#yes michael smokes in my au
random-lil-illing · 6 months
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hey yall sorry for disappearing for *checks last post* nearly a month. ive been busy with school lol im sorry. school has been dragging me by the hair recently
also. henry stickmin hyperfixation gone. it was a good five weeks while it lasted, but i am back to my fnaf roots now im afraid
enjoy some michael bc i love my boy
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bisheepart · 6 months
Alive AU Incorrect Quotes 2
because some of these only fit with the alive au (tho some can be taken as general incorrect quotes).
*as older teens/young adults*
Cassidy: In twenty years from now, I guarantee I'll be Evan's second spouse.
Evan: What... What happened to my first spouse?
Cassidy: Nothing you can prove.
*Elizabeth and Abigail (Pigtail Girl in my au) being forced to 'fake date' in high school*
Elizabeth, to the waiter: Excuse me, do you have a flight of stairs my date and I could throw ourselves down?
Gabriel: Fritz I need you to swear-
Fritz: Fuck!
Gabriel: Swear as in promise!
William, to Michael: Last night, we could smell you smoking weed from downstairs and your siblings kept asking why upstairs smelled like gasoline. Please smoke in the basement from now on.
*highschool again*
Susie, running toward Abigail: No no no no no
Abigail: Hey Susie- *gets punched in the gut by susie* OGH! What the FUCK?!
Susie: I cannot stand by and let you throw away your life like this! You're too young, you're too beautiful!
Abigail: What the fuck are you talking about?!
Susie: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside your belly right now!
Abigail:.... I'M NOT PREGNANT?!
Susie: Well, not after that punch you're not. *chuckles* I've been taking Muay Tai classes.
Abigail; I was never pregnant, Susie!
Susie:... Are... Are you sure?
Elizabeth, comes over: I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
Susie: Oh, well I found this positive pregnancy test and-
Elizabeth:*punches Abigail in the gut*
Abigail, doubled over in pain: OH MOTHERFUCKER!
William: Hello, people who do not live here.
Marcus (Bonnie Mask): Hello.
Simon (Freddy Mask): Hi Mr. Afton!
James (Chica Mask): Hey.
Michael: I gave you guys a key for emergencies!
Simon: We were bored. Also you're out of chips.
William: Michael clean your room.
Michael: Why?
William: We have guests coming over today.
Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know we were all gathering in my fucking room!
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andydrysdalerogers · 7 months
Sliding Into Home ~ Trial By Fire
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Evidence, Emotions, Whatever
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Michael David Weiss knew that he was going to be a lawyer. His parents had always commented that the amount Mike had complained and argued, the only thing he could be was a lawyer.  He was in Debate Club in high school and college, part of student court, played baseball with Frank and was infatuated with Abby.  
What he was expecting was falling for Frank’s little sister. Diane Adler was something that came out of left field. He came home from school during winter break and met up with his best friend.  Abby wasn’t going to be here for break as she was visiting family, so it was just he and Frank. Frank was making popcorn for the movie and grabbing a couple of beers. Mike was on his phone when a voice called out.  
“Hi Mike.”  
When he looked up, he saw a curvaceous blonde looking back at him. “Diane?” 
“Hey.” She walked, no, glided into the room and sat on the couch, checking her phone. Mike swallowed.  Diane was a scrawny kid, five years younger than himself, but she looked like a dream now.  Her long blonde hair had hung to her waist, her curves peeking under her knit sweater and leggings.  
Diane had made sure she looked good when she found out Mike was coming home. She had a crush on him since she was eight. She was eighteen now and grew into her long limbs and cornsilk hair. She saw, out of the corner of her eye, how Mike reacted to her. She smiled to herself. He might be five years older, but she was mature for her age.  
Or so she thought.  
Mike and Diane hid their affair from her brother and best friend. They would meet at shady motels whenever Mike came back into town, had sex, smokes weed, drink, whatever they wanted. Mike also introduced Diane to harder drugs, things he used to stay awake and study or bring him down to sleep. It was a vicious cycle that eventually destroyed their relationship.  
When Diane found out she was pregnant, she sent a letter to Mike to tell him. He hadn’t reacted well, calling her a slut, a whore. That she slept around and the baby couldn’t possibly be his. He ordered her to get rid of it.  But Diane couldn’t. It wasn’t her baby’s fault that its father didn’t want them. She kept clean and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  She didn’t list Mike as the father because her shame took over.  She gave in to the darkness of her addiction and gave up hope of raising her little girl.  So, she left her with the two people she knew would love and care for her the most.  
Mike didn’t want to be associated with the baby. But he still went back and had fun with Diane. They got high together still, fooled around, although Mike was more careful now. And when Diane wanted Mary back, Mike made sure he provided the evidence so she never could.  
This turned out to bite him in the ass.  
He had a drunk night with Bobby Fuller and he told him everything. And he used drugs in front of Bobby, who had refused to get high with him for the sake of his career.  He thought, with the collaboration in destroying Frank’s image and relationship, that the comradery would continue. 
Until he saw Bobby, sitting in the gallery, waiting to be called as a witness for Frank and Abby.  
“Your Honor, I am not sure why Mr. Fuller was called as a witness as he has never interacted with the child,” Mike argued.  
“Whether or not Mr. Fuller has interaction with the child is not a testament to Mr. Weiss’s competency as a parent,” Andy said.  “Mr. Fuller can provide an insight into the daily life of Mr. Weiss since he was living with Mr. Fuller for the last couple of months.”  
The judge looked back and forth. “I’m going to allow it as Mr. Weiss has yet to prove that he is a fit parent.”  
“Thank you, Your Honor,” Andy said.  “We would like to call our first witness, Mr. Scott Evans.” Scott stood up and went to the witness chair. “Hello Mr. Evans. Can you tell me how long you have worked for Mr. Adler?” 
“Almost six years.”  
“And have you witnessed any red flags in Mary’s care?” 
“In your opinion, has Frank Adler been a model parent to his niece?” 
“Yes, I believe so. I mean no parent is perfect, but he does his best when it comes to Mary. She was four when I met her.  She loved her uncle so much. They have traditions when they are together, he calls every day when he is on the road. He makes sure she knows that she and his wife are the center of his world.”  
“What do you think of Abby?” 
“She is wonderful. She puts Mary first, much to the annoyance of Frank.” The room chuckles. “She would do anything for Mary.”  
“Thank you, Scott. No further questions.”  Andy sat down as Mike stood up.  
“Mr. Evans, have you ever seen Mr. Alder or Dr. Adler consume alcohol in front of Mary?” 
Scott frowned. “Occasionally, at home. When we go out to dinner, one of them does but the other stays sober to drive.”  
“At home, have you ever seen them drink more than, let’s say, two drinks in a night or do any other substances?” 
“Maybe after Mary has gone to sleep, we might drink a little more. Never anything else. Frank was clear when I was hired that he wouldn’t tolerate any drugs in the house.”  
Mike frowned. This wasn’t going his way. “Thank you, Mr. Evans.”  
“Alright, I want to speak to Mary alone,” the judge said. “As this is between three people, Mr. Evans, I would like to ask you to be her guardian as a witness.” Scott nodded, took Mary’s hand and started to walk her back to the judge’s office. But before they go too far, Mary let go and ran back to Frank. She threw herself into his arms. 
Frank kissed the top of her head. “It’s ok Nugget. Just be honest, ok?” 
“I love you dad.”  
“I love you too.” He let her go and Mary hugged Abby.  
“Love you mama.”  
“I love you too baby girl.”  She pushed her towards Scott. She stepped back and Frank took her hand. “Frankie,” she whimpered.  
“Its ok Cricket. She’ll be with Scott and she’s gonna be right back.” He led her back to their seats, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. He spared a glance to Mike who grinned. “What a jackass,” he said under his breath.  
“Don’t Frankie,” Abby whispered. She looked at Mike, who wiggled his fingers. He wants a reaction in front of the judge.  
“I hate this, Cricket.”  
“I know.”  She leaned against him and closed her eyes.  The nausea came back, and she reached down for the ginger iced tea she had brought with her.  
“You ok, Cricket?” Frank frowned as Abby took a big sip.  
“Your child is misbehaving,” she said with a smile. “I’ll be ok.”  
Just then the door opened, and Mary and Scott came back.  Mary ran right into Frank and sat on his knee, hugging him around his neck. “Alight,” the judge said. “Mr. Barber, you had another witness?”  
“Yes, Your Honor. I would like to call Robert Fuller to the stand.” Bobby nervously patted his hair and walked to the front. “If it is ok with the court, I would like to invite Mr. Weiss to speak to Mr. Fuller first,” Andy asked. 
“That’s an unusual request but I’ll allow it,” the Judge said.  
Mike stood up and looked at Bobby. “Mr. Fuller, would you consider us friends, right?” 
“Have I ever said to you that Mary wasn’t my daughter?” 
Mike smirked. “Noting further.”  
Andy stood up. “Mr. Fuller, you know my client, Frank Adler.”  
“How did you meet?” 
“We met at training camp for the Boston Red Sox. We were rookies together.”  
“Yeah, we were friends. I was there when Frank had to take custody of Mary.” Bobby swallowed.  
“Is it true that you helped drug Mr. Adler in Las Vegas approximately six years ago?” 
Mike stood up. “Objection, relevance.”  
“Withdrawn. Mr. Fuller, when did Mr. Weiss come to stay with you?”  
“Three months ago or so.”  
“Any reason why?” 
“He said he needed a place to crash while he figured some stuff out.”  
“Is it true that you came forward on your own?” 
Bobby looked at Mike. “Yes.”  
“I needed to be honest.”  
“Was there something weighing on you?” 
“Want to explain?” 
Bobby hesitated. “I – I heard Mike saying that he wanted to mess up Frank’s life. That he stole Abby from him, and he wanted to take away the only other person that he loved. He said he knew that he was Mary’s father but...” 
“But what, Mr. Fuller?” 
“I’d rather not say in front of Mary.”  
The judge understood. “Mr. Evans, can you sit with Mary outside of the court for a few minutes. We’ll call you back in a few minutes.  Bailiff, please have a deputy stand guard.”  
Everyone moved as needed before the court settled again. “Mr. Fuller, please continue,” Andy said.  
“Mike said he knew he was Mary’s father but that he wished Diane had listened to him and gotten rid of the baby.  That the baby almost fucked, sorry, messed up his life. That he didn’t want to change his life from booze, drugs and women.”  
“Drugs?” Andy spun back to Bobby. “Have you ever seen Mr. Weiss use drugs?”  
“Liar! You’re a fucking liar Fuller!” Mike rose from his seat and the bailiff moved to keep Mike in his area.  “You know shit!” 
“Mr. Weiss, control yourself or you will be removed from the courtroom. Bailiff, stand there and make sure Mr. Weiss does not leave his seat.” The judge glared at Mike. “Mr. Fuller, do you have any proof of these transgressions?” 
“Yes. My apartment has a doorbell camera and a camera that is in the kitchen watching the door. I’ve had a couple of break ins. The kitchen camera caught Mr. Weiss shooting up.”  
Abby gasped and covered her mouth. Frank growled softly and held Abby’s other hand to ground himself. The sick bastard was a drug user and wanted custody of his daughter. Over his dead body.  
“Mr. Fuller has forwarded that video to me today and I have submitted it to the court clerk for the record. Based on this evidence, we request that his objection to the adoption be rejected and allow the adoption to be expedited due to trauma Mary has experienced. We want her to be settled as soon as possible.”  
The judge looked over the video that had been loaded to his tablet. “Based on evidence presented, I am rejecting the objection to the adoption and rejecting Mr. Weiss’s claim for custody as a parent. Mr. Weiss is unfit to be a parent in any capacity.  I will be forwarding my recommendation to the judge in the adoption case.”  
“No! She is my kid! You can’t do this!” Mike yelled. The bailiff placed his hand on Mike’s shoulder to hold him in place.  
“Furthermore, I am rejecting bail for you, Mr. Weiss.  You will be taken back into custody as a flight risk and face the charges of kidnapping and child endangerment. Bailiff, please place Mr. Weiss under arrest.”  
“No! You son of a bitch!” Mike tried to lunge at Frank who placed himself in between Mike and Abby. “You fucked up my life!” 
“You did it the moment you took the drugs and got my sister pregnant. We’ll see you at trial.”  
Mike thrashed and yelled obscenities at Abby and Frank. It took four deputies to get him back into custody. Once his voice was no longer heard, the judge motioned to the deputy at the door.  Mary and Scott walked back in. “Young lady, you have been very brave the past few weeks. I wanted to personally let you know that no one is going to stop your parents from finishing the adoption.”  
The judge chuckled. Really. “We are adjourned.” 
Frank whipped his family into his arms. Abby and Mary sobbed into his chest as he fought his own tears. “Thank you,” he mouthed to Andy, who smiled at the family. He reached over and grabbed Scott to pull him in. As he let go, Bobby walked up to them. “Adler, can I talk to you?” 
Frank cocked his head to the side, and he stepped away from his family. “Yeah?” 
“I just wanted to apologize to you. For helping Weiss, treating you like crap,” he swallowed, “and for Vegas. I knew it was wrong, but Weiss twisted everything.”  
“Yeah, he does that.”  
“Yeah well, when he talked about taking Mary away, I just couldn’t stomach that. When I heard about the motion, I called Andy and said I needed to say my piece. I’m really sorry man, for everything.” He stuck out his hand.  
Frank grasped it and shook.  “Thank you for telling the truth.” Bobby nodded and walked out of the court.  Mary ran up to Frank and tugged on his hand. 
“Can we go to eat? I’m starving,” Mary proclaimed.  
“Sure, Nugget, let’s get outta here.”  
The group headed to dinner and sat around in a private room. A bottle of champagne is passed around. Abby stops the waiter from pouring in her glass. “None for me, thank you.”  
“You? skip champagne? Scott snorted. “What are you, pregnant or something?” he joked.  
Abby smiled. “Sure am.”  
Scott sputtered his champagne. “What?” 
“We’re gonna have a baby.” Frank and Abby shared a look before Frank leaned over and kissed Abby softly. “Love you mama.”  
“Love you too Daddy.” 
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Just three more parts left!
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 4
Pages 91-120
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Lmfao Michael I know you love your dad but does he abuse you or not? He does.
He flip flops on that it seems...
Ennard is obviously upset Michael would rather hang out with a FIIIIILLLTHY HUUUUUUUMAN.
People REALLY did not get Ennard's character on webtoon so let me go into another rant if you will:
People saw this scene, of emotional manipulation and putting someone down and went
What are you five? Like actually? The lack of emotional maturity and awareness about just how fucked their dynamic is genuinely ASTONISHED me.
This isn't cute or silly. Ennard is being abusive and he KNOWS he is.
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Ennard DOUBLES DOWN on the verbal abuse claiming literally no one other than him will understand Michael.
This isn't from a place of understanding either. This comes from a "I want to trap you with me" place.
This isn't a "Even if nobody else does, I will always have your back."
This is "Nobody other than me likes your stupid ass don't leave me or you'll have no one"
Ya know. Abuse.
Also no I'm not addressing the obvious.
I had to sit through SO MANY PEOPLE not noticing the obvious...Yall gotta sit through me being cheeky about the obvious thing going on here. :)
Alright fine.
