#i love thunderstorms so muchhhh
yosh-iro · 11 months
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dilf-unit · 7 months
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a little bit of thundercloud/thunderstorm? i love these two cuties so muchhhh!!
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
I love love love your works and have read every fic you have made regarding ST. 🥰
I don't really have any specific requests just reader x Daddy! Eddie and fluff
Or reader x Daddy! Or Uncle! Steve
Maybe a thunderstorm scares them and they need emergency cuddles
Or they play hide and go peek and they fall asleep and they search looking for them.
Honestly anything you write regarding ST I will read...
Lastly just wanna say that the skin to skin scene in one of your recent fics was amazing and made me feel so safe and cared for and I love it so much and would love if you added it in again sometime.
Okay. Thanks for being such a good writer and a nice person.
Cg!Eddie Munson x Cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader Requested by: Anonymous 
Thunderstorms and Skin to skin
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Awwww thank you so muchhhh! I really love when I get feedback it makes my heart flutter every time <3 This one I will do thunderstorms! Thank you for everythings and thank you for giving me this request love! 
You and Eddie were at Steve's job, There had been a very bad storm warning so Steve’s boos called and said him and robin can leave at 2:00 pm where he would naturally get off at 6:00pm (I don’t actually know so I just made it the time I would naturally get off) It was 1:30 pm and there was already dark clouds threatening to roar at any second. Steve and Robin were helping their last few customers while Eddie was playing with you in the back room. About 1:55 is when everyone was gone and you could see the small droplets of rain on the store glass and Steve's car. “Ok love’s time to go” Steve said helping Eddie pack you up while Robin shut down the store. 
Once you were packed up you said your goodbyes to auntie Robin and her parents came to pick her up. You and Eddie got into the car while Steve locked up then got into the car driving home, And by the time you three got home it was pouring so steve made sure to get out first and run to the door opening it for you both. Then Eddie helped you out with your bag and you both ran into the house all of you being soaked and laughing. It was warm because the heat was on in Steve's gigantic house. Y/n’s h/c (Hair colored) Hair was messy and tangled (For my black girl audience tangled or knotted are the words) “Oh no! Looks like we have a messy (Or Tangled, knotty, It depends on your hair type <3 ) hair little one don’t we” Steve said “Come on let’s get you a nice warm cozy bath and let's help you comb out this hair of yours why don’t we” Eddie said gently grabbing your hand and walking to the tub.
He made you a nice warm bath as steve got your onesie (The ones that strap in between your legs) lotion (I use cocoa butter), Bonnet or scarf (If you use one <3), A diaper (If you use one<3) And anything else you may need for your night routine. He then got you your f/c (favorite color) towel and eddie a white towel and went into the bathroom, He set the towels in the clean counter and waited for eddie to be finished. He would gently put conditioner in your hair making sure to get it everywhere and slowly parted it into 6 with a hair comb and slowly and gently started combing at the bottoms and worked his way up so as to not hurt you while you were playing with the toys. Once he was finished with all six with you only whimpering once when his finger slipped and it got tangled in your hair accidentally pulling it. He apologized and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Once he was done he washed you up and picked you up carrying you to steve who already had your towel open. 
He gently placed you in his arms and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he wrapped you in your towel and took you to the room while Eddie took is shower. Steve lotioned you and put your pull-up on then he parted your hair putting them in night time braids (with the hairstuf that you use for your hair) and wrapped it up. He laid you on the bed putting the guards up so you don't fall off and then he went to the kitchen to get your milk, after 5 mins he came back putting the guards down and he laid down putting you on top of him for skin to skin. Both him and Eddie get 30 mins skin to skin time with their little. Once Eddie was out of the shower and got dressed in gray sweatpants and no shirt he gently picked you up off of Steve who was dozing off. 
And once he felt his little one being lifted off his lap he automatically put his arms around your waist as a reflex but once he saw that it was Eddie he let him take you. Him getting up and going to take a shower while Eddie sat on the bed and fed you your bottle while still doing skin to skin, rocking you slowly as you were now asleep. Eddie waited for Steve and once he was done and dressed in the same thing as Eddie but black sweatpants they laid you down and sandwiched you. Both now give you skin to skin. “Good night little dove~ Good night stevie” Eddie said smiling “Good night Ed’s good night little one I love you both” Steve said drifting off to sleep as you both said “love chu daddies twank two gwood night”  You said as eddie reached over and put your paci in your mouth and kissed your paci “Love you both too~” Eddie said going to sleep. 
Word Count: 1010
Hi my Little doves! Please let me know about your thoughts and opinions but in a respectful manner. Again thank you so much for this request hopefully it met what you were looking for if not please let me know! Because I totally forgot that this was supposed to be comfort for a thunderstorm too But I was busy being caught up and in love with the skin to skin sorry! This request was very fun to write and I do hope to receive more from you and others and I will hope to improve as I go and continue writing stories! But anyways hope you're drinking 1-4 water bottles/cups of water and eating at least 1-2 meals a day! Until the next one my fellow Victims~
Your Friendly Neighborhood,
      ☢Killer Bunny☢
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arabnico · 3 years
you’re my: amazing outstanding otherworldly talented and skilled art mutual and also super cool nico mutual !!!
how i met you: it feels like forever ago i don’t recall exactly but i remember going :0 at your art immediately
why i follow you: aside from your art obviously you always have cool thoughts and you’re really funny and you reblog really interesting stuff !!!
your blog is: amazing !!! so cool such a diverse selection of niche content
your url is: it’s so cool i love it it fits your brand so well it’s very very you
your icon is: are those butterfly wings?? i love butterflies sooo muchhhh :D
a random fact i know about you: i think you like thunderstorms?? (i don’t </3) and i remember you saying you don’t ship nico with anyone because no one deserves him heh sooo true !!!
general opinion: amazing amazing i already told you i think but i really admire you you’re a huge art inspiration and you seem so chill and nice !!! you’re super cool
a random thought i have: what’s an ocean fact you think is cool??
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