#without the influence of the girlies on my mind
waitmyturtles · 1 year
I’m going to be binging Step By Step after I wrap up Make It Right 2 tonight. I’m so here for it. I really thought I couldn’t do it with work and life commitments, but I’ll make it work. In the words of @shortpplfedup​, I’m ready to watch a show made by adults, for adults, about adult topics. 
But also -- today’s Big Commentary about BL fans complaining hard enough about their fake ships to get an actual show edited is just....
Some of them need to go back to school for art comprehension lessons. Learn to read between the lines. Lemme just leave this here.
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danibeanie · 3 months
astro observations MARS edition
-its so easy to spot a earth mars imo. 🧚🏼 They have a no bs energy to them. very practical and level headed they will get their work done and don’t need anyone’s help either!
🧚🏼‍♂️virgo mars=workaholics HEAVY and yeah they just don’t know how to take a break like please take care of yourself more. a bit critical but its comes from them wanting the best for you.
🧚🏼cap mars girlies have such dominant energy it’s very easy for men to be intimidated by these woman. they demand authority without even trying.
🧚🏼I’ve met very little taurus mars in my life which is surprising coming from a taurus rising but they can come off intimidating at first ngl😭 I believe it’s just that nonchalantness they have idk how to explain it but they just dgaf LMAO. they just give a don’t interrupt my work or else😇
🧚🏼‍♀️I have a soft spot for cap mars and scorpio mars it’s no wonder mars exalts in these signs. it’s something admirable coming from a weak mars :,)
🧚🏼‍♀️so many people talk about scorpio mars sexual energy and while yes THEY DO HAVE THAT. i love the determination they put into EVERYTHING. If a scorpio mars wants something they WILL get it.? wether it be work, school, or a relationship. I notice in relationships they tend to study the person b4 initiating and stare often LMAO
🧜🏼‍♀️I attract so many pisces mars in my life, I feel like water mars attract each other way often. they have this easy going dreamy energy to them. they really do go with the flow, kind, a bit head in the clouds but very vulnerable people.
👼🏻as a cancer mars it’s so hard to have motivation when your just not doing well at all. the moon linking with mars makes you think everything emotionally and even thought it’s considered a weakness I believe it’s something beautiful :,) no but seriously I won’t do anything if I don’t feel like it ugh
🧚🏼‍♀️I have a love/hate relationship with aries mars and I believe it’s because they either fall into 11 or 12 house which is not really a good place for synastry but besides that they come off VERY bold. even though mars exalts in this sign I feel like it doesn’t do well in it?😭 now their anger will show real quick but it’s sizzles down just as fast and they have A TON OF ENERGY. can come off insensitive but it really depends on other placements in the chart.
🧚🏼‍♀️leo mars grab people’s attention so quick it’s crazy… they talk and you can just FEEL their energy. I love leo energy and they’re such good souls and funny people. just like other fire mars bold with what they do.
🧚🏼‍♀️I feel like many people water down sag mars anger… my dad has a sag mars and it’s so scary when he gets mad. also the pluto in sag generation can intensify this placement. they have a very philosophical mind and always think about the bigger picture which I like! It’s probably the jupiter influence, really random but I feel like these people would be great teachers LMAO
🧚🏼‍♀️gemini mars are so chaotic and this is coming from someone with a gemini stellium😭 they talk a lot and I love yapping with these people . they have such a fun vocabulary but they can just come off a big wish washy with their energy. It’s like they can just flip a random switch and put a whole diff vibe out. they can really hurt people with their words but their determination is just if they feel quirky that day I feel.
🧚🏼‍♀️now the only libra mars I’ve met is my mom and all I can say is that she avoids confrontation like no other. comes off as passive and it’s kinda ironic me saying this as a cancer mars but yeah. they find beauty in everyday routine which I think is the venusian energy.very kind people and love taking care of themselves
🧚🏼‍♀️never met a aquarius mars so I can’t really say anything but I feel like they would have a eccentric energy! they probably would love hanging out with their friends and find joy in work If there’s something different to do everyday.
we know that mars energy represents man and that’s usually the first thing I notice in men obv when dating.
-pisces mars men are very shy their cute and lovey but it’s gonna be hard to really know what their feeling cause YOUR gonna have to make the move😭 saying this in the nicest way but they get too in their head about what to do and then they just don’t do it lmao.
- scorpio mars man and I feel like this is one of the few placements that matches my cancer mars. theirs just this underlying feeling of I know ur hella passionate and that’s okay cause I am too.😍they will INITIATE that’s for sure
-sag mars men love:,) this guy was older than me by like 3 years but our chemistry was so good and I think it’s because my venus and his mars made a opposition( good balance). I learned a lot from him
- mars 4th house synastry -I WANNA TAKE CARE OF UUUUU
-mars 7th house synastry - let’s get into a relationship rn even though I’ve talked to you for only a month 😍
-mars 6th house synastry- wow let me take you everywhere with me and let’s basically live together😭
-mars 5th house synastry-“you make me feel like im livin a teenage dream”
-mars 11th house synastry-friends but more than friends? But friends….
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pinkchrissysposts · 3 months
🐳Stay consistent and persist don't let the 3D fool you🐳
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Why some of us "fail" to manifest is because we are slave to the 3d and negative thoughts no seriously. And waiting for external validation is useless because it's giving the answer you want so why keep asking the 3d if you can manifest a car,money again and again,when we already have it in our true reality that is the 4d. We should not get overpowered by this 3d holographic circumstances and this illusionary thoughts which YOU chose to dwell on.
From my own experience law of assumption is a journey where YOU have to satisfy yourSELF not the 3d, everyone is different,everyone have their own personal favourite way to manifest like states,affirming,visualization or whatever you prefer. In my opinion you can start of with affirming,don't directly try to use states(it's not a method) if you are finding it difficult to embody state,just affirm,persist and saturate consistently,NOT to get in 3D but to satisfy your SELF internally.
Be consistent,discipline and persistent these are the KEY to satisfy your SELF, no matter what method you choose,embodying state or affirming,don't let the negative thoughts lead you back to your old self,be strict like an asian parents,and just how they bring you fruit after that yelling at you to study,your desires will also come in your 3d without causing any problem. Be your own parent during your manifestation journey,treat your negative thoughts like those bad influence kids, and when you start looking for movements and wondering how your desires gonna show up treat them like the judgement strangers who question you for everything you do or you have. Don't procrastinate that is when we usually start get doubts just because we aren't doing anything,activate the asian parent in you and scold yourself,and start to affirm and remind yourself who the boss is.
Also DONOT label any of your desires a "big" or "small" desire,they are all same,under you,YOU are on the pedestal not the desire,if you didn't thought about your desire they wouldn't even exist. So why even worry about them. Manifesting seeing a "butterfly" or seeing a "car" with certain "colour" is equivalent to manifest $2000 dollar out of nowhere,dating your celeb sp,having that hourglass body and waking up in your dream life.
When it comes to how you manifest it doesn't matter whether you affirm or embody state or being,SATS,what matter is your consistency because once you continue to persist you'll notice a shift also don't feel bad if you're someone who affirm for hours to saturate your mind but remember it's to remind yourself that you already have your desire in 4D, if you still feel like affirm and persistent will not take you anywhere go see Taylor Tookes insta and twitter post she is a living proof,most manifestation account from where I see success stories are usually affirm and persist girlies and boys like Taylor, Viper and BigDon three of my favourites on Twitter who share they're success story.
Bonus: Do not worry about your self concept,it's good to have one,but as someone who USED to have a good SC yet still couldn't manifest,I guarantee you it's not needed,but you can work on it if you believe it will help you manifest.
My rules are simple💙
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p0rk-guts · 3 months
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Velvette if she served cunt
Design breakdown below 👇🏾(BEWARE IT'S VERY LONG)
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Alright going into detail about my gripes and edits. Like Velvette but her design is just. Not good to me. None of her (main) outfit details look like they fit to me— pinstripe pants + long fur coat paired with black crop top and scene sleeves? Skull earrings? TINKERBELL HEELS????? Tell me how any of that meshes well or even makes SENSE for the social media influencer persona she's supposed to have going on. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be clown themed... But I'm just gonna toss that idea out bc being a revered social media influencer and a clown at the same time just seems a bit oxymoronic to me, and the "clown" details aren't adding shit for me.
And don't think I forgot about her features. Pale ash grey skin and wavy hair at best. If she was supposed to be some type of creature where a nonhuman skin tone would make sense then maybe I could let it go?? But as far as I can tell she doesn't have an object or creature or animal theme like the other V's and if she does I shouldn't need to do detective work to figure it out. There is no reason for *any* of these poc characters to have grey skin, especially since they don't have any other poc features at all.
Sorry that shit gets me heated anyways. Onto my redesign. Gave her a more obviously black skin tone and textured hair bc I love a 30 inch buss down as much as the next girl but considering how there are no significant poc cast members with visibly textured hair I think she deserves to flaunt some coils if no one else will.
Ngl I'm not. A fashion girlie. Idk what's trendy idk what screams "influencer" so a lot of this was just throwing shit at the wall that I've seen around recently but it looks cute enough to me. And there was a bit of inspiration taken from Aliyahcore and ghetto fabulous fashion ❤️
If you can't tell this is shamefully inspired by lovesart23's Velvette reimagining because imo they had some outstanding ideas for Vel. I low-key stole their idea for those floating eyes in her hair that follow her around and help her keep tabs on shit it was just a superb idea for a social media overlord to me. I also took some inspo from @furbtasticworksofart 's redesign because vampire influencer sucking up the souls of her followers in exchange for content??? Too good (also the eyes were supposed to have bat/vamp wings I just forgot 😭) So yeah she's a vampire demon now. Without the features she was looking too human anyhow. Maybe she also feeds off of the energy of her followers through tech like after Vox mind controls them or whatever... Idk idk is that anything
Speaking of Vox, the screen glasses are meant to connect her to him w/ their color and shape while serving the purpose of being like a second phone she can post and check the web with. Like lovesart said in their reimagining vid, Vel doesn't really do more than pose for selfies and scroll on her phone when it comes to social media so in my head she's constantly flipping her shades on and off, using them to scroll and stay active, and they can show when she's not paying attention or respect to something/someone bc scrolling is more worth her time in the moment.
The hearts everywhere are also supposed to kinda represent social media likes + connect her back to Val w/ his heart patterns. That might've been what the hearts in her og design were for but. I just didn't like their placement bc I'm a nitpicker and a hater❕
I have so much more I could say about possible ideas for Velvette because I love evil black girls and I only want them to succeed in my media and I could treat her so much BETTER but I'll refrain bc this is way too long anyway.
Alright for reading/scrolling through all that rambling I offer you the sketches + some alt hair ideas I had
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P.S. I'm very open to constructive criticism but if I see anyone just dick riding in my replies or rb's I'm just blocking you on sight ✌🏾
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prettieinpink · 9 months
Being that girl once again- back to school!
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It’s back to school season everyone, and my favourite times of the year. In this post im going to give you stuff to do for back to school + advice in specific areas of your school life! I hope everyone can take away something from this post <3 
Revise your past term content in your core subjects, ensure there’s nothing you do not understand(it’s better to understand now than have to understand later)
Review what you are going to be learning for this current term in your core subject, you don’t have to study it, just familiarise yourself. 
Catch up with your friends- hang out, call or text before the new school term. My favourite thing is to create predictions of drama, couples etc in the upcoming term w my girlies!
Create SMART goals for you to achieve that term, in any aspect you want. I say; 1 goal for academics, 1 goal for social and 1 goal for extracurriculars/sports. 
Clean your room !! do a deep clean and declutter. E.g wipe down all surfaces, hover pillows, vacuum floor, clean mirrors, take out any clothes you dislike
Do an everything shower + face masks!!
Everyday afterschool, revise everything that you’ve learnt today + the things that you struggle on
Anytime you get homework, complete it as soon as possible. Most of the time, it’s easy and non time consuming. 
Create study guides for exams/tests while actually learning instead of when the assessments are actually coming up. It saves you a lot of time, which you can use for studying effectively.
If you don’t already, have a specific learning/studying style that works for you. E.g flashcards, blurting, mind map, spaced repetition, the feynman technique. (ofc you can have multiple). Just know the pros and cons of each studying technique. 
Or, what I do is that I assign specific studying techniques to different subjects e.g science - blurting, HASS - flashcards, maths - the feynman technique. This may be different to what you have the most success learning.
Have a place, time every day or at least most days, where you can study without distractions. I like to study at the library afterschool, it’s chill and literally void of any distractions.
The only advice in which i’ll say is not optional– do practise questions under the said test conditions. Stop using websites, listening to music, being on your phone etc. Get in the zone and transfer the environment. 
Make an effort to say hi or goodbye to some people, even if you do not know them that well. If you’re up for it, ask them how they are going or how their day has been.
Start remembering names and birthdays. This will literally make people like you so much more, it’s so simple but people swoon over this. Process names in your mind and write down birthdays in your calendar. 
Don’t be afraid to talk to others. Most people do not care if you talk to them, and some are glad that you talk to them. This is how people become well-known or well-liked. 
Watch videos on how to converse with people you do not know well effectively and become close with them. TED x has a lot of videos on this, and are usually helpful. 
Don’t try to fit in with the crowd. It’s so draining, and even if you think they do, they most likely dislike you(sorry!) . Instead, find/be with your people. 
Join a club/extracurricular. You meet so many like-minded people this way, while still developing your own skills. I say everyone should at least have one solid extracurricular. 
