virgbro · 1 year
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Crossed Threads (Together, When All Else Fails)
Authors: @virgbro | auri_vk & ayla_jeon
Threads of fate are a peculiar thing. Threads stretch, fray, and snap under tension. At times, threads are spun to intersect, intertwine, or tangle. At the juncture of two fates, one’s life is touched by another. However, when seven threads cross and interweave, forming a web of fate—that is destiny.
A series of fey attacks on the people of Silverymoon prompts a city official to send a party to a nearby city in hopes of securing an ally. Min Yoongi is recruited for this mission, aided by familiar faces and a few new ones. But when a fey elf—an Eladrin—with memory loss comes crashing through a portal to the Material Realm, Jeon Jeongguk rethinks everything he has been taught about the Feywild.
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | BTS
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi/Park Jimin
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Dungeons & Dragons, POV Alternating, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Blood, Blood and Injury, Animal Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst, Fluff, Elves, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut, Families of Choice, Memory Loss, Fae & Fairies, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Spelling Jeon Jungkook as Jeon Jeongguk
Rating: Explicit
Words: 126,029
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bangtanloverboys · 11 months
life support // knj
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summary - namjoon likes to think he’s the embodiment of the perfect example of a theurgists: positive and enthusiastic. however when his professor asks him to help tutor one of her secondary students, only then is that pushed to the limit
pairing - tutor!namjoon x neurodivergent!reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 4.0k
warnings - dip’s made up lore, namjoon says one mean thing, thoughts of fraternization 
guide - theurgy = life magic, divination = storm magic; marlybonian = british dog people; pigswick = another wizarding academy; 
author’s note - last names for reasons. and this was a bit personal for me as i do have adhd and i struggled a lot with theoretical teachings. this is based off my own personal experience with school and having adhd, not everyone’s is the same
the seven schools of ravenwood
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Best in class. That is how Namjoon has always been described ever since he was a novice theurgist. It came easy to him, with a glance at a textbook he could perform the spell in an instant. Life magic was simply in his blood. So when Professor Wu asked him to tutor some of her less than stellar students, he wasn’t surprised. It took a while for each of the other students to catch on, but one by one, he helped them understand the material and soon enough, they raised their grades. Namjoon’s track record was stunning, there wasn’t any student he couldn’t help.
That was until he met you.
Normally Professor Wu only offered tutoring for her novice primary school students; young theurgists that either did not grow up where magic was practiced or simply fell behind a few lessons and needed a bit of help to get back on their feet. Never before had he had to tutor a secondary school theurgist. But he was willing to step up to the challenge. 
Pushing open the heavy oak doors of the Life School, he was greeted with the familiar sight of Professor Wu standing at the top of the platform. Standing right at the bottom of the stairs before her, was you, dressed in purple and gold. A diviner, Namjoon thought to himself. Life magic sat in between Storm and Fire, so one normally would expect a student of those primary schools would easily understand and excel at theurgy. He wondered what could be the problem. 
“Ah, Namjoon!” She smiled as he approached you both. “Y/N, this will be your tutor; Namjoon Jadeshield. Namjoon, this is Y/N Raindreamer,” she introduced.
“Pleasure,” he greeted, holding out his hand for you to shake. You don’t shake his hand, only giving him a tight lipped smile. “Okay. . .” he dropped his hand. “What exactly are you struggling with so that I can help?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Professor Wu cut you off. “Everything, really. They’re supposed to start their initiate program, but unfortunately they must repeat their apprenticeship.”
Namjoon tried to hold back his shock. Failing the apprenticeship class?  You’d have to repeat the whole two year process, probably never catch back up to your primary school level. “Okay. So how often shall we hold tutoring sessions?” He glanced between you and Professor Wu.
“Ideally every day after class,” the professor answered.
Your head snapped in the direction of her. “No!” Turning to Namjoon, you began to plead with him. “Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I need Wednesday and Friday free. I have-“
“You know very well that any or all after school activities are suspended until your grades rise, Raindreamer,” Professor Wu tisked.
But you didn’t acknowledge her, only keeping your eyes trained on Namjoon. “I’m sorry, but Professor Wu is right. Until you have sufficient grades to prove it, no after school activities.”
As the words left his mouth, Namjoon watched in slow motion as your face fell. Like the world had crashed around you. Quickly, your face steeled and a frown was etched onto your features. “Fine.”
“Alright,” Namjoon nodded, wanting this meeting to be over and done with. “We’ll start tomorrow. Meet me outside the Commons Library? Sound good with you?”
“Yeah, fine. Whatever,” you huffed as you shouldered your book bag and left the school building, leaving Namjoon and Professor Wu alone. 
“I swear, with a name like Raindreamer, it’s no wonder they have grades like this,” she sighed. “But thank you again, Namjoon. I know you’ll be a great help.”
“I’ll do my best.” 
The following day, Namjoon waited for you just outside the Commons Library. He was there a full 10 minutes before you finally arrived. He opened his mouth to berate you for being late but words failed to come out at the sight of you; fresh scrapes and bandages covering any exposed skin. 
“What?” You raised a brow at him.
“Are you- what happened?”
You looked down at the bandages before shrugging. “Fell.”
Whilst that didn’t feel like the full reason, Namjoon didn’t push any further, simply wanting to get the tutoring session along. You trailed behind him as he climbed up the final steps to the library, pushing open the doors. Namjoon waved hello to Harold, the old Marleybonian that served as the librarian, as he scribbled away in his ledger. 
“This way,” Namjoon said to you as he walked down the theurgy wing. Other life students, dressed in robes of greens and browns, were seated at the tables that were strategically placed alongside the tall bookshelves. He made his way over to his usual table, it sat right between the initiate and journeyman textbooks. Granted those might be a bit out of your range, but perhaps it could serve as a bit of motivation to help you move forward. 
Placing his book bag down, he looked at you, straggling along still. A bit further than he would’ve liked, but you were soon catching up. Your eyes were trained on the books as they flew across the shelves, rearranging and reorganizing themselves. There was a small smile etched into your face as you watched the books and scrolls float about, reminding Namjoon of a child on Christmas. Clearing his throat to gain your attention, he watched as that smile faded away, back into a look of displeasure. You picked up the pace, taking the seat beside him.
“Professor Wu didn’t give me any specifics as to what you need help with. So are there any particular parts that you need help with?” Namjoon asked as you pulled out your scrolls and text books. 
“Everything, I guess. It just. . . doesn’t make sense. I can’t figure out how to get from Point A to Point B,” you explained. 
“So conceptualizing it?”
You blinked at him. “I- uh, I guess that is one way to put it.”
“Okay, that gives us a starting point then.” He smiled at you. “So let’s go to basics. See if that can help.” 
“Alright,” you muttered, learning forward as he began writing.
“So theurgy is a bit different than the other schools, when using magic we don’t summon or coerce the creatures into appearing. We breathe life into them through the Song of Creation. Are you familiar with that?” When he turned to look at you, you were staring blankly at the paper. He waited a few moments for you to respond, but you didn’t. Namjoon snapped his fingers twice, you jerked back to attention.
“Sorry, I- uh. . . what did you say?”
It was then when Namjoon realized how you were able to fail your apprenticeship so miserably and how you earned your last name. 
You could not focus at all.
Every time Namjoon was going over spell casting and or creation, he would turn to you to check to see if you were following, only for you to have a blank look on your face or your eyes to be trained on the floating books again. Every time he would have to snap his fingers to regain your attention. On some occasions, he saw you scribbling away into a notebook. At first he thought you were actually taking notes, but anytime he tried to take a look at it, you shut the book in his face.
By the end of the second hour, when your session was coming to a close, you had finally managed to understand one spell. It was just a shield spell, so it wasn’t too complicated, but not enough for Namjoon to be satisfied with your progress. 
As the two of you left the library, you were about to make a break for the right, no doubt returning to your dorm room in Ravenwood, but he quickly grabbed onto your wrist. 
“I want you to read over the History of Life Magic, chapters one through four. Just the basics, that should help at least a tiny bit.”
“You’re giving me homework?” 
He blinked at you, caught off guard by the question. He’s always asked the students he tutored to reread certain materials, and they did so without question. “It’s not really homework, just helps to go over the material again,” he sputtered out in response. “I want to see you succeed and catch up in your secondary school. And reading helps.”
“Yeah, sure,” you huffed with a roll of your eyes, then walked down the pathway through the Commons.
Over the next two weeks, the two of you had fallen into a routine; every few days you’d be late by no more than 10 minutes to each session (how he had no idea, considering the initiate divination class would get out around your scheduled time) with fresh bandages, he’d try his damndest to help you understand the material, and then you’d part ways, heading off towards the right. And it was agonizing for Namjoon. You read at a snail's pace, mixing up the pixie and fairy spells, scrambling words and wand motions together. It wasn’t by lack of effort either, Namjoon could see you were trying, genuinely, but no matter how much reading he assigned you, nothing seemed to stick. You got one spell for every ten he went over with you. He simply could not believe how you managed to even get enrolled into Ravenwood in the first place.
When he expressed his frustrations towards Professor Wu when it was time for a follow up, she finally told him that you were a new student, only coming in within the past 6 months, after being kicked out of Pigswick for poor performance. He was shocked at the information, but it made sense. You were a troubled student and needed a firm hand. So he went to work, putting together another lesson plan that was more strict to try and see if that would help you at all.
It didn’t.
Barely a full session in, he watched as you failed to recite the proper incantations to summon a leprechaun, something you nearly had the day previous. 
“What isn’t clicking for you?” He found himself asking you at the end of the session.
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, why can’t you do this? This is basic theurgy, and you’re a storm student! This should come easy to you, right? So why are you struggling so much?” He felt like he was at the end of his rope. If he couldn’t teach you, then what hopes could he ever have about being a professor?
“I mean, it just. . . doesn’t. It’s hard to explain. . .”
“Well if you don’t figure it out, you’re gonna get kicked out from another school,” Namjoon muttered under his breath.
He froze. He cringed to himself as he turned around to look at you, regretting even thinking the words. Once he laid eyes on you, he saw that same broken look he saw when Professor Wu said you couldn’t continue with your afterschool activities, only worse. Your shoulders sagged, and Namjoon swore he could’ve heard your heart break, shattered by him. Then your face hardened as you tightened your grip on your bookbag.
“Then I guess there’s no reason for us to really continue these sessions, considering I’m just gonna get kicked out anyways.” Then you turned on your heel and stormed off.
“Y/N, wait- I’m sorry!”
He wanted to follow after you, but he couldn’t find it in him to. He watched as you disappeared into the crowded Commons area, wishing he never even opened his mouth. 
The following day after class, Namjoon made his way over towards the Storm School. You deserved an apology, Namjoon knew that. What he said was mean, and something he never should’ve said as your tutor. It was just his luck that his mastery class ended at the same time the Storm initiate class ended, giving him the perfect opportunity to find you and apologize. He eyed through the students as they made their way past him, on their own way towards their next class or any after school club. But he could not find out. He knew he had the right year, you were supposed to go into the initiate class this year, you were the proper age for it. Where were you?
Perhaps you stayed inside to talk to the professor, he thought to himself as he approached the heavy oak doors. Thunder boomed overhead from the gathering storm cloud that resided inside the classroom. It had been years since he’d ever stepped foot in the school of storm, the first and only time being from when he was trying to find a secondary school, all those years before he finally landed on balance. 
Namjoon glanced around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of you but you weren’t in the room. Only Professor Balestrom resided in the classroom, standing on top of his desk as he gathered papers.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the school, clearing his throat to gain the frog professor’s attention. He turned on his flipper as the sound of Namjoon and bounced up to his full height of three feet. 
“Ah! How can I be of service to you?”
“Hi, I’m tutoring one of your students. Y/N Raindreamer? They would be in your initiate class.”
A frown etched itself onto Professor Balestrom’s face. “Raindreamer is my student yes, but they’re not in my initiate class.”
“Raindreamer advanced into the adept class about 3 months ago! They’re a brilliant student, one of the best diviners I’ve seen in a while,” he explained.
The information shook Namjoon to his core. You were an advanced student? But how could that be, considering your grades in theurgy? It didn’t make any sense. “I-I didn’t know that.”
“First time in my class, they struggled though. Came in on a reading day, which is everyone’s least favorite part of the curriculum. But as soon as we got to spell casting, they nearly blew the roof off this place!” The professor continued, leaping up in the air for dramatic effect. “They weren’t even here a week before I took them to the headmaster and demanded they advance to the journeyman course, only that was also too easy! They’re getting a real challenge in adept, I’ll tell you that.”
Namjoon couldn’t believe his ears. Here he was, thinking you were a walking failure, doomed to be kicked out of a second school. Only to learn that you were nearly two years advanced in your studies! “Oh. . . well, do you know where they might be? I do need to talk to them.”
Professor Balestrom looked at the clock on the wall. “Should be in the arena by now.”
“The arena?”
“Yes. The arena! They’re a duelist, did you not know that?”
Only then did it dawn on him that he never did ask what you wanted to do so badly that you wanted to schedule your tutoring sessions around it. Then he remembered what days you were late on, the fresh bandages you always had on. . . You were still dueling. Under the school’s nose too.
“Thank you, Professor Balestrom. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, of course!” The frog man called out to Namjoon as he all but ran out the door. As fast as he could, he made his way through the tunnels to the Commons and then to Unicorn Way. He pushed open the doors of the arena, the snapping of puppets and growls of different summoned monsters filled his ears as he approached Diego, the dueling master.