I'll mention it fuck.
Michael has beautiful very normal eyes- UwU
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Coming from THAT scene, we jump into one where Bonnie and Michael are hanging out. Because we've established they are friends too.
Haha Bonnie why are you blushing?
They're a little zesty that's all-
Is it one sided? Are they fucking boyfriends? Who knows...
Look the straight people have comics where the entire cast is straight.
Every single one of my comics the entire casts are queer that's just how it is-
Gayness aside: Michael seems comfortable around Bonnie:
We can deduce this from MANY THINGS:
He shared his interest of plushies, something he immediately hid from Mike out of shame, WITH BONNIE.
He runs up to hug Bonnie, William had to force a hug out of Michael so maybe Michael doesn't hug everyone?
He's shared his past with Bonnie
He ONLY met with Mike because of Bonnie's nudging so he trusts Bonnie's judgment.
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Micheal jests here but it's obvious this shit comes from a place of genuine concern considering how Ennard is lmfao.
Bonnie continues to be an absolute chad because if you haven't noticed he IS my favorite character in the FNAF 1 arc. He is a devine entity with no flaws.
No we're not talking about his smoking, he is perfect. He's being enabled leave him be- Also he's a robot who gets no ill affects from it lmao
Also yes the screens are showing LOZ and animal crossing stuff hah. I liked LOZ even back when I made these pages. We had no idea what that'd evolve into....
Bonnie also references the other Freddy from Circus Rentals again, who we saw a glimpse of earlier.
Also him and Freddy ARE good friends. Okay.
From this interaction we can gauge a lot about why Bonnie and Michael are close:
Bonnie isn't controlling or possessive, he cares about Michael's interests and helps him indulge in them.
He's the opposite of Ennard.
Bonnie, is a pretty good friend.
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Michael's wording here is very interesting.
Bonnie's the absolute best friend. He can tell when the vibes are off. He's upfront about shit. He knows Mike HAS some kind of alter motive and doesn't really hide that from Michael. But also acknowledges Mike's kinda just fucked up right now and probably needs some support.
Also people were confused as fuck why the claw machine/Bonnie is sparking
He's skipping using tokens or smth on the machine by messing with it's power. I thought that was obvious as hell but what do I know.
Because Bonnie's a bad boy.
It is also amusing Ennard is Michael's designated daddy therapist and Bonnie is Michael's Ennard therapist. Though who's to say if Bonnie doesn't know about William's shit considering there's a LOT we don't know about Michael and Bonnie's relationship at the moment.
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If you're FNAF savvy you'll recognize a lot of characters in the claw hah.
anyways Bonnie again tells SOME stuff about other people without telling their stories for them. What Bonnie left out of Michael's story will be very apparent as we go on.
Something cool I just like about Bonnie: Bro just wants both of them to be happy. He considers both of them his friends and thinks them being friends could help each other out.
Bonnie's just a bro. True to his word he's nice to just about everyone. Even someone he started off on rocky footing with.
Despite Mike's weird behavior Michael is determined to actually be a real friend to him.
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So Mike's rambling but the shit on the walls is 100xs more interesting than anything he has to say rn.
Specifically the FNAF rap lyrics being on the wall. X'D
Also a bunch of Freddy doodles are seemingly mocking him.
My favorite just might be "MEOW! YOU'RE A LITTLE MEOW MEOW!"
Anyways what Mike is talking about:
William with blood on his hands is humorous because his own faults led to his kids dying.
The Bonnie panel is pretty self explanatory.
Bonnie's possessed by someone, presumably the "Jeremy" he specifically asked about earlier on.
Something to note: he asked if Bonnie knew anything about Jeremy's death. As if Jeremy's death isn't CONFORMED.
This leads to the conclusion: Jeremy's body was never found.
So Mike's mission here is becoming more clear: Find out who's putting people in robots and why, find Jeremy.
This is smth Webtoon struggled to comprehend: This series does NOT spell stuff out for you. You gotta build an understanding by paying attention. You can figure a LOT out just by reading what the characters say closely.
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Hehehe...That might not be true...You are the guy who carries around a giant kitchen knife at all times aren't ya? ;)
Or maybe he just means innocent people...
This isn't the first time Mike's been an unreliable narrator/protagonist and he only continues to be as the series goes on. Something people also STRUGGLE to comprehend:
Protagonists aren't always "Good people"
Mike is a morally grey person. As are MOST of my protagonists.
Mike bribes Bonnie with his vices and manipulates people. But he's not exactly a BAD person per say. He isn't TRYING to hurt Bonnie or Michael. He doesn't have ill will towards most people.
Something HAS made itself very clear though: Mike has nothing to lose.
Mike is acting the way he does because he presumably: Has nothing and no one.
And he's in a very dark place mentally. The man has seemingly no support system when it comes to keeping him from NOT trying to off himself at a place he has AWFUL history with. So there's that.
Even further: Freddy's is established to be DANGEROUS. Mike acting the way he does makes a lot of sense considering he is basically a lamb being thrown into a lion's den of "you can't trust anyone". The way he acts keeping people at arms distance and not being too genuine with anyone makes a lot of sense considering ya know: The owner is most likely murdering people for his sick robot fantasies and he for sure could be next.
Having said all that he does bring up a good point: What WOULD be the goal of putting people in robots be?
If you've been paying close attention you probably already know the answer to this or are coming to your own conclusions. I will avoid saying for now tho. ;)
Considering Mike's words...It's WAAAY more than just this "Jeremy" person who's gone missing though.
The "You" he's talking about here is clearly Jeremy.
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Alright enough joking. Shit's going down for the second time and we know the one behind it. Mr. Funny yellow bear in the cyan jacket aka "Fredbear"?
Shit never seems to go right with him around.
The goofy doodles continue to mock Mike as he comes to this realization, the drawings becoming more sinister and oozing blood.
This is a reference to one of the scenes in the Silver eyes book/graphic novel by the way because I love referencing FNAF shit in my doofy FNAF comic.
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Ya see this shit is what I meant by "I like horror in my comics"
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The writings continue to mock him because they're awful.
The lyrics from the FNAF fan song "Run run" are amusing to me. XD
"Lmao you tripped" and "watch your step" - GF
are also funny.
These show that despite this being a tense scene for MIKE, the one behind this is laughing their ass off at his terror.
Also a poster of the Golden Bear trips him. Because reality is a joke.
Weirdly this bear is not wearing the same get up as the one we saw stalking Mike earlier in the comic...
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Guys gals and pals.
This is buildup. :D
The fucking boarders of the comic are oozing, SOMETHING IS COMING. Mike's so scared he just sits there and cowers for a moment, he's terrified to turn around.
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I woulda shat my pants so ya know. Kudos to Mike for not doing that.
The giant bloody head is just disturbing but there's some oddities with this that we'll get into later~
I really wanted this horrific mouth to show how fresh and sticky that blood be.
Like ew.
Mike's trauma really just on full display here.
The repeating "Remember to smile" will be familiar to those who have heard the FNAF 2 phone calls (I think it's from FNAF 2 it's hard to remember. X'D)
"Remember to smile, you are the new face of Freddy Fazbear's pizza"
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Easter eggs: The poster of Freddy tearing his own head off is the poster you can see while trying to spawn Golden Freddy in FNAF 1.
This bear walking is warping he floor to look like Fredbear's family dinner.
Also uh, he's a headless figure...
But is the floating head...HIS HEAD?
Also the poster mocking Mike while he cries is so hilarious to me I'm sorry I'm mean to my characters.
Mike was apparently coping with his trauma well before coming here, assumably so much so he decided he COULD come here.
Seems Mike had to mentally prepare himself to come back to this place after seeing the bite, but also Jeremy's disappearance here.
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Huh, normal hallway.
Must be all good now! :D
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You know you're screwed when a poster is laughing at you.
The giant head is just lurking...
Mike just resigns to asking for this nightmare to stop.
This situation is like, straight terrifying though:
You're trapped, can't leave just walking aimlessly down a looping hallway with the symbol of one of your worst memories just behind you at all times. It's not outright attacking you, just lingering making sure you're aware of it's presence.
It's like an actual nightmare.
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Yeah singing a little song will help buddy.
Oh hey, Cyan jacket Yellow bear is there amongst all the others...Funny.
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Oh he's pissed now.
Nothing is working. Coping mechanisms ain't working here.
Ngl the "WHAT" panel makes me laugh.
It's so absurd.
Mike is still under the impression this thing is haunting him because of his in-action.
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Hehe wait-
Those teeth aren't like the one from befoooooooore...
Mike's so fed up with this.
Also the titular "It's me" line from FNAF 1 and, everywhere in the series. I had to include it.
Mike's just exhausted.
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Bro is beyond exhausted at this point.
Also notice how he mentions "The dark"
you afraid of the dark Mike?
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Bro's having mood swings like crazy. Not that I'd blame him I'd be pissed off if this ghost was just taunting me like this too.
Seriously tho- Mike you cracked that door with that punch is your hand okay????
Also we can note something about Mike: he's apparently right handed, or at least leans on using his right hand.
Yes that's relevant. X'D
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Oh hey, Cyan jacket bear is back.
How long has Mike been putting up with seeing this bear ghost?
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Huh. So even Mike notices the difference...
Mike I wouldn't touch that thing-
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Mike. You stopped going to therapy!?
Apparently in the past he couldn't feel this bear. So he HAS seen it before in an alerted mental state.
And oh no it's got him-
Big ol bear hug! :D
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Stuff we know but conformed for sure.
Bear is listening.
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Mike's confession is real funny apparently.
Considering ALL the notes/drawings on the wall, this character is kind of a sadistic ass so this reaction makes sense.
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So: They share a birthday how cute.
That terrible day was on Mike's birthday lmfao. Ouch.
Mr. Cody bear does this to people A LOT. Often enough he knows how they usually REACT anyway.
Also there's a typo ignore that i'm not gonna fix it lmao
Aaaand the "Mike is a freak" gag comes back once again. XD
Meaning he's been watching Bonnie and Mike talk to each other...
He's been stalking Mike in general since he entered the damn building.
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Oh my. Oh dear.
Why does everyone pat Mike's pretty head????
So Cody wasn't tormenting Mike because of a vendetta: He's just an ass.
He also doesn't want an apology showing he's got SOME emotional maturity to know it wasn't Mike's fault. This kind of maturity shows off even though he might have DIED as a child, he is not STILL a child. This is in stark contrast to a character like Ennard who keeps a childish mentality towards others.
Josh Afton was the one wearing the "Foxy mask" and inadvertently killed his own brother.
Seems Cody isn't over that...Getting pissed Mike even brings up his brother. Possibly angry Mike even KNOWS that much about him?
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Cody just leaves.
Mike is terrified to be left alone, he'd rather hug the bear who's been tormenting him than be alone.
They take a peek back into the room and it's darkness is OMINOUS.
Cody's eyes also flash red when he's angry or annoyed, hold onto that detail.
Hope ya enjoyed the show so far we'll pick up again when I finish my blabbing.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
The Spin Out
Fandom: Batman, DC Comics
Summary: Jason Todd returns to Gotham after three years for the final time to win enough money to pay off Sheila's debts.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s), Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Street Racing AU, No Capes AU, Jason Todd-centric, Hurt Jason Todd, Bad Parent Sheila Haywood, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Hurt/Comfort, Organized Crime, Jason Todd has PTSD, Jason Todd has Trust Issues, Jason Todd is Not Okay, Good Person Jason Todd, Stalker Bruce Wayne, Family Issues, Secret Identities, Secrets, Angst
Chapter One: Cigs
Jason neatly folded his clothes, watching his mother pace, smoking a cigarette. “Jason, it’s too dangerous. There has to be something-.”
“Nope. I’ll be home before the summer holiday ends,” Jason interrupted. He stood, gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek, snagged her cigarette, and sat on the foot of his bed. “I’ll take the boat out as far as Florida and drive the rest of the way to Jersey. I only need to stay long enough to get a hundred grand. Can you hold out until I get home?”He spoke with the cigarette between his lips, sharply inhaling once he finished his question.
“Jason, you’re only-.”
Lifting his mother off the ground, he set her down a few feet to his left and opened his drawer. “Mom, I’ll be fine. Do you mind if I bum a pack of cigs off you for the trip?” Jason questioned. He started smoking again after he moved in with Sheila. She reached into her back pocket and placed the pack in his palm.“If anything happens, I can always call your brother in Maine. Right?”
“Be careful. These things’ll kill you,” Sheila joked as she reached for him, pulling him into a hug. “I just got you back.” Tensing in her arms, he fought the urge to pull away. It wasn’t the first time they’d had money trouble of that proportion. Her last boyfriend cleared her bank account, and Jason had to sell his car. That stung. It took him three months to bounce back. He wanted a mother more than a peaceful life. So, he swallowed all the trouble that came with knowing her.
"Passport and fake ID… Where is it, Mom?" Jason questioned.
"Jason, why can't you stay here and do all that?" Sheila asked.
"Mom, we talked about this. They know me here. No one's gonna let me race in this town. Nobody knows who I am in Gotham, Mom. I can get in and out with fewer problems there," Jason explained as he rummaged through his drawers. Jason glanced at his mother and the guilty look on her face. “Mom, give me my ID. Please. Please. PLEASE.” He grabbed her hands, holding them to his chest. “Mom, I have three months to make one hundred grand… Or they will kill us. Do you understand that? They’re not kidding. Did you forget that gun he held to your head two weeks ago?”
Sheila pulled away from him. “Let me go with you—.”
“I wish you could, but it’d be more trouble than we can handle right now, Mom. Now, give me my ID and passport. I have an hour to get on the road, or I’ll miss my boat,” Jason replied. She frowned. “Murder, Mom. They’re gonna kill us.”
Sheila frowned, reaching into her purse for Jason’s ID and passport. “I almost named you Michael, you know. I was so sure you’d be blonde. Michael Peter Todd,” Sheila wistfully smiled as she held his hand. “Your father didn’t like that name.”
Jason tensed up and pulled away. “Mom, I have to go,” Jason whispered.
“Call me as much as you can,” Sheila whispered. Jason nodded as he zipped up his backpack. Slinging his bag on his back, Jason headed for the living room and sat next to his suitcase. “Do you have your lunch for the boat?”
“Mom, I’m alright—.”
“Jason, take your lunch. Please,” Sheila interrupted, “You’re a big guy now. You have to keep your belly full.”
“Mom, I’ll—. Yes, ma’am,” Jason whispered as he put his cigarette in the ashtray. “Thank you.” Despite his frustration, he would’ve done anything for her.
“I love you, Jason. I guess—. I’m worried about you,” Sheila whispered as she reached to fix a stray hair in Jason’s face. “You look so tired.”
Jason took his lunch out of the fridge and kissed her forehead. “Love you, Mom. I’ll be back before the end of summer,” Jason whispered, “Okay? And I’ll drive safe to the docks, Mommy. I promise.” Mommy. The word carried the same sugary sweetness he had when they first met. It was genuine. His love for her was real.
As he slipped out the front door with his bags, his breath caught in his throat. He swallowed the lump in his throat, quietly joining his friend from school in the car. “Pô! I can’t believe you’re leaving São Tomé,” his friend shouted, hanging off Jason’s jacket. “I could weep!”
