#yes i know i sound like a brand account try to fit in with the kids
tigris-types · 2 months
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I'm trying to get the black cat boop badge and promote this project on Lego Ideas! Why not boop the support button there as well?
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Camila Noceda and Flawed Parenting
A perspective by a flawed person with loving but extremely flawed parents
I’m genuinely baffled at some people’s hostile reaction towards Camila. Like… do any of you have flawless parents that always know the best solution instantly, make no mistakes and never get emotional?
My parents are great. They’re super supportive and I love them very, very much. Overall I think I got very lucky in the parents department.
But god, they are far from flawless. I still live at home, and despite all the good, there’s moments when I can’t take my dad anymore. He’s the kind of dad that stayed up until two am to help me with homework when I was in school, and he does so, so many things to make sure I’m happy. I know that. But despite all of this, I have told my mom in emotional moments before that I’m not sure if I can keep living with him, because for all his good sides, he has a couple of fatal flaws that sometimes make him unbearable.
My mom listens to me and is very open to being educated on certain topics, but she has her flaws, too. She hates when I fight with my dad, and gets so torn up about it that I’ve once apologized to my dad out of fear of her getting into a car crash otherwise. She’s very vocal about certain flaws of mine, and sometimes uses the things she does for me as leverage against me when she gets very emotional.
And both of my parents pay a lot more attention to my brother because he needs it more, because he’s more of a “problem child” while I “seem so capable” even when I’m not.
And guess what? I’m not a perfect child. I make mistakes sometimes, some of them pretty severe. Just like Luz, I’m the kind of person that struggles to communicate certain issues of mine to her parents. I’m stubborn, and when I get emotional, I say very hurtful things sometimes. So do they.
And this has nothing to do with my parents being horrible or abusive. They’re neither of those things.
The takeaway from this should not be that my entire family is made up of terrible people, but that we’re all flawed in our own ways, despite loving each other and trying our best. There’s things about my parents I wish I could change, and there are things about me that my parents wish they could change. And to an extent, that’s perfectly normal.
In our strengths and flaws and frustration with each other, we’re all human.
Specific, spoiler-y Camila and Luz things under the cut since this got very long.
We have no indication that Camila has a pattern of emotionally manipulating Luz. Her “emotional manipulation” as I’ve seen some people put it, is people for some reason thinking that the second you become an adult, you’re suddenly perfect and can no longer make mistakes, lest you’ll be dubbed horrible and abusive.
The whole concept is absurd to me. There is no perfect way to parent. There simply isn’t. Of course, there’s some genuinely abusive patterns that are horrible and inexcusable. But out of the parenting styles that aren’t, which one works depends on a number of factors, one of which absolutely includes that every child is different and has different needs. Camila is an amazing parent for Vee, giving the kid everything she’s ever longed for. She’s not an ideal parent for Luz. And that’s because Luz and Vee have fundamentally different needs.
Likewise, Luz is a pretty great child for Eda, but not a perfect fit for Camila. Luz relates to Eda a lot more than she relates to her mom, and that’s why the two of them have an easier time understanding each other. Both of these mother-child relationships exist, and one is not more doomed to fail than the other, but I think you’ll agree that the better you understand someone and where they’re coming from, the easier it is to communicate, pick up on certain signs, etc.
As mom and daughter, Camila and Luz are both flawed and have issues seeing the other’s perspective because of how different they are. And we should simultaneously acknowledge both of their roles in the issue and give both of them the space to learn and grow past those issues.
Luz struggles to communicate her problems. She doesn’t want to burden people in the demon realm, and it’s a given that this started out as not wanting to burden her mom. So she keeps quiet about her issues. Camila tries hard but can’t read her daughter’s mind, so there’s only so much she can do to understand and help the way Luz needs her to. Hell, Eda, who Luz is a lot more open with than her mom, struggles to help her, because Luz doesn’t tell her what’s wrong. I don’t see anyone calling Eda a terrible mom for that.
Camila tries her best, but she struggles to understand her daughter because of this, and because of how fundamentally different they are. She loves Luz’s creativity, we actively see her supporting it in the new episode—she keeps the weird stuff Luz made because she thinks Luz will regret throwing it away, and even plays along in what she assumes to be some elaborate role play because “she’s glad Luz kept her creativity even though it’s not made things easy for her at school”. But at the beginning of the show, said creativity got out of hand and people got hurt. Luz could’ve gotten hurt. So of course Camila had to interfere. I love Luz dearly, but she thought it was okay to bring snakes to school and set off fireworks inside a school building. Creativity is great. Doing reckless stuff that causes people to get hurt is not.
In sending Luz to camp, Camila tried to have someone else fix her issue because she didn’t know how to help Luz. That was a mistake, and a bad one at that, but she’s realizing that. She looks disheartened when Vee tries to throw out Luz’s stuff, because she never meant to change her daughter or take that part of her away. She just thought Luz needed a reality check—which, for the record, is something the narrative actually agrees with.
Luz spends her time in the demon realm getting reality check after reality check, realizing that even her ideal fantasy world where she has everything she always wanted doesn’t mean she’s free of consequences. She goes overboard constantly, causing:
-Eda to be forced to fly into a trap because Luz is chasing a fantasy (Witches before Wizards)
-Eda to almost be branded by her sister because Luz doesn’t think through why Eda doesn’t use magic to publicly announce her presence constantly (Once Upon a Swap)
-Eda and the twins to get kidnapped by a Slitherbeast because Luz stole Amity’s wand (Adventures in the Elements)
-Her friends to get hurt when she goes overboard trying to help Willow (Wing it like Witches)
-Eda to be captured and almost petrified because Luz thought she could just steal from the Emperor with no consequences in an attempt to help (Agony of a Witch)
I’m like 90% sure these aren’t even all. None of those make her a terrible person, for the record, but as all humans are, she is flawed and makes bad choices. She learns from these experiences and matures, just like her mom had hoped she would at camp. She’s also made friends there, which was another thing Camila wanted for her daughter.
You’ll probably realize that a lot of Luz’s behaviors I mentioned follow one of two patterns: 1. Luz’s idealized fantasy world causing problems, when she walks around with rose tinted glasses and gets people in trouble in the process because she hasn’t thought about the consequences, and 2. Luz trying to help someone she loves, but instead making things worse in the progress. The issue with this one is often that she doesn’t communicate her ideas/listen to the people she’s trying to help—like when Willow and Gus said they’ve had enough of Grudgby, or how she never actually talks to Eda about the healing hat idea before doing something reckless.
…does the latter one sound familiar to you at all? No? Because it’s the exact same thing that Camila did.
Some of the things Luz does are reckless and actively endanger others and herself, and that’s something that I think we need to acknowledge before judging Camila. As Luz’s mom, it’s Camila’s job to interfere in those situations. That she made a mistake while trying to protect Luz doesn’t make her a terrible person, especially as, again, the narrative proves her right to an extent.
I’m not saying her making Luz promise to come back and stay isn’t something that hurt Luz—it absolutely is. But it was born out of desperation. She’s emotional and in shock. She’s so full of pain and regret. She just wants her fourteen year old daughter home safe, and there’s nothing abusive or even morally ambiguous about that.
From Luz’s perspective, what she says is absolutely heartbreaking, but from Camila’s, it’s perfectly reasonable. I doubt Camila has the full picture, but even if she does, she’s had a full fifteen seconds to process that her daughter has not only been lying to her for months, but chose to leave her, and is in the demon realm of all places. Of course she’d be emotional and upset about that! Who wouldn’t? Camila isn’t a robot. If she’d been calm about this I’d be way more concerned, honestly.
My parents don’t get mad that easily, but if I would lie to them for weeks on end, they’d be pissed off too, not even taking the running away from home part into account. That’s a normal thing. People don’t like being lied to. Camila is absolutely devastated in that moment because she’s scared that Luz left because she hates her, when Luz actively states that her leaving wasn’t about her mom—which is another thing we should really be acknowledging.
Abusive parents suck and abuse should obviously never be apologized or trivialized, but saying something hurtful in the heat of the moment isn’t the same thing as being an abusive parent. My parents have done this. I’ve done this. And yes, those things can be emotionally manipulative, but there’s a huge difference in whether that’s a habit or a person speaking out of hurt and desperation in a very specific context. I doubt there’s anyone on the entire planet that hasn’t had a bad moment where they’ve said something like this because they were hurting. People lash out when they hurt, and they beg for reassurance when they’re scared. That’s something we all do.
The whole mindset of “all parents have to be perfect and can never get upset or make any mistakes” is harmful as hell, and honestly also very unrealistic. No parent is perfect, and especially people like me who have a relationship with their parents that’s very good overall should know that.
Once you have a child, parenting is a non-stop learning process, every day for the rest of your life. Taking away that room to grow and expecting perfection isn’t helping anyone, especially not struggling single parents.
And I see Camila as someone who is very willing to learn, because at the end of the day, all she wants is for Luz to be happy. Let’s give her some time to wrap her head around this whole situation. Let’s see what she says once she sees for herself how happy Luz is in that world, may it be via the videos eventually coming through or Camila visiting and meeting Luz’s found family, her friends and her girlfriend.
Ultimately, I don’t think Camila will force Luz to stay at home, but we have to give her some time. She wants what’s best for Luz, and she’s gonna need some convincing that a dangerous magical world is what’s best. I feel like that’s very normal considering the circumstances.
Her and Luz need to work on their communication on both ends, they both have things to learn, but I’m certain they’ll manage to fix their relationship in the long run.
If the bunk bed is any indication, I think Vee is gonna stay in the human realm permanently while Luz sleeps at home but keeps attending Hexside in the daytime. That feels like a solution that keeps everyone happy, and allows Luz to spend time with all the people she loves. I can’t see her being forced to choose at the end.
As a closing statement: Eda isn’t an ideal mom, Amity isn’t an ideal friend or girlfriend and neither is Luz, Lilith isn’t an ideal sister… but that’s because no one is ever an ideal anything. Being flawed is a big part of being human. Everyone has different facets to their personality. Their flaws are what makes them such great, relatable, believable characters.
And I feel the same way about Camila. She’s an extremely believable character that reminds me of my own parents, flawed but very loving nonetheless.
(Also honestly, I think it’s pretty telling that some of you guys immediately bash the black single mom that’s obviously trying her hardest while giving the benefit of the doubt to Alador, who has been portrayed as neglecting and threatened his six year old daughter on screen. This was already a thing before we knew much about either of them, and I’m disappointed but unfortunately not very surprised that it still is.)
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Bnha Mafia AU Scenario: You need a new bra
[Summary: Busty reader! the last of your bra hooks break while lifting boxes at work! Leaving you in a bit of pickle, so, you text your friend telling her to go your house get you another bra... At least you though you thought it was your friend...]
"Goddamn lazy sons..." You huffed bending down getting another box of the floor, Naoki your male co-worker was supposed to be doing this but he decided texting on his phone and flirting with Mei from accounting was productive then doing his job! you huffed lifting a box full of text-book up when you felt your bra loosen..*Crap, one of the hooks must've snapped...oh, well I still got two more." then you felt your bra start to slip off did you realize your mistake...
This was the bra from last week! the one that had a broken hook after playing with your cat, you felt the second one snap this when you were putting on your jacket this morning...  Your face was on fire as you awkwardly looked around making sure you were the only person in the storeroom before unbuttoning your blouse and and taking off your broken bra to examine it to see if may the hook didn't break, maybe it just bent and you could fix it! Nope, it was definitely broken... How embarrassing you huffed grabbing your phone and texting your friend telling her it was an emergency!
{My bra broke, I need you get me another at my house! and please hurry my supervisors gonna be here any minute! I'm in Storeroom 13} 
[seen a 12:45 ✔✔]
Twenty minutes later...
"Y/n I got your text open the door"
You blinked bemused that didn't sound like your friend it sounded like... 
Shigaraki Position: the big boss: You open the door to see Tomura standing outside in the hall, You stared at the mob boss incredulously, before registering what he said *he saw my text...*, You looked down at you phone and saw his name on top of the screen...Your face felt like it was on fire as Shigaraki cleared his throat, you looked at him and saw he was blushing as he held out a bag from a very every expensive lingerie brand which looked at bemused did he buy her a new bra... "Y-you Didn't have get m-" He cut you off "Just take it!" You blinked and took the bag from the white haired mob boss, who waited outside thinking about the embarrassing situation at the lingerie store... 
He got that text and went to ask Kurogiri to bring the car around as he was going to attend to your wishes, until Dabi got a look at his phone and snorted. "Well, no shit it broke, she's not even wearing the right size!" the hit man noticed his boss eying him suspiciously. "And how exactly would you know that?" the scarred man just smirked knowing Shigaraki doesn't have a lot experiences with women.
"Boss I'm hit-man, it's my job to analyze people right down to what brand of socks they wear, You think I wouldn't notice a chick with {y/cup} size boobs in a {not y/cup} bra? it pretty obvious, especially when she does that little squirmy shrug thing with her shoulders."  
Shigaraki seemed to take this to heart as he didn’t like the thought of you being uncomfortable, So he had Kurogiri to take him to a lingerie store instead of your home, needles to say the staff were all on edge when the notorious head of the Shigaraki group came waltzing into their shop, looking around nervously at the various styles and varieties of underwear and sexy sleepwear.
One of the sales ladies finally mustered up the balls to approached and asked if he needed help. Shigaraki explained the situation and the lady put on a tight smile and helped him with obvious reluctance, before setting on a sky blue bra, but then Shigaraki paused when he saw a couple of other sleep sets he figured you'd like and one that he liked that was made to look like a game controller bought those too. 
He heard the door open and saw you walk out, Tomura cheeks were pink when he noticed that your chest looked like it had gotten perkier, that extra padding really was worth it, he'll have to have Kurogiri send those ladies at the Lingerie store a card or something... "D-does it fit alright?" He stammered scratching his neck while looking a you nervous about your reaction. "Yeah, actually it fits nice..." You said surprised that you're boyfriend got your size right. 
"That good! that's nice!...um I have to go I see you after work" he said kissing you on the cheek and walking out the back door, just as your worried boss rounded the corner asking why the head of Shigaraki was here? and where had he gone, yeah forgot to mention your company in under the Shigaraki's protection, but that was long before you and Tomura were a thing.
Needless to say when you got home that evening you were very surprised to find at least four more bags of Lingerie waiting for you on your coffee table, your face felt like a furnace as you read a note from Tomura detailing his high hopes that you'll be wearing at least one of them, and what he plans to do with you when he comes over to play later!~ 
Dabi Position Hitman/Enforcer: There stood Dabi dried blood on his jacket (at least you think it was dry, the jacket too black to tell.) with a pervy grin on his face as he held up a bag from a lingerie store... your eye twitched and went close the door in his face when he wedged his foot in the door to stop you. "Easy there Fairy~ I'm just answering your distress signal!" he said teasingly causing you look at him oddly.
"What are you on about?" He put his hand in mock hurt. "Oh that text wasn't for little ol'me?" Again you looked him like he'd grown six heads, before looking down at your phone and saw that, yes. You had texted Dabi instead of Abbi, oops... "Actually that text was meant for Abbi. " the hit-man took then shrugged. "Well then I guess I'll be goin.." You grabbed his arm. "h-Hold up!, hold up lets not be hasty now!" he looked back at you with a smirk as he handed you the bag.
Dabi waited outside the door when he heard you muffled "What the fuck?" then you angerly yelling at him. "Get in here right now!" the hitman resisted the urge to burst of laughing at your face, as you held up a cupless bra for him to see. "If you seriously think I’m gonna wear this I'm cutting your dick of right now!" you hissed as Dabi feigned innocence. "What. what wrong with it?" He eyes watched you reach for a shelf where they store the extra blades for the Paper-guillotine, and he put his hands up.
"Okay, okay I’m just kiddin' with ya!" he took the bag from you and pulled out a dark purple bra with teal polka dots the inside of the cup was also teal, you hummed before putting it on and were pleasantly surprised that it fit you! "That feel better than that [not y/cup] size rag you've been wearing?"  You gawked at him bemused "Wait...I was wearing the wrong size? How did you notice?" Dabi said you squirming your shoulders and walking around like the hunch back of Notre-Dame was a dead giveaway.
You hummed putting your shirt back and Dabi with this little smirk on his face seeing the improvement that bra. "Looks like Patty and Selma are safe and snug in their new home.~" he purred watching them puff up when you crossed your arms. "I still don't get why you named them after the aunts from The Simpsons." You say as you watch him check his phone. "Because!" He kissed you on the cheek before going to the window. "...They're always smokin~" he winked before hopping out the window and running into the foggy afternoon, just as you boss cam in asking if you were done with inventory? And where the hell was your male co-worker?! that night Dabi was pleasantly surprised to find you trying on the cupless bra; checking yourself out in the mirror let's just say the Hitman was definitely buying you more underwear if he gets to come home that every night!~
Hawks position smuggler/police informant: You were confused seeing your boyfriend standing in the hall "Hey Dove." he greeted smiling coyly and holding a sparkly bag from a Lingerie store, you looked at him oddly. "Uh...Hi?" you looked to see if your friend was hiding behind him, nope just his wings... "Why are you here?" you asked. "I got your text, see?" he took his phone and showed you his phone, your face felt warm as you saw your text staring you in the face.
You must've mistaken Keigo for Kaiko "Oh... That wasn't for you. " You hummed embarrassed Keigo didn't seemed to mind as he held out the bag to you causing you heat up realizing he bought you underwear... Which you were reluctant to take. Now it's not that you didn't trust Keigo it's just his track record buying you clothes isn't very good... but then you looked at your options and sighed taking the bag from the blond; not seeing the sneaky smirk Keigo was trying to hide.
 before he heard you go "what the hell?" he snorted and walked in the storeroom to see you holding up this, ugly neon yellow mesh bra littered with green sequins in the shape of peacock feathers that covered your nips, You looked at the bra then him at almost scared. "Dude..." You murmured in disbelief that he actually expected you to wear this! he burst out laughing you pouted and started hitting him. "Ow...ow, haha! Okay!...heh, Okay!" He snorted as he checked the bag he gave you and under all the cray paper he pulled out this red bra with little gold stars on it, it looked cute but you were skeptical as you put it on. 
"Holy crap, it fits...."You looked at him suspiciously as you were putting your shirt back on. "Who helped you?" You asked watching at he stiffened up "I don't know what you talking about..." he smiled coyly as you crossed your arms and cocked a brow, before watching Keigo's smile drop, your brows furrowed as you watched one of Keigo's feather's shot out through a gap in the door and you heard a yelp!
You both went outside in the hall to find your co-worker Naoki pinned to the wall by Keigo's feather his cell phone laying at his feet, the blond's eyes narrowed as he picked it up and looked through it, Keigo growled when he found photos of you changing on it. He looked at Naoki in disgust before crushing the phone much to your co-worker protest and hawks pocketed the memory card, then turned to Naoki. "I'd keep my mouth shut about this if I were you bub.”
Keigo hissed as brought another razor sharp feather up to nervous man's face and pressed it against his cheek. "Or else you'll learn the meaning of “”Snitches get stiches””... Ya get me?" Naoki nodded and Keigo put him down and watched him run, The blond then turned to you with a cheeky smile. "Wanna go the lunch?" You agreed and hastily left with your birdbrained boyfriend.  
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alexskarsgardnet · 4 years
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New Interview & Photo Shoot!  Alex photographed by Johan Sandberg and interviewed by Timothy Small for L’Uomo Vogue (October 2020)!
Alexander Skarsgård: the photo shoot and interview for L'Uomo
Alexander Skarsgård is a really, really nice man. A Swede through and through, Alexander, or Alex, is a very down-to-earth gentleman who could definitely act as more of a big shot, considering he is also one of the most interesting actors in Hollywood right now, a town that, in true Swedish style, he once defined as “kind of silly”. After getting his first big break as the lead in David Simon's excellent Iraq War mini-series for HBO, Generation Kill, Skarsgård exploded in our collective imaginations as Eric Northman in True Blood, while also acting for Lars von Trier in the wonderful Melancholia. 
Since then, he has been a very buff Tarzan in The Legend of Tarzan, a mute bartender in future Berlin in Mute, a very dark killer in Hold the Dark, and a hilarious Canadian Prime Minister in Long Shot, as well as giving an Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning turn in HBO's Big Little Lies. The self-defined “restless” 43-year-old is set to star in The Northman, Robert Eggers's highly anticipated third film, a “Viking revenge story” that Skarsgård himself was crucial in bringing to production – and, by all accounts, it seems like it could have all the right pieces to become a future cult classic. It certainly has that kind of hype.
L'Uomo Vogue:  The Northman is such an interesting project. I know it's important to you. It's also part of a growing resurgence of interest in the Viking era and Norse mythology and that sort of epic Scandinavian adventure. How did it all begin?
Alex:  It all started seven or eight years ago. As a Swede living in America, I realised there was a certain level of fascination with the Viking era and Viking culture – and this was before any of the Viking shows that have since happened. It made me realise that there basically had never been a real great epic Viking movie made, and I thought that that's what I wanted to do.
LV:  So how did the project kick off?
Alex:  I started having conversations with a studio back then, trying to crack the best story. All I knew at the time is that I wanted to make a big Viking movie. We had a couple of potential different starting points: we had a story about two brothers, and then one about the Viking travels down to Constantinople with the Viking siege of the city. We were looking for the right story, but I never really felt we were there. I knew the scope I wanted it to exist in. But what was the story?
LV:  And that's when you met Robert Eggers.
Alex:  Yes, like three or four years ago. We met about something else. I can't remember how, but we started talking about Vikings. And he was, like me, a huge fan of Viking culture and of that historical era, and I immediately felt he would be the perfect guy to direct this movie. And then we found an author and poet in Iceland, Sjón, who came onboard to write the screenplay – and they did a fantastic job, just cracking the story and the essence of it.
LV:  Sounds great.
Alex:  It's a real adventure movie, but it's much more. It taps into the culture, and the mysticism of the Vikings, it becomes more intimate and more personal. I didn't want it to be a generic “swords-and-sandals” movie. Robert is one of the best filmmakers out there. And the whole process is so much more gratifying than when you're quote-unquote “just an actor”. It's been truly extraordinary.
LV:  But then you had to halt production.
Alex:  Yeah. I was in Belfast, Northern Ireland, three months into prep on The Northman about seven days away from principal photography. Just gearing up, you know, getting ready to start a very long, very intense shoot -- a shoot that we were scheduled to wrap in July – and that's when the virus hit.
LV:  What did you do then?
Alex:  I normally live in New York, while my family lives in Stockholm. When the first wave came, I was on the fence: nobody really knew how long it would be, or what precisely was going on. So we shut down production for six weeks. The idea was to then see what would happen. I basically moved to Stockholm for four months.
LV:  How do you feel about this forced break from work?
Alex:  I had not been home for this long in... more than 20 years. It was strange. We were in a bubble; we were all healthy and safe. In a lot of ways, I had moments when I felt being surrounded by my loving family, feeling safe and loved, and taking a break from work, but then also feeling very guilty because I was, for the lack of a better term, being spared.
LV:  In the past, you've described yourself as being a nomad. Did you miss Sweden and the North?
Alex:  I realised how much I have been missing it. I go to Sweden regularly, but usually only for three or four days, maybe a week, tops. My father and two of my brothers are actors, so we're used to never being in the same city. We all travel all over the world. Maybe we'd get back together for Christmas. And I can really say that I had missed spring in Sweden.
LV:  Do you think we will change the way movies are produced?
Alex:  We're going to have to figure out how to shoot movies with dozens of crew members and hundreds of extras while still respecting social distancing rules. It's an unprecedented situation and everyone is scrambling to figure out the best approach. My brother was one of the first people who worked in our industry during the pandemic. He shot a movie in Iceland in the middle of the lockdown. The way they solved it is they split the crew into colour sections. So, hair and make-up had yellow armbands and the camera department had blue, and they had a “Corona appointee” on set who would call out, “Now blue go in!” and then “Blue, out! And yellow, in!” And then they would all do their job in turns. It was very military-like. Productions are already complicated, so we'll just have to add another layer.
LV:  How did you become an ambassador to the Clarks brand?
Alex:  To me, authenticity is very important. I don't want to endorse products I don't genuinely like. That's why I was excited when Clarks reached out. I've been wearing Desert Boots for 25 years. Also, I like to travel a lot. I like to explore new cities by foot. I want to be able to walk around comfortably in a classic, iconic shoe. I travel from movie set to movie set, and I often live out of a suitcase. And this teaches you to be frugal. Whatever fits in that suitcase, that's all I can bring.
LV:  Is that the Swede in you?
Alex:  Maybe. But we consume way too many things in this society. Also, you give things more meaning when you live with them, and when you go on adventures with them. Like, these are my boots. I've been places with them. And when they fall apart, I'll buy a new pair. If you have the right stuff to begin with, you don't need more.
LV:  Going back to The Northman, that really sounds like a dream project.
Alex:  It is. It will be a rollercoaster ride. I can't wait to get back to Northern Ireland and get back to the production. It's also a very physically demanding project, so I have been training for, well, since a few months before production stopped.
LV: In a way, getting into a role, getting on a movie set, acting through it, the whole process of making a movie is a bit like a little adventure. You have to prep, you have to travel, often with people you don't know, and you have to push boundaries.
Alex:  Absolutely! A huge part of the appeal of this profession is you get to travel, and you meet amazing, interesting people from all over. And the uncertainty, you know? What was it, 12 years ago, I was in New York, and I'd never heard of Generation Kill. And then two days later I was on a plane to the Kalahari Desert to be out there for seven months to shoot the series. And I'll never forget the feeling, sitting on that plane, thinking, “Two days ago I didn't even know about this project, and here I am on my way to Southern Africa to spend seven months in the desert with 200 strangers.” It's very exciting.
LV:  What a feeling that must be!
Alex:  And every single job is like that. Every movie is different. Your part, the tone, the energy, the people – it's always different. And for someone like myself, who has that kind of wanderlust, who's always looking on the horizon, it's very attractive to never know just what the next adventure might be.
October 14, 2020:  Updated with the full interview courtesy of our friends at the ASkarsLibrary (x).
Fashion credits:
Photographs by Johan Sandberg Styling by Martin Persson Grooming Karin Westerlund @ Lundlund Hair Amanda Lund @ Lundlund Stylist’s assistant Isabelle Larsson Digital Daniel Lindgren Production Madeleine Mårtensson and Olle Öman @ Lundlund
Read the full interview by Timothy Small and see the photo shoot by Johan Sandberg in the October issue of L'Uomo, on newsstands from September 22nd.
Sources/Thanks:  Interview:  Timothy Small for L’Uomo Vogue (x), Photos:  Johan Sandberg for L’Uomo Vogue (x), artlistparis.com (x) via artlistparisnewyork instagram (x),  luomovogue instagram (x) &  atomomanagement.com (x) via atomomanagement instagram (x), our caps from artlistparisnewyork’s September 23, 2020 insta story (x, x)
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bucksfucks · 3 years
           amorosa // steve rogers
         chapter two: seal the deal
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    chapter one // chapter two // chapter three
                    chapter four // chapter five
              ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
                             main masterlist
summary || after setting up a date with steve you fight back the urge to bail on account of your nerves. an agreement is reached and despite all odds, steve makes you feel relaxed and calm before you’re welcoming him back to your apartment after the night is almost over.
pairing || sugar daddy!steve x reader
word count || 3,111 words
warnings || financial struggles, sugar daddy dynamics, undefined age gap, unprotected sex, fingering, oral, heavy daddy kink, praise kink, size kink, dirty talk — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
     You didn't know what to expect. You had never done something like this before. 
     As you rummaged through your closet, groaning at the struggle of finding something decent for tonight. You didn't own anything that would match what Steve was wearing, you barely had time to go out as it is.
    Not to mention your financial situation didn't exactly let you splurge on the finer things in life, your phone screen had been cracked for over half a year. You'd been meaning to get it fixed, but you could never justify dropping more than a hundred dollars on something that still technically worked. 
    Your mind flashed back to when Steve dropped the hundred on the bar like it was nothing. Suddenly you felt self-conscious, knowing you weren't nearly good enough to be going out with a man like Steve Rogers, Vice President of Stark Industries. 
    Professional or not, people would be talking and giving you odd glances. 
    You settled on a comfortable, sleek pair of straight cut pants and a simple blouse. Steve had decided on a steakhouse, a steakhouse of all places for a single drink as he put it last night. Another groan as you slipped on the uncomfortable and only pair of heels you owned. 
    A simple black open-toed shoe matched your outfit enough before you grabbed your purse, slinging it over your shoulder. 
    The Uber would be here soon enough and while spending thirty dollars on a car ride to a place you'd have to try not to stick out like a sore thumb, the subway in heels just wasn't an option. 
    The entire ride there your leg couldn't stop bouncing, no matter how much you willed yourself to calm down, nothing seemed to help as you left the modest looking part of the city only to enter into an entirely different world. 
    Luxury brand stores lined the streets, expensive cars parked at their side as your stomach flipped at some of the sights. 
    You didn't fit in here, you were sure your driver was just as confused as you as they kept driving deeper into the city. 
    "Have a good night," he bid you as you thanked him, shutting the car door and letting the late summer breeze billow around you as you looked up at the restaurant in front of you. 
    Bluefin read in a fluorescent blue light as you shook your head, laughing at the ridiculous situation you were in. You pulled at the door, it was heavy and tall before a hostess prompted you. 
    "Do you have a reservation with us, miss?" She asked, eying you up and down as if she knew that you were a fraud, like you didn't belong; and she wasn't wrong. 
    "I uh, have one with Mr. Rogers." You stumbled over your words trying to sound as confident as possible. She nodded her head politely, asking you to follow her before she swiftly turned to lead you through the maze of tables. 
    You took in your surroundings, the dozens of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to the gold plated booths and shimmering table legs. It was safe to say that this place was way out of your comfort zone. 
    "Mr. Rogers, your guest for the evening," she spoke sweetly, throwing you a small smile as Steve got up to greet you. He placed a kiss on each of your cheeks, the action causing your body to flush as his beard grazed your skin. 
    He smelled exactly like he did last night, though this time it wasn't as subtle. He smelled fresh and clean and you could get lost in those same dashing blue eyes again.
    "I'm glad to see you again." Steve smiles, helping you into the booth before sliding in beside you. It was a very intimate space, his shoulder pressed against your as you placed your purse beside you. 
    Two menus were already placed in front of you, two glasses of water alongside a pitcher in the middle as you fiddled with your thumbs in your lap. Could he tell how nervous you were? 
    "It's nice to see you too," you managed to finally spit out as Steve smiled sweetly, he turned his body slightly so he was facing you, "this place has great seafood, I really recommend the crab cakes." 
    Your eyes lit up at the word food, you had been so nervous that it had barely crossed your mind. A waiter soon approached the table, "can I get you guys anything to drink?" 
    You felt like it should be you serving Steve, instead you just shook your head, "I'm okay with just water." You answered truthfully before Steve smirked. 
    "We'll take a bottle of champagne for the table, preferably rosé from 2012." It sounded like he was speaking an entirely different language. To you, wine was wine, if it got you drunk, it was good. 
    The waiter nodded his head, turning around to leave you both alone. You took a sip of your water when you noticed just how dry your throat was. Steve opened his menu and you followed suit before your eyes ran down the various dishes. 
     Everything sounded good and you heard your stomach grumble at the thought of the crab cakes and maybe even the butternut squash ravioli. Then your eyes ran to the prices, your heart palpated at the thought of them. 
    "Dinner's on me tonight, get whatever you'd like." It's like Steve had heard your internal monologue and decided to put an end to it. You were thankful for that, a wave of relief washing over you as his soft features made you feel safe. 
    "Thank you, really. I don't think I've ever eaten anywhere nearly this fancy," you joked, hoping the humour would absolve you of your awkwardness. Steve chuckled, low and deep as the waiter came with the champagne. 
    It was popped then poured into the flutes and placed in ice before Steve picked his up. 
    "To new beginnings," he spoke. You picked up yours, "to new beginnings," you repeated his words, gently clinking the two glasses together before taking a sip. 
    You had never been a fan of champagne, but this one wasn't too dry nor was it too sweet. It was light and fruity and soon enough you knew it would be enough to quell the nerves. 
    When the food arrived at the table, the conversation seemed to flow much more naturally. Steve didn't say much, asking a question and letting you answer as he got to know you. You found yourself sneaking subtle glances in his direction, admiring his side profile or just how close he was to you. 
    As the bottle of champagne was nearly empty, you felt much lighter as giggles fell past your lips. You had leaned into Steve a little more as the night progressed, his large hand falling to your thigh. 