“A newcomer? Are you interested in learning the art of the duel?” The unicorn asked, raising a brow at him.
Namjoon shook his head no. “Sorry, I’m actually looking for someone. Y/N Raindreamer?”
“Ah, yes! They’ve been short on their dueling practice lately, but they’re in the next dueling chamber over. Come, I shall show you.” Diego led Namjoon down a hall towards an empty arena, where sure enough you were, dueling against a puppet. 
He was blown away with the sight before him. You waved your wand with practiced ease and the creatures you summoned did your bidding with little to no struggle at all. It wasn’t at all how you were when he was tutoring you. How could you manage to do so good in one class that you advance two classes, but struggle to advance in your secondary?
“Pretty good, eh? Came in from Pigswick, good school and all but they don’t actually teach magic there. It’s all theoretical. But as soon as Raindreamer was enrolled here, and with a little help from your’s truly, they advanced in no time!” Diego explained as he and Namjoon watched you battle the puppet. “They come in here as often as they can, practicing all the spells they learn in class. See the scrolls?” He pointed off to the side of the dueling sigil where sure enough, were piles of spell books and scrolls, mainly of storm magic, judging from the purple lining. But Namjoon could see some greens in there. 
You weren’t just practicing.
You were studying.
Raising your wand again, this time the life symbol appeared. Up until the last wave of your wand, it was perfect. You had twisted your wrist in the wrong direction, causing the spell to fizzle completely. You let out a curse as you stepped away from the sigil, the puppet standing still. You pulled open the life scroll, reading over it again, no doubt trying to find your mistake.
“You’re supposed to twist your wrist towards the right, not the left!” Namjoon called out to you. Your head snapped up in his direction, mouth open to probably yell at him. But you didn’t say anything, your eyes focusing on Diego behind him. 
“He’s right, you were perfect up until that last move,” Diego confirmed as he trotted down the stairs towards you, Namjoon following after. “He was looking for you, I hope you do not mind I brought him here.”
“It’s alright, thank you, Diego.” You gave the unicorn a slight smile, who nodded before stepping away, giving the two of you some privacy. Once your attention was fully towards Namjoon, your lips pressed into a thin line. “What is it, Namjoon?”
“I wanted to apologize, what I said was out of line. As your tutor, it should’ve been my priority to build you up, not to tear you down.”
You regarded him cautiously. “Doesn’t change the fact that what you said really hurt. I did try, but studying like that just. . . it doesn’t work for me. Sitting there and telling me how to cast spells, I have to see and do it to fully understand. Do you get that?”
“Yes, I can see that now.” Namjoon stepped toward the pile of scrolls and books that you had at the side of the arena. Picking up the one that was open, he flipped through it. There were a bunch of notes and scribbles in the margins, he recognized the chicken scratch as yours but what you wrote were what he would go over and teach you in your tutoring sessions. “This is why you wanted those days off, so you could practice your spellwork and could try to actually grasp what you were learning?”
Slowly, you nodded. “I will admit, I did continue dueling, but without the proper amount of dedication to practice and study, it just. . . I couldn’t do it.”
“Then we’ll hold our tutoring sessions here.”
You looked at him in shock. “What?”
“If this is what helps you learn, then this is what we’ll do to help you,” Namjoon started, “I’ll tell Professor Wu about the change and reserve an arena with Diego. We can meet here instead of the library, does that sound good to you?”
“I- yeah! That’s- that’s perfect, thank you!” You said, beaming widely at him. It was the first time you actually smiled at him, and he was going to deny the little flutter he felt in his chest. 
“Okay, so I’ll see you here tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tomorrow!”
Just as he said, Namjoon talked with Moolinda about having you study via dueling.
“I don’t know, Jadeshield. . . they’re failing, and the rules are no extracurriculars unless a student is of a passing grade.”
“I know, but this is how they learn! I didn’t understand it at first, and that’s my fault. But they’re actually really smart! Did you know they’re two classes advanced in divination?” Namjoon countered. 
Professor Wu was taken back by that knowledge, judging by the way her eyes narrowed down and focused on him. 
“Please, just give them a chance.”
She was quiet, before placing her hooves together and nodding. “Very well. You may hold your tutoring lessons in the arena.”
Namjoon was so ecstatic, he would have jumped for joy. But there was one more thing that he had to ask. . .
 Due to his meeting with the professor, Namjoon was running late to meet you at the Arena. He saw you were sitting on the grass outside the building, looking down at that book you would scribble in during your tutoring sessions, flipping through the pages. 
“Hey!” He caught your attention as he approached you. “I have great news!”
Looking up from your book, you furrowed your brows together. “What?”
“I talked to Professor Wu and she gave the green light for us to do dueling tutoring sessions and she agreed!”
You jumped to your feet. “Really?!”
“Yes, and she agreed to something even better.” 
“Spit it out then! Don’t leave me here in all this suspense!”
“If you test well enough on the next exam that’s in a few weeks, you can join the initiate program!” It took a lot of convincing on his part, and staking his whole career as a tutor on the line, but he was wrong to ever doubt you in the first place. He knew you could do it.
“You-oh my stars! Thank you!” Dropping your book, you threw yourself onto Namjoon, wrapping your arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.
He stilled at the sudden contact, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. “You’re- you’re welcome,” he said, patting your back gently. He’d never been thanked in such a way before, usually a quick handshake or a smile. Never a hug. 
As quick as you hugged him, you released your hold on him, smiling brightly at him. “Come on! Exam may be a few weeks away, but I wanna be sure I have everything right so I can ace this test!” You said, before racing inside the arena. 
Namjoon stood back for a second, still feeling the heat on his cheeks. He took a step forward to join you, only to accidentally step on your book that you’d dropped. Kneeling down, he picked it up. Curiosity gaining the best of him, he took a peek inside. It was doodles and drawings of different creatures and spells, with little notes dotted along the sides. Still flipping through the book, he began walking towards the arena, but he stopped as he turned to a page that took him by surprise. It was a drawing of him, incompleted, but was very obviously Namjoon. He felt the heat on his face return, crawling up his ears too. Reading along the sides of the page, were your own personal anecdotes about him. Calling him all sorts of names, but also things he had said; Stuff from his lessons. You had remembered, you were trying. He just couldn’t see it.
Namjoon’s eyes broke away from the sketchbook, meeting Diego’s gaze. The unicorn said nothing, only winking at him as he tossed his head in the direction of the arena doors. 
Breaking eye contact, Namjoon pushed open the doors, hoping you wouldn’t see the embarrassment on his cheeks. He spotted you almost immediately, talking with some other students he could only presume were your friends. Taking notice of him, you smiled at him again, and he swore he could see a twinkle in your eye-
No. No. No.
You had an exam to study for and he was your tutor. He couldn’t fraternize with you like that. However, he wouldn’t be for long if you ace that exam. . . 
“Raindreamer, let’s go!” 
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bunj00n · 23 days
🧹 what if we kiss on a flying broom?
by joondimples
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namgi | teens and up | 13.9k
Fantasy au
Strangers to Lovers
Broom technician Yoongi
Wizard (Ecomancers) Namjoon
Slice of life, fluff, no angst
Yoongi centric
Summary: As a broom technician, Yoongi devoted his days to meticulously repairing and crafting flying brooms. However, the mundane rythm of his life spiraled into something far more captivating when Namjoon, an ecomancers, quite literally crashed into his world.
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serenecypher · 3 months
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Bangtan Host Club Chapter Three
Genre: BTS Ot7xf!Reader, Poly!AU, Fluff, Romance, Crack-ish, Eventual Smut.
W/C: 2592
Summary: Tired of your boring mundane life? Become an exclusive member of The Bangtan Host Club™ today and let 7 charming men help you out.
Warnings: This chapter is rated PG13, but future chapters may include Mature Themes. The reader goes through the five stages of grief. 😔
Disclaimer: Please do not copy/translate or cross-post my work. The tag list is open. Just DM or send an ask to be included.
A/N: Hi! Sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys so much for being patient. 💕 This chapter isn't edited very much, so I am sorry for any dumb mistakes. Please do send my any feedback! 👉🏻👈🏻
Also, now that we have met everyone, here is the cast:
Kim Namjoon as “Takashi Morinozuka”
Kim Seokjin as “Tamaki Suoh”
Min Yoongi as "Umehito Nekozawa"
Jung Hoseok as "Mitsukuni Haninozuka”
Park Jimin as “Kyoya Ootori”
Kim Taehyung as “Kaoru Hitachiin”
Jung Jungkook as "Hikaru Hitachiin”
Congrats to everyone who guessed the right picks lmaooo! I had so much fun writing Chapter 3, I hope you enjoy it. See you sooooon! <3
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Chapter 2 << Chapter 3 >>
You can count the number of times you have felt such unbridled mortification on one hand. One was when you were playing the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz showcase during your elementary school talent show and, just as you got on the stage, could not for the life of you stop the unrelenting hiccups out of performance anxiety. Or, that one time in middle school, when you spilled all of your half-digested breakfast on the shoes of that one senior guy you had a crush on because you had a bad stomach flu.
This, you internally scream at yourself, is probably the most dread you have felt in all your adult years.
The receipt you can not avert your eyes from shakes between the tips of your index finger and thumb. Is it your hand that is shaking? You really can’t tell. Something bitter twists in your chest that makes you repeat as you squint your eyes at Hoseok. “What the fuck?!”
He looks at you stunned, but definitely not unprepared. He sighs deeply as he tries to console you, “I am here to help you with any concerns you might have.” 
You snap your head to look at the rest of the people in the Cafe- Club- whatever this place is. There are various degrees of horrified looks on the faces of the other- are they supposed to be patrons or customers or-? God this is so confusing. You let out the longest sigh and your other hand, the one without that malignant piece of paper, rubs across your face. 
“There is no way in hell I am paying this.” you declare, looking right back at Hoseok. Just minutes ago you would have never thought of him as someone you’d have talked to in this agitated manner but also minutes ago, he wasn’t a person who claimed you owed his establishment all your family assets and then some. 
There is a loud scraping of a chair behind you and before you can turn to see who it is, Seokjin’s gentle voice is carrying through the room. “I am deeply apologetic to our guests tonight but due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will reschedule your time with the hosts at a later date. Kindly grant us an excuse this once.”
There are murmurs and hushed whispers behind you. The obnoxious sound of various people shuffling footsteps toward the exit amidst the awkward silence that had followed your outburst is acting as the fuel to the simmering rage in your chest. You feel more than see the icy glares people direct at you for ruining what was probably supposed to be a night of entertainment and good company for them. The thought makes you shudder as embarrassment crawls up your spine. You fix your gaze on your tapping shoe against the plush carpet and cross your arms in front of your chest. 
“Now,” Seokjin continues once it is only you and the other hosts remaining, “What might be the issue, beautiful?”
You inhale deeply before you turn to him, expecting him to look irritated by you. Instead, his eyes are full of mirth as he lifts an amused eyebrow at you. His hands rest on the table in front of him, palms down as he leans his tall frame forward. It irks you. 
“I said I am not paying that ridiculous amount for a coffee I did not even finish. You can not make me.” 
Seokjin’s lips form a small o shape as he pretends to sincerely consider your words. “It is not the coffee you are paying for though, darling. That is complimentary.” He says it like it is obvious. You feel a familiar twitch in your temple. “You are paying for the additional services you have utilized this evening.”
You can feel yourself seething but for the sake of not becoming liable to any property damage, you reign your fury. “I will do no such thing. I had no idea what kind of an establishment this is.”
“We keep that in mind.” Taehyung intervenes, his dark brown eyes sparkling at you intently. “Besides the several, and might I remind you, very prominently displayed boards with our club trademark, the first visits to the guests are usually not chargeable, a free trial if you will.”
“You, however, took four of us with you, to your apartment no less, and Namjoon Hyung even did locksmithing for you.” Jungkook adds from where he is standing next to Taehyung. He smirks at you, and it takes everything in you from banging your fist on the nearest table. 
“He offered!” You argue, wincing at the sound of your voice. 
“He is supposed to. Accepting is completely beholden to you.” Seokjin adds with a tilt of his head to the left that you can only assume to be satirizing. “The club hosts offer services to the guests and if they choose to accept them, they are liable to the charges.” he says, shrugging those ridiculously broad shoulders of his nonchalantly. 
You scoff at this, your glare now directed at Namjoon, who to his credit looks like a big puppy that has been reprimanded by his owner for bringing the newspaper in the mornings, only slightly covered in drool.  
Your shoulders slump in defeat. They are not wrong, you think. When you enter a place that offers you any kind of service, and you make use of said service, you are, as a consumer obliged to pay the fee for that service. “I can not pay that amount. I do not have that kind of money.” At this, the room falls into silence. God, these hosts must earn so much that the concept of living paycheque to paycheque must be alienating to them. 
After what seemed like an eternity, when it was probably only six minutes tops, Jimin who had been sitting on his chair quite comfortably so far takes an exaggerated inhale before intoning, “Well, we might be able to offer you something to help with that.” 
You look at him sheepishly and he continues, “If you can not pay us in terms of funds, pay us in service.” 
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this like some sort of hidden camera prank? Are Pauly and Vinny about to come burst down the doors as a cameraman pushes his gigantic camcorder in your face yelling “You just got MTV pranked!” 
Your bewildered expression must have been too obvious because Jimin adds “I am serious. Work for us.”
Now you are even more confused. Work for them? As an employee? You can not be a host. You have a day job. A job that feels like going through the depths of hell every day, but a job nonetheless. Your tongue twists in your mouth as you try to swallow saliva down your dry throat. “What does that mean?”
