?” he questions.
You nod slightly. “Mhmm.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Even the part about touching yourself?”
You grimace, blushing intensely. You look away from him and he tightens his grip on your chin. Your eyes find his once more. After a while, you nod. “Mm...”
And then Jake loses it.
His enormous hands grab you by the hips, pushing you backwards into your bedroom. He slams the door shut after himself and then helps you onto the bed.
“You should've said so sooner, babygirl,” he tells you, voice low and raspy. “I could've helped you out a night or two.”
He spreads your legs, your skirt riding up your thighs and exposing the edge of your panties. Your scent is thick—thicker than it's ever been—and Jake can't help the animalistic urge that takes over him.
He pushes you to lay back against the pillows, one of his hands holding you down while his other one holds onto your hip. He nuzzles his face between your thighs, rubbing against the soft skin there. He slides his nose up your slit, teasing you through your panties which are rapidly growing moist.
You whine lowly, breath hitching, hands moving to his head. You hold him, back arching slightly in search of his mouth.
He groans against you, tongue darting out to flatten against your clit through your panties. You squirm under him, thighs squeezing his head.
He chuckles, smirking as he uses his huge hands to hold your legs open. He grabs the hem of your panties between his sharp canines and quickly tugs them off. The sight is almost enough to send you over the edge, somehow you manage not to lose your mind right there and then.
He throws your panties aside once you're out of them, his eyes quick to fall on your cunt. Delighted, he reaches for you, one hand holding your hip in place while his other hand slides between your thighs.
His middle finger traces up your slit, teasing your entrance. He spreads your soaked folds, eyes focused on the way you clench around nothing, how your slick drips down to the bed.
“Jake,” you whine out, cheeks heating from his intense gaze. “Jake.”
“Yeah, babygirl?” he says, eyes fluttering up to yours. “What do you want?”
You make a soft, high-pitched sound when he gently slides a finger into you. “I...I want you.” Is that your voice? So breathy and whiny and weak?
He nods. “Off to a good start. But I know you can do better, baby.” He grins deviously. “What do you want from me, babygirl? Hm?”
You blush. “Want you t'fuck me,” you mutter, shy, nerves getting the best of you.
He taps your thigh, drawing your eyes to his. “What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you.”
You feel your entire face heating with embarrassment. He loves to tease you, you know he does, and it always makes you shy and flustered.
“Please, Jake,” you whine. “Please fuck me.”
A small growl escapes his lips. “Oh, I want that. You don't know how bad I do.” He holds your gaze. “Are you sure you can take it?”
You nod, too clouded in your lust to even consider it. “I'm absolutely sure.”
He nods. “Alright, babygirl. But first, I gotta get this pussy 'f yours all nice and stretched out. I don't wanna hurt you.” He dives back between your thighs, his mouth finding your folds, his nose against your clit and his tongue tracing around your entrance.
Your nails dig into his scalp, your body trembling under his enormous hands that hold you still. Your eyes flutter shut, mind lost as Jake devours your cunt.
He tries to be gentle, but he's so eager to please you that he accidentally grazes his teeth against your sensitive cunt. It sends a whirl of ecstasy through you, making your hips jerk.
Jake's tail flicks with surprise, his ears perking as he glances up at you. He studies your face, looking for signs of discomfort. When he doesn't find any, he runs his sharp canines over your swollen folds again, teasing your clit as well.
That gets you writhing, hips torn between jerking away from his mouth and pressing against it.
He gently bites your clit, growling lowly when you whimper. One of his hands moves away from your thigh and to your cunt. His rough, thick middle finger presses against your entrance, gathering your slick before pushing inside of you.
Your velvet walls clench around his digit eagerly, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the relief of having something inside.
Jake's mouth keeps working your clit, making you see stars, while he slides his ring finger into you as well.
His fingers are too clever by half. They find your g-spot with too much ease and are quick to curl against it, giving it the exact pressure it needs to make you writhe.
Your voice is a gentle whimper as you feel your orgasm nearing and start a high-pitched chorus of, “Jake! Jake! Jake!”
He chuckles against you, sending vibrations up your spine, his cock twitching in anticipation.
Your little hands grab onto his hair, trying to push his head away. “'s too much,” you cry. “It's too much! I-I can't! Jake, please! Fuck!”
He ignores your whining, knowing full well that you need to come. He keeps going, and your damn glad he does. But the pleasure is too intense; you're not sure you won't pass out any second now.
“No, no, I can't!” you insist, nimble hands failing at countering his strength. His mouth keeps devouring you, his fingers thrusting into you until you're falling over the edge.
“Fuck!” you cry, eyes fluttering shut, back arching. “Fuck! Fuck!”
Jake helps you ride out your orgasm until you fall limp on the bed, chest rising and falling with each breath.
“You okay?” he asks you, crawling on top of you, dwarfing you as he cups your face in his hand.
You nod. “'m fine.”
He smiles softly. “You still want me t'fuck you, babygirl?”
You nod. “Yes. Please.”
He nods. He takes his loincloth off, tosses it aside. Your eyes fall to his cock, heart racing at the sight of him. He's long, thick, and hard. The thought of it in you sends fear flying through you, and it only turns you on more.
You spread your legs in a silent invitation, your pretty eyes focused on his face.
Jake runs the thick head of his cock between your folds, teasing your clit, nudging your entrance. “Are you sure?” he asks, eyes studying yours for any sign if hesitance.
You nod. “Please, fuck me.”
“Deep breath for me, yeah?” His voice is soft, soothing, a gentle command. You nod. As you start taking that deep breath, he pushes into you.
At first, your cunt offers resistance, pain pricking your skin as the head of his cock struggles to fit. Once the tip is in, hoewever, the pain lessens and eventually dissipates, allowing you to relax.
Jake slides into you deeper and deeper, hissing quietly, his mind reeling from how tight you are. He fills you until the tip presses against your cervix, leaving almost half of his cock out of you.
He glances up at you to find your eyes shut, mouth open in a silent 'oh.' He chuckles softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Someday, I'm gonna be all the way inside of you,” he promises. “You're gonna learn to take every inch of my cock, babygirl.”
You moan, writhing underneath him, your body too overcome with pleasure for you to reply. Your breath is heavy, your back arches as he starts to move.
“Just like that,” he groans, one of his ginormous hands holding onto your hip, the other one braced on the headboard. “Good girl. Breathe for me, hm?”
You whimper, your hips grinding against his at the slow, steady rhythm he sets. You try to take even breaths, but with every tiny move he makes, shocks of ecstasy climb up your skin, knocking the air from your lungs.
“Oh, baby,” he chuckles, “this pretty little pussy is so good...so fuckin' good.”
You moan, hands curling into fists around the bed sheets under you. “Oh, God,” you cry out, your legs wrapping around his waist, pushing him almost impossibly deeper into you.
A snarl leaves Jake's lips. “Fuck, you're gonna kill me.” He leans down, his mouth meeting your neck. He bites your throat, his teeth dragging over your sensitive skin. He licks the sweat off your collarbone, buries his nose in the crook of your neck.
Stars dance behind your eyelids, your pulse races in your ears. You can't think, can't do much more than squirm under jake and moan.
“There you go, babygirl,” he whispers into your ear. “You're doing so good for me.”
Your nails dig into his shoulders, your heels pressing against the small of his back. He can't get enough of you, but he knows he has to hold back. He'll hurt you otherwise, and he'd never risk that.
Heat blossoms in your core, spilling between your thighs and aching deep behind your belly button. Your release peeks through the haze, steadily growing, like a snowball rolling down a slope, gaining momentum and size.
The sound of your voice, high-pitched and shaky, has Jake's ears perking up. Your velvet walls tighten around him and he groans.
“That's a good girl,” he hums. “My babygirl. You gonna come on my cock, hm? Gonna behave for me?”
You nod, eyes shut tight, your teeth digging into your lower lip as you try to muffle your whimpers.
“Answer me,” he demands, pounding you harder, his fingers digging into your skin, bruising your delicate body.
“Yes! Yes! I will!” you cry out, your body writhing, hips jerking as your orgasm bubbles right underneath the surface. Jake hisses as you clench around him, making it almost impossible for him to slide in and out of you.
Jake's predatory amber gaze watches you as you come undone. Your release crashes over you, making your back arch, your lips part. You moan, nails digging into his skin, slick gushing over his cock
Jake groans as he feels your pussy grow wetter, velvet walls clenching around him. And then his own orgasm takes over him. He spills his thick load inside of you, rope after rope of warm, sticky release. He pumps you full of his cum until it's dripping out of you and then he collapses beside you on the bed, breathless.
He hugs you to him, kissing your forehead. “You were so good for me, babygirl,” he says, his hands quick to massage your body wherever he left bruises. “Such a good girl.” He kisses your jaw, smiles against your neck. He chuckles and adds, “I bet that by this time next week, you'll have learned to take all of me inside that pretty little pussy, hm?”
You meet his gaze, blushing, your eyes growing wide. You nod, swallowing thickly. You're already thinking about what tonight's log is gonna be.
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
I Think You're Holding The Heart Of Mine(Part 2)
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, my own spin on cursed techniques, Kento being such a sweetheart, some violence(just from the training), reader gets drunk, usage of the nickname "usagi-chan/bunny"
word count: 2.7k
pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
summary: Kugisaki is convinced that you and Nanami are a thing so she thinks about her next plans to figure out how to get you to confess. When you go out to dinner, a third party is there to surprise you...and to buy you drink after drink after drink until you're drunk and Nanami has to take care of you.
taglist(Wanna be a part of this? Just message me): @beneathstarryskies
Part one! Part three!
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“Ahhh so you and Nanami-sensei?” Kugisaki asks you as you usher her to a quiet place on the training field. She’s already got her hammer in her hand.
You laugh, “you and Itadori-kun have a good sense of imagination. But no, we are merely what they call “work spouses”. That’s all.”
You can tell she’s not really buying it, but she keeps quiet for the next little bit. She heads toward the clearing and gets into a fighting stance. You watch carefully as she begins to think out her first move, but you’re already ahead of her. Your fists are imbued with blue cursed energy, and from them a burst of water comes from them.
Kugisaki is so quick to deflect, and from that a sense of pride swells in your chest. She’s a tough cookie, this girl. She’s smart, clever and quick on her feet. She knows her worth and she knows how good her cursed technique is. You work on drawing forth another one of the powers of the twelve zodiac, a bonus from your own cursed technique.
You watch as Kugisaki has a hard time shooing off two cursed heads that have come from your own hands. The twins of Gemini try to bite her, and she swings at one of them. Then she slams her hammer down on the second one, just narrowly missing a bite from the other. The first one squeals in pain as one of her nails penetrate it.
“Very good, Kugisaki-chan!”
She scowls at your use of the honorific ‘Chan’, but she doesn’t allow it to distract her. She then watches you as you make a seal with your hands. This is the big one, the same Zodiac sign as your own. You’ve got a special pact with this one, and it will act on its own if you aren’t careful. Aries, the ram, charges towards the young sorcerer.
There’s a moment where you are sure she will be able to dodge it, and she almost does. But she is quickly knocked back on her ass, the ram dissipating as you call it back towards you. It disappears in a cloud of red smoke, and you know that you need to give Kugisaki a moment to breathe as she recovers from your attack.
“Well done!” You praise her, helping her to her feet.
She beams, “Thanks! I’ve been practicing!”
“I can tell. You’re getting very strong.”
You two catch your breath, speaking of other battle techniques. She’s becoming a very skilled sorcerer before your very eyes and it’s touching to see something like this. The fruit of your labor is blossoming beautifully. Someone was actually becoming stronger because of you, which was always something you doubted. When Gojo had asked you to take this job, you were sure he was losing it. But he’s got lots of faith in you.
“Hey sensei,” Kugisaki asks, hands behind her back. You know she’s scheming.
You smirk, “What is it?”
“Are you sure you and Nanami-sensei aren’t a couple? I wouldn’t tell anyone if you were!”
You laugh softly. If only she knew just how desperately you wanted her to be right. You’d keep it a secret if you knew it meant you could be with Nanami. You’d never tell a soul if it meant you could have his love all to yourself. Then you smile at her, ruffling her hair.
