#to remind them to give me the grace of time to finish
whiskeyadams · 6 months
Gentle reminder that fic authors could just tell you in a short, bullet pointed list what happens in the story playing out in their heads and we could all go to bed unsatisfied.
OR, and hear me out I know it’s crazy, you could give them the time and space and a sprinkle of fucking faith that they will explain it all out in beautiful detail so we could all collectively weep and clap together at curtains close.
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moonastro · 1 month
Juno persona chart
mars in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
mars in the planet of passion, ones drive and desires. in the juno persona chart, mars determines the energy of the relationship, intimacy and possible conflicts that may occur.
reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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**also this can also be used for signs as well, for example if mars in persona chart is in scorpio, read what applies to the 8th house as it may resonate as well.
mars in 1st house: the couples energy in the relationship is full of passion like literally. this house is literally ruled by mars so the energy is intense. very full of energy, full of support from both parties when it comes to ones interests. intimacy is full of power and can be quite tough also, lots of verbality during it. lots of sweating, like A LOT. but it can last very quick also, so the duration of intimacy can be very quick. also during the process the pace can be very fast and rough. since this house is an adrenaline rush house, so performing the act in places that are risky or you know that you may get caught, that may cause a rush to both parties that make them feel alive. conflicts may occur due to being too dominant in the marriage maybe being too demanding or being too rough on their spouse, this may cause some serious arguments, it can even become physical so be careful with that. also being argumentative about ones self centred mindset, lots of vulgar words can be used during arguments.
spouse can have natal mars in aries, 1st house, fire sign or a fire house.
mars in 2nd house: the energy in this marriage is calming and chill. this reminds me of just getting each other and vibing from day one. but on a serious note, intimacy is very sensual and very slow paced. can be very graceful in a way?? also this couple may be into food related s*x so including food as a source of technique. intimacy may last quite along time and can be full of neck and collar bone kisses. conflicts may occur due to disagreements in financial areas and possessions. so for example one party may have an overly excessive tendency to over shop or get stuff that they don't need and so their spouse may get angry about it. also arguments may happen due to financial situations like having problems with the bank or contracts.
spouse can have natal mars in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign or an earth house.
mars in 3rd house: passion in this relationship is quick and versatile. can be lots of changes and adaptations to their passion. during intimate hours, it is very rushed. almost wanting for more after intimacy is finished. i feel like also this placement can change their mind a lot when it comes to being intimate, like saying one thing but doing the other because they changed their mind. also there can be lots of talking while being intimate so lots of grunts, screaming and talking in general, just anything to do with talking can possibly occur. conflicts may occur due to sibling drama or something that happens in the neighbourhood. arguments may start from this placement just constantly talking like in general maybe too much talking or just oversharing to other people and their spouse gets angry at the personal things that are being shared to their friends. also conflicts may happen due to friends, so maybe this placement may not like the friends that their partner hangs out with or they don't like how they act and stuff like that.
spouse can have natal mars in gemini, 3rd house, air sign or air house.
mars in 4th house: the overall passion of this marriage is taking care of each other and being there for each other emotionally. lots of reflection on each other so checking up on each other even if the other person is completely fine, this placement tends to never ignore their gut instinct. intimacy is very sentimental and slow, almost careful as not to hurt the other person or each other. there may be lots of chest techniques involved (i'll let that proceed with your imagination) possibly, intimacy is very full of praise and the person will never go too far for what their partner can handle, always checking up on them also during it and maybe lots of stroking on the head to signify that their partner is doing good. (okayy i think i just went overboard but you get the gist). in terms of conflict, arguments usually arrive from problems with their family members, for example maybe this placements mother and them got into an argument about something and their partner got angry that way and so forth. conflicts also occur when their is a lack of emotional awareness of each other and oneself, maybe this placement got too overwhelmed or stressed and just broke out in anger and start conflict that way.
spouse can have natal mars in cancer, 4th house, water sign or water house
mars in 5th house: the passion between the couple is very open, very playful but can also be that this placement thinks that the relationship evolves around them, that their the main character. of course being the main character is awesome but in this situation its more about only thinking about themselves and not thinking about others. this may cause conflict due to this placement possibly being too braggy or too self-centred and maybe thinking of only themselves. intimacy is full of noises and they make sure to show their partner that they are enjoying themselves. lots of hair pulling and hair stroking. also lots of gripping of the back. this placements just likes to make their partner own them. also arguments may start due to disagreements about children, maybe they don't want children but one does. or maybe they have different hobbies that they do and arguments about their hobbies and how they spend their free time.
spouse can have natal mars in leo, 5th house, fire sign or fire house.
mars in 6th house: the passion in this marriage is based on routine and daily life schedules. intimacy is quite structured and very based on how the individuals daily routine went like, so it depends if they have time to fit it in kind of way into their busy day. this placement tends to also acknowledge positions that feel good to both parties, nothing that goes out of their comfort zone. oh and the aftercare is very important for this placement, very concerned about how their partner felt during it and after it so they take their time to make sure they feel as special. conflict may occur due to health illnesses or sickness. maybe an illness is preventing this placement to do certain things and so their spouse may get angry about it. or arguments may start due to laziness or promises not being kept.
spouse can have natal mars in virgo, 6th house, earth sign or earth house.
mars in 7th house: this placement is very confusing. one minute the couple are fine and getting along and bonding but i kid you not it can be in a second span between them getting along to roaring each others throats out. you get the best of both worlds, what is bad without good? no but this house rules over balance and expect very very versatile energy in this relationship. but when the couple is thriving the connection between the two is very romantic and sweet, very flirtation, LOTS of flirting. also in bed its quite sensual and nothing too extreme or kinky, i would say that when it comes to being intimate both parties are in a good mood to do it, no anger s*x or anything like that unless other factors and aspects disagree. nothing too dirty either, maybe lots of flirting while doing it and dirty talking also. conflicts occur due to getting mad that the other person doesn't give back what they are given, for example when their spouse gets an 'i love you' and they don't say it back and that sort of thing. also arguments about government complications such as legal documents, the law and so forth.
spouse may have natal mars in libra, 7th house, air sign or air house.
mars in 8th house: passion between the two is intense and spiritual. lots of transformation happening when intimacy occurs. even when it comes to the first time when being intimate, it can be such a different and intense occurrence and very meaningful also. this is the house of s*x so intimacy is very sexual, very intense lots of trauma being released so it can be quite emotional. energy in the relationship can be quite secretive, perhaps the other does not trust one with specific things or would rather talk with someone else about it than their partner. on the other hand it can be very money based, the individual may rule over their partners money and even their card. their finances have big presence in their marriage, this individual may be driven by money and is always in control of it either if its their own money or their partners. overall energy in this marriage is transformative also.
spouse can have natal mars in scorpio, 8th house, water sign or water house.
mars in 9th house: passion between the couple is very versatile and very explorative, both parties are down for new positions, techniques and styles in terms of intimacy and are very open minded about them. intimacy can be very fun and exciting, maybe lots of giggles and teasing involved. also when performing intimacy, it may occur in different places, for example like the counter in the kitchen or literally while doing laundry and you just make out like?? literally any place you can imagine, this placement will probably be down for it. as for the energy of the relationship, it very travel and learning based, lots of learning learning learning. this house is ruled by jupiter so very abundant in lots of areas of life (check sign for greater detail). for example if 9th house is in capricorn (and so would mars) then career may thrive, getting respect from people after marriage, having luck in formal situations and finance documents, becoming more mature, receiving recognition for your talents and so forth. if in cancer then the individual may become more caring, be blessed with a family, have greater relations with females, have a greater perception of ones emotions and so on. conflicts may often occur due to indifferences in culture, beliefs and morals. not agreeing on the same location when going on a trip or over getting mad about factual stuff. arguments can start out as jokes and then develop into serious arguments as one can take it too far. so arguments about silly things that may not have significant meaning, (for example arguing over why the other party sneezed too loud??)
spouse may have natal mars in Sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign or fire house.
mars in 10th house: energy of this marriage is full of passion in their career. very successful career and career driven. ready to provide for their family and ready to provide their spouse with income. intimacy is very traditional, very modern and most likely this placement has a schedule of when they do it like on a specific day every week and so forth. also this placement rarely changes their style and technique when being intimate so its most likely the same every time. this placement also likes to baby their partner and be a 'parent' to them, taking care of them and giving them privileges. this also applies during intimacy. conflicts usually occur due to career difficulties, for example, maybe they didn't take up a new job opportunity or maybe they didn't get paid the extra for what they worked for and things like that. also conflicts may occur due to problems with their father, this placements father may bring something that angers their spouse or them.
spouse can have natal mars in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign or earth house.
mars in 11th house: energy of the relationship is unique to them. others may have different opinions about this relationship and lots of outside banter of this relationship. for example people just pin point details that they think is wrong with the relationship. intimacy is quite out of the blue can happen spontaneously which makes it very exciting. lots of different things could be taking place when intimacy occurs. like using some equipment or having like toys for it. conflicts may occur due to opinionated views about humanitarian stuff like not agreeing on not enough help is going on about in the world and the other one may disagree and so on. also arguments about their social groups, perhaps this placement is not pleased with how their partners social group act and they may tell them stuff that they don't like about them. also problems with social media status, arguments about what their partner posts on social media or how they interact with their social media platforms.
spouse can have natal mars in aquarius, 11th house, air sign or air house.
mars in 12th house: the energy of this relationship is full of dreaminess, due to this house being a delusion house, this placement can have the tendency to have unrealistic expectations of their partner, always thinking the opposite of what is real, for example if this placement spouse doesn't help out with laundry, they can get mad but later on they'll think that they will do it next time you know? also conflicts may occur due to addiction problems, perhaps this placement has a smoking or alcohol addition and their spouse may not like it and they argue about that. also arguments may occur due to illusion problems, sometimes this placement may say stuff that's not true (nearly like they just made it up) and make up a full story about something that their spouse or someone else did but in REALITY nothing like that happened, this type of behaviour may cause conflict between the couple. on the other hand, this placement also has a passion to live abroad and may thrive better overseas with their partner.
spouse may have natal mars in pisces, 12th house, water sign or water house.
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thanks so much for reading, have a lovely day 🫶🏻
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aneveningsword · 6 months
𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 '𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'
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pairing: Spencer Reid x gn! reader warnings: not proofread words: 832 summary: 3 different ways Spencer shows he loves you
one Spencer often went away for long periods of time, it came with having a job at the BAU. Despite missing him and disliking how quiet your home becomes, you knew what you were getting into. You would never stop him from going on a case, no matter how little time you get to spend with him in between.
The longing for your partner was not onesided. There were times Spencer hated to be away for so long, to come home for a few days before leaving you again. He disliked how lonely he felt at night, the bed in the hotel felt too large without someone else there.
It's why he was out and about in whatever city he was in at the time. He would send you photos of things that remind him of you. Maybe some blooming flowers out front of a store. A dog that vaguely looks like you. A couple of birds sitting on a branch together.
Sometimes they would be accompanied by messages. 'thinking of you'. 'doesn't it kinda look like you?'. 'did you know these birds mate for life'. Just small facts or messages that always bring a smile to your face.
It helped ease the loneliness when he was away, knowing he was thinking of you just as much as you were thinking of him.
two While you weren't as much of a book addict as Spencer, you enjoyed reading. You often asked the man to recommend one for you to read. It always brought a smile to his face as he rambled on about the plot and characters, ensuring he did not give anything away. You read at a much more leisurely pace than your partner who could read large chapter books like it was a small letter.
Sometimes you were a bit jealous of his ability to read so fast, not wishing to wade through a large part of the text before getting to the exciting part. But you could not help but enjoy curling up in a chair with a cup of tea and a good book.
Persuasion by Jane Austen was the book you were currently reading, being recommended after expressing a desire for a romance book. But as you read you began to notice small annotations hastily scribbled in Spencer's handwriting. Somewhere about the characters or the thoughts on the themes. But some were drawing parallels to your relationship.
The more you read the less the annotations became about the book and more about your relationship. You found it endearing, more reading the book to get to the next annotation than the next chapter. A stupid love-sick smile graced your face as your eyes skimmed over the writing squeezed in between paragraphs.
The sound of footsteps graced your ears as you quickly began finishing the page you were on. "Enjoying the book?" Spencer's voice rang out, wanting to ensure his recommendation was right. Glazing up at him from the book your smile only grew. "Yes, I am. But I find myself liking the annotations better."
It took a moment for Spencer to understand before the tip of his ears flushed red as well as his cheeks. His eyes flicked downwards as he grappled with what to say. Deciding to give him a break you speak again. "I find them very cute. Shows how much you love me."
three It wasn't often that Spencer had time to sleep in, not getting up at the crack of dawn to get an early start on his work. So, you wanted to do something sweet for him, and what was better than breakfast in bed? What you didn't account for was him waking up before you were finished.
Humming a tune to yourself, you failed to hear the patter of sock-clad feet on the floor. Too busy making sure you didn't overcook the eggs in the frying pan. When two lanky arms wrapped around your middle, it caused a squeak of surprise to be pulled from you. The spatula in your hand dropped onto the counter in surprise.
Soft, muffled laughter filled the room, a mop of brown curls invading your vision as Spencer buried his face into your shoulder. A small huff leaves you, realising your surprise is ruined. "You're meant to be asleep." You whined though a small smile played on your lips, enjoying the sleepy back hug you were receiving.
"Sorry, darling. I just missed you in bed." His voice was rough with sleep, clearly having only woken up moments ago to an empty bed and set out to find you. Reaching one hand up you ran your fingers through his messy hair pulling a small hum of pleasure from him.
"Why don't you go back to bed? I'll bring breakfast and we can spend the morning there?" You offer softly, it takes a moment before you feel a soft nod. Spencer untangling himself from you before trudging off to bed once more, a small lovesick smile on his face.