Jason laughed and pushed his friend off. “Efigenia, I’ll only be gone for the summer. Efi—.”
“I want to go with you. Think of all the pretty girls that you’re robbing me of meeting,” Efigenia whined. Jason took her car keys and shook his head.
“It’s not that great. I’m working,” Jason replied.
“Still… It’s amazing that your mom’s letting you go to America by yourself,” Efigenia half-exclaimed, “And in your own apartment. I bet you’ll have all sorts of—.”
Jason’s face reddened as he shook his head. “Oh, yeah… I forgot. You wanna be a man of virtue for the rest of your life,” Efigenia teased.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jason asked.
“Come on. Girls here are practically throwing themselves at you. And you, in all your Catholic guilt, shrink away from women like they’ve got the plague,” Efigenia explained, “Unless—.”
“If I was gay, you’d be the first to know,” Jason replied.
Efigenia glanced at him, raising her brow. “So, are you gay?” Efigenia asked.
Jason turned his head and rolled down the window. “I’m gonna have one more smoke before I go,” Jason mumbled as he lit a cigarette. “Efi, can you look after my mom while I’m gone?”
“Uh-huh… Why?” Efi asked. Jason tightened his lips around the cigarette as he blew a smoke ring out the window. Jason managed to keep his friends at arm’s length about his past and current home life. All Efigenia knew about Jason was he liked cars and motorcycles, graduated a year early, and never missed a Sunday at church. Everything else was unnecessary and messy.
He didn’t want to make any waves. Jason and Sheila had only been in São Tomé for three months. Before that, they were in Australia for a year. He went by Michael at that time. Before that, they were in Venezuela for two weeks… And Italy for another year. But Ethiopia came first. They lived and breathed Ethiopia until it nearly killed Jason. He still couldn’t talk about it, even after Sheila begged him to say something. That’s when he started smoking again, but he never spoke one word of blame to her. It wasn’t in his nature to complain about his mother.
“Jason, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ask you if you were gay—.”
“Oh, no. That’s not—. I’m nervous about—. I haven’t been to the States in a year. I don’t—. I don’t like traveling,” Jason replied, “I feel like an open wound, and every time I travel to another country, I feel like I’m bleeding out. I’m losing everything that makes me feel… Human.” Efigenia frowned.
“You never talk about traveling with your mom. I always thought you liked it because of how fast you pick up—. You adjust so fast,” she whispered.
“I love the destinations, but sometimes I feel like there’s no endpoint. Nothing feels like home,” Jason muttered as he took a long drag from his cigarette and blew out the window. He felt nauseous. Traveling always made him feel nauseous.
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themarginalthinker · 9 months
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@hypocriticaltypwriter *laughs manically as we slide into your dashboard*
Since you asked, who are we to deny?
This is all co-created with my writing and irl partner @berd-alert.
So, this is a collection of headcanons that, broadly, apply to just about anything we write within the Lost Boy's universe, but also some of it spills out into other vampire fiction we write, and some of it is SPECIFICALLY to do with our planned longfic You Can't Catch Me (and Make Me a Man), YCCM for short, which is in production right now and will be posted when it's closer to completion.
If you have any specific questions about THAT, feel free to ask or look through the, admittedly, small tag we have for it.
But! Here we go! Some vamp headcanons that we use as our baseline worldbuilding!
-Vampire bones opalize as they age! This extends to the blood, and by the time a vampire is about a hundred or so, their blood can appear white when spilled! Live long enough, and their teeth will flash rainbow iridescence.
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-Vampire mate for life! We played with the idea of soulmates for a while, because we don't generally Vibe with the 'bound by fate, unable to fight it, you just Have to be with this other person, no choice' that most soulmate aus tend to have incidentally, but we found a little work around.
Vampires mate for life, but who they end up with is a bit of a range. There will be people a vampire will have Resonance with, people they just click with, drift compatible if you will, and they can 'date' around, but...once one is chosen, that's It. That is the mate for the rest of their unlives. It IS entirely possible that if a mate dies, the remaining of the pair COULD find another...but it would take hundreds of years to make enough mental distance to allow that to happen.
To give something of an example from our own story: David and Paul had Resonance, but so did Paul and Marko - Paul chose Marko, because they had it more. David and Star had Resonance, but so did David and Michael, and David chose Michael.
-Clans! You were given the other two vampire social groups in the previous post, but there is technically a third!
Clans are a group of vampires that are in no way related - don't share a sire, aren't born of another vampire in that group, literally just a collection of people living and working together. Clans are...the largest, but most unstable of any vampire social unit, unbound by packbond or blood. They can hold pretty big territories, but that power tends to be tenuous and prone to collapse and scattering. Occasionally you get a matepair gathering nomads and singletons to try and form something like an adopted pack, but they don't tend to stick together nearly as long as an actual pack or coven. This doesn't mean that clans are inherently violent or anything, it just means it's a much more open and loose, but less secure social arrangement for all involved.
-Nomads: singleton or matepair vampires who hold no territory and wander instead. (Fun fact, Alan Frog almost ends up like this in our offshoot story Flight Feathers because of Reasons ;) )
Magic and vampiric Banes/Boons
This gets its own little section because it's a little..long.
Banes/Boons: Just like in Twilight (yes! I know! I thought SOME of the vampire worldbuilding was a little cool! SMeyer is still,,..sus tho for a number of reasons) vampires all have a special little ability they get when they turn! A boon. Sometimes it can even manifest in their fledglinghood, but usually it takes fully turning for it to appear.
And just like getting a special ability, they also get a weakness that's particularly bad. A bane.
David: Boon - inducing hallucinations, false visions and even some tactile sensation (ie, making them feel heat, wind, the crawling of insect feet when it's not real). Bane - he is REALLY sensitive to sunlight. The others would take a few minutes of blistering and smoking to get to burning in the light, but David IMMEDIATLY goes up in flames. He can't even take sunsets/sunrises. It's bad.
Dwayne: Boon - animal communication/command. He can make animals do whatever he wants, and understand their thoughts and intentions. Bane - arithmomania. The old vampire folklore compulsion to count large groups of small items, like bowls of sesame or poppy seeds, beans, beads, that kinds of thing.
Paul: Boon - mist transformation (also called incorporeality or 'vaporous transmogrification' if you wanna be fancy). Bane - affected by holy/blessed/consecrated objects and ground. Now, this one can apply to a number of things, not JUST Christian/Catholic religion. It depends wholey on the intent of the blessing and object. If someone were to sincerely cast a pentagram for healing and life, Paul would still be hurt by touching or being around it.
Marko: Boon - mockingbird/doppleganger. Marko has this neat little ability where as long as he's heard it enough, he can mimic a person's exact voice and certain sounds, and cast a false image of himself into reality. Like a mirror illusion. (Paul and Marko are literally 'smoke and mirrors' lol.) So don't go wandering out into a dark woods at night if you THINK you hear a baby crying, or your friend crying for help, especially if you don't KNOW it's them. Bane - He's affected the most by herbal wards against vampiric energy, ie, wild rose, garlic blossom, mountain ash, and such.
Michael: Bane - extra sensitivity to running water. The others can at least stand to take a shower, but Michael can barely even do that. He can't swim in a river, or the ocean. Full body burns as if he's stepped into the sun. Now, we go more into detail with this in the story, but Michael's Boon is a little odd, and makes more sense in the narrative. Memory visions. If he spends enough time around you, he will eventually start getting visions of your memories.
Also, as something else to look over as background for how the world works, here is a post detailing magic and what...vampires even are. Short answer: they're a kind of fae. The old kind. Spooky, dangerous, scary, powerful. It goes more into detail than needs be here.
But uh. Yeah. Headcanons for the worldbuilding of the world the Lost Boys inhabit. There's a lot more, but that ties a bit more firmly into the story of You Can't Cath Me. Again, any questions you might have, feel free to ask us! You can also find more little tidbits collected under my Lost Boys Masterlist in my pinned blog post.
Thanks for showing interest! We adore talking about this stuff. :>
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hansolosyou · 1 year
Okay, so, before I go absolutely HAM on this…
CW! : mentions of marijuana/smoking, and alcohol.
Yes, this is very different from a lot of my posts. Hell, most of them are shit posts. But this time, this time it’s different.
This is a brief introduction to a fnaf AU I’ve been working on !!
So, I haven’t actually begun writing for it, but I’ve spoken to friends and have made art relating to it. Well then, I give you…
The Unnamed Human Springtrap AU because I haven’t actually gotten that far yet!! *confetti*
Wow… uhh yeah that’s it. Well, here’s a quick rundown on what it’s about:
William Afton, in his late 50s early 60s, is still avoiding the cops! Woo!! He never ended up springlocked, and is instead changing his appearance and name to stay under the radar. He goes under the alias Dave Miller (yes, like in the books)
While buying weed or something, the dealer was working at this place called Fazbears Fright and was wondering if “Dave” wanted a job there. That person is none other than the fnaf 3 phone dude! Of course, William needs cash, and thought it was interesting that they were making this horror attraction based on his sick actions. So, he gladly accepted. Next thing you know, he arrives that following Monday and is apparently one of the scare actors. He wasn’t informed of that. Well, he was just in it for the cash, anyways. Phone dude thinks his creepy aura and appearance is perfect for the role of a serial killer or something… oh. AHEM
William would eventually see a familiar face working there. Michael Afton, his son that he practically disowned, playing the role of the security guard! Now, the workers knew that Michael was the son of William Afton, so they hired him to get things accurate and learn more on Williams story and what it was like to live with him. But, obviously, they didn’t know that they had also just hired the man (behind the slaughter) himself.
Yeah, that’s a rundown of what I have planned. So, here’s some sketches!
EDIT: I just realized that I wrote “roots + bangs” instead of “roots + eyebrows”… I was tired okay
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So.... Finally I can show you a full drawing of my baby and her headcanons
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The headcanons:
- first name- Starlight (Star in short), midle name- Evangeline, last name- depends on the au she's in (and wich parent has better last name XD)
- she's so cute that it's hard to refuse such a sweetie
- She's so chaotic
- has Asperger's syndrome (like me)
- her cheek stars can light and under the influence of emotions, all her light changes colors: normal- yellow, happy- brighter yellow and stronger light, angry- red, sad- blue, love (but not only romantic love)- pink, sleepy- purple, disgusted/sick/about to vomit- green, bored- gray, scared- white, and sometimes when she's using her powers every part of her body that lights and her eyes are all black
- her nose is pink (raspberry shade), not red like her dad's
- she's the princess of love and in au where Shrig isn't royalty, she's Malcolm's chosen successor (she dosen't like it)
- don't be fooled by appearances, but this child is capable of killing anyone who tries to harm her family
- she calls Shrig "mom" because yes and because he literally gave birth to her (don't ask how)
- no matter what style I draw her, she will always have the same eyes as Shrig and the same hair structure as Larry
- when it comes to her powers, she inherited them from both of her parents, but most often she uses those from her father's side, i.e. she controls the oil and makes portals through which she moves to other dimensions, most often to meet her siblings (she is very caring towards the younger ones like Valentine or Michael)
- her favorite hobby is burning bridges.... (nice)
- mommy's girl :3
- she's afraid to ever get her ears pierced (just like me hehe...)
- Warren and my OC are her godparents
- hates when someone smokes and I'll explain why when I do a post about her relationships with her family and friends because it's related to Warren >:3
And here' a drawing of her with her mommy that I didn't finished because of my lazyness
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Okay I think that's all oh wow that's a lot hehe
I'm waiting for @wackysach reaction XD
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bigg-city-riders-au · 11 months
Getting To Know The Beast
Yet another drabble for the feral au featuring Titan. Dabble under the cut. Tw for threats of violence under the cut.
“You know, you’re not as bad as they say.” Michael looked up at the massive ocean going tug, who was resting on the sandy shores of the beach, having heaved his massive body onto land a few hours before. His eyes constantly scanned the area as he kept a watchful eye over two children who were playing with his towline, which idly twitched to encourage them to play with it, like a mother cat letting her kittens play with her tail.
The jet black hull was accented with horizontal white stripes and the nameplate on the bow of the beast bore its name, Titan. A fitting name for a tug his size. His chest, back and head were a rust brown. His facial features were not too dissimilar to his father’s, Hercules. He was just as big and powerful as his father. Titan’s icy blue eyes bore a cold glare that pierced one’s very soul. His messy jet black hair was gently blowing in the wind as a gentle breeze picked up, carrying the scent of the ocean with it.
Titan turned his attention away from the two young children that were playing on his deck, one boy, one girl. They were born a few years ago. Dusk, their mother, refused to reveal details about their father but they did share a few characteristics of other Riders. Michael couldn’t help but feel uneasy when the massive tug turned its cold piercing gaze to him, like being stared at by a great wolf and Michael was nothing more than a mere rabbit. He shuddered as Titan narrowed his eyes at him, turning his large eyes into icy blue slits that stood out startlingly from his dark colored hide.
“Don’t mistake my babysitting for hospitality, welp. I’m allowing you to be this close because my Rider has taken a liking to you.” Titan growled softly as his towline twitched. Michael shrank back at his voice. The tug’s voice was riddled with malice and was far deeper than anticipated. Perhaps deeper than Warrior’s voice. Yet, it was almost pleasant to hear, like the voice of a nobleman. Michael hadn’t felt so insignificant until he was under Titan’s harsh glare and heard the tug’s formidable voice for the first time. Michael immediately nodded and averted his gaze.
“Yes, I should have taken that into account. I’m sorry about that, Titan.” Michael swallowed the lump in his throat. The tug’s mere presence was enough to make even the bravest warriors grow uneasy.
“Hmph.. I suppose my Rider judged you well.. That doesn’t mean I’ll allow you near her children. They’re as precious to me as they are to her. They hold the Ravenswood’s future. They are heirs of the dark throne. It is my duty to guard her and her children with my life. I would not have hesitated to set an example out of you if you hadn’t bonded with my mother.” Titan’s harsh words cut like a knife. He wasn’t afraid to kill a villager or even threaten another Rider to get his points across. No wonder why they get along so well.
“I suppose so.. I don’t understand what she sees in me. If you don’t mind, could I ask you why she took me in so quickly?” Micheal dared to look up into Titan’s eyes. Titan’s icy blue eyes locked with his brown eyes, studying the human before him before turning his head away from him and a puff of thick black smoke billowed from his smoke stack not too dissimilar to a dragon’s snort. The tug remained silent for some time before finally speaking up.
“It’s obvious you have potential as a Rider. You’re sleight of hand and your tongue is sharp and your mind sharper. She sees you as a student. Why else do you think she’s been teaching you about the magic she uses? The history of the Riders? Combat training? She doesn’t take on just any student. One must have that hunger for knowledge, ambition, and confidence in oneself. She saw that in you, Michael. That is something for you to take pride in.” Titan spoke with such sincerity yet malice trickled in his voice. Micheal took in every word. The bard bowed his head in respect.
“Thank you. I appreciate you answering the question.. if you don’t mind-“ Micheal was cut off as Titan pushed himself back off the sandy shores of the beach. The two children clung to Titan as his massive body slipped into the water of the ocean.
