#when i tell you i want a nap i am not joking even a little
We Are Ep.11
Part 1
*sits with half a tub of ice cream with both AC and fan on because my AC is old and needs a little help and puts my cat on Do Not Disturb mode (aka scratching his belly)*
Welcome back to my crack posting! =D
Warning: long post, and since I have like 60 screenshots, there will be a part two 😊😅
I wrote that intro before I'd watched the ep. Me as I was watching the ep was mostly incoherent screaming (so much so that my cat woke up from his nap to give me "what the hell, hooman" look).
This episode was amazing, and I loved it, and I'll probably die of too much fluff, but that won't happen before I finish watching We Are (which- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE JUST 5 EPS LEFT?!!).
I was giggling and kicking my feet (just like Peem the morning after that Prince Charming kiss) from the very first scene.
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Oh, they are so gone for each other (and I am gone for them 😭). The smiles, the trying to hear what the other is doing just across the door ah
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So, so true. As a writer that hits.
Also, I'm very glad they decided to showcase creative blocks, even if it was for a few minutes.
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Me to PhumPeem: yes, Peem, I would love to know too.
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Too cute to handle 😭
Jokes (and puns) aside, this scene is quite significant. Previously, whenever Phum was seen in the vicinity of the Fine Arts building, it was only because he wanted something from Peem (yes even that scene in ep. 8, he wanted company from Peem), but now, he's just sitting there waiting for Peem. And when Peem comes down, he's pinching his cheeks right there and acting cute with him and asking what's wrong.
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And he keeps on asking, because he can see that Peem is a little moody, and not his usual self. "You're usually livelier than this."
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Phum: "Actually, I want to be water too..."
Me: No way, is this what I think it is?
Phum: "I want to be the reason you feel good."
Me: yeah, yep, that's what I thought
No but, you can't tell me Phum doesn't binge watch BLs with his beloved teddy bear. Of course he has a whole arsenal of cheesy flirting lines.
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All this time, it was always Phum telling Peem how comfortable he is around him and his friends, how fun it is.
Welp, it's Peem's turn.
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I love Phum.
This is both him asking for consent as well as making sure they're on the same page and going at the same pace (which he always does, as I'd said before).
Also, no, he wants you to get closer.
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Hear how polite and soft Q is with Toey now? Once Q knew for sure that he's allowed to show affection towards Toey as more than just a mentor/mentee, he decided to be fluffy as heck and never went back (because his love language is giving and showing through actions).
Love that for them both <3
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This is such a valid fear.
He was afraid that his love would be too much, and in the process he'd lose the person he loved, so he thought it better to just suffer alone than confess. Not gonna lie, my heart broke just a little here. (Also, because I'm currently rewatching MSP, I'll be pulling a lot of parallels, and this reminds me of that scene where Sound tells Gun that he's afraid to confess to Win because he's pretty sure he'll get rejected).
Oh, and I keep forgetting to say this, but Satang is such an amazing actor. Watching Sound and Toey, I almost can't believe they're played by the same person.
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Phum's lethal weapon and Peem's fatal weakness 😭
Let's be honest though, no one would be able to resist that smile, those eyes and that soft, "Na, krab". Oh yeah, he used polite pronouns here by the way.
I can't always notice the shift from formal to informal or vice versa because I'm not that well-versed in the language (yet) but this was pretty obvious.
Bonus (Peem's reaction):
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Tan: flirts with his theerak non-stop 24/7 Fang: *brushes his hair a little and apologizes for making him wait* Tan: *melts into a blushing mess*
That man is so whipped.
And in this house, we stan all whipped men.
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This actually reminds me of when I was a wee baby (around 3 or 4 years old, I think) when I rescued a baby sparrow and took it to my dad and told my neigbours my dad would be able to heal it because he's a dcotor (he isn't a vet either) 😭
Also- naming a bird by another bird is so true to Pun's character.
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This so relatable oh gods 😭
Also, we got the princess carry for Pride month! Twice if we count Chain lifting Pun in the waterfall, which I totally do.
We finally get being carried to bed but realizing they're laying on top of the blankets instead of just being magically wrapped in them by morning!
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*sighs fondly* such a simp. <3
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Uh huh, you said that last time too.
Don't lie, Peem, you'd let him hug you every night.
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Is this the reason behind the NC rating?
Also, this singular line just gave me a brain worm that is making me write my first smut fic. I blame y'all for getting me into this series.
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Yes, of course, Phum, everyone believed your "snort mi mi mi".
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Don't think I didn't see your little secret smile, Peem.
(Also, I have a headcanon that Phum just loves to be the little spoon)
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Now who's hugging who, huh?
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"Go away", he says, while putting his arm around his (not) boyfriend.
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See, it was all fun till this point, but you can't be giving me this level of domestic fluff while at the same time telling me they're not even dating yet. That just doesn't work.
So, for me, from this point on, they're an old married couple <3
Frankly though, all the four couples in this series are old married couples that just don't know they're married yet.
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Toey: HELP ME!!!
Toey: I forgot to do my assignment and today's the deadline 🥺
Q: ... 😑
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You don't...?
I thought that was the perfect time to start working on it?
jk jk, kids, I'm a chronic procrastinator, please don't learn from me, learn from your P'Q
(Q reminds me so much of @desi-yearning when she scolds me after I pull an all-nighter to submit an assignment or study for an exam 😭)
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Oh. Oh.
Oh my.
I love this scene so much.
This pencil box is very very special to Q, and he's asking Toey to draw on it - something that is irriversible, as Toey himself says.
But this is Q's way of putting together both his loves. This pencil box was picked up by Toey the first time, but back then, Q only knew him as Milk Frappe Boy.
Now, he's asking Toey to do something Milk Frappe Boy would never have been able to (remember, Toey started taking an interest in art only after meeting Pencil Senior), because Pencil Senior disappeared on Milk Frappe Boy, but Q would never disappear on Toey.
On this note, I end Part 1.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow, because as much as I try to deny it, I have these pesky things called responsibilities to attend to, and it's very late here now (not past my regular bed time, but way past my ideal bed time 😭)
Thank you for reading! 😊
Here, have some pizza and a cookie🍕🍕🍪
[If you want, my previous posts: Ep. 8 Ep.9 Ep.10]
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meyerlansky · 1 month
genuinely how does anyone have the energy for anything
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dira333 · 25 days
Big Stretch - Kenma x Reader
@luvring you cannot post a Kenma hc and think I won't find out and marinate it in my head until I have to write it
Haikyuu taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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"Oooh, big stretch."
Kenma turns to glare at you, arms not fully extended yet. He folds in again, pouting slightly. "I'm not a cat," he says and you cock your head to the side to observe him.
"Could have fooled me." You tease.
He huffs, face growing red as he looks to the side. Oh no, did you go too far?
“Hey,” you lean in, try to catch his eye, “That was meant as a compliment. I like cats.”
He hums low in his throat, turns his amber eyes back to the paper in front of him.
“Can we just go back to work?” He asks and you nod. “Yeah, sure.”
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma sends you a pointed glare. The guy next to him, hair dark and disheveled, chuckles low in his throat.
“Your friend?” He asks and Kenma makes it a point to shake his head exaggeratedly.
“Should I turn around so you can finish stretching?” You ask, leaning into your seat, “Or can I stay to enjoy the show.”
Red blooms on Kenma’s face as he ducks behind the collar of his shirt.
“Stop,” he whines, “There are people around.”
“Ah, young love,” the guy next to him whistles and Kenma digs an elbow into his side. “Stop it, Kuroo! I don’t even know them!”
“Liar,” you call him out, “You love me.” And though it’s said as a joke you can’t help but think that it’s more of a manifestation. If you say it often enough it will come true.
“Oooh, big stretch.” 
Kenma huffs. He stops moving, frozen for a second before he throws his arm around you, rests his head on your shoulder and fakes the loudest snore you’ve ever heard.
“Long game, huh?” You ask, eyes finding Kuroo’s who’s got the usual knowing smirk.
“Aren’t you tired too, dear manager?” He asks.
You shake your head, heart bubbling in your chest with how close Kenma is. Even if you had been exhausted, you couldn’t be anymore, not with him cuddling into you.
Out of sight of his teammates, his ankle crosses yours.
Truly, feet-holding is so much cuter than hand-holding.
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma blinks, sleep settling heavily into his skin. He makes grabby hands, calling you in, and even though teasing him is as necessary to you as breathing, you cannot stay away when he’s cute like this.
You settle on his lap, lean over him, hands on either side of his face as if you’re kabedon-ing him into the mattress.
“Slept well, little kitty?” You ask and he smiles, hair fanned out around his face. 
Instead of answering he hooks one hand around your neck and pulls you in, his lips soft and a little chapped, writing poetry into your skin.
“Oooh, big stretch.”
Kenma glares, lips stretching into a pout at your words. You can tell he’s not fully done stretching yet, but he’s unwilling to stretch again just because you commented on it.
“In my defense,” you tell him, nudging his back with your socked foot, “You are napping like a cat.”
“‘m not.”
“Am too. It’s cute.”
“Your mom’s cute.”
You snicker. “I’ll tell her you said that.”
He groans. “Look away,” he says, “I need to stretch.”
“Mhm, no, I got full staring rights when you said ‘I do’.”