“Kugisaki-chan, I’m sure. It’s not a real relationship. Just a friendship.”
She seems so unconvinced. Which leads her to think up the next part of her plan. She knew she’d be getting the answer from you whether you liked it or not. She just had to do a bit of sleuthing. So for now, she drops the subject and pretends to be very much invested in the training. This makes you so happy and so proud of her work.
Little do you know, she’s got ulterior motives…
You’re running a little late as you get to the pub. Training lasted a lot longer than you intended it to, and the paperwork you had to attend to took a little longer as well. By the time you got home, you were just answering the messages that Kento had sent you almost an hour before you got off work. You apologized profusely, but he really showed no signs of being angry. He just let you know the time and place, like the gentleman he is.
What you aren’t expecting to see is Satoru Gojo sitting next to him at the booth that was meant for just two. He’s quick to bounce out of his seat and wave at you excitedly. You see how annoyed Kento looks, but his face softens when he sees you approaching.
“I didn’t think we’d be three. But the more the merrier, yeah?” You ask Kento, who’s trying to hide his displeasure.
“Right you are.”
Gojo is practically hanging off of you. He was looking over Kento’s shoulder when he had sent you the text, which prompted the older man to declare he was joining you both. Gojo was also privy to some knowledge that the pair of you were definitely so deeply in love with one another, but you wouldn’t budge. He decided he’d be the one to get you both together.
“Ahhh usagi-chan! I’m so glad you’re here! Maybe you can help uptight Nanamin loosen up!”
You laugh at Gojo’s nickname for you, “What’s wrong with Ken? I think he’s just hungry.”
Kento’s face turns a little pink when you take up for him. He’s always happy whenever you defend him against Gojo’s rudeness and teasing. Nanami didn’t really mind the teasing too much, but he had wanted this dinner to just be the two of you. With a sigh, he downs his drink and flags down the waitress.
“Make it two, please.” You ask her, flashing your best smile.
You sit down in front of Kento, and you gasp as Gojo climbs over you to be able to sit snug between you two in the booth. He sighs overenthusiastically as he plops his head down on his palms. You notice he’s got a drink in front of him, and it looks very sweet and sugary.
“This is the…what did she call it now?” He asks himself, cupping his chin.
Kento sighs, “Sweet Sunrise.”
Gojo laughs, “Ah! Yeah the Sweet Sunrise!”
You roll your eyes playfully. Kento looks at you, his heart skipping a beat whenever you flash that angelic smile in his direction. Gojo isn’t dumb, he knows when you two are flirting with each other secretly. Despite you telling him that it was just a friendship and a work relationship, he knows it’s so much more deeper than that.
The waitress returns with a tray that holds yours and Kento’s drinks, and she sets them down in front of you. Gojo then takes the time to order another one of his sugary drinks. It’s a bit silent for a bit when she leaves.
“Soooo, tell us how training went today! How is the little Kugisaki-chan doing?” Gojo asks, tilting his head at you.
You take a sip of your drink, “She’s showing lots of promise. She is a skilled fighter.”
Kento chuckles, “She’s got a good teacher.”
You blush at his praise and thank him. Gojo then gets closer and he praises you as well, a smirk forming on his face when he sees how this affects Kento. Kento scowls softly, drinking more of his drink. Then he flags down the waitress once more, ordering some appetizers for all three of you.
“Awhhh Nanamin is treating us tonight, usagi-chan!” Satoru is beaming at this.
“It was supposed to just be us two…” Kento mumbles under his breath, drinking some more.
Gojo perks up, “What was that? Care to share with the rest of the class?”
You see how Kento’s jaw tenses and he looks like he’s ready to get into a physical altercation with the white-haired man. So you soothe Kento’s nerves by changing the subject and you ask Gojo about Megumi’s progress.
Gojo smirks, “Megumi is doing well. I think he’ll probably end up even stronger than me!”
You gasp. “Really?”
He nods, turning his body towards you. You’ve got him caught in a discussion, which will keep the attention off of Kento for a little bit. You really get so caught up in Gojo’s conversation that Kento begins to feel like he’s being ignored. Eventually, the waitress returns and everyone begins eating. 
It’s not long before Gojo climbs over the top of the booth and declares he needs to pee. Once he’s out of sight, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. You slide closer to Kento in the booth and you take his hand in yours and give it a very gentle squeeze.
“Ahh finally, I get to spend a little time with my husband.” You say with a little giggle.
Kento smiles genuinely, “I was beginning to think I’d have to pull Gojo off my honey. It was terrible to see him hanging off of you like that.”
You begin playing with his long fingers, your own fingers tracing the veins in his hand. The alcohol is definitely making you even more bold than usual. Kento’s heart races a little as you become so tender with him. He wishes it was just the two of you. He lives for these moments alone with you.
“Don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite.” You coo softly, leaning even closer.
Kento stiffens, he can smell your perfume as you get closer. The way your fingers keep tracing the veins on his hand. Then you trace up and down his expensive timepiece. He knows you’ve always been curious about that watch of his. You’ve asked a few times about how much it costs, but he’s almost embarrassed about talking about how such a little thing costs. It feels frivolous at times, but buying it reminded him of his past as a salaryman.
“My, my,” Gojo says as he comes closer. You sigh softly. “What is this? Nanamin, you sly dog.”
Kento groans, “Don’t pay him any mind.”
You laugh at the interactions between these two. They sometimes act like some kind of old married couple. Gojo annoys Nanami, and Nanami tries his best not to let his senpai get to him. You wondered if there was anything else going on between those two, but it seemed like this was all it was. Just a senpai hellbent on annoying his kohai for the rest of time.
“Oh! Usagi-chan, you should have another drink!” Gojo knows he needs to amp this up if he wants to see anything happening between you and Nanami.
As if you were going to say no to that…
You stumble as you make your way out of the restaurant. You have to lean on the blond sorcerer as he guides you towards his car. Gojo left a while back, but not after getting you nice and drunk. He knew that Nanami would love the opportunity to take care of his drunk little wifey.
“You alright, dear?” His tone isn’t even the slightest bit sarcastic for once.
You nod your head, “Jus’ a little tipsy…”
He helps you into his car, buckling you up in the passenger side. Then he makes his way to the driver’s side. He’s had considerably less to drink than you did. He opted out on the drinks that Gojo had been buying you all night long.
“I’ll bring you to yours,” Nanami says as he begins driving.
“No, please…I don’t wanna be alone.”
This surprises Nanami to know that you’d want to have company while you’re in this state. You lean back on the seat and groan. You wish you hadn’t had that many drinks. But Gojo was paying and he kept egging you on. After the fourth or fifth shot, that’s when you knew you had messed up.
Kento drives you both towards his place. He knows you need someone to take care of you right now. You watch as he makes himself towards the affluent part of the city and the car turns into an underground parking garage. He opens his window and presses his thumb to a fingerprint lock. The minute it acknowledges it’s him, the bar raises and allows the car to drive smoothly into the garage. Then Kento finds his spot and parks the car. Once the engine dies, he turns to you and brushes some of your hair out of your face.
“You sure you don’t want me to take you home?”
You shake your head again, “Please, just let me stay. I’m not feeling good.”
He could tell you weren’t well. Your face was pale and your eyes were shut. He gets out of the car and then walks over to your side. Kento is helpful as he gets you to lean against him. Then he brings you towards the lift, pressing the button to call it down to you both.
“Don’t worry about it. What kind of husband would I be to leave his wife on her own in her time of need?”
This makes you blush and your heart wrenches. In your drunken mind, you desperately wish it was the truth. You wish this was where you lived. You want to be his wife and have this kind of life with him. Once the lift gets down to the floor you’re on, Nanami helps you on and then presses the button for the penthouse floor.
It’s a little ways up as you lean against the blond sorcerer. He smells amazing, something musky and leathery. It must be some pretty expensive cologne. You know that Nanami has a lot of money to be able to drive the car that he does and live in such a fancy building. You think to yourself that you wouldn’t even care if he had money or not, you’d still be completely head over heels in love with him.
Once inside his penthouse suite, Kento helps you into the bathroom. Gently, he wipes your face and removes your makeup with a warm washcloth. Then he takes your hair out of the ponytail you usually have it in and brushes it out softly. You have never had anyone take care of you quite like this. Not even any of your previous boyfriends had ever done anything like this for you.
“Thank you, Ken.”
Your words warm his heart. You’re starting to look a little better. He helps you up and guides you over to the sofa. The two of you lounge about and he pulls his phone out. Then your whole body stiffens when he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close.
“Let’s order some more food, yeah? You’ll feel better if you eat something substantial.”
You nod your head and snuggle closer to him. He lets you scroll through his phone and choose what you’re going to order. Once it’s been ordered, he gets up from the couch to procure a few more things for you.
This gives you a chance to have a proper look around. His place is so beautiful and luxurious. Much more fancy than your own place. You wonder how life could be if you lived in a place like this.
When Kento returns, he’s got some pajamas for you and a bottle of water. He hands them to you, allowing you the chance to head back into the bathroom to change. You get dressed in the silky pajamas, relishing in the scent of his laundry detergent.
“There’s my pretty little honey,”
You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven when Kento speaks those words to you. He gathers you up in his arms, his own clothes changed from his usual suit and tie combo to a sweater and some sweatpants. You’ve never seen him look so comfortable.
“And you look cozy as well, my dear.”
Kento looks deeply into your eyes, his hands pulling you closer to him. It’s like time has stood still as he leans in closer. Your lips are a mere inches away when you hear a loud buzzing coming from the kitchen.
“Oh! It’s the food,” Kento declares, his cheeks red.
He reaches into his pocket to confirm that the driver is actually here. Then you watch as he goes to the buzzer and answers it. 
If only…If only… you think to yourself. If only you hadn’t been interrupted.
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auteurdelabre · 5 months
Please Mister Miller? Part 4 Mean!Joelxf!Reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni
summary: after your last interlude with Joel you told him that you owe him one... Today he comes to collect.
warnings/tags: Infidelity, Unprotected p in v, oral sex [m and f receiving], Mean Joel, Dirty Talk, almost caught, voyeurism, Riding Cowgirl, exhibitionism, nicknames (good girl, slut)
word count: 3.5k
a/n: Y'all, I did a filthy PWP one-shot and I got comments requesting it be a series and because I can’t deny ya’ll anything, here’s some more filth that I'm still shocked I wrote. Comments and the like really make my day.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Lights with Mister Miller
"You gotta tell them about Charlie," you tell Sarah as you start folding your clothes into your suitcase. You're leaving in a couple days, much to your chagrin. You don't know how you're going to go back to life without Joel and this illicit game you’ve been playing.
"I can't," Sarah says quietly, leaning against her bed frame. "He's like six years older than me. My dad'll freak."
You fight to hold back a laugh.
"But you like him."
"I really do.”  Sarah gives a sad sigh, eyes downcast. "But I know my dad won't like him. Won't think he's good enough for me because he didn't finish college." 
"I don't think that your dad would be that unfair."
"You don't know my dad," Sarah says with a sad smile. "He can be pretty harsh."
You think of Joel's hand on your ass, of him fucking brutally into your mouth and this time a giggle does bubble forth from your lips.  Sarah quirks a brow at you.
"You’re a grown woman," you tell her, trying to tamp down your grin. "And you're scared of telling your daddy you have a boyfriend."
"I'm not scared," Sarah insists. "It's just... I don't wanna disappoint him."
"I get that," you say honestly. "But Sarah I don't think he's the kind of dad that would be like that."
No, in your mind Joel Miller is the type that kissed scraped knees and played tea party. The kind of dad who Sarah could call if a party went too late or she felt lonely during her freshmen year. 
"Maybe you're right," Sarah relents. 
You roll your freshly washed socks into a ball, tucking them into the corner of your bag. You think of his mouth between your legs yesterday and feel your entire body prickling with desire.
You owe him one. 
You can't stop thinking about that. You owe Joel one and he all but agreed. He also called you baby last time.