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tatumrileyslover · 6 months
My Little Bluebell
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Lucy Gray Baird Headcannons ˚୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Pairings: Lucy Gray Baird x GN!Reader
Word count: 0.6k
Warnings: all fluffy, adorable Lucy Gray, my one true love, I’d seriously marry this girl, mini scenario at the end :)
a/n: I’m actually so obsessed with Lucy Gray Baird, I think it’s a trend, little me was in love with Katniss, big me is in love with Lucy Gray… some things never change.
ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃᵈᵈᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵃ ᵗᵇᵒˢᵃˢ ᵗᵃᵍˡᶦˢᵗ
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ㅤ ೀ she’s literally the sweetest girl ever. you’re sick, she’ll show up at your house with a cup of hot soup that Barb Azure made that afternoon and a fresh hand-picked bouquet of flowers
ㅤ ೀ calls you “my little bluebell” since you remind her of spring. She said Maude Ivory would always spout stories of soulmates whenever she saw a patch of bluebells growing in the forest
ㅤ ೀ since your good at sewing, you’d help patch up any holes in any Covey members outfits. embroidering new designs into sleeves of shirts and dress hems to make them more colourful
ㅤ ೀ Lucy Gray is always showing off your designs, you had embroidered a few flowers onto her dress for a performance at the Hob. The covey had finished their performance on stage, they began giving their thanks and as you glanced at her she was giving your her signature smile. She quickly dipped her mouth back down to the mic, “and I’d like to give a special thanks to my little bluebell, who made my dress all nice and pretty just for tonight,”
ㅤ ೀ she loves making you blush, which is why she loves showing you off whenever she can, gal loves showering you in compliments
ㅤ ೀ her love language is definitely words of affirmation and physical touch, she is always holding your hand, like she barely ever let’s go, she’s clingy af
ㅤ ೀ you’re alway the first to hear her new songs, she respects your opinion more than anything
ㅤ ೀ she definitely uses your dates as inspiration for her songs
ㅤ ೀ she definitely uses you as her muse, you’ve definitely been down at the hob listening to the Covey performing a new song and just sat there like “wait why does this sound so familiar”
ㅤ ೀ you’d help her learn to swim (in my hc she’s a bad swimmer) she hang off your back, arms around your neck and legs wrapped across your torso to stop herself from drowning
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“Now don’t you dare let me go, bluebell,” Lucy Gray stood waist deep in water. Her hands clasped tightly onto your own. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at your girlfriends hesitation.
“Lucy Gray, you’ll be fine, I’ve got you. Darling, I’ve been swimming since before I could walk.” Lucy Gray raised her eyebrows at the statement, hesitant to step away from the floor beneath her feet.
Clenching her jaw, before rolling her eyes, “you’re too charming,” she breathed out stepping closer to the edge. Instead of slowly lowering herself down softly, she plopped of the edge, submerging herself in the water.
“Lucy!” Quickly pulling her out of the water, you felt her hands wrap around your neck, legs hooking around your waist, fully supporting herself . She gasped as she came out of the water, before bursting into laughter at the look on your face. Her fingers found their way into your wet hair, wrapping her finger around it, gazing softly into your eyes.
Her free hand caressed your cheek, slowly pulling you towards her lips. Her body pressed flush against your own, the laughter that had filled the air now replaced with the soft sounds of the water around you.
Time seemed to slow as your lips met in a gentle yet passionate kiss. Lucy Gray's touch was tender yet filled with a spark, and the world around you faded away. The water's embrace, the surrounding nature, and the warmth shared between you two created a perfect moment suspended in time.
As you pulled back, Lucy Gray's eyes sparkled with affection, and a content smile graced her lips.
“Now, remember this bluebell, if I sink, you're sinking right alongside me.”
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zepskies · 7 months
Hello. I was wondering if you could write an imagine in the BMD-verse (been following it for a while now; love, love, love it, by the way!) where Ben cries?
Like something really bad happens in general or to the Reader, and he losses it? I mean, personally, I have never known this man to cry, and I would love to see you conjure up something that could possibly elicite that reaction from him.
But no pressure - will definitely understand if you don't want to write it!
Oooh, so you really wanna kill me, huh? 🫠😭😭
Lol it's okay, thank you for loving Break Me Down!! It's one of my favorite story verses that I've been able to create on here. ❤️❤️
This request was difficult for me on multiple levels, but I think I was able to pull it off? (I'll let you be the judge.) This is set in the BMD-verse, shortly after "Love Actually."
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Reader
Word Count: 2,400 Tags/Warnings: Major angst, show-level violence, hurt/comfort, "twist" ending (you'll want to read until the end, trust me).
Imagine: Ben loses you.
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Ben restrained another sigh when he realized you were no longer walking next to him.
He turned and saw you stopping in another damn kiosk, this time looking at a selection of Pashmina scarves. As if you didn’t have enough clothes.
“We’re not here for a damn shopping spree,” he called after you.
He ignored the people who glanced at him as they walked past, a couple of them even shooting him an annoyed look.
One didn’t just stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk in New York City, but as with most societal protocols, Ben couldn't really give a fuck.
He almost started tapping his foot. Instead, he crossed his arms as he glared in your general direction. You were smiling and chatting with the woman selling her wares as you finished the transaction.
Ben at least could admire the view of you bent over in those tight jeans and ankle boots. You also wore the dark green winter coat he bought you last month, lined with faux fur to keep you warm.
When you eventually came back to him, you shot him an amused smile. You held a new scarf in shades of green and blue, to match your coat. But you also held out a new pair of leather gloves for him.
“Here you go, Grumpy. I didn't forget about you,” you teased. He raised a wry brow at you and took the gloves. He inspected them with a half-critical eye.
“And how much did these cost, five cents?”
You rolled your eyes and kept walking. He caught up with you and slipped the gloves into his pocket.
“My hands don’t get cold anyway,” he reminded you. And you often complained that his body heat was like a radiator, especially at night. Although, you hadn’t been complaining since the winter turned frigid this February.
“All right, whatever. Just don’t say I never get you anything,” you quipped. “Besides, you know you love to accessorize.”
A smirk pulled at Ben’s lips. The gloves were a half-assed gift, but he still wore the watch you got him for Christmas proudly on his wrist. That was a nice silver Rolex.
“All I know is, we’d better not be late for this damn meeting,” he said. “I don’t wanna hear Mallory’s fucking mouth.”
The two of you had made a day of coming into the city, hitting a nice brunch spot and ice skating at Rockefeller center before your date had been rudely interrupted—by a call for a new mission.
Grace Mallory had been a bit cryptic on the phone, but it had something to do with the mess Ben left of the drug cartels in South America. After they got back to the States, Ben left that “business” behind…he just hadn’t thought of how that would shake out in Colombia.  
So now, you two were headed to the Supe Affairs building. You slipped your arm around his, while his hands were in his pockets. You looked up at him with a smile.
“Try to enjoy the little things, Ben,” you told him. “We had mimosas and some bougie ass lobster tails with our eggs this morning. I skated circles around you on the ice. And now we’re going to get some work done.”
“On our day off,” he retorted.
“To be fair, you made the mess, Mr. Kingpin,” you pointed out. “We’ve just gotta clean it up…as usual.”
“Hey," he eyed you. But you both knew the warning had little heat behind it.
He still reached for your cheek and brushed his thumb across it. He felt how cold your face was, and he stopped for a moment in the middle of the sidewalk. Neither of you cared when pedestrians gave you dirty looks as they passed by.
Maybe you were right though. Maybe he should take stock of the small moments. Ben held your face with both hands and caressed some warmth back into your skin.
Your smile softened, and your eyes closed when his lips found their way to your forehead. He then took the newly bought scarf out of your hand and wrapped it comfortably around your neck.
“What a gentleman,” you said, with a small grin.
Ben smirked down at you…until his face fell.
He heard the whistle of the bullet before he saw it.
It took him another second to move, grabbing you and shielding you with his entire body when it hit his back. The bullet itself bounced harmlessly off his skin, but the inner compartment of Novichok exploded like a small smoke bomb. The smell was too familiar to him to be anything else.
Ben coughed and was forced to push you away from him before the gas reached you. You yelped and almost tripped on your feet, but you scrambled back against the wall of a drycleaners. Your wide eyes met his as his knees buckled; the gas had clouded around his head.
“Run!” he shouted through fits of coughing.
You hesitated, for just a second. But when another bullet ricocheted into the wall behind you, near your head, you ducked and had to take off running.
You wove through the busy sidewalk, pushing people out of your way as you went. Whoever was after him this time, you had a feeling these were the people Ben had pissed off in Colombia.
Fuck! You sprinted past an alleyway and saw the hand coming for your arm, but even when you turned, there was another man, dressed a black military-style uniform with his face covered by a black mask, waiting to grab you from behind.
It was muscle memory. You released an elbow into the man’s neck, a punch straight into his teeth and nose, then kicked his knee out with the heel of your boot.
You grabbed your gun from under your jacket and would've shot him, except the next man wheelhouse kicked it out of your hand. You stepped back on instinct, ducking the following punch, and the rest of his arm to run in the opposite direction.
The first man pointed a large automatic gun straight in your face. You gasped and put your hands up. With a quick glance in either direction, you realized that they’d cornered you.
Your hands were pulled behind your back by someone else. That’s when they started dragging you toward a black SUV parked in the corner.
Except that car was soon destroyed, by an old Honda Civic being shoved into it. The SUV's hood constantined like an accordion.
You looked up with wide eyes, and there stood Ben, at the crossroads of the alley. He was furious.
“Soldier Boy,” greeted the man who once again held the automatic gun poised at you. He pulled down his mask, revealing the tan face of a middle-aged man.
He moved over to you and grabbed your arm from his subordinate. He raised the gun to your back. With one press of his finger, your insides could become Swiss cheese.
Your jaw clenched as you tried to take in even breaths. You focused on Ben. His green eyes met yours, and briefly you caught the worry behind them before his steely gaze moved back to the man who held you.
“Pretty ballsy, Reyes,” Ben said. His voice was a drawl, more controlled than he felt. “You really thought this was gonna go down that easy?”
Reyes scoffed. “You’re the ballsy one. Taking off with all that product you stole.”
“You’ll have to take up with the CIA on that one,” Ben replied. “They confiscated all the smack from my place. Probably reselling it to a few hobos down the street. You’re welcome to check under the bridge over there.”
He gestured in the direction of the Hudson River.  
Reyes shrugged. The sound of a gun’s safety being clipped back resounded through the alley. You felt the vibration of it on your back. Your eyes closed for a moment.
“Bad news for her,” he said.
"Hey," Ben snapped. "There's no fucking need for that."
"I think I'll decide what we need," said Reyes. Your lips pursed as the gun dug into your back. "Maybe it's your bitch's insides at your feet."
Ben slowly raised a placating hand. Though his gait was still relaxed and arrogant, as always, you knew it was a well-crafted act. To hide his anger. His fear. To seem in control of himself, and to reinforce the intimidating presence he still was, even unarmed.
“Listen. If it’s money you want, we can work it out,” Ben replied.
His eyes once again found yours. He could see you were holding your breath. You were good at hiding it, but he knew you were scared. He wanted to tell you that he had this handled. That everything would be all right.
He focused on Reyes again. The other man considered the supe with a tilt of his head. He sucked his teeth and spit on the ground, out of the corner of his mouth. It was mixed with a bit of blood from when you'd punched him in the teeth.
“Okay, my friend,” said Reyes. “Let’s work this out. Pull out your phone.”
Ben made slow movements in grabbing his phone from his pocket. They all stepped further into the alley to avoid prying eyes and discussed the transfer of funds, and how much was fair. Ben claimed he was giving him a deal with his first offer.
Reyes demanded three times that amount. Ben raised his brows...but he complied. The money transferred from his bank account.
“Okay, we’re fucking done,” Ben snarked. He gestured at you with his eyes. “Let her go.”
In his mind, he was already contemplating how thoroughly he'd rip Reyes apart for this. After you were safe. He'd have a first class ticket to Medellin by tonight, ready to Colombian-necktie this cocksucker.
Reyes sighed through his nose. There was still about ten feet between him and Ben. He didn't seem to think it was enough. He took the gun off your back and backed up with you a few steps. Eventually, he released your arm.
“Come ‘ere, sweetheart,” Ben reached a hand out, beckoning for you. You met his gaze once again, and let out a subtle breath.
You took three hesitant steps forward.
And the gunshots echoed horribly through the alley.
As it turned out, Reyes always had an escape plan. You were merely the distraction.
It proved effective, as Ben’s protest rang out as soon as the bullets fired. He raced forward and caught you as you stumbled, but his hands soon became coated in your blood; it fled from your back in thin rivulets.
You gasped and clung to his arms. His ears rang with the sound, along with tires squealing and shouts and police sirens. All he could focus on was the color draining from your face.
Both of your breaths came out ragged as he slid with you down to his knees. He brushed your hair away from your face, even as his blood-covered hand stained your cheek. Your pained eyes drew up to his face. You tried to speak, but you didn't have the strength.
“I hear the sirens. They’re coming for you, take you to the hospital,” he promised. His voice was rough, but his throat was tight. His eyes scanned over you. “All you need is my blood and…Christ. Fuck it all.”
He laid you down on the dirty asphalt and hurriedly yanked up his coat sleeve until it ripped. It exposed his arm. He was about to drag a blunt nail across his own skin to bleed into you.
“Ben.” Your fingers twitched against his knee.
When he looked at your face, there was no longer life in your eyes.
His own were wide, almost uncomprehending. His breathing was harsh as empty hands fell to his thighs. His head felt heavy, though his ears were still ringing.
He drew enough strength in his hand to wipe the blood from your cold cheek…but your face was beginning to blur.
Or not, he realized, as the sting in his eyes took him by surprise.
In a fit of mania, he gathered you back up in his arms and ignored the wetness covering your back. He held you, impossibly tight. Tighter than he’d ever held you, because he was alone in the alley…because he was alone again.
And it was his own fault.
