#corrective rape
sp4nkboy · 10 months
Patriarchy kink go brrrrr make me a stupid housewife meant to serve her betters. Spank and scold me in front of my family, they’ll probably thank you for saving their daughter from lesbian degeneracy
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ftm-girl-evie · 10 months
I think it's so sexy, when people treat us as subhuman. Idk. It just makes my pussy so wet, when politicians strip us from our rights. Yeah, that's what I deserve. Show me how disgusting I am. Fuck me back into a good girl.
I think it would so beneficial for us, ftm girls, if instead of trying to ruin our perfectly healthy and beautiful female body, we get sent to conversion therapy where they teach us how to fulfil our roles as women in society. There's no need to mutilate our bodies, we should just listen to men! If a girl resists, she should go through corrective rape just to make sure she understands that she can never become an actual man.
Let me know, if anyone is interested in fixing me! :)
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queersatanic · 11 months
ace people are queer as fuck
Tumblr media Tumblr media
around this time of year, the meme starts going around that says, "it's june which means it's illegal to be straight"
this is all in good fun and understood as such. there is no real threat of such a thing taking place in society
but at the bottom, blending into the background, some versions say, "asexuals are OK but y'all are on thin fucking ice"
and that is not in good fun. or acceptable
. . . for those who don't know, a lot of ace people are targeted with "corrective rape" not only in heterosexual contexts but within the queer community where the assumption is perversely that the problem was they just haven't had the right queer sexual experience yet and need it foisted on them (which is rape) . . .
Now, this is a lot more fucking complicated than we're going to get into in this post, but please do some reading so you don't repeat these sort of ideas that lead to horrendous actual experiences for actual people.
If you have legitimate questions about this, feel free to ask them
but save yourself a little time and see if replacing another marginalized gender or sexual identity sounds really gross and/or terfy when you ask the same of asexual people.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 3 months
My Thoughts on the Alastor Ace Erasure rampant in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom
Disclaimer i am one Ace and don't speak for all Ace's when I say the fandoms treatment of Alastor makes me uncomfortable. I was and still am open to shipping alastor with other characters. But the constant Acephobia and Ace Erasure I see in this shipping content is to a point where I have to point it out.
First off I'm so tired of the "loopholes" folks list off for why they want to write smut with one of the only cannon ace characters we've gotten in years. I had to blacklist "nonsex repulsed asexual alastor" on ao3 because they aren't even bothering to list him as greysexual. Sure an ace can have sex with a partner once or twice. But they act like nonsex repulsed means the ace person can be written having sex every other chapter. AT THAT POINT IT'S NOT AN ASEXUAL PERSON ANYMORE.
At this point I'd honestly prefer it if they just said their fic au is that he's a homosexual. Because half the time them trying to work in "he's still ace guys! he's just also okay with doing a different sex position for each day of the week!" just comes off as Acephobic. And the few times they write him uncomfortable with the start of the sex it just sounds like Acerape or corrective rape. "He just doesn't know he likes it cause he's a virgin." or "he's uncomfortable until this partner starts making him feel good". The WORST ones are the "heat" fics where they have alastor think about if he had proper control of his body he wouldn't want to be having sex right now. because at that point it's just a date rape drug and they are using a fanfic trope to FORCE him to have sex against his will. And it's just so fucked up man.
Yes he is only confirmed as Ace and not Aro. Viv is intentionally not saying he's Aro because she knows it's a lost cause to tell the fandom he's not romantically into people. Because fandom will ship him regardless. So she prioritized making it clear he's at the very least Ace in cannon and there's no plans to give him a partner in cannon. I feel like the HuskDust bits in the final series is because she saw how much the fans shipped alastor and angeldust after the pilot. Alastor was locked in as Ace by the time the pilot was released and she said it on multiple streams afterwards that he would be Ace. Giving AngelDust a different love interest target just seems like the easiest way to shoot down the biggest Alastor ship at the time without saying she's doing it to sink the biggest alastor ship. Of course fans just latched onto Vox and Lucifier but made it worse by feeling the need to say Alastor's ace before putting him in a sexual situations anyway.
Sexuals have thousands of cannon sexual characters to choose from, from countless other series but they feel the need to fight to make the one Ace guy have sex. We get an Ace character and fans immediately try to work around it to still write smut with him. Aces can't even have one character. I'm looking up fics about a psychopath cannibalistic serial killer because he's the only Ace rep I've seen in years that isn't just fan headcannons and I'm getting punched in the face with so much Acephobia and corrective rape, it's horrifying. Aces can't go through the tag of a cannon ace comfort character without facing triggering amounts of acephobia. And that's just wrong. How can the fandom see this as okay??
If he was a gay character constantly being written into a straight ship with people excusing it as "well sometimes gay guys will have sex with women" people would be up in arms about gay erasure. But because it's an Ace character that they personally want to still ship with characters it's not Ace erasure. He's just an Ace that likes to have lots and lots of sex.
