#tim hugs damian
dragongutsixofficial · 2 months
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emotional about them
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caitthecakeee · 1 year
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little big sister, big little brother
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daydreamerwonderkid · 9 months
I'm in a constant state of switching back and forth from "wanting the Batkids to get along and bond over their shared experiences/traumas" to "parking my ratty lawn chair in front of Wayne Manor with an iced tea and shades so I can have a front row seat to the literal warzone that no amount of professional or divine intervention could ever hope to bring to an end, not in this lifetime or the next."
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those-goddamn-bats · 7 days
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When asked who his favorite brother was, Dick answered 'Tim' without hesitation. When asked why, he glares at Jason (6'1) and Damian (6'3) and says that unlike his other Little Brothers, Tim (5'7) actually understood how things were supposed to work around here!
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wonderstrevors · 8 months
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
i'm just thinking: young Jason was never given sweet nicknames or endearments by his parents, when he grew up at a poor, messy, abusive environment. so maybe when he heard them for the first time from his loved ones, it was a bit too much for him? and maybe, he would sometimes ask himself, "What did I do to deserve this?".
Bruce: Oh, Jaylad. You're so important to me. To us. Don't ever, ever doubt your place in this family.
Bruce, his father, would say as he kissed Jason's forehead when he was kid, and now as a young adult. forehead kisses always sealed the deal that maybe, Jason was part of this family.
Alfred: My, dear boy. Hush now. I'm never too old to take care of you.
Alfred, who has been the closest person he has as a Grandfather, would patch his injuries and bruises. he would also serve some hot coco or tea after a long night of patrol as a kid and even until now.
Dick: Little Wing, I missed you. Give your big brother a hug please, or I'll cry.
Dick, his older brother, would give him warm hugs whenever they see each other. and he doesn't want to admit it, but it's nice to feel Dick's arms around him. he may be taller now, but he still feels very secured when Dick holds him close, like he's a kid again.
Tim: You're pretty awesome, Jay. You've always been my hero.
Tim, his younger brother, would compliment him when Jason saved little kids again from the streets, or when he would give charities to the orphanage. and wow, he never understood how Tim still idolized Jason when he had hurt him before. Jason makes up for it always.
Damian: I'm glad you're here, Akhi.
Damian, his baby brother, would sometimes show emotions like these. but when he uses that word for Jason, it makes him proud of himself, that maybe he is good at taking care of his siblings.
Roy: Jaybird, hey. You're here with me, and not back there. Focus on me.
Roy, one of the most important people in his life, would touch his face with his warm hands, eyes so sincere and loving, keeping him grounded, whenever Jason would see green when they're in patrol together.
and yes, it may be overwhelmingly good for Jason to be told with those words. but he would rather die again than lose any of these people.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
When Jason was tossed in the Pit, there was a...tiny side effect.
He got dunked in as a teenager, and the Waters really did try to heal what they could.
But fuck them, it was a lot. Mostly malnutrition, so the Water just...put the body back to how it was before all of that damage.
In goes a teenager, out crawls a terrified three year old. A three year old toddler who only vaguely recalls his life from before.
A toddler that is, in Ra's words, "useless".
Talia barely manages to convince Ra's to let Jason live, and pairs him with Damian. Damian could use a lesson on responsibility, Damian could train the little boy, it would be good for the heir to learn how to communicate with others. See, Ra's? There's no reason to put down the child.
Damian, who gets a front row seat at what League training looks like...when it's done on another child. One even younger than him.
And Damian is nothing if not his fathers son.
He cannot stand the injustice of watching his teachers beat a child for something said child could not possibly comprehend.
So Damian works with Talia and leaves a lot sooner, his new little brother clutched close to him, and arrives on his fathers doorstep not only to ask for further training, but to plead for protection for the tiny toddler clinging to him with a white-knuckled grip.
TLDR; Jason gets deaged, it's permanent, and Damian being an older brother changes things. (i mean he's still Damian, but he gets an early crash course in protecting someone much smaller than him and how to care for others).