If you are in a talking stage, three weeks is enough time for him or you to decide if you’re willing to date them. It’s not the 1920s anymore, we have imessages, facetime, skype and others to communicate and get to know each other without contact
Call out your friends if you notice them doing something toxic or generally anything they shouldn’t do. E.g gossiping, getting mad at others, bullying someone. If they continue, it will influence you in the long run.
Reframe your mindset. I know most of us do not favour school, but do not dwell on negativity and find ways to be positive/neutral about your circumstances. You’ll feel so much better.
Detach. Detachment is literally essential in highschool, there’s so much drama and most likely you will somehow get tied up in it. Stop absorbing what happens and let it influence you, observe what happens and learn from it. I have a post on this here. 
Start saying affirmations everyday. I know affs are usually viewed as a manifestation thing, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a simple one minute way to cultivate a neutral/positive perspective of yourself. 
Journal. Things will happen, so journaling is a great way to discuss your circumstances, feelings, trauma, relationships etc and develop a sense of identity at the same time. I have a post on this here. 
Meditate. It can be go-go-go constantly, but just take a break and gain some mental clarity and see how much better you feel decluttering your mind. 
Embrace a change and growth mindset, especially in an environment where we are constantly required to adapt. 
Start stretching.. seriously. You sit at a desk for like 5 hours a day excluding lunch and recess, everyday, which is of course going to do a number on your body. It can relieve pain in many different areas.
Have at least 1 form of exercise you do everyday. I know being students, we have to sit at a desk constantly. But, do not give up on practising good exercise habits. Not only can it help with results, it’s good for you.
Get the recommended sleep of 6-8 hours per night, which is good quality sleep without disruptions. It helps with long term memory and you’ll feel better. 
Start packing healthy but tasty lunches to school instead of buying. You’ll save so much money in the long run, and it’s better for your body. 
Get your uniforms tailored just a bit. Not too noticeable, but enough that it fits better on your body. Especially for button formal shirts, as they make you look 10 times as bulky than what you actually are. 
Buy new jewellery, earrings, necklaces or whatever you’re allowed. Subtle but noticeable jewellery makes girls look so pretty.
Learn new hairstyles!! Don’t just wear the same hair everyday, mix it up, it’s fun and makes you look attractive. 
Get a good eyebrow gel + clear mascara. Legit life changer, I look so much better everyday because I look put together without make up.
apply  vaseline on areas you would apply highlight, but avoid your eye area. 
Have a good skincare regime!! Being a student is stressful, getting pimples is a sign of stress. 
Okay that's it. Happy back to school everyone! Here’s an affirmation for you <3
I am intelligent and capable. I am skilled and confident in my abilities. I am perceived well by others. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am looking for this term to be full of good grades, vibes, friends, growth and fun. 
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
Divide The Love.
Toji Fushiguro x FemReader x Satoru Gojo
You were supposed to be a one night stand, nothing more, nothing important. So how the hell did the three of you end up in this dynamic? Who knows, who cares.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • 3some f/m only • smutsmutsmut • drabbles • AU toji/Suguru/gojo were house mates • crack • 🌶️ • poly relationship • healthy relationships • Fluff on both more so Gojo • a bit of everything really • gojo’s scene tho <3 🥹
Word count: 7.1k (I am unwell)
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That was what it was to be around you and Satoru.
But oh so taxing.
Toji had all but mastered hiding any hint of amusement when around you both afraid if he ever showed the fact he found you funny he’d never live it down. Your behaviour would be deemed acceptable, Satoru was limitless to his goofiness and the kind of influence you really shouldn’t be around.
Then again you egged Satoru on just as much. Ah who was he kidding. You were as bad as each other.
You were supposed to be a simple one night stand, nothing more and nothing less. You weren’t supposed to be anything special, anything different. Pussy was pussy. Wet was wet.
Yet here you were sitting comfortably between the two men like you’d belonged there from the start. It was coming up to a year since Toji brought you back here. a.fucking.year.
Hell, was he even with his ex wife this long?
He hadn’t had another woman in a year either and truthfully, the thought of it now was kinda a turn off. Maybe it was age, maybe it was boredom of same routines in fucking around. He didn’t look at women like he used to -like an opportunity. Instead they walked by him like everyone else on the street because you plagued his damn mind like a disease.
And quiet frankly he didn’t want the cure.
It was 4 months since Satoru wormed his way in as well, and surprisingly he hadn’t seen anyone else in that time. Toji thought it was a mere one off him joining in one night -a simple threesome to make Satoru stop harping on about his crush on you. Toji thought once he got his fill he’d move on like he always did, he’d get bored and instead he carved a seat for himself and became as invested as Toji.
Unbelievable right?
Suguru used to live in this penthouse with the two men but his passing had brought some changes to Gojo. The dynamic was odd and most people laughed off the idea when they heard you were with the two men. It was impossible, ridiculous and foolish.
“Haha! Right, such a woman doesn’t exists. Putting up with one of you? Let alone both? She a witch or something?”
Maybe you were.
You certainly rivalled most beauty standards without all this crap in your face, make up was only really worn if you done something fancy — you did have a strict skin care routine though.
Speaking of which.
“Can you take this shit off my face now?”
You hummed and looked over your shoulder at Toji who was sat on the couch looking less than fucking amused about the face mask you’d put on him.
Gojo was sat before you with his legs crossed — if he were a dog his tail would be wagging. He was fucking beaming at you whilst you applied the face mask on him, his hair clipped up with some kind of clip Toji had no idea how to even explain —he really didn’t care for girly shit. All he could say was Satoru looked like a cockatoo with his fringe up like that.
“You got another 10 minutes yet, you’re so impatient.”
“I’d use every one of those minutes, you need it old man,”
“Off ya fuck manchild.”
“Don’t be jealous of my baby like skin and good looks, youth is with me!”
You flicked Gojo’s forehead with the mask applicator, a wet slap sounding through the room.
“Ouch! What was that for?”
“Oh please that didn’t hurt you,”
“It did! Terribly so,”
“Manchild,” Toji repeated whilst he leaned back into the couch again.
What the fuck were they doing? Him, Toji Fushiguro an assassin and Gojo Satoru a leader for a world dominating, family owned corporation sat here wearing face masks because their bratty girlfriend won at some damn video game.
Toji looked down, keeping the back of his head cradled by the sofa. He watched you laughing and Satoru’s blue eyes absolutely beaming at you, watching your every expression as you applied the mask evenly on his face. Even with that disgusting looking shitty green mask on your face, hair tied up into a messy bun, some comfy clothes on —matching coloured baggy lounge trousers with a tight little crop top. You still looked so pretty, you held an air of youth and something refreshing about you, yet you carried yourself like a grown ass woman.
He was older than you by 7 years, you were the same age as Satoru at 30 but you made him feel young again. You gave him that stupid rush he’d missed out on as a teen.
His eyes scanned over your body as you sat crossed legged in front of the other man and even with you hardly at your best right now, even with that ugly mask on your face he’d still absolutely fuck you utterly stupid like this.
There was something about the comfort, the familiarity -the trust and calmness here. That was the point you’d both reached with each other, it brought back fondness from his deceased wife and it made him wonder if he got a second chance at this with you.
Watching you like this, the stupidest, simplest of things stirred something ridiculous in his chest that shot straight to his lower stomach, rushing blood to his cock and he felt it twitch in his baggy sweats.
Toji scowled again before glaring back at the ceiling. God you pissed him off. He didn’t want to feel it. He zoned out from you and Satoru, deciding to block out whatever was around him to concentrate on beating down this horridly pleasant feeling in his chest.
He didn’t hear the whispering.
“Does he know you put a pink mask on him?”
“Nah, I took a photo as well when he wasn’t looking.”
“Even with this hair tied up?”
“Yup, his lil top knot n’all.”
“Heheh. Smart move, you gonna bribe him with it?”
“You’re the girl of my dreams,” Gojo sighed dreamily and you snorted a laugh at him, prodding the end of the applicator against his forehead.
“You’ll be saying that to someone else in a few months with your short attention span.”
“Nuh-uh! Told ya, I’m serious about this.”
You rolled your eyes and put the lid back on your face mask pot, going to stand he stopped you half way, his fingers wrapping around your wrist stopping you from fully standing.
“Hey-“ you hummed in response and looked down to Satoru, the amusement dropped from his face, that usual playful tone replaced with a rare softness. “-m’serious, don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
You seen his jaw clench and his blue eyes glanced over you to Toji, who remained glaring at the ceiling tuning out from your conversation, before shifting off else were awkwardly looking at something across the room.
“Nothin’ don’t worry.”
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You had been roped into baking for Satoru because of his endless consumption for sweet things and today you’d agreed to make brownies.
Satoru sat on the island, chin resting into his hands whilst his elbows rested on it. Leaning forward in the high bar stool watching you work with some doe assed expression.
“You gonna put that chocolate stuff in again?”
“The Nutella?”
“Yeah! That stuff,”
“You’re gonna be fat.”
“Nah, besides I know a good way to burn it off,” he winked at you whilst giving a small smirk.
“Y’ever stop thinking with your dick?”
Toji strode by, chiming in his input after returning from the gym and opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
You could see he was still sweaty, his biceps looked fucking huge as he still carried his pump from the gym. The veins popping up his arms was enough to make you slow the stirring the spoon in the bowl until you stopped completely.
He was a tall glass of water and you were drinking him.
Well, clearly it was arms day at the gym. You gawked at the man who stood in all his glory, fuck was he always this huge? Had he gotten bigger? That wasn’t just the pump was it? Those tiddies of his… ugh. He’d let you motor boat him, right?
“See something you like, sweetheart?”
Your jaw closed so fast they heard your teeth clack together and you returned to stirring the spoon in the mix of brownies furiously.
“Don’t be jealous cause I can fill her more than you now old man, shootin’ blanks now aren’t you?”
You snorted a laugh and turned back around to the boys,
“More like baby powder,” you chimed in.
Satoru snickered a laugh behind you, Toji’s eyes darkened as they looked down at you whilst drinking, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped down the water.
“Fuck, fuck y/n, I’m gonna cum,” you mimicked him, probably sounding more desperate than he actually came off.
The golden part though, was you lifting your hand and you blew into it, flour clouding across the kitchen and hitting Toji’s chest. Little lumps falling down his body gathering at the band of his joggers.
Satoru was howling behind you his hands slapped down on the islands marble countertop, Toji looking less than amused, despite the glint in his eye giving away that it was funny his ego was simply not letting you get away with it.
The bottle hit the counter and he strode forwards. The amusement dropped from your face and jaw fell slack, Gojo watched with glinting eyes as he drank in the scene unfolding before him.
Uh oh, you were in trouble~!
Toji swiped the bowl from your hands, throwing it to the countertop behind you as he towered before you, one hand grabbing your neck and forcing you up into your tip toes.
“Oh? That funny shit left you pretty fast princess.”
He felt you gulp under his palm, the hand squeezed your neck with the pressure you liked, he felt the vibration of the moan that crawled up your throat. His green eyes glanced down to watch your body, your hands gripping the counter behind you and your thighs rubbed together.
“Tch, look at you-“ he kicked at your feet to separate them, pressing his huge thigh against your pussy and angled it up, he felt you buckle and it let him knew he pressed against your clit just right “-least you know to submit,” he husked out, lowering his mouth to brush against your lips before pulling away.
His hand around your throat left to gather your hair painfully, you winced as he gripped it in his large hand, pushing you down to your knees. His other hand pulling down his joggers enough to release his semi hard dick.
Even soft this guy was huge, thick and long, it silently stood at least 9 inches at least. He was physically daunting in every aspect, Toji was older and his physical form dominated the two of you overall. Everything about him screamed pure man.
Satoru wasn’t far behind at all, a god in his own league and he only bulked out more as he got older. But Toji had something Satoru didn’t have -that rough and ready thing that made you fucking melt. Gojo made you want to challenge him, even though you’d never win but Toji purely made you want to submit.
Toji was filth, mean, cold and reserved. He’d spit in your mouth, he’d eat you out after cumming in you, he’d verbally abuse you in only a way he could.
Gojo taunted and teased, his method was far from clean, but he took a more playful approach. Toji just took.
“Get it hard then-“ Toji pushed your face forwards towards his cock and you seen it flex giving away his excitement, “-I’m gonna paint that pretty face of yours with cum, see if your crap jokes are funny then.”
Your tongue pressed against the tip before licking a line up to the hilt, feeling it hardening under you. Toji looked over his shoulder to Gojo who had remained in his seat, blue eyes watching everything with his mouth formed into a straight line. Amusement had also left him it seems, favouring watching the scene unfold.
“Y’watching kid?” The smirk that spread over Toji’s mouth was nasty, “-maybe I’ll put a kid in her, really take her as mine.”
Toji’s thumb ran over your cheek as he groaned out at the feeling of your warm mouth taking in his head, tongue swirling around it.
“Have you look at her everyday knowing she’s got my kid in her -fuck- tits all swollen and stomach all round-“ his head tilted back as you took him down your throat, his dick now solid as he felt you gag around him “-it’ll drive your cocky ass mad.”
Gojo’s smirk twitched on his lips, refusing to show Toji’s taunting was actually striking a cord in the blue eyes. Instead he opted to tilting his head to lock eyes with you -doe eyed, all glassy looking pretty at him and a mouth stuffed full of thick cock, drool already spilling down your chin.