ALASTOR IS ASEXUAL. If you are in anyway trying to write Alastor in character or close to cannon. Then he does not desire sex that is the basic definition of Asexual. But yall can't except this tumblr sexy man doesn't want to have sex (because everyone wants to have sex\s). So you bend over backwards trying to explain to an actual Ace person why we are sometimes pushed or pressured into sex and how that's okay. How it's okay for you a not Ace person to write this Ace character being forced into sexual situations. Because "sometimes" Aces have sex. You're right we do sometimes have sex. I'm not saying everyone has to write Alastor as a virgin. But he's had sex once or twice in the last 80 years at most. It's more likely he's gone the last 80 years without any desire to have sex at all. So to go from that to suddenly having sex even once a week is too much sex for him to suddenly put up with. God my Ace brain can't even wrap my head around having sex every week (do you sexuals really do that?). And I haven't gone 80 years free from sexual expectations. To expect Alastor to magically be open to a bunch of sex is ignorant at best. Regardless of what character or ocfemalereadersona you try to push him to have sex with.
I don't know what else to say other than that i'm just tired. Tired and sad. The Ace community should be celebrating the fact that we finally have another Ace character in media. A character the show and creator have openly and constantly confirmed is Ace. But instead we are having to defend ourselves from our own terminology being weaponized against us to erase that characters Ace identity for smut fics.
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queerafricans · 11 months
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ptsd-phoenix · 10 months
you said that I had been broken
way before you broke me
you said that I had to be fixed
but you are the evil that destroyed me
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ftm-female · 1 year
About me ~ my dead REAL name is Lillian. Im on T and my only limit is asking for specific and excessive nudes. Dms open my kinks include: age play, misgendering, misogyny, rape, incest, and transphobia. I’ll give you my session if I like you.
All fantasy, don’t like then block me
Straight men + transphobes feel free to interact
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fruity-narcissist · 1 year
This is in no way a formal post. This is just an observation based on being raised by a TERF. She didn't call herself that, but she spat and believes all the same shit. Quacks like a duck, you know the phrase.
Literally every doctor agreed. "Oh, your kid is trans? If it wants transition, you should start that soon as possible!"
And she would smile. She'd say it's a great idea, scheduling nothing. Then we'd get in the car, and I'd swallow the lump in my throat as she said we'd "wait and see." That had been the narrative all the way until she tried corrective rape on me, convinced her gay trans son was somehow a lesbian trapped in things like comphet and The Trans Agenda.
Every doctor would preach the benefits. We lived in a good area, as far as medical professionals go. I still do, thank the gods who actually listen.
Medical professionals didn't matter though.
Only the ones who agreed with her.
Only the therapist she found who thought I was "too dysphoric to be telling the truth."
Suicide attempts weren't enough.
Nothing would have been.
She was so firmly planted in it that nothing could move her.
And that's a little sad. To know nothing could convince her.
Sometimes I wish awful shit on her, like getting hit by a truck. These days? I just hope she never meets someone like me again, and I hope the doctors were right. I hope her womb really is fucked. I hope no other child is cursed to what she did to me.
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dartfuldodger · 10 months
it actually sucks that conversations around corrective rape here are just radfems and terfs using it to support aphobia or transphobia, it seriously feels like my trauma is just used as argumentative point
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ptsd-phoenix · 9 months
it’s evil to try and fix me
when I was never broken
the way you tried to fix me
remains forever unspoken
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
Sorry, but as a non-passing trans man, I'd much rather be in a room with 100 terfs than in a room with 20 misogynistic, blackpill men who wouldn't hesitate to spike my drink-- you can say you disagree with me via some witty comeback, but I know that you'd choose if you really had to
what the fuck are you talking about man. what even is this situation. both seem pretty awful. do you think i'm gonna talk about how cool and awesome blackpill cis guys are? how they're better than terfs? what are you expecting here?
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princessefemmelesbian · 8 months
Lesbophobes on this site love to act like lesbians’ identity and attraction is something restrictive, rigid, and stifling, a needless limitation that we subject ourselves to, like us only loving women and not loving men is some sort of rule that we’re aggressively forcing upon ourselves and in doing so denying ourselves the right to freedom, with that “freedom” being fucking men. They love to act like we’re forcing ourselves and other lesbians to stick to the majority agreed-upon rule of “not fucking men” and that if one of us does inevitably “decide” to fuck a man, then we’ll be punished by the lesbian cult sisterhood for “being a lesbian wrong” and forced to give up our Dyke Card and be exiled from the community. They love to say “let lesbians fuck men” as if us not fucking men is something we’re unfairly restricting ourselves and each other from doing, because obviously we all must secretly really want to fuck men, we just thought we couldn’t because then the other mean dykes would come for our heads! Won’t someone help out the poor little lesbians who just wanna fuck a man, just once, pretty please?
When in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Lesbophobes can’t wrap their heads around the fact that not everybody genuinely wants a man in their life, and so lesbians must be depriving ourselves of something out of pressure to conform to pure lesbianism. But in reality, it’s not something we’re forcing ourselves to do. We actually do love women and women alone and sincerely don’t want to sleep with men or feel any attraction towards them. Us not sleeping with men isn’t some sort of self-inflicted punishment, in fact, quite the contrary. We’re happy to not be attracted to men, happy to not sleep with them, happy to not have an identity that includes or centers men and their pleasure.