“Should have read the fine print.”
“Should have, yes.” You lean forward, fold yourself in a way that’s making your back ache, but now you’re face to face with him, able to press a kiss to his nose. 
“Now you’re mine.”
He smiles, unable to keep up the pout, ducking his face behind his long hair.
“‘m yours.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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dotster001 · 6 months
Waking Him up with a Kiss
Summary: Malleus/Silver/Jamil x Gn!Reader. You wake your lover up with a kiss.
Requested by an anon. Fuck you, Tumblr.
CW: Jamil is kinda sus but I wouldn't be doing him justice if he wasn't.
Also! Always get consent from your partner before kissing them in their sleep! That's a cool kid thing to do!
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He'd been hinting at this for a while now. All his life, Lilia had regaled him with fairy tales where the sleeping prince or princess was woken with true love's kiss. Malleus had always been a hopeless romantic, and, damn, did he want that!
He'd left the books out when he slept over. He made sure that if he knew you would come looking for him, he'd nap on his back. He sighs dreamily (and loudly) whenever he rereads those fairytales next to you. He waxes on and on about how romantic being awoken with a kiss is. He knows he's dense. But he thinks you're worse.
Lilia giggles and says to be patient, Silver says to just tell you what he wants, and Sebek says to just banish you for the treason of making him sad. He decides that Lilia has never steered him wrong before, so he decides to be patient.
And one day it happens. He's dreaming of you, walking through a meadow, hand in hand. You turn to him, your radiant smile glowing brighter than the sun of his dreams. You press your lips to his, gentle as a cloud, and it feels so real that he doesn't want to wake up.
But he does, and he moans a little as he regrets losing the dream world. But the feeling of your lips doesn't fade. Light as a cloud, gentle as a dove, a feeling that makes him feel so full inside he thinks he'll burst.
His eyes flutter open, and there you are, on your knees in the grass, smiling softly as you push one of his dark bangs away from his eyes. He smiles sleepily, putting together that his dream came true.
“Now that you've given me a taste, I hope you know that I am insatiable,” he said, his voice still husky with sleep. You giggled, as though you thought he was joking.
Oh, you sweet little human.
He is not joking.
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He has told you this on many occasions. If you are hanging out, and he falls asleep, do whatever you need to to wake him up. He originally tried to be chill about it, but eventually he let on just how much it distressed him when he missed time with you. He didn't want to miss out on any time with you. Yes, it was partially for you. But if he was honest, it was mostly for him. It hurt his chest to think about losing time with someone he loved. Being around the fae taught him every moment mattered.
Usually, you try everything. You shake him, you steal his pillow, you bang a pot, you set three alarms to go off at the same time. But today, you tried something different.
Silver blinked his eyes open, only to be met by your uncertain ones staring back at him, your face hovering a few inches above his.
He gently lifted a hand to his lips, the ghost of your kiss lingering. He may not have been fully awake for it, but he knows it happened.
His mind was immediately transported to a moment in his youth. He was sitting by his father, sniffling sadly because he fell asleep during Lilia's birthday party. 
“Ah, my sweet son,” Lilia said with a warm smile, gently nuzzling his cheek against Silver's. “I know it's not your fault. Even doctors have told you you can't help it. I am not upset at all.”
“But it's your birthday,” Silver sniffled. “I feel like I must be cursed.”
Lilia's eyes widened in understanding.
“That must be it!” He said excitedly. He ran to the nearby bookshelf and pulled off a book, before nodding sagely.
“Yes, that must be it, look,” he flipped to a page in the story, pointing to a picture of a sleeping princess being kissed awake by a knight in shining armor. “I know this curse! When you find true love, perhaps their kiss will save you!”
Silver excitedly nodded at the picture, his eyes wide.
Lilia snapped the book shut, authoritatively. “But until then, I don't want you to be sad when you fall asleep. Your hero will save you one day. And they might be sad that they took a long time to save you. So if you are less hard on yourself, it might help them feel better. Promise?”
Silver nodded happily.
Lilia is a menace, filling his son's heads with fairytales. /Affectionate
In the present, Silver smiled softly.
“Did you kiss me awake?”
“Sorry, I know I should have asked, but I figured when you said wake me up however I can-”
“That's correct. I could have said it plainly, but this is definitely what I pictured when I said that. But in case you need me to verbally say it, yes, please continue to wake me up like this. I think I will wake up every single time.”
You smiled at him, still hovering over him, making him long for your kiss again.
“You know, I wasn't awake for the last one. Would you please kiss me again?”
You giggled, then leaned in and pressed your lips to his.
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“I feel like I need more ways to show my love for you,” you said thoughtfully. Jamil sat next to you on your bed in Ramshackle, reading over your report, and checking for mistakes.
“And what makes you say that?” He hummed in amusement.
“Seriously? You do everything for me! And I'm just kinda here!”
“I'm perfectly satisfied with that. In fact, I'd rather do all the hard stuff so that you have the energy to shower me in affection when I'm done,” he snickered to himself. If anything, a small selfish part of him liked the idea of you feeling like you had something to prove. It made you a very physically affectionate lover to “make up for it”. And while he was easily flustered, he very much liked the gentle caresses, warm embraces, and hungry kisses you gave him.
“Tell you what,” he hummed, handing you back the marked up report. It would take you hours to make the corrections. He loved you, but you were at a disadvantage when it came to college courses in the laws of magic. “I'm going to take a nap. When you finish, I'd really feel loved if you kissed me awake.”
He laid down, resting an arm over his eyes. 
“You could just stay the night if you're that tired,” you said in that tone of voice that only came when you were pouting.
“Can't. Kalim has a test tomorrow, and I need to make sure he wakes up for it.”
You grumbled something, but he was already out cold.
He felt…warm. He softly sighed, as he felt your kiss deepen. Still not opening his eyes, he wrapped an arm around your neck, and continued sleepily kissing you. Yeah. This is the life he wanted. To be rewarded for his hard work with your affection.
He finally opened his eyes with a scowl when you pulled away.
“I didn't say to stop. This is about expressing your love, right?” He snickered.
You pouted. “I miss when every single thing would fluster you.”
He scowled and stood up, stretching away the sleepiness as he prepared for his trek back to his dorm.
“I don't.”
You smiled sweetly, then reached out for his hair.
“Luckily,  I can still make you all blushy when I play with your hair.”
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir @pikeru565
“Good night love,” he scowled as he stormed out of the room.
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hanafubukki · 5 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
the bed w/ jongho
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words - 🤠
genre - fluff/friends to lovers
warnings - pure fluff, nothing else
“why are you in my bed,” jongho grumbles as he storms through his bedroom door
he kicks his shoes off, not paying any attention to where they land before crawling onto the bed himself
you’d spread yourself out in the centre of it, leaving very little space for your friend in his own bed
he makes do, though, throwing himself over your stomach and pinning you to the bed
you groan as he knocks the wind out of you, but all does is chuckle
“actually, scratch that,” he says as he tries his hardest to got comfortable, “what are you doing in my apartment? you don’t have a key.”
he finds it hard to find a good spot to lay since there’s a literal body beneath him, so instead he sits up and tries his hardest to shove you to the side
you resist, but eventually roll over when his finger pokes a particularly ticklish spot in your side
he goes to get comfy, making sure to pull one of his pillows free from beneath your head and put it beneath his own
you punch his arm as payment; it doesn’t hurt him, he just laughs
“found your spare key under your doormat,” you say as if it’s as simple as that, “you need to find a better place to hide that, by the way.”
he repeats your words in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated manner
“sure, but why are you in my bed?”
“it’s comfier than mine,” you shrug, laughing at the exasperated sigh he gives you, “besides, it’s not like you were using it while you were at work.”
“and maybe if you had a job you wouldn’t feel the need to come to my apartment and nap in my bed when you could be at work,” he teases
now it’s your turn to roll your eyes
you shove him slightly, in response to the poor taste joke, but he knows you’re not really mad
you never are when it comes to him…
something about the way he taunts you makes you light up inside
maybe it’s the way he giggles at you when you get annoyed, face lighting up in glee, or perhaps you just like it when he pays you attention
either way, you hope it never stops
“i’m trying to get a job,” you reply, seriousness lacing itself in your voice, “i had an interview this morning actually.”
he turns to look at you with surprise on his face
“you never told me,” he says with a minuscule pout, and you realise the shock on his face is more to do with the fact it was hidden from him than anything else
you look away, not wanting to force yourself into seeing the hurt that’s swimming in his eyes
all this over a job interview? weird, you think to yourself
“i wanted it to be a surprise if i got the job,” you mumble, “but i kind of fumbled so i don’t think i did.”
you’d never tell him, but it’s actually your disappointment at your own failure that led you to your best friend’s bed
the comfort it brought you to slide one of his hoodies over your head and surround yourself in the familiar scent of his bedding was better than the comfort you gained from anything else
the knowledge that jongho would be there soon to comfort you, unknowingly picking up the pieces of your shattered ego, was nice
his presence was your safe place, even when that presence was just the smell of him ingrained in his sheets
“you fumbled?” he clarifies, “how so?”
he opens his arms to invite you closer; it’s an opportunity you jump at, shuffling until you’re close enough for his arms to circle your body
“i kept answering their questions weirdly,” you say as you press your face into his chest, “but in my defence, their questions were dumb.”