Satoru almost groaned at the sight of you like that, feeling his own dick hardening as Toji started to rock his hips to gain more friction down your throat, that would swell up as he pushed his cock further down it before retracting.
“Heh, you really hit a nerve with scarface~!”
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Being left alone with you seemed like a rarity these days, even though that wasn’t the case it felt more valuable when he was alone with you.
You were laying on Toji, his thick legs either side of you both flat on the sofa. You were currently asleep on his chest, arms lazily wrapped around his, as you call it, slutty waist.
His arms were folded behind his head, the light from the massive tv danced in patterns a crossed the dark room as the film ran.
He knew you wouldn’t stay awake for it, now he was stuck like this on the sofa fighting his own sleep.
Your face nuzzled into his chest, a satisfying hum leaving you with a dreamy smile.
“Such good tiddies,” you slurred in your sleep, shuffling your body a bit against his.
He snorted a laugh, eyes returning back to watch you nuzzle your face between his pecs.
A smirk appeared on his lips, green eyes scanning over that pretty face looking so content buried in his.. tiddies.
“You’re an idiot,” he mumbled, lifting a hand to brush over your cheek, pushing the fallen strands of hair back.
“Insulting me even when I sleep?” You mumbled, pulling your body into a stretch before settling back on him.
Toji grunted and used the opportunity to shift himself under you.
You lifted your head and rested your chin on his chest, opening one eye to look at him sleepily.
“S’the time?”
You gasped dramatically and rose up,
“Old man! You shouldn’t be up so late, your poor back tomorrow, I’ll be buying you a summer frame.”
“If your fat ass wasn’t sleeping on me-“
“-I’m getting heavy for you? Truly, age is weakening you.”
Toji deadpanned at you before grabbing the back of your head and planting your face against his chest, smothering you. He felt you laughing, muffled by his muscle he smirked, keeping your face from lifting to see it.
You managed to twist your head to the side and dramatically inhaled.
“Death by tiddies won’t look glamorous on my death certificate.”
“Stop being so dramatic, you’re exhausting.” He released your head and let you lift yourself again a pouted now visible in your face and you moved to straddle him. He was shirtless under you because you were wearing his massive black t-shirt, some panties underneath and he wore his usual grey lounge joggers.
Your hands planted on his stomach, the muscle tensing under you and your fingers dented in to the six pack, gently moving them across the deep lines.
He rose an eyebrow as you wiggled your hips against his, he knew what you were looking for and it only made him smirk at you.
“Gotta work harder than that, princess.”
Your hands gripped the bottom of the shirt, pulling it over your head, tits bouncing from the movement.
His hands folded behind his head and he shrugged.
You pouted, frowning at him childishly, he could see the cogs turning in your head but he wasn’t expecting you to reach down, sliding your fingers down that smooth stomach before disappearing into your pathetic excuse of panties. Lacey and perfectly see through.
He watched your index finger press into your folds and run to your hole, gathering slick before moving back to your clit and rolling a circle over it. Hips twitching, an airy moan leaving you and he watched the pink dust over your cheeks, eyes half hooded as you dropped your gaze to his chest.
Strands of hair fell from your shoulders, framing your face as he watched your body reacting to your finger working against your clit. Your breathing picked up, your hips began moving in time with your finger.
Toji’s hands flexed behind his head, jaw tensing as he fought himself to reach out for you. Your other hand tugged at his sweats and he lifted his hips, it was a skill in itself on how you managed to shimmy them down just enough to release his dick with one hand whilst straddling him.
That finger on your clit never stopping as he watched it between your folds.
Your next move however did draw a grunt from him, pushing your panties aside you pressed your wet slit to his hardening length and dragged yourself along it. The airy, whiny moan that left you made his cock flex against your pussy.
“You dreamin’ about dick or somethin’? She’s fucking drooling, fuck.”
Green eyes fixed to watching the length of his dick gliding between your folds, quickly drenching it in slick he could see it glinting from the light of the tv.
Dick flexing again under you, completely acting on its own as you rolled yourself fucking stunningly against his cock, sandwiched between your cunt and his stomach.
Your soft pants in the room, the tv dulling out as he focused on you.
He snorted a laugh when you reached down, lifting yourself up to press the head of his cock against that tight hole.
“You ain’t gonna manage that sweetheart.”
Your hand braced against his stomach and despite his taunt you lowered yourself, his thick head pushing through that tight ring and he felt it actually fucking pop as it pushed through.
He exhaled heavily, hands balling into fists behind his head and he glared at you, your cocky stubbornness was always fun to watch but it always bugged him how you thought you’d manage without him.
Toji was a dom through and through, he’d let you have fun for his own amusement until he had enough.
“Not gonna beg for my help huh?”
“Fuck you, Toji.”
“Feel free, I hope you can fuck that dick,”
He watched you struggle, you sank down slowly and you made it half way before you huffed. Hand against his stomach curling into a fist.
“Fuck, you’re so thick.”
Surprise was shown from both you and Toji as a hand wrapped around your neck from behind, the other gripping your hair and pulling your head back. Lips crashing into yours in an upside down kiss.
Gojo hummed into the kiss, greedily shoving his tongue into your mouth and squeezing your throat lightly.
“You look like you need some help,” his lips moved against yours, shifting his leg he bent it and pushed between Toji’s and the back of the sofa to give himself even balance and position to be directly behind you, his other foot braced on the floor. Satoru’s hands slid down your body, one moved to the front to press against your clit, causing you to moan against his mouth. The other gripped your hip and started to push you down, finger on your clit rolling to distract you.
Blue eyes stared at green, Toji’s mouth formed into a sneer, eyes hardening on at Gojo interfering with his little lesson.
But fuck wasn’t it hot watching Satoru push you down to take him, feeling your pussy stretch to his girthy dick. Gojo’s mouth working against yours in a wet, messy kiss, your hands moving to grip his hair behind you and hold onto him.
The distraction was working, Toji felt you loosen up to swallow his cock to the hilt and he groaned when your warm walls hugged him. He could feel your slick running down his balls and ass, he could see Satoru’s finger running fast but light circles on your clit.
“You gonna ride him? You want my help right?” You nodded dumbly against his mouth, he chuckled against yours.
“You’re such a good girl,” his other hand left your clit so both were resting on your hips, Satoru guided you up Toji’s cock before slamming you back down. Both men heard the breath hitch in your throat, his previous gentle, caring actions and words led you into a false sense of security.
“C’mon then, ride him don’t let us down now,”
The lack of attention to your clit was short lived, Toji finally moved an arm so his thumb could press against the hardened bundle of nerves. He watched your body jolt, your hips rolling and the dips from Satoru’s fingers as he gripped your hips tighter.
“Suggest you hold onto something,” Your head finally tilted back to Toji, his deep voice filtering through but it’s his words that catch your attention.
The pink now intense across your cheeks and nose, eyes all glassy and looking at him like he was the centre of your universe.
Satoru pushed you forward so he could look down with a perfect view of Toji stretching and filling your pussy.
Your hands gripped Toji’s huge biceps, tensed under you as his hands now both gripped your thighs to hold you still.
Green eyes looked over your shoulder to meet Satoru’s.
“Hold her,”
“What?” You questioned, the trace of worry in your eyes at you looked at Toji like a doe in the headlights.
Satoru squeezed your hips, green eyes met yours and Toji smirked at you.
He withdrew before slamming back into you, the wet slap echoed around the room, his warning thrust made your breath hitch before he started to fucking rut into you.
Your nails dug into his muscle, Satoru’s grip stopping you from moving in any way and Toji’s hands on your thighs restricting you further.
“Wanna get fucked dumb huh?”
You nodded dumbly, Toji giving a hard, sharp thrust.
“Use your words,”
“Y-Yeah, fucked dumb-“ you slurred, voice jolting with each thrust and his dick kissing your cervix. You felt too full, Satoru keeping your hips pinned, Toji holding your legs left no room for him to fully slide from you. The constant short, hard fast thrusts of his dick punching into you, keeping you full quickly stirred the heat pooling in your stomach. He was pounding your g spot, hitting it within seconds of filling you.
Toji could feel you clenching around him, his breathing becoming laboured.
“Gonna cum already? Can feel that pussy suckin’ me in,”
“Hell, you’re taking his dick so well.” Satoru chimed in, confirming his words as blue eyes literally watched your pussy sucking Toji’s dick back in. Hearing that wet squelch of your cunt, the slapping of skin as Toji fucked you until you went crossed eyed, slurring words they could barely understand.
“Keep slurring n talkin’ all dumb like that princess, fuck this cunts so fucking good.” Toji growled out, he sounded feral, slamming harder into you and he watched as he took you to seen stars.
“That’s it, fuckin’ let go, give it up.”
“T-T I’m gonna -you’re gonna make me-“
The noise that left you as you came made Satoru groan behind you, you sunk forward into Toji, burying your face into his neck. In return he turned his head, one hand rising to run through your hair and grip it, twisting your head to press his lips to yours, mashing them together messily and desperately as he groaned into your mouth swallowing your noises.
Satoru pouted behind you, briefly taking his eyes from your cum forming around Toji’s cock as he used it to fuck you.
Toji was mumbling against your lips, something Satoru couldn’t hear from his place above the the loud skin slapping and cum drooling cunt being fucked just under him.
His green eyes focused on you your forehead against his, his hand in your hair keeping you close and in place, talking you through something and Satoru watched as you melted for him.
“I can’t- it’s too much, you’re-“
“You can, you’re fuckin’ gonna take it. You wanted this so finish what you started so stop whinin’”
“Breath. Gotta let me cum princess, this pretty pussy too fucking good to stop, you gonna help me cum yeah? Fill you up?”
You nodded dumbly.
His eyes scanned your face, Satoru’s hands left you and Toji moved in quickly, his arms hooking under yours, crossing over your shoulders, on hand remained in your hair then other cradled the back of your neck. Your hands ran through his hair. His feet planted against the sofa, keeping your forehead against his he locked eyes with you as he started to fuck upwards.
Satoru pulled at his boxers, releasing his cock as it slapped loudly against his stomach. A hand reaching out to collect the slick and cum from your inner thigh using it to rub his head, a hiss leaving him as he mixed his pre with it before fisting himself, blue eyes focused on your pussy being stretched and fucked before him.
He did notice the position Toji had put you in, ignoring the jealousy of how fucking intimate it looked.
You didn’t fuck just anyone like that. It was close, messy and focused. Fushiguro was watching you like you were feeding his soul, those green eyes glassy with something he’d never really seen in Toji. That usual hardness broke, despite his brutal fucking and harsh words it broke under that stupid fucking look in his eyes.
The thought hit Gojo at the wrong time.
This really was more than sex between you both? Why did he suddenly feel so out of place, like he shouldn’t have stepped into something like this?
“I’m cummin’ Toji -again- fuck that’s it, fuck-yeah, there! There!”
His huge arms tightened around you, biceps bulging as they hugged you so tight like he was trying to merge your souls together. His hand cradling the back of your neck tightened as he moaned out to you as you cum around his cock for a second time —this time though you brought him with you.
“Shit- m’cummin’-“
His hips pinned up to yours, he lifted from the sofa as his toes curling against it, his stomach spasmed as he coated your insides. His hips fell back against the sofa, a heavy exhale leaving him as you panted above him, light tremors starting through your body.
“Oi,” a cooler hand skimmed over your ass, up your spine and grabbing your hair to pull you back from Toji, Satoru met his eyes “-suggest you pull out, else she’s getting double stuffed.”
Satoru’s spare hand gripped your hip and encouraged you to lift from Toji, his cock slipping out with a wet, cum soaked slap to his stomach.
“Shit, what a sloppy girl you are~”
Gojo eyed your dripping, swollen hole clenching around nothing, quickly guiding the head of his dick to your entrance to stop anything coming out.
“I’ll just use his cum to fuck you huh? Thanks for warming her up-“ Gojo taunted, that cocky grin on his face as he slapped his hand across your ass watching it jiggle.
Toji seen you wince despite the moany breath that left you as Satoru bullied his cock to the hilt without any adjustment, filling you again. Your hands curled against Toji’s chest and he felt you tremble above him.
“Yeah use it-“ Toji folded his hands behind his head again, sitting back to watch. Green eyes drinking you in as you jolted forward with every wet slap and thrust, tits bouncing against his as Satoru started his round of fucking you, “-not like y’have a choice, you’ll never know her pussy without it, Gojo.”
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Satoru Gojo being quiet was unheard of, if anything the man only got more hyper and put his deflection tactics up to god tier when he had something troubling him.
It was fast approaching February and a specific date in particular was causing the eccentric blue eyes some dread.
Suguru’s Birthday.
It was 1am to be exact and you’d rolled over to find the bed belonging to Satoru empty. Toji was away on a job for the next few weeks and that was your allowance to stay in Saturo’s domain.
Toji was first after all, he made that point almost weekly with some kind of remark or holding some kind of action to solidify it.
Such a weird dynamic.
You sighed as you lay flat on the large mattress looking up to the ceiling with a frown listening in the silence to see if you could guess what he was doing.
“I swear to god if he’s sleep walking again,” you mumbled, flinging the thick, warm sheets off you dramatically you swung your feet from the bed and set on mission to find the man.
Grabbing his white shirt thrown over a chair in his room you slipped it on.
Bare feet pattered through the house and you actually felt annoyed by the fact your feet were getting cold —it was the middle of winter after all.
With how silent the house was you thought Gojo had left the penthouse but a sad sigh left you when you seen a low, dull light glowing under the door to the room Suguru once occupied.