    "So," the faint echo of your giggle was still heard as Steve's expression turned to a much more serious one. "I think we should discuss our… business opportunity." And just like that, you had sobered up. 
    You nodded your head as Steve cleared his throat. 
    "I'd like for you to join me for things like these. Dinner, company events, fundraisers, yearly ski trips to the alps, you know, the boring stuff." You nearly guffawed at his words. The boring stuff? A trip to the alps? Boring? You could barely believe it. 
    Still, you nodded your head, a silent sign for him to continue. 
    "In return, I'll take care of all your bills and expenses. You'll have plenty of petty cash, we'll call it," he smirked. "All I ask is for your company." He concludes and you swallow, taking it all in. 
    "When you say company, do you mean… " You trailed off, not sure how to delicately ask him if he wanted to fuck you or not. 
    Steve leaned in, his face inches from yours as he squeezed your thigh, "that's exactly what I mean, Princess." 
    The pet-name caused your stomach to somersault as your breath got hitched in your throat. You're not sure if it was the alcohol coursing through your veins or if this was just the effect he had on people. 
    Probably a mix of both. 
    Whatever it was, it caused you to wring your hands in his collar as you crashed your lips onto his. He didn't hesitate, not even for a second as his hands went to cup your face. The kiss left you breathless, spinning, and feeling like you were floating. 
    "Is that a yes?" He asks cheekily and you can't find the words, all you can do is nod your head before Steve is forced to drop your face as the waiter brings him the check. 
    You readjust yourself in your seat, one leg on top of the other as you close your eyes to steady your breathing. 
    Steve grabbed his leather wallet, pulling out a flashy black credit card and handing it to the poor man doing his job without any regard. You bit your lip at the interaction, someone with his money and power, it made the throbbing between your legs only worse. 
    "Let me drive you home." Steve whispered meeting your eyes as you nodded, "oh it's okay, I can just take the train back." You said politely and while you didn't want to, you sure as hell couldn't afford another Uber trip. 
    It's not like you didn't want to take him up on his offer either, truthfully, you weren't sure how you were going to react all alone with Steve. 
    You don't fuck on the first date, but for Steve, hell you'd let him take you in the bathroom of this restaurant. God knows it's probably better maintained than your building. 
    "Please? I don't want you alone on the train at this hour, you'd have me worrying all night and I don't think you'd wanna upset me like that." There was a sultry undertone in his words as his lips twitched into a smirk. 
    You nodded your head, "yes, okay, thank you Steve." 
    When you stepped into the now cool late night summer air a shiver ran down your spine as the valet went to grab Steve's car. You stayed silent, kicking a pebble with your toe as you tried your best not to shiver. 
    You felt Steve drape his suit jacket over your shoulders, "chilly night, huh?" He joked, as you hugged it around yourself. This man was full of secrets, secrets you wanted to learn to lock away in your own mind. 
    "Here you are Mr. Rogers, have a great night." The valet said, acknowledging you both as he opened the passenger side door for you. You slipped into the warm car, an Audi, you recognized the four rings on the steering wheel as Steve got in. 
    The car was quiet, city nose becoming nonexistent as he put it in drive. 
    "Where am I going?" He asked, pulling out of the restaurant parking lot and into the bustling New York City streets. 
    "Queens," you said, admiring the lights outside of your window as Steve chuckled, "no way, I grew up in Brooklyn." Steve commented as you turned your head. 
    That surprised you. A guy like him? From Brooklyn? You guess you should've known by his subtle accent, but it made you smile as Steve continued his way to your apartment. 
    "Well, uh, thank you for dinner, Steve. Really, it was the best food of my life." You chuckled as he returned your smile. "It was my pleasure, you're good company." He joked, squeezing your thigh as a new wave of arousal running through you. 
    You both sat in somewhat awkward silence as you grabbed your keys from your bag, clutching them in your hand. 
    "Do you maybe wanna come up for a cup of coffee? Or tea? I don't really have much to offer." You chuckled, as he smiled, “that sounds lovely." 
    Steve followed you to the front of your building, the old, paint chipped door creaking open before you pressed the elevator button that only illuminated on good days. 
    Today was not that day. 
    You tapped your foot as you watched the numbers descent until the L appeared on the small screen, the bell dinging. You got into it silently, the only sound was your heels against the stained flooring and the electrical whirring of the elevator. 
    Steve kept a respectable distance, his shoulder brushing yours as the elevator car moved up to the eleventh floor. 
    You stuck your key into your lock, jamming it upwards as you fiddled to find the sweet spot before you managed to push the door open, "home sweet home." 
    The apartment was small, a little over five-hundred square feet, but it was more than enough for you. You decorated it with plants and art you'd find at your local markets. It felt cozy and like home, but you knew it was nothing compared to what Steve was used to. 
    You didn't bother turning on any of the main lights, a small light in the kitchen was all you needed as you were finally able to kick off your heels. You dropped to your true height, having to crane your neck upwards to meet Steve's eyes. 
    It was in this moment that you realized just how massive he was. Broad shoulders and long legs held him upright as his now darkened eyes looked you up and down. You had forgotten all about the coffee as you felt his gaze all over you. 
    "You look stunning," he whispered, stepping closer to you. "Words just don’t do justice." He added, snaking an arm around your waist. 
    "Let me show you just how beautiful you are to me." He breathed, mouth close to your ear as you gasped, nodding your head. 
    "Oh, Steve, please." You whimpered, your hands going to rest on his shoulders as he pulled you flush against his body. You could feel him hardening through his dress pants, pressed tightly against your hip. 
    "Call me Daddy tonight, Princess." Steve purred as your stomach flipped before his lips were back on yours. He tasted like the remnants of the champagne as his tongue explored your mouth. 
    "Daddy," you gasped, his lips working his way down your neck as he pushed you further into your apartment. You yelped when he tossed you onto the bed, the moonlight streaming through your curtains and onto the sheets. 
    "That's my good girl, you're bein' so good for Daddy." His praise sends goosebumps over your skin as his fingers begin working on your blouse. You can sense the urgency in his actions, both of your hands having one goal in mind; remove any and all clothing. 
    You barely have any time to stop and admire Steve's build. He's toned, lean and fit and you already love the faint chest hair as he works on your bra. It's discarded soon after, your panties being yanked off before Steve's standing naked in front of you. 
    "Fuck," it's a breath that falls from Steve's lips as he's right back on top of you. His nose traces down your chest, his mouth paying equal attention to both of your nipples before his mouth is floating above where you need him most. 
    Neatly decorated hair covers your mound as Steve places your legs over his large shoulders, spreading you open in front of him as he lets out a low groan. 
    "Princess, you're so wet. Is this all for me? Is this why you've been so squirmy during dinner?" He smirks, his question rhetorical as he uses his fingers to spread your lips open. 
    Your hips are bucking, fists around your sheets as you whine. Steve's tongue is wide and warm against you when it finally connects with you. A lewd moan slips past your lips when he swirls it tightly around your clit. 
    The attention to detail is mind blowing, his fingers slowly slipping inside of you as he works you open. There's nowhere in the world you'd rather be than right here with Steve's face buried between your thighs. 
    "You taste so sweet, Princess." He hums, moaning around you as your fingers tangle in his once neatly styled hair. You tug on the locks, a low groan in response that spreads warmth through your body. 
    "Daddy, pl-please, wanna cum." You're lost in the sensation of his fingers scissoring you open, his tongue flicking tight figure-eights over your clit. 
    "Cum for Daddy, Princess, cum all over my face." He growls, curling his fingers deep inside of you, breaking the coil as your back arches off the bed. 
    You feel like you've just ran a marathon, lungs aching for oxygen, and he hadn't even gotten his cock yet. 
    "Hands and knees, Princess. Show Daddy your ass," he growls, flipping you over as you prop yourself up on shaky knees. You're mewling, wanton and burning to feel how his cock will fill you up. 
    The bed shifts under Steve’s weight as his fingers dig lightly into the flesh of your waist, positioning your hips as his cock nudges your entrance. 
    “You think you’re ready for my cock, Princess?” He taunts as you wiggle your hips against him as he chuckles deeply from within his chest before slowly sinking into you. 
    You both moan at the sensation, your warm walls gripping around him as he stretches you out. 
    “Takin’ Daddy’s cock so well Princess—fuck, feels so good.” Steve grunts, his hips snapping against yours with a force that has you falling face first into the pillows. 
    His one hand goes to rest between your shoulder blades, keeping you planted firmly against the bed as he fucks you deep into your worn out mattress. 
    Your moans are muffled, you're thankful for the position considering your walls are paper thin and you'd rather not have your eighty-five year old neighbour Darleen hear about the mind-blowing sex you were currently engaged in. 
    "You gonna cum for Daddy again? Make a mess over his cock, hmm?" He whispers in your ear, voice hoarse and gravelly as your toes curl and you're cumming again for him. 
    Steve pulls out, fisting his cock in his hands before you're feeling his hot cum painting your back as you're reeling at the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
    You're pulled out of your post-orgasmic bliss when you feel Steve cleaning you up with what? You don't care, you'd do laundry tomorrow, throw it away, all you wanted was to feel Steve's arms around you. 
    He falls back into bed with you, his gentle eyes meeting yours as he chuckles, "if that doesn't seal the deal, I don't know what will."
tagging // @jennmurawski13 | @nakedrogers
any and all feedback is always appreciated! <3
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Before You Go
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Summary: The reader bumps into her old boyfriend Dean at a bar. Things don’t go over smoothly when they recall why they broke up in the first place...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, angst, post-breakup, fluff
A/N: Enjoy!
“Excuse me, do I…” said a familiar voice, your body turning in your seat at the bar to come face to face with Dean Winchester. He swallowed and you gave a half smile. “Y/N?”
“Still trying cheesy one liners?” you asked. You picked up your old fashioned and took a longer than necessary drink.
“They always seemed to work on you,” he said. “What are you doing in town?”
“Passing through.”
“Passing through Lebanon?” he asked.
“Yeah. I got a job up North,” you said.
“That’s an interesting coincidence.”
“It’s my job, back off.”
“You do realize I know there’s no job on account of the wiping out monsters thing,” he said. “Why’d you come to my favorite bar in town, Y/N?”
“I shouldn’t have to hear through other hunters that you’re fighting God,” you said.
“I recall you never wanting to see my face again.”
You looked around and put down some money, Dean following you out to the quiet parking lot. He crossed his arms and you scoffed.
“We broke up because you kept lying to me. I’m a big girl. I don’t need you to save me,” you said. “I could have helped with the God thing and you know it. I-”
“Did it ever cross your mind that I kept you out of it on purpose?” he said. You looked at your feet, offering a small nod. “My fatal flaw with you Y/N has always been that I can’t watch you go away from me. I will hurt you myself if that’s what it takes to keep you alive. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.”
“I said I don’t need you to-”
“You are a rookie hunter. You can do the research, handle the magic, handle a lot of it. The field work is not your thing, sweetheart. You can’t fight. You can’t shoot for shit. You-”
“You wouldn’t teach me. You promised you would and you never did. I’m not a Winchester but I can handle my own.”
“I never taught you because I didn’t want this for you. I’m a bastard for it but it’s the truth.”
“You’re out of monsters to hunt you realize.”
“I know,” he smiled. “And you’re safe. So if that’s all I get at the end of the day, I’m pretty damn happy with it.”
“Goodbye, Dean,” you said. You headed for your car, for a split second hoping he’d come after you. There were no footsteps following you though and you stopped in your tracks. “Why are you just standing there?”
“Because you said goodbye. You said you’d never forgive me when we broke it off and considering I haven’t changed at, why would I?”
“Fuck you too,” you said. You shook your head and walked over to your car, a hand on your shoulder after a second. You turned and Dean sighed.
“You walked away from me, not the other way around. I’m not some puppy dog that’s gonna beg you to stay,” he said. 
“You have never fought for me,” you said. “I don’t want you to beg, just fight. Shit, I love you Dean. I always have but I can’t live with someone that won’t fight for me.”
“You didn’t want me.”
“I didn’t want you to treat me like I was weak but you do. I can’t get past that. I know it’s hard to watch me get hurt but that’s what I wanted. Help me when I fall. Clean up my stitches when I’m hurt. Don’t stop me from ever being hurt in the first place. It’s not a way to live.”
“There is your answer for me not following you over here then.”
He dropped his hand and started to leave, pausing at the end of the car.
“I never stopped loving you. I loved you too much I think was always my problem,” he said.
“You gotta let me live, Dean. No protecting me like that.”
“The definitions we have for that are different. I will never not protect you so it’ll never work.”
“I didn’t say you can’t protect me. I said I can’t have you protect me like that. Save me from the big stuff. The scrapes and bumps I can handle,” you said.
“I gotta go home, Y/N,” he said. “We just...we don’t fit all the way. You’re always gonna be stubborn and I’m always gonna be too protective. I love you and if you call I’ll always be there, but I’m not going through all this again to just wind back up broken even more. Goodnight.”
He started to walk and you turned back to your car, Dean grunting for a moment. You looked over the roof of the car, Dean looking back at you.
“How much have you drunk?” he asked.
“Y/N, how many drinks?”
“Four or five.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/N. You can’t drive.”
“I was just gonna sleep in my car.”
“Y/N. One night.”
You rolled your eyes but followed him to Baby. The car smelled the same inside, Dean absentmindedly turning up the heat as he drove back to the bunker. You stared out the window, not quite sure why you’d come back. He wasn’t going to suddenly be a different person and neither were you.
It wouldn’t ever work out no matter how much you wanted it to.
“Are you crying?” he asked quietly.
“So,” you said, wiping off your face.
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
“Yeah. Me too.”
He didn’t say another word and he drove past the familiar rode to the bunker. You turned in your seat, Dean staring at the dark road ahead of him. 
“I thought we were going to the bunker,” you said.
“I don’t live there anymore,” he said. He glanced at you and you tilted your head, Dean driving for a bit before driving onto a dirt road. He followed it for a bit, passing a few houses until he stopped outside of a small home with a yard and a field of wheat next to it. “Lots of windows.”
“I always wanted lots of windows,” you said.
“I know,” he said. You both got out and you followed him inside. It was clean and brand new in there, a big couch and TV in a family room, a little office off to the side. You followed him upstairs and Dean opened a door to a guest room. “Bathroom is across the hall if you decide you’re a lightweight and gotta puke.”
“Why don’t you live at the bunker anymore?”
“Because I always wanted to live in a house with lots of windows. I don’t need to live in a fortress ever again,” he said. You looked back over your shoulder at him, Dean staring right back. “What?”
“You want me back.”
“Yes. But I smothered you. I’ve changed since the last time you saw me but sweetheart, protecting you? That’ll never change. You felt trapped and I smothered you. I’m just gonna do it again. I won’t hurt you again so we can’t....just...say goodbye in the morning before you go.”
“Goodnight, Dean.”
“Night Y/N.”
Dean was sipping on some black coffee on his front porch when you exited the next morning, your head turning towards him. 
“Want a ride or you got an uber coming?”
“If I wanted to stay, what would you say?” you asked.
“I’d make you breakfast and tell you how much I love you and that love’s not enough for us in this life unfortunately.”
“You’re wrong. You did change. You live here now. You’d let me go to be happy. So before I go, maybe we try this time. I don’t be so stubborn and you let me get a few scrapes this time. We can always try and if it works, I don’t have to go at all,” you said.
“I guess I’m gonna make breakfast then,” he said. He stood up and stopped by your side, handing you the coffee mug. “Don’t leave.”
“The world’s different. We can be different too,” you said.
“Want an omelette?” he asked. 
“I’d love one,” you said.
“Okay then. Two omlete’s and a do over coming right up,” he said with a soft smile. “If you want.”
“That sounds pretty perfect to me, Dean.”
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bangtae-sohotddaeng · 3 years
we’ll be counting stars | k.th. | 4
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(^ gif cred: ON THE VOYAGE | pinterest)
pairing: idol!Taehyung x publisher!Reader
rating: nc-17 (for language and themes)
summary: You’d sworn off love and relationships forever. You were here to do your job - work with the biggest boyband of the world. Not forge friendships and...and whatever it was that you and Taehyung were building up with these sneaky glances. It was, to be very fair, your Chief Editor’s fault that you’d landed in this mess. Maybe you should quit your job? Maybe you should quit life -
Oh, he was staring again, and did he freaking lick his lips?
warnings: swearing (reader’s got a potty mouth) + this is set like 5 years in the future + reader has emotional issues, she's a relationship phobe + mentions of weed
genre: so much ANGST ugh + fluff + comedy + some crack
words: 4.6 k
note: hey, y'all. i know i've been awol and i'm really sorry about it, but, well - first i went back to uni for a while and got busy with my classes and my boyfriend. but this lasted for, like, barely three weeks, and then i came back home and got covid. yep, i finally got unlucky. my parents got it, too, after me, and the three of us had been home quarantined and getting treated for the past month or so. we're in better health now, though, so i'm getting back into writing. here's hoping i pick up speed super quick! 💜
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gimme feedback, much much appreciated!
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Your first week of heading this project with all its roadblocks and exhaustion, as it turned out, had merely been a taste of what was to come.
Your Wednesday at work began on a positive note, though. 
Towards the middle of the day, your phone rang, making both you and Jungkook jump. 
Cursing, you pursed your lips at Jungkook apologetically, and fished the device out. He nodded at you with a chuckle. 
Looking at your phone screen, you realised this was a call you'd been waiting for.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hello, ma’am. I’m calling to inform you that we’re done.”
Your eyebrows immediately hiked up your forehead. “Wow, really? That’s great news!”
“Yeah, the cleaners will be in tomorrow morning. You can move in by tomorrow evening.”
You actually grinned. “That’s such fantastic news! Thank you so much, Mister Lin. I’ll initiate your payment later, today.”
“Anytime, ma’am. Thank you.”
You disconnected the call with a happy sigh. Jungkook squinted at you. “That sounded like a fun conversation.”
You nodded, smiling. “Our team is moving into an apartment, tomorrow.”
“Wow! You’ve been in the hotel for what, ten days now? Must feel nice!” Jungkook’s eyes sparkled.
You nodded with a sigh, shutting your eyes in relief. “Oh, yes. We’d made reservations at the hotel for fifteen days. We had to move into the apartments within this week. This feels so amazing. I’ll finally be able to prepare my own food.”
Jungkook giggled at that, scrunching his nose up. “Where’s the apartment? Hope it isn't too far.”
“Oh, no, it’s a few blocks away from here. Which is why we had to book a hotel in the first place. We needed two four-bedroom apartments on the same floor, in this specific radius, in three days.” You paused to laugh when Jungkook’s jaw dropped with a gasp. “It was a very hard find. But our agent was sharp, he did a great job.” You clapped your hands together. “I cannot wait to check out of the damn hotel.” 
Jungkook nodded in understanding. “Hotels are hard. It could be a seven star luxurious penthouse, but you’d still wanna run away from it after a while.” 
He seemed to be speaking from his personal experience, but running away from a seven star luxurious penthouse? You couldn’t relate. You hated your hotel because the curtains weren’t dark enough and the mattress was stiff and you couldn’t afford getting any of them changed. You also hated having to order Chinese every single day, but you also knew you’d be emptying your bank account if you got anything else.
None of this would trouble someone living in a seven star’s penthouse. But you didn’t want to make Jungkook uncomfortable by stating any of this when he was just trying to be a bit compassionate and empathetic.
“Food doesn’t bother me that much, though,” Jungkook continued after a thoughtful pause. “We’re usually either on diets or order takeout. I personally hate the mattresses.”
“Oh yes,” you sighed deeply, the kink in your upper back in absolute agreement. “I’m not really a fan of sleeping anywhere other than my mattress back at home, but hotel beds are the worst of it.”
Jungkook chuckled, nodding. “I completely understand. You remember that story I told you about lugging my beddings over to our dorm when we first moved into one?”
You nodded with a laugh. “Oh, yes. The rest of the boys were getting new mattresses, and you were busy dragging your mattress from your parents’ house. It may sound hilarious, but it’s actually very relatable.”
Jungkook looked a bit bashful as he nodded. “You know, when we first started preparing for our first tour, I had a half a mind to take it with me.”
You barked out a loud laugh at that, the mental image of Jungkook dragging a seven by four piece of bedding around and stuffing it into trailers. He laughed, too.
“Yeah, it was funny and really stupid. Half the time we didn’t even get to sleep in the bed we had taken with us, but whenever we did, I was nodding off the second my head hit the pillow.” Jungkook’s eyes sparkled as he went down the memory lane. “That one was nothing in comparison to the tours we go on now, but it was our first ever experience so it was still pretty difficult adjusting, Tour schedule is a different level of hectic, you know? You don’t have time to eat, you don’t have time to sleep. Just rehearsals and fittings and sound checks. I would fall asleep in makeup chairs,” he confessed with a chuckle, shaking his head fondly, “and when noona would wake me up, I would recall how I wanted to bring my mattress here. Such naivete.”
You smiled, nodding along. You hadn’t yet gotten to the tour discussion yet, as it was planned out for the third month of your blueprint, so all of this was brand new to you. But, at this moment you didn’t want to bring up plans and blueprints. Jungkook was compassionately being candid with you. You were becoming friends, beyond your professional boundaries.
Sighing, you decided to impart something personal, too. “When I moved to the States and got into this company, I rented the apartment with an old friend who was already living there. And it wasn’t my first time living in a house away from my parents. I’d been a university student, lived in dorms then rented apartments, both solo and shared.” Jungkook looked at you pensively, nodding with a little furrow in his eyebrows. “But when I got to this apartment, got all this brilliant furniture set up, all new and fresh, I couldn’t sleep. I missed my home.” Jungkook’s eyes softened, lips pressing down into an understanding smile. “Not the dorm, not the studio I’d been renting—I missed my childhood bed.” You exhaled, recalling all your sleepless nights. “There's this connection you build with the place you call home. I’m sure you must have started to feel this way about your dorms as time went on.”
Jungkook softly smiled, nodding as he looked into space. “Very correct. Tour life made me realise this exact fact.”
You both sat in a few minutes’ quiet, basking in the nostalgic atmosphere you’d built around you.
Then Jungkook grinned at you. “Now you’ll get to experience real Seoul life.”
You laughed. “Oh, yes. And I honestly can’t wait for it. The local markets, the grocery stores, everything. Everything here is very unlike home.”
“I’m sure you’ll love it!” Jungkook exclaimed, wiggling his eyebrows smugly.
You went back to work soon after, with Jungkook tossing in questions about your move and suggestions about what all you should do in the city, every now and then.
It was a good, productive, joyous day. You were hardly even tired when you got back to your hotel to spend your last night on that stiff ass mattress.
Thursday had started off pretty much the same, except for you guys taking a slightly early departure to spare some extra time to set your new place up after your belongings were moved.
By late night, you were all settled in two, pleasant, well-furnished, well ventilated four-bedroom apartments, next to each other. Your housemates consisted of Sana and Simon. Needless to say, you weren’t a fan. But you needed a room to build the office in and you preferred it to be under the same roof as your bedroom because you tended to work odd hours when you couldn’t sleep. Simon and Sana volunteered to share the apartment with the office and you, so you didn't exactly have room for complaint.
From getting the apartment cleaned one last time to accept you all, to ensuring none of you had left anything significant behind in your hotel rooms—you didn’t trust the hotel staff enough to not misuse it if they found anything related to BTS in one of your rooms—you had been the one that took care of it all. It was kinda on you, because you didn’t trust anyone from your team to do the latter responsibly. So, quite naturally, you were dead on your feet by the time you got into your soft as a cloud beddings at nearly 3 o’clock in the morning. Sleep pulled you in the seconds you rugged your covers up.
You were very dead on your feet when you got to the BTS dorm, five hours after you’d gotten into bed. You hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in your system for more than a few weeks, now, but man did you have a hangover.
So it goes without saying that when you bumped into someone on your way to Jungkook’s studio, your eyes were half shut. You wouldn’t have thought much of it and might have slinked away with a mumbled apology, if not for the familiar voice than greeted you.
“Good morning. Looks like you had a rough night?”
You blinked, miles away from sleep within a second when your eyes met a familiar pair of brown ones. Taehyung was dressed in the routine BTS loungewear that consisted of a pastel t-shirt that was one too many sizes bigger on him and dark sweatpants that covered his feet. His hair was the usual black and curly, mostly pulled away from his forehead with a few tendrils dangling over his brows.
Your interaction with him had been meagre throughout this week, only consisting of respectful nods of greetings and waves of goodbyes. You’d meant to ask him how Simon was doing and how he felt about his ideas being taken now, after you’d had a talk with Simon about it. But you didn’t know what you would do if he said he was hating how things were and wanted you to do something about it. So you had kept your mouth shut and watched from the sidelines as you tried to gauge Taehyung’s inner feelings by his facial expressions. 
He was an extremely closed off guy, never really letting his face show what he was truly feeling. But sometimes you would catch him looking into space as if he was zoning out of his conversation with Simon. Now, he could very well be thinking deeply about something Simon said—you really couldn’t be sure with the guy. But it had you worried, nevertheless.
God. Why did Simon have to pick out Taehyung’s name?
By the time you realised you’d been staring at him for too long, he had realized it too. “Anything wrong with my… hair?” he innocently questioned, threading his fingers through the front of it.
“No!” you yelped, making him flinch. “I mean, no, it’s not that. I, um. We were moving into our apartments last night and it got kinda late. My brain’s processing things a bit slow, today.”
Taehyung chuckled at that, nodding with his teeth on display. “It’s okay. Congratulations on the move. Hotels suck.”
You sighed. “Tell me about it.”
Awkward silence hung over the two of you as you looked at the floor, at your feet, at his feet, tried to discern if his pants were very dark gray or blue, cleared your throat, scratched your ear, met his shifty eyes again— 
“How…how is working with Jungkook?”
His question caught you off-guard. You looked at him in surprise. “Uh…it’s, um. It’s good. Very comfortable, very productive. It’s great, actually.”
Taehyung nodded, pursing his lips as he looked down again. “Simon has been a better listener this week. Did you talk to him?”
A weight was lifted off your shoulders on hearing that. You grinned at him with all your teeth. “Really? That is really good to know. Comforting, even. I did talk to him, yes.”
Taehyung looked into your eyes as his lips spread into a slow, soft smile. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. I thought you would think I was stupid for demanding so much, but…” He shrugged his shoulder, one corner of his lips ticking farther up his cheek. “You made it work. I feel so much better now.”
You exhaled, willing your heart to not beat so fast. It was your job to ensure they were all comfortable, this was part of what you were getting paid for. But somehow, the way Taehyung seemed to have taken it so personally made you not wanna mention the fact in the moment.
Also, he didn’t know how this wouldn’t last. You’d been giving Simon tips to handle himself professionally around Taehyung, literally every single day. It kept the wheel running, but it was tiring both of you out, immensely. Simon was out of his element and you were getting slowly overwhelmed and under-rest due to the amount of responsibilities piling on for you. You were determined to talk this out with your boss, this Sunday, and find a way out before you broke.
Right now, though, you gave Taehyung a bashful smile. “I wanted you to be comfortable and feel good about working on this project, Tae. I am constantly working out plans to better it.”
Taehyung looked at you with so many emotions swimming in his eyes, that the intensity of it almost made you wanna look away. But you didn’t. Instead, you tried to decode what any of it could mean. 
This time the silence between you two was not awkward in the least. It was charged—heavy with this unknown tautness between your mind and heart and this indecipherable look in Taehyung’s eyes.
The trance was broken by Jin, startling both of you.
He walked into the halfway from behind Taehyung, peering around him with a frown. His eyes widened when he saw you. You immediately bowed, always extremely cautious about being respectful around BTS’ oldest member. “Good morning, Jin-ssi.”
He chuckled at your address, insisting that you didn’t have to bow every single time. “Just the respectful good morning is fine. Did you just get here?”
You nodded, subtly glancing at Taehyung whose eyes were slightly rounded and still stuck on you. Why was he acting like you two were caught by Jin? You’d just been greeting each other and catching up!
“Ah! There comes Riya!” Jin suddenly announced the arrival of his partner on your team, cutely waving at someone behind you.
Your teammate Riya walked into the hallway after you, having walked here on her own insistence. “Good morning, Jin-ssi. Taehyung-ssi. Boss.”
You smiled at her, nodding in acknowledgement of the respect she paid. “Where’s Simon?” you questioned.
“Just here!” the man himself responded, rushing in after Riya. 
You met Taehyung’s eyes, and he nodded with a meaningful look and a small smile on his lips. Your heart felt light.
The unexpectedly happy and positive start you’d gotten in the morning lasted with you the whole day, making your time with Jungkook a lot fun, and fulfilling in terms of work, too.
When Sunday came in and you received your boss’ call, her first question was about how well you were settled in the apartments, followed by how you’d handled things with Simon. You had done a decent job on the former, but the latter was gradually turning out to be a pain in your ass. You told your boss as much.
“Drag it out for another week, and then design a change of gameplan. If he really isn’t doing a good enough job by himself, it’s better if he works with someone else. This whole charade will tire both of you out. And V would be facing issues, too, if Simon’s heart isn’t into it.” Your boss had looked at you solemnly through the computer screen.
“Simon’s heart’s a bit too much into it, boss, that’s the whole issue.” You had derisively chuckled at your joke, but her words had left you thinking into the late hours of the night.
Taehyung had definitely been facing issues, you’d heard it from the man himself. And the respite he thought he’d gotten this week was momentary, because neither you nor Simon could honestly keep up with it for too long. And it was very unfair to Taehyung. This book was supposed to showcase a part of all the boys. A biography was the culmination of one’s whole life—something very personal, precious and endearing. The process of its creation should have been a similar experience for the boys, too.
You really would have to assign someone else to Taehyung.
On Monday morning, you knocked at Simon’s door at seven.
“Just this week, and then you switch,” you told him.
“Really? Oh, my God, thank you so much!” Simon cried out.
“Please accommodate him the best you can.” You sighed. “I’m too tired to give you notes everyday. Will you be able to manage?”
“I’ll accommodate him the best I can, just as you said.”
You hadn’t taken his word for it, but it seemed like the knowledge of his misery ending soon had done Simon well. He did a fair job of maintaining his professional composure, and on Tuesday, when you went in to grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen, you saw the two of them laughing about something, too. Taehyung had politely greeted you, exchanging more than a nod for the first time in more than ten days—minus that one altercation in the hallway, of course—and then immediately went back into the discussion.
He seemed to be really into it.
It made you feel a lot better. 
On Friday, you and Jungkook went for a walk by the pool in the late afternoon with a cup of ice cream in your hands. He brought up Taehyung, asking how the elder was doing.
“You told me he was having some trouble with his partner?” Jungook asked, biting into a huge glob of chocolate ice-cream like a maniac and braving the brainfreeze with a straight face.
You grimaced at the sight. Then exhaled, plopping a spoonful from your own ice cream into your mouth. “He’s doing a lot better, now. It might not last, though”
Jungkook, instead of quizzing your ominous statement, nodded in understanding. “Does it have something to do with what I told you about hyung’s personality?”
You sighed. “Pretty much. We might have to change his partner.”
Jungkook paused at that. “Is there a possibility that…” He trailed off, confused, doe eyes looking at you.
You couldn’t lie to him. You shrugged. “Everything’s on the plate.”
On Sunday evening, you decided to gather the team for the call with your boss. Sending them a quick message once you all got home, you hopped into the bathroom for a long, relaxing showe. 
When you came back, you stepped into your office to the welcome sight of your team occupying bean bags and chairs and spread across the entire surface area of the place.
Collectively, you all brought up Taehyung’s partner with the Editor-in-Chief.
“Why don’t you do it, Y/N?” your boss questioned you after the rest of them had briefed her with their progress so far and detailed out their future plans with their assigned boys.
You sighed. “I have been doing just as great as the rest of them, boss. It wouldn’t be ideal for me to stop working with Jungkook after we’ve been making such great progress.”
Your boss took her glasses off, the highlight on her nose glistening as her movement caught light. She shook her and then sighed. “One of you is going to have to make a sacrifice.”
Simon, rightfully, flinched with a guilty face.
“So either you talk one of your team members into doing it, or you do it yourself. You’ve got one whole week to discuss it. Tell me what you decide, next Sunday.”
You kept tossing and turning in your bed. You’d either have to force one of your team members. Or you’d have to disappoint Jungkook. Your prospects really weren't looking good. 
You would like to believe you and Jungkook had become friends in these three weeks. It is impossible to remain a stone-faced stranger with someone literally relaying the story of his entire life to you. And besides that, too, Jungkook was a very likeable guy. He was a curious soul with a myriad of interests. Taking notes on literally every topic would always branch out into an enthusiastic conversation between the two of you. 
