#this is the first proper one we've gotten this year!!!!!!!
yosh-iro · 11 months
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arminsumi · 7 months
GOJO さとる
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He hates spring because of "allergies"; he blames his sniffly nose and red eyes on the season.
Warnings : angst (heartbreak)
Playme : First Love/Late Spring
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You had met Gojo Satoru through a common friend — Geto Suguru.
Oh how many times had you heard him say, like a broken record;
"You really have to meet this guy, you're gonna click with him I just know it. You're like the same person."
You're like the same person.
Suguru'd nag you to meet Satoru ever since he entered Jujutsu High, because he thought he was... you know, just the kinda guy you'd fall in love with. And he hated to see you moping around, lonely and hopelessly seeking a lover that was certainly not "coming to you on a summer breeze" like your mother insisted.
So you met Satoru, by Suguru's demand.
And your first impression of him was: oh no; he's an idiot.
A loud-mouthed, obnoxious idiot. Inappropriate. Overconfident. Irresponsible.
And his first impression of you was: eh, she's too shy.
A put-together, attractive woman. Too proper. Too shy. Too responsible.
If you and him were words, then you were antonyms to each other.
But that didn't matter, it was just the peripheral view you had of each other; something still drew you into each other. Like the universe was drawing up a constellation especially for you and him.
What did you have in common? Nothing. What did you like about his personality? Nothing. But Satoru was always nobody but himself and you liked that. That's the thing about him that saved you from viewing him as an unworthy madman.
And you? He thought you were always trying too hard to be somebody else, someone you were not, someone you could never be — and he wanted to change that. To see what was beneath the diffidence, beneath the plastic sheet that you covered over the image of your self.
He wanted to provoke you more than anyone else, not for the purpose of eliciting a cheap reaction and feeling fleeting amusement, but because he wanted to get you out of your shell.
His heart was on his sleeve, and yours was wrapped up in winter layers even though it was a warm spring. Satoru peeled off the layers one by one, until finally he found his gold; your sweet, tender, loving heart. And once he found it he grabbed it in a way that showed he intended for no one else to steal it from him; his love, all his.
It was just beautiful from then on. You and him. Satoru and you. The two stars in the constellation that the universe specifically designed just for you and him. Only you and him.
How did the first date happen? It just happened. How did the first kiss happen? It just happened. How did the first slow dance happen? It just happened. How did the boyfriend girlfriend thing happen? It just happened.
Everything between you and him always just happened. Like Tetris blocks falling perfectly into place. Like puzzle pieces perfectly connecting. Like clockwork.
No friction, no tediousness, no miscommunication between your stars. You and him shared your minds, bodies and souls with each other.
Like you were the same person.
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Satoru's face trembled and nose reddened as tiny tears rolled out of his eyes.
This was the first time he had cried in three years. And it was a first for having an emotional breakdown in public, in the middle of a busy train station.
"Satoru, I'm sorry." you said to him. "I have to start my life."
"But we've already started a life here, together!" he yelled with a broken voice, in the middle of that busy train station. People looked.
It was Spring of 2009; you were breaking up with a 20 yr old Gojo Satoru as sensibly and sensitively as you could, but he still acted like a child.
When you and him had gotten together in 2006, both of you were just simple-minded, carefree teenagers who had yet to be shaped by the hurt of life.
Oh him and his prismatic feelings, they spill out the edge at the right angle and show a display of everything you never thought he felt.
"Things have changed. I've changed, and so have you. We have to move on from each other." you said, and he shook his head and looked at you like he was falling to pieces.
"I haven't changed! I'm still your boy. C-can't we talk about this at the cafe—
"—Satoru, my train is here."
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"—Sensei, the train is here!"
He was interrupted back then just like he's been interrupted now from his daydream of you.
"What's the matter?"
Gojo-sensei's blindfold soaks up his tears, but it can't muffle his sniffling or reddened cheeks and ears. His nose wrinkles up and wiggles to the side as he sniffles and runs the back of his hand under his nostrils.
"Allergies. This is why I hate spring." he chuckles.
"Aw, get allergy medicine."
"Yeah yeah, I will. You rascals catch your train before it runs off without you." Gojo
「じゃあ!」 Yuji raises a hand of goodbye to his teacher and boards the train with Megumi and Nobara.
He waves goodbye to his students, lifting his blindfold to catch a peek before the train carries them out of sight. His smile drops when they can no longer see him at all.
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He stares for a long moment at the place where you once stood, and remembers two memories;
One late spring you were on your tip-toes kisssing him for the first time.
And one late spring you were waiting for your train, breaking his heart with goodbye.
© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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houxe · 3 months
Regarding my SBI/DSMP Fics
TW: Abuse, Trauma, and Mentions of Suicide.
With all that has happened, I did want to come out here and make my stance clear. I will always stand with Shelby (Shubble) and all of the victims who are speaking out against Will Gold (Wilbur Soot). If you still support that bastard, unfollow me and leave my blog and whatever small community I made.
I've already stated this is my Discord channel, but I want to put it here too.
For me, c!Wilbur is so far removed from cc!Wilbur that I don't connect the two. The characters are vessels for my own characterizations and stories. It's a bit like writing Supernatural*, Twilight, or Hazbin Hotel fanfics. I don't support the guy, monetarily or otherwise, he does not interact with fanfics, I have plans to be very vocal that I'm on Shelby's side no matter what/make it clear that what Will did is wrong, and I don't use his real life events as plots in my stories. At least, I certainly don't try to. It's why I typically change traits about the characters. (I.e. Tommy is shorter, Phil is taller, Techno is bulky, and Wilbur always has golden/hazel eyes.)
I'm aware that it's a tad different because it's rp and not something like a full on book or an actor in a movie, but DSMP has also been over for over two years and the characterizations I make for SBI are not at all based on the CCs. Real life Techno isn't a literal terrorist, Phil ain't a father married to a goddess, Tommy is not a traumatized child soldier, and Wilbur isn't suicidal and blowing up countries.
I think I'll likely focus more on Techno, Tommy, and Phil for a while, but I'm not gonna let one dude ruin a fandom and things I've made for myself. Nothing I write is ever made for Wilbur, as I've seen people saying. Additionally, Wilbur was not the only writer. Technoblade, Philza, TommyInnit, and so many others made that story what it was. Not him.
However, if any CCs come forward saying they don't want their old characters interacting with his, I will respect that.
Though I do think there is a tendency to take real life events (i.e. Techno's cancer, LJ's music, Tommy's real life parents, etc.) and put them into fiction about DSMP. I, however, don't try to do that and have stated before that I don't feel comfortable doing so. The truth is that we have not gotten any genuine SBI content outside of DSMP for years. The dynamic in real life is very different from what was presented in the DSMP. Did personalities still bleed over? Yes, I'm not going to deny that, but I'm not going to act like they're exactly the same between character and person either. We've had that conversation like in 2021, it's why we have C! and CC!.
The rather sad truth is, SBI is what got me really into writing and it's a comfort for me that nothing can compare to. Obviously, I don't think it's appropriate to be writing certain types of stories right now or to be involving characters made by CCs outside of the DSMP. I think it's up to everyone else to decide on what they want to do, however, rushing it also isn't the way to go either. Give yourself time to heal and think it over first instead of throwing away something that gives you comfort and has not been associated with by the creators for over two years.
Anyways, fuck Will Gold. Fuck the fact that he hurt so many people, and fuck that he lied and manipulated his way around the damn internet. ESPECIALLY fuck the fact that he tried to diminish what he did and not take proper accountability.
Go and support Shelby so so much, she and everyone who spoke out really deserve it. I'm glad silence on these types of issues is not being normalized.
Here is a list of (American) resources for DV help:
Love is respect
The Trevor project
Futures without violence
National domestic violence hotline
Resource on what DV and abuse looks like
*Changed it from Harry Potter to Supernatural because Harry Potter is a significantly worse and more problematic franchise, even just within the content of the books. It'd be better left in the dust. I've talked about it before, but it was the first thing that came to my mind at the time and was a poor comparison on my part, I'm truly sorry for that.
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livhowlett · 7 months
I get why Aziraphale had a bad reaction to the kiss
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I have been in Aziraphale position. No, not being in love with my bff and then having to go away for work. I've been on the receiving end of an out of nowhere "romantic kiss".
Let me tell you, IT'S NOT ROMANTIC.
It's a very shocking moment that you are VERY unprepared for. Especially when you're in an emotional state like Aziraphale.
I remember yelling "WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" after my kiss. Mind you it's no "I forgive you" but It was still pretty bad. It was in no way romantic. Mainly confusing and awkward.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to paint Crowley in a bad light. We've seen these two idiots when it comes to romance. They get everything from film and books! In those settings, a grand romantic kiss always works. Of course Crowley is going to try that for his Angel.
But, this isn't one of Crowley's film or Aziraphale books. It's real life. Aziraphale is facing a life changing decision and is very close to losing his closest friend.
Then out of nowhere 'BAM!', his brain is being overwhelmed with anxiety and the sudden kiss of his beloved Demon. An Angel that has just recently had gotten comfortable TOUCHING Crowley casually is now thrusted into a full on kiss without his consent.
And yes, Aziraphale did want Crowley to "do it again" but only after he had time to process what's happened. By then the damage had been done.
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I think to fix things in S3, Aziraphale needs to initiate a proper first kiss with Crowley. And I'm talking a PROPER first kiss!
Where they're both casually talking and there's a pause in conversation (hopefully talking properly and telling each other how they really feel!) They're making eye contact, standing closer to each other, quickly glancing down at the others lips. Then with a look, Aziraphale slowly leans into Crowley's space to show that he's ready. In that moment Crowley can close the gap and they can properly kiss.
I don't know about you, but that's the most romantic way to share a first kiss. Not sudden and rushed, but slow and gentle with 6000 years of pining behind it.
That's how you VaVoom!
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whoovesnassistant · 5 months
Tips for making a radio play
We've had a lot of experience making this show, and we've seen a lot of series come and go or even crash and burn before they begin. So we're going to give some tips to hopefully help people avoid the crashing and burning.
1: Start Small
A lot of people make the mistake of starting with a grand idea in mind, like "We're going to do an epic with 3 seasons that comes with animatics, original music, and a large cast of characters and-" Slow down. You don't even know what you're capable of yet, so it's a really bad idea to plan so far ahead without knowing what you can do and how much effort it takes to do it. Before you decide to dedicate yourself to something on a grand scale, start with something small to test the waters. A pilot is a good way to really understand the process and give an audience a chance to get interested. This pilot should not be as long as a full episode unless you plan for your episodes to be relatively short anyways. There should be a small cast, 2-5 characters at most generally. You don't need to go all-in with the pilot, just use what you have to do it and hopefully it should garner enough attention to get more people on board in your project team. Even after your pilot, make small goals. Plan for say, 5 episodes at first, and plan for more once you've gotten a flow and idea of production time and how long you want to be working on this project. Radio plays take a lot of time and effort, they aren't as easy as they seem.
2: Don't Cast Too Early
This is a big one that a lot of people tend to do that's a huge mistake to be making. Do not cast your characters way ahead of when you're going to need them. Generally, you should have your next script done FIRST before you cast the characters for it, and even if you have scripts done for multiple episodes ahead of time, do not cast unless you plan to get the lines done ASAP. You do not want to have idle voice actors waiting a really long time before they can even record lines, because this is a good way to lose voice actors or have people feel you don't really know what you are doing or how to organize a project. The exception to this rule is if you know someone really well and you know they want the role and they will stick around for it. It's good to cast people you are closer with as long term characters than expecting strangers to volunteer all their time, which leads into our next tip...