For us lesbians, it’s actually being with men that would feel like a punishment, like something being forced upon us to conform to the right ideals, like something we don’t want to do but feel like we have no choice but to anyway. And many of us have been in situations like this, where we forced ourselves to like, be with, put up with, or sleep with men. And now that we’re not doing that anymore, we are freer and happier than we’ve ever been! Our “attraction” to men or romantic/sexual involvement with men was the burden, not the lack of it.
Lesbophobes always act like we’re missing out on some great and wonderful thing because who wouldn’t want to like men? Who would deprive ourselves of the joy of having men? But us lesbians would rather not be involved with men in any way, and that’s exactly how we like it. It’s natural for us. Not something we have to do or are forbidden from doing. Nobody’s “enforcing” the rule on us that we can’t like men or else(in fact, it’s quite the opposite, we get the message from everyone else that we have to like men and give them a chance or else, and Tumblr is no different.). We simply don’t desire men, we don’t WANT to desire men, and instead desire other women/non-binary sapphics exclusively, and we’re perfectly happy being that way, thank you very much. 😇
TLDR: Lesbophobes on Tumblr love to act like us lesbians are pressuring ourselves to abide by a rigid, strict set of "rules" that force us to distance ourselves from men and never, ever, sleep with them as much as we "want" to(because obviously all women crave men deep down, even the lesbians!) because they can't comprehend the idea of anyone not seeing men as desirable or centering them in our attraction, and so they think we're shutting ourselves off from men and holding ourselves to impossible standards(as if no one can truly NOT like men, sexuality is fluid y'all!), when in reality lesbians are simply naturally only attracted to women and enjoy not being attracted to men; we find not needing a man to be fulfilled legitimately liberating and relaxing for us, and we certainly don't want to sleep with one, so don't you dare try to tell us otherwise.
Derail and disagree with this and you’ll get hit by a car.
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softavielovesithard · 7 months
I want all my guy friends who wanted to fuck me in high school to team up and revenge rape me. want them to force me to cum on their cocks over and over, make me admit how much I love being fucked by men, tell me that my tight dyke cunt was made for their cocks, just make me scream and beg them to rape me harder
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reorientation · 11 months
I'm going to be the last person to ever see your Pride outfit. Finding a man was why you went prancing around in that slutty getup in the first place - I know that, even if you don't.
I'm going to grab you off the street when you're not paying attention and drag you away with a hand over your mouth. I'm going to fucking shred those clothes to get at your pussy.
And you're going to cry for me, bent over and looking at the rainbow scraps on my floor, torn apart just like your identity. You're going to cry, and tremble, and come.
And when I'm done with you, I'll give you a choice of when I let you go. In the middle of the night - naked, bruised, and dripping my cum. Or on a sunny day a few weeks later - wearing a pretty pink dress and tracking collar, and carrying a positive pregnancy test.
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redheadbigshoes · 7 months
Lesbophobia is when you try to silence lesbians trying to talk about our own experiences and issues.
Lesbophobia is when you want to speak over lesbians about our own experiences and issues.
Lesbophobia is when you tell lesbians specifically that we’re a little bi, that our sexuality is fluid or that our sexuality shouldn’t be so restrictive.
Lesbophobia is you trying to include cis and trans men in lesbianism.
Lesbophobia is you trying to promote or contribute to corrective rape rhetoric.
Lesbophobia is you not recognizing, accepting and supporting the fact that lesbians are not only attracted to women, but we’re also not attracted to men.
Lesbophobia is you not recognizing we’re also oppressed for not being attracted to men.
Leabophobia is you promoting or contributing to lesbian erasure.
Lesbophobia is you thinking lesbians who’ve had experiences with men before figuring out their sexuality are less lesbians or that they’re deep down bisexuals.
Lesbophobia is you assuming lesbians are [insert thing] based on generalizations or negative stereotypes.
Lesbophobia is you thinking a lesbian is not really a lesbian (or less lesbian) if they don’t fit the stereotypes you believe in.
Lesbophobia is you thinking lesbians are only lesbians because of lack of experiences with men.
Lesbophobia is you thinking lesbians are only lesbians because they had bad experiences with men.
Lesbophobia is you thinking lesbians will eventually find the right man.
Lesbophobia is not recognizing, even though we have some similarities with other sapphics, that we’re a whole separate group and that we do face unique experiences and issues that other sapphics don’t (or that they face differently).
Lesbophobia is not allowing lesbians to feel proud of their sexuality.
Lesbophobia is comparing lesbians with our oppressors or treating us as if we’re the oppressors.
Lesbophobia is you thinking lesbians don’t suffer as much as other LGBTQ+ people so that’s why we shouldn’t be taken seriously or don’t deserve to be listened to.
Lesbophobia is thinking lack of attraction to men is something negative.
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