His eyes squeezed shut against the burn, but it was futile. Everything was. His breaths were sharp and stifled as pain tore inside. A pain worse than anything the Russian's could've inflicted on him.
His lips pressed against your forehead, trembling there. The first drops of wetness rolled down his cheek. He couldn't stop it from happening, but then again. He guessed he truly was a failure, after all.
You made the mess…
His first tears had been spent at his mother’s funeral, when he stood alone at her gravestone.
His last ones would fall and die with you.
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“Ben,” your voice was soft but insistent.
He finally woke with a start. A sharp inhale through his nose.
He had been sleeping on his side. Before he even truly registered where he was, in the safety of his bedroom, he turned his head toward you.
His eyes found your face in the dark, over his shoulder. Your hair was frizzy from sleep. The strap of your nightgown had fallen off one shoulder. Your face looked bleary and tired, but you frowned in concern.
“You okay, baby?” you asked. Your hand soothed across the dewy skin on his arm.
Ben’s throat constricted. He was starting to remember bits and pieces of the dream…the nightmare. He rubbed at his eyes, then dragged a hand over his mouth.
“Yeah,” he said at last.
“Hmm.” Your gaze narrowed at him. “You sure?”
Ben had only enough energy in him to nod in response. His heart was still racing. Maybe you sensed that, because you leaned onto his arm and dropped a hand down his chest. You kissed his bare shoulder with soft lips, and he couldn’t help himself.
He raised a hand to cup the back of your head. He let out a long, relieved sigh through his nose, closing his eyes. Then he turned onto his back and brought you closer, with an arm slipping around your frame and pulling you against his chest. You made a sound of surprise, but you went willingly.
You brushed the sweaty strands of hair away from his face and pressed a kiss against his neck, to his jaw, his cheek and above his brow. He accepted it all and tried to calm his breathing with the feeling of your touch, and the smell of your flowery soap that lingered on your skin.
With a hand still cupping your head, he guided your lips to his. He claimed you slowly, but with purpose. You answered him by tilting your head, deepening the kiss for a moment.
You parted from him just as slowly. You knew everything wasn’t okay, but you also knew it wasn’t the time to push him for an answer.
Maybe in the morning, you thought. …I’ll make pancakes. Haven't done that in a while. And he’s always happier with something sweet.
You rested contentedly against his warm chest and let his heartbeat, gradually slowing back into a steady rhythm, lull you back to sleep.
Ben tangled his fingers into your hair. He laid one more kiss on the top of your head.
And for damn sure, he was going to cancel that trip into the city tomorrow.
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AN: I know, I know. The "it was all a dream" thing is super cheesy, but I couldn't leave it on heartbreak. I just don't have it in me with these two. 🥲❤️‍🩹
Read the Sequel:
A friend of mine requested a sequel to this imagine: "You confront Ben about his fears."
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD Tag List (Part 1):
@deans-spinster-witch @this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26 @spnwoman @syrma-sensei @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @muhahaha303 @123passwort
@xoxovienna @katherineann814 @lollag0w0 @globetrotter28 @nancymcl @ashbatz @secretdreamlandmentality @kristophalis @wonderland2022 @emily-winchester @shelh93 @sl33pylilbunny @spoonmynoodle @chernayawidow
@buckybarnes-1917 @asgardprincess97 @sometimes-i-sing @itsyellow @karnellius @kimberleymjw @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @iamsapphine @sanscas @se-fucking-hun @lassie-bird @jessjad @yepimthatperson @fromcaintodean @stoneyggirl2
@spnfamily-j2 @im-a-slut-for-fluff @lacilou @venicesem @mimaria420 @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @tearsfortheyouth @agalliasi @chriszgirl92 @kazsrm67
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sehodreams · 3 months
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Forgiving others is easy, forgiving yourself not that much
Summary: Anton tried to take care of you in an unconventional way, putting you first into a helpless position. However, what he should've expected is for you to realize his intentions and to ruin his plans, but did you really ruin them at the end?
TW and tags: porn with plot (?), kind of dubcon (he tried to get her drunk but ends being the drunk one), all consentual at the end, pinning (from Anton), mentions of bullying at work place, grinding, oral sex (f receiving), p in v, no protection, tries of forced drinking, jealous Anton, kind of stalker!Anton, dark-ish, don't know how to decribe.
WC: 5.1k
Comment: to be honest I tried to write a porn without plot but it came out kind of weird, it changed so much while I wrote it I don't know what the hell happened in the process, but it's still most porn than story. I haven't posted anything lately because I write and delete them, but i finished this one so let's be happy I didn't toss it aside. Kind of dark so if you don't like this kind of content PLEASE JUST DON'T READ.
"Please, let me see your boobs, please" he was asking but he couldn't even wait for you to answer before his hand played with the fabric of your blouse trying to take it out of your tight skirt, you thought about just letting him have what he wanted, but did he deserve it? Not really.
He had tried to get you drunk at the dinner you had moments ago and had ended being the drunk one, so pathetic you couldn't help but dryly laugh out of second-hand embarrassment.
It was a team dinner so you couldn't reject the invitation, and the way he kept pouring and pouring shots of alcohol and passed them to you was suspicious, so you kept accepting them in front of everyone but tossing them to the plant next to you at the end of the table when he didn't stare at you with those wide expectant eyes. To everyone it looked like a cute hoobae trying to humor his superior, you were in charge of him because no one else wanted the heavy task of teaching the intern, and he reminded you of your first days there, inexperienced and scared, so you accepted him with grace and treated him with the care and a patience you wished you had received when you started.
At first you found it difficult to guide someone, you were used to always being alone, even with difficult tasks, but he made it bearable, always accepting advice from you, never questioning your decisions, and following your steps like a new born baby duck, and you found kind of endearing how he always made sure to stay and say thank you at the end of the day doesn’t matter how hard it was. Still, you couldn't deny how at the same time you always perceived a weird vibe from him, your eyes met his when you felt observed and he somehow knew when you needed something, if you were craving something sweet he miraculously bought extra dessert, if you murmured around how you wanted a coffee he would appear with your cup in seconds and if in the middle of a call you wanted to write something down he would gladly give you a page of his work at hand. He sometimes frightened you, but not in a bad way, so you tried to think he was just a young boy doing his best, however now that you confirmed he was human trash, you were disappointed in how you had wasted so much of your time into someone like him.
It was so sad, he was a sweet young boy just starting his first corporate job and he had so much potential, he always listened to you and offered his help with whatever you were doing, yes he was a bit awkward and shy, sometimes not daring to look directly at you in the eyes when you talked to him or stuttering when you surprised him with a question, but he still seemed honest and like a good kid, so you never expected him to try such a dirty move like that one, trying to get a girl drunk to do god knows what to her? You never punished him when he made a mistake at work, but right now you weren't at work, and he completely deserved it.
"Why should I?" You asked, slapping his hand away from you.
His cheeks were flushed and he was slurring his words, not even addressing you properly like his senior, forgetting the formalities and his usual self, he maintained eye contact as much as he could, trying to defy you for denying his wish. He did it until he realized you wouldn't break down under his gaze, even if he was bigger and stronger, you weren't scared of him at all, he could easily hurt you with his hands, he could push you to the floor right there in his apartment entrance and take you how he wanted, but you knew he wouldn't, how could the boy that always treated you like a goddess suddenly treat you like a mere mortal being? In the office he would follow you and take anything you had on your hands, like stacks of papers, boxes or even insignificant stuff like coffee cups, saying how he should carry them instead, if you said you were thirsty he would run to get a cold bottle of water from the vending machine, and when you tried to pay him back he would never accept it, "how could I? sunbaenim, I already owe you so much", he served you to the point you were sure that if you asked him, he would drop to his knees and pray your name every morning before work.
Perhaps that's why even when he tried to do such a sick thing, something so despicable that should definitely scare you away enough to not talk to him ever again, much deserving of a report to headquarters, after all the memories of you two together ran through your mind, you were there with him, in his house, letting him talk to you as if you were equals after helping him arrive safely to his house.
After some time his eyes went to the floor, he was moving from side to side, too intoxicated to keep his position, and when he almost tripped over his own feet, you grabbed his hands with yours, helping him stay still, pulling him slightly closer to you.
You can't deny that for a moment you were hesitant, even if he didn't, the possibility of him forcing himself on you was there, you thought a lot about it when you called the cab to his house after almost everyone had left when you went to the bathroom. You don't know if they tried to take him too and leave you alone in the restaurant, it wouldn't be the first time, but he had stayed to wait for you and take care of the bill with your boss credit card, only smiling at your direction when you asked him where everyone was, "don't know, but I'm here for you".
You could've left him in the cab and go home, all your instincts screamed to do that, that he was dangerous, he had obviously tried to put you in disadvantage to get something from you, the quantity of alcohol he had tried to force on you was almost unhealthy, and he did everything with his innocent face, fooling everyone except you.
However, the worst part was that he had been so obvious with his intentions you knew deep down that he had never done something like that before, you just had to look at his reddish cheeks and his dumb grin, his hand holding yours and stopping you from leaving him alone in the cab, to move that soft spot you had for him after taking him under your wing all those weeks.
You don't know why you wanted to go with him, even with that thrilled sensation of him maybe hurting you, you wanted to go, your mind too curious of what would happen for your body to listen any coherent thought about leaving.
"Sunbaenim, come with me, I'll take you home" he said not even looking at you, eyes closed and his hand holding tight yours. The driver looked behind for a second, if the roles were reversed, you were sure he'd have called the cops the minute you hoped in, but when he saw you, a soft girl with a serious expression looking out for her intoxicated coworker, he didn't care anymore.
"Please make sure he doesn't throw up inside" was the only thing he said and then drove in complete silence until you arrived to his building. When you paid the driver didn't look at you twice before he left you behind with the tall boy hugging your side and smelling your hair, you saw the yellow color of the cab far away and thought one last time to leave him and go home, but he was so happy next to you, giggling whenever your eyes met his, that you decided to see what were his intentions. After all, they said drunk people and kids never lied.
"Tell me the truth, what did you plan to do to me? And don't you dare lie Lee Chanyoung" you looked up to him, finding his eyes under the limp lights of his place. The shadow of the light above him made his face darker, his fingers played with yours and before he could talk, he stumbled over one of the numerous pairs of shoes on the floor, pushing you to the wall behind you with his whole body but not letting the impact affect you, quickly putting a hand behind your head and the other on your waist.
Almost embracing you, he stayed there, and closing his eyes, his nose breathed in the aroma of your hair again, "I-I wanted... I just wanted to take care of you, I wasn't gonna do anything, I just wanted you to depend on me once" he confessed in a whisper, but you couldn't believe him, just take care of you? How could he even try to put you in such helpless position? What if his or anyone else’s intentions were different? He couldn't even stop himself now, pressing your body with his and taking in all the sensations he could steal from you without taking off your clothes.
You tried to push him away but he was too heavy for you, so you only pressed your hands on his shoulders, almost clawing your fingers over the navy knitted cardigan he started to wear after you said it was your favorite color by mistake, "I can't believe you Anton, and why like this? Why couldn't you do it differently? Why would you want to do such a cheap move? You have no idea in what danger you could’ve put me through."
When you said his name some of his senses came back to him, he left a few inches of space between you two and a sad frown appeared on his pretty face, bringing the boy you used to know back, showing how sorry he was for overstepping into your precious space.
"I-I don't know, I just wanted to show you that you also can lean on me, I thought that it was impossible for you to let me get closer, you never let anyone learn more about you, you push everyone away and only talk about work stuff... I know I don't deserve you, but I wanted you, I want you, I want you all for me and I want to be the only one for you, I didn't know what else to do."
His tears started to drop one by one while he talked, his hand searching for you again but not daring to touch you afraid of disgusting you more after showing how wretched he really was.
You made him look into your eyes before he talked again, "It's the first time you do this?" You asked, holding his cheeks and cleaning the tears that slid down.
"Of course it is" he grasped his hands over yours, asking for compassion from you, his eyes almost looked honest, and after you nodded, accepting his words, he went and pressed his forehead in the space of your neck, getting dizzy with the smell of your perfume and all the alcohol that stayed in both of you after your dinner not long ago, "I've never wanted someone this much before... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried it, but you're just so high up there, you looked unreachable" his hands moved to your hips, you hugged his neck and let him get wasted with your presence, he used more strength into his grasp and you felt his fingers painfully try to penetrate your clothes and touch your skin, but instead of telling him to stop you opened your legs to receive him, "...and I felt unworthy of you, I know I am, but please, let me show you how useful I could be, how much I can serve you"
You felt his boner under his fitted grey pants, it tried to sink into you under all his layers, but it couldn't even reach you thanks to your skirt limiting his movements.
He didn't wait long thought, this Anton had no patience at all, and he hastily lifted your skirt almost all the way up, his nails scratching your tights and running them instead of carefully taking the nylon fabric off like you usually did.
"I'm sorry" he apologized still on your neck, rutting his member into your now visible black underwear. He caught a glimpse of them, they weren’t your prettiest pair, rather simple and bland, but he still was awed by them and how they covered what he had imagined so many nights before, and soon he was rutting against them again, ‘’I’m so sorry’’, he was ashamed of how much he ached for you.
"It's okay Anton, you don't have to apologize anymore" your fingers hooked on his long hair, strings of it settling under your grip, and trying to calm down the rush he was in, you murmured that sentence softly next to his ear. You could hear his heart beating inside his chest and he gulped loudly after you called his name with so much tenderness.
"I'm sorry" he repeated, feeling so undeserving of the benevolence you were gifting him, you always did so much for him, you weren't afraid of giving him all your knowledge at work, you defended him whenever he made a mistake and others tried to make him feel beneath them, judging his inexperience as a lack of intelligence, you were the most merciful person he had ever met, forgiving even the repugnant intentions he had tonight.