he chuckles, and the sound rumbles through him
“you don’t need to defend yourself to me,” his voice sounds deeper when you hear it through his chest, “i know you’re trying your hardest.”
a hand comes into contact with the back of your head, gently patting at it as if he’s trying to soothe you
you almost tell him that you don’t need soothing, but the sensation is nice so you let him continue
“i am trying hard,” you sigh, “and i wish they could see that rather than just seeing all the stupid answers i give them! they probably think i have negative braincells…”
jongho can’t help but heartily laugh at that
he clutches onto you as the sound rings through the air, effectively pinning you to his body
you can’t help but be happy that he’s not one of those people that slap things when they laugh…
“i also think you have negative braincells,” he says through his giggles, “but that doesn’t stop me from thinking you’re a great person that’s worthy of employment.”
for what seems like the hundredth time, you hit his arm
“i got higher than you in school, dickwad!”
you only scored higher by a margin, but you still did better than him and therefore have eternal bragging - or in this case defending - rights
the playful arguing doesn’t go much further than that
in fact the two of you fall into a peaceful silence pretty quickly, the only sound that fills your brain is jongho’s heartbeat; strong and stable, just like he is
just likes he’s always been, actually, ever since the two of you were just kids playing in each other’s back yards
he tried to teach you football when you were both young, but ended up kicking the ball too hard and bruising your shin
even at the age of 7 he was so willing to comfort you in your time of need
you still see so much of that pudgy-faced boy in the man you know today
and then when he was a teenager you specifically remember him trying to teach you basketball
he had his arms wrapped around you as he positioned your hands correctly
when you shot your first basket without his help, he celebrated it like he’d just scored the winning basket for the team he played on
you still think about the way he picked you up and spun you around sometimes; it feels like such a special memory
you can’t help but smile as you let it play in your mind one more time
“what are you thinking about?” jongho asks
you shift your head so you can see his face, his big brown eyes meeting yours immediately
perhaps it’s the dimness of his bedside lamp, but you can’t help but appreciate how nice he looks right now
you’ve always known him to be attractive, but surely his lips haven’t always looked that soft, right?
“why do you want to know?” you respond quietly as you try and make sense of this new feeling that settles over you
well, perhaps it’s not new, but it’s certainly stronger
“i want to know everything about you,” he replies, no evidence of a joke on his face, “like what you’re thinking, or when you have a job interview.”
well, that’s targeted, you think to yourself
“i told you it was supposed to be a surprise if i passed!” you whine
he smiles slightly
“it would’ve been a great surprise,” he admits, “but i still can’t help but wish you’d told me! i would’ve gone with you for support.”
and he would’ve
one word from you and he’d have taken a day off work just to do anything in his power to help you
hell, you’re sure he would’ve gone into the interview with you if he could
you can’t help but giggle at the idea of him standing behind you like a bouncer, arms folded threateningly as the interviewers fumble through their dumb questions
“your support would’ve been greatly appreciated,” you say
he hums an agreement
“this is why you tell your jongho things, okay?” he teases
you pause
“my jongho?”
“who else’s would i be?”
you shrug
“i don’t know,” you admit, “i just thought such a title would go to a girlfriend or something…”
you feel your face heat up at your own words
perhaps it’s the connotations that come with it; a title that should’ve gone to his future girlfriend has gone to you instead
why is that thought making your heart beat so fast?
“i mean maybe one day it will,” he says, “but only if you say yes.”
your mind goes blank
what does he mean by that?
“because if you don’t then my plans will be kind of fucked, you know?” you don’t know. you don’t know anything at all, “like what’s going to happen if you say no and things get awkward? who will i take on my family’s spring vacation then?”
that’s all you can say
because his words make sense in your mind, but none of it makes sense in concept, except it also kind of does
but then the notion of it all is making butterflies erupt in your stomach, which also doesn’t make sense because why?
“do i have to spell it out for you, my little dummy?” he smiles, a familiar fondness in his eyes, “i’m asking you to be my girlfriend.”
and that’s when it all dawns on you
the reason you feel closer to him than anyone else
the reason you want him to be the first to know everything
the reason why you always try so hard to impress him
you’re in love with him, and you have been for quite a long time, it seems
perhaps it was the basketball incident that set this proverbial train in motion; you distinctly remember feeling butterflies then
although at the time you had put it down to just feeling nervous about impressing jongho, even that excuse points in the direction of love
holy fuck
“hello?” he waves a hand in front of your face, “anyone in there? or am i just going to have to assume it’s a no-”
“no!” you cut him off, eyes going wide, “i mean yes. no to saying no, yes to your question… the girlfriend question.”
a wide toothy grin forms on his face, one of the ones that shows his gums and makes his nose scrunch up in the cutest way
oh god, have you always been down this horrifically bad for him?
“god you’re cute,” he says with happiness evident in his voice
it’s funny; you were about to tell him the same thing
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*slowly shuffles a wooden box of finger bones towards you* so I have two ideas for you
So, what if ghosts like, really screw with video technology, so it all kind of looks corrupted at all times- so when Danny starts recording like a blog of daily like in amity park (maybe as a way to cope with Trauma) and he posts it, maybe people outside of amity could think it’s all just like, an ARG or analog horror- if you want to go with dc/dp here, tim could be trying to solve a nonexistent mystery
For idea two, do you know ab the mystery flesh pit? If you don’t it’s basically an unreality where a gigantic super organism is turned into a National park and it’s then shit down when the organism basically coughs in its sleep and destroys a lot of stuff-( also be warned, there is a lot of body horror involved in this, so if anyone’s sensitive to it maybe don’t look at any content!) so maybe Giant Danny is taking a nap and some villains find the GIANT GHOST TAKING A SLEEP and decide to hook him up to be used as like, a battery or Lazerus pit (if you go the route of his blood being lazerus water) and the heroes get involved trying to figure out what’s happening
oh man that would be so fun. Danny just takes a little school project 10 minute documentary of the town and doesn't think too much of it when he submits it to Youtube so he can send it to his teacher.
A week later and every ARG/Analog Horror nerd on the planet has heard about this brilliantly well produced video called "Amity Park"
Now knowing this, He decides to have some fun. He takes ominous shots of mundane Amity life and splices them between the more normal scenes of himself and his friends having fun and hanging out.
He amps up the uncanny level. Throughout all of his videos, he starts to tell a slightly dramatized version of his life, not the Phantom stuff, but his life as a Fenton.
The whole world watches in awe and delight as this refreshingly new Analog Horror channel posts nearly twice a week with some of the most stunning CGI that they've ever seen. I mean 'c'mon, Sentient food. A child living in the house of two mad scientists who casually mention dismembering and destroying ghosts at the dinner table. An honest to god crazy scientist lab with a massive portal to this 'Ghost Zone' just in their basement?! Yeah, whoever made this has an absolutely incredible imagination. (Some people are even dissing it since this GZ really just feels like a warped version of The Backrooms but it's fine, it's unique enough that it makes up for it.)
I am a hoe for any and every topic that Wendigoon talks about in his videos so I very much so know about the Mystery Flesh Pit. (Video is linked but be warned; Benji isn't joking when they say that it's a LOT of body horror.)
I'd like to propose that Danny isn't even on earth, he's on a different planet that has collected his blood and harnessed his core for energy on a massive scale, helping create and produce items that benefit their world greatly.
To Danny, Their mining, harvesting, and energy draining efforts are the equivalent to bacteria moving around his body. He's so massive that this civilization isnt impacting him in the slightest.
The JL get called because this strange planet superorganism is now moving and it's causing the destruction of an entire civilization.
They fly over to the planet and they notice something very very wrong with the shape of the planet.
First and foremost, the two eyes spanning the equivalent width of Texas that stares up at their ship is new.
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theemporium · 1 year
3 with james potter pretty please <333
3. “Tell me to leave and I’ll never bother you again.”
James Potter fucked up. 
He wasn’t exactly sure how he had fucked up, but he knew he fucked up monumentally when you came down for breakfast, slumped down a few seats away from him and totally blanked him.
He played it off as a rough morning at first. After all, you were never a morning person and you seemed pleased enough with him last night when you sat curled under a blanket with him as your friends laughed and joked around you into the early hours of the morning. 
He was clearly just overreacting. 
But then your shared potions class after lunch came around and you still weren’t talking to him. You weren’t talking to anyone. 
“You must’ve done something to piss her off,” Sirius said to him, watching as his best friend slumped back against the grass as he glared above at the cloudless sky.
“No shit,” James grumbled.
“Have you tried talking to her?” Remus asked, propped on his elbows with the book he was previously reading abandoned to the side.
“Well…no,” James murmured, clearing his throat a little when Sirius snorted. “But she won’t even look at me!”
“And how will poor Prongs ever live on when his little girlfriend won’t even smile at him,” Sirius teased, reaching over to poke his cheek only for James to bat his hand away.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” the boy whined helplessly, though both boys sitting next to him knew well enough how much James wished that weren’t true. He just hadn’t quite gained the courage to ask you out yet—how truly Gryffindor of him.
“Just ask her, mate,” Remus suggested with a shrug. “What’s the worst that can happen?” 