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fcthots · 8 months
I will ignore Gotham War. I will ignore Gotham War. I will ignore Gotham War. I will ignore Gotham War. I will ignore Gotham War. I will-
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 2 months
What if one day Jason just puts the gun down.
At first Bruce is estatic no more murder no more compromises it's almost like having his son back his precious Robin.
Yet as time goes on he sees less of Jason and when he does he looks not well.
He's injured more frequently the entire underworld seems to be gunning for Hood but he can't say he isn't happy maybe Jaylad will have to call for backup.
He's working at the computer when Dick storms in heading straight for him.
"What does it take for you to be ten percent of a good parent clearly it's not your child dying so what will it take Bruce"
He's furious but he's also a detective before anything else.
"What exactly are you talking about."
Dick's entire body changes closing up the earlier anger gone for something colder even his eyes icing over.
"Jason is being hunted by all of Gotham because the Red Hood was based on the foundation of being the bat that kills. He changed everything about himself following your stupid rules, for what?"
Dick can't breathe he wants to tear Bruce limb from limb. Smash the entire cave he feels like there is nothing that can fix this.
He stares at Bruce waiting for what he doesn't know.
All this time and he's done.
"I am not burying my brother again because you are such a narssastic asshole who could give less of a fuck about anything other than being Batman. The reason every Bat or Robin comes to me is I actually love them unconditionally they don't have to doubt because Bruce they are enough."
"They could burn down the world and I would happily cheer them the fuck on don't call me, don't call Jason. I'm taking Tim, and Damian. You can go fuck yourself enjoy Batman cause that's all you will ever be."
He doesn't look back.
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superbat-lmao · 2 months
Damian Wayne stuck in a time loop.
It resets when someone dies, and since Damian is the youngest, it doesn’t matter how rocky his relationship is with the bat-siblings, each and everyone one of them sacrifices themselves for him.
And Damian is pissed off because he doesn’t understand why.
Grayson is obvious, he has made it clear that he feels affection for Damian and has made the most effort into integrating him into the family. Of course he would die for his little brother. And at first, Damian believes he finds this outcome to be the least acceptable.
There is also his Father, again, a logical expression of love. Damian can understand why his Father would die for him, even if he doesn’t want him to. Even if, in the first few loops, he wishes that anyone else would die instead. At least it’s a type of parental relationship he can understand in the abstract, even if it surprises him to see its true about himself. That even though he has several older brothers and is unsure of his place by his Father’s side, the man would do anything to protect him. It reminds him of his Mother, even though he’s sure if she were here she’d find a way for the both of them to live.
Brown is the first one to surprise him. They had worked together when Grayson was Batman and he recognized her competence, but he thought that’s all it was. A working relationship between professionals. A mutal, if grudging respect. He is shocked when she dies, how he had no clue she would go that far for him. How he refuses to let it happen again.
If Brown was a surprise, Cain was a shock. Damian thought of her as nigh invincible, unable to be touched. It was clear she was the best of all of them, that she had seen the hit miles ahead of him, had maybe even seen him brace for it. But she had chosen to let herself go down. He feels every bit his age as he begins to wonder if he’s even more powerless to stop this than he thought if his most competent sister chose to let herself fall.
Thomas was confusing. He was new, newer than Damian and not quite sure of himself. They rarely saw each other aside from school due to the mismatch in schedules. Thomas gave him a wide berth, respecting Damian’s space in a way his other siblings failed to do or intentionally disregarded. Damian didn’t think much of him. Couldn’t understand how Thomas hadn’t even paused, had taken the hit as if it was an unquestionable law of the universe. As if they were really brothers and not strangers. It was a sentiment Damian didn’t know how to return.