The thought makes you feel heady, your nipples constantly tightening when he enters a room. Your pussy flooding when he nods at you in the hallway. 
You haven't been able to be alone with him for days. Sarah is always around or if she's gone its Tess. Your vacation is almost over and you're fucking aching for him. 
So when Sarah goes to see her secret boyfriend and you see Joel standing in the kitchen with his muscled arms crossed over his chest you can't help but brush up against him, ass dragging against his front pretending it's necessary in order to slide by him. Joel stiffens, sweeping a hand over his mouth.
"Can't behave for one afternoon."
"C'mon now," you say, grinning up at him. "Do you really like it when I behave, Mister Miller?"
You're being playful, but the darkening of his eyes makes butterflies begin in your tummy. 
You go to grab a mug of coffee, noticing Tess working outside on the deck, her hands digging through tangled Christmas lights. You give a friendly wave that she returns before she's turned back to digging in the lights box.
You jolt, almost spilling your coffee when you feel Joel's calloused hand snaking up your shirt, coming to cup a breast, fingers rolling the nipple.  
"You never wear a bra," he breathes against your ear. 
"Not here," you confess leaning back into his embrace. "I like how hard you get when they bounce for you."
Joel gives a quiet groan. 
"Wanna see 'em."
"What? Now?" Your eyes blow wide and you step back from him, nipples hard and jutting through your t-shirt. 
"She's organizin' the lights outside," Joel murmurs, his dark eyes taking in your thin t-shirt and figure hugging jeans. "Can't see anything behind the island."
You glance over your shoulder to see that Tess is still turned away from you, untangling lights. Joel's breathing is coming out more shallow, the pink in his cheeks returning. He’s got that hungry look in his eyes that makes you wet just to see.
"You owe me one," Joel says as he tugs you by the wrist to him. "Remember? Said you'd be a good girl and let me fuck you anywhere. N'I wanna fuck your mouth right here."
"It's too dangerous," you whisper, feeling anxiety bloom in you for the first time since you started all of this. "We'll be caught."
"Thought that's what you liked," Joel murmurs. He glances to make sure Tess is still distracted before his hand is on your shoulder, pressing down gently.
"Now be a good girl for me and get on your knees."
He's rock hard through his jeans, his body like a furnace. You think of denying him but you have to admit that the risk is what makes this so hot. 
You slide to your knees between he and the kitchen island, your hands going to his zipper. He stands there watching you, dark eyes taking in everything. You pause, hearing Tess move outside.
"Keep goin'," he drawls, eyes on the window. "She's still just untanglin'." 
You pull him from his jeans, hard and already a bead of precome waits for you. You swipe your tongue along the head, swallowing the salty taste. 
"You taste so good, Mister Miller," you whisper up at him. Joel shivers, teeth clenched as you stare up at him. 
"Lemme see those tits," he rasps roughly. 
You grin, pulling the fabric up and letting your tits spill out beneath your tight shirt. They hang there, nipples tight and puckered. 
"Touch 'em." 
You cup them, kneeling there against the island. You stare up at him, beaming as you do. 
"Dirty girl on her knees, tits out for me," Joel mumbles, eyes glittering. "So eager to have me fuck her mouth."
You nod, eyes bright. All of a sudden Joel's attention is outside and you see him smiling. 
"Nice job, baby."
"You like em?" Tess' voice is muffled through the glass. 
"They're perfect."
Tess rustles something outside and Joel takes this opportunity to grip his thick member in his broad hand. He guides it to your mouth, dragging it along your cheek, smearing precome along in some debauched glossy trail. 
He drags it along your lower lip, mouth parted in anticipation. 
You let your tongue hang out obediently for him. He grunts gently as he taps his heavy cock against it before withdrawing, tracing along your lips luridly. You whimper softly as he teases you. 
"Please can I have it in my mouth?"
"You think you deserve it?"
"Uh huh," you nod. "Remember how good it felt in your bed? Fucking my mouth then?"
Joel stiffens, cock pulsing against your lips. He's waiting for you to make the next move, but you want him to do it. That way he's choosing it. 
"Did it turn you on that I did it in the bed you share with your wife?" You ask sweetly, tongue coming to lick a gentle line along the head. "Or was it that it was a college girl who you filled with your cock?"
"The fucking mouth on you," Joel growls. And before you can do anything more he's hooked his finger along your bottom teeth and forced your jaw open. He thrusts his cock into your mouth, groaning softly as he hits the back of your throat. 
Suddenly his hands are on the counter and his voice is controlled, soft even. 
"Those ones might need to be replaced."
"I thought we could get those led ones people are talking about," Tess observes through the glass.
You pull off of him, nervous that she'll see your bobbing head. Terrified she'll catch you with a mouthful of her husband's fat cock. 
"That could look good but they'll be a little less warm in color," Joel offers, hips shifting. 
"Yeah but they'd save a lot of energy."
You think that Joel will wait until the boring conversation is over, but no. His left hand drifts under the counter casually and comes to the back of your head, urging you forward to swallow his cock again. 
If you’re caught it's all his fault. 
You do so without question, starting to suck. Satisfied, Joel's hand goes back onto the counter, folded with the other one. He looks contemplative as he listens to Tess observe the merits of LED lights.
"That's my good girl," Joel murmurs, eyes on the window as he nods at Tess but speaks to you. "You take it deep, wanna feel it in your throat." 
You take more of him into your mouth, hearing as his hands go to grip the edge of the counter. He can't thrust, it would be too obvious. But he wants to, you can feel it. 
He pulls back after a moment, looking down with a pinched expression. 
"Stop," he growls. "She's coming to the back door."
You feel him tense, his voice loud so that Tess can hear outside, so close to coming in the sliding door. From that angle she can see more of the island. You wonder if she can catch a glimpse of Joel's cock hanging outside his jeans, achingly stiff and glossy with your spit. 
"There's some dead bulbs near the... Yeah, you see em?" Joel asks voice a little tight. "I can get some new ones tomorrow. Can you gather those ones up baby?"
Tess is saying something back but it's muffled from the glass. She and Joel continue their conversation but all you can focus on is Joel's cock still wet with your saliva inches from your mouth. 
It's not fair that you should have to wait. Your lower lip grazes the tip and you feel him jerk. His left hand comes under the counter to wave you away. 
"Yeah I'll go to the store tomorrow," Joel says to Tess. "Sarah's friend said she had to mail some stuff off so I'll take her and maybe she can help me find a new set."
"Good idea."
You feel your eyes blowing wide. Joel is actually making excuses to be alone with you? Fuck you're so turned on at the thought. 
Your face darts forward to take him into your mouth, drooling out the corners. He shudders, hips canting towards you briefly. 
"Mhmm," Joel groans. "I like the colorful sets."
His hand is back under the island, gripping your chin and urging it to open further, forcing himself deeper into your mouth. Tess must be turned away because he looks down at you. He groans when he sees you there on your knees, mouth stuffed full of him, tits hanging out. 
"Dirty girl," Joel murmurs, catching himself before he starts to ramble. "You wet?"
You give a muffled yes, your mouth stretched wide to fit all of him. 
"Knew you would be. Go on and play with your pussy while you suck me off," Joel murmurs. He's surprised when you shake your head and he pulls his cock from your mouth. 
"Wanna this to be about you," you explain, tongue flattening to lick him like a dripping popsicle. "You took care of me yesterday. Just wanna make you come, Mister Miller."
"Jesus," Joel whistles. "Where the fuck did you come from?" 
You blush under his heated gaze. He widens his stance, face twisted in amusement.
"Go on then." 
You're about to when something occurs to you and you press a kiss to the rosy head of Joel's weeping cock. 
"Your wife do this for you?" You ask, curious, dragging your lower lip along the head as Joel shivers. "She swallow your cock? You come in her mouth?"
Joel shakes his head sharply, frowning. Now you know why he's so obsessed with getting his cock sucked. He doesn't get any. You lick the underside, tongue twisting over the ridges as Joel’s eyelids flutter. 
"You eat her pussy like you ate mine yesterday, Mister Miller?"
Joel flushes, shaking his head again, this time looking chagrined. 
"Then you really have no one to blame but yourself," you tell him, mouth curving around the head. 
You'll never understand men who complain about not getting head when they never give it. If he hadn't made you come on his tongue twice yesterday you'd consider letting him hang there hard and unfulfilled. 
"You're good at eating pussy," you tell him. "Should show your wife what she's been missing."
He goes to say something but you've begun taking him all into your mouth again, your tongue warm and wet. His hips try to remain still, but they feel loose as you hollow your cheeks, sucking him. 
"Fuck, my good girl knows how to suck cock so well," Joel murmurs, eyes growing heavy lidded.
You smile around his cock, living for the way he's starting to sound drunk. His words thick in his mouth, his body loose. You can tell he's feeling good, he's getting close. Your hand goes to the front of his jeans, holding the denim under your grip and bobbing your head.
"What about these ones?" Tess asks through the glass and you can see the lights blink on and off, reflected against Joel's white shirt. 
"Those look so good," Joel slurs. "So good, baby."��
He's so close. You can hear it in his voice, in the clenching of his thighs. You bring your hand to the base of his cock and begin stroking him as you suck. 
"Okay I think I'm almost done," Tess says cheerfully from outside. "Just one more strand. Whadda ya think of these ones, Joel?"
She must hold them to the window at the same time your tongue flicks the head of his cock lightly, a moan escaping you when you feel Joel's cock twitch in your mouth. 
"Fuck yeah," Joel groans out. 
You feel him spill into your mouth, coating your tongue with his warm spend. He's nodding at Tess, hips shifting to fuck your mouth.
"Fuck yeah, baby," Joel exclaims, slamming his hand against the counter as he comes. "That's exactly what I wanted."
You swallow every drop, mouth curling into a smile that he doesn't see. He's smiling at his giggling wife and you're shocked when you feel a stab of jealousy go through you at the sight. 
"I've never seen you get so into lights before."
"They look so good," Joel punches out as you lick him clean. "I love ‘em."
"Well I love you, Joel."
You frown, eyes downcast as they speak sweetly to one another through the window. For some reason this doesn't feel as fun as before. 
You wait for Joel to put himself back into his jeans and for Tess to turn away before you scurry away back to the guest room. 
You tell Sarah you're concerned that you're coming down with a cold and stay in the guest room for the rest of the day. You just don't want to have to look at Joel and Tess, to see the way he gazes at her. 
Sarah comes by to check on you a few times, concerned. She tells you about her time with Charlie and how they're so in love. Seems everyone is so in love these days.
You have a long, warm shower and crawl into bed, hair still damp. You read your shitty romance novel that you bought for the trip and you eventually fall asleep.
You wake up what must be hours later considering how dry your hair is. There's a gentle creaking and low voices coming from the room next door.
Joel's room. 
You can't help but be intrigued. Their bedroom has been very quiet since you arrived. You roll over closer to the wall, pressing your ear there and holding your breath. 
You hear it, the unmistakable sound of Joel's groans, but muffled as he kisses his wife. 
"Shhh," Tess giggles breathlessly through the wall. "Sarah's friend will hear!"
"Nah she won't," Joel rumbles. "These walls are thick. 'Sides, she's asleep."
You hold your breath, eyes wide in the darkness. You listen to them kiss for what feels like forever, prickles of jealousy stabbing you all over. You listen as he fingers her to climax and you feel your thighs tightening, pressing together a slick accumulates there. 
You think you'll manage. You think it's possible that this will be over soon but then there's a new sound. A wet, kissing sound but Tess is mewling, her voice high and reedy.
"Joel... Your tongue!"
He's going down on her. Just like you told him to.
Tess is whimpering his name, trying to be quiet. But you're bed is pressed against the wall tight. You hear every gasp, every moan every shudder as she begs him to go faster.
"Patience, baby.”
At the sound of Joel's voice low and syrupy your fingers thrust under your sleep shorts, sliding along your slippery clit. You arch immediately, ear pressed tightly to the wall. 
"Why have we never done this before?" She cries out, breathless. "Feels so fucking good."
"Dunno," comes Joel's rumbled response. Then he must be licking and sucking because Tess is groaning. 