James established that there were at least three outcomes that could come from asking you, and each was just as bad as the last. One: you wouldn’t even acknowledge his question. Two: you would hex him and then go back to pretending he didn’t exist. Three: you would laugh at the fact he even cared to ask, hex him and then go back to pretending he didn’t exist. 
Each left James completely unsatisfied with your sudden distance and a bitter taste in his mouth at the mere idea he may lose you. And despite all these outcomes racing through his head, James still found himself standing outside your dorm, muttering to himself before he bit the bullet and knocked. 
It took thirty seconds for you to open the door and they had to be the longest thirty seconds of his life. However, when you did open the door, James barely gave you a chance to properly take in who was even standing across from you before he began rambling. 
“Listen, I totally get that you might hate my guts right now and that maybe you wanna hex me but I just need to say this before I lose the chance because it would kill me if you didn’t know that I am so sorry for whatever I have done to make you try avoid me or whatever else it is—”
“—but I really like you and this is totally not the time to say it, like at all even and I just—”
“—I really wanted you to know that if there is any chance you could forgive me or even tell me what I did so I can rectify it—” 
The boy stopped suddenly, his cheeks burning red as he took in your expression for the first time and held back his wince. “Tell me to leave and I’ll never bother you again. I promise.”
“What are you going on about?” you asked, still feeling bleary and fuzzy from the nap you were taking minutes ago, and not finding much help in the annoyingly bright torches in the corridor. 
“I–” James cleared his throat. “You were angry with me today and I just wanna tell you I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done.” 
Your brows furrowed together. “James, I’m not angry with you.”
He blinked. “You’re not?”
“No, I’m not,” you sighed.
“But…you ignored me all day,” he murmured, looking a bit like a kicked puppy with his pouted lips.
“I didn’t mean to,” you explained, feeling your face softening and your annoyance from him waking you up quickly melting away. “I just…I woke up with a migraine and it wasn’t getting any better no matter what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, James.”
His lips parted with a soft ‘oh’.
“If it’s any consolation, I was ignoring everyone,” you offered with a weak smile.
“That’s good,” James nodded, eyes widening when he realised what he said and quickly scrambled to take back his word. “Not about the migraine! Not that at all! I just meant….fuck, love, I meant about you not being angry at me—”
“James,” you called softly, a hint of a smile on your lips.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” James asked helplessly.
“Cuddle with me?” you asked in a sweet voice that he could never say no to. “I was trying to take a nap but it would help if I had a wizard who’s always ridiculously hot laying beside me.” 
James grinned. “You think I’m hot, love?”
“I take it back. I can nap myself.”
“No take-backs, sweetheart. Now budge over, I’m gonna cuddle the shit out of you.”
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jazzsonly · 9 months
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ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ
pairing(s): sam carpenter x g!p!stem!reader
warning(s): none. very very brief kiss. mentions of reader being a nerd/nerd-like. not proofread.
summary: sam might have said no to your date but you get something even better.
part two. coming soon!
when you met chad, you’d never thought you would become best friends with a guy like him. he was an idiot jock, who liked to party and be shirtless.
you were a smart tutor, a somehow homebody who liked to party. so i guess, you could say that’s what you guys had in common,
you tutored chad every wednesday but one weekend at a frat party you bumped into the jock, surprisingly ending up having a drinking contest. you found it a little odd to be drinking with the same guy you’re tutoring but chad found it cool, he found you cool. he had never met anyone as smart as you but now he had never met anyone more fun than you.
as much as he loved his friends if core four, he couldn’t deny you were down for things with him they wouldn’t be. after, the partying and drinking contest together, you both got more comfortable together, setting up study dates at each other’s apartments.
those study dates eventually became call of duty battles, checking out the girls on campus together, sometimes hitting the gym together. there was no denying you and chad were newly best friends, despite ethan’s sulking jealousy.
now, you were glad you met chad but even more glad when he introduced you to the core four, more importantly sam.
you were no better than a man when you first laid your eyes on the girl, you stared at her like she was a piece of meat. it was so bad that now everytime she entered room and you were there, chad just had to joke telling you to close your mouth.
you were sure sam sorta kinda had thing for you too, from chad she was super uptight with new people, definitely not a trusting person but with you, she was chill. she sat next to you during movie nights, shared the popcorn with you, sometimes she even laid her legs in your lap.
this enflamed your crush even more, well until tara claimed it was only because she thought anyone chad brought around was just as dumb as him. and no dumb person could be ghostface.
but she was wrong, you were top of all your classes, well almost all.
fuck chemistry.
“chad, focus.” you slap the back of the boy’s head who had dozed off at the sight of tara.
“ow! i am focused!”
“stop being a baby, i didn’t even hit you that hard. now, how many vertices are in this problem?” you point at the math sketch in the textbook.
“uh…7?” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
you had been at the kitchen counter for hours trying to tutor chad but he had only gotten two questions right.
“look, don’t get mad at me you’re the one who supposed to help me know this stuff.”
“you’re impossible to teach!” you throw your hands up, dramatically letting them fall back down.
“what are you doing?” you turn your head a the familiar voice, your favorite voice.
sam who had just emerged from her room from a hibernated nap.
“trying to tutor this idiot.”
“hey!” you ignore chad, all you energy engorged with sam.
“you? tutor?”
“uh, yeah, i’m top of all my classes…well except for one.” stupid chemistry, you thought.
“you are?” you nod.
“then why are you friends with chad?”
“i ask myself the same thing.” sam just nods at your words, making her way to the fridge.
“can we take a break now?” you flag chad off and he takes that was his leeway to take the couch with tara.
“soo…sam?” you move your way around the counter.
“yea?” she answered despite her back away from you as her eyes scanned the fridge.
“i was thinking, i mean if you want to uh go to a movie with me?”
you watched as her movements paused and she turned towards you, you couldn’t pinpoint what she was feeling or her facial expression but there was something there.
“sorry but i can’t…” she trailed off, closing the fridge and seemingly retreating back down the hallway into her room.
you stood there, dumbfounded.
dumbfounded yet unphased, if sam carptener’s love was a challenge the nerd in you would gladly accept it.
“she’s not gonna give up, just watch.” you hear chad mumble to tara, which you flipped him off.
in the coming weeks after that you expected sam to avoid you like a plague but she did the opposite, it was like everytime you were over she went out of her way to be around you. making sure to touch your shoulder when she moved by you, hugging you as a greeting, hell she even cuddled with you on movie nights and to say the least, you did not mind.
but what you did mind was when you asked about her rejecting your advances, she would avoid it.
once again the nerd in you would not allow this, you would get to the bottom of it and right now was the perfect timing. everyone had left to the store to collect snacks for movie night, minus chad who was in tara’s room doing god knows what with the girl.
it was just you and sam, empty and open apartment, side by side on the couch while family feud played.
“so, you’re really not gonna tell me why you won’t go out with me?”
“you don’t give up do you?” the carpenter turned you, resting her hand on the back of your head, fingers getting tangled in your hair.
“you’re so clingy when i’m here, so why won’t you go out with me?” you watched as she bit her lip, suppressing a taunting smile from you.
“you’re cute, you know, i think you’re cute.”
you smile, “i think you’re cute too, so go out with me?”
a breathy chuckle came from the girls lips, and she moved close to you.
“kiss me.”
“what?” you were taken back.
“kiss me before i change my mind.” and then you didn’t hesitate. you closed the little space that was between you two, landing a soft but stern kiss onto her lips. your hands finding her hips, pulling her closer and her arms found their way around your neck.
a sigh of relief and satisfaction somehow escaped your lips, while a hum escaped hers. her kiss was candy mint, it tastes good and you didn’t wanna stop but unfortunately air became an issue and you reluctantly pulled away, “so does this mean i can take you out?”
“stop asking me out.” she scoots away just in time because the door flew open and in came ethan with bags on bags while anika and mindy came behind with empty hands.
“thanks for the help.” ethan mutters sarcastically.
━━━ part two (coming soon!) take it easy on me, it’s my first time writing in MONTHS.
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harry-on-broadway · 11 months
Italian Sun
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A/N: Felt inspired after yesterday’s pictures so here’s some unedited rambling. Enjoy!
It had only been a week, but you were already grappling with your new reality.
The reality of Harry being at home, at last.
Home, for now, was the Italian villa you all often decamped to when you had a few weeks off. He’d been making plans for the end of tour since the holidays and while specifics had changed, one thing had remained consistent: he wanted to spend time in Italy, relaxing and catching up with all of his family and friends he’d neglected for the past two years.
“Neglected? Don’t you think that’s a little dramatic?” you teased when he first brought up the idea. “We’re literally driving home from your mother’s house.”
“You know what I mean,” he’d said, his face scrunching the way it did when he felt like his words were being misconstrued. “I’m just never around and when I am I feel like I’m so behind. Like…like I’m watching the season finale of a show I’ve never seen before. Everything’s different when I come back.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s what you think.”
“It’s the little things. You cut your hair. You found a new coffee you like. You started listening to a new podcast. And I’ve missed it all.”
When he put it that way, your heart broke. He rarely complained, knowing that the life he was living was envied by many. But you felt for him, hearing how hard this was on him. “Well, start putting together a guest list. I guess we’re all going to Italy in July.”
Which is how you found yourself rooming with Harry’s closest friends and family in the week following the final show of Love on Tour, sharing meals, memories, and adventures with everyone. The extra glow coming off of Harry didn’t go unnoticed by you and you could feel happiness and contentment radiating off of him when he snuggled in close to you each night.