“My Rider is calling for me. Perhaps we can meet again. Just not when I’m babysitting my Rider’s pups.” Titan’s cold gaze fell upon Michael again. The human shuddered under his intense gaze. This tug wasn’t one to be taken lightly. Michael bowed his head to the gigantic tug.
“Yes, of course. I’ll take my leave then.” Michael nodded in acknowledgement. Titan simply grunted before making his way to the fortress, leaving the bard alone on the beach. He sat down on the sand, watching the waves crash against the shore. He needed some time to ponder Titan’s words.
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divine-donna · 2 years
visitation of the bard - pt. 2
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pairing: eddie munson x gn! reader warning(s): mild violence notes: the second part to my fic, visitation of the bard. this takes place in a medieval au. for the ✨vibes✨ of this part, i recommend listening to the following bardcore covers: “barbie girl,” “somebody i used to know,” and “love story” (the last one especially at the banquet scene to the end). i’m also extra so i made a youtube playlist of the songs i listened to while writing the fic. word count: 3.4k words
ao3 link: visitation of the bard by vanagloriah
like this fic and feeling generous? leave a tip on ko-fi!
“Good morning, my liege.”
You groaned, covering your face with your blanket. The sun was so bright. Why was it so bright? Was it always this bright? Your body felt quite sore. You didn’t want to get out of bed and move. You could already feel the exhaustion from the day’s events even if they haven’t started yet. “Please no…” You mutter before feeling the blanket be ripped from your grip. Harper was always strong.
“Good morning, my liege! Late night?” They ask with their eyebrows raised.
“Really now?” Harper smirks.
“Fine. You got me.”
“Of course I do.”
You sit up. You felt like a zombie, like someone who wasn’t supposed to be walking around. You shouldn’t have been out so late. “So are you going to talk? What did you do last night?” Harper asks, pulling your clothes out for the day.
“I…It’s hard to explain.”
“I see. Well, did you at least find the bard?”
You hesitated if you should answer that, if you should say yes or no. If you should bring up that the two of you went out into the forest and shared an intimate moment together that was filled with romance, that you fell asleep listening to the soft hum of his lute, that you learned his name and that he felt oddly familiar to you. It felt like you had met him before. But where? Where had you seen those eyes? That smile? You felt feelings deep inside of you stir. Something was amiss. It was as if there was a veil of smoke in your mind, preventing you from truly remembering what it was. It was on the tip of your tongue! Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Why did that name sound so familiar? Maybe if you knew the house he came from, his family’s name, then it would click in your head. “I…did.”
Harper notices your hesitation and the tension in your voice. “Did something happen?” Their face grows concerned.
“No. Nothing happened.” You smile. “He was…sweet and kind and talented and funny. Mysterious he was. We…We were alone in the forest.”
Harper gasps. “My liege!” They exclaim. You could see them get secondhand embarrassment from you.
“I know. How…improper of me, to be alone with a man. A bard nonetheless! Their reputations precede them all too well.” You play with your hands. “But he was so captivating. So…handsome, beautiful. I don’t think any person comes close to his charm and charisma. And his laugh! It was hearty, full of joy. He was a man without care. And he’s just that! A man. There’s nothing special about him or his music! He is a human man without the power of a divine being or mythical creatures by his side. He does travel with a knight and his squire.”
“It appears my liege is quite whipped for this bard.” Harper giggles. “You speak as if you had encountered a cherubim yourself!”
“Yes. Maybe. But there is something bothering me.” You shake your head. “I remember him. Or well…I don’t. But there was a feeling of familiarity when I saw him! And yet, I cannot recount a single thing about him! His name sounds familiar too. And he refused to answer my questions.” You scoff at the memory. “Nevertheless, I am at a loss for words!”
“Well, my liege, I’m happy you feel that way. We must, however, start your day. You have lessons with Robin, a midday meal with Lady Nancy and Lord Michael of House Wheeler, your afternoon lessons with Sir Kline, and then a banquet—”
“Banquet!” You exclaim. “What? Why?”
“Because it is your birthday? You are turning 20. And your father has invited plenty of people to come woo you.”
Your face falls. “I see…” You only wanted one person to woo you: Eddie the Bard.
“Well we must get ready. Come on now!”
 “You appear to be particularly aggravated today my liege.” Sir Kline easily parried your lunges and strikes.
“It’s complicated.” You add more force to the strike. He counters.
“Is it about tonight’s banquet?”
“Yes!” You lunge again and he counters. “I cannot believe it! The audacity of my father to arrange suitors for me! When I do not want any of them! Man, woman, person, otherwise! There is only one person I would allow to court me!”
“Oh? Has the liege met someone?” He raises an eyebrow at the thought. “I wondered what happened when you went out. You did go out, yes?”
You stop moving, panting and trying to catch your breath. “I did.”
“Did you meet this bard?”
“I met him, yes.”
“Him?” He raises his eyebrows. “Interesting.”
“Sir Kline, please.” You wave your hand. “Nothing happened.”
“Really? Did nothing really happen?”
“I mean, aside from him serenading me and me…enjoying myself,” You shrug. “It was nice.”
“Was he what his reputation made him out to be?”
You purse your lips. “No. Not at all. He was…” You were trying to find the words. “Romantic. Chivalrous. A gentleman.”
He nods along. “It sounds like you had a good experience, my liege.”
 Robin hummed to herself as she walked around the cauldron, adding a few more ingredients to the pots. She adored the smell that came from the pot. It already calmed her nerves and her mind felt clearer. “This is great. Once this batch is done I can sell it—”
You bursted through the door. “ROBIN!”
“Ah!” The woman fell down, taking a stool with her. “(Y/N)—I mean, my liege! Do NOT barge in like that!” She stood up and picked up the stool before sitting, leaning her back against the table. “Don’t you have something to do—”
“No! I don’t!” You close the door behind yourself. “Anyways, remember last month’s lessons?”
“Ummm…No. I don’t. Because I’m busy doing other things and the lessons are at the back of the mind.”
“I prepare them way ahead in advance and I just follow the schedule. I mostly teach you so I can save up money.”
“Okay. Whatever.” You go back to the door to make sure it’s locked. Robin gives you a weird look. “We learned about certain herbs and their properties. And some of them are said to be hailed from myth where the myth says they have powerful properties like…prophetic properties.”
“My liege, those are just myths and legends. There is no basis in reality—”
“Some of them are used for prayers! And-and for rehabilitation!” You snapped your fingers. “One in particular is said to help with a foggy memory!”
“Are you…suffering from a foggy mind, my liege?” Robin raises an eyebrow.
“Yes. Yes I am. See, I met the bard yesterday. You know this already. But what I failed to communicate was that he seemed…awfully familiar, like I knew him. Like I’ve seen him before, been with him before. The place where he took me in the forest felt very familiar too! Like I’ve been there before. But I just can’t remember anything.”
“I see. Anything I can do to help, liege.” Robin smiles. “I should have something for you.” She stands up and begins rummaging around the table, looking through the containers. It took her some time before she eventually found it. “Here we are. This herb should help.” She presented it to you.
“I’m guessing I just eat it right?” You take it in your hand. It smelled very…strong.
“Actually it’s best to—(Y/N)!” She exclaims as she watches you shove the herb in your mouth. “No! No, no, no, NO!”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” You shrug.
 Robin waited outside, leaning against the wall. She listened to the sounds of you retching up whatever food you had eaten earlier in the day. You weren’t supposed to eat it because the herb’s purpose was to help detoxify the body by way of vomiting. Alas, you were more inclined to trust your intrusive thoughts than to listen to your friend. Robin watched as you came out. “Better now?”
“Yeah.” You felt slightly woozy.
“Come on. We’ll consume the herb the right way.”
Robin boils some water and adds the herb into it, letting it steep. You wait patiently as you watch her pour the liquid into a cup. When you take it, you take in the strong aroma of the drink. It felt soothing and smelled like rosemary. It was warm and comforting. “Alright. You’re supposed to drink it but slowly. Take in the scent while you drink it because the smell will aid in the clearing of the mind fog—(Y/N)!”
You decided it was best to swallow it all in one go like a cup of ale. “Little bit hot on the tongue.” You set the cup down. “Tastes pretty good though.”
Robin sighs. “Now we wait.”
You sat in your seat, waiting for something to happen. You didn’t feel any different and your mind certainly did not feel cleared up. You thought back to Eddie, his smile and his laugh, the way his hand felt when you held it and the gentleness of his voice. He was familiar. Something deep down inside of you recognized him. But you didn’t know from where. It was unnatural to be feeling this way about a man you had just met. You were bothered though and you wanted to figure everything out as soon as possible. “I feel…nothing.”
“Huh. I guess it might just be an old wives’ tale. Or maybe there’s something else put in the tea with religious people.” Robin shook her head.
“I guess.” You hop off the stool and stand before your mind suddenly feels heavy. Your vision begins to blur and your body doesn’t move. You feel yourself falling and all you can hear is Robin screaming your name as you black out.
 You were 5 years old.
You wanted to know why you couldn’t leave the palace and go exploring. Your father said no. He seemed somber. Did it have something to do with your mother’s death? You were simply confused. He didn’t seem to budge though and you resigned yourself to sitting at the stables and petting the horses. It was as close to the outside as you could get. “It just isn’t fair, Holland.” You pout as you stroke your pony’s mane. Holland makes a noise in response, nudging their head against your hand. “Why can’t I go outside? Maybe if I had someone go with me then father would let me. Like Sir Kline!” Your excitement died down. “Who am I kidding?”
“What has you down my liege?” A voice chimes.
You lift your head to see a young boy about your age. He looks slightly older though. Maybe by a year or two. His brown hair is cut short but you could make out that his hair is slightly wavy. He’s quite cute actually. “My father will not let me outside. And I doubt anyone would rebel against his wishes so I can leave and see the town and the forest.” You huff.
“Sounds quite tyrannical, my liege.” He jokes. It gets a small laugh from you.
“I would need protection if I were to leave. A knight maybe.”
“Fear not, my liege! For I can provide such a thing!” He puffs his chest out.
“But you’re just a boy.”
“Not any boy!” He bows. “Edward of House Munson, my liege. My father is Julian of House Munson and my uncle Wayne of House Munson. We are a house of honored knights.” He offers his hand. You look wary but nevertheless, place your own in his. He presses his lips to your knuckles before pulling it away. “I am at your service, my liege.”
“Are you even knighted though? You’re far too young to be a knight.” You ask.
“I have not been knighted yet nor am I a squire. But I can guarantee that I can protect you!” He smiles.
You smile back. “Your enthusiasm is infectious, dear Edward.”
“Give me a second and I’ll be back!” He scurried off and you watched inquisitively. What was going to happen?
Eventually, he came back with Sir Kline. He told you that he managed to get Sir Kline to convince your father to allow you to go visit the town. You would just be under the watchful eye of Sir Kline. Edward had pulled through for you when no one else could. Of course you had to invite him and ask him to show you around.
 You were 8 years old.
Practicing the art of sword fighting was a lot harder than it looked. Of course, as you grew older and your strength grew, you would be able to carry heavier swords and weapons. But for now, you remained with a rather light sword. Edward was swinging hard. Normally he went easy on you considering he was much more advanced in the art. There was clearly something bothering him though and he was releasing the steam through sparring. “Is everything alright Edward?” You ask.
“It’s…It’s nothing.” He shakes his head.
“Oh come on. What’s bothering you?” You frown. “You can talk to me.”
Edward purses his lips. “Well…you are aware of the things that happened with my father, yes?”
“Essentially, he has dishonored my family’s name and legacy. It is up to me to fix it because he ran away and fled the kingdom.” He sighs. “I still have the chance to be knighted. My uncle however is content with no longer being a knight.”
“Why is that?”
“He says his true passion in life is music. He loves playing the lute. Actually, he started teaching me how to play because I was interested. It’s good to have hobbies. I’m just not sure if I’m capable of becoming a knight.”
You laugh. “What? What’s so funny?” He exclaims.
“It’s just strange. I’ve never seen you be so…unsure of yourself.” You smile reassuringly. “You will be an amazing knight! And I’ll be sure to be the one to knight you when the time comes!”
 You were 10 years old.
“We’re almost there!” Edward has a massive smile on his face as he holds your hand. It feels nice, feels warm. You feel safe whenever you’re around him. The two of you emerge from the forest to a lake. The water was dark and murky but there was nothing mysterious about it. You were here with Edward after all. He would protect you from the dangers of the world. He would always be by your side.
“It’s very pretty here Edward.” You say.
“I know. And we’ll be able to be here alone.” He removes his cloak and sets it down on the ground. “After you my liege.”
The two of you sit together and talk. There’s no other sound aside from the wind and the occasional hoot of an owl. You couldn’t be bothered with them though. What mattered most is that you were here, with Edward. Alone. At one point, he appeared to be lost in thought and he was silent for a while. “Edward? Are you okay?”
“My liege…No, (Y/N).” He looks at you intently. There’s something different about him. His eyes hold something. Was it desire? Warmth? Or could it be…love? “I must confess something to you.”
“Oh.” Your face grew hot. “Of course Edward. What is it?”
He takes a deep breath before gently taking your hands. “I…You have enamored me, my liege. For the past year or so. I cannot help but feel a burning passion for you. My passion burns brighter than the stars, brighter than the flames of the divine. And I believe I will fight everyone for you, slay every monster for you, travel to the end of the world and back! You have captivated me and I…I want to court you.” His cheeks become pink. “Not now! But when I become knighted, I will officially court you my liege. If you will accept?”
“Edward…” Your face was burning hot now. All the blood had rushed to your cheeks. Your lips trembled and so did your hands. He squeezes your hands gently, as if to calm you. “I—”
“I understand if you do not accept. And I promise to take it in stride.”
“Edward,” You say. “I accept.” You were beaming. “I accept! I accept!”
“You do? That’s…That’s wonderful!” He exclaims. “May I…May I kiss you, my liege?”
You gasp. “On the lips?”
“Where else?”
You nod. “You may.”
Edward leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your lips. The warmth spreads like a fire and all over your face. There is nothing more romantic than this. Your first kiss, under the moonlight by a lake. You pull away, looking deep into his eyes. There was nothing but love in them. “In ten years,” You say. “In ten years, we shall marry. By then, you would have been knighted and restored your family’s honor.” Your grip on his hands tighten. “We shall wed Edward when I turn twenty.”
“Yes,” He removes his hands from yours, plucking a flower from the ground. You watch with excitement as he ties the flower around your ring finger on your left hand. “We shall.”
You sigh dreamily, thinking about how grand your wedding would be. “The bells will be ringing all day!”
“So they shall.”
You opened your mouth to say something only to feel a sudden wisp of air. An arrow lands next to you, piercing through the fabric of Edward’s cloak. Your cheek stings and you feel a warm liquid run down your face. Your breath and pulse quicken as the two of you are surrounded. Suddenly, the world feels light. All sound is blocked out. You see Edward’s mouth open, screaming something. He helps you up and tears his cloak from the ground, the fabric ripping through it slightly. Everything feels like a blur. This doesn’t feel real. It wasn’t real right? It couldn’t have been, being ambushed by smugglers. You don’t know what happened. You just remember lots of screaming, some blood, lots of pain, and eventually you fighting your way out of the grasp of a smuggler and trying to run, only to trip over your own feet and for your head to hit something, hard. A rock probably.