He pressed his lips on your throat, trying to claim possession over you, he was never going to let anyone else take you from him, he had been feeling desperate those days after one of your coworkers had gotten closer to you, he couldn't help but follow you with his eyes whenever you walked around, and recently, if he wasn't next to you, that guy would be on your side, setting off an alarm inside his head.
It was unusual to see anyone other than him treat you with the respect you deserved, Anton didn't understand why almost everyone hated you, but they did. You always did your best and outperformed your tasks, if the boss said he wanted you to finish a report for next week you'd have it ready in three days, if others asked you for a favor you'd immediately accept and leave your own work aside to help them, if an emergency appeared you'd instantly share solutions, you were the best employee and coworker anyone could wish, and they still treated you like a plague, sending you to meaningless errands and giving you the problematic clients.
His leather belt pushed up your blouse, and the buckle hooked with the silky fabric, scraping it and slightly hurting your skin in the process. "Wait- Anton" you tried to stop him from tearing up your favorite blouse but his mind was too hazy to hear you, humping his erection on your panties with his brutal force, you couldn't do anything to stop him.
When you were at work he didn't dare to ask for a single thing from you, not even a glass of water, when you offered to buy his coffee he shyly rejected you, trying to buy you one instead, but now with the little help of the alcohol he showed his true colors, that greedy side that wasn't scared of demanding what he wanted from you and taking it before you could give him permission.
He kept apologizing between thrusts, you felt your panties get wet with your arousal and his tip clumsily striking your clit, although it felt good, you weren't sure how much of it your poor clothes could take, so you decided to do what you had to do for him to cease.
"Anton, can you touch me here?" You asked, moving his hands to your chest and letting him knead your skin under your cups. He eagerly nodded, finally directing his attention to another thing that wasn't the pleasure your cunt gave him.
He didn't waste any time taking your blouse off, he did it with such an urge he didn't care your cuffs were still buttoned and that your hair ended like a mess after he pulled it over your head, his hands searched for the back of your bra and tossed it aside the minute he deciphered how to unhook it.
He admired you for a good minute, your skin reflected the light the two of you were under and when you tried to fix your hair he saw your chest moving in unison with your hands, the creamy flesh called for him to take a bite and he immediately indulged himself on it, so soft under his mouth his eyes almost rolled back and his cock sent an agonizing throb to the pitch of his abdomen, needing to sink into you as soon as he could, he moaned of satisfaction.
You liked the sensation of his mouth and his hands over your buds, but it was obvious not as much as him, he seemed to be desperate to get more of you, his teeth would find your nipples and slightly bite them to then follow with his tongue caressing the same spots, like a soothe after the affliction, pressing the flat of his tongue again and again.
He stayed like that for a long time, admiring your chest with devotion in an uncomfortable position, since you took off your high heels he was even taller now, and his whole upper body was bending to meet your chest. You tried to help him a little and stay on your tip toes but the stir he caused on your insides didn't let you think much about it, only passing your fingers over his hair and closing your eyes to not get lost in the sight of the big, gorgeous boy obsessed with you.
He ran one of his hands from your chest to your mound, and before you could tell him to not go so far, limits unclear between you two in that moment, and your mind repeating how it wasn't okay, he sneaked it inside your underwear and immediately found your clit with his fingers, pressing his wrist with enough delicacy and strength to push your ass to the wall and circle the little nerve at the same time. Still, your mind couldn't stop the thoughts, he was too drunk and you were in charge of him, you as the senior between had to put a stop before the two of you made a mistake, because that's what you were making, an enormous mistake that you wouldn't know how to fix.
You could fix almost everything, you never stopped if an obstacle presented, you handled the worst clients with grace and easily solved emergencies, but you had realized that people weren't as easy as you thought, giving them what they wanted wasn't necessarily always the answer, sometimes you had to give them what they needed it even if they didn't like the result, and right there what Anton needed was a mature adult telling him to stop and to reflect on his actions that day, because what he did was completely wrong, and you shouldn't condone his actions letting him take what he wanted from you without consequences.
This was real life, and the real world wasn’t as forgiving as you.
But fuck it felt good, and you were just human too, to have someone show so much adoration towards you made you weak, because you were used to giving everything of you, and it was the first time you met someone willing to do the same with you.
His mouth left your chest and went up to your neck, leaving marks that would show the next day and you'd have to hide before work with makeup, you were trying to remember if you had your pouch in your bag when his finger slipped inside you, making you whimper of surprise while he chuckled on your neck. He started with just his middle finger, testing how much he could push you. Your slick made everything so easy for him he thought about just putting it in, you were so ready you'd take him without problem and he couldn't wait for you to drip all over his cock, which was throbbing inside his boxers with each thought.
However, there was something he needed even more before he did that, he went to his knees and slid down your panties and the ruined pantyhose, admiring the naked skin of your thighs that slowly showed up in front of him, "please spread your legs" he asked, grabbing your creamy thighs and loving the way your flesh melted under his grip. Your plumpness somehow comforted him, and he gave a small pampering peck to each thigh before he pressed his lips over your tummy, making you open to him and his care, allowing yourself to enjoy his treatment for just a second, like you told yourself in your head, it would be just a second. No one had been so sweet, even if sometimes rough, with you, and you felt yourself falling deeper into his void, too swayed to deny him anything when he spoiled you like that.
He started with slow licks, making out with your clit and pushing your legs open with his hands. Your hips bucked into his face, and with eyes close with force, your palms tried to hold you against the wall, the torture of his tongue lapping your wetness making you tremble in your place.
More than groans, you heard whimpers and moans coming from his mouth, sobering thanks to your juices but not in his right mind still, he had more control over himself, but that only meant he was more conscious of his leaking dick needing you, and how painfully untouched he had been all the time he was next to you, craving for your attention on him and only him.
You pulled his hair with force when his tongue started to poke your entrance and his nose buried in your lips, you couldn't bear with the overwhelming feeling and pushed him away, a bit afraid of hurting him but not able to consider before doing it. He looked up to you, scared of being too much for you, but he couldn't contain himself, he wanted all of you. "That's enough Anton", he shook his head in disagreement, it wasn't even close to satisfy his thirst, and with your hands hurting his scalp he dived in again, with more eagerness and decision, he drank you until you finished pouring everything out, your moans like music to his ears, he wanted to receive anything you had to give him.
When your legs stopped trembling beside his head, he finally stood up again, staring down at your crumbled body, he helped you stay on your feet with a smile. When you looked up to him you saw his shinny face, all the way from the tip of his nose to his chin, and he wasn't ashamed of disgusted with your fluids all over his face, he even seemed elated to have your mess there, making you feel guilty of being so weak against pleasure.
You couldn't believe what just happened, you let him touch you, and you felt disturbed with your lack of willpower to put a stop to what was happening in the youngest's apartment.
"I should go" you thought loudly. He panicked and grabbed your face with both hands just like you had done before when he was spiraling in his drunken state.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, caressing your red cheeks and watching your teary eyes, his heart wrenching inside his chest with the idea of having hurt you, he hadn't meant to, he knew he was being greedy, he had tried to do something terrible to you before he came back to his senses, but he was just terrified of losing you, and now it seemed the same thing was about to happen, so close to him and your mind still trying to run away.
"I shouldn't do this Anton, you don't even have a steady position in the company, I'm older, I'm your superior, and what you did was so wrong, but I should be the mature person here and put a stop to it, yet I'm here just accepting you, it's so fucking sick what we're doing" your tears were streaming down and he felt bad for having put you in such a difficult position.
"I'm sorry, I'll always be sorry for what I tried to do today, I don't know what went through my mind, but please don't torment yourself, you didn't do anything wrong, it's all on me, I'm the one who's sick, just be angry with me, I can take it, but what I can't take is you in pain, please forgive me" he started shedding tears too, fat tears escaping his eyes with a concerned expression.
His shoulders were trembling with his sobs and you felt a revolting feeling in your stomach, a nauseous sensation mixed with sorrow and guilt.
"Let's forget this happened Anton, this never happened, okay?" You tried to convince him but he denied, he didn't want to pretend anything, he couldn't lose you like that, having you so close, his dream was no longer to have a good job and a normal life, nothing of that mattered if you weren't by his side, his goal had changed from serving society to serving you, and he couldn't just yield like that. "While I'm here, I'm no longer your superior, I'm no longer your coworker, we're just two people together, two people that are meeting for the first time, okay?"
His world suddenly was illuminated by your grace again, exhilarating in joy, he nodded until his cries stopped, kissing both your hands with adoration, swearing inside his mind to never hurt you like that ever again, and that the only tears he could ever let come from your eyes would be of pleasure and happiness. "Thank you, thank you" he repeated with every kiss on your knuckles and then over the back of both your hands. He had taken a liking to kissing every spot of your body, and he was hoping to soon have you over his bedsheets to adore you even more.
But for now, he picked up where he left, he went to your lips and kissed you with his whole sincerity, crushing your mouth with his. His kiss was breathtaking, making you dizzy but finally relieved of finding an answer to the problem there, even if it had to do with you forgiving him and forgetting what the two of you were outside that apartment, you could take it, because it wasn't what any of you wanted, but what both of you needed.
"Can I put it in?" He asked and you nodded. He, in his euphoria, pulled down his pants and his underwear to let his length free. He was so excited he lifted you with his arms without showing any struggle and then pressed his tip over your entrance, letting your body fall and take him with a single motion.
You tried to get him back in his senses scratching his shoulder blade "Anton-" every thrust of his hips would push the next word back into your throat, and talking between moans it took you a while to say, "I'm too heavy... Put me down", you cried when his pelvis instead of stopping moved harder against you, the clasp of skins echoing around you two and making you the drunk one now.
He denied, "it's okay, I can do it" he continued, you felt your tears dropping and falling over his skin, the intensity of your insides being demolished so easily by the young one left you under his mercy, taking it and hoping you wouldn't get addicted to a pleasure like that one so fast.
He stopped for a second, lifting you even more with his arms, making you bounce and accommodating you against the smooth surface of his wall, strong arms holding both your trembling legs and hard breathing next to your ear, you couldn't hear exactly what he whispered when his cock stayed inside and throbbed, your cries were louder than you expected when he started his pace again and you could only understand something along the lines so gorgeous, but you didn't know if you heard him right or not so you didn't answer, concentrating all your thoughts into holding yourself around his neck to not fall. His shaft punched exactly a spot that made your eyes flutter and you sobbed when he ruthlessly kept striking it, he only needed to hear your first moan to know what he had just found, "feels good?" He asked and kissed your neck. You cried an affirmation in response, a yes so broken he felt proud of himself for making you feel that good, not daring to stop his movements, with the only purpose of comforting you like he had been wishing for so long when the people in the office shoot daggers at you regardless of what you did. If you were good no one would praise you, if you praised others they would say you weren't honest, and he was sure that, if you ever did a mistake, everyone would condemn you, and every time that happened he just wanted to grab your hand and tell you I'm right here, doing whatever he could to help you think about something else while giving you all the praises he wished he could say out loud. "You deserve it, you deserve it all" his lips found yours and feeling your insides tightening around him he messily fucked you with everything he had, making you hop over his length while the back of your thighs slapped his skin. When you were cumming you bit his shoulder and he hissed of pain but continued with his motion and came with much pleasure inside you a couple of thrusts later, gladly letting you hurt him if you needed to, because for him you could do whatever you wanted with his body, and he would always forgive you, just like you forgave him moments ago, teaching him how even an inferior being like him could earn your mercy, so why would such a kind existence not deserve it back? He would praise you and adore you as much as you required, and he'd teach you how to accept him without doubt ever again.
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witchmaximoff · 3 months
Unspoken Heart
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader (Platonic) Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Summary: Where Y/N grapples with unrequited feelings for her friend Wanda. Despite her love being unreciprocated, Y/N selflessly prioritizes Wanda's happiness, willing to make sacrifices to ensure her well-being.
Warnings: Unrequited love, friendzone, angst, death, no happy ending.
Word count: 1097
NOTE: This is my first time writing something so I wanted to try, but English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistakes. Please give me some feedback, it might encourage me to do more if you like it 🌹
Suddenly, the bell above the door chimes, and in walks Wanda Maximoff, her presence commanding attention even in a crowded room. Your heart skips a beat as she spots you and makes her way over, a warm smile gracing her lips.
You find yourself in the bustling city of New York, where the chaos of everyday life seems to fade away as you step into a quaint little cafe. Sitting alone at a table near the window, you watch the rain drizzle down outside, lost in your thoughts.
"Hey, Y/N," she greets you, pulling out a chair and sitting across from you. "Mind if I join you?" You nod eagerly, trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach as she settles in. The two of you have been friends for years, but lately, your feelings for Wanda have been anything but platonic.
As you chat about mundane things, you can't help but steal glances at her, admiring the way the soft light of the cafe accentuates her features. But deep down, you know that she only sees you as a friend, nothing more.
The conversation turns to deeper topics, and you find yourself opening up to Wanda about your hopes, your dreams, and your fears. She listens intently, her empathy and understanding washing over you like a warm embrace.
But as the night wears on and the cafe begins to empty out, a heavy silence settles between you. You can feel the weight of your unspoken words hanging in the air, the truth of your unrequited love threatening to spill out.
Finally, unable to bear it any longer, you gather your courage and speak up, your voice barely above a whisper. "Wanda, there's something I need to tell you..."
But before you can finish, Wanda reaches across the table and gently places her hand on yours, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "Y/N," she says softly, her eyes searching yours, "I cherish our friendship more than anything. You mean the world to me."
Your heart sinks at her words, the sting of rejection cutting deep. You force a smile, masking the pain behind it as you nod, pretending that her friendship is enough.
But as you watch her leave the cafe, the rain still falling outside, you can't help but wonder what could have been if only she felt the same way.
As you step out into the rain-soaked streets, the cool droplets patter against your skin, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within you. Each raindrop feels like a tiny reminder of the tears you've been holding back, the ache in your chest growing heavier with each step.