You hear the bed creak as she arches, and you can imagine her thighs trembling around his ears. The bed starts to knock into the wall, thudding loudly beside your head.
"C'mon baby," Joel murmurs. "Come on my tongue like a good girl."
The way he says good girl curls around your abdomen, pulling the orgasm from you. Even though it's not meant for you, even though his mouth buried in his wife's cunt, you feel your entire body go rigid and then you come with a whimpering moan. 
"Did you hear something?" Tess asks and you slap a hand over your mouth, tilting your head away from the wall. 
Joel's voice is low and measured. "Nope."
"Joel lemme do the same for you," you hear Tess panting through the walls after she comes. "You just made me feel so fucking good."
"Nah baby," you can hear Joel panting. "Wanted to just make you feel good tonight. As a thank you for all you did to make Christmas special this year."
"You sure?"
“Okay, well I'm gonna go have a shower."
You feel so jealous right now you could scream. Tess gets to sleep beside Joel after her shower. She gets to have his arms around her, bodies warm under the blanket. And now she gets to come on his tongue whenever she wants because of your big mouth! 
You glance up when a shaft of light falls over the bed. The door is closed softly and before you can turn a figure crawls onto the bed next to you. A large hand covers your mouth and a familiar scent floats over you: soap and wood shavings. 
Your nightgown is being dragged up and his hand is going between your legs, feeling your release from earlier.
"I fucking knew it," Joel rasps quietly in your ear. "Knew I heard you."
You try to shrug him off, irritated for some unknown reason. But then you feel his cock, still hard in the small of your back. 
"Saved my come for you," Joel says into your neck. "Wanted to paint this pussy." 
He pulls your thigh up over his, pressing himself inside you from behind as he holds you against him. You've never fucked like this, side by side. You wish you could see him. 
"Gotta do this quick," he rasps, sliding his palms along the smooth of your legs as he starts to pump into you. He immediately stops when the rhythmic creaking of the bed begins. 
He pulls off the bed abruptly loosening you. You think he's leaving and you twist to face him. But he's standing there beside your bed, naked and stroking himself and casting furtive looks at the door. The shower is still running. 
You scramble off the bed, falling to your knees into the carpet as he slips down to lay on his back. Before he can ask you’re perching over his abdomen. 
"Please let me ride you?"
He nods, stretching his arms out behind his head. 
"Go on and bounce on it like a good girl."
And you do. Despite everything you ride him hard, your knees rubbing against the carpet as you rise and fall on his cock. You work fast, knowing that Tess could be done at any second. 
Joel watches all of this with glittering eyes, his wide hands coming to spread your thighs wider so he can see your clit glossy and buried in the wiry hairs at the base of his cock. 
"There she goes," he rasps quietly with a wolfish grin up at you. "C'mon baby. Take my come. Saved it all for you."
You hold back the groans of your second orgasm, covering your mouth with your hand. Joel follows quickly after, hands on your hips, slamming his cock up into you as he holds you in place. 
You feel him release into you, warm spurts that make him shudder a groan between your breasts, his mouth kissing there before he pulls back. 
You move off of him, legs shaky. He pulls back the covers of the bed, watching you nestle in there. 
"You go to sleep with my come inside you like a good little slut," he whispers huskily in your ear. "Tomorrow I have a treat planned for us."
He kisses your temple much to your surprise and delight. He sneaks out back to the bedroom just as the squeak of the shower ceases. 
You drift off to sleep then, thoughts of Joel and his mouth invading your dreams, haunting them. 
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awfulwriter123 · 8 days
Second Mom Part 2 (Rhea Ripley x Reader One-Shot)
Hey Everyone! ik its been... *checks calendar* awhile since my last upload, I'm not gonna lie to you, i have a VERY hard time trying to translate my ideas to these works. But I REALLY wanted to get back into it so why not start small? Happy Reading and a good morning/night/afternoon to all! Part 1 for anyone who's interested!!
Warnings: None, Just fluff, Also D/n is daughters name
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Okay, You were nervous....Nope, Scratch that. You were scared. I mean you only flew half way across the world to Australia. Not just for Rhea's probably biggest show ever performing Infront of her family and people. But also because you were also here to introduce your now Four year old daughter d/n to her family. No pressure.
Rhea of course, was able to sense your nerves as you guys were on the plane ride over. D/n comfortably asleep with her head leaned on her shoulder. She looked over towards you to see you picking at your nails, a nervous habit you had. "Hey?" She whispered towards you has to not disturb the child sleeping on her shoulder.
You turned your head towards her to see the gentle smile on her face, that smile just slightly calming your nerves. "Hey" You whispered back with a slight smile of your own as she grabbed your hand in her own and squeezed reassuringly.
"They are gonna love her, Don't worry." She said as she leaned over slightly to place a kiss on the top of your head, gaining a huge smile out of you in the process. "I know they will, I just can't help but feel nervous you know?" You said as you looked towards your feet in nervousness.
You felt a finger under your chin causing you to lift your head. You had little time to react has you felt a pair of lips on yours for a split second before that feeling was gone. "It'll be alright, Trust me please?" She practically whispered against your lips. You nodded with a soft smile on your face before pecking her lips for quick kiss again.
You leaned back into your seat and closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 'It's gonna be a lonnnnnngggg couple of days' You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted into a nice nap before the inevitable.
~ Time Skip ~
"Hehe, I feel so tall up here!" D/n said/giggled from atop of Rhea's shoulders, You couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Tell me, What do you see up there koala?" Rhea asked while using her favorite nickname for your daughter.
"Ummmmm.... OH! I see Uncle Priest and Dom! HEY GUYS!!" She basically shouted while waving ethuastically. Dom and Priest both looked up from whatever they were looking at on Dom's phone to laugh at the sight and wave back.
"D/n, Inside voice please." You said softly next to Rhea while looking up at your daughter. "Sorry Momma." She said softly leaning on Rhea's head and closing here eyes, still a bit tired. You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head at the sight and say. "Like mother like daughter." Rhea looked at you out of the corner of her eye. "What was that honey?" "Nothing." You said cheekily.
You guys walked a bit further before you asked. "Where did your sister say she was picking us up at?" "Should be right over he- oh I see her." You turned your head slightly to see a woman who looks just like Rhea but with blonde hair lookign around. "HEY! SIS!" Rhea shouts while waving a hand.
You see her eyes snap in your direction before a big smile comes across her face as you guys walk up to her. You gently reach up to take d/n off of Rhea's shoulders so she can greet her sister properly. D/n of course whines at not being so high up anymore.
"Hey sis, how you been?" Rhea's sister asks as she gives her big hug, Rhea instantly giving her one of her own. "I've been great, How abou you, mom and dad?" She asks while pulling back to look at her sister. "They've been great, looking forward to seeing you and meeting the Mrs." She said while looking torwards you with d/n in your arms with a smile.
You smile back and reach a free hand out. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." She shakes your hand enthusiastically. "Oh I know, Rhea never shuts up about you." She laughs while pulling her hand away only for Rhea to push her shoulder playfully. "Oh piss off you-" "Language!" You quickly reprimand Rhea nudging your head towards d/n.
"Sorry love." She quickly apologized before coming over to put her arm around you and kiss the top of d/n's head. Her sister coming over to introduce herself to d/n who was currently trying to hide by burying her head in your shoulder. "Hi sweetie, It's nice to meet you." She said softly to her, d/n looking at her for a split second before hiding back into your shoulder.
"Sorry she's a bit shy around new people." You said to her before she gave you a big smile. "It's alright, that's understandable." She said before hearing a quiet voice. "So your Mommy's sister?" D/n asks while giving her a big puppy eyed look. "Yep, sure am kiddo." She said with a soft smile on her face. "So that make you my aunt?" D/n looks towards you as to make her logic checks out, which you couldn't help but laugh at.
"Yes honey, she's your aunt." D/n gets a big smile on her face and a glint in her eye as she quietly asks to be put down. As soon as you put her down she immediately runs over to Rhea's sister and hugs her legs tightly. "Hi auntie." She says as she looks up at her to which she immediately gets picked up into her aunts arms. "Good to meet you too possum."
You lean into Rhea at the sight as all your worries seem to wash away just like that. "Hope she'll be like that around your parent's." You say quietly as you look up towards Rhea who is still looking at her sister with her daughter in her arms with a look of pure happiness. "Oh she will." She said confidently before kissing your temple as you guys walk out towards her sisters car. You now know, you were worrying for no reason.
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elixirq23 · 10 months
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“Your lips look so shiny, it makes me wanna kiss them until they turn matte”
genre: smut, fluff
warnings!: soft dom;jisung x sub;fem reader, fingering, oral (f & m recieving), praise kink (like A HUGE one), nicknames. (I think that’s it, lmk if there’s smth else)
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“Fuck.” You said, as you flipped a page of your book, realising you missed a page. “What’s wrong?” Your roommate, Jisung asked you. “I missed a page, now I don’t know what’s going on. At this point, I’m gonna fail the exam.” you sighed as you took another sip of your coffee. “C’mon, Y/N. Both of us have been at this for the past 3 months. If we still fail, then fuck it. We’ll run away with Minho hyung or something” he said, making little doodles with his black pen on the back of both of your hands. You giggled after seeing two penises with stars around them on both of your hands.
You chuckled at the thought. “You think he would let me come with you guys?”, and han nodded. “I’m exhausted. I really want to sleep, but I can’t.” you walked over to it and groaned loudly as you fell onto it, landing on your face. You felt breathless as Jisung lied on your back. “J-Ji I c-can’t breathe!” He stood up, and you squealed as he picked you up as he stood up.
“PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I STOP BUYING YOU CHEESECAKES AND COFFEE YOU IDIOT” you sighed as he gently seated you on the bed. He sat down beside you and started laughing. His adorable heart shaped smile and Adam’s apple showed, and your heart melted at the sight. His hair looked messy. They slightly covered his eyes, which were barely visible because he was still laughing his ass off. His cheeks were pink and puffy, and you wanted to squish them until they were completely red. You’ve liked jisung for a while now, but have been too oblivious to figure out that he fell first and fell HARDER.
“You need to calm down, and I’ve got just the trick.” He said while you walked back to your desk, shaking your head no. “Sorry, ji, but not today. I really need to study.”
“Please, just for today? For me?” He said, giving you the puppy eyes. You groan as you say, “fine, but just for today.” as he jumps up and down like a little child on Christmas morning. Next think you know both of you are in a convenience store, eating ramyun with ice-cream and drinks. Both of you got the spicy ones since you like competing to see who can take it, and you got choco chip cookie ice cream with a cold coffee, while he got a strawberry ice cream with an iced mocha.
“Bro, Jae-hoon and Hannah are literally couple goals. They went on a date the other day, and Jae decorated that crusty ass gazebo near the river in that abandoned vacation home with flowers and light and pictures and stuff.” Han said, stuffing his face with more food.
Your eyes widened, “How come Hannah didn’t tell me?! Well, I know Chan hyung won’t be to happy about it!” You said, laughing as you thought about how he would react. Both of you started mocking him before throwing away the trash and buying some more snacks. You ran to the dorm, once again racing each other, and gave your favourite old security guard some food.
Both of you played some games together, and had some snacks as well. You had completely forgot about the tests. Until the game was over. You both just looked around, until you faced each other. “I- I’ll be honest. I’m thinking about the exam.” You said, not being able to take the silence anymore. He sighed. “Same.” You both thought of some things to do together, but in vain. “I’ma go change into more comfy clothes. Be right back!” You said as you walked off to your room. You changed into some grey shorts and one of Jisung’s purple shirts. You removed your bra and sighed in relief because it had been suffocating you all day. You put on a little lip gloss, because why not? You liked it!
As you walked into the living room, Jisung’s eyes widened. He was glad the lights were dim, or he would’ve been fucked (pun intended). His breath got caught in his throat when he saw you in his shirt and some really short shorts. He felt shame and embarrassment any time he thought of you like that.