3: Don't Expect Too Much From People
Unless you plan on paying people, don't expect too much hard work from others. Don't expect voice actors to stay on for years and years and years. Don't expect a musician to volunteer original music for free. Don't expect artists to draw a bunch of scenes or animatics. Expect to start with basic resources, like stock music and one piece of cover art. If people want to volunteer more, they will come in time once you've shown your project is legitimately producing content. People are generally not going to just hop on board when you have no credentials and no examples of what you're capable of.
4: Quality Control
You need to have certain standards of quality, and you need to understand what that means. For example, no matter how much you might like someone's voice, if they have a bad microphone there is no fixing that audio, it will be unpleasant to edit and even more unpleasant for an audience to listen to. You can't just chuck together whatever audio you get or have, you need to research how to clean up noise, how to master vocals, how to level volumes, how to make sure your sound effects are good quality and not distractedly bad. Thankfully, Audacity which is a free program can handle most of your audio editing needs and there are plenty of tutorials for it on youtube so there's no reason not to study this stuff before you dive in.
5: Organization
This one's important. You need an organized system for getting everything done. Have checklists, organized folders, a proper place for crew to communicate. Discord is excellent for organizing a project because you can make different channels for different purposes within one server, such as a place for auditions, a place to submit lines, a place to post art, a place to give instructions, and you can make certain channels accessible to only specific people so spoilers aren't getting out to the wrong people. The more organized your project is, the smoother things will run.
6: Don't Overwork Yourself
It's very tempting to just do all the hard work on your own, like doing all the vocal editing, all the SFX, placing all the music, doing all the scripting. And at first, you'll probably have no choice but to do this. But as your project gets bigger, you should start to divide out the roles for other people to do, otherwise you risk burnout. It might feel fun to get all these things done on your own, but after a while it's going to feel tedious and it's often going to take more time to do. It's okay to have people you trust work on scripts, you would still be the director of what that script is about but you might be surprised what other people can come up with. It might be difficult to find a good audio editing crew but it's worth it if you do.
7: Be Willing to Take Criticism
Nobody's perfect, and sometimes people will have constructive criticism about your project. Don't see criticism as failure, see it as an opportunity to improve. For example, if you're having a hard time casting a character and you hear a lot of people saying they don't want to audition for the character because they don't like the character, don't sit there insisting your writing is gold and everyone else is just rude. Examine why people don't like the character, and adjust. If you notice people aren't really jumping on board with your project, swallow your pride and ask why. Try to figure out what it is that needs improvement, and then move forward with it.
8: Have Voice Actors Record Multiple Takes
Be sure that you're not just getting one take of lines, because you never know when a line might not sound right, or if a different delivery would sound better. Have at least 3 takes of every line recorded, and encourage your voice actors to try different kinds of deliveries. This way you have a much bigger chance of getting quality lines and the best takes!
9: Don't Rely on Artwork
This is an AUDIO drama, you CAN NOT expect everyone to be watching the video if you release a video with it. Some people just play these in the background, or download them to listen while they drive. If you're expecting people to understand what's going on from the artwork alone, you're doing something wrong. Imagine your script not having any images to go with it, and try to imagine what people are going to get out of purely listening. There are a lot of clever ways to help people visualize things without an actual visual. Artwork should be a bonus, not a requirement.
9B: Don't Script Visual Only Cues
Speaking of not relying on art, this goes with the above and is an issue a lot of beginners have. Scripting things like "the character smiles", "character waves", "character stands up" is not helpful for sound design. You need to figure out how those would be conveyed if they are important, like for smiling have the prompt for the actor you can have [Said happily] for a tone, a [shuffle] for standing up, a [whooshing] for waving with a character saying something like 'I'm waving as hard as I can!'. Sound effects and exposition are your friends in radio plays, soundless actions are not.
10: Be Careful About Vocal Effects
Vocal effects can be really cool! You can make someone sound like a demon, or a ghost, or some kind of magical creature. But you also need to be really careful about using those effects, because they can very easily make a person's voice hard to understand. This tip doesn't always work, but sometimes you can have the original voice line overlay the effect and make the effect quieter to keep the voice more clear. Run the effects voices by other people to make sure they can understand them.
11: Organization and Communication is Important
Radio plays have a lot of stuff that goes into them. There's a lot of files, often a lot of people, and a lot of tasks and instructions that need to be made. Discord is an excellent messenger to organize a radio play in, where you can organize things by topic in channels and assign roles to people to make sure they have special access to specific channels so other people don't get content they're not supposed to. You also need to make sure you are communicating with everyone and make sure everyone is on the same page. A discord server can help with this by having things like an announcement channel, an auditions channel, a channel to submit lines, etc. Google docs is also a great resource to keep everyone updated, where you can make things like art claims, and progress checklists, and share scripts. You can change permissions on the documents to let people comment or edit, either anyone viewing it or specific people who can be given access. The more organized you are, the faster things will get done and the more your team will respect the project.
12: Format Your Scripts to be Reader Friendly
We had some fairly messy looking scripts in the past, where there was nothing really making the character names stand out from the rest. Lines weren't spaced properly, names weren't bolded, and as a result voice actors would often miss lines on accident or not realize where a line ended or began. Now, you don't have to format it like we do, but you at least need to make it clear when a new line is being spoken and by who. Space new lines apart. What we do is we bold all the character names at the start of the lines and change the paragraph settings to adding a space after each paragraph. This makes it so when a character has a longer line, the spacing remains close together, but a new line from a new character will be spaced away from the previous line. As a bonus, we highlight all the character names in specific colors for specific characters (Not too bright colors!) and this has majorly solved the issue of people missing their lines and we have gotten many compliments for this formatting.
13: Be Kind and Respectful to Your Crew
I really shouldn't have to say this, but it is incredibly important that you respect the people you're working with. More than likely, they are volunteering their time to you, and you have no right to disrespect them by pushing them, tossing them to the side, being picky with them, getting into arguments, rejecting their feedback, etc. You shouldn't even be treating them like this if you were paying them. If you want people to stay and to provide quality content, they will be at their best when you treat them well
14: Listen a Few Times Before Release
So the audio is done, time to make a video and release it! Right? Wrong! You still need to do more quality control! This time you should listen through a few times and pay close attention to any issues that may occur, such as odd pauses, misplaced sound effects, or accidentally repeated lines. This can be easy to miss if you're not paying attention, and once it's out, your mistakes will be out there for everyone to hear.
15: Don't Get a Big Head
On the one hand, it's good to be proud of your work... but on the other, there's such a thing as being too confident and too prideful, especially if you haven't made a reputation for yourself yet. No matter how good you think your ideas might be, you yourself are not going to be the true judge of that. It's up to other people if they like what you have to give, and if they don't like it, there's probably a good reason for it and you may need to take a big bite of humble pie. This is where you need to be open to feedback and realize no one is perfect, no one has the most amazing idea with no flaws. Even we have made a lot of mistakes and will continue to do so, and we know we are always learning. And because of that, we try to listen to constructive feedback. Sure, we can't do everything people want, but we can try to at least improve. Basically, don't boast without knowing what people actually think of your work, and if they don't like it, don't blame them; be ready to look at yourself.
Also, don't put down other creators' work in order to boast about how much better you could or did do it. We're not here to fight, we're not here to compete, we're all just here making something we're supposed to love and be passionate about. It doesn't matter if you honestly think your work is better, having a nasty attitude about it is not going to make people confident in your work. They're just going to see you as someone with no respect for the craft and therefor probably not having the talent you claim you have.
16: Be Able and Willing to Contribute
So you have this idea, and you want to make it happen. What are YOU going to do to do that? The thing is, if you're going to be the one in charge of this project, you're going to need to pick up a lot of skills of your own to do whatever you can for it. You can't always rely on having other writers, or other voice actors, or other editors, etc. The more tasks you can make yourself available for, the better. I'm not saying you have to do everything or even do a whole lot, but the more you are at least able to do if need be, the more you can overcome hurdles such as losing an editor for whatever reason. I think, at the very least, when you're making a radio play you should be able to manage the writing and audio/video editing. Managing the writing shouldn't just be 'here's a small summary of what i want, write it for me', it should involve at least an outline or a collection of notes for what you had in mind, or you should work with people on the writing process by tossing around ideas. If you're just going to be an ideas person who has everyone else perform the creative tasks to make it real, you're going to have a lot of hang ups and you're not going to understand or value the work people put in nearly as much as you would if you learned the process yourself. Your crew might start feeling like you're not actually contributing much and that you're depending on them for everything to happen.
That's all we could think of for now, but if we think of more tips we'll add them to this post and reblog it to show the new ones. We hope this helps!
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uramilf · 11 months
could you write something about the reader having a birthday party and it ends up being shit because stuff goes wrong so she’s upset and matty comforts her?
A/N: Okay this is perfect for me because I LOVE birthdays and always put so much effort into everyone else's, but mine gets overlooked or forgotten most years because it's near Christmas it's so annoying :( I've decided to turn this one into a proper imagine instead of a blurb yay
Birthday Party - Matty Healy x reader
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The second you woke up on your birthday, you could sense it wasn't going to be as special as you anticipated. First of all, Matty wasn't in bed beside you. Second of all, you remembered that you were just another year older, and wished you could go back to your teenage years when people cared about birthdays. You rolled back over and shut your eyes again, not even bothering to try and find your boyfriend. This only lasted a few moments, as your phone rang. "Mum", the screen read when you picked it up. Your heart lightened a little bit. Looked like somebody cared after all. "Hi Mum!" you smiled. "Hi, love. Sorry to bother you, but I think I left my coat hanging over your stairs when I was visiting the other day. You wouldn't have time to bring it over to me, would you?" "Yeah, Mum, it's here. No, sorry, I don't have a lot of time today. The boys have arranged a little part later." "Ooh, what's the occasion?" she asked. You shook your head, heart dropping. "It's my birthday, Mum." "Oh, sorry love! So it is. Sorry, I should have gotten you something, we've just been so busy..." You stopped listening after that. "It's fine," you interrupted her. "Look, I have to go." "No worries, darling. Happy birthday!" You didn't reply, swiftly hanging up the phone.
Walking slowly down the stairs, you breathed in the smell of something burning in the kitchen. Your heart sank a little further. Something else gone wrong already. Matty was fanning the oven with a tea towel as smoke poured from inside. "I'm so sorry, love! I thought I could make a cake. I guess not," he sighed. You were disappointed that his surprise was ruined, but felt worse for him when you realised he looked close to tears. You didn't say anything, but you stood beside him and ran a hand through his curls. "Happy birthday, gorgeous." "Thanks, love," you sighed, kissing him on the cheek and going to leave the kitchen. He followed you, reaching for your waist and turning you round to look at him. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "Hey. Talk to me, pretty girl," he mumbled against your lips. "Mum forgot my birthday." "Oh, darling, I'm sorry. I'm gonna make today special, I promise." "It's ok. My birthday's always a bit shit."
Matty sympathised with you for a minute or two, stealing a few more kisses and playing with your hair. "C'mon," he smiled against your mouth. "Breakfast time." He took you by the hand and led you back upstairs to get dressed. While he was pulling his shoes on, he suddenly grinned at you, your heart fluttering a little at his smile. "What?" you laughed. "Nothing, love. You're just so pretty." He stared at your smile for a moment or two, before gasping dramatically. "I almost forgot! I have presents for you but I was thinking you could open them later after your party." "Of course, thanks love."