Today was the last day that everyone would be all together before the group started to head out, leaving you and Harry alone. He’d wanted the final day to be the best yet and had planned an itinerary filled with boating and sunbathing and, according to him, the best Italian dinner yet.
You had to give him credit. It was the best day yet. Games were played, naps were taken, and the picnic basket of cheeses, breads, and meats that Harry himself had packed was delicious. But the day also came with an added perk for you.
While almost everyone had donned swimwear for the occasion, displaying all sorts of skin, Harry took it to another level. His shirt was hanging precariously on his body, a single button keeping it from being blown away, and his swim trunks had been rolled up and pulled low on his hips (to avoid tan lines, he explained).
And the hat.
The fucking hat. A bright pink bucket cap, with the word ‘Daddy’ written across the front, that someone had thrown onstage in Australia. He’d said he picked it up as a joke, but the fact that he’d held onto it across countries and time zones, made you think otherwise. You saw how he carried himself with an extra hint of swagger when he wore it, and you hated to admit it, but something stirred inside of you when you caught a glance of him, hat and all, driving the boat with all of the ease of a seasoned pro. You prayed no one could tell how that scene affected you.
Now, with dinner on the horizon, you were trying to put those steamy thoughts out of your head and focus on what you should wear. You’d narrowed it down to two brightly colored dresses, when you felt two hands cover your eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Hmmmmm,” you pondered. “Could it be my boyfriend? You know, the guy who organized this magnificent trip after breaking records worldwide for the past couple of years?”
“He sounds like a catch.”
“He’s not that bad. He’s easy on the eyes.”
“Easy on the eyes, huh?” Harry moved his hands down to your hips and spun you around so you were facing him.
“Yeah, and he looks even better when he’s half-naked, driving a boat.”
“Mmmm.” Harry’s hands moved lower so that they were resting on the cleft of your ass. “Must have been pretty hot.”
“Oh, yeah, super sexy. I wish I could have jumped him right there. Especially in that hat.”
“Wait, what,” Harry laughed, breaking whatever character he’d been playing. “Are you serious?”
You shrugged. “What can I say, there’s something about that whole scene that really turned me on. And, sex on a boat sounds kind of fun. Shame we couldn’t try that out.” Harry swallowed, his throat bobbing as he processed what you said. “Harry?” you asked after a moment. “Are you still with me?”
“Yeah, I’m just trying to think why the fuck I thought it would be a good idea to invite everyone on this trip. I could’ve been having sex on a boat.”
“It’s not a boat but we can still have some fun,” you whispered, fingers delicately trailing down the exposed skin of his chest.
You nodded and Harry darted across the room to shut the door to your suite, trying to tear his shirt off at the same time. “Slow down, baby,” you said. “We’ve got time.”
Harry took a deep breath, calming himself as he nodded and opened his arms for you. His hands skated over your body, much of your skin already exposed thanks to your swimsuit, before they landed on your jaw, tipping your head back to bring your lips to his.
You felt heat course through your body at his slightest touch and were amazed that he was still able to elicit this reaction from you. You felt your nipples stiffen through the flimsy material of your swimsuit when Harry’s already sizable erection brushed against your thigh and you couldn’t stop thinking about feeling him inside of you.
“Bed, now,” Harry panted when he broke away from the kiss, and you backed up until you could feel the mattress behind your knees.
You fell backwards, bouncing slightly when you landed, and when you raised yourself up onto your elbows to find Harry, he had already dropped to the ground, his hands nimbly shimmying your swim bottoms down your legs. The garment discarded somewhere in the room, you felt Harry’s lips on your ankle, then up your calf, then at the inside of your knee. You knew what this was building too, but that didn’t stop you from letting out a gasp of surprise when his lips finally found your center.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, voice barely above a whisper for fear of alerting the rest of your party to what you were up to. You threw your head to the side, trying to muffle the sound of your pleasure with the pillow.
Theoretically, the two of you were due downstairs for dinner in roughly a half hour, but Harry showed no urgency as he slowly licked at your core, speeding up, then slowing down right as you were about to topple over the edge. It was hard to focus on anything but the feel of him between your legs. You reached down, hand moving blindly until your hands found purchase in his hair. The sensation of his soft curls between your fingers grounded you as you bucked up against his lips, wanting even more than he was already giving you.
“Is this good?” he asked.
All you could manage was a breathless moan as his fingers slid inside, easily undoing you. You opened your eyes and tried to catch your breath as Harry appeared over top of you licking his fingers clean with a satisfying pop. “That really turns me on,” you finally wheezed out.
“What? That?”
“No, the fact that you remember what works for me. It’s just something about the way you care for me. You always act like you don’t remember anything and you have no clue what’s happening, but that’s not true H. You always remember what matters.”
You could see something burning in Harry’s eyes as you said that, not quite desire, but something close. “I’m always going to care about you,” he said, the words laced with emotion. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”
“Show me,” you said.
He rolled on top of you in one easy motion, and you opened your legs, giving him space to settle in. He kissed you, furiously, but nowhere near enough. You needed to feel him all over you, every inch. Skin on skin, nothing between you.
“What the hell are these shorts still doing on you?” you whined, fingers digging into the fabric of his tiny trunks.
“I could say the same about this,” he all but grunted, struggling to undo the tie of your bathing suit top.
Free of obstructions, you all were able to lay together and take in the moment. You weren’t surprised when Harry buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling and savoring the moment. It was something he’d made a habit of doing in recent months, after noticing that you’d changed body wash in his absence. He was upset at first, saddened by yet another detail he’d missed, but after that, he’d started to take more time to observe and remember every little thing about you.
After a few seconds, you felt his lips on your neck as he kissed his way to your mouth, and you could feel him smile into the kiss.
“Got time for one more?” he asked with a cheeky grin.
“Why stop there?”
“I think you might be overestimating my abilities, love.”
You pressed a kiss of your own to the spot right under his ear that you knew got him going. “You’ve never let me down, H.”
Without warning, he was inside you. He often paused upon entering you, giving you a moment to adjust and a moment for him to center himself. But today, he did no such thing, rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm. You made no effort to stop him either, tilting your hips up and pressing your heels into the small of his back to drive him further inside. The room was nearly silent, just the sound of your bodies moving in time broken by occasional panting, or the soft moans Harry stifled against your chest.
You glanced at him as he continued to drive into you. His eyes were shut tight and his forehead was wrinkled in concentration. It was the look he often wore when he was focused on not coming undone prematurely. Always the gentleman, he made every effort to ensure you were taken care of before he handled his own needs, but the rare occasions when he fell apart first drove you wild.
There was something so attractive about watching a man who was always in control, always looking out for others, come undone, something you’d once told him, earning an eye roll. You could tell he was nearing the edge as his thrusts became more frenzied and less rhythmic, while the wrinkles in his brow deepened.
You brought your lips to the shell of his ear, nipping at the skin, before soothing the bite with a kiss. “Let go,” you whispered in his ear. “For me.” You could feel his hesitation, so you played the ace you had been holding this whole time.
His whole body shuddered as he emptied inside of you, your orgasm following close behind. He collapsed, his entire body weight resting on top of you.
“Give me a sec,” he said. “I just—fuck.”
You chuckled lightly. “That good, baby?”
Harry shook his head in disbelief, as he lifted off the bed and padded to the bathroom, returning with a damp cloth. “Fucking amazing,” he muttered, as he moved to help you clean up. “Didn’t know that was uh, something you were into. You know, the daddy thing,” he added, trying to sound casual.
“Can’t say I am, but something about that hat just really got to me. Maybe something to think about in the future though?”
“For sure,” Harry said. “I mean, I’ve scheduled plenty of sex for us as part of this break.”
“So when do you leave again?” you teased.
Harry pinched your thigh lightly. “Not soon enough apparently.”
You leaned forward, grabbing him for a kiss. “It’s always too soon. But I’m happy to have you while I can.” You looked at the clock on the bedside table. “And I think all of your friends want to see you too, which means, we have to get ready. Now.”
“I’ll start the shower.”
“What? It’s a time saver and a water saver.”
You rolled your eyes. “Remember, your friends will let us have it if we’re late.”
“Yeah, yeah. They’re getting a free vacation so they’ll keep quiet if they know what’s best for them.”
“Oooh, tough guy.” You grabbed your towel and headed to the bathroom, hearing Harry say something behind you. “What did you say?” you asked, turning around to find him standing there holding his hat from earlier in the day.
“I said I have to remember to send a thank you note,” he added quietly.
“To who?”
“Whoever threw that fucking hat on the stage. Never imagined it would get me laid.”
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daydreamingyuta · 10 months
Hold me? | Mark Lee
Summary: While studying together, Mark confesses that he's been feeling touch starved. He thinks it's affecting his ability to focus, so he asks you to help him out. Genre: fluff, bestfreind!mark x reader, drabble Word Count: 947
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"Y/n, I genuinely think I'm touched starved." Mark says, interrupting your study session together.
"Think?" You ask.
"No. I know I am, and I can hardly focus like this." He says as he throws his head back, looking at the ceiling.
"Well, if it's that bad, you could go find someone to fix that." You say, even though you know he isn't going to take you up on that suggestion. As expected, he shakes his head no.