But right now, you were making it really hard (quite literally) for him to not do so. Your nipples poking out of his shirt, and your beautiful thighs on display. Oh god, and your beautiful, plump lips. He’s imagined kissing them and watching them moan his name. He loves them, so much. He gulped as you sat down and ran your fingers through your hair. “So, did you think of anything to do?” you asked him, still unaware of the bulge in his sweatpants. “Uh, no.” He quickly replied, getting harder by the second.
you looked at him, confused, until you noticed it. “Oh.” You accidentally said out loud, and he covered his face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry” he said, looking away. “Uh, don’t worry, ji.” You said, smiling. Your smile fell when you spoke the next part, “Um, is it- is it because- of me?” You asked, your voice no louder than a whisper.
“Um, y-yeah?” He said hesitantly. You pressed your lips together, and gathered up all the courage you had. What other chance will you get? “C-can I help? Only I-if you want though” you said, fidgeting with your fingers. He looked at you as if he’d seen a ghost, but quickly cleared his throat and mumbled a quick ‘sure’. You kneeled on the floor and looked him in the eye once more before slowly pulling down his sweats and boxers.
whoa. He’s… huge. You were basically drooling as you spread the drops of pre-cum on his length. He bit his lip to suppress a moan, and you said, “no, ji. Don’t hesitate. Be as vocal as you want” you said, before wrapping your lips around the tip of his length. You began bobbing your head up and down slowly, and Han groaned at the feeling. You slowly quickened your pace. You looked up to see han, and oh my god. He was a sight for sore eyes.
Beads of sweat flowing down his face, his hair sticking to his forehead, his eyes closed shut and lips in a line. His moans and whimpers just made it so much better. You felt yourself getting more and more aroused, and Jisung began getting louder. You went faster, and felt his cock twitch in your mouth. You let out a low groan and that just finished it for jisung. He emptied into your mouth with a high-pitched whine, said your name followed by a few curses and you wiped the cum off the edges of you lips.
“That was… amazing Y/N… thanks” he said. “Um, can I- may I- only if you want, uh- help you out?” he asked, and you blushed. “Oh um, are you s-sure?” you spoke and he nodded. You sat next to him and he looked into your eyes. “C-can I kiss you?” He asked, and your heart did a flip. “It’s just, your lips still look so shiny, and, you kinda just sucked me off so-”
“JI!” you said as he raised his hands. You nodded before connecting your lips together. He adjusted your position so you were now straddling him. Your hands were on his shoulders, while his travelled around your body. He snuck his hands into your (his) shirt and played with your tits. You moaned into his mouth as he squeezed your right nipple and he snuck his tongue into your mouth. he thought your lips tasted like strawberries. He was obsessed, intoxicated. He wanted to kiss you forever, but he knew he wanted you to be pleased as well. He began trailing kisses from your jaw to your neck, then to your collarbone, and you whimpered when he found your sweet spot. He gently removed his shirt off you, and you did the same with him.
Once you were comfortably lying on the couch, he removed your shorts too. he took a minute to appreciate your beauty. “You’re stunning.” He said, and you blushed at the comment. “T-thanks”.
He took your right breast in his hand and sucked on it, and you gasped. He played with your other breast. “J-ji, want you to touch me” you said, not being able to talk properly. “I will, baby. Just want you to feel good, yeah?” he said before going lower until his head was between you thighs. He slowly blew a little air and you squirmed in your place. He chuckled before dipping his middle finger into your wet folds.
you gasped at the feeling. “You’re so wet, princess” he said before kissing your inner thighs. He licked a stripe up your slit and you whimpered, already bucking your hips. “It’s ok baby, I’ll make you feel good. Don’t get impatient”
he slowly sucked and licked your pussy and used his fingers to make an eight figure on your clit. You moaned loudly as he licked faster and deeper. You felt your high coming and Han replaced his tongue with his fingers so he could go faster. “Han-Hannie!” You squealed as he added 2 more fingers into your heat. “You’re doing great princess, you’re stunning” he said. He whispered other praises into you ears and kissed you hard, which did not slow his fingers down a bit.
he bit your bottom lip and swallowed all the moans of his name ans whimpers you let out. He went back down and licked your clit, and he kept hitting your g-spot, so you felt your high coming. “H-hannie, ‘m gonna cum! Please, let me cum!” you whisper, your eyelids getting heavy. “Cum for me, honey. Cum all over my fingers, pretty.” and that’s all it took. His words and praises just pushed you closer, and you came undone on his digits.
you were pretty tired, so he cleaned you up and made you wear one of his shirts. As both of you sat down on the bed, the room fell silent. suddenly, you blurted out “I like you. A lot. I’ve liked you since you came up to me in 8th grade and started singing that stupid song you made with chan and changbin, ‘Jogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyeo?’” and covered your face with your hands. Han didn’t say anything, he just tapped your cheek.
you looked at him, and he kissed your cheek. “I like you too, Y/N.”
you felt your insides churn up, and hugged him (more like tackled him on the bed but ok). You turned of the lights and checked the time. 2.45 am? Nice. You snuggled into his chest, and he held you close. “So does this mean we get to fuck often?”
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Hope you liked it <3
(Do not repost, original work by me A.K.A @elixirq23)u
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crispywaffles2 · 3 months
Can you please give me your general romance headcannons for Present Wukong?
Any gender is fine
Of course!!!! Thank you so much for asking! I'm so excited to be writing this!!!!
Wukong Romance Headcanons!
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First things first, let me just say that this monkey is pretty dense when it comes to romance
That's dorky mortal stuff!! The Great Sage doesn't have time for snuggles or.. whatever humans do.
That is, until he meets you!
He is absolutely head over heels, and you best believe he's determined on winning your affections
Whether it's purposefully flaunting his powers even when it's unnecessary by using his staff to fling something over to him, or going shirtless to show off his muscles because "Hey, even immortals overheat!"
He's going all out
Once he realizes that you won't drop to your knees and confess your undying love for him after a bit of showboating, he actually starts taking things seriously
He takes the time to get to know you, commiting every interest and small detail to memory
(He isn't known for remembering important details, so he always tells his monkeys afterwards so that they can remind him should he forget!)
If he is able to overcome his pride and confess to you (which would take way longer than you just confessing first), then he would try to play it off casually
"I mean, I guess you could say I've had a thing for you for a little while. I never really told you cause I thought you'd freak out, but I figured I should just get it off my chest."
"You set up a picnic in front of the sunset with a romantic song in the background just to 'get it off your chest'?"
He threw his staff into the boom box that was blasting slow Bruno Mars songs out of pure embarrassment
Now, finally, once you two actually start dating!
Wukong treats it as basically still being friends with you, but with the privilege of being able to be affectionate
He takes full advantage of it don't worry
You'll get kisses from head to toe if he's feeling particularly smitten
Bear hugs if he's happy (sometimes he doesn't know his own strength and tends to affectionately manhandle things when he's not thinking, but he never hurts you)
Cuddles if he's feeling down
Nicknames are everything for this guy
He'd probably just call you bud to be completely honest, but sometimes he'll tease you and switch it up!
Uses old-timey/corny names like 'sweet stuff' or 'cutie'
Wukong is far from the best at comforting people, but he'll try his very best if you're upset
His first tactic is making jokes or teasing you until he can see a smile begin to spread across your beautiful face, at which he'll tackle you into a hug
If that doesn't work, then he'll try to be gentle and affectionate and talk things out with you. When you don't laugh at his first few jokes, he'll slowly sit behind you and wrap his arms around your slouched frame and bury his face in your hair
"I'm sorry that happened bud.. wanna talk it out?"
And if all else fails, then he'll just sit beside you. Quietly. He'd never leave you alone when you're in your feelings. No one deserves that.
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prettyyoungandbored · 9 months
Babydoll - Johnny Knoxville
Pairing: Johnny Knoxville x Fem! Reader
Same characters from ‘Be Careful’ and ‘I Wanna Marry You’
Author’s Note: Eventually I will find the energy to write about their Vegas wedding. Eventually. If you guys have any ideas, let me know.
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“Are you having fun?”
Y/N looked up from her glass to see Johnny standing there, beer in hand. Her stomach twisted as excitement tingled throughout her body. She had been at this bar Bam had picked out for nearly two hours and had yet to have some one on one time with Johnny, which was the only reason she went.
Or at least that’s how Holly was able to persuade her to go.
“I can make that happen easily because he’s definitely into you,” Holly remarked. “He calls you Babydoll.”
Y/N shrugged. “It’s just a nickname. He has one for everyone.” She paused. “Although he does call me that quite a lot.”
Holly threw her hands up. “Ok, fine. But you do notice that he doesn’t subject you to the same bullshit he subjects everyone else to, right?”
“I’m not in the cast.”
“You’ve seen him involve production people!” She smirked. “I actually suggested you do a stunt and he shot me down immediately. Said there’s no way in hell he’d ever let you get yourself involved like that.”
“He’s just being nice. Plus, I’m not exactly a daredevil like you all.”
That’s when Holly got on her knees. “Y/N, I’m begging you. Please come to the bar.”
Y/N shook her head, a big smile on her face. “Alright, get your ass off the floor. I’ll meet you guys there.”
She saw Holly talk to Johnny when she walked in. She waved at them, Johnny giving her a small smile when she passed by.
And then she spent the next hour with Holly, Bam, and Ryan, occasionally turning her head to watch Johnny play pool.
“Sure am,” she responded, her lips slightly curving.
He scrunched his nose, head shaking. “I don’t believe you, Babydoll.”
She didn’t know if it was the alcohol in her system or the fact she, but she blurted out, “Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what? ‘Babydoll’?” He shrugged and put the beer bottle to his lips. “Just a nickname.”
He took a swig of his beer and then paused. “Wait, do you not like it? Am I offending you?” The sincerity and concern in his tone was sweet.
She laughed, waving her hand. “It’s fine.
“Good. Besides, I only reserve that nickname for you.”
He gave her wink, which nearly made her melt in the chair. Instead, her reaction was just to roll her eyes. “You mean to tell me I’m the only woman you call ‘Babydoll’?”
“Yup. Swear to God.”
“Then what do you call the woman you pursue at other bars?”
He didn’t flinch, his smirk still intact. If anything, he looked even more amused than before. “Either ‘honey’ or ‘baby.’ Depends on the woman. But don’t worry, I haven’t used those names in quite a long time.”
“Two months isn’t that long.”
He put a hand on his chest. “Ouch, Babydoll!”
“Oh, c’mon now Johnny! I’m not shaming you! I’m just saying.”
He leaned against the bar. “How do you know it’s been two months?”
“That’s how long we’ve been shooting,” she replied.
He shook his head. “Well, you’re wrong. It’s actually been six months.”
“Poor you.”
“Yeah it’s been difficult,” he laughed. “But what about you? You must be picking up guys left and right.”
Her eyes widened. “Me? Absolutely not! I mean, I used to but, uh….” Her voice trailed off. “It’s been a while for me.”
“Six months for you too?”
“Two years actually.”
His mouth dropped. “Really?”
“Really.” She tapped on the rim of her glass. “After awhile it stopped being fun so I decided to focus on me and my work.”
He nodded, impressed. “Good for you, Babydoll.”
She hummed. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything. Shoot.”
“I need you to level with me here because it’s been bothering me for the last couple of weeks. When you call me ‘Babydoll,” are you flirting with me?”
Johnny’s grin widening, signaling to her that she might have made this worse somehow. She exhaled sharply, feeling the heat of embarrassment in her face.
“Yeah, ok, I’m leaving,” she said, standing up from the chair.
“No, hey, wait.”
She turned to see Johnny’s hand holding on to hers. Her eyes glanced up at him to find him staring at her once again with complete sincerity.
“You’re really askin’ me that? Has that really not been obvious the entire time?”
She stopped fighting to hide her smile as heart beat picked up it’s pace.
“Well are you gonna do something about it?” she asked.
Johnny pulled her face to his, his lips devouring hers. The second their lips touched, she felt the electricity, the high, and the energy all at once. And yet, she also felt a comfort she’d never experienced in her years of kissing. If a kiss were ever to make sense to a person, this one did to her. It was as if all her years of kissing had led up to this moment.