Your birthday party was in full swing, but you still felt miserable. You had wanted a small gathering of your closest friends, but more people had turned up than you had planned. Your living room was crowded with people who were friends with your boyfriend, not you. George had drank too much and was being sick in the kitchen. Your house was a mess; bottles and cans everywhere, drinks spilled, rubbish on the floor. You had been given about a million presents by your guests, but you were far from in the mood to open them, so they sat untouched in a corner. You wished you were in the kitchen with Matty, George, Ross and Adam, maybe Carly and Charli too. And your family, and Matty's parents and brother. With a birthday cake. With candles to wish on. And a few presents, things you really wanted, instead of piles and piles of things you would never use. Not feeling totally alone in a house full of people you barely knew who were there for the alcohol, not your birthday.
After around 20 minutes of sitting alone in the living room surrounded by strangers, you saw George come back and sit next to you. "Recovered then, Danes?" you smiled at him. "Sorry for being sick in your sink, love. Promise I cleaned it up." He swung and arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. "Good birthday then?" "Not really, to be honest with you. Don't tell Matt. But I'm a bit tired and I kinda just want to go to bed." George's face fell. "Soryy, Y/n. Go to bed, love. Ross and I will get everyone to leave." You smiled sadly and nodded before heading upstairs.
When the house fell quiet and Matty came upstairs, you were crying. "Darling, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have had so many people over, I just wanted to make your day special." He sat down beside you and pulled you into his lap, stoking your hair. "It's not your fault babe, you've been so sweet today. I'm sorry, this is selfish of me." Matty gave you a stern look and said, "Absolutely not. You're not selfish for being upset that your day hasn't gone the way you wanted it to." He kissed all over your face, leaving your lips for last. When he pulled away from you, you smiled and his eyes lit up. "There's that pretty smile! Tell you what, why don't you tell me exactly what you want to do tomorrow and we'll have a birthday do-over." You wiped a tear and grinned. "Really?" "Absolutely." "Hmmm," you thought for a moment. "Okay. I want to have a lie in first, and you're not allowed to leave me to make a horrendous mess of the kitchen." Matty grimaced. "Yep, I deserved that," he laughed. "Then I want to go see your mum. I miss her." "Done," Matty confirmed. "She'll be glad to see you." "Then I want us to watch a good film together. I don't even care which one, as long as we have good snacks." "Absolutely. Anything else?" "Nope. Just want you."
Matty curled up beside you in bed and his deep breathing pattern almost sent you to sleep. But he sat up again abruptly, saying "Your present! I almost forgot!" He got out of bed and rummaged in his sock drawer, handing you a small wrapped box. You opened it to find a gorgeous silver necklace with a little butterfly charm on it. "I love it, Matty, thank you!" You cried. He took it out of the box to put it on for you, placing a kiss to your neck after doing so, before pulling you into his chest and holding you tightly.
As you lay down to go to sleep that night you couldn't help but feel a lot better than you had in the morning. And maybe your birthday hadn't been so bad after all. One thing you knew for sure was that your "birthday do-over" with Matty was going to be the best birthday yet.
A/N: rumour has it this was the cake Matty was trying to make
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Fox had always been athletic. Very much so. He had been able to keep up with the older Commander clones during training by being nimble and fast, with both his thinking and his feet. The training had started from the moment he had been able to stand on his two legs, and Fox's first proper memories were of him, stumbling around on some sort of obstacle course, made to measure how their motor skills were coming along. Over the years he had gone through so many different training modules for speed, for agility, for strength, for many different types of combat, rinse and repeat every single day.
So, yes. Fox liked to think that he was very athletic, indeed. He had been able to keep up with criminals and suspects and whoever it was he had been chasing on any given day, even with his full armor on. He was pretty much made and raised to be the peak of physical prowess, after all.
His feet hadn't got tangled when he had been running around on the roofs and narrow alleys and busy streets of Coruscant. They hadn't got tangled when he had been hiking up the uneven paths of Alderaan's forest.
So why were they doing it now?
"Do not laugh at me."
Bail laughed.
"I am not laughing at you", he said, still laughing, like the laughing liar he was.
Fox frowned at him.
"That sounds like laughing to me", he said, definitely not pouting about it. "Do you find this amusing, Prestor?"
That made Bail stiffle it, at the very least, even if he still looked a bit amused.
"I'm sorry, love", he said, leaning down a bit to kiss Fox on the forehead. "You are getting there, though. We've gotten through the first turn, now. It's more than hour ago."
It was longer than anything else had ever taken for Fox to learn in his life. Fox did not like it, not one bit.
Bail sighed, softly, and rubbed Fox's back lightly, where his hand was resting on his shoulder blade.
"You are looking at your feet too much", he said. "This is not a training room. You are not going to be evaluated for how well you are doing each step. This is for your first dance at your own wedding, to celebrate your marriage. Not for getting a score to see who is going to be sent for retraining."
"I know." Fox tried not to snap at Bail, as he really didn't deserve it. "I just...feel pretty evaluated. Not by you. Just by...everything."
Bail hummed, and kept rubbing Fox's back, his hand moving slowly up and down as he thought.
"Alright", he said, then. "3-XA, can you please start it from the beginning?"
Fox straightened his back as the music started again, trying to keep his head strictly up this time, but Bail didn't move yet. He was smiling at Fox when Fox looked up at him.
"Close your eyes", Bail said. "You know the steps. You know how to read other people without looking at them. Just follow me."
Fox swallowed, breathed in and out, and nodded. He closed his eyes, and let Bail tug him a little closer.
It had been the point of many of their exercises, back on Kamino, to be able to still work as a team, even in situations where any of their senses were impaired for some reason. And Fox knew Bail, by now, and knew how he moved.
Bail's weight shifted a bit as he started to move, his shoulder tilting ever so slightly under Fox's hand, the left side of his body pressing more closely against him as he took the first step. Fox stepped out of the way, mostly, at first. More pressure put on his side and back, leading him to step to the side. A gentle tug on his hand and the arm on his back pulling him closer, making him follow forward as Bail stepped back.
It was...easier, to follow, like that, only listening to the music and feeling where to go. Bail slowed down, after a while, shortening the steps and guiding Fox to come even closer.
"There you go", Bail said softly, with such gentle praise in his voice that Fox had to hide his face against his shoulder at it.
Fox then felt Bail turn a little, as if he was looking somewhere to their side.
"Hello, our love", Bail said, and Fox opened his eyes and lifted his head up, to see Breha standing at the doorway to the room. "Enjoying the show, are you?"
"Very much", Breha said, smiling brightly at them. She walked to them, then, turning to 3-XA on her way. "From the start, once more, please?"
Fox raised his brow to her as she stopped in front of them. Breha only gave him another smile, and reached out her hand.
"May I have this next dance?" She asked. "Bail is, unfortunately, not the best teacher for when it comes to leading. He always trips on the turns if someone else tells him where to go."
"Nobody's perfect", Bail said easily, and stepped back a little. "And I will admit, that you are much better in that part than I am. You'll be in good hands, love."
The last part was aimed at Fox, and, well, who Fox was to say no to that?
"Yes, you may", Fox answered. "I'd love to."
He took Breha's hand, breathed in, breathed out, and did not stumble once.
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tigergirltail · 10 days
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Everything hurts.
I started noticing it about two weeks after my first dose. It felt like a dull headache at first, but over the next month it spread to pretty much my entire body.
I had to start working from home, and eventually it got bad enough that I could only put in a few hours of work each day. My boss is a reasonable enough guy, but he wasn't going to pay a full time salary for part time hours, so I had to take a salary cut.
Luckily, my partner is around to take care of daily errands, not to mention being there to reassure and comfort me when the pain gets bad. They've been thinking about seeing if Lindwurm HRT is a thing, but they don't want to get the process started until I'm in the clear and can take care of myself again.
Gods I love them.
The reason the pain is happening, as best I can tell, is that my skeletal structure is already changing. I've gotten at least an inch taller, and my face has been reshaping into a feline muzzle. My teeth are getting sharper, and I'm developing proper fangs. I also noticed a little while ago that my fingernails and toenails had receded into their respective digits, which sucks for two reasons - I can't paint fingernails I don't have, and they are sore as HELL when I put any amount of pressure on them. I have to be REALLY careful with how I type to not inflict agony on myself. I'm also feeling my tail growing in, and even if it hurts, it's euphoric as HELL. A tail was always the part I wanted most out of this.
It's weird, the skeletal changes weren't supposed to happen this early. I've been trying to reach Dr. Erian about it, but he's constantly busy, probably because of the sudden surge of people looking for Humanity Removal Therapy.
Other than that, I've been getting areas of white and black fur coming in - mostly on my arms and legs, but a little bit on my face and ears - ears that are gradually reshaping and migrating. Nothing to report on hearing sensitivity, but I think my night vision is getting better.
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I did a little bit of looking around for anyone with similar pain experiences. I got my hopes up when I found a girl, Antonina, who had a painful experience with Cat HRT, but it turns out it's because she took the rumoured Fifteen Minute version. She described the pain as "like bathing in an active volcano".
It leaves me wondering whether I would have preferred a 15-minute lava bath over a months-long full-body headache.
I ended up reaching out to her anyway, just because I wanted to know what I was in for in the endgame and feline HRT is rarer than I thought it would be. Sounds like the prey drive is the real deal - she keeps feeling the urge to bite this one girl who's on mouse HRT.
We've been spending some time comparing notes and getting to know each other. It's nice to know someone else who's going through this thing, even if our experiences aren't exactly one-to-one.
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I also talked to my mother for the first time in nearly a year. I went No Contact with her a while back because she was only getting more obnoxious and combative about me being trans, but I figured changing my species is a big enough deal that I should keep her in the loop.
Besides, my savings had nearly dried up and I needed to ask her for money.
It… did not go well. She hadn't heard of therian HRT before, and once I explained it, she started panicking about how I'm "mutilating my body" with "untested treatments". I think I also heard her cry something about how her "son" is "killing himself", which is just multiple layers of insensitive.
At least she sent me some money. Hopefully it'll be enough to last until my transformation stops being agonizing and I can go back to work, and then I can go right back to pretending my family doesn't exist.
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At roughly the three-month mark, I have a check-in video call with Dr. Erian. From the moment his face appears on screen, though, I can tell something is wrong. He seems… older, somehow.
"Hello, Miss Alexis.", he offers. He sounds tired. Sorrowful, even.
"Hey, doc." I have to ask about it. "Everything okay? You seem a bit tired."
"Nothing to worry about Miss Alexis, just the ordinary stresses of daily life."
Liar. I know I'm not entitled to details of your personal life, much less your professional secrets, but I know when something is eating at someone.
"…Does the word 'crossroads' mean anything to you, Miss Alexis?"
Huh? That came a bit out of left field. "I've… heard some other therian HRT patients use the term, but I don't know much of the details. Something about a point of no return?"
"Something of the sort." He lowers his head and seems to go from sorrowful to downright grim. "There will come a time, Miss Alexis, when you will have to make a very important decision in your care, and I ask that you do so with great consideration for the consequences."
I recoil a little in my seat. "Yeah… Of course I will. Any decision I make, even reaching out to you in the first place, I don't take it lightly."
"Good… That's good." His demeanor shifts back to his stoic, clinical self. I don't know what just happened, but he went somewhere for a moment there.
"Now then, I did receive your messages, I apologize for not getting back to you. You mentioned you were experiencing persistent and debilitating whole-body soreness?"