“Oh, Toru.” You whispered sadly in the empty hallway.
Your hand hovered over the door, chewing the inside of your cheek, with an inner battle as to whether you should get involved. Gojo shut down and away, he was terrible with processing emotions.
Where Toji was more than comfortable with his, being the black and white guy he was, he was surprisingly easier to deal with in that regard —you knew where you stood with him even if he wasn’t verbal with affection. If he wanted something he had it, if he didn’t he didn’t have it around him. The difficulty with Toji wasn’t his lack of ability to process, Toji was a difficult character in the ways Gojo was easy. Gojo had more morals, he wasn’t as selfish, he didn’t spit venom. Socially Toji was horrendous as well, he was rough around the edges. He was cold and distant. Gojo was more polished, a social butterfly with the charm of a prince.
If this were Toji you’d leave him alone until he came to you.
Emotions and Gojo though? Different kettle of fish.
He needed a hug but he didn’t want anyone close enough to allow himself to accept it.
His facade and deflection was humour, a goofball —being the kid he never could be growing up. But he dwelled in a domain of loneliness that was cured by Suguru and him alone. You always thought Gojo handled his death a little too well, avoiding the grief process.
The blue eyes knew what he wanted deep down but he was scared of having it —of losing it, again.
Plus his enormous god complex only aided his fussiness on things.
You were surprised he lasted the last 6 months in this dynamic, you were convinced he’d get bored and go back to multiple girls on the go to aid his insecurities.
But he hadn’t.
So you needed to help him.
The door opened quietly and Gojo was sat on the end of Suguru’s bed, his elbows resting on his knees, legs man spread as usual. Hands hanging loosely down and his head bowed, hair covering his eyes but through the strands you could see his eyes fixed on the floor.
He looked numb.
“Hey, Sato.”
He didn’t move when your hand ran across his bare back, “-just gonna sit next to you, s’alright yeah?”
He gave some short hum as a response but stayed fixed on his position. You sat behind him, legs sitting either side of him and wrapping your arms around his torso, resting your cheek against his huge back. It looked comical, spooning a 190cm man who was built like a god, your smaller frame behind him.
He didn’t move, even when you gave him a reassuring squeeze with your arms.
“So, I was watching this video today on these kikufuku’s with cream and edamame, they’re your favourite right? Looks easy enough to make.”
You pressed a few kisses to his back, continuing to blabber to him quietly, filling the silence you knew he was wallowing in, in this room once occupied by his best friend.
“Also, I seen this really awesome photo of that bamboo forest in Kyoto, there’s loads of snow there at the moment it looked so pretty. I haven’t been there since I was a kid! Never seen it covered in snow though, ah, I miss Kyoto it’s so pretty there.”
You shifted your legs, placing them over his thighs and he reacted, his hands moved to grip your feet and rub his thumbs over the soles in a lazy attempt of a massage.
“I ordered you a shirt too, it’s really funny. It’s got metalgreymon on it saying digimon is better than Pokémon.”
A smile twitched at his lips.
“Yeah, it is.”
“I liked that horse one, not that weird ugly ass one. The golden one.”
“Yeahyeah! That one,”
Gojo chuckled at your excitement, his hands giving a firmer grip on your feet as he started to come around, crawling his way out of that numb void with a rope you’d thrown down to him.
“You’re not alone anymore, Toru, not if you don’t wanna be anyway.” You mumbled, pressing your forehead against his back.
Gojo looked over his shoulder at you, before turning in your embrace.
“Is that right?”
You gave him a goofy smile and nodded.
“Yup! But you gotta work on it as well, you gotta meet half way.”
He hummed again, eyes drifting to look at his shirt draped over you, one shoulder hanging off and the buttons undone enough to show cleavage. Nipples perking through the material, small goosebumps on your skin. Your long, smooth legs either side of him and he knew you had nothing on underneath.
His eyes drifted to your neckline, following up to your plump, pink lips.
He leaned forward causing you to lean back onto your elbows, his hand skimming up your legs, pushing the shirt up as he placed it against your hip.
He knew it was over for him the minute he finally met your eyes, those beautiful fucking eyes looking at him all glassy, yet filled with something that made his heart warm.
And for once he didn’t wanna run.
“I’m here, Satoru,”
His mouth pressed against yours the moment the words left you, the kiss was hot, messy and desperate. He moaned into you as his tongue filled your mouth, his spare hand moving to pull down his joggers clumsily, freeing his hard cock as it slapped against his stomach.
He felt needy, desperate to be in you. He pressed you into the mattress, both moaning with breathy pants as he pulled your hips towards him, dragging you down the bed. Your legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, burying a hand into his hair and tugging at it.
He rolled his hips forward, running the length of his dick between your folds.
“You’re still wet from earlier huh?”
You nodded against his mouth, not letting him pull away when he went to speak. He chuckled against you, smirking against your mouth.
“Says you, look how fast you got hard.”
Satoru shrugged, his large hands holding the globes of your ass, pulling his hips back he angled the head of his dick at your entrance, pushing forward and moaning into your mouth as he entered you, feeling you stretching around his cock swallowing him to the hilt.
“Fuck, m’never gonna get over how good that feels sliding in first time.”
Your hips rolled up into his and he set a feral pace, he was sloppy, stuttering and kissed you just the same. His hands gripping and smoothing over your skin like he was trying to feel everything.
“You feel s’good Toru-hah- god you’re fucking me so well.”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck you like this forever? You know I can’t be without this pussy now right? She’s so sloppy for me, she’s drooling everywhere for my dick.”
You moaned and nodded desperately against him, your heart starting to race as you felt that heat pooling in your stomach, he was so close he was rubbing your clit at the same time. His hips rolling into you as he fucked his dick against your warm walls.
Slurring affection for him, your body rolling to meet his as he fucked you with an intimacy you’d never seen in him.
“You can’t leave me-“ your blurred vision started to focus, hos words bringing clarity. He face burying into your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist making you arch your back, shift your hips down at an angle so he could fuck up into you hitting that spot he was looking for.
“—you can’t leave me.” He repeated it again, slurring into your neck as his pace turned sloppy.
It was too much for him, he felt like he was going to burst, he’d never felt love but he was pretty sure this was fucking it. This unbearable warmth that spread through his chest made the feeling rushing through his dick more intense. He felt so close to cumming as well, struggling to hold on and not fill you up. He could smell you mixed in with Geto, whose scent still filled the room faintly.
But it was enough.
“M’gonna cum,” he slurred, his thrusts becoming frantic but uncoordinated as he bullied his dick into your pussy, clenching around him,
“Yeah? Gonna be a good boy for me Toru?”
“Y-Yeah m’a good boy,” he replied dumbly, chasing that high he was about to throw himself over for you —because of you.
“M’cummin’ fuck- fuck, fuck fuckkk.” He lifted his head and smashed his mouth against yours in a bruising kiss, he exhaled heavily, a whiny moan crawled at the back of his throat. Hips pinning to yours he spasmed against you as he blew his load into you until he felt it dripping past the plug of his dick.
He was breathless when he pulled from you, holding himself up now by his elbows either side of your head. His arms shaking lightly as he collected himself, his dick softening but warming in your cum filled pussy.
“Y’know-“ his voice was a little shaky and he refused to look at you, instead he was looking down at the small gap between you now, your stomach heaving and his cock still buried in you. “-I’ll settle for this, if it means I get you. But I wish it was with Suguru, cause I know he’d have taken care of you better than Fushiguro or me.”
He shook his head, you could see his jaw clenching but your eyes widened when you see the drops fall onto your stomach.
“I don’t deserve you, s’fact. But I’ll try if you don’t leave me.”
Your hands cupped his face, thumbs wiping under his eyes gently, pushing away whatever tears fell from those beautiful blue eyes.
“Can you look at me?”
You didn’t force his head up, but gave him the choice and he did, your breath hitched in your throat.
He never looked so fucking handsome. His hair was a bit messy, his eyes glistening with tears that only made them look more beautiful. His huge built towering over you as he left his cock buried in you.
This was Satoru Gojo.
And you weren’t sure if you’d finally just fallen in love with him at that exact moment.
“You deserve love, just as much as anyone else.”
Gojo slid down your body and down the bed, hands pressing to the backs of your thighs he pushed your knees up to your chest. He didn’t waste a beat, burying his head between your legs, sucking on your clit and rolling his tongue in a circle around it.
“Fuck- Satoru- holy shi-“ you hissed, hands flying into his hair and thighs trying to tighten around his head.
He could feel his cum down his own chin as it leaked from you, your hips rolled and he leaned onto you more to pin you.
He was ruthless on your clit, slurring against your pussy as he spoke.
“Gotta have you cummin’ said I gotta meet ya half way right? Fuck- tastes like us. This why Toji eat you after after he’s cum in you huh?”
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Gojo > I’m taking her to Kyoto, she mentioned wanting to see the bamboo forest. So if you’re back and she’s not there, don’t worry your fat head ‘bout it . She’s only being whisked away for a romantic trip by her most handsome boyfriend <;3
Received 230am
Toji sneered as he read the message that was sent this morning, before moving into the ridiculous amount of messages you’d sent. He swore to god if you were spamming him with fucking sloth photos again, that only you thought were hilarious, he was going to block you.
Brat > Hey, so I might have accidentally knocked your gun off the side whilst house cleaning and it went off. There’s a hole in your cupboard and it went through one of your shirts. Miss your grumpy ass, can’t wait until your back, miss lil T too.
Received 1030am
Brat > well, it’s not lil is it.
Received 1031am
Brat > think I just made that all worse.
Received 1031am
Brat > okay, I lied. Satoru keeps bribing me with stupid shit else he’s gonna tell you. I didn’t knock the gun off, I was pretending to shoot at an enemy, I rolled across your bed, my feet missed the floor and pressed the trigger when I landed. I’m really sorry :( I didn’t know it was loaded. don’t be mad!
Received. 1305pm
Brat > Do you want a pic of my boobies? They’re a good distraction and you’ll magically forget all about it.
Received 1615pm
Brat > actually can I have a tiddies photo? I miss them.
Received. 1630pm
Brat > Satoru is useless at DIY, I bought a new door for your walk in cupboard, he put the handle on the inside and I can’t open it.
Received 1945pm
Toji sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, elbows resting on his knees, sat on the bed of his rented apartment for the mission.
As annoying as your nervous spamming of texts was it was never enough to actually block you, in fact he kinda enjoyed it. After all he might as well use his phone for something other than calls for jobs, and get his moneys worth for buying a more modern phone after you verbally slaughtered him for having a, in your words, a flip phone with buttons that cavemen used and would only be able to send dick pics on in the form of symbols and numbers.
Despite it all, he enjoyed your bullshit you were more tolerable than Gojo in that way, mainly because he could fuck the brat out of you when you went too far.
Not like he’d ever tell your ass that.
You two were fucking chaos.
T > shame he didn’t lock you in it.
Sent 2100pm
Brat > YOU'RE ALIVE! Thank god, I actually called a funeral director to book an arrangement for you tomorrow.
Received 2115pm
T > you mean you’re still gonna bother me when I’m dead?
Sent 2116pm
Brat > Duh, you have no friends who else is gonna arrange it? Megumi is only 18 and he’s got the emotional range of a goldfish thanks to your mean ass. He’d just set you alight in the nearest bonfire.
Received 2117pm
T > why am I with you.
Sent 2118pm
Brat > idk I ask the same thing, then I see that dreamy look when I’m sucking your dick and I have my answer <;3
Received 2119pm
T > that’s my happy face cause you’re not fucking talking. It’s a state of bliss.
Sent 2120pm
He smirked at his phone, watching the little typing bubble appear as you started your reply.
Yeah, you were his little state of bliss alright.
Gojo > enjoy another night alone, I’ll keep her happy and keep her company… with ma duuu’hickkkk. <;3
Sent 2130pm
Satoru could get fucked though, he wasn’t even sure why he tolerated him. Perhaps due to Toji’s line of work he knew you’d be protected by Satoru, after all the guy was far more powerful that him.
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
458 notes · View notes
lexmakeshit · 18 days
To anyone saying that Orym has the more trauma than Laudna I just want to say you’re wrong. Yeah Ludinus’ cult attacked his home and otohan murdered his father and husband then killed him and his friends but I’m sorry Laudna was tricked by Delilah then beaten to death and hung from a tree as a warning and then spent 30 years alone with in the woods with the disembodied spirit of her murderer living in her head. Was Murdered by Otohan as a threat to Imogen then forced to relive her trauma and then woke up in the same place as when she was first killed and now Otohan is the reason her friend is dead. If we are gonna play trauma olympics she is by far the winner
Girly has been constantly going through shit the entire campaign and has been in and out of a downward spiral since the airship fight of course she is starting to lose it. Y’all could get how Liliana was brain washed by years under ludinus but can’t understand how Delilah has so deeply fucked up Laudna sense of reality that her actions are in her mind perfectly logical because all she cares about is Imogen and Delilah who is both a master manipulator and been in her head for 30+ years is using that to gain power.
I also want to point out that laudna is the last member of the group other than Dorian to have given in to a potentially corrupting influence for more power in this fight and to protect the people they love. Imogen gave in partially to predathos and got exhalted, Chet got training from the gorgenyi and gave into his inner wolf and made a deal with nanna morri, fearne and Ashton both absorbed a part of a titan and fearne made a deal with champion of asmodeous, orym made a deal with nanna morri and FCG literally gave into his inner rage and blew himself up to save them. So Laudna has spent the last few weeks watching all her friends make deals and give in for power and now that she is doing the same to protect the person she loves most in the world after watching them barely win and lose someone despite everything they have done to get more powerful she is getting shit for it.