“You said you worked at LinkSol, right? By Hwan Sana?” Jimin asks and it's as if he just talked about Voldemort judging by the dramatic gasp from Seokjin’s lips and his hand on his chest, clutching pearls. “You should come work for us, as our manager. Trust me, you’d be doing yourself a favor too.” 
“That’s your solution? Servitude compulsory labor?” you resign. “Do you think we are in the 17th century?” Change is not a friend to you. Yes, your job is torture but you’ve grown accustomed to the routine. This is asking a lot of you. 
“Why, you got something better?” he counters. “We can not waive off your fee, you can not pay it to us. We have an open position and you are at a shitty job. The way I see it, there are no losing parties.”
“You will get to work stable hours that are open to negotiation. We will pay you a salary, also negotiable, from which we will deduct a monthly interest that will serve as your payment.” Jimin pulls out his phone and taps away for a few seconds before humming to himself and adding, “It will take you about 18 months to pay off everything and then you are free to discuss the position as you wish.”
18 months? That does not seem like enough time to pay off everything, does it? Exactly how much are they planning to give you as a salary? Before you can ask, you bite your tongue, wise words from your mother at your college graduation dinner resounding in your head, “Never let an employer know you were expecting less payment for your hard work than what they offered you. They must recognize some worth in you that you may be oblivious to.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to paint the most corporate expression on your face as you return a single nod toward Jimin. “That seems reasonable, but I would like to discuss everything from the profile and my responsibilities openly before deciding.” Jimin presses his thick lips in a flat line, nodding his agreement. 
“Of course, take your time. We can set up a formal meeting anytime you want this week,” he informs.
“And,” you interrupt, suddenly remembering how you got yourself in this position in the first place, “I want it all in writing. No more errors in intentions.”
There is a cough from behind you by Yoongi which sounds suspiciously like a chocked back chuckle. Jimin too bites the inside of his cheek, eyelashes fluttering as he nods again. “We will make sure.”
“Now that all that is over can we please just have something to eat Hobi Hyung? I am starving here.” Jungkook sighs dramatically. “And you, come sit with us, we are not working anymore and I know you are exhausted so you might as well eat now.”
You eye him suspiciously. The other boys all walk up to his table as Namjoon and Hoseok go back toward the kitchen. Even though you trudge over to his table, you can’t help but snark at him, “Would this not be added to my debt to you?”
“Fiesty.” he grins and pulls out a chair for you. “And no. Like I said, we are off work so consider this just a dinner with your future colleagues.” 
You hum dejectedly as you sit at the table with your arms still crossed over your chest. This evening has been a year’s worth of events for you and you seriously can not keep your head up anymore. So you lay your head on the soft white satin tablecloth and groan mutely to yourself. 
“It won’t be that bad working here, pretty girl. You’ll see.” Taehyung says softly from where he sits beside you. You raise your head at him, without straightening your back completely, and are surprised to find him looking at you with no more amusement, just what seems like empathy. Your heart betrays you by fluttering. Why do all of them have to be so attractive? It would be so easy to hate them right now if that wasn’t going on. Life is so unfair.
Seokjin’s hand rests on your shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. “You are so knackered. What were they making you do at LinkSol?” 
It is a rhetorical question, you know that, but you’d just love to dump all of your exhausting work stories on someone if only you had the energy to do that. So you just whine noncommittally and put a pin on telling those stories some other day. After all, they are going to be your “colleagues” as they said. Seokjin takes your palm in his and gently starts to massage your hand. His large hand engulfs yours as his thumbs press into the center of your palm. You give him a confused stare.
“What?” he questions softly.
“What are you doing?” you ask, pointing your nose down to where he is still caressing your hand.
“What does it look like I am doing? I am helping you.” he says it like it is the most obvious thing you could have asked him. 
“Don’t think so deeply about it, sweetheart,” Jungkook says as he grins softly at you, “Hyung has a habit of doing things like that. Just let it be, he means no harm.”
“Yeah, but he is annoying as hell.” Taehyung chips in.
This makes a scowl appear on Seokjin’s face. “I taught you better than that, you shameless brat.” 
“You didn’t teach me shit.” Taehyung gruffs, although he does seem to quiet down after that. 
Jimins rolls his eyes at the both of them and diverts his attention back on you. “I have a better question. I get it about Jin Hyung, he gives off that vibe,” which you think is a slight hidden in the guise of a statement towards Seokjin, “but you didn’t think that we were acting… unusually, around you?”
To be honest, yes. It was definitely strange how these incredibly attractive men were the embodiment of cats with a ball of yarn with you, but that is the point. You were so distracted by the way they looked and how they were very obviously flirting with you that you never even questioned why. You weren’t going to tell them that though. How flustering that idea is, makes a sheen of sweat break out on your hairline. “N-no. I didn’t think of it as anything out of the ordinary.”
It seems like you picked the wrong choice because an impish grin curves along Jimin’s lips as his eyes linger on yours. “So it is a normal occurrence for you. People just flirt with you wherever you go?”
When he puts it like that, it makes your cheeks burn. It is further compounded by Taehyung who admonishes Jimin, “C’mon, Hyung! Stop teasing the poor girl.” He gives you a smirk and a dramatic once-over, before adding “I mean look at her. I wouldn’t dream otherwise”
The way his gaze is suddenly heated makes you choke on your own spit a little. Your heart stutters in your ribcage. Even Yoongi who has been decidedly quiet this entire time leans forward on the table from across you. “Cute.” he mutters, his sharp eyes boring straight into you.
Jimin sighs a deep breath. He plays with the button on the cuff of his shirt as he looks down at the table, “I am not questioning it. I just don’t think I like the idea too much.”
What was that about being “off work”? Aren’t they supposed to not be this charming anymore? Then why are they so intent on making you feel so bashful?! Before you can put too much thought into the matter, the doors to the kitchen open, and Namjoon and Hoseok carry with them two large trays full of food and coffee. As soon as the trays are placed on the table, Hoseok wraps his arms around you, pressing his chest to the back of your chair.
“I am sorry that this is how things turned out, angel.” he whines and Namjoon gives you a small smile as he takes a seat beside Seokjin, “Look on the bright side though. Now we can share all the sweets we want and play together.” he giggles. You smile gratefully at his optimism.
Maybe it won’t be that bad, you think as Jungkook passes you a plate of sandwiches. They seem like nice people, they are allegedly paying you a much better salary than you get at your job, and if nothing else, at least they are a nicer view instead of the drab walls of your office.  
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Taglist: @im-sinking-in-mud @comingupwithacoolnameishard @loumin908 @btsizlyfe @talyaaas-blog @ldysmfrst @socksfirst1 @aliceoracleollormusic
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
jewel hello hello!! congrats on the milestone!!!! i’ve been all up in my fluffy physical-touch-is-my-love-language feels and i was wondering if you’d be willing to drabble or headcanon bts’s favorite way to touch/hold/physically manifest in your space when they get home? so so so many congrats again :)))
mg hello <3 thank you for the congrats and the request, this was very comforting even if i am the most touch-adverse person alive <3
i enlisted bee's help bc she's a wizard and the best <3 @hot-soop
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headcanons: bts as physical touch/affection
seokjin —
king of domesticity aka food as a love language
has dinner 95% done by the time you get home, so you have regularly scheduled back hugs while he's at the stove
doesn't strike me as super physically affectionate; would probably be more comfortable receiving it than instigating
would be a crime to let those shoulders go to waste, though, so put your head on it
wants you to put your feet in his lap while you're on the couch but DOES NOT want to touch them (rip taehyung)
big fan of forehead/temple kisses
strikes me as the type to link pinkies rather than fully hold hands and i love that for him <3
yoongi —
he is the #1 acts of service king and i will die on that hill
please hold his hand, though
and scratch at his scalp, please
and just know to do it bc he'd probably rather die than ask you to do it, and probably displays affection all wrong and semi-violently. bee said he'd tug an earlobe as a sign of affection and that's bang on.
has big "will gently scratch/rub your back as you're falling asleep" vibes
whatever it is, acts like he hates it
(still makes you mixtapes/playlists, though)
hobi —
good luck peeling him off of you
completely goofy, over the top, exaggerated displays of affection
cheek/forehead/etc. smooches with sound effects, tickling under your chin, hip checks, butt smacks
honestly all over kisses; bee says behind the ear and i agree
always an arm over your shoulder; tucks you into his side when he hugs you
talks a mile a minute at you as soon as you're through the door
namjoon —
let's be real he is probably off in another world whenever you get home so you have to go find him; either off reading a book or in the studio
wherever he is, always says "hi, baby" (#1 baby as a pet name king) and lets you plop into his lap to tell him about your day <3
you'll be able to hear him coming a mile away when he gets home. probably won't admit it but loves when you meet him at the door. probably plays dumb like "ha ha how did you know i was there" but he's also holding a ripped grocery bag with all your food on the ground, so......
big big big "hand on thigh" vibes
also just big in general so i think he'd really enjoy feeling a lil delicate and protected sometimes? born to be the small spoon tbh
we all saw that video of him at hobi's album release party so big fan of a protective hand on your back/shoulder/etc. in group settings
alone, though — top of head kisses!
jimin —
we all know jimin is very physically affectionate but also very emotionally intelligent so he'd know when to rein it in and when to ramp it up
good day at work? kiss and let me hear all about your day. bad day at work? he's pulling out all the stops. whatever you want, you're getting.
and if either of you went out with your friends? get ready to spill and receive all the tea
tangled together on the couch/in bed vibes
also strikes me as the type to link pinkies so let's hope yours is smaller than his
blows you kisses from across the room so please accept them dramatically bc if you don't he will mime falling to the floor and dying of a broken heart
taehyung —
king of romance, king of affection
continuing the taehyung foot fetish agenda sorry but it's true: MASSAGES
would love to brush your hair for you. put on your lotion for you. doesn't know how to do hair but would love to practice different updos or types of braids, etc. just wants someone to fuss over and someone that will fuss over him in return.
another one that's zoned out when you get home — probably covered in paint or playing the saxophone or doing god knows what. never know what you're walking into
comes to find you immediately when he gets home, though. clingy (affectionate) vibes, but why would he ever want to be separated from his favorite person??
get ready for your house to become a part-time flower shop/museum bc every trinket suspiciously reminds you of him and he "couldn't help himself"
will kiss your hands/wrists/etc.
jungkook —
also strikes me as the type who's more comfortable receiving affection/physical touch than instigating
except we know he's also the jealous type so lots of little touches that let people know he's with you but not, like, possessive. he's got sense
playfully whiny and clingy. will drape himself over you to get attention
will draw little sketches of you when you're on opposite sides of the couch <3
please run your hands through his hair/scratch his scalp while he's gaming
will probably let you do whatever you want tbh. wanna paint his nails? sure. want to color in his tattoos with markers? love it, go for it. have a spur of the moment urge to bleach and dye his hair at 3am? don't even need to ask.
just wants to hang out with you <3
these are obviously all vibes so feel free to come discuss what i got wrong/right in my inbox!
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redsaurrce · 2 years
Author's Note : Thrilled to announce that this will be my first ever kinktober series *YuHoO* and all of them will contain elements from my Google survey (tysm angels who filled it out).
P.S: this isn't in order of release, fics will be released in random order. Send in ask/dm me or reply under this post to get tagged. ♡
Taglist ꒱ @babyboo22 @theblueslytherin @yansob @apriljoon @xxxbangtanbabexxx @favfanfictsbts @seokjins-luigi @iffyleafy @effielumiere @getoutofthere @luvv2jade @bri-mal @xicanacorpse @emperatris-rinaka @strawberryjimin13 @eddiegirl-86 @jungkookminthairwhen @tornparts @telepathytae @taeisbae13 @inlovewithallmusic @darkuni63
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𓈈 Muñeca- Once upon a night, a neighbor decides to play with his doll.
◌ Yandere Neighbour Magician!Jimin X fem!reader
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𓈈 Can't Leave Ya! - In that one room of your house, you walk backwards in your memories. And your roommate being a rude asshole doesn't help either.
◌ Yandere Roommate!Yoongi X fem!reader
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𓈈 Stitch Me Pink - You were obsessed with pink and he was obsessed with you!
◌ Yandere Fashion Designer!Taehyung X Model fem!reader
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𓈈 Your Maid? OUR Maid. - You were the reason they couldn't divorce. But you were also the very reason they wanted a divorce.
◌ Yandere Master!Jungkook X Maid fem!reader X Yandere Mistress!Jungkook's wife (poly)
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𓈈 Red Secret - What happens when you try to discover the only secret your flawless "fake" boyfriend was hiding from you?
◌ Yandere Werewolf!Namjoon X Sceintist fem!reader
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𓈈 Dune Of Danger - Who would get killed between the fight of the good and the evil? No- Who would get killed between the fight of the evil and the more evil?
◌ Yandere Sand artist wizard!Hoseok X Evil fem!reader
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𓈈 Wrong Obsession - Just why were you so obsessed with his best friend instead of him?
◌ Yandere Jin X Yandere fem!reader
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#♡ see ya!
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dean-a-mean-tae · 4 days
Industry Friends | Stray Kids Additional Member AU
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Some of Nicholas's friends in the Idol industry
WARNINGS: Mention of trauma dumping, lost idiots, chucking paper at people, unedited... idk. I think that's it.