 You’re suddenly met with the ceiling. It felt familiar. This was your room of course. You could hear quiet shouting and your eyes glance over to see Lady Nancy scolding her brother. “What were you thinking! You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“Listen! If me and Robin didn’t follow them, then (Y/N) may be gone now! We’re lucky we all made it out in one piece!” He exclaimed.
You lift up your left hand, seeing a flower tied around your finger. How peculiar. Why was it there? And who put it on you? You removed it and tossed it onto the floor of your room. “Lady Nancy? Lord Michael?” You groan as you sit up.
“Oh (Y/N).” Nancy lets out a breath of relief. It seemed like she was holding it in. “You’re awake.”
You blink. “I have to see father.” You say.
“No. You’re supposed to stay in bed—”
But you had already gotten out and began walking, not knowing you had stepped on the flower. You roamed the hallways for a bit, trying to find your father’s office. It took some time, but eventually you found it. The door was ajar and it sounded like…he was yelling? Your father never yelled. Peering through the gap, you saw a boy about your age with brown hair. His posture was straight. He seemed familiar and yet, you could not put a name to his face. You could only listen, hearing your father say that the boy has dishonored his family beyond comprehension. A hand gently lands on your shoulder and you jump. You let out a breath of relief seeing it was Robin. She had wrappings over what you presumed to be her wounds. “Come, my liege. Let’s get you back to your room.” She whispers. “You’ll worry Lady Nancy too much.”
The two of you begin to walk away. Before you leave, you could make out one final statement.
“Edward of House Munson, you will be banished from this kingdom for the rest of your days!”
Who was this Edward of House Munson?
 “What did you do?” A voice asks.
“I didn’t do anything! I just gave my liege some tea to help with mind fog and then they faint! How is it my fault?” The voice answers. It’s Robin’s voice.
You groan and your eyes flutter open. “Learn to keep it down.”
“Oh my liege!” Robin lets out a sigh of relief as you sit up. You see that the person she was talking to was none other than Lord Michael of House Wheeler. “We were so worried!”
“Everyone is.” Michael looks at you. “They’re wondering if something bad happened to you or if you fell ill.”
“I’m…I’m not ill.” You shake your head.
“Well great! Then it means the banquet can officially start.” Mike smiles. “We will leave you.”
“Okay. Sure.” You watch as they leave before Harper comes through the door. “Harper—”
“My liege!” Harper crosses their arms. “You! You had all of us worried!”
“I know. I’m sorry.” You sigh. “I just took some…medicine.”
“Bad medicine.” Harper huffs. “Come now! Let’s get dressed!”
 The suitors were truly…not special. Many of them were knights, asking to court you. You were not entertained however. Your mind kept drifting back to the memories that played while you were sleeping. Edward…Edward of House Munson. He felt familiar. He looked familiar. He reminded you of Eddie actually. Could they be the same person? You shook your head. How could they be the same person? Edward was a determined boy who wanted to clean up his family’s legacy. Eddie was a bard who sang and traveled continuously with a child and another knight. They could not be the same person. Nor could they be related. “Excuse me father. I must stretch my legs.” You stand and walk around for a bit. You just need to clear some thoughts is all—
“Ah! (Y/N)!” A voice chimes.
You turn around and notice a familiar face. “Dustin?”
“Yes! It’s me!” He smiles.
You look around. “What…are you doing here? Are you supposed to be here? And how did you recognize me?”
“Well I was actually invited. I got the letter quite late so we turned around to arrive and get dressed properly.”
“Invited by who?”
“My lady. The one I told you about.” You raise your eyebrow. “You know her. Lady Susie of House Bingham.”
“Oh.” The Binghams had a good reputation. Aside from their child Eden, who had a bit of a spotty reputation. But you wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t true. After all, Eddie’s reputation did not match the man he was. “I see. Wait, then where’s—”
Dustin points. “There’s Steve.” The knight is sitting besides Lady Nancy, Robin, and the artist Jonathan. The four of them seem engrossed in their conversation. “He’s catching up.”
“Okay. What about Eddie? Where is he?” You ask.
“He said something about seeing his Uncle Wayne and that he would be running a bit late.” He smiles.
A girl comes up to you both. “My liege.” Susie bows. “Come Dustin! We mustn’t bother the liege.”
“Of course.” Dustin bows. “Thank you for entertaining me, liege.”
You watch as the two of them walk away, talking to each other enthusiastically. You smile. Young love. There was nothing like it. And then it clicked in your head. Eddie. Edward of House Munson. They had to be the same person! Dustin just mentioned that Eddie was visiting his uncle. There was only one person you knew that had an uncle named Wayne.
 You hurry back to your own seat, sitting back down comfortably. The banquet is a standard one, with many people giving you their birthday wishes and your father telling you how much he loves you. However, the hall goes quiet as a man enters the room. He’s wearing a black cloak and his wavy hair reaches his shoulders. He’s holding a lute made of dark wood and his black boots are worn out. Your breath hitches in your throat. Eddie.
He walks with an air of confidence but you could tell by his footsteps that he seems nervous, wary even. He bows before the both of you. “My king. I know I am only a mere bard,” He starts. “But please, would you make a bard happy by letting him sing a song for the liege’s birthday?” His eyes stop on you. Even from afar, you could see that there was love in his eyes, and recognition.
“Very well.” Your father nods.
Eddie smiles up at you. He tunes his lute first before beginning the song. It’s clear to you it’s a love song, a love ballad. And unlike the other ballads of love you’ve listened to, this one feels sincere. There’s something raw about the melody, something that reaches deep inside your soul and makes you remember the feeling of his lips on yours, the way he held your hands, how he would go far and beyond for you. How he promised to fight for you and did. You feel all your sorrows melt away as you listen to his song, his love song. The melody is slow and picks every so often. It’s calming and he grabs the attention of everyone in the room. They listen with just as much intent as you. Your heart pounds against your chest and it hurts. It hurts because you have been far from him for too long. Edward of House Munson had been banished. And despite that, he returned. He returned for you. And he promised you last night that he would come back.
His song comes to a close, causing everyone in attendance to erupt into applause. Truly, it was nothing like they’ve ever heard before and nothing like what the rumors made him out to be. Eddie takes a bow before standing straight. The room quiets as you stand and descend from your seat. “Edward.” You say. “Edward of House Munson…”
The people look around and whisper to each other. Your father straightens his back and leans forward. Eddie looks around and laughs nervously. “I…actually prefer to be called Eddie, my liege.” He smiles. “Have I…wooed you?”
You stop in front of him and look deep into his eyes. Your own glance to his free hand. “Eddie the Bard.” You say. Your hand takes his. “You have wooed me.” You pull him along before he could react. You need to take him somewhere private, somewhere where the two of you can be alone and for no one to interrupt you.
 You reach a balcony where the moonlight can touch both you and Eddie. You take a moment to catch your breath before looking up at him. “Why?” You ask.
“Why what?” He cocks his head to the side.
“Why were you going to leave? Before my birthday.” You purse your lips.
“Well…I saw that you didn’t recognize me.” He says. “And…it hurt. After all, I returned to this kingdom every year around the time of your birthday, hoping you would sneak out and I would see you and we could be reunited.” He smiles. “But I figured it would be for the best to leave you be, you know.”
“Why didn’t you answer my questions? Or tell me while we were at the lake? You could’ve easily told me the truth! Everything!”
“Well I think, personally, it looks suspicious. I mean, you didn’t recognize me or anything. And I would run away if a random man came up to me and started spilling secrets about my youth.” He smiles slightly.
“Okay. You have a point. I didn’t even remember you existed until today actually!” You sigh. “I drank some herbs to help clear brain fog. And…I guess my mind blocked out what happened. And even you…”” You shake your head. “I don’t know how that happened. A spell maybe?”
“I doubt it. It must’ve been stress. We were only…ten and twelve at the time?”
“That’s also true.” You look up at him. “I…After last night, I could not shake off this feeling of familiarity. Like I knew you. Like I knew that place you took me to. And I do know! Now I know.” You gently hold his hands and you think back to the flower on your ring finger, the flower ring. “Now I know why I felt so strongly with you.” You could feel your eyes water. “It’s because…” You look up at him and deep into his eyes. “It’s because I love you. I’ve always loved you. Since that day at the lake! I knew it deep, deep down. I just couldn’t remember!”
Eddie smiles and pulls you closer to his body. “It’s alright.” He chuckles. “I forgive you.”
You let out a small laugh, a few tears falling down your cheeks. He lifts up a hand to wipe them away. “Do not cry my liege. For I am here now.” He says.
“I’m sure I can get my father to undo your banishment.” You mutter.
“That is something for another day. It is your birthday, is it not?”
“It is.”
Eddie’s smile widens. His eyes are full of love. “The song I played is a love song. But I’m sure you knew that. I wrote it for you. It’s gone through many, many revisions since I’ve first written it. I had planned to play it for you on our wedding day.”
You laugh. “It should’ve been today.”
“Life is…complicated. But it brought us back together, right?”
“Yes. Yes it did.” You lean forward.
Eddie meets you in the middle, kissing you deeply. His lips on yours felt right and your hands in his were also right. Everything about him was right. The way he held you close, the way he kissed you, the way he gently reassured you with his words, the way he crafted a beautiful love ballad for you. Under the moonlight, it was just the two of you. It shined on your faces, illuminating the love between you two displayed through your body language. You weren’t one to ask for presents. This was beyond a present. It had to be a gift from a divine being of some sort. Your childhood dreams would come true. You would be able to marry soon, after Eddie’s banishment status was undone. He had traveled the world and back to find you. He came back to the very kingdom where he was banished from so he could woo you and eventually wed you.
It was a love story for the ages.
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telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
About Me
(Highly recommend reading this before you follow, but that's purely up to you. Just don't blame me if you get caught off guard by something I post/reblog when it's right here lol)
Main: @raelyn-dreams
Haikyuu Sideblog: @futureacesquad
Twisted Wonderland Sideblog: @pieceofourworld
I'm cool with dark topics in fiction, and believe in freedom of art: banning is a huge no-no for me no matter the content. As long as it's tagged, I follow "DL;DR" to a T, and highly advise other people following me do the same :)
Honestly, I don't have much if anything for interaction rules, but some things you should probably know:
Basically, as long as there's no explicit Not-safe-for-Luke discussions with me, we're good!
Don't drag me into fandom discourse, because a: 98% of the time I don't know what's going on and b: I'm happy in my own little curated bubble, please and thank you :)
I post whatever I feel at any given time, don't really have a schedule, I just kind do what I want.
And, last thing: I'm not a heavy interactor (I've had some bad past fandom experiences and I'm just not that type of person anyway), but I do appreciate any support I get 😊
Writing Request Rules
General Rules:
Please be nice!
Send your request through an ask or PM me.
I reserve the right to decline an ask for any reason (though I'll almost always give an explanation, and you're still free to request other things!)
I'm alright with translations, podfics, etc, as long as permission is given from me first!
Things I Will Write:
OG + Nightbringer events
Anything hurt/comfort (this is my jam!
Canon-compliant (missing scenes, character studies, etc)
Canon-divergent (provided it's a small-scale divergence)
Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen
Pre-Fall, War, and Post-Fall (before game events)
Alcohol/Demonus Use
Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Bipolar 2, Chronic Pain
Panic/Anxiety Attacks
Characters of any sexual orientation.
Characters under the trans/nb/intersex umbrella
Characters on the aro/ace spectrums
Anything not mentioned here or on my other lists is also most likely a yes!
Things I Will Write, But May Take Longer Due To Research:
Eating Disorders
Autism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar 1, Severe Phobias, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mythomania (Pathological Lying), Narcissistic Personality Disorder, etc (feel free to ask me if something isn't mentioned!)
Cultural Traditions
Celestial Realm/Devildom Lore
Things I Won't Write:
Explicit Content
Excessive Gore
Smoking/Vaping/Tobacco Use
Child/Animal Abuse
Drug Use
Anything romantic/sexual involving Luke or MC
Anything I feel I lack the knowledge to write properly at this point in time
Character Death (excluding canonically-dead characters)
Suicide-Baiting (I'm aware Asmo does it a couple times in-game - I personally think of it as one of his flaws that he needs to work out, so I personally won't be writing it)
^ Adding to this, any of the characters being complete assholes to each other in general. While I'm cool writing fights, arguments, banter and misunderstandings, anything past what, say, Mammon gets in game is typically a no.
Explicit Demoncest
Anything set within the major events of the game past Lesson 20 (reaper arc, human world, student council trials, etc). This is purely due to the fact that I either haven't gotten to them yet or don't feel confident in my ability to write about them.
Anything heavily including Michael
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gukyi · 3 years
in the frosty air | a jjk drabble
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summary: two weeks ago you and your roommate slept together. which would be fine, if you knew you both felt the same about each other. but you don’t. and now it’s christmas, and jungkook is still gorgeous and gentle and wonderful and here, and and you don’t really know what to do about that.
{college!au, roommates!au}
pairing: jungkook x reader genre: this is just an angst train tbh, but it has a happy ending! word count: 1.6k warnings: mentions of past alcohol consumption, this centers around everyone’s favorite capitalist holiday, being sad in the wintertime a/n: OHHHHHHHHHH *internet breaks* anyway yeah i’m back baby!!! here’s a little drabble to celebrate because i can’t help myself when it comes to jungkook. love me or we both go down coming soon!
“This Christmas is pretty fucking lame, isn’t it?”
You whip around at the sound of his voice. “Oh, hey. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I figured,” Jungkook chuckles, bending his head down as he crawls through the open window to join you on the fire escape. The temperature is freezing and the wind is stinging your skin, but it didn’t really feel right to be spending tonight inside. “Saw the window open. Thought you might be here.”
“Yeah. I was probably gonna head inside soon, though.” In the hopes that you would be curled up in your bedroom before Jungkook even got home. Seeing him lately has been hard. “How did your final go?”
“It was alright.” You don’t have to keep looking at him to feel Jungkook taking a seat next to you, crossing his legs over each other as he stares out into the city below you. It snowed a few days ago, and the sidewalks are still covered in that dirty slush that always lingers, wet and cold and black from car tires. Just being beside you makes your heart race, makes your chest tighten. “I was pretty stressed out about it, but then I just sort of remembered that I did my best and that was all I could do, you know?”
“That’s good.” You wish you had that mindset. You spend days studying for an exam and once it’s over, you spend days dwelling on all the things you might have gotten wrong. It’s a philosophy you apply to most aspects of your life. Why you did the thing you did. Why doing the thing you did was the worst thing you could have done. How you will recover from it. If you even will. 
Jungkook sighs. You turn to look at him, just briefly, glance at his side figure, and notice he’s wearing nothing but a giant zip-up hoodie. Isn’t he cold? “It doesn’t really feel like Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You don’t have anything else to say to that. It doesn’t. Which is a damn shame, because you and Jungkook spent the entire beginning of this month turning your tiny, two-bedroom apartment into a winter wonderland. You got a tree to put up next to your TV and decorated with the weirdest ornaments you could find. You hung up those dangly white Christmas lights on the balcony of your fire escape, the ones meant to look like icicles dripping from the metal railing. The radio has been playing nothing but Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey. And yet.