The neon lights of the city blur through the mist, casting an eerie glow on the pavement below as you walk aimlessly, lost in your thoughts. The sound of distant thunder echoes in the night, a somber symphony that matches the rhythm of your breaking heart.
You can't help but replay the conversation with Wanda over and over in your mind, each word a painful reminder of the unrequited love that weighs you down. The knowledge that she will never feel the same way gnaws at you, tearing at your soul with relentless persistence.
But as you trudge through the rain-soaked streets, you find solace in the solitude, the emptiness of the night offering a fleeting sense of comfort. You know that admitting your true feelings to Wanda would only lead to heartache, so you choose to keep them locked away, hidden beneath a facade of friendship.
Despite the ache in your chest and the loneliness that threatens to consume you, you cling to the hope that one day, you'll find peace in loving Wanda from afar. For now, all you can do is embrace the rain, letting it wash away the pain as you navigate the stormy seas of unrequited love.
The rain continues to fall, a silent witness to the unspoken heartache that lingers in the air, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices we make in the name of love.
After walking for a long time in the raining streets Y/N go back to the compound, as you enter your clothes clinging to your skin and your hair dripping with rainwater, you feel a sense of exhaustion wash over you. Despite the late hour and the weariness that weighs heavy on your shoulders, you can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at your gut.
Dragging yourself towards the kitchen, you hope to find some semblance of comfort in the familiar surroundings of the Avengers' home. But as you approach the entrance, your heart clenches painfully in your chest at the sight that greets you.
There, standing in the warm glow of the kitchen lights, is Wanda, her laughter ringing out like music in the stillness of the night. But it's not her laughter that catches your attention, it's the way she's leaning in close to Vision, their bodies almost touching as they engage in animated conversation.
A pang of jealousy shoots through you like a bolt of lightning, your breath catching in your throat as you watch them interact. The intimacy between them is palpable, a stark contrast to the platonic bond you share with Wanda, and it only serves to deepen the ache in your heart.
For a moment, you're frozen in place, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene unfolding before you. Every word they exchange feels like a dagger to your heart, a painful reminder of the love that will forever be out of reach.
But as the reality of the situation sinks in, you realize that you can't bear to witness their closeness any longer. With a heavy sigh, you turn away, retreating into the shadows of the compound, your heart heavy with sorrow.
As you make your way to your room, the sound of their laughter echoing in your ears, you can't help but wonder if there will ever come a day when you can look at Wanda and Vision together without feeling the sting of your broken heart.
As the Avengers embark on a mission, Y/N finds herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of their unrequited love for Wanda weighs heavy on their heart, threatening to consume them with each passing second, minute and day.
As the chaos of battle unfolds, Y/N's heart races with a mixture of fear, hurt and desperation. Amidst the chaos of battle, Y/N's thoughts are a jumbled mess, her focus fractured by the relentless barrage of her own inner turmoil. She struggles to keep up with their teammates, her mind constantly drifting back to Wanda and the pain that her presence brings.
In a moment she watches in horror as Vision, the object of Wanda's affections, finds himself in mortal peril. Despite the agony of her rejected love for Wanda, a fierce determination takes hold of Y/N as she rushes to his aid.
Ignoring the danger that surrounds her, Y/N throws herself into the fray, determined to shield Vision from harm at any cost. With every blow she takes, her love for Wanda burns bright in her heart, driving her forward with an intensity she never knew she possessed.
But as the battle reaches its climax, Y/N finds herself facing down an enemy she cannot defeat. With a sense of grim resignation, she gets ready to make the ultimate sacrifice, knowing that it may be the only way to save Vision and the rest of the team.
In a moment of selfless bravery, Y/N throws herself in front of Vision, taking the full force of the enemy's attack. Pain courses through her body like fire, but amidst the agony, she feels a sense of peace knowing that she has protected the one Wanda loves most.
As Y/N lie on the ground, her strength fading with each passing moment, she hears Wanda's anguished cries as she rushes to Y/N's side. Tears blur your vision as you look up at her, your voice barely a whisper as you speak the words that have been weighing heavy on your heart.
"You love him, don't you?" you say, your voice filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "I'll do everything to make you happy even if it means giving my life for the person you love, even if that person isn't me"
As Y/N lies in Wanda's arms, their strength waning with each passing moment, she can feel the weight of Wanda's guilt pressing down on her like a leaden blanket. Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, she can see the torment etched on Wanda's face, the anguish in her eyes mirroring the turmoil of her soul.
"Why did you do this?" Wanda whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "Why would you sacrifice yourself for me, for him?"
Y/N's smile is bittersweet as she gaze up at Wanda, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the pain they have caused. "Because I love you," you reply softly, your words a whispered confession borne of a love that knows no bounds.
Wanda's breath catches in her throat at the sincerity in your voice, her heart breaking anew at the realization of the depth of their feelings. She cradles you closer to her chest, her fingers trembling as she brushes away the tears that stain your cheeks.
"But why?" she whispers, her voice choked with tears. "Why would you give up everything for someone who can never love you back?"
Your smile falters for a moment as you struggle to find the words to explain the unexplainable. But then, as you feel the physical pain of your sacrifice gnawing at your body, you feel the relief of your emotional pain fill your broken heart.
"Because," you whisper, your voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of chaos and despair. "Because for just a moment, I could be the hero you needed, even if it meant sacrificing everything I had."
And with those final words, Y/N's smile fades, her eyes fluttering closed as she surrender to the darkness that threatens to consume her. But even as she slips away, she feels a sense of peace, knowing that she has finally found release from the burden of the unrequited love that has haunted her for so long.
And as Wanda holds you close, her heart heavy with grief and regret, she knows that she will carry the weight of Y/N's sacrifice with her for the rest of her days, a constant reminder of the love that was given so freely, even in the face of impossible odds.
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writethrough · 4 months
Hello! I just finished reading your Morpheus fics and I absolutely love them! So I thought about requesting something, too. Morpheus x reader where reader is feeling well and calls for him. They spend all evening togheter after a long time. reading togheter, watching some movies, talking and sharing their thoughts... until Morpheus notice it’s really late, almost midnight, and it’s time for reader to sleep, but she doesn't want to ‘cause Morpheus is always busy and she misses spending time with him, even whe she's asleep lately he was never there. Morpheus feels guilty and promises her he’ll be more present, especially in her dreams. A nice ending where he stays with her until she falls asleep, and him appearing in her dreams as he promised? Thank you 💖
A Homemade Remedy
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Synopsis: After days of dealing with your sickness by yourself, you give in and call your boyfriend, hoping he'll come.
Warnings: Minor language
Word Count: 815
A/N: Stop two on the apology tour. I'm so sorry this has taken so long! And I want to thank you profusely for your patience. And for sending the request in. I really hope you enjoy this fluffy little fic!
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Normally, you wouldn’t bother Morpheus with this. He had more important things to deal with instead. But you felt as if Death would appear at any moment, and all you wanted was some comfort from your boyfriend. 
You pressed the ruby pendant he gifted you to your heart, croaking his name. 
You blinked, seemingly slower than usual. 
“Hi,” you whispered, covers pulled to your chin. 
He took you in for a few moments, brows pinched slightly. You could only tell he was worried because of how long you’d known him. 
“You are unwell.” 
“S’just a—” A coughing fit started, only ceasing when he handed you your glass of water. “Just a cold.” 
Between the tissues piled in the trash beside your bed, the bottle of medication without its lid, and the two additional blankets on top of you, he knew that wasn’t the case. You’d been here much longer than a few hours. 
“Why did you not call for me when your ailment began?” 
And there it was, the look you were dreading the more you prolonged summoning him. You’re not even sure he’s aware of his “kicked puppy” look. 
You shrugged, pulling the covers just below your nose.  
Morpheus made no sound—as graceful and Endless as ever. The only indication he had moved was the lifting of your blankets as he slid in behind you. 
“Turn around, my love.” 
You were far too weak and needy to refuse. 
Settling with your head on his thigh, he rested a hand on your hair. 
“I am here now, and I will take care of you,” he said. “Whatever you may need, I will gather.” 
“Just this.” Your voice barely carried on a whisper. 
“Then here I shall remain.” 
Morpheus always spoke softer than you would expect while still containing all the authority in the universe, but it sounded even softer. It held gentleness—kindness—a quality that said, “You are precious to me.” 
“What about the Dreaming?” you asked, eyes closed. 
“In Lucienne’s capable hands,” he replied without hesitation. You were so considerate of him and his duties, for once, he wished you’d be selfish.  
“What if she needs you?” Even as you said this, your arm settled over his lap. 
“She has looked after my realm much longer than you will be ill.” 
You squeezed him as best you could at the reminder. You didn’t like to think about what had happened to him. Though you met long after that, it hurt to know someone could do that to another being—human or not. 
Morpheus had reassured you he had healed. Much of that having to do with you. 
“Could you read to me, then?” you asked. 
A book appeared in seconds, his voice matching perfectly to the cadence of the lines. It didn’t matter what he was saying, hearing him speak in that hypnotic rumble was enough. Even the flipping of the page didn’t distract you. He was captivating from the first word. 
He’d read two chapters when your stomach growled. 
“When did you last eat?” His smile was soft, thumb grazing your arm. 
You shrugged, not wanting to be scolded. 
“Can you eat?” 
You weren’t sure if it was how shitty you were feeling, how tired you were, or how helpless you felt, but his words went straight to your heart. 
He considered how you might feel. He wasn’t pushing you to eat, but asking if you thought you could stomach anything. He wanted to help, but not at the risk of causing you more discomfort. 
You nodded, keeping your eyes closed so he wouldn’t see them watering. 
“Here.” He helped you sit up before picking up the bowl of broth that had manifested on the nightstand. 
You went to grab it, but he tutted, picking the spoon up himself and bringing it to your mouth. 
“I can feed myself,” you said after swallowing. 
“I know,” he said. “Please. Let me help you.” 
You ate the next spoonful without complaint, and soon, the bowl was empty. 
“Thank you,” you mummered, head nestled into the crook of his shoulder. 
“It’s late, you must rest,” he whispered into your hair. 
You shook your head, and tried to snuggle yourself closer to him, like if you planted yourself firmly enough, he wouldn’t be able to leave. 
“Haven’t seen you in forever,” you mumbled. “Don’t wanna waste it.” 
Guilt flooded Morpheus. He knew he had been neglectful of you, but you had been so patient with him. You were the embodiment of understanding—and he had taken advantage of that. 
“Go to sleep, dear one. I will meet you in the Dreaming.” His lips pressed to your crown. 
You hummed, head growing heavy. 
And when your eyes opened, there he was, holding you as you laid in his chambers. 
He smiled fondly, brushing your chin with his knuckles. 
“What shall we do now, my love?” 
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Taglist: @sayumiht, @hatterripper31, @snowsatsu, @1950schick, @navs-bhat, @bookshelf-dust, @sapphireonline, @fictional-hooman, @steph-speaks, @ladyredstar1991, @secretdreamlandmentality, @ababycake, @morpheuss1mp, @boofy1998, @alice-the-nerd, @herfantasyworldd, @poemfreak306, @tronnily, @commanderfreethatdust
If you’d like to be added to any taglists, please comment or message me with the character you’d like updates on. 
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its-dari · 11 months
The Loving Hands of God
Creator AU - Where the reader is treated like a diety by the characters of Genshin Impact
Pairing(s): None || PLATONIC: Son! Wanderer & Parental! Gender Neutral! Creator! Reader Summary: He is reminded everyday that you chose him. But some days are harder than others; and he's grateful to have you sweep the cloudy skies away.
A/N: I don't really play Genshin but here we are, I'm just getting out my ideas - don't mind me.
This Wanderer is named "Kaito(神愛)", with the characters written for "god" and "love". I thought it could be cute to kind of give a call back to his origin but something also to remind him of how far he's come. He also calls the reader "Oya", which is the best thing I could get to a gender neutral Japanese term for mother or father.
I won't be taking requests! This is most likely a one time thing. This is also inspired by "this lovely piece" by @dropletpetals
(Extra Miscellaneous HCs: "The Son of Graces")
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Warning(s): Wanderer backstory spoilers! Some revenge. This was written on my phone so forgive any errors.
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Over grassy, rolling knolls - filled to the brim with blooming flowers in his favorite colors and breeds. Even under the loving warmth of sun on his cheeks and clouds turning themselves into the childish shapes of his desire. Even as the song on the winds speak his new name into his ears, the bonfires below burning it up so it reached the heavens. to the voices of acolytes proclaiming it so...
He was worried.
Worried and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He was unwanted everywhere else.
By his mother, who made him a puppet - who left him with no identity or name
By the Fatui, who deemed him unworthy.
So when it came to be; the Creator's return to the mortal plane...
When he'd come to demand answers, angry about simply existing.
Your voice so gentle and warm, apologizing that you were not there to help him when he called to your name in begs and prayers. When the world you made and hurt him so much and how sorry you were that it treated him so cruelly... He felt the sincerity pouring through every pore, it washed over him - like a blanket.
You understood his pain.
He found that you had long since been asleep, since the dawn of the Archonic creation. Even the small bit of divinity used to create each drained your body, already tired from forming Teyvat with your hands. So you could not know of the acts being committed in your name, what those of your own blood were doing.
"If I had known one of mine created their own, I would have cherished them like I did them." You said with a softness only rivaled by your hands.
He had fallen to his knees, unable to stand after the crushing weight of pain fell upon him. You were not completely blameless...
But you did not lie to him.
Did not abandon him.
You stayed until the tears dried up, stroking his sore eyes.
"So now that I know she did not love you like you deserve... You are mine now." He nearly fell again, but your embrace held him up. "You will be my son... And I will give you everything."
How it was so warm and loving, arms cradling him as if he were nothing more than a babe. His hands white-knuckling at your divine robes as he just sniveled into your chest, no doubt covering them in his snot and tears... But you didn't care, cooing sweetly to the boy about how he's already made you proud. How you already loved him.