Nicholas Ross Master List
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✧*̥˚Min Yoon-gi*̥˚✧
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A Warm Drink On a Cold Day
Honestly, it's hard not to notice the new Afro-Korean idol with all the gossip about him. When Yoongi found out about the way people treated Nicholas, he reached out. He apologized for they way some of ARMY treated him and told Nicholas to reach out if he ever needed anything.
Fast forward to Nicholas asking for his help on his album Damage. They spent time on the phone and even in person talking about lyrics and beats for the songs. It was mostly Nicholas ranting and Yoongi helping him find words to rhyme with, but he still helped. The older man told him not to mention him in the writing process. He believed people would take away the meaning and importance of Nicholas putting it out there.
Their friendship is one where they can go a long time without speaking to each other but when they meet up or reach out the conversations just keeps going. It's never awkward between the two. Sometimes Nicholas and Yoongi rant and give advice to each other, it's usually Nicholas ranting.
Bonus: Yoongi and Nicholas meet up in cafes and such to bounce ideas off each other. Literally. They write an idea on a sticky note and chuck across the table at each other.
✧*̥˚Kim Nam-joon*̥˚✧
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Sleep During a Storm
Namjoon knew of Nicholas because of the same reason as Yoongi. He was disappointed when he found out some of ARMY were against the younger boy being in a Kpop group. The older male introduced the two of them, and after a misunderstanding, they became close.
Sometimes Nicholas will call Namjoon to check if he's alive. The man doesn't answer the phone when he's in a productive mood and it leaves Nicholas on edge. Which is hilarious because Nicholas does the same thing and it scares the crap out of everyone.
These two are the types to get on a call with each other, and after catching up on everything, the call call goes silent. It's a comfortable silence, and they just sit there on the phone with each other doing their own things.
Bonus: Nicholas has affectionately named Namjoon Mr. Wizard and it has not gone away. In retaliation, Namjoon calls him Mr. Shackleford. It's the name of The Man In The Yellow Hat from Curious George. Nicholas regrets showing him his favorite childhood cartoon.
✧*̥˚Lee Si Yeon*̥˚✧
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A Compass Pointing Home
They met when they slammed into each other while running around during an event held for idols. They were both lost after Si Yeon went to the bathroom and Nicholas went to get something he left behind. They stuck together until Chan noticed on the big screen that Nicholas was stuck in the middle of the place with SI Yeon looking lost.
Their friendship is literally just them finding each other lost somewhere and helping them find their way back to where their supposed to be. It got to the point where Nicholas will call her when he's lost and she's like "I'm on tour. What do you see around you?" Neither of them think to get Nicholas to call Chan or one of the others.
Si Yeon usually finds Nicholas before he finds anyone he knows. It's not hard to see a 6'3 man with a brightly colored hairstyle. He's just slowly turning in a circle trying to find out where he is and she's just like "How does this keep happening to us?"
Bonus: When they go out together, one of them will hook a leash or something onto the other's belt loop. It's freaking hilarious for bystanders.
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Tranquility After Chaos
Lisa and Jennie came across an edit of Nicholas interacting with SKZ while scrolling through TikTok. Rose later heard about the issues going on about fans thinking he shouldn't be apart of Stray Kids. Then Jisoo heard about him at a Kpop event. Rose, Jennie, and Lisa were like "That's Nick." And Jisoo was like "Who?" So they had to explain the Nicholas Lore to her.
They're a bit of a strange group. And a bunch of STAY and Blink thought Nick was dating one of the members. None of the members have done anything to go against the rumors and Nicholas acting all cuddly with them doesn't help. They kind of just help each other not cause chaos when at events.
Sometimes they don't speak to each other for like 3 months but then they one of them starts blowing up the group chat so they can catch Nicholas up on the drama and vice versa. Nicholas has and will continue to be used as a step ladder to the higher cabinets by the girls.
Bonus: Nick asked Lisa to help him create a fun song but Nicholas just kept trauma dumping into the song. So the girls laid him on a couch and had him rant to him like a old school therapist.
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Nicholas Ross Master List | ©️DEANAMEANTAE2024
Tags List: @bada-lee-ily @jinnie-ret @hwxnghyynjin @foxilsdenn @rensahazard @mynameisnotlaura @lucianidealz @ziipzeepzop-eez @michelle4eve @leezanetheofficial @spookzyclown
You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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bangtanfanfiction · 8 months
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all rights reserved © bangtanfanfiction - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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Welcome my fellow witches and wizards!
This is an archive of stories about seven friends and their magical journeys as students and wizards.
ps; If you happen to know them, they have explicitly suggested to take the details with a grain of salt and refer to Peeves for further questions...
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→ don't let the muggles get you down! || one shot series
status: in progress
→ genre: adventure, romance, fluff, angst, smut ↳ Hogwarts au
A/N: All these stories take place the same Hogwarts universe
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Namjoon x f!Reader
♢ Word count: 3.1k
♢ Genre: fluff, humor, suggestive content
⌲ Description: You never expected the nerdy seventh-year Ravenclaw boy by the name of Namjoon to have flirting skills rivaling that the likes of world known Quidditch players
A/N: Rewrite planned.
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Slytherin!Jimin x f!Reader
♢ Word count: 12k
♢ Genre: fluff, humor
⌲ Description: Park Jimin was a nuisance to your existence. Even though he didn't know it. He was just so perfect in everything he did that it drove you mad. You weren’t known for being the jealous type, so why did everything about Park Jimin aggravate you so much?
A/N: Heavy re-editing planned.
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→ Read here
♢ Pairing: Yoongi x Female!Reader 
♢ Word count: 16.6k (Idk how this happened okay)
♢ Genre: Angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, arranged marriage, slight slowburn, smut 
⌲ Description: Min Yoongi - The 7th year Slytherin student notorious for his cold and indifferent personality, and not to mention his anti-social tendencies. What was it about him that made you so curious?  - Warnings: swearing, some finger action
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♢ Pairing: Hufflepuff! Taehyung x Wallflower f!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre:
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Quidditch Instructor!Seokjin x Prof!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: enemies-to-lovers, academic-rivals, fluff, humor, smut
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Ravenclaw!Jeongguk x Female!Reader 
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: bestfriends-to-lovers, angst, fluff, humor
⌲ Description: TBA
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♢ Pairing: Hufflepuff!Hoseok x Female!Reader
→ status: TBA
♢ Genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff, angst, smut
⌲ Description: TBA
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Is there a posting schedule?
Nope, not at all lmao. Just like my Tales of Times masterlist, these will be posted whenever I have the time to write. This can be once a week, to once a year. Who knows.
If you want to be on the taglist, comment down below!
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
bts as musicals
simply put, bts as staged musicals i'm familiar with. a very random list and post i wrote up at 3am. it's not to be taken too seriously of course, and this is just my sleep-deprived opinion and take
namjoon - hamilton
i feel this is self explanatory for anyone familiar with both hamilton and nj
hamilton, entirely self written about a self-made man with the weight of the world on his shoulders who needed to prove himself, all while being completely in homage to rap legends through and through
hamilton is also a musical very centered around loss and i can really see that in joon
loss, rap, and the eternal internal struggle!!!
he'd have so much fun with it but it'd wreck him
satisfied especially
also i hate to make this point but when it comes to the hate that these two receive, sometimes it’s clear that it’s really forced hatred
seokjin - hairspray
the ladies choice amiright ladies?
obviously there’s link, the very attractive man who everyone wants 
who is hopelessly in love with a plus sized beauty <3333 so jin
jin has often expressed his love of being “unserious” and we all know he can be like that mostly on camera, but he definitely has that more serious side that really is the basis for his character
isn’t that vaguely reminiscent of hairspray too though?
we often think of it as this unserious musical but it actually has more layers than one might remember, discussing prejudice, body image, individuality, self-image, integrity
i think all of those things matter a whole lot to seokjin 
yoongi - les miserables 
fuck the system 
really, all about rebellion and revolution 
but also let me break your heart a little
and let me make you remember that you’re actually living life
very similar themes across both yoongi’s solo work and les mis - injustice, class, tragedy, loss, to name a few. while also being so sympathetic towards its varied characters, reminiscent of yoongi’s sensitivity and mindset
shit think of how yoongi might react to 'i dreamed a dream'
hoseok - wicked 
I think jack in the box just solidifies this as my pick for hoseok tbh
because there’s the childlike wonder side we all see and know (wizard of oz, j-hope of bts)
but then everything that surrounds it and the real story behind it (wicked, jitb)
both wicked and jitb offer a look into a “character” we think we’re familiar with, but it turns out we really aren’t
when we finally see them tell their story in their own words
elphaba struggles with her “role” and so does hobi, literally spelling it out for us in jitb
they both feel trapped, and thus reclaim and reinvent themselves 
It’s a very identity-focused musical/album that still links back to prejudice in our world, too and "where they fit in"
jimin - chicago 
chicago is a look into fame/celebrity and corruption and ambition, and i think jimin has quite strong values when it comes to that
to me, it seems as though he finds those topics very interesting to think about
and also, how that all intersects with sexuality and gender
it feels like the crux of what chicago is as a musical but also who jimin presents himself to be
taehyung - west side story
i wanted something that’s a bit of a more classic musical for taehyung, and out of the ones i am familiar with, wss seemed the most fitting (tho i have a sneaky suspicion that one of the ones i am *not* familiar with might be more him)
taehyung is a romantic and, like nj, he almost romanticizes his losses and spends time looking back and reflecting on his own relationships and even his relationship with 'love' as a whole - layover proves it
so of course wss makes sense, the dance numbers, the longing, the risk of it all, the fact that it's story about "the power of love"
i think it'd leave quite the impact on tae, if he hasn't seen it yet
despite being a retelling of romeo & juliet (which tae would LOVE) wss also set the precedent for many musicals to come, much like tae did. looking back, it was very innovative for its time in so many different ways
musically, it's very taehyung. i could see him wanting to do covers of the songs. maria, tonight, and something's coming (he'd always go back to this song)
in every iteration of it, it's also very cinematic and very personal at the same time, which means it is very taehyung
jungkook - grease 
I didn’t WANT to pick grease and feed into that stereotypical ‘bad boy jk’ idea
but like i can’t not
and it’s not so much that it is representative of who jk is as a person
except aesthetically (the dazed cover is proof)
but that i can see jungkook himself enjoying the musical numbers and poking fun at john travolta, imitating him in his dance moves
i think he’ll particularly enjoy “you’re the one that i want” and might develop some sort of ‘corruption’ fantasy of turning a good girl bad
this might be me projecting that i want jk to do to me shhhhhhh
oh and he will go through a phase of calling his car “grease lightning” and sing the song every damn time he gets in it
yeah it'd be hard as fuck to get jk to get rid of his john travolta impression
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sweetestofchaos · 9 months
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𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝗈𝗍𝟩 𝗑 𝗈𝖼!𝗁𝗒𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖽 𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖳𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾/𝖺𝗎: 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖠𝖴, 𝖧𝗒𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖽 𝖠𝖴, 𝖭𝗈𝗇-𝖨𝖽𝗈𝗅 𝖠𝖴 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖨𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉𝗌, 𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖳𝗋𝖺𝗎𝗆𝖺/𝖭𝖾𝗀𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍/𝖯𝖳𝖲𝖣, 𝖠𝗅𝗉𝖺𝖼𝖺!𝖲𝖾𝗈𝗄𝗃𝗂𝗇, 𝖯𝗂𝖾𝖽-𝖡𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖾𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽 𝖳𝖺𝗂𝗅 𝖲𝗇𝖺𝗄𝖾!𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗂, 𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇!𝖭𝖺𝗆𝗃𝗈𝗈𝗇, 𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇!𝖧𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗄, 𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇!𝖩𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗇, 𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇!𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗀, 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗈!𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄, 𝖰𝗎𝗈𝗅𝗅!𝖮𝖢 𝗐𝖼: 6.3𝖪
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“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” - unknown
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a/n: @namjinsmoonchile as always, thank you for being my beta! and major shoutout to @jung-koook for the amazing gif set that the ending of this chapter is based around. I also linked the gif set in the chapter, so you know what the moment looks like irl.
taglist: @elliedearest @quirkybtsarmy @vvh0adie
series masterlist 🌻character profiles 
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Yoongi sits in his car parked in front of the house. He just got off the phone with Mister Fentin and the adoption agency would like to speak to the Min pack in person. Yoongi informed the caseworker that he would have to call him back within the next hour because he needed to see what day and time worked best for everyone in his pack. Mister Fentin was understanding and Yoongi is thankful that he is Imani’s main caseworker. It would be a lie if Yoongi said he wasn’t nervous about the meeting but he trusted that everything would work in his pack’s favor. Seokjin and Imani imprinted on each other and they made sure that the house was perfect for Imani.
Yoongi shakes his head and inhales deeply before he gets out of the car. He will talk about it with everyone at dinner tonight. He knows that once they learn of the meeting they will pretty much stop everything and make themselves available. At the door, Yoongi loosens his tie and unlocks the front door. As he steps inside, he hears the excited squeals of Imani’s laughter before he smells the happiness that is thick in the air. A garden of sunflowers and lavender on a warm summer day. It eases the tension in his shoulders and Yoongi toes off his shoes before he places them in the rack by the door. 
From up on the nesting floor, Seokjin hears Yoongi enter their home, loud and clear. The distraction causes him to shout when a soft, plush ball is thrown at his face and Imani giggles as she hides behind her fortress of pillows. Seokjin narrows his eyes playfully and points his finger at Imani.