A moment in which it felt the world was theirs and theirs only.
They pulled away, his breath on hers. She opened her eyes to find his dark brown eyes looking into her, almost in disbelief in what just happened.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting you to do that,”’ she said, hoping maybe his disbelief would settle into relief.
And it did, before that damn smirk returned to his face.
“Oh, Babydoll, I’m gonna show you what else I’ve been wanting to do with you.”
She woke up tangled in heavy sheets. She looked over to see Johnny lying on his back, fast asleep.
To say the night before had been exhilarating was putting it rather lightly. At least to her.
Then, out of nowhere it hit her. That damn pang in her chest that reminded her of why she stopped sleeping around. She had grown attached.
But none of those nights felt like last night and you’re not the woman you used to be she tried to rationalize to herself.
And while her heart agreed, her head told her it was time for her to run as fast as could.
She pulled the covers off and knelt down on the floor, grabbing her underwear and shirt first. She slid on the underwear and threw her shirt over her head.
As she leaned down to pick her jeans, she heard a voice grumble, “What’re you doing?”
She looked over to see Johnny awake and rubbing his face.
“I didn’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Impossible. Come back to bed.”
“I promise I’ll buy you breakfast from that diner you like.”
She stopped. “How do you know about that?”
“I’ll tell you if you come back to bed.”
She sighed and crawled back into bed. Johnny smiled as he threw an arm around her, nestling his nose against hers.
“Too early to be up,” he whispered. “Also, Holly told me you like it there.”
She exhaled as she prepared herself for the worst. “Look, I like you, but I’m not into the whole friends with benefits thing. I’m sorry if that ruins everything, but I can’t do it, especially not with you.”
Much to her surprise, he chuckled. “We’re not gonna be friends with benefits.”
“Then what-.”
“You and I are gonna go on a date. Tonight. I’m gonna take you to this place I think you’ll like and we’ll see what happens from there, but I have a good feeling we’re gonna go on another and then some more after that.”
Her heart burst at the thought. Still, she kept her excitement to herself and just smiled at him. “Is that so?”
“I know so.”
She licked her lips and nodded. “Then that works with me.”
He pecked her lips before pulling her closer to him.
“Why didn’t you say anything to me before?” she asked.
“Why didn’t you?” he countered playfully.
“Because, look at you. You’re smart, courageous, handsome, and the kind of guy every woman wants.”
The way his smile softened had her wondering if maybe she’d said something wrong.
“And here I was, afraid you’d see that you’re too good for me,” he said.
She laughed. “Trust me, I’m not.”
“Well, I happen to disagree so we’re just gonna leave it at that.”
He pecked her lips and closed his eyes. She pulled back her lips.
“Do you want me to call you Johnny or by your real name?”
He opened his eyes. “How’d you know Johnny’s not my real name?”
“I was in charge of your paperwork and I saw your real name. Philip John, right?”
He nodded. “Or P.J. for short.”
He smiled, licking his lips, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody say that name as sweet as you.”
She beamed. “Then it’s settled. I’ll call you P.J. and you can call me Y/N or Babydoll.”
“You got it, Babydoll.”
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wonuumelody · 11 months
“ Boyfriend serie ” ; Seungkwan as your boyfriend
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pairing: seventeen Seungkwan - x gn!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts warning(s): using some pet name ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ An : bf thoughts with Seungkwan because I miss him.
He is so funny, when you're sad he's the first being worried about you and trying to make you laugh.
Your happiness comes down to his happiness, and it's the same for him. He's just so in love :((
In front of the others he shows an aspect of his personality rather funny, with bad looks (side eye) or his jokes. But with you he's so soft omg. He can become shy very quickly
I'm sure he's the type of boyfriend Who likes to come to you when you're working in your office to give you a hug, kiss your cheek or forehead and leave?
One day, he wanted to take you on a date to his birthplace, Ido-dong. That day you met his parents and sisters for the first time, his sisters liked you very much and his mother was happy that he introduced them to someone.
One of the day that marked him in your relationship was one night, when you started your relationship, you were on your way to join him and it was raining hard. You were walking to his apartment and he joined you with an umbrella because he was worried about your health :( he was so touched by the fact that you didn't minded going to see him while it was raining.
He's so clingy sometimes. When he is with you he's so comfy, he wanna hug every time
His favorite dates with you are those where you walk in the evening holding hands. He loves simple things so much and being able to share them with the person he loves makes him feel good.
He LOVES giving you little kisses on the cheeks.
Pls he's so cute when he's in love.
He loves it when you give him small hand made gifts like letters, origami flowers, bracelets, ... He keep all of them in a memory box!!
Sometimes when he visits his family he takes his memory box with him so that he can show his parents how nice you are to give him lots of small gifts.
Sometimes when you compliment him, he start crying :( he's a human and can often feel down, you being here for him is such a beautiful feeling. When he's not crying he is getting really shy, red blush on his cheeks that makes you wanna peck his face so so bad.
His speciality is asking kisses and getting pouty.
Every morning he sends you a message to wish you a good day, it's a little ritual he have.
He love calling you with cute little nicknames and pet names such as "beautiful" "honey" "love"
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this. All the likes I get on my others post makes me so happy :( thank you so much for reading my content
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jungle-angel · 5 months
An Unexpected Visitor (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: Calvin decides to pop into one of your classes and brings an unexpected guest with him.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
"Alright guys, now remember, this experiment needs to be done carefully," Calvin explained. "Do not, I repeat.....DO NOT.....turn the burners on high. This experiment can and will get dangerous."
It always made Calvin a little nervous whenever his students did the color flame test experiments in the lab. Granted it was a fun little experiment, however, there was always that chance that somebody could burn their eyebrows off. He was lucky that everybody had been able to perform their experiments safely and effectively, each one watching with awe as the flames lit up on their test strips.
The lunch bell rang and with perfect timing. The snow was coming down harder than ever outside and Calvin wondered if you and him would be able to get out before the campus closed at two o'clock. Thankfully, the college president allowed you both an early start.
"Somebody's here for a visit," Dr. Powers announced, sticking his head in the door.
Calvin laughed as a huge grin crawled across his face, removing his protective glasses before making his way over to scoop up Ellen. "There's my pretty little princess," he cooed, gently taking her, blankie and all from Anthony. Ellen giggled, her gummy little mouth nomming on her father's jaw.
"Thought your mom was watching her today?" Calvin said, littering Ellen's cheeks with a million little kisses.
"Mother had to go and get Finnegan from the vet," Dr. Powers explained. "I think she forgot she couldn't take the baby with her and Doris is in with your wife."
Calvin smiled and shook his head. He had always felt bad for Dorothy Powers, Anthony's mother, and a member of "the chain", the neighborhood eyes and ears of Miss Patricia Evans, who always stayed up to date on the latest neighborhood gossip. She had always been a bit of an absent minded lady and her son had been the same, earning him the apt nickname of "the absent minded professor."
"Alright princess," Calvin said. "Lets go see Momma."
Calvin made his way down the hall alongside Dr. Powers, with Ellen in his arms and the staff unable to hold back their remarks on how adorable she was. At every turn it seemed that someone was stopping to tickle her little cheeks or to boop her little nose.
Dr. Powers carefully opened the door to your classroom where you were still giving your lecture. Calvin waited patiently at the top of the steps, listening to your lecture intently, his whispers keeping Ellen quiet so they could surprise you.
"Now ladies," you said to your girls. "Remind me again, what are some of the dos and do nots of a full abdominal exam? Ruth?"
"It's always best to listen with the stethoscope before you probe?" Ruth answered a little hesitantly.
""You would be correct," you answered. "Anybody know the reason?"
"Because the probing can increase peristalsis," Alessia Martinez answered.
"Exactly!" you answered. "So next week we will be having a demonstration for this, however, I will need to ask our guinea pig if he'd be up to it."
"Not unless he surprises you first!" Calvin called from the top of the stairs.
You looked up and tried not to laugh as your girls got excited at the sight of your husband carrying your baby in his arms down the steps to the lecture pit.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you chuckled.
"I could ask you the same thing but unfortunately our little princess dropped by unexpectedly," Calvin answered.
You took a wriggling Ellen from Calvin, pulling her loose pink blanket a little tighter around her to keep her warm. "Should we grab lunch or get out of here while the roads are clear?" you asked him.
"Might wanna get out of here while it's clear," Calvin said. "Dad said the roads might get nasty later."
You gathered up your things for the day and so didn't Calvin, the both of you heading out to your shared car to head home and hoping that Six-Thirty would be the first to greet you when you got in the door.
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 6
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Never stay the whole night ch6
Words: 2k
Parings: Wednesday x Reader
Warnings: blood, bullets, small violence.
A/N: A longer one since I need to take a break so I can be productive rq, but give me ideas of what u wanna see, like how Ty will be revealed, or lil hc's, anyways enjoy.
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This sheep is still here, mocking Wednesday with its existence. From the moment she woke up, it was in her face, chewing at the comforter. She wondered if you’d notice it was gone; surely if she buried it well, you wouldn’t know. Right, the task at hand is to figure out why you’re in this school in the first place, plus get rid of this Hyde.
You were at the table when she came out for the morning; you leaned against it, refusing to sit down. Your groggy eyes glued on Enid made Wednesday a little angry; all your attention was stuck on the blonde, while everyone else’s eyes at the table were stuck on you, Bianca almost was able to mirror Wednesday’s death stare. What were you talking about that was so important to the point you didn’t even look at Wednesday?
She finally started to approach the group, avoiding your eyes almost as a punishment for avoiding hers.
Yoko laughed after finishing her sip of donated blood, saying, "Speak of the devil." 
Enid turned around with enough energy that it almost looked as if she had broken her neck in the process. She slammed her hands on the table, "Wednesday, please, can we keep Skate?" Those damn puppy eyes, "Y/n said it was up to you; I promise he won’t eat your stuff; I’ll keep him clean; he won’t even go on your side." 
"No." Wednesday deadpanned.
Ajax was trying to understand the situation. "Who the hell is Skate? And why does he eat things?"
"It’s my new sheep!" Enid started to pull up a picture of her and the sheep; he was full of hair clips and nail paint. 
"You have a sheep?! Weems is so gonna kill you if she finds out." Kent budded in, trying to get a closer look at the picture. 
"That’s why we aren’t keeping it, I don’t care what Enid or Y/n says we are putting it back." Wednesday scolded. 
"If you don’t want him so badly, get up so we can show Mr. Kovacs." You whispered. Wednesday shuddered; your breath tickled the shell of her ear when you spoke. When she turned around to possibly beat the brains back into you, you weren’t there, you were still leaning against the table, looking at everyone else, before taking a small glance at her. 
She had to be going crazy because nobody made a comment about how close you were to her, but it had to be real because you gestured for her to get up. Like she was in some trance, she did. Everyone seemed to ignore the fact that you two were leaving until both of you were out of sight.
"What was that?" Wednesday, still appalled. She scanned you for any differences in body language. 
"It’s called walking; I learned it when I was a baby." You joked and continued to walk to her dorm. 
"Not that, how you said something behind my ear but you didn’t even move." 
"I know your therapists labeled you as crazy, Wends, but jeez. I didn’t think It was that bad." 
"You looked at my files?" She was more offended that you looked at her student files than her nickname. 
"Spoiler alert: when I was still working, Weems told me you'd be under my watch if things went south. Keep you out of trouble, you know?" You paused and laughed, saying, "Well, things did go south, but she wanted to spare you, plus I was busy fixing your Xavier mess up, how you falsely accused him, and I was trying to keep you out of jail from behind the scenes."
Wednesday noticed how slowly the two of you were walking. "I don’t believe that." 
"Well, it’s the truth, hun." You shrugged.
"Don’t call me that; Weems said you’re mandatorily stuck in this school. Why?"
"Because it’s a place for outcasts?" Duh." 
"I understand that, but what makes you an outcast?" Wednesday was about avoiding the long game. 
But you made her play anyway, "because I’m an emo loner." You laughed and quickened your pace to get to the room. 