He nearly cried again when you gave him his name.
"You will be my son, so your name will have our title."
You pondered about it for a while before having a servant fetched ink and parchment. It was a bit unusual, seeing you hold the calligraphy brush. Seeing the ink touching the edges if your sleeves and staining them, but you just smile so brightly when it is finished.
He longed for a place to belong, for an identity... For someone or something to give him worth.
You have given him all these things.
He was uncomfortable at first having it, as it was blatantly a reminder of his lineage. of the woman who abandoned him... Of beelzebul.
But you only smiled.
"It is to remind everyone where you started," your hands come to guide him "and how far you've come."
"The character for god, so you always remember me and so I am always with you." You hummed a lullby as the strokes appeared across the parchment. "And the character for love so you know how much I have for you."
He smudges ink on his robes too, unable to stop smiling as his whispered his name to himself.
Kaito was the name on the tongues of the acolytes once his adoption was raised outside your walls domain. Call of festivals was announced to welcome him into the fold, into the public, as the beloved son of Teyvat's dear Creator soon to be celebrated as well.
For if he was worthy in the eyes of the Creator; he should also be worshipped.
He laughed at Beelzebul's frantic correspondence sent to you; of which descended into begging for at least a letter to be sent... You had found yourself simply unable to deal with her after finding out what she'd done to him, decidedly icing her out on his behalf.
It was a wonderful feeling being loved, as sweet as it would be showing her what had become of her puppet.
He allowed an invitation to his coronation be sent to her, despite your worries about his mental health.
"Are you sure you want to see her, dear? it'd be so dreadful if she ruined your special day." You asked him gently, your concern making his cold heart swell.
"I will be fine," he insisted as you settle another crown to test on his head, amused "it will show her what she missed and how much it cost her."
You laughed at the cruelty but don't otherwise protest.
You didn't find a crown suited to him that day, though you thanked the providers. The items were returned and shop-keeps were able to keep them as they were considered beautiful pieces by the creator.
The day came and he still did not have a crown.
But he trusted you to find one, as you insisted it would be only appropriate as he was your son.
The day had come quicker than he would have liked, how he was primped and cleansed - donning the celestial robes of the creator.
Of you, his darling guardian.
They were deep violet, small pearlescent spots likes stars crawling up the gold trimmed edges. His under clothes blacker than the abyss, the servants in awe of his beauty. Leaving him bashfully flushing and modestly brushing off their assorted compliments. He dripped in opulence, gold pieces to accent his looks as the crackle of blessing came from the Gnosis you made personally for him.
As he finally was ready, he wondered if he was worthy.
Your eyes sparkled like gems when you saw him, taking him in your open arms and bursting in joy. Happy to see him looking so handsome and playfully crooning about his future partner in a manner that made him absolutely red in embarrassment.
You only laughed and softly spoke, "Come baby, there is a whole world to show that you are worthy of worship."
His hand was clasped in your's, the walk slow and almost agonizing. The chattering of people growing less distant with the passing moments, his hands shake and he needed a second as you stepped onto the balcony first.
The cheers of Teyvat boomed like a sonic roar, your hymns and prayers called to the wind as the ground and skies bellowed your name. He is terrified....
But he is ready.
You lifted your hands for silence, still smiling as bright and as warm as the sun. The hush that came was nearly instant, eager faces peering up in utter reverence. Archons on high waiting to hear your lovely voice.
"My dear creations, Teyvat.... As you have heard, I have found a son." The cheers from below just made you smile wider "It is much more than just finding someone worthy to hold my place and succeed me, it is because I love this boy... Love him so dearly that I wanted him as my own, he deserves your worship. Deserves to be loved as much as I. He'd gone through much pain and it broke my heart to know that this world that I made treats its kind people with such cruelty."
Your eyes watered when the people join together, holding hands and each other.
"If I could take all the suffering, I would... But feeling and understanding pain is what shows we are alive, that we are stronger for persevering." your voice shook, "And my poor boy had been through so much."
Your hands wipe your eyes and they watch, captivated at your grace and beauty - even in your sorrow. But then you give them a smile again and step aside, calling to the masses in pride that is so reminiscent of a parent.
"I, the All-Creator, Jewel of Celestia, have the greatest pleasure to present to you; your prince and my son..." The curtains pull back and he walked onto the balcony, beams of light shining off his hair and deep eyes. "Young lord Kaito of Teyvat!!!"
The screams would be deafening if you both weren't so high up, the chants of his new name louder than he can even think. The shouts of praise nearly make him shrink, but he stood tall. Especially as your hand touched his back, as your smiling face came into his peripheral. With his head up, he looked at them dead on and waved.
He smiled.
Especially as his sharp eyes caught Beelzebul's pale, shocked face. but the fuzzy warmth in his chest only grew as your fingers touched the top of his head.
From your touch, your grace washed over him. The weight of a diadem formed on his head. The Gnosis on his chest buzzed to life and his body rolled in a brightness rivaled only by the stars, from his skin to his blood - it was if he was charged with energy. A power that was unlike anything else he'd ever had.
"Divinity suits you, Kaito." You hummed, taking his hand.
Kaito smiled shyly and just squeezed your hand and whispered, "Only because I take after you, Oya."
At your side, he finally has a place.
He finally has his rightful godly status.
As he looked to see pride in your glittering tears and smile nearly blinding... A peace like no other settled within him.
He belongs.
He is worthy.
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nataliawrites · 1 year
My Boyfriend’s Not in the Mafia // Charles Leclerc
I’ve been having issues with my posts disappearing from the tags so I’m going to give reposting this a try
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It was funny at first. You didn’t really think anything of it the first time … or the second … or the third.
When you landed your dream job straight out of college and traded in the familiar streets of your hometown for the glitz and glam of Monaco, you didn’t know what to expect. But the reality ended up being more than you could have dreamed of.
You had a crooked cobblestone and poorly closed latte to thank for that. One wrong step saw you flung across the sidewalk. Fortunately, someone managed to catch you before your head became the street’s next victim. Unfortunately, his white linen shirt also caught the remnants of your coffee.
That’s how you met Charles Leclerc. Who needs a meet cute when you could have a “I’m mortified and can’t ever show my face in the second-smallest sovereign state in the world again” cute?
Of course you didn’t exactly know who he was at first but the gigantic billboard of his face next to the Prancing Horse that you passed on the way to your first date clued you in pretty quickly.
As you became more serious, you never intended to keep your relationship secret. But it was the off-season and that meant that Charles could mostly stay out of the spotlight while the two of you relished in your own little bubble. The honeymoon phase never felt sweeter.
But then your coworkers started asking questions. They saw the Ferrari (and the other Ferrari and the other Ferrari and the other Ferrari) that often dropped you off in the mornings and picked you up at night. They saw how you started to rush out for your lunch break instead of spending it in the office. They saw the new earrings and bracelets and necklaces and shoes and lots and lots of red accents.
“Who is he?”
You turn towards your coworker, Stephanie, as you go to refill your water bottle after lunch. “Who is who?”
She wiggles an eyebrow, “Your new man!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Your other coworker, Jacob, walks over from across the room. “Don’t be coy. We have eyes.”
Stephanie laughs, “And my eyes are telling me that you’ve found yourself a trust fund kid. No judgement here — get that bag!”
“One,” your raise a finger, “he’s not a trust fund kid. And two,” you raise another, “it’s not about money. I really like him.”
Stephanie squeals with as much zeal as she can manage in a corporate office, “I knew it! You have a man.”
Jacob chimes in, “So trust fund kid’s out … I’m betting on an oligarch.”
“Or a torrid affair with a politician.” Stephanie seems way too excited at the prospect.
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, “He does something much more dangerous.”
“He’s in the mafia?”
“Damn, you’ve got yourself a mobster.”
You don’t grace them with a reply, just laughing the teasing away.
You should have just straight up denied it. You knew that. But you were having too much fun and what harm could a little joke possibly have? You just didn’t expect the photos you posted on Instagram from when you joined Charles in Maranello and then explored northern Italy together to have your work friends quite so suspicious.
Stephanie and Jacob corner you as soon as you step out of the elevator on your first day back from vacation.
Stephanie starts, “So Italy …”
“Where the mafia is from. What a coincidence!” Jacob finishes.
“Wait,” Stephanie focuses on your neck, “that’s a new necklace.” She spots the patent red bottoms of your new more fashion than function stilettos, “and those are new shoes!”
“We were in Milan!” You explained. “You can’t not go shopping in Milan.”
“Yeah,” Jacob laughs, “you and your mafioso sugar daddy.”
To be fair, the phone call they overheard between you and Charles the next day didn’t help much.
“Did you manage to get the blood out?”
He sighed through the phone, “Yes, finally! Only took me two hours of scrubbing. Remind me not to scratch my leg on a cliff and not notice while it bleeds on my car’s leather the next time we go to the beach.”
Your back turned to them, you don’t even notice the wide eyed look that Stephanie and Jacob exchange.
When your birthday approached right before the season started up, you finally decided to introduce Charles to your friends. Your family, the Leclercs, and your friends would be joining you for dinner at your favorite local restaurant.
Charles was standing next to you, welcoming your guests and inviting them to sit down for dinner, when Stephanie and Jacob walked in.
You think they would’ve looked less shocked if Charles was actually in the mafia.
Jacob stutters, “You’re … you’re-”
“CHARLES LECLERC!” Stephanie managed to find her voice.
Charles extended a hand and chuckled, “Hope I don’t disappoint. Y/N told me you thought I was in the mafia. I’m not quite at that level.”
Your best friends from work turned the same color as Charles’ race suit.
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Ok but what about submissive!dbf!bucky with a praise kink? Maybe one found accidentally? In the drabble where the reader wanted to say he was beautiful, what if she does and he just moans?? What if the word the reader is looking for is pretty? Imagine calling an older man pretty and he nearly finishes just from that?
Back to my current favourite, submissive!dbf!bucky bc I can't get enough of him rn, I have so much I want to talk about
Because ohhhh, I love the thought of him being so totally obsessed with going down on you, to the point that he'd almost do anything just for a taste of you.
And maybe he'd seen you in a pretty little dress at a get-together at your house. Maybe a birthday party or something. You had both been keeping up appearances, pretending nothing is going on between you because he's your father's best friend but he'd taken the risk and approached you, leaning over and whispering in your ear. "Next time I get you alone, I'm going to lick from your ankle to your cunt." That's all he says, his hand rests on your lower back and you barely feel the heat of it through your dress before it's gone again. God, you hope that's a promise.
Of course it is. As soon as he gets a chance to sneak away from everyone else the two of you are tiptoeing up the stairs to your bedroom. After a fierce few minutes of intensely making out, he's laid you gently onto the bed, pushing the skirt of your dress out of the way. He doesn't waste a second, his lips on the inside of your ankle, humming contently as he kisses his way up the expanse of bare skin.
For a man who's kissed every inch of your body, he never seems to get tired of it. His slight scruff scratches your skin and it's lovely to be reminded of how intensely he's worshipping your body.
"You look. So. Fucking. Breathtaking." The words are muffled against your skin, his lips trailing hungry kisses up to your knee. One of his hands holds your leg, keeping you still while the other slips higher under your skirt.
You brace yourself for the groan you know he's going to grace you with and when it comes, it doesn't disappoint. The fingertips of his index and pointer finger trail lazily across your bare sex, gliding easily thanks to the evidence of your arousal.
"No panties?" His fingers keep teasing you, trailing from your fluttering entrance to your clit and back again, giving himself time to decide where he wants to start.
"I took them off after you told me your plan and so far you've let me down." If this were any other night, he'd probably tell you to watch your mouth before he fills it but tonight is not that night. Tonight he's desperate to taste you; to walk back down those stairs, look you in the eyes for the rest of the evening, knowing he made you cum against his mouth and no one else in the room can tell. Then jerk off to the memory tonight when he's back in his own bed.
He wastes no more time after that, flattening his tongue against your ankle and purposefully trailing it up your leg to your knee, then on up your thigh. At the same time, he eases his two fingers inside you, curling them against the soft, velvety wall of your cunt.
You hold the skirt of your dress out of the way so you can see him latch his mouth onto your clit, sucking gently and flicking his tongue while he curls his fingers inside you.
This is fucking magical. You know his mouth is flooded with the taste of you, your fingers tangled in his hair to keep his mouth pressed against you. "Fuck, that's perfect." It's the only way to describe the sensation of his mouth and fingers working you in tandem.
He's lost in it. His eyes are closed in concentration, determined to give you what you need. He needs to please you and it's not a need you've instilled in him. It's one he's always had.
"You're so pretty, do you know that?" It's bouncing around in your head and you feel like you need to say it.
He groans against your sex and you don't think anything of it until he mumbles "Please don't call me that. Not right now." His fingers work you faster but your hazy, pleasure addled brain still manages to ask him why.
" 'Cause sweetheart, I don't want to cum in these trousers. I don't have a change of clothes. Didn't even know I was into that." He sounds smaller, almost pleading with you, palming his cock through his dark jeans.
"But you're gorgeous, Buck. You have no idea how pretty you are with your head between my legs." The moan he emits is so rewarding you swear you could get off on that alone, never mind his renewed need to make you finish quickly before you get him to a point of desperation.
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particular-one · 1 year
as the world caves in.
pairing. dan heng x gn!reader cw. slight mentions of gore and injury (not explicit), implied established relationship between reader and dan heng author's note. whoever let me out of my cage (finals) now has to deal with this emotional rollercoaster being unleashed. enjoy!
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"i don't want to die, dan heng."