"How dare you! Prepare for vengeance!” Seokjin yells but before he can make a move, Jungkook comes flying into the nest with a battle cry as he throws two more plush balls at Seokjin.
“Defend the Princess!” Jungkook shouts as he blocks the fortress with his body.
“Ambush!” Jimin screams as he jumps into the nest and pegs another ball in Seokjin’s direction.
“I’m out numbered!” Seokjin cries as he falls backwards clutching his chest. 
Yoongi walks up the steps and stops at the top when he sees Namjoon cradling Seokjin’s head in his lap in the nest. Seokjin coughs and lifts a shaking hand slowly as he coughs more.
“J-Joonie? I-Is that you?” Seokjin’s acting is top tier and everyone is holding back giggles as Namjoon nods his head.
“I’m here! I’m right here, Hyung!”
“A-Avenge me…” 
Seokjin’s hand falls from Namjoon’s cheek and he twitches a few times before he plays dead with a loud choking sound. Hoseok and Taehyung are standing outside of the nest filming the whole thing with their phones and Yoongi watches on with a fond smile on his face.
“We win?” Imani’s head pops out from the fortress of pillows and Jimin is quick to scoop her up in his arms.
“We have to defeat the evil wizard’s dragon, Princess.”
Imani’s eyes widen as Namjoon starts to growl and roar as he pushes Seokjin off his lap and jumps to his feet.
“Dragon!” Jungkook grabs a pillow and holds it to his chest like a shield while he holds a ball in his other hand. “Prepare to die!”
Namjoon roars loudly and lunges at Jungkook, easily dodging the ball that is thrown his way. He grabs Jungkook around the waist and hoists the hybrid over his shoulder.
“Kookie!” Imani yells and she tries to get out of Jimin’s hold.
“Don’t look Princess!” Jimin covers Imani’s eyes as Jungkook starts to laugh from Namjoon tickling his thighs and tossing him beside Seokjin who is still playing dead. “He’s gone, Princess.”
“Magic! Use magic!”
“Magic?” Jimin ponders out loud and his eyes fall on Yoongi. “Should I summon our own dragon?”
“We ‘ave dragon?” Imani stares at Jimin, her face twisted in confusion and then she follows Jimin’s line of sight. Her eyes widen and she wiggles in Jimin’s arms, “Yoonie! H-Helps!”
All eyes are on Yoongi waiting to see if he will join in and with a huff he shrugs off his suit jacket and pulls his tie completely off, letting it drop to the floor.
Yoongi’s eyes shift to thin slits and he hisses, “Ssssave my Princesssss!”
Imani giggles as Yoongi easily climbs into the nest and blocks Namjoon’s path to Jimin and her. Yoongi ruffles his hair to look more menacing and Namjoon narrows his eyes as he rolls his shoulders. Namjoon picks up two balls and Jimin quickly hands a few to Yoongi before he hides Imani away in the fortress. Jimin picks up the last few balls and stands beside Yoongi.
“Ready, dragon?”
Jimin scarfs at Yoongi’s assumption and rolls his eyes, “I’m part of the royal guard.”
“My bad,” Yoongi snickers and everyone covers their laughter with coughs. “Attack!” Yoongi shouts and he lunges for Namjoon with Jimin right by his side. 
Balls go flying. One completely misses its target and hits Taehyung in the leg. He drops to his knees and rubs at his knee while Hoseok calls for a medic. 
“We-We’re losing him!” Hoseok shouts as another ball comes his way. He ducks and it hits the wall. Hoseok grabs the ball that hit Taehyung and he throws it carelessly. It hits the back of Jimin’s shoulder and Jimin shouts in surprise.
“I’ve been hit!” Jimin falls to his knees and drops to his side, holding his shoulder. “I-I’m not gonna make it. T-Tell the Princess that I l-love her!” Jimin throws his arms outwards and closes his eyes.
It’s just Namjoon, Yoongi,and Imani left and Imani is giggling like crazy hidden in her fortress. As Yoongi throws the ball in his hand, Imani pops out of the fortress with a loud, “Wait!”
Everyone sits up and looks at Imani to make sure she is okay. “I go potty!” Imani climbs out of the nest and runs down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Having a short moment to themselves, Yoongi shakes his head with a laugh, “What did I walk in on?”
Seokjin runs a hand through his hair and laughs, “We were watching Barbie as Rapunzel and then Jungkook wanted to build a tower-”
“Things escalated from there,” Jungkook interrupts with a shrug while he smiles cutely, his nose scrunching up.
“You make a good dragon, Hyungs.” Taehyung compliments from his seat beside Hoseok.
“How did you two not get dragged into this?” Jimin questions as he starts to collect the balls with Namjoon.
“We were making snacks, remember?” Hoseok points to the forgotten charcuterie board half filled with fruit and everyone accepts the answer. 
Yoongi unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt and rolls his neck a few times before he inhales and smacks his lips. “I got a phone call from Mister Fentin.” All eyes are on Yoongi and he can see the worry on everyone’s faces. “The adoption agency wants to meet with us face to face. I told him that I wanted to talk it over with you all to see what day and time works best.”
“Is tomorrow too soon?” Seokjin asks as he picks at his cuticle and Jungkook grabs hold of his hands. Everyone looks at each other and Yoongi sighs with a smile.
“I’ll call him back and see if tomorrow at ten thirty works.”
“Let me inform my boss,” Namjoon pulls his phone from his pocket and everyone follows his lead. They will all take the day off tomorrow just in case. If the news is good, they will celebrate and if it is bad, they will spend every single second with Imani before she is taken away from them.
“Hobie, we eat?” Imani’s voice cuts through the click clacking of the phones and Hoseok grins.
“Give me a few more minutes and we can have a snack. Did you wash your hands?” Hoseok raises an eyebrow and Imani nods her head.
“Yesh!” Imani holds her hands up and they are still damp.
“Come on Princess! Let’s find another movie to watch.” Jimin moves to scoop Imani into his arms but she ducks and drives into the nest. She runs over to Yoongi and throws her arms around his legs. 
Yoongi easily lifts her into his arms and she buries her nose into his neck, scenting him immediately. Yoongi rubs Imani’s back and kisses the side of her head, “I missed you too, sweetheart.” Yoongi inhales the ever pleasant scent of sunflowers and his whole body melts into the hug.
Seokjin comes over and helps Yoongi sit down with Imani still in his arms. “You’re gonna put her in a scent haze if you keep it up,” Seokjin scolds lightly and Yoongi grumbles as he cuddles into Imani’s little body, hugging her tighter. “Stop it,” Seokjin sighs. “She has to eat.”
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“Is everyone ready?” Namjoon questions as he meets Seokjin on the main floor. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin are all sitting on the couch whispering to each other about who knows what. Yoongi is in his office on the phone with Mister Fentin and Hoseok is nowhere in sight along with Imani.
“Hobi should be finished soon. I just checked on him and Imani.” Seokjin looked at Namjoon and brushed his hair out of his eyes with a smile. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
“I’m not worried,” Namjoon lies and Seokjin pecks his lips.
“You smell like a stagnant puddle.” 
“Shut up,” Namjoon mumbles against Seokjin’s lips and kisses him again before he pulls away with a sigh. “I love her, Hyung. I can’t see us without her in our lives.” Namjoon fiddles with the silver chain necklace he has on and licks his lips. “I know it hasn’t been that long since she’s been here, but she belongs with us…they know that, right?”
The wavering confidence that shines in Namjoon’s eyes makes Seokjin’s eyes burn and he pulls the younger man into a hug. Namjoon laughs something between a whine and a snort as he hugs Seokjin back and Jungkook scrunches up his nose.
“Hyungs are really worried, right now,” Jungkook mutters and Jimin sighs, already feeling stressed about the meeting. Honestly he didn’t get much sleep last night and from the way Taehyung is pressing against his side, he knows that Taehyung didn’t either.
“Everyone is stressed, Kook. This is…this will change our whole lives.” Taehyung speaks up and clears his throat as he pulls away from Jimin. “I know that there shouldn’t be any doubt in my mind that Imani will stay with us but-”
“I know,” Jungkook speaks over Taehyung and grabs hold of his hand. “I know, Hyung.” 
The sound of the lift chiming catches everyone’s attention and they all smile at the sight of Imani tucked in Hoseok’s arms. 
“Oh, my cria! Look at you!” Seokjin coos as he rushes over and fawns over the little hybrid. Hoseok split Imani’s hair into two sections for her hairstyle today. A single braided bun sits at the top of her head with silver cut out clips and she has a long bubble ponytail hanging from the back of her head sectioned off with silver clips. The hairstyle shows off Imani’s fuzzy black ears and she looks so cute.
Hoseok also got her dressed for today and Seokjin is pleased with the outfit choice. A pink sweater with white puff balls all over it, dark wash straight leg jeans with the ankles rolled up and a pair of silver iridescent zip up sneakers completes the whole look. Seokjin takes notice of the silver bubble necklace around Imani’s neck and he smiles.
It is a necklace that Seokjin remembers buying for Jimin when they had first started dating. It is nice to see it on Imani, it looks beautiful on her. Namjoon leaves to grab Yoongi and together they all step out of the house as a family of eight. Jungkook makes sure to grab Imani’s outing bag just in case and as the group splits into two, he wonders if he can convince the pack to vote on getting some kind of van so that they can all drive together.
Hoseok drives with the three youngest while Imani drives with the eldest of the pack. Yoongi drives with Namjoon in the passenger seat while Seokjin sits in the back with Imani. As they drive, Seokjin and Imani play a game of ispy. It makes Yoongi smile and Namjoon chuckle as Imani figures out that Seokjin is just looking at things inside of the car.
When Yoongi pulls into the driveway that leads to the adoption building, the scents in the car change and Imani wrinkles her nose. “You stink!” Imani whines as she holds her hands over her nose and Seokjin laughs while patting her head.
“I know I do…sorry pup.” Seokjin catches Yoongi’s eyes in the rearview mirror and tries not to frown. He really shouldn’t be this nervous but he can’t help it. If they try to take Imani away, he will bite someone.
“You’re putting scent blockers on before we get in there,” Namjoon states and neither of the hybrids protest. Yoongi follows the signs until he’s parked at the far end of the building with Jimin right behind him. As they get out of the car, Namjoon tosses him a bottle of scent blockers and Yoongi rolls the neutralizing oil onto his scent glands. He hands it off to Seokjin, who ushers Imani to stand by Namjoon and quickly rolls the oil onto his own scent glands. Once Jungkook steps out of his car, Seokjin is rolling the oil onto the hybrid’s scent glands and Jungkook whines. He hates scent blockers, it makes him feel weird. He hates not being able to smell his packmates.
“Jinnie?” Imani tugs at Seokjin’s pant leg with a frown on her face. “That’s bad,” she points to the blocker in Jungkook’s hand and everyone looks at her.
Seokjin squats down in front of her and smiles, “It’s okay baby. We don’t want to make anyone sad or mad, so we have to put this on.”
“Mommy said bad.”
Seokjin nods his head in agreement, “Your Mommy was right but sometimes we have to use these. I promise we won't get in trouble.” 
Imani shoves her hand in Seokjin’s face and he stares at it crossed eyed before he laughs. He links their pinkies and presses their thumbs together with a smile on his face.
“Come on, we don’t want to be late.” Yoongi takes the oil from Jungkook and slips it into his pocket before Jungkook grabs Imani’s outing bag and swings it over his shoulder. Jimin lifts Imani into his arms and she wraps her little arms around his neck, twisting her body to see where they are going.
The building in front of them is huge. All grey stone, giving off little to no warmth and the tall glass windows seem to be a sick joke as they tease those inside of brighter days. A guard stands at the side entrance of the building and nods his head at the group as they all enter the building. Imani whimpers at the lack of scent, it just smells…empty. She huddles into Jimin’s chest and buries her face in the crook of his neck. The scent of cinnamon and coconut is faint, layered underneath some kind of artificial scent (cologne) but it’s there and it works to ease Imani’s mind.
The Min pack all take seats around the large waiting area while Yoongi and Namjoon walk to the main desk and speak with the receptionist. Sitting in Jimin’s lap, Imani’s hand goes to the hoop earring that he wears and she plays with it. Jimin smiles and kisses the top of Imani’s head as he starts to hum gently. Beside Jimin, Taehyung takes hold of Imani’s free hand and kisses her tiny little fingers. Imani smiles and Taehyung makes a silly face to which Imani giggles and tries to copy him. They go back and forth making silly faces until Yoongi and Namjoon come over and everyone is looking at them while Imani hides her face in Jimin’s neck. 
“They want us in room 613. Someone will show us the way.” Namjoon explains as Yoongi reaches down and takes Imani from Jimin. No one says a thing as they are led to a room that has a large wooden table in the center with chairs on both sides. The walls are cream with a pale yellow accent wall. In the far corner of the room away from the table is what looks to be a nesting and play corner. At the sight of the toys, Yoongi sets Imani down and pets her head softly.
“Why don’t you go play, hm? It looks like a lot of fun.” 
Imani looks at the toys and takes a step closer to Yoongi. She grips onto his pant leg and everyone frowns. Taehyung wonders if this whole trip is a mirror image of what could have happened when she was given to the HBM. Taehyung shakes his head and squats down in front of Imani.
“All aboard the TaeTae train!”
Jimin gasps and moves to get on Taehyung’s back but Imani giggles and stops him. “Too big! Me wide!” Imani jumps onto Taehyung’s back and Jimin pouts.
“No fair! I want a ride!” 