You sit there, watching him twirl a pencil in his hand while he thinks. You can practically see the light bulb light up above his head when he gets an idea. He's about to say this idea out loud, but then thinks better of it.
You can tell that it's still bothering him as he goes back to his work, but you decide it's best not to question it right now.
A week goes by and you've completely forgotten about Mark feeling touch starved, until your routine thursday afternoon study session.
"I've never done worse on a test in my life." Mark says, as he drops his book-bag unto his bedroom floor.
"The one you were studying for last week?" You ask, genuinely surprised that he didn't do well. You've never seen him get a bad grade before
"Yeah, that's when I was feeling touched starved. I mean, I was kinda joking about it affecting my studying, but clearly it actually did."
You really didn't know what to say to Mark. He could tell by the look on your face that you wanted to help him, but didn't know how.
Mark starts pacing back and forth and you can see him prepare himself for what he's about to say. "Ok, this is kind of a weird request, and you can absolutely say no." He says.
"No, never mind I can't ask you this. Let’s just study.”
"Markkkk, you know I hate when you do that, just tell me."
"Well... I mean I was thinking that maybe you could...hold me?" He cringes as he says it, but doesn’t back out of the request which tells you that he really does need this.
You watch as he nods his head yes. You weren't expecting him to ask this of you, but as you think about it, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
Mark was your best friend, that's all you two have ever been to each other. You were confident that nothing could change that, even something as intimate as cuddling together. You also had a soft spot for Mark, and hated seeing him not his normal self, so you agreed.
You and Mark sit down on his bed and he turns on a random show to ease the awkwardness. You both sit there for a while, staring at the tv but neither of you watching it.
"So, did you want to be the little spoon or?" Mark asks.
You can't help but to burst out laughing. You never thought that you would be in this predicament with your best-friend. "Um, I'll be the big spoon, I feel like that will be best for your problem, right?"
"Yeah. Ok, that sounds good."
You two move into your respective positions. He's stiff at first but as you rest your chin on the top of his head and put your arm around him, he starts to relax.
There's something that’s so unexpectedly sweet about seeing Mark like this. He closed his eyes, and you can hear his breathing become calmer. You decide to close your eyes as well, and you two stay like this for a while.
This would be a perfect opportunity to take a much needed nap, but that wasn’t going to happen because your thoughts started to race. You couldn't help but think about how nice this felt. Maybe you were touch starved too and didn't know it.
Suddenly, you wanted to do this all the time with Mark, but best-friends didn't do that. You felt your heart get saddened by the thought of this being a one-time thing.
"I never noticed how nice your perfume is, like sweet flowers." Mark says, interrupting your thoughts.
"Oh, thanks, it's the perfume I wear everyday."
"Really? I like it a lot."
You feel your lips curl into a smile at his words, and you found yourself wanting to receive more compliments from him.
You feel Mark scoot more towards you, causing you to feel another wave of warmth and coziness.
"Could we maybe do this again, one day?"
"Umm." You wanted to say yes, but you're better judgement got the best of you. "I feel like that's maybe not a good idea, Mark."
Mark turns over completely so that you two are now face to face. "Oh?"
"I just feel like doing this regularly, is the kind of thing that might make us start to see either other in a different way."
"Would that be such a bad thing?" Mark whispers to you, and you can feel a change in the atmosphere.
"Wouldn't it?"
"No, maybe not. I think the idea of potentially falling for you doesn't sound all that bad.”
You two sit in comfortable silence with each other. It always amazes you how simple things are with Mark sometimes. Change isn’t a bad thing, even if it’s a change you never thought would happen. Plus, in your heart, you knew that you could trust Mark. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you and you wouldn’t dare hurt him. You two don't say anything more to each other, you don't need to. Whatever happens, is what happens, and you know you'll be content either way.
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 months
Everything to Me
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sum: Leonora seems to have gained interest in a certain Ever Professor
based on: the song She by Dodie
WARNINGS: fluff, slight hint of angst, forbidden love, happy ending!, soft!lesso, mentions of jealousy, Dovey being a little matchmaker :), gentle!reader, shy!reader
(Not proof read)
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Lesso watched as the Princess she walked into the dining hall, every morning, she’s show up on time always looking flawless. Sometimes a Pep in her step appeared when she’d walk in after a night out with a suitor, though, they never seemed to work out, much to Lesso’s delight.
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at
Leonora smiled at the Princess as she sat next to her with her plate filled with pancakes and other breakfast foods. Leonora found herself looking at her with a softness and adoration would’ve surely confused the head Master as to why he placed the Dean into the School For Evil.
The Redhead enjoyed watching her smile and snort at jokes made at the table. She was the most prim and properly Princess but, In Lesso’s eyes, she was surely the most gorgeous. She wondered how a woman could look so ethereal and authentic at the same time.
After breakfast with the staff, Lesso and Y/n had a ritual of going on a morning walk, slowly making their way through the garden. Their arms linked as they took in the sight of sweet Magnolia’s and the warm gaze of the sun.
Leonora swore that she could smell the Lemongrass from where she stood, but knew it was from the woman next to her who still complained about wanting to take a nap. “Ooh! Remember when we took a photo here, it was so peaceful with the stars just sparkling above us” She exclaimed, sitting on the stone bench with that bright grin on her face, “I do remember, Princess, I still have the polaroid in my office if you’d ever like to see it.”
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
Clarissa made Leonora stay behind at a meeting that evening, nothing how the woman had been spending so much time with the Princess. She could sense the pure love radiating from the two. No one could deny what was happening, not even the headmaster. “You must tell her how you feel, Leonora! You need to tell her before it’s too late!” The golden haired woman exclaimed, flailing her arms about knowing that Lesso would lose the girl sooner or later if she didn’t make a move.
“There’s nothing to tell her, Clarissa..” She whispered lowly, knowing that if she did confess she’s ruin y/n’s chance at a happliy ever after. She couldn’t take that away from her, no she couldn’t do that.
Afterall, Lesso was a Never and Y/n was an Ever. It was forbidden, no way they could pass the trial by tale, right?
I'd never tell No I'd never say a word
Clarissa pouted with a huff before exiting the room most likely plotting some other scheme, but Leonora was okay, admiring the other woman across the room even if it was for a moment. She enjoyed watching her hair perfectly fall on her shoulders and cascading down her back. Her warm and lovable smile, that laugh that was inviting. Not to mention her face was nothing less of perfection.
Lesso was comfortable, standing next to her while she greeted her students with a smile, which they returned and shyed away once they noticed the intimidating Dean next to her. They were fools not to see what they had, everyone did, even the more up tight Evers.
Though, the uneasy feeling in Lesso’s stomach never changed when she saw Y/n talking with an Ever prince that seemed to take a liking to her. Everytime her concerns were proved wrong, that was because y/n never liked any of them she said.
And oh it aches But it feels oddly good to hurt
“Leo! Leo! Look at what I found in the garden!” Y/n exclaimed, carefully holding something in her soft hands, as she stopped in front of the redhead, she smiled brightly holding out the delicate flower. It looked as tough as it did peaceful. “Hm, Black Dahlia, my favorite, you remembered?” Leonora smiled subtly, taking the flower in her own hands and admiring it.
“Of course I did! How could I forget my favorite person’s favorite flower?” Y/n felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, the ache in her neck from looking up at Lesso, seemed to disappear. The woman infront of her held back a wide grin, “You are very thoughtful, princess” she complimented, running her thumb on the Ever professor’s chin. Gathering what ever courage she had left and kissed her forehead.
“Thank you, sweet thing”
Even though, y/n y/l/n would always love Leonora Lesso but she could never verbalize it. As for Leonora, she would never feel the warmth of love from the person she truly loved. And that was true Evil.
So there they were again, another gala another night that they longed for each other. Stolen glances and subtle flirting seemed to tempt even the Headmaster into matchmaking the two.
and I'll be okay Admiring from afar
As the night fell, the more people retired to their respective rooms. Lesso was left to walk y/n back, the moon and stars lighting the way. It seemed like it was only last night that it was y/n’s first day teaching at The School for Good. They walked hand in hand as the Castle sat in the darkness the lights inside now putting the moon to shame. Lesso wished this was forever, she never allowed herself rk think that way especially about things people that aren’t hers. But for now, she allowed herself to think about it even for a moment. Cause even when she's next to me We could not be more far apart
”That was nice, I always enjoy our time together!” She beamed, any traces of sleepiness leaving her. “I do too, sweet girl”
They stood their for a few minutes sitting in comforting silence, “Now that I think of it, I don’t want you walking in that cold. You’ll stay with me” Y/n stated, pulling her in by the jacket sleeve, “Woah, I haven’t even asked you out yet” Leo joked, chuckling to herself, though, y/n’s remained still her face now shying from Lesso’s gaze. “Don’t go all turtle on me now, Princess” she cooed, pulling her closer on for the Professor to tuck her face in Lesso’s jacket.
“Why haven’t you asked me out yet, Leo?” Y/n seriously questioned, looking up at the redhead with tears. It now came as a realization to the Dean that her preception of reality was not the same as y/n’s. “I‘ve dropped countless hints, I followed Dovey’s advice, I did everything I could think of! Do you not like me? Are you just leading me on?” She asked, already sniffling from the anticipation of the answer.