It’s not hard to wonder why this Christmas is such shit. Your spring internship fell through a week ago. Your parents rented a lake house and assumed you wouldn’t be coming with. All of your other friends have gone home already. And Jungkook, perhaps the last person in this whole goddamn city you would have wanted to spend time with, you can’t even bear to look at. 
“How did your finals go?” Jungkook asks, trying to keep the conversation going. 
“They were fine.” At least that torture is over. But living with Jungkook, seeing him every day and knowing that what you have done you can never undo--it’s endless. 
There’s silence. It’s like the two of you simultaneously have no idea and know exactly what to say. Like the words are lingering on the tips of your tongues but your lips are sealed shut. Opening them won’t be like a can of worms. It will be a dam, a waterfall of I’m sorrys and What nows. One week ago, in the heat of the night and in the haze of drink after drink, you and Jungkook made the worst mistake two roommates could ever make. 
“Are you going home this break?” You blurt out the words before you can stop yourself. 
Jungkook sighs. “I’m not sure.”
“It’s okay if you want to.” I get it. I’m not sure if I’d want to hang around and see me either. 
He shrugs. “I just haven’t decided yet.”
He knows that you’re staying. The two of you were so looking forward to spending Christmas together. Now look at you. Jungkook was the perfect roommate. Then everything changed. 
“Okay.” He’s probably just trying to figure out a way to let you down easy. 
Next to you, Jungkook rustles a hand through his pocket. “By the way, uh--I just remembered. I got you something.”
You don’t even have time to object before Jungkook is placing a small fabric box into your open palm, resting on your lap. You look down at the item, at the way your hand seems to envelop it. 
“You didn’t have to--”
“I wanted to.” Jungkook is firm in his response. “Besides, I got it a while ago. Figured now is as good a time as any to give it to you.”
There’s not really anything else to do except open it. Carefully, with trembling fingers, you pull off the lid. Inside sits a dainty silver locket resting amongst a pile of folded tissue paper. You gasp, your breath coming out in smoke in the cold winter air. 
“Oh my God, I--”
“I overheard you talking on the phone saying you wanted one,” Jungkook admits sheepishly. “I wanted to give it to you before I forgot.”
Fingers shaking from the cold, you pull the locket from the box. It dangles from its chain, a delicate little thing, barely the size of a fingerprint. Even on this hazy winter evening, it still catches the light.
For the first time tonight, you look up at him. His eyes are a swirling brown, a deep chocolate. They are unreadable. He offers a small, guarded smile your way, lips pink in the chilly air. “Thank you,” you tell him honestly. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for you. 
You can’t accept this without returning the favor. Wordlessly, you get up from the fire escape, rushing indoors for a moment as you grab your gift from your bedroom. It’s been sitting in there for at least two weeks now. You hold your hand behind your back as you make your way back to the fire escape, sitting down next to him once more. 
With a small flourish, you reveal your own present. They’re drumsticks. 
“For you,” you tell him, that same small grin on your face. “Since you’re always drumming on everything. Thought you could use something to do that with.”
Jungkook looks positively starstruck. He takes the sticks in his hands, feels the wood with his fingers, tracing over the logo at the bottom. You aren’t very well versed in the world of drum equipment, but your friend in the orchestra told you it was a good brand. 
“Wow, Y/N,” he says, mouth agape. “This is... this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever gotten me. Thank you.”
And that’s the truth, isn’t it? No matter what you do, no matter what you say, you will always be there to give Jungkook what he deserves. To make his life just the tiniest bit better. Doing thoughtful things for him has never required effort on your part. There is just a part of you that will do them, because he deserves it. Because he is so gentle, and loving, and kind, and wonderful. 
You sit there for a little while longer, relishing in the brief respite of your gift exchange. It’s softened the ice, warmed the air, broken the tension. Even if only a little. But it’s enough to keep you out here, sitting next to him. It’s enough to keep you from drifting away. 
“I don’t regret that night.”
The words feel like biting wind. 
“What?” You turn to him. 
“I don’t. I’d do it again. A thousand times over.” Jungkook is resolute. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed in determination. 
“Jungkook, what happened that night--”
“Is something I’ll never forget,” he finishes. “Do you know how fucking long I had been waiting to do that? To hold you? Kiss you? To spend the night with you?”
Each syllable presses deeper into your chest, imprinting themselves on your heart. You stare back at him, too shocked to say anything at all. 
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same,” Jungkook adds on, quickly backtracking. “I sort of... got that message when I woke up that morning and you were gone. But I just wanted you to know that that night didn’t change anything about how I feel about you.”
Jungkook’s got it all wrong. You were the one who fucked up. You were the one whose feelings won’t change. “I thought you were the one who didn’t feel the same.”
Jungkook chuckles, this sad, forced cough. “Are you kidding? I’d do anything to relive that night. You’re my favorite person in this whole world, Y/N.”
If the weather were just a little bit warmer, if the wind wasn’t as dry, perhaps tears would fall. But instead, you blink back at him and it feels at once like your heart weighs a million pounds and nothing at all. “Me too,” you choke out. “I never want to be without you.”
Your fire escape is barely big enough for one person, let alone two, but that doesn’t stop Jungkook from reaching over and pulling you in, pressing a chilly kiss to your frozen lips, the heat of his mouth warming you up from the inside out. It’s cold tonight, yes. But Jungkook makes you feel like it’s summer all year long. 
You smile against his lips. They feel like home. They taste like peppermint lip balm and coffee and ice. 
“Do you want me to stay?” He asks. As if he was even thinking about going home anyway. 
“Yes,” you whisper back. 
It feels a lot more like Christmas now. 
“Then I’ll stay.”
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↳ don’t forget to message me with any thoughts or feedback! i missed you guys!
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
"Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays. Dean usually picks. I've seen Lost Boys like 36 times."
So Dean has seen Lost Boys SO MANY TIMES that he's forced Jack to watch it 36 times just in the past two years. Do you think he was paying attention? Do you think he knows how gay it is? Davy Perez keeps making covert queer movie references in his episodes and I am here for it.
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Dean. He's TWO. Let him watch another movie.
Hell, Jack's a toddler, Dean should be making him watch vintage cartoons and classic nick jr. Imagine Jack just mainlining Eureka's Castle or David the Gnome over Dean's protest, and then Jack finds baby shark and the wiggles and Dean officially goes insane. but I digress.
Dean's clearly very into Lost Boys, the 1987 queercoded gay vampire panic version of peter pan, complete with AIDS metaphors and fear of family acceptance. Did this help Dean on his way to realizing the world isn't all black and white, that monsters like Garth exist and not all 'deviance' needs to be hunted? Dean Meta and Movie Analysis Under the Cut
Michael and younger brother Sam are drawn into the very gay world of vampires while 'hunting' them. The vampire biker gang is sneakily corrupting the California youth into leaving the american family ideal behind, then forming their own deviant family that never grows old.
Older brother Michael is initially drawn in by their only female member but is truly tempted once introduced to David, the bleach blond haired male vampire played by Sutherland. The movie is full of tight knit shots of the two of them supplied by gay director Joel Schumacher, Including this shot after Michael is ?tricked? into drinking David's blood out of a phallic bottle and David blows smoke at his face and lips.
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Michael's secret is suspected by 'hunters' and he is accused of being a "Blood"sucker. (If I didn't know you I would want to hunt you.) In the end the true villain is revealed to be not the gay vampires, but the heterosexual business man. Regardless, the long established queer coded vampire trope lives on and the bare-chested gay vampires need to be killed nonetheless. Michael returns to his straight coded family unit with a secret, but one his younger brother Sam is willing to accept. “Even if you are a vampire, you’re still my brother.”
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When did Dean's fascination with this movie begin? and when did he begin to take its message to heart?
How many times have we seen Sam or Dean begin a path to the dark side? How many times have we seen them wrestle with the idea of 'good monsters' or other metaphors for 'deviance'? I keep coming back to Garth because his transition from human to werewolf to family man is one that OG Dean would have never seen coming. Dean begins the series with the idea that any non-humans are inherently evil and can not be redeemed, that is the message he was brought up on, that is what John taught him. Even as Sam sees potential in Lenore the vegetarian vampire back in season two, or Amy as a child and then again in 7.03, Dean still sees them as only monsters that need to be put down. Dean meets Benny in s8, and sees Garth after his changes in S9, and things really do start to change for him. All this really comes to a head later in The Heroes Journey, when Dean sees, and find himself jealous of, Garth's family that Dean thought he could never have himself. (and yes he has a lil lamp dance scene about it.)
Jack's two and he's already seen Lost Boys 36 times, and that's not accounting for the time he spent in an AU, or the period before Dean warmed up to Jack and stopped treating him like shit. How many times have Sam been forced to watch Dean's new fav, subconsciously being informed over and over again that he should accept Dean as he is, when or if Dean finally comes out to him?
Get it together Dean, and let toddler god watch some gd blues clues.
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corysmiles · 3 years
Imagining the scene where ranboo saves Tommy from the lionwolves like he just has consigned himself to his death and just as he thinks it’s all over a HUGE dark shadow comes over him and he hears the animals screech and run, ranboo silently picks Tommy up by his shirt between his teeth and Tommy is too messed up to even attempt to comprehend it so he silently lets it happen thru tears. They make it back to the cave and ranboo delicately sets him down near tubbo and starts to lick and then start getting random pieces of fabric to wrap Tommy’s wounds and Tommy after a long silence is like.... why are you still being kind to me???? And ranboo sits there completely confused until he’s just like “we’re friends” and he carefully brings Tommy to where Michael and tubbo are and curls up around the 3. And it finally clicks in Tommy’s head like. Oh okay ranboo is an okay dude I will allow it -🌻
Tossed to the Wolves
Friendly Giant Au
I hope it’s okay that I left out the mouth stuff but yes Tommy would be extremely confused
Also this is a continuation of this post :] and it’s WAY before caught (again) in the timeline
Tommy sprinted through the trees. Branches snapped all around him catching on his shoes and ripping his pants, but he couldn’t stop. Behind him loud growls and the harsh rhythm of paws chased after him.
Trying to escape, Tommy frantically dug his hands into the side of a nearby tree. The bark ripped into his skin drawing small pricks of blood, but the roaring of the beasts kept him going.
Branch by branch he scaled up the tree until the wind became so cold it stung his face. Their barking didn’t stop though and when he looked down the pack of agitated lionwolves were scratching and circling around the base of the tree. One large one in particular jumped up and tried to climb up to get him.
“Fuck,” Tommy exhaled. He glanced around him at the endless ocean of branches and leaves. The mild greens and soothing bird calls would have been calming if not for the situation below.
Above him through the trees he could see the twinkling of stars against the black sky. And just barely he could still see the smoke from his home.
After almost an hour Tommy felt exhausted. His hands had started to sting now that the adrenaline had worn off, and the cold wind was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Carefully he leaned over to glance down at the ground and sure enough the lionwolves were still there, sleeping piled up over the tree’s roots.
Maybe he could get down if he was careful, he thought. So step by step, being extremely careful to be quiet, he climbed back down the tree. When the warm air from below touched his frozen skin he had to hold back a sigh.
However, Tommy was only a few feet away from the ground when everything went wrong. He stepped down onto the next branch and a loud snap echoed around him. The glowing yellow eyes of the lionwolves snapped open and within moments he was slammed onto the ground by massive paws.
Sharp claws tore into his clothes and ripped at his skin while he desperately tried to hit them away. Giant teeth crunched into his arm making him shriek out in pain, and he felt darkness close in on his vision.
“Help!” he screamed as teeth dug into his legs, tearing at the skin, “Help please help!”
Then as suddenly as it started the monsters bolted. Tommy whimpered as a shadow loomed overtop of him and a much more gentle weight touched his body.
“No no please!” he cried. Terrified, he wrapped his arms around his head to protect himself.
“Hey hey it’s okay,” a familiar voice whispered to him, “Oh god Tommy.”
Tommy flinched away from the touch and tried to escape as he felt himself be lifted up. The warm pressure against his wounds felt like fire.
“Hey shh it’s okay,” the voice whispered again.
Tommy cracked open one of his eyes and was met by Ranboo’s worried gaze. He was only a couple inches away from the giant’s face and he watched with fascination as Ranboo’s ears flicked up and down in concern.
A small hum left Ranboo’s lips and Tommy felt the giant start to move. The hands around him were carefully avoiding his injuries and one of his large thumbs softly rubbed against his hair.
When they finally got into the den Tommy felt completely dazed. The combination of the gentle rocking and blood loss was lulling him to sleep, but every time he shut his eyes Ranboo would poke him.
“Stop... lemme sleep,” he groaned.
“Nope,” Ranboo said quickly, “Stay up, please.”
Tommy grumbled and leaned into the side of Ranboo’s palm. He wanted to sleep so bad.
“Tommy!” he heard someone call from below- it was Tubbo.
Tommy yawned, “Hmmm Tubbo?”
Slowly he felt himself get moved again and then Tubbo was right in front of him. His brother looked terrified as he stared at Tommy’s injuries.
“Holy shit what happened?” Tubbo asked.
“Lionwolves,” Ranboo muttered after a second, “Can you please get some water and bandages? He needs them.”
Tommy could barely keep his eyes open as he felt himself get shifted around more. At one point water was forced down his throat and he had to resist a painful cough. The voices of Ranboo and his brother wavered in and out of his consciousness, begging him to stay awake.
When he finally was able to open his eyes again he was lying on something warm and soft. He cuddled closer to it and noticed that his leg and arm were both wrapped up with clean white bandages. It still hurt but it felt considerably better than it had before.
“Tommy?” A voice whispered, “Are you up?”
Tommy looked to the voice and was met by Ranboo’s tired eyes staring back at him. The soft thing he was laying on was Ranboo’s chest, and the green fabric of Ranboo’s cloak rested over top of him.
“Yeah I’m up,” Tommy grumbled, rubbing his eyes, “Thank you by the way...for saving me and shit.”
Ranboo hummed and gently ran a finger over Tommy’s back. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? We thought you were uh...we thought it was serious.”
“Yeah Tubbo would have lost his shit if I died to some fucking dogs” Tommy laughed weakly.
Ranboo frowned, “I would’ve cared too, I wasn’t just going to let you die Tommy.”
“Don’t gotta be pretending Boob,” Tommy scoffed, “I know you saved me cause of Tubbo.”
Slowly a giant hand shifted Tommy upwards so that he was face to face with the giant.
Ranboo’s ears twitched back in concern, “Youre my friend Tommy...I know you don’t trust me but, I think of you as a friend.”
Tommy squinted at Ranboo but only found sincerity on the giant’s face. He was a good liar...
Tommy’s mouth opened to argue before he was pulled up under the giant’s chin. All around him he felt the gentle vibrations of Ranboo purring.
“I care about you Tommy,” he whispered, “I know you dont, but I do.”
“...you do?” Tommy whispered after a moment.
All he got in response was a soft hum before he was pushed even closer to Ranboo. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep to the soft sound of the giant’s heartbeat under him.
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Buy me a drink and let me tell you why I need it
Authors note
Thank you very much for the request    @caelys​ I had fun writing it and actually I thought about modern!au John way too much. Like I made a model for his apartment and a playlist and I could possibly draw ten more fan arts of him.