Jungkook snorts, hands Imani’s outing bag to Hoseok and lowers himself onto all fours in front of Jimin, “Bet I’m faster!” Jungkook teases and Jimin sits on his back. Seokjin sighs but smiles nonetheless knowing that the boys are being silly to make Imani feel better. He clears his throat and stands behind them.
“Ready. Set. Go!”
Taehyung and Jungkook start to crawl over to the toys with a speed that makes Imani shout and giggle while Jimin laughs, his eyes turned into crescent moons with his mouth wide open. Taehyung and Jungkook reach the toys at the same time and Jungkook trips over his hands so that Taehyung places Imani down in front of the toys first to make her the winner. Knowing that Imani is now focused on the toys and the younger members of the pack, the other four sit at the table with Seokjin and Yoongi in the middle.
“Mister Fentin won’t be here in person, they will have him on zoom or something like that,” Yoongi quietly explains.
“Who are we talking to then? Another caseworker?” Hoseok asks and Namjoon nods his head.
“Her name is Ran Sejung. She has been helping Mister Fentin with Imani’s case since she came to South Korea.” Namjoon slides his phone from his pocket and pulls up his email. He types Ran Sejung’s name in the search bar and all their emails pop up. He scrolls to the very first one that shows a picture of Sejung and the woman is young. At least in her mid to late thirties with dyed blonde hair, dark brown eyes, a slender nose and thin lips.
“Is she nice?” Seokjin looks at the photo and he doesn’t know what to think. He can’t tell if the woman is nice or not.
Before Namjoon can answer Seokjin’s question there is a knock at the door and everyone at the table stands up as the door opens. Sejung walks in with a smile on her face followed by two older men in suits. One of which is a hamster hybrid. Yoongi is thankful that the hybrid is wearing blockers and they all bow to each other while shaking hands. 
“It is nice to finally meet the Min pack in person. I am Ran Sejung and I’m in charge of Imani’s case while she is registered in our system.”
The other two men introduce themselves as Ryan Tate and Sim Kunwoo, the hamster hybrid. Sejung pulls a laptop from one of the drawers in the room and sets it up on the table. Soon, Mister Fentin is on the screen smiling at everyone and Yoongi is thankful to see a familiar face.
“Now, I would like to start this meeting by saying that we have dealt with a lot of unique cases but Imani’s is by far one of the most difficult.” Sejung keeps her tone light but serious as she speaks and Seokjin grabs Yoongi’s hand under the table. “When a hybrid is a target of the Hybrid Black Market there are steps we must take to insure that the hybrid has not been harmed in any way. Those exams were performed in the States under Mister Fentin’s watch.”
“Was something wrong?” Seokjin’s voice wavers as he asks the question and Namjoon holds his breath.
“Physically, Imani was unharmed. She was underweight and refused to shift. The shifting is what raised a red flag in our system.”
“Why?” Hoseok looks between the three people across from him.
“If a hybrid refuses to shift, it means one of two things.” Mister Fentin speaks from the laptop. “They could be feral-”
“I would know if I was housing a feral hybrid,” Yoongi is firm as he speaks and Mister Fentin nods in agreement. 
“If that were the case Mister Min, Imani would not have been released into your care. The second would be a trauma response and from what we now know of her home life, that is the cause of it.”
“With a child so young, therapy is a must, especially for a hybrid.” Sejung looks right at Yoongi as she speaks. “It is mandatory for Imani to get proper counseling.”
“It was a topic that we have yet to discuss but it was on our minds,” Namjoon interjects and Sejung nods her head.
“Good. Now let’s move on, Mister Tate will continue.”
Mister Tate is a wisp of a man, short and thin, could easily be blown away by a strong gust of wind. He goes over Imani’s lab work and explains what everything means in layman’s terms for the group of four to easily understand. Imani is a healthy four year old child with what is most likely PTSD due to her time with her godfather. But they won’t know until she is evaluated by a professional therapist. 
“Now that you understand the extent of the test results, do you feel confident in your abilities to care for Imani?” Mister Tate stares at the four men in front of him and they all nod their heads without a moment's hesitation. He nods his head and looks to Mister Sim who pulls a closed envelope from a bag none of them noticed. Mister Sim places the envelope on the table and pushes it forward towards Yoongi. The four men look at the envelope and no one is breathing. Seokjin’s eyes waver and he squeezes Yoongi’s hand so tightly that his bones rub together.
“Open it Yoongi!” Seokjin begs as Hoseok places a hand on his knee. Namjoon places a hand on Yoongi’s knee as well and Yoongi inhales deeply. He licks his lips, forked tongue poking out quickly to taste the air in hopes that he can get a grasp of what is to come next. It is no use, the three caseworkers across the table all have poker faces on. Yoongi reaches out and slides the envelope in front of him. His hands are shaking as he picks it up and starts to unwind the red tie that keeps it sealed. He reaches into the envelope and there is a nice stack of papers waiting for him. 
“What is it?” Hoseok whispers and Yoongi swallows loudly. He glances over to the corner of the room where Imani is giggling along with Taehyung as Jungkook makes a doll moonwalk while Jimin sings.
Namjoon squeezes his knee lightly, pulls Yoongi back to the envelope in front of him and he feels sweat collect at the nape of his neck and bites the inside of his cheek. Carefully he pulls the stack of paper out and holds it in front of him. The black ink in front of him is blurry and no matter how many times he blinks his eyes, the letters won’t focus. 
“Yoongi.” Seokjin’s voice is watery and it makes Yoongi’s shiver. “Yoongi…”
The letters are written in neat, clean font. Bold and spaced out, large enough for all four men to read clearly…Adoption Order. A sob rips from Seokjin’s lips and tears stream down his face. Namjoon runs a hand through his hair and huffs out a deep sigh as his eyes start to burn while Hoseok is quietly sobbing on Seokjin’s shoulder. 
“What wrong? Why you cry?” Imani’s tiny voice fills the room as she forgets about the toys and waddles over to the table. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung are standing together looking fearfully at the paper in Yoongi’s hands. 
“H-Hyung?” Jungkook’s voice is quiet, so very, very quiet and Yoongi looks over at the three youngest while Imani climbs into Seokjin’s lap and tries to wipe his never ending tears away. Yoongi pets the top of Imani’s head and pulls Seokjin into a side hug, tucking the elder’s head underneath his chin as he looks at his pack.
“She’s ours.”
The silence in the room is loud. Hoseok and Seokjin’s sobs are the only noise and soon the other three are crying. Jimin clings to Taehyung as he hides his tears and Jungkook leans against the table, face in his hands as he weeps in relief. Imani is upset, she doesn’t understand why everyone is crying and she doesn’t like it.
“Jinnie what wrong?!” Imani yells with a pout, her own eyes starting to tear and Seokjin shushes her with a million kisses and hugs.
“N-Nothing is wrong baby. Everything-” Seokjin sniffles and wipes at his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. “Everything is perfect now.” He pulls Imani into his chest and starts to scent her heavily.
Mister Fentin clears his throat from the laptop and Yoongi’s eyes dart to the older man. He is all smiles as he watches the Min pack soak in the news of their newest and permanent packmate. 
“Can you get these young men a pen please, Miss Ran?” 
“Imani, baby…” Yoongi swallows back his tears and takes Imani’s tiny hands in his own. “Would you like to stay with us?” Yoongi asks softly and wipes at the tears that have fallen from Imani’s eyes.
Imani stares at the Min pack and tries to understand the question. They can see the wheels turning in her mind, so Seokjin speaks up.
“Cria, we want you to stay with us forever. C-Can we be your new family?” Seokjin smiles down at Imani and she pulls her hands from Yoongi’s.
“You no cry, if I stay?”
Namjoon’s heart clenches in his chest and Jimin leans against him for support. Seokjin shakes his head and Imani grins.
“Kookie my friend forever?” Imani looks at the kangaroo and Jungkooks nods his head, his lower lip quivering while Taehyung rubs his back. “You love me?” Imani stares into Seokjin’s eyes and Seokjin nods his head quickly.
“Jinnie loves you so much, Imani.”
“We all love you, baby,” Yoongi stresses as he scratches behind Imani’s ears and the whole pack all nod their heads in agreement. 
Imani melts into Yoongi’s touch and slumps against Seokjin’s chest, tucking her arms between their bodies. “I stay, forever!”
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After the Min pack leave the adoption center with Imani held tightly in Seokjin’s arms, the pack decide that it is a wonderful day for lunch at the park. Yoongi drives to the day market where he knows there is a park nearby and everyone gets out of the car. Taehyung is in charge of carrying Imani in the crowded streets as they stop by different vendors to get food and treats. Imani wiggles to get down when she sees a woman selling cotton candy and Taehyung carefully sets her down before he grabs hold of her hand.
“Look TaeTae!” Imani pulls Taehyung towards the old woman and Taehyung smiles when the older woman coos at Imani.
“Aren’t you a cutie! Would you like one, my dear?”
“Please?” Imani’s eyes are wide as the woman laughs and starts to make a fresh batch. The globe of fluff is twisted and turned until it resembles the polar bear captain from Octonauts. Imani is completely in awe as the woman hands over the cotton candy and Taehyung’s heart melts. He lets go of Imani’s hand to pull his wallet from his pocket to pay for the treat. As he hands over the money he looks down and Imani isn’t beside him. Icy fear, colder than anything he has ever felt, freezes Taehyung’s heart and he starts to panic. She was just there a moment ago, she couldn’t have gone too far.
“Imani?” Taehyung calls her name. “Imani?” He raises his voice and people are starting to look at him. “Excuse me, have you seen a little girl with black ears on her head in a pink sweater?” Taehyung is panicking, his heart is in his ass and he feels sick.
A giggle hits his ears and he spins around to find Imani dancing with her cotton candy in front of Jimin. The weight in Taehyung’s chest lessens and it is easier to breathe. He staggers over to his pack and falls into Jungkook’s arms who is looking at him worriedly. 
“I-I thought I lost her,” Taehyung whispers against Jungkook’s chest and Jungkook tightens his hold.
“Sorry, Hyung. I thought you heard me say that we had her.” Jungkook nuzzles into Taehyung’s hair and scents him quietly while Imani clings to Jimin’s legs giggling like crazy as he walks around with her between his legs. Jungkook rubs Taehyung’s back and pushes out the warmth of his burning firewood. Taehyung’s shoulders relax, his legs turn to jelly and Jungkook stands tall as Taehyung slowly pulls himself together.
“I’m good.” Taehyung pulls away from Jungkook and runs a hand through his hair. “I never want to feel that way ever again,” Taehyung grumbles as he turns to watch Jimin and Imani.
“She’s safe, Hyung. Never out of our sights, ever.” Jungkook assures and Taehyung nods his head, thankful.
“Let’s go!” Namjoon’s voice calls to them and Taehyung nearly trips when Imani runs right into his legs. 
“Up, high!”
“High?” Taehyung looks at Jimin confused and he points to his shoulders. “Ah, high. Let’s go, my heart.” Taehyung squats down and Jungkook is right behind him, helping Imani onto Taehyung’s shoulders. Taehyung holds onto her legs, his large hands covering her knees and most of her thighs completely. “Cool?”
Taehyung slowly stands up and Jungkook keeps his hands up in case Imani starts to lean backwards. Once he is upright, Jungkook puts his hands down and walks beside Taehyung while Jimin slips his pinkie into one of Taehyung’s belt loops. The three walk over to the rest of the pack and Seokjin smiles. 
“What did you get, Imani?” Seokjin looks at the half eaten cotton candy and he hopes that none of it ends up in Taehyung’s hair.
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The park is nice, not that crowded with a good amount of soccer moms sitting around. Imani doesn’t care much for the food, she wants to play with all the children. So, Seokjin makes a deal with her, if she eats all of her meat and fruit she can go play. While eating, the guys joke around and feed each other. Ignoring the looks from the other parents in the park at seeing hybrids and humans together.
Namjoon notices that there are two hybrid families sitting nearby and the parents keep telling their children to wait for Imani to finish eating before they ask to play. It makes Namjoon smile before he has never seen Imani play with other children her own age.
When Imani gets done with her food, Hoseok wipes her mouth with a wet wipe and in the blink of an eye, the three hybrid children, two dogs and a bunny rush over to Imani and ask if she would like to play with them. 
“Go on, we will be right here if you need us,” Seokjin encourages with a smile and Imani looks at Jungkook with a pout on her lips.
“Kookie play wit me?”
“Imani-” Yoongi starts and Jungkook quickly cuts him off with a hard swallow of his kimbap.
“Come on! Let’s go!” Jungkook jumps to his feet and the kids all shout in joy as he runs off to the playground with them.
Yoongi sighs and Jimin grabs his hand, lacing their fingers together. “She should be playing without us,” Yoongi groans and Namjoon shrugs.
“It could be another trigger…she was abandoned by her godfather. Even if we say we will be right here, she might not trust it.” Namjoon explains his theory and everyone frowns.
“Do you think the police would tell us if they ever find that asshole?” Hoseok looks at his mates and before anyone can answer, the two other hybrid families come over and introduce themselves. 
The two dogs are german shepherds and the bunny is a cashmere lop. The parents are nice enough, smiling as they ask about Imani and exchanging phone numbers with Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin to set up playdates later on down the line. Yoongi keeps his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses and picks at the meat on his plate as he listens out for Imani’s voice. Jungkook’s laughter is loud as children scream and run around as he chases them.