“What? No!” Lesso responded, clutching the Princess close, “No, you don’t like me?” Y/n let out a sob that could’ve woken up half of the castle if Lesso hadn’t shut her mouth. “I mean that I’m not leading you on, Yes, of course I like you, I think I might…love you” Lesso confessed, a weight leaving her shoulders as she held her close.
“I love you, Leonora Lesso” y/n choked out, pulling Lesso down for a long awaited kiss, “I love you most, y/n y/l/n”
Yes she means everything to me She means everything to me.
Lesso would feel the Love of the one she truly wanted and this time it meant a Happily Ever After for both of them.
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iamthecomet · 1 month
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯: 𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦
Rating: T Pairing: Aether/Dew but also Aether/Everyone Word Count: 986 Featuring: Some angst and a bad dirty joke or two.
Also could count for "telling stupid jokes" which was the actual day 7 prompt because Dew is Dew and I couldn't resist.
Many thanks to the amazing @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together again. And to @ghuleh-recs for the divider which I am mildly obsessed with.
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It’s worse than he thought.  He thought staying would be easy, but it’s clear the moment the buses pull away that it’s leaving that’s the easy part. Staying is agony. 
Aether knows he’s made the right choice. That Aeon is ready and the Ministry needs him here and that he and Sunny will be fine.But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. 
He watches the driveway until the dust settles, and then he turns his back, his pack out of sight, and walks back into the Abbey proper. Sunshine had already gone inside–a meeting with Imperator she said. But Aether thinks maybe she just wanted some time to herself–he doesn’t blame her. 
Aether keeps busy for the first couple weeks. Picks up extra shifts at the infirmary. He works most nights. The idea of climbing into an empty bed in the middle of the night makes his chest hurt–it’s easier to do it in the day time when he can imagine that the rest of his pack is going about their day–not gone. 
He talks to them on the phone every day. Dew video calls him from the bus after every show. Swiss texts him pictures of all of the weird snacks he buys. Cumulus sends him beautiful landscapes, and little I miss yous. They call call him–he speaks to at least one of them a day, usually more. 
The missing goes both ways. But they’re busy. He isn’t. Even with extra shifts, and begging Imperator for things to do–he even offers to help with taxes, which is a huge mistake, he still feels like he’s got too much time to think. 
He walks the grounds. Sits at the lake on warm summer days and thinks about how unfair it is that Rain is trapped on a bus and not here floating. He offers to help Sunshine take care of Mountain’s plants, but she waves him off. She’s been given very specific instructions, and one of them is to not let Aether anywhere near the greenhouse. 
He and Sunny cling to each other like a lifeline on harder nights. Especially once the rest of their pack has gone overseas and the timezones get more and more ridiculous to manage. They nap together, curled up in swatches of sunlight like cats. Aether wakes up warm, and comfortable, and loved and still feeling like one of his limbs has been removed. 
Dew calls him early one morning–before the sun is even up. It’s late wherever he is. Dark. Aether can barely see his face on the video call. Aether sits up in bed and rubs the sleep from his eyes. 
“Shit sorry, timezones. Forgot how early it is there. I can call later–”
“No,” Aether says quickly. Trying to force himself to look more awake. He turns on the light next to his bed. “No. No it’s fine. I’m up. Don’t go.” 
There must be something in his voice. A hitch. A tilt in pitch. Because Dew’s mouth pulls down just a little. A tiny frown of worry that Aether wishes he could reach through the screen and smooth away. 
“Not going anywhere, Starlight,” Dew promises. His bunk light switches on and Aether can see him better. Sitting up in the corner of his bunk. Phone resting on his knees. He’s eating chips from a bag that looks familiar. 
“Are you eating those weird chips Swiss got?” 
Dew nods. “I’m the only one who likes them. They’re good weird you know? You’d hate them.” 
Aether watches him chew and feels the ache start to ebb, just a little. The same way it always does when he gets one of his packmates to himself for a minute. When things feel unhurried and he can talk to them like they’re sitting next to him instead of a continent away. 
“Swiss said they tasted like ass.” 
“Probably why I like them,” Dew shrugs. Aether snorts. He smooths his hand over his face, dragging his fingers through the mess of his hair. 
“How many more weeks?” Aether asks, can’t help it. 
“Three,” Dew answers without hesitation. “Not that I’m counting.” 
“I am,” Aether admits. 
Dew frowns again, a little deeper. He looks at the screen a little too directly and Aether feels like he’s being seen in a way he isn’t ready for. 
“Yeah, Sunshine said you’ve been moping.”
“I haven’t been moping!”
Dew rolls his eyes. “Whatever. But just–you know we miss you too right? Like you’re not just stuck at home missing us while we have this grand adventure. It’s tour. It’s boring and humans are stupid and the food is awful. And it’s not the same without you.” 
“Isn’t Aeon doing–”
“Aeon’s fine. He’s good. He’s kicking ass every night but you know that isn’t what I mean. It isn’t all about the music you know.” 
Aether’s chest constricts. “I know.” 
“Nineteen days,” Dew says after a minute. He rolls the chip bag closed and for a minute that’s all Aether can hear, the ungodly crinkle of whatever magic material chip bags are made out of. “Less than three weeks.” 
“You are counting.” Aether teases. 
“Of course I’m counting,” Dew counters. “I’ve been counting since the day we left.” 
“You love touring.” 
“Yup,” Dew agrees, nodding. “I do. I still do. But I love you too, and just because I’m happy to be out here doesn’t mean I also don’t want to be there. I miss my bed. And being able to cook a meal that doesn’t come in a styrofoam cup. And you.” 
Aether feels his chest crack open, but this time it feels good. Warm. Like he really can reach out over all of these miles and slide his hand into Dew’s–just for a second. 
“You just miss me for my ass,” Aether teases. Awake now, and warm and loved despite his empty bed.  Dew laughs. “Well, I mean, it does taste better than those chips.”
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These kids get too comfortable with teasing, in Billy’s opinion. Just a tad bold for his taste.
He couldn’t give two shits if one of the boys picks on Max because she can hold her own — he taught her early on that if she has the chance to make someone cry, she should take it. And she does so fairly often. Especially when it comes to Henderson or Sinclair.
That’s not really where his main concern lies.
“Are you stupid or something?” Henderson snaps. “Did you seriously not pay attention in school or are you playing dumb right now? I honestly can’t tell.”
His tone is sharp. Loud for the small space that makes up the kitchen of Billy and Steve’s apartment.
Normally, Billy wouldn’t involve himself. The kids still act skittish around him if he so much as opens his mouth, so he tends to steer clear of them when they’re over. Which is a lot. But when he glances over at Steve and sees the smile fade from his face, he can’t help it.
He honest to god can’t.
“The fuck did you just say?”
Billy’s almost as taken aback by the words from his mouth as the kids are. Dustin’s face pales as he looks back and forth between him and Steve, like he’s looking for backup.
But Steve’s still swimming in his own head by the looks of it.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Billy repeats, slower this time. Even-toned and deadly.
Henderson opens his mouth, only for no words to come out. Billy takes a step forward but stops in his tracks when Steve sets a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Bill, it’s okay,” he urges quietly.
“Is it?”
“I just don’t know much about physics, or math, so…”
Steve gestures loosely, giving a half smile that looks a little sad. It dampens the blond’s rage for a split second. Makes him want to take up reading textbooks in his spare time if it means getting to fill his pretty boy’s head with newfound knowledge. If it means wiping that look of hopelessness off of his face. Then Henderson clears his throat.
“Yeah, it was just a joke,” he says. “No need to get so defensive.”
That reignites the flame.
“No.” Billy flares his nostrils and he swears he can feel steam puffing away from his skin as he points an accusatory finger at Dustin, who flinches at the movement despite still being a good five feet away. “I don’t care how you try to reason it, kid, you do not come into my house and call my boyfriend stupid. Am I clear?”
Dustin nods like his life depends on it. Billy stares him down for a few seconds for good measure, assuring that his soul looks sufficiently deflated before he finally tears his eyes away. Turns his gaze, now softened, towards Steve.
“And you don’t listen to that shit, okay? Jesus Christ himself could fly down in an alabaster carriage from the damn sky and call you stupid, but I’d sooner kick him square in the nuts than listen to his reasoning for it,” he tells him.
Scoops the brunet’s face into his hands when he snorts and presses a kiss to his nose.
Max groans at the PDA, but all Billy cares about is the way that Steve’s lips quirk up into a smile again.
“Square in the nuts, huh?”
“So hard that they’d become vestigial, babe. No hesitation.” Billy huffs amusedly when Steve raises an eyebrow. “Means useless,” he whispers.
Steve considers the new information for a brief moment before he chuckles and, god, Billy’s head feels like it fills with pink smoke at the sound. Makes him want to stuff Steve in a tiny jar and keep him in his pocket forever until the sun explodes.
That or get married. He’ll have to make up his mind on that some other time.
“Thanks,” Steve says.
“Anytime,” Billy lilts. Spends another wonderful moment soaking in the sight of his partner’s pretty little grin. “I guess I’ll let you get back to babysitting.”
“He’s not our babysitter,” Max huffs.
Billy doesn’t spare her a glance, too enveloped in all things Steve to care.
“Sorry,” Steve whispers. “It’s their nap time.”