Sighing as you recalled how the two of you had shared your roller-skating experience with each other just today, you shut your eyes and decided to finally go to sleep.
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On Monday morning, your team members were gathered in your new office to begin with the scripting process of the biography. As you got down to comparing notes and checking off boxes, each one of you resolutely ignored the gigantic elephant in the room—that fact that one of you would not be working with the same person when this week was up.
Strangely, this forcible change of partners was weighing down on all of you not just because of how much more labour it would cost, but on an emotional level, too. Which was a very unfamiliar concept, at least to you. You never got attached to clients, knowing it would only cause hindrances when you had to criticize their work—which was why they were talking to you in the first place. You had been somewhat lucky too, in a way, because it wasn't easy for you to get attached to people.
But Jungkook turned out to be just a really easy person to get along with. You really had become friends.
This, you suddenly realised, would also mean that Jungkook would make friends with another partner just as easily.
“Guys, remember—it’s not just their story that we’re writing, it’s ours too!” you announced to your team, clapping your hands to raise their spirits as the six of them worked on their computers. “They’re the narrators, sure, but we are the writers. Use your words wherever you find fit, do not hesitate to trim, omit or add. This is what we were hired to do.” 
At noon, you all ordered takeout and took a break.
“We’re all really on schedule, boss,” Riya, Jin’s partner, spoke up from her spot across the room from you. Her rounded eyes narrowed suddenly, and she winced. “Well… except Simon, but we kinda already expected that.”
Simon, seated on a bean bag to your immediate right, cleared his throat. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
“You’ve been really shitty at your job, Si,” Areum, Jimin’s partner, commented, looking at Simon through her round framed glasses, her face displaying disappointment.
“He really has,” you added. “But it cannot go on like this. You’ll have to be really professional with your partner, this time round, Simon. You’ve really done a lot of damage with Taehyung. Boss won’t just pull you off the project if something like this happens again, she’ll fire you.”
Simon visibly gulped, nodding with his wide eyes fixated on you.
“So, who’s gonna take his place?” Nathan, Yoongi’s partner, butted in, prompting Sana to stop stretching. “Have you decided yet?” he asked you.
You exhaled. “Why not ask dear Simon who he wants to work with? The last time he kept protesting about the assigned choice, and I didn't listen. Maybe he’d have done better if the selection of his partner was voluntarily done by him.”
All eyes turned to Simon. He cleared his throat, looking beyond nervous. “Please don’t put me in this spot. One of you will have to let go of a month’s worth of hard work for me, as it is.”
You looked around the room. “Any one of you willing to switch?”
Five pairs of eyes turned to look at you incredulously. “No one’s gonna willingly give their research up for you, Simon,” Charlotte, the only redhead on your team and Hoseok’s partner, spoke with a roll of her eyes. “None of us.”
“Simon,” You sighed. “Choose.”
And then Simon squeezed his eyes shut and fisted both his hands to whisper, “Jungkook…maybe?”
Of fucking course.
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Later that night, you had calmed yourself down enough to tell yourself that everything was gonna be okay. You could be a darn hardass professional when you needed to be. In fact, being humble and empathetic was usually what posed a challenge to you. You would very smoothly transition into working with Taehyung, you were sure of it.
You belatedly thought about how much change these past three weeks had already brought about in your nature. You were starting to show a lot more compassion than you’d thought yourself capable of. That kind of came in this job’s description, because biographies made people vulnerable, and vulnerable interviews required compassion. 
You had to unlearn some of the things you’d picked up over the span of your adult life to save yourself from hurt, and also the guilt that came with hurting others. Jungkook also helped, in a way. His openness and just the overall cheerful vibe that his nature eluded made you want to be more of a friend to him than a writing guide or an interviewer.
You wondered how Taehyung would be. 
There was something undeniably intense and mysterious about him. Now, you weren’t naive enough to want to “unravel” the guy’s mysteries, but you sure were irked and curious. Maybe he was one of those kinds of artists that literally lived in their art.
Back when you didn’t work in this company with this hectic schedule and had enough spare time on your hands to write, you used to pride yourself to be one of these kinds of artists, too. You lived in your stories, kept building characters up wherever you went, whatever you did. You wondered if it was something similar with Taehyung for music. 
You would find out, eventually. There was no point pondering it so much.
Sighing, you turned off your side lamp and decided to retire for the night.
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Your writing week was gliding past smoothly. It was just Wednesday, and you all, ahead of the schedule, were at the verge of finishing up your writing parts.
“Are we super efficient or did we sign up for a longer duration of time than needed for this whole project?” Sana questioned, typing away on her laptop.
You snorted. “Or maybe, we didn’t design the blueprint with as much uniformity as we’re required to.”
“You don’t always have to critique everything, boss,” Charlotte, Hoseok’s partner chimed in, flipping her long mane of auburn hair off her shoulder as she shot you a look. 
You glared right back at her. “Uh, actually, I do. That’s kind of my job here.”
You’d been harsher than was needed, making the whole room go quiet. Only the clicking of keyboards echoed around you all for a while.
“Where’s Simon?” Nathan, Yoongi’s partner, asked after some time.
You sighed. “In his room, finishing up his writing work there. He doesn’t feel comfortable sitting between all of us because, and I quote, y’all give off really judgy vibes that fuck with my concentration.”
“That might actually be true,” Areum, Jimin’s partner, mumbled in Korean under her breath.
“Did you mail Manager Woo about the switch yet, boss?” Nathan asked you as you got up to get a refill of your coffee.
You exhaled. “Nope, I'm stalling,” you confidently confessed, leaving the office to make a trip to the kitchen. On your way back, you knocked at Simon’s door before peeking in. “You doing okay?” you asked him flatly.
Simon gave you a nod, not moving his gaze from the laptop screen. You rolled your eyes and came back to the office.
“Should one of us do it? If it won’t look too unprofessional?” Sana asked.
You wrinkled your nose. “It would look grossly unprofessional, Sana.” You pursed your lips as you sat behind your laptop again. “Fine, I’ll do it right now.”
You took a sip from your coffee, and opened your email. This was final, now — no coming back.
You were officially gonna start working with Kim Taehyung.
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Tags: @tangledsparkles​ @hoefortaeshands​ @getmemyfries
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janedoe-eyes · 3 years
Neighbors in a Mask
This is my Secret Santa gift for @theatreandcomicfreak - I hope you like it! I had the help of a wonderful Beta who made this infinitely better😂. Merry Christmas! @maribat-secret-santa-2020 -  I’m also posting it on ao3 😁
“Ok - ok, you can do this! This is just a friendly introduction, what could go wrong? New town, new place, new start.” A wet nose nudged her hand in agreement with her little self-pep talk, and she smiled at her furry companion. Marinette squared her shoulders and knocked on the apartment marked ‘655’, the mantra ‘new town, new place, new start’ ran on repeat in the back of her mind. She fidgeted listening for signs of life on the other end of the door.
She jumped when the door suddenly and silently opened to reveal a man her age - half-dressed, extremely attractive, and wearing the least welcoming glower she’d ever seen.
“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“I… uh… next door… chest moved in… shirtless - I mean!” She sputtered, face resembling a tomato and she barely managed to grab the plate of macaroons she’d lost her hold on while  she flailed. Holy hell, I haven’t sputtered  this much since…
That thought sobered her right up, and she shook her head to clear the nervous clutter. She took a big breath and started again.
“Sorry - I just moved in next door,” she jerked a thumb to her left, indicating the other condo in the pair. “I wanted to bring these over and introduce myself - I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and this is my dog Squishy.” She gestured to the cream-colored Pit Bull, and he glanced down for a half a moment. “I just moved here from Paris! I’m a fashion designer and novice gardener-”
“Look, I have a lot of work to do,” He cut her off with an exasperated sigh. “I am not interested in whatever you are selling - whether it is a product, business deal, or yourself.” Her jaw dropped. “I do not socialize beyond what is forced upon me by my family - so you have wasted your time. Good day.” He nodded stiffly at her and shut the door.
What the fu…
She stared at the same spot on the forest green door until Squishy whined and nudged her hand. She looked  to see the dog leaning on her leg and slowly wagging her tail.
“Squish… did you hear him say what I think he said?” She asked, looking at the door. She received  another nudge, this time from her purse on her other side.
She peered down to see Tikki’s blue orbs looking at her  with  concern. Marinette  smiled in reassurance.
“I’m fine Tik -  just rebooting.” A small giggle sounded from the bag, and Mari’s smile grew. She gave the door one last look and huffed.
“Oh well,” She shrugged. “Might as well head home.”
She stepped off his stoop and strolled over to her own, her deep red door already decorated with a spring wreath - little ladybugs hidden throughout. She shut the door behind her and caught  the plate  for a  second time when  a black blur zipped right in front of her face.
“Hey Bug, I overheard your  little exchange… want me to phase over and cataclysm his TV or something?”
“Plagg! What have I said about startling me? You’re gonna give me a heart attack!” He ignored her, floating in lazy circles near her ear. She continued to grumble about the cat as she continued to the kitchen - Tikki flying out of Mari’s purse to join her other half.
“No cataclysms!” The Luck God scolded him, crossing her paws. “We can’t risk anyone becoming  suspicious of where the guardian is - anyone who knows  the temple returned will be on the hunt!”
“Please,” Plagg scoffed. “I can pop  in and out without him noticing and not leave a trace - it’d probably at least annoy the hell out of Mr-stick-up-his-”
“As much as I’d like to get him back for his rude  comment - seriously, where does he get off?!” Marinette interrupted with a sigh and a small smile. “Tikki’s right, and it wouldn’t be very guardian or Ladybug-like of me besides.”
“Fine - but the offer still stands.” The little floating cat huffed, flying over to where Squishy cuddled  in her bed by the window, watching her owner for signs of needing her.
It was odd how well the dog and cat god got along - Plagg refused to acknowledge he was fond of the Pit Bull, but they were found more often than not sleeping curled  together on Mari’s bed at night, and Marinette suspected he snuck  her treats.
“As long as we don’t see each other much beyond going in or out of our places - it shouldn’t be a problem.” She shrugged, popping a cookie from the plate in her mouth and handing one to Tikki who happily accepted. “With how ‘busy’ he alluded to being - it shouldn’t be hard.”
Turns out -  easier said than done.
She saw him the next day in line at a coffee shop accompanied by  a man a few years older than him who looked as if  death had warmed over. Mr. Grouchy made eye contact with her and scowled before turning away with a tsk.
She rolled her eyes and focused back on the barista. “Hello,” she smiled as much as she could manage at the buttcrack of dawn. “It’s a longshot, but do you happen to have any ‘Black Insomnia’ or ‘High Voltage’?” The blonde behind the counter paled.
“Not another one.” She whispered, her eyes darting over to the man being tugged along by her neighbor.
Marinette tilted her head in question, and the barista seemed to shake it off.
“We are well stocked with Black Insomnia, what size will it  be and how would you like it made?” She asked, her customer service smile  strained.
“The largest you have - as black as you can make it.” She smiled back and took her receipt, walking over to a booth, overhearing her call out for a “Suicidal Wayne” just as another worker called out for the same drink.
The older boy, the one who looked in desperate need of a good night's sleep, leaned on Mr. Pissy as if he was the only thing keeping him upright - but at the mention of the order, his eyes snapped over to her. He gave her a small wave, and she returned it with a quirked brow. He looked close to  moving  over, but Sir Scowls-a-lot stopped him with a hand on his arm. He spoke in a low voice, and the tired man’s face melted into a mix of disappointment and exasperation. The man shot her an annoyed look and turned back to the front.
She wanted  to go over and demand to know what he could  possibly say   having met her once for five minutes, but the barista called out three names - hers, ‘Tim’,  and ‘Damian’. She walked  up before the two could move and grabbed her cup, thanking the woman, before brushing past ‘Tim and Damian’ on her way out. She was in a rush - there was a show coming up next week and she had fittings all day, she didn’t have time to deal with her asshat of a neighbor and his friend with good taste in coffee.
As the days passed, they continued bumping into each other. Their dynamic well-past talking, favoring annoyed glares and eye rolls. He wanted to scare her off (the Wayne lawyer way or Robin way - he hadn’t decided yet), but his father and brothers refused - insisting she hadn’t done anything deserving of any kind of action.
Yet. His mind supplied.
There was something off about her - the sixth sense he’d acquired through his life was never wrong, and she set it  off like fireworks whenever she was near. He couldn’t get a read on her intentions, but he wasn’t one to wait for the other shoe to drop - he planned to keep his eye on her.
He saw her again on patrol a week and a half after she first knocked on his door.
He was in costume uniform tailing a group of five men who  had recently left a warehouse that  belonged to  the Penguin. Red Hood stationed  across the street following parallel to him.
The men turned the corner on Hood’s side, and Robin signaled he would wait until they were out of earshot before grappling over. Hood nodded and continued trailing them.
Robin waited for a beat, then shot his hook out to grab the highest ledge available.
“Shit.” Hood’s voice through his comm made his hand jerk and his grappling hook missed the mark. He released his own curse and reshot as soon as the cable  fully retracted.
“Report, Hood.” He snapped, flipping at the arc of his swing and sailing over the first building.
“They’re targeting a girl - she looks  your age, tiny, at least partially Asian,” Hood grunted lowly.
Damian groaned.
“Acquaintance of yours, Demon Spawn?” Red Hood teased.
“No names in the field, Hood.” He hissed. “And it’s  my new neighbor - she keeps popping up like a bad penny.”
“The one you said tried  to butter you up with cookies, and drinks the same motor oil as Replacement?” Hood asked. Robin landed beside him, leaning over the ledge to watch the girl’s progress as she leisurely strolled down the street with several shopping bags.
“<Tt>, idiot,” Robin muttered under his breath. “That’s her.” He glanced at Hood who nodded.
“You know - I still say you might have misjudged the situation - Timmy said she didn’t seem the cozy-ing up type and seemed  kinda openly pissed at you.” Red Hood mused.
“No. Names. In. The. Field. Hood.” Robin grit out, tired of this conversation - he’d had  versions of it with his family ever since the coffee shop incident.
Everyone insisted the  Dupain-Cheng girl was trying to be nice - but he looked through her records, and found  an unprecedented amount of bullying accusations against her in high school, and she’d quit her job at ‘Agreste’ with no warning - but that was oddly heavily-guarded information. He had been locked out of many of even the simplest social media accounts and public records - especially anything to do with the Agreste brand founder. A  familiar itch on the back of his neck told  him he was onto something big - and his suspiciously friendly neighbor was connected.
Hood took a breath as if to continue the conversation when Robin put a hand up and signaled downward.
They both looked to see the tiny girl turn sharply across the road and into a dead-end alleyway. She’s even stupider than I assumed , Robin mentally groaned as he and Red Hood scrambled to follow.
They dropped to street-level and ran over to the alley, prepared to find the young woman in need of saving, only to see three men passed out near the entrance.  A dented trash lid resting nearby.  The small girl, who looked like Red Hood could lift her with one hand, flipped  a fourth over her shoulder with ease.
“Holy Mother-” Hood gaped at the scene and  sidestepped  the flying body - it landed behind him on top of the others.
Robin didn’t flinch as the man sailed past and ruffled his cape. His eyes were fixed on the girl as she high-kicked the last man under the jaw - knocking him out immediately. He couldn’t stop the words ‘almalak almuharib[1]’ from slipping past his lips in an awed gasp. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in all his life.
He shook himself, scowling at the foolish thoughts that rose unbidden. Perhaps she is a shaman or spell caster. That is it - this must be a  spell. He reasoned to himself.
He watched, still unable to move, as the girl dusted off her clothes and reached into her bag.
“Are you two gonna help, or do you plan to stand there with your mouths open like a couple of fish.” She asked as she turned around with a handful of zip ties, eyebrow quirked.
“You have  one hell of a kick, kid.” Red Hood broke the silence, moving forward to grab a few of the proffered zip ties (even though he had plenty of his own).
“It was nothing.” She brushed off the complement with a wave of her hand and a light rose dusting on her cheeks.
Red Hood scoffed, “Whatever kid, that was the most badass take-down I’ve seen in a while - and I know Wonder Woman.” He extended his fist for a bump.
Her smile fell  from her face as if she’d been slapped - her eyes fixated on the proffered fist and starting to water.
“Uh…” Red Hood lowered  his arm, “I ain’t trying to hit you kid… you guys have fist bumps in Europe, right?” He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
“I… It’s nothing - you just... reminded me of a friend.” She whispered, taking in a shuddering breath and turning  sharply to secure the last guy she knocked unconscious.
Robin shared a look with his brother (an odd thing to do through a helmet, but they knew each other well enough for  it to work) and shrugged, before taking out his own zip ties and turning to the pile of three large men.
As they finished  with the other four, Marinette walked past them with her bags and a quick “I’ll leave them to you, then” - and left the alleyway, disappearing from sight.
“That… was weird, right?” Hood said, staring after her. “Shouldn’t we make her stick around to give a statement?”
Robin shook his head slowly. “I think… it would be best to let her go... this time. We have both seen that look before.” In the mirror every time we lost a teammate in battle, he glared   where he’d last seen her retreating figure, and puzzled  over the new information.
“Wait, wait, wait, I agree she can fight  and all, but are you really saying that the little pipsqueak...” He choked out in surprise, Damian could tell his eyes were bugging under his mask.
“I’m not sure, but she’s certainly no average civilian.” He cut his brother off with a shake of his head. “I suggest we keep an eye on her.”
“Hey, if you two have finished your little intrusion into the poor girl’s life and traumas, the police are  a minute out.” Barbra, or rather, Oracle’s voice sounded from their earpieces.
Damian took one last look at where she’d disappeared to before turning away with narrowed eyes and a “<Tt>”.
Marinette withdrew following  the encounter in the alley - barely acknowledging her surly neighbor, Squishy refused to leave her side, and Plagg and Tikki often needed to call her name several times before she’d respond… The  Kwamii were worried.
“Tik… we only just pulled  her out of the slump she was in back in Paris after…” Plagg’s normally light and expressive face fell, his tail, ears, and whiskers drooping.
“I know… It’s never easy to lose one.” She whispered with a pained wince, past memories flashing in front of her eyes. She floated over to her other half and pulled him into her, petting the back of his head as stuttering purrs overtook  his shaking.
“If she continues to relive it, we’ll lose her too - remember  Keket.” Tikki shuddered at the reminder of the young girl.
“No… we can’t let that happen again,” Plagg growled, the memories of the long lost kitten painful even all these years later. They couldn’t let that happen to Marinette. Tikki nodded firmly into his shoulder.
Marinette stretched out under a large oak tree in the city gardens, her sketchbook open on her lap and Squishy laid  over her legs - keeping guard. She stared at the blank page with unfocused eyes, memories swimming  in her head out of order and distorted.
“*Sniff* Mommy... Daddy…” A small voice sobbed, pulling her from her musings. She closed her book and set it aside. Squishy took that as a signal to get up and look around, her ears swiveling alertly.
“Where is it coming from, Squish?” She reached  to rest her hand on the dog’s back, Marinette stood  and looked  around intently.
Her dog gave a soft *wuff* and tugged on the leash. Marinette turned and allowed the Pit Bull to direct her. As they neared the bushes the sound came  from, Marinette stopped  short at the sight of a familiar well-kept head of dark hair and moved her and Squishy to peek around them to the bench beyond.
From her position, she saw  her prickly neighbor crouching next to a boy of about five or six whose cries turned into soft giggles as a Great Dane licked at his face, tail wagging wildly.
“Alright Titus, let the boy breathe.” The man grunted, tugging lightly on the large dog’s collar. “Now, have you calmed enough to tell me your name?” He asked in a surprisingly gentle voice, turning his attention to the boy. The kid nodded, sniffing and reaching out to pat the dog - who happily leaned in.
“E-Ethan… My name’s Ethan Sorensen, Mr. Wayne.” He said shyly.
“Ah, you recognize me?” The younger boy nodded, still stroking the dog.
The Wayne Heir returned the nodd. “Good - at least you didn’t talk  to  a complete stranger. You should be more careful though, the world - and this city especially - are dangerous places for someone  young and inexperienced.” He scolded with a frown.
The boy shrunk in, and Titus nudged further into the boy, whining slightly. The temperamental man sighed and hesitantly put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“I do not mean to be harsh - I am merely  glad I found you first.” He gave the boy a strained smile and it received a laugh from the kid. His eye twitched in annoyance.
“<Tt>,” He groused, pulling back and taking out his phone. He tapped a few times before placing the phone against his ear. “Gordon, I have a boy named Ethan Sorensen alone in the Southeast end of Robinson Park, have there been any missing child reports?” He nodded at whatever response he received. “Good, let your father know we will wait  for them on a bench... Yes, of course I plan to remain with him! He is no older than six!... Yes, yes, I will stay behind to issue a statement to the officer… Goodbye Gordon.” He hung up the phone and returned it to his pocket before turning back to the boy.
“Your parents are on their way, would you like to play fetch with Titus until they arrive?” He received a shy nodd in return and handed over a yellow batman-themed ball which was enthusiastically chased  once thrown.
Marinette watched a few more throws before retreating to the tree where she had left her bag and packed up.
“So he can be sweet,” she mused to Tikki under her breath.
The Kwamii poked her head out of Mari’s pocket and giggled. “Though he didn’t seem super comfortable with the situation, he went out of his way to be kind to the boy. He stepped  up when needed.”
“Yeah, I guess our grumpy-goose next door can act like a human - now and then.” Marinette laughed, turning toward the park’s exit, a light flutter in her chest  after watching her awkward frenemy do something kind.
That night, Marinette seriously considered  donning her mask for the first time in over a year.
She couldn’t explain why, but watching Damian’s secretly sweet nature peek through had  lifted her spirits. She felt more like her old self than she had in a long time.
The dark and handsome man was obviously out of his comfort zone in interacting with the boy, but his desire to help another person outweighed his own discomfort. Mari’s guardian senses could see the effort it took to overcome the deep-seated parasitic darkness that latched onto his being. .
Her bones buzzed with an energy that had been absent for  a year. She didn't call for a transformation though - her Guardian duties came first, and she needed to understand the city as a healer before she could take on an active protector role.
Using the recovered energy, she took back up a project she'd been working on - knitting hats, gloves, and scarves with needles Wayzz helped her infuse with a warming charm. She planned to give them away at the shelter she volunteered at on weekends when the weather turned in a few months.
She had four sets of mittens done and adjusted the needles to start on a fifth when a loud crash sounded from the other end of the wall. She jumped up and grabbed the retractable baton she stored in her crafting room, sliding into a crouching position. Tikki and Plagg flew over from the cushion they were lounging on to hover next to her.
They waited in suspense  - listening for clues as to what was going on beyond the wall.
After a few moments, a pained groan sounded along with another, smaller crash.
Was it… her surly Wayne neighbor?
She shared a glance with Tikki and Plagg, and the three nodded. Plagg phased through the wall, and Tikki flew to Mari’s shoulder. An anxious minute later, Plagg returned, stifling laughter with his paws.
“Oh yeah - he’s gonna need some help,” He snorted. “And what is it with you attracting all the weirdos?” He cackled, flying over to the mini-fridge she kept stocked with Kwamii food and phasing through.
“You’ll want to bring the first aid kit,” he continued, exiting the fridge with a small wheel of cheese and taking a large bite before continuing. “Probably keep the baton with you in case there’s trouble - the kid may not be much help  watching your back.”
That snapped her to attention, and she rushed off to her bathroom to grab the enormous first aid kit she collected over  years of hero work. She pulled on a coat - Tikki slipping into a pocket - and shoved her feet into her deep red combat boots, quickly tying them before rushing out her front door and over to the stoop she’d glared  at in passing for weeks.
Marinette  took a deep breath to calm herself before testing the door - which was of course locked. She huffed and pulled out the lock-pick set she stored in the inner lining of her boots. She unlocked  the door after two frustrating minutes - it seemed her neighbor wasn’t satisfied with the standard locks that came with the condos and installed his own.
Once inside, she closed the door behind her and re-locked it  - noticing a blinking red light on a small black box along the side of the door.
Probably a silent alarm, she mused, No matter - I’m here to help and have no intention of harming… Oh geez, I don’t even know his name - what will the police think when they arrive  here?! What names did the barista say  at the coffee house? - Tim and… Damian? Gah! It doesn’t matter - he still needs help! She shook herself and continued along the hallway with the first aid kit in her left hand and the baton in her right - raised and ready for trouble.
“Um… Hello?” She called out, deciding it was better to alert any robbers than to scare her injured neighbor. “It’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng - your neighbor next door? I heard a crash and someone in pain, so I let myself in…” Having cleared the first floor, she turned to the stairs at the back of the house past the kitchen. “Mr. Wayne?”
A pained grunt sounded from the top of the stairs and she tensed further, not foolish enough to rush  ahead after the warning Plagg gave  - even if it wasn’t bad enough to insist on coming himself.
“Is that you, Mr. Wayne?” She called, narrowing her eyes as she reached the top of the stairs.
“I...in here...” A deep male voice coughed from the last room to her right, and she heard a low growling as she entered the room.
“I’m going to turn on the light.” She called a moment before she did.
Muttered cursing sounded at the light and drew her eyes to the floor under the window where the young Wayne lay on his side, clutching a gash over his chest, and surrounded by glass. The  man was dressed in a ripped Robin uniform she’d become familiar with due to all the merch that littered the city.
“Oh…” Marinette  whispered, Plagg’s comment on attracting weirdos now making sense. She heaved a deep sigh.
“His name is Titus, right?” The dog twitched at his name, and his master nodded stiffly. “Will he  let me take a look at your injuries?” She retracted the baton and set it on the ground slowly with the kit, keeping her movements slow, and returning to a standing position with her palms empty and up.
“Titus, hda[2].” The dog slowly relaxed his tense position and looked back at the boy on the ground behind him. “Rahab[3].” The man said,  nodding toward her, wincing as it pulled at one of his many injuries.
Though she didn’t understand the language of the commands, their meanings were obvious - she sank to the floor again and turned to her side, slowly offering her hand for the great black beast to sniff. He cautiously approached her and watched her body language intently as he snuffled at her hand - leaving a cool trail behind, which would have made her giggle in  another situation.
Finally deciding to trust her , he licked her cheek and released a whine - tugging her jacket sleeve over to his injured master. She reached back to grab her kit and allowed the dog to pull her forward.
“Where are you hurt most severely?” She asked, kneeling beside him, ignoring the few pricks of glass in her legs as she did so.
“The gash on my chest is the only one that needs looked at immediately... the others are superficial.” He wheezed lightly, his voice strained.
“Was your head or spine injured to your knowledge?” At the slight shake of his head, she carefully slid her arms under him and gently lifted him into a princess carry. He let out an indignant and surprised manly squeak and she tried to hide her smile.
“Your partners, do you want me to contact them?” She asked, entering the connected bathroom and flipping the switch with her shoulder.
“My communicator and tracker are busted - though if you came through the front door, they were alerted and will send someone to check when  I do not respond.”
She nodded and set him into the tub as gently as she could, shooing Titus away from sticking his head in as close as he could get it to the man. She set her kit on the floor and pulled out a pair of scissors. He snorted at the sight.
“Those will not even make a scratch in -” She grinned at his stunned silence as she nearly glided through the material, snagging  a few times on previously patched parts.
“...” He stared at the scissors as she shifted to cut the sleeves. “This is the highest grade kevlar… how in the…” He turned to meet her laughing eyes and quirked an eyebrow.
“I have my secrets,” She gestured to the suit she was tearing into. “And you have your’s.” He pinned her with a look, but she raised her own brow as if to ask ‘you don’t actually expect me to tell you, do you?’
He scoffed and turned to the wall.
She laughed and moved the last of the material out of the way - turning back to her kit to gather her supplies.
“I don’t suppose you’d let me give you any Lidocaine?” He gave her a ‘what do you think?’ look. “That’s what I thought - want something to bite on?”
“I’ll be fine.” He grumbled, turning away again.
“Alright tough guy, I’m gonna just dive in - if you need a break or want to change your mind, let me know.” He nodded, and she threaded the hooked needle, glancing at him once more before starting in.
She was amazed at how little he reacted - a few face twitches at most - and she made sure to get through it as quickly as possible. After tying it off, she cleaned around the wound and taped gauze over it, and nodded to herself in satisfaction.
She turned  to grab more alcohol swabs, only to find the injured hero unsteadily climbing  to his feet.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” She asked, exasperated.
“The rest is livable - I will be fine. Thank you for-”
“Thank me when I’m done patching you up, you stubborn fool.” She rolled her eyes, pushing him back down.
“How are you so strong?!” He huffed. “I don’t know of many civilians who could lift a grown man without an issue…” He left the statement trailing like a question, and she laughed.
“I grew up in a bakery - I’ve been lifting bags of flour my whole life.” She shrugged, taping up his finished arm and moving onto another gash.
“Sure…” He scoffed, not believing for a second that was all there was to it. She shrugged in response.
They sat in silence until she finished , tapping on the last square of gauze.
“Alright,” She helped him to his feet  and over to his bed. “Is there anything else you need?”
He shook his head, giving a soft ‘Thank you’ - reaching out to catch her hand as she began walking over to retrieve  the baton she’d left by his door.
“Truly - I… I would have been in trouble if you had not found me when you did. The others are in the middle of a fight and my beacon was broken before I could activate it… there might  still be  time before they worry.”
“Happy to help.” She smiled, patting his arm. He nodded, breaking eye contact again and patting Titus who jumped on the bed  to snuggle  the man.
“By the way…” She started. “What is your name? I know your last name is Wayne - that’s what the boy at the park said anyway, and I think it’s either ‘Damian’ or ‘Tim’ - because those were the names the barista gave at the coffee shop…”
“Wait,” He stopped her. “You… don’t know who I am?”
“Um… should I? The way the boy said it made it sound  as if you’re well known here - but I’m only familiar with Parisian celebrities.”
“Oh, then… I believe I may owe you an apology.” He scratched the back of his head, still avoiding eye contact.
“Yes, yes you do - but what are you referring to?” She started with a irked look, and he had the decency to look abashed.
“When you first came to my door… I thought it another instance of someone trying to get in my good graces because I’m a Wayne. My father and brothers have warned me against social climbers, and I find it best to avoid encouraging them by making my disinterest known right away.” He still refused to meet her eyes and she reached out to touch his shoulder.
She waited until he met her eyes before speaking. “I appreciate and accept your apology, and  I understand. ” He raised a disbelieving brow.
“No,” she chuckled, “Really. Back in Paris, I had a few friends who suffered from  the same problem - an Olympic fencer, a model, a rock singer…” She shrugged. “I get it… but I’d also like to start again if you’re up for it?”
He stared at her for a moment, taking in her sincerity, before he slowly nodded and extended his hand.
“Hello… I am Damian Wayne.” She grinned and grasped his hand.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Dick burst into the apartment moments after Marinette returned to her own home - leaving her phone number behind with strict instructions to call if he needed anything. He explained what  happened - causing Dick check for a concussion when he openly admitted to misjudging her - and was taken to the cave.
Alfred was impressed with Marinette’s stitch job, and only needed to re-bandage the wounds he’d checked. His father had interrogated him for several hours when he found out a near-stranger  knew at least Robin’s identity. He was talked down from all-out kidnapping the girl for answers only because Damian insisted on it - and he rarely stood up for his family, let alone strangers. So, they decided to keep a close eye on her when she went out (Damian living directly next door kept them from over-bugging the outside of her home).
They discovered she worked  in a small boutique in the Fashion District, and volunteered  at a shelter. When she wasn’t at either of those places or running errands, she wandered the city for places to sit and sketch. They had the sneaking suspicion she knew of their presence , but hadn’t caught her looking directly at them yet.
They were all  wary of her but eventually  eased up on their suspicions the more they were around the little - but strangely strong - ball of sunshine.
A few nights later, Damian awoke to the sounds of muffled cries. He instinctively jolted out of bed and reached for the sword next to his nightstand. Listening, he found the sounds came from Marinette’s apartment. He popped open the door to his balcony located  on the same wall as hers.
Leaping over - narrowly avoiding knocking over one of the many pots strewn on  every surface - he slunk over to her door and peeked inside, expecting  a struggle and looking for the best opening to intervene.
What he saw was his small neighbor (friend?) curled  on her bed, tangled in her blankets, with tears streaming down her face. She thrashed, a whimper loud enough for him to hear through the glass slipping through her lips.
He sighed and set his shoulders - he’d seen enough night terrors from his brothers, the Titans, and even members of his grandfather’s League to know he wouldn’t leave her to suffer, but not looking forward to explaining how he entered .