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"whew! that was the last of them." march's voice came from behind him just as he brandished his spear to finish off the last frostspawn in the area. dan heng looked behind him only to see march, but not the one he had been looking for — "where's y/n?" march only gave him a look of surprise. "oh ... we separated halfway. but they should be coming back soon!" dan heng only sighed, but didn't think too much of it. he knew that you were capable, and despite how much he still worried for you, you always reminded him that you were going to be fine. "oh! there they are! over here, y/n!" march was waving at your figure, and dan heng couldn't help the relieved smile that graced his lips. it was only seconds after that he noticed something was very, very wrong. you were walking slower than usual, the confident stride in your walk was nowhere to be seen. you still had that smile, but even that seemed shallow. dan heng was about to inquire what was up with you, when you fell into his arms wordlessly. that was when his blood ran cold, and he felt the warm red liquid that stained the lower part of your top drip down on the ground. "march! get help!"
this wasn't real. this wasn't happening. it had only been hours prior that you had told him the worst space joke had ever heard while simultaneously holding in your laughter. dan heng simply groaned and asked you never to repeat it again, but how he would give everything to hear your stupid joke one more time.
i should have protected you. if dan heng had only kept a closer eye on you and insisted on not separating ways on a seemingly harmless scout mission, you wouldn't be laying motionless in the med bay right now. the consistent beeping noise that came from the monitor beside your bed was the only thing that kept dan heng from spiraling, really.
march, himeko and welt had checked up on you a couple of times now, but dan heng couldn't bring himself to leave your side. he could barely sleep anyways — each time he closed his eyes, all dan heng could remember was the faraway gaze in your eyes before you collapsed in his arms. though you had your eyes closed now, he couldn't forget the petrified look on your face.
he could feel your breathing grow erratic with every passing second, as he held you close in his arms. dan heng was running as fast as he could, evading any of the other fragmentum monsters that were drawn to the noise that he was making with his escape, but he didn't care. march seemed to be shouting at him from behind, but he didn't care. dan heng was so laser focused on getting you away from everything, but it took you calling his name to actually get him to slow down. "h..hey... s-sorry ab-" dan heng shook his head, holding you even tighter. "save your breath. don't.. say sorry." dan heng considered himself to be a brave man, but he couldn't stomach to see you in so much pain. the wound on your lower abdomen looked serious, and that wasn't even accounting all the other injuries you sustained. what had you gotten yourself into? he cursed so many times to himself. it didn't help that medical expertise was out of dan heng's specialty. "i'm scared." that was when dan heng took a good look at you for the first time since he held you all the way back. the panic in your face was palpable, and he could feel his heart drop and shatter in a million pieces every time you uttered the same words. "i don't want to die, dan heng. i don't want to go, i d-don't...-"
your voice was barely a whisper, but at the sound of it, dan heng's head snapped up to meet your eyes. it was you calling out that always got his attention. dan heng immediately dropped everything he was doing and ran by your side, his brows creased in worry.
"hey. it's okay ... you're safe here. it's me, dan heng." your teammate, your partner, your love. there was so many things that dan heng wanted to say to you, but he bit his tongue from expressing it before he said anything more. at the sound of his name, dan heng could see you visibly relax, but you still didn't seem to be opening your eyes completely. "everything's so... bright. i c-can't see where you are."
it took everything in dan heng not to hold you in his arms right now, so he merely settled by brushing the stray bangs of hair that seemed to be getting in your eyes. "i'm here... i'm right here." he murmured, and there was that soft smile resurfacing again. the smile that made him fall in love with you every time like it was the first. and yet, he couldn't find himself to mirror the same smile you were giving him.
"t..thank.. y-y..ou." the irregular beeping from the monitor suddenly started up again, and dan heng could feel everything in him plunge into a state of panic. no, no, no.
"y/n, no, no. come on, just.. hang on. stay-" the beeping only grew louder and more ear-piercing by the second, and dan heng fought against succumbing. "-stay with me. please." each time he glanced at you, you already seemed to be in your own little world. but you were doing fine, just moments ago! the medical pod should be doing its job right, so what was not working his way?
"...for-." shut up, he did not want to hear it! dan heng was out of the room at once, and for the first time since he boarded the express, he was helplessly calling for someone to do something. he usually kept his emotions locked tight, but everything just flowed out of him in his panic. himeko was just around the corner, when he grabbed her by the arm all of the sudden. " dan heng, what's-"
"it's y/n, please. you have to help them, please, please." dan heng could hardly remember the following moments, himeko and the others were rushing towards the room, dan heng could hardly stand still. it only took pom pom's sullen look as the conductor came out of the room that he could feel the world caving in on him for the last time. that was when dan heng finally broke into tears.
he didn't even get to hear your last words completely.
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written by carlyle (@particular-one) copyright: all content belongs to particular-one on tumblr (2023)
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cupid-styles · 8 months
own me
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rockstar y/n x groupie tour photographer!harry
content warnings: 1.4k words of breeding kink smut lol (alsooo daddy kink, a little bit of dumbification and degradation, squirting)
masterlist | talk to me
The first time Y/N suspects Harry may have a breeding kink, it's a few months after their first hookup. 
For the first three months or so, Harry shows up whenever he wants. He'll shoot a text to Y/N around an hour before heading to the venue to make sure it's okay he comes, but she never rejects him. Somewhere along the fourth month, the texts stop coming and Harry arrives more frequently, and neither of them say anything about it. 
It's around then that Y/N notices he grunts out a few things during a particularly heated session. They've been going at it for nearly two hours, breaking periodically for water or cigarettes, and Harry is the dominant tonight. Y/N's four orgasms deep, slick and sore between her thighs. He's spooning her from behind and thrusting into her steadily, shudders wracking her body as he encourages her to cum once more for him so he can finally finish. 
Her fifth orgasm makes her gush liquid around his cock as he rubs at her clit, bumping her g-spot with his painfully hard cock. 
"Fuck," Harry moans as he watches her squirt, his balls begin to tighten, "Shit, baby, you're gonna make me fuckin' cum."
"Please," Y/N begs, her hair matted to her forehead with sweat, "Please, please, I need it daddy, please cum inside me."
"That what you want?" he asks as if a switch has suddenly been turned on by her words, "My dirty girl wants me to fill her to the brim with my cum? Make it fuckin' stick, hm?"
"Yes," Y/N whimpers, too far gone to truly analyze what he's saying. It's a pump or two before Harry's making good on his promise and spilling inside of her, mewls and curses falling from each of their lips at the sensation. She'll rarely admit it because she knows how taboo it is, but one of her favorite feelings is having Harry finish inside her, stuffing his cum deep and letting it leak out while he watches and massages her inner thighs.
Afterwards, they don't talk about it, and that's fine with Y/N. The reason why they work so well is because they're generally pretty nonjudgmental — they're willing to entertain each other's kinks or try anything out once.
And she's fine not bringing it up until a few weeks later, when he's waiting for her back at her hotel room after the show, and he just looks so fucking good perched on the end of her bed. She's still a bit sweaty from the night's performance — normally she'll take a shower at the venue, but knowing Harry was in her city, she wanted nothing more than to catch a cab back to the hotel as soon as humanly possible. 
He's wearing a pair of light wash baggy jeans, worn white Vans on his feet and a graphic tee on his torso. He's flicking through photos on his camera when he looks up to see her come through the door, a small smile gracing his lips. 
"Hey," Harry greets, gently setting his camera down, "Great show tonight. You looked amazing."
Y/N doesn't even care to kick off her platforms or jump in the shower before she's surging towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him to her for a messy kiss. It's desperate and hot, and she feels like she'll explode if he doesn't tear her clothes off in the next five seconds. 
Harry returns her energy tenfold, reminding her of yet another reason why she adores their arrangement. Without needing any instruction, he's tugging her black dress up and over her body, leaving her in a lace thong. His hands are immediately on her butt as their lips reconnect, squeezing the flesh before giving each cheek a swat. 
"I need you in me," Y/N whispers against his mouth, using quick hands to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans down, "I need you to fill me up with your cum." 
"Jesus," Harry mutters, mainly out of disbelief. They're normally not so focused on reaching the end goal so it's safe to say that Y/N instantly yearning for his peak is a change. He's ready to break away momentarily to make sure she's alright before she opens her mouth again, mumbling devilish syllables against his skin. 
"Need you to make it stick, daddy. Wanna be swollen with you."
Just like the last time she plays into his kink, the switch is suddenly on, and Harry's dragging her to the bed. Her body bounces down against the mattress and she gasps as he tears her thong from her lower half, the bite of pain making her whimper. He kicks his pants and briefs off, not even bothering to rid himself of his shirt before he's kneeling over her, pumping his length.
"You sure you want that?" Harry hisses as he strokes his cock, beads of pre-cum making noisy slick sounds. "You want daddy to knock you up? Fuck my cum into your womb until you can't even remember your own name?"
"Fuck— yes daddy, I need it," Y/N pleads, bucking her hips up to meet the tip of his cock. They know it's just for play, that the second they're done and Harry has the strength to walk, he'll pick her up Plan B to prevent an actual pregnancy, but for now? For now, they both need this more than anything. 
"Can your tight little pussy take me without any prep?" He asks, sponging kisses along her breasts and down to her stomach. She threads her fingers through his curls and pulls at the strands, whining out an affirmative answer. It's all he needs to push inside, eliciting loud, hearty moans from either one. Instantly, she's filled with him, the sensation so perfect that her eyes flutter closed. 
"You feel so incredible, baby," Harry mutters, building up to a quick pace. He's hitting her g-spot with each thrust and she can barely speak, pathetic attempts at moans falling from her lips instead. He smirks at this, leaning down to wedge his thumb between her lips. "Just a cock dumb puppy, yeah? That's okay. Lay back and let daddy fuck you the way you need. If you're a good girl and you squirt for me the way I like, I'll fill you with my cum, 'kay?"
Y/N mewls around his finger, nodding eagerly. Harry chuckles and removes it, making quick work to loop circles around her clit, using her saliva as lubricant. 
"So desperate for me." He mumbles as she clenches around his cock, her orgasm already building. 
"Give it to me, daddy," Y/N whimpers, trailing daft fingertips down to where they're connected and holding herself open for him. "Don't you wanna own me? Make everyone know I'm yours?"
At this point, it's a competition to see who can play into the kink more before one of them bursts. For a moment, it seems like Y/N has the upper hand as Harry groans, his length twitching deep inside of her. 
"Want me to make you a mumma, huh? Is that what you want? Dirty fuckin' slut, begging for my cum."
That's all it takes for Y/N to explode. Her eyes are squeezed shut as she moans and gasps helplessly, having no choice but to let Harry work her through her peak, liquid bursting from below. She makes a mess all over the sheets and Harry's cock, but he couldn't care less — he loves it, in fact, so much so that he's coming just moments after her. He does exactly what she'd been asking for all night, reaching deep inside of her with his length and pumping her full of his warm cum. 
"S-shit, I love it, I love it," Y/N babbles, her pussy still contracting around him. 
"I know, baby, feels so good." Harry says lowly, his voice strained from the intense pleasure of his peak. Y/N can feel that he's come so much, knowing that it's dripping out of her despite Harry still being lodged inside. 
"Wanna keep it inside," she whines, and Harry chuckles softly, brushing her sweaty hairs from her head. 
"I'll get you a plug for next time, hm? That way you can keep me in for as long as you want." 
Y/N nods and clenches around him at the thought, a hiss sounding from Harry's lips at the sensation. 
"Dirty girl," he smirks, pressing a hand to her hip, "I'm gonna pull out now, okay? 'S pretty messy down here, so... maybe we should shower."
"Okay," Y/N murmurs. She grimaces slightly as he removes his cock, noticing the way his eyes linger and his lips part at the sight of his seed leaking from her puffy pussy. "So, a breeding kink, hm?"
Harry rolls his eyes and delivers a playful swat to her thigh. "You're no better."
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
01/22/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been a long day huh? I wanna apologize ahead of time, whatever sickness my kiddo had last week finally got me so I'm not feeling terribly well. I'm gonna do my best to articulate todays events for ya!
===Renew As A Crew====
So the very first thing I want to touch on today is updates from @renewasacrew. As you may have heard, they were going to be changing leadership as the shift in priorities changed from renewing to saving OFMD. That being said, the leadership change happened over this weekend with some hiccups (I don't know what the hiccups were entirely and I'm not going to speculate, if you wanna delve down that twitter hole you can, but having been in it for today I'd recommend against it for your mental health, and we don't want to be drawing a bunch of media attention to it) there's a lot of confusing information, and as we know things can get conflated fast if we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle-- let's not speculate and wait for the to come out with more info.
So what I'm focusing on today is @renewasacrew's message to please give them some time and practice some patience while they get back up and running. This also includes anyone you happen to know on twitter working with them, for example: @TheCozyPirate. Let's give them some grace, they've been steering us well so far.
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The good news is, several folks, on tumblr: @iamadequate1, @quirkysubject, @asgardian--angels, On twitter: @havethisonelife @yougotoofast @Lcmwriter100, we have all we need to keep going for a few days while things get ironed out. (If I forgot someone please let me know, sorry I am half awake tonight)-- see the HOW CAN YOU HELP section below.
One thing I will mention-- we are moving so very fast right now. It's only been 13 days since the announcement that OFMD wasn't renewed, and we've accomplished SO MUCH. So when there's a lull, it's going to feel like things are standing still and maybe something is going wrong. Don't fall into despair, that's just how things go with negotiations. Take a break, take a breath, and just keep on Polite Menacing until we hear more from the leadership team.
===How can you help?===
**Go to visit the DAILY RENEWAL TASK LIST there's lots of ideas and ways you can help! Have more? Shoot me a dm! I'm happy to add stuff!**
*Note: To our international fans, I promise I'm working on a write up for you as well I've just been sick today and have been able to finish!*
Something new today-- a lot of you have expressed your desire to help in the @renewasacrew efforts. Well if you did-- and still want to, now you can volunteer! Many thanks to @redshiftsinger for getting this up so quick!
Please visit their survey: Volunteer Intake form and fill out how you may be able to help!
=== Cast and Crew Sightings ===
As if on cue, Chaos dad reached out to everyone on twitter today to express some encouragement!
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He also saw we were at 77K and posted his astonishment!