"Yeah. I can't even leave the apartment most days, it hurts so much."
"Odd… You are taking the treatment as directed, yes?"
"Of course. One tablespoon a week, just like it says on the bottle."
I see his eyes twitch behind his glasses. Did I say something wrong?
I cock my head to the side. "Say again?"
"You mean one TEASPOON a week, yes?"
I feel my heart sink. The dark smear on the dosage information… I could have sworn it said '1 tbsp/week'.
"…Could you hold on a second please?" I mute the mic and call out to my partner to bring the bottle of tiger HRT over. When they do, I unmute and hold it up to the webcam. I hear Dr. Erian take a sharp intake of breath as he notices the obscured instructions.
I set the bottle aside and the two of us share an awkward silence.
"So…", I begin. "…How bad is it?"
"The good news", he offers slowly, "is that you have only been taking three times the prescribed dose. An increased dose imbalances the growth rate of the different parts of your body, hence your pain and persistent weakness, but it could have been much worse."
I think back to the so-called Fifteen Minute version, and Antonina's description of it - like bathing in an active volcano.
Dr. Erian continues. "Assuming you return to a CORRECT dose, your growth rates will gradually level out over the course of the next month or so. It is my medical opinion that you should maintain a low-activity lifestyle until then, but you will eventually be able to return to your typical activity level, and you will also find that the physical effects become more… consistent."
"That's… reassuring. Thank you, doctor." I pause. Something I noticed a little while ago has been weighing on my mind. "There's one thing, though - do the treatments have… I guess you'd call them restorative or regenerative effects? I've noticed some old wounds aren't there anymore."
The doctor clicks his pen and brings up his notepad. "Interesting. Do go on, Miss Alexis."
"Well… I used to get lower back pain from a car crash injury I got a little over a year ago, but I haven't noticed it at all lately. Pretty much the only part that DOESN'T hurt… There also used to be some marks on my arm from a cat biting me when I was little." I give a slight smile. "The cat's name was Tiger, go figure."
Dr. Erian is writing the whole time I'm talking. "Yes, that is to be expected. Minor persistent injuries will fade over time as your body re-forms itself to a new baseline, even severe chronic symptoms may fade. If there are no other concerns…"
"Just one… Most of the other therian HRT patients I've talked to have gotten their meds as pills, so what's with the potion bottle?"
Dr. Erian pauses, and adjusts his glasses nervously, as if he's been caught out on something he doesn't want to admit to. "Well… advances in the field are occurring rapidly, and you are one of the more recent patients, so a more… streamlined option was available to you. I took the liberty of choosing the most compatible option based on your medical records, and that bottle is it."
"Okay… But what's IN it?"
"The active ingredients are antihominidone, which is your humanity-blocker, and a specialized formula of felistrogen, infused with white tiger genetic material. The rest of the fluid is a suspension used to dilute the effects, without which you would be looking at a short, but excruciating and potentially lethal process."
The Fifteen Minute version, I think to myself. I'm taking diluted Fifteen Minute meds. There's no WAY this isn't experimental, and I'M the experiment. I despise saying it, but maybe my mother was right to worry.
"But I'm afraid I really do have to go, Miss Alexis, my next appointment is waiting."
"G-gotcha. See ya, doctor."
Special thanks to @paintedbytosia for letting me write her in, and shoutout to @megamoonerjenny for coming up with 'antihominidone'
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myobsessionsspace · 3 months
This whole goddamn taekook vs jikook 💿🐎 is so exhausting. Honestly.
Was I a bit saddened when Jeongguk didn't mention Jimin? Yeah. But for the wrong reasons because my brain was hard wired into thinking "taekookers are gonna run a mile with it".
It's fucked up. But more importantly, it's not Jeongguk's fault - it's purely a me/army problem.
The fact that everyone in army has some kind of version of the members that's mostly fabricated, isn't something they can control.
They are most likely aware of all the hate they get online, especially if it gets really bad. That it gets really bad for Jimin a whole lot, from within army even, can't be unknown to them. But it's not on Jeongguk to change himself on the off-chance it's gonna reduce hate. Most likely that wouldn't work either. Tkkers, akgaes and Solos will hate on BTS every chance they get.
BTS are whole people, individuals that think differently and experience things differently. To reduce them down to their interactions with others is insanely harmful, but it has been normalised. From what I've seen, a lot of shippers (both taekookers and jikookers) reduce the maknae line to what they do and with whom. I did it too, when I immediately thought sadly about the letter when it's the first proper sign of life we've gotten from our golden maknae in ages.
So, as much as I'm f.e. looking forward to the travel show, I'd also advise shippers in particular to watch actual uncut ot7 content. ITS, BV, concerts and behind the scenes - there's a decade worth of videos. Yes, everyone believes in hybe having a narrative to push, so I don't expect people to actually do this honestly, but it might decode some of the army-internal brainwashing.
Hi lovely,
First of allllll
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I’m here for what you are throwing down!
It’s not a THEM (the members) problem it’s an US problem.
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How does it make sense that ‘fans’ be it solos, shippers, whatever, get mad when people we’ve never met talk about a member who they’ve ate, slept, breathed, played and worked with for 10+ years? How does it make sense to be angry over them interacting, touching, mentioning each other because of what the shippers will say? You damn right it’s exhausting😪.
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⬆️An example 😓 They literally had phones in their faces from all sides and so many think pieces about their interactions VS ⬇️
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I can’t point the finger without three pointing back at me, cos like you said I too have had moments when I’m like ‘those mf’s are gonna have a field day with this…’ as my first thought?! What’s wrong with me??? I get it when real OT7 say shippers & solos (when talking about those that actually are and not the ones they like to label to dismiss valid thoughts) ruin everything, cos as soon as content and good news drops there’s always gotta be some bullshit alongside it, from any subsection 😪
They HAVE to be aware but kudos to them, they keep it moving, they’re so strong to have millions of strangers on multiple platforms speaking on them like they know them, but still have so much love in their hearts to continue engaging because they know the some isn’t the all.
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With every drama and battle online it actually deepens my love and awe of these regular guys, with talent hard worked for, still trying hard to show their goodness to their supporters, not throwing in the towel for their peace. They’re everything 😍
I’m glad people like you are making it your mission to not reduce them to their duos, ships and solo fandoms, but still supporting them as TALENTED INDIVIDUALS. I’m trying too💪. I want to be conscious in appreciating them for them, their talents, their individuality AND their bonds, ALL OF THEIR BONDS.
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Obviously I bias some bonds more than others, it’s human nature🙈
We definitely need to keep pushing about original content, we need to keep pushing about original sources not just clips and cuts and edits, we definitely need to keep pushing about doing our googles!
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We need to not close our eyes to the other interactions, it’s not scary! It helps us appreciate Jikook’s bond more and appreciate them as members, friends & brothers of the others.
Because no matter what people believe those 7 MEN love each other down.
It helps us be able to filter the bullshit when we do come across misinformation and defamation of character. It helps our confidence in knowing we’re stanning and supporting the right ones.
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I’m super geeked for the show coming from Jikook too…whenever it comes 😩 Heck we’re starved, so I’ll start small, I’m desperate for a ‘keep warm, don’t catch a cold’ message from Jiminie even though he’s doing his best in keeping in contact, why are we so thirsty 😅
Thank you for writing in and speaking my heart! 😉
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gucciwins · 2 years
Glamour Friendship Test
Harry Styles and Y/N Belmonte do the friendship test
Word count: 3335
A/N: hi friends! it has been a YEAR since i first posted do i know you? (well a year tomorrow the 24th) the start to Bel and Harry's story. i could not even imagine how much you would all come to love them, because here i am still writing about them a year later. not only do i love them but you do as well. happy reading, amores!!!! <3
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff
read the love on tour series here
 Glamour Friend Test with Y/N Belmonte and Harry Styles
The video opens with Harry and you smiling brightly at the screen as you begin the introduction. 
“Hola, soy Y/N Belmonte” you greet with a small wave at the camera.
“And I’m Harry Styles,” he jumps into the frame, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and holding you close. 
“Today, we’re doing Glamour’s friendship test.” You say together in unison. 
The frame changes and you’re standing there with a timid smile while waiting for the producers to give you the go-ahead. You’re fiddling with the top of your cream trousers, doing your best not to mess with the silk olive green halter top as you were afraid of wrinkling it due to all of Emerson’s warnings.
“How did you meet?” The producer asked. 
“Harry and I met in 2015, if you can believe that.” You fiddle with the multi-colored bracelet on your wrist that Sarai made for you during the holidays. Naomi had gotten her loads of colored threads. “It was a party we were both at. Harry was being his charming self, working the room. He treated everyone with respect and spoke with them as if he knew them already.” 
That night changed your life, maybe not at that exact moment, but it led you to where you were meant to be, and you would forever be grateful.
“He introduced himself, and we talked about the night, how good the apple cider was compared to his tequila. It was one of the easiest conversations I’ve ever had with someone I just met.” You look down at your Gucci loafers, a gift from Lambert during the holidays. “I don’t know if people know, but I’m awful with conversation with people close to my age. I get anxious and unsure what to discuss while with someone older, conversation flows. I grew up with my abuelos–my grandparents, so I feel that’s why.” 
You nod, trying to figure out how to wrap this up, “meeting Harry and getting to call him my best friend is a blessing. He’s got a good heart. He loves what he does, and he’s always so grateful. He always expresses it in any way possible. He's a great influence. I started doing morning yoga because of him. I’m glad he’s in my life.”
“How did you meet Y/N?”
“I think Bel summed it up perfectly. We met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off. Then we reconnected at my show in St. Paul, where her friend surprised her with tickets. Bel, when we first met, made a mark in my life. I will say we lost touch but finding her again might have been the best thing to happen to me.” Harry raises his hand and rubs his eyebrow, indicating he is nervous. “I have been a fan of hers for the longest time. My sister and I watched her movies. We watched when she won her Emmy and Oscar. I’m a big fan. She’s the type of artist who puts everything she is into what she does. Honestly, the entire crew is a fan. On more than one occasion, we've gotten together to watch her films.”
You step back into the frame, wrapping your arms around his right arm, squeezing tight for a few seconds but don’t let go after instead look over at the camera. 
“And now we’re here in the studio,” Harry says, clearly loving you hanging off his arm.
You straighten up after a few seconds, bumping his hip, getting a laugh out of him. “Finally get to show this one how to do a proper interview."
“I’m older than you,” he mutters. 
“I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this with me. Bel’s got two films debuting soon and currently in the middle of filming.” 
You hide your face in your hands. As proud as you are, now is not the time for compliments and praise from Harry. “Nooo, stop,” you plead. 
“Dork,” Harry mutters, quickly pressing a kiss to your head before smiling at the camera, knowing if he looked down and saw the wide grin on his face, he’d kiss you, and you both discussed, and it’s not something either of you was willing to share to the public. 
“Let’s begin!” You shout.
Exercise One: Stare into each other’s eyes for 3 minutes 
Harry shifts closer to you as he gazes down at you. You look up and smile because you love his eyes. You love how expressive they are, and how you can always see the love he has for you in them.
You keep your hands at your side no matter how tempted you are to reach out for Harry; he was more nervous about this video than you were. As much as you assured him that it would all be okay, he was concerned that he’d be too loving with you. 
Looking at Harry, he does not hide his affection for you. The smile he offers you is small but enough to keep you staring and leaning closer as if you want to close the gap between you. 