Working on  the simple lock, he slid the door open silently, and closed it behind him, leaning his sword against it where she wouldn’t notice it unless she paid attention. .
A whine halted his approach, and he paused, noticing the butter-colored Pit Bull at the foot of the bed - having obviously knocked off in her mistress’ movement - and reached a hand out. The dog sniffed hesitantly, her tail stuck firmly between her legs, and her ears flat against her head in worry.
“It’s alright, girl, I am here to help.” He soothed, rubbing at her ears until her tail uncurled and began to half-heartedly wag.
“NON!... CHAT!” The girl on the bed sobbed, her arms flailing as if reaching for something.
He was at her side in an instant, grabbing her arms and readying himself in case she fought him.
“Mari!” He called, shaking her none too gently, “Mari! It is a dream! You need to wake up!”
It took several tries, but soon her eyes shot open.
She sat up, latching onto the first thing she found, and as he still held  her wrists, (and her dog was on the floor) he found his arms full of a sobbing Marinette. She gasped, muttering in French  how sorry she was, how she should have been stronger, how it was her fault…
He held her, as his brothers did for him for months after he came back from the pits and awoke from his own nightmares. He started to rock back and forth - smoothing her hair, and she cuddled in closer, her cries pittering out.
The city’s ambience filled the room - interspersed with the slight creaking of the bed at Damian’s continued rocking motion.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” He asked after what felt like both a moment and an eternity.
She hesitated, before starting in a small, frail voice.
He learned  what  transpired in France with the villain the League had been forbidden from interfering with. She told him of  the emotional trauma - having to police your own emotions, watching loved ones be used, watching them die horribly, only to have them come back with no memory of the fact.
And then - she told him about Ladybug.
She didn’t swear him to secrecy or threaten him if he told anyone - it spilled out with everything else.
She had been alone.
As a civilian, she was isolated, and as a hero - she had no one to lean on, especially once  entrusted with the Guardian title. She had only her Kwamii (whatever that was - she made it seem like some  all-powerful sprite) who knew her identity, and she couldn’t properly vent for fear of becoming ‘akumatized’.
She told him about the final battle. How it turned out to be the father of a friend who terrorized  everyone, how her partner had nearly fallen apart in grief - as it was his father - and how her partner, her friend, had died saving her from his father’s blade. The blow caused his own power, a "cataclysm" to defensively implode, destroying everything in the vicinity - even the bearer of the ring. Marinette's saving grace was her own power, the ultimate balance to destruction, which shielded her from the blast.
She sobbed into his shoulder after the tale was done until she eventually fell into a deep sleep.
He set her back into the bed gently and covered her with the blankets. Moving to the chair in the corner he  slumped down,  head in his hands,  absorbing  the emotion and information her story had left him with.
A wet nose nudged his arm, and he looked down to see her dog slowly wagging her tail and giving him sad puppy-eyes. He gave her a small smile.
“It’ll be alright…” He shifted to search for a tag to find  her name - not remembering it from Marinette’s initial introduction.
“It’s Squishy.” A small, high voice called. He jerked his head up to watch a red fairy-bug…thing float down to rest on the dog’s head. “Mari found her rooting through some trash in an alley a week after the final battle - they’ve been inseparable  ever since.”
They eyed each other for a moment before he broke the silence.
“...Tikki… right?” That was the name from Marinette’s story. She nodded, her big sky-blue eyes analyzing  his soul.
“I am Tikki, Kwamii  of Creation and good luck. Thank you for helping my chosen tonight - Plagg and I couldn’t wake her.” She drooped. “This one was particularly bad.” He nodded, and another sprite floated over, this one pitch black with a tail, small pointed ears, and ancient, acid green eyes.
“I’m Plagg - Kwamii of Destruction and bad luck - and I won’t hesitate to cataclysm you into oblivion if you hurt my Bug with the info she trusted you with tonight - or at all, for that matter.” It should have been impossible, with all of his experience, to be frightened of such a tiny being, but Damian found himself shuddering at the fierce protectiveness all the same.
“Understood.” Damian nodded.
“Good.” And just like that, the eyes were half-lidded and looked bored. “Do you have any fancy cheese at your place? The Bug cut me off from the good stuff after I tangled  her  expensive yarn or whatever.” He rolled his eyes and crossed his ‘arms’.
“Plagg! Can you not think of your stomach for once?!” The red sprite cried, exasperated.
“I spent the whole night watching Spots and trying to wake her when the dream started, then I threatened the birdboy - that’s a long time!” He pouted, and Damian huffed in amusement at how much the tiny cat reminded him of Todd’s bottomless pit of a stomach.
“There’s blue cheese and brie in the fridge.” He pointed down and to the side where his kitchen lay, and was shocked as the cat passed directly through the wall without a word.
“Sorry about him ,” Tikki said with a fond sigh. “He’s worried about Mari, and pretending he doesn't care is how he copes.” She took on a serious look and pinned him with it.
“I know you’re  a hero and used to keeping secrets, but the miraculous are the most powerful artifacts in the world. We existed  before the dawn of man, and we will far out-live your kind.” He stared at her, the ancient power from the cat now pulsed  from her, telling him she wasn’t to be trifled with.
“Mari is all alone in this, and we planned  to convince her to seek help from your “league of heroes” soon, so this is not entirely  inconvenient - but she trusted you. She is  gifted with excellent instincts - both as a Ladybug and a Guardian - I don’t oppose her choice, but I warn you - should you cause any harm to befall her, you will answer to me.” Damian shuddered for the second time that night - the second time in years - and nodded solemnly.
“I understand.” She searched his eyes for another minute before her own softened.
“I see  you do. You’ve  endured your own trials.” He looked at the lump on the bed to avoid her stare. “I think you will be good for each other.” She mused, rising from Squishy’s head and floating over to the wall connecting his home to Marinettes’.
“I’m going to make sure Plagg hasn’t eaten everything you own.” She giggled, and phased through the wall.
He released a shuddering breath and slumped down from his stiff position - reaching over to pet Squishy’s head as she leaned in and began to thump her tail against the floor. He smiled softly at the sight and sunk further back into the chair with a deep sigh.
He leaned back, staring at the ceiling, trying to sort through how to help the neighbor he’d assumed was after his money and name. He winced at his previous misconceptions. He  needed more practice at  learning to accurately read people - perhaps he could convince Cass to coach him in nonverbal cues.
He shook his head, helping Marinette build  a support system was top priority. He’d always bemoaned his family getting in his way - but at least he’d never been left alone. From her story, it seemed like she’d run  the entire Paris operation on her own the four years Hawkmoth had been at large.
The first step was to involve  his Father and siblings  - they’d know how to execute a plan  - but he felt it had to come  at her own pace. From what she said, she’d had no choice but to play catch-up during her entire battle - since she was twelve.
He continued to chase his thoughts  in a dizzying dance until he eventually succumbed to sleep, not noticing when the kwamii crept back and snuggled in alongside Marinette.
Three months later - a tiny girl in a dark red and black ensemble was spotted running on rooftops alongside Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing, her light, bell-like laughter ringing out into the Gotham night.
The local media pages blew up - the people of Gotham fell  in love with their ‘Ladybird’ and her sweet nature which  opposed the stoic and gruff bats. It was interesting for them to see her banter and fight alongside the other members of the team -  especially Robin, who became  her shadow, rarely leaving her side.
She had several blogs dedicated to her feats and theories about the miraculously healed injuries and repaired battle sites. It didn’t take long for people  from France to find the numerous articles, and start the rumor she was once their ‘Ladybug’, but there was no solid evidence. The two looked and acted completely differently.
Ladybird was free-spirited and light of heart, whereas Ladybug was serious and professional. Many speculated the  Ladybug miraculous  traded hands, but, as there was no supernatural Cat seen, it  remained an unlikely theory.
Unfortunately for the bloggers, it was hard to snag  a good look at the bats, as they thrived in the darkness. Others  commented on Robin’s costume change, but Ladybird’s appearance  took the spotlight.
If they had caught a closer look, they would have found Robin’s red and yellow colors gone , and the forest green was replaced with a more muted-toxic tone. Thankfully, his hood hid the most significant changes as he now sported two small velvet ears that reacted to sound and emotion, and his usual katakana now had a pitch-black blade with green detailing on the hilt.
In completely unrelated news,  the youngest son of Gotham’s resident billionaire was  in the news frequently as he’d taken to hanging around a petite Asian-French girl who was rumored to be a famous designer from France. She was photographed numerous times on outings with Damian and both their dogs - who got  along even better than  their owners.
Due to her kind nature and enchanting  smile, she quickly gained the  nickname  ‘Sunshine of Gotham’ and the tag trended frequently  on Twitter.
During an interview with a fashion magazine, she was asked if she’d ever leave the city of crime, and the answer she’d given was proudly displayed in the Gotham Gazette the next day.
“The people of Gotham have heart and spunk which  can’t be matched - I was welcomed here after a difficult time in France, and I don’t see myself growing tired of being challenged and cared for in the way only Gotham can.”
[1] Almalak almuharib - ‘Warrior Angel’ in Arabic [2] Hda - ‘calm’ in arabic [3] Rahab - ‘greet’ in arabic
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jiminrings · 4 years
the volleyball shorts
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: coach koo’s just dying to know what his present is, you’re panicking because you can’t think of a present, and jimin and the gang tolerate jungkook a little bit better because it’s his special day :D // contains smut + gif isn’t mine!!
notes: happy birthday jungkook!!! i baked brownies irl for you u should come over sometime!!!
if you’ve read most valuable, the piece that started it all, then you knOw what i’m alluding to with jungkook and his relationship with y/n’s volleyball shorts!!
you swear,,
you could even really SWEAR on the brand-new refrigerator that you need to knock twice on to see what it contained that you split the price with jimin
and forcibly with also jungkook because he stays over so much at yours and jimin’s place that he’s basically a roommate now
and alsO forcibly with taehyung and yoongi because apparently your apartment is now everyone’s gathering place and they raid and inhale ur fridge atleast 72 times per day that the electricity bill’s gone up
that yesterday, it was just a month away from jungkook’s birthday!! you swear!!
and two hours ago, it was two weeks away!!
you can’t really digest the truth
that it’s just f i v e days away now
and you have zero thoughts to how you’re gonna throw jungkook his birthday bash :D
the guys probably figured that out too lol because they have an idea to how you’d be all over the place for even something miniscule
like one time you and jimin bought two rugs you couldn’t decide upon then you just agreed that you’d fit it underneath the coffee table and whichever looks ugly, you’ll return it later
but then the two rugs ended up being too pretty that you couldn’t decide nOW
and jupiter barked out of the blue and it was a eureka moment because :D aHA jimin what if we just let jupiter pick out the rug?? then that way it’s fair???
but then jupiter ended up lying on bOTH the rugs and now you were distraught
jimin was reassuring you like eH it’s okay let’s just go about our days and not spend y’know :D all our time trying to figure out what to pick :D
and then you obviously refused and you stayed up the whole night picking a goddamn rug and jimin was so close to toppling over in fear when he went to grab water at three in the morning
that’s why they’re here!!! even before you could call and gather them up when jungkook had to leave by himself to settle some things because he’s the coach,,
even before you could text tae and yoongi to take the elevator, they’re already knocking at your door
everyone’s just looking at each other in this makeshift circle you’re all in around the coffee table
even jupiter’s stopped barking and he’s been barking for the past five minutes at the new cactus succulent that jimin bought!!!
they’re waiting
waiting for that —
“not to stir the pot, but jungkook always zones out at practice and even during games then gIGGLES to himself!! and when i ask him why, he says that he’s just thinking about what you’re getting him for his birthday!!”
jimin shudders at that too because whew
like he knew that koo sometimes talks to inanimate objects but man his superior (albeit younger) is out here imagining his birthday present in the middle of a neck-and-neck game
he’s conversing with himself like he’s talking to you and that just makes him speechless
“kook buddy i haven’t played volleyball competitively in like two years but i sUGGEST you focus or else i will spike you haha jk but no really ahaha :))”
“not to stir the pot too, but jungkook asked me to play happy birthday. on the snare. happy birthday. ON THE SNARE.”
this time, it’s taehyung’s turn to shudder
because he got a new head that’s louder and more tear-resistant and he wanted to try it out ok
and what better way to try that than when it’s in one of your practice games??
he has his drumsticks already lifted but then out of nowhere jungkook pOps out with a cheeky grin on his face and tae almost pokes him in the eye
“how many syllables are your name, tae?”
“... are you really asking me this?”
“yeah!! how many?”
“... three, jungkook. what, do you need ME to count yOUR syllables for you??”
oh my god that is such a stupid question
but it’s coming from jungkook so lmao tae isn’t all that surprised
“what’s three plus twenty?”
“i get that you’re an athlete but don’t you kNOW how to count???”
“hyung what’s three plus twenty??”
“... twenty-three....”
tae’s so close to narrowing his eyes because if this is another one of jungkook’s lame pranks then he’s gonna whack him in the head for this
but then all of a sudden jungkook jUMPS and squeals before clapping his hands
“twenty-three days before my birthday!! quick quick play happy birthday for me nOW :D”
that’s so... chilling
“now not to stir the pot even further, but y/n,,, baby,,, why didn’t you brainstorm earlier??”
yoongi goes straight-in for the kill and it’s his version of “i told you so” but that does not make it better whatsoever
that’s the thing you don’t know either!!!!
and it’s totally your fault and you shouldn’t have been complacent because now you’re paying the repercussions of cramming AND panic-sweating!!!
it’s okay!
you got this! :D
“how about some more black shirts??” tae pitches in and it’s a resounding no from you and the assistant coach
“jungkook has enough of those,, even jimin and i can take a dozen from his stash and it won’t even make a dent!!”
jimin’s racking his brain and he hasn’t thought about something this hard but ok fine anything for you
“new chunky shoes?? but uGH he already has too many of those-“ that makes him groan even harder because buying another pair for kook means him tripping over them
not to mention that the shoe rack is now taken over by jungkook atleast 50%
and once again jimin reiterates <3 this is the y/n and jimin apartment and nOT the y/n and jimin and this dude that dOESN’T pay rent apartment
yoongi’s in deep thought as everyone around him throws ideas around
okay dOn’t tell anyone but yoongi’s now getting into bullet-journaling :D
tae just gave him a dotted notebook one day because he accidentally bought a dozen instead of one from amazon so lol here hyung u like writing right???
by writing, yoongi meant scribbling haphazardly and waking up the next day and trying to decipher his own handwriting
but then he came over to your apartment and you bought pastel highlighters because they were on sale and nOT because you needed them and you wanted to try them out!!! but jungkook was sick that time and you needed to make soup :((
“yeah ok leave it to me,, i’ll swatch it for you or something.,.,.”
one thing led to another and :D AHA
yoongi blackmailed everyone to not say a single word to anyone that he now loves bullet-journaling and he had to whack tae one time when he kept teasing him
also he now has a bujo account on instagram and it’s nearing 5k followers omg and he will d-word when someone irl finds out that it’s him
yoongi says seriously and it makes everyone shut up because he sounded sO sure
he just has this certain authorative aura around him that you wavered because oH right yes boxers,,, will buy,,,, thank you
lol but you snapped out of it
“jungkook already has too many boxers!! he likes basketball shorts more nowadays and-“
“what? who said the boxers were for jungkook??” yoongi scrunches his nose at your ridiculous reply
your eyes are squinted so hard as you try to decipher the flow of thoughts of everyone in this circle
“oh. i want boxers. want them for christmas!! take note, y/n.”
good news: you now know what you’re gonna give to yoongi on christmas
bad news: you dON’T know what to give to your boyfriend on his birthday five days from now
there’s something somewhere in the middle of all the banter that you’ve tuned out though
something that just makes your eyes bulge and hit whoever’s lap is beside you repeatedly (first of all it’s jimin’s for the record and second oW THAT HURTS) with a grin on your face before you hurriedly stand up and they equally as hurriedly do after
“i know what to get!!”
jungkook’s stArting to get antsy if he’s being honest
it’s not because he’s in his own apartment with you after so long he’s stayed over at yours
he really doesn’t mind that bit, no
jimin, tae, and yoongi were all staying over at your apartment instead as they make the last bit of preparations for jungkook’s birthday the next day!!
they all insisted that you rest because you’ve been so frantic the last couple of days and tbh even taehyung hyped of tWO cups of coffee can’t keep up
no — jungkook’s so antsy because he doesn’t know what you have in store for him :((
for the last five days you haven’t touched him nor did you let him touch you :((
a heated makeover that’s cut too short is as far as it could only go and he’s just so????
like is that a part of your birthday surprise or nOT
he has a love-hate relationship with surprises now because first of all,,,
he kNOWS that there’s gonna be a surprise and that excites him
but the worst of it all is that he knows there’s a surprise but he doesn’t know what it is
that’s like uhm
standing fifty feet away and being forced to pick between a lifetime supply of sugar and salt that’s placed into jars but u don’t know which is which
that is such an odd example to compare it to but that’s only what jungkook could process this now oKAY
you still let jungkook cuddle you so he guesses he could still touch you
he could rest his hand on your tummy!!!
but riGht when he’s about to sneak in a lil squeeze at your boob over your shirt then that’s when you slap his hand away and he frowns
just some hOURS left and it’s finally his birthday!!! he’ll just nuzzle to your neck and all would be fine :)
the lil party’s gonna be thrown in jungkook’s apartment anyways because as you’ve all come to known:
his apartment’s bigger than the one you and jimin share and that irks him because!!!
“yOU have the bigger and better aprtment why are you still cramping at ours???”
“i like staying with you guys!!!”
“nO you like staying with y/n and i come in handy when you need to steal someone’s pasta from!! i bought you tupperware and wrote your name on it but you still eat from mINE!!”
now everyone has their designated roles
jimin’s in charge of making the lasagna and he takes great pride in arranging the layers neatly and not half-assing the amount of cheese
taehyung had the great idea of wAIT what if they don’t like lasagna?? (jimin was offended by that omg who wouldn’t like my lasagna are u kiddinG)
so what he did was bring over this foldable table :D lay cups of ramen neatly :D decorate jungkook’s kettle because he realized that it looks like dOlphin when you tilt it sideways :D
and it’s now tae’s ramen station and so far the party-goers are LOVING it and it’s a close tie between him n jimin
yoongi’s in charge of food that the other two didn’t bother to think about basically
you locked jungkook in his own room lmao and had to bribe him with a kiss or two to stay there and not leave until you tell him to
you’re in charge of the decoration and not to toot ur own horn or anything but you did a pretty damn good job :D
there’s foil balloons you had to blow up and decorate meticulously
lol jimin accidentally bought the wrong ones so now it’s JUNGK00K instead of JUNGKOOK
you even learned how to fold paper cranes so u could fold the quantity of them to jungkook’s age for yoongi to stick them up to the ceiling
you EVEN bought blackout curtains and a lil disco light!!! that’s how well-put you were despite cram-planning!!
it was time to let out jungkook because the guests were starting to come in
and oh my gOD jungkook does clean up well..,.. wow
he’s dressed himself in just a white button-up but with the sleeves folded and some buttons left alone
thEn it’s the same black jeans but with a fancy belt he only pulls out whenever he goes to prissy parties!!!
and oh god
oh my
it’s his slicked hair that’s showing his forehead and tHAT’S when it sinks in you that oh.,.,. right.,.. jungkook’s growing his hair out and he’s been in a cap this past week and OH
it only hits you that oh.,.. jesus christ.,.,. jungkook has a mULLET
it’s a mullet-type of situation and it’s part-straight and part-wavy and wOW
you want nothing more but to pounce on him and it makes you audibly gUlp
jungkook’s as surprised as you were of him because w-wait a second
ok you’re wearing your favorite white shirt with the print on it that you wear at home!! he isn’t surprised
but are you wearing vOLLEYBALL SHORTS.,.,..
like as in the same volleyball shorts... that he..... adores..... a-and fantasizes over
oh my god everybody shut up
is that-
the one with Jeon embroidered in the back and the one he wore to death that it still has his scent on it even if you washed it clean???
.... oh
that uH that makes jungkook put a hand over his chest
god im coming up
the party was an absolute bLAST!!
you and jungkook would stray from each other time to time because you’re each whisked away to talk but you’d always find each other after
you cAn’t contain yourselves at the sight of one another
kook keeps putting his arm around your waist and you keep squeezing his forearm
over-all it was such a great party 20/10
the girls chipped in to buy their coach jungkook (u put the idea in their head and they were amazed because they didn’t think of it) a smartwatch and he was so :D upon receiving it because wOah!!! omg he’s now a smartwatch owner sUck that kim namjoon
kim wears these fancy analog watches still and that makes jungkook roll his eyes because yEa that may be a rolex but my team did obliterate yours lmaOoo what about that huh
jimin’s gift was very heartwarming no matter how much he denies it to be
first he bought jungkook matching slippers with him because he’s so irked to see jungkook in chunky sneakers aLL the time
then uhm
an official key to the apartment and a written letter that when the two of your drive back,,, you could all do a handprint at the picture frame with the four of you and that’s jupiter’s paw included
you’re not gonna lie that dID make you tear up a little bit because wow :((( jimin used to be hesitant of jungkook at first but nOw he’s officially welcoming jungkook in with no anger whatsoever
kook also did cry a lil bit and they hugged it out
taehyung hand-knitted a blanket for jungkook with lil dolphins on them
he missed some stitches but he did his best oKAY and koo was so excited because wow omg this is so good!!!
yoongi bought jungkook a guitar because yeah.,.,. u dO get into my nerves sometimes but i care for you and i guess you’re my little brother now :)) i don’t make the rules
and as for your gift
... well
everyone’s already left and it’s just the two of you now finally
jungkook’s sat at the edge of the bed patiently because you’re fishing for the paper bag you’ve hidden and he’s sO on edge alright
he’s closed his eyes and you didn’t even tell him to so he’s THAT obedient
“you can open them now,” you’re sat on jungkook’s lap and it’s quite the tease for you to be perched near to his knees instead of his crotch but oK he won’t complain yet
it’s a box??
... oH
“that’s for me??”
jungkook awes immediately when he opens to box and sees shiny silver gleam right up at him
it’s the matching thick necklace and bracelet he’s been eyeing for quite some time now yet refUses to buy
and here it is!!!! right in his hands!!!
“yes and they dOn’t allow refunds so please just wear them and don’t make yourself guilty!!”
you’re taking it from his hands and he’s smiling giddily when you clasp the cool jewelry around his neck and on his wrist
and now it’s time for —
“i’m sleepy. are you sleepy yet?”
you do your part in messing with jungkook as you stifle a yawn, pretending to arrange things around the room before settling near him at the edge of the bed
he almost gives himself whiplash to look at you because you can NOT be serious
“no you’re not. you aren’t sleepy. your eyes tear up when you wanna go to bed.”
it’s endearing for you that he knows thay but you just continue to deadpan for the time-being
“i do? well i think i’m tearing up now.”
jungkook scoffs and crosses his arms across his chest because nO your eyes are dry!!!! look at them!!!! not a single tear!!!!
he’s looking at you so pointedly that it makes you chuckle, finally sitting down on his lap properly like he wanted you to that it makes him grunt
jungkook hasn’t had any decent action for a week now and even the slightest contact of you sitting on him, still-clothed, already makes him cRUMBLE
the thought that you’re in your volleyball shorts doesn’t help at all
it’s nice seeing him so flustered and willed right now,, his pupils already blOwn out and you haven’t even done anything
jungkook’s beautiful and that isn’t up to debate but even more-so up close that you could hear his labored yet trembling breathing
“you wanna kiss me?”
that dOES it for him and he almost leaps at the question but that’s when you pull back to which he audibly whines
you come back again but it’s you who initiates it and jungkook practically melts at the taste of your mouth, already getting handsy as he squeezes at your thighs
he’s the one who’s gaining the upper hand and that was nOT the plan so that’s why you pull away right when he’s getting drunk on you
he’s chasing after your lips and you practically tut at him condescendingly that makes him huff again
“say please.”
jungkook’s eyes widen at that and he scoffs in disbelief because oh my god so tHIS is what you’re doing
now this is what he makes you say
and you never got him to say please because whenever you urge him to he just laUGHS upfront and it makes you pout
no jungkook’s not gonna do —
his giggling’s cut short when you let your mouth wander to his neck and right on to his sweet spot, immediately sucking on it harshly to paint your mark on
there’s slow kisses on his jugular nexy and you won’t do the same as what you did to him the first time and it’s frUstrating
add on to that with how you remind him you’re still on his lap with you grinding on him tOO pain-achingly slow
ok jungkook might say please after all
you’re coming back up to his jaw again and kissing everywhere but his lips that it’s starting to make him cave
“pl-“ he stops himself because oh gOd is he yielding but that’s when you snap too smoothly right on him, the intimate yet clothed feeling of you enough to make him moan in distress
it’s instant relief when you’re back to kissing jungkook again and he might just bURST at this point and you’ve only been kissing him
tasting your lips is his first priority and breathing’s his second that it makes you chuckle with how needy he is, having to push him off because you know he’s getting light-headed
jungkook’s regaining his breath and he still wants mORE unsurprisingly
you’re taking off his shirt and stripping off his pants that leaves him with his boxers but on the other hand, you’re sTILL fully-clothed sans the varsity jacket
he’s about to do something with that which explains his grabby hands trYing to take off your shirt
but his hands not only get slapped away again, you’re pINNING them down back to the bed
“y/n i swear-“
he’s growing restless because he needs you right here and right now but you’re just tOO stubborn and bossy which is definitely a switch of roles
you grind on him a little too roughly than you intended to but the feeling’s more than welcome because you feel so fULL already and it makes jungkook unintentionally thrust into you
your shorts are feeling more than damp and his boxers are being a little tOo tight now
that’s when you lift yourself up from his crotch and let go of his hands, your face dangerously near his as his pupils shake
jungkook’s clearly looking at your centre and he whines when you still (purposely) won’t get what he’s trying to say
he’s always clearly had a vision of eating you out in your volleyball shorts that’s for sUre
but he didn’t imagine it like this and you know what he’s not complaining his hips try to buck up but to no avail, your finger hooked underneath his chin to make him look at you again
jungkook looks sO fucked out and he knows that far
he cries like a lost puppy with how you press your thumb to his bottom lips, your other hand making soothing circles on his chest
“you want a taste?” you ask ever so gently and that makes kook nod more than eagerly, about to pull you by your thighs and his mouth’s wAtering just by thinking about it
it’s the tut you give him again that makes him succumb, throat strained as he trains his pleading eyes on you for permission
“p-please?” jungkook’s too impatient to wait for an answer as he roughly grabs you to position your clothed core right above his face, immediately pressing his nose to inhale the scent of you with his lips ghosting your already-soaked folds — something so obscene about it that it almost makes your knees buckle, “that’s a g-good boy.”
he’s rELISHING on the slip of your tongue and he wastes no times in taking off your shorts, diving in with an eager tongue that takes you off-guard
now this is the real deal
jungkook takes mUCH pleasure in giving you yours and the unhinged and dirty moans you’re giving him are egging him on further
you taste so sweet and it’s enough to make him dizzy with how you’re opened up to him and for him only
he has a death grip on your thighs because you keep twitching and on the other hand he’s cravinG for you to take everything he’s giving you
he slips his hand to thumb at your clit in desperate circles and god the countdown to when you’re gonna reach your peak becomes alarmingly too near
jungkook doesn’t stop when you’re tugging at his hair roughly or when you’re yelling out his name like a mantra
jungkook doesn’t stop either when his face from the nose down is starting to get messy with the taste of you
doesn’t stop either when he’s starting to see your eyes become glassy and your lip trembling
absolutely doesn’t stop when you snap suddenly and gush over him because in fact, he still continues with much more fervor
jungkook was messy and kept lapping up at what you were giving him that’s enough to drive you into anoTher orgasm with how sensitive you are
holy fuck
jungkook’s laughing against your neck as you’re draped over him, making flowers bloom on your neck with his tongue as he makes you catch your breath
“there’s still another gift i haven’t showed you.”
okay nOW you’re nervous
kook stops pressing kisses and your words obviously make him perk, trying to hide his fascination and excitement but that’s poorly-done with how he’s trying to hide it
“you have mORE?? think y’already gave me heaven if i’m being honest”
he wouldn’t be opposed because honestly speaking his stamina as of the moment would last him aLL night and he’s on a high just from eating you out!!
oh my god you can’t possibly fall in love more with jungkook
you’re tracing the sweat that’s going down on the necklace and it makes you go lightheaded with how perfect he looks
the imprint of his bracelet’s marked snug on your left thigh with how hard he was gripping you earlier
he’s patiently waiting and waiting on you, drumming his fingers on your thighs in anticipation
here goes nothing!!!!
you take off your shirt and aHH jungkook visibly moans at the sight of a bare you
he’s right you are the present
but nO that’s not what you’re trying to get at
jungkook has his wandering hands taken down for the nth time this week but something about this feels a bit more special and reserved
he’s a little lost when you get off from him and instead sit beside him against the pillows, still kneeling on the bed so you could be higher than how he’s sat right now
he is mORE than lost when you smile at him gently and take his hand to —
oh my god
it’s a tattoo
it’s a tiny and dainty tattoo on your rib in black ink
“jjk? that’s-“
holy fucking sHIT
everybody shut up!!!
everybody pLEASE be quiet jungkook needs a moment rn
it’s his initials
in his handwriting
on your skin.
oh my god
you’ve always adored jungkook’s tattoos i mean it’s nOt a surprise for anyone
they peak from time to time but sometimes they get covered with his coach jackets and his hoodies
and it’s at home where you can see them all
there’s a little inkling in the back of your head that oOH you’ve always wanted one like what he has
what was holding you back was that maybe it would affect your career or whatever
you and jimin read the guidelines for a whole hour and it wasn’t illegal for players to have tattoos!!!
as long as it doesn’t go against the rules and it won’t hinder your play
tattoos on the wrist or in between the fingers or in the forearm were a little risky because it’s always in direct contact with how you play
jimin was all thumbs-up on your idea because he himself has a couple of tattoos and was all wOah that’s so sweet!!!
taehyung was very warm with your idea and he swears that he’ll get one soon just give him some tIME to conceptualize what would his first one be
yoongi agreed and he alsO has tattoos himself and he was the most realistic (?) out of the four of you going “well you and jungkook better not break up lol”
he thought of it more and honestly?? he doesn’t see you and jungkook breaking up because there’s just sOMETHING alright??? something so unbreakable
jimin and taehyung and yoongi made a bet when you were getting your tat cleaned up that lmao what year would jungkook propose in
it’s your first tattoo and like you didn’t want to dive in head first and have a whole sLEEVE tattooed on the first occassion ya know
so why not the one you love?
and like it’s hidden by a shirt and obviously not a LOT of people would know about it and —
oh wow
jungkook’s.... crying?
he loves you sO much you have no idea
you’re tasting the salt from his tears when he kisses you so tenderly but it’s okay you don’t mind
he’s the one pinning you down this time and well he used to swear that he’s nEver the one for giggly sex
but oh god look at him now
he has your hands flat against the mattress before he holds them :D
this is jungkook’s best birthday eVER 
“wanna spend all my birthdays with you.”
you instantly giggle to his neck and that tickled him a little bit okay
“you wanna marry me??”
you’re feeling everything at once and you have never grinned sO hard and laughed
jungkook rolls his eyes but that’s only because he might burst if he keeps looking at you
“well i don’t have the ring yet dummy but yEs i do want to marry you!!”
mrs. jeon!!!
wow that sounds hEAVENLY
you raise your head to whisper to his ear, leaning down for you instead so you wouldn’t strain yourself, “say please.”
“i hATE you,” jungkook cackles and it should be illegal to how warm and content he feels!! 
“you love me!!” there’s a lil sing-song voice and of cOURSE he does!!
he’s so whipped for you and he might go to the ends of the earth just because you insist
“solid facts.”
“my god—“ jungkook stills, laughing at you who’s underneath him before he breaks out into a grin
a little tiny ᵏᶦˢˢ on your nose
“what was life before you?”
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goldencorecrunches · 3 years
(More LanLan rural vet AU) -- It had been a great idea.
"Look at it this way, at least you'll know we've gotten most of them," Luo Qingyang, their tiny clinic's only full-time nurse, told him. She was visibly trying to keep a straight face. Song Lan glared at her. He couldn't reply with words, because his hands were full of squirming, six-week old puppies. Also his arms, and his shoulders, and from the German Shepherd tugging at his scrub pants, soon his lap as well. 