Todd was the worst. He had seen him, briefly, before he had come to Gotham from the league. His Mother spoke of him rarely, but with pride. He was skilled, if untamed. He avoided the manor and his brothers and their Father. The only one he usually sought was Pennyworth. That is why Todd was the worst. Because he avoided all of them. Because this family had already allowed him to die before and he had come back wrong. A painful reminder that their family has failed. And he fought so hard to remind them all of that failure, every way he chose to keep fighting to live, to prioritize his own life over their Father’s morality. Only to throw it away for Damian. To force him to watch how his brother’s second death shattered their Father and Pennyworth and Grayson in a way that Damian didn’t think they’d survive a second time.
Drake is incomprehensible. Antithetical. A cosmic error. Impossible. There is no love between them, no grudging respect, nothing. Damian can’t stand to look at the person who he feels is a disgrace to the costume Damian now wears. He is the one who dies for Damian the most. The one he can’t possibly understand. The brother he has the least time to question, who gives him the least answers as to his motivations. Who will both die for Damian and refuse to utter a word to him in the same loop. It is madness. Damian needs to prove himself above this embarrassment, and yet Drake chooses to be beneath him. To die for him. It is in spite of Damian’s skill that Drake dies, and Damian hates him for it.
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cardinalcheerio · 1 year
Tim: i had a dream i died last night
Dick: you mean a nightmare right?
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cjs-arts · 2 years
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Tim’s birthday was like forever ago but whatever, hug a nerd day is always (ft, bat siblings)
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stormikitty · 1 year
Danny had found out a while back that the principal, staff members, and some students at Casper High had known for years that something was going on and that Danny and Jazz didn't have a safe homelife, but did absolutely nothing. The only person who tried to do anything was Mr. Lancer, but his attempts did nothing because he was ignored by the people he reached out to for help many times. Danny's death could have been prevented if people actually did something about what they noticed.
Danny listens to true crime podcasts a lot. Some stories are burned into his brain. That's usually the stories about abused and neglected children who could have been saved. Stories where many people knew something was going on and did nothing about it, and a child died because of that. Those ones always hit a little close to home for Danny even if the specific details are different. Sometimes, true crime podcasts about these situations make Danny cry himself to sleep, wondering when the world will learn from past mistakes and stop letting this happen.
Danny's new adoptive family finds this out when someone turns off All Dogs Go To Heaven when it gets to the credits and Danny goes on a rant about Judith Barsi for no less than an hour. At the end of his rant, he mentions that the world still hasn't learned and quietly asks, "When will it stop? When will people learn from the past and stop letting children suffer and die?"
He is tearing up. The rest of the batfam don't know what to do. They aren't sure how to respond. They didn't think turning off a movie during the credits would trigger a reaction like this. He's more emotional about this whole thing than anyone else would be about the death of a child actor they never even knew.
Later that week while visiting the manor, Jazz explains that the reason that affects Danny the way it does is because of trauma relating to his own death and how easily it could have been prevented if someone had done something.
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emdeerm · 7 months
*Disappointed Alfred stare tm*
Prompt? Idk, go ham
So, GK Danny has been with Batfamkly for a while now. Like, a few years. He's a freshly adulting adult. He loves his family. A lot of crap in DC canon didn't happen and stuff. He is now a part of JL.
He gets a mission from CW to go to an alternate version of his dimension and fix whatever is happening there.
He gets sent into the world where Gotham War is happening. He is DISAPPOINTED and also horrified, to say the least. His dad is way better. B, take him home pls.
But he has a duty to do. So...
*Loud clap from the sky getting everyone's attention at once*
"Ladies, gentlemen, and others, we are closing this shit show down for maintenance. Please vacate the premises." A person in the sky announced, grabbed the whole batfamily in reach and swooshed away.
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Tim stans look at him and see the smartest, most competent Robin to have ever robined. I see Stephanie's bratty richboy ex who's been beefing with a 10 year old she babysits, for the past 15 years.
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Tim, what are you doing, mate? That's a fucking 10 year old.
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That's the same fucking kid playing in a bouncy castle, Tim!
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