“This is a long time,” he jokes. 
“Three minutes is a normal song length,” you tell him.
Harry quirks an eyebrow, “is this you telling me you want me to sing for you?” 
“Only if you want,” you tease. 
He reaches a hand up slowly, causing you to freeze. Not sure what he’s going to do when he gently boops your nose with his index finger, causing you to scrunch your nose. 
His laugh rings loud, his eyes crinkling, and you can’t help the smile that takes over your face because you’re the one who caused him to laugh and shine that bright. 
“I could do this all day,” he jokes, stepping closer, your foreheads an inch away from touching, and you know the producers are loving this, and so are you for the moment. 
“How did that feel?” The producer asks after the time goes off. 
Harry crosses his arms, looks at you, and then looks back at the camera. “Bel looks at you like deep, deep into your soul, and I feel so seen yet so safe.” 
“Awe, H,” you pout, not expecting such a genuine answer. He was baring a bit of himself today, and you felt you could do the same differently. You reached for his hand, giving it a quick squeeze. It was so short Harry kept his eyes on his hand, trying to figure out if it was real or if he dreamt it happened. 
“Harry’s got kind eyes. You take one look and feel like you’re talking to a friend, that he’s actually listening to what you’re saying.” 
“I’m a great listener,” he agrees. “My mum would say so as well.” 
“Also, I’m a sucker for green eyes,” you shrug, “I’m easily charmed.” 
“Moving on, please. I don’t need competition competing for your heart.” Harry shares proudly, a tint of pink visible on his cheeks. 
Exercise Two: Give each other compliments
“Oh, you’re going to love this,” Harry teases as he writes on the notepad they provided each of you with. 
You frown but don’t respond by focusing on writing all your favorite things about Harry down.
I love when you comb my hair
Your voice audios always make me smile 
Your silly jokes aren’t funny, but you love it when I laugh
The way you love me is something that consumes me entirely, mind, body, and soul. 
You rip the page and fold it, causing Harry to stop and gasp, “how much are you writing?” Harry is now worried all he’s writing will not be enough now. 
“That was a bad page. I’m starting over.” You actually pocket the paper and promise yourself to hand it over to him at the end of the day. 
“That bad?” He teased.
You nod, not bothering to lift your head and meet his gaze, “the worst.” 
You giggle, poking his cheek until he gives you the smile you were searching for, the smile he only gives you. 
“Ready, H?” 
Harry scribbles one more thing. As you peek at his notes, you see his chicken scratch writing, only able to make out a few words he’s written. 
“Stop it, Bel.” He mutters under his breath, but you know the microphone under his shirt caught that. 
You playfully roll your eyes, “not like I can read your awful writing anyway.” 
You stand there smiling at Harry, rocking on the heels of your shoes as Harry begins to read his compliments to you.
“To start off, I want to say I compliment her all the time,” Harry shares. 
You remember everything I've told you, in great detail.
Easy. Smooth. You could handle this. 
I love your cooking and that you accommodate my needs.
You scrunch your nose at him, knowing you’ve had him try the new recipes of a traditional Mexican dish so he could enjoy them.
You bring out the best in people. I’ve seen it countless times. 
That’s when you feel your face start to heat up. Gosh, this really needs to be over soon. Harry’s gaze is intense because he knows you. He knows what makes you tick and hot. You are seconds from looking away. You probably would have walked away if you weren’t being recorded. 
My bandmates love you, as do my friends. You fit perfectly with us all. 
That compliment has you biting your lip as you try your best to hide your smile, not realizing just how sweet Harry was going to be.
You’re the strongest and bravest person I have ever met.
Harry opens his arms, and you rush into his hold as you whisper your thanks for his sweet words that will be on loop for weeks, possibly a lifetime. He kisses the side of your head before slowly releasing you. 
“Come on, Bel. I want you to boost my ego,” he teases. You know he said that to make you laugh, and he knows you well because you let out the tiniest giggle. 
You step back, letting him hold your hand while the other reads from the paper in your hand,
Your kindness goes beyond this world. 
Harry squeezes your hand in a small thank you. 
I love when you send me voice notes of lyrics you don’t want to forget because you appreciate my commentary. 
You grin as he shakes his head at the small confession. 
You’ve got excellent style. It has been so much fun seeing it develop. Which leads to this next one: thank you for letting me raid your closet. 
Harry lets his smile shine for this compliment because it is true. He loves seeing you in his clothes. 
You’re my best friend who’s practicing his Spanish for me. 
The blush can be seen on his cheeks. Now it’s his turn to hug you, overwhelmed at the small compliments you gave him. Although, you do it on your own accord all the time.
“This exercise was hard for me because I like giving compliments but don’t easily receive them.” You confess to the camera. Harry already knows this about you and couldn’t care because he loved telling you all the things he loves about you. 
Harry chirps in, “she is so good at deflecting. It’s a skill she’s mastered well.” 
You nudge his arm, making a shushing noise for exposing you openly like that.
“Not nice.”
He laughs, “I have one more compliment. Can I read it?” Harry doesn’t even let you answer before opening his mouth again. “I love your love for music, even if it’s not always mine.” 
Y/N giggles, reaching out to squeeze his hand quickly before letting go.
“Who’s your favorite right now, Y/N?” The producer asks. 
“Hmm…” you give yourself a moment to think of an answer when you see Harry rolls his eyes, already knowing what you’re going to say. “Bad Bunny.” 
“Don’t get her started,” Harry pleads. “I can only take so much.” 
“Oh, H hates it when I talk about music because our interests go everywhere, but we somehow always manage to find common ground. But, Benito just has the whole world captivated, including me. I’m a big fan. He has a big influence on his audience. It is amazing to see him use his platform to talk about important issues going on in the world. I’m trying to get out to a show soon.” You playfully raise your hand to your ear, making a ‘call me’ gesture into the camera. Harry doesn’t catch it, but you’ll know he’ll pout when you see the video back together. 
“You didn’t tell me that,” Harry gasps, shocked at the news. 
“I’m still trying to figure out a day, that’s why.” You playfully pinch his cheek as he huffs out a breath. 
“Moving on.” Harry turns to stare straight at the camera, “see what I mean.” 
Exercise Three: Hug for two minutes 
Harry beams a smile at the camera because he gets to hold you for two minutes. It may only be a short two minutes. It's not very long, but compared to the countless times of holding you for hours, sometimes even through the whole night. Just this morning when he woke up, his arms were wrapped around you and less than half an hour ago, he held on tightly to you in his dressing room, across from yours. 
“Ready, Bel?” Harry asks, his arms extended, ready to take her in his embrace. 
You don’t answer; instead, step forward, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
It’s quiet the first few seconds, something you’re used to. Silence is something that has never bothered you and even less when it comes to Harry. Together you can sit in silence and enjoy having the presence of someone else with you without having to force a conversation.
Everything comes easy with Harry. 
You love that your head rests comfortably on his chest. It’s your favorite spot because you hear his heartbeat's steady rhythm. It’s why you love hugging him, as often as you let him be the little spoon, he always gives you cuddles throughout the day because he knows how much a hug from him soothes you. 
“She’s a good hugger,” Harry shouts, making the crew laugh. 
Time seems to move slowly when you’re in your favorite person’s arms. You managed to stay quiet the entire time until Harry called your name. 
“Bel?” He tries again. 
“Shush,” you whisper. “I’m comfortable.” 
Harry giggles, squeezing you tight for a second. 
A timer rings out loud, ending your two minutes, but you both linger for a few extra seconds. You feel your face warm and know that fans will go crazy for this tiny bit of PDA you offered. 
“How did you feel?” 
Harry gestured for you to answer first. You nudge him but do as he says. “It was nice. Harry runs warm, so I felt cozy.” 
He grins at the confession. More times than you can count, you told him that sleep manages to come easy when you’re wrapped in his arms. 
“Bel is an amazing hugger. She fits perfectly and rubs your back, making it much better.” He wears his smile with pride. 
“I think hugs are great. They are definitely under-appreciated,” you share. “If you ever have the chance to hug Harry, I suggest you take it.” You feel his eyes on you but don’t meet his gaze; instead, you stare straight at the camera giving the audience your best smile. 
Exercise Four: Trust fall 
“Trust fall is easy,” Harry assures you. “A piece of cake.” 
You try your best to hide your nerves, which comes easy as you’re a well-awarded actress. Lifting your head, you meet Harry’s eye and smirks, “oh, I’m not worried, darling.” 
Harry giggles loving your display of confidence. 
“You can start first then, Bel.” 
Harry has been acting too confident, and you want to keep him on his toes. As he counts down for you to go, you let yourself fall forward instead of falling backward. Harry panics and lunges for you, managing to wrap his arm around your waist, straightening you quickly.
Your laugh rings loud, eyes shut as Harry holds you against his chest. You can feel the pounding of his heart and uneven breaths. “Knew you’d save me.”
“You’re mean, Bel. So cruel.” He pouts as he lets you go preparing for you to fall the correct way this time. 
“Let’s do it. Serious now.”
You point to the camera recording your every move, “at least it’ll be caught on camera if he does happen to drop me.” 
Harry groans, “I won’t.” 
You close your eyes and cross your arms across your chest, take a second to take a deep breath, and then fall backwards. It felt like minutes but was only seconds because you feel strong arms around you. As you blink your eyes, Harry stares at you with a dimpled smile, proud to have caught you. 
“Hi,” you greet. 
“Caught you.” 
“Seems you always do.” 
A blush rises on Harry’s face as he shakes his head at you. You want him to kiss you. It’s all that’s missing from making this a romantic moment. Instead, he straightens you up and brushes his hands down the sides of your arms, telling you that he’s ready for his turn.
Harry stands in front of you, looking taller for some reason, and you feel the palm of your hands begin to sweat. 
“I think this has been a lot of fun. Trusting your friend is important, so I don’t think I’d do this with just anyone. Harry is honestly the best for doing this with me. If you didn’t already get that from this entire video, he's my best friend. He always sings for me. Who does that? And I bake vegan banana bread for him.” 
“You’re stalling,” Harry finally interrupts you. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” 
“Bel.” His tone softens, and you let your shoulders drop. 
“Don’t want to drop you, H.” You whisper, but the microphone connected to you catches your confession. 
“You got this, love. I trust you.” 
You take a deep breath, shaking your arms and legs before putting on your game face. You can do this. 
“Do it, H. I got this.” 
Harry turns around, giving you a slight nod, and you smile back at him. It’s fair to say he knows you well because he stands still for a few seconds before letting himself fall back into your waiting arms. You let out a big “oof” when his weight falls on your outstretched arms. 
“You did it, Bel!” Harry lets you help him up, and in the next second, you’re in his arms as he spins you around. After a few spins, he sets you back down, he quickly presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“You’re heavier than I thought,” you share.
“Oi!” Harry gasps in shock. “You’re lucky I like you.” 
“The luckiest,” you agree.
The End
“Well, that was exhausting,” you say, pretending to wipe the sweat off your forehead. 
Harry nods, draping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you close to his side. “It was, but I think we passed.” 
“Oh, with flying colors.” 
“Proud of us.” He looks down at you, his bunny teeth smile on display for you. “We really are friends. Best friends.” 
You gasp in shock, “did you hear that?” Harry rolls his eyes at your dramatic act. “He called me his best friend. Take that, Mitch.” 
“Think Mitch is happy to pass me off.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” you promise him. 
You and Harry stare at each other for a few seconds, then at the camera, back to each other. The laughter is pulled out of both of you simultaneously as you turn to wave goodbye to the cameras.