I totally agree that laudna shouldn’t have have done what she did but orym shouldn’t have made a unilateral claim on any of the Otohan stuff so close to FCGs death especially without the group having had a chance to talk or process at all and I can totally understand how Delilah has manipulated laudna to the point that she believes that what she is saying is true.
I wanna say I am by no means hating on Orym I am just really not a fan of the way Laudna is be treated like some evil manipulative abuser when she actually a very traumatised person who is struggling in a manner very similar to someone fighting a addiction while being constantly re-traumatised which is being essentially ignored.
I genuinely love all of the characters in C3 and actually have a lot of thoughts about them particularly as allegories for the spectrum of disability and how poetic and heartbreakingly beautiful and complex they all are as characters and a group. I just have been getting really frustrated at the lack of nuance being used by some folks for a group that is deeply morally grey and some folks seeming lack of ability to assess multiple perspectives in a campaign that is all about multiple perspectives and what makes someone the good or bad guys.
Sorry for the rant I might delete this later and make what might be a more coherent post when I am more calm and it’s not so late at night but I just needed to get my thoughts out.
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melis-writes · 4 months
Blood Money (Tony Montana x Reader Multichapter, 18+ Smut) Chapter 3 – An Eye For An Eye.
Chapter 2 / Read on AO3 / Chapter Masterlist.
18+, explicit smut read.
“Your new boyfriend is in Miami." / “I’m here for Tony Montana.”
Tony's fiery gaze burned into the back of your mind but your name etched on his heart from the very moment he knew who you were. Keeping you on his mind like prayer, Tony wastes no time in attempting to squeeze himself out of every interrogation at the Cuban migrant camp he and Manny are detained in. Like a power move claiming he knows you, Tony's beckoning you to meet him once more in your hometown with bold claims striking the attention of your father–one of the most notorious, wealthy businessmen of Miami–with one claim being that of love.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE]: Oh my goodness, a LONG time coming and the chapter update is finally here at last!! 😭💀 I'm thrilled to update this fic again and share it with the Tony girlies! Battling writer's block and life getting super busy was a chore but I. AM. BACK and writing! And yet I must break everyone's heart again by saying this update of Blood Money officially marks my temporary hiatus of Al fics outside of The Godfather universe. 💔 I will now solely be working on my Godfather fanfics until I'm finished so I have ample time and opportunity to write more consistently and update fics even more often than I ever have. I'm definitely not abandoning this fic and I will finish it someday soon! For now, let's dive back into Tony and Celeste's story!! 🥺🤞🏻
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With a taste for success and dollar bills, Tony Montana’s drug empire grew in vast wealth, power and influence by your side as the kingpin’s lover. From sharing an intimate history in Cuba, you and Manny Ribera were the only ones to believe and support Tony from rags to riches. Embroiled in the same lifestyle and sharing enemies, you and Tony come to build your empire and world together with the threat of it collapsing from the inside. As partnership turns to betrayal and thrill to danger, you find yourself in-between ultimatums and sacrifices for the man you love.
'I'm always in the right, man. Always am.' The shit-eating grin over Tony's face spreads equal amounts of tension and frustration throughout the interrogation room; keeping the officers on edge for word back from your family knowing Tony could potentially be a protected individual under the Navarro family while thinking at the very same time that Tony could be bullshitting everyone just to waste their time.
Tony sits all too comfortably in front of the officers with his arms crossed, all the more amused watching them huff quietly to themselves and glower back at Tony every few minutes.
"So--" Tony attempts to start a lively conversation on his behalf.
"You shut the fuck up, Montana," the first cop points his finger at Tony. "Don't say a fuckin' word."
"We're not playing with you," the second cop scowls. 
"Alright, man. Alright," Tony shrugs his shoulders loosely, "sheesh. I keep quiet when people talk on the phone, like Mama taught me, okay?"
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Letting out another shaky sigh of irritation, the officers exchange a glance amongst one another, knowing well enough that if they've bothered the Navarro family for no good reason, it'll result in a guaranteed suspension without pay and likely following up with getting fired. 
Then again, there's always the possibility that it could be Tony finding himself in hot water with the Navarros due to his cockiness and stupidity, and if that means having Tony out of the refugee camp and no longer able to be a nuisance, then it'll be both a best case scenario and a relief for the officers involved. Still, it's all too much to consider at once.
"Tell the supervisor," the first cop mumbles, "he needs to know what's going on."
"Will do," the other sighs, taking a seat back at his desk to grab out his notepad.
Ignoring Tony outright, the first cop moves his stool over to the telephone by the desk and sits next to it before beginning to dial the Navarro family reception line.
'By heart?' Tony's eyes flicker with interest, noticing how the officer has your family's number memorized by heart—rendering him surprised and amused at the same time. 
'So they know her,' Tony thinks to himself. 'She not a nobody. She a somebody. I got her name on the line for me. Just for me.' 
This means more to Tony than you can already know, even if all you'll ever do is show up to spit on his face and blame him for wasting your time. The satisfaction alone is everything for him.
Both officers continue to ignore Tony and avoid making any sort of eye contact with him; murmuring ushered words to one another and pressing through more numbers on the telephone as it rings.
Only mere moments after does Tony notice how tense the officer on the telephone gets by the way his muscles jerk up in response to the telephone being answered by a monotone-voiced, middle-aged man speaking out.
"Navarro residence."
The very individual answering the phone would be your father's advisor and right-hand man, Gabriel.
"Cuban Detention Center, Officer Frank speaking," the cop says politely, clearing his throat. "May we please speak to Mr. Navarro?"
There's a short pause on the other end of the line. "Do you have a request or appointment booked in advance?"
"No," Officer Frank answers quietly. "Um, ahem—this is in relation to immigration and detention. There's a gentleman here claiming he was requested by name from a potential--" Frank scowls over at Tony. "Sponsor." 
Gabriel's tone of voice grows considerably agitated. "I trust you have a good reason for wishing to bother Mr. Navarro. You will not hear it from me."
"Greatly appreciated," Officer Frank awkwardly replies as Gabriel begins to transfer the call to your father's personal telephone.
Fully aware of the telephone conversation ongoing with Gabriel, your father—Darren Navarro--is two stories up in his penthouse—still in his Versace morning robe, smoking a Cuban cigar.
His first words to Officer Frank once the line transfer is, "You better have a good reason for reaching my personal number, Frank."
"Oh yes sir, o-of course," Frank stammers. "I apologize, sir. I didn't mean to interrupt your day, but this is urgent."
"So you say so," your father is unmoved by the sudden sense of urgency. "I suppose it is coming from the immigration and refugee department. I've sponsored nobody, so what is all of this?"
Officer Frank's skin drains of color as he nervously exchanges a glance with his colleague, glumly shaking his head. "Um, sir, there was a mention of your daughter's name by a Cuban migrant."
Your father raises a brow, leaning back on his velvet chaise. Your last trip to Cuba and mentions of "Tony Montana" and "Manny Ribera" easily come to Darren's mind. 
"Interesting," Darren muses. "And what is this individual's name?"
"Tony Montana," Tony speaks up loud and clear, grinning. "And with my best friend, Manny Ribera."
"Shut the fuck up!" The second cop hisses, almost jumping out from behind his desk to hit Tony.
Darren's all very well aware Tony is in the same room and must know who he is by now, having heard everything. 
"Uh huh," your father chuckles. "I see."
"Sorry, sir. I'm so sorry," Frank scoffs, swallowing hard.
"Stop your whining," Darren rolls his eyes. "I heard the man loud and clear. This is no request for me but for my daughter then."
"The migrant claims to know Celeste Navarro personally, sir." Frank clears his throat.
"Yes, he does. That much is true," your father nods.
"May we speak to Celeste, sir?"
"No need," Darren brushes off the request, glancing towards his bedroom door. "Celeste will soon be on her way to greet both gentlemen personally.
"This man--" Frank begins, but is abruptly cut off and corrected by your father.
"Men," your father clarifies, refusing to exclude Manny. "There are two of them after all, so Celeste will see both. She knows both of them, do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good," Darren blows out the smoke from his cigar around him, resting his cigar between his fingers as he admires the afternoon light glistening over his gold rings and jewelry. "Treat these men well. I'm aware of the reputation your detention center has and its demands. 'Gentle' is not in your vocabulary so be respectful. These are friends of the Navarro family and I expect them to be treated as such."
"Yes, sir..." Mortified, the officers stare in shock at a smirking Tony before your father hangs up on them.
Giving a drawn-out sigh, you roll your eyes in annoyance at the back cover of the gossip magazine you’ve been reading; already questioning why you bother with the tabloids just to entertain you.
Flipping back to the front cover of a bikini model on Miami beach, you rest your chin over your fist, wearing a flowing, pastel pink satin nightgown—laying on your stomach and dangling your feet, attempting to beat boredom.
Frank Sinatra’s “All By Myself” plays softly on your white and gold decorated record player, a compliment to the similar colors lavishly decorated over your bedroom.
Practically the size of a house’s first floor, your bedroom itself spans 1,500 square feet and is fit for a princess, covered in various shades of pink with a glimmering diamond chandelier above you.
The very king-size bed you lounge upon is adorned with a bubble-gum pink cashmere and quilt duvet and six silk encased pillows, a polar bear throw in the center of your bedroom upon the marble floors striking attention to the wall fixtures and architecture of the bedroom taking inspiration from the Palace of Versailles.
You furrow your brows in annoyance at the magazine in your hands, only to have your thought suddenly interrupted by the sound of your father knocking on your door.
You peek up in interest, brushing a curtain of your hair back. “Come in.”
“Hi, darling,” your father enters your room with a warm smile—holding a glass of iced rum in one hand and concealing something in his fist with the other. “Didn’t think I’d be giving you good news so quick, eh?”
Chuckling, your father opens his fist and lightly tosses your car keys over to you.
Reaching your arm out, you snatch the car keys mid-air—staring at your father in confusion. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Your new boyfriend is in Miami,” your father says with a laugh. “Immigration services at the Cuban refugee camp called me just earlier.”
“Huh,” you blink, rubbing your temple as your memory recollects, hitting you all at once.
“I never say goodbye either. I say you’re gonna remember these faces—my face.”
‘Tony Montana.’ Your face flushes red as you clear your throat, glancing up at your father. “They called you?”
“Mhmm,” your father nods, taking a small sip from his drink. “Quick to it, I’ll give them that. I don’t think that Tony of yours has been there for very long from the sounds of it. They wanted to reach you, actually.”
“Makes sense of course,” you slide aside your magazine, sitting up in bed. “Great…”
“What do you think?” Your father raises a brow.
“I’m not thinking of anything,” you give your head a shake.
“No? You sure you don’t owe this Tony and his friend a favor or two?”
“I don’t owe anyone anything,” you roll your eyes out of frustration. “But for Tony,” you clutch your car keys, “if he wants to see me, I’ll go see him. I’ll see him, but I don’t know what I can do for him.”
“Is this really someone worth wriggling out of months worth of paperwork and getting into the front of the line? ‘Cause I’ll let you decide that,” your father shrugs. 
Getting off of your bed, you eye your purse from across the bedroom. “I think I’ve already made my decision.”
“I’m sure you made the right one,” your father turns back on his heel.
“Is Tony waiting for me right now?” You head over to your walk-in closet.
“He is,” your father confirms, placing his hand over your doorknob to close the door behind him. “And I think you’re the only person he wants to see right now.”
‘Tony Montana…’ You let out a soft sigh, leaning your head back against your car’s headrest. ‘Again and so soon.’ With great effort, you push aside the fluttering feeling in your heart every time Tony’s name and face cross your mind; clearing your throat and putting your Armani sunglasses on.
Starting up your Mercedes-Benz 380SL Convertible and pulling out of your estate’s parking lot carefully, you focus on nothing but getting directly to immigration services—able to collect your thoughts.
Letting the warm summer breeze flow through your hair as you step on the gas, determined to know just why Tony’s got your name mixed up with the law.
You may not have taken the rugged, cocky stranger very seriously back in Cuba but you’d be lying to yourself right now if you said you weren’t a little intimidated by Tony’s timing.
‘Didn’t think my name would cross your lips so soon either… Full of surprises.’ 
Tony knows he can sit and wait in the interrogation room for an eternity to come so as long as it’s promised you’ll show up—riding off on the idea of seeing you again like a lingering high.
Driving through the streets of Miami, you tap your French tip manicure against your steering wheel patiently through every red light.
Your eyes flicker over beach-bound tourists making their way over the crosswalks, noting the impatient drivers on the other side of the intersection honking at each other and tossing cigarettes out the window; the scent of body odor and beer not far from the beach itself.
Giving your head a shake, you scrunch your nose in disgust and drive off—not far from reaching the secluded immigration center from downtown.
You arrive a little over ten minutes later, driving into the clearance section with the rest of the other drivers waiting their turn to speak with an officer at the booth and be admitted. 
Resting your arm on the windowpane of your car, you peek your head out of the window just enough for your face to be seen, and just as you expected, you’re recognized by an officer at a booth opposite from you almost instantaneously. 
‘Uh huh.’ Noticing the officer blocking the path of the upcoming car who was next in line, you slowly drive up as he gestures for you to follow.