You opened the door to find Skate relaxed on Wednesday's bed, chewing on the pillowcases. You turned to Wednesday’s irked face and laughed. She mumbled something about killing it before dragging him off the bed, the pillow still in his mouth. She let out a muffled groan.
"Carry him to the class," Wednesday ordered.
You faked a yawn, "Don’t know, Ms. Addams, I kinda don’t feel like it, I did carry him yesterday." You stretched your torso, she watched you tuck your shirt back in, stuff your hands in your pockets, and sway, waiting for Wednesday to move the sheep. 
"He’s at least 200 pounds, you can’t imagine me carrying that." 
"I did it, so get to lifting or find some other way." 
Wednesday turned around to pull out a drawer from the black desk, she white-knuckled a raveled-up rope in anger. The angry girl started to make a lead for Skate; he was getting jittery once she attempted to put it around him. Wednesday looked up to stare into your eyes. You nodded and helped her keep him still without hurting him. Though she used this opportunity to make you walk him to the class,
"You stole a whole damn sheep." Mr. Kovacs gaped, staring at you, Wednesday, then back to the sheep. 
You slowly nodded, "Now give us our grade," in a demanding tone. 
"Fine fine, just please put it back before I have to report you to Weems; its nails are painted. What the hell?"
You both nodded and turned to leave the class with Skate. Wednesday didn’t refuse this time when you took him back to her dorm. 
"I’ll be back later tonight to drop him off back at the farm." You leaned against the doorway, watching the raven remove the lead from Skate, and ushered him outside on the balcony. 
"Do it now, I want him gone." 
"Aw, lighten up, you don’t mean that." That damn whispering again in her ear, she fanned the area around her ear, hoping to hit you. 
"You just did it again, the whispering." Wednesday sounded agitated.
"I said loud and clear, ‘I need to do it at night so it’s darker.' Get your head and ears checked out." 
"I’m not dissimulating; I know what I heard and felt; you were right behind me and whispered something." 
You chuckled, "You take something today?" 
"I refuse to participate in narcotics, but I won’t sanction your gaslighting." 
"Still don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyway,  see you tonight, Addams." You pushed off the doorframe and walked away. Of course, who other than Enid replaced your presence. 
"Another date again?" She giggled 
"It wasn’t a date." The raven bit, "Don’t you have a class to go to?" 
"Don’t you? But I’m here to check on my little Skater. I brought him food." Enid walked toward the spider web window and went out of it. Feeding the animal outside. Wednesday rolled her eyes, getting ready to leave for her next class. 
A knock at the door startled the girls in the room who were watching the scary movie. Wednesday’s cello playing wasn’t helping the eerie feeling either.
"Yoko, you get it!" Enid pushed the vampire out of the huddle of people, blankets, and pillows. 
"I'm not getting it! You have claws; you get it." Another knock, and the girls scream again. 
"Divina, come with me, so you can siren song them, and then I’ll claw their eyes out." Enid proposed. 
"Claw my eyes out, we’re going to have a problem, Sinclair." Your voice wasn’t recognizable to them. 
Enid got up in fear "IT KNOWS MY NAME!" Wednesday playing sharpened, they all ran outside on the balcony with Skate and Thing. Wednesday paused and looked at the group as they scrambled to explain all at the same time. 
"PERSON AT DOOR!" "THEY KNOW MY NAME! "THEY’RE GOING TO KILL US!" "HELP WEDNESDAY, PLEASE!" "Bah," she pieced what she could, excluding the bah. To get out of this hellscape, she went to the door and opened it. You looked down to stare at her. 
"Hi." Flashing those gorgeous teeth of yours, she thought. 
"Good evening." 
"What are they watching?" You craned your neck to view the Macbook on the ground.
"Scream franchise."
You giggled, "Ironic, but where’s my sheep?" Wednesday moved to guide you outside. The other posse calmed down. 
"Oh, it’s you." Divina spoke. Removing herself from the group, she went back inside. 
"Hi Y/n, want to join us for the movie?" Enid invited. 
"No, but I must take Rollerblade here." You picked him up and headed for the window door, but were stopped by Yoko and Enid, who protested. 
Enid was so eager to get her sheep back that she accidentally dug her claws into your side. You hissed and pulled yourself out, and blood oozed on your white T-shirt.
Enid immediately apologized and let you go. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’m sor-" moving her hand back and forth, contemplating if she should touch you again.
"-It’s fine, it’s nothing. "I just wasn’t prepared." You laughed.
Wednesday watched you in vexation and reached her hand out to help, but you shook your head. 
"I’m good, I promise." You smiled again. How could you be okay? Enid’s nails are long, that has to be deep. 
They watched you head back into the room, and they followed. Enid sat back down, drowning in guilt. Wednesday and you left the dorm and shut the door. 
"Let me at least clean it." Her eyes were softened, way more than she would be with Enid. 
"Here, I’ll go head to my room to fix it before I drop him off." A tight-lipped smile to calm down the girl in front of you. 
She sighed out her nose before nodding. You walked in the wrong direction, away from your room. Wednesday almost said something, but let you go. When you were out of sight, she cursed herself for not forcing you to get help. 
You were on your way behind the school, deeper in the woods, making sure nobody could see. The bleeding stopped; the blood was even gone—not even a drop on the white tee. But more should be shed now.
Your back started to welt, almost as if something was trying to escape, and it did. Clawing its way out from your back, cracking, crushing, and popping, ripping the back of said tee and your flesh, large bones equal to bird wings clawed out, the blood coated against them forming feathers, blood red feathers fading to something darker at the base. It was silky, cognate to blood when you stretched out in the moonlight. There was not a wince, whine, or cry from you when these extra appendages scratched out of you. You just sighed and lifted yourself and the sheep off the ground, heading back for his home. 
As you dropped him down, a bang echoed, and all you felt was something hot stuffed inside your wing. You groaned and flew with the speed of the fastest hawk back to your balcony. The landing was a little wobbly, but you still made it. The feathers dropped elegantly on the cold concrete, where they puddled into blood. The flesh hugging the bird bones was midnight, coextensive to bat wings; they poured down as syrupy blood, and the bullet fell into the puddles. Those long, blood coated bones crawled back into your back with the same cracking, wet crushing, and popping. The pool of blood crawled up your article of clothing and back into the large open wounds on your back; it shut and healed like nothing ever happened tonight, and your tattoo is still perfectly scarred on you—not a scar, nothing.
"I’m not on my game today, am I?" You laughed before going inside, to do your nightly routine.
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greengoblinswifey · 2 years
I Want More
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Sinclair Reader
Summary: Seeing Eddie with Chrissy made you jealous and realize your true feelings for him. Does he feel the same way?
Warnings: Smut, bit of angst, jealousy, unprotected sex, fingering, fluff, mentions of drugs and getting high.
A/N: Not my gif and requests are open.
Jealousy wasn’t an emotion you thought you could feel when it came on to Eddie Munson, so when you saw him laughing and talking with Chrissy, you were a bit hurt and shocked at yourself. You had no reason to, it wasn't like he got attention from the girls at school--well until now. And either way, your relationship was solely based on pleasure, it was only sex.
She blushed when he said something to her and they bursted into a fit of laughter. You turned and walked away hoping he wouldn't see you but he did.
"Y/N, where you going?" he called out.
"Home Eddie," you replied, not even bothering to turn around.
He was confused and ran infront of you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Hey, hey, why're you in a rush?"
"You're busy Eddie, I'll leave you to your very interesting conversation," you said, sarcasm laced in your voice. You tried to walk away but he moved infront of you.
He looked confused before he chuckled smugly. "Wait, what is this about? Are you jealous?"
Just then Chrissy walked up to him with a sweet smile on your face, "uh, I should go, bye Eddie, bye Y/N." God she was so nice. You both waved at her as she left.
"Let's go talk in my trailer," he pleaded.
You rolled your eyes and gave in. Even if you didn't he'd be able to convince you.
You followed him inside to his room and plopped down onto his bed.
"So, you're jealous," he said.
"I'm not."
"I know you, you are," he chuckled.
Your heart ached knowing you'd eventually have to admit you were in fact, jealous. You were scared of accepting your feelings for him, scared he wouldn't feel the same way and scared he'd think you were too clingy and crazy to be jealous.
He sat down on his bed beside you and pulled you abruptly onto his lap. The position had your noses almost touching and your heartrate irregular.
"C'mon, tell me, what's going on? You don't have any reason to be jealous," he whispered.
"I-," you didn't have the right words in the moment and lump formed in your throat.
"I have to go Eddie," you said. He didn't stop you this time. He allowed you to leave his lap and exit his trailer.
You skillfully avoided Eddie for the rest of the week which was partially easy seeing as you didn't hook up on school days unless you were really horny and he was hanging with Chrissy anyway.
When Friday rolled around, he finally caught up to you.
You slammed your locker and jumped when you saw his face.
"I'm really fucking horny, wanna ditch?" he asked, "I've got edibles."
You thought for a while. There was no use in avoiding him and your feelings. Better to tell him once and for all.
"We can go back to my place," you said.
Lucas wouldn't be home for a whole, Erica was probably with him and your parents were at work. Perfect time and place to get high and talk about your feelings.
When you finally arrived in your room, he pinned you against your door making your breath hitch.
"W-wait Eddie, I have something I need to talk to you about."
"What is it bunny?"
Bunny. That fucking nickname that made your stomach flip. Why were you feeling this way.
"Do you like Chrissy?" you asked bluntly.
"What? No. Why'd you even think that," he scoffed.
"You guys have been hanging out a lot and you look happy and fucking cute together. And fuck, yes, I was jealous. I still am. Because I like you, I like you Eddie, really fucking much."
He was speechless.
"I want more. If you can't give me that it's fine but that's what I want. Seeing you with her made me realize my true feelings for you. I know we agreed to just sex but I just-"
You were cut off by the boy smashing his lips against yours. His action caught you by surprise but you quickly melted into the sensual kiss. As you pulled away, he had a cheeky grin on his face.
"I want more too Y/N. I like you, like a lot. Nothing is going on with me and Chrissy, I only want you. So please, will you be my girlfriend? Seal the deal?" he asked.
"I'd really love that." His lips pressed against yours once more but this time, he played with the waistband of your skirt then pushed his hand into it. He moved his hand into your underwear and smiled when he felt the wetness of your cunt.
"So wet, is it all for me? All for your boyfriend?"
"All for you Ed," you moaned.
He nipped on your neck and rubbed your clit roughly, making you moan in his ear. "More," you whimpered. He clearly got the message and slipped two fingers inside you while his thumb rubbed gentle circles on your clit.
His simple movements turned your legs into jelly, and very soon, you came undone all over his fingers.
"Good girl," he praised and pecked your lips.
You whined as he took his fingers out of your heat and sucked them clean off.
"So sweet, just like you my love," he smiled. My love. This man was going to he the death of you.
"Jump sweetheart," he said and you jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He easily pulled his jeans and took out his hard cock. He rubbed the pink, leaking tip up and down your slit before lining it with your equally leaking entrance.
You hummed in response and he slowly pushed into you, savoring your walls squeezing and fluttering around him. The action made you whimper and bury your head into his neck.
He pushed in further until he was balls deep inside your tight walls.
"Fuck, you feel so good, I don't know if I'm gonna last bunny," he moaned. You weren't going to last either, you hadn't had sex in almost a week.
He held under your ass and thrusted up into you while your hand gripped his bicep and your fingers played with his long hair.
"Eddie," you cried, "can I cum?"
"Of course you can my love, you're my good girl. Cum for me," he whispered in your ear, sending shivers throughout your body.
He reached down to rub your clit, sending even more pleasure through your body and continued fucking up into you.
Your walls spasmed around him and with a moan of his name, you had an intense orgasm.
"Good girl, I've got you," he whispered in your ear.
He wasn't finished with you yet. He brought you over to your bed and laid you down, his cock not leaving your pussy. He began plunging hard into you, rocking your body upwards. He looked like an angel, his hair falling into your face and his tiny whimpers making your heart and pussy flutter.
As he was about to cum, he quickly pulled out of you and busted his load onto your thighs. He collapsed on the bed and flipped you ontop of him.