 “I love being your best friend,” Harry whispers as the cameras are cut off. 
thanks for reading, amores <3333 hope you enjoyed
a special thank you to @harrysgoldenbum who really helped me get this story ready.
Taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-on-route-66 @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @onlyamylee @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @harryspirate @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thurhomish @thelovecayon @shawnieeboyy @dontworrysunflower
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glittter-vamp · 11 months
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Joe Burrow x Bisexual OC.
Warnings: 18+MDNI. Angsty. Mentions of homophobia. Fluffy. Smut.
Word Count: 3.1k
"Those pinks don't match." Karina says.
"What do you mean they don't match?" Gen sighs in annoyance.
"That's regular pink and this one is ...baby pink." Karina says holding up the balloons.
"What the fuck is baby pink? Do you mean pastel pink!?" Genesis says annoyed.
"You guys are giving me a headache." Val sighs getting up from her chair and looking for aspirin.
"She's making this more complicated than it is, it's an engagement party not your actual wedding!" Genesis says to Val.
"You guys offered to throw it! Of course I want it to be perfect." Karina argues back. Val ignores them and takes the pills with some water returning back to them.
"Okay! Okay... we'll get your baby pink balloons, no worries. Now, the food." Val says going down her list.
"Oh boy." Gen mutters and Karina gives her a look.
"Kelly wants to do like finger foods, so doesn't have to be a proper meal or anything." Karina shakes her head.
"Anything in particular?" Genesis asks.
"Fruit, crackers, cheeses, pretzels...all that sort of stuff." Karina nods.
"Have you guys set a date for the wedding at all?" Val asks.
"Yeah...we're going to announce it at the engagement party." Karina smiles.
"Aww, I'm so excited!" Genesis claps her hands. Gen was a hopeless romantic so this was her favorite thing ever.
"I have a question to ask though...are we inviting Joe to any of this?" Karina asks Val.
"Uh, it's your party and wedding, you invite who you want." Val shrugs.
"Well, we know things are kind of in the air and usually he'd be your plus one but I feel like it'd be mean to not invite him...especially since he's gotten Karina and Kelly us tickets the games over the years." Karina says awkwardly.
"Like I said...it's up to you guys." Val says not knowing what to say to them. It's been two full week now since her and Joe have gone on a break and they've only texted once to see how one another was doing.
"Have things gotten any better?" Gen asks.
"Nothings changed if that's what you're asking." Val bites her lip.
"I really hate that you guys are going through this because of me." Gen sighs.
"It's not because of you, even if that video was never posted I would of came clean to him anyway about what happened between Summer and I. Plus he still would of done what he did as well." Val rolls her eyes at Gen.
"Yeah, but you're still getting hat from people online and stuff...that has to take a toll on you." Gen responds.
"It sucked at first but I haven't been letting it get to me, I've focused on other stuff." Val shrugs.
"Has Joe said anything about it?" Karina asks.
"He just asked if I was doing okay and that he was sorry about everything." Val sighs.
"That's it? He's not gonna stick up for you?" Gen scoffs rolling her eyes.
"Like his publicist would let him, they'd question why he would be defending me if we never dated or aren't dating like we've both said publicly before. Everyone will try to spin it some way." Val chuckles.
"So!? I publicly apologized on my account for basically outing you and putting that video up without your permission. Plus the entire group has  been defending you left and right on social media. Joe could say something if he really wanted." Gen says annoyed.
"I...have to agree. He could at least make a statement about respecting you and his privacy or something because the homophobic comments are all over his own Instagram comments and he doesn't even limit them either." Karina says.
"Him saying something isn't going to change that, it might actually do the opposite. We're dealing with NFL bro's here, they are vile already unprovoked. Imagine if he did say something? I'd have to delete my account." Val says hoping her friends would understand just how delicate this matter is.
"I guess... I'm just tired of seeing you always be put second in your own relationship. Joe's cool and all... but he's losing my respect day by day, you deserve better than a half ass relationship." Gen says getting up from her seat and going to the bathroom. Val hearing that was like a stab in the chest.
"Does everyone feel like that about him?" Val asks Karina. Karina sighs and leans on the table.
"We just want you to be in a relationship where you receive back what you put in, Joe is a good guy but not the best partner to you and it sucks seeing you suffer when you put him first plenty of times and he never really does that for you." Karina says patting Val's arm. Hearing this from her friends was a slap to the face for Valeria. Maybe it was for the best that they just broke up and she focused on herself. If she had to do this, she would have to do this now before the season starts and Val didn't know if she was prepared for that.
It was later in the night now, Genesis and Karina left a while ago and Val was currently falling asleep on her couch when there was a knock on the door. Checking her watch she see's that it was 11:26PM. Confused on who could it be she gets up and checks the peep hole to see Joe. Taken off guard as to why he was here out of the blue she opens the door. He was in a hoodie and sweat pants and the infamous ugg slippers Val hated that he would wear to places that weren't his house.
"Hey...what are you doing here?" Val yawns letting him in and closing the door behind him.
"I just wanted to see you." Joe shrugs looking at the flowers on your counter.
"At 11:30 at night?" Val questions.
"Who gave you these flowers?" Joe asks looking over at her.
"You came here at 11 at night to snoop on me?" Val crosses her arms.
"No, I couldn't sleep and I wanted to see you." He mutters like an embarrassed little kid. Val takes a deep breath and locks her door. She knew the drill when Joe was like this. This wasn't the first time he came over here like this before.
"No funny business." Val says to Joe making him smile before he makes his way to her room. Val shuts all the lights off and heads to her room where Joe was already comfy in her bed. She knew better than to let Joe stay the night but she knew something else was up with him and regardless of it all, she still loved him and cared for him at the end of the day. Val joins him already being showered and in her pajamas.
"So you want to tell me what's really going on?" Val asks looking over to him.
"I'm stressed out of my mind, I miss you...my parents are on my ass about everything that's happened, especially my mom. The fans and their comments are getting to me and I know they're bothering you. I just, needed you." Joe mumbles as he lays downs and plays with Val's fingers in his hands. She wasn't expecting him to unload like that on her.
"You can still text me and stuff...I'm not going to ignore you." Val says brushing his hair back.
"I know... I'm sorry for showing up here like this. But you're not talking to me either, I worry about you." Joe sighs.
"It's okay and I'm alright I guess...people are starting to leave me alone."
"That's good I guess... but, since I told you the truth, wanna tell me who you got you those flowers?" Joe looks at her with his big blue eyes.
"Why couldn't I have gotten those flowers myself? Why are you automatically thinking someone had to get them for me?" Val asks smirking.
"Because your favorite flowers are burgundy or purple carnations, not lavender roses from...Krogers." Joe snorts.
"Summer got them for me as an apology." Val admits and she could tell Joe didn't like hearing that.
"Apology for what exactly?" He asks.
"I uh...came clean about us to her and she apologized for how she acted when I first told her and for how she flirted with me in front of you that day at the store." Val answers truthfully.
"Mmm...I still don't like her or trust her." Joe says which makes her snort.
"May I ask why?" Val asks.
"I know she's going to end up right here where I am currently on one random night." Joe says somberly.
"What?" Val sits up.
"She wants you, if another night happens like the club night...it's going to be inevitable. I'm not stupid plus whatever is left of our relationship is hanging on a thread, it won't be long before she has your attention again" He shrugs.
"You don't know what you're talking about, that was a drunken mistake which you should know all about as well since you did the same thing." Val scoffs.
"I see the way she looks at you Val, I look at you like that...and you look at her like you look at me...or at least used to anyway." He sighs.
"Joe--let's just drop it. Let's get some sleep." Joe cuts her off before she could say anything to that. Val doesn't say anything else getting up from the bed to turn the lights off. As she lays on her side getting back in bed & setting her devices to charge for the night, Joe wraps his arm around her and kisses her neck softly a few times.
"It's been so long since I've had you, I've missed you so much." Joe whispers, Val feeling his hand slowly creep his way under shirt.
"Joe..." Val bites her lip trying not to give into his touch right now but she couldn't help wanting him as bad as he wanted her.
"Hm?" He hums back as he slowly grabs her tit and massages them in his warm hand making her let out faint moan. Turning around, Val makes out Joe's face with the help of the outside lighting shining through her blinds and into the room. Joe leans in filling the small gap between them and kissing her lips, softly at first but the kiss soon became intense and filled with all the emotion they had both been feeling. Val runs her fingers through his soft hair tugging on it a bit receiving a low groan from Joe. Everything then happens so quickly, clothes were off and both of them were beyond aroused by each other as if they were two animals in heat.
Val went to get into the position she normally gets into for Joe which is always either on her stomach or face down or ass up but he stops her and shakes his head no. Instead she lays on her back he settles between her legs as she lays back onto the pillows, giving her a few more tender kisses as he aligns himself at her wet entrance and slowly slips inside her. Both of them moaning into each other mouths at the feel of one another. Slowly Joe moves his hips, moans and whimpers escaping both of them as they get lost in each other after so long of not feeling each other.
The next morning Val wakes up to her usual alarm and notices Joe was gone. Sighing as she turns her alarm off she notices a note on the pillow Joe slept on the night prior.
"Sorry I didn't say goodbye, had run to practice because I promised the guys I'd be there and didn't want to wake you. Don't worry I locked the door, Have a great day at work! - Joey <3
Val sighs remembering last nights events and feeling stupid for having sex with Joe like that. She failed miserably at creating boundaries with him while she still tried to figure out what she wanted to do in this relationship. She gets up from bed, still completely nude from the night before and she takes a long much needed shower. She makes a mental note to change her sheets when she comes home and gets ready for her long work day ahead of her.
The store was getting the shipment of the Pride collection today and she knew Kade & Elsa were going to be brainstorming about the display all day so she had to mentally prepare for that. After showering and getting dressed, Val left her condo locking the door and making her way to her parking spot, getting in her car. She still couldn't get last night out of her head so she decided to call Karina for some clarity since she knew Genesis was probably already at work and busy.
"Hello?" Karina answers as Val drives in the crazy Cincinnati morning traffic.
"Hey, Goodmorning! Got time to talk for like 10 minutes?" Val bites her lip hoping she did.
"Yeah, I'm just getting ready for work but I'll put you on speaker. What's up?" Karina asks.
"I fucked up last night and I'm stressing over it!" Val blurts out and Karina lightly chuckles.
"What do you mean? What happened!" She asks.
"Joe showed up at my door late at night, seemed in distress, and we ended up having sex. We haven't had sex for awhile even before this whole 'break' we're taking and I gave in like an idiot going against my own boundary." Val sighs slowly moving in this bumper to bumper traffic.
"What if... that's what you guys might need? It sounds like you guys were lacking in that department. Maybe more intimacy is what you guys needed? Kelly and I always make time for that and it helps us reconnect when we go through a few bumps." Karina says and Val sighs.
"I don't know, I feel like I got played somehow. He was being all vulnerable and then one thing suddenly lead to another and we had sex. Then when I woke up this morning, he was gone and only left a note about how he had to go to practice." Val explains.
"Oh he wasn't even there when you woke up? That's... strange. You're not some one night stand where he can come dip in and run out." Karina responds.
"That's exactly how I felt. Now I'm sitting here confused as shit and feeling regretful more than anything which is fucked up because he's boyfriend." Val sighs in annoyance with herself.
"Well next time you get a chance you should tell him how you feel about this. If you don't appreciate something, say so. If he doesn't like it, that's too damn bad." Karina says making Val chuckle.