“How is that fucking fair?!” You hear a honk and shout of irritation from the other driver, simply ignoring him and continuing to cautiously drive up.
“Blow it out your ass, buddy,” the officer rolls his eyes.
Parking your car, you glance up at the officer who only gives you a brief nod and lets you through without a single word; just one of the many perks of being the daughter of one of Miami’s most notorious businessmen.
“Alright,” you mutter under your breath as you approach the guarded parking lot, seeing another officer heading directly your way. ‘Let’s see what this is really all about.’
Taking off your sunglasses, you make eye contact with the officer who furrows his brows at you in confusion; more than likely wondering how you got in so quickly and just who you are to be taking priority over anyone else.
“And who might you be?” The officer asks smugly.
“I think you know who I am,” you reply back coyly. “I’m here for Tony Montana.”
As smug and prideful as he can be, Tony slouches in his seat with his arms crossed and completely relaxed as if he’s the one arranging the interrogation rather than being interrogated. 
As apparent as the officers make it seem to Tony how thoroughly pissed, exhausted, and anxious they are dealing with him, Tony reflects it with his nonchalant attitude on purpose.
“You think you’re taking some sort of vacation, Montana?” Officer Frank scowls.
 “Sure, man,” Tony shrugs his shoulders loosely. “I think my vacation is on the way.”
Ignoring the immigration officer who escorts you inside the facility as some mock bodyguard, you make your way towards the entrance of the interrogation offices where the officer gestured you to, making note of the maximum-security gates and barbed wire high walls.
Giving a small huff of annoyance and adjusting your hair, you approach a narrow hallway inside the next building and set your sunglasses on your head.
“This way, please,” the officer guiding you murmurs and politely steps in front of you.
Unphased and hardly listening, you follow the officer until you both reach an interrogation door marked “11B”.
You maintain your distance from both the officer and the door as the officer leans over and quickly knocks on the door not to ask to come in but to signal his entrance.
A wide, playful grin spreads over Tony’s face as he turns his head back to face the door—absolutely thrilled to see it about to open in front of him.
Fear simmers back into the officers the moment they spot a feminine silhouette behind the tinted glass of the door, instantly remembering now more than ever that their jobs are on the line.
Pushing open the door, the officer guiding you inside steps in first and out of your way—clearing his throat to speak out, “Miss Celeste Navarro is here, sir.”
‘Celeste Navarro…’ Seeing you before him once more, Tony’s pupils widen as a strong surge of attraction hits him—coursing through his veins.
Tony’s muscles tighten and he feels the heat of arousal trickling inside of him as he locks eyes with you, stunned and utterly admiring every inch of your figure.
Attempting to look at you with more humility than defeat or nervousness, the officers are put off by your very presence and can say or do nothing as you cross your arms; expectant and domineering before everyone else.
You’re the only spot of color in the otherwise dull room filled with grey uniforms and sweaty men; dressed in an Armani, pastel pink, cropped tweed blazer, a matching mini skirt, a white chiffon Calvin Klein blouse with a bow at your collar and four-inch glossy nude pumps. 
“There she is, she’s the one,” Tony smirks at you—breaking the momentary silence in the room.
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“Ahem,” Officer Frank clears his throat, beginning to sit upright in his seat. “You know this man, miss?”
“Do I?” You raise a brow, unamused. “It feels like I’ve known him my whole life.”
“Yes, baby,” Tony mutters to himself inaudibly. ‘Come to me. You’re here now.’
“Miss Navarro,” the other officer begins to speak up awkwardly, “apologies if this is an intrusive question however this man claims to know you and—”
”And she’s my fiancée, as I was telling you. Okay, man?” Tony interrupts, rolling his eyes. “Can I have some privacy with my fiancée, man?”
‘Fiancee? What the hell is he talking about?’ Struck into shock by Tony’s words, you hold your posture and expression, but you know where Tony’s coming from and just why he’s deciding to play this game with you now.
“Yes, so what?” You snap back, noticing the playful twinkle in Tony’s eyes. “It’s true, he is my fiancée.”
‘Tony… I hope you know what you’re doing. I swear… Now is not the time to put on a show.’ 
The officers stare at each other in utter discomfort, remaining silent. 
“But I don’t recall that being anyone’s business except mine,” you narrow your eyes at them, taking a step forward to Tony.
Tony takes your soft hand in his, caressing his thumb over the back of your hand softly. “See?”
“Well,” Officer Frank swallows hard, “if that’s the case—”
Your eyes snap open in shock as Tony leans up in his seat, suddenly cupping both of your cheeks and immediately pulling you into a crushing, deep kiss.
‘Oh!’ Your lips collide over his and your eyes flutter shut in response, feeling the warmth of his tongue teasing the tip of yours in loving passion without a care—ensnared in the moment of having you as his fiancée with no intentions of letting go. 
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
The Girl in IT - Chapter 4 - Gooey Sneak Peek
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Here's a sneak peek at chapter 4, which should be released sometime this weekend! People are starting to notice Joel's affection towards our favorite IT girlie...
"What's up with you and Sugar?" Sarah casually strolls over to Joel's desk, perching her hip on the edge as she hands him a cup of coffee. "Maria said she saw the two of you at the mall yesterday," peering over him as he nervously takes a sip of his coffee, "… during working hours. She said you guys seemed mighty close and all, I guess she wasn't sick like Tess said?" Joel chokes mid-sip, coughing out the hot coffee as Sarah smirks at him. "So it's true, then?" "I guess I can't hide anything from you, baby girl," Joel replies in between coughs. "Should have known I can't get anything past you." "Well, I made a wild guess you were into her, being that I heard you singing 'Pour some Sugar on me" in the shower the other day. "It was being played on the radio, can't control what they decide to play, you know?" Sarah gives him a knowing glance as she makes herself comfortable on the chair in front of him. "Dad, the radio stations don't put music on repeat." She fiddles with the sleeves of her sweater absentmindedly, her face deep in thought. "It wouldn't be a bad thing, you know? You and Sugar. She seems like a very sweet girl. Kind of shy, but I like her." Joel arches an eyebrow. "Do you now?" She shrugs. "I mean, she is kind of young, but age is just a number, right? It's not like she's in her 20s. Besides, Ellie is obsessed with her. She's always at her office, picking her mind about her thoughts on 80s music. She's a good influence on her." Joel nods. "Ellie- I worry about her sometimes. Lord knows that I try to do right by her, adopting her and all that. Sometimes I think she needs-" "… a feminine touch?" "Something like that." Joel smiles to himself, his eyes still locked on his iPad as he continues his redline revisions to be sent off to the draftsmen. "I think her being surrounded by Tommy and I makes her too-" "Feral?" Sarah quips, chuckling. "Rough around the edges? Aggressive? It comes with the territory, I guess, with no mother figure around, you know?" she picks a hangnail. "Tommy said that she nearly castrated a client on the job site the other day for asking her out on a date." "That jerk was asking for it." Joel retorts, his back stiffening. "You adjusted well enough without a mother." Sarah sighs. "It doesn't mean it was easy, though. It would have been nice, you know? There's just things that I can't talk to a guy about, as much as you tried to be there for me." "This thing with Sugar, It's new - but I know what I feel for her." Sarah nods. "You don't need to give me all the details. I trust you, and if she's someone you want to pursue, I won't be mad about it, if that's what you're thinking. Like I said, she's a nice girl." "She's… fuck, Sarah, she's amazing. She takes my breath away, every time she smiles at me. Fuck. I feel like a teenager, being around her. I don't know what it is, but I always want to be by her side." Joel chuckles, smiling at Sarah. "I'm crazy about her." "Well, you must be if you're out here buying Teslas like you would coffee." Joel leans back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? I wasn't aware that she bought a new car." Sarah crosses her arms, a skeptical look in her eyes. "Dad, you do realize I handle HR, right? I know what everyone's making. I find it hard to believe she's casually splurging on a Tesla, especially a Model X."
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hxhhasmysoul · 8 months
So do you think Sukuna doesn’t feel alone or do you think he just thinks no one will ever be able to fill that void? I kinda got mixed messages with his whole monologue. It seems he resents people who adore him yet he also says that he answers people’s live in battle. He says that if that’s not what love is then what else could it be? He then says love is trash/worthless. I kinda get the impression he doesn’t think he’s capable of having a connection with someone. What makes it weirder is before the Gojo fight, he remembers Yorozu’s words about teaching him about love. I also suspect this ties into his hatred for Yuji. Sorry for long ask lmao. I just find your perspective interesting.
My take on Sukuna has for a while been that he's full of shit. To some extent. And it's a little hard to have a proper take not knowing his back story. What Gege has given us so far isn't that much so everything I write below is like extremely speculative.
The unwanted child and twins theory
Sukuna was an unwanted child because of what he looked like at birth - the word 忌み子 implies that because it's an old word with these specific connotations. He is probably the conjoined twin which absorbed most of his sibling in the womb but was born with 4 eyes, 4 arms, an extra mouth and the strange bark like skin on his face. Japan has never been good on this kind of stuff. I'm not going to break out my uni books for this but something to check out is the concept of purity and how it influenced philosophy, religion and life in Japan. One of the simplest examples here is that the word kirei (きれい) that many people associate with the meaning "beautiful" has also the meaning "clean" and "pure". The thing that's pure is beautiful. And it does go the creepy way you think, beauty of the unblemished, of the "normal" too. And Sukuna's body would really not be in line with that concept.
Pair it up with the fact that in Japan twins were considered bad luck and he gets abandoned after birth. Not sure why not murdered, killing newborns was also a thing, the whole Jizo cult is related to that, though Jizo specifically, I think is more recent than Heian... don't take it for granted, as I said, I'm not rereading the uni texts.
Maybe his parents weren't able to kill him because of his cursed energy, maybe they were afraid he'd come back as a vengeful spirit.
But despite what a lot of the Gojou girlies scream on social media, Sukuna doesn't whine about it. The way he mentions it makes it seem he doesn't care about it at this point. (Whether he used to care, we don't know yet). And he uses it to dismiss the premise of Kashimo's question. The way I see it, Sukuna says it doesn't matter, he doesn't know his origins so he will never know the answer to this question. He still is the strongest.
He survived without the love of his parents at his weakest. That's probably why he resents the weak because like all dipshits who accomplish something, he thinks: if I could, what is your excuse?
Though we can't say with any certainty that he survived on his own. We don't know whether Kenjaku or Tengen, didn't collect him to experiment on him. We don't know when he met Uraume.
If the theory seeing Sukuna's origins in a the Ryoumen Sukuna urban legend is correct, then it's not unlikely Kenjaku found Sukuna and had fun with him. (Also please keep in mind that while this story is referred to as an urban legend and might be fully or partially made up, the level of violence against people with unusual bodies it includes is kinda on brand for the time period. So like read with that in mind.)
Also it might mean that Sukuna's twin wasn't completely dead yet, wasn't as fully absorbed as his current body would suggest. It's not impossible that Kenjaku removed some of the twin and helped Sukuna achieve a usable body, maybe told him to absorb the twin and their soul to become full, like in the case of Maki and Mai. But maybe Kenjaku still kept some of the twin's body and that soul. In this case Sukuna referring to Yuuji as being from back then could refer to that and feed into the Yuuji was created from Sukuna's twin. Existing partially as a cursed object, and having this strong connection to Sukuna could be what enhances Yuuji's soul powers. And also would make him uniquely predisposed to cage Sukuna.
This also would feed into the theories as to why Sukuna acts the way he does towards Kenjaku. Why he's kinda cold towards them but goes along with their plots. If Kenjaku was indeed the person to take him in when he couldn't really fend for himself, and helped make his body more usable, then there's a huge debt there. And the concept of debt is another huge cultural thing in Japan.
This would also explain why Sukuna is skeptical about love, because Kenajku's parenting is well Kenjaku's parenting. He could've been their prized experiment but so is Yuuji.
While I personally don't love the Yuuji is Sukuna's twin, I don't find it unfounded.
I'm not particularly excited for it coming true because I'd love for Yuuji to be a separate person from Sukuna. Someone who's weak and unrelated to him but who can still cage him.
But with what we know about Maki and Mai, and with the unwanted child thing, Yuuji could be his twin. It would explain why he had no cursed energy, because when Sukuna absorbed and killed him, he would've lost it. If Sukuna absorbed his twin after birth and not before, if they consciously lived together for a while that has implications too.
Full on speculation bordering on fanfiction ahead. It might be why Sukuna chastises Yuuji for wanting to live despite being weak, for clinging to life. If he absorbed his twin post birth, and if he did that consciously, his twin was his first kill. It might have not been easy, not pretty and he might have not done it as cold and detached as he wished to. Or as he now wishes he had been. If Yuuji is his twin there may have been a similar conflict between Sukuna and him, as existed between Mai and Maki. Yuuji being the one more content with their suffering and Sukuna rejecting it, but also Yuuji being his emotional support, the one holding all his misery.
Absorbing his twin would've also likely been his first act of cannibalism. It's honestly a little funny that we haven't seen Sukuna consume anyone so far. But Yuuji has been eating human remains left and right. He now seems to be eating his own skin. It has been speculated that absorbing cursed techniques through eating people is Sukuna's og cursed technique. But if the twins theory is true, it's not entirely impossible that absorbing techniques through cannibalism was his twin's ability.
Sukuna's fanclub
Whatever happened, Sukuna got no love as a kid. If he was Kenjaku's ward then he only got appreciation if he exceeded Kenjaku's expectations.