Imani and the bunny hybrid, Rina are hiding under the playset, behind the tic-tac-toe squares and Yoongi finds himself smiling. Looks like Imani has made her first friend. Jungkook is sneaking up on them from behind and before he can pounce, Imani grabs Rina’s hand and pulls her from underneath the playset. They run as fast as their little legs can go and climb up the steps of the playset. 
Jungkook is laughing, face flushed from running after four young hybrids. The parents and Min pack all watch with fond smiles on their faces as the children’s laughter rings in the air. Soon, Jungkook comes over to the table and plops down, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath.
Hoseok crackles and smooths Jungkook’s sweaty hair from his forehead, “What’s wrong Koo? Can’t handle em?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes at Hoseok and huffs as he throws himself into Jimin’s lap. “Y-You try catching them. It’s impossible!” Jungkook closes his eyes as he inhales and Jimin runs his fingers through his damp hair. “They’re too freaking short and fast.”
Seokjin’s squeaky laughter is the response that Jungkook gets and soon all the adults are laughing.
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“Shhh! You’ll wake her up.” Seokjin whispers as Jungkook and Jimin creep into the room, the door creaking a little. Seokjin is standing over Imani’s still dressed in his clothing from earlier while Jungkook and Jimin are freshly showered and in new clothing that doesn’t smell like outside and sweat.
“What are you doing Hyung?” Jimin questions as he stands by Seokjin’s side.
“I…” Seokjin shakes his head and blinks as he feels his eyes start to burn with tears. “I can’t believe that she is mine…ours. I just-”
“Ah, Seokjinie Hyung,” Jungkook wraps his arms around Seokjin’s waist and rests his chin on his shoulder. “Are you ever gonna stop crying?” Jungkook’s voice is teasing but he hugs Seokjin tightly.
Seokjin sniffles as his tears start to fall and Jimin leans into him, wrapping his arms around Seokjin’s. “Hyung…you really love her, huh?”
Seokjin nods his head quickly, “With all my heart.” Seokjin sniffles again and wipes his nose with the sleeve of his sweat. “God, she’s so perfect.” 
Jungkook and Jimin share a look and snuggle into Seokjin as they squeeze him tighter. They stand there in silence, watching Imani as she naps and just breathing in the sweet sunflowers that seeps from her pores. Jimin sighs and wipes at his face, his own eyes now weepy while Jungkook smiles with wide wet eyes. 
Seokjin clears his throat and pulls away from the two younger men, “Come, we should let her sleep in peace.”
Jimin follows Seokjin out of the room and Jungkook hesitates by the door. He looks back at Imani and grins. 
“Best day ever,” he whispers and leaves the room with the door cracked a little.
Out on the nesting floor, everyone is sitting at the table in the kitchenette with glasses in their hands. Namjoon hands the last one to Jungkook as he joins and Yoongi clears his throat. 
“I just want to say that I never thought today would ever happen. I know that adoption is something we all talked about but I was never…I guess I was scared?” Yoongi admits and everyone nods in agreement. “I wasn’t sure if I would be a good father or alpha but I know now that it was a stupid thing to worry about. With you all by my side, this new journey has been something I never imagined. Imani was meant to be here, so thank you.” Yoongi licks his lips and smiles.
“Thank you, Min and Tae for being yourselves and standing up to what is wrong.” Taehyung and Jimin beam as they hold up their glasses. “Thank you Hyung for imprinting so easily.” Everyone chuckles at Seokjin’s red tipped ears. “Thank you Joon for speaking on all our behalf.” Namjoon nods his head in acceptance. 
“Thank you Hobah for spending extra time relearning your hairstyling skills.” Hoseok grins. “And thank you Jungkookie for being that safe place. I don’t know how you did it, but you more than anyone made Imani bloom.” Jungkook’s nose scrunches up at Yoongi’s words and his face heats up.
“Thank you all for completing our family.” Yoongi raises his glass and they all cheer before tossing the drinks back easily in one go.
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hannarchive · 2 years
✰ Member:
✰ Genre:
Smut / Light Smut / Soft Smut / Suggestive
✰ AU:
Arranged Marriage
Family / Single Parent
Magic (Wizard, witch, warlock etc.)
✰ Reader-Inserts:
✰ Fic type:
One shots
Two shots
✰ Keywords:
Friends To Lovers
Enemies To Lovers
Mate (Werewolf, hybrid etc. type AUs)
Soulmate (Human)
Mythical (Aka mystical, supernatural etc.)
✨Personal Favorites✨
✰ Personal favorite combinations (work in progress)
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bangtanloverboys · 1 year
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welcome to wizard city, young wizard. here you can explore and learn to control your magic through the schools of ravenwood
or in other words: fuck harry potter aus
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the art of balance in magic is harmony, finding equality. all things deserve consideration, and there may be many answers to a single question
pairing - ta!seokjin x transfer student!reader
genre - fluff
summary - looking to further advance in your secondary school, you transfer over to krokotopia. there you meet your handsome houser, seokjin
⚖️ read here ⚖️
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ice magic is all about persistence, slow but steady progression and advancement, like the great glaciers forever sliding across the landscape
pairing - class rival!yoongi x teachers pet!reader
genre - fluff
summary - tired of yoongi constantly one upping you, you finally snap, challenging him to a duel. . . in the middle of class. only in the afterwards of your mutual destruction of the classroom do you learn that maybe, just maybe, he’s not as bad as you thought
❄ read here ❄
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storm magic is all about creativity. it represents that flash of insight or the spark of inspiration that makes you yell, "eureka!" it is about the pleasure of catching lightning in a bottle
pairing - wizard!hoseok x quester!reader
genre - fluff
summary - needing to refuel, you stop by the fair grounds, only you suck at all the games. thank the spiral that an attrative storm student offers to help
🌩️ read here 🌩️
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life is spirit, the force of awareness and existence. it is about constant growth and movement
pairing - tutor!namjoon x neurodivergent!reader
genre - fluff
summary - namjoon likes to think he’s the embodiment of the perfect example of a theurgists: positive and enthusiastic. however when his professor asks him to help tutor one of her secondary students, only then is that pushed to the limit
🍃  read here 🍃 
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death is finality, the study of the corporeal. all things pass eventually, and time cannot be held back forever
pairing - quester!jimin x new student!reader
genre - fluff
summary - since everything that’s happened as of late in wizard city, jimin could say that nothing really surprises him anymore. but when he meets you, a novice throwing yourself head first into battle with no experience whatsoever, he will be the first to admit otherwise
💀 read here 💀
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myth is imagination. the power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives the myth arts. it is illusion, dreams made real. if you can conceive it, you can bring it forth, bring it to life
pairing - pet trainer!taehyung x pet owner!reader
genre - fluff
summary - after receiving a ghost egg as a reward from a quest, you go looking to help get it hatched. but instead of finding the doctor, you find his assistant
👁️ read here 👁️
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fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment
pairing - new student!jungkook x wizard!reader
genre - fluff
summary - your professor assigns you to look after and help get the new kid, jungkook, settled in. you’d think it be easy, but he’s nothing like any of the other students
🔥 read here 🔥
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softsan · 8 days
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ one kiss and you’re mine. — kim seokjin 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a burnt and broken love. — min yoongi 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ doomed from the start. — kim namjoon 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a monster with good intentions. — jung hoseok 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ sink into my darkness. — park jimin 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ all i gave you is gone. — kim taehyung 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ falling for your faded face. — jeon jungkook 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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flower1622 · 3 months
Unfinished Fanfics (p.1)
. The goddess not so ordinary
Ships: Annabeth/Percy, Padme/Anakin, Original Character/Original Character, Diego/Matilda, Goku/Chichi, Sasuke/Hinata/Naruto, Nico/Will, Boomer/Bubbles, Blossom/Brick, Buttercup/Butch, Adrien/Marinette, Achilles/Patroclus, Merlin/Arthur, Harry/Draco, Albus/Scorpius, Boruto/Sumire
Friendship: Hercules and Iolaus
A baby was born called Selena. She was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Eris, jealous of her sister, threw Selena to the human world. Now, Selena has to live a life like a "human". After many years, Selena finds a Greek Academy. But she didn't expect that one of the heroes, descendants of gods and witches, could be swayed by the dark side. That person would be considered by the gods as the hero of the prophecy. Selena would need to figure out who was it to help the person not to become what the gods feared.
. Kronos knew Luke would sacrifice himself, so Kronos splits in two and his other part possesses another body.
. Annabeth dies. Nico and Will have their lifes connected. So, if Will dies, Nico dies too.
. Clarisse and Percy stay together in the sequel. They adopt Selena's baby.
. The heroes got turned into vampires and they want to turn the people they love.
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. Brothers and Sisters
I thought about a story that a popular girl at school called Claire would be the center of attention of two handsome popular boys, called Cody and Zack. They are both rivals. But, what they don't know is that they are actually wizards, born from the same Dad.
- Cody will be a kind and smart guy who everyone likes. He would have green eyes and blonde hair. He would like Claire.
- Zack would be a sassy and evil guy who everyone would fear and admire. He would have green eyes and black hair. He would like Claire.
- Claire would be a kind and smart cheerleader who everyone likes and adores. She would be a witch. She would have an evil twin sister called Meredith, something that she doesn't know. She would have brown hair and brown eyes. She would like Cody.
- Meredith would be a smart and evil girl who everyone fears, admires and hates. She would be a powerful witch who hates Claire and likes Cody. She and Claire would be rivals.
-  Brittany would be Claire's best friend. She would be a smart and funny black girl with black eyes and black hair. She likes to dance Hip Hop. Brittany would be a normal girl. She would be like a precious sister to Claire, like a rock that holds Claire. If something happened to her, Claire would be very devastated.
- Zack and Cody would have a best friend called Michael. Michael would be a nice and strong athlete boy. He would like Brittany. He would be like a bridge that connects Zack and Cody. He would stop the brothes' fights. Michael would have dark eyes and dark hair.
- In the end, Meredith would be with Cody and Claire would be with Zack. Brittany would be with Michael.
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. Bites to Suck
In another world, a band called BTS was very famous. But, there was something nobody knew about them. They were vampires, except for one: Namjoon. The other members were very protective of Namjoon and very obsessed with him too. Everything he did, they were always watching him. Even though Namjoon was their leader, he still had a kind heart and many people use him because of it. They try to protect him in the best way possible. But after being turned evil, they want to turn him. Each one of them has a special power.
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jooheonspinky · 11 months
BTS Masterlist
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Welcome: Thank you for stopping by. 
*all works are complete unless otherwise stated*
Saudade [08.01.2020] {Psychological Thriller}:A group of friends try to cope with the traumatic aftermath of one tragic night. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 
Namjoon x Female Reader:
7-Year Itch [02.06.2017] {Angst, Smut}: The idol life is taking a toll on your relationship. Can it survive the 7-Year Itch? | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Nothing on Us [12.25.2017] {Christmas!au, one shot}: Christmas decorating mishaps. This takes place a little under two months after 7-Year Itch.
Seokjin x Female Reader:
A Special Night [06.14.2017] {Fluff, one shot}: You’re nervous about this possibly being your first time together.
New Year’s Wish [01.01.2018] {New Year’s!au, angst, one shot}: It’s New Year’s Eve and you miss Jin.
A Cage, a Wizard, and a Potion [12.13.2022]  {Fantasy}:  The Duchess kept a beautiful gilded cage in her private bed chambers. On a visit with your mother, you happen upon this novelty whilst lost in your aunt’s palace. What you discover in the cage not only shocks you but has you making a vow that you are not able to fulfill until many years later.
Yoongi x Female Reader:
Not Alone [12.10.2016] {Apocalypse, Smut}: Sure the zombies scared me, but they were the constant to the newly created world. Being alone though…that was something that scared me more. So what happens when I’m not alone anymore? And what happens if i start finding feelings for that person? Will we make it? Or will this new world infect me like the loneliness? 01 |02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08| Side Note | Epilogue|
Melting Frost [01.09.2018] {Winter Sprite!au, Angst, one shot}: Meeting Jack Frost solidifies your belief in the fae and soon you two become friends. As the years pass, what happens when your feelings change?
Save Me [05.31.2018] {Action, one shot}: This wasn’t your first time, having helped your friend with their plot multiple times before. The surreal surroundings were almost a second home, but when you recognize the abductee is part of the scheme, you feel things may have gone too far.
Hoseok x Female Reader:
Unexpected Attraction [04.12.2017]{Angst, Fluff, Smut}: When you start to have feelings for the one person who has helped you through a bad time in your life, will your fear of losing him keep you from exploring this unexpected attraction? |Teaser | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Cupid’s Interference [12.30.2017] {Christmas!au, Angst, one shot}: Overwhelmed by unfortunate events in her life, Y/N rents a cabin in hopes of finding a reason to live. Meanwhile, Hobi is responsible for caring for Santa’s reindeer. One mischievously brings Hobi and itself into Y/N’s path. When he explains what he’s doing out in the woods in the snow, Y/N thinks he’s crazy.
Better Together: [11.04.2020] {Angel, fantasy, angst, one shot}: He is a celestial being. A warrior for the heavenly Father. After centuries of observing humans, one in particular peaks his interest. What happens when he decides to act on his curiosity?
Jimin x Female Reader:
One Night at the Club: [06.07.2017] {one shot}A very good-looking stranger takes notice of you one night at the club.
Winner: [12.22.2017] {Christmas!AU, one shot}: Jimin loses against Jungkook and has to fulfill a dare Jungkook cooks up for him.