"You're right... he also officially dislikes Summer too and didn't hesitate to let me know. So, I have to figure out how to let her know that we need to distance ourselves." Val sighs not taking her eyes off the traffic and she hears Karina laugh. 
"What's so funny?" Val asks confused. 
"He's threatened by her, typical man. " Karina snorts. 
"Why do you say that?" 
"Uh..did you see the video of the club? He know she can turn you inside out like a sock better than he can." Karina laughs. 
"What!? I'm not wrong. I remember hearing the stories you used to tell us about your hook ups with Summer, she knew what she was doing and you would brag about it...you don't seem to do the same with Joe..." Karina mutters the last part. 
"That's because we're in a serious committed relationship and I'm not going to talk about our sex life out of respect." Valeria defends herself. 
"If you say so, just remember he already complained about having limp dick with a hot model. Ours doesn't do that and it comes in different sizes & colors. When he can do that, then come talk to me." Karina says which makes Val almost choke on her spit. 
"Bye Rina! I should of called Mateo or something instead." Val shakes her head. 
"Hey, I'm just being honest. Even if you don't do anything with Summer but end up with a girl instead of Joe...he should know why so the next girl doesn't suffer cause what do you mean you guys guys haven't fucked in a long time? C'mon now. "  Karina scoffs and Val just rolls her eyes to herself. Val thanks her for answering the phone so early and they say goodbye to each other, hanging up. Having that conversation with Karina didn't really help her clarify things in the way she's hoped but now Val was wondering if she was trying to hold onto Joe despite calling the break herself and she wondered if she wasn't being so honest about her feelings towards Summer. She decided to push them to the back of her mind and focus on her work day.
Making it to the shop, she parks her car and enters to see Elsa and Kade already with the shipments on the floor. She wasn't expecting them to be delivered yet so it caught her by surprise. Setting her things aside at the register she walks up to them looking at everything they were unpacking. 
"Morning guys!" Val smiles. 
"Hey! Didn't think you'd be in this early." Elsa says and Kade smiles at her. 
"I knew the shipment was going to be here but I didn't think this early. They always come at like 2PM or later." Val says grabbing one of the mugs and looking at it. 
"That's cause Kade is messing around with the delivery guy so we're first on his route now." Elsa chuckles. 
"Hey! Don't go telling my business!" Kade laughs but he doesn't deny it. 
They look through the few boxes, Dani eventually coming in for her afternoon shift around 1PM. As Kade and Val move stuff around the store to start setting up their pride displays in the window and another in the store, a man comes in holding a bouquet of flowers. 
"Hi! What can I do for you?" Val smiles politely for him. 
"Hello, I uh...have flowers for a Valeria?" He says reading reading a scanner hanging on his side. 
"That's me." She nods confused. 
"Here you go, have a nice day!" He smiles handing her the flowers and walking out quickly. 
"Ooo, secret admirer!" Kade teases and she just shrugs. Val goes to the back and finds the card in the sea of Burgundy Carnations. She opens it and reads the white and gold card. 
Here's a real bouquet with flowers you actually like, I'd suggest throwing the other ones out. She's not winning this round. - J.
Val scoffs at the petty note from Joe and shakes her head looking at the gorgeous flowers. 
"What the fuck is happening." She mutters to herself. 
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A/N: Joe seems a lil jelly, what do y'all think? 👀
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aihoshiino · 6 months
do you think b komachi (specifically the 4 founding members) were ever friends at one point? i think 45510 implied it with how ai refers to them being friends before and nino saying that ai didn’t ‘cling to her friends’
personally, ive assumed that they were never close due to that rift between her and the rest of them therefore leading ai to want to make friends with them but knowing that they mightve been close in the past (even if it was brief) before distancing themselves away and growing to resent and envy her is just
Idk it hurts
The Spica novel implies they never really connected at all and that there was some pretty nasty bullying of Ai basically immediately but uh, the Spica novel also has a lot of weird contradictions with the main series so I kind of just have been taking everything from it with a grain of salt... it'd be one thing if it was actually written by Akasaka and he was retconning but I genuinely think this Tanaka guy just did not know anything about oshi no ko when he wrote it lMDKMSLSKS
It's hard to pin things down exactly because we've never gotten a proper snapshot of that part of Ai's life. The closest we come to having anyone from that time period talk about it is in 45510 and Nino is sooooo biased that it's hard to know how seriously we can take her words.
I tend to believe that Nino is mostly telling the truth about how things went there from a purely narratively utilitarian standpoint of "this is our only source for this particular information so she cannot be a wholly unreliable narrator", even if her obvious emotional bias means you can't just uncritically accept what she says. Kyun kind of accidentally corroborates this in Viewpoint B where she describes Ai as being a little distant and seeming to have her walls up, which matches Nino describing her as 'aloof'.
I don't think this was something Ai was doing intentionally, though! This isn't something anyone in B-Komachi would've had context for but immediately worth noting is that, given that we know Ai can't be any older than 11 or 12 when she debuts in B-Komachi, this is two years at the very most out from her being separated from her mother. As Ayumi herself admits, her abuse of Ai escalated and peaked when Ai was eight or nine years old and Ai was put into the children's home and abandoned by her not long after. Given how fresh the wounds of abuse and abandonment would've been, it's really not a shock to me that Ai might have been kind of wary and defensive in a way that would've read as aloofness to kids who don't know what's up with her.
And also, like... Ai is autistic lol! She literally has a type of neurodivergence that affects her ability to socialize on top of her being implied to have been pretty poorly socialized up to that point as well. Chances are good that during this important period of making first impressions in B-Komachi that she probably wasn't great at masking, so that combined with her already having her guard up a bit likely would have made her seem really standoffish.
With all that laid out, I think my read of what initially happened with the founding members and Ai is that they were all reaching out to each other but ended up missing the final step they would've needed to really connect. The other founding members eventually gave up but Ai never stopped trying to reach them even long past the point where even she admits that they probably hate her. She never gave up on the idea that they could be friends.
It's definitely sad! I think the way the founding members fell apart is a really good depiction of like... an emotionally messy situation where it's hard for me to really blame anyone. In the aftermath of ch132, I've seen a lot of people really ragging on Nino and blaming her entirely for Ai's isolation within B-Komachi but like... isn't Ichigo also to blame for letting things get that bad? Isn't it the manager's job to make sure toxicity like that doesn't fester? Hell, a big part of why the girls in B-Komachi resented Ai is BECAUSE of Ichigo - because the group's management spotlighted and promoted her to the extent that all the other girls felt like they were just there to be Ai's backup dancers.
Thank God that could never happen with the present day generation of B-Komachi, right? Ha... hahahahhaa...............
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the-fandom-crossroads · 4 months
My Thoughts on the Alastor Ace Erasure rampant in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom
Disclaimer i am one Ace and don't speak for all Ace's when I say the fandoms treatment of Alastor makes me uncomfortable. I was and still am open to shipping alastor with other characters. But the constant Acephobia and Ace Erasure I see in this shipping content is to a point where I have to point it out.
First off I'm so tired of the "loopholes" folks list off for why they want to write smut with one of the only cannon ace characters we've gotten in years. I had to blacklist "nonsex repulsed asexual alastor" on ao3 because they aren't even bothering to list him as greysexual. Sure an ace can have sex with a partner once or twice. But they act like nonsex repulsed means the ace person can be written having sex every other chapter. AT THAT POINT IT'S NOT AN ASEXUAL PERSON ANYMORE.
At this point I'd honestly prefer it if they just said their fic au is that he's a homosexual. Because half the time them trying to work in "he's still ace guys! he's just also okay with doing a different sex position for each day of the week!" just comes off as Acephobic. And the few times they write him uncomfortable with the start of the sex it just sounds like Acerape or corrective rape. "He just doesn't know he likes it cause he's a virgin." or "he's uncomfortable until this partner starts making him feel good". The WORST ones are the "heat" fics where they have alastor think about if he had proper control of his body he wouldn't want to be having sex right now. because at that point it's just a date rape drug and they are using a fanfic trope to FORCE him to have sex against his will. And it's just so fucked up man.
Yes he is only confirmed as Ace and not Aro. Viv is intentionally not saying he's Aro because she knows it's a lost cause to tell the fandom he's not romantically into people. Because fandom will ship him regardless. So she prioritized making it clear he's at the very least Ace in cannon and there's no plans to give him a partner in cannon. I feel like the HuskDust bits in the final series is because she saw how much the fans shipped alastor and angeldust after the pilot. Alastor was locked in as Ace by the time the pilot was released and she said it on multiple streams afterwards that he would be Ace. Giving AngelDust a different love interest target just seems like the easiest way to shoot down the biggest Alastor ship at the time without saying she's doing it to sink the biggest alastor ship. Of course fans just latched onto Vox and Lucifier but made it worse by feeling the need to say Alastor's ace before putting him in a sexual situations anyway.
Sexuals have thousands of cannon sexual characters to choose from, from countless other series but they feel the need to fight to make the one Ace guy have sex. We get an Ace character and fans immediately try to work around it to still write smut with him. Aces can't even have one character. I'm looking up fics about a psychopath cannibalistic serial killer because he's the only Ace rep I've seen in years that isn't just fan headcannons and I'm getting punched in the face with so much Acephobia and corrective rape, it's horrifying. Aces can't go through the tag of a cannon ace comfort character without facing triggering amounts of acephobia. And that's just wrong. How can the fandom see this as okay??
If he was a gay character constantly being written into a straight ship with people excusing it as "well sometimes gay guys will have sex with women" people would be up in arms about gay erasure. But because it's an Ace character that they personally want to still ship with characters it's not Ace erasure. He's just an Ace that likes to have lots and lots of sex.
ALASTOR IS ASEXUAL. If you are in anyway trying to write Alastor in character or close to cannon. Then he does not desire sex that is the basic definition of Asexual. But yall can't except this tumblr sexy man doesn't want to have sex (because everyone wants to have sex\s). So you bend over backwards trying to explain to an actual Ace person why we are sometimes pushed or pressured into sex and how that's okay. How it's okay for you a not Ace person to write this Ace character being forced into sexual situations. Because "sometimes" Aces have sex. You're right we do sometimes have sex. I'm not saying everyone has to write Alastor as a virgin. But he's had sex once or twice in the last 80 years at most. It's more likely he's gone the last 80 years without any desire to have sex at all. So to go from that to suddenly having sex even once a week is too much sex for him to suddenly put up with. God my Ace brain can't even wrap my head around having sex every week (do you sexuals really do that?). And I haven't gone 80 years free from sexual expectations. To expect Alastor to magically be open to a bunch of sex is ignorant at best. Regardless of what character or ocfemalereadersona you try to push him to have sex with.
I don't know what else to say other than that i'm just tired. Tired and sad. The Ace community should be celebrating the fact that we finally have another Ace character in media. A character the show and creator have openly and constantly confirmed is Ace. But instead we are having to defend ourselves from our own terminology being weaponized against us to erase that characters Ace identity for smut fics.
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lavendeerstudios · 7 months
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Threads of You: Beyond the Bay Monthly Devlog #1: October 31st, 2023
Boo! 🎃 Hope that didn't scare you too much... Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it! To those who don't, Happy Tuesday! It's one day closer to Friday~ ✨
Over at Lavendeer Studios, we've been hard at work creating the game that is Threads of You: Beyond the Bay. In this devlog, and hopefully the others that come after, we'll be sharing our progress and what we hope to accomplish over the next month!