They share a chuckle and, as is customary, there’s a groan when they kiss. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t super lovey dovey in front of the kids, it happens every time without fail.
Billy doesn’t mind it. He’s just glad that if they’re going to be assholes, it isn’t directed solely at Steve.
Joke or not.
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shmolish · 3 months
One shot idea since I got a guess aaaaand I just wanna see your version but I'm curious if shadow milk would ACTUALLY be like this or no? If not I wanna see how he actually acts buuut just to show you my guess on what shadow milk is like:
Shadow milk when he is sick: lalala! I'm perfectly fine! Just cuddle me and I'll be okie dokie, darling! Hehehe! Never stop the fun! (Or short meme version: I sleep)
Shadow milk when y/n is sick: bed, soup, medicine, love, sleep, now! Can't have my beloved feeling all icky! No playtime, only naptime! Sleepytime! You get all the cuddles you want if it helps you sleep but no games, just relax and drink your soup! (Second part of meme version: real shit)
Tldr: shadow milk when he is sick treats it like a joke and a game and not serious...he stops treating illnesses like a joke the moment his s/o gets sick. Think he is gonna joke around when his s/o feels like shit? Nope, he is keeping his s/o relaxed and napping and constantly giving them their favorite soup until he is 100% sure the sickness is out of their system!
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AN: I'm pretty sure both of you suggested similar things, which was a shadow milk cookie x sick reader. Been waiting to do this one!!
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Shadow Milk Cookie x Sick! Reader
Oneshot (Headcanons below)
Warnings: (Kinda a part two to the sick shadow milk cookie, so some parts might be a little confusing.) One dirty joke 😔 (I couldn't resist, sry)
-Take Care-
"I just have to spend some time alone, haha. Nothing out of the ordinary!" You would say with an awkward smile.
Shadow Milk Cookie would look at you with an unbelieving look.
"Doll, you're not a very good liar," He'd say while crossing his arms.
"Come on, just- for like a few days?"
"A few days? How am I supposed to live without you for a few days when I can't even live without you for a few hours!?"
Shadow Milk Cookie would put a hand on his forehead, feigning a dramatic pose.
"But seriously. What's wrong?" He cupped your face and look at you with those concerned eyes.
The eyes you were in love with, and the eyes that you didn't want seeing your weak and sickly state.
Your face was was much warmer than usual, but he didn't think much of it.
"Ah, could it be-? You just don't like my company!"
"No! It's not that!" You would refute quickly, backing away from him.
"Then what's wrong? Come on dove, you know you can tell me anything."
You sneezed shortly after that, but didn't say anything.
Everything clicked in that moment for Shadow Milk Cookie.
He would instantly start panicking, beginning to look around the house for different types of medicine and other things that might come in handy.
"It's not really that bad- I can take care of myself..."
He would pick you up bridal style and take you to a couch, wrapping blankets around you.
"My little doll shouldn't need to lift a finger while they're sick. Please, allow your favorite jester to do the work for you!"
He kept digging through cabinets for medicine and ingredients for a soup he'd eventually end up making.
"How come you're taking my sickness so seriously when you didn't even take care of yourself last time?"
He came back with a bunch of ice packs, like.. twenty of them. You didn't even own twenty ice packs.
"Why wouldn't I take your illness seriously? I must make sure that you are safe and happy at all times, and I can't do that if you feel icky."
He offered one of the icepacks to you, which you accepted and just held for a while.
"I don't need this many ice packs, Milk," you would tell him.
"You can never be too sure! And of course, I offer my 200% when it comes to my most beloved."
"I don't even own this many ice packs."
"Now you do! ...Don't look into it that much."
He skipped off to the kitchen again, looking as cheerful as ever.
Of course, it was just a facade. Internally, he was panicking. He barely knew how to care for himself, and now you were sick. What if you died?! Okay, he was probably overreacting, but normal cookies are so fragile. That's why he had to do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
He didn't know what was and wasn't needed, so he just took a lot of everything.
Came back with one of each medicine type that you owned.
"So uh, which one is the one you need?"
You pointed to one of the bottles, and Shadow Milk swiftly measured the correct dosage.
"Alright, so I got you an ice pack, blankets, and you took medicine. What else do you people do while sick?" He would ask while putting a hand on his chin.
"I don't know. Normally they eat soup," you told him.
"That's right! You are so smart, button. Alright, I'll do just that, then." He gave you a kiss on the forehead before wandering off into the kitchen.
Did he even know how to cook? You've never seen him try before, but he's lived for so long, that surely he knew how to... right?
Oh well, he did eventually end up coming back with the food. It actually ended up looking edible.
"Ta-da~ It looks amazing, right? Of course it does! It was made my yours truly." He sat down on the couch next to you, scooping up some soup in a spoon.
"Now, say 'ah'" He held the spoon infront of your mouth, waiting to feed you.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are. Now open your mouth before I shove the spoon down your throat."
"You can shove something else down my throat."
"Haha, very funny. But maybe when you're feeling better~"
Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, you ended up finishing the soup. It wasn't half bad, actually.
Now, the both of you were cuddling on the couch. A movie was playing in the background, and Shadow Milk Cookie was resting his head in your lap.
"Doll, how come you didn't tell me you were sick sooner?" He would ask.
"I just didn't want to be a burden, I suppose."
"You would never be a burden to me. There's a reason I treat you so much better than the others, and it's because I care for you. I know I'm all about deceit and stuff, but this is the honest truth, okay darling?"
You couldn't help the smile on your face. "Okay."
《☆》 Fin
He's panicking 24/7
Even if you tell him you don't want to get him sick, he says he doesn't care
Everything has to be ready for you, and you have to be comfortable
Absolutely no chance of you going out that day
Legit coddles you or is always near you
Even if it's just a small cough, he's canceling all of the things you have that day
Bro is so paranoid
If you're ever bored he performs small puppet shows for you
Makes you go to bed early
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A/n: Yessss more Cal, I love him.
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Five years….five long years since you’ve seen your favorite red headed Jedi.
You missed Cal, missed his jokes, his smile. The poncho you managed to swipe before you two went your separate ways was started to lose his scent though you couldn’t help but cringed at that thought.
“God I feel like a creep.”
Shaking your head you tugged at the poncho, your head snapping to Mirrian. You weren’t quite sure you should trust the woman’s smile. “Is something wrong?”
Shrugging her shoulders she then turned her back to you. “Cere wants to see you.”
Dropping your shoulders, you bit back a groan. “I was hoping to take a nap.”
“Trust me, you’ll want to be awake for this.”
Shaking your head you tried to wonder what the hell that meant then again you could never tell with Mirrian.
Rolling your shoulders you glanced around the room spotting Cere talking to some guy you didn’t know but your heart nearly stopped seeing who was talking to Greez.
Hearing his name, Cal’s eyes went wide for a moment before he started to rush towards you and soon you were being lifted off the ground, his arms wrapped tightly around you in for a crushing embrace. “I can’t believe you’re here.” He whispered in your ear.
He was trembling as he held you, he thought he would never see you again. He did his best to look you up but you just vanished and he was to scared to ask the others.
Cal honestly thought you would hate him, maybe you did hate him. Should he even be hugging you?Wincing he then let you down as he stepped back rubbing his neck. “Sorry…..I uh got excited.”
BD-1’s beeps seeming to agree as the little robot jumped at your feet. Shaking your head you laughed for a moment stepping close. “I see you haven’t changed Cal” titling your head you then placed your hand on his cheek, him leaning into your palm.
“Well not all of you are the same, I like the beard and the hair is a nice touch.” You teased.
Letting out the breath he was holding in Cal returned your smile though it turned to confusion once it finally hit him. You were wearing his poncho, one he thought he lost. “Is that…Is that my poncho?”
Feeling warmth creep up your neck you adverted your eyes. “Maybe…it’s been helping me….I can give it-”
Shaking his head, Cal quickly grabbed hold of your hands. “You don’t…You don’t need to give it back, I want you to keep it…it looks good on you.”
It was cute, seeing the red envelope the man’s cheeks though you did see his eyes darken. You’re all to familiar with that look.
Biting your lip you took a step closer, your chest needy touching his. “Can I show you the Archives?”
“I’d like that.”
Grabbing Cal’s hand, you tugged the man towards one of the rooms ignoring Greez shouting at you both.
“Where the hell are they going?! Don’t we-.”
Mirrian hummed Placing her hand on the pilots shoulder, she gave him a smile only glancing to where you two walked off, happy to see her two close friends finally reunited again. “Let them be, they’ll be fine and they’ll be much happier when they return.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.”
Cere sighed as het shoulder’s slumped. “I just pray they stay far away from our work.”
“Is anyone gonna clue me in on what you two are talkin-.” Seeing the look on Cere and Mirrian’s face Greez’s eyes went wide before he let out a laugh, BD-1 jumping on Mirrian’s shoulder. “Well as long as it’s ain’t the Mantis then I’m happy.”
Though it was Mirrian’s turn to let out a bark of laughter.
“Why are you laughing, why is she laughing Cere.”
Cere shrugged turning away. “I am not getting in on this, let me know when they’ve returned.”
“I just find it funny that you think they haven’t fucked on the ship.”
“Wait! What! You must be lyin! Come on Mirrian! Tell me you’re lyin? Stop walking away Mirrian.”
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