So either he got this strong because he was rejected and had to survive and had no one to socialise him. Or he was socialised by Kenjaku who always wanted more of him and who also has zero concern for others.
So for him to get appreciation later in life, once he gets power and influence and titles, it must feel hollow. It must feel fake and like trash. It feels like people wanting things from him and offering nothing in return. Because none of them, Yorozu, Gojou, Kashimo, offer him anything he wants. They want to teach him love selfishly, their love is there to fulfill their needs. What his needs may be? None of them care to ask.
If that's what people around him consider love then there's no appeal in it for him. At most they can provide him with some entertainment and Sukuna loves fighting.
He really seems to enjoy battles, he will tease and indulge his opponents as long as it entertains him. He also seems to love cursed energy and jujutsu and he's always analysing what's going on. Little creepy nerd. He also seems to enjoy mentoring but not so much giving therapy XD
Sukuna and Yuuji
Sukuna's issue with Yuuji is all the more interesting because in theory Yuuji should be interesting to him. Yuuji has skills and is an extremely fast learner. He develops much faster than Megumi and reaches surprising understanding of cursed energy and the soul in a very short time.
But Sukuna seems to be annoyed by Yuuji. He pettily bullies Yuuji, disrespects him. Never acknowledges Yuuji's progress. Yuuji's weakness irks him in a very special way. Probably because Yuuji has control over him. But also because he can't break Yuuji, can't get him to cower or adore him. Yuuji doesn't follow any pattern Sukuna expects.
Yuuji also doesn't have the aspirations to become the strongest. Just strong enough. And he wants his strength not as much for himself but for others. Which really separates him from Sukuna's fanclub and most other jujutsu sorcerers.
If the twins theory is true, being with Yuuji also brought Sukuna back. He might vaguely remember what it used to be like to share all his time with someone. Maybe with his twin it was the other way round. Sukuna was in control of the body and the twin mostly lived in the inner domain? Maybe something like this used to be Sukuna's biggest fear?
Also if they were twins, Yuuji caging Sukuna would really affect his sense of self. He had perfected his jujutsu, studied cursed energy and fighting. Only to be held back by the weaker twin he though he'd got rid of.
Of course all this hinges on how much he remembers and how well. Some of the resentment might've been subconscious, of course. He seem to understand who Yuuji is only after he leaves Yuuji's body. Maybe he needed that distance? Maybe he needed to see again where Yuuji ends and he begins to understand who they really are?
Sukuna and Uraume
Having said that, I think Sukuna is perfectly capable of forming relationships with others. He has one with Uraume. They vibe together really well. They are happy to be around one another. Uraume is his servant but Sukuna jokes around with them. He also shows them respect and consideration. It's obvious he knows enough about Uraume to know how they feel and he addresses those feelings directly with praise or reassurance.
Gege said in the fanbook that Sukuna doesn't mind Uraume and likes their cooking skills. Which is probably true and probably how it started. But by now there is some sort of close relationship between them. It may not be romantic or sexual, like Gege seems to believe (as fandom that decision is truly up to us), but there is some kind of love, maybe platonic love of friends.
Because the issue is also quite semantic in nature. What do you define as love. I personally am wary to call the selfish adoration Sukuna's fanclub had for him as love. For me personally love has to go both ways and have an element of mutual mindfulness, it cannot be declared by one side and somehow become binding for the other.
That's why I think Sukuna is kinda full of shit. He might not believe himself capable of forming relationships. Or he might deem that pointless. But he's actually capable of it and he seems to enjoy the one relationship he has. Maybe the key to that acceptance is him believeing that there's nothing more there than Uraume being his servant?
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gowithinbitch · 3 months
girlie I am in need of help and I hope I dont sound desperate because I kind of am. I'll just put it out there with extreme honesty. Please,please listen because I'm kind of getting what you and everyone else here on tumblr point to but my mind is all scrambled.
I came from the reality shifting and law of assumption/manifestation community. Nondualism made more sense to me so I've been reading and reading posts everywhere on Tumblr and Reddit but at some point everything started to stop making sense.
To put it simply,I am in my last year of high school. And I have this big exam in July that I have to prepare for...but I want a different life. Away from all this chaos happening here. I want to live in a different reality (other country,no exam,more money,significant other) because I know I can't keep living like this. I've been this way for around 4 months now,without studying because 'maybe tomorrow I'll get what I want,so why even study'. Now I know I am just THAT and that everything is me and that this life that I am talking about is illusiory,as is the one I am wanting to live instead,but I genuinely dont know what to do. I am exhausted and sad and miserable and maybe yeah,I am aware of being the girl who is exhausted and miserable but how do I stop it?
I mean,I just got my results to a mock exam just now and I got 26/100. I'm spiraling. I'm feeling insane for doing this and I dont even know how to tell my parents. I have no idea what to do because I want to live that life so badly and I know I can but what do I do now?Do I postpone it?Do I start studying?Is anything even real? I know that everything is an illusion,from this 'waking' life,to my dreams,to what I 'imagine',but I feel as if everything is flying by me. Tomorrow I have a driving exam and I feel myself going crazy,it's pathetic truly. At this point I feel the need to give up,but then I think 'what if it does work out?' and it's like a cycle. Clash,study,get a bit of hope,and then it repeats. I don't want to make it seem like I am venting,I truly hope it doesn't seem like that,but I am really in need of help. If you read up until here,thank you. Thank you🙏
Eeek that's a long text !!!
Oh my god, baby, darling, honey, you're litteraly me. I know by heart what you are going through.
I have been here okay so heres what i did:
- at some point i was really overconsumming and spiralling like crazy i think i was actually getting physicaly sick
- put it got calmer and calmer, as i did what : WENT WITHIN
- i'm sure you know everything you really need to know so now, when you feel lost or anxious, have a talk with yourself. Answer your questions
- now i can also do that (i am you so that works too): now i see the shifting influence here. "The 'i don't need to that because i'll wake up in my desired life whatever' i know it even better than my own name. Stop that. Study okay. Study. I know it's hard. I know you're tired. But study. Look for tips online to study better. Maybe find a teacher to help. Talk about that with your parents. But as long as you're spiraling like and it affects you that much, keep studying
- so you can be in a better state to understand that you're desired life, you're already living it. You already ARE it. I don't want it to sound as affirming or persisting because 🤮 but really remind yourself of that. Because it is the truth. Have you seen my tree post ? You think you're stuck as branch n°1 and want to be branch n°2 but you're the whole tree. You just have to choose (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU SEE BECAUSE SENSES ARE IRRELEVANT) which branch is the one you're of
Now good luck my baby, you're already there ! You've already done everything you needed to do which is reminding yourself of your true nature 🩶🩶🩶
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dollittie · 1 year
I am new to jirai kei, but I just wanted to know some tips and other things I should be educated on in the subculture 🩷 I just don't want to come off as ignorant because Im new 🫶 so do you have any tips or things I should know? ⁠♡
hii!! sorry for taking too long to answer, i wanted to do this post as informative as possible!!
massive tw: harmful behavior, s*x work, mentions of self-h*rm.
i will talk about the differences, the stereotypes and the reason behind them, having the "jirai kei" as a main subject. if you want to know more about the girlykei style you can ask me anything!! like brand recommendations, tips on buying from japan, makeup, girlykei must haves, etc.
please keep in mind that:
• jirai kei (lifestyle) and dark girly kei (style that jirai girls use) are two separated things and you can be jirai without using the style and you can use girlykei without identifying as jirai.
• the western vision of jirai is totally wrong. jirai kei in Japan isn't a style at all; jirai kei is a lifestyle that is seen as "unhealthy".
jirai kei came from “地雷系”. translates to “landmine-type”, not the literal meaning as “landmine”, is a japanese slang for "trigger" "red flag" “地雷を踏んだ”, meaning “i stepped on a landmine”. in reference to a person, a “landmine” is someone that’s so easily triggered over minor things that they keep exploding on others with abusive behavior, so you need to be as careful as if you were walking around a minefield.
this meaning has been around for about a decade, primarily used in dating advice articles about how to recognise “red flags” in a partner.
"but it isn't a style?"
in those dating stereotypes, even the most arbitrary traits were considered red flags and wearing dark alternative fashion is already enough to have someone considered a potential landmine, the style in question is called dark girly kei. (style used by many jirai kei girls)
around 2020, jirai kei didn’t have any associations with any particular fashions or interests, but when a popular japanese makeup vlogger started a “psycho girlfriend” dress-up challenge and called the final look a landmine-type cosplay. she contributed to the stereotype that the landmine-types were often fans of dark girly fashion, every influencer was getting in on the trend, and cosplaying as a landmine-type psycho girlfriend, generally also tagging with “yandere”, then a lot of influencers did the challenge and lots of girlykei brands started to use the "jirai kei" terminology to sell more.
"why would someone call themselves jirai knowing that it means "psycho woman" in other words?? wouldn't it be romanticizing?"
there's a lot of people who call themselves jirai kei knowing about the difference of jirai & girlykei because of their mental conditions, i myself use jirai kei to not feel bad about my mental state and to connect to other people who struggle the same as me, in my opinion even if they stopped calling themselves jirai they wouldn't stop their unhealthy behavior, they're not mentally ill because of jirai, they're jirai because of their mental illness. the spaces for real mentally fucked people in the internet are few, these people that are called "psycho bitches" exist and they shouldn't feel bad about being like this, they are the people who most struggle with all of it and it's their business if they want to call themselves it. telling people to not use the jirai kei term will not stop them to engage on harmful behavior, at the end those people are still mentally ill and have more problems than the terminology they use. might be thinking the "jirai antis" are some sort of saviors or something like that, if you really want to help those people don't blame it in the community and style they've found themselves.
all jirais don't have the same behavior even if all of them have a fucked mental state, some of them might be posting self-harm for validation, some are obsessed with their s/o, some doing sex work for attention, some of us has violent thoughts and bpd, some of us are just neurodivergent, or have depression, etc, is a form of venting/expression, and venting ≠ encouraging someone.
some info:
• the term hadn't changed its meaning, japan doesn't reclaim words.
• the association of girly kei with harmful behavior is maybe related to "toyoko kaiwai" (トー横キッズ) who's around Kabukicho, many of the members have been wearing various dark j-fashion styles before the "psycho girlfriend dress-up challenge" became a trend. they're credited as the reason for why those styles are associated with the landmine stereotype to begin with. they're been connected to under*ge pr*stitution, dr*g ab*se, public self-h*rm, murd*r and theft.
they are around age 9-24, (firstly known as toyoko kids, but like, there's a lot of adults in this) they're often privileged children who were convinced to get away from home by bad influences. and many members have died or been hospitalized as a result. for more info search the Japanese spelling on any japanese news site, or their signature hashtag on social media (#/toho横界隈).
the association of jirai with this gang is their former leader “Howl”, who died by suicide while waiting in custody for a trial, convinced minors to run away from home in order to “work” for him and dress in a way he finds attractive (dark girlykei).
all these minors he "convinced" are victims, you can use the style without agreeing with this behavior and be jirai without agreeing with this, they're all manipulated children and it isn't their fault.
sorry for it being too long, and if you want sources lmk!! thanks for asking <3
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bimtheory · 5 months
I've recently done something I never thought I would, I've gotten in anime. I think the innocent girl next door bimbo act is a style that works best for gaining power while not being perceived as a threat. I'm studying it more and learning how to adopt it in my daily life and interactions. I love your perspective and ideas so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this and on the innocent girl next door act.
I have to be honest, I'm not overly familiar with the "girl next door" archetype because, to me, the girl next door is everything a bimbo isn't. But that's really just a preference, bimbos aren't that cut and dry. Just yesterday I was considering making a post about the basic bimbo types because I tried watching Jersey Shore and it made me realize that when we talk about intelligence, well, lack of intelligence -- there are pretty consistent forms it comes in. People get REALLY hung up on the intelligence loss aspect of bimbofication and claim "bimbos don't need to be dumb" but its all about one's personal perception of what "dumb" is. Chances are whatever alternative they suggest in place of intelligence loss is something that can also be read as "dumb".
Excuse me for going off on a tangent here but I'm going to continue. I also almost made this point on the main blog several months ago using My Little Pony characters as examples but I kept debating the... ethics? of that. Anyway, I'm gonna do it now.
Let's begin with Twilight Sparkle (These will be very loose examples btw). You may think "how could a character who's whole thing is being an egghead bookworm represent a lack of intelligence?" Very easily actually. A character like Twilight's stupidity would come in the form of the Absent-Minded Professor archetype. Basically, picture a bimbo who's very competent or intelligent but also a total klutz. We can have a bimbo character who's technically smart but express a sense and perception of stupidity by making them clumsy, oblivious, and socially unaware.
Then you have Fluttershy, who would probably fall more into the innocent girl next door type as you've described. A Fluttershy type bimbo would be perceived as unintelligent through being docile, passive, meek, (I personally prefer these words to just "submissive") or gullible. But she could still technically be smart.
Rarity... kind of goes without saying. A "lack of intelligence" would be expressed through perceived superficiality, an interest in glamorous and feminine things. This is literally the plot of Legally Blonde. Rarity and Elle are girly and glamorous but also kind and intelligent. Of course you could also make this type of bimbo much more vapid and uncaring, even cruel, and get the more trophy wife-gold digger social media influencer type of bimbo. Again, there are A LOT of different bimbo types. Moving on.