It takes place in a modern setting, but it starts before John goes to the military. He and Tommy still work in the Garrison, besides some other shadier jobs. Arthur is a car mechanic or something like that. Ada still goes to school and Finn too. Polly and Michael are not mentioned here.
Female reader x bartender!John BIG PUNK VIBES HERE!
Actually, this was going to be a multi-chapter fic with intense slow-burn, but whatever there it is. Just say one thing and I’ll write a second part!
tagging  @bonniesgoldengirl​
 Warning: drinking, drug use, marijuana, swearing, infidelity mentioned, a little bittersweet
Word count: 2348
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 The garrison was not a pub for everyone. It was full of gangsters and other low-life scum. A woman was a curiosity. Working there wasn’t pleasant, but John didn’t complain.
It was the only legal job he got after graduating. He worked at the Garrison twice a week, usually on Friday and Saturday.
The nice thing about this work was the free beer and he could make as many cigarette breaks as he liked.
Nevertheless, John was a little pissed that night, because he could see his friends drinking over there and he had to stand behind the counter. Tommy’s orders!
“Fuck off, Tommy”, he mumbled while cleaning bar. Of course, his brother didn’t hear that, he was busy making some phone calls. John didn’t want to know, who Tommy was calling or why. Probably their next job.
But while he was still on the first one, he didn’t want to think about more work. He already had enough. It was past ten and John hadn’t eaten for hours.
At first, he was to occupied from his work to notice you. You sat down at the bar and cleared your throat. It wasn’t on purpose or to get the bartenders attention. Actually, you just wanted your peace. You hated being trapped in your new apartment, while everything was still so empty. Since you moved, so much changed in your life, but you still felt lonely.
That’s why, you walked straight into the nearest pub, when you couldn’t bear the weight of your own thoughts. But now you realized you hadn’t a penny left. Or at least not enough for a beer. “Get me a glass of water please.”, you said to the bartender, who kept starring at you. First you thought he was a little weird and also a little intimidating, but then you understood what he expected from you. An order, of course.
“A glass of water?”, he asked with a grin on his face: “Really? You know, where you are, girl?”
Now you looked confused. Maybe there was an unspoken rule, to not order a soft drink in this place, but how you should know? After all, you’ve been pretty new to Small Heath. Three days ago you moved into your new place. It was small, but it was yours. Your private space and your sanctuary. “A pub… maybe?”, you joked: “So what about the water?”
“Ah, I get it… It’s the end of month.”, he responded.
You laughed and shook your head. “I’m always broke. Money is not my thing.”
“Not mine either.”
Now he got your attention. You took a closer look at the bartender. He was somehow handsome. A pretty face for a fucked-up place like this. Then you noticed the tattoos on his arms, that peaked out of the sleeves of his shirt. “Dead Kennedys. Nice”, you mumbled and smiled slightly, barely visible.
He put a filled glass in front of you and smirked. “No need to pay.”
Your eyes widened. That bartender really surprised you. He was nicer than he looked like. You took a sip from the glass and nodded. “Thanks… I guess.”
The water was okay, but everything you wished for was a beer or a whiskey. Something to stop your brain from thinking. However, you nipped the glass very patiently, because you didn’t want to leave this place too soon. You didn’t know the neighborhood and chances were high, you got lost on your way around town.
The bartender seemed to notice your tension. “Do you want to drink something else?”
“A beer would be nice.” You croaked
The handsome man behind the bar nodded and pulled out a pint. “A beer, it is.”
You didn’t know it yet, but you were the only thing tonight, that made his work bearable. Everything else was so boring and you were new in town. Every little thing about you was so exciting for him. Staring with the fact that you stumbled into the Garrison without knowing its reputation. Then your little comment about his shirt, yes, he heard that. And your overall appearance was just the cherry on top.
The leather jacket, the ripped jeans and your washed-out Kurt Cobain shirt said a lot about you and John was ready to listen. What else should he do in the next couple of hours until his shift ended?  
“I’m John.”, he said and served you a beer.
You noticed the twinkle with his eye and replied with a shy smile. “Just call me Y/n”
The two of you shook hands and exchanged a strange glance. Was he flirting with you? No, of course not, you brushed it off. It was part of his job, to be nice to his customers.
After a few sips of your beer, you calmed down a bit, but not enough. You fumbled in the inside pocket of your jacket for your package. You smoked Dunhill and probably started way to early in life. An end of your smoking addiction was not in sight. The package was already half empty, when you opened it.
“Fuck” you cursed and signed. How could you make it to your next pay check with just a few cigarettes left? Maybe skip dinner a few times.
“Cigarettes are empty too?” he asked “I would give you one of mine, but they are empty too.”
“No, I still have some left, but not enough until July. Maybe not even enough for the rest of this night.”, you explained.
You took two out of the package and put it back. “Want one? I don’t have money, but at least I still have something to smoke.”
“Whatcha smoking?” “Dunhill”, you answered.
A wide grin appeared on his face. “Me too.”
“I know, I shouldn’t… but I just can’t quit.” You shrugged and lit your cigarette.
John brushed it off. “Fuck em. I think, I’m never gonna quit too. This shit just stays with you forever.”
“True”, you signed and took a deep drag from your cigarette.
“So… why am I the only girl in this place? Is there something I should know?”
“Nah, not really. It’s just…”, he began to explain, but then paused to smoke. You liked how he leaned against the counter. Like there was no cooler person in this room. “I don’t know… most women don’t like it here. Too filthy or whatever.”
You nodded and looked around. Everything smelled like ashtray and whiskey. There was dirt lying around. Nobody seemed to bother, so you chose not to either.
“And you are new in Birmingham?”, he asked: “All the locals know to stay away from this place.”
Again, you nodded and hid your smile behind your hand. “I just grabbed my bass and some clothes and left.”
“Bass?” Now, John was hooked. Since he could walk and talk, he had a thing for music. Especially rock and punk and he blabber about his favorite bands all day. Of course, he never learned to play an instrument, because his family was too poor, but he stole every record he could lay hands on. “You play bass?”
“Yeah, I can also play guitar, but I sold mine to get here. I started playing in a band now and I really hope this is going to work out… somehow.”, you explained
“Maybe.”, he said: “I can ask Harry, if you can play here. Live music would be great.”
You beamed and jumped almost over the counter. “Really?”
“But I need to listen to a song first. Otherwise, I can’t do it with good conscience.”
“Yeah, sure thing! When I get the promo tape, I’ll come back here.” Finally, some good news for you. After all you went though you really needed that and right now you just couldn’t stop smiling.
Three beers later, you were already in an in-depth discussion about music and which bands paved the way for punk.
After six more beers, you danced to the song he put on. John watched you with the purest joy. Nobody has ever danced in the Garrison. Good for him, that Tommy left, because “something important” occurred.
On beer twelve you sang for all the man to watch. The Shelby just could take his eyes off you, even when you didn’t hit the right tone.
He even caught you, when you fell over the counter.
But in the end the bar had to close and you still had nowhere to go, so you waited for him to finish his work. It took twice as long, because John kept staring at you in awe.
After everything was done, he asked, if he should walk you home and you agreed. Actually, you didn’t say yes, you hugged him and rubbed your cheek against his. Then you made a purring sound and told him your address.
You even hold hands with him, but that was mainly, because you were to drunk to walk straight. But you had plenty of time to sober up along the way.
Finally arriving at the front door, you had to stop laughing and catch a breath to manage to say something. “Do you…”, you began and paused, because you didn’t know how to phrase it.
Without hesitation he answered: “Yes! Yes… I mean, it would be cool.”
And again, you started laughing. “I was about to ask, if you want to watch the stars on my rooftop, but I didn’t know you were going to be so excited about this.”
He scratched his neck and chuckled. “Yeah, we were talking about the same thing.”
“Oh honey, I’m taken”, you explained
That last three words crumbled his hopes, that have been build up since you walked into the Garrison.
But he was a gentleman and he shouldn’t expect anything from a woman. After all, you don’t owe him anything. Even though he thought you were flirting with him the entire night.
He just bit his lip and shrugged. “No problem here.”
Then he added: “But we might not see the stars though all the smog and light pollution.”
“Let’s give it a try.” you opened the door and smiled.
You took the steps up to your apartment, John followed you closely. When the two of you entered the small flat, everything was still dark. The alarm clock next to your mattress said four in the morning.
John was so curious, when he looked around. “You really didn’t lie, when you said, you just took you bass and nothing more.”
“Yup”, you mumbled and walked to a pile of clothes. “Do you want to smoke one with me?”
When you pulled out the joint, John grinned at you. His cheeks were still red. “Why not?”
Climbing out of your window and onto the roof sounded way easier than it turned out to be.
But the view was great, and that was enough.
You lit the joint and inhaled the white smoke, just to blow it out again.
“No stars in sight, babe”, he noted while looking up
He was right, but you were still glad, that he came up here with you. You feared the moment of being alone again. “Yes, but the view… is amazing.”
You didn’t notice, he was glaring at you when he said: “Yeah, it really is.”
Then you turned to him to pass him the joint.
John took one drag and coughed. “That shit’s strong.”
At first you tried not to laugh, but ended up giggling anyway.
“What?”, he asked with blunt curiosity.
When you calmed down, you had to tell him the joke that just crossed your mind: “I like my weed like my sex… keeps me paralyzed for a while.”
That was the last thing he thought he would hear from you. He would believe his ears, if he hadn’t starred at your lips the entire time. “Uhm, okay.”, he whispered and hit the joint one more time.
The longer you sat there with him, the more comfortable you two got. After talking the whole night about music and artists and stuff, you finally opened up.
You told him why you left your home town and moved to Birmingham.
And he told you in return something you would have expected either. “Just a few more months and I’ll be in the military.”
John didn’t look like a soldier or somebody who took pride in defending his country. You couldn’t understand, how a wonderful guy like him ended up serving the forces. It just didn’t seem to fit in. But then again, you knew him for a few hours now, so who are you to judge?
“I’m scared”, he whispered: “that nobody but my family will write me… and I’m going to be all alone in the middle of nowhere.”
That feeling was all too familiar for you. Your heart ached, when you glared at him. “I write you.”, you promised. “And phone you and what else.”
“You would?” His voice was full of doubt. “We don’t know each other really.”
It was true, but you always kept your promises. You moved closer to him, to hold his hand and look him in the eyes. “I would. I know this feeling too well.”
For one second you thought he was going to kiss you, and you were ready. The drumroll played, like it always did, when the first touch of two pairs of lips, unknown to each other, was close. But the drumroll was all you were going to get tonight. You kept staring at his beautiful mouth and how would it feel, when his lips meet yours. Infidelity has never been your thing and you would stay true to yourself, even when the chance was so tempting.
“Can you hold me?”, you asked, while avoiding his eyes. You felt pathetic for being so needy in front of a stranger, so you added: “Just for a while.”
John didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. Instead, he just pulled you in arms and stroke your back.
The two of you felt all alone in this broken world, but right there you met and became friends. What a weird thing to happen.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Minors DNI, Some pictures, Angst, Pining, drinking, explicit language, oral sex (female/male receiving), love fluff. All errors my own.
A/N: This an ask from @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​ from the 100 smut prompts ask list. I got caught up with this one because I went back to the Show Runner AU.  I kinda love these two.  Hope you enjoy. Read Show Runner.
This press tour was going to be all work. No play. 
Those were the strict rules that you were given.
This was the premiere film and television festival and January in Park City could be a fun, wild place and time, but you were on the clock. 
There would be no open flirting, touching, or even covert fucking while the cast was there. 
You listened to the lecture and smiled and nodded when appropriate.
Truth be told, you really weren’t paying attention, just waiting on your knees, naked and wet, to suck the shit out of his dick. 
When he gave you permission to of course.
You were determined to suck all those stupid ideas out of his brain along with all his cum when he gave you the chance. 
And Rafael was, indeed, without much coherent thought when you were done.
That conversation was of no consequence to you four days later when you landed in Park City. 
Daveed and Rafa had been there for two days and the rest of the cast was trickling in. 
You gathered your bag while answering a few questions from the paps and headed to your hotel alone, following the driver who held your name up outside baggage claim to a luxury suv.
You texted Rafael that you had landed, to which he just replied, “Good.”
No, ‘how was your flight,’ nothing. 
You sighed, assuming he was busy. 
He had been texting you nonstop for the past three days and now he wanted to play you. 
That was cool.
You relaxed as you took in the snowy scenery of snowy Park City. 
You were taken to a stunning tiny little chalet at the edge of the city and halfway up the mountain. 
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The views were spectacular, the cute cozy kitchen fully stocked, and the fireplace was bomb.
As you took in all the antler decor, you texted Rafa again, hyped at the accommodations.
This is dope!
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You made sure your cleavage was right in your v-neck sweater and took a selfie of you from above in the bedroom. 
I can’t wait to be on my knees for you later.
You saw the thought bubbles, but no response.
Cool cool cool. 
If that’s what he wanted. That’s what he would get. Ice.
You shook your head and looked in the refrigerator for water. You also found your favorite snacks. 
Production thought of everything. You’d thank Gwen later.
You relaxed on the couch until it was time to get ready for the mixer. 
The car was ready to go at 6:45, in time to get you fashionably late to the Television mixer at the Waldorf Astoria at 7.
Because of all the traffic, you didn’t arrive until 7:30, but you were chilling. You spotted your crew immediately, partly because they were the loudest. 
You loved this new family you made.
“Ayyyy! What’s cracking! We thought you’d never make it. Late flight? You want a drink?”
You laughed at Daveed, seeing that he was on his way to getting lit.
“I’ll have what you’re having.” 
He raised his cute ass eyebrow at you. “This grown folks shit. You sure?”
“Yes. I’m grown. I need to catch up to you! I misjudged the time to leave my chalet. What time did you all leave yours?”
“Ummmm. I walked downstairs like 20 minutes ago. The whole cast is staying here. You’re the only one staying on the other side of town.”
You didn’t know what to say as Daveed turned to go get your drink.
You looked around and saw a lot of actors you’d love to work with, some you already had, and some you knew to stay away from.
You spotted Rafa’s golden hair on the other side of the room. 
You weren’t going to go after him, and you didn’t need to, because some of your cast mates enveloped you and Daveed brought you a drink.
You were having too good a time to worry about Mr. Artistic Integrity.
You two circled the room, never really ending up in the same place. You finally saw him with Gwen and got a chance to talk. Rafa saw you approach. He nodded.
“Hey, Long time no see. You make it in ok ?”
You looked at Rafael for an extra beat. He’d seen you up close and personal three days ago when you’d ridden his face. 
But you were an actor. You could play this game.
“Hey Casal. Yeah, I got a few hours ago.” 
You turned to the logistics producer. 
“Gwen! My chalet is so dope!”
She raised her eyebrow at you. 
“That’s great! So, you wanted peace and quiet and away from the rest of us, ay?” Gwen laughed as you and Rafa smiled politely. You were seething. 
“Trying to avoid all the parties. I get it now, although I thought it was weird that you declined accommodations.”
“You know our girl, always a loner.”
Rafael took a sip of his drink, looking at you over it. Your blood boiled but you turned and smiled at Gwen.