Song Lan had known, moving from the city to the rural countryside, that there would be some measure of culture shock. When one of the farmers had casually dropped that he didn't vaccinate his puppies, because there were, according to him, "Too many of 'em too fast to bother driving 'em out all that way, before you showed up," he had nearly broken his strict policy of sobriety during work hours.
"They're all going to die of distemper," he had told Wen Qing after the man had left, vaguely aware he was making his Strict Veterinarian Face (it was Lan Xichen who had given it a name, which made Song Lan warm all over, on top of the flush from anger) from the way his temples had started aching. "They're not even on heartworm medication. I'm surprised so many of them survive to get killed by the combine harvester." "Just 'combine,' you sound like you're city folk," Wen Qing had said, ignoring Song Lan's mouthed protestation that he was, which was why he was used to people who kept Lucky and Xiao mi's shots up to date. "Look, these people-- they don't have time, and they don't have money. They're going to focus on the livestock animals they need to keep themselves afloat. It's not cruelly meant. They're doing the best they can." "I know that," Song Lan said, somewhat abashed. He peeled his gloves into the bin by the sink and set about washing his hands as he thought. As always, he had to hunch over the sink, built for a much shorter DVM. Wen Qing's girlfriend had sent her some kind of fancy floral soap, and Wen Qing had delighted in placing it in both exam rooms and the surgery. It was a bit stronger to the nose that Song Lan would've preferred, but he wasn't going to argue with Wen Qing when it came to her girlfriend. The antiseptic covered it up, anyway. "What about a vaccination fair? Or just a day," he said when he had finished drying off. "We used to do them at my old clinic. Bring in your pets, get them up to date. Pass out flyers about common infections. Gets the kids involved, too." "Hm," Wen Qing had said. She'd begun gathering up the used sterile packaging and dumping it in the trash, neatly detouring the needles to the sharps container. "That's certainly an idea." She'd argued him down from all pets to just dogs, and had him separate out areas based on the weeks since puppy birth, to for the older dogs the year or the five-year mark. Song Lan had thought it overly complicated-- he could just ask the humans involved as they came up-- but had acquiesced so as not to cause trouble. He was still learning how to fit in, here. Country folk were a lot more standoffish than city folk, for all they were initially nicer. 
He was very glad now that he'd listened.
"You look busy," said a cheerful voice from behind him. Song Lan finished administering the Bordetella shot to the Border Collie mix Luo Qingyang was holding, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears and juggling the bag of chicken jerky underneath his armpit to keep the mutt-who-definitely-had-Bulldog-in-there-somewhere who was crawling across his shoulders from snatching an unearned reward. He turned, stumbling as the German Shepherd shoved her nose enthusiastically into his muddy shoe laces, and tried to keep his scowl affixed for Lan Xichen's teasing. It was a pointless endeavor; as soon as he caught sight of Lan Xichen's face, glowing in the midday heat, he could feel his mouth pulling up at the corner. He occupied himself boosting the puppy under his left arm higher, propping his waggling tail on his hipbone, to keep his own dopey smile to a minimum. "Shh," he told the puppy, when he yipped and started trying to eat Song Lan's scrubs. The puppy looked up, top canine caught in the loop the brand name tag had once hung from, before Song Lan had cut it off. He was not helping the dopiness meter. "Mister Lan!" Luo Qingyang said, handing the Collie mix back to a child with worried arms outstretched (the dog, unperturbed, began licking every freckle on the child's face). "I'm glad you were able to make it! You brought us-- oh, you didn't have to, put that down. Here, you take this one." She plucked the heavy, stainless-steel carafe from his hand and replaced it with a black-and-tan puppy she summoned from nowhere. Automatically Lan Xichen brought his other hand up to support the puppy's hind legs. The puppy sniffed the pens in the crisply ironed breast pocket and did not find them suitable. Song Lan realized he'd been staring and shuffled his furry passengers away from the jerky again.
"I didn't think to make it cold. It's a warm day, I hope it won't be too hot for you," Lan Xichen was saying, apologetic. The edge of the shadow from the extremely garishly striped outdoor tent Song Lan and Wen Ning had set up cut him right across his handsome face, one eye in the shade, the other squinting into the sunlight. As a teenager, Song Lan had had a movie poster where the actor was highlighted in similar fashion. He had hung the poster on the ceiling above his bed. This is not the time for this was becoming a common repetition in Song Lan's inner monologue when it came to Lan Xichen. "If it has caffeine in it, we'll love you whatever temperature it is," Luo Qingyang assured him, passing Lan Xichen another puppy; nearly identical to the first, but with one black ear instead of two. "This is his sister, they're getting their ten week vaccinations. A bit late, but don't tell their mother that. Do you know how to hold them?" "I'm not entirely useless," Lan Xichen said dryly. He smiled at Song Lan. Song Lan nearly tripped over the German Shepherd again. "Ten weeks, that's...Influenza, Bordetella, Lyme…." "DHAPP," Luo Qingyang confirmed, ponytail bouncing as she nodded. "I'm going over to help Wen Qing with the older dogs, you stay and hold puppies for Doctor Song, yeah?" She patted the male puppy on the head, blew a kiss to the female, and leapt over the barricade of folding chairs to rush to the other side of the tent. A queue was already forming there as Wen Qing argued with a woman in overalls, gesturing angrily. Luo Qingyang slid neatly between them and took the three-legged hound from the woman's arms the same way she had taken charge of Lan Xichen's tea carafe. "You've got a criminal," Lan Xichen said pleasantly, pointing with his chin. Song Lan blinked, and then mentally swore, kneeling so he could free one hand to extricate the Pitbull mix from the open ziplock seal on OL' GRANDAD'S AUTHENTIC CHICKIN STRIPS (Reduced Fat). He pressed the hinge of the puppy's jaw to tug the pilfered treat free, tapping his nose when he tried to whine sadly. Song Lan hadn't gotten his certification yesterday. "Can you hold them while I give the injections?" he asked, waiting for Lan Xichen's acquiescence before struggling to his feet again. Half-way up he felt a pull at his knee. He looked down and saw the German Shepherd, tired of being ignored, had a mouthful of his pants. "No," Song Lan signed; but the dog hadn't been trained in sign language, so she growled playfully up at him, ears pricked. Song Lan reached to do the same trick he'd done on the Pitbull mutt, but he'd not accounted that the other set-down dogs would be investigating the other side of his newly-sniffable legs. With a grassy skid, and a very undignified shout, Song Lan went down. The dirt seemed a lot more solid when he was testing it with his nose and chin. Three of the puppies leapt on his face and began a series of scientific experiments as to whether he was dead or just playing. One slobbery tongue went into his ear. "Are you all right?" Lan Xichen's voice was above him: Song Lan was never, ever going to live this down. He groaned and rolled onto his back, throwing an arm across his eyes and letting the puppies pounce on his hair and ankles. The German Shepherd, looking delighted with herself, sat her ass down on Song Lan's stomach and examined his face, tongue lolling. Despite himself, Song Lan smiled and reached up to rub at her belly. She flopped onto her side (oof) and threw her front paws up so he could gain better access. Her tail beat wildly at the ground beside Song Lan's leg.
"Just…dangle them over my chest," Song Lan signed up at Lan Xichen's looming figure. He was tall. Was this what he looked like to everyone else at the clinic? "I'll do them like this."
"Of course, Doctor Song," Lan Xichen said, carefully solemn.
They looked at each other.
The girl puppy swatted her brother in the nose. Immediately he started crying.
"Shall I get you a cup of tea too, then?" Lan Xichen asked, and Song Lan couldn't help it; he laughed out loud.
"I suppose 'buried in dogs' isn't a terrible way to go," he signed, as Lan Xichen, finally abandoning his masterful attempt, let his grin take over his face. It was blinding. "Yes, if you've got a funnel to pour it through?"
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jkl-fff · 3 years
Dipper and Norman, #50
Thanks for the prompt!
Comedy Golem
It was a rest stop like any other in the Northeast. Just a gas station with some picnic tables, surrounded by deciduous woodlands. But the car pulled into it all the same. Two young men—partners in work, partners in life, and partners not infrequently in actions of questionable legality (although “crime” was such a strong word)—then set themselves up at one of the picnic tables, producing sodas and sandwiches from a cooler.
Laying out a map of the Northeast, Dipper gestured towards a sizeable splotch of green in upper Pennsylvania. It was labeled “Alleghany National Forest”, its shape vaguely reminded Norman of an elephant’s head (with an upraised trunk), and it was clearly the epicenter of a wide swath of red post-its marked with names and some rather recent dates. “As you can see, we’ve got its—his? her? their? whatever—probable location pretty well pinned down.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Norman replied around a bite of sandwich. His tone was deadpan, as it usually was (perhaps an occupational hazard of being a Medium … or of spending most of his time around the Pines family and their own special brand of insanity). “Practically pinpoint accuracy, in fact. Only … 1000 square miles of untamed woodlands for us to search.”
“Pff! Untamed,” Dipper scoffed with the kind of elitist scorn only heard from people who hail from west of the Rockies whenever the subject of Appalachia’s wilderness is broached. “Right. Which means we might get as low as three bars during our investigation. How perilous. Besides, it’s barely even 800 square miles—I checked.”
“Of course you did.”
“But, nah, I think I’ve actually narrowed down the location even further. To riiiiiight … here.”
Norman craned his neck to read the spot his friend tapped (after lifting aside the veritable blanket of red post-its covering it, as it was the center of the epicenter). “… Squirrely Stars Campground. Huh. That why they call this thing ‘the Squirrel Hill Golem’?”
“Nah, that’s because the first sighting was in a neighborhood of Pittsburgh called Squirrel Hill.”
“… You’re yanking my chain. You’ve gotta be.”
“Nope.” Dipper gestured to that segment of the map. “Read it and gape in bewilderment. But, considering Pittsburgh has a massive Jewish population and that’s one of its major sectors, sorta makes sense a Golem would first come outta there. My research suggests it was a Rabbi named Mahara Chelmman who made it back in 1997 (although she wasn’t a Rabbi at the time she made the Golem), but that’s not 100% verified; could’ve been two other people.”
Norman considered that, and it all sounded reasonable enough. For a given value of reasonable, at any rate, since he was dealing with a Pines here. A very negotiable given value of reasonable. “… So did the Golem run off from Pittsburgh a la f-Frankenstein’s Monster upon being rejected by its … Um. How ‘bout we just use a Third-Person, Singular ‘they’ for now?”
“Works for me.”
“Okay. Yada-yada, Frankenstein’s Monster rejected by their creator?”
That got a shrug in response. “Hard to say. Most accounts suggest everyone was cool with them. They might’ve just, like, decided they wanted to live their own life? It was the 90s …”
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“So they ran off into the woods of Northern Pennsylvania for the next … twenty-ish years. Sure. Why not? Lots of mud out here—Golems do need m-mud, right?”
“It helps. Makes it easier for them to, like, heal or regenerate and such. Anyway, I’m thinking you will infiltrate the camp and blend in there—”
“Squirrely Stars,” Norman couldn’t help but smirk at the dumb name.
“—to find out what the people there know, maybe interview some Ghosts, too, if there are any. It’s where the highest concentration of sightings are clustered, so someone’s gotta be able to give us something workable.”
Norman nodded his assent. “Makes sense. I’m g-generally better at talking to people—”
“Right? Those were my thoughts exactly!” Dipper hastened to agree.
“—and not like you can communicate with Ghosts 97% of the time, anyway. What about you, though? If I’m doing the people-work at camp, what’re you gonna be doing?”
“Trek around the area out a ways from the camp. See what traces of the Golem I can forestry up. Footprints, magical energies, that sorta thing. Leg-work while you do the people-work. Also makes sense, right, since I’m better at that kinda stuff anyway?” Dipper asked. In a tone of voice that was … almost leading.
Which instantly made Norman a bit suspicious. But there wasn’t anything in that assessment either of them could disagree with, so he had to concede, “… I suppose you’re better at all the, um, stuff out in the woods—”
“Great!” Dipper was already halfway back to the car. “Let’s get moving! I’ll drop you off there.”
“Okay, but WHY do I have to be NAKED?!” Norman shrilled at the young man he had, until roughly five seconds ago, thought would always be his partner in life. Whereas now he was thinking that young man was about to be his former partner in life. Because he might kill him. Just straight-up murder him with a hefty tree branch or a sharp rock or maybe his bare hands.
Being a Medium meant their relationship wouldn’t have to end at death, true, but you couldn’t exactly call someone your “life partner” if they were dead. Especially if because you killed them by repeatedly smacking their face into the steering wheel or hurling them right into the sun or strangling them with their own seatbelt. That tended to sour most relationships.
“Look, I realize—”
“WHY does ANYONE have to be NAKED?!”
“Because it’s a nudist colony. Or … Well, maybe ‘nudist resort’ is more accurate?” Dipper mused aloud to himself. “Meh. Either way, ‘cause that’s the no-dress code here.”
“But WHY do I have to be NAKED?!”
“How else are you gonna infiltrate and then blend in at a nudist colony and/or resort? C’mon, man, you gotta think logically about this.”
“Yeah, but … WHY does ANYONE who is ME have to be NAKED?!”
“They prob’ly won’t talk to you if you’re not,” Dipper explained, his manner reasonable enough. For a given value of reasonable, at any rate. A very negotiable given value of reasonable. “Like, you’d make them uncomfortable .”
“Oh, well, I c-certainly wouldn’t want them to be uncomfortable!” Norman retorted witheringly.
“It won’t be for long. Just long enough to, y’know, fit in a little and scrounge some info.”
“Never worried about fitting in before,” Norman grumbled. “Don’t see why I should start now. Anyway, if this’s so easy, why aren’t y-you doing it?”
“You said it yourself: You’re better at talking to people, I’m better at ‘all the stuff in the woods’.” And Dipper couldn’t keep a grin from spreading across his face as he quoted him.
“… I hate you soo much right now.”
Dipper shrugged. “That’s fair. But, seriously though, it’s safer this way, too, ‘cause I’m Jewish.”
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Norman blinked. Then he blinked again. “… What?”
“I’m Jewish, so the Golem won’t try to hurt me if they’re acting, like, confrontational.”
Norman shook his head. “Okay, no, I’m calling bullshit on that.”
“Dude, you know I’m Jew—”
“No, yes, I know you’re Jewish,” Norman snapped impatiently. “I mean I’m calling b-bullshit on that being some sorta, like, pseudo-mystical-religious-ethnic protection from Golems.”
“Golems exist to protect Jewish people,” Dipper countered, a little condescendingly. “They, like, physically can’t hurt us. Everybody knows that—it’s the first thing you learn about Golems.”
“Even assuming that’s true—and I don’t assume it, in fact, I contest it—how in the 79 Hells’re you supposed, like, to prove your Jewishness (especially to a vaguely humanoid shape made outta mud)? You gotta yarmulke on under that stupid cap of yours I don’t know about?”
“First of all: screw you, my cap is iconic.” Dipper even took a moment to admire his reflection in the rearview mirror, straightened his cap ever so slightly, and made fingerguns at himself. “Second of all: I’ll just say a birkhot or something. Ooo! Maybe even one of the secret ones from the Kabballah! Though a regular one’d prob’ly work fine.”
“Oh, please, I c-could do that. Doesn’t prove anyth—”
“No, you could not. You don’t even know what a birkhot is.”
“It’s like … a prayer and magic incantation rolled into one,” Norman replied (albeit hesitantly).
“Pff! No, that’s not what a bir—”
“In fact, I’m 100% certain I’ve heard you describe birkhots exactly that way,” Norman asserted, not hesitant any longer. “Same way you d-describe the other (and I quote) ‘sorta pseudo-mystical-religious-ethnic spells and incantations and stuff’ you’ve got memorized in pre-Catholic Latin and Ancient Greek and Old Nordic for whenever we gotta deal with a … y’know, with a demon-adjacent, supernatural entity.”
Dipper considered that a moment. Then he admitted, “Okay, maybe yeah, that does sound like something I’d say. But the point—”
“HA! Vindication!” And Norman pounded the dashboard in triumph.
“But the point is, I can recite ‘בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם, דָיַן הַאֱמֶת׃’ at the drop of a hat—wait! the drop of a freakin’ kippah—with all the additional, apotropaic hand signs … Whereas you can’t even do a basic exorcism or protective spell in any language.”
Norman crossed his arms and sulkily looked out the passenger window. “Well, s-some of us just t-talk to the spirits and such. Like a n-normal, polite person … w-works just fine … ” Eventually, he huffed, “Why in the 79 Hells is a Golem even hanging around a n-nudist colony?!”
“A resort, I think.”
“I will murder you,” Norman stated, as if making a solemn vow. “With … an ice cream scoop.”
“Heh! Love you, too. Soo … does that mean you’ll do it?”
“You haven’t even answered my question.”
“Honestly? No clue. I just kinda assumed the Golem turned out to be, like, a pervert? But maybe they feel more at home among other people who aren’t wearing clothes? But, anyway, will you? … C’mon, Normy-warmy,” Dipper wheedled, his voice taking on a cutesy, coaxing, pleadingly singsong tone. “Pleeeease, Normy-warmy?”
“… That is ch-cheating, and you know it.”
“Pleeeease help me with this Monster Hunt? You just gotta talk to some people (and/or Ghosts). It won’t even take that long. Heck, if the people in there are anything like me, once they see you naked, their brains’ll stop working due to awestruck amazement—”
Norman grumbled, “S-soo much cheating.”
“—and they’ll be soo mesmerized by your sexy body (and beautiful smile)—”
“Why am I dating such an honorless cheater?” But, despite his protests, Norman was blushing.
“—that they’ll be compelled to do whatever you want for, like, the rest of their lives. It’ll be quick and easy. I promise.”
Feebly, Norman made one final attempt. “…But I sunburn so easy—”
Dipper reached over to open the glove compartment. Inside was a bottle of SPF100 sunscreen.
“… Fffffine. But you owe me big.”
“I’m talking, like, a solid w-week of pampering.”
“Romantic dates. Fancy cooking. Back rubs on demand—”
“Deal!” And Dipper punctuated that with a kiss to Norman’s cheek. “Now strip! Oh, but you can leave your shoes and socks on (the nudists aren’t idiots, even if they are sorta nuts). And, also, they usually use backpacks for holding onto all their stuff. What with not having pockets.”
Pulling off his shirt, Norman sighed. “Why do I keep letting you talk me into stuff like this?”
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theculturedmarxist · 3 years
Decolonization is not a metaphor
Kind of sucks for a lot of reasons, many of which I think are illustrated in their section about Occupy Oakland. (pg 25, 26)
As  detailed  by  public  intellectuals/bloggers  such  as Tequila  Sovereign(Lenape  scholar Joanne Barker), some Occupy sites, including Boston, Denver, Austin, and Albuquerque tried to engage  in  discussions  about  the  problematic  and  colonial  overtones  of  occupation  (Barker, October  9,  2011). Barker  blogs  about  a  firsthand  experience  in  bringing  a  proposal  for  a Memorandum  of  Solidarity  with  Indigenous  Peoples,18 to  the  General  Assembly  in  Occupy Oakland.  The memorandum, signed by Corrina Gould, (Chochenyo Ohlone-the first peoples of Oakland/Ohlone), Barker, and numerous other Indigenous and non-Indigenous activist-scholars, called  for  the  acknowledgement  of  Oakland  as  already  occupied  and on stolen  land; of  the ongoing  defiance  by  Indigenous  peoples  in  the  U.S.  and  around  the  globe  against  imperialism, colonialism,  and  oppression;  the  need  for  genuine  and  respectful  involvement  of  Indigenous peoples  in  the  Occupy  Oakland  movement; and  the  aspiration  to  “Decolonize  Oakland,”  rather than  re-occupy  it. From  Barker’s  account  of  the  responses  from  settler  individuals  to  the memorandum,
Ultimately,  what  they  [settler  participants  in  Occupy  Oakland]  were  asking  is whether  or  not  we  were  asking  them,  as  non-indigenous  people,  the impossible? Would their solidarity with us require them to give up their lands, their resources, their ways of life, so that we –who numbered so few, after all –could have more? Could have it all? (Barker, October 30, 2011)
These responses, resistances by settler participants to the aspiration of decolonization in Occupy Oakland, illustrate  the  reluctance  of  some  settlers  to  engage  the  prospect  of  decolonization beyond  the  metaphorical  or  figurative  level. Further,  they  reveal  the  limitations  to  “solidarity,” without  the  willingness  to  acknowledge  stolen  land  and  how  stolen  land  benefits  settlers. “Genuine solidarity with indigenous peoples,” Barker continues, “assumes a basic understanding of  how  histories  of  colonization  and  imperialism  have  produced  and still  produce the  legal  and economic possibility for Oakland” (ibid., emphasis original). 
For  social  justice  movements,  like  Occupy,  to  truly  aspire to  decolonization  non-metaphorically, they would impoverish, not enrich, the 99%+ settler population of United States. Decolonization eliminates settler property rights and settler sovereignty. It requires the abolition of land as property and upholds the sovereignty of Native land and people.
The only thing more shocking than already impoverished people rejecting the call to impoverish themselves further because of events that occurred hundreds of years before they were born is that a majority of the GA supported the endeavor, just not enough for it to actually carry.
Although I had participated in many of the marches and demonstrations in the fall, including the stunning shutdown of the Port of Oakland, my involvement really began December 4, 2011.  That week, the Sunday GA moved from the evening to 2:00 in the afternoon.  We met in Oscar Grant Plaza (OGP), the Oakland civic center previously named Frank Ogawa Plaza.  It was renamed when it was the site of the OO encampment, which was violently evicted; it was now tenuously claimed by an ongoing 24 hour vigil and the GAs several times a week.
There were a lot of people at this GA.  I had no idea that we would be considering a highly contentious proposal.  A group of Native people were proposing renaming Occupy Oakland—to be called “Decolonize Oakland.”  A term describing colonization and expropriation was not one they wanted to claim for our movement, and they wanted their history acknowledged.
GAs began with an introduction, including the hand signals of approval (twinkling fingers), disapproval (limp fists nicknamed “Quan hands” after our mayor) and impatience (rolling arms to signal time to wrap up a rambling or off-topic speech).  Then we separated into smaller groups for the “forum discussion.”  The topic this week was “What does Occupy mean to you?”  This turned out to be ambiguous and led many groups to focus on the proposed name change.  There were many groups of about twenty people each.  In my group the participants were diverse, respectful and lively.
What was supposed to happen next was report backs about forum discussions, with people summarizing what went on in different groups.   It soon became clear that dozens of people were lining up “on stack” for a chance to speak for or against the motion.  It seemed impossible to maintain the GA agenda structure.  As I remember it, the facilitators took a straw pool to check in about changing the sequence, although some were disgruntled by this procedural move.
I was impressed by the diversity of speakers, the range of opinions, the level of passion and the skill of the two young facilitators.  At one point one of them slowed things down by reminding us all of the emotions expressed at this GA—anger, pride, anxiety, conviction, excitement—I don’t remember the specifics but I remember thinking, “I’ve gone to political meetings for decades and I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone speak explicitly about the feelings in the room.”
The defenders of the Occupy “brand” spoke about the national impact of the shared name, but I remember thinking, “if we can’t even change our name after four months, how can we change the world?”  I even got on stack to say this, but there was a very long line ahead of me and I had to leave before getting a chance (by then the GA had lasted more than three hours).
At that time the operating rules of the GA considered a 90% vote to be a consensus, approving the proposal, and allowed for amendments if 70 to 90% of the group voted in support of a proposal.  I found out later that 68% had voted in favor and that the supporters of Decolonize had separated from OO as result.  A couple of weeks later, on December 16, the GA shifted to the concept of a “living document” that could be amended on the spot, if the proposers agreed.  I wonder whether that GA could have endorsed a compromise hybrid name like Decolonize/Occupy Oakland, and what might have been different if we had–or if we hadn’t been able to even do that.
I was impressed with the GA I attended as a vivid example of “direct democracy.”  At the same time, the damage was evident.  Some supporters of the indigenous people resented disrespectful treatment of their elders, while some of their allies made accusations of racism against the people who wanted to hold onto the name of Occupy.  As I understand it, Decolonize Oakland continued to exist as a separate group and sometimes participated in shared actions with OO, but this GA prevented greater ongoing unity.
(Note: the minutes of this GA can be read at http://occupyoakland.org/2011/12/ga-minutes-12-4-11/  and the proposal can be read at http://occupyoakland.org/2011/12/emergency-proposal-3-on-queue-for-december-4-2011-ga-proposal-to-decolonize-oakland-creating-a-more-radical-movement/)
From the minutes:
F: We’re going to change this topic.  Please discuss: What does this movement mean to you?
The historical context of “occupy” doesn’t fit with the goals of this movement.
Newer people who are just discovering that they are oppressed need to respect the work and presence of those who have already been in the struggle.
People are responding to what we are doing, not to our name.  They are excited about the larger connection to the national movement.
As a daughter of Texas and as a single mom, I think we should stay in keeping with ancestors and elders to rename the space.
We, the congregation of First Christian Church of Oakland,  advocate that this movement be renamed Decolonize Oakland.  We would also advocate for CoExist in Oakland, to embrace all people.
The original intent was to occupy the seat of power.
The term occupy is racist.  In these movements across the country, few people of color are involved.  We have this opportunity to step up.
The history of Wall Street is built on the colonization of the indigenous people, and the slavery of Africans on the land.  The seats of power are within us – we do not need to use the same paradigm of “taking seats of power.”
F: Many people are speaking about a proposal in queue, and are not speaking about the topic, “What does this movement mean to you?”  Please make your comments about the topic.
This must be divine timing.  We did talk about the forum topic.  We accept the concept of “occupy” but we think that it’s time for a change that will reflect everyone’s histories and voices.
In our group, some people liked the term “occupy” because it’s a good brand and it connects to OWS.  We agree that all people’s voices should be heard, but we don’t know how to make decolonize, liberate, and occupy meld together as one.  Some people in our group preferred “liberate” than “decolonize” because “de-“ sounds negative.
This is an opportunity to hold corrupt systems accountable and to protest people who are vulnerable in these systems
F: Let’s see who would like to go straight to the vote?  Who would like to go to pros and cons?  We could try hearing 2 pros and 2 cons.  It seems like many people would like to speak.  We will hear as many as we can.
I am in support of this proposal as a white person.  I stand in solidarity with all people in the movement. We need to support this proposal on the principle of people who are left out of this movement.
We need to acknowledge that some of us have white privilege.
As Jewish person, I cannot support Palestinian people in a movement named “Occupy.”
We will only be weakened when using the language of our oppressors. The divisiveness here today is a symptom of colonization.  We need to listen to those who are most affected.  Let’s do it.
This language shows how colonized our minds are.  Let’s change the status quo.
I will vote yes on this if the people behind the proposal put their lives into increasing the movement.
I do not want to fly on the coattails of imperialism.
People can understand that we are a part of the global movement, just like “Arab Spring” or “Los Indignados.”
One way that violence is perpetuated is through language.
This issue is not just about indigenous people.  It’s about recognizing the history of the shoulders we stand on.
This proposal has pushed the envelope of this conversation.  It has made you uncomfortable – welcome to my world.  This emergency has been on hold for over 500 years. 
We are more than a brand. Let’s occupy, decolonize, and liberate this.
Feelings are more important than words.  Words change.  Occupy is used throughout the movement, so we should keep that word. We have broken the process by allowing an emergency proposal to be heard that is not an emergency. 
We have also allowed proposers to speak for 10 minutes.  I am an occupant.  I live here.  I’m not stating an opinion about the name change.  We have not had time to develop this conversation.
Vote Results:
YES: 198
NO: 91
(After some cheering, much confusion and agitation ensued.   Several people started chanting “Decolonize Oakland” for about five minutes.) IMPROMPTU ANNOUNCEMENT(This was said in the midst of the crowd with the People’s Mic, not within the GA process). No matter how you voted, please realize something. Everyone has a place here.  We all need to recognize the power of this conversation.  We want people to come out and be part of Occupy Oakland.  Figure out what you want.  Start listening to the people!  Be about it!  I love you all!! (Another voice…partially muffled – I couldn’t hear everything amidst arguing and people have side conversation). We might  hold our own GA.  Stay connected with us.  We have more work ahead of us.
So a movement divided and a bunch of time wasted over a name change because some people didn’t think that their cause was being acknowledged enough. And even after a vote in which most people actually supported the motion and then actually left to form their own Decolonize Oakland group or whatever, they still get libeled as a bunch of callous “settlers”.
Between DINAM and Settlers, if these are the products of Decolonization theory then I can’t see any good in it. It sounds like it wants to pretend to be egalitarian and anti-property, while at the same time privileging one group above all others and ensuring their own property rights to their land, at the expense of everyone else living on it. And yes, at the expense of everyone else living on it:
Not unique, the United States,as a settler colonial nation-state, also operates as an empire-utilizing  external  forms  and  internal  forms  of  colonization  simultaneous  to the  settler  colonial project. This  means,  and  this  is  perplexing  to  some, that  dispossessed  people  are  brought  onto seized   Indigenous   land   through   other   colonial   projects.   Other   colonial   projects   include enslavement,   as   discussed,   but   also   military   recruitment,   low-wage   and   high-wage   labor recruitment     (such     as     agricultural     workers     and     overseas-trained     engineers),     and displacement/migration  (such  as  the  coerced  immigration  from  nations  torn  by  U.S.  wars  or devastated  by  U.S.  economic  policy).  In  this  set  of  settler  colonial  relations,  colonial  subjects who  are  displaced  by  external  colonialism, as  well  as racialized  and  minoritized  by  internal colonialism, still occupy and settle stolen Indigenous land. Settlers are diverse, not just of white European  descent,  and  include  people  of  color,  even  from  other  colonial  contexts.  This  tightly wound  set  of  conditions  and  racialized,  globalized  relations  exponentially  complicates  what  is meant by decolonization, and by solidarity,against settler colonial forces.
So when they’re saying “to support us you have to impoverish all the settlers, ie, everyone that isn’t us,” they’re being very literal. It’s just more bourgeois identity politics cooked up by privileged people in academic institutions.
Into the trash it goes.
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
Spelljammer Reveal Trippy New Vid, Talk ‘Abyssal Trip’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
Interview by Billy Goate
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Cover Art by Aaron Cahill
Our week of big interviews continues as we meet up with the ethereal doom outfit from Stockholm SPELLJAMMER and premiere a new music video, from their just released second LP, dropped only weeks ago on RidingEasy Records and now the number one album on the Doom Charts.
'Abyssal Trip' (2021) is an enthralling listen from edge to center, with lavish textures, deep thematic content, and unforgettably emotive atmosphere that will stick with you for life. Enjoy it as you read the revealing conversation with Niklas Olsson (guitar, vox) and Robert Sörling (guitar) that follows as we unpack their steller new spin, talk nerdy gear shit, and contemplate humanity's fate.
And now, Doomed & Stoned is pleased to bring you the world premiere of the brand new video for that epic third track, "Among The Holy."
Give ear...
Spelljammer - Among The Holy (music video)
You guys have been a band now for damn near 15 years, maybe longer. Most bands don't make it past two years! What is the "key" to the band staying together for so long and continuing to find inspiration for creating new music?
Rob: I don’t think it’s been 15 years just yet but we are getting there, haha. None the less - that’s a really interesting question! Nik and I started the band much because we share the same taste in music, film and, well, art in general. I think that's the core keeping it all together. Also, there have been a few constellations of band members over the years, all with their own dynamic. I think these kinds of changes, and the new directions of the music because of that, is part of the inspiration. Maybe another reason is that we all live in different cities and because of that sometimes a lot of time passes between rehearsals, writing sessions and such, making us always craving for new Spelljammer jams and songs.
Nik: The craving yes. And another reason I think is the fact that we’ve never really been in a rush to get anywhere. Anything Spelljammer, the music included, takes time. If we had been set on making it, this thing probably would have fallen apart a long time ago.
Abyssal Trip by Spelljammer
How did the theme for Abyssal Trip originate?
Nik: I have always been more drawn to the feelings or emotions you get from a riff or piece of music than to any theme of a lyric. But I would say that any themes came in at the lyrics state, which is at the end of the process. But the themes aren’t that specific to any of the albums. I think I cast a pretty wide net in the beginning and stuck to it. For the next album perhaps we will venture more into unchartered waters. We’ll see.
What fascinates you about the Great Abyss of the ocean?
Nik: I totally get that the word abyss conjures up images of ocean trenches and, yes, the ocean is a fascinating and to a large extent undiscovered place. However, when I wrote that I wasn’t necessarily thinking of the ocean but more the abyss of our own minds. But I think it’s a word that evokes many things, like despair and doom, and it is of course totally open to interpretation.
Is mankind doomed or do we have time to correct our course?