This months been pretty busy month for us as we're trying to push out our demo before the end of the year!
Threads of You: Beyond the Bay by @lavendeerstudios | Follow our Twitter!
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There hasn't been much to do on the programming side of things since most of it was completed in the previous months. We've primarily focused on making a few fixes and implementing some new features.
We made a new version of the character customisation for the MC of our game! However, we are definitely planning to add a lot more options in the future, possibly in future demo builds or the full game itself.
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Additionally, we created a parallax effect to be used during CGS, so that the player isn't just stuck looking at a static character scene at all times! It's definitely fun to move around~
Speaking of characters, we've added more of their SFX and voice lines into the game! We've still got a few more lines to adjust and cut up, but the one's already in the game have already brought a whole lot of life into it!
On the more technical side of things, we fixed a few hiccups in our game's code, which didn't change dialogue depending on the player's choices, when it should've.
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This has been a very busy month for our art team! We've managed to make progress on all of our backgrounds (which totals up to about 20 in our demo alone!), including the completion of one of the first places in our game, as you can see below, along with its progress! We've decided to go with an art style reminiscent of Steven Universe or Bee & Puppycat, since our sprites are quite stylistic and we can't see them in a realism setting.
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Stranded in the middle of nowhere . . . surely nothing bad could happen!
Our background artist, Miko, has been hard at work with finishing the rest of them. Here's a look at the next background we'll be working on!
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Where could this be?
We've also gotten more of our GUI completed, although we aren't ready to share it quite yet. Same goes for our Key Art, which we're super excited to release!
Sketches of our sprites have fully been completed as well, so we're expecting to get them all rendered within the next few weeks.
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Not much to say here, as we've completed it pretty early into development, however we realised a few ideas weren't viable (at least in our current stage), so we had to scrap a few things and rewrite a few sections, along with minor grammatical errors.
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This month has been our busiest on social media, as we started to post a lot more regularly alongside making accounts on a few more platforms (including this one!) We also got to introduce our incredibly talented team to the world. Our website is also nearing completion, as we're still filling it up with information, both about us and our game!
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We also announced us joining the Secret Santa 2023 hosted by @crescencestudio, which we're very excited to get working on!
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We've got quite big plans for next month, as we're etching closer to our planned release date! Considering the current deadlines we have on a few features, we're hoping to get our fully rendered sprites implemented into the script, as well as start working on our Kickstarter!
By the end of November, our game should have most, if not all, of the remaining assets we need before a proper trailer and demo release.
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dingoat · 26 days
hi sorry I haven't gotten around to your ask yet I'm working on it, BUT I'm tossing the favorite SWTOR oc question back your way (and also whether they're following canon or doing their own thing).
I'd also love to know if you have any particular bothan headcanons you like a lot.
Hi hi!! Don't worry at all, please take your time with your response! We're all here for fun and interactions, not pressure, right? And thankyou for asking!!!
Now, part one is easy, haha. Ahuska is hands down my number one best favourite SWTOR OC, even if she appears somewhat differently in game than in my imagination. She's my main toon, the only one actually up to speed with game content, the only one with passable gear, lots of fun pets and mounts and outfits, and is currently working on polishing up her Mojo Dojo Copero Dream House.
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(I absolutely need to draw her as her proper bothan self in this outfit!)
BUT, where she matters to me even more than that is in her story/RP, and here things diverge... quite a lot, hahaha. Very very originally she was just a toon that I made to PVP alongside my husband with (I actually did think of her as a bothan right from the start), but when I found myself hungry for RP I fleshed her out a little to join a RP guild in game which is where her life really started (particularly owing to @koboldgirl and the exceptional times we've had writing together). The group's premise was a Mandalorian clan rebuilding itself after all the Zakuul business, but despite that vague timeframe her story never really touched on swtor events or canon characters (the toon is an Imperial Agent but she is not REMOTELY an Agent, even as much as I love the IA storyline). Over time I made a bunch of wonderful friends in the swtor community and Ahuska's story has intercepted a few others here and there, and from that perspective keeping the timeline vague/unimportant and away from key canon characters/moments has really helped with being able to have her interact with others without contradicting their own things they have going on. I think engaging with other characters/writers is what motivates me more than anything and I get a tonne of joy in seeing/considering/plotting how they might interact!
(Read more for things getting weird and werewolfy.)
Now, Ahuska also took a deep dive into an AU with @askshivanulegacy that started as a halloween drabble challenge and has somehow become literal years of very intense worldbuilding and fiction and words can't describe how much I love this story, hahaha. It's still very much Ahuska, and very much swtor, it's just... swtor if the Empire managed to perfect a weird-science-sith-alchemy-intelligence-conditioning combo to create a very star-warsy version of werewolves (and were-any-other-critter). The first generation were designed to be secret soldiers/weapons, but the project failed and Ahuska is the sole survivor, going on a wonderful journey of self liberation and learning what truly makes a monster. The second generation (and all subsequent) came from Intel refining the technology and utilising it as an extra toolset for the most elite of elite Cipher agents, which is where almost all the rest of the cast comes from. Naturally there's a lot of divergence from canon here by the very nature of things, but funnily we also lean on a lot more canon swtor story beats, particularly when we look ahead to the KotFE and beyond time period.
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I have so much love for every iteration of Ahuska, honestly, and I know I've mentioned it here and there but she really truly did play a huge role in pulling me out of a pretty grim place, not only helping me rediscover a lot of creativity but also helping to restore my trust and faith in people in general. She's led me to people who are now my absolute dearest friends, which in turn has taken me quite literally, physically across this humble planet we live on. I genuinely believe sharing stories is a massive part of what makes us human and I get very sentimental when I consider what a significant place this silly little bothan holds in my heart <3
Now, it's getting late for me, haha, so I will probably visit the second part of your ask in another post, but I love that as a question! >3 Once again ty for sending this and I can't wait to hear about yours!
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weenwrites · 12 days
May I get some hurt/comfort with tfp arcee?????? Like when arcee has to leave to go back to cybertron and reader is balling their eyes out and begging her to stay and after years they finally reunite???
If not I completely understand! Thank you and have a good day/night <3
✎A/N: Hello hello! When I was writing this I forgot you mentioned they'd reunite after years, so I wrote it thinking that they'd probably reunite several months after the events of the TFP Movie. You can imagine that they do reunite in person after years if you'd like, just ignore the middle-ish portion of Arcee's letter. But other than that, I hope you enjoy it!
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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"Trust me, Y/N, I wish I didn't have to leave you as much as you do," she says, a sorrowful glint in her eyes.
"Then—then stay! Stay here!" They pleaded through their tears, "Please I—I could figure out some—something, anything! I'm not re-ready to say goodbye."
"With Cybertron revived, Optimus needs us all to help with the reconstruction efforts back home. We've all been fighting this war for thousands and thousands of years, and it's brought us nothing but the destruction of our home and the deaths of those we care about. Y/N, this project means a lot to me. I'm sorry, but I can't stay with you, even if I'm not ready to say goodbye either."
"You're... Right." They relented as they thought it over, and gradually they seemed to calm themselves, "God, you've just been on Earth s-so long that I forgot you had a home of your own. I'm sorry, Arcee, I didn't mean to be insensitive."
"Hey," she begins again, and she gingerly raises her fingers to brush the tears from their cheeks, "it's ok, it may be a while until we see each other again, but it won’t be forever. When things get settled on Cybertron, I’ll come back to visit you, but until then I’ll leave you messages as frequently as possible."
"Okay," they sniffle, "Just don’t leave me waiting too long, promise?"
"I promise."
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And that’s just what she did. Every week—sometimes twice a week if work was particularly light for her—there’s be a message with Y/N’s name on it back at base. Ratchet give his usual greeting as he'd pass the message over to their computer as they'd sit down on the couch, and then he'd continue to work after the letter successfully popped up on their screen.
Hope things have been going better for you than they are here. The construction team recently finished fixing the power grid. The lights in my habsuite finally work again, and the communications equipment still work, but half the ship’s still out of power. We think one of the electrical dampers malfunctioned and caused the grid to overheat and explode, but Knockout said that the last of the dampers had been used for the omega lock, so Smokescreen and I will be out scavenging for parts the rest of the week. I’ll be out of touch for a while, but not long enough to push me to postpone my visit, so you can still look forward to seeing me on what should be a weekend for you. Anyway, last I heard, things weren’t going well for you either, you were having a rough week too. I hope that things have gotten better since then. The rest of the team send their regards.
Take care,
A warm feeling always lingered in their chest after reading her letters, and they leaned back with a smile as they thought over their response.
"I take it that Arcee and the rest of the team are faring well?" Ratchet spoke up behind them.
As they look up from the computer they nod to him as he worked on Fowler's jet, "yeah, they are! They just fixed the power grid but they still need to find some electrical—wait, what gave me away?"
"You aren't the most discreet when it comes to concealing your emotions, I could tell with how delighted you were with Arcee's letter."
"Ah, gotcha. But yeah, the team's doing well, they'll be off looking for parts to repair the eletrical damper though."
"Parts?" Ratchet stood up from the plane, "I believe we have some to spare in storage."
"I can go look with you while I think of what to say." They offered.
Though most of her letters now-a-days are uneventful and simple, perhaps that was for the best. The most exciting one they ever received from her was from the time that Megatron, posessed by Unicron, had raised an army of undead predacons and spearheaded them all the way to the well of all-sparks. When they read that one out to Miko, she seemed awfully disappointed she wasn’t there to see all the "zombie-con action" for herself as per usual. Still, it’s good to hear that things have become more peaceful for her.
She deserves it. Heck, she and the rest of the team deserve more than a pat on the back and a "great job" sticker for defeating the Decepticons once and for all.
And that's where they find themselves now.
"I mean, you and the rest of the bots have done so much for Earth, don’t you think it’s only right that the government fulfills your wishes as a little ‘thank you for all you’ve done’?" They ask over the video call.
Arcee crosses her arms, "I don’t think there’s any need, I didn’t choose to protect the Earth for rewards or glory. Just to keep the cons’ claws from ruining another world."
"But still, don’t you think it would be nice? Not even the slightest bit?"
She only pressed her lips together and thought for a moment, before she then nodded with a slight smile, "I can’t deny that a ‘thank you’ would've been appreciated…"
"Then I'll ask Fowler about it, I'm sure even he'd agree with us!"
"Good luck with that," she smirked, "Fowler might be with you on this one, but he's said that the people at Congress are impossible to get through."
"As stubborn as Congress may be, I'm not so easily dissuaded... I promise you that I'll get you the 'thank you' that you rightfully deserve one way or another."
"But don't let that get in the way of our plans next week."
"Psh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'll still be ready to go then."
"Good, I just have to wrap up a couple things on my end before I'm sure I'll be able to make it."
"And I'm sure you'll get the job done! Those vehicons have nothing on you."
And the rest of the night seemed to go on and on until the two of them realized it was 2 AM. Though they hated having to end the call here, Arcee insisted that they get some rest after catching them yawning for the nth time. There was always tomorrow and the day after that, she said, there shouldn't be any sort of rush to talk to each other now that things are better, and who were they to disagree with that?
It wasn't long until the fated day had finally arrived. They were practically stumbling over themselves as they rushed to dress and prepare accordingly for the ride. Hearing a motorcycle's engine rev in the distance only pushed them to rush through it even quicker, and just as they heard a vehicle stop outside their door and give a few honks, they had burst through the front door with their helmet in tow.
And there she sat, quietly beckoning to them in their driveway.
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