Pinkie Pie. Pinkie would represent probably the most common and popular type of bimbo. Silly, giggly, bubbly, hedonistic. Of course, this doesn't mean the character would actually have to be "dumb" in a technical sense, and Pinkie definitely isn't.
Now... Rainbow Dash. With her and AJ being the tomboys of the group there's bound to be a bit of overlap but I'd argue the perception of stupidity tied to RD would be that of a meathead jock. You don't see bimbos like this often, if ever, but it'd be the type of bimbo that's very brash. While a Pinkie type bimbo would probably exhibit eager playfulness an RD-style bimbo might be more aggressive in her pursuits. Her "stupidity" would be expressed through recklessness, cockiness, and probably like crass vulgarity.
And finally, Applejack. While I mentioned there being overlap between her and an RD-style bimbo it may be more accurate to say an Applejack style bimbo would have more in common with the Fluttershy-style in that the Apple-bimbo would appear stupid via a lack of pretension. Sort of the "Farmer's Daughter" type, there's a traditional aspect to it. The Applejack style bimbo would be marked by simplicity above all, the most likely to settle down and be a housewife. There's also possibly the connotation of being and ignorance stemming from small-town seclusion, refusal to change, or a refusal to question things. Consider the episodes:
Applebuck Season
Look Before You Sleep
Bridle Gossip
Over a Barrel
Made in Manehattan
Applejack's Day Off
The Cart Before the Ponies
Honest Apple
Sincerest apologies for the very long detour, anon. Like I was saying, I'm not familiar enough with the "Girl Next Door" archetype to truly comment, maybe not familiar enough with anime either because it took me forever to come up with even one example -- Orihime Inoue from Bleach, and I can't think of anyone else. But it does seem like something to consider and definitely look more into, if you're comfortable sending another message I'd love to know specifically what anime you've been watching and what characters you had in mind. Also curious as to how you plan on employing these tactics IRL. It does strike me, now that I'm winding down, that by "gaining power" you may be referring to like Emmet Till shit, performing innocence and vulnerability to get men be very protective of you.
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rey-jake-therapist · 4 months
Elementary fandom vs other fandoms
A while ago I posted about Elementary after I watched a couple of episodes to say I didn't like it. I was just fresh out of watching the four seasons of the BBC Sherlock and it just didn't feel right, I didn't like it at all.
Finally, because I was too lazy to look for another show to watch, I kept watching and now, I'm at season 7 😅 Did my mind fundamentally change? Honestly, no. BBC Sherlock will always be superior to me, I don't care it's trendy to hate it now. I do like Elementary now, though. Sherlock and Joan (well especially Joan) have grown on me. I still think Elementary lacks originality, I find the structure of the episodes too rigid, there are way too many episodes, things in the global story I really don't like. The copaganda for example, urgh... There's a lot of screen time dedicated to the cops and how good and honest and united they are. There are some bad apples but we're really supposed to believe that they're *rare*.... And I love Marcus Bell and Captain Gregson but they're so smart you even wonder why they need Sherlock in the first place 😂 But there are things I really love too: Joan being more than a sidekick to Sherlock is one of them. She has agency, he trains her, respects her.... I must say, it's pleasant to see. Also I love seeing Sherlock being a mentor. That's what he should be, really...
Another thing this show did for me was to convince me to read the ACD canon books. I read a couple of them when I was a teen but I was more a Hector Poirot girlie - EDIT: damn autocorrect! his name's Hercule of course). I know for a fact that Elementary Sherlock is closer to the book that BBC Sherlock, and the show makes multiple references to the ACD canon but I'm unable to identify most of them, which probably influences my reaction to the show. I need to read the books and watch the show again :)
So, it's a fine detective show, a feel good show as well because the morals is always good, characters given a second chance when they mess up, bad guys punished as they should.... Johnny Lee Miller does a fine job at showing the character's complex personality, and his partnership with Lucy Liu is flawless :) They're just adorable together. They totally remind me of Mulder and Scully, but without the unbearable sexual tension, which is why I spent 6 seasons 1/2 being fine with the fact that they wouldn't end up together as a couple.
I wish I had known the fandom when the show was broadcasting, because I haven't heard of any fit of rage when Joan and Sherlock didn't become canon?? And yet lmao, at least 70% of their interactions is romance-coded. Like, if JohnLock shippers think they were baited, Sherlock and Joan shippers were baited much, much more. Seriously, there's even a declaration of LOVE. When Sherlock has to run away to London, Joan follows him there!! They're completely co-dependant, all their attempt to have romantic relationships with other people fail... At some point Joan needs to go her own way and Sherlock respect that.
They take care of each other, all the time. If one is in danger, the other becomes feral. Sherlock especially would do everything to protect Joan from getting harm, and surely so would she. There are so many moments that could be confused with jealousy/possessiveness, so many sweet speeches that probably made the shippers think, "no way this is platonic!" .
Not me, though, because I believe in platonic love, always did, and that's what Sherlock's story was always about: a strong, unbreakable bond between two people who love each other but don't need to have sex to feel or express it. I say they remind me of Mulder and Scully because in both cases, it didn't have to become a romance. I shipped Mulder and Scully, yes, but for years I was quite certain that they woud never become romantic and I was fine with that. What they had was already beautiful.
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And frankly, Joan and Sherlock's friendship higlights everything that's wrong with Sherlock and John's in the BBC show. It's a balanced relationship! they didn't have to become a romance because they're a perfect friendship, but if they did it would be ok, because it would not be toxic. Joan never beat Sherlock up, for a start. She never slaps him, they never insult each other. Sherlock is sometimes a prick to her but he always comes around because he respects her a lot. There's nothing in their interactions that makes me think, "wow, if they were a couple that would be so fucked up!", while, sorry but I had this thought about John and Sherlock a dozen of times, especially during season 4 but even before that.
So if I'm not wrong and shippers were cool with the ending, well... kudos guys.
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oodaon · 11 hours
hi all! cherry (she/her, 25)🍒 here to present the resident of 2a, nam daon! overall he's a neat/calm guy who really needs to stand up for himself but more under the cut. i don't mind either discord or ims for plotting, let me know what works best for you!
an #oopsie baby to parents in their early 40s. food is present on the table, he's wearing his sister's hand-me-downs until he's like nine. all in all, an ordinary family. a little bit of 'as long as we love each other we will make it' mentality.
family death tw within bullet point. old age takes a toll and daon's father passes after battling an illness. two long weeks later, his mother passes too, struck by severe grief over her late husband. given that he's sixteen, his sister dami becomes his guardian and he moves in with her, into an one bedroom apartment that's closer to her university.
for the most part, he's a quiet kid who tries avoiding situations that would trouble his sister. despite his (young) age he realizes that she's not his mom, she has her own life and that he doesn't want to be an additional burden to her; expenses are little, and daon spends most of his time either studying, reading or being on the 'puter. the type who'd lay on his futon and watch documentaries about a subject they're covering at school at the time... #nerd
university rolls around and unlike his sister who's a law girlie, he decides to go down the path of krn lang and literature! but his grades kinda suffer bc he also starts the employment era so the academically gifted teen turns into a mediocre man! skips out on classes a lot and fails to ✨network✨ though he graduates on time
for what.. employment era 2.0 but with a degree except it's the wrong degree in most people's opinions. works in some firm as proofreader . they move to a two bedroom apt and things are looking a little better!!! woah
but then his sister is like well my dearest bro... my boyf finally proposed and we got a bread in the oven... sry daon :/ and like the good brother he is, he again chooses to not be a burden n moves out. and he always has to get slapped twice so! he's also laid off. AI took his job </3
repeatedly down-scaling places he lives at until he's channeling yoon jongwoo and looking at a cheap goshiown, two steps away from a mental breakdown.
rental agency he's looking through, however, tells him they have an opening at the loop. the studio is rather nice for the money asked and he doesn't risk it, immediately signing the lease without a second thought. i imagine he tried to reach out for the person again but the agency was like what are u talking about. mysterious type of beat where he's confused but chooses not to question i, they will appear again sooner or later?? except they don!t
currently! been at the loop for a year. works as a teacher at a "nearby" hagwon (the teens present are just above middle class but not enough that they're rich; still, it doesn't stop them from channeling the same mean energy. and the pay is. well. not enough to warrant their meanness. yes he's getting mildly bullied by 17 year olds), probably on the 'puter as well trying to find some fiverr-type gigs for extra cash. jumpscared by reoccurring dreams from ten years ago, but also from his 'you're fired!' moments. blames it on working too much. thinks he should get a therapist or smth if only it wasn't so expensive. tripping out and popping paracetamols daily. he has absolutely nooo idea what's cooking up for him!!!
personality wise he's. well. timid. not soft spoken per se but you can tell there was never an angry man in the house with him. tries to avoid any kind of altercation, even when he knows he's in the right, because he doesn't want to deal with the consequences; physical, mental or financial. time is money type of mentality, hates sudden and out-of-nowhere plans because of budgeting; however, if you need a quick loan for something he will try and see what he can borrow. overall reliable and kind, mostly influenced by his sister raising him basically? unfortunately gets jealous of others easily, be it over their relationships or material possessions. internalizes literally everything possible and impossible. cancer sun cancer moon so. good luck
other tidbits is that his unit is literally constantly a mess from paperwork and other teaching material he prepares... please don't enter x needs glasses 24/7 because if you stand like ten meters away from him you're a blurry blob and he's squinting. v neat handwriting. can tie a cherry with his mouth. enjoys that indie type of movies that are like two hours and nothing happens but it's ✨aesthetic✨. will borrow you flour/eggs/milk if you knock and ask, even if it's like 3am. always says (an awkward) hi in the hallways even if there's no response. his everyday wear consists literally of just sweatpants and sweatshirts/oversized tees; if u look at him ud never guess he's a TEACHER... has multiple notebooks filled with poetry hidden somewhere around his unit back from hs/uni + bare bones book concepts he writes down and then grows to either hate or doesn't have the time to even give it a second glance :+) his creativity juice pitcher is empty and has been for yearss
plots wise i prefer to brainstorm or fill up your wanted connections bc i can fit him into pretty much anything so i don't have much to offer here </3
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chvoswxtch · 9 months
speak now — any headcanons about Matt and music?
i’ve been thinking about this since you first submitted it & doing some research (rewatching DD clips) so let's explore together nonnie
headcannon below the cut
timeless (matt's version)
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so we know that matt likes vinyl records, which is one of the very few clues we get about what devil boy does for fun besides argue and bleed, which I think might be a preference passed down from his dad (jack might've been a collector and passed some down to matt as a kid), but I think it also has to do with the listening experience
I myself collect records, and have for several years, and listening to a vinyl vs listening to music on the radio or your phone is a different experience. sometimes the music can get a little distorted when listening on a phone, or there's interference from the radio, but vinyls usually produce a very crisp and clean sound which might work better for matt's sensitive hearing
I personally think he has a pair of noise cancelling headphones that he plugs into his record player sometimes when he wants to be able to listen to the music without any distractions picked up with his other senses (the buzz of electricity in his building, traffic, conversations of his neighbors, etc.)
I also feel like his taste in music changes depending on what he's doing
for example, if he's working on a court case, I feel like he would pick something like classical music or something instrumental so that there's background noise to soothe his already overstimulated mind, but no lyrics or anything to disrupt his train of thought/focus. think music you would hear playing quietly in a local coffee shop
however when he goes to fogwells, I think he definitely chooses music that will keep him amped up, probably some kind of high energy rock or hip hop with heavy bass and beats he might use to time his jabs at the punching bag
as for what his favorite kind of music in, honestly I think it varies
I could see him in the kitchen cooking with a glass of wine, playing something like frank sinatra, etta james, the temptations, sam cooke, etc. something soulful and a little jazzy that makes him feel relaxed, but also move around his kitchen with a pep in his step
something tells me jack was a classic rock guy, that's just the feeling I get from him. I think this is what matt listens to when he wants to feel close to his dad, or maybe like on sundays when he's cleaning and unwinding, trying to get ready for the week. maybe like the eagles, fleetwood mac, pink floyd, journey, led zeppelin, etc.
I think all of the newer music he listens to is definitely influenced primarily by foggy and karen
foggy nelson is a huge 80s guy. he knows EVERY hit from the 80s and will proudly sing them drunkenly at karaoke. given that he and matt lived together, and shared a broom closet at landman and zack together, and are essentially in a civil union for all intents and purposes, Matt knows a lot of 80s hits bc of foggy.
karen on the other hand is a 90s/early 2000s girly. she's definitely the reason matt suddenly realizes one day he knows all the lyrics to "baby one more time" by britney spears and was quietly humming along in his office while foggy was belting it in his. i'd like to think she plays "wannabe" by the spice girls at least once a week in their office and one night after a few drinks taught both of them the dance which she can only get them to perform after several rounds at josie's
I also think frank is a classic rock kinda guy (we know he likes bruce springsteen) and I have this adorable picture in my head of frank coming over to borrow vinyls from matt, and even adding a few of his own to matt's collection
all the grunge in his collection came from jess and no one can convince me otherwise (here's the angsty music I like to brood to, enjoy- jess)
given the fact that matt speaks spanish, i'd like to think that he enjoys reggaeton and maybe even tejano music (I like to think he's a selena fan, but that could be me projecting)
he's a swiftie. foggy and karen are swifties and successfully convereted matt into a swiftie, whether he likes to admit it or not. i said what i said (frank is next to be converted)
now i'm very curious to know what kinda music y'all think matty likes??
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