Nik: I’m not as pessimistic of a person as the lyrics may suggest. I think we will be here on earth for a long time. Mankind is clever (perhaps too clever for her own good) even if there are a lot of people hell-bent on trying to screw up everything for everybody else.
Rob: Yes, and considering how ignorant and careless (some) people are acting during this pandemic, at least over here, makes you wonder if there’s any hope at all.
Nik: People are the worst. Ultimately, though, none of it matters because we’re all doomed.
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Have you guys seen any good movies/documentaries or read any good books lately that inspired you or otherwise challenged your thinking about life, the present, or the future?
Rob: I can’t say that I’ve seen or read anything recently that challenged me significantly, I guess I’m getting too old to be that overwhelmed haha. The film A Ghost Story though was kind of cool though because it was different, slow and weird (in a good way), and for me it’s always inspiring to read/see/hear something that makes you think, "Man, I wish I had come up with that idea”.
Nik: Absolutely! Punch Drunk Love, Moon, and Office Space are definitely movies like that. I have watched so many movies and series through this pandemic and I can’t remember any of them right now. But I did just notice that there is a season 3 of Loudermilk on HBO! If you haven’t already, see it! I’m currently reading "Homeward Bound, The Life of Paul Simon” by Peter Ames Carlin. It’s a good read about one of my favorite musicians.
For recording this album, what kind of gear did you use and what production/engineering considerations did you have to take into account?
Rob: Since we did a remote recording in the countryside we had to use whatever stuff that we could fit into a couple of cars. I have a couple of old audio interfaces that I linked for a total of 16 channels. I also have a small collection of mics (nothing fancy) and we used them all and the rest was borrowed. We set up the drums in the living room and put the guitar and bass rigs as far away as we could (the adjacent rooms) to avoid bleed and just focused on getting the rhythm tracks done. The goal was to get us all in the same room and to catch the vibe from a relaxed rehearsal kind of situation. The bass rig used was a Orange Terror Bass and an Ampeg SVT 810 and the guitar was tracked through a Reval Mark I and/or Orange TH-100 and a Orange PPC 412. Of course there’s always some unforeseen problem lurking and this time it was the electricity in the old country house.
Nik: I don’t use many effects, just a fuzz. For this one I used a Supercollider from Earthbound Audio. It is exactly what the name suggests. That’s all you need really.
The album cover is amazing! It reminds me, in some strange way, of the creature in the old B-movie Robot Monster (1953). What's the story behind the artwork?
Nik: It definitely has a B-movie vibe that I really like. I’m afraid I can’t really tell you much about it other than the artist name is Aaron Cahill and you can find his stuff on Instagram under the name nghbrs.
I filmed your first US appearance at Psycho Las Vegas in 2016. Fans want to know: do you have ambitions of returning to North America once the world sorts out this pandemic?
Rob: Yes, that’s our first and only US appearance so far and we wouldn’t mind at all returning to Vegas or any other part of the US. For now it’s really hard making any plans at all. In fact, you would think that this kind of isolation would enhance creativity, and maybe for some it does, but for us it’s actually been the most unproductive period so far for Spelljammer. So I’m hoping that by the time this thing blows over we get the inspiration back both for writing/recording new music, and in time hopefully revisiting the US!
Nik: I agree, playing at Psycho Las Vegas was a blast. I hope we get another opportunity to come back some day.
Spelljammer at Psycho Las Vegas/a>
Some Buzz
“The vastness of everything is something that I think about a lot,” says Spelljammer bassist/vocalist Niklas Olsson. And it certainly shows in both the expansive, sludgy sounds and contemplative lyrics of the Stockholm, Sweden based trio. Following a 5-year break between their previous album, Ancient of Days — perhaps fittingly spent pondering said vastness — Spelljammer is back with an album that perfectly bridges the band’s earlier desert rock leanings and their later massive, slow-burning riffs.
'Abyssal Trip' (note: carefully reread that album title) takes its moniker from the perpetually dark, cold, oxygen-free zone at the bottom of the ocean. The 6-song, 44-minute album fittingly embodies that bleak realm with rumbling, oozing guitars intercut with dramatic melodic interludes. The songs take their time to unfurl, making them even more hypnotic. Likewise, the lyrics take a poetic approach to establishing the sonic scenery.
“The lyrical themes we address, like the ultimate doom of man, and the search and longing for new and better worlds, are still there,” Olsson says. “The concept of something undiscovered out there in vast emptiness is pretty much always present.”
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The recording process for Abyssal Trip differs from previous releases in that the band — guitarist Robert Sörling, drummer Jonatan Rimsbo and Olsson — opted to capture the performances while holed up in the mental bathysphere of a house in the countryside near Stockholm. “The songs benefitted from the relaxed environment of being away from everything,” Olsson explains. Indeed, the album sounds confident and meticulously arranged, afforded by the band’s isolation. Sörling mixed the album and it was mastered by Monolord drummer Esben Willems at Berserk Audio.
Album opener “Bellwether” begins dramatically with a very slow, nearly minute-long fade in of rumbling distortion setting the stage for heavily distorted bass and guitar plucking out the lugubrious riff for another minute and a half before the drums begin, and likewise equally as long before vocals gurgle to the surface. “Lake” abruptly shifts gears, opening with an unusually fast gallop before rupturing into thundering doom that soon drops into a clean-tone Middle Eastern melodic breakdown.
The title track serves as the album centerpiece, opening with ominous film dialogue about blood sacrifice that launches into pummeling, detuned guitars rumbling over gut-punching drums and howling vocals hearkening to the proto-sludge of Pink Floyd’s “The Nile Song.” The dynamic relents briefly for a slow building clean guitar melody before all instruments lock into a jerking riff topped off by a trilling Iommi style lead. Throughout, Abyssal Trip is, just like its title suggests, an epic tour through desolate zones which yields much to discover.
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
Come for the shade, stay for the comments!
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Yesterday, we learned that the genuine and organic love between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was “essentially over.” And after that rumor came out, the silicone floodgates opened and there’s been story after story about how they’re done and a divorce is coming faster than Pimp Mama Kris over all the attention this latest story arc is getting. There’s a lot and Jeffree Star even makes an appearance, so bring an extra jug of holy water because this one is every kind of dark-sided.
We’ve known that KimYe’s 6-year-old marriage has been deader than Kendall Jenner‘s eyes for a while now. Now sources tell Page Six that the two have been living separate lives for months and the divorce is on the way since Kim has hired Laura Wasser:
“The source added that while Kim has done much in the past to protect and help Kanye deal with his mental health struggles, “Now this divorce is happening because Kim has grown up a lot.”
“She is serious about taking the bar exam and becoming a lawyer, she is serious about her prison reform campaign. Meanwhile, Kanye is talking about running for president and saying other crazy shit, and she’s just had enough of it.”
Meanwhile, a separate source says Kanye, who became increasingly uncomfortable and irritated by the Kardashians’ over-the-top reality star lives, “Is completely over the entire family… He wants nothing to do with them,” adding he eventually found their reality show “unbearable.”
Kim is also apparently sick of Kanye’s politics and he’s sick of the Koven’s over-the-top gross lavishness. As for splitting up all their money, a source says that the only real fight is over their vapid mausoleum of a mansion. Kim owns the land but Kanye owns the house and they spent $40 million on it and also $20 million in renovations.
“Kim is trying to get Kanye to turn over the Calabasas house to her, because that’s where the kids are based and growing up. That is their home.” “She owns all the land and adjoining lots around the house but Kanye owns the actual house. They’ve both put a lot of money into renovating it.”
Page Six’s source said this isn’t the first time they’ve discussed divorce but “this time it is way, way more serious.”
The former fame whore headquarters of the Koven, E! News, confirms that things are done and they’ve only seen each other for the sake of their four kids. Kim hasn’t filed for divorce yet because she wants to make sure “she’s making the right decision for the kids.” Oh yes, I’m sure Kim is holding off for the children, and not because she’s making plans to have her divorce filing coincide with the launch of her Just Kicked Kanye To The Kurb Kontour Pen and her special Shit That Trash Man Out blend for Flat Tummy Tea.
Other sources tell People that they’re in counseling and Kanye is sad because he knows Kim is done with him and will divorce him soon. TMZ pretty much echoes what People says:
We’re told no final decision has been made, and it’s telling they’ve been in counseling for a while. We’re told their issues have been neither contentious nor ugly, but they do have lots of differences … from lifestyle to politics. They are, however, fully aligned on parenting.
One thing our sources wanted to make clear … there is no third party. As for the likelihood of divorce … we’re told don’t bet against it.
As for that third party thing, there’s a rumor from HELL that since Kanye is in Wyoming and Jeffree Star bought a house there, the two are creating the most unholiest union of unholy unions by fucking. I mean? 2020 is following us!
Since Kanye’s brand is Christianity™ now and he’s friendly with noted gay haters, I’m not sure about that rumor. Besides, if YeezStar (which sounds like a yeast infection of the anus, fitting) became a thing, the pits of hell would open up and devour us all. There’s also a rumor that Kim is dating CNN’s Van Jones, but Instagram gossip account DeuxMoi got a tip that she is dating someone but it’s not Van Jones.
If Kim doesn’t have a new man, her next man will definitely help her push her new Serious Lawyer™ persona. Raphael Warnock just won the Georgia Senate runoff and he’s newly divorced. Oh no, Georgia, close and lock your doors NOW!
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Waiting for Lightning - Chp 1
I Remember Days When I Was Younger
Beauregard Lionett, junior at the University of the Cobalt Soul and star of the track team attended every 6 AM weekend practice hungover. She said it was her secret weapon. The added pain from the pounding headache gave her an edge. (And turned her on a little, though she'd only admitted that to Fjord while quite tipsy.) This morning was no different, except the women's rugby team was practicing on the indoor field the warmup track circled. Beau was mid-stretch, jamming to her tunes, and checking out the women on the field, a state of being she rather enjoyed.
Now Beau considered herself a bit of a Casanova. She had slept her way through most of the girls on the track team, and the soccer team, and half the sorority girls she partied with if she was being honest. So, she was sizing up the rugby team, looking for her next one-night stand when she saw the most striking woman.
Running drills across the field was a Norse goddess. A tall, muscular woman with hair that went from black to white tied back in a loose mess of braids. Beau couldn't see her eyes from this distance, but she had dark makeup all smudged around them. Beau could appreciate that aesthetic since she normally sported day old, messy eyeliner. The mystery woman also had a blue line inked from her lower lip down her chin and neck. Beau bit her lip wondering how far down that line went. Beau was so caught up in ogling the woman that she didn't notice Dairon was behind her until they smacked the backside of her head.
"Get your head out of the gutter, Lionett, and get on the track. It's time for training, not drooling over the other athletes." The assistant coach was already walking away before Beau could react.
"Hey! My head's here in the game, Dairon. I know what I'm doing. I'm the best for a reason, okay. Lay off for a minute, will ya?" Beau said as she stood up and jogged after her coach. Dairon had taken an interest in Beau during her freshman season on the team. They were a total hardass, and Beau would never admit it, but she would have washed out without their help. "I'll do my laps, okay. You don't have to tell me twice." And she took off before Dairon could continue telling her off.
Beau ran her laps, with her music turned up loud enough to compete with the sound of blood pumping in her head. Right now, it was Joan Jett. She kept stealing glances at that woman as she played on the field. Beau didn't know much about rugby, but she could still tell that the woman was good. She hadn't ever had the ball, but she had made successful tackles against most of the players who had possession of the ball. That woman was all muscle and ferocity, taking down opponents left and right. It was really fucking hot.
Unfortunately, the rugby team's practice ended before the track team's. Beau watched the woman quietly gather up her things and head to the locker rooms, not talking with any of the other players. Surprisingly, off the field, the woman seemed demure and reserved, compared to the powerhouse she was on the field. Beau only focused back in on her laps once the woman was fully out of sight.
“Lionett,” Dairon called to Beau as she walked away from the track at the end of practice. “Meet me at 10:00 in the practice room for more training. It’s been awhile, and I’m worried you’ve gotten rusty.” They turned on their heel and marched away before Beau could respond.
“Great, yes, Dairon, that fits perfectly in my schedule. Thanks for asking. You’re such a considerate coach.” Beau said to Dairon’s retreating back. She sighed and continued on to the locker room. She was already feeling the laps in her legs and more training with Dairon would just hurt more.
 When Dairon had first taken an interest in Beau, she had been rather angry and troubled. She was getting into fights with her teammates and was close to being kicked off the team before they stepped in. Dairon had taken her to a small practice room and said, “Take a swing. Try and hit me. Take your anger out here, off the field.” So, Beau took a wild swing. Dairon easily sidestepped, so fast Beau didn’t even notice, and then followed up with a slap to the side of Beau’s head. “You’re sloppy, directionless. You need discipline and order. Again.” Beau swung out again, and Dairon raised their hand in an effortless block. “Better, but you’re still miles away. Try again.” Beau yelled in frustration. Why was her coach doing this? She closed her eyes and breathed out through her nose and took one more wild swing. To her surprise, this one connected with something soft, and she felt a small crack. Beau opened her eyes to see Darion staring back at her in shock, blood gushing from their nose.
“Oh my god, did I break your nose? Fuck, that’s cool. Ah, I mean, shit, fuck. Are you gonna kick me off the team?” Beau’s sudden joy at landing a blow on her coach was crushed as she remembered the reality. She had punched a school official, fuck.
Dairon lightly touched the side of their nose and laughed. “That was good. A little wild, but when you focused, and let your anger slide away, you connected. You have potential, Lionett. And no, I’m not going to kick you off the team. I’m going to teach you to fight, properly, with restraint and focus.”
Beau stood there, shocked. Fighting training? All she had wanted as a kid was for her dad to enroll her in karate or any martial arts, but he had refused on account of it being improper for a girl to learn to fight. “Really? What, that’s so cool! I can’t wait to punch things so good. This is gonna be sick,” Beau said, looking at her fists. She already felt so much cooler.
“It’s not something ‘cool’ or something to be taken lightly. You need control and composure if you’re going to be successful on the team. It’s about discipline. Remember that, Beauregard.” Dairon opened the door to the practice room. “Every day after practice, we will meet for another hour, and you will learn. Now, get out of here.” With that Dairon turned on their heel and walked off down the hall. Beau was left standing, still in shock, feeling like her world had been shifted.
 Beau slammed the door to her dorm open and tossed her gym bag in the general direction of her closet. "Morning, Jessie!" She called as she strode across the room to flip down in her roommate's bean bag.
"Beau, why do you have to be so loud? It's the morning. It's time for sleeping. Do you even sleep, Beau?" Her roommate, Jester, groaned as she rolled away from Beau.
"But, Jess, I brought pastries." Beau held up the paper bag, emblazoned with the emblem of The Slayer's Cake, the most popular bakery in Zadash.
"Pastries?" Jester squealed and snatched the bag out of Beau's hand before leaping back onto her bed. "Beau, you're the best roommate ever. Thank you!" She rummaged through the bag. "And you got my favorite blueberry muffins? You really are the best."
 Ah, it was nothing really. The on-campus store is in between here and the track." It really wasn't, but Beau loved making Jester happy. She was the best friend that Beau had ever had. (Though she would punch out anyone who accused her of being soft like that.) “Come on, eat your sweets, I’ve got to meet Dairon again in a couple hours and we have to study with Fjord before then.”
 Beau had met her wild roommate on move in day freshman year. She'd driven herself to school in her shitty, old Toyota Camry because her parents couldn't be bothered to give a shit about their only kid leaving for college. Her brother was born less than a year later, and Beau stopped wondering why they never gave a shit about her anymore. She had finally made it to her dorm to find a bubbly, little blue tiefling decorating one side of the room in pink, frilly things, and a tall, buff minotaur standing guard, arms folded. “Hey, ummm, I’m Beau. Your roommate, I guess.”
“Oh, hi! I’m Jester. And this is Bluud. He’s harmless. Bluud, get out of her way, so she can unpack. I can’t wait to be the best of friends. I’m an art major. What are you studying?” The tiefling, Jester, bombarded her with even more questions while they set up their room and ran out to get more supplies at the local Target. Beau was sure she was going to hate Jester, but after a few hours, they were good friends. And by the time they went to bed, Jester declared them to be best friends forever. They had been roommates ever since, so for now, Jester’s declaration was holding true. Beau couldn’t picture anyone else putting up with her shit, and no one else could handle Jester’s specific brand of wild.
 “Hey, Jess, I saw this cool chick at track this morning. She was practicing with the rugby team, and I’ve never seen her before. She had this really goth look with black and white hair and a chin tattoo. Have you seen her?” Beau began changing out of her running clothes into a different cut off t-shirt and sweats.
“Oh, I think you’re talking about Molly’s new roommate. She just moved here from another school; I think. Her name is Yasha. I saw her briefly when I was at Molly’s last weekend.” Jester turned back to her vanity to finish putting on her makeup for the day. “She didn’t really talk, but yeah she looks really cool and really strong. Did you see her arms? Like, so nice.”
“Yeah, she was a powerhouse on the field,” Beau turned away from Jester to hide her excited expression. Jester knew who she was, and she was Molly’s friend. Beau and Molly may not always get along, but they still hung out with the same people. Beau would have a chance to meet her, to meet Yasha, then. “Yasha…” Beau murmured. The name was beautiful and strangely fitting for the woman she had watched on the practice field. Beau blushed as she thought about her. Beau was going to talk to her. Get her number. Maybe even court her. That last thought made her laugh; Beau hadn’t ever courted anyone. But that muscular, goth woman made her want to try, and Beau would try anything at least once.
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jiminssizzles · 4 years
Track 5: Begin Again
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Summary: Jungkook wanted just ONE tattoo.. ONE. How did he end up with lots?
Pairing: Jungkook x OC 
Genre: Fluff and angst, but FLUFF. :>
Rating: PG
Warning: None, really. :)
Word count: 15.6K+
Author’s Note: My heart swelled after re-reading this. Can I get a Jeon Jungkook too? Kidding!!! :) Thank you to the bestEST artist ever for me, @minyoongail​ for this moodboard! ILY!
Intro: Story of Us
Track 1: Daylight >> Park Jimin
Track 2: Afterglow >> Min Yoongi
Track 3: I Almost Do >> Kim Taehyung
Interlude: You Are In Love
Track 4: Getaway Car >> Jung Hoseok 
Track 5: Begin Again >> Jeon Jungkook (You’re here!!)
Track 6: _______ >> __________
Track 7: _______ >> __________
Previous Track // Next Track
Jungkook has been scrolling through his phone for an hour now. Silently admiring the photos he’s been seeing and smiling to himself, thinking really hard if he should just contact this person. “Jungkook, just get a tattoo if you want, instead of staring at that tattoo instagram page for years.” Taehyung chuckled, passing him a snack. He noticed that Jungkook has been on the same page for a time causing him to call him out.
 Jungkook smiled, “I want a small arm tattoo, is that okay?” Taehyung stared at him and called a friend, “Jimin-ah, is it okay for Kook to get a small arm tattoo?” Jimin looked at Jungkook, rushing over to his side and disregarding the food he was eating, “You want a small arm tattoo? What’s the design? Let me see!”
 Jungkook laughed, “Hyung! I don’t have a design yet. Anyway, look at this instagram page. I love the designs and the comments are all saying that the artist helped them design their tattoos that are meaningful to them.” Jimin leaned closer, staring at Jungkook’s phone also, “Yeah, the artist is good. Don’t you want mine? He’s good too.”
 “But look at the works of this one, I feel for it.” He commented, making Jimin smile. “I have to agree. The artist has the same tastes as you. How did you discover the page?” Jungkook leaned back on his chair again, “You know how deep I am in the internet.”
 “Same.” Taehyung said. “And I’m not?” Jimin asked, making the two laugh. “Just send a message, Kook. Use your private account.” Jimin reminded him. “Make sure that the artist is not a trouble or Bang PD-nim will come get you.” He added, making the three of them laugh. 
 Taehyung peeked at the page also, “Are you sure that the artist is not an ARMY? The username says mikrokostosh.” Jungkook nodded, staring at the username, while Jimin and Taehyung started singing “You got me, nan neoleul bomyeo kkum-eul kkwo, I got you, chilheug gatdeon bamdeul sog.” Jungkook just shook his head and started composing a message to the account.
 goldencooky: Annyeong! I’m interested in having you as my tattoo artist! How do we go about this? Do you have a shop that I can visit?
 “Ya, Jungkook, we’re heading out. Do you need anything?” Jimin asked before pulling Taehyung to stand up. Both of them are tasked to do the groceries for the week -- something that the boys don't let go despite the fame. Their hyungs made sure that they do a pretty detailed list weekly, including the brands that they should buy, since only Jin and Yoongi knows what they actually need for cooking anyway.
 Jungkook smiled, “Banana milk!” He said giddily. “That’s already on the list.. written for 7 times.” Jimin said. They waved goodbye to each other before the two left Jungkook’s room. He was about to transfer to his gaming chair when he heard his notification sound.
 mikrokostosh: Hello there. :) Thank you for your interest! I don’t have a shop that you can visit, sorry!
 Jungkook felt his lips form into a pout, quickly typing a reply.
 goldencooky: Oh, then where do you do your art?
mikrokostosh: It’s private. We can meet up somewhere first then I’ll take you to where it is. I’m sorry if I have to meet you in person before anything.
goldencooky: I understand. I’m a private person too. Uhh, how about you recommend where we can meet up? Somewhere not crowded? :)
mikrokostosh: Today? Do you have your design already?
 Jungkook stared ahead of him. He realized that he doesn’t have his design yet, but he trusts the artist’s taste.
 goldencooky: I was browsing through your page and I was hoping you can help me design my tattoo. I swear, I’m good at drawing! We can meet up today.
mikrokostosh: Hahahaha. That’s okay too, but that has an additional fee.. if that’s okay?
goldencooky: Any fee would be fine! :) Where will we meet?
mikrokostosh: I’ll send the address in a bit. Can we meet at around 6 PM? I have personal matters to attend to first.
goldencooky: That would be okay. May I know if you’re a guy?
mikrokostosh: Hahaha. I get that a lot. No, I’m a girl. See you later. :)
 Jungkook leaned on his gaming chair, staring at his phone screen. The artist is a girl, he thought to himself, amazing. He decided to play Overwatch for the meantime, silently waiting for the address to arrive on his inbox. He isn’t usually excited to go outside, except when it’s something that he really wants to do -- and this is one of those.
 Ever since Jimin got a tattoo, Jungkook wanted one for himself too, but since everybody sees him as a baby and he really is younger than Jimin, he opted he’ll just get one when the time is right. When will the time ever be right? He remembered Jimin saying the last time they talked about it. He smiled at how his hyungs always teach him things, and how they always assure him that his own interests are more important than what is expected from him.
 He heard the notification sound of his phone and he quickly grabbed it to check the message.
 mikrokostosh: Do you know the cafe named Magic Shop?
goldencooky: Yes, that is secluded. I’ll see you there?
mikrokostosh: Sure! 6 PM. What’s your name and what will you wear?
goldencooky: You can call me Kook, and I’ll wear an all black outfit.
mikrokostosh: Huh, sounds like Jungkook to me. Hahaha, anyway, see you later! I’ll be the one to approach you.
 Jungkook slightly flinched at the message, thinking that she may be an ARMY after all. He doesn’t find any tinge of regret for messaging her because he trusts ARMYs that much, but he doesn’t like not knowing what’s there to come for him, so he replied again.
 goldencooky: Haha. :) Can I at least know what you will be wearing so I know that it’s you?
mikrokostosh: A dress and shoes.
goldencooky: That’s too specific… hahahahaha
mikrokostosh: A sundress and Timberland boots! Hahaha, sorry.
 He smiled. He smiled because their conversation is very light and it doesn’t feel like he’s just a customer. He feels like he’s talking to an old friend, or maybe that’s just him. He sent one last message of ‘See you later!’ and decided to scroll through the internet and look for ideas on his first tattoo.
 It’s already 5:15 PM and Toshimaru is still in the grocery store, waiting for her turn to pay for the groceries. She scoffed when she saw the time and tapped impatiently on her cart while Euphoria by Jungkook was playing on her earphones. She started stanning BTS eight months ago, but she isn’t a die hard fan and she doesn’t know which of them is her bias. She just knows that she loves Namjoon’s mind, Seokjin’s cooking skills, Yoongi’s music making skills, Hoseok’s dance skills, Jimin’s charming aura, Taehyung’s boxy smile and Jungkook’s…. Jungkook as a whole.
 She usually sees the boys entering the BigHit building every morning. It’s her usual route for an early morning run. She always sees them happily laughing with each other and pushing each other playfully before they enter, making her smile to herself even if she’s alone.
 After she paid for the groceries, she quickly grabbed the box and tried her best to run to her apartment. The grocery store is just a block away from her apartment anyway. Rushing through everything, she arrived at Magic Shop 10 minutes after 6 PM. She heaved a sigh, slightly embarrassed at her client for being late. She already saw a guy wearing an all black outfit through the glass doors before entering.
 Jungkook decided to play on his phone since his artist is not yet in the cafe and he’s getting bored. The cafe is truly secluded, only accommodating two people right now including him. He buys his coffee here too whenever he stays at his own apartment which is why he knows the place. The bell on top of the glass door rang, meaning that someone entered the cafe.
 It’s very windy outside that even the wind chimes inside the cafe rings when someone opens the door. He quickly glanced up and saw a girl wearing a floral sundress and a black Timberland boots. Jungkook is expecting a girl, but he did not expect that she looks this good. He is wearing his all black fit, as he said, a bucket hat and a face mask.
 He stood up upon seeing the girl who caught his eyes. She walked to him and slightly bowed. “Are you Kook? I’m Toshimaru.” She said. Jungkook seems at a loss for words because he just stared at her, his doe eyes slightly wide on top of his face mask.
 Toshimaru stared at him too, her face slightly scrunching, “Jungkook?” She whispered, then her hands were both on her mouth in shock. Jungkook suddenly broke out of his trance and signalled a shhh in his mouth, asking for Toshimaru to sit down.
 “I’m Jungkook. I’m sorry, I got lost in there.” He said. Toshimaru just nodded, “Wait, I think I’m going to be lost too.” She massaged her temples and heaved another sigh. “Are you really Jungkook?” She asked again, trying her best to stay composed and to have words to slip from her mouth.
 She can’t seem to find a comfortable sitting position due to the uneasiness that Jeon Jungkook is sitting in front of her. “I really am, please don’t tell anyone.” He whispered. Toshimaru looked at him again, “I won’t! This is just.. unbelievable.”
 “I think I’m going to break down. I’m sorry, I’ll keep this professional, I swear, just give me a minute.” She said, her insides panicking as she took deep breaths. Jungkook threw his head back, laughing, “You’re funny, and I’m sorry for not informing you beforehand.”
 Toshimaru waved her hands, “No, no, it’s really okay. It’s just that I see you guys almost everyday and now you’re in front of me.” She said, giving him a small smile. Her breathing is even now, and she can finally process what’s happening in front of her.
 Jungkook just stared at her. She has long, straight hair that frames her face beautifully, an exposed tattoo on her collarbone, wrists and left outer thigh and a small frame, but she’s taller than most girls he sees.
 “Everyday?” He asked, his paranoid self jumping out because what if she’s a sasaeng? “Don’t take it the wrong way! My jogging route includes your company building. I saw you guys going in everyday.” She replied, quickly shooting down Jungkook’s worries.
 “Oh, you’re that girl. Rapmon-hyung sees you too. He told us that you smile whenever you see us. I told him he’s delusional.” Jungkook shared, making Toshimaru massage her temples again in embarrassment. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just that you guys are so happy all the time.” She answered.
 “Can we start over?” She asked again. Jungkook just smiled, “Of course.”
 The two of them did start over, from the introductions up to discussing what Jungkook really wants. They agreed to meet the week after at Toshimaru’s place for their first designing session. It took them two hours of talking before they finally came to that agreement.
 “Do you live around here?” Jungkook asked. “Yep, two blocks away from here. The apartment complex.” She answered, pointing at the direction of her home. “Right, I have a place around here too. I’ll contact you through your Instagram Page. See you next week, Toshimaru?”
 “See you next week, Jungkook.” She smiled and they both stood up. Bowing to each other, Toshimaru is the first one to walk away, but Jungkook is quick to grab her arm to face him again, “Can I trust you to keep this as a secret, please?”
 “We’ve been talking for two hours, Jungkook. Of course, your secret is safe with me.” Jungkook’s eyes turned into slits as he smiled. He did not remove his mask the whole time since it’s a public place and Toshimaru fully understood that. “I’ll see you, Kook.”
 Then she continued to walk away.
 “Where have you been?” Namjoon asked Jungkook when he saw him enter the house. Jungkook removed his shoes and placed it on their shoe rack before going to the living room. “I met my tattoo artist, hyung! Remember the girl that smiles whenever she sees us every morning?” He sat on one of their couches and hugged a pillow.
 “She’s a tattoo artist?! Wow. She’s pretty, Kook.” Namjoon replied, sitting next to Jungkook and turning on the music. Seokjin walked in with a plate of black bean noodles in his hand, “Who’s pretty?” He walked to Jungkook and Jungkook immediately sat up. Seokjin fed him some of the noodles before making his way to his own seat. “Thanks, hyung. Rapmon-hyung is telling me that my tattoo artist is pretty.”
 “Jin-hyung, that girl who jogs everyday, that’s Kook’s tattoo artist.” Namjoon informed Seokjin, making him nod his head. “Yes, that girl is pretty.” Seokjin acknowledged, Jungkook leaned on the couch and smiled at them. “She really is! You have no idea.. I literally stopped on my tracks and just stared at her as I heard the shop bells ringing!” He exclaimed.
 “Ya! Jungkook, isn’t that how you thought you’d meet your soulmate?” Seokjin asked him, laughing at how delusional they got. “Oh right! Yes, hyung! Maybe!” Jungkook smiled again. “I thought you still like Lexi?” Namjoon asked. Jungkook pouted, Namjoon immediately adding, “No one’s here except for us.”
 Only the hyung line knows about Jungkook still liking Lexi. He can’t open to both Jimin and Taehyung because Jimin is close to the two and Taehyung did not approve ever since he told him that he likes Lexi.
 “Honestly, hyung, I like her now in just the normal amount. I think I already accepted that it will always be Taehyung-hyung in her eyes. Besides, I think they’d make a great couple, Taehyung-hyung is just slow.” Jungkook answered, Namjoon tapping his shoulders, “And you matured a lot, kid.” He said to Jungkook. “But I can’t help not thinking if I should still try, you know?”
 Seokjin looked at him, “I don’t know, Kook. Those two, Taehyung and Lexi, I think they’re really going to hit it off as soon as they tell each other how they feel, but I won’t take that chance away from you. You owe it to yourself, kid. You became so giving to all of us.” He tapped Jungkook’s shoulder too before walking to the kitchen to wash his used plate.
 Jungkook is walking to his apartment to spend the night there. The boys left earlier than him and his apartment is closer to BigHit than their house. He’s already busy with the preparation for his new single on their upcoming album, especially now that he wants to write the song himself. He’s walking with his earphones on when he sees Toshimaru going out of her apartment.
 “Hey,” Jungkook softly said when she walked in front of him. Toshimaru just saw Jungkook, suddenly conscious that she’s only wearing a face mask, hoodie, leggings, socks and slippers. “Hey, why are you here?” She asked. Jungkook opted to walk with her, “I’m going to my apartment. How about you? Where are you going? It’s late.” He asked question after question.
 Jungkook rubbed his nape, “Sorry for those questions. I might sound intruding.” He gave Toshimaru a small smile. “No, no. It’s okay. Since I’ll be responsible for pricking art to your skin, might as well be friends, right?” Jungkook showed his bunny smile unconsciously, “Okay. Sounds good to me.”
 “I’m going to the convenient store. I’m craving for something unhealthy, like maybe ramyeon with cheese?” Toshimaru blurted out, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. Jungkook suddenly remembered the last time he visited the convenience store in the area, “The last time I went to the convenience store here, I was holding on to my banana milk when I saw a hooded girl in the counter asking the staff if they’re sure that they ran out of cheese.” He shared.
 “Oh,” Toshimaru answered and looked away. “That was you?” Jungkook asked, laughing at her. She can’t help but laugh too, “Don’t judge me.” She said. The both of them stood in front of the convenience store, “So, Jungkook, take care on your way.” Toshimaru said, ready to say goodbye.
 “You know what? I’m craving for something unhealthy too. Let’s just eat together?” Jungkook asked. The question came out smooth, but in reality, his insides are fidgeting as this is his first time befriending a girl outside of work and school. “You can’t be seen in public, right?” Toshimaru inquired, making sure that they both don’t wake up tomorrow with a dating scandal.