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Some folks have been a bit weary about his vagueness today, but as we know, Daddy Jenkins is the king of vague-- and he has to be! If there are contracts in the works, he can't be hinting at things. Don't lose hope!
===Samson Kayo ===
Our beloved Oluwande updated his IG with some pictures and a message. If you have IG I'm sure he'd appreciate some love!
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Next up was our favorite Captain, Rhys Darby, promoting a fellow comic @jamesroguecomedy over on IG!
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And our pirate queen Ruibo Qian was making posts about saving ofmd and fanart about Zheng! Featuring folks you probably know around tumblr: @mistysblueboxstuff and @tsutsu_ya over on twitter
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=REMINDER: Cross Fandom Watch Party! on 01/23/2024 1 PM PT, 4PM ET=
Looks like there's gonna be some cross fandom watch parties on twitter you're welcome to tune in for Jan 23-26 on twitter. They'll be watching good omens in an effort to try and get engagement up with PrimeVideo. It sounds like it'll be similar to the LubeAsACrew but with Good Omens fans! Thank you to @Dandeebakes on Twitter for getting these organised!
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Hashtags to use: #PirateOmens #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD, and helps to @PrimeVideo
New article, but take it with a grain of salt, see @TheCozyPirate's message:
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Our Flag Means Death's marketing was concerned about the shock of violence in the show
Alright lovelies. Here we are again, I told you it'd be quick. Today was very very very busy. Take a break and get some sleep ya? Lean on your crew, we are here to support each other. I'll end with a quote from Tolkien (it being all of us in your crew):
"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
Tonight picture features Taika and his "I love you eyes" at Rhys. Thats me, I'm Taika, I love you all.
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PS: Idk why this isnt showing up in my recaps repository but ill figure it out in the morning.
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swanmaids · 9 months
The girl on the bedroll is small, and silent as she sleeps, and her life has just been torn apart down the middle. Or, more accurately, it has been torn once more, having never been quite whole since the Trees died. Glorfindel looks down at her tiny sleeping form, bundled in so many furs, and winces. 
“Will you take her?” Aredhel, currently stationed to watch over the child, asks him, “I’m not really any good with children. And I want to go to my brother.”
A selfish part of Glorfindel wants to blurt out that he is no good with children either. In Aman, he was the youngest of his family, the longed-for boy after four sisters, and doted upon. He had been, in a sense, an eternal child - when he had followed Ecthelion onto the Ice, he had not known anything about anything. But the Ice is a severe and unforgiving teacher. Now, he can butcher a seal, strip a corpse for anything worth the taking, and rally his friends to press on through the snow. Surely he can learn to care for a sleeping seven year old girl. 
“I’ll take her,” he says, and Aredhel ducks out of the tent almost instantly, towards the anguished wails of her brother across the camp.
He can hardly blame her for it. Glorfindel did not see Turgon’s wife and daughter fall, but he has seen others lose spouses and beloveds to the snarling jaws of the Ice, and it is always a horror. Sometimes, the partner left behind will simply stop walking and refuse to start again. He suspects Idril is being kept away from her father while her aunts and uncles struggle to persuade him against doing the same himself. 
It is unsettling, to see one normally so strong and powerful reduced like this. Turgon faces down all manner of sea-beasts, jumps in to mediate when tempers flare hot among the host, wears the grim stance of a leader as easily as a cloak. He does not falter, he does not break. But now he does. 
Moments later, Idril’s snowdrift-pale eyes snap open. 
Glorfindel flounders. He should not have let Aredhel leave - he does not know what to say to this tiny child.
But Idril, upon waking, simply pushes herself up onto her elbows, and clutches something to her chest, muttering to it. Perhaps it is a gift granted to children, Glorfindel thinks, the brief forgetting of life’s all-too-real horrors. In any case, he has no intention of reminding her. 
It takes a few minutes for Idril to even notice him. When she does, she holds out the bundle she has been mumbling to. 
“Did you want to play with my doll?”
The thing in her hands can just about be called a doll. It is a cloth poppet made up of spare bits of rag too small for any other purpose, stitched together to resemble a figure with limbs and a head. Turgon and Elenwe have - had - many skills, but sewing was apparently not one of them. The doll is leaking stuffing where it is starting to come apart at the seams. 
Through the mending of clothes and of tents as is necessary on the Ice, Glorfindel has learned that he has some skill with a needle. Perhaps there is one small thing that he can do for this girl, after all. 
“She’s a very pretty doll,” he says, “but she looks as though she’s hurting a bit. Would you allow me to try and heal her? You can watch me the whole time.”
Idril looks a little dubious, but she presses the doll into his hands with all the grace of a queen bestowing a gift upon a loyal vassal. She will make a fine lady someday, he thinks, and soon. Childhood ends swiftly on the Ice. Hers is in its dying throes. He only seeks to make them a little more comfortable. 
Glorfindel digs out Aredhel’s little sewing kit and takes the doll apart as carefully as somebody mending a broken bone, Idril’s gaze on him all the time. He unpicks stitching, redistributes stuffing, closes up tears. When he’s finished, he’s rewarded with a little smile. 
Well, nearly finished. Because - 
“She’s bald,” he realises, causing Idril to giggle shyly, “we ought to give her some hair.”
He takes a small knife from his belt and cuts a lock of his own sunflower-bright hair. He makes tiny, delicate stitches, until the doll has a full head of glossy, golden hair. The same colour as his, the same colour as Idril’s, the same colour as her mother’s - 
But before he can curse himself for his mistake, Idril is holding the doll tight to her chest. “Thank you,” she mumbles into the cloth, tears dampening the fabric.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Send Me an Angel
Pairing: Soft Dark Bartender!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Summary: Bucky thinks you're an angel. Word Count: Over 1.8k Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, Dubcon/NonCon elements (you are responsible for your own media consumption) dirty talk, kidnapping, beginning stages of stockholm syndrome, Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?). A/N: My entry for @the-slumberparty 's I Spy Challenge. I've included all three prompts in some way. Happy to get back into the soft dark pool! ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Moodboard by yours truly, Bucky edit by the incredible Nix, banner by the wonderful @sgt-seabass , and divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please reblog or comment as it means the world!
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It was early morning when you woke up alone in Bucky's bed. You only knew that based on the time from the clock on the nightstand since he had blackout curtains. You groggily wiped at your eyes to wake yourself up a bit more as you turned on the lamp. Caffeine would help if you had any.
Maybe you could convince him to bring you a drink if you asked nicely.
"Bucky?" you called out, your voice cracking as you began to sit up.
It took you a moment to remember that he wouldn't exactly hear you even if you yelled.
The familiar ache between your thighs stopped you from sitting up completely, the memory of the previous night imprinted in your mind. And every night since you went on your first date with the handsome bartender. While you had a feeling he'd be amazing in bed the moment you laid eyes on him, you underestimated his stamina.
Like the morning after.
You always felt a bit vulnerable when you showered, your guard down more than normal. It shouldn't have surprised you when Bucky joined you, but you still shrieked when he pressed you against the wall. You were sure you would've fallen if his firm grip hadn't kept you propped up.
"Round two and three weren't enough?" you teased as he traced the water droplets on your skin with his tongue.
"It'll never be enough," he answered, leaving a small bite on your collarbone. "I can't help myself."
"Bucky, I need to finish up and go," you moaned as he moved his hands to your ass, your traitorous body not putting up much of a fight.
"So perfect for me," he groaned against your neck, like he hadn't heard you. "You can take me again. I know you can. Just give me one more."
You did. You took all of him, just like he said you would. Like a good girl.
The sick thing was that part of you craved it.
Your heartbeat quickened at the sound of footsteps outside of the door. You learned that Bucky could be silent if he wished, so the deliberate sounds meant he wanted you to know he was there. It was considerate.
Or was it just a way to show that he was in control?
"Morning," Bucky said as he opened the door with a sheepish smile. "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I wanted to surprise you."
You told yourself to smile back when he held up a small bouquet. Red camellias. The same flowers he gave you when he took you out to dinner. He even wore the same leather jacket he was wearing now.
How long ago had it been since he took you out?
You were losing track of the days.
"Thank you. That's very thoughtful of you."
His smile widened, pleased by your reaction. "I know it isn't a diamond necklace, but I thought you'd like them. They reminded me of our first date."
"I remember," you nodded.
You watched as he walked over to the nightstand and set the flowers down. He shrugged his jacket off a moment later and tossed it on the recliner in the corner. He liked to sit in it some days to read.
Or watch you.
Whatever particular mood he was in.
"Did you sleep okay?" he asked as he sat on the bed beside you.
"Just fine," you smiled, bringing a finger up to trace the tattoo on his neck.
Bucky Barnes had to be one of the most handsome men to ever grace this earth. Well over six feet tall with a buff frame and a glare that could kill, he seemed more suited to be a bouncer than a bartender. The tattoos and nose piercing added to his appeal. But it was his icy blue eyes that nearly made you spill your drink when he handed it to you.
Thankfully you recovered enough to grab a seat on an empty stool and flirt with him.
You didn't know it would change everything.
"Keep touching me like that and I'll have to ruin you."
"We can't have that," you joked.
"Why not?" he asked, taking your hand before you could pull it away. He looked into your eyes as he brought it to his mouth. Instead of kissing the top of it, he turned and brushed his lips on the inside of your wrist. "Your heart is racing."
"That's what you do to me," you said truthfully.
Out of lust. Fear. Both.
"That's what you do to me, too," he said.
To prove his point, he placed your hand on his chest.
You knew it beat for you.
"Did I tell you that meeting you changed my life?" he asked.
"It did?" you replied, even though you already knew.
You searched his expression anyway when he smiled. When you spotted him that first night at the bar, his grin appeared forced when he helped other customers. It never quite reached his eyes. He told you over dinner that it was a show for others, a mask to hide how he really felt.
With you, he showed a genuine smile and softer side.
One you believed you could trust.
"I wasn't in a good place. It's hard to explain, but I felt like I was drifting through my life," he began, moving his hand to tuck the sheet around your body more. You weren't sure when you began to tremble, but of course he noticed. He didn't miss a thing. "I was actually close to quitting the bar and leaving town when you walked up and ordered a drink. I wanted to ask you out right away, but I didn't want to seem like a creep."
He chuckled and ran a hand through his short, dark hair. You found excuses to go back to the bar more often and it still took him weeks to ask you out. You thought he was being a gentleman.
"I'm sorry you weren't in a good place," you said.
"Don't apologize. This path in life led me to you and I'll tell you more about it one day," he smiled, sliding his hand over the sheet until he stopped at your hip. "You know, girls have hit on me, even a few guys, but no one got my attention the way you did."
His insatiable nature told you as much.
"And your kindness. How you listened to me. Wanted to know me," he continued, a dreamy look taking over his features. "You showed me that angels exist."
Listening to Bucky was easy. He didn't brag about anything to try and impress you. When he spoke, you knew it came from the heart. Who wouldn't want to know him more?
Especially when he seemed so eager to know you?
"I'm not an angel," you stated.
You sucked in a breath when he gripped your chin. You didn't see him move. He was so quick. Always faster than you.
"You must be an angel because you saved me."
If I saved you, why am I damned?
"Isn't that what angels do? They save people, right?" he asked rhetorically. "Bring them joy? Hope? Love?"
"Love?" you whispered.
Is this love?
"Love," he smiled, releasing your chin. "An angel leading me straight to heaven. That's what it feels like when I'm inside you. Fucking paradise. My warm, wet paradise."
It stunned you enough to stay silent when he bent down to kiss your forehead, your walls clenching around nothing.
Why were you reacting to him?
"But I'm selfish," he admitted against your skin as a tear slid from the corner of your eye. "Because you're my angel and I can't share you with anyone else."
"So you still won't let me go?" you asked evenly.
With a sigh, he pushed himself and moved to the end of the bed. He carefully moved the sheet to expose your ankle and check the cuff. You weren't sure if he was inspecting to make sure you weren't injured or to make sure you hadn't tried to tamper with it.
Bucky convinced you to go back to bed after he had you in the shower that fateful morning. He even sweet talked you into letting him cuff you before he split you open on his cock. When you reminded him that you had to work, once you could talk again, he said he already took care of it.
You hadn't left his place since.
Maybe if you had been thinking with your head instead of your pussy, you wouldn't be his prisoner.
"You know I can't do that," he said above a whisper, tilting his head a fraction and covering your ankle again.
You didn't shrink back when his gaze settled on you, as much as you wanted to. You shouldn't have asked that. All things considered, he took care of you. The chain was long enough that you could reach the bathroom. He kept the place warm. There was plenty of food for you.
No weapons were within reach though. The lamp and clock were bolted to the table so you couldn't hit him with them. If he had neighbors, they didn't hear your cries for help. He promised he would always know if you were in danger since he had cameras set up.
That was why it took him weeks to ask you out.
He was preparing for you.
Was anyone even looking for you?
"But Bucky-"
"Don't. You're not leaving me," he snapped, pulling away the sheet he had carefully tucked around you moments ago. "This is your home now and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy."
Except give you your freedom.
What happened to you, Bucky? What demons plagued you so much that you think you have to keep me here?
"I'm sorry," you said immediately as his eyes raked over your naked body.
"You don't even like the flowers, do you?" he asked in a small voice.
"I love the flowers. Really," you promised. A bright spot in a dark place. "Maybe we can even recreate our date right here at home. What do you think?"
He considered your words as you gave him a hopeful smile. He hadn't hurt you and you wanted to keep it that way. If he was happy, you could be happy.
Wait. Why did you just think that?
"We can," he agreed in a husky tone as he stood up and unbuckled his belt. "But for now, let's recreate the end of our date. I need to make my angel feel good."
You blinked away tears as you opened your legs without being told. If you really were an angel, why couldn't you fly away? Why did you let him clip your wings?
And why weren't you fighting harder to get out of the cage he put you in?
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Poor thing. Bucky will take care of you, right? Maybe we'll see down the road. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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