The Truth Untold: [03.15.2020] {angst, smut} Hiding behind a mask (literally and figuratively), a man keeps himself away in his home in the country. He spends his days tending a garden where in which blooms beautiful flowers that attract a new neighbor. Her presence forces him to face himself. Could he change for her and be the man she insists he is or will he continue to hide behind his mask? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Catching Your Attention: [07.29.2021]  {one shot, smut} You see Jimin in a skirt for the first time and are surprised at your body’s reaction.
Taehyung x Female Reader: 
The Confession: [12.26.2016] {Fluff, one shot}:An evening at the state fair holds a little more excitement than you had expected.
Warmest Holidays [01.15.2018] {Christmas!au, fluff, one shot}: You'd given up on dating and decided to concentrate on making your first Christmas as a divorcee a happy one for you and your son. The holidays have other plans for you.
Stigma: [03.26.2018] {Angst, smut}: An important project at work throws together Y/N, a no-nonsense hard worker, with Taehyung, the office prankster. As they spend more time together Y/N begins to see him with a fresh pair of eyes and a friendship starts to grow between the two. When horrible details about Taehyung’s life come to light, will it prove to be too much for their blossoming relationship to survive?:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
A Cage, a Wizard, and a Potion [12.13.2022] {Fantasy}:  The Duchess kept a beautiful gilded cage in her private bed chambers. On a visit with your mother, you happen upon this novelty whilst lost in your aunt’s palace. What you discover in the cage not only shocks you but has you making a vow that you are not able to fulfill until many years later.
Jungkook x Female Reader:
The Business Partner [07.24.2016] {Angst, Fluff, Smut}: Jungkook and you are sent to Hawaii on a business trip. You are still trying to cope with the recent death of your father and having Jungkook, international playboy, as the business partner sent by the sister company in S. Korea to help close the deal does not make it any easier for you. Will he ruin everything or have you got Jungkook all wrong?01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Summer Date [06.21.2017] {Fluff, one shot}: Your boyfriend is back from tour and takes you on a summer date.
Elf on a Shelf [12.20.2017] {Christmas!AU, slight angst, one shot}: What happens when a gift basket that includes something similar to an Elf on a Shelf anonymously shows up at your door?
From the Ashes [10.13.2023]{Fantasy!au, angst}: I am ready to confess my feelings to Jungkook, but his older brother, a wizard, has other plans. Plans with devastating consequences that I could never have prepared for. 01|02|03|
Jungkook x OC (Celeste Greene) ft Namjoon
From the Stars: [10.21.2020] { Fantasy, Alien and human, smut, one shot}: This was written using the following prompt: His body aches as he lay on the ground, bleeding. The asphalt was hard and cold at his back, and noise came through staticky and broken like a voice through a bad phone line. He could just vaguely hear footsteps thudding toward him accompanied by shouting. Still, his vision refused to focus, and the only thing he could identify was the grey expanse of the sky above as rain began to fall.
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crystaljins · 2 years
A helping hand
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Characters: Namjoon x Reader
Word count: 2.2 K
Synopsis: Namjoon’s far too busy for someone like you, surely?
Headboy!Namjoon x reader
Notes: Alright I know I said I’d update weekly and then proceeded to drop off the face of the planet.... My only defence is that my internet is TERRIBLE and I also live a very busy life ahaha.
Warnings: I actually forget what’s in this fic. I think there’s a kiss in it? IDK. Read at your own risk I suppose
GORGEOUS BANNER BY @joheunsaram​
It’s no secret that Namjoon has drastically overcommitted this year. As one of the smartest wizards to walk the halls of Hogwarts in nearly twenty years, it’s only natural that he take on as many subjects as he can. The professors had scouted him, unwilling to allow such a brilliant mind to slip through their fingers and not pursue further study in their field. And that’s only academically speaking. There’s also social and volunteering commitments he has to keep and then the icing on the extremely large cake is that the headmaster thought him an appropriate candidate to be head boy. 
Which, in all honesty, he is an appropriate candidate. No, he’s the best candidate for head boy. It’s just, with his studies, and the groups he volunteers for... it’s no wonder he’s so exhausted. 
Perhaps that is why you can’t bring yourself to wake him up despite the fact that this is the only hour slot he can fit in this week to tutor you. You’d known it was a bad idea to do this the second he’d rocked up with dark circles under his eyes and looking like he was on the verge of passing out. It had been awkward after his mother sent him an owl begging him to on your behalf, and while you had done your best to refuse for his sake, he hadn’t let you. No friend of his would be failing a final year class if he could help it. Especially not a favourite class of his like herbology. Goodness knows why you were even taking the subject, or any subject when your grades are as appalling as they are. You’re just not cut out for academics, it seems.
With a sigh, you reach across him to gather the stack of notes he had brought with him and drag it towards you. In classic Namjoon fashion, all his herbology notes are well kept and detailed. Different plants are sorted into categories based off species, and each one has its magical properties inscribed neatly across the page, followed by interactions and effects when mixed with other magic substances. 
You comb through his notes to the best of your ability- their neater and sensible layout does help you far better than your pathetic notes but it’s still abundantly clear that you are hopeless at this subject. At all subjects. 
It takes you about ten minutes to decide that you are getting nowhere on your own. You prop your cheek against your hand and turn your attention to where Namjoon is so deeply asleep that a trail of drools pools in the corner of his mouth and if you lean in close you can make out a soft, rumbly snore. 
It’s been a while since you’ve been able to spend any type of quality with Namjoon. He’d been so slammed with his final year commitments and you... had not been. Really, the only thing you had going for you was your prowess in quidditch, but as a female the career marks a dead end. A couple of years in the spotlight, maybe an article in witch’s weekly about you, and if you’re extra successful Rita Skeeter may choose to make up a scandal about how you were caught leaving the Midnight Brew Nightclub with one of your more successful and renowned male counterparts in the world quidditch stage. 
A stray hair comes loose from where Namjoon had carefully gelled it back off his forehead and falls against his brow. Despite all his time constraints, you’ve noticed from your brief glimpses in the hallways that he’s been putting extra effort into his appearance lately. You liked how he looked before, however, with his cute glasses and dimpled smile and the way his eyes always seem to spark with joy and excitement no matter how trivial or silly the subject someone was speaking to him about was. 
Absently, you reach up to gently brush the rogue lock of hair back. His lids flutter slightly with the ticklish movement, but he does not rouse. Instead, a sweet, dreamy smile crosses his face. It makes your heart ache, for some reason. You hope that he’s having pleasant dreams. You hope that he always has pleasant dreams, and that only good things await Namjoon ahead. He will probably end up with an equally smart and sweet girlfriend, one who understands the advanced concepts he likes to babble over and who will support him as he ends up a famous researcher or something equally prestigious that utilises his big brain. In fact, he’s probably been trying harder with his looks because someone has caught his eye. Irene, a fellow Ravenclaw, has been hanging around him lately, and everyone knows Nayeon has been in love with him since second year. 
The thought has you withdrawing your hand. The reminder is bitter on your tongue; to Namjoon, you are charity. You are nowhere near his league and the only time you even get to interact with him nowadays is through tutoring sessions because your mum begged his mum to help you somehow before you failed out of your final year. 
The absence of the gentle brush of your fingers is enough to rouse Namjoon. His eyes flutter for a moment, landing on you. For a second he stares mutely, and then he sits up abruptly, scrubbing at the dried spit in the corner of his mouth. 
“Did I...” he starts, cheeks flushed heavy with embarrassment. “Did I fall asleep?” 
Despite everything, you find yourself smiling. Sometimes it’s hard not to smile in Namjoon’s presence. He just has this way of warming the room and more often than not the smile is involuntary. 
“Just for a little while.” You reassure him. He deflates a little in relief until he catches sight of the small clock face on his wrist. His eyes widen as he looks back at you. 
“It’s been half an hour!” He cries in horror. You rush to shush him as the librarian shoots the two of you a warning look. 
“It’s fine, Namjoon,” you try again, doing your utmost to reassure him. It’s fine because he’s exhausted and overworked and you’d rather sacrifice the precious time you have together for his wellbeing then pass a course you’re not even sure you like. 
“It’s not.” He laments. “I’ve cancelled on you twice now and I promised that this time we’d study for real-“
“I don’t mind.” You cut him off, and your voice is firm. You reach out to grab his hand, wrapping your fingers around his reassuringly. His gaze flickers to your joined hands for a moment, surprised, before returning to your face. “You’re busy, Joon. You’re running yourself into the ground, and I’d rather you sleep. You could barely stay awake ten minutes into tutoring me- how much use is that big brain to me when you’re that exhausted?”
He drops his gaze, ashamed, and you suddenly get the impression that this is about more than the fact that he fell asleep during your tutoring session. 
Finally, after a long moment of silence, he speaks up. 
“I know it’s stupid, but I just... I feel like we never see each other anymore.” He admits quietly. When he raises his eyes back up to meet yours, there’s a soft, reserved sadness there. “I didn’t think I was signing up to too much this year, and I was excited to be learning so much. But then I never had time for you and when my mum sent me that owl asking me to tutor you, I thought I’d finally...” he trails away awkwardly. “But I messed it up and we’ve only had two sessions and I fell asleep for half of one.” 
That leaves you a little gobsmacked. You’d certainly felt Namjoon’s absence keenly this year. Which is weird because it’s not like you were lacking for social interactions. You still had your friends in Gryffindor. You’re on the quidditch team and you adore your dormmates, so it’s not like you’ve been alone. But Namjoon’s presence has always been something of a constant for you. Even when you were kids and he was a quiet, bookish sort of child while you were out scraping your knees and climbing trees and hexing your brothers. And the removal of that presence felt sort of like cutting off your arm- the phantom pains of his former presence were chasing you around every corner. 
But you’d never imagined that he would be feeling something similar. You’d always been under the impression that Namjoon was more important to you than you were to him. He always seems quick to avoid you in corridors and he never lets you hang out with his friends. The only time he’d really acknowledge you was when it was just the two of you. 
Kind of like now. 
“You’re busy.” You finally say, even if the words seem a little ingenuine. What else can you say? It’s not like he can give up any of his commitments just to hang out. You aren’t in the same classes so you can’t sit together then. He has his club activities in the evenings and Head Boy duties at night. And you have quidditch practice on the weekends. The two of you simply aren’t compatible. “I shouldn’t have even agreed to tutoring, not when you have so much on your plate and I’m just another thing you have to deal with-“
“I want to tutor you.” Namjoon cries out, and he’s so passionate over the topic that he actually gets to his feet. A few stares turn towards you, and Namjoon is quick to re-take his seat, embarrassed. “Why aren’t you getting what I’m saying?” He continues, in a quieter tone but at this proximity you can really tell how his voice simmers with frustration. “I’m upset that you didn’t wake me up because you seem to think you’re not a priority for me, (Y/N).” Namjoon explains. 
The words feel like a hammer to your heart. Like he’s hexed your voice straight from your throat. 
“But I’m not-“ you begin through a cotton-y throat. 
“You are!” He asserts. “You’re one of my best friends. You know what the most annoying thing about my mum asking me to tutor you was? That you didn’t ask me yourself. What are we to each other, if you can’t even ask that much of me?” He questions. He leans in close and his voice gets softer, more unsure. “Or is it because we aren’t as close as I thought? Because I thought we were friends.”
“We are.” You protest. “We are friends. We are. It’s just...” you trail away. You think back on all the times you’ve gone to wave at him in the halls and he’s quickly ushered his friends away. Or how if he’s sitting with you, he’s always tried to avoid places Ravenclaws go to. Like he’s ashamed of you. And even with this tutoring business- the two of you are in the far corner of the library, away from anyone who might bear witness to your friendship.
“You don’t treat me like a priority.” You finally confess. The words have been burdening you for so long are finally free and you feel oddly light. 
Namjoon, on the other hand, looks like you’ve slapped him. 
“I don’t?” He asks in a small voice. You nod awkwardly. 
“It’s nothing huge. It’s just that you never speak to me around your friends. You’re always shooing them away, or meeting up with me in secret.” You look up at him. “Can you blame me for thinking that? It’s like you’re embarrassed by me. And then when I heard that you were being forced to tutor me, I felt so bad. I didn’t want to be a burden, not when you’re already so embarrassed by me-“
“It’s cause they tease me!” He cries. You glance at him, shocked by the shrill tone in his voice. He can’t see you, however- he hides his face between two large hands. “They tease me because they know how much... they know how much I like you.” 
Ringing silence follows his confession. You blink once. Twice. Did you... did you just hear him right?
“They tease you?” You ask, a little dumbstruck. “Because you like me?”
Namjoon sighs and drops his hands. He then offers a resigned nod. 
“I know. Embarrassing, right? Nerdy, good-y two-shoes Namjoon, with a crush the size of Jupiter.” He groans. “I never wanted you to feel like that, though. I’m sorry- I’m just an idiot who doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. But it’s ok. We still have ten minutes- we can do a little bit of study so we can forget how dumb I am and-“
He’s cut off by the press of your lips against his. It’s a little cliche, kissing in the back of the library. But your heart flutters as Namjoon’s eyes sink shut.
When you pull away, his cheeks are flushed and his glasses are a little askew on his nose. Your own cheeks are hot. 
“Sorry.” You say quickly. “You’re right- we should be studying. You have to get to the gardening club meeting-“
“Screw the gardening club.” Namjoon says quickly, before leaning in for another kiss. 
And he really means it- the next day, Namjoon officially resigns from any extracurriculars not directly contributing towards his chosen career path. 
His girlfriend needs tutoring in herbology, after all.
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