 “Probably,” he said. “I’ll just take you to my place, then.” Toshimaru said, “Unless it’s okay for you to eat out--” Jungkook waved, “No, we can go to your place.” Toshimaru nodded, walking inside the store, Jungkook following right after.
 The two of them quickly grabbed their spicy ramyeons, cheese and milk, just because Toshimaru likes it and Jungkook told her that he’ll give it a try. They’re already on the counter, slapping each others’ hands on who should pay. Jungkook ended up paying because he grabbed both of Toshimaru’s hands to stop her from giving her cash.
 They were both laughing when they walked out of the convenience store. They were on their way back to Toshimaru’s apartment when Jungkook abruptly stopped, “Do you live alone?” He asked. She just nodded, “Yes. Why?”
 “Nothing. I just realized that I might be invading your privacy.” He said. “No, that’s okay. Didn’t we talk about doing your tattoo at my place anyway?” They continued walking, Jungkook still asking random questions.
 Upon entering Toshimaru’s apartment, Jungkook removed his shoes to leave at the side. “No, no, it’s okay, really.” Toshimaru said, but Jungkook already removed both of his shoes. “Oops, I removed it already.” He smiled and placed his shoes beside the shoe rack.
 He saw a lot of black colored shoes on Toshimaru’s shoe rack. They’re different kinds of shoes, but they are all black. He turned to her, “I’ve never met a girl who has a collection of black shoes like me.” He made his way inside, Toshimaru making him sit on the chair at the kitchen. “Well, are you glad you met me?” She joked.
 “Of course, it’s an honor to have your art on my skin.” He answered. Toshimaru brought out a pot to cook their ramyeon, “We haven’t even started yet.” She went to the living room to get 3 clearbooks and gave them to Jungkook, “Here are some of my works. There are quotes there too, just in case you want them, then we’ll design, okay?”
 Jungkook smiled, “Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to cook? I’m a master cooker of ramyeon.” He offered before opening the first clearbook. He scanned the pages one by one, the designs are mostly colored with various shading. “I’m okay, and I know you cook ramyeon very well. I watch your shows.” She confessed.
 “Oh, right. Why is your username mikrokostosh?” Jungkook asked, Toshimaru just stared at him. “If it’s too personal, don’t answer.” Jungkook assured, continuing with flipping the pages of Toshimaru’s portfolio. “I was in a very rough phase when you released your Persona album. I found comfort in Mikrokosmos.”
 “I’m happy that our music comforts you.” Jungkook said. “You shouldn’t live alone if you’re in a rough phase, it’s nice to have friends, you know.” He added. “I wasn’t alone before,” Toshimaru whispered. Jungkook looked up at her, taking a break from scanning her works. “But?” He asked.
 “But… pass me the ramyeon packs please.” She answered. Jungkook did not push through with the discussion and passed her the packs instead, helping her by pulling out dishes and utensils that they will use. While Toshimaru is busy stirring the noodles, Jungkook took his time looking around the apartment.
 It’s well-furnished, with different paintings on the walls. One thing caught his attention when he looked at the left side of the living room, “You play? You have a gaming pc! Do you play?” He asked, almost giddy, if he weren’t trying to be subtle. “I do play, but I’m not good.” She replied, placing the noodles on a strainer.
 Jungkook teased her, “I wouldn’t invest on a gaming PC if I am not good, unless you’re super rich! I knew it, you’re super rich.” He concluded, making Toshimaru laugh. “No! I’m not! Shut up.” She answered, splitting the noodles between the two of them.
 “Then let’s play later! When I get home.” Jungkook said. “You’re good at games!” Toshimaru answered, shooting down his idea. “It’s just a friendly game, besides, I only play with Taehyung and I think he has plans for tonight, so.. play Overwatch with me!” He exclaimed, looking like a kid while Toshimaru placed his plate of ramyeon in front of him.
She stared at Jungkook for a good 5 seconds before sitting down, “Okay, Jungkook. But do you have any design ideas on your mind for your tattoo right now?"
 "None yet! My mind is always on work, my members and ARMYs." He replied, eating his ramyeon. Toshimaru opened their milk cartons for the both of them, "Then have a tattoo that says ARMYs, but make it creative." She nonchalantly answered.
 "GOOD IDEA!!" Jungkook exclaimed, raising his thumbs up and smiling like crazy. "I'll think about where I want it tattooed. I want the tattoo to have the members' names though."
 "I'll think of something, Jungkook." She said. The two of them ate in silence -- Jungkook is not talking because he's busy staring at Toshimaru and trying not to get caught, while Toshimaru is not talking because she's busy thinking about what tattoo should she offer to Jungkook.
 "I'll see you next week. Take care on your way home," she said, walking Jungkook out of the door. Jungkook nodded, "Next week, then." Toshimaru just nodded and closed her door.
 She's about to walk back to her living room when she heard a knock on her door. Opening it, she found Jungkook still standing there, "Can I get your number? I don't really spend much time on social media."
 Toshimaru just obliged, giving him her personal number. They said their goodbyes for another round before Jungkook walked back home.
 Deep in the internet, huh, but you don't spend much time on social media, what an excuse. Jungkook's inner self mocked him, making him smile while walking home.
 Toshimaru opened her eyes suddenly. She glanced at her bedside clock and saw that it's 2 AM already. Shit, she thought to herself. She quickly looked for her phone on her bed when she realized that her earphones are still on her.
 "Jungkook?" She whispered, finally grabbing her phone under a pillow. "Yes? You slept." He said, giggling softly like a baby. "I'm sorry." She apologized, sitting up in a bed and unlocking her phone.
 She saw that the Discord app is still on. The two of them were watching Insidious before she fell asleep. Jungkook was the one streaming the movie and she's just watching from Discord, "It's okay," he softly said. "You should go back to sleep, though." Jungkook added.
 She rubbed the sleep away from her eyes, "Are you playing? Did you finish the movie?" Jungkook gasped, "Oh shit, I died. Yes, I'm playing. I finished the movie with Jimin-hyung. He asked me to sleep in his room, but I refused."
 "Why? Is he scared? Where is Hoseok-oppa?" Toshimaru asked, walking to the kitchen to get herself some water. "Hyung is not really a fan of scary things. Besides, I don't want to leave our voice channel without saying goodbye. Hoseok-hyung's in his own apartment, I think?"
 "And what if I wake up at 6 AM? Not at 2 AM? You'll still wait?" She asked, leaning on the kitchen counter while drinking her water. "Then I'll say goodbye at 6 AM." Jungkook said then laughed.
 "Wait up, I'm going to turn off my PC and transfer to my phone." Jungkook softly said before moving away from his PC, opening the discord app on his phone. Toshimaru walked back to her bed, lying down and waiting for Jungkook to settle on his own.
 It has been a week since they hanged out in her apartment. They did play games that night, which eventually led them to being friends at Discord so they can communicate easier. Jungkook found himself always asking Toshimaru if she wanted to play whenever he gets home from practice, she never refused.
 This night is different from the previous ones, Toshimaru is not in the mood to play games since she is having menstrual cramps, but Jungkook doesn't need to know that. She just opted for a simple, "I can't play games tonight, Kook, I'm not feeling well. I'm just going to binge watch on Netflix."
 She opted for something as simple as that. Unexpectedly, Jungkook replied with, "Then let's just watch together on Discord! I don't want to play games either. What do you want to watch?" He beamed.
 "Something scary." Toshimaru weakly said, feeling the shit of a pain below her stomach. "Insidious!" Jungkook said.
 "I love that movie," she commented. The both of them opened their Discord app-- Jungkook to stream and for Toshimaru to watch with him.
 That's how she ended up sleeping on him, jolting awake from her almost deep slumber when her inner self realized that she's been talking to Jungkook.
 "Let's sleep!" Jungkook said, the sound of his sudden plopping down in bed heard even if she's not there. "Goodnight, Kook." Toshimaru said, almost a whisper.
 "Goodnight, Toshimaru." He answered back. Toshimaru is about to leave the voice channel when Jungkook spoke again, "How about we ask each other a random question once a day?"
 "We don't talk everyday." Toshimaru said. "We've been talking everyday for the last seven days." Jungkook answered, not backing down. "That would have been seven questions already."
 "What do you want to know about me? I'm an open book!" Toshimaru said, earning a laugh from Jungkook. "Have you thought of a design for my ARMY tattoo?" He asked.
 She hummed, "Not yet. I just want it on your hands." She confessed, without saying that she's been looking at his pictures for a while now to check where it will look good. "Good, cause I have an idea and I'll show it to you later after our practice. Goodnight, Toshimaru."
 Toshimaru did not push further, "Goodnight, Kook."
 “Since you want the ARMY in my hands..” Jungkook started as soon as Toshimaru opened the door of her apartment. “I did not say I want it there, I’m just thinking it would look good there.” She answered, following Jungkook to the living room. He just stared at her, as if thinking if he should change his statement.
 “Whatever, since you want the ARMY in my hands..” He started again, Toshimaru interrupting him, “I did not say--” Jungkook cut her off again, “Hear me out!” He said. The two of them laughed at their silly bantering. Jungkook sat on the couch while Toshimaru went to the kitchen to get some snacks.
 “Fine, talk.” She surrendered, walking towards him while holding out a banana milk to him. “Let’s put ARMY on my knuckles, but make the A an inverted V for V-hyung, RM for Rapmon-hyung and Y for Yoongi-hyung!” He enthusiastically said, like how a little kid points a toy to his mom. “How about the others?” She asked.
 “Let’s just put a letter J on my ring finger for Jin-hyung, J-hope-hyung and Jimin-hyung.” He proudly said while munching on the snacks given to him. “That’s nice! You’re smart,” Toshimaru complimented him, making Jungkook smile shyly. “Too bad I wasn’t in school for long.”
 “Hey, you finished High school, right? And just because you did not finish school doesn’t mean you’re any less smart.” Toshimaru answered, leaning on the couch and staring at Jungkook. “But still..” he’s about to argue again when Toshimaru cut him off, “Shh. I dropped out of college, don’t feel bad for yourself.”
 “Jinjja? Why?” Jungkook asked with more interest that he intended to show. “It’s a secret,” she said, Jungkook snapping his fingers. “Too bad it’s a secret.” He just softly said. She stared at him for a while, quite surprised that he’s not pushing her to share, and quite overwhelmed when she saw the interest on his face when he asked. She hated letting him down.
 “I took an art related course for college, but I dropped out.” She said, but Jungkook just stared at her. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes are already asking why. “It’s just that I feel like the four years would’ve been great already if I started with what I want as soon as possible, so after a year, I told my parents that I want to be a tattoo artist. They supported me through all the workshops and seminars. They even gave me money for my own shop.”
 “Right, about that, where is your shop?” Jungkook asked, still staring at her. Toshimaru felt his gaze still focused on her. She felt conscious all of a sudden, not used to having people or a person so focused on her. “That’s another story, Kook. Maybe next time.” She stood up to throw the empty packs of food they ate.
 “Aw, story time’s over.” Jungkook pouted. Toshimaru made her way to the kitchen because the garbage can is there. “Hey Toshimaru,” Jungkook called. “Yeah?” She saw Jungkook smiling softly and almost proud at her, “That thing you did? Taking a step closer to your dream, that’s really cool.”
 “Thanks, Jungkook, although my relatives didn’t find it ‘cool’. They think being cool is finishing college and landing on a different job.” She threw the empty packs away and went back to the living room, grabbing her digital drawing pad along the way. She sat on her gaming chair, connecting the digital drawing pad on her PC to start drawing Jungkook's wanted design.
 "So what if you're not cool in their eyes? This is your dream and you're living it, just like me, right?" Jungkook giddily said while pulling a chair to sit beside Toshimaru. She finds it endearing that Jungkook always sounds so happy, like he is still a child. She finds it endearing too that whenever she talks, Jungkook's always all-ears, as if they're the only two people existing in the world.
 He was never like that, she thought to herself, a memory of another person clouding her mind. Toshimaru glanced at Jungkook who was now staring at her drawing on her screen, "I'd rather be dead than cool in their eyes." She said to him, making Jungkook nod proudly at her and tap her head.
 Suddenly, Toshimaru just notices Jungkook everywhere. He’s there on her morning jogs every day, he’s there when she grabs coffee in Magic Shop, he’s there when she goes to the grocery store.. he’s even there on her way home, carrying all the groceries that she bought. It was never like this before.
 Before they met, she only saw Jungkook on her morning jogs. The next time she would see him is on TV or the next morning, but now, he’s just everywhere. “Why did you buy a lot of groceries?” He asked, not even a sign of exhaustion from carrying the load. “My parents are coming over tomorrow, then we leave.” She says, letting Jungkook climb the stairs first before her.
 “Leave? Where are you going? I thought we finished the design already? I thought we can start!” Jungkook whined, instantly thinking about the times wherein they bantered over the design. Toshimaru opened her apartment door for him to enter, “Jeon Jungkook, I told you, we can’t start now. You have practices everyday and we can’t risk infection! Healing might take time too.”
 Jungkook settled the goods on her kitchen table, sat in the dining chair and pouted, “Then can we start when my band gets our 1 month vacation?” Toshimaru started unloading the groceries from the bags and organized them in her cabinets, “When is that?”
 “Two to three weeks from now.” Jungkook said, opening a pack of banana milk and drinking it. “Ya! Did I buy that for you?” Jungkook just nodded to answer her. Toshimaru went back to organizing, “I’ll be back by then. I’ll call you the minute I land in the airport, if you’re that eager.”
 “Where are you going anyway?” He pressed further into the subject. “Tokyo. I have to meet someone there.” She answered while Jungkook just stared at her. “Jinjja? Wait, I know you. I think we’ve met.” Jungkook said, Toshimaru getting lost in their conversation.
 “Huh?” She faced him, Jungkook trying his best not to smile. “You’re Mitsuha, right?” He joked, referencing Kimi No Nawa which is one of his favorite films. Toshimaru quickly catched up, “You’re Taki-kun?” She joked too, making the both of them laugh.
 “I’m going to meet my cousin, silly, he’s getting married.”
 When Toshimaru went to Tokyo, she did not give updates to Jungkook and so did he. Toshimaru thinks she doesn’t need to update on her whereabouts, while Jungkook thinks he should contact her for casual talk, but he did not do that also. All he ever did was practice, go home, play, sleep and repeat.
 It’s the last night of August and he decided to stop playing for a while because he has this habit of checking who will greet him at 00:00 on his birthday. It has been his Jimin-hyung for years now, even if he greets at 12:03 AM. At 11:59 PM, he’s already scrolling through twitter and reading through ARMYs’ birthday greetings for him even before D-Day.
 He heard one of his watches beep when the clock striked 00:00. He stood up and decided to do his nightly routine first, just for the element of surprise on who will greet him first. After his nightly routine before bed, he grabbed his phone and sat on the edge of his bed.
 [12:00 AM] Toshimaru: Happy birthday to my newest client and everyday bug. You’ll reach even greater heights in this life, Kook! Have a blessed day. Enjoy it! I’ll just give you one free small tattoo, ight? :)
[12:03 AM] Jimin-hyung: Happy birthday, JJK Best boy!!  
 Jungkook found himself smiling. Why? He doesn’t know too, but this feels refreshing for him.
 He decided to go home to his family in Busan and spend a week with them before he gets inked up. He already made plans, but Jimin just had to call him and Hoseok to come over his place in Busan, which the two gladly obliged. At first, Jungkook and Hoseok are both willing to stay there, until Jimin made them wait for almost half a day for him.
 While they were waiting, Hoseok fell asleep on the couch. He decided to just send a message to Toshimaru, thinking that it won’t do any harm, right?
Jungkook: What’s up?
Toshimaru: What’s up? Haha that’s random
Jungkook: I’m in Busan right now and Jimin-hyung decided to make us wait forever for him
Toshimaru: Forever? Hahaha you’re overdramatic, kook. Oh right, it’s your vacation now. What have you been up to while I'm away?
Jungkook: Just thinking about ways on how can I enter your apartment to get all the banana milk you left there
Toshimaru: You’re so rich and you want to break into my apartment for supplies? Millionaire mindset. [insert meme picture]
Jungkook: I’ve also designed some other tattoos that I want in my arm.
Toshimaru: Arm? I thought you’re just going for the hand.
Jungkook: Can’t I have more? :(
Toshimaru: You can! It’s your skin anyway. I’m just your artist.
Jungkook: Yep, my artist and my friend and my most amazing person
Toshimaru: What? [insert meme]
Jungkook: I mean, I look up to you. You’re cool and smart and good at life. Why do you have a lot of memes? Hahaha
 Toshimaru stared at her phone screen for a while, finally letting out that breath that hitched when she read Jungkook’s ‘my most amazing person’ message. She pushed out her thoughts that maybe she has a chance with Jungkook. She’s not even in denial that she likes him, especially after she became an ARMY earlier this year. It’s just different now that she knows him on a deeper level than just seeing him on stage or in her TV screen or phone screen -- and she doesn’t know if that’s scary or fulfilling. She’s only sure of one thing and that is Jungkook feels like a breath of fresh air after being in prison for years.
 Toshimaru: I have a lot more memes on my phone than my PC and LOL you’re getting bored, Jungkook. [insert meme]
Jungkook: Are you like the meme queen or something AND I’m not bored! Haha, let’s play?
Toshimaru: Mobile only, kook [insert meme]
Jungkook: I’ll take it, ma’am. [insert Jungkook’s poker face selfie picture]
 Toshimaru smiled upon seeing the picture, but Jungkook didn’t know that.
 When Jimin arrives, Jungkook is already done playing with Toshimaru who told him that she’s off to do some errands while Hoseok is already awake. After successfully tackling Jimin to the ground by making them wait and eating dinner cooked by Jimin’s mom, the three of them decided to drink.
 “Well, for one, she doesn’t know BTS, but she knows the song Euphoria.” Jimin looked at Jungkook and mocked him. “This maknae gets everyone!!” He ranted. “But really, she doesn’t know BTS. I like it.. I mean, I like that she treats me normally. I miss that feeling. That feeling that people just treat me as Jimin. I only get that when I’m here at home, that’s why I’m always longing for home. It feels like I don’t need to put my walls up, and I can just be myself.”
 “So you like her?” Jungkook asked, completely curious on how this thing called love works. “On the first day of meeting her?!” Jimin jokingly raised his voice, “You don’t decide that you like someone on the first day, Kook!” He added.
 “Ya! You never decide on these things, you just feel it.” Hoseok interrupted them. “I’m telling you, guys. The time you’ve known her doesn’t matter, let alone the way she treats you. If you like her, you like her.” Hoseok added, making Jungkook think how much he liked Lexi before slowly learning how to let her go. 
 He just smiled at the thought, silently congratulating himself for having progress. He knows that he talked about trying to take a chance on Lexi again with his hyungs, but a part of him is also saying that since day one, he already lost to Taehyung. For now, he’s just leaving it to destiny. If ever the chance of getting her comes, he’ll take it, if it doesn’t, then he’ll just let it go.
 Jungkook tapped Hoseok’s shoulder to praise him, “Woooow. That’s really deep, Hobi-hyung! Too bad, I’m only excited right now for the tattoos I’m planning to ink on my arm!” He said, but it sounded like he’s convincing himself, not his hyungs.
 “If that’s the case, Hobi-hyung, maybe I like her.” Jimin sighed. Hoseok tapped his shoulder, telling him comforting words. “If it’s meant to be, Jimin, then you have nothing to worry about.” He said. “Same to you, Jungkook.”
 “What? I’m not interested in anyone right now!” Jungkook defended, making Hoseok and Jimin laugh. Jungkook immediately changed the subject because he doesn’t want to talk about Lexi with Jimin since they’re close.
 “Jimin-hyung, I thought you’re travelling around the world during this break?” Jungkook asked, Hoseok agreeing with him. Jimin just stared at the stars, “Right, I need to cancel those.” He said. Hoseok’s eyes widened, “For a girl? Yaa, Jimin-ssi!” 
 “What if she’s THE girl and I lose her for travelling around the world when I can do that later in life?” He pointed out. Jungkook just laughed and looked at the stars too, “Cancelling Russia, Hawaii and Paris? Whipped,” he commented.
 Hoseok nodded, “I agree. Whipped.”
 Jungkook woke up on his own bed in Busan. They did not spend much time in Jimin’s house since Jimin already told them that he’s going to be busy. He hugged the pillow beside him as he intends to sleep more when he heard his door open. “Kook, breakfast!” His older brother said, pulling his pillow away from him along with his blanket.
 “Hyung, it’s too early..” Jungkook mumbled, making his older brother pull him up. “Come on, Kook! I even cooked breakfast because we miss you here.” Jungkook smiled at him and nodded, “Fine, fine. Let’s go, hyung.” He got out of bed and grabbed his phone. He jokingly latched on to his older brother to show how much he missed him.
 Eating a meal with his family always gives him a sense of fulfillment and happiness. He loves it when they are complete because he rarely spends his time here in Busan anymore. Halfway through his meal, he heard his phone notification sound. Who will send him a message this early? He thought. It’s their work break so he doubts it’s from the company.
 Toshimaru: I’m back in Seoul.
Toshimaru: [insert picture of a meme looking lost with a caption ‘What now?’]
 Jungkook laughed at the photo. One thing he finds funny about Toshimaru is she has a meme for everything which always makes him giggle like a kid. “Eomma,” Jungkook called his mother, “May I invite a friend over?”
 His mother looked at him, quite surprised. They know that Jungkook is an introvert and he rarely invites any of his friends over. “Sure, Jungkook! Why are you asking?” Jungkook looked at his plate and rubbed his nape, “Because she’s a girl.. is that okay?” He asked again. His older brother tapped his shoulder, “Is it Lexi?”
 “What? No, hyung!” He playfully smacked his brother’s arm, earning a laugh from the other one. “I thought you finally made a move on her.” Jungkook tapped his brother’s mouth, “Shush! Eomma and Appa don’t listen to him!”
 Jungkook’s family loves teasing him because they always miss the baby in the house. Seeing Jungkook mature away from them gave them mixed emotions, but they are sure proud of their Jungkook. “Ya! Stop that boys!” Their mother going between them before the bantering turned into a playful wrestling. “Who are you inviting over, Kook?”
 “My tattoo artist, Toshimaru.”
 Toshimaru slipped her hands on her gloves, Jungkook already sitting on a comfortable chair and just staring at everything she’s doing. How did Jungkook convince her to come to Busan? She doesn’t know. All she knows is she arrived in Seoul yesterday and upon messaging Jungkook that she’s back, the boy offered her to have another vacation in Busan.
 She didn’t mind because she doesn’t have commitments in Seoul at the moment. She just started minding when she realized that the house is Jungkook’s own family house instead of some random vacation spot in Busan. She wasn’t prepared to meet his family, but she did. She wasn’t prepared to sleep in Jungkook’s bed while the boy slept on the floor, but she did.
 She frowned at Jungkook while she prepared her equipment to start his tattoo. “Stop frowning at me! I’ll pay you extra for coming all the way here.” He said. Toshimaru suddenly smiled, as if mocking him, then frowned again, “It’s embarrassing to your family! Let’s start.” She softly said. Jungkook slightly pushed her hand away, “Will it hurt?”
 “Yes, it will. I thought you have a high pain tolerance?” She inquired. “I have. I just want to know if it will hurt.” Jungkook pouted and gave her his hand again. “You can start now.” Toshimaru just nodded and started attaching the tip of the needle on his skin.
 Jungkook winced, “Hey. Relax.” Toshimaru cooed. “I was shocked, but go on.” He said. Toshimaru trained her eyes again on Jungkook’s hand, continuing with her work. Jungkook stared at her. He finds it relaxing whenever he stares at her. He can’t help but stare on her perfect eyebrows, her long lashes, her small, cute nose that he likes to boop, her plushy cheeks and her full lips.
 He just finds her beautiful, that’s all.
 “Why are you not talking? Talk to me if you feel anything.” Toshimaru said, oblivious to Jungkook’s stares. “Have you ever had a boyfriend?” Jungkook asked. The question is not meant to intrude, but Toshimaru considers her relationships a really personal thing to ask about. It didn’t escape Jungkook’s eyes that she suddenly stopped working when she heard the question. After a few seconds, she attached the tip of the needle again on his skin.
 She quickly shot the question back to him, “Hm. Have you had a girlfriend?” Jungkook shook his head, “I’ve had one before debut, but I think it’s nothing serious. Then I never had anyone after.” Toshimaru nodded, “Why? You’re a famous idol, a good guy, a good-looking guy, actually. I thought you only hide your girlfriends to your fans.”
 He chuckled, “Judgmental! No, I don’t really have a girlfriend. I mean, I like someone, but I think she really likes Taehyung-hyung.” He shared. Toshimaru gave him a small smile, “Lexi?” She asked. Taehyung and Lexi’s bestfriend relationship was never a secret to the public. In fact, Taehyung is really supportive to her when it comes to her games, thus, everyone knows about them.
 Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows, “That’s a secret! You can’t tell anyone about my crush.” She just nodded and went back to work, “I won’t! Aren’t they together? Is it really just friendship?” She asked. Jungkook is now staring at the tattoo on her collarbone, “They always tell us that it’s just friendship, but I don’t know. Lexi likes hyung, I’m sure. Meanwhile, Taehyung-hyung once stopped me from asking her out. So I guess they like each other but are too dumb to admit it to themselves. With that, I just learned to control my feelings and not push too hard. I like her a normal amount.”
 Zzzzzzzzz, the sound of the tattoo gun is the only thing heard in the room after that. Toshimaru felt a slight twist on her stomach, thinking about how can a chance with Jungkook slide into her mind from time to time when he likes someone who’s also meant to be known to the world? She suddenly felt small, thinking that Jungkook has high standards when it comes to a girl.
 She did not look at Jungkook after that, only continuing her work. Jungkook noticed the silence and gently nudged her, “Hey, did I say something wrong?” He asked. Toshimaru decided to let him in a little more, “I’ve had a boyfriend. We broke up almost a year ago, that’s why I was in a rough phase when I discovered BTS.”
 Tight-lipped, Jungkook only listened to her as she started the letter M on his knuckle. “When I dropped out of college, I already told you this part, my parents funded my workshops and training to be a tattoo artist. They even gave me money to buy a place for my own shop, but I was younger, and dumber, and in love that time.. so that’s the story why I have an apartment.” Jungkook formed an O in his mouth, connecting the dots as to why she’s alone in there.
 “So this boyfriend.. he’s the one living with you before?” He inquired, curiosity evident in his voice. “Yup. He was living with me until we fought at around 2:30 in the morning, he stormed out of the apartment and never came back.” Jungkook didn’t press on the subject further, but this is the first time that Toshimaru is talking about her failed relationship. She continued talking without even bothering to look if Jungkook is still listening, even though he is.
 “He’s a really great guy. When we started our relationship, he really had eyes only for me. He’s a fellow art student, and when I dropped out, I felt like that made him feel superior to me. He knows about my dream of being a successful tattoo artist, heck, I don’t even want to be famous, I just want to be successful in doing what I love. He supported me, but whenever I’m in a slump, he has these pep talks that imply how dumb am I in making the decision of chasing after a dream that will never happen. It started when we’re already living together. He told me to be realistic, and that my dream is far-fetched.” She stated, pausing for a little while.
 “I’m glad you didn’t stop chasing after it.” Jungkook softly said. Toshimaru looked up and saw Jungkook’s small smile. “I’m glad I didn’t. I thought the two of us would learn to work around our differences, but as time goes by, it became the cause of our fall out. He didn’t like anything that I wanted. I share things happily with him only to be shot down.”
 “Like being passionate about something only to be mocked for it?” Jungkook clarified, Toshimaru nodded and sighed. “Good riddance, then. You don’t need a man that weighs you down. You deserve to spread your wings and fly.” Jungkook comforted her. “Don’t cry over spilled milk, Toshimaru. That’s what Jin-hyung always tells me.” He shared.
 Toshimaru looked at him, “And what if it’s banana milk?” She joked. Jungkook scrunched his face and showed her his bunny smile, “Then that’s the only time I’ll cry.” He giggled which made her laugh too. Jungkook is really slowly, but surely, lighting up something inside her chest, and she’s not even sure if she can avoid it, or if she wants to avoid it.
 A day after they got back to Seoul, Jungkook woke Toshimaru up by calling her phone non-stop. She scrambled on her bed, half-annoyed on who’s calling her at this ungodly hour, “What?” Jungkook looked at his phone, he heard the annoyance in Toshimaru’s voice, but didn’t mind it, “Good morning! Are you tired of living alone?”
 “If it means no one’s going to wake me up at 6 AM in the morning.. on a Sunday, I’d be glad to live alone. Why?” She answered, her eyes slowly closing again as she went back to bed. “Nothing, just open the door.” Toshimaru sighed, “You’re here already?” She slowly got out of bed, although annoyed, her heart is still betraying her for pounding hard on her chest just by knowing that Jungkook is the first person she’ll see today.
 When she opened the door, she saw Jungkook wearing an all black sweater and sweatpants. Nothing new, her mind said, but what caught her eyes is what Jungkook is holding. “Jungkook..” she said, almost a whisper.
 She suddenly remembered their drive back to Seoul. The two of them stopped by a secluded cafe, Toshimaru telling Jungkook that she’ll be the one to order and Jungkook can just wait in the car. Jungkook saw her come out of the cafe holding a paper bag that contains their snacks and drinks. On the way back to the car, Toshimaru caught sight of a Golden Retriever in front of her. The dog is following his owner to the cafe. Jungkook did not miss the smile that formed on her face upon the sight of the dog. When she opened the car door, Toshimaru quickly pointed at the Golden Retriever and the owner. “Look, Jungkook! I want one. I’ll buy one soon!”
 Now, Jungkook’s holding one. “Is she yours?” Toshimaru said, almost pouting at the cuteness of the puppy that Jungkook is holding. “Come in! I’m sorry.” She said, opening the door wider for them to go inside. “Yep, she’s mine!” Jungkook proudly said, a big smile on his face.
 “May I hold her?” Toshimaru asked. Jungkook carefully passed her the puppy, “Of course, Toshimaru. She’s yours too.” She looked at him, wide-eyed. “What?”
 “You said you wanted one, right? A girl, to be exact. I wanted one too and I live with my hyungs and you live alone so.. you get to keep her, alright?” Jungkook rubbed his nape, speaking shyly while Toshimaru’s eyes started to well up with tears.
 She hugged Jungkook and cried on his shoulder. “Why are you crying?” He asked. “Because you pay attention.” Toshimaru answered, doing her best to hold back her sobs.
 “Why wouldn’t I pay attention?”
 Seokjin is slurping on his black bean noodles while watching Jungkook play Overwatch. “You gave her what?” Seokjin asked Jungkook. “I said, I gave her a dog.. well, not exactly given, because the dog is ours.. but you get it, hyung.” He answered without sparing a glance at Seokjin, his eyes fully focused on the game.
 “I get it, Kook! I mean, do you like her?” Seokjin asked the younger boy. Jungkook shook his head, “No, hyung, we’re friends. I don’t want her to be sad.” Seokjin wanted to tap sense into Jungkook, thinking that he doesn’t realize these feelings because it’s his first time. “Okay, Kook, but have you seen Lexi and Taehyung buying a dog for them?”
 “No, but did you see them both caring for Yeontan?” Jungkook shot back, “That’s friendship.” He proudly said. “But we know they like each other! Taehyung is blind to know that!” Seokjin pointed out. He was about to say something to prove his point further but the door opened and Jimin introduced Eunice to them. The introduction was quick since Jungkook already met Eunice and Seokjin is busy eating.
 When the door closed, Seokjin looked at Jungkook again. “What can you say for yourself, Kook?” Jungkook raised his eyebrow, still focused on the game, “About what? Meggie or Eunice?” He asked. “Who’s Meggie?” Seokjin asked in confusion. “Meggie is my dog and Toshimaru’s.”
 Seokjin palmed his face, “Fine. About Meggie. Are you still going to deny that you actually like Toshimaru?” Jungkook won the game so he finally looked at Seokjin, “Hyung, I don’t. We’re just friends. You know I like Lexi.”
 “Or maybe, your mind is just used to liking Lexi, but your heart is recognizing a new girl that you actually like.” Seokjin stated. He doesn’t know how to get through Jungkook’s heart to realize what he really wants. He knows Jungkook will never say ‘I love you’ first, but actually buying something for a girl just because she likes it?
 Who was he kidding? Jungkook doesn’t even pay for his meals!