"Wanna get high with me bunny?" Eddie asked.
"Don't have to ask me twice."
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stinkysam · 1 year
Roronoa Zoro - One day
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : Zoro and MR are married and they are training, Zoro is training with ENMA while MR was given Ame-no-Habakiri (Odens other sword that Momo declined to use). MR struggles trying to use the sword and Zoro tries to help him out with it, they end up fighting each other as some sort of practice and Zoro has him use both Enma and Ame-no-Habakiri and MR almost collapses due to the amount of Haki it drained him. Zoro cheers him up saying one day he will be able to master any sword and throws some flirtation.
Reader : male (you/he)
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To have such swords… 
To say you were ecstatic was an understatement.
Zoro was holding Enma before you, smirking as you squealed at the deadly blade. It was truly beautiful. You could feel its power emanating from it just by watching.
You took Ame-no-Habakiri and grabbed Enma from his hands, and instantly felt their power taking over you.
Zoro eyed you as you swung them from side to side, ignoring Sanji and Nami yelling at you to be more careful.
"Wanna spar ?" He asked 
"You know it, hubby."
He snorted at the nickname before scurrying away with you to his training room.
You already had trouble with Ame-no-Habakiri, but with Enma it was another level of hard.
You felt them even during your warm-up. They were strong, and one especially was harder to handle. Enma.
It felt like it didn't fit in your hand, no matter how much you replaced it.
You began your fight with Zoro and you felt dizzy almost right away. You tried to ignore it and focus on the fight but you began to stumble and after a few swung…
You felll.
Zoro swiftly caught you before you could hit the floor and quickly brought you to Chopper, explaining what happened.
The both of them were worried, not understanding what happened until Zoro mentioned you using Enma and Ame-no-Habakiri at the same time.
"The swords were too strong, Zoro"
Not everyone was able to hold them and even less use them.
Zoro took a chair and placed it next to your bed, waiting for you to wake up to apologize.
"He's going to be fine. He just needs some rest"
"Got it."
Still, he stayed by your side until you woke up. Maybe he shouldn't have let you use them, he wonders…
"Watcha thinkin' 'bout handsome ?"
This snapped him out of his thoughts, pulling a small laugh out of his lips.
"I'm sorry, you collapsed because of me"
"No it was me, I should've known I wasn't worthy of these swords yet"
He thinks about your words for a second before shaking his head
"No ? And that's it ?"
He hums, not wanting to elaborate on that. "Are you feeling better ?"
"You're ignoring my question now ?!"
"I told you I almost lost control of Enma during my fight against King, I should've known this would happen."
You say nothing for a moment, rememoring what he told you about his fight and how it felt. Like it was ignoring him, stubbornly using its power before waiting for Zoro's order.
"You trust my abilities too much," you say, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze
He hums again and smiles at your words. It's true. He knows how great of a fighter and swordsman you are and trusts you with anything. He forgot you weren't at his level yet.
"One day though I'll be able to handle them"
He smiles, confident in your words. "Then don't keep me waiting, hubby." He says, making you snort at the nickname you used earlier.
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simpliao · 2 years
hola mi amigo, you wanna ask, I'll give you a lovey dovey ask, what happens when reader, later on in their marriage, found out she expecting and jschlatt and her try telling her in-laws, and they manage to, but at the expense of her getting hassled with snide comments. Maybe it can be an angst to fluff, idk, I like that drama
no one else matters ; (irl) schlatt x reader
– part one , – part two , – part three , – part four , – part five , – part six
summary : y/n is eating for two ! although she’s early on, schlatt is excited to tell his family of their to-be newest member… but they just can’t seem to bite their tongues.
info : rude family members, body shaming, heavy swearing, angst to fluff, cute nicknames, pregnant afab she/her reader.
a/n : i hope to god no one goes through my search history because someone is going to think i'm pregnant, it took so much research and ahhhh... hope you enjoy anon !
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"They'll be over the moon about it so don't worry, but if anything happens come find me, alright? Stress can hurt the baby, but more importantly it can hurt you."
It was what her husband had been reiterating over and over since they had first agreed to come by for Christmas holidays, hosted of course by his family. By time the time to travel had arrived, she was just past her first trimester and visibly pregnant. Knowing his family and with the handful of times they had interacted, it wasn't always pretty, but knowing of how pushy they were about pregnancy beforehand she only wished for a civil two weeks.
The flight over had gone without a hitch, minus the glares Schlatt wouldn't be afraid to give anyone that he found mildly sketchy or got too close to them in general. Since having found out about the third member that would be forming their family, to say he's become overprotective would be a bit of an understatement. He attended every appointment with her doctor, and executed every order with conviction. You needed prenatal vitamins? He would stop streaming, or whatever he was doing, just to make sure you took them every day, no exceptions. There was a worry about not getting enough fruit or vegetables in your diet? He would sit there and (jokingly) make plane noises to try and feed you, which depending on the day can either make you bawl or laugh hysterically (no in-between).
Many late nights he was awoken to her soft whimpering, and a plea for whatever weird craving that seemed to have disrupted your sleep. He didn't mind getting it, no matter the hour, so long as she didn't try and get things on her own. No leaving the house alone, he know he wouldn't be able to live with himself should he lose both his beloved and his child. It was kept under drapes that she was pregnant for a handful of reasons, if in the situation that she falls victim to a miscarriage, having to explain that to other people would only dishearten the both of them. He was especially adamant about not telling anyone for the fact that if it got out, he didn't want his audience in particular to make their shitty comments and stress her out. Especially when she was more emotionally fragile, and that stress could lead to losing the baby.
But now, standing outside of his old family home, he gave her a reassuring smile and a gentle reminder. "We got this, you got this. I'm sure they'll be happy and all over you, so if you get overwhelmed you always have me." And with the ringing of the doorbell a scurry of different things could be heard from behind, until the door opened to reveal his parents. Smiles were exchanged, it was a bit of a blur to the smaller woman who kind of followed her husband around like a baby duck, the excess in hormones in her body did make her mind slightly fuzzier so it was hard to keep up with multiple different stimuli. And under a heavy winter coat no one even noticed the bulge of her stomach... Except they did.
"Y/n!" Her name was called, turning around she was met with a group of her female in-laws; and with sheepish smile she waved them hello. Before she could even utter out a greeting they had already spoken, "did you gain weight?" The impulsive question making heat rush to her cheeks, again, she opened her mouth to say something. "Ah, no, well actually I'm–..." "You know keeping in shape is an important duty of a wife, if you get too ugly it won't surprise me if you guys get divorced." They held the brightest smiles as if they were giving the most wholesome of advice, but a feeling of dread washed over her as she fought back the urge to cry.
She internally cursed knowing she was way more sensitive than she should be, and quickly looked behind her for reassurance. But Schlatt wasn't there, and with the crowd of relatives that she couldn't exactly recognize it only served to overwhelm her. Their words pierced her heart despite knowing how poorly his family was at wording what they meant; too ugly? So she was already uglier then they knew her to be, what if her pregnant body wasn't as attractive as Schlatt claimed it to be? What if he really hated how she looked? Was she really that unattractive? "You think so..?" She uttered out, "I mean I... He still thinks that I'm pretty even if–" "men lie all the time sweetheart, if you really want to keep him you should consider losing a few. Bloated doesn't look good on you." She sucked in her lower lip and suppressed her urge to bawl, they were probably right, and quietly nodded her head. She knew she'd been eating a lot, he must have thought of her as such a pig.
Yet across the room her husband was completely gushing about his gorgeous, pregnant wife; having already told his mother while his dad had taken their heavy bags to set aside. He was ready to show everyone the ultrasound picture of to-be newest member of the Schlatt family, it was evident from the smile and shine in his eyes that he thought nothing less of the woman he married. He was completely absorbed into conversation that he hadn't noticed the lack of her at his side, and when he leaned into ask for the photograph of their little bundle of joy; he was surprised to not find her where he was sure she stood.
Excusing himself, and being taller than majority of people it wasn't hard to spot her towards the entrance speaking with a group of his female relatives; he approached will a smile and expected her to have already told them. Out of everyone they should have been the happiest, he remembered damn correctly that they were the ones that were pressuring her into having a child just a handful of years back.
"...if you really want to keep him you should consider losing a few. Bloated doesn't look good on you." What? He had heard one of them, just a short distance away his wife turned away from him held her arms and was dreadfully silent. "What the fuck did you just say?" His voice practically boomed above the ambient jumbled up sound of other conversations being held; the group themselves turning to him as well as a few close bystanders. His pretty girl looked at him with surprise and the most crestfallen look, she was on the verge of spilling into a puddle of tears, and he rushed to her side to make sure she wouldn't fall if that was the case.
"Oh! Yeah, just woman talk, you know? She got pudgy and we figured that we'd give our advice and–" "She doesn't need your advice. You've fucked with her head once, I'm not letting you do it again." "Oh, come on Jay, you're really telling me you want a fat, ugly wife?" His focus was upon his almost bawling wife until those last three words left the brunettes mouth; the group glowing with confidence until he turned his head to look at them. They all shrunk under his furious glare, arms wrapped around his smaller lover protectively, words spat with venom and repugnance. "Shut your fucking mouth bitch. Y/n will always be more of a beautiful woman than any of you will ever be. You were the fuckers that wanted her to have a child so bad, and the minute she's pregnant you say shit like that? Do you want us to lose the baby that bad?" Realization flashes their faces at the word pregnant, other members of the family had all taken to notice and begun to stare; their eyes feeling like harsh burns to the smaller woman even if she was shielded by most.
Schlatt had learned to feel her anxiety over time, and his face visibly softened when he felt her arms grip tighter onto his knitted sweater. He let out a soft huff, "we're leaving. You can tell Mom exactly what happened, I can't have Y/n stress out anymore." The room fell silent after everyone had watched the exchange, abashed and shameful looks upon those women's faces as he escorted his lover out. He quickly grabbed his coat and opened the door for his wife, slamming it behind him as the moment the pair were outside a breath of relief escaped him; the atmosphere in there he knew to be suffocating
"Sweetheart..." He began softly, he looked before him where his lover stood with her hands attempting to rub away tears. They had barely been in there for fifteen minutes. "Do you think I'm..." A soft hiccup briefly interrupted her, "...pretty?" A frown fell upon his features, as he rushed in to gently hold her, he didn't want to ask everything that they said as to not have her revisit it; but he knew it couldn't have been any good. He hushed her tears endearingly, letting her begin to cry into the corduroy of his jacket. "Y/n... Do you remember my wedding vows?" He could feel her shake her head no into the material of his jacket. "...I will forever love your smile, your laugh, your body, and you, no matter how imperfect you believe you are. Those were my exact words, I remember them because I mean them. You'll always be so enchanting in my eyes, because you're not just a beautiful face. You're my wonderful wife, you're a damn funny woman, you care about me more than anyone else on this shitty planet, and you'll make for an incredible mother to our child."
He held her close to protect her from the cold, he could feel her gentle smile against his chest, a gentle snow beginning to fall around them. "We don't have to be here, we still have some of our stuff in the car. I'll get us a nice hotel for the night and we can order in whatever you're feeling. How does that sound?" She pulled her head away and seeing that redness around her eyes strained at his heart, he never liked to see his darling cry. "But... But what about your–..." "They can shove their feelings or remarks right back up their ass. No one else matters but my wife and our child, and seeing you so distraught isn't good for all three of us. As much as I know my cousins mean well what they said was fucked, if I see the, again tonight I'm going to end up in a fight. I'm sure their husbands won't be happy with their wives loosing a couple teeth, huh toots?" She let out an almost inaudible chuckle, despite it all and despite how her emotions have been in full swing, nothing made her more centred or relaxed than her husband. He had her glued to his side as they made it to the car, opening the passenger side of the rented out Tesla and kissing her forehead before letting her inside.
He did live up to his promise by finding a luxury hotel closer to the city that offered twenty-four hour room service, and he made sure to share a piece of cake with his lover. Assuring her to eat what she wanted, and that he'd love her no matter what.
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