“Yeah. On my INFJ shit. What’s the lineup for tomorrow?”  
You made small talk to avoid cussing Rafael the fuck out. He stood there for a minute, listening and being an adorable muthafukin asshole. 
Other people came up and you didn’t even notice Rafa step away. But you spotted him, in a corner with that little twat Ava with the tight little body. Just his type.
He saw you stalking out of the mixer as he chatted her up.
Two hours later, you were cozy in the hot tub, smoking some kush to relax, scrolling your phone. 
A TMZ post from your explore page caught your eye. 
There was a picture of Daveed, next to Rafa and Ava, who looked pretty close and fucking beautiful together. 
The gossip site gushed over the picture of the Bay Boys, noting the ‘adorable couple’ and their mingling at the mixer and somehow sneaking in a not so subtle hint that they were staying at the same hotel.
That was the final straw. You saw it all. Rafa wanted you far away from him while he fucked this little miniature Bratz doll. Bet.
It was only midnight. You were going to get your own plastic action figure for the night.
The next morning, you met up with the crew at the suite which was set up for the series press day. 
You went straight to Chelsea who was set up in the bedroom of the suite.
You gave her a hug and took off your sunglasses. Your eyes were puffy.
“Damn girl. You did have fun last night. I got just the thing for those circles.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and let her work her magic.
You emerged ten minutes later and went and got something to eat and a bottle of water from the catering station set up in the kitchen. You watched D and Rafa charm the interviewer. 
You took a deep breath. You could do this.
Ten minutes after that, you find yourself sitting in a chair with the cast lined up, somehow seated next to Rafael.
As the first interviewer was setting up, you got comfortable in your chair. Being a professional.
“I see you had fun last night.”
You looked over at Rafael as if surprised to see him there.
“I’m sorry?”
He smirked at you.
“I said it looks like you had fun with Michael last night.”
He held up his phone and you squinted at a post of you and your new friend, a highly sought after actor who had been in one of Rafa’s favorite movies. 
The pic was from after you went back out to the club last night. You were hugged up close.
You looked in his eyes and saw that he felt some kinda way. He had some fucking nerve.
You smirked. 
“Yeah. He’s really truly a dope person. Not just beauty, but brains too. I love an intelligent man. We… talked all night.” 
Rafa’s smile slipped. You sat back and put on a megawatt smile for the reporter.
The entire day was filled with your secret shots and animosity toward Rafa. 
You couldn’t wait to talk to him in private and tell him not to call your cell phone ever again.
Reporter: “This show has many complex relationships, and you are at the center of two of them that are just developing as the series begins. What do you do to ease into a new relationship?”
You leaned back and crossed your legs.
“That is a great question. Let’s just take an example of, say, meeting someone at... a club?”
Daveed leaned in front of Rafa and said, “This is not a true story from last night by the way.”
“Of course not,” you quickly replied and winked. Everyone laughed, everyone but Rafa.
“What I’ve found recently that works wonders is: ‘Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.’”
Everyone was dying laughing.
Rafa choked on his water. You leaned over and patted him on the back. “You good?”
He just glared at you. You shrugged and kept it moving.
“No, but really. You should start off in a relationship where you can be open and honest. There’s really no relationship if you can’t have that.”
Rafael cleared his throat, but you refused to look at him.
The press day continued.
After eight hours of interviews, you were ready to get out of there, so while Rafa and D were playing host, you managed to get out and to the car. 
You were exhausted of the tension.
On your way to the chalet, Rafa texted you.
‘We need to talk.’
You huffed. Now he wanted to talk. 
Well, tough shit. 
You blocked his number. 
You couldn’t function like this right now. You and him could break it off next week in LA. He was right, you were on the clock.
That night at the Midnight showing, you sat with Michael. 
Might as well try to have some fun. The paparazzi were snapping lots of pictures with you two.
While Mike took a quick interview, you made your way to the bar alone.
“You’ve not answered any of my texts. Or my calls.” 
You rolled your eyes at Rafael.
“You’ve texted and called?” 
You shrugged and took a drink.
“Look. We can do all that back in Cali next week. Gotta keep it professional here, isn’t that the deal?”
You downed your drink and walked back over to Michael, Rafael boring a hole in your back. 
He left you alone after that.
The next day and night were much the same, a cast interview and screening of two episodes during the day and another industry party at night. 
Rafa being so busy made it easy to stay away from each other.
You got back to your place with a bottle of tequila about midnight. 
You were flying out the next day and you should have some fun, even if it was not what you’d envisioned before you arrived in Park City. 
You hated Rafael Casal. 
But you refused to cry. Again.
An hour later, you looked up from your drunken haze to see Rafa standing over you. 
He looked so damn good in this dream.
“You shouldn’t drink a whole bottle of tequila in a hot tub, especially alone.”
“What the fuck do you care? You’re probably fucking Ava ten ways from Sunday right now.”
Dream Rafa raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
“Why would I want to fuck Ava?”
“Right? Especially when you could have all this.”
You stood up, almost falling and showing off your wet, naked body.  You giggled as he appreciated you, his eyes sweeping down your body.
Dream Rafa moved closer to you and grabbed your hand as you wobbled. 
“Let’s get out and get you some water.”
He helped you out and wrapped you in one of the huge white fluffy robes that you’d found in the closet.
He led you to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
You drank, your head clearing, but just a bit.
You kept staring at Dream Rafa, who was regarding you steadily, a weird look on his face.
When you finished, he walked you to the bedroom and watched as you lay down. You looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 1:30 am.
You opened your robe and turned to see Dream Rafa in bed with you.
“How convenient. I’m so so horny Dream Boy. Haven’t had any dick since last week.” 
You untied the robe and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and rolling your nipples, arching your back.
Rafael watched you hungrily.  
“Help me to get off. Fuck me, Dream lover. The real Rafa doesn’t want me anymore…”
You moved your hand down to your core and started playing in it, moaning and watching Rafa watch you.
As he licked his lips, you brought your hand up and let him taste the wetness on your fingers. He hummed, then took your hand in his.
“Not like this. I want you. Fully present and clear headed. But I want you. And we need to talk.”
He kissed the palm of your hand and covered you with the robe again.
You groaned and turned away from him.
“Even the Rafael of my dreams reject me? I can’t believe I’m in love with such a jackass.”
You didn’t feel Rafa pull you close as you started shoring.
You woke up alone, mad at the sunlight. Your head was pounding. 
Your mouth was parched, but you found a bottle of water on the bedside table. 
You grabbed it, grateful that you got it on the way to the bedroom last night. 
As you sat up and drank, you groaned as you thought back to your dream. 
You had to get him out of your system.
You got up and went to the kitchen, halfway expecting to see him there. 
You sighed with something that must have been relief when he wasn’t there. 
You took your water and some grapes to the little kitchen bar and sat there, eating and drinking slowly with your head in your hand.
You jumped when you heard a key in the front door and stared when Rafa let himself in. 
“Look who’s up. Bet you’ve got a doozy of a headache.” 
You just continued to gape as he put his bags down on the counter. He handed you a bottle of aspirin.
“You’ll need these.” He put some pedialyte in front of you. “And this.”
“Wait. Did you just let yourself in? With a key?”
“Yeah. This is my chalet. I own it.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I thought you had a hotel room.”
“I do. This is business so production put the cast up there. D and I decided to join.”
Your heart clenched at the fact he did not want you there too. What was this reality? Then you thought about the dream.
“Wait. Were you really here last night?” 
You were confusion.
Rafa smiled at you. 
“You want something to eat? Gotta get something in your stomach besides tequila and grapes.” 
You groaned and held your head at the realization that last night was not a dream.
“Fuck. Did I say all that? Did I do all that? Out loud?” 
You peeked at him through your fingers.
That smile. “Yeah.” 
You were mad. He looked to fucking happy. 
“Well, don’t take it personal. I was zooted. When I’m sober, I hate you Rafael.”
He frowned. “Are you sober now?”
You opened the bottle of aspirin and drank some pedialyte. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Very sober.”
Rafa moved next to you.
“I’m going to come closer so I don’t have to yell.”
He tipped your chin up with two fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with a fucking brat.”
You were ready to fight.
“I’m a brat? I’m a BRAT?” 
You leaned back, your hands on the counter behind you to get some space from the electricity bouncing between you.
“You ignore me as soon as I land in the same city as you, and then you put me out here in this secret hideaway so you can fuck with that Ava chick.” 
You closed your eyes because you’d be damned if you cried right now. 
“I thought we agreed that we’d talk to each other before we tired of each other and got with other people?”
Rafa leaned close to you, caging you in with his arms on the counter beside yours. 
You could barely breathe, the emotions were getting the better of you. You just wanted to kiss him.
“Who told you that I fucked Ava?” 
This time you raised your chin on your own.
“No one had to tell me. I saw the pictures of you two together. I can read, Rafa.”
“Not very well in this situation, I’m afraid.”
Rafa shook his head and looked down. Then looked back up at you with those damn eyes.
“You also don’t listen. Did you even hear what I said? I just said I love you.”
You just stared at him.
“Wait… what?”
Rafa brought his hips closer to yours, standing up tall. You wanted them on you.
“I love you, you fucking brat. Why would I want Ava when the woman I love has all this.”
And he reached for you, opening the tie on your robe. He sighed as he moved his hands on your brown skin. He was home.
“I want you to listen. Listen before you jump ahead and try to argue.”
You were about to say something and clamped your mouth shut at his warning glance.
“I told you, this was work. And we agreed not to go public with our relationship yet.”  
He saw you wanting to protest.
“We agreed.” 
His hands spread against your stomach, thumbs on your warm nipples.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, I was controlling myself. I wanted to meet you at the airport, but the paps are swarming.”
Rafael's blue eyes were now dark.
“And I didn’t stash you away because I wanted to fuck Ava, but because this is my home and I wanted you in it.” 
Rafa finally kissed you, and you took his tongue in your mouth, wanting to own a part of him.  Your moan while you kissed was getting him even harder.
“And when you sent me that picture of you in the bedroom, I wanted to run over here and take you in every room,  but I couldn’t. Still working. Just had to jack off when I could. To that picture.”
You moaned as his words made you drip down your thigh.
He pressed his pelvis to you and you could feel how hard he was. You took a ragged breath and forced your hands to remain on the counter. 
But you looked up into those burning blue eyes. You were wet and ready.
“It was killing me knowing that you were so close, sleeping in my bed without me, naked in my hot tub without me, and that I couldn’t touch you, hold you. Fuck the shit out of you. Hear you scream my name.”
“Tire of you? God, I wish I could get tired of you. I want you all the time, I can hardly function when you’re not around.”
He kissed across your collarbone to the other side of your neck. You were definitely weak.
“I was coming over that first night, but I saw you going out. To the club. Where it seems you hooked up with Mike.” 
Rafa bit down on your pulse point.
“Rafa, I…”
Rafa licked the spot he just bit. 
“Shhh. I know you didn’t get with him, but you were a bit of a bitch at the Q and A day. And then you took him to the midnight screening.”
Rafa was appraising your body possessively now.
“You tried to make me think that you were with him; that he was touching you like this.”
Rafa grabbed your breasts and squeezed your nipples between your fingers. You arched into his hands.
“It was like you were teasing me.” 
His hands moved down your torso and around to your ass, squeezing and pulling your cheeks apart and ghosting your intimate parts with his fingers.
“You know I don’t like to be teased.”
He released you and took two steps back, leaving you feeling bereft.
You were panting in the middle of his kitchen. You felt what it was like to be teased.
“Rafa, I’m sorry. Please…”
Rafa was two steps ahead of you. He was pulling his Oaklandish hoodie over his head. Then he shook his head at you.
He bent his head to your breast as he lifted it roughly to meet his lips. He drew your hard bud between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. 
Rafa nipped and sucked your flesh roughly as he licked the fingers in his other hand and reached between your legs.
“Did you want Mike to touch your cunt like this?”
“No...only you Cash…”
He traced his fingers between your wet lips, causing you to shudder and moan. Then he started to tease your clit.
“Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me you love me.”
“I..I…” You didn’t know when it happened, but it did. “Fuck it. I love you Rafael.” 
You sigh in relief and with desire as he pushed his fingers deeper into you.
He moaned softly in your ear as he pressed you back against the island.
“Good girl. Now tell me more. Tell me you love what I’m doing to you right now. Tell me you love this shit.”
“I love it so fucking much,” you squeaked, holding on to his shoulders for dear life, your nails digging in.
As he pumped his fingers, you wriggled and started to grind against his hand. As you wriggled more, he cursed under his breath.
“Fuck! Stay still.”  
His tongue licked up and down your neck as his hand went faster and faster, playing you like an instrument.
You were getting so close, and Rafa could feel it. So he stopped and stepped back again, panting while he tasted his fingers and leaving you quivering and emotional.
You refused to beg, but he knew what you needed.
“I want to punish you for not listening to me and your heart, but I can't because I’d be punishing myself.”
He walked toward you again, put his hands on you and slid down your body as he knelt before you.
Rafa looking up at you like that made you fall in love all over again. 
He leaned forward and kissed your lower lips oh so tenderly. Then, he licked them, and you had to hold on to the counter again. Then he started talking.
“I’ve been hard for you ever since you texted me that you touched down.” 
He kissed each of your thighs and lifted one up and rested it on his shoulder. You were not ready.
“I was so pissed off all day. Until I saw you that night.”
Rafa lightly licked a long stripe between your legs.
He pulled back and looked at your pussy, as if entranced.
“But, I stayed away from you at the mixer because I knew I would drag you to a bathroom and bend you over the sink…”
Rafa slowly rolled his tongue over your slit. You held your hand over your mouth as you watched him.
He looked up at you and chuckled. 
“No close neighbors. Let me hear you.” 
He sighed as he looked at you again. 
“I wanted to take you in the bedroom at the suite during the press day and put your ankles around your ears to dig out that attitude.”  
Rafa licked you again, making you tremble and moan loudly.
“I decided to come and give you an ultimatum last night, but I get here and you were so cute and drunk and said that you loved me.”  
He graced you with a smile. You smile back and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I know you said that I don’t own you. But you own me. Body and soul. I’m starving for you.”
And then he dove in, making you gasp as he eagerly parted your lips with his tongue and started to flick it back and forth over your clit, grasping your ass and your leg to support you and keep you in place.
This time he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked and swiped, his head moving back and forth as he ate. He did it until your eyes rolled back into your head and you were screaming his name. He increased his pace and intensity until you were a quivering, moaning mess. 
You come on Rafa’s face in the middle of a ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
You were still quivering as you watched him stand up, take off his shirt and wipe his face with it.
“So, you can take your flight back to LA in a couple of hours, or you can stay until Monday and we can be seen together tonight. In public.”
Your face lit up as he led you to the bathroom. You were catching on.
“And we will be ‘good friends’ for a few weeks until we let on.”
“Now, you’re listening.” Rafa was smiling wide now.
“Wait, does Diggs know about us?” Rafa started taking off his pants. You needed what was inside.
“Nevermind. I know the answer, Jackass.”  
You ignored Rafa’s laugh as you began to make up for lost time.
Read the next part, Scene Stealer Tagging: 
@theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​​ @delaber @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @einfachniemand​
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