 Days after Jungkook gave Toshimaru the puppy, he always pops out of nowhere in her apartment. He always says that it’s for visiting Meggie, but he also tells Toshimaru that he wants another tattoo. His once just an ARMY and J tattooed  hand turned like a sketchbook for other dainty tattoos surrounding it. There are also dainty tattoos on Jungkook’s arm now, just because he always says that he enjoys the feeling and it’s addicting for him.
 The simple hanging out sessions with Jungkook while he’s on vacation turned into all day binge watching movies and series at Toshimaru’s place. The once simple ‘Let’s play one game’ of Jungkook turned into him leaving his gaming laptop at Toshimaru’s place. The ‘Why are you always here for dinner?’ of Toshimaru to Jungkook turned into ‘Are you going to eat here? Tell me now so I’ll know if I’ll cook for two’. The harmless all day binge watching turned into cuddle sessions too.
 Jungkook doesn’t notice whenever Toshimaru looks up to him with adoration while his eyes are glued to the TV screen. Toshimaru doesn’t notice whenever Jungkook’s lips form a tiny smile whenever her head lies on his chest. They don’t notice the little glances they threw at each other whether they’re having fun outside or they’re just doing the bare minimums.
 Toshimaru bought a big bed for Meggie, thinking that she would get bigger as she grows older. The last message she got from Jungkook is that he’s playing with Seokjin which is why she did not send more messages. She knows how Jungkook gets serious in games. She’s already laying in her bed, her eyes are at Meggie who’s in her new dog bed, but is also staring back at her.
 It’s as if the puppy is saying that she wants to be with her. Ever since Jungkook brought her, she always sleeps with her on her bed. This might feel new to Meggie so Toshimaru caved. She sighed and stood up from her bed, “Come here, baby.” She whispered, Meggie immediately running to her. She smiled when Meggie settled beside her, realizing how she fell in love with the puppy at first sight.
 Having Meggie with her made her heart full, as if having her own daughter. For the second time in months, she found another reason why she’s not alone at all. The first reason was Jungkook.
 Few days passed after that night, Toshimaru did her best to not notice it, but Jungkook was not visiting lately. She went out with Meggie on a leash to buy tattoo supplies on her trusted store because she got a new client to work with. It’s already late in the afternoon so even if Jungkook wasn’t coming by lately, she still opted to send him a message.
 Toshimaru: Might grab dinner outside. Just saying in case you’re coming over to eat.
 Jungkook saw the message as he was lounging on Lexi’s couch. Ever since the night he saw Lexi and Taehyung’s argument about Taehyung’s behavior just to get to Tzuyu, he’s been accompanying Lexi everyday. Lexi didn’t ask for it, but Jungkook just felt the need to be there for her, even drinking with her after her Taehyung situation.
 He sighed and quickly glanced at Lexi who’s cooking their dinner. Jungkook just felt the need to be with Lexi as he was through the years whenever she and Taehyung have fights, but he can’t deny that he misses Toshimaru. He misses the quiet moments spent cuddling as if the world outside doesn’t exist.
 Jungkook doesn’t know what to call it. He doesn’t know that that’s what contentment feels like, because everything is new and foreign to him. He quickly typed a reply to Toshimaru.
 Jungkook: I’m not coming over tonight. Take care with Meggie. :)
 Toshimaru frowned at his reply, not wanting to overstep any boundaries even if she’s itching to ask him about why he is not showing himself lately. She knows she doesn’t have the right, so she just pushed her phone inside the back pocket of her pants. She felt it vibrate again, multiple times actually.
 Jungkook: I miss you and Meggie.
Jungkook: Lexi just needs me right now. She’s not on good terms with Taehyung-hyung right now and I’m her next closest friend.
 Toshimaru sighed. She looked at Meggie who seems to have no problems in this world and the baby talked to her, “Guess you’re a daughter of just two friends, baby.” The realization hit her harder than it should, but maybe she needed the confirmation so her hopes can just be shot down. She typed a reply to Jungkook, one that she wouldn’t want to be brave, but she did.
 Toshimaru: Oh, you still have feelings for her, right? Go get her, bunbun. :)
 It was Jungkook’s turn to sigh and bite his lower lip. Gods, he wanted to say yes. He wanted to say that he still has feelings for Lexi, but it’s not sitting right on his chest. As if saying that would break, burn and end this thing going on with Toshimaru. Both of them are oblivious to the others’ feelings.
 Jungkook: I’ll see what I can do, Tosh.
 End this, Toshimaru’s inner goddess said. She entered the tattoo supplies shop, bought items for her new client and bought something for herself too. For the first time in years, she wanted to retouch the tattoo of roses and vines on her right arm.
 She wanted to add thorns.
 On days that Lexi has training, Jungkook spends his time in his own room, contemplating if he should go to Toshimaru’s place. He doesn’t know why he is feeling weird, like something’s wrong and he’s doing something wrong. He caved and messaged her, even if he feels like she’s avoiding him.
 Jungkook: What are you up to today?
Toshimaru: Just drawing and taking customer inquiries.
Jungkook: You have new clients?
Toshimaru: I just answer questions. I have one confirmed though.
Jungkook: Are you going to do the tattoo in your apartment?
Toshimaru: No, I’ll go to his apartment.
Jungkook: A guy??????
 Jungkook realized that he unconsciously typed too many question marks on his last reply, but he couldn’t take it back. There’s just something triggering him whenever he thinks about Toshimaru having other guys in her apartment.
 Toshimaru: Yep. You’re not my only guy client, Jungkook.
 That reply made him bite his lip.
 Jungkook: May I come over? I have a fan meeting later, but I want to see Meggie.
Toshimaru: Sure, she’s your dog too, you know.
 Toshimaru sighed at her reply. Until when will she act as if this is not affecting her, as if Jungkook is just like all of his clients, as if they hadn’t spent days cuddling and ogling each other, as if they weren’t that close, as if he didn’t make a mark in her heart.
 It didn’t take long before Toshimaru heard a knock on her door. She’s lying on her couch, Meggie asleep in her arms. She just said, “Come in!” and closed her eyes again. Meggie jumped out from her arm and ran to Jungkook. She doesn’t need to look at them to know that Jungkook’s already busy hugging Meggie.
 She heard him say, “Hello Meggie baby, I miss youuu…” Jungkook walked over to Toshimaru with Meggie in his arms and sat on the floor so his face is at the same level as hers on the couch. “Hi,” he softly said. Toshimaru just stared at him, stopping her tears from falling, but she failed.
 “Why are you crying?” Jungkook asked, but Toshimaru did not answer. She wanted to tell him how much she misses him and how dare he just come back as if he did not ignore her for days. She wanted to tell him everything she felt while he was busy trying to get his girl.
 She wanted to tell him that she fell for him, even if she knows he didn’t.
 The tears kept streaming down her face which made Jungkook panic, letting go of Meggie gently on the floor and holding on to Toshimaru’s arm. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” Jungkook said, “I mean, your body is literally hot.” He touched Toshimaru’s forehead, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re sick? Your fever is high!”
 Jungkook went to the kitchen to grab a basin and put warm water in it. He also grabbed a towel so he could dab the hot water on Toshimaru’s skin. He ran back to her and started gently dabbing the warm towel on her face, “Did you eat already?” Toshimaru just nodded. Jungkook removed the stray hair on her face, “Is this why you’re crying? Is your head hurting? Where does it hurt?”
 “Just in my head, Kook. Don’t worry.” She answered, even if the pain is really on her chest. She just wanted Jungkook to stop acting as if he cares so much, when in reality, he’ll drop her the moment he gets an opportunity to get his dream girl. She just wants him to stop.
 Jungkook grabbed her right arm next, ready to clean her arms. “You added thorns to your tattoo.” He said. “I did.” Jungkook tilted his head slightly and gently dabbed the towel there, “Why? You said you didn’t like thorns because it hurts you.”
 Toshimaru just smiled, “Pain is part of life, Kook.” Jungkook smiled at her, “When did you become that deep?” He asked, finishing the cleaning of her arms and wrapping her with a blanket. “I’ll cook something for you so you can drink your medicine. Just sleep there.” He instructed, glancing at his watch. “I don’t have to leave for 2 hours more. I can stay with you, Tosh.”
 She just nodded and stared at him as he walked to the kitchen, “I’m going to stay at my sister’s place for a while, Kook.” Jungkook looked back at her as he was trying to reach something on her cupboard, “Where? Ilsan?” He replied, which made Toshimaru’s heart clench even more. It hurts how much he pays attention and remembers every little thing, and it’s not for her to indulge in.
 “Yes, there. 2 to 3 weeks, maybe?” She answered. Jungkook nodded and pulled out a pot to cook ramen, “In a few days, we’ll be going to New Zealand too for Bon Voyage.” He shared. “Oh, may I take Meggie with me to Ilsan?” She asked, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. “Of course, she’s yours too, why do you ask?”
 “I don’t know. I just asked because you might want to take her away some time.” Jungkook slightly shook his head, “I bought her so she can be with you, and I like seeing the two of you together. It makes me happy.” He said.
 Toshimaru stared at him for a long while. Is Jungkook even aware that the words he says are affecting her this much? Is he saying it on purpose? She decided to turn her back on him and close her eyes. She can already smell the ramen that he’s cooking, but she tries to ignore it, ignore him.
  All seven of them are in the living room. Yoongi always tells them about this girl that he met online, but no one really believed him because he never showed pictures or even met up with someone -- except Jimin. Jimin was the only one who defended Yoongi from all the teasing and bantering regarding his imaginary girlfriend.. or girl friend.
 This is why after the encounter in the fan meeting, and after Gail walked out of the venue, Jimin was the one who made arrangements with the girls to meet them at Bangtan's dorm.
 "Is her name really Gail?" Yoongi asked Jimin. Jimin nodded, "That's what Eunice calls her, so I guess?" Taehyung sat upright and asked Yoongi with wide eyes, "You don't even know her real name? Ugh, hyung, this is too much.."
 "I know her name is Abby! I didn't know it was Abbygail." Yoongi mumbled. "Who told you it's Abbygail?" Jin asked. "No one. I just feel like it's Abbygail." 
 Jungkook facepalmed on Yoongi's answer, "I just don't know how you managed to love, is that what it is? Love?" Yoongi nodded. Jungkook continued, "--Love each other all these years without actually meeting up, or knowing each other on a personal level, or actually making these things easier for the two of you."
 When Jungkook mentioned love, his mind immediately wandered back to Toshimaru who’s alone and sick in her apartment right now. He can think about her at the most random moment and still be endeared by her. He thought about how much he knows about her even if they’re just hanging out for more than a month. He thought about how much he opened up to her even if she didn’t ask just because she’s giving him a feeling of security.
 The door suddenly opened, revealing Eunice and Lexi holding on to Gail. Jungkook caught sight of Lexi, his eyes full of endearment landed on her, which did not escape Jimin’s eyes. Jimin thought that after all this time, Jungkook is still that whipped for Lexi. He doesn’t know that Jungkook’s already thinking about Toshimaru.
 Jungkook is still in denial, though. He’s in denial because even though he left Lexi, Jimin and Eunice after cooking dinner and went over to Toshimaru’s place, he doesn’t know that he’s already in love.
 Even if he almost dashed to Toshimaru that night just to check if she’s okay, he still didn’t realize. Even after he slept with her that night, hugging her tight just because she’s so cold and he doesn’t know how many blankets he should wrap around her for her to stop being cold, he still didn’t realize.
 Toshimaru went to Ilsan the same week that Bangtan went to New Zealand. The last message that Jungkook got from Toshimaru is a picture of Meggie enjoying the breeze from the open car window on the ride to Toshimaru’s sister’s house, followed by a ‘Signal is not really great at my sister’s house, so I can’t send Meggie updates to you, Kook. Enjoy New Zealand!’
 It was okay for Jungkook at first, but as the days passed in New Zealand, he has this uneasy feeling of not knowing what is happening to Toshimaru at all. Don’t get him wrong, he is really enjoying this Bon Voyage trip and he’s so excited as they’re already on their way to the swing. With this, even if Toshimaru’s not replying, he still sends her pictures of what he sees in New Zealand, even taking pictures of the dogs they encounter there and joking about how Meggie will grow bigger than them.
 Dinner time came and Jungkook still can’t stop talking about the swing, knowing that he was the one who loves extreme activities like that. “I really love how that felt, especially the catapult!” He said while hopping beside Taehyung, “Yes! I felt so scared while falling but I also felt happiness in it, like the excitement will never end!”
 Jimin sat in the middle of them, “That’s how the catapult felt? Well then it’s okay that I didn’t try it, that’s how I feel with Eunice anyway.” Jimin said with a smug smile while Taehyung and Jungkook just stared at him, “What? That’s really how it feels! When you guys start to feel that whenever you’re with someone, then you’re done for, you’re in love.”
 Jungkook stared at Jimin, then on his plate. “That’s how it feels, hyung?” He asked Jimin. The other boy nodded and took a spoonful of his dinner. Taehyung stood up and took his phone. Both Jimin and Jungkook stared at him, “Maybe he’s calling Lexi?” Jimin suggested. Jungkook just shrugged and looked at Jimin.
 Jungkook pondered on Jimin’s words and came to a conclusion. He likes Toshimaru. He doesn’t know when it started, but now he’s sure that he likes her.
 The boys got back to Seoul safely after the Bon Voyage trip. They entered the house and found Gail waiting for them, Yoongi immediately went to her for a hug. It was the first time in years that they got back from an overseas trip and they didn’t find Lexi waiting for them at home.
 Taehyung slumped a little too hard on his seat in the dining area. With a frown on his face, he can’t help but stare at Yoongi who’s still busy annoying Gail to death just because he missed her. “At least she still makes your burgers.” Taehyung heard Jungkook say before he sat on his seat. Taehyung gave Jungkook a small smile and stared at the food in front of him, “I don’t know how long I can hold this, Kook. I feel like I should see her now.”
 “Then why don’t you just go to her. Stop hiding from each other. I’m tired.” Jungkook said teasingly. He can now say that freely, now that he knows that he already likes someone else. Jimin sat on Taehyung’s other side, “Yeah, just go. I’m tired too.” Taehyung just nodded and grabbed his own car keys before dashing out of the front door.
 Jimin moved to Taehyung’s seat beside Jungkook, “You okay?” He asked. Jungkook nodded, “Yep.” Jimin tapped Jungkook’s shoulder, “You sure? You like her, right?” The younger one just gave him a small smile, “Hyung, we can’t go in between soulmates. They just really gravitate back to each other, no matter what the circumstances are.”
 “Lexi -- she’s just easy to talk to, you know? I feel like she understands me, but maybe they understand each other more. Don’t worry, hyung. I’m okay. They’re our friends.” Jungkook said, looking at the others who just sat on the chairs of the dining table.
 “Jungkook-ssi, I hope you attract someone who speaks your own language so you don’t spend your whole life translating your soul.” Jimin gave him another tap on the shoulders before returning to his seat.
 With what Jimin said, Jungkook’s mind wandered back to all the game nights he spent with Toshimaru, all those online shopping for black shoes of different variations just because they can never get enough, all those promises of they’re going to eat healthy only to settle for processed foods for dinner, all those little moments wherein he doesn’t talk much, but Toshimaru already knows what to say or do to make him smile.
 And if soulmates really gravitate back to each other? Then no wonder she’s everywhere and she’s everything in his eyes.
 Yoongi, Gail, Namjoon and Jimin already started eating. Seokjin entered the dining room with a frown on his face and started eating his dinner too. “Kook, why aren’t you eating?” Seokjin asked, the others looking at Jungkook because he’s usually the first one to dig in.
 “Hyung, I think I love her.” Jungkook softly said. Yoongi looked at him, confusion etched on his face, “Who? Jungkook, you just saw Taehyung going after Le--”
 “Toshimaru. I love her.” Jungkook cut Yoongi off, making Seokjin clap his hands. “About fucking time you admit that to yourself, Jeon Jungkook!” Namjoon’s jaw dropped, “Your artist?!”
 Jungkook nodded and showed them his bunny smile, “The one living in the same neighborhood as Gail?” Yoongi asked, Jungkook nodded too. “She lives near me?” Gail asked, making Jungkook nod too. 
 “Then go tell her.” Gail suddenly said. Jungkook pouted and looked away from them, “Ya! Jeon Jungkook, don’t tell me that this is still about your you can’t say I love you first. You gotta man up!” Jimin commented.
 “But hyung, I really can’t say I love you first… it’s… just… I don’t know how?” Jungkook confessed. Seokjin came to his rescue, “Yeorubun, he can’t say I love you first, but he spends all of his time at Toshimaru’s apartment, asked her to go to Busan and spend the vacation with him, cuddles with her, updates her with everything, and for god’s sake, he even bought a dog for her just because she feels alone. Guys, this kid doesn’t even pay for his own meals and doesn’t come out of his room often. What does his actions say about him?”
 “Wow.” Gail said, “If I was the girl, I’d be damned if I don’t fall for you, Kook.” She said, considering all of Seokjin’s strong points. Yoongi jokingly pushed Gail, “Then go fall for him.” Gail looked at Yoongi, “Are you sure?” She asked, but Yoongi pulled her to a hug, “I’m kidding, baby.”
 Jimin looked at the two with disgust, “Elllkk-- so sweet.” Namjoon tapped him, “You just miss Eunice, don’t you know that the two of you are sweeter than them?” Jimin nodded, “Yeah, I know that.” He laughed softly and turned to Jungkook, “Do you think she likes you too?”
 “I don’t know.” Jungkook rubbed his nape. “Gail is a girl and she already said that she’d be damned if she’s the girl and she doesn’t have feelings for you.” Seokjin stated.
 “I know, hyung. Thanks for that, Gail-noona, but she’s not replying to me right now.”
 It was a Sunday and Jungkook is just on his bed, staring at his ceiling. He was pouting because he read from their group chat that Eunice came back to Korea yesterday and surprised Jimin last night. He also read that Yoongi is taking Gail out for dinner later that night too. He sighed, thinking when will Toshimaru come back because she hasn’t sent him messages ever since.
 Jungkook just moved when he heard his phone notification. He opened the message and read that it’s from Yoongi.
 Yoongi-hyung: Does your Toshimaru have tattoos on her collarbone and right arm?
 Jungkook sat up and typed a quick reply to Yoongi.
 Jungkook: Hyung! Yes!! Why?
Yoongi-hyung: Does she wear sundresses and boots with it?
Jungkook: Yes, hyung!! Why????
Yoongi-hyung: Nothing. Just asking.
Jungkook: Hyung. :(
Yoongi-hyung: Haha, just messing with you, kid.
Yoongi-hyung: Gail might have seen her at Magic Shop when she bought our breakfast, just wanna let you know, Kook.
 Jungkook never moved that fast in his life. He quickly got to his car to drive to Toshimaru’s apartment only to find it still locked. He fished for his phone in his pocket and dialled Toshimaru’s number.
 On the third ring, Toshimaru rejected the call. Jungkook let out a huff of disappointment. He was about to put his phone back in his pocket when he saw a message from Toshimaru.
 Toshimaru: Got a client right now. Be back in a few days.
 Jungkook went home disappointed that day.
 With the overflowing love coming from his hyungs and their partners, Jungkook can’t help but sulk in the corner whenever they talk about it. He was always the one who asks innocent questions as he’s just working his way into his own relationship. On the day that they got back from practice only to see Eunice and Lexi working out while Gail is busy with Yoongi’s equipment, he realized that he wants to go out of the house.
 He opted to go with Namjoon and Hoseok to buy groceries. Without Yoongi and Jin, they just bought the basics and the ingredients that they usually use in the house. Jungkook was busy getting his supply of banana milk when a girl suddenly talked beside him, “I was hoping that you’ll leave even just one pack.” She said. Jungkook hid his pout as he wanted all of the last five in the rack before giving one to the girl. “Toshimaru?” He said, his smile forming immediately before willingly giving the banana milk to her.
 “I was just joking. I know you love your banana milk and I saw you so I thought I’d say hi.” She returned the banana milk that Jungkook handed to her. Jungkook smiled widely, “Then, hi to you too. I’ll be back at your tattoo parlor before you know it.” The tattoo parlor became an inside joke to them since Toshimaru doesn’t really have one. Toshimaru winked at him, “I’ll be counting on that. See you around!” She walked away after that.
 He stopped functioning the moment he saw her which is why he walked back to his hyungs. The feeling inside of him slowly subsiding as his inner self asked him why did he walk away. “Should we buy our supply for our weekend trip too?” Hoseok asked. Jungkook answered quickly, “Hyung, I saw Toshimaru. She’s here. May I go after her and leave the groceries to you?”
 Namjoon smiled, “Why do you even ask? Go!”
 Jungkook knocked on her apartment door. Toshimaru opened it immediately and to her surprise, Jungkook hugged her first instead of Meggie. “I miss you,” Jungkook said then coughed, “..and Meggie too!” He added then quickly kneeled to pet their puppy.
 Toshimaru just smiled and thought about what her unnie said to her, “Just let him make the first move. If he confesses that he has feelings for you, then that’s great for you, and if he doesn’t and you started to like somebody else, then move on with your life.” After her Ilsan trip, she decided to just go with the flow with Jungkook.
 Even if she’s truly, madly, deeply in love with him.
 “Did you eat already? I’ll cook for us.” Toshimaru said, Jungkook nodding almost immediately. “Yes, yes. I’d like that!” He said, Toshimaru noticing that he’s too giddy. “What’s up with you? Why are you so happy?”
 “Nothing! I’m just happy.” Jungkook said, making his way to the kitchen while carrying Meggie. “How was your Ilsan trip?” He asked. “Fun, I missed my sister so much. Sorry for not informing you that I’m back with Meggie, my new client won’t stop bugging me so I had to go to him the moment I got back.”
 “Is he bad?” Jungkook asked, a slight pang of jealousy rising in his chest. “No, he’s okay. Just eager to get a tattoo, like you.” Toshimaru answered. “Well, is he handsome?” Toshimaru nodded at Jungkook’s question too.
 “Well, is he…” Jungkook tried to add. “Jungkook, he’s a whole lot similar to you, but I’ll choose you.” She said. Was that a confession? Jungkook’s mind went haywire, not knowing what to say back to her.
 “I want another tattoo.” He said. Toshimaru looked at him, “What do you like?” Jungkook went to get her bag of equipment, “I want the ‘Rather dead than cool’ phrase in my arm.”
 “Why?” She asked, leaning at the kitchen counter, crossing her arms. “Because it’s you.” Jungkook answered, his eyes full of admiration for her. Toshimaru did not push on the subject further. She’s not even sure if she heard and understood Jungkook right.
 “Did you ever think about us?” Jungkook asked. The question made Toshimaru flinch while she’s pulling her equipment out, “No.. Why would I do that? You like Lexi, right?”
 Jungkook was about to answer when his phone rang. He picked it up and Toshimaru waved him off, telling him to go answer his phone. Jungkook went to the apartment balcony just to be out of Toshimaru’s earshot.
 “Jin-hyung! I was about to confess!” Jungkook said upon answering Seokjin’s call. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, Kook! It’s just that you told me to call you as soon as I get back in the house with Rianne.”
 Jungkook beamed, “You’re back already? Okay, hyung! I’ll be home.. later.” Seokjin laughed, “Don’t rush. Her body clock is messed up anyway. I’m sure when you get back here, she’s still awake. And Kook!” Jungkook answered, “What?” Seokjin laughed, “Stay safe.” Then he ended the call.
 Jungkook didn’t get to confess that night. With the mood already broken and Toshimaru insisting that they binge watch Studio Ghibli movies, the thought of confessing slipped out of Jungkook’s mind.
 “I want to cuddle,” He said out of the blue, pulling Toshimaru to a hug as they settle on her couch that they formed into a bed. “When did you become this clingy?” She asked. “I just got into thinking and I just wanted to do this.” Jungkook just smiled at her.
 He didn’t notice that they fell asleep there. He woke up in the middle of the night to find her still sleeping but facing the other side, so he pulled her closer and hugged her tighter. If this is how the rest of his nights will be with her, then he would gladly take it for the rest of his life.
 Jungkook asked Toshimaru if she wanted to go with them to Seokjin’s rest house that weekend. She politely rejected his offer as she already got 2 tattoo appointments for the weekend, which are both waiting for her since she stayed for a while in Ilsan.
 Weekend came and Jungkook did not stop messaging her, sending her constant updates and laughing at the memes that Toshimaru sends to him. Toshimaru just stops messaging him whenever she’s with a client.
 Night time comes and Toshimaru knows that Jungkook is already drinking with the rest of the gang which made her send a short goodnight message to Jungkook. She slept early that night, thinking that Jungkook would be safe, sound and happy with his hyungs.
 It was 5 AM in the morning when she heard a knock on her door, jolting her awake because who would come to her apartment at this hour? When she opened the door, she found Jungkook with his head down. He smells like alcohol, but she can tell that he’s sober. Jungkook quickly pulled her into a hug and sobbed on her shoulder.
 “What, Jungkook? Why are you crying?” She pulled him inside and rubbed his back while Jungkook cried on her shoulder. “Tosh, she died..” Jungkook whispered. “Who died?” She asked.
 Jungkook looked at her, his face stricken with tears which she was quick to wipe away. “Who?” She asked again. Jungkook sobbed, his breathing already heavy, “Hobi-hyung’s girlfriend… Maine-unnie, she died in a car accident.. Everyone is so sad right now, and I can’t add up to the negativity.. Whenever my hyungs are sad, it’s harder for me.” He’s sobbing badly now, looking like a baby that wants nothing but affection.
 Toshimaru pulled him to the couch and hugged him again, thinking about how much she appreciates Jungkook being openly vulnerable to her. Seeing him cry like this makes her heart hurt, but it also makes her love him even more, now knowing how much he cares for his hyungs. “I’m sorry if I’m crying like this to you. My head is spinning and I can’t think of anyone else, but you.”
 “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here. You can sleep here if you’re tired.” She answered, the words ‘I love you’ itching to come out from her mouth, but she never said that. Jungkook’s sobs are slowly coming to a stop, “Thank you, Toshimaru. You’re my safe haven from all the hustle and bustle of the world, and I can never ask for more.”
 The sobbing stopped and Toshimaru found Jungkook already asleep while his head was buried in her neck. She hugged him tighter and sighed, “I’m just going to love you more now that your heart is tired, Jungkook.”
 A month passed and Jungkook did his best to cheer up his Hobi-hyung again. Toshimaru fully understood his situation, not pushing him to visit her and Meggie more often, besides, they still haven’t established the label of their relationship.
 She admits that she loves everything that Jungkook does. She always thought that she already saw the peak of Jungkook’s care, only to be surprised the next day when he decided to show her more of him. Jungkook never fails to tell her how wonderful she is in his eyes, Toshimaru always not knowing what to say. If she could have the chance again to confess, she would definitely say the L word first. She doesn’t care anymore if she’s just misinterpreting Jungkook’s actions. She just wants Jungkook and his hyungs to be okay first because with what they’re going through, she wants them to solve it first. 
 Jungkook and Hoseok were left alone in the dorm that day. Jungkook is busy cooking ramen while Hoseok just sat on the kitchen counter, staring somewhere far away. It has been a month since he lost the love of his life.
 Bangtan did not get it easy. They spent weeks trying to get Hoseok to eat healthily again, trying to make him smile again, trying to make him talk again. They tried making him do those unnecessary sound effects again, but he doesn’t, and he didn’t want to. It seems like life left him too.
 “Jungkook,” Hoseok suddenly said. Jungkook immediately looked up, “Yes, hyung?” They have always been so careful with their words around Hoseok, especially if they’re going to talk about something that reminds him of Maine, which is also the reason why Hoseok never heard about Toshimaru.
 “Do you remember my favorite movie?” Hoseok asked. Jungkook just nodded, “If only, hyung?” He put a bowl of ramen in front of Hoseok so he could eat. “Let’s eat dinner, hyung.” He said, sitting next to him.
 “That was the first movie Charmaine and I watched. She even asked me if I know that the girl is going to die in a car crash.” Hoseok smiled bitterly, “It sucks, Jungkook. I learned from that movie that we should love the ones that are important to us as much as we can. Where did I go wrong for her to be gone so suddenly?”
 Jungkook stood up from his seat and hugged Hoseok, “Hyung..” Hoseok’s tears fell again, “Don’t worry about me now, Jungkook. I just have unanswered questions, but I accepted it already. Even if Maine did not live long enough, at least, she won’t have to feel restless everyday anymore. I love her too much to question her decisions, and if she can’t hold on to life anymore, then it must’ve been painful for her. I just love her so much, Kook, it hurts.”
 Hoseok pulled away from the hug, “So when you start to love, give it your all, alright?” He said. Jungkook just nodded, thinking about Toshimaru, “I’m here for you, hyung.”
 “I know, Jungkook.” Jungkook just smiled at him and rubbed his shoulders again. “Eat your dinner, hyung, or I’ll feed you.” He said, making Hoseok slightly smile at him.
 That night, Jungkook left as soon as he finished dinner with Hoseok. He quickly got to his car and drove to Toshimaru’s apartment. He was so eager to tell her how he feels because if not now, then when? He even thought about Seokjin telling him that he has been very giving to his hyung and he owes it to himself to get what he wants.
 This is what he wants and she is who he loves.
 He excitedly knocked on her door, Toshimaru opening it immediately, as if expecting that he’d come.
 “Hi,” she said. Jungkook cupped her face and kissed her lips softly, then proceeded to pepper her soft kisses around her face. Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Toshimaru's shocked but smiling face, “What?” Jungkook asked. “I’m taking us to the next step,” Jungkook said.
 Toshimaru nodded, “Mm-hmm, I can see that..” Jungkook showed her his bunny smile, “Move in with me.” He whispered while he press his forehead against hers, “Move in with you?” Toshimaru clarified. She held onto Jungkook’s hands that were cupping her face, “What if we fight? And you decided you don’t want to live with me anymore?” She asked.
 “We’ll never make the same mistakes as your past.” Jungkook said, earning a pout from Toshimaru. She felt her heart swell with happiness, even if Jungkook is still not saying anything about loving her. Jungkook pulled her to a tight hug and whispered in her ear, “I need another tattoo, Toshimaru.”
 “What tattoo?” She asked. Jungkook kissed the top of her head, her cheeks, her ear, the side of her head, “I don’t care how much I need to pay you for a tiger lily flower.” Toshimaru scrunched her face, “A tiger lily? Why? Is it that important?” She asked again.
 Jungkook just smiled, “What? Why are you smiling like that? What’s the meaning?” Toshimaru asked again, confused at Jungkook’s actions. First, he asks her to move in with him, next, he asks her for a tattoo? Weird, but alright.
 “Please love me.” Jungkook said. Toshimaru flashed a smile that made her eyes disappear, “But Kook, I already love you.” She confessed. Jungkook laughed, feeling butterflies in his stomach for the first time, “I love you too, my Toshimaru.”
 Jungkook kissed her again on her lips, but he can’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing?” Toshimaru asked. “Tiger lily means ‘please love me’.. I just didn’t know that you’ll confess first,” He confessed, making Toshimaru slap his arm. “But that didn’t change anything! I love you! I love you so much!!” Jungkook almost shouted when Toshimaru walked away from him.
 “I love you too, bubby.” Toshimaru answered. “Bubby?” Jungkook asked, looking confused. “Bunny and baby, bubby.” Toshimaru informed him. Jungkook picked her up and settled her on his lap while he sat on the couch, hugging her waist, “Wow, I’ve got a smart girl.”
 “Why do you think Meggie’s name is Meggie?” She bragged. “Well, why is her name Meggie?” Jungkook asked. “It’s me and you. Me and Googie.” She said. Jungkook laughed at their childishness. Toshimaru swiped the stray hair on Jungkook’s face and sighed, “I love you, really.”
 “I’m glad we finally confessed.” Jungkook said. Toshimaru gigled, “Took us long enough.”
 “I don’t want to waste any more time by not showing you how much I love you.. and if anything goes wrong, we’ll always make it right.” Jungkook said, nuzzling his nose to her cheek. “I promise you that, Toshimaru. I love you, my soulmate, even if the bells I heard when I met you was from the wind chimes of the cafe.”
 Toshimaru smiled at him, doing her best so her eyes were not welling up with tears. It’s fun, she thought. It’s fun that love isn’t really just about breaking, burning and ending. It feels good hearing Jungkook promise her that.
 It’s both calming and promising, as she watched the biggest plot twist of her life finally happening. It made her happy that she’s finally ready to try again and it’s for someone who’s worth it. The endless holding back, the innocent stares, the endless cuddles and the innocent messages finally paying off.
 With Jungkook already by her side, she watched it begin again.
published 05.04.20. 10:12PM
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